Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic Ministry of Agriculture, Food lndustry and Land Reclamation of the Kyrgyz Republic lntegrated Dairy Productivity lmprovement Project (lDPlP) credit No. 5918-KG from the lnternational Development Association Grant No. D147-KG from the lnternational Development Association INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT AND SPECIAL PURPOSE PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the years ended 31 December 2019 and 31 December 2018 CONTENTS Page ndependent Auditors' Report I 3-4 Special Purpose Project Statements of Financial Position 5 Special Purpose Project Statements of Sources and Uses of Funds 6 Special Purpose Project Statements of Project Activities 7 Special Purpose Project Statements of Special Accounts I Notes to the Special Purpose Project Financial Statements 9-14 MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC AND M]NISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD INDUSTRY AND LAND RECLAMATION OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC INTEGRATED DAIRY PRODUCTTVITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (lDPlP) CREDIT NE 5918-KG AND GRANT N9 D147.KG SPECIAL PURPOSE PROJECT STATEMENTS OF FINANCTAL POSITION AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2019 AND 31 DECEMBER 2018 (Expressed in US dollars) Note 2019 201 I ASSETS AND CUMULATIVE EXPENDITURE Cash at bank 195,617 293,322 Cumulative expenditures: Grant No. D147-KG 953,009 218,747_ Credit No. 5918-KG _ 503,194 TOTAL ASSETS AND CUMULATIVE EXPENDITURE ____l'6l],q?g- 512,069 SOURCES OF FUNDS Project financing: Grant No. O147-KG 992,048 312,154 775,000 200,000 Credit No. 5918-KG Revolving Fund Account (114,962) (271) (e0) Amounts paid on account 5 5 Accumulated foreign exchange difference TOTAL FUNDS 1.651.820 512,069 CLMU Director Finance Manager CLMU under the Ministry of CLMU under the Ministry of Finance of the KYrgYz RePublic Finance of the KYrgYz RePublic project financial The notes set out on pages 9-14 form an tntegral part of these special purpose statements MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLTC AND MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD INDUSTRY AND LAND RECLAMATION OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC INTEGRATED DATRY pRODUCTtVtTy TMpROVEMENT pROJECT (tDptp) CREDIT Ne 5918-KG AND GRANT Ns D147-KG SPECIAL PURPOSE PROJECT STATEMENTS OF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 AND 31 DECEMBER 2018 (Expressed in US dollars) 2019 2018 Cumulative OPENING BALANCES Grant No. D147-KG 93,322 Credit No. 5918-KG 200,000 TOTAL OPENING BALANCES ______293,322_ ADD: FUNDS RECEIVED BY SOURCES Grant No. 0147-KG 679,894 312,154 992,048 Credit No. 5918-KG 575,000 200,000 775,000 TOTAL FUNDS RECEIVED __u54,894_ ____j131_91_ __J_J_67_p48_ ADD/(LESS): Grant No. D147-KG Revolving Fund Account (114,e62) - (114,962) Amounts paid on account 21 (eo)- (6e) Credit No. 5918-KG Amounts paid on account (202)_ (202) Foreign Exchange Difference 5 LESS: EXPENDITURE Grant No. Dl47-KG Strengthening public and private services in the dairy sector 1 10,348 40,966 151,314 lncrease in on-farm productivity 393,732 3,694 397,426 lnvestments at the farm level 5,002 6,047 11,049 Project Management 225,180 168,040 393,220 734,262 218,747 953,009 Credit No. 5918-KG Strengthening public and private services in the dairy sector 49,998 49,998 lncrease in on-farm productivity lnvestments at the farm level 453,079 453,079 Project Management 117 117 503,194 503,1 94 TOTAL EXPENDITURE ____1_237-'455_ 218,747 1,456,203 CLOSING BALANCE Grant No. D147-KG 38,975 93,322 Credit No.5918-KG 156,642 200,000 TOTAL CLOSING _19!fl_z_ ____293322_ Mrs. Bermet Musakozhoeva Mrs. Mekhriban Davlesova CLMU Director Finance Manager CLMU under the Ministry of CLMU under the Ministry Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic The notes set out on pages 9-14 form an integral part of these special purpose project financial statements MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC AND MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD INDUSTRY AND LAND RECLAMATION OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC TNTEGRATED DATRY PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (lDPlP) CREDIT Ne 59.18-KG AND GRANT NS Dl47-KG SPECIAL PURPOSE PROJECT STATEMENTS OF PROJECT ACTIVITIES FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 AND 31 DECEMBER 2018 (Expressed in US dollars) For the year ended 31 December 2019 Project ComponenUActivity Grant No. Credit No. D147.KG 5918-KG Gumulative Strengthening public and private services in the dairy sector 151,314 49,998 201,312 lncrease in on-farm productivity 397,426 397,426 lnvestments at the farm level 11,049 453,079 464,128 Project Management 393,220 117 393,337 Total Project Expenditure _____lllr99_ __- 1A5s203- -_-!glllt_ For the year ended 31 December 2018 Grant No. Credit No. Project ComponenUActivity D147-KG 5918-KG Gumulative Strengthening public and private services in the dairy sector 40,966 40,966 lncrease in on-farm productivity 3,694 3,694 lnvestments at the farm level 6,047 6,047 Project Management '168,040 168,040 Total Project Expenditure _____43L47_ 218,747 Mrs. Bermet Musakozhoeva Mrs.Mekhriban CLMU Director Finance Manager CLMU under the Ministry of CLMU under the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic The notes set out on pages 9-14 form an integral part of these special purpose project financial statements MIN]STRY OF FINANCE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC AND MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD INDUSTRY AND LAND RECLAMATION OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC (lDPlP) TNTEGRATED DAI RY PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CREDIT NE 5918-KG AND GRANT NE D147.KG SPECIAL PURPOSE PROJECT STATEMENTS OF SPECIAL ACCOUNTS 2018 FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 AND 31 DECEMBER in US dollars Grant No. Credit No. D147.KG 5918-KG Total Balance as at 1 December 2018 Add: 312,154 200,000 512,154 Project funds received Less: (218,747) (218,747) Project eligible exPenditure 5 5 Foreign eichange difference gain/ (loss), net (e0) (s0)_ Amounts Paid on account 93,322 200,000 293,322 Balance as at 31 December 2018 Add: 679,894 575,000 1,254,894 Project funds received Less: (1,237,456) (734,262)_ (503,1e4) Project eligible exPenditure (114,962) (114,962) Revolving Fund Account 21 (202\ (181) Amounts Paid on account Balance as at 31 December 2019 38,975 156,642 195'617 Mrs.Mekhriban Finance Manager CLMU Director the MinistrY of CLMU under the Ministry of CLMU under Finance of the KYrgYz RePublic Finance of the KYrgYz RePublic g-14 form an integral part of these special purpose project financial The notes set out on pages MTNISTRY OF FINANCE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC AND MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD INDUSTRY AND LAND RECLAMATTON OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIG TNTEGRATED DAIRY PRODUCTIVTTY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (lDPlP) CREDIT NS 5918.KG AND GRANT Ng D147.KG NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT AND FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 AND 31 DECEMBER 2018 (Expressed in US dollars) 1. BACKGROUND ln accordance with the Financing agreement for Grant No. D-147-KG and Credit No. 5918-KG dated 10 "lDA"), Kyrgyz August 2017 between Kyrgyz ne-pudtic and the lnternational Development Association (the Ref,ublic has receiveO ini Uetow listed funds for the lntegrated Dairy Productivity lmprovement Project (the "Project"). The project is executed by Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic and Ministry of Agriculture, Food tnOustry and Land Recllmation of the Kyrgyz RepuOiic (the "Project Executing Agencies") and imptementeO by CLMU - Credit Line Manageheht Unit - a group of Project employees created under the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Repub-iic with the aim of fulfilling the disbursement and financial ,"nagLrent functions ot tne w[6te project abd implementation of Components 3 and 4b of the Project; aim of fulfilling the procurement functions anO n-gCC - Agribusiness Competitiveness Center with the and implementation of Components 1,2 and 4a of the Project' 58a, r. 302' The tegaladdress of the CLMU is 720040, Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek City, Erkindik blvd., quality on Beneficiary The objective of the the project is to enhance dairy animal productivity and milk Farms. The Components of the Project are. o Strengthening public and private services in the dairy sector; . lncrease in on-farm productivity; o lnvestments at the farm level; and o Project management support to lDPlP. Below stated details of funding financial agreements of the Project: Note Amount of SDR Amount of USD lnternational Development Association Grant No.D-147-KG A 1,700,000 2,250,000 Credit No.5918-KG B 2,000,000 2,750,000 Republic and The Financing agreement for Grant No. D-147-KG and Loan No, 5918-KG between Kyrgyz Association was signed on 10 Augusl2OlT (the "Financial agreement"). the lnternational Development A. The financing of Grant No. D-147-KG is implemented through the following categories: Total amount Total amount allocated for allocated for Basis for IDA IDA withdrawal Financing, Financing, from the Grant SDR USD account Goods, works, non-consulting -1 services, consultants' services, 1,700,000 2,250,00 00% training and incremental operating cost for the Project Total 1,700,000 2,250,000 MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC AND MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD INDUSTRY AND LAND RECLAMATION OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC TNTEGRATED DAIRY PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (lDPlP) CREDIT N9 5918.KG AND GRANT N9 D147.KG (CONTINUED) NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 2019 AND 31 DECEMBER 2018 AS AT AND FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 (Expressed in Ut lg]!tt) 1. BACKGROUND (CONTINUED) categories B. The financing of Loan No 5918-KG is implemented through the following Total amount Total amount Basis for allocated for allocated for withdrawal IDA IDA from the Financing, Financing, Grant SDR USD account Goods, works, non-consulting services, consultants' services, training and 560,000 750,000 100o/o incremental operating cost for the Project 1,440,000 2,000,000 100% Sub-financing Total -- 2poopoo 2,750,000 2. SIGNIFICANTACCOUNTINGPOLICIES 2.'l Statement of comPliance maintains separate books and CLMU of the tntegrated Dairy Productivity lmprovement Project.(lDPlP) on the'project following lnternational Public sector records by funding source for all expenditures incurred Accounting Standards (l PSAS). accordance with the cash These special purpose project financial statements have been prepared in to applicable to these special purpose basis of accounting ,no tnl Financial agreements, the extend Government of Kyrgyz project financial statements and as agreeo by the. iroject Executing Agency, the Reiublic and lnternational Development Association' 2.2 Period of accounts These special purpose financial statements cover the years ended 31 December 2019 and 31 Decembet2018. 2.3 Transactions and balances in foreign currencies is the Kyrgyzstan Som The nationalcurrency of the Kyrgyz Republic, where the Project is implemented, dollar' All financial (.KGS,). The speciaf puiposti [ioject'financial statements are presented in US dollar' information presented in US Oottar has been rounded to the nearest US other than ln preparing the special purpose project financial statements, transactions in currencies Bank of Kyrgyz Republic presentation currency are'recorded at-the exchange rates defined by Central and payment. iocal commercial bank prevailing on the date of receipt exchange rates are not cash unrealised gains and losses arising from changes in foreign currency on cash-held in a foreign currency receipts and payments. However, th6 effect of exlhange rateihanges is reported in the special purpose project statement of sources ind uses of funds and other special purpose project statements in order to reconcile cash at the beginning and the end of the period' These payments Lnd include the differences' if any' amounts are presented separately from cash receipts and reported at end-of-period exchange rates' had those cash receipts and payments and balances been 10 AND MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC AND MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE FOOD INDUSTRY AND LAND RECLAMATION OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC DATRY PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (lDPlP) INTEGRATED CREDIT NE 5918.KG AND GRANT NS D147.KG (CONTINUED) NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DECEMBER 2018 AS AT AND FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 AND 31 (Expressed in US dollars) 2. sIGNIFICANTACCOUNTINGPOLICIES(CONTINUED) 2.4 Sources of funds procedures for the The project applies direct payment and replenishment of. designated account are recognised The funds contractors through nppr,.rtio* prepared oiseO on supporting documents paid out by IDA to contractors' when earned, wnicn is ine date when the funds are directly "Funds" in the special purposg project statement The accumulated project financing is disclosed under in the special purpose of financial position. ln addition, the current year funds received are disclosed statement of Project sources and uses of funds' Project exPenses Project expenses are recognised on the cash basis of accounting The accumulated Project expenses position' are'disclosed in the speciai-purpose project statement of financial 3. CLOSING DATE OF THE PROJECT TheProjectisexpectedtobecompletedby31December2020, 11 lr o N (o@l- o @$f- o o z r NN(Y) (r) $ (t) ': (oo$ $ o)- @- o- O dt s - r- dco - s oco(o 3 s @ J o or(oo) (o 9 N CO$Cf) E E J o I = E (! o o o UJ d o z (, @ | O)f'- ol ',,I Y O) Nr o)- oF YI o € o) I (a ol z $tr) -l (')l o) lo $ 1l ol C, t, z a = ! , !rl =l f o ol o o ol I = o o o (oool o s qleusEl I lr r N$Nl o v co- $- o_ N_l I.-lo Fl z l'- r I (o @l @ t ro \-O cD slr (ol :l O)-O) (f) r Cr) -l--lN t.o UJ o ci I =lu z "ll F f o J = ,\ d. 6x z? :-o F (\ o (l, El =ll I O oH N r! o t 2fi zo d E HH :- ut- F = a Fco 2 Ii So 9E b =i17 z t e rix <i o 6a 6o rl OO ds a! og ! E =E HgHH ul Z.s U EiPS =Eu o=z J.1 Hfis O Y T;Ef; 8 o, *a @ fla i '=-'riu, r! -oAdtr fr H iEH F eEH E E€T E -E EEE SqEid$ s o i: = G E H 3=,E= EEEg 6 els; =E,e d-.s!b I x gEIE o o- aE=E il ?pE$H= !, ;H6i;x o ; D ; u-l!= sEEg byff3Ex ;o rp|<2?z o 3 HiSEri o o Ea o x ul $Oo E3 BEEB= E BEEE E =y'zE MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC AND MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FOOD INDUSTRY AND LAND RECLAMATION OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC TNTEGRATED DAIRY PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (lDPlP) CREDIT NE 5918-KG AND GRANT NE D147.KG (CONTINUED) NOTES TO THE SPECIAL PURPOSE PROJECT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND 31 DECEMBER 2018 AS AT AND FORTHE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 in US dollars) 5. PROJECT EXPENDITURES Betow stated Project cumulative expenditures of Grant No. D-147-K.G as at 31 December 2019 and 31 December 2018 by sources of funds. Balance of the Cumulative budget as at 31 2019 Total proiect budget December 2019 USD Yo SDR USD USD % Goods, works, non-consulting services, consultants' services, 953,009 42% 1,700,000 2,250,000 1,296,991 s80k training and incremental operating cost for the Project Total 953,009 420/o 1,700,000 2,250,000 1,296,991 58% Balance of the Cumulative budget as at 31 2018 Total project budget December 2018 USD YO SDR USD USD % Goods, works, non-consulting services, consultants' services, 218,747 100/o 1,700,000 2,250,000 2,031,253 90% training and incremental operating cost for the Project Total 21314r_J9%_ J9o,q9!--?,290,99q- -2ptt-,zx--3ou- 2019 by sources Below stated project cumulative expenditures of Credit No. 5918-KG as at 31 December of funds: Balance of the Cumulative budget as at 31 2019 Total oroiect budqet December 2019 USD YO SDR USD USD Yo Goods, works, non-consulting services, consultants' services, 50,115 7% 560,000 750,000 699,885 93Yo training and incremental operating cost for the Project 453,079 230/0 1,440,000 2,000,000 1,546,921 77o/o Sub-financing Total 503.194 18Yo 2,000,000 2,750-000 2,246,806 82% 13 AND MINISTRY OF FINANCE OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC AND MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE FOOD INDUSTRY AND LAND RECLAMATION OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC (!DPIP) TNTEGRATED DAIRY PRODUCTIVITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CREDIT NS 5918-KG AND GRANT NE D147-KG (coNTINUED) r,tOfeS TO THE SpeClel PURPOSE PROJEcT FtNANcIAL STATEMENTS 2018 AS AT AND FOR THE YEARS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2019 AND 31 DECEMBER (Expressed in US dollars) 6. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENCIES Management is not aware of any commitments and contingencies which would have a material impact onthiJspecialpurposeprojectfinancialstatementsasat3l December2019and31 December20lSand for the years then ended. 7. OPERATINGENVIRONMENT The project's principal activities are within Kyrgyz Republic. Consequently, the Project is exposed to market' economic and financial markets of Kyrgyz nepuOtic, which display characteristics of an emerging The legal, tax and regulatory frameworks continue development, but are subjectto varying interpretations and fr6quent changes whith together with the other legal and fiscal impediments contribute to the project financial chaltenges faced 5y entities o[erating in Kyrgyz nepuOtic. The special purpose statements reflect management;s asselsmeni of the impact of the operating environment in Kyrgyz Republic on the opera[ions of the Project. The future operating environment may differ from management's assessment. 8. POST BALANCE SHEET EVENTS A certain impact on the implementation of the project had spread of virus COVID-19 in the country The ongoing crisis is expected io affect the implementation of the Project in the 2020. 14