THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Republic of Niger Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project Draft ENVIRONMENTAL and SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) October 26, 2021 Page 1 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) 1. The Republic of Niger (hereinafter “the Recipient”) shall implement the Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (hereinafter “Project”) through three Project Implementing Entities (“PIEs”): the Niger Electricity Company (NIGELEC), the Rural Electrification Agency (ANPER) and the National Solar Energy Agency (ANERSOL). The International Development Association (hereinafter “the Association”) has agreed to provide financing for the Project. 2. The Recipient shall implement material measures and actions so that the Project is implemented in accordance with the Association’s Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs). This Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) sets out material measures and actions, to be carried out or caused to be carried out by the Recipient, including the timeframes of the actions and measures, institutional, staffing, training, monitoring and reporting arrangements, grievance management and the environmental and social assessments and instruments to be prepared or updated, disclosed, consulted, adopted and implemented under the ESCP and the ESSs, in a manner acceptable to the Association. 3. The Recipient is responsible for compliance with all requirements of the ESCP even when implementation of specific measures and actions is conducted by the entities referenced in 1 above. 4. Implementation of the material measures and actions set out in this ESCP shall be monitored and reported to the Association by the Recipient as required by the ESCP and the conditions of the Legal Agreement, and the Association shall monitor and assess progress and completion of these material measures and actions throughout the implementation of the Project. 5. As agreed by the Association and the Recipient, this ESCP may be revised as necessary during the Project implementation to reflect adaptive management of Project changes and unforeseen circumstances or in response to the assessment of the Project’s performance conducted under the ESCP itself. In such circumstances, the Recipient, shall agree to such changes with the Association and shall update the ESCP accordingly. Agreement on changes to the ESCP shall be documented through an exchange of signed letters between the Association and the Recipient. The Recipient shall promptly disclose the revised ESCP. 6. Where Project changes, unforeseen circumstances, or Project performance result in changes to the risks and impacts during Project implementation, the Recipient shall provide additional funds, if needed, to implement actions and measures to address such risks and impacts, which may include environmental, health, and safety impacts, labor influx, gender-based violence, and security. Page 2 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity MONITORING AND REPORTING: A REGULAR REPORTING The Recipient shall prepare and submit to the Association Each quarter starting from the Project Effective Date, at the latest, regular monitoring reports on the environmental, social, at the beginning of the month following the past quarter, Project health and safety (ESHS) performance of the Project throughout the implementation of the Project. A compilation of Implementation including implementation of the ESCP, any E&S these reports shall be provided on an annual basis. Units (PIU) instruments prepared or to be prepared and implemented within each PIE, under the ESCP in form and substance acceptable to the hereinafter Association, stakeholder engagement activities, and PIUs (NIGELEC, functioning of the grievance mechanism. ANPER, The Recipient shall also submit, at the Association's ANERSOL) request, all monthly monitoring reports submitted by the companies involved in various work sites (contractors, suppliers, service providers, and sub-contractors). B INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS NOTIFICATION a. The Recipient shall promptly notify the Association of a. These incidents or accidents shall be immediately reported in any incident or accident related to the Project which writing to the Project Team Leader, not later than 48 hours has, or is likely to have, a significant adverse effect after becoming aware of such accidents or incidents. on the environment, affected communities, the Reporting shall take place within 24 hours in the case of PIUs (ANPER, public or workers, including any fatality incident, fatality. NIGELEC, significant pollution, security incidents, the exclusion ANERSOL) of or discrimination against individuals or groups of b. A detailed report shall be submitted to the Association, not individuals who may be disadvantaged or vulnerable later than seven (7) working days from the PIU becoming because of their particular circumstances, or any aware of said incident or accident. If the incident is related to allegation of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse or Sexual security/safety of PIUs or beneficiaries, it shall be reported to Harassment (SEA/SH) in connection with the Project. the Project Team Leader in 24 hours. Page 3 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity b. The Recipient shall provide sufficient detail regarding This notification system shall be in effect throughout the the incident or accident, indicating the immediate Project implementation. measures taken or to be taken to address the incident or accident and including the information made available. Regarding SEA/SH incidents, the Recipient shall only record and provide the following information: date of incident, date of reporting to the Project GM or other mechanisms, age / sex of the victim (if possible), nature of the incident (e.g. rape), age / sex / employer of the alleged perpetrator (if possible), if the incident is in connection with the Project (to the best of the complainant’s knowledge), the services in which the survivor has been referred to, all in line with the principle of confidentiality and based on the survivor’s consent during intake and referral to services. Page 4 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity c. Upon the Association’s request, the Recipient shall prepare a report on the incident or accident indicating immediate measures taken or that are planned to be taken to address it, and any information provided by any contractor and supervising entity, as appropriate, and shall propose measures to avoid its recurrence. For security incidents, the Recipient shall follow a similar approach, reporting information on the date of the incident, the date of the report to the PIU, the nature of the event (e.g., attack on Project sites), the profile and possible motivations of the perpetrators, the type of harm or damage incurred to Project beneficiaries, assets, contractors or personnel, and recipient response. CONTRACTORS’ MONTHLY REPORTS Suppliers and contractors are required to prepare and submit to the Project Implementation Units (PIUs) PIUs (NIGELEC, C monthly monitoring reports, including reports on the On a monthly basis from the signing of the suppliers’/contractors’ ANPER, implementation of the environmental, social, health and contracts throughout Project implementation ANERSOL) safety specifications included in the tender documents and their respective contracts, to be submitted to the Association upon request. ESS 1: ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL RISKS AND IMPACTS Page 5 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity 1.1 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Establish and maintain a Project Implementation Unit Not later than three months after the Project Effective Date: (PIU) within each Project Implementing Entity (PIE) – - NIGELEC shall appoint from its staff to the PIU : (1) one full-time NIGELEC, ANPER, ANERSOL - consisting of adequate environmental specialist, (1) one full-time social development specialist, (1) full-time Health and Safety (ESHS) specialist and resources and qualified personnel (whose qualifications NIGELEC shall hire (1) one gender-based violence (GBV) comply with the Terms of Reference (TORs) agreed with specialist. the Association) to manage environmental and social Ministry of risks and impacts of the Project. - ANPER shall hire 4 full time consultants: One environmental Petroleum, For this purpose, the NIGELEC PIU shall renew the specialist, one social development specialist, one Health and Energy and mandate of the environmental and social specialists Safety (ESHS) specialist and one GBV specialist in the PIU. Renewable including the gender specialist who are already in place Energies - ANERSOL shall hire 3 full time consultants: one environmental under the department of Quality, Hygiene, Security and specialist, one social development specialist, and one Gender PIUs (NIGELEC, Environment of NIGELEC, based on a performance specialist in the PIU. ANPER, assessment so that there will be no gap after the ANERSOL) Effective Date and before a particular action, to ensure - The GBV Specialists recruited as part of NIGELEC and ANPER the implementation and monitoring of the measures set will concurrently provide technical support to the Gender out in the E&S instruments. Specialist recruited as part of the ANERSOL. 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT a. The final version of the ESMF shall be disclosed and adopted a. An Environmental and Social Management before Project appraisal and implemented thereafter Framework (ESMF) was prepared, consulted upon throughout Project implementation. and shall be disclosed and adopted by the Recipient PIUs (NIGELEC, before Project appraisal, and thereafter b. Assessment shall be conducted before the carrying out of the ANPER, implemented in a manner acceptable to the relevant Project activities. Site-specific ESIAs/ESMPs shall be ANERSOL) Association. prepared, disclosed, consulted and adopted before the Page 6 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity carrying out of the relevant Project activities, and thereafter b. Screen any proposed Project activity in accordance implemented throughout the carrying out of such activities. with the ESMF adopted for the Project, and, thereafter, cause each PIU under each PIE (NIGELEC, ANPER, ANERSOL) to prepare, consult, adopt, disclose, and thereafter implement site-specific Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs), and Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs), as set out in the ESMF, as required, in a manner acceptable to the Association. 1.3 MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS a. To be disclosed, consulted upon, and adopted before a. The Recipient has prepared and shall finalize, Project appraisal: ESMF, ESIA/ESMP related to the disclose, consult upon, and adopt before Project transmission line, LMP, RPF, SEP. appraisal the following documents: - The Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) including the SEA/SH Action b. To be disclosed (a summary only), consulted upon, and Plan and shall subsequently screen any proposed adopted before the Effective Date: SMP subproject in accordance with the ESMF c. Site-specific ESIAs, ESMPs, RAPs to be prepared, - The ESIA/ESMP related to the transmission line disclosed, consulted and adopted before the carrying out - The Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) of the relevant Project activities, and thereafter NIGELEC PIU - The Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) including implemented throughout the carrying out of such the Grievance Mechanism (GM) activities - The Labor Management Procedures (LMP) (including codes of conduct) d. Site-specific Biodiversity Management and Hazardous Waste b. The NIGELEC PIU already prepared a security risk Management shall be, prepared as necessary, disclosed, assessment to identify the potential security risks for Page 7 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity workers, Project assets, and activities. The Recipient consulted upon, and adopted prior to the commencement of shall also prepare, disclose a summary, consult any relevant Project activities requiring these measures. upon, and adopt before the Effective Date: - The Security Management Plan (SMP) c. Prepare, disclose, consult upon, adopt and implement site-specific ESIAs/ESMPs and Resettlement Action These instruments shall be implemented throughout the Plans (RAPs) for the respective Project activities in Project implementation. NIGELEC PIU accordance with the ESSs and the ESMF and RPF. The Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) related to the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA) of the transmission line includes (i) an assessment of the Project risks, including risks of SEA /SH, to ensure that individuals or groups of individuals who, due to their particular situation, may be disadvantaged or vulnerable, have access to the benefits resulting from the Project in terms of development; (ii) an assessment of potential threats, vulnerabilities, risks, and contextual factors that could cause or exacerbate human security risks for Project beneficiaries, assets, and personnel. d. Prepare, disclose, consult upon, adopt and implement, if and as needed, site-specific Biodiversity Management and Hazardous Waste Management Plans. 1.4 MANAGEMENT OF SUPPLIERS AND CONTRACTORS a. The Recipient shall incorporate the relevant aspects of a. Prior to the launching of the procurement procedure and PIUs (NIGELEC, the Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), during preparation of tender documents for the Project’s ANPER, including relevant E&S instruments, the Environmental ANERSOL) Page 8 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity and Social Standard (ESS) 2 requirements as reflected in activities and then, supervise suppliers and contractors Suppliers and the Labor Management Procedures (LMP), requirements throughout the completion of these activities. contractors for codes of conduct, the prohibitions on SEA/SH, child labor and forced labor, and duty of care requirements for b. Prior to signing contracts with companies/contractors insecure environments (consistent with the SMP) into the ESHS specifications of the tender documents and contracts with the contractors and supervising entities. The Recipient shall ensure that the contractors and c. These measures shall be implemented prior to the start of supervising entities comply with the ESHS specifications of the civil works by the Contractors. Once approved, the their respective contracts throughout the Project measures shall be implemented throughout Project implementation. implementation. Supervise main contractors, suppliers and their sub-contractors throughout Project implementation b. The Recipient shall ensure that all tender documents and contracts shall oblige suppliers/contractors and sub- contractors to comply with the abovementioned management tools and instruments. c. The Recipient shall ensure that all tender documents, works contracts or contracts for services other than consulting services within the framework of the Project shall oblige suppliers/contractors, subcontractors or consultants to adopt a code of conduct that shall be given to all workers for signature. 1.5 CONTINGENT EMERGENCY RESPONSE COMPONENT - a. The adoption of the CERC Operations Manual in form and PIUs (NIGELEC, CERC substance acceptable to the Association is a withdrawal ANPER, condition under Section III.B(d) of Schedule 2 of the Financing ANERSOL) Agreement for the Project. Page 9 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity a. Ensure that the CERC Operations Manual as specified b. Submit the respective E&S instrument for the Association’s in the Financing Agreement includes a description of prior review and approval and, adopt it before launching the the ESHS assessment and management arrangements respective bidding process, and in any case, before the including the ESMF Addendum for the carrying out of the relevant Project activities for which the implementation of the CERC component, in E&S instrument is required. Implement the E&S instruments accordance with the ESSs. The Recipient shall prepare in accordance with their terms, throughout Project the ESMF Addendum to cover the CERC activities implementation. when preparing the CERC Operations Manual. The CERC ESMF Addendum shall be approved by the Association. b. In the event of a crisis leading to the activation of the Project’s CERC component, the Recipient shall prepare, consult, adopt, and disclose any E&S instruments which may be required for activities under the CERC component in accordance with the CERC Operations Manual and the CERC ESMF Addendum and the ESSs, and thereafter implement the measures and actions required under said E&S instruments, within the timeframes specified in said E&S instruments. 1.6 THIRD PARTY MONITORING Upon the start of the Project’s activities, an agreement will be PIUs (NIGELEC, signed between the recipient and TPM describing responsibilities, ANPER, duration and expected outputs. The request for activation of ANERSOL) Third-Party use shall be initiated by the Recipient after consulting with and obtaining the Association's Non-Objection. Page 10 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity If TPM is necessary, depending on their mission and area of expertise, TPM shall ensure compliance with the provisions set out in this ESCP and shall support the implementation of agreed social and environmental risk mitigation measures and actions, in accordance with ESSs and in a manner acceptable to the Association. An Agreement shall be signed between the recipient and TPM describing responsibilities, duration and expected outputs, in accordance with ESSs and in a manner acceptable to the Association. TPM missions, if contracted, shall include a specialist, with terms of reference, qualifications and experience acceptable to the Association, to assess the quality and relevance of the implementation of the mitigation measures and responses to SEA/SH risks, included in the Project’s ESMF and ESMP. 1.7 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Ensure that the consultancies, studies, capacity building, training, and any other technical assistance activities under the Project, including, inter alia, feasibility studies PIUs (NIGELEC, relating to distribution and transmission networks, mini Throughout the Project implementation ANPER, grids, off-grid solar systems, electrification master plans, ANERSOL) generation and transmission plans, institutional and regulatory studies, are carried out in accordance with terms of reference acceptable to the Association, that incorporate the relevant requirements of the ESSs. Page 11 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity ESS 2: LABOR AND WORKING CONDITIONS LABOR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES a. The Recipient shall prepare, consult upon, adopt, disclose and thereafter implement Labor a. The Labor Management Procedures (LMP) shall be prepared, Management Procedures (LMP) in accordance with PIUs (NIGELEC, consulted upon, and disclosed, before Project appraisal and, applicable national law and the requirements of ESS2; ANPER, once approved, the LMP shall be adopted and implemented 2.1 b. The Recipient shall cause contractors to prepare, ANERSOL) throughout Project implementation. consult upon, adopt, disclose and thereafter Suppliers and b. Before the workers start working for the contractors and implement labor management plans specific to each contractors subcontractors and throughout the Project implementation. site within the scope of the contractors’ ESMP (C- ESMP) and based on the Project LMP, in accordance with ESS2. GRIEVANCE MECHANISM FOR PROJECT WORKERS The Recipient shall ensure that GM for Project workers are PIUs (NIGELEC, established and maintained including GM arrangements Shall be operational prior to the recruitment of any Project ANPER, 2.2 by Project contractors and subcontractors, for any workers and to be maintained and implemented throughout ANERSOL) Project-related labor and employment matters, to Project implementation period Suppliers and address the relevant disputes, as described in the LMP and contractors in accordance with ESS 2. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY MEASURES (OHS) The Recipient shall adopt OHS measures as reflected in Before the start of civil works. PIUs (NIGELEC, the Project ESMF, LMP, site-specific ESMPs and Before publishing the notice of expression of interest or ANPER, 2.3 contractors’ labor management plans, all in accordance suppliers/providers (integration of OHS measures). ANERSOL) Throughout the implementation of the Project Suppliers and contractors Page 12 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity with the requirements of ESS2 and in a manner acceptable to the Association. The Recipient undertakes to implement and incorporate in the tender documents, the Terms of Reference and contracts of the Project's suppliers/providers, the clauses relating to OHS specified in the project's ESMF, LMP and any other OHS measures recommended by the sub- project's ESMP. The Recipient shall ensure that the Project’s enterprises/suppliers comply with these OHS measures. ESS 3: RATIONAL USE OF RESOURCES AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT OF WASTE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS a. The Recipient shall prepare, disclose, consult upon, a. Before the start of construction works and application of adopt and thereafter implement the Hazardous these measures during the entire Project implementation Waste Management Plan (HWMP) for the Project period including those activities involving PCBs and solar PIUs (NIGELEC, 3.1 panels. b. Before the start of works. ANPER, b. The Recipient shall ensure that Project contractors, ANERSOL) suppliers / providers develop and implement a HWMP for civil works, as part of their C-ESMP, in accordance with ESS3 requirements and in a manner acceptable to the Association. RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION PIUs (NIGELEC, Same timeline as for the preparation, adoption, and 3.2 AND MANAGEMENT ANPER, implementation of the site-specific ESMPs ANERSOL) Page 13 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity The Recipient shall adopt and implement and shall Suppliers and ensure that Project contractors adopt and implement contractors adequate measures for the resource efficiency and pollution prevention and management, in accordance with ESS3 requirements and in a manner acceptable to the Association. These measures shall be reflected in the site-specific ESIAs/ESMPs and in C-ESMPs as relevant. ESS 4: COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY PIUs (NIGELEC, The Recipient shall ensure that Project contractors ANPER, prepare, disclose, consult upon, adopt and thereafter Same timeline as for the preparation, adoption, and ANERSOL) 4.1 implement Traffic and Road Safety Plans, in particular a implementation of the site-specific ESMPs. Suppliers and plan of routes for the passage of site machinery and contractors equipment, as required in the ESIA/ESMP in accordance with the requirements of ESS4. MANAGEMENT OF COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY RISKS AND SECURITY RISKS Same timeline as for the preparation and implementation of the The Recipient shall assess Project risks and impacts on the site-specific ESMPs PIUs (NIGELEC, health and safety of the affected communities and adopt ANPER, 4.2 measures to address these risks and impacts to be SRA shall be prepared by Project appraisal. ANERSOL) reflected in the Project’s ESMF and subsequent site- SMP shall be prepared, consulted upon, and adopted by the Suppliers and specific ESIAs/ESMPs, in accordance with ESS4 Effective Date and implemented throughout the Project contractors requirements and in a manner acceptable to the implementation. Association. Page 14 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity Since the Project is expected to operate in highly insecure Measures relating to the management of security personnel shall environments, a Security Risk Assessment has been be adopted as part of the Project SMP and in any event, prior to prepared by appraisal, and a Security Management Plan engaging security personnel, and thereafter implemented (SMP) shall be prepared, consulted upon, and adopted by throughout Project implementation. the Effective Date and thereafter implemented in accordance with the requirements of ESS1 and ESS4 and in a manner acceptable to the Association. In addition, human security threats – whether contextual or related to Project activities – and potential mitigating measures shall be covered in the ESIAs/ESMPs in accordance with the requirements of ESS1 and ESS4 and in a manner acceptable to the Association. The Recipient shall ensure that Project contractors prepare, disclose, consult upon, adopt and thereafter implement measures and actions as required in the ESIAs/ESMPs to assess and manage specific risks and impacts to the community arising from the implementation of the Project activities, including those relating to the presence of Project workers and any risks of labor influx. The Recipient shall also ensure that contractors prepare their own security management plans prior to starting activities and engaging security personnel to manage eventual risks and screen, train, and monitor their personnel accordingly, consistent with the requirements of ESS4. Page 15 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity The use of security forces is not envisaged in the Project, but, should this aspect change, the Recipient shall adopt and implement necessary risk prevention and mitigation measures (including relating to screening, training, codes of conduct, equipping and monitoring of such security personnel) to minimize risks for beneficiaries and communities, including risks of SEA/SH, all guided by the principles of proportionality and GIIIP, and by applicable law, in relation to hiring, rules of conduct, training, equipping, and monitoring of such personnel, in accordance with the requirements of ESS4 and in a manner acceptable to the Association. - The Recipient shall adopt and implement standards, protocols and codes of conduct for the selection and assignment of security personnel and screen such personnel to verify that they have not engaged in past unlawful or abusive behavior, including SEA/SH or excessive use of force; any individuals who have perpetrated abuses in the past shall be excluded from the Project. - The Recipient shall ensure that such personnel is adequately instructed and trained, prior to deployment and on a regular basis, on the use of force and appropriate conduct as set out in the Security Management Plan. Page 16 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity - The Recipient shall also ensure that any concerns or grievances regarding the conduct of security personnel are received, monitored, and documented (taking into account the need to protect confidentiality) by the Project’s grievance mechanism (see action 10.2 below), which shall facilitate its resolution, in accordance with ESS4 and ESS10. - The Recipient shall ensure that no activities can commence prior to having these measures in place and implemented in a manner acceptable to the Association. GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE AND SEXUAL EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE RISKS The preparation, adoption, and implementation of the action PIUs (NIGELEC, The Recipient shall assess the SEA/SH risks including on plan shall be done in accordance with the ESMF timeframe. ANPER, children and develop, consult upon, adopt, and thereafter Measures shall be implemented throughout the implementation ANERSOL) implement a response action plan (as part of the ESMF) of the Project. Suppliers and including measures to assess and manage the SEA/SH The mapping shall be done as part of the SEA/SH risk contractors risks, in accordance with ESS4 requirements and in a assessment. manner acceptable to the Association. A mapping of the 4.3 stakeholders and service providers involved in this field as well as an assessment of their operability, shall be carried out. This plan shall include, among others, training on the risks of SEA / SH for the workers, local communities, in particular the Project’s beneficiaries. The Project GM shall also include the capacity to receive Project-related SEA/SH complaints and this GM shall be equipped to receive, register, and address SEA/SH complaints in a safe, confidential and survivor-centered manner, including Page 17 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity through the referral of survivors to relevant GBV service providers for SEA/SH cases. ESS 5: LAND ACQUISITION, RESTRICTIONS ON LAND USE AND INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT RESETTLEMENT POLICY FRAMEWORK AND RESETTLEMENT ACTION PLANS a. Prepare and submit the RPF for the Association’s prior review a. The Recipient shall prepare, disclose, consult upon, and approval, adopt, and disclose the RPF before Project adopt, and thereafter implement a Resettlement Appraisal and implement it thereafter throughout Project Policy Framework (RPF) to guide the preparation of implementation. the eventual resettlement action plans (RAP) consistent with ESS 5 requirements and in a manner b. Prepare and submit RAPs for the Association’s prior review acceptable to the Association. and approval, adopt, and disclose the respective RAP, and b. Prepare, disclose, consult upon, adopt, and once adopted, implement the respective RAP, prior to PIUs (NIGELEC, implement site-specific Resettlement Action Plans commencing Project activities to which the RAP relates. ANPER, (RAPs), as set out in the RPF and consistent with ESS5. 5.1 ANERSOL) All RAPs, including the implementation budget and the assistance for the resettlement and livelihood restoration to Project-Affected Persons (PAP) shall be developed with the participation of the Project affected persons consistent with ESS5. All RAPs shall be approved by the Association and disseminated at the national level and disclosed on the Association’s and Recipient’s websites. RAPs shall be fully implemented prior to any land taking from PAPs and prior to commencing Project activities to which the RAP relates. 5.2 MONITORING AND REPORTING Before the start of civil works. Page 18 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity The Recipient shall ensure the development of a report for PIUs monitoring land acquisition and resettlement activities (NIGELEC, and separate reports included in the period reporting on ANPER, land acquisition and resettlement activities. These ANERSOL) reports shall be submitted to the Association for approval before the start of works. GRIEVANCE MECHANISM PIUs (NIGELEC, The Grievance Mechanism (GM) linked to the land ANPER, 5.3 acquisition and involuntary resettlement shall be included The GM shall be operational before start of the project activities. ANERSOL) in the RPF and the SEP and address related complaints in accordance with ESS5 and ESS10 requirements. ESS 6: BIODIVERSITY CONSERVATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF LIVING NATURAL RESOURCES BIODIVERSITY RISKS AND IMPACTS The Recipient shall adopt and implement the biodiversity management measures set out in the ESMF and the site- Timeframe for the preparation, disclosure, and adoption of site- specific E&S instruments such as ESIAs, ESMPs, and PIUs (NIGELEC, specific plans in accordance with the timeframes laid out in biodiversity management plans (as needed), all in ANPER, 6.1 Section 1.3 accordance with ESS6 requirements and in a manner ANERSOL) Implementation of the measures throughout Project acceptable to the Association. Specific E&S instruments implementation shall be submitted to the Association for approval before launching the suppliers/providers consultation documents. ESS 7: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES/SUB-SAHARAN AFRICAN HISTORICALLY UNDERSERVED TRADITIONAL LOCAL COMMUNITIES NOT APPLICABLE Page 19 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity ESS 8: CULTURAL HERITAGE CHANCE FINDS a. The Recipient shall prepare, adopt, and implement a. The same timeframe for the ESMF to be prepared, disclosed, the chance finds procedure described in the ESMF consulted upon, and adopted. developed for the Project; b. The Recipient shall ensure that future ESIAs/ ESMPs b. During the preparation and adoption of site-specific PIUs (NIGELEC, include an assessment of cultural heritage sites in the ESIAs/ESMPs and prior to the implementation of the sub- ANPER, 8.1 sub-project area; projects ANERSOL) c. Clauses on these chance finds shall be included in all works contracts, even in cases where the probability c. During the preparation of the tender documents and works is very low; all in accordance with ESS8 requirements contracts and in a manner acceptable to the Association All measures shall be implemented throughout the Project implementation. ESS 9: FINANCIAL INTERMEDIARIES: 9.1 NOT APPLICABLE ESS 10: STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE SEP PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION The SEP shall be finalized, disclosed, consulted upon, and adopted The Recipient shall finalize, disclose, consult upon, adopt before Project appraisal and shall be implemented throughout the PIUs (NIGELEC, and implement the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) implementation of the Project. ANPER, 10.1 consistent with ESS10, which shall include measures to, Any subsequent updates to this SEP shall be submitted to the ANERSOL) inter alia, provide stakeholders with timely, relevant, Association for approval before implementation. Once approved, understandable and accessible information, and consult the SEP is to be implemented throughout the Project with them in a culturally appropriate manner, which is implementation. Page 20 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) Responsible Material Measures and Actions Timeframe Authority / Entity free of manipulation, interference, coercion, discrimination and intimidation. The SEP shall be updated and re-disclosed throughout the Project implementation, as needed. PROJECT GRIEVANCE MECHANISM: a. Establish, publicize, maintain, and operate an accessible grievance mechanism, (GM) as set out in the SEP, to receive and facilitate resolution of concerns and grievances in relation to the Project, promptly and effectively, in a transparent manner that is culturally appropriate and readily accessible to all Project-affected parties, at no cost and without PIUs (NIGELEC, retribution, including concerns and grievances filed a. The GM shall be prepared and made operational not later ANPER, anonymously, in a manner consistent with ESS10. than 3 months after the Effective Date and thereafter ANERSOL) 10.2 This mechanism shall address SEA / SH-related maintained throughout the implementation of the Project. complaints in a timely manner (latest within 72 b. Communication plan shall be available within six (6) months hours), confidential and ethical manner with no after the Project Effective Date. discrimination, and with a survivor centered approach. b. This Grievance Mechanism shall be supported by a communication plan to ensure that potential local PAP’s and communities are aware of its existence and are familiar with the process for submitting grievances to and the process of handling of grievances by the GM. Page 21 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) CAPACITY SUPPORT (TRAINING) Specify Training to be provided Targeted group Training session timeframes RC1 Health and safety at work Project’s workers as well as Project workers shall be trained on health and safety at work, workers on the site, During the implementation including on the prevention of emergencies, and how to prepare for companies/supervising entities of the Project and respond to such situation as well as risks related to use of security (Prior to the works on the site) personnel, COVID-19; STDs and HIV/AIDS RC2 The Association’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) PIUs, the Ministry agents, Identification and engagement of stakeholders NIGELEC personnel. During the preparation and Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), (to take place at regular implementation of project Content of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) intervals after project start with regular recycling) RC3 Environmental and Social Module The environmental and social national law, the law determining the fundamental principles for Environmental Assessment in Niger and its implementing decree. Knowledge of the procedures for organizing and conducting The beneficiaries/local During the implementation Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIA), security risk communities/local of the Project analysis, Knowledge of the social policies, procedures, and legislation authorities/NGOs in Niger Knowledge of ESIA, Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMP) and RAP implementation monitoring process etc. Monitoring of the environmental and social factors and reporting Page 22 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) CAPACITY SUPPORT (TRAINING) Specify Training to be provided Targeted group Training session timeframes RC4 Environmental and social screening process and tools and provisions The beneficiaries/local for the application of the recommended effective management During the implementation communities/local measures of environmental, social, and security risks and impacts of the Project authorities/NGOs during the implementation of sub-projects RC5 Labor and working conditions Module Terms of conditions of employment according to the national Labor Law and the Codes of conduct for the suppliers, contractors and sub- Suppliers/Contractors/Sub- During the implementation contractors contractors. of the Project Workers’ Organizations and Unions Child labor and minimum age employment rules. RC6 SEA/SH Grievance Redress Mechanism Module Grievance registration and processing procedure, filing Suppliers/Sub-contractors During the implementation Grievance redress procedures of the Project Documenting and processing grievances Use of the procedure by the different actors Raising awareness of the population Raising awareness of the population and measures to prevent and mitigate GBV/SEA/SH risks RC7 Training on the Hazardous Waste Management Plan (HWMP). The beneficiaries/local During the implementation Assessment and management of the adverse risks and impacts linked communities/ local of the Project to the use of electrical equipment authorities/NGOs Application of the recommended measures set out in the approved HWMP. Page 23 of 24 THE WORLD BANK - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) : Niger Accelerating Electricity Access Project (Haske) CAPACITY SUPPORT (TRAINING) Specify Training to be provided Targeted group Training session timeframes Proper use of the personal protective equipment; Page 24 of 24