Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Sawmilling & Manufactured Wood Products Introduction capacity of the environment, and other project factors, are taken into account. The applicability of specific technical The Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) Guidelines are recommendations should be based on the professional opinion technical reference documents with general and industry- of qualified and experienced persons. specific examples of Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) 1. When one or more members of the World Bank Group When host country regulations differ from the levels and are involved in a project, these EHS Guidelines are applied as measures presented in the EHS Guidelines, projects are required by their respective policies and standards. These expected to achieve whichever is more stringent. If less industry sector EHS guidelines are designed to be used stringent levels or measures than those provided in these EHS together with the General EHS Guidelines document, which Guidelines are appropriate, in view of specific project provides guidance to users on common EHS issues potentially circumstances, a full and detailed justification for any proposed applicable to all industry sectors. For complex projects, use of alternatives is needed as part of the site-specific environmental multiple industry-sector guidelines may be necessary. A assessment. This justification should demonstrate that the complete list of industry-sector guidelines can be found at: choice for any alternate performance levels is protective of www.ifc.org/ifcext/enviro.nsf/Content/EnvironmentalGuidelines human health and the environment. The EHS Guidelines contain the performance levels and Applicability measures that are generally considered to be achievable in new facilities by existing technology at reasonable costs. Application The EHS Guidelines for Sawmilling and Manufactured Wood Products include information relevant to projects and facilities of the EHS Guidelines to existing facilities may involve the such as furniture manufacturing, as well as plants manufacturing establishment of site-specific targets, with an appropriate glue laminated boards and beams. It includes preservative timetable for achieving them. treatment of timber and timber products. Plywood or other The applicability of the EHS Guidelines should be tailored to wood-derived board products are described in the EHS the hazards and risks established for each project on the basis Guidelines for Board and Particle-Based Products, while of the results of an environmental assessment in which site- growing, harvesting and transport of timber are included in the specific variables, such as host country context, assimilative EHS Guidelines for Forest Management. Annex A contains a description of industry activities. This document is organized 1 Defined as the exercise of professional skill, diligence, prudence and foresight according to the following sections: that would be reasonably expected from skilled and experienced professionals engaged in the same type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances globally. The circumstances that skilled and experienced Section 1.0 — Industry-Specific Impacts and Management professionals may find when evaluating the range of pollution prevention and Section 2.0 — Performance Indicators and Monitoring control techniques available to a project may include, but are not limited to, Section 3.0 — References varying levels of environmental degradation and environmental assimilative capacity as well as varying levels of financial and technical feasibility. Annex A — General Description of Industry Activities APRIL 30, 2007 1 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP 1.0 Industry-Specific Impacts often below 40 percent. The use of modern equipment and trained staff may increase efficiencies to 70 percent. Technical and Management and operational measures to increase wood conversion The following section provides a summary of EHS issues efficiency and minimize wood waste include: associated with sawmilling and manufactured wood products, which occur during the operational phase, along with • Optimizing primary log breakdown technology and recommendations for their management. Recommendations for techniques, e.g. consideration of bandsaw or framesaw the management of EHS issues common to most large industrial use and use of cross cut before rip cut to increase usable facilities during the construction and decommissioning phases wood volume; are provided in the General EHS Guidelines. • Use of log scanning equipment to establish the optimum cutting pattern, based on the raw log dimensions and the 1.1 Environment product mix required for the log. Computerized real time sawing algorithms are available for this purpose; Environmental issues associated with sawmilling and wood products manufacturing primarily include the following: • Use of scanning technology to maximize utilization of sawn boards and cutting according to predetermined algorithms; • Sustainable forestry practices • Use of finger-jointing in downstream operations to combine • Solid waste generation scrap or low value wood into products. Use of large- • Emissions to air dimension waste products in glued laminated boards • Wastewater (glulam); • Noise • Operator training and monitoring to ensure awareness and • Fire implementation of measures to improve conversion, such as: o Log measurement and categorization by diameter, Sustainable Forestry Practices with framesaws blades spaced to appropriately The major environmental impact of sawmilling and wood maximize conversion efficiency products manufacturing concerns the management of forest o Logs fed perpendicularly into framesaw blades resources. Issues related to sustainable forestry practices are o Minimization of the use of hooks for movement of logs addressed in the EHS Guidelines for Forest Management. In or boards, to avoid damage to the product sawmilling and manufacturing of wood products, forestry impacts are minimized by maximizing wood conversion efficiency as described below. Recycling and Disposal Opportunities for recycling of wood waste may exist through use Solid waste generation of waste as inputs for secondary products in other industries or Conversion Efficiency as a source of fuel for heat and power generation. The optimal Solid waste generation is directly related to the conversion recycling options depend upon local market conditions and the efficiency of roundwood to sawn lumber or other final products. size (e.g. sawmill chips or sanding dust) and dryness of the Conversion efficiencies from roundwood to sawn lumber are APRIL 30, 2007 2 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP material, however the larger-dimensioned wastes are usually fire hazard, which once started can be very difficult to control, in more profitably utilized as fibre by-products than fuels. The addition to potential for ground water contamination. value and disposal options for sawmill waste are usually enhanced if the waste is bark-free, which necessitates Emissions to Air debarking logs before primary breakdown. Air emissions from sawmill operations are generated from a number of sources. Combustion products emitted by boilers Wood waste containing preservative chemicals should be may include carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOX), treated as hazardous waste and disposed of in a landfill facility sulfur oxides (SOx) particulate matter (PM), and volatile organic capable of handling wastes that may have chemical leaching compounds (VOCs) from bark and wood depending upon fuel properties or by high temperature incineration in an incinerator selection. VOCs may also be emitted during kiln drying of wood with effective air pollution control devices. Use of wood waste as and application of solvents, coatings, and lacquers. Wood dust an input for secondary products should consider potential and larger particulates are generated during sawing, machining contamination caused by residues of preservative chemicals. and sanding operations. Wood waste utilization and disposal options include2: Sawmill operations may use controlled incineration to dispose of wood waste, which may result in emissions of carbon monoxide • Use of bark-free wood chips and other wood waste as a (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOX), particulate matter (PM), and raw material input for the pulp and paper or board-making volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from bark and wood. industries. Particleboard manufacturers may also accept sawdust and chips with bark; Management of combustion source emissions (including from • Use of wood and bark chips as mulch for gardens, highway biomass fuel) associated with heat- and power-generation verges, and agriculture. Use of sawdust and wood activities, or from waste incineration, from sources with a heat shavings for animal bedding; input capacity up to 50 Megawatts is addressed in the General • Use of wood waste as fuel to generate heat / power for the EHS Guidelines. Larger power source emissions are facility’s space heating and process needs, and / or for addressed in the EHS Guidelines for Thermal Power. Guidance export; on ambient considerations based on the total load of emissions • Production of fuel briquettes; is provided in the General EHS Guidelines. • Manufacture of charcoal. The following are recommended techniques to control air emissions associated with wood residue incineration and If all other feasible, beneficial uses have been considered, wood combustion in boilers: waste should be disposed of through controlled incineration, as described below. Accumulation of waste in a dump or landfill at • Provide consistent fuel supply: the sawmill is not acceptable as these options present a serious o Wood waste fuel should be of constant moisture content. Separate storage of wet (e.g. sawmill chips) and dry (e.g. planer shavings) wastes should be 2The environmental and occupational health issues associated with wood use in byproduct manufacturing can be complex and should be considered in the selection of wood waste recycling alternatives. APRIL 30, 2007 3 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP maintained and stockpiles protected from the • Removal of VOCs from the air stream either by combustion elements. or absorption onto carbon filters. Combustion can be either o Fuel feeding to the boiler/ incinerator should maintain thermal or catalytic. Absorption onto carbon filters is a constant proportion of wet and dry fuel; efficient but may not be feasible in areas where there is no • Maintaining an optimal air: fuel ratio appropriate for system for recovering the solvents; different fuel mixtures. Install capability for independent adjustment of both the supply of wood waste and Wood dust and larger particulates are generated during sawing, combustion air to the boiler / incinerator; machining and sanding operations. Local extraction systems • Where fly ash reinjection is used to improve furnace should be provided for locations at which these particulates are efficiency, the incoming ash stream should be presorted formed, including saws, sanding, shaping, and routing using sand classifiers. Small ash particles and sand should machines3. Cyclones or bag filters are typically employed to be sent to the ash pile; remove particulates from the air stream before release. Filtered • Ash from incineration of wood waste should be stored in a air may be returned to the workplace which reduces space contained, wind resistant area until it has fully cooled. Ash heating requirements where applicable. Good housekeeping may be returned to the forest or other sites for use as a practices should also be employed to minimize dust generation. fertilizer and soil improver; • Use of cyclones, baghouse filters and / or electrostatic Wastewater precipitators, and / or scrubbers to control particulate Industrial Process Wastewater emissions to the site-specific requirements. Wastewater effluent from sawmills is generated from runoff from irrigated storage areas known as log yards and log ponds. Recommendations to prevent, minimize, and control emissions Wastewater is also generated from chemical coating of wood. of VOCs during kiln drying of wood and application of solvents, Toxic wood preservation chemicals may include polynuclear coatings, and lacquers include: aromatic hydrocarbons, pentachlorophenol, other pesticides, • Collection and distillation recovery of cleaning solvents; and compounds of chrome, copper and arsenic. Process • Reformulation of coatings to reduce VOC content including, wastewater containing chemical preservatives should be where a high-gloss finish is not required, the use of contained as part of a closed loop application system. waterborne coatings; The runoff from log yards and log ponds may contain toxic • Enclosure of dip baths to the extent possible and provision chemicals (such as tannins, phenols, resins, and fatty acids) of controlled solvent extraction; leached from the timber, and soil and other materials washed • Use of High Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) spraying or out of the bark. The leachate typically has a high BOD (150 - electrostatic spray systems to improve spray transfer 5000 mg/l) and COD (750 – 7500 mg/l). Recommendations to efficiency; • Use of enclosed booths for spraying activities. Air recirculation into the spray booth should be used to reduce 3Specific local exhaust ventilation controls for various machines and equipment the volume of air that needs to be treated before release; can be found at US Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Wood Products: Sawmills e-Tool: Plant Wide Hazards, 2003, available at: http://www.osha-slc.gov/SLTC/etools/sawmills/dust.html APRIL 30, 2007 4 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP prevent, minimize, and control effluents from stored timber be hazardous. Additional engineering controls may be required include: for (i) arsenic removal using ion exchange or membrane processes such as reverse osmosis, (ii) advanced metals • Containment of runoff from log yards through use of removal using ion exchange or membrane filtration or other impervious surfaces, sealed joints, and spill containment physical/chemical treatment technologies, (ii) removal of curbs to prevent leaching of contaminated waters into the recalcitrant organics, pesticides, wood preservatives, and non soil and groundwater; biodegradable COD using activated carbon or advanced • Lining of log ponds to prevent contaminants leaching into chemical oxidation, and (iii) reduction in effluent toxicity using the soil and groundwater; appropriate technology (such as reverse osmosis, ion • Recycling of irrigation water to limit effluent releases to exchange, activated carbon, etc.) ground and surface waters; • Stormwater from process areas should be segregated from Management of industrial wastewater and examples of stormwater in non-process areas and managed as treatment approaches are discussed in the General EHS described in the General EHS Guidelines . Guidelines . Through use of these technologies and good practice techniques for wastewater management, facilities Recommendations to prevent and minimize effluents from should meet the Guideline Values for wastewater discharge as stored timber include: indicated in the relevant table of Section 2 of this industry sector document. • Runoff from log yards should be properly contained with impervious surfaces, sealed joints, and spill containment Other Wastewater Streams & Water Consumption curbs to prevent leaching of contaminated waters into the Guidance on the management of non-contaminated wastewater soil and groundwater; from utility operations, non-contaminated stormwater, and • Log ponds also should be contained to prevent sanitary sewage is provided in the General EHS Guidelines. contaminants leaching into the soil and groundwater; Contaminated streams should be routed to the treatment system • Irrigation water should be recycled to limit effluent releases for industrial process wastewater. Recommendations to reduce to ground and surface waters; water consumption, especially where it may be a limited natural resource, are provided in the General EHS Guidelines. Process Wastewater treatment Hazardous Materials Management Techniques for treating industrial process wastewater in this Facilities involved in application of wood preservative treatments sector include: separation of floatable solids such as wood fines or the coating of products may store large volumes of hazardous using Dissolved Air Floatation (DAF); filtration for separation of chemicals such as wood preservatives, paints, lacquers, and filterable solids; flow and load equalization; sedimentation for solvents. Wood preservation typically involves dipping or suspended solids reduction using clarifiers; biological treatment, pressurized treatment processes utilizing pesticide-based typically aerobic treatment, for reduction of soluble organic matter (BOD); dewatering and disposal of residuals in designated waste landfills, recognizing that some residuals may APRIL 30, 2007 5 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP preservatives diluted in water or oil.4 Chromated copper • Treatment chemicals which can be heat-cured onto wood arsenate (CCA) is a common wood preservation chemical, should be adopted to prevent leaching properties. The however its use is being limited in some countries due to curing machine should be located within the containment reported toxic effects on the environment. A variety of area; alternatives are available on the market including ACQ • Treated wood that is cured may be stored in the open. If (containing copper oxide and quaternary ammonium), Copper not cured, wood should be covered and storm water should Azole and Borates for use in dry situations, in addition to be collected and treated, as described above in the alternative building materials.5 ‘Wastewater’ section. In addition to the recommendations for the safe storage and 1.2 Occupational Health and Safety handling of hazardous materials provided in the General EHS Occupational health and safety issues during the construction Guidelines , the following measures, specific to wood and decommissioning of sawmills and manufactured wood preservative treatment facilities, should be adopted where products manufacturing plants are common to those of most appropriate: large industrial facilities, and their prevention and control is • Storage tanks and components should meet international discussed in the General EHS Guidelines. standards for structural design integrity and operational Occupational health and safety issues associated with performance; sawmilling and wood products manufacturing primarily include: • Chemical storage and treatment sites and tanks should be situated in containment areas for example, a covered, • Physical hazards walled, concrete area beneath which there is an • Noise impermeable membrane. Any spills into this area should • Dust drain into a tank / sump, located in a contained area from • Chemicals which leaks can be detected; • Explosions • Level gauges, alarms, and cutoff systems on storage tanks • Confined spaces should be installed to decrease the risk of overfilling; • Tankers delivering bulk shipments of treatment chemicals should employ spill prevention measures, as discussed in Physical Hazards the General EHS Guidelines ; The most severe injuries in this sector are usually attributable to • A contained and impermeable post treatment dripping zone the failure of Lockout -Tagout systems. Robust Lockout - Tagout should be located within the total containment area. procedures as described in the General EHS Guidelines Residue from dripping timber should be collected for reuse; should be devised and practiced regularly. Machine Safety Wood processing plants employ various kinds of cutting 4 See the occupational health and safety section of this document for health hazards associated with wood preservatives. equipment, for example saws, routers, chippers, planers, 5 US EPA Advisory, available at: http://www.epa.gov/oppad001/reregistration/cca/alternativestocca.htm APRIL 30, 2007 6 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP sanders, slicers, peelers, etc. Debarkers may also expose The following measures are recommended to prevent, minimize, workers to injury. Cutting and debarking equipment is often in and control injury in log yards and log ponds include7: rapid motion. Accidents often happen when machines are inadvertently switched on during maintenance and cleaning. • Complete mechanization of log yard activities to reduce human contact with logs during handling and stacking The following recommendations to prevent, minimize, and activities; control injuries from cutting and debarking6 equipment should be • Transport routes within log yards should be clearly adopted where appropriate: demarcated and vehicle movement should be closely controlled; • All cutting and debarking equipment, such as circular saws • Log stacks should not be higher than a safe height defined and rotary debarkers, should be fitted with safety guards or by risk assessment which should take account of site- interlocks capable of preventing access to moving parts; specific circumstances including stacking methodology;8 • Workers should be trained in the safe use of cutting and • Access to log yards should be restricted to authorized debarking equipment, such as the use of push-sticks and personnel; other means to move timber past a blade while keeping all • Log decks should have stops, chains, or other guards to parts of the body away from the blade; prevent logs from rolling down and off the deck; • Work stations should be aligned to minimize human danger • Workers should be trained in safe working procedures in from fragments which could arise from breakage; log stack and deck areas, including avoidance of falling • Saws and debarking equipment should be regularly logs and planning of escape routes; inspected and maintained to prevent equipment failure; • Workers should be provided with protective steel capped • All personnel operating cutting equipment should use boots, hardhats, and high visibility jackets; protective eyewear, and other PPE as necessary. Saws • All mobile equipment should have audible reversing should be equipped with screens or other devices to alarms; protect the worker from log kick-back. • Workers should be trained in procedures to minimize injury during movement of logs to log ponds; Log Handling Activities • Guardrails and handrails should be installed to prevent Logs are generally unloaded from railroad cars or heavy trucks accidental falls in log ponds. Walkways and floats should and stacked by machines before being moved to log conveyors be properly anchored; and log decks for processing in the sawmill. Injuries due to • Pond boat operators should be trained in safety measures, vehicle movement in log yards are common, in addition to and boats should have adequate lifesaving equipment. injuries from logs that roll off or are dropped by handling equipment or are dislodged from log stacks. Logs may also be Facilities to provide warmth should be available in case pond workers fall into the water in cold climates; stored in log ponds prior to conveyance to the sawmill. 7 Specific techniques for log receiving and handling can be found at US OSHA (2003), available at: http://www.osha-slc.gov/SLTC/etools/sawmills/receive.html 6Specific techniques for minimizing injuries associated with cutting and and http://www.osha-slc.gov/SLTC/etools/sawmills/convey.html debarking equipment can be found at US OSHA (2003), available at: 8 Manual stacking operations may typically limit stacking height to 2 meters while http://www.osha-slc.gov/SLTC/etools/sawmills/log_breakdown.html mechanical stacking operations may safely work with greater stacking heights. APRIL 30, 2007 7 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP Conveyor Systems Guidelines , industry specific measures to prevent, minimize, Sawmills typically transport wood using electric, movable, multi- and control injury due to noise include: route conveyor systems. Conveyors under high tension may • Enclose machines and equipment with elevated noise break, resulting in injury. Clothing or limbs can also become emissions (e.g. in excess of 85dB(A)) in noise reduction entangled in conveyors. housings; The following measures are recommended to prevent, minimize, • Conduct regular maintenance, including water lubrication of and control injury from conveyor systems include: machines and cutting blades, and resin build-up removal; • Adjust circular saw parameters (e.g. bite depth, blade • Plant design should emphasize simple conveyor routes angle, blade speed) in relation to the timber being cut and that are clearly demarcated, with use of skirt boards to the machinery used; prevent access as necessary; • Consider use of low noise sawblades, in addition to other • Moving gears, chains, and rollers should be fully enclosed; less noisy equipment, e.g. frame saws; • Hard hats should be worn in areas where elevated • Provide workers with appropriate PPE including hearing conveyors are in use; protection. • Conveyor belt arrestors should be installed to stop the conveyor in the event of a belt failure; Dust • Belts should be inspected on a daily basis by trained Wood dust inhalation may cause irritation, asthma, allergic personnel to ensure that they are in good working order. reaction, and nasopharyngeal cancer amongst wood processing Lockout - Tagout systems for maintenance activities are workers. The potential hazard to human health depends on the addressed in the General EHS Guidelines. type of wood being processed with the wood from some tree Lifting, Repetitive Work, and Work Posture species having a more serious potential impact than others (e.g. Sawmill and wood manufacturing activities may involve hardwoods, such as oak, beech, teak, mahogany, walnut, movement of heavy pieces of equipment or timber, resulting in mahogany, and birch). Dust exposure should be prevented and injuries to the back if lifting is not done correctly. In addition, controlled through the adoption and maintenance of effective many of the process tasks are repetitive and can lead to strains extraction and filtration systems 9 as described in the / injuries to hands and arms. Recommended management ‘Environment’ section above and supplemented by the use of approaches to reduce these types of injuries are discussed in Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) such as masks and the General EHS Guidelines . respirators, as necessary. Noise Sawmill and wood manufacturing operations may result in elevated noise levels. In addition to occupational noise management recommendations in the General EHS 9 Specific local exhaust ventilation controls for various machines and equipment can be found at US OSHA 2003. Available at: http://www.osha- slc.gov/SLTC/etools/sawmills/dust.html APRIL 30, 2007 8 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP Chemicals Explosion Workers may be exposed to elevated levels of hazardous Wood products manufacturing, particularly when machining chemicals, including solvents10, during application of dried wood, may produce fine combustible dust which can be preservative treatments, painting or varnishing. explosive in air. Where solvents are used for the application of coatings by spraying there is a high risk of solvent explosions. Recommended techniques to prevent and control chemical Explosion risk can be minimized by application of the prevention exposure include11: and control of dust accumulation as described in the ‘Environmental’ section of this guideline. • Substitution of solvent-based coatings and adhesives with less toxic alternatives; In addition, recommendations to prevent and control the • Use of automated techniques for coating and adhesive explosion hazard related to dust and solvents include: application; • Use of local exhaust ventilation in areas with high chemical • Regular housekeeping to ensure that dust is removed from vapor concentrations, such as manual spray, rolling, and the facility, including a biannual blow down or vacuuming of brushing, in addition dip coating and other automated the entire facility (e.g. roof rafters); coating processes. Manual spraying and dip coating should • Eliminating all sources of ignition from the working be undertaken in separate, ventilated areas using environment, including: enclosures or capture hoods supplemented by the use of o Use of electrical equipment of at least IP64 rating PPE such as masks and respirators, as necessary; o Elimination of naked flames, such as burner flames, • When necessary, workers should have adequate protective welding or cutting torches, matches, cigarette lighters, clothing to prevent chemical contact with the skin, eyes, or and heaters via inhalation. o Control of hot surfaces, such as operating internal combustion engines, frictional sparks, heated wires, Further recommendations for the implementation of glowing metals, and overheated bearings occupational health and safety management programs and o Control of portable, battery powered equipment e.g. measures are described in the General EHS Guidelines as radios, mobile phones etc. applicable to hazardous materials management and chemical o Safe use of certain chemicals, for example peroxide occupational health and safety hazards. hardening products which can be self-heating or result in spontaneous combustion o Installation of spark detection and dousing systems in dust control equipment o Electrical grounding of conveyors and dust control 10 The solvents most commonly used in these coatings include toluene, xylenes, systems to prevent discharge of static electricity methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK), and methanol. The acid-catalyzed coatings contain formaldehyde. All of these solvents have short- • Use of explosion relief panels on all dust moving term effects such as irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, and headaches, dizziness, confusion, fatigue, and nausea. The longer-term effects include equipment and in buildings; reproductive problems, central nervous system disorders, and damage to the lungs, liver, and kidneys. US OSHA (2003) 11 US OSHA (2003). APRIL 30, 2007 9 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP • Mills and plants should be equipped with adequate and accessible firefighting equipment including automatic sprinkler systems; • Workers should be trained in emergency evacuation procedures and first line of attack fire fighting techniques. 1.3 Community Health and Safety Community health and safety issues during the construction and decommissioning of sawmills and wood based products manufacturing plants are common to those of most large industrial facilities, and their prevention and control is discussed in the General EHS Guidelines . Community health and safety issues associated with sawmilling and wood products manufacturing primarily include exposure to dust and smoke. Dust generation from process activities and smoke resulting from waste wood disposal incinerators may result in impacts to the air quality of local communities. Operators should ensure that the techniques to mitigate impacts described in the ‘Environment’ section ensure that local communities are not adversely affected. APRIL 30, 2007 10 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP 2.0 Performance Indicators and Table 1: Emission levels for sawmill facilities Monitoring Pollutants Units Guideline Value Wood dust mg/Nm 3 50 2.1 Environment VOCs mg/Nm 3 20 Emissions and Effluent Guidelines Table 1 presents emission guidelines for process operations in Table 2: Effluent Levels for wood treatment and the sawmilling and manufactured wood products sector. preservation effluenta Guideline values for process emissions and effluents in this Pollutants Units Guideline Value pH S.U. 6–9 sector are indicative of good international industry practice as BOD5 mg/L 50 reflected in relevant standards of countries with recognized COD mg/L 150 TSS mg/L 50 regulatory frameworks. These guidelines are achievable under Oil & Grease mg/L 10 normal operating conditions in appropriately designed and Phenol mg/L 0.5 Arsenic mg/L 0.1 operated facilities through the application of pollution prevention Chromium - Total mg/L 0.5 and control techniques discussed in the preceding sections of - Hexavalent 0.1 this document. These levels should be achieved, without Copper mg/L 0.5 Fluorides mg/L 5 dilution, at least 95 percent of the time that the plant or unit is PAHs (each) mg/L 0.05 operating, to be calculated as a proportion of annual operating Dioxins/ Furans mg/L 0.1 Pesticides (each) mg/L 0.05 hours. Deviation from these levels in consideration of specific, Toxicity To be determined on a case specific basis local project conditions should be justified in the environmental Temperature °C <3b Notes: assessment. a Process wastewater containing chemical preservatives should be contained as part of a closed loop application system. b At the edge of a scientifically established mixing zone which takes into account Effluent guidelines in table 2 are applicable for direct discharges ambient water quality, receiving water use, potential receptors and assimilative capacity of treated effluents to surface waters for general use. Site- specific discharge levels may be established based on the Resource Use availability and conditions in use of publicly operated sewage Table 3 provides examples of resource consumption indicators collection and treatment systems or, if discharged directly to for the sector. Industry benchmark values are provided for surface waters, on the receiving water use classification as comparative purposes only and individual projects should target described in the General EHS Guidelines . continual improvement in these areas. Combustion source emissions guidelines associated with Environmental Monitoring steam- and power-generation activities from sources with a heat Environmental monitoring programs for this sector should be input capacity equal to or lower than 50 MW are addressed in implemented to address all activities that have been identified to the General EHS Guidelines with larger power source have potentially significant impacts on the environment, during emissions addressed in the EHS Guidelines for Thermal normal operations and upset conditions. Environmental Power. Guidance on ambient considerations based on the total monitoring activities should be based on direct or indirect load of emissions is provided in the General EHS Guidelines . indicators of emissions, effluents, and resource use applicable APRIL 30, 2007 11 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP to the particular project. Monitoring frequency should be Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH),12 the Pocket sufficient to provide representative data for the parameter being Guide to Chemical Hazards published by the United States monitored. Monitoring should be conducted by trained National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety (NIOSH),13 individuals following monitoring and record-keeping procedures Permissible Exposure Limits (PELs) published by the and using properly calibrated and maintained equipment. Occupational Safety and Health Administration of the United Monitoring data should be analyzed and reviewed at regular States (OSHA),14 Indicative Occupational Exposure Limit Values intervals and compared with the operating standards so that any published by European Union member states,15 or other similar necessary corrective actions can be taken. Additional guidance sources. on applicable sampling and analytical methods for emissions and effluents is provided in the General EHS Guidelines . Accident and Fatality Rates Projects should try to reduce the number of accidents among Table 3: Resource and Energy Consumption project workers (whether directly employed or subcontracted) to Inputs per unit of Industry a rate of zero, especially accidents that could result in lost work Units product Benchmark Sawmills time, different levels of disability, or even fatalities. Facility rates Water used per unit of may be benchmarked against the performance of facilities in this production l/m3 290 Conversion efficiency, sector in developed countries through consultation with Raw materials i.e. useful output (m3) consumption per unit of divided by round logs 60% published sources (e.g. US Bureau of Labor Statistics and UK production (m3) input Health and Safety Executive)16. Processing Plant Electricity consumption per unit of production kWh/m3 255 Occupational Health and Safety Monitoring Water used per unit of production l/m3 290 The working environment should be monitored for occupational Conversion efficiency, hazards relevant to the specific project. Monitoring should be Ex. Raw materials i.e. useful output (m3) consumption per unit of 40% designed and implemented by accredited professionals17 as part divided by sawn production timber (m3) input Notes: of an occupational health and safety monitoring program. Source : Chamberlain et al (2005), Crown and Building Research Establishment (1999), Suttie (2004.) Facilities should also maintain a record of occupational accidents and diseases and dangerous occurrences and accidents. Additional guidance on occupational health and 2.2 Occupational Health and Safety safety monitoring programs is provided in the General EHS Guidelines . Occupational Health and Safety Guidelines Occupational health and safety performance should be evaluated against internationally published exposure guidelines, 12 Available at: http://www.acgih.org/TLV/ and http://www.acgih.org/store/ 13 Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg/ of which examples include the Threshold Limit Value (TLV®) 14 Available at: http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDAR occupational exposure guidelines and Biological Exposure DS&p_id=9992 15 Available at: http://europe.osha.eu.int/good_practice/risks/ds/oel/ Indices (BEIs®) published by American Conference of 16 Available at: http://www.bls.gov/iif/ and http://www.hse.gov.uk/statistics/index.htm 17 Accredited professionals may include Certified Industrial Hygienists, Registered Occupational Hygienists, or Certified Safety Professionals or their equivalent. APRIL 30, 2007 12 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP 3.0 References and Additional Sources American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Environmental Health. 2004. International Labour Organization (ILO). 1996. Recording and Notification of Ambient Air Pollution: Health Hazards to Children. Pediatrics 114 (6) 1699- Occupational Accidents and Diseases. ILO Code of Practice. Geneva: ILO. 1707. Available at http://www.ilo.org/public/english/protection/safework/cops/english/download/e96 Borga P., T. Elowson, and K. Liukko. 1996. Environmental loads from water- 2083.pdf sprinkled softwood timber. 1. Characteristics of an open and a recycling water system. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 15(6):856-867. ILO. 1998. Safety and Health in Forestry Work. ILO Code of Practice. Geneva: ILO. Available at Pope, C. Arden III, R.T. Burnett, M.J. Thun, E.E. Calle, D. Krewski, K. 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Contribution Wood Industries. Vancouver: Carroll-Hatch International. Available at to a Volume on Essays in Environment and Development. World Bank and http://oee.rncan.gc.ca/infosource/pdfs/M27-01-828E.pdf University of Bath. Ed. J. Stiglitz. Chamberlain D, H. Essop, C. Hougaard, S. Malherbe, and R. Walker. 2005. Genesis Report Part I: The contribution, costs, and development opportunities of National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC). 1990. Wood the Forestry, Timber, Pulp and Paper industries in South Africa. Johannesburg: Dust: A guide for employers. Canberra: NOHSC. Genesis Analytics (Pty) Ltd. Occupational Safety & Health Service (OSHS) Department of Labour, New Crown and Building Research Establishment (BRE). 1999. Approved Zealand. 1999. Noise Abatement for Circular Saws. Wellington, New Zealand: environmental profile. Available at http://cig.bre.co.uk/envprofiles/ OSHS. 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Available at http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/wis32.pdf APRIL 30, 2007 13 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP Annex A: General Description of Industry Activities The sawmilling and wood products manufacturing sector can be may be burnt on site as waste disposal, or to generate heat for divided into two subsectors consisting of the basic sawmilling kilns or electricity for the facility. Minimization and disposal of that produces inputs into the manufacturing processes and the solid waste is the major environmental challenge for this final products manufacture and assembly. In some plants the industry. entire process is integrated with inputs of roundwood at one end Lumber intended for outdoor use is commonly treated with a leading to finished assembled products at the other. More often chemical preservative, typically applied in a pressurized vessel sawmills produce sawn timber for input to other plants or for that ensures the penetration of the chemicals into the timber. sale directly into the market. Manufacturing plants purchase The chemical solution is recycled for further use and is pumped sawn timber and board products to build final products such as into a storage tank whenever the pressure vessel is emptied. A furniture. wide variety of chemicals have been used in the past for wood Sawmills preservation, some of which are now restricted in developed Sawmills typically require forest inputs from 10,000 to 300,000 countries. Three main types of preservatives are used: water m3 per year. Sawmills are generally located in areas close (<100 based (for example, sodium phenylphenoxide, benzalconium km) to the forest on which they depend due to the high cost of chloride, guazatin, and copper chrome arsenate); organic transporting round timber. Transport links for large volume cargo solvent based (for example, pentachlorophenol and such are essential to bring products to market. Sawmills typically take substitutes as propiconazol, tebuconazol, lindane, permethrin, in roundwood and produce sawn and dried dimensioned lumber triazoles, tributyltin compounds, and copper and zinc as outputs. Input logs are commonly stored in a logyard where naphthenates); borates; and tar oils (such as creosote). they may be irrigated, or, more rarely, they are stored in Some of the preservatives mentioned here (for example, logponds. From the logyard they are sorted by size and other lindane, tributyltin, and pentachlorophenol) are banned in some criteria before transport into the mill on conveyor systems. Logs countries. Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA), the most are often debarked as they enter the mill and are then wet sawn common preservative chemical used in the United States, has into a variety of lumber sizes. been withdrawn from use in domestic human contact situations Timber shaping and cutting activities in mills are typically pending a complete risk assessment. A variety of alternatives complex with multiple passes through the mill before a piece is are available on the market including ACQ (containing copper ready for the next process stage. Sawn dimensioned lumber is oxide and quaternary ammonium), Copper Azole and Borates then dried either naturally or in drying kilns, prior to being for use in dry situations, in addition to alternative building exported directly to market or resawn and finished in a dry mill materials.18 to provide a smooth input for another process. The sawing process produces large amounts of waste in the form of chips, sawdust, slabs and flawed lumber. These wastes may be processed for input into board or paper mills or they 18 http://www.epa.gov/oppad001/reregistration/cca/alternativestocca.htm APRIL 30, 2007 14 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP In facilities where wood preservation has been carried out, surplus chemicals may need to be removed and contaminated sites rehabilitated. Manufactured Wood-based Products The wood manufacturing sector utilizes a mixture of boards and lumber products to produce final products either in assembled form or in knock down form as flat packs for assembly elsewhere. Manufacturing plants handle inputs in the range of 1,000-30,000m3 per year. The processes typically involve a mixture of sawing, planning, and routing, and use of adhesives, pins, and screws to produce and assemble the necessary components. The assembled or dimensioned products are commonly treated with a finish of lacquer or paint. The finishing processes of sanding and treating may be repeated so that wood is treated chemically and then sanded before receiving further coats of variety of chemicals. These chemicals include solvents for removing resin from the timber, water for raising the grain, stains, dyes, lacquers and varnishes for coloring and protecting the timber, and paints for providing an opaque covering. The chemicals are commonly dissolved in solvents which have both quick drying and slow drying components. Chemicals are applied using rollers or by spraying to account for both flat and non flat components. In some cases coating is carried out prior to the final machining and assembly. Solvents commonly used in these processes include Toluene, Methanol, Xylene, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Acetone and N-Butyl Alcohol. In some sawmills and manufacturing plants, small waste timber is recovered and reprocessed in finger jointing plants to make longer boards which may then also be glued edge to edge to provide wide ‘glulam’ products. These reconstituted boards may be used to create large scale wooden engineering beams, by gluing together thousands of pieces and often by bending them in presses and moulds. APRIL 30, 2007 15 Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines SAWMILLING AND MANUFACTURED WOOD PRODUCTS WORLD BANK GROUP Figure A.1: Typical Sawmill and Wood Products Manufacturing Processes Raw material receiving Logyard Wet mill (Primary and Drying kiln secondary or air drying saws) Debarker Manufacturing Dry mill plant (Glulam plant (Planing, and resawing) routing, assembly, painting, and packing) Preservation plant Dispatch APRIL 30, 2007 16