An International Framework For Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 December 2017 January 2021 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 © 2021 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the governments they represent, or those of UNIDO or GIZ. The World Bank, UNIDO, and GIZ do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or currency of the data included in this work and do not assume responsibility for any errors, omissions, or discrepancies in the information, or liability with respect to the use of or failure to use the information, methods, processes, or conclusions set forth. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank, UNIDO, or GIZ concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Nothing herein shall constitute or be construed or considered to be a limitation upon or waiver of the privileges and immunities of The World Bank, UNIDO, and GIZ, all of which are specifically reserved. Rights and Permissions The material in this work is subject to copyright. Because The World Bank, UNIDO, and GIZ encourage dissemination of their knowledge, this work may be reproduced, in whole or in part, for noncommercial purposes as long as full attribution to this work is given. Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2625; e-mail: Cover design: Linker Creative, Korea World. 2 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Acknowledgements This publication is a product of collaboration between the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the World Bank Group, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The authoring team of the International EIP Framework second edition is made up of: UNIDO Nilgun Tas, Klaus Tyrkko, Christian Susan World Bank Sinem Demir Duru, Etienne Kechichian GIZ Mareike Boll, Steffen Felix. The team is grateful to the following people for their peer review of the draft publication: Cicek Sahin (IFC), Dario Quaranta (World Bank), Diego Juan Rodriguez (World Bank), and Tigran Parvanyan (World Bank). This revision is based on experience gained through application of the first edition of the International Eco- Industrial Parks Framework. The development of this edition was supported by the World Bank Group’s Green Competitiveness Program, UNIDO’s Global Eco-Industrial Parks Programme (GEIPP) and the GIZ Sustainable Industrial Areas (SIA) Working Group. Much of the field application has been conducted through programs financed by: • CIIP (Competitive Industries and Innovation Program) • Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) • Hungary-IFC Partnership Fund (HIPTF) • ISCA/IFC Support Facility • Korea Energy Agency • Korea Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF) • Korea Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy • The Facility for Investment Climate Advisory Services (FIAS) • The Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research of Switzerland, through the State Secretariat of Economic Affairs (SECO) • The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany (BMZ) • The Korea-World Bank Partnership Facility (KWPF) We would also like to thank Korea World for the graphic design of this report, Nah-yoon Shin for design coordination and Mark Mattson for the editing. 3 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 The Rationale for Version 2.0 Since publication of the first edition of this Framework in December 2017, many industrial park practitioners have used it as the definitive reference for Eco-Industrial Park development. The World Bank Group, UNIDO and GIZ had opportunities to implement the Framework in countries in which they work, either to retrofit conventional industrial parks or to support governments to move towards Eco-Industrial Parks. In August 2019, The World Bank Group, GIZ, and UNIDO convened to share their experience in implementing the first edition of the International EIP Framework. The three organizations confirmed a high level of interest in working with the Eco-Industrial Park framework. However, they also identified a need to increase the practicality of the Framework, and to fine tune the EIP performance requirements and indicators. The purpose of this second edition is to increase the applicability of the International EIP Framework and to bridge the data availability and knowledge gap in the first edition for introducing EIP performance requirements at national and industrial park levels. The second edition also introduces new indicators to address gaps that were identified over the last few years. Further, a more consistent use of terminology and the addition of examples from country-level EIP Program implementation were introduced as improvements to the second edition. 4 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Foreword Over the past few decades, the creation of industrial parks has been recognized as an efficient way to bring together industrial activities with commercial and infrastructure services. However, it is now understood that industrial parks can have positive and negative impacts. While they contribute to economic growth, they can also concentrate negative environmental and social impacts, including: greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, pollution, resource depletion, poor labor standards, and grievances from affected communities. As developing and emerging economies seek to increase industrial output, there is a pressing need to decouple economic growth from environmental and resource inefficiencies in order to meet wider social objectives. There is a real opportunity now to plan and manage industrial parks to achieve the desired economic, social, and environmental targets. As a result, the concept of Eco-Industrial Parks (EIPs) has increasingly been recognized as an effective tool to overcome the challenges of inclusive and sustainable industrial development within the scope of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The concept has been further developed, and this updated publication outlines a common framework for EIP implementation. In this context, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the World Bank Group and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH intend to use this framework as a baseline across all of their initiatives in partner countries. The International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks will guide policymakers and practitioners on the critical elements needed for governments and the private sector to work together to establish economically, socially and environmentally sustainable Eco-Industrial Parks. An important element of the EIP approach is to create a more sustainable operating environment for firms, and to promote competitiveness and job creation. These Eco-Industrial Parks should be designed to use resources more efficiently and improve productivity. They should provide investors with environments specifically adapted to support the achievement of their social responsibility goals. They should also increase market access to sustainable products, and lower exposure to climate change risks. Additionally, Eco-Industrial Parks will contribute to the attainment of the Paris Climate Change Accord’s Nationally Determined Contributions at the country level. By working together, our three organizations aim to create a common vision for Eco-Industrial Parks which countries can use and modify according to their own needs. The International Framework is a unifying structure for further efforts on country projects. It leverages a wide range of tools and strengths that each organization brings to the effort. We hope that this common framework will fill the current gap in understanding of Eco- Industrial Parks, and encourage their development on a global scale. Stephan Sicars Caroline Freund Jochen Renger Managing Director Global Director Director of Division Directorate for Environment and Trade, Investment and Climate Change, Rural Energy Competitiveness, World Bank Development and Infrastructure United Nations Industrial Group Deutsche Gesellschaft für Development Organization Internationale Zusammenarbeit (UNIDO) (GIZ) GmbH 5 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Table of Contents Acknowledgements 3 The Rationale for Version 2.0 4 Foreword 5 Acronyms 9 Executive Summary 11 1 Introduction 13 1.1 Context 13 1.2 Aims and Objectives 15 1.3 Scope of the International Framework for EIPs 15 1.4 Framework Application and Target Audience 17 1.5 Rationale for a Consolidated Eco-Industrial Park Framework 17 1.6 Publication Structure 19 2 A Common Understanding of Eco-Industrial Parks 21 2.1 Defining Eco-Industrial Parks 21 2.2 Drivers and Benefits of Eco-Industrial Parks 21 2.3 Barriers to the Implementation of Eco-Industrial Parks 23 3 Approach to Defining Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks 27 3.1 Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks 27 3.2 Defining Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks 28 4 Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks 31 4.1 Introduction 31 4.2 Compliance with National and Local Regulations 31 4.3 Park Management Performance Requirements 35 4.4 Environmental Performance Requirements 39 4.5 Social Performance Requirements 44 4.6 Economic Performance Requirements 47 5 Concluding Remarks and Future Prospects 51 References 53 Annex 1: Going Beyond the EIP Performance Requirements 56 Eco-Industrial Park Case Studies 61 Annex 2: Existing Eco-Industrial Parks 62 Industrial Zone NÖ-Süd, Austria 62 Ulsan Mipo and Onsan Industrial Park, South Korea 64 Annex 3: Industrial Parks Working Toward Becoming Eco-Industrial Parks 67 Hoa Khanh Industrial Zone, Vietnam 67 Izmir Ataturk Organized Industrial Zone, Turkey 69 ALEAP Green Industrial Park in Telangana, India 72 Annex 4: Park Level Eco-Industrial Park Framework Implementation 75 Parque Industrial Malambo SA, Colombia 75 Engineering Square (E2) and East Port Said (EP) Industrial Parks, Egypt 77 Annex 5: National Level Eco-Industrial Park Framework Implementation 79 Turkey Green Organized Industrial Zones Program 79 Vietnam Eco-Industrial Park Initiative 81 6 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 List of Boxes Box 1: EIP Conformance with International Standards and Protocols 33 Box 2: Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Management in Eco-Industrial Parks 37 Box 3: An Example of Continuous Improvement based on the Framework 57 List of Figures Figure 1: Publication Structure 19 Figure 2: Examples of Combinations of Terms Used Internationally in Relation to Eco-Industrial Parks 21 Figure 3: Overall Framework for Describing Eco-Industrial Parks 27 Figure 4: Park Management and Governance Structure of Ulsan Mipo and Onsan Industrial Park 64 Figure 5: Main Stages of A-GRIP Site Master Planning 72 List of Tables Table 1: Key Barriers for EIPs, and Potential Solutions 25 Table 2: Park Management - Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks 38 Table 3: Environment - Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks 42 Table 4: Social - Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks 46 Table 5: Economic - Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks 48 Table 6: Suggestions for Exceeding Eco-Industrial Park Performance Requirements 58 Table 7: Governance Structure of the OIZ 69 7 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Acronyms A-GRIP The Association of Lady Entrepreneurs of India Green Industrial Park ALEAP The Association of Lady Entrepreneurs of India OIZ Organized Industrial Zone IISD International Institute for Sustainable Development CCA Climate Change Adaptation CE Circular Economy DGNB German Sustainable Building Council ECE Economic Commission for Europe EDGE Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIP Eco-Industrial Park EMS Environmental Management System EnMS Energy Management System FAO United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization GHG Greenhouse Gas GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH IFC International Finance Corporation (private sector arm of World Bank Group) ILO International Labor Organization IP Industrial Park ISO International Organization for Standardization IZ Industrial Zone LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design NDC Nationally-Determined Contributions NGO Non-Governmental Organization OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OH&S Occupational Health and Safety OIZ Organized Industrial Zone RECP Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production SDG Sustainable Development Goa SEPA China State Environmental Protection Administration SEZ Special Economic Zone SIA Sustainable Industrial Area SME Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development UNEP United Nations Environment Programme (now UN Environment) UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization 9 Photo Credit: © Junzer. An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Executive Summary The aim of this publication is to provide an international framework (the “framework”) which defines the basic requirements and performance criteria needed for an industrial park to qualify as an Eco-Industrial Park (EIP). It summarizes the areas in which the international organizations that have authored this framework — the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), the World Bank Group, and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH — have aligned to define an Eco-Industrial Park (EIP). The purpose of this publication is three-fold, namely: (i) to assist stakeholders to develop and transition to EIPs; (ii) to consistently engage with, encourage, and recognize EIPs; and (iii) to improve the performance, sustainability and inclusiveness of the industrial sector and move toward an international standard on EIPs. UNIDO, the World Bank Group, and GIZ are supporting governments and industrial park practitioners to develop EIPs in different countries and contexts. EIPs can be defined as industrial areas that promote cross-industry and community collaboration for common benefits related to economic, social and environmental performance. These goals are incorporated into the siting, planning, management, and operations of EIPs. Industrial parks are known by different names, including: industrial areas, industrial zones, industrial investment regions, special economic zones, and industrial corridors, and they are planned and developed for industrial activities and associated commercial and infrastructure services. The concentration of economic activities in industrial parks require that they are sustainable. There are currently a number of tools and processes which assist governments and industrial park stakeholders to implement inclusive and sustainable industrial development. However, a consolidated and targeted framework for EIPs is largely lacking at the international level. Increasingly, countries and industrial park stakeholders request ‘standards’ or benchmarks for pursuing sustainability as envisioned by EIPs. An innovative approach to such requests is to set “prerequisites” or “sustainability performance requirements” 1 for industrial parks, covering regulatory compliance and socio-economic, environmental, and management standards. These standards provide benchmarks for assessing existing industrial parks, retrofitting existing parks, or planning new EIPs. The EIP Framework presented in this document contains these prerequisites and performance requirements, which are outlined in tables in Section 4. These are international and inclusive in scope, and are relevant to all industrial parks, irrespective of what they are called. They are also relevant to stakeholders in the private and public sectors in which these industrial parks are located. The EIP Framework can inform stakeholder networks, and be used by UNIDO, the World Bank Group and GIZ to promote EIPs globally. Legislation by national governments of the regulations, activities and structures governing industrial parks varies considerably across the world, and so the framework recognizes the need to consider local contexts and sensitivities when applying these requirements. The EIP framework adopts the position that relevant policies and regulations must be complied with, but sets specific, additional requirements for management, environmental, social, and economic arenas in order to accommodate the wide range of different contexts in which the framework is used. UNIDO, the World Bank Group, and GIZ are committed to using the EIP framework in future projects and programs. We encourage partners and stakeholders to adopt the framework’s recommendations for planning, development, management, operations and monitoring in EIPs. By adopting a common international EIP framework, the development community can systematize its efforts towards a more inclusive and sustainable industrialization. 1 The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 9, make reference to inclusive and sustainable industrialization. For the sake of brevity, references to sustainability of industrial parks are meant to also cover inclusivity in this publication. 11 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 1 Introduction 1.1 Context Industrial parks are known by different names and cover industrial areas, industrial zones, industrial investment regions, special economic zones and industrial corridors, among others. They exist for the purposes of industrial and associated commercial, infrastructure, and service activities. Industrial parks have both potentially positive and negative impacts. While they contribute to economic growth and social development, they can also cause negative environmental and social impacts, including: climate change, pollution, resource depletion, labor issues, and negative impacts on communities. Thus, sensitive planning and management are needed to mitigate negative outcomes and to optimise economic, social, and environmental gains. Interest in industrial parks has grown substantially in recent decades.2 The grouping of firms in defined locations offers potential collaborative and efficiency gains, for instance by implementing circular economy practices. As developing and emerging economies seek increased industrial output, there is a pressing need to balance economic growth with environmental and social objectives. International efforts strive to make industrial development inclusive and sustainable: The idea of EIPs was first presented at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. At the time at which the term was presented, other countries (Africa, Asia, Europe, South America, and the United States) had initiated various Eco-Industrial development planning processes which were viewed as viable frameworks for transitioning to sustainable production and circular economy practices. These included eco-design, reuse of parts, components and by-products, remanufacturing, and recycling. As a result, EIP was adopted as a common reference term. The EIP concept has evolved to address additional, interrelated concerns, including, for example: resource efficient and cleaner production; industrial symbiosis; climate change; pollution; social standards; shared infrastructure; and improved management of risks and shared resources, including land and other ecosystem services. It has become clear that an interdisciplinary approach is required to overcome barriers and promote the desired operation of EIPs. UNIDO, the World Bank Group, and GIZ are supporting governments and industrial park practitioners to develop EIPs. GIZ is providing technical cooperation based on the concept of “Sustainable Industrial Areas” to countries worldwide. Similarly, UNIDO has been promoting EIPs, green industry, resource efficiency and cleaner production through its projects and its Global Eco-Industrial Parks Program. The World Bank Group is financing and providing technical assistance to climate competitive industry projects, including EIPs and low-carbon zones, in many countries. Countries and industrial park stakeholders are increasingly requesting ‘standards’ or benchmarks to guide their efforts towards sustainability, and partner organizations in these efforts have collaborated to establish performance requirements for an EIP framework. The framework will be used to guide development cooperation projects and the promotion of EIPs around the world. Eco-Industrial Parks: There are a number of definitions for EIPs. Broadly, an EIP may be defined as a dedicated area for industrial use at a suitable site that supports sustainability through the integration of social, economic, and environmental quality aspects into its siting, planning, management and operations. 2 Preliminary World Bank Group research in 2016 identified over 250 operating or planned self-declared EIPs globally, although these vary widely in status. This represents significant growth over 1990 levels (World Bank Group 2016). 13 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Setting international benchmarks and performance requirements for EIPs: There are many tools and processes to assist governments and industrial park stakeholders to move towards sustainable industrial development. However, EIP guidelines are largely lacking at the international level. An innovative approach is to set “performance requirements” for industrial parks which cover compliance, socio-economic, environmental, and management aspects. Such standards provide benchmarks for assessing existing industrial parks, and planning retrofits and new parks. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are drivers for inclusive and sustainable industry: The 2030 SDGs include targets and actions for industry, innovation and infrastructure, as well as measures for decent work, economic growth, gender equality, and climate action. For instance, SDG 9 aims to significantly raise industry’s contribution to employment and gross domestic product by 2030. The means for achieving this goal may include retrofitting industries to make them sustainable, increasing resource-use efficiency, and increased adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes. SDG 7 aims, among other things, to double the rate of energy efficiency improvement and significantly increase the share of renewable energy by 2030. SDG 8 targets sustained per capita economic growth at seven percent per year, and SDG 13 focuses on climate actions. SDG 12 aims to substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse in the public and private sectors by 2030 . It will also require firms, especially large and multinational enterprises, to adopt sustainable practices and to report sustainability performance accordingly. SDG 5 addresses issues of gender equality. These SDGs are applicable to EIPs and the development of an international framework for their use. Eco- Industrial Parks 14 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 1.2 Aims and Objectives This publication aims to provide an international framework of prerequisites and performance requirements needed for industrial parks to qualify as EIPs. This publication further aims to: (i) Assist stakeholders to develop and transition to EIPs; (ii) Engage, encourage, and recognize EIPs in a consistent manner; and (iii) Provide benchmarks to improve the performance, sustainability, and inclusiveness of the industrial sector, and progress toward an international standard for EIPs. As the need for sustainability in all its dimensions has grown, so too have ideas about what constitutes an EIP. The metrics for EIPs outlined in this publication aim to complement, rather than replace, existing tools and standards, and seek to guide best practice for EIPs internationally. This will allow a broad range of stakeholders to use the framework as a reference point in their efforts to set expectations and improve performance. The requirements for EIPs aim to: • Increase park management performance, specifically with regard to management and monitoring. This includes investing in better infrastructure; applying national/international standards; organizing and managing services (including disaster preparedness and risk management), and marketing. • Enhance environmental performance by minimizing the footprints of parks, by providing sustainable means to manage water, wastewater, waste, and resources. It also involves addressing climate change issues and effects on local and global environments. • Improve social performance by addressing the needs of the community and employees, including in relation to labor rights and working conditions, gender, community dialogue, land acquisition and social infrastructure. • Increase economic performance by maximizing returns for park managers and business owners. Economic benefits from an industrial park include revenue and profit, job creation, and competitiveness, as well as access to additional investment for resident industries. 1.3 Scope of the International Framework for EIPs This framework adopts an inclusive approach, and provides a common understanding of EIPs. Given the diversity of industrial parks, and the regulatory regimes under which they operate, sensitivity in the application of this framework is required. This framework is intended to be applied to: • Industrial parks in developed, transition, and developing countries; • Existing industrial parks (brownfield) and planned industrial parks (greenfield); • All parks irrespective of their differences (for example, area, level of technological development, and extent of existing collaborations); and • All industrial sectors, with the understanding that different sectors (e.g., leather, textile, chemicals manufacturing) will each have specific, national compliance requirements. The aim of this framework is to encourage industrial parks to exceed compliance with local and national regulations with respect to environmental and social issues (“Compliance Plus”). An EIP should comply with local and national regulations,3 but should strive to meet international good practice if national requirements fall short. In situations in which local or national regulations exceed these performance requirements, then it is expected that local and national regulations would take precedence. 3 While the emphasis in this publication is on environmental and socio-economic aspects, industrial parks should by default comply with all applicable rules and regulations, including those pertaining to the environment, social aspects, intellectual property, technology, labor, physical planning, consumer safety etc. “Compliance Plus”, in effect, equates to the performance levels proposed in this International EIP Framework. 15 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 The framework focuses on four key categories: park management performance, environmental performance, social performance, and economic performance. The requirements for each category are divided into “prerequisites” and “performance indicators” that can be measured in qualitative and/or quantitative terms. Using the framework’s prerequisites and indicators as benchmarks, national governments set country-specific values for these indicators. Thus, in a given country, an Industrial Park is expected to comply with these country-specific standards in order to be deemed an EIP. Common EIP components include: a sustainable park management structure; park- and where applicable, firm-level resource efficiency and cleaner production; industrial symbiosis and synergies; interactions with the local community and natural environment; spatial planning and zoning; socially acceptable working and living conditions; and collective use of park-level infrastructure, such as utility services and facilities management. The framework’s reference to “industrial park management” is limited to the role and leverage of park managers, sometimes called park operators, regarding the planning, development, management and operations of the park — and not to higher-level park governance structures and institutions. The park manager is defined as the entity that deals with management and day-to-day operations, services to resident firms, park infrastructure and facilities, promotion and marketing, and interactions with authorities and the community on behalf of the park’s resident firms. These tasks are to be performed in line with existing higher- level park governance structures, institutions, and regulating bodies. By focusing on the park management level, the framework aims to allow for comparisons between defined areas within countries and economies. This demarcated system consists of the industrial park and facilities on its premises, the park management entity, resident park firms, and the community and relevant authorities. This framework constitutes a natural progression, and builds on the work of UNIDO, the World Bank Group, GIZ and the wider international community. Over the past two decades, several local and national initiatives and certification programs have been established to formulate best practices, standards and benchmarks, which are directly and indirectly related to the concept of EIPs. These include: • United Nations’ indicators for sustainable development (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2007); • Green Growth Indicators (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2017); • Guidelines for Sustainable Industrial Areas (GIZ, Version 1.0, 2015)4; • Chinese Eco-Industrial Park Standards and Certifications5; • Indicators of Kaiserslautern University of Technology; • Certification System of the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB); • Green Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Rating System of the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC); • Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises: Responsible Business Conduct Matters (OECD 2013); • The Implementation of Industrial Parks: Some Lessons Learned in India (World Bank 2014); • Low-carbon Zones: A Practitioner’s Handbook (World Bank 2014); • Global Assessment of Eco-Industrial Parks in Developing and Emerging Economies (UNIDO 2016); • Implementation Handbook for Eco-Industrial Parks (UNIDO 2017); • Mainstreaming Eco-Industrial Parks (World Bank 2016); • Greening Industrial Parks: A Case Study on South Korea’s Eco-Industrial Park Programme (Global Green Growth Institute 2017); • Guide to Corporate Sustainability (United Nations Global Compact 2017); • An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks (UNIDO, World Bank Group, GIZ 2017)6; • A Practitioner’s Handbook for Eco-Industrial Parks: Implementing the International EIP Framework7 (UNIDO, World Bank Group, GIZ 2018). 4 This is Version 2.0. 5 These include: The EIP Demonstration Program; The Circular Transformation of Industrial Parks; and The Low-Carbon Industrial Park Program as explored by the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD 2015). 6 7 16 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 1.4 Framework Application and Target Audience A diverse range of stakeholders are involved in the development and operation of industrial parks, and the framework’s parameters inform them of performance requirements recommended for EIPs. This publication aims to serve as a reference for a broad group of stakeholders involved in the development and implementation of EIPs. It will help them to report on the status and achievements of an EIP in a comprehensive and transparent manner. It should be noted that this publication does not provide actual implementation advice, as this responsibility rests with national governments and EIP decision makers. UNIDO, the World Bank Group, and GIZ will advise and assist in the application of the performance requirements in their respective projects and programs, and encourage other collaborators to also apply these requirements in industrial park planning, development, management and monitoring. The target audience for the framework includes a broad range of industrial park stakeholders. They comprise both government institutions looking to inform industrial park-related policies to incentivize green and circular manufacturing activities, and private sector actors who are involved in the development and operation of EIPs. They also include, but are not limited to the following: • Industrial park planners and developers; • Industrial park operators and managers; • Firms located in industrial parks; • Industrial associations and chambers of commerce; • Governments at the national, provincial and local levels, and regulators; • Financial sector, funding agencies and donors; • International development agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs); and • Scientific research institutions. 1.5 Rationale for a Consolidated Eco-Industrial Park Framework International experience demonstrates that the EIP concept is a valid and sustainable approach to increasing resource efficient and cleaner production (RECP), and promoting environmental protection and socially fair and responsible business practices in existing and new industrial parks. However, to date, different parties, practitioners, and researchers have defined EIPs in different ways. As a result, generally accepted guidance on what constitutes an EIP is unclear, and the following issues require clarification (UNIDO 2016): • Divergence in name and understanding: The EIP concept can mean different things to different parties. While similarities exist in the literature, stakeholders require clear and consistent messaging from the international community; • Practice does not yet match ambition: Some parks describe themselves as EIPs, but fall short in performance. For instance, they may not be continuously implementing environmental and social improvements; • There is potential to leverage best-in-class examples: Many best practices exist, but these need to be brought together and implemented routinely; • Barriers and market failures still exist: Lack of experience, awareness, supporting regulations, and enforcement slow the development and implementation of EIPs. Consolidated EIP assessment frameworks and performance criteria are important because they assist stakeholders with the following decisions and actions: • Private sector decision making: Businesses often require assistance to decide whether to locate within an industrial park, or to invest in clean production technologies and processes. The framework can complement existing decision-making tools, thus supporting better decision-making among firms. • Public-sector decision making: The framework presented in this report can also provide guidance and incentives for stakeholders to encourage the transition toward EIPs. Governments will find the framework useful to prioritize industrial areas for support based on a common set of qualifications and understanding of what constitutes an EIP. In addition, the framework may help to clarify the vision for a specific park, or mandate for an industrial development program. 17 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 • Performance improvement: The framework can assist stakeholders to assess the performance of industrial parks via priority topics and indicators which flag whether an industrial park meets EIP requirements. In addition, a clear and commonly agreed understanding of EIPs and their characteristics can help bring together park operators, park owners, and stakeholders as they seek to improve their processes and operations. • Allocating funding: The framework can help the financial sector, funding agencies and donors to allocate financial support to industrial parks that meet certain performance requirements. In addition, the standardization of EIP performance expectations has the potential to unlock new funding streams such as green bonds, and other products supporting sustainability. • Reputational benefits: Standardized criteria allow for comparisons between EIPs, offering reputational benefits to high performing parks, and thereby incentivizing other parks to match these requirements. In turn, this may enhance the status of certain EIPs as a desired location for sustainability conscious companies. • Awareness raising: A common framework raises awareness of the benefits of EIPs, including alignment with international priorities such as the SDGs, climate change mitigation, sustainable industrial development, and corporate social responsibility. • Marketing advantages: Industrial areas compete for investors worldwide, and the high Eco-Industrial performance and corporate social responsibility profiles of EIPs can provide marketing benefits. • Better allocation and use of resources: A well-designed park will also optimise the use of resources such as land, water, and/or energy by creating synergies (for example, by using waste heat), or better economies of scale (for example, through joint use of infrastructure). • Retrofitting of existing industrial areas: The framework will help assess the performance of an industrial park, identify gaps, and plan further development. Limitations of the framework: It should be noted that this framework, in its current format, aims to provide strategic and operational direction regarding expectations for EIPs. It does not translate these expectations into a formal international EIP labelling and certification scheme, as this responsibility rests with national governments. 18 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 1.6 Publication Structure This publication is divided into five sections (see figure 1). The first section details the context, aims and objectives of the EIP performance requirements framework, along with the scope and intended audience. Section 2 provides a common understanding of EIPs, and highlights the associated benefits, drivers and barriers. Section 3 outlines the approach followed to develop the framework for EIP requirements. Section 4 provides the EIP performance requirements across park management, as well as environmental, social, and economic categories. Finally, Section 5 provides closing remarks from the three authoring organizations. Figure 1: Publication Structure Section 1: Introduction to the EIP performance requirements framework including context, objectives, scope, rationale, application and target audience Introductory sections Section 2: Common understanding of EIPs including definitions, benefits, drivers and barriers. Section 3: Approach to define requirements for EIPs covering assessment framework and process to define EIP performance requirements Core of the Publication: Going beyond full regulatory compliance and setting Section 4: Performance requirements for EIPs with regulatory compliance and performance requirements detailed tables covering pre-requisites and performance requirements on park management, environmental, social and economic indicators. Application Section 5: Moving forward and closing remarks from authoring organizations. Annex 1: Going beyond minimum performance requirements, recognizing that EIPs are based on continuous improvement process. Supporting Documents Annex 2: Annex 3: Annex 4: Annex 5: Existing Eco- Industrial Park Level Eco- National Level Industrial Parks Working Industrial Park Eco-Industrial Parks Towards Framework Park Framework Becoming EIPs Implementation Implementation 19 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 2 A Common Understanding of Eco-Industrial Parks 2.1 Defining Eco-Industrial Parks Different terminologies and definitions are used by organizations to refer to EIPs, or to similar concepts related to them. Figure 2 presents combinations of commonly used terms relating to EIPs. This publication does not stipulate the use of particular terms, but highlights areas of alignment that provide a practical way to move forward, whichever terminology is used. Figure 2: Examples of Combinations of Terms Used Internationally in Relation to Eco-Industrial Parks Combinations of related EIP terminology used internationally Eco Industrial Park Sustainable (Special) Economic Zone Low Carbon Technological Area Green Investment Cluster Circular Manufacturing Estate Broadly, EIPs can be defined as managed industrial areas that promote cross-industry and community collaboration for common benefits related to economic, social and environmental performance. The EIP concept has evolved to address additional, interrelated aspects, including, for example: resource efficient and cleaner production, industrial symbiosis, climate change, pollution, social standards, shared infrastructure, improved management of risks and shared resources, including land and ecosystem services. An interdisciplinary approach is required to optimally realise the EIP concept. 2.2 Drivers and Benefits of Eco-Industrial Parks Industrial parks are an important driver of industrialization. By grouping businesses in a dedicated co- location, they offer important efficiency and collaborative opportunities. However, industry can also harm the environment through air and water pollution, land contamination, degradation of resources, and in many other ways. Furthermore, industrial parks which are not properly managed can also harm employees and the communities in which they operate. An EIP framework helps to manage these risks, and maximize sustainable development opportunities. With the growth of industrial output in developing and emerging economies alike, there is significant scope for EIPs to drive efficiency and contribute positively to socio-economic development at local and national levels. Mitigating and managing the adverse impacts of industrial parks is crucial. Indeed, it is increasingly important to maximize sustainable development opportunities, particularly in those economies in which legislation and risk management are weak. Key drivers for EIPs include: reducing environmental footprints; promoting efficiency gains and cost- effectiveness; enabling community cohesion; resilience to various types of risks, providing better access to finance and technical support; and enhancing competitiveness. International industry practice and experience demonstrate a wide range of economic, environmental, and social benefits from EIPs. Indeed, these may go beyond conventional business case benefits. In this context, EIP benefits are not just commercial. They are also strategic in that they reduce exposure to resource and licensing risks. They also increase competitiveness, promote business development, and build reputations with stakeholders. Benefits such as access to finance, technical support, and policy, economic and community gains were frequently cited in EIP case studies by UNIDO in 2016. 21 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Industry competitiveness, a significant driver of EIPs, is the ability to increase business performance and sustainable growth. For an EIP to be economically successful, the concept must be attractive to investors and industries, and offer resources and human capital. A key goal for EIP developers is to attract strategic investors and incentivize domestic and foreign direct investment. Support to help EIPs meet these goals can be offered by providing economically-, environmentally-, and socially-aligned services, and plans to meet sustainability agendas of industrial areas. The clustering of businesses at the park level enables added-value services to be offered at lower prices, and efficient management structures which minimize administrative overhead costs. Firms in well-designed and -managed EIPs are better positioned to take advantage of resource efficiencies, risk- mitigating measures, value-addition to their products, and services at both firm and park levels. From an industry competitiveness perspective, the main drivers for EIPs are: • Improved and dynamic business environment; • Reduced operating costs and improved process efficiency and productivity; • Increased stakeholder demand for improved efficiency and growth; • Less risk of exposure to natural resource scarcity; • Assurance to stakeholders regarding environmental and social concerns relevant to consumers, local communities, governments and investors; • Meeting corporate social responsibility goals; • High-quality infrastructure, and • Collective representation of business interests. The imperatives of environmental protection, climate change mitigation and resource use efficiency are making the case for EIPs stronger. Industry accounts for a significant portion of global emissions, and has wide-reaching environmental and community impacts. EIPs can make a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, thereby contributing toward the implementation of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Reaching these targets will require significant and long-lasting changes in energy and industrial greenhouse gas emissions. In this context, EIPs have the potential to play an important role. Key environmental drivers of EIPs include: • Climate change commitments at the national level; • Policy mechanisms (e.g., tax holidays and market mechanisms, such as carbon pricing); • Greening the supply chain through circular economy practices,8 which can lead to improved resource management, resource conservation and reduced climate impacts; • Cost-effective infrastructure which adapts to climate change; • Responding to environmental and social concerns from consumers and neighbouring communities; and • Impetus to improve efficiency and growth. With increasing industrial output in developing and emerging economies alike, an EIP framework can help to maintain social standards, and protection of employees and the wider community. Integrating social quality standards within industrial parks is becoming increasingly important. Evidence suggests that friction between communities and industrial parks can occur due to poor preparedness for dealing with emergencies, concerns about operational standards, and increasing encroachment of industrial developments into residential areas. In addition, industrial parks often depend on local labor, resources from surrounding communities, social infrastructure, and in some cases housing and wider social services. Thus, careful planning is needed to address social concerns. 8 Circular economy practices aim to design waste and pollution out of production systems and consumption habits; keep products and materials in use for as long as possible through innovative business models; and regenerate natural systems. They consist of practices such as eco-design of products to ensure durability, reusability, upgradability and reparability, addressing hazardous chemicals, and enhanced energy and resource efficiency in a systemic way. Circular economy practices also include reuse of parts, components, and materials, repairs, refurbishments and remanufacturing to keep products in use, recycling to extract materials for reuse, selling a product as a service and recovering energy from non-recyclables. 22 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Key social drivers of EIPs include: • Better working conditions; • Creation of local employment; • Improvement of gender equality within the park; • Better security and crime prevention; • Provision of social infrastructure to workers and community; • Support for local community well-being and community outreach; • Provision of vocational training; • Improved occupational health and safety; and • Transition to more sustainable land use. EIPs can provide a wide range of economic benefits, in particular, employment creation. EIPs often involve the creation of an enhanced social infrastructure, which is particularly important for developing countries. Indirect benefits may be difficult to quantify, but are increasingly important for the long-term economic sustainability of parks and firms. Key economic drivers of EIPs include: • Direct and indirect employment creation; • Skills-upgrading of the labor force; • Linkages between industrial park firms, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), and communities outside the industrial park; • Technology and knowledge transfer through foreign direct investment; and • Demonstrable benefits following the application of good international industry practices and regional development approaches. Managing reputational risk is increasingly important to firms, and such risks can be mitigated through an EIP framework. Government authorities, industrial park developers, and industrial landowners are conscious of the negative reputations that industrial parks may acquire because of weakly managed operations. An EIP framework allows them to create a more responsible image through sustainable industrial operations that provide environmental protection, climate change mitigation, resource efficiency, and higher social quality standards. These factors play an important role in driving the development of EIPs (World Bank 2016). 2.3 Barriers to the Implementation of Eco-Industrial Parks EIP implementation faces a number of difficulties, some of which can be tackled through the provision of an EIP framework and strategic planning. Although industrial parks have taken steps towards sustainability in many parts of the world, few fully developed EIPs exist today. Barriers faced by park owners, operators, and firms are both internal and external, and cover a range of aspects from technology to managerial deficiencies. International examples demonstrate that the success of an EIP is dependent on its ability to compete, and to offer cost-effective and non-disruptive solutions to resident firms. For example, the lack of competitively priced water, energy, and raw materials; and even the disruptions attending the introduction of innovations and improvements may prevent firms from establishing and operating in EIPs. In addition, although crucial to long-term sustainability, the short-term investment costs of ‘eco-efficient’ industrial processes can be prohibitive for parks in developing countries. For example, expensive wastewater treatment plants which recover waste heat and can treat complex chemicals — such as dyes and pharmaceutical by-products — require significant investment, and have long financial return periods. Depreciating these investments and recovering additional costs through EIP management fees can be difficult to negotiate with resident businesses. In addition, the realization of efficiency gains depends on skilled management of process improvements, which often requires additional capacity building. This highlights the need for effective planning and strong internal support. External assistance for the implementation of an EIP framework may also be required. 23 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Barriers exist in designing and building new EIPs, as well as in retrofitting existing parks. The type and severity of barriers differs across industrial parks. It is often argued that transitions to sustainability are particularly difficult for existing parks. That is, retrofitting for sustainability requires the integration of complex processes into existing infrastructure, which can present technical, design, installation, and operational challenges. Stakeholders need to consider phased, park-specific approaches in order to address these difficulties. Establishing new EIPs also entails planning, design, and licensing challenges. However, these may be mitigated through detailed front- end engineering design phases which allow for the integration of efficient and cost-effective designs and adoption of eco-efficient processes. The lack of clear guidance, indicators, and international benchmarks presents difficulties for prospective developers, while also making it harder to quantify and communicate the benefits that EIPs offer. As a result, differentiating true EIP leaders from conventional industrial parks is difficult (Zhang 2012). A commonly agreed framework and set of indicators are needed to design and measure management and governance practices, social benefits, knowledge sharing efforts and results, and collaboration for resilience and competitiveness (Geng and others 2009; Lombardi and Laybourn 2012). Table 1 provides an overview of some of the key barriers faced by industrial parks as they seek to make their operations more sustainable. It also contains some high-level solutions to overcome these barriers. 24 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Table 1: Key Barriers for EIPs, and Potential Solutions Key barriers for EIPs and potential solutions Regulatory barriers Description: The lack of sufficient, appropriate regulations, and their enforcement. Lack of incentives for conventional industrial parks and their resident firms to prioritise sustainability. Barriers: Sample Solutions: Potential regulatory barriers include: Policy makers can: • Lack of suitable policies to encourage EIP • Seek to understand the key national and local development (both command and control, and fiscal barriers to the adoption of environmental and social incentives). standards in industrial operations. • Lack of policies to encourage clean technology • Set hard and soft targets for the development of EIPs. development and adoption. • Develop command and control, and fiscal incentives • Lack of transparency surrounding industrial that encourage EIPs. regulations and enforcement. • Develop regulations that are conducive to the • Regulations not applied universally, leading to development of an enabling environment for EIPs. competitive disadvantages. • Engage in national, regional, and international • Limited capacity of stakeholders to engage with dialogue to source best practices, rather than more favorable regulatory frameworks. duplicate existing practices. Technological and socio-economic barriers Description: Certain high impact and innovative technological solutions are not advanced enough, and/or are too expensive to implement, especially in low margin environments and developing contexts. Competition concerns can arise for firms in parks having to bear higher costs (due to higher environmental and social performance requirements) than those that do not, when both compete in the same markets. Barriers: Sample Solutions: • Park management entity and firms lack finance to Policy makers can: implement pollution prevention mechanisms. • Provide capital subsidies and support to implement • High upfront capital costs with longer term returns new technologies. on investments limit implementation. • Encourage technological cooperation programs. • Limited financial support for innovative processes • Encourage standardization. and environmental measures to improve park • Promote socially responsible business practices. infrastructure for the benefit of firms. • Park management is not entrusted with mandates EIPs can: and budgets by tenant firms. • Engage in park-level dialogue and enterprise training • Long lead times and disruptions when installing new to improve awareness of cost effective and advanced technologies. technology solutions and socially responsible • Limited understanding of the benefits of socially business practices and associated benefits. responsible business practices. • Deploy outsourced, technically sound infrastructure • Lack of research funding. and services through viable business models. Institutional and organizational capacity Description: There are potentially a large number of internal barriers, one of the most important being technical capacity. Barriers: Example Solutions: • Lack of internal resources and technical workforce. Policy makers can: • Lack of motivation for continuous improvements in • Prepare national guidelines and standards for EIPs. moving toward an EIP. The performance standards suggested here can help • Lack of experience in dealing with developers and inform frameworks and serve as benchmarks. authorities. • Fund training programs. • Lack of capacity for energy conservation and pollution prevention, or awareness of their cost EIPs can: saving potential. • Examine sector-specific international best practices • Lack of stakeholder communication channels. and adhere to them. • Lack of management resources. • Develop internal training programs to build human • Lack of indicators and guidelines. resource capacities, which in turn can provide a • Lack of external support from owners, value chains, competitive advantage. communities and international organizations. • Engage with national and regional stakeholders to build confidence in EIPs. • Engage professionals and/or firms to undertake EIP assessments, site master planning, and so on. 25 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 3 Approach ‌ to Defining Performance Requirements for Eco- Industrial Parks 3.1 Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks The EIP framework describes performance requirements for EIPs for four key categories: park management performance, environmental performance, social performance, and economic performance. Figure 3 presents the overarching framework. This framework provides the basis for defining and setting prerequisites and performance requirements for EIPs (see Section 4). As a baseline, EIPs must comply with all applicable local and national regulations. They must also meet the broader requirements set out within this framework. The performance requirements for EIPs are defined so that environmental and social commitments go beyond prevailing regulatory requirements in the country. Figure 3: Overall Framework for Describing Eco-Industrial Parks Process of Continuous Improvement: Going Beyond the EIP Performance Requirements Going Beyond the EIP Prerequisites Core Categories and Topics EIP Prerequisites and Performance Requirements Park management Environmental Social Economic performance performance performance performance • Park management • Environmental • Social management • Employment services management and and monitoring generation • Monitoring monitoring • Social infrastructure • Local business and • Planning and • Energy • Community SME promotion designing management outreach and • Economic value • Water management dialogue creation • Waste and material use • Natural environment and climate resilience Compliance with local and national regulations and alignment with international standards 27 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Regulatory Compliance at the Park and Firm Levels Compliance with national and local regulations is mandatory for all industrial parks, regardless of their location and characteristics. An EIP, as a collective entity of resident firms, must comply with all applicable national and local laws, regulations, and standards. When applying this framework to a specific park, stakeholders (typically local authorities and the EIP management team, and where relevant, investors) will be required to check for regulatory compliance. When national regulations fall short of internationally expected compliance requirements, EIPs would be expected to align with standards based on international good practice. It is recognized that the stringency of national and local regulations will differ from country to country. Therefore, in countries in which regulatory frameworks do not match international standards, compliance can also refer to fundamental international standards applicable to the park and its resident firms. Compliance with local/national regulations and good international business practice applies to both the industrial park level (for example, the park management entity, property owners) and the firm level (for example, individual small, medium, and large enterprises operating in the park). EIP Performance Requirements (Pre-requisites Plus) The EIP framework provides performance requirements for EIPs. These international requirements for environmental, social, economic and park management performance have been primarily developed to inform EIP stakeholders about inclusive and sustainable industrial development. The requirements in the framework are not prescriptive. Given differences in the type, function, and regulatory setting of parks globally — and wide range of industrial sectors covered — sensitivity to local norms and standards should guide the framework’s implementation. Going Beyond EIP Performance Requirements (see annex 1) Good industry practice for EIPs will recognize the importance of ongoing improvements at the park and firm levels, and the goal of exceeding minimum requirements. Compliance with EIP requirements is a primary step in integrating sustainability criteria within industrial parks. Where technically, socially, and economically possible, EIPs must strive to go beyond the performance requirements set out in this publication. Industrial parks differ in context and stage of development,9 and this presents opportunities for EIPs to act as models within given areas, for example on environmental sustainability. Annex 1 highlights the opportunities attending more ambitious criteria for industrial parks — going beyond the suggested performance requirements, and ultimately leading to more inclusive and sustainable industrial development. 3.2 Defining Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks This section outlines the considerations necessary to develop performance requirements for EIPs. A balance between ambition and achievability is important for implementation in developing countries and transition economies. The framework aims to achieve a balance between performance requirements so that they are meaningful, but also achievable (i.e. realistic), by the parks concerned. The requirements are classified by category, topics, and sub-topics. The relevance of (sub-) topics may depend on the geographical location and type of EIP. As such, sensitivity is required when applying these standards. However, all (sub-) topics are important and should be considered when determining whether a park can be considered an EIP. The EIP framework requirements include both prerequisites and performance requirements. The prerequisites establish the basic conditions for industrial parks to start transitioning towards EIPs, and the performance requirements specify the indicators that an EIP should meet. These requirements cover both qualitative and quantitative indicators. The approach offers flexibility, and can be applied to different kinds of industrial parks. 9 For example, the macroeconomic and policy environment, the sector focus, process configuration, existing infrastructure, local development priorities and stakeholder commitments. 28 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 In setting the indicators for EIPs, careful consideration was given to the following: • Exceeding national compliance standards: Performance metrics were set for industrial parks aspiring to exceed local and national regulations for environmental and social requirements (“compliance plus”). • Addressing key environmental and social requirements: The framework focuses on important environmental, social, and economic impacts, rather than on detailed requirements, which may differ by industrial park. It also aims to achieve a balance of qualitative and quantitative indicators. • Focus on impact areas that can be controlled or influenced by the park’s management: The topics, and associated sub-topics, need to address significant environmental, social, or economic impacts or benefits, which can be influenced at the park and/or firm level. They should include indicators that can be monitored, managed or influenced by the park management entity or resident firms. • Practicality of features and feasibility of implementation: It is important to align with real-life practices, as opposed to what is desirable under optimum conditions. In some countries, it is already challenging for firms to comply with local and national regulations. Data availability, measurability, and confidentiality are also all-important considerations. In addition, indicators should not extensively burden the park management/operator entity or firms. Preferably, indicators should be easily monitored, measured, and reported. As such, they would leverage existing or available metrics and data, where possible, and this would increase the chances of their uptake and use. • Globally applicable: Features that are unique, or limited to specific situations, have not been included in this framework. The indicators should be applicable to all countries, and relevant to new (“greenfield”) and existing (“brownfield”) industrial parks. • Align with competitiveness requirements: There are many measures that can assist park management and firms to be more competitive, and to have better designed and managed industrial parks. Such measures may include: increasing resource efficiency (and thereby reducing costs) and circular economy practices; encouraging collaborative business opportunities (for example, through supply, utility, by- product, and service synergies); reducing risks (for example, environmental, social and business risks); ensuring the long-term license-to-operate and viability of the park; and collectively addressing government and community requirements. It is also a given that a park should be solvent. 29 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 4 Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks 4.1 Introduction This section outlines the performance requirements for an industrial park to be considered an EIP. These requirements are based on the framework outlined in Section 3, and focus on the key components and management of EIPs. Specifically, they focus on environmental, social and economic performance. As such, the framework moves from a common understanding of EIPs (Section 2) to a higher-level criteria and assessment approach (Section 3) to specific requirements within this section. When applying this framework to a current or prospective industrial park development the following should be noted: • The EIP framework and corresponding performance requirements provide a useful guideline toward the mainstreaming of EIPs. Additionally, they serve as a tool to build capacity and sound institutional frameworks. On an operational level, the EIP framework assists practitioners and park managers to identify areas in which further strengthening is required in line with international good practices. • The EIP performance requirements set the expectations for EIPs globally. Sensitivity to local norms and standards is required in their application (for example, when setting thresholds for fuel and industrial electricity mix, energy intensity, waste disposal, as well as requirements of the higher-level governance structures, institutions, regulating bodies, and so on). • The performance requirements within each category are divided into prerequisites and performance indicators. To be deemed an EIP, a park is expected to comply with all prerequisites and performance expectations (target values) as set by national governments for the countries concerned. • Where currency values are specified, these should be converted to the local currency. Quantitative performance targets should be aligned against ambitious, but feasible national industry performance, norms and standards. • Compliance with national and local regulations is necessary for all industrial parks, irrespective of their location and specific characteristics. • The performance requirements for EIPs in this framework aim to go beyond compliance with national environmental and social regulations and requirements (“Compliance Plus”). • EIPs are encouraged to exceed these requirements and performance expectations where it is technically, socially, and financially feasible and cost effective to do so. 4.2 Compliance with National and Local Regulations EIPs and resident firms need to comply with all applicable national and local laws, regulations, and standards. This includes, but is not limited to, compliance with: national employment regulations; discharge limits; national air emission limits; waste disposal techniques; waste transportation requirements; hazardous waste handling restrictions; and noise limits during operations. In this context, the park management entity should have a monitoring system in place to report on the performance of firms, such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 19600, which provides guidance on establishing, developing, implementing, evaluating, maintaining, and improving a compliance management program.10 In applying the EIP performance requirements to a specific park, stakeholders, particularly governments, authorities and park managers, will be required to monitor national and local compliance. EIPs should seek to align with international good practices when national regulations fall short of EIP expectations. 10 For more information see: management/$FILE/EY-iso-19600-international-standard-for-compliance-management.pdf 31 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 The following regulatory compliance topics are considered most relevant to EIPs, and are based on the experiences of UNIDO, the World Bank Group, and GIZ worldwide. They aim to inform stakeholders of the relevant regulatory considerations. The following listing is not an all-inclusive record because regulations vary by country, and their relevance to specific industrial parks will differ. Park Management Compliance: The park management entity should instil a culture of compliance in its own functions and activities, and extend this culture across its tenant firms. At a minimum, the park management entity should maintain compliance with: • National regulations on OH&S and emergency requirements (for example, protective clothing and equipment, safety features of machines and work posts, regular medical inspections, and preventative measures); • National regulations on anti-corruption (for example, access to information, accountability, bribery, and conflict of interest); • National regulations on violence and crime prevention (such as cybercrime, theft, violence against women, and protection of children and the elderly); • National regulations on land use planning, zoning, licensing and permits; • National regulations on intellectual property, trade and fiscal measures; • National regulations on emergency awareness and preparedness (including disaster risk management); • National regulations on environmental and social aspects (as listed below); and • By-laws related to national regulations. Environmental Compliance: EIPs and tenant firms are expected to comply with all local and national environmental regulations. These include, but are not limited to the following: • National regulations on air emission limits (for example, sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), heavy metals, particulate matter, GHGs and odors); • National regulations on water extraction, watershed management and water discharge limits; • National regulations on waste disposal (including contaminants, treatment requirements and recycling) and waste transportation (including labelling, maximum volumes, storage); • National regulations on hazardous waste handling restrictions (including labelling, containment, and use of qualified contractors); • National regulations on noise limits during operations (for example, maximum and ambient noise levels); • National regulations on energy and resource efficiency, as well as other regulations related to efficiency (for example, on circular economy practices); • National regulations on soil and ground water contamination (including effluent/waste discharges); • National regulations on protection of the natural environment and biodiversity (for example, sensitive marine environments, inland water bodies, native forests, and protected flora and fauna); • National regulations related to climate change mitigation and adaptation; and • By-laws related to the national regulations listed above. Social Compliance: EIPs and tenant firms are expected to comply with local and national regulations. These include, but are not limited to the following: • National regulations on human rights (for example, gender equality and women and children’s rights); • National regulations for protection of indigenous people, and employment, vocational training and social security; • National regulations on addressing discrimination (for example, discrimination based on color, race, religion, gender, age, and disability); • National labor laws/regulations (including working hours, OH&S, prevention of child and forced labor, and maternity leave); • National laws on land acquisition and compensation of affected people; • National laws on protection of cultural heritage; • By-laws related to the national regulations listed above. 32 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Economic Compliance: EIPs and their tenants are expected to comply with local and national financial and economic regul ations. These include, but are not limited to the following: • National regulations on the reporting of financial performance and disclosure; • Regulations on the promotion of SMEs and local business development; • Regulations on technology transfer and protection of intellectual property; • Regulations on skills development and vocational training; and • Business regulations, including registration and licensing, financial, trade and fiscal regulations. EIPs also need to conform with international standards and protocols, as outlined in Box 1. Box 1: EIP Conformance with International Standards and Protocols When local and national requirements are not well developed, where a park has an important international transboundary impact, or in cases in which a country has not yet adopted the international conventions and codes of conduct listed below, it is expected that an EIP would adhere to international standards, conventions and protocols. These may include, among others, the following: Environmental: • Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants; • Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes; • Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer; • Emission Thresholds from the World Health Organisation; • International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships; • IFC Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Guidelines and Performance Standards; • Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer; • Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) Water Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Water Courses and Internal Lakes; • Ramsar Convention of Wetlands; • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides; • World Health Organization (WHO) Recommended Classifications of Pesticides by Hazard Class la/lb; • World Bank Environmental and Social Framework; • Espoo Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in the Transboundary Context. Social: • United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights; • The International Bill of Human Rights; • International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; • Declaration on Social Progress and Development; • Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organize Convention; • Convention on the Rights of the Child; • Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work (International Labour Organization); • International Labour Standards on Child labour (International Labour Organization); • Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities; • Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; • International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination; • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women; • International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families; • Convention on the rights of Persons with Disability; • The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact; • Women’s Empowerment Principles; • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises; • Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (ILO). 33 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Photo Credit: © Michael Gaida. 34 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 4.3 Park Management Performance Requirements Introduction The management entity of an industrial park plays a pivotal role in daily operations, ensuring the continuous implementation of an EIP framework, and engaging with the park’s stakeholders, including resident firms, communities, and regulatory authorities. The management entity needs to be empowered to carry out these tasks, and the framework’s performance requirements support this empowerment in the interests of overall sustainability. The park management entity needs to have measures in place to manage risks and accidents, catalyze stakeholder dialogue, provide platforms for knowledge sharing, and operate and maintain park-level infrastructure. Furthermore, it is expected to formulate environmental- and social sustainability-related strategies for the park, including collaboration with regulators, resident firms and surrounding communities. It should also set performance targets at the park level. In addition, the park management entity needs to be knowledgeable about resident firm operations (for instance, resource demands, labor requirements, waste and wastewater generation and management, administration, and so on). With this knowledge, it can guide the EIP strategy, supply shared services and promote industrial synergies. Although the park management entity is instrumental in driving sustainability, its influence should not be overestimated. While park managers can influence industrial operations, they are not mandated to police compliance with EIP framework regulations in most cases. Charters, codes of conduct, and service contracts signed by prospective tenants can drive sustainable park practices. In addition, attention should be given to potential conflicts of interest with regard to the roles and functions of regulators, inspectors, and the park management entity. Typically, these are not aggregated into one entity, and appropriate checks and balances are required. A formalized, well-functioning and financially11 sustainable park management entity can deliver a range of benefits, including the following: • Having a single management entity to interface with resident firms, provide customer-oriented services, and engage with stakeholders will result in efficiency gains; • Having a single entity to drive the overall strategy for resource efficient and clean production, circular economy practices and social standards, will help to meet national and international expectations in attracting local and international investment. The management entity should market the park as a sustainable business location adhering to international environmental and social standards; • An environmentally- and socially-orientated management team can identify synergies and opportunities for collaborative approaches among park firms, and help achieve mutual environmental and social goals and targets; and • A dedicated entity is better able to disseminate knowledge and inform stakeholders about new technologies and successful interventions available to EIP firms. Beyond regulatory compliance, there are important considerations and performance requirements that the EIP park management entity must fulfil. Key considerations for a well-managed EIP include the following: Park management services: • An empowered park management entity is in place: A dedicated entity exists and acts as the park manager.12 A park management entity is required for all industrial parks, including EIPs. The entity’s role is to manage and maintain infrastructure and utilities, and organize and implement collective measures and services for resident firms and their employees. It will also manage risks, accidents and incidents 11 Financial sustainability of a park management entity may be achieved through a combination of incomes: rents, service fees and charges paid by resident firms, grants received from governments, commercial income such as revenues from operation of warehouses, on-site hotel, restaurants, shopping centers, etc., and other ad-hoc incomes such as those received from donors, and donations, etc. 12 In the framework, the park manager, sometimes also called the park operator, is defined as the entity that deals with management. This includes day-to-day operations, tenant services, infrastructure and facilities in the park, promotion and marketing of the park, and interactions with authorities and the community on behalf of tenants and itself in line with its mandate from higher level park governance structures, institutions, and regulating bodies that may exist in a country or economy. 35 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 at the park. In addition, it markets the park to new customers, preferably firms that will have synergetic operations with existing tenants. • All resident firms have signed a residency contract with the park management entity: The park management entity needs to have a clear mandate to generate and/or secure sufficient financial resources to undertake its responsibilities and tasks. The residency contract should specify the responsibilities and tasks of the park management entity with respect to all park operations and services. It should also outline the responsibilities and tasks of tenant firms in detail, including provisions for payments and the collection of user fees. In a greenfield EIP, residency contracts should include the minimum environmental and social performance requirements expected of resident firms. • Park management facilitates continuous provision of shared park infrastructure and utility services: EIPs provide integrated and collective infrastructure and utilities to avoid isolated, inefficient, and ineffective systems. The park management needs to provide infrastructure, along with risk, accident, and incident management. It also needs to maintain these facilities, and collect user fees for this purpose. • Engagement with the park’s stakeholders, and business representation : The park management within an EIP is expected to carry out periodic stakeholder consultations with relevant parties (for example, local citizens, municipal and government officials, workers and firm representatives). It also promotes, supports, and facilitates knowledge sharing and collaboration between firms in the industrial park. Where appropriate, it explores and promotes opportunities for firm-level resource efficiency and sharing of wider benefits. Park management and engagement should also involve the creation of a forum for tenants to cooperate and collaborate to identify common interests, synergies, and funding opportunities to achieve environmental and social performance requirements. The park management should also represent the interests and objectives of the park in handling local or regional disputes and in holding stakeholder meetings. • Engagement with local community and the public : The park management maintains good relations with the local community, is dedicated to an open-information policy, and strives for community participation in all steps of park development and operation. Monitoring: Monitoring is an important mechanism to track progress against EIP environmental, social and economic performance targets in a transparent and accountable manner. Residency contracts of park firms should include provisions for sharing information with the park management entity regarding compliance declarations to regulators and inspection bodies. This should be done with respect for issues of confidentiality and intellectual property rights. Park Management should monitor general park environmental conditions (air quality, wastewater discharge), and operate an emergency response system in case of fire, air and water contamination, etc. In both existing and new industrial parks, firms should seek to reach a documented agreement regarding the implementation and enforcement of additional measures (“compliance plus”) related to EIP performance targets at the firm level and collectively — but without imposing disproportionate burdens on firms. Upon such agreement, the park management entity should undertake EIP performance monitoring regularly. In some cases, the park management entity may enforce selected regulatory compliance issues. The entity would monitor compliance to the extent of the powers given to it by park regulatory and other relevant inspection entities, including requisite financial resources for related monitoring and enforcement activities. If some statutory compliance monitoring and enforcement is delegated to a park management entity, then regulators, inspectors and park managers should be alert to conflicts of interest, and have mechanisms to address them. Planning and designing: A thorough planning and design process, including selection of the most appropriate location/site is a key component of an EIP, particularly for greenfield EIPs. This should include a master plan to consider economic, environmental, and social aspects through multi-stakeholder processes with government agencies, the private sector, and the local community, among others. With regard to climate change adaptation and disaster risk management, the design and planning can have significant implications for firms in the EIP, as outlined in box 2. 36 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Box 2: Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Management in Eco-Industrial Parks Climate change is a growing threat to industrial development. Some industrial parks are located in vulnerable areas, which may pose long-term risks to their economic activities and operations. Impacts of a changing climate — particularly due to increasing temperatures, heat waves, droughts, excessive or reduced rainfall, flooding, and so on — are becoming a significant concern for vulnerable industrial parks. Indeed, climate change can lead to infrastructure damage, environmental degradation, risks to human health, and considerable economic losses. In some developing countries, there is insufficient awareness of the need to adapt to climate change, as well as a lack of technical expertise in park management to provide climate-resilient measures in industrial areas. Climate change adaptation requires anticipating local impacts and acting to prevent or minimize possible damage. EIPs that are vulnerable to climate change should seek to reduce environmental, social and economic damages caused by heat waves, droughts, heavy rainfall, cyclones and floods. In this context, they should implement adaptation measures for infrastructure and services. For example, this can be achieved through the integration of CCA measures into site selection, planning, implementation, and risk management within new parks, as well as in the retrofitting of existing industrial parks. To successfully integrate climate change adaption measures, the park management should create awareness through capacity development and sensitization. This enables resident firms to analyze and prioritize their climate change-related risks, and develop suitable adaptation strategies — which could ultimately lead to investment in climate-resilient development of industrial areas. Adaptation measures and disaster preparedness for industrial parks and their firms could increase their resilience. Through these actions, the costs of losses and damages, as well as negative socio-economic impacts caused by extreme weather events can be reduced. Park Management: EIP Performance Requirements The park management requirements for EIPs are outlined in table 2, which details EIP prerequisites and performance indicators. These can be used to set international EIP expectations, but may require adaptation to local norms and industry benchmarks. 37 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Table 2: Park Management - Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks 13 14 EIP Prerequisites for Park Management Topic Sub-topic Description/Requirement Prerequisites/Evidence Checklist A park management entity (or alternative agency, where Park management Available applicable) exists to handle park planning, operations and A distinct park management entity (or agency, where applicable) exists to handle park planning, operations, management, and monitoring. entity [Yes / No] monitoring. Park management entity to manage and maintain the industrial park property, common infrastructure, and services as prescribed in the tenant contract. This should include at least the following: • Property management, including plot allotments, re-allotments, development, land use monitoring. Park management • Utilities, roads, security (including IT security) and emergency response services/facilities and wastewater treatment plants and operations, services Park property, The park management entity provides and facilitates common including waste heat/energy recovery and distribution networks Available common infrastructure services and infrastructure to resident firms to ensure smooth • Environmental monitoring and advisory activities [Yes / No] and services operations. • Common landscaping, buffer zones, street lighting, security surveillance and street cleaning. • Provide facilitating services to and between tenant firms (for example, networking, collaboration and training opportunities). • Engagement with the park’s stakeholders and business representatives. • PR and community participation center/platform/activities. Park management entity maintains an EIP framework monitoring system in place, tracking and reporting: • Progress on environmental, social and economic performance at the park level annually. • Critical risk factors and related responses, at least for: ○ Risk points for the accidental release of hazardous solid, liquid and gaseous effluents, including during transportation and disposal when fire The park management entity has established and maintains hazards are possible; and a system for monitoring achievement of threshold EIP ○ Applicable natural disaster risks (for example, earthquakes); Available performance targets and management of critical risk factors ○ Environmental performance; [Yes / No] within the park. Social performance; Monitoring ○ Economic performance; and performance and risks ○ ○ Critical risk management at the level of the park. • Acts as monitoring and pre-clearing institution for environmental issues on behalf of the regulatory bodies, as delegated. Monitoring and • May operate a central environment control unit with an emergency alert system for environmental and other hazards. risk management Park management has a plan, to be updated every seven years, in place to react to possible negative impacts due to climate change (heat waves and droughts, storms and floodwater events). All adaption needs for infrastructure and services are identified and in place for the industrial park to Available The park management establishes measures to deal with protect against climate change and potential damages. Park management entity and resident firms have plans and measures to ensure continued [Yes / No] climate change adaptation and disaster preparedness. operation of critical infrastructure systems within the park (e.g., wastewater treatment plants, power plants, recycling facilities, etc.) that can be activated even in emergencies. The park management entity collects, assesses, and reviews Climate risk Available comprehensive climate risk information specific to the location Park management entity investigates risks due to climate change and updates this information on a regular basis. assessment [Yes / No] of the park. Information on Park management has a good understanding of regulations Park management entity has a system to collect, register and comply with local/national regulations and international standards applicable to the Available applicable regulations and international standards applicable to industrial park industrial park. Park management enforces compliance by resident firms and requests and collects compliance information that firms share with [Yes / No] and standards compliance and enforces them in the park. the park management entity. A master plan (or equivalent planning document) for any new and existing industrial park has been developed and is reviewed periodically (minimum every seven years) and updated if required, including the following core elements: A master plan for the EIP is developed by park developers Planning and park • Based on various risk analyses; essential and efficient infrastructure (onsite and offsite, in particular ensuring access to decent housing), utilities, Available Master plan and is applicable to both planning and operations by park design 13 transportation network; environmental and social issues; buffer zone around the park; procedure to safely locate high risk industries; and cluster [Yes / No] managers. synergistic industries and similar. • Integration into master plan of relevant requirements specified in this EIP framework. Performance indicators for Park Management Unit [Target Topic Sub-topic Description/Requirement Performance indicator value] Proportion of firms in the industrial park to have signed a residency contract/park charter/code of conduct (depending on what is legally binding on Percentage of Park management Distinct park management entity is empowered to provide and park firms according to the existing legislation in the country14) and additional legally binding arrangements that empower the park management firms empowerment charge fees through a legally binding instrument. entity to perform its responsibilities and tasks, and charge fees (sometimes absorbed in rental fees) for common services. This may include [100%] Park management transparent fees for services pertaining to the achievement of EIP performance targets. services Park management Percentage of entity property and The park management entity provides and facilitates efficient Proportion of satisfied resident firms with regard to the provision of services and common infrastructure by the park management’s entity (or firms common infrastructure common services and infrastructure to resident firms. agency, where applicable) out of total respondents. [75%] operations 13 While planning and design processes of an industrial park are most relevant for greenfield initiatives, the original, industrial park masterplan remains useful as a guide to park management regarding future expectations and plans. 14 In most developing countries, a park’s charter or code of conduct may not be a legally binding instrument. Therefore, it would not provide the park management entity with the necessary authority. 38 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 4.4 Environmental Performance Requirements Introduction Environmental performance encompasses both the management and mitigation of potential adverse environmental impacts. It entails the introduction of low/zero carbon energy generation and resource-efficient production processes. Typically, key environmental themes in the context of Eco-Industrial Parks include pollution prevention, resource efficiency and cleaner production, industrial symbiosis and synergies, and water, waste and energy management. Pollution control systems are needed to mitigate the hazardous nature of industrial production and operation. Indeed, pollution prevention is an important consideration for all EIPs. If technically possible, pollution should be avoided in the first place through circular economy practices. When process emissions and by-products cannot be avoided, they should be mitigated at the source. Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production (RECP) refers to the integrated and continued application of preventive environmental practices and total productivity techniques. These practices and techniques are aimed at increasing the efficiency of industrial processes, products and services, while reducing risks to people and the environment (UNIDO and UNEP 2010). RECP also includes the implementation of low carbon inputs (resources and energy) to avoid negative environmental externalities. The concepts of industrial cooperation and synergies are attracting increasing interest as an approach to fostering greater environmental, social, and economic benefits. Industrial symbiosis, a circular economy practice, entails the exchange of by-products, energy, and process wastes among closely situated firms. The keys to industrial symbiosis are collaboration and taking advantage of the synergistic possibilities offered by firms situated close to one another (Chertow 2000). Waste, water and energy management are key factors in circularity at the industrial park level. Management may also entail using large waste streams for material exchanges to make industrial parks greener. Combining energy and heat networks enables the exchange of waste energy and heat, thereby providing potentially lower- cost energy to resident firms. Circularity can also help firms to minimize operational expenses by designing out or reducing the quantity of waste and effluents to be treated and discharged. In addition, renewable energy and energy efficiency measures can partly displace the use of fossil fuels across key park infrastructure and tenant businesses. The strategic tackling of environmental considerations within EIPs can deliver a range of benefits, including: • Helping EIPs avoid or minimize adverse impacts on the climate, human health, and the natural environment. Promoting the sustainable use of resources and circularity within EIP physical boundaries and surrounding areas; • Assisting EIPs to reduce costs, increase competitiveness, and enhance investor attractiveness; and • Enabling EIPs to show environmental leadership with a view to promoting and improving environmental performance in their respective sectors, regions and countries. Beyond regulatory compliance, there are a number of important environmental considerations and requirements that an EIP must fulfil. Important considerations for increasing environmental performance are summarized as follows: Management and monitoring: An EIP needs to have dedicated personnel within the park management entity for operating both environmental management systems (EMS) and energy management systems (EnMS). These systems should adhere to internationally certified standards. In addition, they should enable users to monitor park performance, and support resident firms to do the same. Where appropriate, firm level data should be aggregated and reported confidentially at the park level. 39 community activities can lead to significant positive contributions. Likewise, it can strengthen the trust and relationships between industries and local communities. An International EIP Framework for Eco-Industrial Social Performance RequirementsParks Version 2.0 The social performance requirements for EIPs are outlined in table 4 in the form of EIP prerequisites and performance indicators. These can help to set international EIP expectations, but may require adaptation to local norms and industry benchmarks. Energy: An EIP supports resident firms to improve the efficiency of industrial processes and buildings. It seeks a high level of energy efficiency in common services under the control of the park management entity. Where technically possible and cost effective, EIPs must replace fossil fuels through the integration of low or zero carbon/ 47 renewable electricity generation across key park infrastructure, and promote its implementation to resident businesses. Common networks for waste heat/energy distribution and utilization need to be in place based on an agreed rewards system for waste heat/energy provision. The formation of energy efficiency networks among resident firms needs to be encouraged by park management. EIPs should also take stock of their carbon footprint (greenhouse gas emissions). In addition, reduction targets should be set annually. Parks also need strategies to avoid or minimize GHG emissions through extended energy efficiency measures, industrial symbiosis, circular economy practices and the use of renewable energy sources encouraged by a rewards system for CO2 emissions savings. 40 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Water supply and wastewater: An EIP should prioritize sustainable water management, use, efficiency and treatment. EIPs are expected to use water responsibly, taking into account local water scarcity issues, sensitive water reservoirs and non-climatic uncertainties that can shock or stress the water allocation system as a result of land use changes, demographics, or shifts in demand. An EIP should also plan to increase water efficiency for resident firms and the park as a whole. Wastewater must be treated, and water circularity promoted. Water recycling should have priority over zero liquid discharge (ZLD) systems. Waste and material use: An EIP needs a waste management plan which also covers reduction and reuse at park and firm levels. Resource conservation through circular economy practices should be encouraged. The park should also facilitate industrial symbiosis between industries, both within the park and outside it, and municipalities (urban industrial symbiosis). The park manager, or a designated entity, monitors and accounts for waste disposal, and ensures environmentally sound disposal. A hazardous waste monitoring system is needed to track the storage and disposal of toxic materials. On-site solutions for hazardous waste management might be considered before releasing waste into an insecure public disposal system. Climate change and the natural environment: Climate change requires anticipating local and global effects of climate breakdown, and preventing or minimizing potential damage. Thus, the management entity needs to be aware of these impacts, and act to mitigate risks to the park. In this context, the EIP should seek to reduce emissions of GHG gases, as well as air and point-source pollution. Monitoring the carbon footprints of park activities, and reducing CO2 emissions should be incorporated in the park’s code of conduct and made compulsory for all resident firms. EIP Environmental Performance Requirements The environmental performance requirements for EIPs are outlined in table 3 in the form of EIP prerequisites and performance indicators. These can be used to set international EIP expectations, but may require adaptation to local norms and industry benchmarks. 41 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Table 3: Environment - Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks EIP prerequisites Topic Sub-topic Description/Requirement Prerequisites/Evidence Checklist The park has appropriate, functioning EMS and EnMS systems (for example, ISO 14001 • Park management entity operates an environmental/energy management system in line with Environmental and Environmental Management Standard and ISO 50001 Energy Management Standard) in internationally certified standards, monitoring park performance and supporting resident firms in Available Management and Energy Management place to set and achieve targets, and covering key issues (for example, energy waste and the maintenance of their own firm-level management systems. For this purpose it records all relevant [Yes / No] monitoring Systems (EMS and EnMS, material use; water; point-source emissions; carbon footprint; and the natural environment). data, preferably managed by a dedicated environmental monitoring and recording unit/group. respectively) • Park management entity keeps updated records on energy, water, waste products, and materials Available The park actively supports and facilitates industrial synergies and symbiosis. inefficiencies and needs at tenant firms to provide a basis for industrial synergies development. [Yes / No] Energy efficiency strategies are in place for the park management infrastructure and • Supporting programs (e.g., energy efficiency networks) are in place to improve the energy efficiency Available Energy efficiency major energy-consuming resident firms. of major energy-consuming businesses in the park. [Yes / No] • An industrial heat recovery strategy is in place to investigate opportunities for heat and energy Available Energy A program/mechanism is in place to identify opportunities for common energy and recovery for the major thermal energy-consuming firms in the park. (Typically, these are firms that [Yes / No] Energy network and waste heat exchange networks to be established. The park management will provide the individually use at least 10–20 percent of total firm level energy consumption). heat recovery required physical network and offers support programs to assist resident firms with • Park management provides the physical network for waste heat/energy exchange at park level, and implementation. Available assists firms to connect to the network. A commonly accepted rewards system for waste heat/energy [Yes / No] provision/use is in place. Water-saving and re-use plans are important to reduce total water consumption and • Park management entity has operational plans to increase water reuse in next five years. This would Available manage water use. The industrial park may face challenges related to climate and non- be achieved by either reuse of industrial effluents, or by rainwater/storm water collection. [Yes / No] Water supply and Water efficiency, reuse climate related uncertainties that can shock and/or stress a system (land use changes, wastewater and recycling Available demographics, shifts in demand, etc). The park and firms should have systems in place • Park management entity provides the physical network for water reuse/cascading of water. to increase water savings and reuse. [Yes / No] Tenant firms are obliged to make as little use as possible of hazardous materials in Dangerous and toxic • Obeying the principles of good practices for the management of hazardous materials and waste as Available their production process; to generate as little hazardous waste as possible, and to seek material part of legally binding agreements. [Yes / No] alternative materials. The park management and firms are obliged to consider circular economy principles and practices (e.g. circular products, using as little virgin raw material as possible, reuse • Obeying the principles of circular economy is part of the Park’s Code of Conduct, and any legally Available Resource conservation and remanufacturing of components and parts and making extensive use of secondary/ binding agreement between tenant firms and the park authority. [Yes / No] Waste and recycled materials generated in the park). material use Waste generated in the production process is recovered, as far as possible, through • A central park facility or other mechanism is in place to treat waste that cannot be processed by Available Treatment of waste sorting, cleaning, conditioning etc., so that it can be used as raw material for other firms individual firms. [Yes / No] in and outside of the park. Waste/secondary raw materials (including hazardous waste) leaving the park is being • A monitoring system is in place that controls and registers origin, type, mode and route of transport, Available Disposal of waste monitored to check that the material is either reused or further processed by authorised and final destination of waste/secondary raw material leaving the park. [Yes / No] firms outside of the park, or disposed of according to legal and environmental standards. • A program is established with clear evidence of steps taken to monitor, mitigate and/or minimize air Available The park seeks to limit and mitigate pollution and GHG emissions, including air, pollutants and GHG emissions such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). [Yes / No] Air, GHG emissions and waterway, and ground pollution. A set of measures at the park level is introduced (for pollution prevention instance, low-carbon technologies, energy efficiency measures, circular economy • Reducing CO2 emissions is an integral part of the park’s code of conduct, which urges firms to Climate change Available practices, waste heat recovery) to reduce GHG emissions. reduce their carbon footprint. The park acknowledges actions in this regard through an awards and and the natural [Yes / No] incentive system. environment • The park management entity has a plan in place to assess operational environmental impacts, and Available Environmental The industrial park demonstrates an understanding of the potential impact of park aims to limit these impacts on prioritized local ecosystem services. [Yes / No] assessment and activities on priority ecosystem services in and around the vicinity of the park, and takes ecosystem services needed actions. • The park management implements measures to protect biodiversity, and protects or creates Available natural/recreational areas in and surrounding the park. [Yes / No] Performance indicators Topic Sub-topic Description/requirement Performance indicator Unit [Target value] Environmental/Energy Percentage of energy consumption Firms have functioning and fit-for-purpose EMS/EnMS systems. Summary information Management and Management Systems by firms to be covered by an energy from these management systems is provided to park management, who aggregate and • Proportion of a firm’s energy consumption that is covered by an energy management system. monitoring (EMS and EnMS, management system report on data at the park level. respectively) [10%] 42 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Performance indicators Topic Sub-topic Description/requirement Performance indicator Unit [Target value] Percentage of park facilities • Proportion of the park management and tenant firms that have a metering system in place. [100%] The industrial park has adequate metering and monitoring systems in place to measure Energy consumption Percentage firm-level energy thermal energy and electricity consumption at both the park and firm levels. • Proportion of firm-level energy consumption that is monitored. consumption monitored [20%] Energy National grid emission factor15 ≥ the combined CO2 emissions Renewable and clean The industrial park leverages available renewable energy with plans to increase its • Total renewable energy use for electricity and heat production in the industrial park is equal to or intensity16 as per unit of produced energy contribution for shared services (for example, solar streetlamps). greater than the renewable energy share in the annual national electricity mix in the grid. and purchased heat and electricity for use by EIP firms Energy efficiency opportunities should be identified at the park and firm levels to Percentage of CO2 emissions • The equivalent of at least 10% of the total CO2 emissions (Scope 1 and 2) at park level is covered by reduce energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions. EIPs should identify and covered by the firms with energy Energy efficiency the percentage of firms that have a qualified energy efficiency certification (LEED, Industry EDGE, promote technological and process-related interventions in their own and resident management certification DGNB or ISO 50001 or their national equivalent). business operations. [10%] A mechanism is in place to monitor water consumption across the park, and establish • Total water demand from firms in industrial park that does not negatively impact local water sources Percentage of water demand Water consumption demand management practices in case of water stress. Extraction from water sources or communities. [100%] (such as rivers and groundwater sources) should take place at sustainable levels.17 The industrial park has provisions to treat, recycle and reuse treated wastewater. Percentage of wastewater treated/ Water supply and • Proportion of industrial wastewater generated by industrial park and resident firms which is treated Wastewater treatment No effluents significantly impact potable water resources, or the health of local total wastewater wastewater in accordance with appropriate environmental standards. communities or nearby ecosystems. [100%] Percentage of water reused or Water efficiency, reuse • Proportion of total industrial wastewater from firms that is reused responsibly within or outside the The park and firms have systems in place to increase water savings and reuse. recycled/total water consumed and recycling industrial park. [25%] A waste management plan with a program/mechanism in place to promote and Percentage of solid waste reused/ Waste/by-products re-use • Proportion of non-hazardous, solid industrial waste generated by firms that is reused-recycled by encourage reuse and recycling of materials by firms in the park (for example, raw total waste and recycling other firms, neighbouring communities, or municipalities. materials for process and non-process applications). [25%] Percentage of firms with programs Dangerous and toxic Program/mechanism in place with clear targets to reduce, and avoid the use of, • Proportion of firms in park which appropriately handle, store, transport and dispose of toxic and for handling and disposing of materials dangerous and hazardous materials by firms in the park. hazardous materials. hazardous materials [100%] Circular economy practices (e.g., Industrial Symbiosis Networks, Exchange Platforms Waste and for waste and secondary raw materials, for reuse and recycling, etc.) are in place and material use • Proportion of manufacturing firms adopting circular economy practices, including engagement in Percentage of tenant firms used by firms. Circular economy practices consist of a) redesigning products for ease Resource conservation Industrial Symbiosis Networks in the park; or actively exchanging secondary raw materials, or waste, participating in CE practices of reuse, remanufacturing, disassembly and recycling; b) reuse of waste and/or by- or other circular economy practices. [20%] product within its own operations; c) collecting back and remanufacturing products or parts and components of products. Percentage of industrial waste A waste management system with a systematic approach to collection, treatment, without re-processing, reuse or • Waste generated by firms in the industrial park which is safely disposed of. Open burning of waste Waste disposal recycling and disposal of waste, and which correctly manages unusable waste materials recycling options that go to sound generated in an EIP is prohibited. (e.g., disposed of in proper landfills, burned in proper incinerator). disposal [100%] Native flora and fauna are important to maintain the proportion of natural areas. They Percentage of open space Flora and fauna • Proportion of open space18 in the park for native flora and fauna. are integrated within the industrial park and natural ecosystem where possible. [5%] Climate change A mechanism is in place to avoid, minimize, and/or mitigate significant point-source • Proportion of firms in park which have pollution prevention and emission reduction strategies to Percentage of firms and the natural pollution and GHG emissions. Covering GHG gases (CO2, methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), reduce the intensity and mass flow of pollution/emission releases which exceed national regulations. [50%] environment Air, GHG emissions and and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)), local particulate and air pollution emissions such as PM • Proportion of firms in industrial park which have a risk management framework in place that: (a) pollution prevention Percentage of firms 2.5, heavy metals (Hg, Cd, Pb and other relevant heavy metals), selected unintentional identifies activities which have an impact on the environment, and; (b) assigns a level of significance toxic organic pollutants (dioxins, PCDD/Fs). Program for on-site chemical management. [30%] to each activity, and; (c) have appropriate mitigation measures in place. 15 National Grid Emission factor is the measure of CO2 emissions intensity per unit of electricity generation in the national grid (kg CO2/kWh). 16 This should cover Scope 1 emissions: direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, and Scope 2 emissions: indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy. 17 Sustainable levels refer to the rights/concessions allocated to incentivize lower water usage as compared to the business-as-usual baseline. 18 Open space refers to natural areas not allocated for industrial use but used to maintain native flora and fauna. 43 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 4.5 Social Performance Requirements Introduction Eco-Industrial Parks should ensure implementation of good social management practices, including decent work, social and community infrastructure, and good relationships with the local community. The overarching aim of social performance requirements is to adopt good international practice across the park and resident firms. The social performance of the EIP is an indicator of its inclusiveness, local employee/ community welfare, and equal opportunities. Historically, industrial parks have faced social challenges, including labor conditions, child labor, treatment of migrant workers, land rights (such as land grabbing, economic displacement, involuntary resettlement), and community cohesion. Some compensation mechanisms have been put in place, including employment contracts, and adequate employee facilities (for example, restrooms, cafeterias, childcare provision, and medical facilities) to address these issues. The severity of these issues differs by country, the nature of the industrial activity, and the stringency and enforcement of local regulations. An emerging social challenge concerns the implementation of elements of “Industry 4.0” and the “Internet of Things”, including use of artificial intelligence (AI) or fully-automated production processes in industrial parks, particularly in “developing” and “emerging market” countries. While these developments might create additional jobs for educated IT specialists, the number of jobs for un- or low-skilled labor will be reduced. While economic considerations might favour this development, it will have negative impacts on the social environment due to losses of jobs and income, in particular in the low-income sector. EIPs need to reflect on this emerging challenge and to adopt mitigating measures for an undisruptive transformation. In general, park management must ensure that the EIP reflects good international standards regarding social management practices across its resident firms and activities. In addition, it should comply with Occupational Health and Safety Standards, and auditing and transparency expectations. Finally, it should apply social safeguards to both its upstream and downstream value chains. Meeting these social performance requirements can deliver a wide range of benefits, including: • Adverse social impact on the EIP’s work force and the local community are minimized; • Better approaches to gender and social issues for workers and the community will contribute to a more resilient and efficient industrial park, improved productivity, and better employee retention; • Balance workers’ economic, job security, social and up-skilling needs with the necessity to take advantage of emerging technologies that increase productivity and competitiveness; and • Enhanced reputation and relations with the community, investors and customers through proactively addressing social risks and gender inequality. Apart from national regulatory compliance, there are several important considerations and social requirements that an EIP must fulfill. Important considerations for improving the social performance in an EIP include: Social management systems: Customized and fit-for-purpose management systems are required at the park and firm levels to address relevant social, OH&S and grievance procedures and impacts. These should be based on a continuous improvement process approach. The improvement of conditions for workers in industrial parks is also an important concern to address as part of the OH&S management system. Furthermore, all workers have the right to decent work – fairly paid, productive work for women and men, carried out in conditions of freedom, equity, security and dignity. In industrial parks, working hours, working conditions, compensation, annual and maternity leave must be, at a minimum, in line with national and sectoral norms. The risk of job losses due to changing technologies in production and manufacturing processes should be countered by industrial parks through the re- and up-skilling of workers. 44 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Social infrastructure: Essential social infrastructure should be provided in industrial parks or their surroundings to support workers and the local community. Primary social infrastructure should cover local shops, restaurants/ cafeterias, recreation areas, medical facilities, training centers, banks, post offices, and emergency fire facilities. This social infrastructure improves the living and working conditions of employees and neighboring communities, and should pay special attention to gender equality, security, crime prevention, and human resource development. • Gender equality is a matter of fundamental human rights, social justice and sustainable development. While the world has achieved progress towards gender equality and women’s empowerment, women continue to suffer discrimination and violence in every part of the world. Gender issues need to be addressed through equal employment and capacity-building opportunities, as well as social infrastructure and safe working conditions that respond to the specific needs of women. • Security and crime prevention. Security and crime in industrial parks may be issues of concern depending on circumstances. Security is crucial for both employees and firms in the park. Security arrangements should be guided by good international practice in relation to hiring, rules of conduct, training, equipping, and monitoring of security guards. • Human resource development, vocational training and capacity building should be offered to ensure the continued supply of a skilled labor force that can respond to new market developments. Local community dialogue and outreach: International experience shows that the engagement of firms in community activities can lead to positive outcomes such as strengthening trust and relationships between industries and local communities. EIP Social Performance Requirements The social performance requirements for EIPs are outlined in table 4 in the form of EIP prerequisites and performance indicators. These can help to set international EIP expectations, but may require adaptation to local norms and industry benchmarks. 45 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Table 4: Social - Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks EIP prerequisites Topic Sub-topic Description/Requirement Prerequisites/Evidence Checklist Social Functioning system(s) are in place for ensuring social infrastructure provisioning, • Dedicated personnel exist (as part of the park management entity) to plan, manage and enforce Available management Management team operations and performance, as well as collecting, monitoring, and managing key social quality standards. [Yes / No] systems social information and impacts relevant to the industrial park. Social Infrastructure addresses different aspects to improve the living and working • Essential primary social infrastructure has been adequately provided in the site master plan and is conditions of employees and neighbouring communities. Provision of primary social fully operational in the park. Gender perspectives are incorporated in the formulation, management Social Primary social infrastructure is vital for employees’ health and welfare, paying special attention to and monitoring of plans and programs. A particular entity (e.g. planning unit or facilitated group Available Infrastructure infrastructure the needs of women. Primary social infrastructure covers inter alia adequate medical of interested firm representatives) exists, which investigates and plans for future developments/ [Yes / No] services, educational and training institutions, separate toilets and washing facilities, challenges to the social environment due to the introduction of new technologies such as “Industry and provision of cafeterias and recreational areas. 4.0” and AI controlled production processes. Performance indicators Topic Sub-topic Description/Requirement Performance indicator Unit [Target value] Firms should have an OH&S management system in place (based on ISO 45001 OH&S management Percentage of firms standard) to record occupational diseases, absenteeism, and numbers of work-related • Proportion of firms with more than 250 employees that have an OH&S management system in place. system [75%] injuries and fatalities. • Proportion of grievances received by the park management entity which are responded to with Percentage of grievances statements of reasons within 14 days. [100 %] A grievance mechanism to receive and address grievances from within and outside • Proportion of grievances received by the park management entity which are concluded within 60 Percentage of grievances Grievance management the park. Examples include help desks, complaint boxes, and hotlines (phone booths) days. (100%) located inside and outside of the industrial park. • Proportion of firms with more than 250 employees that have a code of conduct system in place to Percentage of firms Social deal with grievances. [75%] management systems Employees of the park management and resident firms should have a working Discrimination and environment free of violence, harassment, discrimination, exploitation or intimidation. • Proportion of firms with more than 250 employees that have a harassment prevention and response Percentage of firms harassment prevention A discrimination and harassment prevention and response system with clear complaint system in place. [75%] and response and response procedures should be in place. Conditions of employment should meet the following work criteria: • a fair income with security and social protection which allows access to decent housing. • recognition of contractually agreed rights of workers and employees including - but • At least 80 percent of women and 80 percent of men of the surveyed workers agree that each of Decent work [≥80%] not limited to - working hours, leave and maternity leave. these decent work criteria are met. • establish and join organizations, of their own choosing, and without prior authorization, to represent workers. Primary social Social infrastructure should meet the norms and requirements of the workforce, and Percentage of surveyed employees • Proportion of surveyed employees reporting satisfaction with social infrastructure. infrastructure client expectations, paying special attention to the needs of female workers. [80%] The industrial park has security systems and services that are fully operational and fit-for-purpose, taking the particular security needs for women into consideration. Percentage of reported security and Industrial park security Examples include, among others: appropriate lighting systems in and around the park, • Proportion of reported security and safety issues that are adequately addressed within 30 days. safety issues Social closed circuit television (CCTV) systems, a centralized security office, and provision of [100%] infrastructure transport at night. • Proportion of firms in park with more than 250 employees with a program for skills/vocational Percentage of firms Programs for skills training and development at park management and firm level are training and development. [75%] in place, emphasizing equal opportunities for skills training and career development, Capacity building Percentage of underrepresented and addressing new technologies and changes in the labour market. Examples include • Proportion of underrepresented genders in workforce in the park management and firms who skills development programs, and women entrepreneurship development programs. gender workforce benefit from skills development programs. [≥50%] Provision of established, accessible communication platforms or other means to Percentage of surveyed community • Over 80 percent of the surveyed community members are satisfied with the park’s efforts to Community dialogue maintain regular dialogue with the community and relevant civil society organizations. members communicate. Examples include news bulletins, regular media releases, and information display boards. [80%] Local community The park management entity and resident firms engage in community outreach outreach activities and maintain documentation. These activities could include: an annual day Number of outreach activities per • Number of outreach activities implemented by the park management entity annually that are Community outreach with celebrations inside the park; clean-up drives or public service activities that are year regarded as positive by over 80 percent of the surveyed community members. organized in community areas by the park management; infrastructure for community [2] areas (for instance, drinking water supply, sanitation). 46 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 4.6 Economic Performance Requirements Introduction Industrial parks are an important vehicle used by governments to boost manufacturing sectors and add value to economies. In the planning phase, the proposed park infrastructure needs to be designed to respond to market demand and future development needs. Favoured real and virtual service structures seek to attract investors and firms interested in establishing operations within the park. In addition, strategic EIP interventions can improve park and firm level competitiveness when they are included in EIP design and operational procedures. Interventions should be designed to keep up with changing markets/new technologies (e.g. Industry 4.0) that require continuous improvement. EIPs offer important synergies between resource and energy efficiency processes and socially compliant practices providing economic gains and competitive advantages. For example, international good practice demonstrates that cleaner production and the implementation of energy efficiency interventions with low capital costs, minimal operational disruption, and strong payback periods can offer important economic gains. EIPs can also offer important employment generation opportunities, industrial added value, and linkages with local businesses. The industrial parks may use green incentive structures to attract high-quality investors, thereby making it easier to comply with EIP targets during operations. Adhering to these economic performance requirements can deliver a wide range of benefits, including: • Meeting the government’s targets for investments, revenues and employment; • Attracting local, national and international financing and investments; • Increasing demand from prospective firms, and high retention rates for current firms; and • Improving political and social license to operate and expand operations. Apart from national regulatory compliance, there are a number of important considerations and economic requirements that an EIP must fulfil. Important economic considerations for EIPs are as follows: Employment generation: Industrial parks create employment. However, employment should be managed and driven in a sustainable manner to ensure: economic linkages are maximized; employees and surrounding communities duly benefit; and diversity and inclusiveness of employment are maintained. Future trends towards automation, and the adoption of AI need to be synchronized with social demands and job creation. Local businesses, SME promotion and linkages: SMEs are the backbone of the economy and employment in many countries. EIPs provide opportunities for the establishment of SMEs in parks that can, in turn, provide services, parts and components, and add value to other (larger) industries operating in the park. EIPs can also provide strong economic development benefits through the promotion of linkages with local businesses as suppliers to the industrial park and its resident firms. Economic value creation: International experience demonstrates that some industrial parks are developed without establishing market demand for their services, or the role of green infrastructure in competitiveness. As a result, they may not be competitive. Integrating cost-effective, energy-efficient technologies and management processes can provide competitive advantages. “Investment-ready” industrial parks are more attractive, as they present lower risks and investment costs to firms (for example, through the provision of infrastructure, utilities, and services). Financial viability: The decision to develop a park to EIP standards will be influenced by expected returns on investment and available modes of finance. A financial model will expedite decision making. It will clarify the financial viability of the investment by matching the chosen financing modality and sources with the anticipated pricing of services to be delivered. EIP Economic Performance Requirements The economic performance requirements for EIPs are outlined in table 5 in the form of EIP prerequisites and performance indicators. These can be used to set international EIP expectations, but may require adaptation to local norms and industry benchmarks. 47 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Table 5: Economic - Performance Requirements for Eco-Industrial Parks EIP prerequisites Topic Sub-topic Description/Requirement Prerequisites/Evidence Checklist Local business and An EIP provides opportunities for local, regional, and national SMEs, enabling them to • Park management entity allows and promotes the establishment of SMEs that provide services and Available SME development SME promotion benefit from EIP activities. add value to park residents. [Yes / No] Employment An EIP must generate employment opportunities in the areas in which it operates to Available Maximizing local benefits • Park management entity has a strategy in place to maximize local benefits. generation ensure revenue linkages and development opportunities. [Yes / No] • A market demand and feasibility study, supported by a business plan for specific “green” Available infrastructure and services has been undertaken to justify planning and implementation in the [Yes / No] industrial park. The development of an EIP, including green infrastructure and services, must be based Available Economic value Market demand for EIP • Park management is financially solvent to operate/provide park infrastructure and services. on realistic market and industry demands to ensure economic feasibility. [Yes / No] creation services and infrastructure • The park management should be economically viable in terms of contributing to jobs, technology, Available and acting as a catalyst to development of local industry. [Yes / No] • Park management entity is responsible for marketing the park and park concepts (EIP concept) to Available potential national and international investors. [Yes / No] A dedicated financial model capturing EIP salient features must be used to set Park entity’s Available Service delivery pricing pricing levels and anticipated revenues in order to enhance financial viability of EIP • The park management should render its services at realistic costs to cover operational expenditures. financial viability [Yes / No] investments. Performance indicators Topic Sub-topic Description/Requirement Performance indicator Unit [Target value] • Proportion of total firm workers in industrial park employed through direct employment (that is, Employment Percentage of employees Type of employment The EIP provides longer-term employment contracts to employees. not employed on a fee-for-output basis or provided through a labor supply firm) and permanent generation [30%] contracts. • Proportion of resident firms using local SME suppliers or service providers for at least 25 percent of Percentage of firms their total procurement value. [25%] Local business and An EIP must use local suppliers where possible. EIPs provide local businesses with Local value added Percentage of total procurement SME promotion opportunities to grow. • Proportion of procurement budget paid to local service providers within 100 km radius by the park value of park management entity management entity. [90%] An EIP should be “investment ready” so that it offers lower economic risks and better Average percentage occupancy rate Economic value Investment-ready park for • Percentage of space rented or used by resident firms compared to the total amount of available investment opportunities to firms. Infrastructure should be offered, including water, over 15 years creation firms space earmarked for firms within the park. energy, roads and service corridors. [50%] 48 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Photo Credit: © Sinem Demir. 49 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 5 Concluding Remarks and Future Prospects The concept and practice of Eco-Industrial Parks offers an important and integrated approach to drive and scale up efforts by the private and public sectors for inclusive and sustainable industrial development. This publication has highlighted the many ways in which industrial parks and their stakeholders can leverage the performance requirements for EIPs — from creating a common understanding of EIPs, establishing baseline performance for EIPs, identifying opportunities for improvement, and monitoring operational performance. Tools and methods are available to assist public and private sector organizations to develop and implement EIPs, and support and advice are available from multiple commercial entities (for example, engineering and strategy consultancies) and non-commercial organizations (for instance, international development agencies). The type and frequency of support will depend on the specific local needs and context of the industrial park. UNIDO, the World Bank Group, and GIZ welcome the opportunity to discuss options and support for EIPs with stakeholders. They are committed to using this International EIP Framework in their projects and programs. The three organizations also encourage partners and stakeholders outside of their projects to apply this Framework in industrial park planning, development, management, and monitoring. The development of internationally accepted standards for EIPs is a long-term, multi-stakeholder process, and the authoring organizations hope that this framework will set in motion the development of these standards at country level. They also hope that this publication will provide a common understanding of EIP concepts, benefits, performance requirements, and performance monitoring needs. Given the importance and complexity of this topic, the authoring organizations also intend to refine this framework based on further testing and on-going stakeholder consultations. Organizations interested or involved in the development and implementation of EIPs are invited to send their suggestions and feedback on this framework to the following individuals and organizations: UNIDO Nilgun Tas Email: Website: World Bank Group Etienne Kechichian Email: Website: GIZ Mareike Boll Email: Website: 51 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 References • Chertow, M. 2000. “Industrial Symbiosis: Literature and Taxonomy.” Annual Review of Energy and Environment. 25: 313–337. • Côté, R.P., and E. Cohen-Rosenthal. 1998. “Designing Eco-Industrial Parks: A Synthesis of Some Experience.” Journal of Cleaner Production 6: 181–188. • Ellen MacArthur Foundation. 2012. Towards the circular economy 1: Economic and business rationale for an accelerated transition. Cowes, Isle of Wight. • Geng, Y., P. Zhang, R.P. Côté, and T. Fujita. 2009. “Assessment of the National Eco-Industrial Park Standard for Promoting Industrial Symbiosis in China.” Journal of Industrial Ecology 13: 15–26. • GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH). 2015. Guidelines for Sustainable Industrial Areas - Version 1.0. Eschborn, Germany. • GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH). 2017. Prefeasibility Study on Green Rating System for Industrial Districts in India. Prepared by Happold Ingenieurbüro GmbH and German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB). Eschborn, Germany. • IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development). 2015. China’s Low-Carbon Competitiveness and National Technical and Economic Zones Development of Eco-Efficient Industrial Parks in China: A Review. • Indigo Development. 2005. “An Eco-Industrial Park Definition for the Circular Economy.” • Lambert, A.J.D., and F.A. Boons. 2002. “Eco-Industrial Parks: Stimulating Sustainable Development in Mixed Industrial Parks.” Technovation 22(8): 471–484. • Lombardi, D.R., and P. Laybourn. 2012. “Redefining Industrial Symbiosis – Crossing Academic-Practitioner Boundaries.” Journal of Industrial Ecology 16(1): 28–37. • Lowe, E.A., S.R. Moran, and D.B. Holmes. 1998. “Eco-Industrial Parks – A Handbook for Local Development Teams.” Oakland, USA: Indigo Development, RPP International. • Sakr, D., L. Baas, S. El-Haggar, and D. Huisingh. 2011. “Critical Success and Limiting Factors for Eco-Industrial Parks: Global Trends and Egyptian Context.” Journal of Cleaner Production 19: 1158–1169. • UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme). 2001. Environmental Management of Industrial Estates in China. China: Environmental Planning Institute for UNEP and SEPA. • UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme). 2009. Responsible Production - A Framework for Chemical Hazard Management for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. • UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme)/SEPA (China State Environmental Protection Administration). 2002. Environmental Management of Industrial Estates and Zones. Workshop Report, UNEP/ SEPA, May 11-13, 2002, China. • UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) and UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme). 2010. PRE-SME – Promoting Resource Efficiency in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises - Industrial Training Handbook. • UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization). 2012. Europe and Central Asia Regional Conference on Industrial Parks as a Tool to Foster Local Industrial Development. UNIDO, Governments of Azerbaijan and Slovenia. Conference report. Baku, Azerbaijan. • UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization). 2016. Global Assessment of Eco-Industrial Parks in Developing and Emerging Countries – Achievements, Good Practices and Lessons Learned from Thirty-three Industrial Parks in Twelve Selected Emerging and Developing Countries . Vienna, Austria. • UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization). 2017. Implementation Handbook for Eco- Industrial Parks. Vienna, Austria. • World Bank. 2014. Low-carbon Zones - A Practitioner’s Handbook . Washington, DC: World Bank Group, Investment Climate Department. • World Bank. 2016. Mainstreaming Eco-Industrial Parks . Washington, USA: World Bank Group. • Zheng, H.M., Y. Zhang, and N.J. Yang. 2012. “Evaluation of an Eco-Industrial Park Based on a Social Network Analysis.” Procedia Environmental Sciences (13): 1624–1629. 53 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 54 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Annexes 55 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Annex 1: Going Beyond the EIP Performance Requirements Approach Going beyond the performance requirements and instilling a culture of continuous improvement is crucial to achieving a lasting and significant impact for EIPs. Meeting the performance requirements is an important and meaningful step for an industrial park to achieve. However, achieving these requirements is not meant to be an end goal. Instead, instilling a culture of continuous improvement in park- and firm-level efforts and systems is fundamental to protecting the environment, improving social standards, and achieving economic competitiveness. There are several ways in which an EIP can exceed performance requirements. It is recognized that various approaches exist to evaluate the performance of EIPs. This framework and guidance on performance requirements is based on the principle that individual countries and international development organizations establish their own frameworks, and build on the requirements set out in this publication. Flexibility and sensitivity is required for countries, regions, and stakeholders to design their EIP programs, which should be customized to their specific needs and local contexts. Some may prefer a standardized approach that is updated regularly, whereas others may prefer a formal certification system based on different performance levels. The examples and suggestions presented here highlight the potential ways in which EIPs could move beyond the performance requirements (see box 3). The intention in including these examples is to stimulate the thinking within EIPs about how to keep improving. Discussions should take place more broadly among EIP stakeholders about ways to exceed performance expectations. 56 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Box 3: An Example of Continuous Improvement based on the Framework The figure below presents an illustrative example that can be applied by national authorities in line with national regulations of an approach for assessing the performance level of EIPs through a classification system (that is, bronze, silver, and gold levels). Performance assessment can be applied both to support the planning and development of new EIPs (greenfield), and to the conversion and optimization of existing industrial parks into EIPs (brownfield). Starting from the premise that parks should comply with national and local regulations, this model applies three different performance levels. Example of Performance and Continuous Improvement-Based Framework for Assessing Eco-Industrial Parks formance e nce anc ent m erforma gem for ental per Process of per continuous ana improvement ic Social p km om Environm Par n Eco Inc d ec an rea on sin om g e ic p Gold EIP nv er iro for Silver EIP nm ma en nce Bronze EIP Compliance with national and local regulations, ta and fundamental international rights l, s Traditional industrial parks oc l, ia Opportunities to Exceed the EIP Performance Requirements Given the diversity of industrial parks, their activities, geographic location and policy environments, it is expected that some parks and firms may excel in a particular sustainability area. Table 6 highlights international benchmarks that will encourage EIPs to go beyond those given in this framework. One way for industrial parks to exceed the EIP requirements is by increasing the target value of the performance indicators outlined in this framework. Another way is by addressing additional performance requirements in selected (sub-) topics most relevant to the industrial park concerned. 57 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Table 6: Suggestions for Exceeding Eco-Industrial Park Performance Requirements Illustrative suggestions for Category Topic Sub-topic exceeding the EIP performance requirements The park management entity provides regular Technical training technical training to resident firms (for example, waste services management, cleaner production, OH&S procedures, and apprenticeship training). Ecologically sustainable building design is incorporated in park management and facility buildings, and uses Park principles such as: management • Natural lighting and ventilation; services • Roof-top solar photovoltaic system; • Rainwater harvesting for domestic water supply to Building standards park management entity’s facility building; and • Solar electricity use (kWh) in park management’s administrative buildings to go beyond business-as- usual baseline (kWhs per employee per year). In the case of existing national green building standards, building upgrades could be accredited against such standards. Cloud-based information systems with geographic information systems (GIS)-based spatial and attribute Advanced data are used by the park management entity to monitor information Park and manage the industrial park, including infrastructure, systems management services, plot-wise details, biodiversity register, and so on. Monitoring A parcel of park land, beyond national norms, is and risk allocated to integrated and collective utilities (including management Integration of cogeneration, waste, and off-gas processing). Park land collective utilities planning allows for development of on-site renewable within spatial energy facilities (for instance, wind, biomass, geothermal, planning and solar, and hydropower) to meet a proportion of energy zoning demand for firms operating in the park. service and utility corridors The industrial park master plan optimizes a percentage of lots with service and utility corridors. One hundred percent of resident firms whose total Energy energy consumption (thermal and electric) is more than management 100 Tera joules (TJ) per year are certified under the ISO systems Planning and 50001 Energy Management Standard. zoning The top 60 percent of energy-consuming firms are part Energy efficiency of an industrial park Energy Efficiency Network (EEN) to assist each other to achieve energy savings. 58 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Illustrative suggestions for Category Topic Sub-topic exceeding the EIP performance requirements Management Program/mechanism by park management entity Local sustainable and to promote and encourage the use of locally and materials use monitoring responsibly produced materials by firms in the park. Program/mechanism is in place to maximize use of land Energy Subdivision works and soils (for example, overburden, topsoil), minimize earthworks, and maximize re-use of excavation materials. Environmental performance One hundred percent of landscaping uses indigenous Native biodiversity vegetation, and non-potable water is used for irrigation. Waste and materials use Air, GHG emissions Fifty percent of firms have a GHG emission cadastre; and pollution regular reports are made to the park management. prevention Fifty percent of firms have GHG prevention and reduction Natural Native biodiversity strategies to reduce the release of GHGs beyond national environment reduction targets. Gender Park management entity provides or facilitates services empowerment focusing on the empowerment of women (for example, and training focused on sustainable livelihoods, consulting on entrepreneurship domestic abuse, women’s healthcare campaigns, and so on). Social Competitiveness Means to assist parks and firms to adapt to changing management strategy markets, sectors, and technologies. systems In line with international good practices (IFC 2012) and, Protection of where applicable, the park retains a list of heritage sites Social cultural heritage and historically significant names. This conserves cultural performance values, and areas important to indigenous people. Conditions to support tenant firms and attract new ones Long-term, that will offer long-term, diversified economic benefits to diversified the region and local economy, including promotion and economic growth branding of the park. Social infrastructure Accommodation for park employees which meets Accommodation standards related to building structure, basic facilities, standards space, thermal environment, illumination, electricity, water supply and effluent disposal. Systems to manage financial risks related to Economic Economic environmental and social matters, environmental Financial liabilities performance value creation regulatory risks, climate change/disaster risks, local unrest, and so on. 59 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 An international framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Eco-Industrial Park Case Studies Annex 2: Eco-Industrial Park Case Studies The following annexes provide examples of EIPs, parks working toward EIP status, the three authoring organizations’ experience of EIPs, and national level EIP Framework implementation. These case studies demonstrate that the EIP concept provides a practical approach toward the sustainable and inclusive development of industrial parks worldwide. This Annex provides a set of practical examples of existing Eco-Industrial Parks, as well as parks working toward The selected case studies have been compiled based on the specific projects, collaboration and networks of becoming Eco-Industrial Parks. These case studies demonstrate that the EIP concept provides a practical UNIDO, the World Bank Group, and GIZ. They represent only a few examples of countries making progress toward approach toward the sustainable and inclusive development of industrial parks worldwide. sustainability worldwide. The selected case studies have been compiled based on the specific projects, collaboration and networks of UNIDO, the World Bank Group, and GIZ. They represent only a few examples of industrial parks making progress Industrial • should be Zone NÖ-Süd, Austria Annex 2 Existing EIPs toward the sustainable agenda across the globe. It noted that the case studies presented here have not been independently validated against the EIP • Ulsan Mipo and requirements Onsan set out Industrial in this Park, South Korea publication. Existing • Hoa • Industrial Zone NÖ-Süd, Khanh Industrial Zone, Vietnam Austria Parks Parks Industrial • working Annex 3 Eco-Industrial • Izmir Ulsan Mipo and Onsan Ataturk Industrial Organized Park, Industrial Zone, Turkey South Korea towards becoming EIPs • ALEAP Green Industrial Park - Telangana, India Industrial Parks • Hoa Khanh Industrial Zone, Vietnam working towards • Parque Industrial Turkey SA, Colombia Malambo Industrial Park •level EIP Izmir Ataturk Organized Industrial Zone, Annex 4 becoming • Engineering Square (E²) and East Port Said (EP) Industrial Parks, Parks Implementation Framework • ALEAP Green Industrial Park - Telangana, India Eco-Industrial Egypt National level EIP Framework • Turkey, Green Organized Industrial Zones Programme Annex 5 Implementation • Vietnam, Eco-Industrial Park Initiative 61 65 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Annex 2: Existing Eco-Industrial Parks Industrial Zone NÖ-Süd, Austria Industrial Park Overview Austria. The mandate of the industrial park realized by Ecoplus is to ensure added value for the region, create local jobs, and build sustainability for regional IZ NÖ-Süd was established in 1962 in the Lower Austria development. The core competence of Ecoplus is the Province, Austria. The park covers 280 hectares and development and management of customized rental comprises 370 companies. The companies are mostly SMEs, and international companies that rent facilities properties. However, to further create a productive for office, storage and production space. Examples environment for firms, Ecoplus has expanded its core of active sectors include the following: food and competence by offering a variety of services. beverage; aluminium and steel converting; production of energy and technical components; environmental EIP Performance and Impacts services and technologies; and logistics. Park management: Ecoplus provides a one-stop Park Management and Governance service hub which connects institutions, public Structure authorities and partners. It offers guidance from conceptualizing business ideas to their financing. In this regard, Ecoplus has handled 200 investment The industrial park is managed by “Ecoplus,” which project requests, and managed the realized investment is a private business holding company. Ecoplus has projects. Additionally, Ecoplus helps tenant firms to 55 years of experience in managing 17 industrial obtain permits from local authorities. parks and employs approximately 80 people in Lower 62 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Economic performance: Currently, Ecoplus business park IZ NÖ-Süd employs around 11,000 people. The industrial zone collaborates with local vocational schools in four neighbouring municipalities (namely, Biedermannsdorf, Guntramsdorf, Laxenburg and Wiener Neudorf), leading to smooth recruitment and retention of skilled labor. Ecoplus offers other economic core features, including the creation of business networks, the operation of conference and event facilities, and coordinating joint media efforts for companies and the industrial park. Additionally, Ecoplus addresses industrial, environmental, and social sustainability issues through collaborations with academia and dialogues with Areas for Continuous Improvement businesses. In 2017, Ecoplus attended the European Forum Alpbach, which brought together high-level Ecoplus has attempted to speed the commissioning industry representatives. of building upgrades for greater energy efficiency. It is also working on renewable energy generation to meet Environmental performance: Ecoplus operates a low energy standards (that is, thermal renovations, number of central infrastructure services for the park, and preparation of infrastructure for charging stations including a central wastewater treatment plant (totally for electric vehicles). These improvements are also renovated in 2015–2017), 17 km of access roads and being implemented at the rental properties owned by bus routes, rail connections, and a freight station with Ecoplus. the Austrian railroad (OBB). Further, Ecoplus maintains 100,000 square meters of green space, shrubs and An outstanding example is the on-site kindergarten, trees within its parks, with recreational areas and which has been accredited with gold status by attractive landscaping. klima:aktive, the Austrian Green Building Standard. Built in 2015, the house offers space for 5 groups Social performance: An extensive social of children between the ages of 18 months and infrastructure provision exists in and around IZ 6 years. It has an indoor area of 1,200 m² and an NÖ-Süd, which has grown into a small city. The outdoor playground of 2,500 m². Approximately € 3.8 park offers postal offices and customs services, million has been invested in innovative architecture, restaurants, a business hotel, two small on-site environment-friendly building materials, and cosy, shopping malls, Europe’s biggest shopping mall wooden furniture. Investments also include a rooftop (SCS), a private childcare facility, and security system solar plant which provides underfloor heating and (video surveillance). Due to its size, and frequent visits controlled living space ventilation, and the rainwater from investors and business partners, Ecoplus has a utility is used to water the garden and flush toilets. navigation system to guide visitors through the park. There are many recreational facilities near the park for In conclusion, IZ NÖ-Süd offers a good example employees and local communities to enjoy, including of an EIP that goes beyond the quality criteria tennis courts and golf courses. and performance indicators established by the international framework as defined by UNIDO, the World Bank Group and GIZ. In this regard, UNIDO and Ecoplus plan to collaborate in order to transfer knowledge and good practice examples to international partners. For further information: • • • 63 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Ulsan Mipo and Onsan Industrial Park, South Korea chemical industries. Collectively, they employ over 100,000 people. The main objective of the Ulsan EIP initiative was to transform the Mipo-Onsan conventional national industrial complexes into sustainable EIPs based on the national Eco-Industrial park development master plan. Park Management and Governance Structure The overall execution of the national EIP initiative is implemented by the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (KICOX), a semi-governmental body that manages national industrial complexes. It handles Industrial Park Overview overall planning, budget accounting, approval of project proposals, and liaison with governmental The Ulsan metropolitan city is a small fishing and bodies and concerned organizations. The Ulsan agricultural town with rich historic and natural regional EIP center is interested in local industrial resources. It was designated as a special industrial symbiosis (IS) project development. It is led by an zone in 1962, during the first five years of the national advisory board composed of representatives from economic development plan, and subsequently local government, academia and industry. They also developed into the industrial capital of South Korea. provide assistance with project development, proposal writing, follow-up actions for existing projects, and The Ulsan Mipo and Onsan industrial park is spread coordinating with local authorities and related over an area of 6,540 hectares, and hosts 1,000 firms. organizations. The park includes a variety of industries, such as vehicle manufacturing, shipbuilding, oil refineries, machineries, non-ferrous metals, fertilizer and Figure 4: Park Management and Governance Structure of Ulsan Mipo and Onsan Industrial Park • Establishing EIP policy MOTIE External Assessment • Executing EIP policies (Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy) • Conducting annual evaluation for • Providing financial support EIP projects • Managing EIPs KICOX Assessment committee • Planning (Korea Industrial Complex corp.) • Designating EIPs • Managing a budget • Evaluating EIP projects • Managing regional EIP centers • Evaluating Regional EIP centers • Organizing an assessment • Conducting reviews for the issues committee • Establishing regional master plan Regional EIP center Regional advisory committee • Developing projects • Organizing a regional advisory • Gyeonggi Banwol & Sihwa • Providing recommendations for committee and forums • Ulsan Mipo & Onsan projects • Assisting project implementation • Gyeongbuk Pohang • Assisting forum activities • Monitoring • Jeonnam Yeosu • Guiding activities of the regional • Jeonbuk Chungju offide Source: Park et al. 2015 64 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Country Policy Environment The Korean National Cleaner Production Center launched the National Eco-Industrial Park program in 2003. It is in line with the efforts of the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Economy to promote innovative industrial development, which simultaneously achieves environmental sustainability throughout the Korea Industrial Complex Corporation (KICOX) (Act on the Promotion of the Conversion into Environment- friendly Industrial Structure, Article 4-2 [Designation, etc. of Ecological Industrial Complex]). The 3-stage EIP Program adopted a gradual approach to building national Eco-Industrial networks over 15 years. The first phase (November 2005–May 2010) aimed to establish the foundation of the program through an experiment with five pilot industrial sites (5 regions, and 6 parks). The second phase (June 2010–December 2014) focused on expanding the network beyond its individual industrial complexes (9 regions, and 46 parks) through a hub and spoke strategy. The third phase (January 2015–December 2016) aims to establish a national network to integrate industrial complexes and urban areas (12 regions, and 105 parks). EIP Performance and Impacts Park management: The Ulsan EIP Center received around 96 project proposals, of which 77 projects were funded for further research and development, and 34 for operations. Economic, environmental and social benefits are also monitored by the Ulsan EIP Center. Economic performance: The economic benefits were calculated as the sum of cost savings (resource procurement, operations, and environmental/waste management by replacing virgin materials with by- products) and revenues (revenues generated by selling by-products) annually reported to KICOX since project operations began. Government investments have totalled US$ 14.8 million for project research and development, including center operations. From this government research fund, further income of US$ 65 million/year has been generated from selling by-products and waste for recycling purposes. An additional income of US$ 78.1 million/year was generated from energy and material savings in 2016. Environmental performance: Environmental benefits were evaluated in terms of the direct reduction of energy consumption, and reduction in the generation of waste or by-products, wastewater, and CO2 emissions. From an environmental perspective, the 65 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Ulsan EIP program saved 279,761 tons of oil equivalent Areas for continuous improvement: The Ulsan EIP in energy use. This resulted in a reduction of 665,712 Center has led the Korean EIP initiative based on the tons of CO2 emissions and 4052 tons of toxic gases, research and development (R&D) business model such as SOx and NOx during 2005–2016. In addition, of development. As a result, the Ministry of Strategy 79,357 tons of water and 40,044 tons of by-products and Finance supported the National EIP project in and waste were reused. This redressed the image 2016, and there is now an urgent need to develop a of industrial complexes as polluters, and enhanced post-EIP project to replicate and mainstream Eco- relations with neighboring local communities. Industrial development. This will help to establish self-reliance in Eco-Industrial development, increase Social performance: A private investment of US$ business awareness and motivation, maintain an up- 245.8 million (as of 2016) for the construction of to-date resource database, and grow opportunities for industrial symbiosis networking facilities created 195 industrial symbiosis. new jobs. For further information: • Strategies for sustainable industrial development in Ulsan, South Korea: From spontaneous evolution to systematic expansion of industrial symbiosis. pii/S0301479707000175 • Evolution of ‘designed’ industrial symbiosis networks in the Ulsan Eco-Industrial Park: ‘Research and development into business’ as the enabling framework. pii/S0959652612000832 • A review of the National Eco-Industrial Park Development Program in Korea: Progress and achievements in the first phase, 2005–2010. bdb5-00000aab0f27&acdnat=1506407112_ed1da04053f9373ec5eb13a2c1753c50 • Securing Competitive Advantage through industrial symbiosis development. doi/10.1111/jiec.12158/pdf • Greening Industrial Parks — A Case Study of South Korea’s Eco-Industrial Park Program. Study_South%20Korea%20Eco-Industrial%20Park%20Program_June%202017.pdf 66 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Annex 3: Industrial Parks Working Toward Becoming Eco- Industrial Parks Hoa Khanh Industrial Zone, Vietnam Source: UNIDO Eco-Industrial Park Initiative in Vietnam – Hoa Khanh Industrial Zone Industrial Park Overview Country Policy Environment The Hoa Khanh Industrial Zone (IZ) was established With support provided under a current UNIDO project, in 1996 by the Da Nang Administrative Committee. It a cooperation framework between the Vietnamese belongs to the Lien Chieu District of Da Nang City. The Ministry of Planning and Investment and the World park covers 396 hectares and hosts 168 companies. Bank was established. The goal was to develop Resident firms operate their businesses through a technical guideline on environmental aspects leasing contracts. Under its current investment regarding EIPs. Prior to this process, the UNIDO project strategy, Hoa Khanh IZ focuses on the following conducted a review of the existing national legal industries: mechanics; assembly; food and seafood framework, with the objective of informing a national processing; forest products processing; construction strategy on EIPs in Vietnam. materials; and electronics. EIP Performance and Impacts Park Management and Governance Structure Park management: The ongoing UNIDO project focuses on scaling-up park management capacity The park is managed by the Da Nang Industrial through dedicated training sessions, expert group Zones and Export Processing Authority, which is an meetings and study tours. The aim of these activities administrative organization that belongs to the Da is to share examples of international good practice. Nang People’s Committee. The authority directly Currently, the park management has a functioning monitors planning, investment, labor, security, and monitoring system in place but does not yet provide environmental issues within industrial zones in Da for centrally managed services. Nang. 67 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Economic performance: In November 2015, the Hoa Every firm located in the IZ must contract with the Khanh IZ reported accommodating 73,215 employees, Da Nang URENCO for waste collection and treatment of which 99 percent were domestic SME workers. services. According to a study conducted under the Currently, better career development programs are UNIDO project, the total volume of waste amounts to offered by international companies than domestic 3,600 tonnes/month (94 percent is industrial waste), SMEs. of which 55 percent is landfilled. Due to the absence of an IZ strategy for waste reuse and recycling, firms in Environmental performance: The current UNIDO the park rely on their contracts with Da Nang URENCO project targets firms in the park to increase their for waste disposal. environmental performance and resource efficiencies. The Vietnam National Cleaner Production Center Social performance: Essential social infrastructure is (VNCPC) has conducted resource efficient and cleaner available in the immediate vicinity of the Hoa Khanh production (RECP) assessments with 20 firms. The IZ, and includes local shops and banking facilities. implementation of RECP under the VNCPC achieved Employees of the firms located in the IZ use their annual savings of Vietnamese dong (VND) 11.34 private vehicles due to the lack of public or park billion (equivalent to US$ 500,000). Further, these transportation. assessments have saved 2,571 tons of solid waste, 1,034,300 kWh of electricity, and 6,000 kilolitres of Working conditions generally follow national water per year over the course of the projects. standards. However, SME standards generally do not match those of international firms. Although most The main source of air pollution in the park stems firms have equipped their workers with personal from the activities of steel, paper and forest product protective equipment and occupational health and processing industries. Together, they discharge safety training, incidents and accidents still occur. large amounts of dust, SO2, NOx and heavy metals. Transportation activities are the main source of Areas for Continuous Improvement floating dust, noise and vibration. Since 2007, the centralized wastewater treatment The UNIDO project has completed the social screening plant has been operating at a capacity of 5,000m³/ and solid waste assessment, firm level RECP audits, day. It applies chemical-biological technology and and a study of the wastewater treatment plant’s is managed by the Central Branch of Hanoi Urban efficiency. In the next stage, the project will target Environment Company (URENCO). The biological essential resource-efficiency practices at the park treatment was assessed as relatively efficient, resulting level. It will also strengthen capacities for technology in reduced chemical consumption rates and chemical transfer. In this regard, UNIDO collaborates with IFC sludge generation. However, the volume of wastewater and the University of Ulsan to identify industrial treated exceeds the capacity of the treatment plant by symbiosis options for firms in the park. The project will an average of 40 percent. also scale-up provision of services and infrastructure. Source: UNIDO Eco-Industrial Park Initiative in Vietnam - Training Workshop For further information: • / (UNIDO project website) • (Hoa Khanh Industrial Zone website) 68 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Izmir Ataturk Organized Industrial Zone, Turkey Context Established in 1990, the Izmir Ataturk Organized Industrial Zone (OIZ) is in Western Turkey, in Ciğli County of the izmir Province. The OIZ is currently seeking opportunities to transition to an EIP framework. The OIZ is owned and operated by the Izmir Ataturk Organized Zone Authority. It has 556 tenants, and a 100 percent occupancy rate across an area of 6,239,756 square meters. The park has a mix of sectors, the largest of which are (in terms of the number of firms) machinery-metal casting; plastics; food and beverages; textiles and ready-made clothing; and chemicals. Country Policy Environment There is currently no dedicated policy governing EIPs in Turkey. However, the Organized Industrial Zones Law No. 4562 of April 15, 2000 governs the establishment, construction, and operation of organized industrial zones in Turkey. The law contains provisions on management and supervision, duties, authorities, and responsibilities of the persons and organizations related to such zones. EIP Governance Structure The OIZ is privately owned and established, pursuant to OIZ Law No. 4562, and following the endorsement of the governorship of Izmir province. The OIZ governance structure includes the following bodies: Table 7: Governance Structure of the OIZ This is the general assembly for the operational stage, and the highest decision-making body Enterprise of the OIZ. It is responsible for commitments and mortgages, and the OIZ’s investments and Committee budget. The Board of Directors is elected by the Enterprise Committee. Its principal duties are: to determine and collect rentals, levies, and other fees for the shared areas of the OIZ, Board of Directors infrastructure participation shares, management dues, and so on. It also determines utility prices (such as power/water), and grants licenses and permits. Elected by the Enterprise Committee, the Board is responsible for auditing the spending and Board of Auditors implementation of the budget, and producing the annual general and interim audit reports for the Enterprise Committee. The Zone Directorate includes the regional director and administrative and technical personnel. Zone Directorate Its composition is subject to the approval of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology. The zone director is responsible for the management and administration of the OIZ. 69 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 EIP Performance and Impacts • 5,000 MWh of electricity annually within the zone with an estimated payback period of c. Park management and shared services: The zone 1.4 years. This can be achieved through the offers 50 km of internal roads that are connected to the optimization of chilled water systems (for airport, bus terminal, and port and city centers. The process support) across five key sectors. zone authority owns a natural gas-fuelled combined cycled power plant with a capacity of 120 megawatts Environmental performance: The OIZ is TS EN (MW). The Zone is responsible for distributing ISO 90001 and TS EN ISO 14001 certified and has municipal water. In addition, there is a 75-km rainwater environmental and energy management units within drainage system with 11 pumping stations and a its organizational structure, and a full-time personnel firefighting station. unit with a staff of three. Economic performance: The zone supports 37,500 • Management: The environmental employees. Approximately 75 percent of the firms management unit is responsible for operations, export their products, with the majority going to the maintenance and retrofitting of wastewater, European Union (EU). Annual turnover of the firms is storm water, water supply networks and a US$ 7.8 billion and annual exports are valued at US$ wastewater treatment plant. Periodic audits are 2.5 billion. Annual imports amount to US$ 1 billion. carried out by this unit, and corrective measures are put into place. The environment unit has Increased competitiveness can be achieved through its own laboratory to measure wastewater lower operational costs at the firm level through energy treatment plant inlet/outlet quality parameters. and water efficiency upgrades. Across seven energy The energy management unit is responsible intensive sectors there is potential to save, as follows: for monitoring the energy facilities owned by the zone authority. Upon request, ‘energy • 2,200 MWh/year through the upgrading of walkthroughs’ are conducted by the unit for electricity motors; tenants. It also organizes periodic sessions • 16,100 m³ of water and 644,000 kWh of to raise awareness about energy efficiency electricity annually, with a payback period of improvement interventions among tenants. c. 1 year. This can be achieved by employing • The Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) continuous washing with counter-current is owned and operated by the management water/textile flow after dying and printing team and consists of two parallel facilities operations; with capacities of 12,000 m³/day and 9,000 • 5,655 MWh annual energy efficiency savings m³/day. The OIZ goes beyond the national with a payback period of c. 0.2 years. This can discharge standard and applies stringent be achieved by installing additional automated discharge parameters compared with other metering and monitoring of electricity, fossil OIZs in Turkey. The head of the OIZ is directly fuel and/or thermal energy consumption; and responsible for meeting these standards. Within the WTTP, sludge formed after treatment 70 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 is stored on-site at a dedicated sludge drying Partner Engagement beds unit from which the drained water is cycled back to the WWTP. The dried sludge is In November 2017, the World Bank Group initiated a sent to a municipal landfill. All firms are obliged project with the Turkish Ministry of Science, Industry to connect to the WWTP system. and Technology to transform conventional OIZs • Water: The OIZ sources water from the into EIPs through the development of a national EIP municipal water supply network. Rainwater and framework. wastewater are collected separately through a 75 km-long storm water drainage system and a The project has partnered with Izmir Ataturk OIZ 45 km-long wastewater line. to investigate technical opportunities for EIP • Power generation: The zone owns and transformation. Specifically, it has identified the areas operates a natural gas-fuelled 120 MW for EIP improvement as follows: combined cycle power plant and a 500 kW Solar photovoltaic (PV) plant generating 780,000 KWh • The project team and zone authority have annually. In addition, one firm currently has its worked on the waste data of 45 firms and own solar PV system. matched 83 different types of waste (EWC • Recycling: A private firm operates a plastic codes) with 31 different sectors (NACE codes). recycling facility on site. Firms periodically This has led to the identification of 10 industrial report solid waste volumes to the Ministry of symbiosis opportunities. Environment and Urbanization. Hazardous • Izmir Ataturk OIZ has decided to establish a waste is disposed of by waste management green OIZ/EIP unit with full time personnel to companies. mainstream an ‘EIP culture’ among its tenants. This will involve the development of industrial Social performance: The OIZ owns a Private Technical symbioses projects, and awareness raising College which accommodates 285 students and about EIP interventions and their operational/ offers full scholarships to eligible recipients. The OIZ monetary benefits. Once the EIP framework is also owns and operates a vocational training center, rolled out by the Ministry, the Unit will take over a sports center, a dispensary, and a kindergarten. monitoring, verification, and evaluation (MV&E) The OIZ has enhanced its security with smart duties. camera technology and works with the izmir Police • Until recently, izmir OIZ received water from Department. It also organizes sectoral workshops, R&D municipal sources. A pilot scheme has been competitions, and seminars, and pursues relationships introduced which uses local groundwater with universities. OH&S are governed by national to supply up to 50 percent of demand from regulations, although there is currently no obligation to the OIZ’s top 10 water users. These 10 users be certified under the Occupational Health and Safety account for 50 percent of the OIZ’s total water Assessment Series (OHSAS). use, and thus, a reduction of 25 percent in municipal water use is expected under this scheme. • Opportunities have been identified to further reduce municipal water use through wastewater recycling. This will reduce the OIZ’s reliance on municipal water while also lowering demand and increasing capacity within the municipal network. Wastewater recycling offers the OIZ cost, energy and carbon savings estimated at US$ 1–2 million per year. For further information: • • 71 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 ALEAP Green Industrial Park in Telangana, India Industrial Park Overview Processes The Association of Lady Entrepreneurs of India (ALEAP) At the outset, the special requirements for women (now known as the Association of Lady Entrepreneurs entrepreneurs and employees, and overall of Andhra Pradesh) is a national level organization development needs, were identified. Since most of which aims to uplift and empower women through the the women entrepreneurs were unable to clearly establishment of small and medium enterprises. Given communicate their needs, a series of workshops, the paucity of government-funded industrial parks for meetings, and field visits were organized. In addition, women, ALEAP raises funds to develop industrial parks case examples and international conferences were exclusively for women entrepreneurs. used to gather ideas and requirements for the A-GRIP. A site master plan was developed according to the On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for DGNB rating system, and reviewed at various stages Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), GIZ by stakeholders, especially the women entrepreneurs GmbH provided technical support to ALEAP for site and ALEAP. master planning of the ALEAP-Green Industrial Park (A-GRIP) project. It is located at Nandigama, near ALEAP steered the process (see figure 5) with technical Hyderabad in Telangana State. A-GRIP covers 334,094 support from GIZ, coordinating with government m² (82.55 acres) of land outside the settlement area agencies for land use conversions, plan approvals, and of the Nandigama village, and hosts 170 women so on. It also played an important role in negotiating entrepreneurs. For site master planning, many criteria and decision-making, including gathering different were considered. These relate to economic, social, perspectives, catalysing political and strategic environmental, gender and resource efficiency issues. decisions, and enhancing cooperation among partners These considerations have now been integrated and stakeholders. into the planning of the industrial park, and use benchmarks set by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB). Figure 5: Main Stages of A-GRIP Site Master Planning STAGE 5 • DETAILED STAGE 4 MASTER PLAN • PREPARATION AND REPORT STAGE 3 OF THEMATIC • CONCEPT PLANS STAGE 2 DEVELOPMENT • SITE ANALYSIS STAGE 1 AND NEED • DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT OF VISION AND OBJECTIVES Source: GIZ Indo-German Environment Partnership Programme 72 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Design Strategy • Services for women employees (for example, crèches; rest houses for recovery from The ALEAP Green Industrial Park provides a favorable extended work; first aid; catering/cafeterias; environment for women entrepreneurs. It employs (centralized) kiosks; common toilets; an state-of-the-art technologies, including clean, internal shuttle service (battery operated); an renewable energy, and environmental technologies, as external connection to public transport; water well as cost-effective common infrastructure. The park dispensers; a guest house; and a ladies’ room); has over 100 plots allotted to non-polluting industrial • Micro-entrepreneurships for common services, units for sectors such as: herbal products, food and for example, with respect to business centers; juices, paper and packaging, textiles, engineering, warehousing; access control at entries/exits; warehousing, and so on. As such, the following canteens/cafeterias; provisions for outdoor elements were prioritized during the park’s spatial functions/events; battery-operated vehicles for design and planning: internal transport, and so on; and • According to the site master plan, the land • Environment friendly site master plan; efficient use mix is: 55 percent industrial; 2 percent circulation system; commercial, 11 percent recreational and green; • Green buildings for factory sheds; efficient 10 percent facilities/utilities; and 22 percent industrial plot and building layouts; transportation. environment friendly building materials; standard fencing design; and signage; Provisions for Sustainability • Green energy master planning; PV roof tops; solar streetlamps; and a solar power plant; Sustainability standards applied: A-GRIP’s site • Pollution control: wastewater treatment master plan adheres to the local building by-laws, recycle/reuse; waste treatment/reuse; rainwater norms and standards. It also considers various harvesting; environmental planning and design measures for • Cost effective common infrastructure, for development of a ‘Green Layout’ according to the example, a common effluent treatment plant; norms prescribed under the Zoning Regulations of a vermi-composting plant (for organic waste); the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority. a handmade paper unit (for paper waste); The German DGNB certification system standards for incubator facilities, and so on; industrial locations were also considered. • Safety and security measures, for instance, security fencing; access control; closed circuit (CC) cameras; and fire alarms and fire-fighting systems; 73 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Measures for economic performance: Measures to ensure social performance: • It has been proposed that tenders for services • Special provisions for women employees, such as waste and wastewater management including play schools and crèches for infant will be awarded to firms with appropriate children of workers, ladies’ restrooms, and business models such as build-own-operate- accommodation for employees who work late. transfer (BOOT) and green procurement • Safety and security. principles. • Internal and external transport, including an • Services such as manning entry/exits, security, internal, battery-operated shuttle service. and so on are to be outsourced. • Health center, cafeterias/food outlets and • Infrastructure such as weigh-bridges, kiosks. warehouses, commercial areas, and parking • Training center and vocational training for areas are to be leased through a tender process. local communities to create employment • The sale value of allocable land is within market opportunities. rates (Indian rupee [INR] 1,170 per m², or, US$ • Opportunities for nearly 200 women 18.5 per m²), and investments are targeted for a entrepreneurs and 10,000 employees, including total of INR 377.5 million, or US$ 5.9 million. employment for local communities. Measures to ensure environmental performance: • Prevention of soil contamination and surface water pollution. • Storm water management systems, including collection, treatment, and recycling/reuse to prevent pollution of surface/ground water. • Wastewater management system, including tertiary treatment for recycling/reuse to prevent contamination of soil and surface/ground water. • Biological and chemical water quality: Decentralized wastewater treatment systems with tertiary treatment to prevent bacterial or chemical contamination. • Eco-efficient battery-operated vehicles, compressed natural gas (CNG) buses for internal/external transport, cycling tracks and pedestrian pathways. • Vermi-compost plant, handmade paper unit, and a waste recycling center. • Waste management systems. For further information: • ALEAPCaseExamplea.pdf • • 74 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Annex 4: Park Level Eco-Industrial Park Framework Implementation Parque Industrial Malambo SA, Colombia Historically, PIMSA was a real estate company providing customized buildings to tenant firms, but over recent years, its function and services have expanded. The park management is committed to transitioning to an EIP, extending its business model towards renewable energy and resource efficiency, and pursuing social and economic community outreach activities. Assessment of PIMSA Against the International EIP Framework In 2018 PIMSA was the first industrial park that UNIDO assessed against the International EIP Framework. The assessment was undertaken in collaboration with and under the guidance of the park management team, with national and international experts assisting. UNIDO’s EIP Assessment Tool was piloted for this exercise, and significantly informed the outcome. A Industrial Park Overview post-assessment report presents opportunities and recommendations for PIMSA, and detailed action The Parque Industrial Malambo SA (PIMSA) is located planning has followed for selected EIP opportunities. in the urban metropolitan area of Barranquilla. In 2016, PIMSA contributed 17 percent of total exports from Results of the Assessment the Atlántico Department (Colombia). The industrial park covers 120 hectares of industrial land and hosts The review against the international framework approximately 30 firms (20 manufacturing industries), demonstrated that PIMSA performs and compares including steel transformation, battery production, favorably against many of the framework’s food and chemical sectors. PIMSA is situated close to benchmarks. the airport of Barranquilla and has its own seaport. Source: UNIDO Eco-Industrial Park Project in Colombia 75 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Source: UNIDO Eco-Industrial Park Project in Colombia PIMSA met 11 of the 18 prerequisite benchmarks Areas for Continuous Improvement (approximately 60 percent). Three prerequisites were not met, and four needed to be confirmed through UNIDO continues to implement EIP approaches in additional data validation. The key learning of this first Colombia through the Global EIP Program – Colombia practical application of the EIP Framework has been country-level intervention. The program is funded by considered, and the updated prerequisites (i.e. in the the Swiss Government through its State Secretariat present version of the EIP Framework) are based on for Economic Affairs (SECO). It started in June 2019 more accessible data. and aims at parallel and integrated application of EIP strategies at the national governmental level, and PIMSA met 24 of the 33 performance indicators of in pilot industrial parks, to mainstream and upscale the EIP Framework (73 percent). Five indicators (3 industrial symbiosis and EIP strategies. environmental indicators, 1 social indicator and 1 indicator related to park management) were not Three industrial parks have been selected for technical fulfilled (about 15 percent), while four needed to assistance, advisory services and capacity building, be confirmed through additional data validation including PIMSA. They are located near three cities (approximately 12 percent). with significant industrial activities. PIMSA is well placed to serve as a “model” industrial park, and Together with workshops organized with firms and UNIDO will build upon the work already accomplished park management, the assessment allowed the there to further implement EIP approaches. Using identification and prioritization of approximately 20 International EIP Framework benchmarks, progress industrial synergy and symbiosis opportunities. For will be regularly monitored to evaluate the benefits of instance, a feasibility assessment was undertaken the EIP approach. for the collection and utilization of hazardous waste generated by PIMSA firms (currently about 600 tons per year) by a cement plant located outside of the industrial park. The assessment demonstrated that alternatives to waste disposal to landfill are available at a lower cost. To assist in the implementation of promising EIP opportunities, an action and monitoring plan details key actions, responsibilities and timelines. For further information: • carbon-industrial-production/Eco-Industrial-parks • 76 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Engineering Square (E2) and East Port Said (EP) Industrial Parks, Egypt Industrial Park Overview center (NASS Academy), conference and meeting area, a business hotel, a day care center, restaurants, 24/7 Medical center, Shuttle Bus service, Business Offices On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic and commercial shops. East Port Said Park is under Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Egyptian- construction (greenfield park) in a strategic area in the German Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises Suez Canal Special Economic Zone where it occupies (PSME) is a bilateral technical cooperation programme 1,600 ha and will host medium and light industries. under the guidance of the Egyptian Ministry for Trade and Industry (MTI) with Technical Assistance provided by GIZ GmbH. PSME and the Industrial Development Assessment Against the Eco-Industrial Park Group (IDG) are working together to transform E2 and Framework EP Industrial Parks into Sustainable Industrial Areas (SIA)/Eco-Industrial Parks. IDG is a private industrial In July 2019, the assessments began with training park operator managing three industrial parks. In IDG employees from different departments on the parallel with IDG’s management activities, the EIP concept of SIA and the EIP framework in order to set framework was used to develop a roadmap for IDG a common understanding for all team members. The with E²-Park and East Port Said Park as pilots. E2 Park training was followed by several workshops with E² is a fully developed park (brownfield park) located in park management and investors to understand the the 6th of October City in Giza. It occupies an area of park’s current situation and execute a gap assessment 310 ha, and hosts 145 firms, with an occupancy rate of based on the prerequisites and performance indicators 75 percent. The firms work in Automotive, Engineering, outlined in the EIP Framework. GIZ conducted a Chemicals, Pharmaceutical, Food and Logistics situational analysis of environmental, economic, industries. The park also has a vocational training social and management aspects of E² to identify 77 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 areas and processes in which the prerequisites and Areas for Continuous Improvement performance indicators were not yet fully applied. A gap analysis of the assessment, and a list of action- Following the assessment, IDG began implementing oriented interventions were generated to guide the measures to achieve SIA/EIP status. They conducted park management’s new priorities. Also, several a survey to assess the response of investors and meetings with the engineering department of East customers to park services, and, as the SIA concept Port Said took place. Based on the Master Plan and requires cooperation between park management and EIP framework, actions related to the infrastructure investors, held the first meeting of the Park Committee and implementation sequence for East Port Said have in November 2019. The transformation process was been integrated into the transformation roadmap. introduced to investors, and their commitment and engagement was sought. Results IDG management formed a multi-department team, Based on the gap assessment and discussions with with the COO as change agent, to define roles and East Port Said, a five-year transformation roadmap was responsibilities, and to implement the roadmap developed as a guideline for achieving outstanding using action plans. The team worked towards a total pre-requisites and performance indicators. It quality management system, including environmental addresses IDG as the park operator, and supports and energy management. They started to upgrade IDG to plan the conversion of E² into an SIA/EIP. The street lighting to solar energy, and contracted a roadmap was developed using a multilevel approach waste management company to maximize the value covering the following levels: of waste, reusing it via other industries instead of dumping it. The engineering team is being trained to • Macro level: park management which creates provide Energy Efficiency and Energy Management favorable framework conditions; System services to park tenants. • Meso level: regarding cooperation among companies and networks; and • Micro level: companies implement resource saving and management principles. The measures outlined in the transformation roadmap include, inter alia: specific job descriptions for park operation, key performance indicators for assessments, Code of Conduct formalizing investor commitment to transformation, new services based on customer demands and quality specifications, regular meetings of park management with investors, “Park Committee” as decision making body, energy and environmental management systems for investors, “energy efficiency consultation” service, renewable energy solutions and Industrial Symbiosis workshops. As East Port Said is still being developed, other measures related to infrastructure were introduced as part of the roadmap, based on anticipated investor demand. In anticipation of Industry 4.0, and the move to renewables, these measures include smart meters, digitization technologies, and communication components such as HMI, M2M, NFC, IoT and 5G. For further information: •  •  •  78 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Annex 5: National Level Eco-Industrial Park Framework Implementation Turkey Green Organized Industrial Zones Program The World Bank Group/IFC has been supporting Following these steps, the Program has partnered with Turkey’s Ministry of Industry and Technology (MoIT) four OIZs in the cities of Adana, Ankara, Bursa and since November 2016 via the Green Organized Izmir to conduct in-situ diagnostics and identify gaps Industrial Zones (OIZ) Technical Advisory Project using and technical opportunities which mesh with current the EIP Framework. The program aims to improve operations. These interventions will also upscale the industrial productivity and drive the sustainability productivity and competitiveness of the manufacturing agenda of MoIT through technical and legislative sector through: introduced energy and environmental means, while upscaling the competitiveness of the management systems, resource efficiency and cleaner OIZs and their industries in the global marketplace. production, industrial symbioses, green infrastructure Furthermore, it aims to curb GHG emissions from improvement to enable more sustainable water OIZ operations, and support Turkey’s climate action supply (e.g., rainwater harvesting), circularity of commitments. treated wastewater (via membrane technologies), and increased RE utilization (e.g., solar rooftop, biogas). As a first stage, the Program engaged with The existing regulatory framework was compared stakeholders, namely, MOIT, line ministries, regional against the EIP’s pre-requisites and performance development agencies, OIZ Authorities and private standards; and building on the in-situ diagnostics, a sector participants. It promoted EIP principles, tailored list of EIP performance criteria was derived EIP interventions to improve park management, to qualify OIZs as EIPs based on their management, environmental and social concerns, monetary and environmental, social and economic performance. environmental benefits of EIP interventions, financial instruments for sub-projects, and regulatory reforms Based on the studies piloted in the four partner OIZs, for private-sector-friendly implementation of the EIP the Program developed a National Framework for EIPs Framework nationwide. in Turkey for the use of MoIT. The Framework highlights 79 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 the regulatory, financial, and technical opportunities • Regional Directorates of OIZs which take part in currently in place, and identifies the most viable the Green OIZ Program, either as establishing opportunities in the areas of resource efficiency, greenfield sites or operational sites aspiring to green infrastructure development and circularity transform to EIP status, are regarded as “Green for replication in other OIZs in Turkey. It also puts OIZ Regional Directorates.” forward a set of recommendations, including those on • The purpose of the “Green OIZ Program regulatory and institutional aspects, which will help Coordination Unit” to be established within transform Turkey’s conventional OIZs into EIPs. the MoIT will be to coordinate productivity enhancement at regional- and national-levels The results of diagnostics from the four partner OIZs to promote consistent communication with all suggest potential annual savings of US$ 95.4 million, Green OIZs. with an estimated capital investment of US$ 350.3 • The establishment of a “Green OIZ million, giving an average payback of 3.7 years. This Development Unit (GDU)” within relevant would result in a potential overall annual energy OIZs is recommended to drive, implement and efficiency of 1.0 million MWh, carbon reduction of oversee sustainable manufacturing related 357 kt CO2, water saving of over 11.7 million m³, initiatives among tenant firms, the Green waste reduction of around 71.291 tons and chemical OIZ Regional Directorate, and institutions. reduction of over 14,550 tons. The study at the four On approval of their application to the MoIT, OIZs was then expanded to include a broader range of OIZ Regional Directorates will be required to OIZs. The Project has gathered data from 14 additional establish this unit. The GDU is tasked with OIZs and performed technical analyses based on which carrying out coordination, technical support US$ 1.1 billion of investments in resource efficiency, and secretarial duties for voluntary Green OIZ industrial symbiosis and green infrastructure have programs within their respective OIZs. been justified across the 18 OIZs (accounting for five percent of overall operational OIZs in Turkey). These To take the next step, the Government is working with improvements will save approximately US$ 194 million the World Bank Group and institutions in Turkey to in electricity per year, US$ 86 million in water per year, fine tune EIP indicators for OIZs and legitimize them and would abate 1.2 Mt CO2 eq annually. by amending current regulations and introducing a national EIP certification system. In addition to the Framework, a roadmap was prepared, as per the Project’s scope, to guide MoIT and other key stakeholders to implement the National Framework for Green OIZs in Turkey through regulatory and institutional improvements. In stepwise structure, the roadmap details actions to improve the regulatory environment, and suggests institutional changes in roles, activities, and responsibilities of MoIT and other core ministries to operationalize the Framework. The main institutional responsibilities include training, capacity building, communicating procedures and related documents, monitoring, and compliance. In doing so, the roadmap facilitates the implementation of the National Green OIZ Framework and aims to enhance inter‐ministerial and multi‐stakeholder participation in this process. Among other actions, the roadmap also recommends new coordination bodies (e.g., the Green OIZ Program Coordination Unit, the Green OIZ Development Unit, and Green OIZ Regional Directorates), based on the analysis of institutional and organizational settings made within the Green OIZ National Framework. The roles and responsibilities of these bodies are summarized below: 80 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 Vietnam Eco-Industrial Park Initiative UNIDO and the World Bank Group have been of industrial parks and economic zones, and related supporting the Government of Viet Nam since 2015 policies and state management modalities. It is to develop and operationalize an EIP Framework at applied to regulatory bodies, organizations, and national level. individuals involved in investment and business in industrial parks and economic zones. World Bank Group and UNIDO have provided policy support and capacity building to the Ministry of On the basis of Decree 82, and under the lead of Planning and Investment (MPI) and other ministries MPI, UNIDO is now supporting the Government of relevant to the country’s ambition to transform Viet Nam to operationalize the Decree. This includes conventional industrial zones (IZs) into EIPs and the development of Ministerial circulars, which will develop new EIPs. The support included studies serve as national technical guidelines for industries at selected industrial zones to identify bankable and government authorities. To this end, staff from opportunities for resource efficiency improvement, Ministries responsible for the operationalization of addressing dated policies and developing Decree 82 participated in an intensive 2-week EIP sustainability and competitiveness tools. Within training in Switzerland. The training focused on the scope of the combined EIP programs, technical existing successful policies and practical EIP-related diagnostics were conducted at 11 industrial zones, interventions. and financial and regulatory frameworks were analyzed to identify barriers to the implementation With over 328 industrial zones, of which more than of EIP standards. In light of these findings the World 250 are in operation, Viet Nam has much to gain from Bank Group has prepared EIP technical guidelines adopting an EIP framework. Once established, EIPs and a roadmap for MPI that tailors International attract investors requiring high environmental, social EIP Framework performance criteria to the Viet and governance standards. Nam context. These tailored guidelines establish The EIP framework proposed for Viet Nam focuses on a foundation for EIP development in Viet Nam by the potential conversion of existing industrial parks to introducing environmental and park management pre- EIPs, and the guidelines and related indicators are set requisites. Subsequently, MPI asked UNIDO to support to enable this transition. the further development of the indicators to include socio-economic aspects. The UNIDO report “Social The guidelines include a detailed overview of and Economic Indicators for Eco-Industrial Parks in monitoring requirements, targets against indicators, Viet Nam” was published in June 2019. methods for calculating indicators, and related regulatory frameworks. They are based on version 1.0 The joint UNIDO and World Bank Group work led of the International Framework for EIPs. to the release of Decree 82/2018/ND-CP (‘Decree 82’, which took effect in July 2018) and the National The selection of indicators for EIPs considered ease of Technical Guidelines for Eco-Industrial Parks in Viet monitoring and ease of setting targets. The indicators Nam. Decree 82 introduces the concept of EIPs in were predominantly drawn from best practices in national legislation and regulates their operation. It other countries and were adapted to the Vietnamese also prescribes planning, establishment, operation context. A scoring methodology complements the 81 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 indicators so they can be used to rate the performance Furthermore, the two organizations explored of an industrial zone. investment opportunities in industrial symbiosis, working toward bankable investment proposals The guidelines were complemented by a development to mobilize financing. Both the willingness of IZs roadmap for EIPs in Viet Nam until 2030 and beyond. and tenant firms to consider EIP interventions, and In the future, UNIDO will continue supporting MPI the financial feasibility of such interventions, are to develop the institutional framework required for important for successful implementation. data management (based on selected indicators), knowledge management, and support to industrial Knowledge management (sharing of EIP best zones and their tenants to monitor and implement practices, awareness building on the EIP framework for EIP-related opportunities. Viet Nam) will facilitate both the success of monitoring and awareness of resource efficiency opportunities, In promoting EIPs, the two organizations have and these will contribute to the sustainability of the supported selected industrial zones in the North, industrial sector in Viet Nam and the implementation Center and South of Viet Nam to identify and of Viet Nam’s Green Growth strategy. implement RECP interventions. An additional US$ 10 million of private investments in tenant firms was mobilized over 2015–2019. For further information: • Industrial%20Park.pdf 82 An International Framework for Eco-Industrial Parks Version 2.0 83 An International Framework For Eco-Industrial Parks December 2017