88320 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy (2013-2020) THE WORLD BANK WATER PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy © 2013 The World Bank 1818 H Street NW Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: www.worldbank.org This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this work is subject to copyright. Because The World Bank encourages dissemination of its knowledge, this work may be reproduced, in whole or in part, for noncommercial purposes as long as full attribution to this work is given. Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2422; e-mail: pubrights@worldbank.org. Table of Contents Acknowledgments...................................................................................................................VII Abbreviations and Acronyms............................................................................................IX Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................XI Chapter I – Introduction......................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Existing Strategies and Principles ............................................................................................. 3 1.3 Focus Areas of a New Partnership Strategy............................................................................. 4 1.4 Road Map for Achieving Strategic Goals ................................................................................ 6 Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues............................................................. 7 2.1 Water Resources Overview........................................................................................................ 7 2.2 Trends and the Impact of Climate Change............................................................................... 9 2.3 Strategic Issues for China’s Water Resources.......................................................................... 9 2.4 Main Issues in China’s Major River Basins............................................................................ 16 Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development....................................................... 19 3.1 Development Progress in China’s Water Sector.................................................................... 19 3.2 China’s Strategic Goals and Targets for 2020......................................................................... 27 Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank.......................................................... 33 4.1 Review of Past Cooperation..................................................................................................... 33 4.2 Flood Protection and Drought Mitigation.............................................................................. 36 4.3 Irrigated Agricultural Water Savings ..................................................................................... 36 4.4 Enhanced Water Withdrawal Permit System........................................................................ 39 4.5 Water/Soil Erosion Control...................................................................................................... 40 4.6 Participatory Irrigation Management .................................................................................... 41 4.7 Water Pollution Control............................................................................................................ 41 4.8 Impact of Climate Change ....................................................................................................... 41 4.9 Integrated Water Resources Management............................................................................. 42 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy III Table of Contents Chapter V - Partnership Strategy for Sustainable and Green Growth........................................ 49 5.1 Guiding Principles of Partnership Strategy........................................................................... 50 5.2 Partnership Strategy for Flood Protection and Mitigation.................................................. 51 5.3 Partnership Strategy for Water Scarcity.................................................................................. 52 5.4 Partnership Strategy for Control of Water Pollution............................................................ 53 5.5 Partnership Strategy for Restoration of Ecological Environment....................................... 54 5.6 Partnership Strategy for Improving Water Resources Management................................. 55 5.7 Partnership Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation......................................................... 57 Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank................................... 59 6.1 Major Foundational Studies .................................................................................................... 60 6.2 Infrastructure Construction...................................................................................................... 60 6.3 Water Resources Management................................................................................................. 62 6.4 Short-term Focal Areas.............................................................................................................. 63 Annexes 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development........................................... 71 2 - Summary of the 12th Five-Year Program (2011-2015) on Water Sector Development............. 83 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management .................................................................. 91 4 - Summary of Climate Change and Strategies in China’s Major River Basins........................ 105 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China....................................... 115 Boxes 3-1: The Latest National Water Resources Master Plan for China ................................................. 24 3-2: Governmental Organizations for Water Management............................................................. 25 3-3: Decisions on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development in China...................... 29 3-4: The Strictest Water Resources Management System Implemented in China........................ 31 4-1: Selected International Experience and Lessons on Integrated Flood Risk Management... 37 4-2: New Concept on Irrigated Agriculture Water Savings............................................................ 38 4-3: New Concept on Improving Existing Water Withdrawal Permit System............................. 39 4-4: Watershed Management in Loess Plateau Pays Off.................................................................. 40 4-5: A New Approach on ET/EC-based Integrated Water and Environment Management..... 46 4-6: Hai Basin Project – IWRM in Practice.......................................................................................... 47 4-7: Example Water Balance Calculation – Turpan Basin, Xinjiang of China............................... 48 Tables 2-1: Water Use and GDP Data by Country and Income Group...................................................... 15 2-2: Main Issues by River Basin........................................................................................................... 17 3-1: Main Water-Related Laws and Regulations............................................................................... 26 4-1: The World Bank Loan-Financed Irrigation and Water Projects.............................................. 34 4-2: The Grant-Funded Projects and Studies on Water in China.................................................... 35 IV China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Table of Contents Figures 1-1: China’s Water Resources, Arable Land and Population in the World .................................... 2 1-2: Context and Components of Integrated Water Resources Management................................. 5 1-3: Road Map for Achieving Strategic Goals ..................................................................................... 5 2-1: Comparison of Water Resources Per Capita in Selected Countries.......................................... 7 2-2: Water Distribution between North and South China................................................................. 8 2-3: Impact of Climate Change on Water Availability in China’s Major River Basins.................. 9 2-4: Impact on the Environment of Increasing Demand for Water................................................ 12 2-5: Water Availability and Per Capita GDP – Selected Countries................................................ 14 3-1: Investment Completed in Water Resources Development (1991-2010)................................ 20 4-1: Implementation Spiral for Integrated Water Resources Management................................... 43 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy V Acknowledgments This work was made possible by the financial contribution of the Water Partnership Program (WPP) - http://water.worldbank.org/ water/wpp. The study report was jointly prepared by a World Bank task team and its counterpart - a Chinese national team. The Bank task team included Liping Jiang (Task Team Leader and Primary Author), Bingfang Wu, George Radosevich, Chris Perry, Xiaokai Li, Dajun Shen, Ximing Zhang, Dan Xie, Lijun Zhang and Jianxin Chen; The Chinese national team included Yuanyuan Li (Primary Author), Zongli Li (Primary Author), Jie Hou, Xiaoyong Liu, Liyun Kang, Hao Gu and Guangzhao Ren. The study was developed under the general guidance and advice from John Roome, Mark R. Lundell, Ede Jorge Ijjasz-Vasquez, Charles Feinstein, Sudipto Sarkar, Paul Procee, and Diego Juan Rodriguez; and strongly supported by Klaus Rohland, Mara K. Warwick, Hsiao-Yun Elaine Sun, and Kathryn Ann Funk. The study also obtained strong support from the International Deaprtment of Ministry of Finance (MOF), and valuable technical advice from Department of International Cooperation and Science & Technology, Department of Water Resources, General Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Planning and Design and other relevant operational departments under the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR). The study also benefited from consultations with officials and experts from Ministry of Environment Protection and Ministry of Agriculture as well as other related ministries and provincial govenrments. The study was based on a series of the background study reports from the Bank-financed water resources projects, and Bank water policy China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy VII Acknowledgments papers and case studies; and also on the information from various water resources reports, plans and documents issued by the Chinese Government. The main contributors to these reports and documents included Julia Bucknall, Jacob Burke, Susanne Scheierling, Paul Procee, Mei Xie, Garo Batmanian, Paul Kriss, Wendao Cao, Richard Reidinger, Qun Li, Geoffrey Spencer, Gailius Draugelis, and Greg Browder of the World Bank; Hao Wang, Hong Gan, Lin Wang, Yu Liu from Research Institute of Water Resources of IWHR; Zhenzhong Han and Bin Liu from China Irrigation and Drainage Development Center (CIDDC) of Ministry of Water Resources (MWR); and Qi Chen, Yuxiu Zhong, Jian Fu from Development and Policy Research Center (DPRC) of MWR. Valuable advice was also obtained from Messrs. Yuan Tian, Kaiping Zhang, Xishan Zhang, and other colleagues from within and outside the Bank who are simply too numerous to list. VIII China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Abbreviations and Acronyms AAA Analytical and Advisory Assistance CPS Country Partnership Strategy CUW Consumptive Use of Water CWRAS Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy CWRPS Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy EC Environment Carrying Capacity EPB Environmental Protection Bureau ET Evapotranspiration FFWS Flood Forecast and Warning System GCC Global Climate Change GEF Global Environmental Facility GWP Global Water Partnership IRBM Integrated River Basin Management IWEM Integrated Water and Environment Management IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management KMS Knowledge Management System M&E Monitoring and Evaluation M&I Municipal and Industrial MCA Ministry of Civil Affairs MEP Ministry of Environmental Protection MLR Ministry of Land and Resources MOC Ministry of Construction MOF Ministry of Finance MWR Ministry of Water Resources NDRC National Development and Reform Commission RWS Real Water Savings SAP Strategic Action Plans SFA State Forestry Administration China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy IX Abbreviations and Acronyms SIDD Self-financing Irrigation and Drainage Districts SNWT South-North Water Transfer WCP Water Conservation Project WPP Water Partnership Program WRMPP Water Resources Management Policy Paper WRT Water Rights Transfer WRSS Water Resources Sector Strategy WSC Water Supply Company WUA Farmer Water User Association WWDP Wastewater Discharge Permit WWPS Water Withdrawal Permit System Vice President: Axel van Trotsenburg, EAPVP Country Director: Klaus Rohland, EACCF Sector Director: John Roome, EASSD Sector Manager: Mark R. Lundell, EASCS Task Team Leader: Liping Jiang, EASCS X China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Executive Summary Background This report presents the outcome of the World Bank's analytical and advisory work to assess the status of water resources development and the key water issues and challenges facing the country. The Bank has also reviewed its history of cooperation with the Government of China in recent decades, and notes the remarkable achievements China has made in developing the water sector. The report proposes solutions for tackling the enormous challenges facing China in the sector. The central priority is to ensure sustainable utilization and management of water, land and related resources at the national, basin, regional and local levels. Despite relatively poor endowments of land and water by international standards, China's economy has developed extremely rapidly over the last three decades, supporting 21% of the world's population with 9% of the world's arable land and only 6% of the world's water while simultaneously lifting some 400 million people out of poverty. It is noted in the national water resources master plan recently completed by the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) that China's water resources are under stress from the combined demands of agriculture, industrialization, urbanization, population increases and improving living standards. The impact is evident in regional falling water tables, inadequate flows to the environment, pollution, and so on. In 2002, The World Bank, in consultation with the Ministry of Finance (MOF), MWR and other related ministries and agencies formulated the China Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy (CWRAS). That China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy XI Executive Summary document reviewed the major water resources policy statement in 2011 entitled “Decisions on challenges and related government priorities in Accelerating Water Reform and Development”, China, and analyzed the general strategic themes specifying four strategic “big systems” to and key issues. It was instrumental in laying be established by 2020 to manage its water the groundwork for a comprehensive Bank- resources. The four big systems proposed by the supported water program in China. Chinese Central Government are as follows: With the Government of China now setting its  A system for flood protection and drought agenda and priorities for water sector for the next mitigation; decade, it is an opportune time for the Bank, to  A system for rational allocation and efficient review and update the 2002 CWRAS to address use of water resources; current water-related issues, incorporating  A system for water resources conservation and experience and lessons from various studies and river and lake health security; and projects in China and other countries.  A system for mechanism instrumental in scientific development of the water sector Country Context These elements have provided a framework for China has made very substantial progress in identification of the components of the proposed developing, and managing its water resources partnership program. in the last three decades. Most major rivers are now effectively protected from floods; China Country Water Resources irrigation development has reduced the impact Partnership Strategy of droughts; China is the world leader in hydro-power capacity; huge areas have been The World Bank is by now a trusted partner preliminarily protected from water-induced soil in China's efforts to address challenges in the erosion; food self-sufficiency has been achieved; water sector, as reflected in the title of this report. and the coverage of water supply systems has The approach recognizes important realities increased. Some 400 million people have been from both sides: from the Chinese perspective, lifted out of poverty – a unique achievement. it is now clear that the extensive approach to However, the country’s economic development development – committing more and more is critically dependent on solutions to water- resources and infrastructure to the water sector related problems. The following five strategic – must increasingly be replaced by an intensive issues have been identified, which present the strategy of making more productive use of the most significant barriers to China’s economic available resource; from the Bank's side, it is growth and social development in the future: recognized that the scale of financial resources that it can commit are limited in relation to  Risks   of flooding; China's total program, so it is critical to identify Water    scarcity; areas of strong comparative advantage, with the Water pollution;    potential for replication. Aquatic ecosystem degradation; and     Under-improved management of water Each side is committed to address key water resources. issues on the basis of the internationally recognized approach of Integrated Water The priorities for the coming decade were set Resources Management (IWRM), recognizing out by the Central Committee of Communist the interdependence of all water-related Party of China (CPC) and State Council in a management and development activities within XII China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Executive Summary the basin, the importance of water allocation Applying the IWRM Approach based on economic efficiency and environmental protection and participation of users in the IWRM is a holistic approach confirmed in the management process. 2002 Water Law of the People’s Republic of China, integrating the regional management of What distinguishes this new partnership water resources with river basin management strategy from the 2002 assistance report is that within that of the broader socioeconomic and new developments and new situation in the political frameworks. water sector are reflected and specific areas of collaboration and support are identified now Main difficulties normally experienced by as part of a eight-year commitment from both countries implementing IWRM stem from an sides. The shared perspective is that IWRM will effort to carry out the principles simultaneously in underpin the cooperation strategy and guide the one basin master plan, which made cooperation selection of actions and interventions to meet and coordination at all the levels excessively China’s stated strategic goals and targets for the complicated. On the other hand, attempts year 2020. to introduce IWRM at a local level often fail to produce significant results because what This Partnership Strategy commits the Bank is assumed or planned at one level is often and China to the elements and strategies inconsistent with upstream availability or to implement integrated water resources downstream commitments. Instead, a step-by- management and address emerging issues step approach is required, starting from resource and problems in its journey towards China’s availability at the basin level and progressively stated strategic goals and targets for 2020. It defining allocations, linkages, rights and is a plan for cooperation to be carried out by responsibilities at lower levels. The process will partners committed to the goal of enhancing be dynamic and must adjust to changes as earlier water security of the nation – sustainable, green assumptions are refined. New information on the growth – based on Integrated Water Resources potential implications of interventions will flow Management, while taking into consideration the upwards and downwards through the system, specific conditions for water sector development but the principle of tracing impacts on all users in China. (including the environment) will continually guide the process. This partnership strategy is aligned with the Bank’s China Country Partnership Strategy Guiding Principles for Partnership Strategy (2013-2016), and is closely related to Strategic Theme One: Supporting Greener Growth, The Bank would support Integrated Water Outcome 1.5 for Demonstrating Sustainable Resources Management (IWRM) at the river basin Natural Resource Management Approaches - level, and further down to the administrative Implementing approaches of integrated water and water-user levels to address various water resources management at the river basin level, issues, particularly to facilitate a shift from current addressing multiple uses: water scarcity, resources-intensive development patterns to flooding, pollution, water demands, economic more resources-efficient development patterns, instruments, and institutional aspects. maximizing the economic value of each drop of water while minimizing negative environment impacts, and contributing to the on-going sustainable, green and inclusive social and economic development in China. Success will China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy XIII Executive Summary depend on a number of key factors, which are Inclusion   of integrated flood risk management recognized by both partners: into national flood management regulations, policies and investment system; Political    will and commitment; Development of risk management based   A    clearly understanding of the available basin strategy for small and medium-sized river resources; basin flood protection; Participation and coordination mechanisms,    Prior assessment of flood risk and catastrophic   fostering information-sharing and exchange; vulnerability; Capacity development;    Combination of structural and non-structural   Well-defined and enforceable legal frameworks   control measures; and regulations; Strengthening management of small/rural    Water allocation plans;   dams and barrier lakes; Adequate investment, financial stability and    Establishment of emergency response and   sustainable cost recovery; and, coordination mechanism between local Comprehensive monitoring and evaluation.    governments and communities; Calamity prevention and emergency   Based on the agreed approach of IWRM at preparedness; and basin level, and further down to administrative Demonstration of flood risk transfer and   level and water user level, and the guiding insurance mechanisms. principles set out above, the following six are specific strategies to support establishment of Strategy for Water Scarcity the “four big systems” by 2020 recommended by the No.1 Document of the Central Committee The rapid progress in rural agriculture, of the Communist Party of China, which have urbanization, industrial development, and jointly been identified as key strategic issues: (1) improvements in living standards have so far flood protection and mitigation; (2) addressing been based on continually increasing water use – water scarcity; (3) prevention and control of with some negative results noted. In the irrigation water pollution; (4) protection and restoration sector, the Bank would support China's efforts of the ecological environment; (5) good to promote high productivity agriculture and governance through improving water resources tap new types of water sources in areas of water management; and (6) climate change adaptation. scarcity. Two categories of water scarcity can be distinguished: (1) physical scarcity, where there Strategy for Flood Protection and are not sufficient water resources available to Mitigation meet all water demands, including environmental flows; and (2) economic scarcity, where there is a With flood protection largely completed on the lack of investment in water infrastructure. major rivers, the Bank would support China to develop integrated flood risk management and In   areas of physical water scarcity, where mitigation for small and medium-sized river surface and groundwater resources are basins, in addition to construction of physical already being overused, the Bank would protection works, including cost effective support actions to reduce consumptive use of structural and non-structural measures to water – consumption or evapotranspiration mitigate flood disasters. The following nine key (ET) management – in agriculture, while areas need to be considered in short to long-term increasing the production per unit of water action plans to implement the strategy: consumed. This is especially important where aquifers, which provide 40% of the water XIV China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Executive Summary to the north of China – are over-exploited. Enhancement   of M&E systems for both Infrastructural and managerial improvements water quantity and quality monitoring, and to increase water use efficiency would be pollution discharge standards are strictly supported, provided water consumption is enforced by both water and environment capped at sustainable levels; departments; and, related policies and In areas of economic water scarcity, the   regulations on pollution control are revised to Bank would support investment to increase support good practice. the irrigated area through improved water use efficiencies. The consequent increase in Strategy for Restoration of the Ecological water consumption would be justified by the Environment increased agricultural production from the more abundant water resources in these areas; The Bank would support a partnership strategy  The potential to utilize flood waters and non- with government agencies to restore the conventional water sources (e.g. sea water ecological environment by releasing water or brackish water, etc.) to augment scarce from existing consumptive uses and ensuring supplies would be explored wherever feasible. eco-environmental flow in rivers and lakes. A consumption-based analytical approach would Strategy for Prevention and Control of help to: Water Pollution  Facilitate decision makers to prioritize water The No. 1 Central Government Document of demands of the various economic activities; 2011 requires China to strictly control the total  Allocate target water consumption caps from amount of pollutant discharges into rivers, the river basin level to water user level as the lakes or other water bodies, which should basis to determine the allowable amount of not exceed the carrying capacity of recipient water withdrawal; and water body in order to meet the water function Monitor the actual consumption and impacts   zone targets. Prevention and control of water on eco-system conditions and recommend pollution is a major task for the Chinese water actions to reduce water consumption for and environment departments. The Bank would economic purposes with trade-offs to restore support implementation of the water pollution the ecological environment to target levels set prevention and control strategy by enhancing at the river basin level. cooperation as follows: Strategy for Water Governance A   joint conference-based decision making system for integrated water and environment China's leadership is well aware of the deepening management be established and set out for crisis, in the water sector. Document No. 1 of close cooperation of the water and environment 2011, sets priorities in regard to water resources departments at each administrative level of management, protection of waterways and lake government; beds from encroachment, and improvements Water and environment departments work   to the funding of infrastructure operation and closely to determine the amount of pollution maintenance. discharge to a receiving river/lake based on the target environment carrying capacity (EC) In particular regarding water resources and target evapotranspiration (ET) allocated management, the central government has decided from the river/lake basin agreed with all to accelerate water reform and development stakeholders; China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy XV Executive Summary through the strict enforcement of the “Three Strategy for Climate Change Red Lines”: (1) to control total amount of water use or withdrawal from rivers and groundwater Due to impacts of global climate change, China aquifers without exceeding planned targets; (2) has experienced frequent extreme weather events to increase water use efficiency and resolutely in recent years, showing a tendency towards restrain waste of water; and (3) to strictly control multiplicity, concurrency and repetition of floods the total amount of pollutant discharge into and droughts. It is an arduous task to adapt to rivers, lakes or other water bodies, which should global climate change. The World Bank supports not exceed the carrying capacity of recipient the Government effort to adapt to the impacts of water body in order to meet the water function the global climate change in the following ways: zone targets.  Incorporate climate change into the water The Bank would support the Government’s resources planning process; efforts to improve water governance through  Strengthen planning and construction of application of a strengthened Water Withdrawal water infrastructure with more attention to Permit System with the concept of consumption non-structure measures, e.g. application of management supported by the latest developed integrated flood risk management system for remote sensing technology on consumption flood prevention; management. Other strategic issues related to  Preparation for more severe extreme events; the improved water resources management by  Shift the energy structure towards clean implementing the three “red lines” supported by generation and low carbon consumption, e.g. the Bank include: to promote more small hydropower and wind power generation; and,  Change from the traditional intensive use of  Conduct related in-depth studies, and most water to a sustainable or efficient approach, importantly their application on adapting to and a more balanced social/economic the impact of global climate change in China. development and ecological environment protection for sustainability; Applying Lessons Learned and Continued  Introduce the integrated approach on control Cooperation of the amount water use based on the ET management together with control of the In more than 30-years of cooperation between amount pollutant discharge based on the the World Bank and China on a wide variety EC to enforce the strictest water resources of projects involving elements of each of the management with “Three Red Lines” as partnership strategies listed above, a great deal indicated above; and of experience and knowledge about the changing  Strengthen the monitoring and evaluation conditions has been gained along with real system with the latest RS-based ET measuring trust in working together to respond to short-, technology to monitor the consumptive use medium- and long-term priorities. of water, particularly to monitor and evaluate agricultural consumptive use of water and The main activities of the past working water productivity as important performance partnership have been carried out in the areas indicators for irrigated agricultural water of river basin management, water savings in savings. irrigation, participatory irrigation management through development and operations of water user associations (WUAs), combating flooding and water-logging and controlling droughts, XVI China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Executive Summary water and soil erosion control, water pollution control, identifying impacts of climate change on water resources development and utilization. These activities were funded through the Bank’s lending program in China (IBRD Loans) and through grant-funded technical assistance for projects and studies on water including the World Bank’s Analytical and Advisory Assistance (AAA) studies and Water Partnership Program (WPP). In the coming years, based on the strategies identified in this report, China will welcome Bank support through AAA and WPP to thematic studies (achieving water and food security under climate change; flood management; ecosystem protection; and the role of infrastructure development) as well as pilot and demonstration projects through the Bank’s Lending Program in China in specific locations, and more generally to develop the capacity of Chinese specialists to implement and disseminate the innovations on which sustainable, green Integrated Water Resources Management at basin level will depend. The World Bank stated in its 2010 review that “Like all enduring partnerships, the China – World Bank partnership has evolved over the years… We have learned a great deal from the way China has fine-tuned and scaled up successful projects and adapted new ideas.” The new partnership strategy set out in this paper is designed to help China adapt, successfully and sustainably into the future. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy XVII Chapter I – Introduction Chapter I – Introduction 1.1 Background 1. In preparation of this report, the World Bank has analyzed the context of water resources development in China and the key water issues and challenges facing the country. The Bank has also reviewed its history of the cooperation with the government of China in the area of water resources over the past decades, noting the remarkable achievements China has made in water sector development. The report was prepared as a joint effort of the World Bank and the Government of China to provide solutions for tackling the enormous challenges facing China in the water sector and to ensure sustainable utilization of water resources at the national, basin, regional and local levels. 2. Over the last six decades, exceptional progress has been made in the water resources sector. Nearly 30,000 km of river dikes and over 87,800 reservoirs have been constructed; effective flood control systems have been preliminarily established in major river basins; water supply systems now serve 400 million people in rural areas; erosion has been controlled in an area of over 1.068 million km 2; and hydropower capacity has increased to a total of 171,720 MW. Considerable progress has also been made in irrigation development, and China is now able to support 21% of the world population with only 9% of the world’s cultivated land and 6% of the world’s water resources, as shown in Figure 1-1. From this it becomes clear that the water sector is essential for ensuring China’s development, and that the exploitation and management of China's water resources must be made sustainable. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 1 Chapter I – Introduction Figure 1-1: China’s Water Resources, Arable Land and Population in the World % World China 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 21% 20 9% 10 6% 0 Renewable Water Arable Land Population Resources 3. China has a huge population and a rapidly experiences internationally, believing that the developing economy. While poverty alleviation challenge of water resources management is has reached an estimated 400 million people – a common issue confronted by humans and a unique economic and social achievement – governments, requiring strong cooperation further rapid development will be needed to among all stakeholders. continue this process and support the ongoing urbanization. Industrialization will also continue 5. This report coincides with China's planning at a high rate, but with more attention is paid to cycle for economic and social development. The environmental sustainability. Water resources government recently concluded implementation management will need to ensure a reliable of its 11th five-year plan (2006-2010) for water water supply, provide food security through resources management. Based on an assessment irrigation and agriculture, protect people and of achievements, it will prepare and initiate properties from floods, and protect the ecological the 12th five-year plan (2011-2015) on water environment. During the coming decades, China resources. It is thus an opportune time for the will need to make a huge effort to meet these Bank, together with the Government of China, challenges, because the negative impacts of over- to review and update the basis for cooperation, exploitation and pollution are already evident. which was last agreed in 2002. 4. From this it becomes clear that a healthy 6. At that time, the World Bank, in consultation water sector is fundamental to ensuring China’s with the Ministry of Finance (MOF), MWR and continued development, and that the exploitation other related ministries and agencies such as and management of China's water resources the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) must be made sustainable. The World Bank is and Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural mindful of development trends and lessons in Development (MOHUD), formulated the China addressing water issues in China, as in other Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy countries. The Bank also disseminates successful (CWRAS). The Strategy was based on a review 2 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter I – Introduction of the major water resources challenges and promotes principles of efficiency, equity and related government priorities, and an analysis sustainability. To be a more effective partner, of the general strategic themes and key issues. It the Bank must be prepared to back reformers was instrumental in laying the groundwork for and to pay more explicit attention to the one of the best and most comprehensive Bank- political economy of reform in the context of supported water programs in the world. Over existing institutional arrangements. the past ten years, the World Bank has financed  The Bank’s water assistance must be tailored a number of projects and promoted water sector to a country’s circumstance and be consistent capacity building through its assistance strategy, with the overarching Country Assistance introducing international experience and Strategies and Poverty Reduction Strategy technology. The results of these efforts have been papers. summarized in a recent publication for the 30th anniversary of the cooperation between China 9. Both China and the World Bank share and the World Bank (1980-2010) entitled “Sharing a commitment to the three “Dublin Guiding Knowledge on Development and Promoting Principles to IWRM1” adopted by the international Harmony and Progress”. community as a basis for future water sector development: 1.2 Existing Strategies and Principles  The ecological principle: water should be 7. The 2002 CWRAS was developed managed comprehensively (not through cooperatively between the World Bank, the independent actions of water-using sectors) relevant Chinese authorities and other partners. with the river basin as the development and It reflected water resources conditions in China management unit, with special attention paid at that time, and drew on relevant international to the environment; because development and experience. The strategy was also based on the utilization of water resources relates to water Bank’s 1993 Water Resources Management Policy use for multi-sector economic development, Paper (WRMPP), which was updated in 2002. the resources should be managed in an integrated manner. More attention should be 8. In 2005 the World Bank published its paid to environmental protection in planning Water Resources Sector Strategy (WRSS) which and executing water resources development incorporates updated international experience in and improving management between different water resources development and management. areas in a river basin; The main messages of the strategy are:  The institutional principle: Water resources management is best done when all stakeholders  Water management and development are participate, including the state (national and central to sustainable growth and poverty local governments and respective agencies), reduction and therefore of central importance the private sector (water users), and civil to the mission of the World Bank; society (public and environmental concerns).  The main challenge is the implementation Actual water management should take place at of integrated water resources management the lowest levels possible in accordance with – in particular to coordinate water sector basin and local plans, and specifically involve initiatives across all relevant sectors – based participation by women; and on a “pragmatic but principled” approach that 1 The Dublin Guiding Principles to IWRM are based on the Dublin Principles, so called as they were adopted from the 1992 International Conference on Water and the Environment in Dublin. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 3 Chapter I – Introduction  The instrument principle: water is a scarce the necessary focus areas for development, natural resource and an economic good whose and emphasize the special water resources management requires greater use of incentives “partnership” relationship that has developed and economic principles to improve its between China and the World Bank. allocation and enhance equity. 13. This report – the China Country Water This partnership strategy is aligned with the Resources Partnership Strategy (CWRPS) – Bank’s China Country Partnership Strategy provides strategic direction for activities at the (2013-2016), and is closely related to Strategic water-sector level in the short and long term that Theme One: Supporting Greener Growth, are consistent with the basin level strategies. The Outcome 1.5 for Demonstrating Sustainable basin-level perspective enables better linkages Natural Resource Management Approaches - to the needs of specific geographic and sectoral Implementing approaches of integrated water areas. This new Partnership Strategy also resources management at the river basin level, recognizes the potential for phenomena such as addressing multiple uses: water scarcity, climate change to affect the hydrological cycle, flooding, pollution, water demands, economic with consequent implications at the local level. instruments, and institutional aspects. 14. In summary, this report aims to define a 1.3 Focus Areas of a New Partnership Strategy program of cooperation that will: 10. On December 31, 2010 The Central Committee  Help the Bank to have a deeper understanding of Communist Party of China and the State of the development and management Council issued its most influential document No. 1 conditions in the water sectors of China, and entitled “Decisions on Accelerating Water Reform adjust its cooperation strategy and strategic and Development” with a focus on the key water directions so that the assistance to the water resources issues and targets to be achieved within sectors will be more fruitful; the next 10 years.  Help the government to address the key problems and challenges confronting the 11. In particular this document identified four water sectors; and strategic elements to be basically established by  Help other developing countries in the world 2020: (i) a system for flood control and drought in water sector development with various mitigation; (ii) a system for rational allocation challenges on water issues by drawing on and efficient utilization of water resources; (iii) experience and lessons gained in water a system for protection of water resources and resources planning and management in China. restoration of ecological environment; and (iv) a system for governance of water resources. Each 15. Figure 1-2 illustrates the sub-sectoral of these elements is entirely consistent with the elements proposed for the partnership, in the principles of IWRM as summarized above. context of the basin-level institutional framework, management of infrastructure, climate change 12. As a long-term partner, trusted by the adaptation, management instruments, and the Chinese Government, the World Bank has, political economy of water management and in close collaboration with Chinese officials, reform. In line with the proposed strategies, revisited the 2002 CWRAS to identify new integrated strategic directions are proposed and priorities and relevant strategies in light of recent coordinated with initiatives or innovations for changes in the country, reflect a re-examination each of the key water-related activities (shown of the challenges facing the water sector and in blue) such as flood prevention and drought 4 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter I – Introduction Figure 1-2: Context and Components of Integrated Water Resources Management From the River-Basin Level to the Water-Sector Level Context Component of Integrated Water Resources Management   Institutional Framework Management  of  Fl d  Flood Urban U b  and d  Irrigation I i i   E Energy   E l i l  Ecological Other U   O h  Uses Infrastructure Protec‐ Rural  and  (hydro  Environ‐ including  tion and  Water  Drainage thermal  ment Fisheries  Climate Change   Drought   Supply and  nuclear   and  Mitiga‐ Sanitation power) Navigation  Management M t  tion Instruments Political  Economy  relief, water supply and sanitation, irrigation and management and in particular with combined drainage, hydro-power development, ecological river basin management and local administration environment, and other activities. By using this as set out in the 2002 Water Law of the People’s model, the Bank acknowledges China’s long Republic of China. commitment to integrated water resources Figure 1-3: Road Map for Achieving Strategic Goals Through China-World Bank Water Resources Partnership Strategy China on its way to achieve strategic goals  Strategic Goals by 2020  with the following instruments Established Four Big Systems on  Water Resources Development and   2011 Central Document No. 1; ; Management     12th Five Year Plan (2011‐2015);  Investment Programs on Water  Infrastructure; The World Bank as a   Existing Approach with Country strategic partner to help  Practices to IWRM and IRBM; China with the following   Legal, Institutional, Economic &  instruments  Technical Framework  for WRM.  Knowledge Management and Capacity Building;  Water Sector Innovations Dedicated to Improved IWRM and IRBM;  Analytical & Advisory Assistance (AAA);  Commitment to C Current S  Status i  2013   in Environmental Protection Going Forward to Combat Big  and Poverty Alleviation; Challenges on Water Resources   International Experience Issues and Problems   and Expertise with 30 + years working with China.  1 The strategic goals set in 2011Central Document No. 1: China will establish four big systems by 2020 to manage its water resources: (a) a system for flood protection and drought mitigation; (b) a system for rational allocation and efficient utilization of water resources; (c) A system for water resources conservation and river and lake health security; and (d) a system for mechanism instrumental in scientific development of the water sector. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 5 Chapter I – Introduction 1.4 Road Map for Achieving Strategic Goals 16. What distinguishes this Partnership Strategy from the 2002 assistance report is an agreed “road map” (See Figure 1-3) of areas for collaboration and associated specific activities, committing the Bank and China to address emerging issues and problems in over the next decade as determined by China’s stated strategic goals 1 and targets. This road map is a plan for cooperation to be carried out by partners committed to the goal of enhancing water security of the nation, using an internationally recognized approach for integrated water resources management, taking into consideration the specific conditions for water sector development in China. 17. From the Chinese side, the Road Map is guided by the 2011 CPC Central Committee and the State Council statement on water policy for the coming decade, the 12th Five Year Plan in the context of existing legal, technical and economic conditions – including China's commitment to integrated water resources management at the basin level. The World Bank brings innovations based on international experience, capacity building in relevant areas, and a commitment to environmental protection and poverty alleviation. The Bank believes that with joint efforts, cooperation and collaboration will strengthen and accelerate China's current rate of progress. 18. The following chapters describe in more detail the strategic issues, country context, coperation between China and World Bank, and partnership strategies in the water sector. In the final chapter, specific proposals for actions within the Partnership are identified. 6 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues 2.1 Water Resources Overview Relative water availability 19. The availability of water resources per capita in China is less than one third of the global average. Each year, the amount of renewable water resources in China is around 2,841 billion m3. With a population of 1.34 billion, the per capita share is only 2,120 m 3, which is low compared to more water-rich countries like Brazil, Russia, the United States, Japan, and France (see Figure 2-1). Figure 2-1: Comparison of Water Resources Per Capita in Selected Countries Cubic Meters Water resources per capita 45,931 30,836 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 , 6,000 5,000 4,000 4 000 3,000 2 000 2,000 1,000 0 Japan     USA   Germany  France   Israel    Brazil      Russia      India    China South Africa        China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 7 Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues Temporal distribution Spatial distribution 20. About 60 to 80% of the total precipitation 21. Physical and per capita availability of is concentrated in the rainy season. Water water varies sharply between the north and availability varies dramatically intra- and inter- south. Some 81% of China’s water resources are annually. In the north, for example, the annual concentrated to the south of the Yangtze River runoff in a very wet year can be up to six to (see Figure 2-2), where 60% of the population live. ten times higher than the runoff in a very dry The north, where most major grain production year. The occurrence of dry years is particularly areas are located, only has access to about 19% frequent in the north, where the flow in many of water resources, the per capita availability is rivers may be below average for three to eight only about 900 m3 per year, far below the national years in succession, while in the south below average, and below the internationally accepted average flow sequences rarely exceed four years. level for water stress. Figure 2-2: Water Distribution between North and South China Songhuajiang Northern Area of China with River Basin only 19% of water resources Liao River Basin Rivers in Northwestern Region Hai River Basin Yellow River Basin Huai River Basin Taihu Lake Billion cubic  Basin Yangtze River Basin meters Data S i  1956‐1979 D  Series Data S i  1980‐2005 D  Series 1,100 , 1,000 900 Rivers in 800 Southeastern Region 700 600 500 Pearl River Basin 400 300 200 100 Southern Area of China with 81% of water resources 0 Songhua Liaohe Haihe       Yellow River      Huaihe Yangtze River  South‐East    Pearl river     South‐West North‐West    8 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues 2.2 Trends and the Impact of Climate Projected water availability trends Change 23. With global climate change, extreme Changes in water availability in China’s major weather events happen more often. It is likely that river basins there will be more frequent, intense and uncertain calamities such as flood, typhoon and drought so 22. According to the results of recent water on. But China’s capacity for adaptation to natural resources assessment, there has been a calamities is clearly insufficient and its economic significant change in regional distribution of and social development is still facing serious water resources over the last two decades in threats of flood and drought. China. Comparing the hydrological series of 1980-2005 with those of 1956-1979, the four 2.3 Strategic Issues for China’s Water water resource regions of the Yellow River, Huai Resources River, Hai River and Liao River in the north show a reduction of 6% in average precipitation, 24. China’s natural hydrological situation 21% in river runoff and 13% in total water combined with impacts of climate change all resources. Of the four, Hai River region sees a contribute to variability in the availability of decrease of 11% in precipitation, 45% in river water across the country, between years, and runoff and 28% in total water resources. There is even between seasons. Combined with growing a dramatic difference between the south and the water demands to support China’s social and north where there are much less water resources economic development, this is causing many (as indicated in Fig. 2-3). complex water problems. Figure 2-3: Impact of Climate Change on Water Availability in China’s Major River Basins Billion cubic  meters Data S i  1956‐1979 D  Series D  Series Data S i  1980‐2005 1,100 , 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Songhua Liaohe Haihe       Yellow River      Huaihe Yangtze River  South‐East    Pearl river     South‐West North‐West    China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 9 Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues 25. The following four strategic issues present 29. Priority areas to be addressed include: the most significant barriers to China’s growth and development: (a) risks of flooding; (b) water  Policies to ensure availability of investment, scarcity; and water security for food security; particularly in non-structural measures and (c) water pollution, and ecosystem degradation; increased funding improve flood management and (d) under-improved water resources along medium and small rivers; management. Further information on each of the  Land use planning: urbanization is proceeding above issues is presented below. at an unprecedented rate, often at the expense of floodways, which are increasingly being Strategic Issue 1: Risks of Flooding used for settlements and other human activities. The challenge is to coordinate flood 26. Following the substantial improvement of control and disaster mitigation with economic flood prevention systems along China’s main development, especially in smaller towns, rivers, the relative number of flood disasters where planning and enforcement are weakest; along small and medium-size rivers – where  Introducing cost effective standards for flood flood-protection infrastructure and management control based on systematic risk assessment, are still inadequate – has been growing. Each and upgrading poorly maintained, ageing year, flooding along smaller rivers results in a infrastructure. Again, the focus would be severe loss of life and property. This flooding small and medium rivers; will increase with the impact of climate change.  Risk assessment and related mitigation measures for the large number of small dams 27. More than 90% of the flood-related that were designed with very low standards or disasters over the last 10 years were in small are maintained. Of the 87,800 dams in China, towns and cities, and in rural areas, and in most 90% are small with storage capacity of less cases were caused by landslides and flash-floods. than 10 million m3. In 2010 alone, such events resulted in 2,690  More effective management of small and deaths and left 1,170 missing in an extraordinary medium rivers: irrational earth extraction, flood and debris flows occurred in Zhouqu human barriers and obstructions of the water of Gansu Province. In total, the floods in 2010 flow, garbage contaminating and clogging affected 140 million people and 7 million hectares the drainage system and rivers, and land of agricultural areas across 28 provinces and reclamation for farm and town development regions. The direct economic losses are estimated in floodplains and stream are common, at about US$ 40 billion. violating river management regulations, reducing water flow and increasing flood risk; 28. Factors that contribute to these flood-  Flood control plans for vulnerable, mostly related disasters are the low standards for flood small cities: of the 639 cities in China control for medium and small rivers, the fact that which are required to prepare flood control more than 48 thousand small-sized reservoirs strategies, 567 are small and medium need structural improvements, and the large cities located along tributaries of major number of unsafe gates in dykes and dams. The rivers or medium and small rivers. Many capacity to monitor and avert mud-rock flow, are vulnerable to flood risk and priority landslides, flash floods and other calamities is should be given to their needs, based on a also seriously inadequate, as are the drainage comprehensive river basin approach; systems in areas prone to water-logging, and the  Improved flood risk awareness. A major protection against storm surges along the coast. problem faced in the current flood control and disaster mitigation endeavors is the 10 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues poor flood risk awareness of most of people. 31. Over the last 30 years, in China’s northern Flood risk awareness of some governments, areas the weather has generally become drier. In of stakeholders and of the general public the north, the surface humidity index has been is generally not strong, reflected by lack of relatively low for 28 years in a row. Every year understanding of flood risk and vulnerabilities an average of 15.3 million hectare (230 million and wrong assumptions about effectiveness mu) of farmland suffers from drought calamity, of flood control works, which has resulted and nearly two thirds of the cities in China are in inadequate flood disaster preparedness short of water to various degrees. and response, delaying and hampering full economic recovery; 32. Nearly half of China's population lives in  Improvements to real-time flood warning water-shortage areas in the north. The north is systems: in many small town and rural areas, also where most of the country’s maize, wheat the impact of floods on vulnerable people and vegetables are grown, and where the capital and costs of each event could be reduced by and other mega-cities. Water is even scarcer in improved information and quicker response the arid lands in the northwest. While rich in for smaller events in remote areas; mineral resources, the area lacks sufficient water  Introduction of a unified approach to applying resources to meet current water demands. The both structural and non-structural measures economic development of these regions partially for flood management, including engineering depends on the over-development and utilization measures, land use planning, small watershed of surface and groundwater resources. management, flash flood management and urban flood management. Basin wide planning 33. As a result of the over-exploitation and is required, but, smaller and medium-sized utilization of groundwater resources, more than rivers are a priority for implementation of 160 groundwater-overdraft areas have identified, works; covering a total area of 190 thousand km2. Each  Integration of potential impacts of climate year, groundwater withdrawals are estimated change and land use on flood management to exceed recharge by 22 billion m3. In the Hai planning: substantial information is available river basin – home to both Beijing and Tianjin on the type and pace of changes that may be – shallow water tables have dropped by up expected and the consequence to intensified to 50 meters and deep ones by up to 90. Some rainfall and flooding. groundwater aquifers are fully dewatered. Strategic Issue 2: Water Scarcity 34. The over-exploitation of these ground and surface water resources has decreased their long- 30. Shortage in Cities: There has been serious term carrying capacity for economic and social water scarcity in the semi-arid and arid north development. Many rivers and lakes have dried and west part of China. In those areas, water up, wetlands have shrunk, groundwater levels resources are naturally scarce, and the region’s have declined, and the water cycle system has social and economic development currently partly been damaged. Over-exploitation of water depends on over-exploitation of surface and resources in the semi-arid and arid areas has groundwater resources, which has a negative not been controlled. The economic growth in effect on water quality and leads to a general these basins or regions is already at the expense degradation of the environment. Water of ecological sustainability and eventually will scarcity in the northern areas is also likely to be threaten economic development as shown in exacerbated by climate change. Figure 2-4. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 11 Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues Figure 2-4: Impact on the Environment of Increasing Demand for Water Q Available Water Resources  Environmental Water Demand Social‐economic  Water Demands Water Deprived from  ecosystem conservation W t  S Water l Supply T 35. Food Security: Water Scarcity has become 37. About 52% of China’s arable land is an issue for food security with increasing impact rain-fed. As the risks of long-term droughts of climate change in China. Inadequate irrigation are increasing due to climate change, grain infrastructure and agricultural extension systems production could be reduced not only in the in the main grain producing areas1 are affecting semi-arid north, but also in the water-abundant grain production. Every year, about 13% of the southwest. In recent years, the extraordinary irrigated area suffers from severe water scarcity droughts occurred many times in this region and as a result of dry weather events and drought. other recent large drought events have shown The percentage may gradually increase with that drought in the southwest are now a regular impact of climate change in the future. threat. 36. China’s total irrigated area accounts for 38. The response system to drought 48% of total arable land. About 40% of the large- emergencies is not complete. Recent droughts scale irrigation systems and 50% of the medium have exposed several problems that hinder an and small-scale irrigation systems are not effective response: (a) a lack of irrigation systems, fully functional because of their age, and poor (b) insufficient water reserves, (c) incomplete operation and maintenance. Moreover, some systems and mechanisms for drought emergency on-farm systems are incomplete and therefore management, and (d) a particularly weak unable to deliver water to the designated area. capacity to respond to persistent and severe This has resulted in many land areas with an droughts. insufficient water supply for irrigation and consequently low agricultural yields. 1 China has thirteen major grain production areas, namely Henan, Hebei, Sichuan, Anhui, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Inner Mongolia and Shandong and other areas. 12 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues 39. Inadequate infrastructure and infrastructure challenges in China. Water quality in rivers and management has weakened the protection of lakes nationwide has deteriorated. In some rivers the main grain production areas against flood and reaches, water resource functions have been and water-logging events. With global climate degraded or lost, threatening the entire water change leading to more extreme flood and ecosystem. According to official data, almost 50% drought events and an increase in the frequency, of existing water function zones does not meet intensity and uncertainty of flood and water- national water quality standards. logging events, typhoons and other calamities, China’s capacity in the field of agriculture for 42. China’s water systems will continue to natural disaster mitigation needs improvement. be under immense pressure as a result of the Flood and water logging calamities will continue pollution from outdated production processes. to pose a serious threat to the country’s grain While the government is heavily focused on production. energy conservation and emission reduction, investment in environmental protection facilities 40. The other key issues related to water such as in-factory waste treatment equipment scarcity are: and wastewater treatment plants, can put a tremendous burden on local enterprises and  The average water productivity in the irrigated even lead to unemployment and other social areas is only about 1.0 kg/m3, compared to 1.5- problems. Consequently, dealing with industrial 2.0 kg/m3 in other countries. and domestic wastewater will require long-term  Inefficient use of water and a frequent attention. Moreover, domestic pollution from wasting of water resources. Even though cities and towns, point-source pollution from current production methods and technical industrial enterprises, and diffuse (non-point conditions limit water conservation efforts, source) pollution from agricultural development many opportunities remain to save water in the vast rural areas will continue to grow and in industries, domestic use, and irrigated together form one of the greatest threats to water agriculture by linking water withdrawal to safety. Water quality is now at the core of China’s consumptive water use needs. water-related challenges, perhaps posing an even  Consumptive use of water in cities and towns greater threat to development than the water when wastewater is reused for agriculture scarcity and flooding risks discussed above. has resulted in more serious water scarcity in downstream regions and areas. 43. Water-related soil erosion is also a growing  Little appreciation for the economic value of cause of environmental degradation. One third water resources. Efforts should be made to of all lands have already seen water-related ensure that water is valued as a resource and soil erosion, with about 1.61 million km 2 of only used for products with relatively higher land affected by water erosion and about 1.95 values. million km 2 by both wind and water erosion. Although improvements at the watershed level, Strategic Issue 3: Water Pollution and Ecosystem such as the return of farmland to forest and Degradation other water conservation measures adopted by the government, have yielded some positive 41. China’s rapid social and economic results, the intensive use of farmland, mining, development is resulting in increased water construction, and other economic activities pollution, water-loss and soil-erosion, and a continue to contribute to soil erosion and a degradation of the ecological environment. Water wasting of water resources through non-beneficial pollution is now one of the biggest environmental evapotranspiration. Many areas are at risk and China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 13 Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues slope farmlands, erosion ravines, hill collapse 45. China’s limited water resources will require areas, and stone desertification areas urgently careful water resources planning. Figure 2-5 shows need to be improved prevent further erosion. that while China’s per capita water resources are much lower than those in Japan, the United States, Strategic Issue 4: Improving Water Resources Germany, France, or Brazil, its water use per unit of Management GDP is much higher. 44. The current, “resources-intensive” approach 46. Table 2-1 illustrates China’s pattern of water to water resources management, which depends use compared to other countries with similar on ever greater consumption of water, needs to income levels1. be replaced by a sustainable, “resources-efficient” approach in order to support more balanced social and economic development while protecting the ecological environment. Figure 2-5: Water Availability and Per Capita GDP – Selected Countries Cubic Meters Water resources per capita Water use per unit of GDP (US$10,000) 45,931 4 30,836 14,037 11,000 10,000 9,000 8,000 7,000 6 000 6,000 5,000 4 000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 Japan       USA   Germany  France   Israel    Brazil      Russia      India     China South Africa        1 Data sources: The figures for China are based on the national database for 2008; and for other countries from the “International Statistical Yearbook 2009”; and FAO database on water resources; and Amount of water use does not represent consumptive use of water. For the same amount of water use or withdrawal, consumptive use of water varies with water use efficiencies, particularly for irrigated agricultural water use. 14 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues Table 2-1: Water Use and GDP Data by Country and Income Group Water GDP Per Water Water Use Water Use Per Water Use Per Daily Water Resources Capita Use Per for Agriculture Unit of GDP Unit of Added Use Per County Per Capita (US$) Capita(m3) (%) US$10,000 (m3) Industrial Value Capita(Liter) (m3) US$10,000(m3) Japan 3,373 36,612 693 62 189 104 374 U.S. 10,491 33,575 1,647 41 491 935 573 Netherlands 5,651 23,915 493 34 206 496 187 Germany 1,867 23,037 571 20 248 554 193 U.K. 2,475 24,286 161 3 66 177 285 France 3,409 22,189 668 10 301 980 287 High Canada 92,692 23,154 1,469 22 635 1,313 355 Incomes Italy 3,290 18,901 765 45 405 523 381 Australia 25,097 20,664 1,219 75 590 220 492 Israel 281 19,100 289 56 151 27 298 Spain 2,682 14,031 860 68 613 389 317 South Korea 1,474 10,822 393 48 363 146 384 Group Average 9,337 27,292 1,003 42 367 588 395 Argentina 21,625 7,550 776 74 1,027 352 357 Mexico 4,492 5,715 769 77 1,345 264 366 Brazil 45,931 3,596 331 62 920 594 183 Malaysia 23,910 3,722 372 62 999 415 172 South Africa 1,073 2,853 268 63 941 179 229 Medium Turkey 3,051 3,810 599 75 1,572 487 250 Incomes China 2,100 3,300 445 64 1,340 890 131 Thailand 6,648 1,989 1,412 95 7,099 416 270 Russia 30,836 1,777 525 18 2,953 4,949 210 Egypt 830 1,446 990 86 6,844 1,212 108 Kazakhstan 7,366 1,225 2,342 82 19,109 7,811 163 Group Average 8,893 1,807 521 68 2,884 1,611 166 Philippines 6,026 955 359 74 3,755 1,098 126 Ukraine 2,915 652 781 53 1,1981 11,667 260 Low Pakistan 1,500 493 1,126 96 22,869 2,017 60 Incomes India 1,753 425 597 86 14,037 2,919 132 Vietnam 10,941 383 877 68 22,885 14,957 186 Group Average 2,521 467 661 85 14,162 3,880 134 Overall Average 7,200 9,200 630 70% 1,000 840 200 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 15 Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues 47. Improving water management to meet 49. In sum, China’s water sector needs to the challenges of flood and water-logging, water support rapid urbanization and industrialization scarcity, drought and pollution will have a and guarantee water availability and better number of dimensions and components. At the services. The country’s capacity for water government level, sound water management resources management, however, is insufficient. must be based on long term as well as real- The ongoing and fundamental transformation time information about the resource, shared of China’s economic development pattern among sectors, administrative units and users. will present a big challenge to water resources Laws and regulations governing the sector must management and improving water security. be consistent, complementary, and enforced. Further, institutional arrangement must promote 2.4 Main Issues in China’s Major River cooperation and information sharing across Basins sectors and administrative units. Among other benefits, this will facilitate appropriate reuse of 50. As indicated by the National Water Law water across sectors. (2002), China has adopted a mixed water management system which allows both river 48. Within agriculture in water scarce areas basin management and administrative or regional – the dominant water consumer – careful management for its water resources. Integrated attention needs to be paid to the impact of new Water Resources Management (IWRM) at the river technologies that allow farmers to irrigate larger basin level, and further down to administrative areas with the same level of withdrawals, often and water user levels is to be tested in local increasing consumption at the expense of other conditions under the current National Water Law users. The charges for irrigation services should in China. The ongoing reform and innovation reflect costs, and the funds available to operating in river basin management, however, is not yet agencies (from public sources, farmers, and complete and more reforms are necessary before potentially the private sector) must be stable attaining the level of the IWRM with principles and reliable – so that short term O&M as well as recognized and set forth internationally (Section long term upgrading and rehabilitation works 1.2). Agency and inter-agency responsibilities can be planned and the irrigation service made for water resources administration and sustainable. Agriculture will generally have to management are both horizontally and vertically reduce water consumption – to release water divided, with responsibilities distributed to the environment as well as other economic among central ministries and among provinces, sectors – and this will require involvement cities and counties. As a result, reaching the of farmers in aspects of project design, planned objectives at the river basin level – implementation and O&M. Controlling the over- such as an allocation of water resources for exploitation of ground and surface resources economic activities, ending over-exploitation can be facilitated by information about water of water resources, protecting ecosystems, and consumption rather than just water withdrawals. establishing flood warning and forecasting systems – is difficult. China can take advantage of international good practices, adapted to and building on local conditions for institutional reform. 16 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter II - China’s Water Resources and Strategic Issues 51. The large variation in geographic features 2-2 summarizes the main issues and impacts of and economic and social development across climate change on water resources for each of river basins implies that water resource China's ten major river basins1. More detailed management, assessments and evaluations issues and proposed strategies for each area are would be best addressed separately for each given in Annex 4. of the country’s ten major river basins. Table Table 2-2: Main Issues by River Basin No. Basin Mainstream Issues/Problems  Low standards for flood control; 1 Songhuajiang River Basin  Both physical and economic water scarcities in local areas;  Water and soil erosion in black soil regions.  Both physical and economic water scarcities; 2 Liaohe River Basin  Over utilization of water resources;  Serious water pollution.  Serious physical water scarcity;  Serious Groundwater overexploitation; 3 Haihe River Basin  Serious water pollution;  Ecosystem degradation.  Both physical and economic water scarcities;  Water and soil erosion at the middle-river reaches; 4 Yellow River Basin  High flood risk because of low water flow and high sediments;  Serious water pollution in local areas.  Frequent flood and drought disasters; 5 Huaihe River Basin  Complicated tasks related to improvements of rivers and lakes;  Serious water pollution.  High risk of flooding;  Difficult tasks for improvements of rivers and lakes; 6 Yangtze River Basin  Serious water and soil erosion at the upper river reaches;  Serious water pollution in part of river reaches and lakes;  Serious water pollution in the delta areas;  Disasters from sea storm surge and river flooding; 7 Pearl River Basin  Sea water intrusion along coastal areas;  Serious rock desertification at the upper reach of the Xijiang River.  Serious disasters by sea surge storm; 8 South-East River Basin  High flood risks for small and middle rivers flowing directly to the sea;  Serious water pollution in some areas.  Insufficient water infrastructure; 9 South-West River Basin  Economic water scarcity;  Serious disasters from mountain flood and debris flows.  Physical water scarcity; 10 North-West River Basin  Over utilization of water resources;  Fragile ecosystems. 1 Data source: Study reports (see references) on impact of climate change on China’s big river basins. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 17 Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development 52. Lao Zi’s “Tao Te Ching,” the famous ancient Chinese philosophical classic, mentions that “water embodies supreme virtues, as it nourishes countless lives on the earth without contending for anything.” For thousands of years water has been a symbol for the moral character of the human being. Since the times of Ta You, an ancient Chinese water engineer who lived more than 4,000 years ago, generations of Chinese rulers have regarded the tranquility of rivers as a key governance issue. 3.1 Development Progress in China’s Water Sector 53. The Government of China attaches great importance to the challenges of developing and managing the nation's water resources. Droughts and floods are key constraints to China’s social and economic development. The country has constantly intensified its investment programs1 in water resources development and utilization, in particularly over the past 20 years as shown in Figure 3-1. At the same time, increasing attention has been paid to the management of water resources. A brief summary of about 60 key water projects is given in Annex 5. Flood Prevention and Water-logging Control 54. Extensive infrastructure has been built to regulate floods in China’s major rivers and lakes. By the end of 2010, the total number of (completed) reservoirs had increased to 87,800, with a total storage capacity of 716.2 billion m3. In addition, nearly 300 thousand km of embankments and dykes for flood control and 44,000 water gates (including 500 big ones) were constructed. 1 The investments in tap-water-supply networks and sewerage system in the urban or township proper areas were not included in the Programs, which were made from Provincial Governments and Central Government via Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 19 Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development Figure 3-1: Investment Completed in Water Resources Development (1991-2010) 120 USD in billion Planned  Completed 105 107.7 90 79.3 75 71.2 60 55.8 55.2 45 41.9 30 24.3 15 10.4 0 1991‐1995 1996‐2000 2001‐2005 2006‐2010 55. Great progress has also been made with the Drinking Water Supply and Quality rehabilitation of dams and reservoirs. During the 11th five-year plan period, more than 7,000 58. Drinking water services have expanded unsafe dams were reinforced. In the 12th five- substantially over the last two decades, year plan period, all the dams that are currently supporting social and economic development in unsafe will basically be reinforced. the country. Many large, middle and small-scale water diversion and supply projects have been 56. Substantial successes have also been constructed, improving the supply to in rural achieved in flood prevention. From 1949 to 2009, areas. By the end of 2010, the annual water supply the total direct economic benefit from flood capacity supported by water works in China control was US$595.5 billion and the average had reached over 700 billion m3, which basically annual loss of people’s lives from flooding was ensures the urban and rural water supply in reduced from 8,976 in the 1950s to around 1,507 a medium drought year. Since the 1980s, the in early 2000s. About 170 million hectares of government has accelerated its efforts to supply arable land was protected from flooding, leading drinking water for the rural poor. By the end of to a reduction in annual losses of over 10 million 2010, about 1 million rural water supply works tons of grain production. were built in rural areas, currently delivering drinking water to 400 million rural poor. 57. Despite these successes, China still faces enormous challenges that nearly every year 59. China also increasingly pays attention to the flood and water-logging events occur. Many quality of drinking water. In the 11th five-year places on the middle and lower reaches of the plan period, the central and local governments Yangtze, Huai, Songhuajiang and Pearl River invested an additional US$15 billion to provide basins are extremely prone to water-logging. a safe drinking water supply for the rural poor. By the end of 2010, China provided safe drinking water for 300 million rural people, already substantially exceeding the United Nation’s Millennium Development Goal for 20 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development 2015. According to current government plans, Sichuan Province; in 2007, there was a widespread problems related to drinking water safety will be summer drought; in 2009, a spring drought completely resolved by 2015. occurred in some parts of China; and in 2010, another drought affected the southwestern region. Irrigation and Drought Mitigation Water-Soil Erosion Control 60. Irrigation plays a critical role in grain production in China. The irrigated area1 reached 63. Good progress has also been achieved in 60.3 million hectares (905 million mu) by 2010, water-soil erosion control, which has played a key accounting for 48% of the total arable land in role in flash flood control and poverty alleviation China, producing about 75% of the total grain in China’s mountain and rural areas. By the end and 90% of the total cash crops in China. There of 2010, the total improved water-soil erosion currently are about 460 large-scale irrigation areas exceeded 1.068 million km2. With soil and districts (over 20,000 hectares) with an irrigated water conservation measures taken, an average of area of some 17.5 million hectares, accounting for more than 1.5 billion tons of soil will be prevented 29% of the total irrigated area. from being eroded each year, increasing the total water storage to over 25 billion m3 , and increasing 61. The development of irrigation districts, grain production by 18 million tons, which has water works supplementation and water- benefited over 100 million people and relieved saving technique transformation in China has 50 million people from poverty. About 62 large focused on increasing irrigation efficiency demonstration areas have been established in and minimizing losses. Over the past 30 years selected focal areas to demonstrate and extend the the effectively irrigated area has increased by program benefits to other water-soil erosion areas. about 8 million hectares (170 million mu) and grain production by 78%, while the total water 64. Although watershed-level improvements, supplied to irrigation has remained much the the return of farmland to forests, and other water same. Nominally, losses have reduced from 65% conservation measures adopted by the government to 50% by the end of 2010. However, more careful have yielded positive results, conflict between analysis of the National Irrigated Agricultural population and farmland continues. Mining, Water Saving Program is required, because some construction, and other factors continue to cause “losses” actually return to the ground as recharge soil and water losses. In the near future, 24 million to aquifers or runoff to rivers. Groundwater is hectares of slope farmland, 442 thousand ravines increasingly overexploited, as much as 22 billion caused by erosion, and many areas with either stone m 3 per year, with some of the overdraft areas desertification or with hills about to collapse as a located in areas falling under the national water result of erosion urgently need to be improved. saving program. Hydro-Power Development 62. Despite successes, challenges remain: droughts are becoming increasingly serious 65. Hydro-power generation has been a priority – in 2006 a catastrophic drought took place in area for the development of clean energy. By Chongqing Municipality and in the eastern part of the end of 2010, the installed storage capacity of 1 China reports the “effective” irrigated area, as the physical area actually irrigated, thus excluding incomplete or dysfunctional parts of projects, and only counting once any areas that are irrigated more than once in the year. Thus a project designed to serve 100 ha, but actually irrigating 80 ha in one season and 50 ha in a second season would be recorded as 80 ha of effective irrigation. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 21 Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development hydro-power has increased to 230 million KW, Improved Water Resources Management ranking first in the world1. 69. Since 1978, when economic development 66. Substantial progress has also been achieved was defined as a central task, the Government in small hydro-power development in rural of China has paid increasing attention to water areas, greatly benefitting the rural poor and resources management. The period has seen helping alleviate poverty. By the end of 2010, the exceptional economic growth in all sectors, which total installed capacity of rural small hydropower has manifested itself in increased competition works reached 59,000 MW with an annual power for water, industrial pollution, urbanization, production of 204.4 billion kWh, accounting for and consequent degradation of ecosystems. 26% of the total hydro-power capacity. About Increased prevalence of droughts and floods, 99.6% of rural farmer households currently have probably related to climate change, has further access to electricity. complicated the situation. The milestones and key historical events of the improved water Development of Water Information Technology resources management in China are as follows: 67. Application of modern information  1979-1984: The first country-wide water technology has played an important role in resources assessment was carried out to flood prevention and drought relief in China. determine the status of water resources The country-wide flood prevention and drought development and utilization; relief command system is currently being  1985: The State Council decided to establish established and will consist of 280 single units to the National Coordinating Group for Water cover the key target areas all over the country. So Resources Management; 1987: The Program far, the 39 units have been located in the Ministry for Water Resources Allocation of the Yellow of Water Resources, river basin management River was issued and implemented, which authorities, and provincial water bureaus on formed the early concept and approach for a dedicated information network with video water resources management in China; conference facilities. An additional 125 units for  1988: China’s first “Water Law of the People’s the collection of real time data and information Republic of China” was promulgated are now under construction. and implemented, which, among other features, established the institutional and 68. By the end of 2010, China had established administrative frameworks for water 37,436 hydrological stations with a total number resources management in the country; of 65,464 staff working on the hydrological  1993: China’s first “Water Withdrawal Permit services. In addition, various internet-based System” was issued and implemented, which computer networks have been installed to allowed collection of water resources fees and support information sharing and acquisition established review and approval procedures in the field of office administration, flood and for use of China’s water resources; drought warning and forecasting, surface and  1996-2000 (the 9 th Five-Year Plan period): groundwater resources monitoring, water-soil The Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) erosion monitoring, management of large-scale put forth the new concept of water resources irrigation districts, and public water information. management and implemented it across the 1 See “China Statistics Yearbook” 22 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development country, thereby acknowledging and acting  Water resources are basic natural resources on “the need for change from the traditional and strategic economic resources. They are approach [of continuous expansion of controlling elements of the eco-environment infrastructure] to a modern and sustainable and an important part of national security; development approach [setting priorities for  Water resources are important to ensuring allocation of the available supply] for water and improving the livelihood of the people resources development and utilization”; and play an important role in facilitating  2001-2005 (the 10 th Five-Year Plan period): poverty reduction and increasing public China’s first “Water Law of the People’s welfare; Republic of China” from 1988 was updated  Implementing the strictest water resources and promulgated in 2002 and for the first time management system will become necessary, proposed that China performs “the approach including establishing the three “red lines” for for river basin management combined with water resources management, namely strictly administrative boundary management” for implementing a control on the total amount its water resources. Following this 2002 law, a of water use; continuously increasing water proposal from MWR to build “a nation-wide use efficiency; and strictly controlling the total water-saving oriented society” was approved amount of pollutant discharge into rivers; and implemented;  Implementing a shift from flood control to  2006-2010 (the 11 th Five-Year Plan Period): flood management is necessary, including The Government of China pushed forward giving equal attention to both the storage and the development of “a resources-efficient and discharge of flood water and offering flood environmentally friendly society,” requiring waters a way out; further water savings, the monitoring and  Structural measures are combined with non- evaluation indicators of which include: (a) structural measures with importance attached the amount of water use per unit of GDP or to the effects of management; increased industrial output value and (b) the  Development of a water saving society is deeply total amount of water use for a given river basin promoted to make sure that water saving or a local government administrative areas. technology and measures are implemented on a full scale; 70. The Government of China has treated water  Importance is attached to the role of market as a strategic national resource for economic mechanism 1 in water resources allocation development as well as for maintaining an to increase the efficiency of water resources ecosystem balance. The water sector is to support utilization through water pricing mechanism, water rapid social and economic development through right trading, and other activities; sustainable utilization of water resources. A  Emphasis is placed on integrated water resources series of major transformations have taken place management with attention paid both to water in the ideology of water resources management, development, utilization and management and to reflected in the following principles: water allocation, saving and protection;  Integrated basin management is promoted to  Human beings should deal with nature in strengthen coordination and cooperation between a harmonious manner instead of placing different government departments, water use infinite demands on the nature; organizations and stakeholders. 1 It is important to note that water is a national asset, so that water rights will be defined as rights of an individual or entity to use water rather than ownership rights. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 23 Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development 71. In accordance with the Water Law of the in December 2010 (see Box 3-1); (b) the water People’s Republic of China, China has developed resources master plans at the river basin level for and implemented a series of important master China’s seven largest river basins (the Yangtze, plans and specialized plans. These plans are Yellow, Huai, Hai, Songliao, Pearl and Tai Lake) prepared and implemented at the national and have been reviewed and technically approved local government and river basin levels with by Ministry of Water Resources (MWR); and (c) coordination and cooperation among the water the specialized flood control plans for the seven authorities at the respective levels. The main largest river basins in China have been approved progresses by the end of 2010 in this regard by the State Council. are that (a) the first National Water Resources Master Plan was approved by the State Council Box 3-1: The Latest National Water Resources Master Plan for China (Approved by the State Council in December 2010) The National Water Resources Master Plan is a national may put forward policies (such as those related to rational strategic water resources plan specified by the National water resources allocation, water rights and water Water Law that serves as an important basis for water marketing) to promote water conservation, while the resources development, utilization, improvement, water price will possibly go up in the future. Meanwhile, allocation, saving, protection and management. The Master the government will speed up the construction of the Plan was developed in two stages: the first stage was to eastern and middle routes, and the preparatory work carry out a water resources survey and evaluation, and the of the western route of the South-North Water Transfer second stage was to prepare the water resources master Project to effectively resolve the water scarcity issue in the plan with the “bottom-up” and “topdown” approach through northern regions of China. coordinated back-forth-planning activities at the three levels of the national, river basin and provincial government. The Master Plan confirms the following medium- and long- term targets to be achieved by the water sector in China The Master Plan evaluated available water resources and by 2020 and 2030, respectively: their development and utilization; studied and formulated the overall allocation of the available water resources  The amount of water use per unit of GDP (RMB 10,000) at the national, basin and regional levels; determined will be reduced to 105 m3 or less by 2020, which is 30% the targets by 2030 for water resources development, of reduction from the 2010 number. It will then be utilization, conservation and protection at the river basin further reduced by 40% of 2020 number by 2030. and regional levels; and proposed the implementation  The amount of water use per unit of increased plan with the strictest water resources management. industrial value (RMB 10,000) will be reduced to 63 m3 or less by 2020, which is 30% of reduction from the The implementation of the Master Plan will improve the 2010 number, the then it will be further reduced by level of water conservation and protection, and upgrade 40% of 2020 number by 2030;. the supporting capacity of the water sector for social  The total amount of water use in China will be limited and economic development and ecological environment to 670 billion m3 by 2020, and 700 billion m3 by 2030 protection. This means that the current extensive mode respectively. of water utilization will be changed and the government 24 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development Governmental Organizations for Water which mandates it to be in charge of the unified Management administration and supervision of water resources throughout the country.” The Law also provides 72. The Water Law of the People’s Republic that “the other water-related administrative of China provides that “the State exercises a departments under the State Council are system of river basin management combined responsible for water resources development, with administrative boundary management of its utilization, saving, and protection in accordance water resources; and MWR is the administrative with the division of their responsibilities” department of water under the State Council, assigned by the State Council. Box 3-2: Governmental Organizations for Water Management Water administration and management organizations in China is responsible for the work concerning water pollution are set up in accordance with the principle of line agencies prevention and control; the State Forestry Administration is combined with administrative boundary divisions. There are responsible for the work concerning wetland ecology; and the four levels of water administration departments from the National Energy Administration is responsible for the work central to the local levels. The Ministry of Water Resources related to large-scale hydro-energy project development. (MWR), as a member department of the State Council, is the water administrative department under the State Council. The National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters Under it there are seven river basin management agencies are set up at the central level in the State Council. A Vice- including the river basin commissions for Yangtze, Yellow, Premier acts as its chief. Its routine working body sits inside the Huai, Hai, Pearl, Songliao and Taihu river basins. There are MWR. In the important river basins determined by the State, a three levels of local governmental water administration basin flood control and drought relief headquarters or a flood departments, i.e. water resources/affairs departments/bureaus control headquarters are set up, the working bodies of which at the provincial level, water resources/affairs bureaus at the are located in the respective river basin management agency. prefecture level and water resources/affairs bureaus at the At various levels of local governments, there are flood controls county level, as the water administrative departments of the and drought relief headquarters or flood control headquarters corresponding administrative areas. set up in the respective level of governments. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and MWR are Agencies and organizations are also set up at the provincial, responsible for construction of water infrastructure for flood prefecture and county levels respectively under the other control and drought relief works. water-related departments under the State Council. The Ministry of Land and Resources is responsible for the work concerning groundwater reconnaissance and surveys; the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is responsible for the work concerning water public utilities in urban areas; The Ministry of Environmental Protection China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 25 Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development Key Laws and Regulations on Water It's expected that these laws and regulations serve as the legal basis to ensure that water is 73. Since 1978, when the Government of China being managed to promote sustainable social strengthened its water affairs management by and economic development and ecological legislation, a system of water-related laws and environment protection. To ensure results, regulations has been established.1 This system increasing attention has also been paid to includes at least 5 laws, 17 administrative enforcement of these water-related laws and regulations, 53 ministerial rules, and more than regulations. The major water-related laws and 800 local laws and government regulations. regulations are listed in Table 3-1, below. Table 3-1: Main Water-Related Laws and Regulations Name of the Law/Regulations Promulgated by Water Law of the P. R. C. (2002) Order of the President of the P. R. C. No.74 Flood Prevention Law of P. R. C. (1997) Order of the President of the P. R. C. No.88 Water Pollution Control Law of the P. R.C. (2008) Order of the President of the P. R. C. No.87 Water and Soil Conservation Law of the P. R. C. (2010) Order of the President of the P. R. C. No.39 Fishery Law of the P. R. C. (2004) Order of the President of the P. R. C. No.25 Regulations for Flood Prevention of P. R. C. (2005) State Council Decree No.441 Regulations for Administration of Water Withdrawal Permission and Water Resources Fee Collection (2006) State Council Decree No.460 Regulations for Drought Relief of the P. R. C. (2009) State Council Decree No.552 Hydrological Regulations of the P. R. C. (2007) State Council Decree No.496 Regulations for Water Allocation of the Yellow River (2006) State Council Decree No.472 Regulations for Land Acquisition, Compensation and Resettlement Concerning Construction of Large and State Council Decree No.471 Medium-Scale Water and Hydropower Projects (2006) Regulations for Administration and Management of Sand Extraction from the Yangtze River State Council Decree No.320 Detailed Rules for Implementation of the Water Pollution Control Law of the P. R. C. (2000) State Council Decree No.284 Regulations for Urban Water Supply (1994) State Council Decree No.158 Regulations for Implementation of the Water and Soil Conservation Law of the P. R. C. (1993) State Council Decree No.120 Regulations for Reservoir and Dam Safety Management (1991) State Council Decree No.78 Regulations for River Course Management (1991) State Council Decree No.3 Measures for Administration of Water Project Construction Plan Consent Letter System (for trial MWR Regulation No.31 implementation) (2007) Measures for Administration of Water Withdrawal Permission (2008) MWR Regulation No.34 Provisions for Supervision of Water Project Construction (2006) MWR Regulation No.28 Measures for Administration of Rectification within a Specified Time Limit (for trial implementation) (2009) MEP Regulation No.6 Measures for Administration of Key Water Pollutants Discharge Permits in Hai River Basin and Taihu Lake MEP Regulation No.11 Basin (for trial implementation ) (2001) Measures for Administration of Municipal Water Discharge Permission (2006) MOC Regulation No. 152 1 The “Rule of Law” principle was adopted in Constitutional changes of 1999. 26 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development Adaptation to Global Climate Change  Enforcement of integrated water resources management; 74. China attaches great importance to global  Optimization of water resources allocation climate change and has formulated a National and regulation; and Plan for Climate Change Adaptation and  Development of water-saving oriented promulgated a series of policies and measures society. about climate change adaptation. Water is the most important resource that is directly 3.2 China’s Strategic Goals and Targets for affected by climate change. Due to its impact, 2020 the temporal and spatial distribution of water resources in China has become more uneven 77. The No. 1 Central Government Document in the past decade. Extreme weather events and the Central Government Water Conference (torrential rains, high-temperature droughts, of 2011 clearly defined the guiding ideologies, super typhoons) are becoming more and more objectives and basic principles of water resources frequent and stronger; meanwhile, floods development and set down a series of new and droughts are becoming more sudden and policies and measures for water resources unpredictable. management and its improvement, providing a grand blueprint. In June 2012, the State Council 75. Climate change adaptation and mitigation approved the “Master Plan for Water Resources measures mainly include : (a) enhancing Development (2011-2020)” prepared jointly by integrated water resources management to National Development and Reform Commission, protect and recover eco-systems with rational Ministry of Water Resources and Ministry of water resources allocation; (b) research on Housing and Urban-Rural Development, which climate change impacts on the water cycle; (c) further specifies the direction and priority areas inducing artificial rainfall; (d) recycling industrial of development for the 2011-2020 period. wastewater; (e) using improved irrigation and agronomic technologies for irrigated agricultural Decisions for Accelerating Water Sector Reform water savings; (f) improving rain-fed farming; and Development (g) developing hydropower production in the western and other areas in China; (h) 78. Position for Water Sector Development strengthening monitoring of typhoon, rainstorm in the new situation. Water resources are an and flood with increased flood protection and element indispensable for modern agricultural calamity mitigation capacity; and (i) controlling development, a cornerstone irreplaceable groundwater exploitation and preventing sea in economic and social development and a water intrusion and land subsidence. support inseparable from eco-environmental improvement, being very important in terms 76. Based on the above-mentioned measures, of public service, basic needs and strategic the following priority measures are proposed to purpose. Accelerating water sector reform continue to adapt to climate change: and development concerns not only rural and agricultural development but also the overall  Improvements to the flood control and economic and social development; it is related to disaster relief system; not only flood protection security, water supply  Strengthening construction of water supply security and food security but also economic works in response to drought emergencies; security, ecological security and national security.  Strengthening development of flood and It is necessary to put water sector development drought emergency response mechanism; higher on the agenda of the national undertakings China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 27 Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development and those of the Communist Party of China, Strategic Goal and Targets with focus on accelerating on-farm water works construction and promoting the leapfrog 81. The Decisions of the Central Committee development of the water sector. of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating Water Sector Reform Priority areas for water sector development and Development requires that the current significant lagging situation in water sector 79. In accordance with the requirements of the development should be fundamentally changed No.1 Central Government Document of 2011, water within 5 to10 years. The four big systems are resources development will be regarded as a priority to be basically established by 2020: (a) a system area in the national infrastructure development, on- for flood and drought calamity mitigation; (b) a farm water works construction will be considered system for rational allocation and efficient use of as a key task in rural infrastructure development water resources; (c) a system for water resources and strict water resources management will be conservation and river and lake health security; adopted as a strategic measure for accelerating and (d) a system or mechanism instrumental in the transformation of the economic development scientific development of the water sector. pattern. Emphasis will be placed on scientific water management in accordance with the law, with 82. The System for Flood Control and Drought stress laid on strengthening weak links, to intensify Mitigation: A comprehensive flood control and people’s wellbeing-oriented water resources calamity mitigation system will be basically development, keep deepening water sector reform, established on major rivers with combined speed up development of water-saving society and structural and non-structural measures. (a) promote sustainable water resources development standards of the master plan will be met by so as to blaze a path of development with Chinese dikes on mainstreams and important tributaries characteristics featuring modernized water of major rivers and important reaches of resources development. independent sea-entering and in-land rivers and important sea walls; (b) national flood 80. Investment for water sector development: control standards will be met by important flood Governments at central and local levels will protection cities; (c) flood control capacity for invest more in water resources related activities important reaches of key medium and small over the period from 2011 to 2020 and double rivers will be significantly increased; (d) a the average 2010 annual investment on water. monitoring, forecast and early-warning system Given about a US$30.4 billion of government for flash flood and geological calamity prevention investment in 2010 for water, this means that areas will be basically established; (e) drainage about US$608 billion in total will be available capacity in key low-lying areas will exceed one for the water sector over 10 years until 2020. in five year frequency standard; (f) a drought In addition, financial sources for water- relief and calamity mitigation system will be related activities will become more stable. The preliminarily established to comprehensively government will levy 10 percent tax on rural strengthen emergency backup water supply land transfer payments to build agricultural works for important cities and substantially water resource infrastructure. The availability of increase drought mitigation capacity for drought- the funds for water resources development will prone area and main grains production areas. be improved, and the sources of the funds will be diversified and increased. 28 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development 83. The System for Rational Allocation areas; (d) water use for GDP/104 Yuan will and Efficient Use of Water Resources: (a) be reduced to less than 105m 3 and water use safe drinking water supply will be ensured for industrial value added/104 Yuan will be extensively for a rural population of about 300 reduced to less than 63m3; (e) effective irrigated million (including state-owned farms) and rural area will be increased by 40 million mu; (f) high school teachers and students; (b) percentage of efficient irrigation area will be increased by rural population that benefits from concentrated 50 million mu and efficiently irrigated forage water supply will be increased to around 80%; land through water saving will be intensified; (c) an additional water supply capacity of about (g) the capacity for water resources control will 40 billion m3/year will be built, including that be comprehensively increased with on-farm of approximately 26 billion m3/year for urban irrigation water use coefficient raised to 0.53. Box 3-3: Outlines of No. 1 Central Government Document of 2011 Decisions on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development in China 1. The strategic position of water sector development  Strengthen financing support for the construction of  The new situation facing the water sector water infrastructures  The position and role of the water sector  Widely absorb social funds to invest into the water 2. The guiding principle, objectives, and basic rules of sector water reform and development 6. Application of the strictest water resources management  Guidelines system  Objectives and tasks  a Establish a total volume control system on water  Basic principles use (note: these systems have not been established) 3. Improvements in priority areas  Establish a water use efficiency control system  Improve irrigated agricultural water facilities  Establish a restricted acceptance system on pollution  Speed up medium- and small-river improvements in water function zones and small-reservoir reinforcements  Establish a responsibility and accountability system  Combat water shortages from lack of engineering for water resources management. facilities 7. Continued innovative improvement in water-sector  Enhance emergency response capacity to floods and institutional system and mechanisms droughts.  Improve institutional systems for water resources  Continue necessary construction for drinking water management safety in rural areas  Carry out reforms on water infrastructure operations 4. Increased and accelerated construction of necessary and maintenance system water infrastructure  Improve grass-roots water service system  Continue to improve flood prevention in big rivers  Move forward with water pricing reform  Strengthen construction of water allocation and 8. Strengthening of the leadership for water-sector transfer works  Clarify and put in place the responsibilities of party  Improve water-soil conservation and water ecology committees and governments at the various levels protection  Promote law-based water management  Rationally develop hydro-power resources  Strengthen managerial or technical capacity of water  Strengthen hydro meteorological and technical staff support  Mobilize social forces to concern and support water 5. Establishment of a mechanism for a stable and increased work investment in water sector  Increase public finance and investment into the water Note: The full text of the document is given in Annex 1 sector China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 29 Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development 84. The System for Water Resources Main Tasks Conservation and River and Lake Health Security. (a) important rivers, lakes and 86. Stress will be laid on strengthening on- reservoirs nationwide will be improved so as to farm water works construction: (a) large and meet 60% of the main water quality standards in medium-sized irrigation districts extension, relation to their function zones and concentrated supplementation and water-saving technique drinking water supply works will also transformation; (b) reconstruction of drainage increase percentage of water quality standards pumping stations for large-sized irrigation compliance; (b) 85% of municipal sewage will be districts; (c) more area of effective irrigated treated and more than 20% of wastewater will be farmland; (d) construction of small-sized on-farm recycled in cities where water is physically scarce water works; (e) water saving intensification in or water is short due to poor quality; (c) another agriculture. 250 thousand km 2 of soil and water erosion areas will be comprehensively improved; (d) 87. Efforts will be focused on strengthening environmental water use will be increased in eco- weak links in flood prevention: A flood and environmentally fragile areas and on key rivers drought calamity mitigation system will be and lakes so that the eco-environment will be basically established to increase the flood control rehabilitated to a certain degree; (e) groundwater and drought relief capacity of key cities and flood overexploitation will be preliminarily improved protection areas: (a) improvement of major rivers in serious overdraft areas. and lakes; (b) improvement of medium and small rivers and reinforcement of unsafe reservoirs; 85. The system for mechanism instrumental in (c) construction of priority flood retention and scientific development of the water sector (a) storage areas; (d) prevention of flash floods and the strictest water resources management system geological disasters; (e) non-structural measures will be implemented (Box 3-4); (b) the national for flood control. water right system will basically be established so that the water allocation plan for major rivers 88. Capacity for urban and rural water will be completed and the institutional reform supply security will be greatly increased: (a) for integrated basin management will make construction of water resources allocation works; significant progress; (c) major breakthroughs (b) construction of key water source works; (c) will be made in investment in water resources construction of river, lake and reservoir water and their financing so that the system for system connection works; (d) capacity building water works construction and management for water supply security for cities and towns; (e) will be further improved and a virtuous-circle construction of rural safe drinking water works; mechanism for water works operation will (f) utilization of non-conventional water sources. basically come into being; (d) a complete system of water-related laws and regulations will be 89. Establishment of aquatic ecology safeguard established and management of rivers and lakes system will be accelerated: (a) protection of will be substantially improved; (e) the capacity drinking water source areas; (b) groundwater for scientific research and innovation in water protection and rehabilitation; (c) hydrological resources development will be greatly enhanced, and water resources monitoring; (d) soil and with information technology further improved. water erosion improvement in key areas; (e) construction of small hydropower works; (f) construction of water works for schistosomiasis prevention. 30 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter III - Country Context of Water Sector Development 90. Water sector reform and management. prevention and mitigation water works; (j) (a) reform in water resources management establishment of a sound and complete system system; (b) reform for integrated river of water-related laws and regulations and water basin management system; (c) reform in the planning; (k) establishment and improvement of investment and financing system for water a system for scientific research and innovation resources development and in the management in water resources development; (l) deepening system for water works construction; (d) reform scientific researches on major water issues; in water works management system; (e) water (m) intensifying application and extension of pricing reform; (f) establishment of ecological water scientific research results; (n) promoting compensation mechanism; (g) implementation development of water information technology; of the strictest water resources management (o) acceleration of water technical staff capacity system; (h) strengthening supervision and building; (p) strengthening international management of rivers and lakes and soil erosion; scientific cooperation and exchange. (i) strengthening management of calamity Box 3-4: The Strictest Water Resources Management System Implemented in China The core of the strictest water resources management system In accordance with the “12 th Five-Year Plan”, the main is to implement the “three red lines” established for water targets to be achieved through the implementation of resources management: the strictest water resources management system include:  The first red line is to control total amount of water use  The total amount of water use for whole country should or withdrawal from rivers and groundwater aquifers be controlled within 635 billion m3 by 2015; without exceeding planned targets. For areas where  Water use per 10 thousand Yuan industrial value total water withdrawal has reached or exceeded adding will be over 30% less by 2015; the target, review and approval for additional water  Irrigation water use coefficient should be increased to withdrawal should be suspended; and for areas where more than 0.53 by 2015; total water withdrawal is close to the target, review  More than 60% of main rivers and lakes will meet the and approval of additional water withdrawal should be targets set for water function zones by 2015; restricted;  A complete system for water resources management,  The second red line is to increase water use efficiency supervision and administration should basically be to resolutely restrain waste of water. A regional and established by 2020 to ensure that (a) water resources sector water use efficiency examination and appraisal is rationally allocated; (b) water saving society pattern system will be established to accelerate the process of basically comes into existence; (c) water use efficiency water saving society development; and and benefits are significantly increased; (d) quality  The third red line is to strictly control the total amount of drinking water sources in urban and rural areas of pollutant discharge into rivers, lakes or other water and water ecology in key areas are improved; (e) bodies, which should be determined by the assimilative groundwater overdraft is effectively controlled; and the capacity in water bodies to be consistent with the capacity for guaranteeing water use for economic and water function zone targets. The results of the pollution social development is significantly enhanced. control and prevention should serve as the reference basis for the performance of responsible government officials at all levels. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 31 Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank 4.1 Review of Past Cooperation 91. In the document of the 30-years of cooperation (1980-2010) between China and the World Bank, it was pointed out by the Chinese Government that “the World Bank’s financial resources have supported China’s capital needs for domestic construction1. Together with the financial resources on projects, the Bank has also transferred expertise through internationally advanced technology and management techniques, trained a vast number of project managers and professionals, and introduced new ideas and innovation in many sectors”. 92. The World Bank also indicated in the document that “Like all enduring partnerships, the China – World Bank partnership has evolved over the years. At first, the Bank was able to share experiences with ‘China in a wide range of areas: how to appraise and implement priority projects; how to encourage innovation and introduced new technologies; how to develop the institutions and policy instruments needed for good economic management. Later on, the learning became more mutual as China’s success with reform, growth, and overcoming poverty gathered pace. We have learned a great deal from the way China has fine-tuned and scaled up successful projects and adapted new ideas.” 1 The Bank has contributed US$50.41 billion in supporting 349 projects as of June 30, 2012. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 33 Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank Table 4-1: The World Bank Loan-Financed Irrigation and Water Projects No. Name of World Bank Project World Bank Credit /Loan ($M) Board Approval /Closing Dates 1 North China Plain Agriculture 160 06/15/82–12/31/87 2 Xinjiang Agricultural Development 70 03/03/87–12/31/94 3 Northern Irrigation 103 03/22/88–12/31/97 4 Shaanxi Agricultural Development 106 03/28/89–07/31/97 5 Shandong Agricultural Development 109 05/16/89–06/30/95 6 Jiangxi Agricultural Development 60 02/27/90–12/31/94 7 Hebei Agricultural Development 150 06/14/90–06/30/98 8 Henan Agricultural Development 110 05/14/91–12/31/98 9 Irrigated Agriculture Intensification 335 06/04/91–03/31/98 10 Tarim Basin I 125 08/29/91–06/30/97 11 Guangdong Agriculture Development 162 11/05/91–12/31/98 12 Sichuan Agricultural Development 147 07/07/92–04/30/00 13 Taihu Basin Flood Control 200 02/23/93–12/31/01 14 Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam 460 04/14/94–12/31/00 15 Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation 150 05/26/94–12/31/05 16 Yangtze Basin Water Resources Development 210 04/25/95–12/31/05 17 Gansu Hexi Corridor 150 05/30/96–12/31/06 18 Heilongjiang Agricultural Development 120 05/13/97–06/30/04 19 Wanjiazhai Water Transfer 400 06/03/97–06/30/07 20 Xiaolangdi Multipurpose II 430 06/24/97–12/31/03 21 Tarim Basin II 150 06/09/98–12/31/04 22 Irrigated Agriculture Intensification II 300 06/18/98–06/30/05 23 Anning Valley Agricultural Development 120 01/21/99–12/31/06 24 Guanzhong Irrigation Improvement 100 05/25/99-06/30/06 25 Second Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation 150 05/25/99–06/30/05 26 Yangtze Dike Strengthening 210 06/27/00–06/30/08 27 Water Conservation 74 12/18/00–06/30/06 28 Jiangxi Integrated Agricultural Modernization 100 11/20/03–06/30/10 29 Irrigated Agriculture Intensification III 200 10/11/05–12/31/10 30 Changjiang and Peal River Watershed Rehabilitation 100 06/27/06–06/30/12 31 Xining Flood and Watershed Management 100 06/02/09–12/31/14 32 Huai River Basin Flood Management and Drainage Improvement 200 07/06/10-12/31/16 33 Xinjiang Turpan Water Conservation 100 06/17/10–03/31/17 34 Water Conservation II 80 05/10/12-06/30/17 35 Sichuan Wudu Irrigated Agricultural Development Project 100 02/28/12-12/31/17 Total amount of financing from World Bank 5,841 -- 34 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank 93. Since the first loan in 1982 supporting a the Bank also carried out various Analytical and rural water supply project, the World Bank’s Advisory Assistance (AAA) studies for China’s cumulative lending to China in the water sector water sector. has been close to about US$ 5,841 million for a total of about 35 projects accounting for about 95. Table 4-2 below lists the project activities 12% of the total Bank financing in China as of funded by the GEF together with the World June 30, 2012, as shown in Table 4-1. Reflecting a Bank’s Analytical and Advisory Assistance growing Government emphasis on better water (AAA) studies and Water Partnership Program resources management, the Bank has over the (WPP) studies responded to the key challenges last 30 years complemented investment in water- and opportunities related to water resources in related infrastructure with increasing attention China, in line with the Bank’s China Country to water policy, planning, management, and Water Resources Assistance Strategy. These conservation issues. activities included the Strategic Framework for Climate Change and Development, the 94. In 2002, the Bank prepared the China Hydropower Business Plan, and China Country Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy. Water Resources Assistance Strategy and The strategy, supported by the Ministry of Water updated China Country Water Resources Resources and other related ministries, described Partnership Strategy (2013-2020). Several of the key development issues and the Bank’s these activities have contributed to experiences assistance in the form of investment programs that will be further pursued under this new in the water sector to enhance integrated water partnership strategy. resources planning and management. In addition, Table 4-2: The Grant-Funded Projects and Studies on Water in China No. Name of Project and Studies Grant Funds($ ’000) Completion Dates 1 The China Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy (CWRAS) 100 12/31/01-12/31/02 2 Addressing China’s Water Scarcity 250 07/01/08-06/30/09 3 Study on National Water Rights Administration System 50 07/01/08-06/30/09 Study on Economic Value of Water and Its Policy Intervention in the 4 60 07/01/08-06/30/09 Hai Basin Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management – Key Lesson 5 60 06/28/10-08/28/10 Learned and Recommendations for China 6 Revision of National Guidelines on Dam Safety Management 130 07/01/10-06/30/11 Study on ET-based Water Rights System and Its Compensation 7 80 07/01/10-06/30/11 Mechanisms Review and Update of National Design Codes in Relation to Urban 8 130 07/01/10-06/30/11 Water Supply and Drainage 9 Study on Water Pricing for WUA Sustainability in China 80 07/01/10-06/30/11 10 Study on Rural Wastewater Management 80 07/01/10-06/30/11 GEF Hai Basin Integrated Water and Environment Management 11 17,000 09/22/04-06/30/11 Project 12 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 130 07/01/10-12/31/11 Total Amount of Grant Funds 18,150 -- China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 35 Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank 96. The outcomes of the grant-funded technical Associations (FDIAs). This application of non- projects and studies include an improved structural measures has proven to be very framework for addressing the challenges of water effective in maximizing the benefits of the flood demands for social and economic development control infrastructures and maintaining O&M for and environmental and ecological protection; a both main and on-farm drainage and irrigation high-level policy dialogue with the Ministry of systems. The major World Bank funded projects Water Resources and improved focus for future in this area included the completed Yangtze Dike lending projects; an improved understanding Strengthening Project, and the ongoing Huai of the development impacts of climate change River Basin Flood Management and Drainage on China’s 10 big river basins; crucial technical Improvement Project, Xining Flood Management assistance to a number of Bank projects in China; and Watershed Improvement Project, and Jiangxi improved reservoir and dam safety management Wuxikou Integrated Flood Management Project. guidelines, including a better understanding Through preparation and implementation of of risks; implementation of international these projects, the international experience and good practices in watershed management; best practices in flood risk management based on establishment of a new water rights system integrated structural and non-structural measures by a local government; and improvements in (See Box 4-1) has been initiated and introduced. transparency and enabling of performance monitoring at water supply and wastewater 4.3 Irrigated Agricultural Water Savings utilities. 99. World Baank programs supported 97. The overall objective of the Bank’s assistance investment on increase of water use efficiencies has been to ensure sustainable use of water in order to provide water to crops in a right resources to support both social and economic amout of water at right time. However, in development and ecological environment the areas where water resources have been protection in China. The highlights of the Bank over-exploited and environment has been supported projects and studies are as follows: degradated, the Bank has also supported an innovative concept of consumption management 4.2 Flood Protection and Drought in agricultural irrigation by increasing water Mitigation productivity through providing farmers with incentives to implement engineering, agronomic 98. To combat flooding and water-logging and management measures that would maintain and control droughts, efforts have focused on or increase their incomes while reducing total application of an approach that includes not water consumption. The new concept (see Box only structural measures but also non-structural 4-2) – based on the idea that true water savings measures. The non-structural measures included require a reduction of consumptive use or flood warning and disaster assessment systems; evapotranspiration or ET1, which requires that flood detention management; conjunctive use the actual ET with a water saving project should of surface and groundwater; and establishment not exceed the ET without the project. of WUAs or Farmer Drainage and Irrigation 1 ET is a term that is used for the consumptive use of water in agriculture. It describes the sum of the amount of water that is evaporated and transpired into atmosphere. Evaporation accounts for the movement of water from the ground surfaces to the atmosphere, including from the soil, canopy interception, and water bodies. Transpiration accounts for the movement of the water from plant leaves to the atmosphere. 36 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank Box 4-1: Selected International Experience and Lessons on Integrated Flood Risk Management 1. Inclusion of integrated flood risk management into restricted land occupation in flood prone areas of the city. It national regulations, policies and investments for flood created retention ponds, parks and recreational areas along prevention the main river that are widely used by the population. It is very important that sectoral investments, especially 5. Strengthening management of small /rural dams and by the Government, integrate preventive risk reduction Barrier Lake measures. A recent brief by the World Bank’s Independent The Bank has extensive experience with risk analysis to Evaluation Group has shown that disaster vulnerability guide the design and operation of dams, as well as the warrants serious consideration on solely financial grounds, monitoring system. A specific Bank Operational Policy especially since 60 percent of the World Bank investments ensures that Safety of Dams is properly integrated into Bank in infrastructure, rural development, and environment are investment and can be shared with the Government. at risk to flooding. The United States Federal Emergency 6. Institutional emergency coordination at the local Management Agency (FEMA) estimates that 1 dollar government and community level invested in mitigation measures generates an One of the key lessons of the Bank’s disaster-related projects estimated US$4 on average in future benefits. is that successful projects strongly involve the affected 2. Development and implementation of a risk-based national communities. In the Philippines, for example, Albay province flood management strategy at the river basin level is frequently hit by major disasters such as typhoons, floods, In The Netherlands, the approach based on comparing cost landslides and earthquakes. To more effectively respond of flood infrastructure investments, cost of nonstructural to the disasters, the province created the Albay Public measures and cost of socio-economic impacts of flood Safety & Emergency Management Office (APSEMO) in 1995. disasters, shows that flood risk management investments APSEMO helped mainstream and institutionalize disaster can be considerably reduced. It is often referred to as risk reduction strategies into local government plans and learning to “live with floods” instead of “fighting floods”. programs. As a result, disaster prevention, preparedness Climate change impacts need to be considered in the and response are well coordinated, and casualties have definition of land use plans and actualization of floodplains. been reduced considerably. Climate considerations however need to be meaningful at 7. Emergency preparedness and response regional and local levels, which mean a hierarchy of areas In São Paulo State, Brazil, a Civil Defense Preparedness that are most vulnerable to these impacts needs to be Plan (CDPP) was developed to protect population living developed. in a mountainous region undergoing rapid urbanization 3. Prior assessment of flood risk and vulnerability and vulnerable to flashflood and mudslide as a result A very useful approach is to use satellite maps that provide of excessive rainfall. The CDPP uses meteorological and vital information required by the decision makers at geological data as well as trained field observers to declare different phases in the flood disaster cycle i.e. pre flood emergency situations and evacuate people at risk. It (preparedness), during flood (relief and rescue operations) includes a significant public education component and has and post flood (mitigation measures). Disseminating been highly successful in reducing numbers of deaths due disaster maps can help reduce risks and become a to landslides. mechanism for local community participation in flood 8. Risk transfer and insurance mechanisms disaster management. The United States’ HAZUS Flood Many innovative schemes utilize parametric, or index- Model is an example of a powerful tool in the hands of based, approaches which are transparent and simple and communities, allowing proactive analysis and mitigation do not require the assessment of damages in order to at the national and local level. The HAZUS Flood Model pay an insurance claim because the contract is defined is based on an integrated set of flood hazard analysis against a weather proxy or index, such as rainfall, sunlight algorithms, using national elevation and other hydrologic or temperature. If a chosen weather proxy exceeds a and hydraulic datasets. certain threshold, a payment is triggered. Some developed 4. Balance between structural and non-structural control countries have used crop index based insurance, such as measures the United States of America and Canada. Investing in non-structural measures are often less costly and provide many additional benefits. For example, the city of Curitiba, Brazil, instead of investing in massive infrastructure decided to implement floodplain regulations and tax incentives for protection of green space and China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 37 Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank Box 4-2: New Concept on Irrigated Agriculture Water Savings Experiences and lessons from China and other countries Growing more crops over a wider irrigated area or increasing suggest that limiting the use or drawing of water, or increasing of cropping intensity in the same area raises the level of ET. water-use efficiency may increase rather than reduce the consumptive use of water, particularly in water-scarce areas. In many water-scarce areas in the world that are similar to North China, policies aimed at reducing the use or drawing Over the past two decades, China has spent huge funds in of water have actually increased groundwater depletion. This rural areas to introduce irrigation water savings programs. has happened in the Upper Rio Grande basin shared by the The programs focus on reinstating irrigation and drainage United States and Mexico, where measures designed to make systems and promoting various watersaving technologies irrigation more efficient have increased crop yields upstream, to increase effective irrigated areas by raising the level of which in turn have raised the level of ET and left less water water use efficiency. But statistics show that over the past 30 to replenish aquifers. Such facts increase the attractiveness years the effective irrigated area has increased by about 8 of demand management that is being tried in China. In million hectares, while the total use or drawing of water has irrigation projects that cover several parts of arid and semi- remained much the same and the annual over-exploitation of arid areas, including Water Conservation Project, GEF Hai Basin groundwater has reached up to 22 billion cubic meters. As a Integrated Water and Environment Management Project and result, the ecosystem in these areas has degraded further. the Xinjiang Turpan Water Conservation Project, the World Bank has been promoting water conservation with focus on Saving water under the traditional concept is to reduce supply reducing consumptive use of water or ET. and application losses, for example by lining canals, using pipes and installing sprinkler or drip irrigation. This reduces As part of the Water Conservation Project, farmers have water that is "lost" when measured at point of diversion to formed water-users' associations to plan and operate point of delivery and field "losses", which many water officials irrigation services. But the objective is specifically to reduce consider water available for expanding irrigated areas or consumptive use of water or ET and simultaneously increase transferring to domestic or industrial uses. But this water is the farmers' incomes (for example, by using integrated not totally lost nor are the savings "real"; most of the water engineering and agricultural and management measures such that "escapes" returns to the water system through runoff or as crop pattern adjustments) without further depleting the percolation and can be reused again. But this "lost water" has groundwater table. The objective is also to increase the yield a cost when measured and paid for as well when energy is and value of production per unit of ET and stay within the used to divert, deliver and apply it. fixed consumption quota. As a special report on water in the Economist (May 20, 2010) According to project monitoring data, the farmers' per capita said, "In truth, though, such water is not all lost: much of it income increased by 193 percent and water productivity rose returns to the aquifers below, from where it can be pumped by 82 percent, while consumptive use of water or ET over up again. There is a cost to this, in energy and therefore cash, the irrigated areas fell by 27 percent by the end of the Water but not in water. The only water truly lost in a hydrologic Conservation Project (2000-2006), which was financed by system is through evapotranspiration (ET), since no one can the World Bank and implemented by the Ministry of Water make further use of it once it is in the atmosphere." If genuine Resources. The project shows that the main strategic goal of savings are to be made, measures should be taken to cut combating water scarcity is to find better ways to reduce the non-beneficial ET or reduce ET (for example, by reducing consumptive use of water or ET, and increase farmers' incomes irrigated areas or producing food with less transpiration). in addition to many other good measures. 38 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank 4.4 Enhanced Water Withdrawal Permit efficiency – which typically leads to increases System in the crops area and parallel increases in water consumption (ET). The major Bank-funded 100. The new concept strengthened and projects using the consumption management enriched the current water withdrawal permit approach included the completed Water system (see Box 4-3 below) and strictly controlled Conservation Project and IAIL II Project consumptive use of water at the farm level in the (both with a World Bank IEG rating of highly Bank’s project areas. Consumption management satisfactory), and the ongoing projects IAIL III, avoids the overdraft of groundwater that may Water Conservation II, and the Xinjiang Turpan typically result from increasing basic irrigation Water Conservation Project, which employ as a Box 4-3: New Concept on Improving Existing Water Withdrawal Permit System The Existing Water Withdrawal Permit System higher amounts of irrigation water. The farmer could also sell the apparently ‘saved’ withdrawal amount to a neighboring The conventional water withdrawal permit system in China farmer. No matter which option the farmer chooses, the and other parts of the world is based on control of water resulting ET amount will increase substantially (double in case withdrawal amount. In China water users are issued permits the farmer decides to irrigate an additional hectare of wheat), which specify the amount of water that can be withdrawn from and the return flows to the aquifer concomitantly decrease. a surface or groundwater source. It is becoming increasingly A continuous decrease in deep percolation can significantly clear that permits which use “withdrawals” as the only measure contribute to groundwater overdraft and ecosystem of water may not be effective in controlling the overuse of degradation. water. This is because, given a particular withdrawal amount, if a farmer switches to a modern irrigation technology The Strengthened Water Withdrawal Permit System with a higher irrigation efficiency, it is likely that the water consumption (ET ) is higher than before with the lower An alternative design of a water rights system based on irrigation efficiency. It is important to keep in mind that the ET amounts would be much more effective in controlling amount of water withdrawn from a local water source can be the overuse of water. Water rights in an ET-based system divided into two parts: the amount of water consumptively are formulated and recorded with three components: (a) used (ET), and the amount of water that returns (or is recycled) the amount that may be withdrawn; (b) the amount that via runoff or deep percolation to the local water system. When may be consumed (or ET for irrigation); and (c) the amount water rights are based (only) on the amount of water that that must be returned to the local water system, and meets can be withdrawn, there is a built in incentive to consume as national water quality standards for wastewater and sewerage much of it as possible, and to minimize the amount of return discharges. Such a formulation complicates water rights flows. Thus, a water rights system based solely on withdrawal administration, because at least two of the three components amounts can result in increased depletion of water resources. need to be measured and controlled. (Under the conventional system, the focus is only on one component, withdrawals.) Let's assume a farmer has been issued a permit by the water However, in recent years remote sensing has been increasingly bureau allowing the withdrawal of 10,000 cubic meters used to estimate actual ET, and allows the measurement of (m3) from an aquifer. The farmer grows 1 hectare of wheat the consumptive use component. This helps to assess whether with an irrigation efficiency of 40%, and thus applies 4,000 actual consumptive use (actual ET) is less than the target m3 (consumptive use) to the crop. If the farmer adopts an consumptive use (target ET, as specified in an ET-based water improved irrigation technology with an irrigation efficiency right). ET can now be measured in an area of 30x30 meters with of 80%, and leaves everything else unchanged, the necessary acceptable accuracy, particularly in arid regions. In conclusion, withdrawal would be reduced to 5,000 m3. But with a permit ET measurements enriched the current water withdrawal over 10,000 m 3, the farmer has several options, including permit system which can function much better in controlling irrigating an additional hectare of wheat, or switching from consumptive use of water, particularly in physical water wheat to a higher-value crop that requires the application of scarcity regions or areas. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 39 Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank local mechanism the formation of farmer Water of best principle approaches and strategies of User Associations (WUAs) to facilitate improved watershed development in the region and areas productivity, gender equality and poverty where agricultural production is constrained by lack reduction while reducing the burden on the of irrigation, soil erosion, and limited soil fertility government of water distribution. due to low organic matter. Special attention has been paid to the loess plateau region in the north- 4.5 Water/Soil Erosion Control west of China. Livelihoods in these environmentally fragile areas are precarious and lack of food 101. World Bank supported water and soil security and lack of access to drinking water are erosion control has focused on the application still common problems. The Bank’s completed Box 4-4: Watershed Management in Loess Plateau Pays Off Starting Points Visible Results on the Ground: Home to over 50 million people, the Loess Plateau in China’s  Poverty Alleviation - more than 2.5 million people in four Northwest takes its name from the dry powdery wind-blown poorest provinces of China – Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, and soil. Centuries of overuse and overgrazing led the region to Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region – were lifted out of be one of the worst eroded places on earth and poverty was poverty. Through the introduction of sustainable farming widespread in the region. Uncontrolled grazing, subsistence practices, annual farmer incomes more than doubled from farming, fuel wood gathering and cultivation of crops on US$70 to US$200 per person, employment diversified and slopeshad left huge areas of the Plateau devastated. Frequent the degraded environment was revitalized. droughts and flooding caused crops on slopes to fail.  Agricultural Production - sediment control transformed previously unproductive land into valuable crop land. Watershed Management Effort With terracing, agricultural production has changed from In early 1990s, the Chinese government started a massive effort generating a narrow range of food and low-value grain to restore the heavily degraded Loess Plateau through one of commodities to high-value products. Per capita grain the world’s largest erosion control and water/soil conservation output increased from 365 kg to 591 kg per year. The programs with the goal of returning this poor part of China to diversification of agriculture and livestock production has an area of sustainable agricultural production. With support brought about new on-farm and off-farm employment, from the World Bank, two projects to rehabilitate and restore which rose from 70 to 87 percent. the eco-system of the Loess Plateau were carried out, spreading  River Flows - the flow of sediment from the Plateau into the over a decade. More recently, a DFID funded project assisted in mighty Yellow River has been reduced by more than 100 deepening community participation and gathering lessons. The million tons each year. Better sediment control has reduced government, working closely with local communities, scientists, flooding with a network of small dams storing water for local governments and donors, introduced more efficient and towns and agriculture when rainfall is low. sustainable use of land and water, reduced soil erosion and  Vegetation Cover - the restoration effort encouraged sediment flow into the river. These efforts have paid off and natural regeneration of grasslands, tree and shrub cover turned out to be the largest and most successful water and soil on previously cultivated slope-lands. Perennial vegetation conservancy efforts in the world. cover increased from 17 to 34 percent. Highlights Conclusion:  Political commitment for change Implementation of Loess Plateau Watershed Management  Public participation, including detailed land use plans and Rehabilitation has convinced policy makers, planners prepared in close consultations with villages and local communities that land conservation is compatible  Implementation of the government’s policy for land tenure with sustainable and productive agriculture, and that they are and land use zoning mutually reinforcing. Source: http://go.worldbank.org/RGXNXF4A00 40 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank Loess Plateau Rehabilitation Project (World Bank (EC) and target evapotranspiration (ET) in a given IEG rating: highly satisfactory) has provided a best river basin or a sub-river basin. The pollution practice to address this issue. The other major Bank- control targets were enforced jointly by water funded projects using this approach included the and environment departments at the central, Loess Plateau Rehabilitation II Project (see Box 4-4), provincial and county levels in accordance with the Yangtze and Pearl River Basin Water Erosion the cooperation mechanisms established and data Control Project, and the Xining Flood Management sharing agreements signed by both water and and Watershed Improvement Project. environment departments. In addition to building wastewater treatment plans and sewer systems, 4.6 Participatory Irrigation Management the Bank financed projects also focused on the control of the increasing non-point water pollution 102. World Bank projects have also focused sources in rural areas, which in many areas are on the application of a realistic and sequenced responsible for over 50% of the total pollution approach for participatory irrigation management. loads. The approach focused on improvements in Based on the CDD concept, the approach suggests the legal framework and institutional capacities at the physical and financial responsibility for the both the government level and the farm level and operation and maintenance (O&M) of on-farm greatly contributed to a reduction in non-point works within a lateral canal system should be pollution loads to rivers or lakes. The major World fully covered by Farmer Water User Associations Bank funded projects in this area include the (WUAs), while the O&M for the main canal GEF supported Hai Basin Integrated Water and system will continue to be managed by the Environment Management Project, the GEF Huai government water supply institutes. The approach Basin Marine Pollution Reduction Project, and helped to implement the government’s reform many urban environment protection projects. policies and process aimed at increasing efficiency and quality of the services provided to the WUAs. 4.8 Impact of Climate Change About 50,000 WUAs have been established in China since the first WUA was established in 1994 104. World Bank supported projects and with the Bank funded Yangtze River Basin Water studies have used the integrated river-basin Resources Project. The participatory irrigation approach to identify the impact of climate change management approach has been disseminated by on water resources development and utilization the DFID-funded and Bank-managed Pro-poor in China. The basin-level perspective enabled the Rural Water Reform Project and has been widely study to define strategies at the river basin level applied in Bank-funded and government internal and link those to water users at lower levels. The funded irrigation or water projects. It has received study was also able to address global and local strong supported from the central and local change issues, as climate change impacts are governments. realized through the response of the hydrological cycle, with direct impacts on the basin. The 4.7 Water Pollution Control studied identified several strategies at the river basin level for dealing with the impact of climate 103. Water pollution control in World Bank change, which were then implemented by the supported projects has focused on the application different water-use sectors within the provinces of a basin-wide approach on total pollution in the river basin. This approach has been used control and allocation of the pollution control in the design of the GEF Hai Basin Integrated targets from the basin level to the administrative Water and Environment Management Project, the level for enforcement. The targets were derived IAIL III Project, and the Xinjiang Turpan Water based on the target environment carrying capacity Conservation Project and related studies. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 41 Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank 4.9 Integrated Water Resources if water is short, priorities must be set between Management competing demands within the allocation. 105. Integrated Water Resources Management 108. It can be seen as an open-ended dynamic (IWRM) is defined by the Global Water process that evolves in a spiral manner over time Partnership (GWP) as “a process that as one moves towards more coordinated water promotes the coordinated development and resources management. As shown in Figure 4-1 on the management of water, land and related IWRM spiral and process at the river basin level1, resources, in order to maximize the resultant each spiral process involves the four stages as economic and social welfare in an equitable follows, which creates a new and adapted IWRM manner without compromising the sustainability framework or scheme in the basin, forming the of vital ecosystems”. China is implementing beginning of the next stage of the spiral. One turn IWRM as the basis for developing and managing of the spiral may take a long time: its water resources in accordance with the “Dublin Guiding Principles to IWRM” as  Recognizing/identifying pressing issues or indicated in Section 1.2 of this strategy paper. needs;  Conceptualizing the problem itself and 106. The river basin approach focuses on locating possible solutions; implementing IWRM principles through better  C o o r d i n a t i n g a n d p l a n n i n g a m o n g coordination amongst operating and water stakeholders to reach an agreement; and management entities within a river basin, with a  Implementing/monitoring/evaluating the focus on allocating and delivering reliable water- plan and its outcome. dependent services in an equitable manner. It is a holistic approach that seeks to integrate the 109. Stakeholder Consultation: Water resource management of the physical environment within systems are directly and indirectly affected by the that of the broader socioeconomic and political interaction of numerous human related drivers framework. of economic, social, and demographic functions, including climate change as an uncertain driver. 107. The process is sequential, because The management of water-related disasters such the allocation at each level below the basin as floods and droughts, including appropriate (administrative unit, project, WUA, etc) is risk management, should not be considered determined by the higher level. The first in isolation but should comprise an essential allocation may be between provinces, if a river part of IWRM. Food security, gender, health, crosses provincial boundaries, then within the environment, industry and many other objectives province, allocation is among (for example) are all closely related to and affected by sound urban, industrial and agricultural users while water resources management. Hence, the reserving appropriate supplies for ecological and need for a more integrated approach to water downstream obligations. At the lowest level, an management involving all stakeholders at every individual farmer allocates water to the crops step and level of the spiral process became he has planted – but just as at every other level, increasingly central to successful planning. 1 Cited from IWRM Guidelines at the River Basin Level from United Nations. Many past failures at IWRM implementation occurred for lack of the reiterative spiral that enables a dynamic adjustment and adaptation to changing conditions at the basin and administrative levels. 42 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank   Figure 4-1: Implementation Spiral for Integrated Water Resources Management   110. Cooperation among Water Use Sectors: Advantages of IWRM at the River Basin level The principles and concepts of IWRM have been widely recognized, but the implementation of 111. IWRM at the river basin level leads to IWRM has not always progressed satisfactorily in better water resources management through many basins perhaps partly because it has been more integrated institutional framework. The perceived as a static instead of a dynamic process foundation for this process is a clear, transparent and partly due to the disparate perspectives and openly available set of assumptions and data held by the various water sectors concerned, about how much water is actually (or expected all working with their interests in mind and to be) available, and the agreed allocation plan failing to recognize the need for greater inter- between users. This goal must always be kept action and cooperation. Implementation of in mind wherever positioned in the IWRM IWRM means proposing a plan to individual spiral. The spiral evolutionary model reflects sectors, which respects their needs, respects progressive positive changes in historical water the needs of other users, and most importantly resources development and management at is consistent with the available water supply. the river basin level and offers the following In conditions of water scarcity and over-use, advantages: as currently found in China, it is in essence a balancing act of advantages and compromises.  It allows IWRM actions to be started at any Practitioners would need to think how individual point of the evolutionary process and make water-related sectors can respond to scarcity, changes with back and forth feedback from recognizing inter-dependencies between sectors. the river basin level to water user level Ultimately, the technical judgments of the – always reflecting the current plan or a practitioners provide the basis for the political proposed change in terms of the resulting decisions that will be required to balance water allocations and pattern of use and consumption with available supplies. consumption at the basin level; China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 43 Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank  It builds capacity on IWRM over time at all National Experience Relevant to IWRM in Bank administrative levels including the national, Projects river basin authority and city and county levels; 112. As indicated in Section 2.3 on strategic  It promotes cooperation and coordination issues on water scarcity, China’s rapid social and with all different water-related sectors and economic development is resulting in increased stakeholders with the approach on carrying degradation of ecological environment due to out top-town / bottom-up activities, and water scarcity and soil-erosion, particularly horizontal and vertical integration1; in the physical water scarcity areas, mostly  It promotes the pursuit of better solutions that located in the northern part of China (Figure adapt to changing circumstances and values, 2-2). In these areas, there is not enough water particularly with the increasing water demand or it is impossible to meet the increasing water for rapid social and economic development; demands from various economic activities. The  It facilitates consensus building and real challenge therefore is not to simply answer stakeholder ownership at each “turn of the a question of “how to supply” with ample spiral”, which leads to a higher level of spiral water but a question of “how to allocate” with process; an order of priorities and trade-offs or balance  It illustrates IWRM as an incremental, step- between water demands for economic activities by step process, and therefore provides a and ecosystem restoration within a river basin. practical framework for looking ahead and This can be only achieved through the Integrated planning for successive “turns of the spiral”; Water and Environment Management (IWEM)2. and  It provides a foundation for progress towards 113. Already a number of Bank-supported adaptation to climate change. Climate change projects and collaborative activities have impacts are realized through the response of generated significant experience. Bank support in the hydrological cycle, in terms of quality and the area of river basin management has included quantity, with direct impacts on the river basin. application of a new approach on IWEM to It may increase in the number and severity balance water use for economic activities with of floods and droughts over current seasonal the protection of the ecological environment, patterns and ultimately determine when, supported by the latest remote-sensing where, and how much water is available. technology to monitor and measure consumptive 1 Top-down activities include establishing laws, policies, regulations, standards and water allocations for IWRM at the national and river basin levels; Bottom-up activities include working with local government and stakeholder levels (government officials, villages and individual water users) in the planning and implementation of IWRM actions; Horizontal integration includes cross-sectoral cooperation and coordination of IWRM actions at each level of the government administration; and Vertical integration includes direct linking and constant interaction of the IWRM actions at the national and river basin level and local government and stakeholder levels. At the interface between each level, the water allocation plan is defined as the basis for the service to be provided to the lower level user. 2 Integrated Water and Environment Management (IWEM) has the same definition as IWRM. Both refer to "Integrated Water Resources Management at the river basin level and furtehr down to administrative and water user levels". Given China has two separate government authorities to be responsible for water resources management and environment protection, respectively, the IWEM is used to explicitly show that IWRM is carried out jointly by water resources department and environment department. 44 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank use of water or evapotranspiration (ET), and modeling technologies to determine environment carrying capacity (EC). The approach supported China’s Water Law on integrated water resources management at both river basin and administrative levels. There has been a number of the Bank or GEF-funded projects which has used this innovative and integrated approach. A brief description of the new approach is given in Box 4-5. 114. The most significant to date has been the GEF-funded project in the Hai basin which embodies the general principles of IWEM at the basin level, and were jointly implemented by the Ministry of Water Resources, Ministry of Environment Protection and Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, which is summarized in Box 4-6. 115. Another Bank-funded project in the Turpan Basin fully adopted this new approach with the water balance analysis at the river basin level, which is illustrated in Box 4-7. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 45 Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank Box 4-5: A New Approach on ET/EC-based Integrated Water and Environment Management For Sustainable and Inclusive Social and Economic Development How much water is available to consume for various economic and other related government agencies and stakeholders with activities in urban and rural areas without adverse impacts participatory approach. The major steps are as follows: on ecosystems in a river basin, and how to ensure the actual  A river basin shall be taken as a unit to find out target ET consumptive use of water does not exceed the amount of water and target EC, which are highly related to each other and available to consume in a sustainable manner, and what actions shall be negotiated and agreed by all related government should be taken to have more balanced social and economic agencies and stakeholders through a platform called "Joint development and ecosystem preservation in a river basin? Conference Decision Making System" established for the The answers to these questions are coming to you from this new river basin; approach on ET/EC-based integrated water and environment  Given the target ET and target EC are agreed at the river management (IWEM) supported by the cutting-edge remote basin level with participatory approach, they shall be sensing technologies to derive the target ET, and modeling allocated to each of the administrative units in the river technologies to derive target EC in the studied river basin. basin;  T h e w a t e r a n d e n v i r o n m e n t d e p a r t m e n t s o f a n Remote-Sensing technology measures ET, i.e. the actual administrative unit in the river basin shall jointly prepare consumptive use of water in ecological, environmental, an IWEM Plan under the constraints of target ET and target agricultural and urban areas. Relying on the data obtained EC allocated from the river basin level in consultation with with the technology, a more reliable water balance analysis other stakeholders (e.g. other government agencies, and shall be made at the river basin level, together with the representatives of water users and polluters); supplemented consumptive use data available from the  The administrative unit, among others, shall implement and industrial and domestic uses through field surveys. Based enforce the IWEM Plan to ensure that the actual ET is less on the result of the analysis, the target ET (or the allowed or than the ET allocated, and the actual pollution discharge is maximum consumptive uses of water) for various economic less than the EC allocated from the river basin level to the development activities by different water-use sectors shall administrative unit; be worked out under the prerequisite that water resources  On-line monitoring of actual ET against target ET (by are allocated to ensure necessary environment flows and remote sensing technology) and actual pollution discharges eliminate groundwater overdraft for green and sustainable against target EC (by water quality monitoring stations) growth in the river basin. shall be in place to report on the regular basis to leaders Modeling technologies are used to determine EC for a river of the related administrative units in the river basin where basin, which can be aggregated from the rivers and lakes actual ET and pollution discharges exceed the targets, within the river basin. EC has nothing to do with pollution in order for these administrative units to take actions for discharges, but highly related to target ET for various improvements in time; economic activities. Given the fixed average amount of water  For the administrative unit where its actual ET and EC available in the river basin, the higher the target ET, the lower exceed the ET and EC targets shall take actions to convert the target EC, this is because the higher target ET makes less the current resources-intensive production mode to a environment flows in a river or less inflows to a lake or more resources-efficient one which leads to produce the same or groundwater net withdrawal in the river basin. The target ET higher quality products with much less water consumption and target EC are interrelated to each other and need to be and much less water pollution discharges for the purpose worked out together through their interactions at the river of green growth and sustainability; and basin level. ET determines how much water “disappears”  The existing laws, regulations, rules and regulatory system through consumption and therefore how much water is left, shall be enriched and supplemented as necessary to which would help us to decide with trade-offs how much of facilitate the implementation of the above steps. that left would need to be maintained for environment and The approach has been tested or partially tested by a number how much (the maximum) could be consumed by economic of water resources and environment projects financed by the activities. EC determines the environment carrying capacity World Bank in China and could be applied in any arid or semi- of the water that is left for environment, which would help us arid areas or regions to effectively control the over exploitation to control emissions of pollution discharges. of water resources and abusive emission of water pollution in This new approach on ET/EC-based IWEM will be prepared and a river basin to maintain green growth and sustainability of its carried out jointly by water and environment departments urban and rural areas within the basin. 46 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank Box 4-6: Hai Basin Project – IWRM in Practice 1. Implemented Agencies: Status and Control); (iii) Countermeasures for the Protection  Ministry of Water Resources and Measurement of the Water Ecological System; (iv)  Ministry of Environment Protection Water Savings and High Efficiency Water Utilization; (v)  Provinces or Municipalities of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Administration of Water Rights and Well Permits, and 2. Project Objectives: Sustainable Groundwater Exploitation; (vi) Wastewater The overall objective is to catalyze an integrated approach Reuse; (vii) Water Pollution Planning and Management; and to water resource management and pollution control in the (viii) Rationalization of Beijing Water Resources; Hai Basin in order to improve the Bohai Sea environment.  Two strategic action plans (SAPs) were prepared and 3. Project Innovations: implemented at Hai Basin and ZWN Sub-basin;  Institutional mechanisms for cooperation among  Seventeen integrated water and environment plans government departments in different sectors rather than (IWEMPs) were prepared and implemented in 16 counties the traditional sectoral line management and top down and Tianjin Municipality in the Hai River Basin; (command and control) direction. A joint decision making  Various thematic studies were carried out to support conference system was established and tested at the Hai IWEMPs and SAPs; Basin, a sub-basin, and municipal and county levels;  Four demonstration projects were implemented;  A basin-wide knowledge management (KM) system  Knowledge Management (KM) Systems installed at MEP (including application of remote sensing ET measuring (for ZWN Sub-basin), Hai Basin Commission, Tianjin, technology) located at the Hai Basin Commission Beijing and 16 counties in the Hai Basin; and local governments which included decentralized knowledge hubs at the lower levels, and made it  Two ET application centers were established in Hai Basin technically possible to share and allocate data at both Commission and Beijing Water Affairs Bureau; basin and county levels by local governments and water  M&E System and MIS were established during project use sectors within the basin; implementation; and  A new concept of real water savings which targeted  Four international workshops were held during the a reduction in consumptive use or ET rather than just project implementation with workshop proceedings. increases in irrigation efficiency alone which normally 5. Project Outcomes and Scaling up: leads to increases in consumptive use of water through The project has successfully demonstrated integrated increased effective irrigation areas; water and environment management for Hai River Basin  Public participation: During project implementation, and for Bohai Sea ecological improvement with outcomes the outcome was achieved by establishing Water Users in substantially reduction of groundwater overdraft and Associations (WUAs) and by promoting Community pollution discharges to Bohai Sea. In addition, the project Driven Development (CDD) that farmers’ income also demonstrated that the cooperation among different increased greatly while consumptive use of water was government departments would work for the same reduced; and objectives. The government is keen to scale this up across  The development and implementation of sub-basin the whole Hai Basin as well as across other river basins and county-level Integrated Water and Environmental flowing into the Bohai Sea. Further illustration of scaling up Plans (IWEMPs) based on the ET and EC targets to return is evident from inclusion of project approaches in national surface and groundwater use and pollution discharge to policy and master plans. In the Master Plan of Water sustainable levels consistent with the project’s goals, ET Resources in Hai Basin (2011 - 2020) recently approved by quotas or targets, and EC quotas or targets for water and the State Council, the project approach on ET management environmental function zones. with remote sensing technology has been included as a 4. Project Outputs: new tool to control consumptive use of water resources in  Cooperation mechanisms and agreements prepared the Hai Basin. and updated at each administrative level including data sharing agreements signed at each administrative level;  Eight strategic studies completed and used at the river basin level including: (i) Policy and Legal Framework and Institutional Arrangements; (ii) Bohai Sea Linkage (Pollution China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 47 Chapter IV - Cooperation between China and World Bank Box 4-7: Example Water Balance Calculation – Turpan Basin, Xinjiang of China The objective of water consumption balance analysis at the basin level to each of the irrigated areas managed by a farm river basin level is to determine the target ET for irrigated or a village/WUA. With a careful design of integrated measures agriculture (the biggest water consumer), taking into (engineering, agronomic, and irrigation management) to be consideration the consumptive use targets for urban uses and taken to achieve real water savings, the proposed projects ecological restoration (e.g. annual reduction of groundwater at the field level would ensure that the expected ET for the overdraft). A water balance at the river basin level refers to irrigated area managed by the farm or village/WUA is less the balance between actual consumptive use and expected than the target ET allocated from the river basin level. During consumptive use for urban, irrigated agriculture, and project implementation, the impact of the project on ET ecosystem restoration as planned for a target year in the would be closely monitored by remote sensing technology to future. Based on the result of water balance, decisions would ensure that the actual ET is less than the target ET allocated, or be made on a number of future projects through consultation recommendations for improvements would be made to that with stakeholders in the river basin. The basin-wide target ET farm or village/WUA. for irrigated agriculture would then be allocated from the river The target ET for irrigated agriculture at the basin level can be derived as follows: Water balance at the basin level: P+I-O-WCURB-ETECO-ETAGR =ΔG With: WCURB=Target WCURB+Δ WCURB ETECO=Target ETECO+Δ ETECO ETAGR=Target ETAGR+Δ ETAGR Thus: Target ETAGR=P+I-O-Target WCURB-Target ETECO-Δ WCURB -Δ ETECO-Δ ETAGR-ΔG Objective: Actual ETAGR ≤Target ETAGR Baseline Year Project Completion Year 2015 Items in Water Water Items Area mm Amount Area mm Amount Change to Baseline Balance Equation Hectare million Hectare million mm million % Available Water 1. Precipitation 1,916,744 14.95 286.59 1,916,744 14.95 286.59 Resources 2. Water inflow 874.00 874.00 3. Groundwater 41.00 41.00 base flow Total Available 1201.59 1201.59 1. Ecological ET 484,188 85.10 412.04 484,188 412.04 1.2 Natural ET 481,238 84.34 405.88 2. Water Surface ET 14,013 240.45 33.69 14,197 29.48 -4.21 -13 2.1 Man-made ET 963 293.68 2.83 1,147 5.20 2.38 84 Water 2.2 Natural ET 13,050 236.52 30.87 13,050 24.28 -6.59 -21 Consumption 3. Agricultural ET 114,206 542.49 619.56 114,206 484.95 553.84 -57.54 -65.72 -11 3.1 Crop ET 94,271 630.62 594.50 85,942 603.76 518.89 -27.27 -76.02 3.2 Non crop ET 19,935 125.72 25.06 28,264 123.68 34.96 0.00 10.31 4. Unused Land ET 1,304,338 25.80 336.57 1,304,338 336.57 0.00 0 5. Industries 15.42 43.61 28.19 183 6. Domestic Use 7.03 11.35 4.32 62 Total Consumption 1,424.30 1,386.89 -37.41 -3 Outflow 7.86 7.86 0.00 0 Change in Groundwater Storage -230.57 -193.16 37.41 -16 48 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter V - Partnership Strategy for Sustainable and Green Growth Chapter V - Partnership Strategy for Sustainable and Green Growth 116. As set out in chapters II and III, China has made tremendous progress in its water sector development, which includes construction of water infrastructure, strengthening water management, and formulation of national water master plans and river basin master plans. Chapter IV has highlighted the already extensive and successful history of collaboration between the World Bank and the Government of China. 117. In Section 3.2, the principles set by the central government that will guide future development of water resources in China were listed. The first of these – that human beings should deal with nature in a harmonious manner instead of placing infinite demands on the nature – is perhaps the most important perspective that will influence the partnership strategy. 118. The unprecedented economic growth in recent decades has been based on continuous expansion of infrastructure and resource use, not least in the water sector. The depletion of aquifers and rivers, and pollution of waterways show that this process has in some cases exceeded safe limits. The relationship with nature is no longer “harmonious” and the future strategy must reflect this by finding ways to reduce demands on, and damage to natural resources while minimizing the negative impacts on the economy. 119. Integrated Water Resources Management provides an agreed framework to guide this process, starting at the river basin level and explicitly tracing impacts of human interventions and natural events across sectors and locations. Already a number of Bank-supported projects and collaborative activities have generated significant and relevant experience (as described in Chapter IV), on which the Partnership Strategy is based. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 49 Chapter V - Partnership Strategy for Sustainable and Green Growth 120. Activities have been formulated in more resources-efficient development patterns, support of China's ongoing program of water maximizing the economic value of each drop of resources development and management. That water while minimizing negative environment program is vast in comparison with the resources impacts, and contributing to the on-going that the Bank can commit, so that benefits to both sustainable, green and inclusive social and sides are maximized by identifying those areas economic development in China (Section 4.9 and where the Bank can bring specific experience or Boxes 4-1 through 4-7). expertise that would not otherwise be readily available. Thereafter, the potential to multiply 123. One of the keys for water sector to support the impact of successful interventions across the sustainable social and economic development wider context is enormous. and green growth is to find better ways to live with nature and trade off water demands for 121. The elements of the strategy relate to flood economic activities and ecosystem protection. To control, water scarcity, pollution, restoration of establish the major “systems” by 2020 given the the ecology, improved resource management, limited natural resources, China would need to and climate change. Each element contributes to take initiative with innovations on how to better one or more of the major “systems” (detailed in live with flood and drought; how to make water Section 3.1) that China proposes to put in place in resources allocations for more balanced economic the coming decade, namely: development and environment protection, and how to practice “sustainable development” and  A system for flood protection and drought “green growth” with the latest international mitigation; knowledge from both natural and social sciences  A system for rational allocation and efficient as a driver available for improved water use of water resources; resources management. More detailed points to  A system for water resources conservation support the guiding principle are as follows: and river and lake health security; and  A system for mechanism instrumental in  The importance of water resources for the scientific development of the water sector development and management at the basin level has been recognized at national, regional, 122. Each of these is required to underpin the and local levels. Implementation will require introduction of IWRM or IWEM in major river political will, and long-term commitment basins by 2020. Following the description of the from both sides. It is especially needed where broad elements of the partnership strategy, more changes in legal and institutional structures, specific activities that are expected to contribute or to address controversies and conflicts to the implementation of the components are among stakeholders. summarized.  All related water using sectors within the river basin should contribute to preparation, 5.1 Guiding Principles of Partnership revisions and implementation of the Master Strategy Plan at the river basin level that reflects the individual sector plans. The Bank supports Integrated Water Resources  Cooperation mechanisms or agreements Management (IWRM) at the river basin level, on integrated water resources management and further down to the administrative and among water using sectors, including water-user levels to address various water issues, initial sharing of general basin-wide data particularly to facilitate a shift from current and information, and further sharing of resources-intensive development patterns to more specific information, based on clear 50 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter V - Partnership Strategy for Sustainable and Green Growth agreements among stakeholders. 124. China has a real opportunity to strengthen its flood risk management and protect human  Capacity development and training to build lives as well as properties and infrastructure by understanding and consensus on the new adopting risk management and cost effective approaches and analysis will be essential. strategies that focus less on controlling floods  The existing laws and regulations that apply and integrate the concept of living with floods, to water-related activities must be reviewed protecting key assets, and minimizing losses. In to determine how existing legislation can be this regard, the following eight key areas need to adapted to accommodate sustainability with be considered: regard to water resources management;  Master plans should reflect individual sector  Inclusion of integrated flood risk management plans based on consumptive use and related into national regulations, policies and water rights to facilitate ecological restoration investments for flood prevention: Integrate and the most appropriate utilization of a structural and non-structural measures into basin’s resource. government financed investment programs,  IWRM or IWEM implementation needs adopting early risk identification (for instance financial sustainability — including the by applying a quick and simple risk-screening promotion of cost recovery. The decisions tool) and following up throughout the design recently made by Government of China process if necessary. Independent review would greatly improve the current or incorporation of flood risk expertise in situation on financial difficulties for water identifying investment programs has also infrastructure construction, financial stability proven to be very cost effective; and sustainable cost recovery.  Development and implementation of a risk-  Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) are essential based national flood management strategy at to identify the need to adjust management the river basin level: Risk management should strategies. Upgraded technologies (e.g. be informed by systematic hazard and risk application of remote sensing technologies exposure and vulnerability mapping in order on measuring actual water consumption, and to develop possible economic loss scenarios. other latest technologies in the world) are The systems approach allows the definition of vital. More attention and efforts should be resilience and resistance strategies for flood put on outcome indicators focusing on impact risk management. Resistance strategies aim at assessment. flood prevention, while resilience strategies aim at minimizing flood impacts and 5.2 Partnership Strategy for Flood enhancing the recovery from those impacts; Protection and Mitigation  Prior assessment of flood risk and vulnerability: A comprehensive understanding, analysis and The Bank would support China to further build assessment of flood risks and vulnerabilities on integrated flood risk management strategy at will be carried out that will guide river basin the small and medium-sized river basin levels, flood disaster risk management strategies, taking into account the risk and vulnerabilities urban development, including appropriate of the entire systems and designing most cost urban drainage standards and land use plans; effective measures to protect or response to  Balance between structural and non-structural flood disasters while incorporating locally control measures: Since structural risk acceptable and adequate techniques and mitigation cannot alone suffice for effective approaches (Section 4.2, Box 4-1 and Annex 3). flood risk management and is a costly option, an integrated flood risk management strategy China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 51 Chapter V - Partnership Strategy for Sustainable and Green Growth should be able to balance between disaster types of water scarcity can be distinguished: risk reduction and preparedness measures, (a) physical scarcity occurs when there are not by defining minimum or optimal levels of sufficient water resources available to meet all acceptable risk; water demands, including environmental flows.  Strengthening management of small /rural Most of these areas are located in the northern dams and Barrier Lake: Safety of small/rural part of China with relatively less water resources; dams is critical because of their vast number, and (b) economic scarcity occurs when there is a lack of proper designs, poorly maintained, lack of investment in water infrastructure or a lack operated and monitored. Chinese government of human, institutional and/or financial capacity has made achievement to ensure safety of to satisfy the demand for water. small dams with structural measures, but it needs to continue improving management of A. Economic Water Scarcity Areas these dams;  Institutional emergency coordination at the local In river basins or the areas where there are relatively government and community level: Establish abundant water resources, and water scarcity coordination principles for flood disaster occurs when there is a lack of investment in water response and recovery focused on the role of infrastructure. The Bank would provide support local authorities, communities and other locally to promote high productivity irrigation through relevant stakeholders; increasing water use efficiencies and beneficial  Emergency preparedness and response: Flood consumptive use of water (Section 4.3). forecasts are just a small piece in the early warning chain. In case of flash floods such 126. In areas with economic water scarcity, systems play a very crucial role in saving engineering measures should be taken to lives. A successful early warning system expand the existing irrigated area or make water depends not only on forecasts but has to available to more users. In the case of irrigated connect many specialties and organizations, agriculture, improving irrigation infrastructure including engineering, social sciences, combined with agronomic measures and government, news media, and the public; and participatory irrigation management measures  Insurance mechanisms: Insurance should be promoted to increase production mechanisms should be designed in a way and farmer incomes. It should be noted that that they encourage beneficiaries to avoid the total consumptive use of water, as a result occupation of high-risk areas, comply with of investment on high productivity irrigation, building standards and further implement would normally increase because of increased flood-proofing and other mitigation measures. irrigated areas or cropping index or intensity. But Insurance and other kinds of disaster risk the increased water consumption can be justified management measures can facilitate public- by the increased agricultural production and private partnerships for dealing with extreme abundant water resources in these areas. weather related calamities and play a critical role in disaster recovery and reconstruction. B. Physical Water Scarcity Areas 5.3 Partnership Strategy for Water Scarcity In river basins or local areas where surface and groundwater resources are insufficient and already 125. With China’s rapid social and economic overused, the Bank would support consumption development since 1970s, many parts of the management, increasing the economic value country are experiencing growing water scarcity, per unit of consumptive use of water through and hence water insecurity. Two major different high productivity irrigation, or directly reducing 52 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter V - Partnership Strategy for Sustainable and Green Growth consumptive use of water with alternative 5.4 Partnership Strategy for Control of economic activities leading to sustainable Water Pollution development and ecosystem restoration (Sections 4.3 and 4.4, and Boxes 4-2 and 4-3). A. The World Bank would provide support to perform Integrated Water and Environment 127. In areas with physical scarcity, the focus Management (IWEM) to control the actual water should be on increasing the economic value per pollution discharges based on the target ET and unit of consumed water (i.e. value of production target EC with experience and lessons learned per unit of consumptive use). In the case of from Bank-supported projects jointly prepared, irrigated agriculture, the goal should be to reduce successfully implemented and completed by consumptive use of water while still trying to water and environment departments (Sections 4.7 increase farmer incomes. Investment in these and 4.9, and Boxes 4-5 and 4-6). areas should not increase total consumptive use of water. 129. The policy statements of No. 1 Central Government Document of 2011 requires that 128. Based on the above strategies, the increase China to “strictly control the total amount of of grain production capacity would need to pollutant discharges into rivers, lakes or other be achieved mostly through newly developed water bodies, which should not exceed the irrigated areas and expanded existing irrigated carrying capacity of recipient water body in order areas in economic water scarcity areas. In the to meet the water function zone targets.” This is physical water scarcity areas, there will be a a major challenge given the current division of potential to increase water productivity, but there responsibilities between water and environment would be little opportunity to increase or expand departments for pollution control. The Bank irrigated areas because it would lead to further would support a partnership strategy on water deterioration to the ecological environment. In pollution control through enhanced cooperation general, the situation on physical water scarcity as follows: may not be able to change in the future in the northern part of China even after the completion  A joint conference-based decision making of the eastern and middle routes of on-going system for integrated water and environment “South-North” Water Transfer Works. The above management be established and set out for analysis suggests that the biggest challenge on close cooperation of the water and environment water scarcity for China is to combat physical departments at each administrative level of water scarcity in semi-arid or arid river basins government; located in northern area of China where  Water and environment departments work water resources have been overexploited by closely to determine the amount of pollution economic activities and ecosystems have been discharge to a receiving river/lake based on deteriorating. The issue of water scarcity will the target environment carrying capacity (EC) need to be addressed together with the issue of and target evapotranspiration (ET) allocated ecosystem degradation with trade-offs on water from the river/lake basin agreed with all demands for all economic activities. In the south, stakeholders; pollution is the main threat to water availability  Enhancement of M&E systems for both for agriculture. water quantity and quality monitoring, and pollution discharge standards are strictly enforced; and, related policies and regulations on pollution control are revised to support good practice. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 53 Chapter V - Partnership Strategy for Sustainable and Green Growth B. The World Bank would provide support 5.5 Partnership Strategy for Restoration of to mainstream the integrated water and Ecological Environment environment management approach in physical water scarcity and pollution areas (Sections 4.7 The World Bank would support integrated small- and 4.9, and Boxes 4-5 through 4-6). watershed managemen to support the sustainable development pattern. The Bank would also 130. The IWEM include the following key and support the Integrated Water and Environment important aspects: Management (IWEM) to protect or restore the ecological environment in river basins or regions  The mainstreaming of IWEM, at all levels, with physical water scarcity (Sections 4.5 and 4.9, and with river basin as the unit of water and Boxes 4-4 through 4-6). resources and environmental management;  The determination and integration of target 131. The new approach would help to (a) ET (Evapotranspiration) and target EC facilitate decision makers to prioritize water (Environment Carrying Capacity) levels at demands and to control of water pollution from the river basin level; various economic activities and from the need  The formulation of development plans for a for protection or restoration of ecosystems; (b) basin or region’s urbanization, population allocate target consumption from the river basin and production patterns in accordance with level to water user level as the basis to determine the constraints of target ET and target EC; the amount of water withdrawal; and (c) monitor  The establishment of multi-stakeholder the actual consumption and recommend actions platforms for debate and joint decision- to be taken for the actual consumption to be less making among water users; than the target consumption allocated at the river  The utilization of mechanisms for allocating basin level. water resources (Target ET) that are linked to the water productivity and pollution 132. To allocate water with an order of emission levels of sectors and users, along priorities based on the above approach, it is with environmental carrying capacity (Target necessary to start with a water consumption EC); analysis at the river basin level to find out the  The establishment of a pollution discharge actual consumptive use of water within the permit system at the river basin level, and Basin, and then propose a target amount of incorporating “pollution discharge permit water available to be consumed by the economic trading”; which should be linked and activities for each of administrative areas within supported by the existing water withdrawal the river basin. The target consumptive use of permit system supported by “ET-based water water for economic activities requires trade-offs rights trading”; and coordination involving consultation with all  The institution of stronger cooperation and stakeholders including local governments, big coordination between relevant government water users and farmers. departments and other stakeholders;  On-line monitoring of actual ET against target 133. Human interventions have proved to ET and actual pollution discharges against be very successful to speed up the restoration target EC, as well as other indicators; of the ecological systems, particularly in loess  The supplement of existing laws, regulations plateau region in north-west part of China, and regulartory system on water scarcity and where growth of forest vegetation and irrigated pollution issues to ensure implementation of agriculture are constrained by lack of water, IWEM at all levels. soil erosion and limited soil fertility due to low 54 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter V - Partnership Strategy for Sustainable and Green Growth organic matter. This proved to be successful target, review and approval of additional water in China’s loess plateau projects in that land withdrawal should be restricted; conservation is compatible with sustainable  To increase water productivity and restrict and productive agriculture and that they are waste. A regional and sector water productivity mutually reinforcing (Box 4-4). review and appraisal system will be established to accelerate the development of a water saving 5.6 Partnership Strategy for Improving society; and Water Resources Management  To strictly control total pollutant discharge into rivers, lakes or other water bodies, and A. The Bank would support the Government hence protect the capacity of recipient water (a) to changeover from the traditional or body to meet its designated water function. extensive mode to a sustainable or refined mode for water resources management in order 136. These measures are aimed at limiting the to support a more balanced social /economic total water consumption to sustainable levels, development and ecological environment increasing water productivity, and reducing protection for sustainability; (b) to introduce the pollution loads. Enforcing these measures will consumption management concept to strengthen be challenging, however the government has the existing water resources management stated that leaders at various levels will be held system; (c) to introduce the latest knowledge accountable. The Bank’s partnership strategy on and technologies in the world as tools to improving water resources management should facilitate consumption-based management; and center on how to effectively implement a strict water (d) to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation resources management system consistent with the system and O&M with relevant performance “Three Red Lines”. Controlling consumptive use indicators to facilitate IWRM or IWEM (Sections of water in irrigated agricultural areas is the main 4.1 through 4.9, and Boxes 4-1 through 4-7). challenge. 134. The Central Committee of Communist 137. Under the current water withdrawal permit Party of China and the State Council's 2011 policy system, if water management improves, or hi-tech statement set out management priorities in three irrigation is adopted, the usual outcome is that areas – physical water resource management, the farmer is able to increase the irrigated area or management of rivers and lakes to prevent increase the yield of crops while still withdrawing encroachment, and infrastructural management the same quantity of water. However, either of primarily to ensure adequate resources for these outcomes – expanded area or higher yield operation and maintenance (O&M). – increases the volume water that is consumed through ET; that is a higher proportion of water 135. Regarding the physical resource, the withdrawn consumed. Return flows to rivers policy requires enforcement of the “Three Red and aquifers will decrease, and sustainability is Lines” as follows: worsened. This outcome has been observed in some areas of country – as irrigation techniques  To restrict the total amount of water use or have been upgraded, related production increased withdrawal from rivers and groundwater have been based primarily on additional water aquifers to planned targets. For areas where consumption per unit of water withdrawn, total water withdrawal has reached or exceeded exacerbating physical un-sustainability and the target, the approval of additional water ecological degradation. This has been particularly withdrawals should be suspended; and for areas significant in physical scarcity areas in the semi- where total water withdrawal is close to the arid and arid regions of China. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 55 Chapter V - Partnership Strategy for Sustainable and Green Growth 138. Improving irrigation – lining channels,  Water withdrawals would be measured better scheduling, and on-farm technology – has and controlled, and water allocations must various benefits, including reduced pumping be enforced. This is a major administrative costs, less leaching of nutrients, lower pollution undertaking that needs to be supported with loads, etc. But physical water savings are usually adequate government financial resources; minor, and indeed often consumption increases  Using remote sensing techniques, the so that careful consumption based analysis distribution of annual ET would be measured is required to understand the impact of such and reported, providing the basis for re- improvements in the context of water scarcity. assessment of allocations and identification of high consumption/low productivity users; B. The Bank would support the Government  Water markets should be considered at to introduce strict water resources management an appropriate time to facilitate water to control, monitor and evaluate the actual reallocations from low- to higher-value uses, consumptive use of water in physical water scarce and supported by an adequate water rights areas through application of a strengthened administration system designed to assess Water Withdrawal Permit System based on and limit potential third party impacts of any water-consumption management / monitoring transfers; supported by the latest developed remote sensing  Efforts should be undertaken to increase technology. Funding systems for O&M would water productivity in irrigated agriculture, in also be strengthened (Sections 4.3 and 4.4, and order to protect farm income levels; Boxes 4-2, 4-3 and 4-7).  Appropriate compensation policies and mechanisms should be designed and 139. Compared with the current practice of the established for farmers who are willing to give traditional water withdrawal permit system, one up their water rights in order to return water key difference of the current water withdrawal to the ecological environment. permit system and strengthened one is that the allowable water withdrawal must be determined 140. In support of the above partnership through an analysis of water consumption strategy, the Bank would provide technical balance. The principles of the strengthened water assistance to resolve the following specific issues: withdrawal permit system for a consumption- based water rights system include:  Water and related laws, decrees and regulations, as described in Table 3-1, should  Project evaluation based on a water be fully enforced and interpreted through consumption balance analysis must be the consumption management concept and prepared at the field level in an administrative approaches introduced through this strategy area to ensure that the actual consumptive use paper; after the project intervention is less than the  Institutional arrangements for information actual consumption without the intervention and data sharing among different water- and consistent with the target consumption at related government departments would be the basin level (Box 4-7); enhanced; and  For surface water, the withdrawal rights need  Where practicable, and particularly in to be specified in entitlement (initial water groundwater areas, volumetric water charges rights, based on average annual flows) and should be designed to encourage productive water allocation amount (based on actual use of water through rising block tariffs. annual availability and priorities among users); 56 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter V - Partnership Strategy for Sustainable and Green Growth 141. In support of the Government's Policy of water resources planning guidelines on infrastructural management, the World Bank including revision of engineering design would support strengthened cost recovery: standards in response to climate change;  To strengthen planning and construction of  Cost recovery of irrigation infrastructure water infrastructure with more attention to systems would be carried out in two stages: non-structure measures, e.g. application of (a) the cost for O&M should be fully covered integrated flood risk management system for by WUAs for on-farm irrigation systems flood prevention; (laterals, sub-lateral and farm ditches) within  To review design standards and assess their their management areas; and (b) the cost for suitability for anticipated climate change main irrigation infrastructure systems would scenarios; be covered by water users plus government  To shift the energy structure to one with subsidies; and clean and low carbon consumption, e.g. to  Stakeholders including farmers and lower- promote more small hydropower and wind level water users should fully participate power generation to replace thermal power in the process of project planning, design, generation; and construction and O&M activities, and their  To conduct more related studies, and most ownership and responsibility for the projects importantly their application on mitigating and constructed should be strengthened. adapting the impact of global climate change in China. 142. Stable and adequate financing mechanisms to provide for sustainable maintenance of the 143. The Chinese Government attaches great infrastructure for water development should be importance to the issues of climate change and ensured, based on government and beneficiary water resources, operates "China’s National contributions. Private sector involvement in the Climate Change Program", strongly advocates water sector should be mobilized with incentives the cause of sustainable development, actively provided; promotes policies and actions on climate change adaptation and mitigation, and addresses the 5.7 Partnership Strategy for Climate impacts of climate change on water sector. The Change Adaptation proposed partnership strategy on climate change adaptation between the Chinese Government and The World Bank would support the Government World Bank is detailed in Annex 4. to adapt to the impacts of the global climate change in the following areas (Sections 4.8 and 4.9, and Boxes 4-5 through 4-6):  To accelerate the shift from water supply management to demand management, e.g. application of consumption-based integrated water resources management at the river basin level with more attention to ecological protection and restoration and adjustments to infrastructure operations;  To incorporate climate change into the water resources planning process, e.g. preparation China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 57 Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank 144. Based on the experience of cooperation with China, the World Bank would continue towards becoming “the most important strategic development partner” with China, including promotion of China’s water sector development. The priority areas of the World Bank for water sector development will be in line with the guiding principles of partnership strategy as indicated in Chapter V, consistent with its objectives of poverty reduction, addressing resources and environment challenges, and promoting green, sustainable development. 145. The priority areas proposed for water sector development with the World Bank take account of the long-term priorities for the coming decade (2011-2020) set out in 2011 in a policy statement of the Central Government of China entitled “Decisions on Accelerating Water Reform and Development”, and short-term priorities for the coming five years set out in China’s “12th Five-year Water Program (2011- 2015)” and the key areas in accordance with the relevant water sector master plans approved by the State Council. The World Bank would support these priority areas through its “Analytical and Advisory Activities (AAA)” Program and Loan financed projects or specially designed assistance to conduct studies and provide advice and recommendations on newly emerging problems. 146. The process would establish a long-term strategic partnership between the World Bank and China’s Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) in line with the agreed partnership strategies. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 59 Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank 6.1 Major Foundational Studies with World Flood control and drought relief and calamity Bank’s Future TA Program mitigation 147. Water security is closely linked with  Shifting national strategies integrated flood sustainable development of economy, society risk management for flood control and and human ecosystem. With the exacerbation of calamity mitigation; global resource crisis, water security has become  Flood emergency response and management an important component of national security and for dam failure; shares an equally important strategic position  Modernization of national flood control and with national defense security, economic security water allotment system; and financial security.  Dynamic monitoring and early warning of drought in a region or vast area; 148. To address China’s need for a step-change  Strategy for orderly development of flood in its approach to development of its water retention plains and zones; resources, it is planned to utilize the comparative advantages of the World Bank and international Environmental protection and ecosystem cooperation to keep track of the latest protection in river basins international developments under the theme of sustainable development and green growth as  Water resources conservation and ecological indicated in the mainstream partnership strategy restoration or rehabilitation for rivers and above. These basic studies include the following: lakes in China;  Technologies for protection of both water Strategic study on water security in China quantity and quality in river basins;  Water environmental protection and  Water security for food security ecological improvements in western region  Assessment on adequacy of irrigation development in China; infrastructure  Ecological compensation on large-scale flood  Inter-basin water transfer control and hydropower projects;  Development of water conservation society  Development of regional monitoring network  Irrigated agricultural water savings - increase for water resources and environment water productivity observation; and  Strategic use of groundwater  Development of platform for knowledge exchange and demonstration of ecological Sustainable water resources utilization restoration and rehabilitation  Impact of human activities and climate 6.2 Infrastructure Construction with World change on availability of water resources and Bank’s Future Loan Projects its trend prediction in China;  Allocation of water resources with trade- 149. Like many other developing countries, offs with a focus on ecological environment at the same time that the GDP and financial protection and restoration in physical water revenues are rapidly growing, China attaches scarcity areas in China; great importance to infrastructure construction.  Rational utilization of flood water and During the period of the 11th Five-year Plan, wastewater as well as other waters as the investment which has been put in water resources to combat challenges of water infrastructure construction was much more scarcity in China. than any other five-year plan periods in the 60 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank history. During the 12th Five-year Plan period, works and irrigation water use, as one of its the priority actions of the World Bank for priority action plans. In future, it would expand infrastructure construction would be based pilot areas and disseminate relevant successful on the partnership strategy and fundamental experience including monitoring and reduction studies. of consumptive use of water with remote sensing technology and increase of water productivity in Flood Protection and Water Supply Security physical water scarcity areas. The Bank can also help China in carrying out irrigation scheduling 150. It is expected that the Bank would or deficit irrigation, and other relevant work in introduce international experience in technical dry and semi-dry areas. design of the infrastructures in flood protection and water supply, incorporating flood risk Water Pollution Prevention and Ecological management and water resources allocation Environment Improvements so as to maximize the economic benefits of the investments. The Bank will continue to 153. The Bank can provide assistance in design, assist China in developing and improving construction, management and operation of its infrastructure network system on flood wastewater treatment and management, so as protection and basin and regional water to improve the financial returns to wastewater resources allocation. treatment plants, meet the standards in pollutant discharge, and promote water reuse Exploitation of New Water Sources and recycling. Pollution from farming, animal and poultry culturing, and rural domestic 151. Development and utilization of non- wastewater would need to be controlled. The conventional water sources, especially in Bank can finance projects or pilot projects to northern China where water is short, is one of explore prevention of ecological environment the measures for increasing water supply and and non-point pollution sources and introduce improving the water cycle. Non-conventional new technology and management mechanism in water sources normally include rainwater the light of local conditions so that the ecological harvest, cloud seeding, and reuse of treated environment of rivers and lakes that suffer wastewater, flood water use, sea water from heavy non-point pollution sources will be desalination, and brackish water exploitation. In restored and rehabilitated. these areas, the Bank has gained rich experience and advanced technology through relevant Small Hydropower Development in Rural activities carried out in other countries of Africa Areas and Asia, so it can provide good advice to China on non-conventional water sources development 154. Hydropower will be developed for clean and utilization. The Bank can also help China use energy use, to cut down emission of carbon flood water, and recycled water for groundwater dioxide and other pollutants. The Bank would injection. continue to cooperate with the government of China in investing in construction of micro Irrigated Agricultural Water Savings hydropower stations, as green energy, to reduce carbon emission. This will also help to raising the 152. The World Bank has financed a number living standards of the people in poverty-stricken of projects concerning water saving in irrigated areas and improving the eco-environment. agriculture. It will continue to support and help China in improving agricultural irrigation China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 61 Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank 6.3 Water Resources Management with  Accelerate establishment of a virtuous-circle World Bank’s Future Loan Projects water works operation and management mechanism to increase the life and efficiency Water Sector Management and Reform of water infrastructures;  Establish and improve China’s water rights 155. The World Bank has accumulated system and allocate water through the market rich experience from projects and activities to increase water resources efficiency and implemented in almost all the large river basins benefits; in China. Priority cooperation in water sector  Make analysis of water supply costs and set management and reform would include: water prices reasonably, so as to save and protect water resources by using the economic  Carry out pilot studies to explore the model leverage. of consumption-based integrated water resources management; 157. The World Bank would also strengthen  Establish an effective consultation platform for cooperation with China in the social management extensive participation of different stakeholders and public service of water sector and actively including government departments and water encourage the general public to participate in users; water resources management in the form of  Make clear the responsibilities of different administration affairs transparency, business managers and their relationship with water transparency, network services, WUAs, voluntary resources interests between the upper and organizations and so on, in order to enhance the lower reaches; public’s right to information on water regime  Conduct water resources assessment with (quantity and quality) and enhance social new approach analyze their availability and interaction and supervision. It will also assist in demand; carrying out scientific knowledge dissemination  Establish systems and mechanisms for data and education to raise people’s awareness of and information sharing among different potential water problems and social morality of government departments and agencies as rational water use and train citizens to improve well as institutes; their self-protection and self-help capabilities in  Establish mechanism for water dispute the event of extreme events. resolution and control instruments;  Capacity building and legislation. Capacity Building and Staff Development 156. In addition, the World Bank would 158. The Chinese Government proposes actively introduce international experience to develop talented staff for the water sector, in water infrastructure construction and increase investments in talented staff projects, management to facilitate reform in some key promote coordinated development of various areas of China’s water sector, including: talented staff teams and establish systems for developing highly professional and skilled staff  Introduce and extend good models for water including leading officials and civil servants infrastructure construction, operation and at various levels. More efforts shall be made management to expand channels of investment to implement key talented people projects, sources, through market operations, in water advance large-scale staff training activities, and energy development, municipal water supply organize rotating training for 10,000 directors and drainage, and so on; of county and city water bureaus and 10,000 heads of township water management stations. 62 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank With it rich experience in staff training, the and has recommended creating a national- Bank can help China implement more effective level integrated water management agency. staff training and promote the application of  Integrated river basin management requires advanced international experience in China. information – digital platforms integrating real-time information on flows, diversions, 159. Enhancing water sector technological rainfall, cropping patterns, groundwater innovation capacity is an important support for levels, etc, which can be shared across China to achieve a step-change in water sector agencies. China urgently needs to carry development. China will deepen water sector out studies and activities in the following scientific-technical system reform, and create areas: joint regulation of river basin water, water sector scientific-technical research and ecological regulation of water resources, technology development system, with strong early warning and emergency preparedness support for technological extension services and management technology systems, most strict technological management system. The Bank is water resources management systems and well positioned to introduce into China cutting- associated policies, guidelines and technical edge international institutional, systems and specifications governing integrated river management experience as well as outstanding basin planning, river basin water resource results in the field of technological innovation and water environment monitoring system and promote cooperation between China and and information platform development, and technologically advanced countries. river basin ecological compensation policies and mechanisms, among others. 6.4 Short-term Focal Areas of Cooperation  The World Bank and MWR would work and Demonstration together to select river basins with difficult management issues/problems and Integrated River Basin Management develop demonstration areas for integrated management, introduce advanced experience 160. The Chinese Government has decided to and techniques of developed countries increase investments in reversing the situation of and carry out studies on new models for lagging infrastructure development, but many integrated river basin management relevant issues/problems still exist with integrated basin to Chinese conditions. management in China. The World Bank would play an important role in addressing these Water Allocation System in Regions with issues/problems. Severe Water Shortages  A key feature of China’s present water 161. In northern China, water conflicts resources management system is excessive between upstream and downstream, right and fragmentation of roles and responsibilities, left banks and agriculture and industry have which has led to increased administrative become increasingly severe and have seriously costs of inter-departmental/agency constrained socioeconomic development and coordination and declined effectiveness of eco-environmental protection. Establishing and water resources management. The World improving water resource allocation systems Bank has repeatedly stressed the importance in areas with severe water conflicts is of great of integrated river basin management when significance. China is actively exploring how to providing water resources management enhance integrated water resource allocation assistance, especially institutional issues capacity through connecting river and lake relating to integrated river basin management, systems; creating an integrated river, lake and China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 63 Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank reservoir water network system involving rural Water Conservation and urban areas which ensures smooth water diversion and drainage, appropriate water 163. Irrigation efficiency is low with the storage and detention and water control and coefficient of effective irrigation water use regulation; and optimizing the layout of river standing at 0.5. The Chinese Government is and lake systems and enhancing coordination developing “agricultural sector efficient water between river and lake system layout and saving” plans and intends to achieve the socioeconomic layout. The World Bank can following within about ten years: improving build on China’s new needs to select important agricultural water use and management, tributaries of the Yellow River, Hai River and creating region-specific, modern, water saving other major rivers and establish demonstration irrigation and development models, extensively areas, and to promote advanced international promoting water saving irrigation technologies, experience and techniques in establishing water significantly increasing the coefficient of effective resource allocation system and water resources irrigation water use, increasingly improving management. agricultural irrigation modernization level and steadily enhancing agricultural productivity. Management of Ecologically Fragile Rivers 164. The World Bank has conducted studies 162. With close attention from the Chinese on consumption-based agricultural water saving Government for the management of ecologically in the GEF Hai Basin Integrated Water and fragile rivers, integrated management has been Environment Management Project and Turpan implemented for the Tarim River, Hei River Water Conservation Project. These studies and Shiyang River with successful preliminary have achieved good results and proposed a results achieved. The World Bank can strengthen consumption-based water resources management cooperation with the Chinese Government in this concept building on progress in remote sensing area and conduct studies and demonstrations and GIS technologies, which would help China on the following through selecting typical enhance the level of agricultural water saving ecologically fragile rivers and establishing and adopt better methods to allocate and manage demonstration areas: maintaining “healthy” water rights. According to China’s plans for environmental flow of rivers and water bodies, implementing large-scale efficient agricultural impacts of large water projects on hydrology, water saving, the World Bank will select typical water resources and ecological environment, irrigation districts to establish demonstration water and soil conservation, comprehensive areas for agricultural water saving and promote technological system for ecological restoration the concept and techniques of consumption- and poverty reduction, quantitative assessment based management. of ecological water demand and allocation of water for ecological use, monitoring, evaluation Policy and Strategic Countermeasures and early warning of regional drought/flood disasters and emergency management, as well as 165. China has achieved significant progress in agencies and methods for integrated river basin studies on policies and strategic countermeasures management. for water resources development, utilization and management, but major improvements need to be achieved in enforcement of such policies and countermeasures. The World Bank can strengthen cooperation with China on public participation and water resources 64 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank management, plan implementation, irrigation Addressing Climate Change district management and water pricing reform and select typical irrigation districts to set up 168. The impacts of global climate change on demonstration areas for studies and enforcement water resources have been widely recognized. of policies and countermeasures, thereby China is prone to flood and drought disasters contributing to enhancing China’s capacity in and impacts of extreme weather events on China developing and enforcing water-related policies are increasingly emerging. The World Bank is and strategic countermeasures. committed to conducting studies on adaptation countermeasures for water resources and river Integrated Flood Risk Management basin management under the context of climate change, such as those on impacts of global 166. China has achieved remarkable results warming on water resources, water cycle and in managing its major rivers and has effectively flood and drought disasters and on vulnerability lowered damages of flood disasters. China’s and adaptation of river basin ecosystem to experience in this area is worthy to be promoted climate change, as well as on corresponding to the world. However, China needs to improve countermeasures and policies. In addition, its flood risk control measures, especially non- the World Bank will select regions sensitive to engineering measures. The World Bank will climate change to establish demonstration areas provide to China advanced international flood risk and guide local people to take active measures control techniques and explore to develop flood to address impacts of climate change on water risk control techniques and models of Chinese resources. characteristics through establishing demonstration areas in regions with high flood risks. 169. The World Bank would assist China in formulating guidelines for a water-resources 167. Reservoir dam construction in China has plan to respond to climate change, and establish reached advanced world level with respect to an assessment system for climate change impacts planning, designing, damming and so on. Yet, on water resources. there are some gaps in dam safety management technology. Although China has achieved certain Ecological Compensation in River Basins results in scientific research through international exchange since the beginning of 1990s, currently 170. Protecting ecosystems in the upstream dam risk management in the country is still in of river basins is an important approach to its initial stage, with many problems with risk maintaining healthy river water cycle and analysis technology being unsolved. Now, some providing necessary ecological compensation to developed countries have established systems water source sites in river basins is a consensus for dam risk management, which has already reached in the international community. China’s been put into practical application. The World central and local governments are increasingly Bank can provide assistance in introducing interested in adopting ecological compensation advanced technology of dam risk management mechanisms in the form of government financial from developed countries and support China in transfers to protect ecosystems in the upstream establishing its dam risk management system by of river basins. Nevertheless, this approach relies breaking technical bottlenecks and improving its heavily on public financial transfers (mainly relevant policies and regulations. from the central finance) and lacks direct linkages between ecological service providers and beneficiaries. Internationally, some countries have successfully adopted market- China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 65 Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank oriented ecological compensation methods withdrawal and replenishment of groundwater (paid ecosystem services). In comparison with resources and promote sustainable utilization of government financed supported ecological groundwater resources. compensation mechanisms adopted in China, paid ecosystem services provide another method 173. Given the current status of and problems which is more market oriented and places more with groundwater development and utilization, emphasis on self-financing. The World Bank can main tasks for groundwater management in introduce these advanced concepts and methods the upcoming period are to strictly control to serve China. withdrawal, upgrade management of overdraft zones and preserve and protect groundwater Groundwater Management resources. MWR has completed the preparation of Program for Control and Reduction of 171. China’s groundwater resources amount to Groundwater Withdrawal in Water-receiving 821.8 billion m3. Groundwater development and Areas under Phase I of Middle Route South- utilization have played an extremely important North Water Transfer Project. According to role in ensuring water use for socioeconomic the program, water from the South-North development. At present, groundwater use across Water Transfer Project will be used to replace the country amounts to over 100 billion m3, or groundwater in some areas of North China Plain one-sixth of the country’s total water use, which and groundwater withdrawal will be reduced is mainly distributed in regions such as Huang- to control and maintain a rational groundwater Huai-Hai Plain (also known as North China Plain), table. In other areas with alternative water Guanzhong Basin and inland rivers in northwestern sources, it is also necessary to gradually control China. Due to irrational development and utilization and reduce groundwater withdrawal, establish of groundwater resources, groundwater has been emergency and strategic reserves and enhance severely over-withdrawn in some regions of China the capacity of groundwater in combating with widespread overdraft in northern China. So emergency drought. In areas with appropriate far, there have been over 160 groundwater overdraft conditions, it is necessary to replenish and zones in China with a total area amounting to 19 preserve groundwater through establishing km2 and annual average overdraft exceeding 20 groundwater reservoirs and using rainwater, billion m3. As a result, environmental and geological floodwater and recycled water for recharge problems have occurred in some regions, such as purposes. land subsidence and seawater intrusion. 174. The Chinese Government has decided 172. The Chinese Government has taken a to enforce the “most strict water resources series of measures to effectively protect and management system”, including strictly rationally develop and utilize groundwater controlling total amount of groundwater resources and MWR has prepared groundwater withdrawal, i.e. defining annual total amount development, utilization and protection plan of groundwater withdrawal in accordance to make overall arrangements for future with groundwater replenishment conditions development, utilization, conservation and and strictly enforce such defined amount. The protection of groundwater resources. According World Bank would make use of experience to the plan, groundwater withdrawal would be and expertise in groundwater management moderately increased in areas with groundwater in Africa and other countries to support the development potential and withdrawal Chinese Government to gradually establish a would be gradually reduced in groundwater groundwater control and management system. overdraft zones to eventually achieve balanced 66 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank Drinking Water Safety and maintenance expenses can be borne by the government; for small profit-oriented projects, 175. Ensuring drinking water safety is an it is necessary to achieve diversified operations important task of the Chinese Government to of such projects through contracting, leasing, improve people’s livelihoods, which has been auctioning, shareholding and other approaches advanced in recent years. By 2010, the Chinese that are appropriate to local realities. Government had provided safe drinking water to 215 million rural people. It is proposed in Information Technology Development the 12th Five-year Plan prepared by MWR that rural drinking water safety would be ensured 178. The 2011 No. 1 Document of the Chinese in the next five years and proportion of rural Government proposed a pathway of Chinese beneficiaries of centralized water supply would characteristics for modernization of China’s increase to 80%. water sector and strengthening information technology development in this sector is 176. Based on the already defined targets, an important approach to achieving water the Chinese Government would continue to conservancy modernization. One of the priorities increase investments in ensuring drinking water for information technology development is to safety and improve drinking water conditions of strengthen development of basic monitoring residents, including farmers, workers of farms systems, including development of flood and tree farms as well as school teachers and and drought control information monitoring students, through implementing a number of stations, points and facilities for rain, water and large, medium and small water source projects. drought conditions, typhoons and storm tides, In combination with the rural-urban integration monitoring systems for hydrological conditions, process, the Chinese Government is actively water resources and groundwater, monitoring promoting implementation of centralized water facilities for water and soil conservation, and supply projects in rural areas and developing monitoring systems for water management and integrated rural-urban water supply networks in policy implementation. areas with appropriate conditions to increase tap water coverage in rural areas. This would benefit 179. Another priority for information hundreds of millions of Chinese farmers. technology development is development of regulation and management systems for major 177. Apart from strengthening implementation water structures, including water regulation drinking water supply projects, main system for the Yellow River, Tarim River and management tasks include establishing water Hei River and regulation systems for key water user cooperative organizations following the structures of other river and lake basins such as principles of “guidance by the government, the Tai Lake, Yellow River, Pearl River and Huai voluntary participation by farmers, registration River. Information technology based regulation according to law and standardized operation” can enhance real-time regulation and fully to improve the management model combining achieve the comprehensive benefits of major specialized service delivery and independent water structures including flood control, water management by water users; advancing property supply, irrigation and ecological protection. rights system reform for small water projects including drinking water projects to clearly 180. It is necessary to achieve office define project management entities. For “public automation, especially for grassroots water good” water projects, corresponding policies units, which includes a complete set of hardware shall formulated so that project management equipment and corresponding software China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 67 Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank systems as well as skilled technical staff. Office reform model which suits the local economic automation and e-governance will improve work development level and water resource conditions efficiency, enhance transparency in all segments and promotes establishment of a mechanism of management and increase standardization of under which agricultural water supply costs water sector management. are shared by the government and farmers. This includes improvements in agricultural Water Pricing Reform water measurement facilities, terminal water pricing system involving water price for state 181. Following the requirements for deepening water supply projects and that for tertiary canal resource product pricing reform and factor systems, system of financial subsidies to expenses market reform, water pricing reform will be on operation and management of agricultural advanced in a step-by-step manner to establish a irrigation and drainage schemes, and discounted pricing mechanism which encourages productive water price for below-quota water use and water use, and also achieves social affordability ascending water price for extra-quota water use. and equity and contributes to saving water and optimizing water resource allocation. Integrated Small Watershed Management for Establishment of such mechanism is an important Soil Erosion Control next step for the Chinese Government to take in water pricing reform. 184. In 2007, MWR implemented ecologically clean watershed management pilot projects for 182. The National Development and Reform 81 watersheds in 30 provinces (autonomous Commission (NDRC) and MWR are gradually regions and municipalities) across the country. implementing a two-part water price scheme The objective of the project are to carry out combining base water price and measured a series of activities including integrated water price. A number of cities are also watershed management, ecological restoration, exploring a management model linking water water system rehabilitation and improvements price and water consumption, through rising in human habitat environment with rural block tariffs, where charges will be collected “production development and building clean and at ascending prices for water consumed above tidy villages” as the entry points and integrated the basic amount. This model is an effective watershed management as the priority. As tool to promote water saving through the a result of the pilot project implementation, economic lever. For the soon-to-be completed integrated watershed management has played and operational middle route of the South- an effective role in water and soil conservation, North Water Transfer Project, water price will be water preservation, purifying water and set using a different approach, which includes improving ecological environment, among base water price and measured water price, others. This practice and exploration can prevent i.e. provinces will pay base water charges in activities harming water ecology environment proportion to water allocated to them by the from the source, combine water preservation South-North Water Transfer Project and pay with water quality protection, avoid fragmented charges for additional water consumed based on sectoral management and more effectively the actual measured water. protect and improve ecological environment. 183. An important task of water pricing 185. Integrated watershed management reform is to advance comprehensive requires a combination of artificial restoration agricultural water pricing reform to establish and natural restoration as well as water and soil in an explorative manner agricultural water conservation measures and other measures to 68 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Chapter VI – Agenda for Cooperation between China and World Bank achieve good ecological environment, beautiful landscape and comfortable living environment, which are consistent with the World Bank’s concept on ecological protection. The World Bank has accumulated valuable experience and achieved great success in Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation projects, which have laid a solid foundation for further cooperation with the Chinese Government in integrated watershed management. China has a large amount and area of waterborne soil erosion with different soil erosion externalities and types of waterborne soil erosion in different regions. Based on the master plan for waterborne soil erosion management in MWR’s 12th Five- year Plan, the World Bank can select typical watersheds from the Loess Plateau region, the Karst region in southwestern China, inland river regions in northwestern China and black soil regions in northeastern China for testing and piloting integrated management and to accumulate more experience to promote waterborne soil erosion management in China and provide support for the World Bank to improve knowledge, experience and techniques in this area. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 69 Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council (December 31, 2010) 1. Water is the source of life, the essential for production and the basis for ecology. It concerns human survival, economic development and social progress and has always been an important issue in managing state affairs and ensuring peace and security throughout the history to beneficially use water and eliminate water hazards. To promote long-term, steady and rapid economic development, to maintain social harmony and stability, and to successfully build a moderately prosperous society in all aspects, we are determined to accelerate water development, effectively increase our capacity to support it and guarantee to achieve sustainable water resources utilization. Serious flood and drought calamities taking place in China in recent years have caused major losses of life and properties and revealed fundamental weaknesses in inadequate irrigation systems/ works and other water infrastructures. We must step up our efforts to strengthen water sector development. Hence, the following decisions are made on accelerating water sector reform and development. I. Strategic Importance of Water Sector Development in the New Situation 2. The new situation facing water sector development. Since the foundation of new China, especially since the inception of reform and opening-up to the outside world, the Party and the Government have always attached great importance to water sector development. Under their leadership the Chinese people have carried out magnificent water infrastructure construction, gaining tremendous achievements which have drawn worldwide attention, making outstanding contribution to the economic and social development, and ensuring that the people can live and work in peace and contentment. However, it must be noted that limited amount of water resources China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 71 Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council for a large population and their uneven of flood control and the water and food supply temporal and spatial distribution are the basic but also the economic, ecological and national national and water conditions of the country. security. We must give great prominence to Frequent flood and drought disasters are still water sector development in the undertakings a thorn in the hearts of the Chinese people; the of the Party and the nation, with special effort sharp conflict between supply and demand put into stepping up construction of irrigation of water resources is still the main bottleneck systems/works and propelling the leapfrog in attaining sustainable development; lagged- development of the water sector. behind construction of irrigation systems/ works is still the biggest problem that affects II. Guiding Theory, Objectives and Basic stable agricultural development and national Principles of Water Sector Reform and food security; and poor water facilities are Development still an obvious shortcoming of the nation’s infrastructure. With deeper industrialization 4. Guiding Theory. We will implement and urbanization and bigger impact of global the main spirits of the Seventeenth National climate change, the water sector in China is Party Congress and the third, fourth and facing a more severe situation. The requirement fifth plenary sessions of the Seventeenth CPC for greater capacity for calamity prevention and Central Committee in an all-round way, take mitigation is increasingly urgent. The work of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the Important intensifying water saving and conservation is Theory of “Three Represents” as our guide and becoming more and more strenuous. The task of thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook improving speedily the situation of “living at the on Development. Priority will be given to mercy of the weather” in agriculture is getting water sector development in the construction of increasingly onerous. In 2010, a catastrophic national infrastructure, with improvements of drought occurred in the southwestern region, irrigation works regarded as a key task in the serious flood disasters struck most of the construction of rural infrastructure. We will take country’s provinces, autonomous regions and strict water resources management as a strategic municipalities, and flash floods and debris flows measure for accelerating transformation of took place in a number of areas. All of these economic development pattern, with emphasis sound a warning to us again that speeding up laid on scientific water management in construction of irrigation systems/works brooks accordance with the law and with the focus on no delay. strengthening weak links, and develop beneficial use of water vigorously for the purpose of the 3. Importance and impacts of water people’s wellbeing, keep deepening water sector development in the new situation. Beneficial use reform, accelerate the establishment of a “water of water is the first vital prerequisite for modern saving society”, promote sustainable water agricultural development, the irreplaceable sector development and endeavor to pave a road fundamental support for economic and social of water sector modernization with Chinese development and the indispensable supporting characteristics. system for ensuring eco-environmental improvement, being of major importance in 5. Objectives and tasks. In the next five to ten terms of public benefit, essential need and years, we will strive to reverse fundamentally strategy. To accelerate water sector reform and the obvious backwardness of water works development concerns not only agricultural and construction. A system of flood control, drought rural development but also the overall economic resistance and calamity mitigation will be and social development; not only the security basically established to substantially enhance 72 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council flood control capacity and drought resistance 6. Basic principles. First, priority given to the capabilities in key cities and protected areas people’s wellbeing must be stuck to. We will strive of flood control by 2020, basically fulfill the to solve the most immediate and most practical training of important reaches of key small and water-related problems that concern the people medium rivers (including tributaries of major most to push for new development of wellbeing- rivers, independent sea-entering rivers and oriented water utilization. Second, unified planning inland rivers), comprehensively accomplish with due consideration for all aspects concerned hazard elimination and dam reinforcement for must be adhered to. We will give equal attention small reservoirs and set up an early warning to both deriving benefits and eliminating hazards, and forecast system in areas prone to flash both preventing and mitigating calamities and both floods during the “12th Five Year Plan” period. treating the symptoms and addressing the root causes A system of reasonable water allocation and and facilitate coordinated water sector development efficient water utilization will be basically set between basins and regions, between urban and rural up to try to keep total water use of the country areas and between eastern, central and western parts. below 670 billion m3/year and to guarantee Third, harmony between man and water must be kept water supply to a greater degree in urban and to. We will accommodate to the law of nature and rural areas and ensure drinking water safety in that of social development by rationally developing, an all-round way for urban and rural residents. optimally allocating, comprehensively saving We will considerably cut down water use and effectively conserving water resources. Four, per ten thousand Yuan GDP and that per ten government leadership must be stuck to. We will use thousand Yuan industrial value increase and public funds as a guarantee for water development boost irrigation water use efficiency coefficient and establish synergy between the government and to more than 0.55, with effective irrigation area the non-government sector in managing and tapping expanded by 40 million mu during the “12th water resources. Five, reform and innovation must Five Year Plan” period. A system of conserving be adhered to. We will accelerate reform by tackling water resources and guaranteeing river and major problems in key areas and key links of water lake health will be basically established; water sector and overcoming system or mechanism related quality in the function zones of main rivers and obstacles to water development. lakes will be distinctly improved; water quality standards will all be met in the source zones III. Prominence will be given to of urban water supply; soil and water erosion Strengthening Construction of Irrigation will be effectively controlled in key regions; and Systems/Works and Other Weak Links groundwater overexploitation will be essentially curbed. An institutional system favorable for 7. Construct irrigation systems/works on a water science development and a system of large scale. By 2020, we will basically accomplish the strictest water resources management will the tasks of extension, supplementation and be basically set up. A mechanism for steadily water-saving technical transformation of large- incremental investment in water development size irrigation districts and key medium-size will be further enhanced; a water pricing irrigation districts. A number of new irrigation mechanism instrumental in water saving and districts will be constructed in areas where reasonable water allocation will be primarily soil and water conditions are appropriate established; and a mechanism for virtuous- to increase effective irrigation areas in line circle operation of water works will be basically with implementation of the national plan brought into being. for an additional grains production capacity of 100 billion jin (50 billion kilograms – translator). Large and medium-size irrigation China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 73 Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and drainage pump stations will be replaced reservoirs. With regard to small and medium and transformed and improvement of key river improvement, priority will be given to water-logging-prone areas will be stepped rivers and reaches on which there are frequent up to enhance the irrigation and drainage floods and water-logging events, densely system. A sound and complete mechanism for populated protection areas and protected construction of irrigation systems/works will important objects. Dike strengthening and be newly established; the central and provincial river dredging will be carried out so that the finance departments will provide a lot more improved reaches will basically meet national earmarked subsidies for their construction, and flood control standards. Achievements made in governments at municipal and county levels will hazard elimination and dam reinforcement for also tangibly increase their investment in the on- large and medium-size ailing reservoirs will be farm water infrastructure, with farmers guided consolidated, and for small-size ailing reservoirs, to contribute labor on a voluntary basis. The hazard elimination and dam reinforcement program of key counties’ small on-farm water will be stepped up to remove hidden dangers, works construction will be implemented more restore the storage capacity for flood control rapidly, in which priority will be given to major and increase the capacity for water resources grain-producing counties, and construction of regulation as soon as possible. Reinforcement terminal canal systems and supplementation to of large and medium-size ailing gates will be on-farm water works in irrigation districts will urged. Structural measures will be adopted in be intensified to promote construction of high- combination with nonstructural measures in standard farmland which ensures stable yields preventing and mitigating flash floods induced despite drought or excessive rain. Small and geologic calamities. The monitoring and early medium-sized water works will be built in the warning system operated jointly by specialized light of local conditions, and support will be organizations and the people will be improved given for construction of the “five small on-farm as soon as possible, and the program of disaster water works” of small cisterns, small ponds, prevention and avoidance and key areas small dams, small pump stations and small improvement will be implemented more quickly. canals in hilly areas, with priority given to old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, 9. Press for solutions to water shortage due frontier areas and poverty-stricken areas. Water to lack of infrastructure. We will speed up saving irrigation will be vigorously promoted by construction of key water supply systems in extending such techniques as canal lining, pipe the southwestern region and other areas of conveyance, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation water scarcity due to lack of infrastructure. The and so on and subsidies for installation of water principle of storage, diversion and pumping saving and drought resistance equipment will be in combination with rational groundwater more extensively granted. Rain-fed crop farming exploitation will be stuck to, and a large will be actively encouraged and techniques number of small and medium-size county-based of mulching, deep plough and scarification, reservoirs, water diversion and pumping works, conservation tillage and so on will be adopted. and water transfer projects will be constructed Water-saving, efficiently irrigated forage as soon as possible. We will support farmers growing areas will be constructed to facilitate in building small and micro water works to steady water development in pasture regions. substantially increase their capacity for rain and flood resources utilization and for ensuring 8. Accelerate improvement of small and water supply so as to essentially solve the water medium rivers and hazard elimination and supply problems in water scarce cities and towns dam reinforcement for small-size ailing and populous villages. 74 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council 10. Increase capacity for flood and drought benefits derived from the infrastructure will be emergency response. We will establish as soon guaranteed. We will adopt a land use policy on as possible a sound emergency management supporting construction of rural safe drinking mechanism of quick response and concerted, water works to ensure their land supply, with orderly and efficient operation for unified preferential tax on their construction and commanding in flood control and drought operation. Electricity used for water supply resistance with responsibilities assigned at will be charged at the same price as that for different levels. Greater capacity for monitoring residential purpose or agricultural irrigation and and early warning will be developed through drainage. further investment and integration of resources to increase the capabilities for rain, flood and IV. Accelerate Water Infrastructure drought forecasts. Non-governmental as well as Construction in an All-round Way specialized emergency response and rescue teams will be set up, with the focus on the establishment 12. Continue to improve the major rivers. of flood and drought emergency response service We will further harness Huai River, improve the organizations at the county and township levels. lower reaches of Yellow River and better control A system of emergency rescue materials reserves the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River, will be established and contingency plans will be with constant efforts to train the main rivers and improved. A large number of drought emergency build dikes on them, intensify comprehensive water supply works of reasonable scale and improvement of Tai Lake, Dongting Lake and proper standard will be constructed and a water Poyang Lake, step up construction of flood reserves system for response to catastrophic storage and retention zones comprehensively drought and water safety emergencies will be set and properly arrange for resettlement of the up. We will intensify the development of cloud local residents. Safety on the beach land of seeding demonstration zones to tap cloud and the downstream areas of Yellow River will be water resources in the atmosphere in a scientific enhanced. We will press for construction of a manner. number of key flood-control works for the basins during the “12th Five Year Plan” period to keep 11. Continue to promote the drinking increasing the capacity for flood regulation and water safety program in rural areas. By 2013, storage. We will intensify construction of flood we will solve the problem of drinking water prevention and drainage works in urban areas to safety in rural areas as laid down in the plan improve their drainage standards. At the same and, during the “12th Five Year Plan” period, time, construction of sea walls and training of basically solve the drinking water problem for cross-boundary rivers will be boosted. new rural populations who drink unsafe water. Construction of concentrated water supply 13. Strengthen infrastructure construction works will be actively facilitated in an effort to for better water resources allocation. We will boost coverage of tap water supply in rural areas. improve and optimize the strategic water Concentrated water supply pipeline networks resources allocation pattern. On condition will be extended to wherever it is possible to that the ecology is conserved, an array of key achieve urban and rural water supply integration. water supply works and the connection works Operation and management of rural safe of river and lake systems will be constructed drinking water works will be strengthened, with as soon as possible to enhance the capacity for responsible people or organizations specified. water resources regulation and control and Water source protection and water quality ensure water supply. Construction of Phase monitoring will be intensified and the long-term I schemes of the South-North Water Transfer China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 75 Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council Project East and Middle Routes and that of soil and water conservation and construction the supplementary works will be sped up projects. with guaranteed construction quality, and preliminary studies on the project’s West 15. Develop water energy resources in a Route will be conducted in due time. We will rational way. Development and utilization of actively promote the construction of a number hydropower resources will be accelerated under of inter-basin and inter-region water transfer the condition that the ecology is conserved and projects with emphasis placed on solutions farmers’ interest is protected. Flood control, to the problem of physical water scarcity in irrigation, water supply, power generation, the northwest part and other areas. Reuse of navigation and so on will be planned in a treated wastewater will be vigorously promoted; unified scientific manner with all aspects desalination and comprehensive use of sea water taken into consideration in active hydropower will be energetically encouraged; and great development, with strengthened hydropower attention will be paid to utilization of rain water resources management, standardized permission and brackish water. system of resources development and intensified regulation of hydropower safety. We will 14. Improve soil and water conservation energetically tap hydropower in rural areas, and aquatic ecological conservation. We will vigorously develop new-countryside-type implement key national projects of soil and counties equipped with hydropower and carry water conservation to effectively prevent and out the ecological conservation program for fuel control soil and water losses by taking such replacement with mini-hydro power, and do a measures as comprehensive improvement of good job of electrical equipment transformation watersheds, warping dam construction, slope to hydropower grid in rural areas. land remediation, afforestation, ecological rehabilitation and so on. We will further 16. Bolster hydrometeorologic and water- strengthen prevention and control of soil technology support services intensively. We will and water erosion on the upper and middle strengthen construction of hydrometeorology reaches of Yangtze River and Yellow River, infrastructure to expand its coverage, optimize in stony desertification areas in the southwest the network configuration of hydrological region, black soil region in Northeastern China stations, enhance greatly the capacity for and other key areas and places prone to flash hydrologic monitoring and reporting in key floods induced geologic calamities. Ecological regions, important cities and groundwater rehabilitation in fragile rivers and areas will be overexploited areas, increase quickly the pushed ahead with and aquatic and ecological capacity for maneuverable emergency response remediation in heavily polluted rivers and monitoring, achieve data and information lakes will be accelerated. Important ecological sharing, and improve the overall service conservation zones, water source conservation standards. A sound system of water scientific zones, headstreams and wetlands will be better innovation will be set up, a platform of basic protected. Rural rivers will be comprehensively facilities will be intensified, essential researches improved and ecologically clean watersheds will and technical development will be strengthened, be vigorously developed. We will put great effort in an endeavor to achieve new breakthroughs into supervision and management of the soil and in key water resources areas, key links and water conservation implemented by production core technologies and to make a lot of major and construction projects. A sound and complete achievements of practical value in scientific institutional system of compensation for water research, and technical import, extension and facilities, water areas and so on occupied by application will be intensively carried out. The 76 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council standards of water technical equipment will will be enhanced; the rate of the water resources be raised. For water information technology fee will be reasonably adjusted; and the fee will enhancement, we will implement the “Golden be levied more extensively and collected, used Water Project” in an all-round way. We will and managed stringently. In cities which have accelerate the development of the national flood major flood prevention tasks and where water is control and drought resistance commanding particularly scarce, a certain percentage of their system and water resources management urban maintenance and construction tax will be information system so as to increase the capacity allocated for construction of urban flood control, for IT-based water regulation, control and water supply and drainage works. Supervision management and water works operation and and management of water investment projects to attain water sector modernization propelled and their funds will be effectively strengthened. by water information technology development. International exchange and cooperation in water 18. Provide stronger financial support for sector will be strengthened. water works construction. We will operate fiscal and monetary policies in a comprehensive way V. Establish a Mechanism for Steadily to guide financial institutions towards increasing Incremental Investment in Water credit funds for water development. The scale, Development duration and rate of fiscally subsidized interest will be set according to the features and nature 17. Increase fiscal investment in water of different water works, where it is possible. development. We will raise funds through Under the condition that risks are controllable, multiple channels and strive to make the annual the agricultural development bank will be average investment in the coming ten years supported in actively providing mid and long- in water development from the whole society term policy loans for water works construction. twice as much as that in 2010. The government China Development Bank, Agricultural Bank will provide leadership in water infrastructure of China, the Rural Credit Cooperatives, Postal construction and take water-related works as Savings Bank of China and other banking a key area of public fiscal investment. Finance financial institutions will be encouraged to departments at all levels will significantly and further increase their credit funds for irrigation substantially increase the total investment in systems/works construction. Qualified water water works and further raise the proportion enterprises will be supported in being listed on of water construction funds to the national the stock market and issuing bonds; financing fixed assets investment. The funds earmarked and leasing operations for large-size water for water development by the central and local equipment and facilities will be explored and finance departments will be greatly increased. developed; water project usufruct mortgage 10% of the proceeds from the transfer of land- loan and other multiple forms of financing will use rights will be used for agricultural water be strongly promoted. Flood insurance will be infrastructure construction so that full use for encouraged and supported. More foreign capital comprehensive benefits will be made of the will be used for water development with better revenues from paid land use for new construction quality. sites and from other land consolidation and improvement activities. The policy for water 19. Attract nongovernmental investment infrastructure construction funds will be further in water development extensively. We will improved and its collection period will be encourage qualified financing platform extended, with broadened channels and enlarged companies established by local governments to scale. The system of paid use of water resources expand channels of direct or indirect investment China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 77 Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and financing for water development so as to indicator, review and approval of construction attract nongovernmental funding for water projects for additional water withdrawal will infrastructure construction. Farmers will be be suspended; for any place whose total water encouraged to keep up the spirit of self reliance withdrawal and use is close to the control and arduous efforts and fiscal awards and indicator, review and approval of construction subsidies for activities through case-by-case projects for additional water withdrawal will be meetings will be intensified, based on unified restricted. Groundwater abstraction prohibition planning, in accordance with the principle of areas and restriction areas will be checked and “more subsidies for more raised funds and more ratified and be proclaimed as soon as possible work” so as to fully summon up the farmers’ and groundwater overexploitation will be enthusiasm for irrigation systems/works gradually reduced through strict management construction. The policy on water and electricity and protection to achieve water balance between value-added tax in rural areas will be enhanced recharge and abstraction. Unified allocation of in line with the value-added tax reform and water resources will be strengthened to keep legislation process. The tax policy on farmland good balance between domestic, productive and occupation by water works will be improved. eco-environmental uses, with improved water Market financing of business-oriented water resources allocation plans, contingency plans for projects will be facilitated in a vigorous and water allocation and water allotment plans. The reliable manner. national water right system will be established and improved and market mechanism will be VI. Implement the Strictest Water fully utilized for optimization of water resources Resources Management System allocation. 20. Establish a system of total amount control 21. Establish a system of water use efficiency of water use. We will adopt a red line of water control. We will adopt a red line of water resources development and utilization control use efficiency control and resolutely prevent and press ahead with formulation of the master water wasting and put water saving work plan for water allocation on major rivers and into the entire process of economic and social set up a system of total water withdrawal and development, production and the people’s use control indicators. Justification will be daily life. A system of water use efficiency strengthened for water needs in the relevant indicators for regions, sectors and water use plans and location of the water projects to products will be quickly set up and quota be constructed; the national economic and management of water use in a planned manner social development plan, general plans for will be strengthened. Focused monitoring and city development and configuration of major control will be conducted of water users whose construction projects will be adapted to local water withdrawal and use have reached certain water resource conditions and conform to the amounts. In water scarce areas, industrial local flood control requirements. The system of projects that consume a lot of water will be strictly water resources justification for construction restricted. The system of designing, constructing projects will be strictly implemented; anyone and operating water saving works at the same who starts construction of or puts into operation time as the construction of main works will such a project without authorization must be be implemented. Technical transformation ordered to stop. Review and approval of water for water saving will be accelerated; water withdrawal permits will be strictly administered; saving management of enterprises will be for any place whose total water withdrawal intensified in an all-round way; water saving and use has reached or exceeded the control demonstration projects will be constructed; 78 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and high efficient water saving technology in main performance indicators of water resources agriculture will be popularized. We will push development, utilization and conservation forward with formulation of compulsory water in all the regions and submit the appraisal saving standards and weed out the technologies, results to the department in charge of leaders equipment, and products that do not meet water as an important basis for the comprehensive saving standards as soon as possible. appraisal and evaluation of the relevant leaders of local governments. Capacity building for 22. Establish a system of restriction on water quantity and quality monitoring will be per pollutant assimilation of water function strengthened to provide technical support for zones. We will adopt a red line of restriction supervision and appraisal enhancement. on per pollutant assimilation of water function zones and strictly check and ratify pollutant VII. Keep Promoting Innovations in assimilative capacity of water bodies and Systems and Mechanisms for Water strictly control the total amount of pollutant Development discharge into rivers and lakes. Governments at all levels will take total amount pollutant 24. Improve the water resources management discharge restriction as an important basis for system. We will intensify unified management of water pollution prevention and control and urban and rural water resources and implement the reduction of pollutant discharge, with in a coordinated manner urban and rural responsibilities clearly specified and measures water supply, comprehensive water resources put in place. For areas where pollutant discharge utilization, water environment improvement, has exceeded the restriction on the total amount flood control and drainage, and so on through of pollutant discharge in water function zones, unified planning to facilitate optimized water new applications for water withdrawal and resources allocation. The system of basin outlets of pollutant discharge into rivers will management in combination with administrative be restricted. A system of function zone water region management of water resources will be quality standards compliance evaluation will be improved and a mechanism of water resources established and a system of monitoring, early administration with clearly specified powers warning, supervision and management will be and authority, explicitly assigned division of improved. We will intensify conservation of work, standardized behavior and coordinated water source zones, specify conservation zones operation will be set up. The mechanism for of drinking water sources in accordance with coordination of water resources conservation and the law and strengthen emergency management water pollution prevention and control will be of drinking water sources. A water ecological further enhanced. compensation mechanism will be set up. 25. Accelerate water infrastructure 23. Establish a water resources managerial construction and water management system responsibility and appraisal system. Main leaders reform. We will push for the reform in a of local governments at or above the county classified manner by differentiating the nature of level will take overall responsibility for water water works and establish a sound mechanism resources management and conservation in their of virtuous-circle operation. Reform of state- respective administrative regions. To strictly owned water works management system will be implement the water resources management deepened, with ensured availability of funds for appraisal system, the water administration basic expenditure of public service and quasi- department will, jointly with other relevant public service water management organizations departments, appraise the fulfillment of the and for system repair and maintenance. The China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 79 Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council central finance department will provide 27. Actively press ahead with water price subsidies on repair and maintenance of public reform. We will make full use of water benefit structures in the mid-western region price as a regulation instrument, with equal and poverty-stricken areas. The problem of attention given to efficiency and fairness, and social security for redirected staff from water vigorously promote water saving and industrial management organizations will be properly restructuring. The system of progressive block solved. Reform of small water works property tariff for above-quota water use for industry right system will be deepened, with ownership and service sectors will be gradually introduced and usufruct clearly stated, and management to make the difference in water price bigger and maintenance entities being in place and their between high water consuming sectors and other responsibilities clearly specified. Subsidies will sectors. Reasonable adjustment will be made of be provided for management and maintenance the price for domestic water use in urban areas so of public beneficial small water works and that the block tariff system will be implemented multiple patterns of non-governmental and steadily. In accordance with the principles of specialized water system management will promoting water saving, reducing farmers’ be explored. For non-profit projects financed water use costs and ensuring virtuous-circle by the government, the agent system for their operation of irrigation and drainage systems, construction will be implemented more quickly. we will push forward with the comprehensive Full play will be given to market mechanism in reform of agricultural water price, with proper water infrastructure construction and operation fiscal subsidies provided for operation and and profit-making water works will be guided management of irrigation and drainage works towards the market so that the legal person in agriculture, and explore ways for farmers to management structure will be enhanced and the enjoy preferential price for below-quota water system of independent operation and operators’ use and pay progressive block tariff for above- sole responsibility for profits and losses will be quota water use. set up. VIII. Effectively Strengthen Leadership in 26. Establish a sound system of grass-root Water Development level water services. We will establish a sound grass-root level water service system with clearly 28. Clearly specify responsibilities of the specified functions, reasonable structure and Party committees and governments at all levels. competent staff to provide good services and the The Party committees and governments at all capacity for grass-root level water services will levels will effectively strengthen the work of be increased in an all-round way. Grass-root level water development, by adopting a panoramic water service organizations based on townships and strategic perspective, and carry out studies and watersheds will be fully set up, the staffing and solve the serious problems existing in water quota of which will be checked and ratified in sector reform and development in good time. accordance with the relevant provisions and costs The system of administrative chief executive of which be included in county level government responsibility will be implemented in flood budget, to better perform public benefit functions prevention and drought resistance, drinking of water resources management improvement, water safety guarantee, water resources flood control and drought resistance, irrigation management and reservoir safety management. systems/works construction, water technology All the measures and actions for water sector extension and so on. Farmer water use reform and development will be carried out cooperation organizations will be energetically earnestly everywhere in the light of the local developed. actual conditions to ensure achievement 80 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council of tangible results. Water administration and the contingency planning system will be departments at all levels will effectively heighten enhanced. The reform of water administrative the sense of responsibility with their duties license review and approval system will be fulfilled conscientiously and do a good job in deepened. Water resources development master accomplishing the various tasks of water sector plans will be prepared in a scientific way to reform and development. Relevant departments improve the system of national, basin and and organizations will formulate and improve regional water use planning. Preparatory work as soon as possible various supporting measures for key construction projects will be accelerated. and actions in accordance with the division The functions of management and constraint of their functions to develop synergy for on water related activities performed by water driving water sector reform and development. resources development master plans will be Intensification of irrigation/works construction intensified. Achievements in resettlement will be will be regarded as an important part of the ensured for reservoir construction with policies “Pursuance of Excellence in Performances” for post-construction support effectively carried campaign conducted in the rural grass-root areas out. and rural Party organizations at the grass-root level will fully perform their role as the “fortress” 30. Enhance water sector staff capacity building. with all their members playing a vanguard and We will adapt to the new requirements of water sector exemplary role, to lead the farmers at large in reform and development, improve comprehensively accelerating improvement of the production and the capacity of the water sector officials and living conditions in the rural areas. staff and increase effectively the capabilities for water resources survey and water works design, 29. Press ahead with water management construction and management and for administration in accordance with the law. We will establish in accordance with the law. Establishment and a sound system of water-related laws and development of water-related subjects and disciplines regulations and speed up refinement of laws in universities, colleges and secondary vocational and regulations concerning water resources schools will be supported. Various managerial allocation, water saving and protection, flood specialists, technical professionals and high-tech control and drought resistance, rural water experts will be intensively introduced, trained and works construction, soil and water conservation, selected and an incentive mechanism for personnel basin management, and so on. Integrated water appraisal and exchange will be enhanced. A vast law enforcement will be pushed for in an all- number of scientists and engineers will be encouraged round way and the systems of water resources to serve on the front line of water sector reform and justification, water withdrawal permission, development, in-service education and post-school letter of consent to water works construction training provided to water staff at the grass-root plans, flood impact assessment, soil and water level will be intensified, and actual problems and conservation planning, and so on will be strictly difficulties existing in their production and life will implemented. Management of rivers and lakes be solved. The spirit of “dedication, responsibility will be strengthened and construction projects’ and pragmaticness” of the water sector will be illegal occupation of river and lake areas will be promoted among the officials and staff at large to strictly prohibited. The national flood prevention pay closer attention to the people’s wellbeing, offer and drought resistance supervision will be more services at the grass-root level and render intensively institutionalized. A sound water greater assistance to the overall economic and social dispute mediation and resolution mechanism development. with the focus on prevention in combination with mediation and resolution will be established China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 81 Annex 1 - Decision on Accelerating Water Sector Reform and Development By the CPC Central Committee and the State Council 31. Mobilize the forces of all walks of life to care about and support water development. We will intensify publicity about the conditions of the country and of water development, raise the awareness of all the people of water calamities, water saving and water resources conservation and call up all the forces throughout the society to participate in water development. Education about the water resources conditions will be included in the national quality education system, in school courses of primary and middle schools and, as an important part, in the education and training courses for leaders at all levels and civil servants. To create a good atmosphere of public opinion for better and faster water sector development, it will be taken as one of the non-profit publicity subjects. Governments at all levels will give commendations and awards in accordance with the relevant provisions to those who have made outstanding achievements in stepping up water sector reform and development. 32. Accelerating water sector reform and development is an arduous task and a major responsibility as well as a glorious mission. We will unite closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as General Secretary, keep up with the times, forge ahead in a pioneering spirit, work conscientiously and strive to open up new prospects for water development. 82 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 2 - Summary of the 12th Five-Year Program (2011-2015) on Water Sector Development Annex 2 - Summary of the 12th Five-Year Program (2011-2015) on Water Sector Development Strategic Importance of Water Sector Development 1. The Government of China pays great attention to water resources development. The CPC Central Committee No. 1 Document in 2011 clearly articulates the strategic importance of water resources development in the new situation: water resources are the first vital prerequisite for modern agricultural development, the irreplaceable fundamental support for economic and social development and the indispensable supporting system for ensuring eco-environmental improvement, being of major importance in terms of public benefit, essential need and strategy. 2. To accelerate water sector reform and development concerns not only agricultural and rural development but also the overall economic and social development and not only the security of flood control and water and food supply but also the economic, ecological and national security. This represents a major leap forward that the Chinese Government has made in understanding water resources development and serves as important guiding principles of the “12th Five Year” master plan for water resources development and also the fundamental basis for planning water resources development, deepening water sector reform and formulating water policies in the future in various regions and by various departments. General Requirements during the “12th Five Year” Period 3. Basic ideas. Priority will be given to water resources development in the construction of national infrastructure, with on-farm water works improvement regarded as a key task in the construction of rural infrastructure. Strict water resources management will be taken as a China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 83 Annex 2 - Summary of the 12th Five-Year Program (2011-2015) on Water Sector Development strategic measure for accelerating transformation reach more than one in five year frequency. of economic development pattern. 8. Water resources guarantee. The problem 4. Focal areas. Emphasis will be laid on of rural drinking water safety will be solved scientific water management and water quickly; the proportion of concentrated water management in accordance with the law, with supply beneficiary population in rural areas will the focus on strengthening weak links, and water be raised to 75%; there will be an additional water resources will be developed vigorously for the supply capacity of 40 billion m 3 nationwide, purpose of the people’s wellbeing, water sector including about 26 billion m3 for urban areas; the reform will be continuously deepened and the probability of urban water supply will be no less establishment of “water saving society” will be than 95%; and effective irrigation area will be accelerated. increased by 50 million mu. 5. Strategic direction. Strive to blaze a path 9. Water saving and conservation. Water of water sector modernization with Chinese use per 10 thousand Yuan industrial value characteristics. increase will be reduced to less than 80 m3; high efficient water saving irrigation area will 6. Basic principles. Priority given to the be increased by 50 million mu; and agricultural people’s wellbeing must be stuck to; unified irrigation water use coefficient will be increased planning with due consideration for all aspects to 0.53. Compliance with the main water concerned must be adhered to; harmony quality standards in the water function zones of between man and water must be kept to; important rivers, lakes and reservoirs nationwide government leadership must be stuck to; and will be boosted to 60%; the main water quality reform and innovation must be adhered to. indicators of national important drinking water source zones will meet the standards specified by Main Objectives the nation; 80% of municipal wastewater will be treated and 10% of the treated wastewater will be 7. Flood control and calamity mitigation. A reused. system of comprehensive flood control and calamity mitigation on major rivers through 10. Soil and water conservation and ecological structural measures in combination with non- rehabilitation in rivers and lakes. An additional structural measures will be basically established. area of 250 thousand km2 of soil and water losses Dikes on key reaches of major river mainstreams, will be improved in a comprehensive manner. important tributaries, independent sea-entering Eco-environmental water use in ecologically rivers and inland rivers and important sea walls fragile areas and key rivers and lakes will be will meet the planned standards; important enhanced; eco-environment will be rehabilitated flood protection cities will meet the flood to a certain degree; the groundwater situation in control standards specified by the nation; the serious overdraft areas will preliminarily become flood control capacity of important reaches of better. key medium and small rivers which have flood control tasks will be significantly improved; 11. Water sector reform and water resources monitoring and early warning systems and the management. The reform will serve as a people’s monitoring and prevention systems in powerful push for water resources development flash floods and geologic disaster prevention and and efforts will be stepped up to tackle major control areas will be basically established; and problems in key areas and key links in the drainage standards in key low-lying regions will reform. A national water right system will be 84 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 2 - Summary of the 12th Five-Year Program (2011-2015) on Water Sector Development basically established, water allocation plans nature will be respected, relationships between for main rivers will be accomplished, and upper and lower reaches, between tributaries significant progress will be made in the reform and mainstreams and between regions and of integrated basin management system. Major basins will be smoothed out through unified and breakthroughs will be achieved in the reform coordinated planning, the areas and measures of investment in and financing water resources of improvement and the scopes and standards development. Water works construction will be of construction will be reasonably specified, open in an all-round way, the project legal person and the improvement of key medium and small bidding system, agent system and so on will be river basins of more than 200 km 2 that have extensively applied and a sound mechanism flood control tasks will be basically fulfilled. for virtuous-circle operation and management The achievements made in hazard elimination of water works will be essentially set up. A and dam reinforcement will be consolidated, rather complete system of water-related laws hazard elimination and dam reinforcement for and regulations will come into existence so that large and medium ailing reservoirs will be sped the capacity for management of rivers and lakes up, the tasks of hazard elimination and dam will be substantially enhanced. The capability reinforcement for small ailing reservoirs will be for water scientific innovation will be greatly basically accomplished and hazard elimination increased and information technology will be and reinforcement of large and medium ailing further advanced. gates will be planned and arranged for in a unified manner. Main Tasks of Water Infrastructure Construction 14. Construction of key flood storage and retention zones. Construction of flood storage Flood control and calamity mitigation and retention zones that will be used frequently and be particularly effective at flood control will 12. Improvement of major rivers and be accelerated. The residents will be guided and lakes. Huai River will be further improved, encouraged to resettle so that those in high risk improvement of Yangtze River, Yellow River, areas will be properly resettled, with a rather Pearl River and other major rivers will be complete management system and operation continued and training of important estuaries mechanism preliminarily set up. The key polder will be actively promoted. Improvement of dikes on Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake will be waterlogging-prone regions in key plains strengthened and the tasks of dike reinforcement will be accelerated and construction and for key flood storage and retention zones and reconstruction of drainage works in urban areas their safety improvements will be basically will be strengthened. Key control structures accomplished. on Tingzikou in Sichuan Province, Xiajiang in Jiangxi Province, Jinling in Liaoning Province 15. Prevention and control of geological and so on will be completed and construction calamities from flash floods. The policy of of a number of key flood control projects will prevention in combination with control with be started in due time. Sea wall construction the focus on prevention will be followed to and trans-boundary river training will be carry out in-depth surveys and assessment of strengthened. geological calamities from flash floods, find out the basic conditions of hidden perils in an all- 13. Improvement of medium and small rivers round way, press ahead with improvement of and hazard elimination and dam reinforcement monitoring and early warning systems and the for medium and small reservoirs. The law of people’s monitoring and prevention systems and China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 85 Annex 2 - Summary of the 12th Five-Year Program (2011-2015) on Water Sector Development accelerate implementation of resettlement for water source projects, if they are ready, will be disaster avoidance and key areas improvement. started in due time. Construction of medium- size reservoirs in the southwestern region will be 16. Non-structural measures for flood control. strengthened to increase the capacity for water Infrastructure construction of hydrological supply assurance in key arid counties. Urban monitoring stations will be strengthened, flood and rural water source works construction in prevention and warning telecommunications former revolutionary base areas, minority- systems for medium and small reservoirs will inhabited areas, remote and border areas and be enhanced, flood control contingency plans poverty-stricken areas will be strengthened to for medium and small rivers and reservoirs improve their drinking water safety, develop and will be formulated and improved, a flood risk improve irrigation areas and better guarantee management system will be established and flood urban, rural, industrial and agricultural water water will be made better use of as resources. supply. Construction of water source projects and their supplementary works in drought- Water resources assurance prone areas, main grains production areas and city and town concentrated areas will be 17. Construction of water resources allocation accelerated to enhance the capacity for response works in key areas. Construction of Phase I to catastrophic droughts, continuous droughts schemes of Middle and East Routes of South- and water supply security emergencies. North Water Transfer Project and their supplementary works will be accelerated, with 19. Utilization of non-conventional water good quality ensured and service provided sources. Recycle of treated wastewater will be in good time. Construction of Tao River increased, rain and flood water and brackish Water Diversion Project in Gansu Province, water will be utilized in a scientific and Dahuofang Reservoir Water Transfer Project in reasonable way, direct use and desalination Liaoning Province, Nenjing River to Baicheng of sea water will be boosted, and freshwater City Water Diversion Project in Jilin Province, exploitation will be reduced. Studies Continent to Zhoushan Water Diversion and utilization of “virtual water” will be Project in Zhejiang Province and so on will be strengthened. completed. Construction of Central Guizhou Water Diversion Project, Lijiang River Water Water works construction in rural areas Supplementation Project in Guilin City, Water Supply Project in Central Jilin Province, and 20. Drinking water safety in rural areas. other inter-basin and interregional water Water works construction in rural areas will be diversion or transfer projects will be stepped further accelerated to ensure that the problem up. Preparation for Hanjiang River to Weihe of drinking water safety for rural population River Water Diversion Project, Yangtze River will be solved as planned before the end of 2013. to Huai River Water Diversion Project, Central Based on scientific planning and justification, Yunnan Water Transfer Project and so on will be the drinking water problem for new rural continued and their construction will be started populations who drink unsafe water will be in due time. solved through unified planning. Different methods of water supply will be adopted in the 18. Construction of water source projects. light of the local conditions and concentrated Construction of Pangduo Reservoir, Hadashan water supply projects of proper scales will be Reservoir and so on will be quickened and encouraged. Operation and management of construction of a number of other important water works will be strengthened and water 86 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 2 - Summary of the 12th Five-Year Program (2011-2015) on Water Sector Development sources will be strictly conserved with water drip irrigation, micro irrigation and so on will quality monitored so as to ensure that farmers be vigorously developed in the light of the drink clean and safe water. local conditions. In this endeavor technological integration and large-scale development will be 21. Construction of on-farm water works. pushed for, with priority given to construction Extension, supplementation and water-saving of high efficient water saving works in water technical transformation of large and medium scarce areas, ecologically fragile areas and main irrigation districts will be sped up and the tasks grains production areas in their agricultural of large-size irrigation and drainage pump development. Rain water harvest for efficient station replacement and reconstruction will be irrigation will be intensified in rain-fed regions. fulfilled. A number of new irrigation districts will be constructed in areas where soil and 25. Water saving in cities, towns and water conditions are appropriate. Construction industrial sector. Water saving technical of small on-farm water works will be intensified, transformation through water supply pipe main and supplementary on-farm works will be networks construction will be accelerated in very well built, construction of the “five small cities and towns, installation of supplementary water works” of small ponds, small cisterns water saving equipment will be promoted (water tanks or cases), small weirs and gates, in public buildings and residential quarters, small pump stations and small canals will be domestic water saving devices will be constructed in the light of the local conditions extensively popularized in urban areas, water to improve agricultural production conditions. use equipment and products which do not Steady water resources development in pasture comply with water saving standards will be regions will be facilitated. weeded out gradually and reuse of treated wastewater in urban areas will be pressed ahead 22. Construction of mini-hydro works. 300 with; water saving in industrial sector will be new-countryside-type counties equipped with intensified, advanced water saving techniques hydropower will be established. and technology will be popularized, water use per unit product in industries and enterprises 23. Schistosomiasis prevention and control will be cut down, and water recycle in industries through water works. Construction of will be encouraged. A large number of advanced schistosomiasis prevention water works will representative demonstration areas for water be accelerated on middle and lower reaches of saving society development will be established. Yangtze River and other regions. By the end of 2015, transmission control standards will be met 26. Conservation of drinking water source in all the counties (cities and districts) where zones. Drinking water source zones in urban schistosomiasis is prevalent; and transmission and rural areas will be distributed reasonably, blocking standards will be met through efforts conservation, protection and comprehensive in the counties (cities and districts) where improvement of water source zones will be transmission control standards have already strengthened, and pollutant discharge outlets been met. along rivers within protected drinking water source zones will be prohibited in accordance Water resources saving and conservation with the law. Conservation of important drinking water source zones will be intensified, 24. Water saving in agriculture. High efficient with emphasis placed on protection and water saving equipment and technology of conservation of water source zones for South- pipe water conveyance, sprinkler irrigation, North Water Transfer Project and those along its China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 87 Annex 2 - Summary of the 12th Five-Year Program (2011-2015) on Water Sector Development routes and in the Three Gorges Reservoir area Soil and water conservation and ecological and other large and medium reservoir areas. rehabilitation in rivers and lakes 27. Groundwater conservation and restoration. 29. Soil and water loss control in key areas. Groundwater exploitation will be strictly Soil and water conservation and ecological controlled and management in groundwater rehabilitation and improvement on upper and overdraft areas will be intensified. Plans for middle reaches of Yangtze River, middle and groundwater extraction reduction will be upper reaches of Yellow River and upper reaches launched in the water receiving areas of the of Pearl River and in the black soil region in Middle and East Routes of South-North Water northeastern China, dust storm source areas Transfer Project, ground subsidence areas, for Beijing and Tianjin, upstream water source seawater intrusion areas, Shiyang River Basin and conservation areas and downstream dust storm other key regions. Alternative water source works source areas in the basins of inland rivers in will be constructed in groundwater extraction northwestern China, Three Gorges Reservoir reduction areas to cut down its withdrawal and area, Danjiangkou Reservoir area and other strategic groundwater reserves and groundwater key regions will be continuously intensified. emergency response reserves will be gradually Comprehensive rectification of soil and water built up to increase the groundwater capacity for losses on slope farmland will be accelerated to drought emergency response. In areas where it protect arable land and eco-environment. Slope is possible, measures of groundwater reservoir collapse in southern China will be controlled in a construction, rain and flood water utilization, comprehensive way. Soil and water conservation reuse of treated water for groundwater injection monitoring systems will be rapidly established. and so on will be adopted to replenish and conserve groundwater sources. Implementation 30. Ecological rehabilitation in rivers and lakes. of pilot projects for groundwater conservation Ecological rehabilitation and comprehensive actions nationwide will be continued. improvement will be fulfilled in ecologically fragile and heavily polluted rivers and lakes by 28. Hydrological and water resources rationally determining the scales of soil and water monitoring. The distribution and structure resources development and optimally adjusting of hydrological station networks will be industrial structure in the light of the water optimized and various hydrological monitoring resources conditions of the basins and the regions station networks will be improved. A national and by comprehensively intensifying efficient groundwater monitoring system will be water use and pollution control and properly established. Equipment of water quantity and transferring water and so on. Rectification and quality monitoring systems on inter-provincial standardized management of pollutant discharge cross-sections, important control cross-sections, outlets into rivers and lakes will be strengthened. important water function zones and important Measures for pollutant detention and flow pollutant discharge outlets will be strengthened. redirection, river training and dredging, ecological Installation of online monitoring of important rehabilitation and so on will be taken to reduce drinking water source zones and bulk water pollutant discharge into water bodies; in regions withdrawers will be actively facilitated. where it is possible water can be allotted or diverted from other basins to increase ecological water in lakes and facilitate regional water environment improvement. Rural rivers will be trained in an all-round way so as to improve water ecological environment in rural areas. 88 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 2 - Summary of the 12th Five-Year Program (2011-2015) on Water Sector Development Main Tasks of Water Sector Reform 34. Water works management system reform. and Water Resources Management Ownership of water works will be clearly defined, their managers will be specified, the Deepen institutional reform mechanism for maintenance and management of public benefit water works will be enhanced, 31. Water resources management system the system of specialized services in combination reform. The national water right system will with independent water users’ management will be basically established, formulation of water be gradually improved and a sound maintenance allocation plans for main rivers will be completed. and management mechanism will be established. With initial water right clearly defined, the control indicators for total amount water use 35. Water pricing reform. The system of for various administrative regions will be paid use of water resources will be enhanced. determined; water use quota for various sectors Standards of water resources fee collection and products will be allocated. Recommendations will be set in a scientific manner in the light of for water right system implementation will be the local water resources conditions and water produced, water right transfer market will be resources fee collection and use management will fostered, and water right transfer activities will be strengthened. A mechanism for government be standardized. A complete and sound water and farmers joint sharing agricultural water resources development right permission system supply cost will be gradually set up. Water will be established to guide market participants demand will be based on its supply, irrigation to acquire water resources development will be managed by quota, water will be saved right through open and fair competition in a and transferred, and an incentive and restriction standardized manner. mechanism for extra charges for above-quota water use will be put in operation. The system 32. Comprehensive basin management system of block tariff will be steadily implemented, reform. The system of basin management high price will be charged for special sectors of in combination of administrative region high water consumption, and reuse of treated management of water resources will be enhanced. wastewater will be encouraged. A basin level deliberation and decision-making mechanism of high efficient execution for all 36. Improvement of ecological compensation parties’ participation, democratic consultation mechanism. Fiscal transfer payment will and joint decision-making with divided be intensified to important water source responsibilities will be established to implement conservation areas in the western region, comprehensive basin management. headstream areas of major rivers, source zones of concentrated drinking water supply, soil and 33. Reform of water resources investment water loss prevention and protection areas, flood and financing system and that of water works water retention and storage areas, and other construction management system. At the same water development prohibition and restriction time as the establishment of the mechanism for areas. Exploration will be made of establishment steady incremental government investment in of mechanisms for water eco-environment water resources development and governments protection and collaboration in different regions. acting as the main investors, the areas of water works investment and financing and their construction management will be open to the society. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 89 Annex 2 - Summary of the 12th Five-Year Program (2011-2015) on Water Sector Development Intensify social management 37. The system of the strictest water resources management will be implemented, the objectives of total amount water use control, water use quota control and control of total pollutant discharge into rivers will be formulated and improved, the water resources management responsibility system and its appraisal system will be established and the system of accountability will be strictly implemented. 38. Management of rivers and lakes will be strengthened, prevention, supervision and management of soil and water conservation will be stepped up, water calamity prevention and mitigation will be intensified, a mechanism for catastrophic flood and drought emergency response will be set up, a monitoring, forecast and early warning system for flood control and drought resistance will be improved, and a sound emergency management mechanism for calamity warning, response and evacuation and rehousing will be established. Promote scientific innovation 39. A complete and sound system of water scientific innovation will be set up, in-depth scientific researches on major water problems will be conducted, extension and popularization of water scientific and technological achievements will be intensified, water information technology development will be promoted, water staff capacity building will be accelerated and international scientific cooperation and exchange will be strengthened. 90 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China Policy Note August 28, 2010 Executive Summary Over the last decade, China has successfully invested in flood control measures along its rivers. Flood disasters are increasingly happening along small and medium-sized rivers due to rapidly changing human activity and higher intensity and frequency of rains. Recognizing the problem, the Government of China has vowed to prioritize policies and investment to reduce flood disasters in small and medium-sized rivers. This Policy Notes provides a summary of key experience and lessons learned from the Bank operations in China and around the world and recommendation for integrated flood risk management in China. Much of current urban expansion and infrastructure investments along small and medium-sized rivers in China are vulnerable to flood related disasters. Therefore, China should continue to strengthen the integration of risk management in urban planning and investment planning, especially in key infrastructure: transport, sanitation, hospitals and schools. The benefits of investments in risk management largely outweigh the costs, especially when done in the early stages of the project cycle. China should further build on integrated flood risk management strategies at the river basin levels, taking into account the risk and vulnerabilities of the entire systems and designing most cost effective measures to protect or response to flood disasters and incorporate locally acceptable and adequate techniques and approaches. Risk management should be informed by systematic hazard and risk exposure and vulnerability mapping, to develop possible economic loss scenarios. The systems approach allows the definition of resilience and resistance strategies for flood risk. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 91 Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China Flood risk management, especially in secondary can also assist government in protecting river basins, should balance between structural risk areas and enforcing land use plans and and non-structural measures that reduce risks and ensure emergency plans meet local needs and vulnerabilities, and improve response to potential circumstances. disasters. China’s achievements in this balanced approach are considerable and should be further The government should design mechanisms to strengthened. Engineering measures can play finance relief and recovery investments. Risk very important role for flood prevention but are transfer mechanisms, such as insurance for often very costly and difficult to maintain, they example, should be designed in a way that they can also create a false sense of security among the encourage beneficiaries to avoid occupation of people. Special attention should be given to the high-risk areas, comply with building standards safety of small dams in rural areas, which pose and further implement flood-proofing and great risk for surrounding population, economy other mitigation measures. Different options and environment. Therefore, Government should for catastrophic hazard insurance need to be accelerate necessary improvements of structural explored. Many innovative mechanisms are measures and balance them with critical used around the world and could be adapted for investments in non-structural measures such as China. flood plain management; integration of flood risk into urban planning, economic incentives, Based on the analysis and key recommendations, risk sharing, awareness raising and disaster a possible implementation plan includes the preparedness and response. short to long-term actions has been proposed to strengthen the future cooperation in integrated A first key step in flood risk management process flood risk management in China between the is developing a comprehensive understanding, Bank and Chinese Government. analysis and assessment of flood risks and vulnerabilities that will guide river basin flood disaster risk management strategies, urban I. Background development and land use plans. China’s has completed the first phase of flood risk mapping 1. Since the historic 1998 floods of the Yangtze and should continue to invest as this has proven River that claimed the lives of over 2,300 people, to be a powerful tool to illustrate local risks and China's flood disaster prevention capacity vulnerabilities, and assist in decision making and and infrastructure has been improved and raise public awareness. It is important the climate strengthened markedly over the past decade. change impacts and future land use changes are Many reservoirs and dikes along the main rivers taken into account. have been improved and reinforced, no serious incidents happened along the main rivers and The institutional coordination mechanisms none of the recently constructed main dikes were for flood disaster preparedness and response breached. are in generally very sound. The Government should focus especially on strengthening the 2. With the improvement of flood control coordination and response capacity of local systems, especially along the main rivers, authorities, communities and other locally problems with flood disasters are increasingly relevant stakeholders. The participation and happening along small and medium-sized rivers. involvement of the local communities are During the past 10 years over 90% of the flood- essential since they are most affected and the related disasters occurred in small towns, cities first to respond to a disaster. Local communities and rural areas, mostly caused by landslides 92 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China and flashfloods due to excessive rainfall. This flashfloods impose particular challenges. At the year to date, floods in China have left over meeting it was agreed to prioritize and increase 2,690 people dead and 1,170 missing, including investments to improve planning, prevention, the devastating landslide in Zhouqu, Gansu mitigation and response to floods in small and Province, which killed 1,239 people and left medium-sized rivers. On July 26, 2010, the 505 missing. The floods have already affected World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick sent a 140 million people and 7 million hectares of letter to Premier Wen Jiabao extending his deep agricultural areas across 28 provinces and sympathy on the loss of life and property as a regions. The direct economic losses are estimated result of current floods in China, and expressing to be around US$ 40 billion, mostly as a result of the World Bank’s readiness to support the landslides and flashfloods in small and medium- Government in recovery and reconstruction sized river basins. efforts, as well as assisting the Government in developing integrated river basin flood 3. While considerable investments were management systems. made by the Government, many flood control infrastructure along small and medium rivers 5. As a first step of the Bank assistance, this is old, poorly maintained and engineering note summarizes experiences and lessons learned standards are often inadequate to withstand in China and worldwide with flood management, the current frequency and intensity of floods. focusing on flooding along small and medium- Besides, the vulnerability and losses as result sized rivers. of floods and mudslides are exacerbated by poor land use planning and lack of awareness II. Characteristics of Flood Disasters in by the people regarding the risks and effective China response to disasters. A key challenge in China is addressing issues of flashfloods, landslides 6. Most of China’s rivers are small and and floods due to excessive rainfall along medium-sized rivers with a basin area less than tributaries and secondary rivers affecting mostly 2,000 km 2. Over the years, the proportion of smaller cities and rural areas. Further, extreme damages and losses from floods in these river events are likely to become intensified and more basins have grown gradually compared to the frequent as a consequence of climate change overall flood related damages and losses. This and increase vulnerabilities. It is extremely is due to rapid urbanization in rural areas and important to start integrating flood (and other aging flood control infrastructure along these disaster) risk management into regional and rivers and reservoirs. Statistics indicate that urban development and land use plans and during the past 10 years more than two thirds of infrastructure investments to reduce future flood related deaths were the result of disasters impacts and costs of disasters. along small and medium rivers, including floods, landslides, mud-rock flows, and local flash 4. At the meeting of the State Council on July floods. The particularities and characteristics 21, the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao recognized of flood disaster in small and medium river the tangible progress in flood control along basins in China are described in the following China’s big rivers, but expressed concern with paragraphs. current floods. He requested that the highest priority should be given to flood management 7. Flood disasters can hit anywhere within along small and medium-sized rivers, where the vast territory and great number of small flood control infrastructure is often weak, many and medium rivers. Small cities are rapidly small reservoirs are at risks, and landslides and growing and more human activities are taking China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 93 Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China place in floodplains in rural areas, resulting in a and rapid economic development, population significantly increase in the number and spread and assets have been growing fast in high risk of flood related disasters, further exacerbated areas along medium and small rivers. While by more frequent and intensified rainfall due to each event is unlikely to have a large effect on climate change, especially in recent years. These national economy, the effects to the people and rainstorms have often occurred in very localized local economy can be devastating. Besides, the areas with great intensity, resulting in flash flood aggregated effect of damages and losses due and very localized emergencies and disasters. to each flood is considerable in China. Current estimates are that the aggregate losses of lives 8. Flash floods occur suddenly for brief and properties to date in 2010 due to the floods duration, which makes issuing forecasts in small and medium river basins are comparable and warnings difficult. Flash floods last for a to the catastrophic impacts of the infamous flood relatively short time, from a few hours to dozen of 1998. of hours, especially in small rivers, ravines and small streams. Reliable forecasts and warnings III. Key Challenges For Flood Management for these floods are difficult, making effective Systems in China emergency responses challenging, resulting in more casualties and property losses. 12. Since the foundation of the People’s Republic of China more than 60 years ago, 9. Disasters are often catastrophic and have a framework for flood protection has been lasting local impact. Floods along medium established comprising of important flood and small rivers are often destructive and tend control structures and dikes along big rivers and to have great impact on local economies and main tributaries. However, comprehensive flood almost completely destroy local infrastructure, control management along small and medium properties and people’s livelihoods. With sized rivers is very complex due to the extent of exception to wealthier and more developed China’s territory and wide variety of issues and regions, it is very difficult for smaller cities to local conditions. Many flood control structures carry out basic relief efforts and recover from along small and medium sized rivers are poorly disaster without considerable support from the maintained, and measures to effectively respond national government. to regular flooding are absent. The current issues and challenges are very complex and briefly 10. Floods in traditionally safe areas. summarized below. Floods are and will increasingly occur in places outside the historical floodplains as a result 13. Investment issues. An important issue is of increased vulnerability induced by climate insufficient investment in necessary structural and human induced land use changes. Overall and non-structural measures for flood disaster rainfall patterns are expected to intensify in prevention and mitigation in small cities, towns response to a warmer atmosphere. This may and villages in rural areas, particularly in the result in expansion of traditional floodplains. mountainous areas of the western provinces. Also, runoffs may be intensified in built up There is a policy gap to ensure availability of areas and the upper watersheds in the western investment in non-structural measures. There is mountainous part of the country as glaciers also a gap between actual investments and the retreat. actual needs to improve flood management along medium and small rivers in vast rural areas. 11. Local and aggregate economic losses Most regions do not have the means to invest are very large. With accelerated urbanization in the required infrastructure and capacity for 94 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China developing and implementing strategies on flood lack of proper maintenance. This has increased risk management. Insufficient investments over a the risk of the population, especially along small long period of time and lack of a comprehensive and medium-sized rivers in China. One of the key plan has left a vast majority of people and challenges is establishing cost effective standards properties along small and medium rivers for flood control design based on systematic risk poorly protected from floods and ill-equipped to assessment. China needs to continue investing effectively respond to disasters. Given the above, in comprehensive flood control along most flood control for the medium and small rivers is medium and small rivers. Many dikes and flood faced with increasingly acute problems. Lower control structures along small and medium cost and long term non-structural measures rivers were constructed through labor programs deserve higher priority to reduce flood risks and between 1950s and 80s, targeting poor farmers. local vulnerabilities. These structures mostly do not comply with current flood control standards and are poorly 14. Inadequate land use planning and maintained and operated, thereby amplifying enforcement. Urbanization with competing flood disasters risks. About two thirds of the interests for land is going on in China at an rivers in the country do not meet the flood risk unprecedented speed and at the expense of standards set by the Government. floodways, which are increasingly being used for settlements, agriculture and other human 16. Small dams. Probably the major hazard activities. Urbanization and population growth in China is poorly maintained dams, which also has led to increased vulnerability to disasters constitute a problem for implementing flood related to storms and floods since more people control measures. Altogether, there are more than and activities are taking place in vulnerable 87,400 dams in China, of which 90% are small areas. The construction of settlements and with storage capacity of less than 10 million m3. structures without adequate technical review In the case of the Wenchuan Earthquake, more have hampered the natural flow of water and than 2,300 dams were affected, of these only contaminated the water, increasing the intensity 30 dams are large or medium size dams. These and impacts of each event. Unfortunately, small dams are often poorly designed and not enforcement, especially in small towns and rural well maintained, posing a risk for the people and areas is weak. The challenge currently confronted downstream settlements. A detailed assessment is how to closely link flood control and disaster of the risk posed by these dams is needed to mitigation with economic development in develop appropriate strategies to mitigate risks. the urbanization process, which requires full consistency of urban and rural economic 17. Poor management of rivers. The development plans with flood control, disaster management of small and medium rivers is mitigation and land use plan. Planning needs also very weak. In many watersheds, there is serious to include the climate change variable, especially water and soil erosion, irrational earth extraction, as long-term perspectives are incorporated in the human barriers and obstructions of the water decision process for land use and for preventive flow, garbage dumping contaminating and infrastructure. clogging the drainage system and rivers, and land reclamation for farm and town development 15. Flood control infrastructure issues. in floodplains and stream, directly violating the Despite huge investments by the Government in river management regulations. In addition, in recent years, flood control infrastructure along many rivers the water quality is deteriorating, small and medium sized rivers is deficient due river ecosystems worsening, and water resources to old design standards, aging infrastructure and overexploited and hydropower and other waste China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 95 Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China related activities are left largely unregulated, 21. Lack of integrated approach. Integrated which have resulted in continuous degradation flood management systems most of small of the rivers. Besides, many secondary rivers and medium and small rivers have not been were not dredged for many years, reducing water established or are lagging behind. Both flow and increasing flood risk. Most medium and structural and non-structural measures for flood small rivers are lacking management frameworks, management have been implemented, including including basic assessment and monitoring data, engineering measures, land use planning, small strategies that integrate different sectors and watershed management, flash flood management consider competing demands, comprehensive and urban flood management, but a unified river improvement programs and clear division of strategy that assesses and balances between responsibilities for implementation. different measures is lacking in smaller and medium-sized rivers. 18. Vulnerable cities. There are 639 cities in China which are required to prepare flood 22. Climate change and land use. Limited control strategies. Out of these, 567 are small consideration is given to future climate and medium cities located along tributaries of change and land use modification in flood risk major rivers or medium and small rivers. Many management planning and practices. Flood cities or small towns are vulnerable to flood risk management planning and practices have lacked and priority should be given to preparing and in the past consideration of the climate change implementing flood control strategies, following variable, even though substantial information a comprehensive river basin approach. is available on the type and pace of changes that may be expected and the consequence to 19. Poor flood risk awareness. A major intensified rainfall and flooding. Besides, land problem faced in the current flood control use changes and human activity can considerably and disaster mitigation endeavors is the poor change local weather and hydrological cycles flood risk awareness of most of people. Flood and need to be taken into account. Failure to risk awareness at all levels of governments, incorporate these variables, especially at a of stakeholders and of the general public regional level, may result in an under estimation is generally not strong, reflected by lack of of current and future risks and vulnerabilities. understanding of flood risk and vulnerabilities and wrong assumptions about effectiveness IV. Principles of Flood Management in of flood control works, which has resulted in Small And Medium Rivers inadequate flood disaster preparedness and response, delaying and hampering full economic 23. Integrated flood risk management aims recovery. at preventing human loss and minimizing economic damages, while making use of the 20. Slow disaster response and recovery. natural resources in a sustainable way. It should In many small town and rural areas, real-time be integrated into comprehensive watershed flood warning systems are inadequate, further management plans taking account of the socio exacerbating the impact of floods on vulnerable economic realities, water uses and vulnerabilities people and increased the costs of each event. and risks at the watershed level. A set of Besides, the recovery of vulnerable people from key principles should be taken into account flood disasters is often very slow, particularly when designing integrated flood disaster risk of smaller events in remote areas, increasing the management strategies at the watershed level. burden to affected people. 96 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China 24. People and communities first. Protecting and areas for recreational and leisure activities, people’s safety and preventing and minimizing groundwater recharge and better urban planning. property damage should be the first priority of a flood disaster risk management strategy. 27. Structural and non-structural measures. People affected by disasters are not victims, but Successful flood risk management should combine the first responders during emergency work and structural and non-structural measures, with critical partners in reconstruction and building particular emphasis on improved land use and of resilience. Communities should be effectively urban planning and disaster response. Trade-offs involved by the government and be part of the in terms of costs and benefits between hydraulic decision making process during the assessment, and engineering measures, spatial, ecological and preparedness, response, and recovery process. socio-economic aspects should be assessed before Long term and local financing mechanisms should developing a comprehensive and cost-effective ensure full recovery of the affected population. strategy flood disaster risk management plan. 25. Moving from flood control to flood risk 28. Mainstreaming disaster risk management management and planning. Management of in investment projects. Evidence shows that small and medium river floods should be based investments in Disaster Risk Management (DRM) on risk management, with emphasis laid on bring greater benefits than costs, and therefore managing and reducing flood risks. Traditional should be an integral part of urban planning flood control and management is often marked and fully integrated in sectoral investments, by a narrow view on floods, concentrating on especially in key infrastructure: transport, hydraulic and engineering measures while sanitation, hospitals and schools. Further overlooking planning, ecological, political and economic evaluation is needed to demonstrate socio-economic aspects and risks. Controlling that mainstreaming disaster risk management is floods is often proved to be unrealistic and financially and economically justified. strategies should focus on flood risk management that aims at enabling communities to ‘live with 29. Institutional coordination and cooperative floods’ instead of controlling them, minimizing planning. Effective flood risk management risks, losses and improving preparedness and measures and disaster preparedness strategies response to eventual flood disasters. require planning across administrative and sectoral boundaries. Creation of coordination 26. Integrated watershed management mechanisms and defining and institutionalizing and planning. Flood hazards are not isolated roles and responsibilities between local, regional phenomena. There are multiple causes and and national authorities facilitates flood factors contributing to floods as well as multiple mitigation and disaster risk preparedness and consequences. Up- and downstream aspects have response. Stakeholders and local communities to be integrated in local flood risk management should be fully integrated in the framework. because too extensive drainage, deforestation, erosion and other vulnerabilities upstream may 30. Disaster preparedness and response is constitute a severe flood hazard for downstream essential for a successful flood risk management settlements. Reducing risk of storm and flood strategy, since, despite all flood control disasters is largely a matter of watershed measures, there always will be a ‘residual’ risk management, which integrates engineering, that a disaster might happen. Assessing risks planning and ecological measures to achieve and vulnerabilities, developing forecast systems multiple goals: flood mitigation, water supply, and establishing effective early warning systems conservation of risk areas, establishment of parks can greatly reduce property and personal China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 97 Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China losses during flood events. Public awareness early risk identification (for instance by applying and emergency response plans should be well a quick and simple risk-screening tool) and known within the community and roles and following up throughout the design process if responsibilities clearly defined between agencies. necessary. Independent review or incorporation of flood risk experts in investment programs has 31. Climate change impacts and adaptation. also proven to be very cost effective. Climate change is likely to increase flood magnitude and frequency, as well as intensify 34. It is very important that sectoral extreme weather events. Heavy thunderstorms investments, especially by the Government, and rains appear to have already increased in integrate preventive risk reduction measures. A frequency. Flood risk management strategies are recent brief by the World Bank’s Independent part of adaptation strategies to climate change Evaluation Group has shown that disaster and building local resilience to more extreme vulnerability warrants serious consideration local weather conditions. This means not only on solely financial grounds, especially since understanding current vulnerabilities and risks 60 percent of the World Bank investments based on existing data, but building more resilient in infrastructure, rural development, and communities based on scenarios of future risks environment are at risk to flooding. The United based on more extreme weather conditions and States Federal Emergency Management Agency increased vulnerabilities to climate change. (FEMA) estimates that 1 dollar invested in mitigation measures generates an estimated US$ V. Main Conclusions And 4 on average in future benefits. An integrated Recommendations water management and flood protection scheme in Indonesia has an estimated benefit to cost ratio 32. This review of World Bank experience of 2.5. After a devastating hurricane hit Granada around flood impact and prevention in China in 2004, only two retrofitted schools were and other regions worldwide suggests that China still standing and were used to accommodate has a real opportunity to strengthen its flood risk displaced people. management and protect human lives as well as properties and infrastructure by adopting cost 35. FEMA has developed tools to structure effective strategies that focus less on controlling and guide the cost–benefit analysis of disaster floods and integrate the concept of living with risk reduction measures, including those related floods, protecting key assets, and minimizing to earthquakes, riverine and coastal floods, losses. Recommendations to further strengthen hurricanes and tornados. A related helpline has China’s flood disaster management capacity are been established to provide technical support. presented below. The Regional Agency for Technical Assistance, “RUTA”, was created to provide technical Inclusion of flood risk management into national assistance in sustainable rural development to regulations, policies and investments for flood Central American ministries of agriculture. It prevention has developed guidelines that identify entry points for disaster risk management at the 33. Mainstream flood risk management into project identification and formulation phases national flood control regulatory, policy and and guidance on actions to ensure the disaster investment framework for flood prevention. risk management approach is adopted at other Integrate flood risk management, particularly phases in the project cycle. This is presented in the non-structural measures, into government the form of issue/question frameworks, flow financed investment programs, by adopting charts and decision-making trees. 98 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China Development of a risk-based national flood Prior assessment of flood risk and vulnerability management strategy 38. The first step in flood risk management 36. Integrated flood risk management process is developing a comprehensive strategies should be implemented at the understanding, analysis and assessment of river basin levels taking into account the risk flood risks and vulnerabilities that will guide and vulnerabilities of the entire systems and river basin flood disaster risk management designing most cost effective measures to protect strategies, urban development and land use or response to flood and other disasters and plans. Maps provide powerful tools to illustrate incorporate locally acceptable and adequate vulnerabilities and risks and assist in decision techniques and approaches. Risk management making. The assessment and maps should should be informed by systematic hazard and risk comprise of three key elements: (i) the hazard exposure and vulnerability mapping, to develop occurrence probability: the likelihood of possible economic loss scenarios. The systems experiencing any natural or technological hazard approach allows the definition of resilience and at a location or in a region; (ii) the elements at resistance strategies for flood risk management. risk: identifying and making an inventory of Resistance strategies aim at flood prevention, people or buildings or other elements which while resilience strategies aim at minimizing would be affected by the hazard if it occurred, flood impacts and enhancing the recovery from and where required estimating their economic those impacts. In The Netherlands, the approach value; and, (iii) the vulnerability of the elements based on comparing cost of flood infrastructure at risk: how damaged the buildings or people investments, cost of non-structural measures and or other elements would be if they experienced cost of socio-economic impacts of flood disasters, some level of hazard. shows that flood risk management investments can be considerably reduced. It is often referred 39. A very useful approach is to use satellite to as learning to “live with floods” instead of maps that provide vital information required by “fighting floods”. Climate change impacts need the decision makers at different phases in the to be considered in the definition of land use flood disaster cycle i.e. pre flood (preparedness), plans and actualization of floodplains. Climate during flood (relief and rescue operations) and considerations however need to be meaningful at post flood (mitigation measures). Disseminating regional and local levels, which mean a hierarchy disaster maps can help reduce risks and become of areas that are most vulnerable to these impacts a mechanism for local community participation needs to be developed. in flood disaster management. The United States’ HAZUS Flood Model is an example of 37. The building codes could also follow risk a powerful tool in the hands of communities, based assessment and be based on “performance- allowing proactive analysis and mitigation at based design” which determines acceptable risk the national and local level. The HAZUS Flood levels for different types of structures, on the basis Model is based on an integrated set of flood of their desired performance during and after hazard analysis algorithms, using national natural hazards. Risk posed by the failure of non- elevation and other hydrologic and hydraulic structural components (e.g., the loss of a facility’s datasets. The HAZUS Flood Model permits rapid serviceability due to damage to equipment) analysis of a wide variety of data with various should also be considered when doing this. GIS formats to determine flood-frequencies over Performance based design would result in the entire floodplains. prioritization and more stringent design of hospitals, schools and other critical infrastructure. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 99 Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China 40. The China national flood management 42. Investing in non-structural measures are strategy for river basins in China proposes the often less costly and provide many additional development and implementation of different benefits. For example, the city of Curitiba, Brazil, flood models as the basis for integrated flood risk instead of investing in massive infrastructure management in small and medium rivers. The decided to implement floodplain regulations proposed flood models have to be accompanied and tax incentives for protection of green space by assessment of the context of the river basin, and restricted land occupation in flood prone and the economic, political, socio-cultural and areas of the city. It created retention ponds, parks ecological environment of the flood prone area. and recreational areas along the main river that Such an assessment should give information are widely used by the population. A similar about the probability of a hazard’s occurrence approach was followed by the State of California and the respective potential of economic and when creating the Yolo bypass to protect the city human losses. of Sacramento. During inundation, the bypass provides habitat for birds and native fish and Balance between structural and non-structural provides additional ecosystem services, such control measures as open space for a rapidly growing region, recreation (including revenue-producing duck- 41. Since structural risk mitigation cannot hunting clubs), and groundwater recharge (of alone suffice for effective flood risk management great value as a water bank during droughts). and is a costly option, an integrated flood risk management strategy should be able to Strengthening management of small /rural dams balance between disaster risk reduction and and Barrier Lake preparedness measures, by defining minimum or optimal levels of acceptable risk. Strategies 43. Safety of small/rural dams is critical because should apply a systems approach that balances of their vast number, lack of proper designs, structural and non-structural measures and the poorly maintained, operated and monitored. socio-economic context in which the flood risk Chinese government has made achievement management occurs. Structural measures are to ensure safety of small dams with structural often costly and have the potential to provide measures, but it needs to continue improving short-term protection at the cost of long-term management of these dams. An important step problems. In some cases, flood control systems towards improving dam safety is recommending have exacerbated rather than reduced the that owners of these small dams work out an OMS extent of flooding; sediment deposit in river manual for their dams to strengthen dam safety channels has raised the height of river channels management. Several international guidelines and strained dike systems. Now when floods exist on post-earthquake safety inspections of occur, they tend to be of greater depth and dams, but they are by necessity quite generalized more damaging than in the past. Furthermore, because each dam owner needs to set up safety structural measures often provide people with inspection procedures which are case-specific. a false sense of security and unawareness about These procedures should be specified in the the risk that remains and. The damages from standing operation procedures for each dam, and the 1993 flooding of the Mississippi river in in particular in the “Emergency Preparedness the United States were magnified because of Plans” (EPP). Most of the small dams in China misplaced confidence in structural mitigation have no EPPs at present. It is recommended that measures that had encouraged development in the Chinese Government issue guidelines on EPP high-risk areas. for small dams with reference to international experiences. 100 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China 44. Special concern is related to the safety 47. Communities should be an integral part of of barrier lakes formed after disasters due to any flood risk management program. One of the landslides, avalanches or other mechanisms. key lessons of the Bank’s disaster-related projects Many of these dams only last for days or weeks, is that successful projects strongly involve the depending on: water and sediment flow; size affected communities. The participation and and shape of the barrier; materials forming involvement of the community is essential since the barrier; and rate of seepage through the the effects of a disaster are first felt at the level of barrier. After the occurrence of a barrier lake, the community, and the community is the first the immediate priority is to facilitate river to respond to a disaster. The greatest numbers flow by removing, at least partly, the barrier. of lives are saved during the first few hours After successful implementation of emergency after a disaster occurs, before outsiders arrive. measures, the barrier lakes that are expected to Communities that are prepared are better able last for some time require monitoring and, as to provide an effective response and to reduce appropriate, early warning systems. In some the impact of a disaster. Involvement of local cases structural measures to reduce/ remove people promotes self-reliance and ensures that risk of failure are required; these may represent emergency management plans meet local needs opportunities for delivering social services such and circumstances. as water supply, recreation, hydropower and irrigation. Long living barrier lakes should have 48. In the Philippines, for example, Albay in place emergency preparedness plans such as province is frequently hit by major disasters such those used for man-made reservoirs. as typhoons, floods, landslides and earthquakes. To more effectively respond to the disasters, 45. The Bank has extensive experience with the Province created the Albay Public Safety risk analysis to guide the design and operation & Emergency Management Office (APSEMO) of dams, as well as the monitoring system. A in 1995. APSEMO helped mainstream and specific Bank Operational Policy ensures that institutionalize disaster risk reduction strategies Safety of Dams is properly integrated into into local government plans and programs. As Bank investment and can be shared with the a result, disaster prevention, preparedness and Government. response are well coordinated, and casualties have been reduced considerably. The APSEMO Institutional emergency coordination at the has also helped establish a disaster operation local government and community level center that involves a number of relevant line agencies involved in disaster risk management 46. Establish coordination principles for flood activities. APSEMO coordinates the preparation disaster response and recovery focused on the of action plans with government, private sector role of local authorities, communities and other and local communities that have been more locally relevant stakeholders. In the process, cost effective and improved preparedness and build the capacity of these stakeholders to build coordination. resilience and more effectively respond to future disasters. Reduce vulnerability to floods and 49. A new way of delivering real landslide-risk disaster needs to be taken in all appropriate reduction to vulnerable communities was piloted sectoral ministries, especially those involved by MoSSaiC, a program aimed at improving infrastructure investments and planning. the management of slopes in communities Local governments also will need to play an in the eastern Caribbean. MoSSaiC identifies increasingly important role in the planning and implements low-cost, community-based process. approaches to landslide-risk reduction, in which China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 101 Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China community residents indicate areas of perceived to finance relief and recovery investments. drainage problems before assessing options for Opportunities can be explored for the gradual reducing land¬slide risk by managing surface implementation of effective risk transfer water. mechanisms to reduce impacts of disasters and support individuals to expedite recovery from Emergency preparedness and response flood events. Insurance mechanisms should be designed in a way that they encourage 50. Flood forecasts are just a small piece in the beneficiaries to avoid occupation of high-risk early warning chain. In case of flash floods such areas, comply with building standards and systems play a very crucial role in saving lives. further implement flood-proofing and other A successful warning system depends not only mitigation measures. Insurance and other kinds on forecasts but has to connect many specialties of disaster risk management can facilitate public- and organizations, including engineering, social private partnerships for dealing with extreme sciences, government, news media, and the weather related calamities and play a critical public. The melding of scientific, managerial, role in disaster recovery and reconstruction. technological, and social components is essential. Many innovative schemes utilize parametric, or Emergency response education toolkits can be index-based, approaches which are transparent developed that can be easily disseminated and and simple and do not require the assessment implemented at school and community levels, of damages in order to pay an insurance claim encouraging planning, simulation drills and because the contract is defined against a weather community participation in early warning, proxy or index, such as rainfall, sunlight or disaster response and recovery. temperature. If a chosen weather proxy exceeds a certain threshold, a payment is triggered. 51. Jamaica, for example, has Red Cross community based disaster response teams, 53. Some developed countries have used which warn residents by issuing warnings from crop index based insurance, such as the United street to street and by cell phone. They check States of America and Canada. An interesting that the shelters are ready and borrow vehicles pilot project by BASIX, a microfinance and to evacuate the disabled and blind. In São Paulo livelihood institution in India, has expanded State, Brazil, a Civil Defense Preparedness Plan support from an initial number of 230 farmers (CDPP) was developed to protect population in 2003 to more than 250,000 farmers today. A living in a mountainous region undergoing successful livestock index based insurance in rapid urbanization and vulnerable to flashflood Mongolia combines self-insurance, market-based and mudslide as a result of excessive rainfall. insurance, and social insurance. Herders retain The CDPP uses meteorological and geological small losses that do not affect the viability of data as well as trained field observers to declare their business (self-insurance), while larger losses emergency situations and evacuate people at are transferred to the private insurance industry risk. It includes a significant public education (market insurance through a base insurance component and has been highly successful in product). This is not a purely commercial reducing numbers of deaths due to landslides. program, however, as the government bears the final layer of catastrophic losses (social insurance Risk transfer and insurance mechanisms through a disaster-response product). 52. Due to the increase in frequency and intensity of flood disasters that have occurred in China it is important to design mechanisms 102 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 3 - Policy Note on Integrated Flood Risk Management Key Lesson learned and Recommendations for China Action plan 54. Based on the above analysis and key recommendations, a possible implementation plan includes the following short to long-term actions: Short-term actions (1 year)  Carry out a critical review of national flood policies and laws  Assess integration of disaster risk assessments into infrastructure investments  Prepare community response, contingency, and evacuation toolkits  Gradually implement river basin flood risk and vulnerability assessments  Detailed assessment of existing flood control infrastructure in secondary rivers  Review existing building codes  Prepare and disseminate information on cost- effective flood proofing techniques Medium-term (1 -2 years)  Develop new risk-based building codes and strengthen training and enforcement  Prepare floodplain land use guidelines and laws  Raise awareness on flood risks and vulnerabilities  Strengthen disaster monitoring and early warning systems  Develop community based disaster preparedness and response plans  Review opportunities for flood risk financing Long term (2-5 years)  Implement and enforce preventive land use plans  Adopt revised flood management legal framework  Implement risk financing mechanisms with incentives for compliance to flood control regulations and building codes China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 103 Annex 4 - Summary of Climate Change and Strategies in China’s Major River Basins Annex 4 - Summary of Climate Change and Strategies in China’s Major River Basins Overview on China’s Large River Basins and Climate Change The effects of climate change are attracting wide global attention. In the 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, the issue became a political bargaining chip between different countries, making the problem more complex and sensitive. The Chinese government is keen to be recognised internationally as a responsible country, taking positive measures on carbon emission reduction and responding to climate change in multiple ways. Domestically, the Government attaches particular importance to the impacts of climate change on water resources. China’s “National Climate Change Program" sets out related policies and actions for adaptation and mitigation, including industrial water recycling; technologies to use seawater, wastewater, rainwater and cloud-seeding; development of hydropower is and upgraded monitoring system for typhoons and storms. The standards for the design of breakwaters have been improved, aquifers are being have been recharged to prevent land subsidence in coastal areas. The justification for these measures is clear from the following review of recent experience. Regional water scarcity, droughts and floods are major features of China's monsoon-dominated water sector. Climate change, with its strong links to the hydrological cycle, is expected to have significant implications for China, and there is evidence that changes are already underway – mostly in the direction of increasing the challenges for the future. Over the past century, the average temperature has increased by 0.5-0.8°C, slightly higher than the global average. In recent decades, warming has been particularly significant. Increased temperatures mean higher crop water demands to achieve the same level of production. Changes in annual China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 105 Annex 4 - Summary of Climate Change and Strategies in China’s Major River Basins precipitation do not show a clear trend: average  In the next 50 years, the annual average annual precipitation decreased after 1950 by precipitation in China will display a rising almost 3mm per decade until 1990, when an trend; it is expected to increase by 2% to 3% by upward trend began. 2020 and by 5% to 7% by 2050. The southeast coast will see the greatest rise. Over the same period, the frequency and  In the next 100 years, the frequency of extreme intensity of extreme weather events has weathers and climates might increase, which worsened. Droughts in northern and north- will impact economic and social development eastern China became more severe, and affected and people's life greatly. a wider area. The recent severe drought which  The range of arid areas will expand, and the occurred in the normally wet southwest regions possibility of desertification will increase. lasted for more an unprecedented 200 days,  The sea levels in China’s coastal regions will while an increasing number of floods occurred continue to rise. in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze  Glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau and the River and south-eastern China. For the future, Tianshan Mountain will shrink at an Chinese scientists have predicted that: increasing speed, with some small glaciers disappearing.  Compared with 2000, the annual average temperature will rise by 1.3-2.1°C in 2020 In the course of thousands of years of river basin and 2.3-3.3°C in 2050. The magnitude of development and water management, each basin the national temperature rises will increase has specific characteristics and issues that must from south to north; the temperature will be dealt with differently, depending on local rise significantly in Northwestern China and conditions. China is also undergoing reform Northeastern China. and innovation in river basin management. For China's Southern and Northern Areas Songhuajiang Northern Area of China with River Basin only 19% of water resources Liao River Basin Rivers in Northwestern Region Hai River Basin Yellow River Basin Huai River Basin Taihu Lake Billion cubic  Basin Yangtze River Basin meters Data S i  1956‐1979 D  Series D  Series Data S i  1980‐2005 1,100 , 1,000 900 Rivers in 800 Southeastern Region 700 600 500 Pearl River Basin 400 300 200 100 Southern Area of China with 81% of water resources 0 Songhua Liaohe Haihe       Yellow River      Huaihe Yangtze River  South‐East    Pearl river     South‐West North‐West    106 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 4 - Summary of Climate Change and Strategies in China’s Major River Basins the purpose of water resources assessment and China shall improve its work on water management, the country is divided into 10 large resources protection and reduce the impact of river basins and regions as shown in the figure water pollution on water supply. China shall below. promote the point source and non-point source pollution control and treatment, and reduce the Overall Strategy on Climate Change water pollution caused by economic and social Adaptation in China development and urbanization. The World Bank and the Chinese government should The World Bank and the Chinese government cooperate on non-point source pollution control will cooperate to develop water resources technologies and policies. management strategies that respond to climate change. Through technical assistance, knowledge China shall actively develop non-conventional sharing and exposure to international best water use. The reuse of rainwater and wastewater practice, the long-term water sector strategy and as resources and seawater desalination shall policy framework for coping with climate change be strengthened. We should make good use of will be formulated. the funds by the World Bank to promote the construction of urban wastewater treatment and Based on the concept of Integrated Water reuse projects. Resources Managment at river basin level, China will accelerate the shift from expansion Hydropower development and clean energy of resource supply management to demand utilization, which can reduce emissions of carbon management, thus reducing the risks brought dioxide and other pollutants, are important by climate change. This will require changes in measures to develop a low-carbon economy. water resources planning, water infrastructure The World Bank and the Chinese government construction, and water resources management. shall continue to cooperate on investment in The core of water demand management is the development of small hydropower as green definition of sustainable water use rights, which energy, to reduce carbon emissions in order will encourage improved water use efficiency to help people in poor areas raise their living and effectiveness. Promotion water saving and standards and to improve the ecological system. water resources protection and achieving the transformation of industrial structure follow To further strengthen World Bank cooperation from this. with China, a research program should be initiated to produce an assessment of the impact To support these aims, China should incorporate of global climate change on China’s flood control climate change into the water resources planning and water security, and establish responding system. The World Bank should help the Chinese strategies, policies, etc. government to develop water resources planning guidelines in response to climate change, and Overall Action Plan for Climate Change also to set up a system to assess the influence of Adaptation climate change on water resources. The construction of embankments is necessary Inter-regional and inter-basin water resources to recover lakes from agricultural lands, protect allocation systems should also be established to flood plains, and to dredge rivers and lakes. improve capacity and regulating capabilities. Positive measures shall be taken to restore and protect rivers with severe ecological deterioration. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 107 Annex 4 - Summary of Climate Change and Strategies in China’s Major River Basins Construction of the South-to-North Water China will develop adaptive countermeasures Transfer Project will be accelerated, connected against rising sea levels, including raising and with the four major rivers—the Yangtze River, strengthening seawalls; upgrading the standards Yellow River, Huai River and Hai River—through for slope height design through the combination the three water transferring routes, gradually of slope protection, beach protection and forming the water resources distribution system the integration of engineering and biological of “Four Horizontal and Three Vertical, South- measures. Groundwater over-exploitation North Allocation and Mutual Aid between East and land subsidence in coastal regions will be and West”. The construction of key water projects controlled. In areas with groundwater funnels (reservoirs, etc.) and the (re)construction of and land subsidence, artificial recharge will be irrigation districts shall be revamped. A number conducted. To prevent the intrusion of seawater of regional water diversion and storage projects and salt tides at river mouths, measures like shall be continued. diverting water from inland rivers and reservoirs to drive back salt water shall be taken. The The development and promotion of the protection standard for coastal cities and major technology of water resources allocation, projects will be enhanced, as well as the standard integrated water saving and seawater utilization height for port designing. The bottom height of will continue, focussed on research and water outlets will be adjusted. development on the relationships between atmospheric water, surface water, soil water and Strategies and Actions for China’s Major ground water and the technology of optimizing River Basins their allocation. Technology for utilising wastewater and storm water for cloud-seeding Songhuajiang River Basin will also be stressed. The industrial water recycling technology, the integrated technology Songhuajiang River Basin is rich in water of irrigation water saving, rain-fed water saving resources, with a per capita water resources and biological water saving will be developed. sharing of 1,795m 3 and a per mu farmland Major breakthroughs are expected in the allocation of 461m 3 , to go along with the development of precision irrigation technology, fine soil resources and high forest coverage. and the techniques and equipment of intelligent Hence, Songnen Plains and Sanjiang Plains agricultural water utilization management. are commonly known as the “breadbasket” of The development of domestic water saving China, being an important grains production technology and equipment will be strengthened. zone. Zhalong, Xianghai, and other wetlands in The research, development and promotion of the basin are included in the “List of Wetlands seawater desalination technology will also be of International Importance” and are habitats enhanced. for many rare migratory birds. The basin is also an important old industrial base. However, Hydropower will be developed as the basis irrigation water in agriculture accounts for more for ecology conservation, which will help than 70% of the total water use. There are a transform China’s energy structure to one with number of reclamation areas in the basin, which clean and low carbon emission. Hydropower makes it possible for clustered farming in a development will focus on Western China and vast area and enables easy extension of modern the development of small hydropower resources, irrigation technology. according to local conditions. 108 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 4 - Summary of Climate Change and Strategies in China’s Major River Basins In spite of its relatively abundant water Liaohe River Basin resources, there are severe problems of water environment and ecology as well as water Water resources are scarce in Liaohe River Basin, resources shortage in some local areas of with per capita water resources availability of Songhuajiang River Basin. The pressure of the 656m3 and per mu farmland allocation of 285m3. national plan for 50 billion kg additional grains Being China’s traditional heavy industry base, production in future worsens the water problem. the basin has a high requirement of water supply The area of natural wetlands in Songhuajiang security. River Basin has already decreased by three fourths over the past 50 years, particularly in In the upper reaches of Liaohe River, water Sanjiang Plains and Songnen Plains. The basin resources are over-developed and utilized. also faces with problems of soil (black soil) and More than 70% of the water resources in the water losses and worsened water pollution. In whole basin have been developed and utilized, the past 50 years, the runoff of Nen River Basin resulting in river drying, pasture degradation, generally increased. It is estimated that in the land desertification, and other serious problems. second half of 21st century, precipitation will Liaohe River Basin suffers from a large amount significantly increase and the changes of runoff of wastewater discharge (increasing yearly) and will be more sensitive. severe water pollution. The priority will be to protect the eco- Liaohe River Basin should re-allocate water environment, maintain river health, avoid flood resources and strengthening water saving, and water-logging, address pollution risks, while restricting development of high water- and efficiently use and scientifically allocate consuming and high polluting industries so water resources to ensure water availability for as to raise the productivity of water resources the important grain production. It is advisable utilization. Currently the basin is improving to extend the experience of ET management its water resources and environment carrying introduced by the World Bank and strengthen capacity by transferring water from the water saving and consumption management in neighboring river and by intensifying pollution agriculture, so as to protect water use for rivers, control. lakes and important wetlands and maintain good eco-environment. In recent years, major pollution On the one hand, water availability can be emergencies have taken place occasionally in improved by rational allocation of water the basin, so it is also necessary to strengthen resources and promoting water saving in development of emergency response plans the Liao River Basin; and on the other hand, for water allotment and emergency response industries with high water consumption and commanding systems. severe pollution should be restricted. The carrying capacity of the basin's water resources In the river basin, the key tasks include water and water environment will be enhanced with saving (especially to benefit Songnen and measures like diverting water from rivers nearby Sanjiang Plains), rational use of groundwater, and improving sewage treatment. reduction of the negative effects of human activities on wetland ecosystems, ensuring to Hai River Basin meet the ecological water requirement of the rivers and to recharge water for major wetlands, Hai River Basin is the most water-short in China, and improved capacity to address the challenges with a per capita water resources availability of of climate change. only 270m3, equal to about 13% of the average of China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 109 Annex 4 - Summary of Climate Change and Strategies in China’s Major River Basins the country and 4% of the average of the world. conditions of future climate change precipitation Densely populated, it is located in the city circle will increase, the conflicts between water supply of Beijing Municipality, Tianjin Municipality and and demand will still be very sharp. Hebei Province, the political and cultural center. Its per capita GDP is higher than the average Yellow River Basin of the country, leading to a higher requirement for water supply security, while also having Yellow River is the second largest river in China, more financial resources for water infrastructure known as the “mother river” of the Chinese construction. nation. In the basin, water resources are scarce, with a per capita water resources availability of The severe problem of Hai River Basin is that 473m3 and per mu farmland allocation of 220 m3. water consumption exceeds the renewable With only 2% of the country’s water resources, water resources. This has resulted in serious it supports 15% of the nation’s population and groundwater overexploitation and pollution, ensures water security for 7% of the national which has brought about eco-environment economic output. With its complicated natural problems. Currently, the area of groundwater conditions and extraordinary river regime, the overdraft has reached more than 100 thousand river is characterized by more by sand than by km2. Some rivers have perennially dried and water, carrying the greatest quantities of silt in wetlands have shrunk. the world. Mostly located in the mid-west regions of China, Yellow River serves as an important Hai River Basin, on the one hand, will receive water source in the northwest and North increased water supply through the South- China regions. It is of tremendous importance North Water Transfer Project. It will also benefit strategically, being full of energy resources. from strengthened water management, use of non-conventional water sources, and various Being dry, windy and sandy with heavy soil methods of water saving. At the same time, it and water losses in the upper reaches, being a will intensify water resources protection and “secondary perched river” formed by many years ecological rehabilitation in the important water of siltation in the upper reaches, and having great source zones and water function zones. The threat of floods and river drying, are the main World Bank has carried out a trial project on problems of Yellow River Basin, and these are ET management in Hai River Basin, involving a responsible for poverty in the surrounding areas. new approach to water demand management. In some parts of the upper reaches hydropower Additionally a groundwater overexploitation is highly developed. control plan for Haihe River Basin has been developed and will be implemented under the The Yellow River Basin is facing the risk of runoff national polices including financial investment decrease caused by changes in rainfall-runoff and water pricing and resources management by relationship. From the 1970s to the beginning the local government. of this century, precipitation reduced in the basin, and the runoff from the upper and middle The changes in land use in the Hai River Basin reaches also significantly decreased. Although have led to changes in rainfall-runoff relation. In it is estimated that future global warming will the past 20 years, precipitation reduced by 10%, increase precipitation and that water resources surface water resources decreased by 41%, and are not sensitive to climate change, water the total amount of water resources reduced by resources problems in the middle reach of the 25%. Although according to analysis under the basin will still be serious. 110 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 4 - Summary of Climate Change and Strategies in China’s Major River Basins China will continue comprehensive management the water quality in more than half of rivers of soil and water conservation in the Yellow does not meet the required standards of the River Basin regarding each small watershed as function zones. Particularly, the pollution of the a unit to reduce the sediment entering the main major tributaries on the north of the Huai River stream, and take full advantage of the joint water is extremely severe. The decline or even loss of and sediment regulation of Xiaolangdi Reservoir some water functions due to water pollution has and other reservoirs in the middle and lower further intensified the conflicts of water resources reaches to alleviate river siltation. Additionally, shortage in the Huai River Basin. In the last 50 water use efficiency will be increased, and years, Anhui Province in the river basin showed integrated water regulation and risk management insignificant increase in annual precipitation, of water resources in the river basin will protect but the numbers of rainstorm days increased common interests. The World Bank has already significantly, and extreme precipitation events implemented the Loess Plateau Watershed increased both in frequency and intensity.1 Rehabilitation Project which is aimed at poverty alleviation and eco-environment improvement, China proposes to strengthen the construction and it has already achieved great social and of flood prevention and water-logging control ecological benefits. projects in this river basin, in order to effectively alleviate flood disasters. The construction of Huai River Basin flood detention zones will be enhanced. The key to flood control in the basin is to properly Huai River Basin is located in the transition belt handle the relationship between flood storage between southern climate and northern climate. and discharge. The total quantity of pollutants With great variation in precipitation within a year discharged into rivers shall be controlled by ways and between years, water resources availability of pollution source treatment and improving the fluctuates severely. The average population ecological environment of rivers and lakes. The density in the basin is as high as the average of World Bank has already implemented the Huai the country, with the per capita water resources River Key Plain and Low-lying Land Treatment sharing being equal to only one fourth of the Project, providing support for the alleviation of national average. Owing to its low and flat area, flood disasters. water storage and discharge are not easy. Huai River Basin is an area of transportation hub as Yangtze River Basin well as important bases for grains, cotton, oil and energy. Yangtze River is the largest river in China and the third largest in the world, known as one of Because of the special characteristics of the cradles of the Chinese nation. With a total topography and rainfall, as well as its dense area of 1.8 million km2, accounting for around population living in relatively low regions, the 19% of the country’s territory, Yangtze River basin suffers from serious floods and water- Basin has 35% (on a mean annual basis) of the logging disasters. These two kinds of disasters total water resources in China, which ensures usually occur at the same time, affecting a water security for 34% of the population, 33% of wide range of areas and causing great losses. the GDP, and 26% of the China’s farmland. The Meanwhile, there is heavy water pollution, and river runs through three regions: the west, the 1 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 111 Annex 4 - Summary of Climate Change and Strategies in China’s Major River Basins middle and the east. The River Delta is the most At the same time, Shanghai, the city at the delta competitive, highly industrialized region, being of the river, will become more vulnerable, and the core area that drives the economic and social must consider the impact of climate change in development of the nation. Since ancient times, it its city planning, construction and management, has been a political, economic and cultural area strengthening the development of its emergency of national importance and plays an extremely response system against extreme climate events.2 important role in the country’s economic and social development. The influence of the Three Gorges Reservoir and the South-to-North Water Transfer Project and Flood control standards on the medium and other major water projects on regional and the small rivers in Yangtze River Basin are low and river basin’s hydrology, water resources and the areas are prone to flood and water-logging ecological environment is the new challenge disasters. In the upper reaches, soil and water facing the water sector development in the basin. losses are serious, and hydropower is not well The flood control of the main streams of the developed. On the main tributaries, hydropower Yangtze River will be based on the Three Gorges is developed in an uncoordinated manner and Reservoir and non-structural measures will also there is huge pressure on eco-environmental be strengthened. China must further reinforce the protection and resettlement. In the middle construction of flood control infrastructure, and and lower reach areas, water pollution is quite develop and utilize water resources rationally serious. Chaohu, Dianchi and some other in the basin, increase water supply capacity and important lakes suffer from eutrophication. further develop hydropower. According to the data from 147 meteorological Taihu Lake Basin stations in the Yangtze River Basin, compared with the average temperature of the year 1961 Characterized by a semi-humid climate, Taihu to 1990, the annual average temperature of the Lake Basin has plentiful rainfall. It is located whole river basin increased by 0.33°C in the in the core of Yangtze River Delta economic 1990s, and the extent of temperature rise reached development zone, with its population 0.71°C during 2001-2005. The characteristics accounting for 3.5% of the total in China; per of the monsoon climate of the Yangtze River capita GDP approaching 6,000 US dollars, being Basin determine that the region is submitted 3.4 times as much as the national average; and to significant influence from extreme climate urbanization exceeding 70%. Although it is one events. During the climate warming process in of the most socially and economically developed, the past few decades, especially since the 1990s, most densely populated and most dynamic the frequency of flood disasters in the Yangtze industrialized zones, Taihu Lake Basin suffers River Basin has risen.1 from various problems owing to its densely distributed river network and complicated water In the next 50 years, temperature in the basin systems. is likely to rise, and the frequency of extreme climate events will show a further rise, which Water pollution is a prominent problem in might affect the Three Gorges, the South-to-North the Tai Lake. The outbreak of blue algae in Water Transfer Project and other water projects. the Tai Lake in 2008 caused the breakdown of 1 http://www.casted.org.cn/web/index.php?ChannelID=9&NewsID=3968 2 http://www.21cbh.com/HTML/2009-11-11/153357.html 112 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 4 - Summary of Climate Change and Strategies in China’s Major River Basins water supply for some residences. The local to deal with rising sea level, and to increase government has already carried out measures resilience to disasters. The security of water like sediment dredging and control over supply to economic zones like Hong Kong, pollutant discharges into the river, but due to Macao, the Pearl River Delta and regions around factors like urban expansion and population the Beibu Bay must be guaranteed. The water density, a lot of work still needs to be done. supply projects in Southwestern China should be enhanced. The studies on the water resources We should emphasize the comprehensive protection and the restoration of water ecology management of the water environment in and water environment in major economic or the basins of the Tai Lake; strengthen the ecological regions (e.g. the Pearl River Delta, development of water infrastructure; and lakes on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, the construct a comprehensive system of water Nanpan and Beipan River Basin of the upper conservation – combining flood control and reach of the Pearl River, etc.) and key cities will disaster resistance, water resources regulation be promoted. and water environment management– to improve management and promote modernization. Rivers in Southeastern Region Pearl River Basin Rivers in southeastern region are located in the southeast coastal zones, with quite a large basin With a total of 472.2 billion m3 of water area on Minjiang River and Qiantangjiang River, resources and 123.5 billion m3 of water resources rich in water resources. Precipitation is affected available, Pearl River Basin is quite water-rich. by typhoons, mainly during the period between The east part and lower reaches of the basin are April and September. Rivers in this region are economically well developed regions that have short and difficult to control. The region of the developed fastest in recent years. Pearl River southeast rivers is a relatively economically Delta is one of the most developed areas in developed area of China. China. With a basin area that accounts for less than 5% of the Chinese territory, its GDP makes In Southeastern China, there are prominent up approximately 13% of the country’s. problems in the storm resistance work of the coastal rivers and in the flood control work of Some cities in the Pearl River Basin have small rivers. Some of the rivers are severely inadequate flood control and regulation ability, polluted. There are water shortage problems and serious storm surge disasters. In recent years, in some areas either due to pollution or lack of the problems of drought and water shortage due infrastructure. There is also a lack water supply to lack of infrastructure in the upper and middle security, with serious water shortage during dry reaches of the Xinjiang River have become more years and dry seasons. In the past century the sea and more significant. In the recent 100 years, the level has been rising with annual rate of 1.9 mm.2 sea level of the South China Sea has been rising with an annual rate of 2.0 mm.1 China plans to push forward the improvement of medium and small rivers, increase the China should strengthen the construction of flood control standards, improve the facilities storm resistance projects in the Pearl River Basin responding to storm surges and sea level rises, 1 http://www.cjk3d.net/old/estuaries/haipingmian/yuce.html 2 http://www.cjk3d.net/old/estuaries/haipingmian/yuce.html China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 113 Annex 4 - Summary of Climate Change and Strategies in China’s Major River Basins and strengthen the system of early warning and Rivers in Northwestern Region forecast and the plan of disaster resistance to reduce losses caused by disasters in Southeastern Rivers in northwestern region are inland China. In the areas with water shortage, water rivers, mainly distributed in Xinjiang, Gansu, supply projects will be developed to guarantee Qinghai and some other provinces. With annual water supply to important cities and industrial evaporation between 800 and 2,850 mm but zones, and to solve the problem of seasonal water precipitation between 50 and 600 mm in most shortage. areas, the climate is dry, precipitation rare and eco-environment fragile; so water resources are Rivers in Southwestern Region the key element for production. Owing to the economic underdevelopment in the region, there The southwestern region has many rivers, are 55 nationally designated poverty-stricken with a high total and per capita share of counties in Gansu and Qinghai provinces alone, water resources. The area is characterized by where per capita incomes are far below the complicated topography and geology, numerous average of the nation. high mountains and deep valleys and relatively poor economic development. The rivers of the Overdeveloped in some rivers, the basin region have abundant water energy, but due confronts a big problem of ecological degradation. Additionally, owing to management and to extraordinarily uneven spatial and temporal infrastructure problems water use efficiency is distribution of water resources, very little water low. Especially in areas of Shiyang River, Tarim can be utilized. River and other downstream places, the most serious problems are excessive demand for water The water infrastructure in this area is in a poor resources and eco-environmental deterioration. condition with a fragile ecological environment and a relatively low level of social and economic Water resources of river basins in the development. Moreover, there are a number Northwestern regions are significantly impacted of international rivers involved. Accordingly, by climate change. In the past 50 years, in the the level of water resources development and Qilian Mountain areas and the basins of inland utilization is still relatively low. The disasters of rivers in Xinjiang, the precipitation and runoff are flash floods and mud-rock flows are quite serious significantly increasing. Meanwhile, the future in this area. will see an increasing trend of water availability. To some extent, this will ease the problem of China plans to focus on water resources water resources in the Northwestern regions. protection in this area, and give priority to the development of navigation and tourism. China proposes to allocate water resources Poverty alleviation efforts with ethnic minorities, rationally, balancing the domestic, productive strengthening the development of small and ecological water use in the river basins of hydropower, and construction of an early this region while reserving ecological water in warning and forecast system to prevent flash the river and maintaining a stable groundwater floods and mud-rock flows in this area wil also level as the only measure to sustain the oasis be pursued. For regions with water shortage landscape. It is also a key measure to avoid due to lack of infrastructure, water sources ecological disasters and tragedies similar to the development will be strengthened. disappearance of the ancient Loulan. To promote water saving and improve water use efficiency are important measures to improve the carrying capacity of the available water resources. 114 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China 1. Xiaolangdi Water Control Project The Xiaolangdi Water Control Project, situated forty kilometers above Luoyang Municipality in Henan Province, is essential for the management of the Yellow River as it is the only control structure with a large storage capacity below the Sanmen Gorge on the river’s mainstream. The project uses sophisticated technology and is regarded by international experts as one of the world’s most challenging water engineering projects. The Xiaolangdi power plant has an installed capacity of 1,800 megawatts and the reservoir has a total storage capacity of 12.65 billion m3, including a 7.55 billion m3 storage capacity for silt. Construction started in September 1991 and the main structure was completed at the end of 2001. Intended primarily for flood control, ice prevention, and siltation reduction, the project also serves to supply water and provide irrigation and electricity generation. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 115 Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China 2. Danjiangkou Water Control Project Miyun Reservoir is a large-scale water control structure on the Chaobai River. The project, which consists of a Chao River and a Bai River part, is located in Miyun County of Beijing Municipality. The reservoir has a total storage capacity of 4.375 billion m3 and is important for the water supply to the capital city. The two power stations have a total installed capacity of 96.4 megawatts. Construction of the reservoir started in September 1958 and the structure was put into operation in September 1960. To ensure a stable water supply to the capital city, a diversion tunnel with a diameter of 3.5 meters and a Located on the mainstream of Hanjiang River designed daily diversion capacity of one million in Junxian County in Hubei Province, the m3 was constructed in 1995 to divert water to the Danjiangkou Water Control Project is a key Beijing No.9 Water Supply Plant on the left side structure in the management and development of the auxiliary dam at Jiusong Mountain. Miyun of the Hanjiang River, as well as the water source Reservoir has various functions, including flood for the middle route of the South-North Water control, irrigation, water supply, electric power Transfer Project. The project’s reservoir has a generation, aquaculture, and tourism. storage capacity of 20.97 billion m3 and its power plant has an installed capacity of 900 megawatts, 4. Huai River Estuary Channel Project to supply electric power to Hubei and Henan Province. Each year, 1.5 billion m 3 of water is diverted to irrigate 240 thousand hectares of farmland in the same provinces. Works to heighten the Danjiangkou dam have begun on September 26, 2005 and in 2014 the reservoir will be ready to supply water to the north as part of the transfer project. Danjiangkou project, among other functions, provides and supports flood control, electric power generation, irrigation, navigation, and aquaculture. 3. Miyun Reservoir The Huai River Estuary Channel Project is a strategic project to increase the flood discharge capacity of the Huai River, raise the flood control standard of Hongze Lake, and ensure flood protection for 20 million people and two million hectares of farmland. The channel, which is 163.5 km long, 750 meters wide, and approximately 4 meters deep, starts in the west at Erhe Gate on Hongze Lake and ends in the east at the Yellow Sea in Biandanxiang, Binhai County, within the municipalities of Huai’an and Yancheng in Jiangsu Province. Recent construction work, 116 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China initiated in October 1999, has added a direct The main dikes on the Yangtze River have been estuary channel to the project. heightened and reinforced many times since the founding of the P.R. China in 1949. After 5. Dongshen Water Supply Project the river flooded in 1998, a dike reinforcement program was carried out to heighten and enhance the dikes, treat foundations, and provide seepage control, slope protection, caving bank remediation, and cross-dike structure transformation. The reinforcement program was completed at the end of 2002 after heightening and reinforcing 3,576 kilometers of dikes, treating 1,931 kilometers of dike foundation, consolidating 2,519 kilometers of foundation through pond-filling, providing a remedy for 732 kilometers of caving banks, improving 2,037 cross-dike structures, building 2,142 kilometers of slope protection, and constructing 3,444 The Dongshen Water Supply Project is a large- kilometers of road on top of the dike for traffic. scale inter-basin water transfer project to supply As a result, the main dikes on the middle and high quality fresh water to Hong Kong, Shenzhen lower reaches of the Yangtze River currently all and Dongguan. The project, of vital importance meet the flood control standard established by to Hong Kong and Guangdong Province, starts at the Master Plan for Comprehensive Utilization of the Taiyuan Pumping Station on Dongjiang River Yangtze River Basin. (Qiaotou Town, Dongguan Municipality) in the north, and ends at Shenzhen Reservoir in the 7. Gezhouba Water Control Project south. The project is 69 kilometers long and has a designed flow of 100 m3/s and an annual water supply of 2.423 billion m3, including 1.1 billion m3 to Hong Kong, 873 million m3 to Shenzhen, and 400 million m3 to Dongguan. Construction started in 1964 and the Project has later been expanded and reconstructed several times. The Dongshen Water Supply Project supports irrigation, drainage, power generation, and flood control. 6. Yangtze River Dike Reinforcement Project The first large-scale water control structure ever constructed on the mainstream of Yangtze River, Gezhouba Water Control Project, located in Yichang Municipality, Hubei Province, serves as a navigation cascade and re-regulation reservoir of the Three Gorges Dam. The project has a total storage capacity of 1.655 billion m3 and its power China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 117 Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China plant an installed capacity of 2,715 megawatts. 9. Jiangya Water Control Project The reservoir has two navigation channels and three ship locks, allowing 10,000-ton fleets to pass through. Construction started in 1970 and was completed in 1988. The Gezhouba Water Control Project, among other functions, supports electric power generation, navigation, and tourism. 8. Zipingpu Water Control Project Jiangya Water Control Project is the first key flood control structure in Lishui River Basin, Hunan Province, and with its 131 meter high dam also one of the highest full-profile RCC gravity dams in the world. Located in Jiangya Town in Cili County, the project covers a catchment area of 3,711 km2. The reservoir has a total storage capacity of 1.74 billion m3, including 740 million Located 60 kilometers northwest of Chengdu m3 of flood control storage, and irrigates 5,800 Municipality on the upper reaches of Minjiang hectares of farmland. With an installed capacity River, with its dam only 9 kilometers away from of 300 megawatts, its power plant generates Dujiangyan City, Zipingpu Water Control Project 756 million kWh electricity on a mean annual is one of ten key projects in China’s western basis. Construction of the dam started in May development strategy. The reservoir has a total 1995 and was completed in January 2003. The storage capacity of 1.112 billion m3; the maximum project is intended primarily for flood control height of the dam is 156 meters; and its power but also supports power generation, irrigation, plant has an installed capacity of 760 megawatts. navigation, water supply, and tourism. Project construction started in full in March 2001 and the project was completed and put into 10. Xin’anjiang Reservoir operation in May 2006. The project withstood the devastating 2008 Sichuan Wenchuan earthquake, its operation remaining safe and stable. Zipingpu Water Control Project is primarily built for irrigation and water supply but also contributes to electricity generation, flood control, environmental protection and tourism. 118 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China Located on mainstream Xin’an River on the the prevention standard to one in a hundred year upper reaches of the Qiantang River, Xin’anjiang frequency. By July 2008, 210 kilometers of sea Reservoir is the largest reservoir in Zhejiang wall, out of a total of 467 kilometers, had reached Province. It has a total storage capacity of 21.626 this higher standard. billion m 3 and provides multi-year storage. Xin’anjiang Power Station is the first large-sized 12. Integrated Management of Tarim River hydropower plant independently designed and constructed by China with all equipment made in the country. The power station also has the largest regulating capacity in the East China power grid. Construction started in April 1957 and the station was put in full operation in 1978. The initial installed capacity of 662.5 megawatts has since been increased to 810 megawatts. The reservoir is primarily used for peak-load and frequency regulation and emergency use in the East China power grid, but also is used for irrigation. The integrated Tarim River Management Project 11. Qiantang River Sea Wall in Xinjiang is a large-scale control project to resolve water resource shortages and promote economic and social development and eco- environmental protection in the Tarim River basin. The 1,321 kilometer long Tarim River is the longest continental river in China, covering a total basin area of 1.02 million km2. Implementation of the integrated management project started in 2001 for a total investment of RMB 10.739 billion. Recent improvements to the project have brought ecological, economic, and social benefits to the area. The Qiangtang River Sea Wall, situated on 13. Wuluwati Water Control Project the banks of the Qiantang River estuary, is the main barrier against floods and tides to protect Hangjiahu Plain and Xiaoshao Plain in Zhejiang Province. Since the foundation of the P.R. China, the sea wall has undergone two main construction periods. The first period, between 1950 and 1957, involved emergency reinforcement and heightening of the main wall to increase the flood prevention standard from less than one in ten year frequency to one in twenty to fifty year frequency. During the The Wuluwati Water Control Project is a key second construction period, between 1997 and water control project for Kalakashi River basin, 2003, a standard wall was built to further raise the west tributary of Hetian River, and one of the China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 119 Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China national key construction projects under the 9th 15. Wanjiazhai Water Control Project Five-Year Plan. Located in Hetian County in the southern part of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the reservoir has a total storage capacity of 333.6 million m 3, with a regulating storage capacity of 225 million m3. The reservoir supplies 1.057 billion m3 of water to the Tarim River every year. The power station has an installed capacity of 60 megawatts and generates 197 million kWh electricity on a mean annual basis. The project was completed in September 2009 and its functions include irrigation, flood control, power generation, and ecological protection. Wanjiazhai Water Control Project is the first of eight cascade projects planned for the 14. Liujiaxia Water Control Project development of the middle reaches of the Yellow River. The project is also the starting point of the Water Diversion Project from the Yellow River to Shanxi Province. Located on a river reach in the valley from Tuoketuo to Longkou of the north mainstream of the Yellow River, the reservoir has a total storage capacity of 896 million m3 and a power station with an installed capacity of 1,080 megawatts. The project, designed to store clean water and discharge turbid water, supplies 1.4 billion m 3 of water to the Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region and Shanxi Province. Construction of the project started in November 1994 and was completed in 2002. The Wanjiazhai Located on the mainstream Yellow River in Water Control Project is used primarily for water Yongjing County, Gansu Province, the Liujiaxia supply and power generation but also provides Water Control Project is the first large-scale, flood control and ice prevention. million kilowatt-level water control structure in Asia that has been independently surveyed, 16. Sanmen Gorge Water Control Project designed and constructed by China. With a maximum dam height of 147 meters, the power station has a total installed capacity of 1,225 megawatts and a maximum unit capacity of 300 megawatts. Construction started in 1958 and in 1974 the project was completed and put into operation to generate electricity. Between 1986 and 2001, station capacity was increased to 1,350 megawatts. Used primarily for electric power generation, the project is also important for irrigation, flood control, water supply, aquaculture, navigation, and tourism. 120 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China Located in the lower part of the middle reaches of in 2005, with standardized dikes going all the the Yellow River, Sanmen Gorge Water Control way through the municipalities of Zhengzhou, Project is an important large-scale mainstream Kaifeng, and Jinan, and along the Dongming control structure of the flood prevention system reach of Heze. Construction for the second and on the lower-middle reach of the river, which final phase is underway. At the end of Phase connects the two provinces of Henan and Shanxi. II, the dike will have a total length of 1,147.27 The reservoir has a total storage capacity of 16.2 kilometers. billion m 3 and its power station an installed capacity of 400 megawatts. Construction started 18. Water Diversion Project from Yellow River in April 1957 and impoundment started in to Qingdao City September 1960. As a result of siltation in the reservoir area, the structure has undergone new construction twice after it was put in operation, using three stages of “water storage and silt discharge,” “flood detention and silt discharge,” and “clean water storage and turbid water discharge,” to explore how best to remove the siltation. The project provides flood control, ice prevention, irrigation, water supply, and power generation. 17. Standardized Yellow River Dike Project As one of the key national projects under the 7th Five-Year Plan, this water diversion project diverts Yellow River water from Dayuzhang Gate in Binzhou Municipality to Qingdao Municipality in Shandong Province. The project runs through four municipalities and prefectures, as well as through ten counties, cities, and districts, covering a total length of 290 kilometers. Construction for the project officially started on April 15, 1986 and the project was completed and opened for water diversion on November 25, 1989. The project provides water diversion, desilting, water transfer, water storage, water purification, and water distribution. Over the The Standardized Yellow River Dike Project is a past 20 years, the project has diverted 2.78 project to upgrade existing dikes to establish an billion m3 of water from the Yellow River and overall “standardized dike system.” The project supplied 1.35 billion m3 to Qingdao Municipality, integrates flood control with ecological needs bringing enormous social, economic and eco- and traffic access, and activities include widening environmental benefits to Qingdao and other the dikes, discharging silt and strengthening places in the project area. the dike, reconstructing and heightening weak waterworks, constructing roads on top of the dike, and establishing tide protection woodlands and ecological shelter belts. Construction of the first phase started in 2002 and was completed China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 121 Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China 19. Water Diversion Project from Datong River The Manla Water Control Project is the first to Qinwangchuan District large-sized, modern water control project in Tibet. Construction officially started in August 1995 and the structure was completed in August 2001. The project is located on the Nianchu River in Jiangzi County, Tibet. With a total investment of RMB 1.447 billion, its power station has an installed capacity of 20 megawatts and its reservoir a designed storage capacity of 155 million m 3 to irrigate 26.7 thousand hectares of farmland. The Manla Water Control Project is intended primarily for irrigation and power generation but also supports flood control, As a large-scale key water project and also the tourism, and environmental protection. largest water project invested in and operated by Gansu Province since the foundation of the P.R. 21. Linhuaigang Flood Control Project China, the system serves the inter-basin water diversion and transfer from Datong River, which rises in Muli Mountain in Qinghai Province, to the Qinwangchuan District of Lanzhou Municipality in Gansu Province. The project runs through four municipalities and six counties and districts in the two provinces. The main and branch canals are more than 1,000 kilometers in length, with a designed diversion capacity of 443 million m3 to irrigate an area of 860 thousand mu (57.3 thousand hectares) farmland. Construction started in 1976, and since its operation in June As one of 19 Huai River improvement projects 1994, basic conditions for agricultural production selected by the State Council in 1991, the have been fundamentally improved in the Linhuaigang Flood Control Project serves as the irrigation areas, laying a solid foundation for the key project to raise the flood control standard of overall economic and social development in the mainstream Huai River to one in a hundred year municipalities of Lanzhou and Baiyin. frequency. Its construction ends the lack of flood control works on the middle reaches of Huai 20. Manla Water Control Project River. The project covers parts of the provinces of Henan and Anhui and the main works run through the three counties of Huoqiu, Yingshang, and Funan, together controlling an area of 42.2 thousand km2. Construction started in December 2001 and was completed in November 2006. 122 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China 22. Wangjiaba Gate of the P.R. China in 1949. The reservoir was constructed in 1952, using the then most advanced technologies, to meet a flood control standard of one in a thousand year frequency. The reservoir has a total storage capacity of 496 million m 3 and its power station an installed capacity of 31 megawatts. The reservoir is intended primarily for flood control and also supports irrigation, power generation, and navigation. 24. Guanting Reservoir Wangjiaba Gate is the flood inlet control in the Mengwa flood storage area on mainstream Huai River. Commanded by the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, the gate is known as the “No.1 Gate on the thousand kilometer Huai River.” The structure is located between the middle and upper reaches of Huai River and at the confluence of three rivers, and also is situated in three counties of Henan and Anhui Provinces. First built in 1953, the Gate has been used fourteen times in eleven flood years, including in 1954, 1991, and 2003, and has played a major role in the prevention and control of floods in the Huai River basin. Upgrades in Guanting Reservoir is the first large-sized 2004 have enabled automatic and safe operation reservoir constructed after 1949. The Reservoir of the gate. meets the flood control standard of one in a thousand year frequency. Since its construction, 23. Foziling Reservoir the structure has controlled all floods upstream of Guanting, protected lives and economic activities in the downstream areas, and greatly reduced the threat of flood to those areas. Construction of the reservoir started in October 1951 and the project was completed in May 1954. With a total storage capacity of 4.16 billion m3, Guanting Reservoir is designed primarily for flood control and water supply but is also used for power generation and irrigation. As a large-sized reservoir on the upper reaches of East Pihe River, a tributary of Huai River, in Huoshan County, Anhui Province, Foziling Reservoir is a multiple-arch dam independently designed in the early years after the foundation China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 123 Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China 25. Panjiakou Water Control Project in Hai River Basin, Huangbizhuang Reservoir has a total storage capacity of 1.21 billion m3 and controls a total basin area of 23.4 km2. The Reservoir is used together with the Gangnan Reservoir upstream. Built in 1958, the project was listed in the early 1980s as one of the first 43 reservoirs that were in need of an upgrade and repairs. Reinforcement construction work started in March 1999 and was completed in December 2005, with the project now meeting the flood As the general water source of the Water control standard of one in ten thousand year Diversion Project from Luanhe River to Tianjin frequency. Huangbizhuang Reservoir is used City, Panjiakou Project is an important control primarily for flood control but also provides structure for water resources development in irrigation, power generation, and water supply Luanhe River, runoff regulation, and hazard services. elimination. Located on mainstream Luanhe 27. Baise Water Control Project River in Qianxi County, Hebei Province, the reservoir has a total storage capacity of 2.93 billion m3, with an annual average regulating storage of 1.95 billion m 3.The project covers a basin area of 33.7 thousand km 2 and supplies water to Tianjin and Tangshan municipalities for industrial, agricultural, and domestic uses. As the largest mixed pumped-storage plant in northern China at present, Panjiakou Water Control Project has a total installed capacity of 420 megawatts. Its construction started in October 1975 and the project was fully completed at the end of 1993. While primarily intended for water supply and power generation, the project The Baise Water Control Project, located in the is also used for flood control. middle part of Youjiang River on the upper reaches of Yujiang River, 22 kilometers upstream from Baise Municipality, is the key structure for 26. Huangbizhuang Reservoir the management and development of the Yujiang River in the Pearl River Basin. It is also another one of the ten key proje cts of the nation’s western development. The project has a total storage capacity of 5.66 billion m3 and the power station an installed capacity of 540 megawatts. Construction of the main works started in October 2001 and was completed in December 2006. The Baise Water Control Project is important for raising the flood control standard of Nanning Municipality, bringing about poverty Located on mainstream Hutuo River, one of the alleviation and prosperity and promoting two main tributaries of the Ziya River System sustainable economic and social development 124 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China in the provinces of Guangxi and Yunnan. While Located on the middle reaches of the Hunhe intended primarily for flood control, the project River in the east suburb of Fushun Municipality, also provides power generation, irrigation, Dahuofang Reservoir has a total storage navigation, and water supply. capacity of 2.268 billion m3 and a maximum flood discharging capacity of 5,480 m3 / s. The 28. Feilai Gorge Water Control Project reservoir, the largest in Liaoning Province, controls a basin area of 5,437 km 2, covers an irrigation area of 100 thousand hectares, and— with an installed capacity of 40 megawatts— serves to generate 40.57 million kWh electricity on average each year. Construction started in full on April 11, 1954 and was completed on September 5, 1958. As an important source of drinking water for residents in the large cities of Shenyang and Fushun, the project is primarily meant for flood control, water supply, and Feilai Gorge Water Control Project is the irrigation, but also is used for power generation largest comprehensive water control works and aquaculture. ever constructed in Guangdong Province since the 1949. The project is also the key structure 30. Ni’erji Water Control Project for the integrated management of the Beijiang River basin. Located on the middle reaches of mainstream Beijiang River in Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province, the reservoir has a total storage capacity of 1.904 billion m 3 and an installed power generation capacity of 140 megawatts. The project, which controls a basin area of 34,097 km2, was fully completed and put into operation in October 1999. The structure is used primarily for flood control but also functions to support navigation, power generation, water supply, and eco-environmental improvements. Located on the upper reaches of mainstream 29. Dahuofang Reservoir Nenjiang River at the border between Heilongjiang Province and the Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region, the Ni’erji Water Control Project is also a key project of China’s national western development strategy. The structure has a total storage capacity of 8.611 billion m3, controls a basin area of 66.4 thousand km2, and generates 638.7 million kWh electricity on a mean annual basis with a total installed capacity of 250 megawatts. Construction started in 2001 and the main works were completed in 2006. The water control project is primarily used for flood control and municipal, industrial, and agricultural water China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 125 Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China supply, but also is used for power generation Cha’ersen Reservoir is the only water control and improving the conditions for downstream structure on the mainstream Tao’er River, a navigation, while optimizing water resources primary tributary of Nenjiang River. The reservoir allocation in Songliao Basin. is a large-sized “Class One” water project according to the national standard, and is used 31. Songhua River Mainstream Dike Project primarily for flood control and irrigation, but also to provide and support power generation and aquaculture. With a total storage capacity of 1.35 billion m3, the project covers a basin area of 7,780 km2 upstream from the dam. The project serves to protect 142 thousand hectares (2.13 million mu) of farmland and 324.7 thousand hectares (4.87 million mu) of grassland downstream. The protected area also includes counties and cities in two provinces/autonomous regions and the project protects people in four towns and 929 natural villages, as well as three railways and Songhua River is 3,267 kilometers long and three highways. The reservoir was constructed covers a basin area of 556.8 thousand km 2 in between 1973 and 1980 and its main works were the northern part of Northeastern China. Since completed and put into operation in 1990. the early 1950s, the dikes on the mainstream Songhua River and its main tributaries have 33. Tai Lake Shoreline Dike been reinforced and strengthened several times. After the catastrophic flood in 1998, large-scale flood control works have been carried out and the overall flood control capacity in the basin has been significantly improved. Currently, the total length of dikes in the Songhua River basin is approximately 14,000 kilometers; the length of dikes on the mainstream is 2,901 kilometers, and that of dikes in major cities 661 kilometers. The current flood control standards of mainstream dikes range from one in twenty year frequency to one in fifty year frequency. The Tai Lake Shoreline Dike project is part of the comprehensive Tai Lake basin improvement 32. Cha’ersen Reservoir effort initiated by the State Council in 1991. With a length of 393.8 kilometers, the dike along the shoreline consists of an “East Reach” and a “West Reach” part and runs from the north at Zhihu Harbor in Wuxi Municipality, Jiangsu Province, to the south at Changdou Harbor in Huzhou Municipality, Zhejiang Province. The project has improved flood regulation, increased storage capacity, and created conditions for water resources allocation in Tai Lake Basin. 126 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China 34. Taipu River Project Yunfeng Water Supply Plant in Laizhou City, Shandong Province uses natural, unpolluted water from Lintuanhe Reservoir in Wenfeng Mountain to supply drinking water. Part of the national rural drinking water safety program, the plant has a designed water supply capacity of 75 thousand m 3 / day. With its automatic water purification equipment and advanced domestic water treatment technology, the water supplied by the plant meets drinking water standards. In Laizhou City, urban and rural water supply pipelines are integrated into one network that supplies drinking water for 260 Another key project part of the comprehensive thousand people in six towns and sub-districts, Tai Lake Basin improvement effort, Taipu River as well as for two industrial zones. The network Project is the main channel to connect Tai Lake also guarantees an emergency water supply for with Huangpu River, a 57.6 kilometer long river the urban area. Public water supply facilities are in Jiangsu Province, Zhejiang Province, and now available for 13 towns and sub-districts and Shanghai Municipality. Since construction started 828 administrative villages on the outskirts of in 1991, the project has played a prominent role the city. The total water supply pipeline network in flood control and calamity mitigation in the covers an area of 1,100 km2. Tai Lake Basin and effectively reduced losses due to floods and water-logging. With water in 36. Shipaichangzheng Water Supply Plant the Tai Lake basin diverted from the river to the lake, the increased water supply through Taipu River to the well fields in the areas in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and downstream as well as along the Huangpu River in Shanghai has improved the environment in the water receiving areas, guaranteed the quality of water supplied from the well fields in Shanghai, and brought striking economic, social, and ecological benefits. 35. Yunfeng Water Supply Plant Shipaichangzheng Water Supply Plant is located in Shipai Town, Zhongxiang City, Hubei Province. The current plant is an upgrade from the earlier Shipaixiang Water Plant at the same location. The new plant has a daily water supply capacity of 20 thousand m 3 and serves an area within an18 kilometer radius. In 2008, the plant was included in the rural drinking water safety program and the extension of the pipeline network has solved the problem of drinking water safety for 31,580 people in 20 administrative villages of Shipai Town. The China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 127 Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China network also has enhanced the quality of life for As one of the three extra-large irrigation districts farmers and improved their health conditions. established after 1949, Pishihang Irrigation District, the general term for three neighboring 37. Dujiang Weir Irrigation District irrigation areas—Pihe River Irrigation District, Shihe River Irrigation District and Hangbu River Irrigation District—covers the Yangtze and Huai River Basins in the mid-western region of Anhui Province and the south-eastern region of Henan Province. The district’s designed irrigation area totals 11.98 million mu (798.7 thousand hectares), including an effective irrigation area of more than 10 million mu (666.7 thousand hectares). Construction started in 1958 and in 1996 upgrades under the National Program on Dujiang Weir has a long history, with the first Rehabilitation of Large-Scale Irrigation Districts weir constructed over 2000 years ago in the late have begun. The irrigation district is intended years of the Warring States Period. After 1949, primarily for flood control and irrigation but also the weir has been reconstructed and expanded contributes to hydropower generation, urban several times to now cover the three basins of water supply, aquaculture, and tourism. Minjiang, Tuojiang, and Fujiang Rivers. The district irrigates an area of 10.3 million mu (686.7 39. Hetao Irrigation District thousand hectares) and is considered an extra- large irrigation district. In 1986, a program was launched for irrigation district expansion and reconstruction. Dujiang Weir’s water supply currently meets agricultural needs in the Chengdu Plain and the hilly central Sichuan area, but also supports livelihoods, industry, flood control, environmental protection, power generation, aquaculture, and tourism. As the largest gravity-flow irrigation district 38. Pishihang Irrigation District in China, Hetao Irrigation District consists of three irrigation areas: Bao’ertaolegai Irrigation District, Houtao Irrigation District, and Sanhu River Irrigation District, all three within Bayannol City in the western part of the Inner- Mongolia Autonomous Region. The command area is 17.43 million mu (1.162 million hectares) with irrigation water diverted from the Yellow River, which includes an effective irrigation area of 8.61 million mu (574 thousand hectares). Before 1961, only ten main canals in the region diverted water from the Yellow River, but in 1961, Sanshenggong Water Control Structure was constructed, which unified the irrigation district’s water diversion system. More artery 128 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China drains, drainage pump stations, and canals have Qingtong Gorge Irrigation District is one of since been constructed, with major extension several ancient large irrigation districts in efforts underway since the 1990s. China. With the Yellow River in the middle, the district includes both Hedong and Hexi 40. Weishan Irrigation District Irrigation Districts and is located in the mid- western region of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The irrigation district has undergone several improvements throughout its 2,000-year history and is still in use. Since the foundation of the P.R. China, the ancient irrigation districts have been expanded and reconstructed to guarantee irrigation and drainage. Starting in 1998, the National Program on Rehabilitation of Large-Scale Irrigation Districts has also been implemented at the district. The district’s current two general main canals and ten main canals Weishan Irrigation District is the largest have a total length of 1,085 kilometers and cover Yellow River water diversion irrigation district a total irrigation area of 4.75 million mu (316.7 downstream of the river. The district is located thousand hectares). in Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, and construction started in 1958. The designed 42. Zhanghe River Irrigation District irrigation area is 5.4 million mu (360 thousand hectares), with a designed diversion flow of 240 m 3 /s, covering eight counties, cities, or districts. Over the years, the irrigation district has provided a reliable water supply for the economic and social development of Liaocheng City. Since 1981, it has also diverted water from the Yellow River to Tianjin, to Weishan Irrigation District and Hebei Province, and to Baiyangdian, which has effectively supported the economic development in Tianjin Municipality and Hebei One of the ten major irrigation districts in Province. Upgrades under the National Program China, Zhanghe River Irrigation District is a on Rehabilitation of Large-Scale Irrigation large project of inter-basin water diversion and Districts began in 1998. irrigation, located in a juncture of three cities— Jingmen, Yichang and Xiangfan—in Hubei 41. Qingtong Gorge Irrigation District Province. Its irrigation area is 2.605 million mu (173.7 thousand hectares) including an effective irrigation area of 2.33 million mu (155.3 thousand hectares). Construction started in 1958 and the district started operating in 1966. Construction has since continued and the district currently includes 16,061 structures, with a total canal length of nearly 7,200 kilometers. On June 16 1995, Zhanghe River Irrigation District also became the location of the first water user association China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 129 Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China in China. Since then, 67 water user associations 44. Jinghui Canal Irrigation District have been established across the country. 43. Yahekou Irrigation District Located in the central part of Guanzhong Plain, Shaanxi Province, Jinghui Canal Irrigation As another one of the ten major irrigation District is a large gravity-flow irrigation district. districts in China, Yahekou Irrigation District With water diverted from Jinghe River, the is the largest gravity-flow irrigation district district is responsible for irrigation of 1.45 million with water supply from a reservoir in mu (96.7 thousand hectares) of farmland in six Henan Province and also a key area at the counties and districts. Construction of Jinghui national level for investments in water saving Canal started in 1932. After the foundation of transformation. Designated by the Ministry of P.R. China, three large-scale expansion and Water Resources, the district is a pilot area for reconstruction programs have been carried out computerized information development, for the in the district. These upgrades have continued in construction of terminal level canal systems, recent years. for the comprehensive reform of national-level large-sized irrigation districts, and for reform 45. Shaoshan Irrigation District of national water works management systems. Located in the central part of Nanyang basin and on the Tangbai River, it has a designed irrigation area of 2.381 million mu (158.7 thousand hectares) including an effective irrigation area of 1.326 million mu (88.4 thousand hectares). Construction started in 1966 and implementation of the National Program on Rehabilitation of Large-Scale Irrigation Districts started in 1998. Located in the hilly area of the central part of the province, Shaoshan Irrigation District is the largest water diversion and irrigation project in Hunan Province. The project consists of three parts: Shuifumiao Reservoir, Yangtan 130 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China Water Diversion and Control Structure, and the 47. Dayuzhang Irrigation District irrigation district itself, which covers an effective irrigation area of one million mu (66.7 hectares). Construction of the district started in 1965 and the district was completed and put into operation in 1966. Shaoshan Irrigation District is used primarily for irrigation but is also used for flood control, drainage, power generation, navigation, aquaculture, and water supply. 46. Gaoyou Irrigation District Dayuzhang Irrigation District is the largest Yellow River water diversion and irrigation district. It is also the first district to have been developed in Shandong Province and is at the same location as the main works of the water diversion project from the Yellow River to Qingdao City and the Jiaodong Region. The irrigation district is designed to cover an irrigation area of 660 thousand mu (44 thousand hectares), which accounts for 82% of the irrigation area of the county. Construction Located in Yangzhou Municipality in the central of Dayuzhang Irrigation District started in part of Jiangsu Province, Gaoyou Irrigation 1956. Since the completion in 1989 of the Water District is the source area for the water diversion Diversion Project from Yellow River to Qingdao of the east route scheme of the South-North City, the Dayuzhang district’s irrigation function Water Transfer Project. The district covers a has been extended to water supply for crude-oil total area of 649 km 2, including an irrigation production, municipal water supply, and other area of 632.2 thousand mu (42.1 thousand comprehensive services. hectares). Water is diverted from Jinghang Canal for gravity-flow irrigation and agricultural, 48. Qianguo Irrigation District industrial, municipal, and environmental purposes. When the water supply from the South-North Water Transfer Project is low, seven supplementary pump stations in the middle and lower parts of the irrigation district would pump water from Lixia River to supplement the water in the main canals. Construction of the irrigation district started in the 1950s and an extension and upgrade were started in 2000. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 131 Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China Located in Songyuan City in the northwestern of 300 thousand mu (20 thousand hectares). part of Jilin Province, Qianguo Irrigation Construction of the project started in 1958 and District is a pumping irrigation district with water pumping began in 1960. In April 2007, water pumped from the second Songhua River. expansion started in the form of the Majiakou Construction started in the 1940s and the Project, which will increase the irrigation area by district is one of several large-sized irrigation 333.6 thousand mu (22.24 thousand hectares). districts in the country. After more than sixty years of construction and development, the 50. Hongqi Canal Irrigation District irrigation district has become an important base for producing commodity rice and growing green and organic rice in the province. With a designed irrigation area of 568 thousand mu (37.9 thousand hectares), the district currently irrigates an area of 450 thousand mu (30 thousand hectares), while 510 million m3 of water is used each year for an annual production of 300 million kilograms of rice. In 1998, the irrigation district was listed for the National Program on Rehabilitation of Large-Scale Irrigation Districts. 49. Jiamakou Irrigation District The Hongqi Canal Irrigation District in Linzhou City in the northwestern part of Henan Province is a large irrigation district integrating water diversion, storage, pumping, irrigation, drainage, and power generation. The district controls an area of 1,374 km2, with a designed irrigation area of 540 thousand mu (36 thousand hectares). The canal mainly diverts water from Zhuozhang River, with an annual average flow of 258 million m 3. The district’s headwork is located in Pingshun County, Shanxi Province, Located in Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province, and the main, branch, and lateral canals are the Jiamakou Yellow River water diversion 1,500 kilometers long in total. Construction of and irrigation project is the first large electric the project started in 1960 and Hongqi Canal pumping and irrigation project on the Yellow was officially opened for water diversion in River, an integration of water supply, pumping, 1965. Technical improvements since 1992 have and canal irrigation. The water supply structure increased the district’s capacity for diversion, is designed with a pumping capacity of 51m3/ storage, and management. s and the two pumping stations, Jiamakou and Xiaofan, have a pumping capacity of 23.2m3/s and a lift of 70 meters, having 27 units installed. The district is designed to cover an irrigation area of 503 thousand mu (33.5 thousand hectares), including an effective irrigation area 132 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China 51. Jingdian Pumping Irrigation Project The project is a key structure in the Yangtze River Water North Transfer Project in Jiangsu Province and also the source of the East Route Scheme of the national South-North Water Transfer Project. The project is located on the lower reaches of the Yangtze and Huai Rivers, at the confluence of Jinghang Canal, Xintongyang Canal, and Mangdao River (the part of Huai River that runs into the Yangtze River). Construction started in 1961 and the project was completed in 1977. At the core of the project, there are four large electric pumping sub-stations The Jingtaichuan Electric Pumping Irrigation with an installed capacity of 53 megawatts and a Project, or “Jingdian Project,” is an inter-basin, designed pumping capacity of 400m3/s, serving inter-province/region, large-scale Class II integrated functions of irrigation, drainage, flood pumping irrigation project with a high water discharge, navigation, power generation, and head, high energy consumption, multi-cascade eco-environmental improvements. and big flow discharge. The project is located in Jingtai County in the eastern part of the Hexi 53. Fankou Pumping Station Corridor in Gansu Province. The irrigation district controls an irrigation area of one million mu (66.7 thousand hectares) and has 43 pumping stations with a total installed capacity of 259.7 megawatts. Construction of the project started in 1969 and the project has since been evaluated as “the best in China.” Over the last forty years, project operation brought vast economic and social benefits. 52. Jiangdu Water Control Project Located in Fankou Town, Ezhou City in Hubei Province, the Fankou Pumping Station is responsible for draining an area of 3,265 km2 in the Liangzi Lake basin. Installed with 4×6,000 kW units, the main set comprises a Model 40CJ – 95 axial-flow pump and a Model TDL535/60 – 56 electric motor, which is the most powerful axial- flow pump set equipped for a single pump; the set has a designed pumping capacity of 214m3/ s. Construction of the station started in 1977 and the project was completed and put into operation The Jiangdu Water Control Project is the first in 1980. Up to today, more than 15 billion m3 of large electric pumping station independently water has been drained off. designed, constructed, and managed by China. China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 133 Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China 54. Soil and Water Conservation Project in the Warping dams, small dams for silt retention, Middle and Upper Reaches of the Yangtze are an engineering measure for soil and water River conservation unique to the loess plateau region. Warping dams serve several functions, including mud retention, water storage, soil conservation, and land warping. In 2003, the Ministry of Water Resources acknowledged the construction of warping dams as one of three key projects under its national water resources development program, and launched a pilot project of warping dam construction for soil and water conservation in the loess plateau region. By the end of 2008, a total of 91,176 warping dams had been constructed, including 5,503 key warping dams, In 1989, the government launched the Yangtze 11,264 medium-sized warping dams, and 74,409 River Middle and Upper Reaches Key Area Soil small-sized warping dams. The total storage and Water Conservation Project, which is also capacity of these dams reaches up to 9.379 billion referred to as the Yangtze River Improvement m3, which is enough to retain about 12.661 billion Project. Over the last 20 years, the project has tons of mud. covered 195 counties in ten provinces; in total, nearly 95 thousand km2 of soil and water erosion 56. Comprehensive Control of Soil and areas have been improved and more than 5,000 Water Erosion in the Black Soil Region of watersheds have been treated. As a result, the Northeastern China size of the soil and water erosion areas in the Yangtze River basin has been reduced by 15% from 620 thousand km2 in the mid-1980s to the current 530 thousand km2. In addition, the area of soil and water erosion in the region of the Three Gorges Reservoir has decreased at a rate of 1% per year on average. Soil and water erosion have also been reduced in the Danjiangkou Reservoir area, the source for the Middle Route Scheme of the South-North Water Transfer. 55. Loess Plateau Warping Dams In 2003, the government launched a pilot project of comprehensive prevention and control of soil and water erosion in the black soil region of Northeastern China, covering 15 counties in the provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin, and Liaoning and in the Inner-Mongolia region. The project involved 226 watersheds and a total area of 1,804 km2. Following this pilot project, a second soil and water erosion control project for the black soil areas in Northeastern China was launched in 2008 under the State Office of Comprehensive Agricultural Development (SOCAD) and the 134 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China General Bureau of Heilongjiang Reclamation, Established in 1865, Hankou Hydrological this time covering 30 counties in Heilongjiang Station is an important hydrological control and Jilin Province. With a focus on controlling station on the mainstream of the Yangtze River. soil and water erosion on slope farmland, the The station falls under the Hydrologic Bureau project implemented comprehensive watershed and the Middle Changjiang Hydrological and improvement activities, preserved valuable black Water Resources Survey Bureau of Changjiang soil, and guaranteed national food safety. Water Resources Commission. The station is responsible for collecting basic hydrological data, 57. Comprehensive Soil and Water Conservation providing services for industrial and agricultural in the Karst Region in Nanbeipan River Basin production, and providing hydrological on Upstream Pearl River information for flood control and calamity mitigation. Station instruments have been constantly upgraded and are currently the most advanced hydrological gauging and reporting equipment used in the country. Observations of water levels and precipitation as well as flood forecasting are all automated. ADCP and GPS are used to measure flow. 59. Huayuankou Hydrological Station The karst region in the Nanbeipan River Basin on the upper reaches of the Pearl River is a very poor and ecologically fragile area. The area has the most severe soil and water erosion in China. In 2003, the government launched a pilot project for comprehensive soil and water conservation in the area, covering 17 counties in the provinces of Yunnan, Guizhou, and Guangxi, as well as 136 watersheds. By focusing on remediating and improving slope farmland, the project constructed basic farmland and straightened out water systems on slopes, developed industries with local characteristics, and increased farmers’ incomes. Established in July 1938 and located in a northern suburb of Zhengzhou City in Henan 58. Hankou Hydrological Station Province, Huayuankou Hydrological Station is an important hydrological station at the national level. It also provides flood control for the downstream areas of the Yellow River. Since the foundation of the P.R. China, the station has managed ten floods with water flows of more than 10,000m3/s, as well as the catastrophic and extraordinary floods of July 1958, August 1982, and August 1996. The hydrological station not only plays a crucial role in water regulation China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 135 Annex 5 - Overview of the Irrigation and Water Resources Projects in China for flood control, but also provides unified water resources management and river reach improvements, and has contributed to research on the Yellow River. On June 15, 2002, the first station using digital technology on the Yellow River was officially put to use for Huayuankou Hydrological Station. 60. National Flood Control and Drought Relief Commanding System The National Flood Control and Drought Relief Commanding System provides timely and accurate flood control and drought relief information to the National Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters. From there, information is related to relevant government departments, including those for water resources, meteorology, and agriculture. Taking advantage of the latest technologies, the commanding system serves as an information collection system, communication system, computer network system, and decision-making support system. Phase I of the Commanding System, approved in June 2003 by the National Development and Reform Commission, has been basically completed and already has played a major role in flood control, drought relief, and calamity mitigation. The feasibility study for Phase II has been completed and implementation of Phase II is scheduled to begin soon. 136 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy Selected References Selected References 1) China Country Water Resources Assistance Strategy, the World Bank, December 2002; 2) Sharing Knowledge on Development and Promoting Harmony and Progress – 30th Anniversary of the China and World Bank Cooperation, MOF/The World Bank; 3) Water Resources Management Policy Paper, World Bank 1993; 4) Water Resources Sector Strategy - Strategic Directions for World Bank Engagement World Bank 2005; 5) Dublin Statement on Water and Sustainable Development, the International Conference on Water and the Environment (ICWE), Dublin, Ireland, January 1992; 6) Water Law of the People’s Republic of China, 2002; 7) Central Document No. 1 - Decisions on Accelerating Water Reform and Development by the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee and State Council, 2011; 8) Summary of 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) for Water Resource Development, 2011; 9) China Country Partnership Strategy (2006-2010), World Bank 2006; 10) National Water Resources Master Plan, which is the first water resources master plan at the national level approved by the State Council in December 2011. 11) The National Plan of Climate Change Adaptation, June 2007 China Country Water Resources Partnership Strategy 137 Selected References 12) Actively Adapt to Global Climate Change Aspect Consulting, LLC, Bainbridge Island, and Strive to Ensure China’s Water Washington, Nov. 2002, web:http://www. 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