Securing Energy for
   Development in the
   West Bank and Gaza
Securing Energy for
Development in the
West Bank and Gaza
The report was prepared under the guidance of Vivien      Company (TEDCO), Southern Electricity Distribution
Foster (Global Lead, GEEDR, co-task team leader)          Company (SELCO), Palestinian Investment Fund
and Roger Coma-Cunill (Senior Energy Specialist,          (PIF), Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS),
GEE05, co-task team leader).                              and Palestinian private sector. The study also
                                                          benefited from discussions with and inputs from
The report was authored by Sara Badiei (Energy            the Israeli Electric Corporation (IEC), Coordinator
Specialist, GEE05), Vivien Foster and Roger Coma-         of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT),
Cunill. Several sections of the report were led           Israeli Public Utilities Authority (PUA), Israeli Ministry of
by the following team members: Samuel Kwesi               Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Energy. The study also
Ewuah Oguah (Energy Specialist, GEESO), the               received inputs from the Jordanian Ministry of Energy.
planning model analysis; Joeri Frederik de Wit
(Energy Economist, GEESO), the demand forecast            The team would like to thank Marina Wes (current
analysis; Alain Bourguignon, the renewable energy,        Country Director West Bank and Gaza, MNC04),
transmission and distribution, and energy efficiency      Steen Jorgensen (former Country Director West Bank
analysis; Amit Mor and Shimon Seroussi (Eco-Energy,       and Gaza, MNC04), Erik Fernstrom (MENA Energy
consultants), the gas analysis and energy sector          Practice Manager, GEE05), Bjorn Philipp (Program
financial model; Peter Griffin (consultant), the macro-   Leader, MNC04) and Mark Eugene Ahern (Program
economic model analysis; Joern Huenteler (Energy          Leader, MNC04) for their continuous guidance and
Specialist, GEE05) provided valuable inputs on the        support as well as peer reviewers Victor Loksha
Jordan and Egypt energy sectors; Jonathan Walters         (Senior Energy Economist, GEEES), Rahul Kitchlu
(Castalia, consultant) provided political economy         (Senior Energy Specialist, GEE01), Kwawu Mensan
and institutional guidance throughout the project;        Gaba (Global Lead, GEEDR), Bjorn Philipp, as well as
Carlos Alberto Lopez Quiroga (Senior Oil and Gas          Rima Tadros and Thomas Berdal from the Norwegian
Specialist, GEEX2) provided advise on hydrocarbons;       Representative office.
and Khalida Seif El Din Al-Qutob (Program Assistant,
MNCGZ) contributed with valuable logistical and           The financial support by the Norwegian Government
administration support.                                   and the Energy Sector Management Assistance
                                                          Program (ESMAP) is gratefully acknowledged.
The study would not have been possible without the        ESMAP—a global knowledge and technical
continuous collaboration and consistent feedback          assistance program administered by the World
from the Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources         Bank—assists low- and middle-income countries to
Authority (PENRA), Palestinian Electricity Regulatory     increase their know-how and institutional capacity
Council (PERC), the Palestinian Ministry of Finance       to achieve environmentally sustainable energy
(MoF), Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company       solutions for poverty reduction and economic growth.
Ltd. (PETL), Palestinian Energy and Environmental         ESMAP is funded by Australia, Austria, Denmark, the
Research Center (PEC), Jerusalem District Electricity     European Commission, Finland, France, Germany,
Company (JDECO), Gaza Electricity Distribution            Iceland, Japan, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway,
Company (GEDCO), Northern Electricity Distribution        Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the
Company (NEDCO), Hebron Electricity Distribution          World Bank Group.
Company (HEPCO), Tubas Electricity Distribution
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
What Is the Current Energy Supply Situation in the West Bank and Gaza? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
What Options Exist for Improving Energy Security in the West Bank and Gaza? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
How Can the West Bank and Gaza Choose among the Options? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
What Measures Need to Be Taken by Government? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
What Are the Costs and Benefits of Achieving Energy Security? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

PART I - The West Bank and Gaza Energy Sector Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Chapter 1: The West Bank and Gaza Electricity Sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Chapter 2: Electricity Demand  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Chapter 3: Importing Electricity from Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Chapter 4: Importing Natural Gas for Domestic Power Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Chapter 5: Importing Electricity from Jordan and Egypt  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Chapter 6: Developing Domestic Renewable Power Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Chapter 7: Developing Transmission Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Chapter 8: Integrating Energy Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

PART II - Decision Making  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Chapter 9: Introduction and methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Chapter 10: Analysis and Results for the West Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93
Chapter 11: Analysis and Results for Gaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

PART III - Conclusions and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Chapter 12: A Four-Phase Road Map to Improved Energy Security in the West Bank and Gaza . . . . . . . . 128

APPENDIX  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Appendix A: The Palestinian Electricity Sector  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
Appendix B: Electricity Demand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Appendix C: Importing Electricity from Israel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Appendix D: Importing Natural Gas for Domestic Power Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Appendix E: Importing Electricity from Jordan and Egypt  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
Appendix F: Developing Domestic Renewable Power Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Appendix G: Developing Transmission Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Appendix H: Robust Planning Methodology and Detailed Technical Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Appendix I: Financial Sector Model Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

                                                                     Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 1
2 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
bcm	   billion cubic meters
CAPEX	 capital expenditure (Note: CAPEX, capex, and CapEx are all used by the WB
	      and various other organizations. CAPEX is used here for internal consistency.
	      It is used commonly, although not consistently, by the WB.
CCGT	  combined cycle gas turbine
COGAT	 Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories Unit (Israeli entity)
CSP	   concentrated solar power
DISCO	 distribution company
GDP	   gross domestic product
GEDCO	 Gaza Electricity Distribution Company
GPP	   Gaza Power Plant
GWh	   gigawatt hour
IEC	   Israeli Electric Corporation
IPP	   independent power producer
HEPCO	 Hebron Electricity Distribution Company
JDECO	 Jerusalem District Electricity Company
kV	kilovolt
kW	kilowatt
kWh	   kilowatt hour
LNG	   liquified natural gas
LPG	   liquid petroleum gas
MVC	   municipality and village council
MW	megawatt
MWh	   megawatt hour
NEDCO	 Northern Electricity Distribution Company
NEPCO	 National Electric Power Company (Jordan)
NIS	   new Israeli shekel (Israeli currency unit)
PCBS	  Palestinian Central Bureau of Statics
PEC	   Palestinian Energy and Environmental Research Center
PENRA	 Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority
PERC	  Palestinian Electricity Regulatory Council
PETL	  Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company
PPA	   power purchase agreement
PUA	   Public Utility Authority (Israeli)
PV	photovoltaic
RE	    renewable energy
SELCO	 Southern Electricity Distribution Company
tcf	   trillion cubic feet
TEDCO	 Tubas Electricity Distribution Company
TOU	   time of use
VRE	   variable renewable energy

                                           Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 3

4 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
What Is the Current Energy
Supply Situation in the West
Bank and Gaza?

Energy security challenges are already severe                Figure 1: Main Sources of Electricity in
in Gaza and are emerging in the West Bank. The               the West Bank and Gaza, 2015
power supply meets only half the demand in Gaza,
leading to rolling blackouts of eight hours on and                          6,000
eight hours off. Although the West Bank generally
enjoys 24-hour power supply, shortages have                                 5,000
emerged during peak winter and summer months.

                                                             Energy (GWh)
With demand projected to grow at an average annual
rate of about 3.5 percent in the foreseeable future—                        3,000
slightly higher in Gaza and lower in the West Bank—
shortages are likely to become worse unless new                             2,000
supply options are found.

The West Bank and Gaza rely primarily on Israeli                               0
                                                                                    West Bank         Gaza            Combined
imports to meet electricity needs. In 2015, about 90
percent of their electricity was supplied by the Israeli
                                                                                      From Israel              From Egypt
Electric Corporation (IEC) (figure 1). The situation
differs significantly between the West Bank, where                                    From Jordan              Gaza Power Plant
IEC imports represent 99 percent of consumption,
and Gaza, where they represent 64 percent. Modest            Source: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statics. 2015. “Quantity of Electricity
amounts of electricity are imported from Jordan              Imported (MWh) in the West Bank by Source and Month, 2015” and “Quantity
                                                             of Electricity Imported and Purchased (MWh) in Gaza Strip by Source and
into the West Bank and from Egypt into Gaza. The             Month, 2015”, Ramallah City. http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/site/886/Default.aspx
Palestinian Authority has set targets to develop 130
megawatts (MW) of renewable energy by 2020, but
only 18 MW had been developed as of June, 2017.              of renewable technologies such as rooftop solar
                                                             photovoltaic (PV), with shorter implementation time,
The only large-scale generation capacity in the              should be prioritized.
territories is the troubled Gaza Power Plant (GPP).
The 140 MW diesel-fired plant was developed as               The electricity sector in West Bank and Gaza has
an “independent power project” (IPP) and has been            undergone several institutional reforms, which
operating since 2004 on a 20-year power-purchase             still require further consolidation. In 1995, the
agreement (PPA) involving significant take-or-pay            sector was reorganized to cluster most of the former
capacity charges. Due to the high cost of diesel             municipal service providers into six local distribution
fuel, the plant is so expensive to operate — NIS             utilities. The Electricity Law of 2009 created the
1.05–1.65 (US$0.29–0.46) per kilowatt hour — that            Palestinian Electricity Regulatory Council (PERC), with
it can typically be run only at half capacity. It has also   responsibility for tariff setting and monitoring, as well
suffered repeated damages during armed conflicts,            as the Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company
which affected its fuel storage capacity. The best           Ltd (PETL), a new transmission operator and
prospect is to convert the plant to natural gas, which       wholesale single buyer. While there is no Palestinian
would reduce operating costs to about a third of             transmission infrastructure at present, PETL will take
current levels. In parallel, considering the expected        charge of four high-voltage substations, three of
long lead time of such a conversion, the development         which have been built, to manage the flow of high

                                                     Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 5
voltage power from Israel into the West Bank, which                          utilities has been improving, full cost recovery has not
previously took place through a myriad of low voltage                        yet been achieved. In 2015, Distribution Companies
connection points.                                                           (DISCOs) recovered revenue for only 64 percent of
                                                                             the electricity they purchased in the West Bank
The electricity sector has yet to establish a track                          (table 1), and 50 percent in Gaza. Third, even when
record as a creditworthy buyer for wholesale                                 revenues are collected, they are sometimes diverted
power. There are three layers to this problem. First,                        by municipal governments to cover other subnational
despite important efforts by PERC, electricity is not                        expenditures rather than being channeled to the
priced at cost-recovery levels throughout the West                           purchase of power. Thus, implicit subsidies to the
Bank and Gaza. The gap between tariffs and costs                             electricity sector have been estimated at close to 1
is particularly large in Gaza, where tariffs have not                        percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in the West
been adjusted during the past decade. Second,                                Bank and 4–5 percent of GDP in Gaza.
while the operational performance of the distribution

                                                            GEDCO          TOTAL        JDECO        NEDCO        HEPCO       SELCO        TEDCO
 Customers                                                  231,500       436,389       256,314       90,265      45,660      25,650        18,500
 Purchased electricity (NIS millions)                            795          1,398          871          250          164           71          42
 Billed electricity (NIS millions)                                518         1,509         949           245          193          76           46
 Net annual income/loss (NIS millions)                           n.a.           -76          -82             9            9         -15            3
 Losses: Technical and nontechnical                             26%            22%          24%           17%         20%         28%           16%
 Collection ratio                                               65%            89%          91%          98%          81%          71%         76%
 Overhead costs (ie, Operations and                               8%            17%         22%            5%         10%          21%          17%
 maintenance) as percentage of purchased

Source: Information provided by the Gaza Electricity Distribution Company (GEDCO), Jerusalem District Electricity Company (JDECO), Northern Electricity
Distribution Company (NEDCO), Hebron Electricity Power Company (HEPCO), Southern Electricity Distribution Company (SELCO), Tubas Electricity
Distribution Company (TEDCO).

6 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
  Figure 2: Electricity Sector Debt to IEC, 2008–2015
Debt to IEC (NIS millions)





                                                                                                       All other DISCOs                                                                                          JDECO                                                                              Total

  Source: Information provided by ECO Energy.
  Note: IEC = Israeli Electric Corporation; DISCO = Distribution Company; JDECO = Jerusalem District Electricity Company.

 The poor record of paying for power imported from                                                                                                                                 accumulated debt owed to IEC exceeded NIS 2
 Israel has led to the so-called net lending crisis                                                                                                                                billion (US$500 million) (figure 2). An agreement
 and a large accumulation of outstanding debt. The                                                                                                                                 was reached in September 2016 that allowed for
 power purchased from IEC is only partially paid for by                                                                                                                            the settlement of past accumulated debt and laid
 the DISCOs, with the unpaid portion being partially                                                                                                                               the vision for a future power market with imports
 covered through net lending (a fiscal mechanism                                                                                                                                   channeled through the new high-voltage substations
 whereby money is deducted from clearance revenues                                                                                                                                 and tariffs set according to a new, long-term power-
 that would otherwise be transferred from Israel to                                                                                                                                purchase agreement. According to this vision, PETL
 the Palestinian Authority) and partially accumulated                                                                                                                              would act as the single buyer, purchasing power from
 as outstanding debt. By September 2016, the                                                                                                                                       IEC and selling it to the DISCOs.

                                                                                                                                                          Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 7
What Options Exist for
Improving Energy Security in
the West Bank and Gaza?

Looking forward, the West Bank and Gaza have              Nevertheless, historical imports from Egypt into Gaza,
several tangible options for expanding and diversifying   which have been managed through the local Egyptian
electricity supply. For example:                          distribution company rather than the national Egyptian
                                                          transmission operator, have proved unreliable due to
Israeli electricity imports continue to be a valid        security issues in Sinai. In addition, Gaza has not yet
option, but this route requires a significant scaling     established any payment record with Egypt, since
up of interconnection capacity. Israel has a strong       the cost of these imports has been covered by third
track record of providing reliable power supply to the    party benefactors to date. Finally, neither Jordan nor
West Bank and Gaza. As long as the net lending crisis     Egypt has access to the controversial net-lending
can be satisfactorily resolved, there is potential to     mechanism that has provided Israel with an informal
increase Israeli power imports to the two economies,      payment-security mechanism to at least partially
provided the existing interconnection capacity is         offset payment risk from the West Bank and Gaza.
upgraded accordingly. The West Bank and Gaza
combined already represent IEC’s largest and fastest-     Thanks to major gas discoveries in the eastern
growing electricity customer. However, IEC is facing      Mediterranean, it would be feasible in the medium
high levels of indebtedness and an uncertain operating    term to import gas to the West Bank and Gaza
structure. Under the current Israeli power sector         for power generation. Israel became a major gas
reform, all new Israeli generation capacity is being      producer in 1999 with the discovery of the 10.9
developed by independent power producers, which           trillion-cubic-foot (TCF) Tamar field. The imminent
may present an alternative and more commercially          development of the 21.9 TCF Leviathan field will
oriented Israeli power supply option for the West         make Israel a gas exporter. The Israeli government
Bank and Gaza in the future.                              has already given approval for a 40-kilometer pipeline
                                                          extension from the Ashkelon terminal in Israel into
Increasing power imports from Jordan and Egypt            Gaza, which would enable the conversion of GPP to
is a realistic medium-term option, although it is         operate on natural gas, as well as for a 15-kilometer
not without challenges. Jordan and Egypt have             spur from the Israeli national gas transportation
recently overcome power supply crises caused by a         network into Jenin in the north of the West Bank, to
shortage of Egyptian gas and are now heading for          allow for the construction of a new 400 MW combined
significant power surpluses. In principle, the existing   cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant.
interconnection capacity of 20 MW from Jordan and
20–30 MW from Egypt could be upgraded to support          The Gaza Marine gas field, discovered almost two
higher volumes of imports. Jordanian electricity has      decades ago, has yet to be developed. The eventual
been more expensive than Israeli power, due to heavy      development of this 1.2 TCF gas field could eliminate
reliance on liquefied natural gas, but is expected to     the need for Israeli gas. The investment costs of
become cheaper as Israeli gas enters the Jordanian        developing Gaza Marine have been estimated at
market and as the share of renewables increases in        US$0.25 billion to US$1.20 billion, depending on the
Jordan. Egyptian power is currently cheaper than          extent to which existing gas infrastructure is shared
Israeli power due to the historic low cost of natural     with Israel. However, development would require a
gas, while the size of Egypt’s power system is about      gas supply contract with a creditworthy buyer, and it
30 times that of West Bank and Gaza’s demand,             will take some time before gas demand in the West
making it relatively easy for Egypt to supply the         Bank and Gaza builds up to the requisite levels (figure
scale of power needed in West Bank and Gaza.              3). Once developed, Gaza Marine has the potential

8 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
 Figure 3: Estimated Natural Gas Demand in the West Bank and Gaza until 2030
Demand (Billion cubic meters)





                                      2022   2023   2024        2025        2026       2027       2028       2029      2030

                                                    West Bank                   Gaza                     Combined

 Source: Information provided by ECO Energy.

 to generate US$2.7 billion in fiscal revenues for the                        solar potential of over 3,000 MW estimated in Area
 Palestinian Authority over an estimated 25 years                             C, which would be suitable for both PV and CSP
 of production.                                                               technologies. Nevertheless, the significant political
                                                                              challenges associated with securing Israeli approval
 There is substantial potential for solar electricity in                      for construction in Area C cast some doubt over the
 the West Bank, particularly in Area C (table 2). Solar                       possibility of developing this resource. By contrast,
 energy is the only significant renewable resource in                         extreme land constraints in the Gaza strip limit the
 the Palestinian Territories. The technical potential in                      available solar potential to 160 MW of rooftop solar.
 the West Bank is estimated to be around 530 MW of                            However, even this limited solar capacity could play a
 rooftop solar PV, and at least 100 MW of utility scale                       vital role in increasing energy security and acting as
 solar in Areas A and B. This is dwarfed by the vast                          an electricity safety net.

                                                                       Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 9
                                                                 Utility scale PV or CSP
                                                                              Areas A and B                           Area C                            Total
 West Bank                                                                             103                              3,374                           3,477
 Gaza                                                                                                                                                       0
 Combined                                                                                                                                               3,477
                                                                       Rooftop solar
                                                     Residential                          Public               Commercial                               Total
 West Bank                                                490                                13                         31                                534
 Gaza                                                      136                               8                          19                                 163
 Combined                                                 626                                21                        50                                 697

Source: World Bank estimates.
Notes: For utility scale PV or CSP, according to PETL and the Palestinian Energy and Environmental Research Center (PEC), 0.12 percent of Areas A and B
and 3 percent of Area C are available for solar installations. The land requirement is about 28 square meters per kilowatt peak (includes space for control rooms
and so forth). For rooftop PV, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics and PEC, in West Bank and Gaza, there are over 400,000 residential,
2,500 public sector, and 5,000 commercial sector rooftops. The rooftop areas range from 150 to 300 square meters, and 30–50 percent of the rooftops are
available for solar installations. The rooftop space requirement is nine square meters per kilowatt peak. RE = Renewable Energy; MW = Megawatts; PV =
photovoltaic; CSP = concentrated solar power.

Measures to improve energy efficiency can                                         As domestic generation capacity expands,
make a valuable contribution to energy security.                                  transmission infrastructure must develop. At
The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan aims                                   present, there is no significant power transmission
to make savings equivalent to 1 percentage point                                  infrastructure in the West Bank and Gaza. Most
of energy consumption annually through 2020. It                                   power is simply absorbed and distributed from the
focuses primarily on reducing electricity consumption                             Israeli grid at low voltage. As the Palestinian territories
by improving the energy efficiency of residential                                 increase their domestic generation capacity, there
buildings. A much more ambitious action plan is                                   will be an increasing need to move power from the
under consideration by the Palestinian Energy and                                 point of generation to centers of demand, which
Natural Resources Authority (PENRA) for 2020–                                     may be located some distance away. In Gaza, this
2030. It aims to save 5 percent of the anticipated                                will call for creating a transmission backbone within
energy consumption during that period. The new                                    the compact urban area. In the West Bank, this could
strategy encompasses use of high-impact, energy-                                  initially be managed by putting (“wheeling”) power
efficient appliances (such as heaters, fridges, and                               out into the Israeli grid at one location and bringing it
air conditioners); tightening of efficiency standards                             back into the West Bank at a different location. The
for buildings; and smart grid infrastructure to allow                             level and structure of associated wheeling charges
consumers to participate in the energy market as                                  will have a significant effect on the cost of power to
demand response. Investments to improve energy                                    end consumers. As the volume of wheeling rises,
efficiency are proven to be much more cost-effective                              it will become increasingly attractive to develop a
than expanding power generation capacity. Many of                                 domestic transmission backbone in the West Bank.
the measures included in the government’s plans cost                              However, since the backbone would need to traverse
between US$0.01 and 0.05 per kilowatt hour (kWh),                                 Area C, the issue of securing the necessary
while new generation would cost at least US$0.10                                  construction permits from Israel would present a
per kWh.                                                                          significant challenge.

10 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
How Can the West Bank
and Gaza Choose among
the Options?

Choosing among the available energy supply                 not straightforward to predict. These considerations
options involves balancing technical and financial         must be carefully balanced to define the best possible
considerations. Meeting electricity needs typically        power generation investment plan, and a range of
involves developing a balanced portfolio that              alternative scenarios must be considered. (Box 1
represents a reasonable, affordable cost.                  provides an overview of alternative scenarios that
                                                           were considered in a novel Robust Power System
From a technical standpoint, the options must be           Planning Model developed uniquely for this study)
sequenced and packaged into an investment plan
that reliably meets demand. The options described in       It is important to understand the tariff implications
the previous section vary in production cost, physical     of the preferred investment plan and whether it is
production characteristics, availability, and associated   affordable to the population. The costs of providing
risks. For example, gas-fired power generation will be     a secure electricity service include the cost not
feasible only after gas transportation infrastructure      only of power generation but also of the associated
is completed and a gas supply agreement can                transmission and distribution infrastructure. Inefficient
commence, while generating solar power from                operation could inflate costs. Given fiscal constraints in
PV panels is subject to variability in solar radiation     the West Bank and Gaza, domestic power generation
throughout the day and from one day to another.            could be developed by the private sector under a
Gas-fired power generation may be vulnerable to            power-purchase agreement, leaving public investment
a curtailment of gas supply, while solar power is a        for transmission and distribution, for which private
fully indigenous resource. Also, the costs of gas-         investment would be difficult to harness. Ultimately,
fired power generation are relatively well understood,     these costs must be paid either by the consumer
although they are susceptible to variations in the         through retail tariffs or by the government through
price of natural gas, while the costs of generating        subsidies. Both sources of funding are constrained,
solar power are declining rapidly along a path that is     given the relatively low income of the population and

    Box 1: A Robust Power-Systems Planning Model for the West Bank and Gaza

    To select from among the energy supply options, a traditional least-cost power-systems planning
    model is modified to account for the uncertain nature of the Palestinian context and used to identify
    investment plans that are as resilient as possible to alternative states of the world. Five illustrative
    planning scenarios for West Bank and Gaza are explored, covering the period through to 2030.

    1.	 ‘Do nothing’ considers how rapidly energy security will deteriorate if no further investments are made.
    2.	 ‘Planned future’ looks at the impact of implementing all investment projects currently in the pipeline.
    3.	 ‘PENRA vision’ explores limiting dependence on any one source of energy to no more than 50 percent.
    4.	 ‘Maximum cooperation’ considers meeting demand growth primarily through increased Israeli imports.
    5.	 ‘Maximum independence’ considers the fullest possible extent of domestic power generation.

                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 11
    Box 2: A Power-Sector Financial Model for the West Bank and Gaza

    The planning model (see box 1) feeds into a comprehensive financial model of the West Bank and
    Gaza power sector. This sheds light on the financial implications of any investment scenario. The
    financial model looks at how the selected generation investment plan translates into an average cost
    of power generation, converts this into a wholesale power tariff by incorporating the costs of any future
    transmission system, overlays a distribution margin to create a retail tariff, and, finally, assesses the
    affordability of this tariff to the population, as well as the fiscal implications of any remaining subsidies.

    Figure B2.1 The Power-Sector Financial Model

                                                                           Poor                 Government     Affordability
                                                                        households               subsidies      thresholds

        Distribution investments
                                                                                                   DISCOs      Retail tariff
     Distribution operating margin

      Wholesale power purchase
        (imports plus IPPs)

       Transmission investments                             PETL              Bulk supply tariff

    Transmission operating margin

    Note: IPP = independent power producer, PETL = Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company Ltd, DISCO =

the limited budget of government. An important reality                   as Jenin and Nablus—having already experienced
check for any power-sector investment plan is to                         unserved demand in 2016. To avert this outcome, the
examine its impact on retail tariffs, determine whether                  West Bank must develop several alternative energy
these are affordable, and, if not, determine what the                    supply options.
potential size of the associated subsidy bill would be.
Due to the diverse features of the power sector in the                   The development of gas-fired power generation
two territories, the study analyses the West Bank and                    and renewable energy should be pursued more
the Gaza Strip separately. (For more information on                      intensively, considering the cost convergence of
the financial model of the electricity sector developed                  different energy supply options over time (figure 4).
for this study, see box 2.)                                              As of 2017, there is a wide variation in the cost of the
                                                                         different energy supply options available to the West
WHAT DOES THE WEST BANK’S                                                Bank, and Israeli imports carry a cost advantage over
ENERGY FUTURE LOOK LIKE?                                                 any of the alternatives. However, this changes over
                                                                         time. Gas-fired power generation, once available,
Failure to invest in the West Bank’s power sector                        proves to be cheaper than Israel imports. While
would lead to deepening shortages over time. Under                       continuing technological change in renewable energy
the ‘do nothing’ scenario, unserved demand rises                         brings the cost of utility-scale PV below the cost of
from negligible levels today to reach 9 percent of the                   Israeli imports before the end of the planning horizon.
forecasted load by 2030, with certain locations—such                     Rooftop solar and even concentrated solar power

12 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure 4: Time Trends for the Levelized Cost of Energy for Different Supply Options
in the West Bank
Levelized Costs (U.S. dollars / KWh)







                                              2017   2018   2019   2020   2021   2022   2023   2024     2025   2026   2027   2028     2029   2030

                                                       Rooftop solar,               Commercial solar,                 CSP-6h, from $6,332/kW
                                                       from $2,500/kW               from $1,248/kW

                                                       CCGT-Gas, from               Israel import                     Jordan import
Source: World Bank estimations
Note: kW = kilowatt hour; GPP = Gaza Power Plant; MMBTU = Million British Thermal Units .

 start to look a lot more competitive. These evolving                                         investments of between US$0.85 billion and
 relative costs of power generation are one important                                         US$2.28 billion.
 driver of project selection.                                                             3.	 Unserved demand: All scenarios that bring new
                                                                                              investment into power generation ensure that all
 There are several attractive power-development                                               demand can be reliably met.
 scenarios available to the West Bank, all of which                                       4.	 Reliance on electricity imports: The degree of
 are broadly competitive with Israeli power imports.                                          reliance on Israeli imports ranges from 96 percent
 The performance of the five alternative scenarios                                            in the “maximum cooperation” scenario to 36
 presented by the planning model can be compared                                              percent in the “maximum independence” scenario.
 along several dimensions, with no single scenario                                            Hence, Israel remains a significant source of
 dominating on every dimension (table 3).                                                     electricity under any eventuality.
                                                                                          5.	 Reliance on imported fuel: All the scenarios
 1.	 Average cost of power generation: This is a                                              entailing significant development of power
     key driver of retail tariffs and varies remarkably                                       generation capacity include reliance on gas
     little across the scenarios considered for the                                           imports to meet between 32 and 37 percent of
     West Bank, ranging from US$0.098 to US$0.102                                             electricity needs.
     per kWh. This is due to the convergence in the                                       6.	 Reliance on domestic renewables: The
     cost of different power-generation technologies                                          maximum share that can be reached for domestic
     already noted.                                                                           renewables, even under the most optimistic
 2.	 Capital expenditure: Scenarios contemplating                                             scenario, is 19 percent if production is limited to
     continued reliance on Israeli imports require hardly                                     Areas A and B or 30 percent if sites in Area C can
     any capital expenditure to be made, whereas                                              be developed.
     those involving the development of domestic
     power generation capacity would entail private

                                                                                  Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 13
                                    AVERAGE                                                                  DOMESTIC            DOMESTIC
                                     COST OF                                                               GENERATION          RENEWABLE
                                      POWER            CAPEX         UNSERVED          ELECTRICITY                FROM             ENERGY
                                    (US$ PER             (US$         DEMAND              IMPORTS            IMPORTED          GENERATION
                                       KWH)         MILLIONS)          IN 2030             IN 2030         FUEL IN 2030            IN 2030
 1. Do nothing                           0.0979                  0             9.0%              90.0%                    0%          0.4%
 2. Planned future                       0.1006               850                0%              64.0%               32.0%            4.0%
 3. PENRA vision                          0.1016            2,133                0%              45.0%               37.0%           19.0%
 4. Maximum cooperation                  0.0978               174               1.0%             96.0%                    0%          4.0%
 5. Maximum independence                 0.0988             2,284                0%              36.0%               34.0%           30.0%

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; PENRA = Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority.

Figure 5: Results of the PENRA Vision Scenario for the West Bank
PENRA Vision: “Dependency ratio on any one source should not exceed 50% in best conditions, with a possibility of
importing all needs in case of emergency.”

                                                      B. West Bank energy supply (GWh)

                           2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                              Egypt/Jordan imports           Israel imports        CCGT + GT                Diesel genset

                              PV-Area C                      RE - other             Unserved energy            Demand

Note: RE = renewable energy; PV = photovoltaic; CCGT= combined cycle gas turbine; GT = gas turbine, Genset = Generator.

Overall, the PENRA vision scenario looks relatively                           to sustain the envisaged investments in generation in
attractive (figure 5). It calls for development of gas-                       the West Bank, as well as the associated transmission
fired power-generation capacity along with aggressive                         and distribution costs, rises in the medium term to NIS
expansion of solar energy on rooftops and in Areas A and                      0.66 (US$0.18) per kWh, well above current levels
B to attain over 500 MW of solar PV capacity by 2030—                         of NIS 0.55 (US$0.15) per kWh (figure 6). However,
about four to five times the current target. By 2030, this                    if the operational and commercial efficiency of the
scenario achieves a relatively balanced consumption                           distribution utilities could be improved over the same
of domestic solar and gas-fired power generation with                         time, the financial equilibrium tariff could drop toward
Israeli imports. Import capacity is nonetheless kept                          NIS 0.58 (US$0.16) per kWh by 2030. Essentially,
higher than strictly needed to provide backup in the case                     addressing the shortcomings of the distribution
of shortfalls in the other sources of energy.                                 utilities can reduce the retail tariff by as much as NIS
                                                                              0.07 (US$0.02) per kWh. Failure to adjust tariffs as
To implement the PENRA’s vision, electricity tariffs                          needed would create a financial deficit in the sector
would need to increase significantly in the medium                            peaking at NIS 600 million (US$165 million) per year
term, but could decline over time if efficiency                               by 2022 (equivalent to 6 percent of the 2016 public
targets are met. The financial equilibrium tariff needed                      budget for the West Bank).

14 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
     Figure 6: Equilibrium Tariff Needed to Finance Preferred Sector Investment Plan for
     the West Bank
Equilibrium tariff (NIS/KWh)





                                                  2018   2019     2020   2021      2022    2023    2024    2025    2026   2027     2028    2029    2030

                                                            PENRA vision                      PENRA vision                       2015 average
                                                            (no efficiency gains)              (with efficiency gains)             retail tariff

     Note: PENRA = Palestinian Electricity and Natural Resources Authority

     Figure 7: Targeted Subsidy Requirement to Offset Affordability Concerns for the
     Bottom Income Decile in the West Bank
        Required Subsidy (NIS millions )





                                                  2018   2019    2020    2021      2022    2023    2024    2025    2026   2027     2028    2029    2030

                                                                JEDCO              NEDCO             HEPCO             SELCO               TEDCO

     These tariffs would present an affordability                                                  households to meet their basic electricity needs.
     problem only for the poorest households in the                                                Based on the distribution of income in the West Bank,
     West Bank, and this could be addressed through                                                only the poorest 10 percent of the population would
     a modest targeted subsidy. According to usual                                                 struggle to buy 160 kWh per month at the required
     practice, electricity service is considered affordable                                        financial equilibrium tariff of NIS 0.66 (US$0.18) per
     if households can meet their electricity basic needs                                          kWh. Assuming that these needy households could
     without spending more than 5 percent of their monthly                                         be identified using existing social registries, the
     budget. In the context of the West Bank and Gaza,                                             cost of a targeted subsidy to safeguard their basic
     the retail tariff increases with higher consumption                                           consumption would amount to no more than NIS
     in pre-defined blocks. The first block of the tariff                                          25 million (US$7 million) per year in 2022, declining
     schedule, set at 160 kWh per month, broadly allows                                            further as tariffs come down thereafter (figure 7).

                                                                                           Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 15
WHAT DOES GAZA’S ENERGY FUTURE                                                         The cost of the diesel-fired GPP becomes
LOOK LIKE?                                                                             increasingly unattractive over time relative to
                                                                                       alternative options (figure 8). As of 2017, the GPP is
Failure to invest in Gaza’s power sector would                                         already very expensive compared to alternatives and
make an already dire situation worse. Gaza is                                          this cost is projected to rise along with the international
unable to meet 50 percent of its demand today. If                                      oil price. Israeli electricity can be imported at fraction of
no further power options are developed, the extent                                     the cost of current domestic generation, and Egyptian
of unserved energy would escalate to 63 percent of                                     imports are even cheaper though heavily restricted
demand by 2030. To avert this outcome, Gaza needs                                      in supply and rather unreliable. Conversion of the
to develop additional power supply options, albeit                                     GPP to natural gas would make it competitive with
from a much more limited menu than that available to                                   Israeli and Egyptian imports. While rooftop solar looks
the West Bank.                                                                         relatively expensive today (though still undercutting

Figure 8: Time Trends of Levelized Cost of Energy for Different Supply Options in Gaza
Levelized Cost (U.S. Dollar/KWh)








                                          2017   2018   2019   2020   2021   2022   2023      2024   2025   2026     2027    2028    2029    2030

                                                  Rooftop solar,                 GPP on gas, from                  GPP on diesel,
                                                  from $2,500/kW                 $6.5/MMBTU                        from $19.8/MMBTU

                                                  CCGT gas, from                 Israel import                     Egypt import

Note: kWh = kilowatt hour; GPP = Gaza Power Plant; MMBTU = Million British Thermal Units; CCGT = combined cycle gas turbine.

                                                                                                                  DOMESTIC            DOMESTIC
                                                     AVERAGE                                                    GENERATION          RENEWABLE
                                                      COST OF         CAPEX      UNSERVED        ELECTRICITY           FROM             ENERGY
                                                   POWER (US$           (US$      DEMAND            IMPORTS       IMPORTED          GENERATION
                                                     PER KWH)      MILLIONS)       IN 2030           IN 2030    FUEL IN 2030            IN 2030
      1. Do nothing                                       0.1468             0         63%              26%                 11%                0%
      2. Planned future                                   0.1339        1,035           0%              26%                 68%                6%
      3. PENRA vision                                     0.1230        1,066           0%              47%                 46%                6%
      4. Maximum                                          0.1037         385            0%              93%                 0%                 6%
      5. Maximum                                          0.1515        1,185            2%              9%                 83%                6%

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; PENRA = Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority.

16 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
the GPP), the cost is expected to fall significantly             generation is developed to the fullest extent. In
over the planning horizon converging towards Israel              marked contrast to the West Bank, the premium
imports. These changing patterns of relative costs are           for energy independence in Gaza amounts to a
one key driver of investment planning decisions.                 substantial 50 percent of costs.
                                                             2.	 Capital expenditure: Scenarios contemplating
The options for Gaza are much more constrained                   continued reliance on Israeli imports require hardly
than for the West Bank, and the premium associated               any capital expenditure to be made, whereas
with energy independence is particularly high. The               those involving the development of domestic
key energy policy issue for Gaza is where to strike the          power-generation capacity would entail private
balance between Israeli imports and domestic gas-                investments of just over US$1 billion.
fired power generation, while intensively developing         3.	 Unserved demand: All scenarios that bring new
solar rooftop PV. The performance of the five alternative        investment into power generation ensure that
scenarios presented by the planning model can be                 all demand can be reliably met, although some
compared along several dimensions (table 4).                     chance of unserved demand remains when there
                                                                 is no diversification from Israeli imports.
1.	 Average cost of power generation: This is a              4.	 Reliance on electricity imports: The degree of
    key driver of retail tariffs and varies greatly across       reliance on Israeli imports ranges from 93 percent
    the scenarios considered for Gaza, ranging from              in the “maximum cooperation” scenario to only 9
    US$0.10 per kWh, if power is entirely sourced from           percent in the “maximum independence” scenario.
    Israeli imports, to US$0.15 per kWh if domestic          5.	 Reliance on imported fuel: All the scenarios

                                                    Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 17
    entailing significant development of West Bank                            commissioning of new 161 kilovolt lines to expand
    and Gaza power-generation capacity rely on gas                            import capacity from Israel. Further out, once gas
    imports to meet between 46 and 83 percent of                              becomes available, the GPP comes back into service
    electricity needs. In that sense, the “maximum                            and plays a growing role in meeting energy needs.
    independence”        scenario   essentially    only                       By 2030, the scenario sees an almost 50:50 reliance
    replaces dependence on electricity imports with                           on self-generation through gas and Israeli imports. In
    dependence on gas imports.                                                addition, rooftop solar provides a safety net to meet
6.	 Reliance on domestic renewables: Gaza’s                                   critical needs under emergency conditions.
    renewable energy potential is limited to rooftop
    solar, and this is unable to meet more than 6                             The tariff impact of implementing the PENRA
    percent of energy needs under any scenario but                            vision is substantial, although it can be somewhat
    should still be maximized to provide a basic safety                       offset by operational efficiency gains. Any scenario
    net where possible.                                                       involving significant investment in domestic power
                                                                              generation in Gaza entails financial equilibrium
Among the energy diversification options for Gaza,                            tariffs of the order of NIS 0.91 (US$0.25) per kWh
the PENRA vision is the one offering the lowest cost                          in the medium term, well above the current levels
premium for energy independence. The differential                             of NIS 0.52-0.56 (US$0.14-0.15) per kWh (figure
average cost of generation between PENRA’s vision                             10). These would eventually decrease to about NIS
and the “maximum cooperation” scenario is NIS 0.07                            0.62 (US$0.17) per kWh, but only if the Gaza utility
(US$0.02) per kWh, or about 20 percent, still relatively                      substantially improves its operational and commercial
high but preferable to the alternatives. The PENRA                            performance in line with regional best practice; this
vision scenario envisages a phasing out of diesel-                            can reduce the retail tariff by as much as NIS 0.47
fired power generation in the short run and increased                         (US$0.13) per kWh by 2030. Failure to adjust tariffs
reliance on Israeli imports (figure 9). This brings a                         would result in a financial shortfall of around NIS 700
double benefit by bringing power generation costs                             million (US$200 million) by the mid-2020s (equivalent
down to a third of current levels while at the same time                      to 12.5 percent of the public budget for 2016).
expanding supply to a point where current outages
can be offset. This achievement is contingent on the

Figure 9: Results of the PENRA Vision Scenario for Gaza
PENRA Vision: “Dependency ratio on any one source should not exceed 50% in best conditions, with a possibility of
importing all needs in case of emergency.”

 A. Gaza Supply Capacity                                                  B. Gaza energy supply (GWh)
      in 2030 (MW)





                                            2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                             Egypt/Jordan imports            Israel imports        CCGT + GT                Diesel genset

                             PV-Area C                       RE - other             Unserved energy            Demand

Note: RE = renewable energy; PV = photovoltaic; CCGT= combined cycle gas turbine; GT = gas turbine, Genset = Generator.

18 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure 10: Equilibrium Tariff Needed to Finance Preferred Sector Investment Plan
for Gaza
Equilibrium tariff (NIS/KWh)        1.6






                                           2018   2019   2020    2021    2022    2023    2024    2025     2026    2027       2028     2029       2030

                                                     PENRA vision                        PENRA vision                         2015 average
                                                     (with efficiency gains)              (no efficiency gains)                 retail tariff

Figure 11: Targeted Subsidy Requirement to Offset Affordability Concerns in Gaza

  Required Subsidy (NIS millions)

                                           2018   2019   2020     2021    2022    2023    2024    2025     2026       2027    2028     2029       2030

                                                          Subsidy to             Subsidy to              Subsidy to                 Subsidy to
                                                          1st decile             2nd decile              3rd decile                 4th decile

Affordability is a much more serious concern in                                           cost of a targeted subsidy to safeguard their basic
Gaza than the West Bank, given higher costs of                                            consumption would amount to approximately NIS
electricity and a more impoverished population.                                           80 million (US$22 million) per year in 2021. However,
Based on the distribution of income in Gaza,                                              as tariff levels decline toward 2030, they would also
as much as 40 percent of the population would                                             become more affordable, such that by the end of the
struggle to buy 160 kWh per month at the required                                         planning horizon social protection would be needed
financial equilibrium tariff of NIS 0.91 (US$0.25) per                                    for only the poorest 10 percent of the population
kWh. Assuming that these needy households could                                           (figure 11).
be identified using existing social registries, the

                                                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 19
What Measures Need to Be
Taken by Government?

To make progress toward greater energy security,          First, replace generation from the GPP with
the Palestinian Authority needs to adopt a                increasing electricity imports from Israel to provide
sequenced approach to addressing critical policy          relief until a conversion to gas can be undertaken.
bottlenecks. The starting point for this roadmap is       The cost of diesel-fired generation at the GPP is very
the completion of the power-purchase agreement            high, at approximately US$0.30 per kWh, even at
with Israel currently under negotiation and the           current low oil prices. This is approximately three times
subsequent energization of PETL’s four high-voltage       the cost of power imports from Israel, which provides a
substations in the West Bank. Considering the delays      more reliable source of supply. Until the GPP is ready for
in the bilateral negotiations, PETL should seize the      the switch to gas-fired generation, which would slash
opportunity to agree on power supply agreements           costs to US$0.068 per kWh, it would be desirable to
with Palestinian distribution companies. These            substitute domestic diesel-fired power generation with
downstream arrangements need to be in place               Israeli power imports, taking advantage of the new 161
before the power-purchase agreement with Israel is        kilovolt line that is in an advanced stage of planning.
signed. Once these immediate measures are taken,          Even if the capacity charges of US$0.026 per kWh to
the question becomes what needs to be done next to        the GPP continue to be paid as per the existing 20-
move toward the vision of improved energy security in     year PPA, every reduction of one kWh in diesel-fired
the Palestinian territories. The analysis suggests that   power generation would be sufficient to buy two kWh
a certain sequence of measures needs to be taken.         of Israeli imports. Such a move would simultaneously
Four distinct phases have been identified (table 5).      reduce costs and increase quantity and reliability of
                                                          supply, and thereby increase prospects for improved
PHASE 1                                                   cost recovery through tariff revenues.

The first phase, and absolute priority, is to improve     Second, accelerate improvements in the operational
the creditworthiness of the sector, without which         and commercial performance of Palestinian DISCOs.
none of the alternative supply arrangements could         Cost recovery tariffs could be reduced substantially over
be consummated. Progress on all other aspects             time if the operational and commercial performance of
of the Palestinian energy sector depend on greater        the Palestinian DISCOs improved to reasonable regional
creditworthiness. Without it, the sector cannot sign      benchmark levels. For the utilities in the West Bank,
new power-import deals or close power-purchase            improved operational performance would take US$0.03
agreements with independent power producers for           per kWh off the financial equilibrium tariff, while in Gaza
increased domestic power-generation projects, let         improving operational performance is worth as much as
alone import natural gas. None of these ventures          US$0.11 per kWh. Achieving further improvements can
can get off the ground unless the Palestinian             build on some recent successes with the introduction of
electricity sector strengthens its creditworthiness.      prepaid and smart meters that helped to raise revenue
Financial security will bring about energy security,      collection rates to 85 percent on average across the
but the reverse is not true. There are several distinct   utilities. Moreover, across the board, attention needs to
components that must be tackled if creditworthiness       turn toward improving network losses, which remain very
is to be improved.                                        high despite all efforts. It is recommended that a revenue
                                                          protection program be established to permanently
                                                          measure and bill every kWh sold to the largest DISCO
                                                          customers with state-of-the-art technology.

20 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Third, create securitization mechanisms to ensure            with Israel and the energization of four high-voltage
that Palestinian DISCO revenues are not diverted             substations. The signing of an interim power-
to other municipal projects. Due to the lack of a            purchase agreement with Israel to energize the Jenin
subnational financing framework in the Palestinian           high-voltage substation, which took place in July
territories, DISCO revenues remain vulnerable to             2017, was the first step toward PETL’s financial and
diversion into municipal budgets. The long-term              operational sustainability. PETL is now able to resell
solution, which is to strengthen the basis of subnational    the discounted high voltage power to DISCOs at a
public finance, is important for development reasons         slight markup, allowing it to obtain revenues. The start
that go well beyond the energy sector. However, it           of PETL’s commercial operations enable the company
will likely take some time to achieve. Hence the             to gradually move beyond donor dependency, paving
importance of finding interim mechanisms to securitize       the way for development of domestic independent
the revenues needed for the DISCOs to meet the               power projects. In the meantime, until the full power-
costs of wholesale power purchase. This could take           purchase agreement for all four substations is signed
the form of escrow accounts to ring fence electricity        with Israel, PETL should make further progress
bill payments with a payment prioritization hierarchy        toward its goal of being the single buyer, by ensuring
ensuring payment to wholesale suppliers. The issue           that all wholesale power purchases are undertaken
of securitization of revenues is particularly critical in    through its intermediation to improve transparency
Gaza, and would be an essential component of any             and discipline of the sector.
moves to substitute increased Israeli power imports
for domestic diesel-fired power generation.                  PHASE 2

Fourth, ensure that all Palestinian DISCOs move              While the absolute priority is to improve the
toward cost recovery. Not all Palestinian DISCOs             creditworthiness of the electricity sector, there
are charging cost-recovery tariffs. Only two utilities,      are several other no-regrets measures that can
JEDCO and NEDCO, make formal tariff submissions              advance in parallel during a second phase.
to PERC. The resulting uniform tariff that is applied        Even after decisive steps are taken to address
across all Palestinian utilities in the West Bank is         creditworthiness, time will be needed for a payment
estimated to under recover costs for all but NEDCO.          record to be established and a reputation to be
Moreover, PERC’s practice of not passing through             built. During this period of consolidation, it would
collection inefficiencies to the retail tariff, while        be helpful to accelerate measures that facilitate the
defensible from the standpoint of consumers, further         development of other power supply options that will
weakens the financial solidity of the sector. In addition,   become feasible once the issue of creditworthiness
GEDCO in Gaza does not follow PERC tariff guidelines         has been adequately addressed.
and has not adjusted its electricity tariff for a decade,
currently charging a retail tariff that is US$0.03–0.05      First, create the infrastructure needed to support
per kWh lower than the wholesale purchase price of           the import of natural gas into the Palestinian
electricity, without considering the costs of power          territories. All the planning analysis confirms the
distribution. The higher costs of electricity production     strategic role that natural-gas-fired power generation
in Gaza combined with the sensitive social context           can play in the electricity mix for both the West Bank
suggest that efforts to improve cost recovery in Gaza        and Gaza as well as its relatively attractive cost. The
would need to be preceded by the measures noted              first step in making this possible is to construct the
to both reduce costs and improve the availability of         relatively modest pipeline extensions needed for the
power supply.                                                import of gas from the Israeli system. These will create
                                                             the platform to have credible negotiations for gas
Fifth, build the capacity of PETL to play its                supply agreements and ultimately the construction
envisaged role in the sector. In the new sector              of new gas-fired plants, or the conversion to gas in
architecture, PETL has been assigned a dual role of          the case of Gaza. The Gas-for-Gaza Project led by
transmission system operator and single buyer and            the Office of the Quartet has focused its efforts on
central bookkeeper of the electricity sector. However,       removing key obstacles for the construction of a gas
its start of commercial operations has been delayed          pipeline from Israel to the GPP.
pending the closure of a power-purchase agreement

                                                    Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 21
Second, pursue an aggressive program to                    PHASE 3
promote rooftop solar PV. Unlike utility scale solar
power, rooftop solar PV is highly decentralized            In a third phase, it will become possible to make
and is not contingent on progress toward sector            progress with the first major wave of Palestinian
creditworthiness and the capacity of PETL. Moreover,       independent power projects. These will build on
it has been shown that rooftop solar PV can play a         the critical foundational elements tackled under the
valuable role as an electricity safety net to increase     first two phases. It makes sense to begin with those
the resilience of the Palestinian electricity system and   projects that look to be the most tractable from a
ensure that critical humanitarian needs can be met.        technical and political perspective, which suggests
This is particularly true in the case of Gaza, where       focusing on developing CCGT capacity and utility-
efforts to pilot rooftop solar programs are already        scale solar PV in Areas A and B.
under way.
                                                           First, convert the GPP to CCGT gas-fired
Third, complete the domestic transmission                  technology as the most urgent of the domestic
backbone in Gaza. Domestic transmission constraints        power-generation projects. Conversion of the GPP
are already an issue in Gaza, and these will become        once a gas pipeline comes on stream would save
more severe as efforts to increase the supply of power     between US$45–62 million annually in fuel bills and
bear fruit. It is important to ensure that the modest      provide Gaza with a cost-effective domestic source
but needed transmission and distribution upgrades          of power generation.
are completed in a timely fashion, and certainly well
ahead of any future expansion of the GPP.                  Second, progress with the construction of a
                                                           new CCGT gas-fired plant, initially in Jenin and
Fourth, improve the enabling environment for               eventually in Hebron. Once the gas transportation
independent power projects. While the financial            infrastructure is in place, and some improvements
creditworthiness of the sector is the single largest       to the sector environment have been achieved, the
impediment to the implementation of independent            implementation of the Jenin CCGT plant should be
power projects, there are several simple measures that     relatively straightforward. Guarantees may be required
could improve the quality of the enabling environment,     to reduce the risk of nonpayment by the off-taker. Two
and which could be handled through secondary               important issues need to be addressed in the project
legislation or executive regulations that develop broad    design. One is the arrangement for selling any surplus
provisions in the existing sector legislation. These       energy back to the Israeli grid. The other is to ensure
include further clarifying the provisions for licensing    that the terms of a future gas supply agreement are
new generators and the provisions associated with          sufficiently flexible to allow for an eventual switch of
connection to the grid. The roles of PERC and PETL         supply to or from the Gaza Marine gas field should
in this process need to be further spelled out.            this prove desirable.

Fifth, establish a risk-mitigation mechanism               Third, embrace a more ambitious target for utility-
to support the next generation of Palestinian              scale solar PV farms in Areas A and B. As noted
independent power projects. Risk mitigation                in the planning analysis, it looks feasible to develop
is no substitute for addressing fundamental                more than 600 MW of solar PV capacity in the West
creditworthiness issues, and it does not make              Bank based on potential just in Areas A and B as
sense to move ahead with risk mitigation until the         well as rooftop. This goes far beyond the current
Palestinian Authority has demonstrated a sustained         target of 130 MW by 2020. With the improvements
and credible commitment to improving the underlying        in the enabling environment in place, as well as the
financial standing of the sector. Nevertheless, risk       establishment of risk-mitigation mechanisms, it
mitigation may play a valuable role in getting the next    should become feasible to scale up and accelerate
generation of Palestinian independent power projects       efforts to develop this solar potential.
off the ground. It would therefore be valuable to work
with donors to develop a suitable mechanism for            Fourth, establish suitable wheeling arrangements
risk mitigation, evaluating the relevance of a range of    with Israel. As the volume of domestic power
financial instruments such as guarantees, first loss,      generation in the West Bank ramps up, there will be
blended finance, and viability gap finance.                increasing need to move power away from generation

22 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
plants and toward Palestinian load centers. At              a dialogue process that over time can help clarify
present, this can be done only by wheeling power            the modalities for making use of Area C. A related
out through the Israeli grid and reimporting it into the    issue is the need to coordinate Palestinian plans to
West Bank at another location. The analysis suggests        ramp up renewable-energy generation with those that
that wheeling charges are relatively costly, particularly   also exist on the Israeli side, in order to ensure that
if low-voltage networks are needed. It will therefore be    challenges related to grid stability and the integration
important to ensure that the number of substations          of intermittent sources can be adequately handled to
in the West Bank increases to keep pace with the            the benefit of both sides.
expansion of domestic supply. It would also be
important to have a dialogue with the Israeli regulator,    PHASE 4
regarding the charges for wheeling and to explore
possible alternative arrangements (such as power            The fourth and final phase would build on earlier
swaps) that may help to contain costs.                      success to tackle the more challenging, and
                                                            potentially transformational, projects needed to
Fifth, engage in dialogue over the use of Area C for        complete the Palestinian energy vision. These include
the development of Palestinian power infrastructure         the construction of solar generation and transmission
and renewable energy generation. The planning               backbone infrastructure in Area C, as well as the
analysis highlights the economic value of Area C,           development of the Gaza Marine gas field.
both as a location for grid-based solar generation
and as the conduit for any future Palestinian electricity   First, develop a Palestinian transmission backbone
transmission infrastructure. While there is much that       in the West Bank. The analysis has shown that as
still needs to be done before the issue of Area C           domestic Palestinian power generation ramps up, the
becomes a binding constraint, the political complexity      cost of wheeling power through the Israeli grid rapidly
of the issue suggests that it may be helpful to begin       become quite significant. A more economic option

                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 23
in the long term would be to construct a Palestinian         for gas. This demand will take time to develop and
transmission backbone. It would need to cut across           would be achieved only once significant gas-fired
Area C, which would present significant technical and        power generation was on-stream and a solid gas-
political challenges.                                        purchase payment record had been established
                                                             in both the West Bank and Gaza. That would be a
Second, develop utility-scale solar PV and CSP               suitable juncture to enable signing a bankable deal for
projects in Area C of the West Bank. If a successful         the development of the field, allowing the Palestinian
track record of solar farm development can be                gas-fired plants to switch gradually from Israeli to
established on the more limited land endowments of           Palestinian gas as the new field becomes productive.
Areas A and B, and suitable transmission backbone            Given the relatively small volume of Palestinian
infrastructure can be put in place across Area C, the        demand, it may make sense to consider the options
West Bank would be ready to benefit from larger              for Gaza Marine development that require the least
scale solar development in Area C. This would entail         infrastructure development—by making use of
both solar PV and CSP technologies.                          stranded infrastructure from the Israeli Mari B field—
                                                             thereby making the field economic at lower levels of
Third, move ahead with the development of the                throughput. The primary value of the Gaza Marine
Gaza Marine gas field. The development of the Gaza           field to the Palestinian economy lies not so much
Marine gas field is critically dependent on having a         in a supply of gas, which is abundantly available in
creditworthy buyer to sign the gas purchase deal.            the region, nor as a source of energy security, since
Given the abundance of gas discoveries in the                Palestinian gas would likely be transported through
eastern Mediterranean and the relatively small nature        Israeli infrastructure. Rather, the field is an eventual
of the field, development of the field will likely need to   source of revenue for the Palestinian Authority,
be underwritten by a significant Palestinian demand          estimated at US$2.7 billion over 25 years.

24 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
What Are the Costs and
Benefits of Achieving
Energy Security?

The overall investment costs of pursuing energy              implementing the proposed investments and
security for the West Bank and Gaza are estimated            associated reforms would boost GDP growth by 0.3
to be US$4 billion to US$5 billion (table 6). Of             percentage points per year in the West Bank and
this, almost all would take the form of private sector       0.5 percentage points per year in Gaza. Relative to
investment in domestic power-generation capacity, with       the counterfactual “do nothing” scenario, the energy
only US$0.3 billion taking the form of public investment     subsidy bill would come down by 1.7 percentage
in supporting infrastructure for electricity transmission    points of GDP in the West Bank and 5.1 percentage
and distribution as well as gas transportation. Just         points of GDP in Gaza. The main macroeconomic
over half would be needed for the West Bank and the          benefits would come through freeing up resources
remainder for Gaza. Significant investments would            for higher levels of productive investment in
begin in phase 2 of the roadmap, peaking in phase 3,         these economies.
and remaining significant in phase 4.
                                                             This study shows that it is possible to envisage a
Macroeconomic simulations indicate that the                  path toward greater energy security for the West
wider development impacts of pursuing these                  Bank and Gaza, and even if the way is fraught
energy investment pathways would be substantial.             with financial, technical, and political challenges,
According to modeling undertaken for this project,           inaction is not an option.

2017–30 (US$ MILLIONS)
                               WEST BANK                       GAZA                          COMBINED
                      PUBLIC          PRIVATE       PUBLIC            PRIVATE         PUBLIC         PRIVATE
 Phase 1                -               -            -                  -               -               -
 Phase 2                7            800–1,100      135               240–320          142          1,040–1,420
 Phase 3                               930                            900–990           -           1,830–1,920
 Phase 4               188            375–500        -                250–1,200        188          620–1,700
 Total                 195           2,105–2,530    135             1,390–2,510       330          3,495–5,040

Source: World Bank estimates

                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 25

   PHASE 1: IMPROVE SECTOR                                  PHASE 2: ADVANCE PARALLEL NO REGRETS
   CREDITWORTHINESS                                         MEASURES
   Substitute Israeli imports for diesel-fired              Create infrastructure for import of natural gas
   generation in Gaza
   P : Gradually ramp down GPP and use the savings          P, I : Construct natural gas pipelines for West Bank
   to buy additional IEC supply until GPP can be            and Gaza paving the way for construction of new/
   converted to gas.                                        upgraded power plants.
   I : Provide additional power to Gaza through 161kV.
   Improve operational and commercial efficiency            Improve enabling environment for IPPs
   P : Continue improvement of DISCO performance            P : Update and improve legislation and licensing
   by reducing losses, increasing collection rates and      provisions that would help IPPs enter the market
   bringing down overhead costs. One mechanism can          and also clarify roles and responsibilities of PERC
   be through a revenue protection program aiming           and PETL in this environment.
   to permanently measure and bill every KWh sold
   largest DISCO consumers.

   Securitize payments of wholesale electricity             Promote uptake of rooftop solar PV
   P : Strengthen sub national public finance to avoid      P : Set aggressive targets for 160MW of rooftop PV
   diversion of electricity bill collections to municipal   in Gaza and 530MW in West Bank.
   budgets and set up escrow accounts both in Gaza
   and West Bank to ring fence collections.
   Adjust tariffs to better reflect cost recovery           Develop transmission backbone in Gaza
   P : Reexamine the retail tariffs and increase rates to   P : Upgrade T&D network to allow increase in
   allow better cost recovery by DISCOs.                    power supply and reduction in losses.
   Build the capacity of PETL to play its role              Design a risk mitigation mechanism for IPPs
   P : PETL to streamline billing to and payments from      P, D : After creditworthiness issues from Phase
   DISCOs while in parallel pushing to energize the         I have been improved, develop financial risk
   new substations and sign the PPA with IEC.               mitigation instruments such as guarantee
   I : Sign bulk supply PPA and energize new                mechanisms.

                       		I: Israeli measures	
P: Palestinian measures	                                                       D: Donor community measures

26 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
  Convert GPP to CCGT gas-fired technology                                      Develop grid-scale solar PV/CSP farms in Area C

  P : Complete conversion and upgrade of GPP                                    P : Begin development of renewables in Area C
  ensuring flexible gas supply agreement to allow                               only after a successful track record of renewable
  switch to Gaza Marine.                                                        development in Areas A and B.
  I : Enter into gas supply agreement for GPP.                                  I : Provide permits for construction in Area C.
  Construct new CCGT plant at Jenin, then Hebron                                Develop transmission backbone in the West Bank
  P : Complete JPP and HPP construction with                                    P : Begin development of a transmission backbone,
  flexible gas supply agreement to allow switch to                              considering also the possibility of negotiating
  Gaza Marine. Build additional substations to keep                             a swap mechanism that eliminates the need for
  pace with increased domestic generation.                                      wheeling or building of infrastructure.
  I : Enter into gas supply agreement for JPP and                               I : Provide permits for construction in Area C
  HPP.                                                                          and/or provide swap alternatives to building a
  Increase renewable energy targets                                             Develop Gaza Marine Gas Field
  P : Increase renewable energy targets to 600MW in                             P : Develop Gaza Marine with least amount of
  West Bank and 160MW in Gaza by 2030 (includes                                 infrastructure development to keep costs low.
  rooftop solar) but only after the right enabling                              I : Allow permission to use existing Israeli
  environment has been established from Phase I.                                infrastructure for evacuation of Gaza Marine.
  Establish wheeling arrangements with IEC
  P, I : Negotiate lower wheeling tariffs and/or swap
  arrangements until a transmission backbone is built
  Engage in dialogue over use of Area C
  P, I : Coordinate on Area C access and permitting
  issues as well as grid stability and regional
  integration for supply expansion and transmission

Note: IPP = independent power producer; GPP = Gaza Power Plant; CCGT = combined cycle gas turbine; PV = photovoltaic; CSP = concentrated solar
power; IEC = Israeli Electric Corporation; DISCO = Distribution Company; PERC = Palestinian Electricity Regulatory Council; PETL = Palestinian Electricity
Transmission Company Ltd; JPP = Jenin Power Plant; HPP = Hebron Power Plant; T&D = Transmission and Distribution; PPA = power-purchase agreement.

                                                                  Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 27
1. 	 Total West Bank is made up of JDECO, NEDCO, HEPCO, SELCO and TEDCO which are the 5 DISCOs in the West Bank. GEDCO is the only DISCO in Gaza.

28 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
PART I	

The West Bank
and Gaza Energy
Sector Context

          Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 31

The West Bank and Gaza
Electricity Sector

SECTOR OVERVIEW AND                                         which will allow for the import of electricity from
CHALLENGES                                                  Israel through a small number of high-voltage lines.
                                                            For Gaza, an additional 161 kV interconnector with
The Palestinian territories face significant energy         Israel is planned. Refer to part 1, chapter 7 for more
security challenges, already severe in Gaza, and            detail on the Palestinian transmission and distribution
emerging in the West Bank. Limited power supply             system. See appendix A, map A.1 and map A.2 for
is rationed through rolling blackouts, which are            the existing electricity supply options.
increasing in duration in Gaza and in frequency in
the West Bank. In Gaza, the available power supply          The Palestinian Authority does not have control over
meets only half the demand, and the rationing of            most of its territory, adding layers of complexity to the
power results in 8 hours of power supply followed by 8      implementation of infrastructure projects. The Oslo II
hours of power cuts. During peak summer and winter          Accord divided the West Bank in three administrative
load conditions, the power schedule is reduced to           divisions: Areas A, B, and C. The distinct areas
3–4 hours per day. Although the West Bank generally         were given different statuses, according to their
enjoys 24 hours of power supply, in recent years            governance, pending a final status accord. Area
it has also begun experiencing power shortages
during peak winter and summer months. Electricity
shortages in both the West Bank and Gaza are often          Figure 1.1: Main Sources of Electricity in
met with mass protests and demonstrations.                  the West Bank and Gaza, 2015

The West Bank and Gaza rely primarily on electricity
imports from Israel, particularly in the West Bank.                        6,000
Imports of electricity from the Israeli Electric
Corporation (IEC) account for 99 percent of electricity                    5,000
supply in the West Bank and 64 percent in Gaza, but
                                                            Energy (GWh)

they have recently been constrained as the existing
power lines are becoming overloaded (see figure                            3,000
I-1.1). Up to now, Israeli power has been provided
through over 270 low and medium-voltage connection
points between Israel and the West Bank, with a                            1,000
total contracted capacity of 890 megawatts (MW).
In Gaza, 10 connection points with Israel provide                             0
                                                                                   West Bank        Gaza           Combined
120 MW of capacity. Due to the low and medium-
voltage connection points, Palestinian consumers                                     From Israel             From Egypt
have historically paid higher Israeli tariff rates of NIS                            From Jordan             Gaza Power Plant
0.33–0.37 (US$0.09–0.10) per kilowatt hour (kWh),
and cannot benefit from the lower tariff rates available
to higher voltage customers. Furthermore, the               Source: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statics (PCBS), 2015, “Quantity of
                                                            Electricity Imported (GWh) in the West Bank by Source and Month, 2015”
proliferation of connection points has made it difficult    and “Quantity of Electricity Imported and Purchased (GWh) in Gaza Strip by
to monitor electricity flows across the territories. In     Source and Month, 2015,” Ramallah City. http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/site/886/
the West Bank, four new 161 kilovolt (kV) substations
have recently been constructed with donor support,

32 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
A constitutes around 18 percent of the West Bank           power. While there are plans to upgrade the Jordanian
and is administered exclusively by the Palestinian         interconnector to allow more imports, similar to the
Authority. Area B makes up around 22 percent and           case of Egypt, the question of payment remains the
is administered by both the Palestinian Authority and      main concern.
Israel. Area C, which contains Israeli settlements,
makes up the remaining 60 percent of the West Bank         The Gaza Power Plant (GPP) provides the only
and is administered by Israel (see map G.3 in appendix     significant domestic generation capacity in the
G). A key Israeli actor in the Palestinian power sector    Palestinian energy portfolio, and it has been plagued
is the Coordinator of Government Activities in the         with difficulties. GPP is owned by the Gaza Power
Territories Unit (COGAT), which operates under the         Generation Company, which is in turn owned
Israeli Ministry of Defense and is responsible, among      by the Greek- Lebanese construction company
other issues, for dealing with energy and electricity      Consolidated Contractors Company. The plant
supply issues in Area C.1 COGAT’s authorization            entered into commercial operation on March 15, 2004,
is required for regional electricity projects, such as     under a 20-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
interconnectors with neighboring counties, as well as      contract, which requires that the Palestinian Authority
any power generation or transmission infrastructure        cover take-or-pay capacity charges of NIS 0.096
to be built within the West Bank. COGAT plays an           (US$0.026) for the full 140 MW capacity of the plant.
important role in the monitoring and maintenance of        This capacity charge is paid to the owners of GPP
distribution infrastructure and provides assistance in     regardless of the level of the plant’s actual production
dealing with failures.                                     and output. In addition, the Palestinian Authority
                                                           must cover the cost of fuel, which, depending on
In addition to the Israeli supply, modest volumes of       the level of fuel taxes and exemptions applied, can
power are imported from Jordan to the West Bank            range from NIS 0.74 to NIS 1.3 (US$0.20–0.40) per
and from Egypt to Gaza. Egypt’s Al Kanal Electricity       kWh for the diesel fuel alone. Although the plant has a
Company can supply up to 30 MW of electricity              rated capacity of 140 MW, it normally operates at less
through three-medium voltage 33 kV connections             than 50 percent of its capability due to the inability of
points at the southern end of the Gaza strip (see map      the Palestinian institutions to pay the high costs of
A.2 in appendix A). The power lines from Egypt are         diesel fuel. As international donor support to the West
frequently out of service, delivering significantly less   Bank and Gaza has declined in recent years, budget
than the 30 MW capacity. Furthermore, the available        constraints have resulted in the Palestinian Authority
electricity is of poor quality and subject to frequent     reducing the exemption on fuel taxes to Gaza, more
voltage and frequency deviations that damage               than doubling the cost of fuel for GPP. The plant has
expensive and sensitive equipment at hospitals such        also suffered repeated damage during armed conflict,
as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines and           affecting its fuel storage capacity. Considering both
computed tomography (CT) scans. The majority of            the capacity charges and the fuel costs, GPP is very
the power from Egypt is paid for through the Arab          expensive to run at approximately NIS 1.05–1.65
League as a donation relieving the obligation of           (US$0.30–0.45) per kWh, to more than three times
payment on Gaza and the Palestinian Authority. As          the IEC power import tariff. GPP is already designed
a result, there is no track record of payment between      to operate on natural gas, which would significantly
the Egyptian power utility that supplies electricity       bring down its cost of power production. This will
to Gaza and the local distribution company Gaza            become possible once the planned gas pipeline
Electricity Distribution Company (GEDCO). As for           project linking Gaza to gas terminals at Ashkelon in
the West Bank, Jordan’s National Electric Power            Israel is completed.
Company (NEPCO) can supply up to 20 MW through
a medium-voltage connection. Jerusalem District            In the West Bank and Gaza, renewable energy
Electric Company (JDECO) currently purchases               generation is still in its infancy. The Palestinian cabinet
power from NEPCO by arbitraging time-of-use (TOU)          adopted a renewable energy strategy in 2012 that set
prices between IEC and NEPCO. NEPCO prices are             a target of 130 MW for domestic renewable generation
on average NIS 0.11–0.15 (US$0.03–0.04) per kWh            by 2020, of which only 18 MW has been installed as
higher than IEC prices, except at certain times of day     of 2017. The renewable energy laws, which laid out
during specific seasons. Refer to part 1, chapter 5.2      the rules and regulations for entering the Palestinian
for more details on the cost of Jordanian versus Israeli   renewable energy market, were released only in

                                                  Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 33
mid-2015. In terms of utility-scale solar photovoltaic      An unfinished power sector reform, which started over
(PV), many private-sector entities have shown great         20 years ago, consolidated the distribution segment
interest and several licenses have been granted.            into a handful of local distribution companies. PENRA,
However, by law, projects over 1 MW can sell only to        established in 1995, launched key institutional reforms,
the single buyer, Palestinian Electricity Transmission      including the consolidation of hundreds of small
Company Ltd. (PETL), which is not currently credit          municipality and village councils’ (MVC) electricity
worthy and lacks any kind of payment record. This           services into six larger distribution companies (DISCOs)
high risk of nonpayment, together with the possibility      to benefit from economies of scale. These include
of significant construction delays, is discouraging         GEDCO, Hebron Electricity Distribution Company
project developers and financiers alike. Further            (HEPCO), JDECO, Northern Electricity Distribution
obstacles, are lack of access to prime land in Area         Company (NEDCO), Southern Electricity Distribution
C as well as the lack of transmission infrastructure        Company (SELCO) and Tubas Electricity Distribution
to evacuate the power. In terms of rooftop solar, the       Company (TEDCO). Despite considerable progress,
Palestinian Solar Initiative, launched in 2012, aimed       a significant number of MVCs continue to distribute
to install on-grid residential rooftop solar systems in     power independently, rejecting the legal imperative
the West Bank, each with a range of 1-5 kW, for a           to integrate electricity services and merge with the
total installed capacity target of 5 MW by 2015. Under      DISCOs. Together, these independent MVCs represent
the plan, households purchase the solar systems             up to 30 percent of total power sales in the West Bank.
themselves through “green loans” and sell energy            In the long run, the goal is to further consolidate all
back to the grid in return for a feed-in-tariff. Although   DISCOs and MVCs in the West Bank into one central
initially attractive, over time the Palestinian Authority   DISCO, thereby reducing overhead costs and in turn
reduced the feed-in-tariff rates due to budgetary           bringing down the retail sales tariff. See appendix A,
restrictions, making the program progressively less         tables A.3 to A.4 for the financial statements provided
attractive to consumers. As of December 2016, the           by each DISCO from 2011 to 2015.
Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority
(PENRA) reported that approximately 300 systems             JDECO is the longest standing distribution company
were installed under the Palestinian Solar Initiative.      in the Palestinian territories and is regulated by both
Refer to part I, chapter 6 for further details on the       Israeli and Palestinian authorities due to the nature of
Palestinian renewable energy sector.                        its service area. In contrast to the other five DISCOs

34 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
that were created as part of the recent sector reform,        system operator for the Palestinian energy sector.
JDECO is a longstanding utility that has been in              Although the Palestinian energy sector does not
existence since 1914. JDECO’s coverage area includes          yet have any transmission infrastructure, PETL will
(i) East Jerusalem (30 percent), which falls under Israeli    be responsible for maintaining and operating the
control with tariffs and regulations set by the Israeli       new substations and acting as the single buyer of
Public Utility Authority (PUA), and (ii) the central West     wholesale power purchased from Israel, as well
Bank (70 percent), including Ramallah and Jericho,            as from any future Palestinian independent power
which falls under the control of the Palestinian Authority,   producers (IPPs). In the absence of transmission
with tariffs and regulations set by the Palestinian           infrastructure, the electricity network in the West
Electricity Regulatory Council (PERC). As noted,              Bank takes the form of a series of “electricity islands,”
JDECO purchases the bulk of its supply from IEC,              all connected to the Israeli grid, rather than one
supplemented by Jordanian imports when demand                 interconnected Palestinian network. Refer to part I,
peaks or pricing differences prove advantageous.              chapter 7 for further discussions on PETL and the
                                                              transmission and distribution grids.
The Electricity Law of 2009 created several new
sector institutions and provided the beginnings of a          The political division between the West Bank (ruled
legal framework for public-private partnership (PPP)          by Fatah) and Gaza (ruled by Hamas) reduces the
in the sector. The new legislation paved the way for          ability of PENRA, PETL, and PERC to exercise their
a new sector regulatory entity, as well as the creation       jurisdiction in Gaza. In principle, the new institutional
of a separate transmission company. In addition, the          structure applies across the Palestinian territories.
law provides a basis for new generation projects to be        However, in practice, GEDCO, the Gaza utility,
developed in the West Bank and Gaza on a PPP basis            operates independently of this framework. For
by classifying this as a licensed activity. Nevertheless,     example, GEDCO does not follow the unified tariff set
few details are provided about the detailed terms             by PERC and adopted by all the DISCOs in the West
and conditions of licenses or their classification into       Bank. In fact, PERC has no enforcement capability
different categories, and the law is silent about roles       in Gaza, as the board and governance structure of
and responsibilities for the grid connection of new           GEDCO do not report to the Palestinian Authority.
generation plants. In the absence of broader PPP              PENRA does have a branch office on the ground in
framework legislation, these kinds of issues would            Gaza, which works very closely with GEDCO and
need to be settled through secondary legislation or           with PENRA Ramallah to coordinate activities, but it
supporting regulations.                                       does not have direct control over GEDCO. PENRA in
                                                              Gaza supports GEDCO by facilitating materials entry
The establishment of PERC has helped provide a                for energy projects in Gaza, organizing provision of
more solid technical basis for the determination of           fuel for GPP, and communicating and coordinating
tariffs. It was created in 2009, with support from the        with the international community on energy projects
World Bank and the European Union, with a mandate             in Gaza.
of regulating and monitoring the energy sector. A
key contribution of PERC has been to adopt a clear            Despite some improvements, the electricity sector
tariff-setting methodology and set a unified end-             suffers from operational and financial problems due to
user tariff for the Palestinian territories (see appendix     high losses and low collection rates. In 2015, DISCOs
A, tables A.1 and A.2, for a breakdown of PERC’s              in the West Bank and Gaza billed consumers for 76
tariff structure). In addition, PERC has managed to           percent of the power they purchased from suppliers,
significantly improve data collection over the past few       with the other 24 percent lost and never billed due
years, allowing the regulator to track key technical,         to the poor state of the infrastructure and illegal
financial, and customer service performance                   connections. Of the electricity billed to consumers,
indicators for each DISCO on a quarterly basis.               DISCOs collected 84 percent of invoices, with 16
                                                              percent accumulating as outstanding debt from
The new transmission company, PETL was also been              consumers to DISCOs. Overall, this means that for
established as part of a move to rationalize power            every 100 kWh supplied to the DISCOs from IEC,
import arrangements with Israel. PETL was created             only 64 kWh actually generate revenue; although,
in 2013, with support from the World Bank, and has            there is significant variation in performance across
a mandate to be the single buyer and transmission             companies (see table I-1.1). The net annual income

                                                    Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 35
                                                            GEDCO         TOTAL       JDECO        NEDCO       HEPCO        SELCO       TEDCO

 Customers                                                  231,500      436,389      256,314       90,265      45,660      25,650        18,500
 Purchased electricity                                            795        1,398          871         250          164          71           42
 (NIS millions)
 Billed electricity (NIS millions)                                518        1,509         949          245          193         76           46
 Net annual income/loss (NIS millions)                            n.a.         -76          -82            9           9         -15            3
 Losses: technical and                                           26%          22%         24%           17%        20%         28%           16%
 Collection ratio                                                65%          89%          91%         98%          81%         71%          76%
 O&M as percentage of purchased electricity                        8%          17%         22%           5%         10%         21%          17%

Note: GEDCO = Gaza Electricity Distribution Company; JDECO = Jerusalem District Electric Company; NEDCO = Northern Electricity Distribution Company;
HEPCO = Hebron Electricity Distribution Company; SELCO = Southern Electricity Distribution Company; TEDCO = Tubas Electricity Distribution Company.

of JDECO has been negative year after year over                             Bank to establish an escrow account for collection of
the past five years, despite the company’s scale                            electricity bills. This mechanism, which has already
advantages and relatively high collection rates arising                     been adopted by over 100 local authority councils,
from the successful implementation of prepaid                               aims to monitor, streamline, and audit the flow of
meters. However, the company faces challenges                               electricity payments, preventing diversion of funds.
in terms of high distribution losses and operating
expenditures. On the other hand, NEDCO is by far                            Current electricity tariffs are low relative to the costs
the most efficient DISCO in the West Bank and Gaza,                         of service provision, leading to implicit subsidies of
with the lowest losses and overhead costs and the                           over NIS 600 million (US$166 million). The regulatory
highest collection rates.                                                   authority, PERC, has set a uniform tariff of NIS 0.53–
                                                                            0.56 (US$0.14–0.15) per kWh for the Palestinian
Bill collection rates are particularly low in Gaza and in                   DISCOs. However, financial analysis of the sector
refugee camps in the West Bank, due to difficult living                     suggests that the full cost of service provision—given
conditions and a culture of nonpayment. In Gaza,                            current levels of inefficiency—ranges from about NIS
paying electricity bills is not considered a high priority,                 0.66 to NIS 1.42 (US$0.18–0.39) per kWh, depending
particularly given the low quality of service. This is                      on the DISCO. Even if operating and commercial
understandable given that the population has been                           efficiency could be improved to more typical levels,
affected by armed conflict every two to three years over                    tariffs would still need to increase significantly to ensure
the past decade and faces the highest unemployment                          the financial viability—and hence creditworthiness—
rate in the world at 42 percent. Refugee camps in the                       of the sector. It is estimated that the shortfall between
West Bank are also challenging in terms of revenue                          tariffs and costs amounts to implicit subsidies of over
collection, as they combine high levels of per capita                       NIS 600 million (US$166 million) in 2015.
consumption with very low rates of bill payment.
According to a recent survey, underlying reasons for                        However, it is important to recognize that there are
nonpayment of electricity bills are the high cost of                        genuine affordability issues among the poor. A widely
electricity, low income, poor quality of service, and                       used international benchmark is that electricity remains
perceived exemption due to refugee status. Moreover,                        affordable when households are able to meet their
the poor security conditions in the camps make it                           basic needs without spending more than 5 percent of
difficult for DISCO staff to enter and enforce revenue                      income. Based on current practice in West Bank and
collection or disconnect service. A recent cabinet                          Gaza, it is estimated that 160 kWh is an adequate
decision enforces all DISCOs and MVCs in the West                           level of consumption to meet basic household needs.

36 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Given the current income distribution, the lowest           As a result, the DISCOs have developed a culture
income decile can only afford to pay a rate of NIS          of nonpayment for wholesale electricity supplied
0.43 (US$0.11) per kWh. The mechanism currently             by IEC, leaving the Palestinian Authority to step in
used to safeguard affordability is a rising block tariff,   through a “net lending” mechanism. Given the weak
with first block of 160 kWh per month currently set         state of cost recovery, some DISCOs and MVCs pay
at NIS 0.43 (US$.11) per kWh, matching the lowest           only partially for electricity supplied by IEC, which
income decile’s ability to pay. However, given that         amounts to 58 percent of the total cost of electricity;
average residential electricity consumption in the          others don’t pay at all, preferring to use the collected
West Bank and Gaza is only 200–300 kWh per                  revenues for financing municipal activities. For years,
month, this means that most consumption benefits            the Palestinian Authority has indirectly paid a portion
from this subsidized rate.                                  of the outstanding bills owed by DISCOs and MVCs
                                                            to IEC through a mechanism called ‘net lending’.2
In addition to the challenge of collecting revenue from     Outstanding payments owed to the IEC are either (i)
customers, the scarcity of subnational fiscal resources     deducted from the Palestinian Authority’s clearance
means that power sector revenues get diverted               revenues by the Israeli Ministry of Finance and
to municipal budgets. No regular and predictable            registered as net lending or (ii) are accumulated as debt
intergovernmental fiscal transfer exists to cover the       owed to the IEC. Net lending reduced the Palestinian
recurring expenditures of municipalities or fund basic      Authority’s available revenues by an estimated NIS 1
capital investments. Thus, MVCs have developed a            (US$0.3) billion in 2012, representing 13.5 percent
practice of diverting revenues from service fees to         of the Palestinian Authority’s total revenues. This
meet their expenditures needs, making electricity           mechanism sets a precedence in which service
revenues among the more important sources of                providers continue to receive electricity from suppliers,
municipal funds. Data for the years 2011–13 show            and consumers continue to receive electricity from
that total revenues per capita for village councils         service providers even if they do not pay their bills,
(VCs) in charge of electricity distribution can be          with an assurance that the Palestinian Authority will
up to four times higher than for those VCs without          pay on their behalf, reducing a sense of responsibility
that responsibility. VCs with electricity distribution      and accountability. Since Israel considers JDECO an
functions were able to spend over twice as much in          Israeli company, the debt owed by JDECO to IEC
per capita operating and development expenditures           cannot be paid through the net lending, mechanism
each year in the 2011–13 period than VCs not in             making JDECO the second largest contributor, after
charge of electricity distribution. For municipalities,     GEDCO, to Palestinian electricity sector debt to Israel.
there is almost a 100 percent difference between
the two groups of municipalities in total revenues          A new electricity agreement between government of
per capita in the 2010–12 period. This consideration        Israel and the Palestinian Authority has settled past
may be one of the factors discouraging the remaining        debt and plans to pave the way for improvements
municipalities from incorporating their electricity         in the Palestinian energy sector. The unpaid portion
service under the umbrella of the local DISCOs.             of outstanding bills from IEC to Palestinian service
However, even in municipalities that have ceded             providers started to accumulate substantially from
electricity service to the Palestinian DISCOs, there        2011 onward (see figure I-1.2). The debt can be
is evidence that some dividend income is still being        divided into two portions, the larger share that relates
paid by the DISCOs back to the municipalities. While        directly to JDECO and a smaller share owed by the
data on this phenomenon is sparse, it is known that         Palestinian Authority relating to the remaining five
at least NIS 5.1 (US$1.4) million were paid to various      Palestinian distribution companies and MVCs. In view
municipalities by three Palestinian DISCOs in 2014.         of the situation, IEC made payment of past debt a
Breaking this vicious circle will require (i) increasing    precondition for energization of the four, new high-
local revenue collection; (ii) improving transparency       voltage substations as well as a precondition for the
of payment flows, including interagency arrears; (iii)      scale-up of the capacity of the connection points. On
placing sanctions on entities that divert funds for         September 13, 2016, the Palestinian Authority and
nonessential or unproductive use; and (iv) providing        the Israeli government signed an agreement to settle
financial support to those Local Government Units           past electricity sector debt, which stood at NIS 2.03
that do not have the fiscal capacity to ensure basic        billion (US$534 million) and created joint committees
service provision.                                          to work on three key issues: (i) energization of the

                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 37
Figure I-1.2: Electricity Sector Debt to IEC, 2008–2015
Debt to IEC (NIS millions)





                                                                                                       All other DISCOs                                                                                          JDECO                                                                              Total

Source: Information provided by Eco Energy.
Note: IEC = Israeli Electric Corporation; DISCO = Distribution Company; JDECO = Jerusalem District Electricity Company.

                                                                                                                                                                         WEST BANK                                                                                                              GAZA
                                                                                                                                                     2013                            2014                                   2015                               2013                                 2014                               2015
        Implicit subsidy (US$ millions per annum)                                                                                                    94.8                              65.9                                 72.6                              136.0                                 178.1                             125.4
        Implicit subsidy (NIS millions per annum)                                                                                               342.3                              235.9                                    281.5                               491.1                               637.7                           486.5
        Implicit subsidy (% of GDP)                                                                                                                     1.0                                  0.6                                                                      4.4                               5.0
        Subsidy rate (% of tariff)                                                                                                                                                       17.5                                                                   50.9                                 65.5                                56.7

new high-voltage substations to bring more power to                                                                                                                                The economic burden associated with the
the West Bank, (ii) signing of a long-term PPA at a                                                                                                                                subsidization of the electricity sector is several times
lower wholesale tariff rate, and (iii) transfer of over 200                                                                                                                        higher in Gaza than in the West Bank. Based on
connection points to PETL in order to have a single                                                                                                                                computable general equilibrium models developed for
point of transaction (single buyer) between Israeli                                                                                                                                both the West Bank and Gaza, the magnitude of the
and Palestinian entities. On July 10, 2017, an interim                                                                                                                             subsidies associated with the electricity sector were
PPA was signed for the energization of the Jenin                                                                                                                                   estimated (table I-1.2). The implicit subsidies due to
substation alone, which was an encouraging step in                                                                                                                                 underpricing, distribution losses, and undercollection
the right direction, until the full negotiations for the                                                                                                                           of revenues amounted to between NIS 236 and NIS
long term PPA are concluded. Overall, the success                                                                                                                                  342 million (US$65 million to US$95 million) per year
of the new electricity agreement rests on the ability of                                                                                                                           for the West Bank, which amount to no more than 1
PETL to pay for 100 percent of the power purchased                                                                                                                                 percent of the West Bank’s GDP for 2013–15. This
from IEC. In turn, DISCOs and end consumers need                                                                                                                                   is equivalent to a 15–20 percent subsidization rate
to follow suit along the value chain.                                                                                                                                              for the retail tariff. In the case of Gaza, the implicit
                                                                                                                                                                                   subsidies are much larger, both in absolute and
                                                                                                                                                                                   relative terms, amounting to NIS 487–638 million

38 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
(US$125–175 million) per year, which amounts to as        improvement over power imports. It is important to
much as 4–5 percent of Gaza’s GDP in 2013–15. This        ensure that contractual terms are sufficiently attractive
is equivalent to a 60 percent subsidization rate of the   and adequate supplies of cost-effective fuel are available.
retail tariff.                                            For Gaza, a key priority is the conversion of the current
                                                          plant to natural gas to reduce the cost of fuel.
GAZA                                                      Palestinian’s power-sector reform process has made
                                                          strides but remains incomplete. Significant institutional
The energy sector context carries several important       reforms have already been undertaken in the
implications for the future of the Palestinian            Palestinian electricity sector, but these are still fragile
electricity sector.                                       and need to be sustained. Institutional strengthening
                                                          is needed for all sector institutions, including PERC,
There is scope to diversify Palestinian electricity       PETL, and the DISCOs. PETL is expected to be
supply, particularly in the West Bank. The Palestinian    commercially operational and financially sustainable
energy sector, particularly in the West Bank, has long    following the energization of the Jenin, Nablus,
relied primarily on Israel for power imports, which       Hebron, and Ramallah high-voltage substations and
for the most part have been relatively reliable and       the signature of a long-term PPA with IEC. In the
cost-effective. Yet energy security could be further      meantime, the signing of the interim PPA for the Jenin
enhanced by greater diversification of power sources      substation allows PETL to begin operations gradually
in the West Bank, including the development of            until the full PPA is signed.
indigenous gas-fired and solar power options.
                                                          Distribution utilities are the Achilles’ heel of the
The Gaza Power Plant provides a cautionary tale           Palestinian electricity sector. The underperformance
of independent power projects. Nevertheless, the          of the DISCOs is the deepest challenge faced in
experience of GPP, which has proved expensive             the electricity sector, because the DISCOs are the
and unreliable, demonstrates that indigenous              foundation of the payment chain for the sector and
power generation does not necessarily represent an        because the difficulties faced are institutional and

                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 39
political in nature. Without improving the ability of       have access to 30 percent more power. This does
the DISCOs to capture customer revenues and                 not require additional payments by the Palestinian
reliably pay for wholesale power, PETL’s viability will     Authority through clearance revenues or net lending.
be compromised, as will the creditworthiness of the         Later, once GPP is converted to operating on natural
sector as an off-taker for future independent power         gas, which is expected to have a lower cost of
projects in the West Bank and Gaza.                         production, on par with Israeli imports, then GPP
                                                            can be turned on again. However, in the immediate
Addressing subnational financing issues is key to the       term, the best solution for Gaza is to ramp down
future of the power sector. Even after the performance      GPP operating on diesel.
of the DISCOs is improved, their financial viability will
remain vulnerable to municipal capture of revenues,         To ensure bill collection revenue continues to be
until and unless the fundamental challenges of              forwarded from GEDCO to the Palestinian Authority,
subnational municipal finance are addressed. Indeed,        it is important to set up a separate escrow account
without this, as DISCOs enhance their own efficiency        into which collections are deposited and which is
they risk simply becoming an increasingly attractive        monitored by an international oversight committee.
source of municipal revenues without solving the            There is a legitimate concern that, if GPP is turned off,
fundamental problem of creditworthiness in the sector       authorities in Gaza will no longer have any incentive
In Gaza, it is possible to pay for additional IEC supply    to forward bill collections to the Palestinian Authority,
by ramping down generation at GPP and using the             which will then bear the responsibility of paying for
money to buy double the power from IEC. As shown            all IEC supply through clearance revenues. Currently,
in table I-1.3, between 2011 and 2015, GPP was              fuel for GPP is procured by the Palestinian Authority
operating an average capacity of 45 MW, while IEC           from the money that is forwarded to the Palestinian
imports accounted for 119 MW. Factoring in the              Authority by GEDCO from bill collections amounting
capacity charge that is paid for IEC, the unit cost         to NIS 20 million to NIS 25 million per month. To
of power from GPP is three times more expensive             ensure that this forwarding of bill collections continues
than IEC. If the GPP take-or-pay capacity-charge            as GPP ramps down, an escrow account should be
payments continue to be paid, for every 1 MW that           set up, separate from Palestinian Authority budgets,
GPP is ramped down, 2 MW can be purchased from              into which GEDCO can forward its collections.
IEC for the same cost. If GPP’s take-or-pay capacity-       This account should be monitored by a high-level
charge payments are terminated, for every 1 MW              international committee that serves to ensure
that GPP is ramped down, 3 MW can be purchased              transparency. At NIS 20 million to NIS 25 million per
from IEC for the same cost. This means that if GPP,         month, the collections will be enough to pay for 30–
running on diesel, is turned off completely and the         40 percent of the total supply to Gaza, which is on par
money is used to buy power from IEC, Gaza can               with the current setup.

40 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
 Status quo: 2011–15 historical average values
                                                                       IEC                                                    GPP
 Cost of purchased power (NIS per month)                      31,807,885      Cost of capacity charge (NIS per month)   10,097,360
                                                                              Cost of diesel fuel (NIS per month)       24,430,783
 Quantity of purchased power                                 85,576,569       Quantity of purchased power               32,633,872
 (kWh per month)                                                              (kWh per month)
 Corresponding capacity (MW)                                            119   Corresponding capacity (MW)                      45
 Average purchase tariff (NIS per kWh)                                0.37    Average purchase tariff (NIS per kWh)           1.06
                                                                              Cost of fuel per kWh produced                   0.75
                                                                              (NIS per kWh)
 Total cost per month (NIS)                                 66,336,028
 Phase 1: Ramp down GPP by 12 MW, ramp up IEC by 25 MW
                                                                       IEC                                                    GPP
 Cost of purchased power (NIS per month)                     38,498,290       Cost of capacity charge (NIS per month)   10,097,360
                                                                              Cost of diesel fuel (NIS per month)       17,740,378
 Quantity of purchased power                                103,576,569       Quantity of purchased power               23,697,039
 (kWh per month)                                                              (kWh per month)
 Corresponding capacity (MW)                                           144    Corresponding capacity (MW)                      33
 Average purchase tariff (NIS per kWh)                                0.37    Average purchase tariff (NIS per kWh)           1.06
                                                                              Cost of fuel per kWh produced                   0.75
                                                                              (NIS per kWh)
 Total cost per month (NIS)                                 66,336,028
 Phase 2: Ramp down GPP by 25 MW, ramp up IEC by 50 MW
                                                                       IEC                                                    GPP
 Cost of purchased power (NIS per month)                      45,188,695      Cost of capacity charge (NIS per month)   10,097,360
                                                                              Cost of diesel fuel (NIS per month)       11,049,973
 Quantity of purchased power                                 121,576,569      Quantity of purchased power               14,760,206
 (kWh per month)                                                              (kWh per month)
 Corresponding capacity (MW)                                           169    Corresponding capacity (MW)                       21
 Average purchase tariff (NIS per kWh)                                0.37    Average purchase tariff (NIS per kWh)           1.06
                                                                              Cost of fuel per kWh produced                   0.75
                                                                              (NIS per kWh)
 Total cost per month (NIS)                                 66,336,028
 Phase 3: Ramp down GPP by 45 MW, ramp up IEC by 91 MW
                                                                       IEC                                                    GPP
 Cost of purchased power (NIS per month)                     56,160,959       Cost of capacity charge (NIS per month)   10,097,360
                                                                              Cost of diesel fuel (NIS per month)               0
 Quantity of purchased power                                 151,096,569      Quantity of purchased power                       0
 (kWh per month)                                                              (kWh per month)
 Corresponding capacity (MW)                                           210    Corresponding Capacity (MW)                       0
 Average purchase tariff (NIS per kWh)                                0.37    Average purchase tariff (NIS per kWh)           1.06
                                                                              Cost of fuel per kWh produced                   0.75
                                                                              (NIS per kWh)
 Total cost per month (NIS)                                  66,258,319

Note: IEC = Israeli Electric Corporation; GPP = Gaze Power Plant; kWh = kilowatt hour; MW = megawatt.

                                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 41
1	   For large energy projects in Areas A and B, COGAT has been requesting that their approval be obtained in advance.
2	   Net lending refers to the process by which Israel deducts a portion of unpaid electricity bills, owed by Palestinian distributors, to IEC (which supplies over
     95 percent of the energy to West Bank and Gaza) from collection revenues that are collected by the Israeli Ministry of Finance on behalf of the Palestinian
     Authority. This process essentially forces the Palestinian Authority to indirectly pay for the outstanding bills of distribution companies through collected
     revenues meant for the national budget.

42 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza

Electricity Demand

THE CURRENT CONTEXT                                                                                      While enjoying diversified energy sources, Palestinian
                                                                                                         households increasingly rely on electricity. While
Electricity accounts for 27 percent of Palestinian                                                       nonresidential energy consumption almost entirely
energy consumption, which is dominated by the                                                            takes the form of electricity, Palestinian households
residential sector. From 2001 to 2013, electricity                                                       meet their energy needs through a mixture of
demand grew at an average annual rate of 7.2                                                             electricity, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and solar
percent. Residential electricity consumption has been                                                    water heaters. A long series of household energy
growing slightly below that average, at 5.3 percent,                                                     surveys documents a trend of substitution of
with average household electricity consumption                                                           electricity for other forms of household energy over
reaching some 250 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per month                                                         time, particularly for baking but also for water and
by 2013. This is a modest level of consumption by                                                        (to a lesser extent) space heating applications (see
regional standards, at about half the levels found in                                                    appendix B, figures B.1 and B.2). Since 2009, there
the Maghreb countries. Nonresidential electricity                                                        has also been a notable increase in the uptake of air-
consumption was negligible in the early 2000s, and                                                       conditioning units. Based on econometric analysis of
despite steep growth rates of 13.4 percent annually                                                      the 2013 household energy survey, air-conditioning
from 2001 to 2013, still accounted for only a small                                                      units add over 100 kWh per month to a household’s
percent of total electricity consumption relative to the                                                 consumption during the summer months, while
residential sector in 2013 (see figure I-2.1). It is unusual                                             electric water and space heating each add 50 kWh
for the share of nonresidential consumption to be so                                                     per month during the winter months (see appendix B,
low, and this illustrates the underdeveloped nature of                                                   tables B.1 and B.2).
the economy. It also represents a disadvantage for
the utilities, which typically count on large industries
as anchor customers.

Figure I-2.1: Palestinian Energy Consumption by Sector

  20,000                                                                                               20,000

  15,000                                                                                               15,000

  10,000                                                                                               10,000

   5,000                                                                                                5,000

        0                                                                                                  0


                                                                       Electricity (TJ)                  LPG (TJ)                           Solar (TJ)
Source: PCBS, “Energy Balances, 2001–2013.” http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/site/lang__en/886/Default.aspx
Note: LPG = liquefied petroleum gas.

                                                                                                Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 43
Figure I-2.2: Volatility of Electricity Consumption over Time

      20                                                                                                                         50%
      14                                                                                                                         30%
       8                                                                                                                         10%

       6                                                                                                                         0%
       0                                                                                                                         20%
           2001    2002   2003    2004    2005    2006    2007   2008     2009   2010   2011   2012    2013    2014    2015

                  Growth rate of final consumption of electricity (%)                     Final consumption of electricity (TJ)

Electricity demand patterns in the West Bank and                       Observed electricity consumption is not a reliable
Gaza have historically been quite volatile, making                     indicator of existing electricity demand. Effective
it challenging to predict the future. For example,                     demand for electricity is the amount that would be
electricity consumption grew at 38.2 percent in                        consumed at current tariffs if all electricity were fully
2012, shrunk by 2.1 percent in the next two years,                     paid for and there were no restrictions on the available
and increased again by 12.4 percent in 2015 (see                       supply. Neither of these two conditions holds for the
figure I-2.2). As a result of strong swings in historic                West Bank and Gaza. Due to problems of network
demand as well as limited data availability, Palestinian               theft and under-collection of bills, a significant share
electricity demand cannot be reliably forecast using                   of electricity consumption is supplied for free and
standard econometric techniques. There is some                         therefore likely exceeds what would be consumed if
evidence, however, that electricity demand does tend                   tariffs were fully enforced. At the same time, severe
to follow GDP growth trends. Indeed, for the Middle                    supply restrictions and associated rationing—
East and North Africa region as a whole, the elasticity                particularly in the Gaza Strip—mean that even paying
of electricity output to real GDP growth, based on                     consumers cannot access all the power they would
370 country-year observations, finds a regionwide                      like to buy. As a result, electricity demand is partially
elasticity value of 1.07.                                              suppressed. These two effects pull the base year
                                                                       demand in opposite directions, and their net impact
A simple and defensible approach is to base electricity                needs to be considered.
demand forecasts on real GDP growth forecasts.
The most recent real GDP demand forecasts from                         Inflated consumption is observable and relatively easy
the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statics (PCBS)                       to estimate. It can quite readily be estimated from utility
and the International Monetary Fund stand at 2.63                      operational data, by calculating the absolute amount of
percent for the West Bank and Gaza as a whole,                         electricity lost to theft and under-collection, based on
ranging from 2.51 percent in the West Bank to 3.02                     the reported rates for nontechnical losses and revenue
percent in Gaza. These become the starting point                       collection, respectively. Based on the literature, it is
for forecasting electricity demand. However, it is also                assumed that this inflated demand would drop by one-
important to consider the current base from which                      half if tariffs were effectively applied.1 In the West Bank
electricity demand is forecast to grow.                                and Gaza, with total unpaid consumption amounted
                                                                       to 903 megawatt hours (MWh) and 558 MWh in 2030,
                                                                       implying that baseline consumption should be reduced
                                                                       by half of this amount, that is, 452 MWh and 279
                                                                       MWh, respectively.

44 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Suppressed demand is unobservable and can be                                   percent in the West Bank and 1.9 percent in Gaza
estimated only indirectly. Utilities can provide some                          (see tables I-2.1 and I-2.2). A range of plus and minus
indication based on their knowledge of demand                                  1 percent around these central growth estimates is
patterns. In the West Bank, the Palestinian Energy                             recommended to capture the uncertainty in electricity
and Natural Resources Authority (PENRA) reports                                demand growth. A full set of year-by-year demand
that this is 235 MW, or 20 percent of load. For Gaza,                          forecasts is provided in appendix B, table B.3.
the Gaza Electricity Distribution Company (GEDCO)
reports that this is somewhere between 145 MW and                              FIGURE I-2.2: FORECAST ELECTRICITY
245 MW, or around 50 percent of the load. This 50                              DEMAND GROWTH RATES FOR THE
percent shortfall for Gaza is reasonably consistent                            WEST BANK AND GAZA
with the results obtained by comparing average                                  AAGR %                       WEST        GAZA    WEST BANK
residential and total industrial electricity consumption                                                     BANK                 AND GAZA
in Gaza with that in the less-constrained environment                           Real GDP growth                 2.51      3.02         2.63
of the West Bank.                                                               forecast
                                                                                 + Adjustment for              0.40       1.90        0.90
TABLE I-2.1: ADJUSTING CURRENT                                                  suppressed demand
ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION IN THE                                                   = Electricity demand           2.91      4.92         3.53
WEST BANK AND GAZA TO EFFECTIVE                                                 forecast
DEMAND                                                                         Note: AAGR = Average Annual Growth Rate
 2013 MWH                          WEST       GAZA        WEST BANK
                                   BANK                    AND GAZA
 Current consumption                 3,166      1,344                4,510     The contrast in the electricity supply situation in the
  - Inflated consumption               452        279                  731     West Bank and Gaza is also evident in patterns of
                                                                               generator ownership among firms and households.
  + Suppressed demand                  655        768                1,423
                                                                               Owning and operating a small backup generator in
  = Effective demand                3,370       1,832               5,202
                                                                               the West Bank and Gaza is expensive and works out
Source: Based on utility data from the Palestinian Energy and Natural          to NIS 2.77 (US$0.76) per kWh for a diesel generator,
Resources Authority and Palestinian Electricity Regulatory Council for 2013.   and NIS 4.0 (US$1.01) per kWh for a more common
Note: MWh = megawatt hour.
                                                                               gasoline generator. According to enterprise surveys,
                                                                               47 percent of firms in Gaza reported owning a
Since estimates for suppressed demand exceed                                   generator, and they depend on it for 42 percent of
those for inflated consumption, the electricity demand                         their electricity supply. By contrast, only 13 percent of
forecast needs to be adjusted upward. For the West                             firms in the West Bank reported owning a generator,
Bank and Gaza combined, the amount of suppressed                               depending on it for only 15 percent of their supply.
demand is found to exceed the magnitude of inflated                            Throughout the West Bank and Gaza, generator
consumption, indicating that current electricity                               ownership is strongly linked to the size of the firm,
consumption is lower than it would be in a normal                              and hence the available capital. Despite the high
environment. In the West Bank, suppressed demand                               cost, as many as 20 percent of households in Gaza
slightly exceeds inflated consumption by a margin                              reported owning generators in 2013, compared to
of about 6 percent of registered consumption. In                               less than 1 percent in the West Bank. Nevertheless,
Gaza, the suppressed demand is substantially larger                            Northern Electricity Distribution Company (NEDCO),
than the inflated consumption, by a margin of 36                               a distribution company in the West Bank, has used
percent of registered consumption. It is unrealistic to                        large utility-scale generators in the past to meet
assume that suppressed demand can be eliminated                                summer peak load energy shortages.
overnight; it would take some time for supply to
catch-up. The demand forecast is therefore adjusted                            Combining all the assumptions and methods
in such a way as to ensure that this consumption                               discussed so far, the low, central, and high demand
shortfall is gradually eliminated over the period 2016–                        forecasts for the West Bank and Gaza are provided
30. This entails an extra annual growth rate of 0.9                            in table I-2.3.
percent for the West Bank and Gaza as a whole: 0.4

                                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 45
                                      CENTRAL CASE                        LOW CASE                   HIGH CASE
                                    WEST    GAZA     WEST        WEST      GAZA      WEST    WEST     GAZA       WEST
                                    BANK             BANK        BANK                BANK    BANK                BANK
                                                      AND                             AND                         AND
                                                     GAZA                            GAZA                        GAZA
 2013 consumption                   3,166    1,344   4,510       3,166      1,344    4,510   3,166     1,344      4,510
 2013 effective demand              3,370    1,832   5,202       3,370      1,832    5,202   3,370     1,832     5,202
 2013 supply for effective demand   3,938    2,141   6,079       3,938      2,141    6,079   3,938      2,141    6,079
 2014                               4,037   2,206    6,239       3,998      2,185    6,179   4,076     2,227     6,300
 2015                               4,138   2,272    6,403       4,058      2,229    6,279   4,220     2,317     6,529
 2016                               4,242    2,341   6,572        4,119     2,273    6,382   4,368     2,410     6,766
 2017                               4,349    2,412   6,745       4,182      2,319    6,485   4,521     2,507      7,011
 2018                               4,458   2,484    6,922       4,245      2,366    6,591   4,680     2,607     7,266
 2019                               4,570   2,559    7,104       4,309      2,414    6,699   4,844     2,712     7,529
 2020                               4,685   2,636        7,291   4,374      2,462    6,808   5,014     2,821     7,803
 2021                               4,803    2,716   7,482       4,440      2,512    6,919   5,190     2,934     8,086
 2022                               4,923   2,798    7,679       4,508      2,563    7,031   5,373     3,052     8,379
 2023                               5,047   2,882        7,881   4,576      2,614    7,146   5,561     3,174     8,683
 2024                               5,174   2,969    8,088       4,645      2,667    7,262   5,757     3,302     8,999
 2025                               5,304   3,059    8,301       4,715      2,721    7,381   5,959     3,435     9,325
 2026                               5,437    3,151   8,519       4,786      2,776    7,501   6,168     3,572     9,664
 2027                               5,573   3,246    8,743       4,859      2,831    7,623   6,385     3,716     10,014
 2028                               5,713   3,344    8,973       4,932      2,889    7,747   6,609     3,865     10,378
 2029                               5,857   3,445    9,209       5,007      2,947    7,874   6,841    4,020      10,755
 2030                               6,004   3,548    9,451       5,082     3,006     8,002   7,081     4,182      11,145

Source: World Bank elaboration.
Note: GWh = gigawatt hour.

Beyond the general demands of the population and
productive sector, several humanitarian activities
have critical energy needs. Few detailed needs
assessments have been done, but box I-2.1 provides
an important illustration for the water and wastewater
sector in Gaza.

46 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Box I-2.1: Existing and Future Electricity Needs for Gaza’s Water Sector

The electricity needs of essential infrastructure, such as water and sanitation, must be incorporated into
any supply expansion plan. In Gaza, the existing water and wastewater facilities required approximately
34MW of electricity as of 2014. By 2030, this is expected to increase to 127 MW as additional
desalination and wastewater treatment plants come online (details provided in appendix figure B.3).
Supply expansion plans must consider a holistic view that considers the needs of critical infrastructure,
such as water, sanitation, and health services.

Map BI-2.1.1: Gaza Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Plans

                                                                                                   IBRD 43944 | SEPTEMBER 2018
          Desalination Plants
          Wastewater Treatment Plant/Pumping Station
                                                                                           Biet Lahia Terminal Pumping Station
          Armistice Demarcation Line, 1949                                                 Energy need=1.3 MW
          International Boundary                                                           Energy need (2025)=2.4 MW

                                                 Gaza Desalination Plant
                                                 Capacity=12,000 m3
                                                 Energy need=2.5 MW
           M edi t erran ean Sea


                        Gaza existing WWTP
                        Upgrading by KFW capacity=90,000 m3/d
                                                                                                                       IS RAE L
                        Energy need=5.2 MW

                Deir Abalah Desalination Plant                                              North Gaza WWTP (NGEST)
                Capacity=6,000 m3                                                           Final design capacity=60,000 m3/d
                Energy need=1.2 MW
                                                                G a za                      Energy need (2025)=4 MW
                                                                                            1st phase capacity=35,000 m3/d
        Central Desalination Plant                    x
                                                                                            Energy need=2.4 MW
        Capacity=55 MCM/y
        Energy need=35 MW                                                                   Reuse Scheme (NGEST)
        Capacity=110 MCM/y                                                                  Energy need=4.8 MW
        Energy need (2035)=55 MW          x

                                                                           Planned Central Gaza WWTP
                                                                           Final design capacity (2030)=200,000 m3/d
                                                                           Energy need=11 MW
                                                                           1st phase capacity=120,000 m3/d
                                                                           Energy need=6.5 MW
      Rafah existing WWTP
      Capacity=10,000 m3/d
      Energy need=0.6 MW
                                                                 South Khanyounis WWTP
                                                                 Final design capacity=44,000 m3/d
              ARAB                                               Energy need=3 MW
             R EP . O F                                          1st phase capacity=26,000 m3/d
              EG Y P T                                           Energy need=1.8 MW

  0         4         8 Kilometers
                                                                                         Source: Gaza Coastal Municipalities Water Utility.

                                                          Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 47
IMPLICATIONS FOR THE WEST BANK                              Moderate electricity demand growth is anticipated in
AND GAZA                                                    the West Bank and Gaza. Because of macroeconomic
                                                            challenges as well as constraints faced by the
These patterns of electricity demand have important         productive sector, electricity demand is forecast to
implications for energy planning in the West Bank           slow from historic levels of 7.2 percent annually to
and Gaza.                                                   levels of around 3.5 percent annually.

Palestinian energy planning should recognize the            Electricity demand will grow more rapidly in Gaza
inherently uncertain nature of electricity demand.          than in the West Bank. Due to higher GDP growth
The challenges in predicting electricity demand             forecasts and the need to catch up with higher levels
underscore the importance of not relying on a single        of suppressed demand, electricity consumption in
estimate for planning purposes but ensuring that the        Gaza is forecast to grow substantially faster than in
wide range of uncertainty of demand is reflected in         the West Bank, at 4.9 percent versus 2.9 percent
power system planning.                                      annually. Given the much tighter supply situation in
                                                            Gaza, this will represent a challenge going forward.
Electricity demand is strongly influenced by broader
policies on household energy. Given the weight of           Current levels of electricity consumption understate
residential electricity demand and recent substitution      existing demand. Observed electricity consumption
trends, it is important to recognize that broader           does not provide a reliable demand baseline, given
household energy policies will have an important            that a significant amount of electricity is supplied
impact on the demand for electricity. Historical policies   free of charge, while there is also significant rationing
to promote solar water heaters have been successful         due to supply shortages. The dampening impact of
in dampening household electricity demand, but              rationing on current consumption is estimated to
usage appears to be in decline. Similarly, government       outweigh the inflated consumption resulting from
policy needs to carefully consider the economic case        nonpayment, particularly in the case of Gaza.
for using LPG (as opposed to electricity) for space
and water heating, and ensure that incentives are           A number of humanitarian activities have critical
adequately aligned.                                         energy needs that need to be better documented.
                                                            The example of water and wastewater services in
                                                            Gaza was provided as an illustration, but a similar
                                                            case could be made for health-care facilities.

48 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
1	   For more on this, see Peter Meier. 2016. Guidelines for Economic Analysis of Energy Projects (forthcoming).

                                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 49

Importing Electricity
from Israel

THE CURRENT CONTEXT                                         The power sector in Israel is regulated by the Public
                                                            Utilities Authority (PUA) under a modern regulatory
The Israeli and Palestinian electricity sectors are         framework. The PUA was established in 1996 and
closely intertwined. On the one hand, the Palestinian       operated originally as an independent regulatory
territories depended on the Israeli Electric Corporation    entity reporting to the public and the Knesset. In
(IEC) for 90 percent of electricity supply in 2015,         January 2016, however, the PUA’s scope of action
ranging from 64 percent in Gaza to 99 percent               was moved under the Ministry of Energy. The
in the West Bank. On the other hand, taken as a             PUA sets electricity tariffs based on IEC’s cost of
whole, the West Bank and Gaza are the IEC’s single          service, excluding costs considered excessive or
largest customer, accounting for 6 percent of Israeli       unnecessary, while providing for allowed returns on
electricity demand in 2015 (see appendix C, table           equity according to the risk profile of each activity (see
C.3). Moreover, Palestinian electricity demand has          appendix C, table C.6). By law, PUA is prohibited from
been growing historically, at 7.2 percent per annum         setting tariffs that create deliberate cross-subsidies
from 2001 to 2013, much faster than Israeli electricity     between customer classes. PUA is involved in the
demand, which expands at only 5.2 percent per               determination of five categories of tariffs: (i) electricity
annum. This is also reflected in demand forecasts           usage tariffs (for end users); (ii) network wheeling
(see tableI-2.3), which project annual demand growth        tariffs (for use of the transmission grid); (iii) production
of 3.5 percent for the West Bank and Gaza versus            tariffs (for electricity generated by independent
only 2.9 percent for Israel. This means that over time      power producers, IPPs); (iv) interconnection tariffs
Palestinian needs will inevitably represent a growing       (to access the grid); and (v) system management or
share of the Israeli total, estimated to increase to 11     ancillary services (to cover back-up provided by IEC
percent of Israeli electricity demand by 2030.              to other market players). The PUA also assesses the
                                                            marginal production costs of different generators as
Israel’s power sector remains largely vertically            input to economic dispatch by the system manager’s
integrated and is in the midst of a shift from coal-        office, which is still a department within IEC. For the
fired to gas-fired power generation. Due to a lack of       largest consumers, time-of-use tariffs are applied,
interconnection with neighboring Arab countries, the        differentiating nine different time blocks with different
Israeli power system operates as an island that must        cost characteristics. (Full particulars of the regulated
be fully self-sufficient and capable of fully meeting       power tariffs determined by PUA can be found in
its own demand in all circumstances. The only slight        appendix c, tables C.5 through C.10.)
exception to this are the transmission links with the
West Bank and Gaza, whose power systems in turn             Israel’s electricity industry has been undergoing a
have modest interconnections with Jordan for the            protracted, and still incomplete, process of sector
West Bank and Egypt for Gaza. As of the end of              reform. This began with the 1996 Electricity Sector
2015, Israel had an installed generation capacity of        Law and its subsequent amendments. Implementation
17.3 GW and generated 65.4 million MWh. About 45            has proved challenging, with negotiations between
percent of energy came from IEC’s two large coal-fired      the government and IEC management ongoing since
plants, while the remainder came almost entirely from       2002. In the meantime, a number of different blueprints
natural gas (see appendix C, tables C.1 and C.2). Use       of reform have been put forward. IEC itself envisions
of natural gas for electricity generation has expanded      becoming a holding company with subsidiaries for
rapidly during recent years, as a result of major Israeli   generation, distribution, transmission, and services,
gas discoveries in the eastern Mediterranean. See           with potential privatization of at least 49 percent of the
appendix C, table C.4 for the Israeli demand forecast.      generation and distribution subsidiaries. At the same

50 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
time, the recommendations of the government’s                  expected to be commissioned by 2022. As a result,
Yogev Committee in 2014 envisaged divestiture of               the market share of IPPs in Israeli power generation
some of IEC’s generation assets to cap market share            has climbed steeply, spurred by abundant availability of
at 58 percent, as well as a separate transmission              natural gas, already rising from 1 percent in 2009 to 33
system operator and the possibility of limited private-        percent in 2016 and projected to rise further to reach
sector entry into the distribution segment.                    40 percent by 2020 (see figure I-3.1). The rapid entry
                                                               of IPPs during a period of relatively flat demand growth
During the past decade, IEC has experienced severe             has helped to reduce generation costs, increase
financial difficulties and accumulated debts of NIS 65         reserve margins, and pave the way for the replacement
billion (US$16.6 billion) as of end 2015. A number             of aging coal plants.
of factors contributed to this situation, including the
employee union’s wage demands, the electricity                 A clear set of regulations governs commercial
regulator’s unwillingness to pass on costs deemed              transactions between IPPs and other market
inefficient into consumer tariffs, and substantial             participants. To stimulate the first generation of IPPs,
debt service obligations. The specific debt from the           the companies were provided with a safety net: IEC
Palestinian Authority, which reached NIS 2 billion             would purchase up to 80 percent of their power
(US$0.5 billion) in 2016, while substantial in absolute        production at normative tariffs set by PUA. As the
terms is a relatively small share of IEC’s overall debt        sector has matured, these financial supports have
burden (no more than 3 percent).                               been removed so that more recent IPPs operate as
                                                               merchant plants. Only transactions between IPPs and
Nevertheless, dramatic changes have already taken              IEC (the “essential services provider”) are currently
place as a result of the strong entry of IPPs. Since 2009,     subject to price regulations; all other transactions are
IEC has been prohibited from building new generation           deemed private and prices can be freely agreed by
plants, and there has been strong entry of gas-fired           bilateral negotiation. Sales from IPPs to IEC can take
IPPs that received construction and operation licenses         the form of capacity and energy contracts or energy-
from the PUA. Installed IPP capacity increased from            only contracts, with the former being subject to closer
some 100 MW in 2009 to some 5,500 MW at May                    regulation. IPPs are required to provide demand
2017, with further 4,000 MW already licensed and               forecasts for their customers and show how these

Figure I-3.1: Market Share of Israeli IPPs Climbs Steeply over Time




 Market Share (%)






                           2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014    2015     2016    2017    2018     2019    2020

                                                       Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 51
will be reliably met by a combination of their own           The West Bank and Gaza could also consider selling
generation and power purchased from other private            any future electricity surpluses to Israel. Any future
producers. They also need to provide IEC with day-           Palestinian IPP could potentially sell surplus electricity
ahead maintenance and output schedules for each              into the Israeli grid, and this would likely be a necessary
30-minute time interval.                                     backstop arrangement if PETL is to sign take-or-pay
                                                             contracts with future IPPs. The arrangements for
The next wave of IPPs will include a substantial scaling     trading surplus electricity would need to be agreed
up of renewable energy. The Israeli government has           to on a case-by-case basis and regulated in a power
introduced technology-specific feed-in tariffs. These        purchase agreement.
are designed to support scaling up of renewable
energy from levels of 2 percent in 2015 to reach             The West Bank and Gaza may stand to benefit from
targets of 10 percent renewable energy by 2020               time of-use pricing for Israeli electricity. The current
and 17 percent by 2030. This will lead to a second           renegotiation of the Palestinian Power Purchase
wave of policy- driven IPPs for renewable energy, and        Agreement with IEC, in the context of the switch to
will raise technical challenges for the Israeli system       high-voltage electricity imports, offers the opportunity
to accommodate a much higher share of variable               to benefit from the time-of-use tariff structures that
renewable energy.                                            have been developed by the PUA in Israel. This
                                                             offers potential advantages, given that the Palestinian
IMPLICATIONS FOR THE WEST BANK                               and Israeli daily and annual peaks do not coincide.
AND GAZA                                                     Historically, only Jerusalem District Electric Company
                                                             has been charged based on time-of-use, while
These recent developments in the Israeli electricity         other Palestinian imports have rather been charged
sector have significant implications for the future          based on the (less attractive) bulk supply tariff (see
energy plans of the West Bank and Gaza.                      appendix C, table C.9). On the retail side, Palestinian
                                                             distribution companies could also benefit from selling
The West Bank and Gaza will represent a growing              electricity to their consumers on a time-of-use basis,
share of IEC’s client base. As Palestinian electricity       which would encourage demand-side management
demand growth outpaces that in Israel, and as                and energy efficiency.
IEC’s share of the Israeli power market continues
to decline, the Palestinian Single Buyer PETL may            The West Bank and Gaza may need to purchase
represent an increasingly large share of IEC’s client        ancillary services from Israel. The current renegotiation
base, further intertwining the economic prospects of         of the Palestinian Power Purchase Agreement with
these two companies. This means that Palestinian             IEC will also need to consider the future role for
energy planning decisions, as well as the financial          management (or ancillary) services from IEC. This
viability of the Palestinian electricity sector, will have   is particularly relevant in the context of the planned
an increasingly large impact on IEC.                         construction of new Palestinian IPPs in the West
                                                             Bank based on gas-fired and renewable energy
The West Bank and Gaza will have the option of               technologies. As such new plants come on stream,
buying power from Israeli IPPs. With the growth of the       the West Bank will continue to require backup
Israeli IPP sector, the Palestinian single buyer would       services (such as reserves and system balancing) that
also increasingly have opportunities to purchase             are most efficiently provided by IEC, and for which
power directly from IPPs on negotiated commercial            PUA has already established regulatory tariffs (see
terms outside of the context of any intergovernmental        appendix C, table C.10).
framework. Given the relatively rapid pace of
Palestinian demand growth, this may make it                  Palestinian renewable energy plans need to be
an increasingly attractive market for Israeli IPPs.          coordinated with the Israeli system. Given that the
Nonetheless, this option may be difficult to pursue          Israeli power system is already contemplating a
until the Palestinian electricity sector reestablishes       substantial scaling up of variable renewable energy
a strong payment record with IEC. Moreover, a                generation, additional scaling up on the Palestinian
commercial power import agreement would likely also          system would need to be carefully coordinated
entail harder enforcement of payment discipline, given       with the Israeli system operator to ensure that the
that parallel fiscal channels would not be available.        additional variability is appropriately managed.

52 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza

Importing Natural Gas for
Domestic Power Generation

THE CURRENT CONTEXT                                           demand of 1 billion cubic meters (bcm) per year by
                                                              2030. Development of gas-fired power generation
The discovery of sizable gas resources in the eastern         capacity is one of the main options available to
Mediterranean has the potential to be game changing           support diversification away from Israeli power
for the region. Discoveries have been made in the             imports (although in itself that does nothing to
Levant Basin, a geological structure that straddles           diversify dependency away from Israel, if the gas is
the territorial waters of Cyprus, Israel, the Palestinian     imported from Israel). In the West Bank, plans are
territories, Lebanon, and Syria, and more recently,           already under way to commission a 400-megawatt
in Egypt’s Nile Delta Basin. Currently net energy             (MW) gas-fired combined-cycle power plant in the
importers,1 these countries are now faced with the            northern region of Jenin and potential subsequent
prospect of long-term energy self-sufficiency and             addition of a second plant of a similar scale in the
even energy exporting status, with the prospect of            southern region of Hebron. The associated natural
a new revenue stream for their economies. In 2010,            gas demand is estimated to start at 0.24 bcm per
the United States Geological Survey estimated that            year in the early 2020s and climb to 0.71 bcm per
there could be up to an additional 122 trillion cubic         year by 2030. In Gaza, the priority may be conversion
feet of undiscovered natural gas resources in the             of the Gaza Power Plant (GPP) from fuel to gas and
Levant Basin. As a result, the eastern Mediterranean          restoration of its full production capacity. This gas
is now the focus of much interest on the part of              conversion could save the Palestinian Authority as
major upstream investors. However, in the short to            much as NIS 164–226 million (US$45–62 million) per
medium term, the development and monetization of              year in its current fuel bills (depending on the price of
these resources present stakeholders with a set of            oil).2 This would create a gas demand of 0.21 bcm per
challenges over and above the standard technical              year by the mid-2020s, potentially climbing to 0.33
difficulties relating to the development of these             bcm per year by 2030 if further capacity expansion
resources. The challenges originate in the region’s           takes place. Demand for natural gas in the industrial
complex political make-up and include the downturn            sector is not expected to be economically viable due
of international gas prices, rapidly falling costs of solar   to the absence of major industries in the Palestinian
energy as an abundant alternative to gas, as well as          territories (see appendix D, table D.1).3 Therefore,
the underdeveloped nature of their energy and gas             referring to table I-4.1, the maximum estimated gas
utilization policies.                                         demand for the Palestinian territories would begin at
                                                              around 0.34 bcm per year in the early 2020s and climb
The West Bank and Gaza plan to use natural gas to             to a maximum of 1.04 bcm per year by 2030. (Further
support development of domestic gas-fired power-              details of the assumptions behind this forecast can be
generation capacity, leading to modest estimated              found in appendix D, tables D.2 and D.3).

                                                    Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 53
 YEAR                                             WEST BANK                   GAZA          WEST BANK AND GAZA
 2022                                                  0.24                      0.11                           0.34
 2023                                                  0.24                      0.11                           0.34
 2024                                                  0.47                      0.21                           0.69
 2025                                                  0.47                      0.21                           0.69
 2026                                                  0.47                     0.33                            0.80
 2027                                                  0.47                     0.33                            0.80
 2028                                                   0.71                    0.33                             1.04
 2029                                                   0.71                    0.33                             1.04
 2030                                                   0.71                    0.33                             1.04

Source: Information provided by Delek Drilling.

Israel has become a major natural gas producer due             The commissioning of Leviathan is expected in
to substantial offshore discoveries that began in 1999.        December 2019. The FID decision was delayed for
Since then, some 36 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of natural       three years due to domestic professional and public
gas were discovered offshore Israel (equivalent to             regulatory debates, including an antitrust case brought
over 1,000 bcm). About 94 percent of this resource is          against Noble Energy and Delek, the companies that
concentrated in just two huge fields: Tamar with 10.9          hold major equity stakes in both the Tamar and the
tcf and Leviathan with 21.9 tcf. To backup domestic            Leviathan fields. The case was eventually resolved
gas production, Israel connected in 2013 a Floating            in 2016 with the High Court authorization of the
Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) to the domestic gas         government-led Natural Gas Framework. According
pipe grid. The FSRU, located 10 kilometers offshore            to this framework, Noble Energy has agreed to
from the Israeli city of Haedera, enables imports of           partially divest its interests in the Tamar field and
modest quantities of liquified natural gas (LNG) at            Delek has agreed to divest all of its interests in the
prices that ranged during the period of 2016 to April          Tamar field. In addition, the two companies had to sell
2017 at NIS 18–26 (US$5–7) per million British thermal         their Karish and Tanin assets, which were purchased
units (MMBTU), excluding the FSRU leasing cost.                in 2016 by Energian Energy of Greece. It should be
                                                               noted, however, that geological reports suggest that
Tamar is the only offshore gas field active today and          current discoveries represent only about half of the
supplies the entirety of Israeli gas needs at prices           potential available in Israeli waters, providing the
ranging from NIS 17–24 (US$4.7–6.5) per MMBTU.                 basis for ongoing exploration efforts. In this regard,
The reliance of Israel on one gas source creates a             the Israeli government published in late 2016 its
major national security risk, since the entire gas             first offshore exploration round, tendering 24 blocks
supply is exposed to technical and security risks.             in its exclusive economic zone (each of 400 square
Hence, there is an urgent need for Israel to diversify         kilometers). Proposal are expected by July 2017.
its gas supply sources by developing additional                Table I-4.2 provides an overview of current Israeli
fields. Tamar’s gas production is also constrained by          natural gas discoveries and proven reserves.
a serious bottleneck in the submarine pipeline that
connects it to shore, since the capacity of the pipeline
is lower than the demand for gas in peak hours. In
February 2017, the developers of the larger Leviathan
field finally reached a final investment decision (FID)
for the NIS 14.6 billion (US$4 billion) development of
the field. (For further details of recent Israeli prices for
natural gas, see appendix D, table D.4.)

54 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
 FIELD                                       DATE OF DISCOVERY                  OPERATOR                 RESERVE (TCF)
 Noa                                                      1999                Noble Energy                           0.3*
 Mary Band                                                2000                Noble Energy                            1.0*
 Or                                                       2000                      Isramco                            0.1
 Dalit                                                    2009                Noble Energy                            0.5
 Tamar                                                    2009                Noble Energy                           10.9
 Leviathan                                                2010                Noble Energy                            21.9
 Tanin                                                     2011               Noble Energy                             1.2
 Dolphin                                                   2011               Noble Energy                             0.1
 Shimshon                                                 2012                      Isramco                           0.5
 Karish                                                   2013                Noble Energy                             1.8
 Total                                                                                                               38.2

Note: tcf = trillion cubic feet.
* These fields have already been depleted.

Israeli gas demand for both power generation                      create transparency in the market. According to the
and industry has been growing rapidly. Since the                  Natural Gas Framework for policy that was approved
discovery of domestic natural gas reserves, Israel                in 2016, gas export prices cannot be lower than
has been actively promoting a switch in its power-                average domestic prices. The regulatory regime for
generation mix from oil-fired to gas-fired, resulting             gas in Israel has been subject to considerable political
in annual savings to the economy estimated at NIS                 contention but appears to have now stabilized.
11 billion (US$3 billion) annually, as well as important
air quality benefits. Natural gas is also being taken             Once Leviathan comes on stream, there is the
up for industrial use. All this is bringing important             possibility that Israel will become a significant natural
fiscal proceeds to the Israeli economy, estimated to              gas exporter. Once under production, the Leviathan
amount to NIS 220 billion (US$60 billion) over the next           field will substantially exceed projected domestic gas
25 years. As a result, gas demand has already growth              demand, allowing Israel to become an exporter. In
from negligible levels in the early 2000s to 8.3 bcm              2013, the Zemach Committee established that 15
per year by 2015 and is projected to expand further,              tcf of Israeli reserves could be allocated for export
reaching 18 bcm per year by 2030.                                 purposes, as the balance was more than adequate
                                                                  to cover domestic needs for the next 30 years. Gas
Israel has a regulatory regime in place to govern                 export quotas could increase, however, as additional
its natural gas sector. Israel’s Natural Gas Authority            gas reserves are established.
was created in 2002 and has jurisdiction over both
economic and technical (safety) regulation of the                 Israel started to export gas to Jordan in 2017
sector. The Natural Gas Authority aims to create                  by supplying 1.8 bcm from the Tamar field. The
conditions suitable for private-sector development                destination was two of the Jordanian Arab Potash
of the gas sector through promoting competition                   plants that are located at the southern Dead Sea.
wherever possible, while regulating monopoly                      Moreover, in September 2016 Nobel Energy (on
segments of the industry. Israel operates an open                 behalf of the Leviathan partners) signed a final binding
third-party access regime for its gas transportation              45 bcm take-or-pay contract with the Jordanian
network, with regulated tariffs for the national                  state-owned electric utility National Electric Power
transportation company, Israeli Natural Gas Lines                 Company (NEPCO) for the supply of 3 bcm per
(INGL), as well as the local distributors. The prices             annum for 15 years. It is expected that additional
of the natural gas itself, however, are not subject to            Jordanian independent power producer (IPPs) and
regulation but rather determined through negotiation              industrial consumers may sign gas import contracts
between the parties, although negotiated prices and               with Leviathan in the near future.4
resulting profitability must be publicly disclosed to

                                                         Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 55
Israeli gas may also be exported to Egypt. An                                          openness to supply gas to the Palestinian territories
arrangement to export 5 bcm per year to the Egyptian                                   under commercial agreements, and a letter of intent
industrial sector is under discussion with Dolphinus                                   for Noble Energy to supply gas to the future Jenin
Holdings, possibly by reversing the flow of the idle                                   gas-fired power plant was signed in 2014 but later
EMG pipeline that previously supplied gas from                                         cancelled in 2015. Further discussions are reportedly
Egypt to Israel, or by utilizing the Arab Pipeline,                                    under way. Meanwhile, the Israeli authorities
once gas from Leviathan reaches Jordan (expected                                       have indicated the feasibility of interconnecting
at December 2019 or early 2020). In addition, two                                      the Palestinian territories with the Israeli gas
separate memoranda of understanding (MOUs) were                                        transportation infrastructure.
signed in 2014, to supply 4.5 bcm per year and 7 bcm
per year for 15 years, with Egyptian idle LNG export                                   The West Bank could relatively easily be supplied
facilities of Union Fenosa Gas and ENI in Dumyat and                                   with natural gas from Israel by constructing short
British Gas (currently Royal Dutch Shell) at Idku. It is                               spurs from the nearby Israeli gas-transportation
doubtful, however, whether these MOUs will evolve to                                   network. In the northern West Bank (see map I-4.1),
binding contracts, as market conditions have changed                                   the construction of only 15 kilometers of pipeline
significantly since 2014. The major hindering factors                                  from Afula (Israel) to the Jenin Industrial Zone, near
are the steep decrease in oil and LNG prices, on the                                   the border with Israel, could supply high-pressure
one hand, and the very large discoveries of additional                                 gas to the planned 400 MW Combined Cycle
gas fields in Egypt, with the leading discovery of Zohr                                Gas Turbine (CCGT) plant in Jenin. This work has
field by ENI in 2015, on the other.                                                    received the required authorizations from the Israeli
                                                                                       Civil Administration and is straightforward from a
Israel’s gas fields could provide an immediate source                                  technical standpoint. It could be conducted by INGL,
of gas for the West Bank and Gaza. Palestinian gas                                     the Israeli high-pressure gas transmission company,
demand, estimated to rise toward 1 bcm per year by                                     up to the border with the West Bank, at which point
2030, is tiny in relation to Israeli gas reserves already in                           another company will need to build the pipeline all
excess of 1,000 bcm. Israel has already indicated its                                  the way to the plant. The gas could flow through this

Map I-4.1: Natural Gas Supply Options to the West Bank
                                                                                                  IBRD 43945 | SEPTEMBER 2018
       Power plant
       CNG compression station
       CNG storage and pressure                                                     Jenin
       reduction station                                         Jenin Industrial
  Development Options
       15 km pipeline from Afula                            Tulkarm
       to Jenin IPP/industrial zone
       20 km pipeline form Kiryat Gat                                            Nablus
       to a prospective power station                    Qalqilyah
       (CCGT) in Tarkumiye region
       Pipeline from Jordan                                              Salfit
       to Jenin IPP/industrial zone
               Mediterranean                                         W es t B a n k
  Low pressure pipelines from the                                                                          JORDAN
  Jerusalem Natural GasS   ea
                         Company  to:
       Ramallah                                               Ramallah

       Bethlehem                                                                    Jericho

                                            I S R AE L

                                                                                            Dead Sea
        Armistice Demarcation Lines, 1949
        No-man’s Land Areas,
        Armistice G aza Line, 1949
        Administrative Boundary
        International Boundaries
                                                                                                        Schematic map; not to scale

56 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Map I-4.2: Natural Gas Supply Options to Gaza
                                                                                                          IBRD 43946 | SEPTEMBER 2018
                                    Tama lines from                                                             Ashdod
                                         r Field

                 Israeli EEZ                                                    Tamar Platform
                                                   Mary B Platform                                      Ashkelon
                                                    (field depleted)
                        Noa North (developed)

                                    Noa South                                                      Gaza

                                        Marine                                               Gaza IPP
                                                                                             Export to the
                                                                                             West Bank/Israel
       Egyptian EEZ                                                                                                ISRAEL
                                                       e)                 GAZA


                                                                                                           Armistice Demarcation Line, 1949
                                                                                                           International Boundary
                                                             ARAB REP.
                                   El-Arish                  OF EGYPT                                              Schematic map; not to scale

          Gas fields                                         Development Options
          Gas treatment facility                                 Ashkelon to Gaza pipeline (onshore)
          Offshore treatment platform                            Ashkelon to Gaza pipeline (offshore)
          Power plant                                            Gas treatment at Mary B / Tamar platforms
          CNG compression station                                Submarine pipeline to Ashkelon, treatment facility in Ashkelon
     Existing Pipelines                                          Utilization of EMG pipelines for gas transportation to Ashkelon,
                                                                 treatment facility in Ashkelon
          Tamar / Mary B / Israeli grid
                                                                 Gaza Marine to El-Arish (pipeline + treatment facility at
          El-Arish - Ashkelon EMG pipeline (idle)                El-Arish), export to Egypt and/or pipeline to Gaza
                                                                 Utilization of EMG pipeline for gas transportation to
                                                                 Gaza and Israel
                                                                 Treatment facility in Gaza (near Gaza IPP power station) and
                                                                 export of excess gas via Israel to the West Bank

pipeline within five years prior to the commissioning                                                   from the Jordanian grid to Jenin, over hilly terrain, and
of the Jenin gas-fired combined cycle power plant                                                       could be expected to cost more than US$100 million.
by 2022. The pipeline could deliver gas from Israeli                                                    It would also need to cross the Jordan River, which
sources (such as Tamar, Leviathan, or Karish-Tanin)                                                     is the border between Jordan and the West Bank,
or eventually others. A similar arrangement could be                                                    that is currently held by Israel. Given that a pipeline
envisaged in the southern West Bank. This would                                                         from Israel to Jordan is already planned to support
involve the construction of a high-pressure pipeline                                                    the export of Israeli gas, the same infrastructure could
from Kiryat Gat to the Tarkumiya area, west of Hebron,                                                  potentially be used to transport gas from Jordan into
to supply gas for a proposed future second gas-fired                                                    the West Bank using the same spur from the INGL
plant for the West Bank. This option is not expected                                                    network already noted.
to materialize before the end of the 2020s.
                                                                                                        It is also relatively straightforward (from a technical
An additional option that has sometimes been raised                                                     point of view) to supply Gaza with Israeli gas through
is the construction of a dedicated gas pipeline from                                                    a short dedicated pipeline from the Israeli production
Jordan to the northern West Bank. This could be                                                         terminal in nearby Ashkelon. There are two main
used to supply gas from the Arab gas pipeline or                                                        options for the supply of Israeli natural gas to Gaza.
imported LNG from Jordan (map I-4.1). While this                                                        The first option is the supply of Israeli gas through a
option is technically feasible, its economic viability                                                  high-pressure 18-kilometer pipeline from Ashkelon in
can be called into question. Such a dedicated pipeline                                                  Israel to GPP that is located to the south of Gaza City.
would need to be a relatively long 80-kilometer spur                                                    Technically it is a relatively simple project (8-kilometer

                                                                                      Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 57
                              OPTION 1                                 OPTION 2                     OPTION 3
 Anchor client                Israel and West Bank and                 Egypt and West Bank and      West Bank and Gaza
                              Gaza (possibly also Jordan)              Gaza
 Gas transportation           45-kilometer (km) offshore               70-km offshore pipeline      25-km offshore pipeline to
 infrastructure               pipeline to Ashkelon (Israel)            to El Arish (Egypt)          Mari B and Tamar Platforms
 Gas treatment                New gas treatment facility in            Supply to Gaza               Use existing offshore gas
 infrastructure               Ashkelon (Israel)                        or Egyptian market           treatment facility (Israel)
                                                                       or feed-gas to LNG
                                                                       liquefaction plants in
 Project duration             3–4 years                                3–4 years                    2 years
 Investment costs             US$1.2 billion–1.5 billion               US$1.2 billion–1.5 billion   US$0.3 billion–0.4 billion
 Required                     2.0 bcm per year                         2.0 bcm per year             0.2-0.3 bcm per year (rising in
 throughput                                                                                         a flexible manner
                                                                                                    with demand)
 Supply to Gaza               23-km pipeline from                      65-km pipeline from El       23-km pipeline from Ashkelon
                              Ashkelon (Israel) to GPP                 Arish (Egypt) to GPP         (Israel) to GPP
 Supply to West               Via injection into INGL gas              None                         Via injection into INGL gas
 Bank                         transportation network                                                transportation network

Note: bcm = billion cubic meters; GPP = Gaza Power Plant; LNG = liquified natural gas.

58 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
pipeline from Ashkelon to Erez, the Gaza crossing,         would also allow transportation of Palestinian gas into
and an additional 10 kilometers to the station). The       the West Bank through the Israeli gas transportation
European Union is currently sponsoring a technical         network, as already described.
study to support the Gas to Gaza initiative led by the
Quartet. The second option is the supply of Egyptian       The development of the Gaza Marine field would
gas via a 60-kilometer pipeline from El Arish to GPP.      bring significant fiscal revenues to the Palestinian
In addition to the Israeli discoveries, a much smaller     Authority. Based on a typical 60 percent public sector
Palestinian gas field has been discovered offshore         profit-sharing arrangement, it is estimated that Gaza
from Gaza. The so-called Gaza Marine field is located      Marine could bring fiscal proceeds of almost NIS
36 kilometers offshore from Gaza in relatively shallow     10 billion (US$2.7 billion) over its 25-year life. These
waters, and has estimated reserves of 1.2 tcf. In          would be phased as follows: NIS 146 million (US$40
November 1999, a 25-year contract for gas exploration      million) per year in the first 3 years of operation; NIS
and development of the field was signed between            310 million (US$85 million) per annum in the rest of
British Gas Group, the Consolidated Construction           the first decade of operation; and NIS 475 million
Company, and the Palestinian Investment Fund, a            (US$130 million) per annum in the next 15 years of
sovereign wealth vehicle that reinvests in Palestinian     operation. Out of these revenues, royalties set at
projects. The Palestinian Authority has recently           12.5 percent of sales would amount to 26 percent
renegotiated the terms of the concession agreement         of overall fiscal proceeds, with the remainder being
with British Gas to grant a 15-year extension and          taxes.5 In 2005, the Palestinian Authority signed an
increase the Palestinian Investment Fund equity share      agreement in principle to sell the natural gas to the
from 10.0 percent to 17.5 percent and limit British        government of Egypt via the terminal at El Arish, but
Gas rights to Gaza Marine only.                            this deal did not receive Israeli approval. From 2006
                                                           to 2008, negotiations took place with Israeli Electric
The development of the Gaza Marine field is highly         Corporation regarding possible sale of the gas to
contingent on securing export markets, since the           Israel via the terminal at Ashkelon. Due to the failure to
Palestinian market is too small to justify the necessary   reach a purchase agreement, the private companies
investment. It has been estimated that the Gaza Marine     pulled out, and the development of the Gaza Marine
field would need to be developed with a throughput of      field has subsequently been on hold.
2 bcm per year in order to provide adequate returns
to the necessary investment of NIS 3.6–4.4 billion         IMPLICATIONS FOR THE WEST BANK
(US$1.0–1.2 billion). This is about twice the maximum      AND GAZA
levels of demand that could be reached in the West
Bank and Gaza by 2030. Hence, the development of           These recent developments in the natural gas sector
the field is contingent on securing a suitable export      have significant implications for the future energy
agreement, either to Israel (and possibly Jordan) or to    plans of the West Bank and Gaza.
Egypt. The first option of export to Israel would entail
construction of an offshore pipeline to Ashkelon in        The development of gas-fired power-generation
Israel, where a new gas treatment plant could also be      plants in the Palestinian territories should not be
located. The second option of export to Egypt would        contingent on development of Gaza Marine. Given
be based on an offshore pipeline to El Arish in Egypt      the relatively small initial levels of Palestinian gas
and use of the gas as feedstock in the Egyptian LNG        demand, their relatively slow ramp-up, and the
export terminal at Idku. A third possible option would     unproven creditworthiness of the West Bank and
be to develop the Gaza Marine field at a lower level of    Gaza as a purchaser of natural gas, it does not look
throughput more compatible with domestic demand.           practical to base development of Palestinian gas-
This could be viable if existing Israeli infrastructure    fired power generation on development of Palestinian
could be shared with the Tamar field and the soon to       gas resources. Instead, the well-established Israeli
be depleted Mari B field, which are located relatively     gas market with its abundant reserves provides a
nearby, reducing development costs to NIS 910              more practical immediate source of gas for the West
million (US$250 million). The main features of the         Bank and Gaza, with the ability to supply at relatively
three options are summarized in table I-4.3. In all        small volumes, providing flexibility for demand growth
three cases, a part of the gas could be brought back       (although the Palestinian credit worthiness issue still
by pipeline into Gaza, as noted. The two Israel options    needs to be addressed).

                                                  Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 59
There may be strategic value in developing gas                  previously shown an interest in Palestinian gas, the
transportation links between Israel and the Palestinian         recent agreement of import arrangements with Israel
territories. Whether gas is ultimately sourced from             may limit the scope for this. Given the uncertainties
Israeli or Palestinian sources, connecting the West             surrounding all the potential export possibilities, the
Bank and Gaza to the Israeli gas transportation                 option of developing Gaza Marine at a slower pace
infrastructure looks to be a necessary prerequisite for         that could be entirely absorbed by the Palestinian
accessing any gas supplies. Fortunately, the required           market could prove to be a practical solution for
investments to connect the West Bank and Gaza                   getting the project off the ground. However, it may
to the Israeli high-pressure gas grid are relatively            be more feasible to get this project off the ground
small. These costs are estimated at some NIS 55                 once some gas-fired generation capacity has been
million (US$15 million) to connect the prospective              built in the West Bank and Gaza, the required gas
Jenin IPP in the northern West Bank, and some                   transportation infrastructure is in place, and a track
NIS 73 million (US$20 million) to connect Gaza IPP.             record of payment has been established based on
These connections have already been established                 experience with Israeli gas imports.
as technically and economically viable and seem
to have some political support from both the Israeli            Any gas-import agreement with Israel should not
government and the Palestinian Authority.                       foreclose the eventual development of Gaza Marine.
                                                                If the ultimate goal is to anchor the development of
The main economic benefit of the Gaza Marine project            Gaza Marine from an established base of Palestinian
to the West Bank and Gaza lies in its contribution to           gas consumption, it would be important to ensure
fiscal balance rather than to energy security. In view          that any gas import agreements with Israel provide
of the preceding considerations, it is clear that Gaza          adequate flexibility for an eventual transition from
Marine gas is not critical to the development of gas-           Israeli to Palestinian gas supplies. However, it is likely
fired generation capabilities in the Palestinian territories.   that this flexibility will come at a cost premium relative
Nor does it necessarily guarantee greater energy                to a longer term rigid take-or-pay arrangement for the
independence to the West Bank and Gaza, given                   supply of gas.
that Palestinian gas would in any case need to travel
through Israeli infrastructure to reach the West Bank or        Development of gas-fired power in the West Bank
Gaza. It follows, therefore, that the main advantage of         and Gaza may in future become uneconomic. Given
developing Gaza Marine may lie in its contribution to           the rapid pace of development of solar photovoltaics,
public finances rather than to energy security.                 concentrated solar power, and energy storage
                                                                technologies, it should not be precluded that gas-
There may be merit in considering the smaller scale             fired power will become uneconomic in the West
development options for Gaza Marine. It is unclear              Bank and Gaza, or simply less desirable given the
whether export arrangements of Gaza Marine gas                  energy security advantages for solar energy. Solar
to either Israel, Jordan, or Egypt would prove to be            energy supply to the West Bank and Gaza could be
feasible. Israel itself is on the brink of having a large       from Palestinian territory and/or from Jordan (which
gas surplus, once the Leviathan field comes on                  is scaling up solar energy very rapidly) and/or from
stream. Egypt, on the other hand, has become a                  Egypt (which is planning to scale up solar).
significant importer of LNG (rather than an exporter
as previously envisaged), although this may change
with the discovery of the Zohr field. While Jordan has

60 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
1	   With the partial exception of Egypt, which has oscillated between being a net importer and a net exporter.
2	   The exact magnitude of the savings is sensitive to the oil price and is estimated at current oil prices of US$50 per barrel and prevailing gas prices for
     independent power producers in Israel. The savings could increase to NIS 226 million (US$62 million) per annum in case oil prices increase to US$100
     per barrel.
3	   The existing factories could be converted to natural gas supplied in compressed natural gas form (by road tankers). But their modest consumption of
     diesel and liquified petroleum gas and current oil prices do not make it a viable option.
4	   It should be noted that no existing IPP in Jordan purchases its own fuel; all supplied with fuel by NEPCO, at NEPCO’s own risk.
5	   These results derive from the following simplistic assumptions: Gaza Marine development via the Tamar Platform scheme; development costs of $250
     million; gas treatment and variable costs of $1 per MMBTU and gas price of $5 per MMBTU. Gas production quantities would be 0.5 BCM per year in
     the first 3 years of operation, 1 BCM per year in the next 7 years of operation, and 1.5 BCM per year in the next 15 years of operation.

                                                                     Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 61

Importing Electricity from
Jordan and Egypt

CURRENT CONTEXT                                           The upgrade of the existing connection inside Jericho
                                                          from 33 kV to 132 kV would further increase power
In addition to its power imports from Israel, the West    supply in the West Bank and diversify Palestinian
Bank and Gaza also have the possibility to consider       electricity sources. This project is backed by
further increasing the current modest imports from        Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority
Jordan and Egypt. The validity of these options           and JDECO, and its execution would be highly
depends to a considerable extent on the domestic          desirable. Other options, such as a 400 kV connection
power sector situation in each of these neighboring       to the Jordanian Samra 400 kV substation, have been
countries, as well as the relative costs of their power   assessed in the past but are more costly and more
export tariffs compared with Israel and domestic          complex. The Jordanian substation has sufficient
Palestinian options. Expanding imports from either of     space for extensions by two 400 kV line bays, and
these countries would also entail significant upgrades    there is also the possibility of extending the Samra
to cross-border transmission infrastructure, which is     Thermal Power Plant in Jordan, to supply additional
currently quite modest, and would require various         energy if required.2
levels of political and governmental approvals to allow
permitting for construction. For both countries, the      Since Palestinian power demand is not integrated
lack of payment security from Palestinian buyers is       into Jordanian power sector expansion plans, only
also a concern, as the risk of nonpayment is deemed       surplus Jordanian power is available for export. Given
high, and unlike Israel, neither Egypt nor Jordan has     the relatively small size of the Jordanian system,
access to the controversial net lending mechanism         total power demand in the West Bank currently
to recover their costs. Finally, although Jordan is       represents about one-third of Jordanian demand.
typically considered as a supplier to the West Bank       The quantities available for export are determined on
and Egypt to Gaza, since Egypt and Jordan are             an hourly basis by the available capacity in Jordan
fully connected it is—at least in principle—possible      as well as the evolving Jordanian load. Nevertheless,
to envisage Jordanian power flowing to Gaza via           Jordan’s National Electric Power Company has been
Egypt or Egyptian power flowing to the West Bank          responding positively to requests for firm power
via Jordan.                                               export from Jordan to the West Bank. In a recent visit
                                                          to Amman, the Palestinian minister of energy agreed
JORDAN                                                    with the Jordanian counterparts to accelerate efforts
                                                          to upgrade the existing connection inside Jericho
In 2008, the West Bank started importing 20               from 33 kV to 132 kV.3
megawatts (MW) of power from the Jordanian grid
through a 33 kilovolt (kV) feeder to Jericho. The         Jordan’s successful transformation of its energy
Palestinian strategy was to reduce its dependence         sector has increased its capability to export power
on Israeli electricity supply and access the Arab         to the West Bank. As recently as 2010-2015, Jordan
network in a moment when Israeli electricity supply       faced an electricity supply crisis due to a shortage
to the Gaza Strip was being reduced.1 The Jericho         of natural gas in Egypt that led to the curtailment
area was disconnected from the Israeli power grid         of Egyptian fuel and power imports, and forced the
and connected to the Jordanian grid. Since then, the      country to switch its plants over to Heavy Fuel Oil
Jerusalem District Electricity Company (JDECO) has        with serious financial consequences. This situation
been managing a separate electricity supply system        has largely been turned around by the installation
for the customers in the Jericho area.                    of an FSRU at Aqaba allowing the import of LNG so

62 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
that thermal plants could revert to running on natural                            purchases power from Israeli Electric Corporation
gas. The recent signature of a Gas Sales Agreement                                (IEC) on a time-of-use basis, with different costs
GSA) with the US-based Noble Energy for gas from                                  based on the time of day and season. At the same
Israel’s Tamar and Leviathan fields, will allow Jordan                            time, JDECO arbitrages IEC costs against Jordan
to displace part of its LNG imports with natural gas                              time-of-use rates, which are made up of a capacity
reducing the cost of power generation. While Jordan                               charge component and a day-versus-night tariff rate.
was also interested in exploring imports of Palestinian                           Typically, during fall and spring, when Palestinian
gas from Gaza Marine, it remains unclear when such                                loads are smaller, JDECO buys exclusively from IEC,
gas may become available. As a result of these                                    whose rates are much lower than Jordan’s. However,
measures, Jordan has restored its reserve margin                                  during summer and winter, when Palestinian loads
to the prudent 10-15 percent range. In addition, the                              are high and IEC tariffs increase (see figure I-5.1),
country has 1,300 MW of renewable energy in the                                   JDECO may purchase power from Jordan, as tariffs
pipeline, which due to their variable nature are not                              rates are within 10–15 percent difference. It should
counting towards the reserve margin. Hence, Jordan                                be noted that the Palestinian Authority pays back
is likely to enjoy electricity surpluses in the medium                            to JDECO the difference in price between IEC and
term and would be well positioned to increase                                     Jordanian tariff rates, as JDECO is obliged to follow
electricity exports to the West Bank.                                             PERC’s unified tariff, which is set using the IEC price
                                                                                  only. A fundamental reason for the cost differential
A key issue driving the decision of how much to rely                              between Israeli and Jordanian power lies in the fact
on Jordanian imports is their relative cost. Historically,                        that Israeli power generation is increasingly based on
the cost of electricity imports from Jordan to the West                           relatively low-cost domestic gas, while that in Jordan
Bank, through JDECO, have been based on a special                                 it is based on significantly more expensive imports of
import tariff averaging NIS 0.51–0.55 (US$0.14–0.15)                              LNG. This differential will come down as Jordan starts
per kilowatt hour (kWh), which is significantly more                              to rely on Israeli imports of natural gas, although it is
expensive than the Israeli import tariff averaging                                unlikely to disappear entirely.
NIS 0.33–0.40 (US$0.09–0.11) per kWh. JDECO

Figure I-5.1: IEC Time-of-Use High Voltage Tariff versus Jordan Average Annual

                                            WINTER                           TRANSITION                                   SUMMER

Tariff (Agorots per KWH)




                                 Off-peak   Shoulder   Peak      Off-peak       Shoulder          Peak         Off-peak   Shoulder   Peak

                                                         High Voltage                        Jordan 2015 average tariff

Source: Information provided by Israeli Electric Corporation and Palestinian Electricity Regulatory Council.
Note: TOU = time-of-use.
*IEC time-of-use high voltage tariff set as of September 13, 2015.
**Jordan 2015 annual average tariff.

                                                                        Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 63
Increasing energy imports from Jordan is key to                          Increasing connection capacity from Egypt into Gaza
diversifying energy sources through regional trade.                      is a technically feasible option. It would have minimal
Jordan is willing to act as a transit country for Palestinian            impact on the Egyptian power system, because
trade with third parties and already has a well-                         current exports represent only 0.1 percent of total
established wheeling tariff and associated regulations.                  current consumption in Egypt. (Indeed, total electricity
Strengthening connection with the Jordanian grid                         demand in the West Bank and Gaza is no more than
would allow access to Egyptian power supply as well                      2–3 percent of Egyptian demand.) The construction of
as the eight-country Arab regional grid comprised of                     a 220-kV transmission line from Egypt into Gaza has
Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Libya, Lebanon, and                  been considered in the past. The Islamic Development
the West Bank and Gaza. In terms of natural gas, as                      Bank had agreed to finance two 22-kV feeders from
noted, an approximately60-kilometer branch from the                      Egypt to Gaza, which would have increased the import
Arab Gas Pipeline from Jordan into the West Bank                         capacity to 60 MW, but the project was put on hold.
would allow export of gas for the Palestinian energy
sector. This would require agreement from the four                       Egypt has successfully turned around its recent
nations (Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria) that are                     power supply crisis and is heading for a substantial
members of the Arab Gas Pipeline.                                        electricity surplus. A shortage of domestic gas supply
                                                                         led to a serious power supply crisis in Egypt during
EGYPT                                                                    the summer of 2014, resulting in rolling blackouts
                                                                         and social unrest. Since then, the government has
Gaza imports 20–30 MW of power from Egypt to                             taken decisive measures to expand electricity supply
the Gaza Strip during a limited number of hours per                      through contracting emergency plants, establishing
day. This restricted service is frequently interrupted                   three new floating LNG import terminals at Ain
due to lack of maintenance of the lines and security                     Sokhna to compensate for the shortage of domestic
concerns in the Sinai Peninsula. In addition, the                        gas, and contracting the development of over 18
electricity supplied is of poor quality, with voltage and                gigawatts (GW) of new thermal generation capacity,
frequency deviations causing damage to sensitive                         most notably through a large bilateral deal with
electronic equipment, such as magnetic resonance                         Siemens of Germany for the development of a new
imaging machines at hospitals. Egypt provides 14                         generation of efficient CCGT plants. As a result,
percent of Gaza’s energy supply through three feeder                     Egypt’s fossil-fuel generation capacity is expected
lines from the Al Arish power plant in Northern Sinai                    to double between 2015 and 2021, even as some
at an average tariff of NIS 0.27 (US$0.07) per kWh,                      4 GW of new renewable energy capacity also come
almost 40 percent lower than the Israeli import price.                   online. Demand is unlikely to keep up with this rapid
Unlike all other cross-border electricity transactions                   growth, so that, in the absence of major capacity
with Egypt, which have the Egyptian Electricity                          retirements, the average capacity utilization of fossil
Transportation Company as the contractual party,                         power plants will fall from 54 percent in 2015 to 41
the export of power to Gaza is managed through an                        percent in 2021 (see table I-5.1 and appendix E, table
agreement with the local Canal Distribution Company                      E.1 for additional detail). As a result, Egypt is moving
in Sinai. The total monthly cost of Egyptian power                       from a 5 GW power deficit in 2014 to potentially a
imports is NIS 3.7 million (US$1 million), which is                      substantial power surplus by 2021, opening up the
entirely paid by the League of Arab States.                              possibility of significantly expanding power exports
                                                                         and other domestic uses of electricity.

                                                UNIT        2015        2016      2017      2018      2019      2020       2021
 Capacity utilization factor                        %             54      55        52        44        40         41         41
 Marginal economic cost               US$ per kWh           0.04        0.03      0.04      0.05      0.05       0.06      0.06
 Electricity supply                     ‘000s GWh           161.9       171.7    178.6      188.6     199.1     210.2     223.2
 Generation capacity                              GW             21.3   22.3      25.9      33.6       39.6       41.2     44.8

Note: kWh = kilowatt hour; GWh = gigawatt hour; GW = gigawatt.

64 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Map I-5.1: Zohr Gas Discovery and Surrounding Infrastructure

   0           50             100 Kilometers
                                                                                                              IBRD 43947 | SEPTEMBER 2018

                                               Medit err a ne a n Se a

                                                  Total (100%)
                                                                        Total (100%)
                           ENI (100%)                                                                       Leviathan

                                                                 Zohr                                                    Tamar
   BP (100%)                BP (100%)            ENI (100%)
                                                                  ENI (100%)
                                                                                  Petro Celtic (50%)
                                                                                  Edison (50%)


                    ELNG                                          Damietta LNG
                                   AR AB R E P. OF EG YPT

   Offshore Fields                                       Offshore Blocks
        Zohr Gas                                              Licensed                                 Armistice Demarcation Lines, 1949
          Other Gas, Gas/Condensate                                Relinquished                        International Boundaries
          Oil, Oil & Gas
          Field Grouping                                                                               Source: Wood Mackenzie; Deutsche Bank.

Egypt’s declining domestic gas production received a                                          reform agenda has helped to restore private-sector
boost from the discovery of the Zohr field in 2015. Th-s                                      confidence and underpinned the current development
offshore deep water field could hold a potential of 30                                        of the Zohr field. Due to its strategic location close to the
trillion cubic feet (tcf) of lean gas, making it the largest                                  boundary of Egyptian, Cypriot, and Israeli water, and the
gas discovery in Egypt and one of the largest globally                                        availability of stranded LNG export facilities in Egypt, the
over the past decade. Assuming that 75 percent of the                                         Zohr field also has the potential to become a gas hub for
gas can be recovered, the field would add around 22 tcf,                                      LNG export from the region (see map I-5.1).
or 34 percent to Egypt’s natural gas reserves, equivalent
to about 12 years of current natural gas consumption.                                         The cost of Egyptian electricity imports compares
ENI’s announced development plan envisages the start                                          favorably with those of Israel. Domestic electricity
of production by the end of 2017, just two years after                                        tariffs in Egypt, at an average level of NIS 0.08
the discovery, with a progressive ramp up to a volume of                                      (US$0.02) per kWh, compare favorably with Israel,
about 2.7 billion cubic feet of gas per day by 2019. This                                     although they are distorted by significant subsidies,
discovery promises to reverse the fortunes of Egypt’s gas                                     both to the power sector and the upstream fuels
sector, which had been in long-term decline, switching                                        sector, which are currently in the process of being
from exporting to importing status in 2015. This was                                          unraveled. The current cost recovery benchmark tariff
due to an unfavorable energy-pricing regime, mounting                                         is in the order of NIS 0.15 (US$0.04) per kWh. Historic
arrears to international oil and gas companies, and social                                    exports to Gaza have also been priced at a favorable
unrest following the Arab Spring. An ambitious policy                                         rate of NIS 0.27 (US$0.07) per kWh.

                                                                               Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 65
IMPLICATIONS FOR THE WEST BANK                            From a technical standpoint, the relative sizes of the
AND GAZA                                                  different power systems also facilitate reliance on
                                                          Egypt. Another important difference lies in the scale
These recent developments in the electricity sectors      of the two neighbors’ power sectors. The Egyptian
of neighboring Jordan and Egypt have significant          sector is more than 10 times larger than the Jordanian
implications for the future energy plans of the West      one—Palestinian electricity demand represents more
Bank and Gaza.                                            than 30 percent of Jordanian demand but less than
                                                          3 percent of Egyptian demand. This has important
Jordan and Egypt have recently overcome major,            implications for energy planning. Any significant
related power supply crises and are well on their way     increase in imports from Jordan would eventually
to having significant power surpluses. The recent         suggest the need for closer coordination between
electricity supply crisis in Egypt, due to declining      the two countries on energy planning. Imports from
availability of domestic gas, triggered a second crisis   Egypt could be substantially increased without any
in Jordan, as Egyptian imports to that country had to     real impact on the Egyptian system.
be curtailed. Both countries have acted decisively to
address their respective crises and are emerging with     From a political and security standpoint, however,
significantly expanded power-generation capacity          power imports from Jordan may be more feasible
and greatly enhanced energy security. Both countries      than those from Egypt. Despite the technical and
are beginning to face the prospect of electricity         economic advantages of Egyptian power, cross-
surpluses, a modest surplus in Jordan of the order        border power cooperation with Jordan is significantly
of 100s of MW and a much more substantial surplus         more advanced for political reasons. For a number of
in Egypt of the order of 1,000s of MW. As a result,       reasons, ranging from political upheaval and security
both countries will have power available for export       concerns in the Sinai to the recent curtailment of
during the coming years, which would greatly help in      power exports to Jordan, Egypt’s reputation as a
the diversification efforts of the West Bank and Gaza.    reliable source of electricity has been prejudiced. At
                                                          the same time, political relations between Egypt and
From an economic standpoint, power imports from           Gaza have been increasingly strained. On the other
Egypt look more attractive than those from Jordan.        hand, political relations with Jordan remain strong and
The characteristics of potential power imports from       constructive dialogue has already been established.
Jordan and Egypt look quite different. Egyptian
power looks to be lower cost than Israeli power,          Further upgrading of electricity imports from Jordan
while Jordanian power looks to be higher cost than        will require approvals from Israel over access to Area
Israeli power. Since all three countries are heavily      C. Any expansion of or addition to the current cross-
dependent on natural gas, this difference largely boils   border power line to Jordan traverses Area C of the
down to the cost of gas. In Egypt, domestic gas has       West Bank and as a result will require Israeli approval,
historically been low cost, as the gas reserves are in    even for the upgrade of the existing lines.
shallow waters. In Israel, gas prices are higher as the
gas reserves are in deeper waters. In Jordan, gas
prices are the highest, as they do not have domestic
gas supply and rely on more expensive LNG imports.

66 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
1	   This is described in “Palestinians Plug Jericho into Jordan’s Power Grid,” Reuters, February 15, 2008, http://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinians-
2	   For more on this see Palestinian Energy Authority and Norconsult. 2008. Interconnection of the Electrical Networks of Egypt—Gaza Strip and Jordan-
     West Ban. Sandvika, Norway: Norconsult.
3	   More information can be found in World Bank. 2016. “Aide Memoire.” Washington, DC: World Bank.

                                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 67

Developing Domestic
Renewable Power Generation

THE CURRENT CONTEXT                                                  dropped more than 80 percent since 2010.1 1 In
                                                                     addition, neighboring Jordan has received bids as
Renewable energy represents the only truly                           low as NIS 0.22 (US$0.06) per kilowatt hour (kWh),
independent form of power supply that does not rely                  which is almost half the price of Israeli Electric
on imports of electricity or fuel. Currently, over 96                Corporation (IEC) imports. Nevertheless, care should
percent of Palestinian energy supply is dependent                    be taken in comparing simplistic unit costs between
on Israel in terms of either direct electricity imports              firm sources of energy, like IEC imports, and variable
or fuel imports for the Gaza Power Plant (GPP). In                   sources, like solar generation. In addition, the political
the future, there are plans to increase domestic gas-                and economic climate in Jordan are significantly
fired generation capacity. However, unless the Gaza                  better than in the West Bank and Gaza, making it
Marine field is developed—which is difficult, given                  a more conducive environment for investment and
the complex geopolitical context—the fuel for these                  private-sector involvement. Nevertheless, the West
power plants would also have to be imported from                     Bank and Gaza are located in a region rich with the
Israel. Even if Gaza Marine were to be developed, the                sun’s energy. With 3,000 sunshine hours per year and
import of the fuel would likely still entail reliance on             global horizontal irradiance over 2,000 kilowatt-hours
Israeli gas transportation infrastructure. Renewable                 per meter squared, the West Bank and Gaza rank
energy, particularly solar, is the only source that can              among the world’s top locations for construction of
be independently produced on Palestinian soil.                       solar systems. Solar energy represents one of the few
                                                                     untapped supply options for the West Bank and Gaza,
As the cost of solar energy continues to decline,                    in a context where negotiations with neighboring
the option looks increasingly attractive for the West                countries on increasing power supply options have
Bank and Gaza. As shown in figure I-6.1, the cost                    proven difficult to advance.
of rooftop photovoltaics and utility-scale solar have

Figure I-6.1: Recent and Projected Declines in the Unit Cost of Renewable Energy

Capital cost (US$ per KW)







                                  Rooftop Solar   Utility Scale PV    CSP                  Wind                 Biomass

                                                            2010          2016                2030

68 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                        2020 TARGET (MW)            ACHIEVED BY 2017 (MW)
 Rooftop Solar                                                                 25                                1.5
 Utility-scale PV and CSP                                                     40                                  16
 Wind                                                                         44                                  0
 Biogas (animal and landfill)                                                  21                               0.5
 Total                                                                       130                                  18

Note: PENRA = Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority; MW = megawatt; PV = photovoltaic; CSP = concentrated
solar power.

Nevertheless, it is proving challenging to kickstart                     and C). However, obtaining construction permits in
renewable energy investment in the Palestinian                           Area C is extremely difficult, with only 3.5 percent
context. The Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources                    of construction permits submitted by Palestinians
Authority’s (PENRA’s) renewable energy targets, set in                   to the Israeli Civil Administration to build in Area C
2012, aim to generate 130 megawatts (MW) of power                        having been approved in 2015. Again, due to land
supply from domestic renewable resources by 2020.                        constraints—less severe for the West Bank than Gaza
As of March 2017, less than 15 percent of that target                    but nonetheless real—the total renewable potential of
had been achieved (see table I-6.1). After a slow                        Areas A and B amounts to just 707 MW, of which over
start, interest in renewables has noticeably increased                   75 percent is in the form of rooftop solar. The larger
in the past three to four years, following the cabinet                   prevalence of houses in the West Bank, as well as the
adoption of the renewable energy strategy in 2012                        larger population, makes the rooftop potential much
and the promulgation of the Palestinian Renewable                        larger than for Gaza. Third, as much as 98 percent
Energy Laws released in 2015. This young sector has                      of renewable energy potential in the West Bank and
faced two main challenges to date. They include an                       Gaza takes the form of solar, due to limited suitability
inability to secure a power purchase agreement with                      for wind or availability of biomass.
a bankable off-taker, and there is a lack of available
transmission infrastructure for power evacuation.                        Wind faces land limitations similar to utility-scale PV
Investors are deterred by the context that, given                        and needs to be firmed up due to its intermittent
the current circumstances, could result in significant                   nature. Because of safety concerns, wind farms cannot
construction delays and high risk of payment default.                    be built in densely populated urban centers. In Gaza,
                                                                         this means wind production is not possible. In addition,
If these obstacles were addressed, the potential for                     wind speeds are not sufficient in Gaza. In the West
renewable energy development in the West Bank and                        Bank, the densely populated Area A is not suitable for
Gaza could go far beyond current policy targets. In                      wind generation. On the other hand, similar to utility-
fact, based on a survey of the available potential, the                  scale PV, Area C is not accessible for construction.
existing renewable energy target could be increased                      The limited sites in the West Bank with the right height,
by more than 30 times, as highlighted in table I-6.2,                    orientation, and wind speed are located close to the
for a total of 4,246 MW. (See appendix F, tables F.1                     Israeli border, which presents a security concern to
through F.5 for full calculations and assumptions).                      the Israeli side. Also, the intermittency of wind would
However, there are a number of important points to                       have to be firmed up with additional power supply likely
note. First, about 96 percent of the identified potential                having to come from Israel.
is in the West Bank. Only 165 MW of potential have
been identified for Gaza, and this is almost exclusively                 Biogas plants are dispatchable and do not face land
in the form of rooftop solar, due to extreme land                        restrictions but are limited in terms of scalability.
constraints and vertical patterns of urbanization.                       Small, distributed biogas digesters can be located
Second, about 83 percent of the potential identified                     close to their associated farms. The larger biogas
for the West Bank is located in Area C (see appendix                     power plants for landfills can be built on site. Power
G, map G.3 for map and explanation of areas A, B                         from biogas plants is dispatchable because gas

                                                             Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 69
                                                             Utility-scale PV or CSPa
                                                            Areas A and B                                                   Area C               Total
 West Bank                                                                103                                                 3,374              3,477
 Gaza                                                                        0                                                                        0
                                                                   Rooftop solarb
                                                                Residential                      Public               Commercial                 Total
 West Bank                                                               490                          13                           31              534
 Gaza                                                                     136                          8                           19               163
                                                               Windc and biomassd
                                                      Wind Areas A, B, C         Biomass (animals)             Biomass (landfill)                Total
 West Bank                                                                 45                          7                           18               70
 Gaza                                                                        0                         2                           0                  2
 West Bank                                                                                                                                       4,081
 Gaza                                                                                                                                               165
 West Bank and Gaza                                                                                                                             4,246

Note: MW = megawatt; PV = photovoltaic; CSP = concentrated solar power.
a Assumptions: According to PETL and PEC, 0.12 percent of Area A and B and 3 percent of Area C are available for solar installations. The land requirement
is ~28 square meters (m2) per kilowatt peak (kWp), including space for control rooms and so forth.
b Assumptions: According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statics and the Palestinian Energy and Environmental Research Center, in the West Bank and
Gaza there are over 400,000 residential, 2,500 public-sector, and 5,000 commercial sector rooftops. The rooftop areas range from 150–300 m2, and between
30–50 percent of the rooftops are available for solar installations. The rooftop space requirement is 9 m2 per KWp.
c Assumptions: In hilly regions of the West Bank, wind speeds are 4–8 meters per second for regions above 1,000 meters. The land requirement is ~210 to
330 m2 per KWp.
d Assumptions: Three landfills in the West Bank (Jenin, Ramallah, and Hebron) each take in 800 tons of waste per day and produce 41,800 m3 of biogas,
which can be converted to 251 megawatt hours (MWh) per day. For animal waste, assuming approximately 172 animal digesters making a total of 750 MWh
per day.

output is constant, and an operator can choose                                 figures represent the U.S. solar market and could be
when to generate power. This eliminates the need for                           higher in the West Bank and Gaza to compensate
firming up arrangements through backup generation.                             for the higher risk environment. In addition, cost
Biogas generation will decline over time but can be                            comparisons between PV and concentrated solar
considered relatively constant until 2030. Although                            power (CSP) technologies are complicated by the
biogas is an excellent supply option, it is limited in                         fact that CSP provides some degree of storage and
scale and cannot be scaled up.                                                 hence greater flexibility of use.

By 2030, rooftop solar and utility-scale photovoltaic                          There is considerable potential to use rooftop solar as
(PV) are expected to have the lowest combined capital                          an electricity safety net for institutions fulfilling critical
expenditure as well as fixed and variable operating                            humanitarian roles, particularly in Gaza. Box I-6.1
and maintenance costs. The 2016 and forecast 2030                              describes how health facilities in Gaza are benefiting
capital costs, as well as fixed and variable operation                         from a switch away from backup diesel to rooftop
and maintenance costs for these supply options, are                            solar generation.
shown in table I-6.3.2 2 It should be noted that these

70 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                    ROOFTOP SOLAR             UTILITY-SCALE PV               CSP      WIND       BIOMASS
 Capital costs (US$ per kW)                                         2,930                     1,600       4,800        1,580          3,984
 Fixed O&M (US$ per kW per year)                                         17                        15          63          51            107
 Variable O&M (US$ per MWh)                                              0                          0           4           0              5
 Capital costs (US$ per kW)                                         1,500                      1,000     3,000         1,290          3,750
 Fixed O&M (US$ per kW per year)                                        10                          8        40           49             107
 Variable O&M (US$ per MWh)                                              0                          0          4            0              5

Note: MW = megawatt; PV = photovoltaic; CSP = concentrated solar power; kW = kilowatt; MWh = megawatt hour; O&M = Operation and maintenance.

    Box I-6.1: Contribution of Rooftop Solar to meet Critical Energy Needs in
    Gaza’s Health Facilities

    The United Nations (UN) has been delivering emergency fuel supply to a subset of critical health and
    water and sewage facilities in Gaza since 2013. The available power supply to Gaza is only enough to
    meet half the demand, and the available power is constantly fluctuating due to frequent unit and line
    outages. Between 2015 and 2016, Gaza Power Plant (GPP) was off-line on average 23 days per year,
    and a subset of Egyptian and Israeli import lines were down for an average of 6 and 4 days, respectively,
    per month. As a result, since December 2013, the UN has coordinated emergency donations of fuel
    supplies for generators of critical infrastructure in Gaza to ensure the population continues to have
    access to health, water, and sanitation facilities. As of April 2017, the UN supplies this emergency fuel
    to 186 facilities, of which 32 are in the health sector, 124 in water and sanitation, and 30 in solid waste
    management. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) takes on the role of
    coordination and prioritization of fuel needs with sectors in Gaza, while UN Relief and Works Agency
    (UNRWA) takes charge of purchase, delivery and distribution of fuel.

    As the power situation in Gaza deteriorates, the need for additional emergency fuel donations for critical
    infrastructure increases, while donors are backing away from providing additional funding. In the best-
    case scenario, where GPP is running at 60 MW, health facilities need 450,000 liters of fuel per month,
    water and sewage facilities need 200,000 liters per month, and solid waste collection needs 150,000
    liters per month. In total, this costs over NIS 22 million (US$6 million) per year, which includes a UN tax
    exemption on the cost of fuel, without which the cost would be much higher. If GPP is not running, health
    facilities need 650,000 liters of fuel per month, WASH facilities need 400,000 liters per month, and solid
    waste collection needs 200,000 liters per month. In total, this costs NIS 37 million (US$10 million) per
    year. Traditionally, Islamic Development Bank, Qatar, Turkey, and Japan have been the biggest donors
    of funds for emergency fuel supplies to Gaza. However, as the situation continues to deteriorate, donors
    are finding it increasingly difficult to contribute to such an expensive and unsustainable solution.

                                                              Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 71
   Box I-6.1: Contribution of Rooftop Solar to meet Critical Energy Needs in
   Gaza’s Health Facilities (continued)

   Many donors are considering donation of rooftop solar systems for critical departments in hospitals
   as an alternative to providing fuel for generators. Since the 2014 war in Gaza, which saw extensive
   damage to GPP and the Egyptian and Israeli import lines, the efforts to harness the abundant energy
   of the sun, through distributed rooftop solar systems, have increased 10-fold in the Gaza Strip.a This
   is especially true for critical infrastructure such as hospitals, where donors are substituting the need to
   provide emergency fuels for generators with installation of sustainable solar systems for critical units or
   departments at a fraction of the cost. As of May 2017, approximately 306 kW of rooftop solar systems
   have been, or are being installed on health facilities in Gaza at a total cost of approximately NIS 5.5
   million (US$1.5 million). Table F.6 in appendix F contains a full breakdown of the completed and ongoing
   installations, including the names of health facilities benefiting from the projects and the names of donors
   providing the funding.

   There is significant additional need for installation of rooftop solar systems in Gaza, and more donors
   should consider this approach as an alternative to providing fuel donations. Rooftops of hospitals
   in Gaza are large, flat surfaces ideal for solar installations. Although the area will not be enough to
   supply solar energy to the entire hospital, the existing rooftop space should be maximized through
   solar installations before spending extremely high sums on diesel fuel for generators. According to the
   Ministry of Health (MoH) and the World Health Organization (WHO), an additional 1 MW of rooftop solar
   systems can be installed across 34 critical units within 10 MoH hospitals in Gaza, with a total expected
   cost of approximately NIS 14.5 million (US$4 million). Table F.7 in appendix F provides a full breakdown
   of the hospitals and critical units in need of solar systems. A similar analysis should be carried out for the
   WASH sector in Gaza, where a subset of energy needs could also be met through solar energy.
    According to PENRA Gaza, between 2012 and 2014, only 310 kilowatt peak (kWp) of large-scale rooftop solar systems were installed. However,
   post-2014, over 3,500 kWp have been or are being installed

AND GAZA                                                                  The financial credibility of PETL is ultimately premised
                                                                          on the creditworthiness of the distribution companies
These recent developments in the renewable energy                         (DISCOs). Ultimately, PETL is largely a financial middle
market have significant implications for the future                       man between generators and distributors. Providing
energy plans of the West Bank and Gaza.                                   credit enhancements for PETL cannot be seen as
                                                                          a reliable solution until the real underlying financial
The Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company                          issues are resolved at the level of the DISCOs and
(PETL) is the key enabler of renewable energy                             municipality and village councils. That involves tackling
development, particularly in the West Bank.                               pricing and operational performance at the utility level,
PETL plays two critical roles in renewable energy                         as well as strengthening municipal finances to avoid
development: off-taker of power and provider of                           the diversion of revenues from the electricity sector
transmission infrastructure. At present, PETL has                         into municipal budgets. As such, a cabinet decision
no track record in either of these roles. It is therefore                 has enforced DISCOs and municipality and village
pressing for PETL to become financially sustainable                       councils to establish escrow accounts that ring-fence
and establish a track record as a reputable off-taker.                    the electricity bill payments to ensure they are used
It is also important to ensure that PETL has the                          only for the payment of suppliers.
capability to meet the transmission requirements of
renewable energy generation and/or to negotiate
appropriate transmission arrangements with IEC.

72 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Land availability is a major constraint for developing         the West Bank is made up of vast empty spaces.
utility-scale solar energy production. Due to the              The lack of access to Area C is a significant lost
small size and high population density of Gaza, the            opportunity for independence, diversification, and
potential for utility-scale solar is negligible. In the West   energy security for the Palestinian energy sector.
Bank, Areas A and B, which make up 40 percent of
the total land area, contain all Palestinian towns and         Rooftop solar systems increase resilience and energy
industries, leaving little space for land-intensive solar      security in a context prone to armed conflict. Of all
generation, but providing more rooftop space for PV            supply options under consideration, rooftop solar
than in Gaza. According to PETL and the Palestinian            holds the greatest potential, as it is least tied to the
Energy and Environmental Research Center, based                geopolitics of the region. Land restrictions are not
on currently submitted projects, approximately 0.12            a factor and construction permits are not required.
percent of Areas A and B are available and suitable            There is no need to enter into long-term power
for solar production, with maximum potential capacity          purchase agreements with an off-taker or to evacuate
of 103 MW. Area C, which is sparsely developed, has            the power generated through a transmission grid. In
much larger tracts of desert land potentially suitable         terms of construction time, it is the fastest and easiest
for solar generation. However, this is outside the             to build, and since there is no need for imported
control of the Palestinian Authority, and permits for          fuels, the system reduces import dependency. Due to
construction are rarely granted there.                         their small distributed nature, rooftop solar systems
                                                               are the most secure power supply option in case of
Access to Area C would have a huge impact on                   armed conflict, as experience has shown that large
the ability to develop domestic renewable energy               centralized generation systems have repeatedly
generation for the West Bank. If just 3 percent of             become damaged during past conflicts. In that sense,
the land in Area C was used for utility-scale solar            rooftop solar can be regarded as an electricity safety
production, over 3,000 MW could be built. Area C,              net that allows the most basic needs to be met under
which makes up 60 percent of the total land area of            a wide range of possible scenarios

                                                     Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 73
1	   See the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 2016 annual technology baseline. Note that these figures represent the U.S. solar sector. In the
     West Bank and Gaza, costs could be higher to compensate for the high-risk environment.
2	   National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 2016 annual technology baseline.

74 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza

Developing Transmission

THE CURRENT CONTEXT                                       Expansion plans for Gaza are still in the discussion
                                                          phase and include (i) a high-voltage 161 kV power
The West Bank and Gaza are highly dependent on            line from IEC with import capacity of 100–150 MW
energy imports from neighboring countries. The            and (ii) and upgrade of GPP to operate on natural
West Bank has over 250 low- and medium-voltage            gas coupled, with expansion of the capacity up to
connection points with Israel, and 1 connection           560 MW. All expansion plans, for the West Bank and
point with Jordan, which provide 99 percent and           especially for Gaza are heavily tied to the political
1 percent of total energy supply to the West Bank,        economy of the context and concerns over risk
respectively. Gaza has 10 connection points with          of nonpayment.
Israel, 3 with Egypt, and 1 with the Gaza Power Plant
(GPP), which provide 64 percent, 13 percent, and 23       In the West Bank, the energization of the new high-
percent of Gaza’s energy supply, respectively. Map        voltage substations under the Palestinian Electricity
G.1 in appendix G is a geographical representation        Transmission Company’s (PETL’s) management
of the connection points. All connection points in        will start a process of consolidation of the existing
Gaza, and most in the West Bank, are fully saturated,     connection points. This would streamline operations
which leads to power cuts during peak winter and          by reducing the large number of direct bilateral low-
summer loads. As the electricity demand continues to      and medium-voltage connection points between
grow, the situation is bound to deteriorate unless the    Palestinian distribution companies (DISCOs) and
capacity of import lines is expanded.                     municipalities and village councils (MVCs). Instead,
                                                          IEC would sell power to PETL at higher voltage
To increase diversification of supply and relieve the     through the substations, and PETL would in turn sell
pressure on the saturated interconnections, additional    the power to DISCOs and MVCs. This would increase
infrastructure needs to be built. Plans for improved      billing transparency and allow PETL to improve the
power supply for the West Bank are more advanced          sector’s bookkeeping by having better control of the
than for Gaza. According to the Palestinian Energy        billing and payment cycles. Power transmission at
Authority’s draft Energy Sector Strategy 2017–            higher voltages would also reduce losses, enabling
2022, expansion plans for the West Bank include           PETL and DISCOs to bill for a larger portion of the
the following:                                            purchased power, thereby improving cost recovery. In
                                                          addition, IEC’s bulk supply tariff at higher voltage is at
1.	 Four new high voltage substations (see map            least 10 percent lower than at the low- and medium-
    G.2 in appendix G for location and service area       voltage levels. Finally, the substations would allow
    of new substations) providing an additional 550       desperately needed additional power to be supplied
    megawatts (MW) of import capacity from Israeli        to the West Bank, which would be instrumental in
    Electric Corporation (IEC) with expected in-service   avoiding civil unrest and mass protests observed
    dates ranging from 2017 to 2019                       during past winter and summer peak load conditions,
2.	 Jenin Power Plant (JPP), providing additional         which stemmed from power cuts due to shortages in
    capacity of 200–450 MW with expected service          power supply.
    date of 2020
3.	 Hebron Power Plant, providing additional capacity
    of 120 MW with planned service date of 2022.

                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 75
The West Bank does not have its own transmission         the Israeli transmission network is used and highest
backbone to evacuate domestic generation. Currently,     if both the transmission and distribution network are
Palestinian load centers are passive absorbers of        used. (See appendix C, table C.7 for definition of
electricity. Their power comes from several low- and     TOU periods). Table I-7.2 provides a breakdown of
medium-voltage distribution networks managed by          the consumption patterns in the West Bank, showing
Palestinian DISCOs. These Palestinian distribution       that the shoulder hours in spring and fall make up the
networks are in turn fed by Israeli high-voltage         largest percentage of consumption, at 26 percent,
transmission networks that act as electron highways      and on-peak hours in winter or summer make up the
routing large volumes of power over large distances      smallest percentage of consumption, at 3 percent
from point of generation to point of distribution.       each. Average wheeling costs, shown in table I-7.3,
                                                         are derived by cross multiplying the costs in table
As the West Bank develops its own domestic power-        I-7.1 with the consumption patterns in table I-7.2.
generation capacity, one option for moving generated     Table I-7.3 shows that, for every kilowatt hour (kWh)
power to its load centers is to wheel through the        of Palestinian energy that needs to be moved through
Israeli grid. Wheeling is a mechanism by which power     the Israeli grid, the Palestinian side would need to
generated in the West Bank is evacuated out into         pay between NIS 0.018–0.050 (US$0.005–0.013)
the Israeli network and injected back into the West      per kWh, equivalent to a 5–10 percent mark-up over
Bank at a different location closer to the Palestinian   the IEC import tariff. In addition to these relatively
load centers. Wheeling charges are set by the Israeli    high wheeling costs, the Israeli transmission network
regulator, Public Utility Authority (PUA), with a full   acts as the gatekeeper for the flow of Palestinian
breakdown provided in table I-7.1. This figure shows     electricity, which diminishes the control and flexibility
that the time-of-use (TOU) costs are lowest if only      of Palestinian operators.

76 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
 SEASON                        TOU BLOCK                        TRANSMISSION              TRANSMISSION AND                  DISTRIBUTION
                                                                     TARIFF *                 DISTRIBUTION                      TARIFF***
                               Off peak                                          0.89                         3.46                        2.55
                               Shoulder                                           1.10                        3.89                        2.78
                               Peak                                               2.8                         7.22                        4.38
                               Off peak                                          0.81                         3.22                        2.41
                               Shoulder                                          1.36                         4.17                        2.80
                               Peak                                              1.79                         4.82                        3.01
                               Off peak                                          1.42                         4.20                        2.77
                               Shoulder                                          2.60                         6.32                        3.68
                               Peak                                              6.12                         12.13                       5.90

Source: Information provided by Israel PUA.
Note: Ultra-high voltage = 400 kV and 161 kV; high voltage = 22 kV and 33 kV.
TOU = time of use.
* Ultra-high voltage producer selling to ultra-high voltage consumer
** Ultra-high voltage producer selling to “far away” high voltage consumer
*** Ultra-high voltage producer selling to “close by” high voltage consumer

                   WINTER                                          SPRING/FALL                                        SUMMER
       OFF       SHOULDER            ON PEAK               OFF      SHOULDER             ON PEAK         OFF          SHOULDER     ON PEAK
      PEAK                                                PEAK                                          PEAK

          3%                16%              9%              11%                26%          20%              3%             7%             5%

Source: IEC load curve for JDECO consumption, 2015
Note: The data comes from IEC and represents only sales to JDECO, which covers approximately 50 percent of the West Bank. The figures here assume
similar consumption patterns in all of the West Bank.

                                       TRANSMISSION TARIFF                          TRANSMISSION AND                  DISTRIBUTION TARIFF
                                                                                  DISTRIBUTION TARIFF
 Agorot per kWh                                                     1.8                                5.0                                  3.1
 U.S. cents per kWh                                                 0.5                                 1.3                                0.8

Source: World Bank calculations.
Note: kWh = kilowatt hour.

An alternative option is to construct a Palestinian                             comparison of the financial impacts of wheeling
backbone by connecting the new high-voltage                                     versus building a backbone is provided in Part II.
substations through a high-voltage transmission
line. This would allow generated power to be routed                             Building a transmission backbone in the West Bank is
directly to Palestinian load centers through this                               logistically and operationally complex. The land in the
backbone, providing greater flexibility and autonomy                            West Bank is divided into islands, called Areas A and
to Palestinian operators. Although operationally more                           B, that are surrounded by Area C (see map in map
favorable, this option faces significant obstacles, as                          G.3 in appendix G). Areas A and B, which combined
Israeli approval and permits would be required for                              make up 40 percent of the West Bank, are under
those sizeable sections of the backbone that would                              Palestinian or joint Palestinian and Israeli civil control,
need to be built cross Area C. A more detailed                                  respectively, so construction permits can be obtained

                                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 77
more easily. Area C is entirely under Israeli control and    which power generated in the West Bank is exported
construction permits are extremely difficult to obtain.      to Israel and Israel agrees to provide the same
Building a transmission backbone would require               quantity of power at a different location back to the
constructing large and contiguous infrastructure             West Bank. The details need to be sorted between
traversing Areas A, B, and C, which would likely face        the two sides, but this would provide a convenient
significant delays. In addition, neighboring countries       middle ground to avoid having to build infrastructure
would have to provide approvals for large connections        in Area C or having to pay a constant per kWh charge
to their system, which may affect their own grid             to use the Israeli network.
stability. Finally, if the transmission backbone is built,
all sides must work together constantly to create            In Gaza, Palestinian Authority concerns over
supply-demand balance in the connected grids,                nonpayment have impeded development of additional
which requires excellent cooperation at all times.           IEC supply through a 161 kV transmission line from
For this to happen, PETL would need to develop               Israel. Additional power supply to Gaza is desperately
the capacity to play the role of a proper transmission       needed as the existing import feeder lines have been
system operator.                                             fully saturated for quite some time. Additional power
                                                             supply from IEC through a 161 kV transmission line
Many other preconditions need to be met before               has been on hold for over a decade, but recently Israeli
it makes sense to consider the development of                authorities gave the green light for its construction.
a transmission backbone. Before a transmission               Since the Palestinian Authority pays for the entirety
backbone is built, a series of phases must be passed         of the power that Gaza receives from IEC through
to create the right environment. First, the substations      clearance revenues and the net lending process,
must be energized, which would allow PETL to                 they are concerned about how the additional power
become operational. Next, PETL must work with                from IEC to Gaza will be paid for. This is especially
DISCOs to reduce financial leakages, in order to             true given the fact that donor contributions to the
create strong payment discipline along the electricity       Palestinian Authority’s budget support have fallen
supply chain. This would improve the creditworthiness        from 32 percent of gross domestic product in 2008
of PETL and make it possible for it to sign power            to under 6 percent in 2016.
purchase agreements (PPAs) with independent power
producers, thereby increasing domestic generation            Building a transmission backbone in Gaza makes
capacity. As domestic generation increases, in the           more sense than wheeling domestically generated
initial years, wheeling could be a viable option as          power supply through Israel. Given the small size of
PETL becomes financially and operational stable              the Gaza Strip, and the fact that there are no land
and capable. Only at this point, once the foundations        restriction and permitting issues such as Area C in
for a financially secure energy sector have been             the West Bank, if domestic generation is ramped up
laid, would it be time to consider the construction          in the future in Gaza, it makes more sense to create
of a transmission backbone to enhance energy                 a domestic backbone then to export the power into
sector independence.                                         the Israeli grid for wheeling and reinjection. Between
                                                             the West Bank and Gaza, the total investment
A swap mechanism could be an interesting third option        costs for building the full domestic transmission and
to consider. In addition to the options of wheeling          distribution infrastructure, including the transmission
through the Israeli grid or building a transmission          backbone but assuming no wheeling or swaps, are
backbone in the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority         given in table I-7.4.
could negotiate a swap mechanism with Israel, in

78 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                                                            GAZA        WEST BANK              WEST BANK AND GAZA
    Transmission backbone                                                                       33a                   72b                                     105
    Transmission to evacuate renewable energy projects in Area C                                    -                 44   c
    Regional interconnectors                                                                    32d                   20e                                       52
    Distribution                                                                                60  f
                                                                                                                      52 g
    Total                                                                                       124                   188                                      312
  2 x 161/33 substations, overhead 161 kilovolt (kV) line; 26 kilometers (km).
  2 x 161/33 substations, overhead 161 kV line; 117 km plus a national control center.
   3 x 161/33 substations, overhead 161 kV line; 72 km.
  2 x 161/33 substations, overhead 161 kV line; 20 km.
  1 x 161/33 substations, overhead 161 kV line; 26 km.
  For Gaza-North, rehabilitation of the distribution grid (224 km) and extension of the grid (200 km). For Gaza- South, rehabilitation of the distribution grid (74.7
km) and extension of the grid (200 km).
   For West Bank-North, adaptation of the distribution grid to support new connection points (200 km) and extensions around JPP (100 km). For West Bank-
Central, adaptation of the distribution grid to support new connection points (200 km) and extensions for supporting Area C and extension of connection
with Jordan (100 km plus 100 km). For West Bank-South, adaptation of the distribution grid to support new connection points and extensions to support the
development of gas for West Bank-South.

IMPLICATIONS FOR THE WEST BANK                                                      sales to, and collections from, electricity distributors
AND GAZA                                                                            in the West Bank. Progress can be achieved on draft
                                                                                    PSAs while the main PPA is still being negotiated.
The development of transmission infrastructure in the                               Once the PPA is signed, the PSAs can be completed
West Bank and Gaza have the following implications                                  with final clauses, saving a significant amount of time.
for the Palestinian energy sector.                                                  Second, a billing and collection system must be
                                                                                    set up for PETL, allowing it to receive invoices from
PETL must start operating on a commercial basis and                                 IEC, send bills to distributors, collect payments from
take ownership for fixing the gaps in the revenue cycle                             distributors, and pay back IEC for the purchased
as its first priority. Financial independence will lead to                          electricity. USAID is currently supporting PETL to
energy independence, but the reverse is not possible.                               design the software and mechanism for billing and
Supplier concerns over nonpayment undermine any                                     collections. In addition, PETL is working with IEC to
potential for upgrade and expansion in the energy                                   ensure that the company receives the bills directly
sector. PETL has two roles: that of a single buyer                                  instead of through the Palestinian distributors.
and bookkeeper and that of a transmission system                                    Finally, PETL should collaborate with the Palestinian
operator. In order to enable the right environment                                  Electricity Regulatory Council in the preparation of its
for building large-scale infrastructure, including                                  sale tariff to the distributors. With these mechanisms
transmission, PETL must excel in its role as the                                    in place, PETL could accelerate its progress toward
single buyer and bookkeeper first before becoming a                                 fulfilling its role and responsibilities under the PPA
transmission system operator, and it can take on this                               and reducing its reliance on donor assistance for its
role even before the substations are energized or a                                 operational costs. PETL’s staffing plan needs to be
PPA with IEC is signed.                                                             adjusted according to the company’s projections on
                                                                                    revenues collected from distributors.
In parallel, while PETL is negotiating with IEC on the
main PPA and the energization of the substations, it                                As domestic generation develops, Israeli and
can focus on strengthening its operational capacity as                              Palestinian sides will have to work together to
the energy sector’s bookkeeper. As the negotiations                                 determine how best to evacuate the power. In the
continue, PETL should focus on three issues in the                                  short term, the two sides will need to negotiate
short term. First, PETL should prepare and open                                     favorable wheeling charges or swap mechanisms
negotiations on power service agreements (PSA) with                                 to ensure that power supply expansion keeps pace
the DISCOs and MVCs to set the terms of power                                       with demand growth. In the mid- to longer term, as

                                                                       Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 79
the Palestinian energy sector becomes more stable
and bankable, the two sides can work together
to build a long-term vision of establishing a high-
voltage transmission network. Given the inherently
interwoven nature of the Israeli and Palestinian energy
sectors, with or without a Palestinian transmission
network, both sides must cooperate closely to ensure
grid stability.

If the Palestinian energy sector is to become a major
client for wheeling power back through the Israeli
grid, then the tariff structure for wheeling will need
to be carefully considered, or alternatively a swap
mechanism needs to be negotiated. At present, the
wheeling charges that would apply to Palestinian
electricity wheeling back through the Israeli grid
look to be relatively high and represent a significant
surcharge on the import tariff. The cost implications
of using the Israeli grid for wheeling would need to be
carefully understood and negotiated by both sides. A
swap mechanism could be the most ideal solution if
both sides can come to agreeable terms.

80 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza

Integrating Energy Efficiency

THE CURRENT CONTEXT                                               because this energy type has the largest share in
                                                                  the Palestinian final energy mix (see table I-8.1).1 The
The Palestinian energy system is characterized by the             Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority
complete dependence on imported energy products                   (PENRA), with the support of the French Development
and the predominance of electricity in final energy               Agency (Agence Française de Développement, AFD)
consumption. Diesel and gasoline are used primarily               and the World Bank, has been actively spurring the
in the transport sector, while all other sources of               implementation of the three-phased NEEAP for 2012–
energy—including electricity—are primarily used by                20. Phase I has been successfully achieved and Phase
the residential sector (figure I-8.1).                            II is being implemented satisfactorily. PENRA’s Energy
                                                                  Efficiency Unit has so far undertaken 250 energy audits
The Palestinian National Energy Efficiency Action Plan            across different sectors of the Palestinian economy,
(NEEAP) aims to reduce 384 gigawatt hours (GWh) of                which have triggered the investments required to
total energy demand by 2020, representing around                  unlock the untapped energy efficiency potential. Phase
1 percent reduction per year (compared to 2010                    III is expected to start in 2018.2
levels). The action plan is mainly focused on electricity,

Figure I-8.1: Final Energy Consumption per Sector in the Palestinian Territories



       10,000                                                                Commercial and public services


                  Solar    Wood LPG Gasoline Diesel Electricity
                 energy     and

Source: World Bank own elaboration based on PCBS data.
Note: LPG = liquid petroleum gas.

                                                         Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 81
 SECTOR                                                                                TARGETS
                                          PHASE I (2012–14)                PHASE II (2015–17)                PHASE III (2018–20)                  2020
 Industrial                                                      5                                 6                                  8               19
 Buildings                                                     38                               130                                195               363
 Water pumping                                                    -                                1                                   1               2
 Total (GWh)                                                   43                               137                               204                384

Source: Information provided by Palestinian National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP) and Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority.
Note: GWh = gigawatt hour.

To further promote energy-efficiency investments,                              2020, to expand and consolidate its achievements.
PENRA has drafted the ambitious National Energy                                This phase focuses on energy audits for the industrial
Efficiency Action Plan for 2020–2030 with the support                          and commercial sectors and financial incentives. The
of the World Bank (figure I-8.2) . The proposed target                         deployment of smart-meters and related information
is to reduce 5 percent of the forecast consumption                             systems will allow consumers to have real-time and
during the 10-year period, a total savings of 5,000                            accurate information on consumption and associated
GWh. This represents a large increase from the 384                             costs. Consumption data will be collected, stored,
GWh savings of the current NEEAP 2012–2020. The                                and analyzed to provide useful guidance to replace
future action plan is also divided in three phases.                            inefficient products and improve industrial processes
                                                                               (sub-metering and energy audits are the key tools to
Phase I (2021–30) focuses on efficient appliances and                          be used). This phase will also pave the way to Phase
industrial equipment (see figure I-8.3). This phase is                         III to ensure that smart-home appliances will be fully
designed as a follow-on of the current NEEAP 2012–                             interoperable with metering systems.

Figure I-8.2.: Draft NEEAP 2020–2030 Implementation Strategy

                                                                                                   Phase III: Smart home,
                                                                                                         grid, city

                                                                 Phase II: Energy market structuring, energy
                                                                       conservation, DS management

                                    Phase I: EE appliances, residential sector, smart metering

       2020        2021        2022        2023        2024       2025        2026        2027         2028       2029       2030          2031

82 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure I-8.3: Energy Efficiency Potential in the Residential Sector

 TV set, video, computing
             Air conditioner
      Electric room heater
   Water heating and tank
             Water heating
              Tumble dryer
       Washing two feeds
      Washing machine (*)
    Dishwasher two feeds
            Dishwasher (*)
              Electric stove
              Lighting LED
              Lighting CFL

                           0,000                  0,500                 1,000                  1,500                 2,000       2,500

                                                                       Kilowatt hours per day per day

                                       Energy consumption for one standard household

Source: World Bank own elaboration based on Palestinian Central Bureau of Statics data for households energy 2015.

Phase II (2024–30) will focus on energy market                               Phase III (2027–30) will focus on smart-homes, smart-
structuring and thermal insulation of buildings. The                         buildings, and smart-grids. The simultaneous use of
opening of the national electricity market to competition                    market-based services and smart-appliances would
could be considered in this phase. From an energy                            enable consumers to become active energy players.
efficiency perspective, this reform would make new                           For instance, consumer’s behavior could adjust to
market-based services available, such as the possibility                     changes in electricity prices. Demand response
to remunerate clients reducing their consumption                             actions to shift consumer’s electricity usage during
on demand. The rollout of smart-meters and the                               peak hours in response to time-based rates would
introduction of time-of-use tariffs would contribute to                      avoid building new generation capacity.
incentivize behavior change and reduce consumption
during peak hours. Due to the large lead times of                            The proposed energy efficiency actions have relatively
building renovations, thermal insulation of buildings                        modest investment costs and short payback periods.
should also be a priority activity during this phase.                        Table I-8.2 summarizes the proposed energy-
Following the design of specific minimum efficiency                          efficiency actions with the expected savings during
performance standards and building codes integrating                         the 2020–30 timeframe, their total costs, and the cost-
nearly Zero Energy Building standards (nZEB), these                          benefit ratio. When this ratio is less than the average
would become mandatory for all public buildings and                          retail electricity price, i.e., US$0.13 for residential, the
encouraged by financial incentives for the residential                       corresponding investment may be recovered in less
sector.3 A building renovation strategy would also be                        than 10 years.
drafted for the residential sector in order to improve
thermal insulation of the existing building stock.

                                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 83
 ENERGY-EFFICIENCY ACTIONS                                                BENEFITS (GWH)                 TOTAL COSTS     COST-BENEFIT
                                                                                                       (US$ MILLIONS)      (US$-KWH)
 Lighting: move to CFL standard                                                            2,612                1.750           0.001
 Lighting: move to LED standard                                                              322                2.275           0.007
 Introduction of more efficient fridges                                                       127               4.375           0.035
 Switch to gas for room heating                                                              246               24.832            0.101
 Electronic thermostats                                                                      222                10.177          0.046
 Labelling and national campaign                                                           1,270                    3           0.002
 Repairing of SWH                                                                          1,576                  126           0.080
 Smart-metering for all households                                                         1,587                   48           0.038
 Sub-metering                                                                                 317               4.812           0.015
 Building thermal insulation                                                                 720                  345           0.479
 Labelling program                                                                           881                   50           0.057

Source: PENRA, Palestinian National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for 2020 – 2030, draft March 2016.
Note: CFL = compact fluorescent light; LED = light-emitting diode.

IMPLICATIONS FOR THE WEST BANK                                                    consumption profiles to detect nonefficient usages,
AND GAZA                                                                          recommend the replacement of appliances, and
                                                                                  so forth. Home displays or equivalent devices
The development of energy-efficiency programs in the                              (for example, mobile applications) will help the
West Bank and Gaza have the following implications                                consumers relate their daily behaviors and the
for the Palestinian energy sector.                                                impacts on their consumption. Monthly billing
                                                                                  information is not sufficient to create this link
Managing overall energy demand is a priority, but                                 between usage and energy. The same program
managing peak hour load will become increasingly                                  should help DISCOs improve their quality of
important. Nowadays, electricity is bought from IEC                               service (detection of failures) and reduce technical
at a high price, but IEC is in charge of managing the                             and commercial losses. Smart-meters are not
flexibility of the demand. In the future, PETL, acting                            sufficient to do that. Internal processes have to be
as transmission system operator, could purchase                                   implemented to randomly check the consumption
“blocs” of electricity in bulk at a lower price but would                         and detect unbalanced low voltage lines.
have the responsibility to make daily forecasts and
balance demand and generation in real time. If PETL                           2.	 The second action is to promote a switch from
has to develop the role of system operator in the                                 electricity to gas (liquid petroleum gas and/or
future, a deep knowledge of energy consumption and                                natural gas) for room heating. Electricity should
its patterns would be key.                                                        be reserved to usages where there are no
                                                                                  replacements (motors, electronics, and so forth).
Among the proposed energy-efficiency actions, two                                 For consumers, the main argument in favor of
may require a complex implementation program:                                     electricity is the low cost of appliances. However,
                                                                                  in the long term, the operational costs are much
1.	 The first is the generalization of the smart-meters                           lower for gas. This switch cannot be initiated
    for the residential sector. This program aims to                              without a national strategy for gas so that the
    provide information to the consumers so that                                  cost of the required infrastructures (transportation
    they will be in a position to better manage their                             and storage of gas) will be shared among all
    consumption. These meters are the visible part of                             stakeholders. The repair and further penetration
    the iceberg. A sophisticated information system                               of solar water heaters is part of this endeavor,
    is simultaneously required from DISCOs to                                     since it would decrease the need to use
    prepare energy audits per household, compare                                  nonrenewable energy.

84 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
1	    Electricity represents 33 percent of the final consumption of energy. Savings on diesel, the second energy most commonly used in the Palestinian
     territories, should also be considered in future assessments. Electricity is mainly used by the residential sector (more than 60 percent), whereas diesel is
     used almost exclusively in the transport sector.
2	    The AFD has financed the required energy audit equipment and staff costs. Audits include 60 in the industrial, 120 in the public, 40 in the service, 10 in
     the agricultural, and 20 in the residential sectors
3	    The concept of nZEB is an attempt to standardize the consumption of energy per square meter per year.

                                                                      Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 85

Decision Making

Introduction and methodology

Attention now turns to the exploration of possible          There are therefore two steps involved in realizing
energy futures for the West Bank and Gaza, with             a secure and affordable energy future for the West
the accent on enhanced energy security. However,            Bank and Gaza. The first is to conduct a power-
energy security can itself be defined from a number         sector planning exercise to evaluate the relative
of perspectives, each of them valid in its own              attractiveness of different electricity supply options.
way. First, there is the ability to reliably meet the       The second step is to evaluate the feasibility of
entire demand for electricity, by minimizing supply         financing the preferred power-sector planning choice.
interruptions and hence loss of load. Second, there
is the resilience of the power system that comes            ROBUST PLANNING MODEL
from diversifying sources of power supply, including
alternatives that are relatively robust in the context of   As a first step, a robust planning model is developed
different types of shocks. Third, there is the degree       that is capable of incorporating the significant
of independence of the power system, in terms of            uncertainties of the Palestinian context into a
the extent to which electricity needs can be met from       traditional least cost power generation plan. Power-
domestic production versus imports. It should be            system planning is normally undertaken using models
noted that only renewable energy provides full energy       that select the least-cost sequence of generation
independence, in the sense that domestic generation         options needed to meet electricity demand at some
with fossil fuels can be as, if not more, vulnerable to     specified level of reliability, based on the assumption
fuel supply interruptions as importing electricity. The     that all parameters are known with certainty. This
analysis will consider all three of these dimensions of     approach does not appear realistic in the Palestinian
energy security, which can usefully be described as         context, where deep uncertainty is the norm. Four
reliability, resilience, and independence. In practice,     dimensions of uncertainty are explicitly considered
tradeoffs may exist between them.                           for each generation option: (i) uncertainty in demand
                                                            forecast, (ii) uncertainty in the evolving unit cost
Energy security cannot be considered in isolation           of different technologies over time, (iii) uncertainty
from financial affordability. Increasing energy security    in how soon particular supply options (that is, gas)
often comes with a cost premium of some sort, as            will become available, and (iv) uncertainty due to
additional investments will likely be needed to achieve     outages and force majeure, such as conflict. Based
the requisite reserve margin, diversify sources of          on stakeholder consultation and expert opinion,
power, and/or expand domestic production. The               plausible ranges for the uncertainties were defined.
benefits of energy security also need to be weighed-up
against associated costs and the affordability of these     By running the planning exercise many times in different
costs for the power system as a whole. Affordability        states of the world, it becomes possible to identify
can be considered from two perspectives. The first          the plan that is most robust over the largest number
is whether the retail tariffs needed to implement the       of possible futures. The model is run 100 times and
energy security plan are affordable to customers. The       each time a different draw is made from the probability
second is whether any government subsidies needed           distribution of all the uncertain parameters, resulting in
to support the achievement of the energy security           a slightly different optimal least-cost plan (see figure II-
plan are fiscally affordable to government. Both are        9.1). At the end of the process, the 100 resulting plans
evaluated in this analysis.                                 are put side by side and used to construct a robust
                                                            plan by starting with the supply option that is most
                                                            frequently selected across the 100 least-cost plans,

88 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure II-9.1: Illustration of Methodology for Determining the Robust Plan

                                    100 simulations/future outlooks

 SCENARIOS                CHARACTERIZATION                                              PURPOSE
 Do Nothing               Electricity demand continues to grow without                  This is the baseline against which other
                          any proactive measures either to increase power               planning alternatives can be evaluated.
                          imports or develop generation capacity.
 Planned Future           Future increases in electricity demand are met by             Evaluate the current thinking of the
                          projects that are already in the pipeline.                    Palestinian Authority by analyzing the
                                                                                        impact of (i) planned projects currently
 PENRA Vision             Future increases in electricity demand are met
                                                                                        in the pipeline and (ii) PENRA’s vision
                          in such a way that by 2030 no single generation
                                                                                        as stated in the most recent Palestinian
                          source accounts for more than 50 percent of energy
                                                                                        National Authority Energy Sector
                          needs, while providing the capacity to import 100
                                                                                        Strategy of 2011–2013, as well as the
                          percent of energy needs as backup.
                                                                                        draft Strategy for 2017–2022.
 Maximum                  Future increases in electricity demand are met                Evaluate alternative futures at
 Cooperation              primarily by increasing electricity imports.                  the extreme opposite ends of the
                                                                                        independence spectrum to analyze the
 Maximum                  Future increases in electricity demand are met
 Independence             primarily by developing domestic generation

Note: PENRA = Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority.

and then adding the next most frequently selected, and                  The robust planning model is used to illustrate a
so on, until demand is fully met. The model provides                    number of different planning scenarios. The model
a detailed set of information regarding each selected                   will be used to explore five different types of planning
energy future and can be constrained to meet certain                    scenarios each for the West Bank and Gaza (table II-
policy objectives. Extensive details on the robust                      9.1). It is important to stress that not all of the scenarios
planning model and methodology, uncertainty variables                   presented by the model are necessarily realistic, and
and plausible ranges, and full model outcomes are                       some of them are used primarily to illustrate the
provided in appendix 8.                                                 implications of pursuing different approaches.

                                                                Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 89
SECTOR FINANCIAL MODEL                                                      data submitted by a subset of the utilities—Jerusalem
                                                                            District Electricity Company and Northern Electricity
A power sector financial model was developed to                             Distribution Company. This means that while tariffs are
cover the entire Palestinian electricity sector. The model                  set to cover costs on average, individual utilities may
begins with the Palestinian Electricity Transmission                        over- or under recover. The financial model instead
Company (PETL) purchasing a “basket” of electricity                         calculates individual cost recovery tariffs for each utility
from different producers at different wholesale costs                       each year. Second, PERC bases tariff calculations on
under power purchase agreements, assuming no                                the assumption of 100 percent revenue collection,
Palestinian public investment in generation (figure II-                     so as not to pass on commercial inefficiencies to
9.2). The pattern of purchases is determined by the                         customers. The financial model allows efficiency
output of the robust planning model (see figure II-9.3),                    improvement targets for 2030 to be built into the
which identifies the quantity and cost of each generation                   calculations so that performance improves gradually
source. PETL then sells this electricity to distribution                    and is reflected in tariffs as soon as improvements
companies (DISCOs) at a bulk supply tariff, which will                      take place. However, during the transition period,
include a mark-up to cover PETL’s own investment                            collection inefficiencies are passed on to customers.
and overhead costs. DISCOs then sell this electricity
to consumers at a retail tariff, which will include a                       Considerable efforts were made to collect the
mark-up to cover their own investment and overhead                          financial and operational data needed for the model.
costs. The tariffs calculated in the financial model are                    Numerous meetings were held with the Ministry of
equilibrium tariffs designed to offset and compensate                       Finance, PETL, PERC, and all six DISCOs to support
for losses and low collection rates. This differs from the                  an extensive data-gathering exercise. The data
regulator’s (Palestinian Electricity Regulatory Council,                    collected include financial statements of DISCOs, as
or PERC) tariff-setting methodology.                                        well as operational data such as purchase and sales,
                                                                            losses and collection rates, payment to suppliers
The retail tariff, consistent with financial equilibrium                    (including through net lending), and more. In the
that is calculated by the model, differs somewhat                           case of the transmission system operator, PETL—a
from the regulatory tariff set by the regulator, PERC.                      new institution with limited financial records—the
First, PERC calculates a single unified tariff for all                      company’s business plan was used to estimate its
Palestinian distributors, based on averaging financial                      anticipated cost structure.

Figure II-9.2: Flowchart Illustrating the Different Building Blocks of the Electricity
Sector Financial Model

                                                                              Poor                    Government             Affordability
                                                                           households                  subsidies              thresholds

     Distribution investments
                                                                                                         DISCOs              Retail tariff
  Distribution operating margin

   Wholesale power purchase
     (imports plus IPPs)

    Transmission investments                                   PETL               Bulk supply tariff

 Transmission operating margin

Note: DISCO = distribution company; IPP = independent power producer; PETL = Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company.

90 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
In addition, the consumer perspective was introduced         income distribution discussed previously, and the 5
into the financial model by incorporating an affordability   percent affordability threshold, the model identifies
limit on retail tariffs for the poorest households. To       (i) the maximum cost for the subsistence block of
determine the affordability limits, the financial model      consumption so that even the poorest consumers can
draws upon the most recent Palestinian Expenditure           afford basic electricity supply, and (ii) the magnitude
and Consumption Survey, from 2011, which provides            of subsidies required to make electricity services
detailed information on household budgets, including         affordable to different income deciles. Such subsidies
electricity expenditure. The survey was used to              could either be channeled through distribution utilities
understand the income distribution in the Palestinian        as targeted bill reductions for poor households or
territories, and in particular the budget available to the   through social welfare payments. In either case, a
average household in each decile—or 10 percent—of            targeting mechanism would be needed to ensure
the income distribution from poorest to richest.             that the poorest households can be identified. The
                                                             West Bank and Gaza Cash Transfer Program could
According to the international literature, 5 percent of      potentially be used as the targeting mechanism, since
budget for a basic level of “subsistence consumption”        it contains a database of 115,000 households living
is said to represent an affordability limit. In the          under the poverty line in the West Bank and Gaza.
Palestinian context, the subsistence consumption             The alternative to targeted subsidies, which is to keep
is set at 160 kilowatt hours (kWh) per month and             tariffs low for all consumers, can also be modeled.
corresponds to the first block of the retail tariff          While simpler to administer, it evidently entails a much
structure (see appendix A, table A.1). Considering the       higher subsidy bill.

                                                    Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 91
Figure II-9.3: Flowchart Illustrating the links between the Robust Planning Model,
Sector Financial Model, and the Transmission Costing Matrix

                                                                                               Household          financial
                                                                                                budgets         statements
                                                               Unserved demand                   survey          & annual
    Supply                                                                                                         reports
                                      Robust                   Total and average                                                Government
                                     Planning                    cost of power                                                   subsidies
                                      Model                       production
   Demand                                                                                                                        Bulk supply
   forecast                                                                                                                     tariff charged
                                                                Energy produced
                                                                 per supply type                                                   by PETL

                                                                                                                                 Retail tariff
                                                                                             T&D                                 charged by
                                                                        T&D               investment                               DISCOs

                                                Affordability constraint

Note: DISCO = distribution company; PETL = Palestinian Electricity Transmission Company; T&D = transmission and distribution.

Bringing all the pieces together, the robust planning                         Finally, the macrofiscal impact of implementing the
model and the sector financial model are designed                             planned scenarios are also evaluated. Building on a
to work together along with a transmission costing                            new set of computable general equilibrium models
matrix as illustrated in figure II-9.3. The results of the                    developed separately for the West Bank and Gaza,
robust planning model are fed into both the financial                         it is possible to examine the macrofiscal impacts of
model and a transmission costing matrix, which                                the planning scenarios. The models are augmented
is used to price out the cost of building additional                          to provide a more detailed characterization of the
transmission and distribution (T&D) infrastructure for                        energy sector than might normally be the case, and
the generation mix identified by the robust planning                          the impact of the planning scenario is incorporated
model. The T&D costs are then also fed into the                               into the model simulation. This makes it possible
financial model, which calculates the equilibrium                             to examine how the energy investments affect the
tariffs and, comparing to affordability thresholds, also                      overall growth domestic product growth trajectory, as
identifies subsidies required from the government                             well as the public finances.
to protect the poorest consumers. If outcomes are
unacceptable, further iterations of the models are run
to, for example, impose upper bounds on the cost
of generation to improve overall affordability. Refer to
appendix 9 for further details on the financial model
methodology. Refer to appendix I, tables I.1–I.6 for
full operational and financial data used in the financial
model for each DISCO.

92 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza

Analysis and Results
for the West Bank

This chapter presents the results of the integrated                          are inevitably somewhat subjective and based on a
planning and financial exercise for the West Bank.                           combination of expert judgment and stakeholder
                                                                             Domestic gas-fired power generation looks to
The two key drivers of the planning scenarios are                            compare favorably with Israeli imports, while projected
the relative cost of power supplied through different                        declines in the cost of renewable energy bring these
technologies and the range of uncertainties that                             increasingly into parity. The LCOE analysis illustrates
affects each of them. Figure II-10.1 plots the so-called                     a wide dispersion in costs across different generation
levelized cost of energy (LCOE), defined as total capital                    technologies, although for most sources there is
and operating costs across the lifetime of a power                           convergence of costs over time toward the range
project averaged over the total electricity produced.                        of NIS 0.26–0.47 (US$0.07–0.13) per kilowatt hour
While LCOE is a convenient device for making simple                          (kWh) by 2030. Israeli imports, currently the dominant
relative cost comparisons, it is important to recognize                      source of energy, and priced at just under NIS 0.37
that it does not capture all relevant characteristics of                     (US$0.10) per kWh, set the relevant benchmark. At
each power source, such as its availability for dispatch                     the beginning of the period, only gas-fired power
and contribution to meeting peak loads. Table II-10.1                        generation comes in below the cost of Israel imports.
summarizes the different uncertainty parameters                              While renewable energy starts out as more expensive
that characterize each of the power supply options,                          than Israeli power imports, projected steep declines
considering delays in availability, uncertainty of cost,                     in unit costs bring solar photovoltaic (PV) into parity
as well as probabilities of interruption to supply. These                    by the year 2022, and the cost differential for rooftop

Figure II-10.1: Time Trends of Levelized Cost of Energy for Different Supply Options
in the West Bank
                2017      2018     2019      2020     2021      2022      2023     2024      2025     2026      2027      2028        2029   2030

              CCGT-Gas, from $6.5/MMBTU                   Israel import                                 Jordan import

              Rooftop solar, from $2,500/kW               Commercial solar, from $1,248/kW             CSP-6h, from $6,332/kW

Note: CCGT = combined cycle gas turbine; CSP = concentrated solar power; kWh = kilowatt hour; MMBTU = million British thermal unit.

                                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 93
                                             DIESEL        GAS: NORTH              GAS: SOUTH             ISRAEL           JORDAN
 Availability range
 Earliest                                        2016                 2021                  2024             2020              2022
 Latest                                          2016                 2035                  2035             2030             2035
 Volume range
 Lowest                                   Unlimited               0.2 bcm                 0.2 bcm         850 MW            30 MW
 Highest                                  Unlimited               2.0 bcm                 2.0 bcm   1400–1800 MW       100–200 MW
 Price range
 Lowest                                       Known        $4.0/MMBTU             $4.0/MMBTU               Current    Indexed to oil
 Highest                                      Known        $6.5/MMBTU              $7.5/MMBTU           $0.11/kWh     Indexed to oil
 Outage duration range
 Minimum days                                      37                    37                   37                18               29
 Maximum days                                     293                  365                   365                91              256
 Other parameters
 Minimum availability                            0.30                 0.40                  0.40             0.80              0.70
 Probability of interruption                     0.40                 0.06                   0.10             0.02             0.05

Note: bcm = billion cubic meters; MW = megawatt; MMBTU = million British thermal units.

solar and concentrated solar power is substantially                           captured. Based on the historical record, Israeli
eroded by 2030. Nevertheless, it is important to                              power imports come across as the least risky source
underscore that these do not represent firm energy in                         of electricity and diesel as the riskiest.
the way that Israeli power imports do. Power imports
from Jordan are also expected to decline with time                            Against this backdrop, the results of five planning
as cheaper Israeli gas begins flowing to Jordan by                            scenarios are considered. As noted above, these
2020. This will bring the cost of Jordanian power                             include a Do Nothing counterfactual, where not
closer to Israeli power, although Jordanian power                             further investments are made in power infrastructure
is expected to continue being offered at a premium                            while demand continues to grow. This is compared
to Israeli power unless Jordan’s power generation                             with the impact of the current pipeline of investments,
portfolio moves away from being dominated by gas                              described as the Planned Future, as well as PENRA
and toward cheaper renewables.                                                Vision for the longer term, which seeks to limit
                                                                              dependence on any single source of energy to 50
The modeling exercises also strives to capture                                percent of demand while retaining the ability to import
some of the main features of the uncertain                                    100 percent of energy needs if required. For the
planning environment. Specific uncertainty ranges                             purposes of illustration, two additional, more extreme
associated with each of the nonrenewable options                              scenarios are considered. Maximum Cooperation
are summarized in table II-10.1. With the exception                           considers the possibility of continuing the West Bank’s
of diesel, there is considerable uncertainty of when                          historically almost exclusive dependence on Israel
particular capacity expansions would come online,                             for imported power, while scaling up the associated
how large they would be, and at what price they                               infrastructure to keep pace with mounting demand.
would be offered. Probabilities of supply interruptions                       Maximum Independence looks at the fullest extent of
and their effect on availability of power from different                      domestic power generation that could be developed
sources and potential duration of outages are also                            in the West Bank under the most optimistic scenario.

94 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Under the Do Nothing scenario, the West Bank                                 Under the Planned Future scenario, a significant
becomes increasingly unable to meet its electricity                          volume of investment brings about greater supply
demand (figure II-10.2). With the capacity for Israeli                       diversification with only minimal impacts on costs (figure
electricity imports capped at current levels of 890                          II-10.3). The development of the Jenin and Hebron
megawatts (MW), and Jordanian imports capped at                              gas-fired CCGT plants, as well as the expansion of
20 MW, and in the absence of any new domestic                                the renewable energy portfolio to reach the 130 MW
generation capacity, the average cost of electricity                         target, call for capital expenditure of NIS 3.1 billion
remains at current level of NIS 0.36 (US$0.098)                              (US$850 million) and lead to significant diversification
per kWh. However, the percentage of unserved                                 of the power mix, with domestic production providing
demand rises steeply from small levels in 2016 to                            36 percent of energy needs by 2030. Relative to the
reach 9 percent in 2030, and averages 4 percent of                           Do Nothing scenario, this eliminates supply shortages
total demand over the entire period. The associated                          while only raising the average cost of electricity very
economic losses are valued at NIS 9.5 billion (US$2.6                        slightly to NIS 0.37 (US$0.101) per kWh. However,
billion), equivalent to about 20 percent of the gross                        in terms of energy independence, little has changed,
domestic product (GDP) of the West Bank in 2015. In                          since both the electricity and gas—accounting for 96
the northern region of the West Bank, this shortage                          percent of energy use—are imported from Israel.
has already been felt as power shortages during the
summer of 2016 that resulted in rolling blackouts
culminating in street protests. This clearly represents
an unacceptable trajectory.

Figure II-10.2: Results of “Do Nothing” Scenario for West Bank
Do Nothing: Demand continues to grow while power infrastructure is capped at 890MW of interconnectors
with Israel and 20MW of interconnectors with Jordan

  A. West Bank Supply                                                 B. West Bank energy supply (GWh)
  Capacity in 2030 (MW)
                                            2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                             Egypt/Jordan imports           Israel imports        CCGT + GT                Diesel genset

                             PV-Area C                      RE - other             Unserved energy             Demand

  AVG COST                CAPEX               2030                 2030              2030 DOMESTIC
                                                                                                                  2030 DOMESTIC
  POWER (US                (US$             UNSERVED            ELECTRICITY          GEN-IMPORTED
                                                                                                                GEN-RENEWABLES (%)
 CENTS/KWH)              MILLION)          DEMAND (%)           IMPORTS (%)             FUEL (%)
       9.79                   0                   9%                  90%                     0%                            0.4%

         Takeaway: Currently, power supply is not diversified and there will soon be power shortage in the West Bank.

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; GWh = gigawatt hour; GT = Gas Turbine ; MW = megawatt; PV = photovoltaic; RE = renewable energy.

                                                               Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 95
Figure II-10.3: Results of “Planned Future” Scenario
Planned Future: All PENRA’s currently planned projects come online (four substations (540 MW), Jenin Power
Plant (400 MW), Hebron Power Plant (120 MW)). Renewables target (130 MW

  A. West Bank Supply                                                 B. West Bank energy supply (GWh)
  Capacity in 2030 (MW)
                                            2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                             Egypt/Jordan imports           Israel imports        CCGT + GT                Diesel genset

                             PV-Area C                      RE - other             Unserved energy            Demand

  AVG COST                CAPEX               2030                 2030              2030 DOMESTIC
                                                                                                                  2030 DOMESTIC
  POWER (US                (US$             UNSERVED            ELECTRICITY          GEN-IMPORTED
                                                                                                                GEN-RENEWABLES (%)
 CENTS/KWH)              MILLION)          DEMAND (%)           IMPORTS (%)             FUEL (%)
       10.06                850                   0%                  64%                    32%                             4%

         Takeaway: There is no power shortage but still limited diversification as 96% of power and fuel is imported.

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; GWh = gigawatt hour; GT = Gas Turbine; MW = megawatt; PV = photovoltaic; RE = renewable energy.

96 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure II-10.4: Results of “PENRA Vision” Scenario
Planned Future: All PENRA’s currently planned projects come online (four substations (540 MW), Jenin Power
Plant (400 MW), Hebron Power Plant (120 MW)). Renewables target (130 MW

  A. West Bank Supply                                             B. West Bank energy supply (GWh)
  Capacity in 2030 (MW)
                                         2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                           Egypt/Jordan imports          Israel imports        CCGT + GT             Diesel genset

                           PV-Area C                     RE - other             Unserved energy         Demand

  AVG COST              CAPEX               2030               2030               2030 DOMESTIC
                                                                                                            2030 DOMESTIC
  POWER (US              (US$             UNSERVED          ELECTRICITY           GEN-IMPORTED
                                                                                                          GEN-RENEWABLES (%)
 CENTS/KWH)            MILLION)          DEMAND (%)         IMPORTS (%)              FUEL (%)
       10.16              2,133                0%                 45%                    37%                          19%

        Takeaway: PENRA can achieve diversification vision w/o Area C but needs large RE scale up in Areas A, B and
        rooftop solar.

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; GWh = gigawatt hour; GT = Gas Turbine ; MW = megawatt; PENRA = Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources
Authority; PV = photovoltaic; RE = renewable energy.

But the only way to meet the full PENRA Vision of                         A and B—and achieving, as a result, a much higher
diversification is to invest much more heavily in solar                   degree of diversification. Although these options
PV, fully developing potential in Areas A and B (figure                   are slightly more expensive on a per unit basis than
II-10.4). While the Planned Future scenario represents                    Israeli imports, and the necessary capital expenditure
a substantial improvement on Do Nothing, it remains                       more than doubles to reach NIS 7.7 billion (US$2.1
dependent on Israeli electricity and fuel imports to                      billion), the overall impact on the average cost of
meet 96 percent of its energy needs. It does not meet                     generation remains very modest, rising only to NIS
PENRA’s longer term diversification criterion that no                     0.372 (US$0.102) per kWh. This scenario shows that
source of electricity should account for more than                        PENRA’s strategic vision can be achieved without
50 percent of demand. To meet this constraint, the                        access to Area C, by focusing on developing solar PV
model ramps up the proportion of renewable energy—                        potential in Areas A and B and on rooftops.
essentially developing much of the potential in Areas

                                                           Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 97
Figure II-10.5: Results of “Maximum Independence” Scenario
Maximum Independence: Same goals as PENRA vision but with unlimited access to Area C

  A. West Bank Supply                                                  B. West Bank energy supply (GWh)
  Capacity in 2030 (MW)
                                             2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                              Egypt/Jordan imports           Israel imports         CCGT + GT                 Diesel genset

                              PV-Area C                       RE - other            Unserved energy              Demand

  AVG COST                CAPEX                2030                 2030               2030 DOMESTIC
                                                                                                                    2030 DOMESTIC
  POWER (US                (US$              UNSERVED            ELECTRICITY           GEN-IMPORTED
                                                                                                                  GEN-RENEWABLES (%)
 CENTS/KWH)              MILLION)           DEMAND (%)           IMPORTS (%)              FUEL (%)
        9.88                2,284                  0%                  36%                     34%                             30%

         Takeaway: If Area C was available, diversification would be more balanced and average cost of power would
         be lower

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; GWh = gigawatt hour; GT = Gas Turbine ; MW = megawatt; PENRA = Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority;
PV = photovoltaic; RE = renewable energy.

Relaxing the constraint on access to Area C                                 Finally, it is helpful to contrast these increasingly
significantly reduces import dependence and                                 diversified and independent scenarios with one
improves diversification even while slightly reducing                       of Maximum Cooperation (figure II-10.6). This
costs (figure II-10.5). Even in the PENRA Vision,                           essentially represents a continuation of the current
more diversified scenario, the West Bank would still                        strategy whereby the West Bank imports almost
be dependent on Israel for about 80 percent of its                          all of its electricity needs from Israel, with the Israeli
energy needs through electricity and fuel imports.                          interconnection capacity allowed to expand in tandem
The next scenario considers what is the Maximum                             with growing demand and estimated to reach 1,430
Independence that could be achievable in power                              MW by 2030. At the same time, the relatively modest
generation. This is done by relaxing the constraint                         current targets for renewable energy are met. This
on access to Area C, so that the model has a much                           approach largely avoids any major capital expenditure
larger renewable energy potential to draw upon.                             on the Palestinian side and results in the preservation
Under these conditions, it becomes economical to                            of the current average cost of NIS 0.36 ($0.098) per
increase the renewable energy share from 19 to 30                           kWh. Diversification drops significantly relative to the
percent, even as the average cost of generation falls                       other scenarios, as 96 percent of electricity would
slightly relative to the PENRA Vision, from NIS 0.372                       be imported. The inclusion of this alternative helps to
(US$0.102) to NIS 0.361 (US$0.099), although capital                        clarify that the cost premium for supply diversification
expenditure requirements climb slightly to reach NIS                        in the context of the West Bank is relatively small
8 billion (US$2.2 billion).                                                 at between NIS 0.004–0.015 (US$0.001–0.004)
                                                                            per kWh, which represents a markup of less than
                                                                            5 percent.

98 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
No single option performs better than others on all                           the total capital expenditure, the level of unserved
relevant dimensions, illustrating that tradeoffs must                         demand in 2030, the continued reliance on electricity
be made. Examining the five scenarios side by side                            imports or fuel imports for generation, and the share
helps to clarify their relative performance. Table II-                        of domestically generated renewable energy in the
10.2 compares various dimensions of performance,                              overall mix.
including the average cost of power generation,

Figure II-10.6: Results of “Maximum Cooperation” Scenario
Maximum Cooperation: All additional power supply comes from IEC with import capacity expanded to 1,430MW
by 2030

   A. West Bank Supply                                             B. West Bank energy supply (GWh)
   Capacity in 2030 (MW)
                                            2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                             Egypt/Jordan imports         Israel imports      CCGT + GT               Diesel genset

                             PV-Area C                    RE - other             Unserved energy         Demand

  AVG COST                 CAPEX                 2030                 2030                2030 DOMESTIC
                                                                                                                        2030 DOMESTIC
  POWER (US                 (US$               UNSERVED            ELECTRICITY            GEN-IMPORTED
                                                                                                                      GEN-RENEWABLES (%)
 CENTS/KWH)               MILLION)            DEMAND (%)           IMPORTS (%)               FUEL (%)
        9.78                  174                    1%                    96%                     0%                             4%

         Takeaway: Premium for diversified portfolio is 0.1-0.4 US cents/KWh more expensive than importing all power
         from IEC

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; GWh = gigawatt hour; GT = Gas Turbine; IEC = Israeli Electric Corporation; MW = megawatt; PV = photovoltaic; RE =
renewable energy.

                                 AVERAGE               CAPEX            2030                 2030                2030                   2030
                                  COST OF                (US$       UNSERVED           ELECTRICITY           DOMESTIC           DOMESTICALLY
                                   POWER            MILLIONS)        DEMAND               IMPORTS          GENERATION           GENERATED RE
                                      (U.S.                                                                      WITH
                                    CENTS                                                                    IMPORTED
                                 PER KWH)                                                                        FUEL
 1. Do nothing                              9.79               0                 9%                90%                   0%                     0.4%
 2. Planned future                         10.06            850                  0%                64%                  32%                       4%
 3. PENRA vision                           10.16          2,133                  0%                45%                  37%                      19%
 4. Maximum                                9.88           2,284                  0%                36%                  34%                     30%
 5. Maximum                                 9.78             174                  1%               96%                   0%                       4%

Note: The darker the shade of green the better the performance on that dimension, while the darker the shade of orange the worse the performance on that
Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; kWh = kilowatt hour; RE = renewable energy.

                                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 99
The scenarios with the highest share of domestic                      Given the potential substantial scale-up in solar
renewable energy look to be the most attractive, but                  energy, close coordination with the Israeli grid would
they require raising large amounts of capital from the                be critical to preserve overall stability. Both the PENRA
private sector. What is clear is that any alternative that            Vision and the Maximum Independence scenarios
achieves a significant shift in the level of diversification          call for increasing the share of solar PV up to 20 or
and energy independence entails raising private                       30 percent. It is important to note that any scale-up
capital in excess of NIS 7.3 billion (US$2 billion) over              in generation in the West Bank will raise significant
the next decade. Given that private-sector investment                 grid stability and integration issues for the Israeli grid,
in the Palestinian power sector is very much in its                   which is also in the process of ramping up its share
infancy, this is not a minor undertaking, and would                   of variable renewable energy to meet its own national
require addressing the creditworthiness of the sector,                targets. Close collaboration and careful planning would
which is currently the most significant constraint to                 be a prerequisite for any expansion plan involving an
attractive private capital.                                           enhanced role for renewable energy. Finally, although
                                                                      the currently Planned Future projects are important
While access to Area C would be desirable, significant                for ensuring power-supply expansion keeps pace
diversification can already be achieved based on use                  with demand growth, and significantly impact the
of Areas A and B alone. The Maximum Independence                      reliability of supply, their impact on diversification and
scenario is based on unrestricted access to Area C,                   independence is still relatively small.
which is far from being the current situation and would
pose major political challenges. Nevertheless, in the                 To put things in perspective, the cost differentials
absence of access to Area C, PENRA’s strategic vision,                between alternative scenarios are small and almost
of limiting dependency on any one supply to less than                 all of them deliver a reliable supply. There is a
50 percent, could still be achieved by maximizing                     difference of just 4 percent (or $0.004 per kWh) in
renewable energy installations in Areas A and B and                   the average cost of generation between the highest
on rooftops. This would be a desirable starting point                 and lowest scenarios. Moreover, all scenarios except
and would still represent a major increase in ambition                for Do Nothing essentially provide for a reliable supply
from current targets of 130 MW by 2020 to a target of                 of electricity.
600 MW by 2030. Given that only 18 MW of solar PV
have been achieved since the target was announced
in 2012, this would be very challenging.

Figure II-10.7: Resilience Stress Test across Scenarios in Terms of Percent Increase
in Unserved Demand for the West Bank

  Max Cooperation

Max Independence

      PENRA Vision

    Planned Future

         Do Nothing

                     0%           5%           10%          15%      20%      25%        30%        35%        40%

                                                                    War    Peace

Note: PENRA = Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority.

100 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Another way to compare the alternative scenarios is                    distances within the West Bank. Under both scenarios,
through a stress-testing process that examines how                     distribution infrastructure needs to be expanded and
they perform under extreme conditions. In particular,                  upgraded to accommodate the additional supply.
the stress test looks at how the percentage of                         Part I, chapter 7, provides background detail on
unserved energy rises for each scenario when conflict                  wheeling tariffs and transmission and distribution
conditions are simulated.                                              (T&D) infrastructure capital costs.

The scenarios with a higher share of solar PV look                     By 2030, approximately 2,400 Gigawatt hours (GWh)
to be the most resilient (figure II-10.7). As might be                 of domestic generation will need to be wheeled
expected, the scenarios with higher solar PV shares                    through the IEC grid if PENRA’s planned projects come
have the lowest share of unserved energy, at around                    online (figure II-10.8). In the following analysis, the
20 percent compared with 25–35 percent for the                         cost of wheeling is compared to the cost of building
others. This is because they are less susceptible to                   a transmission backbone for the Planned Future
supply interruption or conflict damage.                                scenario. It is expected that by 2030 up to 35 percent
                                                                       of demand will be met by domestic generation, in
TRANSMISSION                                                           particular, through renewables and thermal generation,
                                                                       corresponding to approximately 2,400 GWh per year.
Domestic power generation in the West Bank can be
moved to Palestinian load centers either by wheeling                   Due to the envisaged scale-up in the volume of
through the Israeli network or by building a Palestinian               domestically generated electricity, the recurring cost
transmission backbone. As domestic power                               of wheeling charges rapidly increase year over year.
generation in the West Bank increases, there is a                      Figures II-10.9 and II-10.10 show the need for NIS 146
need to evacuate electricity from the locations where                  million (US$40 million) investment in the Palestinian
it is produced to those where it will be consumed,                     distribution network to absorb the additional
as cost-effectively as possible. Two options exist. The                generation that would come online under the Planned
first is to wheel the power out from the West Bank,                    Future scenario. In terms of transmission, figure II-10.9
through the Israeli network, and inject it back into the               shows the scenario in which IEC’s most expensive
West Bank to the load centers. The second is to build                  wheeling tariff is used, which, at NIS 0.05 (US$0.013)
an independent Palestinian transmission backbone                       per kWh, allows the use of both the Israeli transmission
capable of moving power at higher voltages over long                   and distribution networks. Figure II-10.10 shows the

Figure II-10.8: Domestic Generation, as Proportion of Total Demand, Needing to Be
Wheeled through the Israeli Electric Corporation Grid under the “Planned Future”

                                                                                                            RE - other
                                                                                                            CCGT + GT
         2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

Note: CCGT = combined cycle gas turbine; RE = renewable energy.

                                                              Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 101
 Figure II-10.9: Cumulative Transmission and Distribution and Wheeling Costs under
 “Planned Future” Scenario if Highest Wheeling Charge Is Used

Cost (US $millions)





                                                               Wheeling                Running costs                           Distribution CAPEX                         Transmission CAPEX

 Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure.

 Figure II-10.10: Cumulative Transmission and Distribution and Wheeling Costs Under
 “Planned Future” Scenario if Lowest Wheeling Charge Is Used

Cost (US $millions)





                                                               Wheeling                 Running costs                          Distribution CAPEX                         Transmission CAPEX

 Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure.

 scenario in which IEC’s least expensive wheeling tariff                                                                        charges will be lower at approximately NIS 40 million
 is used, which, at NIS 0.02 (US$0.005) per kWh,                                                                                (US$11 million) per year.
 allows the use of only the Israeli transmission network.
 In this case, additional substations would need to be                                                                          In the Palestinian backbone case, the exact investment
 built in the West Bank, beyond the existing four new                                                                           requirements would reflect the composition of the
 high-voltage substations, to ensure that all power                                                                             selected investment plan (table II-10.3). Investment
 evacuated into Israel and received back into the West                                                                          needs for distribution range from NIS 95 to NIS 190
 Bank travel only on the Israeli transmission grid. The                                                                         million (US$26–52 million); those from transmission
 cost for these additional substations is estimated at an                                                                       range NIS 172 to NIS 500 million (US$47–137 million).
 additional NIS 146 million (US$40 million). If the higher                                                                      The projects with the largest impact on transmission
 wheeling tariff is used, by 2030 wheeling charges will                                                                         investment requirements are the Jenin Power Plant
 reach over NIS 110 million (US$30 million) per year.                                                                           and the development of solar PV in Area C, each at
 If the lower wheeling tariff is used, by 2030 wheeling                                                                         around NIS 164 million (US$45 million).

 102 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
 (US$)                                                      FOUR HIGH-                       JPP COMES                   HPP COMES                     RENEWABLES                          JORDANIAN                        TOTAL
                                                              VOLTAGE                           ONLINE                      ONLINE                      ALLOWED IN                        CONNECTOR
                                                          SUBSTATIONS                                                                                       AREA C                       IS EXPANDED
 West Bank                            Trans.                                          0                       47                               25                                 44                            20                 137
 West Bank                            Dist.                                      26                               7                             7                                  7                                 7             52
 Total                                T&D                                        26                           54                               31                                 51                             27                188

Note: JPP = Jenin Power Plant; HPP = Hebron Power Plant.

For the Planned Future scenario, the total required                                                                        In the short term, PENRA must negotiate lower
investment in T&D would be NIS 409 million (US$112                                                                         wheeling tariffs with IEC, and in the mid to long term,
million). The components in figure II-10.11, which                                                                         PENRA should build a transmission backbone to
contribute to the Planned Future scenario, are the                                                                         reduce costs—negotiating a swap mechanism could
energization of the four new substations, plus Jenin                                                                       be an attractive third option. The cost of wheeling
Power Plant and Hebron Power Plant coming online.                                                                          at the higher tariff breaks even with the cost of the
Combined, these additional supply options will need                                                                        backbone by 2045 and the cost of wheeling at the
NIS 263 million (US$72 million) for transmission                                                                           lower tariff breaks even with the cost of the backbone
infrastructure, and NIS 146 million (US$40 million)                                                                        by 2052. By 2030, the transmission component of the
for distribution infrastructure for a total investment of                                                                  retail tariff would be NIS 0.004 (US$0.001) per kWh if
NIS 409 million (US$112 million). Regardless, it is not                                                                    a backbone is built, NIS 0.007 (US$0.002) per kWh
desirable to have variable costs that grow year after                                                                      if the lower wheeling charge is used, and NIS 0.018
year and the transmission backbone would allow                                                                             (US$0.005) per kWh if the higher wheeling charge is
a fixed cap on expenditures. It is important to note                                                                       used (assuming amortization of all CAPEX to 25 years).
that, whereas investments in generation would be                                                                           This represents 0.7, 1.3, and 3.3 percent of the total
pursued under a public-private partnership model,                                                                          expected retail tariff in 2030, respectively. Building a
investments in T&D would necessarily take the form                                                                         transmission backbone is more cost-effective than
of public investment.                                                                                                      wheeling the power through Israel. simply because

Figure II-10.11: Cumulative Transmission and Distribution Investment for the
“Planned Future” Scenario if a Transmission Backbone Is Built

  Cost (US $millions)






                                                                    Wheeling                  Running costs                            Distribution CAPEX                     Transmission CAPEX

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure.

                                                                                                       Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 103
the costs are fixed and do not grow as domestic                 has not been in force and retail tariffs have dropped
generation expands. If wheeling is to be used, at least         below the weighted average cost of supply, which
in the initial years until a transmission backbone is built,    includes IEC imports and generation from GPP)
the wheeling tariff should be extensively negotiated
with IEC to bring down costs. A swap mechanism, in              While there has been some improvement in the
which power generated in the West Bank is evacuated             operating efficiency of the West Bank DISCOs,
to Israel, and swapped for power from Israel at a later         substantial variations remain across companies.
time and injected back into the West Bank, can be an            In the West Bank, overall DISCO losses (including
attractive alternative but requires extensive negotiations      both technical and nontechnical losses) have been
and collaboration on both sides.                                falling from around 26 percent in 2011 to 23 percent
                                                                in 2015 (figure II-10.13). As of 2015, Southern
FINANCIAL MODEL                                                 Electricity Distribution Company (SELCO) had the
                                                                highest losses, at 27 percent, followed by Jerusalem
Attention now turns to the financial implications               District Electricity Company (JDECO) at 24 percent,
of implementing the planning scenarios described                Hebron Electricity Distribution Company (HEPCO) at
above. The key focus of attention is the financial              20 percent, Northern Electricity Distribution Company
equilibrium tariff and how it may need to evolve                (NEDCO) at 17 percent, and Tubas Electricity
relative to historic practice.                                  Distribution Company (TEDCO) at 16 percent. The
                                                                overall DISCO collection rates have improved from 88
Historically, the retail tariff in the West Bank has included   percent in 2011 to 91 percent in 2015. As of 2015,
an average 45 percent markup over the wholesale                 NEDCO, JDECO, and HEPCO, which combined
cost of IEC power (figure II-10.12). Retail tariffs in the      make up over 92 percent of sales, had collection rates
West Bank are determined by the regulator, PERC,                above 90 percent. while SELCO and TEDCO had
which allows a markup over the wholesale price of IEC           collection rates above 75 percent. For the purposes
power to cover the operating margin of the DISCOs,              of financial modeling, two possibilities are considered.
including the significant operational inefficiencies and        The first is that the regulator will set ambitious but
overheads. For the period 2011–15, this markup has              realistic efficiency targets for the DISCOs that will be
averaged 45 percent over and above the IEC tariff.              met by 2030. The second is that there is no significant
(This is in contrast to Gaza, where PERC regulation             improvement in DISCO inefficiency.

Figure II-10.12: In the West Bank, Retail Tariffs Have Followed the Cost of Israeli
Electric Corporation Supply


   Tariff (NIS per kWh)


                          0.5                                                                        Average sales price
                                                                                                     (NIS per KWh)
                                                                                                     Average purchase price*
                          0.3                                                                        (NIS per KWh)
                                2011         2012     2013               2014          2015

                                                    2011          2012          2013          2014         2015
 Average purchase price* (NIS per KWh)              0.33          0.42          0.44          0.46         0.41
 Average sales price (NIS per KWh)                  0.54          0.60          0.61          0.63         0.58
 Markup                                             65%           45%           39%           35%          41%

Note: kWh = kilowatt hour
Includes Israeli Electric Corporation and Jordan

104 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure II-10.13: Time Trend for Distribution Losses and Revenue Collection Rates in
the West Bank

                        0.94                                                                                     0.34
                        0.92                                                                                     0.32
Collections rates (%)

                        0.90                                                                                     0.30

                                                                                                                        Losses (%)
                        0.88                                                                                     0.28
                        0.86                                                                                     0.26
                        0.84                                                                                     0.24
                        0.82                                                                                     0.22
                        0.80                                                                                     0.20
                               2011    2012 2011           2013
                                                              2012            2014
                                                                              2013               2015
                                                                                              2014        2015
    Losses*                                   0.26             0.24           \0.23           0.22        0.22
    Collection rates                          0.88             0.88           0.82            0.90        0.91

* Technical and non-technical losses

The financial modeling exercise is pursued for three           for higher generation costs. However, by 2027, it is
of the planning scenarios that capture the full range          expected that the Planned Future and PENRA Vision
of potential financial implications. In the West Bank,         scenarios, which represent diversified portfolios with
the PENRA Vision scenario was the most expensive,              large amounts of solar and gas plants, will have lower
entailing an average generation cost of NIS 0.39               costs than the Maximum Cooperation scenario, which
(US$0.102) per kWh, while the Maximum Cooperation              represents pure imports from IEC. Despite the declining
scenario was the least expensive, entailing an average         costs by 2030, the equilibrium tariff for all scenarios is
generation cost of NIS 0.37 (US$0.098) per kWh. The            higher than the 2015 retail tariff.
Planned Future represents the middle ground, with an
average cost of NIS 0.42 (US$0.11) per kWh.                    If DISCO performance is not improved by 2030,
                                                               the equilibrium tariff for the PENRA Vision planning
In the West Bank, the financial equilibrium tariffs do         scenario will be NIS 0.07 (US$0.02) per kWh higher
not vary significantly across scenarios, but all show a        than otherwise. The equilibrium tariffs represented
declining trend. The equilibrium tariff follows a narrow       in figure II-10.14 assume that, by 2030, collection
band for all three scenarios, reflecting the fact that the     rates increase from current levels of 91 percent to 97
average cost of generation does not differ significantly       percent, distribution grid technical and nontechnical
across different planning scenarios in the West Bank           losses decline from current levels of 23 percent to 16
(figure II-10.14). In all cases, the financial equilibrium     percent, transmission system losses are 2 percent,
tariff declines significantly by the end of the period, as     and DISCO operation and maintenance costs
DISCO efficiencies improve, technology costs drop              improve by 2 percent per year. Based on reports
(such as those for PV), and gas becomes available.             from the DISCOs, it is assumed that debt is currently
For both the PENRA Vision and particularly for the             financed at 3.5 percent, but would need to rise
Planned Future the financial equilibrium tariff rises in the   toward 7 percent by 2030. If these improvements are
medium term before an eventual decline, essentially            not achieved, the equilibrium tariff in 2030 will be NIS
because operational efficiency has not yet had time to         0.66–0.71 (US$0.17–0.19) per kWh instead of NIS
improve to a point where it can more than compensate           0.58–0.61 (US$0.15–0.16) per kWh (figure II-10.15).

                                                     Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 105
Figure II-10.14: West Bank Equilibrium Tariff Decline as Discos Performances
Improve by 2030



        2018      2019       2020    2021   2022   2023   2024     2025      2026      2027   2028   2029   2030

                   Max Cooperation                        PENRA Vision

                   Planned Future                         2015 average retail tariff

Note: kWh = kilowatt hour.

Figure II-10.15: West Bank Equilibrium Tariff Remains High if DISCO Performances
Fail to Improve by 2030



        2018      2019       2020    2021   2022   2023   2024     2025      2026      2027   2028   2029   2030

                   Max cooperation                        PENRA vision

                   Planned Future                         2015 average retail tariff

Note: kWh = kilowatt hour.

Failure to adjust the unified tariff in the West Bank            NIS 0.10–0.35 (US$0.03–0.09) for every kWh they
would result in massive average annual subsidy                   sell if the tariffs are not increased. JDECO, with the
requirements to keep the DISCOs afloat (figure                   largest customer base, will require the largest subsidy
II-10.16). If the West Bank pursues the PENRA                    from the government. NEDCO, which already has the
Vision scenario without making any compensating                  best operational performance, does not require much
adjustments in retail tariffs, the subsidy required to           in the way of subsidies and would be the only DISCO
keep the DISCOs afloat would begin at approximately              able to absorb the new generation cost without a raise
NIS 300 (US$82) million in 2018, and increase to                 in the unified tariff. These calculations assume that all
almost NIS 450 (US$123) million by 2022. In other                DISCOs meet efficiency targets by 2030. If they do
words, in 2018, all DISCOs, except NEDCO, will lose              not, the required subsidy will be significantly higher.

106 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure II-10.16: Subsidy Required to Sustain Financial Equilibrium of Discos in the
Absence of Any Adjustment to the Current Unified Retail Tariff Based on the PENRA
Vision Scenario, Assuming Efficiency Targets Are Achieved


Cost (US $millions)




                             2018   2019   2020    2021   2022    2023    2024    2025      2026      2027      2028      2029      2030

                                                  JEDCO    HEPCO         SELCO        TEDCO          NEDCO

Note: JEDCO = Jerusalem District Electricity Company; HEPCO = Hebron Electricity Distribution Company; SELCO = Southern Electricity Distribution
Company; TEDCO = Tubas Electricity Distribution Company; NEDCO = Northern Electricity Distribution Company.

                                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 107
Alternatively, if subsidies are targeted purely to the                                  per kWh, so that subsidies need only be channeled
poorest customers who face affordability limits, the                                    to the poorest 10 percent of the population. The
overall subsidy bill drops substantially. According                                     subsidy required to cover the difference between the
to the affordability thresholds in the West Bank, the                                   increased retail tariff and the affordability thresholds
bottom decile of the population can afford to pay up                                    of these families would amount to no more than
to NIS 0.41 (US$0.114) per kWh, while the second                                        NIS 25 million (US$7 million) per year with over 60
decile can afford to pay up to NIS 0.71 (US$0.197)                                      percent going to JDECO consumers (figure II-10.18).
per kWh (figure II-10.17). The analysis suggests that,                                  As DISCO efficiencies improve, required subsidies are
as long as DISCOs meet their efficiency targets,                                        observed to decrease over time.
tariffs should hardly rise beyond NIS 0.7 (US$0.19)

Figure II-10.17: Comparing the First and Second Decile Affordability Thresholds
against Equilibrium Tariff for the PENRA Vision Scenario Assuming Efficiency
Targets Are Reached





                          2018     2019    2020    2021     2022    2023     2024      2025    2026   2027    2028    2029    2030

                                                     PENRA Vision Equilibirum tariff

Figure II-10.18: Subsidy Required to Keep the Bills of the Bottom Decile of
Households within the Corresponding Affordability Limits for the PENRA Vision
Scenario Assuming Efficiency Targets Are Reached


Subsidy (NIS $millions)




                                 2018     2019    2020     2021    2022      2023      2024    2025    2026    2027    2028     2029   2030

                                                          JEDCO       HEPCO            SELCO      TEDCO       NEDCO

108 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
MACRO FISCAL MODEL                                     electricity subsidies that are otherwise projected to
                                                       escalate to 0.8 percent of GDP by 2025 under the Do
A combined energy investment and reform package        Nothing scenario, to a net positive fiscal position of 0.9
produces tangible macro fiscal benefits. To evaluate   percent of GDP by 2025 (table II-10.4). This makes
the fiscal and macroeconomic impact of PENRA’s         a substantial contribution to the net government
current projects in the pipeline, a computable         operating balance, estimated to be in slight surplus
general equilibrium (CGE) model is designed for the    under the Planned Future versus a sizeable deficit
Planned Future scenario. For modeling purposes,        under the Do Nothing scenario. The Planned Future
this scenario is characterized by a steep expansion    scenario also delivers a significant boost to the growth
in domestic power generation accompanied by a fall     rate of the economy, which would be 0.3 percentage
in energy costs.                                       points of GDP higher than otherwise for the entire
                                                       decade (table II-10.5). The main sector to benefit from
The CGE model predicts that the Planned Future         the energy turnaround is investment, which grows as
scenario ensures electricity subsidies are fully       much as 0.7 percentage points of GDP higher than
eliminated and there is a boost in GDP growth and      otherwise, partly as a result of the increased fiscal
investment. From a fiscal perspective, the Planned     space created by reducing electricity subsidies.
Future scenario entails a dramatic reduction in

AS % OF GDP                                          2016                              2025
                                                                      PLANNED FUTURE             DO NOTHING
Revenue                                                28.0                           26.2                  27.1
Expenditure                                            26.6                           25.9                 28.3
Of which Electricity subsidies                          0.1                           -0.9                  0.8
Operational Balance                                      1.4                           0.3                  -1.2

AVERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH 2016–25                           PLANNED FUTURE                           DO NOTHING
GDP at market prices                                                     2.7                                 2.4
Investment                                                               2.3                                 1.6
Consumer price index                                                     2.0                                 1.8

                                             Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 109

Analysis and Results for Gaza

This chapter presents the results of the integrated                        Domestic power generation in Gaza is extremely
planning and financial exercise for Gaza.                                  costly, and will continue to be until the Gaza Power
                                                                           Plant (GPP) can be converted to gas and preferably
PLANNING MODEL                                                             to combined cycle technology (figure II-11.1). At
                                                                           present, the cost of diesel-fired generation at the GPP
The two key drivers of the planning scenarios are                          is over NIS 1.09 (US$0.30) per kilowatt hour (kWh) and
the relative cost of power supplied through different                      projected to increase in line with the forecast trajectory
technologies and the range of uncertainties that                           of the global oil price. The only alternative domestic
affects each of them. Figure II-11.1 plots the so-called                   source of energy—rooftop solar—is also relatively
levelized cost of energy (LCOE), defined as total capital                  expensive although projected to become cheaper
and operating costs across the lifetime of a power                         over time in line with global trends, to reach around
project averaged over the total electricity produced.                      NIS 0.44 (US$0.12) per kWh by 2030. As of today,
While LCOE is a convenient device for making simple                        Israeli imports, at around NIS 0.37 (US$0.10) per kWh
relative cost comparisons, it is important to recognize                    and Egyptian imports, at around NIS 0.27 (US$0.07)
that it does not capture all relevant characteristics of                   per kWh, are by far the most cost-effective source of
each power source, such as its availability for dispatch                   energy available. However, eventual conversion of the
and contribution to meeting peak loads. Table II-11.1                      GPP to natural gas, as well as possible conversion to
summarizes the different uncertainty parameters                            more efficiency combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT)
that characterize each of the power supply options,                        technology, would significantly bring down the costs
considering delays in availability, uncertainty of cost,                   of domestic generation.
as well as probabilities of interruption to supply.
These are inevitably somewhat subjective and
based on a combination of expert judgment and
stakeholder consultation.

Figure II-11.1: Time Trends of Levelized Cost of Energy for Different Supply Options
in Gaza





       2017     2018    2019     2020    2021    2022     2023    2024     2025    2026     2027     2028   2029   2030

              GPP on diesel, from $19.8/MMBTU     Israel import                       Egypt import

              Rooftop solar,from $2,500/kW        GPP on gas, from $6.5/MMBTU         CCGT gas, from $6.5/MMBTU

Note: GPP = Gaza Power Plant; CCGT = combined cycle gas turbine; MMBTU = millions British thermal unit.

110 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                          DIESEL                        GAS                    ISRAEL          EGYPT
 Availability range
 Earliest                                                     2016                      2022                     2022             2021
 Latest                                                       2016                      2035                     2035            2035
 Volume range
 Lowest                                                 Unlimited                   0.2 bcm                    120 MW           10 MW
 Highest                                                Unlimited                   2.0 bcm                    270 MW      70–150 MW
 Price range
 Lowest                                                    Known        $4.0 per MMBTU                         Current   $0.08 per kWh
 Highest                                                   Known         $7.5 per MMBTU                  $0.11 per kWh   $0.10 per kWh
 Outage duration range
 Minimum days                                                    37                        37                       18             29
 Maximum days                                                  365                       365                        91             182
 Other parameters
 Minimum availability                                         0.30                      0.30                     0.80            0.60
 Probability of interruption                                   0.15                      0.15                    0.02             0.20

Note: bcm = billion cubic meters; MMBTU = millions British thermal unit; MW = megawatt; kWh = kilowatt hour.

Due to the risky environment in Gaza, some of the                            any single source of energy to 50 percent of demand
lower cost power options are not necessarily the most                        while retaining the ability to import 100 percent
secure (table II-11.1). The relative cost of alternative                     of energy needs if required. For the purposes of
power generation options needs to be considered                              illustration, two additional—more extreme—scenarios
alongside their relative risk. A key issue to look at is                     are considered. Maximum Cooperation considers
the probability of a supply interruption at any given                        the possibility of Gaza following the power supply
time. This indicates that both the diesel supply to the                      model that has so far characterized the West Bank,
GPP and Egyptian imports have proved to be highly                            which is full dependence on Israeli imports to the
unreliable sources of electricity in the past. While gas                     extent of phasing out the GPP completely. Maximum
supplies are not yet available, due to their nature as fuel                  Independence considers the opposite possibility of
imports, it is envisaged that these could be subject to                      scaling-up the GPP to the point where it is capable of
similar levels of risk. Electricity imports from Israel, on                  meeting the full extent of anticipated demand growth.
the other hand, based on the historical record have
proven to be more reliable and are therefore assigned                        Under the Do Nothing scenario, Gaza’s existing
a lower probability of interruption.                                         acute power shortages only become increasingly
                                                                             intolerable over time (figure II-11.2). The baseline for
Against this backdrop, the results of the five planning                      the planning exercise is a scenario in which no further
scenarios are considered. These include a Do                                 power infrastructure is developed to support either
Nothing counterfactual, where no further investments                         increased domestic generation or expanded imports,
are made in power infrastructure while demand                                but demand continues to grow in line with forecasts.
continues to grow. This is compared with the impact                          Gaza is already unable to meet 50 percent of its
of the current pipeline of investments, described as                         demand, and under the Do Nothing scenario this
the Planned Future, as well as the PENRA Vision for                          situation continues to deteriorate dramatically, so that
the longer term, which seeks to limit dependence on                          by 2030 over 60 percent of demand cannot be met,

                                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 111
Figure II-11.2: Results of “Do Nothing” Planning Scenario for Gaza
Do nothing: No additional power supply is brought online, and Gaza is limited to the following existing status: (i) 120 WM
import capacity from IEC, (ii) 30 MW import capacity from Egypt, and (iii) the Gaza Power Plant (GPP) is running on diesel
with 140MW capacity but limited to 60 MW due to fuel shortages.

     A. Gaza Supply                                                       B. Gaza energy supply (GWh)
  Capacity in 2030 (MW)





                                             2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                              Egypt/Jordan imports           Israel imports        CCGT + GT                 Diesel genset

                              PV-Area C                      RE - other             Unserved energy             Demand

  AVG COST                CAPEX                 2030                2030               2030 DOMESTIC
                                                                                                                    2030 DOMESTIC
  POWER (US                (US$               UNSERVED           ELECTRICITY           GEN-IMPORTED
                                                                                                                  GEN-RENEWABLES (%)
 CENTS/KWH)              MILLION)            DEMAND (%)          IMPORTS (%)              FUEL (%)
       14.68                  0                   63%                  26%                      11%                             0%

         Takeaway: Under current conditions, unserved demand and power cuts will continue to increase in Gaza until

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; GWh = gigawatt hour; GT = Gast Turbine; IEC = Israeli Electric Corporation; MW = megawatt; PV = photovoltaic; RE =
renewable energy.

which represents power cuts longer and more severe                            Natural Resources Authority’s (PENRA’s) plans to
than those experienced today. At the same time, the                           energize a new 161 kilovolt (kV) line with the Israeli
cost of the limited power generation available is very                        Electric Corporation (IEC) and substantially expand
high at almost NIS 0.55 (US$0.15) per kWh—about                               the capacity of the GPP to 560 megawatt (MW) while
50 percent higher than the equivalent scenario for                            converting it to gas, this scenario incorporates the
the West Bank—and this is due to the high cost of                             possibility of developing Gaza’s full potential of 163
running the GPP on diesel. And the GPP does not                               MW of solar photovoltaic (PV), mainly in the form of
permit the achievement of energy independence.                                rooftop solar systems. The inclusion of the latter is
Due to the limited capacity and the constraints on                            not based on cost considerations, as rooftop solar
diesel purchases, Gaza continues to rely on imports                           remains relatively costly even through to the end of
to meet 26 percent of its energy needs. Overall,                              this period, but is rather motivated by considerations
the Do Nothing baseline scenario for Gaza paints a                            of resilience. Solar capacity of this kind could help to
dire picture. Additional power supply is desperately                          provide an electricity safety net capable of meeting
needed, but the high cost of energy, coupled with                             the most basic needs during times of geopolitical
consumers’ low ability and willingness to pay, make                           tension that could potentially affect fuel or electricity
it difficult to bring on additional supply.                                   imports. The implementation of this package would
                                                                              ensure that unserved demand could be eliminated
Gaza’s situation would improve significantly with the                         by the early 2020s. However, implementing these
implementation of Planned Future projects, although                           projects would entail raising over NIS 3.7 billion (US$1
the cost of energy would remain relatively high (figure                       billion) of private financing, and the cost of electricity
II-11.3). In addition to the Palestinian Energy and                           would remain relatively high at NIS 0.50 (US$0.134)

112 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure II-11.3: Results of “Planned Future” Planning Scenario for Gaza
Planned Future: All PENRA’s current planned projects come online: (i) upgrade of GPP to run on natural gas and expand
capacity up to 560 MW, (ii) and energization of the 161 kV power line to bring an additional 120 MW from IEC. In addition,
we assume 163 MW of renewable energy (of which over 80% is rooftop solar) which is Gaza’s maximum potential capacity.

     A. Gaza Supply                                                       B. Gaza energy supply (GWh)
  Capacity in 2030 (MW)





                                             2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                              Egypt/Jordan imports           Israel imports        CCGT + GT                 Diesel genset

                              PV-Area C                      RE - other             Unserved energy             Demand

  AVG COST                CAPEX                 2030                2030               2030 DOMESTIC
                                                                                                                    2030 DOMESTIC
  POWER (US                (US$               UNSERVED           ELECTRICITY           GEN-IMPORTED
                                                                                                                  GEN-RENEWABLES (%)
 CENTS/KWH)              MILLION)            DEMAND (%)          IMPORTS (%)              FUEL (%)
       13.39                1,035                  0%                  26%                     68%                              6%

         Takeaway: Planned projects will meet Gaza’s unserved demand by 2030 but 94% of fuel and power will
         be imported.

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; GWh = gigawatt hour; IEC = Israeli Electric Corporation; GT = Gast Turbine; MW = megawatt; PV = photovoltaic; RE =
renewable energy.

per kWh. Gaza would only be able to meet 6 percent                            requires capital expenditure in excess of NIS 3.7 billion
of its energy needs on a fully self-sufficient basis                          (US$1 billion), the average cost of energy is slightly
through solar; however, this is the maximum amount                            reduced by NIS 0.04 (US$0.011) per kWh to NIS 0.45
feasible in any case.                                                         (US$0.12). Furthermore, unserved demand is more
                                                                              rapidly eliminated even before 2020. Both effects are
Achieving the PENRA Vision for the future, requires                           due to the greater reliance of Israeli imports.
rebalancing from domestic thermal generation toward
Israeli imports, thereby reducing the average cost of                         As a comparison to this balanced scenario, two more
energy (figure II-11.4). The next scenario is based on                        extreme scenarios are also considered here for illustrative
the implementation of the PENRA Vision, according                             purposes. One explores the option of maximizing
to which no source should contribute more than 50                             cooperation on electricity imports with Israel, and the
percent of overall generation, while the import capacity                      other the option of further developing domestic thermal
should remain large enough to import all needed                               generation to achieve Maximum Independence.
energy in case of emergency. Renewable energy
potential continues to be tapped. The Planned Future                          Under a strategy of Maximum Cooperation, Gaza
scenario does not meet PENRA’s strategic vision,                              achieves the lowest possible power generation costs,
because it relies on the GPP for more than 50 percent                         comparable to those currently enjoyed by the West
of energy needs. The only viable way to achieve                               Bank (figure II-11.5). Given the cost and security
the requisite rebalancing is to scale back the GPP’s                          advantages of Israeli power imports over domestic
capacity and allow the Israeli connection to make up a                        thermal generation, the Maximum Cooperation
larger proportion of the overall capacity. While this still                   scenario would call for shutting down the GPP and

                                                                Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 113
Figure II-11.4: Results of “PENRA Vision” Planning Scenario for Gaza
PENRA Vision: “Dependency ratio on any one source should not exceed 50% in best conditions, with a possibility of
importing all needs in case of emergency.”

     A. Gaza Supply                                                      B. Gaza energy supply (GWh)
  Capacity in 2030 (MW)





                                            2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                             Egypt/Jordan imports           Israel imports        CCGT + GT                Diesel genset

                             PV-Area C                      RE - other             Unserved energy             Demand

  AVG COST                CAPEX                2030                2030               2030 DOMESTIC
                                                                                                                  2030 DOMESTIC
  POWER (US                (US$              UNSERVED           ELECTRICITY           GEN-IMPORTED
                                                                                                                GEN-RENEWABLES (%)
 CENTS/KWH)              MILLION)           DEMAND (%)          IMPORTS (%)              FUEL (%)
       12.30                1,066                 0%                  47%                     46%                             6%

         Takeaway: Better diversification, which will reduce costs, requires IEC imports beyond the planned 161kV line.

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; GWh = gigawatt hour; GT = Gast Turbine ; MW = megawatt; PV = photovoltaic; RE = renewable energy.

114 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure II-11.5: Results of “Maximum Cooperation” Planning Scenario for Gaza
Maximum Cooperation: The Gaza Power Plant (GPP) is shut down and all electricity needs are imported from IEC with
expanded interconnection capacity. The full 163 MW of solar potential is developed as a safety net.

     A. Gaza Supply                                                       B. Gaza energy supply (GWh)
  Capacity in 2030 (MW)





                                             2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                              Egypt/Jordan imports           Israel imports        CCGT + GT                 Diesel genset

                              PV-Area C                      RE - other             Unserved energy             Demand

  AVG COST                CAPEX                 2030                2030               2030 DOMESTIC
                                                                                                                    2030 DOMESTIC
  POWER (US                (US$               UNSERVED           ELECTRICITY           GEN-IMPORTED
                                                                                                                  GEN-RENEWABLES (%)
 CENTS/KWH)              MILLION)            DEMAND (%)          IMPORTS (%)              FUEL (%)
       10.37                 385                  0%                   93%                      0%                              6%

         Takeaway: Cost of power is 3UScents/KWh cheaper than the planned strategy which would help improve cost

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; GWh = gigawatt hour; GT = Gast Turbine; IEC = Israeli Electric Corporation; MW = megawatt; PV = photovoltaic; RE =
renewable energy.

                                                                Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 115
Figure II-11.6: Results of “Maximum Independence” Planning Scenario for Gaza
Maximum independence: Meet all demand growth through further expansion of Gaza Power Plant up to 677 MW, while
retaining existing 120 MW interconnection with IEC, and developing full 163 MW of solar PV potential (80% of rooftop)

     A. Gaza Supply                                                       B. Gaza energy supply (GWh)
  Capacity in 2030 (MW)





                                             2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                             Egypt/Jordan imports            Israel imports        CCGT + GT                 Diesel genset

                              PV-Area C                      RE - other             Unserved energy             Demand

  AVG COST                CAPEX                 2030                2030               2030 DOMESTIC
                                                                                                                    2030 DOMESTIC
  POWER (US                (US$               UNSERVED           ELECTRICITY           GEN-IMPORTED
                                                                                                                  GEN-RENEWABLES (%)
 CENTS/KWH)              MILLION)            DEMAND (%)          IMPORTS (%)              FUEL (%)
       15.15                1,185                  2%                   9%                     83%                              6%

        Takeaway: Relying purely on gas plants means, if gas is ever unavailable, diesel must be used, driving up costs

Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; GWh = gigawatt hour; GT = Gast Turbine; IEC = Israeli Electric Corporation; MW = megawatt; PV = photovoltaic; RE =
renewable energy.

relying entirely on Israeli power imports. This entails                       generation are at their highest (figure II-11.6). With
expanding connection capacity with Israel from current                        Israeli imports capped at current levels of 120 MW,
levels of 120 MW toward 800 MW. The 163 MW of                                 and renewable energy potential constrained to 163
mainly rooftop solar are retained as an electricity safety                    MW, this scenario entails further expansion of the
net. In terms of operational installed capacity, this level                   GPP until it is capable of meeting the entire demand.
of rooftop solar development would actually represent                         This entails significantly higher capital expenditure
more than twice as much energy as what is offered by                          than any of the other scenarios, at around NIS 4.4
the GPP today, which is constrained to just 60 MW.                            billion (US$1.2 billion). While unserved demand is
However, in the absence of improved storage capacity,                         eliminated by 2020, the average cost of generation is
the hours of service available from solar power would                         also higher than under any other scenario, at NIS 0.55
be more restrictive. The capital expenditure associated                       (US$0.152) per kWh. The reason for this—despite the
with this option on the Palestinian side is much lower, at                    relative cost-effectiveness of CCGT technology—is
NIS 1.4 billion (US$0.39 billion). Significant investments                    that high-cost diesel becomes the backup fuel for
would also be required on the Israeli side to enhance                         the gas plant anytime it experiences an outage; this
connection capacity, although these should be covered                         is relatively often given the plant’s operational history.
through the power export tariff. This approach also                           Finally, this poorly diversified scenario is so heavily
eliminates unserved demand relatively quickly, before                         dependent on imported fuel that any impression of
2020, and results in relatively low tariffs of NIS 0.38                       independence is largely illusory. It is possible that the
(US$0.104) per kWh.                                                           performance of this scenario could be improved, if the
                                                                              GPP were able to run on Gaza Marine gas. However,
Under a strategy of Maximum Independence, a larger                            even in this case, the gas would likely need to be
scale-up of the GPP is called for, and costs of power                         transported via Israel or Egypt.

116 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza

                                 AVERAGE             CAPEX              2030                2030                 2030                   2030
                                     COST              (US$         UNSERVED          ELECTRICITY            DOMESTIC           DOMESTICALLY
                                   POWER          MILLIONS)          DEMAND              IMPORTS           GENERATION           GENERATED RE
                                      (U.S.                                                                      WITH
                                    CENTS                                                                    IMPORTED
                                 PER KWH)                                                                        FUEL
 1. Do nothing                           14.68                 0              63%                  26%                   11%                      0%
 2. Planned future                       13.39            1,035                0%                  26%                  68%                       6%
 3. PENRA vision                         12.30            1,066                0%                  47%                  46%                       6%
 4. Maximum
 cooperation                             10.37              385                0%                  93%                   0%                       6%
 5. Maximum
 independence                             15.15            1,185               2%                   9%                  83%                       6%

Note: The darker the shade of green the better the performance on that dimension, while the darker the shade of orange the worse the performance on that
Note: CAPEX = capital expenditure; kWh = kilowatt hour; RE = renewable energy.

                                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 117
Figure II-11.7: Resilience Stress Test across Scenarios in Terms of Percent Increase
in Unserved Demand for Gaza

   Max Cooperation

Max Independence

       PENRA Vision

     Planned Future

          Do Nothing

                       0%             10%           20%             30%         40%         50%        60%         70%        80%

                                                                      War        Peace

Note: PENRA = Palestinian Energy and Natural Resources Authority.

No single option performs better than others on all                         Energy policy for Gaza therefore boils down to striking
relevant dimensions, illustrating that trade-offs must                      the right balance between these two limited options.
be made. Examining the five scenarios side by side                          A simple cost comparison between the two suggests
helps to clarify their relative performance. Table II-                      a slight advantage for the GPP once converted to gas.
11.2 compares various dimensions of performance,                            However, the relative ranking of these two options
including the average cost of power generation,                             changes when risk factors are considered. On the
the total capital expenditure, the level of unserved                        one hand, Israeli power imports have had a reliable
demand in 2030, the continued reliance on electricity                       historical track record. On the other hand, the GPP
imports or fuel imports for generation, and the share                       would never be able to rely on gas entirely sourced
of domestically generated renewable energy in the                           and transported within the Palestinian territories and
overall mix.                                                                would be forced to run on expensive diesel whenever
                                                                            gas supplies were to fail. Running the GPP on diesel,
The key energy policy issue for Gaza is where to                            as at present, is a highly unattractive option, which
strike the right balance between Israeli imports                            should be avoided as much as possible. Indeed,
and domestic gas-fired power generation. The                                the investment differential between Maximum
first point to note is that the degree of true energy                       Cooperation and Maximum Independence is as much
independence achievable in Gaza is, due to                                  as NIS 2.9 billion (US$0.8 billion) while the average
geographic circumstances, much lower than for the                           cost differential is as much as NIS 0.175 (US $0.048).
West Bank. Whereas the West Bank could potentially
meet 20–30 percent of its energy needs from solar                           The recommendation is, therefore, not only to pursue
energy by 2030 (depending on access to Area                                 the energization of the existing 161 kV line, but also
C), Gaza is only able to meet at most 6 percent of                          to explore the possibility of additional connection
electricity demand from solar energy by 2030, even                          capacity with IEC, even as efforts to import gas to
after exploiting the full extent of its renewable energy                    Gaza continue. Finally, the development of Gaza’s
potential. Moreover, given the low historical reliability                   limited solar potential looks to be a worthwhile
of Egyptian power imports, Gaza’s only two realistic                        investment that provides a basic electricity safety net
power supply options are Israeli imports and an                             more effectively and efficiently than is currently being
expanded GPP suitably converted to fire on gas.                             achieved with the GPP.

118 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
  (US$)                                   GPP UPGRADED AND EXPANDED OR                                EGYPTIAN             TOTAL
                                        ADDITIONAL SUPPLY FROM IEC COMES                     INTERCONNECTOR IS
                                                                 TO GAZA                             EXPANDED
  WB                           Trans.                                               33                          32                 65
  WB                           Dist.                                                47                          13                 60
  Total                        T&D                                                  80                          45                 125

Figure II-11.8: In Gaza, Retail Sales Tariffs Have Remained Flat as Cost of Power from
Israel and Gaza Power Plant Has Increased

Tariff (NIS per kWh)


                       0.6                                                                                   Average sales price
                                                                                                             (NIS per KWh)

                       0.5                                                                                   Average purchase price*
                                                                                                             (NIS per KWh)

                             2011          2012               2013               2014            2015

                                                                     2011           2012         2013          2014           2015
    Average purchase price* (NIS per kWh)                            0.41           0.52          0.56         0.73           0.60
    Average sales price (NIS per kWh)                                0.50           0.52          0.52         0.50           0.49
    Markup/discount                                                  23%                1%        -7%         -47%            -22%

Note: kWh = kilowatt hour.
Includes Israeli Electric Corporation and Gaza Power Plant.

Another way to compare the alternative scenarios is                         the Maximum Independence scenario, and far
through a stress-testing process that examines how                          outperforming the Maximum Cooperation scenario
they perform under extreme conditions. In particular,                       that could lead to as much as 50 percent of unserved
the stress test looks at how the percentage of                              energy during a conflict period.
unserved energy rises for each scenario when conflict
conditions are simulated.                                                   TRANSMISSION

The Planned Future and PENRA Vision scenarios                               The specific situation of Gaza points to the need
are the ones that perform the best under conflict                           to develop domestic transmission infrastructure as
conditions (figure II-11.7). Under these scenarios the                      opposed to wheeling via the Israeli network. With
unserved demand during wartime would increase                               respect to transmission options, Gaza’s situation is
to 24–29 percent, even slightly outperforming                               quite different to that of the West Bank. Given Gaza’s

                                                               Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 119
Figure II-11.9: Time Trend for Distribution Losses and Collection Efficiency in Gaza

                        0.74                                                                               0.34

                        0.72                                                                               0.32
Collections rates (%)

                        0.70                                                                               0.30

                                                                                                                  Losses (%)
                        0.68                                                                               0.28

                        0.66                                                                               0.26

                        0.64                                                                               0.24

                        0.62                                                                               0.22

                        0.60                                                                               0.20
                               2011      2012           2013              2014                2015

                                         2011           2012              2013              2014               2015
  Losses*                                30%            30%               30%                26%               26%
  Collection Rates                       65%            68%                71%               64%               65%

* Includes technical and nontechnical.

small territory and compact settlement patterns, its        FINANCIAL MODEL
absence of land-use restrictions, and the relatively
limited existing connection capacity with Israel, the       Attention now turns to the financial implications of
option of wheeling power within Gaza via the Israeli        implementing the planning scenarios. The key focus
network does not appear to be relevant. Attention,          of attention will be the financial equilibrium tariff and
therefore, focuses on the need to develop domestic          how it may need to evolve relative to historic practice.
transmission and distribution infrastructure for power
transportation purposes.                                    The Gaza Electricity Distribution Company (GEDCO)
                                                            currently sells power to consumers at a cost lower
Capital expenditure requirements for transmission and       than its own average purchase price from IEC and
distribution in Gaza range from NIS 292 million to NIS      GPP (figure II-11.8). Gaza’s retail power tariffs have
456 million (US$80 million–125 million) (table II-11.3).    been fixed at NIS 0.50 (US$0.14) per kWh for the
Given the need to substantially expand the amount           past decade, even as the weighted average cost
of power flowing through the Gaza network to meet           of purchasing power both from Israel and GPP has
growing demands, an investment of NIS 120 million           risen toward NIS 0.60–0.70 (US$0.17–0.19) per kWh.
(US$33 million) in an internal transmission backbone        The implication is that GEDCO is selling power to
and a further NIS 172 million (US$47 million) for           customers at a discount over its own power purchase
supporting distribution network enforcements would          price, and that’s not even considering the utility’s own
be needed in any case, whether the additional power         distribution operating margin.
was coming from IEC, the GPP, or some combination
of the two. Although the planning scenarios did not         Moreover, GEDCO’s operating performance is by
end up including increased imports from Egypt, it is        far the worst of any of the Palestinian distribution
important to note that the pursuit of this option would     utilities (figure II-11.9). While GEDCO’s distribution
entail a different set of investments in transmission and   losses (including both technical and nontechnical
distribution, amounting to a total of NIS 164 million       losses) have been falling somewhat from around 30
(US$45 million). It is important to note that, whereas      percent in 2011 to 26 percent in 2015, they remain
investments in generation would be pursued under            high relative to other Palestinian utilities and are more
a public-private partnership model, investments in          than twice as high as what would be considered
transmission and distribution would necessarily take        good practice internationally. GEDCO’s collection
the form of public investment.                              ratio, which stands at around 65 percent (despite a

120 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure II-11.10: Projected Financial Equilibrium Tariff for GEDCO under Different
Planning Scenarios and Improved Operational Efficiency Assumptions





         2018      2019       2020    2021   2022   2023   2024     2025       2026      2027   2028   2029   2030

                    Max Cooperation                         PENRA Vision

                    Planned Future                          2015 average retail tariff

sNote: kWh = kilowatt hour.

Figure II-11.11: Projected Financial Equilibrium Tariff for GEDCO under Different
Planning Scenarios and Static Operational Efficiency Assumptions




        2018       2019       2020    2021   2022   2023   2024     2025      2026       2027   2028   2029   2030

                   Max Cooperation                         PENRA Vision

                   Planned Future                          2015 average retail tariff

Note: kWh = kilowatt hour.

recent spurt), is extremely low and represents a huge             the Maximum Independence and PENRA Vision
financial drain on the company. This poor performance             scenarios were the most expensive, entailing an
is partly explained by high levels of unemployment                average generation cost of approximately NIS 0.54
and poverty in Gaza due to the conflict situation, as             (US$0.15) per kWh, while the Maximum Cooperation
well as limited willingness to pay from consumers that            scenario was the least expensive, entailing an average
are subject to continuous rolling blackouts.                      generation cost of (NIS 0.36) US$0.10 per kWh. The
                                                                  Planned Future represents the middle ground, with an
The financial modeling exercise is pursued for three              average cost of just over (NIS 0.51) US$0.13 per kWh.
of the planning scenarios that capture the full range
of potential financial implications. In the case of Gaza,

                                                       Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 121
Figure II-11.12: Subsidy Requirement to Maintain Financial Equilibrium of GEDCO
under Planned Investment Scenario if Retail Tariffs Are Not Adjusted under “PENRA
Vision” Scenario

Capital cost (US$ per KW)




                                   2018   2019   2020   2021    2022     2023     2024     2025      2026     2027   2028   2029   2030
                                                          Efficiency targets met          Efficiency targets not met

The financial equilibrium tariffs tend to converge across                            of action. The financial equilibrium tariffs presented in
scenarios by 2030, but there are huge differences                                    figure II-11.11 are based on an important additional
during the earlier years of the transition (figure II-                               assumption that GEDCO’s financial performance
11.10). While planning scenarios were compared in                                    would improve substantially over time to meet more
terms of their average cost of generation, in practice                               reasonable standards (if not yet full international best
the cost of generation varies annually throughout the                                practice). In particular, it is assumed that collections
planning period. In practice, across all scenarios, the                              can be increased from the current levels of 65 percent
cost of generation declines toward the end of the                                    to 97 percent, while distribution losses fall from the
planning scenario, as GEDCO is able to switch toward                                 current level of 26 percent to 16 percent. In addition,
lower cost technologies, such as CCGT, and benefit                                   transmission losses are set at 2 percent, and there
from declining cost trends for solar PV. The PENRA                                   is an assumption that operations and maintenance
Vision scenario entails a particular cost “hump” in the                              costs could be trimmed by 2 percent annually. Based
early years, as GEDCO has to increase reliance on                                    on reports from the DISCOs, it is assumed that debt is
diesel to meet demands until the gas conversion for                                  currently financed at 3.5 percent, but would probably
the GPP comes on stream. The financial equilibrium                                   need to rise toward 7 percent by 2030. Without these
tariff converges across all scenarios towards NIS                                    improvements, the financial equilibrium tariff to which
0.50–0.60 (US$0.14–0.17) per kWh by 2030, which                                      all scenarios converge by 2030 rises substantially
is just slightly above the current tariff. However, in the                           from NIS 0.50–0.70 (US$0.14–0.19) per kWh to NIS
early years, the tariff differences can be very large,                               0.90–1.10 (US$0.25–0.30) per kWh. Moreover, during
ranging from NIS 1.20 (US$0.33) per kWh for the                                      the transition years, the financial equilibrium tariff gets
“PENRA Vision” scenario to NIS 0.70 (US$0.19) per                                    as high as NIS 0.90–1.50 (US$0.25–0.42) per kWh.
kWh for the Maximum Cooperation scenario.
                                                                                     Failure to adjust GEDCO tariffs would result in massive
The financial equilibrium tariffs for GEDCO are hugely                               average annual subsidy requirements to keep GEDCO
sensitive to assumptions about improvements in                                       afloat (figure II-11.12). For the PENRA Vision scenario,
operational performance, making this a critical area                                 the subsidy requirements are estimated at NIS 1,100

122 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure II-11.13: Comparing the First Five Affordability Deciles against Equilibrium
Tariff for the PENRA Vision Scenario, Assuming Efficiency Targets Are Met by 2030








                       2018       2019      2020     2021     2022      2023     2024      2025     2026       2027     2028     2029     2030

                            Equilibirum tariff             Decile 1             Decile 2            Decile 3             Decile 4               Decile 5

Figure II-11.14: Subsidy Requirement to Maintain Affordability of GEDCO’s Tariffs to
the Poorest Households under the “PENRA Vision” Scenario, Assuming Efficiency
Targets Are Met


Cost (US $millions)




                              2018       2019      2020     2021      2022     2023     2024      2025     2026       2027     2028     2029      2030

                                   Subsidy to 1st decile       Subsidy to 2nd decile       Subsidy to 3rd decile        Subsidy to 4th decile

                                                                               Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 123
million–1,200 million (US$300 million–330 million)             An alternative approach is to allow GEDCO’s tariffs
during the early years of the transition, although they        to adjust to the evolving financial equilibrium tariff,
decline as efficiency targets are reached. Another way         while providing a social safety net to safeguard
of stating this is that if new power projects are taken on     affordability to the poorest. The fiscal costs of keeping
without performing tariff adjustments, GEDCO could             GEDCO’s tariffs constant would clearly be prohibitive.
be expected to lose an average of NIS 0.47 (US$0.13)           At the same time, increasing tariffs beyond their
on every kWh sold over the entire time horizon until           already relatively high level could create affordability
2030. with the losses in the initial five years being up to    problems among Gaza’s impoverished population.
NIS 0.8 (US$0.22) per kWh. These subsidies assume              The affordability analysis conducted for this study
that GEDCO meets the desired efficiency targets by             suggests that the affordable tariff limit will be NIS 0.42
2030. If this expectation is not fulfilled, then the annual    (US$0.11) per kWh in 2018 for the bottom decile
subsidy requirements would increase by, on average,            of the population, NIS 0.65 (US$0.18) per kWh for
a further NIS 308 million (US$81 million) per year over        the second decile, NIS 0.83 (US$0.23) per kWh for
the time horizon until 2030.                                   the third, NIS 1.0 (US$0.27) per kWh for the fourth,
                                                               and NIS 1.17 (US$0.32) per kWh for the fifth decile

 AS % OF GDP                                                2016                               2025
                                                                              PLANNED FUTURE             DO NOTHING
 Revenue                                                              44.1                    44.4                 47.3
 Expenditure                                                          47.1                    40.5                 48.6
 Of which electricity subsidies                                        4.7                     0.9                  6.0
 Operational balance                                                  -3.0                     3.9                  -1.3

 AVERAGE ANNUAL GROWTH                                        PLANNED FUTURE                             DO NOTHING
 GDP at market prices                                                        4.6                                     4.1
 Investment                                                                  8.9                                     5.2
 Consumer price index                                                        1.5                                     1.5

124 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
of the population (figure II-11.13). A targeted subsidy
designed to keep electricity bills affordable for the
poor as tariffs adjust to meet financial equilibrium
would have a much lower fiscal cost, estimated
starting at less than NIS 70 million (US$19 million)
per year, increasing to NIS 80 million (US$22 million)
per year in the subsequent years, then dropping to
less than NIS 10 million (US$3 million) per year by
2030, as costs come down and target efficiencies are
reached (figure II-11.14).


A combined energy investment and reform package
produces tangible macro fiscal benefits. To evaluate
the fiscal and macroeconomic impact of PENRA’s
current projects in the pipeline, a computable
general equilibrium (CGE) model is designed for
the Planned Future scenario described above. For
modeling purposes, this scenario is characterized
by a steep expansion in domestic power generation
accompanied by a fall in energy costs.

The CGE model predicts that the Planned Future
scenario ensures electricity subsidies are fully
eliminated and there is a boost in GDP growth and
investment. From a fiscal perspective, the Planned
Future scenario entails a dramatic reduction in
electricity subsidies that are otherwise projected to
escalate to 6.0 percent of GDP by 2025 under the
Do Nothing scenario, to a much lower level of 0.9
percent of GDP by 2025 (table II-11.4). This makes
a substantial contribution to the net government
operating balance estimated to be in substantial
surplus under the Planned Future versus a sizeable
deficit under the Do Nothing scenario. The Planned
Future scenario also delivers a significant boost to
the growth rate of the economy, which would be 0.5
percentage points of GDP higher than otherwise for
the entire decade (table II-11.5). The main sector to
benefit from the energy turnaround is investment,
which grows as much as 3.7 percentage points
of GDP higher than otherwise, partly as a result of
the increased fiscal space created by reducing
electricity subsidies.

                                                Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 125

Conclusions and

           Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 127

A Four-Phase Road Map to
Improved Energy Security in
the West Bank and Gaza

This concluding chapter brings together all of the             energy sector depend on greater creditworthiness.
analysis in the report to define a sequenced and               Without improved creditworthiness, the sector cannot
prioritized roadmap of recommendations for the                 sign new power import deals or close PPAs with
Palestinian electricity sector. The starting point             independent power producers for increased domestic
for the road map is to strengthen the Palestinian              power-generation projects; as recent experience
Electricity      Transmission   Company’s        (PETL’s)      with renewable energy development has illustrated.
operational capacity and financial sustainability. While       Creditworthiness is equally important to allow the
an important interim agreement was signed in July              import of natural gas into the Palestinian territories,
2017, PETL is still negotiating with the Israeli Electric      whether through gas purchase agreements with
Corporation about (i) a power purchase agreement               Israel or ultimately a contract to develop Palestinian
(PPA), (ii) the energization of several high-voltage           gas from the Gaza Marine field. None of these
substations, and (iii) the transfer of connection              ventures can get off the ground unless the Palestinian
points from distribution companies (DISCOs) and                electricity sector becomes a credible off-taker.
municipality and village councils to PETL. In parallel,
PETL should focus on (i) negotiating the power supply          There are several distinct components that will need
agreements with Palestinian distributors, (ii) putting in      to be tackled if creditworthiness is to be improved.
place billing and collection systems to sell power to,
and collect payments from, Palestinian distributors,           First, replace generation from the Gaza Power Plant
and (iii) providing advice to the Palestinian Electricity      (GPP) with increasing electricity imports from Israel to
Regulatory Council (PERC) for the calculation of a             provide considerable relief until a conversion to gas can
tariff for selling power to the distributors. With these       be undertaken. The cost of diesel-fired generation at
mechanisms in place, PETL could accelerate its                 GPP is exceptionally high, at approximately US$0.30
progress toward fulfilling its role and responsibilities       per kilowatt hour (kWh), even at current low oil prices.
under the PPA and reduce its reliance on donor                 This is approximately three times the cost of power
assistance for operational costs. Once these                   imports from Israel, which also provides a much more
immediate measures are in place, the question                  reliable level of supply. Until GPP is ready for the
becomes what needs to be done next to begin to                 switch over to gas-fired generation that would slash
move toward the vision of improved energy security in          costs to US$0.068 per kWh, it would be desirable
the Palestinian territories. The analysis suggests that        to substitute domestic diesel-fired power generation
there is a certain sequence in which measures will             with Israeli power imports, taking advantage of the
need to be taken. Four distinct phases are identified.         new 161 kV line that is in an advanced stage of
                                                               planning. Even considering the need to continue to
PHASE 1: IMPROVE SECTOR                                        pay capacity charges of US$0.026 per kWh to GPP,
CREDITWORTHINESS                                               every reduction of one kWh in diesel-fired power
                                                               generation would be sufficient to buy two kWh of
The first phase needs to focus on what is by far the           Israeli imports. Such a move would simultaneously
highest priority issue in the Palestinian electricity sector   reduce costs and improve quantity and reliability of
today: namely, the issue of financial creditworthiness.        supply, and thereby increase prospects for improved
Progress on all other aspects of the Palestinian               recovery of costs through tariff revenues.

128 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Second, accelerate improvements in the operational       Third, create securitization mechanisms to ensure
and commercial performance of Palestinian                that Palestinian DISCO revenues are not diverted
DISCOs. Cost-recovery tariffs could be significantly     to other municipal projects. Due to the lack of a
reduced over time if the operational and commercial      subnational financing framework in the West Bank
performance of the Palestinian DISCOs could              and Gaza, DISCO revenues remain vulnerable to
be improved to reasonable regional benchmark             diversion into municipal budgets. The long-term
levels. For the utilities in the West Bank, improved     solution to this problem, which is to strengthen the
operational performance would take US$0.03               basis of subnational public finance, is important for
per kWh off the financial equilibrium tariff, while in   broader development reasons that go well beyond the
Gaza improving operational performance is worth          energy sector. However, this will likely take some time
as much as US$0.11 per kWh. Achieving further            to achieve. Hence the importance of finding interim
improvements can build on some recent successes          mechanisms to securitize the revenues needed for
with the introduction of prepaid and smart meters that   the DISCOs to meet the costs of wholesale power
helped to raise revenue collection rates to 85 percent   purchase. This could take the form of a payment
on average across the utilities. Further improvements    prioritization hierarchy, combined with an escrow
in revenue collection are required, particularly for     account that requires revenues to be deposited to
weak performers such as Gaza Electricity Distribution    cover a certain advance period of wholesale power
Company         and Southern Electricity Distribution    purchases before these can be supplied. The issue
Company. Moreover, across the board, attention           of securitization of revenues is particularly critical in
needs to turn toward improving network losses            Gaza, and would be an essential component of any
which remain abnormally high despite all efforts. In     moves to substitute increased Israeli power imports
this regard, it is recommended to establish a revenue    for domestic diesel-fired power generation.
protection program to permanently measure and bill
every kWh sold to the largest DISCO customers with
state-of-the-art technology.

                                               Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 129
Fourth, ensure that all Palestinian DISCOs move toward         operator and single buyer and central bookkeeper of
cost recovery. Not all Palestinian DISCOs are charging         the electricity sector. However, its start of operations
cost recovery tariffs today. Only two Palestinian utilities,   has been delayed pending the closure of a long-term
Jerusalem District Electricity Company and Northern            PPA with Israel and the energization of the high-voltage
Electricity Distribution Company, make formal tariff           substations. The signing of an interim agreement with
submissions to PERC. The resulting uniform tariff that         Israel to energize the Jenin high-voltage substation
is applied across all Palestinian utilities in the West Bank   alone was the first step toward PETL’s financial and
is estimated to under recover costs for all but Northern       operational sustainability, and this was completed on
Electricity Distribution Company. Moreover, PERC’s             July 10, 2017 after extensive negotiations. PETL is
practice of not passing through collection inefficiencies      now able to resell the discounted power to DISCOs in
to the retail tariff, while defensible from the standpoint     the north of the West Bank at a slight markup, allowing
of consumers, further weakens the financial solidity           them to obtain revenues. The next step is the signing
of the sector. In addition, Gaza Electricity Distribution      of the main long-term PPA for all substations. In the
Company does not follow PERC tariff guidelines and             meantime, PETL should make further progress toward
has not adjusted its electricity tariff for a decade,          its goal of being the single buyer, by ensuring that all
currently charging a retail tariff that is US$0.03–0.05        wholesale power purchases are undertaken through
per kWh lower than the wholesale purchase price                its intermediation in order to improve transparency
of electricity, without considering the costs of power         and discipline of the sector.
distribution. The higher costs of electricity production
in Gaza, combined with the sensitive social context,           PHASE 2: ADVANCE PARALLEL “NO
suggest that efforts to improve cost recovery in Gaza          REGRETS” MEASURES
would need to be preceded by measures to both
reduce costs and improve the availability of power             While the absolute priority is to improve the
supply, such as the switching of diesel-fired power            creditworthiness of the electricity sector, there
generation for Israeli imports.                                are several other no regrets measures that can
                                                               advance in parallel during a second phase. Even
Fifth, build the capacity of PETL to play its envisaged        after decisive steps are taken to address the issue of
role in the sector. In the new sector architecture, PETL       creditworthiness, time will be needed for a payment
has been assigned a dual role of transmission system           record to be established and a reputation to be

130 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
built. During this period of consolidation, it would be      kilometers of transmission and distribution lines in
helpful to accelerate measures that will facilitate the      the Gaza Strip affected by past conflicts. But more
development of other power supply options that will          needs to the done. Additional feasibility studies for the
become feasible once the issue of creditworthiness           transmission and distribution lines to deliver the power
has been adequately addressed.                               to the end-consumer will, however, be required.

First, create the infrastructure needed to support the       Fourth, improve the enabling environment for
import of natural gas into the Palestinian territories.      independent power projects. While the financial
All the planning analysis confirms the strategic role        creditworthiness of the sector is the single largest
that natural gas-fired power generation can play in          impediment to the implementation of independent
the electricity mix for both the West Bank and Gaza,         power projects, there are several other simple
as well as its relatively attractive cost. The first step    measures that could be taken to improve the quality
in making this possible is to construct the relatively       of the enabling environment, and which could be
modest pipeline extensions needed to make possible           handled through secondary legislation or executive
the import of gas from the Israeli system. These will        regulations that develop broad provisions in the
create the platform for credible negotiations for gas        existing sector legislation. These include further
supply agreements and ultimately the construction            clarifying the provisions for licensing new generators
of a new gas-fired plant, or the conversion to gas in        and the provisions associated with connection to the
the case of Gaza. The Gas-for-Gaza Project led by            grid. The roles of PERC and PETL in this process also
the Office of the Quartet has focused its efforts in         need to be further spelled out.
removing key obstacles for the construction of a gas
pipeline from Israel to the GPP.                             Fifth, establish a risk-mitigation mechanism to support
                                                             the next generation of Palestinian independent power
Second, pursue an aggressive program to promote              projects. Risk mitigation is no substitute for addressing
the uptake of rooftop solar photovoltaics (PV). Unlike       the fundamental underlying creditworthiness issues
grid-based solar power, rooftop solar PV is highly           in the sector, and it does not make sense to move
decentralized and is not contingent on progress              ahead with risk mitigation until the Palestinian
toward sector creditworthiness and the capacity of           Authority has demonstrated a sustained and credible
PETL. Moreover, it has been shown that rooftop solar         commitment to improving the financial standing of the
PV can play a valuable role as an electricity safety net     sector. Nevertheless, once this has taken place, risk
to increase the resilience of the Palestinian electricity    mitigation may play a valuable role in getting the next
system and ensure that critical humanitarian needs           generation of Palestinian independent power projects
can be met. This is particularly true in the case of         off the ground. It would therefore be valuable to work
Gaza, where the World Bank will support a pilot              with donors to develop a suitable mechanism for
rooftop solar PV project to reduce the high upfront          risk mitigation, evaluating the relevance of a range of
capital expenditures for the customers and test the          financial instruments such as guarantees, first loss,
sustainability of a revolving fund model. In parallel, the   blended finance, and viability gap finance.
French Development Agency is planning to launch a
project-based on a financial intermediary model to           PHASE 3: IMPLEMENT FIRST WAVE OF
support the scaling up of renewable energies.                INDEPENDENT POWER PROJECTS

Third, complete the domestic transmission backbone           In a third phase, it will become possible to make progress
in Gaza. Domestic transmission constraints are already       with a major wave of Palestinian independent power
an issue in Gaza, and these will only become more            projects. These will build on the critical foundational
severe as efforts to increase the supply of power bear       elements already tackled under the first two phases.
fruit. It is therefore important to ensure that the modest   It makes sense to begin with those projects that look
transmission and distribution upgrades required are          to be the most tractable from a technical and political
completed in a timely fashion, and certainly well ahead      perspective, which suggests focusing on developing
of any future expansion of GPP. The Gaza Electricity         combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) capacity and
Network Rehabilitation Project, financed by the World        utility-scale solar PV in Areas A and B.
Bank, has constructed or rehabilitated more than 250

                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 131
First, convert GPP to CCGT gas-fired technology as           Fifth, engage in dialogue over the use of Area C for
the most urgent of the domestic power-generation             the development of Palestinian power infrastructure
projects. Conversion of GPP to CCGT gas-fired                and renewable energy generation. The planning
technology once a gas pipeline comes on stream               analysis highlights the economic value of Area C,
would save between US$45 million and US$62                   both as a location for grid-based solar generation
million annually in fuel bills and provide Gaza with a       and as the conduit for any future Palestinian electricity
cost-effective domestic source of power generation.          transmission infrastructure. While there is much that
                                                             still needs to be done before the issue of Area C
Second, proceed with the construction of a                   becomes a binding constraint, the political complexity
new CCGT gas-fired plant initially in Jenin, and             of the issue suggests that it may be helpful to begin
eventually in Hebron. Once the gas transportation            a dialogue process that over time can help to clarify
infrastructure is in place, and some improvements            the modalities for making use of Area C. A related
to the sector environment have been achieved, the            question is the need to coordinate Palestinian plans to
implementation of the Jenin CCGT plant should be             ramp up renewable energy generation with those that
relatively straightforward. Guarantee products might         also exist on the Israeli side, in order to ensure that
be required to reduce the risk of nonpayment by the          challenges related to grid stability and the integration
off-taker. Two important issues need to be addressed         of intermittent sources can be adequately handled to
in the project design. One is the arrangements for           the benefit of both sides.
selling any surplus energy back into the Israeli grid.
The other is to ensure that the terms of a future gas        PHASE 4: IMPLEMENT
supply agreement are sufficiently flexible to allow for      TRANSFORMATIONAL PROJECTS
an eventual switch of supply from the Gaza Marine
gas field, should this prove to be desirable.                The fourth and final phase would build on earlier
Third, embrace a more ambitious target for utility-          success to tackle the more challenging, and
scale solar PV farms in Areas A and B. As noted in           potentially transformational, projects needed to
the planning analysis, it looks feasible to develop over     complete the Palestinian energy vision. These include
600 MW of solar PV capacity in the West Bank based           the construction of solar generation and transmission
on potential in Areas A and B as well as rooftop. This       backbone infrastructure in Area C, as well as the
goes far beyond the current target of 130 MW by 2020.        development of the Gaza Marine gas field.
With the improvements in the enabling environment in
place, as well as the establishment of risk-mitigation       First, develop a Palestinian transmission backbone
mechanisms, it should become feasible to scale-up            in the West Bank. The analysis has shown that as
and accelerate efforts to develop this solar potential.      domestic Palestinian power generation ramps up, the
                                                             cost of wheeling charges back through the Israeli grid
Fourth, establish suitable wheeling arrangements with        rapidly become quite significant. A more economic
Israel. As the volume of domestic power generation           option in the long term would be to construct a
in the West Bank ramps up, there will be increasing          Palestinian transmission backbone.
need to move power away from generation plants
toward Palestinian load centers. At present, this can        Second, develop utility-scale solar PV and
be done only by wheeling power back through the              concentrated solar power projects in Area C of the
Israeli grid and reimporting into the West Bank at           West Bank. If a successful track record of solar farm
another location. The analysis suggests that wheeling        development can be established on the more limited
charges are relatively costly, particularly if low-          land endowments of Areas A and B, and suitable
voltage networks need to be used. It will therefore be       transmission backbone infrastructure can be put in
important to ensure that the number of substations           place across Area C, the West Bank would be ready
in the West Bank increases in such a way as to               to benefit from larger scale solar development in Area
keep pace with the expansion of domestic supply. It          C. This would entail both solar PV and concentrated
would also be important to have dialogue with the            solar power technologies.
Israeli regulator, Public Utility Authority, regarding the
charges for wheeling, and to explore any possible            Third, move ahead with the development of the Gaza
alternative arrangements (such as power swaps) that          Marine gas field. As noted, the development of the
may help to contain costs.                                   Gaza Marine gas field is critically dependent on having

132 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                     WEST BANK                                      GAZA                           WEST BANK AND GAZA
                            PUBLIC              PRIVATE                 PUBLIC              PRIVATE                  PUBLIC              PRIVATE
    Phase One                    -                   -                       -                    -                      -                    -
    Phase Two                  7a               800–1,100b                135c              240–320d                    142           1,040–1,420
    Phase Three                                    930e                                     900–990f                     -            1,830–1,920
    Phase Four                188g               375–500h                    -             250–1,200i                   188             620–1,700
    Total                      195            2,105–2,530                  135            1,390–2,510                  330           3,495–5,040
   Includes natural gas pipeline of 15 kilometers (km) for Jenin Power Plant (JPP).
    Includes 530 megawatt (MW) of rooftop in the West Bank, assuming cost of US$1,500–2,000 per kilowatt peak (kWp).
   Includes natural gas pipeline of maximum 20 km (section inside Gaza only) and upgraded transmission and distribution network capable of absorbing power
from expanded Gaza Power Plant, Israeli Electric Corporation, and Egyptian supply options.
    Includes 160 MW of rooftop in the West Bank, assuming cost of US$1,500–2,000 per kWp.
    Includes JPP at 400 MW and Hebron Power Plant (HPP) at 120 MW, as well as 130 MW of renewable energy in Areas A and B.
  Includes GPP upgrade to 560 MW on natural gas in Gaza.
    Includes the West Bank transmission backbone and distribution grid upgrade assuming four new substations are active, JPP and HPP are online, access to
area C is granted, and Jordanian connector is expanded.
h Includes 500 MW of utility-scale solar in Area C, assuming cost of US$750–1,000 per Watt-peak.
  Estimate of costs for development of Gaza Marine gas field.

a creditworthy off-taker to sign the gas purchase deal.                          CONCLUDING REMARKS
Given the abundance of gas discoveries in the eastern
Mediterranean and the relatively small nature of the                             The implementation of this road map would require
field, the development of this field will likely need to                         private investment of the order of NIS 13 billion to NIS
be underwritten by a significant Palestinian demand                              18 billion (US$3 billion to US$5 billion) complemented
for gas. For all the reasons described, this demand                              by public investment of around NIS 1 billion (US$0.3
will take time to develop and would be achieved only                             billion). Table III-5.1 clarifies the indicative investment
once significant gas-fired power generation was on-                              needs that would be required during each phase of
stream and establishing a solid gas purchase payment                             the road map in the West Bank and Gaza. Of the
record in both the West Bank and Gaza. That would                                total investment requirements of NIS 14 billion to NIS
be a suitable juncture at which to sign a bankable                               20 billion (US$3.8 billion to US$5.4 billion), over 90
deal for the development of the field, allowing the                              percent corresponds to the private sector, between
Palestinian gas-fired plants to switch gradually from                            50 and 75 percent to the West Bank.
Israeli to Palestinian gas as the new field starts to
become productive. Given the relatively small volume                             Progress in many of the areas identified will require
of Palestinian demand, it may make sense to consider                             continued and even deepened cooperation with
the options for Gaza Marine development that require                             Israeli institutions (table III-5.2). In every phase of
the least infrastructure development—by making use                               the road map, progress depends on coordinated
of stranded infrastructure from the Israeli Mari B field—                        measures being taken on both the Palestinian and
thereby making the field economic at lower levels of                             Israeli sides. Close coordination will be needed on
throughput. Seen from this perspective, the primary                              both sides throughout the implementation process.
value of the Gaza Marine field to the Palestinian
economy lies not so much as a supply of gas, which                               In conclusion, the analysis presented in this report has
is in any case abundantly available in the region, nor                           allowed numerous elements of a Palestinian energy
even as a source of energy security, since Palestinian                           vision to come into focus. It has also clarified what
gas would inevitably need to be transported through                              are the most immediate steps that need to be taken
Israeli infrastructure. Rather it is an eventual source of                       in support of that vision.
fiscal revenues for the Palestinian Authority, estimated
at US2.7 billion over 25 years.

                                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 133
   PHASE 1: IMPROVE SECTOR                                  PHASE 2: ADVANCE PARALLEL NO REGRETS
   CREDITWORTHINESS                                         MEASURES
   Substitute Israeli imports for diesel-fired              Create infrastructure for import of natural gas
   generation in Gaza
   P : Gradually ramp down GPP and use the savings          P, I : Construct natural gas pipelines for West Bank
   to buy additional IEC supply until GPP can be            and Gaza paving the way for construction of new/
   converted to gas.                                        upgraded power plants.
   I : Provide additional power to Gaza through 161kV.
   Improve operational and commercial efficiency            Improve enabling environment for IPPs
   P : Continue improvement of DISCO performance            P : Update and improve legislation and licensing
   by reducing losses, increasing collection rates and      provisions that would help IPPs enter the market
   bringing down overhead costs. One mechanism can          and also clarify roles and responsibilities of PERC
   be through a revenue protection program aiming           and PETL in this environment.
   to permanently measure and bill every KWh sold
   largest DISCO consumers.

   Securitize payments of wholesale electricity             Promote uptake of rooftop solar PV
   P : Strengthen sub national public finance to avoid      P : Set aggressive targets for 160MW of rooftop PV
   diversion of electricity bill collections to municipal   in Gaza and 530MW in West Bank.
   budgets and set up escrow accounts both in Gaza
   and West Bank to ring fence collections.
   Adjust tariffs to better reflect cost recovery           Develop transmission backbone in Gaza
   P : Reexamine the retail tariffs and increase rates to   P : Upgrade T&D network to allow increase in
   allow better cost recovery by DISCOs.                    power supply and reduction in losses.
   Build the capacity of PETL to play its role              Design a risk mitigation mechanism for IPPs
   P : PETL to streamline billing to and payments from      P, D : After creditworthiness issues from Phase
   DISCOs while in parallel pushing to energize the         I have been improved, develop financial risk
   new substations and sign the PPA with IEC.               mitigation instruments such as guarantee
   I : Sign bulk supply PPA and energize new                mechanisms.

134 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Convert GPP to CCGT gas-fired technology                Develop grid-scale solar PV/CSP farms in Area C

P : Complete conversion and upgrade of GPP              P : Begin development of renewables in Area C
ensuring flexible gas supply agreement to allow         only after a successful track record of renewable
switch to Gaza Marine.                                  development in Areas A and B.
I : Enter into gas supply agreement for GPP.            I : Provide permits for construction in Area C.
Construct new CCGT plant at Jenin, then Hebron          Develop transmission backbone in the West Bank
P : Complete JPP and HPP construction with              P : Begin development of a transmission backbone,
flexible gas supply agreement to allow switch to        considering also the possibility of negotiating
Gaza Marine. Build additional substations to keep       a swap mechanism that eliminates the need for
pace with increased domestic generation.                wheeling or building of infrastructure.
I : Enter into gas supply agreement for JPP and         I : Provide permits for construction in Area C
HPP.                                                    and/or provide swap alternatives to building a
Increase renewable energy targets                       Develop Gaza Marine Gas Field
P : Increase renewable energy targets to 600MW in       P : Develop Gaza Marine with least amount of
West Bank and 160MW in Gaza by 2030 (includes           infrastructure development to keep costs low.
rooftop solar) but only after the right enabling        I : Allow permission to use existing Israeli
environment has been established from Phase I.          infrastructure for evacuation of Gaza Marine.
Establish wheeling arrangements with IEC
P, I : Negotiate lower wheeling tariffs and/or swap
arrangements until a transmission backbone is built
Engage in dialogue over use of Area C
P, I : Coordinate on Area C access and permitting
issues as well as grid stability and regional
integration for supply expansion and transmission

                                              Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 135

      Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 137

The Palestinian
Electricity Sector
Map A.1: Electricity Supply System in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                                                                                IBRD 43948 | SEPTEMBER 2018
           Existing Power Plant
           Future Power Plant
           Existing Substations
           New Substations or Under Construction
           Future Substations
           Future Transmission Lines (220/66 kV)                                                       JENIN
           Existing 33 kV Distribution Lines
           Existing 22 kV Distribution Lines                                                                             TUBAS
                                                                                       Tulkarm                          Tubas
           HIGH VOLTAGE LINES:                                                        TULKARM
             New Feed Lines from Israel to West Bank                                                   Nablus
             Prospective Feed Line from Israel to Gaza
             Feed Line to Jericho                                         Qalqilyah                             NABLUS
             Prospective Feed Line from Jordan
             Feed Line from Egypt to Gaza                                             SALFIT


    0         10         20 Kilometers                                                    W e s t Ba nk
        Me dite r r a n ean
              Sea                                                                                      JERUSALEM


                                                                                                                            Dead Sea
               Gaza City                                                                    Hebron

   Gaza                                                                                 HEBRON
  Deir el Balah                   GAZA CITY
YUNIS                    DEIR EL BALAH
             Yunis                                                                                         Governorate Capitals
        Rafah                     Northern West Bank is fed from:                                          Armistice Demarcation Lines, 1949
                                   • 2x33kV feeders from Beisan substation                                 No-man’s Land Areas,
             RAFAH                 • 12x33kV feeders from Ariel (Salfit) substation                         Armistice Demarcation Line, 1949
                                   • 2x33kV feeders from Mt. Afraym substation                             Jerusalem City Limit, Unilaterally
                                   • 3x22kV feeders                                                        Expanded by Israel June 1967;
                                                                                                           then Annexed July 30, 1980
 ARAB                             Southern West Bank is fed from:
                                                                                                           Governorate Boundaries
REP. OF                            • 10x33kV feeders from Hebron substation
                                   • 4x33kV feeders from 2 portable substations                            Administrative Boundary
                                                                                                           International Boundaries

138 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Map A.2: Power Supply to Gaza

                                                                                                                              IBRD 43949 | SEPTEMBER 2018
      Electric Feeder (Israel)
                                                       M e d i t e r r a n e a n Se a
      Electric Feeder (A.R. Egypt)                                                                                       0                  4                 8 Kilometers

      Water Treatment Facilities
                                                                                        North Gaza
      Pumping Stations                                                                                                                                              Grizim
                                                                                                                                                                (Al Bahar Line)
      Wastewater Desalination Plants
      Water Wells
      Sewage Outlet (in constant use)                                                                                                                           (Beit Lahia line)
                                                                              Gaza                                                                    12
      Sewage Outlet (overflow only)                                                                                                      4             MW
      Open Border Crossing                                                                                                      8

                                                                                                                                                      Erez            Eival
      Closed, but open for exceptional                                                                                                                (Beit Hanun) Jabalia Line
      cases Border Crossing
      Closed Border Crossing                                                                                                                           12
      Built-up areas
      Refugee Camps                                    Middle Area
      Governorate Boundaries
      Armistice Demarcation Line, 1949
      International Boundary
                                                                                                                                      MW                       Nekarot
                                     Khan Yunis                                                                                   Nahal Oz/Fuel Pipeline    (Baghdad Line)
                                                                                                                             12 Karni Crossing
                                                                                                                             MW (Al Montar)
                                                                                                       Gaza Power       12                                   Hemda
                                                                                                                                                         (Al Quba Line)

                                                                                                       Plant            MW

                                                                                                                                                         (Al Shaff Line)

                                                                                                                        CURRENT SITUATION WITH GPP
           58%                                                                                12
                                                                                                        (Middle Line)
                                                                                                                               TURNED OFF
                                                                                                                             Gaza Strip Total
                                                                                MW                                                                           Deficit

                                                                                                      (Kisufim Line)

                                                                                                                        Percentage of
                                                                                     ISRAEL                             demand met

                                                                                                                        Electricity by provider
                                                                         12                                                                                      A.R. of
                                                                         MW                                                              Israel                  Egypt
                                                                                                  Shiryon                                 80%                     20%
                                                                                              (Khan Yunis Line)
                  MW                                          10
                                                                                                                                    450      MW Demand

                   MW                                                                                                               150      MW Available
                  10                               2
                  MW                              MW
    Palestine                                                     Sufa                                                              1.9 Million       Affected population
      Line             10                                                         Surya
                       MW                                                      (Rafah Line)

                        (Al ‘Awda)                                                                                                  16-20 HOURS
      Line                                                                                                                          of scheduled electricity outages are
                                          Kerem Shalom                                                                              implemented across Gaza per day.
  AR AB R E P.
                                          (Karrm Abu Salem)

                                                                                                         Source: OCHA 2016. https://www.ochaopt.org/content/
  O F E GYPT                                                                                                     gaza-strip-access-and-movement-august-2016

                                                                              Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 139
SEGMENTS                                                                                2011         2012          2014       FEB ‘15   SEPT ‘15
                   Residential (postpaid): All West Bank except Jericho and Jordan Valley [NIS per kWh]
1–160 kWh per month                                   1–100 kWh per month: 0.4085                   0.465        0.490         0.441      0.437
161–250 kWh per month                             101–200 kWh per month: 0.4546                     0.510         0.528        0.475       0.471
251–400 kWh per month                                                                               0.590         0.635        0.572      0.543
                                               Above 200kWh per month: 0.4795
401–600 kWh per month                                                                               0.620         0.665        0.600       0.581
Above 600 kWh                                                                                      0.690          0.735        0.662      0.642
Fixed fees per day                                                                    0.333         0.333         0.333        0.333      0.333
                    Residential (prepaid): All West Bank except Jericho and Jordan Valley [NIS per kWh]
Flat Rate (no segments)                                                               0.467         0.520         0.565        0.500      0.475
Fixed fees per day                                                                          0            0             0           0          0
                              Residential (postpaid): Only Jericho and Jordan Valley [NIS per kWh]
1- 500 kWh per month                                                                     NA        0.480             NA        0.450      0.428
Above 500 kWh per month                                                                  NA         0.520            NA        0.490      0.466
                               Residential (prepaid): Only Jericho and Jordan Valley [NIS per kWh]
Flat rate (no segments)                                                                  NA         0.520            NA        0.475       0.451
                                   Commercial (postpaid): Single and three-phase [NIS per kWh]
Flat rate (no segments)                                                                0.518        0.630         0.667        0.614      0.596
Fixed fees per day                                                                    0.667         0.667         0.667        0.667      0.667
                                   Commercial (prepaid): Single and three-phase [NIS per kWh]
Flat Rate (no segments)                                                               0.508        0.600          0.637        0.586      0.568
Fixed fees per day                                                                     0.34              0             0           0          0
                     Industrial (low voltage): Less than 60 MWh consumption per month [NIS per kWh]
Flat rate (no segments)                                                               0.428        0.500          0.537        0.500      0.485
Fixed fees per day                                                                          1             1             1           1          1
                                       Industrial (medium voltage: 6.6, 11, 33kV) [NIS per kWh]
Flat rate (no segments)                                                               0.399        0.450          0.487        0.440       0.414
Fixed fees per day                                                                          4             4            4           4          4
                                              Industrial 2 (marble and stone) [NIS per kWh]
Flat rate (no segments)                                                                  NA            NA            NA         0.54     0.5238
                                                          Water pump [NIS per kWh]
Flat rate (no segments)                                                               0.467        0.500          0.537        0.485      0.460
Fixed fees per day                                                                          1             1             1           1          1
                                                           Agriculture [NIS per kWh]
Flat Rate (no segments)                                                              0.409         0.460          0.497        0.448      0.440
Fixed fees per day                                                                    0.333         0.333         0.333        0.333      0.333
                                                          Street lights [NIS per kWh]
Flat rate                                                                             0.407         0.466         0.503        0.453      0.450
Fixed fees per day                                                                    0.333         0.333         0.333        0.333      0.333
                                               Temporary service (postpaid) [NIS per kWh]
Flat rate                                                                             0.683        0.800          0.837        0.754      0.754
Fixed fees per day                                                                    0.667         0.667         0.667        0.667      0.667
                                               Temporary service (prepaid) [NIS per kWh]
Flat rate                                                                             0.683        0.800          0.837        0.754      0.754
Fixed fees per day                                                                     0.34          0.34          0.34            0          0
Note: The flat tariff is applied to residential, commercial, and industrial customers consuming less than 60 MWh per month.

140 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
 SEASON               TOU TARIFF CATEGORY                   2015 ISRAEL              2011 PA      2012 PA      FEB 2015    SEPT 2015
                                                                 TARIFF              TARIFF       TARIFF      PA TARIFF    PA TARIFF
                      Rate–A (off-peak)                            0.3802             0.3055       0.4364        0.4283       0.4010
                      Rate–B (mid-peak)                            0.6035             0.5648        0.7541       0.6798       0.6263
                      Rate–C (peak)                                 1.0052            0.9774        1.2859        1.1323       1.0283
                      Rate–A (off-peak)                            0.3304             0.2697       0.3826        0.3722       0.3602
 Spring and
                      Rate–B (mid-peak)                              0.409            0.3408       0.4776        0.4607       0.4400
                      Rate–C (peak)                                  0.503            0.4259        0.5914       0.5666       0.5303
                      Rate–A (off-peak)                             0.3441             0.2756      0.3955        0.3876       0.3767
                      Rate–B (mid-peak)                            0.4964             0.4453       0.6026        0.5591       0.5408
                      Rate–C (peak)                                  1.1466            1.0792       1.4105        1.2915       1.1894

 SEASON               TOU TARIFF CATEGORY                     TARIFF ISL            2011 PA       2012 PA      FEB 2015    SEPT 2015
                                                                2015 [6]         TARIFF [4]     TARIFF [3]    PA TARIFF    PA TARIFF
                                                                                                                    [2]           [1]
                      Rate–A (off-peak)                             0.3014            0.2684       0.3642        0.3395        0.3149
                      Rate–B (mid-peak)                               0.513            0.5165      0.6667        0.5778       0.5285
                      Rate–C (peak)                                 0.8796            0.8963         1.1583      0.9908       0.8939
                      Rate–A (off-peak)                             0.2556             0.2355       0.3147       0.2879       0.2780
 Spring and
                      Rate–B (mid-peak)                             0.3259            0.2996       0.4007         0.3671       0.3491
                      Rate–C (peak)                                  0.4141            0.3795      0.5078        0.4664       0.4336
                      Rate–A (off-peak)                             0.2639             0.2367      0.3220        0.2973       0.2886
                      Rate–B (mid-peak)                             0.3997            0.3905        0.5108       0.4502       0.4349
                      Rate–C (peak)                                0.9993              0.9772       1.2627        1.1256       1.0305

Note: The TOU tariff is applied to Industrial customers consuming less than 60 MWh per month.

                                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 141
                                                          2011                2012                 2013            2014            2015
                                                               Current assets
 Accounts receivable                              511,543,102       592,638,906          759,513,337         912,051,741    994,313,285
 Cash and cash equivalents                         66,731,355          78,507,761            89,072,998      81,999,095      76,013,661
 Asset inventory in warehouse                     50,328,765          32,279,908             41,059,610      46,348,215      45,437,813
 Work under implementation                        147,115,720        236,841,628                    NA              NA              NA
 Other current assets                               3,493,216           7,661,401            18,406,544       15,083,321     10,010,723
 Total current assets                             779,212,158       947,929,604         908,052,489        1,055,482,372   1,125,775,482
                                                             Noncurrent assets
 Property plant and equipment                    327,291,487         361,827,870         415,044,614        627,740,662     715,900,801
 Projects under construction                                NA                  NA      257,407,020          108,497,147    128,373,720
 Intangible assets                                    50,000              50,000                50,000          50,000          50,000
 Other noncurrent assets                            7,130,789          22,717,324            32,248,657      43,470,784     46,554,248
 Total noncurrent assets                        334,472,276          384,595,194         704,750,291        779,758,593    890,878,769
 Total assets                                   1,113,684,434      1,332,524,798       1,612,802,780       1,835,240,965   2,016,654,251
                                                              Current liabilities
 Accounts payable                                 285,831,913       441,908,286          881,953,033       1,027,225,379   1,255,331,424
 Other current liabilities                       115,593,048          116,281,908        132,567,633         139,247,227    143,390,312
 Total current liabilities                       401,424,961         558,190,194       1,014,520,666       1,166,472,606   1,398,721,736
                                                           Noncurrent liabilities
 Long term loans                                    192,511,116      152,496,471         117,087,630          92,051,231    68,657,070
 Provision for end of service                     67,999,128         68,395,500              86,197,324      81,978,304      89,250,091
 Deferred revenue                                 127,381,058        179,957,470             114,982,955     118,558,214    130,182,770
 Other allocation reserves                         3,586,600           3,586,600              3,586,600       3,586,600      5,086,600
 Total noncurrent liabilities                    391,477,902        404,436,041          321,854,509        296,174,349      293,176,531
 Paid up capital                                178,875,000         178,875,000          178,875,000        178,875,000    178,875,000
 Treasury shares                                    -3,879,311         -7,666,691            -1,486,709      -3,622,230      -3,622,230
 Statutory reserve                                  9,187,500           9,187,500             9,187,500       9,187,500       9,187,500
 Revaluation reserve                              86,962,931          69,570,345              53,716,168     33,576,949      67,683,536
 Retained earnings                                49,635,451         119,932,409             36,135,646      154,576,791     72,632,178
 Total equity                                     320,781,571       369,898,563         276,427,605         372,594,010    324,755,984
 Total liabilities and equity                   1,113,684,434      1,332,524,798       1,612,802,780       1,835,240,965   2,016,654,251

Source: 2011–15 JDECO annual reports (all years audited by Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC).

142 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                             2011           2012            2013            2014            2015
                                                              Operating income
 Electricity sales (billed)                        694,862,965       875,140,233    888,860,424      950,714,795    949,052,263
 Purchased electricity                            -562,555,632      -800,261,437    -831,806,133    -886,356,917    -871,483,182
 Gross Profit from sales                            132,307,333      74,878,796       57,054,291      64,357,878      77,569,081
 Subscriber’s contribution to                        35,149,206       22,703,391      68,183,242      54,921,120     55,149,003
 extension of services
 Revenue from services                                9,828,978        7,166,019       9,646,416       11,571,609      10,182,591
 Total operating income                              177,285,517    104,748,206      134,883,949     130,850,607    142,900,675
                                                            Operating expenses
 General and administrative expenses               -145,790,757     -148,425,865     -162,865,171    -171,517,383   -187,635,103
 Depreciation expenses                               -23,871,283      -21,160,451     -19,752,101    -29,677,585    -36,690,360
 Provision for doubtful receivables                            NA            NA       -2,378,492      -2,245,586     -4,000,000
 Provision for obsolete or damaged                             NA            NA       -1,508,245      -1,508,245       -1,815,124
 Total operating expenses                         -169,662,040      -169,586,316    -186,504,009    -204,948,799    -230,140,587
 Net Income or losses before other                    7,623,477      -64,838,110     -51,620,060     -74,098,192     -87,239,912
 income and expenses
 Financing expenses                                 -21,769,450      -33,838,017     -28,076,247      15,225,873      10,827,836
 Other income                                         8,993,026      27,270,860        4,725,648        5,217,910      2,191,500
 Annual income or loss before income                  -5,152,947     -71,405,267     -74,970,659     -53,654,409    -74,220,576
 Income tax expense                                  -2,589,440                0               0      -2,791,446     -7,658,068
 Annual income or loss                               -7,742,387      -71,405,267     -74,970,659     -56,445,855     -81,878,644

Source: 2011–15 JDECO annual reports (all years audited by PWC).

                                                              Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 143
                                                             2011               2012                2013                2014            2015
                                                                 Current assets
 Cash and cash equivalents                            3,183,063             9,114,211         5,435,813            16,670,961      11,389,588
 Checks under collection                              4,381,660          6,607,877           5,379,639             2,308,503       4,388,066
 Stakeholders net receivables                      128,539,580          142,283,171        158,385,189        205,881,442        218,715,066
 Inventories                                        42,268,623             38,112,171      30,555,028             33,265,776      27,559,593
 Prepaid payments and debit                          4,403,698           5,548,385            9,511,609            13,917,083     23,312,365
 Total current assets                              182,776,624         201,665,815        209,267,278         272,043,765        285,364,678
                                                               Noncurrent Assets
 Beit Ummar Municipality                              6,892,635          6,892,635           6,892,635             6,892,635       6,892,635
 Net fixed assets                                   86,856,645         107,515,454         107,259,124        108,602,044         138,986,851
 Work-in-progress                                    13,109,462              526,611         4,385,403             9,405,428               0
 Other                                                          0                   0                   0           1,602,317      3,382,006
 Total noncurrent assets                           106,858,742         114,934,700          118,537,162       126,502,424        149,261,492
 Total assets                                     289,635,366          316,600,515       327,804,440          398,546,189        434,626,170
                                                                Current liabilities
 Accounts payable                                     11,928,801         5,054,300          15,598,036              16,196,681    37,843,068
 Other current liabilities                            7,671,467          10,503,416          11,557,674            17,974,835     18,323,477
 Total current liabilities                          19,600,268           15,557,716          27,155,710             34,171,516    56,166,545
                                                              Long-term liabilities
 Long-term loans                                     78,142,027         84,069,134          82,815,894            83,084,752      83,015,967
 Severance allowances                                   2,817,115        3,334,956           4,695,549             4,646,758       5,563,625
 Ministry of Finance                               179,409,815        223,048,447           257,816,215           325,136,253    333,309,386
 Total long-term liabilities                      260,368,957          310,452,537        345,327,658             412,867,763    421,888,978
 Total liabilities                                 279,969,225         326,010,253        372,483,368         447,039,279        478,055,523
 Paid-in capital                                         44,250              44,250              44,250               44,250          44,250
 Statutory reserve                                       44,250              44,250              44,250               44,250          44,250
 Voluntary reserve                                    1,869,495           1,869,495           1,869,495             1,869,495      1,869,495
 Stakeholders receivables                          -31,065,858          -40,474,211        -57,391,364        -46,594,927        -61,433,602
 Shareholders current account                        41,522,376          41,522,376          41,522,376            41,522,376     41,522,376
 Accumulative (loss) – Statement B                   -2,748,372         -12,416,014        -30,767,935        -45,378,534         -25,476,122
 Net equities                                          9,666,141        -9,409,854        -44,678,928         -48,493,090        -43,429,353
 Total liabilities and equities                   289,635,366         316,600,399        327,804,440          398,546,189        434,626,170

Source: SELCO financial statements, 2011–13 audited by Talal Abu Gazaleh, but 2014–15 draft or unaudited. form.

144 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                                    2011              2012              2013              2014            2015
 Electricity sales plus discount                           48,333,776         55,906,513        53,766,667          76,048,100      67,230,123
 Electricity purchase                                     -42,969,409       -54,065,475        -52,664,853          -70,714,130    -48,869,845
 Operating expenses (wages, rents,                         -4,024,643          -5,046,172        -8,078,247          -8,251,986     -11,083,814
 salaries, maintenance)
 Installation services revenues                               1,537,144        2,743,024          2,442,701           2,178,763        867,314
 Other operating revenues                                    3,424,981          1,205,492          1,293,851           1,171,357     4,758,443
 Total profit (loss)                                         6,301,849            743,382         -3,239,881           432,104      12,902,221
 Contributions in kind                                           131,826         300,269                     -         623,738       4,021,210
 Currency differential                                     -3,588,404             862,298          2,585,184           -39,483         -249,711
 Total profit (loss) before administrative                    2,845,271         1,905,949          -654,697           1,016,359     16,673,720
 and general expenses
 Administrative, general, and operating                    -4,009,067          -4,216,934       -10,058,292          -6,555,902      -7,412,130
 Other expenses                                              2,180,286          1,566,260           1,914,811           347,531     6,909,898
 Allowance                                                  -4,928,673        -5,493,227         -6,801,094          -7,145,739      -7,115,438
 Financing costs                                            -1,574,845        -2,233,066         -2,387,574           -1,933,661    -3,185,965
 The provision for doubtful debts                              -502,135         -1,196,624        -340,034             -339,187       -222,797
 Total expenses                                             -8,834,434         -11,573,591       -17,672,183        -15,626,958     -11,026,432
 Net income or loss of the year                             -5,989,163        -9,667,642        -18,326,880         -14,610,599      5,647,288
 Accumulative (loss) at the beginning of                     2,225,724         -2,748,372        -12,416,014        -30,767,935    -45,378,534
 the year
 Prior-years’ adjustments                                       -19,203                    -         -25,041                  0     14,255,124
 Net accumulative (loss) at the end of the                  -3,782,642        -12,416,014      -30,767,935          -45,378,534    -25,476,122
 year – Statement A

Source: SELCO financial statements, 2011–13 audited by Talal Abu Gazaleh, but 2014–15 in draft or unaudited form.

                                                                Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 145
                                                             2011                2012           2013           2014            2015
                                                                   Current assets
     Cash and cash equivalent                        10,542,073            13,424,893     13,090,423      2,947,436      5,782,708
     Checks under collection–short                     5,510,679             6,152,219     7,967,833      9,876,538       9,387,145
     Accounts receivables–net                     294,580,488            339,491,140     401,093,998    389,259,352    382,332,268
     Inventory                                      28,680,295            39,868,393     30,765,489      30,762,287     29,994,661
     Other current assets                             3,073,656                357618       1,321,385     8,942,093       5,902,513
     Hebron municipality current                    133,858,383           153,102,568    187,741,096    225,874,663    270,649,990
 Total current assets                              476,245,574           552,396,831     641,980,224    667,662,369    704,049,285
                                                                  Long-term assets
     Checks under collection–long                     1,423,064             1,364,601     3,007,089        6,761,154       11,181,157
     Work in process                                              0        10537049       19,480,450      2,776,993       7,290,115
     Properties, fixed assets NBV                  128,520,429            127,103,039    126,096,754     142,789,491   137,973,496
     Concession rights                             30,444,000            30,444,000      30,444,000     30,444,000     30,444,000
 Total long-term assets                            160,387,493           169,448,689     179,028,293     182,771,638   186,888,768
 Total assets                                      636,633,067           721,845,520     821,008,517    850,434,007    890,938,053
                                                        Liabilities and owner’s equity
                                                                  Current liabilities
     World Bank loan–short term                           661,915             686,135      1,029,203       1,805,633     3,419,999
     Accounts payable plus                         466,273,583           555,898,298     650,710,732    626,763,044     651,371,638
     Unearned revenue                                 4,526,352            5,960,690       1,705,579      10,422,151     11,022,622
     Other current liabilities                         1,559,105            3,785,656      3,467,256       2,035,616      11898610
 Total current liabilities                        473,020,955            566,330,779     656,912,770    641,026,444    677,712,869
                                                              Long-term liabilities
     Employees end of service                         3,596,685             4,364,141      5,248,868       5,163,790      7,014,518
     World Bank loan–long term                         9,381,319           8,640,322       8,299,574       7,181,005     6,450,622
     Deferred revenues–grants and                     6,822,433           10,334,784      20,864,471     23,974,775      25,285,153
 Total long-term liabilities                         19,800,437           23,339,247      34,412,913     36,319,570     38,750,293
 Total liabilities                                 492,821,392          589,670,026      691,325,683    677,346,014     716,463,162
                                                    Owner’s equity Hebron municipality
     paid in capital                               152,745,000           152,745,000     152,745,000    152,745,000    152,745,000
     Prior period adjustments–VAT                                                                        -4,303,468              NA
     Prior period adjustments                        -8,933,325          -20,569,506      -2,062,166     -8,339,560     -5,448,532
     Prior period adjustments–MoF                                                                         41,222,720    41,222,720
     Accumulated losses                                                                                  -8,236,760    -14,044,297
 Total owner’s equity                                143,811,675          132,175,494    129,682,834    173,087,932     174,474,891
 Total liabilities and owner’s equity              636,633,067           721,845,520     821,008,517    850,433,946    890,938,053

Source: HEPCO annual reports (financial statements not audited)

146 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                                   2011           2012           2013           2,014            2015
 Electricity sales                                    144,250,785          159,362,877     171,194,239    179,775,466     183,560,826
 Add: Tariff differences                                 9,352,890          21,979,208      9,700,234      9,854,794        9,612,348
 Add: Fixed charges                                                 NA             NA             NA        2,991,710             NA
 Deduct: Cost of electricity purchased                -136,354,132        -159,809,793    -170,222,657   -175,900,386    -163,700,004
 Gross profit                                           17,249,543          21,532,292      10,671,816     16,721,584      29,473,170
                                                                    Other income
 Customer participations                                 4,247,980          1,596,640        2,165,075     2,640,750       6,896,943
 Other operating revenues                                8,704,419         10,570,952      13,004,102       11,546,126       7,922,121
 Accrued of deferred revenues                              758,048            583,833        600,000          795,173       800,000
 Total other income                                     13,710,447          12,751,425      15,769,177    14,982,049       15,619,064
 Total operating income                                30,959,990           34,283,717     26,440,993      31,703,633     45,092,234
 Operating expenses                                      -1,476,263        -3,067,033       -2,841,731      -1,829,166     -2,722,492
 General and administrative expenses                    -1,366,052          -1,878,389     -2,706,498      -1,469,510      -1,346,796
 Payroll expenses                                      -10,037,633          -12,013,416    -12,983,957     -11,912,764    -12,358,333
 Depreciation                                           -9,002,162          -8,797,369      -9,207,810    -10,251,450      -9,762,652
 Community Municipality of Hebron                                   NA        -231,614        -178,414            NA        -853,424
 Loan interest expense                                    -105,696                 NA             NA              NA         -195,000
 World Bank loan                                                    NA             NA             NA        -170,000              NA
 Currency differential loss                               -539,704            -120,016         -15,243      -100,000        -100,000
 Bad debt expenses or doubtful                         -1,000,000          -11,472,400     -1,000,000     -3,000,000      -6,000,000
 Net book value of assets disposed                                  NA             NA             NA              NA      -1,000,000
 Other                                                              NA             NA             NA        -927,688              NA
 Total operating expenses                              -23,527,510        -37,580,237     -28,933,653    -29,660,578      -34,338,697
 Net income                                              7,432,480         -3,296,520      -2,492,660      2,043,055       10,753,537

Source: HEPCO annual reports (financial statements not audited).

                                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 147
                                                                                               2014             2015
                                                            Current assets
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                                6,389,609         2,197,965
 Customers’ receivables                                                             3,545,123,306       3,743,707,146
 Materials and supplies in warehouses                                                     14,635,146       24,182,036
 Partners current accounts (municipalities)                                              370,615,454      399,610,375
 Receivables and other current assets                                                     14,697,288      35,880,987
 Total current assets                                                               3,951,460,803       4,205,578,509
                                                          Noncurrent Assets
 Financial assets at fair value                                                              413,478         484,398
 Property, plant, and equipment, net                                                     116,354,190      122,062,881
 Projects in progress                                                                     4,374,270        10,707,531
 Total noncurrent assets                                                                  121,141,938     133,254,810
 Total assets                                                                       4,072,602,741       4,338,833,319
                                                  Liabilities and shareholders’ equity
                                                           Current liabilities
 Payables and other liabilities                                                           103,218,121     128,883,852
 Banks overdraft                                                                                   0       13,195,769
 Total current liabilities                                                                103,218,121     142,079,621
                                                         Noncurrent liabilities
 Palestinian National Authority (PNA)                                              3,978,060,454        4,208,767,055
 Canal Company for Electricity Distribution (Egypt)                                      100,122,920      151,475,280
 Deferred revenues                                                                       80,043,837       97,539,206
 Sundry provisions                                                                       59,569,735        61,649,421
 Total noncurrent liabilities                                                       4,217,796,946       4,519,430,962
 Total liabilities                                                                  4,321,015,067       4,661,510,583
                                                         Shareholders’ equity
 In-kind capital (electricity distribution network)                                  149,280,948         149,280,948
 Revaluation reserve–electricity network                                                  50,011,980      50,0 11,980
 Cumulative change in fair value                                                              6,030           76,950
 Deferred losses                                                                    -1,156,470,721       -447,711,284
 This year loss or profit–exhibit (B)                                                708,759,437          -74,335,858
 Net shareholders’ equity                                                            -248,412,326        -322,677,264
 Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity                                       4,072 1 602,741       4,338,833,319

Source: GEDCO financial statements (unaudited).

148 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                                                2014                       2015
 Operating revenues from billed sales                                    509,181,596                 517,553,841
                                                    Cost of Sale
 Cost of energy sold                                                    -383,614,843                -406,186,153
 Energy lost (not billed)                                               -127,853,756                -126,671,379
 Operating expenses                                                       -3,299,263                 -5,540,937
 Total cost of sale                                                     -514,767,862               -538,398,469
 Gross profit                                                             -5,586,266                -20,844,628
 Depreciation of electricity network                                     -12,500,915                  -13,152,821
 Staff costs                                                            -40,490,490                 -44,020,905
 General and administrative expenses                                      -13,817,427                -13,678,708
 Losses aggression                                                       -35,188,472                     -18,726
                                                                        -101,997,304                 -70,871,160
 Realized grants and cash donations                                        1,507,955                    1,191,189
 Realized grants and in-kind donations                                    17,707,847                  5,535,508
 Other revenues                                                             2,882,112                 3,823,384
                                                                          22,097,914                  10,550,081
 Loss for the year from activities                                       -85,485,656                 -81,165,707
                                                    Other items
 Prior years’ adjustments                                               794,245,093                   6,829,849
 Total other items                                                      794,245,093                   6,829,849
 This year loss or profit–exhibit (A)                                   708,759,437                  -74,335,858

Source: GEDCO financial statements (unaudited).

                                                  Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 149
                                                                      2011                     2012               2013           2014
                                                                  Current assets
 Accounts receivable                                          48,714,506               97,809,318          142,280,736     128,961,956
 Cash on hand at banks                                         11,223,360               24,619,157          23,092,885      23,137,898
 Dues from municipal and village                                        NA            56,036,239            80,236,793    70,964,603
 Other current assets                                         52,200,611               22,194,384           37,580,642      19,153,316
 Total current assets                                         112,138,477           200,659,098             283,191,056    242,217,773
                                                                Noncurrent assets
 Property and equipment                                     230,296,617              253,445,831           258,628,054    261,864,378
 Projects under construction                                            NA              1,037,694              691,256       3,331,636
 Stock items                                                            NA             22,683,775           28,566,280      25,916,981
 Total noncurrent assets                                    230,296,617              277,167,300           287,885,590     291,112,995
 Total assets                                              342,435,094               477,826,398           571,076,646    533,330,768
                                                                 Current liabilities
 Accounts payable                                             31,620,495                 18,117,173         64,573,004     70,652,834
 Other current liabilities                                   76,439,237               185,617,359           219,583,341   170,255,539
 Total current liabilities                                  108,059,732              203,734,532           284,156,345    240,908,373
                                                              Noncurrent liabilities
 Provision for end of service                                  1,230,496                 2,641,153            4,188,232     6,109,462
 Deferred earnings                                                      NA             33,786,138           37,921,059      39,528,711
 Other noncurrent liabilities                                   300,700                         NA                 NA             NA
 Total noncurrent liabilities                                    1,531,196             36,427,291            42,109,291    45,638,173
 Paid-up capital                                               15,251,594              17,231,440            17,231,440     17,231,440
 Shareholder accounts                                      204,698,552               208,832,878           208,932,490    209,415,550
 Statutory reserve                                             1,289,402                 2,191,547           2,896,229       3,766,961
 Optional reserve                                              1,289,402                 2,191,547           2,896,229       3,766,961
 Retained earnings                                             10,315,216                7,217,163          12,854,622      12,603,310
 Total equity                                               232,844,166              237,664,575            244,811,010   246,784,222
 Total liabilities and equity                              342,435,094               477,826,398           571,076,646    533,330,768

Source: NEDCO financial statements audited by Ernst and Young (2015 financial statements not available).

150 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                                                       2011                2012          2013           2014
                                                                Operating income

 Electricity sales (billed) plus subscriptions plus                           188,881,771       225,555,641       254,389,364    260,922,894
 services, etc.
 Electricity purchases plus salaries and wages plus                         -178,567,444       -199,879,476       -229,675,461   -249,814,659
 Gross profit per operating Income                                             10,314,327         25,676,165       24,713,903       11,108,235
                                                              Operating expenses

 General and administrative expenses                                          -10,119,348       -17,066,283        -12,359,573    -12,741,808
 Depreciation                                                                    -723,176         -1,889,580        -1,697,289     -1,508,697
 Provision for doubtful receivables                                              -795,182           1,269,174        -792,774      -5,422,052
 Other expenses                                                                 -300,700                    NA            NA              NA
 Total operating expenses                                                     -11,938,406       -17,686,689       -14,849,636     -19,672,557
 Net income or losses before other income and                                  -1,624,079         7,989,476         9,864,267      -8,564,322
 Revenue settlement with MoF                                                              0                  0              0     24,865,770
 Grant from PENRA                                                               1,804,535                   NA            NA              NA
 Other income                                                                     310,568          2,916,473         1,878,699      -841,050
 Annual profit before income taxes                                                491,024        10,905,949         11,742,966    15,460,398

 Income tax expenses                                                            -399,893          -1,884,496        -4,696,143    -6,753,083
 Annual profit after income tax                                                      91,131        9,021,453        7,046,823       8,707,315

Source: NEDCO financial statements audited by Ernst and Young (2015 financial statements not available).

                                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 151
                                                                    2011            2012          2013           2014           2015
                                                                  Current assets

 Cash in bank                                              4,569,288         5,633,391       6,586,378     35,731,934      3,670,399
 Checks                                                               0      1,016,042        1,152,079     1,842,673       3,021,252
 Accounts receivable                                      18,974,046        22,267,521       25,261,915    33,723,803     40,106,657
 Other receivables                                         3,980,653         7,003,961      16,088,166     27,497,055     14,732,989
 Accessories and spare parts in warehouse                    809,865         1,535,601       1,488,859      1,669,365      1,959,394
 Prepaid expenses                                                141,785       164,227         166,001       225,038         186,853
 Total current assets                                     28,475,637       37,620,743       50,743,398    100,689,868     63,677,544
 Fixed assets                                            20,849,458        22,975,233       24,146,557     25,764,776     28,768,289
 Fixed asset consumption                                  -6,723,629        -7,846,018      -9,030,484     -10,132,413     -11,451,747
 Net fixed assets                                          14,125,829        15,129,215      15,116,073    15,632,363      17,316,542
 Total assets                                             42,601,466       52,749,958       65,859,471     116,322,231    80,994,086
                                                            Liabilities and equity

 Accounts payable                                           11,608,119      30,917,332      43,164,091    92,984,000      55,848,851
 Other payables                                            9,498,750                   0      1,712,992       1,931,121             0
 Due payments                                                      7,133      1,202,011         41,373          5,500          9,500
 Income tax provision                                             65,103           65,103       65,103         65,103        572,664
 Other provisions                                                524,622       755,152        956,586        1,237,181       1,611,351
 Total liabilities                                         21,703,727      32,939,598       45,940,145    96,222,905      58,042,366
 Capital                                                   15,361,808       15,361,808      15,361,808     15,361,808      15,361,808
 Capital reserve                                           5,374,958        5,374,958        5,374,958      5,374,958      5,374,958
 Legal per statutory reserve                                     481,660      481,660          481,660        510,557        795,796
 Earning from previous years                                     663,091               0             0               0              0
 Losses                                                               0      -320,687       -1,408,066     -1,309,997      -1,147,997
 Net loss for the year                                       -983,778       -1,087,379         108,966       162,000        2,567,155
 Total equity                                             20,897,739        19,810,360       19,919,326   20,099,326      22,951,720
 Total liabilities and equity                             42,601,466       52,749,958       65,859,471     116,322,231    80,994,086

Source: TEDCO financial statements audited by Jamal Abu Farha.

152 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                                     2011          2012           2013          2014            2015
 Electricity sales–prepaid                                                                  17,539,822    20,048,480      21,065,333
 Electricity sales–mechanical counters                      29,751,149      34,608,924       7,916,514     11,280,770     10,736,612

 Electricity sales–medium voltage                                                            12,124,651    13,012,333     13,374,891
 Electricity sales–street lighting                                                           1,135,804      1,228,366      1,045,340
 Electricity purchases                                    -26,771,696       -33,147,964    -38,208,786    -44,740,672    -42,342,607
 Gross profit electricity sales                             2,979,453        1,460,960        508,005        829,277       3,879,569
                                                                 Other revenues
 Revenue from miscellaneous services                                   0       2,163,512     1,696,691       3,118,616     3,610,845
 Government support for electricity
 production (subsidy)                                                  0              0     2,976,902      2,472,444        2,821,416

 Income from transformer                                         346,075       825,730         801,657       773,759       1,206,323
 maintenance center
 Total other revenues                                            346,075     2,989,242      5,475,250       6,364,819      7,638,584
 Operating expenses                                         -2,781,780       -3,159,127      -3,210,182    -3,985,514     -4,801,092
 General and administrative expenses                             -887,262    -1,768,156     -1,906,374     -2,305,516      -2,561,213
 Transformer main center expenses                            -640,264          -610,298       -757,733      -723,066       -730,790
 Total expenses                                            -4,309,306        -5,537,581     -5,874,289     -7,014,096    -8,093,095
 Net profit from transformer                                     -294,189       215,432        43,924         50,693        475,533
 maintenance center
 Total profit from electricity sales
 (not including transfer maintenance                         -689,589         -1,302,811       65,042         129,307      2,949,525
 Total net profit (including transfer                            -983,778    -1,087,379       108,966        180,000      3,425,058
 maintenance center)
 Income tax                                                            0              0         16,345        38,000        572,664
 Statutory reserve–10%                                                 0              0         10,897        18,000        285,239
 Net profit after taxes and reserves                                   0              0         81,724       124,000      2,567,155
Source: TEDCO financial statements audited by Jamal Abu Farha.

                                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 153

Electricity Demand

Figure B.1: Shifting Patterns of Energy Usage for Cooking and Baking (percentage
of households)
        Jul    Jan    Jul     Jan   Jul    Apr     Apr    Jan     Jul     Jul   Jul   Jan   Jul    Jan   Jul     Apr   Apr   Jan     Jul     Jul
       2003       2004          2005      2006 2008         2009         2013 2003     2004          2005       2006 2008      2009         2013
                             Cooking (stove top)                                                   Baking (oven)

              Other                 Kerosene                     Wood                 Gas                Electricity                Not available

Source: Palestinian Central Bureau of Statics (PCBS,) Household Energy Surveys, 2003–13.

Figure B.2: Shifting Patterns of Energy Usage for Water Heating (percentage of

         2003         2004       2005       2009         2006           2008    2001        2003      2004         2005      2009          2013

                             January                             April                                         July

              Other              Kerosene                Solar             Wood             Gas              Electricity            Not available

Source: PCBS, Household Energy Surveys, 2001–13.

154 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
INDEPENDENT VARIABLE                                 OBSERVATIONS                R-SQUARE
Household grid electricity consumption, July                    14,001                  0.16
VARIABLE                                                COEFFICIENT       STANDARD ERROR           T-STATISTIC
Gaza region dummy                                                191.9                  28.8                 6.7
North West Bank region dummy                                     183.8                  28.1                 6.5
Mid West Bank region dummy                                      344.3                   28.8                12.0
South West Bank region dummy                                      211.1                 28.6                 7.4
Ownership of electric air conditioner                            108.5                   9.8                 11.1
Ownership of electric fan                                        53.6                   14.8                 3.6
Ownership of solar heater                                         27.7                   4.1                 6.7
Main cooking fuel is electricity                                  10.9                  38.5                0.3
Main baking fuel is electricity                                   -2.3                   3.9                -0.6
Main water heating fuel is electricity                            41.7                   6.0                 7.0
Ownership of electric generator                                 -20.0                   13.5                -1.5

INDEPENDENT VARIABLE                                  OBSERVATIONS                R-SQUARE
Household grid electricity consumption, January                  6,733                   0.20
VARIABLE                                                COEFFICIENT       STANDARD ERROR           T-STATISTIC
Gaza region dummy                                                239.4                   22.5               10.6
North West Bank region dummy                                     217.7                   23.5                9.3
Mid West Bank region dummy                                       329.8                   24.9               13.2
South West Bank region dummy                                     268.7                   23.5               11.4
Ownership of electrical heater                                    51.3                    4.9               10.5
Ownership of solar water heater                                   26.4                    3.5                7.6
Main cooking fuel is electricity                                   9.8                   21.6                0.5
Main baking fuel is electricity                                    4.8                    5.4                0.9
Main water heating fuel is electricity                            67.5                    5.2                13.1
Ownership of electric generator                                  -45.9                   10.9               -4.2

                                                  Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 155
 WATER/WASTEWATER FACILITY                                   2014        2017        2018       2020        2025        2030       2035
 North Gaza WWTP (NGEST) component
 Terminal pumping station                                         2           1           1          2           2           3        3
 Waste water treatment plant                                      2          2           2           3           4           5        5
 Recovery and reuse scheme phase 1                                           2           2           3           3           4        5
 Recovery and reuse scheme phase 2                                           3           3           4           5           5       6
 NGEST total                                                     4           8           9           11         14          17       19
 Planned central Gaza WWTP (KFW)                                                         7           7           8          11       13
 Khanyounis WWTP                                                                         2           2           3           5       6
 Rafah existing WWTP                                                          1          2           2           2           2        3
 Gaza existing WWTP (shikh Ejleen)                                5                                  3           3           3        3
 Central desalination plant                                                             35          35         35          55        55
 Deiralbalah desalination plant                                               1           1           1          2           2        2
 Gaza desalinization plant                                                   3           3           3           3           3        3
 Existing W and WW facilities                                   25          33          30         30          30          30       30
 Total Gaza governorates energy required for
 water and wastewater facilities                                34          46          87          93         99         127       134

Note: WWTP = wastewater treatment plant. NGEST = Northern Gaza Emergency Sewage Treatment. KFW = Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau.

156 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 157

Importing Electricity
from Israel

PRODUCER, 2014–15
                   COAL              NATURAL GAS                 GASOIL                      HFO             RENEWABLES                 TOTAL
               GWH              %     GWH              %      GWH               %          GWH          %    GWH               %     GWH           %
 IEC              30        58%           22        42%        0.05            0%          0.01        0%         0           0%         52     84%
 IPPs               0         0%            9        91%            0          0%          0.01        0%       0.87          9%         10      16%
 Total            30          49           31       49.5       0.05            0.1         0.02         0       0.87          1.4        62    100%
 IEC               29       58%            21       42%         0.37           1%          0.06        0%         0           0%        50      78%
 IPPs               0         0%           13       90%         0.12           1%          0.02        0%       1.28          9%         14     22%
 Total             29       44.6          34        52.6       0.49            0.7         0.08        0.1      1.28           2         65    100%

Source: Israel’s Public Utility Authority (PUA), June 2016.
Note: IEC = Israeli Electric Corporation; IPP = independent power producer.

 (MW)                           2007            2008        2009              2010           2011       2012           2013         2014        2015
 Installed capacity            11,297        11,649        11,664        12,769            12,759      13,248      13,483           13,617     13,617

                                                         TOTAL ELECTRICITY                    2014           TOTAL ELECTRICITY                  2015
                                                          CONSUMPTION (%)                   (MWH)             CONSUMPTION (%)                 (MWH)
 Domestic                                                                        34.8        17,604                                   32.1     15,981
 Industrial                                                                      18.0         9,108                                   17.9     8,951
 Public and commercial                                                           30.3        15,342                                  32.0     15,953
 Water pumping                                                                       4.0      2,018                                   4.8      2,404
 Agriculture                                                                         2.6       1,332                                  3.5      1,769
 East Jerusalem electricity company                                                  4.2       2,128                                  3.9      1,945
 Palestinian authority                                                               6.1      3,069                                   5.8      2,899
 Total                                                                           100         50,601                                   100     49,902

Source: IEC Financial Statement of 2015 (published March 31, 2016).

                                                                  Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 159
 YEAR                                GENERATION (GWH)                         CONSUMPTION (GWH)                            PEAK DEMAND (MW)
 2016                                                        67.8                                       63.4                                      13,191
 2017                                                        70.1                                       65.5                                    13,670
 2018                                                        72.4                                       67.7                                     14,126
 2019                                                        74.8                                       69.9                                    14,577
 2020                                                        76.9                                        71.9                                   14,960
 2021                                                        79.2                                      74.0                                     15,446
 2022                                                        81.5                                       76.2                                    15,895
 2023                                                        83.9                                       78.4                                    16,348
 2024                                                        86.2                                      80.6                                     16,767
 2025                                                        88.5                                       82.7                                    17,265
 2026                                                        91.0                                       85.0                                    17,734
 2027                                                        93.6                                       87.5                                    18,236
 2028                                                        96.1                                       89.8                                    18,688
 2029                                                        98.7                                       92.2                                    19,237
 2030                                                        101.1                                      94.5                                      19,711

Source: Ministry of National Infrastructure, Energy and Water Resources, http://energy.gov.il/Subjects/Electricity/Pages/GxmsMniAboutElectricity.aspx.
Note: The forecast is based on data from IEC and is based on an annual growth of 1.9% in GDP per capita and extreme heat stress conditions.

                     TOU                         TRANSMISSION                            TRANSMISSION AND                            DISTRIBUTION
 SEASON              BLOCK                           TARIFFS *                       DISTRIBUTION TARIFFS**                             TARIFFS***
                     Off peak                                    0.89                                             3.46                              2.55
                     Shoulder                                        1.10                                         3.89                              2.78
                     Peak                                        2.80                                              7.22                             4.38
                     Off peak                                     0.81                                             3.22                              2.41
                     Shoulder                                     1.36                                             4.17                             2.80
                     Peak                                         1.79                                            4.82                               3.01
                     Off peak                                     1.42                                            4.20                              2.77
                     Shoulder                                    2.60                                              6.32                             3.68
                     Peak                                         6.12                                            12.13                             5.90

Source: Israel PUA.
Notes: US$1 = NIS 3.846 (June 30, 2016). Ultra-high voltage = 400 kV and 161 kV; high voltage = 22 kV and 33 kV. TOU = time of use.
* Ultra-high voltage producer selling to ultra-high voltage consumer.
** Ultra-high voltage or high-voltage producer selling to “far away” high-voltage consumer.
*** Ultra-high voltage producer selling to “close by” high-voltage consumer.

160 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                   SHARE OF               EFFICIENCY                   WEIGHTED              ANNUAL               WEIGHTED
                                     ASSETS              COEFFICIENT                  EFFICIENCY           RETURN ON             RETURN ON
                                                                                     COEFFICIENT              EQUITY                EQUITY
 Generation                                  50.1                      2.0                      1.00                  7.62              3.82
 Transmission                                19.5                       1.3                    0.25                   5.50               1.07
 Distribution                               30.3                        3.7                      1.12                 6.20               1.88
                                          100.0                                                 2.38                                    6.78

Source: Israel PUA and IEC Financial Statements, 2015.

 SEASON                                       TIME OF DAY                              TIME-OF-USE PERIOD DEFINITIONS
                                                                          SATURDAYS AND                   SATURDAYS          SATURDAYS AND
                                                                               HOLIDAYS                 AND HOLIDAYS              HOLIDAYS
 Summer                                      Peak                                                                                     1017
 (July – August)
                                             Shoulder                                                                           0710, 1721
                                             Off-peak                                    0024                 0024           0007, 2124
 Winter (December–February)                  Peak                                            1719             1620                  1622
                                             Shoulder                                        1921                             0608, 0816,
                                             Off-peak                           0017, 2124             0016, 2024                0006
 Transition (remaining months)               Peak                                                                                    06 20
                                             Shoulder                                        1721             0620                  2022
                                             Off-peak                           0017, 2124            0006, 2024           0006, 2224

Source: Israel PUA. Last updated February 15, 2010.

 SEASON                           TOU BLOCK                                   LOW                            HIGH               ULTRA- HIGH
                                                                         VOLTAGE**                      VOLTAGE**                VOLTAGE**
 Winter                           Off-peak                                           35.60                    27.96                     25.18
                                  Shoulder                                           55.60                    46.92                    43.62
                                  Peak                                               91.29                    79.36                    73.93
 Transition                       Off-peak                                           31.98                    24.68                    22.10
                                  Shoulder                                           39.06                   30.99                     27.89
                                  Peak                                               47.08                    38.49                    35.06
 Summer                           Off-peak                                           33.44                    25.62                    22.63
                                  Shoulder                                           48.01                    38.61                    34.47
                                  Peak                                           105.59                       91.49                    84.18

Source: Israel PUA as of September 13, 2015.
* US$1 = NIS 3.846 (June 30, 2016).
** Ultra-high voltage = 400 kV and 161 kV; high = 22 kV and 33 kV; low = 400 volt.

                                                                  Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 161
                          LOW VOLTAGE                                       HIGH VOLTAGE
                                 44.35                                             35.92

Source: Israel PUA as of September 13, 2015.

                         USE                        COSTS   BALANCE    SERVICES          SERVICES
                        Off-peak                     0.27       0.58       0.40               4.01     5.26
                        Shoulder                     0.27       0.58       0.77               4.01     5.63
                        On-peak                      0.27       0.58        1.35              4.01     6.21
                        Off-peak                     0.27       0.58       0.34               4.01     5.20
                        Shoulder                     0.27       0.58       0.43               4.01    5.30
                        On-peak                      0.27       0.58       0.56               4.01     5.42
                        Off-peak                     0.27       0.58       0.34               4.01     5.20
                        Shoulder                     0.27       0.58       0.54               4.01     5.41
                        On-peak                      0.27       0.58        1.41              4.01     6.27
 Average tariff                                      0.27       0.58       0.54               4.01    5.40

Source: Israel PUA as of September 13, 2015.
Note: US$1 = NIS 3.846 (June 30, 2016).

162 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza

Importing Natural Gas for
Domestic Power Generation

           NAME OF                   CITY            TYPE OF                           DIESEL                        LPG               NATURAL GAS
    NO.    COMPANY                                   FACTORY                    CONSUMPTION                CONSUMPTION                 DEMAND 1,000
                                                                             (LITER PER YEAR)              (KG PER YEAR)                CM PER YEAR
    1      BPC Company               Ramallah        Pharmaceutical                         134,785                            0                        126
    2      Star Factory              Ramallah        Chemical                                 59,512                    31,055                           94
    3      Al-Juneidi Factory        Hebron          Food                                1,020,000                             0                       954
    4      Aziza Factory             Tulkarem        Food                                    170,138                           0                        159
    5      NBC Factory               Ramallah        Food                                     134,611                          0                        126
    6      Siniora Factory           Aziza           Food                                  202,042                             0                        189
    7      Sinokrot Factory          Ramallah        Food                                   166,307                    116,798                          301
    8      Al-Jebrini Factory        Hebron          Food                                    92,028                    121,575                         238
    9      Al-Arz Company            Nablus          Food                                            0                 112,794                          141
    10     Al-Safa Factory           Nablus          Food                                            0                 116,575                          146
    11     Al-Betra Company          Hebron          Food                                            0                  67,192                           84
    12     NAPCO Company             Nablus          Aluminum                                        0                379,464                          474
    Total consumption per year                                                            1,979,423                   945,453                        3,033

Source: Palestinian Federation of Industry, Eco Energy’s Calculation of NG Demand.
Notes: LPG = liquid petroleum gas; kg = kilogram; Natural gas conversion factors: 1,000 liters of diesel = 935 cubic meters of (cm) gas; 1 ton LPG = 1,250 cm.

                        INSTALLED                  ELECTRICITY           TOTAL ELECTRICITY                PERCENTAGE OF                NATURAL GAS
                        CAPACITYa                  GENERATION                           DEMANDb               PRODUCTIONc                     DEMANDd
    Year                           MW                          GWh                             GWh                              %                     bcm
    2022                          200                           1226                            6417                            19                    0.24
    2023                          200                           1226                           6802                             18                    0.24
    2024                          400                          2453                             7210                           34                     0.47
    2025                          400                          2453                            7643                            32                     0.47
    2026                          400                          2453                             8101                           30                     0.47
    2027                          400                          2453                            8587                            29                     0.47
    2028                          600                          3679                             9103                           40                      0.71
    2029                          600                          3679                            9649                            38                      0.71
    2030                          600                          3679                           10228                            36                      0.71

   Jenin IPP: 200 MW in 2022, 400 MW by 2024. Tarkumiye IPP: 200 MW by 2028.

  Based on 2015 demand in the West Bank of 4,286 GW and assumed growth rate of 6% per annum.
  Share of domestic gas-based generation of total electricity demand in the West Bank.
  CCGTs have 57% efficiency and operated at 70% capacity.

                                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 163
                    NATURAL GAS–BASED POWER CAPACITY AND                                       TOTAL               DOMESTIC       NATURAL GAS
                                             GENERATION                                      ELECTRIC
            CONVERTED             NEW           TOTAL              GENERATION                DEMANDb         PRODUCTION                DEMANDd
                  GPPa           CCGTa        CAPACITY                                                              (%)c
    Year                MW           MW                MW                      GWh                  GWh                      %               bcm
    2022                  70                             70                      429                1462                    29                 0.11

    2023                  70                             70                      429                1550                    28                 0.11

    2024                140                             140                      858                1643                    52                0.21
    2025                140                             140                      858                 1741                   49                0.21
    2026                140          100               240                      1472                1846                    80               0.33
    2027                140          100               240                      1472                 1956                   75               0.33
    2028                140          100               240                      1472                2074                     71              0.33
    2029                140          100               240                      1472                 2198                   67               0.33
    2030                140          100               240                      1472                2330                    63               0.33

  Gaza Power Plant (GPP): 70 MW conversion from gasoil to gas at 2022, additional 70 MW by 2024; new 100 MW CCGT by 2026
  Based on 2015 demand in Gaza of 972 GWh, and assumed average growth rate of 6% per annum.
  Share of domestic gas–based generation of total electricity demand in Gaza.
  Converted GPP works at 45% efficiency; new CCGT works at 57% efficiency; all plants work at 70% capacity.

    CONSUMER                                                          INITIAL PRICE                                                 INDEXATION
    IEC                                                                                5.7                              U.S. CPI +/- 1% per year *
    Major IPPs                                                                   4.7-5.0                         IEC generation tariff with ceiling
    Major industries                                                             4.7-5.5                                 Basket of fuels with cap
    Marketing companies                                                          5.2-5.8                                   Heavy fuel oil with cap
    final price for small industries                                            6.0-7.0                                    Heavy fuel oil with cap

Note: MMBTU = million British thermal units.
* IEC’s price indexation formula: U.S. CPI+1% per year until 2020 and then U.S. CPI - 1% per year for 7 years.

164 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza

Importing Electricity
from Jordan and Egypt

AVERAGE CAPACITY                    UNIT      2015      2016      2017      2018       2019      2020      2021
Average (fossil fuel)                  %       54%      55%        52%       44%       40%        41%       41%

SPECIFIC GENERATION                 UNIT      2015      2016      2017      2018       2019      2020      2021
Coal                          US$ per kWh    0.000    0.000      0.000     0.000      0.000     0.030     0.033
Heavy fuel oil                US$ per kWh    0.042     0.044     0.045     0.047      0.048     0.050     0.052
Light fuel oil                US$ per kWh    0.059     0.059     0.060     0.062      0.064     0.065     0.068
Natural gas                   US$ per kWh    0.022     0.024     0.025     0.027      0.029     0.032     0.034
Average (fossil fuel)         US$ per kWh    0.027     0.029     0.030     0.032      0.033     0.035     0.038

SPECIFIC GENERATION                           2015      2016      2017      2018       2019      2020      2021
COST (MARGINAL                      UNIT
Coal                          US$ per kWh    0.000    0.000      0.000     0.000      0.000     0.030     0.033
Heavy fuel oil                US$ per kWh    0.042     0.035     0.045      0.051     0.057     0.063     0.070
Light fuel oil                US$ per kWh    0.096     0.078     0.106      0.119      0.133     0.149     0.167
Natural gas                   US$ per kWh    0.039     0.033     0.042     0.046      0.050     0.056     0.063
Average (fossil fuel)         US$ per kWh    0.040     0.034     0.043     0.047      0.052     0.057     0.062

GENERATION                          UNIT      2015      2016      2017      2018       2019      2020      2021
Coal                                GWh           -         -         -          -         -    5,995     19,376
Heavy fuel oil                      GWh     37,489    39,701    39,726      41,118   43,935    45,067    44,987
Light fuel oil                      GWh         451      450       427       364        328       336       336
Natural gas                         GWh     124,005   131,543   138,433   147,148    154,814   158,803   158,520
Total (fossil fuel)                 GWh     161,946   171,694   178,586   188,629    199,076   210,202   223,218

CAPACITY                            UNIT      2015      2016      2017      2018       2019      2020      2021
Combined-cycle gas turbine           MW      11,730   12,480     17,230   23,730     29,730    29,730    29,730
Gas turbine                          MW      6,794     7,020     5,820     7,030      7,030     7,030     7,030
Steam turbine (oil and gas           MW      2,800     2,800     2,800     2,832       2,832     2,832     2,832
Steam turbine (coal boiler)          MW           -         -         -          -         -     1,600     5,180
Total (fossil fuel)                  MW      21,324   22,300    25,850    33,592     39,592     41,192   44,772

                                            Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 165

Developing Domestic
Renewable Power Generation

                                                                          POPULATION          INDIVIDUAL    HOUSEHOLD      NUMBER          NO.
 GOVERNORATE                                      POPULATION*                     (%)            HOUSES       (HH) SIZE*    OF HHS    ROOFTOP
                                                                                                     (%)*                               FOR PV
 West Bank                  2,790,331       Region                                                 57.4%             4.9   569,455      326,867
 Jenin                        303,565         WB-N        1,094,815               24.1%                                     223,432     128,250
 Tubas                          62,627        WB-N
 Tulkam                        178,774        WB-N
 Nablus                        372,621        WB-N
 Qualqilya                    108,049         WB-N
 Salfit                         69,179        WB-N
 Ramallah                     338,383         WB-C         1,011,269             22.2%                                      206,381     118,463
 Jericho                        50,762        WB-C
 Jerusalem                     411,640        WB-C
 Bethlehem                    210,484         WB-C
 Hebron                       684,247         WB-S         684,247               15.0%                                      139,642      80,155
 Gaza Strip                 1,760,037          Gaza      1,760,037               38.7%             29.3%             5.7   308,778      90,472
 North                        348,808
 Gaza                         606,749
 Dier al Balah                255,705
 Khan Yunis                    331,017
 Rafah                         217,758
 TOTAL                                                   4,550,368             100.0%                                      878,234      417,339

Note: WB-N = West Bank north; WB-C = West Bank central.
* Information provided by Palestinian Central Bureau of Statics (PCBS).

 Public administration                                                                           200
 Schools                                                                                         2,200
 Commercial                                                                                      5,000

Source: Information provided by Palestinian Energy and Environmental Research Center (PEC).

166 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
 Rooftop solar                                                                                 8–12
 Utility-scale PV                                                                              24–32
 CSP                                                                                           31–40
 Wind                                                                                          210–330

Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). 2013. Land-Use Requirements for Solar Power Plants in the United States. Golden, CO: NREL; and
NREL. 2009. Land-Use Requirements of Modern Wind Power Plants in the United States.

 West Bank
                          NO. OF           AREA PER              ROOFTOPS                 WELL           AVAILABLE                POTENTIAL
                       ROOFTOPS         ROOFTOP (M2)             AVAILABLE            ORIENTED         SURFACE (M2)                CAPACITY
                         FOR PV                                                                                                       (MW)
 Residential                326,867                     150                30%                 30%            4,412,709                     490
 Public                           123                  200                 40%               100%                    9,811                      1
 Schools                       1,349                    160                50%               100%                107,925                       12
 Commercial                    3,066                   300                 30%               100%               275,944                        31
                          NO. OF               AREA PER          ROOFTOPS                 WELL           AVAILABLE                POTENTIAL
                       ROOFTOPS                ROOFTOP           AVAILABLE            ORIENTED         SURFACE (M2)                CAPACITY
                         FOR PV                    (M2)                                                                               (MW)
 Residential                 90,472                     150                30%                 30%              1,221,373                    136
 Public                            77                  200                 40%               100%                   6,189                       1
 Schools                          851                   160                50%               100%                  68,075                       8
 Commercial                    1,934                   300                 30%               100%                174,056                       19
 Total West Bank and Gaza                                                                                                                   697

                          TOTAL SURFACE                    AVAILABLE                       AVAILABLE                              POTENTIAL
                                                    ACCORDING TO PETL               ACCORDING TO PETL                              CAPACITY

                           (KM2)            (%)                              (%)                         (KM2)                    (MW PEAK)
 Areas A and B              2,488          40%                            0.12%                                3                             103
 Area C                      3,732         60%                           2.64%                              98.5                           3374
 Total                      6,220         100%                            2.76%                            101.5                           3476

                                                              Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 167
          MOH FACILITY                  UNIT BENEFITING OF               DONOR                      CAPACITY          BUDGET        STATUS
                                        THE PROJECT                                                      (W)            (US$)
 1        Shifa hospital                Cardiac care                     Italian workers                      4,500    50,000     Completed
 2        Shifa hospital                ICU                              JICA                            30,000       150,000     Completed
          Nassr pediatric               NCU (Nursery)                    Sawaed Society                  20,000        90,000     Completed
 3        hospital
          Harazen maternity             OT, lab, lighting                UNDP                             12,000       60,000     Completed
 4        hospital
          Emirati RC maternity          OT lights                        UNDP                                 8,000    40,000     Completed
 5        hospital
 6        EGH                           ICU                              ICRC                            30,000       140,000     Completed
 7        32 PHC clinics                Refrigerators for                ICRC                                  750    190,000     Completed
 8        Tahreer maternity             OT, delivery wards,              Human Appeal                    50,000        217,180     Ongoing
          hospital                      NCU, ED                          Int.
 9        Al-Aqsa hospital              OT, NCU, Cardiac care            UNDP                            60,000       225,000      Ongoing
 10       Indonesian hospital           OT, ED                           UNDP                            60,000       225,000      Ongoing
 11       Rantissi specialized          NCU, part of Lab                 Welfare                         30,720       150,000      Ongoing
          hospital                                                       Association
 Total                                                                                                  305,970       1,537,180

Source: Provided to the World Bank by the World Health Organization (WHO) office in Gaza ( September 2017).

168 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
         MOH FACILITY           TARGETED UNIT                                                  HOURS OF           CAPACITY     BUDGET
                                                                                            POWER SUPPLY             (KWP)       (US$)
 1       Shifa hospital         Hemodialysis (38 HD unit plus desalinization                                 12        100     500,000
                                NCU for premature babies (35 incubators)                                     24         30     120,000
                                Cardiac care                                                                 24         30     120,000
                                Laboratory                                                                   24         20      80,000
                                Sterilization unit—to operate 1 operating                                    12         40     160,000
                                theater (OT) sterilizer
 2       EGH                    OT rooms (8 rooms)                                                           6          30     120,000
                                NCU (14 beds)                                                                24         30     120,000
                                Neurology care (12 beds)                                                     24         30     120,000
                                Laboratory                                                                   24         20      80,000
                                Sterilization unit (to operate 1 OT sterilizer)                              12         40     160,000
 3       Nasser hospital        OT rooms (3 rooms)                                                           6          20      80,000
                                ICU (16 beds)                                                                24         30     120,000
                                Hemodialysis (18 HD unit plus desalinization                                 12         50     200,000
                                NCU for premature babies (20 incubator)                                      24         30     120,000
                                Laboratory                                                                   24         20      80,000
                                Sterilization unit (to operate 1 OT sterilizer)                              12         40     160,000
         Rantissi               ICU (4 beds)                                                                 24         10      40,000
 4       specialized
                                Hemodialysis (5 HD units)                                                    12         10      40,000

         Dorra pediatric        ICU (6 beds)                                                                 24         20      80,000
 5       hospital
                                Laboratory                                                                   24         20      80,000

 6       Eye hospital           OT rooms (3 rooms)                                                           6          15      60,000
                                Sterilization unit (to operate 1 OT sterilizer)                              12         40     160,000
         Beit Hanoun            OT rooms (2 rooms)                                                           6          15      60,000
 7       hospital
                                Laboratory                                                                   24         20      80,000
                                Sterilization unit (to operate 1 OT sterilizer)                              12         40     160,000
         Al-Aqsa hospital       Hemodialysis (18 HD units)                                                   12         50     200,000
                                Laboratory                                                                   24         25     100,000
                                Sterilization unit (to operate 1 OT sterilizer)                              12         40     160,000
                                ICU (6 beds)                                                                 24         15      60,000
 9       Najjar hospital
                                Laboratory                                                                   24         20      80,000
                                Sterilization unit (to operate 1 OT sterilizer)                              12         40     160,000
         Emirati RC             NCU                                                                          24         10      40,000
 10      maternity hospital
                                Laboratory                                                                   24         20      80,000
                                Sterilization unit (to operate 1 OT sterilizer)                              12         40     160,000
 Total in US$                                                                                                         1,010   4,140,000

Source: Provided to the World Bank by the World Health Organization (WHO) office in Gaza (September 2017).


                                                               Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 169

Developing Transmission

Map G.1: Map of Existing Transmission Infrastructure in the West Bank and Gaza

                                                                                                                 IBRD 43950 | SEPTEMBER 2018
           Existing Power Plant
           Existing Substations                                                                        2x22kV feeders
                                                                                                                         2x33kV feeder from
           Existing 22 kV Distribution Lines                                                                             Beisan 161/33kV s/s

           Existing 33 kV Distribution Lines
           Existing IEC 161kV Transmission Lines                                                       Jenin

   Northern West Bank is fed from:                                                                                          TUBAS
    • 2x33kV feeders from IEC Beisan substation                                    Tulkarm                                Tubas
    • 12x33kV feeders from IEC Ariel (Salfit) substation                           TULKARM

                                                                                                    2x33kV feeder from
    • 2x33kV feeders from IEC Mt. Afraym substation                                               Immanuel 161/33kV s/s
    • 3x22kV feeders from IEC Immanuel substation                                                            Nablus
    • 5x22kV feeders from IEC                                                    QALQILYAH
                                                                    Qalqilyah                                NABLUS
   Southern West Bank is fed from:
    • 10x33kV feeders from IEC Hebron substation
    • 4x33kV feeders from 2 portable substations                                SALFIT              Salfit                       2x33kV feeder from
                                                                                                                                Mt. Afraym 161/33kV s/s
   Gaza is fed from:                                                                  12x33kV feeder from
                                                                                    Ariel (Salfit) 161/33kV s/s
    • 10x33kV feeders from IEC
    • 3x33kV feeders from A.R. Egypt                                                 Wes t B an k
                                                                                             RAMALLAH                          JERICHO

                                                                                         Ramallah                                 1x33kV feeder from
                                                                                                                                  Jordan (5MW)
        M e dite rra n e a n
               Se a                                                                                                            Jericho


                                                                                                                              Dead Sea
                 Gaza City                                                      Hebron

      Gaza                               GAZA CITY
                                                                                 10x33kV feeder from
                                                                                 Hebron 161/33kV s/s
     Deir el Balah                                                              HEBRON
  KHAN                   DEIR EL BALAH
  YUNIS                  10x33kV feeder from
 RAFAH                   Israel Electric Company (120MW)
              Khan Yunis

                                                           Governorate Capitals                                         Governorate Boundaries
                                                           Armistice Demarcation Lines, 1949                            Administrative Boundary
                                                           No-man’s Land Areas,                                         International Boundaries
  ARAB                                                     Armistice Demarcation Line, 1949
 REP. OF                                                   Jerusalem City Limit, Unilaterally
 EGYPT               0         10         20 Kilometers    Expanded by Israel June 1967;
                                                           then Annexed July 30, 1980

170 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Map G.2: Location and Service Area of New Palestinian Electricity Transmission
Company High-Voltage Substations

                                                                                           IBRD 43951 | SEPTEMBER 2018
        New PETL Substation
        Jalamah S/S Service Area                                                          Jenin Al Jalamah s/s
        Sarra S/S Service Area
        Qalandia S/S Service Area
        Beit Ula S/S Service Area                                            JENIN
        Governorate Capitals
        Armistice Demarcation Lines, 1949
                                                        Tulkarm                                   Tubas
        No-man’s Land Areas,
        Armistice Demarcation Line, 1949                TULKARM
        Governorate Boundaries                                              Nablus Sarra s/s
        Administrative Boundary                                                        Nablus
        International Boundaries                        QALQILYAH                 NABLUS





                                                                                 Ramallah Qalandia s/s



                       Tarqumiya Beit Ula s/s
                                                                                                     D ead S ea



   0          10         20 Kilometers

                                                           Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 171
Map G.3: Land in the West Bank Is Divided into Areas A and B, under Palestinian
Civil Administration, and Area C under Israeli Civil Administration

                                                                                                           IBRD 43952 | SEPTEMBER 2018
  LAND CLASSIFICATION ACCORDING                                              Umm
  TO OSLO AGREEMENT                                                       Al-Fahm
           Area A
                                                                                                                       Beit Shean
           Area B                                                                                         Jenin

           Area C

           Main cities and towns
           Armistice Demarcation Lines, 1949
           No-man’s Land Areas,                                      Tulkarm                              Tubas
           Armistice Demarcation Line, 1949
           Jerusalem City Limit, Unilaterally             Tayibe
           Expanded by Israel June 1967;
           then Annexed July 30, 1980                      Tire
           Administrative Boundary
           International Boundaries


           an S

                          Tel Aviv


                                            Ramla                                      Baytin




                                       ISR A E L

                                                                                       Bayt Fajjar

                                                                                                                       Dead Sea


                                                     Az Zahiriyah

    0                10              20 Kilometers

172 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza

Robust Planning Methodology
and Detailed Technical Results

INTRODUCTION                                                 1.	 In a deterministic analysis, what does a least-cost
                                                                 capacity expansion plan look like, which ensures
This technical appendix describes the methodological             the West Bank are Gaza are self-reliant and able
considerations and input assumptions behind the                  to meet demand securely (assuming there are no
power system expansion model used for the report.                capital constraints)?
The analysis applies concepts from the robust-               2.	 What are the features of a capacity plan that
decision-making framework to develop power-                      ensures the West Bank are Gaza can respond to a
generation capacity expansion plan for both the                  wide range of uncertainties including contingencies
West Bank and Gaza that takes into consideration                 around electricity imports? What are the cost
endogenous and exogenous uncertainties. It is                    implications of such a plan? How well does this
built around a linear programming (LP) optimization              second plan perform in terms of costs compared
and simulation model that generates scenarios to                 with a classic least-cost plan?
capture the pervasive uncertainties in a region where        3.	 How does the average cost of production change
geopolitical conditions heavily influence the availability       by sharing reserve margin requirements with
of electricity and fuel supply.                                  neighboring countries?
                                                             4.	 Given capital constraints, what is a balanced mix
The analysis compares the output of classical methods            that combines (ii) and (iii) to keep average costs of
to power-system expansion planning with the robust-              production at a specified annual level?
decision-making-related approach to show how                 5.	 How does access to regulated land (known
uncertainties can affect the choice of technology                as Area C) affect the generation mix and
options. The analysis also presents results that take            system costs?
into account constraints to project-financing access.        6.	 If political uncertainties are not resolved over
                                                                 the planning horizon, what is the impact of only
The geopolitical conditions, and related uncertainties,          implementing projects that are solely within the
call for a significant shift from traditional planning           control of the Palestinian Authority (PA), and what
methods. To the extent that political, social, and               is the impact of delayed action or inaction on
economic uncertainties can be abstracted for                     unmet demand?
modelling purposes, they have been incorporated
in the analysis largely through varying assumptions          Limitations of the Study
related to the availability, timing, and cost of
infrastructure development.                                  While efforts have been made to include some
                                                             uncertainties in the expansion plan, it is not
Objective                                                    comprehensive in this regard. Importantly, climate
                                                             risks are not included in the analysis. For example,
Given the uncertainties, the objective of the                rising air temperatures reduce the efficiency of
generation-expansion planning component of the               plants (including most types of solar PV plants) while
study is to propose a set of generation options              increasing demand (for cooling) during the summer
that perform well under various conditions. They             months, among others.
are designed to be able to satisfy peak load and
energy demand up to 2030 reliably, and at the most           The location of plants and financial structuring of
efficient cost. The analysis thus seeks to answer the        potential projects are other important issues that
following questions:                                         can affect which specific projects materialize. These

                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 173
issues are beyond the scope of the study, which does       generation mix that satisfies peak load and energy
not consider locational issues.                            demand under a predefined set of constraints. The
                                                           robustness of the plan is tested through a carefully
Delays during construction are also not considered in      selected set of scenarios. Under the current
the analysis. Construction delays can impact project       circumstances in the West Bank and Gaza, the sheer
costs, and large projects tend to be more exposed          number of uncertainties leaves such an approach
to this risk. As an example, doubling the construction     too vulnerable to failure measured by the inability to
time for a gas turbine from 24 to 48 months could          meet demand.
increase project costs by close to 10 percent.1 Delays
also expose the project to fluctuations in material        An approach to counter this risk could be to plan for
prices linked to international commodity prices.           the worst or close to worst case scenario, but this
Including these issues tends to further strengthen the     comes at cost. While partly justifiable, this cost in the
case for distributed generation options.                   form of capital expenditure is likely to be unwarranted
                                                           because the system will be overly designed. The
METHODOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS                              approach adopted for this study therefore seeks to
                                                           balance the goal of meeting demand at all times, with
Planning for the expansion of power sectors in             the risk of stranded assets under multiple scenarios.
developing countries is challenging, due in part to
the uncertainty associated with demand projections         Bazilian and Chattopadhyay (2016) describe three
because historical trends are typically different from     possible planning techniques for fragile states: (i)
expected growth patterns. The power sector in the          least-cost planning tools that include risk premiums
West Bank and Gaza falls in this category. Additionally,   as inputs; (ii) extension of least-cost planning models
the geopolitical situation in the West Bank and Gaza       with a simulation component to reflect some of the
(one of the territories on the World Bank’s list of        uncertainties associated with fragile and conflict
fragile situations) introduces additional layers of        states; and (iii) stochastic programming and robust
significant uncertainty. 2                                 decision models that are specifically designed to
                                                           facilitate decision making under uncertainty.
Constraints imposed by fragility have been routinely
left out of power-sector planning in most conflict-        In a case study for the Republic of South Sudan,
prone countries. It manifests through various impacts      Bazilian and Chattopadhyay (2016) employed the first
on technology choices, timing, cost of and access          approach (i) to look at the impact of differentiating the
to financing, and so forth. The lack of financing,         cost of capital for risky projects (typically large, scale-
delays, and damages are all constraints and risks          efficient infrastructure that are cheaper but highly
that need to be considered in planning for these           exposed to the risk of destruction and significant
plans to be more effective. Although these issues are      delays) from smaller but less risky options. By using
well understood in qualitative terms and practiced         a higher weighted average cost of capital (WACC) for
in the field, it is only recently that consideration is    riskier projects as a proxy to capture a wide range
being given to quantitatively formalize this trade-off     of financing risks, the analysis results in a shift away
to produce a power system plan that finds a good           from large, centralized technology options to more
balance between cost and risks and characterizes           decentralized choices. For the case of the West
the ever-changing dynamics of fragile states (Bazilian     Bank and Gaza, there is no evidence to conclude
and Chattopadhyay 2016 ).                                  that financing for scale-efficient projects like thermal
                                                           power plants will be more expensive than financing
For the West Bank and Gaza, uncertainties around           for more decentralized options or by how much.
demand projections, the level of electricity imports,
timing of fuel availability, volumes and costs of fuel,    In another case study, Spyrou, and Hobbs (2016)
granting of access to expand infrastructure, and the       use a two-stage stochastic planning model to
risk of high outage rates mean the classic approach        analyze the impact of climate risks on the power
to least-cost expansion planning is not adequate.          system expansion plan for Bangladesh—one of the
The classic approach to least-cost planning typically      most vulnerable countries to climate change (World
assumes expected outage rates, fuel and plant              Bank 2013 ). The analysis concludes that modeling
availability, and a load growth forecast to project a      the relationship between climate and power system

174 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
parameters could save up to US$1.6 billion in 2015            Figure H.1: Process Flow for Selecting
dollars. In a two-stage stochastic programming model,         Robust Options
an action is taken in the first stage (or the present)
knowing that the future could evolve in many different         1. Scenarios: Develop multiple future scenarios from
                                                               predefined ranges of uncertain parameters using
ways, based on a set of random parameters. A set
                                                               Monte Carlo
of recourse decisions is then defined to determine a
course of action in the second stage that responds to
the outcome of the uncertain parameter. The goal is to
find a solution that optimizes the expected outcome of
                                                               2. Multiple least-cost plans: For each future
a decision. Stochastic programming models are reliant
                                                               scenario, develop a least-cost plan
on the fact that probability distributions governing
the data are known or can be estimated (Shapiro
and Philpott 2007) (Shapiro, Dentcheva, and
Ruszczynski 2009).
                                                               3. Review options: Evaluate least-cost plans to
Establishing such probability distributions for the West       rank technologies and capacities according to
                                                               frequency of selection across scenarios
Bank and Gaza can be challenging. There is little
historical data to inform the design of the distribution
parameters. The distribution shapes could be
attempted through the use of expert judgement, but
the political underpinnings in the West Bank and Gaza          4. Stack and test options:
increase the subjectivity of such an exercise.
                                                                   Select technologies and capacities ranked
The approach used to deal with uncertainties in this               highest, i.e., selected in 100% of scenarios.
study involves using Monte Carlo simulations to draw
scenarios from a range of parametric uncertainties and
then running them through a deterministic LP model.                Test resultant plan across multiple
The simulations serve to “recognize” the stochastic                scenarios and observe total system costs.
nature of the parameters, but this process falls short
of a full stochastic model because the final selection
of the capacity plan is decided by the modeler rather              Reduce preference ranking and select
than the model.                                                    associated technologies and capacities
                                                                   until least selected options (i.e., only in 1%
                                                                   of scenarios) are available.
The Monte Carlo simulation process considers random
variation in uncertain parameters such as demand and
generation availability, fuel prices, and so forth, to form
a composite sample that represents one realization
or “future” of all possible uncertain parameters.
The LP dispatch optimization (determination of                 5. Robust plan: Select plan with the lowest average
the optimal output of power generation plants) is              of total system costs across multiple scenarios
solved for the sample to obtain one-point estimate
of system costs, prices, and so forth. The process
is repeated for a large set of samples (for example,
somewhere between 100 and 1,000, depending
on the number of parameters and their variance) to
form a distribution of the outcomes. The process is
fundamentally not very different from running a large
number of alternative scenarios with the exception
that (i) we directly represent the probability distribution
of each uncertainty parameter rather than accepting
a predefined scenario with a specific view on the
uncertain parameters and (ii) we therefore can evaluate

                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 175
the impact of multiple uncertain parameters on the             Details of the process flow are as follows:
final output, be it prices or system costs.
                                                               Step 1: Develop Multiple Scenarios
The process flow for the analysis is shown in figure H.1.
We start by identifying all the input parameters that are      After identifying the uncertain parameters, multiple
uncertain. These include the timing and availability of        scenarios were generated using Monte Carlo sampling
fuel, energy demand, fuel prices, amount of imports,           techniques. Each scenario contains a random draw
availability of power plants, and investment costs,            from within the distribution of the individual parameters
among others (see table H.1). The ranges for these             for every year in the planning horizon. For example, it
uncertain parameters were developed by the project             will include a certain demand profile for every year,
team after consultations in Jordan, Israel, Egypt, and         plant availability for every year, fuel prices for every
the West Bank and Gaza.                                        year, and so on. Since the draws from the various
                                                               parameters are completely independent, two valid
In this type of analysis, it is important to identify the      questions arise at this stage: (i) How certain are we
correlations between parameters. Of particular interest        that the combination of individual draws adequately
was the correlation between fuel and electricity import        cover the worst-case scenarios? (ii) how plausible is
prices. Since the transition from oil-based generation         the combination of all the individual draws?
to gas-based generation, electricity prices in Israel
have been decoupled from international oil prices,             The coverage of scenarios depends on the number of
because most of the production is driven by long-              draws for the Monte Carlo analysis. A higher number
term gas purchase agreements. The growing share of             of draws increases the coverage of scenarios.
renewable energy will further decouple the two prices.         This needs to be balanced with the computational
                                                               requirements. The number of scenarios was selected
This is likely to be the case for Egypt as well. We            to minimize the variance in total system costs across
therefore assume no correlation between fuel prices            scenarios, an indication that enough samples across
and imports from Israel and Egypt. Electricity prices          the range of uncertainty have been selected. In this
in Jordan, on the other hand, are correlated with fuel         study, 100 draws were used to demonstrate the
prices, and this assumption has been used in the study.        merits of the study approach.
At present, gas generation is based on liquified natural
gas, and so prices are linked to the international gas         For question (ii), the primary issue of concern was
market. However, there are considerations to import            the link between outages caused by sabotage and
gas from Israel or other countries. Jordan is also             demand. As an example, how plausible is a scenario
considering oil shale and nuclear power as generation          with high outages and high demand growth? Using
options, together with a strong renewable energy               the study approach, it is also possible to discard
portfolio. These plans, if implemented, will reduce the        combinations of parameters that are unreasonable.
link between international oil and electricity prices.

 Fuel                 Prices, volumes, and availability of diesel (as a result of attacks and politically imposed
                      Timing, volumes, prices, and availability of gas
 CAPEX                Variations in photovoltaic, wind, and concentrated solar power CAPEX
 Electricity          Prices, volumes, and availability
 Demand               High volatility in projected demand
 Transmission         Uncertainties around the commissioning of West Bank backbone and West Bank-Gaza
 Plant availability   Extended outages as a result of damage or difficulty in reaching plant locations; damage due
                      to sabotage incurs a cost to the system

176 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure H.2: Characterizing Four Possible Economic Conditions of the West Bank and

   • Significant disrutptions to supply due                        • Disruptions to supply due to
     to sabotage                                                       sabotage and
   • Limited imports                                                     • Limited imports
   • WB Transmission                                                         • Limited fuel (diesel)
     backbone may be                                                           • WB Transmission
     commissioned                                                                 backbone mad be in
   • Very limited fuel                                                              place
                                   A. War                        B. Siege          • Low load growth
   • High unmet demand                                                              • Hight unmet demand

                                                                                   • Disruptions due to
   • Open imports                                                                   higher level of
   • Gas available                  C. Prosperous             D. Stagnant          imports
   • WB Transmission                                                             • Limited fuel
     backbone commissioned                                                        (diesel or gas)
   • Increased uncertainty in                                                 • WB Transmission
     load growth                                                              backbone may be
   • Low unmet demand                                                     commissioned
                                                                 • Increased uncertainty in load growth
                                                                • Relatively hight unmet demand

To design the scenarios, the study categorizes four          Step 2: Develop Multiple Least-Cost Plans
possible states in the West Bank and Gaza: war,
siege, economic stagnation, or economic prosperity.          For each of the four scenarios we develop an expansion
These conditions are characterized by different levels       plan using the core LP model. It is important to note
of investments in power sector infrastructure and            that the model considers the entire planning horizon
demand characteristics as shown in figure H.2.               and optimizes capacity and dispatch to minimize
                                                             system costs for the horizon. It does not optimize
For extended periods in the planning horizon, or             the solution on a year-to-year basis. For example, if
the entire duration, either territories of the West          a scenario draws on natural gas being available but
Bank and Gaza could be in a state of siege (as is            also draws low availability for the gas plants in some
the case in Gaza presently), stagnation (as is the           years, the model considers this availability and may
case in the West Bank), or prosperity where there            install more capacity within defined constraints to
are no limits to infrastructure development. A state         satisfy the supply-demand balance. It will not only use
of war is more transient, marked by particular years         the higher availability of preceding years to determine
with high outages, limited imports, and limited              optimal capacity and timing. The core LP model is
fuel supply. For example, over the entire planning           explained in a later section.
horizon, a territory could be in a state of stagnation
with spot disturbances in which supply options are           Step 3: Review Plans and Rank Options
disrupted. History shows destroyed equipment is
restored, and this is assumed to continue. It was            In this step, we analyze, for every year in every scenario,
also decided to establish a minimum availability             the frequency with which technology options are
threshold for imports from Israel, the main source of        picked and, when picked, the capacity that is installed
imports, since it was unrealistic to anticipate this to be   in that year. The aim is to identify those technology-
completely unavailable.                                      capacity options that are robust across multiple

                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 177
scenarios. These are then ranked by the percentage          because the demand forecast is uncertain. To deal with
of times the technology-capacity mix is selected in         this problem, we run multiple experiments (multiple
every scenario and for every year. To determine the         scenarios that draw from the uncertain parameters)
capacity that is picked up across multiple scenarios,       whenever we include additional options in the stack
we approximate the plant capacities to the nearest          and observe the performance of the capacity plan.
10MW. This is similar to creating 10MW “bins.”3             It is important to distinguish this step from step 2,
                                                            where we develop multiple capacity plans to satisfy
Step 4: Stack and Test Options                              multiple future scenarios.

The most preferred technology-capacity options are          In step 2, the question we answer is this: if the future
those that are selected in most scenarios. Figure H.3       looked like a particular scenario, what types of plants
shows variation of the capacity of available generation     should be built? When should they be built and how
options across multiple scenarios. Existing capacity        should they be dispatched? In this step, whenever
is always included. As seen from the figure, 194 MW         we add onto the stack of technology-capacity
of the plant PVr-WBC is robust in all scenarios, while      options, we take this as our capacity plan and ask the
the first concentrated solar power (CSP) of 20 MW is        question: If this was my capacity plan, how would it
only picked up in 11 percent of scenarios. Technology       perform in multiple scenarios?
and capacity options that appear in 100 percent of
scenarios constitute no-regret options. Moving to           The stack developed in step 4 can also be used to
the right of the chart, the capacities of technologies      select projects to prioritize. The more robust options at
increase but are less robust.                               the bottom of the stack should be given a higher priority.

While it would be ideal to include only the most robust     Step 5: Select Robust Plan
technology-capacity options, this is unlikely to meet
demand, and so it is necessary to add more capacity.        The performance of each potential capacity plan is
We therefore stack less preferred options to increase       evaluated mainly through the change in total system
installed capacity that is, select capacities to right in   costs or the objective function (least cost). By observing
figure H.3). At this point, we have little idea about the   the total system costs across multiple scenarios, we
target capacity that will be adequate for the system,       select the plan with the lowest cost as the “robust” plan.

Figure H.3: Cumulative Capacity by Technology

                                                                                        PVcAB-WBN       CC-WBN
                                                                                        PVcAB-WBS       CC-Gaza
  Cumulative capacity (MW)

                                                                                        PVcAB-WBC       DiesGen-Gaza
                                                                                        PVr-Gaza        Jordan-WBC

                             300                                                        CC-WBS          Israel-WBN

                                                                                        Wind-WBS        Egypt-Gaza
                                                                                        Bio-WBC         Israel-Gaza



178 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Jiang and Vogt-Schilb (2016) employ a similar                                              STRUCTURE OF THE MODEL
approach in a case study for Bangladesh as the
quantitative basis for a “robust adaptive strategy                                         The West Bank is modeled as three separate zones:
that performs acceptably over several dimensions                                           WB North, WB Central, and WB South (see map H.1).
in as many plausible futures as possible.” The main                                        Electricity imports from Israel is injected through three
differences are (i) Latin hypercube sampling was used                                      points in the north, central, and south. Demand and
to reduce the need for large number of simulations,                                        solar resource availability is accordingly distributed
while we use Monte Carlo sampling for this study,                                          among the three zones in the West Bank. Gaza is
and (ii) after generating multiple expansion plans, the                                    modeled as one separate zone.4
technology-capacity options were placed in large
bins to reduce the number of plans, each of which                                          There is currently no transmission network in the
was then tested across multiple scenarios and                                              West Bank or Gaza, and the two territories are not
performance assessed independently. In this study,                                         directly connected either. The analysis of transmission
we develop the capacity plan starting with no-regret                                       requirements is undertaken separately and not
options and increasingly adding less preferred options                                     included in the model.
as described in step 4.

Map H.1: Categorization of Zones and Power Import Connections in
West Bank and Gaza

                                                                                                           IBRD 43953 | SEPTEMBER 2018
      Armistice Demarcation Lines, 1949         IEC-WB North                           Jenin
      No-man’s Land Areas,                      IEC Injection Point
      Armistice Demarcation Line, 1949               in North
      Governorate Boundaries                                                      WEST BANK
      Administrative Boundary                                                      NORTH Tubas
      International Boundaries


      M e d ite r r a ne a n
              Sea                        IEC-WB Central                                WEST BANK
                                          IEC Injection Point             Ramallah
                                               in Center
                                                                                                 Jericho              Jordan-WB
                       IEC-Gaza                                            Jerusalem                                A.R. Egypt-WB
                    IEC Injection Point                I SR A EL                                                   Imports from Jordan
                          in Gaza                                                      Bethlehem                     and A.R. Egypt

                                            IEC-WB South                                               Dead Sea
                             Jabalya        IEC Injection Point                   Hebron
                        Gaza City                in South
                  GAZA                                                WEST BANK
             Deir el Balah                                             SOUTH
                       Khan Yunis
                                       A.R. Egypt-Gaza
     ARAB REP.                             Injection Point
     OF EGYPT                          for A.R. Egypt Imports

                                                                        Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 179
  CapBal                             i, g,   y             capacity balance
  CapBal1                            i, g,   y             capacity balance
  MaxBuild                           i, g
  MinCapReserve                      b, y                  minimum capacity reserve
  JointFuel                          i, g,   y, t
  MaxCFGen                           i, g,   y             maximum capacity factor limit for each generator (ex-
The model used for the West Bank and               Gaza
                                                 cept       is a •	Generation: Operational characteristics of
GAMS-based, least-cost planning tool that is in                        generation plants, such as thermal efficiency,
   MaxCFImp                     i, g, y          maximum capacity factor limit for each import source
many ways, simpler to populate (through an Excel                       maximum utilization factors, and so on
front                                            fuel balance •	Transmission: Transfer-capacity limits between
                                i, f, y than commercial
       end) and easier to customize
tools,                          i, f, y
         as algorithms and procedures            gasbe
                                               can     limits
                                                            built      zones and associated losses
around the basic model to deal with uncertainties.
   CapitalConstraint                             total    capital
                                                                5  on new investment is constrained
Given                           i, g,and
        the sparse data available
   REProfileConsSolar                  y, tthe wide   range
                                                 Solar        of The main output of the model is a set of generation
uncertainties                   the
                 necessary for i,
   REProfileConsCSP                 g,analysis,
                                      y, t      this flexibility options and their associated timing, dispatch levels,
is REProfileConsWind             i, g, y, t       CSP profile and residual or unmet demand. From this, the average
   eTotalIECWB                  y                total importscost  fromof   generation per year (or block of the load
                                                                           IECto   WB
Mathematical Description of the LP Model                           duration curve), associated emissions, total system
   eTransferLimit               i, j, y, t       zonal     transfer  limit
This section briefly describes the LP least-cost costs, CAPEX requirements, and reserve margins,
planning      model at the core                  controlThe
                                y of the analysis.           total capacity   of installed
                                                                   among others,            RE
                                                                                    can be calculated.
   RepairCap                    g,  y            restore
deterministic least-cost planning model takes into           capacity   at a cost
   TotalRepairs   the following as
                                g, yinput:                         The objective
                                                 total repair costcarried            function
                                                                               through          to years
                                                                                          - other   be minimized is the
   TotalRepairs1                g, y             total repair cost      carried net
                                                                   discounted        cost (at
                                                                                 through      a rate
                                                                                           - year  1 of 10 percent) for the
•	Cost:
   eVRECapex Investment costs for
                                n, g,generation
                                       y          expansion, capex
                                                 Annualized        planning  periodsources
                                                                          forVRE     and is calculated as shown in EQ 1.
    fuel  prices,  and  fixed
   eLimitIsraelImports b, y   and   variable operation      and
                                                 Limit Israeli imports into WB
    maintenance costs
   eEqualizeIECWB1              y                Distribute IECimports equally (for when there are no
•	Load: Load forecasts in the form of load duration
    curves for the planning years                transmisison constraints)
  eEqualizeIECWB2                    y
  Strategy5Con                       b, f, y               constrain max gen by fuel to 50%

EQ Set 1: Objective Function
Equation Definitions
cost =          (             (ord(y)−1)
                                           ·(         (CRFN R · capN R,y · GenDataN R,CAPEXperkW ) · 1000 +
           y        (1 + r)                     NR
what is going on here               n,RE     VRECapexn,RE,y +                (capg,y ·GenDatag,FOMperMW )+        (vImportReservesIM,y ·
                                                                         g                                   IM
ReserveImportsIM,y )+                   (CumRepairg,y ·CRFrg ·GenDatag,CostOfRepair )·1000+                                (       (Geni,g,f,y,t ·
                                    g                                                                      i,g,f |mapg,f       t

Durationt · VCg,y,f ))+                           (        (Geni,g,f,y,t · Durationt · GenEmisg,f ))[IncludeCO2Price]+
                                  i,g,f |mapg,f        t

                (       (Geni,g,f,y,t · Durationt · GenDatag,VOM )) +                    (USE1i,y,t · Durationt · VoLLy ) +
i,g,f |mapg,f       t                                                              i,t


180 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Where the sets and decision variables are defined as follows :
  Name                         Domains Description
  Name Domains            Description
  i, j      i             nodes
  IECEnergyShare                            min share of IEC imports
  g         g             generators
  VoLLReserve                  y            reserve cost of reserve shortfall in dollar per MW
  t         t             time increment of LDC
  RECapex                      g, y         RE capex
  f         f             fuel type
  MaxIECImports                y            random limits of imports
  y         *             years
  CRF                          g            cost recovery factor
  map       g, f
  CRFr                         g            cost recovery factor for repair works
  s         *             fuel price scenarios
  pTransferLimit               i, j, y      transfer limit
  b         b             states
  DestroyedCap                 g, y         fraction of capacity destroyed in a year
  IM        g             imports as generators
  VoLL                         y            value of lost load in dollar per MWh
  EX        f             export fuels
  AvailableLand                y            land granted in Area C
  NE        f             nonexport fuels all fuels apart from exports
  LoadGrowthFactor             i, y         used in Monte Carlo
  RE        g             renewables
  ReserveImports               g, y         cost of holding import reserves
  GE        g             generators
  Availability                 g, y         unit availability
  NR        g             nonRE generators
  ImportVolume                 f, y         volume of imports
  PV        g             PV technologies
  FuelLimit                    s, f, y      fuel limit
  te        te            genertor technologies
  FuelLimitFactor              f, y         used in Monte Carlo
  mapbi b, i              map nodes to territories
  VC                           g, y, f      variable cost in $ per MWh
  mapij     i, j          map nodes
  GenEmis                      g, f         CO2 emissions in tons per MWh
  mapig i, g              map nodes to generators
  ReserveContribution          g, y         contribution of imports to reserves
  AreaC g                 Area C PV and CSP
  EEScalingFactor              y
  IEC       g             Israel imports
  n         *
Decision variables:
  Name             Domains Description
  Gen              i, g, f, y, t generation per unit per year per LDC pointin MW
  Name                       Domains Description
  cap              g, y             installed capacity in year y in MW
  TechIndex                  te
  Build            i, g, y          Build new capacity MW in year y
  CSPProfile                  t, i
  VRECapex         n, g, y          Annualized RE capex carried from Nth year to last year
  Duration                   t
                                    in USD
  GenData                    g, *
  Retire           i, g, y          Retire existing capacity
  LandUse                    te
  USE              i, y, t          unmet demand in MW
  LDCBase                    i, t, y
  USE1             i, y, t          unserved energy in MW
  PVProfile                   t, i
  Unmetreserve     b, y             reserve capacity shortfall
  WindProfile                 t, i
  Surplus          i, y, t          surplus power (to get around the min load constraint!)
  SetStrategy                               planning strategy
  Fuel             i, f, y          fuel consumption in MMBTU
  Tran             i, j, y, t       power transfer from zone i to j in MW
  cost                              total system cost in billion USD
  MaxCapital                                max gen investment in billion dollars
  Repair           g, y             capacity to be repaired by year after year 1
  r                                         discount rate
  vImportReserves g, y              imported reserves in MW
  DumpPrice                                 cost of surplus or dump power in dollar per MWh
  CumRepair        *, *
  lossfactor                                net energy interchange in pu
  ReserveMargin                             system reserve margin in pu

                                               Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 181
The sum of Cap*CAPEXperkW determines the total                      Sum of GenEmis*CO2Price adds the cost of
annualized investment for all thermal generators in                 CO2 emissions if required and is set by the flag
a particular year. The cost recovery factor (CRF) is                IncludeCO2Price. CO2 prices are not included in the
calculated using a weighted average cost of capital                 analysis for the West Bank and Gaza.
(WACC) of 10 percent.
                                                                     In addition to regular costs, the objective function
For renewable energy (RE) plants, a separate term, includes penalties associated with violation of
BuiltRE, adds the annualized CAPEX requirements demand constraint, VoLL, which is set at US$750 per
to the(Surplus
         objective i,y,t  · Duration
                        function.      t · has
                                    This   DumpPrice)       +
                                                 been separated    Unmetreserve
                                                                     megawatt hour  b,y ·  VoLLReserve
                                                                                        (MWh)               y ))1000000
                                                                                                 for this study,  and reserve limit,
    a new variable because the CAPEX for RE plants              b    VoLLReserve, which is set at US$5,000 per kW in this
changes with time. Any new installation therefore study. Mathematically, the unserved energy variable
  CapBal   the CAPEX requirements for the year of relaxes the demand balance constraint to avoid
installation calculated in a separate equation.                      infeasibility in time periods with excess demand. In
  capg,y = capg,y−1 + Buildi,g,y − Retirei,g,y                                     i, an
                                                                     practice, it∀is  g, yindirect measure
                                                                                            | ((ord(y)   > 1)of ∧system   reliability.
                                                                                                                   mapigi,g  )
The sum of Cap*FOMperMW adds the fixed operating Its valuation is an economic concept that indicates
and maintenance costs for all generators per installed the willingness to pay by electricity consumers to
  CapBal1i,g,y VC + VOM together make up the avoid supply interruption (Electricity Commission
kW every year.
  capg,y =  marginal
               Buildi,g,y     − for
                           cost     each generator, VC being ∀i,
                                 Retire                              2008).    The study
                                                                      g, y | ((ord(y)      = 1)reports  VoLL to be as high
                                                                                                 ∧ GenData                         as
                                         i,g,y                                                                  g,CAPEXperkW )
the cost of fuel and VOM being variable operating and US$44,500 per MWh in Australia and US$960 per
maintenance costs.                                                   MWh for Chile. Mathematically, because of the role
  RepairCapg,y                                                       this plays in balancing demand and supply, the value
The sum of CumRepair*CostOfRepair adds a for lost load needs to be high enough to prevent the
cost       g,y = cap
       whenever           g,y · DestroyedCap
                       there    is damage to g,y   a plant. The model from curtailing load as a means of ∀               g, y
CostOfRepair is assumed to be a third of the CAPEX, system costs. The selected VoLL is set at the cost of
and   CumRepair carries the total annualized repair self-generation through portable household gasoline
  TotalRepairs           g,y
costs through the planning horizon. Repair costs are generators.
  CumRepair  to be   recovered
                   g,y  = CumRepairover 12  g,yyears
                                                −1 + (irrespective
                                                     Repairg,y                                       ∀g, y | (ord(y) > 1)
of the plant).  6
                                                                     The objective function is minimized subject to various
                                                                     constraints described here:
     (Surplusi,y,t · Durationt · DumpPrice) +                     Unmetreserveb,y · VoLLReservey ))1000000
 i,t         g,y = Repairg,y                                  b                           ∀g, y | (ord(y) = 1)
EQ Set 2: Capacity Balance and maximum build capacity


 capg,y =           + Build
         ( capg,y−1(cap       i,g,y − Retirei,g,y             ∀i, g, y | ((ord(y) > 1) ∧ mapigi,g )
                        g,y · ReserveContributiong,y )) + Unmetreserveb,y ≥ (1 + ReserveMargin) ·
 i|mapbib,i g |mapigi,g
 max{    i,g,y LDCBasei,t,y t}                                                                                          ∀b, y
           Buildi,g,y     − Retirei,g,y                           ∀i, g, y | ((ord(y) = 1) ∧ GenDatag,CAPEXperkW )


 Repair      = cap
        g,y i,g,y ≤ g,y
                        · DestroyedCap
                               g,Pderated g,y                                              ∀i, g | GenDatag,CAPEXperkW
                                                                                                                 ∀g, y

 CumRepairg,y = CumRepairg,y−1 + Repairg,y                                                      ∀g, y | (ord(y) > 1)
 VRECapexn,RE,y = VRECapexn,RE,y−1 +                                          (Buildi,RE,y · RECapexRE,y · CRFRE ·
 1000)                                                                                        ∀n, RE, y | (ord(y) > 1)
 CumRepairg,y = Repairg,y                                                                          ∀g, y | (ord(y) = 1)
              Geni,g,f,y,t ≤ capg,y                                                            ∀i, g, y, t
  f | map g,f (         (cap g,y · ReserveContribution
182 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                       g,y )) + Unmetreserve b,y ≥ (1 + ReserveMargin)     ·
 i|mapbib,i g |mapigi,g

 max{               LDCBase            t}                                                                               ∀b, y

               Geni,IM,f,y,t ≤ capIM,y                                                                 ∀i, IM, y, t
 f |mapIM,f

First, the dynamic links across the years is captured horizon is restricted to the planned capacity addition.
in the first equality
               ( (Gen    constraint   that defines the variable Additionally, constraints ensure new plants are
                             i,GE,f,y,t · Durationt )) ≤ capGE,y · 8760 · GenDataGE,MaxCF · AvailabilityGE,y
Cap   . Capacity
  f |mapGE,f      t  may    be   augmented     by building new not mothballed and existing capacity is included.
units   (that
  ∀i, GE, y   is, Build  ), or  it can be  mothballed   (Retire). Finally, the capacity addition, annual capacity, and
  JointFuel       first-year capacity is restricted to the power output are subject to a set of conditions as
            the i,IM,y,t
existing capacity, and the total capacity that can represented by the last two constraints.
be   built forGen
  MaxCFImp       a newi,IM,ystation
                     i,IM,f,y,t      over
                                   ≤ cap   the entire planning
                                          IM,y                                                       ∀i, IM, y, t
 f |mapIM,f
          ( (Gen
EQ Set 3: Capacity  i,IM,f,y,t · Limits
                   Utilization   Durationt ))          ≤ capIM,y · 8760 · GenDataIM,MaxCF · AvailabilityIM,y ·
 f |mapIM,f        t
              ImportVolumeEX,y                                                       ∀i, IM, y
          ( (Geni,GE,f,y,t · Durationt )) ≤ capGE,y · 8760 · GenDataGE,MaxCF · AvailabilityGE,y
 EX |mapIM,EX

 f |mapGE,f        t
 ∀ i, GE, yi,f,y
                                           Geni,g,f,y,t · Durationt
 Fueli,f,y = i,IM,y
 MaxCFImp         (                (                                  ))                                    ∀i, f, y
                                       0.293071 · GenDatag,Efficiency
                   g |mapg,f
               (       (Geni,IM,f,y,t · Durationt )) ≤ capIM,y · 8760 · GenDataIM,MaxCF · AvailabilityIM,y ·
 f |mapIM,f        t
 FuelLimitConi,N E,y
               ImportVolumeEX,y                                                                         ∀i, IM, y
 EX |map E,y ≤
      i,NIM,EX FuelLimit1,N E,y · FuelLimitFactorN E,y                                                  ∀i, N E, y

 FuelBal i,f,y y

                                  Geni,g,f,y,t · Duration
      (Surplus     +·vImportReserves
                      Duration          IEC,y )
                       ( ( t · DumpPrice)          MaxIECImports )) y ·b,y
                                                         Unmetreserve   ImportVolume
                                                                           · VoLLReserve y ))1000000   ∀yy
 Fuel   i,f,y =
                i,y,t                                                                            ∀,y
                                                                                      IsraelImport i, f,
                            0 . 293071 · GenData   g, b
                   g |mapg,f

  CapBal      from all units (existing
             i,g,y             y        and new) is limited by are limited to import caps and the availability of the tie
the maximum capacity        factors on the Cap. Availability line. This is defined by the second equation. The third
                       i,N E,y
isFuel    = capg,y
      Israel-WBS      −1cap
                      =  + Build
                   ,y capacity   factor,
                             Israel-WBC   − Retire
                                    i,g,y and
                                          ,y         i,g,y of the
                                              it is one                    ∀i, g, y |
                                                                  equation ensures    ((ord(y)
                                                                                    that sum of  1) ∧ mapig
                                                                                               >imports from   ∀  y
                                                                                                                  ) to
       i,N E,y ≤ FuelLimit1,N E,y · FuelLimitFactorN E,y                                              ∀i, N E,   y
random parameters sampled. Imports (which are the three zones of West Bank do not exceed Israel-
modelled    as generators running on an “import fuel”), West Bank import cap.
 CapBal1i,g,y               y
EQ Set
    g,y 4:
           Build   = cap
                ,y i,g,y Capacity
                         − Retirei,g,y
                           Israel-WBN ,y                                                  ∀y
                                              ∀i, g, y | ((ord(y) = 1) ∧ GenDatag,CAPEXperkW )
     (capIEC,y + vImportReservesIEC,y ) ≤ MaxIECImportsy · ImportVolumeIsraelImport,y ∀y
 RepairCap g,y i,j,y,t
        g,y =≤ cap
 Repair            g,y · DestroyedCap
                          y     i,j,y g,y                                                     ∀i, j, y, t | mapij
 capIsrael-WBS,y = capIsrael-WBC,y                                                                               ∀y
 CumRepairg,y = CumRepair
                   y      g,y −1 + Repairg,y                                                ∀g, y | (ord(y) > 1)
 capIsrael-WBC,y = capIsrael-WBN,y                                                                               ∀y
 CumRepairg,y = Repair
                i,j,y,t g,y                                                                 ∀g, y | (ord(y) = 1)
 Trani,j,y,t ≤ pTransferLimiti,j,y                                                            ∀i, j, y, t | mapiji,j

           (               (capg,y · ReserveContributiong,y )) + Unmetreserveb,y ≥ (1 + ReserveMargin) ·
 i|mapbib,i g |mapigi,g

 max{                   LDCBasei,t,y t}                                                                       ∀b, y
                                                         Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 183
                (       (Geni,IM,f,y,t · Durationt )) ≤ capIM,y · 8760 · GenDataIM,MaxCF · AvailabilityIM,y ·
  f |mapIM,f        t

                        ImportVolumeEX,y                                                                     ∀i, IM, y
  EX |mapIM,EX

Major outages
  FuelBal   i,f,y
                  due to damage incur a cost, and the plant out of service. These repairs incur a cost to
probability of damage is defined as another uncertain the system that is amortized over 12 years. The first
parameter. DestroyedCap is a fraction         · Durationt equation calculates the destroyed capacity in a year.
                                       that represents
  Fueli,f,y =           ( (                                     ))                                ∀i, f, y
                             0.293071 For
the installed capacity destroyed.           distributed
                                       · GenData           The second and third calculated total repairs for all
               g |mapg,f t
generation sources, damage has less of an impact years and the first year respectively. It is this variable
and DestroydCap is small. Centralized units are more that is multiplied by the per kW repair costs in the
exposed   to the risk
  FuelLimitCon         of damage that takes the entire objective function.
                     i,N E,y

  Fueli,N E,y ≤ FuelLimit1,N E,y · FuelLimitFactorN E,y                                                     ∀i, N E, y
EQ Set 5: Zonal Balance

     (capIEC,y + vImportReservesIEC,y ) ≤ MaxIECImportsy · ImportVolumeIsraelImport,y ∀y
          Geni,g,f,y,t +USEi,y,t +USE1i,y,t − Surplusi,y,t + (Tranj,i,y,t · 0.97) − Trani,j,y,t =
  g,f |mapg,f                                                             j                            j
  LDCBasei,t,y · EEScalingFactory                                             ∀i, y, t | IncludeEnergyEfficiency
  cap Israel-WBS,y =i,y,t
  DemBal1Base         capIsrael-WBC,y                                                                                    ∀y

               Geni,g,f,y,t +USE1i,y,t −Surplusi,y,t +                              (Tranj,i,y,t ·lossfactor)−                 Trani,j,y,t =
  g,f |(mapg,f ∧mapigi,g )                                            j |mapiji,j                                j |mapiji,j
  LDCBase   i,t,y,y = capIsrael-WBN,y
  capIsrael-WBC                                                       ∀i, y, t | (IncludeEnergyEfficiency = ∀

     ( i,j,y,t
  Tran      (Buildi,g,y · GenData
               ≤ pTransferLimit   g,CAPEXperkW ))
                                i,j,y                                                             ∀i, j, y, t | mapiji,j
   y    i,g
                              1000                     ≤ MaxCapital · 1000

  eLimitIsraelImports W est             Bank ,y
By Kirchoff’s First Law (also known as KCL Kirchoff’s Demand is one of IECEnergyShare    the key random parameters in the
current law), the total line flows (Gen              and out ·
                                               into i,IEC,f,y,t of model.t )
                                                                 Duration    ≤ (1a−
                                                                           Given                            · ord(y))
                                                                                      distribution of peak and  energy, · the
    node must
a IEC,i,f,t   |(mapbiequal
                     West Bank,ithe
                                 ∧map difference
                                       IEC,f )     between the   5 random sampling process draws a demand profile for
generation flowing        into   the  node    and  the  off-takes.
                       (LDCBasei,t,y · Durationt · LoadGrowthFactoreach of the load   blocks, and the dispatch optimization
                                                                                i,y ) ∀ W est Bank , y | ((ord(y) +
Thus, the nodal balance constraints equate demand, is repeated for each such demand sample (along with
  i,t|mapbiWest Bank,i
generation,      losses, and electricity flows to and from other random parameters). The first equation is used
the   node.     AreaCAccess2)
            >Generation      deficit violation variables (USE1) in energy-efficiency scenarios, and the second is used
are also included to deal with those rare situations in when energy efficiency is not part of the scenario.
which     the system may be unable
  REProfileConsSolar                 i,P V,y,tto meet the load at
a node, due to a general shortage of generation or to The third equation limits transfers to the capacity of
transmission Gen  system    failure.≤
                       i,P V,f,y,t   Lines          conventional
                                            have a t,i
                                       PVProfile        · capP V,y the transmission corridor (pTransferLimit      ) which
                                                                                                          ∀i, P V, y, t     is
  f |mapigi,Passociated
                           with them. A positive Tran variable also randomly sampled.
represents power flowing into the node for some lines
and power flowing out for others. A fraction of the loss
(LS  ) is attributed to the load      end of the line.

                Geni,g,f,y,t ≤ CSPProfilet,i · capg,y                                ∀i, g, y, t | (GenDatag,Type = 7)
  f |mapigi,g


                Geni,g,f,y,t ≤ WindProfilet,i · capg,y                               ∀i, g, y, t | (GenDatag,Type = 8)
  f |mapigi,g

184 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
CumRepairg,y = CumRepairg,y−1 + Repairg,y                                                   ∀g, y | (ord(y) > 1)

EQ Set 6: Reserve
CumRepair         Requirements
           g,y = Repairg,y                                                                  ∀g, y | (ord(y) = 1)


JointFueli,IM,y,t        (capg,y · ReserveContributiong,y )) + Unmetreserveb,y ≥ (1 + ReserveMargin) ·
i|mapbib,i g |mapigi,g

max{            Geni,IM,f,y,t
                    LDCBase   ≤i,t,y
                                capt  }
                                     IM,y                                                              ∀i, IM, y,y
                                                                                                             ∀b, t
f |mapIM,f
       i|mapbi    b,i

 MaxBuild         i,g i,GE,y
Reserve is modelled for each territory (b). Although frequency falls, and generators with spinning
provision     of regulation
                     ≤ GenData
                            i,GE,f,y,t · Durationt ))
                                is fundamentally
                                                      ≤ capGE,y
                                                     different   from· 8760  · GenData
                                                                          reserve  respond
                                                                                      ∀i, g MaxCF
                                                                                        GE,       · Availability
                                                                                             |under  ‘free
                                                                                               GenData           GE,y action.” In the
provision of contingency reserve, and the former is longer time frame, generators that are not currently
 f |
   y map GE,f    t
 ∀i, GE,
also        y
        governed        by an additional set of constraints in synchronized may synchronize and commence
 eVRECapex     the nature of constraints that are relevant generation. ReserveContribution is a factor that
in    a long-term
 MaxCFImp                planning framework is largely similar determines available capacity that contributes to the
 VRECapex        n,RE,y and
           regulation            reserve. Contingency
                            = VRECapex      n,RE,y −1 +      reserve reserve       requirements.
                                                                           (Buildi,RE,y · RECapexRE,y · CRFRE ·
response( is expected            to occur
                     (Geni,IM,f,y,t          automatically
                                       · Durationt )) ≤ cap    when
                                                              IM,y  · 8760 · GenDataIM,MaxCF · AvailabilityIM,y ·
 f |mapIM,f t
 1000)                                                                                   ∀n, RE, y | (ord(y) > 1)
                    ImportVolumeEX,y                                                                       ∀i, IM, y
EX |Set
EQ      7: Fuel Consumption and Constraints

      Geni,g,f,y,t ≤ capg,y
FuelBal                                                                                                   ∀i, g, y, t
f |mapg,f
                                              Geni,g,f,y,t · Durationt
Fueli,f,y =                   (       (                                  ))                                  ∀i, f, y
                                          0.293071 · GenDatag,Efficiency
                  g |mapg,f

FuelLimitConi,N E,y                                              4
Fueli,N E,y ≤ FuelLimit1,N E,y · FuelLimitFactorN E,y                                                    ∀i, N E, y

eTotalIECWB     y

                Gen                   ≤ cap                                                     ∀i, IM, y,
                                                          ≤ MaxIECImportsy · ImportVolumeIsraelImport      t
     (capIEC,y i,IM,f,y,t   IM,y IEC,y )
                + vImportReserves                                                                     ,y ∀y
f |mapIM,f

MaxCFGeni,GE,y y
The    first equation
               ( ,y    = cap
                    (Gen  defines
                           i,GE,f,y,t   · Duration
                                       the            t )) ≤ capGE,y
                                              fuel consumption
                                             ,y                     as a· 8760 · GenDataFor
                                                                            companies.   GE,MaxCF   · Availability
                                                                                              this stage              ∀y
                                                                                                             of the GE,y
                                                                                                                     planning  exercise,
function of the generation from that type of fuel across we do not impose take-or-pay constraints, even
 f | map GE,f    t
all  generating
      GE, y
 eEqualizeIECWB2     units over    all load duration curve blocks though this is likely to be the case for gas supply. Our
in that year. We have assumed a constant heat rate objective at this stage is to establish what volume of
over    the entire ,y =  capIsrael-WBN
                       generation       range,y of a generator, but         gas for the power sector is least cost.   ∀y This, together
 MaxCFImp            i,IM,y
this can be changed to represent the detailed heat with other domestic uses of gas in the West Bank
rate   characteristic
              ( (Gen
 eTransferLimit           of  the unit
                         i,j,y,t            using a piecewise
                                        · Duration                linear
                                                      t )) ≤ capIM,y        and
                                                                       · 8760     Gaza, will
                                                                              · GenData      inform
                                                                                        IM,MaxCF      the structure
                                                                                                  · Availability    IM,yof· any take-or-
 f |mapIM,f The second constraint is a simple bound
function.        t                                                          pay contract, the details of which will need to be
on    the       ≤ pTransferLimit
            maximum       amount of          fuel  that  is available in    thoroughly analyzed. ∀i,
                                                                                                   Thej, y, t | mapij
                    ImportVolume          i,j,y
                                          EX,y                                                                          y ensures that
                                                                                                                i, IM,i,j
a    year. It is also possible to represent any take-or- total generation in every load block does not exceed
 EX |mapIM,EX
pay fuel contracts for individual generating stations or rated capacity.

                                              Geni,g,f,y,t · Durationt
Fueli,f,y =                   (       (                                  ))                                  ∀i, f, y
                                          0.293071 · GenDatag,Efficiency
                  g |mapg,f       t                                5

                                                                Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 185
FuelLimitConi,N E,y
Fueli,N E,y ≤ FuelLimit1,N E,y · FuelLimitFactorN E,y                                                    ∀i, N E, y
eLimitIsraelImports W est            Bank ,y

                                          (Geni,IEC,f,y,t · Durationt ) ≤ (1 −                  · ord(y)) ·
IEC,i,f,t|(mapbiWest Bank,i ∧mapIEC,f )

                       (LDCBasei,t,y · Durationt · LoadGrowthFactori,y ) ∀ W est Bank , y | ((ord(y) +
i,t|mapbiWest Bank,i
EQ Set 8: Variable Renewable Energy Profiles
2015) > AreaCAccess2)

REProfileConsSolari,P V,y,t

                Geni,P V,f,y,t ≤ PVProfilet,i · capP V,y                                         ∀i, P V, y, t
f |mapigi,P V


              Geni,g,f,y,t ≤ CSPProfilet,i · capg,y                        ∀i, g, y, t | (GenDatag,Type = 7)
f |mapigi,g


              Geni,g,f,y,t ≤ WindProfilet,i · capg,y                       ∀i, g, y, t | (GenDatag,Type = 8)
f |mapigi,g

These equations define the limits of generation from types of variable renewable energy (VRE)—PV, CSP
                                           (capAreaC,y · LandUsete ) ≤ AvailableLandy  ∀y
variable RE sources. REProfile is the maximum and wind—have unique profiles.
AreaC,te|(GenDataAreaC,Type =TechIndexte )
utilization of the RE plant in every time block. All three

EQ Set 9: Combined Solar and PV Capacity Cannot
                                          6     Exceed Total Land Available


                Geni,IM,f,y,t ≤ capIM,y                                                          ∀i, IM, y, t
 f |mapIM,f


INPUT PARAMETERS                                     Renewable
       ( (Geni,GE,f,y,t · Durationt )) ≤ capGE,y · 8760         energy
                                                        · GenData       sources
                                                                 GE,MaxCF         could GE,y
                                                                          · Availability be a significant
 f |mapGE,f       t                                            part of the energy mix in the West Bank and Gaza,
In∀this section,
   i, GE, y      we describe the main inputs required          with total potential of between 3,100 and 4,000
for the model including the RE profiles, load blocks,          MW (depending on the share of CSP and PV. See
and   generator data.
  MaxCFImp                                                     table H.3). There is considerable technical potential
                                                               for solar PV and CSP (at least 98 percent of RE
Generator    ( Data                                            potential),
                  (Geni,IM,f,y,t · Durationt )) ≤ capIM,y · 8760  · GenDatabut the
                                                                             IM,   bulk
                                                                                 MaxCF · (at least 76 percent
                                                                                         Availability  IM,y · of potential
  f |mapIM,f t                                                 solar generation) is in Area C of the West Bank and
Generators are      defined by the parameters defined in can be realized only if Israel grants
                  ImportVolume                                                                             y to the land.
                                                                                                  ∀i, IM,
table  H.2.
  EX |mapIM,EX
              The   Gaza  Power    Plant  (GPP)    is the only The  technical  potential  for  gas- or  diesel-fired plants
operating power plant. The installation costs for depends on the volume of fuel.
variable VRE technologies are modeled to reduce
  FuelBal       planning horizon. The rate at which
VRE prices reduce is sampled          and discussed       in a
                                   Gen i,g,f,y,t · Durationt
       i,f,y =          ( (                                    ))                                   ∀i, f, y
                             0.293071 · GenDatag,Efficiency
                  g |mapg,f

 FuelLimitConi,N E,y
 Fueli,N E,y ≤ FuelLimit1,N E,y · FuelLimitFactorN E,y                                            ∀i, N E, y

 eTotalIECWB       y for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
186 | Securing Energy

       (capIEC,y + vImportReservesIEC,y ) ≤ MaxIECImportsy · ImportVolumeIsraelImport,y ∀y
                       FUEL          INSTALLATION             FIXED       VARIABLE          CONTRIBUTION              BASE       MAX             HEAT
                                     COST (2018)              O&M         O&M               TO RESERVE*               UNIT       REPAIR          RATE
                                                                                                                      SIZE       COSTS
                                     US$ PER KW               US$         US$ PER           %                         MW         US$ PER         MMBTU
                                                              PER         MWH                                                    KW              PER
                                                              KW                                                                                 MWH
 Rooftop PV            Solar         2,591                    15          0.0               0.0                       0.0        864             0.0
 Utility PV            Solar         1,646                    13          0.0               0.0                       0.5        549             0.0
 Concentrated          Solar         5,552                    59          10.0              0.8                       10.0       1,851           0.0
 solar power
 or thermal
 Wind (Wind)a          Wind          1,863                    51          0                 0.0                       1.0        621             0.0
 Biogas (Bio)d         Landfill/	 3,942                       107         5.0               1.0                       2.0        1,314           14.5b
 Distributed           Diesel        800                      15          15.0              1.0                       2.0        263             10.0
 diesel genset

 Combined              Gas/          1,300                    6.2         3.5               1.0                       140.0      433             6.7
 cycle gas             diesel
 turbine (CC)b
 Simple cycle          Gas/          1,000                    25          7.5               1.0                       100.0      333             9.0
 gas turbine           diesel
 Imports from                                                 5           0.0               Scenario                             0.0             0.0
 Imports from                                                 5           0.0               Scenario                             0.0             0.0
 Imports from                                                 5           0.0               Scenario                             0.0             0.0

Sources: a team estimates based on NREL Annual Technology Baseline; b high end of Lazard’s levelized cost of energy
analysis (version 9.0); c team estimates; d International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook.
Note: O&M = operations and maintenance.
* A factor that determines available capacity that contributes to the reserve requirements. PV and wind, for example, are not firm and do not contribute to the
reserve margin in the analysis.

                                                                    Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 187
 Gaza                                                          Potential capacity (MW)
 Rooftop photovoltaic (PVr)                                    163
 Biogas (Bio)                                                  2
 Distributed diesel genset (DiesGen)                           Unconstrained
 Combined cycle gas turbine (CC)                               Unconstrained
 Simple cycle gas turbine (GT)                                 Unconstrained
 West Bank North                                               Potential capacity (MW)
 Rooftop photovoltaic (PVr)                                    210
 Commercial photovoltaic (PVcAB) - Areas A and B               14
 Wind (WindC) - Area C                                         9
 Biogas (Bio)                                                  10
 Distributed diesel genset (DiesGen)                           Unconstrained
 Combined cycle gas turbine (CC)                               Unconstrained
 Simple cycle gas turbine (GT)                                 Unconstrained
 West Bank Central                                             Potential capacity (MW)
 Rooftop photovoltaic (PVr)                                    194
 Commercial photovoltaic (PVcAB) - Areas A and B               7
 Commercial photovoltaic (PVcC) - Area C                       3,200
 Concentrated solar power/thermal (CSP) - Area C               2,424
 Biogas (Bio)                                                  8
 Distributed diesel genset (Diesel)                            Unconstrained
 West Bank South                                               Potential capacity (MW)
 Rooftop photovoltaic (PVr)                                    131
 Commercial photovoltaic (PVcAB) - Areas A and B               14
 Wind (WindC) - Area C                                         36
 Biogas (Bio)                                                  7
 Distributed diesel genset (DiesGen)                           Unconstrained
 Combined cycle gas turbine (CC)                               Unconstrained
 Simple cycle gas turbine (GT)                                 Unconstrained

Source: Team estimates.

While there continues to be several discussions with       optimized to minimize system costs within export
potential investors and the Palestinian Authority around   limit constraints and gives the minimum transfer
new sources of generation, such as the Jennin power        capacity when sizing the connection. Import sources
plant, there are no committed generation projects, so      considered are shown in table H.4.
we do not include specific candidate projects in the
plan. We instead use generic generators to determine       Under 2018 cost conditions, solar PV has the lowest
the capacities of various technologies that are robust.    levelized cost of energy (LCOE) of all technologies
                                                           available, as shown in figure H.4. At low utilization
Electricity imports are modelled as generators with        rates, diesel has the lowest, costs making it a good
no CAPEX requirements. The fuel fixed operations           candidate for providing backup services. This also
and maintenance costs include the cost of providing        means frequent outages, which affect the availability
ancillary services to the West Bank and Gaza, which        of plants, increases average system costs.
is priced at US$12 MWh. The capacity is therefore

188 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
 FROM               TO                                          CURRENT CAPACITY (MW)                           2016 PRICE (US$ PER MWH)
 Israel             West Bank                                                                  800                                              90.0
 Israel             Gaza                                                                        120                                             90.0
 Jordan             West Bank                                                                    30                                              95.9
 Egypt              Gaza                                                                          10                                            50.0
 Egypt              West Bank (through Jordan)                                                     0                                           N/Aa

Source: Team estimates.
a There is currently no power import from Egypt to the West Bank, but this could include the cost of generation of US$81 per MWh to Egypt and US$6.5 per
MWh wheeling charges to Jordan based on current transmission wheeling charges for renewables in Jordan at 4.6 Jordanian fils per kWh.

Figure H.4: Comparison of LCOE in U.S. Cents per kWh for Technology Options
400                                                                       2018







          2%   4%      6%    8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40%

Notes: CAPEX and O&M as shown in table H.3: Diesel = 21 US$ per MMBTU; WACC = 10%; 20-year life for PV and 30 for all others.

300                                                                       2025






          2%   4%      6%    8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40%

Notes: CAPEX and O&M as shown in table H.3: Diesel = 34.2 US$ per MMBTU; Gas = 5.5$ per MMBTU; WACC = 10%; 20-year life for PV and
30 for all others

          Egypt-Gaza     Jordan-West Bank         IEC          CSP          Utility PV    GT - Gas         CCGT - Gas        Distributed Diesel

                                                                Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 189
Figure H.5: Forecast Demand and Peak Load in West Bank and Gaza
         a. Demand forecast: Gaza (GWh)                                                                                          b. Demand forecast: West Bank (GWh)
      9,000                                                                                                                  9,000
      8,000                                                                                                                  8,000
      7,000                                                                                                                  7,000
      6,000                                                                                                                  6,000
      5,000                                                                                                                  5,000

      4,000                                                                                                                  4,000
      3,000                                                                                                                  3,000
      2,000                                                                                                                  2,000
      1,000                                                                                                                  1,000
          0                                                                                                                      0

                                                                                High Case                       Central Case     Low Case

        c. Peak load forecast: Gaza (MW)                                                                                       d. Peak load forecast: West Bank (MW)

       900                                                                                                                   1,600
       800                                                                                                                   1,400
       700                                                                                                                   1,200


       200                                                                                                                     400
       100                                                                                                                     200
         0                                                                                                                        0

                                                                                    High Case                     Central Case          Low Case

As the utilization rate increases, the high cost of                                                                    Demand Data
diesel makes these far less attractive. Scale efficient
units like CCGTs become more cost effective. We                                                                        The demand forecast developed shows a wide
also see CSP outperforming CCGT running on diesel                                                                      range of uncertainty in outer years, rising to nearly 40
due to the high cost of diesel. These comparisons                                                                      percent of the low forecast scenario in 2030. Peak
do not take into account other benefits of the various                                                                 demand forecast was calculated with an assumed
technologies, such as the provision of ancillary                                                                       load factor of 60 percent based on historical data
services and system support for thermal units, and                                                                     from Jerusalem District Electricity Company (JDECO).
avoided generation emissions for renewable energy                                                                      The resultant peak load is between 1,800 MW and
technologies. A different picture emerges in 2025                                                                      2,500 MW in the West Bank and Gaza, respectively
when the CAPEX for solar PV in particular is expected                                                                  (figure H.5).
to be lower and gas is more likely to be available.
In this scenario, the LCOE for CCGT at 70 percent                                                                      The peak and energy forecasts were used to develop
utilization is on par with the LCOE for utility-scale PV                                                               load blocks for each year in the horizon. (Load blocks
at US$0.54 per kWh at a gas price of US$5.5 per                                                                        are used to reduce the size of the LP and computing
MMBTU. CSP costs are also lower, with a high end                                                                       resource requirements.) In the absence of system
LCOE close to 15 US cents per kWh.                                                                                     data, load blocks were developed using simulated

190 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure H.6: 24-Hour Profiles from Selected Months for West Bank

               Jan                 Mar                 May                   Jul               Sep                 Nov






       0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21

                                                   Wind      CSP        PV         Demand

hourly load data. Ideally, a year of system hourly load            TABLE H.5: DISTRIBUTION OF DEMAND
data is the least requirement to first generate the                IN THE WEST BANK
load duration curve and then the load blocks. This                  ZONE	                               SHARE OF WEST
becomes even more critical if variable renewable                                                        BANK DEMAND	
resources are included in the model, because the                   West Bank North	                              26%
coincidence between hourly load data and renewable                 West Bank Central	                            54%
resource availability is important.
                                                                   West Bank South	                              20%

For this analysis, we obtained daily load curves for
the winter and summer seasons for the Jerusalem                    Renewable Energy Data
area from the distribution company (JDECO). This
gives a sense of the daily characteristics of demand.              Variable renewable energy technologies considered
The same daily curve was assumed for the West                      were wind and solar for PV and CSP applications.
Bank and Gaza. The same profile was assumed for                    Unlike a broad resource assessment for a region,
weekends and weekdays but was shifted downward                     hourly energy output data is required to ensure
to simulate lower demand on weekend days. We also                  that output is correctly matched to the various load
obtained monthly energy consumption for the West                   blocks. The system advisor model from the National
Bank, which gives a sense of the seasonality and                   Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) was used to
month-to-month variations in demand. Combining                     calculate hourly energy output from resource data for
this data, we generated a rudimentary load duration                all three technologies.7
curve that characterizes monthly load and seasonal
day load variations. The load block definition was                 Solar (PV and CSP): To consider year to year variations
maintained for all forecasted years and every demand               in solar data, we use typical meteorological year
growth path (low, medium, high, and robust).                       (TMY) data provided by various bodies and entities.
                                                                   TMY data includes monthly data that represent
The demand for West Bank was distributed across                    typical conditions and is selected from a multiyear
the three zones using historical sales data from the               data set.8 The study utilized TMY data from three
distribution companies. Fifty-four percent of the load             locations in Israel that are close to West Bank Tel Aviv
was allocated to central West Bank, 26 percent to                  for northern West Bank, Atarot for central West Bank,
northern West Bank, and 20 percent to southern                     and Bersheva for southern West Bank. TMY data
West Bank, as shown in table H.5.                                  from Al Arish in Egypt was used for Gaza.9

                                                       Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 191
Wind: Hourly wind speed data is not as readily available                   Demand
as irradiation data for most locations. To obtain hourly
data for the study, we scaled wind speeds from                             Demand is sampled between the low forecast and
weather station data (which is typically measured at                       high forecast. The uncertainty is observed in the rate
approximately 10 meters) to 80 m eters. 10                                 at which demand will grow. We first select a demand
                                                                           point in the first year, and then for each subsequent
Understanding the complementarity between wind                             year we select a demand point between the demand
and solar resources will require several years of data,                    of the preceding year and the high load forecast
but the daily profiles used show that wind and solar                       trajectory. This ensures demand increases steadily
output coincide with each other as shown in figure                         (albeit at an unknown rate) as would be expected in
H.6. CSP could be used to better complement                                the West Bank and Gaza.
the resources.
                                                                           Fuel Volumes and Pricing
Other Input Assumptions
                                                                           Natural gas. Gas from various fields is considered as
Cost of capital. The weighted average cost of capital                      potential fuel for both Gaza and the West Bank with
is assumed at 10 percent.                                                  variable timing, volumes, and pricing: for example,
                                                                           from different gas fields in Israel available in the north
Discount rate. The discount rate used to determine                         of West Bank, from Gaza or Egypt in the south of
the system net present value is assumed at                                 West Bank (table H.6). The model is passive to the
10 percent.                                                                source of gas and the matrix is simplified, with three
                                                                           sources of gas: one source for Gaza (GazaGas); one
CHARACTERIZING UNCERTAINTIES                                               for the south of the West Bank (WB_SouthGas, for
                                                                           plants such as Hebron); and a third source for gas
In this section, we discuss the representation                             in the north (WB_NorthGas, for plants such as the
of uncertainties in the model. While most of the                           Jenin). Each source of gas has a range of dates gas
uncertainties stem from the political conditions, others                   could be expected, an associated range of possible
such as uncertainties around demand forecasts and                          volumes, and a range of prices. The sampled
fuel prices are common to most power systems.                              scenarios draw from these ranges to determine
                                                                           the year gas is available for power production, the
                                                                           volume, and its price.

                          AVAILABLE FOR POWER                              ANNUAL VOLUME (BCM)          PRICE (US$ PER MMBTU)
                                                   Earliest                                   Latest    Min    Max     Min     Max
 Gaza gas                                             2022                                     2035     0.2     2.0   4.00     7.50
 WB North gas                                          2021                                    2035     0.2     2.0   4.00     6.50
 WB South gas                                         2024                                     2035     0.2     2.0   4.00     7.50

Source: Team estimates.
Note: bcm = billion cubic meters; MMBTU = million British thermal units.

192 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure H.7: Diesel Price Range

                2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   2021     2022   2023   2024   2025   2026   2027   2028   2029   2030

                                                    Upper bound     Base case    Lower bound

The sampled volume is the maximum annual volume of                 Import Volumes and Pricing
gas used for the planning horizon. For example, if the
sampled parameters for Gaza gas are 2025 available                 Two forms of uncertainties are simulated for power
year, 1.3 billion cubic meters (bcm) volume and price              imports: (i) when import limits could increase due to
of 5.2 $ per MMBTU, there is no gas available in the               changes in the West Bank and Gaza’s network to
model until 2025 and 1.3 bcm available from 2025 at                accept higher imports or changes in the generation
a price of 5.2 $ per MMBTU.                                        and network capacity of exporting countries to be able
                                                                   to export more power and (ii) import prices following a
Diesel. The volume of diesel is unconstrained in the               change in import volumes.
model unless an incident reduces supply. Shortages
in the past have largely been due to the inability to              We first sample a year when anticipated changes
pay for fuel. Future diesel prices follow the trajectory           in the networks allow for increased power imports.
for international oil price forecasts. Between 2000                Capacity before this year is fixed at current levels and
and 2015, oil prices in real 2010 U.S. dollars ranged              then allowed to increase to an upper limit from the
between $32 and $98 per barrel or 66 percent and                   sampled year. For some imports, the upper limit is
200 percent of 2015 prices.11 There is a strong                    also a range, because it is unclear. After the capacity
correlation between the price of diesel and crude oil              change, the price is sampled between the price of a
in most markets (EIA 2015 ), so we assume range of                 preceding year and an upper limit.
66–200 percent of the average cost of fuel for GPP in
2015 as an uncertainty range for the price of diesel.              The cost of imports from Jordan is indexed to the
Therefore, the price per liter of diesel for every year is         cost of fuel, but other import sources are independent
sampled between $0.51 and $1.57 for every scenario                 of fuel prices because they are largely based on
(see figure H.7).                                                  national gas reserves and contracted under long-
                                                                   term purchase agreements.
The volume of diesel is unconstrained. There is a risk
to the availability of fuel caused either by damage to             Imports from Israel. The increase in power imports
pipelines (in the case of gas supply) or restrictions to           from Israel to West Bank is contingent on the
the movement of fuel tankers (for diesel) this is dealt            commissioning of four transmission substations in
with in a later section.                                           West Bank. Electricity imports could increase from
                                                                   850 MW in 2017 to between 1,400 MW and 1,800
                                                                   MW in 2020.

                                                          Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 193
Figure H 8.9: Relationship between Cost of Imports from Jordan and Diesel Prices

                18.00                            y = -8.23 09x 2 + 27.5 97x - 3.3149


                       0.00   0.20   0.40     0.60            0.80         1.00       1.20       1.40
                                               Diesel prices ($/liter)

The current import from Israel to Gaza is approximately             earliest the connection could be upgraded is 2022,
120 MW and could be increased to between 220 MW                     increasing import capacity up to 1,000 MW. The cost
and 270 MW in 2022.                                                 of imports from Jordan is indexed to fuel prices. The
                                                                    relationship is simplified using the polynomial function
The Israeli Electric Corporation (IEC) sells electricity to         that best approximates the correlation between
JDECO at time-of-use tariffs, but to the rest of the West           forecast fuel prices and forecast tariffs from 2016 to
Bank and Gaza at a bulk tariff rate of approximately                2025 as shown in figure H.8.
US$90 per MWh (close to the weighted average of
the time-of-use tariffs). There is the possibility that the         Imports from Egypt. An increase in power imports
rest of the West Bank and Gaza will be transitioned to              from Egypt to Gaza is contingent on upgrading the
time-of-use tariffs. There is also the likelihood that the          current distribution link through the Sinai region,
price of electricity sold to the West Bank and Gaza will            increasing the capacity of the grid in Gaza, the
increase with the change in import volumes. The team                availability of excess generation in Egypt, and power
estimates this to be up to US$110 per MWh.                          transfer capability of the Egyptian network to wheel
                                                                    power to the point of the connection line. The earliest
Pricing before the change in import limit is increased              this could be expected is estimated to be in 2021 at
by 1 percent per annum. The 1 percent annual                        a capacity of 70–150 MW (see table H.7).12 Because
increase then continues from the new price. Consider                this is uncertain, the volume of imports is also sampled
an example in which 2020 is the year sampled for an                 within this range.
increase in Israeli imports into West Bank. By 2020, the
cost of imports would be approximately US$92.7 per                  Jordan is connected with the Egyptian network
MWh due to the 1 percent change in prices. The price                at 500 kV, and it is possible for Jordan to wheel
beyond 2020 is sampled between US$92.7 per MWh                      power from Egypt through to the West Bank. This is
and a defined upper limit. If the new price is sampled as           contingent on the completion of the Green Corridor
US$95 per MWh, for example, it is applied from 2021                 project by 2018–19 and the availability of excess
and increased at 1 percent per annum from 2022.                     capacity and energy in Egypt.13 If this is incremental to
Imports from Jordan. An increase in power imports                   current exports from Jordan, the Jordan-West Bank
from Jordan to the West Bank is contingent on                       connection needs to have been commissioned as
upgrading the current connection and the availability               well. An additional 50–200 MW could be wheeled to
of excess capacity and energy in Jordan. Both                       Egypt through Jordan.
parameters are uncertain, as is the price at which
power will be sold eventually. It is estimated that the

194 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
 FROM                 TO                           CHANGE IN CAPACITY                                                 CAPACITY (MW)                             PRICE AFTER CHANGE ($ PER MWH)
                                                           Earliest                         Latest                Before            Max After                                              Min                                              Max
 Israel               West Bank                                 2020                         2030                    850          1400-1800                     Preceding year                                                               110
 Israel               Gaza                                      2022                         2035                    120                         270            Preceding year                                                               110
 Jordan               West Bank                                 2022                         2035                     30                100-200                                                                 Based on oil price
 Egypt                Gaza                                       2021                        2035                     10                   70-150                                               81                                          100
 Egypt                West Bank                         Same as Jordan-West                                            0                 50-200                                          87.5a                                            106.5a
Source: Team estimates.
a Same rate sold to Gaza plus US$6.5 per MWh wheeling charge to Jordan.

Figure H.9: CAPEX Range for VRE Technologies (US$ per Watt)

                            Rooftop PV (PVr)                                                                                                   Commercial PV (PVc)
 3.5                                                                                                                       2.5
 2.0                                                                                                                       1.5

 1.5                                                                                                                       1.0
 0.0                                                                                                                       0.0

               Concentrated Solar (CSP)                                                                                                                             Wind
 7.0                                                                                                                       2.0
 6.0                                                                                                                       1.8
 5.0                                                                                                                       1.4
 4.0                                                                                                                       1.2
 2.0                                                                                                                       0.6
 1.0                                                                                                                       0.4
 0.0                                                                                                                       0.0


Notes: Base case scenario CAPEX estimates based on NREL’s 2016 Annual Technology Baseline. Lower bounds and upper
bound for wind are estimated by NREL in the 2016 Annual Technology Baseline. For wind, CAPEX is expected to increase due to the need for higher masts
and bigger turbines to maximize low wind speeds. Upper bound for PV is from the International Energy Agency (IEA) World Energy Outlook. Upper bound for
CSP is calculated by team using IEA trajectory for CSP without storage.

                                                                                                                Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 195
Cost and Land Access for VRE technologies                The study demonstrates the benefit of utilizing the
                                                         solar resource in Area C, so the model is set up such
Installation costs for VRE technologies are expected     that from the year access is granted, all potential
to decline, but the speed of decline is unclear (see     land is available for use. We do not take the fact
a comparison of costs by NREL for example.)14            that access is granted on a project-by-project basis
Investment cost estimates for the region produced        into consideration.
by the International Energy Agency for the World
Energy Outlook are considered to be on the high          Fuel Interruptions and Plant Outages
side, especially when compared with the results
of tenders from various countries.15 (For example,       There are several risks that could ultimately affect the
a recent bid in Zambia yielded US$0.06 per kWh.)         volume of fuel available for power generation including
While this is unlikely to be the case in the West Bank   the risk of vandalism to gas pipelines, reduced fuel
and Gaza, there is uncertainty around what could be      volumes due to lack of payment and restrictions to
expected in the future. We therefore include a range     the transportation of diesel. We define a probability of
of installation costs for VRE technologies. The team’s   outage on the sources of fuel supply and a range of
CAPEX estimates are based on NREL’s 2016 Annual          availability for each year as shown in table H.8.
Technology Baseline and the range of CAPEX variation
is shown in figure H.9. We ensure that CAPEX for         The annual probability of interruption and availability of
rooftop and utility-scale PV are increased or reduced    fuel are selected to show the relative risks associated
in tandem, but assume that the CAPEX for wind and        with different sources following discussions with
CSP are independent from other technologies.             various stakeholders. The probability of outage on
                                                         imported electricity together with the availability also
CSP and PV have different land requirements, capital     captures possible challenges in exporting countries.
costs and generation profiles. CSP requires 30 percent
more land per MW installed, and is more than three       A similar set of risks apply to power plants and
times more expensive than PV but is dispatchable,        the connection lines. Centralized plants are more
while PV is not. The share of CSP and PV is optimized    vulnerable to destruction than decentralized options.
by the model subject to land constraints. The land       In the model, we specify a share of installed capacity
constraint is defined by EQ Set 9, which ensures that    that is taken out of service when there are damages.
the total installed capacity of CSP and PV does not      This percentage is assumed to be 50 percent, 75
exceed available land. As noted, at least 76 percent     percent, or 100 percent of capacity for centralized
of the solar potential is in Area C, and therefore       units and less than 5 percent for decentralized
projects are subject to Israel granting access to the    units. In effect, this penalizes larger units because
site. We assume the earliest the West Bank and Gaza      the availability can be significantly reduced due to
could access Area C is 2018 and the latest date of       damages that affect the cost per unit of production.
2035. Allowing for a two-year construction period,
the earliest solar projects are allowed from 2020.

                                        PROBABILITY OF INTERRUPTION                     MINIMUM AVAILABILITY
 Gaza Gas                                                              0.12                                   0.3
 West Bank North gas                                                  0.05                                    0.6
 West Bank South gas                                                  0.10                                    0.6
 Gaza diesel                                                          0.40                                    0.3
 West Bank diesel                                                     0.30                                    0.4
 Israel imports                                                       0.02                                    0.8
 Jordan imports                                                       0.05                                     0.7
 Egypt imports                                                        0.20                                    0.6

Source: Team assumptions.

196 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Damages incur costs to the system determined by             select a duration of outage between a full year to
RepairCosts. Without knowing a priori the extent of         as little as one month.16 The availability of plants is
damage, it is difficult to assess the costs or length       calculated as follows:
of outage. For example,, replacing the step-up
transformers or fuel tanks to a gas plant both result       (1-Share of Damaged Capacity) × (1−Duration of
in a complete shutdown of the plant, but the cost           Outage) × Max Availability of Plant
implications and duration of outages are completely
different. In the model, we assume the cost of repairs      Plants in Gaza are at a higher risk than those in the
to be a third of the cost of installation and randomly      West Bank, as shown in table H.9.

 GAZA                                            PROBABILITY       PERCENT OF          MINIMUM         MAXIMUM
                                                  OF DAMAGE          CAPACITY      DURATION OF        DURATION
                                                                   SUBJECT TO        OUTAGE (%       OF OUTAGE
                                                                      DAMAGE          OF YEAR)      (% OF YEAR)
 Rooftop PV (PVr)                                       0.05                   1                8              50
 Biogas (Bio)                                           0.05                 100               10              80
 Distributed diesel genset (Diesel)                      0.10                  1               10              80
 Combined cycle gas turbine (CC)                         0.15             50-100               10             100
 Simple cycle gas turbine (GT)                           0.15            50–100                10             100
 Israel – Gaza                                          0.02                 100                5              25
 Egypt – Gaza                                           0.20                 100                8              50
 WEST BANK                                       PROBABILITY              % OF         MINIMUM         MAXIMUM
                                                  OF DAMAGE           CAPACITY        DURATION        DURATION
                                                                    SUBJECT TO       OF OUTAGE       OF OUTAGE
                                                                       DAMAGE       (% OF YEAR)     (% OF YEAR)
 Rooftop PV (PVr)                                       0.05                   1                8              50
 Commercial PV (PVcAB)                                  0.05                   1               10              70
 Concentrated solar power/thermal (CSP)                  0.10             50-100               10             100
 Wind (WindC) - Area C                                  0.05                   5               10              80
 Biogas (Bio)                                           0.05                 100               10              80
 Distributed diesel genset (Diesel)                      0.10                  1               10              80
 Combined cycle gas turbine (CC)                         0.10            50–100                10             100
 Simple cycle gas turbine (GT)                           0.10            50–100                10             100
 Israel – West Bank                                     0.02                 100                5              25
 Jordan – West Bank                                      0.10                100                5              70
 Egypt – West Bank                                       0.15                100                5              70

source: Elaboration based on team assumptions.

                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 197
  Distribution of Uncertain Parameters                                                                                          per kWh for the fuel cost assuming a CCGT) makes it
  Multiple experiments were performed to develop                                                                                a competitive option, so the critical parameter related
  the capacity plan and, before discussing the results                                                                          to gas is the timing or availability. Eighty-three percent
  of the analysis, it is worth examining the uncertain                                                                          of the experiments included the availability of gas in
  parameters to understand their distribution. The                                                                              the West Bank by 2030 compared with 66 percent
  energy demand for 2030 sampled across multiple                                                                                of samples in Gaza. This is because there are two
  scenarios is negatively skewed with a mean of 4,032                                                                           likely sources of gas in the West Bank (either north or
  GWh and 6,856 GWh in Gaza and the West Bank,                                                                                  south) and gas in the north has an earlier likelihood
  respectively, as seen in figure H.10. This is higher than                                                                     of materializing. Finally, access to Area C in the West
  the 2030 median forecast of3,548 GWh and 6,004                                                                                Bank is critical for large-scale deployment of solar
  GWh. We can also see that 30 percent of scenarios                                                                             technologies and construction of the transmission
  sample 2030 PV prices at or below US$1 per W, and                                                                             backbone; 68 percent of the samples allowed access
  the cost of CSP is relatively high in comparison. The                                                                         to Area C by 2030, with 30 percent allowing access
  price range for gas between US$4 per MMBTU and                                                                                by 2022.
  US$7.5 MMBTU (which translates to US$0.027–0.05

 Figure H.10: Distribution of Uncertain Parameters from the Experiments

 a) Distribution of energy demand in 2030 in Gaza and West Bank (GWh)

                                                     Gaza                                                                                                                 West Bank
            25                                                                                       100                              15                                                                                                     100

            20                                                                                       80                               12                                                                                                     80



            15                                                                                       60                                9                                                                                                     60

            10                                                                                       40                                6                                                                                                     40

            5                                                                                        20                                3                                                                                                     20

            0                                                                                        0                                 0                                                                                                     0


 b) Distribution of CAPEX for CSP and Utility-scale PV in 2030 (US$ per kW)

 			                                                 CSP                                                                                                                       Utility PV
            12                                                                                       100                              20                                                                                                     100

                                                                                                     80                                                                                                                                      80



                                                                                                     60                                                                                                                                      60
            6                                                                                                                         10
                                                                                                     40                                                                                                                                      40
            2                                                                                        20                                                                                                                                      20

            0                                                                                        0                                 0                                                                                                     0











                                                                                              Frequency                                    Cumulative

  198 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure H.10: Distribution of Uncertain Parameters from the Experiments (continued)
c) Distribution of the timing of gas for power production in Gaza and West Bank (year)

                                                           Gaza                                                                                                     West Bank
            10                                                                                                     100                            15                            100

             8                                                                                                     80                             12                            80



             6                                                                                                     60                              9                            60

             4                                                                                                     40                              6                            40

             2                                                                                                     20                              3                            20

             0                                                                                                     0                               0                            0


d) Distribution of access to Area C in West Bank

            12                                                                                                     100




             2                                                                                                     20

             0                                                                                                     0

                                                                                                            Frequency                                  Cumulative

Source: Team elaboration.
NOTES: The charts show the underlying frequency distribution of the labeled parameters. The bar charts show the number of times a value on the x-axis is
sampled. For example, in panel a for Gaza, 21 samples had projected demand at 4000 GWh in 2020. The curves show the cumulative frequency of the labeled
parameters. The unit of the x-axis is indicated in parenthesis in the title of each panel.

                                                                                                              Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 199
Combining these randomly generated parameters               of the policy implications and relevance of the
yields a vast array of possible future scenarios, each      scenarios to the West Bank and Gaza is found in the
with a different set of implications. For example, a        main report.
scenario with access to Area C by 2020 may have a
relatively higher PV CAPEX trajectory resulting in little   Nine expansion scenarios were developed for the
installed PV or vice versa. To keep track of the multiple   West Bank and six for Gaza to answer the questions
future scenarios, we adopted a scoring system from          raised by the study. The scenarios are not necessarily
which we can assess the underlying conditions for           incremental, and some are used to illustrate the
each scenario.                                              impact of modelling and policy choices, as described
                                                            in table H.10.
                                                            Additionally, existing capacity options are tested and
This section describes the scenarios analyzed,              a situation where no action taken is also simulated to
highlighting the differences in results with the aim of     show the impact of inaction.
providing insights to these differences. A discussion

 SCENARIOS                     DESCRIPTION
                                                     West Bank
 WS1: Classic least cost       Least-cost plan based on a best estimate of the future in the West Bank and Gaza
                               with reserve requirements satisfied domestically (high security)	
 WS2: Domestic reserves        Robust expansion plan that considers uncertainties with reserve requirements
                               satisfied domestically (high security)
 WS3: Shared reserves          Robust expansion plan that considers uncertainties with reserve requirements
                               shared with imports (partial reliance on electricity imports for security)	
 WS4: Area C access            WS3 with full access to Area C from 2018
 WS5: Cost cap                 WS3 with system average cost capped at IE import tariffs	
 WS6: PENRA Vision             Palestinian Energy And Natural Resources Authority (PENRA) Vision to limit
                               generation from any source to under 50%, with IEC providing reserves	
 WS7: Planned Future           Scenario	with current generation options under consideration by PENRA	
 WS8: High IEC                 Scenario	with full supply from IEC and minimal investments in near-committed RE
 WS9: Do Nothing               Continuation of the status quo with limited increase in IEC imports
 GS1: Planned Future           Scenario	with current generation options under consideration by PENRA	
 GS2: PENRA Vision             PENRA Vision to limit generation from any source to under 50%, with IEC providing
 GS3: Full supply with GPP     Full supply to Gaza with the Gaza Power Plant (GPP)
 GS4: High IEC                 Full supply to Gaza with IEC and GPP shut down and minimal investments in RE	
 GS5: Meet demand with gas     Full supply with gas from Gaza marine gas fields
 GS6: Do Nothing               Continuation of the status quo with limited increase in IEC imports	

A deterministic least-cost plan could be costly because     any one particular future scenario—even the most
it is tailored for a particular scenario, and there is a    likely future scenario—but will reduce the risk of
high chance of regret or failure or underutilized assets    over- or underinvestment. We first look at a robust
when underlying assumptions change. To improve              plan that ensures the West Bank is able to cover all
the resilience of the capacity plan to uncertainties,       contingencies internally.
we employ the methodology described to develop
subsequent capacity plans. A plan that performs well        Given that there is currently very little installed capacity,
under uncertainty may not necessarily be optimal for        such a plan will require significant investments over

200 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
short periods. We therefore look at a scenario where        TABLE H.11: UNDERLYING
reserve requirements are shared with interconnected         ASSUMPTIONS FOR THE
systems to benefit from one of the main benefits            DETERMINISTIC PLAN
of such connections—that is, the distribution of            PARAMETER                   ASSUMPTION
reserve capacity requirements among them. Given             Demand                      Central case
the high potential of solar in Area C, the impact of
                                                            Diesel prices               Base case
access to Area C on generation options is evaluated
                                                            Gas prices                  US$5.75 per MMBTU
in WS4. In WS5, we examine the impact imposing
cost constraints on the model based on the policy           Increase in Israel–         2021
                                                            West Bank
of the PA to cap the cost of energy to the costs of
imports from IEC. These scenarios are only relevant         Increase in Jordan–         2024
                                                            West Bank
for the West Bank, because supply options to Gaza
are much more limited and most constraints result in        Egypt–West Bank             2024
unmet demand.                                               Increase in Israel-Gaza     2024
                                                            Increase in Egypt-Gaza      2023
Scenarios WS6 and GS2 evaluate PENRAs long-term             Israel import price         US$90 per MWh + 1% p.a.
vision to limit electricity generation from any source to   Jordan import price         Based on diesel price
under 50 percent, which diversifies the energy mix.
                                                            Egypt import price          US$81 per MWh + 1% p.a.
                                                            Timing of gas (West Bank)   2022
Apart from S1, in which parameters were fixed, most
other cases considered uncertainties around demand,         Timing of gas (Gaza)        2023
fuel pricing, and availability as described in previous     Volume of gas               1.1 bcm
sections. Features of the scenarios are described in        (West Bank)
Table H.10.                                                 Volume of gas (Gaza)        1.1bcm
                                                            Reserve margin              15%
The presentation of results follows the sequence of         requirements
questions raised. Results for the West Bank are first       Access to Area C            2020
presented, followed by results for Gaza.                    Financial constraints       No
                                                            Unplanned outages           No
West Bank
                                                            RE CAPEX                    Base case
A Classic Least-Cost Plan

In a deterministic analysis, what does a least-cost
capacity expansion plan look like, which ensures
the West Bank and Gaza are self-reliant and able
to meet demand securely (assuming there no
capital constraints)?

A classic least-cost plan based on the planners’
best estimate of the future performs extremely well
if that future materializes. Under the static conditions
described in Table H.11 , power generation switches
from IEC imports to gas and meets entire demand
(Figure H.11 – panel a). At approximately 6 US cents
per kWh, CCGT is the least-cost option when gas is
available followed by utility-scale PV at approximately
US$1,041 per kW and US$0.07 per kWh. Also, 410
MW of distributed diesel capacity is installed from
2018 largely to satisfy reserve margin requirements
and this is maintained through to 2030 (Figure H.11
– panel b).

                                                  Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 201
Figure H.11: Energy and Mix and 2030 Capacity Share in a Deterministic Scenario

  A. West Bank Supply                                                 B. West Bank energy supply (GWh)
  Capacity in 2030 (MW)
                                             2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

       PV-Other           PV-Area C          CSP           Wind                 Biogas               Diesel Genset        CCGT

       GT         Israel Imports      Egypt Imports        Jordan Imports       WB-Gaza Exchange      Unserved Energy     Demand

Figure H.12: Energy and Mix for the Deterministic Plan under Test Conditions




        2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

            Unserved Energy                        Israel Imports                Biogas

            WB-Gaza Exchange                       GT                             Wind

            Jordan Imports                         CCGT                           CSP

            Egypt Imports                          Diesel Genset                  PV-Area C

                                                   Demand                         PV-Other

How well does the                  least-cost       plan      perform       In terms of reliability measured by the level of unmet
under uncertainty?                                                          demand, there is little impact, as unserved energy is
                                                                            just 334 GWh over the planning horizon. Outages are
To test the performance of the classic least-cost plan,                     covered by a combination of diesel generators and
it is subjected to 100 simulations in which various                         imports from Egypt, Jordan, and Israel. However,
parameters such as demand, fuel availability and                            a comparison of costs shows that undiscounted
pricing, disruptions, and import volumes are varied.                        system costs nearly double, from US$8.7 billion to
On average (across the 100 samples), the share of                           US$16.5 billion (figure H.13).
gas in the energy mix drops to 45 percent, largely
substituted by imports from Israel (figure H.12).

202 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure H.13: Comparison of System Costs for the Deterministic Scenario (US$ billions)

                                                                 1.88                                8.72     8.54 1.32        0.38
                       0.46               0.00
   4.95                                                                               0.00

                                                                                                                                                   Unserved Energy Costs
                        Fixed + Var O&M

                                                                                                                                Fixed + Var O&M

                                                                  Reserve Penalties


                                                                                      Repair Costs

                                          Reserve Energy Costs

                                                                                                                                                                            Reserve Penalties

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Repair Costs
                       Deterministic plan                                                                            Deterministic plan under shocks

Figure H.14: Total Energy Mix for 100 Possible Future Scenarios (2020–2030)
           1       5    9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97

                       Wind                                                                                           Biogas                                                                                      CCGT
In some scenarios, gas materializes earlier than 2023,                                                                                                                         An optimal capacity plan was generated for multiple
              PV-Area A/B                   PV-Area C                                                                                                                                     Diesel Genset
so on average    there is some gas in 2022.   This helps                                                                                                                       sampled scenarios.      Each plan is perfectly suited for
reduce system costs, but the gains are offset
              Israel Imports                Jordanby the
                                                   Imports                                                                                                                     the particular    scenario,
                                                                                                                                                                                          Unserved  Energy but the plans will perform
other scenarios when gas is available beyond 2023.                                                                                                                             differently across multiple scenarios. One hundred
Absent gas is replaced by imports to the extent                                                                                                                                future scenarios were developed and for each of
permitted. Destructions also add to the cost, but the                                                                                                                          these, a capacity plan was generated using the core
highest change in costs is due to higher fuel costs                                                                                                                            LP model.
(US$3.6 billion higher) as gas is substituted with more
expensive options when delayed or unavailable.                                                                                                                                 As seen from figure H.14, IEC imports continue to
                                                                                                                                                                               be a steady source of imports for West Bank across
Incorporating Uncertainties                                                                                                                                                    multiple scenarios. Generation from gas (CCGT) is
                                                                                                                                                                               also prominent as well as PV which was not picked
What are the features of a capacity plan that ensures                                                                                                                          up in the deterministic scenario.
that the West Bank can respond to a wide range
of uncertainties including contingencies around                                                                                                                                In terms of capacity, the standard deviations in figure
electricity imports? What are the cost implications of                                                                                                                         H.15 show Israel imports provide a steady source of
such a plan?                                                                                                                                                                   capacity. Technologies like CSP are also picked up in

                                                                                                                               Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 203
later years, when access to Area C is granted. There                                                                                                                                                robust. A plan comprising solely of no-regret options
is wide range around the solar PV capacity in Area                                                                                                                                                  is unlikely to satisfy demand and will result in high
C due to the combination of CAPEX and access to                                                                                                                                                     system costs. Therefore, capacity and technology
land. Diesel generators appear to be a robust option                                                                                                                                                options that are less preferred across the scenarios
across multiple scenarios, but, as seen from figure                                                                                                                                                 need to be included in the expansion plan. Whenever
H.14, the utilization of these units is low because of                                                                                                                                              additional capacity is added, the capacity plan is
the high cost of fuel. However, they are best suited                                                                                                                                                tested across multiple scenarios. As more capacity
for providing system reserve because of the low                                                                                                                                                     is added, CAPEX requirements increase but unmet
CAPEX requirements.                                                                                                                                                                                 demand reduces and total system costs reduce
                                                                                                                                                                                                    accordingly. Beyond a certain point, unmet demand
From the capacity plans, the most robust was                                                                                                                                                        is minimized and additional investments increase
developed. Capacities of a particular technology with                                                                                                                                               system costs. The lowest point is selected as the
high frequency of selection across scenarios are more                                                                                                                                               optimum capacity plan. (See figure H.16)

Figure H.15: Mean Capacity by Fuel for Specific Years, Showing Range as Error Bars
and Standard Deviation as Dots




                                                                                                                                                                                                           Average capacity
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Standard deviation




                                                                      Jordan Impor ts

                                                                                         PV-Area C




                                                                                                                          Jordan Impor ts

                                                                                                                                             PV-Area C




                                                                                                                                                                             Jordan Impor ts

                                                                                                                                                                                               PV-Area C

                                                                 2020                                                2025                                               2030

Figure H.16 : Total CAPEX and System Costs for 100 Capacity Plans Tested across
Multiple Scenarios

Avg discounted system costs ($bn)







                                          0                 5                           10                     15                           20                     25                          30          35
                                                                                                     Total CAPEX ($bn)

Note: Installed capacity is increased with increasingly less preferred technology capacities across the 100 capacity plans.

204 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure H.17: Robust Capacity Plan and Energy Mix
 a) Capacity (MW)








       2016    2017    2018    2019   2020   2021    2022      2023    2024   2025    2026    2027      2028   2029   2030

              Jordan Imports                        CCGT                             CSP

              Egypt Imports                         Diesel Genset                    PV-Area C

              Israel Imports                        Biogas                           PV-Other

              GT                                    Wind                             Demand

 b) Energy (GWh)




       2016   2017     2018    2019   2020   2021    2022      2023    2024   2025   2026    2027      2028    2029   2030

                   Unserved Energy                           Israel Imports                      Biogas

                   WB-Gaza Exchange                          GT                                  Wind

                   Jordan Imports                            CCGT                                CSP

                   Egypt Imports                             Diesel Genset                       PV-Area C

                                                             Demand                              PV-Other

The resultant capacity plan performs better than the                                 requirements. System reserve requirements is set
deterministic plan by saving nearly US$1.2 billion over                              at 15 percent above peak demand and must be
the planning horizon. The net present value of the robust                            satisfied internally. Import capacity therefore does
plan is US$7.1 billion compared with the deterministic                               not contribute to reserve requirements. Additionally,
plan at US$8.6 billion. CAPEX requirements in the                                    PV does not provide firm capacity and so does not
robust capacity plan are US$1.3 billion higher than                                  contribute to the reserve margin limits. While the low
the classic case, but unserved energy costs are 47                                   CAPEX requirements for distributed diesel plants
percent lower and repair costs are less than half the                                make them an attractive option to meet reserve
results from the deterministic scenario.                                             margins, energy output shows they are low on the
                                                                                     merit order of dispatch because of the relatively higher
Total capacity is 3,484 MW for average expected                                      cost of fuel and utilization is approximately 1 percent.
peak capacity of 1,300 MW (figure H.17). The total                                   PV capacity helps reduce fuel and repair costs.
capacity is high but needed to meet the planning

                                                                      Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 205
Figure H.18: Associated Costs for the Self-Reliant Robust Capacity Plan

              1600                                                                                      14
USD Million

              600                                                                                       6

              400                                                                                       4
              200                                                                                       2
                0                                                                                       0
                     2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                           Fuel                    Reserve Penalties
                                                                                           Unserved Energy Costs
                           Fixed + Var O&M         Average Cost of Production
                                                   (US cents/kWh)                           Repair Costs

Transforming a system with no installed capacity to          A power system designed to be operated
one that is self-reliant in a short period of time, as       independently misses the benefits of large connected
illustrated in this scenario, is extreme and impractical     systems. A major benefit of connecting power
but illustrates the merits of considering uncertainties      systems is the ability to distribute reserve margin
in the planning process. US$945 million is required in       requirements, thereby reducing total system costs.
2018 alone to avoid the reserve requirement penalty.         While this is technically optimal, other nontechnical
                                                             considerations may constrain the benefits associated
CAPEX requirements are annualized, and its impact            with operating in connected systems.
on the average cost of generation is distributed
across several years. For a self-reliant system, the         To evaluate the cost of a completely self-reliant
average cost of generation increases from US$0.092           system for the West Bank and Gaza, the robust plan
per kWh to US$0.124 kWh in 2019 and drops in later           is compared with a plan that is not constrained to
years to US$0.114 per kWh (figure H.18). While the           satisfy reserve margin requirements internally. The
impact on the average cost is reasonable, raising the        same steps outlined in the flowchart (Figure H.1) are
required capital, associated infrastructure, and human       followed to develop the alternative plan with the main
capital needs will be more challenging. To reduce the        difference being that the need to meet reserve margin
financial burden on consumers, a longer time frame           requirements internally is removed.
will be required to develop a capacity mix that is self-
reliant. During this period, imports will continue to play   Partially relying on imports reduces CAPEX
a significant role in the energy mix.                        requirements from US$2.2 billion to US$1.4 billion
                                                             (figure H.19). There is some loss of reliability as
How does the average cost of production change               unserved energy increases from 0.3 percent to 1.1
by sharing reserve margin requirements with                  percent. However, the average cost is more stable
neighboring countries?                                       and does not exceed 10.6 US cents per kWh with
                                                             nearly US$ 200 million in fuel savings.

206 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
 Figure H.19: Associated Costs for the Robust Capacity Plan with Shared Reserves

              1400                                                                                     11.0
USD Million


               400                                                                                     9.0

               200                                                                                     8.5
                0                                                                                      8.0
                     2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030

                           Fuel                    Reserve Penalties
                                                                                           Unserved Energy Costs
                           Fixed + Var O&M         Average Cost of Production
                                                   (US cents/kWh)                           Repair Costs

Comparison of Least-Cost and Policy-Based                    Across the scenarios, WS7 (the Planned Future) has
Scenarios                                                    the lowest combination of CAPEX requirements and
                                                             unmet demand. In general, the scenarios with higher
Table H.12 summarizes the results for the West               local generation have lower unmet demand.
Bank. Supply from Israel to the West Bank has been
stable in the past, and if this continues, the cost of       Additional tests were run to assess the performance
inaction on system reliability (WS9) is modest with 4        of the plans under stability (labelled peace) and
percent unmet demand over the planning horizon as            extreme shocks (labelled war). The tests were carried
demand outgrows the pace of system expansion.                out over the period 2025–30 for a select number of
By 2030, unmet demand is estimated at 9 percent              scenarios. The more diversified scenarios performed
of unmet demand.                                             better under severe shocks than the less diversified
                                                             scenarios. For example, WS4 has a low combination
If supply from IEC grows with demand (WS8), unmet            of fuel costs and unmet demand under shocks figure
demand estimated at 1.3 percent and the average              H.20. Domestic reserves are more expensive both
cost of electricity is approximately US$0.098 per kWh.       under stability and during shocks but provides the
                                                             highest security of supply (least unmet demand).
PENRA’s current expansion plan is also robust with
unmet demand under 1 percent, but with US$927
million in CAPEX requirements is more expensive
than reliance on IEC. On the other hand, PENRA’s
policy to cap projects below the costs of IEC imports
delays investment and results in 4.2 percent of
unmet demand.

                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 207
Figure H.20: Performance of Scenarios under Stability and Extreme Shocks in West

       WEST BANK - Share of Unserved Energy (%)                     WEST BANK - Fuel Costs (US$ bil)

                                                   32%           High IEC Supply

        High IEC Supply    3%

                                       20%                           High Area C                       0.74

            High Area C   1%

                                                                  Shared Reserves

        Shared Reserves   0%

                                                               Domestic Reserves


      Domestic Reserves
                                           21%                     PENRA Vision                 0.50            1.1 0


          PENRA Vision    2%
                                             26%                                         0.20      0.72
                                                                  Planned Future


         Planned Future    3%

                                                                      Do Nothing

            Do Nothing          7%
                                                                                    -       0.50         1.00
                      0%             20%             40%                                                                1.50
                    War  Peace                                                War       Peace

208 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                                  TABLE H.12: SUMMARY OF RESULTS FOR THE WEST BANK
                                                                                                                         CLASSIC    DOMESTIC      SHARED      HIGH    PRICE     PENRA     PLANNED     HIGH          DO
                                                                                                                            LCP      RESERVE     RESERVE    AREA C     CAP      VISION     FUTURE      IEC     NOTHING
                                                                                                                            WS1         WS2         WS3       WS4      WS5        WS6        WS7       WS8        WS9
                                                                  1.    2030 total available capacity   MW                 2,066        3,485      2,440      2,792   2,052      2,641       2,127     1,607       987
                                                                          PV other                      MW                    22          109        159        39       39        574         147      147          15
                                                                          PV Area C                     MW                     0         554         554      1,094       0          0           0        0          0
                                                                          CSP                           MW                     0            7          0         0        0          0           0        0          0
                                                                          Wind                          MW                     9           10         10         10      10         50           0        0          0
                                                                          Biogas                        MW                    25          30          30        30       20         30           0        0          0
                                                                          Diesel genset                 MW                   597        1,190         50        30        0         30           0        0          0
                                                                          CCGT                          MW                   572         720         720       590      780        730        520         0          0
                                                                          GT                            MW                     0            0          0         0        0          0           0        0          0
                                                                          Israel imports                MW                   699          761        806       887      1,111     1,119      1,430     1,430       942
                                                                          Egypt imports                 MW                    93           82         82        82       78         77           0        0          0
                                                                          Jordan imports                MW                    49           21         29        30        14         31        30        30         30
                                                                  2.    Peak demand                     MW                  1,304       1,304       1,304     1,304    1,304     1,304       1,304     1,304      1,304
                                                                  3.    Domestic capacity: 2030         MW                  1,226       2,621       1,523     1,793     849       1,414       667       147          15
                                                                  4.    Domestic cap. as share of       %                   94%         201%        117%      137%      65%      108%         51%        11%        1%
                                                                        peak: 2030
                                                                  5.    Average cost of energy          U.S. cents/kWh      13.57        11.77      9.94      9.88     9.49       10.16      10.06     9.78        9.79
                                                                  6.    Total CAPEX                     US$ mill            1,323       2,833       1,982    2,284     1,139      2,133       850       174          0
                                                                  7.    Total OPEX                      US$ mill             378         464         241       347      100       280          174      102          71
                                                                  8.    Total fuel                      US$ mill           3,606         869         673       482      374        748        566         0          0
                                                                  9.    Unserved energy costs           US$ mill            1,135         169        658       782    2,553        547        222        811      2,645
                                                                  10.   Total penalties (other)         US$ mill           5,093       2,908         794       657      363      2,697        1,183     391        482
                                                                  11.   Total system costs              U$D mill           11,535       7,243      4,348      4,551   4,530      6,406       2,995     1,478      3,197
                                                                  12.   Total unmet demand              GWh                 1,513        225         878      1,043   3,404        730        296      1,081      3,527
                                                                  13.   Total energy demand             GWh                81,669      81,669      81,669    81,669   81,669    81,669      81,669    81,669     81,669

Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 209
                                                                                                          CLASSIC   DOMESTIC    SHARED      HIGH   PRICE    PENRA    PLANNED    HIGH         DO
                                                                                                             LCP     RESERVE   RESERVE    AREA C    CAP     VISION    FUTURE     IEC    NOTHING
                                                                                                             WS1        WS2       WS3       WS4     WS5       WS6       WS7     WS8        WS9
                                                                  14.   Share of total unmet demand   %      1.9%       0.3%       1.1%     1.3%    4.2%      0.9%      0.4%     1.3%      4.3%
                                                                  15.   Share of energy imports:      %      58%         38%       37%      33%     52%       44%        62%     96%        90%
                                                                  16.   Diversity factor: 2030        %      0.37       0.28      0.27      0.25    0.39      0.26      0.49     0.91       0.79
                                                                  17.   2030 share of energy mix            6,873      6,904     6,906     6,894   6,900     6,892      6,883   6,860      6,869
                                                                         PV other                     %        1%        3%        4%         1%      1%       14%        3%      3%         0%
                                                                         PV Area C                    %       0%         13%       13%      25%      0%        0%         0%      0%         0%
                                                                         CSP                          %       0%         0%        0%        0%      0%        0%         0%      0%         0%
                                                                         Wind                         %       0%         0%        0%        0%      0%        2%         0%      0%         0%
                                                                         Biogas                       %       3%         3%        3%        3%      2%        3%         0%      0%         0%
                                                                         Diesel genset                %       0%         0%        0%        0%      0%        0%         0%      0%         0%
                                                                         CCGT                         %      37%        40%       40%       34%     43%       37%        32%      0%         0%
                                                                         GT                           %       0%         0%        0%        0%      0%        0%         0%      0%         0%
                                                                         Israel imports               %      48%        30%       30%       26%     44%       32%        62%     95%        88%
                                                                         Egypt imports                %       6%         7%        7%        7%      8%        9%         0%      0%         0%
                                                                         Jordan imports               %       3%         0%        0%        0%       1%       3%         0%      1%         2%

210 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                                         Unserved energy              %      0.3%       0.0%      0.0%      0.1%     1.1%    0.0%       0.0%    0.6%       8.6%
                                                               Scenario GS4, which allows increased imports
Given the limited supply options, the scenarios in Gaza        from IEC, offers the best combination of costs and
focus on various policy options. With the exception            unmet demand.
of GS2, all the scenarios are tests of various supply
options under uncertainty.                                     Additional tests were run to assess the performance
                                                               of the plans under stability (labelled peace) and
Comparison of Least-Cost and Policy-Based                      extreme shocks (labelled war). The tests were carried
Scenarios                                                      out over the period 2025–30 for a select number
                                                               of scenarios. As seen for the West Bank, the more
Table H.13 summarizes the results for Gaza. Unlike             diversified scenarios performed better under sever
in the West Bank, the cost of inaction on system               shocks than the less diversified scenarios. GS2
reliability (GS6) is severe, with 52 percent unmet             (PENRA Vision) has a low combination of fuel costs
demand over the planning horizon.                              and unmet demand under shocks (figure H.21).

Figure H.21: Performance of Scenarios under Stability and Extreme Shocks in Gaza

              GAZA - Share of Unserved Energy (%)                              GAZA - Fuel Costs (US$ bil)

                                       31%                                                                         1.15
       Meet demand with Gas                                         Meet demand with Gas                 0.57


            High IEC supply                  51%                         High IEC supply    (

                                       31%                                                  (
          Full Supply w/ GPP          28%                              Full Supply w/ GPP                          1.15

                                6%                                                                       0.57

               PENRA vision          24%                                    PENRA vision                           1.10


                               4%                                                                       0.50
              Planned future          29%                                  Planned future                 0.72


                 Do Nothing                     63%                           Do Nothing                                  1.40 1.71



                           0%              50%        100%                              -                       1.00           2.00
                         War  Peace                                                   War       Peace

                                                      Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 211
                                                                  TABLE H.13: SUMMARY OF RESULTS FOR GAZA
                                                                                                                                PLANNED    PENRA       FULL     HIGH IEC      GAZA          DO
                                                                                                                                 FUTURE    VISION    SUPPLY                  SUPPLY    NOTHING
                                                                                                                                                      W/GPP                WITH GAS
                                                                                                                                    GS1      GS2        GS3         GS4        GS5         GS6
                                                                  1.    2030 total available capacity              MW               975     1,077      1,395         971        970        190
                                                                         PV other                                  MW                163      163       163          163        163          0
                                                                         PV Area C                                 MW                 0         0          0          0           0          0
                                                                         CSP                                       MW                 0         0          0          0           0          0
                                                                         Wind                                      MW                 0         0          0          0           0          0
                                                                         Biogas                                    MW                 2         2          2          2           0          0
                                                                         Diesel genset                             MW                 0       120          0          0           0          0
                                                                         CCGT                                      MW               560      460        560           0         677         60
                                                                         GT                                        MW                 0        60          0          0           0          0
                                                                         Israel imports                            MW               240       199       660         796         120         120
                                                                         Egypt imports                             MW                 10       73         10          10         10          10
                                                                         Jordan imports                            MW                 0         0          0          0           0          0
                                                                  2.    Peak demand                                MW               767       767       767         767         767        767

212 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
                                                                  3.    Domestic capacity: 2030                    MW               725       805       725          165        840        840
                                                                  4.    Domestic capacity as share of peak: 2030   %                95%     105%       95%          22%        110%        110%
                                                                  5.    Average cost of energy                     U.S. cents      13.39    15.44       11.41      10.37       15.15      14.68
                                                                                                                   per kWh
                                                                  6.    Total CAPEX                                US$ mill        1,035    1,066      1,035        385        1,185         0
                                                                  7.    Total OPEX                                 US$ mill         236       280       205          76         246         173
                                                                  8.    Total fuel                                 US$ mill        2,264     3,471       718          4       3,987       1,588
                                                                  9.    Unserved energy costs                      US$ mill        2,834    1,630      1,333       2,167      2,390      18,108
                                                                  10.   Total penalties (other)                    US$ mill        1,644    8,473      1,637        220        1,962       763
                                                                  11.   Total System costs                         US$ mill        8,013   14,920     4,928        2,851      9,769      20,632
                                                                                                              PLANNED    PENRA       FULL    HIGH IEC      GAZA          DO
                                                                                                               FUTURE    VISION    SUPPLY                 SUPPLY    NOTHING
                                                                                                                                    W/GPP               WITH GAS
                                                                                                                  GS1      GS2        GS3        GS4        GS5         GS6
                                                                  12.   Total Unmet demand              GWh      3,779     2,173     1,778      2,889       3,186     24,144
                                                                  13.   Total Energy demand             GWh     46,538   46,538     46,538     46,538     46,538      46,538
                                                                  14.   Share of total unmet demand     %          8%        5%        4%         6%          7%        52%
                                                                  15.   Share of energy imports: 2030   %         29%      45%        46%        93%         16%        26%
                                                                  16.   Diversity factor: 2030          %         0.54     0.36       0.46       0.84       0.72        0.47
                                                                  17.   2030 share of energy mix                 4,032    4,032      4,032      4,032      4,032       4,032
                                                                         PV other                       %          6%       6%         6%         6%          6%         0%
                                                                         PV Area C                      %          0%       0%         0%         0%         0%          0%
                                                                         CSP                            %          0%       0%         0%         0%         0%          0%
                                                                         Wind                           %          0%       0%         0%         0%         0%          0%
                                                                         Biogas                         %          0%       0%         0%         0%         0%          0%
                                                                         Diesel genset                  %          0%       0%         0%         0%         0%          0%
                                                                         CCGT                           %         68%      47%        51%         0%        83%          11%
                                                                         GT                             %          0%        1%        0%         0%         0%          0%
                                                                         Israel imports                 %         28%      33%        45%        92%         14%        24%
                                                                         Egypt imports                  %          2%       12%        1%         2%          1%         2%
                                                                         Jordan imports                 %          0%       0%         0%         0%         0%          0%
                                                                         Unserved energy                %          0%        1%        0%         0%          2%        63%

Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 213
SEQUENCING INVESTMENTS                                    optimal investments in both the West Bank and
                                                          Gaza because they are less dependent on external
The analysis identifies options that are robust in        factors. In the interim, strengthening imports from
multiple possible future scenarios, but it also clearly   Israel also helps keep down average system costs.
shows reliance on external decisions, least of which      Imports from Egypt will also help diversify supply
is technical. Without a change, the underlying            and increase reliability of supply.
geopolitical conditions, options for power supply that
are directly within the control of the PA are limited.    The West Bank and Gaza stand to benefit from
However, we see that these options, while not the         evolutions in power systems because there are no
cheapest, are indeed least cost. For example, based       locked-in technologies. The cost of PV has dropped
on the assumed likelihood of gas availability, CCGT       by over 60 percent since 2010 and costs of storage
is a robust option across all applicable scenarios.       technologies such as utility-scale batteries or fuel cells
However, the construction of thermal plants is only       are on a downward trajectory. As the unit costs of
least cost when gas is available. Translating any plan    storage reach parity with cheapest source of imports,
into reality will require a different approach, where     it will be beneficial to consider battery storage as a
decisions are taken as uncertainties resolve over time.   means of improving the security of supply (see box
                                                          H.1). A list of generation technologies and triggers for
There are, however, options that are optimal with         action is presented in table A8.14.
either high or limited imports, and these are obvious
targets for immediate action. The approach used           The possibility for off-shore wind in Gaza helps
for the study shows how technology and capacity           diversify the sources of generation and the average
that are robust across multiples scenarios can            cost of generation is therefore relatively lower as
be determined. For example, the analysis shows            shown in Fig B1-b where change in price ranges are
that solar (both rooftop PV and centralized) are          much higher.

Technology                                      Decision trigger
Solar PV and other small RE (Area A and Gaza)   Immediate
Solar PV (Areas B and C)                        When access is granted
Increased imports from Jordan                   When Jordan is able to export power
Increased imports from Egypt                    When Egypt is able to export power
Increased imports from IEC                      Immediate
Storage                                         When unit cost of storage is close to cost of reserves from
Additional thermal plant in Gaza                When there is clarity around gas availability
Additional thermal plant in the West Bank       When there is clarity around gas availability
West Bank backbone                              When access is granted and there is clarity around availability
                                                of gas for centralized self- generation or higher imports from
                                                Jordan especially.	
West Bank-Gaza connection                       When access is granted or Israel is willing to construct and
                                                operate the line and there is clarity around availability of
                                                centralized self- generation or higher imports from Jordan.

214 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
   Box H.1: Improving the Security of Supply with Renewable Energy Technologies

   The West Bank and Gaza’s ability to generate their own electricity offers relatively higher security than
   importing electricity, because, unlike electricity, fuel can be purchased from several markets, which
   reduces dependence on a single source. The most secure system will be one unconstrained by fuel
   requirements. Renewable energy technologies (RETs), namely solar, wind and battery, offer this potential
   for the West Bank and Gaza.

   As the costs of RETs fall, certain CAPEX combinations for solar technologies, wind, and batteries yield
   overall unit costs that are low enough to merit closer examinations. A simplified exercise was undertaken
   to illustrate the concept. The analysis takes 2030 hourly load conditions and meets this demand with
   RETs through several combinations of investment costs. Figure H.B1.1 shows combinations of costs
   that yield average system costs of US$0.12, 0.13, 0.14, and 0.15 per kWh.

   For example, if the cost of storage drops to $263 per kWh, it could be combined with low cost offshore
   wind between $2,402 and $3,753 per kW and/or PV between $299 and $790 per kW. These ranges
   can be combined to yield US$0.15 per kWh. In other words, if the cost of PV drops by 60 percent,
   reaching $790 per kW, and storage, for example, falls to $263 per kWh, it is a combination that could be
   attractive for large-scale deployment of RE.

Figure H.B1.1 : Percentage change in capex from 2016 costs that can result in
average costs of generation under 16 UScents per kWh in West Bank

                    Storage                          42%                                             82%
                                                                                    73%        75%
 ~ 15

                    6hr CSP
                  10 hr CSP                                   49%     50%
                         PV                                          55%                                   85%

                    Storage                                47%                              76%
    ~ 14

                    6hr CSP                                                                                B
                  10 hr CSP                                                           76%    78%
                         PV                                                 63%          85%

                    Storage                                                  65%                       83%
                                                               51%                               78%
    ~ 13

                    6hr CSP 0%
                  10 hr CSP                      B
                         PV                                                               78%              85%

                    Storage                                                              76%      83%
                                                                            64%              77%
    ~ 12

                    6hr CSP
                  10 hr CSP                                                        71%     72%
                         PV                                                               78%   79%

                    Storage                                                                79%         83%
                    6hr CSP                                                         73%      74%
    ~ 11

                  10 hr CSP                                                          75%      76%
                         PV                                                         73%              82%

                          0%     10%   20%    30%       40%         50%      60%     70%        80%         90%

                                               Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 215
Fig B1-b: Percentage change in capex from 2016 costs that can result in average
costs of generation under 16 UScents per kWh in Gaza

  ~ 15 USc/kWh

                                Wind                                                                   69%
                                             12%                                                                               82%
                              6hr CSP                                                      59%                         76%
                                                   16%                                                                   79%

                                  PV                                   38%                                                           86%
  ~ 13 USc/kWh ~ 14 USc/kWh

                                Wind                                                              66%                          82%
                                                                         42%                                                    83%
                              6hr CSP                                                56%                                77%
                                                                          43%                                             78%
                                  PV                                    39%                                                        85%

                                Wind                                                                           76%             82%
                                                                                             62%                               83%
                              6hr CSP                                                          64%      65%
                                                         21%                                                                78%
                                                                        40%                                                 78%
  ~ 12 USc/kWh

                                Wind                                                                  70%                         83%
                                                                                                 65%                              83%
                              6hr CSP                                                              67%                   78%
                                                                 33%                                                  75%
                                  PV                                                55%                                            85%

  ~ 11 USc/kWh

                                Wind                                                                                  81%
                                                                                                 66%                        79%
                              6hr CSP                                                                        73%      74%
                                                                                                  67%          68%
                                                                                                             73%               82%

                                        0%    10%          20%    30%         40%   50%          60%         70%        80%           90%   100%

Reference costs (2017)

 PV                                          10 hr CSP           6hr CSP            Wind                        Storage
 $/kW                                        $/kW                $/kW               $/kW                        $/kWh
 1567                                        6650                5552               5141                        375

216 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
1 	 Based on the following: overnight CAPEX, $750 per kW; weighted
     average cost of capital, 10 percent; plant life, 40 years; half of CAPEX
     needed from start of construction.
2 Find the list at http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTLICUS/
3 	 Plant capacities are modelled as continuous variables to reduce
     computational time, so the capacity plans likely contain different plant
     capacities for each of the scenarios (even if by a small number). In
     reality, plant capacities are discrete variables rather than continuous.
     For example, generation plants are typically commissioned in blocks
     equal to the size of the units (for example, 48 MW could be configured
     as 12 MW x 4 units). In the model, we assume this to be continuous,
     allowing capacity increases that do not necessarily match unit sizes.
     CCGT capacity of 1.1 MW could be added, for example, which is not
     realistic. However, the objective of this exercise is to develop a sense
     of the generation mix going forward. The error introduced by this
     approximation is therefore not important.
4 	 Within the scope of the project, all imports are modeled as generators
     connected to the relevant zones. This mathematically yields similar
     results as the primary focus is on the impact of energy imports into the
     West Bank and Gaza and not necessarily energy exchange between.
5 	 General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) is a fully documented
     model and has been used for other World Bank assignments in Ukraine,
     Bangladesh, Bulgaria, and South Africa.
6 	 The cost per kW to repair a plant depends on the extent of damage. To
     simplify the problem, we assume a single cost amortized over 12 years.
     This has been estimated from past World Bank projects that refurbished
     or rehabilitated thermal plants, mostly to improve efficiency.
7 	 The system advisor model (SAM) is a performance and financial model
     for RE planning from the U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory
     (NREL), https://sam.nrel.gov/.
8 	 Weather data overview are available at https://www.nrel.gov/analysis/
     sam/help/html- php/index.html?weather_format.htm.
9 	 Solar resource data obtained from EnergyPlus, https://energyplus.net/
     weather. EnergyPlus is a tool funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s
     Building Technologies Office, and managed by NREL.
10 	 Wind speed data from weather stations was obtained from the Iowa
     Environmental Mesonet program of the Iowa State University of Science
     and Technology. It collects environmental data from cooperating
     members with observing networks, http://mesonet.agron.iastate.edu/
11 	 World Bank Global Economic Monitor Commodities (http://databank.
12 	 Capacity range is based on National Electric Power Company (NEPCo)
     annual reports.
13 	 The Green Corridor Project is a major grid upgrade to the north-south
     transmission corridor in Jordan.
14 	 See annual technology costs from NREL at http://www.nrel.gov/docs/
15 	See the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook model,
16 	The cost of repairs is based on the rehabilitation of thermal plants
     carried out by the World Bank.

                                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 217
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Bazilian, M., & Chattopadhyay, D. (2016). Considering    NREL. (2016). U.S. Solar Photovoltaic System Cost
   power system planning in fragile and conflict           Benchmark: Q1 2016. Golden, CO: National
   states. Energy for Sustainable Development,             Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL).
   vol.32, 110-120.                                      Popper, W., Popper, S. W., Berrebi, C., Griffin, J.,
EIA. (2015, December). Factors Affecting Diesel            Light, T., Endy M. Daehner, E. M., & Crane, K.
   Prices. Retrieved from Website of the US Energy         (2009). Natural Gas and Israel’s Energy Future:
   Information Administration: http://www.eia.gov/         Near-Term Decisions from a Strategic Perspective.
   energyexplained/index.cfm?page=diesel_factors_          Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation.
   affecting_prices                                      Shapiro, A., & Philpott, A. (2007). A Tutorial on
Electricity Commission. (2008). Investigation of the       Stochastic     Programming.      Retrieved      from
   value of unserved energy. Kingston: Concept             Website of the School of Industrial and Systems
   Economics report prepared for the Electricity           Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology,
   Commission of New Zealand.                              Atlanta, : http://www2.isye.gatech.edu/people/
Hummon, M., Denholm, P., Jorgenson, J., Palchak,           faculty/Alex_Shapiro/TutorialSP.pdf
   D., Kirby, B., & Ma, O. (2013). Fundamental Drivers   Shapiro, A., Dentcheva, D., & Ruszczynski, A. (2009).
   of the Cost and Price of Operating Reserves.            Lectures on Stochastic Programming: Modelling
   Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy                   and theory. Philadelphia: Soceity for Industrial and
   Laboratory (NREL).                                      Applied Mathematics.
IEA. (2016). World Energy Investment 2016. Paris:        Spyrou, E., & Hobbs, B. F. (2016). Climate aware
   International Energy Agency.                            power system planning: Bangladesh Case study.
IFC, ESMAP. (2017). Energy Storage Trends and              Baltimore, MD.
   Opportunities in Emerging Markets. International      World Bank. (2013). Turn Down the Heat: Climate
   Finance Corporation and Energy Sector                   Extremes, Regional Impacts, and the Case for
   Management Assistance Program, World Bank.              Resilience. Washington, DC: A report for the World
Jiang, H., & Vogt-Schilb, A. (2016). In Search of          Bank by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact
   Adaptive Strategy for Power System Expansion            Research and Climate Analytics.
   in Bangladesh through Robust Decision Analysis.
   Washington, D.c.: A report prepared under a
   World Bank project on Climate-Resilient Power
   Systems Planning.

Financial Sector Model

OVERALL APPROACH                                              The financial model was used to explore the financial
                                                              impacts on the sector based on three scenarios from
The financial model of the Palestinian Authority (PA)         the robust planning model that covered the entire
power sector will be built on three levels:                   range of power production costs from lowest to
                                                              highest. For the West Bank, these included Planned
1.	 Level 1: Simple cash flow models of the six Palestinian   Future, Maximum Cooperation, and PENRA Vision
    power distribution utilities DISCOs: Gaza Electricity     scenarios, and for Gaza, these included Planned
    Distribution Company (GEDCO), Hebron Electricity          Future, Maximum Independence, and Maximum
    Distribution Company (HEPCO), Jerusalem District          Cooperation. The detailed description of the scenarios
    Electricity Company (JDECO), Northern Electricity         is provided in the planning model section of the main
    Distribution Company (NEDCO), Southern Electricity        report under Part II.
    Distribution Company (SELCO), and Tubas Electricity
    Distribution Company (TEDCO)                              The financial model assumes the following:
2.	 Level 2: A simple cash flow model of the new
    Palestinian     transmission     utility   Palestinian    •	 PETL will act as a single buyer. PETL will import all
    Electricity Transmission Company (PETL)                      the electricity that is available from Israeli Electric
3.	 Level 3: A simple characterization of the net                Corporation (IEC), Jordan, and Egypt and will buy
    impact of the power sector on the budget of the              all the electricity produced in the PA (combined
    Palestinian Authority in the form of subsidies               cycle gas turbine, solar, wind, biomass, and so
The financial model uses as its historical reference          •	 PETL will act also as a single supplier to the DISCOs
period the years 2011–15. The financial model                    using the IEC transmission infrastructure or its
projects forward for the period 2016–30.                         own transmission infrastructure. (Transmission
                                                                 costs are included in PETL tariffs shown in the
The objective of the financial modeling is to evaluate           financial model.)
the tariffs setting and the creditworthiness of the           •	The DISCOs invest in their own distribution
distribution companies (DISCOs) and especially                   infrastructure (distribution costs are included in
of PETL as an off-taker for a series of major new                DISCOs tariffs shown in the financial model).
commercial term commitments for the bulk purchase
of power into the Palestinian territories and to identify     Level 1: Distribution Utilities
a series of measures that could be taken to improve
this creditworthiness. In particular, these measures          Output Variable: Electricity Average Equilibrium Cost
could include the following:                                  and Retail Tariff in Each Distribution Utility as Well
                                                              as Aggregate
•	 Improvements in the commercial and operational             Based on data projections and the chosen levels
   performance of the DISCOs                                  for input parameters, the model solves for the
•	 Increases in the retail tariff to the end consumer         retail electricity price level that ensures the financial
•	 Injection of additional public subsidy to the sector       equilibrium of each utility. This should initially be done
                                                              at the utility level. However, Palestinian Electricity
The financial model uses PA electricity physical              Regulatory Council (PERC) currently has a policy of
demand projections from the robust planning model             charging a single uniform tariff throughout the West
and transmission and distribution costs forecast              Bank and Gaza, so the model will also calculate the
based on the various planning scenarios.                      average cost recovery tariff across the five distribution

220 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
utilities, as well as computing the transfers that would     The projection of the wholesale power price over time
be needed across utilities to ensure their individual        will be an output of the Level 2 model covering PETL.
financial sustainability should the uniform tariff be
applied. Those whose financial equilibrium tariff is         Affordability Check: How Power Bills Weigh on
above the sector average would need to receive a net         Household Budgets
compensatory transfer, and vice versa.                       As an add-on to the financial analysis of the DISCOs,
                                                             the model includes a module that will allow checking
Input Variables: Distribution Losses and Revenue             for affordability and computing the potential value of
Collection Ratio                                             consumer subsidies. The affordability check is based
The financial model will be set up to allow the user         on data for the average household income across
to choose target values for distribution losses and          10 deciles of the Palestinian income distribution that
revenue collection ratios for the year 2030. These two       is derived from the PCBS Labor Force Survey for
parameters reflect the overall operational and financial     2013. These will need to be rolled forward to reflect
performance of the utility and can be improved over          anticipated real income growth through 2030.
time through management effort. Given that there
are measures under way to improve the poor current           Subsistence electricity consumption can be estimated
performance in these areas, the model assumes that           as the amount of electricity needed to provide a basic
the full benefit of these measures will be achieved by       package of energy services in the household. Such
2030. The user should be able to input more or less          information was derived from the PCBS Household
ambitious targets for both of these variables to see         Energy Surveys. Based on an estimate of subsistence
what impact this has on the equilibrium tariff.              electricity consumption the weight of the power bill
                                                             associated with the equilibrium retail tariff can be
Data Projections: Characterizing the Revenues                calculated as a share of household income. When
and Expenditures                                             this share exceeds 5 percent, an affordability issue
Basic data on the revenues and expenditures of the           is presumed to arise. On this basis, it is possible to
utilities is collected by PERC for the purposes of           calculate the total amount of government demand-
determining the revenue requirement for the cost-            side subsidy that would be needed to keep the
plus-tariff-setting process.                                 cost of subsistence consumption below the 5
                                                             percent threshold.
On the revenue side, the model takes historical data on
billings and collections in both physical and financial      The model calculates and displays two distinct
terms. The difference between power purchased and            subsidies. The first is the subsidy requirement to
power billed will give distribution losses. The difference   maintain financial equilibrium if retail tariffs are not
between power billed and power collected will give           adjusted as additional power-supply options come
the collection losses. The projection of the revenue         online. The second is the subsidy requirement to
side will be based on physical demand projections            provide targeted subsidies to the poorest, who
provided by the robust planning model and on return          cannot afford increases in tariffs. The subsidies are
on equity set by the regulator (PERC). The tariff to be      then compared in scenarios where DISCO efficiencies
applied to the demand projections will be based on           are, and are not, improved to provide a sense of the
the solution of the model as noted above.                    impact of DISCO inefficiencies on the PA budget.

On the expenditure side, the model uses data from            Level 2: PETL
the DISCOs financial annual reports on operations
and maintenance (O&M), taxes, debt service, planned          Output Variable: Average Wholesale Price of Electricity
investments, and power purchase costs. O&M are               to Be Charged by PETL to Discos
projected based on demand projections and on                 Based on data projections and the chosen levels for
efficiency factor to be set by the regulator. Debt           input parameters, the model solves for the average
service and planned investments are projected based          wholesale power price level that ensures the financial
on information about the repayment profile of currently      equilibrium of the PA power sector, and for Gaza and
held debts, interest rate on debt, and investment            for the West Bank separately.
plans for the period. The distribution utilities’ most
significant expenditure is power purchase.

                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 221
Input Variable: Average Unit Subsidy to the Wholesale            obtainable from the PETL Price Waterhouse Coopers
Price of Electricity to Be Applied by PA                         (PWC) Business Plan or from PETL itself.
The financial model allows the user to choose the
percentage of the wholesale electricity price that would         On the revenue side, PETL’s future revenue will be the
be subsidized by the PA. The value of this supply-side           wholesale power tariff multiplied by the total amount
subsidy is initially set to zero to understand the full tariff   of energy demanded by the DISCOs.
implications of the proposed investment plan. If the
resulting retail tariff proves to be unaffordable (based         Level 3: Palestinian Authority
on the affordability check), then the problem can be
addressed either through incorporating a supply-side             Data Projections: Characterizing Fiscal Flows to the
subsidy at the level of PETL or a demand-side subsidy            Power Sector
directly to consumers of the distribution utilities,             The model will take stock of all the ways in which the
or a combination of the two. Although in practice,               energy sector results in revenues or expenditures to
supply-side subsidies are more commonplace,                      the public budget.
demand-side subsidies are far preferable from an
economic standpoint.                                             On the revenue side, the power sector contributes tax
                                                                 revenues through the application of value-added tax
Data Projections: Characterizing Revenues and                    (VAT) and corporation taxes (VAT is not calculated in
Expenditures                                                     the model at this stage). It is not clear whether there
On the expenditure side, PETL’s expenditures can                 are any other positive fiscal contributions at present,
be divided between those associated with wholesale               but the future development of Gaza Marine would
power purchase and those associated with operating               potentially provide an important revenue source,
the transmission system.                                         although certainly not earmarked to the power sector.

In terms of wholesale power purchase, in the future              On the expenditure side, the power sector draws
PETL will be the holder of various power purchase                several implicit and explicit subsidies from the public
agreements (PPAs) signed with different suppliers                budget, for which we do not yet have a comprehensive
that may include IEC, Israeli Independent Power                  inventory. The ones that we do know about include
Producers (IPPs), gas-fired IPPs in the West Bank                net lending, subsidy to DISCOs to compensate for
and Gaza, solar IPPs in the West Bank and Gaza,                  higher IEC prices, and potentially a pass-through of
and power import contracts with Jordan and Egypt.                capital grants and concessional finance from donors.
The output of the planning model will give the total
amount of power from each source that PETL will                  Furthermore, the demand and supply-side subsidies
need to purchase in any given year. The planning                 calculated in Levels 1 and 2, respectively, enter the
model will also have unit cost information for each              Level 3 model as a projected subsidy expenditure for
of these projects. On the basis of this information, a           the sector. The impact of this subsidy on the overall
financial PPA price will need to be estimated bearing            fiscal balance of the PA would need to be gauged to
in mind the potential financing conditions for power-            identify a level of public subsidy that is affordable in
generation infrastructure in the West Bank and Gaza,             fiscal terms. Since power is only one of the sectors
particular for domestic IPPs. Multiplying each power-            handled through the budget, it would be important to
purchase price by the corresponding volume of power              know the overall revenue and expenditure balance of
will give the total wholesale power purchase bill in             the PA and how this is projected to evolve over time.
any given year. The overall volume of supply should
be compatible with the demand projections used in                In summary, the schematic chart of figure I.1 illustrates
the planning model and also feed into the Level 1                the flows into and between the different entities
DISCOs model.                                                    of the PA power sector presented in the financial
                                                                 model. Tables I.1 to I.6 provide the input and output
PETL also faces other costs associated with operating            variables used in the financial model for each
and developing the transmission system. These                    distribution company.
include transmission losses, O&M expenditures,
taxes, debt service, and any investments needed
to upgrade the transmission network. These data is

222 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza
Figure I.1: Flow of Activities among the West Bank and Gaza Power-Generation

   Part I: Current Cash Flow

                      (East Jerusalem)
                                                                       Power Import
                          HEPCO                                           Egypt
                         (Hebron)              Municipalities
                                                 & other
                         NEDCO                                         Power Import
                         (Nablus)                                         Jordan
                          SELCO                                        Power Import
                        (South WB)                                        Israel
                          TEDCO                 (TSO & single          Renewable
                        (North WB)                 buyer)              Energy IPP’s


   Part II: Capital Cash Flow
                     Banks & Financial                                     Jenin

                                                                                             Gaza Marin
                                                                                             (Gas field)

   Part III: Government Take
                                             (Palestinian Authority)

                Power cash flow (Kwh x predicted electricity tariff)

                Taxes, net lending2, capital subsidies or guarantees and royalties
                Net capital investments3
                O&M and financial expenses
                Principal payments
                Gas purchase
   1. Power cash flow includes repayments of debts to ICE.
   2. DISCOs (and some municipalities) are currently paying directly to IEC for the purchased power
      distributed to Palestinian customers. Since DISCOs do not pay 100% their electricity supplies,
      namely IEC, the PA is indirectly subsidizing the DISCOs due to the monthly sums taken by the
      Israeli Ministry of Finance from Palestinian taxes collected on their behalf (”clearance
      revenues”) to compensate from the Palestinian DISCO’s non-payment for purchased
      electricity from IEC (”Net lending”)
   3. Capital investments minus return on capital

                                              Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 223
                                                                            2011     2012     2013     2014     2015    2016    2017     2018    2019     2020      2021    2022     2023     2024    2025     2026     2027    2028     2029     2030
 GEDCO purchases and sales
 Purchase of electricity from IEC and                           GWh         1,763   1,642    1,730     1,385   1,432   1,486   1,504    1,724    2,036    2,328    2,612    2,996    3,149    3,297   3,471    3,649    3,749   3,900    4,035    4,170
 Jordan/ PETL
 Total losses                                                   %          30.0%    30.0%    30.0%    26.5%    26.2%   26.0%   25.8%    25.6%    25.4%    25.2%    24.9%    24.7%    24.5%    24.3%   24.1%    23.9%    23.6%   23.4%    23.2%    23.0%
 Total power sales                                              GWh         1,234    1,149    1,211    1,018   1,056   1,099    1,116   1,283     1,519   1,742    1,960    2,255    2,377    2,496   2,635    2,778    2,862   2,986    3,099     3,211
 Collection rate                                                %          65.0%    68.0%    71.0%    64.0%    65.0%   66.7%   68.5%    70.2%    71.9%    73.7%    75.4%    77.1%    78.9%    80.6%   82.3%    84.1%    85.8%   87.5%    89.3%    91.0%
 Total power paid by consumers                                  GWh          802      781     860       652     686     734     764      900     1,093    1,283    1,478    1,739    1,874    2,012   2,170    2,336    2,456   2,614    2,766    2,922
 Operating income (power sales)                                 NIS mill     615     599       632     509       518    592     575       717     832      942     1,039     869      1,391   1,494   1,587     1,618   1,723   1,680    1,788    1,832
 Other income                                                   NIS mill     NA       NA       NA       NA       NA      NA      NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA      NA       NA       NA      NA       NA       NA
 Total income                                                   NIS mill     615     599       632     509       518    592     575       717     832      942     1,039     869      1,391   1,494   1,587     1,618   1,723   1,680    1,788    1,832
 GEDCO operating costs
 Electricity purchase from IEC and                              NIS mill     701      817      911      916     795     808     760      932     1,054     1,133    1,219     951     1,581   1,665    1,731   1,720    1,799   1,704     1,781   1,786
 Jordan/ PETL
 O&M expenses                                                   NIS mill      53       56       54       58      63      66      66        76      90       103      115      132      139      146     153      161      166     172      178      184
 Depreciation expenses                                          NIS mill     NA       NA       NA         13      13      13      13       13       13       22       22       22       22       22      22       22      22       22       22       22
 Running cost                                                   NIS mill     NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       0        0        0        0       16       16       16       16       16      16       16       16      16       16       16
 Financial cost                                                 NIS mill     NA       NA       NA       NA       NA      NA      NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA      NA       NA       NA      NA       NA       NA
 Return on equity                                               NIS mill     NA       NA       NA       NA       NA      NA      NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA      NA       NA       NA      NA       NA       NA
 Total electricity costs                                        NIS mill     755      873     965       986      872    887     840      1,021    1,157   1,273    1,372     1,121   1,758    1,848    1,921    1,919   2,002    1,914   1,997    2,008
 GEDCO income
 Annual income/loss before income tax                           NIS mill    -139     -274     -334     -477     -354    -295    -265    -304      -325     -331     -333     -252     -367     -354    -335     -301     -280    -234     -210     -176
 Income tax - 15%                                               NIS mill     NA       NA       NA       NA       NA      NA      NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA      NA       NA       NA      NA       NA       NA
 Net Annual income                                              NIS mill    -139     -274     -334     -477     -354    -295    -265    -304      -325     -331     -333     -252     -367     -354    -335     -301     -280    -234     -210     -176
 GEDCO purchase, sale, and equilibrium tariff
 Average purchase cost / PETL tariff                            NIS/kWh    0.398    0.497    0.527    0.661    0.555   0.544   0.505    0.541    0.518    0.487    0.467    0.318    0.502    0.505   0.499    0.471    0.480   0.437    0.441    0.428
 Average retail tariff                                          NIS/kWh    0.498    0.521    0.522    0.500    0.490   0.807   0.753    0.796    0.761    0.734    0.703    0.500    0.742    0.743   0.731    0.693    0.701   0.643    0.646    0.627
 Electricity average equilibrium cost                           NIS/kWh    0.941     1.117    1.123    1.513   1.270   1.209   1.099     1.134   1.058    0.992    0.928    0.645    0.938    0.919   0.886    0.822    0.815   0.732    0.722    0.687
*Assuming Planned Future planning scenario from 2016 to 2030.

224 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza                                                                                                                                       Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 225
                                                                 2011    2012     2013     2014     2015      2016     2017     2018     2019    2020      2021    2022     2023     2024      2025     2026     2027     2028     2029    2030
 JDECO Purchases and Sales
 Purchase of electricity from IEC          GWh                  1,797   1,943    1,902     1,935     2,114   2,084    2,142     2,199   2,186    2,391     2,511   2,446    2,548    2,509     2,563    2,677    2,796    2,918    2,913   3,012
 and Jordan/ PETL
 Total losses                              %                    27.7%   26.4%    26.2%    24.9%    23.9%     23.8%    23.8%    23.7%    23.6%    23.6%    23.5%    23.5%    23.4%    23.3%     23.3%    23.2%    23.2%    23.1%    23.1%   23.0%
 Total power sales                         GWh                  1,299    1,431   1,403     1,454    1,609    1,588    1,633     1,678   1,670     1,827   1,920     1,872   1,952    1,923     1,966    2,055    2,148    2,244    2,241   2,320
 Collection rate                           %                95.9%       96.6%    83.4%    95.0%    90.5%     90.5%    90.6%    90.6%    90.6%    90.7%    90.7%    90.7%    90.8%    90.8%    90.8%     90.9%    90.9%    90.9%    91.0%   91.0%
 Total power paid by consumers             GWh                  1,245    1,381    1,171    1,381    1,444    1,437    1,479     1,520    1,513   1,656    1,742    1,698     1,772   1,746      1,786    1,867    1,952   2,040    2,039    2,111
 Operating income (Power sales)            NIS mill              695     875      889       951      949      946      943       970     975      1,129    1,184    1,223   1,246    1,205      1,214    1,248    1,278   1,065    1,285   1,309
 Other income                              NIS mill               54       57      83        72        68       67       68       70       70       76       80       78       81       80        82       85       89       93      93      96
 Total income                              NIS mill              749     932       971     1,022     1,017    1,012    1,012    1,041   1,045    1,206    1,265     1,301    1,328    1,285     1,296    1,334   1,368     1,158   1,378   1,405
 JDECO operating costs
 Electricity purchase from IEC             NIS mill              563     800      832       886       871      741      731      756      762     909      960      1,011   1,030      991       999    1,030    1,056      814    1,058   1,079
 and Jordan/ PETL
 O&M expenses                              NIS mill               146     148      163       172      188      185      190      195      194      212      223      217      226      223       228      238      248     259      259      267
 Depreciation expenses                     NIS mill               24       21      20        30        37       36       36       36       35       37       36       36       36       35        35       35       34       34      34       33
 Interest rate on debt                     %                    2.75%   3.52%    2.10%    -1.04%   -0.64%    3.50%    3.75%    4.00%    4.25%    4.50%    4.75%    5.00%    5.25%    5.50%     5.75%    6.00%    6.25%    6.50%    6.75%   7.00%
 Financing expenses                        NIS mill               22       34      28        -15       -11      59       62       63       64       64       64       63       63       62        61       60       59       58      57      56
 Running cost                              NIS mill               NA      NA       NA        NA       NA         0        0        0        0         1        1        1        1        1         1        1        1        1       1        1
 Other expenses                            NIS mill               NA      NA         4        4         6        4        5        5        5        5        5        5        5        5         5        6        6        6       6        6
 Return on equity                          NIS mill               NA      NA       NA        NA       NA        23       22        21      20       19       17        15       13       11        9        6        4         1      0       -2
 Total electricity costs                   NIS mill              754    1,004    1,046     1,076     1,091   1,045     1,041    1,071   1,076    1,242    1,302    1,344    1,369     1,323     1,332   1,370    1,402     1,167   1,408   1,434
 JDECO income
 Annual income/loss before                 NIS mill                -5     -71      -75      -54       -74      -14       -13      -14     -16      -22      -25      -32      -33      -32       -33      -35      -37      -14      -36     -38
 income tax
 Income tax - 15%                          NIS mill                3        0        0        3         8        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0         0        0        0        0       0        0
 Net annual income                         NIS mill                -8     -71      -75      -56       -82      -14       -13      -14     -16      -22      -25      -32      -33      -32       -33      -35      -37      -14      -36     -38
 JDECO purchase, sale, and equilibrium tariff
 Average purchase cost / PETL              NIS/kWh              0.313   0.412    0.437    0.458     0.412    0.356    0.341    0.344    0.349    0.380    0.382    0.413    0.404    0.395     0.390    0.385    0.378    0.279    0.363   0.358
 Average retail tariff                     NIS/kWh              0.535   0.612    0.633    0.654    0.590     0.658    0.638    0.638    0.644    0.682    0.680    0.720    0.703    0.690     0.680    0.669    0.655    0.522    0.630   0.620
 Electricity average equilibrium           NIS/kWh          0.606       0.727    0.894    0.779     0.755    0.727    0.704    0.705     0.711   0.750    0.747    0.791    0.773    0.758     0.746    0.734    0.718    0.572    0.691   0.680
*Assuming Planned Future planning scenario from 2016 to 2030.

226 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza                                                                                                                               Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 227
                                                                 2011   2012     2013   2014     2015   2016     2017     2018    2019    2020    2021    2022     2023     2024    2025     2026     2027    2028    2029    2030
 NEDCO purchases and sales
 Purchase of electricity from IEC               GWh               414    474     480     502     549     576     1,125    1,193   1,232   1,274   1,289   1,470    1,498    1,668   1,763    1,799    1,842   1,882   2,051   2,122
 and Jordan/ PETL
 Total losses                                   %                19%     17%     12%     14%     17%     17%      17%     18%      18%     19%     19%     20%      20%      20%      21%      21%     22%     22%     23%     23%
 Total power sales                              GWh              337     392     420     435     458     478     928      979     1,007   1,035   1,042    1,182    1,198   1,327   1,395     1,416   1,442   1,465   1,588   1,634
 Collection rate                                %                79%     70%     87%     86%     98%     99%     99%     100%     100%     101%   101%    102%     102%     103%    103%     104%     104%    105%    105%    106%
 Total power paid by consumers                  GWh              266     274     365     376     450     472     922      978     1,010   1,044   1,056   1,204    1,226    1,364    1,441   1,470    1,504   1,535   1,672   1,728
 Operating income (power sales)                 NIS mill          189    223     232     245     242     252     452      493       521    589     606     734      744       811     852     867      878     706     939     976
 Other income                                   NIS mill           2       6      24      40      NA      46       48       51      53      55      55       63       64      72       76       77      79       81     88       91
 Total income                                   NIS mill          191    230     256     285      NA     298      501     544      574     643      661    797      808      883     928      944      957     787    1,027   1,067
 NEDCO operating costs
 Electricity purchase from IEC and              NIS mill          179    200     230     250     247     205     384       410     430     484     493     608      606      659     687      692      696     525     745     760
 Jordan/ PETL
 O&M expenses                                   NIS mill           10      17      12      13     NA       15      29       30       31     32      33       37       38      42       45       46      47      48      52      54
 Depreciation expenses                          NIS mill            1      2       2       2      NA        1       2        3       4       6       6        6        6       6        6        6       6       6       6       6
 Interest rate on debt                          %                 NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      4%      4%       4%       4%      5%      5%      5%       5%       6%      6%       6%       6%      7%      7%      7%
 Financing expenses                             NIS mill          NA      NA      NA      NA      NA       10       11      17       19      21     22       22       26      25       26       25      22       19      5       13
 Running cost                                   NIS mill          NA      NA      NA      NA      NA       0        0        0       0        1       1        1        1       1        1        1       1       1       1       1
 Other expenses                                 NIS mill            1     NA        1      5      NA       6       12       13       13      14      14      16       16       18      19       19      20      20      22      23
 Return on equity                               NIS mill          NA      NA      NA      NA      NA       17      18       20      22      25      27      30        33      36      40        45      49      54      59      65
 Total electricity costs                        NIS mill          191     219    245     269      NA     254     455      493       519    583     596     720      726      788     824      834       841    673     890     922
 NEDCO Income
 Annual income/loss before income               NIS mill          0.5      11      12      15     NA      60       63       70      77      85      92      107       115     131     144      155      166     168     195     210
 Income tax - 15%                               NIS mill          0.4      2       5       7      NA       9        9        11      12      13      14      16       17      20       22       23      25      25      29      32
 Net annual income                              NIS mill          0.1      9       7       9      NA       51      54      60       65      73      78       91       98      112     123      132      141     143     166     179
 NEDCO purchase, sale, and equilibrium tariff
 Average purchase cost / PETL                   NIS/kWh         0.348   0.410   0.444   0.487   0.450   0.356   0.341    0.344    0.349   0.380   0.382   0.413    0.404    0.395   0.390    0.385    0.378   0.279   0.363   0.358
 Average retail tariff                          NIS/kWh         0.561   0.569   0.551   0.563   0.528   0.533   0.490    0.504    0.516   0.564   0.573   0.610    0.607    0.594   0.591    0.590    0.584   0.460   0.561   0.565
 Electricity average equilibrium cost           NIS/kWh         0.716   0.797   0.671   0.717     NA    0.539   0.493    0.504    0.514   0.558   0.565   0.598    0.592    0.577   0.572    0.568    0.559   0.438   0.533   0.533
*Assuming Planned Future planning scenario from 2016 to 2030.

228 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza                                                                                                                Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 229
                                                                 2011     2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017     2018    2019     2020      2021   2022     2023     2024     2025    2026    2027     2028     2029    2030
 TEDCO purchases and sales
 Purchase of electricity from IEC and              GWh             71       81      85      96      104     118     213     226     234      242      245     279      284       317     334      341    350      357      389     403
 Jordan/ PETL
 Total losses                                      %              3%      16%      14%     15%     16%     17%     17%      17%     18%      18%      19%     19%      20%      20%      21%     21%     22%      22%      23%     23%
 Total power sales                                 GWh             69      68       73       81     87      99      177      187     192      197      198    225      228      252      265     269     274      278       301     310
 Collection rate                                   %             97%     105%      97%     85%     76%     77%     78%      79%     80%      81%      82%     83%      84%      85%      86%     87%     88%      89%      90%     91%
 Total power paid by consumers                     GWh             67      72        71     68      67      76      139      148     154      160      163     187      192      215     228     234      241     248       271    282
 Operating income (power sales)                    NIS mill       30       35       39      46      46      42       73      80      84        96      99      121      123      136      144     148      151     125      165     173
 Other income                                      NIS mill         0        3       5       6       8       9       16       17      17       18       18     20        21       23      25      25       26      26       29      30
 Total income                                      NIS mill       30       38       44      52      54       51     89       96      102      113      117     141      144      159      168     173     176      151      194    202
 TEDCO operating costs
 Electricity purchase from IEC and                 NIS mill        27      33       38      45      42      42       73      78      82        92      94      115      115      125      130     131     132     100       141    144
 Jordan/ PETL
 O&M expenses                                      NIS mill       3.7      4.9      5.1     6.3     7.4     8.4     15.1    16.0    16.5      17.1    17.3    19.7     20.1     22.4     23.6    24.1    24.7     25.2     27.5    28.5
 Depreciation expenses                             NIS mill       NA       NA       NA      NA      NA      0.0     0.0      0.0     0.0      0.5      0.5     0.5      0.5      0.5      0.5     0.5     0.5      0.5      0.5     0.5
 Interest rate on debt                             %              NA       NA       NA      NA      NA      0.0     0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0      0.0     0.1      0.1       0.1     0.1     0.1      0.1     0.1      0.1     0.1
 Financing expenses                                NIS mill       NA       NA       NA      NA      NA      2.0     2.2      3.7     4.4       5.1     5.9     6.5      7.9      8.5      9.5    10.2    10.5     10.8      9.2     11.0
 Running cost                                      NIS mill       NA       NA       NA      NA      NA      0.0     0.0      0.0     0.0      0.2      0.2     0.2      0.2      0.2      0.2     0.2     0.2      0.2      0.2     0.2
 Other expenses                                    NIS mill       0.6      0.6      0.8     0.7     0.7     0.8      1.5     1.6     1.6       1.7     1.7     2.0      2.0      2.2      2.3     2.4     2.5      2.5      2.7     2.8
 Return on equity                                  NIS mill       NA       NA       NA      NA      NA      1.6      1.5     1.3      1.1     1.0      0.8     0.6      0.4      0.3      0.3     0.4     0.7      1.0      1.8     2.5
 Total electricity costs                           NIS mill       31.1    38.7     44.1    51.8    50.4    55.0    93.1    100.4   105.3     117.5   120.0   144.7    146.0     159.1   166.8   169.2    171.0   139.8    183.2   189.7
 TEDCO income
 Annual income/loss before income                  NIS mill       -1.0     -1.1     0.1     0.2     3.4    -2.2     -3.1    -2.9    -2.5     -3.2     -2.5     -3.1     -1.7     0.0      1.8     3.8      6.1     12.1    12.2     15.1
 Income tax - 15%                                  NIS mill       0.0      0.0      0.0     0.0     0.6     0.0     0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0     0.0     0.9      1.8      1.8     2.3
 Net annual income                                 NIS mill       -1.0     -1.1     0.1     0.1     2.9    -2.2     -3.1    -2.9    -2.5     -3.2     -2.5     -3.1     -1.7     0.0      1.8     3.8     5.2     10.3     10.4    12.9
 TEDCO purchase, sale, and equilibrium tariff
 Average purchase cost / PETL tariff               NIS/kWh      0.378    0.407    0.447   0.468   0.407   0.356   0.341    0.344   0.349    0.380    0.382   0.413    0.404    0.395    0.390   0.385   0.378    0.279    0.363   0.358
 Average retail tariff                             NIS/kWh      0.432    0.506    0.527   0.563   0.529   0.556   0.526    0.538   0.549    0.597    0.606   0.644    0.641    0.631    0.630   0.629   0.625    0.503    0.608   0.612
 Electricity average equilibrium cost              NIS/kWh      0.465    0.539    0.619   0.756   0.757   0.720   0.672    0.678   0.684    0.733    0.736   0.773    0.761    0.740    0.730   0.722   0.709    0.564    0.675   0.672

*Assuming Planned Future planning scenario from 2016 to 2030.

230 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza                                                                                                                    Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 231
                                                                 2011    2012   2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024     2025    2026    2027     2028    2029    2030
 HEPCO purchases and sales
 Purchase of electricity from IEC and              GWh           362     369     373     379      411     419    650     673     695     720     744     729      719    738       733    732     792      810     850      901
 Jordan/ PETL
 Total losses                                      %             22%     19%     20%     19%     20%     21%     21%     21%     21%      21%    21%     22%     22%     22%      22%     22%     22%      23%     23%     23%
 Total power sales                                 GWh           282     300     299     306     328     333      516    532     549     567     585      571    563     576       571    569      614     627     656     694
 Collection rate                                   %             74%     74%     70%     82%     81%     82%     83%     83%     84%     85%     85%     86%     87%     87%      88%     88%     89%      90%     90%     91%
 Total power paid by consumers                     GWh           209     222     209      251    267     273     427     443      461    480     499      491    487     502       501    503     547      562     593     632
 Operating income (power sales)                    NIS mill       154     181     181     193     193     175    246     260     274     307     322     339     334     339       338    338     359      300     376     399
 Other income                                      NIS mill        14      13      16      15      16      16     25      26      26       27     28      28       27     28        28      28     30        31     32      34
 Total income                                      NIS mill       167     194     197    208     209      191    270     285     300     335     350     367     362     367       365    366     389      330     408     434
 HEPCO operating costs
 Electricity purchase from IEC and                 NIS mill       136     160     170     176     164     149    222      231    242     274     285      301     291    292       286    282     299      226     309     323
 Jordan/ PETL
 O&M expenses                                      NIS mill        13      17      19      15      16      17     26      27      28      29      30      29      29      29        29      29     32       32      34      36
 Depreciation expenses                             NIS mill        9       9       9       10      10      10      10      9       9       11      11      11      10      10       10      10      10       10      10      10
 Interest rate on debt                             %              NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      4%      4%      4%      4%      5%      5%      5%      5%      6%       6%      6%      6%       7%      7%      7%
 Financing expenses                                NIS mill        2       12       1      3       7      25      26       31     34      37       41     44      47      50        53      55     57        61     59      66
 Running cost                                      NIS mill       NA      NA      NA      NA      NA       0       0       0       0        1       1       1       1       1        1       1        1       1       1       1
 Other expenses                                    NIS mill       NA       0       0        1       1       1       1       1       1       1      2       2        1      2         2       2       2       2       2       2
 Return on equity                                  NIS mill       NA      NA      NA      NA      NA       12      12      12      11      11      10      8        7      6         5       4       3       2       2        1
 Total electricity costs                           NIS mill      160      197     199    206      198     214    297      311    326     362     377     394     386     388       384     381    403      333      415    438
 HEPCO income
 Annual income/loss before income                  NIS mill        7       -3      -2      2       11     -10     -15     -15     -15     -18     -18     -20     -18     -16      -14     -13      -11      -2      -6      -4
 Income tax - 15%                                  NIS mill         1      0       0       0       2       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0         0       0       0       0       0       0
 Net annual income                                 NIS mill        6       -3      -2      2       9      -10     -15     -15     -15     -18     -18     -20     -18     -16      -14     -13      -11      -2      -6      -4
 HEPCO purchase, sale, and equilibrium tariff
 Average purchase cost / PETL tariff               NIS/kWh      0.377   0.433   0.456   0.464   0.398   0.356   0.341   0.344   0.349   0.380   0.382   0.413   0.404   0.395    0.390   0.385   0.378    0.279   0.363   0.358
 Average retail tariff                             NIS/kWh      0.545   0.604   0.605   0.630   0.590   0.641   0.576   0.585   0.594   0.640   0.645   0.692   0.687   0.675    0.674   0.671   0.657    0.533   0.634   0.632
 Electricity average equilibrium cost              NIS/kWh      0.766   0.889   0.952   0.821   0.743   0.782   0.696   0.702   0.707   0.755   0.756   0.804   0.792   0.773    0.766   0.758   0.736    0.592   0.701   0.694

*Assuming Planned Future planning scenario from 2016 to 2030.

232 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza                                                                                                                 Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 233
                                                                 2011   2012    2013    2014     2015   2016    2017    2018     2019    2020     2021    2022    2023    2024      2025    2026    2027    2028    2029    2030
 SELCO purchases and sales
 Purchase of electricity from IEC and              GWh            121     125     124     124     131     178    207      214      221    229      237     232     229     235       233     233     252     258      271    287
 Jordan/ PETL
 Total losses                                      %             37%     30%     29%     28%     27%     27%     26%     26%      26%     26%      25%     25%     25%     25%       24%     24%     24%     24%     23%     23%
 Total power sales                                 GWh            76      88      88      89      96      131     152     158      164     171      177     174     172     177       177     177     192     197    208      221
 Collection rate                                   %             54%     59%     58%     71%     79%     80%     81%     82%      82%     83%      84%     85%     85%     86%       87%     88%     89%     89%     90%     91%
 Total power paid by consumers                     GWh             41     52       51     63      76      104     123     129      135     142      148     147     147     153       154     156     170     176     187     201
 Operating income (Power sales)                    NIS mill       48      56      54      76      67      73      93      98       102     112      116     120     118     119       118     117     124     104     130     136
 Other income                                      NIS mill        2       5       6       4       9       9       11       11      11      12       12      12      12      12        12      12      13      13      14      15
 Total income                                      NIS mill       50       61     60      80       77     82      103     108      113     123      128     132     129     131       129     129     137     117     143     151
 SELCO operating costs
 Electricity purchase from IEC and                 NIS mill       43      54      53       71     49      63       71     74       77      87        91     96      93      93         91     90      95      72      98      103
 Jordan/ PETL
 O&M expenses                                      NIS mill        8       9       18      15      19     20      23      24       25      25       26      26      25      26        26      26      28      29      30      32
 Depreciation expenses                             NIS mill        5       5       7       7        7      7       7        7       7        7       7       7        7       7        7       7       7       7       7       7
 Interest rate on debt                             %              NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      4%      4%      4%       4%      5%       5%      5%      5%      6%        6%      6%      6%      7%      7%      7%
 Financing expenses                                NIS mill        2       2       2       2       3       15      14      15       15      14       14      13      12      11        11      10      9       9       8       8
 Running cost                                      NIS mill       NA      NA      NA      NA      NA       0       0        0       0     0.23     0.23    0.23    0.23    0.23      0.23    0.23    0.23    0.23    0.23    0.23
 Other expenses                                    NIS mill        -2      0       -2      0       -7      0       0        0       0        0       0       0       0       0         0       0       0       0       0       0
 Return on equity                                  NIS mill       NA      NA      NA      NA      NA       0       0        0       0        0       0       0       0       0         0       0       0       0       0       0
 Total electricity costs                           NIS mill       56       71     78      95       71     105     115     120      123     134      138     142     137     138       135     133    140      116     144     149
 SELCO income
 Annual income/loss before income                  NIS mill        -6     -10     -18     -15      5      -22     -12      -11     -10      -11     -10     -10      -8      -7        -5      -4      -3       1      0        1
 Income tax - 15%                                  NIS mill        0       0       0       0       0       0       0        0       0        0       0       0       0       0         0       0       0       0       0       0
 Net annual income                                 NIS mill        -6     -10     -18     -15      5      -22     -12      -11     -10      -11     -10     -10      -8      -7        -5      -4      -3       1      0        1
 SELCO purchase, sale, and equilibrium tariff
 Average purchase cost / PETL Tariff               NIS/kWh      0.356   0.433   0.426   0.570   0.373   0.356   0.341   0.344    0.349   0.380    0.382   0.413   0.404   0.395    0.390    0.385   0.378   0.279   0.363   0.358
 Average retail tariff                             NIS/kWh      0.639   0.636   0.610   0.851   0.703   0.804   0.754   0.756    0.752   0.789    0.781   0.818   0.800   0.778    0.764    0.751   0.728   0.591   0.692   0.676
 Electricity average equilibrium cost              NIS/kWh      1.375   1.368   1.544   1.495   0.940   1.005   0.934   0.927    0.913   0.947    0.929   0.964   0.934   0.900    0.876    0.854   0.820   0.660   0.766   0.742

*Assuming Planned Future planning scenario from 2016 to 2030.

234 | Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza                                                                                                                   Securing Energy for Development in the West Bank and Gaza | 235
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Development in the
West Bank and Gaza