Feasibility Study to Connect All African Higher Education Institutions to High-Speed Internet Report 2: Annex 2 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Report Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study © 2021 The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Washington DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000; Internet: www.worldbank.org Some rights reserved This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this work is subject to copyright. Because The World Bank encourages dissemination of its knowledge, this work may be reproduced, in whole or in part, for noncommercial purposes as long as full attribution to this work is given. Attribution—Please cite the work as follows: “World Bank and Knowledge Consulting Ltd. 2021. “Feasibility Study to Connect all African Higher Education Institutions to High-Speed Internet – Côte d’Ivoire Case Study”. All queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to World Bank Publications, The World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA; fax: 202-522-2625; e-mail: pubrights@worldbank.org. i Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Table of Contents Abbreviations..........................................................................................................................................vi Acknowledgements................................................................................................................................ix Executive Summary................................................................................................................................xi 1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................1 2. Country Overview................................................................................................................................3 3. Demand Side—the Education Sector...............................................................................................5 3.1 Education Sector Policy and Governance.................................................................................5 3.1.1 Key Policies and Regulations..............................................................................................5 3.1.2 Key Regulatory and Standards Institutions......................................................................7 3.2 Market Size....................................................................................................................................8 3.2.1 Target Institutions................................................................................................................8 3.2.2 Student Enrolment.............................................................................................................11 3.2.3 Bandwidth for Higher Education.....................................................................................12 3.3 Education Sector Challenges Impacting Leveraging ICT for Learning................................13 4. Supply Side—the ICT Sector............................................................................................................15 4.1 ICT Sector Policy and Regulation..............................................................................................15 4.1.1 National Development Plans............................................................................................15 4.1.2 Key Policies and Regulations............................................................................................15 4.1.3 Key Policy and Regulatory Institutions............................................................................16 4.1.4 National ICT Indicators......................................................................................................17 4.2 Sector Operations......................................................................................................................18 4.2.1 Licensing, Market Structure and Service Providers.......................................................18 4.2.2 Access to Broadband.........................................................................................................19 4.2.3 IXPs and Data Centres.......................................................................................................22 4.2.4 Cybersecurity......................................................................................................................23 4.2.5 Electrification......................................................................................................................24 4.3 Sector Challenges Impacting Broadband Connectivity.........................................................25 5. Réseau Ivoirien de Télécommunication pou Enseignement et la Recherche...........................26 5.1 Connectivity, Pricing, and Other Services...............................................................................28 5.2 NREN Maturity............................................................................................................................30 5.3 Challenges for RITER..................................................................................................................32 6. Cost Estimates for Connecting Higher Education in Côte d’Ivoire.............................................34 6.1 Access to Computing Devices...................................................................................................34 6.2 Upgrading Campus Networks..................................................................................................36 6.3 Connecting Campuses Upstream............................................................................................39 6.3.1 Estimating Bandwidth Requirements and Unit Cost.....................................................39 6.3.2 Aggregation Savings..........................................................................................................40 6.3.3 Cost of Connecting Campuses Upstream.......................................................................40 6.4 Support to RITER........................................................................................................................41 6.5 Cost of Connecting HEIs in Côte d’Ivoire.................................................................................42 7. Summary and Conclusion................................................................................................................43 ii Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Appendix A: Tables................................................................................................................................44 iii Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Table of Figures Figure 1: Administrative Map of Côte d’Ivoire.....................................................................................3 Figure 2: Côte d’Ivoire Education System Framework........................................................................9 Figure 3: Location of universities and TVETs.....................................................................................11 Figure 4: Distribution of fibre networks across Côte d’Ivoire..........................................................20 Figure 5: RITER backbone Network.....................................................................................................26 Figure 6: RITER network phase 1.........................................................................................................27 Figure 7: RITER network phases 2 and 3............................................................................................27 Figure 8: RITER network schematic.....................................................................................................29 Figure 9: Critical Path to operationalise RITER..................................................................................30 Figure 10: Stages of NREN development...........................................................................................31 Figure 11: An aggregate model for connecting higher education institutions in Africa..............35 Figure 12: Matrix for determining bandwidth cost...........................................................................40 iv Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Index of Tables Table 1: Student enrolment and forecast for different levels.........................................................12 Table 2: Projections for student enrolment and bandwidth requirements (2025 & 2030)........12 Table 3: Bandwidth requirements at public HEIs in Côte d’Ivoire..................................................13 Table 4: Stages of the Internet Exchange Ladder.............................................................................17 Table 5: Categories of Internet Subscribers by Technology............................................................21 Table 6: National population and area coverage of mobile technologies.....................................21 Table 7: Indicators of household access to ICT devices and Internet (2017)................................21 Table 8: Country performance in ITU Global Cybersecurity Index.................................................24 Table 9: Comparison of electrification rate among case study countries.....................................24 Table 10: Classification of Connectivity in African Higher Education.............................................32 Table 11: Cost of equipping students and staff with access devices (2021 to 2025)...................36 Table 12: Assumptions for calculating campus network upgrade costs in Côte d’Ivoire............36 Table 13: Estimate for upgrading University and TVET campus networks in Côte d’Ivoire........37 Table 14: Distribution of Small, Medium and Large Campuses......................................................38 Table 15: Distribution of HEI campus sizes in Uganda.....................................................................38 Table 16: Recommended Progressive Bandwidth Targets for African Universities and TVETs..39 Table 17: Projected bandwidth and cost using Student Enrolment and Local Price (2021, 2025 & 2030)....................................................................................................................................................40 Table 18: Projected bandwidth and cost using Student Enrolment and Regional Price (2021, 2025 & 2030)..........................................................................................................................................40 Table 19: Summary of total 5-year cost of connecting higher education institutions in Côte d’Ivoire to high-speed Internet............................................................................................................42 Table 20: Accredited Universities and Grandes Écoles in Côte d’Ivoire.........................................45 Table 21: Licensed ICT providers in Côte d’Ivoire.............................................................................63 v Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Abbreviations Term Description AAU Association of African Universities AFD Agence Française de Développement APFC Antenne de la pédagogie et de la formation continue ASN Autonomous System Number AUC African Union Commission BAC Baccalauréat BADEA Banque Arabe pour le Développement Économique en Afrique BAD Banque Africaine de Développement BEP Brevet d’Études Professionnelles BEPC Brevet d’Études du Premier Cycle BID Banque Islamique de Développement CAP Country Action Plan CapEx Capital Expenditures CENIC Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California CEPE Certificat d’Études Primaires Élémentaires CICSEF Comité interministériel de coordination du secteur éducation formation CMR Comité de Mise en œuvre de la reforme de l'ETFP CNMS Centre National de Matériel Scientifique CNPPP Comité national des partenariats public-Private CROU Centre régional des œuvres universitaires CRS_PSO Comité régionale de suivi de la politique de scolarité obligatoire DAIP Direction de l'apprentissage et de l'insertion professionnelle DAJ Direction des affaires juridiques DCEP Direction de la coordination et de l'exécution des projets DDU Direction de la décentralisation des universités DE4A Digital Economy for Africa initiative DEEP Direction pour l'encadrement de l'enseignement Private DESS Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures de Spécialité DEUG Diplôme d'Études Universitaires Générales DEXCO Direction des Examens et Concours vi Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Term Description DFPIC Direction de la formation professionnelle initiale et continue DFQAI Direction de la Formation Qualifiante, de l'Apprentissage et de l'Insertion DGESE Direction générale de l'enseignement supérieur et de l'employabilité DGQE Direction Générale de la Qualité et de l'Évaluation DGRSIT Direction générale de la recherche scientifique et de l'innovation technologique DGSIP Direction Générale de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de l'Insertion Professionnelle DIP Direction de l'Insertion Professionnelle DIST Direction de l'information scientifique et technique DNS Domain Name System DOUM Direction des œuvres universitaires et de la mutualité DP/DPU Direction de la Planification/ Programme de Décentralisation des Universités DPDP Direction de la Pédagogie et du Développement des Programmes DPE Direction de la planification et de l'évaluation DPEM Direction des Projets, de l'Équipement et de la Maintenance DPFC Direction de la pédagogie et de la formation continue DPFP Direction de la promotion de la formation Privatee DRC Direction de la réglementation et du contentieux Direction de la Règlementation, de la Coopération et des Relation avec les autres DRCR ministères DREN Direction régionale de l'éducation nationale DS4DE4A Digital Skills for Digital Economy in Africa Direction des Systèmes d'Information de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la DSIER Recherche DSPS Direction des stratégies, de la planification et des statistiques DUT Diplôme Universitaire de Technologie DVI Direction de la Valorisation et de l'Innovation DVSP Direction de la veille et du suivi des programmes EGT Enseignement général et technique EMIS Education Management Information System ES Etablissements d'Enseignement Supérieur ETFP Enseignement technique et la formation professionnelle EU European Union FCFA Franc of the Financial Community of Africa (West African CFA franc) FOAD Formation Ouverte et A Distance vii Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Term Description FP Formation Professionnelle Gbps Gigabits per second HEI Higher Education Institution ICT Information and Communications Technology IGEN Inspection générale de l'éducation nationale IGESR Inspection générale de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche INPHB Institut National Polytechnique Houphouet Boigny InsO Inspecteur d'orientation IRU Indefeasible Right of Use ISP Internet Service Provider ITU International Telecommunications Union IXP Internet eXchange Point KCL Knowledge Consulting Ltd Mbps Megabits per Second MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, de l’Enseignement Technique Et de la MENETFP Formation Professionnelle MESRS Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieure et de la Recherche Scientifique MITRELLI Groupe Israélien MJDH Ministère de la Justice et des Droits de l'Homme NREN National Research and Education Network NSRC Network Startup Resource Center OER Open Educational Resource PAPSE Projet d'Appui à l'Amélioration des Prestations de Services d'Education PDU Programme de décentralisation des universités SCD Service de la Communication et de la Documentation SCDA Service de la communication, de la documentation et des archives SCRE Service de la communication et des relations extérieures SUP Tertiary Education TF Task Force Unité de coordination des projets éducation - formation (gestion financement UCPEF C2D) viii Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Acknowledgements The report was prepared by a team led by Samia Melhem (Lead Digital Development Specialist) and Tim Kelly (Lead Digital Development Specialist) and comprising: Lucine Munkyung Park (Digital Development ET Consultant), Charles Hurpy (Senior Digital Development Specialist) and Sajitha Bashir (Adviser, Office of the Global Director for Education). Knowledge Consulting Limited (KCL) provided advice, analysis, and drafting support, with special acknowledgement to Francis F. Tusubira (Managing Partner, KCL) who led the team which comprised Lishan Adam, Ali Ndiwalana, Jules Degila, and Fekadu Mulugeta. The team benefited from the overall guidance provided by Boutheina Guermazi (Global Director, Digital Development), Mark Williams (Practice Manager for Global Knowledge and Expertise, Digital Development), Michel Rogy (Practice Manager for Western and Central Africa and the Middle East, Digital Development), and Isabel Neto (Practice Manager for Eastern and Southern Africa, Digital Development). The team is grateful to peer reviewers – Alex Twinomugisha (Senior Education Specialist) from the Education Global Practice, and from Tounwende Alain Sawadogo (Senior Digital Development Specialist), Xavier Stephane Decoster (Senior Digital Development Specialist), Wilson Muyenzi (Digital Development ET Consultant), and Casey Torgusson (Senior Digital Development Specialist) from the Digital Development Global Practice of the World Bank – for their insightful comments and inputs. The team would also like to thank additional guidance and contributions provided by Javed I. Khan (Consultant) and Ekua Nuama Bentil (Education Specialist). We would particularly like to thank the following individuals and organizations that have provided data, information, and insights for the Côte d’Ivoire Country Report (by alphabetical order of organizations): Organisation Interviewee/Respondent 1 Côte d’Ivoire National Research and Education Network (RITER) Dr. Issa TRAORÉ 2 Ministry of Higher Education (MESRS) Prof. Moussa SYLLA 3 Ministry of Higher Education (MESRS) M. Basile DAPPAH 4 National School of Statistics and Applied Economics (ENSEA) Nathaniel GBENRO 5 Virtual University of Côte d’Ivoire Prof. Tiémoman KONE Lastly, this report could not have been produced without financial support from the members of the Digital Development Partnership (DDP), a Trust Fund administered by the WBG. The DDP offers a platform for digital innovation and development financing, bringing public and private sector partners together to advance digital solutions and drive digital transformation in developing countries, see: https://www.worldbank.org/en/programs/digital-development- partnership. ix Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study x Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Executive Summary As part of the Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A 1) initiative, the World Bank commissioned a feasibility study to develop an operational roadmap to connect all African higher education institutions (HEIs) to high-speed Internet. The initiative, in support of the African Union Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030) 2, aims to digitally enable every African individual, business, and government by 2030. Connecting universities and research institutions is crucial for expanding the opportunities for teaching, learning and innovation to foster relevant digital skills on the continent. This study has received funding from the Digital Development Partnership (DDP)3. This Case Study, one of four conducted to provide background information to the study, along with Burkina Faso, Uganda and Mozambique explores the connectivity challenge from a higher education4 perspective (demand-side) as well as from the information and communication technology (ICT)-sector perspective (supply-side) in Côte d’Ivoire. There is an increased demand for higher education in Côte d’Ivoire due to an average population growth of 2.5 percent over the last decade. The Government has been investing in infrastructure and exploring digital technologies as one of the platforms to address the growing demand for higher education. Enrolment is forecast to reach 310,600 higher education students by 2025 and 344,000 students by 2030. Using the recommended progressive bandwidth targets for African higher education institutions (HEIs), and factoring in student enrolment, gives requirements of at least 54 Gbps in 2021 (0.2 Gbps per 1,000 students); 621 Gbps by 2025 (2 Gbps per 1000 students); and 7.2 Tbps by 2030 (20 Gbps per 1000 students). The National Research and Education Network, RITER has worked with the West and Central African Research and Education Network (WACREN) to access 2 Gbps to serve public universities with the largest student numbers. With a projected enrolment of 272,000 higher education students, this translates to a bandwidth ratio of 7.4 Mbps per 1,000 students, which is clearly far below what would be considered reasonable at this time. Indeed, it still leaves a bandwidth gap of 52 Gbps to meet the recommended target for 2021. As summarised in the table below, the overall total estimated cost of connecting higher education institutions in Côte d’Ivoire to high-speed broadband for a period of five years (2021 to 2025) is around USD 876 million. This includes the expense of providing devices to students and staff (USD 125 million), the cost of upgrading and maintaining campus networks (USD 711 million), core support to RITER (USD 10 million) and bandwidth cost for upstream 1 See https://www.worldbank.org/en/programs/all-africa-digital-transformation. 2 https://au.int/en/documents/20200518/digital-transformation-strategy-africa-2020-2030. 3 https://www.worldbank.org/en/programs/digital-development-partnership . 4 We use the term Higher Education, also known as Tertiary Education in some countries, to refer to all post-secondary education, including both public and private universities, colleges, technical training institutes, and vocational schools https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/tertiaryeducation. xi Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study connectivity (USD 30 million). The potential savings on bandwidth cost in Côte d’Ivoire from demand aggregation, smart procurement strategies (e.g., benchmarking regional pricing) and procuring long-term leases are estimated at 64%. Category Cost (USD, millions) Potential Sources of Funding End-user devices Government, development Students and Staff 125 partners, students, institutions Sub Total 125 Upgrading campus networks Government, development Capex 262 partners Institutions, government, Opex 450 development partners Sub Total 711 5-year cost of connecting campuses upstream With Aggregation Savings Development partners, Using Student Enrolment & Regional Price 30 institutions, students NREN development and support costs MoRENet core costs and NREN Development partners, 10 development related costs government Using cost of connecting campuses upstream based on Total Cost Estimate (USD, millions) 876 student enrolment and regional price Source: KCL calculations The Government of Côte d’Ivoire considers ICTs as a key instrument for national development. Its National Development Plan (PND 2016-2020) emphasises education and digital technologies to improve access, equity, and learning outcomes in the sector. Côte d’Ivoire has also made progress in the development of its digital infrastructure and higher education. The Government has also put in place the necessary institutional and policy framework. The National Policy on Higher Education (for Politique Nationale de l’Enseignement Supérieur or PNES 2019-2025), has been developed with the World Bank’s support. This provides a framework for higher education development—making education more relevant to the job market needs and facilitating measurement and monitoring of achievement. Côte d’Ivoire has the connectivity foundation for broadband connectivity for higher education: The country connects to South Atlantic 3/West Africa Submarine Cable (SAT-3/WASC), Main xii Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study One, West Africa Cable System (WACS) and Africa Coast to Europe (ACE) cable. There is an estimated 15,750 km of operational fibre covering different parts of the country as of the end of 2019. The operators own 16,284 km of optical fibre, and 3,578 microwave relay sites. The regulator, ARTCI, indicates that the 3G and 4G coverage were respectively 94.2% and 58.5% during 2020. A gap, however, remains between the availability of opportunity and broadband connectivity for higher education institutions (HEIs): the National Research and Education Network, RITER, has been building a network to interconnect universities but faces many challenges. As a young NREN, its challenges range from lack of dedicated technical expertise to the absence of a functioning governance framework. In 2018, Government of Côte d’Ivoire requested the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) to investigate new sovereign loan financing for infrastructure and equipment to provide the NREN with better access to national and global digital resources. IRD and CIRAD then carried out a detailed study of the RITER’s state of progress and quantified the investments necessary to achieve the RITER's operationalisation. A roadmap was drawn up to create a full- fledged NREN by 2022. When available, the loan is expected to contribute to further connectivity in higher education in the country. xiii Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 1. Introduction The Government of Côte d’Ivoire considers ICTs as a key instrument for national development. Youth education and training are high priorities for Côte d’Ivoire. Through its National Development Plan (Plan National de Développement—PND 2016-2020), 5 Côte d’Ivoire aspires to become an ICT leader in the region. The national development plan emphasises attracting ICT investment and improving coverage and quality of ICT services. Besides, the country wants to develop a skilled human resource with the requisite ICT capacities. As part of this effort, the Government seeks to integrate entrepreneurship and ICT training into secondary and higher education6 institutions. Access to quality higher education is considered a primary vehicle to equip the population with the necessary skills to promote the social and economic development of Côte d’Ivoire. As a result, there has been an increase in the student population at different levels, along with corresponding infrastructure and human resource. The growing student population is placing intense pressures on the education sector that is still rebuilding since the country emerged from a long conflict in 2011. The adoption of ICT for teaching and learning has been highlighted as one of the strategies to cope with this challenge. As part of the Digital Economy for Africa (DE4A 7) initiative, the World Bank commissioned a feasibility study to develop an operational roadmap to connect all African HEIs to high-speed Internet. The initiative, in support of the African Union Digital Transformation Strategy for Africa (2020-2030)8, aims to digitally enable every African individual, business, and government by 2030. Connecting universities and research institutions is crucial for expanding the opportunities for teaching, learning and innovation to foster relevant digital skills on the continent. This study has received funding from the Digital Development Partnership (DDP)9. This report provides a detailed country-level assessment to connect all HEIs in Côte d’Ivoire to high-speed Internet as part of the feasibility study. After the introduction in Chapter 1, the report provides a country overview in Chapter 2 to provide the national context. The connectivity gap has both a supply-side and a demand-side: Chapter 3 explores the demand- side, focusing on ICT in the education sector and the challenges impacting the use of information and communication technologies for teaching, learning, and research—creating the pull factors; and Chapter 4 examines the supply-side, the ICT sector's key components and the challenges affecting high-speed connectivity. Chapter 5 presents a high-level summary of the Réseau Ivoirien de Télécommunication pour l’Enseignement et la Recherche (RITER), the 5 http://www.plan.gouv.ci/accueil/odd/3 6 We use the term Higher Education, also known as Tertiary Education in some countries, to refer to all post-secondary education, including both public and private universities, colleges, technical training institutes, and vocational schools https://www.worldbank.org/en/topic/tertiaryeducation 7 See https://www.worldbank.org/en/programs/all-africa-digital-transformation. 8 https://au.int/en/documents/20200518/digital-transformation-strategy-africa-2020-2030 9 https://www.worldbank.org/en/programs/digital-development-partnership . 1 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Ivorian Research and Education Network. Drawing on findings from the earlier chapters, Chapter 6 discusses the cost of connecting all higher education institutions in Côte d’Ivoire to high-speed Internet. The conclusion is given in Chapter 7, followed by the Appendices. 2 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 2. Country Overview Côte d’Ivoire is located on the south coast of Western Africa along the North Atlantic Ocean. It covers an area of around 322,463 square kilometres in Sub-Saharan Africa. According to the United Nations projections, Côte d’Ivoire’s population was 26.4 million for 2020 and is expected to grow to 29.8 and 33.4 million respectively by 2025 and 2030.10 Figure 1: Administrative Map of Côte d’Ivoire Côte d’Ivoire is divided into 12 districts, plus two district-level autonomous cities—Abidjan and 10 https://population.un.org/wpp/ 3 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Yamoussoukro—as highlighted in Figure 1. The district capital is the largest urban centre with most ICT infrastructure and is where higher education institutions are located. The districts are divided into 31 regions, which in turn is divided into 108 departments, and further divided into 510 sub-prefectures. Côte d’Ivoire's literacy rate for 2018 was 58.4%.11 The primary and secondary schools’ enrolment rates have increased with the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) reported at 100.3% and 54.6% for primary and secondary education respectively in 2019. 12 Like other African countries, Côte d’Ivoire struggles with students' transition from lower education to higher education. The GER for higher education reported at 10% compared to a Sub-Saharan average of 9.4 and a World average of 38.8 in 2019. 13 In 2019, the Government dedicated 18.3% of its annual budget to the education sector. 14 The higher education student enrolment was 253,955 in 2019 and is projected to reach 310,600 students in 2025 and 358,600 in 2030. After years of instability, the country has had a decade of peace, and this has re-stimulated the growth of higher education, creating massification challenges. Positive developments that favour the connectivity of HEIs to broadband, while coming with their challenges, include a vibrant private sector in higher education, the multiple submarine cable landings, good broadband infrastructure coverage including fibre as well as 3G and 4G mobile coverage, and the growth on the national NREN. All these are discussed further in the following sections. Côte d’Ivoire is as an example of a country that is positioned to exploit already existing infrastructure opportunities to deliver high-speed Internet to the education sector, making it one of the potential easier wins. 11 https://www.macrotrends.net/ 12 http://uis.unesco.org/en/country/ci 13 World Bank data, https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SE.TER.ENRR?end=2020&locations=ZG-1W-UG&start=2010 14 Annuaire statistique de l’enseignement supérieur 2018-2019 4 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 3. Demand Side—the Education Sector The Côte d’Ivoire education sector, based on the French system, is divided into preschool education; primary education; and secondary education (in two parts – middle and higher school). Students can then proceed to higher education. Côte d’Ivoire’s higher education system comprises public institutions—universities or grandes écoles—and private institutions. Public higher education was severely affected by the decade- long crisis and continues to struggle with capacity to meet the growing demands from higher education graduates. In 2019, there were seven public and thirty-four private universities, and thirty-five public and two hundred eighty grandes écoles (colleges). Higher education facilities are finding themselves receiving more and more graduates every year, but the campuses do not have the capacity to accommodate all the students. The vocational training sector offers two to three years of vocational training; technical colleges, which leads to the CPC (Certificate of Professional Competence), VSC (Vocational Studies Certificate), or VTC (Vocational Training Certificate). The law in Côte d’Ivoire obliges the Government to ensure that all students who have passed the Baccalauréat exam have an opportunity to enrol in a higher education institution. Students that pass the baccalauréat exam are directed to public universities for undergraduate degrees, and the rest are directed to subsidised private grandes Écoles. Due to limited capacity in the face of rapidly expanding demand, the Government has been directing new students to subsidised private institutions that accounted for 88 percent of all higher education institutions in 2019. The private sector is central rather than complementary to the higher education system. 3.1 Education Sector Policy and Governance The Ministry of National Education, Technical and Vocational Training (Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enseignement Technique et de la Formation Professionnelle, MENETFP) is responsible for preschool, primary, secondary education, and vocational training. Besides, higher education is overseen by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS). In 2019, there were twelve other sectoral higher education institutions outside MENETFP and MESRS supervision. 3.1.1 Key Policies and Regulations Following the civil war, the country implemented a Transitional Education Plan (TEP) for the 2012–2014 period and extended its implementation through 2015–2016 before adopting a new ten-year strategy. The ten-year Education and Training Sector Plan (Plan Sectoriel Education/Formation 2016–2025) was appraised in 2016, adopted by the Government in May 5 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 2017, and endorsed by the development partners. The sector plan's costed multi-year action plan covers the period 2017–2020 and includes a total of 19 sources of external funding. The main education sector laws, policies, and regulations that would impact broadband connectivity in higher education include: i. National Development Plan (Plan National de Développemnt – PND 2016-2020)— Education is a priority in Côte d’Ivoire’s National Development Plan 2016-2020. The plan outlines pillars supporting the country’s goal of becoming an emerging market with a solid industrial base and improved living standards. These include: human capital and social well-being development, focusing on significant funding for youth education and schooling; adults’ access to vocational training and literacy; and higher education reinforcement.15 ii. The Education/Training Sector Plan (Plan Sectorial de l’Éducation/Formation or PSE 2016-2025) provides for ICT and connectivity at the different levels of the education system: a) For secondary education, in Section AS.4.2.3, there is a proposed action to develop the use of ICT in Education (TICE) by MENETFP, the Ministry in charge of Secondary Education. b) In Section AS.5.2.1, there is a plan to introduce and develop ICT in the TVET system to facilitate trades' apprenticeship. The plan includes (i) designing the plan for integrating and popularizing ICT in TVETs, (ii) building the stakeholders' capacities (trainers and educational supervisors) in the use of ICT to facilitate the knowledge transmission to learners, (iii) and the installation of multimedia rooms. c) The proposed strategic Program for Higher Education in sub-sector in Section 3-2-3 offers to develop ICT, jointly with the LMD reform. The ICT action plans include: • Strengthening digital infrastructure in institutions higher Education to improve access to digital resources; • Human resources capacity building in the use of ICT; • The establishment and operationalisation of an Automated Information and Management System (SIGA) platform to facilitate decision making and optimal planning; • The interconnection of higher education institutions to set up a national higher education network linked to the rest of the world; • The establishment of a body responsible for the administration, operation, maintenance and development of the national higher education network. The National Policy on Higher Education (Politique Nationale de l’Enseignement Supérieur or PNES 2019-2025) developed with the World Bank’s support, is the most recent document governing the development of higher education. It provides a framework for developing higher education, making it more relevant to the job market needs and improving learning outcomes. 15 http://www.plan.gouv.ci/accueil/odd/3 6 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 3.1.2 Key Regulatory and Standards Institutions Several government Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) and external organisations deal with sector policy, oversight, standards, content, assessment, and regulation for the education sector. i. The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique (MESRS)16—sets the standards, provides technical guidance, monitors and evaluates higher education and research policy, and regulates the higher education and research sector across the country. It is composed of ten main directorates that handle various aspects related to higher education and research. The MESRS went through a restructuring in 2016 and defined a new organogram, approved by decree No. 2016-565 of July 27, 2016. Two new central Directorates were created, a General Directorate of Quality and Standardization, and a General Directorate of Higher Education and Research Information Systems Management. Besides these, the MESRS also includes: a) Three directorates-general, with respectively four subordinate directorates for the Directorate General of Higher Education and Professional Integration (DGESIP) and two for General Directorate of Scientific Research and Innovation (DGRSI) and two for the management of quality and standardization; b) Eight directorates or equivalent, reporting directly to the Minister, including the Information Systems Department. c) The Directorate for Higher Education (DESUP, for Direction de l’Enseignement Supérieur) leads public and private institutions’ development. ii. The General Directorate for Scientific Research and Innovation (DGRSI) leads research activities in higher education. Competitive funding for research projects for scientific research and innovation (LOSPRIT), was set up in December 2016. A Support Fund for Research and Innovation (FONARI), was endowed with 500 million West African CFA francs (FCFA) and organised in 3 programs, including a research and technological innovation assistance fund (FARI) with 250 million FCFA budget. iii. DESUP, under the control of the MESRS, also monitors the private higher institutions. Their internal organisation is governed by the private corporate OHADA 17 rules and regulations. iv. Most of the regulations concerning the internal organisation and operations of public higher education institutions are defined in the law on education and its implementing decrees, in particular, the amended decrees No. 95-696 of September 7, 1995, and No. 096-611 of August 9, 1996, determining the attributions, the organisation and the functioning of Universities and Decree 2001-320 of June 7, 2001. The new provisions introduced by Decree 2012-981 of October 10, 2012, currently govern public higher education institutions. 16 MESRS website http://www.enseignement.gouv.ci/ 17 OHADA is the acronym for the French "Organisation pour l'harmonisation en Afrique du droit des affaires", which translates into English as "Organisation for the Harmonisation of Corporate Law in Africa". 7 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Some other higher education institutions are under the control of other sectoral ministries. MENETEP oversees TVETs, while twelve sectoral higher education institutions are outside MENETFP and MESRS supervision. The Government of Côte d’Ivoire has been building a digital learning environment (eLearning, Virtual universities, etc.). Significant resources have been invested in developing an information and management system.18 A study that the World Bank pointed out the limited flow of information between departments, faculties, universities or schools, and the Ministry. There is limited automation of the teaching, learning and research activities, and support functions (financial resources, human resources, infrastructure). The study highlighted the limited interconnection through the national research and education network and limited campus network development. 3.2 Market Size There has been a substantial growth of the higher education sector in Côte d’Ivoire. The enrolment in higher education rose from 146,490 in 2005 to 192,842 in 2016, an average annual increase of 2.5 percent. The number grew to 253,955 in 2019. The country has fewer than 400 scientific articles published in international journals each year, which puts Côte d’Ivoire among the least productive African nations per capita.19 3.2.1 Target Institutions Like other Francophone countries in Africa, the education system in Côte d’Ivoire is modelled after the French national education system with four main stages: • Pre-primary education (1 to 3 years); • Primary education (6 years), leading to a certificate of primary studies; • The first cycle of the secondary education lasts four years, leading to the first secondary school certificate, and the second cycle of the secondary school leading to the baccalauréat (BAC) and; • Higher education, which follows the LMD (Licence-Master-Doctorate) system in a 3-2- 3 year scheme.20 Figure 2 illustrates the Côte d’Ivoire education system and portrays the different paths between different stages and the exit points toward employment. Source: Source: PSE 2016-2025 MESRS 18 L’enseignement supérieur en Côte d’Ivoire. Rapport thématique 4 : La gouvernance de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche scientifique en Côte d’Ivoire. The World Bank. Décembre 2017. 19 World Bank, Côte d’Ivoire Higher Education Development Support Project, http://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/915091553558343307/pdf/Cote-d-Ivoire-Higher-Education-Development-Support- Project.pdf 20 https://un-ci.org/etudes-et-formation/systeme-lmd.html 8 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study PhD Higher education M1, M2 L1/L2/L3 Structures for qualification s and capacity Tle building Tle Secondary Secondary (Skills and school – 2nd 1st school– 2 nd 1st Experience Cycle 2nd Cycle/Tech. 2nd Validation) and Pro 3rd Secondary school 4th st – 1 Cycle 5th (4 yrs.) 6th Other options CM1 1- Mobile unities Primary School CM1 GATEWAYS 2- Fabrication and (6yrs.) CE (2 yrs.) CLASSES production workshops CP (2 yrs.) 3- Literacy classes Pre-primary school (1 to 3 years) Figure 2: Côte d’Ivoire Education System Framework Higher education institutions in Côte d’Ivoire can be either public (government-funded) or private and are organised into two categories: i. Universities ii. “Grandes Écoles” or specialised schools of higher learning. Public institutions under MESRS supervision include: i. Félix Houphouët-Boigny University (UFHB) of Cocody; ii. Nangui Abrogoua University (UNA) of Abobo-Adjamé; iii. Alassane Ouattara University (UAO) de Bouaké; iv. Jean Lorougnon Guédé University (UJLG) of Daloa; v. Péléforo Gon Coulibaly (UPGC) University of Korhogo; vi. Man University (UMAN) of Man; vii. Virtual University of Côte d’Ivoire (UVCI) in Cocody; viii. Houphouët-Boigny National Poltytechnic Institute (INP-HB) of Yamoussoukro; ix. École Normale Supérieure of Abidjan (ENS); x. Other public Grandes Écoles. Higher education institutions outside the supervision of MESRS include: i. National Pedagogical Institute for Technical and Vocational Education (IPNETP), The Communication and Management Office Centers (CBCG), Vocational and Technical High Schools (Lycées techniques) under the supervision of the Ministry of National Education, Technical Education and Vocational Training (MENETFP); 9 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study ii. The National Institute for Security Training (INFS) under the supervision of the Ministry of Employment and Social Affairs (MEA); iii. The National School of Statistics and Applied Economics (ENSEA) under the supervision of the Ministry of Planning and Development (MPD); iv. The Higher National Institute of Arts and Cultural Action (INSAAC) under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture and Francophonie (MCF); v. The National Institute of Youth and Sports (INJS) under the supervision of the Ministry for the Promotion of Youth, Sports, and Leisure (MPJSL); vi. the National Police School and the Major Seminaries of Anyama and Abadjin-Kouté under supervision of the Ministry of the Interior; vii. The National Institutes for the Training of Health Workers (INFAS) under the supervision of the Ministry of Health and the Fight against AIDS (MSLS); viii. The National School of Administration (ENA) under the supervision of the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reform (MFPRA); ix. The African Higher School of Information and Communication Techniques (ESATIC) under the supervision of the Ministry of Post, Information and Communication Technologies; x. The Regional Academy of Sciences and Techniques of the Sea of Abidjan (ARSTM) under the Ministry of Transport; xi. The National Police School (ENP) under the supervision of the Ministry of State, Ministry of the Interior; xii. The School of Business and Management (ECG) under the Ministry of Commerce; xiii.The National Institute of Judicial Training (INFJ) under the Ministry of Justice, Human Rights and Public Freedoms. Research institutions in Côte d’Ivoire are classified into four groups: i. Associations or Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) ii. Centres or Institutes under the National Universities iii. Centres or Institutes under the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS) iv. Centres or Institutes under double-supervision v. International Centres and Institutes. The MESRS statistical yearbook for 2018-2019 reports 356 institutions providing higher education in Côte d’Ivoire. These include 7 public and 34 private universities and 35 public and 280 private Grandes Ecoles. The complete list of higher education universities and research 10 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study centres is provided in Table 20 in Appendix A:. Figure 3: Location of universities and TVETs According to the 2019 statistic yearbook, all the higher education institutions are found in 23 localities: Abengourou, Abidjan, Aboisso, Adiake, Adzope, Agnibilekrou, Azaguie, Bondoukou, Bonoua, Bouake, Daloa, Daoukro, Dimbokro, Duekoue, Gagnoa, Grand-Bassam, Jacqueville, Korhogo, Man, Odienne, San-Pedro, Toumodi and Yamoussoukro. Out of the total 356 institutions, 275 (78.3%) are in found the capital city of Abidjan, 17 (4.8%) in Bouake, 11 (3.1%) in Yamoussoukro. This means that more than 85% of the higher education institutions are located in the three major cities—Abidjan, Bouaké and Yamoussokro (see Figure 3). In addition, all private universities are located in Abidjan, except for the University Nord-Sud of Dimbokro (38 km away from Toumodi on the A3 National route). 3.2.2 Student Enrolment Higher education is facing the challenge of accommodating a growing student population, which has resulted in insufficient infrastructure and human resources. The MESRS projected that there would be 253,955 students enrolled in higher education in 2019, along with 16,378 teachers and researchers.21 Table 1 summarises growth trends in enrolment and projections for various levels of education. The MESRS statistical yearbook for 2018-2019 reports 969 students per 100,000 inhabitants. 21 MESRS http://enseignement.gouv.ci/index.php?open=actualite&actu=article&artID=1035 11 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Table 1: Student enrolment and forecast for different levels Level 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025 Higher education 217,914 235,902 253,955 273,390 395,283 Secondary education 1,898,243 2,040,520 2,193,461 2,357,865 3,384,264 Primary education 3,772,136 3,900,222 4,032,657 4,169,589 4,927,234 Source: Statistics Directory for Secondary and Primary Education, PSE, and Projections The private side of the education sector has grown in both number of institutions and student enrolment to improve access and complement the public sector. In 2019, private higher education institutions accounted for 88% of all institutions, 44.7% of all student enrolment, and were still reliant on government subsidies. As per the gender consideration, the ratios of women/men are 0.59 and 0.99 in public and private institutions respectively, with more women in private institutions. For private universities and Grandes Ecoles, respectively, the ratios are 1.05 and 0.97. Thus, women dominate the private Grandes Ecoles and match the men in the private sector in general. So connecting the private universities to broadband will help include more women. In contrast, there are only 782 (18.4%) women out of the total of 4251 teachers in 2019. The situation is worse in the private sector where women are only 10% of 1755 teaching staff. 3.2.3 Bandwidth for Higher Education Based on the Gap Analysis Report, it is recommended that higher education institutions achieve connectivity of at least 1 Gbps for campuses that host 5000 students and staff in 2021 (see Table 16). The connectivity target is to achieve at least 2 Gbps per 1000 students by 2025 (to be provided for in the World Bank planning period ending 2023) and at least 20 Gbps per 1,000 students by 2030. Table 2 indicates that higher education institutions in Côte d’Ivoire will need at least 621 Gbps by 2025 and 7.2 Tbps by 2030. Table 2: Projections for student enrolment and bandwidth requirements (2025 & 2030) Higher education enrolment Year Bandwidth Estimate (Gbps) (rounded to nearest hundred) 2021 272,200 54 (200 Mbps per 1,000 students) 2025 310,600 621 (2 Gbps per 1,000 students) 2030 358,600 7,172 (20 Gbps per 1,000 students) Source: KCL Calculations Table 3 shows current bandwidth at public Universities and Grandes Écoles in Côte d’Ivoire and their projected bandwidth needs in 2021 based on a modest 1 Gbps per 1,000 students. Given that the National Research and Education Network, RITER plans to procure about 2 Gbps to serve public universities with the largest student numbers, this indicates a deficit of 12 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 52 Gbps and highlights that the current bandwidth available to higher education institutions is inadequate to meet the requirements for teaching, learning and research. Table 3: Bandwidth requirements at public HEIs in Côte d’Ivoire Student enrolment Bandwidth Need Institution Name 2019/20 2021 (Gbps) Université de Félix Houphouet Boigny 62,427 12.5 Université Nangui Abrogoua 5,000 1.0 Université Alassane Ouattara 25,642 5.1 Université Jean-Lorougnon-Guédé 7,572 1.5 Université Péléforo-Gbon-Coulibaly 6,174 1.2 Université de Man 1,089 0.2 Universite Virtuelle De Côte d’Ivoire 5,209 1.0 Total 113,113 22.6 Source: KCL Calculations 3.3 Education Sector Challenges Impacting Leveraging ICT for Learning Côte d’Ivoire faces much the same challenges as most African countries regarding the obstacles that inhibit ICTs, particularly in higher education. Some of these include: 22 i. In general, the student population at different levels is growing much faster than investments in the necessary infrastructure and human resources, placing intense demographic pressures on a sector that is still rebuilding after the country emerged from a long period of conflict in 2011. ii. The higher education sector faces a growing quality and relevance challenge due to a shortage of labs and practical courses. iii. While the private sector is growing faster than the public sector and increasingly accounts for a bigger proportion of student enrolment, the private sector is still largely dependent on government subsidies. iv. Higher education lacks the governance framework that promotes accountability and excellence. v. There is an overall lack of ICT infrastructure in higher education institutions (electricity, computers, multimedia rooms, networks), particularly in rural areas. 22 Education/Training Sector Plan 2016-2025 13 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study vi. The young NREN does not currently interconnect all Universities, Institutes, and Grandes Écoles across the country. While all public universities are being connected to the NREN network by the Government, the private institutions, which are growing faster in terms of student enrolment, are yet to connect to the network. vii. IT services governance and financing mechanisms are not well-defined. viii. Poor digital literacy among teachers because current teacher training and in-service training programs do not provide ICT training. ix. The Bachelor’s Master’s and Doctorate (LMD) system has not been effectively implemented across public and private institutions of higher education, making it difficult for institutions to collaborate effectively and for students to move between institutions. x. Lack of automated information and management systems that can support decision- making and optimal planning. xi. Recurrent strikes by students and/or staff at higher education institutions often destroy infrastructure and affect teaching and learning quality through academic calendar delays. 14 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 4. Supply Side—the ICT Sector The information and communication technology sector in Côte d’Ivoire has seen sustained growth led by the expansion of the mobile sector and the increasing adoption of digital technologies by the Government and the private sector. In 2012, a new legal and institutional framework for the ICT sector was put in place with the adoption of Ordinance No. 2012-293 on Telecommunications/ICT. The main objective of the new framework was to develop a harmonious ICT sector and effective regulation, for the benefit of all players in the ecosystem, namely—operators, consumers and the Government. 23 Following a restructuring of the market in 2016, three companies saw their licences revoked due to a lack of compliance with quality standards, leaving three operators—Orange, Moov Telecom and MTN. Côte d’Ivoire connects to four submarine cables: South Atlantic 3/West Africa Submarine Cable (SAT-3/WASC/SAFE), WACS (West African Cable System), ACE (African Coast to Europe), and MainOne. There is also a good penetration of fibre backbone and 3G to 4G mobile networks. All these are discussed in this Chapter. 4.1 ICT Sector Policy and Regulation 4.1.1 National Development Plans The Government has an ambitious strategy for the sector for the 2016-2020 period. 24 The objectives were to reach 100% mobile telephony network coverage, 90% Internet/data coverage, 50% broadband penetration, with 300 e-Services offered in 2020. The plan was based on the principle of a paperless administration and included, among others, the consolidation of the mobile telephony market and the development of e-education. Lately, in October 2020, the government signed an MOU with Huawei to design the national digital economy strategy called “Côte d’Ivoire Numérique 2030” (Digital Côte d’Ivoire 2030). According to the press release, a broadband development strategy shall also be developed to establish a framework for access to very high-speed broadband to promote equitable and affordable access. 4.1.2 Key Policies and Regulations A recent study has identified several key laws, ordinances and decrees, and orders that impact various components of connectivity.25 These include: Laws 23 Rapport provisoire, Commission 2: Infrastructures Telecoms et Poste, Les Assises du Numérique en Côte d’Ivoire, 2ème Edition 24 http://www.telecom.gouv.ci/accueil/action/5 25 https://www.ticeduforum.ci/ 15 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Law No.2017-803 (of December 07, 2017), on the Information Society's orientation in Côte d’Ivoire. The Law states that access to the Internet and electronic communication networks is a fundamental human right and a universal good. It also stipulates that the government guarantees and ensures universal access to Telecommunications/ICT services. Further, it specifies that network neutrality is enforced and, the public and private players’ rights, roles, and responsibilities in the information society are defined. This law underscores the foundation for connecting education institutions in Côte d’Ivoire, as it paves the way to connecting every building and household to broadband. It further stipulates in Article 11 that the country shall invest in training its public sector’s agents in charge of primary, secondary, and higher education to use ICT. Also, teaching at all levels shall be totally or partially carried out through digital technologies. The law also establishes an entity that will lead to the development of the information society—the National Committee for the Development of the Information Society (CNDSI). The main texts of laws, decrees and orders are accessible on the ICT regulator’s website (ARTIC) or JurisTIC-CI website.26 4.1.3 Key Policy and Regulatory Institutions Côte d’Ivoire has five main institutions that promote and regulate the ICT sector. These include: • Ministry of Digital Economy and Postal Services (Ministre de l’Economie Numérique et de las Poste or MENP)27—sets the standards provides technical guidance, monitors and evaluates ICT policy, and regulates the ICT sector across the country. It is composed of two central Directorates: The Directorate of Post and the Digital Economy; and the Directorate of Projects, Information Systems, and Statistics. • National Telecommunications/ICT Regulatory Authority (L’Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications/TIC de Côte d’Ivoire or ARTCI) 28—a government agency responsible for regulating the telecommunications/ICT and postal sectors. ARTCI oversees network and information systems' security, the protection of personal data, and Internet governance. Ordinance created ARTCI No. 2012-293 of March 21, 2012 relating to Telecommunications/ICT. • National Agency for the Universal Telecommunications/ICT Service (l’Agence Nationale du Service Universel en Télécommunications/TIC or ANSUT) 29—a government agency under the supervision of the MENP with a mission to ensure the implementation of universal service programmes and to contribute to the development of a digital economy in Côte d’Ivoire.30 • Ivorian Radio Frequency Management Agency (Agence Ivoirienne de Gestion des 26 JurisTIC-CI website, www.juristic.ci 27 MENP website, www.telecom.gouv.ci 28 L’Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications/TIC de Côte d’Ivoire (ARTCI), www.artci.ci 29 https://www.ansut.ci/ 30 https://1citoyen1ordinateur.ci/ 16 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 31 Fréquences Radioélectriques or AIGF) —a government agency that allocates and manages all radio frequencies in accordance with different licenses issued by other MDAs. AIGF was created by Article 51 of Ordinance No. 2012-293 (of March 21, 2012), relating to Telecommunications/ICT. • National IT Development Company (Société Nationale de Développement Informatique or SNDI)32—a government-owned company setup to support the Government in modernising public administrative processes through efficient use of ICT under the supervision of the Prime Minister and the Minister in charge of telecommunications. Besides, the Government established an Information Technologies and Biotechnology park (Village des Technologies de l’Information et de la Biotechnologie or VITIB) that is intended to promote the biotech and digital technology sector through research, development, and applications. VITIB is a public-private partnership company that is managing the development of a free trade zone—the Free Zone, dedicated to ICTs and biotechnology (Zone Franche de la Biotechnologie, des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication or ZBTIC), and located at Grand-Bassam. 4.1.4 National ICT Indicators National ICT indicators collected during the Gap Analysis phase also directly impact connectivity for higher education institutions at the country level by influencing the savings that higher education institutions can accrue from aggregating their bandwidth needs. The most pertinent indicators that are integrated into the cost model include: i. Whether the country is landlocked or has access to the ocean allows direct access to submarine cables. Direct access to submarine cables reduces base bandwidth cost. Côte d’Ivoire has a coastline (generally East-West) whose length is about 515 km that provides opportunity for submarine cable landing points. ii. Number of submarine cable landing stations. Côte d’Ivoire has 4 with two in the pipeline (Maroc Telecom West Africa and 2Africa), all located in Abidjan. Egypt has the most with 15. More landings improve competition amongst cable providers resulting in competitive pricing.33 iii. Internet eXchange Ladder Stage. Countries were categorised into 4 stages (see Table 4) depending on the number of IXPs and carrier-neutral data centres they have and the interaction between these two critical facilities.34 Côte d’Ivoire currently has one IXP— the Cote d’Ivoire Internet Exchange Point (CIVIX), and no carrier-neutral data centre. It is at Stage 1 of the ladder. Table 4: Stages of the Internet Exchange Ladder Stage Status Countries 31 AIGF website, www.aigf.ci 32 SNDI website, www.sndi.ci/ 33 TeleGeography, Submarine Cable Map, 2021 34 World Bank Group, 2020. National Data Infrastructure The Role of Internet Exchange Points, Content Delivery Networks, and Data Centres (was still in draft form) 17 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Stage 0 No IXP, internet traffic Algeria, Cabo Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, exchanged overseas Comoros, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Guinea- Bissau, Lesotho, Libya, Mauritania, Niger, São Tomé and Príncipe, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Sudan Stage 1 Domestic internet traffic Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo, Côte between ISPs exchanged d'Ivoire, Egypt, Eswatini, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, at IXP Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Namibia, Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Zambia, Zimbabwe Stage 2 Diversity of participants at Angola, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mauritius, IXP, presence of global Morocco, Mozambique, Uganda Content Distribution Networks (CDNs) Stage 3 IXP located alongside Djibouti, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa carrier-neutral co-location data center Source: NREN Survey and Interviews with CEOs, 2020 iv. % Population within 10-km fibre coverage (reflects fibre network coverage of the country). Only 32.8% of Côte d’Ivoire’s population currently lives within 10-km of fibre coverage, mainly around the large urban areas. This has a direct bearing on the cost of connecting especially rural campuses.35 v. Regulatory score, which reflects the maturity of the regulatory environment. It is based on individual country scores from ITU Global Regulatory Outlook 2020.36 Côte d’Ivoire’s score was 61.8 out of a possible 100. A good regulatory environment leads to more competitive connectivity offerings. 4.2 Sector Operations 4.2.1 Licensing, Market Structure and Service Providers Côte d’Ivoire adopted a unified technology-neutral licensing framework in 2016, allowing licensed operators to provide cross-platform services. Operators whose existing licences were expiring were allowed to get the new licence to enhance competition and encourage investment in new infrastructure. The market has two competing fixed network operators that also provide mobile services—Orange Côte d’Ivoire and MTN Côte d’Ivoire. Along with the third mobile operator, Moov, these 3 providers dominate the country’s telecommunications market. Orange is the dominant player in the mobile market, followed by MTN and then Moov. In recent years the Government has aimed to develop a telecom sector with a stronger focus on convergence. To this end, mobile licences were renewed in early 2016 as universal services licences. 35 Africa Telecom Transmission Map, 2020. Hamilton Research Ltd. 36 https://www.itu.int/pub/D-PREF-BB.REG_OUT01 18 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 4.2.2 Access to Broadband Côte d’Ivoire is connected to four different submarine cables as indicated in Figure 4,37 making it a well-served coastal country: • South Atlantic 3/West Africa Submarine Cable (SAT-3/WASC/SAFE), a submarine cable system connecting 9 countries, starting from South Africa and ending in Portugal and Spain. This was the first cable to land in Côte d’Ivoire (and other West African countries). The incumbent telco in Côte d’Ivoire maintained monopoly access to its international capacity, resulting in high internet access charges the second submarine cable arrived. • Africa Coast to Europe (ACE), which spans 12,000 km along the west coast of Africa, connecting 18 countries to France, Portugal and Spain. • West Africa Cable System (WACS), a submarine cable system connecting 15 countries, starting from South Africa and ending in London, and • MainOne is a 7,000km submarine cable with landing stations in Nigeria, Ghana, and Portugal that was completed to Ivory Coast in September 2019. The MainOne cable system delivers a capacity of up to 10 Tbps and direct connections to various regional and global Internet networks, including the Nigerian Internet Exchange (IXPN), Ghanaian Internet Exchange (GIX) and London Internet Exchange (LINX) and Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMSIX). 37 https://www.submarinenetworks.com 19 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Source: Africa Telecom Transmission Map, 2020. Hamilton Research Ltd, www.africabandwidthmaps.com Figure 4: Distribution of fibre networks across Côte d’Ivoire As of January 2021, WASC cable systems deliver 40 Gbps capacity to Côte d’Ivoire. About 72% is used; ACE has 120 Gbps available bandwidth, of which 58% used, and MAINONE has 200 Gbps of available bandwidth, of which 5% is used. Thus, the country has a total international submarine capacity of 360 Gbps, of which barely 30% is currently used.38 The Government realises the importance of the “middle mile”, a backbone to interconnect to the international submarine cable landing stations. Côte d’Ivoire has one of the most extensive national fibre backbones in West Africa, as shown in Figure 4. A governmental project, National Fibre Backbone Project (RNHD) was led by ANSUT and built a 7,000 km of optical fibre network in three phases that started in 2012 and ended in 2018. Phase 1, financed by a Chinese loan, covered the eastern part of the country with 622 km of fibre, Phase 2 funded by the Government of Côte d’Ivoire covered the northern, western, and central regions with 1,400 km of fibre, while Phase 3 financed by the French Development Agency (AFD) covered the rest of the country with 5,132 km of fibre. The country had an estimated 15,750 km of operational fibre covering different parts of the country as of the end of 2019.39 Most Internet users (98.5%) rely on mobile technology to access the Internet as indicated in 38 https://assisesdunumerique.ci/ 39 Africa Bandwidth Maps, July 2020 20 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Table 5. This is partly the result of the broad coverage of the mobile networks with 94% of the population living within reach of a 3G mobile network, and 58.5% within reach of 4G (according to recent data from ARCTI, see Table 6).40 Among fixed internet users, most rely on fixed LTE modems for Internet access, although Fibre to the Home (FTTH) has also emerged as an option on the market. The proportion of individuals using the Internet at 36% is higher than the African average of 28% but still lower than a World average of 54%. 41 Table 5: Categories of Internet Subscribers by Technology Technology ORANGE MTN MOOV VIPNET Total Percentage Fixed ADSL 79,704 436 80,140 0.4% Fixed LTE 135,244 0 135,244 0.8% FTTH 40,416 0 40,416 0.2% Fixed Other 2,579 744 863 4,186 0.0% Mobile 2G/3G/4G 8,925,358 5,203,386 3,493,059 17,621,803 98.5% Total 9,183,301 5,204,130 3,493,059 1,299 17,881,789 100.0% Source: Based on operator 2nd quarter declarations to ARCTI, June 2020 Table 6: National population and area coverage of mobile technologies Coverage Status Technology Population Coverage Area Coverage 2G 97.5% 83.4% 3G 94.2% 82.0% 4G 58.5% 22.2% nd Source: Based on operator 2 quarter declarations to ARCTI, June 2020 In 2017, ARTCI carried out a survey that confirmed many of the inherent challenges with improving access to connectivity for higher education institutions' students and staff. Very few households reported having Internet access or a computer at home, as depicted in Table 7. The three main reasons cited for the lack of Internet access at home included the high cost of Internet services (23%), high cost of Internet access devices (22%) and lack of confidence or skill to use the Internet (16%). This highlights the importance of reducing the cost of Internet services, devising new ways to provide Internet access devices to students, and equipping them with the necessary digital skills to use the Internet for learning purposes comfortably. Table 7: Indicators of household access to ICT devices and Internet (2017) Category Urban Rural All Proportion of households with a fixed telephone 4.8% 0.5% 2.8% Proportion of households with a Computer 10.3% 0.3% 5.6% 40 ARTCI 2020. Market Performance Report 2nd Quarter 2020 41 ITU 2019. Measuring Digital Development: Facts and Figures 21 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Category Urban Rural All (includes desktop, laptop and tablet) Proportion of households with a Desktop 6.2% 0% 3.3% Proportion of households with a Laptop 4.3% 0.3% 2.4% Proportion of households with a Tablet 0.7% 0% 0.4% Proportion of households with Internet access at home 24.9% 0.7% 13.5% (includes fixed and mobile) Proportion of households with Fixed Internet access at home 3.20% 0% 1.7% Proportion of households with Mobile Internet access at home 30.0% 0.7% 16.1% Source: ARCTI, 2020 To address the lack of ICT devices among the population, the Government, under the supervision of the Ministry of Digital Economy and Postal Services and ANSUT, started the “One Citizen, One Computer, One Internet Connection” project in 2015 to accelerate digital maturity by equipping the population with computers and tablets at preferential prices. Students are one of the principal targets for this initiative, where a citizen can acquire a laptop at around $110, and Government has opened outlets at different universities. 42 4.2.3 IXPs and Data Centres The regulator ARTCI supported the community initiative to create the first IXP, Côte d’Ivoire Internet Exchange Point (CIVIX), in 2013. 43 Licensed Internet Service Providers (ISPs) must subscribe to the CIVIX and exchange their subscribers' local traffic through the IXP. Other interested entities that agree to adhere to the operating rules can also be admitted. Each member is expected to pay an annual membership fee of 1 million FCFA (about US$ 2,000) to contribute to the IXP's operations. In 2018, the volume of national internet traffic passing through the CIVIX increased significantly to the cumulative annual traffic exchanged in 2018 to 285 Gbps from 435 Mbps in 2013.44 CIVIX connects 11 members, including all licensed telecommunication providers, ISPs and some international Internet actors. CIVIX hosts 9 Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs), terminates 60 optic fibres and provides 96 Ethernet ports. Services offered include public peering, route collector, new member connection at 1 Gbps or 10 Gbps over Fiber, or at 1Gbps via Ethernet, a 24/7 Network Operating Service well as the support and maintenance of member equipment at the IXP. Members of the CIVIX include Packet Clearing House, which provides operational support and security to critical internet infrastructure, including internet exchange points, the core domain name system, and INQ Holdings Limited, a pan-African cloud solutions provider. RITER, the Ivorian Research and Education Network does is not yet connected to CIVIX. 42 Global System for Mobile Communications 2017, Country overview: Côte d’Ivoire, GSMA 43 Côte d’Ivoire Internet Exchange Point (CIVIX) https://www.civix.ci 44 CIVIX charter, https://www.civix.ci/images/CIVIX/CHARTE.pdf 22 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study The IXP has 2 Points of Presence (PoPs)— one hosted by Orange Cote d’Ivoire and another (?) by MTN Cote d’Ivoire. CIVIX provides unlimited peering among members, reduced latency time, and lowered bandwidth costs. The CIVIX NOC is located at ARTCI, which renewed the charter (with licensed providers Orange Côte d'Ivoire, MTN Côte d'Ivoire, Moov, VipNet and YooMee) to support CIVIX in 2019.45 CIVIX has also boosted the local ICT sector (hosting providers, Internet service providers, hosted application providers, software development, etc.) and spurred the development of new local content and services. MainOne has begun collaborating with Orange to build a data centre that is co-located with MainOne’s submarine cable landing station in Abidjan. 46,47 This is yet to appear on the global datacentre tracking website, an indication that the service may not yet be available for customers.48 4.2.4 Cybersecurity In 2016, Côte d’Ivoire was reported to host 45% of the Crime and Cybercrime servers in Africa, ahead of South Africa (19%) and Morocco (17%). The country has also been part of the top ten African countries generating malware (5%), Spams (4%), Bots (2%). 49 The country has been working to address Cybersecurity issues and a crackdown on Cybercrime by developing a Cybersecurity strategy framework through Law No. 2013-451 and No. 2017-803 on the information society. Côte d’Ivoire has also set up dedicated agencies and departments to tackle Cybersecurity. These include: i. The Directorate of Informatics and Technological Traces (Direction de l’Informatique et des Traces Technologiques or DITT), of the National Police Force, under the Ministry of the Interior and Security (Ministère de L’intérieur et de la Sécurité), investigates crimes and offences that involve technologies and networks, including cases of pure Cybercrime or the use of complex technologies by offenders. The unit also hosts the Platform for Combating Cybercrime (PCC, created in 2011), a collaboration with ARTCI and other stakeholders to fight against the phenomenon of Cybercrime. ii. Côte d’Ivoire Computer Emergency Response Team (CI-CERT)50 or National Computer Emergency Response Team, is under the auspices of ARTCI. The unit acts as a coordinating centre for monitoring and responding to computer security incidents in the country and as the primary contact for cross-border security incidents. The ITU Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI) 51 seeks to gauge how countries are dealing with Cyber threats. Using a range of indicators, the ITU compares countries in terms of knowledge for implementing Cybercrime legislation, national Cybersecurity strategies (NCS), computer emergency response teams (CERTs), capacity to spread awareness of developed strategies, 45 APA news, https://apanews.net/pays/cote-divoire/news/signature-a-abidjan-dune-charte-de-fonctionnement-du-point-dechange- internet-national 46 https://www.mainone.net/inside-the-mainone-cote-divoire-data-centre-and-cable-landing-station/ 47 https://www.capacitymedia.com/articles/3824600/mainone-branch-cable-rfs-in-c-te-divoire 48 DataCentreMap, https://www.datacentermap.com/africa/ 49 UNIDIR Cyber Policy Portal 50 CI-CERT, https://www.cicert.ci/ 51 ITU Cybersecurity Index https://www.itu.int/en/ITU-D/Cybersecurity/Pages/global-cybersecurity-index.aspx 23 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study and capabilities and programmes in the field of Cybersecurity. Côte d’Ivoire’s performance on the GCI has slightly worsened, with the country sliding from 73 to 86 out of 132 ITU member countries, as indicated in Table 8. The decline is on account of deficient technical measures (like lack of national and sectoral CERTs) and inadequate organisational and capacity building efforts. Table 8: Country performance in ITU Global Cybersecurity Index Country 2017 GCI 2018 GCI Score Regional World Rank Score Regional World Rank (out of 44) (out of 193) (out of 44) (out of 193) Burkina Faso 0.21 16 107 0.4 14 96 Côte d’Ivoire 0.42 8 73 0.46 9 86 Mozambique 0.21 17 108 0.16 26 132 Uganda 0.54 5 50 0.62 7 65 Source: ITU 4.2.5 Electrification Table 9 compares trends in electrification between Côte d’Ivoire and the other case study countries—Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Uganda. Compared to the African average for both urban and rural areas, the country has a higher electrification rate, which should help make improving connectivity less challenging. Table 9: Comparison of electrification rate among case study countries Population Proportion of the population with access to electricity without access (million) National Urban Rural 2010 2015 2019 2019 2019 2019 Africa 44% 49% 56% 81% 37% 579 Sub-Saharan Africa 33% 40% 48% 76% 29% 578 Uganda 14% 19% 29% 66% 17% 32 Côte d’Ivoire 59% 63% 76% >99% 51% 6 Burkina Faso 14% 19% 22% 69% 2% 16 Mozambique 16% 28% 35% 57% 22% 20 Source: IEA, World Energy Outlook-2020 24 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 4.3 Sector Challenges Impacting Broadband Connectivity There are several challenges faced by licensed ICT providers in Côte d’Ivoire when it comes to providing high-speed connectivity to the population in general to higher education in particular. Some of these include:52 i. While network coverage of the population has greatly improved, with the three major operators reporting an average 3G population coverage of 94% and 4G coverage of 58.5%, this is focussed largely around the more profitable urban cities and towns. When it comes to geographic area coverage, the three major operators report much lower figures—an average 3G area coverage of 49% and 4G coverage of 15%. The large disparities in terms of ICT infrastructure, particularly in rural areas, is a major challenge that Côte d’Ivoire seeks to connect TVETs located in underserved areas. ii. The high tax burden on ICT services (e.g., 18% for VAT, 35% taxes on benefits, 35% as custom duties, communications tax), tax on mobile money transfers, tax on provider revenues, etc. Most of these taxes are passed onto customers in the form of high prices, resulting in the unintended effect of crippling the growth of the sector and the wider economy.53 iii. Operators complain about the lack of security for their infrastructure and resulting vandalism that destroys their investment in telecommunications infrastructure as a big challenge54 iv. Lack of local content that can be used to drive the success of ICT industry. These challenges have a direct bearing on the use of digital technologies in higher education. The higher education sector, on its part, lacks adequate human resources to design and deploy campus networks and extend connectivity to underserved institutions. Consequently, most of the institutions have poorly designed networks that cannot sustain high speed connectivity. 52 https://www.afriqueeconomie.net/index.php/2019/08/17/une-rencontre-sur-les-enjeux-et-defis-du-secteur-des-telecoms-a-abidjan/ 53 https://www.afriqueeconomie.net/index.php/2019/08/17/une-rencontre-sur-les-enjeux-et-defis-du-secteur-des-telecoms-a-abidjan/ 54 https://www.arabianindustry.com/comms/news/2018/jun/13/orange-ci-stops-cote-divoire-fibre-rollout-due-to-vandalism-5941611/ 25 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 5. Réseau Ivoirien de Télécommunication pou Enseignement et la Recherche The Réseau Ivoirien de Télécommunication pou Enseignement et la Recherche (RITER), the Ivorian Research and Education Network, was created in September 2012 by the 7 public universities to federate their telecommunications infrastructure. It is an entity under the supervision of MESRS. RITER is a founding member of the West and Central African Research and Education Network (WACREN) and successfully interconnected to the regional network during the EU-funded AfricaConnect2 project. WACREN Network provides 50% of the total bandwidth, and the rest is purchased directly from the local Internet Services providers. Figure 5: RITER backbone Network RITER is building a national fibre backbone in three phases, as shown in Figure 5. Phase 1 (see Figure 6), which is almost completed, interconnects 4 prominent localities (Abidjan, Agboville, Aboisso and Adzopé) in Abidjan and 7 other localities centralised in Korogho in the northern part of the country. The connected universities include the University of Félix Houphouet Boigny, which hosts the Data Center, University Nangui Abrogoua, and the University Alassane Ouattara. Phase 2 and Phase 3 statuses are given in Figure 7. 26 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Figure 6: RITER network phase 1 Figure 7: RITER network phases 2 and 3 Plans are underway to connect RITER to the Regional Research and Education Network, WACREN, as part of the AfricaConnect2 project. The country has made its project contribution, and the project, which will add 1 Gbps of international connectivity to RITER, is in advanced stages. 27 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study All the public universities are now interconnected via an IP/MPLS network, except for the new University in Man’s western city. While private universities are free to connect, none has connected to the network yet. Given that the private Universities’ students’ population is growing, there is a pressing need to find alternatives to build better campus networks and procure more high-speed internet to serve all students and staff across the higher education in the country. 5.1 Connectivity, Pricing, and Other Services MESRS is working to access 2 Gbps of capacity for RITER at the cost of $27.5 per Mbps per month. This capacity is ten times more than it was before the Covid-19 pandemic. This results in a monthly recurrent bill of USD 55,000 currently covered by MESRS. The RITER network depicted in Figure 8 consists of the following infrastructure: • 3 rackable servers: dual CPU quad-core 3,6 GHz, 96 GB of RAM • 30 TBytes SAN storage, with two 24 ports switches. RITER has a total of 8 (eight) amphitheatres equipped with remote teaching and videoconferencing tools. Technical rooms with POLYCOM equipment (RMX, RSS and CMA) support distance learning courses. Besides Connectivity, RITER provides member institutions with a wide range of services that include: • eduroam and/or other Resource Identity services • Data Center services (e.g., storage, virtual machine and colocation) • Visio conferencing (Polycom) • DNS services (e.g., domain name translations and pointer records) • Network Operations Centre (NOC) services (e.g., Traffic analysis and monitoring tools). The construction of RITER's infrastructure benefited mainly from the government e-Education program's pilot phase, piloted by the National Agency for the Universal Telecommunications Service (ANSUT). UEMOA has also contributed significantly through projects to support LMD reform (PAES and PADTICE projects). Some institutions (IRD, IPCI) contribute to the network's extension by financing their interconnection to the RITER with their own funds. The MESRS Decision 0203/MERS/CAB of August 11th, 2017 set up a Project Team in charge of the operationlisation of Digital infrastructures for the Higher Education and Research, namely the RITER, under the Directorate of Information Systems (DSI). 28 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Figure 8: RITER network schematic In 2018, the Ivorian Government asked AFD to investigate new sovereign loan financing for infrastructure and equipment to provide the NREN with better access to national and global digital resources. IRD and CIRAD then carried out a detailed study of the RITER’s state of progress and quantified the investments necessary to achieve the RITER's operationalization. Figure 9 shows the roadmap drawn up, emphasising essential steps towards a full-fledged NREN by 2022. The roadmap covers governance, technical services, user services, and human resources is estimated to cost Euros 1.8 million. 29 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Source: Terms of Reference RITER 2022 Figure 9: Critical Path to operationalise RITER In February 2020, an operationalisation meeting was organised with AFD to support RITER. IRD will take the facilitator role in providing procurement services, lessons learned and alerts for international projects. A steering committee led by the MESRS Directorate of Information Systems (DSI) or its representative will oversee the project. 5.2 NREN Maturity Survey results show that African countries are at different levels of NREN development or maturity based on many indicators relevant to higher education connectivity. The most pertinent ones integrated into the cost model include: i. Presence of NREN (1 point), (scored 1 out of 1). Côte d’Ivoire has a formal NREN. ii. NREN governance structure (1 point), (scored 1 out of 1). RITER is an entity under the supervision of MESRS. iii. Government recognition of NREN/NREN relationships (1 point), (scored 1 out of 1). RITER is part of MESRS and is recognised by the Ministry in charge of ICT and the ICT sector regulator. iv. Variety of funding sources for NREN (1 point each for membership fees, government grants and sale of bandwidth), (scored 2 out 3). RITER receives the bulk of its funding (90%) from the government as well as contributions from other sources (10%). v. Whether NREN has a network (network [virtual or physical] 1 point, national POPs 2 points). RITER has a network built as part of Phase 1 to distribute connectivity to HEIs. Phase 2 and 3 are under implementation. 30 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study vi. Whether NREN has an Autonomous System Number (ASN) (1 point).55,56 This facilitates routing within the NREN network, exchanging routing information with other network operators, and ability to directly peer with an IXP. RITER has an ASN. vii. Whether at least one University or more has an ASN facilitates multi-homing (1 point), (Scored 0). No higher education institutions currently have ASNs viii. Whether any ASN has networks that they peer with (1 point), (scored 1 out of 1). 57 RITER’s network peers with other networks. ix. NREN regional/global connectivity (transit in Africa 1 point, transit in Europe 2 points), (scored 1 out of 2 points). RITER connects to the Regional Research and Education Network, WACREN, as part of the AfricaConnect2 project. x. Middle-ware services offered by NREN (1 point each for ICT training, DNS, NOC services), (scored 2 out of 3 points). RITER offers DNS and NOC services to members. xi. Advanced services offered by NREN (1 point each for identity and access management, data centre services, video conferencing, research management tools), (scored 2 out of 4 points). RITER offers video conferencing and research management tools. Figure 10: Stages of NREN development Using a combination of Duncan Greaves’ NREN Capability Maturity Model 58 and Mike Foley’s levels of NREN development,59 different African countries can be scored and organised into levels of NREN maturity. There are four broad groups summarized in Figure 10 that include: i. No-NREN: no NREN, but varying levels of awareness about need and ongoing conversations. ii. Emerging NREN: legal entity established, with formal organisational structure, but without a network. iii. Connected NREN: has a network of varying coverage, may have national PoPs to connect members, has ASN and IP resources that facilitate peering with other networks and offering middle-ware services, and iv. Mature NREN: has high-speed regional (transit in Africa)/global (transit in Europe) connectivity to other NRENs and offering advanced services. Table 10 depicts how the NRENs in different African countries can be categorised around 55 AfriNIC is the regional Internet registry that allocates these for the African region, https://afrinic.net/asn 56 AfriNic ASN Statistics https://stats.afrinic.net/asn/ 57 AfriNic ASN Statistics https://stats.afrinic.net/asn/ 58 Greaves, D. (2009). An NREN Capability Maturity Model. https://www.casefornrens.org/Resources_and_Tools/Document_Library/ Documents/NREN%20Capability%20Maturity%20Model%20(CMM).pdf 59 Foley, M. (2016). The Role and Status of National Research and Education Networks in Africa. World Bank. 31 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study these stages. It also shows the potential savings derived from demand aggregation of bandwidth requirements among higher education institutions and smart procurement strategies (e.g., benchmarking regional pricing) and procuring long-term leases. RITER is categorised as a Connected NREN. Table 10: Classification of Connectivity in African Higher Education State of NREN Countries Actions Contribution to development Saving via aggregation No NREN Angola, Cape Verde, Central • Ensure access to 0% saving African Republic, Comoros, bandwidth to all higher Republic of Congo, Eritrea, education institutions (2 Equatorial Guinea, Eswatini, years) Gambia, Guinea-Bissau, • NREN development (3 Lesotho, Mauritius, São Tomé years) and Príncipe, Seychelles, • Transition to full NREN South Sudan model (5 years) Emerging NREN Botswana, Burkina Faso, • Strengthening NREN 30% saving Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, • Ensuring that higher Djibouti, Guinea, Liberia, education institutions are Libya, Mali, Mauritania, connected to adequate Namibia, Niger, Sierra Leone, Internet bandwidth Sudan, Zimbabwe Connected NREN Algeria, Benin, Cote d’Ivoire, • Ensuring that higher 60% saving DRC, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, education institutions are Ghana, Madagascar, Malawi, connected to adequate Morocco, Mozambique, Internet bandwidth Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, • Provision of advanced Somalia, Tanzania, Togo, services Tunisia, Zambia • Transition to full-fledged NREN in three years Mature NREN Kenya, South Africa, and • Provision of advanced 90% saving Uganda connectivity and services Source: KCL 5.3 Challenges for RITER Despite being a Connected NREN, RITER faces challenges that hinder better performance. These include: i. High cost of services that confronts its competitiveness. Despite direct access to submarine cables, bandwidth costs are still very high, making RITER’s services expensive without government subsidy. ii. Currently, the cost of bandwidth is fully covered by the Government through MESRS. Given the funding restrictions for higher education and the many priorities for 32 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Government, it is not certain that they will make more resources available for bandwidth. iii. Lack of a skilled, dedicated, and well-resourced team to manage the network and operations of the NREN. RITER does not have a dedicated team and relies on: a. ANSUT for network operation, which in turn delegated the operation and maintenance of the network to SNDI. The SNDI operates the infrastructures on the ground and ensures a physical presence at each site. Therefore, the RITER users have to deal with the SNDI as their point of contact, but SNDI cannot intervene (provide the network topology) without consulting the ANSUT. b. BNETD for the design office; and c. IRMA for the provision of personnel. iv. Institutions connected to the NREN network have poorly designed networks. v. Institutions lack skilled ICT engineers to manage their networks and provide the requisite services. vi. Lack of clear governance for the NREN. At the Ministry’s request in charge of education, a mission was carried out by RENATER-IRD-CIRAD-WACREN-UBUNTUNET ALLIANCE in 2016 and concluded that the RITER was not operational from the end-user perspective. Several reasons at the governance (undefined roles and responsibilities) and infrastructures (unstable network flows, insufficient bandwidth, and capillarity of poor campus networks) explained this situation. This is being addressed by the proposed plan with the help of AFD and IRD. 33 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 6. Cost Estimates for Connecting Higher Education in Côte d’Ivoire Connectivity, recognised as a foundation for learning and innovation, has four major components, all of which need to be addressed to complete the value chain: end-user access devices; high-quality campus networks to deliver a good broadband experience to the end- users; high-quality national networks to interconnect campuses, and regional and global networks to join national networks to the worldwide environment. The pricing used in the model is specific to Cote d’Ivoire, and therefore provide more accurate projections compared to the general continental averaging. A schematic diagram for arriving at the cost of connecting African higher education institutions is shown in Figure 11. 6.1 Access to Computing Devices To compute the cost of access to computing devices for students and staff that are necessary to facilitate the use of high-speed broadband delivered to higher education institutions, these assumptions were defined as part of the cost model: Assumptions for projecting device costs for students and staff by country: i. Used forecast of student enrolment and staff numbers in Côte d’Ivoire for 2021 to 2025. ii. 80% of students are undergraduate students who spend, on average three years at the university, 20% are graduate students who spend two years at the university. iii. One-third of undergraduates in a given year are assumed to be freshers while one-half of graduate students are considered freshers at the start of any given academic year. This results in a weighted average of 36.7% that need to acquire devices at the beginning of any academic year. iv. Predetermined scaling down of support from different partners for student devices. Support starts at 80% of the first-year students in 2021 and reduces by 20% year-on- year: 60% in 2022, 40% in 2023, and 20% in 2024. v. All staff will get devices between 2021 and 2025. Staff devices are supported up to 100%, and new staff are given new devices after recruitment. vi. Used an average figure of USD 400 per user laptop (including software) as economies of scale would reduce costs. All laptops come with a three-year warranty. 34 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Figure 11: An aggregate model for connecting higher education institutions in Africa 35 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Côte d’Ivoire needs USD 267 million to provide access devices for all first-year students and staff in higher education institutions between 2021 and 2025, as summarised in Table 11. Table 11: Cost of equipping students and staff with access devices (2021 to 2025) Year Forecast student Forecast staff Estimated Average enrolment numbers cost of devices (USD, millions) 2021 272,200 23,800 48.7 2022 281,800 25,000 28.3 2023 291,400 26,300 20.1 2024 301,000 27,600 26.0 2025 310,600 28,900 1.7 Total 1,457,000 131,600 125 Source: KCL calculations 6.2 Upgrading Campus Networks Table 12 summarises the assumptions used for calculating the cost of upgrading campus networks. Table 12: Assumptions for calculating campus network upgrade costs in Côte d’Ivoire Area Assumptions Number of buildings A micro campus has 1 large building, a mini campus has 1 medium and 1 building, a small campus has 2 medium and 3 large buildings, a medium campus has 4 medium and 6 large buildings, a large campus has 8 medium and 12 large buildings while a very large campus has 12 medium and 18 large buildings. Length of fibre A micro campus needs 1 km of fibre network, a micro campus needs 2 km, a small campus needs a 5 km fibre network backbone, a medium campus needs 10 km, while large and very large campuses need 20 km and 30 km, respectively. Assumed a unit cost of $20 per metre of laying fibre, including civil works. Switching centres A micro campus has 1 switching centre (with 1 core switch and 1 layer 3 switch) while mini and small campuses have 1 switching centre (with 1 border router and 1 core switch). Medium campuses have 1 switching centre (with 1 layer 3 switch and 1 core switch). Large and Very Large campuses have 2 switching centres (each with a core router) and one border router for large and 2 for very large campuses. Very large campuses have two border routers, giving the network ability to support 2 independent connections. Given the poor reliability of power in many African countries, each switching centre has a standby generator. Data centre A campus needs a small data centre (Tier I) with racks, centralised UPS and 36 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study some servers. We budgeted 3 servers for the micro, mini and small campuses, 9 servers for medium, 12 servers for the large and 18 for very large campuses. The data centre, switching centre, and Network Operations Centre (NOC) should be co-located in the same location to save on costs. Multimedia classroom Micro, mini and small campuses have 1 fully integrated smart classroom with different technologies, including smartboards, projectors, cameras, speakers, audio equipment, lighting etc. A medium campus has 3 of these; a large campus has 5, while a very large campus has 7 smart classrooms. Support to A Local Area Network and PCs in the main library that is connected to an institutional library online public access catalogue (OPAC). Skilled staff At least 1 ICT skilled professional for every 450 students earns at least 1.5K per month to compete with the private sector. The staff should have access to one training opportunity per year in line with the needs of their institution. Consulting and design Institutions should be able to access technical support to help the technical support team implement various solutions that address their institution's needs. This can start with campus network design and span other areas, including installing and maintaining various systems and equipment. Equipment supplies Institutions should be able to undertake corrective and preventive and maintenance maintenance to extend the campus network's life and operation. Source: KCL Table 13 summarises the CapEx and OpEx for upgrading all university and TVET campus networks in Côte d’Ivoire. The OpEx covers five years (default period that can be modified in the model) and includes a maintenance component for the campus networks (15% for hardware and software costs). The OpEx excludes bandwidth costs that are handled in the next section. OpEx (excluding bandwidth) is higher than CapEx. Given the need for sustainability, this highlights the need for both higher education institutions and the government to budget these costs appropriately. Table 13: Estimate for upgrading University and TVET campus networks in Côte d’Ivoire Number of Capex Opex Total Size of HEIs HEIs (USD, millions) (USD, millions) (USD, millions) Institutions with less than 5000 students (small campus) 322 472 587 1,059 Institutions with between 5000- 15000 students (medium campus) 6 16 25 41 Institutions with more than 15,000 students (large campus) 2 10 19 29 Total 330 498 631 1,129 Source: KCL calculations Table 14 indicates that small campuses account for 97.6% of all campuses and 93.8% of the total cost of upgrading campus networks. Given that the average enrolment for small campuses was only 608 students per campus, the small campus category has been refined 37 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study into three categories—mini campus (500 students or less), micro campus (500 to 1,500 students) and small campus (1,500 to 5,000 students) as shown in Table 15. Similarly, large campuses have also been refined into two categories—large campus (15,000 to 25,000 students) and very large campus (25,000 or more students). Table 14: Distribution of Small, Medium and Large Campuses Average % of No. of HEIs enrolment % of HEIs CapEx + OpEx Small (<=5000) 322 608 97.6% 93.8% Medium (5001-15000) 6 7,753 1.8% 3.6% Large (>=15000) 2 26,141 0.6% 2.6% Total 330 100.0% 100.0% Source: KCL Table 15: Distribution of HEI campus sizes in Uganda Min enrolment Max enrolment No. of HEIs Average enrolment % of HEIs Micro campus 0 500 256 532 77.6% Mini campus 500 1500 46 829 13.9% Small campus 1,500 5,000 20 2,618 6.1% Medium campus 5,000 15,000 6 6,867 1.8% Large campus 15,000 25,000 0 0 0.0% Very large campus 25,000 2 44,035 0.6% Total 330 100.0% Source: KCL Refining the categories shown in Table 14 as shown in Table 15 reduces the cost of upgrading campus networks from the USD 1,129 million derived from the continental (that has only Small, Large, and Medium categorisations) to 711 million, a saving 37%. This highlights that countries with a larger proportion of small campuses can save on the cost of upgrading campuses’ networks by refining the categories to account for much smaller campuses and dimensioning their networks appropriately. More savings can be derived from the use of shared infrastructure like switching and data centres among micro and mini campuses that are geographically very close to each other. 38 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 6.3 Connecting Campuses Upstream Drawing on global bandwidth use, it is recommended that higher education achieve connectivity of at least 1 Gbps for campuses that host 5000 students and staff in 2021 as indicated in Table 16. The connectivity target is to achieve at least 2 Gbps per 1000 students by 2025 (to be provided for in the World Bank planning period ending 2023) and at least 20 Gbps per 1,000 students by 2030. Table 16: Recommended Progressive Bandwidth Targets for African Universities and TVETs Year Minimum Remarks Bandwidth 2021 0.2 Gbps @1,000 Translates to 1Gbps for a campus of 5,000; and 10 Gbps for a (targeted campus of 50,000 minimum) 2021-2025 2 Gbps @1,000 Translates to 10 Gbps for a campus of 5,000; and 100 Gbps for a campus of 50,000. This should be the minimum entry level for the WBG intervention. It should be noted that the general aspirational target of most African NRENs by 2025 or earlier is 1Gbps per 1000 students, but this is heavily influenced by current challenges and limitations. 2025-2030 20 Gbps @1,000 Translates to 100 Gbps for a campus of 5,000. Actual size for any campus to be based on the TENET approach: “sufficient bandwidth to be able to use the prevailing applications of the day” with port sizes twice the normal usage. Source: KCL 6.3.1 Estimating Bandwidth Requirements and Unit Cost Figure 12 shows two ways to determine the Unit Price (USD/Mbps/month). The unit price of bandwidth varies widely depending on the distance from the fibre network, the local access and transit costs, the maturity of NREN, the national ICT situation and the regulatory score. The Local Price comprises the cheapest cost of IP transit and the cheapest cost of local access to deliver the bandwidth in a metro area within Côte d’Ivoire. IP transit is calculated based on 10 GigE volume or more from the cheapest provider in the country. Local metro access costs to deliver bandwidth to HEIs are calculated based on Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) circuits where available and smaller circuits in locations without big capacities, assuming that higher education institutions are located at most 15 km from a provider’s PoP in a metro/urban area. The Local Price (USD 52.2) is derived by adding the respective values for IP transit and local access to deliver the bandwidth in a metro area for the cheapest provider in Burkina Faso. The Regional Price (USD 4.3) is derived by adding the respective values for IP transit and local access to deliver the bandwidth in a metro area for the cheapest provider in West Africa. Regional procurement approaches are useful because the large volumes attract bigger players who bring in regional pressures on pricing. 39 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Figure 12: Matrix for determining bandwidth cost Based on this, Table 17 shows the projected bandwidth requirements for Côte d’Ivoire higher education institutions, giving a total of 621 Gbps by 2025 and 7.2 Tbps by 2030. 6.3.2 Aggregation Savings The Aggregation Savings calculated from Côte d'Ivoire’s NREN maturity, and its performance on various national ICT indicators pertinent to connectivity is 64%. This reflects the cost savings that higher education institutions are expected to gain by aggregating their bandwidth demand, using smart procurement strategies (e.g., benchmarking regional pricing) and procuring long-term leases. 6.3.3 Cost of Connecting Campuses Upstream Table 17: Projected bandwidth and cost using Student Enrolment and Local Price (2021, 2025 & 2030) Year Student Projected Projected cost Projected cost enrolment bandwidth (Gbps) (USD millions) (USD millions) no aggregation with aggregation Savings Savings 2021 272,200 272 171 61 2025 310,600 621 195 70 2030 358,600 7,172 562 202 Source: KCL calculations Table 18: Projected bandwidth and cost using Student Enrolment and Regional Price (2021, 2025 & 2030) Year Student Projected Projected cost Projected cost enrolment bandwidth (Gbps) (USD millions) (USD millions) no aggregation with aggregation 40 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Savings Savings 2021 272,200 272 14 5 2025 310,600 621 16 6 2030 358,600 7,172 46 17 Source: KCL calculations 6.4 Support to RITER Discussions with NREN officials in Africa indicate that they spend about 60% of their OpEx on connectivity-related expenses and the remaining 40% on human resources and related costs. Given that member institutions cover connectivity-related expenses through payments for bandwidth, NRENs often struggle to cover costs related to ongoing capacity building for both internal staff and especially member institutions where the value of connectivity is realised. Shortage of funding also means NRENs fail to retain competent staff who are attracted by the much higher pay within the ICT private sector: this is especially a challenge in the development and growth stage of five to ten years. It is especially important to provide for such support to reap the resulting value of the NREN to the delivery of broadband. Based on the experience of the NRENs that have now reached maturity, RITER needs a support budget of USD 2 million per year. About 40% (USD 800,000) would be spent on human resources and 60% (USD 1,200,000) on NREN development-related costs. This gives a requirement of USD 10 million over five years. A caveat on this is that RITER is already receiving significant support, as discussed in this report, which could reduce the overall planned funding. 41 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 6.5 Cost of Connecting HEIs in Côte d’Ivoire Table 19 summarises the cost elements for different components that make up the total cost of connecting all higher education institutions in Côte d’Ivoire for a period of five years (2021- 2025), including the cost of equipping students and staff with access devices and designing and upgrading campus networks. The overall cost is based on aggregation savings, which assume demand aggregation, use of smart procurement strategies (e.g., benchmarking regional pricing), and procuring long-term leases. Table 19: Summary of total 5-year cost of connecting higher education institutions in Côte d’Ivoire to high-speed Internet Category Cost (USD, millions) Potential Sources of Funding End-user devices Government, development Students and Staff 125 partners, students, institutions Sub Total 125 Upgrading campus networks Government, development Capex 262 partners Institutions, government, Opex 450 development partners Sub Total 711 5-year cost of connecting campuses upstream With Aggregation Savings Development partners, Using Student Enrolment & Regional Price 30 institutions, students NREN development and support costs RITER core costs and NREN development Development partners, 10 related costs government Using cost of connecting campuses upstream based on Total Cost Estimate (USD, millions) 876 student enrolment and regional price Source: KCL calculations 42 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study 7. Summary and Conclusion This Case Study explores the connectivity challenge from an education-sector perspective (demand-side) as well as from the information and communications technology (ICT)-sector perspective (supply-side). This chapter presents a summary of the key findings and recommendations. i. The Government of Côte d’Ivoire has made considerable progress in expanding its communication infrastructure and higher education in recent years. The country faces a high demand for higher education. The Government has put in place a system where private tertiary institutions play an essential role in filling the gap in higher education access. Digital technologies play a critical role in expanding the potential platforms to access higher education and interconnect educational institutions to each other to the rest of the world. ii. The connectivity target is to achieve at least 2 Gbps per 1000 students by 2025 and at least 20 Gbps per 1,000 students by 2030. Given a forecast enrolment of 310,600 higher education students in 2025, higher education institutions in Côte d’Ivoire will need at least 621 Gbps to serve higher education institutions’ bandwidth requirements across the country. This will rise to 358,600 students and 7.2 Tbps in 2030. iii. There are currently 403 entities providing higher Education in Côte d’Ivoire. These include 7 public and 33 private universities and 35 public and 328 private specialised schools (Grandes Écoles). The complete list of higher education universities and research centres is provided in Table 20. Analysis in this report indicates that the current bandwidth is not adequate to carry out teaching, learning, and higher education research. The higher education student population is projected to reach 272,200 in 2021. Côte d'Ivoire would need about at least 54.4 Gbps in 2021 (or 0.2 Gbps per 1,000 students). Given that the National Research and Education Network, RITER, has been working to access 2 Gbps capacity for higher education, this translates to a bandwidth ratio of 7.4 Mbps per 1,000 students and a deficit of 52.4 Gbps in 2021. Efforts are therefore needed to strengthen The Réseau Ivoirien de Télécommunication pou Enseignement et la Recherche—RITER and support higher education institutions to develop campus networks. Efforts should also be made to increase the private higher education institutions' connectivity that cater to a higher proportion of students in the country. 43 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Appendix A: Tables 44 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Table 20: Accredited Universities and Grandes Écoles in Côte d’Ivoire Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) Public Universities 108,818 117,088 UNIVERSITE FELIX HOUPHOUET-BOIGNY ABIDJAN 1964 58018 62,427 UNIVERSITE NANGUI ABROGOUA ABIDJAN 1995 8341 8,975 UNIVERSITE VIRTUELLE DE CÔTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2015 4841 5,209 UNIVERSITE ALASSANE OUATTARA BOUAKÉ 1995 23831 25,642 UNIVERSITE JEAN LOROUGNON GUEDE DALOA 2012 7037 7,572 UNIVERSITE PELEFORO GON COULIBALY DE KORHOGO KORHOGO 2012 5738 6,174 UNIVERSITE DE MAN MAN 2017 1012 1,089 Public Grandes Ecoles 29,058 31 266 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE FORMATION DES AGENTS DE SANTE ABENGOUROU ABENGOUROU 1991 610 656 ECOLE NORMALE SUPERIEURE ABIDJAN 1964 5626 6,054 ACADEMIE REGIONAL DES SCIENCES ET TECHNIQUES DE LA MER ABIDJAN 1987 598 643 CENTRE BUREAUTIQUE DE COMMUNICATION ET DE GESTION COCODY ABIDJAN 1999 1814 1,952 CENTRE BUREAUTIQUE DE COMMUNICATION ET DE GESTION TREICHVILLE ABIDJAN 1990 1036 1,115 CENTRE D'ELECTRONIQUE ET D'INFORMATIQUE APPLIQUÉE TREICHVILLE ABIDJAN 1988 257 277 CENTRE MULTISECTORIEL MOHAMED VI YOPOUGON ABIDJAN 2017 66 71 ECOLE DE COMMERCE ET DE GESTION ABIDJAN 1970 203 218 ECOLE NATIONALE D'ADMINISTRATION ABIDJAN 1960 436 469 ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE STATISTIQUE ET D'ECONOMIE APPLIQUEE ABIDJAN 1969 323 348 45 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) ECOLE SUPERIEURE AFRICAINE DES TECHNIQUES DE L'INFORMATION ET DE LA ABIDJAN 2012 536 577 COMMUNICATION INSTITUT NATIONAL DE FORMATION JUDICIAIRE ABIDJAN 2005 67 72 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE AGRICOLE ABIDJAN 1997 1938 2,085 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE FORMATION SOCIALE ABIDJAN 1966 241 259 INSTITUT NATIONAL SUPERIEUR DES ARTS ET ACTIONS CULTURELLES ABIDJAN 2017 3151 3,390 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE TECHNIQUE DE LA COMMUNICATION ABIDJAN 1992 735 791 LYCEE PROFESSIONNEL COMMERCIAL YOPOUGON ABIDJAN 1975 1111 1,195 LYCEE PROFESSIONNEL HOTELIER D'ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 1980 116 125 LYCEE TECHNIQUE ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 1959 370 398 LYCEE TECHNIQUE DE YOPOUGON ABIDJAN NA 121 130 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE FORMATION DES AGENTS DE SANTE ABOISSO ABOISSO 1991 86 93 INSTITUT NATIONAL DE FORMATION DES AGENTSDE SANTE BOUAKE BOUAKE 1991 1020 1,098 CENTRE BUREAUTIQUE DE COMMUNICATION ET DE GESTION DALOA DALOA 2000 426 458 LYCEE PROFESSIONNEL DE DAOUKRO DAOUKRO 2002 174 187 LYCEE PROFESSIONNEL GAGNOA GAGNOA 1984 427 459 LYCEE PROFESSIONNEL JACQUEVILLE JACQUEVILLE 1984 384 413 LYCEE PROFESSIONNEL ODIENNE ODIENNE NA 106 114 LYCEE PROFESSIONNEL DE SAN PEDRO SAN-PEDRO 1983 375 404 INSTITUT NATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUE FELIX HOUPHOUET-BOIGNY YAMOUSSOUKRO 1996 6705 7,215 46 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) Private Universities CENTRE DE RECHERCHE ET D'ACTION POUR LA PAIX/INSTITUT DE LA DIGNITE ET ABIDJAN 1962 593 638 DES DROITS DE L'HOMME CENTRE UNIVERSITAIRE PROFESSIONNALISE ABIDJAN 2007 53 57 CONSORTIUM POUR LE MANAGEMENT DE RECHERCHE FONDAMENTALE ET ABIDJAN 2010 11 12 APPLIQUÉE EN AFRIQUE DU SUD DU SAHARA ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INTERPRETARIAT ET DE TRADUCTION ABIDJAN 2010 203 218 FACULTES UNIVERSITAIRES PRIVEES D'ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2005 1882 2,025 INSTITUT UNIVERITAIRE D'ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2004 2771 2,982 UNIVERSITE ADAMA SANOGO ABIDJAN 1988 407 438 UNIVERSITE ATLANTIQUE ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2000 172 185 UNIVERSITE CANADIENNE DES ARTS, DES SCIENCES ET DES METIERS ABIDJAN 1998 107 115 Université Catholique de L'Afrique de l'Ouest/Unité Universitaire d'Abidjan ABIDJAN 2001 3302 3,553 UNIVERSITE CHARLES-LOUIS DE MONTESQUIEU COCODY ABIDJAN 2012 445 479 UNIVERSITE DES LAGUNES ABIDJAN 2005 435 468 UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2009 229 246 UNIVERSITE FRANCAISE D’ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2000 128 138 UNIVERSITE INTERNATIONALE BILINGUE AFRICAINE ABIDJAN 2005 146 157 Université Internationale des Sciences Appliquées et des Technologies ABIDJAN 2008 196 211 UNIVERSITE INTERNATIONALE MOUSTAPHA DE COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2014 13 14 UNIVERSITE INTERNATIONALE PRIVEE D'ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2011 3088 3,323 47 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) UNIVERSITE ISLAMIQUE AL FOURQUANE COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2009 73 79 UNIVERSITE METHODISTE DE COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2011 3661 3,939 UNIVERSITE NORD SUD BONOUMIN ABIDJAN 2016 462 497 UNIVERSITE NORD SUD VRIDI ABIDJAN 2010 163 175 UNIVERSITE NOUVELLE DE COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2009 77 83 UNIVERSITE DU MAGHREB EN COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2018 71 76 UNIVERSITE TAHARQA SARÊ ABIDJAN 2005 492 529 UNIVERSITE TERTIAIRE ET TECHNOLOGIQUE ABIDJAN 2007 628 676 UNIVERSITY OF ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2005 15 16 XC INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE UNIVERSITY ABIDJAN 2015 20 22 INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE POLYTECHNIQUE D'ABIDJAN ABIDJAN NA 187 201 UNIVERSITE INTERNATIONALE DE COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2015 131 141 UNIVERSITE NORD-SUD DIMBOKRO DIMBOKRO 2013 160 172 Private Grandes Ecoles 87,076 93,694 ONYX-EXCELLENCE ABENGOUROU ABENGOUROU 2019 26 28 INSTITUT D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR TECHNIQUE ET PROFESSIONNEL ABENGOUROU 2005 107 115 D'ABENGOUROU ACADEMIE DE GESTION ET DE L'HOTELLERIE ABIDJAN 2009 309 332 ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES TECHNOLOGIQUES ET COMPTABLES DEUX PLATEAUX ABIDJAN 2015 205 221 ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES TECHNOLOGIQUES ET COMPTABLES ABIDJAN 2003 369 397 48 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) ACADEMIE FICOGES ABIDJAN 2009 62 67 ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNIQUES RIVERA ABIDJAN 2012 241 259 ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNIQUES PLATEAU ABIDJAN 2012 306 329 ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNIQUES TREICHVILLE ABIDJAN 2012 211 227 ACADEMIE LIBRE DE TECHNOLOGIE PLATEAU ABIDJAN 2007 317 341 ACADEMIE LIBRE DE TECHNOLOGIES ABIDJAN 2007 181 195 AFRIQUE FORMATION ABIDJAN 1999 62 67 AGITEL FORMATION ABIDJAN 1994 398 428 ATLANTIQUE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL ABIDJAN 2014 145 156 CENTRE D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ET DES TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONALES ABIDJAN 1991 476 512 D'ABIDJAN ECOLE ENTREPRISE ET PLACEMENT CENTRE D'ETUDES,DE FORMATION EN INFORMATIQUE ET VISIO ENSEIGNEMENT ABIDJAN 2011 58 62 CENTRE DES ETUDES SUPERIEURES DES AFFAIRES D'ABIDJAN KOUMASSI ABIDJAN 2001 228 245 CENTRE DES ETUDES SUPERIEURES DES AFFAIRES D'ABIDJAN ABIDJAN NA 786 846 CENTRE DES ETUDES SUPERIEURES DES AFFAIRES D'ABIDJAN YOPOUGON ABIDJAN 2019 263 283 CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE FORMATION À DISTANCE ABIDJAN 2010 114 123 CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE FORMATION A L'EXPERTISE COMPTABLE ABIDJAN 2013 231 249 CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DE FORMATION DES CADRES ABIDJAN 2006 256 275 CENTRE INTERNATIONAL DU MANAGEMENT ET DE L’ENTREPRENEURIAT ABIDJAN 2013 183 197 FORMATION CENTRE LASSALIEN AFRICAIN ABIDJAN 2006 93 100 49 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) CMAM-CI ABIDJAN 2003 649 698 COURS SUPERIEUR NOTRE DAME DU PLATEAU ABIDJAN 2003 94 101 COURS SUPERIEURS SAINT PIERRE ABIDJAN 2015 127 137 DEMING EXCELLENCE INSTITUTE ABIDJAN 2016 161 173 ECOLE D'ARCHITECTURE D'ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2014 59 63 ECOLE DE FORMATION D'ASSISTANCE ET CONSEIL ABIDJAN 2017 25 27 CENTRE D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ET DES TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONALES ABIDJAN 1991 476 512 D'ABIDJAN ECOLE DES ETUDES COMERCIALES ET ECONOMIQUES ABIDJAN 2013 177 190 ECOLE FRANCAISE DES ATTACHES DE PRESSE ABIDJAN 2008 4 4 ECOLE INTERNATIONALE DES AFFAIRES DES FINANCES ET DE LA COMPTABILITE ABIDJAN 2015 41 44 ECOLE INTERNATIONALE DES PONTS ET CHAUSSES D'ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2016 65 70 ECOLE INTERNATIONAL TERTIAIRE DES NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIE DE ABIDJAN 2010 246 265 L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION COCODY ECOLE NOUVELLE SUPERIEUR D’I NGENIEUR ET DE TECHNOLOGIE ABIDJAN 1996 75 81 ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE D'ABIDJAN ABIDJAN NA 150 161 ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE LEONARD DE VINCI ABIDJAN 2014 337 363 ECOLE POLYVALENTE DU MAGREB EN COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN NA 74 80 ECOLE PRATIQUE DE LA CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D'INDUSTRIE ABIDJAN 1992 607 653 ECOLE SPECIALE DU BATIMENT ET DES TRAVAUX Public COCODY ABIDJAN 2001 109 117 ECOLE SPECIALE DU BATIMENT ET DES TRAVAUX PublicS ABIDJAN PLATEAU ABIDJAN 2019 692 745 50 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) ECOLE SPECIALE DU BATIMENT ET DES TRAVAUX PublicS TREICHVILLE ABIDJAN 2001 217 233 ECOLE SPECIALE DU BATIMENT ET DES TRAVAUX PublicS ABIDJAN 2014 532 572 ESSECT-POINCARE ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 1988 209 225 ECOLE SUPERIEURE AMINA ABIDJAN 2008 88 95 ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE ABIDJAN 2005 0 ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'EXPERTISE COMPTABLE ABIDJAN 2013 56 60 ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INDUSTRIE ET DE MANAGEMENT ABIDJAN 2015 215 231 ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INFORMATIQUE APPLIQUEE ABIDJAN 2014 16 17 ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INFORMATIQUE ET DE COMMERCE ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2015 141 152 ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INFORMATIQUE ET DE L'INNOVATION ABIDJAN 2013 263 283 ECOLE SUPERIEURE D’INFORMATIQUE ET DE GESTION D'ENTREPRISE ABIDJAN NA 238 256 ECOLE SUPERIEURE D’INTELLIGENCE ECONOMIQUE ABIDJAN 2005 35 38 Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Castaing ABIDJAN 1974 414 445 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE D'ADMINISTRATION ET DE MANAGEMENT ABIDJAN 2019 85 91 ECOLE SUPERIEUR DE COMMERCE ET D'INDUSTRIE PLATEAU ABIDJAN 2006 77 83 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE ET D'INDUSTRIE ABIDJAN 2015 18 19 ESK 2 PLTX ABIDJAN 2001 336 362 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE ET DE GESTION LA SORBONNE ABIDJAN 2003 141 152 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE ET DES AFFAIRES DE COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2016 86 93 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE, DE GESTION ET DE TECHNOLOGIE RIVIERA ABIDJAN 1986 59 63 51 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE, DE GESTION ET DE TECHNOLOGIE PLATEAU ABIDJAN 1987 248 267 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE FORMATION AUX METIERS D'INFORMATION ET DE GESTION ABIDJAN NA 101 109 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE LA MER ABIDJAN 2013 233 251 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE MANAGEMENT ET DE TECHNOLOGIE LE GROUPE BOWL ABIDJAN 2014 124 133 ESUMAT ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2015 176 189 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE MARKETING DE L'INFORMATION ET DE TECHNOLOGIE ABIDJAN 2019 108 116 ECOLE SUPERIEUR DE TECHNOLOGIE DE L'INDUSTRIE DU MANAGEMENT ABIDJAN 2015 196 211 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE TECHNOLOGIE-LOKO ABIDJAN 1992 1319 1,419 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE TECHNOLOGIE DE COMMERCE ET DE MANAGEMENT ABIDJAN NA 54 58 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES AFFAIRES ET DE MANAGEMENT/INSTITUT POLYTECHNIQUE ABIDJAN 1994 148 159 KOKO N'GUESSAN ESDE SUP ABIDJAN 2016 56 60 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES HAUTES ETUDES TECHNOLOGIQUES ET COMMERCIALES ABIDJAN 1997 495 533 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES PROFESSIONS Immobilières ABIDJAN 2014 112 121 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES ELECTRONIQUES AUDIOVISUELLES ET ABIDJAN 1996 123 132 INFORMATIQUES ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNOLOGIES AVANCEES ET DE MANAGEMENT ABIDJAN 2004 305 328 ECOLE SUPERIEURE GADJI ABIDJAN 2015 51 55 ECOLE SUPERIEURE INTERNATIONALE POLYTECHNIQUE ABIDJAN 1995 2019 2,172 ECOLE SUPERIEURE SAINT CHALMEL YOPOUGON ABIDJAN 2014 659 709 ECOLE SUPERIEURE TECHNIQUE ET COMMERCIALE PORT-BOUET ABIDJAN 2005 135 145 52 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) ECOLE SUPERIEURE TECHNIQUE ET COMMERCIALE YOPOUGON ABIDJAN NA 261 281 ECOLE SUPERIEURE TERTIAIRE ET DE TECHNOLOGIE APPLIQUEE-LOKO ABIDJAN 1997 1252 1,347 ECOLE TECHNIQUE DE L'ENSEIGNEMENT PROFESSIONNEL PLATEAU ABIDJAN 2005 187 201 Ecole Technique De l'Enseignement Professionnel ABOBO ABIDJAN 2013 174 187 ECOLE TECHNIQUE SUPERIEURE SAGUIDIBA ABIDJAN 1999 63 68 ECOLE TECHNIQUE INFORMATIQUE ET COMMERCIALE ABOBO ABIDJAN NA 132 142 ECOLE TECHNIQUE INFORMATIQUE ET COMMERCIALE COCODY 2 PLATEAUX ABIDJAN 2012 696 749 ECOLE TECHNIQUE INFORMATIQUE ET COMMERCIALE MARCORY ABIDJAN NA 696 749 ECOLE TECHNIQUE INFORMATIQUE ET COMMERCIALE YOPOUGON ABIDJAN NA 622 669 GROUPE ETABLISSEMENT EDUFOR ABIDJAN 1994 212 228 ECOLE WILLIAM PONTY-LOKO ABIDJAN 1991 2085 2,243 ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ET TECHNIQUE DE L'AUTOROUTE DU NORD ABIDJAN 2006 158 170 ENTREPRENEURS BUSINESS SCHOOL ABIDJAN 2015 85 91 EURO FORMATION COCODY ABIDJAN 2002 91 98 EURO FORMATION MARCORY ABIDJAN NA 267 287 EURO-FORMATION YOPOUGON ABIDJAN NA 230 247 GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT ABIDJAN NA 350 377 GROUPE BLM - INSTITUT SUPERIEUR AFRICAIN DE COMMUNICATION ABIDJAN 1998 25 27 GROUPE CEFIAT ABIDJAN PLATEAU ABIDJAN 2007 2959 3,184 GROUPE CSI PÔLE POLYTECHNIQUE ABIDJAN 1998 343 369 53 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) GROUPE DE FORMATION EN COMMERCE ET GESTION DES ENTREPRISES ABIDJAN 2006 52 56 GROUPE ECOLE DE TECHNOLOGIE ET DE COMMERCE ABIDJAN 2018 55 59 GROUPE ECOLE DES HAUTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2016 1208 1,300 GROUIPE ECOLE DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES ET GESTION DES ENTREPRISES ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2013 157 169 GROUPE ECOLES BETHEL ABIDJAN 2009 13 14 GROUPE ECOLES D'ABIDJAN ABIDJAN NA 98 105 ITA COCODY ABIDJAN NA 1061 1,142 GROUPE ITA INGENIERIE SA MARCORY ABIDJAN 2006 2659 2,861 ITA YOPOUGON ABIDJAN 2009 18 19 GROUPE MAAXIT ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2013 20 22 GROUPE ONYX - EXCELLENCE YOPOUGON… ABIDJAN 2013 569 612 HAUTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES D'ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2009 79 85 HAUTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES LA ROCHE PALMERAIE ABIDJAN NA 58 62 HAUTE ETUDE COMMERCIALE LA ROCHE PLATEAU ABIDJAN 2009 76 82 HAUTES ETUDES DE COMMERCE D'ADMINISTRATION DES ENTREPRISES ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2009 252 271 HAUTES ETUDES EN GESTION COMMERCE BANQUE ASSURANCE ABIDJAN 2007 388 417 IEA-ABIDJAN-EFM ABIDJAN 2016 168 181 INSTITUT AFRICAIN DE MANAGEMENT ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2015 116 125 INSTITUT CERCO COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2012 747 804 NSTITUT D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR LE CAMPUS YOPOUGON ABIDJAN NA 1390 1,496 54 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) INSTITUT D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR OFFOUMOU YAPO ABIDJAN 1999 962 1,035 INSTITUT DE COMMUNICATION DE GESTION ET D'ETUDE SCIENTIFIQUE COCODY ABIDJAN 2005 25 27 INSTITUT DE COMMUNICATION DE GESTION ET D'ETUDES SCIENTIFIQUES PLATEAU ABIDJAN 2001 46 49 INSTITUT DE FORMATION ART ET DÉVELOPPEMENT ABIDJAN 2010 250 269 INSTITUT DE FORMATION ET D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ABIDJAN 2019 19 20 INSTITUT DE FORMATION SAINTE MARIE YOPOUGON ABIDJAN 2015 701 754 INSTITUT DE FORMATION SAINTE MARIE ABOBO CAMP COMMANDO ABIDJAN 2007 1717 1,847 INSTITUT DE FORMATION SAINTE MARIE ANGRE ABIDJAN 2006 357 384 INSTITUT DE FORMATION SAINTE MARIE COCODY ABIDJAN 2006 1633 1,757 INSTITUT DE FORMATION SAINTE MARIE KOUMASSI ABIDJAN 2006 366 394 INSTITUT DE MANAGEMENT ET DES TECHNOLOGIES ABIDJAN 2013 23 25 Institut de Recherche en Sécurité et Protection de l'Environnement ABIDJAN NA 374 402 INSTITUT DE TECHNOLOGIES ET SPECIALITES ABIDJAN 1989 1633 1,757 INSTITUT DES HAUTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES ABIDJAN 2010 102 110 INSTITUT DES HAUTES ETUDES DE COMMERCE ET DE MANAGEMENT SAMUEL OULI ABIDJAN 2000 67 72 COCODY INSTITUT DES HAUTES ETUDES PROFESSIONNELLES ET TECHNIQUES ABIDJAN 1996 26 28 INSTITUT DES HAUTES ETUDES SUPERIEURES AVICENNE ABIDJAN NA 405 436 INSTITUT DES HAUTES ETUDES TECHNOLOGIQUES ET TERTIAIRES ABIDJAN 2015 0 INSTITUT DES SCIENCES ET INGENIERIES DE DEVELOPPEMENT ABIDJAN 2013 110 118 55 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) INSTITUT DES SCIENCES INFORMATIQUES ET DE GESTION ABIDJAN NA 105 113 INSTITUT FAMAH COCODY ABIDJAN 2010 540 581 INSTITUT IMPERIAL ABIDJAN 2011 0 INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL DES AFFAIRES EN ENTREPRENEURIAT ABIDJAN NA 0 INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL DE FORMATION EN ENTREPRENEURIAT YOPOUGON ABIDJAN 2009 386 415 INSTITUT LOUKOU KOUADIO MICHEL ABIDJAN 1998 485 522 INSTITUT MARCATH ABIDJAN 2007 68 73 INSTITUT POLYTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONAL FRANCOIS ABIDJAN 2015 52 56 Institut pour la Promotion des Arts Conservatoires ABIDJAN 1996 40 43 INSTITUT PRESBYTERIEN DE COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2008 357 384 INSTITUT PROFESSIONNEL BOOTH 2 PLATEAUX ABIDJAN 1985 133 143 INSTITUT SACRE CŒUR ABIDJAN ND 29 31 INSTITUT SUPEREIEUR DE GESTION D'ECONOMIE ET DE MANAGEMENT ABIDJAN 2006 202 217 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR ADAM MARSHALL ABOBO ABIDJAN 2015 107 115 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR ADAM MARSHALL PLATEAU ABIDJAN NA 38 41 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR BLAISE PASCA ABIDJAN 1981 125 135 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE COMMERCE ET DE MANAGEMENT ABIDJAN 2009 84 90 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE FORMATION AUX METIERS DE L'INFORMATIQUE ABIDJAN 1993 149 160 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE FORMATION ELITE TECHNOLOGIE ABIDJAN 2019 4 4 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE FORMATION SIBATA ABIDJAN 2018 68 73 56 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE GESTION YOH ABIDJAN 2003 172 185 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE LA CULTURE ET DES ARTS ABIDJAN 2005 104 112 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE LA FORMATION DES OPTICIENS-LOKO ABIDJAN 1997 193 208 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE LA FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE-LOKO ABIDJAN 1997 2292 2,466 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE MANAGEMENT ADONAI ABIDJAN 2015 51 55 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE TECHNOLOGIE APPLIQUEE ET COMMERCIALE ABIDJAN 2017 52 56 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE TECHNOLOGIE DE COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2001 201 216 Institut Supérieur de Technologie Dubass ABIDJAN 1997 102 110 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE TECHNOLOGIE ET TERTIAIRE ABIDJAN 2010 0 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DES CARRIERES COMMERCIALES ABIDJAN NA 208 224 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DES NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES ET de GESTION ABIDJAN NA 107 115 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES ABIDJAN 1999 124 133 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DES TECHNIQUES COMPTABLES, JURIDIQUES ET FISCALES ABIDJAN 2003 177 190 ABIDJAN INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DES TECHNOLOGIES ET DE MANAGEMENT ABIDJAN 2016 427 459 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DJEKAT IGNACE DE LOYOLA ABIDJAN 2015 21 23 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR JEAN PAUL II-LOKO ABIDJAN NA 4125 4,439 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR LA FONTAINE-LOKO ABIDJAN 2005 442 476 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR LE PROGRES-LOKO ABIDJAN 2003 213 229 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR PRIVE HOREB ABIDJAN NA 49 53 57 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) INSTITUT SUPERIEUR PROFESSIONNEL NOTRE DAME DE LA PAIX ABIDJAN 2003 61 66 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR SAINT CYRILLE ABIDJAN 2007 57 61 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR SAINTE FOI ABIDJAN 2004 386 415 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR TECHNIQUE ET GENERAL SAINT PIERRE MARIE ABIDJAN 1999 88 95 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR TECHNIQUE LA COLOMBE ABIDJAN 1997 542 583 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR TECHNIQUE SAINTE THERESE KOUMASSI ABIDJAN 2005 83 89 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR TERTIAIRE ET TECHNOLOGIE AVANCEE-LOKO ABIDJAN 1994 339 365 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR-EZ ABIDJAN 2006 56 60 INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR TECHNIQUE SAINT JACQUES ABIDJAN 2001 311 335 INSTITUT TECHNIQUE ET PROFESSIONNEL CERIN ABIDJAN 2015 122 131 INSTITUT UNIVERSITAIRE DE TECHNOLOGIE ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 2009 86 93 INSTITUT VOLTAIRE D'ENSEIGNEMENTS SECONDAIRE SUPERIEUR ABIDJAN 1996 1110 1,194 INSTITUT DU CONSERVATOIRE DES SCIENCES DE GESTION ABIDJAN 2004 99 107 INSTITUT IRAO ABIDJAN 2015 84 90 INSTTITUT DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES ET DE LA TECHNOLOGIE ABIDJAN 2001 334 359 INTELLECT AFRIQUE ABIDJAN 1996 1226 1,319 INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH AND BUSINESS SCHOOL ABIDJAN NA 39 42 LEGACY INSTITUTE ABIDJAN 2001 416 448 PIGIER COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN ABIDJAN 1973 2733 2,941 SUP'ELITE BUSINESS SCHOOL ABIDJAN 2003 311 335 58 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) SUP'INTER YOPOUGON ABIDJAN 2018 10 11 SUP'MANAGEMENT COTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2007 179 193 VALORIS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY ABIDJAN NA 88 95 INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL DES ARTS ET METIERS DE CÔTE D'IVOIRE ABIDJAN 2015 47 51 ABIDJAN BUSINESS SCHOOL ABIDJAN NA 46 49 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR TECHNIQUE NOTRE DAME SAINT PIERRE LA CHAPELLE ABOISSO 2005 51 55 ABOISSO INSTITUT DE FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE AGRICOLE ADIAKE ADIAKE NA 33 36 GROUPE SCOLAIRE MIADZIN ADZOPE INSTITUT D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR ADZOPE 2016 63 68 D'ADZOPE Institut des Nouvelles Techniques Agricoles ADZOPE 2012 478 514 INSTITUT PRIVE D'AGRICULTURE TROPICALE ADZOPE ADZOPE 1998 0 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE TECHNOLOGIE MUPES AGNIBILEKROU 2015 125 135 INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL DE FORMATION EN ENTREPRENEURIAT AZAGUIE AZAGUIE 2006 227 244 Ecole Technique Informatique et Commerciale BONDOUKOU BONDOUKOU 2019 135 145 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DES TECHNIQUES COMPTABLES, JURIDIQUES ET FISCALES BONOUA NA 242 260 BONOUA ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNIQUES BOUAKE BOUAKE 2012 1322 1,422 ECOLE INTERNATIONALE ET TERTIAIRE DES NOUVELLES TECHNOLOGIES DE BOUAKE NA 86 93 L'INFORMATION ET DE LA COMMUNICATION ECOLE PRATIQUE DE COMMERCE ET DE TECHNOLOGIE - BOUAKE BOUAKE 2012 177 190 59 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES SCIENCES ECONOMIQUES COMMERCIALES ET DE BOUAKE 1993 579 623 TECHNOLOGIES-POINCARE BOUAKE GROUPE ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE BOUAKE BOUAKE NA 186 200 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE COMMERCE ET TECHNOLOGIE BOUAKE 2017 46 49 HAUTES ETUDES TECHNOLOGIQUES ET COMMERCIALES BOUAKE 1997 136 146 EDUCATIONAL INTITUTION OF TECHNOLOGIES BOUAKE NA 86 93 GROUPE ECOLE DES HAUTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES BOUAKE BOUAKE NA 669 720 GROUPE ITA INGENIERIE SA ANNEXE BOUAKE BOUAKE 2013 406 437 HAUTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES LA ROCHE BOUAKE BOUAKE 2012 8 9 INSTITUT IVOIRE PRESTIGE FORMATION (IPF) BOUAKE BOUAKE 2013 388 417 INSTITUT LEADER BOUAKE BOUAKE 2013 135 145 INSTITUT PRATIQUE DE TECHNIQUES D'ENTREPRISE ET DE COMMERCE LE BOUAKE NA 90 97 CHANDELIER ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INFORMATION DE COMMUNICATION ET DE COMMERCE BOUAKE 1994 0 CENTRE DE FORMATION DES CADRES DALOA DALOA NA 50 54 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE MANAGAMENT DALOA NA 40 43 GROUPE DE FORMATION EN COMMERCE ET GESTION DES ENTREPRISES DE DALOA DALOA NA 343 369 GROUPE ONYX EXCELLENCE DALOA DALOA 2019 15 16 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE GESTION ET DE COMMERCE -DALOA DALOA 2004 422 454 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE MARKETING ET DE COMPTABILITE DALOA DALOA NA 325 350 INSTITUT FAMAH DIMBOKRO DIMBOKRO 2010 1402 1,509 60 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) OUOTRO VIGNON MATHIEU SUPERIEUR DUEKOUE NA 11 12 GROUPE ECOLE DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES ET GESTION DES ENTREPRISES GAGNOA 2013 7 8 GAGNOA ECOLE HOTELERE DE GRAND-BASSAM GRAND-BASSAM 2015 124 133 ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INFORMATIQUE ET DE COMMERCE KORHOGO KORHOGO 2009 564 607 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE FORMATION PROFESSIONNELLE ET TECHNIQUE-KORHOGO KORHOGO 1995 88 95 ONYX-EXCELLENCE KORHOGO KORHOGO 2019 15 16 INSTITUT PROFESSIONNEL D'EXCELLENCE KORHOGO NA 166 179 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR ALY CHIGATA KORHOGO 2012 25 27 ECOLE SUPERIEURE GUÉ PASCAL MAN NA 103 111 INSTITUT D'ENSEIGNEMENT SUPERIEUR LE CAMPUS MAN 2019 177 190 INSTITUT SUPÉRIEUR MONT TONPKI MAN 2018 92 99 Ecole Internationale Tertiaire de Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la ODIENNE NA 196 211 Communication ODIENNE eitn Ecole de Spécilalités Multimédia d'Abidjan / Odienne ODIENNE 2019 40 43 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE GENIE CIVIL DE SAN PEDRO SAN-PEDRO 2016 106 114 GROUPE ECOLE DES HAUTES ETUDES COMMERCIALES SAN PEDRO SAN-PEDRO 2006 136 146 GROUPE ITA INGENIERIE SA SP SAN-PEDRO 2006 209 225 GROUPE ONYX EXCELLENCE SAN PEDRO SAN-PEDRO 2019 14 15 ACADEMIE INTERNATIONALE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNIQUES TOUMODI TOUMODI 2012 167 180 INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DE COMMERCE ET D'ADMINISTRATION DES ENTREPRISES YAMOUSSOUKRO 2003 1780 1,915 61 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Institution Name Location Year Enrolment Enrolment 2019 2020 (forecast) CENTRE POLYTECHNIQUE DU CENTRE YAMOUSSOUKRO YAMOUSSOUKRO 1996 535 576 ECOLE SPECIALE DU BATIMENT ET DES TRAVAUX PublicS YAMOUSSOUKRO 2001 1418 1,526 ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE L' ENSEIGNEMENT TECHNIQUE ET COMMERCIAL YAMOUSSOUKRO 2004 365 393 YAMOUSSOUKRO ECOLE SUPERIEURE DES AFFAIRES ET DE MANAGEMENT YAMOUSSOUKRO 1996 176 189 HAUTES ETUDES DE COMMERCE D'ADMINISTRATION DES ENTREPRISES ASSABOU YAMOUSSOUKRO 2001 778 837 HAUTES ETUDES DE COMMERCE ET D'ADMINSTRATION DES ENTREPRISES YAMOUSSOUKRO 2015 289 311 INSTITUT INTERNATIONAL DE FORMATION EN ENTREPRENEURIAT YAMOUSSOUKRO YAMOUSSOUKRO NA 107 115 INTERNATIONAL HIGH BUSINESS INSTITUTE YAMOUSSOUKRO NA 729 784 PIGIER COTE D'IVOIRE YAMOUSSOUKRO YAMOUSSOUKRO 1973 938 1,009 62 Côte d’Ivoire Country Case Study Table 21: Licensed ICT providers in Côte d’Ivoire No. Operator Name Current Licence Services 1 Orange Côte d’Ivoire Fixed telephone, fixed Internet, mobile 2 MTN Côte d’Ivoire Mobile 3 Atlantique Telecom (MOOV) 4 Afrique Technologies & Services (VIPNET) Internet Service Provider 5 Afnet Internet Services Internet Service Provider 6 Côte d’Ivoire Multimedia (AVISO) Internet Service Provider 7 Alink Telecom Internet Service Provider Source: ARCTI, 2020 63