         Procurement Plan of Fujian Fishing Port Project Project)

I. 相关说明        General

1.本采购计划更新时间:2018 年 2 月 7 日

 The Update Time of the Procurement Plan: February 5th, 2018

2.本项目总采公告时间:2014 年 9 月 9 日

 Published Date of GPN: September 9th, 2014


 The Covered Duration of the Procurement Plan: Whole Cycle of the Project

4.土建及供货安装前审限额:1500 万美元

 The Prior Review Threshold for Works and Supply & Installation: USD15 Million

5.货物前审限额:400 万美元
 The Prior Review Threshold for Goods: USD 4 Million

6.咨询公司前审限额:200 万美元

 The Prior Review Threshold for Firm Consultant : USD 2 Million

7. 个人咨询前审限额:40 万美元

 The Prior Review Threshold for Individual Consultant : USD 400,000

8. 短名单全部为国内公司的限额:50 万美元

 Threshold for short list comprising entirely of national consultants: USD500,000

9.咨询公司单一来源前审限额:100 万美元

 The Prior Review Threshold for SSS Firm Consultant : USD 1 Million

II. 采购计划一览表

Summary of contracts packaging
                                                                       Fujian Fishing Port Project (P129791) 福建渔港项目

                                                                      Procurement Plan 采购计划                   Feb.7, 2018

                                                                                                                                                   For Contracts Already Signed
                                                                                                                                      Not Signed                                  Remarks
         Contract                                                                             Cost Estimate   Procurement             Estimated
Number                                                            Works/Goods/Consultants                                    Review
         Number      Contract Description 该合同招标的内容                                          (USD)   一类费用预 Method        拟采             Date for
 序号                                                                属于土建/货物设备/咨询                                              属于世                    Date of
         合同号                                                                                   算(美元)          用的采购办法                  submitting               Actual Contract
                                                                                                                             行前审/                   Contract
                                                                                                                                      BD to the                 Price (CNY or
                                                                                                                              后审                   Signing 实                        备注
                                                                                                                                      Bank   大致                USD) 实际签订的
                                                                                                                                      计划的报世                    合同额以及币种
                    Construction / Upgrading of Sansha Fishing
                    Port                                                                                          NCB         Prior   2015 年 12
  1      YGSS-01 三沙渔港:南防波堤 750m;西防波堤                                    Works 土建               35,483,800                    review    月 1 日前      5/16/2017 CNY166,025,658.8  
                    145m;码头 300m;码头后平台 6688m2;                                                                (国内招标)          前审      2015/12/1
                    栈桥 80m;救助中心 2500m2, 堤头灯 2 座
                    Construction / Upgrading of Fenghuo Fishing
                    Port                                                                                          NCB         Prior   2015 年 12
  2      YGFH-01 烽火渔港:防波堤 200m;护岸 2260m;简                               Works 土建               4,137,000                     review    月 1 日前       06/30/16 CNY16,865,250.29  
                    易码头 35m;管理用房           500m2,堤头灯     1                                                    (国内招标)          前审      2015/12/1
              Construction / Upgrading of Dajing Fishing
                                                                                         NCB      Post
              大京渔港:码头 65m;护岸 1065m;港内                                                                     2018 年 01
3   YGDJ-01                                                   Works 土建     3,280,000             review                         
              道路 285m;进港道路 1300m;围堤拆除                                                                     月 2018/01
                                                                                        (国内招标)   后审
              375m;港池清淤 12.3 万 m3;陆域形成
              Construction / Upgrading of Luxiang Fishing
              吕峡渔港:外防波堤 600m,内防波堤 A                                                              Prior
                                                                                         NCB              2018 年 01
4   YGLX-01 (380m)、B(680m)、C(600m);码头                         Works 土建     22,950,000            review                         
                                                                                        (国内招标)            月 2018/01
              148m;环港护岸 1(1186m),环港护岸 2                                                          前审
              (2418m);填海造陆 33000㎡;救助中心
              2500㎡:堤头灯 4 座。
              Construction / Upgrading of Wen'ao Fishing
              Port                                                                       NCB              2019 年 1 月
5   YGWA-01                                                   Works 土建     5,583,000             review                         
              文澳渔港:东防波堤 75m;南防波堤                                                        (国内招标)              2019/1
              370m;管理房 500m2:堤头灯 2 座。
              Construction   /   Upgrading   of   Beishuang
              Fishing Port                                                               NCB              2019 年 1 月
6   YGBS-01                                                   Works 土建     1,891,000             review                         
              北礵渔港:斜坡道 75m;护岸 95m;陆域                                                    (国内招标)              2019/1
              形成 8200m2。

              100-ton harbour management rescue boat 100                                 NCB
7   YJXY-01                                                   Goods   货物   1,387,000             review                        Cancelled
              吨级渔港管理救助船                                                                 (国内招标)
               Emergency rescue vehicle 应急指挥工具                                             shopping
8    YJXY-01                                                      Goods   货物    50,000                review                        Cancelled
               车                                                                            (询价)

9    YJXY-01 Computer、server 电脑、服务器                               Goods   货物    50,000                review                        Cancelled

               Construction of Training Center including
               Dormitory      Building   and   Other   Related
               培训中心:培训楼,建筑面积 3239.3㎡;                                                                  Post
                                                                                            NCB                2018 年 7 月
10   PXZX-01 学员宿舍楼,建筑面积 7618 ㎡;消防演练                               Works 土建     3,571,000              review                         
                                                                                           (国内招标)                2018/7
               室,建筑面积 24 ㎡;船舶推进演练室,单                                                                  后审
               层建筑面积 692㎡;训练池,占地面积
               647.9        ㎡;电焊室 69.9         ㎡;室外工程
               7553.7 ㎡;更衣室,建筑面积 337.3m2。

               Procurement      of   fishing   boat    catching                                        Post
                                                                                            NCB                2018 年 7 月
11   PXZX-02 simulator                                            Goods   货物   737,000                review                         
                                                                                           (国内招标)                2018/7
               NTPRO5000 渔船捕捞操纵模拟器                                                                    后审
               Procurement    of   engine        dynamic    testing                                      Post
                                                                                              NCB                2018 年 7 月
12   PXZX-03 platform                                                 Goods   货物   822,000              review                         
                                                                                             (国内招标)                2018/7
               轮机动力试验台                                                                                  后审

               Procurement of equipment used for vessel
               disassembly and assembly filedwork
               船舶拆装实践教学设备 Procurement vessel
               船舶安全救生设备 Procurement                   of    gantry
               crane                                                                          NCB                2018 年 7 月
13   PXZX-04                                                          Goods   货物   237,703              review                         
               起重行车 Procurement             of     vessel     deck                           (国内招标)                2018/7
               machinery equipment
               锚设备、水手工艺设备)Procurement of 40
               nos. electric welders
               电焊机 40 台

               Procurement of electric appliance for the                                                 Post
                                                                                              NCB                2018 年 7 月
14   PXZX-05 training center and dormitory                            Goods   货物   224,590              review                         
                                                                                             (国内招标)                2018/7
               培训中心及宿舍楼电器                                                                               后审

               Procurement of computers for the training                                     shopping            2018 年 7 月
15   PXZX-06                                                          Goods   货物   44,262               review                         
               center 培训中心电脑                                                                  (询价)                 2018/7
               Procurement of desks and chairs for the                                               Post
                                                                                         shopping            2018 年 7 月
16   PXZX-07 training center                                     Goods   货物    12,295               review                                            
                                                                                          (询价)                 2018/7
               培训中心课桌椅                                                                              后审

               Procurement of furnitures and equipment for
               the dormitory                                                                         Post
                                                                                          NCB                2018 年 7 月
17   PXZX-08 宿舍楼生活设施 Procurement              of      canteen    Goods   货物    313,113              review                                            
                                                                                         (国内招标)                2018/7
               furniture and equipment                                                              后审

               Consulatnt Service in Project Management
               (Design   review,    procurement,      contract
               management, and project monitoring)
               Technical Assistance in Preparation of Rules      Consultants
18    JY-01                                                                    950,000    QCBS      review     Dec-15      09/30/17   USD766,046.83  
               and    Regulations    for    Fishing      Port       咨询
               Individual Consultant for Port Enginnering
               and Construction

               Consultant Service in Assisting Xiapu County                                                                                          TOR must be
               in Improving the Existing Fisherman-Oriented                                          Post    2016 年 10                               prior
19    JY-02    Early Warning and Response System 协助霞                           270,000     CQS      review    月 1 日前      05/24/17    CNY1,700,000   reviewed. 任
               浦县完善防台风应急响应预案(针对渔                                                                    后审       2016/10/1                               务大纲必须
               民)                                                                                                                                    前审
                                                                                                                                                                TOR must be
             Upgrading emergency commanding system                                                                 Post                                         prior
                                                                   Consultants                                             2018 年 7 月
20   JY-03   聘请国内专家支持应急指挥系统软件升                                                          50,000        CQS         review                                        reviewed. 任
                                                                      咨询                                                     2018/7
             级                                                                                                    后审                                            务大纲必须

             Individual Consultant for EMP Monitoring              Consultants
21   JY-04                                                                              59,016        NBF                                                        
             聘请环境技术专家支持渔港建设                                           咨询

             Individual Consultant for RAP Monitoring              Consultants
22   JY-05                                                                              59,016        NBF                                                        
             聘请移民等技术专家支持渔港建设                                          咨询

                                                                                                                                                                TOR must be
             Consultant   Service   for   Curriculum    &
                                                                                                                   Post                                         prior
             Textbook Development for Fijian Ocean                 Consultants                                             2018 年 7 月
23   JY-06                                                                              16,000        CQS         review                                        reviewed. 任
             Technical School                                         咨询                                                     2018/7
                                                                                                                  后审                                            务大纲必须

             Firm consultant for port management manual
24   JY-07                                                   Firm consultant 公司咨询       180,000       CQS         review                08/11/17   CNY1,150,000  
             preparation 港口管理手册咨询

             International individual consultant for port                                                          Post
                                                            Individual consultant 个人咨             Competitive 竞
25   JY-08   management manual preparation 港口管理手                                        30,000                    review                08/07/17    USD30,000    
                                                                       询                              争性
             册国际个人咨询                                                                                              后审
             Individual consultant for project management Individual consultant 个人咨           Competitive 竞
26   JY-09                                                                            5,000                   review       06/30/17   CNY30,000   Terminated
             assistant 项目管理助理个人咨询                                   询                             争性
                                                                                                              后审                                  已终止
                               China : Fujian Fishing Ports Project
General Information
Country:                       China                                       Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:                    2017-10-30
                                                                           Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:                    P129791                                     GPN Date:
Project Name:                  Fujian Fishing Ports Project
Loan / Credit No:              IBRD / 83780
Executing Agency(ies): Fujian PMO

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Draft Bidding
                               Loan / Credit                                                                       Market         Procurement        Prequalification    Estimated        Actual Amount           Process   Draft Pre-qualification    Prequalification                         Specific Procurement   Bidding Documents   Proposal Submission /        Report and
        Description                                     Component            Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                          Document /                                                                                                  Signed Contract     Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                                          Approach           Process              (Y/N)         Amount (US$)          (US$)               Status         Documents            Evaluation Report                          Notice / Invitation       as Issued        Opening / Minutes      Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Planned      Actual      Planned    Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual    Planned    Actual    Planned     Actual     Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual

 Contract No. YGFH-01 /
                                               1. Construction and
Contract No. YGFH-01:                                                                                                           Single Stage - One
                               IBRD / 83780    Upgrading of Fishing Port   Prior           Request for Bids   Open - National                                                      0.00       2,566,423.25   Signed
Construction of Fenghuo                                                                                                         Envelope

 Contract No. YGSS-01 /                        1. Construction and
                                                                                                                                Single Stage - One
Construction Works of          IBRD / 83780    Upgrading of Fishing Port   Prior           Request for Bids   Open - National                                                      0.00      24,077,393.01   Signed
Sansha Fishing Port                            Facilities

 YGDJ-01 / Construction /                      1. Construction and                                                                                                                                           Under
                                                                                                                                Single Stage - One
Upgrading of Dajing Fishing    IBRD / 83780    Upgrading of Fishing Port   Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                              3,280,000.00               0.00   Implementati                                                 2018-01-31            2018-02-05                                 2018-03-17              2018-04-16            2018-05-21            2019-07-15
Port                                           Facilities                                                                                                                                                    on

 YGLX-01 / Construction /                      1. Construction and
                                                                                                                                Single Stage - One
Upgrading of Luxiang           IBRD / 83780    Upgrading of Fishing Port   Prior           Request for Bids   Open - National                                             22,950,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                     2018-03-05            2018-03-15                                 2018-04-24              2018-05-24            2018-06-28            2020-12-14
Fishing Port                                   Facilities

 PXZX-01 / Decoration of                                                                                                                                                                                     Under
                                               3. Training and Capacity                                                         Single Stage - One
training rooms, students       IBRD / 83780                                Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               600,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                                 2019-06-24            2019-06-29                                 2019-08-10              2019-09-09            2019-10-14            2020-04-11
                                               Building                                                                         Envelope
canteen and dormitory                                                                                                                                                                                        on

 YGLX-01A / Construction /                     1. Construction and                                                                                                                                           Under
                                                                                                                                Single Stage - One
Upgrading of Lv'xia Fishing    IBRD / 83780    Upgrading of Fishing Port   Prior           Request for Bids   Open - National                                             22,950,000.00               0.00   Implementati                                                 2019-05-20            2019-05-30                                 2019-07-09              2019-08-08            2019-09-12            2022-02-28
Port                                           Facilities                                                                                                                                                    on

 YGWA-01 / Construction /                      1. Construction and                                                                                                                                           Under
                                                                                                                                Single Stage - One
Upgrading of Wen'ao Fishing IBRD / 83780       Upgrading of Fishing Port   Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                              5,583,000.00               0.00   Implementati                                                 2019-05-20            2019-05-30                                 2019-07-09              2019-08-08            2019-09-12            2022-02-28
Port                                           Facilities                                                                                                                                                    on

 YGBS-01 / Construction /                      1. Construction and
                                                                                                                                Single Stage - One
Upgrading of Beishuang         IBRD / 83780    Upgrading of Fishing Port   Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                              1,891,000.00               0.00   Canceled                                                     2019-05-20            2019-05-30                                 2019-07-09              2019-08-08            2019-09-12            2022-02-28
Fishing Port                                   Facilities

 YGBS-01A / Construction /                     1. Construction and                                                                                                                                           Under
                                                                                                                                Single Stage - One
Upgrading of Beishuang         IBRD / 83780    Upgrading of Fishing Port   Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                              1,891,000.00               0.00   Implementati                                                 2019-09-29            2019-10-04                                 2019-11-15              2019-12-15            2020-01-19            2020-07-17
Fishing Port                                   Facilities                                                                                                                                                    on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Draft Bidding
                               Loan / Credit                                                                       Market         Procurement        Prequalification    Estimated        Actual Amount           Process   Draft Pre-qualification    Prequalification                         Specific Procurement   Bidding Documents   Proposal Submission /        Report and
        Description                                     Component            Review Type       Method                                                                                                                                                                          Document /                                                                                                  Signed Contract     Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                                          Approach           Process              (Y/N)         Amount (US$)          (US$)               Status         Documents            Evaluation Report                          Notice / Invitation       as Issued        Opening / Minutes      Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Planned      Actual      Planned    Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual    Planned    Actual    Planned     Actual     Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual   Planned      Actual

 PXZX-05 / Procurement of                                                                                                                                                                                    Under
                                               3. Training and Capacity                                                         Single Stage - One
Air-conditioners, computers,   IBRD / 83780                                Post            Request for Bids   Open - National                                               300,000.00                0.00   Implementati                                                 2019-07-01            2019-07-06                                 2019-08-17              2019-09-16            2019-10-21            2020-04-18
                                               Building                                                                         Envelope
touch screens                                                                                                                                                                                                on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Page 1
 PXZX-06 / Procurement of
desks and chairs, teaching                       3. Training and Capacity                                                         Single Stage - One
                                 IBRD / 83780                               Post            Request for Bids    Open - National                                               450,000.00                  0.00   Implementati                                                        2019-06-24               2019-06-29                                       2019-08-10                2019-09-09                2019-10-14                2020-04-11
aids, kitchen utensils, dining                   Building                                                                         Envelope
tables and chairs

 PXZX-04 / Procurement of
power equipment disassembly
and installation, electrical                                                                                                                                                                                     Pending
                                                 3. Training and Capacity                                                         Single Stage - One
and automation equipments,       IBRD / 83780                               Post            Request for Bids    Open - National                                              1,880,000.00                 0.00   Implementati                                                        2019-07-01               2019-07-06                                       2019-08-17                2019-09-16                2019-10-21                2020-04-18
                                                 Building                                                                         Envelope
crew basic safety training                                                                                                                                                                                       on
facilities, steel-structure
mobile rooms

 PXZX-02 / Procurement of                                                                                                                                                                                        Pending
                                                 3. Training and Capacity                                                         Single Stage - One
Marine Ship navigation           IBRD / 83780                               Post            Request for Bids    Open - National                                              1,340,000.00                 0.00   Implementati                                                        2019-08-12               2019-08-17                                       2019-09-28                2019-10-28                2019-12-02                2020-05-30
                                                 Building                                                                         Envelope
training facilities                                                                                                                                                                                              on

 PXZX-03 / Procurement of
engine simulator and power                       3. Training and Capacity                                                         Single Stage - One
                                 IBRD / 83780                               Post            Request for Bids    Open - National                                              2,150,000.00                 0.00   Implementati                                                        2019-08-12               2019-08-17                                       2019-09-28                2019-10-28                2019-12-02                2020-05-30
equipments operating                             Building                                                                         Envelope

 YJXY-01A / Equipment
procurement and installation,                    2. Improvement of the                                                                                                                                           Under
                                                                                                                                  Single Stage - One
site decoration and software     IBRD / 83780    Early Warning and          Prior           Request for Bids    Open - National                                              3,013,000.00                 0.00   Implementati                                                        2019-09-22               2019-09-27                                       2019-11-08                2019-12-08                2020-01-12                2020-07-10
system developmen for                            Response Systems                                                                                                                                                on
emergency command center

 YJXY-01 / Equipment
procurement and installation,                    2. Improvement of the
                                                                                                                                  Single Stage - One
site decoration and software     IBRD / 83780    Early Warning and          Prior           Request for Bids    Open - National                                              3,588,000.00                 0.00   Canceled                                                            2019-05-20               2019-05-25                                       2019-07-06                2019-08-05                2019-09-09                2020-03-07
system development for                           Response Systems
emergency command center

 YJXY-01B / Transmission                         2. Improvement of the                                                                                                                                           Pending
tower construction for           IBRD / 83780    Early Warning and          Post            Direct Selection    Direct                                                        630,000.00                  0.00   Implementati                                                        2019-12-15               2019-12-20                                                                                           2020-01-24                2020-07-22
emergency command center                         Response Systems                                                                                                                                                on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Draft Bidding
                                 Loan / Credit                                                                       Market         Procurement        Prequalification    Estimated         Actual Amount            Process   Draft Pre-qualification        Prequalification                               Specific Procurement      Bidding Documents      Proposal Submission /          Report and
             Description                                Component             Review Type        Method                                                                                                                                                                                   Document /                                                                                                                 Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       No.                                                                          Approach           Process              (Y/N)         Amount (US$)            (US$)               Status         Documents              Evaluation Report                                  Notice / Invitation          as Issued           Opening / Minutes        Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual       Planned      Actual      Planned    Actual       Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Combined Evaluation
                                 Loan / Credit                                                                       Market        Contract Type         Estimated           Actual                                                           Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical                    Evaluation of
             Description                                Component             Review Type        Method                                                                                      Process Status       Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                         Report and Draft            Signed Contract        Contract Completion
                                       No.                                                                          Approach                           Amount (US$)       Amount (US$)                                                                Notice           Request for Proposals             as Issued         Proposals / Minutes     Technical Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Negotiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Planned         Actual       Planned      Actual       Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual     Planned      Actual    Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual

 JY-03 / Crew education and
training, quality management                     3. Training and Capacity                   Quality And Cost-                                                                                Pending
                                 IBRD / 83780                               Post                                Open - National                              180,000.00               0.00                        2019-05-27                  2019-06-17                2019-07-31                                         2019-08-28             2019-09-27                2019-11-01                2019-12-06                2020-12-05
system, teacher training and                     Building                                   Based Selection                                                                                  Implementation
curriculum development

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Invitation to
                                 Loan / Credit                                                                       Market        Contract Type         Estimated           Actual                                                                                       Draft Negotiated
             Description                                Component             Review Type        Method                                                                                      Process Status       Terms of Reference            Identified/Selected                                Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                       No.                                                                          Approach                           Amount (US$)       Amount (US$)                                                                                        Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Planned         Actual       Planned      Actual       Planned      Actual      Planned       Actual     Planned      Actual

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 2
 JY-06 / Consultant Service
for Preparation of Technical
Demand, Bidding Documents                     3. Training and Capacity                                                 Under
                               IBRD / 83780                              Post   Consultant   Open   40,000.00   0.00                    2019-05-13            2019-07-01   2019-07-22   2019-08-26   2020-02-22
and Construction                              Building                                                                 Implementation
Management for Navigation
Facilities for FOTS

                                                                                                                                                     Page 3