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      World Bank

                                                                                   VOLUME 8 L NUMBER 3/4 L SPRING/SUMMER 2014

Tackling Malaria among Schoolchildren
in Kenya
Can intermittent screening and              of infection status), delivered through           IN THIS ISSUE
treatment for malaria improve the           schools, can improve the health and               Tackling Malaria among Schoolchildren in
health and education of children?           cognitive function of schoolchildren in           Kenya 	                       … page 1
                                            intense and seasonal transmission set-            What is the best way to control malaria

                                            tings. But the recent withdrawal of the           among school-age children? A recent study
   n many countries where malaria is        primary drugs for IPT, sulphadoxine-              evaluated a school-based strategy in Kenya
   endemic, successful control pro-         pyrimethamine (SP) and amodiaquine
   grams have led to a decline in trans-    (AQ), in many East African countries              Are Small Farmers More Productive in
mission. This has prompted a renewed        precluded further investigation of IPT            Rwanda? 	                     … page 2
emphasis on eliminating malaria,            using SP+AQ.                                      Where small farmers are more productive,
leading to a shift in focus from case           In Kenya the most recent National             understanding the reasons why is important
management of clinical malaria and          Malaria Strategy (2009–17) identified             for rural welfare policy
interventions targeting traditionally       testing and treating children with
                                                                                              Postharvest Loss in Africa—What Do
high-risk groups (children under five       malaria parasitemia as a potential                Farmers Say? 	               … page 3
and pregnant women) to a more inclu-        alternative strategy. Researchers
                                                                                              A new study looks at farmers’ own reports
sive approach aimed at interrupting         from the London School of Hygiene
                                                                                              of postharvest food losses—and at what they
community-wide transmission by also         & Tropical Medicine, Kenya Medical                mean for ways to reduce the losses
identifying and treating asymptomatic       Research Institute, Harvard University,
malaria parasitemia.                        and the Ministries of Health and                  Explaining Gender Gaps in Farm Productivity
    This shift has highlighted additional   Education in Kenya evaluated this                 in Nigeria 	                   … page 4
vulnerable groups such as school-age        policy through a study in a low- to               Where female farmers have lower yields than
children, who have some of the highest      moderate-transmission setting on the              male farmers, could equal access to inputs
age-specific parasite rates and thus are    south coast of Kenya in 2010–12.                  close the gender gap?
important contributors to transmission.         A recent paper by Halliday and co-
In addition, success in lowering trans-     authors presents the findings of the              The Challenge of Measuring
                                                                                              Hunger 	                          … page 5
mission levels will result in children      study, a cluster randomized trial evalu-
acquiring immunity later in life than in    ating the impact of intermittent screen-          Different ways of collecting data yield vastly
the past, and the incidence of malaria      ing and treatment (IST) for malaria on            different estimates of the prevalence of hunger
can be expected to increase in school-      the health and education of schoolchil-           Moving Up a Gear: Structural Change in
age children. Yet school-age children       dren. The school-based intervention               Ethiopia 	                     … page 6
have persistently had the lowest cover-     consisted of screening children for ma-           An analysis finds emerging signs that
age by interventions to prevent malaria,    laria parasitemia using rapid diagnostic          meaningful structural change is taking place
and until recently there was limited        tests (RDTs) once a term, and treating            in Ethiopia’s economy
evidence about the best approach to         those found to be RDT-positive, with
controlling malaria in this group.          or without symptoms, with a full regi-            Transactional Sex as Risk-Coping
    School health programs provide          men of artemether-lumefantrine (AL).              Behavior 	                     … page 7
a logical and affordable platform for       The 24-month study enrolled 5,233                 What are the health implications of
tackling the malaria burden among           children between ages 5 and 20, from              transactional sex? And what conditions lead
school-age children. Studies in West        101 government primary schools. Half              women to enter the market for transactional
and East Africa have shown that inter-      the schools were randomly selected to             sex?
mittent preventive treatment (IPT) for      receive the IST intervention; this was
malaria (periodic mass administration
of a therapeutic antimalarial regardless                          (continued on page 8)
2 World Bank ResearchDigest

Are Small Farmers More Productive in Rwanda?
Labor market imperfections seem                                   needs with traditional technology. This             controlling for land quality, yields,
to be a key reason for the inverse                                prompted the government to put in                   labor intensity, and shadow profits per
relationship between farm size and                                place a national land policy promot-                hectare are all much higher on small
                                                                  ing land use planning, consolidation                farms; and that profit per hectare (with
productivity in Rwanda
                                                                  of land into “economic” plot sizes, and             labor valued at market rates) is virtu-

                                                                  prohibitions on subdivision.                        ally identical across holding and plot
          hile an inverse relationship                                Such measures are not uncontro-                 sizes. Results thus point to labor mar-
          between a farm’s size and its                           versial and have proved to be difficult             ket imperfections as a major reason for
          productivity is a recurrent                             to implement in other settings. In a                the inverse relationship between farm
empirical finding, different explana-                             recent paper Ali and Deininger under-               size and productivity, but suggest that
tions are proposed in the literature.                             take an empirical investigation of the              with existing market imperfections,
One is that small farmers apply more                              underlying assumptions using nation-                small farms are able to gainfully ab-
than the optimum amount of inputs,                                ally representative plot-level data that            sorb large amounts of labor.
possibly because of factor market                                 allow them to control for household-                    As long as farmers’ labor use re-
imperfections. Another is a failure to                            specific heterogeneity.                             sponds to price signals, land market
adequately measure key factors, espe-                                 Descriptive statistics by tercile of            interventions such as restrictions on
cially land area or quality. Empirical                            the farm size distribution reveal three             subdivision or involuntary consolida-
evidence from Africa remains particu-                             regularities. First, plot (and farm) size           tion programs may thus yield few ben-
larly ambiguous.                                                  is inversely related to land quality; that          efits and could even be counterproduc-
    But as countries seek to modern-                              is, smaller farms and plots have higher             tive. Efforts to reduce labor market
ize agriculture and transition from                               land quality and are less likely to be              imperfections, and nonagricultural
a subsistence-based economy, the                                  affected by crop shocks. Second, differ-            growth that leads to higher wages and
answer matters: If small farms are ef-                            ences in output per hectare and input               nonagricultural employment opportu-
ficient, policy should focus on attract-                          use intensity across farm size classes              nities pulling labor out of agriculture,
ing upstream investment (such as in                               are pronounced (figure 1): output value             may be more effective tools to improve
agroprocessing) and link smallholders                             per hectare for farms in the bottom ter-            rural welfare.
to markets. If they are not, a strategy                           cile ($860) is almost three times that
aimed at leapfrogging to large-scale                              of those in the top tercile ($298), with
farming may be more desirable, along                              differences even more pronounced at
with a regulatory environment that                                the plot level (from $1,296 to $317).
discourages further subdivision and                               But third, for profit per hectare based
promotes land consolidation.                                      on actual input costs and labor valued
    In Rwanda, Africa’s most densely                              at market wages, the inverse relation-
populated country, fragmentation                                  ship between size and productivity es-              Daniel Ali and Klaus Deininger. 2014. “Is There
and small farm sizes are considered                               sentially disappears (figure 2).                    a Farm-Size Productivity Relationship in African
key policy issues. Average farm size is                               Empirical results suggest that                  Agriculture? Evidence from Rwanda.” Policy Re-
only 0.72 hectares in four parcels, not                           technology is characterized by con-                 search Working Paper 6770, World Bank, Wash-
enough to satisfy even subsistence                                stant returns to scale; that even after             ington, DC.

                                                                                             Figure 2. Net Profit Per Hectare at the Holding Level, with Family
Figure 1. Yield Per Hectare at the Plot and Holding Level                                    Labor Valued at Market and Shadow Wages
ln(value of output per hectare)                                                              Net profit in US$ thousands per hectare
8                                                                                             2




2                                                                                            −2
    −8         −6          −4           −2           0         2         4                         −6          −4            −2            0           2           4
                                ln(land size in hectares)                                                                 ln(land size in hectares)
            Plot level            Holding level           95% confidence interval                        Market wage            Shadow wage            95% confidence interval
                                                                                                          World Bank Research           Digest         3

Postharvest Loss in Africa—What Do Farmers Say?
Global estimates of postharvest                      farmer-reported estimates. They obtain                handling and storage loss estimate for
food losses are alarmingly high. But                 these from recent nationally repre-                   cereals in Sub-Saharan Africa of 8 per-
what do farmers say about their own                  sentative household surveys in three                  cent and much lower than the APHLIS
                                                     African countries—Malawi, Tanzania                    estimates of 14–18 percent for maize
                                                     (two years), and Uganda. They focus on                (all postharvest loss before marketing

                                                     the reported share of harvested maize                 but without processing).
        he Food and Agriculture                      lost. They also identify the key agro-                    Multivariate analysis of the 2008
        Organization (FAO) estimates                 climatic and socioeconomic drivers                    Tanzanian experience further shows
        that 32 percent of global food               of postharvest loss to better under-                  that economic incentives, especially
production is lost after harvest—and                 stand the factors affecting adoption                  the seasonal price gap (and access
up to 37 percent in Sub-Saharan                      of improved storage and postharvest                   to the market), substantially reduce
Africa. Why have farmers “tolerated”                 handling techniques. Success stories                  postharvest loss. Climatic factors
such losses, and why has the inter-                  in promoting improved on-farm stor-                   (particularly the combination of heat
national community not acted more                    age technologies have been rare in                    and humidity) substantially increase
forcefully to reduce them? One answer                Africa, with interventions too often                  it. Households’ wealth or poverty sta-
holds that postharvest loss may not                  poorly aligned with farmers’ economic                 tus does not appear to be associated
be that high. More than 30 years ago,                incentives.                                           with postharvest loss, and loss tends
in the aftermath of the early 1970s                        The authors’ approach in esti-                  to be lower among female-headed
world food crisis, Michael Lipton al-                mating postharvest loss differs from                  households and those whose heads
ready questioned the premise of high                 the FAO estimates as well as those                    have postprimary education. Some of
postharvest loss and put on-farm                     from the African Postharvest Losses                   these factors probably work through
grain losses among smallholders in                   Information System (APHLIS). The first                the adoption of improved storage
developing countries in the 5–8 per-                 are based on national food balances                   technologies, which remains limited.
cent range.                                          and loss fractions defined by experts,                Between 0.6 percent (Uganda) and 11.5
    Estimating postharvest loss is                   the second on national extrapolations                 percent (Tanzania) of maize farmers
complex. The overall FAO estimates                   from purposively sampled (and often                   use improved storage technologies.
cover all crops (including more per-                 older) in-depth case studies. The au-                 The prevalent postharvest treatment
ishable roots, tubers, and fruits and                thors’ approach has some advantages.                  method remains smoking or spraying.
vegetables) and comprise losses dur-                 First, the use of nationally representa-                  The authors conclude that there
ing all steps of the food supply chain               tive samples avoids overestimation                    must be proper contextualization of
(harvesting, on-farm handling and                    from sample selection bias. Second,                   the widely cited high and aggregate
storage, processing, marketing, con-                 harmonization in the survey method-                   estimates of postharvest loss, with
sumption). When confined to cereals                  ology facilitates comparison across                   farmer-reported estimates arguably
and postharvest handling and storage                 countries. Third, while subjective, and               more relevant indicators of demand
loss only, the FAO estimate for Sub-                 thus prone to measurement error, self-                for better storage and postharvest
Saharan Africa is 8 percent. This esti-              reported loss estimates are also more                 handling techniques. They argue that
mate is definitionally more equivalent               likely to reveal the losses that mat-                 interventions should be incentive com-
and quantitatively closer to Lipton’s                ter—and more likely to be incentive                   patible and carefully targeted, not “one
numbers.                                             compatible. Finally, the survey design                size fits all.” And they call for wider use
    Nonetheless, the estimates are                   was exploited to obtain annualized                    of nationally representative surveys in
necessarily based on many assump-                    loss estimates.                                       studying postharvest loss. Nationally
tions. In a new paper Kaminski and                         Among maize farmers, only be-                   representative estimates help eluci-
Christiaensen complement the efforts                 tween 7 percent (Malawi) and 22 per-                  date the granularity in postharvest loss
to quantify postharvest loss using                   cent (Uganda) report on-farm posthar-                 and storage behavior; they can also
                                                                                  vest loss, averag-       be used to fine-tune the algorithms
Figure 1. Estimated Postharvest Loss for Maize in Three African Countries ing 21–27 percent                underpinning postharvest loss infor-
Percent                                                                           of their harvest.        mation systems such as APHLIS and to
25                                                                                This adds up to          help update their annual estimates.
                                                   Share of national harvest lost
20                                                 Share of farmers reporting     1.4–5.9 percent of
                                                   postharvest loss               the national maize
                                                                                  harvest being lost
                                                                                  on-farm (figure 1).      Jonathan Kaminski and Luc Christiaensen. 2014.
 5                                                                                This is still quite a    “Post-Harvest Loss in Sub-Saharan Africa—
 0                                                                                bit lower than the       What Do Farmers Say?” Policy Research Working
          Uganda (2009/10)    Tanzania (2010/11)        Malawi (2010/11)          FAO postharvest          Paper 6831, World Bank, Washington, DC.
4 World Bank ResearchDigest

Explaining Gender Gaps in Farm Productivity in Nigeria
In northern Nigeria women’s farm                                         are able to decompose the gender gap                                    were given similar levels of inputs,
productivity is lower than men’s.                                        into the part explained by differences                                  the gender gap would diminish. Thus
In southern Nigeria it isn’t. What                                       in the level of inputs (for example, how                                providing additional inputs to female
                                                                         much differences in hours of labor                                      farmers would both benefit the women
accounts for the difference?
                                                                         contribute to the gap) and the part                                     and increase overall productivity in the

                                                                         explained by differences in returns to                                  region.
       here is a general perception that                                 the same inputs (for example, whether                                       The findings suggest that when it
       across Sub-Saharan Africa female                                  an hour of labor produces more or less                                  comes to gender gaps in agricultural
       farmers have lower yields than                                    on a woman’s farm than on a man’s).                                     productivity, northern Nigeria looks a
male farmers. But the reality is more                                    The analysis is conducted separately                                    lot like other countries in Sub-Saharan
nuanced. While some studies find low-                                    for the north and south because of the                                  Africa while southern Nigeria is an ex-
er average productivity among female                                     socioeconomic diversity in the country.                                 ception. This stark difference between
farmers than among male farmers,                                             In northern Nigeria analysis con-                                   the two regions suggests that policies
others find no significant differences                                   trolling for input levels shows that                                    need to take into account differences
between the two groups. And in many                                      female farmers produce 27 percent less                                  in norms, markets, and institutions
instances “back of the envelope” calcu-                                  than their male counterparts (figure                                    more broadly in order to increase
lations show that if women had equal                                     1). This gender gap in productivity is                                  the productivity of Nigeria’s female
access to land and productive inputs,                                    driven primarily by the fact that women                                 farmers.
the gender gap would almost always                                       have lower levels of labor and fertil-
disappear.                                                               izer and that they get lower returns to
    This suggests that women are not                                     being older farmers and having more
less capable farmers but instead that                                    people in their household. Improving
they face constraints that limit their                                   access to fertilizer and hired labor and
productivity. In Sub-Saharan Africa,                                     promoting cash crops for women in
where smallholders’ agricultural pro-                                    the north would probably boost overall
ductivity is low, reducing the gender                                    agricultural growth, though it might
gap by increasing female farmers’                                        not close the gender gap. Even if fe-
productivity could increase overall pro-                                 male farmers in the north were given
ductivity, leading to higher incomes,                                    the same level of inputs as their male
lower poverty, and better food security                                  counterparts, some differences in pro-
and nutritional outcomes.                                                ductivity might still persist because of
    In a new paper Oseni, Corral,                                        the differences in returns.
Goldstein, and Winters use a national-                                       In the south, however, analysis con-
ly representative data set for Nigeria to                                trolling for key characteristics and fac-
investigate whether there is a gender                                    tors of production (including inputs)                                   Gbemisola Oseni, Paul Corral, Markus Goldstein,
gap in agricultural productivity—and,                                    finds no gender gap in productivity.                                    and Paul Winters. 2014. “Explaining Gender
if so, which factors in the production                                   Male and female farmers in the re-                                      Differentials in Agricultural Production in Nige-
process appear to be driving it. Using                                   gion appear to obtain similar returns                                   ria.” Policy Research Working Paper 6809, World
decomposition methods, the authors                                       to factors of production—and if they                                    Bank, Washington, DC.

Figure 1. Difference between Male and Female Farmers’ Productivity in Selected Areas of Sub-Saharan Africa, 2009–12

30                                                                                                                                                                               27.4


           Southern Nigeria                     Malawi                         Tanzania                         Uganda                          Niger                     Northern Nigeria
Source: For Nigeria, Gbemisola Oseni and others, “Explaining Gender Differentials in Agricultural Production in Nigeria” (Policy Research Working Paper 6809, World Bank, Washington, DC, 2014);
for other countries, World Bank and ONE Campaign, Levelling the Field: Improving Opportunities for Women Farmers in Africa (Washington, DC: World Bank Group, 2014).
Note: Data are for the latest year available during the period shown.
                                                                                       World Bank Research            Digest             5

The Challenge of Measuring Hunger
Estimates of the number of hungry          commodities—which can range from             differ as the hunger indicator interacts
people in the world will remain            a handful of aggregate commodities           with household size, wealth, educa-
unreliable until the design of             to more than 400 relatively detailed         tion, and other measures. For example,
                                           commodities.                                 relative to the “gold standard,” recall
household surveys is improved
                                               A recent paper by De Weerdt,             surveys underestimate hunger as a

                                           Beegle, Friedman, and Gibson studies         household grows richer but overesti-
      here is much interest in counting    the implications of survey design for        mate hunger as the household increas-
      the number of hungry people in       the measurement of hunger. One key           es in size.
      the world and monitoring trends      finding is that estimates of hunger are          The global hunger estimates de-
in hunger. Many observers follow           even more sensitive to survey design         rived from the FBS method are also
global numbers on hunger prevalence,       than are estimates of overall consump-       subject to the vagaries of cross-country
not least because halving the propor-      tion (and therefore of poverty) because      survey design. In this method the vari-
tion of hungry people between 1990         most of the design differences in glob-      ance of calorie consumption is mea-
and 2015 is among the prominent            al practice are due to differences in the    sured through HCES while the mean
Millennium Development Goals (and          measurement of food consumption.             is taken from the national FBS. There
one on which achievements appear to        One review of household surveys from         are many reasons to question the ac-
be slight).                                more than 100 countries found great          curacy of the balance sheets, including
    But measuring the number of hun-       variation in the survey mode (diary or       the degree to which they capture na-
gry people is not easy. Current global     recall), in the length of the food item      tional postharvest stores and losses as
counts rely on combining statistics on     list, and in the recall period used. The     well as the accuracy of their root crop
each country’s food availability from      measurement of nonfood consumption           yields. While the paper does not ad-
national food balance sheets (FBS)         varies much less around the world.           dress these issues, it is clear that vari-
with information on consumption pat-           Using a survey experiment in             ation in survey design greatly affects
terns from household consumption           Tanzania, the paper explores the net         the estimates of hunger from the FBS
expenditure surveys (HCES). Recent         effect of reporting error arising from       method: estimates of the prevalence of
research has advocated estimating          seven different and very common con-         hunger range from 17 to 28 percent.
hunger directly from these house-          sumption survey designs, including               The study shows that changing the
hold surveys. In both the standard         one taken as a proxy for the “gold stan-     design of the survey questionnaire
approach (the FBS method) and the          dard”—an intensively supervised per-         (that is, how questions are asked)
approach relying solely on household       sonal diary with detailed cross-checks       greatly affects the estimate of hunger
surveys (the HCES method), the use of      across household members. The study          prevalence—in Tanzania, by millions of
household survey data is fundamental.      is a randomized within-village experi-       people—regardless of which of the two
The FBS method uses the variance in        ment with good covariate balance that        approaches is used. As a consequence,
calorie consumption estimated across       extends over an entire calendar year,        comparable and valid estimates of
households through the survey, while       so the results should not be subject         the number of hungry people in the
the HCES method measures hunger            to seasonal or community-level con-          world will remain out of reach until
directly, as a function of the observed    founders. The only differences in the        improvements are made in the design
total household food consumption in        numbers of hungry people should              of household surveys, especially the
relation to estimated household calor-     be due to the particular survey de-          consistency of questionnaires.
ic need. So the quality and consistency    sign administered. And these differ-
of household surveys matter in both        ences are large, both statistically and
approaches.                                economically.
    One challenge to these approaches,         The estimated daily per capita
however, is that the design of house-      kilocalorie intake ranges from 1,793 to
hold consumption surveys varies            2,677, depending on the survey mod-
widely around the world in a number        ule. As a consequence, estimates of
of dimensions, including these:            the prevalence of hunger range from 19
    • The method of data capture—          to 68 percent. This wide range trans-
which is typically either diary or a re-   lates into a difference of more than 23
call questionnaire.                        million people in Tanzania, a country
    • The reference period over which      with a population of 45 million.
consumption is measured—which can              And survey design influences not         Joachim De Weerdt, Kathleen Beegle, Jed Fried-
vary from one day to one week to one       only prevalence estimates but also the       man, and John Gibson. 2014. “The Challenge of
month.                                     targeting of the hungry. The hunger          Measuring Hunger.” Policy Research Working
    • The degree of detail in              profiles suggested by each module            Paper 6736, World Bank, Washington, DC.
6 World Bank ResearchDigest

Moving Up a Gear: Structural Change in Ethiopia
What is driving Ethiopia’s strong                           and demographic change to growth in                result of within-sector improvements.
growth? Mostly labor productivity                           output per capita. Labor productivity              Changes in employment accounted
within sectors, but structural change                       is measured as output per worker, and              for about 10 percent of the growth,
                                                            its impact is further decomposed into              while the contribution of demographic
is accelerating
                                                            within-sector and intersectoral contri-            change was negligible.

                                                            butions, with the latter representing                  Nonetheless, recent trends are
   t is a historical inevitability. All                     structural change.                                 promising. The relative contribution
   successful developing countries                              Results show that the composi-                 of intersectoral shifts has been grow-
   have undergone a fundamental and                         tion of Ethiopia’s output has changed              ing in recent years and thus playing an
potent process of structural change.                        significantly over the past 20 years.              increasingly important role in boosting
This transformation entails a realloca-                     Agriculture remains a very large pro-              output per capita. As workers move
tion of labor from low-productivity                         duction sector, but its share in total             out of agriculture, the sector with the
sectors to more dynamic economic                            output has steadily declined, from 66              lowest productivity, this creates a posi-
activities—typically from subsistence                       percent in 1991 to 45 percent in 2011.             tive momentum for growth-enhancing
agriculture to industry and modern                          Services have expanded considerably,               structural change. While productivity
services. Through its impact on labor                       especially trade and real estate. Yet              growth in agriculture and trade has
productivity, structural change plays                       changes in the sectoral distribution of            provided a considerable boost to total
an instrumental role in sustaining                          employment have lagged behind. The                 labor productivity, structural change is
economic growth, generating produc-                         share of agriculture in total employ-              becoming another key source of eco-
tive employment, and raising living                         ment has declined in recent years, but             nomic dynamism (figure 1).
standards.                                                  remains very high at about 78 percent.                 The recent decline in the employ-
    In many African economies, how-                         Trade currently accounts for 9 percent             ment rate has adversely affected out-
ever, shifts in the structure of output                     of total employment—and “other ser-                put per capita growth. But it is due in
have rarely been followed by commen-                        vices” (which includes public adminis-             part to younger people staying longer
surate changes in sectoral employ-                          tration, education, financial interme-             in school—which can be seen as a
ment. This undermines the impact and                        diation, and real estate) for 8 percent.           positive development in the long run
sustainability of the growth process.                           Labor productivity growth has been             as students acquire skills that can
What has been the recent experience                         strong across most sectors—though                  support future growth. There is also
in Ethiopia, where growth has aver-                         with substantial variations—as total               evidence that Ethiopia is starting to
aged about 10 percent a year since                          output per worker doubled in the past              benefit from a demographic dividend,
2003?                                                       decade. But large productivity gaps re-            which accounted for 10 percent of out-
    A recent paper by Martins inves-                        main. The output per worker in mining              put per capita growth in the 2005–11
tigates the key drivers of this remark-                     and quarrying, electricity and water,              period. The country’s dependency ratio
able performance. It examines how                           and transport and communications is                has been declining, which provides a
the composition of output and em-                           more than 10 times that in agriculture.            boost to economic activity.
ployment has changed through time                               The decomposition analysis shows                   The analysis thus finds emerg-
and assesses trends in sectoral labor                       that labor productivity has been the               ing signs that meaningful structural
productivity. More importantly, it es-                      main contributor to output per capita              change is taking place in Ethiopia.
timates the relative contributions of                       growth: it accounted for about 90 per-             While these changes have not reached
labor productivity, employment rates,                       cent during 1996–2011, mainly as a                 the levels of transformation experi-
                                                                                                               enced by many East Asian countries,
Figure 1. Sector Contribution to Labor Productivity Growth in Ethiopia, 1999–2011                              they are certainly motivating. The key
Percent                                                                                                        challenge for policy makers is to de-
 50                                                                                                            vise and implement policies that can
                                                                                                               further encourage the modernization
                                                                                                               and transformation of the Ethiopian
 30                                                                                                            economy.


                                                                                                               Pedro Martins. 2014. “Structural Change in
−10   Agriculture    Mining Manufactur- Electricity Construction   Trade     Transport & Other Intersectoral   Ethiopia: An Employment Perspective.” Policy
                    & quarrying ing      & water                           communications services shift       Research Working Paper 6749, World Bank,
−20                                                                                                            Washington, DC.
                                                                                        World Bank Research            Digest          7

Transactional Sex as Risk-Coping Behavior
Transactional sex rises after shocks,           A recent paper by de Walque, Dow,        shocks and STIs is strongest, they find
suggesting that access to insurance         and Gong uses a unique set of data           that shocks lead to an almost threefold
or savings may have public health           that measure sexual behavior, STIs, and      increase in paid sex (sex in exchange
                                            transfers in a sample of women who are       for cash or gifts). Finally, using reported
                                            not sex workers and are representative       income data, the authors estimate that

                                            of women in rural Tanzania. The analy-       as income goes down the risk of STIs
       ow poor people in low-income         sis is based on a panel of women in          goes up. For unmarried women, they
       countries respond to the myriad      rural Tanzania involved in a conditional     also find that as income goes down
       risks they face is a crucial ques-   cash transfer study aimed at the pre-        paid sex goes up.
tion. Their risk-coping behaviors can       vention of HIV and STIs. Four rounds              This work contributes to the large
have long-term adverse consequences         of data, spaced four months apart,           body of literature documenting the
for both human and health capital,          were collected. At each round individu-      effects of negative shocks on health
which has implications for the persis-      als were tested for four curable STIs        outcomes and the relationships be-
tence of poverty. Transactional sex, the    (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis,       tween income and disease. The study
exchange of money or gifts for sexual       and Mycoplasma genitalium), which are        also provides additional evidence that
relations, is believed to be one means      used as the main outcome of interest.        transactional sex is not limited to sex
that women use to cope with risk;           Compared with self-reported sexual           workers but may be seen as a common
it also leads to greater exposure to        behaviors, these biomarkers have the         risk-coping mechanism for a much
sexually transmitted infections (STIs),     advantage of not being subject to self-      larger population. Understanding the
including HIV. While prostitution and       reporting bias.                              circumstances in which transactional
sugar daddy relationships (relation-            The authors estimate a relation-         sex occurs and the scope of this behav-
ships between younger women and             ship between household-level negative        ior has important policy implications.
wealthier older men) are most com-          shocks and sexual behavior incorporat-       If transactional sex is being used as a
monly associated with transactional         ing individual and time fixed effects.       risk-coping mechanism, then providing
sex, these types of relationships have      They find that women experiencing a          women with access to formal insurance
also been documented among a                negative shock are 5 percentage points       or savings may have important public
broader population, including older         more likely to be infected with an STI.      health implications.
married women.                              The magnitude of this increase is both
    Two questions have arisen from the      significant and large, corresponding to
literature: What are the health implica-    a 36 percent increase in STI risk over
tions of transactional sex? And what        a four-month period. In addition, they
conditions lead women to enter the          find suggestive evidence that this effect
market for transactional sex? Because       is stronger among unmarried women
transactional sex is believed to be a       and those with the lowest socioeco-
leading contributor to the HIV/AIDS         nomic status.
epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa, an-             The relationship established be-
swers to these questions are of both        tween shocks and STIs does not neces-
scientific and policy interest.             sarily mean that women are responding
    Documenting transactional sex is        to shocks by engaging in transactional
difficult. It involves accurate measures    sex. For example, women experiencing
of both sexual behavior and transfers       shocks may be unable to afford medi-
made from partners. Many of the lead-       cal treatment for STIs. They may also
ing studies focus on commercial sex         have compromised immune systems
workers, who are more comfortable           that make them more susceptible to
discussing their sexual behavior; other     STIs. In both cases it is possible that
women may be less forthcoming. In ad-       a woman’s likelihood of having an STI
dition, while transfers between clients     could increase even if her sexual activ-
and sex workers are typically made at       ity remains unchanged.
the time of the sexual act, for women           The authors therefore present cor-
who are not sex workers the timing of       roborating evidence using data on self-
transfers may not correspond with the       reported sexual behaviors. They find
                                                                                         Damien de Walque, William H. Dow, and Erick
act. For example, women may have a          that women experiencing shocks are 12        Gong. 2014. “Coping with Risk: The Effects of
sexual occurrence with a friend, but        percent more likely to have unprotected      Shocks on Reproductive Health and Transactional
receive a transfer from this partner days   sex. In addition, for unmarried women,       Sex in Rural Tanzania.” Policy Research Working
or weeks later.                             for whom the relationship between            Paper 6751, World Bank, Washington, DC.
8 World Bank ResearchDigest
(continued from page 1)

delivered to randomly selected children                      infections may also have contributed to                 Recent Policy Research
from grades 1 and 5. Anemia, malaria                         the lack of impact.                                     Working Papers
parasitemia, classroom attention, and                            The results suggest that school-
educational achievement were mea-                            based IST for malaria should not                         6739        Does Migration Foster Exports? Evidence
sured at baseline and at two follow-up                       be introduced in low- to moderate-                                   from Africa
visits.                                                      transmission settings and that more                                  Hélène Ehrhart, Maëlan Le Goff, Emmanuel
                                                                                                                                  Rocher, and Raju Jan Singh
    On average 17.5 percent of the chil-                     research is needed to identify interven-                 6741        What Explains Rwanda’s Drop in Fertility
dren in the intervention schools were                        tions that can be included in school                                 between 2005 and 2010?
                                                                                                                                  Tom Bundervoet
RDT-positive over the five screening                         health programs in different transmis-                   6750        Economic Growth in Ghana: Determinants and
rounds. The prevalences of anemia and                        sion settings. Encouragingly, however,                               Prospect
                                                                                                                                  Anna K. Raggl
malaria parasitemia were similar in the                      the results highlight a potential role for               6764        Decomposition of Gender Differentials in
intervention and control groups at the                       periodic screening of schoolchildren to                              Agricultural Productivity in Ethiopia
                                                                                                                                  Arturo Aguilar, Eliana Carranza, Markus
12- and 24-month follow-ups, and there                       identify pockets of high transmission                                Goldstein, and Talip Kilic
was no difference between the two                            that can be targeted with focal control                  6769        Credit Constraints, Agricultural Productivity,
groups in classroom attention scores                         measures.                                                            and Rural Nonfarm Participation: Evidence
                                                                                                                                  from Rwanda
at the 9- and 24-month follow-ups. The                                                                                            Daniel Ayalew Ali, Klaus Deininger, and
                                                                                                                                  Marguerite Duponchel
IST intervention also had no effect on
                                                                                                                      6772        International Interventions to Build Social
educational achievement in the older                                                                                              Capital: Evidence from a Field Experiment in
class but, surprisingly, had an apparent                                                                                          Sudan
                                                                                                                                  Alexandra Avdeenko and Michael J. Gilligan
negative effect on spelling and arithme-                                                                              6786        Mobile Money Services Development: The
tic scores in the younger class.                                                                                                  Cases of the Republic of Korea and Uganda
                                                                                                                                  Eva Gutierrez and Tony Choi
    These findings indicate that in this                                                                              6788        Customs, Brokers, and Informal Sectors: A
low- to moderate-transmission setting,                       Katherine E. Halliday, George Okello, Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                  Cameroon Case Study
                                                                                                                                  Thomas Cantens, Jonathan Kaminski, Gaël
IST as implemented in the study pro-                         L. Turner, Kiambo Njagi, Carlos Mcharo, Juddy                        Raballand, and Tchouawou Tchapa
vided no health or education benefits                        Kengo, Elizabeth Allen, Margaret M. Dubeck,              6815        Implementation of REDD+ Mechanisms in
to schoolchildren. The reason may be                         Matthew C. H. Jukes, and Simon J. Brooker.                           Paula Cordero Salas
that in this setting most of the children                    2014. “Impact of Intermittent Screening and              6824        Designing Experiments to Measure Spillover
screened did not require treatment                           Treatment for Malaria among School Children in                       Effects
                                                             Kenya: A Cluster Randomized Trial.” Policy Re-                       Sarah Baird, Aislinn Bohren, Craig McIntosh,
and those who did lived in focal, high-                                                                                           and Berk Özler
                                                             search Working Paper 6791, World Bank, Wash-             6825        HIV Testing, Behavior Change, and the
transmission regions where reinfection
                                                             ington, DC. Also published in PLoS Medicine                          Transition to Adulthood in Malawi
occurred between screening rounds.                           11 (1).                                                              Kathleen Beegle, Michelle Poulin, and Gil
Moreover, although children found to                                                                                              Shapira
                                                             The work was supported by grants from the Ma-            6832        The Impact of an Adolescent Girls
be infected were treated, a substantial                                                                                           Employment Program: The EPAG Project in
                                                             laria Impact Evaluation Program under the World                      Liberia
share of the school population and
                                                             Bank’s Development Impact Evaluation Unit and                        Franck Adoho, Shubha Chakravarty, Dala T.
wider community were untested and                            the World Bank–administered Spanish Impact                           Korkoyah Jr., Mattias Lundberg, and Afia
untreated, contributing to reinfection.                                                                                           Tasneem
                                                             Evaluation Fund and Bank-Netherlands Part-
The limited post-treatment protection                        nership Program; the International Initiative for       Working Papers can be downloaded at http://econ.worldbank.org
period of AL and variable performance                        Impact Evaluation; and the Partnership for Child        To download the World Bank Research E-Newsletter,
of the RDTs in detecting low-intensity                       Development.                                            go to http://econ.worldbank.org/research_newsletter

  The World Bank Research Digest is a quarterly publica-     The Research Digest is financed by the Bank’s          Editorial Committee: Indermit S. Gill (managing editor),
  tion disseminating findings of World Bank research.        Research Committee and managed by DECRS, the           Aslı Demirgüç-Kunt, and Shiva S. Makki. Editor: Alison
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