The World Bank                                                                                  Implementation Status & Results Report
            Bangladesh Weather and Climate Services Regional Project (P150220)

Bangladesh Weather and Climate Services Regional Project (P150220)

 SOUTH ASIA | Bangladesh | Urban, Resilience and Land Global Practice |
 IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2016 | Seq No: 9 | ARCHIVED on 06-Dec-2020 | ISR44132 |

 Implementing Agencies: Bangladesh Meteorology Department (BMD), Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), Department of Agricultural
 Extension (DAE), People's Republic of Bangladesh

 Key Dates

  Key Project Dates

   Bank Approval Date: 03-Jun-2016                                           Effectiveness Date: 04-May-2017
   Planned Mid Term Review Date: 26-Jan-2020                                 Actual Mid-Term Review Date: 30-Jan-2020
   Original Closing Date: 31-Dec-2022                                        Revised Closing Date: 31-Dec-2022

 Project Development Objectives

  Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)
  The Project Development Objective of this project is “to strengthen Government of Bangladesh’s capacity to deliver reliable weather, water and
  climate information services and improve access to such services by priority sectors and communities.”

  Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective?

 Components Table

 Component A- Strengthening Meteorological Information Services:(Cost $28.32 M)
 Component B- Strengthening Hydrological Information Services and Early Warning Systems:(Cost $33.57 M)
 Component C- Agro-Meteorological Information Systems Development:(Cost $22.45 M)
 Component D- Contingent Emergency Response Component

 Overall Ratings

 Name                                                                       Previous Rating                         Current Rating

 Progress towards achievement of PDO                                        Moderately Satisfactory                Moderately Satisfactory
 Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                       Moderately Satisfactory                Moderately Satisfactory
 Overall Risk Rating                                                        Substantial                            Substantial

 Implementation Status and Key Decisions

  The project has made progress after its delayed start but there is still a need to enhance the pace of implementation in the components managed by
  BMD and BWDB. Component C, managed by DAE, has made commendable progress in developing and delivering agromet services to the whole
  Component A is implemented by BMD. The implementation pace remains slow: the procurement of the largest observation network package of this
  component needs to be completed and the installation of the AWOS systems done. Designs of observation networks and Information and
  Communication Technology (ICT) systems being finalized and the team urged BMD to speed up the preparation of tender documents for the three
  packages (ICT, CDMS, HPC). The procurement of these and key consultancies such as on NWP guidance and product dissemination mechanisms

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            The World Bank                                                                                      Implementation Status & Results Report
            Bangladesh Weather and Climate Services Regional Project (P150220)

  are the highest priority pending packages that are yet to be initiated. Activities implemented by Department of Meteorology (DoM) of University of
  Dhaka (DU) under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with BMD are on track.
  Component B is being implemented by BWDB. The implementation pace was moderate before the COVID 19 situation. The situation delayed the
  delivery of groundwater stations along with the other ongoing works and services. The tender for the procurement of surface water stations; the
  largest procurement package in this component, was floated in September 2020. These two packages – ground and surface water stations as well
  as the key technical consultancy BWDB C2 flood forecasting - are critical for the successful implementation and service generation for BWDB.
  Component C is implemented by DAE. Almost all the activities under the original project design are either completed or fully on track to be
  completed before the estimated time. DAE is successfully generating the national and district agromet advisories twice a week with close
  collaboration with BMD and BWDB. The collaboration with research agencies for crop simulation is also progressing well. DAE’s focus is to
  automate product development and expand the quality and scope of its services and support the establishment of two first of their kind Departments
  of Agrometeorology in Bangladesh. Two Universities – Bangladesh Agricultural Universities (BAU) and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman
  University (BSMRAU) – have received approvals from the University Grants Commission (UGC) to establish their agromet Departments and plans
  have been developed for curricula and course delivery.
  All three agencies have been urged to get RDPP approved and requested to update implementation action plans with milestones for deliverable and
  intermediate actions for priority procurement and non-procurement activities for the upcoming year.


 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

  Risk Category                                             Rating at Approval               Previous Rating                Current Rating

  Political and Governance                                  Substantial                     Moderate                      Moderate
  Macroeconomic                                             Moderate                        Moderate                      Moderate
  Sector Strategies and Policies                            Moderate                        Moderate                      Moderate
  Technical Design of Project or Program                    Substantial                     Substantial                   Substantial
  Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                            Substantial                     Substantial                   Substantial
  Fiduciary                                                 Substantial                     Substantial                   Substantial
  Environment and Social                                    Moderate                        Moderate                      Moderate
  Stakeholders                                              Moderate                        Moderate                      Moderate
  Other                                                     --                               Moderate                      --
  Overall                                                   Substantial                     Substantial                   Substantial


 PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes

   Strengthen GoB’s capacity to deliver reliable weather, water and climate information services

    ►PDO1: Improved capacity for forecasting (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                    Actual (Previous)                Actual (Current)         End Target

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            The World Bank                                                                                      Implementation Status & Results Report
            Bangladesh Weather and Climate Services Regional Project (P150220)

                                                                                                                           Improvement in
                                      No verification; 24                                                                  forecasts by at least
                                                                    Verification not            Verification not
    Value                             forecasts for public                                                                 one attribute (skill/lead
                                                                    established                 established
                                      weather service                                                                      time/ frequency/spatial
    Date                              30-Jun-2018                   30-Dec-2019                 10-Nov-2020                30-Dec-2022

                                       The MSSI is on board and will design the forecast verification system.

   Improve access to services by priority sectors and communities

    ►PDO2: Improved service delivery to targeted agriculture sector beneficiaries (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                      Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)            End Target

    Value                             0.00                          80.00                       80.00                       80.00

    Date                              30-Jun-2017                   25-Jun-2020                 10-Nov-2020                30-Dec-2022
                                       30,000 identified lead farmers from 15000 Farmers’ groups are receiving agromet information including
                                       special advisories through short message service (SMS) of which Female is 25%. BAMIS portal has been
                                       established and agromet services are being developed and delivered in the country.

     of which Female are (Percentage, Custom Supplement)

                                     Baseline                    Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)            End Target

     Value                           0.00                        15.00                        15.00                        25.00

   ►PDO 3: Systematic measurement of user satisfaction in place, to measure improvements in weather information service delivery:
   Establishment of an user satisfaction measurement system (Yes/No, Custom)

                                      Baseline                      Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)            End Target

    Value                             No                            No                          No                          Yes

    Date                              30-Jun-2017                   25-Jun-2020                 10-Nov-2020                30-Dec-2022
                                       BMD: The baseline study has been completed.
                                       BWDB: The baseline survey has been initiated, the survey is expected to be completed by December and
                                       reports to be shared soon after.
                                       DAE: The baseline has been completed.

 Intermediate Results Indicators by Components

   Components A, B and C

    ►IR1: Upgraded and Modernized Hydromet related Network Established (Percentage, Custom)

                                      Baseline                      Actual (Previous)           Actual (Current)            End Target

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            The World Bank                                                                                     Implementation Status & Results Report
            Bangladesh Weather and Climate Services Regional Project (P150220)

    Value                             0.00                         20.00                         20.00                      60.00

    Date                              30-Jun-2017                  25-Jun-2020                   10-Nov-2020                30-Dec-2022
                                       Hydrogen Gas Generator of BMD and Rain guages of DAE procurement and installation is near
   Comments:                           completion. Procurement of other key goods tenders of BMD and BWDB is ongoing.

    ►IR 3: Improved Financial Sustainability to Maintain Hydromet Networks (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target
                                                                                                                            Post project
                                                                                                                            operational plan
                                      No operational plan          Sustainability plan for       Sustainability plan for
    Value                                                                                                                   approved, and
                                      exists                       DAE being developed.          DAE being developed.
    Date                              30-Jun-2017                  27-Apr-2020                   10-Nov-2020                30-Dec-2022

                                       O&M studies have to be completed.

    ►IR 4: Improved Regional Dialogue and Exchange on Weather, Water and Climate Services (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target
                                                                                                 Participation in SAHF
                                                                   Participation in SAHF         (Sept 2018) and SAHF
                                                                   (Sept 2018) and SAHF II       II (Nov 2019), and
                                                                   (Nov 2019), and Forum         Forum declaration
                                                                   declaration endorsed.         endorsed. Some             Implementing agency
                                                                   Some BWDB and DAE             BWDB and DAE               participants engage in
                                                                   training with the countries   training with the          at least 3 regional
    Value                             -
                                                                   in the Region have been       countries in the Region    dialogue meetings; 10
                                                                   completed and some will       have been completed        staff participate in
                                                                   be taking place in 2020.      and some will be           regional trainings
                                                                   Concept for additional        taking place in 2020.
                                                                   regional training and         Concept for additional
                                                                   collaboration initiated.      regional training and
                                                                                                 collaboration initiated.
    Date                              30-Jun-2017                  30-Dec-2019                   30-Dec-2019                30-Dec-2022
                                       BWCSRP (BMD and DAE) participated in the South Asia Regional Hydromet Forum and endorsed the
                                       agenda and priority activities. The PIUs are planning to join some regional training and workshop in the
                                       later part of the year.

    ►IR 5: Increase in Development of Weather and Climate Products. (Text, Custom)

                                      Baseline                     Actual (Previous)             Actual (Current)           End Target
                                                                                                                            BMD: portal for
                                                                                                                            improved Public
                                                                                                                            weather services
                                                                   Agromet Advisories are        Agromet Advisories         dissemination
                                      Limited or no product        developed and                 are developed and          established; BWDB:
                                      available                    disseminated                  disseminated               water resource
                                                                   successfully.                 successfully.              advisories and
                                                                                                                            hydrological outlooks;
                                                                                                                            DAE: customized agro-

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            The World Bank                                                                                         Implementation Status & Results Report
            Bangladesh Weather and Climate Services Regional Project (P150220)

    Date                               30-Jun-2017                  25-Jun-2020                      10-Nov-2020              30-Dec-2022

                                       DAE: Agromet products are being developed and delivered very successfully.

   Component A

    ►IR2: Strengthened Pipeline of Meteorologists in the Country (Number, Custom)

                                       Baseline                      Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                              0.00                         20.00                            20.00                     40.00

    Date                               30-Jun-2017                  25-Jun-2020                      10-Nov-2020              31-Dec-2022

                                       Total number of completing masters program in meteorology is (20) Twenty.

   Component C

    ►IR 6:: Improved Access to Agromet Information at the District and Upazila Level (Percentage, Custom)

                                       Baseline                      Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)          End Target

    Value                              0.00                         60.00                            60.00                     70.00

    Date                               30-Jun-2017                  25-Jun-2020                      10-Nov-2020              30-Dec-2022
                                       Kiosks are procured and installed in Upazilas. Kiosks are receiving agromet advisories through BAMIS
   Comments:                           portal.

 Performance-Based Conditions

 Data on Financial Performance

 Disbursements (by loan)

 Project        Loan/Credit/TF    Status       Currency        Original     Revised      Cancelled      Disbursed       Undisbursed               % Disbursed

 P150220        IDA-58370         Effective    USD             113.00         89.00         24.00            27.41            60.52                      31%

 Key Dates (by loan)

 Project         Loan/Credit/TF    Status      Approval Date       Signing Date       Effectiveness Date       Orig. Closing Date      Rev. Closing Date

 P150220         IDA-58370         Effective   03-Jun-2016         05-Apr-2017        04-May-2017              31-Dec-2022             31-Dec-2022

Cumulative Disbursements

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            The World Bank                                                                          Implementation Status & Results Report
            Bangladesh Weather and Climate Services Regional Project (P150220)

 PBC Disbursement

                                                                                   Achievement   Disbursed amount in     Disbursement %
 PBC ID                    PBC Type     Description          Coc      PBC Amount
                                                                                   Status        Coc                     for PBC

  Restructuring History

  Level 2 Approved on 31-Jan-2019 ,Level 2 Approved on 17-May-2020

  Related Project(s)

 There are no related projects.

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