GRI INDEX 2018 GRI INDEX 2018 T his 2018 World Bank GRI Index is an inven- tory of the sustainability considerations utilized in the World Bank’s lending and ana- countries’ eligibility for support and terms of lending, IBRD and IDA are tightly integrated and work as a single unit. Certain practices and Each criterion above (the three for the busi- ness case and the three for the sustainability impact) is given a point, and a threshold is lytical services, as well as within its corpo- projects span across the World Bank Group set to prioritize GRI aspects to include in the rate practices. This index of sustainability and are therefore cited as such in the text. report. The Bank’s material topics were deter- disclosures has been prepared in accordance mined and validated by an internal focus group with the GRI Standards: Core option (https:// that met in May 2018. The GRI Index DEFINING THE REPORT covers activities from fiscal year 2018, July 1, Methodology for Determining The Natural Step framework, which com- 2017, through June 30, 2018. Materiality plements the GRI, defines three basic “sys- The topics deemed relevant for disclosure in tem conditions” that must be met if we ABOUT THE WORLD BANK the GRI Index were determined by assessing: want to maintain the essential environ- (1) their potential impact on the Bank’s busi- mental services that sustain human soci- The World Bank Group (WBG) plays a key role ety. Further, because human action is the in the global effort to end extreme poverty ness and (2) the sustainability impacts from the Bank’s operations. primary cause of the rapid change we see in and boost shared prosperity. It consists of five the natural environment today, the frame- institutions: the World Bank, which includes The business case was determined based on work includes a fourth system condition the International Bank for Reconstruction three key categories: (1) the linkages with the that focuses on the social and economic and Development (IBRD) and the International Bank’s mission and goals; (2) potential repu- considerations that drive those actions. Development Association (IDA); the Interna- tational risks to the organization, and (3) the tional Finance Corporation (IFC); the Multi- importance to stakeholders. For the purposes of this exercise, the lateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); sustainability principles of the Natural In addition to understanding the business case Step are applied by asking: (1) Does this and the International Centre for Settlement of and stakeholder concerns, equal weight was aspect draw upon material extracted from Investment Disputes (ICSID). Working together given to three aspects of the sustainability the earth’s crust and lead to accumulation in over 130 countries, these institutions provide of persistent or toxic emissions, or is it an impact of the Bank’s business. After assess- financing, technical advice, and other solutions extractive industry or involve destructive ing the various sustainability frameworks that enable countries to address the most processes? (2) Does this aspect undermine available, the basic environmental, social, urgent development challenges. the extent of people’s ability to meet their and economic conditions, as outlined by the The GRI Index communicates the activities needs? A criterion was added to ensure Natural Step (see box), were considered most economic representation within the tool. (3) of the World Bank. Except for their member appropriate. Does this aspect impact the local economy? 1 RESULTS: WHAT IS MATERIAL? 4. Procurement Practices - World Bank operations have a global footprint, and therefore a very geographically diverse supply base. Report Boundary Encouraging the responsible behavior of its major suppliers is important for reducing environmental impacts along its supply chain. Boundaries are defined based on the management control of impacts – indirect impacts lay within the “operational” boundary while direct 5. Human Rights / Child Labor / Indigenous Rights / Local Communities impacts fall within the “corporate” boundary. For each material topic, – The World Bank promotes human rights by ensuring that there is boundaries are specified in the management approach disclosures. no prejudice or discrimination toward project-affected individuals or communities and give particular consideration to Indigenous Peoples, Impacts external to the organization [“operational boundary”] minority groups, and those disadvantaged or vulnerable, especially where adverse impacts may arise or development benefits are to be “Operational boundary” denotes an indirect impact that occurs when shared. the World Bank provides lending and analytical services and may not be directly controlled by the Bank’s management. Corporate Impact The material, topic-specific disclosures of the Bank’s internal operations Impacts internal to the organization [“corporate boundary”] include the following: “Corporate boundary” refers to the impact from activities over which 1. Staff are the World Bank’s greatest asset. They bring a wide range the Bank has direct control, such as operating World Bank facilities and of perspectives to bear on poverty-reduction issues and emerging managing staff members. development challenges and are critical to the effectiveness of the Bank’s core operational and knowledge services. Staff-related Operational impact disclosures are pulled from the following GRI aspect categories: The World Bank’s most pertinent sustainability impacts from financial Employment, Occupational Health and Safety, Training and and technical services to clients can be summarized in the following GRI Education, Diversity and Equal Opportunity, and Nondiscrimination. topic specific disclosures: 2. The Bank recognizes that reducing its own corporate environmental 1. Economic Performance – Because creating and distributing economic impacts is in line with the institutional mission to reduce value is part of the mission of eliminating extreme poverty, shareholders poverty, as environmental degradation affects the world’s poor and investors care about the sustainable economic performance of the disproportionately. Increasing the efficiency of how the organization institution. runs its business — through facility-level and staff-behavior changes — reduces natural-resource waste and decreases the cost of day- 2. Indirect Economic Impacts – These impacts are an essential aspect to-day operations. Key aspects related to the Bank’s environmental of the Bank’s goal of reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity. footprint include: Materials, Energy, Water, Emissions, Effluents and 3. Anti-corruption – Critical to the World Bank’s mission to alleviate Waste, and Procurement Practices. extreme poverty is a well-functioning public sector that delivers quality public services consistent with citizen preferences. It also Questions and comments about the GRI Index should be must foster private, market-led growth while managing its fiscal addressed to the World Bank Corporate Responsibility Program, resources in a prudent manner. Opinion leaders in the Bank’s client crinfo(a) countries listed anti-corruption as one of their development priorities. 2 World Bank GRI Index 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS Material Topics Disclosed General Disclosures Economic Disclosures Environmental Disclosures Social Disclosures Organizational Profile....................4 Economic Performance............... 23 Materials........................................ 39 Employment.................................. 52 Strategy........................................... 9 Indirect Economic Impacts........ 27 Energy.............................................40 OH&S.................................................55 Ethics and Integrity...................... 11 Procurement Practices................31 Water.............................................. 44 Diversity & Equal Opportunity... 59 Governance.....................................13 Anti-corruption............................ 35 Emissions....................................... 45 Training and Education............... 62 Stakeholder Engagement............15 Effluents and Waste....................50 Non-discrimination......................66 Reporting practice........................19 Child Labor..................................... 67 Indigenous Peoples....................... 71 Human Rights............................... 72 Local Communities.......................74 3 GENERAL DISCLOSURES GRI 102: ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE Disclosure 2018 Response 102-1 Name of the The World Bank consists of the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development organization Association (IDA). It is part of the World Bank Group, which also includes the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Organizational Profile Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). For more information, see 102-2 Activities, The World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. Three priorities guide brands, products, our work with countries to end poverty and boost prosperity for the poorest people: (i) helping create sustainable economic growth, the and services surest path out of poverty; (2) investing in people, through access to health care, education, water and sanitation, and energy; and (3) building resilience to shocks and threats that can roll back decades of progress. To attain its goals, the World Bank offers: • Innovative financing instruments and products for an array of investments in such areas as education, health, public administration, infrastructure, financial and private sector development, agriculture, and environmental and natural resource management. Some of the Bank’s projects are cofinanced with governments, other multilateral institutions, commercial banks, export credit agencies, and private sector investors. The Bank also provides or facilitates financing through trust fund partnerships with bilateral and multilateral donors. Many partners have asked the Bank to help manage initiatives that address needs across myriad sectors and developing regions. • Research, analysis, partnership coordination, and technical assistance services that are designed to share the best knowledge available to achieve development results and that underpin World Bank financing. For more information, see 102-3 Location of The World Bank's headquarters are located in Washington, DC, in the United States. headquarters 102-4 102-4 Location The World Bank is a global organization. IBRD is owned by 189 member countries and IDA by 173. World Bank staff are located in our of operations 140 country locations globally. There are 166 World Bank facilities worldwide. Location of operations 4 World Bank GRI Index 2018 102-5 Ownership The World Bank is not a bank in the traditional sense, but a unique partnership committed to reducing poverty and supporting and legal form development. IBRD is governed by and works with its 189 member countries to achieve equitable and sustainable economic growth in their national economies, and to find solutions to pressing regional and global problems in economic development and other important areas, such as environmental sustainability. Project loans are financed by World Bank bonds issued in the capital markets, guarantees, risk management products, and advisory services. IDA works with its 173 member countries—offering financing to the world’s poorest countries—to reduce poverty by providing loans and grants for programs that boost economic growth, reduce inequalities, and improve people’s living conditions. GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Organizational Profile For a full list of member countries, see Each of the World Bank organizations operates according to procedures established by its Articles of Agreement. The agreements outline the conditions of membership and the general principles of organization, management, and operations. For more information, see: BODEXT/0,,contentMDK:50004943~pagePK:64020054~piPK:64020408~theSitePK:278036,00.html. 102-6 Markets The World Bank works globally to achieve equitable and sustainable economic growth in member country economies and to find served solutions to the pressing regional and global problems in economic development. Its work is distributed throughout the following regions: Africa, East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa, and South Asia. World Bank projects cover the following Global Practices: Agriculture; Education; Energy; Environment and Natural Resources; Finance, Competitiveness, and Innovation; Governance; Health, Nutrition, and Population; Jobs and Development; Macroeconomics, Trade, and Development; Poverty; Social Protection; Social, Urban, Rural, and Resilience; Transportation; Digital Development; and Water. For more information on the Bank’s work by region and by sector, see and www.worldbank. org/en/topic. 102-7 Scale of the Total World Bank commitments: World Bank lending commitments for development support totaled $47 billion in fiscal year 2018. organization IBRD commitments and resources: New lending commitments by IBRD totaled $23 billion for 124 projects in fiscal year 2018. IBRD raised US dollar equivalent (USDeq) 36 billion by issuing bonds in 27 currencies. IBRD’s equity comprises primarily paid-in capital and reserves. IBRD’s Governors are voting on capital increase resolutions that would allow IBRD to lend more, consistent with maintaining an appropriate equity-to-loans ratio. Lending capacity will increase once the capital contributions are received. IDA commitments and resources: IDA commitments amounted to $24 billion for 206 operations in fiscal year 2018, including $18.5 billion in credits, $5 billion in grants, and $463 million in guarantees. IDA is financed largely by contributions from partner governments. Additional financing comes from transfers from IBRD’s net income, grants from the International Finance Corporation, and borrowers’ repayments of earlier IDA credits. Total resources for the IDA18 Replenishment, which covers fiscal years 2018–20, amounted to $52.9 billion in Special Drawing Rights (equivalent to $75 billion). For more information, see the World Bank Annual Report 2018: 5 102-8 Information on In fiscal year 2018, the World Bank employed 12,216 staff: 6,724 on permanent contracts, and 5,492 on fixed term contracts (including employees and other special assignments). Forty-three percent of World Bank staff are located in our 140 country locations. Over 50 percent of our staff workers are female. Additionally, the World Bank employed 4,810 full-time equivalent, short-term consultants in fiscal year 2018. These self- employed workers represent 28 percent of the workforce. 2018 2017 2016 2015 Full-time staff Number % of total Number % of total Number % of total Number % of total GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Organizational Profile United States 7,016 57% 6,906 58% 6,736 59% 7,209 60% Female 3,864 32% 3,774 32% 3,659 32% 3,936 33% Male 3,152 26% 3,132 26% 3,077 27% 3,273 27% Non-US location 5,200 43% 4,991 42% 4,685 41% 4,724 40% Female 2,469 20% 2,361 20% 2,206 19% 2,226 19% Male 2,731 22% 2,630 22% 2,479 22% 2,498 21% WB total full-time 12,216 11,897 11,421 11,933 staff Of which Female 6,333 52% 6,135 52% 5,865 51% 6,162 52% Of which Male 5,883 48% 5,762 48% 5,556 49% 5,771 48% Consultants (FTE globally) 4,810 28% 4,948 29% 4,757 29% 4,262 26% World Bank staff who hold regular, open, or term appointments are eligible for reduced work schedule (RWS), which can be used in three kinds of arrangements: (1) part-time—the staff member works less than full-time; (2) job share—two staff work less than full- time and share responsibility for one job; or (3) phased retirement—the staff member works reduced hours to help transition from full-time work to retirement. A staff member on RWS works no less than 50 percent of the regular workweek schedule. In total, at the end of fiscal year 2018, 57 Bank staff were on reduced work schedule. For more information about the World Bank’s career tracks, see 6 World Bank GRI Index 2018 102-9 Supply chain Corporate Procurement: Each year, about $1.3 billion in goods and services are purchased by the World Bank globally. Major contracts include consulting services, travel, information technology and telecommunications, health and benefits, and construction services. All vendors are required to adhere to the World Bank Corporate Procurement Policy. For more information, see: http://www. Operational Procurement: World Bank projects have a global footprint, and therefore, a geographically diverse supply base. Bank operations have varied supply chain characteristics depending on the nature of the items being procured and location (for instance, supply chain characteristics in fragile states have unique market features). In general terms, about 70 percent of the Bank’s projects GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Organizational Profile by value are infrastructure related, typically transport, water, and energy projects. Road-related projects are typically supplied by local providers for both design and construction. More complex or cutting-edge energy, water, and transport projects (for example, rail systems) usually involve a global consortium combining the best skills around the world. Depending on how complex or proprietary the technology requirements will determine whether items, for example, rail stock, turbines, and processing equipment, are imported or manufactured locally. For civil works components, it is normal that these are sourced locally and use local labor. For goods, this varies depending on the types of goods procured; if procured internationally, global supply chains are typically involved. Procurement of services and consultants again depends on the type of service required. At about 70 percent by value, the Bank’s support to infrastructure procurements are generally labor-intensive activities, particularly for civil works components. These procurements typically use local labor and equipment. As such, the Bank’s standard bidding documents for works projects put a high emphasis on labor management and protections, including, among other things, access to health services, site safety, equality, pay, prevention of child labor and gender-based violence, and so on. In fiscal year 2018, the Bank supported its borrowers in procurement from 2,767 different suppliers; about $9.6 billion was paid to these suppliers in contracts subject to the Bank’s prior review. In fiscal 2017, 4,025 suppliers were awarded about $11.2 billion. The Bank does not currently track subcontractors beyond the primary provider; however, the majority of these contracts by value are for infrastructure projects and, as such, it is estimated that about 27,000 subcontractors could be involved beyond the primary supply chain (a factor of 10 subcontractors to one primary supplier). 7 102-10 Significant There were no significant changes to the World Bank’s size, Top supplying countries changes to the structure, ownership, or corporate supply chain. organization and its Rank FY17 FY18 supply chain The Bank’s operational supply chain is truly diverse and global 1. China India and has remained stable overall. As old projects conclude, and new ones begin, there are fluctuations in the major 2. India China supply chains depending on project procurement awarded. 3. Turkey Turkey In the main geographic supply chains (supplier-registered GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Organizational Profile 4. Belarus Spain locations) of fiscal year 2017 and fiscal year 2018, the top three supplying countries (supply chains)—China, India, and 5. Indonesia France Turkey—remain constant, and Bangladesh and France remain 6. France Italy in the top 10 supplying countries. As the Bank’s operational 7. Bangladesh Poland portfolio is highly focused on infrastructure, the supply chains 8. Germany Bangladesh can vary depending on the results of one large project award. For more information, see: 9. Pakistan Argentina en/projects-operations/products-and-services/brief/ 10. Russian Federation Brazil procurement-new-framework. 102-11 Precautionary The World Bank applies the precautionary approach through its safeguard policies. Principle or approach The Bank’s environmental and social safeguard policies are a cornerstone of its support to sustainable poverty reduction. The objectives of these policies are to prevent and mitigate harm to people and their environment in the development process. These policies provide guidelines for Bank and borrower staff in the identification, preparation, and implementation of programs and projects. The effectiveness and development impact of programs and projects supported by the Bank has substantially increased as a result of attention to these policies. Safeguard policies have often provided a platform for the participation of stakeholders in project design, along with being an important instrument for building ownership among local populations. For more information, see http://www. 102-12 External The World Bank is committed to helping developing countries end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity in a sustainable initiatives manner. The Bank is a partner of choice for countries seeking to reach many of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted in September 2015, particularly in the context of financing, data, and supporting implementation. The World Bank is also an active member of many external initiatives, such as the United Nations Environmental Management Group and the Multilateral Financial Institutions Working Group on the Environment. As a UN-specialized agency, the Bank supports the mission of the UN and the multilateral agreements for which the Bank acts as an implementing agency, such as the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Multilateral Fund for the Montreal Protocol, and the Convention to Combat Desertification. These facilities have enabled the Bank to become the largest funder of projects in support of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. 8 World Bank GRI Index 2018 102-13 Membership The World Bank is not a formal member of industry or a business association, or a national or international advocacy organization, of associations but it works with a wide range of civil society organizations, foundations, and private sector partners on multiple global issues. It is also a sitting observer in the UN Development Group. These partnerships build support for the World Bank's twin goals of ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity. The Bank partners with key stakeholders on a number of programs, including our End Poverty campaign, and we partner on specific development challenges facing our partner countries, such as financial inclusion, forced displacement, climate change, as well as human capital investments, including education and health. Key partnerships include the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, Early Childhood Development Network, the He4She initiative, and WeConnect International a global network that connects women-owned businesses to buyers around the world. STRATEGY GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Strategy 102-14 Statement Refer to the World Bank Annual Report 2018 for messages from Dr. Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Group; Kristalina from senior Georgieva, CEO of IBRD and IDA; and a statement from the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. decision-maker For more information, see 102-15 Key The work of the World Bank is anchored in its goals: to end extreme poverty—reducing the share of the global population living in impacts, risks, and extreme poverty to three percent by the year 2030—and to promote shared prosperity—increasing the income of the bottom 40 opportunities percent of the population. Both goals must be met in a sustainable manner. IMPACTS: The World Bank Group Strategy, released in 2013, discusses the significant areas in which the World Bank makes economic, social, and environmental impacts, as well as the associated challenges and opportunities along the path toward ending poverty and boosting shared prosperity in a sustainable manner. In December 2017, the World Bank Group committed to no longer finance upstream oil and gas, after 2019. In 2018, the World Bank Group announced that 32 percent of its financing had climate co-benefits— exceeding the target set in 2015 that 28 percent of its lending volume would be climate-related by 2020. World Bank staff work together with country-based staff, IFC, MIGA, and country partners to prioritize the WBG’s program of financial, analytical, advisory, and convening support, based on the Bank Group’s comparative advantage and the client’s priorities, and in response to development challenges highlighted in a Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD). The SCD identifies the barriers to eliminating extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity within a country and is undertaken by the WBG before developing a new partnership framework with a country. The diagnostic guides the development of the Country Partnership Framework (CPF), which outlines the strategic interventions and support on which the WBG and partner country will engage. This SCD was introduced in July 2014, and as of the end of fiscal year 2018, the WBG had prepared SCDs in 90 countries and new CPFs in 57 countries. During the fiscal year 2019-21 planning period, the World Bank Group will focus on the following priorities: (1) support for client-facing work, particularly for the IDA18 scale-up and areas affected by fragility, conflict, and violence, and for meeting the IBRD capital increase policy commitments; (2) the Bank Group-wide partnership to crowd in private sector investment and create new markets to maximize finance for development; (3) a renewed focus on human capital and on enhancing the Bank Group’s leadership on global issues; and (4) improvement of the business model for greater effectiveness and efficiency. 9 102-15 Key RISKS: As a cooperative institution, IBRD seeks not to maximize profit but to earn enough income to ensure its financial strength and impacts, risks, sustain its development activities. Of fiscal 2018 allocable net income, the Board of Executive Directors recommended to the Board and opportunities of Governors the transfer of $248 million to IDA and the allocation of $913 million to the General Reserve. As part of its lending, (continued) borrowing, and investment activities, IBRD is exposed to market, counterparty, country credit, and operational risks. The World Bank Group’s Chief Risk Officer leads the risk oversight function, independently reports to the Board on an ongoing basis, and supports the institutional decision-making process via dedicated risk committees. In addition, IBRD has put in place a strong risk management framework, which supports management in its oversight functions. The framework is designed to enable and support IBRD in achieving its goals in a financially sustainable manner. One summary measure of IBRD’s risk profile is the ratio of equity to loans, which is closely managed in line with its financial and risk outlook. This ratio stood at 22.9 percent as of June 30, 2018. To download the IBRD Financial Report and IDA Financial Report, visit: GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Strategy OPPORTUNITY: Fiscal year 2018 was witness to significant impacts to the financial resources for both IBRD and IDA, which are anticipated to open new opportunities for the World Bank to provide support to its client member countries. As part of the groundbreaking IDA18 package, IDA shareholders agreed to transform IDA’s financing model, leveraging its strong General Disclosures capital base to pioneer a new model for development finance that combines donor funding with funding raised in the capital markets. IDA received its first-ever public credit rating—triple-A—in 2016. IDA’s financial strength is based on its robust capital position and shareholder support, as well as on its prudent financial policies and practices, which help to maintain its triple-A credit rating. On April 17, 2018, for the first time, IDA issued $1.5 billion of debt in the international capital markets. This inaugural IDA bond received strong reception in the market, with total orders reaching $4.6 billion from around the world. IDA’s borrowing program will enable IDA to significantly scale up its support toward achieving the SDGs while offering investors an efficient way to contribute to global development. At the 2018 Spring Meetings, the Development Committee of the Board of Governors endorsed a package of measures that include a $13 billion paid-in capital increase for the World Bank Group, including $7.5 billion for IBRD, as well as a $52.6 billion increase in callable capital for IBRD. The boost in capital is augmented by a broad range of internal measures to create an even stronger World Bank Group. Draft resolutions on the capital increase were sent to the Governors for formal approval in June 2018. For more information on the World Bank Group Strategy: For more information on the World Bank Group’s Forward Look: Documentation/23775499/DC2018_0005ForwardLookupdate_329.pdf For more information about IBRD and IDA funding programs: For more information on progress toward corporate targets: 10 World Bank GRI Index 2018 ETHICS AND INTEGRITY 102-16 Values, Values: The WBG concluded an extensive internal consultation to revisit its Core Values, which define how Bank Group staff engage principles, standards, with partners and each other. They are: and norms of behavior • Impact – We help our clients solve their greatest development challenges. • Integrity – We do what is right. • Respect – We care for our people, our clients, our partners, and our planet. GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Ethics and Integrity • Teamwork – We work together to achieve our goals. • Innovation – We learn and adapt to find better ways of doing things. More than 1,000 colleagues from across the World Bank Group were engaged in this exercise. Code of Conduct: A new Bank Group Code of Conduct will be launched in fiscal year 2019 in line with the new Core Values. There is a separate Code of Conduct for Board officials. Business partners are informed of ethics expectations through a separate document. Adherence to high ethical standards is specified in contracts with employees, Board officials, and business partners. Section 1(c) of the Code for Board Officials requires them to sign the code document upon assuming duty and deposit it with the Ethics Committee of the Board. In addition to the required training for new staff, the institution offers a number of ethics training courses on values, expected business conduct, recourses available against misconduct and retaliation, and the prevention of conflicts of interest. Staff members are required to uphold World Bank Group Staff Rules as a condition of employment. Trainings: There is a mandatory e-learning training on the Code of Conduct for all new staff, including consultants with contracts of more than 30 days. A summary of the Code of Conduct is available in nine languages. A new mandatory e-Learning was launched in fiscal 2018, on preventing and addressing sexual harassment, to be completed by all staff by September 30, 2018. Preventing and addressing sexual harassment is inextricably linked to the World Bank Group’s core values integrity, teamwork, and respect. Responsibility: The head of the WBG Ethics and Business Conduct (EBC) is a Chief Ethics Officer who reports directly to the World Bank Group President. The leadership of this function by a Chief Ethics Officer reflects the importance of EBC’s mandate, comprised of four key areas of responsibility: (1) setting standards through the design and stewardship of ethical policy, practices, decisions, and behavior, including administering Declarations of Interest Programs to ensure public confidence; (2) reaching out to staff and offering training to strengthen values, foster a culture of respect and integrity, and build bridges between scientific research and practice in ethical development; (3) advising staff and clients by sharing ethics expertise and spotting trends, and providing counsel on conflicts of interest and compliance-related issues as needed; and (4) addressing misconduct by reviewing concerns, recommending actions, and facilitating resolutions. For more information on the World Bank’s Code of Conduct and EBC functions, see ethics. 11 102-17 Mechanisms Seeking advice about ethical and lawful behavior, and organizational integrity: The World Bank encourages staff members for advice and (both past and present) to seek ethics-related advice and report suspected misconduct and other ethical issues through its Ethics and concerns about Business Conduct Department. Modes of seeking advice include: (1) via the Ethics Helpline (800-261-7497) that is available 24 hours ethics a day and administered in multiple languages by an outside vendor; (2) via email (ethics_helpline(a); and (3) employees can seek advice directly from EBC staff during office hours or arrange to speak with team members at a convenient time. Advisory requests are treated with the highest possible level of confidentiality given the requirements of the case. Requests for advice can be made anonymously. GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Ethics and Integrity For reports of suspected misconduct, all information is confidential and subject to disclosure on a strict need-to-know basis. Anonymous complaints are accepted. Reporting concerns about unethical or unlawful behavior, and organizational integrity: there were 914 requests for advice in fiscal year 2018. In more than 93 percent of the cases, answers were provided within two business days. The most frequently received queries concerned a staff member’s outside activities, a couple’s or family’s relationship, or vendor procurement. In fiscal year 2018, 252 allegations of misconduct were received. The most frequently received involved allegations of harassment General Disclosures excluding sexual harassment, noncompliance with rules, and sexual harassment. The large majority of allegations were reviewed and closed after intake or initial review. Of those, 19 resulted in the submission of an investigative report to the Vice President of Human Resources, who has the authority to determine if misconduct occurred and to impose sanctions. The Bank Group has a nonretaliation policy that protects against any direct or indirect detrimental action threatened or taken because a person engaged in a protected activity. Retaliation is considered misconduct and is investigated and sanctioned accordingly. In addition, the Bank’s Integrity Vice Presidency works to improve compliance with corruption-related policies. The unit trains staff to detect and deter fraud and corruption and investigates allegations in activities conducted or financed by the World Bank Group—as well as allegations of significant fraud and corruption involving staff. Details are outlined for staff in the World Bank Group Code of Conduct. See 12 World Bank GRI Index 2018 GOVERNANCE 102-18 Governance The World Bank is a development institution for which its 189 member countries are shareholders. Member countries govern the Bank structure through the Boards of Governors and the Board of Executive Directors (EDs). The Boards of Governors consist of one Governor and one alternate Governor appointed by each member country. The office is usually held by the country’s minister of finance, governor of its central bank, or a senior official of similar rank. The Governors and alternates serve for terms of five years and can be reappointed. The Governors delegate specific duties to the 25 Executive Directors, who sit as a resident Board of Directors in Washington, DC. The five largest shareholders appoint an Executive Director, while other member countries are represented by elected Executive Directors. Together, the Boards of Governors and the Executive Directors make all major decisions for the organization, including policy, financial, and membership issues. GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Governance In addition to representing their own countries and others they are elected to represent, Executive Directors serve on one or more of five standing committees: Audit Committee, Budget Committee, Committee on Development Effectiveness (CODE), Human Resources Committee, and Committee on Governance and Executive Directors’ Administrative Matters (COGAM). The committees help the Board execute its oversight responsibilities through in-depth examinations of policies and practices, overseeing and making decisions about the Bank’s policies and procedures, financial condition, risk-management and assessment processes, adequacy of governance and controls, and effectiveness of development and poverty-reduction activities. CODE supports the Board in assessing the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group, providing guidance on strategic directions of each member institution of the World Bank Group, monitoring the quality and results of World Bank Group operations, and overseeing or liaising on the work of the entities that are part of the World Bank Group’s accountability framework, including with regard to economic, environmental, and social topics. In addition, the Ethics Committee provides guidance on matters covered by the Code of Conduct for Board officials. These committees function independently of all World Bank Group executive officers. For more information, see 102-20 Executive- The World Bank Group integrates the principles of sustainable environmental and social development into its work with clients across all level responsibility sectors and regions. This is done through the Office of the Vice President for Sustainable Development. The Vice President of Sustainable for economic, Development reports through the Office of the IBRD/IDA Chief Executive Officer, and in turn to the President of the World Bank Group. environmental, and social topics For more information about the current Vice President, Sustainable Development, see laura-tuck and Organizational chart: 13 102-22 Composition All powers of the World Bank Group are vested in the Boards of Governors (Ministers of Finance and Development of 189 WBG of the highest member countries), the Bank’s senior decision-making body according to the Articles of Agreement. They are the only nonexecutives governance body who can decide on the following: and its committees • Admit and suspend members; • Increase or decrease the authorized capital stock; • Determine the distribution of the net income of the World Bank; • Decide appeals from interpretations of the Articles of Agreement by the Executive Directors; • Make formal comprehensive arrangements to cooperate with other international organizations; GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Governance • Suspend permanently the operations of the World Bank; • Increase the number of elected Executive Directors; and • Approve amendments to the Articles of Agreement. All other decisions are delegated to the Executive Directors. General Disclosures 102-23 Chair of the The Chair of the Board of Executive Directors serves as the President of the organization, as set out in the World Bank’s Articles of highest governance Agreement, Section 5. See body 102-24 Nominating Nominating Governors of the World Bank depends on the political systems of the individual 189 member governments. The main and selecting the criterion is that a Governor is a minister of finance, development, or another national ministry. Other criteria like diversity, independence, highest governance and expertise may factor into the independent, government-led decision-making process. The World Bank has no direct influence over body Governor nomination, which is a sovereign matter related to countries’ internal governance and decision making. For details, see 102-26 Role of Governors of the World Bank meet twice per year to discuss issues related to the organization’s purpose and strategy to eliminate highest governance extreme poverty and reduce inequality in a manner that is economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable. See www. body in setting purpose, values, and strategy 14 World Bank GRI Index 2018 102-35 Remuneration Per the World Bank Articles of Agreement, “ [T]he Board of Governors shall determine the remuneration to be paid to the Executive policies Directors and the salary and terms of the contract of service of the President.” To recruit and retain highly qualified staff, the World Bank Group has developed a compensation and benefits system designed to be internationally competitive, to reward performance, and to take into account the special needs of a multinational and largely expatriate staff. The Bank Group’s staff salary structure is reviewed annually by the Executive Directors and, if warranted, is adjusted on the basis of a comparison with salaries paid by private financial and industrial firms and by representative public-sector agencies in the U.S. market. GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Stakeholder Engagement The Articles also state that Governors (the highest governance body) “...shall serve as such without compensation from the Bank, but the Bank shall pay them reasonable expenses incurred in attending meetings.” Senior Management salaries are disclosed in the Annual Report: STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 102-40 List of As a global employer, the World Bank consults and collaborates with thousands of stakeholders throughout the world. The World stakeholder groups Bank groups the stakeholders into two main categories: internal and external. Internal stakeholders include shareholder governments (the Boards of Governors), Executive Directors and Senior Management, and Bank employees. External stakeholders include parliamentarians; civil society; faith-based organizations; academics; professionals; the private sector (including sustainable responsible investors, companies, and social entrepreneurs); and international, national, and local media, among others. 102-41 Collective At the World Bank Group, the percentage of total employees covered by collective bargaining agreements is zero. bargaining However, the World Bank Group Staff Association, founded in 1972, represents and protects the rights and interests of all (that is, agreements 100 percent) of the staff as part of its mandate. The Staff Association negotiates with the Human Resources Vice Presidency, senior management, line management, and the Executive Directives to ensure the interests of staff are met. The Staff Association is not a union and does not engage in collective bargaining. It serves a critical role by representing the rights of all World Bank Group staff, as provided in Staff Rule 10.01. Currently, there are 11,815 World Bank Group staff that are members of the Staff Association, and 90 country offices have established Country Office Staff Associations. 102-42 Identifying World Bank works with diverse stakeholders who share the commitment to advance the World Bank Group’s twin goals—to end and selecting extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity. Getting the necessary stakeholders involved is essential, but also challenging given that stakeholders our stakeholders range from donor and client governments to the poorest and most marginalized communities. In the context of World Bank-supported activities, stakeholders are considered to be anyone who is in some way—positively or negatively—impacted by the potential outcomes of these activities. The stakeholders are varied so what impacts a segment or segments of this group depends on what the activities’ outcomes are. 15 102-43 Approach The World Bank Group engages with a broad cross-section of stakeholder groups in ways that are both context-specific and situational. to stakeholder Engagement takes the form of numerous approaches, including policy dialogue; operational partnerships; consultations; convenings and engagement global platforms, such as the Annual and Spring Meetings; and joint issue-based advocacy on campaigns, such as End Poverty and the Early Years campaign on early childhood development. 1. Member governments: Executive Directors and Governors engage regularly with a wide spectrum of stakeholders, including national stakeholders in their own country and with international civil society organizations (CSOs) on the margins of the organization’s GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Stakeholder Engagement Spring and Annual Meetings, as well as during travel to client countries for Bank Group operations. Each fall and spring, the Boards of Governors of the World Bank Group and International Monetary Fund (IMF) hold Annual and Spring Meetings to discuss a range of issues related to poverty reduction, international economic development, and finance. The Annual Meetings provide a forum for international cooperation and enable the Bank Group and IMF to better serve their client countries. In addition to the Annual and Spring Meetings, the Development Committee convenes to advise the Boards of Governors on issues of global concern, including the world economic outlook, poverty eradication, economic development, and aid effectiveness. Outcomes of the Development Committee are inputs to the GRI materiality exercise. See General Disclosures 2. Employees: Staff engagement, pride in the institution, and commitment to a shared mission are key to the World Bank’s success. Staff are kept informed at all times and have formal and informal opportunities to engage and have dialogue with senior management through various avenues, such as internal events, live webcast leadership townhalls, online chats, leadership blogs, and so on. The World Bank’s intranet is available to all staff across 140 countries and is easily accessible on employee devices. Management ensures flow of information through communications, announcements, stories, webinars, learning opportunities, targeted briefings, broad-reach newsletters, and emails. More broadly, to support staff in feeling part of an integrated community, there are additional engagements such as cultural performances, staff profiles, and staff conversations. The Bank also promotes various corporate communication campaigns, such as the Community Connections Campaign, to raise funds for the local community and client countries, campaigns around staff health and wellness, safety and security, etc. Monitoring the staff level of engagement is very important. The regular, in-depth employee Engagement Survey invites staff to voice opinions on key issues, from leadership to career development, and inclusiveness to the work environment. The Bank engagement index and the participation rate in the Engagement Survey remain consistently high. As indicated in the 2017 survey, the Bank’s participation rate and the engagement index continued this trend, respectively at 85 and 80 percent. 3. Civil Society: The World Bank engages Civil Society Organizations (CSOs, which include faith-based and religious organizations) regularly at the global, regional, and local levels. The Bank shares information, solicits input on policy reform, consults with CSOs on our strategy, collaborates with CSOs on Bank-financed projects, and forges partnerships to further our dual goals. For example: the Bank’s Civil Society team hosts a monthly update call with more than 300 CSOs, and distributes a monthly CSO eNewsletter that reaches roughly 8,000 subscribers. At the country level, the World Bank consults with a broad spectrum of CSOs on the Systematic Country Diagnostic, the Country Partnership Framework, and individual Bank-funded development projects, as well as knowledge products and advisory work. Often these interactions involve multiple stakeholders such as government, private sector, development institutions, and donors at different times in the project or program cycle. Within these operations, the Bank is helping to build sustainable national systems for citizen engagement that give citizens a stake in decision-making with the objective of improving development outcomes. 16 World Bank GRI Index 2018 102-43 Approach Twice a year, during the Annual and Spring Meetings, the World Bank Group hosts the Civil Society Policy Forum, which enables the to stakeholder Bank and CSOs to deliberate on critical issues such as citizen engagement, financial intermediaries, education, energy, and climate engagement change. More than 1,000 CSO participants attended the event at the 2018 Spring Meetings—a record-setting attendance to date— (continued) demonstrating the enduring interest from CSOs in engaging with the Bank. A new CSO Innovation Fair, held during the spring Policy Forum, also provided a unique opportunity for CSOs to interact with each another and Bank staff through a showcase of their advocacy campaigns, online data tools, and other innovative products and interventions. Through the Strategic Framework for Mainstreaming Citizen Engagement in World Bank Group Operations, the Bank Group engages with CSOs and citizens to achieve better development GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Stakeholder Engagement results. This effort is grounded in the commitment to include beneficiary feedback in World Bank Group-financed projects in which there are clearly identifiable beneficiaries. See Topics raised by CSOs are used as inputs to the GRI materiality exercise. 4. Opinion Leaders: The Country Opinion Survey (COS) Program systematically assesses and tracks the views of external opinion leaders across client countries. The World Bank Group has collected thousands of opinions in this mandated program since its inception, in fiscal 2012. Each client country is surveyed once every three years; each year, about 40 to 45 countries are included. In this manner, over a three-year cycle, the COS Program obtains feedback from stakeholders in nearly all client countries. No other multilateral organization engages in a feedback mechanism of such breadth and depth. Priorities identified by Opinion Leaders through the COS are used as input to the GRI materiality exercise. 5. ESG Investor Community: The World Bank engages with investors including those with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment considerations. Many of these investors consult reports published by ESG firms that rate and rank issuers based on specific environmental, social, and governance indicators. The firms believe that the ratings reflect the investors’ general areas of interest. In their issuer profile reports, ESG firm research teams analyze the World Bank’s (IBRD’s) approach to how to lend and conduct business internally as it pertains to, for example, staff satisfaction, health, and safety; board member composition; and carbon footprint based on business-as-usual activities. The World Bank frequently receives requests to review and provide feedback on ESG report drafts, and in many cases, there is already a draft response, which the Bank fact-checks and balances with additional resources (for example, reports, talking points, press releases, and so on) so that the requestors have a more holistic and complete understanding of our corporate and development activities. The questions the World Bank regularly provides feedback on to ESG research and rating firms are used as part of the materiality exercise for the GRI Index. 6. Local, national, and international media: The World Bank regularly reaches out to media to cover corporate priorities, including events involving senior management. At key opportunities, such as the Annual and Spring Meetings, the Bank proactively drives the primary messages of the institution, such as its commitment to its goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and boosting shared prosperity. The World Bank uses traditional media outlets and social media to promote issues that need to be addressed to achieve those goals, such as major reports on climate change, forced displacement, and gender inequality. The Bank also responds to media queries to help the media better understand the Bank’s role and responsibilities. Press releases, statements, transcripts, and feature stories from the Bank appear on the World Bank’s website homepage,, and on the news site, 17 102-43 Approach Topics raised by media are used as inputs to the GRI materiality exercise. to stakeholder 7. Foundations and the private sector: The World Bank Group mobilizes political and financial support from the philanthropic engagement world to advance the institution’s twin goals. Partnerships range from direct or parallel grant contributions to research, knowledge (continued) sharing, and joint advocacy. These partnerships often provide crucial early seed funding and access to innovative ideas and new expertise. They also allow the Bank Group to reach a broad network of civil society grantees. The World Bank Group currently partners with about 100 foundations across all regions of the world. In fiscal year 2018, the Bank GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Stakeholder Engagement Group launched a number of important new partnerships with foundations that focused on scaling up investment and advocacy efforts on priority issues, including forced displacement, climate change, as well as investments in human capital. In addition, the WBG continued to strengthen existing partnerships. Some examples include: • The Advisory Council—an annual action-oriented meeting designed to build political will and to kick-start transformative partnership—convened a select group of high-level, influential philanthropic leaders alongside senior Bank Group leadership around the topic of forced displacement. Participants agreed to explore the feasibility of building a matchmaking platform to attract more funding to Jordan, which would benefit refugees and local host communities. Since the meeting, the World Bank has been working in close collaboration with the Tent Foundation to increase engagement by global businesses, and with the Open Society Foundations on a deal catalyst mechanism to create a pipeline of investable opportunities. The aim of the platform is to bring local businesses, global corporations, foundations, philanthropic investors, and the development community together to create opportunities for refugees and host populations through investment, sourcing, market access, and skills and capacity development. • The World Bank Group also continued to engage with philanthropic forums including the European Foundation Centre and the Global Philanthropy Forum. • In fiscal year 2018, the Bank partnered with the Global System for Mobile Communications Association to harness the power of data from the Internet of Things to support the use of technology to help developing countries solve their most critical development challenges. • The Bank’s Identification for Development (ID4D) initiative provides global knowledge and expertise to help countries realize the potential of digital identification systems and forges partnerships with external actors. During this year’s Annual Meetings, ID4D launched a High-Level Advisory Council to advance digital identification as a sustainable development priority. The Council, co-chaired by Kristalina Georgieva, IBRD and IDA CEO, and Amina J. Mohammed, United Nations Deputy Secretary-General, consists of prominent global leaders, including: Mo Ibrahim, Chairman of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation and Founder of Celter; Nandan Nilekani, Co-Founder of Infosys, and Founding Chairman, Unique Identification Authority of India; and Eric Jing, CEO, Ant Financial. ID4D engaged with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Omidyar Network, and the Government of Australia, whose support brings thought leadership and funding to this initiative. • This year, the World Bank Group continued to engage partners on issues of advocacy, such as the Human Capital Project. During the Spring Meetings, discussion on making human capital a project for the world, Bill Gates came forward to champion the human capital agenda in partnership with the World Bank Group. In addition to the efforts on human capital, the World Bank Group also worked with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to deepen engagement and raise the level of ambition the two institutions have to improve the lives of the people we serve. For a snapshot of partnerships between the World Bank Group and almost 100 foundations around the world, see: http://documents. 18 World Bank GRI Index 2018 102-44 Key topics Topics of concern raised in the past year include: and concerns raised 1. Member states: Member states issue communiques during Annual and Spring Meetings. These can be found online. See, for instance, the Development Committee Communique from April 2018: Communiques/23776683/Communique(E)immediaterelease4-21.pdf. 2. Employees: In surveys, Bank staff continuously show high levels of engagement and pride in working for the organization. Following up on the most recent 2017 survey, we have developed Vice Presidential Unit action plans that focus on areas of concern, such as institutional practices, leadership development, work-life balance, and so on. The status of action plans is updated and GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Reporting Practice monitored on a regular basis. This approach has led to improvement in a number of areas at both the VPU and corporate level. 3. Opinion Leaders: In fiscal year 2018, the mean rating for the Bank Group’s effectiveness and impact on development results (combined rating for two variables) in the Bank Group’s client countries was 6.4 on a 10-point scale across all COS respondents. Participants in the fiscal year 2018 COS had significantly lower ratings for the Bank Group’s effectiveness and impact on development results compared to participants in the fiscal year 2017 COS (the mean in fiscal year 2018 was 6.4; the mean in fiscal year 2017 was 6.6). Clients (those respondents who work with the institution) rated the Bank Group’s collaboration with other donors and development partners in IDA countries lower compared to participants in the fiscal year 2017 COS (the mean in fiscal year 2018 was 7.1; the mean in fiscal year 2017 was 7.4). On responsiveness and staff accessibility (combined rating for two variables), the client ratings were the same: 6.8 (statistically similar to the fiscal year 2017 COS rating: 6.8). For more information, see http:// 4. ESG Investor Community: Investors have asked for clarification about the project implementation process and how safeguards help reduce social and environmental risks. Their questions focused on, for example, preventing risks before resettlement and the procurement process. In addition, investors may ask about labor and the supply chain during project implementation by contractors helping to install projects on the ground alongside local agencies. In the past, investors have asked about how well these companies that were procured for project implementation are vetted in order to prevent any violation of human rights and child labor within countries where projects are being financed. REPORTING PRACTICE 102-45 Entities The content and data in this document relate to the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the included in the International Development Association (IDA), which together comprise the World Bank. The GRI Index 2018 does not cover activities of consolidated the other three agencies of the World Bank Group: the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee financial statements Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). These agencies publish separate annual reports. Some references to the World Bank Group have been made in this report as appropriate. For more about the World Bank and its sibling agencies, see 19 102-46 Defining The topics deemed relevant for disclosure were identified by assessing annual corporate priorities outlined by the institution’s Boards report content and and President, considering stakeholder input, as well as ascertaining sustainability impacts of carrying out the mission and vision. topic Boundaries Stakeholder feedback is gained through internal focal points that manage the relationships with the Board, civil society, investors, staff, media, and clients. To determine if a GRI aspect is material for the World Bank to report on, an assessment is carried out based on the potential impacts on the Bank’s business, and sustainability impacts stemming from its business. The business-case category evaluates potential reputational risks to the organization, the importance to stakeholders (based on the above sources), the linkages with the Bank’s mission and goals and those identified as material in the World Bank Corporate Responsibility Strategic Plan. The sustainability impact refers to GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Reporting Practice environmental and social criteria, as outlined by the Natural Step, namely, material extracted from the earth’s crust; the accumulation of persistent or toxic emissions; extractive industry or destructive processes; and the extent to which people’s ability to meet their needs are undermined. To ensure representation of sustainable development, an additional criterion was added to give preference for impact on the local economy. The Principles for Defining Report Content have been applied to identify, prioritize, and validate the information to be disclosed by considering the World Bank’s activities, impacts, and the substantive expectations and interests of its stakeholders. Each criterion above is given a point and a threshold is set to prioritize GRI aspects to include in the report. 102-47 List of Boundaries are defined based on the management control of impacts – indirect impacts lay within the “operational” boundary while material topics direct impacts fall within the “corporate” boundary. For each material topic, boundaries are provided in the management approach disclosures. Impacts external to the organization [“operational boundary”] “Operational boundary” denotes an indirect impact that occurs when the World Bank provides lending and analytical services and may not be directly controlled by the Bank’s management. Impacts internal to the organization [“corporate boundary”] “Corporate boundary” refers to the impact from activities over which the Bank has direct control, such as operating World Bank facilities and managing staff members. Operational impact The World Bank’s most pertinent sustainability impacts from financial and technical services to clients can be summarized in the following GRI topic specific disclosures: 1. Economic Performance – Because creating and distributing economic value is part of the mission of eliminating extreme poverty, shareholders and investors care about the sustainable economic performance of the institution. 2. Indirect Economic Impacts – These impacts are an essential aspect of the Bank’s goal of reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity. 20 World Bank GRI Index 2018 102-47 List of 3. Anti-corruption – Critical to the World Bank’s mission to alleviate extreme poverty is a well-functioning public sector that delivers material topics quality public services consistent with citizen preferences. It also must foster private, market-led growth while managing its fiscal (continued) resources in a prudent manner. Opinion leaders in the Bank’s client countries listed anti-corruption as one of their development priorities. 4. Procurement Practices – World Bank operations have a global footprint, and therefore a very geographically diverse supply base. Encouraging the responsible behavior of its major suppliers is important for reducing environmental impacts along its supply chain. 5. Human Rights / Child Labor / Indigenous Rights / Local Communities – The World Bank promotes human rights by ensuring that there is no prejudice or discrimination toward project-affected individuals or communities and give particular consideration GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Reporting Practice to Indigenous Peoples, minority groups, and those disadvantaged or vulnerable, especially where adverse impacts may arise or development benefits are to be shared. Corporate impact The most material topics of the Bank’s internal operations include the following: 1. Staff are the World Bank’s greatest asset. They bring a wide range of perspectives to bear on poverty-reduction issues and emerging development challenges and are critical to the effectiveness of the Bank’s core operational and knowledge services. Staff-related disclosures are pulled from the following GRI aspect categories: Employment, Occupational Health and Safety, Training and Education, Diversity and Equal Opportunity, and Nondiscrimination. 2. The Bank recognizes that reducing its own corporate environmental impacts is in line with the institutional mission to reduce poverty, as environmental degradation affects the world’s poor disproportionately. Increasing the efficiency of how the organization runs its business—through facility-level and staff-behavior changes—reduces natural-resource waste and decreases the cost of day- to-day operations. Key aspects related to the Bank’s environmental footprint include: Materials, Energy, Water, Emissions, Effluents and Waste, and Procurement Practices. 102-48 Restatements Due to changes in emissions factors and errors within the data management system, the World Bank Group base year calculations of information for greenhouse gas emissions have been restated; details have been captured in the Inventory Management Plan available at: http:// 102-49 Changes in There were no significant changes from previous reporting periods in the list of material topics and topic boundaries. reporting 102-50 Reporting The GRI Index 2018 covers fiscal year 2018, i.e., July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018. period 102-51 Date of most The previous Sustainability Review and GRI Index were made available in October 2017. recent report 102-52 Reporting The World Bank updates its GRI Index annually and provides a summary of the year's activities in the World Bank Annual Report. An cycle in-depth World Bank Sustainability Review is published biennially. 21 102-53 Contact For more information, email the World Bank Corporate Responsibility Program: crinfo(a) point for questions regarding the report 102-54 Claims The GRI Index 2018 has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards GENERAL DISCLOSURES • Reporting Practice 102-55 GRI content The GRI Index 2018 is available on the following webpage: index 102-56 External The World Bank has not set a policy on gaining external assurance for its GRI Index and Sustainability Review. In practice, limited assurance assurance is carried out for the Bank’s corporate carbon emissions data periodically. Fiscal year 2016 carbon emissions data was audited by a third party. The carbon inventory is also assured every year by the IFC Annual Report auditors. 22 World Bank GRI Index 2018 ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES GRI 201: ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic is material - The World Bank, one of the world’s largest development institutions, is an important source of financial resources and technical assistance for developing countries around the globe. It is not a bank in the ordinary sense, but a unique partnership formed to reduce poverty and promote development. Two goals—ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity—guide the Bank’s mission. Sustainability, an overarching ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Economic Performance theme, frames these goals. To support this mission, the Bank provides a wide array of investments in such areas as education, health, public administration, infrastructure, financial and private sector development, agriculture, and environmental and natural resource management, and climate change, among others. The areas that Bank investments support present enormous challenges and opportunities for development, making it essential that they be tackled in an integrated way. 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic - This topic applies to the World Bank’s operational boundary impacts. The World Bank’s lending is aimed at two different groups of countries: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) strives to reduce poverty in middle-income and credit- worthy poorer countries through loans, guarantees, risk-management products, and analytical and advisory services. Its companion organization, the International Development Association (IDA), offers below-market-rate financing to the world’s 78 poorest countries, primarily through credits and grants. IBRD funds itself through high-quality bonds offered in the international capital markets. IDA’s funding is predominantly from contributions by donor countries, including OECD countries and, increasingly, middle-income nations. 103-1c: Any specific limitation regarding the Boundary of the topic - This response does not cover activities of the other three agencies of the World Bank Group: the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Some references to the World Bank Group have been made in this report as appropriate. 103-2c: A description of the following, if the management approach for each topic includes that component: i. Policies; ii. Commitments; iii. Goals and targets; iv. Responsibilities; v. Resources; vi. Grievance mechanisms; vii. Specific actions, such as processes, projects, programs and initiatives - The Bank has established two goals to galvanize international and national development efforts: to end extreme poverty (i.e., reducing the share of the global population living in extreme poverty to 3 percent by the year 2030) and to promote shared prosperity (i.e., increasing the income of the bottom 40 percent of the population). Both goals must be met in a sustainable manner. The World Bank Corporate Scorecard is designed to provide a snapshot of the Bank’s overall performance in the context of development results. It facilitates strategic dialogue between Bank management and its Board of Executive Directors on progress made and areas that need attention. Aspects of financial sustainability are measured under the Scorecard’s Tier III, which reviews the overall success of Bank activities in achieving development goals and examines the effectiveness of Bank operations, including the performance of its lending portfolio. For more information on the Corporate Scorecard, see The World Bank Group has established its Climate Change Action Plan for 2016-2020 in April 2016. The Climate Change Action Plan serves as a guiding document on climate action and lays out ambitious climate change related targets and commitments to meet challenges and opportunities from climate change by supporting transformative policies and institutions, scaling up sectoral climate actions, integrating climate change across its operations, and working more closely with others. IDA18 includes climate-related policy commitments on deepening mainstreaming by increasing climate focus through strategic programming and project design, supporting efforts towards achieving Sustainable Energy for All objectives, and monitoring and reporting on IDA resources used and private finance mobilized for climate change. Performance against these commitments is reported quarterly at a meeting chaired by the Chief Executive Officer. 23 201-1 Direct economic In fiscal year 2018, IBRD’s net revenues totaled $2.19 billion (versus $1.98 billion in 2017 and $1.89 billion in 2016), and IDA’s value generated and net revenues were $1.07 billion (versus $1.32 billion in 2017 and $1.93 billion in 2016). distributed Sources of revenue include net revenue from loans, net revenue from IBRD’s Equity Management, revenue from investments trading, and transfers from affiliated organizations. The financial performance of IBRD reflects the impact from the measures put in place in previous years to increase its financial capacity and ensure its long-term financial sustainability. In fiscal year 2018, IBRD’s administrative expenses were $1.13 billion (versus $1.18 billion in 2017 and $1.30 billion in 2016), and IDA’s ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Economic Performance administrative and development grant expenses for fiscal year 2017 were $6.47 billion (versus $4.09 billion in 2017 and $2.41 billion in 2016). Significant progress has been made to ensure budget spending discipline and efficiency, which has resulted in an improvement in the budget anchor (an efficiency measure that shows net administrative expenses as a percentage of loan spread revenue). To better understand the business models of each entity, please see the IBRD Management’s Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) and the IDA MD&A. See Financial Statements, 24 World Bank GRI Index 2018 201-2 Financial Climate change is already affecting countries and communities around the world, and the poorest and most vulnerable are being implications and other hit the hardest. risks and opportunities due to climate change The World Bank Group has committed to increase its climate financing to 28 percent of the Bank Group’s portfolio by 2020, in response to client demand. To meet this commitment, the organization adopted the Climate Change Action Plan that lays out ambitious targets to be met by 2020 in such areas as clean energy, climate-smart agriculture, disaster risk management, and sustainable urbanization, including helping client countries add 30 gigawatts of renewable energy, put in place early warning ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Economic Performance systems for 100 million people, and develop climate-smart agriculture investment plans for at least 40 countries. The World Bank Group is on track to meet or exceed the key objectives of the Climate Change Action Plan. • In fiscal year 2018, $20.5 billion, or 32 percent, of total commitments to activities with climate co-benefits had been made, an increase from $10.8 billion, or 18 percent, of total commitments in 2016. • Increased financing for climate action has driven strong results, including generating or integrating 18 gigawatts of additional renewable energy into electricity grids, and mobilizing over $10 billion in commercial finance for clean energy. • The World Bank has provided 38 million people in 18 countries with access to reliable climate information and early warning systems to deal with more frequent and intense natural disasters such as floods and hurricanes. • Country Forest Notes have been developed for seven countries, while 22 climate-smart agriculture profiles or investment plans have been completed for 20 countries, seeking to maximize finance for climate-resilient and low-carbon development in the sector. • Through tracking of climate co-benefits, screening of climate and disaster risks, and applying greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting to operations in key sectors, climate change is being mainstreamed throughout the institution. • At the One Planet Summit in December 2017, the World Bank Group made the announcement that it will no longer finance upstream oil and gas after 2019 and ramp up climate ambition by announcing new commitments and targets beyond 2020 at the COP24 in Poland in 2018. For details on climate-related projects, see Progress against the financing target are tracked in the World Bank Group’s Corporate Scorecards, in which annual climate-related commitments are tracked by measuring the share of climate-related financing in total commitments, see http://scorecard. Risks and opportunities and the subsequent implications of the Bank’s activities due to climate change are reported through the Climate Disclosure Project. For the complete report, see 25 201-3 Defined benefit 201-3a-b: If the plan’s liabilities are met by the organization’s general resources, the estimated value of those liabilities. plan obligations and The World Bank offers its staff defined benefit plans. Participation in the pension plan is mandatory. The Staff Retirement Plan other retirement plans (pension) and Retired Staff Benefits Plan (medical) assets are held in separate irrevocable trusts, and the Post Employment Benefit Plan assets (other benefits) are included in IBRD’s investment portfolio. The assets of the plans are used for the exclusive benefit of the participants and their beneficiaries, and represent the accumulated contributions paid into the plans net of benefit payments, together with the accumulated value of investment earnings, net of related expenses. ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Economic Performance As of June 30, 2018, the value of accrued pension liabilities for IBRD/IDA was $18.4 billion, supported by assets of $18 billion held in a trust. The funded ratio (assets over liabilities) was 97.5 percent. 201-3c: If a fund set up to pay the plan’s pension liabilities is not fully covered, explain the strategy, if any, adopted by the employer to work towards full coverage, and the timescale, if any, by which the employer hopes to achieve full coverage. Assets are evaluated at their fair value, and liabilities are measured as the Projected Benefit Obligation, discounted with high- quality corporate bond rates. The two amounts are estimated in full compliance with the U.S. accounting standards (ASC 715). 201-3d: Percentage of salary contributed by employee or employer. The World Bank’s contribution to the pension plan is based on a specified funding methodology and varies from year to year in response to changes in the plan’s financial position. Employees participating in the gross plan (closed plan) contribute 7 percent of the pensionable gross salary. Employees in the net plan (open to new entrants) contribute 5 percent of their net salary to the mandatory cash balance component. Participants in the net plan may choose to contribute up to an additional 6 percent of their net salary to the cash balance. Disclosure 201-3e: Level of participation in retirement plans, such as participation in mandatory or voluntary schemes, regional, or country-based schemes, or those with financial impact. The participation in the pension plan is mandatory for staff members of the World Bank Group. 26 World Bank GRI Index 2018 201-4 Financial World Bank member countries, or shareholders, are represented by a Board of Governors, who are the ultimate policymakers at assistance received from the World Bank. Generally, the governors are member countries’ ministers of finance or ministers of development. They meet once government a year at the Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the World Bank Group and the International Monetary Fund. The governors delegate specific duties to 25 Executive Directors, who work onsite at the Bank. The five largest shareholders appoint an Executive Director, while other member countries are represented by elected Executive Directors. ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Indirect Economic Impacts Member contributions: IBRD has a diversified shareholder base that supports IBRD’s financial strength through both paid-in and callable capital. Callable capital may be called only when required to meet obligations of IBRD for funds borrowed or on loans guaranteed by it. For capital contributed by a member country, see Financial Statements, financialresults. Trust funds: Generally accounted for separately from the Bank’s own resources, trust funds are financial and administrative arrangements with external donors that lead to grant funding of high-priority development needs, such as technical assistance, advisory services, debt relief, post-conflict transition, and co-financing. Taxes: As an organization established by international treaty, the World Bank receives tax-exempt status from its member countries. GRI 203: INDIRECT ECONOMIC IMPACTS Disclosure 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - The World Bank is an important source of financial resources and technical assistance for developing countries around the world. It is not a bank in the ordinary sense, but a unique partnership formed to reduce poverty and support economic development. The World Bank supports a wide array of critical investments in such areas as education, health, public administration and institutional development, infrastructure, financial and private sector development, agriculture, and environmental and natural resource management, among others. These investments are aimed to help countries to grow their economies inclusively and sustainably; to build the human capital needed to help people seize economic opportunity; and to ensure that countries remain resilient in the face of global shocks or threats that could undermine progress in eliminating poverty. Stakeholders—including the Bank’s member countries, investors, and partners from across civil society as well as the private sector, among others—recognize development as a key impact of the Bank’s business. Disclosure 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic applies to the World Bank’s operational impact. Disclosure 103-2c: A description of the following, if the management approach for each topic includes that component: i. Policies; ii. Commitments; iii. Goals and targets; iv. Responsibilities; v. Resources; vi. Grievance mechanisms; vii. Specific actions, such as processes, projects, programs and initiatives - When the World Bank provides governments with financing to invest in projects, it aims to ensure that people and the environment are protected from potentially adverse impacts. The Bank follows policies that identify, avoid, and minimize harm to people and the environment. These policies require the borrowing governments to address certain environmental and social risks in order to receive World Bank support for investment projects. 27 The current environmental and social policies of the Bank are known as the Safeguard Policies, the mechanism for addressing environmental and social issues in Bank-supported project design, implementation, and operation. They provide a framework for consultation with communities and for public disclosure. In August 2016, the World Bank updated its Safeguard Policies with the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). All investment projects approved after October 1, 2018 will abide by the new ESF policies. The ESF will incrementally replace the Safeguard Policies; the two will operate in parallel for about seven years to govern projects approved before and after the date the ESF starts to be applied. ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Indirect Economic Impacts For more information, see and projects-operations/environmental-and-social-framework. Disclosure 103-3a: An explanation of how the organization evaluates the management approach(s) - The World Bank holds itself accountable to its clients and shareholders through institutional mechanisms that monitor operational performance. These include the World Bank Corporate Scorecard, the IDA Results Measurement System, and regular opportunities to discuss progress on operations with the Bank’s Executive Directors. The Bank also benefits from the expertise of key units within and independent of the institution. The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) aims to strengthen the World Bank Group’s development effectiveness through evaluations that assess results and performance and recommends improvements. IEG’s evaluations contribute to accountability and learning and inform the World Bank Group’s new directions, policies and procedures, and country partnership frameworks. IEG’s annual Results and Performance of the World Bank Group report assesses the Bank Group’s efforts to mainstream environmental sustainability in its country- and project-level work. For information on the World Bank Corporate Scorecard: For information on IDA results: For information on Independent Evaluation Group and links to IEG’s publicly available reports: 203-1 Infrastructure 203-1a: Extent of development of significant infrastructure investments and services supported. investments and services Infrastructure development in sectors such as energy, transport, and information and digital technology is critical to accelerating supported economic growth, helping build human capital, and reducing poverty. The World Bank supports governments through analysis and advice, financial instruments, convening power, and by providing a solid evidence base to help them make informed decisions about improving the accessibility and quality of infrastructure services. This includes, where appropriate, utilizing public-private partnerships and other means to leverage private sector financing and expertise. • For more information on infrastructure projects financed by the World Bank in fiscal year 2018, see the World Bank Annual Report 2018, • For information on public-private partnerships, see: • For information on energy, see: • For information on extractive industries, see: • For information on transport, see: • For information on digital technology, see: 28 World Bank GRI Index 2018 203-1 Infrastructure 203-1b: Current or expected impacts on communities and local economies, including positive and negative investments and services impacts where relevant. supported Building modern, sustainable, and reliable infrastructure is critical for meeting the rising aspirations of billions of people around (continued) the globe. A significant increase in infrastructure investments in developing countries is needed to achieve poverty reduction and shared prosperity, reach the Sustainable Development Goals, and tackle climate change. To meet these goals, infrastructure ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Indirect Economic Impacts projects must follow rigorous environmental and social standards, and be fiscally sustainable. 203-1c: Whether these investments and services are commercial, in-kind, or pro bono engagements. World Bank investment project financing is focused on the long term (five- to ten-year horizon) and supports a wide range of activities, including capital-intensive investments, service delivery, credit and grant delivery, and institution building. Through its high-quality rating in the capital markets, the World Bank is able to raise funds at favorable market terms and pass the savings on to its borrowing members. The Bank’s investment project financing not only supplies borrowing countries with needed financing, but also serves as a vehicle for sustained, global knowledge transfer and technical assistance. This includes support to analytical and design work in the conceptual stages of project preparation, technical support and expertise (including in the areas of project management and fiduciary and safeguards activities) during implementation, and institution building throughout the project. For more information on World Bank products and services, see: products-and-services. 29 203-2 Significant indirect 203-2a: Examples of significant identified indirect economic impacts of the organization, including positive and economic impacts negative impacts. The World Bank helps policymakers reach well-informed, evidence-based decisions that promote equity and inclusion, sustainable macroeconomics, public sector transparency and efficiency, productivity, and financial sector deepening and stability—all foundational elements for reducing poverty and promoting inclusive, sustainable economic growth. The Bank pursues its principal ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Indirect Economic Impacts goals by providing loans, expertise on development-related disciplines, and risk management products, and by coordinating responses to regional and global challenges. The Bank’s financial resources are significant and equally valuable is its knowledge. The Bank’s scale, range, and diversity lie at the core of its specialized role as a key contributor to global development knowledge. For a breakdown of the Bank’s fiscal year 2018 portfolio commitments by theme, sector, and region, see “Deploying Resources Strategically” in the World Bank Annual Report 2018: See the Corporate Scorecard for the Bank’s overall performance in the context of development results: http://scorecard. 203-2b: Significance of the indirect economic impacts in the context of external benchmarks and stakeholder priorities, such as national and international standards, protocols, and policy agendas. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted in 2015, are 17 targets in areas such as health, gender, jobs, and poverty reduction that are part of a comprehensive global agenda to end poverty in a single generation. The SDGs were formulated with strong participation from the World Bank and are fully consistent with the Bank’s own twin goals to end poverty and build shared prosperity in a sustainable manner. The World Bank helps catalyze the SDGs and the rest of the 2030 agenda through thought leadership, global convening, and country-level uptake. It is working with client countries to deliver on the 2030 agenda through three critical areas—finance, data, and implementation—and by supporting country-led and country- owned policies to attain the SDGs. Global efforts around the SDGs will guide the World Bank’s partnership efforts, especially with institutions of the United Nations, through 2030. For more information on the World Bank and the Sustainable Development Goals, see: programs/sdgs-2030-agenda. 30 World Bank GRI Index 2018 GRI 204: PROCUREMENT PRACTICES 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic is material - Corporate Procurement: The World Bank’s supply chain impacts are potentially the largest of its sustainability effects, with annual purchasing of the Bank topping $1.6 billion. Supply chain was also identified as a key impact area by stakeholders, including Sustainable & Impact investors. Operational Procurement: Through Investment Project Financing, the World Bank finances between $15 billion to $24 billion worth of Operations Procurements annually, in over 130 borrowing countries. This creates a material contribution to global development outcomes. ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Procurement Practices 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic is material to both the World Bank’s corporate and operational boundaries. 103-1c: Any specific limitation regarding the Boundary of the topic(s) - Corporate Procurement: In certain cases, management of the impacts by tier 2 suppliers, and those further down the supply chain, may not be feasible due to unavailable information. The Bank will continue to work with prime suppliers of major contracts to reduce the impacts of their supply chains. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - Corporate Procurement: The World Bank Group Corporate Procurement unit is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the sourcing strategy, selection, and contract execution for Bank offices around the globe, including adherence to the Bank’s policies on socially and environmentally-responsible corporate procurement policies. For lower-value procurement in country offices, responsibility for purchases sits with the country office management, with oversight provided by the corporate procurement unit. Around 60 percent of purchases of goods and services occurs in the World Bank Group’s headquarters, in Washington, DC, with the other 40 percent divided among the World Bank Group’s country offices. Many of the impacts from the procurement of goods and services are not directly caused by the World Bank Group but occur as a result of the Bank Group’s business relationship with suppliers. To mitigate potential impacts, the Bank Group identifies major impacts in each purchasing category, and uses mandatory specifications, evaluation criteria, and contract management to reduce the indirect impact of goods and services delivered to the Bank Group. Major corporate material purchases (including office construction and renovations, paper, computers, and furniture) are made with environmental life-cycle assessments in mind and incorporate mandatory environmental specifications as well as evaluation criteria to reward sustainability best practice. A sustainability framework for corporate procurement is under development to manage the sustainability impacts of Bank Group purchases. Portions of the framework are already being applied—major purchases with contract values over $1 million must address the sustainability impacts of the purchase in presentations to governance committees comprised of senior management. Operational Procurement: Operations Procurements arise from the implementation of international development projects financed by the World Bank. Finance is provided to Borrowers (Bank clients) through Investment Project Financing (IPF). In Operations Procurement the Borrower is the Buyer, not the Bank. However, the Borrower is required to follow the Bank’s Operations Procurement rules when tendering, letting, and implementing these contracts. These rules are split into two types: the Bank’s previous Procurement Guidelines (for Goods, Works and Non-Consulting Services) and Consultant Guidelines (for the selection and employment of Consultants) and the new Procurement Framework (introduced July 1, 2016). Operations Procurement opportunities are overseen by the World Bank, mainly through the Bank’s regional teams, or its global practice units. As projects arise they are allocated to a Task Leader (TL), usually based in the country that is responsible for implementing the project. In fulfilling this function, the Bank takes a risk- based approach. The main types of Operations Procurements financed by the Bank include: 31 • Highly complex infrastructure, e.g., railways, power stations, water treatment plants; • Consultancy services, e.g., engineering design and supervision, tax collection advice, research and development; • Major plant and equipment, e.g., generators, wind turbines, pumps, rail stock; • Information technology, e.g., computers, mobile phone networks; • Non-consulting services, e.g., aerial surveying, cartography, site investigations; and ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Procurement Practices • Critical supplies, e.g., emergency medical supplies, shelters, food. Social and Environmental Policies − When the Bank provides governments with financing to invest in projects-such as building a road, connecting people to electricity, or treating waste water - it aims to ensure that the people and the environment are protected from potential adverse impacts. The Bank does this through policies that identify, avoid, and minimize harm to people and the environment. These policies require the borrowing governments to address certain environmental and social risks in order to receive World Bank support for investment projects. Safeguard Policies − The current environmental and social policies of the Bank are known as the Safeguard Policies, the mechanism for addressing environmental and social issues in Bank-supported project design, implementation, and operation. The policies provide a framework for consultation with communities and for public disclosure. Examples of these requirements include conducting environmental and social impact assessments, consulting with affected communities about potential project impacts, and restoring the livelihoods of displaced people. Environmental and Social Framework − In August 2016, the World Bank adopted a new set of environment and social policies called the Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). Preparations to implement the ESF are underway, with plans for launch on October 1, 2018. The ESF will incrementally replace the Safeguard Policies; the two will operate in parallel for about seven years to govern projects approved before and after the date the ESF starts to be applied. 103-2b: A statement of the purpose of the management approach for each topic - Corporate Procurement: The purpose of the management approach for corporate procurement practices is to enhance positive impacts of the World Bank’s purchases where possible, and to avoid and then mitigate negative impacts where required. Operational Procurement: Procurement in Investment Project Financing operations supports borrowers in achieving value for money with integrity in delivering sustainable development. 103-2c: A description of the following, if the management approach for each topic includes that component: i. Policies; ii. Commitments; iii. Goals and targets; iv. Responsibilities; v. Resources; vi. Grievance mechanisms; vii. Specific actions, such as processes, projects, programs and initiatives - Corporate Procurement: In April 2018, the World Bank Group publicly committed to double its procurement with women-owned businesses providing services to the Bank’s global offices by 2023. Responsibility for designing the sustainability framework falls with the corporate procurement unit. Responsibility for ensuring major purchases address sustainability impacts falls with either the Corporate Procurement Committee (for purchases more than $1 million and less than $5 million) or the World Bank Group Procurement Committee (for purchases more than $5 million). The Corporate Procurement unit has assigned a Sustainability Manager to help design and implement the sustainability framework and work with corporate procurement as well as internal business clients to mainstream these efforts into the corporate procurement process. Operational Procurement: Operations Procurement is controlled through the World Bank’s Procurement Framework (and other Operations policies including the Bank’s Environmental and Social Policies through the legal agreement for the Loan): 32 World Bank GRI Index 2018 • Procurement policy for Investment Project Financing (IPF) and other operational matters; • Procurement directive; • Procurement procedure; • Procurement regulations for IPF borrowers; and • Guidance, including a specific guide on sustainable procurement. ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Procurement Practices Project specific commitments, goals, and targets are set and agreed on by the borrower and the Bank (reflecting requirements of Bank Operations policies). Operations Procurement responsibilities are defined in the Bank’s Procurement directive. For specific projects, Operations Procurement is overseen by the World Bank, mainly through the Bank’s regional teams, or its global practice units. As projects arise, they are allocated to a Task Team Leader, usually based in the country that is responsible for implementing the project. The Task Team Leader is supported by a Task Team comprising subject matter experts including procurement specialists, environmental specialists, social specialists, etc. Operations Procurement grievance mechanisms are explained in the Bank’s guide, “Procurement-Related Complaints.” For integrity matters, the process is governed by the Bank’s sanctions framework and anti-corruption guidelines. Specific actions include enhancements to the Bank’s Operations Procurement standard bidding documents to include additional criteria on Environmental, Health & Safety, and Social matters, including, among others, enhancements to the prevention of gender-based violence. The Bank has also provided seminars and webinars on Environmental, Health & Safety, and Social matters, and on October 1, 2018, the Bank will launch its new Environmental and Social Framework including, among others, assessment and management of environmental and social risks and impacts, labor and working conditions, resource efficiency, and pollution prevention and management. 103-3a: An explanation of how the organization evaluates the management approach(s) - Corporate Procurement: Corporate Procurement partnered with Facilities Management in reviewing main categories to align the Bank’s sourcing strategy, selection, and contract execution with those of leading companies working to minimize environmental impact. Assessments of major corporate material purchases (including office construction and renovations, paper, computers, and furniture) are being conducted to strengthen and mandate environmental specifications. The World Bank Group Procurement Committee of senior managers reviews all planned procurement valued above $5 million to ensure that socially and environmentally responsible criteria are present from the project’s outset. Operational Procurement: All Operations Procurements are subject to assurance mechanisms to ensure that Bank Operations policies have been met. This is applied using a risk-based approach. Higher risk and/or value operations procurements are subject to prior review at key stages of the procurement process by accredited Bank specialists who verify compliance. These procurements may only progress to the next process stage once a clearance has been given by an accredited Bank specialist and the Task Team Leader has issued a “no objection.” For procurements not subject to prior review (lower risk and/or value), a post review is undertaken; this is an ex-ante review undertaken on a minimum 10 percent sampling basis (see Procurement Procedure). Very high value and/or risk procurements are also overseen by the Bank’s Operations Procurement Review Committee (OPRC; see Procurement Procedure), chaired by the Bank’s Operations Chief Procurement Officer. This committee reviews all complex procurements at key stages on a prior review basis. Operations Procurement practices are also audited by the Bank’s Internal Audit Department (IAD) and by the Bank’s external auditors. The Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) also periodically reviews Operations Procurement’s performance. 33 204-1 Proportion of 204-1a: Percentage of the procurement budget used for significant locations of operation that is spent on spending on local suppliers local to that operation (such as percentage of products and services purchased locally). suppliers Corporate Procurement: The World Bank Group is refining its approach to local vendor screening, leveraging the newly established category management and electronic tendering system. Commodity segmentation has been completed, and the identification and inclusion of local criteria in the screening and evaluation process is under way. A new eProcurement system capable of tracking spend with local suppliers will begin to be implemented in late 2018 and will be reported on in future publications. ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Procurement Practices Operations Procurement: Seventy-seven percent of Operations Procurement was from suppliers registered in borrower countries in fiscal year 2018, totaling $7,414 million out of $9,588 million. 204-1b: The organization’s geographical definition of ‘local’. Corporate Procurement: The World Bank currently uses in-country vendors as the definition of “local.” If the office address for the vendor in the Bank system is in the country where the service occurs, then it is considered local and the assumption is made that it is employing and conducting business locally. Operations Procurement: “Local” is defined as a procurement supplied by a supplier registered in the borrower country. 204-1c: The definition used for ‘significant locations of operation’. Corporate Procurement: For the Bank’s corporate procurement, significant locations of operation include World Bank offices located in Washington, DC as well as field offices with occupancy of more than 100 employees. Operations Procurement: Significant locations are defined as any country that borrows Investment Project Financing from the World Bank. 34 World Bank GRI Index 2018 GRI 205: ANTI-CORRUPTION 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - The World Bank Group considers corruption a major challenge to its twin goals of ending extreme poverty by 2030 and boosting shared prosperity for the poorest 40 percent of people in developing countries. In addition, reducing corruption is at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals and achieving the ambitious targets set for Financing for Development. It is a priority for the World Bank Group and many of its partners. The World Bank Group has included Governance and Institutions as a theme in IDA18 in order to focus global attention on the issue. World Bank Group operations across sectors systematically incorporate governance and anticorruption measures into project design. The objective is to avoid/ mitigate corruption and fiduciary risks and ensure that development funds are used for their intended purposes. ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Anti-Corruption Following the global Anti-Corruption Summit in May 2016, the World Bank Group reaffirmed its commitment to confront corruption as a core development issue wherever it exists and to support integrity in public sector institutions. The World Bank Group also agreed to: • Build the capacity of country clients to deliver on their commitments to enhance transparency and reduce corruption; • Enhance its support for implementation of anti-money laundering requirements and for the recovery of stolen assets; and • Extend its work on tax reform, illicit financial flows, procurement reform, and preventing corrupt companies from winning public contracts. The World Bank Group participates in a number of collective action initiatives at the regional and global levels, including: • Leadership in creating international transparency standards (Global Initiative on Financial Transparency, Open Contracting Standard, Asset Disclosure Standards), and support for the implementation of open government (through support for the Open Government Partnership); • Active assistance in the implementation of transparency and accountability efforts such as the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, Publish What You Pay, Fisheries Transparency, and Anti-Money Laundering rules; • Engagement and active support for international alliances and regional anti-corruption forums, such as the International Corruption Hunters Alliance and Latin America Regional Parliamentary Network; and • Engagement in international fora on anti-corruption, including the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group, the Financial Accountability Task Force, and the OECD Anti-Corruption Task Team. 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic is material within the Bank’s operational boundary. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - The Integrity Vice Presidency (INT) investigates and pursues sanctions related to allegations of fraud and corruption in World Bank Group-financed projects. INT supports the main business units of the World Bank Group and external stakeholders, mitigating fraud and corruption risks through sharing investigative findings, advice, prevention, and outreach efforts. See The Ethics and Business Conduct Department (EBC) helps staff assess whether their personal and professional activities are in compliance with Bank Group rules. EBC actively helps staff identify whether their situations involve conflicts of interest that need to be addressed. More than 2,000 staff members undergo an annual check-up of their personal, financial, and business interests so that the Bank Group can be protected from apparent and real conflicts through the Declaration of Interests program that EBC manages. The World Bank Group’s Governance Global Practice (GGP) provides financing, intellectual leadership, and a reservoir of global experience to help countries develop practical reforms to address complex governance challenges. The GGP’s current strategic priorities focus on five key areas to help close implementation gaps: 35 1. Strengthening public policy processes; 2. Promoting effective resource management; 3. Reinforcing public service delivery; 4. Strengthening the public-private interface; and 5. Understanding the underlying drivers and enablers of policy effectiveness. See 103-2c : A description of the following, if the management approach for each topic includes that component: i. Policies; ii. Commitments; iii. ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Anti-Corruption Goals and targets; iv. Responsibilities; v. Resources; vi. Grievance mechanisms; vii. Specific actions, such as processes, projects, programs and initiatives - Guidelines on Preventing and Combating Fraud and Corruption in Projects Financed by IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants (revised as of July 1, 2016) were designed to prevent and combat Fraud and Corruption. Fraud and corruption may occur in connection with the use of the proceeds of financing from IBRD or IDA during the preparation and implementation of projects supported by Investment Project Financing (IPF). The guidelines set out the general principles, requirements, and sanctions applicable to persons and entities that receive, are responsible for the deposit or transfer of, or take or influence decisions regarding the use of such proceeds. See revised%20as%20of%20july%201,%202016).pdf 205-1 Operations 205-1a: Total number and percentage of operations assessed for risks related to corruption. assessed for risks related INT assesses and investigates allegations of corruption involving World Bank Group financing. In fiscal year 2018, INT opened to corruption 68 external investigations into possible corruption, fraud, collusion, coercion, and obstruction in 67 World Bank Group-financed projects in 39 countries. The investigations substantiated in the fiscal year involved 44 projects and included the review of 230 contracts, totaling approximately $1.45 billion. 205-1b: Significant risks related to corruption identified through the risk assessment. Keeping staff who work on projects attuned to risks arising from investigations and forensic audits is critical to ensuring that high-risk operations, in particular, are able to deliver results. As of the end of fiscal year 2018, INT had identified 390 World Bank Group-financed projects as being exposed to specific integrity risks. The projects were identified on the basis of specific criteria, including relevant ongoing and recently substantiated investigations, and the existence of multiple credible complaints. INT alerted the relevant project teams so that the risks could be addressed through strengthened project design or supervision. 36 World Bank GRI Index 2018 205-2 Communication 205-2a: Total number and percentage of governance body members that the organization’s anti-corruption and training about anti- policies and procedures have been communicated to, broken down by region. corruption policies and procedures INT provides all new Executive Directors of the Board and their Advisors with an overview of INT’s mandate, structure, and case portfolio, and highlights relevant issues during the Board Induction program. The Audit Committee of the Board, made up of eight Executive Directors, is briefed in more detail on a quarterly basis on these same activities. 15 Advisors to Executive Directors attended INT’s Integrity Clinic in fiscal year 2018. This clinic raises awareness about how corruption can impact World Bank Group-financed projects so that Board members are better able to assess projects before approving them. ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Anti-Corruption 205-2b: Total number and percentage of employees that the organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures have been communicated to, broken down by employee category and region. All new employees receive an overview of relevant staff rules and how to report suspected corruption issues. INT-organized training for 1,650 staff and clients on topics such as forensic auditing, integrity due diligence, and spotting indicators of corruption in fiscal year 2018. The Operations Policy and Country Services (OPCS) Governance and Anti-Corruption-in-Operations community of practice (300 staff) also fosters outreach and training to World Bank Group staff on corruption risks at a project’s level. In 2018, INT developed an e-learning course on dealing with fraud and corruption that will be mandatory for all World Bank staff. 205-2c: Total number and percentage of business partners that the organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures have been communicated to, broken down by type of business partner and region. Describe if the organization’s anti-corruption policies and procedures have been communicated to any other persons or organizations. The World Bank Group harmonized investigative procedures and definitions of sanctionable practices (including corruption) with the African Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the Inter- American Development Bank. Firms and individuals who are blacklisted by the World Bank Group must meet specific conditions, such as establishing and implementing an effective corporate compliance program or improving an existing program before they are again eligible to bid on World Bank Group-funded projects. These conditions are based on the Integrity Compliance Guidelines. At the end of fiscal year 2018, 328 entities had been sanctioned with such conditions. In fiscal year 2018, the Integrity Compliance Office notified 59 newly debarred entities of their conditions for release, and 15 entities met their conditions for release. For more information on the Integrity Compliance Guidelines, see Integrity-Compliance-Guidelines-2-1-11.pdf. 37 205-3 Confirmed 205-3a: Total number and nature of confirmed incidents of corruption. incidents of corruption Seventeen of 47 substantiated cases in fiscal year 2018 involved corruption by firms or individuals working on Bank Group- and actions taken funded projects. 205-3b: Total number of confirmed incidents in which employees were dismissed or disciplined for corruption. In fiscal year 2018, one staff member’s employment was terminated for issues related to multiple conflicts of interest and abuse of position, leading to misuse of Bank Group funds. 205-3c: Total number of confirmed incidents when contracts with business partners were terminated or not ECONOMIC DISCLOSURES • Anti-Corruption renewed due to violations related to corruption. No corporate vendors were debarred in fiscal year 2018. 205-3d: Public legal cases regarding corruption brought against the organization or its employees during the reporting period and the outcomes of such cases. No corruption cases were brought against the World Bank Group or its employees in fiscal year 2018. 38 World Bank GRI Index 2018 ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES GRI 301: MATERIALS 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - Key materials in World Bank corporate operations include office supplies and electronics purchased to support the work of Bank staff globally. Reducing the environmental impact of these materials by minimizing consumption and maximizing the use of recycled content and rapidly renewable choices ensures resources are available for future generations. Stakeholders, which include Sustainable and Impact investors, recognized that the materials used in the Bank’s internal operations and the associated supply chain practices are highly relevant to its business impact. ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • Materials 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic applies to the World Bank’s corporate impact boundary. 103-1c: Any specific limitation regarding the Boundary of the topic(s) - This response does not cover activities of the other three agencies of the World Bank Group: the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Some references to the World Bank Group have been made in this report as appropriate. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - The World Bank identifies products and services with large environmental impacts or those that it procures in large amounts. The Bank then works to identify environmentally and socially preferable alternatives. Quarterly reports from key suppliers reflect the percentage of products that meet key environmental criteria, such as percentage of recycled content, environmental certifications including Energy Star ratings and Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification, and other sustainable criteria. The Bank is currently assessing the approach to manage its material inputs and associated supply chains and expect to have more to report in future years. 301-1 Materials used The World Bank does not use a large amount of materials to produce Materials Used (metric tons) FY18 FY17 FY16 by weight or volume or package products; materials input primarily support its office- Total non-renewable materials 222 235 116 based environment. This includes the use of office supplies such as paper, information technology equipment, and food-service-related Electronic equipment 36 43 13 consumables. Office products 86 97 103 In fiscal year 2018, the total amount of non-renewable materials used Bottled water 100 95 - was 222 metric tons, including 36 tons of electronic equipment, 86 tons Total renewable materials 563 595 505 of office products, and 100 tons of bottled water. In the same period, the total amount of renewable material used was 563 tons, including 501 Paper 501 550 505 tons of paper and 62 tons of food-service-related consumables. Note that Food-service related consumables in the table below, the Bank began tracking bottled water and food- (includes carry out containers, cups, 62 45 - service related consumables in fiscal year 2017. A phase out of plastic cutlery and napkins) bottles at the Bank’s headquarters is underway in fiscal year 2019. 39 301-2 Recycled input The World Bank is committed to using resources that are made from recycled or rapidly renewable materials for its internal operations. materials used The largest material purchases include paper, office supplies, office furniture, cafeteria napkins, and electronics. Paper: World Bank standard copier and printer paper is 100 percent post-consumer waste recycled content and FSC-certified. The Bank tracks the percentage of all paper used at the institution that was made of recycled content. In fiscal year 2018, 50 percent of paper used was made from 100 percent post-consumer waste recycled content, while 46 percent consisted of 10 to 85 percent recycled content and four percent was virgin paper. ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • GRI 301: Materials Office supply: The Bank also tracks the percentage by weight of all items purchased from its office supply vendor that contain at least 10 percent post-consumer recycled content. In fiscal year 2018, 17 percent of all purchases from the office supply vendor contained at least 10 percent post-consumer recycled content, compared to 16 percent in fiscal year 2017. Furniture: More than 40 percent of the Bank’s office furniture contains a minimum of 10 percent post-consumer recycled content, and the majority of furniture in use at the World Bank has been refurbished or reupholstered. Food Services: In the Bank’s food services, all cafeteria napkins are made from 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper and produced with a 100 percent bleach-free process. In fiscal year 2018, the Bank purchased 4.66 tons of napkins. Electronic purchasing: The Bank also uses sustainability criteria for its information technology purchases to ensure components of computers, laptops, and monitors are made of recycled input materials. The percentage of recycled components in technology purchases is not tracked. GRI 302: ENERGY 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - Energy is a key input to the World Bank’s business operations. The purchase and use of energy can have various impacts because of the extraction of materials from the earth’s crust and the production of persistent toxic emissions from the combustion of fuels. Combustion of fossil fuels can result in severe health consequences and affects the expense-to-business revenue ratio. Stakeholders, which include Sustainable & Impact investors, consider energy an important impact from the Bank’s internal business. 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic applies to the World Bank’s corporate impact boundary. 103-1c: Any specific limitation regarding the Boundary of the topic(s) - This response does not cover activities of the other three agencies of the World Bank Group: the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Some references to the World Bank Group have been made in this report as appropriate. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - The World Bank manages its energy use carefully by tracking use in each owned facility. Quarterly tracking of the Bank’s energy use is evaluated by the Director of Global Corporate Solutions. Energy use is evaluated as an absolute figure and on an intensity basis to determine progress. Responsibility for increasing the energy efficiency of the Washington, DC, headquarters campus, with the goal of bringing all owned facilities to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) minimum requirements, falls with the Senior Project Manager in the Bank’s Corporate Real Estate unit. Data from country offices lag by one year; therefore, fiscal year 2017 data (including that from headquarters) are presented in the 2018 GRI Index. 40 World Bank GRI Index 2018 302-1 Energy 302-1a: Total fuel consumption within the organization from non-renewable sources, in joules or multiples, and consumption within including fuel types used. the organization The World Bank purchases natural gas, propane, gasoline, and diesel fuel for combustion onsite at its facilities globally as well as gasoline and diesel fuel for owned vehicles. In fiscal year 2017, total global fuel use was 85,861 GJ, compared to 77,494 GJ in fiscal year 2016, and 87,219 GJ in fiscal year 2015. Onsite global fuel use (GJ) FY17 FY16 FY15 Total 85,861 77,494 87,219 ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • Energy 302-1b: Total fuel consumption within the organization from renewable sources, in joules or multiples, and including fuel types used. Fuel consumption from renewable resources is not tracked, because data from fuel providers globally are not appropriately detailed. 302-1c: In joules, watt-hours or multiples, the total: i. electricity consumption; ii. heating consumption; iii. cooling consumption; iv. steam consumption. Electricity, cooling, and steam consumption is provided in the table. The World Bank does not have any purchased heating, such as district heating, purchased for consumption. Data reported in last year’s GRI Index included heating generated through onsite fuel consumption which is outside the reporting requirement and thus removed from this GRI disclosure. Purchased Energy Consumption (GJ) FY17 FY16 FY15 Total 420,295 415,132 433,931 Electricity 414,418 409,209 429,622 Cooling 5 0 33 Steam 5,873 5,923 4,277 302-1d: In joules, watt-hours or multiples, the total: i. electricity sold; ii. heating sold; iii. cooling sold; iv. steam sold. The World Bank does not sell any electricity, heating, cooling, or steam. 302-1e: Total energy consumption within the organization, in joules or multiples. Total global energy use from onsite fuel use, vehicle fuel use, and purchased electricity, cooling, and steam, in fiscal year 2017 equaled 506,156 GJ, compared to 492,626 GJ in fiscal year 2016. Offices located in the U.S. used 316,337 GJ, compared to 325,712 GJ in fiscal year 2016. In fiscal year 2017, data collected from the Bank’s 137 country office facilities outside of the U.S. totaled 189,819 GJ of energy, compared to 166,914 GJ in fiscal year 2016. 41 302-1a Energy Total Energy Consumption (GJ) FY17 FY16 FY15 consumption within the organization World Bank Total Energy 506,156 492,626 521,150 U.S. facilities and vehicles 316,337 325,712 346,526 (continued) Country office facilities and vehicles 189,819 166,915 174,624 Steam 5,873 5,923 4,277 302-1f: Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used. ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • Energy Information about World Bank standards, methodologies, and assumptions used, including conversion factors, can be found in the World Bank Group’s Inventory Management Plan for fiscal year 2017. For more information, see: 302-2 Energy 302-2a: Energy consumption outside of the organization, in joules or multiples. consumption outside Energy consumption outside the organization includes fuel used in contractor-owned vehicles as well as commercial airlines used for of the organization employee business travel. Data from contractor vehicle use is provided below. Data for fuel use in commercial airliners are not available, as this information is not provided by commercial airlines. Total Energy Consumption (GJ) FY17 FY16 FY15 Contractor-owned vehicles 20,328 18,468 18,233 302-2b: Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used. Information about World Bank standards, methodologies, and assumptions used, including conversion factors, are in the World Bank Group’s Inventory Management Plan for fiscal year 2017. For more information, see: 42 World Bank GRI Index 2018 302-3 Energy 302-3a: Energy intensity ratio for the organization. intensity Overall there was a slight increase in energy use in the Bank’s 137 global locations mainly due to increased reliance on on-site generator fuel in the Bank’s Afghanistan office and increased electricity use in the London and Chennai offices. Energy Intensity (GJ/m²) FY17 FY16 FY15 World Bank Energy Intensity (GJ/m²) 0.81 0.80 0.87 Total energy (GJ) 506,156 492,626 521,150 Total occupied square meters (m²) 624,568 612,247 596,562 ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • Energy 302-3b: Organization-specific metric (the denominator) chosen to calculate the ratio. This is based on 624,568 total occupied square meters in fiscal year 2017; 612,247 total square meters in fiscal year 2016; and 596,562 total square meters in fiscal year 2015. 302-3c: Types of energy included in the intensity ratio, whether fuel, electricity, heating, cooling, steam, or all. This ratio includes all energy (onsite combustion fuel, mobile combustion fuel, electricity, cooling, and steam). 302-3d: Whether the ratio uses energy consumption within the organization, outside of it, or both. The ratio includes only energy consumption within the organization. 43 302-4 Reduction of 302-4a: Amount of reductions in energy consumption achieved as a direct result of conservation and efficiency energy consumption initiatives, in joules or multiples. In fiscal year 2018, the Bank undertook efficiency measures that reduced its energy consumption by 1,804 GJ, predominately through reductions in electricity use. In the Bank’s non-U.S. offices, this included the following: • Ethiopia, Nigeria, Lebanon, Sudan, and Bangladesh country offices upgraded to LED lights in their offices, with expected savings of 1,149 GJ per year. • Ethiopia office installed solar water heaters and solar compound lights and installed soft starters, with expected savings of 84 GJ per year. • Kenya office updated motors on the chillers and cooling tower, and installed 6.5 Kw of solar, with expected savings of 486 GJ per year. ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • Water • Lebanon office installed solar security lighting throughout the compound and soft starters on chillers—expected energy savings not calculated at time of report. Reduction reporting is based on major initiatives taken in fiscal year 2018. 302-4b: Types of energy included in the reductions, whether fuel, electricity, heating, cooling, steam, or all. The reductions are based mainly on electricity usage. 302-4c: Basis for calculating reductions in energy consumption, such as base year or baseline. Reductions are calculated between fiscal years. The base year reduction in this case is fiscal year 2017. 302-4d: Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used. Methodologies and assumptions for calculating reductions are specific to each initiative and are sourced from engineering proposals. GRI 303: WATER Disclosure 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - Water security is among the top global risks in terms of development impact. The world will not be able to overcome the sustainable development challenges of the 21st century—including human development, livable cities, climate change, food security, and energy security—without improving management of water resources and ensuring access to reliable water and sanitation services. Water was identified as a key impact by stakeholders, including Sustainable & Impact Investors. 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic applies to the World Bank’s corporate impact boundary. 103-1c: Any specific limitation regarding the Boundary of the topic(s) - This response does not cover activities of the other three agencies of the World Bank Group: the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Some references to the World Bank Group have been made in this report as appropriate. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - Quarterly evaluation of the use of water, like other utilities, is conducted by the Director of Global Corporate Solutions. Water use is evaluated both as an absolute figure and on an intensity basis to determine progress. Responsibility for increasing the water efficiency of the Washington, DC campus, with the goal of bringing all owned facilities to Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) minimum requirements, falls with the manager in the Bank’s Corporate Real Estate unit. 44 World Bank GRI Index 2018 303-3 Water 303-3a: Total water withdrawal from all areas in megaliters, and a breakdown of this total by source withdrawal Of the total 382.54 megaliters of water usage globally in fiscal year 2017, 187.12 megaliters of municipal water was used in the Washington, DC offices, primarily for domestic and drinking water purposes. Offices outside the U.S. reported a total of 195.42 megaliters of water used. Water Usage (megaliters) FY17 FY16 FY15 US facilities 187.1 193.7 0.87 Country office facilities 195.4 144.0 521,150 ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • Emissions In fiscal year 2017, 80 percent of the global portfolio and in 2016, 78 percent of the global portfolio reported water data. No estimations are calculated for offices not reporting water usage. With an increased response rate each year it is expected that the total global water usage will increase. The Washington, DC offices use municipal water supply from the Potomac watershed. No surface water, groundwater, rainwater collected by the organization, or wastewater from other organizations was used in the Washington, DC offices in fiscal year 2017. The source of withdrawal is not available for offices outside of the US, as this information is not currently collected. The Bank is building systems to collect this information. Water use is based on utility bills from the local water utility, DC Water, in Washington, DC, and from utility bills or meters in those non- U.S. offices that can report. GRI 305: EMISSIONS 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - Addressing climate change is part of the World Bank’s core mission of helping countries end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity. Climate change threatens to erode development gains around the world—and its effects are greatest on the poorest and most vulnerable countries, which are the World Bank’s clients. 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic applies to the World Bank’s corporate impact boundary. 103-1c: Any specific limitation regarding the Boundary of the topic(s) - This response does not cover activities of the other three agencies of the World Bank Group: the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Some references to the World Bank Group have been made in this report as appropriate. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - As a demonstration of its corporate commitment to addressing climate change, the Bank continues to deepen its efforts to measure, reduce, offset, and report its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with its global internal operations, including its facilities, key meetings, and corporate air travel. The Bank has measured the GHG emissions from its facilities in Washington, DC since 2005 and globally since 2007. Emissions are calculated in accordance with the World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s GHG Protocol, with additional information on proxies, emissions factors, and the complete boundary available in the annually updated World Bank Group’s Inventory Management Plan. A third party regularly verifies the Inventory Management Plan and the GHG inventory to ensure they meet international best practices. 45 103-2c: A description of the following, if the management approach for each topic includes that component: i. Policies; ii. Commitments; iii. Goals and targets; iv. Responsibilities; v. Resources; vi. Grievance mechanisms; vii. Specific actions, such as processes, projects, programs and initiatives - The World Bank surpassed its GHG emissions target of reducing facilities-based emissions by 10 percent between 2010–17 and aims to introduce a new target in the coming year. Data from country offices lag by one year; therefore, fiscal year 2017 data (including that from headquarters) are presented in the GRI Index 2018. 305-1 Direct 305-1a: Gross direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions in metric tons of CO2 equivalent. (Scope 1) GHG The World Bank measures direct GHG emissions for its internal operations based on site-specific data for facilities. Estimates are made ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • Emissions emissions for those facilities with missing data. In fiscal year 2017, total gross direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions equaled 7,829 mtCO2e, of which 944 mtCO2e were emissions from the Bank’s U.S. facilities. The remaining 6,885 mtCO2e stemmed from offices and vehicle use in the 137 offices providing data outside of the U.S. base-year (fiscal year 2010) emissions equaled 5,826 mtCO2e. The increase in Scope 1 emissions was due to a slight increase in generator use in country offices. Scope 1 emissions (mtCO2e) FY 17 FY16 FY15 Base year FY10 World Bank total 7,829 6,970 7,972 5,826 U.S. facilities and vehicles 944 975 1,009 1,615 Country office facilities and vehicles 6,885 5,996 6,963 4,211 305-1b: Gases included in the calculation; whether CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. Gases included in the calculation are CO2, CH4, N2O, and HFCs. There are no known emissions of PFCs, SF6 or NF3, as detailed in the World Bank Group’s Inventory Management Plan 305-1c: Biogenic CO2 emissions in metric tons of CO2 equivalent. There are no biogenic CO2 emissions. 305-1d: Base year for the calculation, if applicable. Base year for this calculation is fiscal year 2010 which began on July 1, 2009. Fiscal year 2010 was chosen as the base year because it was the first year that confidence for data related to emissions from country offices was high. 305-1e-g: Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used. Information on methodology, emissions factors, Global Warming Potential (GWP) rates, and consolidation approach are in the Inventory Management Plan for fiscal year 2017. For more information, see 46 World Bank GRI Index 2018 305-2 Energy indirect 305-2a: Gross location-based energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions in metric tons of CO2 equivalent. (Scope 2) GHG The World Bank measures indirect GHG emissions for its internal operations based on site-specific data for facilities. Estimates are made emissions for those facilities with missing data. In fiscal year 2017, Scope 2 emissions from the Bank’s global offices continued to decrease, to 45,139 mtCO2e. Scope 2 emissions (mtCO2e) FY 17 FY16 FY15 Base year FY10 World Bank total 45,139 46,050 49,401 60,212 US 29,151 32,725 36,269 46,756 ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • Emissions Country offices 15,988 13,325 13,132 13,456 305-2b: Gases included in the calculation; whether CO², CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. Gases included in the calculation are CO2, CH4, N2O, and HFCs. There are no known emissions of PFCs, SF6 or NF3, as detailed in the World Bank Group’s Inventory Management Plan 305-2d: Base year for the calculation, if applicable, including: i. the rationale for choosing it; ii. emissions in the base year; iii. the context for any significant changes in emissions that triggered recalculations of base year emissions. Base-year (fiscal year 2010) Scope 2 emissions were 60,212 tCO2e. Fiscal year 2010 was chosen as the base year because it was the first year that confidence for data related to emissions from country offices was high. 305-2e-g: Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used. Information on methodology, emissions factors, GWP rates, and consolidation approach can be found in the Inventory Management Plan for fiscal year 2017. For more information, see 47 305-3 Other indirect 305-3a: Gross other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions in metric tons of CO2 equivalent. (Scope 3) GHG The World Bank measures indirect GHG emissions from air travel by Bank employees, as well as delegate air travel, and other indirect emissions emissions associated with major meetings that the Bank organizes. In fiscal year 2012, the Bank began measuring GHG emissions from contractor-owned vehicles. In fiscal year 2017, these emissions totaled approximately 95,216 mtCO2e, an increase from fiscal year 2016’s emissions of 90,046 mtCO2e. Base-year emissions in fiscal year 2010 equaled 85,760 mtCO2e. Scope 3 emissions (mtCO2e) FY 17 FY16 FY15 Base year FY10 ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • Emissions World Bank total 95,216 90,046 88,525 85,760 305-3b: Gases included in the calculation; whether CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. Gases included in the calculation are CO2, CH4, N2O, and HFCs. There are no known emissions of PFCs, SF6 or NF3, as detailed in the World Bank Group’s Inventory Management Plan 305-3c: Biogenic CO2 emissions in metric tons of CO2 equivalent. There are no biogenic CO2 emissions. 305-3e: Base year for the calculation. Fiscal year 2010 was chosen as the base year because it was the first year that confidence for data related to emissions from country offices was high. 305-3f-g: Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used. Information on methodology, emissions factors, GWP rates, and consolidation approach are in the Inventory Management Plan for fiscal year 2017. For more information, see 48 World Bank GRI Index 2018 305-4 GHG emissions 305-4a: GHG emissions intensity ratio for the organization. intensity Overall there was a slight increase in energy use in the Bank’s 137 global locations mainly due to increased reliance on onsite generator fuel in the Bank’s Afghanistan office and increased electricity use in the London and Chennai offices. Emissions scopes FY 17 FY16 FY15 Base year FY10 Scopes 1 and 2 (mtCO2e per square meter) 0.085 0.087 0.096 0.108 Scope 3 (mtCO2e per FTE) 5.65 5.57 5.47 5.70 ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • Emissions 305-4b-c: Organization-specific metric (the denominator) chosen to calculate the ratio. The World Bank measures GHG emissions intensity in two distinct categories. Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions are normalized per square meter, while Scope 3 emissions, pertaining to employee air travel, are normalized per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee, which consists of staff and short-term consultants. In prior years’ reporting, FTE did not include consultants, just number of staff. 305-4d: Gases included in the calculation; whether CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. Gases included in the calculation are CO2, CH4, N2O, and HFCs. There are no known emissions of PFCs, SF6 or NF3, as detailed in the World Bank Group’s Inventory Management Plan Information on methodology, emissions factors, GWP rates, and consolidation approach can be found in the Inventory Management Plan for fiscal year 2017. For more information, see 49 305-5 Reduction of 305-5a: GHG emissions reduced as a direct result of reduction initiatives, in metric tons of CO2 equivalent. GHG emissions Between Fiscal 2016-2017, efficiency projects at headquarters contributed to emissions reduction of over 2,900 metric tons of CO2e. Projects in the Bank’s offices in Addis Ababa, Beirut, Dhaka, Maputo, Juba, and Nairobi resulted in savings of around 345 mtCO2e. 305-5b: Gases included in the calculation; whether CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, or all. ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • Effluents and Waste Gases included in the calculation are CO2, CH4, N2O, and HFCs. There are no known emissions of PFCs, SF6 or NF3, as detailed in the World Bank Group’s Inventory Management Plan Information on methodology, emissions factors, GWP rates, and consolidation approach can be found in the Inventory Management Plan for fiscal 2017. For more information, see 305-5c: Base year or baseline, including the rationale for choosing it. Reduction reporting is based on major initiatives taken in fiscal year 2017 as related to achieving reductions from the fiscal year 2010 base year. Fiscal year 2010 was chosen as the base year because it was the first year that confidence for data related to emissions from country offices was high. 305-5d: Scopes in which reductions took place; whether direct (Scope 1), energy indirect (Scope 2), and/or other indirect (Scope 3). Most reductions took place in electricity use (scope 2). 305-5e: Standards, methodologies, assumptions, and/or calculation tools used. Methodologies and assumptions for calculating reductions are based on initiative proposals for each reduction project. GRI 306: EFFLUENTS AND WASTE 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - The World Bank views reducing effluent and waste production as a material aspect because of the possible negative environmental impacts, which include the release of persistent toxic chemicals through waste disposed of in landfills and through incineration. World Bank stakeholders have also raised waste management as an important corporate impact. 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic applies to the World Bank’s corporate impact boundary. 103-1c: Any specific limitation regarding the Boundary of the topic(s) - This response does not cover activities of the other three agencies of the World Bank Group: The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID). Some references to the World Bank Group have been made in this report as appropriate. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - The Bank has worked to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills through a combination of source reduction, reuse, and recycling. Minimizing the amount of material brought into Bank facilities is the first way the Bank manages the amount of waste created. Avoiding unnecessary packaging for purchased items, including encouraging minimum purchase thresholds for office supplies, is one way the Bank accomplishes this. Another way is by mandating that large purchases from vendors, such as the Bank’s latest computer monitor purchase, be delivered in bulk instead of individually packaged. In fiscal year 2018, the Bank continued to pursue efficiencies in the standardization of waste management in its headquarters facilities. 50 World Bank GRI Index 2018 306-2 Waste by type 306-2a: Total weight of hazardous waste, with a breakdown by the different disposal methods where applicable. and disposal method Total hazardous waste for fiscal year 2018 was 542 pounds. All hazardous waste was generated by the medical clinic on site at World Bank headquarters and disposed appropriately by a third party. 306-2b: Total weight of non-hazardous waste, with a breakdown by the different disposal methods where applicable. ENVIRONMENTAL DISCLOSURES • Effluents and Waste Typical waste items from World Bank facilities include paper, bottles, cans, cardboard, food waste, toner cartridges, carpet tiles, and electronics. Total nonhazardous waste produced by the Bank’s Washington, DC offices in fiscal year 2018 was 2,134 metric tons, compared to 1,871 metric tons in fiscal year 2017. The increase is partially due to better data collection. 306-2c: How the waste disposal method has been determined. The information is provided by the waste-disposal contractor that manages landfill, recyclables, and compostable waste categories; the electronic-waste recycler, subcontracted through the computer electronics provider, provides information on the number of computers and other IT assets recycled yearly. Weights from roll-off compactors used for landfilled waste and recycling are exact weights to the closest one tenth of a ton. Proxies for estimating composting weight from trash cans are not yet available. Waste streams (metric tons) FY18 FY17 FY16 Waste diverted from landfill (%) 57 58 54 Total nonhazardous waste in Washington, DC (metric tons) 2,134 1,871 1,700 Landfill 921 794 786 Recycling* 828 711 672 Compost 381 365 242 Food donation** 4 1 - * Includes paper, bottles and cans, cardboard, toner cartridges, carpet tiles, and electronics. ** Food donations tracking began in fiscal year 2017. 51 SOCIAL DISCLOSURES GRI 401, 403, & 405: EMPLOYMENT, OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH & SAFETY, AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - As a knowledge organization, the World Bank’s success depends on the contributions of its staff. World Bank staff members come from over 170 countries—their diversity and global reach stands out among international financial institutions and other development organizations. Bank staff include economists, educators, environmental scientists, financial analysts, foresters, agronomists, engineers, information technology specialists, social scientists, and so on, and they offer clients a unique combination of global expertise and local knowledge. To capitalize on these comparative advantages requires an understanding of where the business is headed, and the skills mix required, coupled with the ability to identify, grow, and deploy talent in a proactive and deliberate way, as envisioned under the fiscal year 2017-19 People Strategy (see: SergioMartnezlvarez/wbg-people-strategy). Stakeholders, including potential employees, shareholders (the Boards), as well as Sustainable & Impact investors, recognize that the way the Bank manages staff, its most valuable resource, is highly relevant to its business impact. SOCIAL DISCLOSURES 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic is material within the Bank’s corporate boundary. 103-1c: Any specific limitation regarding the Boundary of the topic(s) - Human Resources policies apply across the World Bank Group agencies. However, staff numbers provided in this GRI Index pertain to IBRD and IDA staff only. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - The fiscal year 2017-19 People Strategy establishes people management as a shared accountability between executive leadership, the Human Resources Vice Presidency (HR), managers, and staff. It sets out a three-year roadmap of HR programs and priorities focused on achieving the business objectives outlined in the Forward Look (see: en/545241485963738230/DC2016-0008.pdf). The Bank’s Human Resources Vice Presidency provides leading-edge products and services in line with the strategy in order to ensure that the Bank has the right people, in the right place, at the right time to offer the best development solutions to its clients. Staffing levels and skills profiles are set by World Bank Group operations and the Board of Directors through an annual workforce planning exercise. To meet its staffing needs, the Bank primarily builds its talent from within, through robust performance, talent, and career management processes, coupled with leading-edge learning and development programs. Selective external recruitments add critical technical expertise and enhance the Bank’s diversity profile. To ensure that the right talent can be deployed where it is needed most, the Bank offers a range of global mobility benefits designed to minimize the impact of moves on staff and their families by allowing seamless acclimation to a new location, prioritizing the safety of staff and their families, and enabling staff to maintain connections to their home country. Staff who serve in situations of fragility, violence, and conflict (FCV), including nonfamily locations, are eligible for additional benefits, including more targeted career support, reflecting the growing importance of FCV to the Bank’s operations. 103-2b: A statement of the purpose of the management approach for each topic - To deliver on its mission, the World Bank strives to be the best place to work in development by offering an Employment Value Proposition (EVP) that attracts, motivates, and retains world-class diverse talent with the critical skills, experiences, mindsets, and behaviors needed to effectively respond to complex and constantly evolving client needs. 52 World Bank GRI Index 2018 103-2c: A description of the following, if the management approach for each topic includes that component: i. Policies; ii. Commitments; iii. Goals and targets; iv. Responsibilities; v. Resources; vi. Grievance mechanisms; vii. Specific actions, such as processes, projects, programs and initiatives. Supporting a positive and respectful work environment not only assists the World Bank in attracting and retaining the world’s top talent, it allows the workforce to be more productive. Policy Framework: The World Bank’s employment policies are articulated in its Staff Manual, which is established by the institution and periodically reviewed and revised to ensure relevance and suitability for both staff and the business. The Manual includes the principles of staff employment and general obligations of the Bank and staff, as well as policies governing core human resource processes. Policies are supported by procedures that outline the approach to implementation. Values: The World Bank recognizes the importance of a positive organizational culture in attracting, retaining, and motivating staff to contribute their best in pursuit of the mission. Organizational culture is built on the foundation of a shared set of values, and in fiscal year 2018, the Bank refreshed its values statement to reflect the behaviors agreed upon by staff and management to be most critical in driving the organization’s performance and fostering a healthy work environment. The revised core values—impact, integrity, respect, teamwork, and innovation—will be brought to life by embedding them into core HR processes, from recruitment to performance and talent management. SOCIAL DISCLOSURES Health & Safety: Promoting the health, safety, and wellbeing of staff is one of the focus areas of the fiscal year 2017-19 People Strategy. In this area, key highlights include: (1) developing a phased, five-year strategy to enhance the culture of health; (2) improving pre-deployment health and resiliency briefings for relocating staff; and (3) enhancing outreach and remote capacity for staff in non-US offices, particularly in FCV, improving occupational health and safety, and so on. Diversity: The World Bank measures the effectiveness of its efforts through Diversity and Inclusion Compacts, which establish both diversity and inclusion targets and identify specific actions to achieve the targets. The diversity targets include parity in management by gender and country part (Part I versus Part II—roughly equivalent to developed and developing countries, respectively), as well as by gender among full-time staff at professional grades (grade GF+) in non-managerial roles. An additional institutional target is 12.5 percent for Sub-Saharan African (SSA) and Caribbean (CR) nationals among full-time staff at professional grades (grade GF+). Inclusion targets are derived from staff responses on the annual engagement survey, which includes a set of questions comprising the Inclusion Index. The World Bank Compact, which is signed by the President and his senior team, is cascaded through all vice-presidential units. Addressing staff concerns: Due to its immunities from most national courts, the Bank provides staff a comprehensive staff manual detailing employment policy and a robust Internal Justice Services (IJS) to address and resolve workplace issues. The IJS is a set of independent, yet interconnected, internal workplace dispute settlement mechanisms made available to all current and former Bank staff. The IJS ensures that staff, irrespective of their location, grade level, nationality, or gender, have a wide range of both informal and formal mechanisms to choose from to resolve workplace concerns in a fair, impartial, and transparent manner. These services encourage collaboration among staff, provide space for the effective management of conflict, and increase the Bank’s capacity to build and retain a globally representative workforce. 103-3a: An explanation of how the organization evaluates the management approach(s) - The Bank’s Human Resources Vice Presidency monitors and reports on implementation of the People Strategy through regular engagements with the Board and senior management. A People Strategy Scorecard tracks progress against a set of Key Performance Indicators that align with the priorities of the three-year strategy, and the Corporate Scorecard (http://scorecard. includes several talent management indicators. Regular staff engagement surveys provide crucial input on the mood of the organization and issues for management to tackle. Periodic internal audits of key HR processes identify areas for improvement and result in follow-up action plans that address highlighted findings. 53 401-1 New employee 401-1a: Total number and rate of new employee hires during the reporting period, by age group, gender and region. hires and employee In fiscal year 2018, 946 full-time staff were hired, as compared to 1,249 in fiscal year 2017. The rate of new employee hires equaled 8 turnover percent. Of those hired, 47 percent were hired in non-US offices, and 52 percent were female. Staff hired FY18 FY17 FY16 Number % of total Number % of total Number % of total United States 501 53% 634 51% 795 56% Female 264 53% 333 27% 425 30% Male 237 47% 301 24% 370 26% SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Employment Non-US offices 445 47% 615 49% 623 44% Female 226 51% 320 26% 319 22% Male 219 49% 295 24% 304 21% Total hires 946 1,249 1,418 Of which Female 490 52% 653 52% 744 52% Of which Male 456 48% 596 48% 674 48% 401-1b: Total number and rate of employee turnover during the reporting period, by age group, gender and region. In fiscal year 2018, 622 staff left the Bank—a turnover rate of 5.2 percent (of which 2.3 percent was voluntary). In fiscal year 2017, 754 staff left the Bank—a turnover rate of 6.5 percent. In fiscal year 2018, 36 percent of employees who left the Bank were located in non-US offices, and 47 percent were female. Staff terminated FY18 FY17 FY16 Number % of total Number % of total Number % of total United States 398 64% 515 68% 1,293 67% Female 189 47% 263 51% 702 54% Male 209 53% 252 49% 591 46% Non-US offices 224 36% 239 32% 627 33% Female 101 45% 115 48% 331 53% Male 123 55% 124 52% 296 47% Total terminations 622 754 1,920 Of which Female 290 47% 378 50% 1,033 54% Of which Male 332 53% 376 50% 887 46% 54 World Bank GRI Index 2018 403-1 Occupational Responsibility for Occupational Health and Safety is shared by all World Bank Staff, including senior management, managers, and health and safety supervisors, as well as contractors and visitors as seen in the Staff Manual. The World Bank recognizes the importance of and strives management system to ensure a safe and secure work environment for staff. Thus, internationally recognized occupational health and safety standards such as ISO 45001 have been adopted. 403-2 Hazard 403-2a: A description of the processes used to identify work-related hazards and assess risks on a routine and non- identification, routine basis, and to apply the hierarchy of controls in order to eliminate hazards and minimize risks. risk assessment, and incident The World Bank has developed a schema to identify hazards and risks. This schema is covered under the online learning course available investigation to all staff and defines the hazard identification and risk mitigation process. To ensure the quality of these processes, the World Bank adheres to a Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) cycle to constantly reevaluate the occupational health and safety processes. The PDCA cycle is part of the overall development and implementation of the occupational health and safety management system. SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • OH&S 403-2b: A description of the processes for workers to report work-related hazards and hazardous situations, and an explanation of how workers are protected against reprisals. Staff policies and procedures, as defined in the staff manual, clearly identify ways in which workers can report work-related hazards and hazardous situations, including reporting directly to the Health Services Department (HSD), emailing the World Bank help desk, and reporting to management. In addition, a formal software for the reporting of any work-related hazards and hazardous situations is being developed. Workers are protected against reprisals by World Bank Internal Justice Services (IJS), which endeavors to support staff to preserve fairness in the workplace. 403-2c: A description of the policies and processes for workers to remove themselves from work situations that they believe could cause injury or ill health, and an explanation of how workers are protected against reprisals. All World Bank staff are empowered and have the responsibility to identify and report any unsafe workplace acts or situations to management. World Bank staff are protected against reprisals through World Bank IJS. 403-3 Occupational 403-3a. A description of the occupational health services’ functions that contribute to the identification and health services elimination of hazards and minimization of risks, and an explanation of how the organization ensures the quality of these services and facilitates workers’ access to them. The World Bank Group Health Services Department provides a comprehensive suite of Occupational Health & Safety and personal health risk management services. Services are provided through the following functional units: • Occupational Health and Safety (addressing the health/safety/workplace interface); • Travel Health and Wellness (addressing health risks of travel and relocation, and managing an outsourced full service on-site Primary Health Care Centre for staff, dependents, and retirees, run according to a Patient Centered Medical Home Model. The World Bank Group also offers an outsourced Health and Wellness program which allows staff to identify and manage their health risks, obtain health and wellness coaching, and have clinical nurse manager support for living with chronic medical conditions; • Field Health Services (supporting staff to access healthcare across the globe, for both routine and emergency healthcare needs); • Counseling Unit (addressing psychosocial support needs). 55 403-3 Occupational The World Bank prides itself on recruiting and retaining the highest quality staff across all departments. The Health Services staff include health services medical doctors, Health and Safety professionals, clinical psychologists, and nurses. As an international organization recruiting from (continued) across the globe, the World Bank Group requires its professional staff to have appropriate professional qualifications from recognized academic institutions. Staff with clinical functions are required to have active professional registration in the countries where they are performing their clinical duties. The World Bank Group also provides financial support to its professional staff for participation in Continuing Professional Education programs and maintenance of professional accreditation. The Health Services Department team is supported by the Facilities team, Corporate Security, and Fire and Safety teams. The World Bank Occupational Health and Safety Committee, which reports to Management, is tasked with developing, implementing, and overseeing an occupational health and safety management system that applies to Bank employees worldwide. The occupational health and safety management system being implemented by the Committee is based on ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems). SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • OH&S All staff have access to the Health Services Department and its services. Strict medical confidentiality is maintained in all dealings with staff, ensuring protection of their medical records and personal health related information. A specific Staff Rule has been published to ensure and guide the protection of confidential information: Staff Rule 2.02—Confidentiality of Medical Information and Medical Records. In addition, in May 2018 the World Bank Group’s Boards adopted a Personal Data Privacy Policy applicable to all personal data processed by the Bank and aligning to internationally accepted standards. 56 World Bank GRI Index 2018 403-4 Worker 403-4a: A description of the processes for worker participation and consultation in the development, participation, implementation, and evaluation of the occupational health and safety management system, and for providing access consultation, and to and communicating relevant information on occupational health and safety to workers. communication on occupational health The World Bank’s Occupational Health Services Committee (OHSC) meets quarterly to address health and safety issues related to staff. and safety The group is chaired by Human Resources Vice President, and includes occupational health specialists, environmental consultants, and senior management representatives from headquarters and offices outside the United States, Health Services and other parts of HR, Facilities Management, Security, Fire and Safety, Legal, Procurement, Corporate Responsibility, the Staff Association, Budget, and additional specialists and members as required. To address staff’s concerns, the committee forms multidisciplinary ad hoc working groups, such as a working group for air pollution, which developed guidelines for staff and managers in country offices where air quality is a recognized health hazard. To address global health issues, the committee collaborates with the United Nations and other international organizations. The committee has also approved several occupational, health and safety (OHS), initiatives such as the SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • OH&S Automated External Defibrillator program and Staff Road Safety. 403-4b: Where formal joint management–worker health and safety committees exist, a description of their responsibilities, meeting frequency, decision-making authority, and whether and, if so, why any workers are not represented by these committees. The OHSC is a committee on occupational health and safety matters with review and advisory functions, including, without limitation, such functions as: • Developing an organizational strategy for the World Bank Group on implementing an OHS management system; • Providing advice to units implementing OHS strategies and programs; • Developing internal OHS standards; • Monitoring and evaluating the implementation and impact of the OHS management system and making recommendations for change; • Developing training programs on risk management, accident and disease prevention, and related educational activities for staff; • Proposing ways to incorporate lessons learned from any health and safety incidents; • Coordinating outreach to staff on occupational health and safety issues, questions, and suggestions; and • Overseeing the compiling of data on work-related injuries, incidents, and hazards into an annual report. The Committee meets on a quarterly basis. 57 403-5 Worker HSD has developed and implemented two online learning courses for staff. Participants in the courses gain an understanding of: training on • The Integrated Health and Safety Management system, which considers the health and safety risks posed by personal health, the occupational health and safety general environment within which staff work and live, and staff’s immediate physical work environment; • The governance structure of the World Bank Group’s Health and Safety Management system; • How workplace health and safety is a shared responsibility and what the Bank Group’s role is in upholding a healthy and safe work environment; and • How to undertake a risk assessment and management approach for health, safety, and wellbeing. In addition, there is an online learning course required for all staff on assignment in a fragile, conflict-affected, or violent area titled, “What to know before you go: protecting your health and wellbeing during travel and relocation.” 403-6 Promotion of 403-6a: An explanation of how the organization facilitates workers’ access to non-occupational medical and SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • OH&S worker health healthcare services, and the scope of access provided. The World Bank has introduced a Patient Centered Medical Home model that provides primary care services on-site within the World Bank headquarters. Instead of seeking outside care, staff and their dependents can elect to visit the expanded in-house clinic and receive care delivered by the MedStar Medical Group. The key features of this model include: • Care for whole families, with a focus on maintaining health and disease prevention; • Patient-centered focus; • Team-based service approach; • Easy access to providers via an electronic portal; • Broader spectrum of clinical services, incorporating the urgent care formerly provided by the HSD Clinic; and • Medical home base with access to a network of specialty care. 403-6b: A description of any voluntary health promotion services and programs offered to workers to address major non-work-related health risks, including the specific health risks addressed, and how the organization facilitates workers’ access to these services and programs. The Health and Wellness program is composed of additional health support services provided to staff, dependents, and retirees in partnership with U.S. Preventive Medicine and the Cleveland Clinic. The program includes a health and wellness assessment, a personal preventive plan, the setting of individual health goals, and personalized support through a health coach or advisor who is available via email or telephone. 58 World Bank GRI Index 2018 403-7 Prevention The Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) will enable the World Bank and borrowers to better manage environmental and social and mitigation risks of projects and to improve development outcomes. The ESF offers broad and systematic coverage of environmental and social risks of occupational linked to Bank-supported projects. It makes important advances in areas such as transparency, non-discrimination, public participation, health and safety and accountability—including expanded roles for grievance mechanisms. impacts directly linked by business Environmental and Social Standards (ESS) 2 and 4 address negative health and safety impacts that are directly linked to operations. SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Diversity & Equal Opportunity relationships ESS2: Labor and Working Conditions recognizes the importance of employment creation and income generation in the pursuit of poverty reduction and inclusive economic growth. Borrowers can promote sound worker-management relationships and enhance the development benefits of a project by treating workers on the project fairly and providing safe and healthy working conditions. ESS4: Community Health and Safety addresses the health, safety, and security risks and impacts on project-affected communities and the corresponding responsibility of borrowers to avoid or minimize such risks and impacts, with particular attention to people who, because of their particular circumstances, may be vulnerable. 403-9 Work-related The World Bank is transitioning to a new vendor that will provide work-related injury and illness data in the future. No data are injuries available to report for fiscal year 2018. 403-10 Work-related illnesses 405-1 Diversity of 405-1a : Percentage of individuals within the organization’s governance bodies by: i. Gender; ii. Age group: under 30 governance bodies years old, 30-50 years old, over 50 years old; iii. Other indicators of diversity and employees On the World Bank Boards of Governors and Board of Executive Directors, representatives are determined by member countries. Of the 25 Executive Director Board members, five were women in fiscal 2018. For more information about the Boards, see 405-1b : Percentage of employees per employee category by: i. Gender; ii. Age group: under 30 years old, 30-50 years old, over 50 years old; iii. Other indicators of diversity Since 1998, nationality, gender, and race have been the dimensions of diversity for which the Bank has set and monitored quantitative targets. Nationality has been measured in the aggregate by Part I and II contributing member status, whereas Sub-Saharan African and Caribbean nationalities have served as the collective proxy for race, specifically for black staff. 2018 2017 2016 Full-time staff Number % of total Number % of total Number % of total Age Under 30 521 4% 597 5% 577 5% 30-50 7,660 63% 7,546 63% 7,230 63% 50+ 4,035 33% 3,754 32% 3,614 32% Total 12,216 11,897 11,421 59 405-1 Diversity of The World Bank measures the effectiveness of its efforts through Diversity and Inclusion Compacts, which establish both diversity and governance bodies inclusion targets and identify specific actions to achieve the targets. The diversity targets include parity in management by gender and and employees country part (Part I versus Part II—roughly equivalent to developed and developing countries, respectively), as well as by gender among (continued) full-time staff at professional grades (grade GF+) in non-managerial roles. An additional institutional target is 12.5 percent for Sub- Saharan African (SSA) and Caribbean (CR) nationals among full-time staff at professional grades (grade GF+). Inclusion targets are derived from staff responses on the annual engagement survey, which includes a set of questions comprising the Inclusion Index. SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Diversity & Equal Opportunity The World Bank Compact, which is signed by the President and his senior team, is cascaded through all Bank Vice-Presidential Units. Progress against the Compact targets and actions are reported monthly and reviewed quarterly. In addition to the Compacts, actions to improve staff perceptions on the engagement survey, including the Inclusion Index, are developed and tracked at the World Bank and Vice-presidential unit level. In fiscal year 2018, nationals of Part II countries accounted for 43 percent of staff in management positions. Women accounted for 41 percent of staff in management positions, and 45 percent of full-time staff at professional grades (grade GF+) in technical positions. SSA and CR nationals represent 13 percent of full-time staff at professional grades (grade GF+). Diversity Indicators FY18 FY 17 FY 16 Targets Part II Managers 43.1% 43.3% 43.5% 50% Female Managers 41.5% 39.0% 37.5% 50% Female GF+ Technical 44.5% 44.2% 43.9% 50% SSA/CR GF+ 13.3% 12.9% 12.2% 12.5% 60 World Bank GRI Index 2018 405-2 Ratio of To recruit and retain highly qualified staff, the World Bank has developed a compensation and benefits system designed to be basic salary and internationally competitive, reward performance, and consider the special needs of a multinational and largely expatriate staff. The remuneration of Executive Directors annually review the staff salary structure and, if warranted, the salary structure is adjusted based on a Board- women to men approved methodology that entails comparison with salaries paid by private financial and industrial firms and by representative public-sector agencies in the U.S. market. The salary structure is reported for job positions for Washington, DC staff, which comprises almost 60 percent of total staff. For staff in offices outside the United States, compensation programs are developed based on local SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Diversity & Equal Opportunity market practices consisting of private sector firms, and representative quasi-public and nonprofit organizations. The grading system and benchmark job positions in country offices follow the same framework as in Washington, DC. Globally, World Bank salary structures do not differentiate by gender. Remuneration of executive management, Executive Directors, and staff are disclosed with the World Bank Annual Report. For more information, see In fiscal year 2017, the World Bank Group Development Research Group, in collaboration with the Gender Cross Cutting Solution Area and Human Resources, completed a landmark study: “Compensation, Diversity and Inclusion at the World Bank Group.” This study leveraged 25+ years of HR data to explore the issue of pay parity among World Bank Group populations, including by gender. Key results included the observation that the World Bank Group has an aggregate salary gap between genders, but that the gap has decreased significantly over the 25+ years of the analysis. The aggregate salary gap is mainly caused by the gender composition of different grades at entry. In fiscal year 2018, follow-up actions were put in place, including the biannual production of a report that HR and managers use to address compensation outliers and more closely monitor salary parity upon entry to the institution. Additionally, the World Bank Group examined a standard indicator to monitor pay parity by gender and grade level and aims to include this in future reports. 61 GRI 404: TRAINING AND EDUCATION 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - The World Bank invests in staff learning as a strategic tool for the organization. Staff take courses to remain cutting edge as they carry out the World Bank’s mission. Stakeholders, including employees, shareholders (the Boards), as well as Sustainable & Impact investors, recognize learning and knowledge sharing as highly relevant to the Bank’s business impact. 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic is material to both the Bank’s corporate and operational boundaries since the Open Learning SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Training and Education Campus provides solutions for both staff and partners globally. 103-1c: Any specific limitation regarding the Boundary of the topic(s) - Human Resources policies apply across the World Bank Group agencies. However, numbers provided in this report pertain to IBRD and IDA staff only. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - The Open Learning Campus (OLC) is a single destination to accelerate development solutions through learning for World Bank Group staff, clients, and global partners. The OLC offers a broad range of learning resources via Talks, Academy, and Connect. It currently houses over 11,200 courses and continues to expand. As of June 30, 2018, 93 percent of staff had attended at least one learning session. The OLC was launched by President Jim Yong Kim in January 2016 with a dual mandate to provide a platform for (1) continuous learning for staff to remain cutting edge; and (2) staff and clients to learn together and co-create solutions to complex development challenges. The Open Learning Campus team, housed within the Knowledge Management unit of the Development Economics Vice Presidency, acts as an enabler and accelerator for learning across the World Bank Group, including IBRD, IDA, IFC, and MIGA. The team serves as a central pedagogical resource and learning ecosystem for seven key learning programs: Operations, Leadership, Business Skills, IT skills, Technical, Corporate, and Mandatory. Like many development organizations, the Bank uses learning as a strategic tool to help staff and clients accelerate impact and deliver results, and it is actively working to build a culture of learning across the organization. The OLC is already providing tremendous opportunities for staff and client learning on key development topics and enabling practitioners to learn from each other’s successes and failures, as well as from the vast tacit knowledge that organizations like the Bank generate through operations. 103-2b: A statement of the purpose of the management approach for each topic - The purpose of the management approach is to enhance World Bank Group-wide technical skills and knowledge, strengthen problem-solving skills, and foster innovation to attain the Bank Group’s goals efficiently and creatively. 103-2c: A description of the following, if the management approach for each topic includes that component: i. Policies; ii. Commitments; iii. Goals and targets; iv. Responsibilities; v. Resources; vi. Grievance mechanisms; vii. Specific actions, such as processes, projects, programs and initiatives - The World Bank is dedicated to building a world-class learning organization where learning, performance, and career development go hand in hand. While the onus is on staff to be proactive in their learning, managers are accountable for supporting the learning of their staff. Through the World Bank’s performance evaluation process and career conversations, staff and managers work together on staff development objectives and career goals. Strategically selecting appropriate learning activities is a key part of this process. Staff can choose from a wide range of internal learning activities available through the Open Learning Campus (OLC) or from external learning providers. All formal learning opportunities (and some on-the-job learning) can be explored through the World Bank’s catalog of learning on the OLC. Here staff enroll for courses, track progress, and get credit and certifications for their work. The OLC is the first stop for staff looking for learning that enhances skills for their current role or help meeting longer-term career goals. 62 World Bank GRI Index 2018 Funding for formal Staff Learning is provided in the overall resource envelope of every Bank Vice Presidential Unit and may be reallocated down to the Global Practice, departmental, or other level. Each year, the minimum amount to be set aside for Staff Learning per Vice Presidential Unit is communicated through the indicative expenditure directions, upon recommendation of the Learning Steering Group. The minimum amount is calculated based on two components: a minimum of five days on average that staff are expected to dedicate to formal Staff Learning, and an amount of variable budget available to support staff on activities calculated on a headcount basis. Every Vice Presidential Unit has the autonomy to allocate additional resources to Staff Learning above the required minimum. Within the resource envelope, Vice Presidential Units may decide to develop rules for expenditures for external learning. In some cases, demand for external learning may be more so than in other units SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Training and Education due to the nature of the unit’s business, that is, professional certifications to maintain existing qualifications required by a respective profession. 103-3a: An explanation of how the organization evaluates the management approach(s). All learning in the OLC is evaluated for scale and impact. On the staff side, the World Bank evaluates all classes entered in OLC that are equal to or greater than one day. All classes that are less than a day can be selected by course catalog builders for evaluation as needed. On the client side, the Bank evaluates all learning programs, and regularly informs senior management, including through three-year trend analyses, to guide programs, implement course corrections, and create learning innovations. For more information about OLC, see 404-1 Average hours In fiscal year 2018, the World Bank delivered 1,548 courses and 61,824 days of learning. Fifty-four percent of the training days were of training per year delivered either in offices outside the US or via location-neutral formats such as e-learning and webinars. per employee by: i. gender; ii. employee Ninety-three percent of the salaried workforce attended at least one learning event in fiscal year 2018, not including the corporate category. mandatory programs: 91 percent based in non-US locations and 94 percent at headquarters, in Washington, DC. In fiscal year 2018, staff attended the equivalent of 50,668 days of training, averaging 4.1 days per staff member, with 3.9 in days taken by staff based in offices outside the US and 4.3 days taken by Washington, DC-based staff. In fiscal year 2018, investment in staff learning increased by 6 percent over fiscal year 2017 and by 13 percent from fiscal year 2016 levels. In addition, the World Bank invested $73.9 million in staff learning, of which 36 percent was spent on developing and delivering learning activities, and 64 percent was spent to cover direct and indirect expenses for staff members to participate in learning (given internally and/or from external providers), including staff time and other costs. 63 404-1 Average hours All Staff 2018 2017 2016 of training per year Days Hours Days Hours Days Hours per employee by: i. gender; ii. employee Average training 4.1 33.2 3.9 31.2 3.4 26.9 category. Of which Female 4 32.3 4 31.9 3.4 27.6 (continued) Of which Male 4.3 34.1 3.8 30.5 3.3 26.2 Breakdown by Days Hours Days Hours Days Hours SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Training and Education Support Staff average 3.1 24.7 2.5 20 2.4 19.2 Of which Female 3 23.9 3 24 2.8 22.4 Of which Male 3.2 25.4 1.5 12 1.6 12.8 Analyst Grade average 3.8 30.3 3.1 24.8 3.1 24.8 Of which Female 3.8 30.6 3.4 27.2 3.1 24.8 Of which Male 3.8 30.1 2.8 22.4 3.1 24.8 Specialist Grade average 4.8 38.3 4.8 38.4 4 32 Of which Female 4.6 36.6 4.9 39.2 4 32 Of which Male 5 40.0 4.7 37.6 3.9 31.2 Lead Grade average 3.6 28.8 3.6 28.8 2.9 23.2 Of which Female 3.7 30 3.7 29.6 3.2 25.6 Of which Male 3.4 27 3.5 28 2.7 21.6 Consultants average Not available Not available 2.3 18.4 Of which Female 3 24 Of which Male 1.5 12 Special Assignments (JPO, JPA, 6.4 51 4.6 36.8 4.7 37.6 SPAS) average Of which Female 6.2 49.5 5.2 41.6 5.1 40.8 Of which Male 6.5 52.1 4.3 34.4 4.4 35.2 64 World Bank GRI Index 2018 404-3 Percentage At least twice in a 12-month period, the performance of World Bank staff (excluding short-term appointees) is formally reviewed of employees by their manager or designated supervisor. The evaluation is based on objectives agreed upon with the staff’s manager at the start receiving regular of the fiscal year, aligned with the overall goals of the Vice-Presidential Unit, and assesses achievements against those objectives, performance and strengths, and areas for improvement, as well as future development needs. The World Bank encourages ongoing feedback about the career development staff member’s work program; this takes place throughout the performance year and includes a formal mid-year check-in. The annual reviews conversation also touches on plans for the upcoming performance cycle and training needs. The Performance Management Process is outlined in the Staff Manual 5.03. SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Training and Education In fiscal year 2018, 96 percent of Bank staff completed fiscal year 2017 end-year evaluations, 74 percent of staff completed fiscal year 2018 objectives, and 96 percent of staff completed fiscal year 2018 midyear evaluations on time. During the fiscal year 2017 year-end evaluations, 96 percent of women and 95 percent of men completed the regular performance evaluation process. During the 2018 mid- year review, 89 percent of staff indicated they had a performance conversation with their supervisor; this included 89 percent of women and 89 percent of men. In addition to the regular performance evaluations, an annual development-focused talent review is undertaken by management to give the organization a better understanding of the skills and aptitudes of staff, and, importantly, to identify next steps for the staff’s professional development, including targeted learning programs, stretch assignments, or rotations to other business units, as well as readiness to take on greater responsibilities. 65 GRI 406: NON-DISCRIMINATION 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic is material - The World Bank Group core values are impact, integrity, respect, teamwork, and innovation. World Bank Group staff are strongly encouraged to work together in teams with openness and trust; empowering others and respecting differences; encouraging risk- taking and responsibility; and enjoying both work and family, as detailed in the Code of Conduct. Stakeholders, who include prospective employees, shareholders (the Boards), as well as Sustainable & Impact investors, recognize that the way the Bank manages discrimination, ethical behavior, and adherence to corporate core values is highly relevant to its business impact. 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic is material within the Bank’s corporate boundary. SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Non-Discrimination 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - There is a mandatory e-learning training on the Code of Conduct for all new staff, including consultants with contracts of more than 30 days. A summary of the Code of Conduct is available in nine languages. There is a separate Code of Conduct for Board officials. Business partners are informed of ethics expectations through a separate document. Adherence to high ethical standards is specified in contracts with employees, Board officials, and business partners. Section 1(c) of the Code for Board Officials requires them to sign the code document upon assuming duty and deposit it with the Ethics Committee of the Board. Staff members are required to uphold World Bank Group Staff Rules as a condition of employment. 103-2b: A statement of the purpose of the management approach for each topic - The character of the diverse workforce of the World Bank Group—of integrity, ethical behavior, and adherence to corporate values—is core to the success of the Bank Group’s goals to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity. 103-2c: A description of the following, if the management approach for each topic includes that component: i. Policies; ii. Commitments; iii. Goals and targets; iv. Responsibilities; v. Resources; vi. Grievance mechanisms; vii. Specific actions, such as processes, projects, programs and initiatives - Due to its immunities from most national courts, the Bank provides staff comprehensive grievance mechanisms to address and resolve workplace issues through informal and formal services. These services encourage collaboration among staff, provide space for the effective management of conflict, and increase the Bank’s capacity to build and retain a globally representative workforce. Various offices within the Internal Justice Services (IJS) provide evaluations to staff who retain its services. These offices include Mediation Services (MEF), Peer Review Services (PRS), and the Ethics and Business Conduct (EBC) Department. In fiscal year 2018, the evaluations and the input of stakeholders was examined as part of a formal Metrics Review. The recommendations have been reviewed, and an implementation plan is being developed. In addition to the Metrics Review, the IJS disseminated its first integrated IJS Annual Report in March 2018. 406-1 Incidents of In fiscal year 2018, EBC reviewed seven allegations of discrimination. These included alleged instances of discrimination based on race, discrimination and nationality, religion/creed, and gender. None of these allegations resulted in a report of investigation or finding of misconduct, on par corrective actions with 2017. taken EBC recognizes that discrimination can be hard to prove because of its nature, which is often covert and subtle, and because of the “clear and convincing” standard of proof required of this and other serious allegations of misconduct, pursuant to the World Bank Group’s Administrative Tribunal jurisprudence. EBC, therefore, is reviewing the process by which the Bank Group addresses alleged discrimination to make it easier for staff members to successfully bring forward a claim of alleged discrimination, increase the effectiveness of EBC reviews, and provide more support to potential victims. 66 World Bank GRI Index 2018 GRI 408: CHILD LABOR 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - The World Bank recognizes that child labor is one of the most devastating consequences of persistent poverty. Hazardous conditions faced by children in the workplace can seriously jeopardize their immediate health and safety, as well as their health status later in life. This is particularly the case for children in hazardous work. Child labor is also associated with greater difficulties in entering and remaining in school and learning effectively in the classroom. The educational and developmental toll associated with child labor, in turn, makes it much less likely that children are able to successfully transition to gainful employment upon entering adulthood. Stakeholders, who include potential employees, shareholders (the Boards), as well as Sustainable and Impact investors, recognize this topic to be relevant to the Bank’s business impact. 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic is material in the World Bank’s operational boundary. The operational boundary is the project area SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Child Labor of influence of a Bank-financed project. The project area of influence is the area likely to be affected by the project, including all its ancillary aspects, such as power transmission corridors, pipelines, canals, tunnels, relocation and access roads, borrow and disposal areas, and construction camps, as well as unplanned developments introduced by the project (e.g., spontaneous settlement, logging, or shifting agriculture along access roads). The area of influence may include, for example, (a) the watershed within which the project is located; (b) any affected estuary and coastal zone; (c) off-site areas required for resettlement or compensatory tracts; (d) the airshed (e.g., where airborne pollution such as smoke or dust may enter or leave the area of influence; (e) migratory routes of humans, wildlife, or fish, particularly where they relate to public health, economic activities, or environmental conservation; and (f) areas used for livelihood activities (hunting, fishing, grazing, gathering, agriculture, etc.) or religious or ceremonial purposes of a customary nature. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - The Bank classifies each proposed project into one of four safeguard categories (A, B, C, or FI) depending on the type, location, sensitivity, and scale of the project and the nature and magnitude of its potential environmental and social impacts. The borrower is responsible for any assessment required by the safeguard policies, with Bank staff providing advice on the application of the policies. Depending on the type of project and its safeguard policy category, the Bank project design incorporates such issues as public consultation, environmental and social assessments, Indigenous Peoples’ plans, and resettlement frameworks and/or resettlement action plans. Specific measures are developed and implemented during the project to mitigate the risk. Compliance with these policies forms part of the legal agreements for Bank grants, credits, and loans. All standard World Bank bidding documents contain a clause prohibiting the use of child or forced labor in contracts financed under any World Bank projects. Staff working on Bank-supported operations are required to assess social issues, such as child labor, within the environmental and social aspects of the projects and develop specific measures that would be implemented during the project to mitigate the risk. 67 Under the new Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), which will come into force in October of 2018, the Bank will classify all investment projects into one of four classifications: High Risk, Substantial Risk, Moderate Risk, or Low Risk. In determining the appropriate risk classification, the Bank will take into account relevant issues, such as the type, location, sensitivity, and scale of the project; the nature and magnitude of the potential environmental and social risks and impacts; and the capacity and commitment of the Borrower (including any other entity responsible for the implementation of the project) to manage the environmental and social risks and impacts in a manner consistent with the Environmental and Social Standards. More information on the ESF can be found at: The ESF includes a standard on Labor and Working Conditions (ESS2). The objectives of ESS2 are: • To promote safety and health at work; • To promote the fair treatment and nondiscrimination of, and equal opportunity for project workers; • To protect project workers, including vulnerable workers such as women, persons with disabilities, children (of working age, in accordance with this ESS), and SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Child Labor migrant workers, contracted workers, community workers, and primary supply workers, as appropriate; • To prevent the use of all forms of forced labor and child labor (emphasis added); • To support the principles of freedom of association and collective bargaining of project workers in a manner consistent with national law; and • To provide project workers with accessible means to raise workplace concerns. The specific ESS2 provision on Child Labor is the following: 1. A child under the minimum age established in accordance with this paragraph will not be employed or engaged in connection with the project. The labor management procedures will specify the minimum age for employment or engagement in connection with the project, which will be the age of 14 unless national law specifies a higher age. 2. A child over the minimum age and under the age of 18 may be employed or engaged in connection with the project only under the following specific conditions: a. the work does not fall under paragraph [3] below; b. an appropriate risk assessment is conducted prior to the work commencing; and c. the borrower conducts regular monitoring of health, working conditions, hours of work, and the other requirements of this ESS. 3. A child over the minimum age and under the age of 18 will not be employed or engaged in connection with the project in a manner that is likely to be hazardous or interfere with the child’s education or be harmful to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral, or social development. 103-2b: A statement of the purpose of the management approach for each topic - The purpose of the management approach is to evaluate a project’s potential environmental risks and impacts in its area of influence; examine project alternatives; identify ways of improving project selection, siting, planning, design, and implementation by preventing, minimizing, mitigating, or compensating for adverse environmental and social impacts and enhancing positive impacts; and include the process for mitigating and managing adverse environmental impacts throughout project implementation. 103-2c: A description of the following, if the management approach for each topic includes that component: i. Policies; ii. Commitments; iii. Goals and targets; iv. Responsibilities; v. Resources; vi. Grievance mechanisms; vii. Specific actions, such as processes, projects, programs and initiatives - In August 2016, the World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved a new Environmental and Social Framework for protecting people and the environment in World Bank-financed investment projects, marking the end of a four-year review process that concluded in fiscal 2016. The World Bank is implementing an intensive preparation and training period to prepare for the transition to the new framework in October 2018. 68 World Bank GRI Index 2018 103-3a: An explanation of how the organization evaluates the management approach(s) - The World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluates the development effectiveness of the World Bank Group. IEG’s work provides evaluative evidence to help the Bank Group deliver better services and results to its clients. IEG does so by generating lessons from past experiences and accountability to shareholders and stakeholders at large. IEG is independent of the management of the World Bank Group and reports directly to the Executive Board. More details can be found at The World Bank’s Internal Audit Vice Presidency (IAD) is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity that helps to improve World Bank Group operations. It assists the institution in accomplishing its objectives by evaluating the effectiveness of World Bank Group governance, risk management, and control processes. Furthermore, IAD advises management in developing control solutions and monitors the implementation of management’s corrective actions. IAD’s work is carried out in accordance with the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) International Professional Practices Framework. More details can be found at http://www. The Inspection Panel is an independent complaints mechanism for people and communities who believe that they have been, or are likely to be, adversely affected SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Child Labor by a World Bank-funded project. The Board of Executive Directors created the Inspection Panel in 1993 to ensure that people have access to an independent body to express their concerns and seek recourse. The Panel is an impartial fact-finding body, independent from the World Bank management and staff, reporting directly to the Board. The Inspection Panel process aims to promote accountability at the World Bank, give affected people a greater voice in activities supported by the World Bank that affect their rights and interests, and foster redress when warranted. More details can be found at: aspx. 408-1 Operations 408-1a: Operations and suppliers considered to have significant risk for incidents of: i. child labor; ii. young workers and suppliers at exposed to hazardous work. significant risk for incidents of child The Government of Uzbekistan has been criticized by the international community for using child and forced labor during the cotton labor harvest. Currently, the Government of Uzbekistan is progressively reforming the cotton sector in line with its Development Strategy for 2017-21, which calls for deepening structural reforms in the agricultural sector, optimizing cultivated areas, creating the favorable conditions for the development of diversified farms, and deepening agroprocessing and value addition. Third Party Monitoring, conducted by the International Labor Organization since 2015, finds that the systematic use of child labor in Uzbekistan’s cotton harvest has come to an end, and that concrete measures to stop the use of forced labor have been taken. 408-1b: Operations and suppliers considered to have significant risk for incidents of child labor either in terms of: i. type of operation (such as manufacturing plant) and supplier; ii. countries or geographic areas with operations and suppliers considered at risk. The World Bank has been actively supporting the diversification of agricultural production in Uzbekistan beyond cotton and wheat into other high-value crops such as fruit and vegetables, and livestock. This support is clearly defined in the World Bank Group Country Partnership Framework, which was approved in 2016. The World Bank-financed agriculture projects in Uzbekistan focus on improving agricultural productivity, promoting sustainable management of land and water resources, increasing the efficiency of irrigation infrastructure, and enhancing the economy’s competitiveness. This is also supported through analytical and advisory services. 69 408-1 Operations 408-1c: Measures taken by the organization in the reporting period intended to contribute to the effective abolition and suppliers at of child labor. significant risk for incidents of child In fiscal year 2018, the World Bank continued to ensure that at-risk projects, such as those in Uzbekistan, included measures to labor prevent the occurrence of child or forced labor by beneficiaries of Bank-supported projects, and are covered by Third Party Monitoring by the International Labor Organization (ILO). All at-risk projects have legal requirements in their financial agreements related to and (continued) government compliance with national legislation that prohibits the use of child or forced labor; and implementation of a third-party monitoring and a feedback mechanism that focuses on child or forced labor issues in connection with the project activities or within project areas. Third Party Monitoring, which started in 2015 and is conducted by the ILO, continued in 2018. The report, based on more than 3,000 unaccompanied and unannounced interviews with a representative sample of the country’s 2.6 million cotton pickers, finds that the SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Child Labor systematic use of child labor in Uzbekistan’s cotton harvest has come to an end, and that concrete measures to stop the use of forced labor have been taken. It also shows that the country is making significant reforms on fundamental labor rights in the cotton fields. But it did emphasize that education and health sector workers are still at risk of being called to pick cotton. Continued efforts are required to fully eradicate forced labor and maintain the progress achieved on child labor. Efforts undertaken by the Uzbekistan Government to fully eradicate forced labor are recognized by international development partners, as evidenced by upgrading to Tier 2 Watch List by the Department of State Trafficking in Persons Report for 2017. The World Bank and the ILO are continuing to cooperate on monitoring, awareness-raising activities, capacity building for National Feedback Mechanisms, Labor Inspectorate, and assessing labor rights and working conditions in horticulture, livestock, and textile sectors. The Bank is working on advancing policy dialogue on agricultural modernization strategy, creating employment opportunities for women affected by cotton mechanization, and expanding monitoring social risks and the engagement of citizens. 70 World Bank GRI Index 2018 GRI 411: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - Central to the World Bank’s mission of reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity in a sustainable manner is ensuring that the development process fully respects the dignity, human rights, economies, and cultures of Indigenous Peoples. The Bank recognizes that the identities and cultures of Indigenous Peoples are inextricably linked to the lands on which they live and the natural resources on which they depend. These distinct circumstances expose Indigenous Peoples to different types of risks and levels of impacts from development projects, including loss of identity, culture, and customary livelihoods. Gender and intergenerational issues among Indigenous Peoples are also complex. As social groups with identities that are often distinct from dominant groups in their national societies, Indigenous Peoples are frequently among the most marginalized and vulnerable segments of the population. As a result, their economic, social, and legal status often limits their capacity to defend their interests in and rights to lands, territories, and other SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Indigenous Peoples productive resources, or restricts their ability to participate in and benefit from development. At the same time, the Bank recognizes that Indigenous Peoples play a vital role in sustainable development and that their rights are increasingly being addressed under both domestic and international law. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - The World Bank safeguards policy on Indigenous Peoples, OP/BP 4.10, Indigenous Peoples, underscores the need for borrowers and Bank staff to identify Indigenous Peoples, consult with them, and ensure that they participate in and benefit from Bank-funded operations in a culturally appropriate way. It also emphasizes that adverse impacts on them are avoided or, where not feasible, minimized or mitigated. For all projects that are proposed for World Bank financing and involve Indigenous Peoples, the Bank requires the borrower to engage in a process of free, prior, and informed consultation. The Bank provides project financing only where there is broad community support to the project by the affected Indigenous Peoples. 103-3a: An explanation of how the organization evaluates the management approach(s) - The new Environmental and Social Framework advances the World Bank’s existing Indigenous Peoples policy by including Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC) and by addressing peoples in voluntary isolation, and pastoralists. This provision is well harmonized with those of other international financial institutions. The safeguards review included a global dialogue and engagement process with Indigenous Peoples that sought to incorporate Indigenous Peoples in the review and update of the World Bank’s Environmental and Social Framework, as well as to strengthen World Bank support to and engagement with Indigenous Peoples, more generally. The consultations on the framework included several dedicated Indigenous Peoples dialogue sessions, which yielded important results in terms of participation, information gathered, and the beginning of a renewed and stronger relationship with Indigenous Peoples. For more information, see For more information on the safeguards review process, see review-and-update-world-bank-safeguard-policies. The World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluates the development effectiveness of the World Bank group. More details can be found at http://ieg. The World Bank’s Internal Audit Vice President (IAD) is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity that helps to improve World Bank Group operations. More details can be found at The Inspection Panel is an independent complaints mechanism for people and communities who believe that they have been, or are likely to be, adversely affected by a World Bank-funded project. More details can be found at: 71 411-1 Incidents of In fiscal year 2016, two projects that appeared to raise complaints regarding non-compliance with the Indigenous Peoples policy were violations involving processed under the pilot approach for early solutions. Paraguay: Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development Project, for which the rights of indigenous panel decided not to investigate as it considered that the pilot approach led to a rapid and effective resolution of the issues raised, and peoples Kenya: Electric Expansion Project was investigated and is under review. For more information, see case updates on the Inspection Panel website: GRI 412: HUMAN RIGHTS 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - Human rights principles essential for sustainable development such as nondiscrimination, meaningful consultation, effective public participation, property rights, accountability, transparency and good governance, are consistently applied in the World SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Human Rights Bank’s work to end poverty and boost shared prosperity. These principles are embedded in our recently board-approved (August 2016) Environmental and Social Framework, which protects people and the environment in World Bank investment projects. As the ESF vision statement makes clear, social development and inclusion are critical for all the World Bank’s development interventions and for achieving sustainable development for member countries. For the Bank, inclusion means empowering all people to participate in, and benefit from, the development process. Inclusion encompasses policies to promote equality and non-discrimination by improving the access of all people, including the poor and disadvantaged, to services and benefits such as education, health, social protection, infrastructure, affordable energy, employment, financial services, and productive assets. Inclusion also embraces action to remove barriers against those who are often excluded from the development process, such as women, children, persons with disabilities, and youth and minorities, and to ensure that the voices of all are heard. In this regard, the World Bank’s activities support the realization of human rights expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Under the projects financed by the World Bank, in a manner consistent with its Articles of Agreement, the Bank seeks to avoid adverse impacts, and will continue to support its member countries as they strive to progressively achieve their human rights commitments. 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - This topic is material within the Bank’s operational boundary, the project area of influence for World Bank- financed projects. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - The World Bank recognizes the importance of human rights principles in development: transparency, accountability, non-discrimination, equality of opportunity, governance, empowerment, participation, and inclusion. These principles are reflected in all projects the World Bank finances. The Bank classifies each proposed project into one of four safeguard categories (A, B, C, or FI) depending on the type, location, sensitivity, and scale of the project and the nature and magnitude of its potential environmental impacts. The borrower is responsible for any assessment required by the safeguard policies, with Bank staff providing advice on the application of the policies. Depending on the type of project and its safeguard policy category, the Bank project design incorporates such issues as public consultation, environmental and social assessments, Indigenous Peoples’ plans, and resettlement frameworks and/or resettlement action plans. Compliance with these policies forms part of the legal agreements for Bank grants, credits, and loans. Policies that may be triggered include: OP/BP 4.01, Environmental Assessment; OP/BP 4.04, Natural Habitats; OP 4.09, Pest Management; OP/BP 4.10, Indigenous Peoples; OP/BP 4.11, Physical Cultural Resources; OP/BP 4.12, Involuntary Resettlement; OP 4.36, Forests; and OP/BP 4.37, Safety of Dams. In addition, the Bank recognizes that gender issues are an important dimension of its poverty reduction, economic growth, human wellbeing, and development effectiveness agenda. OP/ BP 4.20 establishes a country-level, strategic approach to mainstreaming gender issues in Bank work. For more information on gender issues, see http://www. 72 World Bank GRI Index 2018 Under the new Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), which will come into force in October 2018, the Bank will classify all investment projects into one of four classifications: High Risk, Substantial Risk, Moderate Risk, or Low Risk. In determining the appropriate risk classification, the Bank will take into account relevant issues, such as the type, location, sensitivity, and scale of the project; the nature and magnitude of the potential environmental and social risks and impacts; and the capacity and commitment of the borrower (including any other entity responsible for the implementation of the project) to manage the environmental and social risks and impacts in a manner consistent with the Environmental and Social Standards. More information on the ESF can be found at: http://www.worldbank. org/en/projects-operations/environmental-and-social-framework. In 2016, the World Bank issued a Directive on Addressing Risks and Impacts on Disadvantaged or Vulnerable Individuals or Groups with the purpose of establishing directions for Bank staff in respect of such individuals or groups as required under the Environmental and Social Framework. Under the directive, when a project poses specific risks and impacts to individuals or groups who, because of their particular circumstances, may be disadvantaged, the task team, through its SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Human Rights due diligence responsibilities, supports the borrower in the Environmental and Social Assessment (ESA) process, including in carrying out consultations, and ascertains whether (1) the environmental and social assessment has properly identified the disadvantaged or vulnerable individuals or groups; and (2) appropriate differentiated mitigation measures have been incorporated into project design and documented in relevant project material so that adverse impacts do not fall disproportionately on the disadvantaged or vulnerable, and they are not disadvantaged in sharing any development benefits resulting from the project. The Directive can be found at: 103-3a: An explanation of how the organization evaluates the management approach(s) - The World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluates the development effectiveness of the World Bank group. More details can be found at The World Bank’s Internal Audit Vice President (IAD) is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity that helps to improve World Bank Group operations. More details can be found at The Inspection Panel is an independent complaints mechanism for people and communities who believe that they have been, or are likely to be, adversely affected by a World Bank-funded project. More details can be found at: 412-1 Operations One hundred percent of the investment projects financed by the World Bank were appraised in accordance with requirements per the that have been Bank’s policies to protect the environment and people potentially affected by Bank-supported projects. The Bank screens each proposed subject to human project to determine the appropriate extent and type of environmental and social analysis to be undertaken during project preparation rights reviews or and whether the project may involve the application of safeguard policies. Environmental and social risk management, including risk impact assessments mitigation measures, are also referenced in the project legal agreement, and therefore are part of the contract with the borrower. For details on projects, see: In August 2016, the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved a new Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). The ESF will be launched in October of 2018. More information on the ESF can be found at: 73 412-2 Employee World Bank environmental and social safeguard policies are a cornerstone of the Bank’s support of sustainable development and training on human poverty reduction. The objective of these policies is to prevent and mitigate undue harm to people and their environment in the rights policies or development process. procedures In fiscal year 2018, 46 hours (23 sessions) of the Bank’s corporate safeguards training program were delivered to 927 staff. In fiscal year 2017, 96 hours (35 sessions) of the Bank’s corporate safeguards training program were delivered to 1,297 Bank staff both in HQ and country offices. In fiscal year 2016, 126 hours (21 sessions) of training on safeguard policies were delivered to 600 staff members in Washington, DC. In fiscal year 2015, 144 hours (24 sessions) of training on Bank safeguard policies were delivered to 500 staff members in Washington, DC. Various regional offices hosted training workshops, which are not included in these totals. In addition, the SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Local Communities Bank trained 1,623 staff on the new ESF, delivering 1,236 training hours (45 sessions) both in HQ and country offices. Separate sessions were held for Environmental and Social Specialists, Country Directors, Practice Managers, Communications Specialists, and Bank staff in general. GRI 413: LOCAL COMMUNITIES 103-1a: An explanation of why the topic(s) is/are material - The Bank screens all projects proposed for financing to determine the appropriate extent and type of potential impacts on communities and the environment. 103-1b: The Boundary for the material topic(s) - The topic is material within the Bank’s operational boundaries. 103-2a: An explanation of how the organization manages the topic(s) - If a project is considered to have adverse impacts on a community, the borrower must carry out an environmental and social impact assessment. This impact assessment will consider gender issues as part of its social analysis. The borrower is required to consult on environmental and social impacts and mitigation measures with the communities affected by the project. For meaningful consultations between the borrower and project-affected groups and local non-governmental organizations, the borrower is required to provide relevant material in a timely manner prior to consultation, in a form and language that are understandable and accessible to the groups being consulted. For projects with significant risks (categories A and B), the Bank discloses the environmental and social assessment. The borrower is required to establish a project-level grievance redress mechanism for all projects with adverse impacts. 103-3a: An explanation of how the organization evaluates the management approach(s) - The World Bank’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) evaluates the development effectiveness of the World Bank group. More details can be found at The World Bank’s Internal Audit Vice President (IAD) is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity that helps to improve World Bank Group operations. More details can be found at The Inspection Panel is an independent complaints mechanism for people and communities who believe that they have been, or are likely to be, adversely affected by a World Bank-funded project. More details can be found at: 74 World Bank GRI Index 2018 413-1 Operations All World Bank investment projects require engagement with the local community. with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs 413-2 Operations A total of 307 projects were screened in fiscal year 2018, of which 41 were classified as Category A and 178 as B. The rest are SOCIAL DISCLOSURES • Local Communities with significant distributed among FI, Category C, and Program for Results projects (not categorized). A total of 418 projects were screened in fiscal actual and potential year 2017, of which 46 were classified as Category A and 153 as B. The rest were distributed among FI, Category C, and Program for negative impacts on Results projects (not categorized). local communities 75