CREDIT NUMBER 6793-CM Financing Agreement (Additional Financing for the Education Reform Support Project) between REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON and INTERNATtONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION CREDIT NUMBER 6793-CM FINANCING AGREEMENT AGREEMENT dated as of the Signature Date between THE REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON ("Recipient") and INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION ("Association") for the purpose of providing financing Ibr additional activities related to Ilie ProJect (as defined in the Appendix to this Agreement). The Recipient and Ilie Association hereby agrec as fillows: ARTICLE 1 -GENERAL CONDITIONS; DEFINITIONS .0 1. The General Conditions (as delined in the Appendix to this Agreement) apply to and form part of this Agreciment. 1.02. Unless the context requires otherwise, the capitalized terms used in this Agreement have Ilie meanings aseribed to them in the General Conditions or in the Appendix to this Agreement. ARTICLE II - FINANCING 2.01. The Association agrees to extend to the Recipient a credit, which is deemed as Concessional Financing for purposes of the General Conditions, in the amoint of thirty cight million five hundred thousand Luros (LUR 38,500.000) (variously, "redit" and "Financing"), to assist in finaneing the project described in Schedule I to this Agreement ("Project"). 2.02. The Recipient may withdraw Ilie proeceds of the Financing in accordance with Section III of Schedule 2 to this Agreement. 2.03. The Maximum Conmitnient Charge Rate is one-half of one percent (1/2 of 1%) per annum on the Unwithdrawn Finaneing Balance. 2.04. The Service Charge is the greater of: (a) the sum of tihree-fourths of onle pereent (3/4 of 11%) per annum plus the Basis Adjustment to the Service Charge; and (b tlhree-fourths of one percenit (3/4 of 1!/u) per annum; on the Withdrawn Credit Balance. 2.05. The Interest. Charge is the greater of: (a) Ilie sum of one and a quarter perceilt (1L25%) per annum plus the Basis Adjustment to the Interest Charge; and (b) zero percent (0%) per annum; on the Withdrawn Credit Balance. 2.06. The Payment Dates are April 15* and October 154 in each year. 2.07. The principal amount of the Credit shall be repaid in accordance with the repaymeni. schedule set forth in Schedule 3 to this Agreement. -2- 2.08. The Payment Currency is Euro. ARTICLE III - PROJECT 3.01. The Recipient declares its cormitment to the objective of the Project. To this end. the Recipient shall carry out the Project in accordance with the provisions of Article V of the General Conditions and Schedule 2 to this Agreement. ARTICLE IV - REMEDIES OF THE ASSSOCIATION 4.0 I The Additional Event of StIspension consist of the following: The Recipient has failed to comply with any of its obligations under the Grant Agreement. 4. 02 The Additional Event of Acceleration consist of the following: Any event specified in Section 4.01 of this Agreement occurs and is continuing for at period of sixty (60) days after notice of the event has been given by the Bank to the Recipient. ARTICLE V - EFFECTIVENESS; TERMINATION 5.01. The Additional Condition of E ffectiveness consist of the following: the Grant Agreement has been exectrted and delivered and all conditions precedent to its effectiveness or to the right of the Recipient to make withdrawals under it (other than the effectiveness of this Agreement) have been fulfilled. 5.02. The Effectiveness Deadline is the date ninety (90) days after the Signature Date. 5.03. For purposes of Section 10.05 (b) of the General Conditions, the date on which the obligations of the Recipient under this Agreement (other than those providig for payment obligations) shall terminate is twenty (20) years after the Signature Date. ARTICLE VI- REPRESENTATIVE; ADDRESSES 6.01. The Recipient's Representative is its minister responsible for the economy, planning and regional development 6.02. For pturposes of Section 1 1.01 of the Gencral Conditions: (a) the Recipient's address is: Ministry Of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development Yaound Cameroon CN -3- and (b) the Recipient's Electronic Address is: Facsimile: 237-222-221509 (c) Cc: Autonomous Sinking Fund P.O. box 7167 Yaound6 Cameroon 6.03. For purposes of Section 11.01 of the General Conditions: (a) the Association's address is: International Development Association 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 United States of America; and (b) the Association's Electronic Address is: Telex: Facsimile: 248423 (MCI) 1-202-477-6391 -4- AGREED as of the Signature Date. REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON By u6 rd kep)resentà ive Title:~ Date: INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMIENT ASSOCIATION By Authorized Representative Name: c Äý 1 Title: Date: -5- SCHEDULE 1 Project Description The objective of the Project is to improve equitable access to quality basic education, with a focus on selected disadvantaged areas. The Project consists of the following parts: 1 . Improved Access. Quality and Education System Management Financing of Eligible Expenditure Programs for: (a) enhancement of equitable access to quality pre-primary and primary education; (b) improvement of education systems management; and (c) provision of support to operational needs of public schools in host communities affected by refugees or Intemally Displaced People (IDPs). 2. Improved School Effectiveness through Performance-based Financing Provision of Performance-Based Grants to schools in selected areas to improve quality of schooling and student retention and governance, with an emphasis on girls' education. 3. Institutional Strengthening and Project Management (a) (i) Capacity strengthening of education-sector line ministries and relevant agencies to improve knowledge, sector performance and accountability systems, and carrying out of other activities for overall sector development. (ii) Technical assistance to strengthen the use of technology in the implementation of activities under selected DLls and to promote innovative pedagogy through the use of technology. (iii) Support for: (A) the implementation of classroom observation, teaching quality measurement and teacher coaching tools, and (B) strengthening teacher capacity for the teaching of early grade reading. (b) Provision of support to Ministry of Basic Education, particularly the Project Coordination and Management Unit, for Project management and monitoring and evaluation. -6- 4. Contingent Emrueney Response Provision of immediale response to an Eligible Crisis or Emergenev, as needed. -7- SCHEDULE 2 Project Execution Section 1. 1inpleientation Arran2emlents A. Institutional Arrangements 1. The Recipient shall be responsible for Project management, implementation, and monitoring, and evaluation ii accordance with the following arrangements, and, to this end, the Recipient shall maintain, throtighout Project implementation, the entitics referred to in paragraphs 2-10 of this Part with an institutional framework, composition, functions, and resources, including competent personnel in adequate numbers and with qual i fications, experience and terrns of reference, as applicable, satisfactory to the Association ftor this pirpose. Proec_SjerngCommlliuee 2. The Recipient shall. through the Project Steering Committee, be responsible for the strategic oversight and policy orientation of the Project 3. To this end, the Recipient shall maintain, said committee, headed by the Ministry of Basic Education and inclucling representatives of, iter alia, the Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of the Lconomy, Planning, and Regional Development, Ministryv ofEmploymcnt and Professional Training, Ministry of 1Iligher Education, Ministry of Secondary Education, and M inistry of Public Contracts. Autonomous Sinking Fund, Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reforms, and with an institutional traiework, functions, and resources satisfaetory to the Association fr this purpose. Miiinistry of Basic ELducation Project Coordination ml 1aagemn Uni1 4. The Recipient shall, throug the Project Coordination and Management Unit, be responsible for overall Project management (including fiancial management and procuLrement), implementation (including coordi nation of achievement of DLIs). and monitoring and evaluation. Learning Assessmew Unijt i The Recipient shall, through the Learning Assessment Unit, following establishment of said Unit, be responsible for the provision of support to the implementation of large-scale national assessments and the design of corrective measures for various levels of the education system for purposes of iiplementation of activities in relation to DLI 5. -8- Peifnnance-Based Financing Unit 6. The Recipient shall, through the Performance-Based Financing Unit, be responsible tor the implerentation and national-Level monitoring and evaluation of Part 2 of tbe Project, 7. To this end, the Recipient shal 1 maintain said unit with an institutional franework, composition, functions, and resources, including competent personinel in adequate numbers, satislactorv to tbe Association tor this purpose. Education Managenent Information System Unit 8. The Recipient shall, through the Education Management In formation Systen Unit, be responsible for Ilie planning and implementation of activities in respect of education management information systems in relation to DLI 6 and reporting on such activities to the Projeet Coordination and Management Unt. 9. To this end, the Recipient shall mainain said unt, with an institutional ramewtork, composition, lunctions, and resoures, including competent personnel in adequate numbers, snts aetory to the Association for this purpose. National Council for Appvjpal of School Textbooks and Teachina Materials 10. The Recipient shalL, through the National Council for Approval of School Textbooks and Teaching Materials, be responsible for the selection and approval of textbooks for primary education for purposes of implementadon of acrivities in relation to DLI 3. Part I of the Proicci: Independent Verication Aericy Il . The Recipient shall, for purposes of iiplemenitation of Part 1 of the Project: (a) iaintain througihoi Project implementation, an independent verilcation agency. under ternis of reference satisfactory to Ilie Association. lor veritcation of the data and other evidence relating to the achievement of Disbursement-Linked Results and recoimend corresponding payments to be made, as applicable; (b) uideritake, at least annually, an independent verification process, in accordance vith the Veri6cation Protocols and in a manner and in substance acceptable to the Association, through the said veriheation agency, to ascertain whether the Disburscnent-Linked Results have licen achieved for the period under review; and (c) furnish to the Association corresponding verification report(s) in form and substance agreed with the Association, and any infomation and/or -9- documentation that the verification agency and/or the Association shall reasonably require for the moitoring, audit, analysis and/or verification of the achievement/fulfilliment of the Disbursement-Linked Results. 12. ln the event of a need for verification services prior to the appointmient of such agency, the Recipient shall put in place adequate interin arrangernents satisfactory to the Association and approved in writing by the Association for this purpose. Part 2 of the Project: Independent Partner Agency(ies 13. The Recipient shall, for purposes of implementation of Part 2 of the Project: (a) appoint, not later than one ( [) month after the Lffeetive Date and thereafter as required from time to time throughout Project implementation, (an) independent partner agency(ies), under terns of reference satisfactory to the Association, tor the planning, management. and monitoring and evaluation of Part 2 of the Projcct, including verification fl the data and other evidence relating to the achievernent of targets for Performance- Based Grants; and (b) ensure that such agency(ies): (i) carries(y) out, not later than May 30, and December 3 1 of each ycar of Project implernentation and in a manner satisfactory to the Association, verification of the achievement of targets for Performance-Based Grants during the period after tc Effeetive Date or the preceding veritication, as applicable; and (ii) submit(s) to the Recipient and the Association, not later than June 30, and January 3 1 of each year of Project implementation and in fonn and stibstance satisfactory to the Association. reports on such verification. 14. in the event of a need for verification services prior to the appointment of sich agency, the Recipient shall put in place adequate interin arrangenients satisfactory to the Association and approved in wri ting by the Association for this purpose. -1 0- B. Manuals 1. The Recipient shall update and adopt: (a) not later than three (3) months after the Effective Date. the Project Implementation Manual and the Project Procedures ManUal; and (b) as soon as practicable, a Performance-Based Financing Manual., all in form and substance satisfactory to the Association. 2. Thereafter, the Recipient shall ensure that the Project is carried out in accordance with the updated Project Implementation Manual, the Project Procedures Manual and the Performance Based Financing Mauial; provided that, in the event of a conflict between the provisions of any oF said Manials and those of this Agreement, the latter shall govern. 3. Except as the Association shall otherwise agree in writing, the Recipient shall not assign, amend, abrogate, or waive, or permit to be assigned, amended, abrogated, or waived, said manuals. C. Annual Work Plans and Budgets The Recipient shall: 1. throttghottt ProjeCt implementation. firnish to the Association for approval as soon as available, but in any case not later than November 30 of each year, the annUal work plan and budget for the Project for each subseqUent year of Project implementation, of such scope and detail as the Association shall have reasonably requested and including the annual work plans and budgets for the Project of all relevant ministries and agencies: and 2. thereafter ensure that the Project is carried out in accordance with such plan and budget as agreed with the Association ("Annumal Work Plan and Budget'"). D. Safeguards 1 The Recipient shall ensure that the Project is carried ottt with dtie regard to appropriate health, safety, social, and environmental standards and practices and in accordance with the provisions of the Safeguards Instruments and the El-S Guidelines, and, except as the Association shall otherwise agree in writing, the Recipient shall not assign, amend. abrogate, or waive, or perIit to be assigned. amended, abrogated, or waived, said instrttments. 2. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of any of said instrUments and those of this Agreement, the latter shall govern. 3. No activity which, in the opinion of the Association, is likely to have significant adverse impacts that are sensitive, diverse, or ulnprecedented on the environment and/or affected people shall be eligible for financing the Project. -II- 4. The Recipient sliall, for purposes of any activity under Part 2 of Ilie Projcct and prior to the award of (a) eontract(s) for ilie impleientation tliereof, carry out a sereening of such activiy in accordance with the provisions of tlie Environmental and Social Nlanagement [Framework anid Ilie Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework and proceed to have Lnvironmental and Social MaNIagement Plans as may be required under the Environmental and Social Management Framework and Indigenous Peoples Plans as may be required under tie Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework: (a) prepared and consulted upon adequately with people affected by Ilie Projeet, in accordance witi the Einvironmental and Social Management Framework or ndigenous Peoples Planning Franework, as applicable, all in a mannier and in frn and substance satisfactory to the Associaton; (b) except as othcrwise agreed with the Association, shnitted to the Association for review and approval; and (c) thercafter, adopted and publicly disclosed. 5. The Recipient shall ensure that all bidding docuients and each contract for an activity under Part 2 of ilie Project includes Ilie obligation of de respective contracior: (a) ro implement, comly with, and monitor and evaluate the applicable Safeguards Instruments; and (b) adopt and enC force codes of cotiduci that should be provided to and signed by all workers, detailing nicastres on environmiental, social, health and safety, gender-based violence and violence against clhildren; all as applicable to such activities coinmissioned or carried out pursuant ro said contracts. 6. 1In carrying 0111 acLvities under Part 3 oftlie Project, Ilie Recipient shall ensure that all technical assistance under the Projeet shall only be undertaken pursuant to terns of reference agreed witi the Association, such terms of reference to ensure that such technical assistance takes into account, and calls for the application o, Ilie Association's envirtonmetal and social safeguards policies, El-S Guideines and the Recipients laws relating to the environmenal and social aspecets of such technical assistance. 7. The Recipient shall take all measures necessary to regilarly collect, compile, and subniit to Ilie Association, as pati of tlie Project Reports, and/or separate reports whenever the circunstances so warrant, infornation on the status or compliance with the Safeguards Instruments, providig details of: (a) rneasures taken in furitherance of said instruments; (b) conditions, if any, which interfere or thireaten to inierferel with te smootli implementation of said instrunents; and -12- () remedrial measures taken or required to be taken to address such conditions. 8. Wiflhout HMitation upon its other reporting obligations under this Agreement the Recipient shall: (a) promptly furnish to the Association a copy of any progress report prepared and submitted by the Project's contractors and/or subcontractors, as applicable; and (b) promptly notlfy the Association of any incident or accident related to or having an impact on the Project which has, or is likely to have. a significant adverse eect on the environment, the students, tle affeted conmunities, the public or workers. 9. The Recipient shall, through the Ministry of Basic Education, partcularly the Project Coordination and Management Unit, acting in coordination with the Ministry of the Environment, the Protection of Nature, and Sustainable Development, be responsible for the implenentation and monitoring and evaluation of the Safeguards Insuments. 10. The Recipient shall maintain, throughout Project iplementation. and publicize the availability of a grievance niechanism, in form and substance satisfactory to the Association, to hear and deterninc fairly and in good faith all comriplainis raised in relation to the Project, and take all measures necessary to implemenit the determinations made by such mechanism in a manner satisfactory to the Association. E. Contingent Emergency Response L In order to ensure the proper inplementation of contingent emergency response activities under Part 4 of tbe Project ("Energency Response Part"), the Recipient shall: (a) prepare and furnish to the Association lor its review and approval, a Contingency lEnergency Response Manual ("CER Manual") which shall set forth detailed implementation arranmtienicits for the Energency Response Part, including: (i) any additional institutional structures or arrangements for coordinating and implernenting the Energency Response Part; (ii) specific activities which may be included in the Emergeney Response Part, Sigible Expenditures required thereli ("Emergeney lixpendiures"), and any procedures for such inclusion; (iii) financial nanagement arrangements for the Emergeney Response Part; (iv) procurement metiods and procedures or the Fmergency Response Part; (v) documentation required for withdrawals of Emergeney -13- Expenditures: (vi) environmental and social safeguard management arrangements and instruments for the Fimergency Response Part; and (vii) any other arrangements necessary to ensure proper coordination and implementation of the Emergency Response Part: (b) afford the Association a reasonable opportunity to review the proposed CER MaLial; (c) promptly adopt the CER Manual for the Emergency Response Part as accepted by the Association anti integrate it as an annex to the Project implementation Manual; (d) ensure that the Emergency Response Part is carried out in accordance with the CER Manual: provided, however, that in the event ofany inconsistency between the provisions of the CER Manual and this Agreement. the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail; and (e) not amend, sIspend, abrogate, repeal or waive any provision of the CLR Manual without the prior written approval by the Association. 2. The Recipient shall, throughout the implementation of the Emergency Response Part, maintain the instituitional structUres and arrangements established in accordance with the CER Manual, with adeqUatc staff and resources satisfactory to the Association, 3. The Recipient shall Undertake no activities under the Emergency Response Part unless and until the lilowing conditions have been met in respect of said activities: (a) the Recipient has determined that an Eligible Crisis or Emergency has occurred, has ftirnishld to the Association a request to include said activities inl the Eiergency Response Part in order to respond to said Eligible Crisis or Emergency, and the Association has agreed with such determination, accepted said requiest and notiflied the Recipient thereof; and (b) the Recipient has ensured the preparation and disclosure of all safeCuard instruments as may he required for said activities in accordance with the CER Manual, the Association has approved all said instrtiments. and the Recipient has ensured the implementation of any actions which are reqUired to be taken under said instruments. -14- Section Ii. Project Monitoring, Reporting and Evaluation Project Reports The Recipient skall furnish to the Association cach Project Report not later than one ( 1) mont h afler the end of each calendar quarter, covering the calendar quarter. A. Semi-Annual Reviews The Recipient shall review jointly with the Association, not later than one (1) month after the submission of every second Project Report to the Association, suck report and the one preceding, and thereafter take all neasures required to ensure the efficient completion of the Project and the achievement of the objective therco f, based on the conclusions and recommendations of such reports and the Association's views on the matter. B. Midterm Review The Recipient skall: . carry out jointly with the Association, not later than thirty-six (36) months, or suck other period as may be agreed with the Association, after the Effective Date, a midterm review to assess the status of Project implementation, including as measUred against the Disbursemcnt-U.inked Results and the performance indicators referred to in the Annex to Schedule 2 to this Agreement. Such review skall inelude an assessment of the following: (a) overall progress in implementation; (b) results of monitoring and evaluation activities; (c) progress on procurement and disbursement; (d) implenentation arrangernents; and (e) the need to make any adjustments to the Project and reallocate funds to improve performance; 2. to this end, prepare and turnish to the Association, not later than one (1) month before such review, a report, in scope and detail satisfactory to the Association and ilntegrating the results of tIe monitoring and evaluation activities performed pursuant to Section 5.08 (a) of tIe General Conditions, respectively, on the progress achieved in the carrying out of the Project during the period preceding the date of suck report and setting out the nicasures recomiiended to ensure the efflcient carrying out of the Project and the achievement of the objective thereof during the period following such date; and 3. thereafter take all measures required to ensure the efficient completion of the Projeet and the achievement of the oblective thercof, 1 based on the conclusions and recommendations of stich report and the Association's views on the matter. -15- Section Hii. Withdrawal of the Proceeds of the FinancinQ A. General Without limitation Lipoln the provisions of Article II of the General Conditions and in accordance with Ilie Disbursement and Financial Information Letter, the R{ecipient may withdraw the proceeds of the Financing to finance Eligible Expenditures in Ilie amount allocated and, if applicable, up to the percentage set forth against cach Category of the following table: Category Amount of the Credit Percentage of Expenditures to be Allocated (expressed in Financed E UR) (ineltisive of Taxes) (1) Eligible Expenditure 30,800,000 Up to 100% of the Allocated Amount for Programs (Part l of the cach DLR (or part of a DLR) achieved as ProJect) set forth in the Annex to Schedule 2 to this Agreement (or stIch lesser percentage as represents the total Eligible Expenditure Programs paid by Ilie Recipient as of the date of withidrawal) (2) Performance Grants 4,277,800 Such percentage as may be agreed (Part 2 of the Project) between the Association, and the Co- financier based on the Annual Work Plans and Budgets (3) Goods, non-consulting 2,566,700 Such percentage as may be agreed services, consulting between the Association, and the Co- services (incilding for financier based on the Annual Work Plans audits), and Training for and Budgets Part 3 of the Project (4) Operating Costs for the 855,500 Such percenltage as may be agreed Project between the Association, and the Co- financier based on Ihe Annual Work Plans and Btiets (5) Emergency Expenditures 0 Such percentage as may be determined by under Part 4 of the Ilie Association based on the Annual Project Work Plans and Budaets TOTAL ANIOUNT 38,500,000 -16- B. Withdrawal Conditions; Withdrawal Period I. Notwitistanding the provisions of Part A above, no withdrawal shall be made: (a) on the basis of DLRs achieved prior to the Signature Date: (b) for payments made prior to the Signature Date; (C) under Category (1), until and unless the Rccipient has: (i) irnished evidence satisfactory to the Association that the DLR for which payment is requested has been achieved as set forth in the Annex to Schedule 2 to this Agreerent including the corresponding verification report(s) referred to in Section A. II (c) of Schedule 2 to this Agreement; and (ii) complied with the instrtcitions under the Disbursement and Financial Information Letter, inCluding the sUbmission to the Association of evidence acceptable to the Association of lie incurrence of Eligible Expenditure Programs hOr which payment is requested;- (d) under Category (2), Until and tInless the Recipient has prepared and adopted a Performance-Based Financing ManUal in accordance with the provisions of Section L1B.1 of this Schedule; or (e) for Emergency Expenditures under Category (5), unless and until the Association is satisfied, and notified the Recipient of its satisfaction, that all of the following conditions have been met in respect of said expenditUres: (i) the Recipient has determined that an Eligible Crisis or Emergency has occurred, has furnished to the Association a reqtiest to include the proposed activities in the Emergency Response Part in order to respond to said crisis or emergency, and the Association has agreed with such determination, accepted said requcst and notified tie Recipient thereof; (ii) the Recipient has ensured that all safeguard instruments required for said activities have been prepared and disclosed, and the Recipient has ensured that any actions which are reqtiired to be taken under said instrUments have been implemented, all in accordance with the provisions of Section I.C of this Schedule; (iii) the entities in charge of coordinating and implementing the Emergency Response Part have adequate staff and resources, in accordance with the provisions of Section I. of this Schedule, for the pIirposes of said activities; and -17- (iv) the Recipient has adopted the CER Manual. in form and substance acceptable to the Association, and the provisions of the CER Manual remain or have been updated in accordance with the provisions of Section [.G of this Schedule so as to be appropriate lor the inclusion and implementation of the Emergency Response Part. 2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph ](c) above, if the Association determines that anv DLR has been not been achieved or has only been partially achieved by the end of the year during which such DLR was scheduled to be achieved as set forth in Annex to Schedule 2 to this Agreement, and/or the Allocated Amount(s) for such DLR(s) has/have not been fully withdrawnl, the Association may, at any time, by notice to the Recipient, decide at its sole discretion to: (a) for any DLR which is scalable, as indicated in the Verification Protocols, authorize the withdrawal of such lesser amount of the unwithldrawn proceeds of the Financing corresponding to the Allocated Amount l0r said DLR which, in the opinion of tbc Association, corresponds to the extent of achieveient of said DlR(s), said lesser amount to be caiculated ln accordance with the applicable scalability formula set out in the Verification Protocols; (b) withhold all or a portion of the proceeds of the Financing corresponding to the Allocated Amounts fot the said DLR(s) until such DLR(s) is/are, in the opinion of tbe Association, satisfactorily met, and thereafter disburse in whole or in part such Allocated Amounts at any later time when such DLRs are met; (e) reallocate all or a portion ofthe proceeds of tlie Financing corresponding to the Allocated Amounts of the said DLR(s) to any other DLR(s); and/or (d) in the case of any DLRs not achieved by the Closing Date, cancel all or a portion of the proceeds of the Financing corresponding to the Allocated Amounts then allocated to said DLR(s), it being understood that the dates provided in Annex to Schedule 2 to this Agreenient by which DLRs are set to be achieved are indicative and that DLRs may be achieved at any time prior to the Closing Date. 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paraeraph 1(c) above, the amount of the Financing to be withdrawn upon the verified aclievement of any DLR shall not execed the lesser of: (a) the Allocated Amount corresponding to such DLk; and (b) the amount of the Eligible Expenditure Programs under Catcegory I ineurred by the Recipient but not yet paid by the proceeds of the Financing as of the date of such withdrawal. 4. I[" at any time, the Associati on deternm I nes that any portion of the amounts disbursed under Catcgory ( I) wvas: (a) made for expenditures that are not eligilble Under the Ligible Expeniditure Pro-rams; or (b) not in compliance with the priovisionls of paragraph I (c) above an(l the provisions ofthec Project Implemntiiation ManUal. the Recipient shall promptly refund ainy suich amntH tO the Assoclatimii as the Associioni shall SpedCily by notICe to the ReCip)ient. 5. The Closing, Date is December 3 1, 2026 Section IV. Other Undlertakings For purposes ot'imiptcmenitation of achievement of the DI ,Rs relating to DL[s 4, and 7 and 71b and implementation of' Part 2 ofI the Projec, the Recipient shall, thr-ough1 the MiiStl-y of' BaSiC Education, make annual gi-ants to eommtunity preschool ceniters and sehool COtUncils Ottt OfitS OWn1 reCSOurCS in accordanice \vith thle relevant eriteria and procedures set ttrth inl the Pro -ject Implementation Manual and on the baSis SOf CommunILity presechool center and school plains. N, Annex Dishursement-Linked Indicators, Disbursment Linked Results, and Allocated Amounts Disburse Baseline Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment- niRked Indicator DLI 1: DLR I. : DLR 1.2: DLR 1.3: DLR 1.4: DLR 1.5: DLIR 1.6: DLR 1.7: Imniproved (a) No (a) Comprehensive (a) At least 3.000 (a) At least 6.000 (a) At least 9.000 (a) At least 12,000 (a) At least (a) At least distribution comprehen strategy (including qualified t2eahers (ciulative) (eumulative) (euliulative) 15,000 18,000 of teaehers sive operational plan, relrited and qualifled teachers qualified teahers qualiNed reahers (cimulattive) (cumulative) reciuitCd strategy targeted eriteria, distributed recruited and recruited and reeruited and qualified teachers qualified teachers by the state procdure.s, according to new distributed distributed distribted recrited and recruited and in public (h) indicators, and approved strategy according to according to according to distributed distributed primary Massive monitoring and and operational plan st sei i siandards set fortri stanndards sert Iorth according to according to sehools attrition evaluation plan) for new stratev in new strategy in new strategy standards set standards set and 2020-2026 for (b) Ar least 55% of forth in new forth in new inequitable recruitment, schools have at least (b) At least 70% of (b) At least 85% (b) Ar least 90% of strategy strategy regiotnial deplovment, three (3) state-paid schools have at least of sehools have at sehools have at distributon distribition. and ttiehers three (3) stat[-paid least three (3) least three (3) state- (b) At least 95% (b At least 95% of teachers retention of eachers state-paid paid teaehers of sehools have at ol schools have at p(rimary-schoo (c) Budget for teachers least three (3) Icast threce (3) (c) 43% of teachers approved teachet recruitment (c) 3udget for state-paid state-paid schools and deployinent tbr teacher reeruitent (c) Mid-term (c) BIdget for teachers teaehers matehing (b) Budeet for subsequent year and and deploymen for evaluation Of teacher recruitment tle ecruitmeti and for evaluation subsequent year implementatiot of and deployment for le) Final standard deployment for approved approved strategy for subsequent year (c) Budet ler evaluation of [ reeruitment and approved teacher implementatio ' The years in dieateil in tiis table are inicuative and tie achievemnetniat of DLRs is not timeboud. -2- Disburse Baseline Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment- Linked Indicator subselqunt year deploiyment of recruitent and of strategy for aý1pprovedl teacerls deploymlent for- recritmenit and compIcted and subsequent year deployienit o dli sclosedC(l appioved teachers completed and (d) Budget for disclosed teacher recruitment and (d) Budget h>r deployment for taecher sulbscq[int year recrLitielnft and a19proved deploy ment for subsequent Vear ipproved Allocated Credit: 1,026,667 Credit: 171,111 Credit: 171,111 Credit: 171, 111 Credit: 171,111 Credit: 0.00 Amount (in EUR): 1,711,111 DLI 2: DR 2.1: DLR 2.2: DIR 2.3: DLR 2.4: DLR 2.5: DLR 2.6: DLR 2.7: Increased None of (a) Comprehensive (a) At least 30% of (a) At least 60%, of (a) At least 90% (a) At least 60% o' (o ) At least 90% (a) Final capacitics currnt training plan on new MINEDUB teachers IIN EDl3 teaehers of MINDiI)UB MI/NEDUB of MIN EDUB evaluatlion of of ehers MIND B curriculum for in Recipient's in Recipient's teachers in eachers in teaclers in teacher talini in tlte teachers in 202026 (iclding te n (10) regi ns ý4 ten (10) reions - Recipient's Recipient's tlen (10) Recipient plan comtpleted .. . . Disburse Baseline Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Yar 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment- jYa Linked Indicator effective pre- didactic approach, trained in use of trained in use of tell (10) regions regions completed ten (10) regions and publicly and primary budget, sequencing, new curriculum new curriculum trained in use of refresher training completed disclosed effcient and and monitorinag and new cLIrriculUM refresher training use of new primary evaluation) (b) Budget for (b) Budget for (b) Budget fOr (b) Budget for efiil an andle monitoring for new cBrudgrnrfrse tr techringlll curiiculum schools in approved teacher training in teacher training in (b) Budget for teacher training tbr (b) Budget for reacher training in pre- ten (10) new curriculum for new curriculum for teacher training in subsequent year in teacher training for subsequent primary regions (b) Budget for subsequent year in subsequent year in new curriculum NINEDUB and for subsequent year in and have been teacher training in MINFDUB and MINEDUR and for subsequent MINFSFC year in MINEDUB and priniary trained in new curriCUIlunm for MINESEC MINSLEC approved year in approved MINEDUB and MINESEC schools new subsequent year in approved MINEDUB and MINESEC approved curriculum MINEDUB and MINESEC approved MINESEC approved (c) Final a pproved evLuion (C) Mid-teri completed and evaluation disclosed completed and disclosed Allocated Credit: 855,556 Credit: 855,556 Credit: 855,556 Credit: 855,556 Credit: 855,556 Credit:855,555 Amount (in EUR): 5,133,335 -4- Disburse Baseline Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment- Linked Indicator DLI 3 DLR 3. 1: DLR 3.2: DLR 3.3: DLR 3.4: DLR 3,5: DI.R 3,6 DIR 3.7: Increased Pupil / (a) Textbook (a) At least 50% of (a) At least 50% of (a) At least 50% (a) At least 50% of (a) At least 90% (a) At least 90% availability textbook operational plan for students of Level I stULdents of Level I of students of students of Level 2 of students of ol students at ofessential ratio 2020-26 based ont (SIL / Class I (SIL / Class I CP / Level I (SIL / (CEl / Class 3 CE2 Level I (SIL / Level I (SIL / textbooks IInsatisfact new textbook policy CP/Class 2) have Class 2) and Level 2 Class I CP / Class /Class 4) and Level Class I CP Class I CO/Class in public ory (12/1) guidelines and the package of 3 (CEI / Class 3 C2 / 2). Level 2 (CELI / 3 (CM I Class 5 Class 2) and 2). Level 2 (CE I primary principles approved essential textbooks. Class 4) have the Class 3 CF2 / CM2 / Class 6) Level 2 (CL / Class 3 CE21 schools (b) Financing plan, package of three (3) Class 4), and ltave the package Class 3 C2 / Class 4) and (b) Textbook policy pfocurment plan, essential textbooks Level 3 (CMI / three (3) essential Class 4) have the Level 3 (CMI / approved and distribution plait Class 5 CN12 i textbooks package of three Class 5 for subsequent Class 6) have the (3) essential CM2/Class 6t (c) Technical unit year's textbook (b) Financing plan, package of three (b) At least 90% of textbooks have the package (permanent provision developed procurement plan, (3) essential students of Level 1 of three (3) secretariat) for distribution plan for textbooks (SI L ;1 Class I CP / (b) At least 50% essential textbooks, with staff (c) Budget for subsequent year's Class 2) have tle of students of textbooks and resotirces, textbook textbook provision (b) Evaluatiot package of three (3) Level 3 (CM I i equiipped and fully plroicuIemlent and developed completed of essential textbooks Class 5 CM2 / (b) Final operational distribtitioi tor distribUtion Of Class 6) have tie evaluiation of subsequent year (c) BLidet for textbooks and (c) Financing plan, package of three textbook (d) Financing plan, approved textbook their storage., with procurement plan, (3) essential pMovisiOn under proetirement plan, proCUrement and recommendations and distribUtion textbooks I new textbook and distribution plan distribution for ftr next two (2) plan foir subsequent policy Completed for sUibseqUIetit subsequent year years year's textbook and ptblicly year's textbook approved provision (c) Financing disclosed provisio developed (c) Financing developed plaitn :lan pannn plocurement Disburse Baseline Yearl Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment- Linked Indicator (e) Budget for plan, and plan, and (c) Budget for textbook distribution plan (d) Inclusion of distribution plan textbook procurement and for s[Lbscquent budget line for For subsequent proCLuremlent and distribution For year textbook essential textbooks year's textbook Llistribution for subsequent year provision in MIFNEDUB's provision subsequent year approved developed budget developed approved (d) Budget lor (d) Budget for textbook textbook procuirenent and (c) Budget for procurement and distribution for textbook distribution for subsequent year procurement and subsequent year approved distributioi for approved subsequent year approved (e) Budget approved for final evaluation of textbook provision under new textbook policy Allocated Credit: 1,142,167 Credit: 1,824,900 Credit: 969,344 Credit: 969,344 Credit: 969,344 Credit: 969,344 Amount (in EUR): 6,844,443 -6- Disburse Baseline Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment- Linked Indicator DLI 4: DLR 4.1: DLR 4.2: DLR 4.3: DLR 4.4: DLR 4.5: DLIR 4.6. DLR 4.7: Pre (a) (a) Comprehenlsive (a) At least 14 360 (a) At Least 20,360 (a) At least (a) At least 32,360 (a) At Least (a) At least primary National plan for community (eumulative) ppils (euniulative) pupils 26.360 (cunulative) pupils 38.360 38,360 enrollment srategy for preschool enrolled in CPCs enrolled in CPCs (unmulative) enrolled in CPCs (cumulative) (cumulative) in presehool developient for acordinug to acording o pupils enrolled in according to pipils enrolled in pupils enrolled in community available 2020-26, including approved noins in approved norms in CPCs aceording approved norms in CPCs aceording GPCs according pre-school srandards, costing, Mral areas rural areas to approved rural areas to approved to approved centers in (b) 8,360 and training plan, norms rn rural norms in rirual norms in rural rural areas pupils approved (b) Budge approved (b) Budget approved areas (b) Budget areas areas enrolled in for CPC activities for CPC activities approved for CPC comnmunity (b) Modules for for subsequent year for subsequent year (b) Budget activities for (b) Budget () Budget pre-sC0ool parental education approved for CPC subsequent year approved for approved for centers in witlh guide available activities for CPC activitics for CPC aUvities for rural areas snbsequem year subsequent yar sbsequent year (c) At least one (1) muobilization (c) Mid-term (c) Final tiroughi evaluation of evaluation of sensitization intervention on interventi on campign aucess to access to completed and preschool in rural preschool in rural dialogue sessions areas completed ureas completed complered and publiely and pibliely diselosed diselosed (dl) BIdget approved for CPC activities for subsequent year -7- Disburse Baseline Year I Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment- Linked Indicator Allocated Credit: 427,778 Credit: 427,778 Credit: 427,778 Credit: 427,778 Credit: 427,778 Credit: 427,778 A nount (in EUR): 2,566,668 DLI 5: DLR 5.1: DLR 5.2: DLR 5.3: DLR 4: DL-R 5.5: DLR 5.6 DLR 5.7 (a) Student (a) Comprelensive (a) Fnctions for (a) Assessment (a) Report on (a) Assessment (a) Assessment (a) Finil Establishm learn operational plan learning assessmnit report. il uding resting report, including report. including evaluation of ent of a assessment (2020-23) atppr'oved strengthened reeommendatons, instruments rccoimendations, recoimlendations learning standardize condueted for establishment of according to on learnin (secondary toris on learning , on learning assessment d student by regular learing approved outcomes (primary- 2 and 4) otcomes ourcomes system learning MINEIDU3 assessments system, conipreliensive plan level classes 4 and completed (secondarv forms 2 (secondary forms complered. assessmen t and inleiidling: (i) unit toward 6) avaIlable and and 4) availabile 2eand 4) available available and system for MINESEC structure, stafling, establishment of publicly (b) Budget for and publiely and publiely putbliely primaDy team and functions: learning assessient disseminated learning disseminated disseminated disseminated and (ii) content and uni assessment secendany (b) No frequency of (b) Budet for activities for (b) Budget for (b) Budget for (b) Budeet for edueanon permanent assessmens: and (b) Report on pilot learnin assessmcnt subsequen( year learning assessmet learning leanling and learning (iii) conducting of testi ng conipleted aetivities fbr for M [NEDLB activities for assessment assessment i n ased assessment evaluations. The for learni ng stubsequcnt year for and IMINLSEC subsequen:t year for ativities for activities for share of system Learning a.ssessient MINVEDUB and approved MINEDUB and subsequent year subsequent year Ieamers Assessmet Unit is (primary-level MINESEC approved MINESEC for MPNEDUB for MINEDUB achievng (c) No funetional elasses 4 and 6) by (c) ludget for approved and MINESEC and MINESEC m nimum budget newlv created eviluation of approved approved promiunicy line, no learning assessnent learning m reading permanent ilit assessment (c) At least 35% dedica;ed system approved of leaniers at tlie staff, and end of rimary -8- Disburse Baseline Year I Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment- Linked Indicator no working (c) Budget for school rec thle space hor a learning assessmoent minimum eaming activ ities For prolcienecy leve assessment sUbsequent year for in reading unit M INELDUB1 and MINESEC (d)StuLdent approved assessmnent conducted for prim ary educatilon Allocated Credit: 0.00 Credit: 0.00 Credit: 0.00 Credit: 0.00 Credit: 0.00 Credit: 0.00 Amoutnt (in EUR):0.00_ DLI 6: DLR 6.1: DLR 6.2: DLR 6.3: DLR 6.4: DLR 6.5: DLR 6.6 DLR 6.7 Integrated (a) Data ( a) National EMIS (a National EMIS () Initegrated (a) Integrated [a) inhegrated (a) Integrated (a) Integrated edcatioen collection impleneitation platlori developed statistical yearbook statstia staisteal vearbook statistical statistical mtaniageme system sIrategy and and operational of edcation and vearbook of of edueation and yearbook of vearbook of nt exists. but operational plan training sector edcation and training sector education and edcleation and informtatio is (2020-26) approved (b) Budget for available and training seetor avaiilable and iraining sector trainiin sector Ti system fragmented EMIS activities lor ptbiclv avilable anid pisely available and available ad limetioail with (b) Budget ibr subsequlent year for disseminated publicly disseminated publicIy publidy nd liiited ENIS activities for mtinistries in charge disseminated disseminated disseminated opeerational data subsequnt year for -9- Disburse Baseline Year I Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment-IiI Linked availability m:inistries in charge ofeducation sector (b) Budget for E\MiS (h) EMIS (b) EMIS (F) EMIS (b) EMIS and ofeducation sector approved activities for deconcentrated deconcentrated deconccntrated deconcentrated quality, approved subsequent year fior (MINIIDUB / (MINEDLI3 (MINEFOP) and (MIINEFOP) and and does ministries in charge MI N ESE`C) and MINESEC) and operational in at operational in all not of education sector operational in at operational in all least Five (5) tein (10) regions produCe O approved least five (5) ten (10) regions regions analyze tegions (c) EMIS data in a (c) Budget for (c) IEMIS leconcentrated timely (c) Budget for EMIS actvities flor deconcentrated (MINESUP) and manner EMIS activities, subsequent year for (MINESUP) and operational in all for subsequent ministries in charge operational in at cight (8) State (b) EMIS year for ministries of edueation sector least four (4) Universities diagnostie in ebarge of approved State Universities completed education sector of Caneroon for basic approved (d) Buedget for and ENIS activities. secondary (d) Budget for for subsequent levels and EMIS activitics, year for available for subsequent ministries in and year for eharge of validated iministries in edecaton seCtor charge of approved education sector approved (e) Final evaluation of national EMIS coipletel and disserninated -10- Disburse Baseline Year I Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment- Linked Indicator Allocated Credit: 288,322 Credit: 288,322 Credit: 288,322 Credit: 288,322 Credit: 288,322 Credit: 269,500 Amount (in EUR): 1,711,110 DLI 7: DLR 7.1: DLR 7.2: DLR 7.3: DLR 7.4: DLR 7.5: DLR 7.6: DLR 7.7: Improved (a) Sehools (a) Approved (a) At least 50 (a) At least 100 (a) At least 200 (a) At least 300 (a) At least 400 (a) At least 400 learning concerned comprehensive schools schools (cumulative) shools schools sclhools sehools environme located in response stratey (cimulatLive) in in targeted areas (cumulative >n (cumulative) in (eumulative) in (cua tve in nt and economical and plan (2019-23), targeted areas have have benefited from targetd areas targeted areas have targeted areas targeted areas quality of lv and includinE benefited from package of grant have benefited benefited from have benefited have benefited edcaetion socially addressing teacher package of grant funding and school- from package of package of erant from packae of front package of for disadvanta and textbook funding and school- leve interventions grant funding and funding and school- grant funding and grant nding and ehildren in ged areas availability, grants level inlterv entions aecoerdig to school-level level interventians sehool-level school-level host- for seliools in according to approved response interventionis according to interventions interventions commlunitv (b) targeted areas wvth approved response strategy and plan according ta approved response aecording to according ta schools Reluee relevant eriteria and strategy and plan approved strategy and plan appraved approved w ith children procedures, and response strategy response strategy response stintegy reftgees mostly establisliment of (b) Buidget for (b) Budget for ai plan (b) Buduet for and plan and plan enrolled in da tabase activities for activities lr activilies approved sehool, but subsequent year subsequent year (b) interim for subsequent Vear (b) Budget or (b) BLdet or absence of (b) E`stablishment of approved approved evaluation of ativties actvities specific list of targeted im pleientation of approved far approved for support sehools ta be response strategy subsequent yer subsequent vear revised annuially an and plan basis ofcriteria completed and -Il- Disburse Baseline Year I Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment- Linked Indicator (c)Absence disseminated and of specific (C) Bludget for updated response database activities for strategy and plan and of subsequent year for 2024-2026 response approved validated mechanism focusing On (c) Budget for refugees activitnes approved for subsequent year Allocated Credit: 727,222 Credit: 710,111 Credit: 710,111 Credit: 710,111 Credit: 710,111 Credit: 710,111 Amount (in EUR): 4,277,777 DLI 7b: (a) Schools N/A DLR 7b,2 DLR 7b.3: DLR 7b.4: DLR 7b.5: DLR 7b.6: DLR 7b.7: concerned Improved located in (a) Approved (a) At least 75 (a) At least 175 (a) At least 300 (a) At least 300 (a) At least 300 learning economical comprehensive sChools (cunmulative) schools schools schools schools environine lv and response strategy in targeted areas (cumulative) in (cmulative) in (cumnulative) in (ctum1lative) in nt and socially and plan (2020-26) have benefited from targeted areas largeted areas have targeted areas targeted areas quality of disadvanta for schools package ofgrant have benefited benefited from have benefited have benefited education gecd areas receiving laree finding and school- from package of package of grant from package of from package of for numbers of I DPs, level interventions grant funding and ftinding and school- grant funding and grant funding awd children in (b) I DP including accordiu to school-level level interventions school-level school-level host- children addressing teacher approved response interventions according to itterventions interventions coniunity mostly and textbook strategy and plan according to according to according to 12- Disburse Baseline Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment- Linked Indicatoa schoos enlrolled in availability7, grants approvedpproved response eapproved with school, but fo chosjin responlsestrateg iStrategy andl( plan res.ponsesrtg.esoswtae wabý 0.sel) respolnse straýtegv internally anbs(ce of' a e reas with (c) B for and plan and plan ald plan dispiaced speeifle relevant eriteri and activities fo( Inteim persons support procedures, and evaliation of (b) Budget for (b) Budet for ("IDPs') establislhment of approved () Budget for implementaion of aetivities atvites (c) database of IDP aetivities response strttegy approved lor approved for Absence of sehool-aged (d) List of targeted approved for and plan comapleted subsequent year subseluent year speilIc ehildren sehools rev'ised on subsequent year and disseminated database basis of criteia (c) List[at and of (b) Establishment f established in (d) List of (e) Budget for targeted sehools response Ii st of targeted response strategy targeted schools activities approved revised on basis meehanism sehools to be and plan revised on basis for subsequeni year ol eriteria revised annually on of criteria established in basis oferiteria established in (d) List oltargeted response strategy established in response straæey schools revised on and plan response strategy [ and plan basis of erieria and plan established in response strategy (c) Budget f[r and plan activities for subsequernt year approved (d) At least 50 schools (eunm-ulative) in targeted areas have -13- Disburse Baseline Year I Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 ment- Linked Indicator benefilted from package of grant inding and school- level interventions according to approved response strategy and plan Allocated Credit: 1,441,611 Credit: 1,422,789 Credit: 1,422,789 Credit: 1,422,789 Credit:1,422,789 Credit:1,422,789 Amount (in EUR) 8,555,556 SCHEDUILE 3 Repayient Schedule Principal Amount of the Credit Date Payment Due repayable (expressed as a percentage)* On cach April 15 and October 15: commencing April 15. 2026 to and including 1.65% October 15, 2045 commencing April 15., 2046 to and including 3.40% October 15, 2050 * The percentagces represent the percentage of the principal amount of the Credit to be repaid, except as the Association may otherwise specify pursuant to Section 3.05 (b) ofthe General Conditions. -2- SCHEDULE 4 E.ligible Expenditure Programs Agency- Line Item Description Program Program Budgetary Ministry/Institution Code Code Description Institutions Code Training costs, internships and organi zation of seminars Frais de formation, stages et 6187 organisation de séminaires) Gross salary of civil servants (Salaire brut du personnel sous statut général de la Fonction 6210 Publique) Primary Compensatin l inked to status education (Indemnités liées aui statut 6217 général) In-kind benefits (Avantages en 62 18 nature liés à la fonction) Support for creation of new posts (Prise en charge des 62 19 nouveaux postes å créer) Training costs, internships and organization of seminars (Frais de formation, stages et 6187 organisation de séminaires) Gross salary of civil servants (Salaire brut du personne[ sous statut général de la Fonetion 25 6210 Publique) 334 Secondary Compensation linked to status education (Indemnités liées au statut 6 217 général) In-kind benefits (Avantages en 6218 nature liés à la fanetion) Support for creation of new posts (Prise en cliarge des 6219 nouveaux postes à créer) APPENDIX -3- Section 1. Delinitions i."Allocated Amount" means the amount allocated to cach individual DLR or part of a DLR, as indicated in the table in the Annex to Schedule 2 to this Agreement, as such amnount mighit be reallocated and/or cancelled (whetlier partially or in iis entirety) by the Association. from time to time as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of Section Il.B of Schedule 2 to this Agreement. 2. "Annual Work Plan and Budget" means the annual work plan and budget referred to in SeCtion I.C of Schedile 2 to this Agreement. 3. GAnti-Corrupton uidelines" ieans, for purposes of paragraph 5 of the Appendix to the General Conditions, the "Gtuidelines on Preventing and Cornbating Fraud and Corruption in Projeets Financed by IHR D Loans and IDA Credits and Grants", dated October l5, 2006 and revi sed in January 201 1 and as of .fuly 1, 20 16. 4. 'Basis Adjustment to the Interest Charge' means the Association's standard basis adjustment to the Interest Charge for credits in the currency of denomination of the Credit, in effeet at 1 2:0 1 am. Washington, D.C. time, on the date on which the Credit is approved by the Executive Directors of the Association, and expressed either as a positive or negative percentage per annum. 5. "Basis AdJustment to the Service Charge" means the Asseciation's standard basis adjustment to the Service Charge for credits in the curreney of denomination of the Credit, in effect at 12:0 1 am. Washiigton, D.C. time, on the date on which the Credit is approved by the Executive Directors of the Association, and expressed cither as a positive or negative percentage per annum. 6. "Category" means a category set forth in the table in Section IllA of Schedule 2 to this Agreement. 7. "CE' (Cours E/émentire) means primary school. 8. "CM" Cours Moyen) means middle school. 9. "Grant Agreement" means the agreement to be entered into between the Recipient and the Co-flnancier providing for the Co-financing. 10. "Co-fnancier" means the Global ParInership for Eiducation. S. "Co-financing" means, for purposes of paragrapli 14 of ilie Appendix to the General Conditions, the amotint ot funds to be provided by the Co-linancier to assist in financing the Project, pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement. -4- 12. "Contingency Emergency Response N4anual" and the acronym "CER Manual" mearins the manual referred to in Section L. 1 (a) of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, to be adopted by the Recipient for the Emergency Response Part and frim part of the Project Implementation Manual in accordance with the provisions of said Section. Ii. "P' (Cours Préaaoire) means preparatory course. 14. "CPC" means community preschool centers. 15. "Disbursement-Linked Indicator" or "DLI" means an indicator set forth in the table in the Annex to Schedule 2 to this Agreement 16. "Disbursement-Linked Result' or "DLR' means a result set forth in the Annex to Schedule 2 to this Agreement. on the basis offthe achievement ofwhich the amotit of the Financing allocated to said result may be vitldrawn in accordance with the provisions of said Section. 17. "Education Management Information System Unit" means the Recipient's unit, to be established under the Technical Secretariat (as hereinafter defined) pursuant to Section L.A.8 of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, or a successor thereto. 18. "EIS Guidelines" means the World Bank Group Environmiental, bealith and Safety Guidelines published on, as said guidelines are updated from time to time. 19. "Eli gible Crisis or Energency" means an event that has caused, or is likely to imminently cause, a major adverse economic and/or social impact to the Recipient, associated with a natural or man-made crisis or disaster. 20. "Eligible Expenditure Programs" means, collectively, expenditures for goods, works, non-consulting services, consulting services (including for audits), and Training (as hereinafter defined), civil servants salaries and other compensation (including in-kind) as reflected in Schedule 4 to this Agreement. for the implementation of Part 1 of the Project. 21. "Emergencv Expenditure" means any of the eligible expenditures set forth in the Emergency Response Manual in accordance with the provisions of Section lI.I of Sehedule 2 to this Agreement and required for the Emergency Response Part. 22. "Emergency Response Part" means a specific activity or activitics to be carried out in the event of an Eligible Crisis or Emergency under Part 4 of the Project. 23. "EMIS" means education management information system. 24. "Environmental and Social Management Framework" means the Recipient's framework, dated January 2018 and revised on Ebrnary 5. 2020 and agreed with -5- the Association, setting out mitigation, enhancement, monitoring, and instiILIOnal measures, including capacity bUilding through training, to eliminate any adverse environmental and social impacts of activities to be implemented under the Project, offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels, or enhance positive impacts, and including guidelines and procedures For the preparation of Environmental and Social Management Plans (as hereinafter defined), as the same may be modified from time to time with the prior written agreement of the Association, and such term inclides any annexes or schedules to such framework. 25. --Environmental and Social Management Plans" means, collectively, the Recipient's plans, as may be required to be prepared in accordance with the provisions of tie Environmental and Social Management Framework and agreed with the Association, setting oUt mitigation, enhancement, monitoring, and institutional measures, including capacity building through training, to eliminate any adverse environmental and social impacts of specific activities to be implemented under Part 2 of the Project (including measures designed to prevent gender-based violence and sexual exploitation and abuse under the Project, and to handle those events and report them to the relevant authorities and to the Association should they occur). offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels, or enhance positive impacts, as the same may be modified from time to time with the prior written agreement of the Association, and such term inClides any annexes or schedules to such plans: and "Environmental and Social Management Plan" means any one (1) such plan. 26. "General Conditions" means the "International Development Association General Conditions for IDA Financing, Investment Project Financing". dated December 14, 2018. 27. "Gender and GBV Action Plan" means the Recipient's plan, setting out measures for preventing and responding to gender-based violence and sexual exploitation and abuse, as the same may be modilied from time to time with the prior written agreement of the Association, and such term includes any annexes or schedtules to such plan. 28, "GPE" means Global Partnership for Education Fund. 29. -1 DP" means an internally displaced person. 30. "Indigenous Peoples" means distinct vulnerable cultural and social groups, collectively attached to geographically distinct habitats, ancestral territories, and / or the natural resources thereof, with customary cultural, economic, political, or social institutions that are distinguishable from those preponderant in the country, including, in some cases, an indigenous language different from the official language of the countrv/regi0n. -6- 31. "Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework" means the Recipient's framework, dated January 2018 and revised on February 5, 2020, and agreed with the Association, setting out the mitigation, enhancement, monitoring, a institutional measures, including capacity building through training, to address any adverse effects on Indigenous Peoples associated with, and ensure culturally appropriate social and economic benefits for such Peoples under the Project. and guidelines and procedures for the preparation of Indigenous Peoples Plans (as hereinafter defined), as the same may be modified from time to time with the prior written agreement of the Association, and such termll i1nCltIdes any annexes or schedules to such plan. 32. "indigenous Peoples Plans" means, collectively, the Recipient's plans, as may be required to be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the IndiCenous Peoples Planning Framework and agreed with the Association, setting out the mitigation, enhancement, monitoring, and institutional measures, including capacity bUildinrig through training, to address any adverse effects on Indi(genotIs Peoples associated with, and ensure CLturally appropriate social and economic benefits for such peoples under, specific activities to be implemented under Part 2 of'the Project, as the same may be modified from time to time with the prior written agreement of the Association, and sUich term includes any annexes or schedules to such plans, and "Indigenous Peoples Plan" means any one (I) such plan. 33. "Learnin Assessment Unit" means the Recipient's unit, to be established under the Ministry of' Basic Education as part of the activities for achievement of the DLRs relating to DLI 5, or a successor thereto. 34. "Ministry of Basic Education" or "MINEDU)B" (Ministere de /'Education de Base) means the Recipient's ministry responsible for policymaking in relation to and management of basic education. or a successor thereto. 35. "Minisry of Employment and Professional Training" means the Recipient's ministry responsible for policymaking in relation to and management of employment and professional training, or a successor thereto. 36. "Ministry of Health" means the Recipient's ministry responsible for policymaking in relation to and management of hlealth, or a sUccessor thereto. 37. "Ministiy of I igler Education" means the Recipient's ministry responsible for policymaking in relation to and management of higher education, or a successor thereto. 38. "Ministry of Public Contracts" means the Recipient's ministry responsible for policyimaking in relation to and Mana1gemYeIt of puiblic contracts, or a successor thereto. -7- 39. "Ministry of Secondary Education" or "MINE[SEC" (Ministre des Enseignements Secondaires) means the Recipient's ministry responsible for policymaking in relation to and management of secondary education, or a successor thereto. 40. "Ministry of the Economy, Planning, and Regional Development" means the Recipient's ministry responsible for policymaking in relation to and manageinent of the economy. planning, and regional development, or a successor thereto. 41. "Ministry of the Environment, the Protection of Nature, and Sustainable Development" means the Recipient's ministry responsible for policymaking in relation to and managenient of the enviironment, the protection of nature, and sustainable development, or a successor thereto. 42. "National Council for Approval of School Textbooks and Teaching Materials" means the Recipient's council, under the Office of the Prime Minister, established and operating pursuant to the Recipient's Decree No. 2017/1l1738/CAB/PM dated November 23, 2017, and responsible for the selection and approval of textbooks and teaching materials for primary and secondary education, or any successor thereto. 43. 'Operating Costs" means the incremental operating costs under the Project, based on the annual work plans and budaets referred to in Section LC of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, as approved by the Association, and incurred by the Recipient for ptrposes of Project management, implementation. and monitoring and evaluation, on account o1 utilities and supplies, bank charges, coiimnications, vehicle operation. maintenance, and insurance, office space rental, building and equipment maintenance, public awareness-related media expenses, domestic and intemational travel and subsistence, and salaries of coItractUal and teiiiporary staff, but excluding salaries, fees, honoraria, bonuses, and any other salary supplements of menibers of the Recipient's civil service. 44. "Perforniance-Based Financing Mantual" means the Recipient's manual, to be aereed Witlh the Association and setting out organizational, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation (including perfkormance indicators and related targets) arrangements for purposes of implementation of Part 2 of the Project, as the same may be moditied from time to time with the prior written agreement of the Association, and stIch term includes any annexes or schedules to such Manual. 45. "Performance-Based Financing Unit" imeans the Recipient's unit, to be established under the Ministry of Basic Educationi pursuaiit to SeCtioii I.A.7 of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, or a successor thereto. 46. "Performance-Based Grants" means annual cash awards made to the Recipient's schools for purposes of financing goods, works, non-consulting services, -8- consulting services (including for audits), Training (as hereinafter defitned), and cash awards to teachei-s for the implementation of Part 2 of the Project. 47. "Project Coordination and Management Unit" means the Recipiens unit, under the Ministry of Basic Education, estahlished and operating pursuant to the Recipient's Decision No. 6557/31 /1464/MfNEDUB/SG/DPPC dated October 30, 2017, headed by a Project coordinator, and including a DLI coordinator, a monitoring and evaltuation specialist, a financial ianagemrent specialist, an acCouintalit, an internal auditor, a procuremIeIt specialist, an archivist, a coM mun ications specialist, and sipport staff. or a successor thereto. 48. "Project Implementation Manual" means the Recipient's manual, to be agreed with the Association and scttin1g out organizational, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation (including Verilication Protocols (as hereinafter defined)) arrangeients Ior purposes of Project implementation, and including criteria and procedures for the makig of annual grants to community preschool centers and school councils for purposes of achievement of DLIs 4,7 and 7b, as the same may be rioditied from time to time with the prior written agreerment of the Association, and such teri inclUdes any annexes or schedules to such manual. 49. "Project ProcedUres Manual" means the Recipient's mantal, to be agreed with the Associationi and settirg ot adtiiinistrative, [iancial managenent, disbursement, and procureriierit arrangeints for purposes of Project implementation, as the sane may be niodiflied from time to time with the prior written agreemem of the Association, and such term inClu odes any annexes or schedules to such mrianral. 50. 'Procurement Regulations" means, for ptUrposes of paragraph 87 of the Appendix to the General Conditions, the "World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers", dated July 20 16, revised Noveiber 2017 and Augtust 20 1 8. 51. "Project Steering Committee" means the Recipient's committee, to be established pursuatnt to Section LA.3 of Schedule 2 to this Agirerment, or a successor thereto. 52. Safegtards Instrumernts" means, collectively, the Fnvironiental and Social Maniagement Framework. any Environmental and Social Management Plans, the Indigenous Peoples Planning Framework, any Indigenous Peoples Plans, and the Gender and GBV Action Plan, and sutch tern iticludes any annexes or schedules to such instruments. 53. "Signature Date" means the later of the two dates on which the Recipient and tie Association signed this Agreement and such definition applies to all references to "the date of the Financing Agreement" in the General Conditions. 54. "SIL" (Section d'inition au Langage) means basic literacy level. -9- 55. "'Technical Secretariat" means the Recipient's unit, under the Ministry of the Economy, Planning, and Regional Development, responsible for coordination of education-sector activities among concerned ministries. or a successor thereto. 56. "Training" means the cost of training under the Project, based on the annual work plans and budgets rcl'erred to in Section I.C of Schedule 2 to this Agreement, as approved by the Association, and attributable to seminars, workshops, and study tours, along with domestic and international travel and subsistence allowances for training paticipants, services oF trainers, rental of training facilities, preparation and reproduction of training materials, and other activities directly related to course preparation and implementation. 57. "Verification Protocols" means the Recipient's protocols, part of the Project Implementation ManIal, setting forth the basis and methodology for verification of the achievement of Disbursement-Linked ResUlts, as the same may be modified from time to time with the prior written agreement of the Association. 58. "Year l" means the first year of Project implementation, expected to end on December 3 1, 2020 59. "Year 2" means the second year of Project implenimentation, expected to be from Janiaty 1, 202 1 to December 3 1, 202 1. 60. "Year 3" means the third year oi Project implementation, expected to be from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. 61. "Year 4" means the lourth year of Project implementation, expected to be from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023. 62 "Year 5" means the fifth year of Project implementation, expected to be from January 1, 2024 to December 3 1, 2024. 63. "Year 6" means the I-1fth year of Project implementation, expected to be from January 1, 2025 to December 3 1, 2025. 64. "Year 7" means the sixth year of Project implementation, expected to be from January 1, 2026 to December 29, 2026.