Policy Research Working Paper                       8870

Technology Adoption and the Middle-Income Trap
             Lessons from the Middle East and East Asia

                                    Rabah Arezki
                                  Rachel Yuting Fan
                                     Ha Nguyen

  Middle East and North Africa Region
  Office of the Chief Economist
  May 2019
Policy Research Working Paper 8870

 This paper documents the existence of a “middle-income                             and North Africa having experienced a relatively slow pace
 trap” for the Middle East and North Africa region and                              of technology adoption in general-purpose technologies
 contrasts the evidence with that of the East Asia and Pacific                      and that a slower adoption pace of technology is associated
 region. The results are two-folds. First, non-parametric                           with lower levels of economic growth. The paper concludes
 regressions show that the average rate of economic growth                          that barriers to the adoption of general-purpose technol-
 in the Middle East and North Africa has not only been                              ogies related to the lack of contestability in key sectors
 significantly lower than that in the East Asia and Pacific                         constitute an important channel of transmission for the
 region, but it has also tended to drop at an earlier level of                      middle-income trap.
 income. Second, econometric results point to Middle East

 This paper is a product of the Office of the Chief Economist, Middle East and North Africa Region. It is part of a larger
 effort by the World Bank to provide open access to its research and make a contribution to development policy discussions
 around the world. Policy Research Working Papers are also posted on the Web at http://www.worldbank.org/prwp. The
 authors may be contacted at rarezki@worldbank.org.

         The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development
         issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the
         names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those
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             Technology Adoption and the Middle-Income Trap:

                   Lessons from the Middle East and East Asia

                         Rabah Arezki, Rachel Yuting Fan and Ha Nguyen

                                      Updated May 30, 2020


Keywords: middle-income, growth, technology adoption
             I.       Introduction

The term “middle-income trap” refers to the possibility that economies could get stuck at a certain level of
income. The debate on the trap has thus far focused mostly on the East Asia and Pacific region (EAP). 1
While economies in Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) have stalled, they have largely been
overlooked in the debate over the middle-income trap. Indeed, MENA has been characterized by
pervasively low growth. In the 1980s and 1990s, GDP growth per worker in the region was less than 1
percent per year, with continuous decline in total factor productivity (Yousef, 2004). In recent decades,
growth in MENA has remained relatively low (see Figure 1). 2 In the present paper, we document the
existence of a middle-income trap for MENA and contrast the evidence with that of EAP.

To do so, we adopt a non-parametric analysis of growth dynamics that helps flexibly capture sharp changes
in growth. Results from non-parametric regressions show that growth in GDP per capita and total factor
productivity (TFP) in MENA quickly decline as income levels rise. In contrast, growth in GDP per capita
and TFP in EAP is not only higher on average along the income ladder but also decline at much higher
levels of income. Importantly, we document that the slow pace of technology adoption of general-purpose
technologies (GPT) is associated with lower levels of economic growth. We then examine the adoption of
both older GPT and their applications such as electricity, and newer ones, such as broadband and internet.
For all technologies, when controlling for the level of income, MENA falls behind EAP in terms of the
adoption pace. Barriers to the adoption of general-purpose technologies thus constitute an important
channel of transmission for the middle-income trap.

This paper is most directly related to the strand of literature testing for the existence of a middle-income
trap. For example, Aiyar et al. (2013) uncover that middle-income countries are more likely to experience
growth slowdowns. Also, Eichengreen et al. (2013) determines that level of income within the $10,000-
$11,000 and $15,000-$16,0000 ranges. The jury is however still out on the empirical validity of the

 The term “middle income trap” was first coined by Gill, Kharas and others (2007). Policymakers and
commentators have used the term abundantly in the media to characterize the risk of facing a ceiling on the level of
economic growth for countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam and China. Also, researchers have investigated the risk
associated with the trap in Asia and as well as the needed reforms to escape it (Ohno and Le, 2015 for Vietnam;
Fragen et al, 2013 for Malaysia; Eichengreen et al, 2012 and Glaw and Wagner, 2017 for China).
  Figure 1 shows that for the period from 2000 to 2021, MENA countries, with the exceptions of Djibouti and
Morocco, are expected to experience lower growth in GDP per capita than the median of other countries in the same
income group. The years from 2019 to 2021 are projections.

middle-income trap. 3 The contribution of this paper is to provide evidence that MENA is subject to much
lower levels of growth along the income ladder compared to EAP.

                Figure 1: MENA Growth performance has been subpar

                 0.04                          Upper Middle        Middle
                 0.02     High Income

                                Yemen, Rep.

                        United Arab Emirates



                          West Bank & Gaza

                                Saudi Arabia


    Note: The blue diamonds are country average growth in GDP per capita. The red lines capture the
    median growth in GDP per capita in non-MENA countries in the same income group. Source: World
    Economic Outlook and World Bank’s Macro and Poverty Forecasts

This paper is also related to the literature on the link between innovation and economic growth. In
Schumpeterian growth theory, faster growth is associated with higher rates of firm creation and
destruction driven by R&D and innovation (Aghion and Howitt, 1992). In this environment, incumbent
firms’ innovation and productivity growth would be stimulated by competition and entry, particularly in
firms near the technology frontier (Aghion et al, 2014). 4 There is strong empirical evidence that
competition and productivity growth display an inverted-U shaped relationship: starting at an initially low
level of competition, higher competition stimulates innovation and growth; however, starting from a
higher initial level of competition, higher competition may hurt innovation and productivity growth. 5 This
paper documents MENA’s slow pace of adoption in GPT which can help explain the pervasively low
economic growth and TFP. This paper also provides evidence that technology adoption is slower when
concentration is higher in key (upstream) sectors of the economy.

  Bulman et al. (2017) find that the fraction of countries “trapped” at the middle-income level is not larger than the
fraction of countries “trapped” at the low-income level. Similarly, Han and Wei (2017) find that the probability of
escaping from the middle-income level is not smaller than the probability of escaping from the low-income level.
  See Aghion et al. (2014) for a recent review.
5 See for instance Aghion et al. (2005).

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II documents the evidence of a middle-
income trap for MENA. Section III explores the link between technology adoption and economic growth.
Section IV presents evidence of the relatively slow pace of technology adoption of GPT in MENA.
Section V concludes.

                                                                             II.      Empirical Evidence for the Middle East’s Middle-Income Trap

MENA countries are less likely to escape the middle-income trap than other countries around the globe.
Figure 2 illustrates that by comparing levels of income reached in 1975 to the ones in 2017. We follow
Bulman et al. (2017) in grouping countries into three relative income groups, namely low-income,
middle-income and high-income depending on their GDP per capita relative to that of the United States in
the same year. 6 Countries in the middle-left quadrant escaped the low-income group in 1975 and shifted
to the middle-income group in 2017. Countries in the top-middle quadrant escaped the middle-income
group and shifted to the high-income group. Countries in the center quadrant have been trapped in the
middle-income group for more than four decades. Among MENA countries, aside from the six countries
that have remained high-income, five have been trapped in the middle-income group (Algeria, Egypt,
Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia), three fell from the high-income to middle-income group (the Islamic
Republic of Iran, Lebanon, and Libya), while none have become “escapees”. The Republic of Korea;
Hong Kong SAR, China; Cyprus and Portugal have become escapees.

                                                                                    Figure 2: Illustrating the Middle-Income Trap
          log of real PPP GDP per capital relative to the U.S. in 2017


                                                                                                                                                                KWT     ARE

                                                                                                              KOR         CYP


                                                                                                      IDN       EGY JOR
                                                                                           BTN               MAR
                                                                                          VNM IND
             0          .5      1

                                                                         0                         1                         2                                         3
                                                                                   log of real PPP GDP per capital relative to the U.S. in 1975

         Sources: International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook database, and authors’ calculations.
         Note: Data labels use International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country codes. Regions follows
         World Bank country groups.

 A country is defined as low-income if its per capita GDP is lower than or equal to 10 percent of that of the United
States; middle-income if between 10 percent and 50 percent of U.S. GDP, and high-income if above 50 percent.

To document more systematically the evidence of a middle-income trap for MENA relative to EAP, we
use the non-parametric local-linear regression technique that give the mean and standard errors of the
estimated growth rate of each region at each level of income: 7
                              ∆log (������������)������������������������,������������+10 − ∆log (������������)������������������������������������,������������+10 = ������������ ������������� ������������������������ , ������������������������������������ � + ������������������������

where ∆log (������������)������������������������,������������+10 and ∆log (������������)������������������������������������,������������+10 are overlapping annualized decadal growth in GDP per capita
(or TFP) of country ������������ and of the U.S. between time ������������ and time ������������ + 10,                                                                            is the country’s relative

income per capita relative to the U.S. at time ������������. We use GDP per capita derived from output-side real
GDP at chained PPPs and total factor productivity (TFP), both from Penn World Table 9.0. The
regressions also include overlapping decade fixed-effect, ������������������������������������ , to control for common global shocks.

Note that we are agnostic about the form of the function ������������ �������������                                                 , ������������������������������������ �. Unlike linear regression, a

nonparametric regression is agnostic about the functional form between the outcome and the explanatory
variables and is therefore not subject to misspecification error. In our context, a non-parametric regression
could capture sharp changes in growth rates as relative income rises, a key advantage for us to identify an
income trap.

For each region, the non-parametric regressions (with 100 bootstrap replications) help provide the average
predicted values and confidence intervals of annualized decadal growth in GDP per capita at different
levels of relative income. Average predicted relative growth in GDP per capita relative to the U.S. (and its
95% confidence interval) for MENA and EAP are visually shown in Panel A of Figure 3, while those of
absolute growth in GDP per capita are shown in Panel B 8. Their numerical values are reported in
Appendix Table A1. The results for other regions are also reported in Appendix Figure A2, although not
discussed in the text.

For EAP countries, both average relative and absolute growth in GDP do not significantly decline until
the countries reach 60 percent of U.S. GDP per capita. At 50 percent or below, EAP economies maintain
a stable growth rate at 4 to 4.5 percent (Panel B), or 2 to 2.5 percent higher than the U.S. (Panel A)
indicating that these countries are catching up. In contrast, the growth performance of MENA countries is
much weaker. Although starting at the same level of growth as EAP, around 4 percent, growth for MENA

  The STATA command is npregress kernel y x1 x2, where y is the dependent variable, and x1 and x2 are the
explanatory variables. See Fan and Gijbels (1996) for a reference on local-linear regressions.
  Note that we restrict the estimation at below 100 percent of U.S. income because we focus on the middle-income
level. In addition, at above 100 percent of U.S. income, there are fewer observations making the estimations

quickly and steadily declines. At 20 percent of U.S. GDP, the average growth rate for MENA is about 3
percent (Panel B), only 1 percent higher than that of the U.S. (Panel A) as opposed to almost 3 percent
gap as in EAP. At 40 percent of U.S. income, MENA relative growth in GDP per capita becomes
insignificantly different to that of the U.S., and starting from 60 percent of U.S. income, MENA growth is
lower than that of the United States. The steady decline in per capita GDP in MENA along the income
ladder indicates stronger evidence of the middle-income trap for MENA than for EAP—the region most
prominently associated with the debate about the middle-income trap.

                                                                                                 Figure 3: Growth in PPP GDP per capita
                                                                                                              Panel A: Relative to the U.S.

                                                                           East Asia and Pacific                                                                                                  Middle East and North Africa
                              .01 .02 .03 .04 .05

                                                                                                                                                       .01 .02 .03 .04 .05
    relative growth in income

                                                                                                                                      relative growth in income
                              -.05 -.04 -.03 -.02 -.01 0

                                                                                                                                                       -.05 -.04 -.03 -.02 -.01 0
                                                           0   10   20      30     40     50      60     70     80    90   100                                                      0   10   20       30     40     50      60     70     80    90   100
                                                                    relative income to the U.S., percentage                                                                                   relative income to the U.S., percentage

                                                                                                        Panel B: Actual growth (not relative to the U.S.)

                                                                           East Asia and Pacific                                                                                                  Middle East and North Africa
-.05 -.04 -.03 -.02 -.01 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05

                                                                                                                                 -.05 -.04 -.03 -.02 -.01 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05
             absolute growth in income

                                                                                                                                              absolute growth in income

                                                           0   10   20      30       40     50     60      70    80   90   100                                                      0   10   20       30       40     50     60      70    80   90   100
                                                                         relative income to the U.S., percentage                                                                                   relative income to the U.S., percentage

Note: MENA includes Algeria, Bahrain, Djibouti, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq,
Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, United Arab
Emirates, and the Republic of Yemen; EAP includes Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Fiji, Hong
Kong SAR-China, Indonesia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Lao PDR, Macao SAR-China, Malaysia, Mongolia,
Myanmar, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

A similar pattern emerges when we explore the evolution of TFP growth. Figure A1 in the Appendix
shows the results of non-parametric regressions for relative and absolute TFP growth for EAP and
MENA. In both relative TFP growth (Panel A) and absolute TFP growth (Panel B), MENA under-
performs compared to EAP along the income ladder. MENA’s absolute TFP growth is downward-sloping
and quickly falls below zero when the countries reach 20 percent of U.S. GDP per capita. EAP’s absolute
TFP growth, on the other hand, is stable at 1 percent level. In relative terms, MENA’s TFP growth is
almost always below that of the United States.

                            Figure 4: Growth in PPP GDP per capita – MENA sub-regions
                                             Panel A: Relative growth to the U.S.

                                                  Panel B: Absolute growth.

Note: Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) consists of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab
Emirates. Other oil exporting countries include Algeria, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, the Syrian Arab Republic
and the Republic of Yemen. Other oil importing countries include Djibouti, the Arab Republic of Egypt, Jordan,
Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia.

The pattern of the middle-income trap is robust across three sub-regions in MENA. 9 All the sub-regions
have experienced a decline in GDP per capita at early levels of income (Figure 4), consistent with the
regional overall pattern shown in Figure 3. 10 GCC countries perform best in terms of growth. Growth in
GDP per capita in the GCC does not drop to below zero when the countries are still below the U.S. level
of per capita income. 11 In contrast, growth in per capita income of other oil exporting countries and oil
importing countries quickly drops as their income rises. Specifically, growth falls below zero at about 30

 Countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) are Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United
Arab Emirates. Other oil exporting countries are Algeria, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq, the Syrian Arab
Republic, and the Republic of Yemen. Other oil importing countries are Djibouti, the Arab Republic of Egypt,
Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, and Tunisia.
  Unfortunately, the TFP data for MENA do not allow us to run non-parametric regressions at the sub-region level.
  The focus of our paper being on middle-income, we do not examine the performance of the GCC when their per
capita income is higher than that of the United States.

percent of the U.S. per capita income for other oil exporting countries and at about 20 percent of the U.S.
per capita income for other oil importing countries.

III.   Technology Adoption and Economic Growth

There are many possible causes for MENA’s relatively slow growth. In this section, we focus on
poor technology adoption. The literature has identified technology adoption as one important
cause for economic growth (see Parente and Prescott, 1994 and Temple, 1999).

To do so, we simply regress decadal growth on the initial level of income, a measure of
technology adoption that is Technology Readiness obtained from the World Economic Forum
and the interaction between the latter two terms. Technology readiness captures availability of
latest technologies, firm-level technology absorption, FDI and technology transfers, and other
indicators of technology adoption. 12 The interaction allows to explore the importance of the
technology adoption in driving growth at different levels of income.

Results presented in Table 1 show that higher technology adoption is associated with higher
economic growth and that the effect of technology also differ depending on the initial level of
income. Indeed, the coefficient of the interaction term is significantly positive in all three
columns, indicating that given the same initial income level, a high ranking of technology
readiness is associated with higher economic growth. According to column (3), for a country
whose initial GDP per capita is 50 percent of that of the US, increasing average technology
readiness ranking by 10, would increase annual growth of GDP per capita in the next decade by
0.8 percent.

   Data for Technology Readiness are from Global Competitiveness Index. The index captures: availability of latest
technologies, firm-level technology absorption, FDI and technology transfer, individuals using internet, fixed
broadband internet subscriptions, international internet bandwidth, and mobile broadband subscriptions. In the
following we use the terms “technology adoption” and “technology readiness” interchangeably.

                             Table 1. Technology Adoption Readiness and Growth
                                                               (1)             (2)           (3)
                                                                     Relative decadal growth

                     Relative income                      -0.0130***       -0.0135***     0.0302***
                                                          (0.00186)        (0.00168)      (0.00328)

                     Average technology readiness (-)    0.000243***      0.000243***
                                                         (0.0000146)      (0.0000133)

                     Relative income # Average
                     technology readiness (-)            0.000335***      0.000259***    0.00169***
                                                         (0.0000459)      (0.0000415)   (0.0000846)

                     Observations                           6319             6319           6319
                     Country fixed effect                    no               no             yes
                     Year fixed effect                       no               yes            yes
                     R-square                               0.115            0.286          0.451

Notes: Coefficient estimates from ordinary least squares regressions at the country-year level. Standard errors are
given in parentheses. * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. The dependent variable is the relative annualized overlapping
decadal growth of real GDP per capita, compared to the growth in the US. Relative income is the relative real GDP
per capita from the initial year of the decade (US’s real GDP per capita at the same year equals 1). Average
technology readiness in the regression represents the average ranking for technology readiness. A higher number
means a better ranking and higher technology readiness. The main variable of interest in all columns are the
technology readiness, interacted with relative income from the initial year. The coefficient estimates associated with
the constant are not reported to save space. Column (1) has no fixed effects, while column (2) is added with year
fixed effects. In column (3), we added country fixed effect to replace the linear term of average technology
readiness, in order to capture country-specific characteristics in addition to technology readiness. See Appendix
Table A2 for the list of countries.

To address concerns about endogeneity associated with technology adopted, we instrumented
Technology Readiness with variable capturing variables capturing the attitude toward innovation
and risks presented in Hofstede et al (2010). 13 Attitudes toward innovation vary considerably
across countries. These attitudes play a critical role in driving decision of governments, firms,
individuals toward adoption of technology and innovation. Figure 5 provides illustrative
evidence of the powerful relationship between attitude traits and technology readiness. The
correlations validate that the most relevant psychological traits are power distance (the way in
which power is distributed), avoidance of uncertainty, and individualism (see Figure 5). Other
dimensions that might affect are tough versus tender, (short-term) normative versus (long-term)
pragmatic, and indulgence versus restraint. We use all six dimensions to instrument technology
readiness in the first table, and the results are presented in Table 2.

     Data are from Hofstede Insights: https://hi.hofstede-insights.com/national-culture

                           Table 2. Growth and technology, OLS and IV regressions

                                                                 Relative decadal growth
                                    (1)            (2)              (3)            (4)          (5)            (6)
                                   OLS             IV              OLS              IV         OLS             IV

 Relative income                -0.0525***     -0.0555***        -0.0558***    -0.0544***    -0.0654***    -0.0862***
                                (0.00297)      (0.00366)          (0.00266)     (0.00323)    (0.00656)     (0.00721)

 Average technology
 readiness (-)                 0.000383***    0.000413***        0.000407***   0.000389***
                               (0.0000262)    (0.0000347)        (0.0000234)   (0.0000305)

 Relative income x
 Average technology
 readiness (-)                 0.000691***    0.000582***        0.000662***   0.000524***   0.00275***    0.00202***
                               (0.0000756)    (0.0000874)        (0.0000672)   (0.0000770)   (0.000174)    (0.000205)

 Observations                     2794            2794              2794          2794         2794           2794
 Year fixed effect                  no             no               yes           yes           yes            yes
 Country fixed effect               no             no                no            no           yes            yes
 R-square                         0.201          0.200             0.382         0.380         0.555         0.552
 First-stage F-stat                              249.5                           255.1                       1009.8
 First-stage Sargan-stat                         70.56                           95.94                       107.0

Notes: Coefficient estimates from ordinary least squares regressions at the country-year level. Standard errors are
given in parentheses. * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. The dependent variable is the relative annualized decadal
growth of real GDP per capita, compared to the growth in the US. Relative income is the relative real GDP per
capita from the initial year of the decade (US’s real GDP per capita at the same year equals 1). Average technology
readiness in the regression represents the average ranking for technology readiness. A higher number means a better
ranking, and higher technology readiness. This variable is instrumented in column (2) (4) (6), by 6-dimensions of
country specific attitudes. First stage F-stat and Sargan test for over-identification are both reported. Regressions in
all columns have the same sample to ease comparison. The coefficient estimates on constant are not reported to save
space. Column (1) and (2) has no fixed effects, while column (3) and (4) is added with year fixed effects. In column
(5) and (6), we added country fixed effect to replace the linear term of average technology readiness, in order to
capture country specific characteristics in addition to technology readiness. The main variable of interest in all
columns are the technology readiness, interacted with relative income from the initial year. This coefficient has been
significant through all columns. Countries involved this regression are listed below. The relationship between
technology readiness and 6 dimensions of attitude are graphed in Figure 5. First stage regressions of column (4) is
provided in Appendix Table A3. We have also conducted regressions in Table 2 with quadratic term of relative
income, and confirmed the relationship between decadal growth and initial income to be negative in the segment of

Figure 5. Correlations between Technology Readiness and Attitude Traits
                  Technology Readiness                                  Technology Readiness




       0     20        40       60       80      100          0    20        40       60        80     100
                     Power Distance                                         Individualism

                  Technology Readiness                                  Technology Readiness





       0     20        40       60       80      100          0    20        40       60        80     100
                       Indulgence                                       Long-term Orientation

                  Technology Readiness                                  Technology Readiness





       0     20        40      60        80      100          0    20        40       60        80     100
                       Masculinity                                      Uncertainty Avoidance

Source: World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Index dataset 2007-2017; and Hofstede Insights.

Note: Technology readiness in y-axis represents the average ranking for technology readiness. A smaller number
means a better ranking, and higher technology readiness. The y-axis is reversed.

The results from the instrumental regressions using attitude traits as instruments for technology
readiness confirm that there is a causal relationship between technology adoption and economic
growth. Indeed, Table 2 shows that the individual coefficients associated with technology
readiness and interactions with the level of initial income are statically significant and with the
expected signs. Due to the lack of complete 6-dimensions of attitude for some countries,
regressions in Table 2 are conducted again with only two dimensions, namely long-term
orientation and indulgence. The coefficients of the interaction term remain significantly positive,
indicating a causal relationship between technology on economic growth (Appendix Table A4).
To streamline the instrumentation, we use the first component of the 6-dimensions of the attitude
using a principal component analysis in the IV regressions presented in Table 2. The regression
table is provided in Appendix Table A5. The first stage regression is provided in Appendix Table
A6, and the weights in the first principle component is reported in Appendix Table A7. The
results confirm the causal relationship between technology adoption and economic growth.

                                  IV.               Empirical Evidence for the Slow Pace of Technology Adoption in MENA

In this section, we show that MENA’s technology adoption in general purpose industries (GPT) has been
poor. We do so within a framework of cross-country panel regressions, specifically contrasting
technology adoption between MENA and EAP. The specification is as follows:
    ������������������������������������ℎ������������ ������������                    ������������������������������������−1                                                                               ������������������������������������ −1                            ������������������������������������−1
                ������������       = ������������0 + ������������1                     + ������������2 ������������������������������������������������ + ������������3 ������������������������������������ + ������������4 ������������������������������������������������ ×                     + ������������5 ������������������������������������ ×                     + ������������������������������������ + ������������������������������������
������������������������������������ℎ������������������������,������������                 ������������������������������������,������������−1                                                                          ������������������������������������,������������−1                        ������������������������������������,������������−1

                    ������������                                                                                                                                                                        ������������������������������������ℎ������������
where ������������������������������������ℎ������������������������ captures technology adoption of technology ������������ in county ������������ at time ������������; hence ������������������������������������ℎ������������

technology adoption relative to the U.S. Technology adoption depends on the country’s development
level, proxied by lagged per capita income relative to the U.S. (������������                                                                                         ), time fixed effects ������������������������������������ , region

fixed effects, and the interaction of the region fixed effects and per capita income relative to the United
States. The EAP and MENA fixed effects capture region-specific difference in technology adoption
relative to the rest of the world. The interactions capture the speed of technology adoption in MENA and
EAP, relative to other countries with the same level of income, as income rises.

Technology adoption is proxied by (1) bandwidth per internet user (bits per second), (2) number of self-
contained computers designed for use by one person, (3) internet users in percentage of population, (4)
number of ATMs per million capita (5) number of payments by credit and debit cards per million capita,
(6) tractors used in agriculture per million capita, and (7) gross output of electric energy per million
capita. Data are mainly from the CHAT database (Comin and Hobjin, 2010), except that bandwidth and
internet users in percentage of population are from World Telecommunication Database (ITU).

For MENA, the pace of technology adoption for all technologies as income rises is slower compared to
other countries with the same income. The results are shown in Table 3 and illustrated graphically in
Figure 6. The coefficients associated with the interaction between the MENA regional dummy and
relative income are all negative and statistically significant, which translates into downward-sloping lines
for MENA (in red) in Figure 6. For EAP, the coefficients associated with the interaction between the EAP
regional dummy and relative income are also negative and significant, but the magnitudes are much
smaller than those for MENA. That implies the speed of technology adoption as income rises in EAP is
larger than that in MENA. This is shown by the gaps between the blue lines (EAP) and the red lines
(MENA) in Figure 6.

It is noteworthy that both MENA and EAP have positive and significant coefficients for the region fixed
effects (translating into positive intercepts of the blue and red lines in Figure 7). That suggests that at
(very) low levels of income, EAP and MENA countries have a faster pace of technology adoption relative

to the rest of the world. However, when income rises, that initial advantage quickly fades away because of
the lower speed of adoption. Results are robust to using all regional dummies (see Appendix Table A9).

                                        Table 3: Technology adoption in MENA and EAP
                              (1)             (2)            (3)              (4)            (5)             (6)               (7)
                              Bandwidth per   Computer Per   Internet Users   Number of ATM Payments by      Tractor per Mil   Electricity
                              Internet User   Mil Capita     (%)              per Mil Capita Credit and      Capita            Production per
                                                                                             Debit Cards per                   Mil Capita
                                                                                             Mil Capita

  Relative Income to the US   6.554***        0.718***       0.835***         0.621***        0.649***        1.307***         0.848***
                              (1.227)         (0.0181)       (0.0214)         (0.0539)        (0.0569)        (0.0339)         (0.0317)

  EAP                         114.2***        3.716***       9.477***         200.6***        38.39**         -2.956*          1.678*
                              (30.67)         (1.108)        (1.336)          (39.10)         (15.99)         (1.676)          (0.871)

  MNA                         149.8***        7.814***       11.98***         60.16*          15.19***        11.83***         14.08***
                              (32.20)         (0.653)        (1.311)          (32.83)         (5.540)         (0.851)          (1.193)

  EAP * Relative Income       -4.136***       0.0430         -0.361***        -1.951***       -0.416**        -0.323***        -0.0633
                              (1.358)         (0.0395)       (0.0431)         (0.377)         (0.166)         (0.0859)         (0.0396)

  MNA * Relative Income       -6.382***       -0.640***      -0.653***        -1.205***       -0.709***       -1.317***        -0.786***
                              (1.228)         (0.0185)       (0.0275)         (0.320)         (0.0775)        (0.0340)         (0.0338)

  Constant                    -76.26*         14.97*         -21.00***        4.214           -27.73**        -25.35***        -0.178
                              (42.48)         (8.378)        (1.883)          (9.867)         (13.66)         (5.750)          (10.90)

  Observations                2985            1281           4193             368             372             4115             3151
  r2                          0.161           0.796          0.673            0.432           0.262           0.536            0.579

  * p<0.10 ** p<0.05 *** p<0.01

Note: (1) Bandwidth per internet user (bits per second), (2) number of self-contained computers designed for use by
one person, (3) internet users in percentage of population, (4) numbers of ATM per million capita (5) payments by
credit and debit cards per million capita, (6) tractors used in agriculture per million capita, (7) Gross output of
electric energy per million capita. Time-fixed effects are included in all regressions. See the list of countries
included in these regressions presented in Appendix Table A8.

Figure 6: Technology adoption in MENA and EAP

Generally, there could be several reasons behind to the lack of technology adoption. The literature has
identified many factors that could affect a country’s technology adoption, such as human capital
(Wozniak, 1987; Benhabib and Spiegel, 2005; Che and Zhang, 2018), trade and FDI (see Keller, 2004 for
a review), and competition (Aghion et al, 2005; Seim and Viard, 2011).

With a cross-country regression framework, we show that the lack of competition could be one of the
reasons behind MENA’s lack of technology adoption. Our measure for market competition is market
concentration. The argument is that, comparing within the same industry, countries or regions with higher
market concentration tend to have weaker competition (see Berger and Hannan, 1989 and Bikker and
Haaf, 2002 in the banking industry, and Sung, 2014 for the telecom industry). Market concentration is
widely used to proxy for market competition. The calculation of market concentration indices such as
Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI) has been a starting point for assessing the state of market competition
(see for example, U.S. Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, 2010). Obviously,
market concentration is just one indicator and does not contain all relevant information about competition.
However, given our data limitation in cross-country regressions, it is our best choice.

In general purpose industries (GPT) such as telecom and finance, there is a high level of market
concentration in MENA. Table 4 and the associated graphical illustration in Figure 6 show that market
concentration for Mobile Operators and Banking in MENA increases significantly faster as income rises
than other countries with the same income (see the red lines in Figure 7) 14. To account for possible non-
linearities we include a quadratic term. Figure 7 shows that for mobile operators, while market
concentration is smaller in MENA when income is low, it quickly increases with a steep positive slope,
while the slope for EAP is negative. For banking, asset concentration for both EAP and MENA is rising
faster than the rest of the world, but MENA is above EAP in levels of asset concentration. This evidence
is consistent with a popular notion that MENA does not fare well in market competition. For example,
according to the World Bank’s Doing Business data, MENA countries are generally ranked very low in
starting a business (e.g. Saudi Arabia is ranked 141, Egypt 109, Algeria 150, Iraq 155). 15 Results are
robust to using regional dummies for all regions of the world (see Appendix Table A10).

   For Mobile Operators, market concentration is calculated as annual average of quarterly HHI, based on market
share of mobile operators provided by GSMA. For Banking, market concentration is calculated as assets of three
largest banks as a share of assets of all commercial banks, data source is World Bank Database on Financial
Development and Structure which was first constructed by Beck et al (2000).
   As Arezki et al. (2018) argue, “MENA governments seeking to protect incumbents, especially in sectors like
banking and telecommunications, impose excessive and outdated regulations that deter new actors from entering the
market. This short-circuits competition, undermines the diffusion of general-purpose technology, and blocks the
type of adaptation and evolution that underpins a vibrant private sector”.

                          Table 4: Market Concentration in Telecom and Finance

                                                            (1)             (2)
                                                            Mobile          Bank
                                                            Operators       Concentration

                               Relative Income to the US    -13.72***       -0.0472***
                                                            (1.394)         (0.0146)

                               EAP                          1477.3***       -6.485***
                                                            (161.0)         (1.894)

                               MNA                          -112.6          -1.523
                                                            (168.7)         (1.559)

                               EAP * Relative Income        -5.327*         0.105***
                                                            (3.123)         (0.0255)

                               MNA * Relative Income        23.21***        0.0655***
                                                            (2.166)         (0.0205)

                               Constant                     6791.0***       72.84***
                                                            (207.0)         (2.118)

                               Observations                 3321            2983
                               r2                           0.194           0.0246

                               * p<0.10 ** p<0.05 *** p<0.01

Note: Time-fixed effects are included in all regressions.

                                     Figure 7: Visual illustration for Table 2

A large literature has helped document both theoretically and empirically that weak competition is
arguably harmful for innovation and productivity growth (see Aghion and Hewitt, 1992 and Aghion et al,
2014). Results from cross-country regressions presented in Table 5 show that given the same level of
relative income, mobile and banking concentrations are negatively correlated with technology adoption in
the corresponding sector. In other words, a higher level of concentration is associated with lower
penetration of the technology. Figure 8 provides a graphical illustration of the results in Table 5. The lines
for bandwidth, internet users and ATMs are downward-sloping. For credit and debit card payments, the
line slopes upward when bank concentration is very high. However, the confidence band becomes large.

To summarize, this section shows that market concentration in GPT such as banking and telecom in
MENA becomes higher than other comparators as income rises. This translates to lower adoption of the
GPT technologies in MENA.

            Table 5: Concentration in mobile and banking operators and technology adoption

                                                                     Number of       Payments by credit
                               bandwidth per       internet users   ATMs per mil     and debit cards per
                                internet user           (%)            capita            mil capita

 relative income (t-1)            3.505***           0.616***         0.478***           0.490***
                                   (0.690)           (0.0253)          (0.0722)           (0.0691)
 mobile concentration             -0.0213          -0.00595***
                                  (0.0224)           (0.00121)
 mobile concentration^2         0.000000682       0.000000167*
                                (0.00000167)        (9.10e-08)
 bank concentration                                                   -1.198**           -2.410***
                                                                       (0.547)            (0.781)
 bank concentration^2                                                  0.00649           0.0181***
                                                                      (0.00425)          (0.00657)
 Constant                          66.30             31.01***         73.31***           73.07***
                                   (79.92)            (4.211)          (19.88)            (24.41)

 Observations                       2464               2658              178                182
 year fixed effects                   y                   y               y                  y
 r2                                0.108               0.621            0.385              0.344

                                   Figure 8: Visualization for Table 3

                                                 V.        Conclusion

This paper documented the existence of a “middle-income trap” for the Middle East and North Africa
region (MENA). It argued that MENA economic woes offer new insights into the debate on the trap,
which has thus far focused on the East Asia and Pacific region (EAP). The results are two-folds. First,
non-parametric regressions show that the average rate of economic growth in MENA has not only been
significantly lower than EAP but has also tended to drop at an earlier level of income. Second, a slower
pace of technology adoption is associated with slower levels of economic growth and MENA has
experienced a relatively slow pace of technology adoption in general purpose technologies (GPT).

These results suggest that barriers to GPT adoption constitute an important channel of transmission for
the middle-income trap. Indeed, the pervasive lack of market contestability in MENA markets and the
resulting slow pace of technology adoption including in key sectors can help explain why more generally
economies tend to get stuck. To the extent that governments play a key role in the regulation of entry
including in key “upstream” sectors, the literature focus on firm level dynamics only shed lights on

“downstream” matters. Instead, the lack of availability of frontier GPT can seclude firms into low
productivity activities, limiting trade and economic growth. Further research on the interplay between the
causes and consequences of lack of (government induced) GPT adoption would help understand the
nature and consequences of upstream factors impeding productivity gains and growth.

From a policy perspective, one proposal put forward by Arezki et al (2018) to break with “business as
usual” in the MENA region is for the authorities to embrace a “moonshot approach” to the adoption of
information technology and communications. MENA countries could emulate President John F.
Kennedy’s 1961 decision to unleash an extraordinary collective national effort that achieved its seemingly
impossible goal: a manned lunar landing in mid-1969. A MENA moonshot would involve a collective
regional commitment to achieve parity with advanced economies in information and communications
technology by 2021. MENA countries would seek to equal or better OECD countries in terms of their
level of access to the internet, capacity to transmit data (bandwidth) and the number of financial
transactions carried out electronically. This would unleash the potential of the young and educated
population—who have been subject to abnormally high levels of unemployment—and spur growth. 16

  World Bank (2019) shows that MENA has the highest youth unemployment rates in the world and these rates are
highest among the educated.


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Table A1: Coefficients for the non-parametric regressions: Relative growth versus relative income


                          Average                                     Percentile
                          Predicted   Std.Err     z       P>|z|
               income                                                [95% Conf.
                  0        0.021      0.001      14.4      0       0.018     0.021
                 10        0.022      0.001      19.76     0       0.021     0.023
                 20        0.026      0.002      16.71     0       0.025     0.028
                 30        0.026      0.001      28.82     0       0.025     0.028
                 40        0.025      0.001      25.62     0       0.024     0.026
                 50        0.023      0.001      22.65     0       0.022     0.024
                 60        0.016      0.001      14.9      0       0.013     0.016
                 70        0.008      0.001      11.25     0       0.006     0.008
                 80        0.004        0        8.88      0       0.003     0.004
                 90        0.006      0.002      3.89      0       0.004     0.009
                 100       0.009      0.003      2.96    0.003     0.003     0.011

                          Average                                     Percentile
                          Predicted   Std.Err     z       P>|z|
               income                                                [95% Conf.
                  0        0.024      0.003      8.123     0       0.018     0.029
                 10        0.016      0.002      6.683     0       0.011      0.02
                 20         0.01      0.002      4.693     0       0.007     0.015
                 30        0.006      0.002      2.509   0.012     0.002     0.011
                 40        0.002      0.002      0.869   0.385     -0.002    0.007
                 50        -0.001     0.003     -0.242   0.809     -0.005    0.004
                 60        -0.004     0.003     -1.241   0.215     -0.009    0.001
                 70        -0.007     0.003     -2.117   0.034     -0.013    -0.002
                 80        -0.011     0.004     -2.775   0.006     -0.018    -0.004
                 90        -0.015     0.004     -3.497     0       -0.023    -0.007
                 100       -0.02      0.004     -4.784     0       -0.028    -0.013

                                                                                                          Figure A1: Growth in TFP
                                                                                            Panel A: Relative TFP Growth (to the U.S.)
                                                                        East Asia and Pacif ic                                                                                                                      Middle East and North Africa
-.05 -.04 -.03 -.02 -.01 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05

                                                                                                                              -.05 -.04 -.03 -.02 -.01 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05
                relative growth in TFP

                                                                                                                                              relative growth in TFP
                                                     0   10   20      30     40      50     60      70     80    90    100                                                                       0       10    20       30       40     50     60      70    80    90    100
                                                              relative income to the U.S., percentage                                                                                                                relative income to the U.S., percentage

                                                                                                         Panel B: Absolute TFP growth

                                                                          East Asia and Pacif ic                                                                                                                         Middle East and North Af rica
    -.05 -.04 -.03 -.02 -.01 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05

                                                                                                                                                -.05 -.04 -.03 -.02 -.01 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05
                   absolute growth in TFP

                                                                                                                                                               absolute growth in TFP

                                                     0   10   20      30     40     50      60     70       80    90    100                                                                          0    10    20       30       40    50     60      70     80    90    100
                                                               relative income to the U.S., percentage                                                                                                                 relative income to the U.S., percentage

                                                                            Figure A2: Relative GDP growth for other regions

                                                              Europe and Central Asia                                                                                            Latin America and the Caribbean

                                                                                                                                           -.01 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05
                    relative growth in income

                                                                                                                           relative growth in income
                  -.01 0 .


                                                0   10   20      30      40    50      60     70      80   90   100                                                     0   10   20      30      40    50      60     70      80   90   100
                                                              relative income to the U.S., percentage                                                                                 relative income to the U.S., percentage

                                                                      South Asia                                                                                                         Sub-Saharan Af rica

                                                                                                                           -.05-.04-.03-.02-.01 0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05
                                                                                                                                     relative growth in income
     relative growth in income
        -.05-.03-.01.01 .03 .05

                                                0   10   20      30      40    50      60     70      80   90   100                                                     0   10   20      30      40    50      60     70      80   90   100
                                                              relative income to the U.S., percentage                                                                                 relative income to the U.S., percentage

Note: All regions are defined following World Bank country groups 17.

     See http://databank.worldbank.org/data/download/site-content/CLASS.xls for the current classification.

Table A2. List of countries

 Albania                        Denmark              Latvia                Qatar
 Algeria                        Republic             Lesotho               Romania
 Argentina                      Ecuador              Lithuania             Russia
 Armenia                        Egypt                Luxembourg            Saudi Arabia
 Australia                      El Salvador          Macedonia, FYR        Senegal
 Austria                        Estonia              Madagascar            Serbia
 Azerbaijan                     Ethiopia             Malaysia              Singapore
 Bahrain                        Finland              Mali                  Slovak Republic
 Bangladesh                     France               Mauritania            Slovenia
 Barbados                       Gambia, The          Mauritius             South Africa
 Belgium                        Georgia              Mexico                Spain
 Benin                          Germany              Mongolia              Sri Lanka
 Bolivia                        Greece               Montenegro, Rep. of   Sweden
 Bosnia and Herzegovina         Guatemala            Morocco               Switzerland
 Botswana                       Honduras             Mozambique            Syria
 Brazil                         Hong Kong SAR        Namibia               Tajikistan
 Bulgaria                       Hungary              Nepal                 Tanzania
 Burkina Faso                   Iceland              Netherlands           Thailand
 Burundi                        India                New Zealand           Trinidad and Tobago
 Cambodia                       Indonesia            Nicaragua             Tunisia
 Cameroon                       Ireland              Nigeria               Turkey
 Canada                         Italy                Norway                Uganda
 Chad                           Jamaica              Oman                  Ukraine
 Chile                          Japan                Pakistan              United Arab Emirates
 China                          Jordan               Panama                United Kingdom
 Colombia                       Kazakhstan           Paraguay              United States
 Costa Rica                     Kenya                Peru                  Uruguay
 Croatia                        Korea                Philippines           Venezuela
 Cyprus                         Kuwait               Poland                Vietnam
 Czech Republic                 Kyrgyz Republic      Portugal              Zambia

Note: The table presents countries included in Table 1.

Table A3. First stage regression of Column (4) in Table 2.
                                                                     (1)                            (2)
                                                              Average technology        Relative income x Average
                                                                 readiness (-)           technology readiness (-)

 Power Distance                                                     0.0279                       0.0618***
                                                                   (0.0381)                      (0.0108)

 Individualism                                                     0.783***                      -0.0757***
                                                                   (0.0322)                      (0.00912)

 Masculinity                                                      -0.563***                      -0.0604***
                                                                  (0.0361)                        (0.0102)

 Uncertainty Avoidance                                             0.161***                       0.00136
                                                                   (0.0251)                      (0.00712)

 Long-term Orientation                                             0.733***                       -0.00253
                                                                   (0.0240)                      (0.00680)

 Indulgence                                                        0.568***                      0.0195***
                                                                   (0.0250)                      (0.00709)

 Power Distance x Relative income                                 -0.301***                      -0.343***
                                                                  (0.0847)                       (0.0240)

 Individualism x Relative income                                  -1.112***                      0.337***
                                                                  (0.0623)                       (0.0177)

 Masculinity x Relative income                                     0.567***                      -0.0726***
                                                                   (0.0626)                       (0.0177)

 Uncertainty Avoidance x Relative income                          -0.653***                      -0.264***
                                                                  (0.0562)                       (0.0159)

 Long-term Orientation x Relative income                          -0.695***                      0.384***
                                                                  (0.0498)                       (0.0141)

 Indulgence x Relative income                                     -1.347***                      -0.238***
                                                                  (0.0732)                       (0.0208)

 Relative income x Relative income                                 247.5***                        2.194
                                                                   (9.711)                        (2.754)

 Observations                                                       2794                           2794

Note: Standard errors are given in parentheses. * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. Coefficients of constants are not
reported to save space.

Table A4. Growth and technology, OLS and IV regression (2 dimensions)

                                                                Relative decadal growth

                                   (1)            (2)               (3)           (4)          (5)           (6)
                                  OLS              IV              OLS            IV          OLS            IV

 Relative income               -0.0605***     -0.0727***        -0.0609***    -0.0639***    -0.0245***    -0.109***
                                (0.00344)      (0.00537)         (0.00309)     (0.00474)    (0.00828)     (0.0144)

 Relative income x
 Average technology
 readiness (-)                0.000720***    0.000619***        0.000603***   0.000562***   0.00325***   0.000900**
                              (0.0000768)     (0.000147)        (0.0000689)   (0.000130)    (0.000192)   (0.000381)

 Average technology
 readiness (-)                0.000492***    0.000602***        0.000498***   0.000525***
                              (0.0000255)    (0.0000457)        (0.0000229)   (0.0000402)

 Observations                     3726           3726              3726          3726         3726          3726
 Year fixed effect                  -              -               yes           yes           yes           yes
 Country fixed effect               -              -                 -             -           yes           yes
 R-square                         0.188          0.184            0.361         0.361         0.496         0.475
 First-stage F-stat                              222.8                          221.2                       613.3
 First-stage Sargan-test                         9.674                          10.42                       29.15

Notes: Coefficient estimates from ordinary least squares regressions at the country-year level. Standard errors are
given in parentheses. * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. The dependent variable is the relative annualized decadal
growth of real GDP per capita, compared to the growth in the US. Relative income is the relative real GDP per
capita from the initial year of the decade (US’s real GDP per capita at the same year equals 1). Average technology
readiness in the regression represents the average ranking for technology readiness. A higher number means a better
ranking, and higher technology readiness. This variable is instrumented in column (2) (4) (6), by 2-dimensions of
country specific attitudes, namely long-term orientation, and indulgence. First stage F-stat and Sargan test for over-
identification are both reported. Regressions in all columns have the same sample to ease comparison. The
coefficient estimates on constant are not reported to save space. Column (1) and (2) has no fixed effects, while
column (3) and (4) is added with year fixed effects. In column (5) and (6), we added country fixed effect to replace
the linear term of average technology readiness, in order to capture country specific characteristics in addition to
technology readiness. The main variable of interest in all columns are the technology readiness, interacted with
relative income from the initial year. This coefficient has been significant through all columns. Countries involved
this regression are listed below.

Table A5. Technology and growth, OLS and IV (first principle component)
                                                          Relative decadal growth
                              (1)            (2)            (3)             (4)             (5)            (6)
                             OLS             IV            OLS              IV             OLS             IV

 Relative income          -0.0525***     -0.0315***      -0.0558***     -0.0534***      -0.0654***      0.0776***
                          (0.00297)       (0.0104)       (0.00266)       (0.0101)       (0.00656)       (0.0261)

 Relative income x
 Average technology
 readiness (-)           0.000691***      0.000380      0.000662***     0.000865***    0.00275***      0.00776***
                         (0.0000756)     (0.000248)     (0.0000672)     (0.000236)     (0.000174)      (0.000900)

 Average technology
 readiness (-)           0.000383***      0.000150      0.000407***     0.000386***
                         (0.0000262)     (0.000114)     (0.0000234)     (0.000111)

 Observations               2794            2794           2794            2794           2794            2794
 Country fixed effect         -               -              -               -             yes             yes
 Year fixed effect            -               -             yes             yes            yes             yes
 R-square                   0.201           0.151          0.382           0.380          0.555           0.416
 First-stage F-stat                         31.60                          23.44                          131.2

Notes: Coefficient estimates from ordinary least squares regressions at the country-year level. Standard errors are
given in parentheses. * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. The dependent variable is the relative annualized decadal
growth of real GDP per capita, compared to the growth in the US. Relative income is the relative real GDP per
capita from the initial year of the decade (US’s real GDP per capita at the same year equals 1). Average technology
readiness in the regression represents the average ranking for technology readiness. A higher number means a better
ranking, and higher technology readiness. This variable is instrumented in column (2) (4) (6), by the first principle
component of the 6 dimensions of attitude. First stage F-stat is reported. Regressions in all columns have the same
sample to ease comparison. The coefficient estimates on constant are not reported to save space. Column (1) and (2)
has no fixed effects, while column (3) and (4) is added with year fixed effects. In column (5) and (6), we added
country fixed effect to replace the linear term of average technology readiness, in order to capture country specific
characteristics in addition to technology readiness. The main variable of interest in all columns are the technology
readiness, interacted with relative income from the initial year. First stage regression of column (4) is provided in
Appendix Table A6, and the weights in the first component is reported in Appendix Table A7.

Table A6. First stage regression of column (4) in Table A5
                                          (1)                           (2)
                                  Average technology         Relative income x Average
                                     readiness (-)            technology readiness (-)

 Attitude                              -9.434***                     2.189***
                                        (0.703)                      (0.237)

 Attitude x Relative income            16.19***                      -6.931***
                                       (1.197)                        (0.404)

 Relative income                       91.99***                      -8.251***
                                       (1.947)                        (0.657)

 Constant                              -73.92***                     -8.618***
                                        (3.235)                       (1.092)

 Observations                           2794                           2794

Table A7. Principle Component of Attitude
 Power Distance                     0.6
 Individualism                     -0.6
 Masculinity                        0.1
 Uncertainty Avoidance              0.3
 Long-term Orientation              0.2
 Indulgence                        -0.4

Table A8: List of countries

 United States         Guatemala                         Vietnam                    Sudan
 United Kingdom        Haiti                             Algeria                    Swaziland
 Austria               Honduras                          Angola                     Tanzania
 Belgium               Mexico                            Botswana                   Togo
 Denmark               Nicaragua                         Burundi                    Tunisia
 France                Panama                            Cameroon                   Uganda
 Germany               Paraguay                          Central African Republic   Burkina Faso
 Italy                 Peru                              Chad                       Zambia
                                                         Congo, Democratic
 Netherlands           Uruguay                           Republic of the            Armenia
 Norway                Belize                            Benin                      Azerbaijan
 Sweden                Suriname                          Equatorial Guinea          Belarus
 Switzerland           Iran                              Ethiopia                   Albania
 Canada                Jordan                            Gabon                      Georgia
 Japan                 Kuwait                            Ghana                      Kazakhstan
 Finland               Lebanon                           Guinea-Bissau              Bulgaria
 Greece                Oman                              Guinea                     Moldova
 Iceland               Saudi Arabia                      Kenya                      Russia
 Ireland               Syria                             Lesotho                    Tajikistan
 Portugal              United Arab Emirates              Liberia                    China
 Spain                 Egypt                             Madagascar                 Turkmenistan
 Turkey                Yemen                             Malawi                     Ukraine
 Australia             Bangladesh                        Mali                       Uzbekistan
 New Zealand           Cambodia                          Mauritania                 Czech Republic
 South Africa          Sri Lanka                         Mauritius                  Slovak Republic
 Argentina             India                             Morocco                    Estonia
 Bolivia               Indonesia                         Mozambique                 Latvia
 Brazil                Korea                             Niger                      Hungary
 Chile                 Malaysia                          Nigeria                    Lithuania
 Colombia              Nepal                             Zimbabwe                   Mongolia
 Costa Rica            Pakistan                          Rwanda                     Croatia
 Republic              Philippines                       Senegal                    Slovenia
 Ecuador               Singapore                         Sierra Leone               Poland
 El Salvador           Thailand                          Namibia                    Romania

Note: The table presents countries included in Table 3.

                   Table A9: Estimating Technology Adoption with Regional Dummies

                                 (1)          (2)          (3)        (4)          (5)          (6)          (7)
                            Bandwidth      Computer     Internet   Number of    Payments      Tractor    Electricity
                            per internet    per mil    users (%)   ATM per      by credit     per mil    production
                                user        capita                 mil capita   and debit     capita       per mil
                                                                                cards per                  capita
                                                                                mil capita

 Relative income             -3.618***      2.220***      0.387    -1.072***    0.547**      -1.847***   -2.979***
                              (0.818)        (0.215)    (0.279)     (0.231)      (0.266)      (0.143)     (0.174)
 EAP                         -435.4***      118.4***    -48.61*      8.481       -24.39      -295.0***   -405.9***
                              (80.72)        (20.76)    (25.21)     (44.27)      (29.85)      (13.63)     (17.35)
 ECA                         -792.3***      113.2***    -44.66*    -191.1***    -57.90**     -249.8***   -406.8***
                              (123.2)        (20.78)    (25.21)     (21.64)      (25.45)      (14.02)     (17.70)
 LAC                         -374.4***      120.0***   -51.10**                              -293.7***   -403.0***
                              (85.68)        (20.76)    (25.20)                               (13.58)     (17.37)
 MNA                         -444.1***      122.6***    -47.76*    -132.7***     -46.98*     -279.9***   -394.4***
                              (80.24)        (20.74)    (25.20)     (37.24)      (25.79)      (13.58)     (17.40)
 SAR                         -452.5***      121.6***   -62.83**                              -287.4***   -401.7***
                              (80.33)        (20.79)    (25.23)                               (13.69)     (17.39)
 SSA                         -449.5***      121.2***   -60.60**                              -288.0***   -401.1***
                              (80.14)        (20.77)    (25.18)                               (13.57)     (17.38)
 EAP x Relative income       6.038***      -1.454***    0.0865       -0.259       -0.311     2.837***    3.753***
                              (1.002)        (0.218)    (0.282)     (0.437)      (0.309)      (0.162)     (0.175)
 ECA x Relative income       14.05***      -1.510***      0.296    1.628***      -0.0432     2.733***    3.778***
                              (2.290)        (0.217)    (0.281)     (0.234)      (0.268)      (0.155)     (0.186)
 LAC x Relative income       3.616***      -1.840***      0.243                              2.638***    3.316***
                              (0.974)        (0.218)    (0.282)                               (0.149)     (0.175)
 MNA x Relative income       3.812***      -2.142***     -0.204      0.494      -0.614**     1.836***    3.041***
                              (0.819)        (0.215)    (0.280)     (0.376)      (0.272)      (0.143)     (0.174)
 SAR x Relative income       4.654***      -2.064***      0.474                              2.356***    3.208***
                              (0.932)        (0.287)    (0.304)                               (0.306)     (0.220)
 SSA x Relative income       4.117***      -2.026***    -0.0954                              2.105***    3.187***
                              (0.855)        (0.220)    (0.286)                               (0.146)     (0.177)

 Observations                  2967          1281       4170          368          372        4115         3151
 R-square                      0.219         0.839      0.709        0.545        0.476       0.611        0.671

Note: This table reports all regional dummies with North America as the default region. Standard errors are given in
parentheses. * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. Time-fixed effects are included in all regressions. Coefficients of
constants are not reported to save space.

                        Table A10: Market Concentration in Telecom and Finance

                                                           (1)                              (2)
                                              Mobile operators Concentration        Bank concentration
            Relative income                              -33.65                         -1.831***
                                                         (20.52)                          (0.223)
            EAP                                          1328.9                         -147.9***
                                                        (1834.6)                          (21.49)
            ECA                                          -1088.4                        -146.1***
                                                        (1830.8)                          (21.45)
            LAC                                          -272.5                         -144.6***
                                                        (1837.4)                          (21.48)
            MNA                                          -211.6                         -144.3***
                                                        (1835.7)                          (21.46)
            SAR                                          -1835.0                        -164.0***
                                                        (1852.6)                          (21.76)
            SSA                                           13.51                         -135.7***
                                                        (1830.6)                          (21.43)
            EAP x Relative income                         14.63                          1.890***
                                                         (20.71)                          (0.224)
            ECA x Relative income                         29.33                          1.870***
                                                         (20.59)                          (0.224)
            LAC x Relative income                         34.90                          1.757***
                                                         (21.75)                          (0.231)
            MNA x Relative income                        43.11**                         1.852***
                                                         (20.59)                          (0.223)
            SAR x Relative income                       119.8***                         3.063***
                                                         (28.16)                          (0.450)
            SSA x Relative income                        53.61**                         1.929***
                                                         (21.08)                          (0.235)
            Observations                                  3303                             2962
            R-square                                      0.248                           0.111
Note: This table reports all regional dummies with North America as the default region. Standard errors are given in
parentheses. * p<0.1, ** p<0.05, *** p<0.01. Time-fixed effects are included in all regressions. Coefficients of
constants are not reported to save space.
