ST. LUCIA Surface area (sq. km): 620 GDP per cap ($): 11,610 Total population: 182,800 No data/Unknown Summary of risk drivers for St. Lucia. The ratings (low/medium/high) are all relative to Low other countries in the Caribbean, except for probability of natural shocks, which is from Medium See Annex A for more details on data sources and methods. High PROBABILITY OF N AT U R A L S H O C K S ASSET EXPOSURE VULNERABILITY Flood, river Urban built-up area 9.3% P EOP L E Flood, urban Roads 7.8% Poverty rate 25.0% Flood, coastal Agricultural land 9.6% Inequality (Gini index) 51.2 Hurricane Airports and ports 0% MACROECONOMY Landslide Facilities 14.3% Lack of diversification (power plants, waste Earthquake water treatment, health) Trade deficit 1.8% Tsunami Debt 60.9% Wildfire ECONOMIC SECTORS Volcano Road network vulnerability Extreme heat Economic structure Water scarcity vulnerability Financial vulnerability index RISK Volatility of per capita Average annual asset 0.15% Average annual asset 0% GDP growth losses, earthquake losses, flood Annual average 2.8% Average annual asset 1.24% Annual average 1.39% well-being losses losses, hurricane asset losses, total Average annual asset 0% losses, tsunami C L I M AT E C H A N G E I M PA C T S I N 2 0 5 0 People exposed to 0.14% Hotels experiencing 28.9% Annual extreme heat 27 coastal flooding beach loss days increase Shoreline retreat 0.08% Landmass loss 0.10% Agricultural yield loss 18% 1 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A ST. LUCIA lll Nascent lll Emerging lll Established lll No data/unknown The indicators presented in the traffic light system (TLS) below form a non-exhaustive list to measure cross-sectoral progress towards resilience. It follows the framework of The Adaptation Principles but was adapted to the Caribbean context. Detailed descriptions of the indicators, sources, and criteria for rating are available in Annex B. The TLS and rating scheme were developed by World Bank sector specialists in consultation with some countries. Due to lack of data, many countries are missing scores for different indicators. The TLS is intended to serve as a starting point for discussion, and the indicators and ratings can be modified based on additional country-level information. Notes: Scores are based on 1 = nascent (the country includes areas that are only starting to or do not address the standard at all); 2 = emerging (the country partly meets the standard and has progressed beyond the initiation point but has not reached the final point); 3 = established (the country meets the standard entirely). All indicators are given equal weight and only those actions with available data are included in this summary graph. FO UNDATIO NS FO R R A PI D, ROB U ST, AND I N C L U SI VE G ROW T H lll Governance lll Coverage of main social safety nets lll Access to basic sanitation services lll GDP per capita growth lll Access to universal health coverage lll Access to energy lll Poverty rate lll Access to primary education lll Access to financial services lll Targeting of main social safety nets lll Access to secondary education lll Access to ICT lll Access to basic water services FIVE PR IO R ITY A RE AS FOR RE SI L I E N T D E VE LOPME N T 1: Facilitate risk reduction decisions by firms and households A1.1. Assess disaster and climate change risks, and make the information lll Local-scale hazard map availability (1:10.000 or larger) available lll National-scale hazard map availability (covering entire country) lll Hydromet data completeness National system exists for capturing past and current, small- and lll Hydromet data availability lll large-scale events lll High-resolution DTM data existance, coverage lll Community awareness of hazard and vulnerability levels lll Public availability of high-resolution DTM data lll Local-scale climate change scenarios continued on next page 2 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A ST. LUC I A FIVE PR IO R ITY A RE AS FOR RE SI L I E N T D E VE LOPME N T FACILITATE RISK REDUCTION DECISIONS BY FIRMS AND HOUSEHOLDS continued A1.2. Clarify responsibilities and align incentives with resilience and A1.5. Build skills for resilience through public works and training programs adaptation objectives lll Complementary social protection measures for resilience lll Residual risk target level Inclusion and application of climate change and disaster risk lll reduction in education curriculum lll Dedicated water resources management agencies A1.3. Develop and implement technical solutions for resilience lll Number of qualified planners lll Research and development for resilience lll Presence of planning education lll Climate-smart practices used in agriculture lll Professional planning association lll Resilience tariff lll Technical capability to incorporate disaster risk into planning A1.4. Make finance for resilience accessible and provide direct support to lll Human capital development for resilience the poorest and most vulnerable people A1.6. Facilitate robust economic sectors and their diversification lll Ease of getting credit for firms lll Business environment lll Protecting minority investors State-owned enterprises include DRM and climate change in their lll decision making lll Access to finance for the poorest 40% lll Gender gap in access to finance 2:Design resilient infrastructure systems, urban and coastal planning A2.1. Design and implement a governmentwide strategy to increase the lll Building and construction regulatory system resilience of the infrastructure system lll Building regulation and implementation lll Water reliability index lll Governance and politics in urban planning lll Power reliability index lll Financing for planning lll Transport infrastructure inventory lll Financing for implementation lll Water and sanitation infrastructure inventory lll Use of disaster risk information in planning lll Asset management system A2.3. Develop or revise coastal management plans and integrate NBS lll Adequate maintenance budget lll Integrated coastal zone management plan lll Nonrevenue water levels lll Updated environmental laws lll Resilient infrastructure agency lll Climate change law/policy lll Long-term resilient infrastructure plan lll Long-term strategy/sustainable development plan lll National climate adaptation plan lll Civil society organizations in climate change/resilience lll Public asset management lll Coastal zone management agency lll Public investment management lll Governmental agency responsible for climate change/resilience lll Share of renewable energy-powered power plants lll Enforcement of environmental policies A2.2. Make land use and urban plans risk-informed lll Existence of environmental or climate change taxes or incentives lll Planning regulations and institutional framework lll Land administration 3: Build resilient health and education systems A3.1. Design and implement a governmentwide strategy to increase the lll Health risk communication resilience of the health system lll Research capacity lll Hospital facility safety lll Stockpile of medicines and medical and laboratory medicines lll Health service provision lll National health emergency framework lll Emergency education for health workers lll Decentralized decision making lll Adequate number of doctors, nurses, and midwives lll Membership of relevant organizations lll Adequate number of CR-FELTP trained workers lll Emergency funding arrangements with external bodies lll Health information system lll Costed and funded health system strengthening plans lll Health sector surveillance system continued on next page 3 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A ST. LUC I A FIVE PR IO R ITY A RE AS FOR RE SI L I E N T D E VE LOPME N T BUILD RESILIENT HEALTH AND EDUCATION SYSTEMS continued A3.2. Design and implement a governmentwide strategy to increase the lll Education continuity plans resilience of the education system lll Remote learning content lll Enabling environment for school safety lll Monitoring and evaluation of effectiveness of distance education Availability of and alignment with plans and guidelines to enable a lll safe learning environment lll Resources to enable remote learning lll Monitoring and evaluation framework for safe schools lll Comprehensive, integrated education management information system lll Education facility maintenance plan lll Teacher training (technical, pedagogical skills for remote instruction) lll Operational standards for alternative use of schools 4: Help firms and people manage residual risks and natural disasters A4.1. Save lives and money with emergency preparedness and early warning A4.3. Build shock-responsive social protection systems systems lll Postdisaster household assessment collection and usage lll EP&R legislation lll Postdisaster benefit delivery lll Disaster management information system for EP&R lll Interoperable social protection and DRM information systems lll Emergency operations centers lll ASP operational processes lll Urban firefighting equipment and capabilities lll Disaster risk finance mechanism for ASP lll Formal EP&R training program lll ASP human resource capacity lll Impact-based forecasting lll ASP coordination lll Communication and dissemination of warnings lll ASP policy structures lll Community disaster response plans A4.4. Develop the insurance sector, building on public-private partnerships lll Early warning system feedback mechanisms lll Insurance penetration A4.2. Be prepared to build back better after disasters lll Deposit insurance system lll Resilient recovery and reconstruction plans lll Resilience/adaptation insurance lll Procurement planning A4.5. Help private actors develop business continuity plans and financial lll Procurement procedures preparedness lll Procurement templates and documents lll Firms in tourism industry with business continuity plans lll Firms in tourism industry with disaster insurance coverage 5: Anticipate and manage macrofiscal and financial issues A5.1. Protect countries with fiscal buffers and sound debt management lll Resource planning lll External debt lll Budget appropriation lll Fiscal balance lll Gender-sensitive resource allocation lll Fiscal rule lll Expenditure controls lll Monetary policy independence lll Expenditure tracking lll Financial solvency risk lll Auditing practices lll Liquidity risk lll PFM rules and regulations A5.2. Develop a financial strategy to manage shocks, combining multiple lll Institutional PFM arrangements instruments A5.3. Anticipate and plan for long-term macroeconomic impacts lll National DRF strategy lll Sector-level adaptation plans lll DRF assessment lll Long-term plan to diversify tax revenues lll Alternative risk transfer instruments lll Tax revenues originating from high-vulnerability sectors lll Ex post financial assistance Debt sustainability or financial sector assessment program lll State contingent debt instruments lll considers climate and disaster impacts lll Traditional insurance A5.4. Improve transparency on disaster and climate risk exposure of the financial sector and pension systems lll Parametric insurance Specific disaster and climate risk requirements bank and large lll Contingent credit lll investor regulations lll Budget lll Climate and disaster risk stress tests for banks and large investors lll Reserve fund Quantified estimates of their exposure to natural hazards by banks lll and large investors 4 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A ANNEX A Indicator Low Medium High Notes Source PROBABILITY OF NATUR AL SHOCKS Return period: 1,000 years, flood Return period: 50 years, flood Return period: 10 years, flood Flood, river ThinkHazard! depth: 0.5m depth: 0.5m depth: 0.5m Return period: 1,000 years, flood Return period: 50 years, flood Return period: 10 years, flood Flood, urban ThinkHazard! depth: 0.5m depth: 0.5m depth: 0.5m Return period: 100 years, flood Return period: 50 years, flood Return period: 10 years, flood Flood, coastal ThinkHazard! depth: 0.5m depth: 0.5m depth: 2m Return period: 1,000 years, Return period: 100 years, Return period: 50 years, Authors’ Hurricane (i) For probabilistic data, the probability of occurrence is classified as high if the hazard exceeds Category 4-5 Category 4-5 Category 4-5 calculations at any location in the ADM-2 (second order administrative division) unit the damaging intensity Annual frequency: <3.2 Annual frequency: 3.2–7.5 Annual frequency: >7.5 threshold presented under high; the same for medium and low for their respective thresholds. This Landslide implies that aggregation at the national level, as has been done for purposes of this report, in the ThinkHazard! landslides/km2/year landslides/km2/year landslides/km2/year most extreme cases can result in classifying the entire country as high when just one ADM-2 unit Return period: 1,000–2,500 classified as high. For more detail on ADM-1 or ADM-2, visit Return period: 475–500 years, Return period: 100–250 years, Earthquake years, Peak ground acceleration ThinkHazard! PGA: 0.1g PGA: 0.2g (PGA): 0.1g (ii) While ThinkHazard! distinguishes between low and very low, for the purposes of this report, both are aggregated under low. Return period: 2,500 years, Return period: 500 years, Return period: 100 years, coastal Tsunami coastal maximum amplitude: (iii) For hurricanes, the categorization is based on the probability of a Category 4-5 storm passing ThinkHazard! coastal maximum amplitude: 1m maximum amplitude: 2m 0.5m within 30km of each country. The 30km buffer is used to also consider passing storms which do not make landfall, but the actual radii of damaging winds varies. Storm tracks are based on the synthetic Return period: 30 years, Return period: 10 years, Return period: 2 years, Canadian 10,000 year event set of the STORM Dataset (Bloemendaal et al. 2020). Wildfire ThinkHazard! Canadian wildfire index: >15WFI Canadian wildfire index: >20WFI wildfire index: >30WFI Volcanic explosivity index: <3 or Volcanic explosivity index: 3–5 or Volcanic explosivity index: >5 or Volcano last known eruption date in more last known eruption date <10,000 last known eruption date <2,000 ThinkHazard! ancient times or not known years ago years ago Return period: 100 years, daily Return period: 20 years, daily Return period: 5 years, daily Extreme heat ThinkHazard! maximum temperature: <28°C maximum temperature: 28–32°C maximum temperature: >32°C Water scarcity ≤1,700 m3/capita/year ≤1,000 m3/capita/year ≤500 m3/capita/year AQUASTAT ASSET EXPOSURE Share of urban areas exposed to river, urban, and coastal flooding, >15cm flood depths, return period: Authors’ Urban built-up area Bottom third Middle third Top third 100 years. calculations Share of primary, secondary and tertiary roads exposed to river, coastal, and urban flooding, return Schweikert et Roads Bottom third Middle third Top third period: 50 years. al. 2021 Share of agricultural land exposed to river, urban, and coastal flooding, >15cm flood depths, return Authors’ Agriculture land Bottom third Middle third Top third period: 100 years. calculations Facilities (power plants, Share of power plants, health and waste water treatment facilities exposed to river, coastal, and urban Schweikert et waste water treatment Bottom third Middle third Top third flooding, return period: 50 years. al. 2021 and health facilities) Schweikert et Airports and ports Bottom third Middle third Top third Share of airports and ports exposed to river, coastal, and urban flooding, return period: 50 years. al. 2021 VULNER ABILITY Country Poverty Assessment Poverty rate Bottom third Middle third Top third Share of population that is poor, latest year available. Reports and Living Conditions Surveys 2005-2018 The Gini index is a measure of statistical dispersion representing the income or wealth inequality in a World Development Inequality (Gini index) Bottom third Middle third Top third country. Indicators Sum of agriculture, mining and tourism as percentage of total exports, average of 2016–2018. The Lack of diversification Bottom third Middle third Top third Li 2021 higher the share, the less diversified. Trade deficit Bottom third Middle third Top third Imports minus exports, average of 2016–2018. Li 2021 Debt Bottom third Middle third Top third Debt as share of GDP, average of 2016–2018. Li 2021 Road network Koks et al. Bottom third Middle third Top third Average consumer losses from single link disruptions (due to longer routes or isolation of routes). vulnerability forthcoming Economic structure Vulnerability of a country's economic structure to storms, drawing on historic correlations between Bottom third Middle third Top third Massetti 2021 vulnerability storms and economic activity. Financial vulnerability Bottom third Middle third Top third Exposure of banks’ loan portfolios to physical risks stemming from natural disasters. Massetti 2021 RISK Volatility of per capita Bottom third Middle third Top third Standard deviation of real GDP per capita growth 2009-2018. Li 2021 GDP growth Average annual well- Total average annual wellbeing losses from floods, cyclones, earthquakes, and tsunamis in $PPP as Hallegatte et al. Bottom third Middle third Top third being losses % of GDP. 2016 Average annual asset Bottom third Middle third Top third Total average annual losses from earthquakes as % of GDP. UNISDR 2015 losses, earthquake Average annual asset Bottom third Middle third Top third Total average annual losses from hurricanes as % of GDP. UNISDR 2015 losses, hurricane Average annual asset Bottom third Middle third Top third Total average annual losses from tsunamis as % of GDP. UNISDR 2015 losses, tsunami Average annual asset Bottom third Middle third Top third Total average annual losses from floods as % of GDP. UNISDR 2015 losses, flood Average annual asset Bottom third Middle third Top third Total average annual losses from floods, cyclones, earthquakes, and tsunamis as % of GDP. UNISDR 2015 losses, total CLIMATE CH ANGE IMPACTS IN 205 0 People exposed to Projected share of population annually exposed to floods in 2050 under an RCP 4.5 scenario, based Bottom third Middle third Top third Deltares 2021 coastal flooding on 2010 population figures. Projected shoreline retreat in 2050 as a result of sea level rise under an RCP 4.5 scenario as % of total Shoreline retreat Bottom third Middle third Top third Deltares 2021 sandy coastline. Land mass loss Bottom third Middle third Top third Projected land mass loss in 2050 due to sea level rise under an RCP 4.5 scenario as % of total land mass. Deltares 2021 Difference in agricultural yield in 2050 relative to 2010 between projected values accounting for climate change (IPSL model) and assuming no climate change. Values for Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Sint Maarten, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, and Turks and Caicos are average values for 'Other Caribbean Agricultual yield loss Bottom third Middle third Top third IFPRI countries', which also include Aruba, Anguilla, Bonaire, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Guadeloupe, Montserrat, Netherlands Antilles, Puerto Rico, St. Barthelemy, and U.S. Virgin Islands. The estimates for Guyana and Suriname are joint estimates for the group of countries 'Guyanas', which, also include French Guiana. World Bank Climate Extreme heat days Annual increase in the number of extreme heat days (>35°C) for the 90th percentiles of all models Bottom third Middle third Top third Change Knowledge (pessimistic scenario) (RCP 4.5) between 2040–2059. Portal Hotels experiencing Coastal hotels located within 1 kilometer (Euclidean distance) from the beach experiencing beach Campbell, Spencer Bottom third Middle third Top third beach loss loss by 2050 under RCP 4.5. and Strobl 2021 Note: To assign a category (high/medium/low), a relative scoring has been applied. This means that for each indicator, each country is scored relative to their peers in the region, assigning low to those in the bottom third, medium to those in the middle third, and high to those in the top third. For the indicators belonging to assets exposure and those related to average annual asset losses, the scoring exercise is done among countries within this group of indicators. 5 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A ANNEX B Indicator Description Nascent Emerging Established Source F. FOUNDATIONS FOR RAPID, ROBUST, AND INCLUSIVE GROWTH Governance Based on six governance dimensions: voice and Bottom third among other Caribbean Middle third among other Caribbean Top third among other Caribbean Worldwide accountability; stability and absence of violence; countries countries countries Governance Indicators government effectiveness; regulatory quality; rule of law; and control of corruption GDP per capita growth Average GDP per capita growth between 2016 and Bottom third among other Caribbean Middle third among other Caribbean Top third among other Caribbean World Development 2019 countries countries countries Indicators Poverty rate Poverty rate as % of total population Top third among other Caribbean Middle third among other Caribbean Bottom third among other Caribbean Beazley and Williams countries countries countries 2021 Targeting of main social safety nets Targeting methods used by main social protection Targeting methods rely on subjective Targeting is based on objective and Targeting is based on objective Beazley and Williams (SP) programs to identify eligible individuals, assessments and/or undocumented transparent methods, but there and transparent methods, with 2021 households and groups, for the purposes of processes may be challenges with inclusion or few inclusion and exclusion errors; transferring resources or preferential access to exclusion errors or outdated data to data to inform targeting updates social services inform targeting are current Coverage of main social safety nets Degree of coverage of main SP programs among Coverage of the main poverty There is reasonable coverage of the There is broad coverage of the main Beazley and Williams the poor reduction SP programs among the main poverty reduction SP programs poverty reduction SP programs 2021 poor is low among the poor among the poor Access to universal health coverage Coverage index for essential health services (%) <64% coverage 64–79% coverage >80% coverage World Development Indicators Access to primary education Net primary school enrollment (%) <64% coverage 64–79% coverage >80% coverage World Development Indicators Access to secondary education Net secondary school enrollment (%) <64% coverage 64–79% coverage >80% coverage World Development Indicators Access to basic water services Access to basic water services (% of total <64% coverage 64–79% coverage >80% coverage World Development population) Indicators Access to basic sanitation services Access to basic sanitation services (% of total <64% coverage 64–79% coverage >80% coverage World Development population) Indicators Access to energy Access to energy (% of total population) <64% coverage 64–79% coverage >80% coverage World Development Indicators Access to financial services Account ownership at a financial institution or with <64% coverage 64–79% coverage >80% coverage World Development a mobile money service provider (% of population Indicators aged 15+) Access to ICT Based on the UN Telecommunications Infrastructure UN Telecommunications UN Telecommunications UN Telecommunications United Nations 2020 Index, which is composed of the number of Infrastructure Index <53 Infrastructure Index 53–70 Infrastructure Index >70 active mobile broadband subscriptions, internet users, mobile subscribers, and fixed broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants FIVE PRIORITY AREAS FOR RESILIENT DEVELOPMENT P1. Facilitate risk reduction decisions by firms and households A1.1. Assess disaster and climate change risks, and make this information available Hydromet data completeness Time series of hydromet observations are long Not available Available in limited locations, Available in multiple locations, Authors enough to produce probabilistic hazard maps (e.g. representative of limited rainfall representative of different rainfall availability of a baseline) regimes regimes Hydromet data availability Time series of hydromet observations are available Available within government Available upon request/payment Publicly available on a web platform Authors of fee High-resolution Digital Terrain Model High-resolution and accurate DTM and/or point cloud High-resolution DTM data are largely High-resolution DTM data cover <60% High-resolution DTM data cover >60% Authors (DTM) data existence and coverage data exist and are complete (measured by share of nonexistent of the country of the country country covered) Public availability of high-resolution High-resolution and accurate DTM and/or point cloud High-resolution DTM data are High-resolution DTM data are available High-resolution DTM data are publicly Authors DTM data data are available to the public available within the government upon request/payment of fee available on a web platform Local-scale hazard map availability Local-scale hazard maps are available in an open GIS Local-scale hazard maps are Local-scale hazard maps are Local-scale hazard maps are publicly Authors (1:10.000 or larger) format and are complete (e.g. metadata are available available within the government available upon request/payment available on a web platform and complete) of fee National-scale hazard map National-scale hazard maps are available in an open National-scale hazard maps are National-scale hazard maps are National-scale hazard maps are Authors availability (covering entire country) GIS format and are complete (e.g. metadata are available within the government available upon request/payment publicly available on a web platform available and complete) of fee National system exists for capturing In addition to platforms such as DesInventar or A national system for capturing past A national system for capturing past A national system for capturing Authors past and current, small- and large- EM-DAT, the country has a national system to record and current events is not available and current events is available but past and current events is available, scale events events not up to date applied, and up to date Community awareness of hazard and Hazard and/or vulnerability maps have been Hazard and vulnerability maps Hazard and vulnerability maps have Hazard and vulnerability maps have Authors vulnerability levels validaded with community members and therefore have not been validated with the been validated to a certain extent been validated with the community the community is aware of the hazard levels community with the community Local-scale climate change Local-scale climate change scenarios are available Local-scale climate change scenarios Local-scale climate change scenarios Local-scale climate change scenarios Valero, Miranda and scenarios are not available are in development or need updating are available Murisic 2021 A1.2. Clarify responsibilities and align incentives with resilience and adaptation objectives Residual risk target level Target level of residual risks published and publicly Residual risk targets have not been Residual risk targets are there, but do Residual risk targets are there and No data were available available—for example, through maps of residual established not account for all relevant current account for all relevant current and for this indicator flood risks and future hazards future hazards Dedicated water resource Dedicated water resource management agencies Dedicated water resources Dedicated water resources Dedicated water resource Country consultations management agencies exist and have the capacities, financing, and tools management agencies do not exist management agencies exist but lack management agencies exist and have needed to strengthen water security against the necessary capacities, tools, or the capacities, tools, and financing backdrop of different shocks financing needed to effectively strengthen water security A1.3. Develop and implement technical solutions for resilience Research and development (R&D) Share of R&D (or % of patents) related to climate There is no to insufficient investment There is some investment in Investment in adaptation and No data were available for resilience change adaptation or total amount invested in R&D in adaptation and resilience adaptation and resilience, but this resilience is adequate to prepare the for this indicator on adaptation- or resilience-related challenges can be improved country for future shocks 6 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A A NNEX B Indicator Description Nascent Emerging Established Source Climate-smart practices used in Share of farmers using improved crops and climate- Farmers do not use climate-smart Some farmers use climate-smart Most farmers use climate-smart Country consultations agriculture smart practices agricultural practices agricultural practices agricultural practices Resilience tariff Availability of a tariff applied to imports of There is no tariff in place A tariff is being implemented An adequate tariff is in place Country consultations resilience-related technologies A1.4. Make finance for resilience accessible and provide direct support to the poorest and most vulnerable people Ease of getting credit for firms Measures the strength of credit reporting systems Overall ease of getting credit for Overall ease of getting credit for Overall ease of getting credit for Ease of Doing and the effectiveness of collateral and bankruptcy firms score ≤55 firms score 55–63 firms score ≥63 Business 2020 laws in facilitating lending Protecting minority investors Measures the protection of minority investors from Overall protecting minority investors Overall protecting minority investors Overall protecting minority investors Ease of Doing conflicts of interest and shareholders’ rights in score ≤55 score 55–63 score ≥63 Business 2020 corporate gover­nance Access to financial services for the Account ownership at a bank, other financial <50% of the poorest have access to a <80% of the poorest have access to a >80% of the poorest have access to a World Development poorest 40% institution or with a mobile money service provider bank account bank account bank account Indicators among the poorest 40% (% of population aged 15+) Gender gap in bank account access Difference between male and female account The gap is smaller than 20% The gap is smaller than 10% The gap is smaller than 5% World Development ownership at a bank, other financial institution Indicators or with a mobile money service provider (% of population aged 15+) A1.5. Build skills for resilience through public works and training programs Complementary SP measures for Degree to which risk is integrated into existing SP programs—cash transfers, public Risk is integrated on a limited scale Risk is integrated into most programs Beazley and Williams resilience SP programs; productive and economic inclusion works, etc.—are not risk-informed in one or two flagship programs; or comprehensively integrated 2021 interventions are available for beneficiaries and well and have no interventions to address productive and economic inclusion into flagship programs through coordinated with other sectors; effective social care beneficiary risk; there are no interventions for SP beneficiaries risk information and reduction and case management for postdisaster support is productive and economic inclusion are implemented on a pilot or small efforts; productive and economic systematically deployed for affected households; interventions for SP beneficiaries; scale and not broadly coordinated inclusion interventions are available benefit delivery facilitates financial inclusion, there is no social care or case with other sectors; social care and for most SP beneficiaries and well including saving management for postdisaster case management for postdisaster coordinated with other sectors; support; benefit delivery does not support are in place, but not well effective social care and case facilitate financial inclusion established and are implemented management for postdisaster on an ad hoc basis; benefit delivery support is systematically deployed facilitates some links to financial for affected households; benefit inclusion by improving financial delivery facilitates financial inclusion, access, but does not facilitate including savings savings Inclusion and application of climate Degree to which an age-specific climate change and An age-specific climate change and An age-specific climate change and An age-specific climate change and Bellony and Powers change and disaster risk reduction DRR curriculum is in place and applied in schools DRR curriculum does not exist DRR curriculum is in place and used in DRR curriculum is in place and in use 2021 (DRR) in education curriculum < 95% of schools in ≥ 95% of schools Number of qualified planners The benchmark for an adequate number of planners Insufficient number of planners, far Planner numbers are close to Adequate number of planners: ≥ Johnson, Caroca is 1/30,000 people for Caribbean countries below 1/30,000 people 1/30,000 people 1/30,000 people Fernandez, and Restrepo Cadavid 2021 Presence of planning education Extent of access to an in-country or regional There is little to no access to planning There is some access to planning There is a professional planning Johnson, Caroca planning school education in the country education, but planners are mostly program in the country Fernandez, and educated abroad Restrepo Cadavid 2021 Professional planning association Existence of an active in-country or regional There is no planning association, or it There is a planning association, but it There is an active professional Johnson, Caroca professional planning association is largely defunct is not very active planning association and Fernandez, and accreditation of planners Restrepo Cadavid 2021 Technical capability to incorporate Degree to which planners have the technical Planners are not trained or have little There is some capacity for There is in-house technical capacity Johnson, Caroca disaster risk into planning capability to incorporate disaster risk into planning training in incorporating disaster risk incorporating disaster risk into to incorporate disaster risk into Fernandez, and into planning planning, but not in every location/ planning across the range of national Restrepo Cadavid not everywhere in the country and local planning offices 2021 Human capital development for Availability and implementation of an up-to-date Human capital development plan is in Human capital development plan to Human capital development plan to Bellony and Powers resilience human capital development plan to expand skills progress and 50& complete, or plan expand skills for resilience exists and expand skills for resilience exists, is 2021 for resilience is nonexistent is somewhat used up to date and is used A1.6. Facilitate robust economic sectors and their diversification Business environment Composite Ease of Doing Business score measuring Overall Ease of Doing Business Overall Ease of Doing Business Overall Ease of Doing Business Ease of Doing the regulations that enhance business activity and score ≤55 score 55–63 score ≥63 Business 2020 those that constrain it. It covers 10 areas: starting a business; dealing with construction permits; getting electricity; registering property; getting credit; protecting minority investors; paying taxes; trading across borders; enforcing contracts; and resolving insolvency State-owned enterprises (SOEs) SOEs have included DRM and climate change in their No SOEs have included DRM and Some SOEs have included DRM and All SOEs have included DRM and Authors include disaster risk management long-term strategy and decision making climate change in their long-term climate change in their long-term climate change in their long-term (DRM) and climate change in their strategy and decision making strategy and decision making strategy and decision making decision making P2. Design resilient infrastructure systems, urban and coastal planning A2.1. Design and implement a governmentwide strategy to increase the resilience of the infrastructure system Water reliability index Based on the frequency and length of water outages Bottom third among other Caribbean Middle third among other Caribbean Top third among other Caribbean Erman et al. 2021 among Caribbean firms in the tourism industry countries countries countries Power reliability index Based on the frequency and length of electricity Bottom third among other Caribbean Middle third among other Caribbean Top third among other Caribbean Erman et al. 2021 outages among Caribbean firms in the tourism countries countries countries industry Transport infrastructure inventory A transport infrastructure inventory exists and is A transport infrastructure inventory A transport infrastructure inventory A transport infrastructure inventory Authors regularly updated does not exist or only includes exists and includes mapping exists and includes mapping ancillary information on road information information and budgeting and other characteristics asset management features Water and sanitation infrastructure A water and sanitation infrastructure inventory A water and sanitation infrastructure A water and sanitation infrastructure A water and sanitation infrastructure Authors inventory exists and is regularly updated inventory does not exist or only inventory exists and includes inventory exists and includes includes ancillary information on mapping information mapping information and budgeting intake characteristics and other asset management features Asset management system Asset management systems with evidence-based There is no asset management An asset management system is in An asset management system is in Authors maintenance plans are in place system in place place, but not regularly updated place, regularly updated and used in decision making 7 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A A NNEX B Indicator Description Nascent Emerging Established Source Adequate maintenance budget There is adequate maintenance budget for critical The maintenance budget for critical The maintenance budget for critical The maintenance budget for critical Authors infrastructure (water and transport) infrastructure is not adequate infrastructure is only partially infrastructure is adequate adequate Nonrevenue water levels The ratio of water “lost” over total water produced Utilities' nonrevenue water levels There is no emerging category for Utilities' nonrevenue water levels Medina, Kullmann and are >30% this indicator are <30% Felter 2021 Resilient infrastructure agency An agency is in place that is charge of coordinating There is no resilient infrastructure A resilient infrastructure agency is A resilient infrastructure agency is in Authors resilience of built and operational critical assets and agency in place being implemented place and functioning infrastructure Long-term resilient infrastructure A long-term resilient infrastructure plan is in place There is no long-term resilient A long-term resilient infrastructure A long-term resilient infrastructure Valero, Miranda and plan infrastructure plan in place plan is being implemented or plan is in place, complete and up Murisic 2021 reviewed, or it exists but is outdated to date or incomplete National climate adaptation plan A national climate adaptation plan is in place There is no national climate A national climate adaptation plan is A national climate adaptation plan Valero, Miranda and adaptation plan in progress is in place Murisic 2021 Public asset management An up-to-date, risk-informed consolidated registry The government does not have a The government has a risk-informed The government has a risk-informed April and Zrinski 2021 of physical assets exists and is maintained by a risk-informed consolidated registry consolidated registry of physical consolidated registry of physical single government budgetary unit that is explicitly of physical assets assets, but the registry is either assets that is up to date and responsible for maintaining the physical assets out-of- date or not maintained by a maintained by a single government registry single government budgetary unit budgetary unit that is explicitly that is explicitly responsible for its responsible for its maintenance maintenance Public investment management Disaster risk and climate change considerations The government does not include The government includes The government includes April and Zrinski 2021 (PIM) are considered in investment planning, including for disaster risk and climate change disaster risk and climate change disaster risk and climate change project identification, appraisal, and selection considerations in its investment considerations in its investment considerations in its investment planning planning, but this is not planning, including for identifying, systematically applied throughout appraising, and selecting projects the PIM cycle Share of renewable energy-powered Ratio of renewable over fossil energy-powered power Bottom third among other Caribbean Middle third among other Caribbean Top third among other Caribbean Schweikert et al. 2021 power plants plants (irrespective of the capacity installed) countries countries countries A2.2. Make land use and urban plans risk-informed Planning regulations and institutional There is clear national legislation with clear lines Legislation is weak or nonexistent There is legislation and an Well-functioning, flexible and Johnson, Caroca framework of responsibility for urban planning, preparing institutional framework, but it may enabling national legislation and Fernandez, and and regularly updating plans; legislation requires be lacking in some areas or not put institutional frameworks require Restrepo Cadavid planning to make use of multihazard risk information, into practice—e.g. it may not mandate planning to make use of multihazard 2021 participatory approaches, and linkages across the use of multihazard information; information; mandate stakeholder administrative boundaries and socioeconomic consultation of stakeholders; engagement; and have clear linkages development plans and linkages with socioeconomic with socioeconomic planning development Land administration Land is administered through an efficient and The cadastral system is nonexistent There is a functioning cadastral A digitized cadastral system provides Johnson, Caroca up-to-date cadastral system and an affordable and or weak; the land registration system, but it lacks information or is all the necessary information; all land Fernandez, and efficient land registration process, providing strong process is weak but might be usable out of date; some land is registered is registered, and the registration Restrepo Cadavid tenure security for larger projects; there is a lack of but the registration process is process is easy and affordable for 2021 land tenure security lengthy and costly, so is often not most people; land tenure security is used for smaller parcels; there are sufficient to strong and most people some weaknesses in land tenure perceive their rights to land as secure security Building and construction regulatory Building codes and standards are locally relevant, Local building code is absent, weak, There is a locally relevant building There are affordable, locally relevant Johnson, Caroca system affordable and achievable for most builders and the or in progress; building approvals code, but many builders cannot building codes and standards and Fernandez, and building approval and permit system is both efficient system is absent, weak, or seldom afford this standard; only large most buildings are up to standard; Restrepo Cadavid and affordable used because it is overly long, projects or certain kinds of project the building permit system is efficient 2021 complicated, or expensive and apply for building permits, due to the and affordable and the majority or all possible to bypass expense or time involved in building projects undergo the process approvals Building regulation and Building regulations exist and are implemented, Building regulations and the Building regulations and the Building regulations and processes to Benavidez 2021 implementation measured by six indices: quality of building processes to implement them are processes to implement them are implement them are satisfactory regulations; quality control before, during, and after nonexistent or weak and in need of in place, but need strengthening to construction; liability and insurance regimes; and priority attention enable greater compliance professional certifications indices Governance and politics in urban Includes the degree of decentralization and political There is little or no decentralization; Decentralization is in progress, There is a country-wide accountable Johnson, Caroca planning importance of urbanization, urban and spatial there is little or no mention of urban there is a local government, but is and functional local government Fernandez, and planning, and risk reduction planning as part of the political not fully functional; urban planning system; urban planning is mentioned Restrepo Cadavid agenda; and DRR is a low priority is mentioned as part of the political as a priority issue in key documents; 2021 agenda; and DRR is a medium to high and DRR is consistently a high priority priority (e.g. high after a disaster) Financing for planning Plans are up to date and aligned with national Plans are frequently out of date; Some plans are up to date, others There are up-to-date regional, local, Johnson, Caroca objectives, consider disaster risk, and accompanied disaster risk considerations do exist but are pending approval; and urban plans that are aligned to Fernandez, and by implementation plans; communities and not feature regularly in plans; disaster risk considerations are national objectives, consider disaster Restrepo Cadavid stakeholders are involved in planning implementation plans are weak or present but not always implemented; risk, tackle cross-cutting issues 2021 nonexistent; participation is weak or implementation plans are infrequent; in an integrated way, and consider nonexistent stakeholders are consulted but not urban typologies; there are clear well engaged at all stages of planning plans for implementation; relevant stakeholders are involved in planning Financing for implementation Planning guides urban development; budget is Very little development is guided by Some urban development and Most urban development and Johnson, Caroca available for implementation; DRR is used for plans; budget is insufficient or almost infrastructure is guided by plans, infrastructure is guided by plans, Fernandez, and planning and development-related activities nonexistent; and there is little to no planning regulations, and approvals; planning regulations, and approvals; Restrepo Cadavid DRR budget budget is somewhat insufficient for plans have satisfactory budget for 2021 implementing delaying activities; implementation and most objectives planning, infrastructure, and built or activities are achieved within the environment-related activities are timeframe; planning, infrastructure, not easily seen as DRR activities and built environment-related activities are an important part of DRR activities Use of disaster risk information in Quality risk maps are applied in planning Very little or no disaster risk Risk maps are in development, or Risk maps are available and used Johnson, Caroca planning information is available exist but miss some elements (e.g., in planning) and there are Fernandez, and accompanying guidelines for Restrepo Cadavid achieving risk-sensitive development 2021 A2.3. Develop or revise coastal management plans and integrate NBS Integrated coastal zone ICZM plans are in place There is no ICZM plan in place An ICZM plan is in progress An ICZM plan is in place Valero, Miranda and management (ICZM) plan Murisic 2021 Updated environmental laws Environmental laws were enacted or have been Environmental laws are outdated or Environmental laws are in under Environmental laws are enacted or Valero, Miranda and revised in the last seven years not in place review revised to the latest seven years ago Murisic 2021 Climate change law/policy Updated and revised climate change law/policy is There is no climate change law A climate change law or policy is An up-to-date climate change law or Valero, Miranda and in place or policy under development or review policy is in place Murisic 2021 Long-term strategy/sustainable Long-term strategy/sustainable development plan There is no long-term strategy A long-term strategy or sustainable A long-term strategy or sustainable Valero, Miranda and development plan is in place or sustainable development plan development plan is in progress development plan is in place Murisic 2021 in place 8 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A A NNEX B Indicator Description Nascent Emerging Established Source Civil society organizations (CSOs) in CSOs play a strong role in climate change/resilience CSOs do not have a strong role in CSOs have a somewhat strong role in CSOs are present and have a strong Valero, Miranda and climate change/resilience climate change or resilience climate change or resilience role in climate change or resilience Murisic 2021 Coastal zone management agency There is a fully functional coastal zone management There is no coastal zone management A coastal zone management agency A coastal zone management agency Valero, Miranda and agency, institute or unit in place agency is being developed, or is in place but is in place Murisic 2021 not fully functional Governmental agency responsible There is a named interministerial committee or There is no governmental agency A governmental agency responsible A governmental agency responsible Valero, Miranda and for climate change/resilience governmental body responsible for climate change/ responsible for climate change/ for climate change/resilience is being for climate change/resilience is Murisic 2021 resilience resilience implemented or reviewed in place Enforcement of environmental There is evidence that policies and regulations Policies and regulations related to Policies and regulations related to Policies and regulations related to Valero, Miranda and policies related to environment, climate change, and natural environment, climate change, and environment, climate change, and environment, climate change, and Murisic 2021 resources have been and are being enforced natural resources are not enforced natural resources are somewhat natural resources are enforced enforced Existence of environmental or Environmental or climate change taxes and Environmental or climate change Environmental or climate change Environmental or climate change Valero, Miranda and climate change taxes or incentives incentives exist taxes or incentives are not in place taxes or incentives are being taxes or incentives are in place Murisic 2021 implemented or are somewhat in place P3. Build resilient health and education systems A3.1. Design and implement a governmentwide strategy to increase the resilience of the health system Hospital facility safety Health Safety Index (HSI) scores place a facility in Most hospitals and health facilities Most hospitals and health facilities Most hospitals and health facilities Harnam and Khan Category A, B or C for hospital safety. Category A have an HSI score that places them have an HSI score that places them have an HSI score that places them 2021 facilities are deemed able to protect the life of their in Category C in Category B in Category A occupants and likely to continue functioning in disaster situations; Category B facilities can resist a disaster, but equipment and critical services are at risk; and in Category C facilities, lives and safety of occupants are deemed to be at risk during disasters Health service provision There is core capacity for health service IHR score <21 IHR score = 21–62 IHR score >62 WHO 2019 provision, including case management capacity for International Health regulation (IHR)-relevant hazards; capacity for infection prevention and control; and chemical and radiation contamination Emergency education for health Emergency preparedness and response education Relevant emergency education is Relevant emergency education Relevant emergency education Harnam and Khan workers is a component of academic curriculums (including not a component of the academic is a component of the academic is a component of the academic 2021 ongoing medical education) for health care and curriculums for clinical and public curriculums for clinical and public curriculums and required ongoing public health providers health professionals health professionals, but it is not a education for clinical and public requirement for ongoing education health professionals Adequate number of doctors, There is enough capacity in the health workforce to There are not enough clinical and There is some surge capacity There is an adequate number of Harnam and Khan nurses, and midwives meet surge demand in emergency situations public health professionals to provide among clinical and public health clinical and public health to provide 2021 any surge capacity professionals, but gaps in key surge capacity in all specialties specialties remain Adequate number of Caribbean There is enough capacity in the health workforce to There are not enough CR-FELTP- There is some surge capacity among There is an adequate number of Harnam and Khan Regional Field Epidemiology and meet surge demand in emergency situations trained clinical and public health CR-FELTP-trained clinical and public CR-FELTP-trained clinical and public 2021 Laboratory Training Programme professionals to provide any surge health professionals, but gaps in key health to provide surge capacity in (CR-FELTP) trained workers capacity specialties remain all specialties Health information system Degree to which a health information system is There is no health information system A health information system is A health information system is Harnam and Khan integrated, maintained and used in facilities in the in place implemented in some facilities integrated in all health facilities and 2021 country used in surveillance, monitoring and evaluation, and for tracking medical supplies Health sector surveillance system A health sector surveillance system exists and is There is no health surveillance A health surveillance system exists, There is a dedicated and active health Harnam and Khan in use, which captures the changing needs of the system but is inadequate or inactive sector surveillance system 2021 population Health risk communication Mechanisms for effective risk communication IHR score <21 IHR score = 21–61 IHR score >61 WHO 2019 during a public health emergency are established and functioning, including a national risk communications plan Research capacity There are well-trained, dedicated health research There is no research capacity at the Research capacity at the executive There is dedicated and active Harnam and Khan staff, that have a sustainable source of funding and executive level of the health sector level of the health sector exists, but research capacity at the executive 2021 a prioritized research agenda guiding health system is inadequate level of the health sector resilience plans Stockpile of medicines and medical There is a regularly maintained stockpile of medical There is no stockpile of medical There is a stockpile of medical A regularly maintained stockpile of Harnam and Khan and laboratory medicines supplies, including personal protective equipment supplies (including PPE), medicines, supplies (including PPE), medicines, medical supplies (including PPE), 2021 (PPE), medicines, and lab supplies within the country or lab supplies and lab supplies within the region medicines, and lab supplies exists and region within the country and the region National health emergency There is core capacity for national emergency IHR score <23 IHR score = 21–63 IHR score >63 WHO 2019 framework framework, including mechanisms for planning for emergency preparedness and response, managing health emergency response operations, and mobilizing emergency resources Decentralized decision making Extent of decentralized decision making Decision making is centralized Decentralized decision making exists, Decision making is appropriately Harnam and Khan but is limited decentralized to allow rapid 2021 responses Membership of relevant Countries are members of relevant local, regional, Country is member of few relevant Country is member of some relevant Country is member of all relevant Harnam and Khan organizations and international organizations and signatory to local, regional, and/or international local, regional, and international local, regional, and international 2021 relevant agreements organizations and is signatory to few organizations and is signatory to organizations and signatory to or no agreements that can provide some agreements that can provide all agreements that can provide technical and financial support/ technical and financial support/ technical and financial support/ guidance to the national health guidance to the national health guidance to the national health sector in emergencies sector in emergencies sector in emergencies Emergency funding arrangements Degree to which countries have emergency funding Emergency health sector funding Emergency health sector funding Emergency health sector funding Harnam and Khan with external bodies agreements with relevant local, regional, and arrangements with national, regional arrangements are established with arrangements with all relevant 2021 international organizations and/or international organizations some relevant national, regional and/ national, regional and international are ad hoc or international organizations organizations are formally established and updated regularly Costed and funded health system Health system strengthening plans exist, are costed There are no health system Health system strengthening plans Health system strengthening plans Harnam and Khan strengthening plans and funded strengthening plans exist, but have been neither costed are costed and funded 2021 nor funded A3.2. Design and implement a governmentwide strategy to increase the resilience of the education system Enabling environment for school School safety is included in legislation and policy, Legislation, policy, safe school plans, Some legislation, policy, and safe Appropriate national legislation and Bellony and Powers safety school safety plans are aligned with DRM plans and and institutional frameworks are school plans exist and include school policy exist, include school safety, 2021 resources are allocated for safe schools either in progress or do not exist safety, but they require amendment and are in use 9 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A A NNEX B Indicator Description Nascent Emerging Established Source Availability of and alignment with National safe school policy, safe school standards, There are no school safety Up-to-date school safety documents Up-to-date school safety documents Bellony and Powers plans and guidelines to enable a safe and model safe school guidelines are in place, up to documents, or these are in place in are in place in 50–95% of schools, are in place in at least 95% of 2021 learning environment date and aligned to national DRM plans, and schools less than 50% of schools, and more and more than 50% of these plans are schools and are aligned with national are aligned to these documents than 25% of these are aligned with aligned with the national DRM plan DRM plan national DRM plan Monitoring and evaluation framework A monitoring and evaluation framework for national There is no monitoring and evaluation There is a monitoring and evaluation There is a monitoring and evaluation Bellony and Powers for safe schools school safety plan exists and is updated biannually framework for the National School framework for the National School framework for the National School 2021 Safety Plan Safety Plan, and it is updated annually Safety Plan, and it is updated or less frequently biannually Education facility maintenance plan Education facility maintenance plans are available There are no functioning There are maintenance plans in place, Education facility maintenance plans Bellony and Powers and implemented in schools and maintenance maintenance plans in schools or with assigned budget, for 50–95% are available and implemented for at 2021 budgets are adequate less than 50% of schools have a of schools least 95% of schools and the budget functioning maintenance plan and for these is adequate assigned budget Operational standards for alternative Availability and enforcement of operational School use operational standards School use operational standards School use operational standards Bellony and Powers use of schools standards on alternative use of schools as shelters lack policy on their use as emergency includes some guidance limiting the curtail their use as emergency 2021 during emergency situations shelters use of schools as emergency shelters shelters Education continuity plans Education continuity plans exist and are Education continuity plans are Education continuity plans exist and Educational continuity plans exist Bellony and Powers implemented in schools either incomplete or used in <50% are used in 50–95% of schools and are used in ≥95% of schools 2021 of schools Remote learning content Availability and appropriateness of remote learning Appropriate content in digital and Appropriate content in digital and Appropriate content in digital and Bellony and Powers content other media for teaching and learning other media is available for teaching other media is available for teaching 2021 at different educational levels is still and learning for some educational and learning in all educational levels in development or not yet available levels and subject areas and subject areas Monitoring and evaluation of Effectiveness of distance education is monitored There is no monitoring and evaluation A monitoring and evaluation plan is A monitoring and evaluation plan Bellony and Powers effectiveness of distance education and evaluated plan for the effectiveness of distance available but not used to assess the is available and used to assess the 2021 education effectiveness of distance education effectiveness of distance education modalities Resources to enable remote learning Degree to which households have access to <50% of households with school- 50–95% of households with ≥95% of households with school-aged Bellony and Powers resources such as internet, devices, electricity, aged children have access to school-aged children have access children have access to resources to 2021 television, and radio to enable remote learning resources to support distance to resources to support distance support distance learning learning learning Comprehensive and integrated Availability and implementation of an up-to-date There is no EMIS or there is one, but There is an EMIS and it is securely There is an EMIS and it is securely Bellony and Powers education management information EMIS it is not linked to other administrative linked to some key administrative linked to the most pertinent 2021 system (EMIS) databases databases administrative databases to inform policy decisions Teacher training (technical and Teachers have the technical and pedagogical skills <50% of teachers have the skills to 50–95% of teachers have the skills to ≥95% of teachers have the skills to Bellony and Powers pedagogical skills for remote needed to deliver distance education lead distance education by digital and lead distance education using digital lead instruction using digital and 2021 instruction) other media and other media other media P4. Help firms and people manage residual risks and natural disasters A4.1. Save lives and money with emergency preparedness and early warning systems Emergency preparedness and For an EP&R system to function well at any 0–2 of the following statements 3–4 of the following statements All of the following statements Campbell, Gonzalez- response (EP&R) legislation government scale and across scales, emergency are true: 1) Accountabilities are are true: 1) Accountabilities are are true: 1) Accountabilities are Escalada Mena and management legislation and related policy clear for all phases of emergency clear for all phases of emergency clear for all phases of emergency McAllister 2021 instruments must exist. These instruments management, including central management, including central management, including central must clearly assign accountabilities to specific coordination as well as short- and coordination as well as short- and coordination as well as short- and government departments and ministries to ensure long-term risk reduction activities; long-term risk reduction activities; long-term risk reduction activities; public safety service delivery and resilience. 2) Resilience requirements for 2) Resilience requirements for 2) Resilience requirements for time-critical public and private time-critical public and private time-critical public and private sector services are clearly stated sector services are clearly stated sector services are clearly stated and universally applied; 3) Agencies and universally applied; 3) Agencies and universally applied; 3) Agencies with emergency response roles are with emergency response roles are with emergency response roles are required to have detailed plans and required to have detailed plans and required to have detailed plans and report annually on improvements report annually on improvements report annually on improvements to their state of preparedness; to their state of preparedness; to their state of preparedness; 4) Emergency management 4) Emergency management 4) Emergency management accountabilities are clear across all accountabilities are clear across all accountabilities are clear across all levels of government, reducing or levels of government, reducing or levels of government, reducing or eliminating jurisdictional ambiguity; eliminating jurisdictional ambiguity; eliminating jurisdictional ambiguity; 5) The legislation and policy 5) The legislation and policy 5) The legislation and policy framework requires a collaborative, framework requires a collaborative, framework requires a collaborative, risk-informed, progressive approach risk-informed, progressive approach risk-informed, progressive approach from accountable agencies from accountable agencies from accountable agencies Disaster management information The use of a common DMIS by all emergency 0–2 of the following statements are 3–4 of the following statements are All of the following statements are Campbell, Gonzalez- system (DMIS) for EP&R management personnel improves overall situational true: 1) The DMIS has an uptime true: 1) The DMIS has an uptime true: 1) The DMIS has an uptime Escalada Mena and awareness, decision making, and response of 99% or higher with established of 99% or higher with established of 99% or higher with established McAllister 2021 coordination. A system based on commercial redundancy and a recovery plan; redundancy and a recovery plan; 2) redundancy and a recovery plan; 2) off-the-shelf software that is interoperable 2) A common DMIS is used by all A common DMIS is used by all EOCs, A common DMIS is used by all EOCs, with common systems used by regional and/or emergency operations centers even if only codified in policy as even if only codified in policy as international agencies, can improve overall response (EOCs), even if only codified in common email, work processing common email, work processing effectiveness and increase training opportunities for policy as common email, work and spreadsheet tools; 3) The DMIS and spreadsheet tools; 3) The DMIS personnel across agencies. processing and spreadsheet tools; is interoperable with common DMIS is interoperable with common DMIS 3) The DMIS is interoperable with platforms in use by regional and/ platforms in use by regional and/ common DMIS platforms in use by or international disaster support or international disaster support regional and/or international disaster agencies; 4) The DMIS uses agencies; 4) The DMIS uses support agencies; 4) The DMIS uses commonly available commercial commonly available commercial commonly available commercial off-the-shelf software or networked/ off-the-shelf software or networked/ off-the-shelf software or networked/ cloud-based applications; 5) EOC cloud-based applications; 5) EOC cloud-based applications; 5) EOC personnel and other DMIS users personnel and other DMIS users personnel and other DMIS users receive ongoing training on DMIS use receive ongoing training on DMIS use receive ongoing training on DMIS use Emergency operations centers An EOC must be supported by sufficient backup 0–2 of the following statements are 3–4 of the following statements are All of the following statements are Campbell, Gonzalez- systems, including electricity, heating and cooling, true: 1) EOCs have resilient systems true: 1) EOCs have resilient systems true: 1) EOCs have resilient systems Escalada Mena and communications, staff and operational resources to ensure continuous operation to ensure continuous operation to ensure continuous operation McAllister 2021 (such as security, break rooms, planning/meeting despite critical service disruptions; despite critical service disruptions; despite critical service disruptions; rooms, media center, etc.). Ideally, an EOC would 2) Primary EOCs have an established 2) Primary EOCs have an established 2) Primary EOCs have an established have a backup facility that is geographically diverse backup site in the event they require backup site in the event they require backup site in the event they require and fully capable of operation if the primary EOC is evacuation or are unavailable; 3) evacuation or are unavailable; 3) evacuation or are unavailable; 3) not available. EOCs are staffed, or have staff EOCs are staffed, or have staff EOCs are staffed, or have staff on call, 24 hours a day, 365 days a on call, 24 hours a day, 365 days a on call, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, who can serve as duty/watch year, who can serve as duty/watch year, who can serve as duty/watch officers; 4) The government has officers; 4) The government has officers; 4) The government has established an operational program established an operational program established an operational program budget, including capital funding budget, including capital funding budget, including capital funding for facility, personnel, and training for facility, personnel, and training for facility, personnel, and training improvements, and annual testing; improvements, and annual testing; improvements, and annual testing; 5) EOCs are fully equipped with the 5) EOCs are fully equipped with the 5) EOCs are fully equipped with the tools and technology necessary to tools and technology necessary to tools and technology necessary to coordinate response activities within coordinate response activities within coordinate response activities within their jurisdiction their jurisdiction their jurisdiction 10 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A A NNEX B Indicator Description Nascent Emerging Established Source Urban firefighting equipment and Volunteer fire services are an option in rural or less 0–2 of the following statements 3–4 of the following statements All of the following statements Campbell, Gonzalez- capabilities populated areas. However, full-time services will are true: 1) Jurisdictional fire are true: 1) Jurisdictional fire are true: 1) Jurisdictional fire Escalada Mena and tend to respond to a greater variety of incidents as prevention programs exist and prevention programs exist and prevention programs exist and McAllister 2021 their training level increases with time, experience are delivered by the fire service; are delivered by the fire service; are delivered by the fire service; and resources. Equipment and training are a major 2) A network of jurisdictional fire 2) A network of jurisdictional fire 2) A network of jurisdictional fire factor in any fires services' ability to respond. The services exists with professional services exists with professional services exists with professional fire service’s tactics will necessarily reflect their and volunteer firefighters that are and volunteer firefighters that are and volunteer firefighters that are equipment capabilities if responder safety has been equipped with modern PPE and equipped with modern PPE and equipped with modern PPE and fully considered. enough functional equipment to enough functional equipment to enough functional equipment to safety suppress exterior and interior safety suppress exterior and interior safety suppress exterior and interior fires; 3) Industrial firefighting fires; 3) Industrial firefighting fires; 3) Industrial firefighting capability exists in either the capability exists in either the capability exists in either the public or private sector, including public or private sector, including public or private sector, including marine fire suppression where marine fire suppression where marine fire suppression where appropriate; 4) Fire services are able appropriate; 4) Fire services are able appropriate; 4) Fire services are able to extinguish fires in high buildings, to extinguish fires in high buildings, to extinguish fires in high buildings, including residential and commercial including residential and commercial including residential and commercial structures; 5) Jurisdictional budgets structures; 5) Jurisdictional budgets structures; 5) Jurisdictional budgets exist, are reviewed regularly to exist, are reviewed regularly to exist, are reviewed regularly to support urban firefighting readiness, support urban firefighting readiness, support urban firefighting readiness, and consider training, equipment and consider training, equipment and consider training, equipment needs, employee costs, deployment needs, employee costs, deployment needs, employee costs, deployment costs, prevention/mitigation efforts, costs, prevention/mitigation efforts, costs, prevention/mitigation efforts, and management/administration and management/administration and management/administration costs costs costs Formal EP&R training program Those within an organization who may be involved in 0–2 of the following statements are 3–4 of the following statements are All of the following statements are Campbell, Gonzalez- planning for and responding to an emergency should true: 1) Training programs exist for true: 1) Training programs exist for true: 1) Training programs exist for Escalada Mena and be appropriately prepared. This requires a clear those with legislated emergency those with legislated emergency those with legislated emergency McAllister 2021 understanding of roles and responsibilities and how response job requirements; 2) response job requirements; 2) response job requirements; 2) they fit in to the wider emergency preparedness and Training programs exist for all Training programs exist for all Training programs exist for all response system. Training should build capability primary emergency response primary emergency response primary emergency response and capacity for emergency response incidents. personnel; 3)Training programs personnel; 3)Training programs personnel; 3)Training programs It should also extend beyond those employed by exists for nontraditional emergency exists for nontraditional emergency exists for nontraditional emergency the jurisdiction and include contractors and the response roles such as logistics response roles such as logistics response roles such as logistics staff of voluntary organizations who might support specialists, disaster relief specialists, disaster relief specialists, disaster relief emergency planning or response operations. coordinators, hospital staff, and coordinators, hospital staff, and coordinators, hospital staff, and emergency social services; 4) emergency social services; 4) emergency social services; 4) Training programs are tiered and Training programs are tiered and Training programs are tiered and establish skillsets and experience establish skillsets and experience establish skillsets and experience required for attaining each level; 5) A required for attaining each level; 5) A required for attaining each level; 5) A comprehensive training evaluation/ comprehensive training evaluation/ comprehensive training evaluation/ review exists to ensure ongoing review exists to ensure ongoing review exists to ensure ongoing improvement of the training program improvement of the training program improvement of the training program Impact-based forecasting (IBF) An impact-based approach is applied for hydromet Country is not using IBF Country is developing or has started IBF is a well-established and Authors hazards using IBF approaches functional forecasting approach Communication and dissemination Early warning message recipients are efficiently A mass communication channel Multichannel dissemination approach Country uses a multichannel Authors of warnings notified and take notice of the warning on time exists for disseminating warnings, and the common alerting protocol approach and CAP implementation, but it has limitations for reaching the (CAP) implementation is increasing and has the possibility of whole population notification capabilities geotargeting warning recipients Community disaster response plans Community disaster response plans are in place There are no community disaster Community disaster response plans Community disaster response Authors response plans in place are in place, but for few communities plans are in place for the most and they are not systematically at-risk communities and are revised revised systematically Early warning system (EWS) End-to-end feedback mechanisms are in place to There are no EWS feedback Some EWS feedback mechanisms Feedback mechanisms are in place Authors feedback mechanisms evaluate performance after events mechanisms in place are in place along the end-to-end EWS and are used to improve performance of the EWS A4.2. Be prepared to build back better after disasters Resilient recovery and Resilient recovery and reconstruction plans are There are no resilient recovery and Resilient recovery and reconstruction Resilient recovery and reconstruction Authors reconstruction plans ready for implementation (with revised land use and reconstruction plans in place plans are in place, but outdated plans are in place and up to date standards) Procurement planning Procurement plans include provisions for responding The government's annual or The government's annual or The government's annual or April and Zrinski 2021 to disasters and these are included in the annual multiannual procurement plans do multiannual procurement plans multiannual procurement plans budget not include provisions for responding include provisions for responding to include provisions for responding to disasters disasters, but these are not included to disasters and are included in the in the annual budget annual budget Procurement procedures Procuring entities with disaster relief and response There are no emergency procurement Some emergency procurement Procuring entities with disaster April and Zrinski 2021 responsibilities have up-to-date disaster emergency procedures in place procedures are in place, but these relief and response responsibilities procurement procedures in place, such as standard are not systematically applied or are have up-to-date disaster emergency operating procedures (SOPs), handbooks, user not up to date procurement procedures in guides, or other manuals, that instruct how place—such as SOPs, handbooks, procurement is to be conducted in postdisaster user guides, or other manuals that situations; and the procedures are systematically guide procurement in postdisaster applied situations—and these are systematically applied Procurement templates and Procuring entities with disaster relief and response There are no emergency procurement Some emergency procurement Procuring entities with disaster April and Zrinski 2021 documents responsibilities have up-to-date disaster emergency templates and documents in place templates and documents relief and response responsibilities procurement templates and documents in place, that are in place, but these are not have up-to-date disaster emergency instruct how procurement is to be documented in systematically applied or are not procurement templates and postdisaster situations; and these are systematically up to date documents in place that guide applied procurement documentation in postdisaster situations; and these are systematically applied A4.3. Build shock-responsive SP systems Postdisaster household assessment PDHA data collection is electronic and supported Ad hoc PDHAs are developed for PDHA data collection is mainly PDHA data collection is mainly Beazley and Williams (PDHA) collection and usage by an information system that links to the social each disaster; data collection is electronic, but includes offline electronic, but includes offline 2021 registry; its processes are established in manuals; paper-based; there is no dedicated functionality or paper format as functionality or paper format staff are trained in these processes ex ante; and information system for storing PDHA backup; it may not be supported by a as backup; it is supported by an the data collected are used to inform postdisaster data and no coordination or data dedicated information system and is information system that links to the SP responses sharing among agencies carrying not linked to the social registry; PDHA social registry; PDHA processes are out PDHAs processes may not be established in established in manuals and staff are manuals and not all staff are trained trained in processes ex ante; PDHA in these processes; PDHA informs data are used by most SP actors to government SP response, but is not inform postdisaster SP response used by external agencies Postdisaster benefit delivery Multiple and accessible benefit delivery mechanisms Benefit delivery mechanisms in post- There is some flexibility in benefit Multiple and accessible benefit Beazley and Williams help facilitate adaptations to the post-shock shock context is limited to a single delivery in the post-shock context delivery mechanisms help facilitate 2021 environment and choice of beneficiary method, with no adaptability to the adaptation to the post-shock post-shock environment environment and choice of beneficiary Interoperable SP and disaster risk Interoperable SP and disaster risk management Systems are largely absent, so there There is some data sharing between SP registries are risk-informed Beazley and Williams management information systems information systems are available, risk-informed, and is no data sharing nor interoperability SP and DRM, but very limited and interoperable with other risk 2021 used to inform DRM actions between SP and DRM interoperability information systems, including those for PDHAs; DRM actions are informed by SP data (e.g. risk maps use SP data about vulnerability) 11 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A A NNEX B Indicator Description Nascent Emerging Established Source Adaptive SP (ASP) operational ASP operational processes exist and are There are no contingency protocols Operations manuals do not cover Operation manuals include protocols Beazley and Williams processes implemented, implying that operation manuals for ASP adjustments shock-responsive ASP delivery for shock-responsive SP; there are 2021 include protocols for shock-responsive ASP and processes; contingency protocols effective contingency protocols contingency protocols allow for ASP adjustments in for ASP adjustments exist, but do for ASP adjustments that include response to shocks not include alternative delivery alternative delivery mechanisms mechanisms Disaster risk finance (DRF) DRF mechanism for ASP exists and is implemented ASP to be taken into consideration ASP financing arm is integrated into An established ASP financing Beazley and Williams mechanism for ASP when devising a national DRF a wider DRF agenda; different DRF strategy is included in the wider 2021 strategy, but ex-ante financial instruments are in place, but not fully national DRF strategy; different protection strategies are inadequate aligned and optimized for financing DRF instruments are combined and (often over-relying on budget ASP needs; there is no sectorial or optimized with respect to probable reallocations and humanitarian aid); programmatic disaggregation of ASP financing needs; sectorial and there is no established financing financing resources and mechanisms programmatic financing for ASP coordinating vehicle for streamlining for ASP; at least one ASP-related DRF is considered and in place (e.g. ASP funding mechanisms, which instrument is available complementary financing strategies can include capitalized reserves for agriculture, fisheries, small and risk transfer micro-, meso-, and businesses, infant nutrition, etc.); macroinstruments; no direct ASP- multiple tools are available related DRF tool is available ASP human resource (HR) capacity There is adequate human and financial capacity DRM and SP leading agencies have DRM leading agencies have limited DRM leading agencies have adequate Beazley and Williams in DRM leading agencies and HR capacity for all very limited capacity (inadequate capacity (inadequate human and capacity in terms of both human and 2021 roles in regular SP delivery; contingency measures human and financial resources) financial resources); HR capacity for financial resources; HR capacity are in place to ensure adequate HR capacity for major roles in regular SP delivery is for all roles in regular SP delivery is postdisaster SP operations adequate, but there are no measures adequate, and contingency measures in place to ensure contingency are in place to ensure adequate HR capacity for postdisaster SP HR capacity for postdisaster SP operations operations ASP coordination There are effective coordination mechanisms Coordination mechanisms between Coordination mechanisms between SP There are effective coordination Beazley and Williams horizontally between SP and DRM agencies, SP and DRM agencies, government, and DRM agencies, government, and mechanisms between SP and 2021 government, and nongovernmental actors, and and nongovernmental actors, and nongovernmental actors, and vertically DRM agencies, government, and vertically between different levels of government vertically between different levels of between different levels of government nongovernmental actors, and vertically government are weak are active, but not effective between different levels of government ASP policy structures A DRM policy or strategy with a defined role for SP DRM and SP policies are either DRM legislation and national strategy DRM national strategies establish Beazley and Williams is in place nonexistent or outdated and ASP is fairly up to date, but adequate roles roles for SP; SP national strategy 2021 considerations are not mainstreamed for SP are not clearly established; SP includes resilience strengthening in DRM and SP ministry or agency national strategy does not include as a key objective; detailed ASP mandates and regulations concrete strategies for strengthening considerations are mainstreamed resilience; some ASP considerations into DRM and SP regulations and are integrated into DRM and SP mandates mandates and regulations, but these are limited A4.4. Develop the insurance sector, building on public-private partnerships Insurance penetration Extent of insurance penetration, measured through Insurance penetration ≤2% of GDP Insurance penetration = 2–5% of GDP Insurance penetration ≥5% of GDP Masetti 2021 premiums as % of GDP, benchmarked against other Caribbean countries Deposit insurance system A deposit insurance system is in place and funded, There is no formal deposit insurance A formal deposit insurance system is A formal deposit insurance system is Masetti 2021 protecting small and unsophisticated savers in the system in place under consideration or in place, but in place and properly funded event of a banking crisis by guaranteeing a share of lacks adequate funding their savings Resilience/adaptation insurance Insurance schemes are in place that increase the There is no resilience or adaptation Resilience or adaptation insurance is Resilience or adaptation insurance Valero, Miranda and resilience of the private and public sectors, e.g. insurance in place being implemented or reviewed is in place Murisic 2021 farmers' insurance against climate change impacts, climate risk insurance or other resilience-related insurance schemes A4.5. Help private actors develop business continuity plans and financial preparedness Firms in tourism industry with Fraction of tourism firms with business continuity Bottom third among other Caribbean Middle third among other Caribbean Top third among other Caribbean Erman et al. 2021 business continuity plans plans countries countries countries Firms in tourism industry with Fraction of tourism firms with disaster insurance Bottom third among other Caribbean Middle third among other Caribbean Top third among other Caribbean Erman et al. 2021 disaster insurance coverage coverage countries countries countries P5. Anticipate and manage macrofiscal and financial issues A5.1. Protect countries with fiscal buffers and sound debt management External debt External debt as % of GDP Top third among other Caribbean Middle third among other Caribbean Bottom third among other Caribbean Li 2021 countries countries countries Fiscal balance Overall fiscal balance as % of GDP Bottom third among other Caribbean Middle third among other Caribbean Top third among other Caribbean Li 2021 countries countries countries Fiscal rule Use and design of fiscal rules covering national and Bottom third among other Caribbean Middle third among other Caribbean Top third among other Caribbean Li 2021 supranational fiscal rules, covering four types of rule countries countries countries (budget balance, debt, expenditure, and revenue rules) and applying to central or general government or the public sector Monetary policy independence There is a fixed or managed exchange rate regime Bottom third among other Caribbean Middle third among other Caribbean Top third among other Caribbean Li 2021 countries countries countries Financial solvency risk Weighted average of share of regulatory capital to Financial solvency risk >2 Financial solvency risk = 1.5–2 Financial solvency risk <1.5 Masetti 2021 risk-weighted assets; nonperforming loans to total loans; and provisions—funds put aside to cover future anticipated losses—to nonperforming loans Liquidity risk Weighted average of share of liquid assets to total Liquidity risk >2 Liquidity risk between 1.5 and 2 Liquidity risk <1.5 Masetti 2021 assets and liquid assets to total short-term liabilities A5.2. Develop a financial strategy to manage shocks, combining multiple instruments National DRF strategy Institutional adoption of a national DRF strategy No national DRF strategy has been A national DRF strategy is in progress A national DRF strategy has been Justiniano et al. 2021 adopted adopted DRF assessment Assessment of gaps and strengths related to DRF No DRF assessment has been A DRF assessment is in progress A DRF assessment has taken place Justiniano et al. 2021 undertaken Alternative risk transfer instruments Instruments exist that can help the government Alternative risk transfer instruments Alternative risk transfer instruments Alternative risk transfer instruments Justiniano et al. 2021 increase its immediate financial response capacity are under development are operational, but have limited are operational and cover a large against natural hazards and better protect its fiscal geographical cover geographical area balance Ex-post financial assistance Financial assistance measures are operationalized There are few arrangements for ex- There are several regional There are several regional Justiniano et al. 2021 after a disaster, such as international loans and post financial assistance arrangements for ex-post financial arrangements for ex-post financial assistance or national fund for reconstruction assistance assistance; the country actively contributes to regional arrangements 12 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A A NNEX B Indicator Description Nascent Emerging Established Source State contingent debt instruments State contingent debt instruments exist and are There is no contingent debt A contingent debt instrument is A contingent debt instrument is in Justiniano et al. 2021 used instrument in place, but parameters are not place and is part of the national DRF strategically applied strategy Traditional insurance Availability of traditional insurance, which requires Market penetration is low, and few Market penetration is average, and Market penetration is significant, Justiniano et al. 2021 an assessment of individual losses on the ground traditional insurance products are few traditional insurance products and multiple traditional insurance available are available products are available Parametric insurance Availability of parametric insurance, which relies Available insurance covers few perils; Insurance covers several perils; Insurance covers several perils; Justiniano et al. 2021 on a payout disbursement that is contingent on coverage levels are low coverage levels are significant coverage is significant and optimized the intensity of an event (e.g. major hurricanes and with respect to retention capacities earthquakes) Contingent credit Availability of contingent credit, which is more cost- Contingency credit arrangements are Contingency credit is in place, but Contingency credit is in place, and Justiniano et al. 2021 effective than risk transfer solutions for intermediate depleted or nonexistent credit levels are low levels of contingency credit are layers of risk like tropical storms and low-intensity sufficient hurricanes (Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown) Budget There is efficient budget to finance recurrent Guidelines on emergency budget Guidelines on emergency budget There is minimal strategic use of Justiniano et al. 2021 low-severity events like localized floods, storms, reallocation are vague or nonexistent reallocation are clear but used loss-informed budget reallocation or landslides minimally Reserve fund Accessibility of contingency reserves earmarked A reserve fund is legally defined, but A reserve fund is legally defined, A reserve fund is legally defined, with Justiniano et al. 2021 only for natural hazards for public contingent no recurrent capitalization which has recurrent capitalization adequate recurrent capitalization and liabilities for immediate postdisaster relief disbursement rules Resource planning National budget is used as a policy instrument for There is no DRR and climate adaption There is DRR and climate adaptation The national budget is used as a April and Zrinski 2021 setting priorities on disaster risk reduction and policy, or the policy is not reflected policy, and this is partially reflected policy instrument for setting DRR and climate adaptation over the short and medium terms in the budget in the budget climate adaptation priorities over the short and medium terms Budget appropriation Budget systematically identifies and addresses There is no DRR and climate adaption There is DRR and climate adaptation The national budget is used as a April and Zrinski 2021 specific needs or challenges experienced by policy, or the policy is not reflected policy, and this is partially reflected policy instrument for setting DRR and population segments as a result of disasters in the budget in the budget climate adaptation priorities over the short and medium terms Gender-sensitive resource allocation Resource allocation is gender sensitive The government does not identify and The government identifies specific The government systematically April and Zrinski 2021 provide budget to address specific needs of some population segments identifies and provides budget to needs or challenges experienced by due to disasters but does not provide address specific needs or challenges population segments due to disasters budget to address their needs or experienced by population segments budget allocations are not sufficient due to disasters Expenditure controls Postdisaster expenditures are systematically Postdisaster expenditures are not Postdisaster expenditures are Postdisaster expenditures are April and Zrinski 2021 independently reviewed, with recommendations reviewed by independent bodies occasionally reviewed, or reviewed systematically independently issued, and follow-ups to recommendations by external development partners, or reviewed, with recommendations conducted reviewed systematically but with no issued, and follow-ups to required follow-up recommendations recommendations conducted Expenditure tracking Government has the capacity to track disaster- The government has no capacity to The government has the capacity to The government has the capacity April and Zrinski 2021 related external assistance commitments and/or aid track disaster-related expenditure, track disaster-related expenditures, to track: disaster-related external inflows, and to track disaster-related expenditure or no awareness of the need to track but not by type or nature assistance commitments and/or by type this type of expenditure aid inflows, and disaster-related expenditure by both type and nature Auditing practices Legislature systematically reviews expenditures The legislature does not scrutinize The legislature occasionally The legislature systematically April and Zrinski 2021 incurred and/or financial reports submitted for a postdisaster expenditure scrutinizes postdisaster expenditure reviews expenditures incurred and/ disaster, issues recommendations, and follows up on or scrutinizes it systematically, but or financial reports submitted for their implementation does not issue recommendations or disaster, issues recommendations, follow up on their implementation and follows up on their implementation PFM rules and regulations Legal and/or regulatory framework clearly defines There are no PFM regulations in The legal and/or regulatory The legal and/or regulatory April and Zrinski 2021 procedures for accelerated (re)allocation, execution, place, indicating low awareness framework outlines procedures framework clearly defines accounting, and oversight of disaster-related of postdisaster response as a for accelerated PFM, but does procedures for accelerated (re) expenditures functional imperative of the overall not provide details on all the allocation, execution, accounting, PFM system, or regulations for procedures concerned with (re) and oversight of disaster-related allocating, executing, accounting, allocating, executing, accounting, expenditures and overseeing disaster-related and overseeing disaster-related expenditure are outdated expenditure Institutional PFM arrangements Central finance agency has clearly granted powers/ There is no or limited authority The central finance agency has The central finance agency has clearly April and Zrinski 2021 authority during states of emergency to enhance granted to the central finance agency authority over PFM during states of granted powers or authority during public finance management as needed to expedite for PFM during states of emergency; emergency, but duties and activities— states of emergency to enhance disaster response, including clearly defined coordination with national disaster including coordinating with national PFM as needed to expedite disaster coordination mechanisms with national disaster agency is limited disaster management agency—are response, including clearly defined management agency not clearly specified coordination mechanisms with national disaster management agency A5.3. Anticipate and plan for long-term macroeconomic impacts Sector-level adaptation plans Sector-level adaptation plans are collected, There are no sector-level adaptation Sector-level adaptation plans Sector-level adaptation plans exist, Authors harmonized, and costed, and an estimate of public plans exist, but are not costed and/or are costed and implemented adaptation spending needs is produced implemented Long-term plan to diversify tax A long-term plan to diversify tax revenues away from There is no long-term plan to A long-term plan to diversify tax A long-term plan to diversify tax No data were available revenues vulnerable sectors has been approved diversify tax revenues revenues is under development revenues is in place for this indicator Tax revenues originating from high- Share of tax revenues originating from high- The tax level is high, posing a The tax level is somewhat high, The tax level is low, posing a minimum No data were available vulnerability sectors vulnerability sectors significant risk for government posing a moderate risk for risk for government revenue for this indicator revenues government revenues Debt sustainability or financial Climate and disaster impacts are included in debt There is no debt sustainability or A debt sustainability or financial Debt sustainability or financial sector No data were available sector assessment program sustainability assessment or financial sector financial sector assessment program sector assessment program that assessment program is in place for this indicator considers climate and disaster assessment program that considers climate and disaster considers climate and disaster and considers climate and disaster impacts impacts impacts is under development/ impacts consideration A5.4. Improve transparency on disaster and climate risk exposure of the financial sector and pension systems Specific disaster and climate risk Bank and large investor regulations include specific There are no specific disaster and Specific disaster and climate risk Specific disaster and climate risk No data were available requirements for bank and large disaster and climate risks requirements climate risk requirements bank and requirements bank and large investor requirements bank and large investor for this indicator investor regulations large investor regulations regulations are under consideration regulations are in place Climate and disaster risk stress tests All banks and large investors conduct stress tests There are no climate and disaster Climate and disaster risk stress tests Climate and disaster risk stress No data were available for banks and large investors for climate and disaster risks, including at least two risk stress tests for banks and large for banks and large investors are tests for banks and large investors for this indicator climate scenarios investors under consideration are in place Quantified estimates of their All banks and large investors have to provide a There are no quantified estimates of Quantified estimates of their exposure Quantified estimates of their No data were available exposure to natural hazards by banks quantified estimate of their exposure to natural their exposure to natural hazards by to natural hazards by banks and large exposure to natural hazards by banks for this indicator and large investors hazards banks and large investors investors are under consideration and large investors are in place Notes: Whenever benchmarking was possible, each country was scored relative to their peers in the region, and depending on the indicator, those in the bottom or top third were assigned nascent or established, and those in the middle third were assigned emerging. Where authors are stated as the source, the rating is based on a compilation of information from multiple sources, including government and other websites, news articles, journal articles and research publications, government publications, and personal communications with persons in the country. 13 3 6 0 ° R E S I L I E N C E : S T. L U C I A