The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Sindh Solar Energy Project (P159712) Sindh Solar Energy Project (P159712) SOUTH ASIA | Pakistan | Energy & Extractives Global Practice | IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2018 | Seq No: 4 | ARCHIVED on 11-Dec-2019 | ISR39800 | Implementing Agencies: Energy Department - Government of Sindh, Alternate Energy Development Board, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Ministry of Energy Key Dates Key Project Dates Bank Approval Date: 14-Jun-2018 Effectiveness Date: 09-Jan-2019 Planned Mid Term Review Date: 30-Nov-2021 Actual Mid-Term Review Date: Original Closing Date: 29-Sep-2023 Revised Closing Date: 29-Sep-2023 pdoTable Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The Development Objective is to increase solar power generation and access to electricity in Sindh Province. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective? No Components Table Name Component 1: Utility-Scale Solar:(Cost $40.00 M) Component 2: Distributed Solar:(Cost $25.00 M) Component 3: Solar Home Systems:(Cost $30.00 M) Component 4: Capacity Building and Technical Assistance:(Cost $5.00 M) PMU Costs:(Cost $5.00 M) Overall Ratings Name Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Satisfactory Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Moderate Moderate Implementation Status and Key Decisions The project was approved by the World Bank (WB) Board on June 14, 2018, and became effective on January 9, 2019. The first disbursement was made in September 2019, signifying an important milestone. The WB team was pleased to note the contract signing in the presence of the Honorable Chief Minister for the Distributed Solar Building Survey and Household Energy Survey relating to Components 2 and 3 respectively, an important milestone for the project. The WB team also participated in kick-off meetings with both consultancy firms, a private sector consultation workshop opened by the Minister for Energy and the Secretary, visited the proposed site in Jamshoro District in relation to Component 1, carried out visits to three prospective sites for installation of distributed solar in Karachi in relation to Component 2, and held a number of other meetings. The team notes that despite substantial progress on many fronts, the full- 12/11/2019 Page 1 of 6 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Sindh Solar Energy Project (P159712) time Project Management Unit (PMU) is still not in place, but has received assurances that this process will be completed very soon. It is essential for the speedy implementation of the project for the eight selected PMU staff to be appointed, for the remaining four unfilled posts to be re- advertised, and for the move to dedicated office space to be completed. The Transaction Advisor relating to Component 1 is expected to be under contract in a matter of days, enabling work to start on the first 50 MW site. Sindh Energy Department is now considering options for the remaining 350 MW to be facilitated under the project, including development of a solar park. A number of other critical procurement activities are ongoing or about to start, not least the procurement of a firm for "design, supply, install and operation" of around 1 MW of distributed solar under Component 2. The intention is to run an accelerated procurement process for this initial 1 MW at a single site, with the target of having a functioning solar system installed on at least one building by May 2020. Procurement of the remaining 19 MW of capacity would proceed in parallel. Risks Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool Risk Category Rating at Approval Previous Rating Current Rating Political and Governance Moderate Moderate Moderate Macroeconomic Moderate Moderate Moderate Sector Strategies and Policies Moderate Moderate Moderate Technical Design of Project or Program Moderate Moderate Moderate Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Sustainability Moderate Moderate Moderate Fiduciary Substantial Substantial Substantial Environment and Social Moderate Moderate Moderate Stakeholders Moderate Moderate Moderate Other -- -- -- Overall Moderate Moderate Moderate Results PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes Increase solar power generation in Sindh Province IN00780277 ►Generation capacity of energy constructed or rehabilitated (Megawatt, Corporate) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 420.00 Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 31-Dec-2024 IN00780279 Renewable energy generation capacity (other than hydropower) constructed under the project (Megawatt, Corporate Breakdown) 12/11/2019 Page 2 of 6 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Sindh Solar Energy Project (P159712) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 420.00 Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 31-Dec-2024 IN00780280 Utility-scale solar power generation capacity constructed under the project (Megawatt, Custom Breakdown) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 31-Dec-2024 IN00780281 Distributed solar power generation capacity constructed under the project (Megawatt, Custom Breakdown) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 31-Dec-2024 Increase access to electricity in Sindh Province IN00780276 ►People provided with new or improved electricity service (Number, Corporate) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 29-Dec-2023 IN00780278 People provided with access to electricity under the project by household connections (grid or off-grid). (Number, Corporate Breakdown) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,200,000.00 Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 29-Dec-2023 Intermediate Results Indicators by Components Component 1: Utility-Scale Solar IN00780282 ►Completion of competitive bidding process for awarding the first 50 MW sub-project (Yes/No, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value No No No Yes Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 31-Dec-2019 IN00780286 12/11/2019 Page 3 of 6 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Sindh Solar Energy Project (P159712) ►Private capital mobilized (Amount(USD), Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 273,500,000.00 Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 29-Dec-2023 Component 2: Distributed Solar IN00780283 ►Identification of at least 1 MW of distributed solar PV and competitive bidding completed (Yes/No, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value No No No Yes Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 31-Dec-2019 Component 3: Solar Home Systems IN00780284 ►Female-headed households provided with solar home systems (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,000.00 Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 29-Dec-2023 IN00780287 ►Social Audit conducted at mid-term and results incorporated into project (Yes/No, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value No No No Yes Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 31-Dec-2020 Component 4: Capacity Building and Technical Assistance IN00780285 ►Consumer Advocate added to Project Steering Committee (Yes/No, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value No No No Yes Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 31-Dec-2019 IN00780288 ►Female and/or disabled staff within household energy survey contractor firm (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 12/11/2019 Page 4 of 6 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Sindh Solar Energy Project (P159712) Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 29-Dec-2023 IN00780289 ►Female and/or disabled staff within the PMU (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 17.00 0.00 15.00 Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 29-Dec-2023 The Interim PMU has six staff appointed, of which one is female. Comments: IN00780290 ►Training event for women and/or disabled people held (Yes/No, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value No No No Yes Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 31-Dec-2020 IN00780291 ►Improved data on energy access in Sindh Province (Yes/No, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value No No No Yes Date 14-May-2018 28-Aug-2019 04-Dec-2019 29-Dec-2023 Data on Financial Performance Disbursements (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P159712 IDA-62580 Effective USD 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.99 94.07 1% Key Dates (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Orig. Closing Date Rev. Closing Date P159712 IDA-62580 Effective 14-Jun-2018 09-Jan-2019 09-Jan-2019 29-Sep-2023 29-Sep-2023 Cumulative Disbursements 12/11/2019 Page 5 of 6 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Sindh Solar Energy Project (P159712) Restructuring History There has been no restructuring to date. Related Project(s) There are no related projects. 12/11/2019 Page 6 of 6