WORLDBANKGROUP GROPE Q GFDRR EI ANDCENTRALA5IA (ECA) RI5K PROFILES AFFECTED BY 100-YEAR AFFECTED BY 250-YEAR CAPITAL LOSS FROM 250-YEAR FLOOD EARTHQUAKE EARTHQUAKE Cr0atl*a 0opuain42mlin GDP $47.6 billion* C roatia's population and economy 70 percent derived from ser- HUNG AR are exposed to earthquakes and floods, with earthquakes posing the greater risk of a high impact, lower vices, most of the rest generated by industry, and agriculture making a small contribution. a ar in probability event. The model results for Croatis per capita GDP was present-day risk shown in this risk pro- $11,300. file are based on population and gross domestic product (GDP) estimates for This map displays GDP by Virovitica podravin 2015. The estimated damage caused by in C wit g li baah historical events is inflated to 2015 US Pomga-slavonija dollars. greater GDP within a province. isak-moslavina The blue circles indicate the risk Primorj StavnDk ro pota Vukoarovijc Nearly 60 percent of Croatia's popu- of experiencing floods and the lation lives in urban environments. orange circles the risk of earth- The country's GDP was approximately quakes in terms of normalized SERBIA US$47.6 billion in 2015, with close to annual avenge of affected GOR BOSNI AND The largest circles represent theHEREGIN, greatest normalized risk. The 10 TOP AFFECTED PROVINCES risk is estimated using flood and earthquake risk models. m ER IUK EARTHQUAKEE ZAaknin The table displays the provinces 0 Neg ibin FLODEARTHQUAKE at greatest normalized risk for ADRIATIC SEA ANNUAL AVERAGE OF ANNUAL AVERAGE OF ec prl I AFFECTED GDP (%) AFFECTED GDP (%) shown in the table, the prov- Medimurje 12 Grad Zagreb 6 ince at greatest risk of floods Vukovar-srijem 10 Zagreb 4 is Medimurje, and the one at DiIa Ia Sisak-moslavina 7 Krapina-zagorje 3 g r Zagreb Varazdin 3 r tu Slavonski Medimurje 2 Grad Zagreb. In absolute terms, Brod-posav Dubrovnik- 2 the province at greatest risk of There sa high co relation Osijek-baranja neretva both floods and earthquakes is (r0.95) hetween Fe Lika-senj Zadar-knin 2 Grad Zagreb. population and GDP ofa Varazdin 4 Karlovac 1 Dubrovnieretva Karl0vac d edpfrmin vSibenik Sibenik 1 m tKoprivnica -mkrizaevkli Croatia Jft F L 0 0 D WORLDBANKGROUP Q|GFDRR ISK AIEE In the last 15 years, Croatia was hitaffected GDP is dominated by events by several floods, most ofthem that happen relatively frequently with relatively minor impacts. Ifthe impact ofa 100-year event is Flooding in 2014 killed three people much greater than that of a I0-year 1J and affected over 9,000. event, then less frequent events nake Modimurje HUNGARY a larger contribution to the annual This map depicts the impact of flood- average ofaffected ODE Thus, even ing on provinces' GDPs, represented ifa province's annual affected GDP SlVEN dn as percentages of their annual aver- seems small, less frequent and more age GDPs affected, with greater color intense events can still have large saturation indicating higher percent- impacts. ages. The bar graphs represent GDP affected by floods with return periods The annual avenge population affect- of 10 years (white) and 100 years ed by flooding in Croatia is about (black). The horizontal line across the 100,000 and the annual average bars also shows the annual average of affected GDP about$1 billion. Within GDP affected by floods. the various provinces, the 10- and jorkK KPr 100-year impacts do not differ much, When a flood has a 10-year return so relatively frequent floods have period, it means the probability of large impacts on these averages. SERBIA occurrence of a flood of that magni- tude or greater is 10 percent per year. A GOseno A 100-year flood has a probability On block = tr 40 I of occurrence of 1 percent per year. This means that over a long period of BOSNIA ANO HERREGOINA time, a flood of that magnitude will, Zadar-knin 0 on average, occur once every 100 Annla[ average years. It does not mean a 100-year ADRIATIC SEA flood will occur exactly once every 10-year 100-year 100 years. In fact, it is possible for a flood of any return period to occur Annua[ Average of Affected GOP more than once in the same year, or Split-dalmatija to appear in consecutive years, or not to happen at all over a long period of time. If the 10- and 100-year bars are the same height, then the impact of a 10- tha thatE a - Dubrovnik-n a NE yeear event is as large as that of a 100- year event, and the annual avenbge of CrO tiaWORLDBANKGROUP GF RROP EL AND A5IA(ECA) ECENTRAL roatia's worst earthquake took an earthquake of any return period place in 1667 in Dubrovnik, to occur more than once in the same with an estimated magnitude year, or to appear in Consecutive of 7.2. More than 3,000 people were years, or not to happen at all over a killed, and Dubrovnik (with 5,000 long period oftime. Medimurje HUNGARY homes at the time) was completely destroyed. If the same earthquake If the 10- and 100-year bars are the were to occur today, its estimated same height, then the impact of a death toll would be more than 1,500 10-year event is as large as that of and its damage over $7 billion. Other, a 100-year event, and the annual Grad Zagreb more recent earthquakes included average of affected GDP is dominat- one in 1927 in Slovac and another in ed by events that happen relatively Bjereb itogora 1962 in Podgora. frequently. If the impact of a 100- virI i a p a year event is much greater than that oie aaj This map depicts the impact of of a 10-year event, then less frequent earthquakes on provinces' GDPs, events make larger contributions to represented as percentages of their the annual average of affected GOPP annual average GDPs affected, with Thus, even if a province's annual Pio. o tir4osa Vakovar-srijem greater color saturation indicating affected GDP seems small, less fre- higher percentages. The bar graphs qunadmoeitsevnscn represent GDP affected by earth- still have large impacts. quakes with return periods of 10 A O years (white) and 100 years (black). The annual average population 10 and 100-year return periods The horizontal line across the bars affected by earthquakes in Croatia also shows the annual average of is about 100,000 and the annual av- GDP affected fetdb GO by atqae.erage earthquakes.averages affected GDP about $1 billion.BO AN'H7REOVA of falities and When an earthquake has a 10-year capital losses caused by earthquakes return period, it means the probabil- are about 20 and about $300 million, 10-year 100 year ity of occurrence of an earthquake of respectively The fatalities and cap- that magnitude or greater is 10 per- ital losses caused by more intense, cent per year. A 100-year earthquake less frequent events can be substan- has a probability of occurrence of tially larger than the annual averag- 1 percent per year. This means that es. For example, an earthquake with over a long period of time, an earth- a 0.4 percent annual probability of quake of that magnitude will, on occurrence (a 250-year return pen- average, occur once every 100 years. od event) could cause nearly 1,000 ML LHNEGR It does not mean a 100-year earth- fatalities and $5 billion in capital loss Dubrovnik-nee quake will occur exactly once every (about 10 percent of GOP). 100 years. In fact, it is possible for lf at aWORLDBANKGROUP AN CENTRAL E|GFDRRE A51A(ECA) ( EARTHQUAKE ,3 EARTHQUAKE ANNUAL AVERAGE CAPITAL LOSS (MILLIONS$) ANNUAL AVERAGE FATALITIES 47. he rose diagrams show the provinces with the potential .7 for greatest annual average capital losses and highest 0S a- annual average numbers of fatalities, as determined using an earthquake risk model. The potential for greatest capital Dubrovniik-neretva Pnimorje-gorski S Varazdin 9 ora1 razdin 2 loss occurs in Grad Zagreb, which is not surprising, given the economic importance of the province. 6 EARTHQUAKE EXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY CURVE, 2015 AND 2080 EXCEEDANCE PROBABILITY CURVE, 2015 AND 2080 he exceedance probability curves display the GDP T affected by, respectively, floods and earthquakes for 20 100 varying probabilities of occurrence. Values for two different time periods are shown- A solid line depicts the affected GDP for 2015 conditions. A diagonally striped band depicts 12 the range of affected GDP based on a selection of climate 2080 a 08. and socioeconomic scenarios for 2080. For example, if Cro- 73 0 o50 atia had experienced a 100-year return period flood event in 2015,the affected GDP would have been an estimated $4 billion. In 2080, however, the affected GDP from the same 2015 5 25 2015 type of event would range from about $9 billion to about $16 billion. If Croatia had experienced a 250-year earth- quake event in 2015,the affected GDP would have been 250 0 50 10 about $20 billion. In 2080, the affected GDP from the same Return period (years) Return period (years) type of event would range from about $50 billion to about 2 1 0.4 -4 $100 billion, due to population growth, urbanization, and tDbability 0)Pmobability( the increase in exposed assets. All historical data on floods and earthquakes are from D.Guha-Sapir, R.Below, and Ph. Hoyois, EMDAT International Disaster Database (Universit6 Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium),, and J.Darietland A. Schae- ter, "Eastern Europe and Central Asia Region Earthquake Risk Assessment Country and Province Profiling," final report to GFDRR, 2014. Damage estimates for all historical events have been inflated to 2015 US$.