Microfinance and Poverty: Evidence Using Panel
               Data from Bangladesh

                                    Shahidur R. Khandker

   Microfinance supports mainly informal activities that often have a low return and low
   market demand. It may therefore be hypothesized that the aggregate poverty impact of
   microfinance is modest or even nonexistent. If true, the poverty impact of microfinance
   observed at the participant level represents either income redistribution or short-run
   income generation from the microfinance intervention. This article examines the effects
   of microfinance on poverty reduction at both the participant and the aggregate levels
   using panel data from Bangladesh. The results suggest that access to microfinance
   contributes to poverty reduction, especially for female participants, and to overall
   poverty reduction at the village level. Microfinance thus helps not only poor partici-
   pants but also the local economy.

Bangladesh has been a pioneer in the microfinance movement since its inception
in the early 1980s and today is home to the most extensive microfinance
operations in the world. In Bangladesh and elsewhere around the world, micro-
finance operations support mainly the poor and women engaged in informal
activities. Microfinance involves small-scale transactions in credit and savings
designed to meet the needs of small- and medium-scale producers and busi-
nesses. Microfinance programs also offer skill-based training to augment pro-
ductivity and organizational support and consciousness-raising training to
empower the poor. But even though microfinance has been the focus of devel-
opment and poverty reduction activities for decades, development practitioners
still know relatively little about the extent of poverty reduction possible through
microfinance activities. This article seeks to shed some light on the question by

    Shahidur R. Khandker is lead economist in the World Bank Institute’s Poverty Reduction and
Economic Management Division and the Development Research Group at the World Bank; his email
address is skhandker@worldbank.org. This article is a revised version of a World Bank Discussion Paper
of the same title (Khandker 2003). The article benefited from discussions with Gershon Feder, M. A.
Latif, Mark Pitt, Martin Ravallion, and Binayak Sen and insightful comments from two anonymous
referees and from Jaime de Melo and Alan Winters. The author is grateful to Hussain Samad for excellent
research assistance and to the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies research staff for help in
collecting and processing data.

THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL. 19, NO. 2, pp. 263–286                     doi:10.1093/wber/lhi008
Advance Access publication September 8, 2005
Ó The Author 2005. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development / THE WORLD BANK. All rights reserved. For permissions,
please e-mail: journals.permissions@oupjournals.org.

264    THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL.     19,   NO.   2

estimating the impact of microfinance on consumption poverty in Bangladesh
using panel data from household surveys for 1991/92 and 1998/99.
   Microfinance responds to the derived demand for borrowing to support self-
employment and small business. Thus unlike other transfer schemes, it requires
both entrepreneurial skill and a favorable local market. Without them, the
returns to the investments financed by microfinance are likely to be small, and
so, too, are any reductions in overall poverty. Even if the induced marginal gains
from microborrowing are large for participants, the effect of the accrued total
benefits on aggregate poverty are likely to be small, for several reasons. For one,
microfinance transactions are too small to exert a large impact on aggregate
poverty. For another, in an economy with low economic growth, borrowing
may only redistribute income rather than boost growth.
   Determining whether the benefits to program participants are sustainable and
large enough to make a dent in the poverty of participants and society at large is
important for guiding policy. Answering such questions requires an analysis of
the dynamic consumption effects of microfinance interventions as well as village-
level spillover effects on poverty reduction.
   Khandker and Pitt (2003) examined the impacts of microfinance on a number
of outcomes using panel household survey from Bangladesh. More specifically,
they considered such issues as whether the effects of microfinance are saturated
or crowded out over time, whether programs generate externalities, and
whether the estimated impacts of microfinance found earlier with cross-section
data analysis can be corroborated using an alternative method. They found a
declining long-term effect of microfinance as well as the possibility of village
saturation from microfinance loans.
   This article uses the same household panel data to address related issues,
focusing on the poverty reduction impact of microfinance. First, it examines
whether household and individual factors such as land and education influence
a household’s demand for a loan in microfinance schemes where the decisions to
borrow and how much to borrow are made by a group. Second, the article
assesses whether microfinance reduces poverty and, if so, what the limits of
poverty reduction through microfinance are. Third, it examines the spillover
effects of microfinance, to determine whether the program benefits households
beyond those that participate. Finally, it examines the aggregate poverty effect
of microfinance to determine whether there is a society-level impact of micro-
finance on poverty reduction.
   The article reviews the literature on microfinance and then discusses the
econometric framework and the data. It estimates the demand for credit from
a microfinance program based on both cross-sectional and panel data to deter-
mine whether individual and household factors matter in a household’s demand
for credit from a group-based microfinance program and reports the estimated
effects of microfinance on the consumption of borrowers. It also discusses the
spillover effects of microfinance programs and the effects on poverty reduction
for both borrowers and society as a whole.
                                                                                  Khandker        265


Microfinance organizations in Bangladesh, unlike their formal counterparts in
the financial sector, have made great strides in delivering financial services (both
savings and credit) to the poor, especially women, at very low loan default rates.
Strategies such as collateral-free group-based lending and mobilization of sav-
ings, even in small amounts, have helped microfinance programs mitigate the
problems that beset their formal counterparts, such as weak outreach and high
loan default costs. However, the transaction costs are high for maintaining
credit discipline among borrowers through group pressure and monitoring of
borrowers’ behavior, and programs have relied on donors to sustain their
operations (Khandker 1998; Khalily and others 2000; Morduch 1999; Yaron
   In Bangladesh such support is provided by the government and donors in the
expectation that society benefits from such investments. In 1996 the World
Bank provided a loan of $115 million to Palli Karma Shahayak Foundation
(PKSF), an intermediary for wholesaling microfinance. The PKSF supports on-
lending through small nongovernment organizations (NGOS) and a few large
ones. This project was followed by a second project of $160 million in 2000.
In 2000/2001 microfinance programs assisted some 10 million households (of a
total of 30 million), with loans outstanding of about $1 billion. The organized
NGO sector and Grameen Bank accounted for more than 86 percent of micro-
finance lending and commercial banks for just 14 percent.1
   Because these government and donor resources have alternative uses from
which the poor could also benefit, such as building community infrastructure,
schools, and health facilities, it is important to know the extent of the socio-
economic impacts of microfinance. Are the impacts great enough to justify
supporting microfinance over alternate uses? In particular, because women are
disproportionately disadvantaged in countries such as Bangladesh and consti-
tute the overwhelming majority of microfinance beneficiaries, an important
policy question is whether women benefit from microfinance and, if so, how
much? At the aggregate level the policy question is whether microfinance
programs benefit nonparticipants or do they simply redistribute income in a
   Despite differences in methodology, impact assessments show that microfi-
nance in general helps the poor, although all participants may not benefit equally.
An early study of Grameen Bank noted its support for the poor, especially
women, through employment and income generation and improvements in social
indicators (Hossain 1988). Some recent studies also find beneficial aspects of
microfinance operations in Bangladesh (for example, Hashemi and others 1996).

  1. There is a common misconception that Grameen Bank is an   NGO.   It is a specialized bank with its
own charter approved by the government of Bangladesh.
266      THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL.                 19,   NO.   2

   The most comprehensive impact studies of microfinance, a joint research
project of the Bangaldesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) and the World
Bank, find strong evidence that the programs help the poor through consumption
smoothing and asset building (Khandker 1998; Pitt and Khandker 1998). The
findings support the claim that microfinance programs promote investment in
human capital (such as schooling) and raise awareness of reproductive health
issues (such as use of contraceptives) among poor families. The studies also shed
light on the role of gender-based targeting and its impact on household and
individual welfare, finding that microfinance helps women acquire assets of
their own and exercise power in household decisionmaking.2 The research project
estimates that the marginal impact of microfinance on consumption was 18 percent
for women and 11 percent for men (Pitt and Khandker 1998). The study finds that
some 5 percent of borrowers may lift themselves out of poverty each year by
borrowing from a microfinance program, if the estimated impacts on consumption
continue over time (Khandker 1998). But even if this does happen, microfinance
could lift less than 1 percent of the population out of poverty because it reaches only
a quarter of the population.3
   The robustness of these results still remains an issue, however, because impact
studies are sensitive to the method applied. This article thus examines whether
these findings can be substantiated by another method, such as panel data
analysis. It looks at the long-run impacts of microfinance to see whether program
impacts found in 1991/92 are sustainable over time. And if microfinance leads to
poverty reduction at the borrower level, what is its impact on aggregate poverty?


Income or consumption poverty can be reduced through interventions such as
microfinance that help the poor become self-employed and generate income. But
efforts to assess the impact of microfinance programs can be biased by nonran-
dom program placement and participation. Antipoverty programs such as the

    2. Morduch (1998) found either small or nonexistent program effects using the same 1991/92 BIDS–
World Bank survey data. However, this study applied the difference-in-difference technique, which is
suitable only for a randomized experimental study, whereas the BIDS–World Bank survey is of the quasi-
experimental type and hence endogeneity of program participation is a serious issue. Morduch also
pointed out that because of mistargeting (about 25 percent), the impacts shown in Pitt and Khandker
(1998) were upper bound. However, a reexamination by Pitt (1999) showed that mistargeting was a
nonissue in the estimated impacts and reconfirmed the earlier findings in Pitt and Khandker (1998), even
after relaxing the targeting criteria and excluding mistargeted households from analysis.
    3. If borrowers make up less than 25 percent of rural households, and if 5 percent of borrowers can
move out of poverty, that means that 1 percent of households moved out of poverty in rural areas in each
year due to microfinance. This may be high, given the fact that aggregate national level poverty estimates
over time show that Bangladesh has managed to reduce poverty by 1 percent every year over the last
decade (World Bank 2003).
                                                                                     Khandker       267

Grameen Bank are often placed in areas where the incidence of poverty is high.
Thus simply comparing the incidence of poverty in program and nonprogram
areas may lead to the mistaken conclusion that microfinance programs have
increased poverty. Similarly, those who participate may self-select into a pro-
gram based on unobserved traits such as entrepreneurial ability. In that case,
simply comparing such outcomes as per capita consumption or the incidence of
poverty between program participants and nonparticipants may lead to the
mistaken conclusion that the programs have a high impact on poverty reduc-
tion, when the effects are due to the unobserved abilities of participants. Thus
the estimated effects may be under- or overestimated depending on the type of
   The BIDS–World Bank study shows that the endogeneity of microfinance
program placement and participation must be taken into account in estimations
(Pitt and Khandker 1996, 1998). The study also shows that because the impacts
vary by gender, that too needs to be taken into account. Looking only at the
impact of borrowing by households is thus misleading. The method used in the
study by Pitt and Khandker (1998) was based on cross-section data, with a
quasi-experimental survey design to resolve problems of endogeneity associated
with nonrandom program placement and self-selected participation.
   In the quasi-experimental survey design, households were sampled in villages
with and without a program, both eligible and ineligible households were
sampled in both types of villages, and both program participants and nonparti-
cipants were sampled among the eligible households in villages with microfi-
nance programs. The two central underlying conditions for identifying program
impact were the program’s eligibility restriction and its gender-based program
design. Any household with a landholding of less than half of an acre is eligible
to participate in all microfinance programs in Bangladesh. One can identify the
program impact on participants by distinguishing who participates and who
does not from among those who are eligible to participate in a microfinance
program.4 Because men can join only men-only groups and women can only
join women-only groups, the gender-based restriction is easily enforceable and
thus observable, whereas the land-based identification restriction, for various
reasons, may not be. Thus, if the land-based restriction is not observable, using
the gender-based program design to identify the program effect by gender of
participation is far more efficient.
   Program effects are conditioned by how certain villages are selected for a
program by drawing randomly both program villages and nonprogram villages.
The villages are further classified by women-only and men-only groups, which

    4. The landholding requirement is not strictly enforced, and so nontarget households are included as
program participants. In that case the identification restriction in cross-sectional analysis based on
landholding may lose efficiency, although that hypothesis is subject to testing. However, identification
restriction does not apply to fixed-effects analysis using panel data, because the household fixed-effect
method resolves any time-invariant participation-related endogeneity.
268      THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL.                19,   NO.   2

in turn helps identify program impacts by gender. But the issue remains why
certain villages have women-only groups and others have men-only groups.
Although the village-level fixed-effect method used with data from both pro-
gram and nonprogram villages and from both male-only and female-only
groups can resolve the endogeneity of program placement, another exogenous
eligibility requirement is needed at the household level to determine why certain
households and not others participate. However, there were no conditions
that met the requirements of household-level exogenous eligibility conditions.
The Pitt and Khandker (1998) study uses instruments such as the interaction
of the land-based eligibility rule with household and village-level characteristics
to identify the program effect. However, if the land-based condition is not
strictly enforced, the interaction variables based on changing land holding
may not be as efficient instruments as they would be if the condition were
strictly enforced.
   Given the sensitivity to the instruments used, there are compelling reasons to
use alternative methods to demonstrate whether microfinance matters. The
quasi-experimental survey design used by Pitt and Khandker (1998) is one of
many methods evaluators use to assess program effects (for a review, see Moffitt
1991 and Ravallion 2001). One alternative is the household-level fixed-effect
method using panel data. There are strong reasons for using a panel survey over
a cross-sectional survey in impact analysis. Cross-section results may not be
robust, with some studies showing that measurement of program impacts
depends significantly on the method used to treat program endogeneity (see,
for example, Lalonde 1986). It is important to assess the robustness of the
results using a method that, unlike the quasi-experimental method used in the
Pitt and Khandker (1998) study, is less reliant on the landholding eligibility
rule, which is not strictly enforceable but was nonetheless used in the cross-
sectional analysis. Household-level panel data are thus used here to analyze
the impact of borrowing on consumption and hence on poverty. To show how
panel data can be used to estimate program effects, assume the following
reduced-form borrowing (Sijt) by the ith household living in the jth village in
period t,5
ð1Þ                              Sijt ¼ Xijt l þ Zij s þ ms       s
                                                          j þ Eijt ,

where X is a vector of household-, village-, and group-level characteristics (such
as age and education of household head), l is a vector of unknown parameters

    5. References to borrowing or credit and to the cumulative stock of borrowing since the start of
program participation. Separate borrowing equations are not shown for men and women. This is subject
to testing the restrictions on equality of parameters of the credit demand equations of men and women. A
priori differential credit demand is expected for men and women. In a sex-segregated society, the credit
constraints faced by women are expected to vary substantially from those faced by men. There is also a
possibility that the demand for credit varies by source of finance such as Grameen Bank, BRAC, RD-12, or
other NGOS. This is also tested.
                                                                                     Khandker       269

to be estimated, Z is an unmeasured determinant of credit demand that is time-
invariant and fixed within a household (it also includes unobserved group
characteristics), m is an unmeasured determinant of credit demand that is
time-invariant and fixed within a village, e is nonsystematic error, and the
superscript s refers to unobserved error terms specific to the credit-demand
   Current outcome (say, consumption) is assumed to depend on both current
and past characteristics, including borrowing. So the conditional demand for
consumption (Cijt) in period t is given as,7
ð2Þ           Cijt ¼ Xijt a þ XijðtÀ1Þ b þ Sijt d þ SijðtÀ1Þ g þ Zij c þ mc       c
                                                                          j þ Eijt ,

where d and g measure the effects of current and past credit (stock), and
superscript c refers to the error terms specific to the consumption equation.
According to equation 2, the return to consumption in any given period (say,
1998/99) is the sum of returns from past credit (say, 1991/92) and current credit
(1998/99). So this model assumes that even if current credit (Sijt) is zero (that is,
a household stopped borrowing after period 1), past credit (Sij(tÀ1)) may con-
tinue to benefit the borrower (g > 0). Therefore, allowance is made for differ-
ential impacts of borrowing over time.8
   The impact of credit on household consumption can be measured by esti-
mating equation 2. However, household demand for credit as given in equa-
tion 1 needs to be estimated jointly with equation 2. Using cross-section data
(t ¼ 1) raises the endogeneity of equation 2 with respect to equation 1 as a
result of possible correlation of errors in the borrowing and consumption
equations (Pitt and Khandker 1998). Although estimation of the credit impact
on consumption is observable if consumption equation 2 includes variables
that are not included in equation 1, or vice versa, this cannot happen under

    6. Very few households change groups in the village over the period of borrowing, so that group
effects are picked up by the unmeasured village-level effects.
    7. Including borrowing in the dynamic consumption equation 2 can be justified by modifying the
Ramsey consumption growth model and allowing the marginal product of capital to depend on the level
of borrowing in the presence of constraints on capital mobility, making households credit constrained (a
similar argument on geographical capital immobility is mentioned as a factor in consumption growth in
China in Jalan and Ravallion 2002). Under the assumption that households are credit constrained, the
marginal product of capital depends on borrowing, given by the rate of return on borrowing r(B). An
optimization of consumption over time subject to production constraints can lead to an optimal rate of
consumption growth C(t) as a function of the rate of return to capital (which is constrained by borrow-
ing), rate of depreciation, and subjective rate of time reference. The error terms are assumed to include
the subjective rate of time preference and rate of depreciation, which may be household specific or area
    8. The credit demand function (equation 1) is a reduced-form equation. However, it could have been
allowed to depend on past characteristics (lagged model) in addition to current characteristics. But that
change in first-stage specification does not change the consistency of the second-stage consumption
equation. Moreover, if the household fixed-effect method is used for the consumption equation in
panel analysis, the first-stage credit equation becomes a nonissue.
270     THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL.             19,   NO.    2

normal circumstances. Thus estimation of equation 2 cannot be separated
from that of equation 1.
   Unlike the Pitt and Khandker (1998) study, which uses a village-level
fixed-effect method with an instrumental variable to resolve program pla-
cement endogeneity and household-level endogeneity using the 1991/92
cross-sectional data, this study uses panel data for households with more
than one observation (t > 1) to estimate program effects without using an
instrumental variable method. This is done by estimating a household-level
fixed-effects model, which resolves both household- and village-level endo-
geneity, based on the assumption that the error terms of the credit demand
equation and consumption equation are uncorrelated, that is,
CorrðEs ii; Ec ij Þ ¼ 0.
   A basic assumption of the household fixed-effect method is that the unob-
served factors at the household and village level remain fixed over time. But
these unobserved factors may change for various reasons. For example, unob-
served household income, which may condition credit demand, may increase
temporarily so that with a larger cushion against risk, households may be
willing to assume more loans. Similarly, the unobserved local market condi-
tions that influence a household’s demand for credit may change over time,
exerting a more favorable impact on credit demand. Equations 1 and 2 can be
rewritten to incorporate variation in Z and m over time:
ð10 Þ                       Sijt ¼ Xijt l þ Zs ijt þ ms jt þ Es ijt

ð20 Þ     Cijt ¼ Xijt a þ XijðtÀ1Þ b þ Sijt d þ SijðtÀ1Þ g þ Zijt c þ mjt c þ Eijt c :

Because the household-level fixed-effect method also resolves any village-level
endogeneity, the credit and consumption equations can be simplified by omit-
ting village-level unmeasured determinants (m):
ð3Þ                             Sijt ¼ Xijt l þ Zs ijt þ Es ijt

ð4Þ           Cijt ¼ Xijt a þ XijðtÀ1Þ b þ Sijt d þ SijðtÀ1Þ g þ Zij c þ Eijt c :

But the household fixed-effect method that controls for fixed unobserved attri-
butes of households participating in microfinance programs may still not yield
consistent estimates of the credit effects with panel data for two reasons. The
unmeasured determinants of credit at both household and village levels may
vary over time, and if credit is measured with errors (which is likely), the error
gets amplified when differencing over time, especially with only two time
periods. This measurement error will impart attenuation bias to the credit
impact coefficients, biasing the impact estimates toward zero. A standard cor-
rection for both types of bias (one due to measurement error and one to time-
varying heterogeneity in credit demand) is the reintroduction of instrumental
                                                                                       Khandker       271

variable estimation. The instruments can be similar to those applied in the
cross-section analysis of Pitt and Khandker (1998).9 This requires testing
whether the household-level fixed-effect or the household-level fixed-effect
instrumental variable method is appropriate in estimating household consumption

                    III. THE DATA          AND    THEIR CHARACTERISTICS

The BIDS–World Bank 1991/92 survey covered 1,798 households drawn from
87 villages in 29 thanas. Eight program thanas were drawn randomly from
the project areas of brac, Grameen Bank, and the Bangladesh Rural Devel-
opment Board’s (BRDB) Rural Development 12 (RD-12) program; five non-
program thanas were also drawn randomly. Three villages were drawn
randomly from each thana in which the programs had been in operation
for at least three years. The survey was conducted three times during 1991/
92, during the three cropping seasons: round 1 during the Aman rice season
(November–February), round 2 during the Boro rice season (March–June),
and round 3 during the Aus rice season (July–October). However, because of
attrition, only 1,769 households of the original 1,798 were available in the
third round.
   A follow-up survey conducted in 1998/99 included the same households but
also added new households from the original villages, new villages in the
original thanas, and three new thanas, raising the number of sample households
to 2,599. Because this study relies on panel data to assess the impact of program
participation, the study sample was restricted to the 1,638 households that were
interviewed in both periods. Of the original group of 1,769 households,10 237
households had split into 546 households in 1998/99, resulting in 1,947 house-
holds. To maintain a one-to-one correspondence among matching households,
the split households were treated as a single household in the resurvey data.
Tests conducted to determine whether this merger was appropriate found no
statistical difference in results between samples with merged and separated

    9. The purpose for using these instruments was different in the Pitt and Khandker (1998) study,
which used it to correct for the endogeneity of program participation by a household member. In
contrast, these instruments are used in the panel data analysis to correct for time-varying heterogeneity
and measurement errors associated with credit variables.
    10. The issue of sample household dropout (attrition) between survey periods is discussed in Khand-
ker and Pitt (2003). The attrition rate was 7.4 percent (from 1,769 households to 1,638), which is quite
low. Several studies (Alderman and others 2000; Fitzgerald and others 1998; Thomas and others 1999;
Ziliak and Kniesner 1998) have shown that attrition bias is not a big issue as long as it is random.
Khandker and Pitt (2003), however, formally tested for attrition bias and found that it can be ignored in a
majority of outcomes.
    11. See Khandker and Pitt (2003) for the details of the test.
272      THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL.              19,   NO.   2

   Of the 1,638 panel households used in the analysis, 25.8 percent of those in
the 1991/92 survey were program participants, 38.0 percent were eligible non-
participants, and 36.2 percent were nontarget households.12 In the 1998/99
resurvey 52.7 percent of households were program participants, 20.1 percent
were eligible nonparticipants, and 27.3 percent were nontarget households.13
More than 95 percent of the 1991/92 participants were still with the micro-
finance programs in 1998/99. A major shift occurred among the eligible non-
participants, with 47 percent joining a microfinance program by 1998/99.
Among the nontarget households observed in 1991/92, some 28 percent joined
a microfinance program by 1998/99.
   Examination of program participation rates by landholding shows participa-
tion to be higher among target households (with 50 decimals of land or less)
than among nontarget households in both periods (table 1). But program
participation among nontarget households indicates potential mistargeting.
The extent of mistargeting has increased, rising from about 25 percent of
program borrowers in 1991/92 to 31 percent in 1998/99.
   Nonetheless, the extreme poor (households with 20 decimals of land or less)
constituted a majority of participants (about 60 percent in 1991/92 and 54
percent in 1998/99).14 Overall, the participation rate more than doubled
between the surveys. The increase is significant even if program attrition is

T A B L E 1 . Program Participation Rate for Household Landholding Groups,
1991/92 and 1998/99 (%)
Landholding (decimals)                             1991/92                               1998/99

  0                                                58.8 (8.4)                            52.0 (5.3)
  1–20                                             33.0 (51.6)                           67.6 (49.1)
 21–50                                             29.8 (15.3)                           59.5 (14.7)
 51–100                                            23.9 (9.7)                            48.4 (10.9)
101–250                                            16.0 (11.4)                           42.3 (13.8)
251+                                                6.8 (3.6)                            22.4 (6.3)
All households                                     25.9 (100)                            52.5 (100)
Number of observations                          1,638 (824)                           1,638 (1,104)

   Note: Numbers in parentheses are the share of total program participants from each
landholding group, except in the last row where they are the number of program participating
   Source: Author’s computations based on 1991/92 and 1998/99 household surveys in Bangladesh.

   12. The sample households were drawn using a proportionate random distribution. Hence, the
analysis uses weights both in the descriptive statistics and the econometric analysis.
   13. Program participants in 1998/99 included members of such programs as Association for Social
Advancement (ASA), PROSHIKA, Youth Development Program, Gano Shahajyo Sangstha (GSS), and some
small local ngos in addition to Grameen Bank, BRAC, and BRDB RD-12 members. They also included
members of multiple programs.
   14. Landholding is considered a proxy of household wealth and poverty in rural Bangladesh. Poverty
can also be measured by the level of consumption.
                                                                                   Khandker       273

considered (the annual dropout rate went from 5.5 percent in 1991/92 to 3.5
percent in 1998/99).15
   Summary statistics for individual and household-level borrowing and con-
sumption outcomes show that while average male borrowing for participating
households declined from 3,472 taka (Tk) to Tk 2,483 in real terms, or by 28.5
percent over the seven-year period, average female borrowing for participating
households increased by 94 percent in real terms (table 2). This suggests that
microfinance programs provided loans mainly through female members of poor
households, with female borrowing on average accounting for 82 percent of
microfinance borrowing in 1998/99, up from 63 percent in 1991/92. The average
loan size was higher in real terms for mistargeted borrowers (Tk 10,075) than for
targeted borrowers (Tk 8,634) in 1991/92 (not shown in table 2), but slightly
lower for mistargeted borrowers (Tk 12,606) than for targeted borrowers
(Tk 12,728) in 1998/99. Mistargeted households constituted some 23 percent of
borrowers and received some 25 percent of total credit supplied by microfinance
   Total household annual per capita expenditure grew by 30.5 percent over the
seven-year period for all households compared with 34.6 percent for program
participants. This is equivalent to a real increase of some 5 percent annually for
program participants. How much of the change in consumption was due to
borrowing from microfinance programs, and what were the impacts on poverty
reduction? This is discussed in section VII.

   IV. WHAT DETERMINES DEMAND FOR LOANS FROM                                A   GROUP-BASED
                   MICROFINANCE PROGRAM?

The demand for credit is determined, as specified in equation 1, by a host of
factors at the household, village, and group level, including physical endowments
(such as land) and human capital (such as education), given the availability of the
program in a village and the nature of group decisionmaking involved in indivi-
dual lending. One testable hypothesis is whether the demand for microfinance
differs by gender. Because credit markets are imperfect and labor markets are
different for men and women, demand for credit is expected to differ by gender.
An F-test for the equality of credit by gender rejects the hypothesis, so different
demand equations are fitted for male and female borrowers.
   A village-level fixed-effect method is applied to equation 1 based on the
cross-section data for 1991/92 and 1998/99 and assuming no unmeasured
household-level determinants of credit. If unobserved group characteristics are
part of village-level unobserved factors, such a method would help eliminate the
influence of the unmeasured village-level demand for credit by men and women

   15. The dropout rate is defined as the proportion of past members that are no longer members of any
microfinance program.
274        THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL.         19,   NO.   2

TABLE 2. Summary Statistics of Consumption and Credit
Variables (1991/92 taka)
                                               Target                 Nontarget       All House
Variable                     Participants   Nonparticipants         Nonparticipants     holds

Household-level male            3,472.3             0                        0            796.6
 borrowing                     (6,829.2)                                               (3,678.4)
Household-level female          5,852.9             0                        0          1,582.8
 borrowing                     (8,037.9)                                               (4,974.4)
Village-level average male                                                              1,746.7
 borrowing                                                                             (2,774.1)
Village-level average                                                                   2,944.3
 female borrowing                                                                      (3,612.8)
Household annual per            3,910.3         3,790.9                  5,635.2        4,452.4
 capita total expenditure      (1,585.6)       (1,677.8)                (3,665.5)      (2,554.7)
Household annual per            3,051.1         2,965.5                  3,704.7        3,237.3
 capita food expenditure         (794.7)        ( 878.6)                (1,123.1)        (987.4)
Household annual per              859.2           825.3                  1,930.5        1,215.1
 capita nonfood                (1,102.1)       (1,061.0)                (3,086.2)      (1,957.5)
Number of observations           824              535                     279          1,638
Household-level male           2,483.1              0                        0          1,088.0
 borrowing                    (9,013.3)                                                (5,790.7)
Household-level female        11,348.4              0                        0          5,581.0
 borrowing                   (17,592.3)                                               (13,392.4)
Village-level average male                                                              1,673.6
 borrowing                                                                             (3,717.3)
Village-level average                                                                   7,648.7
 female borrowing                                                                      (8,392.8)
Household per capita            5,264.0         4,503.7                  7,214.4        5,810.1
 annual total                  (3,580.2)       (2,663.8)                (5,789.3)      (4,502.5)
Household annual per            3,550.1         3,305.3                  4,374.3        3,753.4
 capita food expenditure       (1,335.3)       (1,506.2)                (2,189.0)      (1,687.8)
Household annual per            1,713.9         1,198.4                  2,840.1        2,056.7
 capita nonfood                (2,848.2)       (1,579.2)                (4,570.6)      (3,575.1)
Number of observations         1,104              292                     242          1,638

   Note: Numbers in parentheses are standard deviations.
   Source: Author’s computations based on 1991/92 and 1998/99 household surveys in Bangladesh.

who form groups for the group-based microfinance programs. However, if
unobserved household-level factors also contribute to group formation and
group characteristics, then the village-level fixed-effect estimates of the credit
demand function will not be unbiased. In that case, a household fixed-effect
method using household-level panel data may be more efficient.
  The estimated results of demand equations for men and women show
that the errors in the credit demand equations for men and women are not
                                                                                 Khandker       275

correlated for cross-section data for either 1991/92 or 1998/99, whereas they
are correlated for panel data (table 3). Therefore, the panel data analysis of the
demand functions uses the household fixed-effect method with the correction
for the nonzero covariance of the errors of men’s and women’s credit demand
   The results confirm that households that are resource poor, especially in land,
demand more loans from microfinance programs than households that are
resource rich. This means that landless households are likely to receive more
loans from microfinance programs than landed households are. The results for

TABLE 3. Determinants of Microfinance Demand by Men
a n d W o me n
                                          Village Fixed                        Household Fixed
                                             Effects                               Effects

                                1991/92                   1998/99                 Panel Data

                          Log of       Log of       Log of       Log of       Log of      Log of
Explanatory               Men’s       Women’s       Men’s       Women’s       Men’s      Women’s
Variable                  Loans        Loans        Loans        Loans        Loans       Loans

Maximum education           0.069     À0.046     0.021      0.020       0.016    À0.009
  of household male
Maximum education          À0.056     À0.076     0.007     À0.108**     0.002    À0.049*
  of household female
Log of household land À0.202** À0.308** À0.225** À0.533** À0.058                 À0.338**
F-statistics               11.196     14.768    12.876     25.457       2.916     4.511
Number of               1,638      1,638     1,638      1,638       1,638     1,638
F-statistics (H0: para-     7.75                11.02                   4.10
  meters of men’s and
  women’s borrowing
  equations are jointly
  equal to 0)
Prob > F                    0.0000               0.0000                 0.0000
Breusch-Pagan test of       3.082                0.034                 22.13
  independence of
  male and female
  borrowing: w2 (1)
Prob > w2                   0.0792               0.853                  0.0000

   *t-statistic is significant at the 10 percent level or better.
   **t-statistic is significant at the 5 percent level or better.
   Note: Regression also includes the following variables: sex; age and education of household
head; whether parents, brothers, and sisters of household’s head or head’s spouse own land; year;
and village level infrastructure and price variables to reflect the impact of time-varying changes in
local economic conditions.
   Source: Author’s computations based on 1991/92 and 1998/99 household surveys in Bangladesh.
276    THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL.         19,   NO.   2

the panel data analysis show that a 10 percent increase in landholding from an
average of 137 decimals of land reduces the total amount of borrowing by
3.4 percent for women’s borrowing and has no effect on men’s borrowing.
Findings are similar with cross-sectional demand analysis. Moreover, even if
landholding determines group formation and consequently an individual’s
demand for credit, the education of household members also affects demand
for credit. More specifically, female education has a negative effect on the
amount of borrowing from microfinance programs. One additional year of
female education reduces the amount of female borrowing by less than 1 percent
in the panel data analysis and by more than 1 percent in 1998/99 in the
cross-sectional demand analysis. Although having the same sign, the coeffi-
cients are smaller in the panel demand analysis than in the cross-sectional
   The results thus suggest that even in a group-based system in which demand
for microfinance is largely derived from landholding eligibility conditions,
human capital (education) matters in deciding how much a particular household
borrows from a group-based microfinance program.

               V. CONSUMPTION EFFECT           OF   MICROFINANCE

Poverty reduction is an overarching objective of targeted microfinance programs.
Because poor people with little education and land are more likely to participate
in microfinance programs than are other groups, impact assessments of micro-
finance and poverty reduction should assess whether program participation
increases household consumption over its level before program participation.
Because program participation varies by such observed and unobserved attributes
as landholding and education, the level of consumption also varies by these same
attributes, so that demand for credit and consumption are jointly determined.
   The panel household survey data provide a way of controlling for the joint
determination of consumption and credit demand and provide a framework for
measuring the impact of credit on consumption using the household fixed-effect
method. However, as mentioned, a test is needed to determine whether a simple
fixed-effect method or a fixed-effect method with instrumental variables is more
   For the instrumental variable method within the household fixed-effect struc-
ture, the first-stage equation for the stock of credit (suppressing sub- scripts for
male, female, household, and village) can, similar to equation 3, be written as:
ð5Þ                           St ¼ Xt l þ Zt z þ Es t ;

where Z is a set of household and village characteristics distinct from household
characteristics (X) so that they affect S but not household per capita consump-
tion conditional on S.
                                                                                        Khandker        277

   Selecting appropriate Z variables is a crucial part of this exercise. A house-
hold-level choice variable is defined that determines whether a household has a
choice of participating in a program. A household’s choice depends on two
factors: whether a microfinance program operates in the village where the
household lives and whether the household qualifies to participate in the pro-
gram based on the landholding criteria. The choice variable is considered for
both 1991/92 and 1998/99 to take care of the differential impacts of the two
periods and is then interacted with household-level exogenous variables and
village fixed-effects to get the instruments.16
   Before consumption equation 4 is estimated, tests are carried out on the
equality of credit sources (the null hypothesis is that men’s loans from different
sources are equal and women’s loans from different sources are equal) and on
the equality of the gender of borrowers (the null hypothesis is that men’s and
women’s loans are equal). The results (not shown here) indicate that at the 5
percent significance level, the hypotheses of the equality of sources cannot
be rejected in five of six cases (it can be rejected only for per capita food
expenditure in 1991/92, where F(16, 1,572) ¼ 2.44, p > F ¼ 0.024). Thus credit
from all sources can be lumped together. The second set of tests indicates
that the equality of the gender of borrowers can be rejected for per capita
total expenditure [F(2, 1,582) ¼ 6.07, p > F ¼ 0.002] and food expenditures
[F(2, 1,582) ¼ 9.85, p > F ¼ 0.001], but not for nonfood expenditures
[F(2, 1,582) ¼ 2.17, p > F ¼ 0.115]. This suggests that borrowing by men and
women cannot be combined. So the effects of credit pooled from various sources
are estimated separately for men and women.
   A specification test (Wu-Hausman test) is performed to determine which is
more appropriate for estimating the consumption effects of borrowing from
microfinance programs: the household-level fixed-effect method or the house-
hold-level fixed-effect with instrumental variable method, which depends on an
alternative specification that suggests that the time-varying errors that affect
credit demand have separate effects on that demand.17 The test result (not
shown here) for per capita consumption suggests that the credit volume as used
in the fixed-effect method is not endogenously determined by factors such as

     16. Unlike the case in 1991/92, there was no village without a program in 1998/99. Hence, there was
no control village and no village-specific choice. Yet households have a choice based on the landholding
eligibility condition.
     17. Here the null hypothesis is that both fixed-effect and fixed-effect with instrumental variable
estimates are consistent, and the alternate hypothesis is that only the fixed-effect with instrumental
variable estimate is consistent. If the null hypothesis is true the fixed-effect model should be used because
it is more efficient. Otherwise, the fixed-effect with instrumental variable model would be used. For the
Wu-Hausman test credit variables are regressed on only instruments using the fixed-effect model,
predicted credit variables are saved as fitted, and the second-stage equations are estimated using the
fixed-effect model including both original and fitted credit variables as regressors. Then the test is run to
determine if the coefficient on the fitted variables is zero (null hypothesis).
278      THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL.                19,   NO.   2

the time-varying heterogeneity or the measurement errors associated with credit
   The household-level fixed-effect results suggest that male borrowing has no
significant effect, while female borrowing has a significant positive effect on per
capita consumption outcomes (table 4).19 Based on the fixed-effect estimation, a
10 percent increase in the current stock of female borrowing increases house-
hold total expenditure by 0.09 percent and the same increase in the past stock of
female borrowing increases per capita consumption by 0.10 percent.20 Similar
positive and significant impacts of stocks of female borrowing are also evident
for household food and nonfood expenditure.
   These fixed-effect estimates are used to calculate the marginal returns to
borrowing for men and women (table 5). The marginal return estimates for
women are used as the basis for calculating the impact of borrowing on poverty
reduction presented later. At the mean an additional Tk 100 of cumulative bor-
rowing by women during 1991/92 adds almost Tk 15 to total annual household
expenditure—Tk 7 to food expenditure, and Tk 8 to nonfood expenditure.

TABLE 4. Household Fixed-Effects Estimates of the Impact
of Microfinance Loan
                                   Log of Household      Log of Household        Log of Household
                                   per Capita Yearly     per Capita Yearly       per Capita Yearly
Credit Variables                      Expenditure        Food Expenditure       Nonfood Expenditure

Log of men’s current loans               À0.002                À0.005                    0.008
Log of women’s current loans              0.009**               0.006**                  0.018**
Log of men’s past loans                  À0.004                À0.003                   À0.005
Log of women’s past loans                 0.010**               0.008**                  0.014**
Number of observations                1,638                 1,638                    1,638
F-statistics (56, 1582)                   9.92                  9.45                     9.27

   **t-statistic is significant at the 5 percent level or better.
   Note: Regression also includes the following variables: sex; age and education of household
head; whether parents, brothers, and sisters of household’s head or head’s spouse own land; year;
and village level infrastructure and price variables to reflect the impact of time-varying changes in
local economic conditions.
   Source: Author’s computations based on 1991/92 and 1998/99 household surveys in

   18. The response elasticity is somewhat higher with the fixed-effect with instrumental variable model
than with fixed-effect model estimates, although the significance levels are similar for both estimates,
especially for female borrowing.
   19. The estimated model is logarithmic function; hence, the coefficients of credit variables measure
the response elasticity. Regressions are estimated using log-log models, due to possible highly skewed
data and heteroskedasticity. Using a log-log model reduces the importance of high-value outliers and
makes errors more homoskedastic.
   20. During 1991/92 current borrowing is the stock at that time and past borrowing is zero (because
1991/92 is the first data point in the panel). During 1998/99 current borrowing is the stock in 1998/99
and past borrowing is the stock from 1991/92.
                                                                                      Khandker       279

TABLE 5. Marginal Returns to Microfinance Loan Based
on Household Fixed-Effects Estimates (taka per 100 taka
in borrowing)
                             Household Yearly          Household Yearly            Household Yearly
Gender and Period            Total Expenditure         Food Expenditure           Nonfood Expenditure

Women’s borrowing
Returns in 1991/92                  14.7**                     7.1**                      8.0**
Returns in 1998/99                  20.5**                    11.3**                      9.2**
Men’s borrowing
Returns in 1991/92                 À6.5                     À11.8                         7.1
Returns in 1998/99                À16.6                     À12.9                         0.6

   **t-statistic is significant at the 5 percent level or better.
    Note: Because the estimation equations are in log-log (elasticity) form, marginal returns are
calculated using the formula, dY/dX ¼ b(Y /X, where Y and X are sample means of Y (household
expenditure) and X (women’s credit, for example). Household expenditure figures are obtained by
multiplying household per capita expenditure by household size (5.8 for the sample). The return in
1991/92 includes that from current credit only (because in 1991/92 past credit is zero), and the
return in 1998/99 includes that from both current (4.2 percent in 1998/99) and past (16.3 percent
in 1991/92) credit.
    Source: Author’s computations based on 1991/92 and 1998/99 household surveys in

An additional Tk 100 in women’s stock of credit during 1998/99 increases
the household’s total annual expenditure by almost Tk 21—food expenditure by
Tk 11.3, and nonfood expenditure by Tk 9.2.
   By assumption there was no borrowing before 1991/92 because the data start
in 1991/92. For 1991/92, then, the contribution to marginal returns to current
consumption comes only from current borrowing, which is 14.7 percent. For
1998/99, however, the contribution is the sum of impacts from both current
borrowing (4.2 percent) and past borrowing (16.3 percent).21 Thus the panel
data analysis show a lower return for 1991/92 and a higher return for 1998/99
than the earlier Pitt and Khandker (1998) results for 1991/92 based on cross-
sectional analysis, which show an 18 percent impact of women’s borrowing on
total consumption. The marginal returns to men’s borrowing were also calcu-
lated. In most cases they are small and insignificant—effectively, the returns to
male borrowing are zero. This may be because these programs have always
emphasized women, and as a result men have lagged behind in both member-
ship and loan volume, with the discrepancy increasing over time.
   One concern is that program participants include noneligible households that own
more than 50 decimals of land, which may bias the estimated coefficients of credit

    21. This shows that return to cumulative borrowing in a particular year diminished over the years. For
example, returns to current borrowing on current consumption dropped from 14.7 percent in 1991/92
to 4.2 percent in 1998/99. Diminishing returns are also obvious from the fact that in 1998/99 the return
to current consumption is 16.3 percent from past borrowing (1991/92) and 4.2 percent from current
borrowing (1998/99).
280    THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL.              19,   NO.   2

(Morduch 1998). To see how robust the estimated effects are, the impacts were
reestimated by excluding mistargeted households (following Pitt 1999). The results
(not shown here) suggest that the estimated coefficients are quite robust—they are not
sensitive to whether mistargeted households are included as program participants.

                  VI. SPILLOVER EFFECTS             OF   MICROFINANCE

The results have shown that microfinance has a large impact on the welfare of
borrowing households by raising consumption among program participants.
Are there spillover effects that are felt beyond the program participants?
Loans outstanding for microfinance organizations in Bangladesh totaled about
$600 million in 1998/99. This large inflow of microfinance to rural areas is
expected to have an aggregate impact on the local economy.
   Panel data are needed to estimate any spillover effects. When there are spil-
lover effects, unobserved village heterogeneity can be correlated with program
placement, with causation going from program placement to unobserved village
effects, not from village effects to program placement. This measurement pro-
blem implies that the placement of a microfinance program may cause a village
effect additional to any preexisting (time-invariant) village effects.
   Omitting unmeasured village effects, as before, a consumption equation that
captures village spillover can be written as:
ð6Þ    Cijt ¼ Xijt a þ XijðtÀ1Þ b þ Sijt d þ SijðtÀ1Þ g þ Ojt p þ OjðtÀ1Þ r þ Zijt c þ Eijt c

   where the Oj terms represent the external village effects of a program (with a
value of zero if no program is located in the village), and Zij is the unobserved
household-level fixed effect. The program-effect parameters, d and g, capture all
program effects only if Oj ¼ 0 (none of the village-specific heterogeneity is caused
by the program). If village externalities exist (Oj 6¼ 0), the spillover effect is not
separately identified from the time-invariant village effect. If the Oj terms are
measured by the average value of all microfinance borrowing in a village, then the
spillover effect is measured by the change in behavior of nonparticipants due to a
change in village-level average microfinance borrowing, captured by p and r.
   Equation 6 is estimated by the fixed-effect method that eliminates program
placement bias. Both the consumption and the credit variables are in logarith-
mic form, and thus the credit coefficients measure response elasticities. The
benefits for nonparticipants depend on the amount of credit obtained by all
program borrowers living in a village, as measured by the average value of
credit obtained by all households living in a village.
   The village averages of women’s current and past borrowing have significant
positive impacts on per capita expenditure of an average household of a village.
A 10 percent increase in the village average of women’s current borrowing from
microfinance programs increases household per capita total expenditure by 0.68
percent, food expenditure by 0.50 percent, and nonfood expenditure by 0.97
                                                                                         Khandker        281

percent (table 6). Similarly a 10 percent increase in the village average of women’s
past borrowing from microfinance programs increases household per capita total
expenditure by 0.69 percent, food expenditure by 0.45 percent, and nonfood
expenditure by 1.19 percent.
   A 10 percent increase in women’s individual current borrowing increases
borrowing household’s per capita expenditure by 0.06 percent and the same
increase in women’s past borrowing increases per capita expenditure by 0.05
percent. Men’s borrowing has no such effects.
   The positive spillover effects suggest that microfinance programs have influenced
the welfare not only of poor participants but also of nonparticipants. The total effect
of a program is then a sum of the effects for participants and nonparticipants.22

T A B L E 6 . Household Fixed-Effects Estimates of Village Spillover
Effects of Microfinance Loans
                                        Log of Household Log of Household Log of Household
                                        per Capita Yearly per Capita Yearly per Capita Yearly
Credit Variables                           Expenditure    Food Expenditure Nonfood Expenditure

Log of men’s current loans                    À0.001                 À0.005                   0.004
Log of women’s current loans                   0.006*                 0.004*                  0.014*
Log of men’s past loans                       À0.002                 À0.002                  À0.004
Log of women’s past loans                      0.005*                 0.006**                 0.004
Log of village average of men’s                0.0007                À0.004                   0.024
  current loans
Log of village average of women’s               0.068**                0.050**                 0.097**
  current loans
Log of village average of men’s                 0.002                  0.004                   0.010
  past loans
Log of village average of women’s               0.069**                0.045**                 0.119**
  past loans
Number of observations                     1,638                  1,638                   1,638
F-statistics (60, 1578)                        9.73                   9.15                    9.16

    *t-statistic is significant at the 10 percent level or better.
    **t-statistic is significant at the 5 percent level or better.
    Note: Regression also includes the following variables: sex; age and education of household head;
whether parents, brothers, and sisters of household’s head or head’s spouse own land; year; and village level
infrastructure and price variables to reflect the impact of time-varying changes in local economic conditions.
    Source: Author’s computations based on 1991/92 and 1998/99 household surveys in Bangladesh.

    22. This is, however, not a simple algebraic aggregation. According to this estimate, participants benefit
from both own effects and spillover, whereas nonparticipants benefit only from spillover. A 10 percent
increase in women’s current loans increases participants’ per capita expenditure directly by 0.06 percent and
through spillover by 0.034 percent (coefficient of the village average of women’s borrowing is 0.068 which,
for a 20-household village, translates into a 0.034 percent increase at the household level). Nonparticipants’
per capita expenditure increases by 0.034 percent because of the spillover. As nonparticipants constitute
roughly about 48 percent of the village population during the 1998/99 survey period, a 10 percent increase in
women’s current borrowing increases per capita expenditure of an average household by 0.065 percent
( ¼ 0.52*0.094 + 0.48*0.034).
282     THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL.              19,   NO.   2

                    VII. POVERTY EFFECTS             OF   MICROFINANCE

Data on consumption and the consumption poverty line show that moderate
poverty in the sample villages declined overall by 17 percentage points
between 1991/92 and 1998/99 and extreme poverty by 13 percentage points
(table 7). The follow-up survey provides a means of gauging the extent of
mistargeting of microfinance programs based on consumption poverty, when
mistargeting is defined as program participation by households that are
not poor based on their consumption. For households in nonprogram
areas in 1991/92 that joined microfinance programs after the 1991/92 survey,
the average incidence of poverty was 90.8 percent before they joined the

T A B L E 7 . Poverty Status (Headcount) by Program Participation Status and
Survey Period
                                             Moderate Poverty                Extreme Poverty

Program Participation Statusa             1991/92          1998/99        1991/92       1998/99

Program villages
Program participants (targeted)            93.0**          75.5**         57.3**         36.8**
Program participants (mistargeted)         82.3**          57.2**         37.8**         22.9**
All program participants                   90.3**          70.1**         52.5**         32.7**
Target nonparticipants                     91.1**          72.0**         58.9**         44.0**
Nontarget, nonparticipants                 69.8**          50.8**         23.6           19.3
Total                                      83.7**          65.5**         45.0**         31.4**
Nonprogram villages
Program participants (targeted)b          (89.3)*          79.0*          (60.2)         51.6
Program participants (mistargeted)b       (93.0)**         61.2**         (51.4)         32.8
All program participantsb                 (90.8)**         71.6**         (56.6)*        43.8*
Target nonparticipants                     87.4            82.9            57.0          51.2
Nontarget, nonparticipants                 72.7            53.2            35.5          26.0
Total                                      80.3**          67.7**          46.6*         38.3*
All villages
Program participants (targeted)            93.0**          75.8**         57.3**         38.5**
Program participants (mistargeted)         82.3**          57.9**         37.8**         24.7**
All program participants                   90.3**          70.3**         52.5**         34.2**
Target nonparticipants                     90.2**          75.1**         58.4**         45.5**
Nontarget, nonparticipants                 70.5**          50.5**         26.3           20.0
Total                                      83.1**          65.8**         45.3**         32.6**

   *Change in poverty from 1991/92 to 1998/99 is significant at the 10 percent level or better.
   **Change in poverty from 1991/92 to 1998/99 is significant at the 5 percent level or better.
    Program participation status is based on program placement in 1991/92. By 1998/99 all
sample villages that had not had programs in 1991/92 had programs.
     There were no program participants in nonprogram villages in 1991/92. Figures in parentheses
show headcount in 1991/92 for households in those villages that became program participants in
1998/99 (whose headcount in 1998/99 is shown in next right cell).
   Source: Author’s computations based on 1991/92 and 1998/99 household surveys in
                                                                                     Khandker       283

microfinance programs. Thus, only 9 percent of households were mistargeted
based on consumption poverty.23
   Poverty reduction is substantial among both program participants and non-
participants and in both program and nonprogram areas. The net reduction in
moderate poverty is about 18 percentage points in program areas, 13 percentage
points in nonprogram areas, and 17 percentage points overall between 1991/92
and 1998/99. Did microfinance play a role?
   The substantial reduction in poverty (19 percentage points) after 1991/92
among participants in previously nonprogram areas suggests that microfinance
programs were successful in reducing village-level poverty, even with the possi-
bility of spillover effects. Extreme poverty also dropped over this period, but the
reduction in nonprogram areas is not statistically significant in most cases.
   Poverty rates declined by more than 20 percentage points over the seven years
among the households that were program participants in 1991/92—about
3 percentage points a year. How much of this reduction is due to microfinance?
To quantify that contribution, consumption estimates for program participants
and the village as a whole are used. The marginal returns to household consump-
tion on women’s loans (see table 5) are used to calculate the change in per capita
consumption due to microfinance borrowing.24 This change in per capita con-
sumption is subtracted from the current consumption of participants to get a
preborrowing level of consumption,25 which is then used to derive a preborrowing
level of poverty. Poverty reduction for nonparticipants can be calculated similarly
from table 6, first by calculating village-level marginal impact and then by dividing
that by the number of households in the village to get household-level marginal
impacts. Applying marginal impacts to the per capita expenditure of nonpartici-
pants yields their poverty rate before microfinance intervention. Together, these
two estimates give the aggregate poverty estimates at the village level (table 8).
   The reported poverty reduction for participants amounts to a 1.6 percentage
point annual reduction in moderate poverty and a 2.2 percentage point annual
reduction in extreme poverty (using average program duration for female parti-
cipants of 5.2 years).26 Thus more than half of the 3 percentage point annual
decline in moderate poverty among program participants (see table 7) can be
attributed to microfinance programs alone. Microfinance reduces both moderate

    23. Contrast this with the land-based mistargeting of 31 percent in 1998/99 (table 1).
    24. Ideally, average return (not marginal return) should be used to calculate the consumption change.
Since the marginal return is usually smaller than the average return, the return to consumption based on
marginal impacts underestimates the impact of microfinance on poverty.
    25. The change in per capita consumption among the participants is about 14 percent of their
preborrowing (simulated) per capita expenditure, which, after dividing by the program duration of
5.2 years, amounts to 2.7 percent per year or 54 percent of the actual change observed in the descriptive
statistics (table 2).
    26. Although membership duration is as high as 15 years for some women, there are significant
numbers of new entrants to the programs with short duration, brining the average program duration to
5.2 years.
284       THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL.                   19,   NO.   2

T A B L E 8 . Predicted Impacts on Poverty of Women’s
Microfinance Loans

Participation Status and Poverty Level                   Before Borrowing                   After Borrowing

Moderate poverty headcount                                     0.793**                          0.711**
Extreme poverty headcount                                      0.467**                          0.352**
Moderate poverty headcount                                     0.641**                          0.625**
Extreme poverty headcount                                      0.334**                          0.309**
All households
Moderate poverty headcount                                     0.700**                          0.658**
Extreme poverty headcount                                      0.386**                          0.326**

   **Significant at the 5 percent level or better.
   Source: Author’s computations based on 1991/92 and 1998/99 household surveys in

and extreme poverty among nonparticipants as well (see table 8). At an aggregate
level microfinance reduces moderate poverty by about 1.0 percentage point and
extreme poverty by 1.3 percentage points a year.27
   Thus microfinance can account for some 40 percent of the overall reductions
in moderate poverty in rural Bangladesh (1 percentage point out of the 2.5
percentage point reduction each year).28 The impact of microfinance is slightly
higher for extreme poverty than for moderate poverty, at both the individual
and the village level. The microfinance impacts are much stronger for female
borrowing than for male borrowing.

                                        VIII. CONCLUSIONS

Program impact evaluation compares outcomes for treatment groups with those
for control groups. However, finding control groups in a nonexperimental
setting is difficult. Alternatively, program effects can be identified by resorting
to instruments with the availability of cross-section data. However, finding
good instruments is also difficult. Pitt and Khandker (1998) used a quasi-
experimental method relying on exogenous eligibility conditions as a way of
identifying program effects. When conditions are not adequately restrictive they
may not be reliable, as with the weak enforcement of the landholding criterion

    27. Annual poverty reduction of nonparticipants is obtained by dividing total poverty reduction
(1.6 percent from table 8) by average village level program duration (9.3 years). Aggregate poverty
reduction per year is the average of the per year reductions of participants and nonparticipants (weighted
for the distribution of program participants).
    28. If the spillover estimate from table 7 is used to simulate poverty reduction among participants and
nonparticipants, a 30 percent overall poverty reduction at the village level can be attributed to microfinance.
                                                                   Khandker    285

for program participation. Results may also be sensitive to the methods used in
impact assessment.
   This study carried out an impact assessment using the 1998/99 follow-up
survey to the 1991/92 survey to assess the sensitivity of the earlier findings on
the poverty effects of microfinance in rural Bangladesh. The panel data analysis
helps estimate the effects on poverty using an alternative estimation technique
and also helps estimate the impacts of past and current borrowing, assuming
that gains from borrowing, such as consumption gains, vary over time.
   An earlier study using 1991/92 cross-section data found returns of about 18
percent to women’s borrowing (Pitt and Khandker 1998). If this rate were sustained
given the level of poverty among program participants in 1991/92, this could have
led to an estimated 5 percentage point reduction in poverty for participants and a
1 percentage point reduction for the village as a whole over the program period.
   Are these projected gains robust and sustainable over time? This article
sought to answer these questions using panel data analysis and a dynamic
model to estimate the time-varying borrowing effects on consumption for
participants and nonparticipants as well as for average villagers, through
spillover effects.
   The results are resounding. Microfinance continues to reduce poverty among
poor borrowers and within the local economy, albeit at a lower rate. It raises
per capita household consumption for both participants and nonparticipants.
The average returns to cumulative borrowing for female members of microfi-
nance programs are as much as 21 percent in 1998/99, up from 18 percent in
1991/92. Despite higher returns to cumulative borrowing, the impact on pov-
erty reduction among program participants was lower in 1998/99 (2 percentage
points) than in 1991/92 (5 percentage points). This is due to diminishing returns
to additional borrowing, so that despite the increase in the stock of borrowing
by female members, the resulting increases in consumption were not large
enough to reduce poverty as expected. Moreover, because of better economic
conditions, the gains in real consumption were much higher for both program
participants and nonparticipants over the study period. The consumption level
of borrowers, for example, was only 8 percent below the poverty line in 1998/99
compared with 31 percent in 1991/92. And despite the diminishing returns to
microfinance and the overall better economic conditions, the results indicate that
microfinance accounts for more than half of the 3 percentage points observed
annual reduction in poverty among program participants.
   The panel data analysis also estimated the aggregate impacts of microfinance
on consumption and poverty. Not only does the increase in consumption resulting
from borrowing raise the probability that program participants will escape pov-
erty but the microfinance intervention also benefits nonparticipants through
growth in local income. In particular, microfinance reduces the average village
poverty level by 1 percentage point each year in program areas, some 40 percent
of the observed village-level poverty reduction. Microfinance has a slightly higher
impact on extreme poverty than on moderate poverty for everybody.
286      THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL.                19,   NO.   2


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