Nutrition Smart Agriculture in Mozambique Nutrition Smart Agriculture (NSmartAg) aims to simultaneously improve agriculture incomes and nutrition outcomes through agriculture interventions. • Chronic malnutrition affects 43% NSmartAg practices and technologies contribute to address local nutrition of children under five years old in issues and increase farm and/ or agribusiness productivity and income Mozambique. (Figure 1). It is a building block of food systems that promote healthy • In Mozambique, more than 70% of people, a healthy planet, and healthy economies. poor households live in rural areas and mostly depend on agriculture for food and income. The sector employs 80% Figure 1: Nutrition Smart Agriculture has two aims of the workforce. • 54% of households in Mozambique cannot afford a nutritious diet that meets minimum nutrient needs. There is a strong correlation between nutritious diet non-affordability and stunting prevalence by province. Nutrition Smart • Iron, vitamin A and zinc are commonly referred to as problem key Agriculture micronutrients to be addressed as part of national efforts. • An analysis of available data allows for the identification of major food sources that contribute to the production and consumption of these key nutrients in Mozambique. An illustration of the Contribute to Increase farm and/ or agribusiness contribution of the main food groups improved nutrition productivity and income produced in Mozambique in providing the optimal nutrient intake to Actions taken in the agricultural sector impact people’s nutrition—it’s contribute to a healthy diet (as defined by the EAT-Lancet Commission) reveals where decisions are made on what and how much to produce, as well as that the production levels of most food the techniques that can be used to boost a food’s nutritional content. Not groups fall below the recommended leveraging the agriculture sector to contribute to nutrition outcomes is a threshold. By contrast, production of missed opportunity. Agriculture and food production have been shown starchy vegetables and grains exceeds to be key drivers of nutrition outcomes. Failing to act on nutrition has the planetary health boundary levels. staggeringly high economic and social costs for countries and the negative • There is a host of NSmartAg practices effects of poor nutrition can span entire lives and generations. Human that were identified, for agro- capital – the sum total of a population’s health, nutrition, skills, knowledge ecological zones in North, Center and and experience – is estimated to account for over two-thirds of total global South of Mozambique and for the primary production and post-harvest/ wealth [1], and 10-30% of the cross-country differences in gross domestic processing levels, that represent product (GDP) per capita can be linked to variations in human capital [2]. an opportunity for local agricultural Malnutrition is intrinsically connected to human capital as undernutrition production to step up and fill these contributes to 45% of child mortality, and stunting is known to be associated gaps. with lost productivity and earnings in adulthood. Adding all these up, the Gov rnm nt of J p n Financial support for this work was provided by the Government of Japan through the Japan Trust Fund for Scaling Up Nutrition. global economic cost of undernutrition is estimated to be NATIONAL CONTEXT US$ 3 trillion [3]. The prevalence and costs of overweight/ obesity are also rising even in low- and middle-income KEY FACTS ON MALNUTRITION countries where over 70% of the 2 billion overweight/ Chronic malnutrition, also known as stunting, is one of obese people live today [4]. The total economic impact Mozambique’s biggest development challenges. This of obesity is estimated to be US$ 2 trillion a year, or 2.8% condition affects 43% of children under the age of five [6]. of world GDP [5]. In 2015, there were 2.1 million (out of 4.8 million) [7] stunted NSmartAg technologies and practices are those focused children. This situation is especially critical in children on primary production, and/or agri-food processing and between one and five years old, 47% of which had low distribution, i.e. where farmers and agri-businesses make height for their age (stunted, i.e. chronically malnourished) decisions on what and how to produce. NSmartAg supports and 6.1% suffered wasting (acutely malnourished). Also, the overall Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture agenda across more than half of the women (51%) in reproductive age the food system (Figure 2). have anemia. Existing NSmartAg technologies and practices are available In Mozambique, malnutrition rates become progressively to farmers and agribusinesses in Mozambique, but their higher from south to north. Stunting is over 50% in the adoption has been incipient. There is thus an opportunity northern provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado, while for these NSmartAg technologies and/or practices to be it is lower than 30% in the provinces of Maputo and Gaza. supported by agriculture public policies and programs, Meanwhile 7.8% of children under five years old are expanding their adoption. overweight. The prevalence of overweight/obesity This country profile provides a snapshot of NSmartAg among reproductive-aged women (BMI>25kg/m2) is 16.4%. technologies and practices across the country and identifies This situation is especially worrisome in the urban areas, entry points for their adoption for improved outcomes for where the prevalence is 27%, while it is 10.5% in the rural farmers and agri-entrepreneurs. ones. Obesity (BMI>30kg/m2) affects 4.2% of women in Figure 2: Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture and NSmartAg NSm rtA Focus on: Nutrition S nsitiv A ricultur R&D Inputs Prim r A ri-food R t il Consum rs production proc ssin nd distribution Polic nd Fin ncin Infr structur r ul tion 2 | Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profile reproductive age (15-49 years old) while it is higher in the KEY FACTS ON FOOD PRODUCTION urban households, affecting 8.9% of those, and lower in the Mozambique has around 36 million hectares of fertile and rural ones, with a prevalence of 1.6% [8]. arable land, but only 16% of land suitable for farming is The 2016 Cost of Hunger in Africa study reveals that in currently cultivated [12]. In Mozambique, more than 70% of 2015 malnutrition cost Mozambique almost 11% of its poor households live in rural areas and mostly depend on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – equivalent to US$ agriculture for food and income. The sector employs 80% 1.7 billion. The loss of potential productivity as a result of the workforce [13], and is the main source of income for of malnutrition-related mortality, morbidity and reduced more than 70% of the population. In general, agricultural cognitive development accounts for the largest share of that. productivity is low in the country [14]. The lack of appropriate Just between 2011 and 2015, it is estimated that 211,611 child technologies, use of traditional agricultural methods, deaths were directly associated with malnutrition, translating low yield seed varieties and low levels of mechanization to 25.6% of overall infant mortality rate [9]. undermine agricultural productivity. In addition, Mozambique is a country prone to weather- Mozambique exports mainly mineral resources (like graphite, related shocks that further jeopardize food security and iron and titanium). In 2018 these represented almost half nutrition in certain areas. Mozambique ranks third among of total exports [15]. Food product exports were valued at African countries most exposed to multiple weather-related US$ 208.5 million, which amounts to 4.2% of total exports hazards and suffers from periodic cyclones, droughts, floods (154.8% higher than the previous year). Agricultural products and related epidemics [10]. For instance, due to Cyclone accounted for 4.1% of total exports (decreasing by 6.4%). Idai that hit the country in March 2019, hundreds of rural Mozambique is a net food importer. In 2018 alone, the communities experienced food shortages and were plunged country had a food and agriculture trade deficit of US$ 665 into a nutrition crisis [11]. Six weeks later, Cyclone Kenneth million, and 15.5% of total imports were food products [16]. made landfall in northern Mozambique. In comparison with the previous year, 2017, these imports Map 1 presents key Indicators on malnutrition. increased by 27%. There is a significant dependency of Table 1: Main food products imported by Mozambique 1,000,000 785,649 804,238 800,000 644,039 632,502 Value (in US$) 600,000 570,084 400,000 200,000 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Dairy foods Oils Red meat Poultry Fruits and Vegetables Fish Sugars Grains Source: UN Comtrade and INE Key Red meat Starchy Dairy Eggs Poultry Fish Vegetables Fruits Legumes Grains Nuts Oils Insects Other vegetables foods Mozambique | 3 Map 1: Key malnutrition indicators TANZANIA NATIONAL Av r Rur l Urb n Child stuntin 42.9% 46% 35% Child w stin 6.1% 7% 3.9% An mi in wom n 54% 55% 52% Di t r qu lit 13% 12.3% 13.3% (% childr n r c ivin CABO min. cc pt bl di t) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 DELGADO Adult ov rw i ht/ NAMPULA NIASSA ob sit Child stuntin 55.3% Wom n: 23.8% M n: 19% MALAWI Child w stin 6.5% An mi in wom n 51.5% ZAMBIA NAMPULA Public h lth si nific nc Di t r qu lit 11.1% thr shold for “v r hi h” (% childr n r c ivin pr v l nc min. cc pt bl di t) TETE 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 MANICA Child stuntin 41.9% ZAMBEZIA Child w stin 6.7% An mi in wom n Di t r qu lit 42.6% 7.8% SOFALA (% childr n r c ivin min. cc pt bl di t) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 ZIMBABWE SOFALA Child stuntin 35.7% Child w stin 7.4% MOZAMBIQUE MANICA An mi in wom n Di t r qu lit 58% 11.9% CHANNEL (% childr n r c ivin min. cc pt bl di t) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 INHAMBANE MADAGASCAR GAZA PUBLIC HEALTH SIGNIFICANCE THRESHOLD FOR A “VERY HIGH” PREVALENCE MAPUTO Child stuntin 30% CIDADE Child w stin 15% MAPUTO An mi in wom n 40% PROVINCIA Di t r qu lit (% childr n SOUTH AFRICA r c ivin Minimum Acc pt bl Di t) N/A Adult ov rw i ht/ ESWATINI ob sit (%) 40% agriculture and food imports from a few countries, especially Agriculture and livestock activities are concentrated in the South Africa. In 2018, around 30% of overall imports came provinces of Nampula, Zambezia, Sofala, Manica and Tete, from South Africa, followed by Thailand with 12% [17]. Over contributing 75% of national production. the last years, cereals have been the most imported product, accounting for more than 7% of total imports in 2018, followed Over the last few years, the amount of food production has by vegetable and animal oil with 2%. been relatively stable (Table 2). On average between 2014 4 | Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profile Table 2: Food production by categories and year 20,000,000 14,413,099 14,077,806 14,036,932 13,311,969 Quantity (in tons) 15,000,000 10,000,000 5,000,000 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 Dairy foods Legumes Fish Poultry Fruits and Vegetables Eggs Sugars Grains Starchy Vegetables Red meat Source: INE (Statistical Yearbook 2017 – Mozambique), FAO Stat, FAO FishStat, and 2018, there was modest growth (2%) in agricultural or dried form). They include chickpea, mung beans, cowpea output.1 Production of corn, onion, tomatoes, beef cattle, and pigeon pea which sometimes substitute beans. Tete potatoes and sweet potatoes has been growing significantly and Beira are the main producers of legumes, where 90% – even if the country has registered a significant drop (year- of the output comes from smallholders. to-year) in the production of rice, millet, sorghum, cowpeas and oranges. Wheat production, meanwhile, has remained Between 2014 and 2017, red meat production increased stable. almost by 30% (Table 3). Bovine meat, the production of which is concentrated in the provinces of Maputo, Nampula and Legumes are one of the most important food products in Manica, has been leading that trend, followed by porcine Mozambique, and a major source of dietary protein (in fresh meat that comes from Nampula, Inhambane and Zambezia. Table 3: Red meat production [18] 25,000 20,079 20,274 20,000 15,647 16,220 Quantity (in tons) 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2014 2015 2016 2017 Porcine Small ruminants Bovine Source: Ministry for Agriculture and Rural Development 1 Between 2014-2018, fish constituted 80% of white meat produced; goat meat, 61% of red meat; corn, 86% of grains; cassava, 90.4% of starchy vegetables; bananas, 35.9% of fruits and vegetables; tomatoes, 21.3% of fruits and vegetables; and cowpeas, 26% of legumes). Source: FAOSTAT. Mozambique | 5 Poultry is most commonly type of livestock held by Figures 3 and 4 show food production and consumption households, followed by caprine and/or ovine meat. Manica, by food group in grams per day per adult equivalent in Maputo and Nampula lead the production of poultry and Mozambique. At the national level, the consumption levels eggs. of all major food groups are below the recommended EAT- Lancet Commission planetary health thresholds with the Dairy is still an emerging industry, but there are several exception of grains and starchy vegetables (Figure 4). The smallholder dairy farms around the Beira Corridor and at same applies to the production (Figure 3) of most food least eight (8) milk-processing companies located in Manica, groups that do not contribute to the optimal nutrient intake Sofala and Maputo provinces, producing long-life milk, and for a healthy diet as defined by the EAT-Lancet Commission. yogurt. Instead, grains and starchy vegetables exceed the planetary health boundary levels, as set by the EAT-Lancet Commission.5 The contribution of the main food groups to an optimal nutrient intake in a “planetary health diet”, as defined by In Mozambique, the review of national policies/strategies the EAT-Lancet Commission [19], reveals that the production and other literature6 reveals that iron, vitamin A and zinc are levels of most food groups fall below the recommended commonly referred to as problem key micronutrients to be thresholds (Figure 3). By contrast, production of starchy addressed as part of national efforts (Box 2). Overweight and vegetables and grains exceeds the planetary health boundary obesity are an emerging nutritional problem in Mozambique levels.2 and many other countries, yet evidence related to the impact of specific agriculture interventions on overweight/obesity is KEY FACTS ON FOOD CONSUMPTION still limited. Malnutrition issues related to undernutrition and At the national level, according to the 2013 Baseline Report micronutrient deficiencies are still more prevalent and receive on Food and Nutritional Security elaborated by the Technical policy and program attention. Specific interventions that Secretariat for Food Security and Nutrition (SETSAN),3 23% directly try to address overweight and obesity issues therefore of households experience moderate food insecurity [20], were not analyzed while an ‘obesity lens’ was applied in i.e. inability to regularly eat healthy, balanced diet [21]; and selecting the recommended menu of options. Analysis of 2% suffer severe food insecurity, i.e. feeling hungry but not available data allows for the identification of major food eating, or not eating for an entire day, due to lack of money sources that contribute to the production and consumption or other resources [22]. of key nutrients for human nutrition in Mozambique. At a national level, consumption of foods constituting main Overall, 10% of households have a poor-quality diet,4 23% sources for three of the key nutrients – iron, zinc and vitamin have a moderate quality diet and 67% of households have an A – does not reach the internationally recommended human adequate diet, as defined by the World Food Programme’s requirements. Similarly, production of food sources for the Food Consumption Score [23]. Compared to the Baseline same three key nutrients (vitamin A, iron and zinc) does Report on Food and Nutritional Security from 2006, the not meet recommended levels (Figure 5). Grains constitute results show a significant improvement in the proportion of major food sources for zinc and iron, followed mostly by households with an adequate diet going from 50% in 2006 to other plant-based sources which do not have as much 67% in 2013. For further information on food environment, bioavailable forms of the nutrients as those in animal sources. please see Box 1. 2 The dotted line represents the production level of the entire country if all that is produced by the households is consumed locally (no exports or imports). This gives an idea of how far away the production of some key food products is from the “self-sufficiency” link representing the average healthy eating plate of that given population. This does not mean that self-sufficiency is being promoted, but it is an indication of an opportunity to increase production of certain foods that clearly show a deficit in terms of nutrient deficiencies of the local population. 3 Food insecurity level is determined by the FSI (Food Security Index). This is based on the household score on the following five sub-indicators: Food Consumption Score (FCS), composite score based on dietary diversity, food frequency, and relative nutritional importance of different food groups; level of severity of livelihood coping strat- egies (CSI); and grain stocks and the main sources of income. FSI and FCS are calculated according to WFP’s Consolidated Approach for Reporting Indicators of Food Security (CARI). 4 Food consumption was measured using the FCS, which is a score calculated using the frequency of consumption of different food groups consumed by a household during the seven days before the survey. Households are then further classified as having “poor,” “borderline,” or “acceptable” food consumption by applying the recommended cut-offs by the World Food Programme to the food consumption score. 5 The dotted line represents the production level of the entire country if all that is produced by the households is consumed locally (no exports or imports). This gives an idea of how far away the production of some key food products is from the “self-sufficiency” link representing the average healthy eating plate of that given population. This does not mean that self-sufficiency is being promoted, but it is an indication of an opportunity to increase production of certain foods that clearly show a deficit in terms of nutrient deficiencies of the local population. 6 These documents include: Multisectoral Action Plan for the Reduction of Chronic Undernutrition 2011-2015 (2020); DHS 2011; Trend analysis: Key food security & nu- trition indicators in Mozambique, WFP, Jan 2016; Korkalo L, Freese R, Alfthan G, Fidalgo L, Mutanen M. Poor micronutrient intake and status is a public health problem among adolescent Mozambican girls. Nutr Res. 2015; 35:664-73. 6 | Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profile Production Production Consumption Consumption Figure 3: Main food groups produced and Figure 4: Main food groups consumed and contributing to optimal nutrient intake contributing to optimal nutrient intake Planetary Planetary Health Health Boundary Boundary 100 00% 1% 100 00% 1% 1015% 1015% 144%144% 68% 68% 34% 34% 134%134% 107%107% 56% 56% 37% 37% 49% 49% 97% 97% Box 1: Food Environment: Diverse and nutritious diets are not affordable The food environment in Mozambique is low in nutrient-dense foods and more than half of the people do not have economic access to a nutritious diet of available foods. The Fill the Nutrient Gap report led by WFP and finalized in 2017, used the Cost of Diet (CoD) (*) software to calculate the daily and monthly cost of different diets throughout the country. The study revealed that 54% of households in Mozambique are not able to purchase a nutritious diet that meets minimum nutrient needs. It also estimated that the daily cost of a nutritious diet was more than four times the cost of an energy-only diet. For most of Mozambique there was little variation in the cost of the energy-only diet. Most families in Mozambique could afford an energy-only diet, with only 7% of households unable to do so. Non-affordability of the energy-only diet was highest in Zambezia (13%) and Gaza (13%). A nutritious diet was most expensive in Cabo Delgado, Niassa and Tete, likely due to lower availability of nutritious foods. The households that cannot afford a nutritious diet seem to be concentrated in the same provinces where stunting prevalence is the highest, and specifically in the northern half of the country in the provinces of Cabo Delgado and Nampula. Gaza and Manica are outliers: Gaza has high non-affordability and lower stunting than the national average, while Manica has low non-affordability and high stunting. Even so, as evidenced in provinces like Manica, affordable nutritious foods is only part of the solution to multi-sectoral problems such as stunting. (*) CoD is an assessment tool that uses software to estimate the amount and combination of local foods needed to provide a typical family with a diet that meets their averaged needs for energy and recommended intakes of protein, fat and micronutrients. Mozambique | 7 Box 2: What are the consequences of deficiencies in iron, zinc and vitamin A? Iron deficiency often causes anemia, which is a condition where the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues is reduced, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, dizziness and shortness of breath, among others. These physiological conditions also affect the overall health status, cognitive development in children and productivity in later life. Iron is found in both plant and animal sources, yet the bioavailability (i.e. the absorption rates in the body) of plant-sourced iron is much lower than the animal- sourced one. Zinc deficiency limits childhood growth and decreases resistance to infections, as zinc is an important essential nutrient for cellular growth, cellular differentiation and metabolism. Zinc is more commonly found in animal- sourced food items, while some plant sources, such as nuts, contain zinc, which has lower bioavailability. Vitamin A deficiency diminishes our body’s ability to fight infections, and thus increases the risk, especially among young children, of dying from common, preventable diseases such as measles, diarrhea and acute respiratory infections. It is also the leading cause of childhood blindness and maternal night blindness. The estimated protein consumption level per adult female opportunities for local agricultural production and processing per day appears to be close to the recommended level, to step up and increase nutritionally smart investments. albeit mostly from grains, especially through consumption of corn-related products. While production of specific plant- Figure 5 shows the estimated average nutrient production based products – such as nuts and legumes that contain and consumption levels,7 per day, per adult female several of those nutrients simultaneously – can be further equivalent.8 For each graph, the estimated production promoted, it may be desirable to diversify the sources of or consumption level of each nutrient of interest is those key nutrients as much as possible, including animal compared to the corresponding recommended intake sources. Current consumption of fish as a potentially more level9 for the adult female category. The top five (5) food affordable product is encouraging, although fish production groups that contribute to the intake are displayed as has room for improvement. These gap analyses represent colored segments, sized accordingly to their contribution. 7 Bio-available and after-losses average nutrients intake. 8 Special statistical measures were applied to compute an adult female equivalent instead of per capita (see more detailed methodologies in the supplementary mate- rials), as physiological nutrient requirements and individual dietary patters are different by age/sex, and women tend to be more vulnerable to nutrient deficiencies. A child equivalent was not used due to lack of reliable information about intra-household food allocations in the Mozambican context. 9 The ‘recommended intake level’ for each nutrient of interest refers to the “Recommended Nutrient Intakes (RNIs),” which is a set of internationally recognized and used reference values developed by the Institute of Medicine. 8 | Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profile Figure 5. Food group sources for key nutrients (produced and consumed) at the national level CONSUMED PRODUCED Protein Protein Recommended Level: 51 g Recommended Level: 51 g 8% 65% 15% 49% 13% 6% 10% 4% 8% 3% 5% 14% Iron Iron Recommended Level: 58.8 mg Recommended Level: 58.8 mg 15% 32% 50% 25% 9% 25% 9% 8% 7% 4% 11% 6% Zinc Zinc Recommended Level: 9.8 mg Recommended Level: 9.8 mg 6% 67% 42% 21% 6% 18% 5% 9% 3% 4% 12% 5% Vitamin A Vitamin A Recommended Level: 500REmcg Recommended Level: 500REmcg 6% 42% 1% 58% 21% 14% 15% 12% 14% 8% 3% 5% urban rural national Mozambique | 9 NUTRITION SMART AGRICULTURE Based on the selected food groups for each province, a list TECHNOLOGIES AND PRACTICES of food items to be promoted for primary production was formulated. Once specific food groups are identified as being NSmartAg technologies and practices present opportunities produced locally, and if overall production and productivity for contributing to achieving a double objective: contributing trends have been positive (in other words, if the product to improving nutrition while achieving increasing farm- and/ is not disappearing from the local production systems), or agribusiness-level productivity or revenue – the drivers then the food product appears in the NSmartAg menu of for agribusiness investment. For this profile, practices are options. Additionally, at post-harvest food transformation/ considered NSmartAg if they contribute or have the potential processing and handling level, field visits are undertaken to to contribute to both these objectives and are based on agri-entrepreneurs that handle such food groups in order to observation/evidence of what farmers and agribusinesses assess whether they engage in NSmartAg practices and/or can produce. technologies. The field survey intends to assess the degree to which the activity increases productivity or revenue and the Table 4 showcases NSmartAg practices that were identified extent in which the key nutrients are maintained/preserved for prioritized production systems/agro-ecological zones in without adding unhealthy ingredients (sugars, trans fats etc.), North, Center and South of Mozambique, and by targeted or at least doing so only in acceptable quantities. The food food groups for the primary production and post-harvest/ groups identified for each province were: grains, legumes processing levels.10 The same analysis presented in Figures and fish in Nampula; nuts, fruits, legumes and fish in Sofala; 3 and 4 was done at the provincial level (results shown in the and oils, nuts, legumes and fruits in Manica. See Box 4 for Supplementary Materials), comparing the consumption and more information on fruit processing in this province. The production levels by food group against the planetary health identification of food products/groups to promote does thresholds. Based on the provincial-level results, the food not imply a call to self-sufficiency. It constitutes simply an groups that are neither consumed nor produced optimally indication of an economically viable opportunity to increase were selected for further analysis. The food groups that are production of certain foods that clearly show a deficit in only produced at negligible levels were excluded as they may terms of key nutrient deficiencies of the local population. not represent immediately exploitable business opportunities. Table 4: Nutrition Smart Agriculture practices in Mozambique NSmartAg Value Chain Practices and Contribution to nutrition Market potential Where Segment Technologies Production of pulses Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Big market size; expectation for (mainly iron) and may contribute to market growth increased protein intake if consumed in larger quantities Nampula Manica Sofala Production of nuts Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Big market size; expectation for (peanuts and cashew (mainly iron and zinc) and provides an market growth nuts) additional source of protein consumption PRODUCTION Production of fruits Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Big market size; stable market (mainly vitamin A) growth Fresh fish Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Big market size; existing demand, (mainly iron, zinc and vitamin A) and expectation for market growth provides an additional source of protein consumption Production of Corn Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial Soy Blend (CSB) (mainly iron and zinc) and provides an viability of the product; existing (corn and soybeans additional source of protein consumption demand; big market size; milled, dried and expectation for market growth cooked) 10 Annex III in the Supplementary Material presents an indicative list of case studies on nutrition smart agriculture technologies and practices. 10 | Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profile NSmartAg Value Chain Practices and Contribution to nutrition Market potential Where Segment Technologies Production of Corn Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial Soy Blend (CSB) (mainly iron and zinc) and provides an viability of the product; existing (corn and soybeans additional source of protein consumption demand; big market size; milled, dried and expectation for market growth cooked) Production of CSB Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial plus (with toasted (mainly iron and zinc) and provides an viability of the product; existing peanuts) additional source of protein consumption demand; big market size; expectation for market growth Drying pigeon peas Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial (mainly iron and zinc) and provides an viability of the product; existing additional source of protein consumption demand; big market size; expectation for market growth Dried sorghum Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial (drying and milling) (mainly iron and zinc) and provides an viability of the product; existing additional source of protein consumption demand; big market size; expectation for market growth Milling and sieving Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial millet (mainly iron and zinc) and provides an viability of the product; existing additional source of protein consumption demand; big market size; expectation for market growth POST-HARVEST/PROCESSING Shell cutting, Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial peeling and grading (mainly iron and zinc) and provides an viability of the product; of cashew nuts additional source of protein consumption existing demand; big market size; shrinking market due to competitive landscape Dried beans (sorting Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial and drying) (mainly iron and zinc) and provides an viability of the product; existing additional source of protein consumption demand; big market size; expectation for market growth Production of Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial baobab pulp flour (mainly iron and zinc) viability of the product; existing (baobab pulp is demand; niche size; expectation crushed to fine for market growth powdery form and sieved) Dried fruit (no added Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Small market size; expectation for sugar) (mango) (mainly vitamin A) market growth Production of fruit Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Small market size; expectation for juices (no added (mainly vitamin A) market growth sugar) Production of soy Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial milk and soy yogurts (mainly iron and zinc) and provides an viability of the product; existing (no added sugar) additional source of protein consumption demand; no price changes due to low-cost techniques; big market size; expectation for market growth Production of Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial banana chips (sun (mainly vitamin A) and provides an viability of the product; existing dried, no added additional source of protein consumption demand; big market size; sugar) expectation for market growth Drying peas Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial (mainly iron and zinc) and provides an viability of the product; existing additional source of protein consumption demand; big market size; stable market growth Mozambique | 11 NSmartAg Value Chain Practices and Contribution to nutrition Market potential Where Segment Technologies Dried peanuts Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial POST-HARVEST/PROCESSING (drying) (mainly iron and zinc) and provides an viability of the product; existing additional source of protein consumption demand; big market size; stable market growth Fish cutting and Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial storing in cold chain (mainly iron and some zinc; and vitamin viability of the product; existing facility A) and provides an additional source of demand; big market size; protein consumption expectation for market growth Fish, shrimp and Addresses micronutrient deficiencies Positive outlook for commercial squid sorted, (mainly iron and some zinc; and vitamin viability of the product; existing cleaned, packaged A) and provides an additional source of demand; big market size; and stored in cold protein consumption expectation for market growth chain facility Unless otherwise indicated, the practice or service is relevant The NSmartAg practices found in Mozambique cover some for all provinces. Lastly, before integrating into a program/ of the most important food groups (fruits, grains, legumes operation/ project, this indicative (and not exhaustive) menu and fish) but are not very diverse. The most common practice of options needs to be analyzed for cost/ benefits to ensure identified is drying, followed by milling. Some of the field that investment yields positive returns. survey respondents were already implementing aflatoxin Box 3: Aflatoxin in Mozambique Aflatoxins are naturally occurring toxins produced by certain fungi. In high doses, aflatoxins can lead to serious illness and even death in both humans and animals. Aflatoxins mainly accumulate on crops and grains in tropical regions and contaminate a wide variety of food crops/products, such as maize, sorghum, cassava, macadamia nuts, paprika, melon seed, sesame, rice, yam chips, chili, among others. Also, aflatoxin- contaminated feed (e.g. maize meal) in dairy rations can result in aflatoxin contaminated livestock products. Conclusive evidence of the negative health impacts of aflatoxin is well-established and known for decades, specifically in relation to liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Some reports estimate that aflatoxins cause between 5% and 30% of all liver cancer in the world, with the highest incidence of 40% occurring in Africa. In the aflatoxin hotspots of Mozambique, the rate of liver cancer is reported to be up to 60 times higher than that found in the United States of America.(1) Furthermore, studies have shown the effects of aflatoxin contamination on increasing the severity of other opportunistic infections in HIV-positive individuals, principally tuberculosis. It has also been postulated that a synergy exists between HIV and AFB1 (Aflatoxin B1) in AIDS development. Children can be affected by aflatoxin consumed through breast milk or direct consumption of weaning foods. Child stunting and weakened immunity resulting in more illness have also been associated with aflatoxin. The nutritional and health impacts of aflatoxin contamination depend on the contribution that the susceptible commodity makes to a household’s or country’s consumption. Staple crops (highly susceptible to aflatoxin contamination) are the basis for the diets of millions of poor people in developing countries. Aflatoxin contamination in maize and groundnut is widespread in Mozambique. Sound agronomic practices and post-harvest practices must be adhered to in order to reduce or prevent contamination or buildup once the crop is harvested and stored. Moreover, in February 2019 Mozambique’s Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security approved the registration of two Aflasafe products, which after field testing proved to be an innovative but simple way to control aflatoxin in groundnuts and maize.(2)(3) (1) Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa (PACA), 2020. (2) Edgar Cambaza, Shigenobu Koseki and Shuso Kawamura. A Glance at Aflatoxin Research in Mozambique, 2018. PMC6121502/ (3) The maize and groundnut harvested from Aflasafe-treated fields met the stringent European Union safety levels of 4 ppb maximum total aflatoxins for food destined for human consumption, this compared with only 49% in non-treated fields. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 2019. http://bulletin. 12 | Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profile control measures, while others were looking for support sold to wholesalers, but in many cases is also sold directly to in doing so (Box 3). The analysis conducted shows that consumers and retailers located mostly in nearby cities and the majority of the owners of agri-businesses active in local markets. Most of the agri-entrepreneurs interviewed NSmartAg activities were men. In most of the examples, were very optimistic about the future of their sector and the agri-businesses are micro-, small- or medium-sized the commercial viability of their enterprise. owned by agri-entrepreneurs. Usually their production is Box 4: The future of fruit and vegetable processing in Manica The Manica province is one of richest agricultural areas in Mozambique and one of the largest producers of fruits and vegetables in the country. Apart from a few packhouses, such as Companhia de Vanduzi and Westfalia, which are active in packaging mangoes, avocadoes and lychees, mostly aimed for the fresh food export markets of South Africa and Europe, very little value addition is happening in the province. Since 2018 mangoes from Mozambique have been restricted for export due to the country’s status regarding the presence of Bactrocera invadens (a type of fruit fly)(1). The domestic market would be able to absorb some of this production, that would otherwise end in the landfill, if there was processing infrastructure following food safety practices to transform those rejected mangoes into mango juice, dried mango, canned mango, mango chutney etc. This is what a local company, Frutas de Revue, has already embarked on, investing in a processing plant to produce and sell mango pulp in bulk (for juice making). Bananas are another such product that goes to waste every year due to limited processing capacity which could be transformed into sun-dried bananas or banana flour, thus contributing to the nutrition of local communities, especially during the dry season. Likewise, in Southern Manica and in Muxungué (Sofala province), at least 8,000 tonnes of pineapple are produced every year which are mostly left to rot due to lack of processing facilities. They also could be processed into concentrated pineapple juice. Potatoes and sweet potatoes could be made into potato flour and sweet potato flour, and surplus tomatoes could become tomato paste or sun-dried tomatoes. (1) Standards and Trade Development Facility – Establishing Priorities for Sanitary and Phytosanitary Capacity-Building in Mozambique Using a Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Framework (2012), Mozambique | 13 Highlight 1: Soy milk and yogurt (with no added sugar) in Manica Name of agribusiness: SÓ SOJA Só Soja is a unique and innovative start-up located in Chimoio City (Manica Province). The company produces simultaneously milk and yogurt from soybeans with no added sugar. Só Soja is a vertically integrated business, producing its own soybeans, and manufacturing and distributing the final products to end consumers through a mix of channels for different market segments. Key considerations for further support: Soy milk can contribute to the consumption of the key nutrients under the consideration for NSmartAg menu of options, providing high-quality protein as well as modest amounts of iron and zinc, which can be enhanced when it is fermented to make yogurt. Both soy milk and yogurt are also good food vehicles for fortification with vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins A, D, B12, and iron and calcium. Só Soja expressed a desire to fortify its products with those vitamins and minerals. The product will offer a healthful nutritional profile, including essential omega-3 fatty acids and flavonoids that exert antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective properties. A key challenge for Só Soja is to secure product certification for food safety. The company has not obtained HACCP certification mainly due to lack of funding for upgrading the current manufacturing facilities and processes. Furthermore, market awareness of key benefits of soy milk and yogurt, as well as their availability at prices equivalent to cow milk products, is still low. Hence, the company would like to invest more in educational marketing and promotion, keeping the important fact in mind that these products are not meant for infants aged 0-6 months, who should be exclusively breastfed. The other key constraint cited by the entrepreneur is access to inputs, particularly regarding packaging. Highlight 2: Fish processor in Sofala Name of agribusiness: Casa do Peixe Casa do Peixe, Lda. is an integrated fish processing company, located in Alto-da- Manga – a peri-urban area in the city of Beiran (Sofala Province). The company is involved in the procurement, processing and distribution of fresh and frozen fish, fish products and seafood. The company buys directly from the fishermen and is responsible for the inbound transportation of the catch. Fishes are then cut into portion-sized pieces and packed into 1kg, 2kg or 5kg branded bags. The processed fish is then made available at front store and also distributed to other retailers and restaurants. Casa do Peixe processes and distributes about 60 tonnes of branded fish products per month. Fish can be a potential affordable source of animal protein and other key nutrients, such as iron, and can expand the reach of fish products outside of urban markets with appropriate facilities/technologies, thus contributing to the objectives of NSmartAg. Key considerations for further support: The key constraint faced by the company is access to working capital to procure fish, but also funding to support upgrades on the operational side, namely: • Branding design and labeling system and an automated packaging system • HACCP certification • Inventory management and accounting system • Refrigerated vehicle for delivery, with 2-tonnes capacity 14 | Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profile INSTITUTIONS AND POLICIES THAT mainly involved in disaster management activities through SUPPORT AGRICULTURE SOLUTIONS FOR the provision of baseline data sets. NUTRITION SETSAN was also responsible for monitoring and Mozambique went through fifteen years of internal armed implementing the Food Security and Nutrition Strategy (ESAN conflict that concluded with peace agreements signed in II, 2007-2015). In addition to tackling malnutrition and food 1992. Even though the country has made progress since insecurity, ESAN II focused on strengthening governance the end of the conflict, significant development challenges structures and coordination mechanisms for nutrition and remain. In 2019, Mozambique ranked 180 out of 189 in the food security across the country [29]. Currently, ESAN III is UNDP Human Development Index [24]. Due to the agriculture being developed. sector’s potential and the country’s critical nutritional In 2011, Mozambique joined Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN), a situation, food security and nutrition have become two global movement that unites national leaders, civil society, policy priorities for the Government. bilateral and multilateral organizations, donors, businesses Since 1998, Mozambique has been developing a more and researchers in a collective effort to improve nutrition. comprehensive policy and investment framework to reduce SETSAN is also the national focal point for the SUN food insecurity and stunting in the country. In 1998, the movement. Since 2015 the Global Alliance for Improved country approved the first Food Security Strategy. The goal Nutrition (GAIN), along with the World Food Programme was to reduce by half the number of people suffering from (WFP) has begun to build the SUN Business Network hunger by 2015. In its Five-Year Plan, Plano Económico e (SBN) [30]. SBN Mozambique is a fully functioning business Social (PES) (2015-2019), the Government of Mozambique network, with organizations ranging from food packaging and recognized food and nutrition security as key priorities, flour fortification to consumer and salt producer associations. emphasizing the importance of improved access to food, SUN Movement’s Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF) recently living conditions and the development of human capital [25]. funded the Civil Society Platform in Mozambique, which will work with relevant government sectors to ensure Since 2010 the country is implementing the Multi-Sectoral that necessary resources are mobilized and allocated for Action Plan for the Reduction of Chronic Undernutrition cross-sector implementation of the PAMRDC and other (PAMRDC, 2010-2020) coordinated with a multi-sectoral nutrition interventions. The platform will also work to approach by the Technical Secretariat for Food and Nutrition mobilize and engage nongovernmental organizations and Security (SETSAN). The PAMRDC is now decentralized to relevant stakeholders at the national and provincial levels all 11 provinces, but it has proved challenging ensuring to incorporate nutrition-related interventions in their plans participation of all sectors at the district level [26]. The and projects [31]. Nutrition Partners Forum is another initiative established in order to ensure that implementing partners in the field In the agriculture sector, there are two main policy of nutrition share their data with government entities and frameworks. The Strategic Plan for Agricultural Development others [27]. (PEDSA, 2011-2020) presents the vision for Mozambique’s agriculture sector. PEDSA follows a value chain approach Since 2010, SETSAN is a nationwide institution under to foster technology transfer and adoption, provision of the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural agricultural inputs, processing and marketing activities that Development (Ministério da Agricultura e Desenvolvimento add value to agricultural, livestock, forestry and wildlife Rural, MADER),11 through which the Government guarantees products, and sustainable natural resource management and coordinates the promotion of food and nutrition security. [32]. The Agricultural Investment Plan (PNISA, 2014-2018) [33] SETSAN acts as a multi-sectoral coordination secretariat to aims to transform the agricultural sector into a “prosperous, facilitate and coordinate the various sectors’ contributions competitive, equitable and sustainable agriculture sector” to the PAMRDC plans at the national and provincial levels, able to contribute to food security and raise the incomes of as well as to ensure their successful implementation. rural households [34]. Regarding food fortification, there is At provincial level, food and nutrition activities are a Mandatory Food Fortification Decree (Box 5). coordinated by provincial units of SETSAN under MADER in coordination/support with the Ministry of Health (MISAU) In 2011, Mozambique signed the Comprehensive Africa [28]. Mozambique’s Institute of Agricultural Research (IIAM) Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), an African- is part of the Ministry for Agriculture of Mozambique. It is led program bringing together governments and diverse 11 Before the elections of October 2015, this Ministry was named Ministério da Agricultura e Segurança Alimentar (MASA) Mozambique | 15 Box 5: Mandatory Food Fortification Decree Numerous studies have shown very high cost-benefit ratios of food fortification efforts. On March 16, 2016, the Council of Ministers in Mozambique approved the Mandatory Food Fortification Decree. The approval of this Decree was a huge accomplishment for the National Food Fortification Program, a government-led program focused on the fortification of staple foods with key micronutrients(1). The food items and micronutrients to be added that are covered by the Decree are: • Wheat flour (for bread) – with iron, folic acid, complex B vitamins and zinc; • Vegetable oil – with vitamin A; • Sugar – with vitamins A and D; • Maize flour – with iron, folic acid, complex B vitamins and zinc; • Salt Iodization has been included under this law, although it was already mandatory. Even with a mandatory program in place, fortification is hard to enforce among small producers that require a range of upfront and ongoing costs that include acquiring and installing the dosifier, obtaining certification, accessing the premix, re-training staff for use of the dosifier, re-labeling the package, all of which need to be borne by the entrepreneur. Hence, the 2016 decree only covers maize flour produced by medium- to large- scale entities and excludes hammer-mill level producers scattered largely in rural areas where an improved access to fortified products would have a huge impact on mitigating the nutrition vulnerability of the Mozambican population(2). On the other hand, some are trying to heed the decree. For instance, Ms. Fatima, the owner of Moageira Fatima, a small-scale milling operation in Nampula, has identified fortification as a “product positioning” opportunity. Although she has procured the dosifier, she does not have the know-how to operate it or to secure certification. Small millers like Ms. Fatima require a strong business case to make investments in fortification and support in terms of business development and capacity building to use the technology. (1) Policy - Decree No. 9/2016 approving the Regulation for Food Fortification with Industrially Processed Micronutrients en/node/23876 (2) República de Moçambique – Ministério da Indústria e Comércio and Programa Nacional De Fortificação dos Alimentos. 2019. The National Food Fortifica- tion Program in Mozambique (2011-2018): Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities. stakeholders to reduce hunger and poverty and to promote The food safety system in Mozambique comprises several economic growth through agricultural development. The agencies that have documented roles and responsibilities. CAADP is implemented through the Strategic Plan for However, in practice, the system is fragmented, and agencies Agricultural Development, which falls under Mozambique’s need stronger technical capacities to fulfill their roles. The Vision 2025, with the mission of “contributing to food security main competent authority is the Ministry of Health (Ministério and income of agriculture producers in a sustainable and da Saúde, MISAU) which establishes the regulatory framework competitive manner, ensuring social and gender equity.” for food and food products to be consumed at national In 2013, Mozambique joined the New Alliance for Food level (Box 6). Security and Nutrition, a partnership between African heads of state, corporate leaders and G8 members to accelerate implementation of CAADP strategies [35]. 16 | Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profile Box 6: Food safety – current status The food safety regulatory framework in Mozambique involve the work of four (4) Ministries and four (4) additional Institutions that are housed in them: 1. Ministry of Health (Ministério da Saúde, MISAU); 2. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Ministério da Agricultura e Desenvolvimiento Rural, MADER), including its National Directorate of Agriculture (Direcção Nacional de Agricultura, DINA); 3. Ministry of Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries (Ministério do Mar, Águas Interiores e Pescas, MIMAIP), through its National Institute of Fish Inspection (Instituto Nacional de Inspecção do Pescado INIP); 4. Ministry of Trade and Commerce (Ministério da Indústria e Comércio, MIC) through the National Institute for Standardization and Quality (Instituto Nacional de Normalização e Qualidade, INNOQ) and the National Inspectorate of Economic Activities (Inspeção Nacional das Atividades Económicas INAE). These ministries and agencies have established roles and responsibilities, but in practice they lack coordination, resulting in fragmentation and challenging enforcement of food safety regulations. MISAU establishes the regulatory framework for all food and food products that are processed and destined for consumption in the national territory. This entails the oversight of both domestically produced and imported products and establishing their quality and sanitary requirements. The Ministry also sets the hygienic requirements for establishments that handle and sell ready-to-eat (RTE) food and issue their operation permits. Specific food safety regulatory issues under the purview of MISAU include: Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for pesticides, veterinary drugs, food additives and contaminants, and their methods of analysis and sampling; prescriptions on food hygiene; food labelling standards; and fortification of food. MADER regulates food safety aspects of primary products up until the processing stage. MADER, through DINA, is also the competent authority over pesticides authorization and registration. The National Institute of Fish Inspection, housed in MIMAIP, oversees inspection and certification of fish and fisheries products (FFP). The Ministry issues and updates regulations on inspection and quality assurance of fish and fisheries products, and issues sanitary permits for fishing vessels. The Institute, in turn, issues licenses and health certificates for FFPs, performs surveillance, and conducts research and extension programs based on the information stemming from surveillance. MIC oversees products that will be exported, which in the case of Mozambique include mainly primary agricultural products. INNOQ is the main body responsible for defining and implementing quality policy and coordinating all standardization at national level. INNOQ should coordinate closely with the other food safety agencies, especially MISAU, to establish the food safety technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures. Finally, the INAE is the sole entity in charge of enforcing food safety regulatory framework and to ensure compliance. The food safety system in Mozambique faces three major constraints: (i) the lack of coordination and communication among agencies within the food safety regulatory framework; (ii) insufficient technical skills at the surveillance and enforcement levels; and (iii) poor analytical infrastructure. Lack of communication becomes particularly critical at monitoring, surveillance and enforcement level, where it is compounded by INAE’s conducting surveillance activities with limited capacity. INEA’s creation presented a practical solution for the excessive burden stemming from multiple audits from different regulators that were inspecting food establishments in a siloed approach, and it was successful at tackling that particular problem and fostering an integrative approach. However, its creation was not paired with capacity building for agents to conduct audits of high technical level and in a risk-based manner. Mozambique | 17 Table 5 lists key actions led by the government in Mozambique, recognizing the role of agriculture sector interventions in addressing malnutrition and calling for such investments. Table 5: Key actions National Agriculture Investment • Seeks to identify and prioritize key investment and policy interventions that are critical to Plan (PNISA) 2014-201812 enhancing the agricultural productivity growth in Mozambique in order to achieve integrated goals of poverty reduction, national food security and broad-based economic growth. Strategic Plan for the Development • PEDSA’s vision is a prosperous, competitive, equitable and sustainable agricultural sector, as an of the Agrarian Sector (PEDSA) answer to the challenges linked to food and nutrition security as well as agricultural markets at the national and global levels. 2011-202013 • To guide the implementation of PEDSA, a range of strategies and plans have been developed to define sub-sectoral priorities. Multi-sectoral Action Plan for the • National framework of policies aiming to accelerate the reduction of chronic undernutrition in Reduction of Chronic Undernutrition children under five. (PAMRDC) 2010-2020 • Coordinated by SETSAN. Food Security and Nutrition Strategy • Focuses on food insecurity and malnutrition reduction at national level. It’s anchored in the four (ESAN II) 2007-201514 pillars of food security and nutrition (availability, accessibility, stability and utilization). • Implemented and monitored by SETSAN. ONGOING AND PLANNED INTERVENTIONS IN AGRICULTURE AND NUTRITION The purpose of this section is to present, in a succinct fashion (Table 6), what NSmartAg practices and technologies are supported, where and by who, so that synergies, opportunities and gaps can be easily identified. Information is not exhaustive. Table 6: Main programs NSmartAg Program name Development partner Target areas Brief description as related to NSmartAg activity Food Large- GAIN, UNICEF and WFP [36] Countrywide. Support the Government of Mozambique in fortification scale Food consolidating the food fortification policy and Fortification improve the conditions for mandatory food Program fortification; oil and wheat flour fortification. Greenhouses SMART iDE Global and Swedish Embassy Provinces of Tropical greenhouses have the potential to change [37] Maputo, Tete, agricultural productivity in Mozambique, which Manica and has lagged behind other countries in the region Sofala. and the world in production per meter cultivated. Focus on a wide variety of products (fruits and vegetables). Seeds ProSAVANA MADER, the Japan International Provinces of Improve the livelihood of inhabitants of the fortification Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Cabo Delgado, Nacala Corridor through inclusive and sustainable the Brazilian Cooperation Agency Nampula, agricultural and regional development. Focus on (ABC) [38] Zambézia, Niassa different products such as sorghum, corn, coconut, and Tete. sunflower, soy and peanuts. 12 The Government is working on a new phase of the plan, 2020-2024. 13 The Government is working on a new phase of the plan, 2020-2030. 14 The Government is working on a new phase of the strategy. 18 | Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profile Box 7: Food safety – recommendations The Mozambican national food control system would benefit from closer coordination within the food safety regulatory framework, establishing communications channels, making better use of resources, fostering capacity building and promoting quality control mechanisms. This would benefit INNOQ and INAE the most, as they are in need of improving coordination and communication mechanisms both within and between themselves and the other food safety regulatory agencies (MISAU, MADER, MIMAIP and MASER) on food safety and quality technical regulations, and conformity assessment procedures. INAE and INNOQ also need investments in technology uptake, noting that such investments must be paired with capacity building to enable INAE and INNOQ staff to make proper use of new equipment and infrastructure. For INAE, this would likely entail an upgrade of the governing regulations to establish divisions of competence within the institute, and investments to help inspectors work under clear protocols when conducting audits. INNOQ has weak analytical capacity, its laboratories lack accreditation, and is in need of updates in methods of analysis and sampling to improve food safety and quality assurance at national level. Such investments would improve Mozambique’s credibility and trust in the region and at global level. There is a strong need for awareness on food safety at high-decision making level, as well as at consumer level. Consumer awareness can act as a catalyst for demand for food that is safe and of high quality. A leading example for such an initiative could be efforts led by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)(1) that aim at empowering consumers to recognize and look for proper certifications on the food packaging to assure themselves that what they are eating is safe. (1) Ishwar, S., Dudeja, P., Shankar, P., Swain, S., & Mukherji, S. (2018). ‘Jago Grahak Jago’: a cross-sectional study to assess awareness about food adulteration in an urban slum. Medical Journal Armed Forces India, 74, 57-60. doi: OUTLOOK FOR NUTRITION SMART technology adoption programs; training of agricultural AGRICULTURE IN MOZAMBIQUE advisory and extension services in NSmartAg solutions, such as post-harvest technology and product handling, Mozambique has the potential to be a major agricultural including for aflatoxin prevention and control; and adapting producer. NSmartAg can help realize this potential, while financial instruments embedded in development operations also contributing to improved nutritional outcomes of the for agri-micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) (such country’s population. as matching grants) to include NSmartAg technologies and practices, as in, for example, appropriate and affordable The field work undertaken provides some insight on what that would take. Indicatively, agri-entrepreneurs in the Manica packaging material for processed fruits and vegetables province singled out the opportunities for investing in or production of fortified foods. Actions to improve the processing facilities and equipment for fruit and vegetables, Mozambican food safety system need to begin by creating as well as for proper storage facilities. In Sofala province, awareness, both at high-level policy maker and at consumer where fish production is both a currently profitable and a levels, of the imperative for food safety. The former will enable promising entrepreneurial activity, locals point out to the the establishment of an effective coordination mechanism potential for improving storage and processing through and investment in capacity and modernization of the system. cold chain investments. In Nampula province, both grain The latter will foster demand for safer food products and and legumes currently present a potential for improvement. act as a “pull” mechanism for improved food safety (Box Options include the introduction of vitamin A-biofortified 7). A complementary public investment to be continued maize (VAM) and cassava (VAC) which are drought resistant is the close cooperation with the Ministry of Health and varieties, and productivity raising via the use of modern other stakeholders in increasing consumer awareness of farming practices and pest control methods. the benefits of a nutritious diet. Mainstreaming NSmartAg into programs will require the Efforts and opportunities to disseminate this Country prioritization of NSmartAg solutions in agricultural R&D Profile in agri-business fora and to financial institutions investments, such as for instance biofortification; integration could be pursued to promote the adoption of NSmartAg of NSmartAg principles into farmer agriculture input and by agribusinesses. Mozambique | 19 The Covid-19 crisis The Covid-19 crisis is disrupting livelihoods and communities around the world. The pandemic poses a serious threat to food security and nutrition in developing countries. A majority of households are net food buyers and the poor spend most of their income on food. Experience from past pandemics and the 2007/08 food price crisis highlight food security and nutrition as a major concern. Among the limited studies done in the past, the ones from Bangladesh, Cambodia and Mauritania in 2008 suggested increases to the order of 50% in levels of acute malnutrition in poor children, with plausible links to rising food prices [39]. At the time of publication, the rainy season extending from November 2019 to April 2020 was reasonable in the central and northern parts of the country, which is expected to lead to a good harvest. Food shortages may be severe in areas with low rainfall, especially drought prone areas such as for example Mabalane, Chigubo and Chicualaculaa, where lack of good roads and possible water scarcity may pose additional challenges. The food- corridor through the border with South Africa remains operational, protecting Maputo from food shortages. In general, major cities should suffer less if the corridors continue functioning. Increases in the price of food, coupled with a decrease in purchasing power from households due to several economic activities closing due to the pandemic, reduce the consumption of food, in particular higher cost micronutrient-dense foods, such as vegetables, fruits and animal-sourced protein, etc., compromising the quality of diets and lead to malnutrition. In turn, malnutrition weakens the immune system, increasing the susceptibility to infections such as Covid-19. There are several specific micronutrients contained in foods produced in Mozambique and part of the NSmartAg opportunities presented in this country profile that help strengthen the immune system and maintain health, such as vitamin A, zinc and iron that are already causing problems of deficiencies in many low- and middle-income countries. Protein, one of the main macronutrients and represented in the food groups selected by this profile, plays a vital role in building and repairing body tissues and supports physiological utilization of other important nutrients, such as iron. An optimal consumption of protein in diet helps maintain the immune system. Promoting NSmartAg technologies and practices, as well as broader nutrition-sensitive support are of great importance in Covid-19 response to contribute to the resilience of the most vulnerable populations. REFERENCES 1 Lange, G. et al., 2018. “The Changing Wealth of Nations 2018: Building a Sustainable Future.” Vol. 9. 2 Kraay, A. 2018. Methodology for a World Bank Human Capital Index. 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