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        The World Bank                                                                              Implementation Status & Results Report
        Bangladesh - Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (P106216)

Bangladesh - Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (P106216)

SOUTH ASIA | Bangladesh | Education Global Practice |
IBRD/IDA | Specific Investment Loan | FY 2009 | Seq No: 17 | ARCHIVED on 15-Feb-2017 | ISR26875 |

Implementing Agencies:

Key Dates

  Key Project Dates

  Bank Approval Date:17-Mar-2009                                             Effectiveness Date:13-May-2009
  Planned Mid Term Review Date:31-Jul-2011                                   Actual Mid-Term Review Date:08-Jan-2012
  Original Closing Date:31-Dec-2013                                          Revised Closing Date:31-Dec-2018

Project Development Objectives

 Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)
 The main objective of the project is to improve the quality and relevance of the teaching and research environment in highereducation institutions
 through encouraging both innovation and accountability within universities and by enhancing the technicaland institutional capacity of the higher
 education sector.

 Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective?



Promoting Academic Innovation:(Cost $89.40 M)
Building Institutional Capacity:(Cost $7.10 M)
Raising the Connectivity Capacity of the Higher Education Sector:(Cost $71.50 M)
Project Management, Communication and Monitoring and Evaluation:(Cost $11.00 M)
Establishment of Quality Assurance Mechanism:(Cost $27.00 M)

Overall Ratings
Name                                                                       Previous Rating                           Current Rating

Progress towards achievement of PDO                                         Satisfactory                             Satisfactory

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           The World Bank                                                                          Implementation Status & Results Report
           Bangladesh - Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (P106216)

Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                       Moderately Satisfactory                Moderately Satisfactory
Overall Risk Rating                                                        Moderate                               Moderate

Implementation Status and Key Decisions

 Overall project implementation is Moderately Satisfactory based on the following key achievements during the reporting period: (i) 50 out of 135
 Academic Innovation Fund (AIF) round 3 subprojects have been completed; (ii) a new Window for Fabrication Labs (Fab Labs) has been introduced and
 eight universities have been awarded with the AIF for the establishment of Fab Labs; (iii) web-based Higher Education Management Information System
 (HEMIS) is operational and annual report has been published using the HEMIS; (iv) the UGC Digital Library has increased subscription of e-journals and
 e-books to 34,000+ and membership base to 72 public and private universities; (v) Bangladesh Research and Education Network (BdREN) has been
 established with backbone transmission network of over 3,200 km; (vi) 35 universities have been connected and subscribed to BdREN; (vii) the Act for
 the Accreditation Council Bangladesh (ACB) was approved by the Cabinet; (viii) Institutional Quality Assurance Cells (IQACs) have become operational
 at 61 universities; and (ix) 120 out of 796 self-assessment exercises completed by IQACs and (x) a large volume of training and technical assistance
 provided to the university academics on proposal writing and evaluation, project management and monitoring, fiduciary aspects, Intellectual Property,
 university-industry collaboration, and quality assurance mechanism.
 However, the implementation progress of the agreed actions in the last mission have been slow due to: (i) slow advancement of procurement activities
 for AIF, BdREN and HEMIS, mainly from delays in recruitment of key fiduciary staff of HEQEPU; (ii) awareness and communication on project activities
 remain inadequate; and (iii) inordinate delays in adjusting the advances and resolving the audit observations.


 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

 Risk Category                                             Rating at Approval             Previous Rating              Current Rating

 Political and Governance                                   --                            High                        High
 Macroeconomic                                              --                            Moderate                    Moderate
 Sector Strategies and Policies                             --                            Moderate                    Moderate
 Technical Design of Project or Program                     --                            Low                         Low
 Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                            --                            Moderate                    Moderate
 Fiduciary                                                  --                            Substantial                 Substantial
 Environment and Social                                     --                            Moderate                    Moderate
 Stakeholders                                               --                            Moderate                    Moderate
 Other                                                      --                            --                          --
 Overall                                                    --                            Moderate                    Moderate


 Project Development Objective Indicators

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               The World Bank                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
               Bangladesh - Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (P106216)


      Increased level of satisfaction of students and faculty staff regarding the quality of teaching and research environment, and of
     employers regarding the relevance of teaching and research programs (Text, Custom)

                                             Baseline                     Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)       End Target

                                                                                                                        Student- 4.0
                                                                          Student - 3.8 (15%)    Student - 3.8 (15%)
                                                                                                                        (21%) Faculty -
                                             Student- 3.3 Faculty - 2.9   Faculty - 4.1 (41%)    Faculty - 4.1 (41%)
         Value                                                                                                          4.0 (38%)
                                             Employer - 3.0               Employer - 3.9 (30%)   Employer - 3.9 (30%)
                                                                                                                        Employer - 4.2

         Date                                31-Mar-2009                  10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016            31-Dec-2018


      All research and teaching and learning fund under UGC is distributed using an identified set of rules based on transparency
     and competition (Text, Custom)

                                             Baseline                     Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)       End Target

                                                                          Revamped competitive   Revamped competitive
         Value                               Funding is not competitive   funding mechanism      funding mechanism
                                                                                                                        mechanism is
                                                                          implemented.           implemented.

         Date                                31-Mar-2009                  10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016            31-Dec-2017


          Monthly average volume of inbound education/ research data traffic in BdREN (Text, Custom)

                                             Baseline                     Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)       End Target

         Value                               10 TB                        29.4 TB                476.03 TB              100 TB

         Date                                30-Nov-2013                  10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016            31-Dec-2018


          Direct project beneficiaries (Number, Core)

                                             Baseline                     Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)       End Target

         Value                               30,000.00                    798,539.00             798,539.00             360,000.00

         Date                                30-Nov-2013                  10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016            31-Dec-2018


          Female beneficiaries (Percentage, Core Supplement)

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                  The World Bank                                                                 Implementation Status & Results Report
                  Bangladesh - Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (P106216)

                                               Baseline                   Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)         End Target

               Value                           28.50                      33.10                  43.10                    28.50


              Number of IQAC established and produce self-assessment based on the established framework (Number, Custom)

                                               Baseline                   Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)         End Target

               Value                           0.00                       0.00                   18.00                    15.00

               Date                            30-Nov-2013                10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016              31-Dec-2018


              Number of academic publications produced by beneficiaries of AIF subprojects (Number, Custom)

                                               Baseline                   Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)         End Target

               Value                           65.00                      194.00                 244.00                   150.00

               Date                            30-Nov-2013                10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016              31-Dec-2018

 Overall Comments

 Intermediate Results Indicators

            Teaching and Learning Percentage of fund utilization by teaching and learning sub-projects (Window 1): (i) Round 1, (ii) Round
           2, (iii)Round 3 (Text, Custom)

                                               Baseline                   Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)         End Target

                                                                          Round 1: 100%          Round 1: 100%            Round 1: 100
                                               Round 1: 0, Round 2:0,
               Value                                                      Round 2: 100%          Round 2: 100%            Round 2: 100
                                               Round 3: 0
                                                                          Round 3: 63%           Round 3: 81%             Round 3: 100

               Date                            31-Mar-2009                10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016              31-Dec-2018

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                  The World Bank                                                                     Implementation Status & Results Report
                  Bangladesh - Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (P106216)


              Percentage of fund utilization by research sub-projects (Window 2): (i) Round 1, (ii) Round 2, (iii) Round 3 (Text, Custom)

                                                 Baseline                    Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)          End Target

                                                                             Round 1: 100%           Round 1: 100%             Round 1: 100
                                                 Round 1: 0, Round 2:0,
               Value                                                         Round 2: 100%           Round 2: 100%             Round 2: 100
                                                 Round 3: 0
                                                                             Round 3: 48%            Round 3: 69%              Round 3: 100

               Date                              31-Mar-2009                 10-Aug-2016             31-Dec-2016               31-Dec-2018


              Percentage increase (cumulative) in doctoral level enrollment [%] under AIF sub-projects (Percentage, Custom)

                                                 Baseline                    Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)          End Target

               Value                             0.00                        195.00                  195.00                    100.00

               Date                              31-Mar-2009                 10-Aug-2016             31-Dec-2016               31-Dec-2018


              Percentage of 39 eligible universities completed at least one self-assessment sub-project [%] (Percentage, Custom)

                                                 Baseline                    Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)          End Target

               Value                             0.00                        38.00                   38.00                     50.00

               Date                              31-Mar-2009                 10-Aug-2016             31-Dec-2016               31-Dec-2018


              The mechanism for university-industry collaboration piloted and evaluated (Text, Custom)

                                                 Baseline                    Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)          End Target

                                                                                                                               A study
                                                                                                                               conducted to
                                                 The mechanism for
                                                                                                                               assess the
                                                 university-industry         Second round of W4      Second round of W4
               Value                                                                                                           effectiveness of
                                                 collaboration does not      awarded.                awarded.
                                                                                                                               W4 in
                                                                                                                               establishing U-I

               Date                              30-Nov-2013                 10-Aug-2016             31-Dec-2016               31-Dec-2018

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                  The World Bank                                                                 Implementation Status & Results Report
                  Bangladesh - Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (P106216)


              National HEMIS is in place and operational at UGC (Text, Custom)

                                               Baseline                   Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)      End Target

                                               National HEMIS does not    The 3rd Statistical    The 3rd Statistical
               Value                                                                                                   statistical report
                                               exist.                     Report published.      Report published.

               Date                            31-Mar-2009                10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016           29-Dec-2018


              Proportion of institutions covered under awareness campaign [%] (Percentage, Custom)

                                               Baseline                   Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)      End Target

               Value                           0.00                       100.00                 100.00                100.00

               Date                            31-Mar-2009                10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016           31-Dec-2018


              Number of universities (public and private) connected to BdREN (Number, Custom)

                                               Baseline                   Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)      End Target

               Value                           0.00                       35.00                  35.00                 60.00

               Date                            31-Mar-2009                10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016           31-Dec-2018


            Number (‘000) of online journal title accessed and downloaded using UGC Digital Library on average per month) (Number,

                                               Baseline                   Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)      End Target

               Value                           0.00                       14.40                  13.20                 37.00

               Date                            31-Mar-2009                10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016           31-Dec-2018

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                  The World Bank                                                                           Implementation Status & Results Report
                  Bangladesh - Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (P106216)


              QA Unit is fully functional and operational (Text, Custom)

                                                     Baseline                       Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)              End Target

                                                                                    Draft Qualification    Draft Qualification
                                                                                    Framework has been     Framework has been            QA docs
               Value                                 No QA unit exists
                                                                                    developed.             developed.                    finalized

               Date                                  31-Mar-2009                    10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016                   31-Dec-2018


              HEQEP Unit is fully functional and operational (Text, Custom)

                                                     Baseline                       Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)              End Target

               Value                                 0.00                           1.00                   1.00                          1.00

               Date                                  31-Mar-2009                    10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016                   31-Dec-2018


              Completion of baseline survey, follow-up survey at mid-term and end-line survey (Number, Custom)

                                                     Baseline                       Actual (Previous)      Actual (Current)              End Target

               Value                                 0.00                           3.00                   3.00                          3.00

               Date                                  31-Mar-2009                    10-Aug-2016            31-Dec-2016                   31-Dec-2018

 Overall Comments

Data on Financial Performance

Disbursements (by loan)

Project                Loan/Credit/TF    Status        Currency          Original   Revised   Cancelled    Disbursed     Undisbursed                   Disbursed

P106216                IDA-45440         Effective     XDR                 54.40      54.27         0.13       54.13              0.14                     100%

P106216                IDA-53320         Effective     XDR                 81.50      81.50         0.00       48.04             33.46                         59%

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           The World Bank                                                                  Implementation Status & Results Report
           Bangladesh - Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project (P106216)

Key Dates (by loan)
 Project       Loan/Credit/TF   Status      Approval Date   Signing Date   Effectiveness Date   Orig. Closing Date   Rev. Closing Date

 P106216       IDA-45440        Effective   17-Mar-2009     05-Apr-2009    13-May-2009          31-Dec-2013          31-Dec-2018
 P106216       IDA-53320        Effective   03-Dec-2013     10-Feb-2014    12-Mar-2014          31-Dec-2018          31-Dec-2018

Cumulative Disbursements

 Restructuring History

  Level Approved on 21-Jan-2013 ,Level 2 Approved on 03-Nov-2013

 Related Project(s)

 P145749-BD Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project - AF

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