Social Protection and Jobs Responses to COVID-19: A Real-Time Review of Country Measures “Living paper” version 15 (May 14, 2021) Ugo Gentilini, Mohamed Almenfi, John Blomquist, Pamela Dale, Luciana De la Flor Giuffra, Vyjayanti Desai, Maria Belen Fontenez, Guillermo Galicia, Veronica Lopez, Georgina Marin, Ingrid Veronica Mujica, Harish Natarajan, David Newhouse, Robert Palacios, Ana Patricia Quiroz, Claudia Rodriguez Alas, Gayatri Sabharwal, and Michael Weber 1 Acknowledgments This team is grateful to Michal Rutkowski for his precious guidance. This version benefited enormously from contributions by Aysenur Acar, Aysenem Agabayeva, Hanan Ahli, Nazanin Akhgar, Haleem Hassan Kashkol Al-Kazali, Amel Allahoum, Andrew Allieu, Sulaiman Al Maazmi, Noora Al Qassi, Elena Andreeva, Colin Andrews, Edward Archibald, Temilade Aromolaran, Jehan Arulpragasam, Angela Elzir Assy, Ashiq Aziz, Indra Baatarkhuu, Reena Badiani-Magnusson, Yusuf Bafozoda, Sarah Bailey, Paul Bance, Anna Baranova, Mehdi Barouni, Roland Berenger Berehoudougou, Martina Bergthaller, Anush Bezhanyan, Sharon Corinne Benzoni, Mira Bierbaum, Gaston Mariano Blanco, Mark Blecher, Christian Bodewig, , Stefanie Brodmann, Lucia Solbes Castro, Hugo Brousset Chaman, Dimitriy Bychkov, Yoonyoung Cho, Tungalag Chuluun, Francesca Ciardi, Emmanuelle Collet, Sarah Coll-Black, Facundo Cuevas, Matthew Cummins, Pamela Dale, James Damon, Louise Moreira Daniel, Marie-Christina Dankmeyer, Benedicte Leroy De La Briere, Gustavo Demarco, Anastasiya Denisova, Malin Linnea Sofia Ed, Randa El-Rashidi, Gerardo Escaroz, Fatou Fall, Maliha Fanning, Olesia Feoktistova, Katharina Maria Fietz, Gabrielle Fox, Nicholas Freeland, Luis Frota, Carlos Galian, Jordi Jose Gallego- Ayala, Maria Concepcion Steta Gandara, Sara Giannozzi, Elena Glinskaya, Elisaveta Gouretskaia, Rebekka Grun, Sabina Guliyeva, Sibusiso Gumbi, Melis Guven, Courtney Hallink, Mahdi Halmi, Siddharth Hari, Lisa Hannigan, Gonzalo Javier Reyes Hartley, Abu Yadetta Hateu, Alessandra Heinemann, Sayaka Iha, Himanshi Jain, Guillaume Hingel, Johannes Hoenigl, Maddalena Honorati, Armenuhi Hovakimyan, Su Su Htay, Roberto Iacono, Adina-Maria Iorganda, Kumiko Imai, Buthaina al-Iryani, Aylin Isik-Dikmelik, Marijana Jasarevic, Mustafa Kadhim Mohammed, Amjad Zafar Khan, Alex Kamurase, Sandor Karacsony, Dmitri Karasyov, Abu Kargbo, Selma Kasic, Yasuhiro Kawasoe, Ayaba Gilberte Kedote, Nurzanty Khadijah, Qaiser Khan, Johannes Koettl, Julian Alexander Koschorke, Mona Korsgard, Adea Kryeziu, Francesca Lamanna, Aleksandar Lazovski, Matthieu Lefebvre, Kook Hee Lee, Phillippe George Leite, Louisa Lippi, Ana Veronica Lopez, Christina Lowe, Mattias Lundberg, , Vikesh Ramesh Mahboobani, Mattia Makovic, Iftikhar Malik, Alicia C. Marguerie, Jonathan Marskell, Ana Georgina Marin Espinosa, Alessandra Marini, Erica Mattellone, Erkin Mamadaliev , Shea McClanahan, Karla McEvoy, Cem Mete, Andrei Mikhnev, Natalia Millan, Emma Mistiaen, Anita Mittal, Khalid Ahmed Ali Moheyddeen, Matteo Morgandi, Harry Edmund Moroz, Emma Mercedes Monsalve Montiel, Ingrid Veronica Mujica, Mack Capehart Mulbah, Lindi Mzankomo, Martien Van Nieuwkoop, Desislava Enikova Nikolova, NIFI (Research Institute of Finance, Moscow), Nga Nguyet Nguyen, Noel Muller, Anthony Njage, Mongolmaa Norjinlkham, Marina Novikova, Marija Novkovic, Foluke Adetola Ojelabi, Yuko Okamura, Yulia Olenik, Vitorino Mello Oliveira, María Laura Oliveri, Ayanle Mohamed Omar, Junko Onishi, Ian Orton, Mirey Ovadiya, Efsan Nas Ozen, Clemente Avila Para, Truman Packard, Karuna Pal, Robert Palacios, Montserrat Pallares-Miralles, Ekaterina Pankratova, Ioanna Pantelaiou, Ana Pantelic, Jasmina Papa, Clemente Avila Parra, Kenia Parsons, Nathalie Pazmino, Luca Pellerano, Remy Pigois, Ariel Pino, Juul Pinxten, Lucian Bucur Pop, Aleksandra Posarac, Nadine Poupart, Ana Prodanovic, Pamela Pozarny, Yeqing Qu, Rodrigo Quintana, Mateo Enrique Prada Quintero, Lourdes Rivera, Nina Rosas Raffo, Amanina Binti Abdur Rahman, Zandile Portia Ratshitanga, F. Zehra Rizvi, Ruth Reyes Rodriguez, Luz Stella Rodriguez, Mba Minko Djekombe Rony, Pedro Rosas, Friederike Uta Rother, Solene Rougeaux, Monica Rubio, Mira Saidi, Manuel Salazar, Marijana Šalinović, Glayson dos Sonya Sampson, Gevorg Sargsyan Indhira Santos, Karin Schelzig, Achim Schmillen, Anita Schwarz, Sirma Demir Seker, Karin Seyfert, Maheshwor Shrestha, Ivan Shulga, Nuno Cunha Meira Simoes, Karan Singhal, Benjamin Kakule Sivasima, Charles Chilufya SJ, Andrius Skarnulis, Oleksiy A. Sluchynskyy, Danilo Smolovic, Rene Antonio Leon Solano, Tayana Charisse Oliveira de Souza, Tayllor Spadafora, Federico Spano, Maya Stern-Plaza, Victoria Strokova, Anna Sukhova, Changqing Sun, Kalilou Sylla, Claudia Zambra Taibo, Caroline Tassot, Caroline Anne Isabelle Tassot, Emil Tesliuc, Mauro Testaverde, Samman Thapa, Stefan Thewissen, Andrei Tretyak, Julieta Trias, Dea Tusha, Fiona Stewart, Gulsana Turusbekova, Emre Uckardesler, Silas Udahemuka, Uladzimir Valetka, Rashiel Velvarde, Fabio Veras, Andrea Vermehren, Dewen Wang, Michael Weber, Asha Williams, Penny Williams, Briana Wilson, Natalia Winder-Rossi, Gelila Woodeneh, Yuliya Yafimenka, Ruslan Yemtsov, Soonhwa Yi, Usama Zafar, Alketa Zazo, Nahla Zeitoun, Lansong Zhang, Yukun Zhu, Roman Zhukovskyi, Mustapha Ziroili, Rocco Zizzamia, and Maria Zlatareva. Pamela Dale is with UNICEF, while the other authors are with the World Bank. The paper presents preliminary findings from ongoing analysis and only reflects the personal views of the authors. For information and feedback, please contact Ugo Gentilini ( 2 Contents 1. Tracking social protection responses .................................................................................................................. 4 2. Delivery of social assistance ............................................................................................................................. 16 3. Insights from labor market interventions .......................................................................................................... 29 Annex 1. Overview of social protection measures by component........................................................................ 35 Annex 2. Measures by countries and territories.................................................................................................... 45 Figures Figure 1. Evolution in number of countries/territories and social protection measures ......................................... 4 Figure 2. Composition of social protection responses by components in regions and country income groups ..... 5 Figure 3. Generosity of cash transfer size relative to pre-Covid level.................................................................... 6 Figure 4. Duration of cash transfer programs ......................................................................................................... 8 Figure 5.Planned versus actual coverage rates for top 50 programs....................................................................... 9 Figure 6. Top 10 cash transfer programs by actual coverage (million people) .................................................... 11 Figure 7. Top 10 cash transfer programs by actual coverage (% population) ...................................................... 11 Figure 8. Scale up rates of cash transfers relative to pre-Covid level................................................................... 12 Figure 9. Poverty and cash transfers coverage...................................................................................................... 13 Figure 10. Cash transfers coverage versus social registry coverage (left) and JAM score (right) ....................... 14 Figure 11. Social protection spending in Covid and great recession (left) and as % of global stimuli (right) ..... 15 Figure 12. Social protection per capita spending across country income groups ................................................. 15 Figure 13. Registration method for horizontal expansions in 2020, 48 countries ................................................ 18 Figure 14. More social protection data is associated with higher COVID-19 cash transfer coverage ................. 18 Figure 15. Relative wealth of urban areas in Nigeria ........................................................................................... 19 Figure 16. Payment methods used in COVID-response social assistance programs across a subset of 58 low- and middle- income countries ............................................................................................................................... 22 Figure 17. Number of social assistance payments by payment method, LMICs .................................................. 27 Figure 18. Distribution of programs by countries’ income group ........................................................................ 29 Figure 19. Percentage of countries with at least one of the selected labor policies .............................................. 30 Figure 20. Percentage of countries with at least one of the selected labor policies by income group.................. 30 Tables Table 1. Social assistance measures........................................................................................................................ 5 Table 2. Social insurance programs ........................................................................................................................ 6 Table 3. Active labor market programs and labor regulations................................................................................ 6 Table 4. State in social assistance implementation ................................................................................................. 6 Table 5. Adaptation of cash transfer programs ....................................................................................................... 7 Table 6. Number of social assistance and cash transfers beneficiaries (planned and actual) ............................... 10 Table 7. Spending by social protection component, region and country income group (USD) ........................... 16 3 1. Tracking social protection responses This 15th edition of living paper on global social protection responses to Covid-19 presents a rich set of updates. Since the last edition in December 2020, the underlying dataset has been expanded significantly, including through an augmented capacity for data collection, the enrichment in the type and depth of variables examined, and the integration of further supply-side labor market measures. Also, the accompanying public Excel database has been revamped to accommodate and make available the larger volume of data. Moreover, this version comprises two special features on innovations and practices in social assistance delivery and labor market interventions. These are presented in the paper’s section 2 and 3, respectively. As in previous editions, the analysis is preliminary and being continuously updated to reflect the fluid state in social protection responses. There has been an exponential growth in social protection measures since the last edition. The updated database shows that between March 20, 2020 and May 14, 2021, a total of 3,333 social protection measures have been planned or implemented in 222 countries or territories (figure 1). This represents an increase of nearly 148% since December 2020. While social assistance and insurance soared by about 120% and 110%, respectively, active labor market interventions surged by nearly 330%. This increase is due to both augmented recent country-level action and, as mentioned, enhanced data collection of experiences that might have begun in earlier periods. Figure 1. Evolution in number of countries/territories and social protection measures 250 3600 3333 222 212 215 3100 Number of countries/territories (bars) 195 200 200 190 181 2600 171 Number of measures (line) 159 151 2100 150 133 126 1600 106 1414 100 84 1055 1179 1100 1024 870 937 752 803 685 600 45 505 564 50 418 283 103 100 0 -400 20. Mar 27. Mar 3. April, 10. April 17. April 24. April 1. May 8. May 15. May 22. May 12. June 10. July 18. Sept 11. Dec 14. May (2020) (2020) 2020 (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2020) (2021) Most of social protection measures are provided as social assistance. These represent 55% of global programs and are the predominant form of support in all regions expect Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ECA), as well as high income countries (figure 2). In regions like South Asia and in low income countries, social assistance accounts for over 70% of social protection responses. Social insurance and active labor market programs range between 11% and nearly 30 % of the global portfolio. 4 Figure 2. Composition of social protection responses by components in regions and country income groups Social assistance Social insurance Labor market 100% 16% 11% 90% 21% 22% 18% 19% 19% 22% 24% 24% 24% 32% 29% 80% 14% 9% 11% 26% 16% 70% 18% 15% 23% 21% 20% 21% 60% 26% 29% 50% 40% 75% 65% 73% 30% 61% 63% 59% 66% 58% 55% 58% 55% 20% 39% 45% 10% 0% Among social assistance measures, cash transfers remain the premier instrument. A total of 734 cash-based measures have been planned or implemented in 186 countries. This estimate doesn’t include the recorded 48 social pension programs, which are present in 38 countries. Taken together, there are 782 cash transfer programs globally, which account for 42% of total social assistance and 23% of global social protection responses (table 1). In-kind vouchers and school feeding are also widespread, including a total of 320 measures. Furthermore, 38 public works programs are present in 29 countries, while waiving or postponing payments for utilities and other financial obligations are adopted in an astounding 701 cases across 181 countries. Table 1. Social assistance measures N. of N. of Social assistance measures measures countries Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) 734 186 Social pensions 48 38 In-kind food/voucher schemes 279 125 School feeding 41 33 Utility and financial obligation support waiver/postponement 701 181 Cash for Work 38 29 Total 1841 214 Moving to social insurance, our database includes an additional 384 measures since December. The most widely adopted are waived or subsidized social security contributions (245 programs), followed by unemployment benefits (172) and paid sick leave (134). Pensions-related measures are present in 77 cases, with some countries, like Ecuador, allowing for advance withdrawals of pensions. 5 Table 2. Social insurance programs N. of N. of Social insurance measures measures countries Paid sick leave 134 81 Healthcare insurance support 58 47 Pensions 77 50 Social security contribution waiver/subsidy 245 110 Unemployment benefits 172 97 Total 686 179 Active labor market programs and labor regulations have increased by a resounding 608 measures since the latest update. Currently, those programs are present 806 schemes in 178 countries (table 3). Wage subsidies are featuring in 244 cases (up from 122) across 120 countries; but the most prevalent measures have been labor regulation adjustments, the count of which rose from 34 to 313 cases. A total of 124 trainings and 125 cases of reduced work time complement the package of global labor market responses. More specific analysis on labor market programs will be presented in the paper’s section 3. Table 3. Active labor market programs and labor regulations Labor markets measures N. of N. of measures countries Wage subsidies 244 120 Training measures 124 76 Labor regulation 313 125 Shorter work time 125 75 Total 806 178 Zooming back into social assistance, most programs for which there is data are ongoing. Out of the 1,841 measures, data on whether programs are planned, ongoing or ended is available for nearly half of them, or 984 schemes. Most of these are under implementation (512 programs), while 37% are concluded. Only about 11% are being planned or announced and not yet started (table 4). Table 4. State in social assistance implementation Planned Ongoing Ended Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) 45 241 189 Social pensions 4 14 9 In-kind food/voucher schemes 17 68 44 School feeding 1 9 6 Utility and financial obligation support waiver/postponement 39 170 112 Cash for Work 2 10 4 Total 108 512 364 Cash transfer programs are relatively generous. In a sample of 125 countries with available data, the average transfer size represents 31% of monthly GDP per capita, ranging from 18% in North America to 52% in Sub Saharan Africa. Among the highest country-level rates are low income countries like Burkina Faso (290%), Afghanistan (176%), Sierra Leone (175%) and Malawi (141%). For 24 programs with comparable pre- and post- Covid data on generosity, the analysis shows that the size transfers were increased by an average of 92% during the pandemic (figure 3). Figure 3. Generosity of cash transfer size relative to pre-Covid level 6 15% Tajikistan (Targeted Social Assistance Programme) 17% 18% Moldova (Families with children beenfit) 25% 29% Barbados (Household Survival Programme) 40% 50% Cameroon (Allocations Familiales (AF)) 61% 67% Angola (Child Value) 67% 92% Cook Island (School Closure Support) 100% 100% Uruguay (Tarjeta Uruguay Social) 100% 100% Turks and Caicos islands (Home-help Programme) 100% 100% Sierra Leone (Ep Fet Po cash transfer) 100% 100% Kosovo (Social assistance allowance) 100% 100% Russian Federation (Child Care Allowance) 100% 150% Mongolia (Child Money' Allowance) 400% 0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300% 350% 400% % increase in transfer size from pre-covid level Only a minority of cash transfer programs are being scaled up based on existing schemes. Out of the 734 cash transfer schemes, almost 69% are new programs and 29% are one-off interventions. The latter include 10 universal programs, with an eleventh (Tuvalu) that featured multiple payments. Administrative simplifications are being put in place in 36 programs across 29 countries, while payments have been advanced in 12 schemes in 11 countries (table 5). Table 5. Adaptation of cash transfer programs N. of N. of Action programs countries Vertical 115 68 Existing programs 61 47 Additional payment 54 31 Horizontal 544 172 Existing programs 35 26 New programs 509 166 one-off targeted 202 84 one-off universal 11 11 multiple payments universal 1 1 multiple payments targeted 295 142 Vertical and horizontal expansion 27 22 Administrative adaptations only 48 38 Admin simplification 36 29 Advanced payment 12 11 Total 734 186 7 The duration of cash transfers remains short, but longer than before. Information on the duration of cash transfer programs is available for 142 schemes. Among these, the duration ranges between 1 and 12 months, for an average of 4 months (figure 4). This represents an average increase by almost a month relative to the December 2020 estimate. For a subset of 79 cash transfer programs (or 10.4% of the cash transfers sample in 54 countries), information was recorded on program extension; put differently, there was no information available on possible extensions for 677 schemes. For 49 out of those 79 programs, information was available on exact duration of such extension, which was for an average 3.1 months. Figure 4. Duration of cash transfer programs 12 months 5 9 months 2 8 months 1 7 months 3 6 months 31 5 months 2 Average = 4 months 4 months 10 3 months 59 2 months 19 1 month 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Number of cash transfer schemes The specific state in implementation progress of cash transfer programs continues to be relatively encouraging. In December 2020, program-level data on planned (or announced) and actual beneficiaries (i.e., programs for which it is possible to record how far they are in the implementation phase) was available for 82 cases. In this edition, such analysis is expanded to 141 programs. For the top 50 programs ranked by planned coverage rates, the average percentage points difference between planned and actual coverage rates is 2.9 (figure 5). For the full sample of 141 programs, such difference is even lower, or 1.5 percentage points. In some cases, like Morocco, the actual cash transfers beneficiaries dwarfed initial plans 1. 1 In the case of Morocco, the Tadamon cash transfer program initially planned to target 3 million informal worker households (identified via leveraging the Ramed health insurance waiver database) and it was eventually extended to 5.5 million families. 8 Figure 5.Planned versus actual coverage rates for top 50 programs Japan (Universal one-off… 92.3% Tuvalu-(UBI) 100.0% Serbia (One-off universal) 88.5% Korea, Rep. (Universal one-off… 99.8% Israel (One-off universal) 97.4% Jersey-Spend local card 97.4% Bolivia-(BF, BCF and BU) 96.4% Timor-Leste (One-off universal) 96.1% El Salvador-Bonos de… 77.6% Hong Kong (Cash payout… 78.6% Singapore (One-off universal) 80.7% Peru-Bono Familiar Universal 61.4% Georgia-Covid childern one-… 76.7% Samoa-Cash transfer 73.2% Guatemala-Bono Familia 28.4% Philippines-Emergency Subsidy… 64.1% United States-First Economic… 48.7% Myanmar-COVID-19 Economic… 43.8% Pakistan-Ehssas 46.6% Tajikistan-One-time emergency… 45.0% Morocco-Tadamon 79.0% Brazil-Auxilio Emergencial 32.3% Turkey-Pandemic Social… 30.3% Namibia-Emergency Income… 34.8% Chile-Ingreso Familiar de… 35.2% Zimbabwe-Covid urban CT 2.8% Australia-Economic Support… 26.8% Planned coverage Actual coverage Malaysia-(BPN) Horizontal… 26.0% Angola-Kwenda 0.1% Sri Lanka-COVID-19 one-off CT… 23.4% Dominican Republic-Quedate… 22.3% Thailand-Rao Mai Ting Gun 22.0% Paraguay-Programa Pytyvõ 21.3% Colombia-Ingreso Solidario 21.6% Ecuador-Bono de Protección… 20.8% Argentina-Ingreso Familiar de… 19.7% Russian Federation-Child one-… 15.8% Kazakhstan-Covid CT 16.2% Congo, Rep.-Emergency cash… 17.6% Russian Federation-Child one-… 15.8% Indonesia-BLT Dana Desa 15.7% Cambodia-Covid CT 19.3% Togo-Novissi (Solidarity) UCT. 7.2% India-Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan… 15.1% Thailand-Farmer's assistance 10.7% Costa Rica-Bono Proteger 14.3% Tajikistan-Targeted Social… 13.9% Bangladesh-Covid cash… 8.8% South Africa-COVID 19 Social… 10.2% Haiti-Transfert en espèces… 2.8% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% Note: only actual rates are displayed to ease visualization 9 The global number of beneficiaries remains significant. The estimated global number of planned individual social assistance beneficiaries is 2.4 billion. This number includes people that benefited from both horizonal and vertical program expansion of cash and in-kind safety net programs. However, the actual number of beneficiaries – or those participating in programs for which reporting on implementation progress is available – is a little over 1.5 billion, or one-fifth of the world’s population (table 6). The number of planned and actual cash transfers beneficiaries is 1.8 and 1.5 billion, respectively. Again, these numbers refer to people benefiting from either expanded coverage or more generous transfers from existing cash transfer schemes. Our data also allows to estimate horizonal or coverage expansion only (i.e., not counting people only benefiting from vertical increases in transfer generosity): in this case, cash transfers reached a planned number of nearly 1.6 billion people and an actual level of over 1.3 billion people. In other words, almost 17% of the world’s population has been covered with at least one Covid-related cash transfer payment between 2020 and 2021. Table 6. Number of social assistance and cash transfers beneficiaries (planned and actual) Planned number of Actual number of Planned individuals as % of Actual number of individuals as % of number of the world’s individuals the world’s individuals population population Social assistance beneficiaries that 2,432,117,355 31.2 1,576,319,598 20.2 benefit from more coverage or more generous transfers Cash transfer beneficiaries that 1,821,603,382 23.4 1,521,988,132 19.5 benefit from more coverage or more generous transfers Cash transfer beneficiaries 1,588,863,273 20.4 1,314,560,852 16.8 covered In terms of number of people covered, select countries have attained impressive six-digit levels. Which were the cash transfer programs with highest scale up coverage levels? Figure 6 lays out the top 10 interventions with coverage expressed as millions of people. With over 206 million individuals covered, India’s Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) program is the largest Covid-related cash transfer scheme worldwide. Such program is followed by three cash transfer interventions all reaching over a hundred million people, namely the US first stimulus check (160 million), Japan’s one-off universal program reaching about (116.5), and Pakistan’s Ehsaas (100.9). 10 Figure 6. Top 10 cash transfer programs by actual coverage (million people) India (PMJDY) 206.5 United States (First stimulus check 2020) 160.0 Japan (Universal one-off transfer) 116.5 Pakistan (Ehssas emergency cash) 100.9 China (Dibao) 83.9 Philippines (Emergency subsidy program) 69.3 Brazil (AE) 68.2 Korea, Rep. (Universal one-off program) 51.6 Indonesia (BLT Dana Desa) 42.5 Indonesia (BST) 34.7 0 50 100 150 200 In terms of coverage as percentage of the population, the top-10 ranks are dominated by universal one-off programs often combining monetary and fiscal policy. As shown in figure 7, some of these schemes reached the full population (e.g., Israel, Korea, and Japan); others, instead, opted for near-universal variants with modular design (e.g., Singapore having differentiated payments) or reaching only adult populations (e.g., Hong-Kong and Serbia). Tuvalu was, as mentioned, the only case where temporary universal transfers were delivered in multiple payments. Morocco and El Salvador reached nearly 80% of the population not by universalizing transfers, but by supporting informal sector workers specifically. It should be noted that in April 2021, Mongolia announced a one-time cash transfer of $105 for every citizen (including those residing abroad): at the time of preparing this global update, information on actual disbursements of such transfer couldn’t be corroborated. Hence, it’s likely that the country may appear in the top 10 list in the next update. Figure 7. Top 10 cash transfer programs by actual coverage (% population) Tuvalu (UBI) 100% Korea, Rep. (One-off program universal) 100% Israel (One-off universal) 97% Timor-Leste (One-off universal) 96% Japan (One-off universal ) 92% Serbia (One-off universal for adults) 88% Singapore (One-off universal for adults) 81% Morocco (Tadamon) 79% Hong Kong (One-off universal for adults) 79% El Salvador (Bonos de compensación) 78% 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% 11 Interestingly, there were also more localized universal approaches. In Korea, all residents of the Gyeonggi province were eligible to receive about $90 as part of the second round of coronavirus relief payments. The transfer is directly deposited into the applicant’s credit card account or issued in the form of a local currency card to be spent within a three-month period. Similarly, Jersey, one of the Channel Islands between England and France, distributed “Spend Local Cards” to its 105,000 inhabitants. The rate at which cash transfers have been scale up relative to pre-Covid coverage levels remains high. For 36 countries with comparable data, the average scale up rate between pre and post-Covid coverage is 249% (figure 8) 2. This doesn’t include 15 countries (mostly low income and fragile states) for which rates were over 1000% due to low pre-Covid coverage rates 3. For example, latest available pre-covid data for Angola showed that about 5,800 beneficiaries were covered by cash transfers – a number that increased to over 7.7 million in the aftermath of Covid; similarly, Togo’s coverage increased from about 12,000 before the pandemic to over 1.8 million during it; and in Madagascar, coverage rose from 192,000 to about 2 million individuals. Figure 8. Scale up rates of cash transfers relative to pre-Covid level Serbia 791% Jordan 752% Peru 704% Morocco 679% Tunisia 662% Rwanda 654% Nigeria 642% Mali 598% Guinea 297% Pakistan 281% Philippines 271% Average 249% Costa Rica 248% Kenya 211% Lesotho 168% Colombia 160% Turkey 159% Paraguay 149% Brazil 149% Bangladesh 148% Cabo Verde 144% Argentina 132% Indonesia 107% Sri Lanka 83% West Bank and Gaza 77% Malaysia 62% Russian federation 58% Ecuador 52% Egypt, Arab Rep. 50% Dominican Republic 43% South Africa 40% North Macedonia 40% Kazakhstan 38% Panama 38% Honduras 29% Azerbaijan 17% 0% 100% 200% 300% 400% 500% 600% 700% 800% 2 The estimate assumes that pre-Covid programs maintained a level of functionality also during Covid, hence representing a baseline against which the Covid-specific assistance scale up is calculated. 3 Such countries were South Sudan, Madagascar, Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Liberia, the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Côte d'Ivoire, Zimbabwe, Myanmar, Togo, Mauritania, Angola and El Salvador. Pre-Covid data is provided by the World Bank ASPIRE database. 12 The scale up of cash transfers was in many ways uneven across countries. For instance, among the 129 countries with actual coverage rates, less than one-fifth (19%) of them reached more than one-third of the population. In fact, the average actual coverage rates for cash transfers in low income countries is about 4.5% of the population, or about 4 and 6 times lower than the average rate for middle (19.3%) and high-income countries (26.7%). In fact, only one low income country (Tajikistan) appears in the top 50 rank of countries by actual coverage rates. Coverage expansion appears to display a negative relationship with poverty. Figure 9 plots the level of poverty as measured by the $1.9/day international poverty line and cash transfers coverage for 77 countries. While the correlation coefficient is low, the figure may be illustrative of the overall direction 4. Figure 9. Poverty and cash transfers coverage 80% MDG 70% MOZ 60% Poverty as % of population ($1.9/day) 50% AGO RWA LBR TGO SLE NER 40% NGA COG KEN 30% ZWE LSO HTI CIV GIN 20% ZAF COM TLS HND FSM NAM BLZ 10% IND R² = 0.1054 MRT BGD GTM LCA MKD EGY ECU IDNBRA COL PHL GEO BOL VNM MEX CPV JAMCRI ARG PAK TJK 0% ITA BGR MNE PRT MLT UKR GRC BTN DZA TTO CHNLBN KAZ PRYTUN LKA DOMJORTUR RUS MYS MMR USA THA CHL WSM SLV MAR SRB JPN KOR ISR 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Covid-related cash transfers coverage Relatedly, programs tend to be scaled up slightly more widely in countries with better delivery capabilities. The left graph of figure 10 shows that that among 38 countries with data available for both coverage of social registries and actual cash transfers, there is a mild relationship between the two variables. A similar, although stronger association is observed in the right graph of the figure: this includes information for 55 countries with data on cash transfers coverage and the composite JAM index (which combines information on ID, mobile phones and bank accounts). 4 Poverty data is from World Bank’s PovCal Net. Comparative analysis adopting the $3.2 poverty line across countries as well as using differentiated international poverty lines by country income groups yields similar results to those of figure 9. 13 Figure 10. Cash transfers coverage versus social registry coverage (left) and JAM score (right) 100% 100% BOL BOL ISR SRB MAR GEO MAR SGP SLV SLV GEO 75% 75% Cash transfers coverage PHL TJK 50% CHL 50% CHL PAK CHL MMR THA R² = 0.088 COL NAM RUS BRA BRA IDN TUR R² = 0.0113 IDN TUR JOR GTM 25% 25% LKA MYS DOM TUN ECU ARG TUN DOM PRY COG KHM ARG ECU CRI KAZINDCRI COMJAM ZAF LBN ZAF TGO MOZ LSO BGD LBN CHN KEN CPV RWA TGO CHN TTO MDG MRT EGY MRTRWA GRC KEN SLE HTI ZWE CIV HND BLZ HTICIV EGYZWE HND 0% MKD UKR GIN BGR UKR 0% MEX VNM MNE 0 50 100 140 190 240 290 340 Social registry coverage JAM index Note: social registry coverage is from World Bank data; JAM coefficients are from CGD. Total spending on social protection increased by nearly 270% since December 2020. A total of over $2.9 trillion have been devoted to those programs, which represents about 3% of global GDP in 2021 5. This is a conservative estimate since information on spending is available for about 15% of social protection measures in the database. Such unprecedented level of social protection investment is 4.5 times higher than spending in the sector over the great recession of 2008-09 (figure 11, left graph), and claims about 18% of global stimulus packages (pie chart on the right). 5 Global GDP for 2021 is projected to be $93.9 trillion (IMF, WEO 2021). Since most of the expenditure amounts were reported in local currency units (LCU), the IMF International Financial Statistics (IFS) database was used for latest exchange rates (December 2020) for conversion into LCU. For countries where the IFS database didn’t have data, the UN Treasury’s Operational Rates of Exchange database was used for identifying December 2020 rates (these were applied to Cuba, Greenland, Guinea, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Somalia, Syrian, Turkmenistan, and Venezuela). 14 Figure 11. Social protection spending in Covid and great recession (left) and as % of global stimuli (right) 3,500 2,942 3,000 18% 2,500 2,000 $ billion 1,500 Other 1,000 global 653 fiscal spending 500 82% - Great Recession (2008- Covid-19 09) Source: for 2008-09 data, see Almenfi et al (2020) 6; for global stimulus data, see IMF Fiscal Monitor (April 2021) While global average per capita spending is $345, significant heterogeneity exists within country income groups. Global social protection spending is largely driven by the Unites States, which accounts for 65% of global spending in the sector. In high income countries, spending can be as high as $8,496 (Sweden), while in upper middle-income countries it can reach $2,381 (Saint Lucia) (figure 12). Those estimates will keep being refined as more spending data becomes available. Figure 12. Social protection per capita spending across country income groups 10,000 8,496 8,496 8,000 6,000 Average 4,000 2,381 369 2,000 847 30 156 345 15 0.41 4 0.01 0.06 0.01 - 0.05 HIC (n=53) LIC (n=17) LMIC (n=35) UMIC (n=46) Global (n=156) About 58% of global social protection spending is devoted to social assistance ($1.7 trillion). Yet the gulf between per capita expenditures in low- and high-income countries has widened since December 2020: in the latter countries, people receive an average of $874 per capita, while in the former it remains at around $4 per 6 Almenfi, M., Breton, M., Dale, P., Gentilini, U., Pick, A., and Richardson, D. (2020) “Where is the money coming from? Ten stylized facts on financing social protection responses to COVID-19”. OECD, UNICEF and World Bank: on-Financing-Social-Protection-Responses-to-COVID-19.pdf. 15 person. From a regional standpoint, per capita spending in North America is 249 times higher than spending in South Asia. Table 7. Spending by social protection component, region and country income group (USD) Total spending Spending pc Countries Social assistance Social insurance Labor markets (USD) (average $/capita) HIC (n=53) 1,649,931,627,595 649,681,359,808 263,815,982,800 2,563,428,970,204 847 LIC (n=17) 1,313,743,655 12,239,210 1,325,982,864 4 LMIC (n=35) 8,533,105,616 886,751,359 1,471,655,886 10,891,512,860 30 UMIC (n=46) 69,726,870,521 286,543,675,050 10,424,983,757 366,695,529,329 156 AFR (n=33) 2,251,538,894 3,533,914,023 219,819,267 6,005,272,184 28 EAP (n=25) 198,473,318,506 268,314,350,605 19,145,025,178 485,932,694,289 369 ECA (n=37) 90,702,999,635 52,205,643,330 193,532,254,059 336,440,897,024 629 LAC (n=36) 49,143,937,168 13,057,599,560 1,138,505,628 63,340,042,356 239 MENA (n=13) 8,805,336,575 1,993,289,589 4,125,986,914 14,924,613,078 161 N. America 1,376,080,897,714 597,904,186,943 56,973,647,966 2,030,958,732,623 4,253 (n=2) SAR (n=5) 4,047,318,896 102,802,166 589,622,642 4,739,743,704 17 Total (n=151) 1,729,505,347,387 937,111,786,217 275,724,861,653 2,942,341,995,257 $345 On average, countries spent an average of 2% of GDP on social protection. The top 5 high income countries by level of social protection spending were Sweden (16% of GDP), Poland (10%), Slovak Republic (9%), the United States (9%) and Aruba (6%). Among the top upper middle-income countries are Saint Lucia (26% of GDP), Serbia (9%), Malaysia (6%), Belize (5%), and Kosovo (4%). The highest level of spending in lower middle-income countries is observed in Mongolia (8% of GDP), Zimbabwe (5%), Bolivia (3%), Pakistan (1.2%), and with a range of others spending 1% of GDP. Finally, among low income countries spending is particularly high in Afghanistan (3% of GDP), Chad (2%), and Somalia, Niger, and South Sudan (all at 1% of GDP). 2. Delivery of social assistance Digging further into delivery-related issues, as mentioned at the beginning of the paper this edition benefitted from a richer set of data and variables collected. One such domain, which was pursued in collaboration with the cross-Global Practice G2Px Initiative at the World Bank, included information on registration and payment methods. The ensuing discussion first focuses on those two thematic areas. There were essentially four ways to find and enroll new beneficiaries, the first of which was to simply add households to the list from an existing social registry. Brazil and Indonesia expanded their lists quickly by adding all those households already in their databases of potential beneficiaries. Sri Lanka included all those households on waiting lists before the pandemic. Some countries refined this approach and applied criteria such as checking that the person did not work in the formal sector. Argentina and Peru were among the countries able to check this by comparing social registry and social insurance databases. In Pakistan, where social insurance coverage is very low, the filters included having a public sector worker in the household, vehicle and property ownership and the amount spent on telephone bills. This approach was most useful when the social registry covered a large part of the population and the information on households was up to date. Problems arose with some of the more outdated and static registries leading to attempts to supplement or update the data. Ecuador supplemented its incomplete social registry with geographic targeting using census data combined with mobile phone usage data. In the case of the Philippines, while coverage was high, data had not been refreshed in more than four years and as a result could not be used for the cash transfer expansion. Federated social registries, where information is pulled from different databases that tend to be updated more frequently, as in the case of Egypt and Turkey, are more agile in this regard. 16 In lieu of a social registry, some countries tapped alternative sources of administrative data. Togo used a recently generated voter database that covered 95 percent of adults and happened to include information on occupation which the government used for targeting informal sector workers. Guatemala relied on electricity consumption data. India used data on more than 200 million low income women for whom bank accounts had been opened in a financial inclusion drive. Namibia relied on the civil registry and checked against income tax records. Many countries moved quickly by using on-line applications. By cross-referencing with other administrative datasets and existing beneficiary rolls, countries using on-line applications typically filtered out formal sector workers and those already receiving benefits from other programs. In spring of 2020, Thailand approved around 23 million applications from informal sector workers and farmers – more than half of the working age population. Within a few weeks, more than 6 million on-line benefit applications were validated in South Africa 7. Brazil registered about 27 million households in a matter of weeks through its on-line process. Collection of new data by local government officials took place in at least 11 countries in 2020 and are ongoing in several more. Data poor countries with weak identification systems were forced to collect information manually. This was almost always done by local governments. Examples include Bangladesh, Madagascar and Myanmar, countries where social registries did not exist and where administrative data are scarce 8. The Philippines is a middle- income country example which due to the lack of updating of its social registry, or mechanisms to allow potential beneficiaries to apply to be included or to update their status, was compelled to use local government officials to collect data from millions of households. Clearly it is not ideal to have to collect data through physical interaction with households in the midst of the pandemic. In addition, most of the cases that involved collecting new data took place in countries where identification systems are weak or have limited coverage. This meant that it was difficult or impossible to limit duplicate payments or cross-check information against other databases to apply filters for eligibility criteria. Box 1 describes the process in Timor-Leste. It was a rare case where manual data collection efforts could leverage the digital electoral ID allowing basic filtering of formal sector workers (box 1). Box 1. Data collection in Timor-Leste In April 2020, the Government called on the Ministry of State Administration (MSA) to request village heads to update an existing list of all Timorese national household heads, including both electoral ID numbers and the family ID. In May, this list was sent to the Ministry of Social Solidarity and Inclusion (MSSI) to cross check with the social security agency using the electoral ID to exclude recipients of the wage subsidy and households earning above a combined $500 per month. Additional screening of the electoral ID was done to identify internally inconsistent ID numbers (not enough numbers or incorrect format) and exclude duplicates. The finalized list contained 318,000 household heads across all villages in 13 municipalities. Ultimately, transfers were practically universal and completed by the end of June. Some countries combined more than one method to scale up their social assistance programs. Brazil and Indonesia both expanded coverage to all households in their social registries and then added millions of beneficiaries using on-line applications. Indonesia also used village officials for a third program. Cambodia used the social registry and then expanded the list during the crisis with commune officials collecting data for new beneficiaries. Figure 13 below shows the number of countries that used one or more of the four methods of horizontal expansion where data were available. The last bar shows that three-fourth of the countries here used 7 However, it too several months to sort through the remaining applications. 8 Another example is Haiti although data collection is being contracted out. 17 digital infrastructure and databases – including social registries, on-line applications or other existing databases – to onboard new beneficiaries. Figure 13. Registration method for horizontal expansions in 2020, 48 countries 40 36 35 30 Number of countries 24 25 20 15 11 10 10 5 5 0 local government social registry application other existing database any digital Note: Brazil and Indonesia are counted as multiple modalities Countries that could leverage strong identification systems and query administrative data covering a large part of the population were arguably in a better position to quickly determine to whom cash transfers should be directed. Indeed, the countries that implemented in 2020 tend to have a higher proportion of the population in one of the social protection databases. Differently from figure 10 that included only cash transfers, figure 14 represents the higher of the sum of estimated coverage of social assistance and insurance programs. Figure 14. More social protection data is associated with higher COVID-19 cash transfer coverage Note: The indicator is derived from FINDEX (2017) data on proxies for formal sector workers and social assistance beneficiaries and pension recipients. Social registry coverage is from World Bank data. 18 The share of the population covered by cash transfers in the countries that did manage to implement varied widely. Some of this variation might be explained by the available digital assets and population coverage which is slightly higher for countries that were able to harness pre-existing databases. There are, however, other important factors that would be expected to affect the desired scope of the expansion including the magnitude of the economic impact of the pandemic, the scope of social insurance responses or other forms of assistance such as food. In Uruguay, for example, a large part of the response came through the social insurance scheme as well as food distribution. More than the scale of coverage, the availability of data may have affected the accuracy of the registration process. Countries that relied on manual processes are more likely to have had errors and fewer controls for fraud. In Bangladesh for example, the roll out was severely delayed and the original target of 5 million households was never reached - likely due to problems with data collected by local officials. Survey data for Myanmar suggest that transfers were delayed and poorly targeted. In the Philippines, the government’s early estimation suggests that at least six percent of beneficiaries were duplicates. 9 Countries using existing databases also experienced problems. The digital application process could pose challenges for those without smart phones or internet connections. 10 In some cases, there may have been insufficient communication; in India, where payments reached the accounts of millions of women within a few weeks, a significant number were apparently not aware of the payments. In addition, there were problems with deficiencies in the databases used for checking eligibility criteria. In Argentina, the inability to link individuals with households appears to have resulted in millions of payments to individuals that should have been ineligible. Nevertheless, the advantages of having a digital audit trail should not be underestimated. In the coming months, research using household survey data will shed light on these questions. The dearth of data has led some countries to innovate. The ubiquity of mobile telephony and access to satellite imagery may allow data-poor countries to move more quickly. In 2021, several African governments will use these technologies to register new beneficiaries. In Nigeria, a new targeting method is based on census data and high-resolution satellite imagery using machine learning algorithms to identify the location and sizes of dwellings. Combined with wealth data from the National Social Safety Net Coordinating Office (NASSCO) this allows for a mapping of the poorest urban areas as shown in figure 15 below. Payments to 3 million households are scheduled to begin in April 2021. Figure 15. Relative wealth of urban areas in Nigeria 9 10 There is anecdotal evidence of this in the case of Thailand, for example. 19 Phone record and satellite data are being leveraged to select new beneficiaries across several countries. Togo is seeking to improve on its early success in scaling up transfers using new technologies. After selecting the poorest 100 cantons, 57 thousand households are being enrolled having been selected based on satellite and phone record data using machine learning algorithms. When tested, the accuracy of this approach compared favorably to other feasible approaches including the previous occupation-based criteria. The Democratic Republic of Congo is currently enrolling 250 thousand households selected based on Call Detail Records (CDR) combined with geographic targeting. Malawi used satellite imagery combined with local government data collection in urban areas and made cash transfers to close 35 percent of the urban population. In the coming months, survey results will shed light on how implementation processes may have affected (or not affected) the impact of the social protection response to date. What is clear however, is that the ability to respond effectively hinges on having timely and accurate data about individuals and households. The massive impact of the pandemic has laid bare the gaps in existing systems and increased awareness as to the importance of having information on the entire population. A strong foundation is a digital identification system upon which various functional registries – civil, social insurance, tax, property and others – can be built. New data sources such as CDRs and satellite images may be useful especially when combined with traditional databases. The increasing use of individual-level data across sources can pose data privacy risks. The precision with which social programs can be targeted increases with the granularity of the data that is available to governments and their ability to link them. The potential accuracy of targeting using CDR data, for example, decreases the more aggregated the information used and therefore the higher the degree of personal data protection. Similarly, the ability to link personal data from many different sources through a common identifier can improve targeting and reduce fraud but can compromise privacy and allow surveillance. Traditional social registries that collect dozens of variables are potentially even more problematic since they aggregate personal data by design. A delicate balance between assessing needs and conditions of households and protecting their rights and privacy will have to be addressed through new technological and legal safeguards. While international standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) exist, certain elements may be difficult to implement in many countries and situations. For example, in the context of emergency relief, the concept of consent is suspect. In terms of emerging delivery lessons, the pandemic has highlighted the key role that digital assets can play in scaling up social assistance programs. The countries that were able to scale up using existing data were those that went into the pandemic with data about a large share of their population. The key administrative databases were social assistance beneficiaries, social insurance, social registries and digital national and electoral IDs. Many countries that did not have these assets were unable to implement. Those that were still able to scale up faced greater challenges than they would have otherwise. This has led some countries to expedite the introduction of identification systems (e.g., Philippines) or to consider permanent increases to social registry coverage (Cambodia). Countries that were able to link various databases effectively (e.g., Thailand) may now consider transitioning to a federated social registry model. The innovative targeting approaches employed in the past year will need to be assessed not only on its effectiveness but also with data privacy in mind. The innovative uses of satellite and mobile phone data for targeting are about to be tested. The jury is still out as to whether they will be effective and if so, how they complement other traditional targeting methods. Whether census sweep based social registries or machine learning algorithms using CDR, any targeting approach that uses personal data of some form raises questions of privacy and consent. The effectiveness of the different approaches is yet to be studied, but accurate and current individual data will be crucial to the successful implementation of any approach. The unprecedented scaling up of social 20 assistance in 2020-2021 is just beginning to be studied as household survey data are accumulating across countries. These data will reveal the impact of the four different approaches used by countries and, by implication, the value of the digital assets that enable them. What is already clear however, is that any response that involves cash transfers paid to individuals and households will require accurate information about their current condition. Across many developing countries, social assistance programs that were implemented or scaled up in response to the COVID-19 crisis have been leveraging digital payment methods. Across developing countries, at least 155 programs in 58 countries have leveraged digital payments for the delivery of at least one of their new or expanded social assistance programs in response to Covid (figure 16). These include those using accounts – both traditional/bank and mobile money accounts – as well as non-account based digital methods such as one-time passwords (OTPs) and tokens. Among the developing countries analyzed, 41 are using more than one payment method to deliver social assistance payments, either because the approach varies across different regions/populations, or because the payment method varies across programs within the same country. Among countries leveraging digital payments, at least 89 programs across 36 countries have used fully functional accounts (which allow beneficiaries to save or make transactions beyond cashing-out) either as the sole payment method leveraged or in conjunction with others. 34 programs across 15 countries also leveraged accounts but limited the way in which they could be used. For example, in Paraguay, beneficiaries received payment via newly created mobile money accounts, yet the limited functionality of these accounts did not allow recipients to use the wallet to save or make transfers. Beneficiaries could only use Unique-Code based payments to cash-out and make purchases. Moreover, while account-based transfers were highly leveraged for the global delivery of Covid response programs at least 55 programs across 35 countries (or 60% of developing countries included in this analysis) continued to implement manual payment methods (cash, cheques or physical vouchers). This indicates heavy reliance on manual delivery methods and an opportunity to transition future programs to account-based transfers to unlock further financial inclusion and empowerment outcomes. 21 Figure 16. Payment methods used in COVID-response social assistance programs across a subset of 58 low- and middle-income countries 11 Number of countries Note: this analysis is based on a subset of LMIC countries where payment method information was available, representing 43% of all LMIC included in the companion dataset. This analysis is likely skewed towards countries with more advanced ecosystems where data on program payment method is more publicly available. Countries can have more than one payment method. Fully functional accounts include those where the benefit is transferred to an account on the recipient’s name from which they can withdraw money, make payments or transfers, and deposit money. Limited purpose accounts are those where the benefit is transferred to a recipient’s account that can only be used for a specific purpose. It either has restricted access to the account or use of funds, or limitations on how long funds can be stored in the account. The beneficiary cannot deposit money into the account, and in some cases is unable to make purchases using an associated payment instrument. Electronic non-account based payments include those where the beneficiary accesses their benefit using a unique-code, one-time-password, single use pre-paid cards or biometric authentication (without an associated account). There are regional trends on payment method choice. The analysis of payment methods across 155 programs in 58 developing countries shows the predominant digital payment method varies across regions. In particular, among countries who adopted account-based payments, those in Sub-Saharan Africa were more likely to leverage mobile money accounts while countries in Latin America and South Asia leveraged traditional bank accounts more heavily (either on its own or in addition to other payment methods). Countries that decided to use digital payments are likely to achieve a more efficient delivery of their social assistance payments. Implementing agencies have been able to harness digital payments to improve efficiency, speed, and transparency of cash transfers, while also minimizing health risks that are highest with in-person 11 Based on data for 58 low- and middle-income countries who reported payment mechanism data. This sample is very likely skewed towards countries where this information is more readily available, and therefore likely have more advanced G2P systems. Manual payments include cash, cheques and physical vouchers. Countries include Tonga, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Myanmar, Micronesia, Indonesia, Fiji, Thailand, the Philippines, Mongolia, Malaysia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Dominica, Haiti, Jamaica, Brazil, Guatemala, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Bolivia, Honduras, Argentina, El Salvador, Egypt, Iran, Algeria, Djibouti, Jordan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Mauritania, Angola, Congo, Rep., Cabo Verde, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Mozambique, Benin, Guinea, Liberia, Malawi, Madagascar, South Africa, Niger, Rwanda, Kenya, Togo, Lesotho, Uganda, Somalia. 22 manual distribution of payments 12. In countries with a sufficiently developed network of financial access points, digital payments reduced the cash transfer delivery costs by eliminating the costs of distributing physical cash across the country. Furthermore, electronic disbursement of funds leveraging the National Payments Systems, allowed agencies to trace funds and ensure its timely and accurate delivery. Moreover, in several cases, the information collected from the program registration process was leveraged to onboard beneficiaries to the digital payment method, thus creating further efficiencies. Countries like Peru, Colombia, and Thailand were able to leverage their online program registration platforms to collect account information, while others such as Jordan, Togo and Brazil used their digital platforms to facilitate account opening for beneficiaries without an account. This digital data exchange (leveraging strong identification systems) in conjunction with simplifying know-your- customer (KYC) requirements in several countries, facilitated and enabled remote account opening, thus minimizing health risks. Finally, accounts that are in the name of the beneficiary provide an additional layer of assurance that payments are going to intended beneficiary, minimizing leakages and ghost recipients. Many countries that had not digitized G2P payments prior to the pandemic used digital payments for COVID-response programs not only for its efficiency and convenience, but also to advance financial inclusion. Many authorities in addition to leveraging the existing digital payments ecosystem to deliver the emergency transfers with the objective of making contactless deliveries of funds, used this opportunity to achieve deeper financial inclusion. In this context, in Jordan the number of active e-wallets doubled in 4 months, reaching 1 million users; in Paraguay more than 1.5 million wallets were created to receive social protection payments; in Brazil, close to 70 million beneficiaries received aid through the Auxílio Emergencial program (Box YY), for which the government set up a digital savings account with digital access channels to use the funds. It is estimated that 40% of beneficiaries did not have an account before the pandemic. In Colombia, the Ingreso Solidario program delivered aid to close to 3 million direct beneficiaries by depositing funds in accounts held by e-money providers, in this case close to 1 million beneficiaries did not have an account before the pandemic and in Argentina it is estimated that the recent opening of more than 1 million universal free accounts was related to the obligation of having a bank account to receive aid from the Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia program (box 2). In the Philippines, government aimed to transfer the second disbursement of the social amelioration program through a bank account or mobile wallet for close to 11 million beneficiary households (out of 14 million) including 4 million existing conditional cash transfer beneficiaries receiving disbursement in their usual account. To this end, many new accounts or mobile wallets were opened at six financial service providers partnering with the government. However, due to data accuracy issues, a large share of digital payments transactions failed and beneficiaries had to receive payments through physical cash delivery. Box 2. Social protection, innovation in payments and financial inclusion On April 3rd, 2020, the Brazilian government launched the emergency aid program to assist vulnerable families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since its launch an up through February 2021, close to 68 million beneficiaries received the emergency aid, and a total of 536 million payments were disbursed to these beneficiaries. The program was disbursed through a newly created digital social savings account that could be opened and operated through an app called Caixa TEM, which was launched on April 14th, 2020. The digital social savings account features free transactions such as two ATM withdrawals per month, three monthly transfers to other banks, unlimited transfers within Caixa accounts, and two monthly account statements. Up through December 2020, the app had 309 million downloads, and both the app and the digital social savings account were used to deliver other social protection programs besides the emergency aid, including the retirement of the severance indemnity funds, the emergency benefit – paid to formal workers - and the salary bonus, which in total account for more than 121 million beneficiaries. Up until December 2020, more than 105 million digital social savings accounts were opened. More than 35 million unbanked customers gained access to the digital social savings account, which is operated through the app Caixa TEM. The Caixa TEM app includes functionalities such as digital cards, QR payments and payments through PIX - the Fast Payments System launched by the Central Bank of Brazil in November 2020. PIX allow Person-to-Person transfers and merchant payments in 12 For example, McKinsey found from a small sample of 12 support programs across 7 countries that leveraging digital payments infrastructure, in addition to digital ID and data governance and exchange mechanisms, likely led to potential efficiency and effectiveness gains including process streamlining and easier reconciliation. 23 real-time on a 24/7 basis. In its first phase, PIX will leverage QR codes, and in a second phase it will deploy contactless payments through NFC technology. To use PIX’s functionalities, payers and payees must register their account in order to assign an alias or proxy to such account. The alias, called PIX key, can be a phone number or an email address and helps to eliminate frictions in the payment process as it allows to easily identify the sender and the recipient of a transaction. Transactions through PIX are currently free of charge for individuals, which will increase the potential to encourage beneficiaries of social programs to continue using the digital savings account once the emergency social protection programs are finalized. Until December 2020, PIX has registered more than 134 million accounts or PIX keys. Of those accounts, close to 27 million were registered by Caixa and half of them registered through the Caixa TEM app. The Caixa TEM app is widely used and in 2020, 28% of all transactions through different access channels provided by Caixa were done through Caixa TEM. Furthermore, the app topped the rank of finance apps where users spent more hours and surpassed other popular apps such as those provided by Nubank and Inter Bank. Source: Caixa and App Annie However, not all digital payments used for G2P delivery provided a gateway to deeper financial inclusion. Unique-code based payments 13 were leveraged by some countries that were lacking essential enablers, such as the ability to conduct remote account onboarding, but still wanted to gain some of the efficiencies of delivering payments digitally. This payment method allows for simplified delivery with no onboarding needed, as an account is not created. Instead, a One-Time Password or a single use code is either delivered or requested by the beneficiary and can be used to carry-out purchases or withdraw cash at merchants or ATMs. As these payments are not linked to an account this method does not provide a gateway to other financial services such as savings, transfers and digital payments which can deepen financial inclusion and improve beneficiaries’ welfare. Among the 58 developing countries analyzed, at least 15 countries reported leveraging these electronic non-account-based methods, including Peru, Sierra Leone and Guatemala, among others. While these methods don’t currently expand financial inclusion, if the program incorporates strategies to facilitate opening and linking of accounts, it is possible to leverage the unique-code based payments to become a pathway to receiving transfers directly into an account. For example, a recipient can receive a unique-code based payment into her phone and choose to either cash it out or upload it to her wallet or bank account. Even in some countries where account-based digital payments were employed, the benefits recipients could get from this financial access were limited by the underdeveloped payment ecosystem. For instance, in countries with lower electronic payments acceptance among merchants, such as Jordan, beneficiaries received their payments through mobile wallets but in general were only able to use them to withdraw cash, as opposed to making digital transactions or purchases. Most merchants did not accept this mobile wallet as a payment instrument and some payment service providers (PSPs) in Jordan offered very limited functionality for recipients who only had a feature-phone. As a result, beneficiaries that did not have access to smartphones or mobile internet could only access the limited services offered over SMS such as cash-outs, missing out on additional services like merchant payments or Person-to-Person transfers. The rapid digitization of G2P payments across developing countries in the past year provides important lessons to improve the approach and supporting ecosystem to scale up digital payments that achieve development outcomes. The Covid response provides an opportunity for authorities and payments service providers to analyze the outcomes and impact of the payment methods used and to incorporate the lessons into future iterations of digital G2P payments. Authorities and private stakeholders must measure how the delivery mechanism impacted the beneficiaries, the government, and the market. Taking stock of the lessons learned, 13 Unique-Code based payments are payment mechanisms, that enable the recipient to use a unique code sent by the program administrator of their agent for every disbursement cycle to access funds. These funds are typically held in the aggregate at designated financial institutions and the code merely entitles the recipient to a pre-allocated amount. The code can be communicated in various ways including but not limited to a one-time password (OTP) sent by SMS and in some cases can also be generated by the recipient by accessing a particular system or app. Some providers now allow the recipient to direct the pre-allocated funds to an account of their choice instead of withdrawing the funds. Typically, the recipient uses the traditional access points (i.e. ATMs, Points-Of-Sale) to access the funds. 24 including through recipient-centric research, is key to tailor and improve the payment method before replicating across other social protection programs or other government payment streams. PSP choice can be especially important in low interoperability contexts. In ecosystems lacking interoperability, beneficiaries’ choice of payment services provider and payment mechanism could have helped alleviate some of the challenges of G2P delivery through digital payments. While at least 41 programs across 23 countries analyzed delivered payments using more than one payment mechanism, very few programs actually gave a choice to beneficiaries to select the payment mechanism or provider. For example, Colombia distributed payments to a pre-defined set of PSPs from which a beneficiary was assigned one; the program did not allow beneficiaries to choose among the providers. In more advanced ecosystems where there is high interoperability between payment services, a lack of choice may just mean having to pay a higher fee for using the closest cash- out services from a different PSPs from the one in the program. However, in countries where cash-out and electronic payments acceptance networks are fragmented or interoperability is limited, lack of choice can have significant impact in the effectiveness of the programs, as beneficiaries are bound to a PSP which might not have appropriate access channels or cash-out networks near to their location. PSP business models must be sustainable. One important challenge governments will face when building from these efforts will be that these G2P emergency payments received broad support from the government and private stakeholders, with PSPs willing to waive fees to beneficiaries for using cash-out points and financial authorities applying temporary measures to promote the uptake of digital payments during the pandemic 14. For example, in Namibia, the private financial sector played an important role in facilitating the distribution of payments where they offered their services at no cost to both governments and beneficiaries. These arrangements are unlikely to provide a sustainable business model for payment service providers and their agent networks to expand and maintain the geographic reach and service level needed to bring convenience and added value to beneficiaries. Cash-out network liquidity is critical. Lack of electronic payments acceptance, financial literacy, and limited access to smartphones and internet connectivity (to use the apps and other digital channels provided by PSPs) limited digital transactions and created a strong need for leveraging cash-out networks, including ATMs and agent networks. However, in remote areas, where agent networks and ATMs are scarce, significant liquidity constraints hampered recipients’ ability to access the funds provided by some COVID-response programs. This resulted in some agents denying cash-out services and middlemen using this as an opportunity to charge beneficiaries for providing them with cash. In some cases, such as in emergency programs in Ecuador, Peru and Jordan, program authorities lacked visibility on the functioning of agent networks and were unable to assess whether the beneficiaries were able to access their transfers in a safe and efficient manner. This situation decreased the effectiveness of digital payments as a risk-reduction tool and hampered the beneficiaries’ convenience benefits, as beneficiaries overcrowded cash-out points or used public transportation to locate cash-out networks with sufficient liquidity. The expansion of financial access points for digital payments is necessary. A broad cash-out and electronic payments acceptance network is key for providing convenience to recipients. If beneficiaries aren’t able to use their accounts to safely make cash-less payments at the merchants they frequent, or if they have to travel long hours to reach a cash-out point, then the beneficiary won’t be able to truly benefit from being financially included. In order to expand these networks, agent and merchant acquiring regulations play a key role. These can include the ability of non-banks to hire agents, the existence of agent aggregators or similar players that can help pool 14 In Albania, Brunei, Egypt, Ghana, Indonesia, Kenya, Nepal, Philippines, Palestine, Pakistan, Portugal, Rwanda and Uganda authorities have withdrawn fees for using electronic payment services, such as electronic transfers and mobile money services. In Cameroon, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Uganda and Zambia private providers are waiving fees to users of mobile payments. Argentina waived fees for usage of ATMs. In Bahamas and Mexico, authorities facilitated electronic Know Your Customer (e-KYC) solutions for account opening, and in Europe the central banks raised contactless payments limits without the need of a Personal Identification Number. 25 individual agents, as well as the requirements to open accounts for agents and merchants. For the latter, remote and Electronic Know-Your-Customer (eKYC) regulations can create a more enabling environment 15. This could facilitate the rapid onboarding of merchants and agents, and expand the access points available for beneficiaries, allowing them to use digital payments to transact and reduce the need to cash-out funds. Financial products and services must be developed with G2P beneficiaries in mind. With millions of unbanked individuals accessing financial services for the first time, it will be crucial for the government to implement the necessary enabling regulations to ensure these accounts can become a gateway to other financial services and products (e.g., savings, payments and insurance) that can improve their lives. Financial authorities must have a clear view of what are the regulatory challenges ahead in terms of: facilitating uptake of transactional accounts and products; building interoperable and faster payments infrastructure; and creating the necessary incentives for the wider acceptance of electronic payments. Furthermore, payment service providers will play a key role in sustaining this financial inclusion through the design of adequate accounts and other financial products and services to fit the beneficiaries’ needs. In this case, the pandemic provided relevant insights for PSPs on how to build transactional services and what characteristics lead to higher usage by the previously unbanked population. These insights can be leveraged to improve their current products and services, as well as to expand their reach to the wider underserved population. Designing digital G2P payments with the needs and barriers of women beneficiaries in particular is critical to avoid exclusion and accelerate empowerment. Advancing financial inclusion through digital G2P payments is particularly relevant in the case of women for whom there is a persistent gender account ownership gap of 9 percentage points since 2011. 16 Directing digital social assistance payments to women, especially through accounts in their name, not only increases their control over resources and provides access to financial services, but it also empowers them 17. However, gender gaps in ID, mobile phone and account ownership must be considered when transitioning to digital payments to avoid un-intended exclusion. In the last year, an increasing number of social assistance transfers are being digitized and preliminary data from a subset of these programs shows that women make up an important percentage of the recipients from programs using accounts as a payment method (figure 17). 18 While this is an encouraging progress, there are many other programs, such as that of Jordan, that were unable to target women given the lack of necessary information on them or that male household members were more likely to be the account- or mobile phone- owners. 15 A recent survey conducted jointly by the World Bank, the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance and the World Economic Forum on the impact of COVID-19 on the Fintech market shows that one of the most relevant enablers for Fintech Payment Services Providers is to obtain regulatory support to adopt eKYC, which would allow them to quickly expand the merchant network . 16 Global Findex 2018. 17 18 This high percentage is partially driven by India’s cash transfers to female PMJDY account holders. 26 Figure 17. Number of social assistance payments by payment method, LMICs % of transfers directed to women Note: Number of social assistance payments reported per program is the planned number of transfers except in cases where the actual number of transfers made to date exceeds the planned, in which case the highest number is shown. Manual transfers include cash, cheques and physical vouchers. Account-based transfers include payments made to mobile money accounts and traditional/bank accounts. The percentage of female recipients is likely an underestimate given the high percentage of programs for which the gender breakdown is not available. Awareness and financial literacy are critical for beneficiaries to benefit from digital G2P payments. Authorities and private stakeholders invested vast resources in communicating to beneficiaries the channels and mechanisms required to access and use digital payments. However, given the time constraints and urgency to deliver emergency payments some beneficiaries were uninformed and/or unable to access their transfer, and most notably were unaware of how to use their payment instrument especially beyond cashing out. Furthermore, the strategy in many countries was to deliver messages through social networks and other channels that do not reach a significant portion of beneficiaries. Including an awareness and financial education component as part of digital G2P programs is key to successfully achieving true financial inclusion. This financial education should be delivered through channels that are most appropriate to reach the intended population, provided at teachable moments when beneficiaries are most likely to leverage the information, and focused on the necessary knowledge and skills to use their financial product and to minimize risks. The digitization of COVID-response programs has led to an increase in account ownership; this provides a pathway to increasing financial inclusion only if this momentum is leveraged to develop and sustain the necessary enablers. At least 50 developing countries (approximately 42% of the developing countries that provided some sort of cash transfer assistance in response to the Covid outbreak) have leveraged account-based transfers for their Covid response social assistance programs. Many of them, such as Togo, are using accounts as their social assistance payment method for the first time. Yet, in many cases, these account-based payments have been adopted in Covid response programs which are temporary. Unless conscious efforts are made by governments to adopt these account-based payments across the other social assistance programs and government payment streams, there is a risk of dismissing the important strides made in terms of building the architecture needed to deliver digital payments. G2P digitization required strong coordination among relevant stakeholders; these efforts must be sustained to scale up digital G2P payments. Coordination across government agencies and between the private and public sector was essential for the deployment of digital payments for G2P payments. Digital G2P payments require a cross-sectoral, whole-of-government approach. It is important that this inter-ministerial collaboration is maintained and that the G2P architecture that was created to deliver payments is fully adopted by the social protection agency which will require building the necessary institutional capacity to support the ongoing digitization of G2P payments. Governments combined expertise from different agencies and leveraged different sources of information to deploy digital payments which enhanced the capacity of implementing agencies to 27 efficiently reach the beneficiaries of emergency aid. It is important that all the participating agencies remain active in the support of G2P programs and transfer the tools and process created during the pandemic to the agencies leading the implementation of regular social protection programs. Furthermore, the delivery of emergency programs showcased the different expertise required to handle social assistance programs, and it is important that the government and the agencies leading the implementation of regular social protection programs increase their institutional capacity to pursue the digitization of these programs. The opportunity of scaling up the digitization of G2P payment streams beyond social assistance payments require that G2P digitization is approached holistically. One of the challenges in expanding coverage of social insurance programs is the collection of the ongoing insurance contributions – which are Person-to-Government (P2G) payments. P2G payments can be integrated in the same access channels used by beneficiaries of digitized G2P payments. This can generate gains in terms of convenience for users and beneficiaries, lowering the costs for the government and increasing revenues for payment services providers. However, to integrate both streams at the points of access will require strong coordination across authorities and proper attention to financial literacy needs and the capabilities of providers. Furthermore, implementing a digital G2P architecture that is based on shared infrastructure and that leverages the key identification, national payments, public financial management and social protection systems in the country can be leveraged across different G2P payment programs, various government agencies, NGOs and development partners. This would not only increase government wide fiscal savings but would also create an important volume of payments that can contribute to the development of the payment ecosystem in terms of financial access points and adequate financial products and services. This would ultimately contribute to increasing beneficiaries’ convenience, inclusion, and empowerment. Box 3 lays out additional delivery experiences from country nuggets. Box 3. Insights from additional case studies Chile – Bono Covid 19 The Bono Covid, implemented by the Chilean government in April of 2020, provided economic support of CLP $50,000 (USD $66) to 2.6 million families, and was delivered in a single payment. Beneficiaries were pre-selected by the government and were able to review their eligibility via a website (citizens were required to enter their birthdate and RUN – Unique citizen identifier to review their eligibility). If a citizen considers themselves eligible but was left out of the program, they are allowed to present a formal complaint through the platform. The government disbursed aid to eligible beneficiaries in CuentaRUT. The CuentaRUT is an account that can be opened in the state bank (BancoEstado) by presenting a National ID card and in which the account number is the RUT (Tax identifier) without the verification digit. It is important to note that the CuentaRUT can be opened in physical branches of Banco Estado. The account is linked to a debit card and has no monthly maintenance fees. It also includes free transactions such as transfers between BancoEstado accounts, but other services, such as interbank transfers, have a cost. Transfer of aid to CuentaRUT was staggered based on the first letter of the recipient’s last name to avoid massive cash withdrawals in the branches of BancoEstado. Beneficiaries without CuentaRUT were assigned to a branch of BancoEstado or Caja Los Héroes (A financial cooperative) based on their location to collect the cash in person. Paraguay – Pytyvõ and Ñangareko 20 The government of Paraguay implemented two emergency programs that delivered cash transfers to vulnerable families. The program started in March and ended in December 2020. The largest emergency program was Pytyvõ, managed by the Ministry of Finance, which reached more than 1.5 million beneficiaries in two versions of the program. In the first version, beneficiaries received up to two payments of GS. $548,210 (USD $82.2), which is equivalent to 25% of the legal minimum wage. The second version of the program delivered up to three payments of GS. $500,000 (USD $75). The second program, Ñangareko, was managed by the National Emergency Secretariat and was designed to reach beneficiaries located in remote areas. The program reached close to 300,000 beneficiaries and delivered a single payment of GS. $500,000 (USD $75). The government agencies delivered the aid through 4 e-money issuers known as Entidades de Medio de Pago Electrónico (EMPEs). The program was designed to disburse the funds into e-wallets, with the funds only being available for usage at merchants affiliated with each EMPE and to be spent only on a limited set of products. Beneficiaries were not able to use the funds to conduct Person-to- Person transfers or to withdraw cash from available cash-out points. The government designated a predetermined number of beneficiaries 19 The case study was elaborated by Harish Natarajan and Guillermo Galicia 20 The case study was elaborated by Harish Natarajan and Guillermo Galicia 28 to each EMPE, hence limiting beneficiaries’ choice. The decision of how many beneficiaries were to be assigned to each EMPE was based on the size of the merchant network affiliated with each EMPE. Beneficiaries did not have access to all the typical functionalities of a e-wallet. They were restricted to use a unique-code based payment mechanism for merchant payments – wherein the beneficiaries provided the merchants with their phone number, which was entered on a dedicated system which sent a Unique-Code to the beneficiaries cellphone and had to be provided to the merchant for paying for goods. One EMPE, besides allowing withdrawals through Unique-Code based payments, allowed beneficiaries without cellphones to use the National ID document to carry-out purchases. In this case, beneficiaries provided the number of National ID to the merchant, who then captured this number and the identifier code and verification digit, both located in the back of the document. 3. Insights from labor market interventions The analysis presented in this section focuses on a selection of policies largely geared to the labor market supply side, i.e. workers 21. Consistently with section 1, the selected four types of labor policies targeted at workers are: (i) wage subsidies, (ii) labor market regulations, (iii) shorter work time arrangements 22 and (iv) activation policies such as skills training and job placement support. Further, statistics on important policies directed at workers such as unemployment benefits, public works programs, or cash transfers are laid out in section 1. Furthermore, income tax deferrals that were also used to provide relief to workers or policies to support the demand for labor by firms are outside the scope of this paper. Box 4 at the end of this section briefly summarizes the role of policies that specially aim at firms in support of the labor market. Globally, about 80% of countries implemented at least one type of the selected 806 labor market policies outlined in table 3. This percentage increases moderately with per capita GDP, as 69% of LICs, 79% of LMICs, 83% of UMICs, and 84% of HICs implemented at least one labor market policy to alleviate the economic impacts of the pandemic. Figure 18. Distribution of programs by countries’ income group 21 For a more detailed discussion on both supply and demand side labor market policies refer to De La Flor, Luciana; Mujica, Ingrid; Fonteñez, Maria Belen; Newhouse, David; Rodriguez Alas, Claudia; Sabharwal, Gayatri; Weber, Michael. 2021. Taking Stock of COVID-19 Labor Policy Responses in Developing Countries. Jobs Watch COVID-19;. World Bank, Washington, DC. . 22 Shorted work time arrangements refer regulatory changes to work time and working conditions. They differ from subsidies that allow firms to reduce working time because they do not require a monetary compensation. They are addressed separately from other labor market regulatory changes as they are the most commonly used by the countries considered. 29 During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments put different wage subsidy programs in place to help employers maintain existing jobs or to encourage them to hire new employees. This policy represents almost a third of all labor market policies considered (Figure 18) and was implemented by 52% of countries (Figure 19). The use of wage subsidies was more common in higher-income countries. Only 14 percent of LICs and 40 percent of LMICs implemented wage subsidies, as opposed to 59 percent of UMICs or 72 percent of HICs (Figure 20). These lower shares for lower income groups, especially LICs, could be explained by their typically lower proportions of formal wage workers, lower institutional capacity, as well as the fiscal burden of wage subsidies. Figure 19. Percentage of countries with at least one of Figure 20. Percentage of countries with at the selected labor policies least one of the selected labor policies by income group The types of wage subsidies and their conditionalities implemented during the pandemic varies largely across countries. Some subsidies have consisted of providing a fixed transfer amount to workers no matter the sector or losses in sales or profits, while others depend on the actual economic impact firms suffered. North Macedonia implemented a subsidy covering the minimum wage of USD $260 per employee for the period of April to May 2020. 23 In Malta, the government launched the COVID-19 Wage Supplement Scheme with the actual wage subsidy dependent on the drop in sales. 24 Some countries have also relied on wage subsidies that allow firms to reduce work time, 25 and others have relied on subsides that only prohibit firms from firing workers. Denmark introduced a short-time work scheme to help firms experiencing large drops in demand. In particular, the government covered 75% of employees' wages with the condition of not laying off any workers for economic reasons. 26 Wage subsidies to promote job creation have almost exclusively been implemented in HICs. In Romania, employers benefited from a 50% wage subsidy when hiring workers over the age of 50, registered as unemployed and whose labor contracts ceased for reasons beyond their control during the state of emergency for a period of 12 months. 27 Similarly, in Uruguay the Social Security Bank launched an income support program for those firms 23 24 . 25 Some countries have relied on wage subsidies that allow a reduction of work time even to zero. For instance, Gibraltar through the BEAT COVID-19 payment, and Jordan through the Musaned wage subsidy program. Gibraltar: Jordan: ‫( إطﻼق ﺑراﻣﺞ ﺗﻛﺎﻓﻠﯾﺔ ﻟﺣﻣﺎﯾﺔ اﻻﻗﺗﺻﺎد واﻟﻣواطﻧﯾن‬ 26 27 30 who reemploy workers who receive unemployment benefits or who employ new workers between July and September 2020. 28 In France, under the “1 jeune, 1 solution” plan, the government offers a flat EUR $4,000 to firms for any young person recruited between August 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021. 29 Governments also adjusted their labor market regulations and introduced shorter work time arrangements to retain employment relationships. Together, both policies account for 55% of all labor market policies considered in this section (Figure 18). The labor market regulations considered in this section include changes to severance payment obligations, hiring flexibility, dismissal procedures, modifications to leave policies and remuneration, as well as labor inspections. Shorter work arrangements are considered under a separate category as they constitute a widely used regulatory policy during the pandemic. A third of the countries considered implemented at least one policy related to shorter work time arrangements (Figure 19). Especially LMICs and LICs relied on these policies. Of the selected labor market policy responses to the pandemic, 63% in LMICs and 82% in LICs relate to changes in labor regulations or shorter work time arrangements. This could be indicative of their commitment to protecting (formal) workers from economic hardship in a situation where allocating resources through other policies, such as wage subsidies, imply larger budget difficulties, especially for LICs. 30 . Shorter work time benefits that give additional flexibility vis-a-vis the traditional working day and week were widely used. Colombia introduced successive work shifts of no more than 8 hours a day, with a maximum of 36 hours a week. 31 Similarly, in Brazil the program Banco de Horas allowed to interrupt working hours, with a compensation at a later stage by working up to 45 hours per week, 32 while the government of Somalia introduced flexible working arrangements for civil servants including options to work from home. 33 Additionally, among the main types of regulatory changes implemented were those concerning remuneration and occupational health and safety in the workplace. For example, Cuba prohibited the reduction in wages for those workers who needed to self-isolate, 34 while Algeria raised the national monthly minimum wage from 18,000 DZD (139 USD) to 20,000 DZD (155 USD). 35 Some changes targeted specific groups through additional remuneration or hazard pay. In Ghana, 36 Uzbekistan, 37 and American Samoa 38 health care workers received a bonus. Measures concerning safety regulations in the workplace were taken in 20% of the countries, including the introduction of workplace protocols and guarantees for the safe transfer of workers to and from their workplaces. 28 29 1solution/#:~:text=Le%20plan%201%20jeune%201%20solution%2C%20lanc%C3%A9%20le,laisser%20personne%20sur%20le%20bor d%20de%20la%20route. 30 Changes in regulations usually target the formal sector. Efforts to provide support to informal workers have been mainly introduced through cash transfers. For more details on this type of analysis refer to JobsWatch: Taking Stock of COVID-19 Labor Policy Responses in Developing Countries. 31 32; getter/documento?dm=8076235&ts=1603127728451&disposition=inline 33 34 35 36 ghana-s-enhanced-response-to-the-coronavirus-pandemic 37 38 31 Other important regulatory changes included adjustments to severance payment obligations, dismissal and hiring procedures, or leave modifications. For instance, Gabon relaxed labor conditions relating to layoffs with payment of compensation that were not previously provided for by the Labor Code. 39 In Suriname, the Ministry of Labor issued an advisory stating that employers cannot oblige their workers to take leave. 40 With respect to dismissal procedures, in Azerbaijan the government ensured daily controls in order to prevent unjustified dismissals or layoffs of employees in the private sector and launched a measure forbidding the firing of public sector workers. 41 Furthermore, in Congo Democratic Republic 42, Venezuela 43 and India governments suspended any mass layoffs. 44 Looking at hiring flexibility, the Republic of Korea extended the young adult employment quota and increased new hires in public institutions. Considering that migrants are among the most affected groups by the COVID-19 pandemic, governments have made additional efforts to waive some labor regulations, such as work permits required for migrants and refugees, reducing their risk of losing their jobs and gal status. 45 Also, Poland 46 and Canada removed total work time restrictions for international students 47 essential services. Countries have also enacted activation policies to encourage and support jobseekers and other vulnerable groups to search and find jobs or improve their skills and employability. Countries have adapted their public employment services (PES) by offering new digital tools for online labor market intermediation, which facilitate job matches between workers and employees. They have also adapted and created new programs to train and reskill workers and those entering the labor force during the pandemic. While activation policies represent only 14% of all labor market policies introduced, they constitute an important part of the policy response as 33% of countries have implemented at least one of these policies (Figure 19). It is interesting to note that just as for wage subsidies, the share of countries that has implemented at least one of these policies increases with income, indicating that not all countries can afford these measures. That is, only 17% of LICs have implemented at least one activation policy and 43% of HICs have done so (Figure 20). Most countries have relied on the digitization of job placement supports. Russia introduced remote procedures for job placement, registering unemployed citizens, and paying unemployment benefits. 48 Brazil created SineSaúde, a digital platform aimed at promoting and facilitating the hiring of health professionals in the fight against Covid-19. 49 With respect to skills training aimed at increasing workers employability, countries have targeted their assistance to those working in the most affected sectors or the most affected groups, such as the youth, and the unemployed. In Anguilla, the government has offered free training courses to over 500 tourism employers.50 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 working-in-essential-services-to-fight-covid-19.html 48 49 50 32 Antigua and Barbuda announced scholarships to nationals who once worked for a regional airline to help them reskill. 51 In the United Kingdom, the government implemented the Kickstart Scheme which gives firms financial support to create job placements and train young people who are currently beneficiaries of the cash transfer program Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. 52 In line with this, Costa Rica introduced the Protect Skills Plan, a scholarship program for online training targeted at the unemployed. In Indonesia Kartu Pra- Kerja (Pre-Employment Card Program), a program that provides subsidized vouchers for unemployed workers for skilling and reskilling has doubled its allocated budget from 10 to 20 trillion IDR (689 to 1378 million USD). 53 Moreover, as economies reopen and more workers that had been driven out of the labor force return to the market, it is expected that countries will continue to strengthen their training and re-skilling policies. In February 2021 the Maldives government announced a new training program targeting youth in the tourism sector as well as in construction and ICT 54 As part of its 2021 National Development plan, Zimbabwe announced it would engage the private sector in the establishment of incubation hubs, labor intensive public works programs, remodeling of skills and entrepreneurship development. 55 Sweden will provide financial compensation for training by covering 60% of the costs of training as part of the Swedish short-time allowance. 56 In sum, countries have launched significant labor market policies to address the economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic (see also Box 4). From the four types of labor policies discussed in this section, wage subsidies and labor regulations adjustments have been the most widely used. Their use seems to be related to the countries’ income level. In effect, while LICs and LMICs focused their efforts on labor regulation modifications, UMICs and HICs were also able to introduce wage subsidies to help employers keep their workers or hire new employees. Activation measures have also been more common among HICs. However, the fact that LMICs and LICs have managed to introduce some activation measures needs to be highlighted given the higher cost associated with these types of policies. Further, independent of the income level, some countries relied on shortened relied arrangements to help workers and firms cope with the pandemic. Box 4. Demand-side policies In addition to the selected labor market policies, countries worldwide have put in place several initiatives to mitigate the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. A large number of policies have targeted firms, micro and small businesses and entrepreneurs. Governments, across the 222 countries reviewed, implemented over 1,700 measures to alleviate the adverse effects of mandatory closures on businesses, ease their burden on financial commitments and keep their businesses and economic activities in operations. These labor demand side policies primarily focus on providing firms with liquidity and supporting entrepreneurs. These types of measures were introduced in over 87% of the countries considered. Among firm liquidity policies, tax relief and credit facilities were the two most widely used instruments. Indeed, 70% of countries implemented deferrals of income and profit tax returns, as well as postponements of VAT payments (among other taxes), and fiscal obligations (Figure 23). Furthermore, 66% of the 222 countries considered, introduced subsidized loans as well as low interest rates, with the aim of helping the different types of businesses to cope with their operating costs and preclude them from bankruptcy. Aruba introduced the Fiscal Emergency Plan 2020 to alleviate the tax burden of businesses and entrepreneurs engaged in the tourism sector and related activities as they were heavily affected by the reduction of tourist flows.13 Ireland launched the COVID-19 Credit Guarantee Scheme, which facilitated up to €2,000 million in lending to eligible businesses that have been negatively impacted due to the outbreak of Covid.14 Almost half of the countries analyzed have also offered loan repayment facilities to support businesses’ liquidity, by reducing the interest on their loans or allowing firms to restructure or postpone their debts. For example, China implemented a temporary deferral of loans repayment to SMEs with good growth prospects, including loan extensions as well as loan renewals.15 51 52 53 during-covid-19 54 55 56 14_565.html?utm_source=externalDashboard&utm_medium=powerbi&utm_campaign=covid-19 33 Other recurring measures included support for utilities payments such as water, natural gas, and electricity bills, or the suspension of rents. This was the case in France, for example, where the government enacted the postponement of the payment of rents, water, gas and electricity bills for smaller companies in difficulty.16 Around 36% of countries introduced policies that promote entrepreneurship by encouraging the unemployed or specific target groups to start businesses. Some policies were targeted to already existing ventures by providing them with grants. In Jamaica, for instance, the government carried out the COVID General Grant which provided a one-off grant to different categories of small businesses and self- employed, including barbers, hairdressers, market vendors, taxi and bus operators and tourist guides, among other groups.17 34 Annex 1. Overview of social protection measures by component SOCIAL INSURANCE LABOR MARKETS SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Cash- In-kind (in- Utility & Health Social security Shorter Public Paid Wage Training Labor Countries based kind/school financial insurance Pensions contributions work works leave/unemployment subsidies measures regulation transfers feeding) support support (waiver/subsidy) time Afghanistan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Albania ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Algeria ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ American ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Samoa Andorra ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Angola ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Anguilla (UK) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Antigua and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Barbuda Argentina ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Armenia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Aruba ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Australia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Austria ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Azerbaijan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Bahamas, the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Bahrain ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Bangladesh ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Barbados ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Belarus ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Belgium ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Belize ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Benin ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Bermuda ✓ ✓ 35 SOCIAL INSURANCE LABOR MARKETS SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Cash- In-kind (in- Utility & Health Social security Shorter Public Paid Wage Training Labor Countries based kind/school financial insurance Pensions contributions work works leave/unemployment subsidies measures regulation transfers feeding) support support (waiver/subsidy) time Bhutan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Bolivia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Bosnia and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Herzegovina Botswana ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Brazil ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ British Virgin ✓ ✓ ✓ Islands Brunei ✓ ✓ Darussalam Bulgaria ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Burkina Faso ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Burundi ✓ ✓ Cabo Verde ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Cambodia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Cameroon ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Canada ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Caribbean ✓ ✓ ✓ Netherlands Cayman ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Islands Central African ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Republic Chad ✓ ✓ Chile ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ China ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Colombia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Comoros ✓ ✓ ✓ 36 SOCIAL INSURANCE LABOR MARKETS SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Cash- In-kind (in- Utility & Health Social security Shorter Public Paid Wage Training Labor Countries based kind/school financial insurance Pensions contributions work works leave/unemployment subsidies measures regulation transfers feeding) support support (waiver/subsidy) time Congo, Dem. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Rep. Congo, Rep. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Cook Island ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Costa Rica ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Côte d'Ivoire ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Croatia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Cuba ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Curaçao ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Cyprus ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Czech Republic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Denmark ✓ ✓ ✓ Djibouti ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Dominica ✓ ✓ ✓ Dominican ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Republic Ecuador ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Egypt, Arab ✓ ✓ ✓ Rep. El Salvador ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Equatorial ✓ ✓ Guinea Eritrea ✓ Estonia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Eswatini ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Ethiopia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Faroe Islands ✓ Fiji ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 37 SOCIAL INSURANCE LABOR MARKETS SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Cash- In-kind (in- Utility & Health Social security Shorter Public Paid Wage Training Labor Countries based kind/school financial insurance Pensions contributions work works leave/unemployment subsidies measures regulation transfers feeding) support support (waiver/subsidy) time Finland ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ France ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ French ✓ ✓ Polynesia Gabon ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Gambia, The ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Georgia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Germany ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Ghana ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Gibraltar ✓ ✓ ✓ Greece ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Greenland ✓ Grenada ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Guam ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Guatemala ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Guernsey ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Guinea ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Guinea-Bissau ✓ ✓ ✓ Guyana ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Haiti ✓ ✓ ✓ Honduras ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Hong Kong ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Hungary ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Iceland ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ India ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Indonesia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 38 SOCIAL INSURANCE LABOR MARKETS SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Cash- In-kind (in- Utility & Health Social security Shorter Public Paid Wage Training Labor Countries based kind/school financial insurance Pensions contributions work works leave/unemployment subsidies measures regulation transfers feeding) support support (waiver/subsidy) time Iran, Islamic ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Rep. Iraq ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Ireland ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Isle of Man ✓ ✓ Israel ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Italy ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Jamaica ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Japan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Jersey ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Jordan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Kazakhstan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Kenya ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Kiribati ✓ ✓ Korea, Rep. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Kosovo ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Kuwait ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Kyrgyz ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Republic Lao PDR ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Latvia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Lebanon ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Lesotho ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Liberia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Libya ✓ ✓ Liechtenstein ✓ ✓ Lithuania ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 39 SOCIAL INSURANCE LABOR MARKETS SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Cash- In-kind (in- Utility & Health Social security Shorter Public Paid Wage Training Labor Countries based kind/school financial insurance Pensions contributions work works leave/unemployment subsidies measures regulation transfers feeding) support support (waiver/subsidy) time Luxembourg ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Macao SAR, ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ China Madagascar ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Malawi ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Malaysia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Maldives ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Mali ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Malta ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Mauritania ✓ ✓ ✓ Mauritius ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Mexico ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Micronesia, ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Fed. Sts. Moldova ✓ ✓ ✓ Monaco ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Mongolia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Montenegro ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Montserrat ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (UK) Morocco ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Mozambique ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Myanmar ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Namibia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Nepal ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Netherlands ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ New ✓ ✓ ✓ Caledonia 40 SOCIAL INSURANCE LABOR MARKETS SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Cash- In-kind (in- Utility & Health Social security Shorter Public Paid Wage Training Labor Countries based kind/school financial insurance Pensions contributions work works leave/unemployment subsidies measures regulation transfers feeding) support support (waiver/subsidy) time New Zealand ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Nicaragua ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Niger ✓ ✓ ✓ Nigeria ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ North ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Macedonia Northern ✓ ✓ Mariana Islands Norway ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Oman ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Pakistan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Palau ✓ ✓ ✓ Panama ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Papua New ✓ ✓ Guinea Paraguay ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Peru ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Philippines ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Poland ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Portugal ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Puerto Rico ✓ ✓ ✓ Qatar ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Réunion (Fran ✓ ce) Romania ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Russian ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Federation 41 SOCIAL INSURANCE LABOR MARKETS SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Cash- In-kind (in- Utility & Health Social security Shorter Public Paid Wage Training Labor Countries based kind/school financial insurance Pensions contributions work works leave/unemployment subsidies measures regulation transfers feeding) support support (waiver/subsidy) time Rwanda ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Saint Martin ✓ (French part) Saint Pierre ✓ and Miquelon (France) Samoa ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ San Marino ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ São Tomé and ✓ ✓ Principe Saudi Arabia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Senegal ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Serbia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Seychelles ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Sierra Leone ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Singapore ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Sint Maarten ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (Dutch part) Slovak ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Republic Slovenia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Solomon ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Islands Somalia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ South Africa ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ South Sudan ✓ ✓ ✓ Spain ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Sri Lanka ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 42 SOCIAL INSURANCE LABOR MARKETS SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Cash- In-kind (in- Utility & Health Social security Shorter Public Paid Wage Training Labor Countries based kind/school financial insurance Pensions contributions work works leave/unemployment subsidies measures regulation transfers feeding) support support (waiver/subsidy) time St. Kitts and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Nevis St. Lucia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ St. Vincent ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ and the Grenadines Sudan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Suriname ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Sweden ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Switzerland ✓ ✓ ✓ Syrian Arab ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Republic Taiwan, China ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Tajikistan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Tanzania ✓ ✓ Thailand ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Timor-Leste ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Togo ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Tonga ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Trinidad and ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Tobago Tunisia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Turkey ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Turkmenistan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Turks and ✓ ✓ Caicos islands Tuvalu ✓ ✓ ✓ Uganda ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 43 SOCIAL INSURANCE LABOR MARKETS SOCIAL ASSISTANCE Cash- In-kind (in- Utility & Health Social security Shorter Public Paid Wage Training Labor Countries based kind/school financial insurance Pensions contributions work works leave/unemployment subsidies measures regulation transfers feeding) support support (waiver/subsidy) time Ukraine ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ United Arab ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Emirates United ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Kingdom United States ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Uruguay ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Uzbekistan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Vanuatu ✓ ✓ ✓ Venezuela, RB ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Vietnam ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Virgin Islands ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ (U.S.) West Bank ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ and Gaza Yemen ✓ ✓ ✓ Zambia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Zimbabwe ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 44 Annex 2. Measures by countries and territories 1. Afghanistan 44. Colombia 89. Honduras 134. Monaco 179. Slovak Republic 2. Albania 45. Comoros 90. Hong-Kong 135. Montenegro 180. Slovenia 3. Algeria 46. Congo, Dem. Rep. 91. Hungary 136. Montserrat (UK) 181. Solomon Islands 4. American Samoa 47. Congo, Rep. 92. Iceland 137. Morocco 182. Somalia 5. Andorra 48. Cook Island 93. India 138. Mozambique 183. South Africa 6. Angola 49. Costa Rica 94. Indonesia 139. Myanmar 184. South Sudan 7. Anguilla (UK) 50. Côte d’lvoire 95. Iran 140. Namibia 185. Spain 8. Antigua and Barbuda 51. Croatia 96. Iraq 141. Nepal 186. Sri Lanka 9. Argentina 52. Cuba 97. Ireland 142. Netherlands 187. St. Kitts and Nevis 10. Armenia 53. Curaçao (Netherlands) 98. Isle of Man 143. New Caledonia (France) 188. St. Lucia 11. Aruba (Netherlands) 54. Cyprus 99. Israel 144. New Zealand 189. St. Vincent and the Grenadine 12. Australia 55. Czechia 100. Italy 145. Nicaragua 190. Sudan 13. Austria 56. Denmark 101. Jamaica 146. Niger 191. Suriname 14. Azerbaijan 57. Djibouti 102. Japan 147. Nigeria 192. Sweden 15. Bahamas 58. Dominica 103. Jersey 148. North Macedonia 193. Switzerland 16. Bahrain 59. Dominican Republic 104. Jordan 149. Northern Mariana Islands (U.S.) 194. Syria 17. Bangladesh 60. Ecuador 105. Kazakhstan 150. Norway 195. Taiwan 18. Barbados 61. Egypt 106. Kenya 151. Oman 196. Tajikistan 19. Belarus 62. El Salvador 107. Kiribati 152. Pakistan 197. Tanzania 20. Belgium 63. Equatorial Guinea 108. Korea, Rep. 153. Palau 198. Thailand 21. Belize 64. Eritrea 109. Kosovo 154. Panama 199. Timor Leste 22. Benin 65. Estonia 110. Kuwait 155. Papua New Guinea 200. Togo 23. Bermuda (UK) 66. Eswatini 111. Kyrgyz Republic 156. Paraguay 201. Tonga 24. Bhutan 67. Ethiopia 112. Lao PDR 157. Peru 202. Trinidad and Tobago 25. Bolivia 68. Faroe Islands (Denmark) 113. Latvia 158. Philippines 203. Tunisia 26. Bosnia & Herzegovina 69. Fiji 114. Lebanon 159. Poland 204. Turkey 27. Botswana 70. Finland 115. Lesotho 160. Portugal 205. Turkmenistan 28. Brazil 71. France 116. Liberia 161. Puerto Rico 206. Turks and Caicos Islands (UK) 29. British Virgin Islands 72. French Polynesia 117. Libya 162. Qatar 207. Tuvalu (UK) 73. Gabon 118. Liechtenstein 163. Réunion (France) 208. Uganda 30. Brunei Darussalam 74. Gambia, The 119. Lithuania 164. Romania 209. Ukraine 31. Bulgaria 75. Georgia 120. Luxembourg 165. Russia 210. United Arab Emirates 32. Burkina Faso 76. Germany 121. Macao, SAR China 166. Rwanda 211. United Kingdom 33. Burundi 77. Ghana 122. Madagascar 167. Saint Martin 212. United States 34. Cabo Verde 78. Gibraltar (UK) 123. Malawi 168. Saint Pierre & Miquelon (France) 213. Uruguay 35. Cambodia 79. Greece 124. Malaysia 169. Samoa 214. Uzbekistan 36. Cameroon 80. Greenland 125. Maldives 170. San Marino 215. Vanuatu 37. Canada 81. Grenada 126. Mali 171. Sao Tome and Principe 216. Venezuela 38. Caribbean (Netherlands) 82. Guam 127. Malta 172. Saudi Arabia 217. Vietnam 39. Cayman Islands (UK) 83. Guatemala 128. Mauritania 173. Senegal 218. Virgin Islands (U.S.) 40. Central African Republic 84. Guernsey (UK) 129. Mauritius 174. Serbia 219. West Bank & Gaza 41. Chad 85. Guinea 130. Mexico 175. Seychelles 220. Yemen 42. Chile 86. Guinea-Bissau 131. Micronesia 176. Sierra Leone 221. Zambia 43. China 87. Guyana 132. Moldova 177. Singapore 222. Zimbabwe 88. Haiti 133. Mongolia 178. Sint Maarten 45 (back to the top) Afghanistan Cash-based transfers Under the REACH programme, households in urban areas a combination of cash and in-kind equivalent to US$100. Cash transfers The World Bank plans to repurpose USD100 million of its Citizens’ Charter Afghanistan Project for (conditional and unconditional) COVID-19 relief efforts, aiming to cover 90 per cent of households under the project. In the context of the overall World Bank's COVID-19 relief response in Afghanistan, $100 million of the Citizens' Charter program resources were redeployed in May 2020 to provide emergency household assistance in the form of food/cash in CCAP participating communities. Social pensions In-kind transfers $280 million grant to fund the COVID-19 Relief Effort for Afghan Communities and Households (REACH) Project. The total grant amount is comprised of $155 million from IDA—the World Bank Group’s fund for the poorest countries—and will be complemented by $125 million from the Social Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF), managed by the World Bank on behalf of 34 donors. Assistance The project will benefit some 2.9 million households across Afghanistan. The REACH project will complement a parallel relief effort organized under the Citizens’ Charter Afghanistan Project. Together, both will cover 90 percent of households in the country under the government’s “Dastarkhan-e-Milli” program, benefitting an estimated 4.1 million households with incomes of $2 a day or less. Food, vouchers, others The authorities have recently rolled out a relief package, amounting to 1.6 percent of GDP, to Afghan households with incomes of US$2 per day or lower (twice the national poverty line). With its broad coverage, about 90 percent of all households, the program will be near universal in scope. Households in rural areas will receive an equivalent of US$50 in essential food staples and hygiene products in two tranches The new package will cover 90 per cent of households. Based on the program, in the first stage, the government will allocate $86 million and then $158 million in the second phase to provide food to people across the country. On April 29, 2020, the government started providing free bread to about 2.5 million needy and poor people in Kabul, and plan to extend to other cities. According to the Ministry of Finance, the bread distribution process in the first phase cost Afs2.8 billion ($36 million), of which Afs1.15 billion ($14.8 million) was spent in Kabul. 46 School feeding Public works In May, 2020, the government waived electricity bills of less than Af 1,000 (US$13) for a family Utility waivers residence in Kabul for two months and paid utility bills of the past two months for 50 percent of households in Kabul. The decision benefited more than 1.5 million Kabul residents Paid sick leave Health insurance Programme was adapted as part of the response to COVID-19: the Martyrs and Disabled Pension. The programme was expanded to cover descendants of deceased health professionals. Social Pensions To support the retirees during the Covid 19 pandemic, the Ministry of Finance will pay retirees’ Insurance pensions for the current fiscal year without the new biometric process on the basis of previous cards . The purpose of paying these pensions without the new biometric process is to help them deal with their problems in the current situation, since these pensions might be their only source of income. Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 47 (back to the top) Albania Cash-based transfers • Economic assistance (Ndihma Ekonomike) received by the eligible individuals would be doubled in amount during the Covid-19 situation. Individuals with annual personal income over 2 million ALL are not eligible to receive such support. • Through the Council of Ministers Decision No 13, date 22.4.2020, ‘On amendments to Council of Ministers Decision No. 305, April 16th 2020, ‘On the procedures for the financial support to the actual employees and the unemployed due to Covid-19’, the government introduced a lump sum amount of 40.000 ALL for every employee of the Ballsh Refinery. • Ndihma ekonomike: Economic assistance by 16.000 ALL per person for all the applicants of the economic assistance (NE) since July 2019, which have not received any economic assistance until Cash transfers April 2020. Social (conditional and unconditional) Assistance The Government of Albania approved a 2nd Anti-COVID-19 Financial Package of 70,4 million USD on April 13, 2020. 176,000 workers received a payment of 400 USD: 66,000 employees from big businesses, 100,000 employees from small businesses and 10,0000 employees from the tourism sector. Self-employed families received a special benefit equivalent to a state-set monthly salary Through the Decision No 236, March 18th 2020, the government decided that the retired persons as well as individuals and families benefitting from various social protection public services/programs will be provided home based assistance (monetary assistance) by the local authorities and relevant institutions. Social pensions In-kind transfers 48 Through Council of Ministers Decision No 236, March 19th 2020, ‘On providing home assistance to persons in need during the Covid-19 epidemic’, it was established additional responsibilities to government institutions in order to ensure home delivery to the persons in need (elderly, disabilities, recipients of economic assistance etc.) of food, medical products and other services. Food, vouchers, others Through the Decision No 236, March 18th 2020, the government decided that the retired persons as well as individuals and families benefitting from various social protection public services/programs will be provided home based assistance (monetary assistance) by the local authorities and relevant institutions. School feeding Public works Loan installments payments were postponed to May 31st 2020 as per the joint Order of the Government of Albania and the National Bank of Albania. (Prot No. 1650 dt 17.03.2020). Through the Decision No. 58 of the Energy Regulatory Authority, March 26th 2020, the government relaxed and provided exceptional procedures on metering the consumed electricity during the Covid- 19 emergency. Through the Normative Act No.3, March 15th 2020, ‘On special administrative measures during the Covid-19 infection period’ the government allowed individuals (including students) and businesses with up to $14 million ALL turnover to postpone the property, premises and house rental payments Utility waivers for two months in the period of April and May 2020. The government adopted two support packages in 2020 for people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic of a combined size of Lek 45 billion (2.8 percent of GDP) consisting of budget spending, sovereign guarantees and tax deferrals. Through the Decision No 236, March 18th 2020, the government decided that the retired persons as well as individuals and families benefitting from various social protection public services/programs will be provided home based assistance (monetary assistance) by the local authorities and relevant institutions. Paid sick leave Social Health insurance Insurance Through the Council of Ministers Decision No 263, March 30th 2020, ‘On indexing of pensions’, the Pensions government increased (indexing) by 2.3 percent the pensions, establishing also new limits – minimum 49 of 14 thousands ALL and maximum of 28 thousands ALL per month, plus compensations for the lower levels. This measure involved an estimated budget of 2.1 billion ALL. Unemployment assistance received by the eligible individuals was doubled during the Covid-19 situation Through the Council of Ministers Decision No. 305, April 16th 2020, ‘On the procedures for the financial support to the actual employees and the unemployed due to Covid-19’ (aka second financial package), the government allocated part of the $7 billion ALL financial package to support with: • 40.000 ALL lump sum to formal employees in enterprises with annual turnover higher than 14 million, who were imposed to close down. Unemployment benefits • 40.000 ALL lump sum to dismissed employees during the period until April 10th (starting from the time the restrictions applied) in enterprises allowed to operate by the government restrictions. The 2021 budget adopted by parliament on November 16th 2020 allocated Lek 2.5 billion to a temporary increase in the payments for unemployment benefits. The Government of Albania Anti-COVID-19 Financial Package, launched by Decision No. 6 March 21st 2020 "On Some Changes to the 2020 Budget Law No. 88/2019”, allocated part of 65 million to unemployment benefits for three months. Informal sector employees who lost their jobs during the lockdown, will have the full cost of social Social security contributions contributions (employees and employers share) covered for one year if they formalize. Activation measures The 2021 budget adopted by parliament on November 16th 2020 Lek 4.5 billion for wage increases for doctors and nurses. The Normative Act Nr. 2, March 11th 2020, "On Some changes to the Law No. 15 on The Prevention and Combatting of the Infections and Infective Diseases" provided for new penalties on employers Labor Labor market regulations non complying with measures and protocols related occupational safety and health during COIVD-19 Markets pandemic. • A third smaller support package was adopted on August 13th 2020, providing an additional minimum wage to public transport workers who resumed work one month later than the rest. This measure involved an extra transport budget of Lek 135 million. Through Law Nr March 18th 2020, the Public Administration institutions were allowed to work from Reduced work time 08:00 to 13:00, including teleworking for carrying out various tasks. 50 Through the Council of Ministers Decision No 254, amended on March 27th 2020, ‘On the procedures for the financial support to the employees of businesses with turnover up to 14 million ALL, economic support and unemployment benefits due to the Covid-19’ the government introduced part of the financial package of $6.4 billion ALL to support businesses who were imposed to close down. This included receiving a payment equal to the minimal wage (26,000 ALL) per employee. Individuals with annual personal income over 2 million ALL were not eligible to receive such support In September, the government launched an employment promotion program, that aims to cover part of reemployment costs of those who lost their jobs during the lockdown. For formal sector employees the government will cover half of the wages (at the legal minimum level) and the full employers’ share of social contributions for the duration of the program (4 or 8 months). Wage subsidies Through the Council of Ministers Decision No. 305, April 16th 2020, ‘On the procedures for the financial support to the actual employees and the unemployed due to Covid-19’ (aka second financial package), the government allocated part of the $7 billion ALL financial package to support with: • 40.000 ALL lump sum to formal employees in enterprises with annual turnover up to 14 million, allowed to operate by the government restrictions, with the exception of certain activities (lawyers, notaries, food industry, pharmaceuticals, etc.) • 40.000 ALL lump sum to formal employees in all accommodation structures which active at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government of Albania Anti-COVID-19 Financial Package, launched by Decision No. 6 March 21st 2020 "On Some Changes to the 2020 Budget Law No. 88/2019”, allocated part of 65 million to salaries for small business' workers. 51 (back to the top) Algeria Cash-based transfers On 13 April, 2020, it was announced that a transfer of DZD10,000 (around USD80), as a top-up of the DZD6,000 (USD47) would be given to families that are in need and have been impacted by the measures against COVID-19 as a ‘solidarity transfer’ (or basket) before Ramadan. A financial envelope of DZD1,393 billion (EUR12 million), will be deposited into the postal accounts of families through community-based targeting. As of 27 May, with a DZD 22 Cash transfers billion budget, 322,000 beneficiaries received the cash assistance. (conditional and unconditional) Bonus payment to public workers in the health sector, mobilized within the framework of the prevention and the fight against the spread of the coronavirus. (16.5bn dinars). The premium is paid monthly in lump sums ranging from 10,000 DA for the benefit of administrative and support staff, 20,000 DA for paramedical staff and 40,000 DA for medical staff. It is served for a renewable period Social of three (3) months . This measure began in February 15, 2020. Assistance To reduce exposition risk for elderlies, a proxy letter can be delivered to another person to receive Social pensions pensions/benefits in place of the beneficiary (for retirees, old persons receiving cash transfers, etc.). In-kind transfers In-kind distribution campaign of food and hygiene items to the most vulnerable families, including Food, vouchers, others those living in isolated areas and impacted by the lockdown. This distribution is being carried out, for the most vulnerable regions, through a ‘solidarity caravan’ School feeding Public works National Pension Fund will start compensation for Covid-19 analyzes and tests. The government will support pharmacies in order to sell the generic medicine with a view to encouraging its use. The Utility waivers compensation, beginning in January 2021, for the scanner will stand at 5000 dinars and 3000 dinars for PCR. As of 22 March,2020, at least 50 per cent of the public administration workforce at the central Social level as well as in local authorities, whose presence in the workplace is not considered essential for Paid sick leave Insurance the continuity of service, are being placed on paid leave, excluding staff from certain sectors that require continuity. Pregnant women and women raising children, as well as 52 people with chronic illnesses and those with medical vulnerabilities, are considered a priority for exceptional leave. This decision is also applicable to workers in the private sector. Health insurance Expanded coverage of social security to deliveries in private maternal health facilities (permanent) To reduce exposition risk for elderlies, a proxy letter can be delivered to another person to receive pensions/benefits in place of the beneficiary (for retirees, old persons receiving cash transfers, etc.). Pensions Waiver of a need for a medical revision check-up for disability pensions and pensions for accidents at work. The need for a medical revision check-up for this benefit has been waived, in order to allow beneficiaries to respect lockdown measures Unemployment benefits The National Social Insurance fund (CNAS) has extended the deadline for the payment of employers and independent contributions until the end of May and September, respectively, while still covering Social security contributions paid leave and unemployment benefits for some. Penalties from previous late payments not made on time have also been suspended for six months starting from April 2020 Activation measures The national minimum wage will be raised from 18,000 DZD (139 USD) to 20,000 DZD (155 USD) Labor market regulations Anticipation of annual holiday payments by the Caisse Nationale des Congés Payés et du Chômage Labor intempéries des secteurs du BTPH (CACOBATPH), in proportion to the number of months Markets contributed during the period from July 2019 to February 2020 Reduced work time Wage subsidies 53 (back to the top) American Samoa Cash-based transfers American Samoans received USD 24 million in stimulus from the US Government. The money would Cash transfers cover 9,300 taxpayers and their qualified dependents who filed their 2019 taxes up to May 13. Single (conditional and unconditional) filers will receive $1,200. Couples who file jointly will get double that plus $500 for every child under their care. Social pensions Social Assistance In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others The Department of Health was supplying 45,000 face masks for students. School feeding Public works November 2020. American Samoa's governor has given provisional approval to the government's Utility waivers plan to repatriate about 600 residents stranded in Hawai'i and the US mainland. Repatriation flights between Samoa and American Samoa commenced on 18/6/2020. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Government employees making $50,000 or less a year will be entitled to overtime pay for work outside of their usual 40-hours per week for work involving the coronavirus declaration. Labor Markets American Samoa's governor has ordered cut hours and pay to be restored for government Labor market regulations employees stranded off island because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In accordance with ASCA § 26.0I0S(g)(I), the restrictions on "Hazard Pay" in ASAC §4.041 l(b) are suspended. The Director of Department of Human Resources is tasked with developing a policy to 54 compensate medical personnel, first responders, and all ASG employees that face increased risk and exposure associated with their duties In accordance with ASCA § 26.0IOS(g)(l), the maximum grant of four (4) hours for "Excused Absences" in ASCA § 4.05 I l(a)( 10) is suspended. The Director of Department of Human Resources is tasked with developing a policy to compensate all ASG personnel that are under quarantine or unable to attend work for reasons related to the restrictions imposed. State of Emergency (SoE) has been amended (1/6/2020), all government workers can return to full working hours. Businesses will only be allowed to trade between 5am-9pm, with some exceptions. Reduced work time American Samoan authorities have said that quarantine will be imposed on COVID-19 related workers, including US Federal Emergency Management Agency personnel entering the territory. Wage subsidies 55 (back to the top) Andorra Cash-based transfers Cash transfers Extraordinary benefit for self-employed workers affected by economic activity suspension (€8.6 (conditional and unconditional) million) Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Social Public works Assistance The Andorran government approved a legislative moratorium on April 18th 2020 to provide a repayment relief of personal loans and an extension of mortgages repayment until December 31st 2020, to households and businesses affected by the pandemic. The new terms of repayment should be agreed with the bank. Utility waivers On June 11th, 2020, the Andorran Banking Association (ABA) adopted non-legislative sector-wide moratorium to provide repayment relief to households, for 6-12 months depending upon the types of loan and borrower. This private moratorium scheme complements the one approved by the government, and cannot be applied simultaneously. In mid-December 2020, ABA extended the application deadline until March 31st 2021. The government introduced prophylactic/care leave: workers with children can have access to paid Paid sick leave leave while the educational and extracurricular leisure centers are compulsorily closed Health insurance Social Insurance Pensions The government relaxed the requirements to access unemployment benefits and rental housing aid Unemployment benefits for individuals whose economic and social situation worsened due to the health crisis. 56 On December 16th 2020, the government created a new temporary and exceptional involuntary unemployment benefit to support Andorran workers directly affected by the delayed opening of the ski stations. 65 applications were received, amounting to €45,515 in December. The benefit will remain in place until the affected companies are able to resume their normal activities in the 2020- 21 ski season. Social security contributions for workers who were temporarily laid off due to the pandemic (€3.4 Social security contributions million) Activation measures Labor market regulations The payment of the share of benefits associated with the temporary suspension of contracts Labor Markets Reduced work time Payment of 75 percent of the salary to workers under temporary suspension of contract (€31.7 Wage subsidies million) 57 (back to the top) Angola Cash-based transfers The Ministry of Social Affairs, Family, and Women’s Promotion (MASFAMU) announced that the Child Grant implemented in Bie, Moxico, and Uige provinces was topped up (from 3,000 to 5,000 Kwanzas, or approximately US$6 to US$10 monthly), including double payment. The program has already benefited 18,399 children under the age of five, in a universe of 9,989 families. The government has also adapted the payment procedures to ensure adequate sanitation and worker protection during the transfers. The provincial Government of Luanda is implementing an emergency cash transfer program. The Cash transfers benefit of 5,000 Kwanzas, or approximately US$10 monthly per child is being implemented using (conditional and unconditional) mobile payments. The program benefited 1,404 children under the age of five, in a universe of 786 families. The Angola Strengthening the National Social Protection System (Cash Transfer) Project supports Social the cash transfer program “Kwenda”. The first phase of the cash program started in May 2020 to Assistance provide temporary income support to poor and vulnerable families including those affected by the economic crisis. The program aims to reach 1.6 million families in the country with a benefit amount of 25,500 kz quarterly per family for one year Social pensions In-kind transfers In order to guarantee the consumption of food in the basic basket for the most vulnerable families, the Ministry of Social Action, Family and Promotion of Women, the Ministry of Commerce and the Food, vouchers, others Provincial Governments developed campaigns to distribute goods in the basic basket to the most vulnerable populations, targeting more than 17,000 children. School feeding Public works In order to alleviate family financial expenses / obligations, a 180-day moratorium is granted to Utility waivers families that have difficulties in paying their home's IPU 58 In order to alleviate family financial expenses / obligations, a 180-day moratorium is granted to families that have difficulties in paying electricity and water supply bills Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions The Ministry of Public Administration, Labor and Security Social Affairs and the Ministry of Finance / AGT promote a program of promotion of professional internships, after the recovery phase of the Activation measures economic activity and after the assessment of the state of emergency. This includes providing tax incentives for deduction of the taxable amount to employers who hire a minimum number of 10 Labor interns for a minimum period of 2 years Markets Labor market regulations Reduced work time Wage subsidies 59 (back to the top) Anguilla (UK) Cash-based transfers For those that do not qualify for the Unemployment Benefit offered by the social security system, the Government provided direct financial support of up to XCD $800 (US$296) per month. In order to be beneficiary, people need to fulfill one of the followings: 1) Be unemployed, either temporarily or permanently laid off, as a result of COVID-19 after February 1st, 2020; 2) Be underemployed as a result of COVID-19 after February 1st, 2020, with a wage less than XCD $800 a month; or Cash transfers 3) Closed business or having an earning less than XCD $800 as a result of COVID-19 after February (conditional and unconditional) 1st, 2020. Payments were made directly to bank accounts and first payments were scheduled to reach accounts on or before May 15th 2020. Unemployed persons received payments of XCD $800 for the period during which they remain unemployed up to a period of three months, if their previous monthly earnings were XCD $ 800 or more. Persons who earned less than XCD $ 800 received XCD Social $800. Underemployed persons received the difference between their current earnings and their pre- Assistance COVID 19 monthly earnings up to a maximum of XCD $800 (i.e. an earnings top-up) for the period during which they remain underemployed up to a period of three months. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works The government introduced a maximum price regime for goods (sold by retail or wholesale). These included, but not restricted to, items for sanitizing and disinfecting hands and surfaces as recommended by the Ministry of Health. Penalties up to $25,000 or to imprisonment up to 2 years Utility waivers were suggested in case of breach. The Water Corporation of Anguilla (WCA) has delayed disconnection for people who have defaulted on their bills. WCA is extending payment plan options to individuals who may have challenges making 60 bill payments during the COVID-19 pandemic. This measure was extended until January 15th 2021. The National Commercial Bank of Anguilla (NCBA) implemented a moratorium on loan repayments for an initial period of three (3) months, with the possibility of an additional three (3) month extension to be granted. The moratorium was offered to both individual and commercial customers affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Reintroduction of a temporary unemployment benefit to cater to the unemployed and Social underemployed through the social security system. The temporary unemployment assistance benefit Insurance through the Social Security Board provided financial assistance of up to EC$1,000.00 (US$370) per Unemployment benefits month, to contributors to the fund whose jobs and wages have been severely impacted by the pandemic. All payments were sent directly to the bank accounts provided at the moment of application. The first payment was made on April 30th. The benefit was extended until March 31st 2021. Social security contributions In preparation for our Phase Two reopening, the government have offered free training courses to Activation measures over 500 tourism employers – from housekeepers to ground transportation and charter boat operators from November 2020 onwards. Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 61 (back to the top) Antigua and Barbuda Cash-based transfers On March 27, 2020, the government announced that relief packages were available to single-parent and no-income households, with further details of that package to be disclosed. In April 2020, the government offered an honorarium to nurses on the frontline caring for COVID-19 patients. The payment criteria put in place by Mount St. John’s Medical Centre—the only public Cash transfers hospital in the country—required a minimum of 32-hour work in order to receive the allotment of (conditional and unconditional) $1,000 (monthly). The Antigua and Barbuda Hotels and Tourism Association and the Antigua and Barbuda Workers Union have joined forces in ensuing a fortnightly cash relief payment to employees working at hotels which contribute to the ABHTA/ABWU Thrift Fund. Starting on April 10th 2020 employees received EC$640 fortnightly for three months, through electronic transfers. Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance The Ministry of Social Transformation provided relief packages of food and medication to elderly living alone, persons with disabilities, and unemployed adults with children. Through the Emergency Food Assistance Programme, the government provided for the well-being of the elderly, disabled, single mothers, and other needy persons. Between April to December 2020: 50,664 packages were delivered and several thousand persons benefitted from this programme by January 2021. Food, vouchers, others The government provided food vouchers distribution to unemployed persons (who can prove unemployment from 31st January 2020 due to COVID-19) with children. Redeemable at supermarkets. In June 2020 the government announced it would increase program. This enabled recipients to purchase other essential items they needed which were not initially included in the packages. Vouchers ranged from EC $150 to EC $250 (USD $56 – USD $93). Between April and December 2020, the government distributed $1,250,000 worth of vouchers under the Government Voucher Programme. 62 Government Assistance Programme (GAP) under which beneficiaries received vouchers for redemption at supermarkets, to ensure that people and their families do not go hungry. In June 2020 the Board of Guardian, Petro Caribe provided cash support to the vulnerable through cash and food grant programmes operated by the Ministry of Social Transformation, Human Resource Development and the Blue Economy. No further details provided. From May 25th 2020, the National School Meals programme provided lunches for teachers and School feeding students involved in preparation for CSEC examinations. Public works Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA) ceased all disconnections of APUA water and electricity to households for 3 months, re-connected customers who have been disconnected, and reduced by 20% the cost of electricity to households for a period of 3 months (April, May, June 2020). In June 2020, APUA decided to increase the discount up to 25%. The suspension of disconnections of water , and electricity accounts has been extended until late September and the reduction in the electricity bills, currently at 15 percent, has been extended until November 2020. Through the Pandemic Relief Barrel Initiative barrels containing foodstuff and sanitizing materials were allowed to enter Antigua and Barbuda from April 1st 2020 until June 30th 2020, without having any duties and other taxes imposed, except for a $10.00 processing fee and the Revenue Recovery Charge calculated at 10% of the value of the items. Temporary removal of Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax (ABST) on antiseptics, wipes, sanitizers, toilet Utility waivers paper and paper towels, aloe vera gel, and vitamins were introduced to keep items affordable for consumers and mitigate disease spread. The removal of the 15 percent tax would allow these items to be purchased at an affordable price so that consumers can play their part to mitigate the spread of the virus. The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank and ECCU Bankers Association agreed on a loan repayment moratorium support program will be implemented by all member banks in the ECCU. The programme will facilitate a loan repayment moratorium for an initial period of up to six (6) months with a possible extension upon review. In addition to the deferral of loan repayments, a waiver of late fees and charges will be applicable to eligible customers during this period. Moratorium on mortgage debt repayments, which was extended in September 2020 for a further six months. 63 National Student Loan Fund removed all late fees and penalties for students who are able to demonstrate their inability to service their loans Paid sick leave Extension of deadline to July 31st 2020 for filing of claims under the Medical Benefits Scheme for Health insurance Social receipts between January to April 2020 Insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions The government offered scholarships to the University of the West Indies (UWI) Fourth Landed Activation measures Campus to nationals who once worked for an air transport company, in order to enable them to re- tool. The government committed to not laying off public service workers in dealing with the economic fallout from the crisis. Industry-specific guidelines have been put forth in some cases eg. By the Fisheries Division for the fishing industry, by the Central Board of Health for the reopening of barbershops, beauty shops and Labor market regulations nail salons, Barbers, beauty salons, nail salons will all require a certificate from the Ministry of Health Labor indicating that the establishment has been examined and is approved for operation. It is to be placed Markets in a prominent place for examination by customers and Health Inspection Officers In June 2020, the Ministry of Health introduced health and safety protocols to business sectors, including food services, fitness centers, casinos, public transportation. Through the amendment of the Labor Code Cap 17, business owners were encouraged to prevent Reduced work time layoffs and termination by adopting austerity measures such as reduction in working hours and/or days worked, resort to temporary termination for up to three months. The government decided to pay salaries to workers of an air transport company in July 2020. The Wage subsidies initiative was aimed at restructuring and recapitalizing the company (EC $3 million – USD $1.1 million). 64 (back to the top) Argentina Cash-based transfers The government introduced the Emergency Family Income (Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia), a non- contributory program that delivers a lump sum payment of $10,000 (US$155) to one member of the family. Informal workers, “Monotributistas” of category A and B and domestic workers were eligible beneficiaries. Initially, this transfer was provided during April 2020 to 3.6 million families. This was later extended in June and August for a second and third round, covering 9 million people. The government launched the Extraordinary Bonus of $3,000 for beneficiaries of Universal Child Allowance and Universal Pregnancy Allowance. This involved more than 5.2 M beneficiaries (Universal Child Allowance 4.394.376 people as of April 2020 and Universal Pregnancy Allowance 0,8M people as of June 2019). The government launched the Emergency Assistance Program for Work and Production (ATP), which included the existing program Productive Recovery Program (REPRO). This consists of delivering Social non-contributive cash transfers to workers in firms in crisis situation. Assistance Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Later, the government launched a second version of REPRO within the Emergency Assistance Program for Work and Production (ATP). This version implied a more agile and abbreviated procedure according to the existing situation in the framework of the Covid-19 pandemic. REPRO II consists of delivering individual cash transfers to workers in firms in crisis situation. The program is incompatible with the following benefits of the ATP: Complementary Wage and Zero rate credit. The government implemented the Assistance, Training and Infrastructure Plan for Tourism (PACIT), an emergency program to assist the tourism sector. The measure involves financial aid ($50,000) to independent workers, such as tour guides and small operators who are Monotributistas, Monotributistas sociales or self-employed. In order to be beneficiaries, recipients must attend to hygiene and tourism-related trainings offered by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. The program had an initial budget of 100 million pesos. The government implemented cash transfers in order to strengthen the health care capacity. These cash transfers are aimed at residents and head of residents in the health sector. Initially, this was 65 granted for a couple of months, but it was extended until December 2020. The government extended and increased the Family support allowance for deceased people Program, which supports families when one of the members passes away. COVID 19-related deceases were included as a cause of death. This transfer is delivered to the unemployed, informal workers, monotributistas sociales, cleaning workers, and for those beneficiaries of other social programs (Universal Child Allowance, Universal Pregnancy Allowance, among others). The cash transfer was increased to $15,000. The government extended a bonus to health personnel and primary care workers. The program consisted of delivering a cash transfer of $5,000. Initially, this benefit was implemented during four months (April to July 2020), but later was extended for 3 further months, until October 2020. The government launched the Extraordinary Bonus of $3,000 for beneficiaries of the non- contributory system, which involved recipients of the following programs: Pension Universal para el Adulto Mayor (PUAM), pensions for the elderly, pensions for disabled people, pensions for mothers of Social pensions seven or more children, and ex gratia pensions. As of March 2020, there were 1,431,189 non- contributory pensioners and 167,596 PUAM, according to the Boletín de Seguridad Social, involving an estimated cost of 4.7B pesos. In-kind transfers The Ministry of Social Development ruled that families who have not yet received the Food Support Card (Tarjeta de alimentar) would receive the value of this amount through the Universal Child Allowance (AUH). This meant a temporary adaptation measure to strengthen food policies during COVID-19 pandemic. The plan is to deliver more than 1,500,000 cards to 2,800,000 recipients. To Food, vouchers, others date the food card has reached 1,100,000 people in 400,000 households. On April 29th 2020, the government announced an extraordinary reinforcement for holders of the Food Support Card. Those families with one child received an extra bonus of $4,000 pesos while this extra amount was $6,000 pesos for families with two or more children $6,000 pesos. In December 2020 the benefit increased to $8,000 and $12,000, respectively. School feeding The government distributed the remaining school feeding food stocks as take-home rations Public works In order to guarantee supply and control the increase in prices during the health emergency, the Ministry of Productive Development re-introduced a price control system from March 20th 2020 and for 30 days, initially. This involved maintaining prices of the basic food basket, beverages, toiletries Utility waivers and cleaning as they were on March 6th 2020. The measure covered hypermarkets, retail and wholesale supermarkets, mini-markets, warehouses and self-services. This measure was extended several times. The last extension was granted until late January 2021. In November 2020 covid- 66 related drugs were included in the price control program. The government has prohibited the eviction of people renting accommodations until September 30th 2020. Simultaneously, all rental contracts were automatically extended until the same date, regardless of current expiration of date. In turn, the government froze rental contracts and deferred the rent repayment corresponding to the month of March 2020 until September 30th 2020, which was later extended until January 2021. The government has ruled that key utilities such as energy, gas and water - as well as telecommunication, internet and Television services cannot be suspended during the crisis even if 3 consecutive or alternate bill payments are missed. Initially, the measure was in place for 180 days and included users who were beneficiaries of Universal Child Allowance, Universal Pregnancy Allowance, retirees and pensioners, those who receive unemployment insurance, and other groups. This was later extended for the entire population until late December 2020. On May 18th 2020, the government announced that fixed and mobile telephony, internet and pay TV services were considered as essential public services. With the aim of containing the situation of affected people and guaranteeing connectivity and full access to services, the government established the suspension of price increases until August 31st 2020 for these services. At the same time, the provision of inclusive postpaid, mobile prepaid and fixed internet mobile phone plans for all people requesting the benefit was agreed, with a fixed price until October 31st 2020. The measure included the commitment of provider companies not to lay off workers during the term of the agreement. Paid leave for adults over 60 years old, pregnant women and people with health conditions that present a risk and all workers, public and private, who have dependent children and must attend to Paid sick leave care needs due to the emergency (until the quarantine declaration on 3/20 when the leave was extended to all workers who are not in the excepted sectors: health, production, distribution and sale of food and hygiene items and pharmacy, among others) Health insurance Social Insurance The government launched the Extraordinary Bonus of $3,000 for beneficiaries of the contributory system, incluidng those who receive the minimum pension (15,892 pesos). As of March 2020, this concerned 4,340,845 beneficiaries, according to the Boletín de Seguridad Social, with an estimated Pensions expenditure of ARG$13,022,535,000. This measure also reached those who received a pension between $15,892 pesos and $18,892 pesos, although these beneficiaries recieved a benefit equal to the difference that allowed them a total pension of $18,892 pesos. According to the Boletin Seguridad Social, this concerned 467,944 beneficiaries as of March 2020. 67 Comprehensive unemployment benefits system: the workers who meet the requirements will receive Unemployment benefits an economic unemployment benefit. The unemployment benefit was doubled and was extended for those who were about to expire. These beneficiaries received 70% of the original benefit. Postponement or reduction of 95% of the payment of contributions employers to the Argentine Integrated Social Security System. Social security contributions The government implemented a program to assist firms in the pear and apple production sector of the provinces of Nequén, Río Negro, Mendoza, San Juan y La Pampa. The assistance consists of granting an extension period for the payment of social security obligations between 1st of June 2020 and 31st of December 2020. Activation measures The government extended the period of the double redundancy payment introduced in December 2019. Initially, this was extended until the 13th December 2020, but the government delayed it until the 25th January 2021. Labor market regulations The government extended the period of prohibition of dismissals and suspensions, which was first introduced in 2019. Reduced work time The Emergency Assistance to Work and Production (Asistencia al Trabajo y la Producción - ATP) consisted of a wage subsidy for formal workers, paid directly by ANSES (social security Labor administration of Argentina) to the employee bank account. By late April 2020, the allocation Markets amount was equal to 50% of worker's net salary, and this could not be less than the current minimum wage. e average transfer per worker was on average AR$ 20.000. The number of firms that applied and that were allowed in the program in each round varies (decreases over time). The last update on October 28th 2020 determined that the benefit must range between 1.25 and 2 minimum wages. Wage subsidies The Tourist Assistance and Training Fund (FACT) under the Assistance, Training and Infrastructure Plan for Tourism (PACIT) is a program aimed at Small and Medium Entreprises (SMEs) in the tourism sector (tourist agencies, tourist accommodations, gastronomic establishments and tourist recreation services), sharply affected by COVID 19 pandemic. The government delivers cash transfers equal to the minimum wage for a period of 6 months. 50% of this aid must be used in wages, and the remaining 50% can be used in other expenses. In return, firms must maintain their payroll of employees, who must at the same time comply with safety and hygiene adaptations trainings. 68 (back to the top) Armenia Cash-based transfers Lump-sum transfers to the vulnerable including individuals who were unemployed after the COVID-19 outbreak One-time support for employees (up to AMD138 thousand) or individual entrepreneurs in sphere of hotel services, public catering services, tourism, hairdressing and beauty salon services and retail services (except for food and drug dealers), Ground transport operations (route transport), Preschool institutions (private kindergartens), Sporting activities (sports clubs, swimming pools) or Entertainment and other leisure activities . Average wage of previous 2 months must not be more than AMD500 thousand. On March 25th and 30th 2020, the government approved a comprehensive action plan to counter the adverse coronavirus impact and several measures to offset its economic and social consequences Social with a total budget of at least US$300M. These included: Assistance Cash transfers - Support package No. 4: Assistance to families with children up to 14 years old where the formally (conditional and unconditional) employed parents were laid off. This support amounted AMD 100,000 (US$201) lump sum payment per child and did not apply to public servants or those who had monthly salary higher than AMD 500,000 for the previous 2 months. The payments started from April 1th 2020 and expired at the end of April. - Support package No. 6: Support to persons in formal employment (receiving less that AMD 500,000 for the past two months) who were laid off in the period of March 13th to 30th 2020 in the amount of monthly minimum wage. Payments were processed from April 2nd 2020. The support under this package is now over. - Support package No. 7: Support to pregnant women who are not employed until March 30th 2020 and whose husband and were laid off in the period of March 13th to 30th 2020 in the amount of AMD 100,000 (US$201) lump sum payment. Payments were processed from April 2nd 2020. The support under this package is now over. 69 - Support package No. 8: Support to hired workers and individual entrepreneurs (formal employment) in Armenia’s private sector most affected by the spread of coronavirus, specifically, in hotel and hostel, public catering, tourism, barber shops and beauty parlors, retail trade. This was expanded to cover also hired workers and individual entrepreneurs from the following sectors: ground transport operations (route transport); preschool institutions (private kindergartens); sporting activities (sports clubs, swimming pools); entertainment and other leisure activities. The amounts would range between AMD 68,000 and AMD 136,000 (US$137-274). - Support package No. 9: The government supported families with a children aged 0-18 years old, where both parents did not have a registered job (part-time or full-time work). This was expanded to cover parents in childcare leave for children under the age of 3.The support consisted of a lump-sum of AMD 26,500 (about US$55) per child. - Support package No. 13: One-time assistance at the rate of 50% of the amount of the social benefit or family benefit for those families enrolled in the Family Benefit system and eligible as of April 2020. 70% of the assistance will be available as a cash payment in addition to the amount of the family allowance for April; the balance of 30% will be transferred to the utility operator on behalf of the electricity subscriber. - Support package No. 22: adopted on June 25th 2020, it supported employees who were employed from January 1st to March 31st 2020 and lost their jobs. Beneficiaries received a one-time payment equal to the minimum wage of AMD 68,000 (US$140). Those who were employed in financial sector (credit organizations, insurance companies, etc.) and those who had an average monthly salary (calculated based on the 2 months’ average before they were laid-off) of more than AMD 500,000 (approximately US$1,030) were not eligible for this support package. It was reported that in April 2020 about 71,000 citizens lost their job and in May 2020 about 50,000 of them returned to the job market, with about 20,000 still laid-off. Social pensions In-kind transfers The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MLSA), in collaboration with the Armenian Red Cross, provided between one and three food and hygiene packages to 1,400 citizens. The packages were aimed at elderly people living alone and people with disabilities, including Syrian-Armenian refugees Food, vouchers, others and people in social housing. Also, MLSA announced the provision of food packages and other protective measures for 2 months to about 90,000 households (including 50+ year old unemployed and people with disabilities). 70 School feeding Support package No. 15: The program aimed at creating temporary jobs for socially vulnerable groups in the agricultural sector while tackling environmental problems through a reforestation program Public works protecting the riverbed from erosion and floods. The minimum daily salary consisted of AMD 10,000 (US$21). Support package No. 12: The government reimbursed 50% of February 2020 expenditures on natural gas and electricity for those consumers whose gas and electricity bills did not exceed AMD 10,000 (about US$21) and AMD 5,000 (about US$10), respectively and 30% of February 2020 expenditures on natural gas and electricity for those consumers whose gas and electricity bills were from AMD 10,001-30,000 (about US$21-62) and from AMD 5,001-10,000 (about US$10-21) respectively. These transfers were automatic and universal, with no obligation to apply. Beneficiaries: 280,000 households. Support package No. 13: One-time assistance at the rate of 50% of the amount of the social benefit or family benefit for those families enrolled in the Family Benefit system and eligible as of April 2020. 70% of the assistance will be available as a cash payment in addition to the amount of the family allowance for April; the balance of 30% will be transferred to the utility operator on behalf of the electricity subscriber. Support package No. 14: The government introduced three different options of assistance for Utility waivers students: semester tuition fees for Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students, simplification of student loans and subsidized loan interest rates for students. Support package No. 16: lump-sum assistance to beneficiaries for utilities. 1. 30% compensation for electricity consumption to 207,837 service subscriber residents, and for gas consumption – to 81,697 service subscriber residents, if they consumed from AMD 10,001 to 25,000 worth of electricity, and from AMD 30,001 to 40,000 worth of gas, for February, 2020. 2. 50% compensation for electricity consumption to service subscriber residents in 310 villages (rural communities), which do not have gas. The support was provided to those subscriber residents who consumed up to AMD 25,000 worth of electricity in February 2020. 3. 50% compensation for water consumption to those service subscriber residents who consumed up to AMD 3,000 worth of water in March 2020. The total number of beneficiaries for this package was 424,972 people. The Public Services Regulatory Commission allowed the delayed of electricity, water or gas outages payment during the period of March 15th and May 15th 2020. Utility bills could be paid in June 2020 71 with no disruption risks. Paid sick leave Health insurance All pensioners who received their pensions in cash did not need to go to the post office and had their Social pensions delivered to them by HayPost (Nationwide Postal Office) employees. Arrangement of Pensions Insurance delivery of pensions and social benefit packages, so that beneficiaries could receive them without leaving home Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Obligation for enterprises and companies which have resumed operation since April 17th 2020 to ensure preventive/anti-epidemiological measures inside organizations. This was aimed at ensuring workers’ safety and health. Obligation for the employers to ensure safe transfer of workers to and Labor market regulations from their workplaces. Development of guidelines by the Commandant’s office for citizens, employers and medical servicers on steps to be taken to stay safe; Labor Markets Setting up a hotline and provision of instructions on preventive actions for citizens and employers in Reduced work time terms of organizing remote work. Support package No. 5: Government paid 20% of the overall monthly salary fund to 49,000 business entities who employed 2-50 workers. Beneficiaries of this measure were business entities, except financial sector entities and organizers of lotteries and prize games, and other similar businesses. This Wage subsidies was later expanded by Support package No. 18 for companies with 2 to 100 employees between February 1st to April 30th 2020. Direct subsidies to SMEs and businesses to help maintain their employees 72 (back to the top) Aruba (Netherlands) Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others Distribution of 800 food packages to people in need, upon Super Food donations. School feeding Public works The government introduced a measure where tenants cannot be evicted from their home. Fiscal emergency plan 2020. On March 27th 2020, the government presented the Fiscal Emergency Social Plan 2020 (Plan di Alivio Fiscal 2020). The plan was to alleviate the tax burden for the sole purpose of Assistance solidarity and the recovery of the economy following the COVID-19 outbreak. This included the following measures: 1) Extension of the legal payment term of the monthly tax resources: Taxpayers with a turnover of less than AWF $1 M per month affected by COVID-19 engaged in tourism activities, transportation, commerce, cleaning sector and construction can be given extra time on request to pay the tax due for the months of April, May and June 2020. Utility waivers 2) No payment of the employer's contribution AOV / AWW for the months of April, May and June 2020 for tourism activities 3) Extension of the statutory declaration and payment term of the 2019 profit tax due, with the exception of Financial institutions for 6 months (until November 30th 2020) 4) Postponement of payment arrangements already concluded for 3 months, since April 2020. 5) Default fines for non, partial or late payment of the tax due were suspended for the months of April, May and June 2020. 6) The interest collection in the event of non-payment or partial non-payment of outstanding (tax) debts were suspended for three (3) months from April 2020 on the condition that the taxpayer concluded a (new) payment arrangement. 73 7) Affected taxpayers were granted easier access to new flexible payment arrangements for all tax and non-tax means such as income tax, national insurance contributions, profit tax, land tax and leasehold: - Maximum 24 months for individual taxpayers with a minimum amount of AWG $100; - Maximum 24 months for entrepreneurs with a minimum amount of AWG $500; - Maximum 36 months for 60+ with a minimum amount of AWG $75. 8) When paying outstanding old (tax) debts all at once, the taxpayer can appeal to the following discounts. - Assessments dated up to and including December 31, 2010: 75% discount. - Tax assessments with a date from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2014: 50% discount. - Tax assessments with a date from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2016: 30% discount. - Tax assessments with a date from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019: 10% discount. In accordance with the Price Regulation for special and temporary maximum prices COVID-19), the government, through the Department of Economic Affairs, introduced a maximum prices system for the crisis package as of May 14th 2020. This included controlling prices of food as well as health items. The government implemented the Fiscal Emergency Plan part 2, which took effect on November 1st 2020, including the following measures for individuals: - Broadening of the beneficial policy concerning the savings and provident fund scheme for the years 2020 and 2021, approved to allow employees to withdraw the amount saved untaxed during the years 2020 and 2021. This applies in the case of funerals, home purchases, children's studies, and other emergencies. - Abolition of Special tax on rental cars and rental motorcycles (BBVAM) - Flex payment arrangements for businesses, individuals, and retirees-non entrepreneurs. To make the taxes payable, the new flexible payment arrangements imply the choice of payment in 6, 12, or 18 months with a minimum repayment amount of Afl. 100. For retired non-entrepreneurs: choice of payment in 12, 18, or 24 months with a minimum redemption amount of Afl. 75,00. - Taxpayers are entitled to a 30% discount on the payment of a lump sum of outstanding old (tax) debts. The remediation policy is valid until June 30, 2021. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Fiscal emergency plan 2020. On March 27th 2020, the government presented the Fiscal Emergency Social security contributions Plan 2020 (Plan di Alivio Fiscal 2020). The plan was to alleviate the tax burden for the sole purpose of 74 solidarity and the recovery of the economy following the COVID-19 outbreak. This included the following measures related to social security contributions: - No payment of the employer's contribution AOV / AWW for the month of April, May and June 2020 for tourism activities - Affected taxpayers were granted easier access to new flexible payment arrangements for all tax and non-tax means such as income tax, national insurance contributions, profit tax, land tax and leasehold: - Maximum 24 months for individual taxpayers with a minimum amount of AWG $100; - Maximum 24 months for entrepreneurs with a minimum amount of AWG $500; - Maximum 36 months for 60+ with a minimum amount of AWG $75. Activation measures The government decided to cut salaries of ministers, civil servants and pensioners for the period May- December 2020 as follows: Ministers, officeholders, advisers, and directors of government entities are Labor market regulations surrendering 20%. Officials and employees of subsidized foundations and government entities contribute 12.6%. Pensioners of the APFA will give 4.5%. This implied an estimated cost of AWG $91 M. The Government has introduced a flexibility package for 3 months to provide relief for all the economic turmoil caused by the Coronavirus, effective from April 1st, 2020. This included the following: 1) Opportunity for businesses and employees to apply for compensation from the Emergency Social Assistance Funds (FASE) to help cover the loss of income of employees due to the reduction of Reduced work time working hours, causing them to earn less than AWG $950 monthly. Initially, FASE was launched on March 19th 2020 for a duration of 3 months. It was extended until September 2020. Labor 2) Labor Law: Flexibility on working hours of employees. Employees retain the right to receive Markets payment for the hours they have worked, in mutual agreement with their employer. The government urged companies to maintain working agreements active; it was recommended to grant paid vacation before reducing working hours while still keeping five vacation days as a buffer. The Government has introduced a flexibility package for 3 months to provide relief for all the economic turmoil caused by the Coronavirus, effective from April 1st, 2020. This included the following: 1) Opportunity for businesses and employees to apply for compensation from the Emergency Social Assistance Funds (FASE) to help cover the loss of income of employees due to the reduction of Wage subsidies working hours, causing them to earn less than AWG $950 monthly. Initially, FASE was launched on March 19th 2020 for a duration of 3 months. It was extended until September 2020. 2) Labor Law: Flexibility on working hours of employees. Employees retain the right to receive payment for the hours they have worked, in mutual agreement with their employer. The government urged companies to maintain working agreements active; it was recommended to grant paid vacation before reducing working hours while still keeping five vacation days as a buffer. 75 The government introduced the salary subsidy in June 2020. The salary subsidy was a financial support for local businesses that have been financially affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in the form of revenue loss of more than 25%. The government gave each employer subsidy based on their monthly loss of revenue, to pay their employees a maximum of 60% of their salary and up to the limited amount of monthly AWG $5,850. The financial aid given to employers was exclusively for payments of employee’s salaries and associated fees, such as taxes and social contributions that employers are responsible for. In 2020, the government paid AWG $271.7 M in support in the form of a Salary Subsidy. A sum of AWG $280 M is expected to be reserved on the government’s budget for 2021. In January 2021 a total of 1,453 companies have received a salary subsidy, involving AWG $25,6 M and covering the payroll of 18,786 employees. 76 (back to the top) Australia Cash-based transfers The Government is providing two separate $750 payments to social security, veteran and other income support recipients and eligible concession card holders. The first payment was made from 31 March 2020 and the second payment from 13 July 2020. Around half of those that benefit are pensioners. Eligibility for the payment include beneficiaries of Age Pension, Carer Allowance, Carer Payment, Commonwealth Seniors Health Card, Disability Support Pension, Double Orphan Pension, Family Tax Benefit, Pensioner Concession Card. These payments helped support confidence and domestic demand in the economy. The second payment was not available to those eligible for the Coronavirus supplement. There were two additional Economic Support Payments of $250, one during December 2020 and one in March 2021. Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) The government announced a time-limited Coronavirus Supplement to be paid at a rate of AUD 550 per fortnight (around USD 330) to recipients of Jobseeker payment, parenting payment, youth allowances and other payment types. This supplement was place for six months at a cost of AUD Social 14.1bn (USD 8.5bn). The Coronavirus Supplement of $550 per fortnight was available until September Assistance 24th 2020. Beyond this date, the Coronavirus Supplement was reduced to $250 per fortnight until December 31st 2020 and to a rate of $150 per fortnight until March 31st 2021. The State Government will provide a one-off emergency relief payment of $250 for individuals and up to $1,000 for families who are required to self- quarantine. This will be available to low-income persons, casual workers and self-employed persons who are required to self-isolate due to COVID-19 risk. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works The Government is providing $1.6 billion to support child care services to remain open in the wake of Utility waivers COVID-19 and to provide families who need it with access to care. To receive these payments child 77 care services must prioritize care to essential workers, vulnerable, disadvantaged and previously enrolled children, and must not charge families any fees for sessions of care provided. To support workers displaced by the COVID-19 crisis, the Australian government rolled out the Higher Education Relief Package. Starting May 2020, this initiative subsidizes selected courses for 20,000 students to make study achievable during the pandemic. To be eligible, students must study an approved course full-time starting in May 2020, and successfully complete the course by December 2020. For eligible students, the subsidy reduces the cost of select courses in the areas of Teaching, Nursing, Health, IT and the Sciences to approximately $1,200-$2,500. Sole traders, self-employed, casual workers and contract workers are entitled to the Job Seeker Payment & Coronavirus Supplement in case of sickness or mandatory quarantine, if they meet the required criteria. Paid sick leave Paid pandemic leave has been available to eligible residential aged care employees covered by the Aged Care Award, Nurses Award and Health Services Award. This entitlement ended on 29 March 2021. Health insurance Pensions Social Insurance Unemployment benefits The government is allowing individuals affected by the Coronavirus early access up to $10,000 of their superannuation in 2019-20 and a further $10,000 in 2020-21. Eligible individuals were able to apply online to access up to $10,000 of their superannuation before 1 July 2020. They were also able to access up to a further tax free $10,000 from 1 July 2020 for approximately 3 months. The Social security contributions withdrawals were available to those in financial distress due to coronavirus as well as sole traders whose hours or income had fallen 20 percent or more due to coronavirus. The COVID-19 early release of super program closed on 31 December 2020. Nearly 2.45m Australians have applied to get early release of their superannuation and 2.45m applications were approved for FY 2019-20. The National Apprentice Employment Network (NAEN) is coordinating the re-engagement of apprentices and trainees who have recently lost their job with potential employers. This register has been established for apprentices and trainees who were employed by a small or medium sized business and have lost their jobs; and employers from any size business who have a Labor vacancy for an apprentice or trainee. Activation measures Markets Who can register: - Apprentices and trainees from small businesses who were in a training contract at 1 March 2020 or 1 July 2020 and have since lost their jobs - Apprentices and trainees from medium businesses who were in a training contract at 1 July 2020 and have since lost their jobs 78 - Employers of any size, including Group Training Organisations, who wish to register their details and post a vacancy for an apprentice or trainee To help manage the impact of coronavirus, there have been changes to some employees’ pay and leave entitlements. These include the introduction of: (i) unpaid pandemic leave and annual leave at half pay in most awards, and (ii) award flexibility provisions in some awards. Employees who are employed under one of the affected awards can access up to 2 weeks’ unpaid pandemic leave (or more by agreement with their employer) if they are prevented from working: as a result of being required to self-isolate by government or medical authorities, or acting on the advice of a medical practitioner, or by measures taken by government or medical authorities in response to the pandemic (for example, an enforceable government direction restricting non-essential businesses). Labor market regulations The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) has written to applicants for new banking or insurance and superannuation licenses to advise that it is temporarily suspending issuing new licenses for at least six months in response to the economic uncertainty created by COVID-19. The APRA commenced consultation on an updated approach to licensing and supervising new authorized deposit-taking institutions (ADIs). In an information paper on March 18th 2021, APRA has outlined stronger requirements for being granted a banking license, and closer supervision of new entrants as they seek to establish themselves. Under Australia’s Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws employers have a duty of care for the health and safety of their workers and others at the workplace. This includes providing and maintaining a Reduced work time work environment that is without risk to health and safety, and providing adequate facilities for workers in carrying out their work. The Australian government injected a further A$1.5 billion ($1.1 billion) into a wage subsidy program to counter rising unemployment, which involved the payment of 50% of the wage of apprentices and trainees, initially, from January to September 2020. The subsidy amounted up to AUD 21,000 and for a total cost of AUD 1.3 billion. Through the subsidy, any business or Group Training Organisation that engages an Australian Apprentice between October 5th 2020 and September 30th 2021 may be eligible for this subsidy per new or recommencing apprentice or trainee for a 12-month period from the date of commencement, to a maximum of $7,000 per quarter. There is no cap on the number of eligible Wage subsidies trainees/ apprentices. Australia is providing a wage subsidy (so-called “JobKeeper payment”) for all permanent, part-time and casual workers who have worked for at least a year with their employer and were employed as of March 1, 2020. It is up to AUD 1,500 (USD 909) per two weeks for a period of six months, which is around 70 percent of the national median wage. Firms must show major reductions in turnover to qualify, which is 50 percent reduction in turnover for large firms and 30 percent for smaller firms. This 79 is expected to cover around 6 million of the 13 million strong workforce. Registrations for the JobMaker Hiring Credit are now open. Businesses can receive payments for new positions they create between 7 October 2020 and 6 October 2021. Employers and employees must meet eligibility criteria. 80 (back to the top) Austria Cash-based transfers Cash assistance for one-person companies and freelancers affected by the crisis (e.g. service providers, artists, etc.) through a hardship fund, implemented by the Austrian Economic Chamber. The maximum amount of compensation for the net loss of income per observation period was € 2,000 per month, with a minimum of € 500 if eligibility requirements were met for a period of three months. This was later increased to six months. To support families, the federal government is providing 650 million euros for families with children with the child bonus. Every child who was eligible for family allowance of 360 euros in September 2020. Payment was made automatically and without an application. This also applied to people who Cash transfers receive increased family allowances, for example people with disabilities. (conditional and unconditional) Support for job seeker: The government introduced unemployment benefits for anyone who was unemployed for 60 days between May and August 2020. This implied receiving a one-off payment of 450 euros. This measure involved a planned budget of 200 million euros. Social Assistance Corona hazard bonus of €500 for workers in the social and healthcare sectors for those directly dealing with COVID-19 patients between March 16th 2020 and June 30th 2020 . The government implemented a Corona-bonus of €150 for workers in the electrical and electronics industry, in the chemical industry, and in the shoe and textile industries. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works The government approved a deferral of personal and corporate income taxes (for 2020), social security contributions (3 months), and VAT payments (until end-September 2020). This meant a Utility waivers total 10 billion euros. 81 The government prohibited electricity, gas or heat disconnections until May 1st 2020. The government also discussed the possibility of deferring utility payments or an installment plan. Several alleviations for tenants of rented apartments have been made, for those who suffer from the pandemic with income losses, disabling them from paying the monthly rent in part or fully. Measures included * the prohibition of the termination of a rental contract due to such financial problems; * the temporary exclusion of the enforceability of rent arrears; * reliefs with regard to the extension of fixed-term residential rental contracts; and * the statutory deferment of eviction for dwellings. Employees with care responsibilities for one or more children under the age of 14 can take up to 3 Paid sick leave weeks of care leave (Sonderbetreuungszeit) with full wage replacement, being 33% of it reimbursed to the employer by the government. Health insurance Pensions Temporary waiving of the conditionality to regularly meet the case worker at the labor market service to receive unemployment benefits Increase in unemployment assistance: income support to unemployed workers who have exhausted Unemployment benefits their entitlement to unemployment benefit raised to the level of unemployment benefits Social Applications for unemployment benefits and unemployment assistance could be made without a Insurance personal visit The government approved a deferral of personal and corporate income taxes (for 2020), social security contributions (3 months), and VAT payments (until end-September 2020). This meant a total 10 billion euros Deferral of social security contributions for self-employed. Those self-employed who were financially Social security contributions affected by measures which had been implemented and had difficulties providing the social security contributions, should contact the insurance. All insured were offered the following options: * Deferral of contributions; * Payment of contributions in installments * Reduction of the provisional contribution base * Total or partial leniency of interest on late payments The re-start bonus is a transfer intended for people who were unemployed and who were registered Labor Activation measures with the public employment service (PES) and willing to take up a new position (job offer registered Markets with the PES) where they would earn less than in their previous job. The duration of the allowance is 82 limited to a maximum of 28 weeks and concerns fully insured employment relationships that are taken up between 15 June 2020 and 30 June 2021. The government implemented an apprentice bonus for companies creating apprenticeships, which amounted €2,000 for every apprentice hired between March 16th and October 31st 2020. The money was paid in two tranches: €1,000 at the start of the apprenticeship and €1,000 if retained after the probationary period (usually three months). Funding was also provided for taking over apprentices in the first year of training from an inter-company apprenticeship scheme until March 31st 2021. In total, €62.7 million were budgeted for the measure. The education bonus is provided for taking part in a training measure which lasts at least four months and is agreed upon with the PES. It lies at €4 per day (i.e. cumulating to around €120 per month) and is provided for training measures which start from 1 October 2020 to 31 December 2021. The bonus does not need to be specifically applied for, it is paid automatically together with the unemployment benefit or assistance. In total, €58 million are budgeted until 2022. The government decided to extend the employment permit up to twelve months for seasonal Labor market regulations workers who were already employed and have been granted a permit before. New type of short-time working scheme, called "Corona Kurzarbeit": in the case of "temporary, non- seasonal" economic difficulties due to Covid-19, company employees in all sectors had the option of Reduced work time reducing their working hours by 10-90 percent for six months, but a social partner agreement is a prerequisite for use of the scheme and the employment level must be maintained during the scheme and one month beyond The government is covering up to 90% of wages of workers to stay employed with reduced working hours, rather than being laid-off. This was implemented for 3 months with potential extension of another 3 months. The government implemented an apprentice bonus for companies creating apprenticeships, which Wage subsidies amounted €2,000 for every apprentice hired between March 16th and October 31st 2020. The money was paid in two tranches: €1,000 at the start of the apprenticeship and €1,000 if retained after the probationary period (usually three months). Funding was also provided for taking over apprentices in the first year of training from an inter-company apprenticeship scheme until March 31st 2021. In total, €62.7 million were budgeted for the measure.. 83 (back to the top) Azerbaijan Cash-based transfers The government introduced an additional lump-sum payment of AzN 190 to individuals who received social assistance under the April 4th 2020 relief package. Provision of a temporary (April- May 2020) allowance (lump-sum payment) of 190 manat (USD 111; minimum subsistence level) to 600,000 persons registered as unemployed in the State Employment Service and informally employed low-income people who lost their jobs due to the special quarantine regime; Payment of allowances/benefits to medical workers (AzN 0.1 bn) As one of the measures to increase government support for low-income families in Azerbaijan, the Cash transfers coverage of the Targeted State Social Assistance program was expanded. From April 1st 2020, the (conditional and unconditional) number of citizens receiving targeted social assistance has grown by 12,000 families and reached 82,000. The average monthly amount of social assistance for each family continues to grow, reaching 222 manat ($130.5). The support was also provided to low-income families whose term for receiving targeted state social assistance during the special quarantine regime has expired. The term Social for the provision of this assistance to them has been extended to one month following the end of Assistance the quarantine regime. TSSA are paid to the low-income family once a month through a payment card through the banks. The rescue of private pension plans is also allowed for a maximum of the amount of the minimum wage on a monthly basis. The Action Plan approved for the implementation of the Presidential Decree dated March 19, 2020 includes 12 measures in 4 areas to support employment and social welfare. With the new support measures declared by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on April 17, AZN 600 million has Social pensions been allocated for these purposes. The total funds allocated for the implementation of the Action Plan will be about AZN 3.5 billion. AZN 200 million reserve funds built up in the State Social Protection Fund in 2019 were channeled towards ensuring the sustainability of social payments that 2.3 million people receive (pensions, benefits, stipends, etc.). Extension of the term of disability of persons with disabilities (including children) that expired on 1 84 March 2020 until the 1st day of the month following the end of the quarantine regime. This measure covered 14,000 people, and AZN 2.6 million were allocated for this purpose; In-kind transfers Social services are provided to more than 15,000 of single people over the age of 65 and to people Food, vouchers, others with special needs in social service institutions and facilities. Through social partners, about 100,000 food packages have been distributed. School feeding Public works Ensure public works participation for 50 thousand new beneficiaries A certain period of exemption from VAT on goods necessary to meet the food and medical needs of the population. Exemption from VAT on imports of raw materials and supplies related to production to meet the population’s needs in terms of food, medicine and other necessary products in the short term; Increasing of the amount of funds allocated for preferential/privileged mortgage loans to AZN 90 million (USD 52 million) The government provided social assistance to support the payment of utility bills on electricity consumption od population. Support program on the payment of tuition fee of students who are members of families belonging to a socially vulnerable population were also adopted as social benefit packages. Utility waivers In case of full or partial delay in business and consumer loans (principal or interest-bearing debt), credit organizations were advised not to levy a fine, penalty and other payments from the borrowers and not worsen their' credit history until September 30, 2020. For taxpayers engaged in public catering and passenger transportation, which are payers of the simplified tax, It is planned to provide a 50% discount on the simplified tax amount; Reduction of the withholding tax rate on real estate lease from individuals from 14% to 7%; Increase by 100 kWh the volume of discounted electricity limit for the population in April-May 2020. The rental property tax in the COVID-affected areas is reduced from 14 percent to 7 percent. Extension of the deadlines for paying personal income tax for 2019 85 Subsidization of interest rates and improvement of credit guarantee instruments by the Mortgage and Credit Guarantee Fund, including increasing the ceiling amount of the warranty-to-loan ratio, eliminating guarantee fees, applicable penalties and other restrictions, reducing annual interest rates on loans with subsidy interest, increasing the limit on guarantee payments and reducing commissions on guarantees. Scholarships for those who have had breaks in vocational training courses; Private business entities, including individuals engaged in entrepreneurship were provided with the opportunity to restructure loans (of satisfactory quality, and with interests subsidized by the government) issued to them until March 1st, 2020, without deteriorating their quality. Depending on the method of taxation chosen, taxpayers will be provided with several tax benefits for a period of 1 year from January 1, 2020. Exemption from current tax payments and issuance of certificates related to current tax payments for a period of 1 year. Extension of the deadline for payment of the taxes for 2019 until September 1, 2020; Provision of extension of deadlines for submission of simplified tax returns for the 1st and 2nd quarters of 2020 and reports on profit and property taxes as well as payment of accrued tax to the budget until September 1 of the current year. To protect workers, the government has announced that people who were forced to stay at home or not work at full capacity were able to receive a salary. Paid leave was maintained to take care of children under 14 years of age or with disabilities who did not have relatives up to the second degree Paid sick leave of consanguinity or affinity who can care for them (except grandparents). Both parents must be in this situation or be single-parent families. Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance The government decided to expand the coverage of unemployment insurance payments and create proactive appointment mechanism. Continue to pay insurance payments and stipends during the special quarantine regime for persons whose unemployment insurance payments have expired but are not employed, and students who are in break from vocational training courses. Expansion of Unemployment benefits unemployment insurance coverage to 20,000 people until December 2020 (20 million manat/$11.7 million were allocated). Postponement of calculation of interest on unpaid taxes, compulsory state social insurance and unemployment insurance premiums from April 1, 2020 to January 1, 2021. 86 Deferment of imposing fines for a certain period of time for compulsory state social insurance and unemployment insurance contributions (exception: wage earners). From April 1, 2020 to January 1, 2021, the rate of contributions to compulsory social insurance for individuals engaged in self-employed activities in construction and trade sectors will be 25% of the minimum wage and 15% of the minimum wage in other areas (decreased from 50% and 25%, respectively). From 2021 to 2026, the rates will be 50% of the minimum wage and 25% in other areas. For persons engaged in entrepreneurship individually who do not have employees, the following rates will apply until January 1, 2026: For businesses involved in entertaining events – 5% of the minimum wage; for tailors or persons engaged in the repair of household appliances, providing services at home etc. – 3% of the minimum wage. Amendments to the law “On Social Insurance” that provide deductions in mandatory social insurance Social security contributions contributions, with privileges for business entities engaged in individual entrepreneurship under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic Agriculture sector Mandatory state social insurance contributions for each family member of individuals using agricultural lands owned by them, depending on the area of land calculated by the amount of the minimum monthly wage (250 AZN): up to 5 hectares - in the amount of 2%; from 5 to 10 hectares - in the amount of 6%; more than 10 hectares - in the amount of 10%. It is also planned to replace the submission of social insurance reports by landowners with a fixed receipt. Mandatory state social insurance fees for members of the bar association (attorneys), independent auditors and independent accountants were paid in the amount of 20% of gross income. Activation measures From April to May 2020, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population conducted legislative work on employers and ensured daily controls in order to prevent unjustified dismissals Labor and layoffs of employees in the private sector. Such terminations in the public sector are prevented, Markets Labor market regulations and salaries of employees on leave are being maintained. The government introduced a salary increase of up to 5 times the reference wage for frontline medical staff during the period of the pandemic. 87 Issuance of a joint appeal by the Ministry of Economy together with social partners, which warned employers against groundless dismissals; During the period of the special quarantine regime, the payment of ad hoc supplements in the amount of a one-fold monthly official salary (base pay) to employees working in regional (city) branches of the State Social Protection Fund under the MLSPP and in social service enterprises subordinate to those branches has been approved Daily monitoring is carried out through an electronic system to protect the jobs and salaries of employees in various sectors. Reduced work time On April 4th 2020, the authorities announced a support to the affected businesses and individuals in the amount of AzN 3.3 billion (4.85 percent of GDP). Measures aimed at redressing damage to entrepreneurs and supporting incomes include: partial coverage of salaries (AzN 215 million) Wage subsidies Allocation of AZN 71.6 million to 22,913 taxpayers for their wage payments to staff working in affected areas and of AZN 56.9 million to 97,379 individual (micro) entrepreneurs operating in such areas (as of 21 May 2020). 88 (back to the top) Bahamas, The Cash-based transfers On April 6th 2020 the government introduced the Government Funded Unemployment Assistance for COVID-19 that provided weekly payments of $200 to self-employed people and workers in the tourism sector for a period of up to eight weeks. The delivery of the transfer was managed by the National Insurance Board (NIB). This fund was extended with an extra allocation of $45 million from July 2020 until December 2020, expanding its coverage to the following groups: o Self-employed tourism workers who remain unemployed and were receiving assistance prior to July 1 o Hurricane Dorian survivors who remain unemployed and were receiving unemployment assistance prior to July 1 Cash transfers o Youth - NIB contributors who are under 35 years old, who were unemployed during the COVID-19 (conditional and unconditional) shutdown but did not meet the contribution threshold to receive a benefit. o Individuals who maxed out their 13-weeks of eligibility under the ordinary National Insurance unemployment benefit scheme. o NIB beneficiaries who were eligible to receive BSD $150 per week in government assistance for a Social maximum of 13-weeks of unemployment up and until March 23, 2021 Assistance - In February 2021, it was announced that the Unemployment Benefit Program was extended again, with the potential for another extension As of December, 2020, the government provided an estimated $90 million in direct cash assistance and income replacement to nearly 38,000 unemployed Bahamians since March. Persons with disabilities under the age of 16 who normally receive their services every two months, Social pensions had their April 2020 assistance advanced in March 2020. Similar arrangements were also made for persons receiving foster care subsistence. In-kind transfers The government delivered food vouchers of B$100 and other forms of social support to workers who were affected by reduced weeks. As of April 6th 2020, this involved a total budget of B$4 million (USD 2 million), reaching 10,000 beneficiaries. Beneficiaries needed to present copy of the Food, vouchers, others NIB card. Emergency Food Assistance vouchers of BSD 50 (USD 50) also provided to walk-ins at Department of Social Services Centers pending thorough assessment for longer term assistance via the 89 Temporary Food Assistance Program. This emergency assistance was extended to persons with disabilities who are not existing recipients of the department. Ministry of Education’s school feeding program continues via the distribution of food vouchers to the 4,300 students who depend on the initiative during the school year. (Dec, 2020) The government provided $17.2 million in food support since the start of the pandemic response through October 2020. It was announced that the government planned to spend an additional $10 million by late December 2020 to support rapid food distribution taskforce, as well as to extend the food assistance program by late March 2021. School feeding Public works Utilities companies to defer payment of residential customers diagnosed with the COVID-19, in quarantine, or laid off. Government has increased subventions to the utility companies to assist with this. In July 2020, Bahamas Power and Light introduced a fuel hedge facility to lock in low energy prices Utility waivers for 18 months. (April 27, 2020) A rental referral system was announced allowing the renter to defer 40 percent of their rent over a three-month period, effective from April 1st 2020. The program was limited to residential rentals and was only for those whose employment or income has been affected by COVID-19. Rent cost must be BSD $2000 or less. The National Insurance Act and Regulations provided for the payment of Sickness Benefit when a worker is quarantined. Employees with at least 40 contributions to the NIB, have a doctor's Paid sick leave certificate and employer's confirmation are eligible to this benefit. The benefit is 60% of the workers average insured income and is payable for 14 days. Social Payment of premiums related to health, medical and life insurance have been suspended until 60 Health insurance Insurance days after the removal of the state of emergency Temporary incremental monthly increase of BSD $50.00 in the Old Age Pension administered by the Pensions National Insurance Board, to aid the elderly Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Labor Activation measures Markets Labor market regulations 90 Reduced work time Wage subsidies 91 (back to the top) Bahrain Cash-based transfers The government provided direct aid to families in need and doubling the monthly assistance for those registered in social affairs and the Royal Foundation for Humanitarian Action. A budget of BHD5.5 million was allocated to double the value of social security benefits, which cover 17,000 Bahraini families and doubled the value of the disability allowance (social insurance), which benefits 12,000 persons with disabilities who are registered on the Ministry's lists. They received BHD200 Cash transfers instead of BHD100 (conditional and unconditional) Tamkeen launched financial packages to support registered taxi and bus drivers and driving instructors, with the payment of BHD 300 monthly. Furthermore, Tamkeen paid the full salary of kindergarten and nursery employees not insured by the Social Insurance Organization. Funds allocated: BHD 856,000. April – June 2020 (3 months). The government provided direct aid to families in need and doubling the monthly assistance for those registered in social affairs and the Royal Foundation for Humanitarian Action. A budget of BHD5.5 million was allocated to double the value of social security benefits, which cover 17,000 Social pensions Social Bahraini families and doubled the value of the disability allowance (social insurance), which benefits Assistance 12,000 persons with disabilities who are registered on the Ministry's lists. They received BHD200 instead of BHD100 In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Paid the Electricity and Water Authority monthly utility bills for all individuals and businesses. Payments were capped at the amounts recorded in the comparable periods in 2019, and at BHD100,000 for businesses. Funds allocated: BHD 90 million Utility waivers At end-July 2020 the authorities approved the exempting households from paying municipality fees on their first residence for three months Funds allocated: exemptions valued at BHD 25 million. April – June 2020 (3 months). The Bahrain Central Bank issued a directive to commercial banks directives calling all banks and 92 financial institutions to probe rescheduling loans and postponing loan instalments. Banks have also been requested to offer a six-month deferral of repayments without interest or penalty, and to refrain from blocking customers’ accounts if a customer has lost his/her employment The Labour Market Regulatory Authority (LMRA) terminated monthly work fees and fees for issuing and renewing work permits. Funds allocated: exemptions valued at BHD 56 million. April – June 2020 (3 months). Postponed housing mortgage installments collected by Eskan Bank. Funds allocated: exemptions valued at BHD 25 million.March – August 2020 (6 months). Paid sick leave • The King of Bahrain ordered the Ministry of Health to cover the treatment expenses of COVID-19 Health insurance Social patients, including testing and quarantine services, for all citizens and residents Insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time As part of the economic and financial package, the salaries of all employees in the private sector will Labor be paid for three months (starting from April 2020) through the unemployment insurance fund. It Markets will 100,000 of Bahrain's private sector employees (total cost of BHD215 million, with a monthly average of over BHD70 million). The new measure includes payment of 50 percent of salaries for Wage subsidies Bahrainis working in the most affected sectors for a further three months starting in July 2020 Tamkeen paid the full salary of kindergarten and nursery employees not insured by the Social Insurance Organization. Funds allocated: BHD 856,000. April – June 2020 (3 months). 93 (back to the top) Bangladesh Cash-based transfers Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina announced the disbursement of Taka 1,250 crore cash assistance among 50 lakh poor families (5 million households) hit hard amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis. Each family is set to receive Taka 2500. The fund will be distributed among the families through the mobile financial services (MFSs). Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) The government has also announced Taka 12 billion cash assistance program for the disadvantaged elderly people, widows and female divorcees Social Taka 1 billion was announced in bonus payments for public health workers treating COVID-19 Assistance patients. Social pensions In-kind transfers The government planned to distribute 10-kilogramme rice for free to over one crore "ultra-poor and Food, vouchers, others destitute families" ahead of Eid-ul-Azha of 2020 School feeding Public works Utility waivers Food subsidies would include selling rice at Tk5/kg through OMS, down from Tk30/kg Paid sick leave Health insurance Taka 7.5 billion was announced to provide health insurance for government employees. Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor June 2020: The World Bank approved USD1.05 billion for three projects to help Bangladesh create Markets quality jobs and accelerate economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as to build Labor market regulations resilience to future crises. - The $250 million Second Programmatic Jobs Development Policy Credit will create fiscal space to 94 support the government’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, while helping recovery and building resiliency of the economy, of workers and of vulnerable populations to future shocks. Pillar B aims to support increased job quality through targeted reforms and enhanced implementation of existing laws and standards. This consisted of strengthening the capacity for enforcement of labor and safety regulations, through roll-out of a Labor Inspection Management System (LIMA), including mechanisms for feedback from workers and employers. Actions under Pillar C aim at strengthening existing institutions and programs that facilitate access to quality jobs for women, youth, and migrants. Reduced work time Taka 50 billion (about US$ 588 million) stimulus package for exporting industries was declared as Wage subsidies worker’s salary support, and was disbursed through mobile financial services and bank accounts benefitting close to 4 million workers over a four-month period. 95 (back to the top) Barbados Cash-based transfers The government established the“Household Survival Program” (BBD 20 million or USD 10 million) including several initiatives to assist the vulnerable: - an increase of 40 per cent in all rates and fees paid by the Welfare Department to its beneficiaries that served on an annual basis (up to BBD 10 million) - Barbados Vulnerable Family Survival Program assisting 1,500 vulnerable families identified by the Welfare Department and the Household Mitigation Unit with BBD 600 monthly (total of BBD10 million) for 3 months The government aimed at benefiting over 200 licensed beach vendors with the opportunity to Cash transfers register with the National Conservation Commission and benefit from the $600 per month under (conditional and unconditional) the Household Mitigation Unit As part of the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the government has launched the Barbados Adopt-A-Family program to assist the most vulnerable families in Barbados with $600 a Social month stipends. The goal was to reach up to 2,500 families. The government provided for the first Assistance 1,500 families. Funds were issued by E-cheque, to allow the government to issue payment cards to the families allowing them to access their funds using ATMs and Point of Sale terminals island-wide. Initially, the program was placed for three months only, but was extended in July 2020. As of July 2020, the program benefited 3,453 families. Social pensions In-kind transfers The government has distributed 4,000 care packages, comprising a 14-day supply of basic food and sanitary items, to vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, the disabled and the impoverished in the community, as identified by social service agencies, including the National Assistance Board, the National Disabilities Unit, Barbados Council for the Disabled, the Welfare Department, Salvation Food, vouchers, others Army, Jabez House, Prison Fellowship The Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training (METVT), in collaboration with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Barbados Defence Force (BDF), has distributed approximately 921 hygiene packs to vulnerable and special needs students. These packages included 96 the following items: one bottle of liquid hand soap, one bottle of hand sanitizer, two disposable masks and one roll of toilet paper. School feeding Public works The government implemented a six-month payment moratorium on all existing loans and mortgages for persons and businesses who were directly affected and impacted by COVID-19. The Barbados government has announced that 48 items would fall under the new COVID-19 basket of goods to ensure they were protected from price gouging or shortages. This included the following items: baby food, luncheon meat, tuna, sardines, red herring, pasta, rice, corn meal flour, potatoes, sugar, biscuits, bread, vitamin C, oranges, sanitary items such as adult, baby diapers and toilet paper as well as antibacterial and disinfectant items. The Student Revolving Loan Fund (SRLF) offered borrowers a number of repayment options to help them cope with the COVID-19 outbreak. The measures intended to cushion the financial impact of the crisis on families. This included reduced monthly payment; deferral of payment for up to six months; suspension of interest for up to three months; and a waiver of late fees. Utility waivers Customers of Digicel and FLOW who were unable to pay their financial commitments due to the negative impact of the pandemic could be placed on an agreed basic package for three (3) months (May – July 2020) where they were expected to pay their current charges each month while they cleared any outstanding debt over the three (3) month period. The Barbados Light & Power Co. Limited (BL&P), Barbados Water Authority (BWA) and National Petroleum Corporation (NPC) have agreed to allow customers to take a payment plan facility. Those customers were expected to pay their current charges monthly while they cleared any outstanding debt over the three (3) month period. The Homes for All Program is a proposed measure to assist with the recovery of the country’s economy, from the COVID-19 pandemic. Its objective is to enable low-income households to offer collateral for a construction mortgage to own their own homes The aim of this policy was the development of about 1,400 affordable homes, involving BBD $40 M from the Housing Credit Fund. Paid sick leave Social Health insurance Insurance Pensions 97 Persons who were laid off had the opportunity to get their unemployment benefits, guaranteeing them 60 per cent of their insurable earnings, up to a limit of 26 weeks. The National Insurance Board has agreed to relax the requirement to visit the employment exchange at Warrens The government introduced on April 29th 2020 an economic package, including the following Unemployment benefits measures: 1) BDD $40 M VAT Loan Fund for firms 2) BDD $20 M Small Business Wage Fund 3) BDD $200 M Barbados Tourism Facility for firms in the tourism sector. 4) Business Cessation Benefit: Self-employed who make contributions to the NIS are eligible to cash transfers of BDD$1,500 per month for April and May 2020. For those employers who were prepared to retain three quarters of their workforce, even if some on short week, the government deferred their obligation to pay the employer’s contributions for three Social security contributions months, in the first instance, with the preparation to extend it for another three months if the crisis continues beyond that period. The government, in conjunction with the ILO, introduced an online upskilling program for unemployed workers commencing with Core Skills module. To be followed by training in OSH and Entrepreneurship. Each course was 8 hours in duration and participants had 2 weeks in which to complete it. Available during pilot until September 2020. Activation measures The government, in support of the Commonwealth of Learning, launched the Coursera Workforce Recovery Program. The program aimed at reaching 1,500 unemployed people as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The training involved various free tertiary-level courses between August 31 – December 31 2020. Administered by Ministry of Labor. The Barbados Optional Savings Scheme (BOSS) consisted of public sector workers opting in or out Labor to receive portion of their salaries in the form of government bonds to be cashed in at a later date Markets with interest accruing at 5% per year. Principal to be repaid in four years. The program proposed that persons working for less than $36,000 annually would not be asked to participate, however, they could volunteer if they chose it. Labor market regulations The government introduced a program that allows visitors to work remotely from Barbados for a year at a time as a creative solution to the challenge of short-term travel in the context of COVID. The government launched an Occupational Safety and Health training for workers in the tourism and transport sectors. Over 700 workers attended to these trainings. In respect of the Holidays with Pay Act 2017, the Ministry has advised employers, that while they 98 may determine the date on which an employee starts his/her annual holiday, they must be mindful that Sub Section 4(5) of the Act states that an employee is entitled to at least 14 days’ notice prior to the commencement of the holiday Reduced work time The government introduced on April 29th 2020 an economic package, including the following measures: 1) BDD $40 M VAT Loan Fund for firms. 2) BDD $20 M Small Business Wage Fund: Those who cannot be eligible for VAT Loan Fund, are Wage subsidies registered at BRA and NIS, and commit to holding 75% of their staff are entitled to receive BDD$500 per month per employee up to 5 employees from April to May 2020 3) BDD $200 M Barbados Tourism Facility for firms in the tourism sector. 4) Business Cessation Benefit 99 (back to the top) Belarus Cash-based transfers On May 18th 2020, the President signed the Decree No. 169 “On Financial Incentives for Staff Members of the Organizations Providing Social Services”, which stipulates additional fees for staff members of the public social support institutions working with persons who have infectious diseases and their first contacts who are not admitted to health institutions by medical indications. These additional fees are paid to staff members working in the rotating scheme (working for 14 days continuously not leaving the institution). The amount of the benefit depends on the category of the employee and the frequency of their contact with the infected persons. The benefit ranged between 250 Belarusian roubles (103 USD) and 1,500 Belarusian roubles (621 USD). In addition, social service Cash transfers workers who work according to the rotating scheme are provided with living accommodations in (conditional and unconditional) such organizations and additional remunerations (9 Belarusian roubles, or 3.7 USD) per working day according to such scheme, as stipulated by the legislation. On May 18th, 2020, the President issued the Decree No. 171 “On Social Support for Specific Categories of Individuals”, which stipulated a longer period of public targeted social support to Social families with many children in the form of a monthly social benefit up to 12 months. It was also Assistance implemented a higher means-testing from 100% to 115% of the minimum subsistence budget (MSB) per capita which is used to appoint such benefit (increased to 283.80 Belarusian roubles, or 117.5 USD, from the last amount of 246.78 Belarusian roubles, or 102.1 USD). On March 25, 2020, “Belpochta” (Belarusian Post Office) announced that it would provide pensions Social pensions home-delivery service by post worker due to COVID-19 pandemic. Pensioners could also pay their communal services when they received pensions/benefits. In-kind transfers On April 6th 2020, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection informed that the social services were ready to provide support to elderly people and people with disabilities and to deliver foods and medicines. This support was provided by social workers and volunteers through the 146 territorial Food, vouchers, others centers of social protection of population, located in every district of the country. The number of people living alone and people with disabilities is about 830,000, including almost 160,000 persons who have no close relatives. School feeding Public works 100 The Ministry of Anti-Monopoly Regulation and Trade introduced state regulation of prices on medical masks and disinfectants (antibacterial and decontaminating agents). Utility waivers The National Bank of Belarus asked banks of the country to announce payment holidays for their clients, who were natural persons. Through the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers no. 208 “On Self-Isolation Measures”, the government decided that people who had COVID-19 or were first-level contact should self-isolate for 14 days, whereas second-level contacts should self-isolate for the same period if they manifest respiratory symptoms only. This Ordinance stated that people who worked and paid fees to the Social Protection Fund (or by their employers) were eligible for sick-leave benefits during the period Paid sick leave of self-isolation. This involved the payment of 50 percent of the benefit calculated according to the legislation. Non-compliance with the self-isolation behavior rules or other sanitary and Social epidemiological requirements entailed administrative liability (a fine up to 50 base rates, where 1 Insurance base rate equals to 27 belarusian rubles or administrative arrest) or criminal liability (including deprivation of freedom). Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations In order to maintain employment and increase labor mobility, the minimum period for warning Reduced work time workers about changes in essential working conditions by the employer has been reduced (without Labor reducing wages). Markets Through the Decree No. 178 of May 28th 2020, the government provided the possibility to employers of receiving subsidies up to the minimum wage to pay additional payments to their employees in the event of their involuntary underemployment or announcement of inactive period from May 1st to July Wage subsidies 31st 2020. Public sector salaries are being kept at least at the legislated minimum 101 (back to the top) Belgium Cash-based transfers Temporary parental allowance for self-employed workers with a monthly allowance of 532.24 euros (875 euros for single-parent families) for the months of May and / or June 2020 for parents of a child under 12 or disabled. New grant for people working in the culture sector. The Brussels-Capital Region has announced a second round of emergency funding for cultural workers & organizations following the leftover budget from the first round. The financial support will be based on the applicants' income between June and September 2020. Under the same condition, persons who are self-employed as their main activity are eligible for the bridging right if they are forced to stop their the activity, as soon as this interruption lasts longer than one week. The financial support amounts to EUR 1,266.37 per month if they do not have dependent family members and EUR 1,582.46 if they do have. Social Compensation: financial compensation as soon as work is interrupted for a full calendar month. Assistance Cash transfers Compensation can be granted for a maximum of 12 months. Its amount depends on the household (conditional and unconditional) situation: * Without dependents: 1,291.69 euros per month; * With dependents: 1,614.10 euros per month. Individuals are entitled to the higher benefit (that at the "dependent family" rate) if they have a dependent under health care insurance. Since January 2021, the crisis gateway law has been based on three pillars. It can be granted until June 2021. 1) Double gateway right for self-employed persons targeted by a compulsory closure measure and those who depend on a sector subject to compulsory closure. For instance, for individuals that have had to interrupt their activity due to a health measure for at least one day during a given month and for those whose activity depend on a sector subject to compulsory closure. 2) Crisis gateway right in the event of a considerable loss of turnover. If turnover has fallen by at least 40% regardless of the sector in which individuals are active. 3) Crisis gateway right in the event of quarantine or custody of a child. For those obliged to completely stop their activity for at least seven successive calendar days in order to comply with a 102 mandatory quarantine and for those who cannot go to work for at least seven days because their child can't go to nursery or school because of a health measure. The amount of this service is lower than that of the service granted in the event of compulsory closure or considerable loss of turnover. Self-employed individuals are therefore recommended to first check which aid they are entitled to. It is not possible to combine two grants for the same month. In November 6, 2021: Extension of the double crisis gateway right in force until December 2020 In March 24, 2021: Independents who are obliged to cease their activities will be able to benefit from the dual gateway right, said the Minister for the Independents, David Clarinval. The decisions announced by the consultation committee concern in particular "non-essential" businesses that offer goods to consumers. These companies or associations are closed to the public but can continue their activities by means of deliveries or a meeting system. The latter will be entitled, in accordance with the law, to the double gateway right for the months of March and April. Non-medical contact professions (beauty institutes, non-medical pedicure institutes, nail salons, massage parlors, hairdressing and barber shops as well as tattoo and piercing studios) are also forced to close their doors. They will be entitled to the double gateway right for the months of March and April 2021. The double gateway right will also be granted to travel agencies for the month of April given the maintenance of the ban on non-essential travel. The situation will be reassessed for the month of May 2021. A new gateway right will come into force from January 1, 2021. If turnover has fallen by at least 40% regardless of the sector in which individuals are active. Self-employed persons who had to interrupt their activity for at least seven successive days due to a compulsory quarantine or to ensure the unplanned custody of a child could benefit from the classic bridging right from September to December 2020. From January to June 2021, these situations are temporarily again governed by the crisis gateway law. Supplementary allowance for incapacity for work so that self-employed cohabiting workers who are sick also benefit from an allowance as high as the droit de paserelle (this is already the case for single self-employed workers and self-employed workers with family responsibilities). Concretely, this is a premium of more than 300 euros per month. Extended Nov 6th, 2020. Social pensions In-kind transfers 103 Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Evictions from housing suspended in Wallonia and Brussels. Vivaqua decided on March 13 2020 to no longer cut water for households and businesses "until a return to a normal situation", for health reasons linked to the coronavirus. In 2020, the Brussels government extended by one month - until April 30 2020 inclusive - the period of prohibition on gas and electricity cuts in order to cushion the social consequences of the measures taken to combat the spread of the coronavirus. This ban normally applies during the so- called winter period, from October 1 to March 31. Its extension concerns 546 electricity customers and 465 gas customers (figures as of January 31, 2020). The financial sector undertakes to grant viable, non-financial businesses and the self-employed, as well as mortgage borrowers with payment problems as a result of the corona crisis, postponement of payment until 30 September 2020 without charge. This has been extended twice since initiated and will now run until 30 June 2021. The first "charter" covered 2020, the second "charter" does run Utility waivers until 31 March 2021 and the third charter will run until 30 June 2021). It includes the payment of mortgages/credits and premiums for fire insurance and outstanding balance insurance for families, viable firms and the self-employed. Grants a tax reduction to taxpayers and companies who have acquired, by December 31, 2020, new shares or shares of companies showing a sharp drop in their turnover and who need resources. Households will receive a two-month deferral of deadlines for payment of VAT. Consumption Check is a paper-based check aimed at offering additional purchasing power to Belgian workers while jointly supporting the revival of the sectors hardest hit by the Coronavirus crisis, such as restaurants, brasseries and cultural and sporting activities. Employers can grant his workers checks with a maximum value of € 10, without exceeding the sum of € 300 per worker. These checks are deductible by the employer and fully exempt from social contributions and personal income tax. Self-employed workers who are incapacitated for work for at least 8 days are entitled to an Social incapacity for work benefit payable by the health insurance scheme from the first day. Paid sick leave Insurance New parental leave. The purpose of this leave is to help workers balance their work with the time 104 needed to care for their child (ren) during the coronavirus crisis. This new parental leave coexists with the already existing ordinary parental leave. The new formula provides for more flexible access conditions, a higher allowance and a fast application procedure than the ordinary parental leave. There are 3 possibilities: • The interruption of a fifth, to reduce benefits and continue working 80% of full time; • The half-time break, to reduce benefits and continue working 50% of full time. • Complete interruption. This allows individuals to interrupt their benefits in order to stop working. From July 1, 2020, the complete interruption is only possible for the single parent and for the parent of a disabled child. Other workers cannot take corona parental leave in the form of a complete interruption. Note: Corona parental leave does not provide for the possibility of obtaining a 1/10 interruption. If individuals want a 1/10 break, they can request ordinary parental leave according to the usual rules. Who can take corona parental leave? • Parents of at least one child under 12 or under 21 if that child has a disability; • The adoptive parents of a child under 12 or under 21 if this child has a disability, who is entered in the population register or in the foreigners register as a member of their household; • Foster parents of a child under 12 or under 21 if that child has a disability that has been placed with their family by the court or by a community approved placement service; • Parents who take care of a child suffering from a disability without age limit, if he or she benefits from a service or treatment in a hospital setting or outside a hospital setting, organized or recognized by the Communities. In this case, corona parental leave can therefore also concern adults. Corona parental leave can be obtained from May 1st, 2020. From July 1st, 2020: Corona parental leave is extended until September 30, 2020. Other changes from July 1: Single parents (living only with one or more dependent children) and parents of children with disabilities will be able to take corona parental leave in the form of a full suspension in addition to the ½-time and ½-time reductions. The amount of the break allowance for single parents and parents of disabled children is increased by 50% compared to the allowance for ordinary parental leave. The amount of this increased interruption allowance will be capped to ensure that the interruption allowance does not exceed the gross salary lost. The law of May 17, 2019 establishing the recognition of informal caregivers (entered into force on 105 October 1, 2019) makes changes to the recovery law of January 22, 1985 containing social provisions and introduces a new thematic leave, namely leave for caregivers recognized relatives. The worker who wishes to take this new leave for informal caregivers must meet a certain number of conditions. The worker must be recognized as an informal caregiver as provided for in the Royal Decree of June 16, 2020 (*). To find out about these conditions, see info sheet T164. From September 1, 2020, workers recognized as informal caregivers can request this new thematic leave from their employer and apply to the ONEM to obtain the allowance to which they are entitled. Health insurance Arrte royal no. 46 the decree also provides for the corona end of career time credit. It allows workers of at least 55 years of age who have at least 25 years of salaried professional experience to obtain interruption allowances if the start date of their reduction in benefits is during a period of recognition of the business as a business in restructuring or in difficulty. Nov 6 2020 extension of pension measures. The aim is, among other things, that pensioners who have an activity as an Pensions employee or self-employed can combine their pension with compensation for temporary unemployment or bridging rights. In addition, the constitution of pensions for temporarily unemployed people will be preserved, including the constitution of the second pillar. It is also necessary to prevent pensioners who temporarily resume an activity, for example in the care or education sector, from losing part of their pension. The law of July 15, 2020 provides for temporary relaxed eligibility for full unemployment benefits. Under certain relaxed conditions, the worker who has carried out sufficient artistic or technical activities in the artistic sector during the period from March 13, 2019 to March 13, 2020 can benefit from full unemployment benefits for a limited period of from April 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. From October 1, 2020 until June 30, 2021 inclusive, the worker has the right to take time off work to look after a child who cannot go to nursery, school or reception center for disabled people in due to a measure to limit the spread of the coronavirus. Can receive temporary unemployment benefit. Legal basis: the law of 23 October 2020. March 19 and 24, 2021 decisions: All schools, except Unemployment benefits nursery schools, are closed during the week of March 29 until April 3, 2021. Following the complete or partial cancellation of a summer camp or an organized out-of-school reception, the worker who has to take care of a minor child with whom he cohabits during the Easter holidays, may be entitled to temporary unemployment benefits for force majeure corona for the days when he takes care of the child. By partial cancellation, we mean that, before the March 19 decision of the Concertation Committee, more children were registered than currently allowed, thus causing the cancellation of the registration of some children. The worker can only claim this right if the child was already registered by March 18, 2021 at the latest for the colony or organized out-of-school care. 106 The National Employment Office has announced on March 17 2020 that it will extend the scope of force majeure to companies that voluntarily close down (although this would not constitute force majeure under normal circumstances). Temporary unemployment available and the associated benefits are increased from 65% of wages to 70% (the ceiling being set at € 2,754.76 per month). Temporary unemployment due to Coronavirus (force majeure) will be extended by 3 months (till June 30, 2020). In addition to the unemployment benefit, workers get an extra €5.63 per day. A professional withholding tax of 26.75% will be deducted from this compensation. The employer must submit a file at the National Employment Office (RVA/ONEM) to prove the situation of force majeure: i.e. the fact that the consequences of the coronavirus render the company temporarily unable to employ his employees. The Belgian Minister of Work Nathalie Muylle has already declared on 6 February 2020, that the Coronavirus can form a justified reason for temporary unemployment. In this case, the employer no longer needs to pay the wages of the employees and the National Employment Office will pay unemployment benefits of around 70% to the employees. The following instances can be qualified as force majeure: For workers whose company is forced to close by the government (e.g. the mandatory closing of all bars, restaurants, clubs and non-essential stores). For workers who cannot be employed due to the abolition of events, cultural activities, sports activities, closure of cinemas, etc. For workers whose company must close down the workplace in order to stop the spread of the virus (e.g. in case employees got contaminated). For workers who are forced in quarantine in another country which makes it impossible for him to work. For workers from suppliers of companies affected by an imposed closure, to the extent that this renders them unable to work at all. For workers of Belgian companies affected by the effects of the Corona virus in other areas – for example, because they are dependent on suppliers from the affected region, if, as a result of production stoppages, it is no longer possible for the company to continue to employ staff. On April 6 2020, temporary unemployment due to force majeure will be extended by 3 months, until 30 June 2020. Temporary unemployment due to force majeure may also be invoked pending recognition of the status of a “company in difficulty”. Companies need to obtain this status to be able to make their employees temporarily unemployed for economic reasons. Obtaining temporary unemployment due to force majeure is possible within three to four days. The system has been extended as well as adapted (starting September 2020). From that date, two systems will apply (one for companies or sectors that are considered to be very badly hit and one for companies that are less impacted but still require the measure. The sectors that are badly hit are: 107 the audiovisual sector, the entertainment companies, the socio-cultural sector, the taxi sector, the hotel industry, the tourist attractions sector. These are automatically recognized due to a second wave of the pandemic. On November 6, 2020: Reopening of temporary unemployment due to force majeure for all companies. During this period, the temporarily unemployed salaried worker receives compensation equal to 70% of his gross monthly salary (capped at 2,754.76 euros). In addition, the salaried worker receives an allowance from the ONEM of 5.63 euros per day of temporary unemployment. This measure will apply until March 31, 2021, with the possibility of extension. The federal government provides a bonus for people who have been on temporary unemployment benefits for more than two months. This premium amounts to 10 euros per allowance, with a minimum of 150 euros. If individuals have received half allowances as a voluntary part-time worker, the premium is 5 euros per half allowance, with a minimum of 75 euros. The amount of the premium is obtained by carrying out the following calculation: (X - 52) x 10 (or x 5 if individuals have received half allowances). X = the total number of allowances or half-allowances received as a temporary unemployed person for force majeure due to the coronavirus or for economic reasons, in the period from March 2020 to November 2020 inclusive. In summary : If, in the period from March 2020 to November 2020 inclusive, individuals received less than 53 temporary unemployment benefits, individuals are not entitled to the premium. If individuals have received between 53 and 67 allowances, individuals are entitled to 150 € gross. From 68 benefits received, individuals are entitled to the minimum amount of 150 € and to 10 € per benefit received beyond the limit of 67 days. The premium is paid automatically by your payment organization. Individuals do not have to take any action. Individuals may already receive in December 2020 a first part of the premium, calculated on the basis of the temporary unemployment benefits that have already been paid to individuals for the months of March 2020 to October 2020 inclusive. When the ONEM has verified all the payments of the paying agency for the months of March 2020 to November 2020 inclusive, individuals will receive a second part as long as a balance has not yet been paid. This second payment can be made, at the earliest, during the months of May / June 2021. Arrêté royal du 23 avril 2020 : The amount of unemployment benefits decreases over time. The Government has decided to freeze the degression of unemployment benefits during the period from April 1 to June 30, 2020. This measure only concerns fully unemployed people receiving benefits. 108 The situation in which the fully unemployed person finds himself on April 1, 2020 is therefore extended by 3 months. There is neutralization of the months of April, May and June 2020. The freeze also targets the determination of the reference period of 12 and 18 months to establish the entitlement to unemployment benefits for artists. Royal Decree of September 27, 2020: A new extension of the freezing period for the degression of unemployment benefits for fully unemployed people receiving benefits has just been adopted: The period of freezing of degression of unemployment benefits, initially scheduled until June 30 then until August 31, 2020 is now extended until September 30, 2020. The situation in which the fully unemployed person finds himself on April 1, 2020 is extended by 6 months (instead of the 3-month period initially planned and then extended at 5 months). The months of April, May, June, July, and August 2020 were neutralized. September 2020 is now also neutralized. The benefit was then extended until Dec 31 2020. February 12 2021 the extension of the freeze on the degression of unemployment benefits until June 2021. Self-employed workers who are affected by the consequences of the coronavirus can submit a written request to their social insurance fund to request a 1-year deferral of the payment of provisional social contributions, without being charged any increases and with no effect on benefits. Payment plans for self-employed workers who have obtained a deferral of payment of social contributions, while retaining the right to reimbursement of health care costs. Until December 31, 2021. Assimilation: individuals no longer have to pay social contributions for a maximum of 4 quarters, but individuals keep their rights to medical care, family allowances and incapacity for work indemnities. During the period of bridging rights, individuals do not in principle build up any pension rights. Do Social security contributions individuals benefit from classic footbridge rights following an event that occurred between April 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021? From the fourth quarter, the quarters of bridging rights can be assimilated to quarters of activity for the calculation of the pension, for a maximum of four quarters. This extension was introduced as a temporary measure following the crisis. Assimilation can be granted from the quarter following the one in which the event occurred, but only if individuals have ceased their activities for at least one full calendar month. To be entitled to it, individuals must also meet the conditions of the gateway right at least during the entire first calendar month of the quarter following that in which the event occurred. In the context of the crisis gateway law, no assimilation is possible. In this case individuals are only 109 entitled to compensation. If companies suffer from payment difficulties and want to avoid the recovery of your debt by injunction, the NSSO may allow individuals amicable repayment terms. The measure shall apply to the following contributions: the contributions for the holiday allowance for the financial year 2019, and the financial year 2020 social contributions for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2020 and the 1st and 2nd quarter 2021 certain changes in contributions. For the social security contributions in the first two quarters of the year 2020, one year's postponement without interest on arrears or exemption from payment of social security contributions shall be granted. Again, this is provided that there is a demonstrable link with Covid-19. Additional postponement for the payment of the contribution payable by companies until the end of 2020. A postponement was already planned until October 31, 2020; it is now extended until December 31, 2020. Nov 6, 2020: Widening of the scope of the exemption from social security contributions for the third quarter of 2020 to other sectors (than the hotel and catering industry and the events sector) which have been forced to close. Suppliers in sectors that have had to shut down may also resort to this measure if they can provide evidence of a loss of sales of at least 65%. A ceiling will be applied per company with regard to the total amount of this exemption. Due to the Corona outbreak, the government has taken several measures. One of these measures taken on March 20, 2020 is the postponement of payment of sums due to the ONSS until December 15, 2020. The hospitality, recreational and cultural sectors, as well as any business affected by the compulsory closure (in accordance with the provisions of the ministerial decrees of March 13, 18, 23 and 24, 2020) will automatically benefit from this postponement. Companies that are not affected by a mandatory closure (as referred to in the ministerial decrees of March 13, 18, 23 and 24, 2020) but which are closed because they are unable to comply with health measures can obtain a postponement on the basis of a declaration on honor. Other companies that can also benefit from the postponement until December 15 on the basis of a declaration on their honor are: - Companies that are not obliged to close and which, for reasons other than not being able to comply with sanitary measures, have themselves decided to close completely. - Companies, which are not required to close but are closed for reasons other than non- compliance with sanitary measures, because they had to stop production and sales. These companies are therefore also completely closed. An example is the closure of suppliers or the 110 closure as a result of clients being closed. A platform will be set up in cooperation with regional ministers to better match the supply and Activation measures demand of student jobsites, especially now that the jobs for student in the hospitality and non-food sector have faded away. Employers could submit a request for temporary unemployment for their workers due to lack of work, because of economic reasons. The procedure and conditions for this form of unemployment are stricter than for force majeure. Nov 6, 2020: The federal government has decided to reintroduce the simplified temporary unemployment procedure for all employers and workers (workers and employees) from October 1 2020 until June 30 2021 inclusive. Consequently, all temporary unemployment due to the coronavirus can again, from October 1, 2020, be considered temporary unemployment due to force majeure corona, regardless of whether the employer is recognized as particularly affected by the crisis or whether it belongs to a particularly affected sector. It can therefore be a complete suspension of the performance of the employment contract (for example, following an imposed closure) or a partial suspension of the performance of the employment contract, where the worker can still work certain days a week. This is again a departure from the strict definition of force majeure. The Ministerial Decree of October 28, 2020, Article 3, which concerns salaried (or self-employed) Labor workers living or residing abroad who are temporarily employed in Belgium. Employers or users who Markets call on these persons are required, in the context of contact tracing, to keep a register containing a Labor market regulations number of data on these persons (identification, place of residence, telephone number and the persons with whom the employee or the self-employed person worked during his work in Belgium). This obligation applies to 5 specific sectors (construction, cleaning, agriculture, horticulture and the meat sector). The Ministerial Decree of January 12, 2021 extended Art. 3 of AM Oct 28,2020 to all sectors: all employers who temporarily employ salaried workers or the self-employed foreigners in Belgium (with the exception of employers who are natural persons) must therefore keep such a register. This obligation does not apply to frontier workers or when the stay in Belgium does not exceed 48 hours. The register can be requested by the contact tracing services and by the inspection services (art. 3, §1 MB). Implementation of the agreement of the social partners by which the State partially intervenes in the financing of the holiday pay for the temporarily unemployed. In the calculation of this holiday pay, days of temporary unemployment are assimilated to days worked. In critical sectors, employers and workers may enter successive fixed-term employment contracts without limitation, without this resulting in the conclusion of an employment contract of indefinite duration. This will allow workers, including those who are temporarily unemployed, to enter fixed 111 term contracts of short duration and therefore to offer more labor in the sector where there is a high demand. Fixed-term contracts must have a duration minimum of 7 days. Extended Nov 6, 2020. Employers may temporarily place their workers at the disposal of employers in critical sectors, with a certain flexibility. The workers will have to give their consent. The conditions and duration of this provision must be specified in a document signed by the three parties. The user must ensure that workers can work in safe conditions. The mechanisms of workers’ protection against social dumping, such as the principle of equal pay for equal work, will continue to apply. Extended Nov 6, 2020. Mobilize asylum seekers. Given the current crisis and the lack of seasonal workers due to border closures, there is a great need for additional labor. People awaiting a decision on their application of international protection will be authorized to work (Directive 2013/33 / EU). Employers pay 20 euros / month for the professional use of your own computer system (PC / laptop, printer ...) and for the professional use of your own internet connection. Employers pay a temporary office allowance of €126.94 per month for teleworking to cover the costs of heating, electricity, small office equipment or other necessary facilities at home can be granted free of social security contributions to all employees who work from home, including those who did not work from home prior to the pandemic situation, and therefore without the employer and employee having concluded a formal telework contract beforehand. The consultation committee decided on Wednesday March 25 to strengthen checks on compliance with the obligation to work from home. It applies to the staff of each company, association and service, unless the nature of the function or the continuity of the management of companies and organizations, services and activities prevent it. Employers will therefore have to keep a register specifying who is present at the workplace and when. Therefore, in order to strengthen the control of this measure, any employer will be required to communicate to the ONSS, each month and from the month of April, the number of workers in service on the 1st working day of the month and the number of workers on duty the 1st working day Reduced work time of the month who do not perform a function that can be performed by teleworking. When a company has several establishment units, it will have to indicate the number of workers per establishment unit, specifies the administration. The social inspection services will use this data as a point of reference to monitor compliance with the measure. "Any worker who occupies an executable function in teleworking but who will be present in the company will have to justify his presence", warns the ONSS. This declaration will also serve as a point of reference when it comes to gradually lifting the measure of compulsory teleworking. The ministerial decree of October 28, 2020 "COVID-19 urgent measures" puts this norm 112 into enforcement. Increased quota of voluntary overtime up to 220 hours in the care sector, other crucial sectors, and essential services. This additional overtime will be tax and parafiscal exempt; no additional salary will be applied. Extended Nov 6, 2020. Students will be able to perform student work without restrictions during the period from April 1st to June 30 2020 to 30/06. Hours worked during this period will be neutralized and therefore will not be charged against the annual quota of 475 hours. They can also work these overtime hours while benefiting from a reduction in Social Security. A consultation will be organized with the communities concerning the impact of this measure on the right to family allowances. From July 1st, 2020, this decree (L’Arrêté royal n° 46,) allows individuals to obtain a corona time credit, for a period of 1 to 6 months with employers in the private sector. This is a new time credit that coexists with the ordinary time credit that already exists. In the context of the economic difficulties that may arise from the coronavirus crisis, the corona time credit allows employers of companies recognized as restructuring or in difficulty to offer Wage subsidies workers a partial half-time or a fifth break in order to, temporarily, reduce their benefits. Interruption periods taken within the framework of the corona time credit are not deducted from the maximum duration of the ordinary time credit. During the corona time credit period, when all the conditions are met, the worker is entitled to an interruption allowance, in order to mitigate the reduction in his remuneration. This allowance is the same as that provided for under ordinary time credit. 113 (back to the top) Belize Cash-based transfers The government implemented a 6-month vertical expansion through ВООЅТ, a соndіtіоnаl саѕh trаnѕfеr рrоgrаm. (9,911 planned and 6,125 actual beneficiaries) The government launched a direct support to farmers and agricultural households suffering from Cash transfers the effects of two-year drought and the pandemic through reallocation of World Bank funds from (conditional and unconditional) other projects. (September/October 2020) 21,500 households will receive a series of 3 payments over 6 months (February-August 2021) at a cost of US$9.7 million, through the Belize COVID-19 Cash Transfer Program (BCCAT). Social pensions In-kind transfers 39,129 households have received, and continue to receive, packages under the food assistance program. This has been at a cost of 20 million dollars; and with another 20 million coming from Social OFID. The government is now doubling the amount of beneficiary families Assistance Through the Fiscal policy, the government allocated BZD 29 million in Direct Food Assistance. The Fisheries Department handed over COVID-19 safety equipment for the Fishing Cooperatives and Food, vouchers, others private sector seafood processing facilities. The equipment included seven COVID-19 testing units, sanitizing supplies, and two laptops. Through the nationwide Emergency Food Assistance Programme, the government provided food hampers (2-week supply) to those affected by the crisis. Public officers, teachers, and members of the security forces were not eligible, nor were recipients of the Unemployment Relief Programme, non-contributory pensions, and the pre-existing cash transfer programme for the needy (BOOST) and food pantry programs (programme offering food items at a lower cost). Children on national school meal programs got take-home hampers and high schools were School feeding encouraged to do same Public works 114 Utility waivers Agriculture: funds for the purchase of eligible agricultural inputs Access to paid leave: employers must give 16 working days with full pay for all those who have Paid sick leave worked in the same center for 60 days or more. The Labour Act does not provide for furlough (temporary leave due to special circumstances initiated by the employer). Health insurance Pensions Advancing one month of pension payment A new Unemployment Relief Program to provide temporary benefits to the unemployed and persons Social who directly lost their job as a result of the crisis. Employed and self-employed who lost their jobs Insurance directly as a result of the COVID19 crisis received BZ$150 every 2 weeks for 12 weeks (US$450). Unemployment benefits Persons who were unemployed prior to the crisis received BZ$100 every 2 weeks for 12 weeks (US$300). Applications were processed online. The government extended the program to end of October 2020. The government allowed the delay in payment of contributions to the Social Security Fund without Social security contributions penalties but with the condition of employers keep on filing returns with information about employees and contributions. Activation measures The government introduced a recovery strategy for the agriculture sector which included automatic Labor market regulations extension on all licenses for 12 months, incentives to improve product quality and packaging as well as adopting climate smart approaches, and building storage, marketing and distribution systems. The government amended the Labour Act to allow employers to reduce working hours and wages, or place employees on leave without pay in light of the crisis, conditional on the employees’ agreement. Work from home orders and/or staff shift rotation mandated for employees at all organizations as Labor part of new Covid-19 measures. Markets Reduced work time The Ministry of Rural Transformation, Community Development, Labour and Local Government announced plans to transition the Temporary Employment Permit (TEP) System online. Effective from January 14th 2021, all TEP Applications were processed online only. The measure aimed at increasing the quality and efficiency of the Ministry’s service and mitigating against the spread of COVID-19. Through the phase 2 of the Fiscal policy, the government allocated $7 million on wage subsidies. This Wage subsidies measure aimed at promoting employee retention on the condition that businesses keep their employees’ Social Security contributions current. 115 (back to the top) Benin Cash-based transfers The government allocated part of the response package to help the most vulnerable segments of Cash transfers the population through various forms of cash transfers. This meant an expenditure of CFAF 50 (conditional and unconditional) billion. Since July 2020, the majority of beneficiaries received this subsidy via cash transfers on their mobile phones. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works To promote the use of electronic payment tools, the Western Africa Central Bank (BCEAO) is Social providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money and making transfers between people Assistance backed by the electronic money free. On March 30th 2020, the national electricity company suspended disconnections for non-payment of bills to ensure the continuity of the electricity supply during COVID-19 pandemic. The government introduced a price control system for the purchase of face masks. On April 09th Utility waivers 2020, the government announced that there should no longer be masks in pharmacies that would cost more than 200 FCFA, under penalty of criminal penalties The government launched a general grant to all citizens who benefitted from a reduction in electricity and water tariffs, which involved a total expenditure of 5.76 billion CFA francs. Endowment of a "special subsidy" which benefitted the poor and the extremely poor of the payment of electricity and water tariffs to the tune of 5.76 billion CFA francs. Paid sick leave Social Health insurance Insurance Pensions 116 Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures The government introduced the obligation for employers to install the hand washing device in the workplace and to ensure that the minimum distance of one (1) meter between people is respected. The National Board of Benin (CNP Benin) published a Communiqué on March 17th 2020 with guidelines against the COVID-19 pandemic to employers and workers, to make them aware of the Labor market regulations sanitary measures to be taken. Labor inspectors were subject to a weekly rotation schedule from April 6th 2020, in order to allow them to better observe the containment measures. Labor Markets Reduced work time The government introduced a financial support over a period of three months. This meant subsidizing 70% of the gross salary of the declared employees. The government delivered cash to 55,000 craftsmen for a period of 3 months of lost earnings. This Wage subsidies included hairdressers, dressmakers, welders, carpenters, small saleswomen, among others. This measure involved a planned expenditure of 4.98 billion CFA francs, distributed as follows: 2.1 billion CFA francs to formal sector enterprises, 1.6 billion to those in the identified informal sector, and 1.2 billion to the unidentified informal sector. 117 (back to the top) Bermuda (UK) Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social Social pensions Assistance In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance The government implemented a one-time withdrawal for members from certain occupational pension plans that are younger than age 65 (the normal retirement age) and who are not yet retired. Eligible beneficiaries may request withdrawals of up to B$12,000 (US$12,000) from their account Pensions balances. The deadline for requests is June 30th 2021, and pension plan administrators must process the withdrawals within 20 business days after approving a request. This measure is part of an economic relief package for persons affected by the COVID-19. Social The government introduced an unemployment benefit for laid-off employees who were not on Insurance financial assistance. The transfer amount was set at 60% of gross earnings up to a maximum of $500 a week. The benefit is less than $500 per week when the eligible applicant receives a percentage of their salary from their employer. To be eligible, applicants must meet the definition of an employee under employment legislation, and be Bermudian, the spouse of a Bermudian, a Unemployment benefits permanent resident’s certificate holder, or a work-permit holder unable to leave Bermuda because of travel restrictions. They must have been in full-time employment and have been laid off or had their employment terminated because of the Covid-19 pandemic, put on mandatory medical quarantine without compensation from their employer, or be self-employed and no longer at work because of the illness 118 Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 119 (back to the top) Bhutan Cash-based transfers The Druk Gyalpo’s Relief Kidu (DGRK) launched on April 14th, 2020 for 3 months (April-June 2020) and will continue to provide cash transfers to eligible beneficiaries for an additional period of 15 months people who continue to face difficulties because of the COVID-19 pandemic. As of a November 2020 press release, DGRK has supported the livelihoods of 34,384 people affected by the pandemic. The DGRK provides Immediate financial support for people who have been laid off or Cash transfers placed on reduced salaries, or those whose livelihood was negatively impacted. Eligibility was based (conditional and unconditional) on an application. Eligible beneficiaries include individuals laid off, placed on unpaid leave or on reduced pay from businesses, as well as self-employed individuals who lost their earnings either partially or completely. The benefit amount is Nu. 12,000 (~USD 160) per person per month for recipients of the full amount of the Kidu and Nu. 8,000 (~USD 106) per month for recipients of the partial amount. Additional support of Nu. 800 (~USD 10.5) per child per month is granted to eligible beneficiaries with children. Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Support will be provided to the Food Cooperation of Bhutan (FCB) to stock essential food and non- Food, vouchers, others food items. School feeding Through a cross-ministerial effort, the Build Bhutan program aims to provide relief and support recovery through reskilling and provision of jobs to newly unemployed and at the same time address shortages of labor in sectors that previously relied on foreign workers. Currently, the program aims to provide support to 7,000 newly unemployed. The budget for the program is still under consideration. Public works The Tourism Stimulus Package was announced on April 17th, 2020. The program will cover 2,436 people formally affiliated with tourism sector and will provide support to them through cash-for- work and cash-for-reskilling style programs. Work provided under this program includes beautification of the main tourist attractions, maintenance of relevant infrastructure, hotel assessments, support to carrying out of survey and studies aimed to improve performance of the sector, as well as waste management. Those eligible will be provided Nu 6,000 (~USD 80) per month in case of selecting in training, and Nu 15,000 (~USD 200) per month in case of opting out for 120 construction and development work. The duration of the program was not specified. Total budget of the programs is Nu 286 million (~USD 3.8 million). The government announced a National Resilience Fund for mitigating COVID-19 linked to job losses Utility waivers and salary cuts. The support included a grant for individuals directly affected by the pandemic and a full interest waiver on loans contracted since April 10, 2020 until June 2020. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 121 (back to the top) Bolivia Cash-based transfers The government has created three new temporary cash transfer programs: Bono Familia (BF), Bono Canasta Familiar (BFC) and Bono Universal (BU) that together provide economic support for households impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially two cash transfer programs were designed – BF and BCF – that relied on a temporary increase of the value of existing social protection interventions to meet the additional needs of the current beneficiaries (vertical expansion). Together, BF, BCF and BU are expected to reach 3.3 million households and their 11.1 million members (comprising both direct recipients and indirect beneficiaries, who are other household members), or 97.9 percent of the entire population. The Bono Familia is a one-time only transfer of Bs500 (US$72) for each child enrolled in elementary, primary and secondary schools (public or private). The government made the payments through the banking system to all beneficiaries of emergency cash transfers during the COVID-19 emergency. Beneficiaries received cash via bank tellers. The Bono Canasta Familiar (BCF) is a one-time payment Bs400 (US$58) transfer to low-income Social Cash transfers households in rural and urban areas to cover the cost a monthly basic food basket. By design, it Assistance (conditional and unconditional) mostly reaches the elderly (86.2 percent of the population 65 years or older), but also pregnant women, mothers of children below 2 years old, and people with disabilities who are beneficiaries of existing social assistance programs. The government used a payment platform that has the ability to connect almost all the banking sector. Beneficiaries received cash via bank tellers. The Bono Universal's (BU) purpose is to minimize the exclusion of informal workers and self- employed. Bono Universal is estimated to directly and indirectly cover 46.5 percent of the population and the transfer amount is Bs $ 500. The government created a new temporary cash transfer program called Bono Contra el Hambre (BCH) for all individuals eligible for the BU as well as pregnant women, mothers of children aged 2 years old or less and people with disabilities who are beneficiaries of existing social assistance programs. Benefits were paid between January and March 2021. The government used a payment platform that has the ability to connect almost all the banking sector. Most of beneficiaries received cash via bank tellers. A limited number received a transfer to their existing bank accounts. Social pensions 122 In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others The government plans to deliver food to 1.5 million of families ($US 58 per family) School feeding Public works Families and companies that cannot meet financial obligations are exempt from paying their mortgages and credits. This relief applied for 2 months. Utility waivers The government plans to pay the electric energy bills of for three months for the consumers with lower consumption, and pay 50 percent of the potable water and gas for all households As part of revised paid leave requirements, Bolivia is permitting reduction of working hours; paid leave for older adults, pregnant women and people with health conditions; paid leave for workers Paid sick leave with dependent children and who must meet care needs due to the emergency; and paid leave for all workers, public and private, that are suspected cases of having contracted COVID-19. Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social Security Contributions - Extension of the time limits for remitting long-term social security contributions (under the control Social security contributions of the pension funds administrators) that are due during the “lockdown” quarantine period - Extension of the time limits for remitting short-term social security contributions (under the control of the national health fund) due for February 2020, until April 20th 2020. Activation measures Suspension of requirements related to salary, wages and work-related accident payroll (under the control of the Ministry of Labor) from March 2020 Labor market regulations Deferral of the monthly salary, wages and work-accident payrolls (also under the control of the Labor Ministry of Labor) for March and April 2020, until May 30th 2020 Markets The government introduced telework in the labor code as a special modality of service provision in the public and private sectors Reduced work time Through Decree 4451, the government authorizes teleworking during COVID-19 second wave. Policy expected to last from January 16th 2021 until February 28th 2021. Wage subsidies 123 (back to the top) Bosnia and Herzegovina Cash-based transfers Individual local governments provided significant sums to assist the elderly and families with low or no income ($250,000 thus far from Sarajevo municipality Stari Grad). Forth entities, RS and FBH, top-ups and one-off payments introduced for Permanent Social Assistance beneficiaries, recipients of disability allowance and those in need of permanent home care ranging between one to six months. The top-ups for the permanent social assistance beneficiaries were in place for 6 months. The amount was on average 65-80 US$ per month. The one -off payment was around 110 US$. In addition, coverage of PSA is expected to be expanded to new beneficiaries--approximately 6,000. Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) In addition, coverage of PSA is expected to be expanded to new beneficiaries--approximately 6,000. Through Official Gazette of Republika Srpska RS OG 37/2020 and 41/2020 (Decision on payment of one-off financial assistance to employees in public health institutions), the government established that all employees of public health institutions who have worked for a minimum of three weeks from Social March 15 to April 15 2020 will be paid tax and contribution free one-off amount of US$ 560 out of Assistance the RS Solidarity Fund. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Through the Official Gazaette OG 24/2020 “Decision on Amendments to the Decision on the exemption from calculation and payment of indirect taxes and return of already paid indirect taxes on donated equipment and resources for the prevention, suppression and elimination of epidemics”, the government extended the list of tax exempted items, which initially include medicines and Utility waivers ambulances only. Through the Official Gazaette OG 20/2020, the government exempted indirect taxes on face masks, gloves, disinfectants, protective suits, mechanical medical ventilators during the state of natural or other disaster in the territory of BiH. Paid sick leave 124 Through the Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska RS OG 44/20 (Decree-Law on Amendments to the Health Insurance Law), the government established that the RS Health Insurance Fund would Health insurance provide health care funds for citizens with no status of an insured person in the compulsory health insurance. Pensions A total of EUR 5.5 million was allocated for unemployment benefits for 2020, but this could increase Unemployment benefits to another EUR 10 million to support job retention and/or increase unemployment benefits. Social The Solidarity Fund is used to social security contributions of employers of business firms and Insurance entrepreneurs who were banned to keep on carrying out their activities during the pandemic. Business entities were entitled to the subsidy of social security contributions, in the amount Social security contributions prescribed by the Law on Mitigation of Negative Economic Consequences. To be eligible, businesses must show turnovers of 20% or more in the month for which the payroll is calculated, compared to the realized turnover in the same month in 2019. The entity would be entitled to a right to subsidy under the condition that it has settled contributions and personal income tax payables, conclusively with February 2020. The government has allocated EUR 33 million for 2020 for activation programs which may be Activation measures reallocated for immediate assistance to unemployed. Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies Contributions to minimum salary were paid from the budget of FBH 125 (back to the top) Botswana Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers The government approved P114,839,250 for Food Hampers for the month of April, 2020, assisting Food, vouchers, others 393 households with food packages which included agricultural products. School feeding Public works Social Assistance The government announced that manual statutory filing was not possible during the lockdown period. To avoid incurring late payment and / or late filing penalties, taxpayers were encouraged to use the online compliance platforms provided by the tax authority. Where it was not possible to comply with tax obligations because of failure in the electronic platforms or the impossibility to submit returns because of the lockdown, taxpayers should request tax authority to waive any interest or penalties that may be levied. Utility waivers The government introduced the following tax relief during the lockdown: - Deferral of 75% of any two self-assessment tax quarterly payments due between March and September 2020, with payment of the deferrals to begin from March 2021 - Expedited refunds of value added tax (VAT), with refunds to be made within 21 days from the date of filing the VAT return (instead of the 60 day period for a refund) New work arrangements: The Government is preparing the economy for post COVID-19, developing Paid sick leave an economic stimulus package that will buffer the impact we foresee on our economy, including Social access to paid leave and to health care. Insurance New work arrangements: The Government is preparing the economy for post COVID-19, developing Health insurance an economic stimulus package that will buffer the impact we foresee on our economy, including access to paid leave and to health care. 126 Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time Businesses that are registered for tax were eligible for COVID-19 wage subsidies, regardless of whether they owe taxes. The government subsidized 50% of basic salary of employees of affected Labor businesses by delivering subsidies that ranged between P1000 – P2500 per month for 3 months Markets (April, May and June 2020). This measure reached 165,681 beneficiaries in April 2020, involving a total budget allocation of P1 billion. Unless specifically exempted, subsidies were taxable. Wage subsidies Implementation of a Covid-19 Wage Support Scheme to provide financial support to employees in the travel and tourism sector, export-oriented enterprises, ICT/BPO sector, SMEs and other sectors of the economy, who become technically unemployed on a temporary basis due to the impact of the Coronavirus. 127 (back to the top) Brazil Cash-based transfers In 2020 Brazil implemented the Auxilio Emegencial (AE), an emergency cash benefit to people outside formal wage employment but not eligible for social assistance. Groups such as informal workers or self-employed could apply digitally to receive a monthly payment. Beneficiaries of the conditional cash transfer Bolsa Familia were automatically enrolled in the program if the emergency benefit was higher. Starting in April 2020, AE provided 5 months of BRL 600 (US$106) and additional 4 months of BRL 300 (US$ 53) to a maximum of two eligible adults per family, with single mothers receiving a double benefit. Total beneficiaries in 2020 were 68,224,873, with a total value of BRL 294 billion (US$ 52 billion). Although the program ended in December 2020, the government implemented a Cash transfers new round in April 2021 of 4 months of BRL 250 (US$45); BRL 375 (US$ 67) for single mothers and (conditional and unconditional) BRL 150 (US$27) for childless single males. The new round has stricter eligibility conditions: Family income per capita below 05 MW AND below 3 MW in total; max. 1 beneficiary per family. Anticipation of part of Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC) for people with disabilities and Social sickness benefits. Impact of R$ 5 billion (US$ 1 billion). Assistance The government allocated BRL 3 billion for the Bolsa Familia program to add 1.2 million families (2.8 million individuals) and vertically expanding Bolsa Familia program in March 2020. Possibility of further expansion in the second semester of 2021. The 13th salary for retirees, salary bonus allowances and benefits for people with disabilities as well Social pensions as sickness benefits was anticipated, involving a planned budget of of R$ 46 billion, or US$ 9.2 billion. In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others A law allowing mayors to use FNDE (Federal fund for school feeding) resources to purchase and distribute food baskets to students was signed on April 7th 2020. In advance of the signing of the School feeding law, mayors and governors began distributing food baskets or topping up Bolsa Familia with the value of the school meal or more. Valid during school suspension period. Public works 128 The term of payroll credit loans was extended to 84 months and the maximum interest was reduced. Furthermore, debt collection was suspended and the terms were easier to renegotiate. Postponement of real estate financing payment of installments, for three months, benefiting 800 thousand families Debt collection suspension and easier conditions for debt renegotiation by the Attorney General's Utility waivers Office. The Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) suspended energy supply cuts due to non-payment for 90 days. The low-income population registered for lower tariffs (the Social Tarriff program) with Electric Energy Agency (Aneel) was not subjected to the periodic checks for three months, and therefore did not lose the benefit. Workers with Covid-19: the government paid for the first 15 days of leave of those sick in relation to Paid sick leave COVID-19. Health insurance The government allowed the possibility of withdrawal from the FGTS for formal workers (21,500 million Brazilian reals or US$4 billion), an advance of the salary payment for formal workers (12.8 Pensions billion Brazilian reals or US$2.5 billion); and an advance of the end of year payment (thirteenth month) for pensioners (23 billion Brazilian reals or US$4.5 billion). The introduction of the program “Beneficio Emergencial de Manutenção do Emprego e Renda” did Social not affect the unemployment insurance value of workers. Insurance The government implemented an anticipation of 25% of the unemployment insurance amount for Unemployment benefits those who earn up to two minimum wages and have wages reduced. This involved a planned budget of R$ 10 billion (US$ 2 billion). Advanced withdraw of FGTS (unemployment savings account) up to 1 MW. Postponement of Social Security Contributions, PIS/PASEP, Cofins and FGTS (FGTS payments for March – May 2020 were collected from July 2020 onwards) Social security contributions Reduction of 50% of “Sistema S” contributions for 3 months (R$ 2.2 billion, or US$ 0.4 billion). On June 2nd 2020, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Health announced a digital platform Labor Activation measures aimed at promoting and facilitating the hiring of professionals to act in the fight against COVID-19. Markets The objective was to create a bridge between health professionals and care units, such as hospitals, 129 clinics, laboratories, in addition to state and municipal departments across the country that can act to face the pandemic. Through the Provisional Measure No. 927, 2020, the government suspended the enforceability of the payment of FGTS by employers, regarding the competencies of March, April and May 2020, with maturity in April, May and June 2020. On April 20th 2020, the government revoked Provisional Measure 905 (in force since November 12th 2019), which instituted the Green and Yellow Employment Contract. This contract created a new type of employment agreement specifically designed to incentivize companies to offer individuals aged between 19 and 29 years their first formal job in exchange for benefits relating mainly to payroll taxation. The government announced that it would edit a new Provisional Measure defining new rules for this contract for during the Covid-19 crisis in the country. The revocation was made official through the publication of Provisional Measure 955. Through the Constitutional Amendment No. 106, the government simplified the personnel hiring processes, on a temporary and emergency basis. Through the Provisional Measure No. 927, 2020, the government introduced several measures related to employees’ vacations during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the period that employers Labor market regulations must inform employees about anticipated vacations, the legal framework for the payment of paid vacations, even in the case of workers’ dismissal, and the possibility for employers to grant collective vacations to a group of employees, among other related measures. Through the Provisional Measure No. 927, 2020, the government suspended the administrative requirement of medical examinations connected to employment, except for dismissal examinations. Through the Provisional Measure No. 927, 2020, the government suspended periodic and occasional trainings of employees, to allow for safety and health at the workplace. Through the Provisional Measure No. 927, 2020, the government allowed the maintenance of the internal accident prevention commissions, although electoral processes in progress were suspended. Through the Provisional Measure No. 927, 2020, the government allowed the suspension of employment contracts for a period of up to four months, including the possibility of employers granting monthly compensatory aid to employees, without a salary nature. The amount of this would be defined in agreement between employees and employers, through individual negotiation. 130 Relaxing or suspending eligibility criteria or conditionalities by allowing companies to rehire employees before the 90 days period Through the SEPRT/MS Joint Ordinance No. 20, the government introduced measures aiming at the prevention, control and mitigation of transmission risks of COVID-19 in work environments (general guidelines). Through the Uncomplicated Labor Program the government guaranteed more safety and health for workers, enabling an effective reduction in the number of occupational accidents with more risk management in a customized way and less plastering and bureaucracy. Specific guidelines were developed for the areas of civil construction; pharmacies and drugstores; meat-packing companies; gas stations; rural sector; health services; supermarkets; teleservices; domestic work and use of PFF1 masks. The government launched a free labor self-diagnostic tool service for employers who want to check if they comply with labor legislation. It has been developed, especially for small entrepreneurs. It is a self-assessment carried out by the user that enables the creation of an improvement plan for the company. The government launched the “Programa Descomplica Trabalhista” (Labor Decomplications Program) to eliminate bureaucracies and provide a more favorable business environment to create jobs and opportunities. 48 obsolete acts of the Ministry of Economy were revoked, a modernized agribusiness labor standard was signed and a simplified eSocial module shared. Overall, two thousand documents from the former Ministry of Labor were reviewed and consolidated in less than ten documents. The “Programa Descomplica Trabalhista”also included the introduction of a Simplified Digital Bookkeeping System for Social Security, Labor and Tax Liabilities . Through the EPRT/MS Joint Ordinance No. 19, the government established measures aimed at the prevention, control and mitigation of the transmission risks of COVID-19 in the activities developed in the slaughter and processing industry of meat and meat products intended for human consumption and dairy products. Teleworking, anticipation of individual holidays, grant collective vacation benefits, suspension of required administrative medical examinations connected to employment 131 The government, through Banco de Horas, allowed the interruption of working hours and compensate at a later stage by working up to 45 hours per week (work outs could be compensated 18 months after the COVID-19 pandemic). Through the Provisional Measure No. 927, 2020, the government allowed employers to change the Reduced work time face-to-face work regime for teleworking, remote work or other type of distance work and determine the return to the face-to-face work regime, regardless of the existence of individual or collective agreements, waived prior registration of the change in the individual employment contract. SEPEC Ordinance No. 18.775 authorized the execution of theoretical and practical activities of professional learning programs in distance mode, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through Provisional Measure No. 936, 2020, the government introduced the Beneficio Emergencial de Manutenção do Emprego e Renda program, which allowed firms to reduce the workday by 25%, 50% and 70% for 3 months, with government’s compensation. On May 28th 2020, the National Congress extended this measure for 60 days, which was later converted into Law 14.020, on July 6th Wage subsidies 2020. As of September 2020, this program directly impacted on 29.9 million households, which represents 43.6% of total families. The medium value of the benefit was R$ 894, involving an investment of R$ 232 billion. 132 (back to the top) British Virgin Islands (UK) Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Social Assistance with food supplies delivered to over 800 families’ homes during the 24h curfew period, jointly organized by the Social Development Department, BVI Red Cross and the Family Support Assistance Network. It prioritized the needs of the most vulnerable, including the elderly, persons with chronic Food, vouchers, others illnesses and with children first, then the unemployed or those with reduced incomes. Items included in each package were basic and essential products, such as flour, rice, beans, water and fruits and vegetables. School feeding Public works Water and Sewerage customers across the territory have been given a month’s suspension in Utility waivers payment of their water charges. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions As part of the government's $62.9 million stimulus package, $10 million were allocated to the Covid- 19 Unemployment Relief Fund, which supported residents affected by the pandemic for a period of Social up to three months. Compensation was on a case-by-case basis, and individuals had to provide the Insurance relevant information on how they were affected by the pandemic. The SSB administered and Unemployment benefits monitored the initiative. Those who applied must have paid at least 13 out of 20 weeks of SSB contributions before March 30th 2020; be financially impacted by Covid-19; and be actively seeking for employment. The benefit was calculated at a rate of 50 percent of insurable earnings up to a maximum of $1,000 and a minimum of $500 a month. Social security contributions 133 Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 134 (back to the top) Brunei Darussalam Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others Social Assistance School feeding Public works Provision of deferment of the principal amount or financing for real estate, restructuring the outstanding credit card balance to loans for a period of not more than three years for individuals affected in the private sector only including the self-employed Utility waivers Restructuring and deferring principal amounts on personal loans and hire purchase facilities such as car loans or financing for not more than 10 years Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits The government introduced fiscal measures, which included the deferment of payments on Social security contributions Employees Trust Fund (TAP) and Supplementary Contributory Pension (SCP) contributions. Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 135 (back to the top) Bulgaria Cash-based transfers The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy is introducing a one-off cash transfer of BGN 375 (EUR 192) to parents of children under 12 who are on unpaid leave for at least 20 days due to inability to work from home during the state of emergency. The government decided to expand the coverage to parents of children up to 14 years as well as families in which one or both parents have lost their jobs but were not entitled to unemployment benefits. It was also granted to foster families and families of relatives, in which the child is placed under the Child Protection Act. The Government introduced a targeted monthly allowance of BGN 610 for families with children Cash transfers under 14 who study online from home and if the income per family member is equal to or less than (conditional and unconditional) 150 per cent of the minimum wage. 35,700 families with children under 14-years have received targeted cash assistance until end January 2021 for a total amount of BGN 30 million. The average assistance per family was BGN 900. The allocation of BGN 73 million is provided for targeted assistance to families with children in 2021. Social Providing supplementary pay in the amount of BGN 1,000 to medical staff and other front-line Assistance responders to the pandemic Parental support package of BGN (180 mn) Expenditures for household support including bonuses to pensions and minimum pension increase Social pensions (BGN 1322 mn) In-kind transfers Expanding the coverage and scope of in-kind support for the elderly, people with disabilities, and people living under the poverty line. This included: - provision of individual food packages by the Bulgarian Red Cross to an additional 41,000 beneficiaries Food, vouchers, others - provision of hot meals through municipalities to 50,000 additional recipients. The Ministry of Labor and Social Policy reallocated BGN 45 million (US$ 24.8 million) under Operational Program Human Resources Development for expanding the coverage and scope of the 136 home visiting services provided to elderly people and other vulnerable groups (people with disabilities), including the delivery of food and medicines. The services are provided by the municipalities. Over 420,000 children and students from more than 3,200 schools received their products under the food schemes "School fruit" and "School milk" in their homes. Fruit and dairy products were School feeding delivered to schools and after that were distributed to families through the home visiting services of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. The measure was valid for the entire period of the emergency situation and deliveries were made on a weekly basis Public works The Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB) provided guarantee to commercial banks for the loans granted by them to individuals and legal entities. Individuals were granted Interest-free bank loans up to BGN 1,500 per month for a period of three months. The Ministry of Energy introduced a deferral for the payment of utility bills for electricity for up to 30 days. At the same time the possibility for each client to negotiate and rescheduling the amounts due for electricity is preserved. The key fiscal policy responses cumulative for 2020 and planned for 2021 include: (i) tax relief for households with children with disabilities (BGN 143 mn) (ii) reduced VAT rate of 9 percent for restaurant services, books, baby food, wine, beer, tour operators and tourist trips, gyms and sports facilities and food delivery until end-2021 (BGN 343 mn) and (iii) additional financing of medical activities (BGN 748 mn) Utility waivers The government will allocate BGN 200 million (USD 110 million) to the Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB) for guaranteeing non-interest consumer loans up to BGN 1500 (USD 829) for all workers who are on unpaid leave due to the state of emergency. On 10 April 2020 the Bulgarian National Bank announced the long-awaited rules for deferral and settlement of credit obligations of individuals and legal entities towards banks and their subsidiaries in relation to the state of emergency declared on 13 March 2020 in Bulgaria. Deferral of payments under bank loans for a period of up to six months, but no later than 31 December 2020. Subject to deferring may be all amounts due, or the principal only. The scope of the Moratoria covers the widest possible range of borrowers, both individuals and legal entities. A discount of 5% was granted to persons who have paid the real estate tax or the vehicle tax for the 137 whole 2020 up to 30 June 2020. The Act did not contain specific provisions regarding the payment of the garbage collection fees for 2020. During the state of emergency employers were obliged to allow the use of paid annual leave or unpaid leave at the request of pregnant women, mother or adoptive mother of children under the age of 12 or disabled child, employee under 18 years old, disabled employees, employees with health issues at risk of getting COVID-19 or mentally ill. Paid sick leave The employer has the right to grant paid annual leave to the worker and the employee without his or her consent when the work of the enterprise, part of it, or of individual workers or employees is suspended. The employer may, at its sole discretion, provide to workers or employees half of the annual paid leave, if there is no suspension of the work of the enterprise. Health insurance All medical certificates determining the degree of lost working capacity (the validity of these documents for people below standard retirement age is between 1 and 3 years; working capacity of people above standard retirement age doesn’t need to be reassessed) which expire during the period of the state of emergency and have to be renewed, were automatically renewed for the whole period of the state of emergency + 2 months after that. Approximately 75,000 disability pensioners benefited from that measure Social Pensions All pensions of working pensioners will be recalculated officially as of April 1st 2020 on the basis of Insurance the data in the administrative registers. Pensioners are not required to submit any documents and to contact the NSSI’s staff, in order to limit the number of visitors of the NSSI’s. Approximately 258 000 pensioners will benefit from that measure Increase in pensions with 50 leva a month for a period of three consecutive months. (318 million leva) Unemployment benefit claims shall be submitted by the claimants through the local employment offices at the same time when they get registered as jobseekers. National Employment Agency (a structure to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy) will inform NSSI through the means of Unemployment benefits electronic data exchange about the submitted claims. Further measures are under consideration The government increased unemployment benefits and other social support, involving a total budget of BGN 297 million. Coverage of 60% of the social security income for January 2020 and of social contributions payable by the employers for workers and employees in affected sectors that would have been otherwise Social security contributions laid off; 138 Enforcement proceedings under the Tax and Social Security Procedures Code will not be initiated except in special cases to which this prohibition does not apply (no prohibition is provided for the imposition of preliminary security measures in the course of tax control proceedings and for securing evidence in fiscal control). Unchanged deadlines in the tax and social security legislation Activation measures Provisions allowing employers to hire workers who are on unpaid leave from other companies without the authorization of the first employer unless there is an explicit prohibition in the main labor contract of the worker. There are no restrictions on the time that employees can work under the second employment contract while on unpaid leave. The only requirement is for the second employer to ensure observance of daily and weekly rest periods Labor market regulations Additional remunerations in the ministries of health, interior, and defense, the Social Assistance Agency, the Employment Agency and the General Labour Inspectorate, involving a total budget of Labor BGN 237 million Markets Doctors and nurses working in the frontline received an additional payment of BGN 1000 a month (USD 566). All employers are obligated to introduce remote work. Where it is not possible due to the nature and Reduced work time specifics of the work performed, employers are obliged to implement all anti-epidemic measures. On March 23rd 2020, the National Assembly adopted an Emergency Measures and Actions Act. Unemployment Fund paid 60% of the income of the employees from sectors most heavily influenced Wage subsidies by the COVID-19 crisis for up to three months. The Council of Ministers have adopted the criteria and procedures according to which employers were able to receive support. This measure involved a total budget of BGN 1,019 million 139 (back to the top) Burkina Faso Cash-based transfers Cash transfers to informal sector workers (fruits and vegetable sellers). Total cost of US$10 million (5 billion CFA) to help the fruits and vegetable informal retailers affected by the situation, particularly women. One-off Cash transfer to 9023 disabilities for income generating activities, 344,444.44 USD (186 Cash transfers millions CFA), 370.37 USD (200 000 FCA) per beneficiary. (conditional and unconditional) 2 million people will benefit from government support to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. This support will be through a distribution of food and a financial contribution called cash transfer. Concretely, there are 20,000 households who will receive 20,000 CFA francs each per month for three months. Social pensions In-kind transfers Social In-kind transfers to market vendors. This aimed at the most vulnerable people of the markets that Assistance have been closed due to the outbreak. Food, vouchers, others 2 million people will benefit from government support to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. This support will be through a distribution of food and a financial contribution called cash transfer. School feeding Public works Price controls for staple foods. Type of food included in this measure are cereals ( rice, millets, sorghum, maize, beans) and others food items (sugar, oil ) but also gasoline and cooking gas To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central Bank (BCEAO) is Utility waivers providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money and making transfers between people backed by the electronic money free Postponement of the vehicle tax payment deadline to the end of June 2020 140 Several utilities support including: subsidies for water bills and water points, subsidies for electricity bills (100% for certain types of connections, 50% for others), removal of penalties on water and electricity bills, reduction of costs of solar panel kits by 50% for poor households, and finally, subsidies on water and electricity costs for market vendors. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions The exemption from the contribution of micro-enterprises in the informal sector; Activation measures Labor market regulations The suspension of on-site control operations except for proven cases of fraud. Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 141 (back to the top) Burundi Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social Assistance In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works The government reduced the price at public water fountains in all of Burundi (rural and urban) by Utility waivers 50%. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Reduced work time Markets Subsidies were planned to help pay salaries in some sectors and avoid massive layoffs. Salaries for Wage subsidies suspended services, such as those provided at the Melchior Ndadaye International Airport, were subsidized with government support. 142 (back to the top) Cabo Verde Cash-based transfers Support for workers in micro and small enterprises and self-employed in the informal sector, including sellers of informal commerce and municipal markets. These workers were guaranteed a value of 10,000 escudos (US$100) for one month. The government expected to reach 30,000 workers. Benefit was deposited through bank transfers by INPS for REMPE workers. The Ministry of Cash transfers Family and Social Inclusion / Treasury deposited the transfers for non-REMPE workers, to whom (conditional and unconditional) vulnerability prioritization criteria applied. Enrollment in the Single Social Register was considered as a first and mandatory condition for obtaining these benefits. Expansion of CTs under the existing SP project to 8,000 families (from original 5,000). This involved a monthly income of 5,500 escudos (US$53). Social Social pensions Assistance In-kind transfers Immediate Food Assistance to 22,500 families, totaling around 90,000 people, whose income is below the minimum wage or without any source of income. It represents an investment of 21 thousand contos. Food, vouchers, others Regarding the aforementioned guarantee of food security to the program, the measure covered about 30,000 children who belong to the most vulnerable households. School feeding Public works Through a decision announced by the Central Bank of Cabo Verde, households and firms that Utility waivers borrow from banks had a three-month moratorium on payment of debt instalments. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions The government decided to cancel contributions to Pension Fund for three months. Activation measures 143 Labor market regulations Labor Reduced work time Markets Support for the maintenance of employment contracts equal to 70% of the remuneration (35% social Wage subsidies security, 35% employer). 144 (back to the top) Cambodia Cash-based transfers Starting late June 2020, the Government of Cambodia (GoC) began providing cash transfers to households identified by IDPoor as the poorest. It has continued to issue these transfers every month through April 2021. As of the end of 2020, the GoC spent approximately USD 232 million towards this program, reaching 688,539 households. Cash transfers The government allocated nearly USD 400 million social assistance, including USD 300 million for a (conditional and unconditional) new monthly cash transfer program for poor and vulnerable households for a period of 5 to 7 months from June 2020. The remaining USD 100 million was spent on a work program. In September 2020, the government extended until the end of the year the subsidy for garment and Social tourism sectors, the tax exemptions for tourism and aviation sector and the cash relief program for Assistance poor and vulnerable families. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding T The GoC is also implementing a cash-for-work programme for the unemployed to provide people Public works who lost their jobs and returned to their hometown (from inside and outside the country) as well those in the community, the opportunity to get short-term employment with income to support their daily needs. Utility waivers Paid sick leave Social Health insurance Insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits 145 Social security contributions USD 64 million has been allocated for wage subsidies and skill training program for suspended Activation measures workers/employees in the garments and tourism industries. In September 2020, the government extended until the end of the year the subsidy for garment and tourism sectors Labor market regulations Reduced work time Labor Markets USD 64 million has been allocated for wage subsidies and skill training program for suspended workers/employees in the garments and tourism industries. The government announced a measure Wage subsidies to assist minimum wage workers employed in the tourism sector amid COVID-19 fears. This involved paying 20 percent of the workers’ minimum wages of those suspended from their jobs at hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and travel agencies. 146 (back to the top) Cameroon Cash-based transfers The Government of Cameroon announced that it will continue to support the Allocations Familiales (AF) program from May to July 2020 for the staff of companies who cannot pay social contributions or who were put on technical leave due to the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, this administrative change will impact those working in the catering, hotel, transport industries. The GoC also announced an increase in the Family Allowance (AF) transfer amount from CFAF 2,800 to CFAF 4,500. Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) The government designed and planned for the provision of a 3-month period cash transfer (Transfer Monetaires Urgence- Covid 19), targeted to the most vulnerable population living in poverty. The government implemented an increase in family allowance from CFAF 2,800 to CFAF 4,500. Social Assistance Under its socio-economic response plan to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19, the GoC will increase spending on its social safety nets program. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works On March 20th 2020, MTN Cameroon announced the payment suspension of fees on money transfers between MTN Mobile Money accounts. This measure, which concerned money transfers of Utility waivers up to 20,000 FCFA, was limited to 3 transactions per day, per account, and was valid for a period of 30 days. The aim of this policy was to reduce the use of cash as much as possible, and favoring distance payments. Paid sick leave Social Health insurance Insurance The government introduced a 20% increase in pensions for those that did not benefit from the Pensions revaluation following the 2016 reform. The first payment began by the end of May 2020. 147 Unemployment benefits Rearranging the payment of the social security contributions for the second quarter over three instalments and cancellation of late fees. Rearranging the payment of the debt of social security contributions over April, May and June 2020, Social security contributions on justified request. Cancellation of penalties for late payment of social contributions due to the CNPS, on justified request Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 148 (back to the top) Canada Cash-based transfers Launched on Monday, April 6, CERB provides $2,000 every four weeks to Canadians who’ve lost their income because of the economic repercussions of the pandemic or because they are sick with COVID-19, quarantined, looking after someone who is sick or caring for their children who are home from school. The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) gives financial support to employed and self-employed Canadians who are directly affected by COVID-19. Beneficiaries receive $2,000 for a 4-week period (the same as $500 a week). The Benefit is available to workers: residing in Canada, who are at least 15 years old; who have stopped working because of reasons related to COVID-19 or are eligible for Employment Insurance regular or sickness benefits or have exhausted their Employment Insurance regular benefits or Employment Insurance fishing benefits between December 29, 2019 and October 3, 2020; who had employment and/or self-employment income of at least $5,000 in 2019 or in the 12 months prior to the date of their application; and, who have not quit their job voluntarily. When submitting your first claim, individuals cannot have earned more than $1,000 in employment and/or self-employment income for 14 or more consecutive days within the four-week benefit period Social of your claim. Assistance Cash transfers Initial duration of the benefit was 16 weeks. It was then extended to 24, then 28 weeks. (conditional and unconditional) Introducing CERB was crucial because about 40% of unemployed or displaced Canadian workers wouldn’t qualify for Employment Insurance (EI) in March 2020. Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB): The CRB provides $500 per week for up to 26 weeks, to workers who have stopped working or had their employment/self-employment income reduced by at least 50% due to COVID-19 and who are not eligible for EI.(application opens in October 2020). Each Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB) eligibility period is a specific 2-week period. When individuals apply, individuals will receive a $1,000 ($900 after taxes withheld) payment for the period that individuals applied for. The CRB does not renew automatically. individuals must apply for each period separately. individuals can apply for a maximum of 19 periods out of the total 26 periods available between September 27, 2020 and September 25, 2021. The 19 periods do not have to be taken consecutively. You may apply for benefits retroactively for any period up to 60 days after that that period has ended. The benefit is available between September 27, 2020 and September 25, 2021. individuals can no 149 longer receive CRB payments after individuals have reached the maximum of 19 periods (38 weeks). To receive the benefit individuals must not apply or receive any of the following: Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit (CRSB), Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit (CRCB), short-term disability benefits, Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, Québec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) benefits. The Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit provides $500 per week for up to two weeks, for workers who are sick or must self-isolate for reasons related to COVID-19, or have underlying conditions that would make them more susceptible to COVID-19..(application opens in October 2020) , The Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit provides $500 per week for up to two weeks, for workers who are sick or must self-isolate for reasons related to COVID-19, or have underlying conditions that would make them more susceptible to COVID-19 (application opens in October 2020). Eligibility period limits are extended: The government has announced an extension to the CRSB eligibility period limits. Eligible recipients may now apply to any open period for up to a total of 4 weeks. The Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit provides $500 per week for up to 26 weeks per household, for eligible people unable to work because they must care for a child under 12 years old or other family member requiring supervised care, who is unable to attend their school or regular care facility, due to COVID-19 (application opened in October 2020). Only one eligible individual in the same household (living as a family at the same address) can apply for the benefit per week. Eligibility period was extended to 38 weeks. Each household may apply up to a total of 38 weeks between September 27, 2020 and September 25, 2021. Seniors to receive up to $500 in a one-time payment to offset added costs due to COVID-19 The payment for seniors provides support through a one-time payment: $300 for seniors eligible for the Old Age Security pension, and an additional $200 for seniors eligible for the Guaranteed Income Supplement. This measure will give a total of $500 to seniors who receive both the Old Age Security pension and the Guaranteed Income Supplement, and will help them cover increased costs caused by COVID-19. The one-time payment for seniors is available to individuals who are eligible to receive the Old Age Security pension or the Guaranteed Income Supplement in June 2020. When an individual defers the Old Age Security pension in exchange for a higher monthly amount, they are not eligible for the pension, and therefore they are not eligible to receive this one-time tax-free payment. CESB provides emergency financial relief to students and recent graduates who are unable to work, or unable to find work, due to reasons related to COVID-19. It is also available for those who are working but not making more than $1,000 (before taxes) over the four-week period for which they are applying. Eligible students can receive $1,250 per month, plus an additional $750 per month if they have dependents or a disability for a maximum of $2,000 per month. Students are only eligible 150 to receive one top-up of $750 per month. CESB is available for four months from May 2020 to August 2020 but students will be able to retroactively apply for this benefit until September 30, 2020. Closed for application on September 30, 2020. One-time increase to CCB payment in May 2020. Eligible individuals received up to $300 more per child with their CCB payment in May 2020. A distinctions-based Indigenous Community Support Fund (305 million CAD) was launched to address immediate needs in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation communities. These funds could be used for measures including, but not limited to: support for Elders and vulnerable community members; measures to address food insecurity; educational and other support for children; mental health assistance and emergency response services; and preparedness measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. On May 21, 2020, $75 million was announced for urban and off-reserve Indigenous organizations, bringing the total to $90 million. On August 12, 2020, an additional $305 million was announced. This included: approximately $145.2 million in direct allocations to First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities; and a further $159.8 million in needs-based COVID-19 support for Indigenous communities and organizations serving Indigenous peoples, including those living in urban centres and First Nations living off reserve. The needs-based application process was launched on October 30, 2020, and closed on November 30, 2020. On November 30, 2020, an additional $380 million was announced for the fund through the Fall Economic Statement. This includes: approximately $145.2 million in direct allocations to First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities; and a further $234.8 million in needs-based COVID-19 support for Indigenous communities and organizations , including $75 million to support Indigenous peoples living in urban centers and members of First Nations living off reserve. Needs-based support will continue to fund needs-based applications received by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC), and address COVID-19 emergency situations as they arise. Eligible wages period extension for the Wage Earner Protection Program (new as of September 11, 2020). In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the country has temporarily extended the eligible wages period for the Wage Earner Protection Program (WEPP) by up to 6 months. The WEPP is a Government of Canada program that provides financial support to workers who are owed eligible wages when their employer files for bankruptcy or becomes subject to receivership. Eligible wages include wages, vacation pay, disbursements, severance and termination. Launched the Fish Harvester Benefit to provide income support to eligible self-employed fish harvesters and shares persons crew who cannot access the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy. 151 A one-time, tax-free, non-reportable payment of up to $600 was provided to help Canadians with disabilities. Social pensions Extension of the Guaranteed Income Supplement and Allowance payments if seniors' 2019 income information had not been assessed. In-kind transfers A distinctions-based Indigenous Community Support Fund (305 million CAD) was launched to address immediate needs in First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nation communities. These funds could be used for measures including, but not limited to: support for Elders and vulnerable community members; measures to address food insecurity; educational and other support for children; mental health assistance and emergency response services; and preparedness measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. On May 21, 2020, $75 million was announced for urban and off-reserve Food, vouchers, others Indigenous organizations, bringing the total to $90 million. On August 12, 2020, an additional $305 million was announced. This included: approximately $145.2 million in direct allocations to First Nations, Inuit and Métis communities; and a further $159.8 million in needs-based COVID-19 support for Indigenous communities and organizations serving Indigenous peoples, including those living in urban centers and First Nations living off reserve. The needs-based application process was launched on October 30, 2020, and closed on November 30, 2020. School feeding Public works Introduces a pause on the repayments of Canada Student Loans in the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act, the Canada Student Loans Act, and the Apprenticeship Loans Act in order to introduce a 6-month moratorium on the repayment of Canada Student Loans for all borrowers currently in repayment. Funding to support a one-semester extension for students whose research scholarships or fellowships ended between March and August 2020 and who intend to continue their studies. Utility waivers One-time additional GST/HST credit payment in April 2020. Individuals who were entitled to the GST/HST credit for the period from July 2019 to June 2020 automatically received the one-time additional GST/HST credit payment in April 2020. This amount was calculated based on the information from your 2018 tax return. In Canada rental housing falls under provincial jurisdiction. Many provinces have announced measures to suspend evictions in their respective regions. 152 Homeowners facing financial stress may be eligible for a mortgage payment deferral up to 6 months to help ease the financial burden (includes insured mortgages). The deferral is an agreement between the individuals and the lender. Changes to Canada Student Grants and Loans have been introduced so students facing financial challenges from COVID-19 can access and afford post-secondary education. Pending government approvals, the new measures will come into effect on August 1, 2020 and be available to students for 1 year. -Doubling of Canada Student Grant amounts: In response to increased need for the coming 2020 to 2021 school year, the maximum amount of Canada Student Grants will be doubled. The Canada Student Grant for Full-Time Students will increase up to a maximum of $6,000 and the grant for part-time studies to $3,600. The Canada Student Grants for Students with Permanent Disabilities and Students with Dependants will also be doubled. -Exemption from student and spousal contribution: For the 2020 to 2021 school year, students will not be required to make their fixed student contribution; no spousal contribution would be required either. This will ensure that more students with need can qualify for more financial support. -Increasing the cap on Canada Student Loans: For the 2020 to 2021 school year, the weekly maximum loan limit will increase from $210 to $350. The usual one-week waiting period will be waived for people who are in quarantine or have been directed to self-isolate and are claiming for Employment Insurance (EI) sickness benefits (estimated cost of $5M). Eligible workers with no or limited paid-leave benefits through their employers can apply for up to 15 weeks of employment insurance if they cannot work for medical reasons such as cancer, a broken leg, or in this case, being quarantined in a public-health threat. The current EI payment is 55% of earnings up to a maximum of $573 a week. Paid sick leave Social Self-employed have access to new temporary sickness benefit for sickness absence due to COVID- Insurance 19 or quarantine. Temporary removal of medical certificate requirements (effective October 14, 2020): in response to the COVID-19 emergency, as a temporary measure, employees are not required to provide a medical certificate to take medical leave. For the complete information, consult: Medical leave (unpaid). On September 25, 2021, medical certificate requirements will be reinstated. Health insurance OSFI freezes defined benefit transfers and annuity purchases, extends regulatory deadlines – The Pensions Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) has announced that it would implement 153 certain regulatory adjustments in light of the extraordinary circumstances posed by the COVID-19 crisis. OSFI has announced a temporary freeze on portability transfers and annuity purchases relating to defined benefit provisions of pension plans. Additionally, the deadlines for certain actions and filing requirements under federal pension legislation have been extended. In their economic response plan, the Canadian Government reduced required minimum withdrawals from Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs) by 25% for 2020, in recognition of volatile market conditions and their impact on many seniors’ retirement savings. This will provide flexibility to seniors that are concerned that they may be required to liquidate their RRIF assets to meet minimum withdrawal requirements. On August 20, 2020 the government announced that EI will now be available to more workers in Canada, including those who would not have qualified for EI in the past. These changes to the EI program will be in place for one year, starting on September 27, 2020. Under the normal rules, access to EI benefits is based on the number of insurable hours an individual has worked in the year prior to their application, or since their last claim. This is known as their qualifying period. Normally, workers need 420 to 700 insurable hours during the qualifying period to be eligible for regular EI, depending on which region of Canada they live in. They need 600 insurable hours during the same period to qualify for special benefits (more details below). Under the temporary changes to the EI program, those eligible for EI regular benefits will receive at least 26 weeks of regular benefits, regardless of the unemployment rate in their region. They will also Unemployment benefits receive a minimum benefit rate of $400 per week, or $240 per week for extended parental benefits. The temporary changes will allow individuals to qualify for EI with a minimum of 120 insurable hours. Starting on September 27, 2020, EI claimants will receive a one-time insurable hours credit of: 300 insurable hours for EI regular benefits (job loss) and 480 insurable hours for EI special benefits (sickness, maternity/parental, compassionate care or family caregiver). The credits will be applied retroactively to March 15, 2020 for individuals who wanted to transition early from CERB to EI special benefits but were not eligible due to insufficient insurable hours. For these claimants, the qualifying period will also be extended. If individual does not qualify for EI because individuals are an independent contractor or self- employed, the government will introduce new recovery benefits to replace the CERB. Social security contributions Canada Summer Jobs is an initiative of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, which aims to Activation measures provide flexible and holistic services to help all young Canadians develop the skills and gain paid work 154 experience to successfully transition into the labor market. For CSJ 2020, the Department introduced temporary flexibilities to respond to the needs of employers and youth in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program will continue to offer these temporary flexibilities for 2021 to continue to support employers and youth. The following temporary flexibilities will be in place for CSJ 2021: - Wage subsidies: Funded public and private sector employers will be eligible to receive a wage subsidy reimbursement of up to 75% of the provincial or territorial minimum hourly wage. Under regular rules, private and public sector employers are only eligible to receive up to 50% of the provincial or territorial minimum wage. - Part-time employment: All funded employers may offer part-time placements (for example, fewer than 30 hours per week). Under regular rules, all CSJ-funded employment has to be full time (a minimum of 30 hours per week). - Employment period: All funded employers may offer job placements between April 26, 2021 and February 26, 2022. Under regular rules, all CSJ-funded positions have to be completed during the summer months. - Changes to project and job activities: All funded employers may amend project and job activities if the proposed project is impacted by COVID-19 restrictions after an agreement is signed. In such cases, the employer should contact Service Canada to discuss potential amendments. All changes Labor must be approved by Service Canada. Markets Removed the restriction that allowed international students to work only a maximum of 20 hours per week. This applied to those working in an essential service, such as health care, critical infrastructure, or the supply of food or other critical goods. Extension of lay-off periods (new as of November 9, 2020). In response to COVID-19, certain lay-off periods established under the Canada Labour Standards Regulations are temporarily extended. This temporary extension of lay-off periods gives greater protection to federally regulated workplaces. It provides employers more time to recall employees laid-off due to COVID-19. Prior to this temporary extension of lay-off periods, employees could be laid-off for up to 3 months, Labor market regulations or up to 6 months if a recall date is provided in a written notice at the time of the lay-off. After these time periods, the lay-off becomes a termination. The allowable time before a lay-off is considered a termination of employment is temporarily extended as follows: -If an employee is laid off for a period of 3 months or less before March 31, 2020, the time is extended by 9 months after the day on which it would otherwise end; therefore, an employer would have up to 12 months to recall the employee before the lay-off is deemed to be a termination of employment for the period between March 31, 2020, and December 31, 2020. The time is extended and the employer has until March 31, 2021, to recall the employee before the lay-off is deemed to be a termination of employment. 155 - If an employee is laid off with an expected recall date or fixed period prior to March 31, 2020, the date specified in the written notice will be extended by 9 months or to March 31, 2021, whichever is earlier and the employer would have up to that period or date to recall the employee before the lay- off is deemed to be a termination of employment. During the period between March 31, 2020 and December 31, 2020, the term of the lay-off is extended and the employer has until March 31, 2021, to recall the employee before the lay-off is deemed to be a termination of employment, unless a later recall date or fixed period was provided in a written notice Leave related to COVID-19 (new as of March 15, 2021). As an employee working in a federally regulated workplace, individuals may be entitled to 2 unpaid leaves related to COVID-19: Leave related to COVID-19 for up to 4 weeks, and leave related to COVID-19 for up to 38 weeks The Code does not provide for paid leave related to COVID-19. However, while individuals are on leave, individuals may have access to certain benefits such as: the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit, and the Canada Recovery Caregiving Benefit. Work-Sharing (WS) is a program that helps employers and employees avoid layoffs when there is a temporary decrease in business activity beyond the control of the employer. The program provides Employment Insurance (EI) benefits to eligible employees who agree to reduce their normal working hours and share the available work while their employer recovers. Work-Sharing is an agreement between employers, employees and the Government of Canada. Effective March 15, 2020 and extended to September 26, 2021, and not limited to one specific sector or industry, the Government of Canada is introducing temporary special measures: -Extension of the maximum possible duration of an agreement from 38 weeks to 76 weeks. Reduced work time -Mandatory cooling off period has been waived for employers who have already used the Work Sharing program so that eligible employers may immediately enter into a new agreement. -Reduce the previous requirements for a Recovery Plan to a single line of text in the application form. - Reduce the requirement and expand eligibility to employers affected by accepting business who have been in business for only 1 year rather than 2, and eliminate the burden of having to provide sales/production figures at the same time. - Expand eligibility for staff who are essential to recovery, Government Business Enterprises (GBEs) and non-for-profit organization employers. 75% wage subsidy up to CAD 847 per week or CAD 58,700 per employee for eligible employers for up to 12 weeks, retroactive to 15 March to prevent job losses and allow for rehiring workers. The subsidy is available for a subset of employers, excluding public bodies, experiencing a drop of at least Wage subsidies 15% of their revenues (for period 1), 30% of their revenues (periods 2-4). CEWS is administered by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) on a period-by-period basis, with each period spanning 4 weeks (with period 1 starting March 15, 2020). The wage subsidy program was put 156 in place for an initial 12-week period from March 15 to June 6, 2020, providing a 75 per cent wage subsidy to eligible employers. On May 15, 2020, the government announced a 12-week extension, to August 29, 2020. On July 17, 2020, the government unveiled a redesign allowing more employers to access wage subsidy support while ensuring that support is better targeted to their needs, and proposed a further extension to December 19, 2020. Another extension has been done until June 2021 and implement other enhancements to the program to better respond to the evolving economic and health situation. These proposed changes will make the program more flexible and more generous, and ensure that the program provides continued support to employers. July 2020 changes: Changes to CEWS as of claim period 5 (Bill C-20): The subsidy rate varies, depending on how much your revenue dropped. If your revenue drop was less than 30% you can still qualify and keep getting the subsidy as employees return to work and your revenue recovers. For periods 5 and 6, if your revenue dropped at least 30%, your subsidy rate will be at least 75%, up to a maximum of $847/week per eligible employee. Employers who were hardest hit can qualify for a higher amount. Employees who were unpaid for 14 or more days can now be included in your calculation. Use the current period’s revenue drop or the previous period’s, whichever works in favour. Changes to CEWS as of November 19, 2020 (Bill C-9): The subsidy is extended to June 2021 The maximum subsidy rate for periods 8 to 10 will remain at 65% (40% base rate + 25% top-up) beginning in period 8, the top-up rate and base rate are is now calculated using the same one-month revenue drop. For periods 8 to 10, use the new top-up calculation or the previous 3-month average drop, whichever works in favour. The deadline to apply is January 31, 2021 Footnote1, or 180 days after the end of the claim period, whichever comes later. Starting in period 9, the calculation for employees on leave with pay now aligns better with EI benefits. Changes to CEWS as of January 6, 2021: details for claim periods 11 to 13 (December 20, 2020, to March 13, 2021): the maximum top-up subsidy rate is 35%; the maximum subsidy amount for employees on leave with pay is $595; and the base revenue drop comparison months for period 11 will be the same as period 10. On February 24, 2021, the government announced a technical change that would bring the CEWS legislation in line with the CRA’s current application of the deeming rule for claim period 11. 157 The online calculator and spreadsheet already applied the deeming rule this way, so employers who used these calculators do not need to update their previous claims as a result of this update. On March 3, 2021, the Government announced proposed details for upcoming CEWS claim periods from March 14 to June 5, 2021 (claim periods 14 to 16): the maximum wage subsidy rate for active employees will remain at 75%; the revenue drop will continue to compare your eligible revenue to a time prior to March 2020 (specific comparison months and years are listed for each claim period) you may use a new pre-crisis pay period when calculating an employee’s pre-crisis pay (baseline remuneration) for the new claim periods; and the maximum subsidy amount for employees on leave with pay will remain at $595. As of March 28, 2021 a total of 3,057,750 application have been received, 43,160 unique applicants with approved claims, $72.78 billion value of subsidies approved. Wage Subsidy to increase liquidity for eligible businesses by reducing the amount of payroll deductions given to Revenue Canada. Canada Summer Jobs is an initiative of the Youth Employment and Skills Strategy, which aims to provide flexible and holistic services to help all young Canadians develop the skills and gain paid work experience to successfully transition into the labor market. For CSJ 2020, the Department introduced temporary flexibilities to respond to the needs of employers and youth in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The program will continue to offer these temporary flexibilities for 2021 to continue to support employers and youth. The following temporary flexibilities will be in place for CSJ 2021: - Wage subsidies: Funded public and private sector employers will be eligible to receive a wage subsidy reimbursement of up to 75% of the provincial or territorial minimum hourly wage. Under regular rules, private and public sector employers are only eligible to receive up to 50% of the provincial or territorial minimum wage. - Part-time employment. - Employment period. - Changes to project and job activities. 158 (back to the top) Caribbean (Netherlands) Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers The government launched a Food Package Support for households who do not have enough money for food. Around 680 households suffering from food shortages as a result of poverty were supported in Bonaire. This concerned approximately 480 families with children and 200 households without children. The benefit included the following: (1) 400 hygiene packages with information Food, vouchers, others material for low-literate persons, (2) monthly food package for all households in need, with basic supplies such as rice, pasta, oil, canned vegetables and sometimes fresh vegetables, (3) weekly breakfast package for families with children, who previously received this through school, and (4) hot Social meals at least once a week for the most urgent households, provided through many private Assistance initiatives and actions by restaurants. The government launched a Food Package Support for households who do not have enough money for food. Around 680 households suffering from food shortages as a result of poverty were supported in Bonaire. This concerned approximately 480 families with children and 200 households without children. The benefit included the following: (1) 400 hygiene packages with information School feeding material for low-literate persons, (2) monthly food package for all households in need, with basic supplies such as rice, pasta, oil, canned vegetables and sometimes fresh vegetables, (3) weekly breakfast package for families with children, who previously received this through school, and (4) hot meals at least once a week for the most urgent households, provided through many private initiatives and actions by restaurants. Public works The government reduced the costs of electricity and water bills of households and companies nearly USD 60.00 per month as of May 1st until the end of 2020. This measure involved a total budget of Utility waivers EUR$ 7.8 million, which were raised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (for electricity) and the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (for drinking water). The measure was implemented from May to December 2020. 159 Households in need could qualify for support when paying fixed costs such as rent, WEB or internet bills The Belastingdients / CN took measures to mitigate the consequences of the Corona virus for entrepreneurs and private individuals by applying special deferral of tax payments, as well as giving special extensions for all assessment and tax returns for a period of three months. This included General Spending Tax (ABB), Wage Tax (LH), Income Tax (IB), Gaming Tax, Proceeds Tax and Property Tax. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time To prevent employers from having to dismiss employees, the government launched a temporary Labor emergency regulation for employers on Bonaire, Saba and St. Eustatius. Employers received a Markets contribution towards labor costs, which also covered independent entrepreneurs or people who were Wage subsidies employees, but no longer have an employer because of COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, the arrangement was put in place for a period of three months, until June 12th 2020. It was later extended until July 12th 2021. To be eligible for the 80% compensation of daily wages, entrepreneurs must have faced a loss of turnover of at least 20% and keep staff working. 160 (back to the top) Cayman Islands (UK) Cash-based transfers Seafarers, Veterans & persons on Permanent Financial Assistance were provided a one-time payment of KYD $425 on Friday, 27 March 2020 in recognition of the extra and anticipated expenses that are likely to be incurred by these individuals and their families in buying additional supplies due to the rapidly-evolving COVID-19 situation. For Caymanian individuals impacted negatively by the tourism industry downturn, the government has provided cash transfers of $1,000 each for three months. The National Gallery, in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and the private sector, are offering one-time artist grants of $1,000 per artist. Initially, 20 grants were available on a first come, first Cash transfers served basis. To qualify, artists should be reliant on their artwork as their primary source of income, (conditional and unconditional) and should be experiencing significant loss of income due to the pandemic. The government relaunched the Ready2work programme due to COVID 19 pandemic. The Social programme was designed to provide industry specific training and re-tooling of Caymanian workers Assistance to better prepare them for the workforce. This included: paid internships (by Employer and/or by the Government when required); support for child care if applicable and counselling and coaching. The government implemented a one-time honorarium payment of $1,000 for those public servants delivering essential services during the COVID-response. This stipend was paid by participating agencies and within the civil service. Social pensions In-kind transfers Work permit holders who urgently required food supplies and who had insufficient income or savings to sustain themselves could, were eligible for a KY$150 (US$180) food voucher from April 1st 2020. The voucher provided support over a two-week period to those who qualify until the airport Food, vouchers, others reopened or they could resume their jobs. As of May 21st 2020, nearly 24,000 reusable cloth masks had been distributed across the Cayman 161 Islands by the Community Policing Branch of the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service. This included some 21,500 on Grand Cayman, 2,300 on Cayman Brac and 87 on Little Cayman. Cayman Islands government organized vouchers and a daily lunch Programme with distribution through school cafeteria providers and NGO partners. The Department of Education had support School feeding from Kiwanis and Feed Our Future (FOF) to run a voucher and daily lunch programme from March 23rd 2020. Public works Support for Rent and Utilities was provided to Needs Assessment Unit program. This was extended from three to six months. Beneficiaries must have had a household income lower than KYD $3,000 per month to be eligible. According to the press, 1,653 families have benefited from this policy. The government launched the COVID 19 Farmers' Assistance Programme to increase farmers' Utility waivers capacity to yield greater quantities of high-quality produce and livestock. Each successful applicant received a voucher card to purchase seeds, fertilizers, and other essential agricultural inputs from the Department of Agriculture. The programme, which began in December 2020, was developed to stimulate increased agricultural activity by providing USD $1 million in funding for farmers to use towards the purchase of products and services from the Department of Agriculture. Paid sick leave From April until June 2020, the Ministry of Health in conjunction with the Health Insurance Commission offered an initial assistance programme to those persons who needed help paying their Health insurance health insurance premiums. During that period, 1,250 people received assistance at a cost of approximately $400,000. The government allowed an emergency withdrawal of pensions, subject to certain provisions. Through the National Pensions (Amendment) Law, 2020 in April 23rd 2020 eligible persons could Social withdraw a single lump sum of: Insurance Pensions - 100% of the balance up to KYD $10,000; and - In cases where the balance exceeds KYD $10,000, up to KYD $10,000 plus up to 25% of the remaining balance. There was no requirement to repay the withdrawal amount. Unemployment benefits The pension holiday commenced on April 1st 2020 and was extended until June 30th 2020. The Social security contributions pension holiday was automatic for all employers and employees, including self-employed persons. The government relaunched the Ready2work programme due to COVID 19 pandemic. The Labor programme was designed to provide industry specific training and re-tooling of Caymanian workers Activation measures Markets to better prepare them for the workforce. This included: paid internships (by Employer and/or by the Government when required); support for child care if applicable and counselling and coaching. 162 The government extended the Passport2Success (P2S) programme. PS2 is a 16-week soft skills training programme that bridges the gap between high school and the World of Work for young people ages 17 to 24 years of age. It is managed by the National Training & Development Unit at WORC and delivered by The Wellness Centre. As of June 2020, more than 500 young people have participated in the 10-year old programme. The government introduced a guideline related to labor rights. Employers terminating or temporarily laying off workers as a result of the coronavirus pandemic must pay severance pay upon contract termination, at the employee’s latest basic wage, for each completed twelve-month period of employment. Employees are also entitled to any earned vacation leave, sales commission owed, as well as gratuities earned. In the cases of temporary termination, employers do not need to pay Labor market regulations severance to their employees. Non-Caymanians recruited by the Health Services Authority or by any private hospital to the posts of medical personnel are temporarily exempt from certain provisions of the Immigration (Transition) Law, 2018. Reduced work time The government relaunched the Ready2work programme due to COVID 19 pandemic. The programme was designed to provide industry specific training and re-tooling of Caymanian workers Wage subsidies to better prepare them for the workforce. This included: paid internships (by Employer and/or by the Government when required); support for child care if applicable and counselling and coaching. 163 (back to the top) Central African Republic Cash-based transfers The World Bank is supporting additional financing to the ongoing Projet d’Appui Aux Communautés Affectées Par Le Déplacement (PACAD), which currently supports communities affected by displacement. This additional financing will support cash transfers to those impacted by the COVID- Cash transfers 19 pandemic. The project is designed in close collaboration with partners to maximize synergies with (conditional and unconditional) efforts by UN Agencies such as WFP, United National Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Premiums of 1 billion to health personnel involved in the fight against the pandemic Social Social pensions Assistance In-kind transfers The Programme d’appui en réponse à la pandémie de Covid-19 (PABRC-RCA) provides direct Food, vouchers, others support to the most vulnerable households. About 1,000 households, with 50% women at the head, will receive food kits. School feeding Public works Direct support to the most vulnerable households. About 500 farms, half of which are headed by Utility waivers women, benefited from sustainable agricultural inputs. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor New working method: introduction of intermittent work for civil servants in the public and private Markets Reduced work time sectors Wage subsidies 164 (back to the top) Chad Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Vulnerable households in the capital N'Djamena were selected to receive food aid through NGOs and local community structures, starting in May 2020. Each food parcel was composed of oil, rice, beans and sugar. The programme is co-ordinated by the National Food Security Office (ONASA) and plans Social to roll out food distribution to other parts of the country as well. Assistance The National Solidarity and Support Fund was established to close geographic and coverage gaps in Food, vouchers, others the provision of existing social protection programmes and to provide emergency aid to vulnerable individuals across the country. The Fund collects donations from government, private sector, and NGOs and is envisaged to fund a variety of social protection and relief measures. The Fund will aid vulnerable populations across the country and reach out to provinces not covered by existing projects. School feeding Public works Electricity and water bill of vulnerable households will be paid by the State throughout the territory Utility waivers for six months for water and three months for electricity. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 165 (back to the top) Chile Cash-based transfers The Ministry of Social Development has introduced the Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia (IFE) – a new, transitory transfer program intended for households that depend on informal work for their livelihood. Nearly 2 million households are expected to receive the transfer which was granted for a maximum of three months. The first payout corresponded to 100 percent of the full transfer amount, the second payout 85 percent and the third 65 percent. The transfer amount depended on household type (whether the households is exclusively informal, or whether the households is vulnerable and partially informal) and size of the household. The amount received by the household was not less than $ 25,000 per member, as long as the household met the requirements. The policy was extended from the second payment onwards. According to the government's website, as of February 25th 2021, the government spent $3,140,403,000M, which involved an average of 2,556,915 households and 6,670,811 individuals between May 2020 and February 2021 Covid Christmas Bonus: A monetary support for households whose sources of income were affected by the pandemic generated by the Covid-19 virus. This benefit was automatically delivered to Social families who received the sixth payment of the Family Emergency Income (IFE). The amount of the Assistance Cash transfers bonus varied according to the phase in which the commune of residence was from November 24th to (conditional and unconditional) November 30th 2020. Each member of households in communes in phase 1 received $ 55,000, while this was reduced to $25,000 for those living in communes on phases 2, 3 or 4. The payment of this benefit started on December 21st 2020. According to the presidency's website, the measure aimed to reach 3,3 M households, involving 8,2 M individuals. Covid Transport Bonus: This benefit consists of a one-off bonus of $ 350,000 that could be requested by micro-entrepreneurs and drivers of passenger transport (both for drivers and vehicle owners). According to the General Treasury's website, the measure planned to reach 74,159 drivers and 107,146 vehicle owners from September 12th to November 12th 2020. Bono de Emergencia COVID-19: This grant was awarded to those families that belong to the Chile Seguridades y Oportunidades program and the Family Subsidy, and to those households in extreme poverty (60% more poorer, according to the Registro Social de Hogares (RSH)). This one-off bonus implied a cash transfer of CLP$ 50,000 per household, which was paid through RUT account of BancoEstado RUT Account. According to the government's website, the measure implied a total actual budget of CLP$ 132,993 M and 1,528,459 households. 166 Through Law 21,218, the government introduced a monthly subsidy aimed at formal workers aged between 18 and 65 years old. The Guaranteed Minimum Income (IMG) allows guaranteeing a minimum wage for those who receive less than CLP$ 380,000 (gross wage) or equivalent to a net salary of CLP$ 300,000. To be beneficiary of this policy, workers must not be within the richest 10%. The subsidy will be CLP$41,092 for those who earn a salary of CLP$326,000 (maximum subsidy). The subsidy is paid in the bank account indicated by the beneficiary or in person at the BancoEstado and ServiEstado branches. According to IPC-IG, this measure involved a total planned budget of USD 200,000,000. The government launched a bonus equivalent to the Unique Family Subsidy (SUF) bonus, which aimed at benefitting 2 million people without formal work. The benefit involved a monthly transfer of $50,000 per household. The one-off bonus is paid through the Instituto de Previsión Social. This Middle-class protection plan aimed at supporting the middle-class families that have suffered a reduction in their incomes as a result of COVID 19 pandemic. This is a one-off benefit which consists of a maximum bonus of $ 500,000 to all workers who have gross formal income between $ 400,000 and $ 1,500,000 per month, and who have experienced a decrease of at least 30%. The bonus ranged between $100,000 and $500,000, depending on the household income. Social pensions In-kind transfers The government announced the program “Alimentos Para Chile”, a new program that delivered food baskets to vulnerable families on May 2020. Approximately 2.5 million baskets of nonperishable food and hygiene products were delivered directly to the homes of the beneficiaries. The government Food, vouchers, others planned to reach 70 % of the most vulnerable through this program. A second round was announced, aiming the distribution of 3 million boxes of food (1 million and a half to the regions of the country and 1 million and a half to the Metropolitan Region), totaling nearly 5.6 million boxes (3 million families) Distribution of food packages out of special buses, at schools or from alternative distribution sites. Some schools remained open only for the food distribution. The government has designed a food School feeding delivery system to continue to benefit 1,600,000 children and adolescents. Individual baskets were delivered, containing breakfasts and lunches for ten (10) business days Public works Postponement of payment of the first installment of contributions. The payment of the first Utility waivers contribution installment for April 2020 was extended for three months, with no fees nor interest, together with the second (June), third (September) and fourth (November) contribution installments. 167 Real estate owners who have a tax assessment that did not exceed $ 133 million as of March 2020 were considered beneficiaries of this measure. Forgiveness of interest and fines for taxes and late declarations and facilities to enter into payment agreements in the Treasury. The government provided these measures to dependent and independent workers whose annual income did not exceed $90 annual tax units ( CLP$ 4,400,000 per month) for April, May and June of 2020. Reduction to 0% of the Stamp Tax for 6 months, starting on April 1st 2020. For all workers with monthly income over $ 400,000, who have experienced a decrease in their income of 30% or more, a soft loan was granted by the government, on a voluntary basis. The loan aimed at covering up to 70% of the decrease in people's formal income, obtaining up to $ 650,000 per month. The measure Middle-class protection plan also included a postponement of mortgage loans, incorporating state guarantees on deferred installments through an agreement with the banks. The Middle-class protection plan also involved having access to financial aid of up to $ 250,000 per month, for three months, to pay part of the rental value of a home. Beneficiaries of this initiative were families who rent a home, who proved the loss of employment or decrease of more than 30% in the income amounts and who have a lease contract for a maximum amount of $ 600,000 per month. An exceptional application process was opened for higher education students who needed to finance their studies through State Guaranteed Credit (CAE). Leave with pay (guaranteed through the Solidarity Unemployment Fund) for all workers, public and private, who due to emergency reasons must remain at home without the possibility of remote work (USD $ 2 billion). Within the Protected Parenting Law, a regulation that support mothers, fathers and caregivers Social Paid sick leave during the COVID-19 pandemic, two benefits were given related to care and upbringing of both Insurance newborn babies and children born after 2013: 1) COVID-19 parental preventive medical leave: This is an extension of the paid leave for those who have received the common parental postnatal leave. 2) Unemployment benefit: On the other hand, mothers, fathers and caregivers of children born since January 1st 2013, are allowed to benefit from the Unemployment Insurance payment. To be 168 beneficiary of this measure, people must have contributed for three continuous months prior to suspension or for six continuous or discontinuous months. Initially, this measure was in place until September 14th 2020. It was extended for a period of 90 days. Health insurance Pensions Within the Protected Parenting Law, a regulation that support mothers, fathers and caregivers during the COVID-19 pandemic, two benefits were given related to care and upbringing of both newborn babies and children born after 2013: 1) COVID-19 parental preventive medical leave: This is an extension of the paid leave for those who have received the common parental postnatal leave. 2) Unemployment benefit: On the other hand, mothers, fathers and caregivers of children born since January 1st 2013, are allowed to benefit from the Unemployment Insurance payment. To be beneficiary of this measure, people must have contributed for three continuous months prior to suspension or for six continuous or discontinuous months. Initially, this measure was in place until September 14th 2020. It was extended for a period of 90 days. Withdrawal of 10% of AFC (Administradora de Fondos de Cesantía). It is a benefit for people who have contributed to the AFC, but does not meet the requirements to access Unemployment Unemployment benefits Insurance. Benefit application began on July 30th 2020 and allowed to withdraw the total balance without showing documents of the termination of the employment relationship. People will have up to one year to request the benefit from that date. Employment Protection Law: The Law establishes extraordinary and transitory measures to protect the stability of income and jobs for workers who cannot provide services or must adjust their working hours due to the Covid-19 virus. The extraordinary measures allow workers to access benefits and supplements with charges to the Unemployment Insurance in the individual account and in the Unemployment Solidarity Fund. Different measures were taken if there was (1) a temporary suspension of the employment contract in case the government decides to close the economic activity; (2) a temporary suspension of the contract by agreement between employers and employees; and (3) reduction of working hours by mutual agreement. Through Law 21,269, those workers in the domestic service were incorporated to the unemployment insurance system. 169 Through Law 21,232, the government introduced a changed in the social security contributions, Social security contributions which from June 2020 were 100% paid by the employer. This means that employees are exempted from contributing to the Social Security system. Servicio Nacional de Capacitación y Empleo (SENCE) develops a free virtual training strategy through 46 courses divided into ICTs, entrepreneurship generation, and soft skills. A platform was offered to Activation measures organizations to connect their courses, which have an average of 75% attendance. Through an agreement with the Family Foundation, it was guaranteed the access to computers and Wi-Fi in 84 Digital Family Centers nationwide to those who needed it. The government introduced different protocols and recommendations that economic sectors must follow to reduce the risk of contagion of COVID 19 in the workplace. This includes Protocolo Nacional Modo Covid de Vida, Step-by-Step protocol, protocols for restaurants, cafes, fishing, wine cellars, commerce, cinema, construction, delivery service, groceries, tourism, gyms and casinos. Labor market regulations Through Law 21,240, the government launched sanctions for employers who order their workers to go to the workplace while they are in quarantine or with another sanitary measure. Through Resolution 66, the government introduced sanitary measures for the agriculture sector, involving ways of transport, use of face masks, among others. Employment Protection Law: The Law establishes extraordinary and transitory measures to protect Labor the stability of income and jobs for workers who cannot provide services or must adjust their Markets working hours due to the Covid-19 virus. The extraordinary measures allow workers to access benefits and supplements with charges to the Unemployment Insurance in the individual account Reduced work time and in the Unemployment Solidarity Fund. Different measures were taken if there was (1) a temporary suspension of the employment contract in case the government decides to close the economic activity; (2) a temporary suspension of the contract by agreement between employers and employees; and (3) reduction of working hours by mutual agreement. The Employment Subsidy program is a benefit that encourages the return of workers with a suspended contract and the hiring of new people in companies. This measure involves two benefits: 1) Return benefit: Meant for companies with at least 20% decrease in their sales that had suspended workers and had returned to work. Workers must have a gross monthly remuneration equal to or Wage subsidies less than 3 minimum monthly income ($ 979,500). The subsidy involved delivering $160,000 pesos per month for each worker, with a maximum limit of 6 months. In the case of women, young people between 18 and 24 years old, people with disabilities and beneficiaries of a disability pension, the amount of the benefit is $ 200,000 per month. 2) Hiring benefit: Subsidy was delivered as a percentage of the worker's gross monthly remuneration, 170 for up to 8 or 10 months, depending on the size of the firm and the type of subsidy benefit. The subsidy was equal to 65% of the gross monthly remuneration for women over 18 years of age, people with disabilities, men from 18 years to 23 years with income less than $450,000, and $290,000 for same group of beneficiaries with income between $ 450,000 and $ 979,500. The subsidy was equal to 50% of the gross monthly remuneration for men aged 24 years old or more with a gross monthly remuneration less than $ 500,000, and $250,000 for the same group of beneficiaries with an income between $500,000 and $979,000 171 (back to the top) China Cash-based transfers The latest government policy directive (6 March 2020) instructed local governments to extend coverage of dibao and temporary assistance programs, simplify the application and approval process, and increase the benefit level to cover the families who are affected by the epidemic (both directly through infection and indirectly through economic impacts). Examples are available at local level (information collected by WBG): - In Hubei province, RMB 500 for urban Dibao recipients and RMB 300 for rural Dibao recipients were transferred as temporary living allowance subsidies. Temporary assistance (emergency help in nature) supported more than 13000 people with cash transfer of RMB 30 million and provided temporary resettlement for more than 6000 people in 69 sites. - In Chongqing, a transfer of twice the monthly Dibao amount was introduced to some recipients if Cash transfers they were infected as temporary assistance. (conditional and unconditional) - In Shenzhen, the amount of cash transfer as temporary assistance could range between 2-18 times of the local Dibao threshold based on the individual recipient's situation ** Total top up is RMB 156 billion ($22 billion) by June 2020 and total new beneficiaries 62 million by Social March 2020 Assistance Cash transfer for retention migrant population in Wuhan. One-time cash assistance of RMB 3000 Provide emergency income and social support to the stranded population. The emergency assistance costs RMB 37.6 million ($5.3 million) by March 2020 and benefited 15,000 who received cash transfers and 6,000 received temporary resettlement by March 2020 Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Circular 19 extends the February 2020 statutory tax filing deadline to February 24, 2020. This can Utility waivers be further extended by local tax authorities where the outbreak is identified as serious (such as in Hubei province). Affected taxpayers and withholding agents can apply for further extension. Circular 172 19 also encourages local tax authorities and taxpayers to deal with tax matters online or via mobile application. Full tax deductibility of the following types of donations made by individuals: (1) donations in cash or in kind, made by individuals through non-profit social organizations or governmental authorities at the county level or above or their subordinate departments; and (2) donations in kind, made directly by individuals to designated hospitals undertaking the tasks of the prevention and treatment of COVID-19. Exemption for wide range of consumer services (“lifestyle services”), including medical services, catering, accommodation services, and sundry personal services (e.g. hairdressing, laundry) VAT exemption for small-scaled taxpayers in Hubei and VAT collection rate reduction (from 3% to 1%) for small-scaled taxpayers in other areas. The exemption/reduction is valid until 31 December 2020. Donation exemptions are provided for VAT, Consumption Tax, City Maintenance and Construction Tax, Education Surcharges, and Local Educational Surcharges. This applies for donation of goods manufactured, produced and processed on commission, or purchased, where donations are made through the above mentioned channels. Reimbursement of online consultations for chronic and common diseases CNY 3.71billion (USD 525 million) of price subsidies offered to people in need. Paid sick leave The 2020 Government Work Report urges a series of measures to meet people’s basic living needs. Those include raising government subsidies for basic medical insurance for rural and non-working Health insurance urban residents. Government subsidies per capita will be increased by 30 yuan to no less than 550 yuan per person per year. Social Basic pension increases for retirees. Starting January 1, 2020, the basic pension level is adjusted by 5 Insurance Pensions percent of the 2019 monthly basic pension for retirees. Nearly 300 million people in the country receive pensions. Unemployment social assistance for up to 6 months for the unemployed not eligible for unemployment social insurance benefits. Increased social assistance to families in difficulties. (2.38 Unemployment benefits million workers by March 2020) 173 3.2 million companies received CNY 42.3 billion (USD 5.98 billion) in refunded unemployment insurance premiums. The finance ministry cut social insurance payments by RMB 1 trillion to incentivize companies to retain employees. Between February and June 2020, all enterprises enrolled in China's Social Security Schemes are exempt from making employer contributions to pension, unemployment, and work-related injury insurance schemes. For instance, this is the case of the Hubei province. For other provinces and cities (except Hubei), micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises are exempt from making employer contributions to pension, unemployment, and work-related injury insurance schemes. Large enterprises may reduce employer contributions to pension, unemployment, and work-related injury insurance schemes by 50%. (.RMB 600 billion ($84.6 billion) by June 2020) Phased reduction and exemption of corporate social insurance fees and implementing the policy of payment delaying of housing fund by enterprises: "In order to reduce the impact of the epidemic on enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, in all provinces except Hubei province from February to June, small and medium-sized enterprises can be exempted from endowment insurance, unemployment insurance and industrial injury insurance, and from February to April, large Social security contributions enterprises can be reduced by half; Hubei Province can be exempted from February to June for all kinds of insured enterprises. At the same time, before the end of June, the enterprise can apply for delaying the payment of housing provident fund. During this period no overdue treatment will be made for the provident fund loans that the employees fail to repay normally due to the impact of the epidemic.“ China’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued guidance (Announcement No. 7), which provides measures for local social security bureaus and allows enterprises to make catch-up employer social security contributions within a period of three months following containment of COVID-19 outbreak without adversely affecting employee rights to social security benefits. In addition, certain local authorities have introduced policies in the respective city/province in order to support local enterprises during the outbreak. These included deferring adjustments to social security contribution base, adjusting employer contribution rate for certain social security plans, extending payment of employer social security contributions, and relaxing the restrictions on applying for refunds of unemployment insurance. Promotion of online recruitment and training, vocational training subsidy; Labor Activation measures Markets The MOHRSS publishes a checklist to help registered unemployed workers understand and benefit from all employment and entrepreneurship support measures. 174 Support migrant workers. New policies to provide local jobs to migrant workers. New vocational skill training program launched to stabilize employment for migrant workers - enterprises subsidized to train migrant workers especially from impoverished counties. Create new opportunities for university graduates in state-funded R&D programs. Newly created research assistant’s compensation must be at least equivalent to the minimum wage and employers must enroll them in social security schemes. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security pilot electronic vocational skills training coupons system The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued Vocational Skills Training Plan for Stable Employment of Migrant Workers. State Council promulgated Regulations on The Protection of Payments to Small and Medium-sized Labor market regulations Enterprises Reduced work time The conditions to receive UI contribution refunds were relaxed to allow extended coverage of the benefits. Governments encouraged using UI refunds for wage subsidies or worker retention, in particular for SMEs, so that these funds will also benefit workers, which reflects the objective of protecting jobs rather than firms. By the end of March, 2020, it was reported that 1.46 million enterprises received RMB 22.2 billion (USD 3.2 billion) refunds from the unemployment insurance Wage subsidies funds, covering 49.51 million workers. The government has opened access to online platforms or APPs for firms and workers to seek for various UI subsidies. The amount varies by locality, but for example in Nanjing, it has been 100 yuan per worker per day. • Cost: RMB 5.6 billion ($790 million by May 2020 • Beneficiaries: 5.9 million migrant workers by March 2020 . 175 (back to the top) Colombia Cash-based transfers New cash transfer program, “solidarity income”, included monthly payments of COP 160,000 ($108) for informal workers and their families. This involved 3 million households identified by via SISBEN and tax collection databases. Since its creation in April 2020, the program has progressively increased coverage until reaching the initial goal of 3 million households (April 2020- March 2021). The government announced the extension of the program until June 2021. (Familias en Acción ): Through Decree 417/20 on March 17th 2020, Familias en Acción has made bi- monthly additional cash payments to 2.6M households (10,548,119 individuals) since May 2020 until February 2021. Program will continue to make additional cash transfers until June 2021. Transfer is of COP 145,000 ($98 in 2011 PPP). Program also horizontally expanded to include households previously excluded due to conditionality non-compliance. (Jóvenes en Acción): Through Decree 417/20 on March 17th 2020, Jóvenes en Acción has made bi- monthly additional cash payment from May 2020 until February 2021. (COP 356,000, or $240). The Social program also horizontally expanded to 296,222 beneficiaries (208,430 people were benefiting from Assistance Cash transfers the program prior to Covid). Program will continue to make additional cash transfers until June 2021 (conditional and unconditional) The program “Bogotá Solidaria en Casa” has provided poor and vulnerable households of the District with. The transfer was estimated to cover 70% of their expenditure. Conditions and requirements include comply with quarantine and not having been reported of domestic violence. The benefit was COP 423,000 ($286) for the poor and COP 178,000 for the vulnerable ($120), delivered through bank operators and operators with mechanisms for dispersing payments through cell phones. This program involved the distribution of vouchers is through cards to the population which could be used to make withdrawals or purchases. As of September 2020, this measure has benefited 402.620 households identified via 2018 Census, SISBEN, and District’s own data (plus data from cell phone operators). Through Decree 486 of March 27th 2020, the government launched an economic support for those workers and producers within the agriculture sector. This benefit only applies for the elderly who needed to self-isolate and were not beneficiaries of other social programs. According to the press, the aim of this measure was to benefit nearly 500,000 elderly in vulnerable conditions, through 176 monetary support for COP$ 80,000 for two months. The budget allocated to this policy was COP $ 80,000 M. Through Decree 557 of April 15th 2020, the government introduced an unconditional cash transfer of COP$ 585,000 per month for tourist guides registered in the National Tourism Registry, not receiving other social programs (Familias en Acción, Colombia Mayor, Jóvenes en Acción, Ingreso Solidario or Devolución del IVA). This measure, which was in place for three months only, pretended to reach 1,500 tourist guides. The benefit was delivered through bank accounts (for those who were in the banking system) or in person at Banco Agrario. Through Decree 770 of June 3rd 2020, the govenrment launched the Assistane program for workers in contractual suspension, which consisted of unconditional cash transfers of COP $160,000 to suspended workers. To be eligible, beneficiaries must 1) have earnings up to four times the minimum wage, 2) have been suspended or in unpaid leave, and 3) not be beneficiary of other social programs (Colombia Mayor, Jóvenes en Acción, Familias en Acción, Ingreso Solidario and Devolución de IVA). The benefit was delivered for 3 months through bank accounts. As of December 2020, there were 188,000 beneficiaries which involved an expenditure of COP $45,047 M. Through Decree 538 and Resolution 1774 of 2020, the government has issued COP $ 364,742 million in temporary, one-off cash transfers to health personnel that provided services during the pandemic. This measure involved 239,841 workers in the health sector, such as doctors, nurses, bacteriologists, nursing assistants, among others. The benefit amount ranged between 1 and 4.5 minimum wages. The government launched an economic support for those who tested positive for COVID 19 and required self-isolation from August 2020. The cash transfer was equivalent to 7 days of the minimum wage, which approximately was COP$204,000. As of October 2020, the program reached 61,288 beneficiaries, which consisted of COP$ 94,781 M. Another special measured was to anticipate the implementation of the VAT Refund (Devolución del IVA) to the poorest households. The program was scheduled to start on January 2021, with a pilot of 100.000 families; however, due to the pandemic, the program started to operate on April 2020, and has made bi-monthly cash payments (COP 75.000 each from April 2020 to February 2021) to the 700.000 most vulnerable families from FA and 300.000 households from Colombia Mayor. It was announced that policy will be expanded during the second semester of 2021 to reach 2 million households and will be extended until December 2022. Throughout the non-contributory pension benefits program Colombia Mayor (this is the old-age Social pensions subsidy program for the poor and extreme poor over 60+ years old population), the government has 177 made monthly additional cash payments (COP 80.000 each) to the program’s 1.7 million beneficiaries since May 2020 until February 2021. Additional cash payments of Colombia Mayor will be extended until June 2021. In-kind transfers Food baskets to vulnerable groups Voucher of $100,000 for food basket delivered by the Red Cross and including in-kind donations from supermarket chains (people and firms can donate through a new platform: Food, vouchers, others Within the School Feeding Program, the government implemented a Food Voucher which consisted of a monthly card of $ 50,000. This voucher could be exchanged for certain foods and at the points established by the Territorial Entity. Within Bogotá Solidaria en Casa program, the government delivered in-kind rations directly to each household, especially for those that could not access to cash-transfers or vouchers due to their living conditions or geographic location. Within the School Feeding Program, the government implemented the Industrialized Ration, which was a food supplement ready for consumption, composed of processed and unprocessed food. These food supplements were delivered weekly, biweekly or monthly, depending on the expiration School feeding times of the products to be delivered and the logistics available. This program also included prepared-at-home rations, which were basic food baskets equivalent to one meal time per day for a month. These food packages were delivered per month with distribution for 4 weeks for 5 days. Public works Water services were provided free of charge for low-income families (strata 1 and 2). Also, financial relief measures were provided to individuals and firms that were not able to pay their financial obligations, for two months. The measure included the possibility to freeze all credit payments, including mortgages, car loans, credit cards, etc. During April and May 2020 billing period, in the Municipality of Bogotá vulnerable people in strata 1 Utility waivers to 4 received discount on energy, natural gas, water and toilet, depending on the socioeconomic stratum to which they belong: 20% discount for people in strata 1 and 2 and 10% discount for those in strata 3 and 4. To achieve this reduction, COP $94 billion were invested from the budget of the District Government and the companies that provide public services. In addition, large financial institutions, such as Bancolombia, Grupo Aval and Davivienda, froze for three months all credit payments including mortgages and consumption credits for individuals, and 178 microcredits for SMEs. Through Decree 540 of April 13th 2020, the government aimed to guarantee access to telecommunications. This measure allowed the affordability of internet service for four months. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Colombia may allow partial withdrawals from pensions during crisis The Ministry of Labor issued the Decree 488, allowing formal workers affected by the COVID-19 to Social Unemployment benefits request an advance from their Unemployment Mandatory Saving (Cesantías) to cover any labor Insurance income gap caused by the COVID-19. Through Decree 588 of April 15th 2020, the government implemented a reduction of pension contributions to 3%, which should be paid 75% by the employee and 25% by the employer. Social security contributions Independent workers pay 100% of this 3%. This is measure was non-mandatory and placed for May and June 2020. Activation measures Through Decree 771 of June 3rd 2020, the government indicated that employers must recognize the value established for transportation assistance as an aid to digital connectivity for those employees working from home and whose wage was up to two minimum wages. Labor market regulations Through Decree 488 of March 27th 2020, the government allowed employers to release workers with at least one day in advance, the date from which they must grant anticipated, collective or accumulated paid vacations. Similarly, workers had the right to request within the same period that paid vacations. By this way, the government suspended the 15 days notice period. Through Decree 770 of June 3rd 2020, the government implemented changes in the working Labor conditions of workers. Markets - Through consultation between employers and workers, successive work shifts can be organized so Reduced work time they do not exceed 8 hours a day and with a maximum of 36 hours a week. - With prior agreement between employers and workers, working hours can be distributed over 4- week days with a daily working day of a maximum of 12 hours. Through Decree 805 of June 4th 2020, the government introduced an economic support for firms in the notary activity. The benefit amount was 40% of the minimum wage per worker. This measure, which began on June 2020, lasted four months only. Wage subsidies The government launched the Support Program for formal employment (PAEF), which was aimed at granting a wage subsidy up to four times, in order to support and protect the formal employment during the COVID-19 pandemic. This subsidy was equivalent to 40% of the minimum wage per 179 worker. In order to be beneficiary, firms must show at least a 20% reduction their revenues due to COVID 19 pandemic, as well as being registered in the commercial register. This program, which was initially was in place during May and August 2020, was extended until March 2021. For specific economic activities (tourism, hotel, restaurants and artistic and entertainment sectors), firms received a subsidy equivalent to 50% of the minimum wage per worker. Also, if firms employed women, the subsidy was equivalent to 50% of the minimum wage per working women, irrespective the economic sector. 180 (back to the top) Comoros Cash-based transfers The Government plans to provide emergency support to the vulnerable in need, through social cash transfers. The number of beneficiaries is estimated to be equal to 23.5 percent of the total Cash transfers population, involving 160,000 people. The Unconditional cash transfers (UCT) in response to COVID- (conditional and unconditional) 19 are intended for 20,000 households in urban and suburban areas. The project has completed the launch of targeting of 21,600 COVID-19 response beneficiaries across the urban/peri-urban areas of the three islands. Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Prohibition on the National Company of Exploitation and Distribution of Water (SONEDE) and the National Company of Electricity of Comoros (SONELEC) to cut water and electricity to households. Utility waivers Establishment of a system of price controls for necessities supervised by the Ministry of the Economy to monitor price increases and prevent unjustified inflation Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Reduced work time Markets The government allocated CF100 million per month to public companies in the aviation sector Wage subsidies (Com’Air Assistance, Anacm and ADC) to support the payment of salaries whose activity has been interrupted by the closure of the airports 181 (back to the top) Congo, Dem. Rep. Cash-based transfers The government is planning a cash transfers in Kinshasa and other affected provinces within the Cash transfers context of COVID-19. 2 million social transfer beneficiaries are expected to benefit from this (conditional and unconditional) transfer. Total budget allocated is US$50 million Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works The government granted 2 months of free of charge supply of water and electricity to households, Social hospitals as well as micro & small and medium-sized enterprises which are affected by the closure measure as part of the response against COVID-19. Assistance Suspension of the collection of VAT on the import and sale of basic necessities and mass consumption products from March 20th 2020, for a period of 3 months. Ban on eviction of tenants who have not honored their commitment only for the period from March Utility waivers to June 2020. Prime Minister Ilunga Ilunkamba instructed the Ministry of Economy to control and stabilize prices in the markets, and the Minister of Foreign Trade to organize a large market which will be supplied directly by wholesalers for the benefit of the population. Elimination of fees on electronic money transactions and variable fees on transactions below CDF2,500,000, until the end of December 2020. Paid sick leave Social Health insurance Coverage at the expense of the Government for all cases tested positive throughout the country Insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits 182 Social security contributions Activation measures Suspensions of any massive layoffs based on the measures of containment as part of the fight to Labor market regulations contain the coronavirus pandemic. Possibility of implementing staff rotation in the event of a proven decline in activity and minimum Labor service. Markets Reduced work time Establishment of a minimum service within companies and public administration, provided by essential staff. No office can accommodate more than 5 (five) agents. Wage subsidies 183 (Back to the top) Congo, Rep. Cash-based transfers Emergency cash transfer to vulnerable people in the outlying arrondissements of Brazzaville; this allowed them to buy food in an identified shopkeepers network. 100,000 families affected by COVID-19 to receive around 50,000 CFA each (around 5 billion CFA) The minimum CCT benefit level per household was set at CFAF 5,000 (US$8.2) per month. Child Cash transfers benefit was set at CFAF 5,000 per child per month for a maximum of three children, while elderly (conditional and unconditional) benefit was set at CFAF 10,000 (US$16.4) per elderly per month. Due to the multigenerational nature of households, the maximum transfer per household was CFAF 40,000 (US$66), representing a household with three children and two elders. This transfer is aligned with the current Lisungi Program that transfers on average CFAF 23,500 a month per household due to different household composition and multigeneration households. The transfers was paid over a period of 12 months. Social Social pensions Assistance In-kind transfers The “Telema” project was reoriented in favor of 5,000 people in the humanitarian care of Covid-19, which included the distribution of food kits Covid-19 awareness equipment. The food kit received by the Minister consisted of 2,000 bags of rice, 1,200 boxes of salted fish, among other things. The food kits are distributed in the departments of Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire and Pool while the awareness kits concern the twelve departments of the country. According to the Agence Francaise Food, vouchers, others de Development, the third agreement was concluded to provide assistance of 200 million FCFA to the food support. 16,000 people chiefly elderly, children and student looked down to receive food and hygiene packages School feeding Public works Utility waivers Free water and electricity for all households during the confinement period Paid sick leave 184 Health insurance Government support for COVID-19 patients Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Suspension for three (3) months, starting in April 2020, of all controls initiated in companies by public administrations (IG, IGE etc.) as well as those initiated by organizations under the authority of local authorities. This did not include controls related to the fight against expensive life and security. Labor market regulations Labor Strengthening of hygiene measures in public administrations and private companies Markets No dismissal during the entire confinement period. Establishment of means of compassion for companies in difficulty for the non-dismissal of staff. Establishment of the minimum service in public administration and in companies producing essential Reduced work time goods Wage subsidies 185 (back to the top) Cook Islands Cash-based transfers One-off payment to be paid on top of the current welfare payment in the amount $400.00 per beneficiary. This one-off support was to assist the most vulnerable as they were not only at health risk from the COVID-19 but also likely to be exposed to its economic impact. The cash was only available to those who were on the welfare list of INFIRM/DESTITUTE/PENSIONERS + CAREGIVERS The School Closure Support assisted parents in their duty of care given the mandatory closure of schools and was available to all children residing in the Cook Islands, between the age of 0-16 years, with no exception. For each child an additional $100 on top of the $50 already allocated for every fortnight during closure of school outside of the school holidays. Application process not required. Cash transfers The Emergency Hardship Fund seeks to provide a quick response to alleviate financial hardship and (conditional and unconditional) stress related to the COVID-19 impact in the Cook Islands. The purpose of the fund is to provide essential relief for families and individuals during emergency situations that cannot be supported Social through other available benefits, subsidies or grants. This is a temporary fund that was available until Assistance December 31st 2020. To be eligible the applicant should be receiving no income and their annual household income is $9,000 or below per adult household member, and $4,500 or below for each child. The Emergency Hardship payment amount is determined by the number of family members in a household, and whether or not other family members are receiving an income or benefits. Individual applicants received a fortnightly payment of $150 for up to 2 months, or a one-off payment of $600 depending on the circumstances being faced. For families, $25 per fortnight was added for each eligible family member, up to a family of 5. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers The government launched the Self-isolation support, which is a separate category of emergency Paid sick leave leave entitlement offered under the COVID19 stimulus package for a maximum period of 14 days at 186 a time, at the minimum wage. The self-isolation support does not impact an employee’s accumulated leave entitlement. This support only covers self-isolation as defined under the public health guidelines. Health insurance Pensions The objective of the Unemployment Benefit is to provide temporary financial support to individuals Social who were unemployed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This benefit could be claimed for up to Insurance 4 months, until December 31st 2020. Eligible recipients were paid $266 per week for a period of 4 weeks. Unemployment benefits To be eligible for the unemployment benefit, individuals must have met the following criteria: aged 16 years or older (excluding students and self-employed) who have lost employment since 1 March 2020, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, actively seeking employment; physically and mentally able to work; and ineligible for the wage subsidy and business grant. Social security contributions To assist businesses in upskilling their employees to improve their productivity for recovery phase, the government launched the training subsidy, based on minimum wage for 35hrs/weekly over an additional period of 3 months. This measure was available to those businesses qualified for the wage subsidy. Employees had to be enrolled in an official training by July 1st 2020 and to commence by July 30th 2020. All training courses must be endorsed or provided by an approved training entity and must run for a period of at least two months, at a minimum of 10 hours per week. In Phase II businesses had the option to continue to receive the wage subsidy, or alternatively, to receive the training with wage Activation measures subsidy. Labor To further support the upskilling of workers and businesses that had opted to participate in the training subsidy under Phase II of the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Plan, a “fees free” initiative was Markets included to cover the costs of a select number of courses delivered by the Cook Islands Training and Tertiary Institute (CITTI) and the University of the South Pacific, Cook Islands Campus (USP). These CITTI and USP fees free courses were available from June to December 2020. The extended fees free initiative will apply from January to July 2021 for existing students continuing with certificate and diploma courses undertaken in Semester 2 2020. Labor market regulations Reduced work time The government delivered financial support for businesses affected by the impact of Covid-19 to Wage subsidies keep their employees on the payroll and avoid unemployment. This consisted of wage subsidies based on minimum wage for 35hrs/weekly over a period of 3 months: $266 per week for a full-time 187 employee working 20 hours per week or more; and $133 per week for a part-time employee working between 5 and 19 hours per week. Eligible businesses included those registered with RMD and CINSF and a 30% revenue decline as a result of the COVID pandemic. In Phase II businesses have the option to continue to receive the wage subsidy, or alternatively, to receive the training with wage subsidy The government introduced a financial support provided via an extension to the Wage Subsidy at the minimum wage for a 40-hour week for employers affected by COVID-19, for up to 2 months from January 1st 2021 to February 28th 2021, subject to a monthly eligibility review. Eligible businesses received $320 per week for a full-time employee working 20 hours per week or more; and $160 per week for a part-time employee working between 5 and 19 hours per week. 188 (back to the top) Costa Rica Cash-based transfers Social services for social transfer beneficiaries – nurseries open for those workers that need to work even during the containment measures/partial lockdown By Decree 42,305 - MTSS - MDHIS, the government launched the Protect Bonus which is an extraordinary, monthly and temporal cash transfer aimed at people who have been affected by the COVID 19 pandemic, in terms of their labor situation. This measure is implemented for 3 months only. Beneficiaries are workers who have been dismissed or ceased, suspended, independent formal workers and formal self-employed or informal workers who have lost their jobs or whose revenue have declined due to the pandemic. The benefit ranged between CRC$62,500 and CRC$ 125,000. This mesure reached 375,000 families economically affected by COVID-19. Cash transfers Emergency benefit (one-off 125k colones – USD 223K) for 33,000 poor families in the social registry (conditional and unconditional) (SINIRUBE) who do not receive any social transfers. This program is aimed at poor households with female household head, elderly people, disabled, and children. As of October 2020, there were 35,143 Social beneficiaries (individuals), which concerned a budget of CRC$7,617 M. Assistance The implementation of the conditional cash transfer program Avancemos will keep being active with transfers depending on grade levels ($40-$62). Similarly, the Crecemos program, which delivers an average of $35 scholarship per student, will not be interrupted The Board of Directors of the Social Protection Board (JPS) launched a subsidy of CRC$200,000 to each active seller of the national lottery and popular lottery affected by the suppression of the draws, as a result of the prevention measures against COVID-19. The Board of Directors' agreement establishes the payment of this subsidy on a monthly basis for up to 3 months. Social pensions Expansion of 10,000 non-contributory social pension. In-kind transfers Alimentos en casa is a special program that delivers food packages and sanitary items to families in Food, vouchers, others extreme poverty. This program is aimed at children, pregnant and lactating women beneficiaries of other programs, such as Atención y Protección Infantil (API) y Comidas Servidas within CEN-CINAI. 189 The government planned to 38,667 individuals in extreme poverty. Government switched to take home rations, after unsuccessfully piloting to keep school canteens open amid school. The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock launched the “Donate Seeds, it is time to be solidary ” to meet the needs of vulnerable families and communities in rural territories that have been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The initiative consists of donating seeds for its distribution throughout the national territory to small producers, in order to improve their productive activity and expand their family diet. The National Council of People with Disabilities (CONAPDIS), in coordination with the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Care (CNE), delivered food, nutritional supplements, cleaning supplies and diapers to families with disabled people affected by COVID-19 pandemic. Each package had items depending on the specific needs of each person with a disability. As of April 30th 2020, 721 food rations were delivered out of a total estimated of 1,541 supplies. School feeding Public works 3-month deferral for some taxes (including self-employed workers) The Fiscal Relief Package against COVID 19, implemented by Law 9,830, is a measure aimed at mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on citizens. The tax moratorium is for period of three months (March, April and May 2020), with the condition of paying them later, before December 31st, 2020. This package includes the postponement of the following taxes: VAT, Selective consumption tax, and tariffs on the importation of goods, There is also a VAT exemption on commercial leases. Through a guideline, the government urged water operators not to suspend water services due to Utility waivers users' non-payment for at least 60 days, as a measure to prevent the transmission of COVID-19. It also requested restoring the services in those cases where it was canceled due to late payment. The Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) urged the Public Services Regulatory Authority (ARESEP) to suspend for three months any increase in electricity, transportation and fuel supply with the aim to avoid affecting users during the COVID 19 pandemic. Through the Special Law of leases payment, the government implemented a moratorium, partial and total, in the payment of housing rents, for a period of 3 months, depending on lessees’ income reduction. Paid sick leave 190 Health insurance The Costa Rican Social Security Fund informed the advancement of the deposit of pensions for both the Non-Contributory Regime and the Disability, Old Age and Death Insurance (IVM) with the purpose of guaranteeing payment and allowing financial entities to dispose of the resources in advance so that they can organize their service platforms and avoid crowds in their offices. The Social Pensions deposit was implemented in advance on March 27th 2020. Insurance Authorization for complementary pension operators to provide partial funds to employees affected by COVID-19. Unemployment benefits Social security contributions 3-month deferral for social security contribution (including self-employed workers) The government, through the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) and of Labor and Social Security (MTSS), enabled a series of virtual channels for agricultural workers through which they could apply to carry out agricultural work. From the MTSS portfolio, the labor intermediation channels were enabled, as well as a new option on the institution's website. The Protect Skills Plan is a scholarship program for online training promoted by the government, which planned to benefit 50,000 individuals affected by COVID-19 pandemic. The people benefited by the program must be unemployed and must be beneficiaries of Protect Bonus. The program Activation measures offered the possibility of accessing hundreds of free-courses in Spanish and English, allowing beneficiaries to train for new jobs. Training about business development to companies in order to boost the economic activity. Labor Markets The Foreign Trade Promoter of Costa Rica (PROCOMER) developed new training for the export sector to be prepared to COVID 19 pandemic. The new topics in the exporter training plan were related to COVID-19, how to recover from the impacts of the crisis, improving online sales, among other topics. Trainings were in place during April and May 2020. By Law 9839, formal workers whose working hours were reduced have the right to withdraw their social security savings accumulated in their favor from the Fondo de Capitalización Laboral (FCL). Labor market regulations Through the Decree 42286-MTSS-H-MIDEPLAN, the Government decided to suspend public wages of the Central Government. Through the Law 9832, it was allowed to modify employment contracts, with prior authorization from the MTSS , depending on the decrease in firms' gross incomes. The measure could not be Reduced work time applied to pregnant or lactating women and can last for 3 months, extendable for equal periods if the reduction on income continues. 191 Wage subsidies 192 (back to the top) Côte d'Ivoire Cash-based transfers A total of 125,000 households have received 75,000 CFA francs (136 USD) per quarter (25,000 per month for 3 months) as part of the implementation of a special solidarity fund 13.3 billion CFA francs (approximately 25 million USD) set up by the Ivorian government. This special fund, intended for vulnerable people, began Phase 1 on April 23, 2020 in the Greater Abidjan region, with the goal of expanding into the interior of the country in May 2020. The beneficiaries identified from the available databases of vulnerable households coupled with inclusive and participatory community targeting Cash transfers aim to ensure greater equity and transparency. The government has opted for the electronic (conditional and unconditional) distribution of aid by cash transfers alongside the physical distribution of food and non-food (food and hygiene kits). The identification of beneficiaries was made on the basis of existing data in certain structures. The Government of Côte d’Ivoire (GoCI) issued a cash transfer of 500,000 FCFA per family of destitute people who died due to the pandemic. Social pensions Social Assistance In-kind transfers The GoCI established a Solidarity Fund in April 2020 to provide financial support to households impacted by Covid-19. Poor households and individuals (active in the formal and informal sector) who have lost their job or face substantial income losses due to measures in place are eligible for support. The fund established 170 billion FCFA for emergency humanitarian support, in particular Food, vouchers, others through the extension of social safety nets. The Fund includes several components, including a cash transfer for poor and vulnerable, a cash transfer for destitute persons, distribution of food and non- food (food and hygiene kits), and a distribution for care institutions. The GoCI issued food provisions and basic supplies to quarantined populations. School feeding Public works To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central Bank (BCEAO) is Utility waivers providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money account and making it free for people to transfer money between mobile accounts. 193 The GoCI announced postponed payment deadlines for electricity and water bills from the month of April 2020 to the month of July 2020 and, from the month of May 2020 to the month of August 2020. The GoCI announced it would cover the costs of electricity and water bills for disadvantaged groups (i.e., households subscribed to the social electricity tariff, and households whose water consumption is under a certain amount). The GoCI plans to cover the cost for April and May 2020. This impacts more than one million households, or about 6 million beneficiaries. The GoCI announced price controls on hydroalcoholic gels. These measures apply to all distribution networks, including supermarkets, stores, pharmacies, gas stations, and convenience stores, and will be in effect as of March 25th, 2020. The GoCI announced measures to strengthen price controls on consumer products and enforce penalties for violators. Paid sick leave The GoCI announced three months of Universal Health Coverage (Couverture Maladie Universelle, CMU) premiums to all beneficiaries of financial support in the form of cash transfers. Health insurance Social The GoCI announced that it would conduct free diagnosis and management of all suspected and Insurance confirmed cases of COVID-19. Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions The "Fond d'appui aux acteurs du secteur informel" (FASI) is a program that provides financing via loans to informal sector actors impacted by the COVID-19 health crisis. The FASI covers all the municipalities of Côte d'Ivoire impacted by COVID-19. Informal sector actors (production units and employees) impacted by the coronavirus seeking to relaunch their work activities can benefit from the FASI. Eligible beneficiaries include employees of informal production units who have suffered a Labor Activation measures loss of income, and Ivorian entrepreneurs in the informal sector proving an economic activity Markets impacted by the pandemic with supporting documentation. The program is divided into four phases : Phase 1: (03 months): Identification of beneficiaries and implementation of grants; Phase 2: (06 months): Training and follow-up-support for beneficiaries; Phase 3: (36 months): Recovery of loans granted and formalization of beneficiaries if applicable; Phase 4: sustainability of the Fund. In total, the program is estimated to cost 100 billion FCFA. 194 As a part of Phase 3 of FASI, the program will spend approximately 36 months recovering the loans Labor market regulations granted and formalizing the beneficiaries, if applicable. Reduced work time Wage subsidies 195 (back to the top) Croatia Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others Social School feeding Assistance Public works The government announced the deferment of public obligation payments (income and profit tax and social security contributions) for three months which can be extended by additional three months if necessary, and the temporary suspension of payments of selected parafiscal charges. Utility waivers Early refund of taxes for individuals Suspend rental payments under state property leases for affected tenants. Paid sick leave Health insurance The government covered the health and pension benefit costs for all coronavirus-stricken entrepreneurs, or HRK 1,460 per employee, i.e for entrepreneurs who have seen a year-over-year decline in revenue of 20-50%. So far, the benefit has been requested by 66,000 entrepreneurs for Social more than 400,000 employees. Insurance Pensions Government of Croatia paid pension contributions for both public defined benefit (DB) scheme and funded defined contribution (DC) individual accounts for the next 3 months (with possibility of extension for another three months) parallel with net wage subsidy of HRK 4000 per employee in a sector/establishment that qualifies for the support. Unemployment benefits 196 Government of Croatia paid pension contributions for both public defined benefit (DB) scheme and funded defined contribution (DC) individual accounts for the next 3 months (with possibility of Social security contributions extension for another three months) parallel with net wage subsidy of HRK 4000 per employee in a sector/establishment that qualifies for the support. Activation measures As home offices are not intended for working, employers may not be expected to fulfil all safety requirements pertaining to the specific job position and that statutory health and safety requirements should be fulfilled to the full possible and permissible extent, especially making sure that employees’ health and safety are not put at risk. Vaccination costs for infectious diseases paid by employer for its employees are treated as non- Labor market regulations taxable remuneration until 31 December 2020, regardless of how the costs are covered. On April 1 2020, the government announced additional measures, including: an increase of the subsidization of the net minimum wage The measure for permanent seasonal workers was extended by six months to ensure at least the minimum wage and the health and pension insurance coverage. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Croatian Directory of Civil Defence has enacted a decision on Labor 18 March by which, among other things, all employers are obliged to ensure work from home for Markets their employees wherever it is possible. Reduced work time The government amended the Civil Protection Act, giving the National Civil Protection Authority more powers to make decisions and issue instructions (e.g. on working hours of shops and facilities) that must be implemented by local and regional self-government. For activities that are particularly at risk (transport of passengers, hospitality, travel agencies and recreation-related businesses, as well as cultural, business and sports events), the government introduced a grant to support reduced working hours during June and December 2020. The support is provided in the amount of HRK 4,000 per employee until end-December, if their drop in turnover exceeds 60 percent. Wage subsidies For the activities of transport and storage, accommodation services, food and drink preparation and service, administrative and auxiliary services industry, arts, entertainment and recreation, organizers of cultural, business and sporting events, the government introduced the Job preservation grant during October to December 2020. This was also aimed at employers who employed less than 10 employees (micro-entrepreneurs) regardless of the economic sector. The 197 support provided ranged between HRK 2,000 and 4,000 per worker, depending on the drop in turnover. Grant of HRK 4,000 per month per worker for the preservation of jobs in sheltered workshops, integrative workshops and employment units for people with disabilities during July to December 2020 The government subsidized the minimum wage for three months for workers affected by the epidemic (including all disabled persons at work) to preserve jobs (the cost is estimated at one percent of GDP) and provide early refund of taxes for individuals. As of 30 March, 7,400 employers with 40,000 workers had applied for the government minimum wage scheme whereby HRK 3,250 (426 euro) will be paid for each employee. The government announced the increase in the minimum wage for April at HRK 4,000 (524 euro). 198 (back to the top) Cuba Cash-based transfers Sick workers endorsed by medical certificate received a subsidy equivalent to: a) 50% of the average wage if they were hospitalized; b) 60% of the average wage if they were not hospitalized Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) The government extended the term of validity of the temporary monetary benefits of Social Assistance for a period of 6 months from its expiration, to families already receiving the cash Social transfers, without being subject to updates and ratification from the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. Assistance Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits The government established that those workers who received economic support were exempted Social security contributions from paying income tax as well as special contributions to the Social Security System Activation measures There was no reduction in wages for those workers who needed to self-isolate for fourteen days, due Labor to COVID 19. Markets Labor market regulations The government introduced a set of labor measures, including how work interruptions should be handle. a) If workers are relocated to another position within or outside the entity, they must earn wages of the new position, without losing their employment relationship with the original entity. 199 b) If workers are relocated to an activity without holding a position, they must receive basic wages. In all cases, it should be ensured that the relocation is carried out in labor activities in correspondence with the current epidemiological situation before the presence of COVID-19 and worker conditions, with priority in the food production and care for people in a situation of vulnerability. The government reduced procedures in the Public Administration to avoid agglomerations. This included: 1) Suspending the procedures for granting new authorizations of self-employment status. 2) Extending work permits to foreigners for 6 months from March 2020 to work in Cuba and suspending procedures for new requests. The government established a set of labour measures, including encouraging remote work or Reduced work time telework in all activities, in which case workers must de paid 100% of their wages. Wage support for vulnerable people: Elderly workers and people at risk of getting COVID-19 received 100% of their salary during the first month they remain at home, and from the second month 60% of their salary. The government established a set of labour measures. Working parents of children with suspended classes at primary and special education must receive full wages for the first month (100% of the Wage subsidies basic wage) and if the suspension is maintained 60% of the basic wage. In case workers' relocation is not possible, they received 100% of their basic wage during the first month, and 60% onwards. If the worker does not accept the relocation with no justification, they maintain their labor relationship with the original entity, although no wage will be paid during the period of the interruption. 200 (back to the top) Curaçao (Netherlands) Cash-based transfers Social assistance recipients could receive a fortnightly credit in addition to the social assistance benefit received on a personal rechargeable card. The amount of the deposit depended on the family composition: singles ANG $75, couples without children / single parent with children ANG $150, couples with children ANG $225. This measure was in place on April 22nd 2020. People who lost their jobs before March 15th 2020 and are still unemployed will be eligible for a personal rechargeable card, if they were registered as a job seeker from January 1st 2019. The Cash transfers amount of the deposit depends on the family composition: singles ANG $300 per month, couples (conditional and unconditional) (with or without children) and single parent ANG $450 per month. People who have been fired from March 15th 2020 are eligible for benefits up to ANG $1,000 per month Social Self-employed entrepreneurs without employing staff can receive additional benefits up to ANG Assistance $1,335, if they were unable to work from March 30th 2020. Social pensions In-kind transfers Emergency food and hygiene package of ANG 50, to be provided weekly for the duration of 1 month to 550 families based on established criteria. Implementing organization: Food Bank. Total planned budget ANG 110,000 for one month. Food, vouchers, others Emergency hygiene package of ANG 16, with hygienic items in connection with Coronavirus, to be provided monthly to 7,200 welfare recipients for one month. Implementing organization: Kas di Bario" . Total planned budget ANG 115,200.00 for 1 month. School feeding Public works The government introduced the Solidarity Package for mitigating the effects of the crisis due to the COVID-19. This involved the following measures related to social assistance: 201 - Temporary regulations introduced with maximum prices for hygienic products (hand sanitizers, latex gloves, disinfectant sprays, antibacterial wipes and alcohol,) and fruits and vegetables with a high vitamin C content. - Current payment of taxes (deferred payment) can be suspended on request. - Recovery interest for all tax debts reduced from 6% to 0% - Collection/Recovery costs will be set to ZERO - Fines for late or non-payments won't be imposed. - Possibility to set up new payment arrangements for all taxes and non-taxes for affected companies and self-employed persons in liquidity problems. - Lower rate of import duties and sales tax to 0% on hygiene and sanitary / cleaning products. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Social Unemployment benefits Insurance The government introduced the Solidarity Package for mitigating the effects of the crisis due to the COVID-19 virus. This involved the following measures related to social security contributions: Social security contributions - Payment of the employer's contribution to AOV premiums / AWW will be omitted for employers in the Hospitality sector, beauty salons, travel industry, car rental companies, car wash and transportation. The government introduced the Solidarity Package for mitigating the effects of the crisis due to the COVID-19 virus. This involved the following measures related to labor activation measures: Activation measures - The launch by the Ministry of Economic Affairs Development of "KLA PA TURISMO" 2.0, whereby hospitality training will be given digitally to stakeholders within the tourism sector. Labor market regulations Reduced work time Labor To provide temporary support to companies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Markets Social Affairs and Employment has introduced the Temporary Emergency Measure Bridging Work for the Preservation of Work (NOW). This reached employers as well as statutory directors of firms from certain branches, such as hotels, restaurants, cafes, transport, non-food retail, construction Wage subsidies and storage. To be eligible, firms must have suffered from revenue loss of at least 25% due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The compensation varied between 20% and 80% of their maximum wages, depending on the revenue loss. Another condition to be eligible included not to dismissed employees and the commitment of keep on paying wages. 202 (back to the top) Cyprus Cash-based transfers Cash transfers Income support for households including leave allowance for parents and those with health issues (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Around 13,000 students received a special allowance to make up for the school breakfasts they Food, vouchers, others missed during March and April 2020. School feeding Public works Three-month suspension of a scheduled increase in the contribution to the General Healthcare System and interest subsidy for new business and housing loans for four years, which benefit both businesses and households. Social Suspension of installments, including interest, on households for ten months; Assistance Interest rate subsidy scheme for new mortgages and tax refunds for reduced rents. Under the Emergency Measures by Financial Institutions and Supervisory Authorities Decree of 2020, dated March 30, 2020, all licensed banks in Cyprus are ordered to suspend the collection of Utility waivers loan installments, including interest, until the end of the year, subject to the borrower submitting a written request to this end and no default amounts to have existed, on the relevant loans, over 30 days past due as at 29 February 2020. Under the scheme, the sum of the suspended installments on the principal, as well as the interest for the period in question, will not be immediately due on December 31st 2020, but the loan duration will be suitably extended to accommodate the suspension. Suspensions of the VAT payment obligation from April to June 2020 and acceleration of refunds. This was extended until November 2020. Reduction of the electricity consumption billing price by 10 percent for a period of four months; 203 On 30 March 2020, the Cypriot Minister for Finance issued a decree providing relief in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The decree provides for the extension of the deadline for submission of tax returns and payment of taxes as well as the deadline for the filing of tax returns. Within the content of the Emergency Measures Taken to Cope with the COVID 19 Pandemic Act 2020 aiming at supporting employees responsible for the care of children up to 15 years of age and/or children with disabilities of all ages the "Child Care Special Leave" allowance is granted in accordance with certain terms and conditions. The Child Care Special Leave Allowance will be awarded to working parents who are responsible for the care of children up to 15 years of age and / or children with disabilities of any age and due to the nature of their work cannot work either by Paid sick leave teleworking or working from home or with flexible working hours provided there is no in-house assistance. Granting of a sickness benefit of EUR 800 per month to workers (including self-employed) who are dealing with special health issues, for cases of compulsory absence from work and certain senior citizens. Social Suspension of a scheduled increase in the contribution to the General Healthcare System; Insurance Health insurance Exemption from paying General Healthcare System Contributions for a period of three months under the Program for Financial Support to counter the economic impact of COVID-19 disease Pensions The government introduced Special Scheme for Partial Suspension of Business, which consisted on the payment of Special Unemployment Benefit for workers in suspended businesses. The program was in place from March 16th to April 12th 2020. To be eligible, businesses must have suspended their Unemployment benefits operations, showing a turnover decline greater than 25%. The payment of a Special Unemployment Benefit to private sector’s employees come into force, provided they abide to certain Terms and Conditions. Extension of the time period for the submission of appeals at the Social Insurance Services for self- Social security contributions employed persons; Special schemes for the training of employees, aiming to enable SMEs to train their employees; Labor Activation measures Incentives schemes for occupational rehabilitation, employment of young people and training of Markets young people; Labor market regulations 204 Reduced work time The government launched the Special Self Employed Benefit to cope with the COVID 19 pandemic. This was particularly aimed at those self-employed who suffer from a reduced turnover of more than 25% in March 2020 . Eligible individuals were granted with an allowance equal to 60% of the weekly amount of the insurable remuneration for which the payee was obliged to pay contributions to the Social Insurance Services, which ranged between € 300 and € 900. To receive this beneit, self-employed must not dismiss any of its employees. This measure was in place between March 16th and April 12th 2020. Wage subsidies Wage subsidies to small businesses (up to 5 people) Support plan for small businesses that have suffered losses to subsidize 70 percent of workers' salary and the self-employed (including those who are not on the VAT register), including with a lump sum to cover debts in rents and other operating expenses; those who are on the VAT register do not need to apply for this subsidy. 205 (back to the top) Czechia Cash-based transfers A compensation bonus of CZK 25.000 (~ USD 1.085) is paid out to all self-employed. The government approved a new compensatory bonus for self-employed persons and small Ltd in amount of CZK 1000 per day (for contractors in amount of CZK 500 per day) between February and Cash transfers end-April 2021. (conditional and unconditional) The government also approved a lump sum of CZK 370 per day for quarantined or isolated Social employees between March and end-April 2021. Assistance Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Antivirus" Employment Protection Programme: An employee who is affected by COVID-19 or ordered into quarantine in connection with COVID-19 is entitled to sick pay. This rule applies to all insured persons notwithstanding the place of quarantine. Same rules apply as in the case of a sick worker (the employer has the obligation to pay the employee a salary reimbursement in the amount of 60% of reduced average earnings for the first 14 calendar days of the quarantine, with no waiting period; after 14 days the employee is further reimbursed through sickness insurance). The employee has to be covered by Czech sickness insurance to be entitled to this sickness allowance. The Social Paid sick leave programme has now been extended until 31/08/2020. Insurance New law that came into effect on 26 March 2020: Care/nursing allowance (also called attendance allowance) is prolonged for the whole period of school closure as a result of anti-epidemic measures for workers with children aged 0-13 (compared to up to 10 years old before) or persons taking care of disabled persons (regardless of age) if the facility designed for their care has closed. The attendance allowance is provided from sickness insurance by the Czech Social Security Administration and thus not considered as a family benefit. It might or might not be paid at the 206 same level as a sickness benefit Persons registered with the Labor Office will now have up to 3 days to prove a medical certificate in case of illness. Health insurance Self-employed can apply for a 6-month waiver of health insurance payments. Pensions The government paid out a one-off benefit for pensioners of CZK 5,000 (CZK 15bn in total). Unemployment benefits A waiver of social security premiums paid by enterprises with <50 employees for June, July and Social security contributions August 2020. Activation measures The government approved a proposal for legislative changes in the field of employment. It will now Labor market regulations be possible for a job seeker to register at the Labor Office online and from anywhere. Reduced work time On Tuesday, March 31, 2020, the government approved a proposal to modify the Antivirus program. Applying for wages and salaries will be easy. The Antivirus employment protection program is designed to help businesses protect their jobs. The state will use the Labor Office of the Czech Republic to compensate companies for the funds paid out. This measure will help employers better manage the current situation and will not have to resort to layoffs. Employers whose economic activity will be at risk due to the spread of the disease will be granted a contribution to pay, in whole or in part, wage compensation due to the employee due to an obstacle on the part of the employee (quarantine) closure) if it is shown that the obstacle to work is due to COVID-19. The contribution Labor will be provided by the Labor Office of the Czech Republic. Markets The amount of compensation paid to employers is derived from the average super-gross wage, including mandatory contributions (CZK 48,400, -) and depends on the reasons why they had to put Wage subsidies employees at a barrier to work. Employers will be able to apply to the Labor Office for a contribution in two modes: Mode A - type of obstacle: - in the case of quarantine, the employee is paid 60% of the average reduced earnings; - in the event of closure of the operation by a government order, the employee receives 100% wage compensation; Mode B - type of obstacle: - Obstacles to work on the part of the employer due to quarantine or childcare of a significant part of employees (30% or more) - the employee receives 100% of average wage compensation - Restricting the availability of inputs (raw materials, products, services) necessary for the activity - the employee receives a wage compensation of 80% of the average earnings - Reduction of demand for services, products and other products of the company - employee 207 receives wage compensation 60% of average earnings. As of December 11th 2020, a total of CZK 21.8 billion was paid out in 2.482 million contributions for compensation of employees' wages. Extension of salary support programme "Antivirus B", On 22 February 2021, the Government approved by Resolution No. 186 the extension of the period of eligibility of Antivirus expenditure (Mode A, Mode B, Mode A Plus) until 30 April 2021. 208 (back to the top) Denmark Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Sickness Benefits Act amendment (new bill adopted on March 17 2020) provides a right to receive and be reimbursed for sickness benefits from the first day of absence in case of COVID-19 infection or due to quarantine imposed by health authorities, provided that the other general conditions in the Sickness Benefits Act for receiving and being reimbursed for sickness benefits are met. This applies to both employees (standard and non-standard) and self-employed workers. Paid sick leave For workers on sick leave benefits, the remaining entitlement period will be frozen for three months and all job search and activation requirements are canceled. Social Insurance Sick leave benefits subsidy Ministry of Finance. Sick leave benefits are normally provided by the employer in the first month of illness, however now, if related to COVID-19, the government will cover these. This is so far valid until the 31st of January 2021. Health insurance Pensions For workers in unemployment benefits, the remaining entitlement period will be frozen for three Unemployment benefits months and all job search and activation requirements are canceled. Social security contributions Activation measures 209 In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ministry of Employment and the Labor Inspectorate has decided to adopt a force majeure provision in the occupational health and safety regulations on rest periods. This means that the rule that employees must have a rest period of at least 11 consecutive hours a day and a weekly day off can be waived to the extent necessary in companies that face an extraordinary workload due to COVID-19. This is a temporary measure. Since the end of October 2020, the labor inspectorate is focusing on additional inspections on sectors with a high number of migrant workers to issue guidance and ensure workplace compliance and limit the spread of COVID-19. A bill requiring employers to ensure that traveling employees are PCR-tested for COVID-19 after entry into Denmark entered into force on 2 February 2021. It contains a so-called sunset clause, so the law will be repealed on 1 July 2021, unless this period is extended prior to that date. With the adopted bill, employers who employ workers traveling into Denmark to work are required to ensure that the arriving employees are tested for COVID-19 after entry. The requirement does not apply to individuals who live in Denmark. Employers must be able to document in writing that arriving employees have been tested for Labor Labor market regulations COVID-19 and, in addition, employers must prepare a written plan for testing the arriving employees. Markets The plan must include information on: how employees are informed about the test, including where, when, and how the test is to take place; how the employer keeps up to date on which areas are covered by the testing requirement; and an overview of employees in the company who have traveled into Denmark, including from which country, and when they have been tested for COVID-19, or why they are exempt from the testing requirement. The 120 sick days rule appears from section 5 (2) of the Danish Salaried Employees' Act, and generally it implies that if a salaried employee or an employee of a similar type has been sick for 120 days within a period of 12 months, the company may terminate the employment to expire at the end of a month with a notice of one month regardless of the notice period otherwise applicable pursuant to section 2 of the Danish Salaried Employees' Act to the employee in question. The effective date of termination will therefore be the last day of a month regardless of the date of the notice of the termination. If an employee is given notice due to the 120 sick days rule on e.g. 5 April, the effective date of termination will be 31 May. The company may only apply the 120 sick days rule if it appears directly from the employee's employment contract. Reduced work time 210 The government and the social partners have agreed on financial assistance to save Danish jobs. A short-time work scheme was announced on March 15, 2020 and will apply retroactively from 9 March until 9 June. It applies to companies facing having to fire at least 30 percent of employees or more than 50 employees. Conversely, companies undertake not to fire employees for financial reasons while receiving compensation from the state. For employees paid on a monthly basis who would otherwise have been fired, the Danish government would cover 75% of employees’ salaries if firms committed not to lay off workers up to a maximum of 23,000 Danish krone/month ($3,418). Firms will also have to cover the remaining 25% to ensure employees can keep their full salary. For hourly workers (with no notice period) the compensation rate is 90% up to a maximum of 26,000 kroner (or EUR 3500). From the employees' side, it is a question of each individual having to take five vacation days - either vacation, time off or without pay - in order to receive the salary compensation. Wage subsidies The government and the social partners have agreed to extend the temporary wage compensation scheme by one month to apply until and including 8 July and compensation to up to 30,000 Danish krone/month. On 5 June 2020 the temporary salary compensation scheme was extended again to expire on 29 August 2020. The extension of the wage compensation to the whole country is done to save as many jobs and companies as possible. The expansion to the whole country is due to the fact that when so many municipalities are subject to additional restrictions, it will in reality be companies throughout the country that will be affected by the situation. The agreement will thus help to keep the hand under jobs throughout the country. The scheme will enter into force on 9 December and apply until the restrictions end. The government and the social partners have agreed on Thursday 14 January 2021 to extend wage compensation until the tightened restrictions end, so that it can continue to help both employees and companies during a difficult period. 211 (back to the top) Djibouti Cash-based transfers The GoD has secured funding to its Integrated Cash Transfer and Human Capital Project. This additional finance permits an extension of cash transfers to about 2,500 households in urban areas. The transfers will be fixed at DJF 30,000 (about US$169, or US$56 per month) in the regions of the Cash transfers interior, and DJF 24,000 (about US$135, or US$45 per month) in Djibouti-ville. (conditional and unconditional) Increase the endowment of the FSN. Widen the target population and come to the aid very quickly to vulnerable families affected by the crisis so as to leave no one behind, in the form of cash transfers or food distribution. Social pensions In-kind transfers Increase the endowment of the FSN. Widen the target population and come to the aid very quickly to vulnerable families affected by the crisis so as to leave no one behind, in the form of cash transfers or food distribution. Social Assistance The Government, through the Ministry of Social Affairs and Solidarity, decided to provide food aid through a voucher system to vulnerable families who were already part of the social registry (FDJ10,000—USD56.5—per month per family during 3 months). This assistance has been extended to daily wage workers who can no longer work because of containment measures. A total of nearly 64,000 poor households were targeted (the number of daily worker households reached is not yet available Food, vouchers, others WFP, in partnership with MASS, started a new phase of distribution of vouchers to vulnerable populations affected by the November 2019 floods, for a value of 10,000 FDJ/household to 4,500 households in Djibouti city. WFP and MASS staff finalized the voucher distribution on 1 April, providing the vouchers door to door to 4,500 beneficiaries in order to prevent any risk of contagion of COVID19. To date, these households received their vouchers to be redeemed at the retailer site to receive food in the various neighborhoods of Djibouti city. In addition, UNHCR, ONARS and MASS concluded an agreement to include refugees in the cash assistance program. National Pact of Solidarity (GURMAD-DEERO). Food support for nomadic populations. 212 School feeding Public works The population has benefited from a deferral of deadlines for payment of utilities (water, electricity Utility waivers and internet) until the end of the containment period A presidential decree (2020-63/PR/MTRA) has been introduced, requesting exceptional measures for businesses with 11 workers or more, including paid leave. The employee benefits from compensation for lost wages, the rate of which will be fixed by a Paid sick leave government decree. Social All civil servants and employees in the parastatal and formal private sectors are paid during the containment period. Insurance Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Support for employers' social contributions paid by companies affected by confinement and which Social security contributions undertake to maintain staff salaries. 0.5 billion FDJ. Activation measures Presidential decree (2020-63/PR/MTRA) puts in place health and safety measures for the protection of workers in the workplace (in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic) of enterprises of 11 workers or more. Measures include: - Employer must set up a work environment that promotes barrier gestures, for example washing hands regularly and using disinfectant for hands and surfaces. Avoid touching face; covering mouth when coughing or sneezing. If a person is not feeling well, they should isolate themselves and seek Labor market regulations medical assistance. - Employer is required to respect and enforce barrier gestures in the workplace. Labor - Companies are invited to rethink their organizations to: limit meetings to what is strictly necessary; Markets limit groupings of employees in confined spaces; non-essential trips must be canceled or postponed by the organization. The government promised support measures to enterprises who would follow , as well as sanctions to those which openly broke the instructions. Presidential decree (2020-63/PR/MTRA) to propose exceptional measures, requesting enterprises of 11 workers or more, to protect their workers contracts, by adopting alternative working measures ( paid leave, teleworking, partial work). Reduced work time For Teleworking: The employee and his employer must agree to use telework. They must imperatively formalize this agreement by the means of their choice. The employee must agree to be teleworking. The fact of refusing to be teleworked cannot constitute a reason for dismissal. 213 However, in the event of exceptional circumstances or force majeure, teleworking may be imposed on the employee without his agreement to contain the epidemic. For Partial Work: The employer can place his employees in a position of partial activity when the company is forced to reduce or temporarily suspend its activity during the duration of the coronavirus crisis in consultation with the workers (staff representatives, trade union organization). As per decree (2020/63), certain categories of employees in the private sector who lost their jobs or Wage subsidies had a reduction of work time due to COVID-19 can be entitled to government compensation. 214 (back to the top) Dominica Cash-based transfers $8 million approved from the Dominica Social Security to help people who would have lost their jobs (from the Redundancy Fund and the Employment Injury branch of the DSS), plus, a minimum of $9.5 million from the government for relief payments to those who are financially challenged. The government implemented the Employees and Small Business Programme, a program aministered by Dominica Social Security. According to the ILO, this program involved a total budget of EC$15.7 M. This program consisted into two benefits: 1) Unemployment Grant 2) Self-employed Grant This program offered financial assistance in the amount of EC$600.00 and EC$400.00 to individuals with minor dependents under the age of 18 and individuals with no minor dependents under the age of 18 respectively who have either been laid off or whose employment have been terminated as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic or the Emergency Powers (Curfew) Order, Statutory Rules and Order No. 15 of 2020. Financial assistance was paid via the Dominica Social Social Security (DSS). To be eligible, individuals must have been laid off/ terminated between March 1 to Assistance Cash transfers August 15, 2020; individuals must have not received other unemployment benefits as a result of (conditional and unconditional) his/her termination, evidenced by an employer declaration or cross-checks with the Redundancy Fund database at DSS; and total employment income of the individuals must not exceed EC$4,000.00 per month, verified by the last month of income reported in the DSS database, among other requirements. A grant program targeted at self-employed sole trader businesses. This program will offer grant financial assistance in the amount of EC$600.00 and EC$400.00 respectively for a period of three months to self-employed individuals with minor dependents under the age of 18 and individuals with no minor dependents under the age of 18 respectively whose businesses have been suspended as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic or the Emergency Powers (Curfew) Order, Statutory Rules and Order No. 15 of 2020. Grants will be paid via the DSS. To be eligible beneficiaries must show: - Evidence of business activity and business must have been operational in Dominica prior to March 1, 2020. - Business must have been closed/operations suspended after March 1, 2020 and must remain closed/suspended in order to receive each month's benefit. 215 - Individual's business sales for the last calendar year ending December 31, 2019 did not exceed EC$100,000.00. - Individual is not in receipt of other employment income. - Individual has not received cash grants from government for agriculture. The Social Cash Transfers Programme is one of the programs launched by the government to mitigate the socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. It will provide temporary income support to selected vulnerable individuals and families to address their basic needs including food, health, education and other necessities. Groups targeted for potential support through this program are: - Existing beneficiaries of the Public Assistance Programme (PAP). - Eligible senior citizens and persons with disabilities who are not registered on the PAP and are not receiving other types of financial support. - Eligible fisherfolks and fish vendors and small craft producers and vendors. The program is led by the Ministry of Youth Development and Empowerment, Youth at Risk, Gender Affairs, Seniors Security and Dominicans with Disabilities in partnership with the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and it is made possible thanks to the generous support of the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and WFP. 3000 people to benefit from COVID-19 Social Cash, 2000 of whom are automatically registered under the Public Assistant Programme (PAP), are to benefit from the programme. They received two top-ups of EC$ 225 for a period of two months for a total value of $450 EC. Non-PAP beneficiaries recieved two payments of EC$ 450 each, over the course of two months, for a total value of EC$ 900. Benefits were disbursed based on the payment method selected at the time of registration. Bank payments were done by direct bank transfer, cash and cheques were issued and processed with the support of Village Councils. Direct Farm Support Cash Grant - Cash grants (EC$3.5 million total) to approximately 2,500 individual crop farmers to assist with cost of farm labour and other direct costs. Grant amount based on size of the farmer’s holding - small holdings EC$700, medium holdings EC$1,400 and large holdings EC$2,800. Social pensions In-kind transfers Backyard Gardening Seedlings Programme – seedlings for a variety of crops distributed to registrants across Dominica to boost food production (corn, beans and sweet potatoes, tomatoes, Food, vouchers, others lettuce, pumpkin, cucumbers, cabbage, sweet peppers, and pumpkin) and guarantee food security. According to the press, the government spent EC$162,000 to procure seeds and produce seedlings 216 and planting materials for farmers island wide. School feeding Public works The Republic Bank implemented a moratorium on all loans, including mortgages and help loans for up to 6 months. There was debt restructuring and a temporary increase in overdraft and credit Utility waivers cards. Late fees or loan payments were waived at the Republic Bank and there was no penalty on withdrawals of certificates of deposit. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 217 (back to the top) Dominican Republic Cash-based transfers Government has rolled out a ‘Stay at Home’ program (Quédate en Casa) with different elements, including (i) top-up to safety net of 5,000 pesos (US$92) for two months to 811,000 beneficiary families that have the Solidarity payment card to purchase food and basic necessities; (ii) horizontal expansion at the same amount 5,000 pesos (US$92) to 690,000 nonpoor and vulnerable non- beneficiary families in the SIUBEN social registry. The payments are expected from April 1 to May 30; a special transfer totaling 7,000 pesos (US129) to over 350,000 households where the household head is vulnerable to COVID19. According to the government's website, the program delivers a cash transfer to 1.5 M vulnerable people and informal workers. Also, through this initiative, every day 45,000 families receive 3 rations sufficient for nine days of feeding, covering 315,000 families throughout the national territory each week. This program was extended until the 31st of Cash transfers December 2020 by Decree 358-20. (conditional and unconditional) The government has launched the freelancer/self-employed work assistance program (Pa ‘Ti) which provide temporarily support of RD $ 5,000 to independent workers, who have not been able to work Social by the measures social distancing imposed by the pandemic, with an unconditional cash transfer Assistance that allows them to counteract the economic effects of the measures taken to stop the spread of COVID-19 . Total planned beneficiaries is 2.3 million individual ( 200,000 actual as of June 2020). The program is extended to the end of Dec 2020. Self-employed workers should fulfill the following criteria to be considered as beneficiaries of this program: 1) not be beneficiary of Stay at Home nor Employee Solidarity Assistance Fund programs; 2) not be a large firm; 3) not have paid more than RD$ 150,000 in one year. Social pensions In-kind transfers Expansion of the Comer Es Primero cash transfer programme, as follows:cVertical expansion of conditional transfers of the CEP - 100% increase in the amount transferred to families. Horizontal expansion - inclusion of 100,000 families in extreme poverty, moderate poverty and vulnerable Food, vouchers, others sectors on the verge of becoming poor due to the shock of COVID 19. This expansion will deliver the same increased benefits that will be delivered to families that already participate in the program. These inclusions are temporary. Horizontal expansion - inclusion of formalized own-account workers who are listed in the Social Security Treasury (TSS) and who are at risk of falling into 218 poverty due to the impact of the shock of the COVID 19. As of April 1, the 811,000 families which already recieve the "Solidarity card" (average of RD $ 1,500 pesos per month) received an increase of RD $ 5,000 pesos per month for two months of the "Eating comes First" component. This must be used in the purchase of food and basic necessities in the Social Supply Network. Also the government expanded this network by including 2,000 new businesses , thus avoiding any shortage of products and giving an effective response to the increase in demand that these measures would generate. Economic Kitchens (Comedores Económicos) is serving more than 100,000 servings of cooked food every day, through its mobile kitchens across the country. More than 22,000 basic food kits are also being distributed to children 0-5.70. Through Stay at Home program students receive food rations each week (it was announced that 1,3M will be delivered), enough for one week of feeding per child. More than 22.000 basic feeding kits are being distributed to children from 0 to 5 years old who received their food in children's centers (extended until the 31st of December 2020 by Decree 358-20). The National Institute of Student Welfare (Instituto Nacional de Bienestar Estudiantil) is distributing 1.8 million food kits to parents and tutors of students enrolled in the different modalities of the School feeding School Lunch Program( Programa de Almuerzo Escolar), replacing the cooked rations they receive daily. This program was extended in May for one additional month. The National Institute for Student Welfare (INABIE) has delivered more than 4.5 M food kits, 1.4 M students from the Extended School Day program and 400,000 of half-courses. This food rations include the following items: rice, beans, peas, lentils, pasta, sardines in tomato sauce, cans of corn, corn flour and oil. In addition to this kit, each student in public educational centers receives liquid milk and breads or cookies. Public works The government decided to forbid the suspension of non-paid electric energy provision and Utility waivers telecommunication services, provided by both public and private firms, during the pandemic, in order to guarantee the provision of those services. Paid sick leave Paid leave for employees who are over 60 years of age and have a special health condition. Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures 219 The government established that firms whose establishments must be closed due to COVID 19 Labor market regulations pandemic may grant paid vacations to all workers., Working conditions/methods are among the most frequent policies. The government established that those firms whose establishments could remain open during the Reduced work time pandemic should introduce more flexible working hours as well as remote work, whenever possible. Firms are not allowed to reduce workers’ wages. The government is covering up to 8,500 pesos (US $ 157) of the salary of formal employees in economic sectors that have temporarily stopped operations. For those companies that have not yet Labor suspended operations, the Economic Commission will work directly with them to provide coverage Markets of a percentage of the salary, which can reach 8,500 pesos (US$157) per month, to keep workers on their payroll, thus facilitating job stability and household income. These measures, like the “Stay at Home” program, will be valid for two months. According to the Decree 143-20, this economic Wage subsidies support for suspended workers (FASE I) is equivalent to 70% of suspended workers' wages, although this cannot be less than RD$5,000 nor greater than RD$8,5000. Essential workers are not considered as beneficiaries of this program. The program is also targeted for non-suspended employees working in SMEs firms (FASE II), who receive RD$5,000 per month. Originally, the program was valid for 60 days (3 months) but was later extended by Decree 358-2020 until the 31st of December 2020. According to the IMF, the program's beneficiaries are 754,000 families of formal workers who were laid off (no information about how many workers receive the benefit). 220 (back to the top) Ecuador Cash-based transfers The Bono de Protección Familiar is a transfer of USD 60 to 950,000 poor households and informal sector workers. The first transfer was made in early April and the second transfer was initiated in mid-May. Cash transfers The Ministry of Economic and Social Inclusion (MIES) reported that more than 7,990 families, users (conditional and unconditional) of Child Development Services, will receive the Nutritional Support Bounce (Bono de Apoyo Nutricional). This is a one-time cash compensation of USD 240. The beneficiaries are mostly pregnant women and families with children from 0 to 3 years old. Household beneficiaries of the Bono de Protección Familiar are not eligible for this program. Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance The program "dar una mano sin dar la mano" (Giving a hand) will provide kits. The digital platform allows individuals to choose between kits of 5, 10 and 20 dollars, which will allow donations for people who need it most. Food, vouchers, others The government announced an Emergency Food Plan for 8 million people through the Solidarity Basket Plan (Plan de Emergencia de Alimentación). This consists of in-kind food distributions in public schools and door-to-door delivery. School feeding Public works The Government of Ecuador (GoE) has prohibited the price increase of basic services, including Utility waivers water, electricity, internet, and telecommunications for one year. Paid sick leave The GoE extended health coverage for 60 days for people dismissed from their place of employment or those who received delayed payments due to the pandemic. Social Health insurance Insurance The GoE prohibited insurance companies from terminating health plans that received late payments during the COVID 19 pandemic. Pensions 221 During the months of April, May, June and July 2020, the GoE facilitated the procedure to receive Unemployment benefits unemployment benefits, allowing formal workers who recently became unemployed to avoid monthly paperwork. The social security institute will postpone the payment of contributions for April, May and June 90 Social security contributions days for voluntary affiliates and non dependencies. Activation measures The GoE established a law granting job security to the fixed-term health workers working at the Labor market regulations Labor health care center of the Comprehensive Public Health Network (RIPS). Markets The government implemented a series of guidelines to allow firms to reduce, modify or suspend Reduced work time workdays, without losing jobs during the pandemic. Wage subsidies 222 (back to the top) Egypt Cash-based transfers A one-off monetary compensation of EGP 500 is being offered (for 3 months) to informal workers registered at the database of Ministry of Labor and Manpower Payment (3 billion EGP). Ministry of Social Solidarity added 160,000 new households to Takaful and Karama Program (TKP) bringing the total number of people under to TKP to 3.11 million households (approx. 11 million Cash transfers individuals). The TKP budget will also increase in the new fiscal year from EGP 18.5 billion 19.3 EGP. (conditional and unconditional) The Emergency Fund for Workers (the Employees Emergency Fund) was initiated in 2002. The Fund was very helpful during and after the 2011 uprising in Egypt. The sector that was most helped by the Fund was the tourism and hotels sector. This Emergency Fund for workers is distributed in times of crises. Social pensions In-kind transfers Social Food, vouchers, others Assistance School feeding Public works Allocating EGP 50 billion for real estate financing for middle-income people. Adjusting the percentage of personal consumer loans to a maximum of 50% from total monthly income. Tax policies: The tax authority is also allowing taxpayers the option of remitting tax payments either electronically or through bank check. As such, taxpayers will be exempt from the administrative fees usually associated with these types of payments, which is only being permitted during the period of Utility waivers submission of financial year 2019-2020 tax returns. Suspension of the administrative attachment on all taxpayers who have payable taxes against payment of 10% out of their due taxes and send their tax files back to be settled via settlement of tax disputes committees. Stamp tax imposed on the total proceeds realized by tax residents of Egypt from selling or buying listed securities on the EGX, has been reduced to be 0.05%. instead of 0.15%. Capital gains tax has been postponed until further notice. 223 The moratorium on the tax law on agricultural land has been extended for 2 years. Increase of the daily withdrawal limits for credit and debit cards by the central bank. The limit for electronic payments via mobile phones has been raised to EGP 30,000/day and EGP 100,000/month for individuals. Loan policies: A consumer spending initiative of close to EGP 10 billion has been launched to offer citizens two-year, low-interest loans to pay for consumer goods discounted by up to 10-25 percent and provide ration card subsidies. A new guarantee fund of EGP 2 billion has been formed to guarantee mortgages and consumer loans made by banks and consumer finance companies. Microlenders have been advised by the Financial Regulatory Authority to consider delays on a case- by-case basis, of up to 50 percent of the value of monthly installments for struggling clients, and the regulations issued last year requiring banks to obtain detailed information of borrowers have been relaxed. Suspension of credit score blacklists for irregular clients and waiver of court cases for defaulted customers have been announced. Paid sick leave The head of the Egyptian Tax Authority (ETA) has recently issued a regulation regarding the payment of the health insurance contribution, (which is amounting to 0.25% of total annual revenues of the enterprise). As per this regulation the taxpayer can now pay such contribution electronically Health insurance Social via any of the banks that supports the ETA’s electronic payment system, through the ETA’s web Insurance portal. The taxpayer’s tax registration number is required to verify the taxpayer and confirm the settlement. Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 224 (back to the top) El Salvador Cash-based transfers The government of President Nayib Bukele has pledged to give $300 to some 1.5 million households (75 percent) who work in the informal economy such as house cleaners and street vendors who lack a financial safety net. The government targeted households using electricity usage: any household Cash transfers with monthly consumption of 0-250 kilowatts/ per hour got the transfers. This criterion spurred (conditional and unconditional) some protests from people who demand to be included in the new scheme The government launched a compensation bonus of USD 150 for essential public employees who work in activities aimed at combating COVID 19, particularly those working at the Ministry of Health. Social pensions In-kind transfers Distribution of 2.7 food baskets to affected families worth US$ 56 each. This program was originally Food, vouchers, others launched in April (budget of US$50 M per month) and a second delivery was implemented in August Social (with an additional estimated cost of US$190 M). Assistance The government delivered 320,000 Family School Meal Packages, primarily target to vulnerable families that cannot access food during the COVID 19 pandemic. This program is aimed at those student's families living in municipalities which fulfilled the following criteria: 1) being considered as School feeding severe, high or moderate in the poverty map; 2) being considered as a municipality with very high, high or moderate chronic malnutrition. The government planned to spend $7.8 M in this program. The package includes food and in-kind items such as milk powder, milk, fortified beverages, vegetal oil, rice, beans, sugar and cereals. It was estimated to be delivered between June and July 2020. Public works The government has granted a waiver for utility bills payments for individuals and legal entities directly affected by COVID-19 for three months. Utilities include electricity, water, telephone, cable, and internet. Also, mortgage payments, personal loans, credit card payments, business loans were Utility waivers frozen for three months for individuals and legal entities directly affected by COVID-19. The suspension applies for invoices of March, April, and May. The payment is postponed for up to 24 months. 225 The government implemented a price control scheme to ensure that there is no increase in the basic food basket and protect people's income. The government has mandated private companies to ensure quarantine of particular worker categories, including those older than 60, pregnant women or those with preexisting conditions. These workers would receive a paid sick leave for 30 days. Also, private companies (except those in Paid sick leave the food, medical and other key sectors) that decide to send all their workers home on paid leave will be eligible for further government support. This initiative also includes leave with disability pay for quarantined workers, for the time required by health personnel. Social Insurance The government decided to keep on offering health insurance coverage during the emergency period Health insurance for those suspended workers or unemployed, even if their employers did not pay their social contributions. Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions The government, through the Fondo Solidario para la Salud (Fosalud), trained more than 62 Activation measures professionals from the Medical Emergency System in order to standardize health workers knowledge and action in cases of patient care during COVID 19 pandemic. By Decree N° 593, the government established that no worker who is quarantined by COVID-19, Labor ordered by the competent health authority, or unable to return to the workplace due to migration or Labor market regulations Markets health restrictions decreed in the country or abroad can be dismissed, nor be subject to a reduction on their wages. Reduced work time Wage subsidies 226 (back to the top) Equatorial Guinea Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Social Decree 43/2020, The government will make contributions to finance the Public Social Guarantees Assistance Program against the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Public Social Guaranties Program will Food, vouchers, others guarantee: (I) basic food and necessities for identified households, (II) a basic personal and household hygiene kit for identified groups. The program was launched on May 28th, where 12,000 households are expected to receive the food baskets. School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Social Unemployment benefits Insurance Article 23.- The Ministry of Finance, Economy and Planning demands of food distribution and food commercialization companies and of all those that hire new employees to reinforce their workforce Social security contributions to comply with the standards established by the health authorities. They will be granted a discount of 100% of the Social Security contributions until September 30, 2020. Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 227 (back to the top) Eritrea Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others Social School feeding Assistance Public works Payment of electricity, water and telephone household bills were postponed. Price control measures: The government took stringent legal measures on all individuals and Utility waivers commercial enterprises that engage in hoarding and speculative price hikes by misconstruing the precautionary measures that are being taken. Landlords in Eritrea have agreed to waive rents. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 228 (back to the top) Estonia Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Excise duty on some types of fuel reduced from 1st May 2020 until April 30 2022. Waiving of the 3-day waiting period: the state decided to reimburse the first three days of sick leave Paid sick leave for all workers during an emergency. Health insurance Pensions As of 1 September 2020 an update to the Labour Market Services and Benefits Act entered into Social force. The update allows persons registered as unemployed to accept temporary work (not Unemployment benefits Insurance exceeding 8 calendar days per month) without any influence on their unemployment status and compensations. Payments into the second pillar of the pension fund are suspended. Social security contributions The state has suspended its payments into the mandatory funded pension system from 1st July 2020 to August 30, 2021. Individuals participating in the system may decide to suspend their payments. Activation measures The government offers online job search counselling and intermediation. A supplementary budget (2.2 percent of GDP), promptly adopted in March 2021, enhances the Labor response to surging virus effects. The package mostly targets healthcare expenditure and support Labor market regulations Markets for employees and households. In addition to the 2020 unused measures which were carried over, this new support package brings the total fiscal support for 2021 to 6½ percent of GDP. Reduced work time 229 The Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund will compensate 70% of the average wages from the last 12 months but no more than Euro 1,000. The compensation is paid to those workers with no Wage subsidies work to carry out, or whose wages were already cut because of the lack of workload. The cost of the decreased wages compensation measure is Euro 250M. 230 (back to the top) Eswatini Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Food assistance has been provided, benefiting over 347,400 people Food, vouchers, others The Government has pledged to provided food assistance to the most vulnerable of our society that have been adversely affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. The food assistance will benefit over 300 Social 000 individuals from 63 000 households across all four regions of the Kingdom. Assistance School feeding Public works The Banks have announced that those individuals and companies that need short term financial support or relief can approach them and each application will be assessed on a risk-based approach. The increase in the price of electricity has been suspended for two months. Utility waivers The Government of Eswatini is ensuring that the citizens have continued access to water and sanitation services during the crisis. This is done by providing water tanks and hand washing facilities to most of the areas in the country. Access to paid leave & access to health care: Identified and/or suspected COVID-19 positive cases are to relieved from duty with immediate effect and treated in terms of the provisions of the Paid sick leave relevant workplace sickness policy and/or the Employment Act, No. 5 of 1980 in relation to sick leave. Social Health insurance Insurance Pensions Government, through the Eswatini National Provident Fund, has set aside E5 million for the establishment of the fund to offer protection against loss of income Individuals can claim Unemployment benefits unemployment benefits if they lose their jobs. The employer and employee will each contribute a certain percentage of the employee’s salary 231 Employees must claim within six months after they have stopped working and can claim from the day they stop working until their UIF contributions are used up or they start working again,” reads part of the regulations of SA’s UIF. Government announced the suspension of the payment of Eswatini National Provident Fund (ENPF) Social security contributions contributions for the months of March and April 2020 to allow companies to use these contributions to cushion wages and payment of salaries. Trainings for health personnel: 1,007 nurses from all levels, 147 medical doctors and over 3,000 rural Activation measures health motivators have been trained on COVID 19. Rural health motivators are crucial in reaching out to communities and helping with the required information to stop the spread of COVID 19. Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 232 (back to the top) Ethiopia Cash-based transfers Cash transfer to poor and vulnerable, Proposed temporary income support to poor and vulnerable hhs in urban Ethiopia. This is to supplement support otherwise going to rural hhs via the Rural PSNPAs of end of Dec 2020, the project was still proposed. 6-months of cash transfer top-ups to all existing 50,050 UPSNP PDS households in 11 cities. The support reached 93,120 clients (55,127 female beneficiaries). The top-up value was 360 ETB per month for 6-months. Disbursements for PDS clients started in September 2020. MoLSA, JOBFSA, Cash transfers WFP and UNICEF also collaborated to identify 17,460 TDS clients in the 11 UPSNP cities and (conditional and unconditional) provided 3-months of transfers (disbursements commenced in November 2020). For TDS clients in Addis Ababa, the support was extended to provide 6-months of support, this was due to additional budget availability and the higher COVID-19 transmission rates in Addis Ababa. Beneficiaries of the Urban Productive Safety Net Project (UPSNP) will receive advance 3 months payment while on leave from their public works obligations. They will be able to withdraw 50% of Social their savings to cover expenses arising out of the COVID-19 emergency. Assistance Social pensions In-kind transfers Amhara Regional State: started providing flour, oil and sugar to "the poorest of the poor" in city of Bahir Dar. City of Adama (Oromia): started providing bread and water for those who need assistance during the stay at home order. Food, vouchers, others Addis Ababa City Administration: Allocated 600 million ETB for purchasing stockpile of food/other essential goods and distribute same to 800 retail shops. $635 million (0.6 percent of GDP) for emergency food distribution to 15 million individuals vulnerable to food insecurity and not currently covered by the rural and urban PSNPs. School feeding 233 Beneficiaries of the Urban Productive Safety Net Project (UPSNP) will receive advance 3 months payment while on leave from their public works obligations. They will be able to withdraw 50% of their savings to cover expenses arising out of the COVID-19 emergency. Public works Ethiopia Rural PSNP is adapting the following adjustments: The program scaled up vertically and provided 2 extended support. The extended support reached 2.9 million with financing of people $40. The cash benefit value will increase by about 22% for scale-up. Another adjustment is that the public works requirement is waived since beginning of April. National Expansion of free public transport: government buses to provide free transportation service to the public to reduce overcrowding in the public transport system. Utility waivers Tigray State: a moratorium on evictions and reduction of rents by half82 Harari State: government employees who are at higher risk of COVID-19 (elderly, pregnant women, Paid sick leave those with underlying conditions) to stay home while receiving their salaries. Social Health insurance Insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Measures of workplace prevention and mitigation mechanisms to be put in place by employers; monitoring of the measures, COVID-19 affected cases for urgent follow up action, and up-to-date information sharing by Safety Officers; and precautionary measures to be taken by workers ("TRIPARTITE COVID"). Labor market regulations As reflected in the tripartite Protocol, workers will be allowed to take their unused annual leaves; for Labor those who have exhausted their annual leaves, they will be allowed to take at least half of their Markets annual leave from the following budgetary period. Ethiopia prohibited companies from laying off workers and terminating employment in measures introduced as part of a state of emergency to stop the spread of the coronavirus. The Federal government workers have been directed to work from home with effect from 25 March Reduced work time 2020. Each Ministry has been mandated to determine critical staff. Wage subsidies 234 (back to the top) Faroe Islands (Denmark) Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time ALS, the employment service, has so far paid out DKK 52 million in stimulus payments as part of Labor the government’s job retention scheme. The scheme supports companies hit by the corona crisis by Markets temporarily helping to pay the wages of people who cannot do their jobs, thus allowing employees to stay on the payroll despite not working due to the lockdown. More than 4,000 people have signed up Wage subsidies to the scheme. However, with the gradual lifting of the lockdown, many have now returned to work, leaving the current number of people registered in the scheme at 3,575. Update: The job retention scheme, which was due to expire on 31 August, will be extended until 31 October and will also include people registered as being in quarantine. 235 (back to the top) Fiji Cash-based transfers The Government announced in 2020 the provision of top-ups for recipients of the Poverty Benefit Scheme, the Child and Protection allowance and the Disability Allowance Scheme. Beneficiaries registered in the Disability Allowance Scheme will receive two (2) payments: one (1) in August worth FJD 50 (US$23), and one (1) in September worth FJD 50 in addition to the existing monthly cash entitlement of FJD 90 (US$42). Households registered in the Poverty Benefit Scheme and the Care and Protection Allowance will receive two (2) payments: one (1) in August worth FJD 100 (US$71), and one (1) in September worth FJD 100, in addition to the existing monthly food voucher and cash entitlement. Starting from 5th August, beneficiaries will be able to withdraw cash from their bank accounts or redeem the vouchers at their nearest post offices Informal sector in the lockdown areas entitled to one-off Government relief payment of FJ$150 (US$66) where holding a street trader or hawker license. Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Fijians in the informal sector who tested positive for the virus to be paid a one-off sum of FJ$1,000 Social (US$443). Assistance One-off COVID-19 relief for FNPF members impacted by the lockdown restrictions in the Western Division announced this week. Government provides top-ups to eligible FNPF members whose general account balance are below certain threshold. Digital cash transfers to 19000 Fijian families. More than 19,000 Fijian families most-affected by the impacts of COVID-19 will receive 100 Fijian dollars a month over the next four months through digital cash transfers. Contributors: Partnership between Save the Children Fiji, Fiji Council of Social Services and Vodafone Fiji. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding 236 Public works Banks to waive all charges on minimum balances in customer’s accounts and remove minimum purchasing requirement for electronic transactions. Banks and hire purchase companies to offer six month deferral of loan repayments for Fijians who have lost their jobs or had their hours reduced. Also available to businesses. Utility waivers Water Authority of Fiji will suspend disconnection of water meters for non-payment of bills until 31st December 2020. Water disconnection suspension until 31.03.2021. For students repaying Tertiary Education Loans, repayments will be suspended until 31 December 2020. This will provide a relief of around $10 million. Government to fund 21 days COVID- 19 leave for Fijian employees earning less than FJ$30,000 who Paid sick leave have tested positive for the virus. Health insurance The Fund paid one-off additional payment to Retirement Income Fund annuitants (active pensioners). More than 7,000 Fiji National Provident Fund pensioners received a COVID-19 relief Pensions payment on Tuesday 26 May 2020. Inactive pensioners will need to contact the Fund for validation before payment will be processed. Unemployment benefits Effective from 1 April 2020 to 31 December 2020 reduction in employee and employer FNPF contribution from 8 percent and 10 percent to 5 percent respectively. The program has been extended to 31 December 2021. Social Insurance Fijian workers in the hospitality sector who have lost their jobs or have had their hours cut since 1 February 2020 able to access an initial $1,000 from their FNPF accounts, with additional funds to be considered Insured workers under the national social security system were able to withdraw from their own Social security contributions retirement funds, and/or receive top-ups if their funds were not sufficient. The scheme comprises of 4 phases, with one or two rounds each, aimed at different types of beneficiaries and rolled out between March 2020 and still ongoing: Phase 1 (March 2020 – 29.05.2020; beneficiaries: employees who work in the Tourism Sector ($1,000) and those affected due to physical distancing issues or work within the lock-down zone nation wide ($500). Employees who have had reduced working hours; been sent on leave without pay; reduced wage rate or salary - entitled to government top-up; taxi, mini van or hire drivers, small enterprise owners and employees who have resigned, been terminated, non-renewal of contract, laid off or seasonal workers in the last 6 months - no government top-up); Phase 2 (09.06.2020 - ongoing; FNPF members who were eligible before or 237 have recently become unemployed/leave without pay); Phase 3 (10.08.2020 – 16.10.2020; beneficiaries: FNPF Members who are on reduced hours and reduced wage rate can apply for Phase 3 withdrawal. Members who have insufficient General Account balance will receive Government Top Up.); Phase 4 (31.08.2020 – ongoing (govt. top-up not applicable); beneficiaries: Members who became unemployed before COVID (from 1 October 2017 to 30 September 2019). Koroi says the fund paid out $438.9million driven by retirement, migration, unemployment withdrawals that included COVID-19 related assistance totaling 101,879 applications valued at $55.8 million. Employees affected by the nationwide stipulated physical distancing requirements, along with employees in the Lautoka confined area who have been placed on leave without pay or had their hours cut, able to access an initial $500 from their FNPF accounts. Waiver of penalties for after due date contributions; reduction of upfront contribution payments to 10%; and reissuance of conditional compliance letters. Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 238 (back to the top) Finland Cash-based transfers Cash transfers Expanded parental allowance. (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Deferral of tax and pension payments for 3 months are expected to provide additional short-run Utility waivers relief of 2 percent of GDP (€4.5 billion). Kela (the national Social Insurance institution) can pay a sickness allowance to employees who have been ordered to stay away from work in order to prevent the spread of disease and to providers of a Paid sick leave child under the age of 16 who is placed in quarantine. The allowance provides compensation for loss of income and is therefore payable only for days in which the affected person cannot work due to placement in isolation or quarantine. On 27th January 2021 the Government decided on the reimbursement of COVID-19 vaccinations through health insurance. The Health Insurance Act will be amended so that vaccinations received Health insurance through occupational healthcare can be reimbursed by Kela. The costs of reimbursement would be paid from state funds. The amount of the reimbursement will be decided later. Social Pensions Insurance Workers laid off can claim income-linked benefits, provided they are a member of an unemployment fund through their trade union or independently. In addition, the government will eliminate the waiting period before people can claim unemployment benefits, and allow freelancers and sole Unemployment benefits traders to claim unemployment benefits without shutting down their businesses . Expanded unemployment insurance (€3 billion). Temporary recognition of entrepreneurs and freelancers as unemployment benefit recipients. Finland has reduced employer earnings-related pension contributions by around 2 per cent as a Social security contributions measure to deal with the financial impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Pension funds may grant, upon application, a postponement up to 3 months for pension premiums paid by employers and self- 239 employed individuals. In an update from the Finnish Centre for Pensions (ETK) on the country’s response to the virus outbreak, ETK director, Jakko Kiander, explained that the earnings-related pension system “quickly became a considerable part of the crisis management package” in Finland. The measures were agreed on in tripartite negotiations between labour market, organisations and the government. Activation measures In the case of nursing and other critical personnel, exceptions can be made to the provisions of the Annual Holidays Act in both the private and public sector. The length of the periods of notice of employees willing to resign is extended to secure the availability of skilled nursing personnel. Labor market regulations Employers are required to take the necessary measures to ensure the safety and health of their employees while they are at work. As part of this obligation, employers must ensure that their risk assessments under the Occupational Safety and Health Act are up to date. A risk assessment must be carried out by a professional with adequate expertise. Employers must, Labor taking due account of the current epidemic situation, assess whether their employees’ risk of being Markets infected with the coronavirus at work is elevated in comparison to the rest of the population. In the case of nursing and other critical personnel, exceptions can be made to the provisions of the Working Hours Act in both the private and public sector. In a situation where the health authorities state that the COVID-19 epidemic is growing regionally, the Government recommends that workplaces in the region shift to remote work when possible. Reduced work time Employers should also promote work arrangements that reduce close contacts and other risk factors at the workplace. Other ways of arranging work include among other measures using flexible hours; divide employees into groups that tale turns working remotely; stagger mealtimes, breaks and working hours by employee group and taking care of safe distances. Wage subsidies 240 (back to the top) France Cash-based transfers A transfer of Euro 1,500 will be provided to the self-employed and other SMEs as part of the solidarity fund. Guarantee payment of benefits by the Family Allowance Funds if the quarterly declaration of resources is not possible. An "emergency aid" of 150 euros per family receiving active solidarity income (RSA) or specific solidarity allowance (ASS), to which will be added 100 euros per child will be paid on May 15. Families who do not benefit from the RSA or SSA, but who receive housing assistance, will receive 100 euros per child. Their payment "will be automatic, without any action being necessary" and will concern "more than four million households. A bonus for all civil servants who pursue their public service mission, despite confinement, up to Social 1,000 euros in tax-free bonuses are provided . Assistance Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) At the national level, on April 15th 2020, the Government announced a one-off payment of 100 euros per child for vulnerable families to mitigate the additional financial burden for families because of coronavirus, including the unavailability of nearly free school meals for children. Exceptional 150 euros help to beneficiaries of certain social programs and disabled. Following the announcement by the Prime Minister of July 15, 2020, the back-to-school allowance (ARS) paid per child has been exceptionally increased by an additional € 100 for the start of the 2020 school year. This measure helps families meet back-to-school expenses and thus ensure the continuity of their children's learning, made difficult by the health situation. It should enable low- income families to cope with the crisis which has sometimes weighed heavily on their income and their daily lives. This increase was paid to families this summer to adapt to their needs. It complements the exceptional solidarity aid paid on May 15, 2020 to more than 4 million low-income households and families. The amount of the back-to-school allowance has thus increased for the 2020 start of the school year to: € 469.97 for a child aged 6 to 10 instead of € 368.84 in 2019, € 241 490.39 for a child aged 11 to 14 instead of € 389.19 in 2019 and € 503.91 for a child aged 15 to 18 instead of € 402.67 in 2019. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others In France, where school feeding programs are managed at the sub-national level, several modalities have been implemented in different areas of the country. The municipalities of Marseille, Paris or Brest, as well as the county of Haute-Gavonne had announced cash transfers or food stamps to School feeding mitigate the unavailability of school meals. In the county of Meurthe-et-Moselle, the local authorities have decided to deliver school meals to the home of the most vulnerable children enrolled in middle schools. Public works Utility waivers People placed in isolation will benefit from “sick leave and daily benefits” of up to 20 days without Paid sick leave “waiting period”. The measure also applies to parents whose children are subject to isolation and who cannot, therefore, go to work. Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Partial exemption from employer contributions and contributions: For the period from February 1 to May 31, 2020, this exemption covers social security contributions, unemployment insurance contributions, the autonomy solidarity contribution and the contribution to the National Housing Social Assistance Fund. In Fall 2020: As part of the second wave of the health crisis, the Social Security Insurance financing law for 2021 provides for measures to support companies and associations directly impacted by the economic consequences. These measures will be the subject of Decree No. 2021-75 of January 27, 2021. This decree will be adapted to consider the activity restriction measures taken Social security contributions at the end of January. Companies and associations can benefit, under certain conditions, from an exemption from part of employer contributions as well as assistance in the payment of social contributions. The methods for calculating the exemption from employer contributions are identical to those put in place by the third finance law for 2020. Subject to the adaptation of payment assistance for corporate officers, the methods for calculating the 'payment assistance are also renewed. However, the eligibility conditions for the measures have been adapted. These measures cannot be combined, over the same month, with the measures provided for by the 3rd amending finance law for 2020. Employers 242 can benefit from the measures up to a limit of € 800,000, by cumulating all the aids (exemptions and payment aids from the third finance law for 2020 and the LFSS for 2021, solidarity fund, CFE relief). This threshold is € 120,000 for companies in the fishing and aquaculture sector and € 100,000 for those involved in primary agricultural production. March 2021: Employers who experience a direct or indirect closure or restriction of their activity as a result of measures decided by the public authorities retain the possibility of postponing all or part of the payment of their employee and employer contributions for the deadlines of April 6 and 15, 2021. Declarations must nevertheless be filed on the dates specified. The deferral of Urssaf contributions also applies to supplementary pension contributions. To benefit from the deferral, all you have to do is fill out a prior request form online. In the absence of a response from Urssaf within 48 hours, this request is considered accepted. Contributions that will not be paid are automatically carried over. Urssaf will contact employers later to offer them a debt relief plan. No penalty or late payment will be applied. Deferred contributions, which would not be subject to the exemptions announced under the new support plan decided in the autumn, will subsequently give rise to clearance plans of up to 36 months. The withdrawals from the April 2020 installments are suspended for self-employed workers whose main activity relates to sectors affected by the crisis, eligible for exemptions from social contributions. March 31, 2020 announcement for self-employed workers: The exceptional support measures are renewed in April under the same conditions as in January. The deductions of April 5 and 20, 2021 are suspended for self-employed workers whose main activity relates to sectors impacted by the crisis, eligible for exemptions from social contributions. Help with the payment of social contributions and contributions. Aid for the payment of social contributions and contributions is equal to 20% of the amount of activity income that was the subject of the exemption over the period from February 1 to May 31, 2020.The employer calculates and declares the amount of this assistance in DSN via CTP 051. The payment aid resulting from the amending finance law n ° 3 applicable within the framework of the first health wave is calculated for the periods starting from February 2020. It can be allocated to the payment of contributions and social contributions due to the title of the years 2020 and 2021. 1 young person, 1 solution. New qualifying training for the professions of the future thanks to the Skills Investment Plan (PIC): 100,000 new qualifying or pre-qualifying training courses will be offered to young people without qualifications or failing in higher education. Training in the healthcare sector Labor Activation measures to double the training capacities of nursing assistants, nurses and carers over the next 5 years. Markets digital training for unskilled young people. Personalized courses for dropouts between 16 and 18 years old. Additional training places to continue training in higher education, CAP and BTS at the start of the 2020 academic year. Doubling of the number of students benefiting from success ropes 243 and excellence courses. The Youth Guarantee is a device reserved for young people aged 16 to 25 in precarious situations, to help them in their access to autonomy and professional integration. It is a one-year reciprocal commitment contract between a young person and a local mission. A local mission counselor accompanies individuals in an intensive and personalized way to build with individuals a course that combines professional experience, advice, collective workshops and payment of an allowance. The Youth Guarantee gives the right to an allowance of a maximum monthly amount equivalent to that of the Active Solidarity Income (RSA) for a single person, less the housing package. As of April 1, 2020, the maximum amount of the allowance paid under the Youth Guarantee was thus equal to € 497.01 per month. The Youth Guarantee is open to all young French people, but also to foreigners (European Union or third countries) provided they are legally resident in France and have a residence permit. In-house company agreement or branch level collective bargaining agreement may set out the conditions under which the employer can require the taking of paid leave, or modify the dates of leave already scheduled, with a limit of up to 6 working days, and respecting a notice period of one clear day. This also applies to paid leave days accrued before the start of the period during which they will be taken. Employers may, throughout the public health emergency period, impose or modify employees' paid leave for periods not exceeding six working days, subject to compliance with a minimum notice Labor market regulations period of one clear day. This option is subject to conclusion of a company or branch agreement. Profit-sharing and incentive schemes. Incentive and profit-sharing bonuses, which should have been paid by companies before June 30, 2020, may be delayed until December 31, 2020. A decree and an order published in the Official Journal on June 14, 2020 provide for an exceptional relaxation of the time savings account in the territorial and hospital public services. This measure allows employees to preserve their rights to acquired leave by ensuring the continuity of public service during the health crisis. The total number of days that can be maintained on this account increases from 60 to 70 days for the year 2020. To avoid layoffs and mitigate the effects of reduced activity linked to COVID-19, a Decree on March 25, 2020, followed by a Ministerial Order on March 27, 2020, have adjusted and extended the system of applying for short-time authorizations filed since March 26, 2020 for time not worked Reduced work time since March 1, 2020. The new provisions allow employers in business sectors "particularly necessary for the security of 244 the nation or continuity of economic and social life" to temporarily derogate from the rules set out in the French Labor Code and the collective bargaining rules on working hours, weekly rest periods and Sunday rest periods. Special unemployment benefits for employees who stop working. The company compensates 70% of gross wages (about 84% of net). Minimum wage earners or less are compensated 100%. The company will be fully reimbursed by the state for those earning up to 6,927 euros gross monthly— that is, 4.5x minimum wage. Extension of temporary virus-related unemployment benefits until next summer. The partial unemployment scheme operates in 2 stages: 1) The employee receives a partial activity allowance from his employer, in lieu of his salary. This compensation corresponds to 70% of his gross salary (i.e. approximately 85% of his net salary) with a minimum of € 8.03 per hour. Employees whose remuneration was less than the minimum wage (apprentices for example) benefit from an allowance equal to their previous remuneration. 2) The company benefits from an allowance paid by the State corresponding to 85% of the amount of the employee's partial activity allowance within the limit of 4.5 minimum wage. The company can apply for a partial activity allowance for one or more employees unable to work, if it is in one of the following cases: i) affected by the decrees providing for a closure, ii) faced with a decline in activity and / or supply difficulties, or iii) it is impossible for it to put in place the necessary preventive measures to protect the health of employees (teleworking, barrier gesture, etc.) for all of Wage subsidies its employees. Ordinance #2020-770 of 24 June 2020, supplemented by Decree #2020-810 of 29 June 2020, stipulates that the rate of the common law allowance reimbursed to employers between 1 June and 30 September 2020 is 60% of employees' pay, up to a limit of 4.5 times the minimum wage. Until December 31, 2020, the following companies benefit from 100% coverage of the partial activity allowance paid to employees: companies in the tourism, hotel, catering, sport, culture, air transport and events sectors; and companies in sectors subject to specific legislative or regulatory restrictions due to the health crisis or impacted by the curfew implemented in several cities in France as of October 17, 2020. A load compensation of 4,000 euros for any young person recruited between August 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. Exceptional assistance of 5,000 euros to recruit a work-study student under the age of 18 (on an apprenticeship or professionalization contract) or 8,000 euros to recruit a work-study student over 18 years of age. The “Franc + employment” system: between October 15, 2020 and May 31, 2021, the Franc employment system is reinforced with the deployment of “Franc + employment” with assistance 245 paid to the employer which is increased when recruits a young person under the age of 26 (on a permanent or fixed-term contract of at least 6 months). As part of the "1 young, 1 solution" plan, exceptional assistance facilitates hiring under a professionalization contract. This system applies to all contracts concluded between July 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021, up to master's level. Financial assistance granted to employers of employees on professionalization contracts: € 5,000 for a work-study student under 18 and € 8,000 for a major work-study student (up to the age of 29) by contract preparing for a diploma (or a professional title, a qualification certificate) up to a master's degree (bac + 5 - level 7 of the National Directory of Professional Certifications - RNCP). Individuals who can benefit must be under 30 years of age. The aid will be paid to companies with less than 250 employees unconditionally and to companies with 250 or more employees on the condition that they undertake to reach, in their workforce, a threshold, defined by decree, of work-study contracts or contracts promoting professional integration (otherwise the sums received must be reimbursed): 5% of contracts promoting professional integration as of December 31, 2021; and 3% of work-study students as of December 31, 2021 and an increase of 10% of work-study students compared to 2020. In order to support the recruitment of 1,000 young people in VSEs, SMEs and ETIs in ecological transition trades, aid of up to € 8,000 will be paid to the company that welcomes a talent in Territorial Volunteering in a company (VTE). Eligible companies can be VSEs, SMEs or ETIs. They must hire, for a mission of at least one year, from September 1, 2020: on an employment contract, a young person with a minimum of 3 years of higher education, graduated less than 2 years ago; or on an apprenticeship contract (if applicable, minimum duration of 10 months) or professionalization, a young person who has already graduated with a bac + 2 level and is in training for a bac + 3 level or more. The Green VTE Aid cannot be combined with the franc employment aid or with the hiring aid for young people under 26 years old instituted by decree n ° 2020-982 of August 5, 2020. VTE Vert aid can be partially combined with the exceptional work-study aid provided for the apprenticeship and professionalization contracts concluded between July 1, 2020 and March 31, 2021. When a company already benefits from this aid, the amount of VTE Vert Aid is capped at € 4,000. Launch in January 2021 (retroactive application possible for contracts signed from September 1, 2020). 246 (back to the top) French Polynesia Cash-based transfers Family allowances were increased from 10,000 francs to 15,000 cfp francs. The first payment took place on April 8, 2020 at the same time as the allowances intended for employees registered with Cash transfers the RGS (General Plan for Employees). (conditional and unconditional) In February 2021, it was announced that the increased allowance has been extended until June 30th, 2021. Social pensions In-kind transfers Social 100 families living in poverty received health kits including liquid soap, hydro-alcoholic gel, Assistance disinfectant solution, tissues and gloves. At the entrance to the distribution area, fabric masks were given to beneficiaries who put into practice the barrier gestures and social distancing to which they Food, vouchers, others were previously made aware. Families also benefited from 100 food baskets and vouchers, made up of basic necessities, fruits and vegetables. School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 247 (back to the top) Gabon Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Granting of food aid to people in distress and emergency situations. Creation of a solidarity fund by Food, vouchers, others the State in the amount of five (5) billion CFA Francs with the aim of creating a food bank. Social School feeding Assistance Public works For the most fragile and economically weak people, the state will inject 4 billion CFA francs per month for the payment of electricity bills and 2 billion for all water bills. Suspension during the time of the partial confinement of the collection of rents from people without Utility waivers income whose list will be decided later by the Government. An aid fund of 2.5 billion CFA francs will be set up to compensate for the losses of small owners linked to the previous measure. Land transport provided by public companies will be completely free for all users. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor Promotion of measures and awareness of workers on the importance of and compliance with barrier Markets measures. Labor market regulations Permanent disinfection of workplaces and regular distribution of safety equipment. Provision of disinfectants to customers, visitors and staff when entering and leaving businesses 248 Obligation on employers to implement and enforce barrier measures. Administrative checks carried out by the Ministry of Labor and other administrations to verify the application and compliance with barrier measures. Relaxation of conditions relating to layoffs with payment of compensation that were not previously provided for by the Labor Code in force. Reduced work time The purchasing power of workers will be preserved by setting up a technical unemployment benefit. A technical unemployment allowance, the amount of which will vary between 50 and 70% of the gross monthly salary, excluding bonuses, will be paid to workers in the private sector. Wage subsidies For low incomes, including between 80,000 CFA Francs and 150,000 CFA Francs, they will be fully maintained. 249 (back to the top) Gambia, The Cash-based transfers WFP is covering 60,355 food insecure households (not covered by Nafa Quick) with same transfer value (D1,500 or $30) plus bag of rice, for three months Sept-December. Horizontal expansion to Nafa Quick program targeting 83,000 households with a cost of US$10 million. The Nafa Quick package will last for four months. The package intends to contribute to the mitigation of the social and economic impact of COVID-19 on the population with a view to providing immediate universal cash transfer of D1, 500 ($31) per month to each beneficiary household. (program is ongoing as of November 2020) The beneficiaries under the BReST project (mothers and their children) benefited from a direct cash transfer between 2017 and 2019. The [top-up in 2020 for COVID] intervention targets 6000 households and it was implemented through Unconditional Cash Transfer along with SBCC. With an operating budget of EUR200,000, the intervention was implemented at 10 selected health facilities in the Gambia Social Assistance Cash transfers The Gambia Government agreed to provide a one-off cash transfer of US$50 to each of the small- (conditional and unconditional) scale tourism actors whose contact details are available. Since then, arrangements were made with Africell for the transfer to each beneficiary. A total of D16,837,867.50 (sixteen million eight hundred and thirty seven thousand, eight hundred and sixty seven dalasis and fifty bututs) was remitted by UNDP directly to Africell's for the transfer. The GoG announced a new D250M Covid-19 relief that includes the provision of a cash package of D3,000 to all families. Ministry of Women Children and Social Welfare covering 1000 extremely vulnerable hh with one-off CT (total budget $100,000). Complete The Gambia delivered a Cash Transfer Program (CTP) to our enrolled children and their families deemed most in need during this emergency period. The cash transfer is unconditional, which has given the beneficiaries the autonomy on spending. Thus, the overall objective of the cash transfer is to provide cash to most in need enrolled families for resilience building during the coronavirus pandemic. Beneficiaries were select from communities in West Coast Region and Lower River 250 Regions of The Gambia and a total of 2877 beneficiaries are were reached so far. The government also launched a student relief fund to support Gambian students abroad Social pensions In-kind transfers WFP is covering 60,355 food insecure households (not covered by Nafa Quick) with same transfer value (D1,500 or $30) plus bag of rice, for three months Sept-December. The GoG announced a new 250M D Covid-19 relief that includes the provision of immediate food support to the entire Gambian populace to aid food security The President of the Republic launched the National COVID-19 Food Assistance of over seven hundred and thirty-four million (GMD734,254,864), targeting 84% of the total households in the Food, vouchers, others country with rice, sugar, and oil, respectively. The aim of this assistance was to contain the spread of the virus and to uphold the declaration by the public. It was also aimed to strike a balance between responding to the effects of COVID-19 and addressing the underlying causes of vulnerability. Out of the 208220 beneficiaries provided by the regions, 189026 have already benefited from the distribution. On average about 91% of the list provided for the distribution have been covered. The Government targets 235,767 households nationwide for this exercise. Still this data might change as the distribution is still on going. This relief package comes in a form of bags of 50kg of 100% broken rice, 50kg bags of sugar and 10-litre drums of refined cooking oil. Following prolonged school closure, WFP and Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education (MoBSE) agreed to implement Take Home Ration (THR) and cash-based transfer as part of interim solutions to children who benefited from the School feeding program with two months ration equivalent to Rice 16.6kg, Oil 2 liters or cash equivalent of D600. WFP has 150,742 (54% females) learners in School feeding Regions, 1, 3, 5 and 6. The school meals provided to the child at school will be converted to a family ration for the child to take home to benefit his/her household. About 73,939 Households will be benefitting from the THR. The THR is implemented in July and August 2020. MoBSE will be doing same in regions 2 and 4 to support 88,000 school children who benefited from school meals prior to the schools’ closure. Public works Emergency powers were used to freeze prices of essential commodities such as rice, meat, fish, Utility waivers cooking oil soap, sanitizers, and cement. Social Paid sick leave Insurance Health insurance 251 Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Public servants can work from home through stay-at-home orders. Wage subsidies 252 (back to the top) Georgia Cash-based transfers One-off compensation of 300 GEL to individuals employed in the outlets or facilities whose operation were suspended. This measure involved 100,000 beneficiaries and a total planned budget of GEL 30 million. On June 24th 2020, the parliament announced support for citizens who have been employed but lost their jobs during the pandemic: GEL 200 per person for 6 months (GEL 450 million). This was extended in January 2021. On May 4th 2020, the government introduced three temporary monthly cash transfers, according to families Proxy Means Test (PMT) rating score: - Families with a PMT rating score of 0 - 100,000 with three or more children aged 16 or less received a top-up benefit of 100 GEL through the Targeted Social Assistance for up to 6 months. This cash transfer covered 21,000 families, involving a total budget of 13 million GEL (€3.78 million). Social - Families with a PMT rating score of 65,000 - 100,000 received a flat benefit of 100 GEL for up to Assistance Cash transfers 6 months. This benefit reached 70,000 families and involved a total budget of 45 million GEL (€13.10 (conditional and unconditional) million). - Persons with severe disabilities and children with disabilities received a direct transfer of 100 GEL for up to 6 months. About 40,000 citizens benefited from this program, involving a total budget of 25 million GEL (€7.28 million). The government postponed recertification procedures of beneficiaries of the Targeted Social Assistance, and simplified its application and enrollment procedures. People employed in the informal sector or self-employed who lost their jobs received a one-time assistance of 300 GEL. This was particularly aimed at those who applied for government assistance, but were refused. The government allocated 75 million GEL to this program, reaching to 170,000 people received it. On August 6th 2020, the government provided one-time assistance of GEL 200 to all children below 253 18, aiming at reaching 800,000 children. The estimated total cost was GEL 160 million. The government increased the list of villages that benefit from the provisions of the law on ‘Mountainous Regions’ by 59 villages. A total of 272,000 people benefited from this law, including dwellers of high mountainous regions, as well as the villages adjacent to the occupied territories. The benefits introduced by this law included social transfers for the newborns. The Social Service Agency ensured the continuous issuance of state transfers (compensation), regardless of the origin of the suspension(s) established by law. (Announced in Government Decree No. 184, issued on 23 March 2020) The government increased the list of villages that benefit from the provisions of the law on ‘Mountainous Regions’ by 59 villages. A total of 272,000 people benefited from this law, including dwellers of high mountainous regions, as well as the villages adjacent to the occupied territories. The benefits introduced by this law included higher pensions and social assistance. Social pensions The Social Service Agency is ensuring the continuous issuance of state transfers (state pensions), regardless of the origin of the suspension(s) established by law. (Announced in Government Decree No. 184, issued on 23 March 2020) In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others Food distribution is supported by local governments (municipalities) School feeding Public works The government implemented the State Program for Maintaining Prices of Primary Consumption Food Products to which consisted of building stocks of commodities, such as rice, pasta, buckwheat, sunflower oil, sugar, among others. This involved a total budget of GEL 139 million. Also, the government subsidized the price of grapes and sub-standard apples to help peasants in the regions. The government helped students from vulnerable families (with a PMT score below 150,000) covering one semester of their university tuition. About 33,000 were expected to benefit from this Utility waivers initiative, involving a total budget of GEL 35 million. The government announced a subsidy on utility fees for three months (March, April and May 2020), including electricity bills, sanitary service, gas and water bills for households which consume less than 200 kWh of electricity and 200 cubic meters of natural gas per month. This meant a total planned expenditure of GEL 170 million. This was reintroduced from November 2020 to February 2021, involving 1.1 million families. 254 The government implemented a bank loan service holidays for individuals in the period of March- May 2020, which was later prolonged for 3 more months for those borrowers who asked for extension. This measure involved an estimated budget of GEL 3 million. The government increased the list of villages that benefit from the provisions of the law on ‘Mountainous Regions’ by 59 villages. A total of 272,000 people benefited from this law, including dwellers of high mountainous regions, as well as the villages adjacent to the occupied territories. The benefits introduced by this law included subsidized electricity and heating to households. Acceleration of VAT refunds. Out of pocket co-payments for COVID-related expenditures are fully subsidized by the government for all. Employers are obliged to develop flexible sick leave policies, in compliance with the public health instructions. Paid sick leave In order to ensure access to paid leave, Ministerial Decree No. 281/n was amended to enable the issuance of forms equal to medical leave to persons in quarantine or self-isolation, upon which the period spent in quarantine or self-isolation will be paid. Health insurance From January 2021, a rule of indexation of pensions was introduced, including on its calculation the Social inflation rate as well as the real economic growth rate. Regardless of this new rule, the government Pensions Insurance increased pensions at least GEL 20 for the pensioners younger than 70 years old and GEL 25 for those above the age of 70. Unemployment cash allowance to formal workers who lost jobs. As of September 2020, this measure reached 161,295 people. Unemployment benefits People who lost their jobs because of the coronavirus crisis or were on unpaid leave received 1,200 GEL (€349.37) over the course of 6 months, which was 200 GEL (58.23) per month. A total of 460 million GEL (€133.92 million) has been allocated from the budget, 131 197 200 GEL was spent. Social security contributions Activation measures Labor Markets The Order of MoIDPLSA approved the general recommendations for all business sectors. Employers Labor market regulations shall develop a plan for readiness for and response to infectious diseases, including policies and 255 procedures for immediate isolation of people with COVID-19 symptoms and hygiene rules at the workplace. The Labour Conditions Inspecting Department under the MoIDPLSA has published sectorial recommendations for preventing COVID-19 in the workplace. The government increased the list of villages that benefit from the provisions of the law on ‘Mountainous Regions’ by 59 villages. A total of 272,000 people benefited from this law, including dwellers of high mountainous regions, as well as the villages adjacent to the occupied territories. The benefits introduced by this law included increased salaries for teachers and medical personnel According to MoIDPLSA’s general recommendations prescribed for all permitted sectors of business activities, employers shall develop a flexible working regime and inform the employees about it. Reduced work time Employers shall carry out control activities, such as by introducing remote working, to minimize contact between employees, clients and consumers. The government provided a state subsidy for employers for each job they maintain for up to 6 Wage subsidies months. This involved a total budget of 250 million GEL (€72.78 million). 256 (back to the top) Germany Cash-based transfers Solo freelancers such as artists and nurses are to receive direct grants of up to Euro 15,000 over 3 months. A total of Euro 50B is planned for this purpose. Parents who lose income due to COVID-19 can get easier access to child benefits. In addition, simplified process for a child grant (Kinderzuschlag) is put in place, with one-month income proof instead of 6 months. Payment amount is up to Euro 185/child/month until September Corona Bonus. A one-time salary premium of up to 1.000 Euro was paid to employees in geriatric care. A 150€ one-time bonus for recipients of basic income support shall be paid in 2021. A number of measures ease the requirement for access to the basic income support for job seekers (Arbeitslosengeld II based on book II of Social Code): This increases the number of people eligible for Social the basic income support for job seekers, especially for single self-employed workers, and speeds up Assistance Cash transfers the decision of the job agencies to grant the basic income support. Measures are extended until end (conditional and unconditional) of 2021. There are three possible situations regarding eligibility for child allowance: foreign nationals living in Germany may only claim public funds for their family in the form of child allowance as per § 62 para. 2 EStG if they have previously been granted an unlimited settlement permit or other residence permit. Different rules apply for EU citizens and Swiss nationals. They merely have to have taken up permanent residence or become subject to unlimited income tax liability in Germany to be eligible for child allowance. Citizens of states accorded equal status (Algeria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Morocco, Montenegro, Serbia, Tunisia and Turkey) may also be eligible for child allowance if they are contractually employed or receiving unemployment or sickness benefits in Germany. Workers posted to Germany by their employer do not under any circumstances become eligible for child allowance; in this case, the existence of a residence permit is irrelevant. Child allowance is paid up to a minimum age of 18 or, alternatively, up to the age of 25 if the dependent is undergoing schooling or training or higher education. 257 As of January 2021, for the first and second child, child allowance is 219 euros per month. For the third child it is 225 euros. For the fourth and any subsequent children the sum is 250 euros. Access to the child supplement is eased as well. This instrument supports families with a low income with children to balance disadvantages for children that may arise because of the low income of their parents. The new child benefit supplement regulations make it worthwhile to earn additional income, or at least ensure that this will no longer have an adverse impact on overall household income. Application procedures have been simplified, the maximum supplement raised to 185 euros, and the number of people eligible for the supplement increased. A „child bonus“ of 300€ per child was paid in 2020 to all parents receiving the child grant (“Kindergeld”). An additional 150€ per child shall be paid in 2021. A one-time support interim aid of 5.000€ was paid to single self-employed workers. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Lunches made available as part of the education package even if schools are closed Public works VAT for food served in the gastronomy shall be reduced from 19% to 7%, limited until end of 2022. Both private and commercial leases may not be terminated until June 30, 2022 due to any rent arrears in the period from April 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020. It is not necessary for landlords and tenants to agree this in an addendum to the rental agreement. Landlords and tenants are not allowed to lift or restrict the moratorium on rents in the rental contract. This means there is no unrestricted coronavirus termination protection for the tenants. Tenants are only protected against Utility waivers contract termination if they demonstrate the arrears in payment are due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. Electricity prices will be reduced for consumers by reducing the EEG levy on electricity prices to subsidize renewable energy sources wind and solar. The federal budget will compensate the approximately €11bn levy reduction, so that there will be no adverse impact on the promotion of solar and wind. The number of days off that parents may take when their children under the age of 12 are sick was Social Paid sick leave doubled 20 per parent and 40 for single parents. During these days 90 or 100% (if employee received Insurance christmas or holiday allowance) of the net income is compensated by the health insurance 258 German finance ministry plans interest rate cuts to pension products. The German finance ministry Health insurance is set to reduce the maximum interest rate on life insurance and pension products from the current 0.9% to 0.25% in 2022, the ministry told IPE in a statement. Pensioners receiving old-age pensions where the limit for supplementary earnings has been raised Pensions from 6.300 Euro to 44.590 Euro a year. Short time working allowance. All workers who pay social security contribution are entitled to short- time working allowances, including temporary agency workers and people on a fixed-term contract. This excludes workers holding so-called ‘mini-jobs’ who are therefore exempt from social security contribution (earnings up to €450 per month). In the calendar month for which short-time working support is applied for, the application must concern at least one third of all employees (trainees are not considered) of the company (or one or several specific unit(s)). Moreover, the wage cut has to amount to more than 10% of their monthly gross wage. In this case, all workers (including those experiencing an income reduction of less than 10%) are eligible for short-time working allowance. Reduction of working time needs to be temporary and unavoidable. For example, it must be due to economic conditions (that is a sharp decline in demand), unforeseeable accidents, force major or structural changes. With a few exemptions, the company must have exhausted all other options that might help to avoid using short-time working, such as balancing working time accounts or granting leave days (only holiday entitlements for the previous years to be used - the current year’s entitlements need to be aligned with workers’ preferences). Unemployment benefits If, as an employee or trainee or as a person subject to compulsory insurance under employment promotion law, individuals become unemployed, individuals receive unemployment benefit if individuals have satisfied the qualifying period and you: have registered at the labour office and have applied for unemployment benefit; have no job or individuals work less than 15 hours per week; are available for work (i.e. individuals must be fit to work and prepared to accept any reasonable employment); are actively seeking to end your unemployment, such as by writing applications and going to job interviews when invited by an employer; and have completed the qualifying period to claim unemployment benefits, i.e. individuals must have been paying contributions for at least twelve months of the two years before becoming unemployed. If individuals are unemployed, individuals must take all opportunities to rejoin the workforce. individuals will sign a written work integration agreement with the labour office on this subject. The contribution rate for unemployment insurance is 2.5% of your earned income. As with pensions, there is a contribution assessment ceiling. The contribution is usually paid half-and-half by the employee and the employer. Payment of unemployment benefit was extended for three additional months if it would expire between 1st of May 2020 and 31st of December 2020. Social insurance contributions that employers must normally pay for their workforce will be fully Social security contributions reimbursed by the Federal Employment Agency. 259 The period for short-term employment under privileged conditions (lump sum for social security) has been increased from 70 to 115 days a year to help seasonal staff especially in the agricultural sector and farmers. Activation measures Workers that are eligible for short time work benefit additional earnings may generate while working in other jobs will not be deducted from the short time work benefit. On April 16th 2020 the Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs presented a safety at work standard Labor market regulations for SARS-CoV-2 together with the German Social Accident Insurance comprising ten points that need to be obeyed at all workplaces. All federal states imposed a duty to wear masks in public transport and in shops, in some states at work as well. The German working time law (last revision in 2006) covers all employees except for managerial staff. The law stipulates that daily working hours should not exceed 8 hours. The working day, however, can be extended to 10 hours if within six month the average of 8 hours is not exceeded. Furthermore, requirements for exceptions from restrictions in the Working Time Act are eased. Labor Markets As a Federal law, the German Protection against Infection Act (Infektionsschutzgesetz (IfSG)) regulates the prevention and management of infectious diseases in humans. For the physician actively engaged in the management of patients, the requirement to report infectious diseases and the surveillance responsibility for specific nosocomial infections are of particular importance. Reduced work time Where the Infection Protection Act applies, for the first six weeks the provided sick leave corresponds to the net salary, after which the amount equals to sick leave benefits. Federal Cabinet adopts occupational safety and health program for the meat industry, amending the Occupational Safety and Health Act (Arbeitsschutzgesetz). More frequent inspections are planned. Government will review how companies can be permanently committed to minimum standards for the accommodation needs of mobile workers. As of January 1, 2021, only employees will be permitted to slaughter and process meat. Work contract arrangements and the hiring out of workers will be prohibited. “Fair Mobility”, a project informing migrant workers in Germany, will be put permanently on a secure financial and legal footing. 260 There will be a new scheme to promote employee share programs, whereby the specific requirements for startup companies will be taken into account through a targeted program.AU690 Wage subsidies 261 (back to the top) Ghana Cash-based transfers Ghana has launched a GH¢11 Million COVID Relief Fund, a cash transfer program to COVID-19 affected daily wage earners. The program targets vulnerable persons and households in the Greater Accra, Western and Ashanti regions. 75,000 persons would benefit from the relief fund. 65,000 of beneficiaries were daily wage earners in the Greater Accra Region, while the rest were smallholder Cash transfers farmers in the Ashanti and Western regions. Beneficiary households would receive different (conditional and unconditional) amounts of money depending on the number of eligible members in a household. The minimum amount to be paid had been pegged at GH¢53, which would be transferred through mobile money wallets each month for five months. A daily allowance of one hundred and fifty cedis (GH¢150) being paid to contact tracers. Social pensions In-kind transfers The government announced hotlines for the needy communities and households to reach them for Social their food items during the COVID-19 lock down This act has really helped them to start up to Assistance Food, vouchers, others provide food for up to four hundred thousand (400, 000) individuals and homes in the affected areas of restrictions. Total cost is 280 million cedis. School feeding Public works Beginning Friday March 20, 2020, all mobile money transfers of GH¢100 and below will attract no charges from service providers for the next three months. Ministry of Finance announced tax waiver for health workers and water sanitation bills to cost GHS 441 million cedis. GHS 241 million cedis to cover as a tax waiver for health personnel. Utility waivers From a speech given by the President on the 9th of April: The Ghana Water Company Ltd and the Electricity Company of Ghana have been directed to ensure the stable supply of water and electricity (supply will not be disconnected). The Government will absorb the water bills for all Ghanaians for the months of April, May and June. Publicly and private water tankers will be mobilized to ensure the supply of water to vulnerable communities. This will cover persons who consume 0 to 50-kilowatt 262 hours per month for this period. "This forms part of relief interventions by the state amid the novel coronavirus pandemic. Other categories of consumers will enjoy a 50 percent discount within the same period. For all other consumers, residential and commercial, the government will absorb 50 percent of your electricity bill for this period using your March 2020 bill as the benchmark." According to his speech: GHS 200 million cedis to cater for bills on water and sanitation. Program extended until March. The Government will support the most vulnerable. Thus, continue to pay the electricity bills for the nation’s one million active lifeline customers for the next three months, i.e. January, February and March. Additionally, all one million, five hundred thousand customers of the Ghana Water Company, whose consumption is not more than five cubic metres a month, will not pay any bills for the next three months, i.e. for the months of January, February and March. This relief package will be reviewed at the end of March. Paid sick leave An insurance package, with an assured sum of three hundred and fifty thousand cedis Health insurance (GH¢350,000) for each health personnel and allied professional at the forefront of the fight, has Social been put in place. Insurance Ghana’s SSNIT announces Ghanian Cedis 500,000 as donation for COVID relief efforts. This money Pensions comes out of their reserves. Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures All frontline health workers will receive an additional allowance of 50 percent of their basic salary for Labor market regulations Labor the months of March, April, May and June. Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 263 (back to the top) Gibraltar (UK) Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers (Nov 2020) The Government published the Employment (Self-Isolation) Pay Order 2020 to assist businesses where their employees have had to self-isolate and are unable to work. The Order also Paid sick leave applies to assist self-employed people who are required to self-isolate and are also unable to work. This new scheme sees the introduction of a statutory self-isolation pay rate of £52.50 per day. Social Health insurance Insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Employers in all sectors, during the second quarter of 2020, will be allowed to defer their payments Social security contributions of “pay as individuals earn” and social insurance (PAYE and SI) contributions by eight weeks from the due date. Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time Labor To help businesses continue to pay their employees, including those on zero-hour contracts, Markets Gibraltar introduced wage subsidy reform called the Business & Employee Assistance Terms (or Wage subsidies BEAT) payment. The COVID-19-related salary is £1,155 per month in relation to a full-time employee (working 7.5 hours per day or more) or a self-employed person, and would be apportioned for those who work less than full-time or are on zero-hours contracts. 264 (back to the top) Greece Cash-based transfers The European Commission has approved a €500 million Greek scheme to support self-employed individuals, including self-employed managers of small companies in sectors affected by the coronavirus outbreak. to provide a one-off payment of €800 per self-employed person, including self-employed managers of companies that employ less than 20 employees in sectors severely affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Individuals employed in the tourism sector who would have otherwise not suffered a loss of income, will receive an 800-euro benefit. Employees are entitled to a special purpose compensation of € 800 paid by the State. The relevant amount is free of tax and covers the period until 30th of April 2020. Financial assistance of 400 euro was introduced for non-subsidized long-term unemployed individuals, registered with the Hellenic Manpower Employment Organization (OAED) from March- Social November 2020, and not receiving any other benefit from the State. Relevant payments will be Assistance Cash transfers completed until end of April 2021. (conditional and unconditional) Beneficiaries of the Social Solidary Income (SSI) Guaranteed Minimum Income program will not be required to submit a new application upon expiration of the benefit recertification period, unless they chose to do so. Three consecutive extensions have been granted for the approved benefits that have been expiring since February. The same extensions are also granted for the housing benefit. Extended for 3 months for those decisions to be expired during the period Nov.2020 - Jan.2021 (extended to Feb.2021-April 2021 respectively). Employees in companies that are classified as affected (catalogue of businesses updated monthly by the Ministry of Finance) may be subject to temporary suspension and are entitled to receive " a compensation of special purpose" of 534 euros – proportionally to the period that their contracts have been suspended. The state covers the total insurance contributions calculated in the amount of the employees' nominal salary. The amount is tax-free, cannot be seized and cannot be offset against any debt. 265 One-off income support was granted to households with minor dependents that are GMI/SSI- beneficiaries: Euro 100 for the first child + Euro 50 for all other children and up to max Euro 300 for each beneficiary (single-parent or co-parent families). The decision was published in the government gazette on May 4, 2020 and the benefit is intended to be paid out in May. A special financial support of Euro 534 was introduced for employees in businesses whose operation has been suspended under a State decision. The amount is tax-free, cannot be seized and cannot be offset against any debt. One-off stipend of EUR 400 to specific self-employed professionals-scientists i.e. economists / accountants, engineers, lawyers, geotechnicians. The amount of the Easter allowance, corresponding to the period of suspension of the employment contract, and the respective social security contributions will be paid the state directly to the employees, whose employment contract is suspended within the period from the January-April 2021. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor announced Social Solidarity Income (SSI) recipients are expected to receive only for December double the monthly amount the usually get. The amount will be charged to their bank accounts in the 2nd half of December and for sure before Christmas holidays. 130,000 Long-term unemployed who do not receive any other unemployment allowance, will receive a one-off stipend of 400 euros (Total cost of measure: 50 mil. Euros). Occupations of special categories of tourism (guides, tour guides, etc.) will receive special purpose compensation of 534 euros in March 2021. Employees whose contracts were suspended in November will receive (in December) an 800-euro stipend based on the number of days suspended. Measure covers all employees who have been hired until November 4, 2020. Regarding the Christmas gift, which is payable between Dec. 21 and Dec 31, the state will pay the proportion for the period of time that the employees were suspended, calculated at the amount of 534 euros.Total cost of measure: 215 mil. Euros. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works 266 Shelter in Athens to open for the homeless. To protect the vulnerable group of homeless people in the corona pandemic, Athens has created a shelter with more than 400 beds. The three-buildings complex of seven floors was opened in April and is run by the City of Athens’ Reception and Solidarity Center. It offers accommodation in dormitories as immediate help and apartments for a longer stay, along with free meals and psychosocial support. Additional housing allowance scheme. Housing allowance for rented housing and households with difficulties in repaying the mortgage. Housing allowance for households living in rented housing has been implemented since March 2019. Bridge Programme. The government will subsidize loans secured on a main residence with between 300 to 600 euros per month, depending on whether they are serviced or not, according to a special clause inserted in the tax bill being debated in Parliament. The subsidized tranches will concern both performing and nonperforming loans, using a number of criteria for debtors hurt by the pandemic. Setting of a maximum profit margin for health-related products and services. The Ministry of Development and Investment announced the setting of a maximum profit margin in businesses selling products or providing services needed for the health as well as for nutrition, transportation and security of consumers. The measure in enforced until 28 February 2021 with a possibility of Utility waivers further extension. Extension of the 25% discount measure for timely payments of tax debt installments due in May 2020. For individuals who lease immovable property to such enterprises that are eligible for the extension of the deadline for the abovementioned payments to the Tax Authorities. Taxpayers that have collected a reduced rent by at least 40% are entitled to a discount of 20% on 60% of the rent of the months calculated before reduction, on debts payable from 31.07.2020 onwards, with the exception of tax debt installments or partial payment schemes, foreign government debts and debts from the recovery of state aid. The deadlines for the payment and collection of debts and tax debt installments are extended for individual landlords who lease real estate to persons that, within the scope of COVID-19 confrontation, are exempted from paying 40% of their agreed rent, as follows: a) for those who lease real estate to employees who are exempt from paying 40% of the rent for March and April 2020 and the deadline for payment of their debts and installments were within these months, the deadline is extended until 31.08.2020 and thecollection of their overdue debts is suspended respectively, b) for those who lease real estate to employees who are exempted from paying 40% of the rent for May 2020 and the deadline for payment of their debts and installments were within the same 267 month, the deadline is extended until 30.09.2020 and the collection of their overdue debts is suspended respectively, c) for those who lease real estate to employees who are exempt from paying 40% of the rent for June 2020 and the deadline for payment of their debts and installments were within. Employees whose employment contract has been temporarily suspended are exempted from paying 40% of rent. The program GEFYRA, concerning the first residence subsidy cost for borrowers hit by COVID-19, with a cost of 280 mn € for 2021. The expansion of the VAT reduction to several categories of goods and services in crisis affected sectors until April 2021 and the suspension on cable tv fee with a total cost of 113mn € in 2021. The Public Power Corporation (PPC) announced discounts on its tariffs, including the abolition of a flat rate charge for all consumers, an additional 8% for vulnerable customers and for consumption of over 2,000 kW as well as a Euro 5 discount for all e-bill customers, old and new. The measure will apply from March 26, 2020 for three months. Tenants whose employment contract is suspended are allowed to pay only 60% of their monthly rent on main residence in March and April. The measure is extended until May for employees whose contract is still under suspension. Employees who are suspended from employment throughout the country are entitled to a mandatory 40% reduction in rent for their main residence but also for the student residence of their children (Total cost of measure: 30 mil. Euros). Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Support measure for the country’s seasonal workers: the extension of unemployment benefits for Social two months (April and May) for those whose unemployment card expired during the first three Insurance months of the year and were to be employed this tourism season. According to the labor ministry, the unemployment benefit maybe be extended beyond May if deemed necessary. Unemployment benefits All unemployment benefit payments will be further extended by 2 months for those whose entitlement expired within the first two months of 2021. 268 Employees in companies that are classified as affected (catalogue of businesses issued in April by the Ministry of Finance) may be subject to temporary suspension and are entitled to receive " a compensation of special purpose" – proportionally to the period that their contracts have been suspended. The state covers the total insurance contributions calculated in the amount of the employees' nominal salary ( Total cost of measure: 675 mil. Euros). Employees whose contracts were suspended in November will receive (in December) an 800-euro stipend based on the number of days suspended. Measure covers all employees who have been hired until November 4, 2020. Regarding the Christmas gift, which is payable between Dec. 21 and Dec 31, the state will pay the proportion for the period of time that the employees were suspended, calculated at the amount of 534 euros (Total cost of measure: 215 mil. Euros). Suspension of social security contribution payment instalments for the month of November for the businesses suspended by state. Payment of Social Security contributions. The deadline for payment of installments related to restructurings which are active and fall due by 31/3/2020 and the deadline for all related subsequent monthly installments is extended for three (3) months without additional fees and late payment surcharges. Reduction of self-employed individuals and self-employed professionals’ insurance contributions by 25%. This measure applies to self-employed individuals and self-employed professionals provided Social security contributions that they pay their current insurance contributions of February & March on time. The reduction of insurance contributions shall not apply if the option of prolonging the payment of insurance contributions has already been selected. The reduction of social security contributions for private sector employees by 3 percentage points amounting to a cost of 816 mn €. Coverage by the state budget of the social security contributions and the 200 € subsidy in case of hiring a long-term unemployed person for a 6 month period. In the framework of the program for creating 100,000 new jobs, amounting to 302 mn € in 2021. Training voucher of €600 for specific professionals. A corresponding indemnity of 600 euros was granted to six scientific fields during April. Activation measures Labor Markets Distance learning introduced for public training programs. Businesses are not allowed to terminate the employment contracts of their employees, who receive Labor market regulations a special purpose compensation and such terminations, starting from 18.03.2020 will be considered 269 void. Employers are entitled with the right to suspend the contracts of the employment of all or a part of their employees. By virtue of a mutual Decision of the Ministries of Finance and Labour, dated 28.03.2020, the duration of the suspension must be 45 days and cannot be interrupted nor revoked. The measure can be implemented until the 20th of April and can be extended by a decision of the Competent Greek Authorities. The employer is obliged to retain the same employees and with the same terms and conditions of their employment contracts, as they were in force on the 21st of March 2020, for 45 days after the conclusion of the measure of suspension. Non valid termination of employment. Employers who suspend their business on the basis of a public order and for as long as the COVID-19 coronation measures are in force, are obliged not to terminate the employment contracts of their staff. In case they proceed so, the respective termination of employment is considered as null and void. The date of entry into force of the measure is the 18th of March 2020. Replacing the house quarantine period with overtime work. On 15 September, a new law passed (No. 4722, Part B, art. 15), which includes temporary and urgent measures to limit the dispersion and deal with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The law provides, inter alia, for the replacement of the time of absence of a worker from his work, in cases where he has remained under house quarantine to avoid the spread of COVID-19. The new regulation is complementary to the measures taken in March 2020, concerning private sector employees and applies for the period after 1 September 2020. Employers of employees who, within the context of the measures for the limitation of COVID-19 spread, are requested to stay at home (for either 7 or 14 days) can: determine that the work of the Reduced work time employees in question will be provided remotely, or in case remote working is not feasible, occupy the employees in question, based on the business needs, for 1 hour per day on top of their contractual working hours on other working days following the end of the restriction period and up to the completion of half the hours corresponding to the working hours the employees were requested to stay at home. The employers’ right to impose remote working unilaterally is extended to apply until 31 December 2020. Compulsory teleworking has been introduced for 50% of personnel. 270 Employees’ working schedules should be adapted and reformulated to avoid overcrowding in the workplace. Special part time working system where employees work for 50% of the month. Temporary rotational work scheme was introduced (for up to six months – i.e. until September 2020): businesses that have been financially affected may unilaterally designate staff as safety personnel for the operation of their business. Each employee may work for a minimum of 2 weeks within a reference period of 1 month, continuously or intermittently. The measure shall apply to at least 50% of staff. Employer is required to maintain the same headcount at the time of entering such operation. Eligibility for special purpose paid leave: all working in private and public sector parents of children enrolled in educational units whose operation has been suspended under a state decision. 'SYNERGASIA': Income support for employees working fewer hours. ''SYNERGASIA'', has been established aiming to support employers to maintain the same headcount of full-time employees. Beneficiaries include full-time employees and all businesses that present at least 20% reduction of sales, in comparison to the reference month and depending upon the month of participation to the mechanism. The duration of the measure starts 15 June 2020 to 15 October 2020, and exceptionally until 31 December 2020. "SYN-ERGASIA" mechanism for the financial support of short-time work schemes, with the aim of maintaining full-time jobs through funding under the European SURE program. Wage subsidies New hirings subsidy program (subsidize SSCs on 100.000 new hirings for 6 months). Employees of affected businesses may be suspended by their employers and receive state monetary aid. The aid will amount to EUR 800 for those in employment up to 4 November 2020 and suspended for the month of November. Coverage by the state budget of the social security contributions and the 200 € subsidy in case of hiring a long-term unemployed person for a 6 month period, in the framework of the program for creating 100,000 new jobs, amounting to 302 mn € in 2021 271 (back to the top) Greenland Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time Denmark’s government is supporting private companies struggling with drastic measures to curb the spread of coronavirus by covering 75% of employees’ salaries at a maximum of 23,000 Danish Labor crowns ($3,418) per month, while the companies pay the remaining 25%, if they promised not to cut Markets staff. This was aimed for a three-month period, ending in June 9th 2020. Wage subsidies The government allocated DKK$107 M to compensate wage costs for the employees in private firms. This measure aimed at avoiding dismissed workers as a result of the COVID-19 situation. This program was extended for the first time on October 2020 for 3 more months. It was extended for a third round, from January to June 2021. 272 (back to the top) Grenada Cash-based transfers The SEED CCT adjusted payment delivery, including initiating payment delivery to beneficiaries aged 60 and over at their homes in March 2020; and introducing additional payment points for all beneficiaries in each Parish (district) in April 2020. The government of Grenada has approved a temporary income support program for the self- employed workers in the tourism-related sector (including transportation) such as taxi and bus drivers, tourist vendors, and tour guides, among others. The benefit amount of this program ranges Cash transfers from EC$300 to EC$800 per month for three months, requested through a one-time application, (conditional and unconditional) reducing administrative cost for both applicants and government. The applicant requirements included registration with NIS and the Grenada Tourism Authority (where applicable). The benefit amount was determined by the Ministry of Finance based on previous income records of workers in specific occupations to partially compensate the loss of income. This benefit amount was fixed across eligible occupations. The total resources executed for the payroll support and the income support program are EC$20 million, approximately 0.6 percent of GDP. This program has reached at Social least 1,800 workers. Assistance Social pensions In-kind transfers Delivery of care packages of basic food items to affected and vulnerable persons and households in different constituencies. The support is managed by the Prime Minister’s Office through Constituency Offices. Some care packages have also been made available due to private sector donations. Food, vouchers, others Government also continues to bear the cost of sanitization of buses and the provision of hand sanitization fluid in excess of $50,000 per month. Initiatives to facilitate remote teaching including: o Distribution of E-devices to secondary school students and teachers concluded (October 2020) o Primary school teachers begin receiving laptops (December 2020). School feeding 273 The Government approved the establishment of the Community Economic Infrastructure Program 2020-2022 and intends to accelerate its implementation. On April 27, 2020, the Cabinet approved the establishment of the Community Economic Infrastructure Program 2020-2022 with the objective to support public infrastructure, mostly small-scale infrastructure; support livelihoods through labor-intensive public works; and, involve local communities while incentivizing economic Public works activity for an inclusive recovery. The hiring guidelines for staff working in projects include hiring workers from the community where the work is taking place and that at least 10 percent of the workers must be women, contributing to closing the gender gap in a male-dominated sector. This program will generate at least 300 direct jobs, with many more jobs generated indirectly during the project execution and after the completion of the small-scale infrastructure projects. Backyard Gardening Programme. This program will provide a unique opportunity for over five hundred (500) vulnerable households, along with local institutions that have limited and or irregular access to healthy and nutritious foods. Through this program, the target beneficiaries will receive material support such as seeds and other planting material, small garden tools and labor support. Backyard Gardening Programme will also provide drums and tires to beneficiaries who lack sufficient land space around their house. Utility waivers The government Committed to reduce the cost of electricity by 30 percent for the months of March, April and May 2020 in the first instance, to all consumers. This will not apply to a few companies that have special concessionary arrangements. Certain cleaning items placed on Price Control List to prevent price gouging. The Covid-19 National Food Security Mitigation and Response Plan will provide relief through the provision of agriculture inputs for small-scale and backyard farmers. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions The National Insurance Board (NIB) in Grenada has allocated EC$10 million for workers who have lost income because of measures taken by the Government to reduce the spread of the coronavirus Social (COVID-19). There will be no distinction between higher- and lower-income workers and the support Insurance will not be based on income. Eligible persons must have been contributing to the NIS and must be Unemployment benefits unemployed as a direct consequence of COVID-19. Persons who are receiving income support or payroll support from the Government of Grenada will not be eligible. Qualified persons will receive a flat monthly payment of EC$330 per month over a period of six months. Payment will commence during the last week of May 2020. The program has benefited at least 4,000 workers. The program was extended until January 2021. 274 Government to provide support single headed households whose breadwinner is unemployed as a result of the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, a two-percentage-point increase in NIS contributions paid by employers and employees were expected to come into force in January 2020 to support the long-term sustainability of the NIS. Given the unprecedented impacts from COVID-19 crisis and liquidity Social security contributions constraint of employers and employees, the Government has approved the temporary suspension of this increase. This measure is estimated to cost EC$4.5 million (US$1.7 million, nearly 0.15 percent of GDP). The temporary suspension of the NIS contribution increase will benefit at least 2,500 employers and 34,000 employees Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time To help businesses survive and retain workers while ensuring business continuity in the key economic sectors in Grenada, the Government has established a temporary payroll support program targeting tourism-related businesses such as hoteliers, restaurants, bars, and travel agents, among Labor others. The payroll support program covers 40 percent of the monthly payroll of businesses that Markets meet the eligibility criteria in this sector. The main eligibility requirements include that businesses must be registered with the Inland Revenue Division (IRD) and the NIS; have been in operation prior Wage subsidies to March 2020 and is only applicable for workers who were on the payroll in February 2020 or before; among others. Businesses had to apply each month for up to four months, from April to July 2020. Grants were disbursed to businesses on a monthly basis. To increase the likelihood of workers and jobs retention, employee verification forms were required with the applications, starting with the second monthly application. Management and high-level jobs were excluded from this intervention. The payroll support program benefited at least 140 businesses and 3,100 workers. 275 (back to the top) Guam Cash-based transfers Those earning $10,000 or less a year received the COVID-19 financial relief check of $1,200 for individual tax filers, $2,400 for couples who filed joint tax returns, and $500 per dependent child. The government allocated a planned budget of $11 M . Through the Executive Order 2020-12, the government introduced the Prugråman Salåppe’ Ayudon I Taotao program which consisted of a cash transfer of $300 to $1,200 each to about 18,000 Guam households, additional to the COVID-19 financial relief check. No further details were given. Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) The government began providing financial assistance for funeral expenses incurred after January 20, 2020 for deaths related to COVID-19. This involves a one-off cash transfer of $9,000. The measure began in early April 2021. Recovery Income Support and Empowerment Act: through Bill 340-35, the government provides a one-time payment of $800 to qualified individuals for COVID-19 relief, aiming to help up to 30,000 Social needy families. Assistance Social pensions In-kind transfers The USDA announced the extension of the 15% increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, (SNAP), benefits, also known as food stamps, as families continue to struggle as a result of Food, vouchers, others the COVID-19 pandemic. For Guam, the increased benefits for another three months means $5 million more invested in food security, involving 43,000 beneficiaries. Grab-and-go meals: with schools closed, the Guam Department of Education arranged with federal agencies to provide free lunches for children starting Monday, March 23, 2020 although meals were School feeding not served during holidays or spring break, (which was April 6-10 2020). According to the press, as of February 19th 2021 there were 6,857,730 meals distributed. Guam Department of Labor confirmed that about 100 people would be hired to help in ongoing pandemic cleanup and recovery efforts using nearly $1.77 million in incremental funding to Guam Public works under the Dislocated Worker Grants program. Tasks could include sanitizing surfaces at COVID-19 vaccination sites or help with contact tracing. The same program, funded by the U.S. Department of 276 Labor, was able to hire nearly 200 pandemic-displaced workers in 2020 for six-month programs, with salaries above the minimum wage. The government declared that there would not be evictions or foreclosure actions or proceedings involving real estate or property, whether rental or otherwise until the public health emergency is over. Many financial institutions have already notified their customers that they are granting borrowers as much as three months in deferred payments. The executive order extends that relief to renters. This measure was extended until June 30th 2020. Utility waivers The governor’s executive order reiterates that price gouging is in effect until the public health emergency is lifted. The price cap includes services, dwelling rentals and personal protective equipment, and other items that are either in short supply or could be in short supply because of the ongoing crisis. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions The government provided unemployment insurance benefits up to $930 a week for those who lost their job. Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program expanded the unemployment insurance eligibility to Guam workers who have suffered from reduced working hours, Pandemic Unemployment Assistance was established as a 39-week program for those who lost work due to Social the COVID-19 pandemic. The eligibility window stretches from February to Dec. 31, 2020. The Insurance program delivers $345 per week to employees who have been laid off or furloughed due to COVID- Unemployment benefits 19, workers who are still working but making less than $345 a week. PUA was extended in March 2021 to those Guam workers who have been affected by reduced working hours. The program was also shifted to a 50-week program. The Lost Wage Assistance (LWA) Program provides eligible claimants a supplemental payment of $300 per week, for up to six weeks, in addition to their weekly unemployment benefit amount. To date, the Guam Department of Labor has issued nearly $35 million as part of the LWA Program. It was approved a waiver of the 25% matching fund requirement to be eligible for the program. Social security contributions Activation measures Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time 277 Wage subsidies 278 (back to the top) Guatemala Cash-based transfers The Government of Guatemala (GoG) introduced an emergency cash transfer “Bono Familia” to reach 2 million beneficiaries for 3 months (1000 quetzals or USD 130 per month/beneficiary). Targeting is based on electricity consumption (<200whz) for areas with electricity (90% of beneficiaries). In areas with limited access to electricity, targeting is based on socio-economic characteristics (10% of beneficiaries). Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) The GoG is removing the conditionality of the existing Bono Social cash transfer and facilitate how it disburses payment to beneficiaries. The Risk Cash Bonus grants a cash bonus to health personnel exposed to COVID-19. The bonus was created for the protection of health professionals who are providing their service during the pandemic to safeguard citizens. The GoG and the Ministry of Labor, who is the implementing agency, announced an expansion of the Social Social pensions non-contributory program “Adulto Mayor” (estimated expenditure of 100 million quetzals or USD 13 Assistance million). In-kind transfers The GoG is issuing food transfers and vouchers for food, medicine, and inputs to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The program targets vulnerable families, including the elderly and those in nursery Food, vouchers, others homes. The program is jointly implemented by Ministry of Social Development and Ministry of Agriculture (estimated expenditure of 700 million quetzals or USD 91 million). To ensure that primary and pre-primary students continue to enjoy school meals during school suspension, the GoG shared resources transferred to parents of parent organizations (OPF) to buy School feeding non-perishable foods. Targeted to reach 2.4 million children to receive food even not attending school. The GoG allocated QTQ $ 589.9 million. The value of the food delivered is approximately QTQ 60 per student. Public works The tax authorities in Guatemala issued guidance extending the deadline for filing certain tax returns Utility waivers in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The income tax return for 2019 and the monthly value added tax (VAT) return corresponding to February 2020 are now due 15 April 2020. 279 The deadline for returns corresponding to income tax withholdings is April 28th, 2020 and for VAT withholdings is May 5th, 2020. The National Electricity Institute (INDE) will continue to provide "social tariffs" to subsidize the cost of electricity for low-income households. Social tariffs of 0.4 to 0.7 quetzals per kw will be provided to families in need. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures The Presidency of the Republic issued a decree to enact the application of the safety and hygiene protocol for essential activities. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the population must follow the government's instructions through official communication platforms. Labor market regulations The tax audit process, information requests, and other procedures were suspended until April 15th, Labor 2020. Markets The Presidency of the Republic issued a decree suspending in-person work for the government Reduced work time sector with some exceptions. It also called for the public and private sectors to allow and promote telework. The National Mortgage Corporation Bank issued a wage subsidy to formal workers in the private sector whose contract has been suspended (75 quetzals or 9.7 dollars per day). Applicants must be Wage subsidies receive approval from the Ministry of Labor. Program expenditure is estimated at 2 billion quetzals (USD 260 million). 280 (back to the top) Guernsey (UK) Cash-based transfers The States of Guernsey has set up a Hardship Fund to provide emergency support for people in immediate financial need who may not otherwise qualify for unemployment benefit, sickness benefit or income support. This income support is means-tested. Payments are for essential items such as food, toiletries, cleaning products, etc. The Hardship Fund does not cover rent or mortgage interest payments. The weekly rates payable are: - £100 for the first adult in the household Cash transfers - £80 for the second adult in the household (conditional and unconditional) - £55 per child in the household This measure has been reinstated in January 26th 2021. Social Assistance The government implemented the Income support program, which is a weekly cash benefit for people on low incomes as a direct result of COVID-19 pandemic. It is a means-tested benefit which brings a person's income up to the minimum amount needed to live on. The benefit amount is calculated as the difference between people's current income and this minimum amount to live. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers The government pays up to £168 /week to workers who are unable to work due to illness. To be beneficiary, people must have paid at least 26 social insurance contributions, as an employed or self- Paid sick leave employed person, at any time in worker's working life; and must have paid or had credited at least Social 26 contributions, as an employed or self-employed person, during 2019 (for claims beyond 30 June, Insurance this switches to 2021). Health insurance Pensions 281 The government pays up to £168/week to unemployed people who are looking for work with an employer. To be beneficiary, people must have paid at least 26 social insurance contributions as an Unemployment benefits employed person in Guernsey at any time in worker's working life; and must have paid or had credited at least 26 contributions as an employed person during 2019 (for claims beyond 30 June, this switches to 2021). Social security contributions The Career Advantage Programme is a joint offer from the Job Centre and the College of Further Education and will seek to: - Support people to clearly recognise their current knowledge and skills in order to create a portfolio of evidence that could be used to either: gain a recognised qualification and/or offer them coaching and CV update skills. Activation measures - Identify skills gaps for further development, such as maths and English. - Explore future progression or retraining opportunities. - Support job application processes, eg develop CVs, letters of application and interview skills. This programme was offered virtually, working with staff from the Job Centre and College of Further Education lecturers while the college is closed. Its aim is to give those currently out of work due to Labor COVID 19 pandemic the best chance to regain employment either during this ongoing crisis or later. Markets Labor market regulations Reduced work time The government is launching Coronavirus Payroll Co-Funding Scheme which will pay employees an amount equivalent to Guernsey’s minimum wage. This is currently set at £8.50 per hour (£8.05 for 16- and 17-year olds). For a 35-hour week this figure would equate to a gross figure of £298. The States of Guernsey will meet 80% of this figure (i.e. £238 per week based on a 35 hour week). Wage subsidies Employers must make up the remaining 20% (equivalent to £60 per week). Employers are encouraged to ‘top-up’ these amounts further if they are able to do so. The support is available for an initial period of up to three months (13 weeks). This will cover the period to late June. According to a government's report, as of May 2020 this program involved a total budget of £36M. 282 (back to the top) Guinea Cash-based transfers Agence Nationale d’Inclusion Economique et Sociale (ANIES) introduced a new cash transfers Cash transfers program of 250.000GNF per month for 240,000 households (1.6 million people) in various parts of (conditional and unconditional) Guinea including Conakry. The program take place from June to December 2020. Social pensions In-kind transfers The country new Social Protection agency, the Agence Nationale d’Inclusion Economique et Sociale (ANIES) will distribute sanitation kits to 130,900 households (more than 850,000 people) in 102 Food, vouchers, others sub-prefectures (1,920 districts) and the special zone of Conakry. This phase will take place from April 2020. School feeding The COVID-19 economic response plan announced on April 6, 2020 includes the implementation of labor-intensive public works. ANIES will deploy high-intensity labor-intensive activities (HIMO) in Social Conakry and, where applicable, the construction of boreholes to promote access to drinking water in Assistance Public works the rural. In Conakry, the aim will be to contribute to the sanitation of the city by employing young people and women, on remunerated conditions, for cleaning the roads, cleaning the gutters, etc. This phase will be initiated from May 2020 and will be continued throughout the period of crisis management, and at the latest until December 2020. The State will cover the bills of subscribers to the social electricity tariff for three months from this month of April, at a cost of 456 billion Guinean francs. The State will also cover the bills of subscribers to the social water tariff for three months from this month of April, at a cost of 24 billion Guinean francs. On December 10, 2020 it was announced that Utility waivers water will stop being free at the end of December 2020. Payment deadlines for water and electricity bills for all other non-commercial subscribers will be delayed by three months starting April 2020. The prices of health products (ie pharmaceuticals and health equipment) and basic necessities are 283 frozen during the period of the pandemic. Rents on public and private buildings are blocked from April to December 2020. Public transport by bus is made free for three months from April 2020, which represents a state effort of 6 billion Guinean francs. Public transport by rail (Conakry Express) is also made free for three months from April 2020, at a cost for the State of 2 billion Guinean francs ;; Suspending the non-performing loan (NPL) classification for businesses and individuals impacted by the pandemic and the provisioning of such loans Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits the postponement (for three months) since April 2020 of all social charges for companies in the Social security contributions tourism and hotel sector. The Project Boosting Skills for Youth Employability (BoCEJ) will support higher and technical Activation measures education institutions in distance training. Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 284 (back to the top) Guinea-Bissau Cash-based transfers Cash transfer programme has been implemented for the most vulnerable households affected by COVID-19 in 8 sectors (Sao . Domingos, Bigene, Bula, Canchungo, Mansaba, Bissora, Quinhamel and Sonaco) plus 4 districts of the Capital (Antula, Bandim Cumtum Madina and Bairro Militar). The Cash transfers proram is expected to reach 11,000 individuals with multiple vulnerabilities among which include (conditional and unconditional) female headed households with children, the elderly, those suffering from chronic illneses or malnutrition, and the unemployed. Each family will receive a transfer of 40,000 CFA (around 60 euros) during three months. The program will cover the regions in the country with the highest prevalence of food insecurity. Social Assistance Social pensions In-kind transfers 20,000 bags of rice and 10,000 bags of sugar were distributed across the country, costing CFAF Food, vouchers, others 525 million (US$ 0.9 million or 0.06 percent of GDP) School feeding Public works To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central Bank (BCEAO) is Utility waivers providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money and making transfers between people backed by the electronic money free. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 285 (back to the top) Guyana Cash-based transfers Restoring and increasing the school cash grant to $15,000, The Administration would be doubling the allowance for uniforms. This means that the uniform voucher allowance will be $4000 per child in the public school system COVID-19 relief fund of G$25,000 (US$120) to each household affected by COVID-19 (universal one-off) Cash transfers The government has launched a childcare subsidy for essential workers. Frontline workers who are (conditional and unconditional) providing an essential service or key public services during the COVID-19 pandemic can apply. GYD 150 million (USD 717,000) allocated to support frontline workers two-week tax-free bonus to Social the Joint Service workers. Assistance The government announced the disbursement of the grant, valued over GYD 2 billion, which would benefit more than 60,000 people, as a part of the broader effort to bolster the economy one-off cash grant of $25,000 each to workers of the entire Public Sector, including those who are currently employed at GuySuco. • Advance payment of old-age pension Safeguard and ensure that people older adults can collect Social pensions their payments pension during the pandemic of COVID-19 In-kind transfers The assistance programmes includes vouchers and packaged hampers for the coastland and the hinterland respectively. Food, vouchers, others Civil Defence Commission extending food relief to a formalized COVID-19 Pandemic Assistance Voucher Programme at an estimated value of between GYD 25,000 and 32,000 (USD 120 – 153) per voucher per month. The initiative focuses on homes where one or more individuals have experienced 286 a loss in earnings as a result of the COVID pandemic, single-parent homes, elderly persons and persons living with disabilities. School feeding Public works Suspending water and electricity utilities for three months (from April 01, 2020 to September 30, 2020). • Removes Value Added Tax (VAT) on all medical supplies Removal of VAT on electricity and water consumption for households and businesses effective October 1. Utility waivers Mortgage Interest Relief on housing loans of up to GYD 30 million (USD 143,540) for homeowners occupying these properties REAP [Rural Entrepreneurial Agricultural Project] Kitchen Garden Initiative – relief effort whereby applicants benefit from vouchers for kitchen garden tools, seeds, irrigation and other start up materials to start their own kitchen gardens boosting both individual and collective food supplies in Guyana. Paid sick leave Health insurance Increase in Old Age Pension from $20,500 to $25,000, with effect from 1 January, 2021. This will Social Pensions benefit over 60,000 persons. Also it will put an additional $4 billion of disposable income in their Insurance hands. Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Education: introducing teacher education/ virtual teaching training programme; including for TVET Activation measures educators. Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 287 (back to the top) Haiti Cash-based transfers CERC to finance emergency CT in (peri-)urban areas. The contract with the WFP has been signed and the first tranche of cash-transfers and hand-washing stations are expected to be delivered in Cash transfers December 2020. (conditional and unconditional) The government announced a one-off cash transfer of 3,000 Haitian Gourdes (around 39 USD) to 1.5 million vulnerable families. As of January 2021, 319,959 individuals received the transfer Social pensions In-kind transfers Social Assistance The GoH announced in-kind transfers to 1 million families on March 27th, 2020. Measures to guarantee food security, the government establishes measures to guarantee food Food, vouchers, others security, among them it opts for a short cycle crop by prioritizing the planting of tubers and cereals, prioritizing plant production and fishing, among others. Food safety measures. The Minister finally pointed out that in the Artibonite valley, out of the 8,000 hectares of unplanted arable land, 3,000 hectares will be used to produce more food supplies. School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time 288 Wage subsidies for 60,000 workers were announced for the textile industry as well as compensation for 100,000 teachers. During the month of April 2020, the Economic Assistance Fund (FAES), which is the Governmental entity tasked to deploy assistance programs, implemented a temporary wage subsidy program with public funding to support incomes and ensure minimum consumption levels for the formal workers in the textile sector during the closure of the factories.The intervention disbursed an amount Wage subsidies equivalent to US$ 2,000,000. These public funds were directed to the 43 textile companies of the Association of Industries of Haiti (ADIH) to subsidize 50% of the daily minimum wage for the closure period of 15 business days;30 the companies were responsible for distributing the subsidies to workers in the sector and FAES is in the process of collecting the reports of the payments to the workers. The intervention was aimed at supporting income and did not include any specific measures regarding employment protection in the sector. 289 (back to the top) Honduras Cash-based transfers The Government of Honduras (GoH) is implementing an emergency cash transfer program focused on self-employed and informal workers receiving government support under the Covid-19 crisis. The program will benefit around 500,000 people, who are all new beneficiaries. A cash transfer was made available for those needing to repatriate bodies of those that died due to Cash transfers COVID. (conditional and unconditional) The GoH issued a national cash transfer seeking to support poor and vulnerable households. Previously known as Bono 10,000, this is a government-run program operating in urban and rural areas of Honduras. The World Bank is supporting this effort, with funding is concentrated in urban areas. The additional financing under preparation might extend this program to rural areas. Social pensions In-kind transfers Social The GoH launched Honduras Solidaria, a state-run program aimed at giving 800,000 families food Food, vouchers, others Assistance commodities and hygiene products every two weeks for 30 days. School feeding Public works An extension was granted to those categorized as small and medium taxpayers and to individuals and independent professionals for the delivery and payment of the Income Tax, Solidarity Contribution and Net Assets Tax Return; as well as the delivery and payment of the declarations of the Contribution of the Social Sector of the Economy; Specific Single Income Tax on Lease or Rental of Homes or Apartment Buildings; Special Contribution on Operating Surpluses obtained by Private Universities, Schools and Institutes of Preschool, Primary and Middle Education; and, to the Social Utility waivers Contribution of the Cooperative Sector. This applied to fiscal period 2019, with all formal and material obligations to be fulfilled no later than June 30th, 2020. The National Banking and Insurance Commission (CNBS) issued a resolution on measures to mitigate the economic and financial impact of the COVID-19 emergency. The measures include granting grace periods to debtors who are affected (natural and legal persons in the services, tourism, transportation, and housing sectors) by the reduction of cash flows until June 30, 2020. 290 New payment plans can be given until September 2020, no changes in lending risk categories can be given until October 2020. The GoH established a maximum sale price to the final consumer on mask, antibacterial gel, and 95% alcohol products. This applies everywhere in the national territory. The National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) confirms a moratorium on suspensions for fixed and mobile telephones, mobile and residential internet services in the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. CONATEL will allow users more flexible payment options through all self- management platforms, guaranteeing the continuity of services without interruption. Likewise, CONATEL will establish various measures to ensure any their subscribers (Natural Persons, SMEs and MYPMES) facing financial difficulty to pay for the telephone and internet service, receive a free basic package to be always connected, as well as access to the web portals established by the GoH. Paid sick leave The GoH issued a decree guaranteeing workers the right to health care benefits through the Honduran Social Security Institute (IHSS) even when contributions are suspended due to the suspension of work. Health insurance A fund to finance the "Plan para la Promoció n Solidaria y del Auxilio Recí proco" (PLAN PRO- SOLIDAR) was established to increase the social protection coverage through the improvement of the Comprehensive Public Network of Health Services (RIPSS). This fund will provide access to essential services and social transfers with an emphasis on people in vulnerable conditions. Pensions Unemployment benefits Social The Private Contribution Scheme (RAP), will grant its affiliates an advance on the value they have in Insurance their Individual Capitalization Account derived from the Social Welfare Insurance Scheme and the Coverage Insurance Regime Labor, as well as any other individual account that is accredited in the name of the affiliate and that is being administered by the RAP, taking into consideration the balance that each affiliate had in their individual account. The advance will be divided into three (3) successive monthly payments of equal value, up 9,000 Lempiras (L.9,000.00) to be disbursed in Social security contributions three (3) months. Said advance must be granted as long as the company affected by the pandemic certifies that it has been adversely affected. The Private Contribution Scheme (RAP) issued a temporary halt on the collection of worker- employer contributions and contributions to RAP, to cease for a period of up to (3) months from March 2020. This includes the collection of contributions and mandatory worker-employer contributions corresponding to the individual capitalization accounts derived from the Social 291 Security Insurance Scheme and the Labor Coverage Insurance Scheme, in accordance with the attribution granted by the Framework Law of the Social Protection System. The foregoing, as a palliative measure to reduce the income of workers and private companies affiliated to the RAP, as a result of the emergency measures applied in the country. The aforementioned period may be extended as long as there is a decree issued by the GoH and in accordance with the gradualness established by the RAP. The GoH issued a temporary suspension on the provisions related to financing through contributions and mandatory worker-employer contributions derived from the Social Security Insurance Scheme (Complementary Pillar of Individual Accounts) and the Labor Coverage Insurance Scheme; for a period of three (3) months starting March 2020. The GoH will provide training for those receiving Aportacion Temporal Solidaria for tourism. Activation measures National Institute of Professional Training (INFOP) offers virtual and free courses, more than 80 short courses in the areas of administration, ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), Tourism, Middle Management, Office automation and Entrepreneurship. The Ministry of Labor and Social Security (STSS) issued biosafety protocols in work centers for various industrial and commercial sectors. Labor market regulations The GoH issued hygiene and safety protocol for work centers nationwide. These measures are aimed at workers and employers for the prevention and control of COVID-19 and established health and safety conditions in the workplace without prejudice to the regulations issued for each particular activity. Labor The GoH issued a decree authorizing the implementation of teleworking for employees of public and Markets private entities to carry out their work totally or partially at a distance from their workplace using information and communication technologies. The Honduran Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) instructed magistrates, judges, directors, Reduced work time coordinators, bosses, and any other technical administrative workers the authority to telework. The STSS authorizes employers and workers to use holidays and vacations, guarantees that holidays (those recognized in the Labor Code) to be recognized and paid during the time of national emergency, and guarantees that employers continue to allow to grant vacations during the emergency period national. These agreements must be reported to the STSS. Workers who are subject to a suspension of contracts due to force majeure derived from the Wage subsidies national health emergency, may receive a temporary solidarity contribution from the government and employers. Two relief schemes provide support to those contributing to the Private Contribution 292 Regime (RAP) and those in the factory sector. For workers who work in companies under the Free Zones Regime (Maquila) the State and the private sector will make contributions. In all cases, the amount, term and form of payment will be determined by the parties that finance the temporary solidarity contribution. The authorizing decree was modified on May 4th, 2020 to include the tourism sector. 293 (back to the top) Hong Kong Cash-based transfers Additional $1,000 for each student receiving $2,500 under the Student Grant for the 2019/20 school year., ç One-off special allowance for eligible Working Family Allowance households One-off special allowance for eligible Student Financial Assistance households (HK$4,640). Monthly subsidy of $5,000 for each travel agents’ staff member, active freelance tourist guide and tour escort for six months Monthly subsidy of $6,000 for each eligible active taxi and red minibus driver for six months. Monthly allowance of $1,000 for each cleansing worker, toilet attendant, security staff engaged by service contractors of the Government and Hong Kong Housing Authority for no less than four Social months. Assistance Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) One-off subsidy of $7,500 for each eligible self-employed person. One-off subsidy of $10,000 for each tour coach driver. One-off subsidy of $7,500 for each eligible construction worker. One-off subsidy of $30,000 per vehicle for each registered owner of a taxi, red minibus, non- franchised bus, school private light bus, hire car, and for each licence holder of green minibus service. One-off grant of $7,500 for each registered coach under National Sports Associations and Sports Organisations who has proven coaching record in the past year and for each instructor, coach, trainer and provider of interests classes for schools or organisations subvented by the Social Welfare Department. Extended: additional grant february 2021 One off subsidy of HK$80,000 or HK$200,000 for each eligible food license holder. 294 An extra half-month will apply to Working Family Allowance and Individual-based Work Incentive Transport Subsidy An extra 1-month allowance is planned for CSSA payment, Old Age Allowance, Old Age Living Allowance, or Disability Allowance. Similar arrangements will apply to the Work Incentive Transport Subsidy. Eligible recipients will receive the one-off additional payment starting from 12 June 2020 and the payment will be credited to the designated bank accounts of the recipients. Recipients are not required to make application for the additional payment. A one-off transfer of HK$10,000 ($1,280) is planned for permanent residents over the age of 18. This measure, which involves a cost of about $71 billion, is expected to benefit about 7 million people. (The registration period for the Cash Payout Scheme is from 21 June 2020 to 31 December 2021) Provide an extra half-month allowance of standard CSSA payment, Old Age Allowance, Old Age Social pensions Living Allowance or Disability Allowance. In-kind transfers FY2021/22 budget: (ii) issuing digital consumption vouchers worth of HK$5,000 for each eligible Food, vouchers, others resident in installments (HK$36 billion) School feeding Public works FY2021/22 budget: (iii) HK$6.6 billion to create around 30,000 time-limited jobs Special loan scheme to support the unemployed, adding the Government will provide a total guarantee commitment of $15 billion. Waive rates for non-domestic properties for 2020-21, subject to a ceiling of $5,000 per quarter in first two quarters and $1,500 per quarter for remaining two quarters The Public Transport Fare Subsidy Scheme’s monthly threshold will be relaxed to $200 from July 1 to December 31 Utility waivers Interest-free deferral of loan repayment for two years to students receiving loans from the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency. Set Up a Special 100% Loan Guarantee for Individuals. Provide an extra financing option for the unemployed. Loan ceiling at $80,000. Application period of 6 months. Interest rate fixed at 1% per annum. Maximum repayment period of 5 years. Principal moratorium for the first 12 months. Offer reimbursement for interest paid after loans are repaid in full as scheduled 295 Grant a subsidy of $1,000 to each residential electricity account The government will cover one month of rent for lower-income tenants living in public rental units. About 760 000 households living in HKHA’s public rental units; and about 30 000 households living in public rental units of HKHS Group A estates and Elderly Persons’ Flats of HKHS Group B estates Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions The Social Welfare Department (SWD) announced today (May 28) the provision of six-months of unemployment support under the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme from Unemployment benefits June 1 to November 30. The asset limits for able-bodied persons will be relaxed temporarily by 100 per cent. These asset limits will be restored to the normal level from December 1. Relaxation of asset limits for able-bodied applicants of the Comprehensive Social Security Social Assistance Scheme (a household-based scheme) by 100% for six months, helping recipients meet Insurance their basic needs. Social security contributions Lawmakers and pension experts have urged the Hong Kong government to follow Australia’s lead and allow employees to dip into their savings in the city’s pension scheme to help them cope with the Covid-19 pandemic. The government, pension regulator and some commentators, however, have reservations, as they point out that the law would have to be amended and could lead to massive withdrawals from the Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF). The scheme is already the least adequate in the world to cover the future living cost of people after their retirement. Activation measures Labor market regulations A "work from home" arrangement has been implemented for Government employees since January 29. From March 2, the Government implemented targeted measures to reduce social contact, such Reduced work time as flexible working hours and adopting a roster system to reduce the number of staff working in an Labor office at any one time, and infection control measures and gradually resume more public services in Markets an orderly manner. Extended FY2021/22 budget: employment support scheme (HK$91 billion). The Hong Kong Government is now receiving applications for its Employment Support Scheme (“ESS”), which aims to subsidise Wage subsidies eligible employers up to HK$9,000 per month for each employee. Employers must apply online by 14 June 2020 to participate in the ESS. 296 Subsidies for arts organisations and freelance arts workers to pay the salaries of their staff, contractors and freelance workers as much as possible. 297 (back to the top) Hungary Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others Social School feeding Assistance Public works Every commercial loan, mortgage or other loan contract signed before 2020 March 18 will receive a freeze on loan repayments, capital repayment and any related fees until at least 31 December 2020 (can be extended). The length of the loan will be extended by the period of the freeze. The Banking Utility waivers Association said the deferred loan payments would amount to about HUF 450 billion in the 9-month period, but our estimations based on partner interviews suggest it would be at most half of that amount. Clients must sign a statement (online) to opt out of the payment freeze scheme, so the default is that they do get the suspension. Expiring benefits for persons currently on maternity leave will be extended until the end of state of Paid sick leave emergency. Health insurance Pensions Social Insurance Unemployment benefits Sectors particularly affected by the crisis (tourism, hospitality, entertainment, sport, cultural services, personal transportation/taxi companies) are exempting employers from paying social Social security contributions security contributions. Employees’ contributions are significantly reduced until 30 June; also, the health insurance premium is reduced to the statutory minimum Wage support programme for job retention - Kurzarbeit with training obligation. Under the government decree 105/2020. (IV. 10.) the aim of the measure is to prevent layoffs in face of the Labor Activation measures COVID-19 crisis. This measure follows the German example of Kurzarbeit, but is on a much smaller Markets scale with a lot of narrowing criteria the applicant must fulfill. The support can be extended from 1 May 2020 for three months. The amount of the income support will be transferred directly from the 298 state to the employee while the reduced wage will be paid by the employer. Businesses who are shedding 30-50% of working time of employees compared with their pre-covid situation who can prove that their orders have not fallen by more than 50% and are working towards the “interests of the national economy” were eligible. For every employee that is considered for layoff the state agrees to pay 70% of the part of the salary that was lost due to the worktime reduction. Only the part of salaries up to HUF 214,300 net (twice the minimum wage - €612 as of 15 Apr) per month receive the income supplement, earnings after that threshold are not subsidised. The government calculates that on average a monthly HUF 64,500 per employee will be paid out, so the total cost for three months could be HUF 193.6bn (according to government calculations) or HUF 128bn according to our (KOPINT-Tárki Institute) calculations. Labor market regulations A plan to relax labor regulations and facilitate collective negotiations in order to allow for easier Reduced work time altering of work schedule and to allow for remote work Under government decree 103/2020 employees working in the R+D field as engineers receive an income supplement for three months during the pandemic in order to prevent job cuts in this occupational field. The income supplement is on average 40% of the gross wage and the amount is transferred from the state directly to the employee. The measure aims at preventing job losses in areas of innovation and product development due to COVID-19. The income supplement paid by the state is 40% of gross income, but no more than HUF 318,920 (€911) per month. The maximum support applies to gross monthly salaries of HUF 670,000 (€1,888) with all usual taxes payable. Wage support programme for job retention - Kurzarbeit with training obligation. Under the government decree 105/2020. (IV. 10.) the aim of the measure is to prevent layoffs in face of the COVID-19 crisis. This measure follows the German example of Kurzarbeit, but is on a much smaller scale with a lot of narrowing criteria the applicant must fulfill. The support can be extended from 1 Wage subsidies May 2020 for three months. The amount of the income support will be transferred directly from the state to the employee while the reduced wage will be paid by the employer. Businesses who are shedding 30-50% of working time of employees compared with their pre-covid situation who can prove that their orders have not fallen by more than 50% and are working towards the “interests of the national economy” were eligible. For every employee that is considered for layoff the state agrees to pay 70% of the part of the salary that was lost due to the worktime reduction. Only the part of salaries up to HUF 214,300 net (twice the minimum wage - €612 as of 15 Apr) per month receive the income supplement, earnings after that threshold are not subsidised. The government calculates that on average a monthly HUF 64,500 per employee will be paid out, so the total cost for three months could be HUF 193.6bn (according to government calculations) or HUF 128bn according to our (KOPINT-Tárki Institute) calculations. 299 Wage support for the catering and recreation sectors. The sectoral subsidy is equal to 50% of a full- time or part time employee’s wages, up to an amount equivalent to 150% of the minimum wage (currently pre-tax HUF 241,500 or €680). The measure applies for the single month of November 2020. During this time the employer must pay full wages, but is exempt from payroll taxes. The employee must still be in full employment with the company on 30 November, 2020 and their work contract cannot be terminated before 31 December 2020. Wage support for job creation: The aim of the measure is to create jobs for registered job-seekers, reducing the level of unemployment (which has risen during the COVID-19 pandemic). Businesses may apply to the local branch of the National Employment Office (which acts as a state authority) for a full grant of 100% of wages for six months for employing a registered job-seeker, which is then reviewed. The candidate for the job can be stated in the application form or it can be selected (recruited) by the Employment Office. If the application is approved, the Office signs a contract with the employer which includes details and conditions about the grant. This is a de minimis subsidy, so the rules of decree 1407/2013/EU apply. (Meaning that certain sectors such as export-linked sectors, farming and fisheries are excluded.) 300 (back to the top) Iceland Cash-based transfers On June 1st 2020, families with children under the age of 18 received a one-time child benefit payment of ISK 20,000 (US$ 140) or ISK 40,000 (US$ 285) per child, depending on their income. Cash transfers The government implemented a special recreational subsidy for low-income families. (conditional and unconditional) The government increased the means-testing threshold in the child benefits system permanently, thereby ensuring that it changes with developments in the lowest wages in the labor market. The government introduced a one-time payment of ISK 50,000 to recipients of disability and Social rehabilitation pensions who were eligible for pensions during the year. This was implemented before Assistance Social pensions December 18th 2020, in addition to the typical December supplement that is paid during the month. Additionally, permanent changes were introduced at the beginning of 2021 to the disability pension system. In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Workers including self-employed who used their twelve-month sickness benefit entitlement are still entitled to sickness benefits. Self-employed workers can receive sickness benefits (“quarantine payments”) when in quarantine. Paid sick leave The government introduced temporary payments to individuals due to loss of income from being Social quarantined without signs of being infected. This involved paying salaries to those employees who Insurance needed to quarantined. Health insurance Pensions As part of an ISK 230 billion (US$ 1.6 billion) package of COVID-19 economic support, part-time Unemployment benefits employees, the self-employed, and freelance workers were allowed to claim up to 75% of unemployment benefits in order to avoid job losses. This allowed workers at a risk of job losses to 301 reduce their hours to 25% of previous levels and access to government support of up to ISK 700,000 (US$ 4,975) per month. Special 2.5 percent supplement over and above basic unemployment benefits for 2021 to support the large group of people whose income-linked unemployment benefits will expire (in addition to the 3.6 percent increase provided for in the 2021 fiscal budget proposal). The government allowed those full-time employees who have been downgraded to part-time workers, under the Act on Unemployment and Wage Guarantee Fund, to have certain rights related to unemployment benefits. This included granting the proportional loss of income of the employee after being downgraded. On September 4th 2020, the Icelandic Parliament passed a bill regarding changes to the Act on Unemployment Insurance in relation to rights to study while receiving unemployment benefits. The Icelandic Parliament on March 13th 2020 passed legislation that provides for the postponement of tax payment – for instance, the postponement of the payment deadline for part of the social security tax to 15 April 2020. Social security contributions The government allowed individuals to withdraw a monthly sum from their voluntary pension savings to a maximum of ISK 800,000 (US$5,680) during 15 months. Activation measures Guidelines published by the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health for workplaces. Labor market regulations Wage enhancement paid to healthcare workers; A December 2020 supplement of just over ISK 86,000 will be paid to confirmed job-seekers Labor Under the Act on Unemployment Insurance and the Act on Wage Guarantee Fund, companies Markets experiencing temporary operating difficulties were encouraged to temporarily downgrade full-time Reduced work time employees to part-time employees rather than terminating the contract of employment. Initially, this measure was in place until June 1st 2020, but was later extended until December 31st 2020. This allowed employees to reduce their hours or salary to as low as 25 percent or 50 percent. Top up employee earnings with support from the government. Wage subsidies Certain companies given the opportunity to apply for government support to pay a portion of salary costs for any staff member during their notice period. 302 (Back to the top) India Cash-based transfers In a significant move, the State Governments, in response to the advisory dated 24th March, 2020 issued by the Ministry of Labour & Employment, have disbursed a substantial amount of Rs 4957 crore cash assistance till date to approximately two crore registered construction workers across the country during the lockdown. About 1.75 crore transactions were done directly into the bank accounts of the workers through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT). Apart from cash benefits ranging from Rs 1000 to Rs 6000 per worker during the lockdown, some of the States have also provided food and ration to their workers. Cash transfers of Rs 500 ($6.5) for 3 months from April to June to 200M women with a Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) (financial inclusion) account The Government of Bihar has decided to transfer funds from the Chief Minister Relief Fund at the rate of Rs.1000 / - per family to the bank account of the labourers and needy persons residing in other states stranded due to lockdown. This scheme is only for those who are in residents of Bihar a Social and are stranded in other states due to the lockdown announced due to corona virus. The Bihar Assistance Cash transfers government has transferred money to 10.11 lakh workers, of the total applications from over 13 lakh (conditional and unconditional) registered workers 87 million farmers who are beneficiaries of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) program will receive a top up of Rs2000 (US$ 26.50) for 3 month The state of Uttar Pradesh transferred Rs 611 crore ($80M) in cash transfers directly to 27.5M workers of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme The state of Assam in India is planning a cash transfers – Orunodi scheme -- to families in the state based on income (the composite household income of the applicant should be less than Rs 2 Lakh per annum ). From Oct 2, families in Assam will get $13/month (R1000/month). The transfers are the bank account of a family. But the family has to nominate a woman. A male member is not entitled to get the money in their bank account in this scheme. They have to nominate a female member of the family whosoever she may be. The scheme is going to cover 17 lakh families and the target is to expand it to 25 lakh families in days to come 303 Uttar Pradesh in India is providing a one-off benefit of 1,000 Indian rupees to 480,000 daily wagers (street vendors, rickshaw pullers, etc) . Gujarat - An amount of Rs. 1500 per child provided to beneficiaries of Adarsh Nivasi Shalas, Ashram Shalas and Child Protection homes under Department of Social Justice and Empowerment. Vis a vis the transfer of INR 1500 to all children deinstitutionalized from Child Care Institutes – this was completed by SJED alongside further reviews undertaken with all DCPOs and SDOs from the 33 districts Bihar: In lieu of the midday meals, the Government of Bihar transferred cash transfers for each day of school closure to all children already receiving school-based cash transfers for unforms etc. Children from grade one through eight received anything between 115 to 171 INR per fortnight towards this through direct bank transfer Rs1000 to all beneficiaries under the National Social Assistance Program (NSAP) for elderly, widows and disabled receiving social pensions (35M beneficiaries) Rs500 per month to all female Jan Dhan Accounts for 3 months Social pensions Rs 4000- 5000 pension will be paid to 850,000 beneficiaries by April 7, 2020. In-kind transfers The state of Gujarat expanded free grains to even APL (Above Poverty Line) households who are officially not covered in the National Food Security Act. APL households have been promised 10kgs of wheat, 3kgs of rice, 1kg of sugar and 1kg of pulses Delhi is providing two in-kind measures - Free rations, with 50% more quantity than normal entitlements, to 7.2M beneficiaries. - Lunch and dinner will be served free to each and every person at all Delhi Government night shelters. Food, vouchers, others Scaling up PDS allocations for all AAY priority households for three months (1kg pulses per household, 5kg wheat or rice per individual) Providing free cylinders for three months to poor UJWALA beneficiaries (83M households). Bihar - With the support of local women SHG members, new vulnerable families were identified and total of 2.3 million new ration cards were made in 2020 304 The Kerala state government will deliver food ingredients for mid-day meals to over 300,000 children studying in 33,115 anganwadis (rural child care center) closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the moment, they are delivering such food items necessary for ten days. Before the end of such period, the materials required for the next ten days will be packed and delivered. The materials are being packed and distributed by the teachers themselves. Gujarat - Take home ration provided to children between 3 to 6 years at their home. The cooking cost for MDM was given to parents in cash form during school closures and schools provided coupon School feeding to children to get the ration from fair price shops of the villages. Vadil Vandana program to provide free of cost cooked food to the elderly, needy and students living alone in various cities of the state (Ahmedabad, Bhavnagar, Gandhinagar, Jamnagar, Rajkot, Surat and Vadodara) at their doorsteps, 1.Children (under 15) In lieu of the Mid-day Meals (MDM), primary school students received 4 kg rice and 800-gram dal and upper primary school students received 6 kg rice and 1,200-gram dal during COVID-19. Andhra Pradesh Midday meals were supplied in the form dry ration Public works Increasing MGNREGA wage rates from Rs180 INR to Rs202 Utility waivers Paid sick leave Norms on collection of Health Insurance Premium during COVID-19 crisis. In view of prevailing conditions owing to COVID-19 outbreak, considering the need for easing the payment of health insurance premiums, all the insurers are allowed to collect health insurance premiums in instalments. The premium instalment facility may be offered either as a permanent feature by duly complying with the norms specified in the above referred guidelines or may be offered as a temporary relief for Health insurance a period of twelve months (one policy year) in respect of all the health insurance policies that are due for renewal up to 31st March, 2021. Social Insurance Non-life insurers’ premium collection grew by 11.67 per cent in 2019-20 as compared to 2018-19. However premium collection for the month of March 2020 declined significantly. India’s EPFO also allows withdrawals - Workers can now withdraw up to 75 percent non-refundable advance from PF account or 3 months’ salary, whichever is lower Pensions India’s NPS allows partial withdrawals towards treatment for COVID related illness for subscriber, spouse and children. The current rules of early withdrawal don’t apply to APY (informal sector) subscribers and therefore are applicable only for about 1 crore people 305 The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation has received 400,000 requests for withdrawals under a special Covid-19 window announced in March 2020 to provide relief to subscribers in financial need. The facility allows such subscribers to withdraw three months’ salary or 75% of their retirement funds. The scheme was amended on March 28 to allow members to withdraw non-refundable advances – either their basic wages and dearness allowance for three months or up to 75% of total account, whichever was less – if facing any financial exigency due to Covid-19. The state of Uttar Pradesh will provide compensation to poor workers via online payments if they lost their job due to the pandemic. Vegetable vendors, construction workers, rickshaw pullers, autorickshaw drivers, and temporary staff at shops will be targeted by this measure . , The state of Unemployment benefits Uttar Pradesh will provide compensation to poor workers via online payments if they lost their job due to the pandemic. Vegetable vendors, construction workers, rickshaw pullers, autorickshaw drivers, and temporary staff at shops will be targeted by this measure GOI will pay Employee Provident Fund contributions for employees and employers for the next 3 Social security contributions months. This is targeted to firms with up to 100 workers and where 90% of workers earn less than Rs15,000 per month. This is expected to cover 1.8M employees and 400,000 firms. Activation measures On 20 March 2020, advisory issued to employers of public and private establishments to not Labor market regulations terminate their employees, particularly casual and contractual workers from their job or reduce their Labor wages during 21-day lockdown period. Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 306 (back to the top) Indonesia Cash-based transfers Indonesia’s flagship CCT program, Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), will expand the program coverage from 9.2 to 10 million beneficiary families (or 15 percent of the population) and double the benefit level for 3 months (April-June 2020). The PKH program budget has been increased by nearly 29% to reach IDR 37.4 trillion (US$2.5 billion). Furthermore, benefit payments have become monthly instead of quarterly between April-September 2020. In addition to the increased benefit, PKH beneficiaries also receive 15 kg of rice assistance for 3 months (August-October 2020). The Government of Indonesia (GoI) issued a new, one-time unconditional cash transfer of IDR 500,000 targeting Sembako beneficiaries not receiving benefits under the Aspiring Family Program (PKH). A new, unconditional cash transfer program (BLT Dana Desa) was issued to village residents not currently registered in the social registry and who are not recipients of PKH/Food Assistance Program/BST. This program is funded via Village Fund and will cover approximately 11-12 million Social households with the benefit of IDR 600,000 per household per month for the first 3 months and Assistance Cash transfers IDR 300,000 per household per month for the following months, starting in April 2020. This (conditional and unconditional) program will continue until December 2021. A new, unconditional cash transfer program (BST) is introduced for eligible residents outside the Greater Jakarta region who are not recipients of PKH or the Food Assistance Program. Starting in April 2020, approximately 9 million household each received IDR 600,000 (US$ 40) per month for the first 3 months and IDR 300,000 per month. In 2021, BST is replacing the in-kind food assistance for Greater Jakarta, now targeting to approximately 10 million households. The program is extended until April 2021. Launched in August 2020, a grant for micro/ultra-micro enterprises affected by Covid-19 and not receiving benefits from the credit program. This program targets 12 million micro/ultra-micro enterprises. The realization is 10.4 million beneficiaries in 2020. In 2021, the program targeted for 12.8 million micro/ultra-micro enterprises, granting IDR 2,400,000 per enterprise. This program will continue in 2021 with the same amount of benefit. Beneficiaries will receive disbursement to the enterprise’s bank account or, if not available, a new bank account will be opened in BRI, BNI, or Bank Syariah Mandiri. 307 Social pensions In-kind transfers A new in-kind food assistance was introduced for Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) residents. The GoI allocated IDR 3.42 trillion for approximately 1.9 million households. Starting April 2020, beneficiaries received food assistance worth IDR 600,000 per household per month for 3 months, and food assistance worth IDR 300,000 per household per month until December 2020. In addition, several local governments also provide in-kind food assistance and/or cash assistance to selected residents that do not receive assistance from the Central Government. For example, the Government of Jakarta provided in-kind food assistance to another 1.1 million households worth IDR 275,000 and the West Java Government provided in-kind food assistance worth IDR 350,000 and cash assistance of IDR 150,000 per household for 1.3 million households (Cycle 1 and 2) and for 1.9 Food, vouchers, others million households with reduced amount of benefit in Cycle 3 and 4. The food assistance program, Sembako (previously called BPNT), will be expanded from 15.2 million to 20 million low-income households, bringing the coverage of the program to just short of 30 percent of the population. The benefit level will increase by 33% from IDR 150,000 to IDR 200,000 from April 2020 to December 2021. The total program budget is increased by about 55%, reaching IDR 43.6 trillion (USD 2.93 billion). PKH beneficiaries also receive 15 kg of rice assistance for 3 months (August-October 2020) School feeding The GoI allocated a total of IDR 16.9 Trillion for cash for work programs implemented by various ministries. These include the 13.4 trillion cash-for-work program allocated by the Ministry of Public Works and Housing that targets 639,000 workers across Indonesia; village-level cash-for-work Public works programs targeting 59,000 unemployed, poor, and other vulnerable residents of the village; and other cash-for-work programs launched by ministries such as the Transport, Agriculture, Marine and Fisheries, and Environment and Forestry ministries. The GoI issued IDR 3.5 Trillion to finance the electricity bill of 24 million households, or approximately 40 percent of the population, with a 450 Volt-Ampere (VA) connection. Those with a 900VA connection (another 7.2 million households) will receive a 50 percent discount. Similarly, an Utility waivers electricity fee waiver was granted to micro enterprises, targeting 459,000 micro/ultra-micro- enterprises in 2020. The program remains targeting 459,000 micro/ultra-micro enterprises in 2021. The waiver was granted to micro/ultra-micro enterprises with 450 VA (May 2020-Dec 2020). In Jan-Mar 2021 micro/ultra-micro enterprises with 450 VA received the first 720 hours or 324 kWh 308 free of charge. The total realization of electricity subsidy for households and microenterprises in 2020 is 32.1 million beneficiaries. The GoI issued IDR 1.5 Trillion to support up to 175,000 low-income households requesting a mortgage through both an interest rate subsidy and down-payment subsidy. Newly launched internet quota provision for students and teachers/lectures of pre-schools, elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools, and universities listed in Ministry of Education or Ministry of Religious Affairs. This subsidy targets 59.5 million pre-school until university students and teachers/lectures but has only reached 42.3 beneficiaries at the time of this publication. The program will be continued in 2021, but no information on the target number yet. Paid sick leave The GoI issued IDR 3 trillion to finance contributions to the national health insurance scheme for 30 Health insurance Social million non-salaried workers. Insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Kartu Pra-Kerja (Pre-Employment Card Program), a program that provides subsidized vouchers for unemployed workers for skilling and re-skilling has doubled in its allocated budget (from IDR 10 to 20 Trillion) and will be launched in April. The program will be accessible to an estimated 5.6 million informal workers and small and micro enterprises who have been affected by COVID-19. The benefits of the Pre-Employment Card Program in 2020 are Rp. 3,550,000 consisting of training assistance of Rp. 1,000,000, post-training incentive of Rp. 600,000 per month for four (4) months and job survey incentives of Rp. 50,000 per survey for three surveys or a total of Rp. 150,000 per participant. Each program participant can only join the program once and must not receive other Labor social assistances. Incentives are paid after participants complete at least one (1) training session. Activation measures Markets The applicants of the Pre-Employment Card Program are limited to: (i) job seekers; (ii) terminated employees; and (iii) employees that require job competency improvement. Pre-Employment Card Program registration is conducted online through In 2020, the program had 11 enrollment cycles. Indonesia National Police will have a program similar to Kartu Pra-Kerja, called Safety Program, specifically targeting bus, truck, and taxi drivers who will be given an incentive of Rp600,000 per month for 3 months subject to their training completion. The allocation for this program is IDR 360 Billion for 197,000 beneficiaries. 309 The Indonesian Ministry of Manpower (MOM) provided guidance on worker protection and business sustenance in the context of prevention and control of Covid-19 via the Minister of Manpower Circular No. M / 3 / HK.04 / III / 2020 concerning Worker Protection and Business Sustenance in the Context of Preventing and Control of Covid-19. The main idea of this is to: (1) make efforts to prevent the spread and handling of Covid-19 related cases in at work, (2) Implement wage protection for workers in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. MoM coordinates with Heads of Manpower Offices of Provinces throughout Indonesia in order to anticipate and overcome labor problems in the regions, Labor market regulations among others, by providing directions and guidelines both verbally through teleconferences as well as through Circular Letters and coordinating on data collection and monitoring of companies laying off workers. MoM strengthens the role of labour attachés in an effort to ensure the implementation of the WHO protocol for migrant workers in the country of placement. The Indonesian Ministry of Manpower (MOM) also extended work permits for foreign workers in Indonesia for certain amount of time during the pandemic. Reduced work time Between September and December 2020, the GoI launched an unconditional cash transfer for workers with a salary < IDR 5,000,000 and registered on BPJS TK Target to 15.7 million workers but Wage subsidies reached 12.4 million workers in 2020. The program is not continued in 2021. Two IDR 1,200,000 transfers were disbursed every two months. 310 (back to the top) Iran Cash-based transfers The Parliament proposed plan is in the form of 6 monthly transfers of IRR1.2 million per individual to the bottom three deciles (20 million people) and IRR0.6 million per individual for 60 million other Iranians according to the income deciles. The total cost of the plan is IRR300 trillion (US$7.1 billion). First round of lockdown: Iran supported around 3 million families from lowest deciles of income whose head of household is no permanent jobs or retired without pension with cash transfers up to 6 million rails (US$ 400) in 4 stages. It will be paid monthly for four months, and one additional time for Ramadan. [1,2] A single person family will receive 200,000 Tomans, a two-person family 300,000 Tomans, a three-person family 400,000 Tomans, a four-person family 500,000 Tomans and a five-person family 600,000 Tomans Cash transfers Second round of lock down: 40 million people from low income, non-fixed income, under of (conditional and unconditional) coverage of Imam Khomeini Relief fund, and SWO schemes qualified to receive unconditional cash transfer amounting between 100,000 to 120,000 Tomans per person for 4 months (Dec 2020 to Social March 2021 Assistance More targeted social protection services – cash plus – to reach approx 42,000 households with children under the age of 18 in four high COVID-19 impacted deprived provinces in line with the endorsed UN Iran COVID Socioeconomic Response Programme (SERP) to complement the existing UBI. Soft conditionalities are intended to improve the access of these vulnerable households to health services, nutrition vouchers, food baskets and remote learning for at-risk children. Furthermore; the targeted population will benefit from psycho-social support services and skills training Social pensions In-kind transfers Procurement of hygiene kits for vulnerable children, including those without caregivers, children with disabilities and street children (Iranian and non-Iranian): Procurement and delivery completed at the Food, vouchers, others requested quantities for the Ministry of Cooperative, Labour and Social Welfare to distribute between SWO and NGOs. The hygiene kits will address the needs of 51,000 children living with disabilities in 906 Rehabilitation Centres and 10,000 children without caregivers in 650 Nurseries 311 and Child Care Centres throughout the country, and also the large number of street children scattered in the capital, whose identify and numbers are not fully known.. The cash plus scheme will go hand-in-hand with existing schemes for addition of inkind support to have better access and continuation of education (e.g. tablets with educational applications, wheel chair, etc.) for children given the current school closure due to the pandemic, and nutritional cash cards to support food baskets for these poor households. School feeding Public works Iran planned for free interest 1 million Tomans loans on demand for the 21 million households Utility waivers qualified under cash subsidies (UBI) – deduction from monthly cash subsidies . For women headed households the allocation is 2 million Tommans The Social Security Organisation guarantees a wage compensation of 50 per cent to workers taking Paid sick leave sick leave Health insurance Pensions Social Iran planned to allocate IRR50,000 billion (USD305 million) as of 6 April to the Unemployment Insurance Insurance Fund, to aid those who have lost their jobs as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. The workers of 10 economic sub-sectors subject to the Labour Law, the Social Security Act and the Unemployment benefits Unemployment Insurance Law, are eligible for the benefit for three months. Self-employed people who have insurance, such as construction workers, carpet weavers, public transportation operators and drivers, are not eligible for unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 312 (back to the top) Iraq Cash-based transfers The Supreme Committee for Health and National Safety introduced a cash transfer scheme, Cash transfers targeting the families of workers in the private sector that do not receive salaries or benefits from (conditional and unconditional) the government. Each eligible individual received 30,000 Iraqi dinars ($25), with the scheme costing around 300 billion Iraqi dinars ($254 million) in total. Social pensions In-kind transfers The Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs launched on April 7, 2020 a program named “1,000,000 Food Baskets for the Poor” to alleviate the effects of COVID-19. The aid is targeting poor households registered in the main Cash Transfer Program database. The estimated cost of each basket is about US$ 15 and 708,360 beneficiaries have received the food basket as of April 13th. Food, vouchers, others The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs launched the emergency grant for families most impacted by the lockdown on 20 May 2020. The grant will ensure that the most vulnerable families will receive Social assistance in the form of meals. Over 11 million will be supported through this scheme. Assistance School feeding Public works To support the Ministry of Health's efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, the Central Bank of Iraq established a fund to collect donations from financial institutions which raised a total of $37 million, with initial donations of $20 million from the Central Bank and $5 million from the Trade Bank of Iraq. The Central Bank also encouraged the use of electronic payments to contain the transmission of the virus and instructed vendors to eliminate commissions on such payments for six months.In coincide Utility waivers with the move to support the e-government program, the Central Bank of Iraq announces the launch of the electronic collection project, which can contribute to strengthening government resources and collecting them in a safe and transparent environment, by relying on the infrastructure of payment systems and electronic payment platforms provided by the Central Bank and its authorized payment service providers. This project generally targets ministries and collection departments that collect their revenues through bills and fees, on top of which is the Iraqi Housing Fund. 313 This project will enable the Housing Fund to automate all lending processes, adopt electronic payment tools and cancel cash transactions, which in turn will help alleviate the burden of borrowing citizens by speeding up the completion of transactions and using payment platforms instead of coming to the headquarters of the Housing Fund. The project included a timetable to include all its branches in the governorates in the collection project until the end of 2021. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Waiver of penalties applicable to the late payment of the February 2020 social security Social security contributions contributions, which were due by the end of March 2020. Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 314 (back to the top) Ireland Cash-based transfers The Christmas Bonus is an extra payment for people getting a long-term social welfare payment. The Christmas Bonus is 100% of the normal weekly long-term social welfare payment (the minimum Cash transfers payment is €20). It will also be paid to people getting the COVID-Pandemic Unemployment Payment (conditional and unconditional) (PUP) for at least 17 weeks. The bonus was be paid with the social welfare payment the week beginning 7 December 2020, for people receiving Domiciliary Care Allowance, on 15 December 2020. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others Students in Ireland are being sent home packages with fresh foods, including bread, eggs, fruit, and School feeding yogurt. However, there is concern about how parcels can be delivered safely Public works A series of measures to support people impacted by COVID-19 have been announced by the banking Social sector.These include: flexible arrangements, including a payment break for mortgages and other Assistance loans. Customers affected by COVID-19 must contact their bank to discuss the flexibility available to them, including the possibility of a payment break of up to 3 months. Non-bank mortgage lenders and credit servicing firms have also announced their support for this measure; support for buy-to-let bank customers with tenants affected by COVID-19 – customers with rental property in which the tenants are adversely impacted by COVID-19 will also be provided with flexibility including with an opportunity to seek a payment break of up to 3 months, which will allow them to exercise due levels of forbearance to their tenants; payment breaks as a result of COVID-19 will not affect credit Utility waivers records The government is introducing legislation to prevent both the termination of residential tenancies and any rent increases for the duration of the COVID-19 crisis. The banks have also said they will support buy-to-let bank customers with tenants affected by COVID-19 with an opportunity to seek a payment break of up to 3 months – so they can in turn offer forbearance to their tenants. Rent Supplement is also available as a short-term income support to those in the private rented sector who are experiencing difficulty paying their rent. In view of the difficulties created for many in 315 the private rented sector who have lost significant employment income, the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection will use the full flexibility of the scheme to provide the necessary support. The Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) has issued a moratorium on disconnections of domestic customers for non-payment to the gas and electricity suppliers. The suppliers have arrangements in place for any domestic/residential customers in arrears which are overseen by CRU and have a number of emergency provisions to assist Pay As individuals Go customers. Eligible people will be paid €305 per week (as compared with the normal Illness Benefit rate of €203). This is available to employees and the self-employed who are unable to work due to: a Paid sick leave diagnosis of COVID-19 or an instruction by a doctor or the HSE to self-isolate or restrict their movements Health insurance Pensions The COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment is available to employees and the self-employed Social who have lost their job on or after 13 March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications will Insurance now be accepted until 30 June 2021. individuals can apply for the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment if you: are aged between 18 and 66 years old and; are currently living in the Unemployment benefits Republic of Ireland ;and have lost your job due to the COVID-19 pandemic; or have been temporarily laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic ;or were self-employed and your trading income has ceased or reduced to €960 over a rolling 8 week period due to COVID-19 (You must be available to take up full-time employment); and are not in receipt of any income from an employer and are genuinely seeking work. Social security contributions Additional €200 million investment in training, education, skills development, work placement schemes, recruitment subsidies, job search and assistance measures, to help those who have lost their jobs find a new one, retrain, or develop new skills, in particular for emerging growth sectors. The government offers a range of initiatives for reskilling and upskilling to help businesses through the COVID-19 pandemic. Skills and training supports include Enterprise Ireland's eiLearn online learning Labor Activation measures resource, LEO training webinars, Skillnet Ireland's Skills Connect, the SOLAS Skills to Advance Markets initiative and Springboard+ courses. The Apprenticeship Incentivisation Scheme provides financial support for apprenticeship employers who take on apprentices on all national apprenticeship programmes. The incentive support covers all national apprenticeship programmes - 58 programmes as of August 316 2020 - and will apply to any new apprenticeship programmes which are launched in 2020. Apprenticeship employers are eligible for a €3,000 payment for each new apprentice who is registered between the period 01 March and 30 June 2021. €2,000 per apprentice is payable at the point of registration. A further €1,000 is payable in Quarter 3 2021 for each eligible apprentice retained on their apprenticeship. The law on claiming redundancy from your employer if individuals have been temporarily laid off, or temporarily put on short-time work will change during the COVID-19 emergency period. Normally, if individuals are laid off or put on short-time hours, individuals can claim redundancy from your Labor market regulations employer after 4 weeks or more, or 6 weeks in the last 13 weeks. If individuals were put on lay off or short-time hours because of COVID-19, individuals cannot claim redundancy. This is set out in the Emergency Measures in the Public Interest (COVID-19) Act and applies from 13 March 2020. This rule has been extended until 30 June 2021. Reduced work time The Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme provides a subsidy up to 85% depending on employees’ previous average net weekly pay. The TWSS operated from 26 March 2020 to 31 August 2020. It enabled employers that were affected by the pandemic, to give significant support directly to their employees and keep employees on their payroll throughout the pandemic. Qualifying criteria includes employers from all sectors whose business activities experiencing negative economic disruption (minimum 25% decline in turnover) unable to fully pay normal wages. TWSS was not available to the public service or non-commercial semi-state sector. The EWSS replaced the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme (TWSS) from 1 September 2020. It is expected to continue until 30 June 2021. Key features: Employers must possess valid tax clearance to enter the EWSS and continue to Wage subsidies maintain tax clearance for the duration of the scheme. A reduced rate of employer’s PRSI of 0.5% is charged on wages paid which are eligible for the subsidy payment. Seasonal and new hires are eligible for the EWSS. Claims could have been backdated to 1 July 2020 (subject to limited exceptions). Subsidy is based on an employee’s gross weekly wage, including notional pay, before deductions, and excluding non-taxable benefits. The Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme was extended, currently scheduled to close on 31 March 2021, to 30 June 2021 The government is providing income support payment for those who have been temporarily placed on a shorter working week. The payment is made in respect of regular salary for the days that employees are no longer working. For example, if an employee working week has been reduced from a 5 day work pattern to a 3 day work pattern, they can receive support for the other 2 days. Short 317 Time Work Support is paid for a maximum of 234 days. The entitlement will depend on the number of social insurance contributions employees have 318 (back to the top) Isle of Man Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions The Manx Earnings Replacement Allowance ('MERA') provides an income of £230 (originally was £200) a week to people who have either been laid off or made redundant from their employment, or have lost their self-employed work, since 2 March 2020. It is also for people who have been Social instructed to stay at home with your school-age child or have been self-isolating because you’ve Insurance been in close contact with someone who has had a positive COVID19 test or think they may have Unemployment benefits COVID-19. MERA was reintroduced from 3 March 2021 and will be payable to qualifying persons up to 11 April 2021. The Manx Earnings Replacement Allowance ("MERA") payable amount has been increased by £30 per week, to £230. Jobseeker's Allowance: for those who are unemployed, fit for work and are not self-isolating Social security contributions Activation measures Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time 319 The purpose of the Salary support scheme is to provide salary support for businesses adversely affected by Coronavirus at this time. The Scheme was originally introduced to provide a contribution Wage subsidies to a maximum of £280 per week per full time employee for up to 12 weeks beginning on the 2 March. It will now continue for an additional three claim periods with the last period ending on 17 August. 320 (back to the top) Israel Cash-based transfers On July 15, 2020, the Israeli government announced a plan called “A Grant to Every Citizen.” It provided for a universal grant to Israeli citizen-residents -- whose annual income in 2018 did not exceed NIS 641,880 -- of 750 New Israeli Shekels (NIS), or roughly $220, per adult (over the age of 18) and 500 NIS, or roughly $150, per child, with a maximum of three children per household. By early August, the payments had been disbursed and deposited directly into beneficiaries’ bank accounts. According to the Bank of Israel, the final cost of the grants was estimated at the time to be 6.5 billion NIS (0.46 percent of 2019 GDP). In practice, less than 2 percent of citizens were ineligible due to either having income above the ceiling or not having filed a tax return for 2018 in spite of being obligated to do so (the large majority of taxpayers do not have to file tax returns). Cash transfers Thus, the grant was practically universal. (conditional and unconditional) Grant to self-employed (NIS 15.0 billion as of 3 March 2021): A grant of 70% of twice the average monthly taxable income up to NIS 15 000, once every two months, from May 2020 to June 2021, Social for self-employed that experience a 40% decrease in activity. Amount (if specified): NIS 15.0 billion Assistance Grants to the long-term unemployed of NIS 2,000 (i.e. to individuals who received unemployment pay for a period of at least 100 days, whether consecutive or not, between March and October 2020, on condition that their effective wage before the crisis was lower than the average daily wage in the economy). Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Tax and payment deferrals (NIS 9 billion). Payment of VAT, municipal taxes, social security contributions, utility payments, government fees have been deferred for SMEs until the end of April. Utility waivers Suspension of mortgage payments for three months. The Histadrut (General Organization of Workers) and the government have agreed on paid leave for Paid sick leave workers in the public sector. It is an agreed pooling system of vacation leave to share with workers 321 who need to stay away from work. It stipulates that a non-essential designated employee that is not required to work during the crisis period will take a mandatory vacation at the expense of the workers’ accumulated vacation days. Employers in the public sector and the Histadrut will set up a joint vacation days fund for emergencies, which will work to prevent damages to workers' wages that do not have the sufficient accumulated vacation time. Health insurance Those who have reached the age of 67 and who is fired or whose employer issued it to the USSR in March, April or May 2020 following the Corona crisis may be eligible for grants. The amount of the Pensions grant is determined by your income from retirement pension. The maximum amount is NIS 2,000 for March, and NIS 4,000 for April and May. In Israel, neither self-employed workers nor freelancers are eligible for unemployment benefits. However, in the covid-19 context, certain groups of self-employed workers may be entitled to Social unemployment benefits: a. Tour guides; b. Instructors, lecturers and teachers who ceased their Insurance activity due coronavirus outbreak; c. Artists who ceased their activities due to coronavirus outbreak. Full unemployment benefits for all employees who are laid off or on unpaid leave until June 2021 or until unemployment drops below 10 per cent (thereafter compensation reduced to 75 per cent of Unemployment benefits unemployment allowance). Payment of double unemployment allowance until June 2021. Reduction of the required period of employment for eligibility for unemployment benefits from 12 to six months (within the past 18 calendar months). Cancellation of the five waiting days between unemployment periods. Tax and payment deferrals (NIS 9 billion). Payment of VAT, municipal taxes, social security Social security contributions contributions, utility payments, government fees have been deferred for SMEs until the end of April. Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Reduced work time Markets In Israel’s new plan to expand economic safety net to deal with nationwide lockdown, some Wage subsidies employers will receive employee retention grants, in the amount of 5,000 new shekels ($1,460) for each employee they keep, to encourage employment and prevent mass layoffs. 322 (back to the top) Italy Cash-based transfers The Decreto di Rilancio - “Relaunch decree” - a stimulus package of €55B signed on May 19th 2020 introduced a temporary means tested cash transfer, Reddito di Emergenza (REM), Emergency Income, for those vulnerable households not protected by any other social assistance measure. The amount varies between €400 to €840 per month, depending on an equivalence scale. There have been four rounds of REM since its launch, the last of which started in April 2021. This involved a total budget of €954.6 million, €172.5 million, €452 million, €1.5 billion on each round, respectively. To summarize, throughout the first three rounds of REM, each household could have accessed up to a maximum of 5 monthly instalments of REM in a period of 8 months (May 2020 - December 2020). With the latest re-financing they could be eligible for further 3 months, bringing it to a total of maximum 8 monthly instalments in a period of 13 months. The Relaunch decree introduced incentives for agricultural work: beneficiaries of social assistance measures, including of the GMI Reddito di Cittadinanza, can sign short term work contracts in agriculture up to 30 days, renewable for additional 30 days, and up to EUR 2,000 in 2020. The Social amount was not included in the income calculations for the GMI. Assistance Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Workers with income less than €40,000 (US$ 44,000) per year were entitled to a nontaxable, one- off benefit of €100 (US$ 110) for March 2020 if their job required the worker to go to the regular workplace. Workers who carried out their job remotely were not entitled to the bonus. The Relaunch Decree extended the one-off €600 (US$ 660) bonus to self-employed and professional workers, including agricultural, tourism, cultural sector workers by one additional month for April 2020. In May 2020, the bonus increases to €1,000 for those self-professional workers who could demonstrate a 30% reduction in income during March-April 2020 with respect to the same period of last year. The “Cura Italia” (Cure Italy) stimulus, a package of EUR 25 billion, included part of its budget (EUR 13.5 billion) to support families and workers. It offered funds to private-sector workers to pay for babysitters via a childcare voucher of up to EUR 600 for workers with children below the age of 12 who decide not to take parental leave. Through the 2021 Support decree, this was extended to healthcare workers and armed forces, by distributing EUR 100 per week. 323 Subnational governments delivered EUR 300 cash transfers to the poor with no income or pension. A fund of €11B was introduced for all self-employed workers and Not-for-Profit organizations which have lost at least 30% of their revenues. Eligible beneficiaries could apply to receive an amount proportional to their losses (from 20 to 60% of the incurred losses), depending on the size of their annual revenues. The fund applies to revenues up to €10M. Social pensions In-kind transfers On March 29th 2020, the National Civil Protection transferred €400 million to 7,904 municipalities to purchase food vouchers and basic food necessities based on population and income criteria. Food, vouchers, others In March 2021 further financing of €155M was approved by the government to renew the food vouchers for low-income households. School feeding Public works Suspension of payment of mortgages. Utility waivers There was a mortgage repayment for citizens with low and middle income. The government introduced the suspension of VAT and other tax payments. Parents of children younger than 12 were allowed to take leave for up to 30 (combined) days starting from March 5th 2020 until July 2020, while receiving 50% of the salary paid by the government. Paid leave up to the maximum of 12 days a month (instead of 3 days) for workers with care duties in respect of persons with disabilities. Paid sick leave Social Paid leave up to the maximum of 12 days a month (instead of 3 days) for workers with care duties in Insurance respect elderly/non autonomous family members. Parents with kids in remote learning due to school closures or that were obliged to quarantine were entitled to extra family/sick leave for as long as the school premises are closed or the quarantine period is in place. Health insurance Pensions 324 Unemployment benefits expiring between March 1st and April 30th 2020 were automatically renewed for two months, as long as beneficiaries did not receive any other benefit. Employees (already employed on 23 March 2021) working for businesses facing partial or total closures due to COVID-19 will have access to either: Unemployment benefits o Ordinary wage integration treatment (CIGO) for a maximum of 13 weeks, covering a period from 1 April 2021 to 30 June 2021; o Ordinary allowance ("assegno ordinario") and wage integration treatment for COVID-19 reason for a maximum of 28 weeks, covering a period from 1 April 2021 to 31 December 2021. In both cases, no additional contribution to the fund is due by their employers. Postponement of social security contributions payment for taxpayers who carry out business Social security contributions activities with revenues or fees not exceeding EUR 2 million. Activation measures Suspension of all firing procedures initiated after February 23rd 2020. This was extended until the end of March 2021, to prevent discrimination and social exclusion. Through the Sostegni decree, the government extended once more this measure until June 30th 2021. After this date, the government announced a more selective approach, keeping the freeze in place only for some sectors Labor market regulations Enhanced Occupational safety and health (OSH) measures adopted with national guidelines on the implementation of measures that comply with WHO requirements. Short-term contracts can be renewed for up to 12 months without the need of specifying any reason, as long as the overall duration of the contract does not exceed 24 months. Labor Parents of children younger than 14 working in the private sector have the right to work from home Markets if the other parent is working and nobody in the family benefits from social assistance measures. All “fragile” employees, including persons with disability, whose working activity cannot be carried out on a “smart” working regime will work remotely until June 30th 2021. Reduced work time Work arrangements with simplified modalities for teleworking for all activities and occupations for which it is possible. Simplified procedures for requests and notification of telework. For the public sector, simplified tendering procedures. Several regional authorities provide funds to enterprises for the purchase of equipment To discourage layoffs during the crisis, employees of companies that have interrupted their activities were entitled to receive a benefit in the amount of 80% of the salary paid by the government. The Wage subsidies measure was valid for up to nine weeks and no longer than August 2020. This measure included all economic sectors, except for domestic work, and enterprises, regardless their size of the latter. For 325 those firms that exhausted the nine weeks, four more weeks were available from September 1st until October 31st 2020. 326 (back to the top) Jamaica Cash-based transfers The Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education (PATH) payments will be paid earlier than scheduled. The April 2020 payment was made prior to the April 15, 2020 payment date. The May and June 2020 payment cycles commenced on May 15 and June 22, 2020 PATH families with children enrolled in primary and secondary schools are receiving a top-up of J$150 per day while children in ECD are receiving J$100 per day for school feeding while school is closed. A total or 23 school days were paid for this benefit in May. 152,999 student beneficiaries and children within Early Childhood Institutions (ECIs) received the School Feeding Stipend in May 2020. Persons enrolled in PATH will receive a ‘COVID-19 PATH grant’ which will add another payment for the April-June payment period under the CARE program. PATH beneficiaries will therefore receive three payments instead of two payments for this payment period. Total beneficiaries 360,000 individuals Social Assistance Cash transfers The COVID-19 Allocation of Resources for Employees (CARE) program’s Compassionate Grant of (conditional and unconditional) J$10,000 (US$70) is available to anyone in need (e.g. tertiary students, unemployed, informally employed, elderly, pensioners, etc.) who completes the required application form, is not formally employed, has not received, and does not intend to apply to any other cash benefit under CARE. For any other cash benefit under the CARE Programme, with the exception of the Covid-19 PATH Grant. Persons must possess a valid taxpayer registration number and not be in formal employment. As of May 6, 2020 - 250,000 applicants were eligible and scheduled to receive payment. Through CARE Programme, a budget of JMD$150 M was provided to the Ministry of Local Government to assist the homeless, those in shelters and the elderly in infirmaries. The government created a separate window within the CARE programme to ensure persons with disabilities, who might face additional hurdles to accessing relief, are able to do so. This concerned a budget of $40 million (USD 275,000). This is a one-off temporary grant for persons with disabilities 327 aged 18-65 who have not already benefited from the CARE programme. Implementation started in July 2020. Social pensions In-kind transfers The Ministry of Labor and Social Security through its Central Foods Warehouse is delivering relief Food, vouchers, others packages (food and other relief items) to persons in quarantine and to the elderly. School feeding Public works The Covid-19 Student Loan Relief will provide a deferral of student loan principal and interest payments for 3 months (until July 2020) for loans outstanding to the Student Loan Bureau (SLB) Utility waivers The National Water Commission (NWC) granted a 30% discount on outstanding balances for residential customers more than 90 days in arrears. The initiative involved the period May 6th to July 31st and convened 31,000 estimated beneficiaries. Also, the NWC offered a waiver on reconnection fees to those customers who were disconnected. Paid sick leave Health insurance The National Insurance Scheme (NIS) pensioners will receive their two fortnightly payments in one payment. Pensions Beginning October 1, workers in the tourism sector were able to register for the Tourism Workers’ Pension Scheme. The Scheme is a defined contributory plan supported by legislation and will require Social mandatory contributions by workers and employers. It covers all workers in the tourism sector aged Insurance 18 to 59, whether permanent, contractual or self-employed. Under the Government’s COVID Allocation of Resources for Employees (CARE) Program, a direct transfer will be made to workers who lost their jobs. Supporting Employees with Transfer of Cash (SET Cash) – which will provide temporary cash transfer to individuals where it can be verified that Unemployment benefits they lost their employment since March 10, (the date of the first COVID19 case in Jamaica). Individuals who apply and qualify will receive J$9,000 (US$63) per fortnight, paid monthly from the month of their application through to June 2020. Extension of two months July – Sep 2020. Social security contributions The Ministry of Tourism implemented a free online training initiative on April 22th as part of the Labor Activation measures Government’s thrust to ensure the continued development of employees in the sector, who were laid Markets off as a result of the closure of hotels during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. The courses, 328 which were offered by the Jamaica Centre for Tourism Innovation (JCTI), were run until late July. The initiative included the following trainings: laundry attendant, gift room attendant, kitchen steward/porter, public area sanitation, hospitality team leader, certified banquet server, certified restaurant server (55 participants), Servsafe training in food safety (2,930 participants), certified hospitality supervisor (19 participants), introduction to Spanish (220 participants), and disc jock (DJ) certification. Labor market regulations Reduced work time Several incentives are planned to mitigate employment losses, including direct transfers to businesses to maintain employees. *update* The Government announced a COVID-19 Allocation of Resources for Employees (CARE) Wage subsidies program, which includes Business Employee Support and Transfer of Cash (BEST Cash) – which will provide temporary cash transfer to businesses in targeted sectors based on the number of workers they keep employed 329 (back to the top) Japan Cash-based transfers Additional payments to low-income single parent households Japan will give US$ 930 to every citizen – delivered to the head of the household to which the person belongs. The cost is expected to be around 2% of GDP (12,880,293 million yen As of 25th September 2020, 12.66 trillion yen (99.4% of the budget of 12.73 trillion yen) has been paid. Special grant for single parent households ¥50,000 (¥30,000 for second and further children) for households receiving child rearing allowance Additional ¥50,000 if income declines Grant for furloughed employees Max ¥330,000 per month for SMEs employees Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Emergency assistance fund for students ¥200,000 for low-income students ¥100,000 for other students Social Emergency small amount fund / general support funds Max ¥800,000 for multiple-person Assistance household Max ¥600,000 for single-person household Support for parents work leaves: Support self-employed people performing subcontract work (4,100 yen a day for those who meet certain eligibility criteria) Additional child allowance of 10k yen per child on top of (regular) monthly 10K per child allowance, tax exempt Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others The city of Osaka will offer free lunches for all students at government-run elementary and junior high schools (from April). The program would save parents between 50,000 yen ($470) and 60,000 School feeding yen per child each year, he said. The city estimates the annual cost of covering all 165,000 students at 7.7 billion yen, with funding for fiscal 2020 starting April coming from a reserve fund. The city 330 plans to continue the program beyond the next fiscal year and discuss details such as how to secure funding for fiscal 2021 and beyond. Public works Emergency Comprehensive Support Grant for Novel Coronavirus Disease (for medical care and long term care) Special loans to individuals from the emergency small amount fund Housing security benefit Equivalent to the rent for housing for 3 (up to 9) months Utility waivers Payment deferral utility charges’ (electricity, gas, telephone, NHK, etc.) Payment deferral of national and local tax Emergency microcredit to troubled households: Max 200K loan (no interest) to those who need temporary money, and additional loan (no interest) of 450K-600K for 3 months to those who rebuild their lives. Loans are forgivable in certain cases. Support for parents work leaves: Establish a new subsidy system that covers employees, no matter permanent or non-permanent (subsidy rate: 10/10, up to 8,330 yen a day) Access to paid leave. Applied paid-sick-leave system to patients of COVID-19 and those who have Paid sick leave noticeable symptoms of COVID-19 such as fever. Extension of the support fund and allowance for the leave without pay until December Social Subsidy for employers who allow female pregnant employees to take paid-leave Insurance Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security premiums without collateral and penalties for business operators whose income is significantly reduced Social security contributions Reduction / exemption of social security insurance National health care insurance, long-term care insurance, pension Labor Activation measures Markets Labor market regulations 331 The government asked people and companies for promotion of telework to prevent the spread of Reduced work time infection Employment adjustment subsidies 100% of cost, up to ¥15,000 per day for SMEs maintaining their employment Wage subsidies A planned subsidy will reimburse two-thirds of the leave allowance for an SME employer, or half for a large enterprise. The subsidy is capped at JPY8,335 a day per employee on leave as of late February 2020 332 (back to the top) Jersey Cash-based transfers The COVID- 19 Related Emergency Support Scheme (CRESS) was launched on April 1st, 2020 to provide weekly payments to cover basic costs, depending on the individual’s relationship status and whether they have children. Initially, this cash transfer was £150 per week for single people and £250 per week for couples who have been working for at least six months but lost their employment income. A child supplement of £50 per child was also introduced. Those who worked for less than six Cash transfers months received an amount of £70 per week. This program was extended until August 31st, 2020, (conditional and unconditional) with a total budget of £540,500 and 450 beneficiaries. As part of the Support Package, the government distributed 105,000 Spend Local cards of £100 to support Islanders after the outbreak of COVID-19 in September 2020. The aim of this card was to spend it on the local economy. This measure concerned a total planned budget of £11 million. Social Social pensions Assistance In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works The government established that those in struggle related to mortgage payments can contact their banks directly to request a mortgage payment ‘holiday,’ charged with interest. It was advised not to stop their direct debit or standing order, but to agree lender first. Utility waivers Local General Practiotioners have worked with the Government on a new health scheme to provide subsidised fixed costs for General Practice visits for up to 12,000 people. The Health Access Scheme means that those who are receiving Income Support or Pension Plus are able to receive the care they need at reduced rates with children in income support households receiving free surgery appointments. Social Paid sick leave Insurance Health insurance 333 Pensions Unemployment benefits Employers and self-employed individuals most affected by the public health workplace restrictions can defer the payment of Social Security contributions. After the deferral, payment plans can be offered for up to three years to give extra flexibility to those most affected. Eligibility criteria is: Social security contributions - businesses that are required to close for part of a month as a result of the public health measures - food and/or beverage wholesalers that derive more than 75% of their income from businesses required to close The deferment is implemented until 2023. As of July 2020, this policy was funded by the Support Package, involving a planned budget of £26 million Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time The Government Co-Funded Payroll Scheme (Phase 1) was a short-term emergency measure introduced to protect the most vulnerable employers and employees in the early stages of the Coronavirus disruption in Jersey. Initially, the program refunded eligible employers up to £200 per week for each employee they paid between 20 to 31 March 2020. The program changed several times It was renewed several times. The Government Co-Funded Payroll Scheme (Phase 1) was a Labor short-term emergency measure introduced to protect the most vulnerable employers and Markets employees in the early stages of the Coronavirus disruption in Jersey. Initially, the program refunded eligible employers up to £200 per week for each employee they paid between 20 to 31 March 2020. Wage subsidies The program changed several times. During Phase 2, the subsidy payable was 80% of the lower of the worker’s gross wage paid in the month or £2,000 a month, with a maximum subsidy of £1,600 per worker per month. During Phase 3, the percentage applied to worker's wage ranged from 60% in September 2020 (£1,200) to 40% in December 2020 (£800). Phase 4, beginning on January 2021, established higher benefits: a maximum subsidy of 80% of £2,000 per worker (i.e. a maximum payment of £1,600) and 95% of £2,500 per worker (i.e. a maximum payment of £2,250) for businesses that are required to close or wholesalers whose 75% of their income comes from selling food and/or beverages and were required to close. 334 (back to the top) Jordan Cash-based transfers A new project supports the GOJ’s COVID-19 response cash support program as well as the regular Takaful CT program. The Government's Program will provide cash support to about 293,000 poor and vulnerable households affected by COVID-19 and includes two parts: (i) temporary (six month) CTs to 200,000 additional vulnerable households; and (ii) temporary (six month) benefit top-ups for 93,000 NAF beneficiaries. The proposed project will finance around US$245 million of this overall amount to support about 190,000 households out of the total 200,000 households under part (i) of the program and will provide top-up benefits for Takaful beneficiaries under part (ii). The project will also finance regular Takaful CTs for a total amount of US$128 million for all beneficiaries in 2020. (55,000) and 25,000 (out of 85,000) beneficiaries in 2021. On 16 April 2020, the Minister of Social Protection announced a social protection programme to support daily wage workers to be carried out by the NAF. • The programme is financed via donations collected from citizens and the private sector through the newly formed ‘Emergency Response Fund—Himat Watan’; Social • The benefit amount consists of JOD70 per month for 2-member households and JOD136 per Assistance Cash transfers month for households consisting of 3 members or more paid for 3 months. It will be delivered (conditional and unconditional) through e-wallets; • Applications for the programme are made through the pre-existing bread support cash assistance application website/Takmeely Platform; • As of 3 June 2020, 230,000 households have benefitted, and an additional 50,000 are expected to receive aid. • The National Unified Registry is used to verify applicants´ information currently the fund has JD27 million Until 14 April 2020, 150,000 families received cash and in-kind aid provided by the Zakat Fund, for a total value of approximately JOD2 million. These are a combination of old and new beneficiaries. Priority is being given to daily wage workers. The ‘Hajati’ Cash Transfer programme, specifically tailored to Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian families, was expanded to cover 18,000 additional vulnerable children. A database maintained by UNICEF Jordan with information on 38,000 of the poorest and most vulnerable 335 households was used to identify households not receiving Hajati but who were in urgent need of financial support. In 2020, Jordan took another step, endorsing the Regulation No. (93) of 2020 on Maternity Social Protection under the Social Security Law. The regulation enables working mothers to return to work while receiving childcare subsidy for their children either if they attend a childcare facility or if they stay at home. It also allows for registered childcare centres to receive direct cash benefits to cover 50% of their operational costs. For 2021, the government launched the Recovery Takaful 3 Program, which also aims to support the daily wage workers with cash assistance, and plans to cover 100,000 households. The registration process started mid-December 2020 and lasted for one month. Registration was available both face-to-face and online, and more than 300,000 families applied for assistance. Within Q1 2021, potential eligible households will have their data validated and will afterwards be visited for verification. The first payment is expected in March 2021 for the 100,000 beneficiary households. An additional (estimated) 25,000-35,000 households are currently being targeted in Q1 2021 to be enrolled by Q2 2021 in the Takaful (1) program. A total of 20,500 of the most vulnerable Palestine refugees residing in Jordan (Jerash camp) that do not hold Jordanian citizenship (targeting within this group the elderly, female-headed households and families with children under the age of five years) will receive a one-time cash assistance of JDS50 Social pensions In-kind transfers Until 14 April 2020, 150,000 families received cash and in-kind aid provided by the Zakat Fund, for a total value of approximately JOD2 million. These are a combination of old and new beneficiaries. Priority is being given to daily wage workers. The Social Security Corporation (SSC) will provide in-kind support to about 100,000 (other reports indicate 35,000-50,000) vulnerable families that include an individual over the age of 70 and casual Food, vouchers, others workers. Food parcels have a monetary value of JD40-50. The program may be extended to persons with chronic illnesses. SSC is also studying to expand the list to include families whose breadwinners have lost their work, especially those working in the informal sector, in case the government decided to extend the suspension NAF beneficiary households received bread for free (one time) as well as water, gas and basic 336 medicines. The National Aid Fund will continue to provide monthly cash aid and supplementary support (150,000 families) and deliver emergency cash and relief aid to an additional 50,000 households, with the support of the army. Daily wage workers who are jobless and were not enrolled in the Social Security Corporation are eligible to benefit from the bread subsidy. Expanding the Bread Subsidy Cash Compensation Programme to National Aid Fund (NAF) beneficiaries. The NAF started the registration in early March of the existing Bread Subsidy Cash Compensation Programme, targeting 4.5 to 5 million citizens with a small amount of money per year (JOD27 per individual, paid only once). Payments will occur over April-November 2020 and will take the same form as the Takaful Programme. Approximately 400,000 online applications have been received. Children of Jordanian women married to non- Jordanian men and Gazans who are registered with the passport department can apply On March 31, 2021, the government announced a COVID stimulus package with a total value of JD 448 million. The package includes measures to help underprivileged families with food vouchers during Ramadan to buy foodstuffs from the civil and military consumer corporations. In February 2021, food coupons (with a value of JD100 per coupon) were distributed to 30,000 underprivileged beneficiary families School feeding Public works The government has set limits on commodity prices for fruits, vegetables and other basic food supplies Utility waivers Fines imposed on delayed payments of property tax will be cancelled while taxpayers will also be relieved from fines on outstanding balances they owe to the tax department if they pay off the dues before July 1, 2021. Ministry of Labour announced a two-week paid leave for all public sector workers in 2020. This will Paid sick leave not be deducted from the normal allocation of sick leave The Government and Ministry of Health is covering the cost of treatment for COVID-19 patients in Health insurance government hospitals Social Pensions Insurance The Jordanian Social Security Corporation (SSC) announced that workers on unpaid leave can apply for disbursement of unemployment benefits, provided they meet the relevant conditions and work in Unemployment benefits certain sectors, such as tourism, transportation and trade 337 In June 2020, the economic recovery measure Himayah provided employees of businesses in the tourism and transportation sectors which are registered with the SSC with 50% of their salary in amounts between JD220-400 until the end of 2020. o In October 2020, the SSC announced its decision to include restaurants and coffee shops in the Himayah program Half of the Maternity Insurance Contributions in 2020 will be used to support vulnerable groups, mainly old age and sick people. The allocated amounts will be used for cash transfers and in-kind aids. Companies that owe contributions to SSC from the past (arrears amount to JD 340M) will be legally allowed to make such payments into the future The Defence Order No. 1 of 2020 gave the authority to the Social Security Corporation to allow enterprises to suspend old age contribution for 3 months starting March 1, 2020 while maintaining coverage for maternity, unemployment, death, and occupational health. This will reduce the contributions from 21.75% to 5.25% (employer 4.25% and employee 1%) The Defence Order No. 1 of 2020 gave the authority to Social Security Corporation to allow enterprises to pay social security contributions in instalments until end of 2023 without any interest or penalties; Social security contributions Tamkeen Ektisadi 1, which is part of Defence Order No. 14 was issued on 15 June 2020, reduces social security contributions from 21.75% to 13.5% for private sector workers. The DO 24 launched the following measurements: Continue the enforcement, and expansion of the SSC programs: Musanid, Tamken Ektisadi and Himayah, as previously stipulated in Defence Orders 9 and 14 of 2020. Tamkeen Ektisadi 2, which is part of Defence Order No. 14 was issued on 15 June 2020, allows both Jordanian and non-Jordanian SSC members, in the public and private sectors, with a monthly income of less than JOD 700, with a 5% advance payment on their insured income, in the form of a one-off payment and up to a maximum of JOD 200 per person. Defence Order No. 15 was issued on 9 August 2020 extended the coverage of Tamkeen Ektisadi 2 to include public sector workers. The Tawkeed program, announced in January 2021, which was launched to ensure that sectors and Labor Activation measures economic activities keep operating, provides training opportunities in collaboration with the private Markets sector to train and qualify individuals wishing to work as health protection observers. 338 During the quarantine period, an official license was granted to public and private sector workers Labor market regulations (except for some essential sectors). Employers cannot calculate this period as annual leave or sick leave and cannot deduct it from workers' vacation balance Reduced work time In April 2020, several unemployment benefit and insurance programs within the SSC were announced. * Tadamon 1 was for employees at companies that had to reduce wages by 50%. Employees receive an unemployment allowance consisting of 50% of their salaries for three months, in amounts between JD165-500. * Tadamon 2 targets the uninsured businesses not registered with the SSC, and those whose contributions lasted for less than a year. Employees receive an unemployment allowance of JD150 per month for three months. * Musaned 1 provides unemployment insurance for insured employees who have stopped working due to COVID-19. Employees receive unemployment insurance consisting of 50% of their salary in amounts between JD150-350 for three months. Himayah programme, which is part of Defence Order No. 14 was issued on 15 June 2020, provides employees of businesses in the tourism and transportation sectors, which are registered with the Social Security Corporation, with a wage subsidy of 50% of their salary in the amount between JOD 220 and JOD 400 per month. This was to expire at the end of 2020 but was then extended with the Wage subsidies issuance of DO24. The DO 24 launched the following measurements: Continue the enforcement, and expansion of the SSC programs: Musanid, Tamken Ektisadi and Himayah, as previously stipulated in Defence Orders 9 and 14 of 2020. The DO 24 launched the following measurement: Establishment of a program for employment stabilization in the private sector – “Estidama” – in cooperation between the government and the SSC, who finances a part of this facility with surplus of the work injury insurance schem. Estidama provides wage subsidies, from December 2020 up until May 2021, amounting to 75% or 50% of monthly salary, for workers employed by enterprises of the most affected sectors or unauthorized to function. On March 31, 2021, the government announced a COVID stimulus package with a total value of JD 448 million. The package includes measures to employ youth in COVID-related programs such as vaccination campaigns at a cost of JD10 million 339 The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship will launch a project to fresh graduates who graduated during the last three years in digital and IT companies, he added, noting that the government will subsidise 50 per cent of wages for a period of six months, at a total cost of JD20 million. The Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture will launch a national afforestation project in governorates to employ 6,000 unemployed Jordanians at a cost of JD10 million for a period of six months, and not exceeding the end of this year. In April 2020, Musaned 2 was announced, which allowed Jordanian/non-Jordanian SSC members to retrieve a maximum of JD450 from their unemployment insurance savings to be received in three monthly payments. In June 2020, a measure called Tamkeen 2 allowed Jordanian/non-Jordanian SSC members in the public and private sector with income less than JD700 a 5% advance payment on their assured income at a maximum of JD200 to be paid at any one time. This benefitted at least 364,000 workers. A program was launched in December 2020 which aims to preserve jobs for the sectors most affected by COVID-19. The budget of the program is JD200 million, and it aims to preserve 180,000 jobs in approximately 20,000 private sector entities The wage support program Musaned 3 permitted Jordanian/non-Jordanian SSC members and voluntary members with income less than JD500 to spend a 5% advance on their insured income at a maximum of JD450 paid across three months. 340 (back to the top) Kazakhstan Cash-based transfers Monthly payments of US$ 100 for up to almost 3 million people will be made to those who have lost income as a result of COVID-19. The amount will be equivalent to minimum wage (42,000 tenge or US$ 110). As of 16 April, 2.7 million were approved for support, although 5.3 million (60 per cent of the working population) had applied Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) One-off payments to medical workers infected with COVID-19 in the amount of 2 mln tenge (US$ 4.7K).to 12,983 individuals One-off payments to families of medical workers deceased from COVID-19 in the amount of 10 mln tenge (US$ 23.5K) to 184 households Social pensions In-kind transfers In-kind support in the form of free grocery packages is planned for large families with children, Social Food, vouchers, others persons with disability and other vulnerable families Assistance School feeding As part of the 2020-2021 KZT 1.8 trillion Employment Roadmap (ERM), 6,107 infrastructure projects for repairing and constructing social facilities, engineering and transportation infrastructure, irrigation systems, and housing and communal services, along with the landscaping of settlements. This initiative employed 150,000 people. Employees who have arrived from other settlements for Public works infrastructure projects under the ERM receive additional lump-sum material assistance (“lifting”) in the amount of two minimum wages determined by the law on the republican budget for the corresponding financial year. At least half of the workers will be hired through employment centers. Priority will be given to the unemployed youth. Contractors must ensure safe working conditions with the use of sanitary and epidemiological measures Reimbursement of utilities expenses for Apr and May in amount of KZT15,000 will be provided for some socially vulnerable groups of population. Electricity and telecommunications: citizens, who Utility waivers were transferred to remote work, may receive compensation for the electricity and telecommunications bills. Utilities in Almaty: the residents can defer utilities payments, incl. elevator and waste disposal, for Mar and Apr till the end of 2020 with no fines or penalties. 341 VAT reduced from 12% to 8% for essential food products until Oct 2020 Paid sick leave Health insurance Free healthcare for all until June, 2020. Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 342 (back to the top) Kenya Cash-based transfers Government of Kenya Weekly Cash Transfers. Appropriation of an additional KShs. 10 Billion (USD 100M) to the elderly, orphans and other vulnerable members of the society through cash transfers by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection to cushion them from the adverse economic effects of COVID -19 pandemic. 1,094,238 Inua Jamii beneficiaries will start receiving Ksh8,000 (US$ 80) each from the state to cushion them against the effects of the coronavirus. At the queue at the payment centers, the beneficiaries will be required to maintain 1.5 meters of social distance. Oxfam transfer to Mombasa and Nairobi informal settlements. The Royal Danish Embassy in Nairobi signed a DKK 20 Million (KES 310 million) grant to provide cash transfers to 40,000 vulnerable Kenyans in Mombasa and Nairobi informal settlements. The cash transfers will be disbursed monthly, for three months, via MPESA to Kenyans who have lost their income sources due to Covid- 19 and who are at risk of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV). Social Assistance Cash transfers 3,000,000 new households’ beneficiaries will be added under NSNP/KSEIP. (conditional and unconditional) Upto Kshs 2 Billion (USD 20M) recovered from corruption proceeds will be used to support the most vulnerable especially the urban poor. The Ministry of Sports, Culture & Heritage is availing an additional support of Kshs 100 Million (USD 1M) from an existing sports fund to artists , actors and musicians during the period of the COVID -19 pandemic. WFP transfer to Nairobi informal settlements. Six-month funding to support food security and expand cash transfers to Nairobi informal settlements & Jua Kali associations from July to December 2020. UNICEF transfer to families. A 6-months cash transfers to families receiving children released from residential children institutions i.e. Statutory Children Institutions (SCI) and Charitable Children Institutions (CCI). An additional support to the existing cash transfers under Inua Jamii programme 343 with a cash transfer top-up as part of the Joint devolution programme targeting most vulnerable in Garissa, Kajiado, Kilifi, Kakamega and Migori. Transfer from Shikilia Coalition. Shikilia is directing donors interested in providing funds for cash transfers to give to GiveDirectly, a NGO which has a decade’s experience in efficiently providing cash grants to low-income households in Kenya. GiveDirectly is a registered non-profit in Kenya and the United States, with external audits completed annually in both countries (more financial data here). GiveDirectly has worked with the Shikilia organizing committee team to agree on the targeting and transfer sizing of this cash program. The first recipients for this program were enrolled and received cash transfers in April, with thousands already enrolled. Social pensions 300,000 new households’ beneficiaries will be added under the social pensions program In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding As part of the “Kazi Mtaani” initiative, 10,600 youths (18 to 35) living in Nairobi’s slums (Mathare, Kibera, Mukuru and Korogocho) have been enlisted for street cleaning, fumigation, disinfection, garbage collection, bush clearance and drainage unclogging services, among others. Kazi Mtaani (Jobs in the Neighborhood) is a public works program reaching 26,000 unemployed youth residing in 27 informal settlements of Nairobi, Mombasa, Kiambu, Nakuru, Kisumu, Kilifi, Kwale and Mandera. Daily wage is about $6/day delivered via Mpesa (first phase ran from April 29, 2020 to June 2, 2020). With the success of the first phase, the government has rolled out both Phase 1B and Phase 2, using its own financing, with another 283,210 workers recruited across all 47 counties in the country.? Public works “The Second Kenya Informal Settlements Improvement Project will continue to support the government in the subsequent phases of their labor-intensive community work initiatives, such as Kazi Mtaani” said Sheila Kamunyori, World Bank Senior Urban Specialist and Task Team Leader. In Phase 2, planned to run for six months, Kazi Mtaani will focus more on sustainable work activities such as construction of public spaces and infrastructure such as schools, libraries, toilets, footpaths, painting and cobblestone roads paving. A hybrid of skilled and unskilled labor has therefore been engaged in a bid to ensure that the program delivers value post COVID-19. The benefits accruing from this program are essential to building the resilience of informal settlement dwellers both during the pandemic and after. 344 The central bank has also encouraged banks to extend flexibility to borrowers’ loan terms based on pandemic-related circumstances Decrease of the value-added tax rate from 16% to 14% with effect from 1 April 2020 Utility waivers On 17 March, a central bank order for banks to waive bank fees for individuals who move money between their bank account and mobile wallet came into effect. Some of the measures, including waiving or reducing of charges on mobile money transactions and suspension of listing of negative credit information for borrowers, were reversed on January 1, 2021. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures A payment of additional income for a person earning a monthly income of KES 24,000. To support the creative economy, the GoK through a presidential directive to the Ministry of ICT, Labor market regulations Innovation and Youth Affairs and the Kenya Copyright Board collective management organizations Labor have established a framework to ensure artists get paid and can continue working in the time of the Markets pandemic. Through this system, upto Kshs 200 Million (USD 2M) will be paid One week after Kenya reported its first positive case of COVID-19, the government called upon employers to consider alternative working arrangements where possible, including teleworking, paid Reduced work time leave etc. and to avoid to the extent possible termination of employment. The tripartite partners at a press conference a few days later reiterated the call. Wage subsidies 345 (back to the top) Kiribati Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Social A stimulus package was approved in June 2020. The package amounts to AUD 15.5 million, Insurance equivalent to 7.5 percent of GDP. It consists of unemployment support (AUD 2.6 million), private Unemployment benefits business stimulus (AUD 4.5 million plus AUD 3.5 million cargo buffer), and state-owned enterprises (SOE) stimulus (AUD 5.2 million). This excludes the first response package of AUD 11.5 million that has been largely donor-funded Social security contributions Reduction in social security contributions for both employers and employees Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 346 (back to the top) Korea, Rep. Cash-based transfers Emergency relief checks will be offered to about 800,000 people vulnerable to job loss, including company-owned taxi drivers and freelancers All residents of Gyeonggi Province are eligible to receive 100,000 won each as part of the provincial government's second round of coronavirus relief payments to help locals cope with the economic fallout from the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. The 100,000 won payment will be directly deposited into the applicant's credit card account or issued in the form of a local currency card, and must be spent within a three-month period. The government will support childcare with W2.4T to low-income households as they shift from child daycare to homecare. Specifically, parent employees get W50,000/day. Reintroduction of job seekers’ allowance for low-income households, with such allowance being increased from W200,000 to 500,000 for up to 3 months. Social Assistance Cash transfers The government decided to offer emergency relief payments of 9.1 trillion won to households in the (conditional and unconditional) bottom 70 percent income bracket. A total of 14 million households are to become recipients. Payments to vary according to the household members: 0.4 million won (single-person households), 0.6 million won (two-person households), 0.8 million won (three-person households), 1.0 million won (four-person households Income support to those who are not eligible for employment insurance - self-employers, freelancers in lieu of employment retention/ unemployment benefits (only those in a low-wage bracket). The government decided to offer universal emergency relief payments to roughly 21.71 million households through the universal program (this an extension of emergency relief announced earlier to reach the bottom 70 percent income bracket). A total 14.3 trillion won ($11.66 billion). The government plans to provide 1 million won to households with four or more members, 800,000 won to three-person households, 600,000 won to two-person households and 400,000 won to single- person households. Some 2.8 million households that belong to vulnerable groups, such as beneficiaries of national basic livelihood security and disability pensions, started receiving funds first. 347 Expanded child care assistance covering elementary school-age children. Social pensions In-kind transfers South Korea will give gift vouchers to try to combat the economic impact of the Covid-19 (coronavirus) outbreak. The value of the vouchers or online coupons depends on the size of the eligible household. A one-person household can expect to receive 400,000 won (US$326), a family of four 1 million won. The government said the purpose of issuing vouchers is to ensure that Food, vouchers, others consumption is stimulated. W2.8T are provided via a 4-month-worth purchase vouchers to households receiving child and social assistance School feeding Create on-line, digital public jobs (10,000 jobs for maximum 6 months). Public works Generate open-air public works for low-income households (30,000 jobs for maximum 6 months). Discount coupons and rebates on high energy efficiency home appliances, etc. ₩2.4 trillion 50% Tax Deduction for Rent Reductions. For commercial property landlords (both individual) who reduce rent receivable from small business owner lessees during the period January 2020 to June 2021, an amount equal to 50% of the reduction in rent is deductible. VAT exemption for “simplified taxpayers” (RSTA §108-5)—Liability to pay VAT is exempted for simplified VAT taxable persons whose annual turnover is between KRW 30M – 48M, until the end of 2020. Utility waivers For entertainment expenses incurred during the period January to December 2020, the deductible amount limit is temporarily increased (0.35% up to KRW 10bn, 0.25% from KRW 10bn up to KRW 50bn, and 0.06% for amounts exceeding KRW 50bn). Lower the interest rate for low-income household loan programs from 4.5 percent to 2-3 percent. The government will also provide a 1.3 trillion won worth of electricity bill payment deferral, which will be given to 3,200,000 small businesses and 1,570,000 low-income households for three months from April to June 348 Parent employees get up to 5 days of leave along with childcare support (see above). This measure is limited to those without receiving paid family emergency leave from their firms. Paid sick leave W84billion to subsidize employers’ cost for paid leaves offered to those infected. Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits The government will expand the social security contribution reliefs as it will offer 3-month payment deferrals and 30 percent contribution cuts. The deferrals and cuts will be applied to contributions for March and on. 1) National HealthCare contributions - Current reliefs: Give 50 percent cut in contributions for three months to those in the bottom 20 percent income bracket and bottom 50 percent in hard-hit areas (A total of 5,460,000 beneficiaries) Social - Expand to bottom 40 percent and give them 30 percent reduction for three months (Additional Insurance beneficiaries of 4,880,000) 2) National Pension contributions The government will adopt a long installment payment plan rather than a payment exemption, for Social security contributions citizens are to receive their pension benefits according to the contributions they made. - Temporarily expand the eligibility for the contribution relief - Allow up to 60 month installment payment 3) Unemployment insurance contributions - Give a three-month payment deferral to small businesses with less than 30 employees: 6,120,000 employees and 2,280,000 businesses, around 44 percent of the total unemployment insurance holders, to receive the payment deferral The government will expand the social security contribution reliefs as it will offer 3 month payment deferrals and 30 percent contribution cuts. The deferrals and cuts will be applied to contributions for March and on. Further vocational training for job seekers (an increase of training allowance, lowering co-payment Labor Activation measures rates, lifting the income threshold for job-seeker package, continued provision of training through Markets on-line). 349 Extend the young adult employment quota (3 percent of the newly hired) and increase new hires in public institutions. Labor market regulations Flexibility in the system introduced: (i) extend the employment contract by 50 days for those whose employment terms are approaching; (ii) support replacement of new Employment Permit System (EPS) workers who cannot leave their home countries, (iii) operate EPS-related business through one-stop service, and (iv) extend the job search period for EPS job changers Reduced work time Business support including wage support ₩610 billion Support for job seekers including wage support ₩603 billion Increased by W400 billion, to KRW500 billion: This emergency measure introduced a further increase in employment retention subsidies from 66% of wages to 90% for 3 months, April to June (while maintaining the cap of $66/employee/day). Large firms are subject to the 66% threshold. Wage subsidies Emergency livelihood aid: Wage subsidies to those with unpaid leaves in targeted industries (e.g., tourism) to help retain employment. Special Regional Employment Support Aid' will be given to 100 thousand workers, at the rate of KRW 500 thousand a month Increased by 250% of existing indirect employment-cost subsidies (to W400,000 per worker) in the event an employee reduces work hours for COVID-19-related family care, coupled with relaxing eligibility criteria (e.g. the minimum employment duration from 6 months to 1 month). 350 (back to the top) Kosovo Cash-based transfers An addition to the monthly salary, at the amount of EUR 300, will be paid to on-site workers and those exposed directly to the risk of infection for the period March – April. The total coverage amounts to EUR 15 million. An additional monthly payment of EUR 100 will be paid to employees of groceries, bakeries and pharmacies for the period March – April 2020, amounting up to the total coverage of EUR 3 million. Payment of monthly assistance will be at EUR 130 for each individual resulting as unemployed due to the public health emergency situation. The total coverage amounts to EUR 4 million. Payment of monthly assistance to citizens living under poor social conditions, registered as unemployed and who do not benefit any other payment from the Kosovo budget, will be EUR 130 per person during the period April – June 2020. Initial budget was EUR 3 million but then it was increased to around EUR 9 million Social Assistance Cash transfers Early payment of 2 months-worth social assistance benefits. A measure amounting to seven million (conditional and unconditional) six hundred fifty thousand (€7,650,000.00) Euros Double payments made to all social assitance beneficiaries in March, April, May; and again, September, October, November 2020, with an estaimted cost of 7.5 million Euro. Also, early payment of farming grants and subsidies (for 1,702 farmers) is planned. All verification procedures for social assistance (and pensions) benefits are suspended until further notice (beneficiaries are required to visit public offices, etc.). (Note: this applied to reverification/reapplication only. New applicants were required to complete full application process. This measure ended in July 2020 and then reactivated recently given the worsening situation) Payment of an additional sum of thirty (€30) Euros per month to all beneficiaries of social assistance and pension schemes who receive a monthly payment lower than one-hundred (€100) Euros, for April, May and June, provided that they are beneficiaries of only one scheme/ 351 (Note: Completed. Paid in March-April-May for all beneficiaries earning below 101 EUR/month Advancing payments for social assistance schemes by additional one month's amount (from one month to two months) to support families in need Social assistance allowance will be doubled for the period March– May 2020, amounting to EUR 7.65 million. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works New calendar on excise rate on tobacco been adopted, increase by 1 euro per unit from September this year, followed with another euro increase in January 2021, 2022 and continues until it reaches 55 euro per unit in 2025. Utility waivers Deferrals for VAT Deferral of public utilities payments until end of April Removal of VAT on imports of wheat and flour; Paid sick leave Health insurance The Government announced on April 21, 2021, that further top ups to the basic pensions. Early payment of pensions (Euro 35M monthly). Social As part of its efforts to provide relief to individuals affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Kosovo Insurance enacted a law on December 7 that allows participants of the country’s mandatory individual account Pensions pension program to withdraw up to 10 percent of their account balances. (Other measures of the law include €200 million [US$245.4 million] in aid to busi- nesses, payments of €300 (US$368.13) a month from October 2020 to December 2020 to workers who lost their jobs, and reductions in the value-added tax on raw materials.) Early payment of pensions (Euro 35M monthly). 352 As part of its efforts to provide relief to businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, Kosovo enacted a law on December 7 that allows participants of the country’s mandatory individual account pension program to withdraw up to 10 percent of their account balances. (Other measures of the law include €200 million [US$245.4 million] in aid to busi- nesses, payments of €300 (US$368.13) a month from October 2020 to December 2020 to workers who lost their jobs, and reductions in the value-added tax on raw materials.) Adoption of the law on economic recovery allowed citizens to withdraw 10 percent of their pensions savings applicable until April 2021 During 2020, 184 million euro been transferred from Kosovo Pensions Savings Trust to individual accounts following individual applications Unemployment benefits As part of the economic recovery plan for the second half of this year and 2021, 5-percent of pension contributions that business pay for workers will be covered under efforts to reduce tax burden Social security contributions Covering of the value of pension contributions with regard to the measures foreseen under this Decision for April and May, amounting to eight million (€ 8,000,000.00) Euros Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time Covering of expenditures for the monthly salaries in the amount of one hundred seventy (€170) Euros for April and May, a measure amounting to forty-one million (€41,000,000.00) Euros Labor Monthly salaries coverage of EUR 130 will be awarded for the first two months to any new hired Markets employee during the COVID-19 situation with a defined term contract of at least one year. The total coverage amounts to EUR 6 million. Wage subsidies • As part of the economic recovery plan for the second half of this year and 2021, employment support measures include: (i) Wage subsidy for workers in pandemic-affected businesses Salary subsidy for new workers hired by businesses based on a plan that identifies sectors and categories of workers most in need 353 (back to the top) Kuwait Cash-based transfers Financial aid to Zakat Fund Beneficiaries. Widows, divorced women, orphans, and elderly beneficiaries of Zakat Fund monthly cash assistance received a top-up in the first phase of the programme Families with limited income which benefit from Zakat Fund's quarterly cash assistance received a top-up in the second and third phase of the programme. The ‘Fazaa El-Kuwait’ programme, based on public and private donations and implementation Cash transfers through NGOs/charities/volunteer teams, has been set up. It includes cash transfers and in-kind (conditional and unconditional) grants. As of 30 May 2020, KWD5,230,110 were distributed via cash assistance to impacted families through rent payments, general cash assistance and distribution of shopping cards: 331,273 food baskets, 495,123 meals and 405,682 hand sanitizers were distributed Minister of Social Affairs and Minister of State for Economic Affairs announced on 19 July 2020 the launch of the application: Kuwaitis without salaries to aid citizens who could no longer be paid due to the effect of the Covid-19 outbreak. Social Social pensions Assistance In-kind transfers The ‘Fazaa El-Kuwait’ programme, based on public and private donations and implementation through NGOs/charities/volunteer teams, has been set up. It includes cash transfers and in-kind grants. As of 30 May 2020, KWD5,230,110 were distributed via cash assistance to impacted families through rent payments, general cash assistance and distribution of shopping cards: 331,273 food baskets, 495,123 meals and 405,682 hand sanitizers were distributed As of 27 April 2020, the Ministry of Social Affairs reported the following in-kind interventions: Food, vouchers, others 307,605 food baskets benefiting 276,741 families and affected workers in the Ministry of Health quarantine; 393,858 sanitisers; 254,576 warm meals for hospitals, government entities and quarantine locations. Three-months’ worth of support/meals for people living in nursing homes and who need social care. Workers in these nursing homes also receive food support. 354 General Authority for Disability Affairs—The ‘Friends of PwD’ team distributed 1,200 food baskets to persons with full disabilities The Kuwaiti Red Crescent Society distributed on 26 June 2020, 1,500 food parcels and 1,500 milk cartons to workers and residents in Al-Jahra Governorate, in cooperation with the Ministry of Interior and the Governorate as part of its continued efforts to support incomes due to the Covid-19 outbreak. School feeding Public works Utility waivers Kuwaiti Civil Service Commission (CSC) has told all government agencies to ban employees placed under quarantine from starting work and stressed that salaries (March-April, April-May salaries) for Paid sick leave Kuwaiti and non-Kuwaiti staff will continue to be paid during any period of quarantine. Their absence from work will not impact their employment status. The duration is equivalent to the quarantine period. Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance The government of Kuwait is continuing to pay the dues of the beneficiaries of employment support: Unemployment benefits A 6-month unemployment allowance is paid to any citizen who is suspended from work. Postponing the deduction of the replacement part of the retirement pension according to Article (77) of the Law for a period of (6) months Payment of the retirement pension on the assumption that Social security contributions what the law permits is not disbursed in advance for cases that have benefited from the provision of Article (112) bis of the Social Security Law for a period of (6) months, provided that the legal instrument necessary to implement this decision is specified Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time Labor Private sector workers will receive their monthly wage, regardless of whether businesses were Markets closed. Target: Kuwaiti nationals in the private sector (except telecommunication and banking Wage subsidies sectors) and with regulations set by the Government. The main condition is that the company doesn’t end the contract of the workers. Duration: Six months from the month of issuance (May 2020) of the decree by the Kuwaiti Parliament. 355 (back to the top) Kyrgyz Republic Cash-based transfers Automatic extension of the standard one-year enrollment term for beneficiaries of poverty-targeted cash transfer, the term of which was due to finish during the quarantine period. Low-income families with children do not need to report on their income and visit district social protection offices. Categorical cash transfers to persons with disabilities (children and adults) were prolonged automatically if their term finishes in the time of quarantine. Financial assistance is provided to 490,000 individuals of low-income families in the form of Cash transfers humanitarian assistance in the fight against coronavirus. (conditional and unconditional) Relaxing one asset-related filter which does not respond to transient poverty and prevents entering the poverty-targeted cash transfer program for families with children One-off payments to medical workers infected with COVID-19 in the amount of Kyrgyz Som Social 200,000 ($ 2,700) Assistance One-off payments to families of medical workers deceased from COVID-19 in the amount of Kyrgyz Som 1 mln (US$ 13,500) Social pensions In-kind transfers The government prepared a second and a third package of economic measures of about $540 million (7 percent of GDP), including support food security program to the vulnerable groups Provision of the food kits to supplement cash transfers to low-income families with children, children and adults with disabilities. Food, vouchers, others The government allocated 4459,5 tons of flour The government allocated 200 million soms for the purchase of food for families from socially vulnerable groups 356 School feeding Public works Suspend rent charges for municipal property use in relation to affected tenants. Deferral of utilities service charges and fees (electricity, water and gas), bankruptcy moratorium until January 1st 2021. To mitigate the impact on the economy, the authorities have approved the first package of anti- Utility waivers crisis plan economic measures of $15 million (0.2 percent of GDP) including the postponement of tax payments, time-bound exemptions of property and land taxes, and temporary price controls on 11 essential food items. Provide grace periods and installment plans for the payment of tax debt caused by force majeure circumstances, without a bank guarantee in cases of damage to taxpayers. To avoid the risk of coronavirus infection, the Ministry of Health of the Kyrgyz Republic decided to Paid sick leave send on paid labor leave medical workers over 65, pregnant women and employees with small children Social Health insurance Insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Supporting the productive sector to maintain their businesses in operation through measures such Social security contributions as social insurance contribution payments The authorities will safeguard health spending at around budgeted levels and create space for increasing health and other spending. In collaboration with international organizations, the Activation measures authorities have recently adopted a health sector contingency plan, with an estimated cost of $16 million (0.2 percent of GDP) to provide training for health-care workers. The government restricted on-site inspections before January 1st 2021. Labor Prohibit the dismissal of workers and employees, except for good reasons, and amend the Labour Markets Code accordingly. Labor market regulations Occupational Safety and Health (OSH): Managers, the deputy heads of medical organizations (and their subordinate organizations), should be under 65 years old, regardless of employment contract durations. Persons aged 65 and older occupying these positions, should be transferred, with their written consent, to other positions that correspond to their qualifications (amend the Labour Code accordingly). 357 Reduced work time Request employers to change their work plans and establish a special mode of operation. Wage subsidies 358 (back to the top) Lao PDR Cash-based transfers Up to 17,000 garment workers in Lao PDR affected by the COVID-19 pandemic are to each receive two months’ emergency income support worth 900,000 LAK (approximately US$100). Eligible beneficiaries, of whom 85 per cent are women, will receive the cash transfers by the end of March. Cash transfers The Government of Luxembourg has granted 1 million EUR to support people in disadvantaged (conditional and unconditional) villages in Laos to cope with the economic and health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. The support is channeled through the Local Development Programme – LAO/030, which is working with 150 000 people in 229 poor target villages in the four provinces of Bokeo, Bolikhamxay, Khammouane and Vientiane. Social pensions In-kind transfers In partnership with Word Vision, WFP provided food to returning migrant workers in the largest quarantine center in Savannakhet province. In total, 9,870 meals were provided to 1,007 returning Social migrants. In September, WFP provided over 82,671 nutritious meals and basic dignity kits to 5,589 Assistance beneficiaries (2,738 women and girls) at US$ 138,695. During November, WFP provided over 32,089 nutritious meals to a total of 2,674 beneficiaries (1,310 women) at a total commodity voucher cost of US$ 57,631. Food, vouchers, others As part of the grant from the Government of Luxembourg, households with rice insufficiency received 60 kilograms of rice, the destitute households received 80 kg of rice plus an additional 400,000 Lao Kip (about 40 EUR), and households supporting members with disabilities were provided with 80 kg of rice. The support also included hygiene kits for the total village population, and an emergency fund that will be used for isolation and for hospitalization in case COVID cases are identified later. School feeding Public works A new electricity tariff, to ensure supply of electricity, is in effect from May 1, 2020 through Utility waivers December 31, 2025. Consumers using less than 150 kWh per month will be charged 355 kip per kWh. Consumers using 150 kWh or more will be charged two different rates. For 150-461 kWh a 359 month, the first 150 kWh will cost 355 kip per kWh with the remainder charged at 710 kip per kWh. Electricity customers using more than 462 kWh a month will be charged 710 kip per kWh for the entire bill. On April 10, 2020, the Laos government issued tax relief measures to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. These measures specifically relate to income tax exemptions for certain businesses and employees Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time Labor The government has agreed to compensate 60 percent of workers’ salary, who currently Markets participates in the Social Security Scheme, and has had their work suspended during May and June Wage subsidies 2020. Of the 170,000 members, close to 80,000 will benefit from this scheme through June. Terminated, and thereby unemployed, workers are eligible for an unemployment allowance in accordance to the Social Security Law. 360 (Back to the top) Latvia Cash-based transfers Cash transfers About 4,500 health care workers received a 20 percent bonus payment. (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers The government funded sick leave from the second day of illness for adults who were ill or injured, needed to isolate, returned from abroad. This also included those who work in educational, medical, or social care institutions with contact with people; those who took care of sick children; or those who qualified for a sick leave certificate based on other criteria. Paid sick leave Quarantined workers are entitled to receive paid sick-leave, also in case of care for quarantined children below 14 years or children with disabilities below 18 years. Social Insurance The government covered 75% of the costs of outbreak-induced sick leaves or workers’ downtime for up to EUR 700 per month, from March 14th to May 14th 2020 if the employer was not able to secure work for the employee because of COVID-19. Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Labor Activation measures Markets Labor market regulations 361 Relaxed overtime regulation: Overtime work has been extended up to 60 hours per week in the Reduced work time public health sector and other specified public services. The government introduced “allowance for idle time”, which covered unpaid salaries in the period between March 14th – June 30th 2020, as well as employees whose economic activity did not exceed Euro 430 (US$ 471) per month. Employees under this allowance also received a supplement of Euro Wage subsidies 50 (US$ 55) for each dependent child up to 24 years of age. Employees of companies in industries most affected by COVID-19 received up to 75% of their salaries (to a maximum rage of Euro 700 (US$ 767) per month. 362 (back to the top) Lebanon Cash-based transfers Lebanon's Parliament ratified an LBP600 billion (USD75 million at current unofficial exchange rates) aid package for low-income families to go to the Emergency National Social Solidarity Programme, providing a monthly cash assistance of LBP400,000 (about USD100, now 50 USD) to up to 200,000 families for 7 months until December. As of the end of 2020, 3 transfers had been made to between 150,00 and 170,000 households. People with disabilities, victims of landmines and explosions, parents of public-school children are included, as well as non-food voucher households in the NPTP (around 28,000 households). The cash delivery was overseen by the Army. Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) With the support from international organization, the GoL is planning to shift the modality of the National Poverty Targeting programme (NPTP) from food vouchers to cash and scale up the number of beneficiaries. The Emergency Crisis and COVID-19-Response Social Safety Net consists of five components (a) provision of cash transfers for basic income support to 147,000 extreme poor Social Lebanese households; (b) provision of top-up cash transfers for students from extreme poor Assistance Lebanese households at risk of dropping out of school; (c) provision of social services to vulnerable households; (d) enhanced social safety nets program delivery; and (e) a Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC). The total project cost is US$246 million for three years. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works On 24 March, the Lebanese PM directed the government to extend grace periods and delay the collection of water, electricity, and telephone service bills until the end of the emergency/lockdown Utility waivers period. The cabinet approved an urgent draft law to waive taxes for six months. The ministry of finance announced the extension of all deadlines related to payment of taxes and fees. Paid sick leave should be granted to medical employees working in hospitals (nurses, contractors) Social covering the entire isolation period. Decree 136/1983 on work-related injuries and emergencies will Paid sick leave Insurance apply to all such workers whom contract the Covid-19 disease. This decree stipulates the responsibilities of the employers in case of occupational injuries with corresponding compensation 363 and indemnity, as well as workers’ entitlements. This decision enters into effect retroactively for all cases starting February 1, 2020. Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits According to Law No. 6, of 5 March 2020, concerning facilitations in paying social security contributions, the below apply (among others): (i) Reduction of 100 per cent of social security contributions until 31 December 2020, and reduction of 85 per cent for unpaid contributions related to the period from 1/1/2001 until 31/12/2019 if payments started before 5 May 2020. (ii) The unpaid contributions for the abovementioned period (1/1/2001 until 31/12/2019) shall be paid on instalments Social security contributions for up to 5 years with a 5 per cent interest rate (other conditions apply). (iii) The unpaid contributions will be exempted from additional interest rates specified in law 144 of 31 July 2019, if payment started before 5 May 2020. (iv) Employers may request rescheduling for their unpaid contributions, except for the above-mentioned period (conditions apply). (v) Persons who already paid interest on delayed contributions may receive refunds for the interest percentage Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 364 (back to the top) Lesotho Cash-based transfers The government has provided top ups of M870/quarter to all existing PA households (around 12,600 in both urban and rural areas) for 2 quarters. Increase the cash benefit amount for existing beneficiaries, especially child grant support. Identify Cash transfers and add new vulnerable people – children, elderly (60-70yrs), people living with disabilities and (conditional and unconditional) informal sector operators. The project is expected to benefit close to 200,000 social grant beneficiaries A once off payment of 800 LSL given to factory workers. Pay stipend to affected Basotho students abroad (China, Cuba, India etc) for three months. Social Social pensions Assistance In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others In March 2020, the Ministry of Education announced that school feeding will continue for public School feeding primary school learners despite school closures, to ensure that children are given one hot meal per day. Continue with under-fives feeding. Public works CBL: Commercial banks will grant three months credit payment holiday to clients, as well as reduced transaction fees and charges. Utility waivers The Government of Lesotho introduced a 60% subsidy on all agricultural seeds. Anyone in Lesotho could purchase the subsidized seeds, which were sold in government- run central stores only. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Labor Activation measures Markets Labor market regulations 365 Reduced work time Wage subsidies Government will cover salary for factories workers. 366 (back to the top) Liberia Cash-based transfers For COVID-19 support to vulnerable households, the Government of Liberia plans to use existing Liberia Social Safety Nets Project to provide immediate relief in Greater Monrovia area and scale up cash transfers in the four most food insecure counties. Specifically, the government plans to (i) Cash transfers provide one-off emergency cash transfers to approximately 25,000 poorest households in Greater (conditional and unconditional) Monrovia via mobile money, (ii) scale up the Social Cash Transfer (SCT) program from 3,500 to 15,000 extreme poor households in Liberia’s four most food insecure counties (Maryland, Grand Kru, River Gee and Bomi) via mobile money. The expected beneficiaries will be 40,000. Social pensions In-kind transfers The government is appropriating the amount of US$25 million to support food distribution to households in designated affected counties for the period of 60 days. The Executive Order No.101 issued Tuesday, April 27, 2020, repositions the NFAA to embark upon a Social set of functions and operations under Section 1 of the Order that include working closely with the Assistance National Steering Committee of the COVID-19 Household Food Support Program (COHFSP) by providing numeration of household/beneficiaries and monitoring aspect to the Food Support Food, vouchers, others Program: (i) provide authority to continue to work on other programs in the national interest, such as making school feeding program sustainable through providing what “we grow and donated food commodities” even following the cessation of the global pandemic, (ii) purchase from farmers excess produce to be processed and stored for distribution to schools and other institutions in case of needs or emergency. The NFAA further is mandated to introduce food stamp and free meal for various categories of people, such as the physically challenged persons, single and vulnerable parents including young children, pregnant women and lactating mothers, the aged, sick and mal-nourished children. Government switched to take home meals, an approach they used during Ebola alongside their School feeding neighbor Sierra Leone. Public works The Government is planning to take up the electricity bill of households in the affected counties for Utility waivers the duration of the STAY-AT-HOME. Cost of this measure is US$4 million. 367 The Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) has instituted several policy measures, such as suspension for three months, all charges on the Automated Clearing House (ACH), Direct Credit (DC) and Real Time Gross Settlement System (RTGS); as well as one month suspension on all Mobile Money Operators (MMOs) charges to customers for money transfers. Commercial banks and operators are required to suspend all charges to customers related to these Electronic Payment Channels to reduce the cost of clearing, payments and transfers for individuals and businesses. Transfer limits have also been reviewed. Paid sick leave All non-essential employees of government have been granted paid leave until further notice. Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures COVID-19 preparedness guide for workplaces and workers in Liberia has been provided by the government through its Ministry of Labor to reduce the impact of COVID-19 outbreak conditions at the workplace based on the Decent Work Act. Labor market regulations Labor Social distancing protocols have been put in place in Liberia and directives for businesses and Markets organizations to limit customers in the service areas based on the type of services provided is being enforced Reduced work time Wage subsidies 368 (back to the top) Libya Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Social Food, vouchers, others Assistance Food assistance and nutrition support for 90,000 people, including IDPs and migrants, by WFP. School feeding Boxes of date bars are being delivered by the Ministry of Education to replace school feeding Public works To prevent food prices from increasing, the Minister of Economic has adopted a regulation Utility waivers controlling the prices of 16 food items such as fruits, vegetables, and meat. The regulation will be revised every 3 months Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 369 (Back to the top) Liechtenstein Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers If employees are unable to work for a longer and unpredictable period due to official orders and home office is not possible, employers will be compensated for continued wage payments with the COVID-19 daily allowance. For employees, the COVID-19 daily allowance is 100% of the previous Paid sick leave AHV-liable wages, including regular ancillary payments, if they are completely unable to work. The maximum amount of the creditable salary is CHF 148,200 per year and CHF 406 per calendar day. Social The COVID-19 daily allowance ends when the measure expires or the exemption, but no later than Insurance June 30, 2021. Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time Labor As part of a larger economic stimulus package, the government of Liechtenstein has allocated 50 Markets million Swiss Francs (US$ 51.8 million) for the financing of short-time work through unemployment Wage subsidies insurance to prevent an increase in unemployment. With short-time work, working hours are shortened for a limited period if there is a significant loss of work. short-time work compensation applies until the end of June 2021. 370 (back to the top) Lithuania Cash-based transfers The universal child benefit of 60 euros has been increased to 100 euros for a period of six months after the end of the national quarantine for families who lost income during the quarantine. Cash transfers Payments of 257 euros per month will be granted to affected self-employed who paid social (conditional and unconditional) insurance contributions for at least 3 months during the last 12 months prior to the declaration of emergency and, due to emergency, cannot further carry out their activities. The social protection of artists is enhanced. Social Social pensions Assistance In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Provide a state guarantee to extend the deferred period from 3 to 6 months for mortgage payments (excluding interest) for those who have lost their jobs. Also, to allow deferment or payment in Utility waivers instalments of electricity and natural gas bills from UAB Ignitis, and to recommend to municipalities to allow deferment or payment in instalments of utilities and heat energy. Sickness benefits were increased for employees who became infected during the performance of their duties. If health care professionals, officials or other employees are infected with the COVID-19 virus, they are offered a maximum sickness benefit of 100% of the average wage. Sickness benefits are granted for persons who take care of children, elderly people, disabled individuals (who are not Paid sick leave allowed to attend daycare centers, nurseries, schools, etc). This will be issued for up to 60 days, but Social no longer than the end of quarantine or emergency. Possibility for all the customers to defer or Insurance arrange the payments in instalments for used electricity and gas has been offered by the main provider of electricity and gas in Lithuania (state owned company). Health insurance Pensions Allocation of funds for the self-employed who have paid social security contributions: EUR 257 a Unemployment benefits month for up to 3 months when they are unable to carry out their activities due to quarantine 371 Training grant to the unemployed persons when a declared emergency or quarantine results in the suspension of the training provider's activity where the unemployed registered with the VET programme. Social security contributions Job search allowances of 200 euros for those who have dropped out of the labor force (265 million Activation measures euros) Labor market regulations Reduced work time The following support for downtime and partial downtime will be made available: employee allowance no less than a minimum monthly wage (MMW), State funds will account for 60% but no more than one MMW. Labor Markets Government foresees subsides totaling EUR 500 million to ensure laid-off workers or workers with reduced working time (+salaries) still receive the minimum wage. Subsidies for maintaining Wage subsidies workplaces. If an employer had to shut down or limit operations due to government measures, the employer reserves the right to announce downtime or partial downtime. During downtime, employees may not be paid less than the minimum wage and cannot be required to fully perform their usual job functions. Employers may apply for subsidies to maintain workplaces. Employers may appeal the subsidies to the Employment Services. For SMEs the state compensates 90% and the employer 10% of the minimum wage. 372 (back to the top) Luxembourg Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Social Food, vouchers, others Assistance School feeding The OGBL has been demanding since the start of the crisis that the state come to the aid of the Public works affected sectors and has thus supported both the extension of short-time work to all these sectors and the various aids paid to the self-employed. To support national tourism, each citizen of Luxembourg (from the age of 16) as well as each cross- Utility waivers border worker will receive a voucher of 50EUR for an accommodation in Luxembourg. Family leave cannot be denied. Simplified procedures for requests for special leave for family reasons due to school closures with public financial support (€226 million, 0.4 percent of 2019 GDP). Advance partial reimbursement of salaries that employers must continue to pay to the parents Paid sick leave concerned. Flexible leave arrangement for parents of children infected or in quarantine. Full coverage by National Health Fund (CNS) of the remuneration only in case of sickness. The Social normal mechanism for continuation of remuneration in case of sickness leave is waived and CNS Insurance takes over remuneration of sick employees as from the first day of sickness Health insurance Pensions Self-employed can take family leave if affiliated to the Mutualité des Employeurs, the employers' mutual insurance scheme, as a self-employed person. (€1bn, 1.6 percent of GDP) Unemployment benefits The Minister of Labor, Dan Kersch, announced on February 11, 2021 that the self-employed who are currently still forced to suspend their activities due to the health crisis would be able to benefit from 373 the month of March, in addition to the various aids already paid by the State to support them, with a replacement income. The government has also simplified registration and access to unemployment benefits for workers who lost their job due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Liquidity support measures include postponing social-security contribution payments for the first half of the year (€4.6bn, 7.2 percent of 2019 GDP). Additionally, increased flexibility in the payment of social security contributions Social security contributions To better support employers and the self-employed, the Employers’ Mutual Insurance scheme (Mutualité des employeurs) will reimburse the full amount (from 80 to 100%) for periods of incapacity for work corresponding to a quarantine r isolation measure. The measure is applied retroactively from 1 July 2020. Activation measures From 1 July, companies affected by the measures to curb the Covid-19 pandemic are eligible for the Labor market regulations simplified short term work scheme. The companies will have to present a recovery plan and should limit dismissals as much as possible. The labor inspections have issued guidelines to protect the health and safety of employees at the workplace. These include implementing telework, regularly disinfecting the offices and surfaces, limiting the holding of meetings favoring video conferencing and prohibiting unnecessary travel. Reduced work time Agreements have been concluded with France, Belgium and Germany to allow cross-border workers Labor from these countries to telework without suffering from tax disadvantages during the Covid-19 Markets crisis. On 27 March, the government announced that enterprises, whose operation is deemed to be “essential”, can ask an extension of daily working hours up to 12 hours per day (60 hours/week). Expansion of short time working scheme to all companies affected by effects of the current crisis, with 80% of employee's salary being reimbursed through the Fonds pour l'emploi, floored at minimum wage and up to a level of 250% of minimum wage. (estimated impact: €500m per month). Wage subsidies Avoid redundancies by ensuring that the State takes over the remuneration of employees (permanent contracts, fixed-term contracts, apprenticeships) that are paid 80% of the salary by the employer 374 In an initiative ‘Restart Tourism’ aimed to relaunch the tourism sector, the Luxembourg government supports touristic infrastructures in Luxembourg by contributing to the wage obligations of the different employers in this sector. To this end a subsidy of 1250 EUR per month per full time employee can be claimed until 31 March 2021. 375 (back to the top) Macao, SAR China Cash-based transfers Introducing benefit for workers and/or dependents: Financial assistance to employees and freelancers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Transfers to taxi drivers leasing a taxi, lessees of wet market stalls, holders of hawker licenses or holders of tricycle rickshaw licenses (10,000 patacas). Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Electronic vouchers with 5,000 patacas per resident valid from August to Decembe Food, vouchers, others The government is giving handouts to all residents amounting to 5.8 billion patacas or 1.3 percent of GDP (electronic vouchers with 3,000 patacas per resident valid from May to July School feeding Public works In addition, other measures include free utility fees for residents (for 3 months), subsidized utility Utility waivers fees for firms other than gaming operators and high-end hotels (for 3 months) Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Paid occupational training (317 million patacas or 0.16 percent of GDP) Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Transfers to eligible employees amounting to 3.8 billion patacas or 2.0 percent of GDP (5,000 Wage subsidies patacas monthly for 3 months) 376 (back to the top) Madagascar Cash-based transfers The government implemented the Tosika Fameno (UCT) (“complementary support”) between April and September 2020. The programme is an unconditional cash transfers of 100,000 Ariary to poor and vulnerable households. Each household is entitled to two transfers. The programme initial target was 150,000 households (first phase), since revised to 368,000 households. Total project budget is about US $15,000,000. Vatsin’ankohonana (“family support”) seeks to improve the living conditions of extremely poor families by deliverying conditional cash transfers every two months. According to the Multisectorial Emergency Plan, this program will be horizontally (13,339 new households) and vertically expanded due to COVID 19 pandemic. No further details were given. According to the program's website, the Cash transfers government allocated MGA$6,339,760,000, which means USD $1,734,070. (conditional and unconditional) Monetary transfer to households affected by drought in southern Madagascar initiated in 2016. One-off interventions in the context of a humanitarian emergency with WFP. According to the Social Multisectorial Emergency Plan, this program will be horizontally and vertically expanded due to Assistance COVID 19 pandemic. No further details were given. After the emergency phase, the Government has elaborated a social protection recovery strategy. A long- term urban conditional cash transfer will be implemented in 2021 in Anananarivo and Toamasina (targeting currently ongoing). The urban safety net is expected to reach 30,000 households starting in Q1/Q2 2021, funding is secured for a minimum of 3 years. Social pensions In-kind transfers Essential products of necessities like rice, sugar, oil, salt will be provided to people who earn live on a Food, vouchers, others day-to-day basis such as laundry workers, rickshaw pullers, prostitutes, university students who live on campus, and old people are also beneficiaries. School feeding A public work component will be added to the post COVID-19 urban safety nets (financed by the Public works World Bank), however exact number of eligible households is not known at this stage. The ACTP program is a social safety net program that aims to provide additional income to the 377 poorest households by providing them with one-off income during difficult times in exchange for certain activities. During the COVID 19 pandemic, the government launched these public works for cleaning and sanitation activities and for the maintenance and rehabilitation of irrigated areas and rural roads in Madagascar's rice granaries. According to the Multisectorial Emergency Plan, the government aimed at reaching to 42,500 beneficiaries for 20 working days at a rate of MGA$ 5,000 per day. Postponement of bank maturities for the next three months for those who have taken out consumer loans and mortgage loans. Postponement of electricity and water bills payment. The Government has launched the “Tsinjo Fameno” loan system. The objective of this Program is to offer loans to formal workers of the National Social Security Fund (CNAPS). The total budget allocated to this aid amounts to nearly MGA$ 52,000 M for a sum of MGA$ 200,000- MGA$500,000 for each beneficiary according to his salary level. This aims at benefiting nearly 200,000 to 250,000 employees from firms working in different fields with priority for the tourism Utility waivers sector, private education, and the textile sector (free zones), among others. The Government has reactivated the Tsena Mora Program, set up for the first time in Madagascar in 2010. The objective of this Program is to supply basic necessities (such as rice, oil and sugar) to vulnerable populations, by subsidizing prices. By June 2020, 571,500 people had benefited from it as part of the fight against COVID-19 during the months of March and April 2020. This operationalization of Tsena Mora have two major consequences: placing basic and essential products on the market as close as possible to the most vulnerable consumers at very affordable prices and the sale of products from farmers confined due to lockdown. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Deferral of payment of liabilities for all companies. It includes contributions in social security fund. Social security contributions Suspension of payment of social charges. Use of amicable payment deadlines, payment of social security contributions due for the first and second quarters of 2020 Activation measures Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 378 (back to the top) Malawi Cash-based transfers As part of the government of Malawi’s National COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan, the government has proposed measures to frontload payment of Social Cash Transfer Program (SCTP) benefits. Cash transfers President Peter Mutharika announced on April 28, 2020 that Malawi will launch a six-month (conditional and unconditional) emergency cash transfer programme for about one million people and small businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Eligible households will receive a 35,000 Malawi kwacha ($40) monthly payment, matching the country’s minimum wage, through mobile cash transfer starting in May 2020. This program, supported by the ILO is expected to reach 172,000 households in urban and peri-urban areas (almost one million people) (35% of the urban population). Social pensions In-kind transfers Social Food, vouchers, others Assistance The school meals programme has been adapted to take-home rations is in line with Ministry of School feeding Education’s guidance to partners implementing school feeding programme. Public works Commercial banks have been directed to implement a three-month moratorium on principal and interest repayments on loans. Commercial banks have been directed to reduce fees and charges for internet banking, mobile payment, and related services by 40% The Malawi Revenue Authority will be implementing the window with effect from 8th April to 31st October 2020 to provide relief to individuals to regularize their tax affairs without suffering Utility waivers penalties, interests, and charges. Resident tax has been waived for all foreign healthcare workers Both of the country’s mobile phone network operators, Airtel and TNM, removed all user fees and charges on personal mobile money transfers on the same network for a period of 3 months, significantly reduced user fees and charges between their respective networks, doubled the personal transaction limit, and increased the agent transaction limit. 379 Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Skill, reskill and up skill workers (medium- and long-term plan) A series of public health measures to be practiced in the workplace (by employers and employees) was released on April 9, 2020. Measures include the requirement to keep workers informed of COVID 19 developments, provide adequate facilities to ensure that employees, customers and visitors are safe, minimize physical contact of persons at the workplace, decongest workplaces by introducing shifts to avoid overcrowding, ensure physical distancing of at least one meter from other persons, limit or shut down non-essential activities, limit the number of visitors to the workplace, arrange for isolation of any person who has developed COVID-19 symptoms at a work site, among Labor market regulations others. COVID -19 Workplace Guidelines from April 2020 require outline responsibilities and duties of employers and employees for the prevention of COVID. COVID -19 Workplace Guidelines from April 2020 provide a set of guidelines to avoid terminations Labor Markets Government increased risk allowances for health workers from K1800 to up to K60,000. Those who were getting K1,000 will now be receiving K20,000 while those that were getting K1,800 will be getting up to K60,000 according to their grades. Government regulations announced April 9, 2020 also include rules to decongest workplaces by introducing shifts to avoid overcrowding. Government regulations announced August 7, 2020 also include rules to decongest workplaces by introducing shifts to avoid overcrowding, to allow vulnerable employees including those with underlying medical conditions to work from home, to Reduced work time allow employees with COVID -19 symptoms to stay at home. On 20 April 2020, the Chief Secretary of the GoM issued a Circular instructing all public servants not providing essential services to immediately commence working from home, following recommendation and endorsement of the Civil Service Trade Union (CSTU). Wage subsidies 380 (back to the top) Malaysia Cash-based transfers In March 2021, the Government announced an additional one-off aid of RM500 for the B40 and the disabled, as well as for recipients of BPR earnings less than RM1,000. RM100 million has also been allocated to assist the B40 to obtain daily necessities and food items. An RM300 subsidy is provided for B40 households with children to buy smart devices to aid online learning. The Disabled Workers Allowances has been extended to workers earnings up to RM1,500 (compared to the earlier salary ceiling of RM1,200). The Malaysian government has budgeted RM10 billion to provide one-off cash transfer to depending on income level. Additional cash transfers: A one-off cash transfer of RM200 will be given to all students enrolled in institutes of higher learning in May 2020. This is expected to cost RM270 million. Civil servants will be given a one-off cash transfer of RM500 per person in April 2020. This will benefit 1.5 million workers. Public pensioners will also be given a one-off cash transfer of RM500 per person in April Social 2020. This will benefit 850,000 pensioners. 120,000 e-hailing drivers will be given a one-off cash Assistance Cash transfers transfer of RM500 (US$125). The allocation for this transfer is RM60 million. As part of the Bantuan (conditional and unconditional) Sara Hidup (BSH) program, the payment of RM200 expected in May 2020 will be anticipated to March 2020. Such payments amount to RM760M and will benefit 3.8M BSH households. Also, BSH 2020 recipients will receive an additional RM100 as well as RM50 as e-cash, which will be disbursed in May 2020. This will cost RM500M and benefit an additional 5M BSH recipients. One-off payment of RM600 (US$144) to taxi, tourist and trishaw drivers and tourist guides, benefiting 36,677 individuals. The government will also provide a special monthly critical worker allowance of RM400 (US$96) for medical doctors and other medical personnel, as well as RM200 (US$48) for immigration and related frontline staff until the end of the outbreak On September 23, 2020 the government announced a second round of one-off payments called BPN 2.0, with slight adjustments to the benefit level: RM1,000 to B40 households and RM600 to M40 households while for B40 and M40 single individuals it is RM500 and RM300 respectively, with a total allocation of RM7 billion. Recognizing their sacrifices, the Government will increase the special allowance from RM400 to 381 RM600 per month effective 1 April 2020 until the outbreak ends. At the same time, the Government also agrees to extend a special allowance of RM200 a month to military, police, customs, civil defense and RELA members who are directly involved in enforcing the MCO. This allowance will also be paid beginning 1 April 2020 until the COVID-19 outbreak ends. About 169,000 additional front liners are expected to benefit from this initiative. To ease the transition to the new normal of working-from-home, the Government will support working parents through the subsidy of childcare expenses. Social assistance support will be provided to identified vulnerable groups. One-off financial assistance RM300 to 190,000 registered OKUs; and 150,000 single mothers (income below the poverty line) registered under KPWKM (unregistered single mothers can start to register until December 2020). 2,000 volunteer Home Help Services Encourage contact-free payment through the provision of RM 50 worth of e-wallet credits. Additional RM50 in value through vouchers, cashback and discounts by e-wallets. For phase one of Bantuan Prihatin Rakyat or BPR, the first instalment will involve more than 8 million recipients. Households earning up to RM5,000 per month will receive RM300 each while for those under single category, earning up to RM2,000 per month will receive RM150. Under Budget 2021, the Government has increased the monthly rate of welfare assistance under the Social pensions Social Welfare Department (JKM) with effect from January 2021. This welfare assistance involves an allocation of RM2.2 billion and will benefit more than 400,000 recipients. In-kind transfers The Government will allocate RM25 million (around US$6 million) to be channeled to vulnerable groups including the elderly and children in shelters, the disabled, and the homeless. The Government will work with NGOs and social entrepreneurs to distribute food, medical care equipment and shelter. Food, vouchers, others Social Welfare Department (JKM) will also implement a Food Basket Program immediately which will provide essential food items worth RM100 for each eligible household, involving a total allocation of RM50 million. School feeding Public works A discount on the electricity bill – previously announced at 2% - will be increased according to Utility waivers electricity consumption. The discount will range from 15% to 50%. In addition, electricity rebates will be given to all TNB users, domestic and non-domestic at a rate of 2 sen per kilowatt-hour, which is 382 equivalent to a reduction in electricity bills of up to 9 percent for a period of 6 months, from 1st January to 30th June 2021. The telecommunications industry is committed to provide assistance during this MCO period. The provision of free 1 Gigabit data has been offered to the public to browse websites, including for educational purposes. This RM500 million facility started on 1 January 2021, and will be extended until the end of April 2021. The B40 community that are renting public housing for the urban poor, the Citizen Housing Project (PPR) will be exempted from rent for six months. The sum of these forgone payments is RM3 million (US$0.75 million). The Government will allow a deferral of repayments to the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN) and the National Skills Fund Corporation (PTPK) for six months from 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2020. This is expected to defer payments amounting to RM750 million (US$187 million) and RM159.2 million (US$39 million) respectively benefiting 174,500 borrowers. A six-month moratorium will be granted on all consumer loans from April 2020 to September 2020.A six-month moratorium will be granted on all consumer loans from April 2020 to September 2020. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) said loan takers can request repayment moratorium and that their Central Credit Reference Information System report will not be affected at a time when the nation contends with the economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. To encourage mobility and reduce the burden of costs of transportation, the Government will introduce an unlimited monthly travel pass costing RM30 for use on all rail services (MRT, LRT, Monorail), BRT, RapidKL buses and MRT feeder buses The government will double the existing allocation for the PEKA B40 Programme to a total of RM 100 million in order to fund four benefits for the B40 group, including subsidy for transportation for health To enable the transition to the new normal of remote learning and work, support will be provided to increase internet connectivity through free 1Gb per day between 8am to 6pm for education, productivity (video conference applications) and news by participating telecommunication companies and free unlimited use of Government’s COVID-19 applications and access to Ministry y of Health and other Government websites. The special SPM and STPM prepaid data plan is now extended to students who are studying in institutes of higher learning. 383 In-kind benefits for Urban Farming (e.g. Fertilizers, Seeds, Infrastructure, Equipment, Advisory and Training) worth RM500 per person and RM 50,000 per community A special tax relief of up to RM2,500 on the purchase of mobile phones, computers and tablets which expired on 31 December 2020, will be extended for another year until the end of 2021. Through the national insurance plan for the B40, mySalam, patients of COVID-19 can apply for an Paid sick leave income replacement of RM50/day for up to 14 days. This initiative will also be extended to the B40 who are quarantined as persons under investigation (of COVID-19 symptoms). Health insurance Public pensioners will also be given a one-off cash transfer of RM500 per person in April 2020. This Pensions will benefit 850,000 pensioners. For those who suffered loss of employment during the MCO enforcement, the Government has agreed to relax the conditions for the Employment Insurance System program or SIP PRIHATIN. Unemployment benefits Employees who do not meet the minimum contribution conditions, or whose contract was not extended after having been renewed for at least 3 times previously, are now eligible to apply for the SIP PRIHATIN assistance of 30 percent of their monthly salary for a period of 3 months. In addition to that, Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin announced March 23 that Malaysians below the age of 55 will be allowed to withdraw RM500 per month from their Employees Provident Fund (EPF) Account 2 for 12 months to buy essential goods amid the worsening COVID-19 pandemic. Social Insurance The Malaysia Employees’ Provident Fund will reduce the employee contribution rate from 11 to 7% of the salary from April 2020 to the end of the year (a waiver estimated in total at around RM 10 billion, with no provision for making up the lost contributions). EPF i-Sinar or i-Sinar KWSP was announced as a part of the government scheme to support Social security contributions Malaysians who were financially hit by the pandemic, allowing eligible members to withdraw a set amount of funds from their respective accounts. The EPF has allocated RM70 billion for the initiative, which is expected to benefit eight million members who can withdraw a maximum of RM10,000 or RM60,000, depending on their Account 1 balance. It works as an advance facility on your retirement funds. The PenjanaGig program was introduced to encourage the take-up of social insurance by gig workers. For the period from June 2020 until December 2021, 70 percent of contribution to the Social Security Organisation’s (SOCSO) Self-Employment Security Scheme is to be made by the Government, while the remaining 30 percent of the contribution is to be made by either the worker or the platform. 384 RM10 million has been allocated to support women entrepreneurs to obtain SOCSO coverage. The government is encouraging trainings by: (a) double deductions on expenses incurred on approved tourism-related training; (b) provide RM50 million to subsidize short courses in digital skills and highly skilled courses (expected to benefit 100,000 Malaysians); and (c) through the Employment Insurance System, increasing the claimable training cost from RM4,000 to RM6,000 for affected sectors, and provision of a daily training allowance of RM30 per day to EIS trainees. A RM2 billion fund will be dedicated to reskilling and upskilling programmes for Youth and Unemployed Workers.T o enhance employability of youth particularly school leavers and fresh graduates, the Government will: (i) Provide a 1-to-1 matching fund of RM250 million to co-fund Activation measures place-and-train in addition to other upskilling programmes with HRDF (ii) Optimise Government training facilities such as those under MARA, Community Colleges, IKBN and ILP (iii) Support Securities Industry Development Corporation (SIDC) programs such as Capital Market Graduate Apprenticeship program, Islamic Capital Market Graduate Training Scheme as well as training scheme for corporate finance(iv) Relax conditions for PROTÉGÉ Ready to Work (RTW) programme. The Government will facilitate policies to support the growth of the gig economy and the welfare of gig economy workers by providing MDEC with RM25 million for the Global Online Workforce (GLOW) Labor program which will train Malaysians to earn income from serving international clients while working Markets online from home. RM 600 (around $150) will be provided per employee/month for up to 6 months for workers who are forced to take leave without pay from March 1, 2020 onwards. This will be delivered through the Labor market regulations Employment Insurance System (EIS) and is targeted to workers with monthly income of less than RM 4,000 (around$ 1,000). This is expected to cost RM 120 million (about $30M). Reduced work time The Government will provide a wage subsidy for three months, targeted to workers earning RM4,000 or less. The value of the wage subsidy is tied to the number of workers in the company. RM600/worker will be given to firms with 76-200 employees, RM800/worker will be given to firms with 76-200 employees, and RM1,200/worker will be given to firms with less than 76 employees. Firms with more than 76 employees must demonstrate that their revenues have fallen by at least Wage subsidies half since January 2020. Employers will be disallowed from laying off these workers and from reducing workers’ existing wages. The subsidy is only available to companies registered prior to 2020 and limited to Malaysian employees. This is expected to 3.3 million workers. costing RM5.9 billion Workers providing contract services to the Government will receive a wage replacement. This will benefit 80,000 workers costing RM110 million (US$27 million). The Government will also extend 385 these service contracts for one month reflecting the duration of the Movement Control Order which has restricted the movement of all individuals and workers outside of essential services The government has since announced an extension of the program in the Penjana plan and subsequently on September 23, 2020 (Wage Subsidy Program 2.0). The extended program is intended for companies that are still facing reductions in revenue of at least 30 percent compared to the previous year and is capped at RM600 monthly for each employee up to a maximum of 200 employees. The wage subsidy programme will be extended for a further three months with a subsidy of RM600 per employee for all eligible employers. The Government will introduce incentives to encourage the hiring of the unemployed as follows (i) RM600 per month for apprenticeships for school leavers and graduates for up to 6 months (ii) RM 800 per month for employment of unemployed for up to 6 months, 40 years old and above or persons with disability: RM 1,000 per month for employment of unemployed for up to 6 months (iii) Training allowance of RM4,000 per individual will also be extended to those retrenched but not covered under the Employment Insurance System (EIS). Wage Subsidy Program 3.0 under SOCSO will be enhanced whereby all employers operating in the MCO states will be eligible to apply, irrespective of sector. For a period of one-month, eligible employers will receive a wage subsidy of RM600 for each of their employee earning less than RM4,000. In addition, the wage subsidy limit of 200 employees for each employer will be increased to 500 employees. This initiative involves an additional allocation of RM1 billion which is estimated to benefit 250,000 workers employing more than 2.6 million workers. 386 (back to the top) Maldives Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers The government with UNICEF provided a food basket that lasts two weeks to 691 vulnerable Food, vouchers, others families in three islands that were under lockdown. School feeding Public works The government subsidized 40%of electricity bills and 30% of water bills for the months of April and May to households. According to the precedency’s website, the government spent more than MVR$ 117 M on this program. The government implemented an initiative to assist internet consumers for three months during COVID 19 pandemic. Social Assistance Bank of Maldives (BML), the bank has decided to defer their repayment for up to 6 months, while extending a further 6 months to their repayment duration. When repayments resume, 20% will be reduced from the monthly repayments for the first 6 months afterwards. Repayments to Housing Scheme loans issued by the Housing Development Finance Corporation Utility waivers (HDFC) that were due in April have also been delayed. A six-month moratorium was introduced in May 2020. The Government has also resolved to ease student loan repayment in response to the current situation. Over 4000 individuals are currently liable to repay student loans. The Government has therefore arranged to introduce 6 months of debt relief for all student loan debtors. This will have no effect on the current student loan scheme. The government introduced price control for the following food items: onions, dahl, potatoes and eggs will be controlled, effective 6 April 2020. Also, it is closely monitoring staple food stocks, and the State Trading Organisation (STO) is currently stockpiling essential food items, including 10- 387 months’ worth of rice and sugar, and 5-months’ worth of flour by mid-April. STO guarantees the availability of fuel. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Social Individuals who lose their employment due to COVID-19 were eligible for a three month “special Insurance allowance” as part of the government’s stimulus package. The benefit amount was a monthly cash Unemployment benefits transfer of MVR$ 5,000. According to the presidency's website, as of December 2020 this measure concerned 17,147 beneficiaries involving a total budget of MVR$ 221 M. Social security contributions In order to improve people's capacity building, on February 4th 2021, the government announced Activation measures training programs targeting a minimum of 1,200 youth. This ongoing program will focus on training our youth, specializing in the tourism sector and related areas such as construction and ICT. Labor Through the Law No 20/2020, the government prevented any kind of changes to employees’ status Labor market regulations Markets due to the pandemic under extraordinary circumstances. The government urged all state employees that can do so, to work from home and provide services Reduced work time using online platforms from May 2020. Wage subsidies 388 (back to the top) Mali Cash-based transfers The government is planning COVID-19 related emergency cash transfers to 75,000 households. These are composed of 25,000 households in the capital and largest urban center, Bamako, and 50,000 households in the regional and departmental capitals across the country (targeting a total of Cash transfers 35 urban municipalities). (conditional and unconditional) During the second half of July 2020, financial assistance for the economically weak layers, was announced by the public authorities. Social pensions In-kind transfers Free distribution of fifty-six thousand tons of cereals and sixteen thousand tons of livestock food to vulnerable populations affected by COVID 19. Massive and free distribution of masks, hydro-alcoholic solutions and hand washing kits in public Social Food, vouchers, others places, including places of worship. Minister for the Promotion of Women, Children and the Family Assistance yesterday gave washable masks to 50 women's associations, or 1,000 masks per association to be distributed to women leaders for the benefit of the members of their association. On December 18, 2020 relaunch of the food distribution operation was announced. School feeding Public works To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central Bank (BCEAO) is providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money and making transfers between people backed by the electronic money fee. Utility waivers The president announced in his speech that the government will be taking over electricity and water bills for the months of April and May 2020 in the so-called social categories. On December 18, 2020, as part of the social measures announced, the Government announced electricity will be subsidized for the month of December 2020 and January 2021. For consumers with a 2-wire 5 Amp meter, all consumption from 1 kWh to 100 kWh (so-called social brackets), whether the meter is conventional 389 or ISAGO, will be free for the months of December 2020 and January 2021. The bill for conventional meters will be borne by the State for the tranche concerned (the first 100 kWh), while holders of ISAGO meters will receive free credits of up to 100 kWh per month. Exemption from Value Added Tax on electricity and water bills, of all consumers, for the months of April, May, and June 2020.The exemption from VAT (Value Added Tax) on electricity consumption, applies to all of the company's customers for all consumption brackets. This measure will be applied during the months of December 2020 and January 2021. Reduction of taxes on necessities, especially rice and milk. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures On March 30, 2020, the National Director of Labor sent a letter to the labor inspectorates on preventive measures in the fight against COVID19 in the workplace and during inspections in Labor market regulations companies. Inspectors are invited to adapt their control methods in companies according to the current situation Teleworking or rotation system allowed. Labor On March 30, 2020, the National Director of Labor sent a letter that allows organizing work in the Markets face of COVID19 according to the Labor Code, which can be adapted to the economic situation affecting certain sectors of activity to avoid redundancies Reduced work time The Ministry of Social Dialogue, Labor and Civil Service has stated that in all public services and throughout the country, working time is arranged as follows: from 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday to Friday without a break. However, additional internal arrangements may be considered depending on the service requirements. The national defense, security and health services are excluded from this working time arrangement Wage subsidies 390 (back to the top) Malta Cash-based transfers Eligible individuals receive a direct payment of €166.15 per week if they work full-time or €103.85 if they work part time. €13.2 million have been paid out to 8,360 beneficiaries for benefits related to parents, those with medical conditions, disability and those who applied for the additional Cash transfers unemployment benefit. A total of €17.5 million will be handed out by the end of June. (conditional and unconditional) A benefit of €800 per month (€500 in case of part-timers) to one of the parents who take additional unpaid leave to take care of children whilst schools remain closed, when both parents work in the private sector. Eligible individuals will receive a direct payment of €166.15 per week if they work full-time or €103.85 per week if they work part-time. To be eligible, individuals have to be registered with Social Jobsplus as a person with disability and have a special ID Number or EU disability Card issued by the Social pensions Assistance Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability,work full or part-time in the private sector, were medically advised to remain at home after the 8th of March 2020, and cannot work from home are eligible. In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Rent subsidies or increased rent subsidies to employees who lose their job and have rent to pay. Utility waivers Deferral of payments of Income tax, Value Added Tax, Maternity Fund and National Insurance Contributions of up to €700 million. €350 grant is being awarded to employers for each employee required to be on mandatory Paid sick leave quarantine leave. Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Workers who lost or will lose their job with effect from 9 March 2020 will be entitled to a new temporary benefit of €800 per month (€500 per month for part-timers). Unemployment benefits Individuals who would qualify for the 'Contributory Unemployment Benefit' would also be eligible for 391 an additional benefit. Between the two, individuals will receive a direct payment of €166.15 a week for those who were working full time, or €103.85 for those who were working part-time before they became unemployed. Persons receiving unemployment benefits will have their Social Security Contribution paid, and their Social security contributions future contributory pension rights safeguarded. Malta Enterprise will be building upon an existing measure – the Skills Development Scheme – to reach more businesses through a top-up of €5 million on the budget allocation for this scheme. This top-up shall be directed towards those businesses that employ fewer than 50 persons. The aim will Activation measures be that of advocating mainly in-house training and focus on fostering the sharing of skills between the most experienced and younger employees. This will also help us to address skills dissipation once workers retire. Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time A new and fairer system of the Wage Supplement Scheme will be implemented, as announced in the Budget 2021. As of January, the amounts of the wage supplement will be calculated according to drop in sales. This change is being worked out on VAT declarations, through an agreement reached Wage subsidies with the VAT department. The Scheme is now including replacement of employees as long as the original number of employees at end of May is not exceeded. These will be eligible for the wage supplement from October 2020. 392 (back to the top) Mauritania Cash-based transfers The Government created the Solidarity Fund which will be the main vehicle to finance COVID-19 expenditures. This fund will be used to support 30,000 poor families for three months (about US$13.4 million) from Nouakchott and Nouadhibou that are not yet covered by the social registry (their integration in the social registry is scheduled by end of 2020). Cash transfers The Government has decided to support 200,000 households with a nation-wide cash transfer (conditional and unconditional) intervention, both in urban and rural areas. This intervention will complement the regular safety net program Tekavoul but as a separate and temporary program covering all the Mauritanian territory. Out of the 200,000 beneficiary households who will be targeted by the COVID-19 cash transfer intervention, 170,000 will be selected from the social registry – i.e. all those in the areas that the social registry currently covers. The remaining 30,000 households are the poor households from the Fund for Social Solidarity program Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance The army will deliver food for around 20,000 families in Nouakchott, which is in lockdown, using 150 vehicles over a period of 5 days. The Ministry of Public Service has given out food as well as sanitary products (disinfectants) to trade unions so that they can distribute them to their members in need. The Nouakchott Regional Council announced a campaign to distribute aid to poor people in the nine Food, vouchers, others provinces of the capital, in addition to the workers of the lower-income council. This includes the distribution of food baskets, comprising rice, sugar, dairy products, oils, and dates, to the lower- income workers of the council. The Mauritanian Ministry of Fishing and Maritime Economy distributed 10 tons of fish to the families most in need in the inland states (far from the coast) that were affected by the measures to combat COVID-19, and in preparation for Ramadan. School feeding Public works 393 The state bears water and electricity bills for poor families for two months. Utility waivers All the taxes and royalties will not have to be paid for the rest of the year for the heads of families working in the traditional fishing sector in relation to their activities. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 394 (back to the top) Mauritius Cash-based transfers Employment Support Scheme for SMEs to support 11,000 employees with a monthly payment of Cash transfers Rs10,200 per capita. (conditional and unconditional) Eligible Self-Employed individuals will receive a financial support of Rs 5,100 (i.e. 50% of Guaranteed Income) for the period 16th March 2020 to 15th April 2020. Social pensions In-kind transfers Social Food, vouchers, others Assistance School feeding Public works The AMB, through the Seed Purchase Scheme, will provide seeds for the cultivation of potato, garlic, bean, and onion. AMB will purchase at a guaranteed price product such as potatoes, garlic, and onion on a long-term basis. Utility waivers As part of its commitment to mitigate the adverse financial impact of the lockdown on economic operators, Government is waiving the fees payable by sellers of vegetables, haberdashery, and general merchandise in markets around the island during the curfew period. For those who have already paid, the amount will be deducted in the next instalment due. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions The Human Resource Development Council (HHRDC) will increase the National Training and Reskilling Intake by some 9,000 unemployed in the construction, manufacturing, logistics, ICT-BPO, Activation measures agro-industry, renewable energy and the circular economy. Beneficiaries will be paid monthly Labor stipends of Rs10,200 over a training period spanning six months. Markets All labor contracts set to expire this year have been extended through December 2021 Labor market regulations All work permits that expire this year will be extended automatically up to 31 December 2021. 395 Mauritius announced that it was launching a new, one-year visa (Premium Travel Visa), with an option for further extensions, to encourage long stays and help the tourism sector. The visa applies to both tourists and remote workers. To minimize human contacts, Government will give full support to promote the Work at Home Reduced work time Scheme. The Government Wage Assistance Scheme (GWAS) is an economic measure by the Government of Mauritius to provide a Government wage subsidy to Employers, as a response to the COVID-19 Wage subsidies pandemic, to ensure that all employees are duly paid their salary for the month of March 2020. The scheme is applicable to businesses in the private sector and with respect to their employees drawing a monthly basic wage of up to Rs 50,000. 396 (back to the top) Mexico Cash-based transfers Advance payments for the Scholarship Program for basic and high school education for the third bi- month (May-June) in the beginning of the period. Cash transfers A program that supports children of working mothers will increase its baseline coverage by 46%, (conditional and unconditional) from 150 to 220 thousand mothers in 2020. The progress report of the last quarter of 2020 highlights that the target was achieved (252,219 beneficiaries). According to the press, due to Covid- 19 pandemic, beneficiaries received bi-monthly payments, which meant a benefit of MXN $3,200 per child, or MXN $7,200 disabled child. Advance payments for the two social pension programs (i.e. social pensions for the elderly and for people with disabilities) for the May-June and September-October periods in March-April and July- August periods, respectively (payment of two-bi-monthly benefits at once. The amount of bi- monthly benefit is MXN $5,240 in advance. This measure benefited more than 8M older adults and Social pensions 800,000 people with disabilities, which represented an investment of MXN $46.4 billion. The delivery of this program was through bank account and in cash. The Government has confirmed that it will Social advance payments of the social pension programs for the 2021 May-June period with the Assistance corresponding payment of the March-April period. In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Provision of additional support to the parents’ societies for the maintenance of 31,000 schools and Public works with the purpose of providing temporary employment. Through Housing Funds of the public sector workers and other formal workers, 177 billion pesos will be allocated to grant housing loans for nine months, to the benefit 442,500 workers. Through FOVISSSTE Economic Emergency Plan, deadlines for borrowers to choose the home and sign their deed are suspended. Utility waivers The Government waived the electricity threshold for domestic high energy use for the duration of the outbreak. This was done to protect the households from facing a significantly higher electricity bill stemming from the increased electricity usage in during the quarantine/stay at home period. 397 The Government has determined to scale-up the existing Microcredits for Welfare Program (Microcréditos para el Bienestar, also known as Tandas para el Bienestar) and relaxed its repayment conditions (increased grace period) and eligibility requirements (in terms of age and geographical location). Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions The Institute of the National Housing Fund for Workers (INFONAVIT) has established an emergency fund to cover affected formal workers’ mortgages for up to three months in case of job loss and has Social Unemployment benefits increased flexibility to the Payment Protection Fund to protect affected workers’ homes. In the last Insurance press release (September 7th, 2020), INFONAVIT reported that 450 thousand workers benefited from the combined measures. INFONAVIT planned to allocate MXN$ 7,326 M on this measure The INFONAVIT offered deferments on the payment of employer’s mortgage, capital, and interest. Initially, this was granted for 3 months, with the possibility of an extension up to 6 months. In the Social security contributions last press release (September 7th, 2020), INFONAVIT reported to have helped to preserve around 2.5 million jobs through this mechanism. Activation measures Labor market regulations No state workers will be fired Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 398 (back to the top) Micronesia (Federated states of) Cash-based transfers This financial assistance is to provide some relief to travelers who have had to incur extraordinary costs due to being stranded but it is not meant to cover 100% of their costs. The cash transfer was USD $1,000 per single adult application (18 years or older) and USD $1,500 per family. As of December 2020, there were 423 beneficiaries. The program was extended for a second round before Christmas 2020. Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) The cash transfer program to approximately 4,500 low-income households is intended to provide temporary cash relief for households outside of the formal labor sector, such as subsistence farmers and fishermen, and specifically such laborers who do not qualify for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program. Approximately six million dollars ($6,000,000) is scheduled for this purpose and expected to provide a one-time assistance of $1,000 to each low-income household. Social pensions In-kind transfers National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) completed food relief for Malaita Outer Islands (MOI) Social Food, vouchers, others early this month following assessment by the Malaita Province Livelihood Committee, benefiting Assistance nearly 5,000 inhabitants, approximately 792 households in Luani School feeding Public works The food security program for community groups and low-income households is intended to provide subsistence livelihood training, and an equitable distribution of seeds, planting, and fishing materials, to vulnerable citizens at no cost. Approximately USD $2,000,000 is scheduled for this purpose, and it is the intention of the government to begin rolling out this social protection program by January 2021. Utility waivers The financial assistance program to vulnerable groups such as the elderly, persons with disabilities, and survivors of gender-based violence is intended to provide temporary waivers of medical expenses not included under funding from the Compact of Free Association, as Amended, electricity subsidies to an estimated 2,000 low-income households with dependents who have disabilities, distribution of solar lamps to an estimated 5,000 households on remote outer islands, and clinical management of rape and intimate partner violence kits and consultation options for survivors of gender-based violence. Approximately one million dollars ($1,000,000) is scheduled for this purpose, 399 and it is the intention of the Government to begin rolling out this social protection program by January 2021. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions On April 3, 2020, the government announced the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program of Social US$36 million (9 percent of GDP) for the period of nine months, supported by the U.S. Department Insurance of Labor. The FSM Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program (PUA) provided unemployment Unemployment benefits benefits to individuals who had become unemployed as a direct result of the COVID-19 Pandemic or are partially employed, or unable or unavailable to work due to COVID-19-related situations. The duration of PUA benefits payable to an individual is generally limited to 39 weeks, with a weekly amount of is USD$ 166. Social security contributions The food security program for community groups and low-income households is intended to provide subsistence livelihood training, and an equitable distribution of seeds, planting, and fishing materials, Activation measures to vulnerable citizens at no cost. Approximately USD $2,000,000 is scheduled for this purpose, and it is the intention of the government to begin rolling out this social protection program by January Labor 2021. Markets Labor market regulations Reduced work time Wage subsidies 400 (back to the top) Moldova Cash-based transfers Temporary increase of social assistance benefit: guaranteed minimum income threshold increased to 1300 lei (US$73.5) from 1107 lei (US$62.6) per adult during the emergency period. Permanent increase of social assistance benefit for families with children with increased adult equivalency coefficient for children from 50 to 75%. Cash transfers Double increase of child allowance for uninsured people (MDLei 975/$55). (conditional and unconditional) The Government approved on November 5 a draft law that provides for continued disbursement of Social one-time payments to medical workers infected with COVID-19 from the urgency funds of the Assistance Government. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Social Minimum unemployment benefit is set to 2775 lei/month (US$157), mostly to the benefit of Insurance returned migrant workers and other potentially ineligible categories who are made eligible for the Unemployment benefits emergency period under condition of purchasing the medical insurance (4056 lei or US$ 229.5 for a year). Social security contributions Activation measures Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time 401 Introduced subsidies for businesses tied to payrolls (PIT, social contributions- about 42% of the Wage subsidies payroll). Firms which ceased activities will receive 100% of payments tied to payroll; those that continue to operate will receive 60% of payments tied to payroll. 402 M (back to the top) Monaco Cash-based transfers The State is implementing as of 1 April 2020, the Extraordinary Minimum Income, a measure announced by the Government to help self-employed workers who are experiencing a decline in their Cash transfers activity impacted by the Covid-19 crisis, to the point of depriving them of any resources. The aim is (conditional and unconditional) to grant an Extraordinary Minimum Income of a lump sum of €1800 to self-employed workers who would find themselves without income in this unprecedented economic situation. The cost of the Social measure is €3 million per month (based on an estimate of 2,000–2,500 applicants). Assistance Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions For employees who are laid off due to COVID-19, the government’s strengthened provisions for total temporary layoffs include: (i) Employees who usually receive a gross base salary of less than or equal to EUR 2,075.16 (US$ 2,274), for 169 hours per month, will not lose any of their income. They will receive their usual net salary, since this is less than EUR 1,800.00 (US$ 1,972). (ii) Employees who Social Unemployment benefits usually receive a gross base salary of between EUR 2,075.17 and EUR 2,571.43 (US$ 2,274-2,817) for Insurance 169 hours per month will be entitled to the safeguard clause at a rate of EUR 1,800.00. (iii) If the employers pays the extra 20% so that the worker continues to receive their full salary, the State will exempt the employer from social security contributions on this additional portion. Employers and self-employed workers who are experiencing a significant drop in activity can request staggered payment of their social security contributions. Policy in place until June 2021. Social security contributions The Partial Exemption from Employers' Charges (EPCP) of Autonomous pension fund (CAR) and Social services compensation fund (CCSS) contributions was renewed. From now on, new sectors of 403 activity that have been permanently impacted are included, and the turnover ceiling is raised to 5 million euros achieved in 2019, instead of one million previously. The measure is valid for the months of August to December 2020. Employment assistance for young Monegasques or residents, under the age of 26, looking for a first job or first permanent professional integration, registered with the Commission for the Integration of Activation measures Graduates and the Youth Employment Unit allows companies that recruit them to benefit from reimbursement of employer contributions (CCSS, CAR, AMRR, ASSEDIC, CET), for a maximum period of two years. This measure is open to employers until June 30, 2021. Ban on dismissals during the health crisis. In agreement with the National Council, the Prince’s Government has made it impossible to dismiss staff except in cases of proven gross misconduct. From tomorrow, the costs of the economic measures aimed at supporting all those involved in the Labor Labor market regulations Monegasque economy and preparing for a recovery will be reviewed by the Council of Government Markets before being presented to the National Council as a draft extraordinary, amended budget. The additional expenditure for the coming quarter is estimated to be €280 million, to which a decrease in expected revenue of around €180 million will need to be added. Reduced work time Use of strengthened provisions for total temporary layoff. A total of 2,625 employers have applied to introduce this measure, which aims to offer solidarity to employees, 75% of whom live outside the Wage subsidies Principality. Forty percent of employees working in Monaco – or 21,650 people – have been laid off. As a reminder, the State is reimbursing employers in the amount of 80.6% of the net salary of each employee. The cost of the measure is €50 million per month. 404 (back to the top) Mongolia Cash-based transfers Child Money’ monthly allowance: This allowance (pre-Covid amount MNT 20,000 per month) was increased to MNT 100,000 (about $35) as part of government fiscal measures to respond to Covid- 19 pandemic. The allowance is transferred to each child of Mongolia aged below 18 years. The increased level of allowance was implemented for the period between 1 April through September 2020 as per the initial plan; it was then extended until Jan ,1 2021; and it was extended again until 1 July 2021. Livelihood support allowance: This monthly benefit is provided for a child aged below 16 years who requires permanent care due to sickness. The benefit's pre-Covid level was MNT 188,000.0 per month. The benefit was increased to MNT 288,000 (about $101) as part of government fiscal measures to respond to Covid-19 pandemic. The increased level of allowance was implemented for Cash transfers the period between 1 May through September 2020 as per the initial plan; it was then extended until (conditional and unconditional) Jan 1, 2021; and it was extended again until 1 July 2021. Social One-time universal cash transfer: MNT 300,000 ($105) per person was transferred for every citizen Assistance in April 2021 to support families during lockdown between 10-25 April 2021 (the lockdown was extended until May 8, 2021). Even those residing in other countries who still hold Mongolian citizenship can get it if they applied online and connected their local bank account with the E- Mongolia system. Distribution of dividends of Erdenes Tavan Tolgoi, a state owned mining company, to eligible citizens (implemented in Sep-Oct 2020) Social welfare pension: This benefit is provided to seniors who are not eligible to old-age pension from the Social Insurance Fund, persons with disabilities, children who lost breadwinner, and single&senior parents with 4+ children. The benefit's pre-Covid level was MNT 188,000.0 per month. Social pensions The benefit was increased to MNT 288,000 (about $101) as part of government fiscal measures to respond to Covid-19 pandemic. The increased level of allowance was implemented for the period between 1 May through September 2020 as per the initial plan; it was then extended until Jan 1, 2021; and it was extended again until 1 July 2021. In-kind transfers 405 Food support program: A monthly cash benefit is provided to members of poor families. The benefit's pre-Covid level was MNT 16,000.0 per adult and MNT 8,000.0 per child per month. The benefit was increased to MNT 32,000.0 (11.2$) per adult and MNT 16,000.0 ($5.6) per child per Food, vouchers, others month during 1 May to 1 October 2020 as part of government fiscal measures to respond to Covid- 19 pandemic. The increased level of benefit continued only for adults till 1 Jan 2021. From 1 January 2021, the increased benefit for adults was scaled back to the pre-Covid level. This program continues with the pre-Covid level of benefits. School feeding Public works Utility waivers and reductions: (i) Households were exempted from paying utility fees (for electricity, heating, water usage and waste disposal servcies) between December 1, 2020 till 1 July 2021 (capped at the level paid in December 2019 and limited to 100 sq.m maximum); (ii) The price of enhanced coal briquettes was reduced by 50% from December 3, 2020 and by further 25% (total 75%) from December 14, 2020 till April 1, 2021. Deferral of loan and interest payments: Utility waivers (i) On April 13, 2020, the Bank of Mongolia allowed existing consumption loan borrowers to defer their principal and interest payments by up to 12 months. (iii) As per the Financial Regulatory Committee’s recommendations, the commercial bank and non- bank financial institutions have, upon request of borrowers (enterprises and individuals), allowed deterring of loan and interest payments between January 1, 2021 till 1 July 2021. Reduction of money transaction fees: Commercial banks collectively reduced interbank transaction fees by 20 -100% from April 1, 2020 till October 1, 2020. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Cash support from the Unemployment Insurance Fund: The insured who worked in enterprises Social (except state and local government entities and state owned enterprises) for which the sales Insurance revenue was reduced by 50% and more during the months of February and March 2020 as Unemployment benefits compared to the same months in previous year and which retained their employees and (ii) the insured who worked in enterprises which stopped operation due to decision of state authorities or due to the impact of the pandemic, were provided a monthly cash support of MNT 200,000 between April 1,. 2020 till July 1, 2020. 406 Exemption from social insurance contributions under mandatory social insurance scheme: Employers and employees of all entities and firms, excluding state and local government entities and state owned enterprises, were exempted from social insurance contributions paid for pension insurance, benefit insurance, unemployment insurance and industrial accident and occupational disease insurance from April 1, 2020 till October 1, 2020 and the insured were automatically considered to have paid for social insurance contribution during this period. This measure was extended further; and between October 1, 2020 till July 1, 2022, the eligible employers and employees as mentioned above, were partially exempted from social insurance contributions as the following: (i) between October 1, 2020 till January 1, 2021: Full exemption of SI contributions for benefit insurance, unemployment insurance and industrial accident and occupational disease insurance, and partial exemption of SI contribution for pension insurance; (ii) between January 1, 2021 till July 1, 2021: Exemption of SI contributions for benefit insurance, unemployment insurance and industrial accident and occupational disease insurance only. Social security contributions Exemption from social insurance contributions under voluntary social insurance scheme: The self- employed who participate in the voluntary social insurance scheme were partially exempted from the SI contributions as the following: (i) between April 1, 2020 till October 1, 2020: SI contributions were relieved by the amount calculated against the minimum wage; (ii) between October 1, 2020 till January 1, 2021: Exemption of SI contributions for benefit insurance, unemployment insurance and industrial accident and occupational disease insurance, and partial exemption of SI contribution for pension insurance; (iii) between January 1, 2021 till July 1, 2021: Exemption of SI contributions for benefit insurance, unemployment insurance and industrial accident and occupational disease insurance only. Deferral of SI contribution arrears: The enterprises (except state and locally owned entities and semi-state entities) which reported in due time, the social insurance contribution dues for the period between February 1, 2020 to April 1, 2020 but could not make the transfer of contributions within the legally prescribed time, were relieved from fines and payment of undue losses imposable by the Law on Violations. This measure was extended till December 31, 2020. Labor Activation measures Markets Labor market regulations 407 The Government made a decision to allow parents to work from home until March 30. The Reduced work time Government has implemented the decision in ministries and agencies, as well as state owned enterprises, and called for the private sector to do the same for their employees. Wage subsidies 408 (back to the top) Montenegro Cash-based transfers Within the economic packages, the government implemented a first package (March 19th 2020) with nearly 8,500 beneficiaries of material security (korisnika materijalnog obezbijeđenja) who received a one-off amount of EUR$ 50. For this purpose, the government spent EUR$ 429,650, involving 8,593 actual beneficiaries. Within the second package, the government implemented an advance payment of a part of premiums to agricultural producers and additional support for this year's production. With the increase of 2020 Agrobudget, the funds for this measure of non-refundable support were also Cash transfers increased, so that 80% of the paid funds in 2020 exceeded the amount of 2019 support. Overall, the (conditional and unconditional) government spent EUR$ 3,335,000 to provided additional support to the income of agricultural producers. As part of the second economic package, the government also introduced a one-off payment economic support to 183 professional fishermen who were holders of a license for commercial fishing at sea. This policy involved an expenditure of EUR$ 213,300. Social As part of third package, 8 million for 200 EUR one-off cash assistance to beneficiaries of material Assistance support. one-time financial assistance in the amount of EUR 200 was provided to the families of material security beneficiaries and veterans' material security beneficiaries in summer 2020. Within the first two economic packages (March 19th 2020), nearly 11,900 pensioners receiving the Social pensions lowest pension received a one-off amount of EUR$ 50. According to the government's website, there were 12,012 actual beneficiaries, which involved a budget of EUR$ 628,700 at this stage. In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Within the first economic package (March 2020), the Montenegrin Electric Enterprise increased the number of subsidies for electricity bills for the duration of the measures to socially disadvantaged households. Subsidies were approved for electricity bills that were ranged from 30% to 50% of the bill Utility waivers amount. This direct reliefs, covered 21,272 customers in April, with a total budget of EUR$ 277,516. The government also implemented the suspension of coercive measures of disconnection from the network as well as showed tolerance towards customers who have debt settlement, and are not able 409 to comply due to the pandemic. It also enabled membership in the "golden team" for all electricity customers that on April 30, 2020 have no outstanding electricity obligation. This is how these customers gained discounts on the value of calculated active electricity in amounting to 13%. Paid sick leave Health insurance Within the second economic package, the government implemented an extraordinary payment to the beneficiaries of the elderly pension. This meant two payments of EUR$ 64.41 for 3,419 Pensions beneficiaries, involving a total budget of EUR$ 440,000. The benefit was extended for a second one- off cash transfer of EUR$ 50. Within the second economic package, the government provided a one-off assistance in the amount of EUR 50 to all unemployed persons on the records of the Employment Agency of Montenegro, Unemployment benefits who do not receive any social transfers. According to a report published by the government, there Social were 17,157 beneficiaries, who involved a total budget of EUR$ 857,850. Insurance Within the second economic package, the government introduced the payment of contributions to insured persons based on agriculture. All contributions have been paid for 528 agricultural insured persons who regularly pay contributions, in the total amount of EUR$ 163,099.20. In this way, each insured person received EUR$ 308.9, which consisted of EUR$ 185.34 of personal contributions and EUR$ 123.56, paid by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. This measure was granted Social security contributions for six months. Postponement of payment of taxes and contributions on salaries as well as obligations according to the Law on Reprogramming for up to 90 days as of June 30th 2020. According to the Tax Administration, the total amount of deferred liabilities on this basis were EUR$ 45 million. Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time Within the first economic package, the government launched subsidies of 50-100% of employees’ wages. These measures were implemented to protect formal workers, as well as to support new Labor employment. As of June 2020, this measured implied EUR$ 33.2 millions for over 64,000 Markets employees. Wage subsidies Within the third economic package, the government decided to extend wage subsidies for the months of July, August and September to firms, companies and entrepreneurs operating in the area of tourism, catering and public transport. It was estimated that this initiative implied a budget of EUR$ 4 million on a monthly basis, ie EUR$ 12 million for the duration of the measure. 410 (back to the top) Montserrat (UK) Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers A three-month temporary transfer of EC$900 (US$333) a month (food package and cash support) to persons who do not have any work and unable to access other Social Security benefits. Food delivery in partnership with the Red Cross and Meals on Wheels to vulnerable communities. According to the government's website, overall, there was a planned budget of XCD $75,000. Social Social Services will provide additional food packages top-up for vulnerable low-income earners and Assistance other low-income groups. Food, vouchers, others The Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing & the Environment implemented an initiative to assist residents and support food security on the island. This measure involved supplying limited water tanks under the agriculture support programme and under the Covid19 support programme. Medication collection and delivery – The Social Services Department and the Montserrat Red Cross volunteers have been assisting persons with the collection of their medication. Where possible the pharmacy will provide a 3-month supply. School feeding Public works The Government of Montserrat has agreed with Montserrat Utilities Limited that no further Utility waivers disconnections of electricity and water will take place until further notice. Paid sick leave Social Health insurance Insurance Pensions 411 Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations The Government implemented a flexible working arrangements policy which allows public officers Labor Reduced work time the ability to take a more flexible approach to working, in terms of working locations, hours and Markets duties. Government will pay at least 80% of salaries up to a maximum amount of EC$3,200 (US$1,184) per month for an initial period of three months directly to employers in the tourism sector; including Wage subsidies hotels, tour operators, restaurants, and transportation services. This was extended to other businesses. 412 (back to the top) Morocco Cash-based transfers The Economic Watch Committee (Comité de veille économique (CVE)) members activated a mobile payment device to transfer cash to workers operating in the informal sector adversely affected by COVID-19 (only for those who have been directly affected by the Government of Morocco’s (GoM) compulsory confinement policy). The electronic cash transfer program will reach half of the informal Cash transfers sector workers (estimated 3 million workers to receive payment). Registration has started on March (conditional and unconditional) 30, 2020 and the first payments began April 6th, 2020. The speed and scale is facilitated by the use of a health insurance fee waiver registry and a simple payment mechanism. The program is funded by the Coronavirus fund created by King Mohammed VI. Payment amounts are: 800 dirhams per month for households of two people or less; 1,000 dirhams per month for households of three to four people; 1,200 dirhams per month for households of more than four people. Social Social pensions Assistance In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Formal employees who lose their jobs and are registered with the pension fund can defer debt payments until June 30th, 2020. Utility waivers The GoM issued a moratorium for the repayment of bank loan maturities and leasing maturities. These deferrals are for people in a liberal profession facing financial difficulty, until June 30th, 2020 without payment of fees or penalties. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social A GoM decree grants employers more time to electronically report employees' salaries and payment Insurance of contributions via the electronic platform published by the CNSS. The deadlines for applying this Pensions provision are as follows: 6 months from the date of publication of said BO for employers with an average annual number of employees greater than or equal to 5; 12 months for those with a number greater than or equal to 3; for employers who employ an average annual number of employees 413 greater than or equal to 1, the maximum period is 24 months. The annual average number of employees will be calculated on the basis of declarations made by employers during the 12 months preceding the date of publication of the aforementioned BO. Formal employees who lose their jobs and are registered with the pension fund will receive 2,000 dirhams (USD 203) a month (MAD1,000 for March 2020, MAD2,000 for April, May and June 2020). This benefit is additional to the benefits relating to AMO (Assurance Maladie Obligatoire) and family allowances and is granted to employees working for employers facing financial difficulty who meet the following conditions: Employees and employees under integration contract; fishermen who are on temporary work stoppage; affiliated and declared to the CNSS for the month of February 2020. This compensation cancels and replaces the compensation for loss of employment provided for by the CNSS scheme. To receive this benefit, applicant employers must complete the form available on the CNSS portal "" with formalization of a declaration of honor certifying the total or partial cessation of work activities. For seafarers, these measures will be applied to persons appearing on the list received from the Department of Maritime Fisheries (DPM). The compensation will be granted to the employees in question throughout the period from March 15 to June 30, 2020 (the compensation from March 15 to 31 is set at 1,000 DH). The CNSS will pay the lump sum either by bank transfer or by provision. A flat-rate compensation of 2,000 DH was granted, from July 1, 2020 until December 31, 2020 to employees and trainees under an integration contract declared to the CNSS in February 2020 and Unemployment benefits those reporting to employers facing financial difficulty affiliated to the CNSS whose activity is impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19). Said employees and trainees also benefit for the same period and in accordance with the regulations in force from expenditure relating to the benefits provided under the compulsory health insurance scheme and family allowances with regard to employees. Employees and trainees of classified tourist accommodation establishments, travel agencies, tourist carriers and guides will benefit from this allowance. The allowance dedicated to guides will be reduced by the amount relating to the latter's contribution to the CNSS, from the entry into force of the decree establishing social cover for guides. The following groups are eligible for this measure: Employers whose turnover fell by at least 50% for the months of July, August, September, October, November and December 2020 compared to the same period of the year 2019, provided that the all the employees and trainees under an integration contract declared to the CNSS for February 2020, do not exceed 500 people; Tourism guides approved by the Ministry of Tourism; If the number of employees exceeds 500 people or the turnover has fallen by a rate of between 25% and 50%, the decision to grant the allowance is submitted to the opinion of a chaired committee by the ministry in charge of finance and composed of representatives of the ministries in charge of Tourism and Labor and the CNSS. The employer must return to the National Social Security Fund any compensation or amount paid on the basis of a false declaration on their part, within 30 days of receiving a notice on the subject from the part of the said fund, under penalty of applying the 414 penalties provided for by the legislation in force. The National Social Security Fund returns the sums paid to it to the state budget. The GoM announced a measure granting an extension of the IR exemption on additional remuneration for the benefit of employees affiliated to the CNSS until December 31, 2020, as well as a measure granting an extension to the suspension of social charges payments until December 31, 2020, with staggered reimbursement over 18 months starting January 1st, 2021. Social security contributions The GoM announced that companies can benefit from the suspension of social security contributions for the period from March 1 to June 30, 2020 with graceful remission of late payment increases for this period. This measure applies to employers facing financial difficulties affiliated to the Caisse Nationale de Securite Sociale (CNSS). The CNSS will ensure transfer of family allowance/child allowance and reimbursements of medical expenses through the CNSS Compulsory Health Insurance (Assurance Maladie Obligatoire). The GoM announced a measure to support VSEs and tourism SMEs in the Souss-Massa region. This Activation measures measure seeks to support the competitiveness and transformation of actors through the dedicated Inmaa Tourism system. The GoM announced a measure to establish health permits to tourist operators, as well as a Labor Labor market regulations measure to accelerate the deployment of reforms and modernize the legal and normative Markets framework for hotels, travel agencies and guides. Reduced work time Wage subsidies 415 (back to the top) Mozambique Cash-based transfers Direct transfers were issued to 1,102,825 new households under the Post Emergency Direct Cash Transfers Program (PASD-PE Covid), representing 35 percent of the poor population living in urban areas. PASD-PE Covid will provide a cash transfer of 1,500 Mt per month, every two months, for 6 months for vulnerable families in urban, peri-urban and border areas. The Government of Mozambique (GoM) has secured funding for the first phase covering 290,000 families in urban, peri- urban and priority border areas with a total cost of US $ 50 million (Phase 1). Additional resources are being mobilized to finance the second phase (Phase 2) estimated at US $ 140.5 million, which Cash transfers already has US $ 20.5 million channeled through the United Nations. (conditional and unconditional) For people employed in informal economy particularly markets, GoM stated that it will use Municipalities for cash transfer (Fundo de Compensação Autárquico). Social The Basic Social Subsidy Program (PSSB) and the Productive Social Action Program (PASP) provide Assistance a single cash transfer equivalent to 3 months of regular subsidies to beneficiaries. Combined, both programs seek to cover 566,642 households across the country and have an estimated cost of US$ 25.4 million. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works The GoM announced a measure allowing companies or consumers affected by COVID-19 to negotiate conditions enabling them to pay the debt in accordance with their financial capacity. Utility waivers Financial institutions face no obligations to set up provisions, in the case of debt renegotiation with customers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, before the expiration of the loan, from 23 March to 416 23 December 2020. With this measure, the GoM hopes to avoid consumer bankruptcies and allow the payment of fixed expenses (as salaries). The GoM announced that transactions between two clients of the institutionalized electronic coins (e-Mola, M-Kash and M-pesa) will not be charged any commission. This allows workers to use mobile devices, particularly smartphones, to pay bills and buy groceries. Within the framework of the Central Bank's measures, commercial banks and electronic money institutions are expected to reduce fees and charges on transfers to individual customers by 50%. The GoM announced temporary and well-targeted tax exemptions to support families and the health sector. This includes VAT and import tariff exemptions on food, medicine and medical equipment. The Mozambican parliament and the Assembly of the Republic unanimously passed the first reading of a bill to restore exemption from Value Added Tax (VAT) for sugar, soap and vegetable oil. This bill reinstates the VAT exemption on these products that expired December 31st, 2019. This reinstatement is time-limited and runs out on December 31st, 2020. The exemption, according to Ministry of Finance, will cost the Mozambican budget this year about 2.96 billion meticais (about USD 43M). The GoM announced a measure allowing sick-leave equivalent to 70% of medium salary, to Paid sick leave contributors of pension fund, in case of COVID-19. Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits The GoM announced a measure granting forgiveness of fines and reduction of interest on social Social security contributions contributions for enterprises for 3 months starting April 2020. Activation measures Labor market regulations Through a clause in the State of Emergency Decree, the GoM relaxed the restriction on the number of people who can work in any factory to a third of the normal workforce with turnover of teams Labor every 15 days. Markets Reduced work time Through a presidential decree, the GoM proposed flexible work schemes for companies and the public administration to allow them implement teleworking schemes and avoid social contact. In addition, enterprises are suggested to rotate their staff to promote social distance and allow good air flow in the workplace. 417 Wage subsidies 418 (back to the top) Myanmar Cash-based transfers The European Union - in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and Sports and HealthAge International - will help fund a 1.43 million project to support Myanmar's disabled workforce. The project will provide a one-off K30,000 payment to some 5,000 people with disabilities across the country, to help recipients and their families endure the economic impact of the pandemic. Cash Transfer -. Myanmar government has launched the COVID-19 Economic Relief Plan (CERP) on April 27. The cost of all action plans in CERP is estimated to be around $2 billion. • SPJ related cost is estimated around $ 200 million with a focus on cash transfers to most vulnerable and affected workers and households and it aims to reach around 5.4 million households. Since July 2020, a total of 5.6 million households received three times cash transfer ( 20,000 MMK per household in each time and a total of 60,000 MMK per households). Beneficiaries of the Maternal and Child Cash Transfer Programme (supporting mothers of children Social under the age of two, pregnant women) will receive a one-off MMK30,000 cash payment (in Assistance Cash transfers addition to the existing monthly payment of MMK15,000). Total budget is USD4.93m benefiting (conditional and unconditional) 241,425 households A total of 509,880 includes 238410 beneficiaires from regular Maternal and Child Cash Transfer programme and 271470 new beneficiaries for COVID response. All received a one-off 30,000 MMK. Total budget spent is around $ 12 million. • The government will provide cash assistance to 63,000 households in Internal Displaced Camps and temporary shelters in November, 2020 The EU has performed over 70,000 digital cash transfers totalling MMK 5.4 billion (USD 4.2 million) to garment, footwear, and textile workers that have lost their jobs or are underemployed. Myan Ku was set up in April 2020 by the European Union as a rapid response measure to alleviate the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on predominantly female garment workers in Myanmar who lost their jobs due to the crisis. Last year, the EU Myan Ku Fund disbursed 108,320 total cash assistance payments to over 60,000 garment factory workers from every state and region of Myanmar. Eighty-four per cent of beneficiaries were women, and the most excellent support went to 419 those who were pregnant and to those workers who received little or no severance pay. Ninety-nine per cent of cash payments were successfully distributed using Wave Money’s mobile money platform, a leading mobile financial services provider in Myanmar. The average payment size per beneficiary per month was K75,000 in 2020, with the payment range varying from K25,000 up to K125,000. The EU Myan Ku Fund’s extension phase is planned to operate from January 2021 until February 2022. Financial support for laid-off factory workers is still a key feature. It is always pivoting even further in assistance to unemployed, pregnant workers and unemployed workers with young children under age 10. Migrant workers and workers willing to complete skills training programmes will also be supported. The scope of expert nutritional support services is also expanding, with 2,000 women targeted to receive maternal counselling and direct dietary support from the project’s doctors. The programme will provide an additional one-time payment of MMK30,000 to people over the age of 85 and over (in addition to the existing average monthly payment of MMK10,000). The support is delivered via the social pension programme, implemented by the Department of Social Welfare since Social pensions the 2017-2018 fiscal year as a nationwide Government programme, in line with Social Protection Strategy. Budget: USD4.07m Number of beneficiaries: 200,301 in total In-kind transfers Myanmar Government has provided emergency food ration to vulnerable households and at risks population. It has reached to 4.1 million households in April 2020. The Yangon Region government, Italy and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) on 21 January 2021 marked the contribution of 1 million EURO from the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in support of the COVID-19 response, with a ceremony at Aung Myint Moh treatment centre in Dagon Myothit (South) Township, Yangon Region. The Italian contribution has helped WFP provide daily nutritious meals for over 16,000 people, who were receiving medical and quarantine care at Aung Myint Moh, the largest COVID-19 treatment centre in Yangon Region in Food, vouchers, others terms of bed capacity. In support of the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement (MoSWRR), the Rakhine State Government and the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) have signed an agreement for the provision of short-term food assistance at quarantine centers across Rakhine State. Under the agreement, which was signed in the first week of September, people undergoing mandatory quarantine at eight townships in Rakhine State will receive three nutritious meals a day, funded by WFP, throughout the quarantine period. Through its ongoing support to returning migrants in quarantine sites, WFP provided food assistance to over 60,000 people in 10 out of 14 states and regions in Myanmar. 420 On 6th April 2020, GoM’s Central Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment of COVID-19 announced that they would provide emergency food rations across the country to low-income households that did not have regular income. The food rations per eligible household comprised 10.4 kg rice, 1.6 kg pulses, 1.6 kg onions, 0.8 kg oil, and 0.8 kg salt.136This food package was to be delivered prior to the Thingyan new year holiday period (12th–16thApril), when GoM had banned celebrations and planned to impose stay-at-home measures and travel restrictions. This is in line with figures from MDI, that estimated a transfer worth MMK 12,600 to 3.9 million households,for a total value of MMK 49 trillion (USD 35.8 million). School feeding • The government is currently supporting 390,000 beneficiary households (42% female participants) in more than 2,500 villages under a cash-for-work (CfW) scheme to provide emergency wage transfer to vulnerable households. Update: Cash for work programme implemented by DRD between June and September in 3,500 Public works villages across Myanmar, reaching around 400,000 households, for a total expense of MMK 35 billion (USD27 million). The programme has employed poor and vulnerable villagers, selected by the Village Development Committee, to work on the construction, maintenance, and renovation of infrastructure of public interest for the community. The identification of beneficiaries has focused on the most vulnerable (poor households, minorities, and women among others). 150 first units of electricity consumption for general public, religious and local NGOs (excluding embassy, UN and INGOs) will be exempted from payment until end of April. Extended until December: the provision of 150 free units of electricity per month in April and May, and 75 units in June,56 subsequently renewed to provide an additional 150 free units per month from July until December 2020 Utility waivers The government will support farmers with less than 2 acre land, women led households with returning migrants, households of ethnic minority and households led by persons who are older than 45 of farmers through agriculture input e-voucher worth 120,000 each benefiting to more than 86,000 households. UPDATE: Total expenditure on vouchers 25 million USD. Expected number of beneficiaries: 300000 farmers. E-voucher benefit: MYK 120000 per person Paid sick leave Myanmar Government extend healthcare benefits for unemployed SSB members from six months Social Health insurance to 1 year from the date of unemployment and extend medicine and travel benefits from six months Insurance to 1 year from the date of unemployment. Pensions Unemployment benefits 421 Social security contributions SSB contributions is deferred for three months Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 422 (back to the top) Namibia Cash-based transfers Stimulus and Relief Package: A one-time emergency income grant of N$750 to employees who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic and its fallout, limited to a maximum of N$562 million in total. Cash transfers Only Namibian citizens between the ages of 18 and 60 years old who do not receive any other social (conditional and unconditional) grants qualify for this grant. Payments will be by the Government in collaboration with the Social Security Commission. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others Social School feeding Assistance Public works Government will ensure that water points are kept open without a need for water cards during lockdowns, through NamWater and Local Authorities that will subsidize this critical service. The purpose of the First lockdown, this amount is estimated at about N$10.0 million Tax-back loan scheme for tax registered and tax paying (PAYE) employees and self-employed Utility waivers individual persons who have lost income or part thereof. In addition, to provide breathing room for cashflow-constrained individuals who are taxpayers, they can borrow an amount equal to 1/12th of their tax payment in the previous tax year, to be repaid after one year. The interest rate will be favorably low at the prime lending rate less 1% on the back of a Government guarantee. The total guarantee is capped at the maximum of N$1.1 billion, based on the PAYE tax register and the potential loan size. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance The Affected Employees program invites persons to apply for a grant designed to provide Unemployment benefits compensation for those who have lost income. This program is designed to provide a safety net for those who have been adversely impacted by COVID19. Applicants should have been registered with 423 the SSC as at 1 February 2020, be able to prove loss of income related to COVID19, earn less than N$50,000 p.a., the benefit will be limited to 50% of monthly salary, subject to a minimum of N$1,000 per month for 3 month and will be net of other benefits received from the state (e.g. Emergency Income Grant ). Social security contributions Activation measures The relaxation of labor regulations to avoid major retrenchments and business closures by allowing employers to negotiate a temporary 20% reduction of salaries and wages during the crisis period (and a reduction of salaries of up to 40% for the worst-hit industries). Labor market regulations The tripartite partners at national level have released a statement that highlights a commitment to Labor maintain harmonious labor relations, and to ensure job security and business sustainability during Markets the lock down period. Ensure that workers are paid their March and April 2020 wages and salaries; and that workers are not forced to resign or take annual leave or forced unpaid leave. Non-essential staff in government and private sector are working from home or are under lockdown. Reduced work time Only designated critical service workers are reporting for duty. The Employer Wage Subsidy Program for the hard-hit industries under three (3) sectors of aviation, Wage subsidies tourism and construction. This program is designed to save jobs. 424 (back to the top) Nepal Cash-based transfers Cash transfers The existing child grant (social support program) will be expanded by an additional 11 districts to (conditional and unconditional) cover 25 districts total. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food assistance package to be distributed to informal sector laborers and those in need of assistance (including those living in old age homes, places of worship etc.) through ward committees at local level. To be funded by local and provincial level governments with top-ups from federal as Food, vouchers, others required. Social assistance will be strengthened by providing those most vulnerable with daily food rations School feeding Measure announced April 26. Informal sector workers who have lost their jobs due to the ongoing Social Public works crisis will be given the opportunity to participate in public-works projects for a subsistence wage or Assistance receive 25 percent of local daily wage should they choose not to participate Measures announced on December 3, 2020. The NRB announced the collateral auction process will be deferred for some time for borrowers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic who have outstanding interest payment of less than six months. The NRB also announced that provisions will be made to allow repayment of foreign currency loans in local currency. Deadline for affected borrowers to pay the interest & capital amount of loan to the banks and financial institutions to be extended (mid- April to mid-July 2020) Utility waivers Amount contributed from taxable income and expenses by individuals and organisations to COVID - 19 Relief Fund established by Federal or Provincial government to be made tax-free. Municipalities to establish the Fund from their current year’s budget and stop certain programmes and purchases to divert resources to the Fund. Households to get discount/subsidy on electricity consumption (25% for below 150 units, internet 425 and data packages (25%), and waiver of late fees for one month on all public utility fees (water, telephone, electricity etc.) Private schools asked to waive one month tuition and other fees (except residential). Individuals and firms to get a one-month extension for the following: - payments of loan (interest + capital) against provident fund and citizen investment fund; - renewal and annual reporting of registered firms and companies. Measures announced March 30, 2020. Health spending will be increased, including by providing additional insurance coverage to all medical personnel fighting the coronavirus, importing additional medical supplies (with duty on said items eliminated), and setting up quarantine centers and temporary hospitals. Social assistance will be strengthened by providing those most vulnerable with daily food rations, subsidizing utility bills for low-usage customers, extending tax-filing deadlines, and taking measures to partially compensate those in the formal sector for lost wages in the event of job loss. Banks and financial institutions to provide services through digital/electronic system free of charges until further notice Relief Assistance to workers[5]: Relief funds to be created by local governments. Federal government will arrange 25% discount in electricity bills and on internet and data packages during lockdown. House owners wave rent of one month to tenants working in informal sectors. Federal government will arrange additional funds where insufficient; Food Management and Trading Company Limited and Salt Trading should offer 10 percent discount on rice, flour, sugar, salt and cooking oi Paid sick leave Health insurance Payment of life insurance premium; Social Pensions Insurance Social assistance will be strengthened by taking measures to partially compensate those in the Unemployment benefits formal sector for lost wages in the event of job loss The government will deposit the necessary amount (31 % contribution from Employers and Social security contributions employees) to Social Security Fund in case of those firms who have completely closed due to 426 lockdown Social Security Fund (contributory SI program) payment for both employee and employer (total of 31% of wages/salaries) for this month to be provided by the government (MOF) job-creation (labor-intensive in the construction sector, and training for work in manufacturing and Activation measures services sectors) Labor Labor market regulations Individuals and firms to get 1-month extension for payment of life insurance premium Markets Reduced work time Social assistance will be strengthened by taking measures to partially compensate those in the Wage subsidies formal sector for lost wages in the event of job loss. 427 (back to the top) Netherlands Cash-based transfers The government announced a three-month provision for self-employed persons with financial problems. Depending on household income and composition, the living expenses allowance will top up the income to a maximum of the guaranteed minimum income and does not have to be repaid The Government issued measures (17 March 2020) designed to save jobs and the economy. A temporary bridging measure for self-employed professionals (TOZO). The Tozo offers support for self-employed professionals such as a sole proprietor, zzp'er, partner in a general partnership, owner of a private limited company, who are experiencing financial difficulties due to the corona crisis. Self- employed professionals can apply for ‘TOZO 2’, the extended measure, by first of June until the end Cash transfers of September. The difference between Tozo 1 and Tozo 2 is that Tozo 2 has a partner income test (conditional and unconditional) for living allowance. Financial compensation for a period of up to 5 weeks for fishermen who cannot sail out (€9 million available). Social Assistance Childcare fees will be reimbursed to both parents working in so-called "crucial professions" who did use the emergency childcare facilities that were paid by parents. Childcare fees will be reimbursed to all other parents who had no access to it but were paying nevertheless because of their contract with the provider. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Measures to prevent evictions (agreement renewal until January 2021): landlords will make every effort to reach tailor-made agreements with tenants to bridge in case of financial difficulties like Utility waivers suspending the rent or making a payment arrangement. Evictions are also postponed as much as possible. 428 Banks have increased the transaction amount limit for contactless card payments to help prevent the virus spreading via PIN pads. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Under the Labor Market Act, the unemployment insurance contribution that employers pay for employees with an open-ended contract is lower than that paid for employees with a flexible employment contract. The higher unemployment insurance contribution will apply retroactively to permanent employees whose overtime hours amounted to more than 30% during a calendar year. This provision may now lead to unintended effects. The government is therefore preparing to introduce an adjustment to eliminate this unintended effect for the 2020 calendar year. Social Unemployment benefits Insurance Employees can receive a temporary unemployment benefit for hours not worked, while they remain fully employed. On 22 June the Temporary Bridging measure for Flex Workers (TOFA) has been opened for flex workers that have been laid off after 1 March due to the corona crisis, with a substantial loss of income. The Dutch pension funds for the building, metal and cleaning sectors and the scheme for hairdressers have granted their affiliated employers’ leeway for paying their pension contributions. Social security contributions The schemes have allowed employer companies to defer premium payment by up to two months to cushion the impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Earlier, the schemes for hospitality workers (Horeca & Catering), the travel industry and the retail sector introduced similar measures. The government will earmark an additional social package of 1 billion euros for retraining and Activation measures upgrading existing skills. Homework benefits in several collective labor agreements, such as call centers: minimum 25 euros Labor market regulations per month, water authorities: 3 euros per day and civil servants: 363 euros for 2020. Labor Employers can apply for a permit for a reduction in working time at the Ministry of Social Affairs Reduced work time Markets and Employment, i.e., employees will temporarily work on a reduced schedule. The government of the Netherlands introduced the Temporary Emergency Measure for the Preservation of Jobs (NOW) scheme. The scheme is designed to help companies that expect to lose Wage subsidies at least 20% of their revenue during the pandemic. It will pay employees’ wages for three months, up to a maximum of 90 per cent of the company’s wage bill, depending on the loss of turnover. 429 (back to the top) New Caledonia (France) Cash-based transfers Cash transfers Increase in family benefits for childcare. (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions A new reinforced partial unemployment scheme has been created for companies whose activity has been reduced or suspended due to measures taken by the authorities to fight against the spread of the Covid-19 virus in New Caledonia. Creation of a specific Covid 19 allowance paid by CAFAT, after Unemployment benefits examination of the requests by the Directorate of Labor (DTENC): 100% of the salary for employees remunerated at the guaranteed minimum hourly wage of the sector of activity concerned, and 70% Social of the last gross salary within the limit of 4.5 times the minimum wage in other cases. Insurance Self-employed workers who are part of the sectors permanently affected by the health crisis and who are beneficiaries of the State solidarity fund, will be able to benefit from a flat-rate reduction in social contributions over the last two quarters (Q3, Q4 2021). Self-employed workers who are not part of the sectors permanently affected by the health crisis, but are impacted by the new confinement, will be able to approach CAFAT to request a postponement or a staggering of their Social security contributions charges. Companies that are part of the sectors permanently affected by the health crisis will be able to benefit from an exemption from social contributions (employer contributions) over the next three quarters (T2, T3, Q4 2021). Companies that are not part of the sectors permanently affected by the 430 health crisis, but are impacted by the new confinement, will be able to approach CAFAT to request a spreading of their charges. Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 431 (back to the top) New Zealand Cash-based transfers Cash transfers New Zealand's government has announced a total of $2.8 billion for income support for the most (conditional and unconditional) vulnerable. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Social For essential workers with children aged 5 to 14 who are working outside the home, funding is Assistance available for in-home childcare services, a crucial support for women workers who are more represented in the healthcare sector. There was a freeze on rent increases which meant landlords could not increase rent for their rental properties. The freeze on rent increases ended on 25 September 2020. Utility waivers The mortgage repayment deferral scheme meant New Zealand’s retail banks were able to defer repayments for some mortgages. This scheme ended on 31 March 2021. Within the governments $2.8 billion for income support for the most vulnerable, they included a permanent $25 per week benefit increase and a doubling of the Winter Energy Payment for 2020. The COVID-19 Short-Term Absence Payment is available for businesses, including self-employed people, to help pay their workers who cannot work from home while they wait for a COVID-19 test Paid sick leave result. The Short-Term Absence Payment is available from 9 February 2021. Social This includes $126 million for leave and self-isolation support. Those required to self-isolate or care Insurance for someone who is sick will receive the same amount as wage subsidy. Health insurance Pensions 432 The Income Relief Payment was a temporary, short-term support for people who lost their jobs Unemployment benefits from 1 March to 30 October 2020 because of COVID-19. It offered up to 12 weeks of payments for people who no longer had work while they looked for other employment. Social security contributions Apprenticeship Boost is a payment to help employers keep and take on new apprentices. It means Activation measures apprentices can keep earning and training towards their qualifications as the economy recovers from the impacts of COVID-19. The payment is made directly to employers. Labor market regulations Reduced work time A total of $5.1 billion in wage subsidies was committed for affected businesses in all sectors and regions. Full-time workers (more than 20 hours/week) will receive $585/week under the scheme, with $350 paid to part-time workers. Labor Markets The Wage Subsidy Extension was available from 10 June 2020 to 1 September 2020. It was for employers and self-employed people who would otherwise have had to lay off staff or reduce their hours due to COVID-19. Wage subsidies The Resurgence Support Payment (RSP) is a payment to help support viable and ongoing business or organizations due to a COVID-19 alert level increase to level 2 or higher. If a business or organization is facing a reduction in revenue due to an alert level increase, it may be eligible for the RSP. When the RSP is activated, eligible businesses and organizations can apply to receive the lesser of: $1,500 plus $400 per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee, up to a maximum of 50 FTEs; four times (4x) the actual revenue decline experienced by the applicant. 433 (back to the top) Nicaragua Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance The government has continued to prioritize programs to strengthen the social safety net, including Food, vouchers, others the provision of food packages among vulnerable families. Sixty thousand food packages were distributed in April. School feeding Public works Utility waivers On March 23rd, 2020, a Tripartite Commission met in order to determine labor measures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, for which firms committed to implement that pregnant women, workers Paid sick leave over 60 years old and workers at high risk of getting COVID 19 (elderly, diabetic, heart disease, hypertensive, with lung disease, cancer or diseases that affect the immune system) will be granted Social paid leaves. Insurance Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures The Tripartite Commission determined labor measures such as: (i) Grant work permits with Labor Labor market regulations percentage of salaries, (ii) Grant advance payment related to vacations, (iii) Collective Suspensions of Markets Work Contracts must be approved by MITRAB, and in accordance with the Bipartite Commission. On March 23rd, 2020, the Tripartite Commission determined reduce working hours and Reduced work time implemented telework or remote work, without reducing employees' wages. 434 (back to the top) Niger Cash-based transfers As a part of its response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Government of Niger (GoN) implemented a horizontal expansion with one-off emergency cash transfer (3 times regular CT) in the most affected areas. Total beneficiaries are 400,000 household (scale-up from a pre-COVID19 coverage of 30K Cash transfers HHs) in both rural (250K HHs) and urban areas (150K HHs). The program is completed. (conditional and unconditional) Another 120K households received cash transfer support from WFP and UNICEF as part of the Governoment response plan. Social pensions In-kind transfers Social As a part of an updated crisis response plan, the GoN announced actions towards an immediate Assistance Food, vouchers, others health response and broader economic and social mitigation. Key elements of the plan include food distribution. The response plan has an estimated cost of 18.4 percent of GDP. School feeding Public works To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central Bank (BCEAO) is providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money and making transfers between people backed by the electronic money free. Utility waivers Under a government-run scheme, food and agricultural inputs, including cereals and sugar, are sold at subsidized prices throughout the country. In addition, face masks were manufactured locally and sold at subsidized prices. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures 435 Labor market regulations Labor Reduced work time Markets Wage subsidies 436 (back to the top) Nigeria Cash-based transfers Based on the current status of the NSR and the potential expansion the Government of Nigeria (GoN) seeks to reach 3 million poor and vulnerable households under the NASSP CCT eligibility criteria and enroll them for continued support (regular support + additional emergency relief fund). The GoN announced financial assistance to road transport workers with an estimated cost of N10 Cash transfers billion. (conditional and unconditional) Currently, the National Beneficiary Register (NBR) includes approximately 1,028,416 poor and vulnerable households targeted for CCT support across 32 states. These HHs are also registered in the NSR and rank from the 6th poverty decile and below. The GoN has made the decision to pay this category of HHs an advance payment of 20,000 naira (approximately USD 52) each as bulk of the regular monthly payments, for 4 months. Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance President Buhari approved the release of 70,000 Metric Tonnes of grains from Nigeria’s National Strategic Grain Reserves, for distribution to poor and vulnerable persons in frontline COVID-19 Food, vouchers, others states, as well as persons whose livelihoods will be affected by the lockdown. The GoN distributed relief materials to tradesmen and artisans in Lagos. School feeding Kano State, with support from international partners, launched an unconditional cash transfer project in October 2020. With a total sum of N 2.95 billion (equivalent of $7,700,000), the project, implemented under the Nigeria One UN COVID-19 response, seeks to alleviate the socio-economic impact of the pandemic on the poor and vulnerable and strengthen the resilience of communities in Public works local government areas in Kano State deeply impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. With this intervention, 9,600 individuals will benefit from the cash for work program while an additional 2,500 small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will receive cash grants for their businesses and start-ups to support business continuity. 437 On Monday April 6th, 2020, the Minister of Finance, Budget and National Planning announced the extension of the Special Public Works program to all 36 states and the FCT from October to December 2020 as a means of mitigating the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on the economy. It is estimated that 774, 000 Nigerians will benefit from this engagement. A total of N60 billion for allowances and operational cost has been earmarked from the COVID-19 crisis intervention fund for the program. The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) grants all deposit money banks grants leave to consider Utility waivers temporary and limited restructuring of debt to households and businesses. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 438 (back to the top) North Macedonia Cash-based transfers For those who lost their jobs or were part of the informal economy, there was a quick access to the social protection system for April and May, 2020. They received an average of USD 125 per household. Eligibility criteria for the Guaranteed Minimum Income scheme (GMI) for materially deprived households with income lower than guaranteed minimum allowance were relaxed. This meant an expansion of the GMI to 15,500 new households from the informal economy and 30,000 existing beneficiaries. Unemployed and informal sector workers received an average of 7,000 denars (US$124) per household. 4,739 additional GMI beneficiaries have been reached with an average monthly allowance of MKD8,251 (US$165) between March and December 2020. Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Cash allowance to cover part of the households’ electricity costs from April to December 2020 to Social materially deprived households with income lower than the guaranteed minimum allowance. Assistance One-time financial support with a payment card for purchase of domestic products in the amounts of MKD3,000 (US$60) for low-pay workers and MKD9,000 (US$180) for Guaranteed Minimum Assistance (GMA) recipients and unemployed One-time financial support for purchase of domestic products in the amount of MKD3,000 (US$60) for students aged 16-29 years old. One-time direct cash payment of MKD6,000 (US$120) for passive job-seekers; low-pension pensioners; single parents; artists; singers; and related sub-groups Social pensions In-kind transfers In-kind support (e.g., packages of basic food and hygienic products) provided to beneficiaries of Food, vouchers, others means-tested programs School feeding 439 Public works Extension of installment payments and other benefits in а state of emergency to facilitate loan servicing during COVID-19. This measure applied to individuals who have accepted changing of the loan repayment schedule Banks and savings houses could offer more favorable loan agreement terms without having received a request from the clients concerned, by publishing an offer for changing the loan repayment terms on their websites or sending electronic notices to clients. Banks and savings houses could offer the following additional benefits to the concerned citizens: Utility waivers extension i.e. grace period for loan repayment; prolonging the loan repayment for an extended period; lower interest rate, etc. Students received partial re-imbursement of university tuition fees and IT courses. Deferral of rent payment for social housing users. Freezing of prices of basic necessity products, such as food (including bread, salt, oil, milk and dairy products, eggs, flour, meat and pasta), medicines, disinfectant at the price level these products had on the day the WHO declared a pandemic outbreak (unless imported at higher prices). Access to paid leave. Release from work obligations of one of the parents of children up to 10 years of age, chronically ill according to the recommendations of the Commission for Infectious Diseases and pregnant women. Paid sick leave The period of paid leave from work due to pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood and adoption continues to flow and the salary compensation continues to be paid until the expiration of the temporary measures for protection from COVID-19 coronavirus spread and prevention. Healthcare coverage for COVID diagnosis and treatment to persons not covered under the regular Social Health insurance health insurance Insurance Pensions The government supported up to 40,300 people with unemployment insurance. This was funded Unemployment benefits through the COVID-19 emergency project. To date, 7,769 people were covered with unemployment benefits The government has adopted fiscal measures to help address firms’ liquidity problems, protect jobs and support the most vulnerable. These temporary measures included subsidies on private sector Social security contributions wages and social security contributions for firms that maintain employment, among other measures. Financial support was granted by providing a minimum wage of USD 260 per employee 440 for April and May 2020, or alternatively, subsidized 50% of mandatory social contributions, conditional to saving the same number of workers by September 2020. This involved firms in different economic sectors, such as tourism, transport, catering, media sector, sport workers and freelance artists, among others. Activation measures Mandatory use of the first part of the annual leave (for 2020), i.e. mandatory completion of the annual leave from last year until May 2020, which should be approved by the employer. Temporarily ban new employments in the public sector, except for hiring appropriate staff in the health sector and other sectors that deal with the consequences of coronavirus. Labor market regulations Recommendations from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy for organizing the work process. All elected and appointed officials received only minimum salary of USD 260 in April and May 2020. Chairpersons and members of management and supervisory boards of public institutions did not receive compensation fee during the crisis. Labor Reduced work time The employees are encouraged to work from home, if possible. Markets For citizens who have lost their jobs due to the crisis, the government paid a monthly allowance of 50% of the average monthly net wage of the employee for the last 24 months and up to 80% of the average salary in the country under the Employment and Insurance Law in the event of unemployment and Article 68 of this Law, that the unemployed citizens will receive compensation through the Employment Agency according to their years of service The government has adopted fiscal measures to help address firms’ liquidity problems, protect jobs Wage subsidies and support the most vulnerable. These temporary measures included subsidies on private sector wages and social security contributions for firms that maintain employment, among other measures. Financial support was granted by providing a minimum wage of USD 260 per employee for April and May 2020, or alternatively, subsidized 50% of mandatory social contributions, conditional to saving the same number of workers by September 2020. This involved firms in different economic sectors, such as tourism, transport, catering, media sector, sport workers and freelance artists, among others. 441 (back to the top) Northern Mariana Islands Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Taxpayers in the Northern Mariana Islands will be eligible for the tax rebates provided to U.S. citizens Utility waivers under the CARES Act. These refunds are valued at up to US$ 1,200 for individual filers and US$ 2,400 for joint filers, plus an additional US$ 500 per child. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) provides emergency unemployment assistance to workers who do not have Social unemployment insurance. The program provides unemployment benefits for up to 9 months for Insurance eligible workers. An estimated 2,000-3,000 workers will be eligible for the benefits. Unemployment benefits Workers in the CNMI will also be eligible for the U.S. government’s Federal Unemployment Compensation Program, which provides eligible beneficiaries with US$ 600 weekly. When combined with the national average unemployment compensation benefit of US$ 360 weekly, this will bring the estimated benefit to US$ 960 weekly Social security contributions Activation measures Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 442 (back to the top) Norway Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Social Public works Assistance The Norwegian government will cut its reduced VAT rate from 12% to 7% between 1 April and October 2020. The rate applies to cinema admission, public transport, hotel accommodation services, entrance to cinemas, museums, and amusement parks. Suspended the tax on air passengers for flights in the period from 1 January until 31 October 2020, Utility waivers and payments of aviation charges until 31 June 2020. Students who can prove loss of income, can apply for additional financial support, in form of additional student loans or through the conversion of parts of student loans into grants. Conditionalities apply. Parents are entitled to a total of 12 months' leave in connection with the birth and after the birth. These 12 months include the mother's right to leave for up to 12 weeks during the pregnancy and six weeks of leave reserved for the mother after the birth. This leave must be taken directly after the Paid sick leave first year. Social Insurance Employers are to be reimbursed for sickness benefits paid from the fourth day onwards for absences due to the coronavirus. Health insurance Pensions 443 If individuals had an income from work of at least 2 G (NOK 199 716) at the current Basic Amount, individuals are entitled to unemployment benefit for up to 104 weeks. If your income was less than 2 G, individuals are entitled to unemployment benefit for up to 52 weeks. The rate of unemployment benefit for people who are laid off and for those who lose their jobs has been raised to 80% of their income for an income of up to 300 000 NOK (28 350 USD) and 62.4% of income between 300 000 and 600 000 NOK. Wage subsidies for temporary layoffs via the unemployment benefit, eligibility for which has been Unemployment benefits reduced from 50 percent to 40 percent work reduction. The maximum duration of the furlough scheme has been suspended, and the scheme has been extended until at least 1 July 2021. Unemployment benefits are payable at 100 percent of previous income for first 15 days (with upper limit), and thereafter at increased rates for all income groups. Employers continued payment period is reduced from 15 to 2 days. The waiting period of 3 days until unemployment benefit is applied has been abolished. The Government is enabling NAV (the PES) to pay unemployment benefits in advance. Thus, those who have lost their income will be able to get money into their account quickly. Reduction in employer’s social security contribution obligation with 4 percent for two months. Payment deadline for employer’s social security for the months March and April is extended to 15. August 2020. The employer and the employee may enter into a loan agreement where the employer covers salary for the 18 days period and is reimbursed from the employee when they receive benefits Social security contributions from NAV. The Government proposed temporary legislative amendments enabling employers to decide that employees being temporarily laid off can continue as members of the pension scheme. Strengthen support for skills upgrade and in-house training for companies affected by the virus Activation measures outbreak, through increased grants to the counties. Reduced number of days that employers are obliged to pay salary to workers at temporary lay offs, from 15 to 2 days (government to pay difference). Labor The Government introduced a temporary scheme providing apprentices with compensation Markets equivalent to apprentice salary in case of unemployment or temporary layoff. Labor market regulations Employees are given the right to self-report sickness for 16 days even though the employer only pays from Day 4. Self-employed persons and freelancers may also receive sickness benefits from the National Insurance Scheme from the fourth day onwards for sickness absence due to the coronavirus. 444 Seasonal workers who are in Norway during the COVID-19 pandemic are exceptionally allowed to Reduced work time renew their residence permits and stay in Norway for more than six consecutive months. Key implemented and proposed fiscal measures (discretionary measures close to NOK 126.3 billion, or 4.2 percent of 2020 mainland GDP) include household income protection scheme offering larger Wage subsidies wage subsidies for temporary lay-offs, more generous unemployment benefits, and expanded sickness and childcare. In addition, the government proposed new expenditure measures on May 29th that include a subsidy for businesses to take back temporarily laid-off workers 445 (back to the top) Oman Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers "Salat Al Khair" initiative: The Public Authority for Consumer Protection has launched a food basket composed of 19 essential food items, sold at a subsidized fixed cost of approx. OMR9 (approx. USD23). The food baskets were delivered during Ramadan 2020 to vulnerable families. The initiative Food, vouchers, others was financed through private donations and subsidies provided by shopping centers. Distribution of 2,000 food baskets containing rice, wheat, oil, sugar, and other essential items and that the assistance to Omani and expat families (as of 6 April 2020) School feeding Public works Social Assistance Payment of utilities’ bills (electricity, water, and wastewater) will be postponed until after June 2020, and utility providers are being asked to offer the possibility of paying amounts owed in installments. The National Fuel Support Card shall be given to the low-wage Omani workforce in the private sector temporarily until the end of the impacts of the current closures. Only nationals will receive this benefit. Financial institutions in the Sultanate are asked to cooperate, by postponing and rescheduling the repayment of loans for affected employees after their salaries are reduced. Utility waivers The fees for renewing Labour cards for expatiates have also been reduced until the end of June 2020. Taxpayers have been permitted to make tax payments in installments for tax due during the year 2021, without levy of additional tax, which is leviable at 1% per month. An installment-based tax payment plan was also provided last year as a relief measure to taxpayers. This policy was included within the Oman’s Fiscal Sustainability Plan (2020-2024), also known as the medium-term fiscal plan (MTFP). A deduction of 1% of the tax due (up to a maximum of OMR 10,000) has been 446 announced for all taxpayers who shall file the tax return for the tax year 2021 and pay taxes within the prescribed due date. For taxpayers with 31 December as year-end, the tax return and taxes will be due for tax year 2021 on or before 30 April 2022. Paid sick leave The Capital Market Authority in Oman has launched an initiative to expand the services covered by the health insurance scheme, including medical tests and treatment costs for insured members with Health insurance COVID-19 (both nationals and expatriates) under their medical insurance coverage. Additionally, for those without health insurance or sponsors, the government will offer free treatment (for residents and citizens) Pensions Social Omani workers contributing with Public Authority for Social Insurance (PASI) will be eligible to Insurance receive the unemployment benefit, which is the the first ever scheme in Oman to cover all Omani Unemployment benefits workers. Unemployed insured Omanis will be entitled to receive benefits upon the first claim, if they have been affiliated with the scheme for 12 consecutive months. However, this entitlement condition will be waived for the first year of the scheme. The Public Authority for Social Insurance has taken the following measures: (i) Postponing the due payments of the monthly contributions (March, April, May and June 2020) for the employer and Social security contributions employee. (ii) Exemption from fines that will result from the delay in paying the due contribution for the months mentioned above only; or resulting from delay in registering their Omani employees/ or the notification from the end of their services. Activation measures Oman's Supreme Committee issued a decision on 14 April 2020 requiring employees in private sector enterprises that have been closed to take their annual leave. Employers must pay full salary Labor to employees who have been quarantined during the compulsory quarantine period. Markets Labor market regulations The employment contracts of Omani nationals cannot be terminated, however it is permitted for companies operating in the industries which have been demonstrably affected by Covid-19 outbreak, to grant their Omani nationals full paid leave during the lockdown. 447 Furthermore, after employees have utilized their annual leave the company may reduce their salaries and in return reduce their workhours for the next three (3) months. These measures for Omani employees can only be taken with effect from May 2020 onwards, and not beforehand. Reduced work time Wage subsidies 448 (back to the top) Pakistan Cash-based transfers Provincial governments also implemented supportive fiscal measures from the onset of the shock, including cash grants to low-income households, tax relief, and additional health spending (including a salary increase for healthcare workers). The government of Punjab implemented a KR 10 billion cash grants program. The government of Sindh's measures included cash grant. The Government of Pakistan allocated Rs. 203 Billion (~USD 1.23 Billion) to deliver one-time Cash transfers emergency cash assistance to 15 million families at risk of extreme poverty. This represents nearly (conditional and unconditional) 109 million people. Each family receives Rs. 12,000 (~USD 75) for immediate subsistence. The Economic Coordination Committee approved Rs. 75 billion among 6.2 million daily-wage earners with cash assistance for the daily wagers working in the formal industrial sector and who had been laid off because of COVID-19 outbreak. It was part of the PM’s Relief Package of Rs 200 billion. Each deserving person received Rs.12,000. Social pensions In-kind transfers As part of the supportive fiscal measures, the Government of Pakistan implemented additional Social Food, vouchers, others health spending. The government of Sindh's measures included cash grant and ration distribution Assistance program of PKR 1.5 billion for low-income households. School feeding Public works A relief package worth PKR 1.2 trillion was announced by the federal government on March 24, which has been almost fully implemented. The economic package earmarked resources for an accelerated procurement of wheat (PKR 280 billion), financial support to utility stores (PKR 50 billion), a reduction in regulated fuel prices (with a benefit for end consumers estimated at PKR 70 billion), support for health and food supplies (PKR 15 billion), electricity bill payments relief (PKR 110 billion. Utility waivers The government of Punjab implemented a PKR 18 billion tax relief package. Individuals and associations of persons providing basic food items to Govt. owned departmental stores without a brand name will pay 1.5% withholding tax instead of 4.5%. Additional customs duty (ACD) at 2% on soya bean oil, canola oil, palm oil and sunflower oil (as well as oil seeds) has also been exempted. 30 March 2020 Rs. 50 billion for Utility Stores Corporation to provide essential food items to the 449 vulnerable section of the society at subsidized rates. 29 March 2020 Central Bank has relaxed the DBR for consumer loans from 50% to 60%. Banks and DFIs will defer the payment of principal on loans and advances for one year. 10 April 2020 The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet has approved the deferment of monthly and quarterly fuel adjustments in the electricity bills for power consumers for the next three months (till June 2020) under the government relief package. 06 April 2020 Power Division has reportedly prepared power tariff freezing for three months aimed at minimizing financial burden on the Coronavirus-hit consumers, estimated financial impact of which will be Rs 381 billion Paid sick leave Government’s Sehat Sahulat Programme is being implemented in more than 90 districts of the Health insurance country, mainly in KP and Punjab, where over 9 million families enrolled under it are being provided free-of-cost healthcare services by both public and private hospitals. Social Ministry for Communications and Postal Services provided door-to-door delivery of money allocated Insurance Pensions for government pensioners across the country via Pakistan Post. It was anticipated around 1.3 million pensioners will be disseminated their due allowances at the doorstep. Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Kamyab Jawan Program for COVID-19 Response was realigned. Technical training of youth in conventional and High -End/High-Tech trades under “Skill for All” program was shifted to distant/ Activation measures virtual training and E-learning so that employability of youth may not suffer in socio-economic impacts of COVID -19. Under the Start Up program, Business incubation Centers (BICs) were established to promote youth entrepreneurship with focus on post COVID-19 recovery. The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) has expanded the scope of existing refinancing facilities and Labor market regulations introduced three new ones, among them to incentivize businesses to avoid laying off their workers during the pandemic (2,958 firms , PKR 238 billion, to date). Labor Reduced work time Markets The Labour Welfare (Govt. Balochistan), notified that in case of lockdown or closure, all factories / industrial and commercial establishments / NGOs/ private bank/ private educational institutions shall pay at least minimum wages (PKR 17,500) to their workers on regular basis without deduction Wage subsidies State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) introduced a temporary refinance scheme for payment of wages and salaries to the workers and employees of the business concerned. Under the SBP'S Rozgar Refinance Scheme with Risk Sharing Facility, on overall basis, up till 10 July 2020, financing of Rs 125.9 billion was approved by banks for 2068 businesses covering wages and salaries over 1.2 million employees 450 451 (back to the top) Palau Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Social Food, vouchers, others Assistance School feeding The government has also announced measures totaling $20 million (8 percent of GDP) to mitigate Public works economic and social hardship through targeted support to affected businesses and individuals. These include a new temporary job creation scheme for public works. As part of the $20 million measures (8 percent of GDP) to mitigate economic and social hardship the Utility waivers government also announced temporary subsidies for utility bills. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance As part of the $20 million measures (8 percent of GDP) to mitigate economic and social hardship the Unemployment benefits government also announced a new unemployment benefit scheme. Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 452 (back to the top) Panama Cash-based transfers The GoP created a temporary economic support program called Panama Solidarity Plan (Plan Panama Solidario, PPS) with an initially planned budget of USD $50 M. PPS provides digital voucher (Vale Digital), and Solidarity Bonus. The Vale Digital is equivalent to US$ 100 per month and has been paid to eligible individuals since March 2020. According to the government's website, as of March Cash transfers 27th 2021, there were 8,478,447 digital vouchers delivered. The Solidarity Bonus initially aimed to (conditional and unconditional) help the most vulnerable population with the delivery of an economic amount of USD $40. This amount was increased several times (USD $80, USD $100), and since February 2021 the government delivers a cash transfer of USD $120. According to the government's website, as of March 27th 2021, there were 3,079,571 Solidarity Bonus delivered. Social pensions In-kind transfers The GoP created a temporary economic support program called Panama Solidarity Plan (Plan Panama Solidario, PPS) with an initially planned budget of USD $50 M. PPS provides food baskets. The government delivered temporary food baskets as part of the PPS to the poor and vulnerable Social living in indigenous territories and rural areas where the distribution of digital cash transfer turned Assistance Food, vouchers, others not feasible. Food baskets have delivered monthly to an average of 540,000 beneficiaries using a mechanism that combine local and national food purchase and strategic warehouses. The value of the food basket is equivalent to US$ 100 per month According to the government's website, as of March 27th 2021, there were 7,047,779 food baskets delivered. School feeding Public works Electricity subsidy of 50 percent to customers who consume up to 300 kWh per month and 30 percent to those who consume between 301 kWh and 1,000 kWh per month A suspension of payments for public services (electricity, landline phones, mobile phone and internet) for March-June Utility waivers The government reduced the price of fuel by 25% and 5% in electricity. The government introduced a moratorium for three months (April, May and June) for bank commitments, such as mortgage, loans for the purchase of vehicles and personal loans of individuals. 453 Through Law 156 of June 30, the government introduced a moratorium on loans granted by banks, cooperatives and financial, both public and private, until December 31, 2020, for individuals and legal entities affected economically due to the national emergency due to the pandemic. Paid sick leave Paid leave is paid to workers in quarantine or recovery. Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions More than 250,000 independent workers, entrepreneurs and students will have free access to 3,800 virtual courses and 400 specializations, thanks to a partnership between the National Activation measures Government, the Specialized Higher Technical Institute (ITSE) and the virtual learning platform Coursera. Through Executive Decree 81, the government regulates the suspension of the employment contract, for the workers of the companies whose operations have been closed in accordance with the preventive measures ordered by the government authorities within the State of National Emergency. This measure implied that employees are not obliged to work, and employers are not obliged to pay a wage for the duration of the lockdown. This does not mean that employers can dismiss workers. Labor Labor market regulations Markets Extension of the validity of work permits for foreign workers, which expired from March 12, 2020 until April 30, 2020. Through Law 157, the government established temporary employment protection measures in companies affected by Covid-19. The prohibition of hiring new workers, in the same or similar position to that of employees whose contracts were suspended. On 13 March 2020, the government approved the Executive Decree that allows temporary modification of working days; the use of teleworking according to existing legislation and the nature Reduced work time of work; special consideration with workers over the age of 60; and other measures related to labor mobility and compensation. Wage subsidies 454 (Back to the top) Papua New Guinea Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers Social The government, with development partners, is spending $38 million on nationwide food security Assistance activities, including distribution of food rations during April–December 2020. The main recipients are Food, vouchers, others those affected by income and job losses, especially in urban areas where they have fewer means to grow their own food; 5,000 individuals in the National Capital District (NCD) are estimated to have received food rations to date. School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits The Authorized Superannuation Funds of Papua New Guinea will provide a one-off COVID-19 relief Social security contributions benefit of up to 20% of member contributions (up to PGK10,000, or US$ 2,890) for members of super funds who have ceased working due to COVID-19. Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 455 (back to the top) Paraguay Cash-based transfers On March 26th, 2020, the Government of Paraguay (GoP) launched program Pytyvõ, a benefit for the self-employed and informal workers of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MIPYMES). Beneficiaries must not be beneficiaries of other social programs (Tekoporá, Food Pension Program for Older Adults in a Situation of Poverty). The benefit consists of a cash transfer equivalent to 25% of the minimum wage, which was paid up to two months through bank accounts, financial entities, electronic wallets or other electronic payment. The government disbursed PYG $500,000 to 1.5 million people. Additional transfers of 50% for one month were given for beneficiaries of the Tekoporá social Cash transfers protection program. This program reached 164,309 families (600,000 individuals approximately) (conditional and unconditional) and involved a budget of PGY$ 31,378 million. The GoP also implemented a special bonus equivalent to the minimum wage to health personnel Social directly affected by the pandemic. The government planned to deliver this benefit up to three times. Assistance On November 6th, 2020, the second payment was introduced with the following changes: 1) health workers who held labor contracts prior to August 31st, 2020 received a bonus equivalent to one minimum wage; 2) health workers who held labor contracts from September 1st, 2020 to October 31st, 2020 received a bonus equivalent to 50% minimum wage. According to the press, the government allocated USD $10,1M in this policy. The GoP announced an advance payment of the Elderly Program for 207,000 people. This program Social pensions consists of a food pension for vulnerable elder people. As of February 2021, this program expanded and reached a total of 221,162 individuals. In-kind transfers The Ñangareko food security program aims to reach 330,000 families with a one-off cash transfer of Gs. $230,000 (US$36) via electronic wallet to purchase food and hygiene products. The program is aimed at vulnerable households with informal workers, who are not beneficiaries of any other Food, vouchers, others social program. According to the Secretary of National Emergency's website, as of May 14th, there were 23,319 beneficiaries of the health kits and 277,418 beneficiaries of the cash transfers. As of February 17th, 2020, the government spent PYG$ 165,000 million. 456 The GoP announced a distribution of a food package to 3,500 families benefiting from social programs. This program was also extended to day laborers and self-employed. In total, this measure is valued at of $ 1.4 billion guaraníes ($211M). School feeding Public works On March 26th, 2020, the GoP implemented a deferment/exemption on the payment of basic services (water, energy) for the months of March, April and May 2020. Electric energy users with a monthly consumption of 0 to 500 kwh per month were 100% exonerated, and electric power users with a consumption of more than 500 kwh per month were temporarily deferred. Water service (ESSAP SA., Private Aguateras, Sanitation Boards, Sanitation Commissions) were temporarily deferred and have a discount of up to 100% for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MIPYMES) and vulnerable sectors. Communications services (COPACO SA.) were also temporarily deferred, and unpaid obligations resulting from this temporary measure may be financed up to 18 installments Utility waivers without surcharges or interest. The GoP announced a moratorium on housing rent evictions until June 2020, provided that the payment of at least 40% of the monthly rent is justified. The amounts that remained pending were prorated and added to the value of the monthly rent paid in-full from July 2020. The prorated debts must be paid within a maximum period of 6 months. Through the Central Bank of Paraguay, the GoP implemented a plan for refinancing debts payments of individuals and small, medium and large firms. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions The GoP implemented a deferral of payment of social security contributions for 4 months. Activation measures The GoP introduced a measure to allow greater flexibility for the employer's 15-day notice deadline Labor market regulations to allow the use of paid vacations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Labor On March 26th, 2020, the GoP introduced a legal regime for teleworking for formal workers at the Markets Reduced work time private and public sector, allowing remote work without requiring the physical presence of the worker in a specific workplace. Wage subsidies 457 (back to the top) Peru Cash-based transfers Bono Trabajador Independiente. This grant targets 800,000 self-employed households at risk due to the pandemic. The transfer is divided into two installments of S / 380 each, that is, a total of S / 760 is being delivered to each beneficiary. As of June 2020, 644000 have reached The government launched a subsidy of nearly $100 to 3M million poor households to stay home (“I will stay at home" program). Is divided into two payments of S / 380 soles each (760 soles in total) (USD $ 223) Bono Rural: new cash transfers for people in extreme poverty in rural area. The transfer of S760 is targeting 980,000 households (384000 hh received the transfers as of June 2020) Advanced monthly payment of the money transfer programs (Juntos, Pensión 65 and Contigo), 3,520,729 beneficiaries Social The S / 760 grant (Bono Familiar Universal) is aimed at those households whose members do not Assistance Cash transfers receive any income during the state of emergency. The Government announced that this measure (conditional and unconditional) would benefit 75% of the country's households, that is, about 6.8 million families. - Tramo 1 reached 1.6 million households - Tramo 2 reached an additional 2.5 million households - An additional transfer in October 2020 plans to reach 8.5 million households but has only reached 7.5 million to date. Workers under perfect suspension (suspension perfecta) -- a form of temporal work suspension without terminating the contract -- will receive a cash bonus called “Prestación Económica de Protección Social de Emergencia ante la Pandemia del Coronavirus COVID-19” of up to 760 soles per month if their salary is up to 2400 soles. Cash benefit to health care workers and assistants working in the Intensive Care Unit. 720 cash bonus for police officers and military workers for their work of maintaining internal order during the emergency 458 Economic support for cultural workers and enterprises Cash transfer of 760 soles to beneficiaries of Juntos, Pension 65 and Contigo, that didn’t receive the previous transfers. Reinbusrtment of funeral costs due to COVID for individuals insured under SIS (non-contributory health insurance for the poor) The Peruvian Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Midis), through the Supreme Decree, ordered the double payment to the users of the social programs Pensión 65 and Contigo to avoid contagion by exposure to queues or crowds of people. Thus, in the next bi-monthly payment in Social pensions advance they will also receive the payment of the two subsequent months. The double payment of financial support is applied in these social programs by grouping populations at high risk for coronavirus, such as older adults who may have some type of pre-existing disease. The Pension 65 program reaches 557,000 older people, including 40,000 with severe disabilities. In-kind transfers Canasta de primera necesidad to be distributed Free water distribution through water trucks Food, vouchers, others Food donations to the families that are part of Qali Warma school food program. Acquisition and distribution of food donations to Lima and Callao School feeding Public works The payment of overdue bills for electricity, natural gas and telecommunications of households is Utility waivers divided into installments, without interest charges, late payment charges, or service cuts. Relaxes requirement for the validation of Certificates of Temporary Disability for Work Paid sick leave Wage subsidy to workers diagnosed with COVID and unable to work. Subsidy for the first 20 month Social of sickness Insurance Extension of health service for all health workers Health insurance Workers under perfect suspension (suspension perfecta) -- a form of temporal work suspension without terminating the contract -- will not lose their contributory health insurance. 459 The Peruvian Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (Midis), through the Supreme Decree, ordered the double payment to the users of the social programs Pensión 65 and Contigo to avoid contagion by exposure to queues or crowds of people. Thus, in the next bi-monthly payment in advance they will also receive the payment of the two subsequent months. The double payment of financial support is applied in these social programs by grouping populations at high risk for coronavirus, such as older adults who may have some type of pre-existing disease. The Pension 65 Pensions program reaches 557,000 older people, including 40,000 with severe disabilities. Permission to withdraw money from their pension funds up to US$580 (Soles 2,000) or 25% of fund for individuals that have not been the payroll for the past 12 months, as part of the emergency situation Granting and financing pensions to people at risk because of COVID-19 Unemployment benefits Suspension of the employer contribution to worker's private pension (10% of wages) in April. Allow workers to take out up to 2000 soles from their individual private pension account due to the pandemic in April. Social security contributions Authorize workers under perfect suspension (suspension perfecta) -- a form of temporal work suspension without terminating the contract -- to access their compensation for work time (CTS) of up to 1 month for every month they stay under this perfect suspension. Activation measures Allow workers to access their compensation of work time (compensacion de tiempo de servicio, cts) for a maximum value of 2400 soles. This compensation is a form of social security paid by the firm to formal workers month to month in individual accounts. Employers that are unable to perform their activities remotely or have been very affected by COVID Labor can apply to the perfect suspension of their worker's contract. Markets Labor market regulations Approval of a guide of COVID safety procedures in the workplace Firms must submit their plan to observe, prevent and control COVID and register it in the Ministry of Health COVID System to get a sector approval. Approval of a Technical Document: Guidelines for Surveillance, Prevention and Health Control of workers at risk of exposure to COVID - 19. 460 Remote work approval for private and public sector. It is established that the public and private sectors must implement remote work. It is not applicable to workers confirmed with COVID-19, or to those who are on medical leave. Likewise, the following conditions are mentioned: - It is established that the maximum working day of health professionals is six (6) hours a day of effective care work. Regarding the care staff guards, the twelve (12) day and night guards should be Reduced work time prioritized, and up to a maximum of twelve (12) hospital or community guards can be scheduled during the state of emergency. - Health establishments of the second or third level of care are authorized to program shift extensions for complementary health services, up to 12 hours per day and up to 8 shifts per month, for the care of suspected or confirmed cases of COVID- 19 - The remote work application directive is approved. Economic subsidy for transport workers Wage subsidy to workers under 5th category of up to 1500 soles Wage subsidies A new wage subsidy program was launched in late October, covering between 35 to 55 percent of the wage bill of those firms that reported a fall in sales of at least 30 percent during April/May, and who recall furloughed workers or create new jobs. The program is expected to benefit some 350,000 people. 461 (back to the top) Philippines Cash-based transfers The Department of Agriculture (DA) will distribute five thousand pesos (P5,000) cash subsidy to 600,000 rice farmers to help augment their needs amid the enhanced community quarantine. Dubbed as the Financial Subsidy to Rice Farmers (FSRF), the P5,000 cash subsidy is part of the DA’s initiatives to assist small rice farmers, who plant one hectare or less, located in 24 provinces not covered under the Rice Farmers Financial Assistance (RFFA) program. The P3-B FSRF fund is earmarked under the 2020 General Appropriations Act. Under the Emergency Subsidy Program, the government will provide PhP200 billion to 18 million households out of 24 million households nationwide (low-income families and households working in the informal economy) with P5,000-P8,000 a month for two months (depending on the prevailing regional minimum wage and considering the current CCT grants and rice subsidy in the computation of emergency aid) Social The Emergency Subsidy Program 2nd payment: On May 22, 2020, the government announced that Assistance Cash transfers second trench of the payment is mainly for those living in the Enhanced Community Quarantine, (conditional and unconditional) while households most affected by the continuing restrictions in the operation of certain industries and sectors in areas under General Community Quarantine may also still considered to the second trenche. The second trenche will include the additional 5 million eligible households to the 12 million eligible beneficiaries. On September 11, 2020, the GoP approved The Bayanihan to Recover as One Act, more popularly known as “Bayanihan 2, which provide additional PhP6 billion for continued provision of the emergency subsidy and other support and including households with recently returned Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW); Under Bayanihan 2 the GoP will provide subsidies and allowances to qualified students in public and private elementary, secondary and tertiary education whose families are facing financial difficulties Under Bayanihan 2 the GoP will provide one-time cash assistance to displaced teaching and non- teaching personnel who have lost their jobs or have not received wages Government provides P100,000 compensation to public and private health workers who contract 462 the disease while in the line of duty. In case of death, their families will receive P1,000,000. Individuals with urgent medical and burial needs can avail of financial assistance from DSWD, through the Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) program. But the number of beneficiaries to be accepted for processing every day is limited in adherence to social distancing measures COVID-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP) First Tranche. Affected workers, regardless of status (i.e. permanent, probationary, or contractual) employed in private establishments whose operations are affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic to received P5,000 from the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). The Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) provided cash aid to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) affected by the travel ban due to COVID-19 as well as those who were repatriated. AKAP is a one-time cash aid of PHP10,000 (USD200) for affected OFWs. Per instruction of the Department of Labor and Employment to OWWA through a memorandum dated February 3, 2020, the cash assistance was distributed through OWWA regional welfare offices. Such assistance aims to “help stranded OFWs ease their burden and assist them back to their places of origin” during the travel ban. The flagship 4Ps conditional cash transfer program waived the program conditionalities for the months of February and March, continuing the provision of full cash grants under the period. The CAMP-Bayanihan 2 is a one-time of P5,000 for the formal sector workers and applications must be done online through COVID-19 Adjustment Measures Program (CAMP) extension under Bayanihan 2. Affected workers, regardless of status (i.e. permanent, probationary, or contractual) employed in private establishments whose operations are affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic to received P5,000 from the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE). Under CAMP-Bayanihan 2, priority beneficiaries are the following: Micro, small and medium establishments who applied for CAMP on or before 15 April 2020 but did not receive any financial assistance under BAYANIHAN 1; Establishments that are not categorized as micro, small and medium establishments who applied for CAMP on or before 15 April 2020 but did not receive any financial assistance under BAYANIHAN 1; Micro, small and medium establishments that will apply for the first time under BAYANIHAN 2 and Other private establishments that are not categorized as micro, small and medium establishments that will apply for the first time under BAYANIHAN 2. (jsme/PIA-7) Documented and undocumented Filipino workers abroad or in the country would benefit from the 463 Abot Kamay ang Pagtulong (AKAP) program under the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act or Bayanihan 2. Qualified applicants will receive a one-time financial assistance of USD200 or PHP10,000 or its equivalent to the local currency of the host country. To be eligible for the program, the DOLE said the OFW must have experienced job displacement onsite or repatriated to the Philippines due to Covid-19 or Balik-Manggagawa/Re-engaged seafarers whose droplet has been suspended due to Covid-19; and must not receive financial assistance from DOLE AKAP under Bayanihan to Heal as One Act or any financial support from the host country or employer. The budget for the program is at PHP2 billion, with some 200,000 target beneficiaries. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD), through its 15-page memorandum circular, explained that low-income families in areas placed under granular lockdown on Sept. 13 will receive PHP5,000 to PHP8,000 cash aid. The document provided the guidelines on the implementation of the Bayanihan 2 ESP as well as the agency’s Covid-19 response and recovery intervention programs. The agency received PHP6 billion under the Bayanihan 2, which took effect on Sept. 13, to finance its programs. In its website, DSWD said livelihood assistance grants (LAG) is one of the recovery and rehabilitation programs of the government to serve families whose livelihood took a dip due to the quarantine measures amid the health crisis. Qualified beneficiaries of LAG will receive financial assistance not exceeding PHP15,000. DSWD suggested utilizing LAG subsidy as capital or additional fund for the recipient's business. LAG prioritizes households with low-income or whose small business has been affected by the pandemic. Associations or cooperatives may also seek assistance offered under the LAG. The local government unit identifies the potential beneficiaries of LAG. (There is no more SAP for Bayanihan 2 because Bayanihan 1 has expired. But what we have is financial assistance for DSWD for their beneficiaries and indigents so what we call the SLP, an existing DSWD program.) The SLP is a capacity building program to develop the entrepreneurial and labor skills of low-income households by providing them with opportunities to enhance their access to basic social services and improve their standard of living. Emergency cash subsidy to additional non 4P beneficiaries that qualified for SAP under Bayanihan 1 but were not granted. The Department of Agriculture said it is targeting to give assistance to 800,000 farmers through the ₱24-billion budget for the sector under the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act, or the Bayanihan 2. Aside from this, ₱4 billion will be set aside for other sectors, namely fisheries, upland agriculture, coconut, and sugarcane industries. To qualify, farmers need to be registered in the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture. 464 In case an HCW gets infected and falls ill due to COVID-19 while performing their assigned tasks, compensation will be provided. The PHP 0.27 billion allocation will cover all HCWs who contracted COVID-19 from February 1 onwards. Specifically, provisions for an infected HCW will be PHP15,000 for mild or moderate cases, PHP 100,000 for severe or critical illness, and PHP 1 million in the event of death. Social pensions In-kind transfers Under Bayanihan 2 the GoP will provide access to free, healthy meals to undernourished children The Department of Agriculture (DA) is allotting P400 million (M) under the “Bayanihan to Recover As One Act” or “Bayanihan 2” to further expand the Duterte administration’s urban agriculture program and attain family household food security.“Edible landscaping or EL will now form part of our household food security arsenal,” said Secretary Dar, during the launch of its starter kit at the UPLB Institute of Crop Science (ICropS) on September 18, 2020. The EL starter kit contains a packet of assorted vegetable seeds, a “how to plant” brochure, and sample designs for a pocket garden, container garden, and community garden. About PHP 2.35 billion was spent on the HCW’s accommodations, transportation, and meals, Food, vouchers, others providing them respite from their day-to-day expenses while serving in the line of duty. Free life insurance also allows them to have peace of mind as far as their financial security is concerned, as well as their families’. The initiative under the DTI's Livelihood Seeding Program-Negosyo Serbisyo sa Barangay aims to mitigate the economic impact of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic to small business owners. Each beneficiary received hygiene products, grocery items, or kitchenware worth PHP5,000 this week, said DTI provincial director Ruthelma Samonte, in a statement on Friday. The MSME beneficiaries of the program include sole proprietors, cooperatives, or sectoral associations in different villages. Aside from the provision of livelihood kits, the DTI also offers other services such as facilitation of business name registration, business advisory, and business information and advocacy. School feeding Informal sector workers who have temporarily lost their livelihood due to the enhanced community quarantine, can apply for temporary employment program, limited to 10 days of work involving Public works disinfection/sanitation of their houses and immediate vicinity. Beneficiaries will have orientation on safety and health, payment of 100% of the highest prevailing minimum wage, and enrolled to group micro-insurance. 465 More than 800,000 informal sector workers are expected to benefit from the Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Disadvantaged/ Displaced Workers (TUPAD) program of the Department of Labor and Employment with the passage of the Bayanihan to Recover as One Act (Bayanihan 2). Banks and other financial institutions may be directed to implement a 30-day grace period for the payment of all loans and credit card payments, falling due within the period of the enhanced community quarantine. Interests, penalties, fees, or other charges shall be waived. A 30-day grace period on paying residential rents may also be ordered Direct all institutions providing electric, water, telecommunications, and other similar utilities to implement a minimum of 30 days grace period for the payment of utilities falling due within the period of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) or modified ECQ, without incurring interests, penalties, fees or other charges About PHP 2.35 billion was spent on the HCW’s accommodations, transportation, and meals, providing them respite from their day-to-day expenses while serving in the line of duty. Free life insurance also allows them to have peace of mind as far as their financial security is concerned, as well as their families’. The 60-day loan payment moratorium provides much-needed relief to consumers and businesses as Utility waivers they rebuild their way out of this crisis.”. Under the stimulus law, loan payment for principal or interest, including amortizations, that fall due between Sept. 15 and Dec. 31 this year may be paid after 60 days, without these incurring interest on interests, penalties, fees or other charges. Interest to be charged per installment period, which is based on the outstanding principal balance of the loan, shall continue to accrue during the grace period and shall be payable on the new due date following the 60-day grace period. Dubbed GSIS Multipurpose Loan (GSIS MPL), borrowers may now apply for up to 14-times their basic monthly salary but not to exceed P3 million. First-time will enjoy waived surcharges on their outstanding loan balance. Qualified to apply for MPL are active and special GSIS members who have paid at least three months of premiums; are not on leave of absence without pay; and have no pending administrative or criminal case. They should also have no arrears under the GSIS Financial Assistance Loan (GFAL) or GSIS housing loan, and are working in agencies with existing Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with GSIS. “We urge government agencies to forge a memorandum of agreement with GSIS so that their employees may enjoy MPL’s benefits in no time,” the pension fund chief said. MPL’s interest rate is 7.0 percent per annum computed in advance for members who have at least three years of paid premium. For members whose paid 466 premium is less than three years and for special members with at least three months of total length of service, MPL’s interest rate is 8.0 percent per annum computed in advance. MPL is payable in monthly instalments from two to seven years depending on a member’s paid premium and status of employment. The Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) will launch the GSIS Computer Loan Program this month to assist GSIS members and their families in purchasing a computer unit for their online work or virtual classes of their children. State pension fund Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) is reopening the COVID-19 Emergency Loan program today, September 28, until Dec 27 this year to its members and pensioners. Qualified to apply are members who are in active service and not on leave of absence without pay; have no pending administrative or criminal case; and have a net take-home pay of not lower than Php5,000 after all required monthly obligations have been deducted. Those that have due and demandable (have arrears of over six months) loan accounts are now allowed to renew their previous emergency loan from a different calamity (excluding under the COVID-19 Emergency Loan Program). Members with only three months of paid premiums prior to application date instead of six months may already apply. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions The Social Security System mobilized existing P1.2 billion to cover unemployment benefits for displaced workers. This will cover unemployment insurance benefits to projected 30,000 to 60,000 Unemployment benefits workers who will lose their jobs as a result of the possible layoffs in, or closures of, private companies hit by the economic fallout. Social As of 18 March 2020, PhilHealth released Php 30 billion (USD 590 million) additional funds to Insurance accredited hospitals as well implemented administrative measures i.e. extension of payment of contributions and the filing of claims: the state health insurer will also provide its members and service partners with additional relief in view of the recent declaration of a state of public health emergency in the country by extending the deadline of payment of contributions for its self-paying Social security contributions direct contributors. They can now pay their first quarter contributions on or before April 30, 2020 instead of March 31, 2020 without interest. Moreover, its policy on single period of confinement and 45-days coverage are also waived in favor of the member, while the filing period for claims is also extended from the usual 60 days to at least 120 days in favor of the health care provider. Additionally, the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (Philhealth) may be directed to shoulder all 467 medical expenses of public and private health workers in case of “exposure to COVID-19 or any work-related injury or disease during the duration of the emergency”. The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)’s Scholarship Programs amounting to P3 billion will support affected and temporarily displaced workers through upskilling Activation measures and reskilling. It is also offering free courses for all who would like to acquire new skills in the convenience of their own homes, mobile phones and computers through the TESDA Online Program The government approved Administrative Order 26 which entitles all government workers who Labor Labor market regulations physically report for work during the Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine to a hazard pay. Markets Reduced work time In addition to the CAMP, the Department of Finance (DOF) decided to provide Small Business Wage Subsidy Program of 5,000 to 8,000 pesos per month (depending on their region of work) for up to Wage subsidies two months, depending on the extent of the ECQ, to eligible employees. The recipient of CAMP will no longer receive the first-month trenche of DOF’s wage subsidy. 468 (back to the top) Poland Cash-based transfers Parents have an additional 14 days of childcare allowance for childcare up to the age of 8 if the nursery, children's club, kindergarten, or school the child attends is closed due to the coronavirus. Cash is payable to parents or legal guardians of children. The allowance is available from 12 March to 25, 2020, and the period of payment of additional care allowance (14 days) is not included in the general limit of 60 days, which are entitled to care for a sick child under 14 years of age. Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) A “solidarity benefit” for those who lost jobs after March 15, 2020 paid for three months (June- August 2020) Social Assistance Self-employed support: Benefit in the amount of up to 2,080 PLN – for those employed under a mandate or specific task contract and self-employed. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works To support the local tourism industry and families with children, a tourism voucher has been Utility waivers introduced, providing each child entitled to Family 500+ benefits with a one-time PLN 500 voucher to be spent at hotels or tourist events in Poland. Paid sick leave Employees can be requested to use half of their annual paid leave during the State of Emergency. Health insurance Social For employers hiring at least 50 employees as of 30 June 2019, the deadline for entering into Pensions employee pension plan agreements is to be extended to September 2020. Insurance Unemployment benefits An increase in the unemployment benefit by 39 percent during the first 90 days of unemployment Postponement of payment of social contributions and possible deferral, payment in installments, or Social security contributions cancellation of taxes; 469 Micro enterprises and self-employed entrepreneurs will be exempted from the obligation to pay social security and health premiums for three months. The exemption concerns premiums of employees and it does not apply to the entrepreneur’s personal premiums. Aid in the form of exemptions from payment of contributions (e.g. social or health insurance contributions) for the period from 1 to 30 November 2020 will be available to companies that declare a decrease in revenues in November 2020 of at least 40% in comparison to revenues in November 2019. Activation measures Foreign workers permits are extended to stay in Poland and work. Labor market regulations The employer who is subject to economic downtime, may decrease the salary of employee, but not more than 50% and to max. minimum salary. The government can cover 50% of the minimal salary. All employers are obligated to ease the conditions for teleworking for persons subject to quarantine or epidemiological surveillance All employers affected by the effects of a coronavirus will be able to reduce the employee's daily uninterrupted rest time from the current 11 hours to 8 (with a guarantee of giving the employee Reduced work time equivalent rest within 8 weeks), and the weekly rest period from 35 to 32 hours. In agreement with trade unions or if there are no unions with employee representatives the employer Labor will also be able to extend the daily working time to 12 hours (equivalent working time system) and Markets the reference period to a maximum of 12 months. Subsidy for employees’ remuneration. Medium, small and micro entrepreneurs may apply to conclude an agreement with the local government (starosta) under which they will receive a subsidy for the employees’ remuneration. The subsidy level is based on the reduction of turnover and ranges from 50% up to 90% of the employment costs. Employers meeting specific criteria concerning turnover decline could lower employee's working time Wage subsidies to 80% (and get 40% of average wage covered by the state, with firms covering the remaining 40%). In case of significant problems, companies can use economic stoppage with wages reduced to 0.5 of regular level; the government will cover almost half of the remuneration. In addition, one-person companies and people working based on civil law contracts could get up to 80% of the minimum wage. 470 Co-financing employees’ remuneration/Economic standstill. This is a situation when employees do not work due to reasons not attributable to them. According to the adopted act in such case the employer may decrease the salary of employee but not more than 50% and not below minimum salary (currently PLN 2600 gross). The government can cover 50% of the minimal salary (PLN 1300 gross). 471 (back to the top) Portugal Cash-based transfers Portugal announced plans on 13 March 2020 to provide financial support for the self-employed in the amount of Euro 438 for 6 months. This was extended to include workers in the informal sector and those with irregular contracts. Supplementary installment in September of the family benefit (abono de família) for beneficiaries below 16 years of age belonging to the 1st-3rd income brackets Cash transfers Support to parents with children or dependents under 12 years or, regardless of age, with a disability (conditional and unconditional) or chronic illness. Employees are entitled to two thirds of their basic remuneration, with the bottom limit of one national minimum wage and the top limit of three national minimum wages. This is paid by the employer but borne in equal parts by the employer and by the Social Security. Self-employed workers who, in the previous 12 months, had contributions for at least three consecutive months, are also entitled to this support. Social Assistance An allowance will be provided in case of prophylactic isolation of dependents, a child under 12 years of age or, regardless of age, with a disability or chronic illness. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Suspension of termination of essential services due to non-payment (water, electricity, natural gas, telecom) Utility waivers Consumers who signed up to the public moratorium until September 30, 2020 can benefit from the suspension of payment of installments between the time the moratorium was requested and September 30, 2021. If the consumer was not benefiting from the public moratorium on October 1, 2020, in relation to a 472 credit agreement, the consumer can request its application with the lending institution until March 31, 2021. For accessions after January 1 2021, the moratorium cannot be in force for a total period of more than nine months. 14-day prophylactic isolation status was made equivalent to illness, with a benefit correspondent to Paid sick leave 100% of remuneration. The sickness benefits is not subject to the waiting period (3 to 10 days). Health insurance Pensions Extension of unemployment benefits and all benefits of the social security system for which the concession or renewal period ends before the prevention measures cease. Automatic extension of unemployment benefit until the end of 2020. The temporary regime suspended the evaluation of conditions (means test) for maintaining social security system benefits and reassessments of the conditions for maintaining the benefits of the Social Security payment system are extraordinarily Unemployment benefits suspended until July 2020. The temporary regime suspended the evaluation of conditions (means test) for maintaining social security system benefits and reassessments of the conditions for maintaining the benefits of the Social Security payment system are extraordinarily suspended until July 2020. Establishment of special support to the self-employed workers whose activity is affected by the COVID-19 and deferral of payment of social contributions. In addition, exemptions from social Social security contributions are envisaged for lay-off or closure determined by the Health Authority, as Insurance well as for the first month after the resumption of activity. In May 2020 this benefit was extended to managing partners or similar entities with employees with a turnover of less than €80,000 and informal workers, extraordinary measure to encourage professional activity and the support for social self-employed in unprotected situations. Support for a progressive recovery - measure that replaces the simplified temporary lay-off and Social security contributions whose main assumptions are: (i) the progressive convergence of the worker's remuneration to 100% of their wage; (ii) payment by the company of all hours worked; (iii) the progressive reduction of the exemption from employer’s Social Security contributions and the compensation of the loss of social security contributions revenue by the State Budget Companies exempted from Social Security contributions. Companies in crises, affected by complete halt in the activity or by abrupt and sharp decrease of activity of at least 40% of invoicing have access to the temporary exemption of payment of Social Security contributions due by employers as well as on the first month after the resumption of activity. The right to this exemption is also applicable to independent workers who are employers benefiting from the exceptional and 473 temporary measures to protect jobs in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to the respective spouses. This exemption is conferred for one month, being exceptionally extendable up to three months. Support for vocational training, in the amount of 50% of the worker's remuneration up to the minimum wage, for workers not employed in productive activities for a considerable period of time. Internships to support integration of young workers in the labour market and the vocational conversion of unemployed and inactive workers. First call for applications opened on 1/10 up to 18/12. Activation measures Professional Training - based on training and requalification programs: review and reinforcement of training and reskilling qualification program responses for the unemployed; specific training programs for emerging sectors (digital economy, energy and climate change and social sector). On October 23 the "Jovem+Digital" programme was launched directed at the development of digital skills of youth with at least secondary education In order to allow the necessary monitoring of children, the Government, therefore, again defines as justified absences from work motivated by urgent assistance to a child or other dependent under 12 years of age, or, regardless of age, with a disability or chronic illness , arising from the suspension of classroom and non-teaching activities in person at a school or social support equipment for early Labor childhood or disability determined by legislative or administrative governmental source. Thus, for the Markets academic year 2020-2021, absences from work in that area during periods of school interruption or outside of them are considered to be justified absences, according to the school calendar set out in Labor market regulations annexes II and IV to Order no. 6906-B / 2020, published in the Diário da República, 2nd series, no. 128,Ordinance No. 181/2019 , of June 11th Simplified lay-off regime for companies (activity substantially affected), whereby workers are entitled to 2/3 of gross wages (30% employer, 70% Social Security), up to max of 6 months. Employers participating in this regime cannot dismiss/fire workers. Extraordinary support to maintain jobs, after the end of lay-off or closure of the establishment by Health Authority (first-month wages supported, up to limit of one min wage per worker). Reduced work time Simplified lay-off regime for companies (activity substantially affected), whereby workers are entitled to 2/3 of gross wages (30% employer, 70% Social Security), up to max of 6 months. Employers participating in this regime cannot dismiss/fire workers. Wage subsidies Extraordinary support to maintain jobs, after the end of lay-off or closure of the establishment by Health Authority (first-month wages supported, up to limit of one min wage per worker). 474 Support for a progressive recovery - measure that replaces the simplified temporary lay-off and whose main assumptions are: (i) the progressive convergence of the worker's remuneration to 100% of their wage; (ii) payment by the company of all hours worked; (iii) the progressive reduction of the exemption from employer’s Social Security contributions and the compensation of the loss of social security contributions revenue by the State Budget Extraordinary financial incentive for the normalization of business activity - for companies that have benefitted from the simplified lay-off regime or from the Plano Extraordinário de Formação (PEF) (October 2020) Guarantee that workers receive at least 88% of their salary and doubling grant for workers studying Hiring subsidies, especially targeted at young and long-term unemployed, with top-ups for vulnerable groups, job creation in inland territories and larger financial incentives for open-ended contracts (~5,000 euros per employee). Includes also a bonus for the conversion of fixed-term to open-ended contracts. Requires that the employer maintains positive net job creation and that training is offered. Regulated on 27/8. 475 (back to the top) Puerto Rico Cash-based transfers Direct payments (“recovery rebates”) to low- and middle-income families. Because Puerto Rico maintains its own tax system, Puerto Rico’s Treasury Department — rather than the U.S. Treasury Cash transfers — will distribute the payments under a plan that the U.S. Treasury approved on May 1. (Puerto Rico (conditional and unconditional) will use the same eligibility criteria as the federal government, providing payments of $1,200 for most adults and $500 for children under age 17, with these payments phasing out at higher income levels Social pensions In-kind transfers Social Roughly $295 million to supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP). This amount reflects Assistance Puerto Rico’s estimated share of the combined $300 million approved as part of the Families First and CARES Acts for U.S. territories that don’t participate in Supplementary Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Food, vouchers, others Islands). This will help Puerto Rico partially meet the increased need for nutrition assistance resulting from job and income losses stemming from the economic slowdown — costs that the federal government covers automatically in SNAP for the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions A sizable expansion of unemployment benefits. Unemployed workers in Puerto Rico are among Social those benefiting from the temporary expansions that Congress has enacted regarding who is eligible Insurance for unemployment benefits, the benefit levels, and the number of weeks of such benefits that a Unemployment benefits jobless worker can receive. Between March 14 and April 18, 2020, over 200,000 Puerto Rico residents filed initial unemployment claims. That’s close to 20 percent of Puerto Rico’s civilian labor force. Puerto Rico participates in the Unemployment Insurance program in the same way as states do 476 Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 477 (back to the top) Qatar Cash-based transfers Automatic renewal of Social Security cards that expire from 15th of March until further notice. Cash transfers Beneficiaries of Social Security include vulnerable categories with no source of income or limited (conditional and unconditional) income Social pensions In-kind transfers Social Food, vouchers, others Assistance School feeding Public works The government has announced that it will exempt food and medical goods from customs duties for six months (provided that this is reflected in the selling price). Price and profits for sanitisers and Utility waivers antiseptics have been set A waiver of rental and utilities fees was granted to households and businesses until February 2022 Qatar has set aside over USD800 million to pay the wages of foreign workers who are in quarantine Paid sick leave or undergoing treatment for COVID-19 whether they are entitled to sick leave or not. Treatment for COVID-19 is provided to anyone free of charge—the possession of a health card Social Health insurance and/or the Qatar ID (QID) is not necessary to be tested and/or receive treatment Insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time Labor Qatar has launched a Temporary COVID-19 Wage Subsidy Scheme, which took effect on 26 March Markets 2020 and is expected to run for six weeks. Qualified businesses are those which are experiencing a Wage subsidies significant economic downturn due to COVID-19, with at least a 25% decline in revenues or customer orders, which are unable to maintain wages without assistance, and which retain employees on the payroll. As of 4 May, the amount of the subsidy is payable as follows - 478 - €350 or 85% of the employee’s Average Net Weekly Pay, whichever is less, for employees earning less than or equal to €412 per week net; - €350 for employees with Average Net Weekly Pay between €412 and €500 per week net; - €410 or 70% of the employee’s Average Net Weekly Pay, whichever is less, for employees earning less than or equal to €586 per week net; - Between €205-350 for employees earning between €586-960 per week net; and - Between €0-350 for employees earning more than €960 per week net 479 (back to the top) Réunion (France) Cash-based transfers Cash transfers Introducing benefit for workers and/or dependents. Financial assistance to small businesses and (conditional and unconditional) self-employed workers Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 480 (back to the top) Romania Cash-based transfers All social assistance benefits can now be claimed electronically (e-mail, online applications). Unemployed workers will receive a special benefit equivalent to 75% of the gross average salary at Cash transfers the national level (RON 5,163 - approx. US$1,180, taxable). (conditional and unconditional) (Note: The measure is ongoing. 1,175,462 individuals have been supported during the first lockdown (Emergency State), and 2,365,992 individuals are estimated to be supported by the end of 2020 Social (during the Alert State) Assistance Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers One of the parents who is taking care of children less than 12 years old (whose schools were closed) will benefit from a paid leave of 75% of the salary per working day, but not more than 75% of the gross average salary at the national level (RON 5,163- approx. US$1,180). Starting November 2020, Paid sick leave this measure is granted only to the employees that don’t have the possibility to telework. Starting November 2020, this measure is granted only to the employees that don’t have the possibility to telework. The measure was extended until June 30th, 2021. Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Self-employed persons that benefited from technical unemployment measures and whose economic activity reduced because of the Covid-19 outbreak receive a monthly indemnity in the amount of 41.5% of the gross average salary, until June 30st, 2021. Unemployment benefits Daily workers whose activity is reduced due to the Covid-19 pandemic will benefit for three months from 35% of their daily income, until June 30st, 2021. Seasonal workers will benefit from an allowance of 41.5% of their gross salary, but not more than 41.5% of the gross average salary at the national level (RON 5,429 - approx. US$1,215), related to the 481 period worked. This facility can be granted until December 31st, 2020, for a maximum of 3 months, at the choice of the employer, for employees who conclude individual employment contracts for a fixed period of up to 3 months. Seasonal workers will benefit from an allowance of 41.5% of their gross salary, but not more than 41.5% of the gross average salary at the national level (RON 5,429 - approx. US$1,215), related to the period worked. This facility can be granted until June 30st, 2021, for a maximum of 3 months, at the choice of the employer, for employees who conclude individual employment contracts for a fixed period of up to 3 months. Social security contributions During the period of state of emergency, all training activities recognized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection can be delivered online. The training provider must meet the following Activation measures conditions: (i) notify the Authorization Commission; (ii) prove that the participants have the digital infrastructure to access the online training Employees who teleworked during the state of emergency for at least 15 days, will receive one-off Labor market regulations support of 2,500 lei (approx. US$540) for the purchase of packages of goods and technological services necessary to telework. Reduced work time Employers who will hire, no later than June 30th, 2021, for an indefinite period, unemployed persons over the age of 50 whose labor contracts ceased for reasons beyond their control during the state of alert or emergency, will receive on a monthly basis, for a period of 12 months, for each employed person in this category, 50% of the employed salary, but not more than 2,500 lei (approx. US$560). Labor Employers who will hire under the same conditions young people between 16 and 29 years, or Markets Romanian citizens returning to Romania because their labor contracts with foreign employers on the foreign territory of other states terminated, can also benefit from the same facility Until June 30th, 2021, employers whose employees’ working time is reduced up to 50%, will benefit Wage subsidies from 75% of the difference between the gross basic salary provided for in the individual employment contract and the gross basic salary for the hours actually worked as a result of the reduction in working time Wage subsidy for workers in temporary (technical) unemployment. The Ministry of Public Finance (MoPF) has announced the Government will cover up to 75% of wages, but not exceeding 75% of the national gross average salary, of workers who are employed, but unable to work in companies which had to suspend activities following government-imposed restrictions and in companies whose turnover was reduced by at least 25% due to the pandemic (as proven by a government-issued certificate. 482 483 (back to the top) Russia Cash-based transfers Monthly cash transfers for families with children under 18 y.o. with unemployed parents - additional payment of RUB 3,000 (US$38) per each child under 18 y.o. for the period of April-June 2020. This program is supporting 2.8M people. Cash transfers for the people who were taking temporary custody for an orphan, disabled or old person in April-June, 2020. The payments were made in the amount of RUB 12,130 (US$158) per month (limited by the period of April-June 2020), per each person under the custody. All social benefits and special entitlements over the next six months (since March 2020) will be extended automatically, without submitting any additional information and no visits to the offices. On May 11, the President Decree established procedures for on-line applications to the new social assistance benefits via government portals Social Additional one-off cash transfer of RUB 10,000 (US$136) to a child under 16 y.o. irrespective of the Assistance Cash transfers family income to be paid in July 2020. Entitled are all children born from 05/11/2004 to (conditional and unconditional) 06/30/2020. No applications need to be submitted in case parents previously applied for one-off cash transfers for children aged 0-3 and 3-15. RUB 197.2 billion ($2.9 billion), federal budget Monthly cash transfers for families with children 0-3 y.o. (born 1.04.2017 по 30.06.2020) amounted to RUB 5,000 (US$63) for each child under the age of three and paid for 3 months (April, May, June 2020). Lump-sum cash payments for medical workers who work directly with COVID-19 patients (470000 people)- paid in April-Sept 2020 on monthly basis amounted to: RUB 80K (US$1000) for doctors, RUB 50K (US$625) for nurses, RUB 25K (US$313) for junior medical staff, and RUB 25-50K (US$ 313-625) for ambulance drivers per month. Increased minimum amount of child care allowance for children under 18 months entitled for non- working mothers, fathers or caregivers. The amount of Child Care Allowance (CCA) for children under 18 months depends on whether or not the child is firstborn and on mother’s wage prior to 484 maternity/childcare leave. Non-working mothers, fathers or caregivers (or mothers, fathers or caregivers pursuing studies) are entitled to the minimum amount of CCA. On May 11, 2020, the minimum amount of allowance was increased from RUB 3375 (US$46) to RUB 6751 (US$92) per month. RUB 14 billion ($0.2 billion); this is the increase of federal budget expenditures due to this change; NIFI estimate Advanced payments to war veterans and home-front workers timed to the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (75,000 and 50,000 rubles, respectively) An additional lump-sum benefit for all kids under 8 years of age was announced at the end of December 2020. By decree of the President, families with children under 8 years old will receive 5,000 rubles for each such child. Prime Minister ordered to allocate more than 73.5 billion rubles for this purpose. Social pension: Russian government increased the social pensions starting from April 1, 2020 Social pensions (indexation coefficient is 1,061). In-kind transfers Citizens over 60 y.o. will be able to order food and medicine delivery by (hotline) phone and get it delivered to their homes. This measure is being implemented with the support of All-Russia People’s Fund (ONF), the Roscongress Foundation and Rostelecom (Russia's leading long-distance telephony Food, vouchers, others provider). The volunteers are coordinated by the All-Russian Public Movement "Medical Volunteers" and the Association of Volunteer Centers. The food and medicine delivery is organized by the Moscow City government for the people over 65 years of age. By the end of last week 40 000 people claimed this benefit over Moscow City government hotline. For the duration of remote school instruction, pupils from vulnerable families are provided with food packages that replace school feeding. Eligibility criteria are determined by regional governments, as School feeding school feeding in the responsibility of the regions. Usually these include low-income families, primary school pupils, children from big families. Public works Moratorium on cutting utility services for debts and fines for late payments (from April 1 to December 31, 2020). Moscow city Government abolished contributions of citizens for overhaul (capital renewal) for 3 Utility waivers months (April 1 – June 30, 2020). Extension of 60 rides transport cards and no limit cards for 30 days, 90 days, 365 days (metro, busses, trolleys) in case they were not used for the period equal to the validity period of such tickets 485 from March 30, 2020 to May 1, 2020 (self-isolation period), but not less than 5 calendar days from the day following the expiration date of these tickets. Provision of the right to temporarily stop debt servicing and reschedule it for people whose monthly income declined by over 30% The government will allocate another 2.7 billion rubles for free medicines for patients with coronavirus The government tightens control over prices in the consumer market A higher level for the sick leave pay was introduced. Sick leave payments became equal to at least one minimum wage 12,130 (US$152) per month until the end of this year, as well as automatic prolongation of benefits without beneficiaries having to file additional paperwork. Prior to this change, cash sickness benefits were calculated on the employee's length of service and salary. Previously, some employees were entitled in the past to very low payment for sick leave . Citizens who are quarantined after a trip abroad can apply for an electronic sick leave through the Unified Portal of Public Services. The government approved temporary rules for processing sick Paid sick leave leave certificates, appointments and sick leave/temporary disability payments during the quarantine period. The new rules apply to persons who arrived in Russia from countries where cases of new coronavirus infection were registered, as well as to persons living with them. Working citizens over 65 who have chosen self-isolation will be able to get sick leave from April 6 to Social 19. The appointment of temporary disability benefits due to quarantine will not require citizens to fill Insurance out any documents. Payment for sick leave will come to citizens directly from the funds of the Social Insurance Fund. As of May 6, all medical workers involved in controlling the epidemic and treating its victims are Health insurance entitled to increase health insurance coverage (equivalent to the maximum coverage of the military personnel). Social pension: Russian government increased the social pensions starting from April 1, 2020 (indexation coefficient is 1,061) . An increase in the amount of temporary disability benefits for persons with a short insurance record Pensions and earnings by establishing its minimum amount - not less than the minimum wage established by federal law, and in areas in which the district coefficients are applied in the established manner wages, - in the amount not lower than the minimum wage, determined taking into account these district coefficients 486 Increased amount of benefit for people who lost their job with extended period for receiving payments. The maximum amount of payments for unemployed citizens has been increased from RUB 8,000 (US$100) to RUB 12,130 (US$158) per month - until the end of 2020. All those dismissed from March 1, 2020 were assigned to the maximum amount for the period of April - August 2020. In parallel, the minimum benefit amount for May - July, 2020 was increased from 1,500 (US$ 19) to 4,500 rubles (US$ 57) per month that affected those who were dismissed prior to March 1, 2020 and assigned to the minimum rate. Individual entrepreneurs who ceased their activities after March 1 and are recognized as unemployed will receive RUB 12,130 (US$158) per month for the period not exceeding three months, but no later than October 1, 2020. For those unemployed citizens whose benefits expired after March 1, 2020, the payments were automatically extended for up to three months, but no later than October 1, 2020. For those who lost a job after March 1, 2020, including for sole proprietors, the standard unemployment benefit to equal the minimum wage for five months; the minimum unemployment Unemployment benefits benefit to be tripled until end-August; and eligibility was extended by 3 months; the maximum unemployment benefit, which was increased in March 2020 to the minimum wage, will remain at the same level in 2021 Compensation payment is established in Moscow for unemployed people for the period of April 1 – September 30, 2020. The amount of compensation is established in such a way that the total amount of payments, taking into account the unemployment benefit, payments under additional material support for unemployed citizens and regional compensation was 19 500 rubles (~$250). No additional applications are needed to receive this compensation for unemployed citizens as of March 31, 2020 registered with the Moscow city employment service. Regional compensation is not taken into account when calculating citizen’s (family’s) income aimed to determine the right to receive other measures of social assistance support, including targeted social assistance, state social benefits, compensations, co-payments to pensions, other social benefits, social services, subsidies for payment housing and utilities. Russian government increased the social pensions starting from April 1, 2020 (indexation coefficient is 1,061) . Social insurance contributions have been reduced for small and medium-sized businesses from 30 to 15% on the portion of wages that is above the minimum wage for a period of 6 months. This measure is being introduced to encourage employers to raise wages, but the expectation is these reduced contributions will be made up later by employers. Consequently in May 2020 3 months of Social security contributions the contributions for the eligible enterprises (April, May and June) has been written off. All enterprises in the sectors affected by COVID-19 are eligible for deferral of all social security contributions and taxes by 6 months 487 Social contributions by SMEs on wages in excess of the minimum wage permanently reduced; social contributions and CIT permanently reduced for IT firms; A tax holiday on all taxes (excluding VAT) and social contributions for Q2 for SMEs, sole proprietors, and NGOs providing social services; Introduction of a remote procedures in finding suitable jobs, registering unemployed citizens, paying unemployment benefits. Activation measures Provision of advanced professional training and apprenticeship/internship opportunities to those who are at the risk of dismissal Labor market regulations Relieving labor migrants of patent payments and automatically extending work permits. Labor Reduced work time Markets According to the Government resolution passed on April 27, 2020 in May and June 2020 small and medium-sized businesses in the sectors affected by the lockdowns are eligible to federal wage subsidies. The amount of the subsidy is determined as the Minimum Wage (RUB12130 (US$165) per month) times the number of employees. To be eligible, the employer should belong to one of the Wage subsidies sectors that suffered from the Covid-19 epidemic the most. The applicant should not have overdue tax liability in excess of RUB 3000 (US$40) and the number of persons employed by the business at the moment of application should not be less than 90% of that in March 2019. The subsidy is administered by the Tax Authority. 4 mln. workers are estimated to benefit from the subsidy 488 (back to the top) Rwanda Cash-based transfers As Covid-19 response and also for promoting human capital, the eligibility of NSDS program was extended to category 2 (Initially, NSDS was meant for Ubudehe category 1). For NSDS, those under Ubudehe category 2 are considered new or additional beneficiaries. The Government of Rwanda is making following adaptations in the existing cash transfers under the VUP, which will also include expansion in the coverage to additional 56,000 families (over and above Cash transfers the current coverage of 310,000 families): (conditional and unconditional) - Temporary waiver of work requirements for public work beneficiaries to ensure continuity of cash transfers while social distancing protocols are in place in the country - Expansion in the coverage of Direct Support unconditional cash transfers to additional families with old age, disability, and critical illness as part of COVID-19 response - Vertical expansion of the Nutrition Sensitive Co-responsibility Cash Transfers to include more poorer households in the existing 17 out of 30 districts where the program is currently operational Social pensions Social Assistance In-kind transfers The Government of Rwanda is capitalizing on its well-established decentralized structures to implement the Social Protection response, starting with in-kind distribution of food and other essential items to 20,000 families. - The target group includes casual laborers whose livelihoods depend on daily wage and self-employed mainly in the informal sector who can’t work due to COVID-19 containment measures. - Beneficiaries are identified by the local level administrative committees at the lowest local administrative entity known as “isibo” which covers 15-20 HHs. HHs in need of food ca n as well self-report to any committee member by calling them directly or dialing Food, vouchers, others a dedicated toll-free number. Verified list of beneficiaries moves up to the central level and accordingly food and other essential items are distributed down through different administrative levels (District-Sector-Cell-Village-Isibo). - To avoid crowds and in line with social distancing protocols, the distribution is done house to house by “Youth Volunteers” and persons of integrity within the communities, with coordination of local leaders. - To supplement these efforts, the communities / individuals who can afford have mobilized amongst themselves to voluntarily support this initiative but in a coordinated manner, by donating money, food and essential items through the head of “Isibo”. 489 School feeding Temporary waiver of work requirements for public work beneficiaries to ensure continuity of cash Public works transfers while social distancing protocols are in place in the country Fast-tracking of digitization and delivery of cash transfers. In order to allow and promote the use cashless modes of payment as part of measures to prevent the transmission of the Covid-19, the GoR in collaboration with Banks and Telecom companies waived the charges on Mobile Money Utility waivers transactions as well as charges on push and pull services between bank accounts and mobile wallets, for an initial period of 90 days, starting March 18. Mobile Money transaction amount limits were as were raised. Paid sick leave The Community Based Health Insurance (CBHI) commonly known as “Mutuelle” is the main insurance scheme for the majority of Rwandans, up to around 80% of the population. The enrollment for the poorest is subsidized by the Government. Usually, upon paying the premium, the insurer had Health insurance Social to wait for a month for the health insurance to become effective. In order to facilitate easy access to Insurance health service amidst Covid-19, amendments were made to the scheme to remove the waiting period prior to accessing medical services using CBHI Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 490 (back to the top) Saint Martin (France) Cash-based transfers Cash transfers The French government has set up a solidarity fund. It will be 800 euros for Saint-Martin. (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 491 (back to the top) Saint Pierre and Miquelon (France) Cash-based transfers Introducing benefit for poor or vulnerable population: 100 euros for beneficiaries of the back-to- Cash transfers school allowance (conditional and unconditional) Beneficiaries of solidarity allowance will receive an exceptional assistance of 150 euros Social Social pensions Assistance In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 492 (back to the top) Samoa Cash-based transfers A per citizen payout of SAT 50 per person, which is in part a social protection measure and in part an incentive to register for the national ID, is planned to be released by the end of 2020. In the longer term, the national ID scheme may provide the basis to establish a registry to support Cash transfers vulnerable people quickly and effectively in response to future economic shocks or natural disasters. (conditional and unconditional) The Ministry of Finance will work in collaboration with the Samoa Chamber of Commerce to distribute monetary compensation for all workers who have been laid off, been put on leave without pay or have had their working hours reduced due to the COVID19.. $300 one-off special pension to be added to the next monthly pension of $145tala. This benefit currently provides a benefit of SAT 145 (around USD 55) per month to Samoan citizens aged 65 Social pensions years or older. This monthly payment was topped up by SAT 300 in May, SAT 100 in July, and from July the monthly benefit will be increased by SAT 15 on a permanent basis. As well as benefiting the elderly directly, who tend to be among the more vulnerable members of the population In-kind transfers Social Food, vouchers, others Assistance School feeding Public works Reduction in the utility prices (electricity and water). 10 sene (or cent) reduction in the price of electricity, the Ministry of Finance will carry 7sene and he Electric Power Corporation is to carry 3sene for 6months. 20sene reduction in water rates for 6months which will be covered by the Ministry of Finance. This was extended until December 2020. In this extension, commercial users were included. Two-month free rent for all private-sector Samoa National Provident Fund property tenants: All Utility waivers private-sector rental tenants of the Fund at the Main Building, Plaza, ACE and all other properties of the Fund were granted two month’s free rent. This meant an estimated total assistance of $604,000 tala. Water Rate reduction for households. Initially this was implemented until August 2020 but later extended until December. This extension included commercial clients. 493 Temporary exemption on import duties on most commonly bought food items for households Establishment of the Emergency Price Control Board to keep wholesale and retail prices in check and bring them down, if necessary The government introduced a special Leave with Pay for the following employees: 1. Employees aged 60 years+; 2. Employees with underlying medical conditions; 3. Employees affected by restrictions placed on public transportation and are disadvantaged due to buses not operating within their area of residence and the Government agency was unable to Paid sick leave provide transportation to the requesting employee. 4. Employees unable to travel back to Samoa due to border shut down or as a result of travel restrictions put in place as a result of the State of Emergency Order; 5. Employees who need to care for family members suspected or confirmed with the COVID19; 6. Employees suspected or confirmed with the COVID19; Social 7. Employees with returning family members who have travelled from an MOH restricted country. Insurance Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Six-month moratorium on contribution payments for Hospitality Sector Employers in the hospitality sector. It was granted a postponement of their contribution’s payments for the six-month period January to June 2020 to be payable only in July 2020. The total value of this assistance was estimated to be $2.6 million tala. Social security contributions The government allowed a 20% early withdrawal for members in the Hospitality sector who have lost employment due to COVID-19 pandemic. The benefit amount was the lesser between 20% of net contributions and $4000 tala. The Government will work in close collaboration through the Samoa Tourism Authority with the Australian Pacific Training Coalition (APTC) to provide a 4 week training program on soft and minor skills for the service sector targeting workers in the hospitality sector who have been laid off due to Activation measures the COVID19. To compensate for travel, food and other expenses each participant will be paid $100 Labor per week of attendance. According to the government's website, as of February 2021, 700 Markets individuals were benefited with this policy. Labor market regulations Reduced work time Wage subsidies 494 495 (back to the top) San Marino Cash-based transfers From the 1 March 2020 until the end of the health emergency, families in economic difficulty or with insufficient means for subsistence will receive a minimum monthly income of 580 Euros, plus 150 Euros for the spouse, civil union, or cohabiting partner and 50 Euros for other cohabitants of the Cash transfers family unit. The minimum income of the family unit is further increased by the amount equal to 50% (conditional and unconditional) of the monthly rent of the housing unit in which the family unit resides. Social Extension of the application period for the supplementary family allowances until 31 August 2020 Assistance Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Temporary allowance for sick leave (30% for the first five days, 45% from the sixth to the tenth day, Paid sick leave 60% from the eleventh to the fifteenth day and 86% for subsequent periods). Health insurance Pensions Social Insurance Unemployment benefits For self-employed workers the first advance on social security contributions is not due and the calculation of the second advance referring to the period of activity for the purpose of determining Social security contributions the advances due, is made, in an extraordinary way, with rates reduced to 50% on the basis of the expected minimum income Activation measures Art. 7 of Decree no. 52 provided extraordinary employment retention schemes applicable in response Labor to the suspension of working activities. A worker under an employment retention scheme receives Markets Labor market regulations 30% of its salary for the first week, 45% for the second week and 60% for the third and subsequent weeks. For part-time workers, the indemnity is based on working hours disposed by the employment contract. However, every economic indemnity cannot be lower than 500 euros per month in order to 496 guarantee personal dignity and sufficient resources. An "extraordinary parental permit" was established, which could be used by 31 December 2020 for a continuous or in separate periods, even in single hours, not exceeding 150 working hours. It can be used by parents who are employees of the private or public sector, for care of children under the age of 12 during the period of suspension of educational services for children and teaching activities in schools of all levels or for disabled or non self-sufficient family members. Reduced work time Extension of supplemental wage scheme to support workers displaced by COVID-19 containment Wage subsidies measures 497 (back to the top) Sao Tome and Principe Cash-based transfers The São Tomé government, through the Ministry of Labor and Solidarity, decided to anticipate, as of Cash transfers this Friday, the payment of two bimonths [2,400 Dobras] to the beneficiary mothers of the (conditional and unconditional) “Program Family as a way to mitigate ”the negative impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. The program involves 2600 needy families in the country Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance As part of the response measures, the Ministry of Labor, Solidarity, Family and Professional Development will distribute food baskets (containing food staples and basic hygiene products) Food, vouchers, others equivalent to 600 dobras (24 euros) to vulnerable families. At least 5000 vulnerable families are expected to receive the baskets. School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 498 (back to the top) Saudi Arabia Cash-based transfers The conditionalities of the Social Insurance Pension programme which provides monthly assistance to vulnerable groups were eased during April 2020 . Consequently vulnerable groups who were no Cash transfers longer eligible in April remained as beneficiaries and received their assistance (conditional and unconditional) Self-Employed drivers will receive monthly cash assistance of SAR 3000 for a period of 3 months Social pensions In-kind transfers The ‘Ramadan Iftar’ initiative (Ramadan meals) is a national initiative funded by the social fund of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development and directed at those affected by the pandemic during the holy month of Ramadan. Benefits consist of hot or dry meals or food baskets, according to each category of beneficiaries, and the conditions of the curfew in each region. The Ministry invited all private sector companies, businessmen, businesswomen, and citizens to contribute to the community fund to support these societal humanitarian initiatives. Social Assistance The Community Fund of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has also Food, vouchers, others distributed food baskets under the name "Our Food is One", which aims to help all affected families of citizens and others in all regions and governorates of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia who were affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, and alleviate this crisis by distributing food baskets to them (more than 142,000 food baskets were distributed to families in need, benefitting both citizens and residents alike). Through this initiative, the Community Fund seeks to help the most vulnerable groups affected by the pandemic—poor people, people with disabilities, widows, divorced women, prisoners' families and the elderly, ensuring their stability, providing them with a decent living, and supporting and assisting them in overcoming this crisis. School feeding Public works New special provisions allow for delaying rent payments and utility bills requests (by 3 months). This applies for 6 months, from March 20 to September 20. Utility waivers The Kingdom is taking various measures in support for expat/migrant workers: 499 • Waiving expats dependents levies of SAR 900/dependent for three months from Mar.20 to June.20. Extended for another 3 months. The Kingdom is taking various measures in support for expat/migrant workers: • Waiving SAR 2,400 for the residence visa renewal fees per visa and giving the violator a grace period to take a corrective action The Kingdom is taking various measures in support for expat/migrant workers: • Waiving SAR 1,200 exit and return visa per resident and allowing the return of those who are unable at the moment, after the situation settles. The Kingdom is taking various measures in support for expat/migrant workers: • Delaying rent requests and allowing the renter to vacate the rental property regardless of lease length (3 month) The Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority (SAMA) has directed Saudi local banks to postpone three months installments of all financing products for Saudi workers registered in the support of unemployment insurance (SANED) without any additional costs or fees. Social security beneficiaries who are orphans or people with disabilities, among others are exempted from paying housing development benefits for a period of three months Saudi Arabia's Monetary Authority has instructed the kingdom's banks to delay by three months the payment of instalments due on all financing facilities extended to Saudi employees, without additional fees. Special paid sick leave for all workers who, as of March 15, 2020, entered the Kingdom from countries abroad shall stay home or covered by the government accommodation on sick leave (quarantined) (from March to June). MOH developed a mobile application called “Sehhaty” to register and apply for the sick leave Paid sick leave Social Compulsory two-week sick leave for pregnant women, sick people and returnees from abroad. Insurance Private sector workers such as Pregnant women and people with respiratory and chronic diseases, immunodeficiency and users of immunosuppressant drugs, workers coming from abroad. Not to be deducted from employees' leave allowance The KSA mandated an automatic renewal of health insurance cards for 6 months, hence allowing Health insurance families to make hospitals and clinic visits. 500 As per Announcement of King Salman of March 30, 2020, all Saudi citizens, residents, visitors, tourists and illegal immigrants will access testing and treatment services for Coronavirus for free. The government through the ministry of health will cover related expenses Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions The Saudi Human Resources Development Fund announced the allocation of SR2B to support 100,000 job seekers in the private sector (in addition to offering and activating remote work tools as Activation measures available and alternative options for regular work). A training support track includes SR800M to support 100,000 beneficiaries. And an additional SR1.5B has been allocated to add 100,000 new job seekers in the program. The Kingdom is taking various measures in support for expat/migrant workers: • A temporary benefit allowed by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) from the services of off-labor-market expatriates through the "Ajeer" portal as an alternative to recruiting from abroad, and allows expatriate workers to switch employers through Ajeer system if employment is found during the pandemic. Wage protection system (WPS) was suspended during early months of pandemic to ensure that employers can access and continue government services even if wages are delayed or reduced. Labor On 6 April 2020, MHRSD issued a decision to regulate contractual relationship between worker and Labor market regulations Markets employer, allowing private sector employers to agree with their employees on reducing wages to reflect actual working hours, or granting them leave to be deducted from their annual leave, or an exceptional leave. Once the employer has benefited from government subsidy, termination of the employee's contract is not legitimate. A new clause 41 was accordingly added to the implementing regulation of the labour law. MHRSD has also allowed a temporary benefit from the services of off-labor-market expatriates through the "Ajeer" portal as an alternative to recruiting from abroad, as the Ministry aims through this decision to protect workers during such circumstances from being terminated or losing their contractual benefits. Reduced work time Instead of terminating the contract of the Saudi labors, an employer is was entitled to apply for the General Organization for Social Insurance (GOSI) and request a monthly compensation payment for Wage subsidies his labors of 60% of the wage registered in GOSI for three months, up to a maximum of nine thousand riyals per month, and up to a total value of 9 billion riyals. Discontinued as of October 1, 501 2020 with the exception of few industries (I,e, airlines). The Human Resources Development Fund pays 30% to 50% of the monthly wage of a Saudi employee whose salary ranges SAR 4,000-SR10,000 for a period of two months 502 (back to the top) Senegal Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers The government is allocating 69 billion FCFA devoted to the purchase food for 1 million poor households (including the daraas). This includes one-off distribution of food kit of basic necessities (pasta, rice, soap, sugar) and costs around FCFA 66,000 per household. Terms of this measure summarized below: Food, vouchers, others • Frequency: once • Coverage: national • Beneficiaries: 1,000,000 poor households (including daraa) Social • Budget: 69 billion FCFA (logistics costs included) Assistance • Start: April 2020 School feeding Public works To promote the use of electronic payment tools the Western Africa Central Bank (BCEAO) is providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money and making transfers between people backed by the electronic money free. Measures effective for 30 days renewable. Economic and Social Resilience Program to strengthen the health system and support households, Utility waivers businesses and their employees. Providing utility subsidy to vulnerable groups to pay for electricity and water bills. The measure aims at helping 975,522 households for paying electricity bills and 670,000 households for paying water bills for two months starting in May (15.5 billion FCFA) Deferred payment of taxes until July 15, 2020 Paid sick leave Social Health insurance Insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits 503 Social security contributions Activation measures Ordinance n ° 001-2020 of April 8, 2020 Art.1.‐ By way of derogation from the provisions of articles L.49, L.60 and L.214 of the Labor Code, during the Covid ‐ 19 pandemic and within the time limits of enabling law n ° 2020‐ 13 of April 2, 2020, any dismissal other than that motivated by gross negligence on the part of the worker is null and void. Labor market regulations A number of initiatives and measures have been taken by the Ministry of Labor, Social Dialogue and Relations with Institutions as well as certain companies and relate to memos, the development of conduct guides in connection with the COVID 19 and the revitalization of occupational hygiene, health and safety committees. Art.2.- Notwithstanding the provisions of article L.65 of the Labor Code, the employer, in order to avoid layoffs, must seek with the staff representatives or, at default, staff representatives, alternative solutions such as reduction working hours, shift work, anticipation of paid holidays, Labor redeployment of staff, part-time work. Under no circumstances can the remuneration paid for these Markets alternative measures be lower than the percentage provided for in article 3 of this Ordinance. Art.3.- If the employer decides to resort to technical unemployment, the duration of the latter shall not exceed the time limits of the aforementioned enabling law. During this period, the worker Reduced work time receives remuneration which cannot be lower than the guaranteed minimum interprofessional wage nor to 70% of his average net salary of the three last months of activity. In return, the employer benefits from support measures from the State. Art.4.- During the entire period of inactivity, the worker is required to remain available to the employer. The latter can occupy it with occasional work falling within the scope of its area of expertise. A worker who refuses to make himself available to his employer loses his right to a remuneration. Wage subsidies 504 (back to the top) Serbia Cash-based transfers (Cash-for-jabs scheme) Serbia announced on May 5th, 2021, that would pay each citizen who gets a Covid jab before the end of May. All those who received the vaccine by May 31, 2021, will get 3,000 dinars (25 euros, $30), In early November, the authorities announced that public-sector health workers will receive a one-off assistance of RSD 10,000 by the end of the year (estimated cost of about 0.02 percent of GDP). All employees in the medium and large private enterprises for whom a decision on work termination has been issued from 15 March 2020 in line with the Articles 116 and 117 of the Labour Law will be given 50% of their monthly wages. For SA beneficiaries whose entitlement to SA benefits expire on March 15, 2020 and later, the government extended their entitlement on the basis of previously issued decisions, for a maximum Social Cash transfers of three months ( i.e. During a state of emergency). All beneficiaries of social assistance, child Assistance (conditional and unconditional) benefits, personal care benefits and compensations related to special care of the children whose entitlement to these social protection benefits has expired on March 15 have got an automatic extension of those benefits until the end of the state of emergency.The decision applies to: - Financial Social Assistance - Caregiver Allowance - Child Allowance, - maternity leave benefit for the purpose of child care. The government issued a decision for the new method of submitting application for child-related benefits (all benefits defined under the Law on Financial Support to the Families with Children). The applicants can submit their requests via email or by post. All adults (18+ years of age) will get E100 as one-off payment covering 5 million people (about RSD 71bn). 6.145.529 received the payment as of Dec 2020, however not all adults received it (the total number of adults is around 6.2 million). Social pensions 505 In-kind transfers This was organized at the municipal level, without the uniform response through the country - for Food, vouchers, others example, capital city (Belgrade) - provided basket of food for pensioners with or below the minimum pension School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Furthermore, the government issued decision for the new method for pensions payment. The pensioners will give special authorization to someone to raise pension instead of them. The other option is that the pension is delivered to pensioners in cash and the cost of the delivery will be Pensions covered by the government All pensioners will receive one off support in the amount of 4000 dinars (around 35 EUR). The government issued a decision for the new method of submitting application for unemployment Unemployment benefits benefit and for registering with NES. The applicants can submit their requests via email or by post. Social The decision making for the received requests is extended too Insurance As of January 2021 the businesses have an option to further postpone the payment of salary taxes and contributions by another 24 months with no interest Deferred salary tax and contributions liabilities can be repaid in up to 24 installments. Rulebook which will prescribe detailed methods of repayment in instalments is expected to be published in Social security contributions December 2020. Date accurate as of: 2 December 2020 Initial set of tax measures prescribed in Decree on Fiscal Benefits and Direct Aid to Private Sector and Citizens due to COVID-19 included deferral of payments of salary tax and contributions for salaries paid within 3 months until 4 January 2021. On 13 August 2020, the Government adopted the Decree on the Youth Employment Incentive Program "My First Salary" aiming to help youth employment during and after the crisis. As a part of Labor Activation measures the "My First Salary" Program, the Government will fund part of salary for up to 10,000 people Markets younger than 30 years, without previous working experience. In line with this, for the high school graduates the Government will provide RSD 20,000 (approx. EUR 170), and for the University 506 graduates the Government will provide RSD 24,000 (approx. EUR 205) during the nine months period. Funds will be paid directly to program participants by the National Employment Service. The wages of all workers in the health sector will be increased by 10% as of April 1 All health workers who are asked to stay in self-isolation due to possible infection by Covid-19 are entitled to 100% of compensation of their monthly wage. Companies have received an instruction to introduce OSH measures related to Covid-19, mostly related to maintenance of hygiene and provision of personal protective equipment to the workers. Support to workers and social assistance: As of 6 April, the government announced that it will pay each worker employed by a small business about EUR 750, or over RSD 90 000, which is equivalent Labor market regulations to the minimum wage for three months. The government also recommended that all employers give their employees full compensation for those who are in self-isolation or have contracted COVID-19 due to direct exposure to the virus at work. 10 percent wage increase for public healthcare sector (RSD 13bn) All entrepreneurs, micro and small enterprises will be entitled to grants in the amount equivalent to one minimum wage per employee (275 USD/month), including the owners, for each of the three months of duration of the state of emergency, provided that they haven't laid of more than 10% of their workers Companies and institutions have been instructed to allow the parents of the children under the age of 12 to stay home, but that was not backed by any compensation from the state. During the state of emergency (declared on 15 March) the employer is obliged to allow the work outside his premises (from home) to all employees who work on such positions where working from home is feasible (in line with the general act of the employer and the labour contracts). If the general Reduced work time act and the labour contracts do not foresee such option the employer is encouraged to allow the employee the work from home if the organizational conditions permit such measure. The employers who are not in position to organize the work from home of their employees are required to organize the work in shifts, with as few workers gathering in the same premises as possible. The employers are also required to organize all meetings electronically. Initial set of tax measures prescribed in Decree on Fiscal Benefits and Direct Aid to Private Sector Wage subsidies and Citizens due to COVID-19 included direct aid in the form of financing of employee's salaries for up to 3 months. Qualifying businesses were entitled to 50% of minimum wage in March or minimum 507 wage in March (depending on the size) for each qualifying employee. Entities which opted for this measure can not decrease number of full time employed for more than 10% before expiry of the period of three months from the last payment of direct benefits (no later than 31 December 2020), and can not pay out any form of dividend until 31 December 2020, or will have to return received funds increased for a late payment interest. In July, second set of fiscal measures is introduced, providing additional salary financing, with amounts varying depending on the size of business and the fact whether it received initial financing prescribed in the initial set of measures. Entities which opted for this measure cannot decrease number of full time employed for more than 10% before expiry of the period of three months from the last payment of direct benefits (no later than 31 December 2020), and can not pay out any form of dividend until 31 December 2020, or will have to return received funds increased for a late payment interest. As a part of the "My First Salary" Program, the Government will fund part of salary for up to 10,000 people younger than 30 years, without previous working experience. In line with this, for the high school graduates the Government will provide RSD 20,000 (approx. EUR 170), and for the University graduates the Government will provide RSD 24,000 (approx. EUR 205) during the nine months period. Funds will be paid directly to program participants by the National Employment Service. The government new package of support includes: - support to large enterprises: 50 percent of the minimum wage to all employees whose contract ended - cover for three -months wages in Micro and SMEs wage subsidies, including payment of minimum wages for all SME employees and entrepreneurs for three months (RSD 93bn) and payment of 50 percent of the net minimum wage for three months for employees in large private sector companies and for employees who are currently not working (RSD 4bn) On 19 November, Ministry of trade tourism and telecommunications has published call for submission of subsidies application for tour operators and agencies. Eligible agencies will receive up to EUR 5,000, for insurance policy premiums, depending on the type of license they hold. Total allocated amount is approx. EUR 1.28 million. 508 (back to the top) Seychelles Cash-based transfers Cabinet approved an increase in the one-off assistance paid under social welfare assistance. Special allowance for frontline health workers, immigration staff and customs officials at the airport and seaport and the government established a National Disaster Relief Fund to raise funds from governments, private individuals, corporations and institutions aimed at providing emergency relief Cash transfers supplies (conditional and unconditional) The 3800 home carers looking after the elderly will also receive a special allowance during this period on the condition that they continue to work. For those children receiving financial assistance through the dedicated fund, the Agency for Social Protection will make a direct transfer to parents during this period to ensure no child is affected. Social pensions In-kind transfers Social Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works In exceptional cases, loan repayments will be reduced for a period of 6 months, following work that the Central Bank has done with the commercial banks. If necessary, an individual can get a moratorium for loan repayments over this period. This will cover capital repayments and interest repayments during this 6-month period. Following a drop in international oil prices, PUC has seen a reduction in their cost of electricity Utility waivers production by 25 cents per unit. Government has decided that the electricity tariff for the public sector will remain the same. This will allow PUC to pass this extra benefit to the other sectors so that in the domestic sector people see a reduction in electricity tariffs by more than 25 cents per unit. In a bid to better help persons who are struggling to meet financial obligations, namely, rent on private accommodation, the Ministry of Habitat, Infrastructure and Land Transport (MHILT) 509 together with the Agency for Social Protection (ASP), under the Ministry of Family Affairs, are widening the scope of the part-rental assistance policy under the housing department, and enabling the migration of the service to ASP to cater to all groups, as a means of social assistance. Removal of all charges pertaining to the use of the Seychelles Electronic Funds Transfer (SEFT) customer platform and fees associated with SEFT payments made through the banks’ mobile banking applications, internet banking, and interbank platforms. The High-Level Committee took the decision for immediate Government intervention to further financially support citizens with Housing Loans with the Housing Financing Corporation (HFC) as well as those paying for House Purchase through the Property Management Company (PMC). These citizens will benefit from a 25% reduction on their monthly housing payments to these two institutions. The Government assistance will provide much-needed relief and ease the financial pressures currently affecting households – particularly those with a lower income and/or earning less than usual due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The measures will take effect from 1 September 2020 to 31 December 2021. Government will step in to provide the necessary financial support to these two institutions as a direct result of this measure. For those citizens on welfare with a special STC card, the government have made arrangements so that the same card can be used to purchase gas. A new measures that allows workers to take special leave of absence from work in certain specific situations, such as to take care of their social responsibilities. This is applicable only as from March 16, 2020 until the Minister indicates an end date, by way of a notice published in the gazette. The leave is an entitlement on its own, which means that the employer cannot deduct the leave from a worker’s annual leave even though the worker has been on leave in connection with COVID-19 prior to the enactment of this new law. The law applies to workers who are on a continuous contract or fixed-term or is working part-time. It also applies to non-Seychellois workers with a valid contract of employment and GOP who are in Seychelles on coming into force of this law. Social Paid sick leave Insurance In the case of employees placed in quarantine, the employer would continue to pay the salary of the worker until the employee is released. This amount could be claimed back by the employer from the Agency for Social Protection (ASP) following certification from the Department of Health that the employee was in quarantine. (1st September 2020) Regulation is also underway to enable working parents with children below 15 years to proceed on emergency leave until all schools and child care facilities are allowed to be re- opened. 510 Health insurance Pensions Government will increase the budgetary allocation for the Unemployment Relief Scheme (URS). A Unemployment benefits sum of SCR10 million will be allocated to the Department of Employment. Seychelles Pension Fund has postponed contributions for 3 months, for those due April to June 2020 will now be due July-September 2020. Contributions that employers are required to make Social security contributions towards the Seychelles Pension Fund – the 3% on the salary of their employees – for April, May and June will now be due in September 2020. (June 9th 2020) The governoment proposed establishment of a company called Seychelles Employee Transition Scheme (SETS) to support those made redundant following the economic impacts of COVID-19. The main objective of the company would be to facilitate retraining, up-skilling, and temporary work placement services, supporting re-entry into the labour market as job openings Activation measures become available whilst providing financial support. SETS started in July 2020 was mandated to facilitate the retraining, up-skilling and temporary work placement services for those made redundant, supporting re-entry into the labour market as jobs become available whilst providing financial services. Given that Government will be providing businesses with the means to pay their employees, no redundancies will be approved by the Department of Employment. Cabinet approved a framework to guide private and public sector employers in implementation of the social distancing measures during the COVID 19 pandemic. Labor Prohibition against deferment or reduction of wages Markets 51A. An employer shall not be allowed to temporarily lay off or make redundant a Seychellois worker, if the employer — Labor market regulations (a) is employing a non-Seychellois worker in a similar post as the Seychellois worker; and (b) has not initiated the negotiation procedure to temporarily lay-off or make redundant, as the case may be, the non-Seychellois worker Whereas Government had initially made it mandatory for 100% job retention (i.e. no furloughing or no redundancies) during the period April – June 2020, such policy was revised with the amendment with effect from 1st July 2020, whereby private sector could negotiate redundancies with the Ministry of Employment. Businesses are able to apply for redundancy, subject to the following: The business has stopped operating completely or partly The operation of the business is suspended entirely or partly The business is reorganizing itself so that it is more streamlined 511 As a result of new technology, the business needs less workers Sectoral Guidelines for Workplaces to safeguard against the spread of COVID-19. (June 1 2020) The President has assented to the Employment (Amendment) Act 2020, which was approved by the National Assembly on 19th May 2020. The Amendment to the Employment Act (Cap 69) regulates the deferment of payment, and reduction of the wages of a worker pending the termination of the Government programme for salary support to workers as a result of the COVID- 19 pandemic. The Amendment to the Employment Act (Cap 69) also regulates the deferment of payment, and reduction of the wages of a worker during the period of Government programme for salary support to workers as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Amendment also restricts the lay-off or redundancy of Seychellois workers in certain circumstances. It also provides that any approval given by a competent officer to temporary lay-off a Seychellois worker or terminate the employment of a Seychellois worker on grounds of redundancy in certain circumstances shall not take effect prior to 1st July 2020. A Gainful Occupation Permit (GOP) allows the holder to be gainfully occupied in Seychelles and this could be as an employee or as a self‐employed person. (March 22, 2020 )All foreign workers holding a Gainful Occupation Permit (GOP) of Seychelles not allowed entry until further notice. Furthermore, no new GOPS to be issued. Government has not placed the same restrictions on Gainful Occupation Permits (GOPs) for foreign workers in the agricultural sector as it has done for most other sectors. Government has also not placed GOP restrictions on workers in the fisheries and health sectors. Reduced work time Government will guarantee the salaries of all employees in the private sector for the months of April, May and June. A total of SCR1.2 billion has been budgeted for this intervention. Government will provide financial assistance to these struggling businesses to ensure that all of their employees are paid in April, May and June. We are finalising the structure through which this will work and we will start making the first payments in mid-April. . In order to ensure that this support Wage subsidies is targeted towards businesses in genuine need and to prevent abuse, a high-level committee comprising government officials and representatives of the private sector was established to manage the scheme. Individual salary assistance is being capped at SR30,000. All private businesses, including self-employed individuals, in the formal sector can apply and will be assessed on certain criteria. This assistance will also cover foreign workers currently in Seychelles. Moreover, the informal sector is also being assisted through the Agency for Social Protection. 512 (back to the top) Sierra Leone Cash-based transfers The Government of Sierra Leone plans to respond the COVID-19 crisis through the cash transfer program in two ways: (a) scaling up the cash transfers to extreme poor households predominantly in the rural areas; and (b) conducting emergency cash transfers to vulnerable households with informal sector workers in major cities. The Government plans to roll out the “COVID-19 Social Safety Net (SSN) Cash Transfers” to vertically and horizontally scale up the Ep Fet Po cash transfer program to provide double the monthly benefits amount from US$ 15 (an estimated 15 percent of the average household consumption) to US$ 30 for a period of nine months. This is the same strategy that the Government had employed in response to the Ebola Crisis. This response effort is expected to reach 65,000 extreme poor households and households with Persons with Disabilities. Cash transfers In cities, the informal sector workers are expected to be the hardest hit through the indirect impacts (conditional and unconditional) of COVID-19 and the slowing economy. The Government plans to identify a total of 65,000households in the major cities of Sierra Leone whose main source of income is from the informal sector and provide a one-time cash transfer to these households. The amount is US$ 135 HH ~ level of minimum wage in Freetown for 2-months) targeting households of informal workers in Social urban areas: Freetown, Bo city, Kenema city, Makeni and Port Loko (total budget of US$4 million) Assistance The government introduced incentives for healthcare workers, including a risk allowance and a COVID-19 weekly allowance, including compensation for daily food, board and lodging, to frontline healthcare workers in treatment centres (Acute), Isolation centres (Mild), Laboratory and quarantine centres/homes. Social pensions In-kind transfers On 4 April, 2020, the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Welfare, Anti-Corruption Commission, and the National Commission for Persons with Disabilities, distributed 25 kg bags of rice, 250,000 leones ($25.77), Veronica buckets, and others items to people with disabilities in district headquarter towns. This support reached 1,891 Food, vouchers, others individual and group beneficiaries. Outreach to people with disabilities is now continuing, and the Government expects to reach approximately 10,000 PWD (500 per district and 2,500 in the Western Area), for a cost of 4 billion leones. 513 School feeding Public works Free tuition and other forms of educational support for a maximum of three (3) children up to 1“ Utility waivers degree level, for any healthcare worker who loses his/her life in the discharge of their duties. Paid sick leave Health workers: A life insurance policy encompassing payment to the next-of-kin of any frontline Health insurance Social healthcare worker that loses his/her life in providing treatment to persons infected with COVID-19. Insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures The Sierra Leone Employers Federation (SLEF) because of the close collaboration between SLEF and the Sierra Leone Labour Congress, two wage re-openers negotiations were concluded quickly and the outcome reflected the collaboration. These increases were in respect of staff below Supervisory Grade. Labor market regulations Labor 1) Industrial Trade Group Negotiating Council -Wage Re Opener. Agreed an increase of Leones Markets 50,000.00 per month (approximately US$5.00) 2) Public Utilities Trade Group Council -Wage -Re-Opener. Agreed an increase of Leones ,170,0000.00 ( approximately US$ 17 per month) Reduced work time Wage subsidies 514 (back to the top) Singapore Cash-based transfers SIRS helps Singaporean self-employed persons (SEPs) with less means and family support tide over this period of extraordinary economic uncertainty. SIRS provides eligible self-employed persons with three payouts of $3,000 each. Self-Employed Person Income Relief Scheme (SIRS), will be extended to automatically include self-employed persons who also earn a small income from employment work. the annual value qualifying threshold for SIRS will be raised to $21,000, up from $13,000, to include those who live in some condominiums and other private properties. To help Singaporeans defray the cost of household expenses during this period of uncertainty. It was announced that the Care and Support – Cash would be tripled. All eligible Singaporeans will now receive a payout of $900, $600 or $300, depending on their income. The remainder was paid out in June 2020. Lower-wage Singaporeans to receive first half of $3,000 Workfare Special Payment on July 28, 2020. Social Assistance Cash transfers All Singaporeans aged 50 and above in 2020 will receive $100 in cash instead of PAssion Card Top- (conditional and unconditional) up The government introduced a cash transfer payout of S$100-300, depending on income, for all residents aged 21 and above. The new (second) stimulus package of S$48 billion ($33 billion) includes cash transfers to self- employed and low-income people. April 2020: Temporary Relief Fund to provide one-off cash assistance of $500 for those who need urgent help with basic living expenses Cash grant of $800 per month for 3 months, for low- and middle-income Singaporeans who lost their jobs due to COVID-19. Starting in May.2020 (extended to 31 of Dec) The government of Singapore announced a special one-time “baby bonus” in October 2020, in addition to an existing $10,000 package of benefits for new parents, to encourage more families to 515 have children in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Enhance Workfare Special Payment to $3,000 in cash in 2020, for Singaporeans who received Workfare payments for work done in 2019. Second installment of a $3,000 Workfare Special Payment for low-income workers Social pensions In-kind transfers Singaporeans living in 1-room and 2-room HDB flats will receive $300 in Grocery Vouchers in 2020, and $100 in 2021 Food, vouchers, others S$100 for passion card top-up for all seniors, and S$100 supermarket vouchers for lower-income. School feeding Public works Singaporeans will be given $320 million in "tourism credits" to spend domestically as part of a campaign to prop up local businesses, Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat announced on Monday (Aug 17). The credits will be called SingapoRediscovers Vouchers The monetary threshold for commencing a bankruptcy petition against an individual is temporarily raised from S$15,000 toS$60,000 Accommodation, food, transport and daily necessities provided by employers due to the COVID-19 pandemic would be exempted from tax subject to meeting the qualifying conditions. The tax Utility waivers exemption is capped at S$75 per day per employee for accommodation and a total of S$50 per day per employee for food, transport and daily necessities. New stimulus package includes no charges on student-loan interest (for 1 year) & late-payment on public-housing mortgage (3 month). Utility rebates are doubled. One-off $100 Solidarity Utilities Credit for all households with at least one Singapore Citizen, covering all property types, to be credited in July or August 2020 utilities bills with SP Group Paid sick leave Social Health insurance Insurance Pensions 516 Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Special $500 SkillsFuture Credit top-up for Singaporeans aged 40 to 60 21,000 traineeships in high-demand areas (e.g. IT, engineering, software learning, AI) for first-time local jobseekers 4,000 traineeships for local mid-career jobseekers to learn new skills and start new careers Training allowance of $1,200 per month for course duration Training courses for about 30,000 jobseekers to upgrade their skills while looking for a job Activation measures Enhanced training allowance rate of $10 per hour The Government will provide S$90 million for tourism recovery support to help the sector rebound strongly "when the time is right", following the COVID-19 pandemic. These include training the industry professionals with tourism grant and enhancing other tourism grants on qualifying costs to ensure a pipeline of events and products. Labor Markets • SGUnited Traineeships : Support employers in providing traineeships to fresh graduates entering the labour force, to help boost employability for new graduates • SEP Training Support Scheme: Extended till end-2020 • From 1 May 2020, training allowance enhanced to $10/hour low-wage workers will receive 20 percent more for work done in the past year, with a minimum cash payout of $100 Labor market regulations Step up cleaning of workplace premises and adopt the sanitation and hygiene advisories disseminated by the National Environmental Agency (NEA). Reduced work time There will be hiring incentives for employers that hire local workers who have completed eligible traineeship and training programmes. For eligible workers under the age of 40 years, the incentive will be 20% of the monthly salary for 6 months, capped at S$6,000 in total. For eligible workers 40 Wage subsidies years old and above, the incentive will be 40% of the monthly salary for 6 months, capped at $12,000 in total. 517 The Aviation Workforce Retention Grant, which will cost $330 million, will enhance that to 50 per cent of wages paid to Singaporeans and permanent residents from April to September. The package will enable aviation companies to preserve core capabilities and tide over the crisis, and preserve Singapore's position as an aviation hub post-Covid-19 Aviation Industry: the government will provide a 75 percent wage offset for the first S$4,600 (US$3,205) in monthly wages through the Jobs Support Scheme Food and beverages (F&B) industry, the government will provide a 50 percent wage offset for the first $4,600 in monthly wages. Employers of workers in quarantine get SG$100 (US$68.5) per day throughout the duration of their quarantine. The benefit will also be paid to self-employed workers (Ministry of Manpower of Singapore 2020). The second stimulus package of S$48 billion ($33 billion) includes expansion of wage support for businesses, including extra support for those in food services, aviation and tourism industries Launch a Jobs Support Scheme worth SG$1.3 billion (US$890 million) to help firms retain local workers. Employers will receive an 8% subsidy on the gross monthly wages of each local employee, made on the Central Provident Fund payroll for the months of October to December (subject to a monthly wage cap of SG$3,600 ($2463.8) per worker). Payments to employers will be made by the end of July). 518 (back to the top) Sint Maarten (Netherlands) Cash-based transfers Under Sint Maarten Support Relief Plan (SSRP), self-employed persons such as independent taxi drivers, vendors, tour operators, and artists, etc., can benefit from income support. COVID-19-specific Unemployment Support Program has been developed. In a scenario in which payroll support is provided further limiting and reducing layoffs, ANG 1,150 will be provided to Cash transfers persons who become unemployed due to COVID-19. (conditional and unconditional) Economic income support. On a monthly basis: ANG. 300 for families of two (2) persons or less; ANG. 600 for families of three (3) persons or more. Based on the Statistical Yearbook 2017, roughly 60% are households of two (2) persons or less and 40% consists of households of three (3) persons or more. Social Social pensions Assistance In-kind transfers Expansion of existing food voucher program, a food boxes program for the most vulnerable groups, and meals for the elderly, (NAf 9.3 million in total) Food, vouchers, others Food boxes for vulnerable groups as a form of direct humanitarian aid Meals services to vulnerable groups which cannot care/cook as a form of direct humanitarian aid School feeding Public works CBS: allowed life insurance companies and pension funds to provide clients a 3 to 6-month payment Utility waivers moratorium on policy premiums without having to make an adequate provision. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Unemployment benefits remain available to the unemployed Social security contributions 519 Activation measures The St. Maarten Tourism Bureau, St. Maarten Hospitality & Trade Association (SHTA), and occupational health expert company Medwork announced the launch of their newest collaboration, “SAFESEAL – Clean Standard Seal Certification Program”. The program has been endorsed by the Labor market regulations Ministry of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA), and the Ministry of Tourism, Labor Economic Affairs, Traffic and Telecommunication (TEATT). SafeSeal will become the immediately Markets recognizable emblem for companies that are verified for their adherence to strict cleanliness and hygiene guidelines to counter the COVID-19 pandemic. Reduced work time Government will provide a payroll subsidy to the most affected businesses to cover up to 80% of Wage subsidies their workers’ salaries for a three-month period. To qualify, businesses have to prove that they have encountered hardship of at least 20%. 520 (back to the top) Slovak Republic Cash-based transfers Cash transfers Subsidies for individuals who do not receive any income during the State of Emergency, maximum (conditional and unconditional) amount EUR 210 / month Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others Phone lines were set up for food delivery to serve people who cannot leave their homes School feeding Social Public works Assistance Self-employed persons, small and medium enterprises may request banks for postponement of the mortgage installment by 9 months. Banks are obliged to approve the requests once the formal requirements have been fulfilled. The postponement will not be entered into records of the official debtors register. Utility waivers Individuals may request banks for postponement of the mortgage installment by 9 months. Banks are obliged to approve the requests once the formal requirements have been fulfilled. The postponement will not be entered into records of the official debtors register. Rent payment moratorium was imposed until June 30, 2020. If an employee cannot work because of mandatory quarantine, the employee is eligible to apply for the sick leave benefit. Parents taking care of their family members and employees on sick leave will see the benefits they receive from the state increase. This stems from an amendment to the law on social insurance approved by the parliament on March Social Paid sick leave 30. It increases the pandemic benefit for the care of a family member (OČR) and pandemic sick pay, Insurance and specifies conditions for receiving Covid bonuses, the TASR newswire reported. Employers (and/or self-employed) receive financial support from the government in some of the following scenarios: To pay their employees' paid leave, if the employer had to shut down business due to the state of 521 emergency, the employer receives 80% of an employee's average wage with a limit amounting to 880 EUR.The employer is required to pay this salary to the employee and cannot terminate the employment relationship within two months following the month for which the contribution is requested. Both employees in quarantine as well as employees who have to stay home to take care of their children (= nursing benefit) receive 55% of their salary paid by the state. Employees who cannot go to work at the moment (for different reasons) can request additional time off from work with wage compensation from the employer and agree to work off the missed days at a later point (if possible). Health insurance As many other countries represented within ESIP, pensioners living abroad who have not been able to provide the required proof of living due to the exceptional circumstances will continue to receive Pensions their pension from the SIA. However, pensioners abroad will be called on to respond to a request for confirmation by sending a self-signed certificate of living. It is estimated that around 70% of all employees who will lose their job due to COVID-19 will be Unemployment benefits eligible to apply for unemployment benefits. Deferment of compulsory social insurance contributions for employers with a net turnover decrease of 40% or more. Deferment of compulsory social insurance contributions for self-employed persons with a net turnover decrease of 40% or more. Deferment of payment of employer levies when sales fall by 40% or more. Social security contributions The procedures to apply for insurance (including pension) have been simplified and one can apply online. Measures introduced by the coalition government include deferral and waiver of employers' social security contributions for some months for affected companies and self-employed. These measures and the reserve for impacts of the pandemic in the 2021 Budget amount to EUR 3.96 billion, or 4.3 percent of 2020 GDP. Absolute exemption from social and health payments for employers who are unable to assign work 522 to their employees for the reason of adhering to orders putting down the operation as a result of preventive quarantine measures. 197 million EUR (~ USD 215 mil.) from the Operational Human Resources Program allocated to Activation measures support active labour market measures. Employers are allowed to request their employees to take leave. Employers are not obliged to assign workers work, if that helps preventing the spread of COVID-19. In this case, the employee is entitles to wage compensation. Employees receive 80% of their average wage, if their employer had to close down the business due to the ongoing crisis. Labor market regulations Employees who cannot go to work because they have take care of a sick family member or child during due to quarantine or isolation obligations cannot have their employment relationship terminated. Measures introduced by the coalition government include easing of the administrative burden on businesses and relaxing labor code requirements. These measures and the reserve for impacts of the Labor pandemic in the 2021 Budget amount to EUR 3.96 billion, or 4.3 percent of 2020 GDP. Markets Employers are allowed to request their employees to telework, if the type of work allows for it. Reduced work time The employer has to inform the employee at least 2 days in advance about the work schedule, which has to be valid for min. 1 week. Subsidies for employers who closed or restricted their business operations due to the decision of the PHA, in the amount of 80% (60%) of average monthly salary up to EUR 1100 (880)/month /employee (to whom the employer is unable to allocate work) Subsidies for self-employed persons, whose sales declined during the State of Emergency, maximum amount EUR 540/month Wage subsidies Measures introduced by the coalition government include (i) wage compensation for affected businesses and self-employed, and subsidies to individuals without income. These measures and the reserve for impacts of the pandemic in the 2021 Budget amount to EUR 3.96 billion, or 4.3 percent of 2020 GDP. 523 (back to the top) Slovenia Cash-based transfers Self-employed who are unable to operate due to the crisis or whose operations have been Cash transfers significantly reduced will be entitled to a monthly cash transfer in the amount of 70% of the net (conditional and unconditional) minimum wage. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others Social Assistance School feeding Public works Slovenia exempts households, small firms from green power surcharge for three months. In March 20, 2020, the government reduced electricity prices by about 20 percent for the three Utility waivers months. The central and local governments are granted more discretion in using budget funds, including the public procurement and health spending. The administered price for electricity was cut by a third to ease the burden of the pandemic crisis. Sick pay for all workers during the pandemic from the first day onwards will be covered by the Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia, not the employer pension Generally, employers cover the first 31 working days of sick leave, after than the Health Insurance covers their sickness pay. The draft “Anti-Corona” Act includes the measure to extend this arrangement for all employees. Social Paid sick leave Insurance The health insurance law stipulates that workers ordered by the authorities to quarantine due to their high-risk status are entitled to full compensation of wages. For persons confirmed COVID-19 positive, the Health Insurance Institute will cover 90% of pay from the first day of absence from work. The authorities rolled out a fifth COVID-19 stimulus package on September 30 to mitigate the 524 effects of the crisis and extend certain existing measures until end-2020. These include measures (iii) support employees who have to be quarantined with full salary replacement The authorities rolled out a fifth COVID-19 stimulus package on September 30 2020 to mitigate the effects of the crisis and extend certain existing measures until end-2020. These include measures (iv) further support families, with parents receiving 80 percent of their salaries in case of school quarantine. Health insurance Pensioners with the lowest pensions will receive a solidarity bonus due to the impact of the coronavirus. One-off solidarity supplement to minimum and low pension recipients (€300 for minimum pension, €230 and €130 for low pensions) Pensions On March 29, the government adopted a law to reimburse salary compensations for workers affected by COVID-19 and announced a new additional economic stimulus package of 3 billion euro (6.3 percent of GDP). Measures include allowances for pensioners. The employment status of workers who are unable to work due to force majeure, caring for children and their inability to come to work and other epidemic-related reasons will be equal to that of Unemployment benefits temporarily laid-off workers. Workers who have lost their job during the epidemic will automatically be entitled to unemployment benefits. All contributions for temporarily laid-off employees paid into the healthcare and pension insurance schemes will be covered by the state, and the insured persons’ rights will be preserved. The measure is in place until May 31, 2020, with the possibility of an extension. Affected self-employed workers will be exempt from the payment of contributions (also until May 31, 2020). Contributions to the healthcare and pension insurance schemes during this time will be paid on their behalf by the state.. Recipients of the advantages on the basis of the Mega Anticorona Act, namely partial exemption Social security contributions from social security contributions Start-ups: The state shall pay the employers' pension and invalidity insurance contributions for employees. Start-ups: Self-employed and one-person companies significantly affected by the crisis getting 3- monthly social contributions paid by the state. Activation measures Labor Markets Persons employed and activated in sectors that are key in overcoming the epidemic will be rewarded Labor market regulations with an increase in their basic salary by between 10% and 200%, based on the decision of their 525 superiors, in the form of hazard pay and higher workload bonuses . On 29 March 2020, the Parliament adopted the Act on Intervention Measures to Salaries and Contributions on a fast track basis. The Act regulates the right of employers to apply for reimbursement of salary compensations paid through the Employment Service to employees who are either unable to work due to business reasons (ordered to work at home) or under mandatory quarantine. On November 11 2020, the government announced the sixth anti-crisis package, estimated at € 1 billion and including an extension of the furlough scheme, compensation to businesses that are losing revenue due to the pandemic and partial or full waivers of rent payments for renters of state and local governments property. Recipients of the advantages on the basis of the Mega Anticorona Act, (iii) exceptional aid in the form of basic income) are required to repay such advantages in case they would after the law entered into force distribute profits, pay allowance for business performance or bonuses to management in 2020. Start-ups: Most employees shall get monthly supplement of EUR 200. Start-ups: Self-employed and one-person companies significantly affected by the crisis getting 3- monthly basic income paid by the state. Reduced work time Wage subsidies for suspended workers due to pandemic-related closures and quarantined people (about €50 million) On March 29 2020, the government adopted a law to reimburse salary compensations for workers affected by COVID-19 and announced a new additional economic stimulus package of 3 billion euro (6.3 percent of GDP). Wage subsidies The authorities rolled out a fifth COVID-19 stimulus package on September 30 to mitigate the effects of the crisis and extend certain existing measures until end-2020. These include measures (i) to extend furlough funding and full pay compensation until the end of 2020 (ii) to support self- employed and micro-companies through monthly income compensation Recipients of the advantages on the basis of the Mega Anticorona Act, (namely: (i) partial reimbursement of wage compensations 526 Start-ups: Temporarily laid-off workers getting 80% of their wage, with the state paying all of this sum and the related social contributions (with some conditions). 527 (back to the top) Solomon Islands Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) completed food relief for Malaita Outer Islands (MOI) early this month following assessment by the Malaita Province Livelihood Committee, benefiting Food, vouchers, others nearly 5,000 inhabitants, approximately 792 households in Luaniua, Pelau in Ontong Java Atoll and Sikaiana Atoll. The distribution of food include a total of 2,727 bags of rice. School feeding Public works As part of the Economic Stimulus Plan formally launched on 4 May 2020, the government planned to spend SBD$ 309M in the following initiatives: Social 1) Reduction in electricity tariffs by 16% for households and businesses Assistance 2) Reduction in the fuel component of the tariff for April, implying reduction in fuel costs for businesses 3) Domestic port charges were removed for one month and extended to two months beginning April, 2020, and subject to monthly review. 4) Support by banks and financial institutions for customers: provide relief on loans and interest repayments for households and businesses Utility waivers 5) National Provident Fund (NPF) Relief on surcharge (penalties) to employers 6) Tax relief for affected businesses on the tourism sector. Operators were given five years of tax breaks. Also, the government implemented extensions of deadlines to lodge taxes and remission of penalties. 7) Reduction of 50% in some public servants wages 8) Special rental relief of SBD$ 5M to SMEs. 9) Engagement of women, youths and students to monitor price control regulation in shops and businesses, with a planned budget of SBD $5M. 10) Subsidies for the production of targeted agriculture products: noni, kava, cassava, taro, coconuts, and cocoa. 528 The Government through the Price Control Division of the Ministry of Commerce, Industries, Labour and Immigration (MCILI) activated measures to control prices of goods to prevent illegal hikes in prices in view of the current COVID-19 situation. The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) has distributed vegetable seeds and farming tools under the Covid-19 Livelihood Sector Agriculture Support to the provinces. The distribution is part of the ongoing agriculture support programme that the ministry is implementing under the Livelihood Sector initiative (Sup-sup garden) to support and encourage households to make gardens around their houses to subsidize food costs as aligned to the national government food security programme to counter the impacts of Covid-19. A total of 12,933 packets of seeds has been distributed to all the provinces. As of November 2020, this measure implied a total expenditure of SBD$214,200 on seeds distribution and SBD$877,521 on tools distribution. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits As part of the Economic Stimulus Plan formally launched on 4 May 2020, the government planned to spend SBD$ 309M in the following initiatives: 1) Reduction in electricity tariffs by 16% for households and businesses 2) Reduction in the fuel component of the tariff for April, implying reduction in fuel costs for businesses 3) Domestic port charges were removed for one month and extended to two months beginning April, Social 2020, and subject to monthly review. Insurance 4) Support by banks and financial institutions for customers: provide relief on loans and interest repayments for households and businesses Social security contributions 5) National Provident Fund (NPF) Relief on surcharge (penalties) to employers 6) Tax relief for affected businesses on the tourism sector. Operators were given five years of tax breaks. Also, the government implemented extensions of deadlines to lodge taxes and remission of penalties. 7) Reduction of 50% in some public servants wages 8) Special rental relief of SBD$ 5M to SMEs. 9) Engagement of women, youths and students to monitor price control regulation in shops and businesses, with a planned budget of SBD $5M. 10) Subsidies for the production of targeted agriculture products: noni, kava, cassava, taro, coconuts, and cocoa. 529 the National Health Emergency Operation Centre (NHEOC) is putting together a structured Train the Trainer (TOT) training program in COVID-19 Health Emergency Management, where instructors and health staffs from provinces and national, Q-Station management staffs, RSIP staffs, ports of entry managers and Team Leaders, private organization, will be trained. A total of 83 people undertook a one-day demonstration training on basic vegetable gardening in Honiara on 4th September 2020. Officers from the Extension Department within the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) facilitated the training for participants who are recipients of the Covid-19 seedling distribution under the Covid-19 Livelihood Sector Program. The focused was Activation measures mainly on soil mixing, seed sowing, pricking and transplanting. Conducted at three designated zones Labor in Honiara City – West Honiara (Tinge Ridge), Central Honiara (Mbokonavera 2) and East Honiara Markets (Gilbert Camp), the training was intended to: - Improve participants knowledge and skills on vegetable gardening at home - Increase participants backyard garden with variety of vegetables - Improve nursery, pricking and transplanting stages - Know the importance of Food Security – having access to fresh vegetables at all times at homes - Prepare themselves (participants) in terms of livelihood in case of a lockdown amidst the COVID19 pandemic. Labor market regulations Reduced work time Wage subsidies 530 (back to the top) Somalia Cash-based transfers Somalia launched the first ever cash transfers program in the country. The Baxnano program (which costs$65 million) is intended to provide cash transfers to targeted poor and vulnerable households and establish the key building blocks of a national shock-responsive safety net system. The program is anticipated to target 200,000 poor and vulnerable households (approximately 1.3 million individuals or 9.6 percent of the population) across the Federal Member States of Somalia and provide them with nutrition-linked cash transfer • As of January 2021, the Baxnaano programme had delivered three quarters of cash grants to 73,478 households ($60 per quarter per household) • The families will be able to use the money for their immediate needs, such as food and basic Cash transfers services. These is programmes are ramme will be executed in areas of fragility due to widespread (conditional and unconditional) poverty, acute drought and long-drawn-out conflicts and insecurity513F513F The government is planning on providing nutrition-linked cash transfers and compensation for those engaged in livestock markets Social Assistance The urban safety net programme reached 1,000 urban households, with a quarterly transfer of $105(the equivalent of $35/month). During the COVID-19 pandemic, European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) was able to support BRA to top up the 1,000 households with an additional $25 monthly per households, for one quarter. Social pensions In-kind transfers Government of Somalia distributed food items to the vulnerable groups, however data on number of Food, vouchers, others household reached is not available. In addition, with support from WFP, distributed food items, reaching 1.9 million people as of November 2020 With support from WFP, Somaliland Ministry of Education (MOE) supported 40,000 children with take home rations in rural schools in Somaliland in June and July 2020. From October, provided School feeding daily hot meals to approximately 40,400 children attending schools. Safety measures during meals are observed including handwashing before and after meals alongside staggered lunch breaks to avoid crowding at feeding areas. Public works 531 Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Somalia’s civil servants pension policy has been approved by the cabinet of ministries on 11 Feb 2021 Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Government of Somalia introduced flexible working arrangements for civil servants including options Markets Reduced work time to work from home Wage subsidies 532 (back to the top) South Africa Cash-based transfers The president announced a R500 billion (approximately US$25 billion or close to 10% of Gross Domestic Product) of emergency expenditure to counter the costs of the lockdown. The package included increased expenditure of R50 billion on social grants. -The Child Support Grant – Originally, the government transfer R$ 450 per month to 7 million parents or other caregivers, for about 12.5 million children. The government decided to transfer an additional cash transfer of R$ 300 (US$13) from May and R$ 500 (US$26) from June to October per month. This means that in May beneficiaries received R$ 750 and from June R$ 950 per month. The government transfers a grant of R$ 1,860 to take care of a child who has a severe disability and is in need of full-time and special care. During COVID 19 pandemic, the government decided to add a monthly extra transfer of R$ 250 from May to October. This means that total cash transfer from May was $R 2,110. Social The government transfers a grant of R$ 450 for those people living on a social grant but cannot look Assistance Cash transfers after themselves, so they can pay a person to take care of them full-time. During COVID 19 (conditional and unconditional) pandemic, the government decided to add a monthly extra transfer of R$ 250 from May to October. This means that total cash transfer from May was $R 700. The government transfers a grant of R$ 1,040 for those who take care of a foster child. During COVID 19 pandemic, the government decided to add a monthly extra transfer of R$ 250 from May to October. This means that total cash transfer from May was $R 1,290. A new “Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress grant”, of R350 per month (US$18), will be introduced for people who are unemployed but not yet receiving any social grant or support from the Unemployment Insurance Fund. This will also be paid for six months - from May to October 2020. The president declared that the Department of Social Development would “issue the requirements needed to access and apply for this funding” Already 3.5 million people have applied for this grant and it is estimated that there will be around 20 million South African’s who may be eligible for this special grant and around 6-8 million beneficiaries eventually. (Extended to three extra months). Social organisations are claiming to extend this program and to increase the benefit. 533 The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) will provide early payments of social grants to Social pensions older persons and persons with disabilities (from March 30-31, 2020) . Other beneficiaries will be able to access their grants from April 1, 2020. In-kind transfers The Department of Social Development, working with the Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities, has identified vulnerable women and girls who need to access menstrual health products and provided them with sanitary products The Department of Social Development distributed 250,000 food parcels in late April-early May, in partnership with the Solidarity Fund, NGOs and community-based organisations. According to the press, there were 525,029 distributed food parcels. According to the President's speech, the South African Social Security Agency will implement a technology-based solution to roll out food assistance at scale through vouchers and cash transfers Food, vouchers, others to ensure that help reaches those who need it faster and more efficiently The Gauteng provincial government is distributing food parcels to households earning less than R3 600 a month As of 11 May, over 34 000 food parcels were distributed and the balance will be distributed before the end of this month. Initially, this program was aimed at women, children and disabled people, but due to COVID 19 pandemic, this was extended to the unemployed and those earning less than R3,600 per month. Food parcels include the following items: maize meal, rice, oil, baked beans, instant porridge, macaroni, instant soup, sugar, powder milk, soya mince, “phuza mandla” powder, toothpaste, soap, one wash cloth, condoms and sanitary towels. According to the press, the program reached 2,000 households in April. The National Schools Nutrition Programme officials and school principals are liaising with the Department of Social Development regarding learners that need to be fed during the lockdown and a list of such learners has been forwarded to Department of Social Development to provide grocery packs to their families South Africa's Western Cape provincial government has allocated 18 million Rand (c. US$ 958,000) School feeding to go to supporting the 483,000 learners that are beneficiaries of the province's School Nutrition Programme. The provincial government will provide take-away meals or take-home food rations, with schools being responsible for the modality used to deliver meals to learners. Edition (With additional funding from the Provincial Treasury for emergency feeding, the Western Cape Education Department schools began to provide takeaway meals for learners through an emergency programme across the Province in the week of 6-10 April 2020. Since then, over 1.2 million meals 534 have been served to learners. An average of 65 000 learners receive food on each of the two days a week that meals are served) Public works Utility waivers Workers who will be affected by the 21-day lockdown or become ill during the outbreak will receive government assistance. The Basic Conditions of Employment Act rights for employees will be Paid sick leave activated; through NEDLAC, employers and unions have agreed to negotiate special leave conditions. More details will be announced. Health insurance The government transfers a grant of R$ 1,880 for those former soldiers who fought in the Second World War (1939-1945) or the Korean War (1950-1953) and are unable to support themselves. During COVID 19 pandemic, the government decided to add a monthly extra transfer of R$ 250 from May to October. This means that total cash transfer from May was $R 2,130. Pensions Government has expanded access to living annuity funds by allowing individual to adjust the proportion they receive as annuity income, instead of waiting up to one year until their next contract anniversary date. The minimum value of the annuity or part of the retirement interest which an individual can withdraw in the event that there was any previous lumpsum commutation in the fund Social was amended and replaced with a single threshold of R125 000. Insurance The Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) will compensate affected workers through a new “National Disaster Benefit” and existing Illness, Reduced Work Time and Unemployment Benefits. In particular, this new benefit: - it is only applicable to employers who are registered with UIF and make monthly contributions as required by the Contributions Act of 2002 - it will be de-linked from the UIF’s normal benefit structure and therefore the normal rule (i.e., for every 4 days worked the employee accumulated 1 credit day and maximum credit days payable is 365 for every 4 completed years) will not apply. Unemployment benefits - the benefit will ranged between R$ 3,500 and R$17,712 per month, per employee for the duration of the shutdown or a maximum period of 3 months, whichever period is the shortest. - if an employee is ill, temporary lay-off or unemployed for longer than three months, the normal UIF benefits apply. - an employer or employee cannot apply for the “National Disaster Benefit” and any other UIF benefit simultaneously According to the government's website, as of October 2020 the UIF has reached 11,575,623 beneficiaries, conncerning R$ 51,045,255,369.21 on expenditures, in Covid-19 Temporary Employer- 535 Employee Relief Scheme (Covid-19 TERS) payments to help workers, business and the economy mitigate the worst impact of the national lockdown on workers. Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time The aim of the program is to reduce the cost of hiring young people tax incentives (employers pay less employees' tax - Pay-as-You-Earn (PAYE)- without affecting wages). On 23rd March 2020 the government announced measures to assist employers to provide financial stability to their employees who earn not more than R6500 per month. These measures include an extension of employees who qualifies for ETI, an additional amount up to R750, and the monthly refund payment of any excess ETI claimed for four months (beginning 1 April 2020 and ending on 31 July 2020). In more detail, these measure involve the following: 1) Increasing the maximum amount of ETI claimable during this four month period for employees eligible under the current ETI Act from R1,000 to R1,500 in the first qualifying twelve months and Labor from R500 to R1,000 in the second twelve qualifying months. Markets 2) Allowing a monthly ETI claim in the amount of R500 during this four month period for employees Wage subsidies from the ages of: 2.a.) 18 to 29 who are no longer eligible for the ETI as the employer has claimed ETI in respect of those employees for 24 months 2.b.) 30 to 65 who are not eligible for the ETI due to their age 3) Accelerating the payment of employment tax incentive reimbursements from twice a year to monthly as a means of getting cash into the hands of tax compliant employers as soon as possible. To apply for the benefit during COVID 19 pandemic, employers must be: - individual, partnership, trust, company/Close Corporation/Shareblock/Co-operative in the trade sector; - have a gross income of R100 million or less during the year of assessment ending on or after 1 April 2020 - fully tax compliance 536 (back to the top) South Sudan Cash-based transfers The South Sudan Safety Net Project (SSSNP) will expand access to safety net and provide income security for low income South Sudanese, while strengthening delivery tools and local level capacities. Cash transfers Nearly 430,000 people will receive cash transfers in 10 counties across South Sudan, including Juba. (conditional and unconditional) Specifically, the project will provide cash transfers to the poorest and most vulnerable people for working on public works projects. Total budge allocate is US$40 million The South Sudan Safety Net Project (SSSNP) will also provide direct grants to those who are unable Social Social pensions to work, including people with disabilities, the elderly and pregnant or breastfeeding women, among Assistance others. In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures The High Level Taskforce urged restaurant owners and traders to make provisions for infection prevention procedures in and around their workplaces with a view to protect workers and reduce the Labor market regulations Labor risk of their exposure to the COVID-19. A measure is also introduced to limit the working time at Markets public institutions to a half day starting from 7:30am ending at 6:00pm Monday to Friday. With the view to limit the spread of the Virus and sustain the incomes of workers, the High Level Reduced work time Taskforce urged employers both private and public to make provisions for allowing their non essential staff to stay home on a paid leave basis 537 Wage subsidies 538 (back to the top) Spain Cash-based transfers € 60,000.00 for the granting of aid individual and complementary for people with disabilities for social assistance The Government announced the payment of a bonus of $ 30,000 for all health workers (medical and non-medical personnel). The benefit will be paid in three tranches of $ 10,000 each, and will reach around 750,000 people, including doctors, nurses, administrators and other workers in the activity who perform tasks in the midst of the pandemic. Right to receive the social bonus by self-employed workers that have ceased their activity or have seen their billing reduced as consequence of COVID-19. Spain is introducing Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) -- Minimum Vital Income, Ingreso Mínimo Vital-- for around 5M for low-income people. No specific date was unveiled, given the plan appears Cash transfers to be in its early stages. While the measure is announced to help citizens weather the economic Social (conditional and unconditional) fallout from the novel coronavirus, the government is contemplating make it a permanent Assistance instrument Spain has introduced a family benefit to pay for parents who have to take care of their children during the closing of classrooms by Covid-19 and when their company cannot offer them alternatives. Among the measures to support families is to guarantee the basic right to food for vulnerable children who are affected by school closures. Specifically, a total of Euro 25M is established to provide income support (wallet cards, wire transfer, voucher in supermarkets). Spain will soon allocate a €25 million investment to ensure that families with children that received school meals, or a scholarship, will receive either financial aid or direct food distribution while schools are closed Social pensions In-kind transfers 539 300 million euros for an extraordinary contingency fund to support social services with special attention to older persons and dependents. Part of the this funding includes in-kind support, such as catering at home, home deliveries, opening specific schools as foot distribution points. Food, vouchers, others Measures for homeless persons provided through social services include hygiene kit, food, and drinks, information about prevention measures Spain will soon allocate a €25 million investment to ensure that families with children that received School feeding school meals, or a scholarship, will receive either financial aid or direct food distribution while schools are closed Public works The Government has suspended until 6 months after the end of the State of Alarm, all evictions without alternative housing in vulnerable homes. No tenant can be raised the rent for the next 6 months. Tenants can access microcredits guaranteed 100% by the State. Mortgage moratorium. Three months of the mortgage moratorium (including premises and offices) for professionals, as well as electricity, water or gas consumption. Prohibition of cutting the basic supplies -electricity, water, gas- of the population during the State of Alarm in their habitual residence. Expansion of the group of potential beneficiaries of the electric social bond. Utility waivers New rental assistance programs for vulnerable renters and additional state contribution to the State Housing Plan 2018-21 (€800 million). A line of guarantees to provide financial assistance on housing expenses for vulnerable households. Suspension of launches for vulnerable homes without a housing alternative and the extraordinary extension of the lease contracts for the habitual residence. The group of potential recipients of the social electricity bonus is expanded, to which individuals, in their habitual residence, with the right to contract the Voluntary Price for the Small Consumer, who have an income, may benefit, exceptionally and temporarily. equal to or lower than certain thresholds referenced to the IPREM, and which prove to the reference marketer, having ceased their professional activity as self-employed professionals or having seen their turnover reduced by 75 percent on average compared to the previous semester. (arriba esta) 540 The Program to help people in situations of eviction or launching of their habitual residence of the State Housing Plan 2018-2021 will be replaced by the “Program of assistance to victims of gender violence, people who are evicted from their habitual residence, homeless people and other especially vulnerable people ”. The purpose of this new program will be to facilitate an immediate housing solution for people who are victims of gender violence, people who are evicted from their habitual residence, homeless people and other especially vulnerable people. Workers infected by coronavirus; t have the right to a home leave assimilated to a work accident leave. This represent a 75% of the base income from the first day. By collective agreement or other Paid sick leave agreements, the company can supplement that amount. The payment of the benefit corresponds to Social Security from the day following the discharge. Health insurance The Government expands the circumstances by which funds can be withdrawn from pension plans (also from company and mutual plans). Pensions More flexibility for workers to access savings from their pension plans Special unemployment benefit for the self-employed has been created for those affected by the closure of businesses and for those whose turnover falls by 75% compared to the monthly average of the previous semester. The benefit is a minimum of 661 euros per month. The Government has created a benefit for temporary workers whose contracts have been Social extinguished during the State of Alarm and have not contributed enough to receive the regular Insurance unemployment benefit. Subsidy for unemployed people over 52: the payment will not be interrupted. Unemployment benefits Special benefit for domestic workers registered to Social Security who have lost their jobs during the health crisis or whose contracts are suspended. The amount of this subsidy will be 70% of its contribution base and a maximum of the interprofessional minimum wage. The subsidy is compatible with other salaries if the interprofessional minimum wage is not exceeded. Extension of unemployment benefit to cover workers who were laid off during the probation period (since March 9, 2020), as well as those who were switching jobs but with the new offer falling through Given the estimated 100,000 workers facing temporary layoffs as a result of the halt in economic activity in this regard the Government has introduced measures to ease the conditions of the 541 temporary collective layoffs (known as ERTEs - temporary contract suspension and temporary reduction of working hour - in Spain). The following are measures which concern all economic activities affected by the COVID related interventions: - All persons affected by ERTE will benefit from unemployment benefit, even those who are not entitled to it because they do not have a sufficient contributory period. In addition, those benefiting from such unemployment benefits will not consume the benefit rights already accumulated (i.e. will not account towards maximum benefits). - Unemployment benefits collected during the state of alert will not count towards unemployment afterwards. In other words, explains the vice-presidency of Social Rights, these people will not have exhausted their unemployment benefits, and if they are dismissed in the future, they will start collecting them from scratch. - Lifting social security contribution requirements for small and medium businesses who do not lay off workers, and adjusting the social security system contributions made by self-employed workers whose income plummets due to the crisis. (exemption of 75% of employer contribution or 100% for companies with less than 50 employees in so far as the workforce is maintained) (so they’ve extended existing provisions in case of natural disasters) - Allows workers to adapt and reduce their working hours, by as much as 100% if necessary, if they need to provide care to dependents - For the self-employed, access to an extraordinary benefit in relation to cessation of activity is eased when they have had to close their establishments or suspend their services equal to 70% of the regulatory base for one month or until the last day of the month when the mandated state of alert ends. It will affect professionals who see their turnover fall by 75% compared to the previous six months. This period will be assimilated to contributory periods and will not reduce future benefits. This benefit will be compatible with the exemption of payment of fees. - Companies under redundancy procedures (ERTE) will not pay contributions to the Social Security, to avoid them to dismiss workers Companies with less than 50 workers do not have to pay the social contributions and those above 50 have to pay 25% of them. These periods count as contributions for workers. A six-month moratorium on the social security contributions for the self-employed as of May Social security contributions A six-month moratorium on the social security contributions for companies as of April. Reduction in the contribution for employed agricultural workers who have completed a maximum of 55 real days of contribution in 2019 Special measures to support the extension of the period of activity of workers include a reduction in 542 their share of contributions to the social security system (including unemployment) of 50% between February to June 2020 Given the estimated 100,000 workers facing temporary layoffs as a result of the halt in economic activity in this regard the Government has introduced measures to ease the conditions of the temporary collective layoffs (known as ERTEs - temporary contract suspension and temporary reduction of working hour - in Spain). The following are measures which concern all economic activities affected by the COVID related interventions: - All persons affected by ERTE will benefit from unemployment benefit, even those who are not entitled to it because they do not have a sufficient contributory period. In addition, those benefiting from such unemployment benefits will not consume the benefit rights already accumulated (i.e. will not account towards maximum benefits). - Unemployment benefits collected during the state of alert will not count towards unemployment afterwards. In other words, explains the vice-presidency of Social Rights, these people will not have exhausted their unemployment benefits, and if they are dismissed in the future, they will start collecting them from scratch. - Lifting social security contribution requirements for small and medium businesses who do not lay off workers, and adjusting the social security system contributions made by self-employed workers whose income plummets due to the crisis. (exemption of 75% of employer contribution or 100% for companies with less than 50 employees in so far as the workforce is maintained) (so they’ve extended existing provisions in case of natural disasters) - Allows workers to adapt and reduce their working hours, by as much as 100% if necessary, if they need to provide care to dependents - For the self-employed, access to an extraordinary benefit in relation to cessation of activity is eased when they have had to close their establishments or suspend their services equal to 70% of the regulatory base for one month or until the last day of the month when the mandated state of alert ends. It will affect professionals who see their turnover fall by 75% compared to the previous six months. This period will be assimilated to contributory periods and will not reduce future benefits. This benefit will be compatible with the exemption of payment of fees. - Companies under redundancy procedures (ERTE) will not pay contributions to the Social Security, to avoid them to dismiss workers Activation measures Prohibition of objective dismissal due to COVID19 Labor Markets Labor market regulations Compensation for dismissal goes from 20 days per year worked (objective dismissals) to 33 days per year worked (unfair dismissals). 543 Temporary contracts are suspended. The Government (Ministry of Health) has elaborated a guide of good practices against the Covid-19 on the return to work. Migration. The Government automatically extends and with a validity of six months from the end of the Alarm State, all those residence and / or work authorizations that expire during this period. Measures for the Bingo sector (leisure and tourism): it undertakes that companies and workers' representatives negotiate and agree on measures to guarantee the continuity of companies without loss of employment, through temporary employment regulation measures and internal flexibility. Remote work as teleworking is being encouraged to continue with the activity during the COVID19 crisis. In relation to occupational health at home, ‘the obligation is considered fulfilled’, exceptionally, ‘through a self-assessment carried out voluntarily by the worker himself’. Regulation of the right to adaptation and the reduction of working hours (up to 100%) for employees to take care of their dependent relatives. The Government reinforced the procedures for suspension and reduction of working hours, streamlining and making them more flexible, with the aim that the causes are not used to introduce traumatic measures in relation to employment, the termination of employment contracts, but temporary measures. Given the estimated 100,000 workers facing temporary layoffs as a result of the halt in economic Reduced work time activity in this regard the Government has introduced measures to ease the conditions of the temporary collective layoffs (known as ERTEs - temporary contract suspension and temporary reduction of working hour - in Spain). The following are measures which concern all economic activities affected by the COVID related interventions: - All persons affected by ERTE will benefit from unemployment benefit, even those who are not entitled to it because they do not have a sufficient contributory period. In addition, those benefiting from such unemployment benefits will not consume the benefit rights already accumulated (i.e. will not account towards maximum benefits). - Unemployment benefits collected during the state of alert will not count towards unemployment afterwards. In other words, explains the vice-presidency of Social Rights, these people will not have exhausted their unemployment benefits, and if they are dismissed in the future, they will start collecting them from scratch. - Lifting social security contribution requirements for small and medium businesses who do not lay off workers, and adjusting the social security system contributions made by self-employed workers 544 whose income plummets due to the crisis. (exemption of 75% of employer contribution or 100% for companies with less than 50 employees in so far as the workforce is maintained) (so they’ve extended existing provisions in case of natural disasters) - Allows workers to adapt and reduce their working hours, by as much as 100% if necessary, if they need to provide care to dependents - For the self-employed, access to an extraordinary benefit in relation to cessation of activity is eased when they have had to close their establishments or suspend their services equal to 70% of the regulatory base for one month or until the last day of the month when the mandated state of alert ends. It will affect professionals who see their turnover fall by 75% compared to the previous six months. This period will be assimilated to contributory periods and will not reduce future benefits. This benefit will be compatible with the exemption of payment of fees. - Companies under redundancy procedures (ERTE) will not pay contributions to the Social Security, to avoid them to dismiss workers Direct granting of subsidies for the contracting of people with disabilities in the ordinary labor Wage subsidies market of Castilla-La Mancha 545 (back to the top) Sri Lanka Cash-based transfers The government initiated several mitigation measures through existing welfare schemes such as Samurdhi, elderly allowance, disability allowance and the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) allowance. These programs were implemented in April and May, across all 25 districts during the first lockdown period. This included extending the provision of allowances to waitlisted and newly identified families and individuals, as well as making one-off top-up payments to existing beneficiaries under the Samurdhi program and elderly allowance program. The GoSL also allocated Rs. 400 Mn to distribute Rs. 5,000 each to those who have lost their incomes due to curfews in particular districts due to the COVID-19 pandemic during the second wave in October 2020. New transfers to pay LKR 5000 for 2,673,004 individuals and 600,339 families: 416,768 persons who are recipients of the senior citizens’ allowances as well as 142,345 others who have been newly identified as those who are eligible for the allowance Social 72,000 who are registered beneficiaries among the disabled and special needs population and an Assistance Cash transfers additional 38,791 who are on the provisional list (conditional and unconditional) 160,675 farmers who are registered under the Farmers’ Pension Scheme 4,600 members of the fishing community who are registered under the Fishermen’s Pension Scheme 25,320 kidney patients who are already registered with the Government and an additional 13,850 newly-identified patients 1,798,655 Samurdhi beneficiaries as well as another 600,339 families who are on the provincial list Transfer of LKR 5000 for 160,675 farmers who are registered under the farmers and fishermen’s insurance scheme. Regarding social insurance schemes, it is important to consider the adjustment of the Farmers and Fishermen’s Insurance Scheme. The 160,675 farmers and 4,600 fishermen enrolled will receive an LKR5,000 emergency withdrawal (Government of Sri Lanka 2020, UNICEF Sri Lanka 2020b). UNICEF Sri Lanka estimates that over 60 per cent of the population are covered by the social assistance initiatives described above, plus the ones covered by the adjustment of the Farmers and 546 Fishermen’s Insurance Scheme (IPC-IG 2020). The coverage is estimated to be quite high, particularly for the poorest decile—namely 97 per cent. Social pensions In-kind transfers To deliver “triposha” and other nutritious supplements to the households of pregnant mothers and Food, vouchers, others infants with nutrition deficiencies School feeding Public works Economic relief measures announced 23 March 2020: Credit card transactions below LKR50,000 to have maximum interest rate of 15% and monthly charges to be reduced by 50% personal loan salary deductions of public sector workers deferred until 30 May 2020; repayments to commercial banks of personal loans (below LKR1 million) postponed to end June 2020; salaries (LKR20,000 per month) of 100,000 newly recruited graduates from poor households to be paid from March 2020 The Government of Siri Lanka (GoSL) issued an interest free advance of Rs. 10,000 to all low income households (Samurdhi beneficiaries and Samurdhi card holders) and vulnerable families, registered senior citizens, disabled persons etc during the initial lockdown in March 2020. Utility waivers A debt moratorium until 30th of May on personal loans granted to all private sector non-executive employees. A three-month debt moratorium for all personal loans and leasing rentals of value less than LKR 1.0 Mn. The 2020 H1 payment deadlines for VAT and certain other taxes were extended until end-Dec. Price controls on certain essential foods (tinned fish, lentils, eggs), with government absorbing subsidies to traders Economic relief measures announced 23 March 2020: 2020 1st Quarter deadlines electricity and water bills below LKR15,000 extended to 30 April 2020 2020 1st Quarter deadlines for, Value Added Tax extended to 30 April 2020 547 2020 1st Quarter deadlines for driver's license extended to 30 April 2020 2020 1st Quarter deadlines for income tax extended to 30 April 2020 Every licensed-commercial bank (LCB) and licensed-specialized banks (LSB) was to reduce the penal interest rates charged on all loans and advances. CBSL imposed caps on interest rates on some loan products and penal charges as a relief for retail customers. Paid sick leave National Insurance Trust Fund benefits for key workers (health, police, civil security) to be doubled The National Insurance Trust Fund, a government insurance fund, doubled the value of its benefits Health insurance Social to health care, police and civil security professionals. The government announced ad hoc relief on Insurance lease instalments for 1,500,000 self-employed people— such as owners of three-wheelers, school buses and vans—which corresponds to 16.8 per cent of the labour force. Pensions To pay the pension for the 645,179 pension receivers from the public sector. Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures The Ministry of Labour issued Covid19 Prevention Guidelines on workplace health and hygiene practices for all industries, following discussion with social partners, on March 17 2020 (3) SLTDA ”Safe and Secure” certification to revive tourism: In order to re-build the tourism sector, Labor market regulations the Sri Lankan Tourism Development Authority (SLTDA), with guidance from the Ministry of Health Labor and WHO, have developed a set of guidelines which enhance cleanliness and hygiene practices at all Markets tourism related venues and services. Entities that are compliant with these guidelines will also be assessed by an independent professional body. When all requirements are met, they will receive a “Safe and Secure” certification to display as a mark of assurance to tourists. Reduced work time Wage subsidies 548 (back to the top) St. Kitts and Nevis Cash-based transfers $5 million allocated for Poverty Alleviation Program (PAP) for households that might now fall below the XCD $3,000 per month threshold due to a loss of jobs and income caused by this crisis - part of $120 billion economic stimulus package. Within this allocation, the government decided to extended Cash transfers the cash transfer delivered through the PAP program, implying an extension of XCD$ 500, with a (conditional and unconditional) total transfer of XCD$ 3,500 per month. Transfers of XCD $1,000 (USD 370) for 3 months to 83 overseas students who are nationals. Social pensions In-kind transfers The Chamber of Industry and Commerce donated food vouchers totaling $40,000 to the St. Kitts and Nevis Red Cross Society and the Ministry of Community Development, Gender Affairs and Social Services through its COVID-19 Relief Drive Initiative to help vulnerable families affected by the Food, vouchers, others pandemic. Families with two members or less received XCD $200 in food vouchers per month. Social Families with three or four members received XCD $300 while families with more than four Assistance members received XCD $400 per month. No further details were given about how many months this policy was in place. Government is continuing provision of hot lunches to students in need, through the School Meals School feeding Programme amid school closures. Pre-packaged meals were collected from the school or other locations. Public works Water payments for persons laid off over the period April to June 2020 will be waived. In other words water for those affected workers over the next 3 months will be free Property tax payments for the period June to September, 2020 will be deferred. Utility waivers Hospital and related fees for anyone sick from the Coronavirus will also be waived at this time A moratorium on all loan payments to commercial banks including the Development Bank of St. Kitts and Nevis for six months as agreed to with the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank together with a waiver of all late charges and fees. 549 The government introduced a moratorium on electricity bills for affected businesses and individuals for a three (3) month period, April to June 2020. 6 months removal of VAT and Import Duty for six months on several hygiene and food items Twenty backyard farmers receive raised seed beds, Grow boxes, through a collaboration between the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation and Agriculture (IICA) and the ministries of Health and Gender Affairs, Social Development and Agriculture, and Agriculture in the Nevis Administration. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Social In March, 2020, the government unveiled a stimulus package for people whose income was Insurance impacted as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. It was administered by the Social Security Board Unemployment benefits and provided up to $1,000 to people who lost their employment, were laid off, or had reduced hours with earnings less than $1.000 per month. Registered self-employed people also benefited from initiatives paid in March, April and June. Social security contributions Nineteen teachers participated in the two-week Prospective Teachers Course 2020 from July 13, are the first on Nevis to be trained in online virtual teaching instruction. This included how to use Microsoft Teams as the principle virtual teaching platform, if they are selected to join the teaching workforce. Activation measures The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, in preparation for the reopening of its borders, provided three Labor thousand four hundred and fifty-eight workers in the hotel, hospitality and transport sectors with Markets training on the new norms for living and working safely in a COVID-19 environment Labor market regulations Businesses are allowed to continue operations by letting employees work virtually from home (unless Reduced work time otherwise allowed to operate). Public service employees mandated to do so unless otherwise specified by the Secretary to Cabinet Wage subsidies 550 (back to the top) St. Lucia Cash-based transfers Monthly payment of $500 for 3 months, preconditioned to enrolling in NIC for informal workers not currently contributing to NIC, unemployed or displaced due to COVID19. Estimated cost of $16.8 million EC Coverage increase of the main noncontributory cash transfer program, Public Assistance Program (PAP), from approximately 2,400 beneficiary households to at least 3,600 poor households. Temporary increase in benefit amounts of the Child Disability Grant, Foster Care Grant, and Cash transfers assistance for persons living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The support was provided (conditional and unconditional) from July - September 2020. Persons living with HIV program has been extended to June 2021 and the program period will now be from July 2020 to June 2021 The Government of Saint Lucia through the Department of Agriculture continues efforts to support fisherfolk around the island amid the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In an effort to provide Social support to eligible fisheries boat owners and crew affected by the pandemic, beneficiaries will receive Assistance a one-time grant of EC$500. Fisherfolk must be registered with the Department of Fisheries and also be captured on the 2019- 2021 fishing license application as a boat owner, captain, or crew member associated with the vessel. Social pensions In-kind transfers Rollout of the National Meals Program by the Ministry of Agriculture to feed 5,000 underprivileged persons on a daily basis using produce from local farmers. Coverage increase of the Educational Assistance Program, a program that delivers in-kind educational supplies such as uniforms, shoes, and books for primary and secondary students of poor Food, vouchers, others households, aiming to reduce school dropout and increase access and quality of education for children of poor households. Hygiene packages including masks, sanitizers, and sanitary napkins to be distributed to 6,000 poor and vulnerable households. 551 School feeding Public Works workfare programme Rural Community Small Project Economic Stimulation Initiative Public works to stimulate economy at community level and provide employment and support household income during the crisis The implementation of Price Gauging legislative to protect consumer. In order to protect consumers from abuse by unscrupulous business persons, who are attempting to maximize earning through price hikes on items which are currently in high demand, price gouging legislation will be developed Suspension of disconnections for unemployed and persons on welfare by LUCELEC electricity utility company Waiver for interests and penalties on all taxes due in March 2020 6 month moratorium on commercial bank mortgage payments for displaced workers and businesses adversely affected by COVID19. Similar measures will be sought with credit unions Front line Workers (Police, Nurses, Fire officers and doctors) to benefit from Duty-Free vehicles with special support from financial institutions. The government has taken the decision to provide duty- free concessions on vehicles for a stipulated period of time to essential service staff who have been employed for more than five years Utility waivers Farmers: Assistance to 900 livestock farmers (swine, small ruminant and broilers) and 2,500 crop farmers to be provided with inputs to cultivate short term crops to boost food security. Annual duty-free barrel trade advanced to June. Barrel Concessions - As part of the Government’s response to the impact of this pandemic, the annual duty-free barrel trade will take effect much earlier than normal and start in June to allow persons sufficient time to receive much needed items from family members and friends abroad. Further assistance with electricity bills - part of the fuel surcharge of 50 cents currently levied on the use of diesel fuel to be used to finance part or full payment of electricity bills for persons affected by the crisis. Qualifying households will start to benefit from a $75 bill credit under the Electricity Assistance Programme (EAP) beginning in October 2020. The Electricity Assistance Programme seeks to provide temporary relief to specific households for six months - from Oct. 2020 to March 2021. 552 Relief to minibus operators: ECD 1.1 million(407k USD) in fuel rebate. Provide relief to minibus operators through the payment of $1.1 million in fuel rebate. .Special needs students receive assistive digital devices to assist in education efforts as they transition to an online learning platform. The procurement of devices was facilitated through the Education Quality Improvement Project (EQuIP) and was co-funded by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB). Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Social Monthly payment of EC$500 and EC$1,500 (US$185 – US$555), for up to 36 months starting in Insurance April (subject to extension) for National Insurance Corporation (NIC) current contributors Unemployment benefits unemployed due to COVID19 and not receiving other NIC benefits. Estimated cost of $33 million to $80 million EC. Social security contributions Train young persons with workforce-ready digital skills to prepare them for digitally enabled Activation measures professions Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 553 (back to the top) St. Vincent and the Grenadines Cash-based transfers Within the Economic Stimulus Package, the government implemented an economic support for vulnerable and affected persons by expanding social assistance programs. This included: 1) Widening the social safety net Interim Assistance Benefits for persons not on public assistance nor in receipt of a pension (until 31 Dec 2020), involving cash transfers of EC$ 300 per month for three months. This policy reached 1,539 workers in the informal sector, particularly vendors in towns and those who traditionally dependent on trade adjacent to schools. The government extended this measure to handcart operators. This consisted of a one-off cash transfer of UC$ 300 for 105 people. As of June 2020, this meant 1,644 beneficiaries, involving a total expenditure of $460,000 for the Interim Assistance Benefit. Within the Economic Stimulus Package, the government implemented an economic support for Cash transfers vulnerable and affected persons by expanding social assistance programs with a total planned (conditional and unconditional) budget of EC$ 5M ECD (1,85 million USD) . This included: Social 2) Providing support for displaced workers in the hotel and tourism sector, including cruise buses Assistance and taxis, through a Displacement Supplementary Income for three months in the first instance. Minibus operators received EC 500-600, Taxis, water taxis and tour buses (25-seater and above), registered with the SVG Tourism Authority, received a one-off payment of EC $500, $300 and $2,000 respectively. According to a report published by the government, as of June 12th, 2020, 1,496 people received the Displacement Supplementary Income, which meant a total expenditure of EC$1.02 M. The government implemented a different type of Interim Assistance Benefit for the elderly and disabled people. This involved transferring EC $200 for the last part of 2020. According to a report published by the government, 600 received this benefit, involving approximately EC $260,000. National Insurance Scheme (NIS) will provide a pre-payment of two months pension benefits for all Social pensions categories of pensioners (contributory and non-contributory; 7,406 contributory pensioners and 783 noncontributory pensioners); In-kind transfers 554 “Love Box” is an initiative which utilizes church and NGO networks to distribute boxes of local agricultural produce to vulnerable families across the country. According to a report published by the Food, vouchers, others government, the Love Box initiative has distributed 5,000 boxes to over 3,500 families nationwide. A total of 370 farmers are selling their products to Love Box aggregators, and approximately $300,000 has been spent on the initiative to date. School feeding The government implemented immediate generation of jobs in public works (specifically-funded roads and buildings programmes; other physical facilities; second phase of PAVE; painting of some government buildings) with a planned budget of EC $30 M. The aim is to stimulate local economy and seeks to engage local contractors and tradespersons as much as possible. Public works The government implemented an economic compensation for 60 vendors who traditionally plied their trade along the sea wall. This implied a benefit of $4,500 for each vendor to remove their structures and vacate the sea wall area as a prelude to the construction of the modern port and cargo terminal. The compensation also included three months of income support of $715 per month for three months, to amount for the value of their structure, removal allowance and timely removal bonus. The government instituted a regime of duty-free barrels of imports from May 1st to August 31st in the first instance. The government introduced a waiver of duty and VAT on the following items, including electricity for domestic, hotels and guest houses’ consumers, for the period from March 20, 2020 up to June 30, 2020, in the first instance: bleach, disinfectants, liquid hand soap, hand sanitizers, rubbing alcohol, oral rehydrating salts, acetaminophen, hydrogen peroxide, glycerin, soap dispensers, bath soap, toilet paper, and paper towels. The government estimated a revenue loss of EC $3.8 M. The banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions have agreed to provide a six-month Utility waivers moratorium on the payment of principal and interest on home mortgages, business loans, personal and consumer loans, and credit cards. All these financial institutions arranged specific customised packages of financing/refinancing for their clients. VINLEC (St Vincent Electricity) and CWSA (Central Water and Sewerage Authority) have agreed not to disconnect any customer, who is currently not in arrears for more than two months, for a period of three months. Any indebtedness on those bills after this three month moratorium period must pay on an agreed incremental basis over a period up to two years. Any customer who has been in arrears, and who is currently disconnected, will not be required to pay the reconnection fee either to VINLEC or CWSA if the reconnection is effected within the next three months from March 25th 555 2020. According to a report published by the government, there were 1,520 beneficiaries of this policy. The Department of Inland Revenue has decided to provide certain extensions of deadlines between 3 and 4 weeks for the payment of motor vehicle licenses NIS Back to School Voucher programme provided to formal workers and self-employed (insured) parents who have lost their jobs as a result of COVID-19 and have received the temporary unemployment benefit to purchase school supplies for their children. This was implemented in July 2020. Paid sick leave Health insurance National Insurance Scheme (NIS) will provide a pre-payment of two months pension benefits for all Pensions categories of pensioners (contributory and non-contributory; 7,406 contributory pensioners and 783 Social noncontributory pensioners); Insurance $1.25 million in the form of temporary unemployment relief across economic sectors for active employee registrants. According to a report published by the government, as of 12th June, 2020, an Unemployment benefits additional 1,100 Vincentians have received a similar $300 per month via the Unemployment Benefit offered by the National Insurance Services. This program has transferred a total of $600,000. This program was extended for another 3 months. Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 556 (back to the top) Sudan Cash-based transfers The Ministry of Labour and Social Development has proposed an SDG6 billion (USD110 million) programme to support 30 per cent of the population for one month, through cash and in-kind transfers. As of 8 June, a geographical targeting approach was used for the cash and food transfers in Khartoum. The city was divided in 3 groups: A (ineligible areas), B (areas with access to shops, which will receive cash), and C (areas in which people will receive food baskets). Food transfers were distributed and prepaid cards are being distributed in preparation for the cash transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Sudan, with help of international partners, has announced the Family Support Programme "Samarat". The program aims to reduce the impact of economic reforms on low-income families by providing cash transfers, and improving social protection systems and safety nets. It is expected that about 11.3 million people will benefit from the first phase of the project, which represents 33 per cent of the total number of beneficiaries of the programme. The first phase of the project will be implemented in the five states of Darfur as well as Khartoum, Kassala, and Red Sea state (total cost is U.S.$370 Million) Social Social pensions Assistance In-kind transfers The Ministry of Labour and Social Development has proposed an SDG6 billion (USD110 million) programme to support 30 per cent of the population for one month, through cash and in-kind transfers. As of 8 June, a geographical targeting approach was used for the cash and food transfers in Khartoum. The city was divided in 3 groups: A (ineligible areas), B (areas with access to shops, which will receive cash), and C (areas in which people will receive food baskets). Food transfers were distributed and prepaid cards are being distributed in preparation for the cash transfers Food, vouchers, others The ministry of labor and social development will provide in kind support to poor households, informal workers, teachers, and casual workers (total 2,050,000 households). Each targeted household will receive a support package comprising 3,000 SDG in kind support. In-kind support will be delivered in a form of food basket with five commodities namely; pulses (5kg), oil (2liters), sugar(5kg), tea (1 pound), wheat or sorghum flour (7kg), two types of soap (10 pieces) and salt(1 kg). This food basket is expected to cover the basic needs of the targeted families for three weeks, the time observed for the restricted movement, it is estimated to cost roughly 3,000 SDG and total 557 cost is estimated to be 6.15B SDG The President of the Zakat Chamber indicated, on 28 April, that the headquarters of the Zakat Chamber allocated SDG 2billion and SDG666 million to distribute food baskets, debt relief for individuals and Ramadan meals as well as Eid/Holiday treats for low-income families . A total of 57,428 beneficiaries were reached, targeting poor and in-need populations, especially ‘tea women’ and workers relying on transporting goods with wheelbarrows. School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Social To mitigate the negative impact on households and enterprises, the government is considering Insurance boosting social safety net by increasing direct cash transfer, providing unemployment benefits and Unemployment benefits delivering basic food baskets to poor families at discounted prices. These measures could cost about $1.5 billion in three months. Social security contributions Activation measures On April 15, the government also announced significant increase in the salaries of public sector employees. The Governor of the Central Bank issued a number of decisions that enhance occupational safety and health in order to circumvent the risk of the virus and to preserve the staff and the public dealing with the bank. Labor Markets Labor market regulations The Ministry of Culture and Information issued a decision offering a limited vocation for the employees at the ministry during March 16 - 29. The ministry stated that the decision was issued in accordance with the decree (91) of the Council of Ministers for the year 2020 paragraph (8’) which stipulated reducing congestion at working places as a precautionary measure to ward off infection with coronavirus. For the protection at work place, government applied measures to reduce number of employees, and reduce working hours, providing sterilizers and sterilizing offices. 558 Through the Ministry of Finance instructions, the public and private sectors, employees are working Reduced work time half time with full payments and in-kind support to the public sector was provided through the ministry’s poverty reduction unit Wage subsidies 559 (Back to the top) Suriname Cash-based transfers Extra payment to the following existing programs: - General Child Benefit: Extra SRD 1000 (US$ 134) per household (in addition to SRD 525 (US$ 70) Cash transfers per child); (conditional and unconditional) - Financial Assistance People with Disabilities (FB MMB): Extra SRD 675 (US$ 90); - Financial Assistance for Weak Households (FB ZWH): Extra SRD 250 (US$ 33); - Deposits: Extra SRD 1000 Social pensions General Old Age Provision (AOV): Extra SRD 525 (US$ 70) for elderly receiving only the AOV In-kind transfers The government, through the “drin dresi wakti siki” project, provided villages in total lockdown with an emergency aid package. There were 2,350 packages delivered, which included food and other resources to meet their basic needs. The National Coordination Center for Disaster Management (NCCR) took care of the distribution of the goods and was assisted by the Ministry of Regional Social Development and the Bureau of People's Contacts. Assistance The government distributed support packages between June 8th and June 21st to socially disadvantaged households. In order to be beneficiaries, citizens needed to make contact by text with Food, vouchers, others the Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing. To be eliegible, beneficiaries must be unemployed or not working before March 15th, 2020 and they must not be beneficiaries of another social program. The package included the following items: rice, meat, oil, sugar, tea, onions, kidney beans, jam, potato, flower toilet paper, maggi cubes, Colgate toothpaste and bath soap. Families with a maximum of 5 members received 1 package, while this was increased up to 2 packaged if there were more than 5 members. Families needed to go to particular pick-up points in order to obtain the food parcel. According to the ILO, as of September 2020 the government spent SRD 200 million (USD 27 million). School feeding Public works According to the Suriname Central Bank (CBvS), commercial banks provided new short-term loans Utility waivers to companies and institutions in the private sector and to individuals affected by the COVID-19 560 crisis. The special interest rate charged for this is 7.5% per year, which is significantly lower than the current market interest rate. Commercial banks were enabled by the CBvS to provide the special loans by reducing the SRD cash reserve requirement once and temporarily by 7.5% (from 35% to 27.5%) for the banks. The Central Bank of Suriname offered commercial banks the option of granting deferment of payment for 3 to 6 months to companies, institutions and private individuals affected by the negative effects of the COVID-19 crisis. Housing fund: The COVID Emergency Fund contributed approximately SRD $ 50 million to the Residential Building Fund. The target groups are: those who do not have their own home or who pay rent that is unaffordable. A maximum of SRD 100,000 per loan was provided to those seeking to purchase homes with 6 month grace period for repayment. It was also in support of the transfer of homes by the Stichting Volkshuisvesting (SVH) to long-term resident, allowing them to borrow money for minor repairs and improvements (between SRD 5000-SRD 10,000) to improve their living conditions. The government launched the Foreign Currency Small Needs program for those who had to make small currency payments and were experiencing problems with this because of the inflated exchange rates, as of May 18, 2020. These involved people who had financial issues paying their monthly rent, car loan, student loan, and other small monthly foreign currency obligations. The Government has decided to pay the exchange rate difference in SRD directly to the person to whom the rent, redemption or other small currency payment must be paid. In order to be eligible, beneficiaries must show proof of contract/school enrollment and three-month expired payments. The government introduced a waiver of penalties for outstanding water bills. Normal collections resume in September 2020 with charges for 2 months or more of outstanding bills. Paid sick leave The Ministry of Labour specified that employers have obligation to continue to pay full medical Health insurance insurance costs (50% employers contribution) Pensions Social As of 18 May, 2020, the following groups are eligible for unemployment benefits: Insurance Persons who have been dismissed because of the COVID-19 measures by their employer: SRD 1500 (US$ 201) per person, after approval; Unemployment benefits Persons who have no / less work and income because of the COVID-19 measures have their current job: SRD 1500 per person, after approval; Persons who demonstrably have income problems as a result of COVID-19: SRD 1500 per person, 561 after approval; Persons where, due to COVID-19 measures, the company where they work is closed or partially closed and the turnover of the company has decreased significantly: Business loan at soft conditions or SRD 1,500 per person. The government inteded at reaching 300 individuals with this benefit. Social security contributions Activation measures The government, through the Ministry of Labor, provided training for agricultural instructors. The Ministry of Labour issued an advisory that employers cannot oblige their workers to take leave. Labor market regulations Leave has to be taken in consultation between the employer and the worker concerned. If the Labor worker is prepared to work, but the employer does not utilize it, the worker still has to pay. Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 562 (Back to the top) Sweden Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works To support tenants operating in certain vulnerable sectors, the Swedish government has introduced Utility waivers a rent rebate scheme. The measure is regulated in the Ordinance (2020:237) on state support when certain tenants receive rent rebates In order to support employees and self-employed who belong to risk groups, sickness allowance can now be paid out preventively. The aim is to support those employees and self-employed who cannot work from home but need to refrain from work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This measure is available for employees who need to refrain from working in order to avoid being infected and who cannot work from home or whose employer cannot assign them to other duties. The maximum amount of support is SEK 804 (approximately €80) per day (before taxes). This support can be paid out for a maximum of 90 days. This applies for the period of 1 July to 30 September 2020. To reduce the risk of the virus spreading, the sick pay standard deduction has been temporarily Social Paid sick leave discontinued. Under normal circumstances the deduction is 20% of sick pay and a one-off amount Insurance based on an average work week. The measure aims to incentivise employees to stay home from work if they experience symptoms. The measure is regulated in the Ordinance (2020:195) on certain sickness benefit relating to the illness COVID-19. Doctor's certificate no longer mandatory during the first two weeks of sick leave, Doctor's certificate no longer mandatory during the first two weeks of sick leave. The Swedish Government has decided that a doctor's certificate is no longer mandatory during the first two weeks individuals are absent from work due to illness. This is applicable from the 13th of March, 2020. The aim of this measure is to further encourage all workers to stay at home if sick, even with only mild symptoms. 563 Furthermore, removing the obligation to provide a doctor's note is expected to ease the pressure on the health care system. This measure is regulated in Ordinance (2020:196) concerning change in ordinance (1995:1051) on the duty to provide a doctor's certificate in sickness benefit-related matters (Förordning om ändring i förordningen (1995:1051) om skyldigheten att lämna läkarintyg m.m. i sjukpenningärenden i vissa fall). Temporary parental allowance due to COVID-19 In order to support parents who cannot work since they need to stay at home with their child due to closure of schools or; parents who stay home with a child that has recently been severely ill, the Government has made temporary changes to the parental allowance. This form of parental leave is available for parents that need to stay home due to: closure of school due to COVID-19; and their child has been seriously ill or in case they need to be protected from the COVID-19 virus due to the illness or a treatment they get for the illness. Parents receive approximately 90% of the regular temporary parental leave. The regular temporary parental leave is approximately 80% of the income qualifying for sickness benefit. In addition, a statement from a doctor is not temporarily required for children between 12 and 16. The following measures have been extended until April 30, 2021: * Compensation for qualifying period deductions with a standard amount of SEK 810 Health insurance * Compensation to self-employed persons for the first 14 qualifying days with a standard amount of SEK 810 per day * Compensation to employers for the part of the sick pay cost that exceeds the normal Pensions Self-employed can pause their business in order to receive unemployment insurance. In Sweden, self-employed cannot receive unemployment insurance unless they either permanently or temporarily cease the operations of the enterprise. If a self-employed temporarily ceases the operations in order to receive unemployment insurance and then continues with the operations, they have to wait at least five years before they repeat this process. In addition, self-employed receiving Unemployment benefits unemployment insurance cannot work for their company while receiving the insurance. In case they work for the company, they lose their status as unemployed which leads to losing the insurance. In order to support self-employed whose possibilities to continue business activities have become limited due to the COVID-19 crisis, temporary changes to the right of self-employed to unemployment insurance have been made. Deferral of a maximum of three month worth of payments of companies’ social contributions, VAT and payroll taxes for a period of up to 12 months Social security contributions In order to mitigate the economic impact of the COVID-19 outbreak for companies, a temporary reduction of employers’ social security contributions has been introduced for the period 1 March to 30 June 2020. To provide equivalent relief to sole traders, a reduction of individual contributions was 564 also introduced. This measure can also be used by companies that receive short-term work allowance, new-start job subsidies and other types of financial support from the central government. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, many Swedish employers’ have had to cut down the working hours of their employees and used the Swedish short-time allowance programme which allows them to receive financial compensation from the government. Although many companies are now facing significant financial challenges, it is also important that the competencies of the employees are up to date. This will strengthen Swedish companies’ prospects both in the short and long term and also Activation measures strengthen individual employees’ possibilities on the rapidly changing labour market. However, due to the financial challenges, many employers do not have the financial resources needed to provide training for the employees. Therefore, the central government has decided to provide financial compensation for training. This measure covers 60% of the costs of training. The maximum amount is between SEK 10,000 – 20,000 per employee (approximately €1,000 – 2,000). Labor market regulations Reduced work time Starting 7 April,2020, it will be possible for employers to apply for financial support for short-time work. This means that individual employers affected by temporary and serious financial difficulties that could not reasonably have been foreseen or avoided will be able to receive support for a limited Labor period of time. The aim of the measure is thus to dampen the effect of the ongoing health crisis and Markets save jobs by easing the financial burden of wage costs for companies experiencing difficulties. Short-time work (also known as short-time layoffs) is regulated in the Act (2013:948) on short-time work (Lag (2013:948) om stöd vid korttidsarbete). (Program ends on June 30th, 2021) As unemployment is expected to rise as a consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak, increased funding has been allocated to the Swedish public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) and labour Wage subsidies market policy programmes. The period during which a person may have a subsidized form of employment is extended by an additional year for those who already have such jobs. Additionally, the maximum time for support for starting a business is extended from 6 to 12 months. Municipalities will receive grants for more summer jobs for young people and funding for 'green jobs'. The measure to increase spending on Active labour market policy includes: 1. Increased funding to the Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) (SEK 0.33 billion); 2. Summer jobs for young people (SEK 0.18 billion); 3. Green jobs (i.e. jobs in the environmental goods and services sector, to enable subsidized employment, primarily in the area of nature and forest conservation) (SEK 0.15 billion); 4. More programme measures (SEK 1.87 billion); 5. Extended time in measures (subsidized employment forms include ‘extra jobs’, new start jobs or introductory jobs) and support for business (SEK 0.05 billion). 565 (back to the top) Switzerland Cash-based transfers Compensation for loss of earnings for self-employed people (SE) and for some employees affected Cash transfers by official measures to combat the coronavirus (e.g., parents who need to take care of children with (conditional and unconditional) closing of schools Social pensions Social Assistance In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits It is possible to temporarily and interest-free defer payment of social insurance contributions by Social security contributions affected companies and self-employed persons. Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Reduced work time Markets Unemployment insurance funds can claim up to CHF 8B for short-time work allowances. The waiting period for short-time work will be reduced to one day from March until 30 September 2020. Wage subsidies This means that companies only have to bear one day's lost work independently before they are entitled to unemployment insurance support. 566 (Back to the top) Syria Cash-based transfers The Minister of Social Affairs and Labour announced cash (as well as in-kind) support for elderly, people with disabilities, daily workers and self-employed people, as part of a national campaign. The focus will be on those with lower income professions, including the tourism sector. The campaign will be funded through the National Fund for Social Aid (NSAF) in addition to the contributions from individuals, businesses and civil society through a campaign account. On 16 April, the distribution of the one-time unemployment allowance (SYP 100,000) started. As of April 29, 305,695 people registered in the Government's online assistance database, including 248,530 unemployed persons, 32,709 people over 70 and 24,456 people with disabilities. The Ministry confirmed that the data for Cash transfers unemployed workers are verified with the Ministry of Tourism and the Craftsmen Union, while (conditional and unconditional) matching the data for the rest of the workers at the governorate level in coordination with neighbourhood committees. Workers of the following sectors will be prioritised: daily and seasonal workers in the fields of transportation, handicrafts, porters, tourist guides, and 506 construction workers, among others. Data for the elderly and people with disabilities are being collected through digital channels and the targeted programmes implemented by the Ministry or through the disability Social card. (Note: the amount of cash aid to the other groups is open). The government further indicated Assistance that, in coordination with civil society actors, it has supported 650,000 families with cash assistance so far. Social pensions In-kind transfers The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs announced that it will provide food and health baskets, as well as cash support to the most vulnerable, including elderly people and persons with disabilities. An online platform has been set up for registration. Moreover, the Ministry uses the data from the targeted programmes implemented by the Ministry as well as from the disability card programme. Food, vouchers, others As of 29 April, 305,695 people had registered in the government's online assistance database. The government is currently analysing the data. The Government further indicated that so far, in coordination with civil society actors, it has provided 700,000 families with food assistance and 300,000 families with hygiene kits The Government has increased access approvals to humanitarian actors for food and in-kind 567 distribution. Four million people inside Syria will continue to receive WFP food assistance and nutrition support through in-kind and CBT. UNICEF is working with WFP to jointly provide e- vouchers for hygiene items for children in accelerated learning programmes in the form of a UNICEF-funded top-up to the on-going WFP voucher for the food programme. This joint response was expected to be launched by mid-May, targeting around 45,000 children in Curriculum B programmes in eight governorates of Aleppo, Damascus, Hassakeh, Hama, Homs, Lattakia, Rural Damascus and Tartous The frequency of distribution of food was increased to reduce the total number of beneficiaries at each site at any given time. Capacity allowing, two distribution shifts per day and an increase in the number of food distribution points have been provided. Electronic cards to buy subsidised foods such as oil, sugar, and rice provided to all Syrian citizens after making applications via a mobile app Trade unions affiliated with Syria’s General Federation of Trade Unions (GFTU) distributed what they termed "sanitary baskets" that include a variety of sanitary products. The baskets were distributed to workers at work sites across the country. GFTU also organized the production of medical clothing and masks in order to support the health sector with sufficient protection materials. School feeding Public works Citizens have a card to buy subsidised food from supermarkets run by the Trade Foundation. As Utility waivers part of the COVID-19 response, the government is making sure to continue to offer essential foods at prices much lower than the market price Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Social MOSAL allocated a bank account in its favour to attract financial contributions and allocate it to Insurance support efforts to reduce the burdens on workers and address the social repercussions indicating Unemployment benefits that the value of the amount of ‘unemployment allowance’ will be determined according to the data and numbers that will be collected. Social security contributions Within the National Campaign for Emergency Social Response, the Social Affairs and Labour Labor Directorate in Hama, in cooperation with the Syrian Association for Social Development, is Activation measures Markets implementing a training course for female which are responsible of their household on detergent and cleaners making. 568 In February 2020, MOSAL prepared a draft legislation to amend the Labour Law No. 17 of 2010 and submitted it to the Cabinet. The draft law proposed providing a legal protection framework for workers, as well as limiting the effects of individual and group layoffs due to the precautionary measures that Syria has taken to confront the risks of the proliferation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Article 64 of the Amendment stipulates that employees are not to be deprived of their end of service indemnities, nor should they be arbitrarily dismissed. Article 224 of the Amendment stipulates that employers may not stop work totally, partially or temporarily in establishments which shall be decided by the Minister of Social Affairs and Labour. Amendment obliges employers pay dismissed workers who have completed five years or less of employment to compensation equal to three month’s wages, and equal to six months’ wages to those who have completed five years or more of employment, in addition to the employer's commitment to grant the worker an end-of-service gratuity equal to one month's wages for each year of service for the first five years. The Chamber of Industry (DCI) has affirmed that facilities and factories represented by the DCI will Labor market regulations continue to grant salaries to their employees and workers during the lockdown period. The Labour law gave labour inspectors a number of additional powers. If an establishment is found uncompliant with occupational health and safety regulations during the pandemic, this may result in the closure of the facility, especially if the lives of workers are put at risk. Trade unionists across Syria organized campaigns to sanitize work sites, including factories, in the private and public sectors, in order to improve working conditions in line with occupational safety and health standards, for workers whose work requires them to be present at the workplace. The campaign sanitized more than 2,000 worksites. Based on the need for continued production lines, Damascus Champer of Industry (DCI) came to an agreement with the Presidency of Council of Ministers to manage permits to company drivers allowing them to transport industrial workers from designated meeting points to companies. The vehicle, the driver and the commuters must abide by the safety code and wear the needed protective gear. Each industrial company must have a doctor that does routine check on workers to ensure they are in good health. DCI has launched directives to its member companies regarding the need to maintain operational 569 production lines and availability of disinfectants and cleaning material in the Syrian market at affordable prices. Reduced work time Wage subsidies 570 (back to the top) Taiwan, China Cash-based transfers Taiwan launched its "Triple Stimulus Vouchers" (振興三倍券) program to help stimulate Taiwan's sagging economy amid the coronavirus pandemic. Aside from Taiwanese citizens, the program initially also allowed foreign spouses to purchase an envelope of vouchers worth a total of NT$3,000 (US$101) for the price of NT$1,000. MOL has implemented a subsidy program for the self-employed and those without permanent employers, which is a support program that helps workers mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on the labor market; those workers who meet the subsidy criteria may submit their applications to the Bureau of Labor Insurance through their affiliated labor unions between April 20 and May 22, 2020; Cash transfers once the submission is accepted, each applicant may receive a monthly allowance of NT$10,000 for (conditional and unconditional) three consecutive months. The government announced a relief payment to about 900,000 people. Beneficiaries will receive NT$1,500 (US$49.88) remitted directly to their accounts. These payments will be issued for three months (starting in April) to those whose livelihoods have been hardest hit by the pandemic Social Assistance Special benefit for self-employed workers. 10 percent of the 1 million self-employed workers who have joined the Labor Insurance Fund and have an insured monthly salary under NT$24,000, will receive a single one-time payment of NT$30,000 Social pensions In-kind transfers The Government of Taiwan provided NT$2 billion ($66.1M) of coupons to be used at night markets, Food, vouchers, others shops, and restaurants. School feeding Formulated and announced an immediate part-time job program for workers impacted by COVID- 19; the program provides part-time jobs in government agencies for workers who have had their Public works hours cut due to the pandemic's impact on the economy; the program ensures that workers can maintain stable livelihoods and stay engaged in the labor market. Loan Extension: individuals can apply to defer principal repayment or extend loan. Utility waivers Credit card payment deferral: Individuals can apply to defer card payment without penalty and 571 interest. Rent payment deferral for National property: The users of national property who are affected by epidemic can defer rent payment until the end of 2020. Taxpayers affected by the severe special infectious pneumonia (COVID-19) epidemic can apply for the deferred tax payments or for payments by installments. The amount of tax payable is not limited, and can be deferred for a maximum of 1 year or be paid in 3-year installments (36 installments). Extension of tax filing and payment deadlines under special circumstances (e.g., quarantine or isolation of the taxpayer business, the person responsible for filing the return, the in-charge accounting or the business’s CPA), with regard to tax return filings or payments originally due during the period March to May 2020—the taxpayer is to attach certain evidence of the quarantine or isolation to the return that is filed under the rules for postponement. Ministry of Labor Expands Tuition Subsidies for Children of Unemployed Workers from the First Semester of the Academic Year 2020-21 Announced that starting from the first business day of July 2020, the interest rate of labor bailout loans to insured persons under labor insurance during the period of 2018, 2019, and 2020 is of 1.265% per annum. Announcement for the "2021 Labor Insurance Relief Loan Program for the Insured" with a total loan size of 20 billion NT dollars and a maximum loan amount of 100,000 NT dollars per person. The application period lasted from January 8 to January 22, 2021. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Social Individuals Who Meet the Criteria for Involuntary Separation Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic May Insurance Apply for Unemployment Benefits. The unemployment benefits shall be 60% of an applicant's Unemployment benefits average insured monthly salary in the six-month period right before employment separation and withdrawal from this insurance program. Social security contributions Deferred payment of labor, insurance premiums and labor pension Training program: Subsidy training program up to NTD$18,960 Activation measures 572 Ministry of Labor has expanded the implementation of the "Recharge and Start Training Program" starting on February 21, subsidizing corporate training costs up to 3.5 million yuan. In order to encourage public institutions to use this period to plan for employee education and training in accordance with the development needs of business strategies, at the same time, the training subsidy for laborers participating in training is 158 yuan per hour, and the subsidy hours are increased to 120 hours per month. Amended and announced the "Pilot Program for Top New Talents in Industries", which further incorporated colleges, universities and industrial/business organizations as training units; training expenses are fully subsidized; and registration and payment methods are also revised. Monthly Basic Wage (Minimum Wage) Adjusted to NT$24,000 and Hourly Basic Wage (Minimum Wage) to NT$160 Starting January 1, 2021 The Middle-aged and Elderly Employment Promotion Act is the first law in Taiwan aimed at protecting the labor rights of middle-aged and senior citizens, with provisions prohibiting employers from using age-based discrimination against middle-aged and senior employees or employment seekers from age-based discrimination. Labor Markets The Ministry of Labor Amended the "Guidelines for Employment of Part-Time Workers" to Continue to Protect the Labor Rights of Part-time Workers Disease Prevention Isolation Leave and Disease Prevention Care Leave are Excluded from Calculation of Average Wages Labor market regulations The Guidance for Workplace Occupational Safety and Health Protection in Response to COVID-19 (Wuhan Pneumonia)” to support enterprises in complying with relevant laws and thoroughly implementing necessary safety and health measures to prevent and control the epidemic outbreak. Developed the “Implementation Guidelines to Subsidize Administrative Agencies in Providing Legal Assistance for Occupational Injury Workers in Labor Dispute Mediation”; by subsidizing administrative agencies to provide legal assistance for individuals in labor dispute cases concerning occupational accidents, disadvantaged workers could receive support and have their labor rights safeguarded. Formulated and announced the “Stable Employment Plan” to ensure job security in response to the pandemic’s labor market impact; for employers who have hired workers referred by public employment service agencies (or those covered under occupational unions) and with at least 30 573 days of unemployment, employers must provide each worker with an additional NT$5,000 monthly employment allowance, with NT$30,000 as the maximum amount. Reduced work time Subsidy for reduced salary up to NTD$66,000 Immediate work plan: Subsidy salary up to NTD$ 75,840 Worker life balance: Subsidy caregivers hourly wages up to NTD$200,000 Reassurance Employment Program to counter the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Taiwanese job market; to stabilize employment, the government provides subsidies to make up Wage subsidies for differences due to reduction in wages and working hours; employees may receive a maximum monthly subsidy of NT$11,000 for 6 months at most. Announced a subsidy program for local governments to implement sheltered employment service programs for people with disabilities; to further stabilize these sheltered workshops, including their operation and employment of workshop workers, a monthly subsidy of NT$40,000 is provided to each sheltered workshop for a maximum of six months; the subsidy can be used to cover the building, land, or vehicle rent for the sheltered workshops. 574 (back to the top) Tajikistan Cash-based transfers A supplementary temporary cash benefit to certain categories of beneficiaries on the payroll of the Targeted Social Assistance program Through the Decree 1544 June 5th 2020, the government decided to pay allowances to the official salaries of medical personnel directly involved in the diagnosis and treatment of patients infected with the infectious disease COVID-19 A Targeted Social Assistance Programme to provide poor household with cash assistance, which was introduced in 2011 has been expanded in August 2020 from 40 districts to 68 and currently covers entire country. Similarly, the amount per household has been increased from 35 USD to 41 USD. Total of 215,538 households received cash assistance in the amount of 4.9 million USD. To mitigate impact of the COVID-19 Government introduced one-time emergency cash support to poor families, elderly, persons/children with disabilities, refugees and stateless persons, families left Social Cash transfers behind by labour migrants, persons living with TB, HIV/AIDS, and those recipients of social pensions. Assistance (conditional and unconditional) The amount of the cash assistance is equivalent to 35 USD. Total of 22.1 million USD has been transferred to over 700,000 households The Government made one-time payments to low-income households with children under 3 y.o. as a part of COVID-19 response. Over 64,469 households received cash assistance in amount of 500 TJS (approx. $44). Topped-up with the TSA this support helped to counter increased risks of deprivation and offset the potential negative impact of the pandemic. Over 3,000 households affected by migration received cash assistance in the amount of 35 USD Through the Decree 1544 June 5th 2020, the government established a one-time assistance in the amount of the minimum wage to vulnerable groups of the population, including participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, citizens receiving social pensions, disabled people, orphans, street children, low-income families and families of migrant workers without a breadwinner. No information was found related to the benefit amount. Social pensions 575 In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Tariff increases on electricity, water, and communal services have been postponed until end of 2020 Through the Decree 1544 June 5th 2020, the government implemented a regulation to prevent price increases in consumer and medical products and medicines. This included including medicines, objects of medical appointment, masks, antiseptics, and also flour and flour products, sugar, vegetable oil, bean, potatoes, soap and fuel. Utility waivers Exempt quarantined labour migrants in foreign countries from paying the patent fee during their quarantine Through the Decree 1544 June 5th 2020, the government established tax exemptions for individuals in the payment taxes on real estate Through the Decree 1544 June 5th 2020, the government announced providing disability certificates Paid sick leave and paid leave for citizens undergoing a medical examination related to COVID-19. Social Health insurance Insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Create employment opportunities and conditions for entrepreneurship for returning migrants Activation measures through the organization of short-term courses in professions that are in demand in the labour market. Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 576 (back to the top) Tanzania Cash-based transfers Cash transfers PSSN: Conditionalities were waived for August & October 2020 payments. PSSN II cash transfer is (conditional and unconditional) bimonthly. A total of TZS 55,000 as maximum per household Zanzibar will be vertically expanding their soc pension by 20% (which bring the monthly transfer to Social pensions TZS 24,000 (US$ 10.36)) Social Assistance In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance To support the private sector, the government has also expanded social security schemes by US $ Unemployment benefits 32.1 million to meet the increase in withdrawals benefits for new unemployed due to COVID-19. Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 577 (back to the top) Thailand Cash-based transfers The cash handout schemes target four main groups. In total, the cash relief programmes totaled 366 billion baht. The first scheme, “Rao Mai Ting Gun” or “we do not leave anyone behind* (229.5 billion baht or $4B), targets those put out of work by the outbreak such as temporary employees, contractors and self- employed workers, informal workers not covered by the social security system. 15 million people received a cash handout of 5,000 baht per month from April to June Similarly, the second scheme (112.5 billion baht) provided 5,000 baht monthly from May to July for 7.5 million registered farmers. The Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives has already disbursed 72.4 billion baht for May and June payments. The final payment will be completed by July 22 The third scheme targets 1.2 million welfare card holders who did not participate in the first or the Social second scheme. The government approved a 3.5 billion-baht budget for a cash handout of 3,000 Assistance Cash transfers baht distributed over three months, May - July. The payment was completed on July 9. (conditional and unconditional) The fourth group targets the vulnerable population (20.3 billion baht). The government aimed to provide a cash handout of 1,000 baht per month from May to July for 6.8 million vulnerable people, which consist of elderly, children and the disabled. Thailand has initiated a multi-prong package for Thai workers forced to return from Korea due to the outbreak. This includes: (i) those who are members of Overseas Workers Fund will be entitled to THB15,000 compensation (also available to member workers who return from other countries that have announced a Covid-19 outbreak); (ii) the Ministry of Labor will coordinate with labor offices Korea to make sure that Thai laborers receive pending wages and benefits (the Department of Employment has identified over 81,562 domestic jobs for Thai laborers returning from overseas). Financial assistance of 5,000 Baht per month for three months to the 3 million temporary- and self- employed workers. The coverage of this measure later extends to 9 million people. Cash support of THB 5,000 for 3 months starting May to July 2020 for farmers 578 Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Measures to assist affected workers, including enhanced social security benefits, cash transfers for unemployed informal workers, tax breaks, and other actions: Loans, for 10,000 – 50,000 Thai Baht (THB), with low interest, channeled through the Government Saving Bank (GSB). The grace period of repayment is up to 6 months. Other measures such as electricity and water expense reductions Personal Emergency Loan of 10,000 THB per individual (no collateral) with fix interest rate of 0.10% per month, up to two and a half year. Additional Special Personal Emergency Loan of 50,000 THB per individual (with collateral) with fix interest rate of 0.35% per month, up to three year. Reduction of withholding tax from 3% to 1% from April to September 2020. Utility waivers Reduction of financial contributions by both workers and employers from 5 to 4% for 6 months with an extension of deadline for financial contributions by both workers and employers for 3 months. Grace period provided for principal payments and consideration for reduction in interest per customer for personal loans, hire purchase and leasing loans, house loans, SME loans, microfinance, and nanofinance. The details of relief measures and conditions vary depending on each bank/non- bank. Import duties on goods used for treatment, diagnosis or prevention of coronavirus infection (COVID- 19) as per the list specified by the Ministry of Public Health will be exempt from the effective date of the Notification of the Ministry of Finance to 30 September 2020. The Notification is yet to be formally released. Jet fuel excise has been reduced from THB 4.726 per liter to THB 0.20 per liter for airlines operating domestic flights until 30 September 2020 579 VAT payers participating in the “good exporter” program will receive VAT refunds faster than usual. VAT refunds will be granted within 15 days (compared to a normal 30-day period) if VAT returns are filed via an e-filing system and within 45 days (compared to a normal 60- day period) for paper filings. The filing deadline for individual income tax returns (form PND.90/91) is extended from March 31, 2020 (or April 8, 2020 for e-filings) to 31 August 2020. Paid sick leave The Thai social security agency will cover all medical costs of those infected with COVID-19. In addition, Health insurance premiums deduction increased to 25,000 baht from 15,000 Health insurance Tax deduction for health insurance from 15,000 to 25,000 for the 2020 tax year onwards. However, the total deduction combined with life insurance premiums and life insurance savings must not exceed THB 100,000. Pensions Economic stimulus packages were introduced to mitigate COVID-19 impacts on all aspects. Currently, the mitigation measures include: Workers in the formal sector, approximately 13.3 million people, registered under the SSO will Social receive unemployment benefits which will be increased during 2020-21. Insurance For laid-off, insured person will receive - from 50% of the salary for 180 days to 70% of the salary for 200 days. Unemployment benefits Individuals under SSS will received 50% of previous salary (but not exceeding the maximum salary of THB 15,000 per month) if the employer temporary halt employment. For voluntary and end of contract, insured person will receive - from 30% of the salary up to 90 days change to 45% of the salary up to 90 days. For workers still employed, and are on leave-without-pay due to government instruction to temporarily close down the business, as measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19, replacement income of 50% up to 60 days will be paid. 580 Workers get increased unemployment compensation up to 62% of salaries with a maximum of 9300 THB per day, for three months (March to May) Reduction of financial contributions by both workers and employers from 5 to 4% for 6 months with an extension of deadline for financial contributions by both workers and employers for 3 months. Tax measures will include a reduction in the rate of contributions to the social security fund of employers and employees from a rate of 5% to 0.1% of wages for 3 months (and maintain the same contribution rate of the government at 2.75% of wages and reduce the contribution amount of the insured people while the government pays the same amount) . The Thai Ministry of Labor issued guidance with regard to social security relief measures in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The relief measures include reduced rates for social Social security contributions security contributions and extension of time for submitting social security forms and for remitting social security contributions. The social security contribution rates (both the employer portion and the employee portion) are reduced to 4% for employers and 1% for employees or insured persons of each employee’s monthly salary but not exceeding the maximum salary of THB 15,000 for a three-month salary cycle from March to May 2020. The deadline for social security forms due for March 2020 is extended to 15 July 2020 (from 15 April 2020). The deadline for April 2020 is extended to 15 August 2020 (from 15 May 2020). Department of Skill Development, MOL, provides various training courses for workers for a duration of one month. Workers will receive 150 Baht per day while attending the training. Activation measures Seminar to enhance career skills or to arrange social activities Labor Line ministries can hire local people for 9,000 THB per month for 6 months, targeting 50,000 Markets Labor market regulations workers. Reduced work time Wage subsidies 581 (back to the top) Timor-Leste Cash-based transfers The government has launched two notable social protection initiatives. The first is an unprecedented universal cash transfer (UT) worth $200 per household delivered in June 2020. Grant an extraordinary subsidy, equivalent to 60% of the incidence value of the first level of optional membership (60% x 60 USD = 36 USD), for 3 months (October to December) to self-employed and informal sector workers not yet registered within Social Security, and who register between July and September 2020, on the condition that they keep social security contributions for, at least, another 3 months, after the end of the period (that is, until March 2021). The Timorese government approved the payment of a remuneration supplement for employees, agents and workers, including effective security forces, which are on the front line of Covid-19. The decree-law, proposed by the Interim Minister of Finance and in Council of Ministers, provides that the supplement has different values "due to the degree of risk" of work. These are employees who Cash transfers Social are "exposed to an increased risk of being infected" with the new coronavirus and which are active in (conditional and unconditional) Assistance the implementation of the measures in force of the pandemic response of Covid-19. The remuneration supplement varies between USD 5 and USD 25 a day depending on the degree of exposure to the risks associated with Covid-19. The diploma recognizes the role of "various administration professionals" who continue to "provide their professional activity in a face-to-face and exposed to contact with the public." Among this group, the government highlights health professionals, military, security forces agents, agents of the food and economic safety authority and technical and logistical support staff. Monthly cash transfers to Timorese citizens abroad who were not able to return to Timor Leste due to border closures and in need of financial assistance. The payments will be monthly for the duration of lockdown and the payment amount will depend on the cost of living in the country where they are residing. The payments will be made by bank account or other means and will be administered by the diplomatic entities in the country. Social pensions In-kind transfers 582 Deliver in voucher or basket form. Composition: food, hygiene and cleaning items. Per capita basis; Food, vouchers, others take into account the size of the family. Prioritizing domestic products or products purchased on the local market. Total planned budget USD $71,5 M. School feeding Public works Waiving for three months (for low-income households) the payment of electricity (up to US$15 per month), water bills, property rental payments owned by the government. Total budget USD Utility waivers 3,870,989. Creation of credit lines at reduced interest rates and financial support for citizens and businesses Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits Social The measure is without prejudice to the obligation of employers to keep submitting Remuneration Insurance Statements every month, and the Payment Guides issued will only refer to the contributory rate borne by workers (4%), exempting the employer from their own contribution (6%). In the case of Social security contributions workers enrolled in optional membership - including domestic service workers, self-employed workers, self-employed entrepreneurs and managers and administrators - the contribution waiver is only 6%, while the social contribution corresponding to 4% continues to be charged. Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidy of 60% for formal sector workers, on the condition that employers do not terminate Wage subsidies employment. 583 (Back to the top) Togo Cash-based transfers The Government of Togo (GoT) will support the ongoing Cash Transfer Program under the Safety Nets and Basic Services Project. The program is in the process of being horizontally expanded to support the GoT's response to the COVID-19 situation in rural areas. While the program currently covers 61,000 households or approximately 274,500 beneficiaries, it will be scaled up to 140,000 households or 630,000 beneficiaries. In April 2020, the GoT launched a social safety net scheme called "Novissi" for the three-month State emergency period declared by the GoT. This unconditional cash transfer scheme was designed Cash transfers to support all Togolese informal workers whose incomes are disrupted by the Covid-19 response. All (conditional and unconditional) informal workers, above 18 years old, who have a valid voter’s ID and can prove they have lost their income due to the Covid-19 response are eligible to benefit from the scheme. Beneficiaries, women, and men respectively get XOF12,500 (US$21) and XOF10,500 (US$17) per month to meet basic needs (food, water, power, communication). The money is sent via the Tmoney and Flooz mobile Social money platforms. In all, 581,130 have benefited from the program as of March 2021. The program is Assistance estimated to have cost USD 19.5 million (more than XOF11 billion). The program now is only benefiting communities where curfew is still active and will be extended to rural areas where extreme poverty is most severe. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works To promote the use of electronic payment tools, the Western Africa Central Bank (BCEAO) is providing more flexible measures to open a mobile money account and making it free for people to Utility waivers transfer money between electronic accounts. Measures include no fees for minor transactions, withdrawal and transfer fees at ATMs cut by 50% e-wallet creation and transaction made easier. These measures were effective for 30 days and extended for an additional 30 days as of May 3, 584 2020. On April 1st, 2020 the Head of State announced three months of free water and electricity consumption for those whose water consumptions is between 0 and 10 m3. The gratuity of the social tranche also applied to electricity. The GoT announced a reduction of running water connection costs from 75,000 F CFA to 25,000 F CFA for 5000 households, as well as price caps for rice, sugar, vegetable oil, wheat flour and hydro- alcoholic solutions. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Unemployment benefits The Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale du Togo (CNSS Togo) announced two exceptional measures. The first exceptional measure concerns the suspension of surcharges for late payment of Social social security contributions from April to July 2020 for employers. The second exceptional measure Insurance concerns the remission of surcharges for late payment social contributions. All companies that pay their social debts until October 31, 2020 will benefit from the reduction of late payments as follows: Social security contributions for the informal sector, a 100% discount on late payment surcharges; for SMEs and SMIs, a 75% discount on late payment surcharges; for large companies, excluding hotels, restaurants, drinking establishments, school establishments, hospital establishments and pharmacy, a 50% discount on late payment surcharges; for hotels, restaurants, drinking establishments, schools, hospitals and pharmacies, a 100% discount on late payment surcharges. It is estimated that the cost of these exceptional measures amounts to 3,322,548,289 FCFA. Activation measures The GoT announced it would require individual and collective protection devices in the workplace, Labor market regulations such as hand washing device, gels, masks, etc. It would also require information and awareness on prevention and protection measures be provided in each workspace. Labor The GoT announced it would adjust working hours in the public administration with the Markets establishment of the continuous day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It also announced a measure to promote Reduced work time teleworking and the possibility of forming rotating teams to strengthen social distancing in the workplace.F Wage subsidies 585 (back to the top) Tonga Cash-based transfers Crisis adaptive payments involved: (i) an additional one-off payment of TOP$100 to 4,402 Social Welfare Scheme for the Elderly (SWSE) beneficiaries and to 1,065 Disability Welfare Scheme (DWS) Cash transfers beneficiaries; and (ii) a payment of TOP$200 to 1,142 beneficiary households under the secondary (conditional and unconditional) school conditional cash transfer (CCT) program. 988 of the 1,142 CCT top-up payments were deposited in bank accounts of female household members. Top up of TOP 100 made to Elderly Benefit and Disability Benefit in April, 2020, in addition to regular Social pensions benefit.. In-kind transfers Social Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works The government announced the deferral of goods and services taxes until 30 June, except for PAYEE. Utility waivers Assistance with the payment of utility bills by public enterprises. More precisely, the tariff set back in November 2019 of 83.16 seniti per kWh was subsidized by the Government of Tonga (shareholder) to remain at 79.90 seniti per kWh up to March 2020. The new electricity tariff rate of 73.00 seniti per kWh was approved by the Electricity Commission to be effective from 1st April 2020. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Deferral of retirement contributions and hardship allowances for laid-off employees (up to 3 Unemployment benefits months). Deferral of retirement contributions and hardship allowances for laid-off employees (up to 3 Social security contributions months). Activation measures Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time 586 As part of the scheme, wage subsidies have been provided to 5,326 affected workers across 673 businesses—representing over 13 percent of the labor force. The services sector, including tourism— which has been hit especially hard by the dual economic shocks—has received almost 70 percent of total Wage subsidies support provided. Workers received one-off payments valued at TOP$535, calculated to be equivalent to two-thirds of average monthly expenditure for a family of five in the bottom quintile of the income distribution 587 (back to the top) Trinidad and Tobago Cash-based transfers Existing disability assistance applicants with applications on hold to receive interim assistance of TTD 1,500 and TTD 1,000 respectively for 3 months beginning April 2020. Income Support Grants of up to $1,500 per month per household, for persons who are outside of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) systems who have lost their jobs or incomes as a result of Covid-19 measures, that is, persons in the informal economy. 25,000 Cash transfers such grants have been paid so far. (conditional and unconditional) Assistance to UWI students at Mona, Jamaica and Cave Hill, Barbados with grants for the purchase of food and plans to assist students at other regional universities in due course. Cultural and creative industry – Cultural Relief Grant: one-off payment of TTD 5,000 (USD 740) for artistes and creatives in selected areas who lost incomes as a result of the crisis. Must not have received any other grant. Social Suspension of the life certification requirements for elderly social pension recipients (normally Assistance required to visit their local board to sign a life certificate register). Social pensions Existing pension assistance applicants with applications on hold to receive interim assistance of TTD 1,500 and TTD 1,000 respectively for 3 months beginning April 2020. In-kind transfers Three-month top-ups for Public Assistance and Disability Assistance beneficiaries ranging from TT$150 to TT$500 ($22-US$67) per month for three months since April 2020, depending on household size. Food Support (Food Card) top up for 3 months to be paid in April, Food Support (Food Card) top up Food, vouchers, others for 3 months to be paid in April. 510TTD value The government will be providing households with family member that was laid off or whose income reduced and with children enrolled in the national School Feeding Programme with temporary Food Support Card, particularly those families that are not already covered by other national food support programme. Food support cards are valued at 510 Trinidad and Tobago dollars (C. US $75 588 the Government has expanded the reach of its food support programmes by enlisting the assistance of our churches and religious bodies. Grants totaling $10 million per month for three months, May, June and July have been made available to religious bodies in proportion to the size of their congregations to allow them to distribute food to the poor and to the needy in accordance with their existing procedures and programmes; the Ministry of Rural Development and Local Government is distributing $30 million for food support within the 14 Municipal Regions in Trinidad. This programme began in May 2020 and will end in July 2020. Emphasis on those food support programmes will be placed on the supply of fresh produce, as well as on traditional processed foods; National Seed Initiative – 50,000 seeds made available for distribution to the national community to encourage household gardening and food production School feeding Public works Rental assistance up to TT$2,500 (US$367) per month for an initial period of 3 month but not more than 6 months, for households where a wage earner was laid off or whose income reduced. Have provided the Credit Union Sector with $100 million for soft loans to individuals. With these funds, credit unions will now be able to provide affordable loans of up to $5,000 per month for 3 months or $15,000 in total to their members to carry them through this period. These loans will be priced at half the usual interest rate and will have very favorable repayment terms, with a suitable moratorium. The banks are also providing a moratorium on mortgages and instalment loan payments. Penalties Utility waivers are being waived on overdraft facilities on a month by month basis; Credit cards now have reduced rates and increased credit limits; Moneylenders have reduced interest rates and deferred payments; The Trinidad and Tobago Mortgage Finance Limited (TTMF) and the Home Mortgage Bank (HMD) are deferring mortgage payments up to 3 months in the first instance the Housing Development Corporation (HDC) is deferring mortgage payments of up to two (2) months, which will be extended in the context of the evolving situation; 589 Waiver of VAT and Online Purchase Tax on laptop, notebooks and tablet devices (September 2020) Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission relaxed conditions (payments deferred) for disconnections – 87% of residential customers due for disconnection were deferred (March 2020). Trinidad and Tobago’s Ministry of Labor has introduced a “pandemic leave” as a new classification of paid leave for public officers, including those not eligible for sick leave. People who have fallen ill and Paid sick leave exhausted their sick leave will proceed on extended sick leave, followed by pandemic leave. Pandemic leave will also apply to those workers who are not eligible for sick leave. Social Health insurance Insurance Pensions Salary Relief Grant - $1500/month for 3 months (not applicable to Venezuelan migrants. Grants are Unemployment benefits designed to assist persons in the NIS system who have lost their jobs or incomes as a result of COVID-19 Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Workplace guidelines on the closure of schools encourage employer to implement remote work for employees with children. If it is not possible, unions/employees and employers are required to explore options of shift work, staggered hours of work and/or rostering. Conciliation service is Labor available if discussion fails. They also require employers to implement Pandemic Leave in a Markets Reduced work time compassionate manner which ensures business continuity whilst securing the national interest. May 2020. Phase 3 (7th-20th June) of the relaxation of COVID restrictions includes accommodations for flexi-time and other flexible work arrangements in the public service. Wage subsidies 590 (back to the top) Tunisia Cash-based transfers The "aide exceptionnelle de 200 dinars" is a one-off cash transfer of TND200 (USD68) to approximately 370,000 AMG2 households working in the informal sector, who are not covered by any social assistance program and who are vulnerable to shocks (households registered in the social security system with low-cost healthcare card). The Government of Tunisia (GoT) also issued a one-off cash transfer of TND50 ($17) to 260,000 AMG1/PNAFN households working in the informal sector. This one-time transfer is a top-up of the already received transfer of TND180 in March 2020. The GoT announced several one-off cash transfers for households caring for those without family support. These transfers included TND200 ($68) to households hosting an elderly person, a one-off cash transfer TND200 ($68) to households fostering children without parental support, and a one- off cash transfer TND200 ($68) to households hosting a person with handicap. Social 50 dinars (16 euros) will be awarded to each student or learner enrolled in a vocational training cycle Assistance Cash transfers and an amount of 120 dinars (37 euros) will be awarded to each student. All in all, a total of 32 (conditional and unconditional) million dinars was mobilized for this aid, including 15 million dinars allocated by the Ministry of Social Affairs. The rest of the amount will be released as part of international cooperation with UNICEF and the German Development Bank. The GoT announced measures to ensure the maintenance of healthcare insurance for all workers, maintenance of the family allowance program, and a wage premium for those who can’t continue their business (formal sector). The Tunisia First Resilience and Recovery Emergency Development Project aims to support the GoT's response to the COVID-19 crisis and lay the foundation for strong post-crisis recovery. As a part of its several measures, the program will include cash transfers that reach 4.2 million poor and vulnerable individuals (36 percent of the population). The GoT provided back-to-school support to 307,000 children 6-18 years old with two transfers of TND50 between September and November 2020. 591 Approximately 50,000 children 0-5 years old registered in the social assistance registry began receiving TND30 per month. The program began in December 2020 and continued for 8 months. The GoT provided emergency cash transfers for those self-employed, including small businesses and artisans. Under the Famille Istimarat program, the GoT provided emergency cash transfer for families not listed in the MAS database. The GoT announced a pension top-up of DT100 per month for 133,000 retirees whose monthly Social pensions pension is below DT180.242. In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works The GoT announced a deferral of payment on loan maturities for a period of six months for Utility waivers employees who have an income not exceeding one thousand dinars. Paid sick leave The GoT announced measures to ensure the maintenance of healthcare insurance for all workers, Health insurance maintenance of the family allowance program, and a wage premium for those who cannot continue their business (formal sector). Pensions Social A monthly bonus of 200 dinars will be granted to employees of the tourism sector who are Insurance unemployed and to tourist guides. This measure will only be available to certain workers, such as work-study employees and those whose working hours have been reduced. Unemployment benefits The GoT announced unemployment benefits for workers (contributory system) affected by partial unemployment. The Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale (CNSS) announced a 3-month waiver for employer social Social security contributions security scheme contributions for businesses and companies operating in the formal sector. Activation measures Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time 592 (back to the top) Turkey Cash-based transfers The Turkish government has announced 3 phases for financial aid to families in need. A one-time transfer of 1000 TL (around $150) are made to over 4 million current social assistance beneficiary households in two separate phases. All existing beneficiary households were eligible for this payment without the need for a separate application and cash payments were delivered to the households. The third phase of the one-time transfer of 1000 TL targets households that are not currently benefitting from any social assistance program but are adversely affected by the Covid-19 outbreak. Individuals except public sector employees, formally registered or retired workers, and those that benefit from the short-term work allowance or unpaid leave support can apply to nominate their households for this cash transfer, and applications are currently being evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The Turkish government has announced an additional 2 billion Turkish Lira ($300M) for financial aid to families in need according to criteria defined by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services. Social Assistance Cash transfers Monthly budget allocated to the 1003 Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundations, who provide (conditional and unconditional) social assistance to various disadvantaged groups. are increased from 135 million TL (around $21 million) to 180 million TL (around $27 million) in total Healthcare employees will receive the maximum performance payments for 3 months and an additional 32,000 health care staff will be hired Social Assistance of elderly and disabled persons and social assistance for elderly care will be made for three months (until the end of May 2020) without seeking income criteria and severe disability. (Admin adaptation). Cash transfers targeted for women are increased. Amounts of conditional cash transfers are increased by 29% for health, postnatal and pregnancy payments. Cash transfers for new mothers are increased to 100 TL (around $15.5) and monthly transfers for women who recently lost their husbands to 325 TL (around $50). 593 One time cash transfer of 2,500 TRY to be paid to workers in TV and cinema industry by Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts and Trade Union of TV and Cinema Workers. Social pensions In-kind transfers The Ministry of Agriculture will provide hygiene and protection equipment against COVID-19 as well Food, vouchers, others as appropriate housing and transportation conditions for seasonal agricultural workers School feeding Public works Tax payments for individuals over 65 years old or those with chronic conditions were postponed during the time they were not allowed to go outside. They are allowed to go outside since mid-June University Students’ loan debts, income tax debts of municipalities and municipal firms, social insurance premium payments of municipalities will be postponed for three months. They can also be further postponed contingent upon President’s approval Water bill debts of residences and businesses whose activities have been suspended due to COVID- Utility waivers 19 may be postponed by the municipalities for three months. Tax payments of employers were postponed until the end of June 2020 for the retail, iron and steel, automotive, logistics and transportation, cinema and theatre, accommodation, food and drink, textile and clothing, event and organisational sectors. The utility debts will be postponed for households and for workplaces whose activities are stopped due to COVID 19. Paid sick leave Health insurance Minimum pension level will be increased to Turkish Lira 1,500 (US$230) Social A holiday bonus was planned to be paid to retirees just before the religious holiday, but it will be paid Insurance Pensions earlier (at the beginning of April 2020). To get the above bonus, the retiree had to go to the Bank Branch. But now, the bonus will be deposited to their Bank accounts. With the law no 7244 dated April 17, 2020, a cash wage support of 39.24 TL was provided for those Unemployment benefits who were released for unpaid leave and whose jobs were terminated. As of April 17, 2020, employees 594 who have been granted unpaid leave by the employer and who cannot benefit from short term work allowance can benefit from this cash support. In addition, those who have been terminated after March 15, 2020 have also been covered by this wage support. Here, as in the short term work allowance, those who receive old-age pension cannot benefit from the cash wage support. The employer has the right to choose between short term work allowance and unpaid leave support payments. However, if the worker fulfills all the conditions for both, giving priority to the short term work allowance is in favor of the worker. University Students’ loan debts, income tax debts of municipalities and municipal firms, social insurance premium payments of municipalities will be postponed for three months. They can also be further postponed contingent upon President’s approval. Social security contributions Postponed for six months the VAT withholdings and Social Security Insurance for April, May, and June for the retail, iron and steel, automotive, logistics and transportation, cinema and theatre, accommodation, food and drink, textile and clothing, event and organisational sectors. Activation measures Layoffs are not allowed for the next three months. If needed, firms can force employers to take unpaid leave. The Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services (MoFLSS) introduced a guidance for all workplaces to combat COVID 19. This include, the establishment of a Preparedness Team at Workplaces, Introduction of an Emergency Plan and Risk Evaluation, Preventions to Control the Spread of the Pandemic, Hygiene, Personal Protective Equipment and the Procedures on How to Respond if any Employee shows signs of sickness. The MoFLSS introduced new guidelines for OSH experts and professionals on OSH preventive Labor measures against COVID-19 in the workplaces. Please see relevant web news here. Markets The MoFLSS with 44.986 OSH experts and 2.446 health professionals provides regular training on Labor market regulations prevention from COVID-19 and hygiene in the field. The MoFLSS introduced guidance for the specific sectors and workers played a critical role at the time of COVID-19 pandemic including private security, transportation and courier services, pharmacies, retail, baking, agriculture, waste collection, call centres, food sectors. Globally and in Turkey, trade unions are calling for SARS-CoV-2 to be recognized as an occupational hazard, and Covid-19 as an occupational disease to ensure full implementation of occupational safety and health (OSH) rights as well as the implementation of agreed measures to reduce safety risks. Under the latest decision taken by the Social Security Institution, dated 7 May 2020, Covid-19 is not classified as an occupational disease in Turkey. “Immunity Certification System” will be introduced to certify touristic areas and facilities to enable 595 to open tourism season by end of May 2020. “Healthy Tourism Certification Programme” is introduced by the Ministry of Tourism, Turkish airlines and HAVA-IS agreed to protect the vested rights of the employees, whereas a decrease will be made in their salaries up to 35-50%, until the end of 2021. Performance payments of health professionals is paid from its maximum wage by 3 months. 40 thousand beetroot producers will be paid in advance on 3 April 2020 of nearly 250 mln TRY. A regulation is put in place to control the working conditions and accommodation of seasonal agricultural workers as well as to ease the process of transport of agricultural products to the market. The compensatory working period will be increased from 2 to 4 months. Compensatory working is compensating for the decrease or stop in working hours due to coercive reasons. The employer can request for an increased number of working hours by a daily maximum of 3 hours to compensate for this loss, for a maximum of 2 months after the decrease in working hours has occurred. This duration is now increased to 4 months under the Coronavirus measures to increase employment sustainability. All public employees regardless of their employment situation are given the right to flexible work. Due to decreasing numbers in the infected people most of the public institutions shifted to normal Reduced work time working arrangements. Nevertheless, with the presidential decree issued on 26 August 2020, state institutions may now implement flexible working methods. All public institutions are allowed to implement teleworking or design new shifts arrangements, including rotational basis, for employees. Private sector is called to apply flexible work. With the decision of the Government on normalisation process as of 1 June 2020, all public employees have returned to the office based work under the condition of application of strict safety and health conditions. With removal of restrictions in certain sectors under the new normalisation process, private sector workers are allowed to return to the office based work under the condition of application of strict safety and health conditions. Monthly minimum wage support of 75 TRY will continued to be provided to all employers (around 7.8 million) until the end of 2020. Wage subsidies Wage payments for contracted teachers in state schools that receive wages based on the hours they teach will continue to receive wages during the school closure period 596 For firms that reduced working hours or halted operations during the outbreak, a Short-term Work Allowance covers the wages of workers. The allowance provides 1,752 TL/month (around $271) for those that receive minimum wage in the last 12 months. The allowance can be provided for a maximum of 3 months and can be extended to 6 months through a Presidential decree. Access: Short-term working allowances will be made in accordance with the employers’ declaration, without waiting for the completion of the eligibility assessment for the short-term working applications for compelling reasons arising from COVID-19 made by the employer. Conditions: In order to benefit from the short term work allowance, it is sufficient to have 60 days of service contract and 450 premium days in the last 3 years. Employees who receive a pension cannot benefit from a short term work allowance. Short term work allowance is deducted from the unemployment benefit entitlement duration of the employees. Amount: The daily amount of the short-term working allowance is 60% of the average daily gross income of the employee, calculated based on the employee’s earnings subject to social security premiums in the last 12 months. The monthly amount of the short period working allowance cannot exceed 150% of the monthly minimum gross salary, which is currently TRY 2,943. Suspended seasonal workers will also be eligible for short time allowance. 597 (back to the top) Turkmenistan Cash-based transfers The government announced that the bonus salary of 20, 15, and 10 percent will be given to Cash transfers healthcare professionals working in the remote rural facilities, frontline facilities, and other rural (conditional and unconditional) facilities, respectively. Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works The authorities raised excises on both tobacco and alcohol products with varying rates based on the Utility waivers origin and type of product. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits The Law on “State pension insurance” was amended to give the self-employed individuals and Social security contributions entrepreneurs the choice to contribute less to the state pension insurance, in case if their business was stagnating. Activation measures Law on amendment to the Labour Code was adopted on 22 August to introduce that in the event that an employee cannot perform his labor duties due to the occurrence of circumstances beyond the control of the parties, his labor relations are considered continued during the period when he Labor market regulations Labor could not perform his labor duties. In such cases, salary and other payments are paid in accordance Markets with the legislation of Turkmenistan. This amendment was introduced due to many people getting stuck abroad. It helped them to secure their workplace and resume their duties after coming back. Reduced work time Wage subsidies 598 (back to the top) Turks and Caicos (UK) Cash-based transfers Within the Stimulus Package in Response to COVID, the government allocated USD $15 million to direct assistance to employees and self-employed within the hospitality industry that would have been laid off, seized operations or terminated since March 16, 2020, with a proposed one-off payment of $1,200 (per employee, not household). This is in addition to the payouts that they may Cash transfers be receiving from their employers. (conditional and unconditional) The government also increasing the social welfare budget by 100 percent, including an additional $500,000 that has been added to the budgetary allocation to further boost the Home-help Programme (doubling its allocation) managed through the social welfare programme for additional persons that may become destitute due to the fall out in global economic activities. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others Social School feeding Assistance Public works A payment moratorium will be placed on existing TC Invest mortgages for the period April to September 2020. This moratorium will be offered to all mortgages holders who are not in arrears with mortgage payments. Waiver for all charges for water for the months of April –June 2020; No disconnections would be carried out during the period April to June 2020. ($9.7m Write Off of Long Outstanding Water Arrear). Utility waivers In order to introduce a price ceiling on basic food items and essential medical supplies, the government introduced the Covid-19 Basket of Goods, which involves items exempted from Customs import duties and the Customs Processing Fee for a period of two months. The government committed to continue providing health access to the unemployed for a period of 18 months. All the employee has to do is register with Labour and NHIP. 599 The government and the telecommunications firm (FLOW) agreed to avoid telephone services. The government and the electricity firm (Electricity Service Provider Fortis TCI) agreed to: - Wave all Penalties for 60 days. - Work with all persons most impacted and extend credit packages, including customers referred by Social Services Department - Delay the rate increase for a period of 3 months. The government prohibited the sale of goods at unconscionable price, meaning a gross disparity between the price of goods charged and and the average price of the same products during the thirty days immediately prior to the declare of state of emergency. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 600 (back to the top) Tuvalu Cash-based transfers Cash payment to all citizens for an amount of $40 per person per month for the duration of the crisis (2-3 months). The pay-out is applied retrospectively to the commencement date of the State of Public Health Emergency (SOE) on 20 March, 2020. The payout will cease once the SOE is lifted. The resident population of Tuvalu based on the 2017 Population and Housing Mini-Census is equivalent to 10,507. The amount of $40 per person is based on Tuvalu Poverty Line of $1.47 per day per adult equivalent. As of October 2020: 2- or 3-months universal payment rounds. Since then, only those impacted by covid receive the transfer but it’s really unclear how many are getting it and how they are selecting the recipients. A total of $315,900 is allocated to affected civil servants who are stationed in Tuvalu but went on leave and duty travel. 1) Civil servants who went on leave but cannot travel back to Tuvalu because of the lock-down will receive $120 per day per person. These civil servants will receive their fortnightly pay and need to meet their daily outputs as required by their ministries. About 39 civil servants are expected to Social benefit from this relief measure. Assistance Cash transfers 2) The same level of allowance will be applied to those civil servants who went on duty travel but (conditional and unconditional) cannot make it back to Tuvalu because of the lock-down. One civil servant falls under this category. The amount of funding required to provide risk allowance for front line workers is equivalent to $1.7 million. A risk allowance will be provided to front line workers during the repatriation of students and civil servants (7 operations with quarantine period), cargo vessels and oil tanker. Medical professionals, police, stevedores, airport staff are all expected to receive a risk allowance. About 74 civil servants will benefit from policy measure. Development partners are expected to finance Tuvalu National Provident Fund relevant COVID-19 policy measures worth $1.5 million. These measures will be implemented from 01 May 2020 to 31 July, 2020 with members to apply in order to qualify: 1) Monthly compassionate benefit of $500 for a period of three months to each member. The financing of this policy is equivalent to $225,000. 2) Monthly compassionate benefit of $250 for a period of three months to each member. The financing of this policy is equivalent to $225,000. 601 Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works The total amount on relief measures for students studying overseas is equivalent to $310,200. 1) Un-accompanied students who are sponsored either by the government or by development partners are to receive $100 per month per student, involving an estimated of 151 students. 2) Accompanied students who are sponsored either by the government or by development partners are to receive $150 per month per student, involving an estimated of 43 students. 3) Private students will receive $200 per month per student, involving an estimated of 200 students. Private students living with their parents overseas (and who are students themselves) are not entitle to this relief measure. Development partners are expected to finance Tuvalu National Provident Fund relevant COVID-19 policy measures worth $1.5 million. These measures will be implemented from 01 May 2020 to 31 July, 2020 with members to apply in order to Utility waivers qualify: 3) Members are given the opportunity to request to defer, reduce or suspend their loan repayment and the amount of finance for this policy is equivalent to $54,516. The National Bank of Tuvalu implemented a restructuring on clients loans and reduction and suspension of loan and interest repayments, involving a total planned budget of $183,264. The National Bank of Tuvalu offered concessional loans (which are simplify and relax in terms of conditions) for those who are affected by impact of the COVID-19, involving a total planned budget of $260,892. The government provided additional enforcement on price of food and commodities that are control, by recruiting more inspectors, in-line with the Price Control Act Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Development partners are expected to finance Tuvalu National Provident Fund Social security contributions relevant COVID-19 policy measures worth $1.5 million. These measures will be 602 implemented from 01 May 2020 to 31 July, 2020 with members to apply in order to qualify: 4) Reduction in employers and employees contributions by 2% and 5% respectively with development partners to finance the difference. The financing of this policy measure is equivalent to $1.2 million. This policy measure depends on funding from development partners. Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 603 (back to the top) Uganda Cash-based transfers The “Girls Empowering Girls” urban cash transfer and mentoring programs for adolescent girls, implemented by the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), transitioned to remote coordination, adopted a virtual mentoring model to ensure delivery continuity, and implemented remote enrolment for pre-registered beneficiaries. This was the first government-led social protection program to pivot in response to the pandemic, ensuring immediate service delivery continuity. Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) The WFP, through a Sida-funded joint partnership with UNICEF called "Child-Sensitive Social Protection in Refugee-Hosting Districts of West Nile Region, Uganda” provided one-off emergency cash transfers to women and children impacted by COVID-19 in West Nile (both refugees and citizens). A total of 56,500 women received a one-off cash transfer in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (59% refugees and 41% of them Ugandan citizens). The Senior Citizens’ Grant national roll-out was halted due to the pandemic, but resumed implementation in Q4 2020 with adjusted protocols, including the provision of cash transfers in six- Social pensions month lump sums (as opposed to monthly distribution). It is now providing transfers to a total of Social 379,801 recipients (57% women, 43% men) across the country in all 135 districts. Assistance In-kind transfers The GoU delivered food packages to 1.5 million vulnerable people in Kampala and Wasiko districts. The food packages include six kilograms of maize flour and three kilograms of beans and salt per Food, vouchers, others head. Lactating mothers and the sick also receive two kilograms of powdered milk and two kilograms of sugar. School feeding The Government of Uganda (GoU) is implementing a time-bound expansion of labor-intensive public works program (“Urban Cash for Work Program” (UCWP)) to the main urban areas of the country as well as flood-affected districts. This is the first attempt in the country to cover new beneficiaries in major urban areas particularly in parts of the districts where many informal sector workers live. Within the selected urban locations, the program will target beneficiaries using a mixture of poverty Public works and jobs-related criteria. The program is designed to benefit an estimated 500,000 beneficiaries who will work on selected public works projects (maintaining social distancing requirements) for 12 days a month for 2 months for a daily wage of $1.75. As of January 2021, the Ministry of Finance had not yet released funds, and a pilot program in Arua is planned by ILO through the PROSPECT program. 604 Utility waivers Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits The National Social Security Fund (NSSF) of Uganda announced measures that allow Social security contributions businesses/employers facing economic distress due to COVID-19 to reschedule NSSF contributions for 3 months without accumulating a penalty. Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 605 (back to the top) Ukraine Cash-based transfers The Government introduced child benefits to support children of individual entrepreneurs, which is one of the most affected group in terms of income loss, for the duration of quarantine plus one month after the day when it’s officially lifted. About 337 thousand families (414 thousand children) are expected to benefit from this assistance. It will be provided for each child up to 10 years old in the amount of the subsistence minimum (for children under 6 years - USD 66; for children aged 6 to 10 years - USD 82). The cost of measure – US$ 61.3 mln. (Note: As of September 3, 2020 (88,687 individual entrepreneurs received benefits for 115,244 children), the total spending is UAH 832.1 million (US$ 28.7 million)) The state announced a one-off payment to the current beneficiaries of child disability payments. (persons disabled from childhood and children with disabilities) (Note: as of May 08, 2020, the total spending is UAH 306.4 million (US$ 12.6 million)) Relaxed eligibility rules of the Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) Program allowing to: extend Cash transfers Social duration of payments; scale up activities aimed at increasing coverage of the poor; make individuals (conditional and unconditional) Assistance who have lost their jobs during quarantine, informal sector workers and returning migrants eligible for the GMI benefit. (Note: as of September 1, 2020. The total spending during March-August, 2020 was UAH 5.1 billion (US$ 175 million)) E-platforms allowing remote enrollment in social assistance programs: • E-Service online platform, operated by the Ministry of Social Policy, allows remote registration and enrollment to: Housing and Utilities Subsidy program, birth grants and child benefits to children of individual entrepreneurs under 10 years old; • Social Community integrated information system allows remote enrollment in 23 social assistance programs for the citizens of amalgamated territorial communities The authorities have extended existing social entitlements for the period of the quarantine without the need to reapply Social pensions In-kind transfers 606 Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works Simplified administrative requirements to enroll in the Housing Utilities Subsidy (HUS) program (energy social assistance). Removed restrictions preventing enrollment for those who have lost their jobs as a result of quarantine. The cost of measures – US$ 122.2 mln. Non-residential real estate owned by individuals or legal persons was not subject to real estate tax for the month of March, 2020 To support households, parliament has adopted legislation that allows households to deduct the expense of COVID-19 medicine from the calculation of personal income tax The government has introduced a moratorium on penalties and disconnection of consumers who are late on utility payments. Utility waivers The authorities have softened access to a number of social support programs, such as household utilities subsidies and aid to families with children. The changes include (a) increasing norms (by 50 percent) for energy consumption used to determine the amount of subsidy; (b) stopping the disqualification from the household utilities subsidiesprogram of a person that breaches qualification criteria; (c) automatic re-enrollment into the program for the heating season 2020-2021; (d) extending existing social entitlements for the period of the quarantine without the need to reapply; and (e) making private entrepreneurs eligible for the state support for children younger than 10. At the beginning of the quarantine in March 2020, the Cabinet of Ministers introduced price regulation for the period of the quarantine for 10 socially important food products, 20 categories of personal protective equipment and medicines and more than 10 types of antiseptics. Subsequently, there have been no reports of transgressions of this regulation. The Government allocated UAH 2.28 billion (US$ 84.44 mln) to the Social Insurance Fund to finance paid sick leaves and one-off assistance for the families of doctors and medical workers, who died from COVID-19 . Paid sick leave Social The Government introduced temporary out-off work support though Social Insurance Fund to those Insurance who are sick with COVID-19 or are self-isolating under medical supervision (50% of average salary; 100% - for medical personnel) Parliament has introduced a state insurance for medical professionals who become disabled as a Health insurance result of COVID-19-related sickness. This insurance also covers the families of doctors and nurses 607 who die as a result of COVID-19. Overall, more than 300 health care professionals have fallen victim of Covid-19 while some 26,000 have been infected. The Government introduced one-off cash assistance (UAH 1000 = $35) for vulnerable pensioners (whose pension is up to UAH 5000 = US$185), current beneficiaries of the disability programs (children with disabilities and persons with disabilities since childhood) and beneficiaries of social assistance to persons who are not eligible for pension. The total amount of funds received as of May Pensions 18 was UAH 9.88 bln (US$ 365 mln). Slight increase in pensions for pensioners with incomes below the threshold UAH 5000, or $ 180; it is also considered to extend this measure to children with disabilities. Minimum unemployment benefit was increased from UAH 650 to UAH 1000 (from US$24 to US$37, respectively). The maximum unemployment benefit under this measure is equal to four-fold subsistence minimum for the work-able individuals - UAH 8,408 (US$ 311) as of March 31, 2020. Unemployed are eligible for the program regardless the number of years worked and the level of social insurance contributions. Graduates of the educational institution, informal workers and those who were fired because of work absence also qualify for this type of assistance. The cost of measure Unemployment benefits – US$ 47.3 mln. Partial unemployment benefit introduced for the period of quarantine (through 22 May 2020 with a possibility for extension) for workers employed by those enterprises that have reduced or completely stopped activities, with some UAH 4.72 billion (USD 177.2 million) allocated to this end, and financing through the State Employment Service A holiday was introduced for small and medium sized companies for the payment of social security contributions until May 31, 2020 (which does not impact the accrual of their pensionable service) Social security contributions Entrepreneurs, farmers and self-employed (scientists, artists, teachers, attorneys, notary, etc.) shall be exempted from paying the single social contribution State Employment Service moved the key employment service operations, such as outreach to and Activation measures registration of newly unemployed cohorts, job search assistance, counseling, case management of vulnerable jobseekers, training, skilling, re-skilling activities to e-platforms (admin adaptation). Quarantine related changes were introduced to the Labor Code of Ukraine to regulate remote work, Labor flexible schedule and salaries for business interruption period Markets Labor market regulations State Employment Service simplified administrative procedures by introducing deferred formal registration (online registration of unemployed, which is subject to verification within 10 working days after the quarantine restrictions are officially lifted) and online enrollment in unemployment and part-time employment benefit programs. 608 Parliament has also approved atop-up of 300 percent of the salary for medical personnel working with COVID-19 patients Health workers treating the COVID-19 - infected patients shall be paid 300% in addition to their basic salary, workers of the territorial health centers shall be paid 100% to their basic salary Additional bonuses shall be established for social protection workers that provide social services at the residence place of their clients at the level of 100% in addition to their basic salary Reduced work time Social Insurance Fund introduced temporary compensation for the income losses for COVID‐19 patients. All insured employees are eligible to receive 50% of their average wage, regardless of seniority, starting from the 6th day of the confirmed temporary incapacity to work (the first 5 days are financed by employers). Wage subsidies Part-time employment status was introduced for employees of SMEs for the duration of the quarantine. In order to maintain jobs, the SMEs will receive support at the amount of 1 minimal wage per employee . The cost of this measure is UAH 4.723 bln (US$ 175 mln), the funds have been allocated from the state anti-COVID-19 fund. 609 (Back to the top) United Arab Emirates Cash-based transfers Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Social pensions In-kind transfers UAE Government have provided 3 months Food & essential needs for 44,500 Families across UAE. On 19 April 2020, the UAE launched the ‘10 million meals’ campaign to support low-income families and individuals who have been affected financially by the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Coinciding with the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, the nationwide campaign enables the public, companies, businessmen, entrepreneurs and philanthropists to make a financial donation towards purchasing cooked meals and food supplies or providing food items and parcels for distributing among hard-hit families and individuals. Social Food, vouchers, others Assistance NGO with Sharjah Islamic Bank provide 1-month Food & essential needs for 4000 Families in Sharjah. Launching the “Meer” initiative to ensure that the needs of senior citizens are met and to deliver essential food items to their homes Delivering 1.6 million meals to workers in Abu Dhabi in collaboration with local families and 70 restaurants School feeding Public works The current employer must pay housing and other allowances until the worker finds another job or leaves the country. Utility waivers Central Bank urges banks and financial institutions in the UAE to continue to postpone loan payments for clients affected by COVID-19. Central Bank urges banks and financial institutions in 610 the UAE to extend debt delay period and interest on the payments due until December 31, 2020 as part of the comprehensive economic support plan The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation implements a package of initiatives to support the operations of the private sector facilities: • Offering the possibility of refunding bank guarantees for laborers Exempting the Hajj and Umrah campaigns from licensing renewal fees from March to December 31st, 2020 Abu Dhabi Housing Authority postpones the payment of government housing loans for citizens working in the private sector for a period of three renewable months Abu Dhabi Housing Authority halts measures taken against citizens who are late in paying due housing loans for a period of three renewable months The Emirates Red Crescent Authority announced the “Among Your Family” initiative for real estate owners to reduce, exempt or postpone rent payment for existing tenants Union Coop in Dubai allocates AED150 million to reduce the prices of 25,000 commodities during Ramadan Providing free internet via satellite to students and teachers in areas that are not covered by the satellite service Federal Authority for Government Human Resources (FAHR) has amended the law of Human Resource a regulation that any employee that being hospitalized or being in quarantine period will be paid fully sick leave benefit. Also, a regulation has been set that a spouse of sick employee will be paid fully during the during the period of employee being hospitalized or allocated to quarantine Paid sick leave facility due to COVID-19. Social The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization has called on private sector establishments to Insurance consider workers infected with Covid-19 as sick cases entitled to sick leave The government provided full health coverage for all (Citizen, Resident & Tourist) infected or who were exposed to Covide-19, during their treatment and quarantine period. Health insurance The Government approved that the testing for Covid-19 is free of cost for all (Citizen, Resident & Tourist) 611 Pensions Unemployment benefits The Abu Dhabi Pension Fund on Tuesday announced that private sector companies in the emirate Social security contributions can apply to postpone paying pensions over the next three months. Implementing distance learning for all government and private centers for people of determination (disabled) and early intervention centers, and using smart mobile apps that support distance Activation measures learning, in addition to continuing the vocational training project for people of determination to market their products in various outlets The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation implements a package of initiatives to support Labor Labor market regulations the operations of the private sector facilities: Markets • Reducing fees for obtaining internal work permits The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation implements a package of initiatives to support Reduced work time the operations of the private sector facilities: • Restructuring job frameworks in terms of wages, vacations and working remotely Wage subsidies 612 (Back to the top) United Kingdom Cash-based transfers Britain would raise its main state-paid benefit. The universal credit standard allowance for the next 12 months would increase by 1,000 pounds a year, with the working tax credit basic element rising by the same amount as well. It is expected that the measures will benefit over 4 million of the most vulnerable households. Universal credit is a benefit for working-age people, which was introduced to replace six benefits and merge them into one payment. The replaced benefits are: income support, income-based jobseeker's allowance (except for some people with severe disabilities), income-related employment and support allowance housing benefit, child tax credit, working tax credit. For the duration of the outbreak, the requirements of the Universal Credit Program will be temporarily relaxed for those who have COVID-19 or are self-isolating according to government advice. People will be able to claim Universal Credit and access advance payments upfront without the current requirement to attend a job Centre if they are advised to self-isolate. • The self-employed or people earning below the Lower Earnings Limit of £118 per week can now Social more easily claim Universal Credit or Contributory Employment and Support Allowance Assistance Cash transfers (Contributory Employment and Support Allowance will be payable, at a rate of £73.10 a week for (conditional and unconditional) those over 25, for eligible people affected by COVID-19 or self-isolating in line with advice from Day 1 of sickness, rather than Day 8). (extended ). Individuals who are asked to self-isolate by the NHS on or after 28 September 2020 and are on a low income, unable to work from home and will lose income as a result, may be entitled to a payment of £500 from local authorities under the Test and Trace Support Payment scheme. This lump sum payment aims to provide additional financial support to those on low incomes so they can self-isolate and help stop the spread of the coronavirus. This initiative was extended until March 31st 2021. New payment for people self-isolating in highest risk areas. People on low incomes who need to self- isolate and are unable to work from home in areas with high incidence of COVID-19 will benefit from a new payment scheme starting on Tuesday 1 September, the Health Secretary has today. Starting with a trial in Blackburn with Darwen, Pendle and Oldham to ensure the process works, eligible individuals who test positive with the virus will receive £130 for their 10-day period of self-isolation. 613 Other members of their household, who have to self-isolate for 14 days, will be entitled to a payment of £182. And £13 per day (up to a maximum of £182) if an individual is identified as a non-household contact of another person who has tested positive for coronavirus and is asked to self-isolate up until 14 days after they were most recently in contact with the person who tested positive The government launched a one-off cash transfer of £500 for those working households that receive tax credits, either: Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit and were eligible for Working Tax Credit but did not get a payment because household income is too high to get Working Tax Credit payments. The benefit is directly paid to beneficiaries' bank accounts by 23 April 2021. The payment is non-taxable and beneficiaries do not need to declare it as income for Self Assessment tax returns or for tax credit claims and renewals. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others On March 20, 2020, schools across the United Kingdom were closed. By March 31, 2020, the government formally launched a national voucher scheme to ensure that the 1.3 million eligible school-aged children will continue to have access to meals during COVID-19-induced school closures. Under the scheme, each school-aged child would receive £15 per week voucher (equivalent to £3 per day), with the vouchers being redeemable at all major supermarkets. The value of the vouchers exceeds the costs of free school meals, as the government recognizes the increased costs placed on School feeding parents given that they will not be purchasing food in bulk and thus will incur higher costs. Families with school-aged children can know their eligibility through the government website. The delivery of the vouchers will be under the responsibility of schools. The government has also provided the flexibility for schools to utilise their existing in-house caterers and hire a local meal delivery service provider, with the government reimbursing the additional costs. According to the press, this policy involves a total planned budget of £120 M. Public works Temporary suspension of mortgage payments, fuel duty (for a year and for homeowners only), and suspension of new evictions from social or private rented accommodation. Utility waivers Workers working from home during coronavirus can get tax relief. The measure implies that workers can claim tax relief for additional household costs (heating, metered water bills, home contents insurance, business calls or a new broadband connection) if they have to work at home on a regular basis, either for all or part of the week. The Statutory Sick Pay (SSP), paid by the employers and refunded by the state, will now be Paid sick leave available for eligible individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 or those who are unable to work because 614 they are self-isolating in line with government advice. SSP will be made available from day one when self-isolating, instead of day four . This is in addition to the change that SSP will be payable from day one instead of day 4 for affected individuals. Beneficiaries can get £95.85 a week Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) for up to 28 weeks. Health insurance Pensions schemes will not have to face a planned 10% hike on their general levies due to the financial stress caused by the COVID-19 crisis. The government announced that it will hold off on the planned 10% increase on the General Levy on Occupational and Personal Pension schemes, which was Pensions scheduled to take effect on April 1. Treasury considering freeze on pensions and public sector pay to cover coronavirus bill Unemployment benefits The pensions regulator in UK (TPR) has recently published guidance to help UK pension trustees, employers and administrators deal with the financial and regulatory risks posed by coronavirus. In its guidance the TPR also allowed employers and scheme trustees to put pension funding payments on hold where absolutely necessary and to delay the submission of recovery plans where such Social information is currently expected. The Pension Regulator had given defined benefit transfers a Insurance three-month hiatus while also allowing employers to halt contributions in response to the Covid-19 crisis. The regulator published guidance on March 27 allowing DB schemes to delay member requests to transfer out of the scheme by up to three months. This is to give trustees more time to calculate cash equivalent transfer values (CETVs) as due to falling markets caused by the coronavirus pandemic, it is now more difficult for them to be sure of the underlying value of pension funds. Some schemes may have also experienced an increase in demand for CETV calculations which would Social security contributions place additional strain on administration teams. Therefore, the three-month delay will allow schemes to focus on other administrative tasks such as pension payroll and retirement quotations. Freezing DB transfers should also prevent individuals being targeted by scammers or making poor financial planning decisions in response to the crisis. The Kickstart Scheme gives firms financial support to create new 6-month job placements for young people who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. The scheme is open to all organisations. This financial support is used to pay: 1) 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week, 2) employer National Insurance, 3) minimum automatic pension enrolment contributions, and 4) £1,500 per job placement for setup costs, support and training. The Kickstart Scheme gives firms financial support to create new 6-month job placements for Labor Activation measures young people who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. The Markets scheme is open to all organisations. This financial support is used to pay: 1) 100% of the relevant 615 National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week, 2) employer National Insurance, 3) minimum automatic pension enrolment contributions, and 4) £1,500 per job placement for setup costs, support and training. The government introduced the Job Entry Targeted Support program which is an employment measure. This initiative is aimed at people who have been out of work and claiming either Universal Credit or New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance for at least 13 weeks. JETS will provide personalised employment support for 6 months, boosting the return to employment. This might include: 1) a personal adviser – including regular contact to agree a tailored action plan to help get beneficiaries back into employment 2) assessment of employment support needs 3) help with IT skills, job search, CV writing, interview support 4) support to consider different employment sectors/routes and ways of working including home working 5) building confidence, self-belief and self-motivation 6) support for anxieties about working in a Covid-19 environment including potential access to mental health and wellbeing support 7) signposting to skills support and other specialised help and training The government planned to spend £238 M in this policy. Labor market regulations Treasury considering freeze on pensions and public sector pay to cover coronavirus bill Reduced work time Employers will be able to contact HMRC (revenue and customs) for a grant to cover most of the wages of people who are not working that are furloughed and kept on payroll rather than being laid off. Government grants would cover 80% of the salary of retained workers to a total of 2,500 pounds a month. The scheme will cover the cost of wages backdated to March 1 and will initially be open for three months (might be extended if needed). According to the Commons Library Briefing, as of February 15th 2021, a total of 11.2 million jobs had been furloughed, costing £53.8 billion. (Note: This measure was extended several times. The last extension was placed until September 30th 2021, with some changes in the policy: the grant will continue to cover 80% of an employee’s Wage subsidies wages until 30 June 2021. From 1 July 2021, the grant will cover 70% of wages and employers will be required to top up an additional 10%. From 1 August the grant will cover 60% of wages and employers will be required to top up 20%.) The Kickstart Scheme gives firms financial support to create new 6-month job placements for young people who are currently on Universal Credit and at risk of long-term unemployment. The scheme is open to all organisations. This financial support is used to pay: 1) 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week, 2) employer National Insurance, 3) minimum 616 automatic pension enrolment contributions, and 4) £1,500 per job placement for setup costs, support and training. As of 25 February 2021, over 30,000 job placements had been approved. 617 (back to the top) United States Cash-based transfers First Economic Impact Payments (CARES Act): The first round of stimulus payments were authorized under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. In 2020, the IRS had issued 162 million payments — totaling $271 billion. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that those first-round payments will eventually cost a total of $292 billion. Those initial payments issued earlier in 2020 were $1,200 per person, or $2,400 for those filing jointly, plus $500 per qualifying child. The payments began phasing out at the same income levels as the current payments, but since the payments authorized under the CARES Act were larger, the maximum income levels to receive a payment were also larger: * $99,000 for single taxpayers * $136,500 for taxpayers filing as head of household * $198,000 for married couples filing jointly Second Economic Impact Payments (Consolidated Appropriations Act): The second round of stimulus payments were authorized on December 27, 2020 as part of the Consolidated Social Appropriations Act, 2021. Those payments typically totaled $600 per person, or $1,200 for married Assistance Cash transfers individuals, plus $600 for each qualifying child. The payments began phasing out at the same (conditional and unconditional) income levels as the current payments, but the maximum income levels to receive a payment were slightly higher. Taxpayers were ineligible for any payment, unless they had a qualifying child, above the following income levels: * $87,000 for single taxpayers * $124,500 for taxpayers filing as head of household * $174,000 for married couples filing jointly As of March 5, 2021, about $135 billion of the second round of payments have been sent out; overall, such payments are expected to cost a total of $164 billion according to the Congressional Budget Office. Third Economic Impact Payments (American Rescue Plan): The most recent checks were included in the American Rescue Plan, which was enacted on March 11, 2021. Eligible individuals will receive a payment of $1,400 ($2,800 for married couples), plus an additional $1,400 per eligible child. However, those payments phase out quickly for incomes above $75,000 for single taxpayers, above $112,500 for taxpayers filing as head of household, and above $150,000 for married couples filing jointly. Taxpayers would be ineligible for any payment, unless they have a qualifying child, above the 618 following income levels: * $80,000 for single taxpayers * $120,000 for taxpayers filing as head of household * $160,000 for married couples filing jointly Similar to previous iterations of the payments, most taxpayers will receive the funds by direct deposit. For Social Security and other beneficiaries who received previous payments via debit card, they will receive this third payment the same way. Overall, such payments are expected to cost $411 billion through 2030 according to the Congressional Budget Office. American Rescue Plane: Expands and increases the Child Tax Credit, the Earned Income Tax Credit, the Employee Retention Credit, among other program. ($176 billions). For the Child Tax Credit, and according to the IRS, those families who are eligible through the program will begin receiving payments in July 2021. A monthly advance credit of up to $300 will be paid for each child 5 years of age and younger. A $250 credit will be paid for each child between the ages of 6 and 17 West Virginia Will Pay Young People $100 To Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19. The state will offer a $100 savings bond to everyone between the ages of 16 and 35 who gets vaccinated. The initiative will apply retroactively to people in this age group who have already gotten their shots. It is funded with money from the CARES Act Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others March 18 2020, the United States Federal Government passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. The act empowers the US Department of Agriculture to approve state government School feeding plans to provide emergency food stamp assistance to households with school-aged children who would be benefiting from free or reduced-priced meals had there not been school closures4 Public works For taxpayers under an existing Installment Agreement, payments due between April 1 and July 15, 2020 are suspended. Taxpayers who are currently unable to comply with the terms of an Installment Payment Agreement, including a Direct Debit Installment Agreement, may suspend payments during this period if they prefer. Furthermore, the IRS will not default any Installment Utility waivers Agreements during this period. By law, interest will continue to accrue on any unpaid balances. (CARE ACT): A number of tax benefits, such as deferring payroll taxes will be provided. (total $300 billion) 619 The Families First Coronavirus Response Act allows parents who are caring for children whose schools have closed to have a maximum of 12 weeks of paid family leave. This includes two weeks of Paid sick leave paid sick leave at 100% of the person's normal salary, up to $511 per day. It would also provide up to 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave at 67 percent of the person's normal pay, up to $200 per day. Gig and self-employed workers also get these benefits in the form of a tax credit. Health insurance Pensions American Rescue Plane: Expansion of the unemployment benefits with $203 billion by extending unemployment programs, such as enhanced weekly benefit of $300, through Sept 6th, 2021 (CARE ACT): Further expansion of unemployment benefits ($270 billion). Such benefits were significantly expanded under the legislation — extending unemployment insurance by 13 weeks, boosting benefits by up to $600 per week for four months, and expanding eligibility requirements to include more categories of workers. Unemployment benefits Social Insurance (Consolidated Appropriations Act): Increased unemployment benefits ($119 billion). The earlier relief legislation provided several enhancements to unemployment insurance benefits that were ultimately allowed to expire. This package restored those enhancements, albeit at more modest levels. It added $300 per week to unemployment benefits, continued “gig” worker eligibility for unemployment benefits, and lengthened the maximum period that a worker could collect unemployment to 50 weeks. The CARES Act includes penalty-free coronavirus-related distributions. The 10% early withdrawal penalty under Internal Revenue Code (Code) Section 72(t) is waived for “coronavirus-related distributions” of up to $100,000. In addition, the 20% withholding requirement on these distributions does not apply. A coronavirus-related distribution is a distribution made in 2020 from a qualified retirement plan (including a 401(k) plan, 403(b) plan, 457(b) plan, individual retirement account, or Social security contributions individual retirement annuity) to a “qualified individual” (see the definition of a qualified individual below). A plan administrator may rely on an employee’s certification that the distribution is a coronavirus-related distribution. A coronavirus-related distribution is not treated as an eligible rollover distribution and may not be contributed as a rollover contribution to an individual retirement account or another employer retirement plan. Activation measures Labor market regulations Labor Markets Reduced work time Wage subsidies 620 621 (Back to the top) Uruguay Cash-based transfers Extra payment for two months for Asignación Familiar Plan de Equidad beneficiaries (372,231). The first payment of the first was on April and on May 5. This program was extended for two extra payments, delivering an extra 50% of this cash transfer on the months of November and December 2020. The payment of this benefit is by bank account. Those who do not have bank accounts, were able to collect the benefit through local decentralized networks. Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) Extra payment for two months for Tarjeta Uruguay Social beneficiaries (417,602) The government introduced a subsidy for those entrepreneurs’ holders of monotributo social who had to cease their economic activities. The policy involved a monthly subsidy of $ 6,779 corresponding to the period of April and May, although it was paid from June in local decentralized networks and bank accounts. Social pensions Social Assistance In-kind transfers In Uruguay, families receiving the family allowance (targeted cash transfers) will receive a top-up for school meals during Tourism Week. This one-off top-up involved an extra $424 for food security, involving 43,000 planned children beneficiaries. This benefit was paid through digital money card, bank accounts or local decentralized networks. On the other hand, other families with children will Food, vouchers, others receive a voucher, which will be delivered at schools This program was extended in January 2021, involving 74,000 children beneficiaries. Also, the extension included an increase of $1,190 in the benefit amount. In Uruguay, families receiving the family allowance (targeted cash transfers) will receive a top-up for school meals during Tourism Week. This one-off top-up involved an extra $424 for food security, School feeding involving 43,000 planned children beneficiaries. This benefit was paid through digital money card, bank accounts or local decentralized networks. On the other hand, other families with children will receive a voucher, which will be delivered at schools Public works 622 Payment is postponed for 30 days for BROU credit card payment. The installments of Banco Hipotecario for April and May will be reduced by 50% for the entire portfolio of mortgage loan clients and promises of sale whose operations are in force. Extensions, bonuses are established and extrajudicial auctions are postponed for different cases for the National Housing Agency. Maturities are eliminated for the MEVIR installments, they are not collected and there will be no judicial or extrajudicial actions derived from the delay in payment in these two months.This measure was extended during June and July 2020, reducing the installments by 75%. The measure ended on August 2020. Utility waivers The government introduced a postponement of loan installments for retirees and pensioners. This measure aimed at reaching 97,000 beneficiaries who receive benefits of less than 3 BPC, equivalent to $ 13,557 nominal and who only have loans requested before March 31st 2020. The benefit involved the suspension of the payment of the fees for May, June and July, which would be paid the first days of June, July and August respectively. The government introduced 25% discount on mobile and internet services in Antel to workers beneficiaries of unemployment benefits for three consecutive months. This will be available until March 31st 2021 and those who enter unemployment benefit within this period will also be able to access the discount. The Social Security Bank introduced a new mechanism through which the beneficiaries of the sickness subsidy for workers over 65 years old, will be able to access the subsidy without the Paid sick leave intervention of the health provider. Beneficiaries receive the equivalent of 70% of all their taxable income, with a cap of $ 48,071.29. Workers who lose coverage from the National Health Fund between August 1 and October 31, will retain that right for three months. This measure is intended for people who lost health coverage due Health insurance to activities ceased or termination of unemployment benefit, except in cases of dismissal for notorious misconduct. Social The government allowed another person to collect old-age pension benefits in name of people over Insurance 65 years old. This measure aimed at reaching 118,000 people over 65 years. This measure was extended several times. The government extended the validity of disability pensions and Temporary Subsidies for Partial Pensions Disability (STIP), as well as to facilitate the procedures for beneficiaries who need to request prostheses. In the case of disability pensions and STIPs with an expiration date between the 1st. March and June 30, it was decided to extend them for 180 days. The beneficiaries will be able to continue receiving their benefit without having to carry out procedures in the organization since the extension will be carried out automatically. This measure ended on July 20th, 2020. 623 Application of a partial unemployment subsidy for dependent workers, contemplating reduction of hours and/or periods of subsidy of less than one month. Beneficiaries of this policy are monthly workers, jornaleros and workers with mixed remuneration who have a reduction of at least six full days of work and a maximum of 19 in the month or a reduction of the working day of at least 50% of the usual schedule will be entitled to the subsidy. Also, this policy included workers with part-time or commission-type remuneration with a partial reduction of 50% or more in their average income (of the six immediately preceding months).This measure was extended until June 31st 2021. Unemployment benefits The reduction of hours must take place during the validity of the ministerial resolutions, until June 30, 2021. The subsidy is calculated as 25% of the monthly average wage received in the six months immediately prior to suspension or reduction of hours. The amount to be received, which includes the subsidy and the amount paid by the company for the period actually worked, will in no case be less than 75% of the base calculation. The payment will be made during the month following the reduction in the premises enabled for the local decentralized networks. The government relaxed the access to the unemployment benefit for workers dealing with total suspensions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The government decided to exempt 40% of social contributions paid by employers and non- dependent workers and provided financing for the remaining 60% in 6 installments, the first installment being paid in June 2020. Social security contributions To facilitate the payment of social contributions for Domestic Work, the BPS decided not to charge fines and surcharges from domestic service employers who, due to the health emergency, were unable to pay their obligations in March 2020. In this way, the contributions for the month of March will be included in your April obligations invoice without penalties or surcharges. Activation measures Labor The Ministry of Labor and Social Security signed a resolution by which firms were allowed to carry Markets out licenses in advance to workers, paying the corresponding amount for leave and vacation salary Labor market regulations as established by regulations. To take advantage of this measure, firms must have an agreement with their employees in the first place. The government promoted the adoption of telework. The labor inspectorate must be informed and Reduced work time the supply of the necessary elements is paid by the employer. It is not required to communicate the 624 place of provision of the service. It is understood that pre-existing working conditions should not be altered (art. 6 Decree No. 94/2020). The Social Security Bank launched an income support for those firms who reincorporate workers under the unemployment subsidy or who incorporate new workers between July and September Wage subsidies 2020. The measure involved a cash transfer of $5,000 for a period of three months.This measure was extended until February 28th 2021. 625 (back to the top) Uzbekistan Cash-based transfers Effective September 2020, a 10% increase in the base amount of the following benefits: - Allowances for persons with disability from childhood (UZS 513,350) - Allowances for people with disabilities and elderly failing to have enough length of service to assign a pension (UZS 315,030)" Note: By Decree No UP-6038 of July 7th 2020, the government implemented a 10% increase in allowances for people with disability from childhood to UZS $513,350 per month and to UZS $315,030 for those elderly and disabled citizens who do not have the necessary work experience. The measure began on the September 1st 2020. The number of beneficiaries receiving allowances will increase by at least 10% or to 60,000 households included through the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan. Extension of the duration of the social allowances for low-income families that expire in March-June for 6 months (or until a child reaches age of 2 or 14, depending on a social allowance) (additional USD 60 million). Until the end of 2020, gradually increasing the number of households receiving the below Social three types of social benefits to reach 1 mln. 200 thousand families Assistance Cash transfers - Childcare allowance until they reach the age of 2 y.o. (up to 400 thousand) (conditional and unconditional) - Benefits for families with children under 14 y.o. (up to 700 thousand) - Financial assistance to low-income families (up to 100 thousand) Government is about to approve amendments to simplify the application process and relax the income test (by disregarding certain incomes and categories) to determine eligibility to family allowances Support to women in low-income families through UZS 100 bln. transfer to Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan, Funded from Anti-Crisis Fund One-off cash transfer in the total amount of UZS 580 bln. to support 400 thousand vulnerable families (1.7 million people) One-off cash transfer in the total amount of UZS 150 bln. to support religious servants One-off cash transfer in the total amount of UZS 100 bln. to remunerate medical emergency 626 personnel One-off cash assistance of 500,000 UZS ($50) to every child under 16 y.o. from either a low-income family or a family receiving breadwinner-loss allowance or pension, or if he/she had a disability (formal status). The purpose of the cash transfer is to help families to meet the out-of-pocket expenses related to education. The government launched a cash-transfer of UZS $500,000 for each family participating in agricultural cooperation, needing social protection and belonging to the category of needy families gets additional support from Fund of social jobs during cultivation of bird (40 days). Effective 01 September 2020, 10% increase in the base amount of the minimum amount of age Social pensions pension (UZS 513,350)" In-kind transfers Disposable facial masks, antiseptic sanitizers and antibacterial soap have been added to a list of 18 essentials foodstuffs and hygiene products provided to beneficiaries of regular goods baskets. Eligible populations include the elderly (men over 60 years and women over 55) and people with Food, vouchers, others disabilities (groups 1 and II) who need outside care, do not have children (except for minors or people with disabilities), spouses and parents (with the exception of the elderly or disabled), or guardians, trustees, or persons entrusted by the court to provide care. School feeding Public works Expansion of the public works programs (US$21m) The government suspended from April 1 to July 1, 2020, the calculation and payment of the tourist (hotel) tax. This was extended up to January 1st, 2021. The government extended the deadline for the payment of property tax and land tax of individuals until October 15, 2020 The government conducted daily monitoring of the prices of the medicines, products of medical Utility waivers appointment, medical equipment, materials and substances used in their production and essential goods and also established strict control of artificial overestimate of the prices, non-admission of formation of artificial deficit and the increased demand for these means. The government implemented the privilege on the value added tax for the separate finished pharmaceutical products and products of medical appointment for a period of up to three months. Consumer/bank loan and mortgage holidays. 627 Sick leave is normally paid at the rate of 60-80% salary depending on the employment history. For the duration of quarantine, it is increased to 100% of the salary for everyone and covers parents whose child is in quarantine. Paid sick leave A working parent (only one of the two) is given a paid leave for the duration of schools and kindergartens shutdown without affecting the regular annual paid leave schedule. Additionally, every 14 days an extra USD500-2,600 per person are to be paid. If a member of the healthcare or medical staff is infected with COVID19 while dealing with patients, the person receives Social Health insurance one-off compensation of USD 10,400. If the infection results in severe health damage or death, then Insurance the person or his/her family members receive USD 26,040 as compensation Organization of a simplified system for issuing documents on temporary disability. Pensions Effective 01 September 2020, a 10% increase in the base amount of the base amount to calculate the pensions (UZS 262,470)" The Government of Uzbekistan simplified the procedures to apply and access unemployment Unemployment benefits assistance benefits during the quarantine measures (since April 17, 2020) Social security contributions Labor market interventions under the 10 trillion soum Anti-Crisis fund include: - Organization of Ishga Markhamat monocenters and vocational training centers, as well as support for labor migrants by organizing their vocational and language training According to Decree No UP-5969 on March 19th 2020, the Anti-Crisis Fund has the following purposes: a) financing of measures to combat the spread of coronavirus infection, including: provision of medical and other institutions with medicines and medical products, protective drugs and test systems necessary to combat the spread of coronavirus infection; covering the costs of Labor keeping in quarantine persons at risk of or in contact with infected persons; Activation measures Markets the allocation of additional funds for material incentives for medical workers involved in the fight against the spread of coronavirus infection, the costs of the sanitary and epidemiological service of the republic for taking protective measures; construction, repair, reconstruction and equipping of medical and other institutions involved in measures to identify, prevent and treat infectious diseases; b) support of entrepreneurship and employment of the population by: expanding the provision by the State Fund of Support for the Development of Entrepreneurship under the Agency for the Development of Small Business and Entrepreneurship of guarantees and compensation to cover interest expenses on loans issued primarily for the production, purchase and sale of socially significant consumer goods; implementation of additional infrastructure projects in the regions of 628 the republic, aimed at expanding economic activity and employment, as well as the construction of engineering communications, primarily in small industrial zones; c) expansion of social support for the population, including the allocation of additional funds: to strengthen measures to support low-income families and increase the number of benefit recipients, The Public Works Fund under the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations to expand public works; to organize mono-centers "Ishga Markhamat" and vocational training centers, as well as to support labor migrants by organizing their vocational and language training; d) ensuring the sustainable functioning of sectors of the economy through: provision of measures of state support to strategic enterprises by allocating interest-free budget loans to repay loans attracted under the state guarantee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as to carry out priority expenses; reimbursement of part of the transportation costs of business entities engaged in foreign trade activities; provision of additional measures to support industries and sectors of the economy most susceptible to the negative impact of the spread of coronavirus infection, as well as commercial banks in the event of a deterioration in the quality of the loan portfolio; replenishment of shortfalls in revenues of the budget of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, local budgets of regions and the city of Tashkent in connection with the provision of deferrals for the payment of taxes and a decrease in entrepreneurial activity by providing interest-free budget loans for up to three years. Prohibition of termination of the employment contract for an employee who is the parent (person, substitute, guardian, trustee) of a child under the age of 14 who is infected with coronavirus infection or placed in quarantine262 Labor market regulations The government introduced a daily supplement of 6% of the monthly official salary for medical, sanitary-epidemiological and other workers for the period of their involvement in measures to counter the spread of coronavirus infection. The government urged employers to transfer workers, especially pregnant women, the elderly, Reduced work time persons with disabilities and chronic diseases, with their consent, to teleworking, flexible working hours or to work from home. Interest-free loans for the payment of wages to employees of business entities that have suspended Wage subsidies their activities in connection with the announcement of quarantine. 629 (Back to the top) Vanuatu Cash-based transfers The government introduced a cash transfer in concept of risk allowance, aimed at frontline health Cash transfers workers who are risking their own health to take care of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. (conditional and unconditional) This meant a cash transfer of VUV $18,000, with an estimated budget of VUV $200M. Social pensions Social In-kind transfers Assistance Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works School fee exemptions will be available for 2020. School fee exemptions were granted for 2020. Utility waivers Each student received a tuition fee exemption of VUV $42,000 for the academic year. According to the press, a total of VUV $368,609,870 was spent on this policy, involving 8,778 students. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time Labor The government of Vanuatu has launched the Employment Stabilization Program, which will Markets reimburse employers for up to VT 30,000 (US$ 249) per employee on their payroll for 4 months (March-June 2020). Employers will also receive a payment of 15% of the amount they are reimbursed Wage subsidies for wages as an additional incentive to maintain employment. According to the press, as of August 2020, 340 firms involving 6,000 employees have benefited from this policy, particularly the tourism sector. The measure was extended until September 2020. 630 (back to the top) Venezuela Cash-based transfers The president announced “Cuidar y Cuidarse” which is a bonus of 900,000 bolivars. The delivery will take place between July 14 and 18, 2020. This bonus should be used to pay for gasoline, pay in stores using BiopagoBDV points of sale, save on Sovereign Gold titles, pay the Corpoelec bill and water service or participate in the Exchange System among other available options. The delivery was direct and gradual. Beneficiaries received a text message to their mobile phones or to the veMonedero application. No further information is given. Unidos por la Vida: 1,690,000 bolivars, about 4 dollars, will be delivered by the end of September through the Patria Platform. The delivery was direct and gradual. Beneficiaries received a text message to their mobile phones or to the veMonedero application. No further information is given. Bono Disciplina y Voluntad: 1,560,000 bolivars will be delivered to the population most affected by the economic crisis between September 9-19. Beneficiaries need to own the "patria" card and be registered in its platform. Social Assistance Cash transfers Increased monthly cash transfers, plus a one-off transfer (reaching 80% of the population), through (conditional and unconditional) existing programs and paid through the Sistema Patria platform. • Bono Salud y Vida: 350,000 bolivars ($2,4) will be deleivered to the most disadvantaged people between April 22-30. The delivery was direct and gradual. Beneficiaries received a text message to their mobile phones or to the veMonedero application. No further information is given - Quedate en Casa: Stay at home payment for workers in the informal sector with 450,000 bolivars. This was particularly aimed at workers in small and medium firms. Independent as well as self-employed worker were reached with this initiative (according to the blog "patria", the cash transfer was delivered to 4,000,000 independent and self-employed workers). - Initially, the delivery of the bonus was scheduled for March 2020 only, but it was monthly extended until October 2020. • Bono Normalidad Relativa: new payment of $600,000 bolivars aiming to help the population more disadvantaged and affected by coronavirus payment will be made June 12-19. • Bono Disciplina y Solidaridad: cash transfer of $350,000 bolivars to informal workers implemented 631 until March 29th 2020. Bono Venezuela Decidió Cuidarse: one-off cash transfer of $1,950,000 bolivars to each beneficiary through the Patria Platform or veMonedero, which was delivered from October 15th 2020. Bono 7+7 Perfecto: one-off cash transfer of $464,291.48 bolivars to each beneficiary through the Patria Platform or veMonedero, which was delivered from October 26th 2020. Bono Amor por Venezuela: one-off cash transfer of 3,120,000 bolivars to each beneficiary through the Patria Platform or veMonedero, which was delivered from October 16th 2020. Not the entire population received this cash transfers, as its delivery was random. Bono Conciencia y Prevención: one-off cash transfer of $3,380,000 bolivars to each beneficiary through the Patria Platform or veMonedero, which was delivered from November 23rd 2020. Bono Navidades felices y seguras: one-off cash transfer of $4,680,000 bolivars to each beneficiary through the Patria Platform or veMonedero, which was delivered from December 11th 2020. Bono Felicidades Venezuela: one-off cash transfer of $5,070,000 bolivars to each beneficiary through the Patria Platform or veMonedero, which was delivered from December 21st 2020. Bono Cuarto aniversario del Carnet de la Patria: one-off cash transfer of $5,600,000 bolivars to each beneficiary through the Patria Platform or veMonedero, which was delivered from January 21st 2021. Social pensions In-kind transfers Increase in deliveries of subsidized food parcels through the Local Committees for Supply and Food, vouchers, others Production (CLAP) program. According to the press, this increase aimed at reaching 7,000,000 households. School feeding Public works Residential and commercial rent payments suspended for 6 months (for businesses and persons Utility waivers affected by COVID-19). Landlords will be reimbursed. 632 Moreover, ban on service disconnection for lack of payment by telecommunications companies (cable TV, telephone, mobile phones, internet) Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Through Extraordinary Decree 4167 March 23rd 2020, the government banned dismissals of Labor market regulations workers in public and private sector until December 31st 2020, unless these were approved by the Labor Ministry of Labor or the total amount of severance payments is doubled. Markets Reduced work time The government will pay payroll for SMEs for six months (March to August), through the same online Wage subsidies platform used for social transfers (Sistema Patria platform) 633 (back to the top) Vietnam Cash-based transfers Contracted employees/workers who lost jobs but not eligible for UI benefits, and workers without employment contracts working in business establishments closed due to social distancing measures. Workers will get support of VND 1.8 million per month. Un-contracted workers (from informal sector) who lost jobs, from selected work, with income less than poverty line, will get support of VND 1 million per months for maximum 3 months. The same payment also extends to formally employed workers who do not meet the qualifying conditions for the country’s unemployment insurance. Cash transfers Employees, small/household businesses that have had to suspend operation and suffer difficulties (conditional and unconditional) due to Covid-19 would also be supported with VND1 million per month. The allowances would be provided over at least three months (until June), and would be taken from the central government and local administrations' budgets, with the total estimated at VND28-30 trillion ($1.2- 1.3 billion). Social People who contributed to the nation including veterans would receive VND500,000 per person per Assistance month for 3 months, from April to June 2020 Social assistance beneficiaries would receive VND500,000 per person per month for 3 months, from April to June 2020 Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others School feeding Public works In several large and heavily affected cities like Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh City, local government cover all expensive related to living, testing and medical treatment for all Vietnamese citizens who were Utility waivers institutionally quarantined Government reduces electricity prices by 10 percent for 3 months. Under the current proposal, a 10 634 percent reduction would be applied to electricity prices for households at tiers 1-4 (electricity consumption below 300 kWh). Extended for another quarter (4th quarter). Businesses would also receive a 10 percent discount during peak, normal and off-peak hours, while tourist accommodation would be entitled to the same electricity prices as households and production firms. The total value of this support package for electricity consumers would be nearly VND11 trillion. The government has cut electricity prices by 10 percent for the year’s last quarter to support economic recovery from Covid-19 impacts. The discount applies to businesses and households for a maximum of 300-kilowatt-hour consumption per month from October to December. Consumption above this limit will attract normal prices. Covid-19 quarantine centers will get a 100 percent discount on their electricity bills, while medical facilities that test and treat Covid-19 patients can enjoy getting a 20 percent discount. Reduces 15% of the payable land rent in 2020 for enterprises, organizations, households and individuals which the government leases, according to the contract issued by the relevant authority by way of annual rental payments, have had to cease business activities due to the impact of Covid- 19. Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Change in payment modality: cash payments of social security benefits at home Unemployment benefits Temporary suspension of social insurance contributions for COVID-19 affected firms and entities for a maximum of 12 months (Initially up to June 2020, depending on how situation progresses, could be Social extended to December 2020). This will be applied for those firms and entities that have at least 50% Insurance of labor force being on temporarily leave as a result of the pandemic (More specifically: Agencies, units, and organizations (so-called “enterprises”) that operate in passenger transport, hospitality, Social security contributions food and drink, and other business sectors affected by the pandemic that have had to lay off employees -- including at least. Extended until December 2020 Social insurance contribution reduction from 0.5% to 0.3% in the occupational diseases and accidents fund for 3 years. Approval is renewable. Activation measures Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time 635 Provided flat rate wage subsidies for workers on unpaid leave and wage credits for those on reduced Wage subsidies pay. In both cases, the benefit is 1,800,000 dong. The scheme is managed by Viet Nam Social Security (VSS). From April to June 2020. 636 (back to the top) Virgin Islands (U.S.) Cash-based transfers The V.I. Department of Human Services is waiving income requirements for childcare assistance for parents who need to return to work amid the COVID-19 outbreak. The department is utilizing a federal childcare grant in the amount of $3.3 million awarded to provide assistance to families and child care providers The Department of Finance has paid out approximately 39,000 checks under the $600 Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act 2 stimulus. The government anticipates approximately 6,000 more checks, primarily owed to people who filed their 2019 income taxes late, will be paid out by mid-April, ending the payout of the CARES Act 2 stimulus funding. Cash transfers (conditional and unconditional) The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides for Economic Impact Payments to households of up to $1,200 per adult for individuals whose income was less than $99,000 (or $198,000 for joint filers) and $500 per child under 17 years old – or up to $3,400 for a family of four. This involves an estimated budget of USD $84,700,000. Social Assistance Funding provided under the CARES Act to the Dislocated Worker Grants for temporary employment & training programs through state & local workforce programs. The DWG funding may be used to assist dislocated workers, workers who were laid-off due to COVID-19, self-employed individuals who are unemployed or underemployed as a result of COVID-19, and long-term unemployed individuals. This involved an estimated budget of USD $1,500,000. Social pensions In-kind transfers Some examples of meeting the purpose of this grant include increasing the amount of TEFAP food distributed due to the national public health emergency, replacing foods previously distributed during the national public health emergency (except those foods replaced as a result of approved Disaster Household distribution programs), or increasing administrative expenditures due to changed Food, vouchers, others procedures, such as distribution changes to accommodate social distancing. This involves an estimated budget of USD $529,635. The purpose of this grant is to assist with containing the spread of COVID-19 among homeless 637 individuals. - Build more emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families - Operate emergency shelters by providing maintenance, rent, repair, security, fuel, equipment, insurance, utilities, food, furnishings, and supplies necessary for the operation. - Provide hotel/motel vouchers for homeless families or individuals. - Provide essential services to people experiencing homelessness including childcare, education services, outreach, employment assistance, outpatient health services, legal services, mental health services, substance abuse treatment services, and transportation. - Prevent individuals from becoming homeless and rapidly re-house homeless individuals. This involves an estimated budget of USD $2,243,982. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, provided the additional funding for the nutrition services programs authorized by the Older Americans Act (OAA). These programs provide meals, and a wide range of services such as, home assistance, education on managing chronic illnesses and much more. This involved an estimated budget of USD $49,999.67 In response to the COVID-19 pandemic the U.S. Department of Agriculture issued reimbursements to state, local and territorial education agencies. The National School Lunch Program (NSLP), The School feeding School Breakfast Program (SBP), and The Special Milk Program (SMP) provides nutrition supplements to state education agencies. This involves an estimated budget of USD $925,638. Public works The Emergency Rental Assistance Program aimed to assist families who have fallen behind on rent payments as a result of the pandemic. To qualify, residents must: - Owe at least one month rent or utility payment or anticipate a need for future rental assistance - Prove they have suffered loss of income because of COVID-19 - Have one or more household members at risk of homelessness because of nonpayment of rent - Have an annual income at or below 80% of area median income. Rental Assistance for up to 12 months. Assistance also includes housing expenses such as electricity, water, etc. that will avoid tenant losing unit/services. Funds awarded to the Territory as Utility waivers of 1/11/2021 + 21,315,497.10 The purpose of this grant is to assist with containing the spread of COVID-19 among homeless individuals. - Build more emergency shelters for homeless individuals and families - Operate emergency shelters by providing maintenance, rent, repair, security, fuel, equipment, insurance, utilities, food, furnishings, and supplies necessary for the operation. - Provide hotel/motel vouchers for homeless families or individuals. - Provide essential services to people experiencing homelessness including childcare, education services, outreach, employment assistance, outpatient health services, legal services, mental health services, substance abuse treatment services, and transportation. - 638 Prevent individuals from becoming homeless and rapidly re-house homeless individuals. This involves an estimated budget of USD $2,243,982. Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Funding will be used to supplement the electrical bills of low-income seniors and persons with disabilities; With the supplemental funding, the Department of Human Services (DHS) may also be able to assist very low-income non-seniors who are experiencing hardship because of loss of employment due to COVID 19. This involved an estimated budget of USD $155,248. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, provided the additional funding for the nutrition services programs authorized by the Older Americans Act (OAA). These programs provide meals, and a wide range of services such as, home assistance, education on managing chronic illnesses and much more. This involved an estimated budget of USD $49,999.67 Paid sick leave Health insurance Pensions Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) is an emergency program established by the CARES Act to increase unemployment benefits for those who are out of work because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Under FPUC, eligible people who collect certain unemployment insurance benefits, including regular unemployment compensation, receive an extra $600 in federal benefits each week through July 25, 2020, or July 26, 2020. This involved a total budget of USD $50,599,440. Social Insurance The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act also established the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program, which extended benefits for an extra 24 Unemployment benefits weeks after regular unemployment compensation benefits are exhausted. PEUC was available from April 4, 2020 through March 13, 2021. This program involved a total budget of USD $6,435,720. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act also established the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program, which expands unemployment insurance eligibility to self-employed workers, freelancers, independent contractors, and part-time workers impacted by the coronavirus. The program provides up to 39 weeks of benefits and permit states to extend unemployment benefits up to an additional 13 weeks which is available retroactively beginning on or after Jan. 27 to Dec 31, 2020 and calculated based on the weekly benefit amounts provided under a 639 state's unemployment insurance laws. This involves an estimated budget of USD $13,585,699. The Lost Wages Assistance (LWA) program is a federal-state unemployment benefit that provided $300 to $400 in weekly compensation to eligible claimants. The federal government contributed $300 per claimant per week from the Disaster Relief Fund (DRF), and states were asked to pay the remaining $100, which could be in the form of additional funds or as part of the claimant’s regular weekly unemployment compensation. Due to budget constraints, most states elected to count regular compensation as their contribution. The program, part of the federal government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, was administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The LWA program was meant to address unemployment for the period Aug. 1, 2020, to Dec. 27, 2020. This involved an estimated budget of USD $7,384,216. Social security contributions Funding provided under the CARES Act to the Dislocated Worker Grants for temporary employment & training programs through state & local workforce programs. The DWG funding may be used to Activation measures assist dislocated workers, workers who were laid-off due to COVID-19, self-employed individuals who are unemployed or underemployed as a result of COVID-19, and long-term unemployed Labor individuals. This involved an estimated budget of USD $1,500,000. Markets Labor market regulations Reduced work time Wage subsidies 640 (back to the top) West Bank and Gaza Cash-based transfers In April, the Ministry of Social Development included 10,000 new families who were on the waiting list in the Cash Transfer Programme (CTP). After this procedure, the number of households covered by the programme reached 114,658. The benefit amount ranges from ILS750 to ILS1,800 per household and is paid every three months. The first payment in 2020 started in April and already included the new beneficiaries, who received a message confirming the receipt. On 16 May, the Ministry of Labour started the distribution of cash assistance to 40,000 workers affected by the COVID-19 crisis. A total of 276,000 workers in the West Bank and Gaza registered through a digital platform launched by the Ministry. A technical committee was created to verify the eligibility conditions. The benefit targets: workers in the local market; workers affected by COVID-19 (mainly daily wagers); workers in the most affected areas; workers who are less than 65 years old; married couples with more than 2 children; workers in Jerusalem and the Palestinian refugee camps. The sectors benefiting from the aid are distributed as follows: construction, tourism, services, transportation, kindergarten, the trade sector (workers who work at merchants), industry and Social crafts, agricultural workers, quarries, spinning, weaving, and health. Groups excluded from the Assistance Cash transfers programme: workers inside the Israeli settlements and Israeli industrial areas; workers who are more (conditional and unconditional) than 65 years old; people receiving benefits of the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Social Development; Ministry of Economy; public employees. The Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Social Development crossed their databases to identify the beneficiaries. The Waqfa Fund finances this intervention, in coordination with the General Union of Transportations Workers Syndicates Financial aid of USD100 for 3 months will be distributed to female workers in nurseries and creches that have stopped working (and whose salaries have been cut off). The Ministry of Social Development announced an urgent financial aid of ILS500 (one-off) for families affected by the COVID-19 crisis. The benefit targets everyone who has lost their job and has no source of income, or who has an income of less than ILS1,400. Potential beneficiaries registered their information in a new form provided by the Ministry, which feeds into a database, and has been distributed to social development offices and their directorates, in addition to the municipalities and the Workers' Union. A total of 9,504 low-income households were considered eligible. The total cost 641 of the intervention was ILS4,752 million, provided by the Ezz Waqf Fund 165,000 people who are regularly assisted through its CBT assistance in Gaza and the West Bank were provided an extra monthly cash top-up (USD5) per capita. This aims at alleviating the impact of COVID-19 on people’s already fragile livelihoods, helping them offset some of their scarce resources to spend on other essentials, such as health care and hygiene The WB's West Bank Emergency Social Protection COVID-19 Response Project will build on the existing platform for the Palestinian National Cash Transfer Program (CTP) to support the emergency cash transfers component of the PA's COVID-19 response plan. The breakdown of beneficiary households is as follows: (i) 68,000 households receiving the one-time emergency cash transfer; (ii) 21,400 CTP beneficiary households receiving the second quarterly payment of CTP; and (iii) 3,060 households with a member benefiting from cash for work for six months. Social pensions In-kind transfers Expansion of the National Cash Transfer Programme (CTP) to cover additional 70,087 beneficiaries to meet their food needs for three months—e-voucher; MOSD will also distribute hygiene items; Top-up of hygiene materials to current support provided under social safety net to vulnerable households in the West Bank and Gaza; Food aid to 522 families of divorced or abandoned women (or whose cases are still in court over alimony)—female headed households; Hygiene kits to the elderly and people with disabilities in the West Bank and Gaza. Food, vouchers, others Food and hygiene items for the residents and workers of 47 residential centres that are still operating in the crisis in the West Bank and Gaza MoSD, in cooperation with international and local partners, distributed food parcels to more than 150,000 vulnerable registered households; In May, 314,173 poor, food-insecure people received Cash Based Transfers (CBT) in the form of electronic food vouchers: 223,762 in Gaza and 90,411 in the West Bank. This included around 40,000 of the newly-targeted people who redeemed their vouchers in May 642 WFP distributed electronic vouchers to 67,600 newly-registered beneficiaries who have been affected by COVID-19. As of May, 40,000 were able to redeem their vouchers. Almost all of the targeted affected people (99 per cent) live in the West Bank, where the closures and movement restrictions have been more impactful on the labor force. Women head nearly half of the targeted households in the West Bank; 12 per cent are older adults and 9 per cent are persons with disabilities. UNRWA will also provide food to 10,445 refugee households in the West Bank for three months School feeding The WB's West Bank Emergency Social Protection COVID-19 Response Project will build on the existing platform for the Palestinian National Cash Transfer Program (CTP) to support the emergency cash transfers component of the PA's COVID-19 response plan. The breakdown of Public works beneficiary households is as follows: (i) 68,000 households receiving the one-time emergency cash transfer; (ii) 21,400 CTP beneficiary households receiving the second quarterly payment of CTP; and (iii) 3,060 households with a member benefiting from cash for work for six months. The Palestine Monetary Authority has postponed monthly/periodic loan repayments to all borrowers Utility waivers for the next four months Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits The Palestinian Authority has stopped collecting contributions from Palestinian workers, leaving Social security contributions compliance with sick pay rules to employers instead. Note: For workers in the West Bank and Gaza, there are no sick leave provisions Activation measures Labor market regulations Reduced work time Labor The Minister of Labour launched a Fund to provide support to workers affected by the pandemic. A Markets two-month temporary employment programme will be launched for unemployed workers, noting that agreements have been concluded with the relevant authorities to maintain the employee and Wage subsidies employee wages for the months of March and April. In partnership with the World Bank, the initiative aims to employ 10,000 workers for 3 to 6 months and indicated that the Ministry will cover 30 per cent of the wages for 20,000 workers. 643 (Back to the top) Yemen Cash-based transfers The eighth payment cycle of the Yemen Emergency Cash Transfer (ECT) project was launched on 27 June. During this payment cycle, humanitarian support was provided for a onetime top-up to the beneficiary amount to help beneficiaries cope with the COVID-19 global pandemic. The top-up amount was approximately 45 per cent of the beneficiaries’ quarterly base amount. As of 22 July, 1.418 million beneficiaries received their benefits with this top-up, which correspond to about 89 per Cash transfers cent of all cash recipients. Different COVID-19 preventative measures, identified through a thorough (conditional and unconditional) risk mitigation exercise, are in place to ensure the safety of beneficiaries and project personnel. Beneficiaries were requested to cover their nose and mouth, to maintain physical distancing while queuing and inside the payment sites and to use the provided hand sanitiser before entering and Social after collecting their cash. All project staff are using protective gear (masks and gloves) and a strong Assistance scheduling and crowd management mechanisms were put in place to prevent crowding at the payment sites Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others In response to the curfew, the school feeding programme modality from WFP has been shifted to School feeding take-home rations, covering more than 393,000 Public works The authorities have also reduced prices of gasoline (to YER220/litre in Aden and YER295/ Utility waivers litre in Sana’a) and Diesel prices to (to YER240/litre in Aden and YER345/litre in Sana’a). Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures Labor Labor market regulations Markets Reduced work time 644 Wage subsidies 645 (back to the top) Zambia Cash-based transfers In July, Zambia launched an emergency COVID-19 social cash transfer scheme to help vulnerable communities affected by the pandemic. Kampamba Mulenga, Minister of Community Development, Cash transfers said the emergency social cash transfer will help mitigate the impact of the pandemic in vulnerable (conditional and unconditional) homes of the elderly, women and their children. The beneficiaries will be given money as well as food hampers for a period of six months, she added Social pensions In-kind transfers In July, Zambia launched an emergency COVID-19 social cash transfer scheme to help vulnerable Social communities affected by the pandemic. Kampamba Mulenga, Minister of Community Development, Assistance Food, vouchers, others said the emergency social cash transfer will help mitigate the impact of the pandemic in vulnerable homes of the elderly, women and their children. The beneficiaries will be given money as well as food hampers for a period of six months, she added School feeding Public works Waived charges for person-to-person electronic money transfers of up to K150. These transactions are now free of charge. Revised upwards transactions and balance limits for individuals, small scale farmer and enterprises. The limits by agents have been revised upwards to give agents more float to Utility waivers deal with transactions. This is made to decongest banks. Removed the transaction and balance limits on agents and corporate wallets and reduced the processing fees for Real Time Gross Settlement System. Paid sick leave Health insurance Social Pensions K500 million to the public service pensions fund to pay over 1,500 retirees or their beneficiaries Insurance Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Activation measures 646 All employees sent on forced leave must be paid basic pay during the period of the forced leave in accordance with section 48 of the Employment Code. Termination of employment due to Covid-19 falls within the meaning of redundancy and notice must be given provided for in section 55 of the Employment Code Act No. 3 of 2019. Labor market regulations To limit forced leave to employers in the tourism and hospitality sector that has been significantly Labor impacted negative by the pandemic due to cancellations of booking and demands for refunds in Markets some cases. Section 48 of the Employment Code No.3 of 2019 shall only be invoked for other sectors after assessments have been conducted by authorised officers. All non-essential civil servants should work on rotation basis or work remotely from home. Secretary Reduced work time to Cabinet has identified critical workers to report for work while others will work remotely or from homes. Wage subsidies 647 (back to the top) Zimbabwe Cash-based transfers One-million households identified through the Social Welfare Department to benefit from the $600 million kitty availed by the Government to mitigate the effects of Covid-19. These are i) a universal emergency cash transfer to all urban households; ii) a transfer to households employed in the informal sector and iii) a transfer to informal sector vendors organized through their associations. Emergency Harmonized Social Cash Transfer (HSCT) program mirroring the core elements of the Government’s flagship Harmonized Social Cash Transfer (HSCT). The Emergency HSCT will align itself with the existing HSCT, but with design tweaks to enable a more rapid and cost-effective response and will include strong child protection and nutrition focused referral systems. The program will initially aim to reach 25,000 households with $13 per eligible individual in up to six urban domains most affected by COVID-19 from an economic perspective. The total financial Cash transfers requirements for six months are $10,140,000 (conditional and unconditional) Project –Urban social assistance. This project builds on WFP’s existing urban food security and Social resilience program that is already covering over 100,000 beneficiaries with an unconditional cash Assistance transfer of US$9 per person across eight urban domains. Project – COVID-19 School Children’s Food Security and Nutrition. There is need to transform and adapt school feeding to help safeguard children’s food security and nutrition during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Where schools are to re-open, there are concerns that hygiene standards and social/physical distancing will not be met. The programme will safeguard school children’s food security and nutrition by providing cash transfers to the most vulnerable families with children in primary school. Social pensions In-kind transfers Food, vouchers, others The GoZ launched a US$956 million for food insecurity School feeding National Development Strategy 9) Engaging the private sector in the establishment of incubation Public works hubs, labour intensive public works programmes, remodeling of skills and entrepreneurship development; 648 Government had deferred rent and mortgage payments during the lockdown period starting from 1 April 2020 however, this right to defer rentals and mortgage repayments was then terminated with effect from 30 June 2020. Utility waivers The GoZ is assisting the safe return of migrant workers from Botswana and South Africa with transportation and safe integration in communities after quarantine. A total of 20 000 migrants are expected to have returned to Zimbabwe Some of the migrants were deported (specially from Botswana and South Africa) Paid sick leave Old Mutual Zimbabwe has a set-up a 6-month ZWL$2 billion 'free' life insurance cover for COVID-19 deaths and accidental deaths for health sector workers. The GoZ has promised to put in place a comprehensive insurance cover for all civil servants whose Health insurance Social work involves direct interaction with Covid-19 patients, in line with international best practices. Insurance National Development Strategy 7) Expanding the coverage of occupational health and safety programmes to include the informal and public service sectors in Pensions Unemployment benefits Social security contributions Support to Smallholders. WFP conducted a training for trainers workshop for smallholder farmers, ward-based district agricultural extension officers, agro-traders and district council representatives on new market information systems under the Small Grains Project, funded by the South-South Cooperation Opportunity Fund. Activation measures National Development Strategy 9) Engaging the private sector in the establishment of incubation hubs, labour intensive public works programmes, remodelling of skills and entrepreneurship Labor development; Markets Government has also unfrozen 4000 health sector posts and created an additional 200 to ensure a full-scale response to the pandemic. National Development Strategy 1) Developing and implementing a national action plan for the Labor market regulations formalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises active in the informal economy; National Development Strategy 3) Strengthening labour migration governance 649 National Development Strategy 6) Synching labour laws with labour dynamics National Development Strategy 8) Reviewing the Employment Policy including active labour market policies; National Development Strategy 10) Developing a functioning Labour Market Information System. The National Social Security Authority (NSSA) have developed guidelines for the protection of workers in the workplace from COVID-19. Guidelines on the manufacture and distribution of COVID- 19 PPE and medical consumables have also been developed. The Ministry of Labour has started joint inspections with the NSSA based on guidelines following easing of lockdown restrictions. Legislation has been introduced for employers in the formal and commercial sector for testing their employees and maintaining Covid-19 lockdown rules at their work stations. Restrictions have also been eased for all ‘businesses in the formal commercial and industrial sector’ subject to screening and testing for the Covid-19 disease; 7-hour operating day; observance of social distancing, wearing of protective masks and availability of sanitisation consumables. In a statement the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare has called for dialogue at various levels to ensure the protection of the rights and job security for workers while also ensuring continued business viability. This includes a moratorium on retrenchments during the lockdown period. This is expected to ensure fair labour practices are upheld in line with Section 65 of the Zimbabwe Constitution and Section 2A of the Labour Act (Chap. 28:01). The Ministry of Labour has indicated that COVID-19 is a compensable disease for health workers under the Accident Prevention Workers' Compensation Scheme. Guidelines for the compensation of work-related infections have also been developed. The Ministry of Labour has urged Employers to refrain from retrenchments and unfair terminations; and to implement unpaid leave measures based on mutual agreements with workers. (Access to paid leave/access to health care) Workers in collaboration with the Labour and Economic Development Research Institute of Zimbabwe (LEDRIZ) and the ILO Country Office for Zimbabwe and Namibia have drafted a working paper that has provided recommendations for an effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The paper has now been proposed for discussion by the (TNF) and to distill policy briefs to Government and social partners for a more pronounced and effective response to world of work issues. National Development Strategy 2) Operationalising the national Tripartite Negotiating Forum 650 National Development Strategy 4) Modernising Zimbabwe’s Labour Case Management System National Development Strategy 5) Strengthening the Labour Inspectorate System to upscale the protection of labour rights and the promotion of safe work environments; Reduced work time Wage subsidies 651