Executive Summary
    • Project Fact Sheet PD Summary
    • Process Documentation of the conduct of EIA (EIA Team, EIA Study
        Schedule & Area, EIA Methodology, Public Participation)
    • Summary of Baseline Characterization Key Environmental Impacts and
        Management & Monitoring Plan and EMF & EGF
    • Commitments

I.   Project Description

     1.1 Project Location and Area
          • Map showing sitio, barangay, municipality, province, region
              boundaries, vicinity, proposed buffers surrounding the area
              andPrimary & secondary impact areas
          • Geographic coordinates (shape file data) of project area
          • Rationale for selection primary & secondary impact areas

     1.2 Project Rationale
         Cite and focus on the need for the project based on national and local
         economic development and in terms of contribution tosustainable
         development agenda or current development thrusts of the Philippines.

     1.3 Project Alternatives
          • Cite criteria used in determining preliminary options for facility siting,
              development design, process/technology selection, resource
              utilization including discussion of the consequences of not proceeding
              with the project
          • Reasons for selecting the preferred options delineated in terms of
              technical, commercial, social and natural environmental aspects
          • Summary of the comparative environmental impacts of each

     1.4 Project Components
          • Major components
          • Other Support Facilities (Le. energy/power generating facility, water
              supply system)
          • Pollution control devices and corresponding facilities being served or
          • Footprint of proposed layout of project facilities

     1.5 Process/ Technology Options
          • Production process (indicate type of raw material & final product) if
             process industry; Construction if infrastructure such as buildings,
             roads & bridges
          • Power generation & water supply system
            •    Waste Management Systems

      1.6 Project Size
           • total project area in square meters or hectares
           • annual production rate & working days/hours if process industry

      1.7 Development Plan, Description of Project Phases and Corresponding
             Phases to be described in terms identifying specific activities (w/
             special attention on those with significant environmental impacts) and
             corresponding projected implementation timeframes:
             • Pre-construction (planning, acquisition of rights to use land,)
             • Construction (land/site clearing, temporary housing, transport of
                materials, health and other services for the workforce)
             • Operation (projected period of start-up/commissioning/full operation
                of various project components)
             • Abandonment         (Land/soil  restoration,    decontamination   or
                remediation activities and procedures & projected year of

      1.8 Manpower
           Tabulate the following per project phase:
            • manpower requirements;
            • expertise/skills needed;
            • nature & estimated number of jobs available for men, women
               indigenous peoples (if sited in IP ancestral land); preferred scheme
               for sourcing locally from host and neighboring LGUs and those from

      1.9 Indicative Project Investment Cost

II.   Analysis of Key Environmental Impacts

      2.1 Land

      2.1.1 Land Use and Classification
              • Discuss inconsistencies/possible conflicts with existing land
                 use/zoning/classification and encroachment in ECAs
              • Discuss projected change as a result of project implementation (Le.
                 Loss of topsoil/overburden (for agricultural areas or adjacent to
                 agricultural areas))

      2.1.2 Geology/Geomorphology
              Discuss Projected change and change management as a result of
              project implementation such as the following:
              • Change in surface landform/ topography/ terrain/slope
              • Change in sub-surface/ underground geomorphology
              • Inducement of subsidence/ collapse
              • Inducement of landslides or other natural hazards

      2.1.3 Pedology
        Analyze project's impact and provide management measures for the
        following as may be needed:
          • erodability potential
          • bank stability
          • change in soil quality/fertility

2.1.4 Terrestrial Biology
       Analyze project's impact and provide management measures with
       regards to the following as may be needed:
         • Vegetation removal and loss of habitat
         • Threat to existence of important local species
         • Threat to abundance, frequency and distribution of important
         • Hindrance to wildlife access

2.2   WATER

2.2.1 Hydrology/Hydrogeology
       Analyze project's impact and provide management measures with
       regards to the following as may be needed:
          • Change in drainage morphology
          • Change in stream, lake water depth
          • Reduction in stream volumetric flow
          • Inducement of flooding
          • Water resource use and competition
          • Reduction/Depletion of groundwater flow

2.2.2 Oceanography
       Analyze project's impact and provide management measures with
       regards to the following as may be needed:
       • Change in circulation pattern
       • Change in stream, lake water depth
       • Change in bathymetry

2.2.3 Water Quality
       • Identify specific source of possible pollution load and discuss
          assimilative capacity of the receiving water body (Le. groundwater,
          stream water, lake water, marine water
       • Include as part of the environmental management and monitoring
          plan, the sampling site map

2.3.4 Freshwater or Marine Ecology
      Identify source of threat to ecology and discuss assimilative capacity of
      the receiving ecosystem
      • Threat to abundance, frequency and distribution of species
      • Loss of important species
      • Loss of habitat

2.3   AIR

2.3.1 Meteorology/Climatology
               •   Discuss the project's possible effect on local climate if any
               •   Discuss the project's contribution to global greenhouse gas if any

       2.3.2 Air Quality (& Noise)
              • Identify specific source of possible pollution load and discuss
                  assimilative capacity considering the ambient air quality/noise
                  levels in the area

       2.4   PEOPLE

       2.4.1 Identify settlers that will be displaced from among the existing settlers
       2.4.2 Discuss the in-migration patterns impact as a result of project
       2.4.3 Discuss the impacts on IPs and Culture/lifestyle (if any)
       2.4.4 Discuss the project implementation's threat to public health vis-a-vis the
              baseline health conditions in the area
       2.4.5 Discuss local benefits expected from project implementation
       2.4.6 Discuss how the project would affect the delivery of basic services and
              resource competition in the area
       2.4.7 Discuss how the project would affect traffic situation in the area
       2.4.8 Identify entity to be accountable for environmental management in the
       2.4.9 Discuss how the project would affect existing properties in the area in
              terms of relocation and devaluation
       2.4.10 Identify affected properties

        Identify and provide management measures for:
          • Chronic Risks
          • Acute Risks / Worst Case Scenario

         Limit to most significant impacts per project phase and per environmental
         component arising from key environmental aspects


        The SOP and IEC Framework shall be required for all ECPs. These may be
        required for EIS-Based ECC applications for non ECPsbased on the EMB-
        RO's discretion.

        The SOP of the project shall be derived from, and aligned with, the LGU's
        existing SOP. The project's SOP normally aims to prevent/mitigate and/or
        enhance a project's adverse and positive impacts, respectively, on people's
        livelihood, health and environment.

        The SOP shall contain the following:
           a.) Livelihood or community development programs/activities,
           b.) Responsible community members/beneficiaries,
           c.) Partner institutions(government, NGO, others),
           d.) Timeframe implementation, and
           e.)   Source and amount per activity/component.

        The IEC Framework shall include the following information:
             a. Target Sector Identified as Needing Project IEC
             b. Major Topic/s of concern in Relation to Project
             c. IEC Scheme / Strategy / Methods
             d. Information Medium
             e. Indicative Timelines and Frequency
             f.  Indicate Cost


        The framework for compliance monitoring including environmental
        performance indicators shall serve as standards for determining
        compliance. This shall correspond to the baseline environmental parameter
        necessary to monitor the identified key environmental impacts for the specific
        sector/project type.

        As a pro-active tool for minimization/elimination of adverse consequences to
        the environmental quality, the project proponent shall propose "Environmental
        Quality Performance Level" (EQPL) for each critical parameter identified
        above. At least two EQPLs are required namely the action and limit level. A
        third optional criterion is the early warning level which is actually a red-
        flagging alert level.

        It shall also include description of the monitoring scheme and mechanisms to
        be employed:
            • Self-Monitoring Plan
            • Multi-sectoral Monitoring Framework (for ECPs and EIS-based Non-
                ECPs as deemed necessary by EMB RO)
            • Environmental Guarantee and Monitoring Fund Commitment (for ECPs
                and EIS-based Non-ECPs as deemed necessary by EMB RO)

        The policy and generic guidelines are to be consistent with the relevant
        agencies' requirements that are to be complied with after the EGG is issued,
        e.g. MGB has a prescribed ERP content for mining projects.

        Statement on Proponent's policies and generic procedures; Detailed
        Abandonment/Decommissioning Plan to be submitted post-ECC, within a
        timeframe specified in the ECC

       Discuss the Table of Organization of the Proponent where the reporting line
       and manpower complement/positions of the EU, MEPEO or equivalent units
       to higher management and relationships with operating departments are