THE WORLD BANK IBRD*IDA I womamuxcRouP Date: 9J ( Hon. Thabo Sophonea Minister of Finance P. 0. Box 395 Maseru - 100 KINGDOM OF LESOTHO LESOTHO: Educadon Quality for Equality Project Credit No. 5820-LS Amendment 3 to the Financing Agreement Dear Honorable Minister; We refer to the Financing Agreement (the "Financing Agreement"), dated June 10, 2016, between the Kingdom of Lesotho (the "Recipient") and the International Development Association (the "Association") concerning the Education Quality for Equality (the "Project"). We also refer to your letter of June 23, 2021 requesting specific modifications to the Financing Agreement. Please note that the capitalized terms used in this letter (the "Amendment") and not defined herein have the meanings ascribed to them in the Financing Agreement as applicable. We are pleased to inform you that the Association proposes to amend the Financing Agreement as follows: 1. Part F is added to Schedule I of the Financing Agreement as follows: "Part F: Accelerated Teaching and Leaming (ATL) Recovery Strategy Provide support to recruit and train a cohort of assistant teachers in core subjects across the primary and secondary phases who will be trained on a narrowed curriculum of the ATL strategy to serve as additional teaching staff and/or subject tutors based on the needs determined by the school. With the extended school day and rotational attendance of learners to comply with physical distancing measures at schools, the addition of focused assistant teaching staff will provide relief to overstretched teachers, while also being available to work with smaller, individualized groups of learners to help them catch up. This component is expected to develop learner workbooks and revision booklets for all grades in the country. he table on Section YV.A.2 of Schedule 2 to the Financing Agreement is deleted and replaced in its entirety with the attached Annex. 1818 H Street NW - Washington, DC 20433 USA -2 - 3. Section IV.B.2 of Schedule 2 to the Financing Agreement is deleted and replaced with the following: "2. The Closing date is December 31, 2022." 4. The Appendix to the Financing Agreement is amended to add the following definition and consequently renumber the existing definitions to keep the alphabetical order: "Accelerated Learning and Teaching Recovery Strategy" or "ALT Recovery Strategy" means the strategy undertaken by the Ministry of Education towards narrowing the curriculum of core subjects in the country and specialized support for instruction of learners in primary and secondary overcrowded schools for the purposes of curbing learning losses as a result of the school closures experienced in 2018 through 2020. All other provisions of the Financing Agreement, except amended herein, shall remain in fill force and effect. Please confirm the Recipient's agreement to the foregoing by having an authorized official of the Recipient sign and date the enclosed copy of this Amendment and returning it to the Association. Very truly yours, INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION By :____4VAA Yoichiro Ishihara Country Representative AGREED: KINGDOM OF LESOTHO By: Date:? (9 Authorized Representative Name: Thabo Sophonea (MP) Title: Minister of Finance Annex Amount of the Percentage of Financing Expenditures to be Category Allocated Financed (expressed in SDR) (inclusive of Taxes) 1.Goods, non-consulting services, consultants' services, Training and Operating Costs for Parts A, B. 1 and C of the Project 8,912,226 100% 2. Goods, non-consulting services and consultants' services, Training and Operating Costs required for SIPs and under SIP Grants for Parts B.2 and B.3 of the Project 3,085,661 100% 3. Refund of Preparation Advance Amount payable pursuant to Section 2.07 of the General 18,453 Conditions. 4. Works, goods, non-consulting services, consultants' services, Training and Operating Costs for Part D of the Project 3,107,943 100% 5. Emergency Expenditures under Part E of the project 0 6. Goods, non-consulting services, consultants' services, Training and Operating Costs for Part F of the Proiect 2,975,717 100% TOTAL 18,100,000 1