The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Equity with Quality and Learning at Secondary (EQUALS) (P164223) Equity with Quality and Learning at Secondary (EQUALS) (P164223) AFRICA | Malawi | Education Global Practice | IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2019 | Seq No: 2 | ARCHIVED on 16-Nov-2019 | ISR39011 | Implementing Agencies: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning and Development Key Dates Key Project Dates Bank Approval Date: 13-Mar-2019 Effectiveness Date: 24-Oct-2019 Planned Mid Term Review Date: 15-Dec-2022 Actual Mid-Term Review Date: Original Closing Date: 31-Dec-2025 Revised Closing Date: 31-Dec-2025 pdoTable Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve quality of science and mathematics instruction in Community Day Secondary Schools (CDSSs) and increase access to secondary education in selected remote areas. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective? No Components Table Name Component 1. Improving the quality of science and mathematics instruction:(Cost $28.01 M) Component 2.Enhancing equitable access to secondary education:(Cost $51.45 M) Component 3.Project Coordination, Learning, Monitoring & Evaluation:(Cost $10.54 M) Overall Ratings Name Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Substantial Substantial Implementation Status and Key Decisions The EQUALS Project was approved by the Board on March 14, 2019, signed on July 25, 2019 following the approval of the EQUALS Bill by the Malawi parliament; and declared effective from October 24, 2019. Overall, Government has met the three effectiveness conditions to the satisfaction of the task team. The EQUALS Project Implementation Committee (EPIC) was formally established with clear terms of reference acceptable to the World Bank; the core Project Support Team (PST) is in place comprising a project manager, two procurement specialists (one for civil works and one for general procurement), monitoring and evaluation specialist and an environmental and social safeguards specialist. The positions of director and deputy director of the key implementation departments of the education ministry have all been substantively filled. The directorates are: secondary and distance education; teacher education 11/16/2019 Page 1 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Equity with Quality and Learning at Secondary (EQUALS) (P164223) and development; education planning; as well as the monitoring and evaluation unit. The detailed and costed Annual Workplan with a detailed timetable and sequenced activities is in place. This is also complemented by a project implementation/operation manual. The continous post-elections demonstrations continue to affect timely completion of planned activities. Access to the 2018/19 administrative Annual School Census (ASC) from the education ministry is expected by November 15, 2019. Once accessed, the data will be validated by the task team to enable update of the EMIS based indicator values. The baseline sample survey for the rest of the indicators is ongoing and results expected by December 15, 2019. Risks Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool Risk Category Rating at Approval Previous Rating Current Rating Political and Governance Substantial Substantial Substantial Macroeconomic Substantial Substantial Substantial Sector Strategies and Policies Moderate Substantial Substantial Technical Design of Project or Program Substantial Substantial Substantial Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Sustainability High High High Fiduciary Substantial Substantial Substantial Environment and Social Substantial Moderate Moderate Stakeholders Moderate Moderate Moderate Other -- -- -- Overall Substantial Substantial Substantial Results PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes Improve the quality of mathematics and science instruction IN00757869 ►Percent of CDSS meeting selected minimum standards for quality science and mathematics instruction (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Baseline value will be Baseline value will be The baseline will be 40 percent increase Value furnished by December furnished by furnished by June 2019 from baseline 2019 December 2019 Date 28-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Proportion of CDSSs meeting the minimum standards in selected four national education standards - 10, 11, 12 and 18. The selected standards have 3, 5, 4 and 5 observable criteria respectively. For the purpose of the project 5 criteria (10.10, 11.12, 12.11, 18.9 and 18.12) have been selected for measurement. The Comments: criteria are aligned to good classroom practices and instructional coaching by school head or a senior teacher in the school. A CDSS where the selected criteria are observed to be taking place will be considered to have met the minimum standards for science and math instruction. IN00757896 11/16/2019 Page 2 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Equity with Quality and Learning at Secondary (EQUALS) (P164223) ►Learning achievement in standardised assessment in science and math (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Baseline will be available To be determined by in 2021 when Malawi will Not yet due for Not yet due for Value the values of the next participate in the first measurement measurement round of assessments round of PISA Date 29-Oct-2021 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Average student scores in Math and a selected science subject in Form 2. MANEB will subscribe to any Comments: available international assessments (preferably PISA). Increase access to secondary education in selected remote districts IN00757870 ►Primary to secondary transition rate in remote schools from 13 selected districts (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 32.00 32.00 32.00 48.00 Date 30-Nov-2018 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 The number of new students enrolled in Form 1 expressed as a percentage of the number of pupils Comments: enrolled in the Standard 8 in the previous year in the 13 remotest districts. This represents a proxy IN00757897 indicator as students may be selected into national secondary schools. Female Students (Number, Custom Breakdown) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 90,000.00 Date 30-Apr-2019 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Intermediate Results Indicators by Components C1. Improving quality of science and mathematics instruction IN00757898 ►Percent of CDSSs with student textbook ratio of 1:1 for maths and science (Percentage, Custom, DLI) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 90.00 Date 28-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Proportion of CDSSs with student textbook ratio of 1:1 Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The Comments: ratio is measured on the total enrolment per subject divided by total number of student textbooks available for the revised curriculum. IN00757900 ►Number of interactive Science and Mathematics modules available for use by students (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 100% of modules in Value No No No the selected science 11/16/2019 Page 3 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Equity with Quality and Learning at Secondary (EQUALS) (P164223) subject for Form 4 developed and or adopted Date 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Animated materials that support learning. For example, in math interactive materials would show stepwise solutions of mathematical problems. In sciences, the materials are expected to animate experiments. Comments: These increase the chances of learning. MIE will establish the scope of development of modules. The project will track the incremental development of the modules in mathematics and a selected science subject for the entire secondary school cycle (F1-F4) IN00757902 ►% of CDSSs with students using interactive workbooks in math and science (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 75.00 Date 31-Dec-2018 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Percentage of schools with students (of at least 1 stream) of a specific grade for which material has been Comments: developed and or adopted; found using the developed interactive materials during the DIAS school monitoring exercise in the 43 school clusters. IN00757904 ►Percent of CDSS meeting prioritized leadership and management standards (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 50% increase from baseline in the share Baseline to be Baseline will be Baseline will be furnished of CDSSs meet Value established by June furnished by by December 2019 prioritized leadership 2019 December 2019 and management standards Date 28-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Proportion of CDSSs meeting all the 5 minimum criteria set out in National Education Standard (NES) 18. Comments: The baseline will be established in the first project year. IN00757906 ►Percent of CDSS teachers in 43 targeted clusters with good professional, subject and curriculum knowledge in science and math (Text, Custom, DLI) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Baseline will be Baseline established by Baseline will be furnished 20 percentage point Value furnished by June 2019 by December 2019 increase from baseline December 2019 Date 28-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Proportion of mathematics and sciences teachers in CDSSs meeting the three criteria of the minimum Comments: NES 9 as well as criterion 9.7. IN00757908 ►Foundational system for continuous assessment established for maths and biology (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target CA foundations established for maths and biology in Forms 3 and 4 integrating 2nd Value No No No round data. Report and action plan prepared on roll out to other subjects. 11/16/2019 Page 4 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Equity with Quality and Learning at Secondary (EQUALS) (P164223) Date 28-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Guidelines/procedures, tools and data management system including capacity readiness for conducting Comments: continuous assessment in mathematics and biology subjects C2. Increasing access to secondary education IN00757899 ►Complementary streams for delivery of secondary education established (Text, Custom, DLI) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 7,500 additional students admitted to complementary stream Value No No No of secondary education in the 13 remote districts Date 31-Dec-2018 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 This indicator refers to the development and endorsement of policies and strategies supporting lower cost options of secondary education expansion. These include OSS, ODL, and Public-Private Partnerships Comments: (PPPs) including regulation and revised financing formula;and credible secondary expansion plan. As from the third year, the indicator will track the number of students enrolled in the complementary streams IN00757901 ►% of CDSS in the 13 remote districts meeting teacher establishment in Science and Mathematics (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 50% of CDSSs meet Baseline to be Baseline to be Science & Maths Baseline established by Value established by December established by teacher establishment June 2019 2019 December 2019 requirements defined in STDMS Date 31-Dec-2019 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Proportion of CDSS that have been supplied with adequate science and mathematics teachers based on Comments: the staffing norms defined in the teacher development, recruitment, deployment and management strategy. IN00757903 ►% of public secondary schools conforming to class size range of 45-55 in Form 1 in the 13 selected districts (Text, Custom, DLI) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 90% of public Baseline will be Baseline will be secondary schools Baseline established by Value established by December established by conform to the average June 2019 2019 December 2019 class size of 45-55 students in Form 1. Date 28-Jun-2019 28-Jun-2019 28-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Proportion of secondary schools filling up their form 1 capacity in the range of 45-55 students per stream as a result of the reformed and automated selection and placement system. Measured as (# Form 1 Comments: Students / # of Form 1 Streams) for each public school in the 13 selected districts, and the proportion of schools for which this ratio is greater than or equal to 50 IN00757905 ►% of CDSSs in 13 remote districts with functional GBV redressal and adolescent hygiene support systems (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Baseline to be 90% of CDSSs in 43 Baseline established by Baseline to be available Value available by December selected clusters have June 2019 by December 2019 2019 functional GBV 11/16/2019 Page 5 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Equity with Quality and Learning at Secondary (EQUALS) (P164223) redressal and adolescent hygiene support system Date 28-Jun-2019 28-Jun-2019 28-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Proportion of CDSSs that have operational GBV redressal and adolescent hygiene support system based on NES 6 and provisions of the School Health Hygiene and Nutrition. The system will include but not limited to annual student sensitization, annual MG sensitization, sensitization of the teacher code of Comments: conduct, presence of male and female councilors in schools, gender clubs meeting at least once a quarter, existence of anonymous complaints reporting, demonstrable evidence of accepting, investigating, and addressing complaints; demonstrable evidence of provision of nutrition supplements to adolescents. The MOEST will develop the compounded mechanism in the first year of the project. IN00757907 ►Progression rate for disadvantaged students benefiting from scholarships (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 85% of supported Student not yet Value 0.00 Student not yet enrolled students progress to enrolled the next grade/form Date 29-Jun-2018 28-Jun-2019 28-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Proportion of students benefiting from the reformed bursary program through EQUALS who are promoted Comments: to successive grades in secondary education. Measured as number of bursary recipients who are IN00757909 promoted / number of bursary recipients % Female (Percentage, Custom Breakdown) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 80.00 Date 30-Apr-2019 28-Jun-2019 28-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 IN00757910 ►Number of schools expanded or upgraded based on agreed minimum infrastructure package (Text, Custom, DLI) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target 75% of target schools Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 are adequately maintained Date 31-Dec-2018 28-Jun-2019 28-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 CDSS where additional academic facilities have been provided by the project. The envisaged facilities Comments: include: classrooms, libraries, laboratories, electricity, water/sanitation etc IN00757911 ►Stakeholder satisfaction in delivery of secondary education in the 13 remote districts (Text, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Baseline to be Baseline established by Baseline to be furnished 20 percent increase Value furnished by June 2019 by December 2019 from baseline December 2019 Date 28-Jun-2019 28-Jun-2019 28-Jun-2019 31-Dec-2025 Comments: Feedback from parents and students in the delivery of education in the project resourced areas Disbursement Linked Indicators IN00757912 11/16/2019 Page 6 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Equity with Quality and Learning at Secondary (EQUALS) (P164223) ►DLI 1 Percent of CDSSs with student textbook ratio of 1:1 for maths and science (Percentage, Intermediate Outcome, 15,500,000.00, 17.22%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) FY25 Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- Date -- 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 -- IN00757913 ►DLI 2 Percent of CDSS teachers in 43 targeted clusters with good professional, subject and curriculum knowledge in science and math (Text, Intermediate Outcome, 12,510,000.00, 13.90%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) FY25 Baseline established by Baseline will be furnished Baseline will be furnished Value -- June 2019 by December 2019 by December 2019 Date -- 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 -- IN00757914 ►DLI 3 Complementary streams for delivery of secondary education established (Text, Intermediate Outcome, 11,050,000.00, 12.28%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) FY25 Value No No No -- Date -- 21-Jun-2019 21-Jun-2019 -- IN00757915 ►DLI 4 % of public secondary schools conforming to class size range of 45-55 in Form 1 in the 13 selected districts (Text, Intermediate Outcome, 10,900,000.00, 12.11%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) FY25 Baseline will be Baseline will be Baseline established by Value established by December established by December -- June 2019 2019 2019 Date -- 28-Jun-2019 28-Jun-2019 -- IN00757916 ►DLI 5 Number of schools expanded or upgraded based on agreed minimum infrastructure package (Text, Intermediate Outcome, 29,496,000.00, 32.77%) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) FY25 Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 -- Date -- 28-Jun-2019 28-Jun-2019 -- Data on Financial Performance Disbursements (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed 11/16/2019 Page 7 of 8 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Equity with Quality and Learning at Secondary (EQUALS) (P164223) P164223 IDA-63790 Effective USD 90.00 90.00 0.00 0.00 89.09 0% Key Dates (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Orig. Closing Date Rev. Closing Date P164223 IDA-63790 Effective 13-Mar-2019 25-Jul-2019 24-Oct-2019 31-Dec-2025 31-Dec-2025 Cumulative Disbursements Restructuring History There has been no restructuring to date. Related Project(s) There are no related projects. 11/16/2019 Page 8 of 8