GOMBE STATE PRIMARY HEALTH CARE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY NIGERIA STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT (NSHIP) PBF (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 2019 IxAdviso, ) (Chartered Accountants & Tax Avsr Suit 1 3rd Floor B.O.A. Plaza No. 31/34 Farm Center, Kano Mobile (234) 8033681014, Whatapps (234) 8099390900 GOMBE STATE PRIMARY HEALTH CARE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY NIGERIA STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT (NSHIP) PBF (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT) AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 2019 CONTENT DESCRIPTIONPAGE CORPORATE INFORMATION 1 REPORT OF THE AUDITORS 6 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES 8 STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 11 RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS ACCOUNTS 12 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 13 NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 14 GOMBE STATE PRIMARY HEALTH CARE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY NIGERIA STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT (NSHIP) PBF (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT) CORPORATE INFORMATION (A) STATE STEERING COMMITTEE (STC) MEMBERS SN NAME MINISTRY/MDA DESIGNATION 1 Hon Dr Ahmed Mohammed Gana Hon. Commissioner Chairman Ministry of Health. 2 Muhammadu Gambo Magaji Hon. Commissioner Member Ministry of Finance. 3 Ahmed Abubakar Walama Hon. Commissioner for Member local government and chieftaincy affairs. 4 Dr. Isyaku Mohammed Permanent Secretary Member Ministry of Economic panjning. 5 Hajiya Zainab Idris Permanent Secretary Member Ministry of Health. 6 Alhaji Usman Mohammad Malala Permanent Secretary Member Ministry for Local Government. 7 Ahmed Mohammed Gana Executive Secretary Member Primary Health Management Board. 8 Hajiya Zariatu Abubakar Representatives of Member Women Affairs. 9 Sani S. Dogarai PBF LGA Chairman Member 10 Alh Abubakar Lamido Muslim Associations of Member 11 Rev,lsa Uba Christian Association of Member Nigeria 13 Yusuf Aish Bello Medical and Health Member workers Union 14 Muhammed Kabir National association of Member community Health _____ _____ practitioners - 15 Kolo Yakubu Project Coordinator Secretary PARTNERS Gombe SPMU. 1 GOMBE STATE PRIMARY HEALTH CARE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY NIGERIA STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT (NSHIP) PBF (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT) LB) STATE TECHNICAL WORKING COMMITTEE (STC) MEMBERS SN NAME MINISTRY/MDA DESIGNATION 1 Dr Abduirahman Shuaibu Executive Secretary Chairperson SPSDA 2 Abdu Usman Director planning state Member Ministry of Health 3 Aminu Saleh Abubakar Director Primary Health Member Care System Development (SPHCD)_-_ 4 Umar Usman Muhammad One LGA PBF Member Coordinator 5 Abare Galadima Representative of Member international Agencies -working in the State 6 Yahya Ahmed NPHCDA Focal Person Member 7 Aminu Saleh Abubakar Project Coordinator Secretary 2 (C) STATE PROJECT MANAGEMENT UNIT (SPMU) MEMBERS 1. Dr Abdulrahman Shuaibu Executive Secretary 2. Aminu Saleh Abubakar Project Coordinator 3. Shehu Muhammad Bello. Head of PFMU 4. Abubakar Adamu Procurement Officer 5. Hussaini Adamu Project Accountant 6. Ahmed Saleh Asst. Project Accountant 7. Abubakar Isyaku Project Finance Officer 8. Mohammed Dawaki Project Internal Auditor 8. Dr.Abubakar Musa Yahaya Technical Assistance 9. Nurruddeen B.kumo M&E Officer 10. Sadiya Baba Ahmed Communication Specialist 11. Blessing Michael Health Care Waste Manager (D)PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT (PFMU) MEMBERS 1. Shehu Muhammad Bello Head PFMU 2. Mohammed Dawaki Internal Audit Coordinator 3. Hussaini Adamu Project Accountant 4. Ahmed Saleh Asst Project Acct 5. Abubakar Isyaku Project Finance Officer 3 GOMBE STATE PRIMARY HEALTH CARE DEVELOPMENT AGENCY NIGERIA STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT (NSHIP) PBF AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER,2019 BANKER. Guaranty Trust Bank, Gombe. AUDITORS. Ibrahim Abdullahi & Co (Chartered Accountants) LEGAL FORM: The Development Credit No. 58510 was obtained by the Federal Government of Nigeria from the International Development Association (IDA). The Agreement was on 2017 day of 27 January between the Government of the federal Republic of Nigeria, duly represented by the Federal Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as the "Recipient") of the one part and Gombe State duly represented by the commissioner for Finance (hereinafter referred to as "the state) of the other part. 4 Objectives to: 1. To increase the delivery and use of high impact maternal and child health interventions and improve quality of Care at selected health facilities in the participating states. To capture new elements that is proposed in the AF, 2. Revised targets, and data disaggregation to track the NE States together. An additional intermediate indicator was included to track citizen engagement. 3. To demonstrate that public resources can be effectively leveraged through strategic use of PBF (Performance Base Finance) to strengthen accountability at all levels of the health system. 4. To strengthen health systems governance by introducing initiatives to enhance transparency and strengthen existing mechanisms for effective participation of communities in decentralized planning, delivery and monitoring of essential health services. Such social accountability initiatives will help in enhancing the voice of the users and increase the citizen's role in decisions related to their health. PROJECT OFFICE. Behind Ministry of Education Road, New GRA Gombe, Gombe State 5 NO. 704 Durumi, FCT-Abuja Suite 1, 3rd Floor BOA Plaza, No. 31/34, Guda Abdullahi Road, .84 viddf& & . Farm Centre, Kano State ChateredAccountants Tel: +234 80 3368 1014, +234 80 9939 0900 REPORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE MEMBERS OF NIGERIA STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT (NSHIP) PBF THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBERe2019 CREDIT No. 5851 We have audited the financial statements of GOMBE STATE NIGERIA STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT (NSHIP) PBF for the year ended 31 December, 2019 as set out on pages 7 to 14 which have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies on pages 5 and 6. The project is financed by the IDA, CREDIT No.52050 UNI. Respective Responsibilities of Project Management and Auditors. The project Management office coordinates the activities of the project and is as such responsible for the preparation of the financial statements. It is our responsibility as auditors to express an independent opinion, based on our audit, on these financial statements and to report our opinion to you. Basis of Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on auditing and World Bank guidelines. These standards and World Bank guidelines require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material mis-statements. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes an assessment of the estimates and judgments made by the project officers in the preparation of the financial statements, and whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the project circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. 6 ~1b %K ~~ IJ We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and explanations, which we considered necessary in order to provide us with sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free of material mis-statements, whether caused by fraud, other irregularity or error. In performing our audit, we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the presentation of the financial statements. Opinion In our opinion, the project financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position and of the cash flow statement of GOMBE STATE NIGERIA STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT (NSHIP) PBF for the year ended December 31, 2019, in accordance with International Accounting Standards, as well as all relevant Accounting Standards issued by the Nigerian Financial Reporting Council. The statement of Expenditure (SOE) are in agreement with the books of account and adequate supporting documentation has been maintained to support claims to the World Bank for reimbursement of expenditures incurred, and which expenditures are eligible for financing under the credit agreement The Statement of Special Account (SA) of the project on page 15 have been prepared on the basis of cash deposits and withdrawals for purpose of complying with the credit agreement and give a true and fair view of the beginning and ending balances and the account activity for four months ended December 31,2019. The Counterpart Fund was replenished by the State Government during the year, payments from this account are properly used for project purpose; ment thiKI6ycu t re properly recorded in the books of account Abdulwaheed Ibrahim FRC/2016/ICAN/OOOOO014377 3,IICAN For: Ibrahim Abdullahi & Co 0700,122 (Chartered Accountants) Kano, Nigeria 18 June, 2020 7 rPORT OF TH-E AUDITORS. TOnTHE MEMBERS OE NIGERIA STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT (NSHIP) PBF (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTr IT) STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING PO LCIES THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBERr 2019 The following are the significant accounting policies adopted by the Project in the preparation of these financial statements:- 1. BASIS OF ACCOUNTING The accounts have been prepared under the historical cost convention using cash basis of accounting. No adjustments have been made in the accounts for changing prices neither was there any provision for accrued expenses. 2. DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE This comprises the aggregate expenditures of revenue nature that fall under (Consultancy Services; Training, Workshop, Audit, and Operating Cost) of the eligible expenditure of the Project. They are recognized in the accounts as at when they are paid for. 3. INCOME The project income is principally derived from IDA and Contribution from Gombe State Government. These are recognized as at when they are received. 8 4. FIXED ASSETS AND DEPRECIATION i. Fixed Assets are those Assets intended for use over a period exceeding one accounting year and whose value per unit is not below N100,000.00 ii. Items with respective unit costs below N100,000.00 are classified as special Project Assets; iii. All related costs and installation costs are included in the acquisition cost of the Fixed Assets items; iv. Capital expenditure on contract works will be included on the basis of valuation certificates including retentions; v. No depreciation is provided on the Project's Fixed Assets. 9 REPORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE MEMBERS OF NIGERIA STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT (NSHIP)PBF (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT) STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 2019 5. Taxation No provision had been made for taxation as no tax liability is expected to accrue. 6. Transactions in Foreign Currency Transactions in Foreign Currency were converted to naira equivalent at the ruling exchange rate at the time of the transactions. Withdrawals from Dollar Special Account were converted to naira equivalent using the prevailing exchange rate of naira to the dollar on the date of the transactions and so neither gain nor loss arises on foreign currency conversion. 10 NIGERIAN STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT (NSHIP) (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT) BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 DECEMBER, 2019 ASSETS EMPLOYED Notes 2019 2018 N N Fixed Assets 1 136,011,667 85,357,000 Development Expenditures 2 1,938,529,919 582,099,393 0 0 2,074,541,586 667,456,393 CURRENT ASSETS Bank and Cash Balances 3 86,624,196 294,841,059 86,624,196 294,841,059 TOTAL ASSETS 2,161,165,783 962,297,451 REPRESENTED BY I.D.A CREDIT 4 2,100,165,782 901,297,451 Gombe State Counterpart Fund 5 61,000,000 61,000,000 0 2,161,165,783 962,297,451 Aminu Saleh Dukku (Project Coordinator)......... ............ ..d...d.. Shehu Muhammad Bello (Head of PFMU)..... ...... .... ................. ---.. The accounting policies on pages 8 to 10 and the notes on pages 14-17 form an integral part of these accounts 11 NIGERIAN STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT-PRO-ECT-(NSHIP) (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAkGEMENT UNIT) RECEIPTrS AND PAYMENTr ACCOIUNTFOR THE YEAR ENDED) 31 D ECEMBER, 2019 Notes 2019 2018 Rc s N I.. F4 1,198,868,331 901,297,451 L.D.A Funding 50 0 Gombe State Grant 6 0 0 Other Income 608,1 tZ3 Q61 Total Receipts Payme_nts by Exend iture Cate gories Fixed Assets 1 50,654,667 77,387,000 0 0 Training/Workshop 7 302,462,771 226,493,383 Consultancy 8 433,047,852 131,703,785 Goods 9 495,035,701 119,075,790 OperaiflaCost10 10.1 19,188,730 11,136,141 Salaries & wages 102212505,906,525 Repairs and Maintenance 10.2 2,172,550 35,925,169 Other Operating Costs 10.3 104,167,347 35,99 Administrative Cost 10.4 9,306,666 8,395,997 Total payments Excess receipts over Payments -208,216,862 286,301,722 Excess receipts over Payments B/F Excess receipts over Payments C/F 37 Excess receipts over Payments C/F 86,624,196 294,841,059 The accounting policies on pages 8 to 10 and the notes on pages 14-17 form an integral part of these accounts 12 NIGERIAN STATE HEA"LTH INVESTMENT PROJECT (NSHIP)- (GOMBE STE PRJC FNNIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT) CASH FLOW STATEMENTSFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 2019 2019 2018 Cash FlowFro Opeatin Acivities Cash -19,188,730 -11,136,141 Cash paid for Goods -495,035,701 -119,075,790 Cash paid for other Operating Activities A15,646,563 -50,227,691 Net Cash flow from Operating Act! A 29 C. D. A. Funding 1,198,868,331 901,297,451 Gombe State Grant Suspense Cash Paid for Consultancy Services & Training -735,510,622 -358,197,168 Net Cash flow from Financing Acti B 709 543,100,283 Cash fo r n n Ai-50,654,667 -77,387,000 Purchase Of Fixed Assets 0 Interest Received on Deposits t9C1990 Net Cash Utilised in investing Acti C -41,703,577 -76,358,93 Net increase in cash and cash equivzA+B+C -208,216,862 286,301,722 .294,84L0598593 Cash and Cash Equivalent at the Beginning of Four Months Period Cash and Cash equivalent at the end of the Four Months Period REC 4NILIATION Excess of Receipt over payments C/F 86,624,196 294,841,059 Balance as per Bank --,624496 294,841,959 13 NIGERIAN STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT(NSHIP) (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIIT) NOTE TO THE ACCOUNTFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 2019 1 FIXED ASSETS Office Funiture and plant and Computer Motor vehicle Equipment fitting machinery Equipments Total NN COST 1-Jan-19 62,130,000 12,218,900 5,428,100 5,120,000 460,000 85,357,000 Addition 41339,667 2025000 15 00 1000 670009 j A.5054,667 31-Dec-19 103A69a&61 t_L P 6 Q t4 13,QQ 3, 6 1 M BOOK VALUE; 31-Dec-19 10A59ra67 14,24391 6,2 8,t0, 10,240,00Q 1,130,000 136011, GZ 31-Dec-18 62,130,000 12,218,900 5,428,100 5,120,000 460,000 85,357,000 14 NIGERIAN STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJE CT(NSHIP) (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT) NOTE TO THE ACCOUNTFOR THE YEAR ENDED )31 DECEMBER, 2019 2 DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE 2019 2018 Expenditure Training 302,462,771 226,493,383 Consultancy 433,047,852 131,703,785 Goods 495,035,701 119,075,790 OeratingiCot Salaries and wages 19,188,730 11,136,141 Repairs and maintenance 2,172,550 5,906,525 Other Operating Cost 104,167,347 35,925,169 Administrative Costs 1 ,30,66 58636,7 income Received 8,951,090 1,0 28,061 Development Expenditure For the Four Months Period 1,356,430,527 537,608,729 Development Expenditure b/f 582 f99,32 44,490,663 Development Expenditure c/f 9,%19 58202,393 3 CASH AND BANK BALANCES GT Bank IDA (Dollar Special) 66,996,000 279,088,996 GT Bank IDAu(Dollart Spea) 846,235 846,235 GT Bank (Counterpart Fund) 18,781,961 14,905,828 GT Bank (Naira Drawdown) 0 0 GT Bank (Naira Interest) 0 0 GT Bank (Dollar Interest)00 Suspense 8 496 294 86A 2496 21,841L959 Balance As at Additions During Balance as at 4 I.D.A FUNyear 1/1/2019 31/12/2019 1. D A. Credit(US Dollars) 7 75, 2A7 %~5,Z Q71138 I.D.AA Credit (Naira Equivalent) 901, 451 1,i94,88,331 z,100,165,782 This represnts Naira equivalent of US released by international Development Association allocated to the State during the year Balance As at Additions During Balance as at Balace A at the year 5 GOMBE STATE COUNTEPART FUND teya 1/1/2019 31/12/2019 (US Dollars) 0 (Naira Equivalent) 61,000,000 611000,090 Suspense 0 0 15 NIGERIAN STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT(NS5HIP2)h (GOME SATE ROJCT"INANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNITI NOTE TO THE ACCOUNTFOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 2019 2019 2018 N N 6 8,951,090 1,028,061 Interest Received 9 __ __95t1090- 1IO08.061L 7 TRAINING 302,462,771 226,493,383 Training 102,OZZZIl ;Z26,493.-38 8 CONSLTANCY NSU 433,047,852 131,703,785 PBF Health Facilities 43075 3,0,_8 9 GOODS 4 119,075790 Investment Credit Scheme 45, 35,7017 95,G5,77-01 119,075,7.90. 1o OaRi CaS 19,188,730 11,136,141 ia-i Relars and aitenanc 10.2. 267,550 1,107,500 Maintenance of Office Equipment 2 1,529,025 Maintenance of Generator 1,905,000 Maintenance of Vehicles 3,270,000 Maintenance of Building 72 0000 A e3 7,161,420 16,970,550 Advertisement 54,944,611 4,528,860 Transport, Traveling & Hotel 286,680 363,931 Bank Charges 32,773,500 7,301,100 Priniting and Stationeries 6,393,336 2,142,038 PFMUJ Expenses6,9,321408 PPMUExpnse 2,522,130 GeneralOffice Expenses 9 2,522,560 Advocacy visit 995,000 2,096,560 Security Expenses 1,612,800 10()4j16 73 47 35,9 2 5,169 10.4 Admininstrative Costs 450,000 652,872 Audit Fee and Expenses 3,390,000 1,529,025 Fuel and Lubricants 5,466,666 4,905,000 Insurance 0 1,309,100 Telephone & Internet Charges TOTAL OPERATING COST8 16 NI1GERIAN STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT(NSHIP) (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 2019 NOTES TO THfE ACC OUNTS :SPECIAL ACCOUNT RECOCLAINSAEET SA 1DCME,21 ACCOUNT NUMBER: DEPOSIT BANK: GT BANK RELATED CREDIT AGREEMENT: 5851 CURRENCY: U PART A: $ Opening Balance 1 January,2019 775,247.21 ADD: Replenishment 3,335,078.36 Cash deposit 4,400.00 Interest Received 1_062.07 Total Fund Available 4,115,787.64 Withdrawals 3,335,078.36 3,335,078.36 Bank Charges 360.50 360.50 Ending Balance as at 31 December, 2019 780,348.78 17 NIGERIAIЧ STATE HEALTH IfVVESTMEf'+1Т PR07ECT(NSHIP) GOM�E STATE PROJECT FxfцANCIAL МА1'dAGEMENT UNIT ANALYSIS ©F REP�E[ЧISHMENT F{}R ТНЕ YEAR ENDED 31 l7ECEf'+16ER Z019 V:shie nate I]elэit Credit 8аЯаtзсе Remarks ТгапS Г)ate Refr-rence ЛPPROVF 1NWЛRl) l1гF - SVцiF Г trf31' 24S 5д69П3518878D 1 1Nf=1 OW 1i/0 IN 11. [)1-VE4.Oi�MLNT ASSUC[Л110N 140 GOM#3G 0 !i-ГгЬ-19 112,86З.П h27,8S3.69 5Р11СПЛ N5F111> Pf20M h3501 ЛР1'120Vf� INWЛ1tD 142F SWIFS']Nfl_OW 13/01NГL Di.VFI.OPMГNT ЛS50С[ЛТ1ОN 19003760 8-Лрт 19 189,227.7f7 5�15,б26.88 IF{Э С;5Р11СUЛ Pt=12F01tM Э3563 Л1�1�ROVI! 1NWЛi2S) 11г 5W3f 1 Wf I.ClW Е3/О ]N'1l pt Vl_LOi'мГи'Г ПS50сiП 1 ION 1го csr3i 1Cг)л 1>еsгг оlгмпис[- 19U(14666 ]0 Мау-19 Z16,9"10.29 719,33%.3S 13 7fI-May-19 лРРRОц1= [NWЛR13lStF � 5W[Г1 1N1'1.ОИ+ I310INTL DEVE:I.CIPMГNT ПSSOC[Л Т]гJN 19005258 7.7un-19 557_,566.'l3 61h,947.17 С1`0 Г5Р11Cf)П PER1'ORMЛNGI- 7-]и п-19 ЛРР1гОц'F. [и'ЛlЛ1t1) lRГ - � swu r 1t�1 I ow в/с> 1и п I l)Е:VF1 бРМ1 N1' Л5SОС1П4SON i 19008381 G 5ep 19 1,339,] i2J.9 1,35!i,9/L49 11 C) G51511(�OП PP.R4 URMANC:1' 6 Sep�l9 ЛPPROVfi WWЛ1t1) lRF - 5W11T]Nil_OW 13/О1иТL 1)E-VГ1-O1�MENT ПSSОСIЛ'Г[ON �1В5,{143.Z8 1,8�1,O1�Э.`l7 11=С} С�SРIIСОП PГRFORMЛNCE 6-5eg-19 19008377 6 Sep-19 ЛS7РRОцГ 1иWЛ1it)'4R1 SWff f WГ1OW f3J0IN1L � 1)1 VI:LC)4'M1-N1 ЛSSОСIЛ 1 [С3и 1Е 0 GSl�11С:17Л PI-f2FOf2MЛNCf: � 439,3h4.9й 2,780,3`.S9,б7 В 6-5ер-19 19008378 б Scp-19 � 3,335,076.35 k i � 1 ! 18 i NIGERIAN.STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT(NSHIP) (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT) ANALYSIS OF INTEREST RECEIVED FROM SPECIAL DOLLAR ACCOUNT. FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 201 rrans Date Reference Value Daie Debit Credit Bala llr-e 14 111;lih 31-lan-19 0 31-3an-19 163.39 Y70,243.49 INTEREST CAPITALISED 28-Feb-19 0 28-Feb-19 77.88 397,053.61 INTEREST CAPITALISED I-Apr-19 0 31-Mar-19 83.34 356,399.18 INTEREST CAPITALTSED 30-Apr-19 0 30-Apr-19 50.02 5,311.22 INTEREST CAPITALISED 31-May-19 0 31-May-19 15.4 63,877.47 INTEREST CAPITALISM 30-Jun-19 0 30-Jun-19 46.6 177,870.34 INTEREST CAPITALISED 31-Jul-19 0 31-Jul-19 23.51 38,659.18 INTEREST CARITALISED 31-Aug-19 0 31-Aug-19 6.73 27,983.16 INTEREST CAPITALISED I-oct-19 0 30-SOP-19 218.33 949,818.80 INTEREST CAPITALISED 31-Oct-19 0 31-Oct-19 184.63 822,76Y.85 INTEREST CAPITALISED 30-Nov-19 0 30-Nov-19 132.02 608,CB6.74 INTEREST CAPITALISM 31-Dec-19 0 31-Dec-19 60.22 186,099.98 INTEREST CARITALISED 19 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCOA PERFORMANCE BASE 19004476 20-Feb-19 1,353.76 404,892.16 FIN.-12680577 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19004477 20-Feb-19 7,916.43 396,975.73 FIN.-12680607 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19005644 6-Mar 19 277.16 396,776.45 FIN. FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19005642 6-Mar-19 1,169.92 395,606.53 FIN.-12725318 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19007307 25-Mar-19 16,133.95 379,472.58 FIN.-12819781 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19007312 25-Mar-19 9,019.50 370,453.08 FIN.-12819716 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19007313 25-Mar-19 692.28 369,760.80 FIN.-12819622 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19007327 25-Mar-19 13,444.96 356,315.84 12819887 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19009262 12-Apr-19 336,460.72 209,166.16 12903493 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19009266 12-Apr-19 1,406.41 207,759,75 FIN-12903583 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19009267 12-Apr-19 1,406.41 206,353.34 FIN.-12903690 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19010244 24-Apr-19 80,985.79 125,367,55 FIN.-12950621 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19010246 24-Apr-19 100,276.19 25,091.36 FIN.-12950125 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN- 19010253 25-Apr-19 481.89 24,609.47 12951100 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN. 19010257 25-Apr-19 1,743.25 22,866.22 12952144 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19010258 25-Apr-19 7,986.63 14,879.59 12952245 20 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19010261 25-Apr-19 4,679.67 10,199.92 12952286 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCOA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN- 19010263 25-Apr-19 4,505.85 5,694.07 12952376 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN- 19010264 25-Apr-19 432.87 5,261.20 12952413 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19011379 7-May-19 1,169.92 4,141,30 FIN.-13009404 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19011891 13-May-19 277.16 3,864.14 13034086 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCOA PERFORMANCE BASE 19011892 13-May-19 1,169.92 2,694.22 FIN.-13033443 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19011894 13-May-19 277.16 2,417.06 FIN.-13033622 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM 19013509 28-May-19 3,498.61 215,838.74 GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19013488 28-May-19 998.33 214,840.41 FIN.-13102654 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19013489 28-May-19 44,153.57 170,686.84 FIN.-13102741 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19013491 28-May-19 750.97 169,935.87 FIN.-13102821 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19013501 28-May-19 32,693.58 137,242,29 13102781 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN,- 19013502 28-May-19 6,987.47 130,254.82 13102897 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19013708 30-May-19 51,253.48 79,001.34 13115370 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19013709 30-May-19 14,401.11 64,600.23 13115565 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19013710 30-May-19 738.16 63,862.07 13115633 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19014017 3-Jun-19 1,169.92 62,707.55 13128592 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19014021 3-Jun-19 277.16 62,430.39 FIN.-13128677 21 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCOA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19014727 10-Jun-19 120,705.66 194,291.46 13157934 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19014728 10-Jun-19 126,546.89 367,744.57 13157858 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19014732 10-Jun-19 110,768.08 256,976A19 13158030 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19014733 10-Jun-19 11,997.21 241,979.28 13158231 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19014734 10-Jun-19 5,529.25 236,450.03 13158275 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCOA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19014736 10-Jun-19 16,133.95 220,316.08 13158155 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19016137 24-Jun-19 726.46 219,589.62 13158302 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USO PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19016804 28-Jun-19 6,538.86 213,050.76 13249644 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD FUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19016806 28-Jun-19 16,769.97 196,280.79 13249569 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD FUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19016808 28-Jun-19 738.16 195,542.63 13249610 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD FUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19016809 28-Jun-19 17,718.89 177,823.74 13249518 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD FUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19016927 1-Jul-19 4,178.27 173,692.07 13255621 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD FUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN,- 19018451 12-Jul-19 23,571.28 150,120.79 13322610 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19018453 12-Jul-19 3,342.62 146,778.17 13322685 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19018455 12-Jul-19 4,178.27 142,599.90 13322745 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19018456 12-Jul-19 2,298.05 110,301.85 13322773 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USO PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19018457 12-Jul-19 1,866.30 138,435.55 13322826 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19018459 12-Jul-19 1,253.48 137,182.07 13322874 22 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19018460 12-Jul-19 278.55 136,903.52 13322943 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19019337 19-3u-19 80,899.69 56,003.83 13358119 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN,- 19019338 19-Jul-19 15,227.48 40,776.35 13358208 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19019339 19-Jul-19 139.28 40,637.07 13358272 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19019570 23-Jul-19 277.16 40,359.91 13371708 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19019572 23-Jul-19 277.16 40,082.75 13371494 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19019573 23-Jul-19 1,169.92 38,912.83 13371387 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19019574 23-Jul-19 277.16 38,635.67 13371658 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19021477 7-Aug-19 738.16 37,921.02 13449194 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19021478 7-Aug-19 752.09 37,168.93 13449251 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19021479 7-Aug-19 752.09 36,416.84 13449281 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19021481 7-Aug-19 1,533.15 34,883.69 13449310 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19021787 9-Aug-19 275.77 34,607.92 FIN-13459696 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19021788 9-Aug-19 1,462.40 33,145.52 13459478 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19021789 9-Aug-19 1,169.92 31,975.60 13459536 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19021791 9-Aug-19 125.35 31,850.25 13459624 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19021793 9-Aug-19 2,296.74 29,553.51 13459291 23 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19023624 22-Aug-19 930.84 28,622.67 13530051 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19023625 22-Aug-19 646.24 27,976,43 13530133 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19025051 2-Sep-19 277.16 27,706.00 FIN.-13581095 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19025221 3-Sep-19 10,846.80 16,859.20 FIN.-13593528 SWIFT TRANSFER GTB949034C/19/FTFX:949034FX TRF GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN./PRESIDENT AND FELLOW OF 0 10-Sep-19 8,600.00 2,271,759.67 HARVARD COLLEGE FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19026512 10-Sep-19 477,148.87 1,794,524.12 13644561 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19026520 10-Sep-19 96,890.21 1,697,633.91 FIN.-13644491 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19026522 10-Sep-19 172,701.95 1,524,931.96 FIN.-13644695 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19026523 10-Sep-19 167,198.90 1,357,733.06 FIN.-13644744 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19026526 10-Sep-19 4,247.91 1,353,485.15 FIN.-13644851 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCOA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19026527 10-Sep-19 138,166.82 1,215,318.33 13644635 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19026531 10-Sep-19 5,331.73 1,209,986.60 FIN-13644891 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19026532 10-Sep-19 102,121.53 1,107,865.07 FIN.-13644931 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19026535 10-Sep-19 4,247.91 1,103,617.16 13644814 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19026537 10-Sep-19 752.09 1,102,865.07 13645009 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19027654 17-Sep-19 1,556.42 1,101,308.65 13688518 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19028353 20-Sep-19 1,260.81 1,100,047.84 13726909 24 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19028362 20-Sep-19 2,253.84 1,097,794.00 13726964 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN. 19028998 25-Sep-19 102,168.55 995,625.45 13751996 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19029008 25-Sep-19 43,183.76 952,441.69 13752582 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19029211 26-Sep-19 1,420.61 951,021.08 13761600 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCOA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19029218 26-Sep-19 1,420.61 949,600.47 13761640 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19030872 4-Oct-19 46,380.90 903,437.90 13816545 MISC. FX TFR - GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE 0 8-Oct-19 13,260.00 890,177.90 BASED FIN/AMINU SALEH ABUBAKAR TRANSFER TO ANOTHER PARTY FX TFR - GSPHCDA PER. BASED/AMINU SALEH 0 10-Oct-19 17,560.00 872,548.28 ABUBAKAR SWIFT TRANSFER FX TRF-(GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE /ABUBAKAR MUSA 1119068222 10-Oct-19 13,260.00 859,196.09 YAHAYA)-Sponsorship FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19033031 16-Oct-19 933.22 858,151.69 FIN. FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19033214 17-Oct-19 17,479,83 840,671.86 13896820 CASH WITHDRAWAL AMINU SALEH ABUBAAKAR 0 23-Oct-19 8,800.00 831,871.86 REF:621093298400000088001910231518 19035282 23-Oct-19 1,409.13 830,458.11 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) -13950496 EX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19035289 23-Oct-19 4,770.95 825,687.16 13950603 CASH WITHDRAWAL AMINU SALEH A 0 31-Oct-19 7,500.00 822,587.16 REF:621093298400000075001910311636 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19036934 31-Oct-19 754.19 822,013.66 FIN.-14007531 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19036936 31-Oct-19 80,935.75 741,077.91 FIN.-14007452 25 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19036937 31-Oct-19 85,195.53 655,882.38 FIN.-14007610 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19037429 4-Nov-19 6,618.13 649,264.25 FIN.-14028278 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19038151 8-Nov-19 7,133.39 642,130.86 FIN.-14057456 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD FUR ORD ODM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19039672 20-Nov-19 11,822.22 630,308.64 14132713 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19039676 20-Nov-19 1,184.44 629,124.20 14132860 CASH WITHDRAWAL AHMED SALEH 0 22-Nov-19 9,500.00 619,624.20 REF:621093298400000095001911221029 CASH WITHDRAWAL AHMED SALEH 0 22-Nov-19 7,000.00 612,619.21 REF:621093298400000070001911221411 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD FUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19040025 22-Nov-19 4,060.81 608,554.72 14147957 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19041403 3-Dec-19 8,355,56 600,331.18 FIN.-14218234 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCOA PERFORMANCE BASE 19041406 3-Dec-19 7,872.85 592,458.33 FIN.-14218336 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19041412 3-Dec-19 1,416.67 591,041.66 FIN,-14219254 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19041416 3-Dec-19 90,664.84 500,376.82 FIN.-14219566 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19041418 3-Dec-19 276.39 500,100.43 FIN.-14219496 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCOA PERFORMANCE BASE 19041420 3-Dec-19 144,724.80 355,375.63 FIN.-14219389 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19041874 5-Dec-19 276.39 355,099.24 FIN.-14241351 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORB DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19041882 S-Dec-19 1,416.67 353,682.57 FIN.-14237628 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORDOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19041892 5-Dec-19 80,223.70 273,458.87 14237539 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19043115 13-Dec-19 6,444.44 267,014.43 FIN.-14299580 26 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19043444 16-Dec-19 6,147.46 260,866.97 FIN.-14311645 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19043445 16-Dec-19 1,862.83 259,004.14 FIN.-14311477 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19043449 16-Dec-19 636.11 258,368.03 FIN.-14311594 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PUR ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN.- 19044133 20-Dec-19 724.44 257,643.59 14342581 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19044139 20-Dec-19 1,633.33 256,010.26 FIN.-14342611 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19044560 27-Dec-19 19,644.97 236,365.29 FIN.-14359458 FX PURCHASE (SPOT) USD PURCHASE ORD DOM GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE 19044562 27-Dec-19 50,325.53 186,039.76 FIN.-14359579 3,929,310.76 61,682,209.-5 27 NIGERIAN STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT(NSHIP) (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT) ANALYSIS OF BANK CHARGES(DOLLAR ACCOUNT) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER, 2019 Reference Value Date Dbli Credit Balance Columni ColinVn T Remarks VAT ON COMNF FOR SWIFT TRANSFER GTI95031Cf19/FFWX:949031FX TRF : GSPIIEDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIN./PRESIDENT AND FILOWJ OF 0 10-Sep-19 2.15 2,271,711.52 2,271,714.52 8.00 HARVARD COLLEGE SIFT71ELX CIARGEF G1I3919031C/9I/FFX.1901I1 X TRF : GSPHCDA PERFORMANCE BASE FIT/PRESIDFNT 0 10-Sep-19 16.53 2,271,697.99 2,271,697.99 0.00 AND FE LOW OF HARVARD COLLEGE GTB91903'TC/19/FIFX:9-F903FX TRF : GSPIICDA a 10-Sep-19 25 2,271,672.99 2,271,672.99 0.00 PERFORMANCE VASE FIN /PRESIDENT AND FELLOW OF CO-MISSION FOR SWIFT TRANSFER FX COMI - 974 0-Oct-19 66.3 890,111.60 890,111.60 0.00 G59HCDA PER. BASED FIN/AMIINU SALElI ABLIlA VAT ON COVMT FOR SWIFT TRALISFER FY VAT - GSPICDA 0 8-Oct-19 3.32 890,108,28 890,108.28 0.00 PER. BASED FIN/AIlNU SALEL ARIBA 0 10Oct 19 87.8 872,460.18 872,460.48 0,00 TRANSFER FROM A/C TO A/C COMMISSION 0 10-Oct-19 4.39 872,156.09 872,456.09 0.00 VALUE ADDT TAX CONMISSIONJOUTWARIT1RANSI ERS FX 1F(GSPHCDA 1119068222 10-Oct-19 66 3 859,129.79 059,129.79 0.00 PERFORMANCE /AIMBAKA MUSA YAFAYA)-SponorsAtip VAT/OLTWARD IRANSFER FX TIAF-(GPFICA 1119068222 10-Oct-19 3.32 859,126.47 859,126.47 0.00 PERFORMANCE /ABUIAKAR LI1SA YAHIAYA)-Sp.n or.hip SWIFT CiARGFOEUTWARD TRANSFER FX IRF (GSPHCDA 1119068222 10-Oct-19 16.56 859,109.91 859,109.91 0.00 PERFORIANCE /ABUAKAR MUSA YAHAYA)-5po,ishTp OVERSEAS BANK CHARGES OFFSHORE CHARGE - 148 10-Oct-19 25 859,084.91 859,084.91 0,00 GSETPCDA PER. BASD/ABUBAKAR -1USA 0 23-Oct-19 0.22 831,867.24 831,867.24 0.00 VALUE ADED TAX n REFA.IR9329A0000000022TTo 0 31-Oct-19 0,19 872,503.22 822,503.22 0.00 VALUEADEDTAXn REF:6nT93298-100000O01919H) 0 27-MA-19 0.24 619,619,21 619,619.21 0,00 VALUF ADDT TA1 RE1:610z3298Ioa0000000241911 0 22 Nov-19 0.18 612,615.53 612,615.53 0.00 VALUE ADDED TAXn REF:!6.109329841000000181911 360.5 66,437,692.86 TraRs D0,tc Ref-lec Vo$imDate Debit Credit Btlalanc nr)ITADMs ('AS[T iDFPOSTT ADAMUJ LUSAINI RSEF:6110000196000000140 25-Oct-19 909428 25-Oct-19 4,400.00 830,08.16 4,400.00 025,687.16 0191021417 28 � йтА + чтАУ�Р ЧFд ТН IHV �тМЕНТ PR03ECT(NSHIPI _ {GUM6�57dTE PR4]ЕП�Т �X.d.9N�A6�'6�НА��3-Е �1СТ UNCfi ANAEY5i5 ОР FI%EU А55ЕТ5 PuRCHASE� DUNING ТНЕ YEAR FOR THF vсви ЕИПЕD 31 ¢ECEMBER. 201'9 .-_ MOTOR - �-.. .-. р01LАйч МО®ЕиР EЙGRAV[NG � 5 Ит ОАТЕS SUPPLIER VEHICLE �� UANTITY UN1TPReCE NA1Rд Е%CHANGERATE E4uEVELENT_ N. 115D PAYMEN7 Ио REMARK. � � МиlмsНеР1 к0ю люrопs зирПЕч оЕ rno 1 0 lTU TOYO7nMILUf( 2 УОгS$33, Э3 _. 41,165,66Т .. 325 126667 й1166,БG7__ 126,667 Е.Раутепl 004,005& Workin� ...- .__.- _._ . _- __ .--_. _ - _ _ .. . _ __- �� pURU1A5E5 OF ]КСИ СПЕ11Си Т"!RE КiR NSlьi 2 4Э616 ЕгьТ4Т0. IПшк_ . _._4- __ ._4Э,250 . -._ 173,Ф00 . . ._325 .____53х .__.17Э,000 . 1ЭЭ,ФФФ ЕРаутсп[ Ni1-_ WarNing_ _� _.. . ___ -_._--__ ._.. _.... ,. �...�-. _- _-___�._"- л1939G6Gь7 _._-__. . . __. � -__ _ _ -.__.. _. _. . _.. � � OFFICE � D6LLAR '� � МаоЕ ОР EtlGMV]NG s о оатЕS��_ sирдпвгв�. е иеРМЕит . риqитт� uN�r_Ря7�.�Р __.ЕиснАИБЕгите Е uivEtENT.... И _ uso , РАУмейт,.Ио ... йЕмАКк го �. 1,z0o+aoa.00 r,Q1P/И5lьlРра Есгстнигlгсs 6 urcN [ Раутепг Ory, kу512оге ги плпл �5nhь5uw гг _ wo-ьklПи-- З 7_15�7б17 га0НгСпЧбSПЕ<3КРКО}£СТ . 3 _... •1П0000 _ 325 -_. .. _3,G9г31 i,20Ф.П00А0 З,бц2.71 _ -.____ .._- � Е гауиьеги сагРГN5Н1Р1п � CгRR :SUPi+1 У OF � � cor�IPU17;6гs CлDrEMEaa г1@е9/2пlв 5 % 152019 tl1TC рК01ЕП ... 2 _.. л125W 825049.ОП_ .. __Э25 ... 7а53в+Ъ6 625,ОФО.ОS1__ 2,53в.�16... __ _ --- Wnьkfng_-- - х.охБАпФ.од TOTAL -� '� � COMPTER � � ' �г � � uOLцiR . .. . МбРЕбР FNGRЛИN6 5 о. DATE5 �� 5и 11еп �� EQU[PMENT UANTITY UNTTPRICE � EКCHAHGERATE Е UIVELE1tiП Н __115D GAYMENT гго . 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РАчмЕn7 и{GAhvlrlUrю пЕгЧJгК___ АИо гЧkDWАПЕS АИО рiгпЦгrsнlУ/U61. с[нfКАТОRS 90MYkMey�ano у чlrгlгпlуtгммtо� сг++гга<ог t 5,tlo,eon,ooo seao,oen sos - t6,2вб.вч sl�mmmn.oc t6J7ee_вя _ь�,v+уп+г�г 1iо<г �'го+к:�е_._ _ ... . .._ .- _.- - ._ ...... .'-_' . __.. то�вL 5п,б54,fiб8.61 . . �. . . _ . . _._. .._. ._--... ...<_ _. _ _ .._ ... ___ ... _ .. _т __. �.- _ 5,13П,о0о.00 1г,786.89 � � i 1 � z9 � � i и г NIGERIAN STATE HEALTH INVESTMENT PROJECT(NSHIP) (GOMBE STATE PROJECT FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT UNIT) PROJECT IMPORTANT FINANCIAL COMMITMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER,-2019 Description of AMOUNT Commitment CONSULTANT Audit Fee of the Agency's Ibrahim Abdullahi & Co. Project for the Year Ended 31 (Chartered Accountants) December, 2019 650,000.00. 30