The World Bank                                                                                                                                                 Report No: ISR9753

                                                                                                      Implementation Status & Results
                                                                                                               Kyrgyz Republic
                                                                                         Capacity Building in Public Financial Management (P112713)
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                         Operation Name: Capacity Building in Public Financial Management (P112713) Project Stage:              Implementation          Seq.No: 2      Status: ARCHIVED    Archive Date:    08-Apr-2013
                                                                                  Country: Kyrgyz Republic                               Approval FY:        2009
                         Product Line: Recipient Executed Activities              Region: EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA                        Lending Instrument: Technical Assistance Loan
                         Implementing Agency(ies):

                         Key Dates
                         Board Approval Date    25-Nov-2008                Original Closing Date 30-Jun-2013            Planned Mid Term Review Date                           Last Archived ISR Date 24-Jun-2012
                         Effectiveness Date     16-Dec-2009                Revised Closing Date 30-Jun-2013             Actual Mid Term Review Date

                         Project Development Objectives
                         Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)

                         The objective of the Capacity Building in Public Financial Management (CB-PFM) Project is to assist the Recipient in strengthening the effectiveness, efficiency and
                         accountability of the Public Finance Management (PFM) through strengthening the budget process, the internal audit and control function and the institutional and
                         human capacity of the Recipient's Ministry of Finance (MOF) and thatof other line Ministries of the Recipient.
                         Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project?

                            Yes            No

                         Component Name                                                                                                               Component Cost
                         Strengthening the Budget Process.                                                                                                      0.45
                         Improving the Medium Term Budget Framework, including the line ministries.                                                             0.26
                         Internal Audit and Control.                                                                                                            0.38
                         Capacity Building in PFM.                                                                                                              2.10
                         Project Management.                                                                                                                    0.30
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                         Overall Ratings
                                                                       Previous Rating                       Current Rating
                         Progress towards achievement of PDO           Moderately Unsatisfactory             Moderately Unsatisfactory
                         Overall Implementation Progress (IP)          Moderately Unsatisfactory             Moderately Satisfactory
                         Overall Risk Rating                                                                 Substantial

                         Implementation Status Overview
                         After a vacancy in the position of Project Manager for most of 2012, a new Project Manager was selected in October who has brought new focus to project implementation.                    An

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                         extensive review of the logical framework, workplan, and training plan is underway to more closely align the project with current priorities and most viable reforms.

                         The Government has requested an extension of the project from its current scheduled ending date of June 30, 2013, to December 31, 2013. However, three of the four components
                         of the project are dependent on full implementation of the TMIS, supported by the GTAC project, and the advisability of extending the trust fund in its current form will be impacted by
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                         the probability that the TMIS will be fully implemented by the end of the year.

                         Country                                               First Administrative Division                    Location                                  Planned                Actual
                         Kyrgyz Republic                                       Bishkek                                          Gorod Bishkek                                                              ✔

                         Project Development Objective Indicators
                         Indicator Name                                   Core Unit of Measure                       Baseline                        Current                        End Target
                         Composition of expenditure out-turn compared             Text                    Value      C (2009 PEFA)                                                  Score B (Next PEFA to be
                         to original approved budget (PEFA Indicator 2)                                              The composition of actual                                      conducted by the end of the
                                                                                                                     expenditure of the Republican                                  Project completion) Variance
                                                                                                                     Budget varied considerably                                     in expenditure composition
                                                                                                                     from the initial.                                              exceeded 10 % in no more
                                                                                                                                                                                    than one of the last
                                                                                                                                                                                    three years.
                                                                                                          Date       16-Dec-2009                     04-May-2012                    30-Jun-2013
                         Comprehensiveness of information included in             Text                    Value      A (2009 PEFA)                                                  Maintaining Score A (next
                         budget documentation (PEFA Indicator 6)                                                     Out of 9 elements, the budget                                  PEFA)
                                                                                                                     documentation                                                  recent budget documentation
                                                                                                                     includes 7 elements. Only                                      fulfils 7-9 of the 9 information
                                                                                                                     information on financial                                       benchmarks.
                                                                                                                     assets is missing andthe one
                                                                                                                     on previous year’s
                                                                                                                     budget is incomplete. The
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                                                                                                                     budget documentation is
                                                                                                                     not presented in a user-
                                                                                                                     friendly format.
                                                                                                          Date       16-Dec-2009                     04-May-2012                    30-Jun-2013
                         Multi-year perspective in fiscal planning,               Text                    Value      C+(2009 PEFA)                                                  B (Next PEFA)
                         expenditure policy and budgeting (PEFA                                                      The links between the MTBFs                                    Budget process reflected in
                         Indicator 12)                                                                               of sub-sequent                                                 the budget circular is
                                                                                                                     years are weak.                                                amended such that

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                                                                                             Costed sector strategies exist                 preparation of the MTBF is
                                                                                             for six ministries,                            closely coordinated with the
                                                                                             Budgeting for investment and                   annual budget formulation
                                                                                             recurrent                                      process. Costed sector
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                                                                                             expenditures largely remain                    strategies exist for six
                                                                                             separate processes.                            ministries and several budget
                                                                                                                                            organizations. The majority of
                                                                                                                                            important investments are
                                                                                                                                            selected on the basis
                                                                                                                                            of relevant sector strategies
                                                                                                                                            and recurrent cost
                                                                                                                                            implications in accordance
                                                                                                                                            with sector allocations and
                                                                                                                                            included in forward budget
                                                                                                                                            estimates for the
                                                                                  Date       16-Dec-2009                      04-May-2012   30-Jun-2013
                         Effectiveness of internal audit (PEFA Indicator   Text   Value      D(2009 PEFA)                                   C (Next PEFA)
                         21)                                                                 No internal audit in the                       The function is operational for
                                                                                             international sense of the                     at least the most important
                                                                                             activity is undertaken                         central government entities
                                                                                             Reports of control and                         and undertakes some
                                                                                             compliance checking are                        systems review (at least 20%
                                                                                             produced irregularly                           of staff time),
                                                                                             Line management is                             Reports are issued regularly
                                                                                             sometimes required to                          for most government entities,
                                                                                             make corrections but senior                    but may not be submitted
                                                                                             management takes no                            to the ministry of finance and
                                                                                             active part in rectifying                      the SAI.
                                                                                             systemic weaknesses.                           A fair degree of action taken
                                                                                                                                            by many managers on major
                                                                                                                                            issues but often with delay.
                                                                                  Date       16-Dec-2009                                    30-Jun-2013
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                         Number of staff trained in core management        Text   Value      Training for PFM is weak.                      Consistent professional
                         and technical skills in MoF and Line Ministries                     Very few staff have core                       annual training plan in place.
                         increases the capacity to deliver effective PFM                     management and technical                       At least 20 Management, 50
                                                                                             skills                                         Senior Staff, and 200 other
                                                                                             The GoKR has a PFM reform                      staff trained, with at least 50%
                                                                                             strategy (mid-term vision                      of trainees in each category
                                                                                             MTV) which is in early stages                  being female staff.
                                                                                             of implementation.

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                                                                                    Date       16-Dec-2009                     04-May-2012                       30-Jun-2013
                         The Law on Main Budget Principles and               Text   Value      Inconsistent budget process.                                      100% of all spending
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                         relevant regulations are updated to strengthen                        Disconnect between budget                                         departments use new
                         overall PFM system consistent with                                    policy and implementation                                         regulations and bye laws in
                         international best practice. All spending                             Budget-related laws and                                           budget preparation and
                         departments use the new regulations                                   regulations need drafting or                                      implementation.
                                                                                    Date       16-Dec-2009                     04-May-2012                       30-Jun-2013
                         MOF publishes reports (on its website) of draft     Text   Value      Budget execution reports are MOF publishes data on its            Draft budgets are published
                         budgets, budget outturns compared to the                              not undertaken systematically website but is not user friendly    on MoF website
                         approved and revised budgets whenever                                 in terms of frequency or                                          MoF reports on budget
                         suchreports are made available to Parliament.                         content                                                           outturns on half yearly basis,
                                                                                               Draft budgets are not                                             indicating all expenditure
                                                                                               published when submitted to                                       categories, approved
                                                                                               Parliament.                                                       classifications.
                                                                                                                                                                 Summary information is
                                                                                                                                                                 included in a user-friendly
                                                                                                                                                                 format accompanied by
                                                                                                                                                                 explanation of spending
                                                                                                                                                                 increases not planned in the
                                                                                    Date       16-Dec-2009                     01-Mar-2013                       30-Jun-2013
                         Expenditure classification used in MTBF is          Text   Value      MTBF includes forecast          MTBF does not yet break           Economic classification
                         consistent with the expenditure classification of                     expenditures for the main 10    down to economic                  included in the MTBF
                         the annual budget.                                                    functions of the budget, but    classificaiton for the outyears
                                                                                               there is no data for economic   for pilot ministries
                                                                                               classification (PEFA2009, PI
                                                                                               12 (i))
                                                                                    Date       16-Dec-2009                     01-Mar-2013                       30-Jun-2013
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                         Review of the scope of all major systems of         Text   Value      No comprehensive analysis or No comprehensive analysis of         Relevant and up to date
                         internal control in public bodies and agencies                        description of the public    internal controls                    instructions on development
                         of KR which clarify the formal responsibility,                        bodies and agencies of KR'                                        the internal control for public
                         processes, structure and format of instructions.                      internal control system on                                        bodies and agencies of KR
                                                                                               PFM.                                                              are determined and adopted
                                                                                                                                                                 by Government.
                                                                                    Date       16-Dec-2009                     01-Mar-2013                       30-Jun-2013

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                         Intermediate Results Indicators
                         Indicator Name                                   Core Unit of Measure                       Baseline                           Current                             End Target
                         Budget Code is prepared which will include the           Text                Value          First Draft prepared in June/      Budget Code sumbitted to            Final draft of the Budget Code
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                         MTBF proceedure including the regulations                                                   July 2012                          Parliament but is likely to be      to be presented to the
                         related to sectoral ceilings.                                                                                                  revised.                            Parliament for approval
                                                                                                      Date           30-Jun-2012                        01-Mar-2013

                         Data on Financial Performance (as of 05-Nov-2012)
                         Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates
                         Project              Ln/Cr/Tf                Status               Approval Date                 Signing Date          Effectiveness Date          Original Closing Date     Revised Closing Date
                         P112713              TF-95472                Effective            16-Dec-2009                   16-Dec-2009           16-Dec-2009                 30-Jun-2013               30-Jun-2013

                         Disbursements (in Millions)
                         Project              Ln/Cr/Tf                Status               Currency           Original             Revised           Cancelled           Disbursed           Undisbursed          % Disbursed
                         P112713              TF-95472                Effective            USD                              4.56             7.49                 0.00               2.19                  5.30         29.00

                         Disbursement Graph
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                         Key Decisions Regarding Implementation
                         Consideration is in process of the Government's request to extend the project to December 31, 2014.

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                         Restructuring History
                         There has been no restructuring to date.
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                         Related Projects
                         There are no related projects.
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