·-:---.---- .. - International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association SecM91-251 FROM: Deputy Secretary March 1, 1991 MONTHLY OPERATIONAL SUMMARY OF BANK AND IDA PROPOSED PROJECTS (As of February 15, 1991) Distribution: Executive Directors and Alternates Presiclent President's Council Vice Presidents, Bank, IFC and MIGA Directors and Department Heads Bank, IFC and MIGA TABLE OF CONTENTS Summary of Bank and IDA Proposed Projects Notes on Environmental Assessment V SECTION REGION I. AFRICA 1 - 45 Angola................................... 1 Benin.................................... 2 Burkina Faso. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Burundi.................................. 5 Cameroon................................. 6 Cape Verde. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Central African Republic................. 8 Chad..................................... 9 Comoros ... , ..... , ........ , , , ...... , . . . . . . 10 Congo, People's Republic of the .......... 10 Cote d'Ivoire............................ 12 ' Djibouti. ................................ 14 Equatorial Guinea ........................ 14 Ethiopia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Gabon.................................... 16 The Gambia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Ghana..................................... 17 Guinea................................... 18 'Guinea Bissau............................ 19 Kenya.................................... 20 Lesotho.................................. 22 Madagascar............................... 22 Malawi................................... 24 Mali ...... :.............................. 25 Mauritania............................... 27 Mauritius................................ 27 Mozambique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Niger.................................... 29 Nigeria ....................... ·.... , . . . . . . 30 · Rwanda................................... 33 Sao Tome and Principe .................... 34 Senegal.................................. 35 Seychelles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 ", - ii - AFRICA REGION (Contd ... / ... ) Sierra Leone ............................ . 37 Somalia ................................. . 38 Sudan .................................... . 38 Swaziland .................... · ........... . 39 Tanzania ................................ . 39 Togo ....................... ; ... ; ........ . 40 Uganda ................................... . 41 Zaire ................................... . 42 Zambia ......... , ............... : ........ . 44 . Zimbabwe ................................. . 44 Africa Regional .......... , ..... , ... r .... . 45 II. ASIA REGION 46 - 87 Bangladesh ......................... f ••••• 46 Bhutan ............................. .... . 51 China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.... . 51 India ................ ·....... ':·:: ......... . 60 Indonesia ....................... ·... J . . . . . 68 Korea .......... , .................. . 73 Lao People's Democratic Republic .. . 74 Ma],aysia ........ , ... , ...... , ...... . 76 Maldives ...................... ; •... 77 Nepal ............................. ·.. . 77 Papua New Guinea ................ ;· .. . 80 Philippines ....................... . 81 Solomon Islands .............. ,..... . 84 Sri Lanka ........................ ·... J .... . 84 Thailand ................................ . 86 Vanuatu ........................ ;.· ........ . 87 - iii - III. EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA 88 - 113 Algeria................................... 88 Bulgaria................................. 91 Cyprus................................... 92 Czechoslovakia........................... 92 Egypt, Arab Republic of ............. ; .... 93 Hungary.................................. 95 Iran, Islamic Republic of ................ 96 Jordan................................... 96 Morocco.................................. 98 Pakistan ........... ·............. ; . . . . . . . . 100 Poland .............. , .................... 104 Romania. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Tunisia .................................. 106 Turkey ................................... 108 Yemen, Republic of ....................... 110 Yugoslavia ............................... 113 IV. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN 114 - 138 Argentina ................................ 114 Barbados. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Belize ................................... 116 Bolivia ............•............... ~ ...... 116 Brazil ................................... 117 Caribbean Region. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Chile .................................... 123. Colombia ....................... ; ......... 124 Costa Rica ............................... 126 Dominican Republic ....................... 127 Ecuador .................................. 127 El Salvador .............................. 128 Guatemala ................................ 129 Guyana .................................... 130 Haiti .................................... 130 Honduras ................................. 131 Jamaica .................................. 132 - iv - LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN REGION (Contd ... /.,.) Mexico., ........ ,, .............. ,., ...... 132 Paraguay ...... , , ............... , , . . . . . . . . 135 St. Kitts ................................ 136 Trinidad & Tobago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Uruguay .. ,.,,, .............. ,,,, .... ,, ... 137 Venezuela ... ,.,,, ............. , ... ,,,, ... 137 V. NEW PROJECTS ADDED IN THIS ISSUE 139 - 143 VI. PROJECTS DROPPED FROM LENDING PROGRAM 144 - 148 AND PROJECTS SIGNED Secretary's Department - V - NOTES ON ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT In September, 1989, the Bank established specific policies and procedures for environmental assessment and related environmental analyses of IBRD and IDA investment lending operations. Under this environmental assessment process, the type, timing and main issues of environmental analysis to be performed by the borrower are to be confirmed at the time that a given lending operation is initiated into the Bank's prospective lending program and thereafter reported and updated in the Monthly Operational Summary. Accordingly, this report has been expanded as follows. Project descriptions include, where appropriate, a brief statement on potential adverse as well as positive social or environmental aspects. These aspects are normally reported at the end of the project description and are underlined. Projects have been assigned one of the following categories based upon the nature, magnitude, and sensitivity of environmental issues: Category A Environmental Assessment is normally required as the project may have adverse and significant environmental impacts. Category B More limited environmental analysis is appropriate, as the project may have specific environmental impacts. Category C Environmental analysis is normally unnecessary. Category D Environmental projects, for which separate Environmental Assessments may not be required as environment, would be a major focus of project preparation. Finally, the Monthly Operational Summary has been expanded to include a Part B section which includes more detailed information about the environmental assessment process applied to Bank and IDA proposed projects. Part B will be included in the Monthly Operational Summary on a quarterly basis (i.e. issues dated January, April, July and October). - 1 - ;,er Country, Amount & lementing Probable Stage of Processing and ·, l~cy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I I. AFRICA REGION rLA istey of Energy About Power Sector Rehabilitation - Technical Consultants required for Pre-appraisal mission Petroleum 31.6 assistance and materials for priority engineering design and tentatively scheduled for (IDA) rehabilitation. Primary focus would be supervision. April 1991. on rehabilitation of the power supply and distribution systems. Building on the energy assessment report. Envirorunental Assessment Category B. istry of About CR) Economic Management Technical Consultants will be Appraisal mission in the ance1 Ministry 1 5.0 Assistance - Would support the required. field. ,Planning (IDA) government's economic adjustment and reform program and related activities including training in economic and project analysis skills. Envirorunental Assessment Category C. listries of About (R) Social Sector Rehabilitation - Consultants will be Project preparation under \1th and 30.0 Rehabilitation and construction of required. way. \cation (IDA) social sectors infrastructure and I institutional development; (b) study on sectoral issues in education and health. Envirorunental Assessment Category C. istries of About CR) Infrastructure Rehabilitation Consultants will be Project under Inning, 25.0 Engineering - Feasibility and detailed required. preparation. fnsport and (IDA) engineering studies for rehabilitation Appraisal mission munications and of major transport facilities (highways, tentatively scheduled for \struction and ports, railroads) and urban mid-February 1991. lvince of Luanda infrastructure of Luanda. Envirorunental Assessment Category C. l::::.!!':: \suela of About 40.9 (IDA) (R) Lobito Benguela Urban Envirorunental Rehabilitation - Control and reversal of envirorunental degradation; and Consultants will be required for supervision. Project under preparation. Appraisal scheduled for April 1991. rehabilitation and extension of urban services and infrastructure networks in Lobito-Benguela to respond to deferred maintenance plus increased migration to urban centers. Environmental Assessment Category D. Addresses of Implementing Agencies of new projects are given in Section V of the SUlllllary. The amount is in millions of US dollars and is approximate and tentative. SAF is the acronym for the Special Facility of Sub-Saharan Africa. The letter (N) before projects means that the project is a new listing in the swmiaey1 the letter (R) means the information about the project has been revised since the last issue. This column contains available information, if any about action with respect to the procurement of goods and services expected to be financed by the Bank or IDA, including retroactive financing1 expenditures under the IBRD/IDA Project, ..; 2 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processine Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme Ministry of 8.0 (N) Education Sector Adjustment - To To be determined. Project being fo::ma National Education (IDA) support Government efforts to carry out identified. major sector policy reform designed to improve and expand basic primary education; the quality and relevance of secondary/higher education; selection and flow of students through the system and strengthen the examination and evaluation system; sector management of financial and human resources; and promote private sector involvement in education. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Agetur & Serhau 10.0 (R) Urban Rehabilitation to Generate Need for consulting Appraisal mission (IDA) Employment (URGE) (formerly Urban) - services determined scheduled for mid-A Core of project will be a labor-based under Project 1991. program of public works improving Preparation Facility and sanitation and living conditions in Trust Fund. Cotonou and Porto-Novo to fight against urban under-employment and alleviate poverty. Also includes a reorganization of urban management services and resource mobilization in Cotonou and Porto-Novo. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministere du 10.0 (R) Food Security - To improve the food To be determined. Project placed into "Developpement (IDA) security of the more vulnerable Reserve Program. F, Rural et de population groups through simple pilot reporting to be l'Action agricultural commercial land tenure discontinued. Cooperative improvement, fisheries and peri-urban activities and working with non- governmental organizations in these activities. Environmental Assessment Category B. National 55.0 (R) SAL II - The credit would provide Consultant selected for Negotiations tentatl Adjustment (IDA) quick-disbursing balance of payments study on legal scheduled for mid-A1 Conxnissions' financing to support the deepening and environment for banking. broadening of Benin's Structural Consultant will be Adjustment Program. Environmental required for study on Assessment Category C. competitiveness. Socie.te Beninoise 15.0 (R) Power Rehabilitation and Extension - Consultants have been Appraisal scheduled d'Electricite et (IDA) Rehabilitation and extension of the selected for both end-February 1991. d'Eau (SBEE) Contonou, Porto-Novo and Abomey/Bohicon institutional and area distribution systems; purchase of engineering studies, spares and equipment, technical including environmental assistance and training at all levels to aspects. improve all aspects of power operations. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Plan 6.0 (R) Pre-Investment - Surveys, reviews Consultants will be Negotiations tentatl (IDA) and analyses to identify high-priority required for project scheduled for April investment projects including preparation ar,-i environmental impact where appropriate, implementation. and training and studies for financing agencies. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 3 - fber Country, Amount & ~lamenting Probable Stage of Processing and kncy l Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 l'-------------------------------------- IUN 1 mt'd) l,istere du 15.0 (R) Agricultural Services - Improve the Consultants will be Negotiations tentatively i,eloppement (IDA) capability of agricultural service required for scheduled for April 1991. eal et de 1 agencies in planning, policy formulation reorganization, ~ction and provision of services with emphasis financial management, ?perative on privatization of some of the services staff selection and ORAC) and a substantial reduction of public training. UNDP/FAO are sector employees. Environmental planning to provide most Assessment Category B. of these consultants. Further consultants may be needed for research development activities. ·'1istere du Plan 8.5 (R) Private Sector Adjustment - The To be determined. Program has been placed (IDA) objective of the program will be to into Reserve Program. initiate policy changes and improve Further reporting will be financial sector operations to foster discontinued. growth in the private sector. Total project cost is estimated at US$20.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category C. I RICINA FASO / fice of the 15.0 (R) Public Works and Employment - The Consultants will be Project under esident 1 (IDA) project would finance a program of required for training preparation. Appraisal public works to be carried out by the and for technical scheduled for March 1991. , private sector using labor intensive assistance to local techniques to create employment. contractors. PP~ for $600,000 granted Environmental Assessment Category: To for project preparation. Be Determined. nistere du so.a (R) Structural Adjustment - Program will Consultants will be Project under 1 an/Ministere des (IDA) include measures to restructure public required. preparation. Appraisal I nances expenditures in favor of social sectors, mission tentatively rehabilitation and maintenance, public scheduled for enterprise reform, private sector February 22, 1991. deregulation, banking reform and (Possible co-financing incentives to employment creation. with France, AfDB, Environmental Assessment Category c. Canada, FED) 1"~:: ~ of Promotion 30.0 (IDA) Public Enterprise - The project would include various technical assistance components. Environmental Assessment Consultants will be required. Project under preparation. Catesory C. be determined 30.2 (R) Agricultural Service II - Follow up Consultants will be Project placed in FY95 (IDA) to Agricultural Services I, required (estimated at lending program. concentrating on crop protection and 200 staffweeks). Reporting will. be agricultural education in addition to discontinued unless major extension and functional literacy. activities take place. Total project cost estimated at $50.0 million. Environmental Assessment Catesory B. - 4 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing ai Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement BURKINA FASO (Cont'd) Ministere de 28.0 Agricultural SECAL - Policy reforms in Consultants will be Project under l'Agriculture et (IDA) the cotton, cereals, livestock and required (estimated at preparation. de l'Elevage horticulture subsectors, including 200 staffweeks). (Possibility of co- pricing, restructuring of stabilization financing with CCCE, mechanisms, marketing regulations and (France), BMZ, Federal boards. Substantial reforms to improve Republic of Germany) 1 public sector efficiency and possibly FED (European Economic some investments. Total project cost Comnunity). estimated at $70.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministere de 32.0 (R) Transport SECAL - The Five-Year Consultants have Project pre-appraisal l'Equipment/ (IDA) program will include a rail and aviation prepared feasibility followed Donors meeti1 Ministere des component as well as road maintenance studies. Findings were in Ouagadougou in Transports and rehabilitation, and road transport presented and discussed October 1990. An IDA facilitation components. Total cost during seminar for advance under the Pro; estimated at $300.0 million. Ministry personnel in Preparation Facility c Environmental Assessment Category B. March. $750,000 was approved feasibility studies. Ministere de 32.0 (R) Education IV - In support of the Consultants will be Negotiations tentativ, l'Education (IDA) Government's sector strategy, the required. ·scheduled for Februari project would: (a) introduce measures 1991. (Possibility oj to (1) increase budgetary allocations to co-financing with EEC, primary education; (11) increase FAC, CIDA). efficiency in use of sector resources; and (iii) increase private sector and comnunity participation in educational financing; (b) expand access to and improve the quality of primary education, (c) improve the quality of secondary general and technical education through teacher training design and provision of textbooks and teaching materials; and (d) improve operational procedures, staff quality and equipment for sector management. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministere de 16.0 (R) First Environmental Management Consultants will .be Negotiations schedulec l'Agriculture et (IDA) Project will constitute first part of required (estimated at for February 11, 1991, de 1 Elevage long-term program to improve village 200 staffweeks). (Possibility of co- land and agricultural resource financing with NORAD management throughout the country. (Norway) 1 CCCE (Franc1 Total cost estimated at $18.4 million. GTZ (Federal Republic The project is specifically designed to Germany) ; Dutch have strongly positive environmental Cooperation ~ - Environmental Assessment (Netherlands); and DAI Category D. (Denmark). Ministere de la 15.0 Population/Health - Strengthening health Consultants will be Project to,be identifl Sante (IDA) sector management, extension of required. during FY91. population/family planning/nutrition activities begun under first project. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 5 - nber Country, Amount & 1 ,ilementlng . · Probable Stage of Processing and rncy 1 . Lender 2 Pi::°oject 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I [.,., 1 11c&tion 43.6 (IDA) (R.) Education Sector V - Continue asslstlng Government implementation of To be determined Project preparation under way. education reform through financing of sllce of PIP. Would also continue effort started ln education sector development project to improve education quality and efficiency within sectoral budget. Environmental Assessment Category C. nistry of Health About (R) Health/Population II (formerly To be determined · Project under 34.6 Population, Health and Nutrition) - preparation. (IDA) Sectoral development and continuing support to ongoing priority programs. Environmental Assessment Category C. r"""'' nlstry of Energy BEGIDESO About 23.0 . (IDA) (R) Energy Sector Rehabilitation - Strengthening of key institutions of the energy sector; execution of a rehabilitation program for REGIDESO and Consultants wlll be required. Negotiations completed. Board presentation scheduled for March 5, 1991. of a rural electrification master plan; feasibility studies for some selected hydropower projects; implementation of pricing reforms in electricity, petroleum and woodfuels; expansion of the distribution network in urban and rural area; doubling of the transmission line Bubanza-Bujumbura; expansion of the improved charcoal stoves program, and charcoal production program, and studies of fuelwood utllizatlon and household energy consumption. Possible positive environmental effects from better efficiency ln the utilization of ~ . Environmental Assessment Category B. rlstry of About Social Action - To be carried out in Consultancy will be Project under ,nance 22.0 conjunction wlth SAL II and SAL III, ls required. preparation. (IDA) designed to address social dlmenslons of adjustment lncludlng specific activities focussing on vulnerable groups, such as women, redeployment, community development, essential drug supply, and nutritional surveillance. A Social Dimensions of Adjustment survey will be implemented. Technical assistance and training will be provided. Environmental Assessment Category C. ri1stry of R.ural 1 35.4 (R.) Water Supply Sector- (formerly Water Consulting services for Negotiations tentatively IHlopment/ (IDA) Supply III) - Rehabilitation or final design selected. scheduled for March 11, gideso construction of water systems in nine 1991, provinces in rural areas and urban centers. Positive environmental effects from better quality of water. Environmental Assessment Category B. -. 6 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing a Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement BURUNDI (Cont'd) Ministry of Plan; About SAL III - Continued support to Consultants will be Project preparation u Ministry of 98.2 Government's adjustment program and required. ·way. Finance (IDA) consolidation of policy reforms undertaken under SAL I and II. Emphasis will be given to agricultural and export promotion reforms. Total project cost e~timated at $95.3 million. Environmental Assessment Category C. CAMEROON Ministry of Public 40.0 (N) Health and Population Sector - Consultants will be Project being formall: Health and (Bank) Focussing on strengthening strategic required. identified. Ministry of Plan management framework, financial and and Territorial human resources management, improving Management drug and other medical material distribution and strengthening of priority health programs. Environmental Assessment Category, To Be Determined. Ministry of 10.0 Agricultural Research II - Follow up Consultants will not be Project under Agriculture (Bank) effort emphasizing support to required. preparation. implementation of an agreed national agricultural research program. Environmental Assessment Category, To Be Determined. Ministry of 45.0 CR) Transport Sector - (a) develop To be determined. Preliminary work unde Travai.tx Public et (Bank) policy framework for transport sector, way. des Transport including user charges and tariff policies; (b) strengthen sector investment planning and coordination with donors; Cc) implement priority investments based on plan; (d) clarify, relationship between Government and main parastatals in the sector; and Ce) restructure operations and finances of some parastatals (esp. REGIFERCAM and CAMAIR). Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 30.0 (R) Private Export Crops (formerly Consultants have been Project placed into Agriculture, (Bank) Export Promotion and Diversification) - selected. Reserve Program. Fur1 Conmerce Plan To support policy adjustment, reporting will be investments and institutions for export discontinued, promotion of existing exports and non- traditional exports. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 40.0 (R) Forestry and Environment - To Consultants will not be Project under Agriculture (Bank) support sectoral policies and required. preparation, investments for forest management, conservation and environmental protection. Environmental Assessment Category D, - 7 - Imber Country, Amount &. l !Plementing ency 1 . Probable Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement 4 Lmoox 1 ont'd) lnistry of 30.0 (R) 1 Food Security - To support Consultants have been Negotiations postponed \riculture, (Banlt) investments, policy and income selected. until March 18. 1 ,nmerce and Plan generating micro projects to improve food security position and locust control in Cameroon. Environmental Assessment Category B. .nistere de 10.0 (R) Third Urban - To improve urban Consultants will be Project slipped to FY95. Urbanisme et de (Bank) services, financing mechanism and land required. Further reporting to be Habitat resource management, to rehabilitate discontinued. parastatal housing agencies and improve the urban environment. Environmental Assessment Category B. inistere des 37.5 (R) Rural Infrastructure - Four year Consultants will be Negotiations tentatively (avaux Publics et (Bank) feeder road rehabilitation and required for projects scheduled for March 1991. [s Transports maintenance program including execution. (Co-financing being institutional strengthening for feeder sought). road management1 training program1 study of methods to improve rural transport1 and study to establish future needs in i rural water supply. Environmental Assessment Category B. l~ I :NAPOR) Empresa 8.0 Transport Sector - Upgrading of port To be determined Processing of this lc1onal de (IDA) facilities at Porto Grande, Mindelo project is on hold \m1nistracio dos Island, support development of pending results of pre- rtos transshipment and attract foreign feasibility studies. investments in port based activities. Environmental Assessment Category: To be determined. nistries of 9.2 Human Resources - The project would help Consultant services will Project being identified. lucation and (IDA) the government implement its recently be required. alth adopted export-led economic development policy by assisting in the definition and implementation of the related training and manpower development strategies and programs. Investments to be supported are likely to include: (1) vocational training to meet the demand for technically skilled labor1 (11) management training; and (111) expansion and enhancement of the quality of secondary education. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 8 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuremec CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Ministry of 25.0 (N) Education IV - Lending instrument To be determined. Identification missi, Primary, Secondary (IDA) not yet determined. Policy based scheduled for March and Technical operation would assist the Government in Education and preparing and implementing education Ministry of Higher sector reforms to improve the management Education of human and financial resources, and the quality of education programs. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of 46.3 CR) Structural Adjustment IV - To Consultants may be· Project, being_ identi: Finance, Economy, (IDA) continue to support the governemnt in required. Planning and the implementation of its adjustment, International integrating approaches to resume growth Cooperation with equity. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministere du 10.0 (R) Social Dimensions of Adjustment and To be determined Post appraisal missic Secretariat d'Etat (IDA) Development - Institutional development the field. au Plan, aux with training component to aid Statistique, et a Government to incorporate social la Cooperation dimensions into adjustment and Economique et development policies. Environmental Internationale Assessment Category C. Ministries of the 25.0 Municipal Development - The project Consultants being Project under Interior; Public (IDA) would improve urban institutions, selected for project preparation. IDA pre Works and administration and technical services in preparation. preparation facilitic Territorial four main towns, including Bangui, advance of $650,000 Development and Bambari, Bouar and Berberati. In approved-for feasibi: Municipalities addition, it would support conmunity and environmental development activities, address studies. environmental aspects of urban living, and improve urban infrastructure, including roads and water supply. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Public 21.0 (R) Health Sector - Comprehensive health Consultants will be Preparation mission Health and Social (IDA) sector reform program including required. the field. Affairs components to strengthen sector organization and management, improve resource allocation and mobilization and strengthen financial and human resource management and training. The project may include rehabilitation and re- equipping of rural health facilities and the strengthening of specific programs including information. education and cormrunication activities to improve environmental sanitation. Environmental Assessment Catesory C. Ministry of Rural 20.2 (R) Private Rural Enterprise and FAO/CP responsible for . -~roject has been pl•c· Development (IDA) Diversification (formerly Export Crop preparation. into Reserve Program. Development) - To establish medium size Further reporting vil coffee plantations and to promote discontinued. diversification of export crops. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 9 - fber Country, Amount r. rlementlng Probable Stage of Processing and 1 \ency _ Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement.4. lrmw. AFRICAN .PUBLIC i°nt 'd) . nistry 1 of Rural · 21.0 (R.) Agriculture Institutions Consulting services for Appraisal mission velopment (IDA) Adjustment - To support institutional project preparation have scheduled for end-March restructuring of the Ministry of Rural been contracted. 1991. Development, and of research and extension services. Environmental Assessment Category C. nistry· 1 of 11.2 (R.) Enterprise Rehabilitation and Consultants required for Negotiations scheduled dustry/Banque (IDA) Development - The project would: (a) project implementation. for February/March. ~trale des Etai:s support enterprise development and \ 1 • Afrique de rehabilitation in industry and other Ouest (BEAC) productive sectors through an APEX line of credit1 (b) enhance the scope and effectiveness of the SME development program1 and (c) provide support to a pilot micro-enterprise scheme. Environmental Assessment Category B. be determined 25.0 Agricultural Research - To strengthen Consultants will be Project under (IDA) crop, livestock, forestry and natural required (200 preparation. resource management research nationwide. staffweeks). Total project cost: $40 million. Environmental Assessment Category C. ist-ry of Health" 30.0 (R.) Population and Health - The project Consultants will be Project being identified. (IDA) will develop and expand services and a required. framework of integrated family planning health and social services essential for individual, family, community and national development. The project will focus on developing, providing and supporting core service packages at the district and basic health facility levels. If necessary, implementation will begin in one or two pilot zones. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined 20.2 CR) Natural Resources Management· - First Consultants will be Project placed in FY95 (IDA) part of a long-term program to improve required-. lending program. natural resources management throughout (estimated at 100 staff Reporting will be the country. Total project cost is weeks). d~scontinued unless major estimated at $25.0 million. The project activities take place. will be specifically designed to have a strongly positive environmental impact. Envlrorvnental Assessment Category D. ~istr:, of 25.0 (R.) Agricultural Services - Promotion of Consultants will be Project under (IDA) effective agricultural support services required. preparation. f"""""' pr1maril:, focusing on research and extension possibly with functional literacy. Total project cost estimated at $40.0 million. Environmental (Estimated at 200 ,ta~;weeks). Assessment Category C. - 10 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme1 m!@ (Cont'd) Ministry of Mines 35.0 Petroleum/Power - to support Engineering consultants Project under and Energy (IDA) implementation of a least cost product will be required for 3 preparation. supply system and provide technical turnkey contracts to be assistance to strengthen the selected under IDA Project Preparat Government's management of the power and International Facility advance of petroleum sector. Total project cost Competitive Bidding, million in place. estimated at $105.0 million, Environmental assessment being carried out under the Engineering Project, Environmental Assessment Category A. To be determined 35.0 (R) SAL I - To follow through on reforms Consultants will be Project being ident: (IDA) begun under the financial rehabilitation required. credit, May include measures: (a) to improve domestic resource mobilization (tax and tariff structure, tax administration, cost recovery), (b) to improve allocation of current expenditure among sectors and between personnel and materials, (c) to improve public investment programming and implementation, (d) to strengthen the institutional framework and improve management of public enterprises, (e) to improve the structure and operations of the banking sector; and (f) to eliminate monopolies and liberalize the system of controls on foreign trade. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of About (R) Road Maintenance - Financing of a Consultants will be Approved by the Exec Equipment, Energy, 7.0 road maintenance program. Positive required for technical Directors on January and (IDA) environmental impact from repairs to assistance. 1991, Telecommunications road drainage. Environmental Assessment Services Category B. Ministry of About (R) Macroeconomic Management - To Consultants likely to be Appraisal tentativel Economics, 13.0 support Government's adjustment efforts required. scheduled fo·r Finance, Budget (IDA) in public sector management and February/March 1991. and Planning improvement of the incentives framework for private investment. Also, to provide support for building institutional capacity of the key ministry. Environmental Assessment Category C. CONGO I PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF l'IIB Ministry of Plan 15.0 (R) Economic and Social Management Consultants will be Project has slipped · and Finance (Bank) (formerly PAGES) - To provide support to required. Reserve Program. Fu: the Government's economic adjustment reporting will be program through capacity building. The discontinued. project will be processed in conjunction with SAL II; will have an SDA component. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 11 - (nber Country, Amount & plementing Probable. Stage of Processing and \ency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I RGO, PEOPLES PUBLIC OF '!BB 0 rnt'd) nistere de la 15,8 (R) National Agricultural Extension and Consultants will be Approved by the Executive \messe et du (Bank) Adaptive Research - To build up required for short term Di.rectors on September 1 ~elopment Rural extension services and an adaptive consultancies during 11, 1990, Loan was research system to effectively respond implementation, signed on November 29, to farmer's needs, Environmental 1990, Assessment Category C. Second Project Preparation Facility advance of $750,000 approved for essential start-up activities (equipment, technical assistance, training and extension) : rhtere de 35.0 Road Maintenance Rehabilitation - Consultants have been Negotiations tentatively ~quipement (Bank) Rehabilitation and maintenance of recruited under Bank scheduled for April 1991, priority road networks, including Project Preparation institutional. reform aimed at increased Facility advance of $1.5 private sector participation in civil million. works and road maintenance. Environmenta•l protection actions will be embodied in maintenance policies. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ilistere .. 1 de 25.0 (R) Urban Management - To promote Consultants selection Project placed into the ~quipement (Bank) institutional, financial, and under way, Reserve Program. Further administrative reforms in urban areas, reporting will be including resource mobilization for the discontinued. municipalities of Brazzaville and Pointe Noire; to provide assistance in land development operations and in community- based initiatives aim.;d at improving urban environment, generating employment, and enhancing local neighborhood participation in urban activities. Environmental Assessment Category ·B. istere de 40.0 CR) Education Sector Adjustment - (a) To Consultants will be Processing of this \ducat ion (Bank) improve resource allocation and required under Project operation on hold pending management in the sector; and (b) to Preparation Facility for resolution of macro- reorient educational system to the needs execution of action economic issues. of the economy, Environmental plan. Assessment Category C. istry of Plan 80.0 CR) SAL II - To support the Government Consultants may be Project preparation on \ Finance (Bank) in its efforts to diversify the economy, required. hold due to macro- promote private sector activities, economic issues. institute reforms of the banking sector, and further streamline the management of public enterprises that have remained in the Government portfolio. Environmental Assessment Category C, - 12 - Member Country, - Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1' Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme CONGO. PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF THE (Cont'd) Ministry of 20.0 Private Sector Development - Project Consultants will be Project under Commerce/Ministry (Bank) would reinforce the role of the private required for project preparation. of Industry sector in the economy through: preparation. (Co-financing to be (a) continuation of the liberalization/ identified). deregulation of the business environment started under the SAL; (b) implementation of additional policy reforms; and (c) introduction of positive measures to promote private sector activities. Environmental Assessment Category C. COTE D'IVOIRE Ministry of 120.0 (N) Financial Sector Adjustment - Would Consultants have been Initiating memorandt Economy and (Bank) provide quick-disbursing balance of selected for study on under preparation. Finance payments and budget financing to support banking insurance and financial sector reform which would stock exchange include restructuring of the banking and restructuring and on the insurance sectors and the stock legal environment for exchange. Environmental Assessment bad debt recovery. Category: To Be Determined. Ministere de 150.0 (N) Regulatory Reform - Reform economic To be determined. Being prepared in l'Economie et des (Bank) policy production export incentives in parallel with indust Finances order to improve the competitiveness of review. the industrial sector, together with substantial deregulation to improve business environment, enhancing potential for private sector development and investment, both domestic and foreign. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministries of 20.0 (R) Economic Management Technical Consultancy services Preparation under wa: Fonction Publique, (Bank) Assistance - Providing support for likely to be required in including preparatio, Economie et (i) civil service reform; and areas of civil service terms of reference f, Finance, and Plan (ii) institution building within reform, para-public consultants ' service: et Industrie Ministry of Economy & Finance especially enterprise reform, Pre-appraisal missio1 with respect to debt management, para- privatization, debt tentatively schedule, public enterprise reform and restructuring and March/April 1991. privatization. Environmental Assessment national statistics. Category c. Ministere de 75.0 Private Sector Energy - Would allow To be determined. Project under l'Economie et des (Bank) government to have local gas resources preparation. Finances PETROCI developed by the private sector to reduce dependence on imported energy. Power supply reliability would be improved by replacing steam electric plant with efficient combined cycle plant, under a private sector build-own- operate arrangement. This would lessen the environmental impact of energy consumption by moving away from liquid fuels and biomass to natural gas, and to encourage additional private sector investment in the energy sector. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 13 - iber Country, Amount & >lementing -Probable Stage of Processing and r,ncy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuie~ent 4 I \ rE D'IVOIRE lnt'd) \ Appraisal mission ~an Resources 1 60.0 CR) Human Resources Adjustment I - To Consultants will be :erministerial (Banlt) accelerate national development by required. tentatively scheduled for 1 nittee supporting evolution of a global human mid-March 1991. resources development policy and improving strategic sector management. Environmental Assessment Category C. 1istry 1 of 77.0 CR) Export Promotion and Diversification To be determined. Project placed into :!culture and (Banlt) - The project is aimed at promoting Reserve Program. Further !.mal Resources; diversified agricultural exports through reporting will be ~ Ministry of a line of credit, an export promotion discontinued. tance, 1 Commerce agency, training, studies and technical l Plan support. The project would include studies to ensure that export crops are developed in an environmentally sound ~ - Environmental Assessment Category B. ilstry of 20.0 (R) Extension/Research - The project To be determined. Project under ·iculture and lllllal (Banlt) would provide the necessary support to preparation. Resources; reorganize/reinforce the current \ Ministry of structure of key agricultural services lentific (research, extension) to ensure the \earch, adequate supply and diffusion of ·-fessional and alternate technologies and cropping ' >hnical systems to permit increased \cation productivity. Environmental Assessment Category C. istry of 10.0 CR) Rural Sector Support - Project would To be determined. Project placed into !culture, and (Banlt) finance specific activities program Reserve Program. Further mal Resources, IMinistry of en's Affairs included in Government's letter on Agricultural Development Policy underlying Agricultural Sector reporting will be discontinued. Adjustment Loan: (a) studies (agricultural parastatal rehabilitation, pricing, divesture, agricultural education); and (b) rural savings and loans associations, annual programs to strengthen rural/urban linltages. Environmental Assessment: To be determined. 20.0 CR) Young Farmers - First phase of a To be determined. Project has been dropped (Banlt) national program to settle young rural from lending program. adults in productive activities in rural Further reporting will be areas. Project would put emphasis on discontinued. improved access to land and agricultural services (extension, credit, inputs). Environmental Assessment Category B. Lstry of Public 100.0 Transport Sector - Efficiency Consultants would be Project under ~•1 and (Banlt) improvement of: (a) transport facilities required to review preparation. Lstry of Marine (ports, airports, road network, different aspects of the 1 sction et railways); and (b) trade logistic tran~port sector and, in ~role du services (trucking, shipping, storage particular, the trade Ids Travaux system, cargo management services), logistic subsector. aimed at improving Cote d'Ivoire's international competitiveness and reducing internal transport costs. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 14 - Member Countr:y, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processir Agency-1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuren COTE D'IVOIRE (Cont'd) Office National 60.0 Third Teleconmunications - The project To be determined, Project preparatio des Tele- (Banlt) would support: (a) the implementation of way. conmunications reform measures regarding sector Office National restructuring and institution building des Postes of ONT1 (b) expand geographic coverage and extend digital services to meet unsatisfied demand and to improve service quality1 and (c) improve the efficiency of the postal sector and its operating entity ONP. Environmental · Assessment Category B, DJIBOUTI Ministere des About Transport Rehabilitation - Maintenance To be determined. Project preparatio1 Travaux Publics 10.0 and rehabilitation of road networks, awaiting for gove~ (IDA) reform of transport parastatals, official request. Environmental Assessment Category B. Bureau Projet About Second Urban Development - Will Consultants will be · Approved by the Ex, Urbain1 (Project 11.2 rehabilitate old wards, provide serviced required for Directors on .Janua, Management Unit) (IDA) plots in Balbala and Salines Ouest1 implementation. 1991. Strengthen policy framework and urban institutions and improve the urban environment and the living conditions of the urban poor, Environmental Assessment Category B. EQUATORIAL GUINEA Ministry of 6.3 (R) Export Crops and Agricultural Selection of consulting Approved by the Exe Agriculture, (IDA) Services - The project would support the firm for project Directors on Octobe Livestock, activities of the Ministry of implementation under 1990, Credit was s Fisheries and Agriculture related to the strategy for way. on October 21, 1990 Forestry the foodcrops subsector with the objective of guaranteeing domestic food security and giving substantial boost to the diversification of agricultural exports to neighboring countries, The project would provide support for: (a) the production of food and cash crops; (b) marketing and export of foodcrops and cash crops; and (c) strengthening of extension and ·research services, Program of control of cocoa black pod would aim at reducing the use of copper sulphate, Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Health 4,3 Health Improvement - To assist Consultants will be Project under (IDA) Government to improve sector performance required. preparation. Techri through improved management, policy preparation of proj reforms and rehabilitation, completed. Formal Rehabilitate basic health infrastructure appraisal tentative and services. Formulate a primar:y scheduled for March health care strategy and an essential drug policy, Project also includes activity related to environmental clean- up for malaria vector control, Environmental Assessment Category C, - 15 - \er Country, Amount &. 1.ementing Probable Stage of Processing and ~cy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action· on Procurement 4 I i. 30.0 (R) Highland Water Conservation Consultants will be Project under (IDA) (formerly Agriculture Conservation) - required, preparation, Soil and water conservation support measures for environmental protection and enhanced productivity in the Highlands. Would comprise civil works, vehicles, equipment, technical assistance and training, Environmental Assessment Category D, stry of About Livestock Conservation - Consolidation Consulting services will Provision is made under lcultui:e 35.0 and.extension of ongoing Fourth be required. Fourth Livestock Project (IDA) Livestock Development Project plus for project preparation addition of sub-components, i.e. dairy. by borrower. Environmental Assessment Category A. Lstry of 45.0 Roads Rehabilitation - The project would Consultants will be Appraisal report under 1sport and 1 (IDA) comprise: (a) civil works - required. preparation. nunications (i) rehabilitation of 198.5 km of the Assab-Mille road; (ii) rehabilitation/ resealing of 279 km of the Awash-Mille road; (iii) rehabilitation/resealing of 216 km of the Awash-Addis road; (b) technical assistance - (i) construction supervision; con~ultancy services and training; and (c) local level transport - (1) equipment, raw materials, training and pilot phase running cost. Project totals US$110.0 million with a foreign component of US$89.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. Lstry of 1 About (R) Agriculture Services - Extension To be determined. Project has been placed Lculture 55.0 services, rural technology, cooperative into Reserve Program. (IDA) development, and administrative Further reporting will be improvements. Environmental Assessment discontinued. Category C. Lstry of 1 About Peasant Agriculture Development Program To be determined. Project under Lculture 55.0 II (PADEP II) - Improving productivity preparation. (IDA) in the peasant sector. Components include improvements in marketing (lines of credit, institution strengthening); technology (improved seeds, rural workshops); and Ministry of Agriculture operations (extension, cooperatives, field trials), Environmental Assessment Category B, ~stry of 25.0 (R) Institutional Development - Consulting services will Project has been placed 'ance, Office of (IDA) Technical assistance, studies, f• Co11111ittee 1ign Economic consultancy services, training and be required, into Reserve Program. Further reporting will be computerization support to core economic discontinued. ~tions, Office management agencies, Environment.al 1at1onal r•l Pl-~ 1 Assessment Category C. 1ittee on - 16 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme1 ETHIOPIA (Cont'd) Ministry of Coffee 60.0 Peasant Coffee Development - The project Consultants will be Project appraised b~ and Tea (IDA) would strengthen government support required. still being processe Development services for food and coffee production in the major coffee producing areas. Support would also be given to expanding washed coffee primary processing factories, rehabilitating coffee hulleries and improving export processing facilities. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined 30.0 Population I - To launch implementation To be determined. Project under (IDA) of Government population policy and preparation. strategy. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of Mining About (R) Small-Scale Gas Utilization Consultants will be Project has been plac and Energy 30.0 (formerly Mining and Energy) - To supply required. into Reserve Program. (IDA) LPG, gasoline and gasoil for domestic Further reporting wil and conmercial use. To finance discontinued. technical assistance covering monitoring, supervision and quality control and a feasibility study of a large-scale gas project. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 30.0 (N) Forestry/Environment - (a) better Consultants will be Project being prepare Fisheries & (Bank) use of forestry resources through required. Pre-appraisal mission Forestry, Ministry implementation of management plan in tentatively scheduled of Environment, First Zone of forest area; (b) reinforce June 1991. Tourism and strategic planning, operational National Parks capability of Government institutions in the sector; (c) resume forestry and environment research; (d) make forestry and environment training more practical and relevant to needs of private sector; (e) prepare an environmental action plan; and (f) support Government in the creation and maintenance of wildlife reserves. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of Plan so.o (R) SAL II - Support for government's Consultants will be Project has been place and Economic (Bank) Structural Adjustment Program to required. into Reserve Program. Development consolidate fiscal discipline and policy Further reporting will reform begun under SAL I. Major discontinued. components include: (a) reduction of Gabon's wage and cost structure1 (b) continuation of public enterprise reform1 Cc) improvements in public finance management1 (d) SDA type measures. Environmental Assessment Category C, - 17 - ber 1 Country, Amount & •lamenting Probable Stage of Processing and l,.cy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I I~ istry of 8.0 Agricultural Services - Further Consultants will be Project under iculture (IDA) development of research, extension and required (estimated at preparation. possibly credit services nationwide. 100 staff weeks). Total project cost estimated at $20,0 million. A Natural Resource Management component will address the issue of deteriorating soil fertility throughout the country. Environmental Assessment Category C. iNA l \istry of Roads 50.0 (N) Feeder Roads - To support production To be determined. Project preparation under l Highways (IDA) in rural areas through programs of basic way. (artment of infrastructure mainly rehabilitation of Ider Road, existing rural road network; institu- tional support to improve the financial and technical capabilities of local institutions will be a key feature. I Environmental Assessment Category B. [ik of Ghana 100.0 Financial Sector Adjustment III - Consultants will be Appraisal scheduled for I (IDA) Strengthening and diversifying the financial sector. Environmental required. March 1991. i Assessment Category C. I I \be determined 41.0 Livestock Services - To strengthen To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission I (IDA) livestock and fisheries sectors through scheduled for April 22, sup~ort to research, input supply and 1991. marketing, increase community participation. Environmental Assessment Category A, I l1stry of 25.0 (R) Agricultural Extension - Strengthen Consultant will be Appraisal mission ·iculture 1 (IDA) the agriculture extension system through required (estimated at scheduled for May 1991. improved extension; programming and five staffweeks). supervision, strengthen extension research linkages. Environmental Assessment Category B. istry of 120.0 (R) Structural Adjustment Credit III - To be determined. Appraisal report under 1.ance and (IDA) Strengthening and deepening of preparation. 1 nomic Planning macroeconomic reforms. Environmental Negotiations tentatively Assessment Category C. scheduled for March 1991. -nci.l for 25.0 Agricultural Research - Develop Consultants will be Appraisal mission l•ntific & (IDA) management and coordination of national required for project completed. Negotiations l ustrial agricultural system and support research implementation. tentatively scheduled for learch1 Ministry programs through manpower development April 1991. rr1..iMo improved research facilities. Environmental Assessment Category C. l,s.'stry of 15,0 (R) Economic Management Support Project Consultants will be Negotiations completed. ,ance and (IDA) (formerly SAIS II) - Support for required. Board presentation ncmic Planning improvements in the analytical and scheduled for March 28. 1 administrative capacity in the core I economic management agencies. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 18 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency l Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuremen GRANA (Cont'd) Ministry of 40.0 (R) Adult Education/Literacy Skills - To be determined. Pre-appraisal missio1 Education (IDA) Project would consolidate infrastructure the field, developed under Program of Action to mitigate the social costs of adjustment and strengthen regional and district capabilities in order to support a massive functional literacy campaign by providing technical assistance, teaching equipment, and training. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 96.0 Transport Rehabilitation II - To sustain Consultants' services Approved by the Exec, Finance and (IDA) and help consolidate the momentum of will be required for Directors on Decembe1 Economic Planning economic recovery by removing physical studies and project 1990. bottlenecks to expand export, farm supervision. production and factor mobility through rehabilitation and maintenance of transport infrastructure, Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Works 70.0 Urban II - Project would cover urban Consultants will be Approved by the Exec~ 2nd Housing1 (IDA) infrastructure rehabilitation and required for preparation Directors on June 14, Ministry of Roads maintenance, property revaluation, local of designs and 1990. and Highways · government financial institutional construction reform and housing sector reform,!!!!! supervision. support to the Environmental Protection ~ . Environmental Assessment Category B, Ministry of 60.0 (R) Agricultural Sector Adjustment - To To be determined. Appraisal mission in Agriculture (IDA) strengthen pricing and trade reforms field. already under way, This policy based lending will support further reforms and investments necessary to accelerate agricultural growth. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of Public 55.2 (N) Health II - Policy-based operation To be determined. Project preparation ha Health and (IDA) focussing on strengthening investment not yet started. Population and recurrent budget planning, human resources management, renovating depleted infrastructure and strengthening priority health programs. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined, Ministere de 25,1 (R) Rural Credit - The objective is to To be determined, Project processing l'Agriculture et (IDA) promote the growth of private financial slipped to FY93, des Ressources intermediaries in rural areas. Animales Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. To be determined 15,0 (R) Public Enterprise Management - Consultants will be Project under (IDA) Credit to support the Government's required fer preparation preparation. public enterprise reform program aimed and iruplP.mentation, at a more efficient and effectively managed public enterprise sector, Enyiropmental Assessment C, - 19 - lber Country, Amount & llementing ncy l Probable Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement 4 I . lNEA nt'd) be determined 45.2 (R) Transport and Urban Infrastructure - To be determined. Preliminary work under (IDA) (i) Priority urban infrastructure way, investments in Conakry and secondary cities; (ii) a tranche of additional road upgrading as defined in the long- term road development plan; (iii) priority investments of transport parastatals, including fishing port in Conakry; and (iv) improving urban management and environment, including road safety and traffic management. Environmental Assessment Category B. istry of 1 32.8 (R) Agricultural Export Promotion To be determined Pre-appraisal mission ·iculture and (ID~) (formerly Export Crops) - To support scheduled for March 1991. lmal Resources strengthening of incentives, public/ IRA, private sector collaboration, and streamlining of regulations. Project would include provision of technical assistance and training, upgrading/expanded key export infrastructure, and credit facilities to small farmers. Environmental Assessment Category B. ILGUI 50.0 (R) Power II - Project would seek to: Consultants are required Project preparation under (IDA) provide power utility infrastructure for for: (i) engineering way. industrial and commercial activity in and project management; the main development zone (Conakry/ (ii) distribution Kindia region); technical assistance to feasibility study; ENELGUI management. Environmental (iii) engineering of Assessment Category A, thermal plant; and technical assistance to ENELGUI. :retariat of 15.l (R) Telecommunications - Reorganization Consultants will be Project placed into ~te for (IDA) of post and telecommunications sector. required for design of Reserve Program. Further Lecommunications Program for strengthening new entity to new institutional reporting will be manage and operate the sector, program framework and discontinued. for rehabilitation of local (Conakry) formulation of sector and trunk network, vehicles and investment program. miscellaneous equipment. Environmental Selection of consultants Assessment Category B. under way. rHEA-BISSAU [~~~ 31,8 SAC III - Further policy reforms being To be determined, Preparation under way. (IDA) taken under SAL I and SAL II. Environmental Assessment Category c. 13.5 Health/Education II - To further Consultants will be Sector report under )1cation, Heal th (IDA) rehabilitation of education and health required for sector work preparation. -i Women's facilities; provide inputs; information, and project preparation. 1 :airs education and communications to improve I. health hygiene and adult literacy; training; income generating activities for women. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 20 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing_, Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuremen_t GUINEA-BISSAU (Cont'd) Ministry of 20.0 Energy - To assist in the rehabilitation Consultants services Negotiations tentativ- Natural Resources (IDA) and modernization of the energy sector, will be required for scheduled for March _i" and Industry which includes electricity, pet_roleum project management "and A Project Preparation (MNRI) products storage/distribution and energy technical assistance. Facility advance of planning components. Environmental $350,000 has been Assessment Category B. approved. Ministry of Rural 8.5 Agricultural Sector Development - To Consultants will be Second pre-appraisal Development and (IDA) support credit, fisheries, food required for project scheduled for Fisheries production and export, and livestock to implementation. October 1991. establish public agricultural services such as extension, research and marketing, Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of About (N) Universities - Program of assistance To be determined. Project preparation ur. Education 20.0 to Kenya's four public universities for: way. (IDA) (a) enhancing quality; (b) institution building; and (c) strengthening student loan scheme. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of About Support for Wildlife Management - The To be determined. Project preparation UI1 Tourism and 60.0 project would support improvements to way. Wildlife (IDA) wildlife park management and infrastructure, and develop sustainable economic opportunities for people living in and around parks. Environmental Assessment Category D. Kenya Power and About Energy Sector - To finance a time slice Consulting services will Project under Lighting Company 75.0 of investment in the power and petroleum be required. preparation. (KPLC) (IDA) subsectors in conjunction with energy sector policy reform. Kenyan Power is being encouraged to carry out 1 through consultants, an environmental assessment of existing and proposed geothermal schemes prior to appraisal. Proposals already received. Environmental Assessment Category A. Ministry of About Agricultural Sector Adjustment II - To be determined, Approved by the Executl Agriculture 75.0 Continue support for sectoral reform. Directors on January 11 (IDA) Environmental Assessment Category C. 1991, Ministry of About (R) Parastatal Reform I - Assist in A consultant has been Project has slipped to Finance so.a policy reforms and financial/organiza- appointed and another FY94, Further reportin (IDA) tional restructuring of selected one is in the process of will be discontinued. parastatal enterprises and foster export being appointed. expansion, Environmental Assessment Category B, I I - 21 - rber Country, Amount &. rlementing Probable Stage of Processing and ancy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 ! I !!b )nt'd) 1 Lstry of About CR) Export Development - To assist the Consultants have been Approved by the Executive ~e······ 100.0 Kenya Government in implementing an recruited for export Directors on December 20, (IDA) ··'export· strategy. The project would also processing zone 1990. support infrastructure, policy and components, including A Special Project institutional development for an export environmental studies. Preparation Facility processing zone, and technical studies advance of $200,000 has on individual sub-sectors. been approved and a Environmental studies completed. Project Preparation Environmental Assessment Category B. Facility advance of $625,000 has been approved. Supplements of $224,000 have recently been approved. (Co-financing is expected). nistry of Health About CR) Health Rehabilitation - Consultants will be Negotiations tentatively 25.0 Rehabilitation and reform of the required. scheduled for (IDA) Kenyatta National Hospital in the February 19, 1991. context of the introduction of cost- sharing in the sector. Preparation of future sectoral reform. Environmental Assessment Category C. ii:istries of About Agricultural National Extension II - To be determined. Approved'by the Executive ~iculture and 25.0 Follow-up project to the National Directors on December 20, ;-estock 1 (IDA) Extension Project now under 1990. rlopment, implementation. Environmental Assessment Category C. 1 1istry of About Forestry Development (formerly Forestry To be determined. Approved by the Executive 19.9 IV) - Support for development of the Directors on December 20, r!::~;::o:!es (IDA) forestry sector (fuelwood/agro-forestry, 1990. timber, natural forest conservtion, institutional strengthening). Project is focused on improving forest resource management, but will also include environmental assessment of selected components. Environmental Assessment Category D, Listry of Health About Health and Nutrition Sector Adjustment Consultants will be Project preparation under 70.0 (formerly Health Adjustment) - Support required and are likely way. (IDA) widespread sectoral reform. to be financed under the Environmental Assessment Category C. Health Rehabilitation Project. About Education Sector Adjustment Program - To be determined. Preliminary preparatory ·70:'0 Support a sector-wide program of reform work under way following '('IDA) to develop a viable alternative for report on education. financing education through improved efficiency, more cost-effective resource use and public-private cost sharing while improving equity in access to and quality of education, Environmental Assessment Category C. - 22 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing , Agency 1 ,,, , Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuremen· Ministry of About CR) Education Sector - Support policies To be determined. Appraisal mission Education 22.0 and programs to improve educational scheduled for March/J (IDA) quality at primary level, strenghten 1991, A Project science and math teaching at all levels, Preparation Facility and improve sector planning and advance has been management. Environmental Assessment approved. Category C. Ministry of 21. 0 Industry/Agro-Industry - Technical To be determined. Approved by the Exec. Industry and Trade (IDA) assistance for strategic development of Directors on Decembet industrial/agro-industrial sector and 1990. financial intermediaries; apex line of credit to eligible financial intermediaries. Environmental Assessment Category B. Lesotho Highlands About Lesotho Highlands Water Construction I - Consultants have been Negotiations tentativ Development 110.0 Construction of concrete dam, water appointed for technical scheduled for mid-Apr Authority (Bank) transfer tunnel and associated works for assistance, engineering 1991. sale of water to South Africa. Involves design, funding (Co-financing discuss limited involuntary resettlement. arrangements, and are well advanced), Environmental compensation and rural environmental development program has been prepared assessment; further following full environmental assessment consultancy services by the implementing agency. will be required to Environmental Assessment Category A. assist in preparation and evaluation of contracts during construction period. MADAGASCAR. Ministry of About (R) Livestock - Promote intensive Consultants will be Appraisal report unde Livestock 25.D livestock production (dairy and required. preparation. (IDA) smallstock) and support the improvement PPF advance of $400,0 of the efficiency of traditional ·has been approved. production systems. The project would increase the role of the private sector in the provision of services to the livestock sector, and improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of livestock services provided by MPAEF, Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of About Petroleum Sector Reform - Will include Consultants will be Project under Industry, Energy 30.D reform of the petroleum pricing and required, preparation. A PPF and Mines/SOLIMA (IDA) taxation system, new policies to advance has been increase efficiency in petroleum supply approved. and distribution, rehabilitation and improvement of the refinery, investments in petroleum transport and distribution and institutional strengthening of MIEM and SOLIMA. SI.nee the pro1ect will upgrade existing facl.lities 1 environmental effects are limited. Environmental Assessment Category B, Ml.nistere des About Transport Sector - To improve Consultants will be Project being identifl Tran1port1, de 70,D infra1tructure for coastal 1hipping, air required, Meteorologie et de (IDA) and rail tran1port, Environmental Tourisms Assessment Category B, - 23 - Imber Country, Amount &. \,plementing Probable Stage of Processing and lency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 ~AGASCAR. nt'd) istry of About Vocational Technical Education - Develop To be determined, Appraisal report under ' cation, 22,S vocational training and technical preparation, -nistry of Civil (IDA) education, including establishment of rvice and Labor coordination structure and training funda1 support for training school for senior civil servants. Environmental Assessment Category C. -nistry of About (R) Food Security and Nutrition - To be determined. Project under riculture 11,S 1) Address short and medi\.1111-term preparation, (IDA) problems of rural and urban food insecurity, 2) Support child nutrition programs, 3) Support nutrition education and other programs to improve micro- nutrient intake1 4) Support research and monitoring of nutrition issues, S) Begin to address the intra-household resource allocation issues. Environmental Assessment Category C. of Health About National Health Sector (formerly First Consultants will be Appraisal report under 31,6 Health) - 1) Support priority health required for studies and preparation, A PPF (IDA) programs for endemic disease control and to support institutional advance of US$400,000 to provision of maternal and child health development objectives, finance preparation care, including family planning. studies was approved in· 2) Develop MOH's institutional capacity December 1989. to (a) strengthen organization and management of health service delivery at central and provincial levels; (b) strengthen policy formulation and planning/budgeting monitoring capacity, Environmental Assessment Category C. -ntral Bank of About Incentive and Export Promotion - To Consultants likely to be Project under dagascar 128.0 consolidate the reforms undertaken so required. preparation. (IDA) far and to support the next stages in the reform of the incentive system in support of private investment and exports, Environmental Assessment Category C. nistry 1 of About (R) Public Sector Adjustment Credit II Consultants likely to be Project under nance 95.0 (PSAC II) (formerly SAL I) - The required. preparation. (IDA) operation wouid address public expenditure issues including public enterprise and consolidate the adjustment efforts to date. Total project cost estimated at US$16S.8 million, Environmental Assessment Category C, fice Militaire About Ilmenite Mining - Mining and export of Consultants have been Project under hional des 64,2 titani\.1111 dioxide and other mineral sand~ contracted for technical preparation. austries (IDA) on Madagascar's East Coast. Total cost assistance to OMNIS, (Co-financing being 1 ~ategiques of project to be determined. A explored), 1 fflIS) comprehensive environmental assessment is under way. The environmental _assessment will help determine detailed project design. Environmental Assessment Category A, - 24 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1, Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services ·Action on Procuremen' MADAGASCAR (Cont'd) Ministry of About Energy II - The project will consist of Consultants have been ,, Project preparation'~ Industry, Energy 50.0 power generation (Ambodiroka hydroplant) appointed for be handled under the· and Mines (IDA) transmission and distribution, based on ·preliminary Energy I project, whi a least-cost power master plan; environmental studies Ls presently under dissemination of the improved relating to Ambodiroka. supervision. carbonization techniques developed at the Haut Mangoro Fanalamanga's plantation; industrial energy efficiency projects; and continuity for technical assistance for energy and power systems planning. Total project cost estimated at $80.0 million. The engineering studies for the Ambodiroka power plant. which are being undertaken at this time. include a detailed environmental assessment. The dissemination of improved carbonization techniques will have positive environmental effects. Environmental Assessment Category A. Electricity Supply 60.0 Energy II - Will provide for expansion To be determined. Project under Commission; (IDA) and rehabilitation of power generation, preparation. Ministry of transmission and distribution and (Co-financing will be Forestry and provide support to energy policy required). Natural Resources initiatives and petroleum supply. ~ component Ls not expected to have a major environmental impact. Policy initiative components (e.g. wood energy conservation) would have a positive !!!!Pl!!:!· Environmental Assessment Category A. Ministry of Local 20.0 (R) Local Government Development - To be determined. Appraisal mission, Government (IDA) Central objective will be strengthening scheduled for end Apri of local government to finance essential (Co-financing will be services and manage traditional housing required). area programs on a self-sustaining basis. Some elements such as rehabilitation of sewerage treatment and solid waste services will have positive effects on sanitation. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 40.0 Agricultural Services - Will continue To be determined. Projeot under Agriculture (IDA) support for strengthening smallholder preparation. services on a national level and build (Co-financing of about on current programs to improve the $25 million will be national research, extension, marketing required). and credit services to alleviate poverty and food insecurity through increased agricultural productivity. It Ls unlikely that project will result in significant environmental Lmpact1 project will support integrated pest management. Envirorunental Assessment Category B. - 25 - ;mber Country, Amount S. plementing Probable Stage of Processing and rncy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on ProcurJment 4 I ~ i°nt'd) . f'lstry of ··60,0 · ,, (R) Entrepreneurship and Capital Consultants in labor and Negotiations schedule~ nance (IDA) (formerly Capital and Labor Market capital marketing design for mid-April 1991. I Adjustment) - Project will provide will be needed. (Co-financing of about continued support for Malawi Adjustment US$75 million will be Program, with a focus on factor markets required). and low income groups. Environmental Assessment Category C. nlstry of 32.0 (R) Financial and Enterprise Sector - 'Consultants for the Negotiations under way. (IDA) The project will consist of a credit financial sector will be (Co-financing will be ::::::~of component to support development of needed. required). I.awl viable conmercial project in industry, agriculture, conmerce and service sectors. A technical assistance component would support the restructuring/re-orientation and strengthening of institutions in the financial sector. Environmental Assessment Category B. 1istry of Health 55.5 (R) PHN Sector - Third phase of Consultants will be Negotiations completed. ! (IDA) strengthening the health services and the maternal and child health/child required for health management. Board presentation scheduled for April 4, l spacing program. Environmental Assessment Category C. 199i. (Co-financing being sought). lartmcnt of 8.8 (R) Fisheries - Improve efficiency of Consultants will be Negotiations scheduled lhedes (IDA) capture fisheries, promote development required. for February 18, 1991. of aquaculture/fish farming, strengthen (Co-financing required). Fisheries Department. Appraisal mission studying possible environmental impact of increased fishing. Environmental Assessment Category B. 1stry of 15.0 Public Works and Employment - The Consultant will be Project preparation under loyment and (IDA) project would finance a program of required for the way. 11 Service small-scale, labor-intensive public establishment of the works to be executed by private agency, labor market contractors under the overall management study, surveys of local of a new private agency. Environmental construction industry Assessment Category B. and public sector procurement, and technical assistance to local contractors, t1tut 20.0 Agricultural Research - To strengthen Consultant will be Project under \conomie Rurale (IDA) crop, livestock, forestry, and natural required (estimated at preparation. resource management research nationwide. 200 staffweeks). ~!!a~n::itut Total project cost estimated at $30.0 \\erche million. Environmental Assessment I ,~echnique, Category C, astiere et ~obiologique 1 rZFH) - 26 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processin1 Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurem, ~ (Cont'd) Ministere des 30.0 Private Sector Development - Assistance Consultants will be Project under Finances et du (IDA) to the Banking system in promotion, required. preparation. Commerce. appraisal, financing, supervision of private sector business including export1 technical support for business promotion including mining1 and assistance in implementing improved policy measures. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministere de 25.0 Natural Resources Management - Finance a Consultants will be Project under l'Environnement et (IDA) wide range of multi-sectoral natural required (estimated at preparation. de l'Elevage resource management activities at 200 staffweeks), (Possibility of co· village, departmental and national financing with OECI levels, To include field operations, (Overseas Economic training, data collection and analysis Cooperation Fund), and institutional development, Total (Japan), Deutsche project cost is estimated at US$26,0 Gesellschaft fur million. The pro1ect has been Technische Zusammer specifically designed to have a strongly (GTZ, Germany), anc positive environmental impact. United Nation Sahel Environmental Assessment Category D, Office (UNSO), Ministere des 70.0 (R) SAL I - Macro-sectoral policy Consultants will be Approved by the ExE Finances et du (IDA) reforms addressing management of public required. Directors on Decemc Commerce resources and the structure of 1990. Credit signe incentives. Environmental Assessment January 23, 1991. Category C. (Co-financing beins sought). Retroactive financi under consideration Ministries of 30.0 Infrastructure/Transport Sector - Would Consultants will be Project being ident Transport and (IDA) support preparation of comprehensive 3 required for preparing Public Works year investment program focusing on the different project maintenance of existing infrastructure components. and improved management of sector parastatals, based on detailed· action plans. The problem of urban and interurban/international transport would be addressed, Environmental Assessment Category B. Mini.stare de la 26,6 Population and Health - Improvement of Consultants will be Board presentation Sante Publique et (IDA) health and family planning services in required to complete scheduled for March des Affairs four of Mali's seven regions and in project preparation and (Possible co-financ Sociales Bamako, strengthening of regional and implementation. from Germany, Franc, central level institutions responsible USAID, Norway, Belg for population and health supporting UNICEF, EEC) , national family planning information services, assistance in formulation and implementation of action programs to carry out the population policy to be adopted by the government1 increase in access to potable water supply and strengthening of national capabilities in managing operations in the water sector, Total project cost .estimated at US$60,6 million. Environmental Assessment Category B, - 27 - fer Country, Amounts. iementing Probable Stage of Processing and lncy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I I ,1 b:t. d) istere de 23.0 (R) Agricultural Services - Promotion of Consultants will be Negotiations completed. griculture (IDA) effective agricultural support services, required (estimated at Board presentation primarily focusing on extension. Total 200 staffweeks), scheduled for early April project cost estimated at $25.6 million. 1991. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined 35.0 Irrigation Sector - To promote private Consultants will be · Project under (IDA) irrigation and to continue the required (estimated at preparation. rehabilitation of Office du Niger, and 200 staffweeks), strengthen sectoral institutions and policies. Total project cost estimated at $40.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category A. JRITANIA \istry of Health 15.0 Population and Health - To improve Consultants will be Appraisal mission (IDA) effectiveness of health care systems required. scheduled for March 1991. including xamily planning and to assist in formulating population-related action programs. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined 10.0 Agricultural Services - Improvement of Consultants will be Project under (IDA) research and extension, possibly also required (estimated at preparation. crop protection and agricultural 150 staffweeks), education nationwide. Total project cost estimated at US$25.0 million. Envirorunental Assessment Category C. be determined 15.0 (R) Irrigation Sector - Development of Consultants will be Project preparation has (IDA) private irrigation plus selected required. (Estimated at started as part of rehabilitation of publicly constructed 100 staff weeks), completion of the Senegal irrigation schemes. Total project cost River Right Bank Water estimated at US$40.0 million. Master Plan. Envi.ri:lnmental Assessment Category A, istry of Plan 25.1 (R) SAL II - Emphasis on restructuring To be determined. Project preparation will Employment (IDA) macroeconomic policies, and private commence with public sector incentive structure through expenditure review in continuation and expansion of policy March 1991, reforms in key sectors such as industry, fisheries, and the public sector, Environmental Assessment Category C. RITIUS b~.::. I lleries and \lral Resources About 10,0 (Bank) (R) Agricultural Services - Agricultural diversification through strengthening of policy-making and agricultural services. Total project cost to be determined. Consultants may be required, Negotiations tentatively scheduled for March 1991, (Co-financing to be finalized). Environmental Assessment Category B. - 28 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme MAURITIUS (Cont'd) Ministry of About Industrial and Vocational (formerly Consultants may be Appraisal report unc Economic Planning 12.0 Industrial Strategy Development and required. preparation. and Development (Bank) Manpower Training) - To support (Co-financing being industrial strategy, industrial explored). development and manpower training. Environmental Assessment Category C. MOZAMBIQUE Ministry of State 75.0 Urban Environment Rehab - Technical To be determined. Urban local governme Administration & (IDA) assistance and training for urban review under prepara1 Ministry of management and institutional Project expected to Construction and strengthening; technical assistance and identified following Water financial support for environmental multi-donor workshop rehabilition; financing for municipal or April 1991. districts governments for specific (Co-financing of infrastructure and services needs. US$15 million) . Probable total cost US$80 million. Environmental Assessment Category D. Ministry of 60.0 (R) Agricultural Services Rehabilitation To be determined. Project under Agriculture (IDA) and Development - To support the preparation. Apprai Government of Mozambique's efforts to mission is tentative rehabilitate and develop agricultural scheduled for June 1' services; reverse the decline in production of cotton and foodcrops, thus reducing poverty and improving food security; and strengthen local capacity to formulate and implement agricultural development activities. Total project cost not yet defined, but in the order of US$30-40 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 75.0 (R) Roads & Coastal Shipping - Consultants will be Project under Construction and (IDA) Rehabilitation and maintenance of required for civil preparation. Pre- Water and Ministry selected feeder roads and sections of works, technical appraisal mission of Transport and the national road network and small assistance for design scheduled for.mid-Jun Communications coastal shipping ports. Environmental and supervision of 1991. Appraisal miss Assessment.Category B. works, training, and for scheduled for mid-May studies and procurement (Co-financing being management. sought to cover finan gap), Bank of Mozambique 129,0 Economic Adjustment Program - Support To be determined. Project under (IDA) for Government's economic rehabilitation preparation. program. Environmental Assessment (Co-financing will be' Category C. required), - 29 - \\er Country, Amount , ementing Probable Stage of Processing and Icy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I limIOUE tt'd) lstry 1:ation of 53.7 Second Education - To support efficiency and quality improvement of primary Consultants will be required to provide Approved by the Executive Directors on December 20, "(IDA) education and of basic science technical assistance for 1990. instruction for university. Total teacher training, (Expected UNDP co- project cost estimated at $68 million, pedagogical support, financing is with a foreign exchange component of distance education, US$4. 8 mill ion) . about $38 million. Environmental primary education Assessment Category C, initiatives, university quality improvement, planning improvement, school construction and maintenance, and project management. Of the total 1,419 staff-months requirement, 47 percent will be local consultants. l. lgation Board; \ce National 15.0 (IDA) Irrigation Sector - Development of private irrigation (a) small-scale, by low-lift pumping from shallow aquifers; Consultant will be required (estimated at 200 staffweeks). Project under preparation, (Possibility of co- )Amenagements (b) large-scale, by pumping from the financing with FED (Fonds ~~gricoles Niger River. Extent of public support European de to be determined during preparation. Developpement); EEC; and Total project cost estimated at KfW (KreditanStalt fur US$30.0 million. Environmental Wiederaufbau) Germany. Assessment Category B. stry of Plan 20.0 Public Works and Employment - The Consultant will be Board presentation (IDA) project would finance a program of required for training scheduled for public works to be carried out by the and for technical February 19, 1991. private sector using labor intensive assistance to local techniques to create employment, contractors. Environmental Assessment Category C. stry of 15.0 Agricultural Extension - Promotion of Consultants will be Project under lcul ture and (IDA) effective agricultural support services required (estimated at preparation. \stock nationwide, primarily focussing on 150 staffweeks), extension. Total project cost estimated at $30.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category C. stry of Plan 20,2 Municipal Infrastructure - The project Consultant will be Project under (IDA) will strengthen technical capabilities required for project preparation. Pre- of municipalities and their ability to preparation, technical appraisal mission mobilize local resources, increase assistance for design scheduled for April 1991. productivity of self-employed artisans and supervision of (A PPF advance for and micro-enterprises. Environmental works, training and for US$750,000 was approved Assessment Category B. studies. on January 12, ,1990 for project preparation), .stare de la 20.0 Population - The project will improve To be determined. Project to be pre- I.a Publique, (IDA) population planning and program appraised in March 1991. lstere du Plan, development, develop and extend family I.stare des planning services and support associated (ires Sociales programs to improve the status of women. le la Promotion Environmental Assessment Category C. ta Ji'eame - 30 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processi1 Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuren ~ (Cont'd) Ministeres de 34.0 (R) Human Resources SECAL - Continued Consultants will be Negotiations tenta l'Education, du (IDA) support to expand and improve quality of required during scheduled for June Travail et de primary education; restructuring of implementation. (Possibility of co l'Enseignement technical and vocational education and financing from CID. Superieur consolidation and quality improvement in Germany, the Nethe higher education. Environmental and Norway). Assessment Category C. To be determined 37.0 SAL II - Support further adjustment of To be determined. Project preparatio: (IDA) the economy by extending policy changes begin with the to new areas such as industry and trade, preparation of the and the banking sector while deepening expenditure review civil service reform in agriculture and scheduled for Marc] public resource management. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministere de 15.0 Natural Resource Management - Finance a Consultants (estimated Project under l'Agriculture et (IDA) wide range of natural resources at 400 staffweeks) will preparation. de l'Elevage management activities at village, be required. (Co-financing expec departmental and national levels. This with CCCE/FAC (Frar will include field operations, training, for $8.0 million, ! data collection and analysis and (Norway), and DANII institutional development, Total (Denmark)), project cost estimated at $27.0 million. The project has been specifically designed to have a strongly positive environmental impact. Environmental Assessment Category D. Ministry of Public 30.0 Infrastructure/Transport Sector - Consultants required to Appraisal report un Works; Ministry of (IDA) Project would include: road maintenance design and supervise preparation. Transport works and construction of feeder and road works, elaborate secondary roads; support to the private and support execution of consulting and contracting industry; action plans for support to the transporters; improving transport and reorganization of airport management; promote local and continuation of institution building contractors, and provide initiated under previous projects. technical assistance to Total cost of project would be institutional $186.0 million. Environmental development. Assessment Category B. NIGERIA National Railroad 150.0 (N) Railway - The main objectives of the To be determined. Project preparation Corporation (Bank) project are to support the institutional way. strengthening of NRC and to finance a rehabilitation program (track, locomotives, rolling stock, telecommunications, workshops), The project will support the commercialization program including improvements in its organization, corporate planning, operational procedures, etc. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 31 - 'er Country, Amount & kmenting Probable Stage of Processing and 1 cy l Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 l'-------~---------------------------- 6 t'd) t determined 175.0 (Bank) Financial Sector (SECAL) - Building on reforms initiated under the ERP Loan To be determined Preparation under way. (FY90) will: (a) Further liberalization exchange and interest rate determination mechanisms; (b) Remove remaining sectoral targets; and (c) Reform legislative and fiscal frameworks with a view to ensuring more prudent practices in the financial sector. Environmental Assessment Category C. ral Ministry 75.0 Social Marketing Strategies - Support to Consultants will be Preparation under way. nformation (IDA) Nigerian television and radio authority required for upgrading for social marketing progranming. studios and program Environmental Assessment Category C. development. .onal Electric 150.0 (R) Power VIII - Combined Cycle Power Consultants will be Appraisal scheduled·for lr Authority (Bank) Plant, transmission and distribution required. June 1991. facilities. Environmental Assessment Category B. lstry of 63.0 (R) Adjustment Loan - Environment - To be determined Preparation under way. rce (IDA) Support of government programs to presarve natural resource base especially national stocks of land, forest and water. Environmental Assessment Category D. stry of 94.0 (R) National Agricultural Technology To be determined. Appraisal mission ~culture, (Barut) Support - Strengthen the institutional scheduled for March 1991. 1ral Department 1 environment and operational aci:ivities l~griculture and to adapt improved technology packages •l Development and their delivery system to meet location-specific needs of farmers. Environmental Assessment Category B. Lstry of 1 75.0 National Fadama Development - For Consultants will be Appraisal mission Lculture, (Bank) developing 150,000 ha of fadama by required for design tentatively scheduled for ~ral Department small-scale irrigation. Enviro~ental supervision of road March 1991. ~griculture and Assessment Category B. construction and il Development drilling of tubewells oy contract. r.ral Ministry 130.0 (Multi) State Roads - To support a five- Consultants ~ould be Project under ~orks 1 and (Bank) year program for a state roads required ~n the survey preparation, 1ing upgrading, rehabilitation and of s~.te road, networks, maintenance, including institutional designing and optimum development and resource mobilization, road rehabilitation and in all aspects of technical and maintenance program, managerial functions. ~ establishing a training environmental reconnaissance was carried program for state out in May/June 1990, Environmental. personnel, and other Assessment Category A, specialized activities determined during implementation. 1ral Ministry 200.0 (R) Fertilizer SECAL - This policy-based To be determined, Project moved to Reserve t!r!::~::::~ (Bank)/ Lending will support reforms in production trade, marketing and pricing policies on fertilizers. Environmental Program, Further reporting to be discontinued. r--· tRural Assessment Category B, ' - 32 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processins Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme NIGERIA (Cont'd) Federal Ministry 78.0 (R) Agricultural Research - To support Consultants would be Board presentation of Science and (Bank) institutional development, improvement required to assist in: tentatively schedule Technology in the research management system, (a) the development and February 26, ·1991. rehabilitation of research institutes, implementation of staff development and high priority improved research research to improve availability of management systems; (b) appropriate technologies for the major specialized activities farming systems. Environmental to be determined during Assessment Category C. implementation. Nigerian 225.0 (R) First Telecommunications - Support Consultants will be Approved by the Exec· Telecommunications (Bank) strengthening of the institutional and required for project and Directors on June 26 Limited (NITEL) policy framework and facilitate financial management. 1990. Loan signed o: commercialization of NITEL; improve December 10, 1990. access to and quality of services and improve NITEL's financial performance. Environmental Assessment Category B. Federal Ministry 120.0 Primary Education - To improve quality, Consultants will be Approved by the Exec, of Education thru' (IDA) financing, information base, and required to help Directors on Decembet National Primary institutional capacity by the provision supervise and implement 1990. Education of books and other instructional the textbook and library Commission materials, raising personnel development component. accountability,, improving statistics and research, and supporting the National Primary Education Commission, Primary Education and Implementation Units in Federal Ministry of Education. Environmental Assessment Category C. Federal Ministry 78.5 (R) National Population - To assist in Presently short-term Negotiations complete of Health and (IDA) initial stages of new National consultants are helping Board presentation other Federal Population Program by supporting articulate basic tentatively scheduled agencies with institutional development, training, principles for operation April 1991. collaborating research, and priority service of PAF and its states and local delivery/demand creation activities. management requirements, governments and Sub-projects requiring support from a which will undoubtedly NGOs Population Activities Fund (PAF) to be include other consulting agreed periodically but initially inputs during include family planning, public implementation. information, health education, population education through the schools, integration of population considerations into planning, and monitoring of fertility impact. Environmental Assessment Category C. Federal Ministry 70.0 (R) Health System·Fund - Credit line Consultants will be Negotiations completed! of Health (Bank) through financial intermediaries for required for technical Board presentation 'I health sub-projects in the various support. tentatively scheduled ·, States including institutional March 14, 1991. development, strengthening of primary health and MCH service, nutrition and essential drug programs. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 33 - ~er Country, Amount & \ementing Probable Stage of Processing and \cy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I I lRIA ~t'd) lral Government 165.0 Multi-State Water - Program of physical Consultants will be Project preparation under i'igeria1 (Bank) rehabilitation, limited expansion, required for detailed way. tral State improved, .operation and maintenance engineering design and Feasibility studies are .1.r Boards practices, investment planning and supervision, and being completed in Kaduna financial management, and manpower technical assistance. and Katsina States and development to improve access to public are about to start in water supply in Cross River, Imo, Kaduna Cross River and Imo and Katsina States. Environmental States. Assessment Category B. trian National .150.0 (R) Oso Condensate - To develop the Oso Consultants will be Board presentation 1 :oleum (Bank) Field for export production of required by lenders for tentatively scheduled for \oration (NNPC) condensate, through the construction of monitoring construction, March 28, 1991. IFC will various site facilities, Project to be reserves updating and participate on behalf of developed as part of a joint venture insurance advice. MPN and will syndicate between NNPC and MPN (Mobil Producing commercial bank loans). Nigeria). Environmental Assessment The main facilities completed. Environmental Assessment contract has been Category A. awarded. Retroactive financing of up to 25Z of the loan has been included to partly cover costs for facilities and drilling. i9ral Ministry 256.0 (R) Water Rehabilitation Fund - Contracts for project Negotiations completed. 1ater Resources 1 (Bank) Provision of funds through FMWR to management consultants Board presentation m> assist states with rehabilitation of has been awarded FMWR scheduled for March 28, existing water supply facilities, has invited proposal for 1991. ~ provide sector training; accounting engineering services. contracting at 3% of loan systems; and technical assistance. amount for project Environmental Assessment Category C, management consultancy services with initial financing by Japanese Grant has been included. [ ~da Bank of About 15.0 APEX - Financing of industrial and other To be determined Preparation under way. subprojects through the Central Bank and (IDA) all financial intermediaries in the country. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Lstry of About First Population - Expansion of family Consultant may be Appraisal report under ~th1 ONAPO 2,1.5 planning services availability and required. preparation. fice National 1 (IDA) quality1 integration of population in La Population) the overall development process, Environmental Assessment Category C. - 34 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processin Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurem, RWANDA (Cont'd) Ministry of About (R) Posts and Telecommunications - Consultants have been Approved by the Exe Transport and 12.8 (a) Creation of an autonomous postal appointed. Directors on Decemb Co11111W1ications (IDA) entity and a teleco11111W1ications semi- 1990. Credit signe private company; (b) training for posts January 30, 1991. and teleconmunications staff; (c) complementary items of the teleconmunications investment program, microwave limits, maintenance, etc; and (d) postal sorting center, postal equipment for extension of retail and rural services. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of About (R) SAL I - Program of structural Consultants will be Appraisal mission 11 Finance 90.0 adjustment which includes improvements required. field. (IDA) in private sector incentives, and public sector resource management, as well as the introduction of supply side measures. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of About Social Action Program - In parallel with To be determined. Preliminary work unc Planning 11.0 Structural Adjustment Program, the way. (IDA) operation would support: (a) a package of policy changes aimed at: (1) rationalizing social sector spending; (ii) restructuring public subsector agencies involved in social programs; and (111) improving the public/private mix in social services delivery; (b) a set of programs aimed at alleviating/preventing the social costs of adjustment; and (c) social surveys and socio-economic surveys. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of About (R) Education Sector - Restructure and Consultants may be Negotiations under w, Primary and 25.0 strengthen primary education sub-sector required. Secondary (IDA) through reducing number of years of Education primary school; construction and rehabilitation of facilities. Improve teacher training and provide teaching materials. Environmental Assessment Category C. SAO TOMB~ PRINCIPE Federal Government 6,0 (R) Multi-Sector II - Follow-up to To be determined. Appraisal mission (IDA) Multi-sector I, will emphasize financing tentatively scheduled to productive and infrastructure social March 1991, sectors. Environmental Assessment1 To Be Determined. Ministries of 9.0 Health/Education - Implementation of a Consultants will be Project under Health and (IDA) comprehensive malaria control program, required. preparation. Education supply essential.drugs, improvements in primary/secondary education. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 35 - jber Country, Amount & llementing Probable Stage of Processing and rcy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuremen.t 4 ~ 'nt'd) l lstry of 7.8 Agricultural Sector Development - Consultants have been Project under iculture &· · (IDA) Support of government policy reforms in engaged for project preparation. heries agriculture particularly promotion of preparation and will be small farmers through land tenure, and required for the promotion of diversification. implementation. Environmental Assessment Category B. be determined 30.2 CR) Agricultural Services II - Follow-up Consultants will be Project placed under FY95 (IDA) to Agricultural. Services I, required (estimated.at lending program. concentrating on crop protection and 200 staffweeks). Reporting will be agricultural education in addition to discontinued unless major extension and functional literacy. activities take place·. Total project cost estimated at US$60.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. be determined 30.0 Private Sector Development - Consultants will be Project under (IDA) Continuation of financial sector reforms required. preparation. and establishment of new financing mechanisms for small- and medium- enterprises. Technical assistance to private sector for export promotion and improved management and privatization of existing support services agencies. Policy reforms to improve regulatory environment, including functioning of judicial system. Development of informatics sector. Environmental Assessment Category B. be determined 30.0 Irrigation Sector - Development of Consultants will be Project under (IDA) private irrigation plus selected required (estimated at preparation. rehabilitation of publicly-constructed 200 staffweeks). Possibility of co- irrigation schemes. Project preparation financing with CCCE will start in 1991 once the Senegal (Caisse Centrale de River left bank water master plan is Cooperation Economique) completed. Total project cost estimated France; and KfW at US$60.0 million. Environmental (Kreditanstalt fur Assessment Category A, Wiederaufbau), Germany. lstere du 15,0 Natural Resources Management - Promotion Consultants will be Project:· under eloppement (IDA) of policy changes conducive to more required (estimated at preparation, al, Ministere sustainable land use throughout the 100 staffweeks). (Co-financing expected la Protection country, and implementation of land use with CCCE and FAC la Nature, plans with village and herder· (France), and with lstere des associations. Total project cost Norway.) ources Animales estimated at US$30,0 million, Pro3ect is specifically designed to haye a strong positive environmental 1.mpact, Environmental Assessment Category D. - 36 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuremer ~ (Cont'd) Ministry of 65.0 Transport Sector Adjustment Investment - Consultant firms have Board presentation Equipment (IDA) Sector policy reforms in investment carried out studies .scheduled for April. programming, institutional strengthening needed to prepar~ the of sector administration, financial ·highway, railway and (Co-financing restructuring of sector parastatals and aviation.components and identified). improvement of operational efficiency. conclusions have been Road strengthening and maintenance agreed with the Diagnostic and other program; technical assistance and Senegalese Delegation. studies in preparati studies; track rehabilitation and policy various sub-sector measures to enhance efficiency of The report on railways components Ci, e, htg· Senegalese railways; studies and served as the basis of railway, aviation an, technical assistance to improve the contract plan signed ports) have been fin management and efficiency of aviation between Societe under an IDA project and maritime sub-sectors; rehabilitation Nationale des Chemins de Preparation Facility of port access in Dakar and of regional Fer Francais (SNCS) and advance of $1.5 mill airport runways. Presentation of a Government in March satisfactory environmental assessment on 1990. a road traversing a National Park (financed outside the proposed project) Main policy framework is a condition of Board presentation. covering highways, Environmental Assessment Category B. railways, ports and civil aviation already agreed upon. Societe Nationale 20.0 Energy II - Project will comprise (1) a Consultants will be Project under D'Electricite (IDA) policy reform component (energy pricing, required. preparation. (SENELEC) management of charcoal supply, dissemination of improved cooking stoves, better management of sector entities); and (11) an investment component (time-slice of SENELEC's investment program, fuelwood trade monitoring system, manufacture of improved stoves, etc.) Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Rural 30 .. 0 Agriculture SECAL - Deepen structural Consultants will be Pre-appraisal mission Development and (IDA) adjustment through further reforms in required (estimated at ·completed. Appraisal SONACOS pricing policy, marketing and input 200 staffweeks). scheduled for ~arly M distribution, credit, natural resources (Co-financing expecte management and tenure, staff training with CCCE for and career development. Total project $18.5 million; and US, cost estimated at US$100.0 million. for $20.0 million and Environmental Assessment Category C. for $25.0 million). Ministry of 30.0 (R) Water III - Sectoral policy reform Feasibility studies are Appraisal mission Industry and (IDA) and institution building to strengthen completed, Consultants scheduled for June 19! Artisanat water supply and sanitation sector for detailed studies and (Co-financing will be management. Financing tranche of technical assistance required). investment program including increasing will be required after capacity of water production systems; appraisal. rehabilitation and expansion of water distribution systems for Dakar and secondary centers, technical assistance training and studies. Total project cost estimated at $380.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 37 - '1ber Country, Amount &. I ·' •. . .. /lementing ·Probable Stage of Processing and f1ncy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 1 !E!!t rt·d) ,istere du Plan1 30.3 (R) Human Resources Development Sector Consultants would be Negotiations scheduled l1~tere de la (IDA) (Population/Health) - This project will required for project for February 19, 1991. )te, et de la cilmpri.'se'policy and investment measures preparation and IDA project preparation ~!tion de la in two parts: (1) for population: implementation. facility advance of (a) promotion of family planning; $700,000 in place. (b) women's role in development; (Co-financing will be (c) family life education for youth; and required). (d) strengthening institutional leadership in population; (11) for health: (a) strengthening district health services; including promoting conmunity health organizations; (b) promoting essential drugs; and (c) institutional strengehtning for health. Total project cost is about $50.0 million. Environmental Assessment Category C. [istry of 55.0 (R) Human Resources SECAL - The project To be determined. Preparation under way. er Country, Amount & Lement~ng Probable Stage of Processing and ~cy 1 · Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I_ _ _ _ _ _ ___:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ \ IABWE ilt'd) Lstry of Local 1 About CR) Urban Transportation - Improvement Consulting services will Appraisal report under arnment and 20.0 of urban transport services through be required. preparation. h Development (Bank) assistanc~ to bus companies. (Co-financing of about Environmental implications will be $25.0 million will be assessed during appraisal and necessary required). actions will be identified. Environmental Assessment Category B. r=~. stry of 35.0 Family Health II - Improvement of Consultants services Negotiations scheduled Lth: I Zimbabwe (Bank) current facilities for fertility will be required. for mid-March 1991. control, mortality reduction and health (Co-financing of at least care, improvement of institutional $50.0 million, preferably capacity and financing of health care. in grant/concessional Environmental Assessment Category C. form, will be sought). [CA 1U!IGIOIIAL l ,rnment of Togo J·Benin, 36.0 (IDA) (R) Adjarala Hydroelectric - A hydroelectric plant (80 MW, 250 GWh) 97 Consultants have completed the Project under preparation. nunaute km downstream of Nangbeto on the Mono feasibility study and (Possibility of co- \trique du River, including dam, powerhouse, are preparing bidding financing from France, tn (CEB) related transmission lines (about 130 documents. Canada, Germany and km), resettlement and environment, others). administration and technical assistance. First cofinanciers This is a joint Togo-Benin development meeting took place project to be owned and operated by CEB. November 21-23, 1990. Major environmental issues include: population resettlement and compensation; environmental protection; health protection; and downstream hydrology. A preliminary environmental evaluation has been completed and project preparation includes a full environmental assessment. Environmental Assessment Category A. rnments of 25.0 Regional Power - Develop the hydro Consultants have been Project under gal, (IDA) project in Manatali and the associated selected and feasibility preparation. itania and transmission lines to supply Dakar. study is under way. - (OMVS) Environmental Assessment Category A. inization pour lise en Valeur leuve Senegal rnments of 33.4 CR) UDEAC/BEAC - Will support regional To be determined. Appraisal report under l' Equatorial ea, Cameroon, (IDA)/ 130.0 reform program in trade, fiscal transport and financial policy in preparation. n, Central 1 (Banlt) countries of UDEAC/BEAC. Objective is \fan Republic to tackle problems pertaining to rongo structure of trade and indirect taxes; transit arrangements for traffic in land locked countries1 and the functioning of the central banlt that, due to the nature of existing treaties and arrangements between member countries, can only be resolved at the regional level. Environmental Assessment Category B, - 46 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processi1 Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurer II. ASIA REGIOH BANGLADESH Ministry of 75.0 Shallow Tubewells and Low Lift Pump To be determined. Negotiations compl Agriculture (IDA) Irrigation - The project ls to increase Board date tentati agricultural production, income and scheduled for Apri employment by supporting increased 1991. investment by farmers in simple, low cost minor irrigation equipment sold by private equipment dealers for cash under the Government of Bangladesh's (GOB's) liberalized/deregulated policy framework for private sector-led minor irrigation development. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 30.0 Forestry III - The project would support To be determined. Preparation under , Environment and (IDA) extension of mangrove plantations, Forest industrial/energy plantations and preparation and implementation of forest management plans for all established plantation and natural forest. Environmental Assessment Category D. Bangladesh Water 50.0 (R) Flood Protection I - Would improve To be determined. Project under Development Board (IDA) protection to towns and agricultural preparation. (BWDB) land along the Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers, including repairs to existing river training works and, where necessary, construction of additional groynes and revetments to safegard integrity of existing protection works. Brahmaputra right bank pilot component would be implemented to provide shelter sites for households embankments.~ be subjected to limited environmental assessments which would use outputs of other studies and do focussed assessments on project specific issues such as drainage, resettlement. and housing site sanitation. Effected groups would be consulted during the process. Environmental Assessment Category B. Bangladesh Water 50.0 (R) Cyclone Protection - The project To be determined. Project under Development Board (IDA) would ensure the security of persons preparation. (BWDB) living in the protected area, reduce damage to houses and other private and public buildings, and minimize the loss of livestock. It would introduce appropriate technology in the design and construction of protection works; and collect data for the preparation of a plan to protect the newly accredited lands. Environmental Assessment: To Be Determined. - 47 - \\er Country, Amount & .ementing Probable Stage of Processing and lcy 1 .. .Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I lLADESB :lt'd) 1, lrtment of 35.0 (R) Agriculture Support Services - The To be determined. Negotiations completed. ~cultural (IDA) project would support government's Board date tentatively rnsion efforts to promote economic growth and scheduled for April 16, farmer's income by (a) facilitating the 1991. development of relevant agricultural techniques and its dissemination; (b) improving supply of other factors of production; and (c) strengthening the incentive framework and creating an environment conducive to the emergence of private agriculture export activities. Environmental Assessment Category C. is and Highways 90.0 Second Road Rehabilitation and Pre-investment study Project under 1 lrtment (IDA) Maintenance - Rehabilitation or being carried out by preparation. reconstruction of about 204 km of roads consultants financed in the northwest; periodic maintenance under IDA/TA V Credit. works on about 400 km of other major roads in the northwest and southwest; continued implementation of the action plan for improved road maintenance; and implementation of an action plan to strengthen the construction industry. Total project cost US$126.0 million. No sighificant environmental impact anticipated. Environmental Assessment Category B. liladesh 54.0 (R) National Minor Irrigation To be determined. Negotiations tentatively lcultural (IDA) Development - The project aims to scheduled for }lopment increase crop production by facilitating February 25, 1991. ,oration I expansion of the area served b:, minor (Co-financing of •lC) irrigation equipment. It will support US$85.0 million indicated development of irrigation based on; by EEC). (1) deep tubewell technology where development based on shallow tubewells Procurement: About and low lift pumps is not feasible; and US$90.0 million worth of (ii) low lift pump technology. The irrigation equipment project will also support strengthening including 0.5 1 1 and 2 of the institutional and policy cusec deep tubewells and framework to help create confidence in low lift pumps. the private sector and, thus encourage increased private investment. Environmental Assessment Category B. •ladesh Power 75.0 CR) Second East/West Interconnector - Engineer~ag design being Project preparation under /oevelopment (IDA) Project would provide for the second prepr.~ed by UNDP way. ·d power transmission interconnection financed consultants. between East and West zones,· and would also strengthen the transmission system in the West Zone. The interconnection would be constructed on the Jamuna River and would be used to transmit electricity generated using indigenous gas in the East zone to the West zone to substitute for electricity generated using imported liquid fuel oil. Environmental Assessment·Category B. - 48 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme1 BANGLADESH (Cont'd) Dhaka Water Supply 95.0 CR) Fourth Dhaka Water/Sanitation - Consultants feasibility Project requires re- and Sewerage (IDA) Project now being re-identified but study (funded by identification based Authority (OWASA) likely to include: (a) development of Government of France) to results of feasibili long term water source for Dhaka prepare medium/long-term study, which is unde: (including ground and surface water); investment program for way. (b) rehabilitation and extension of OWASA commenced in (Co-financing intere, water distribution and sewerage systems; January 1991. expressed by Japan fc (c) extension of water and low-cost US$125.0 million, anc sanitation program; Cd) further Asian Development Bar institutional development of OWASA; and (e) exploration of deep artesian aquifer. Total project cost estimated at $250.0 million. Positive environmental impact through improved sanitation facilities and rehabilitation of sewage collection treatment works. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Health 150.0 (R) Population and Health IV - To To be determined. Appraisal report unde and Family (IDA) continue support to GOB with regard to preparation. Planning family planning service delivery and (Co-financing from maternal child health programs, and to Aus.tralia, Belgium, assist GOB in formulating and Ca~~da, Germany, Japa implementing a population and health Netherlands, Norway, policy framework. Environmental Sweden, United Kingdo. Assessment Category C. and EC totalling US$300 million.) Ministry of 30.0 Technical and Vocational Education - To To be determined. Project under Education (IDA) increase both the internal and external preparation. efficiency of the existing formal vocational and technical education systems, and to promote the development of non-formal vocational education. Environmental Assessment Category C. Bangladesh Bank 50.0 Small Scale Industries IV - The proposed To be determined. Project in early stage (IDA) project would require locating a of preparation. Proje financial intermediary capable of feasibility questiona!J lending· to the market niche at interest rates sufficient to cover costs. If any such intermediaries can be located, the project could comprise; (a) a line of credit to assist investments in small scale industries; and Cb) technical assistance component to improve service provision to small scale industries. It may Rlso include a policy component to remove constraints on small scale industry development. Environmental Assessment, To Be determined. - 49 - ',er Country, Amount & lementing Probable Stage of Processing and rcy 1 ,·. r ·Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I ·;LADESII ilt'd) ~tagong Water 40.0 Chittagong Water Supply and Sanitation Process of recruitment Pre-appraisal mission ,ly & Sewerage 1 (IDA) III - Objectives are to assist CWSSA to of water supply and completed. Appraisal i1ority (CWSSA) become a more efficient and effective sewerage mission scheduled for institution through design/supervision October 1991. consultants by CWASA (Co-financing of l rehabilitation/optimization of existing facilities and improved technical, expected to commence US$5.0 million indicated financial, managerial and administrative soon. by NORDIC Development capabilities. Project will include Fund), l program to reduce unaccounted for water, limited expansion of water production facilities, extensive rehabilitation of water distribution system, installation of sewerage/sanitation facilities, technical assistance and training. Total project cost is estimated to be US$52.5 million. Positive environmental impact by improved sanitation across income groups and by treatment of domestic, commercial and industrial I wastewater. May required limited involuntary resettlement. Environmental l. . . Assessment Category B. o,h InlaM 45.0 (R) Inland Water Transport III - To Consultants financed Negotiations complete. I rrways (IDA) provide technical assistance training under UNDP, United Board date tentatively ~sport and-equipment to upgrade the capability States Trade & scheduled for April 30, i1ority (BIWTA) 1 of BIWTA, BIWTC and DOS. The project Development Program, UK 1991. fladesh Inland would include: (a) streamlining and and Netherlands Trust (Co-financing from ar Transport rehabilitation of inland fleets; Funds and ILO experts FINNIDA of ~oration (b) improving waterway dredging and are presently engaged in US$5.0 million, and from 1/TC) 1 survey capability; (c) improving project preparation. Japanese, Environmental I irtment of 1 navigational aids and vessel safety; and Grant Facility of ,ping (DOS) (d) institutional development, including US$0. 7 million). strengthening of training facilities for inland deck personnel. Total project cost US$64.2 million. Environmental assessment identified issues of dredging material and waste management, and regulatory/enforcement capability which are being addressed under the project. Environmental Assessment Category B. l ladesh Banlt 50.0 (R) Agricultural and Rural Credit II - Consultants would be Negotiations completed. (IDA) To support further reform of required to assist in Board presentation agricultural credit system, strengthen technical assistance. scheduled for March 12, agricultural financial institutions and 1991. to provide credit for agricultural (Co-financing from ADB investments. Environmental Assessment for US$60.0 million and Category B. USAID for US$3.3 million). iladesh Banlt 25.0 Industrial Investment - Provision of ADB-executed UNDP Appraisal report under I (IDA) term financing to private sector industry through private financial technical assistance being undertaken as part preparation. institutions to be selected. of project preparation. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 50 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processins Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme BANGLADESH (Cont'd) Ministry of 140.0 (R) Public Resource Management - To UNDP is expected to Appraisal mission i: Finance (IDA) assist in resource mobilization and use. provide technical scheduled for May 1 1 To cover reforms and institutional assistance in budget and development in public revenue accounting reform. mobilization through taxation and public pricing policies; and public expenditure planning and implementation. Environmental Assessment Category C. Bangladesh Oil, 63.0 (R) LPG Transport and Distribution Consulting services may Appraisal report unc Gas & Mineral (IDA) (formerly LPG Recovery and Distribution) be required for preparation. Corporation/ - To promote the substitution of LPG for implementation and Bangladesh kerosene and firewood, resulting in supervision. Petroleum foreign exchange savings; install LPG Corporation transport and bottling facilities; develop institutional framework for operation of facilities; develop policy for pricing of LPG at various stages of production and distribution; optimize role of private investors. Environmental Assessment Category B. Jamuna 100.0 (R) Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge - Consultants will be Appraisal mission Multipurpose (IDA) Construction of a major multi-purpose required for project expected in early 19! Bridge Authority (road-energy telecommunications bridge management and civil across the Jamuna (Brahmaputra) River to works supervision. (Co-financing from AI reduce transport costs and support the for US$150.0 million; Northwest's economic integration with Japan). the rest of the country. Total project cost estimated at $528.7 million. Procurement: Civil, Supplementary Environmental studies components to be fina under way. Some involuntary by IDA, and co- resettlement will be required. financiers. Pre- Environmental Assessment Category A. qualification complet Bidding documents completed. Ministry of 55.0 (R) Industrial Sector II (Adjustment) - Consultants will be Project preparation u Industry (IDA) The credit would support GOB's further required for tariff way. liberalization of quantitative restructuring. restrictions on imports, the structure Consultants may also be of tariff rates, export incentives and required for work on investment sanctioning procedures to regulatory constraints facilitate private sector development. and/or export strategy. Environmental Assessment Category C. Bangladesh Power 136.0 (R) Power Rehabilitation and Consultants will be Negotiations complete< Development Board (IDA) Distribution - Project includes: required for project Board presentation rehabilitation of selected power plants, implementation. scheduled for August l grid substations and transmission lines 1991. to restore rated generating capacity/ extend plant life and improve system efficiency/reliability of supply; and installation of capacitors in selected areas of distribution system to reduce losses/improve voltage. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 51 - l :ber Country, lementing ncy l 1, Amount & Probable .Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting ·services Stage of Processing and Action on Procurement 4 IL__________________________________ IGLADESH ht, d) I MC 95.0 Gas Infrastructure - (a) integration of Experts on gas network Project preparation under (IDA) gas grid (Bakhrabad-Ashuganj pipeline); analysis, pipeline way. (b) grid control and operations safety engineering and systems; (c) further appraisal drilling; environmental safety and (d) technical assistance in gas covered by Japanese network management. Environmental Grant Facility. Assessment Category B. [ Department 5.0 (IDA) Third Forestry - To support environmental protection and management, To be determined. Project preparation under way. and 1.mprove the sustainability of natural resource use through afforestation of vulnerable roadsides, management and protection of forest and grassland areas, and management and restocking of forest areas designated to supply urban, industrial and institutional needs. Environmental Assessment Category D. j 'NA l ihuan Petroleum inistration 200.0 (Banlt) (N) Sichuan Gas Development and Conservation - To support Sichuan gas exploration, development, aging field To be determined. Identification mission tentatively scheduled for April 1991. rehabilitation, transmission, distribution, energy conservation and pollution abatement for selected fertilizer plants. Environmental Assessment Category A. .su Provincial 145.0 Shule River Irrigation & Poverty To be determined. Project under preparation lernment (IDA) Alleviation (Hexi Corridor) - To improve by Gansu Provincial and expand 74,500 ha irrigated land in Government and formal Shule River Basin and to provide approval from Central resettlement for 200,000 poor residents Government is pending. of eastern Gansu. To expand soil Preparation mission conservation and sustainable p~oposed for June 1991. agricultural programs and liberalize Gansu Government has been rural economy·. Environmental Impact advised to seek Technical Assessment (EIA) required on the Corporation Credit (TCC) proposed Changma Dam and resettlement funds to carry out plan to be prepared for 200 1 000 new Environmental Impact settlers on newly developed irrigated Assessment (EIA) and land. Environmental Assessment Category design review of Changma A: Changma Dam, Environmental Dam by a panel of Assessment Category D: Resettlement and experts. Soil Conservation and Sustainable Agricultural Programs. istry of 300,0 Second Red Soils Land Rehabilitation - Consultants likely to be Project under !culture (IDA) Disseminate techniques of ecologically required. preparation. sustainable and economically viable land rehabilitation and voluntary settlement over a wide area of degraded red soils across Jiangxi, Fujian, H\.unan, Zhejiang and Guangxi--involves watershed development, and technical assistance to support research and strengthen extension systems. Environmental Assessment Categories B/D, - 52 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Proceaslna Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Actlon on Procureme~ 9!!M (Cont'd) Ministry of 110.0 Agricultural Support Services - The To be determined. Second preparation Agriculture (IDA) project would support the production of mission scheduled fo: foodgrains, oil crops, cotton and March/April 1991. livestock through improvement of support services to farmers--crop, livestock, regulatory and management services, and project management. Services to be emphazied would be applied research, agricultural extension, seed production, veterinary and quarantine. Environmental Assessment Category C. Sichuan Province 125,0 Sichuan Agricultural Development - To Consultants required for A full scale joint We Planning (IDA) support comprehensive agricultural project preparation, Bank and FAO/CP Commission development in Sichuan Province with a evaluation, technical preparation mission focus on irrigation, soil conservation, assistance and training, scheduled for Aprill and agro-processing development with a particular emphasis on poverty alleviation. The irrigation, soil conservation and processing components would have environmental impact and will require environmental assessment. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Public ·150.0 (R) Infectious and Endemic Disease To be determined. Findings of pre-appra Health (IDA) Control - Control and reduction of .mission under review. schistosomiasis and tuberculosis. Environmental Assessment Category C. People's Bank of Up to Financial Sector Technical Assistance - Consulting services Preparation under way China (PBC)/ .so.o To support PBC's central banking required for project Ministry of (IDA) functions and strengthen financial preparation and. Finance sector development through possible implementation. components for improving bank 'regulation, supervision and accounting, payments and clearing system, legal framework, research and statistics and domestic debt management. Environmental Assessment Category C. Anhui Provincial 200.0 (R) Anhui Province Transport - A number To be determined. Identification of proj Planning (Bank) of possible components, including ls in abeyance pending Commission highways, railways, canals, and river completion of the Yang ports have been proposed for Economic Transport Stu consideration at this early stage. whlch includes Anhui i Environmental Assessment Category B. the stud:, area, Guangdong Province 400.0 (R) Guangdong Provincial Transport - To be determined, Preparation under way. Planning (Bank) Would focus on highway -- new Commission construction of perhaps two major expressways, upgrading and rehabilitation of secondary roads, Environmental Assessment Category A, - 53 - l 'ber Country, lementing ' Amount & Probable Stage of Processing and I . 1"" · Project 3 Action on Procurement 4 fncy Lender 2 Consulting Services IRA ,;;: • d) Ling ioo.o Liaoning Environmental - Continuing Consultants required for Preparation under way. lironinenta_l (IDA) support to improve water management and project preparation. fection Bureau; water pollution control in the Hun/Taizi oning River Basini consists of physical and :struction institutional development for works for mission waste water and hazardous waste management for the cities of Shenyang, Fushun and Anshan. Environmental ' Assessment Category D. nghai Harbour 100.0 Shanghai Port II - Expansion of port and To be determined. Preparation under way. 1 eau, Ministry (Bank) cargo handling facilities of Shanghai. t011111Unicat1ons Enviromnental Assessment Category A. I , i"- te Education 1 175.0 (R) Education Development in Poor Consultants likely to be Preparation/pre-appraisal (IDA) Provinces (formerly Provincial required for improving mission in the field. Education) - To support local efforts planning at provincial aimed at improving efficiency and level. quality of education in six provinces; Shaanxi, Guizhou, Hubel, Yunnan, Hunan and Shanxi. Environmental Assessment Category C. te Education 1 100.0 Teacher Training II - Support reform of Consultants are likely Studies prior to mission (IDA) teacher education for lower middle to be required for identification are under school teachers including curriculum technical assistance and way. reform, strengthening and establishing in teacher education and departments, research in teaching, distance education. synthesis and dissemination of innovative teaching experiments and strengthening of alternative delivery systems. Environmental Assessment Category C. eign Loan 110.0 Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Consultants required for Pre-appraisal mission \ice, Ministry (IDA) (formerly Rural Water Supply II) - To technical assistance and completed. Financing of Public Health improve rural productivity and health, training in project consultants for first particularly in poor, remote areas, by preparation and phase project preparation increasing coverage of water supply and implementation. provided by UNDP umbrella sanitation. The project would provide project. UNDP assistance potable water to about 11 million rural for further preparation, inhabitants in 75 counties of 6 of implementation and China's poorest provinces. Project technical assistance would also provide funds for water under consideration. quality monitoring, demonstration and conmunal/public latrines and health education 1n the project areas. Environmental Assessment Category B. ming and 1 150.0 Southern Jiangsu Environment - To Consultant services will Preparation under way. ~omic (Bank) support investments in urban and be required for a number Diasion of industrial projects that demonstrate of studies expec'ted to 1 )Ssu Province significant environmental payoffs and to be financed under the strengthen institutional, regulatory and Japan Grant Facility. environmental management capabilities of .Sele~tion of consultants the provincial agencies. Province to in progress. formulate environmental management strategy. Significant technical assistance component anticipated. Environmental Assessment Category D. - 54 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuremer £!!!!! (Cont'd) Ministry of Public 100.0 Rural Health Manpower Development - Consultants services Preparation under wa Health (IDA) Assistance in training and re-training required for technical rural health manpower in the poorest assistnce in project counties of five provinces. preparation. Environmental Assessment Category C. Department of 335.0 (R) Irrigated Agriculture Consultant services will Negotiations tentati' Rural Works of (Bank)/ Intensification - To support a broad be required to: scheduled for March Jiangsu Province, (IDA) program of irrigation and drainage (a) plan and design Planning improvements, forestry shelter belts, monitor/control system Retroactive financin: Commission of crop varietal improvements, agricultural for irrigation water US$15. 0 mill ion regu Anhui Province and input supplies, and intensified transfer and supply in for earthworks, smal Finance Bureau of agricultural services for 1.1 million ha the Grand Canal, Jiangsu structures, land Shandong Province of the North China Plain in three Province; and (b) to improvement, on-farm provinces (Jiangsu, Anhui and Shandong). conduct workshops on works and afforestat Environmental aspects: control and groundwater modeling carried out by farme, monitoring of existing water pollution; techniques in Shandong from November 1 1 199( management of silt retention basins. and a series of signing of Loan/Cred: Environmental Assessment Category B. agricultural topics. Xinjiang 125.0 (R) Tarim Basin (formerly Tarim Consultants may be Appraisal report und, Autonomous Region (IDA) Irrigation) - upgrading of 120,000 ha of required in drainage and preparation. oasis irrigation in the Tarim Basin of salinity monitoring. Xinjiang, and reclamation and irrigation Retroactive financini of 80,000 ha of desert wasteland be requested for up t facilitated by water savings in existing $10 million for systems, for production of cotton, preparatory works. wheat, fodder, fruit, vegetables, oil seeds and timber. Pro1ect includes a component to guarantee essential flow of Tarim River and associated desert ecology. Environmental assessment report has been received from the Government and is presently being reviewed. Environmental Assessment Category A. Ministry of 150.0 Fertilizer and General Process Equipment Consultants will be Preparation under way Machinery and '(Bank) Manufacturing - Restructuring of the required for project Electronics fertilizer and general process equipment preparation and related Industry manufacturing industry and selected sector study for which enterprises to enable them to upgrade the terms of reference their products and improve their have been finalized. efficiency. Environmental Assessment Invitations for Category B. proposals are expected to be issued shortly. Beijing Municipal 100.0 (R) Beijing Environment - Physical works Consultants may be Appraisal mission in I Environmental (Bank)/ and institutional strengthening to required to assist in field. Protection Bureau (IDA) address air and water pollution solid detailed design and waste and hazardous waste problems in preparation of contract Beijing city arising from industrial and documents. domestic wastewater, solid ~d toxic wastes discharges and burning of low grade coal. Pro1ect will assist municipality to strengthen environmental policies and pollution control. Environmental Assessment Category D. - 55 - \nber Country, Amount & ~lementing Probable Stage of Processing and rncy 1 Lender 2 , Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I 1··, •INA 1ngchun 85.0 Changchun Water Supply - To provide Consultants are Preparation mission ficipal Planning (IDA) water supply to relieve serious finalizing feasibility tentatively scheduled for 1111ission shortages, and to plan for appropriate studies. April /May 1991. disposal of waste water. Environmental Assessment Category B, L·--··' ;inning & ?nomic ission 110.0 (IDA) (R) Henan Agricultural Development - To develop/improve 300,000 ha irrigation area with surface and groundwater in Henan's Yellow River plain, alleviate salinization,through improved drainage Short-term consultants would be required to review plant layout, designs and equipment specification for agro- Negotiations tentatively scheduled for March 1991. Retroactive financing of US$9.0 million to cover and irrigation, increase agricultural. industry and livestock initial expenditures on productivity expand livestock, component. irrigation work. design freshwater fisheries and fruit work 1 domestic training production, and provide agroprocessing and equipment requested. facilities. Environmental Assessment Category B. .low River '350.0 Xiaolangdi Multipurpose - To construct Yellow River Conservancy Preparation mission I rservancy (IDA) major dam (Xiaolangdi) on Yellow River Conmission has appointed scheduled for April 1991, mission to provide protection from catastrophic consultants who started Dam and Environmental floods for North China Plain, alleviate work on August 1 and panel will be visiting siltation and aggradation of· river have produced their the project at the same channel, provide irrigation water to draft design report. time to review the ' over one million ha of farmland, provide Dam panel visited the technical and economic municipal and industrial water site in October 1990 and assessment by the throughout the region, and generate have produced a consultants. electric power. Potential environmental complimentary assessment impact currently being reviewed. report. Environmental Assessment Category A. njin 100.0 Tianjin Industrial Development (formerly Consultants are Preparation under way. \icipality and (Bank) Tianjin Industry II) - Assistance to the preparing sub-sector ~a Investment municipal government in the development plans. implementation of its overall industrial strategy including subsector and restructuring plans in a selected number of industri~s together with associated institution building. The financial intermediaries will assess the environmental impact of all subsector projects to ensure that they are consistent with Bank standards. Environmental Assessment Category B. ghai Municipal 150.0 Shanghai Industrial Development II (SIDP Consultants required to Preparation under way. ernment 1 (Bank) II) - Assistance to the municipal help prepare sub-sector government in the implementation of its development plans. overall indµstrial strategy including development and restructuring plans in a selected number of subsectors together with associated institution building. The financial intermediaries will assess the environmental impact of all subsector projects to ensure that they are consistent with Bank standards. Environmental Assessment Category B, - 56 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Procespj.~ Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme ~ (Cont'd) Zhejiang Province 350.0 Zhejiang Provincial Highway - Provincial Consultants will be Preparation under.wa Communications (Bank)/ transport, including Hangzhou-Ningbo recruited for the review Department (IDA) Highway. Environmental Assessment of highway design and Retroactive financi1 Category A. construction about US$4 . 0 mill101 supervision. expenditures on des: and the initial cos1 construction of a sl section of the high, requested. Guangdong 160.0 Guangdong Agriculture Development - To be determined. Appraisal mission Lr Provincial (IDA) Includes development of marine fishing field. Government/ within 200 mile Extended Economic Zone, Guangzhou aquaculture, mariculture, land Municipal reclamation, fruit development, and Government agroprocessing. Environmental Impact Assessment being translated for Bank review. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Energy 300.0 Zouxian Thermal Power - Construction of Consultants are already Appraisal report und (Bank) two generating units of 600 MW each and in place. preparation. associated transmission lines and substations, and technical assistance · ·Procurement: Advanc including technical assistance for a procurement required study of air quality impact of thermal boilers and aux1liar power plants in China's coastal region. turbine auxiliaries, Environmental impact statement has been other electrical and reviewed by the Bank. The analysis mechanical equipment indicated that the project will meet two 600-MW coal-fire. World Bank's guidelines and all generating units. applicable Chinese environmental norms. Environmental Assessment Category A. Ministry of Energy 200.0 Shuikou Hydro Power II - Second phase Consultants advisory Preparation under wa3 (Bank) construction of dam and powerhouse. services will be Program to enhance resettlement and required. environmental management are currently being executed under the existing loan. Environmental Assessment Category A. Shanghai Municipal 60.0 (R) Shanghai Metropolitan Transport - Consultants have been Negotiations date to Government (IDA) Urban transport project in metropolitan engaged to finalize determined. area of Shanghai to relieve key bidding documents. bottlenecks and improve transport system. Environmental Assessment Category A. - 57 - Amount ~ Probable Stage of Processing and. Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procu-t. 4 I r···· onlna 70.0 (R) Llaonlng Urban - First stage of Consultants have been Negotiations completed.•. ~lnclal (IDA) program to lmprove urban condlt.lons in engaged to assist in Board presentation to'be 'ernamnt/ oltles 1n L~ing1 consists of physical detailed design and determined. llolpal and lllstltutlonal strengthening work for preparation on blddlng •-t•• ~ana. Ylnakau water supply 1n the clties of Sheft1'ang, YLDakau and l'wcln and works ta improve documents. Work baa now been completed. Procurement: Advance procurement required for l'wclD urban transport in the city of Sheft1'ang. 5 contracts with a total BnylgDJllll!PSal Assessment Categpry B• value of S57.0 million. Contracts for pipe material procurement and road improvement works awarded. Retroactive financing of up to $7.0 million has been proposed. t!!:....~lolpal 100.0 !lsnjln Urban - !o improve muniolpal Consultants assistance Appraisal mission (IDA) plannLna, &m!'ironmental sanltatlon, and required for preparation tentatively scheduled for transport. Environmental Assessment of detailed deslgn and .April 19, 1991. Ctt11en I• bid documents. 11ghal Munlolpal 1 100.0 · Shanghai Environmental - Continuing Consultants required for Scope of project under (IDA) program to improve water supply sewerage project preparation. discussion. and environmental pollution control in l nlstratlon for clLna Naterlals StrJ' 1,., (Bank) the clty of Shanghai. Environmental A11•••m•nt Category D. (R) Cement - !o establish a new hlgh streqth cement plant based on regional oooperatlon ln the Shanghai Economic 'lleglon1 rehabllltate an existing cement Consultants have provided technical assistance for engineering deslgn. Post-appraisal mission in the field. Procurement: Key tender plant and provide technical assistance packages will be lssued for deslgn and research capabilities cf soon. local cement-related institutes. Plant design changes have been agreed to Retroactive financing enhance de-dusting capacities to meet requirement is being stricter environmental standards. estimated during post- Agreement has been obtained that appraisal mission, asbestos Cement Will not be used for Plant 9PM&ructlon. Envtropmental Altl•smeng Category A. 180.0 Yanahl !hezmal Power (formerly Yanshl Consultants are ln Documents circulated to (Bank) Paver) - Asal.st ln construction of 2 x place. the Executive Directors 300 MW ooal-flred thermal paver unlts on May 25, 1989. Date of located at Yanshi in the vicinity of Board presentation to be coal mlnes in Henan province. Project determined. · · ·· design conforms to internationally eccepted environmental norms. Agreement Procurement: Advance has been reached that the owner will procurement is in process take appropriate steps to implement an for steam turbine !DYlFPPR!!fttfl program agreed With the generators and boilers 1!1115. Environmental Assessment Category for two 300 MW coal fired j. generating units. - 58 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processin: Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurem, gm (Cont'd) Hainan Electric 67.0 Daguangba Multipurpose - Provide power, Consulting services for Negotiations complE Power Company (Bank)/ irrigation and improved water supply to technical assistance Date of Board (IDA) economically backward southwest area of will be required. presentation to be Hainan Island. In addition, technical determined. assistance and training will be Advance Procurement provided. Project includes programs to expected for urgent enhance resettlement and environmental needed materials (s activities. Environmental Assessment cement and timber) Category A. consulting services Retroactive financi up to US$6.7 millio been requested. Urban Development 150.0 Zhejiang Multi-Cities - Provision of Infrastructure and urban First Phase of Project Office of (IDA) urban services, in particular water consultants submitted consultants' review Zhejiang Province supply and wastewater treatment, reduce their interim reports. the feasibility stu, environmental pollution, implement new Consultant services will completed. Interim land development schemes in Shaoxing be required for reports have been city, improve public transport and technical assistance. reviewed. Second Pl traffic management in Hangzhou, improve of consultants ' worl institutional strength and financial conmence in spring : performance in urban services. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ertan 380.0 Ertan Hydro Power - Construction of a Consultants for Appraisal report Hydroelectric (Bank) 240 m high dam with 3300 MW power assistance on completed. Negotiatl Development Corp station, a log conveyance system, procurement have been date to be determinE (EHDC) resettlement of 30,000 people, and an appointed. Consulting environmental science·station. The services for electro- Advance Procurement principal objectives of the project are mechanical equipment, civil works started. to alleviate the severe power shortage construction management evaluation under way in Sichuan Province and to promote and system studies will institutional/ financial development of be required. EHDC, A satisfactory environmental assessment has been completed. A program to resettle about 30 1 000 people will be executed according to criteria satisfactory to the Bank. Environmental Assessment Category A. Municipal 168.4 CR) Medium-Size Cities Integrated Project implementation Approved by the Exec Governments of (Bank)/ Development - Consists of the design and has begun and Directors on January Changzhou, Luoyong (IDA) implementation of a planning system and consultants have been 1991. Loan/Credits and Shashi the financing of urban infrastructure recruited. Consulting on January 30, 1991, works designed to improve urban services for technical planning capability, implementation assistance will be Retroactive financin, coordination and cost recovery across required, $16 million for elig subsectors. Environmental Assessment expenditures approvec Category B, from May 1 1 1989. State Education 120.0 CR) Key Studies Development - To support Consultants are likely Board presentation Conmission, (IDA) about 130 laboratories in key to be required for scheduled for Chinese Academy of universities and research institutes technical assistance and February 26, 1991. Sciences under the China Academy of Sciences in training. science and technology which are important to China's development during the Eighth Five-Year Plan period (1991- 95), Environmental Assessment Category Q. - 59 - \ber Country, Amount & 1lementing Probable Stage of Processing and hey 1 \, ________________________ __________ Lender 2 1 Project 3 Consulting Services .,..-- Action on Procurement 4 \NA 1nt'd) lngsu Province 100.0 (R) Jiangsu chemical Sector~ Support Consultants have been Post-appraisal mission in (Banlt) development of provincial chemical hired to assist in the field. I industry, including associated institution building, All subprojects technology identification, will be subject to government of China's Consultants are being environmental impact assessment process recruited for various which is satisfactory. Project will technical assistance also establish a center to oversee activities. hazardous and toxic waste management in Jiangsu. Environmental Assessment Category B. nghai Municipal 150.0 (R) Shanghai Industrial Development - To Two consulting companies Approved by the Executive 1 ance Bureau (Barut) help provincial government with prepared sub-sector Directors on January 29, preparation and implementation of its development plans. The 1991. overall industrial strategy including same firms will be used subsector development plans in a during project The Shanghai Municipal selected number of electronic, optical, implementation to Government has requested electrical and printing and packaging provide management retroactive financing for enterprises together with associated assistance to the $5.0 million for cover institution building. The financial subsectors under the costs incurred after intermediaries will assess the projects. March 15 1 1989 1 for environmental impact of all subsector consultancy services, projects and ensure that they meet Bank travel abroad and for standaras. Environmental Assessment acquiring foreign Category.B. technology. Lstry of 1 300.0 Finance I - Loan for development of two To be determined. Project preparation :1.nce (Banlt) major financlal institutions (Banlt of delayed, pending the Co111DU11ications and Construction Banlt of preparation of a China); and technical assistance to the technical assistance Ministry of Finance. Environmental project for People's Banlt Assessment Category C. of China. stry of 350.0 Railway V - (a) To contribute to MOR's Consulting services Negotiations date to be lways (MOR) (Banlt) capacity expans-ion with two required for determined. infrastruct~re components, the doubling construction of the Zhegan line and the expansion of supervision. the Xuzhou marshalling yards; (b) to improve maintenance practices with two system-wide components for permanent way and locomotives/rolling stock; (c) to carry out studies and prepare action plans for future investments in permanent way and locomotive/rolling stock maintenance, electrification and telecolllDUllications; and (d) to carry out the Railway Investment Study. Environmental Assessment Category B. 1 gsu Provincial 150.0 Jiangsu Provincial Transport - To Consultant services Negotiations completed. runications (Banlt/ rehabilitate canal and road network in required for Date of Board \rtment (IDA) Jiangsu Province; to build bridges and construction presentation to be ship locks; to carry out a Transport supervision. determined. Corridor Study; to develop transport construction units; and technical Retroactive financing of assistance for transport planning, about US15.0 million is budgeting and design work. proposed. Environmental Assessment Category B. 1. - 60 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuremel Govt. of Karnataka 20.0 (R) Agriculture Development II - Promote To be determined. Preparation to be ca and Rajasthan (Bank) improved strategy for development and out b:,- state governm 180.0 rationalization of public expenditures (IDA) in agriculture in Karnataka and Rajasthan, Help finance specific priorit:,- investments consistent with an acceptable agricultural strataeg:,-. Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. West Bengal Forest 58.5 West Bengal Forest (Forestr:,- II) - To Consultants being Project being prepar, Department (Bank)/ initate comprehensive approach to forest financed by Japanse consultants. (IDA) resource management in West Bengal in Grant. environmentall:,- sound wa:,-, mainl:,- in the field of afforestation, horticulture and silvi pasture development on degraded forest land; regeneration of degraded sal forests, wildlife sanctuary improvements; farm forestry; nursery development; seed production, and adaptive forestr:,- research. would include vegatative soil and moisture conservation measures, Institutional strengthening provided to rationalize forest administration, support NGO's and strengthen the village level Forest Protection Committees. Improvements in monitoring forest resources and improving production/marketing linkages between the forest department, farm forest producers and wood industries, Environmental Assessment Category D. Department of About Karnataka Rural Water Suppl:,- & To be determined. Preparation underwa:,-. Rural Development, 70.0 Environmental Sanitiation - Would Government of (IDA) improve health and productivit:,- in rural India areas through provision of rural water suppl:,-, environmental sanitation and health education services in Maharashtra. Project would focus on improving environmental sanitation. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 200.0 (R) Port Modernization - Project will To be determined. Preparatory stud:,- Surface Transport (Bank) focus on port modernization and expected to start in productivity improvements with no major spring 1991, new construction works. Environmental Assessment Category B, I Ministr:,- of 200.0 (R) Industrial Pollution Control II - To be determined. Identification missio Environment & (Bank/ Set up toxic and hazardous industrial scheduled for April 1 Forests I IDA) waste treatment and disposal program. (Co-financing will be Other objectives include: a) pollution sought), abatement in industry1 b) training of technical personnel; and c) installation of environmental monitoring network. Project would be specifically designed to control industrial pollution. Environmental Assessment Category D. '•-' - 61 - 'ir Country, Amount & \mentLng Probable Stage of Processing and \y,1, Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I l l•d) r l EXIM Bank; 200.0 (Bank) (R) Export Development II - To maintain and Strengthen efforts of exporters through coordinated efforts to: To be determined. Preparation under way. (a) further improve incentive framework and efficiency of the export administration system; (b) provide general lines of credit for financing investment in modernization and upgrading of export production, and (c) stimulate further specialization through technical assistance and infrastructure investment. Environmental Assessment Category C. try of Health 200.0 (R) Health I (MCH) - Project would No expatriate Preparation under way. amily Welfare (IDA) support national maternal-child health consultants required. (MCH) program through support for equipment, supplies, training and management components. Environmental Assessment Category C. ation 125.0 Subernarekha Multi-Purpose II (Bihar) - To be determined. Resettlement and tment, (IDA)/ A follow-up project to complete dam and rehabilitation issue ,nment of 75.00 canal construction; establish irrigation resolved. Project (Bank) system for about 160,000 ha, support on preparation under way. farm development activities, provide agricultural support service, environmental protection, support some resettlement and rehabilitation activities for displaced families as a result of dam and canal construction, supply water for municipality and industrial use and generate hydropower for industrial use. An environmental impact assessment will be prepared. Environmental Assessment Category A. \try of 250.0 Railways Modernization IV - The project To be determined. Project preparation under ays, 1 (Bank) would support the efforts of Indian way. nment of Railways to accelerate introduction and dissemination of more cost-efficient and less polluting locomotives and modern higher capacity freight wagons and coaches and to improve the efficiency of their production, maintenance and operation, Environmental Assessment Category B. 300.0 (R) Gas Flaring Reduction - To support To be determined. Pre-appraisal completed. (Bank) efforts to eliminate flaring of associated gas in the Bombay High Oilfield. Environmental Assessment Category B. determined 70.0 Mini Hydro Demonstration - Construction No consultants required. Project preparation under (Bank) of about 45 mini hydro plants (for a way. total capacity of 150 MW) on existing irrigation canals. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 62 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processit Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuren INDIA (Cont'd) Department of 200.0 First Primary Education - Project would No expatriate Project preparatio Education; (IDA) be implemented in selected districts of consultants required. way. Ministry of Human Uttar Pradesh and would address issues Resource of enrollment of girls and quality and Development; efficiency improvement through teacher Department of training, curriculum improvement, supply Education, of materials, improvements in teacher Government of utilization and low-cost school Uttar Pradesh construction. Estimated project cost US$370 million. Environmental Assessment Category C. Tamil Nadu 100.0 (R) Tamil Nadu Reforestation and Bagasse To be determined. Paper plant feasib Newsprint and (Bank) Paper (formerly Bagasse Newsprint and study in progress. Paper Limited Paper) - Would finance part of forest Plantation feasibi: (TNPL) plantation to cover wood needs of study to begin. cellulose industry in Tamil Nadu (which would cut supply from natural forest), and foreign exchange cost of expansion of TNPL's plant for bagasse-based newsprint. Environmental Assessment Category A. Departments of 170.0 (R) Integrated Child Development No expatriate Pre-appraisal missi Women and Child (IDA) Services II - Project would aim to consultants required. scheduled for Septe Developments; improve health and nutritional status of 1991. Governments of pre-school children, pregnant women and India and Madhya lactating mothers by means of improved Pradesh; health services, nutritional Department of supplementation and health education Welfare, through the Integrated Child Development Government of Services Program. Environmental Bihar Assessment Category C. Municipal Health 100.00 Population VIII - Project would support No expatriate Preparation mission Departments of (IDA) strengthening of family welfare (family consultants required, scheduled for March Hyderabad, planning and maternal-child health) Calcutta, services in slum areas of municipalities Bangalore, through establishment and staffing of Ahmadabad, Kanpur urban health posts and support for and other cities training, communication and improved management components under the family welfare urban revamping scheme. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of Human 32.8 (R) Technical Education II - Project To be determined. Negotiations complet Resources (Bank) i would include capacity expansion of Board presentation Development, 274.3 existing and construction of some new scheduled for March Government of (IDA) polytechnics; modernization of 1991. India; Departments polytechnic equipment and facilities; of Education, and training and institutional States of Andhra strengthening in eight States and one Pradesh, union territory, Project cost is Maharashtra, Tamil estimated at US$362,1 million. Nadu, West Bengal, Environmental Assessment Category C. Panjab, Haryana, Assam and Himadral Pradesh and Union Territory of Delhi - 63 - :ar Country, Amount &. amenting Probable Stage of Processing and by 1 ·Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I !,. f, d) I ;ing 150.0 Housing Development Finance Corporation To be determined. Project preparation under '1opment (Bank) II - Project would provide support for way. hce market-oriented housing finance; and 1 oration would support development of a regulatory framework to promote financial integrity in housing finance institutions and enhance their ability to mobilize· resources at market rates. Environmental Assessment Category B. J°nal Thermal 250.0 NTPC Gas Based Generation - The proposed To be determined. Content and scope of ,r Corporation (Bank) project comprises one or more combined project still to be cycle generating plants utilizing defined. natural gas. Total project cost estimated at US$700.0 million. Environmental Assessment: To Be Determined. as 200.0 (R) Madras Water Supply and Sanitation To be determined. Preparation under way. opolitan Water 1 (IDA)/ II - Project would support major ily and (Bank) expansion of water supply and extension fation Board and operational improvements of sewage rowater) collection and disposal. It would also 1 finance an environmental sanitation program and institutional development. Environmental Assessment Category B. onal 1 200.0 Baglihar Hydroelectric - Project£ would To be determined. Preparation under way. oelectric 1 (Bank) comprise a 450 MW hydroelectric power r Corporation plant on the river Chenab in the state of Janmu and Kashmir. Environmental Assessment Category A. cipal 100.0 (R) Bombay Sewage Disposal - Would Expatriate consultants Appraisal mission planned :oration of . (Bank) finance construction of two 3-km marine have been retained to for March 1992. ter Bombay outfalls and two aerated lagoons. assist with project Technical assistance would be included preparation. for construction supervision. Total project cost estimated at $143.0 million. Environmental Assessment Categor:y A. •L Authority of 150.0 Steel Energy Conservation and Pollution To be determined. Preparation mission Ill, Ltd (SAIL) (Bank) Control (formerly Steel Marketing scheduled for mid-March Distribution) - To assist SAIL's effort 1991. to improve its· energy consumption to international standards and address the major pollution problem in steel making. Would also address major policy constraints facing the steel sector. Environmental Assessment: To Be Determined. • determined 300.0 (R) Financial Intermediation/DFI To be determined. Pre-appraisal mission in (Bank) (formerly Industrial Finance ·II) - Loan the field. to support the strengthening of development finance institutions by helping them to restore their problem portfolio, and implement prudential guidelines to ensure future health, autonomy and competition within the sector. Environmental Assessment Categor:y B. - 64 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Prbbable Stage of Processir Agency 1 Lehder 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procuren I ~ \ (Cont'd) I Gas Authority of 125.0 Bombay Gas Development - The scope of To be determined. Further processing India Limited cian1c, the project under discussion with the awaiting governmen government. Environmental Assessment approval. Category B. To be determined 150.0 CR) Narmada River Basin Development - To be determined. Pre-appraisal miss (IDA) Assistance for catchment treatment the field. (watershed development) in the Sardar Sarovar project catchment area, mainly in Madhya Pradesh (M,P.) but also Gujarat and possibly Maharashtra; assistance for catchment treatment in the upper Narmada basin in Madhya Pradesh. Assistance for fisheries development in the Sardar Sarovar reservoir on the Narmada river in the Narmada estuary and the Sardar Sarovar command area. Assistance for management and preservation of wildlife santuaries in Gujarat. Technical assistance for training and basin wide environmental management. Environmental Assessment Category D. Department of 150.0 (R) Maharashtra State Forestry - To To be ·determined. Final preparation m Forestry of (I~A) initiate a comprehensive approach to in the field. Maharashtra State forestry resource management in an Government environmentally sound way in the Maharashtra State. The proiect would not be subiect to a separate environmental assessment. Environmental Assessment Category D. Indian Council for 100.0 Agricultural Research III - To assist To be determined. Project p~eparation Agricultural (IzjA) further development of agricultural on hold while then• Research (ICAR) I research by improving management for a third researct systems, increased devolution and project is being re- extensive laboratory re-equipping. evaluated. Environmental Assessment Category C. Department of 10.0 (R) Maharashtra Rural Water Supply & No expatriate Appraisal completed. Rural (Bahl<)/ Environmental Sanitation - Project would consultants required. Negotiations schedul I Development, 97.5 improve health and productivity in rural for February 25, 199 Government of (IDA) areas through provision of rural water India supply, environmental sanitation and Retroactive financin1 health education services in approximately Maharashtra. Total project cost about US$5.0 million is $124.0 million. Project would focus on expected. improving environmental sanitation. Environmental Assessment Category B. Government of Abo t Subernarekha (Orissa) Irrigation - To To be determined. Appraisal mission I Orissa, Department 155.\4 develop a new irrigation system of about tentatively schedulec of Irrigation (Bank) 100,000 ha including the construction of April 1991. 24.61 three buffer reservoirs, major and "l distributory canals, field channels, on- farm development and to provide additional agricultural support services, improved irrigation water management, and environmental protection works. An environmental impact assessment is under preparation. Environmental Assessment Category A, - 65 - ber Country·, 1 Amount & •lementing Probable Stage of Processing and lncy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 l About (R) Kangsabati Irrigation Need for foreign and in- Preparation is being 138.9 Modernization - To rehabilitate and country water management followed-up by FAO/CP. (Bank)/ upgrade an irrigation system of up to and envirorunental Final preparation mission 61.1 340,000 ha through the construction of a consultants and others scheduled for late April (IDA) larger spillway and related enhancement to be determined. 1991. of storage utilization of Kangsabati Dam, lining part of the canal system and providing improved water management, potential construction of three auxiliary reservoirs, and providing agricultural support services. Limited envirorunental impact. Envirorunental Assessment Category B. >e determined 75.0 Inland Fisheries II - To provide support To be determined. Final preparation mission (Bank)/ services, training and technical (FAO/CP) to be completed 75.0 assistance for the development of by April 1991. (IDA) brackish water shrimp ponds, fresh water fish in ponds and reservoirs in selected east coast states to be identified. Preparation mission will attempt to assess envirorunental safeguards needed for ecologically important mangrove swamps along coast. Envirorunental Assessment Category B. ! 1rnment 1 of About Dam Safety Assurance and In-country engineering, Appraisal mission ta, Central 1 100.0 Rehabilitation - To strengthen and minor specialized completed. sr Conmission, 1 (Bank) government's procedures in dam safety foreign consultants. arnments of 1 65.0 assurance, to train staff and provide i1ya Pradesh, (IDA) improved facilities and equipment; to ssthan, Orissa support an assessment of dams selected Tamil Nadu by government; to help fund rehabilitation/modification works on dams. Environmental Assessment Category !!.• rrnment of 250.0 Nabard II - Support for Agriculture To be determined. Awaiting details of la, NABARD (Bank) Credit. The project would supplement GOI Government of India's resources for agriculture lending. reform program before Project objectives would include scheduling pre-appraisal. identification and implementation of No action expected in the appropriate reforms now required to next 3 to 6 months. revitalize agriculture lending and to make it more sustainable and effective; it would also contribute to the production needs of women and to poverty alleviation. Envirorunental Assessment Category C. - 66 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Pro~able Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme, !m!!! (Cont'd) Ministry of 104.0 Industrial Pollution Control - Support: Expatriate and local Appraisal mission Environment and (Battle)/ I (a) a program of improvements at the consultants selected. completed. Negotiat Forests; State 50.0 Pollution Control Boards in the States scheduled for March. Pollution Control (IDA) of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Preparation complete Boards of the Uttar Pradesh; (b) the establishment of with help of States of Gujarat, common treatment facilities at international and lo Maharashtra, Tamil industrial estates, and at projects in consultants financed Nadu and Uttar the chemical and related industries under Japanese grant Pradesh; dealing with waste minimization and the Danish Trust Fun, Industrial pollution abatement; and (c) a package Development Bank of technical assistance schemes. of India (IDBI) Project would be specifically designed and Industrial to control industrial pollution. Credit and Environmental Assessment Category D. Investment Corporation of India (ICICI) Power Finance 265.0 Power Utilities Efficiency Improvement - Need for local and Negotiations complete Corporation (Bank) Financial support to the Power Finance expatriate consultants Corporation (PFC) which will serve as a for institutional development bank in the power subsector development ,and training_ primarily for the State Electricity under review. Boards (SEBs). Environmental/ Resettlement aspects to be included in project selection criteria. Environmental Assessment Category B. Bombay Suburban 168.0 CR) Private Power Utilities (BSES) - The Local consultants have Appraisal mission in 1 Electricity Supply (Banl.l 35.0 Telecommunications V - Includes 50,000 To be determined. Project preparatio· Telecommunications (IDA) local telephone lines, rural way. Corporation transmission to 26 districts, outside (Co-financing from plant network, main trunk network. FINNIDA, Japan Total cost US$120 million of which International Coop, US$100 million in foreign exchange. No Agency (JICA), and major environmental impact. and possibly from : Environmental Assessment Category C. and Belgium Govern, Nepal Electricity 60.0 (R) Power Sector Efficiency - Consists To be determined. Negotiations tental Authority (IDA) of components aimed at rehabilitation/ scheduled for mid-I upgrading of the Nepal interconnected 1991. system (generation, transmission and distribution as well as continue institutional strengthening of the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)). ~ the proposed project will be primarily confined to upgrading the efficiency of the existing system, it is not expected to have major environmental impacts; the Marsyangdi Watershed Management component would assist in improving environmental management of the Marsyangdi water shed. Environmental Assessment Category B/D. Department of 60.0 Irrigation Sector-· To (a) construct Consulting services to Project preparation Irrigation (IDA) small and medium farmer managed surface be provided by way. schemes and rehabilitate existing farmer individual consultants managed surface schemes in the Hills and financed under an on- Terai areas; (b) construct farmer-group going UNDP project. managed groundwater schemes on the Terai; (c) institutional development support. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 30.0 (R) Basic and Primary Education - To To be determined. Pre-appraisal missi, Education and (IDA) continue support to primary education tentatively schedul, Culture and non-formal education. Environmental mid-March 1991. Assessment Category C. Ministry of Health 15.0 (R) Population and Health - To improve To be determined. Pre-appraisal missi, (IDA) health conditions and reduce population tentatively schedul, growth by strengthening of family April 1991. planning and maternal child health programs. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 79 - ;ar Country, Amount S. ementing Probable Stage of Processing and 1 ,y 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 l1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I ~ ~'d) I i L Water Supply 60.0 (R) Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Contract was extended to Board presentation hration (IDA) Rehabilitation - First in a series of complete preparation scheduled for April 30, I projects in a 15-year program comprLsLng activities. Consultants 1991 pending fulfillment water supply, operational and management are about to be retained of Board conditions. improvements, rehabilitation, source for detailed design and (Co-financing £ram UNDP development and sewerage and appropriate supervision 0£ project. 0£ US$3.l million. sanitation for urban and peri urban Japanese co-financing of areas. Likely components to include: about US$15.0 million (a) rehabilitation and improvements of secured; and Norway co- distribution network and treatment financing of plants and pumping stations; US$2.0 million possible.) (b) reduction of unaccounted £or water; (c) ground water treatment; and Pre-qualification 0£ (d) financial management and operational international contractors improvements; and (e) technical is under way. assistance including detailed design and tender document preparation. Total A PPF advance of project cost US$69.5 million 0£ which US$1.5 million has been US$50.0 in foreign exchange. approved. Rehabilitation of the sewer system I including the treatment facility and on- I site sanitation proposals would have Retroactive financing I I positive environmental impact. Environm~ntal Assessment Category B. amounting to US$3.0 million is proposed. lerity (RTA) 50.0 Rehabilitation of the Damietta-Cairo project preparations. way. (Banlt) Branch of the Nile, including deepening of the branch, improvement of docks, Finai engineering design cargo handling equipment, navigational and preparation of bid aids, and technical assistance, and document will be improvement of irrigation facilities. undertaken with Japanese Environmental Assessment Category B. Grant financing, as soon as Government takes final decision on lock construction. i'try of About (R) Railways III - To assist Government Consultant services will Appraisal report under 1port 200.0 in improving efficiency of railway be required for preparation. (Banlt) operations. It includes track renewal financial and tariff and supply of spare parts for traction, studies, traffic (Parallel financing is rolling stock and workshop equipment, costing, economic being sought). replacement of old locomotives and analysis and coaches and other similar equipment. supervision. The project would yield environmental gains through diversion of traffic from roads to railway and replacement of old locomotive with diesel and electric powered units. Environmental Assessment Category B. y determined 125.0 Energy Environment - To support To be determined. Project preparation under (Banlt) development and implementation of way. appropriate environmental policies in the power sector, and finance power generation, selective e·xpansion c,f capacity, dispatching and distribution, upgrading emission control equipment and some district heat upgrading. - 96 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme ~ (Cont'd) To be determined 200.0 (R) SAL II - Support policy reform for To be determined. Pre-appraisal missi, (Bank) development of a market economy, the field. deregulation, reduction in the role of (EXIM Bank of Japan the state and development of the private financing being pur. sector. To be determined 150.0 (R) Human Resources Technology - Address To be determined. Appraisal report um (Bank) need to reform employment and the labor preparation. market, vocational training and Negotiations tentatl retraining, higher education and scheduled for professional training1 human resources February 25, 1991. for science and technology research. (EC to make their Environmental Assessment Category C. assistance addition; that of the Bank.) To be determined 150.0 (R) Enterprise Restructuring & To be determined. Pre-appraisal missic (Bank) Privatization - Support for efficient completed November l restructuring on the public enterprise Project being trans£ sector, including enterprise governance into SECAL. Apprais reform and a realistic privatization mission in the field program. Environmental Assessment (Possible co-financi Category B. from EC and EBRD.) IRAR, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF Ministry of 250.0 Earthquake Recovery - The project would Some short-term Negotiations Economic Affairs (Bank) finance a portion of a broad recovery consultants will be substantially comple and Finance program, including a positive list of required to provide imported material and equipment for technical assistance emergency reconstruction in the housing for earthquake and agriculture sectors and technical prevention.and assistance for earthquake preparedness mitigation measures. and mitigation. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined' About (R) Emergency Recovery - To help the Consultants will be Negotiations schedul 10.0 Government (i) implement a program to required for the export for February 25, 199 (Bank) meet the incremental demand for social market development (Co-financing discus and infrastructure services and component. under way). essential goods resulting from the influx of Jordanian returnees as a result of the Gulf cr1s1s1 and (11) provide technical and financial support for private sector export market development and access to credit. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Energy 35.0 Energy Sector Adjustment - Support for Consultants will not be Preparation postpon~ and Mineral (Bank) implementing sector policy reforms. required. pending agreement od Resources macro framework. - 97 - per Country, Amount & Lamenting Probable Stage of Processing and ~cy 1 ·Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I. I OAR ·~d) l 1 Potash ~any (APC) and· 'er Agencies About · 25.0 (Bank) (R) Industrial Exports - Optimization of APC's potash operations and assistance in furthering development of other Dead To be determined. Appraisal report under preparation. Sea based chemical industries. Environmental Assessment Category B. Lal Development About Social Development - Follow-up to ·social To be determined. Project preparation under Ii 5;0 component (mitigating impact of way. (Bank) adjustment on economically (Germany's KfW has agreed disadvantaged) of Industry and Trade to co-finance Policy Adjustment Loan. Will complete US$10, 0 million institutional development and initiate equivalent). lending for productive activities benefitting particularly women and rural poor. Environmental Assessment Category Q. istry of About Agricultural Sector Adjustment - To To be determined. Project preparation '.culture 50.0 facilitate agricultural policy reform postponed pending (Bank) and adjustments in sectoral institutions agreement on macrQ through financing imports to meet framework. sectoral and economy-wide needs. Environmental Assessment Category C. (r Authority of About (R) Water Supply and Sewerage Consultants will be Project preparation is lan 30.0 Rehabilitation - The project would required for the well advanced. Bank (Bank) consist of: (1) the construction of a hydraulic study and processing will depend on sewerage system and waste water construction Government agreement in treatment plant for the Wadi Es-Seer supervision. principle to a financial area1 (11) the construction of secondary restructuring program. sewer system to enable connection of the remainder of the population in parts of Anman, Irbid and Zarqa; (iii) a comprehensive action program to improve efficiency in general and unaccounted for water in particular; and (iv) a hydraulic study of the water supply and distribution systems in Irbid, Mafraq and Zarqa districts. Environmental Assessment Category B. stry of Health About Health Sector Development (formerly Consultants will be Negotiations tentatively 0 ) 16.0 Health Sector Institutional Development) required in health scheduled for March 1991. (Bank) - To assist Government in: planning, management, (1) strengthening the provision of pre- organizational hospital services (family health, pre- development, MIS, natal/pediatric care and birth spacing)1 materials management, (ii) consolidating and rationalizing primary and maternal physical facilities of the main hospital child health care in the Northern region1 (iii) improving services. the performance of a drug quality control laboratory under MOH1 (iv) identifying necessary measures for fee-for-service arrangements and rationalization of health insurance systems1 and (v) carrying out and implementing findings of studies on sector and MOH reorganization. (Design for hospital rehabilitation will conform to proper disposal of wastes). Environmental Assessment Category C. - 98 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3. Consulting Services Action on Procureme1 ~ (Cont'd) To be determined About Transport III - Continuation of efforts To be determined. Appraisal mission 25.0 started under Transport II, to tentatively schedul, (Bank) strengthen sector institutions and June 1991. policies and support of priority road maintenance and improvements. Project may also include assistance in the privatization of some transport agencies and development of infrastructure maintenance planning and management training. Environmental Assessment Category B. Jordan Valley About Al Wehdah (Unity) Dam - To secure To be determined. Project preparation Authority 30.0 increased water resources in order to stalled pending (Bank) intensify irrigated agriculture in resolutions of Ripa Jordan Valley and provide additional Rights issue. supplies for municipal and industrial (Co-financing requi: use in the Jordan Highlands. Also help strengthen related sector policies and institutions. Environmental Assessment Category A. To be determined 50.0 (N) Higher Education Funding Reform - To be determined. Preparation under w, (Bank) Aims at diversifying higher education financing by promoting cost efficiency, and supporting qualitative improvements. Environmental Assessment Category C. ONCF 30.0 (N) First Railway - Would contribute to To be determined. Identification miss, (Bank) improving use of existing scheduled for March infrastructure, reducing costs and (Co-financing to be ensuring financial viability of railway. sought.) Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. Ministry of 35.0 (N) National Watershed Management - To To be determined. Project being identi Agriculture and (Bank) improve land use and natural resources Agrarian Reform management in mountain areas and reduce siltation in reservoirs and associated hydraulic infrastructure. Main components include: (1) institutional and organizational development1 (11) improvement of legal framework for land use in mountain areas1 (111) investments in selected watersheds; (iv) applied and adaptative research and extension, and (v) technical assistance in training. Environmental Assessment Category D. Credit ID111obiler 100.0 Housing Finance III - Further To be determinet. Project identificatl Hotelier (CIH) and (Bank) development of the urban housing sector under way. CoD111ercial Banks and diversification of credit operations (To be determined) with participation of conmercial banks to mortgage lending in the context of the reform of the financial sector. - 99 - er Country, Amount & tementing Probable Stage of Processing and cy 1 .Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I Lo \t'd) [/Other Banks 150.0 National Rural Finance - (a) Assistance Consultant services will Project identification (Bank) to Credit Agricole of Morocco (CNCA) to be required in WID completed. Appraisal develop the sustainable foundations of a activities, banking expected by December high quality and competitive training, and 1991. intermediary within a progressively institutional building. liberalized financial system in the country. (b) Line of credit to CNCA/other banks to support agricultural/agro-industry credit lending to the private sector. Environmental Assessment Category B, e determined 150.0 (R) Private Sector Investment - Will To be determined. Appraisal mission (Bank) finance industrial investments; and scheduled for March 1991, follow up Industrial Finance Project. Environmental Assessment Category B. (IFC co-financing under preparation.) e determined 125.0 Debt Management - To be determined with To be determined. Awaiting indication from (Bank) Government. commercial banks of willingness to proceed with debt reduction. I i°e National de \.1 Potable 125.0 (Bank) National Water Supply & Sewerage - Regional water supply project for Settat To be determined. Project component being identified. l') and Regies province regions south of Atlas mountains. Environmental Assessment Category B, stry of 1 54.0 (R) Agriculture Sector Investment - Local consultants Appraisal report under culture (Banlt) Expenditure financing tied to next phase required for various .preparation. of policy and institutional reform. studies, Negotiations scheduled Environmental Assessment Category B. for March 1991, 150.0 Large Scale Irrigation/Land Use Plan - To be determined. Project preparation under (Bank) Will complete the infrastructure way. rehabilitation and management restructuring of the Regional Office for Agricultural Development. Environmental Assessment Category A. a determined 225.0 Second Public Enterprise Rationalization Consultant requirements Appraisal mission (Bank) - Will support further policy and not yet determined. scheduled for March 1991, restructuring programs for public sector enterprise. Environmental Assessment Category B. , determined 300.0 (R) SAL II - Support adjustment in To be determined, Appraisal mission (Bank) public expenditures, trade poll.cl.es and reschedul.ed for March the financial sector, ensure the 1991, efficient deployment ·of public (Co-financing being investments and consolidate the return explored), of the economy to sustainable growth, Environmental Assessment Category C, - 100 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing 1 Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurmnen1 MOROCCO (Cont'd) Office National de 114.0 Rural Electrification - Rural Will be required to Approved by the Exec, l'Electricite (Bank) electrification of about 465 villages carry out detailed Directors on Octob.er (ONE) with supply of electricity to about engineering design and 1990. 172,000 domestic consumers. Training of institutional building Office National de l'Electricite (ONE) studies. staff. Office 132.0 (R) Port Sector: Would support further Will be required for Approved by the Exec, d'Exploitation·des (Bank) development of port sector including construction Directors on DecembeJ Ports; Ministry of container handling in Casablanca, bulk supervision, port and 1990. Public Works traffic in other ports and related planning, financial institutional measures. Environmental management assistance. effects of dredging have been assessed. Ministry of 145.0 (R) Rural Basic Education Development Consultants will be Negotiations complete Education (Bank) (formerly Basic Education) - Would required for development Board presentation increase access to upper basic level of assessment functions scheduled for (grades 7-9) in rural areas and develop and evaluations of February 26, 1991. the teaching/learning environment in school participation in this cycle nationwide. Environmental rural areas. Assessment Category B. Ministry of About Municipal Development II - Policies, robe determined. Project preparation u Interior/Fonds 50.0 measures, and interventions to develop way. d'Equipment (Bank) local capacity to deliver municipal Conmunal services. Project will include urban infrastructure and facilities, technical assistance and training. Environmental Assessment Category B. P.Ala:STAR Ministry of 235.0 (R) Emergency Adjustment - Program to To be determined Project preparation u Finance (Bank) support Government's macroeconomic way. . J 14.9 program with emphasis on structural (IDA) measures designed to mitigate impact of Gulf crisis, reduce the country's vulnerability to external shocks and improve the efficiency of domestic resource allocation. Environmental Assessment Category C. robe detez:mined About Integrated Hill Management - Project robe detez:mined. Preparation mission 30.0 will include provision of inputs and completed. Report (Bank) support services for increased food and preparation. 54.5 fodder crop production, strengthening of (IDA) extension, animal health services and input distribution, afforestation of demarcated forests and hillside planting for fuelwood, construction of feeder roads and soil conservation works and technical assistance for project implementation. Environmental Assessment: To Be Determined. - 101 - 'mber Country, Amount & hementing Probable Stage of Processing and Project 3 Action on Procurement 4 rnc!_ ~-- -, :.. -Lender 2 Consulting Services I aSTAR 'nt'd) be ·determined sci.a (R) Basic Education - To improve the Consultants likely to be Pre-appraisal mission ., (IDA) quality of the delivery of lower required for preparation scheduled for early March secondary education through improved and execution. 1991. planning, management and administration of schools, supervision, and enhanced educational materials. Environmental Assessment Category C. be determined About (R) Second Scarp Transition - Will cover Consultants will be Negotiations tentatively 20.3 two areas in Punjab and Sind Provinces. required for project sheduled for March 4, (IDA) The project would promote the phasing implementation, 1991. out of public tubewells in fresh ground- hydrogeological studies water areas by installing private and for project impact tubewells and/or take over scarp evaluation studies. tubewells by individual or groups of farmers. The credit would finance primarily rehabilitation al!-d lining of watercourses and promote diesel/electric private tubewells through agricultural credit. As the proiect would result in controlling the rising water table, there are no major environmental issues. Environmental Assessment Category B. I ·Farm Water ·About (R) Third On-Farm Water Management - Consultants will be Negotiations scheduled agement 1 50.0 Located in all four provinces (Punjab, required for for February 25, 1991.' I ectorates in 1 (Bank) Sind, NWFP and Baluchistan) federally implementation. IY'incial 32.5 administered tribal areas ·and northern Retroactive financing is artment of I (IDA) areas and involving watercourse envisaged. 1Lculture renovation, storage tank construction, 11Jab, Sind, and land levelling. Project will cover ? and irrigation and rainfed areas. lichistan) Environmental effects expected to be ieral 1 positive. No Environmental Assessment I riH). !rnment 1 required. sr 1 and Power About (R) Irrigation/Drainage I (formerly Consultants will be Draft feasibility report rlopment 111.4 Punjab (Saline) Drainage) - Subsurface required f_or project completed in February. iority (IDA) and surface drainage, canal remodeling, implementation. Appraisal mission and on-farm water management in the tentatively scheduled for 100,000 ha Fordwah-Eastern Sadiqia April 1991. (South) canal conmand in Punjab (Co-financing of about Province. Environmental effects US$15.0 million may be expected to be positive, however. an required). environmental study is being undertaken of the proposed evaporation pond. This study to be completed in June 1991. Environmental Assessment to be carried out under the Pakistan National Drainage E.r9.sI!!!!. Environmental Assessment Category A• rnment of About (R) Environmental Protection and Consultants will be Project appraisal Stan - 48.5 Resource Conservation - Protection and required for project presently to conmence ronmental and f,!!'"'" (IDA) management of environmental resources in implementation. mid-April 1991. Pakistan. Positive environmental impact expected. Environmental Assessment Category D. . I - 102 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme~ PAXISTAR (Cont'd) National Housing About (R) Shelter for Low-Income Cormnunities - Consultants have been Project identificati Authority together 75.9 Upgrade shelter and basic urban services appointed for project being completed. Fu with respective (IDA) for squatter Katchi Abadi cormnunities. preparation. obtained from Japan Provincial National land and shelter development in Switzerland for Governments urban and high density rural areas and preparation. housing finance. Land tenure and user (Co-financing of up fees for services to be addressed. $200.0 million is Positive environmental impact expected. required for Environmental Assessment: To Be implementation). Determined. Government of Sind About CR) Sind Urban Development - (a) to Most of the consultants Project preparation (GOS) 15.0 introduce fiscal and administrative have been appointed to way. U.S. Trade & (Bank) policy institutional reforms in GOS carry out the studies Development Program 84.6 through: (1) deficit reduction; for project preparation. ($500,000) and Japan (IDA) (11) devolution/decentralization of Grant Facility grant, responsibility ta local governments; ($1.5 million equiva (111) regulation (or enforcement of have been approved f, regulations) of labor relations in the financing project public sector in Karachi; preparation. (iv) institutional capacity building in key planning and finance departments of Retroactive financin1 GOS and Karachi Metropolitan Corporation expected. (KMC)1 and (v) reform of key urban transport policy issues in Province of Sindhi and (b) finance the Annual Development Program (ADP) of the GOS and their specialized agencies on the basis of eligibility and appraisal criteria to be agreed during project preparation. Positive environmental impact expected. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Health 45,6 (R) Family Health - To improve health Consultants likely to be Negotiations tentati• (IDA) care especially for mothers and children required for scheduled for mid-Mai (including family planning), to assist implementation. with manpower development and with institutional strengthening, in NWFP (northwest frontier provinces) and Sindh. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 103 - \ber Country, Amount & \1ementing Probable Stage of Processing ·and \ncy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I ,:ISTAlf lnt'd) [achi Port Trust About (R) Karachi Port Modernization - Consultants will be Negotiations tentatively T) so.a (a) construction of quay side pavements, required for second scheduled for April 22, (Bank) a new oil terminal replacing two stage computerization of 1991. Firm commitment by outdated ones, and new land side KPT, preparation of GOP of the project has approach roundabout (Jinnah Bridge Phase Build Operate Transfer been provided, on the II)1 (b) procurement of a new dredging (BOT) tenders for a basis of which the loan plant, navigational aids - vessel Dedicated Container will be processed, traffic system - radar, computers and Terminal, preparation of spare parts1 and (c) training. tenders on handling of Tenders for Oil Pier were Environmental problems regarding cargo by the private opened in February 1990 pollution in the port and Karachi sector operators, and the contract was to harbour have been reviewed in detail and organizational aids- be signed by December 20, corrective measures are included in the vessel traffic system 1990 but are awaiting a list of covenants to be negotiated. radar for the Port, KPT new date from Karachi Environmental Assessment Category A. reorganization, Port Trust. The bids for accounting system, port roundabout were opened on subsector strategy, port September 4, 1990. The subsector tariff, lowest bid is much higher environmental than the estimated costs; protection, and OPV KPT has decided to dredging, retender. Consultants for the Procurement: Container Terminal Study Prequalification for oil have been invited to terminal, Jinnah Bridge express interest on the Phase II, Dredging Plant basis of which KPT will and mobile cranes prepare short list. completed. New prequalifications are invited by KPT for Jinnah Bridge ($27.0 million) and dredging plant ($20.0 million), Retroactive financing from the Bank of US$3.5 million for Oil Pier signature of contract has been supported by the Bank in principle, provided Government of Pakistan assumes the risk of retroactive financing in case the loan/project is not processed/ approved. and Gas About (R) Domestic Energy Resource Development Consultants will be Appraisal mission ilopment 100.0 - Support of oil and gas development in required for project deferred to early March. r•itat airport~; (b) improve road transport organization through deregulation, road safety measures, and road user charges. Environmental Assessment Category B. try of About Municipal Development - Improvement of Consultants required for Preparation under way by .ior 100.0 municipal finance and management. Line technical assistance Government, (Bank) of credit for municipal investment. component, (German co-financing may Improved waste disposal. Environmental be available for waste Assessment Category B. disposal). try of Public 26.0 (R) Population and Family Health - Consultants for Negotiations compieted. h (Bank) Expansion of population/family planning maintenance study, Board presentation programs, through their integration into evaluations, training scheduled for March 21, improved basic health services. and.a survey of drug 1991. Environmental Assessment Category C. prescriptions. - 108 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processing. Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on·Procuremer Ministry of To be (N) Agricultural Envirorunent (Soil Consultants will be Identification planr Agriculture, Deter- Resource Management) - Improved erosion required to assist with for April . Funds fc Forestry and Rural mined control, reforestation and pasture preparation and preparation obtainec Affairs management programs concentrating on execution. Japan. Eastern Turkey; also studies and research. Positive envirorunental impact expected, Envirorunental Assessment Category D. Undersecretary of About CR) Envirorunental SECAL - To assist GOT To be determined Pre-appraisal sched~ Envirorunent 300.0 in adjusting economic policies and/or for April 1991. (Bank) adopting least cost coamand-and-control or market based incentive measures to achieve envirorunental objectives for air and water quality, and for natural resource mgt. T.A. component would be included to strengthen institution charged with envirorunental protection and mgt, Envirorunental Assessment Category D. Ministry of Health About (R) Health II - Creation of a National To be determined. First preparation mi 100.0 Hygiene Institute and support for scheduled for March (Bank) development of a regional network to public health laboratories. Envirorunental Assessment Category C. To be determined About (R) Employment and Training - To support Consultants will be Preparation mission 70.0 development of employment-oriented required for preparation scheduled for March (Bank) training; establishment of a labor and execution. market information system; and career guidance system to improve employment services. Turkish Refineries About Refineries Modification - Investments to Consultants will be Preparation under wa, Corporation 130.0 reconfigure existing refinery facilities required for project (TUPRAS) (Bank) and install new processing capacity to preparation and reduce cost of petroleum products implementation. supply, while concurrently meeting increasingly stringent product specifications, to reduce pollution. Technical assistance for establishing systems to improve planning in refinery operations, new investments and financial management, TURPAS to review in January 1991 draft TOR (prepared by the October 1990 mission) for the appointment of consultants to undertake the Environmental Data Collction Program and to prepare the draft EA report. Envirorunental Assessment Category A. Bursa Municipality About CR) Bursa Environmental (formerly EPM Consultants will be Identification/ and Buski 150.0 (Environmental Program Mediterranean) - required for project preparation mission (Bank) The project will provide facilities, and preparation. tentatively schedule will assist in strengthening policies March 1991. and institutions, to control causes of environmental degradation, Environmental Assessment Category B, - 109 - jr Country, Amount & jmertins Probable Stage of Processing and ly . Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 l 1-;-d) try of Public About (R) State and Provincial Roads - Project Consultants will be Negotiations \ and 300.0 comprises: (a) selected sections from required for training scheduled for April 9, ements (Bank) Karayollari Genel Mudurlegu's (KGM) and computerization. 1991. rehabilitation program through 1995 for state and provincial roads (loan funds Advanced contracting and would be disbursed for pavement retroactive financing is strengthening, upgrading and envisaged. rehabilitation sub-projects satisfying agreed priority criteria; (b) a road safety program; (c) training of KGM staff in support of institutional improvements, including computerization; (d) studies; and (e) procurement of equipment and materials for road maintenance and institutional improvements. Environmental Assessment Category B. About TEK Restructuring - Project will Consultants will be Negotiations scheduled 300.0 (a) finance implementation of a required for preparation for April 1, 1991. (Bank) Corporate Reform Program for TEK; and implementation. (b) finance time-slice (1991-94) of Retroactive financing is foreign exchange cost of the Core envisaged. Investment Program (CIP) of TEK; (c) ensure preparation and adoption of a Corporate Performance Agreement between TEK and the Government; (d) finance preparation of a basic framework for the divestiture/privatization of selected segments of TEK's generation/ distribution systems; and (e) finance technical assistance to build up TEK's capability to carry out environmental impact assessment. Environmental Assessment Category B. 11Dent of About (R) Private ,Investment - To assist To be determined. Board presentation I f I Industrial 200.0 government in its export drive. The tentatively scheduled :ment Credit (Bank) project would provide long-term March 19, 1991. \ Industrial investment funds to private industries 1pment Bank through a network of private financial ·key institutions. Environmental aspects to be reviewed by participating banks on a case-by-case basis based on actual investment proposals. Environmental Assessment Category B. ry of About (R) Technology Development - To upgrade To be determined. Board presentation le & 100.0 Turkey's technological capacity tentatively scheduled for \logy, (Bank) including the scientific and March 19, 1991. h Standards technological human resource base and )ite, Capital thereby enable the country to increase , Board its export competitiveness. Environmental Assessment Category B. l,omlnod About Industrial Sector Adjustment - Project To be d~termined. Pre-appraisal mission 250.0 will improve the industrial incentive scheduled for June 1991. (Bank) framework and support the restructuring and revitalization of key industries to ensure adjustment to the liberalization program. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 110 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processil Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurer !!mm (Cont'd) Ministry of About Agricultural Research - Civil works, To be determined. Awaiting Governme1 Agriculture, 100.0 equipment and fellowships to assist in comments on prepa1 Forestry and Rural (Bank) strengthening Turkey's agricultural report prepared b: Affairs (MAFRA) research programs, concentrating on FAO/CP. programs of benefit to the less developed regions. Project expected to include research in support of better environmental practices. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of About (R) Southwest Coast Environment - Consultant has started Appraisal mission Tourism 150.0 Sewerage and sewage treatment to assist in project tentatively sched, (Bank) facilities, water supply facilities, preparation. early April 1992. solid waste facilities, and training and Consultants will also be technical assistance for selected required for subsequent locations along the country's detailed design, southwestern Mediterranean and Aegean construction Coasts. Project will bring about major supervision, and other improvements in environment by reducing technical assistance. pollution of sea and shore. and risk of contamination of water supplies. Environmental Assessment Category B. YEMEN, REPUBLIC OF Ministry of About (R) Emergency Recovery - Sector Consulting services to Appraisal mission Planning and 25.0 emergency assistance to help mitigate be determined. tentatively sched, Development (IDA) adverse impact of the gulf crisis; focus March 1991. on providing essential social services (Co-financing beir and creating employment opportunities sought.) for returning immigrants. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Labor About (R) Technical and Vocational Education - To be determined. Identification mi• and Ministry of 12.0 Will focus on supporting government scheduled for lat• Education (IDA) efforts to strengthen its manpower 1991. Due to eme1 resources and address the institutional priorities project and administrative aspects of teaching emphasis may shift management and labor market needs basic education. through curricula revision, training, (Co-financing will technical assistance, civil works and required). equipment. Environmental Assessment Category C. University of About (R) Secondary Teacher Training - Likely Specialist services will Negotiations tenta Sana's (UOS) and 20.0 to include: (a) improvement and be required to assist in scheduled for Ministry of (IDA) expansion of programs and facilities of implementation. February 21, 1991. Education (MOE) Faculties of Education; UOS; (b) in- service training programs for teachers, (Co-financing like managers and supervisors. Environmental OPEC Fund and Isla Assessment Category C. Development Bank), Ministry 'of About First National Land and Water Consultant services will Appraisal mission Agriculture and 12.0 Conservation - Focus on improving be required. tentatively ached~ Water Resources (IDA) efficiency of irrigation and forestry May 1991. sub-sectors. Environmental effects (Co-financing may would be positive because of water required), management. forestry and soil conservation components, Environmental Assessment Category D. - 111 - lr Country, Amount &. Probable Stage of Processing and Fiting Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement 4 I I I REPUBLIC OF l 'd) \try of About National Agriculture Sector Management - Consultants will be Negotiations tentatively 14,4 (a) institutional support to central required to assist in scheduled for March 11, \u;::::r::! (IDA) Ministry and strengthening of key implementation. 1991. services (planning; budgeting and human (Co-financing likely from resources management); (b) strengthening the Netherlands). management and progranming of agronomic research; and (c) reorganizing and consolidating extension services and coordinating, extension and training. Environmental Assessment Category B. try of About Industrial Investment - Technical Consultants likely to be Appraisal report under fmy, Supply 15.0 assistance for industrial planning and required to assist in preparation. l 'rade, and trial Bank of (IDA) for extension service to small and medium-scale enterprises, and a line of credit for industrial investment. !!2 implementation. (Co-financing likely from OPEC Fund). adverse social or environmental impacts are expected. Environmental Assessment Category B. ,i General About (R) Power Distribution V - As a result Consultants will be Project preparation under 1.ricity 13.0 of the recent unification of People's required to supervise way. ration (YGEC) (IDA) Democratic Republic of Yemen and Yemen construction. (Co-financers' meeting Arab Republic, the project description being arranged), has been revised to consist of urban rehabilitation, line loss reduction and technical. assistance components. No negative environmental or social impacts are expected. Environmental Assessment Category B. try of Health About (R) Health Sector Development - The Consultants will be Approved by the Executive 15.0 project would; (a) develop the regional required. Directors on May 31, (IDA) administrative infrastructure and 1990. Loan signed on capacities of MOH including maintenance February 6, 1991. of medical equipment and storage of medical supplies; (b) expand nursing and midwifery training; (c) develop a pilot component to strengthen (i) maternal child health (MCH) emergency services; and (ii) hospital management, Environmental Assessment Category C. nal Water and About CR) Taiz Water and Sewerage Networks Consulting fc.,r Project preparation under lage Authority 15.0 Rehabilitation - Provision of water engineer•.,,g and detailed way. Project Preparation (IDA) production works and rehabilitation of desi!:'• of rehabilitation Facility advance of water and sewerage networks, which will works, studies, US$1.5 million approved have a positive environmental impact. technical assistance and to finance: (i) network Two issues are being examined: water training started work in rehabilitation studies resources management and cost recovery. February. started February 1990, Environmental Assessment Category B. expected to be completed by August 1991 but Gulf crisis expected to cause delay; (ii) water resource exploratory drilling started June 1990 suspended due to objections of local population. Authorities seeking solution to renew exploratory drilling. - 112 - Member Country, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of Processin Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurem YEMEN I REPUBLIC OF (Cont'd) Ministry of 12.0 Second Land and Water Conservation - Consultant services Presently finalizi' Agriculture and (IDA) Raising agriculture productivity by likely to be required. preparation report Water Resources improving/consolidating irrigation works, forestry development and extension services. Environmental Assessment Category B. Public Water About (R) Tarim Water Supply - Construction of Consulting services will Approved by the Ex, Corporation 12.0 a new borefield distribution system and be required for Directors on June (IDA) reservoirs including demonstration waste construction supervision 1990. Loan signed water disposal project. ~ and technical February 6, 1991. environmental review of on-site sewage assistance. disposal demonstration project will be undertaken to evaluate results for replicabllity nationwide. No potentially adverse social or environmental effects. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of About (R) Fisheries IV - Project would assist Consultant s.ervices will Project has been Fishwealth 13.5 government to develop coastal fishing be required for restructured to re: (IDA) operations including strengthening technical assistance, sectoral changes s: marketing institutions; assisting design training and detailed unification. and construction of fishing boats and design of shore Negotiations with importing selected vessels; developing facilities. Government tentati, credit facilities; constructing related scheduled for village infrastructure and financing February 26, 1991. transport equipment and·infrastructure for marketing of fish. The project would also strengthen environmental research and fisheries management. No potentially adverse social or environmental effect ls expected. Project would improve management of fish ~ . Environmental Assessment Category B. Public Corporation 15.5 (R) Power III - Improving efficiency of Consultants completed Approved by the Exe for Electric Power (IDA) electric network through: feasibility study. Directors on June 2 (a) rehabilitation of Aden system Consultants required for 1990, Credit signe, including loss reduction and Phase I of detailed engineering February 6, 1991. network control center network design and construction, facilities; (b) loss reduction in Wadi supervision, and other Hadramawt branch; (c) technical technical assistance. assistance for planning, financial management, and training. Total project cost about $18,0 million, of which about $15,5 million in foreign exchange. !!2 adverse environmental or social impacts expected. Line loss reduction component would assist in reduction of fuel consumption and. therefore, in reduction of air pollution. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 113 - )er Country, Amount & ementing Probable Stage of Processing and \cy 1 tender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services -Action on Procurement 4 e determined About (R) Enterprise Rehabilitation - Support To be determined Preparation under way. 250.0 for rehabilitaiton and restructuring of Appraisal tentatively (Bank) industrial enterprises in several scheduled for end-April· subsectors; includes investment and 1991. technical assistance. Environmental Assessement Category B. e determined About Belgrade/Kikinda Water Supply and To be determined Preparation under way. 200.0 Sewerage - Support for expansion of (Bank) water supply system and upgrading of sewerage system. Environmental Assessment Category B. e determined About (R) Environment--Rijeka - Support for To be determined Preparation under way. 200.0 improving health and enhancing planned Appraisal tentatively (Bank) tourism in Rijeka Bay area and !stria scheduled for April 1991. Coastal areas by reducing air and water pollution, improving water supply, improving management of solid waste and historic monument preservation. Environmental Assessment Category B. l~ determined About 150.0 Small and Medium Enterprise - Support for the development of small and medium To be determined. Project preparation under way. Appraisal (Bank) enterprises, both public and private, tentatively scheduled for including technical assistance. June 1991. Environmental Assessment Category B. enegro Coast About Montenegro Coast Water Supply & To be determined. Preparation under way. 1 nization for 35.0 Pollution Control - Would provide water Possible international 1 r Supply & (Bank) supply for tourism development and waterway issue related to 1 rage (CPRVK) pollution control facilities for diversion of water in protection of environment. To include project area. Government water and waste treatment facilities, has been requested by the water distribution and sewage collection Bank to notify other networks and institutional development. riparians concerning this Environmental Assessment Category B. project. (Co-financing from Italian government is possible). Procurement: Request is under consideration for retroactive financing of US$5.0 million to cover civil work. • determined About Kolubara "B" Thermal Power and Lignite To be determined. Appraisal under way. 300.0 Mine - Mining equipment for lignite mine (Bank) at Tamnava West, thermal power plant, with auxiliary and environmental control facilities, technical assistance for, institution- building. Environmental Assessment Category A. ) l determined About 400.0 (R) Financial Sector Adjustment - To support policy measures and Consultants Likely to be financed by European Appraisal report completed. (Bank) restructuring of financial sector. Community. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 114 - Member Cauntz:y, Amount & Implementing Probable Stage of P~ocesslng Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme IV. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN REGION ARGENTINA Ministerio ·de 20.0 (R) Public Sector Reform Technical Consultants will be Appraisal mission Economia (Bank) Assistance - The proposed technical required. scheduled for early assistance will provide support to the 1991. Public Sector Reform Program of the Government. This project is being Retroactive financir processed simultaneously with the being proposed. proposed Banlt Public Sector Reform Loan. Environmental Assessment Category C, Ministerio de 23.0 (R) Public Enterprise Reform Execution - Consultant services will Approved by the Exec Economia (Bank) Finance consultant services/training be required. Directors on Februar related to restructuring/privatization 1991, Signing plann of PEs and establishment of regulatory for end-February. authorities. Environmental Assessment Category B. Retroactive finan~in being proposed. Ministerio de 300.0 (R) Public Enterprise Reform Consultants services not Approved by the Exec Economia (Banlt) Adjustment - Comprehensive reform of required. Directors on Februar hydrocarbon, teleconmunications and 1991. Signing plann railway sectors and PEs operating in for end-February. them, Environmental Assessment Category !• Retroactive financin being proposed. Ministerio de 200.0 Maternal and Child Health & Nutrition - Consultant services will Project preparation Salud y Bienestar (Bank) Human resource maintenance through be required. under way. Social health and nutrition support for vulnerable groups. Environmental Assessment Category C. Yacimientos 150.0 (R) Hydrocarbon (formerly Oil and Gas Consultant services will Project under Petroliferos (Banlt) Sector) - To increase hydrocarbon be required. identification. Pric Fiscales (YPF) production, modernize import-export engineering loan unde infrastructure, improve operational consideration. efficiency in refineries for energy conservation and pollution reduction, and upgrade export quality for gasoline and condensates in local refineries. Environmental Assessment Category B, Ministerio de 300.0 (R) Public Sector Reform - Support To be determined. Negotiations tentativll Economia (Bank) measures to improve public sector scheduled for March. revenues, reduce public sector expenditures and Central Banlt reform. Retroactive financing Environmental Assessment Category C. being proposed, To be determined 200.0 Transport Sector I - The project would To be determine!. Project concept to be (Bank) focus on the reform of transport - discussed with BorroJ 1 · related public sector enterprises to once progress is achi enhance commercial orientation, in Public Enterprisei efficiency and financial performance. Reform Execution and Environmental Assessment Category B. Public Enterprise Re, Adjustment and Road Maintenance projects . 1 ---------- - 115 - \er Country, Amount~ \ement:lng Probable Stage of Processing and \cy 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action cm. Procurement 4 1 I iNTINA l.t 'd) I . 1ccionNacional 200.0 (R) Road Maintenance - Avoidance of: To be determined. Bank awaiting government rrretera (Bank) (i) costly road repair and decisions on reconstruction; (ii) unnecessary institutional matters. increases in vehicle operations cost. Improvement of coordination and i cooperation between agencies (national and provincial). Improvement of road I I activity funding. Environmental Assessment Category B. sterio de 32.0 CR) Agricultural Services and Consultant services will Board presentation .omia (Bank) Institutional Development - The project be required. scheduled for would promote non-traditional February 28, 1991. agriculture exports; support service infrastructure in marketing, animal health and plant protection. Environmental Assessment Category C. (sterio de 100.0 (R) Provincial Health Development - The To be determined. Preparation to be started !.d y Bienestar (Bank) project is still to be defined. Major once agreement i.s reached !al institutional and policy reform on health sector orientation are envisaged, in strategy. coordination with Bank and IDB. Environmental Assessment: To be determined. l r,. 1 sterio de 200.0 (Bank) (R) Provincial Development - Strengthening financial performance of provincial Government. Reduction of provincial deficits through improved revenue performance and expenditure Consultant services will be required. Approved by the Executive Directors on December 18, 1990. Loan signed on February 15, 1991. efficiency. Environmental Assessment Category B. ecretaria de 350.0 (R) Electric Power II - Implementation To be determined. Project preparation under r· (Bank) of sector institutional reform; way. consolidation of financial rehabilitation; and completion of Procurement: The civil Yacyreta civil works; financing of works contract for provincial distribution investment YACYRETA, awarded under a programs; thermal rehabilitation. previous loan would Environmental Assessment Category B. likely be financed. ajo Federal de 1 100.0 Water Supply II - Water supply and Consultants will be Approved by the Executive /Potable y (Bank) sewerage sector project. Project will required for Directors on December 18, uniento finance institutional development, conmercialization 1990. Signing not yet i\PYS) conmercialization investments, training, project evaluation, and scheduled. rehabilitation and operational financial management. improvements, water supply and sewerage I system capacity increases, and feasibility studies and designs. I Environmental Assessment Category B. - 116 - Member Country. Amount & Iq,lementi.Dg Probable Stage of ProceHlna Aaenc:r 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Act:lon ma Procuram BARBADOS To be determined. 10.0 Education III - To improve the Ministry To be determined. Project under (Bank) of Education's capacity in planning, identification. policy development and management of the education and training systems. Environmental Assessment Category C. Central Bank 10.0 Export Development - Line of Credit, and Consultants have been Project preparation (Bank) institutional and technical assistance recruited for way. to diversify goods and export services. preparation wo~k. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Works 12.0 Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation II - To be determined. Project preparation (Bank) Financing of a 5-year rehabilitation way. plan, safety program, technical assistance and training. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 4.0 Education and Training - Will improve To be determined. Project preparation Education (Bank) the overall quality and efficiency of way. the education system through (a) upgrading physical facilities and equipment; (b) teacher training; and (c) improving curriculum and other schooling inputs. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of Mining 38.4 Mining II - Further support for mining To be determined. Project component and Metallurgy (IDA) sector reform program. Environmental expected to be ident Assessment Category A. in second half of cu: fiscal year. Ministry of 10.0 (R) Public Financial Management Consultants have been A_second appraisal Finance (IDA) Operation II - Continued support for retained. mission in the field. improvement of Public Financial Management Systems and Financial Sector Reforms begun under Public Financial Management Operation I. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry Transport 42.0 Road Maintenance Rehabilitation II - To be determined. ~re-appraisal missio, and Comnunications (IDA) Maintenance & rehabilitation of the road scheduled for. 11!.a~ly network, following program worked out March. applying the maintenance management system (SAM) and the equipment management system (SAE). Environmental Assessment Category B. - 117 - '!lber Caml.trJ':, Amount~ ~,.·1 ~1ementlng .,P~obable Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Stage of Processing and Acti.on on Procurement 4 1.nu '~> 1 tistry of 15.4 Technology Development - To impr·ove the Consultants will be Negotiations completed. \icul ture and (IDA) development of agricultural technology required. Twinning Board presentation ,pesino Affairs with special emphasis on crop and arrangement being sought scheduled for March 12, !TA) livestock products of present and future with another research 1991. importance for the rural poor. The agency. project will establish a national agricultural research council and strengthen the national research agency (IBTAj, Environmental Assessment Category C, .tral · Bank· 35,0 (R) Structural Adjustment - Support of Consultants will be Appraisal mission (IDA) institutional and policy reforms in required for financial completed. Report under financial sector, institutional sector issues and preparation. framework for private investment, privatization. private sector reform/privatization and trade promotion. Environmental Assessment Category C. 1:~~::::s 1 .cales · . · 170.0 (Bank) (R) Power/Gas Pipeline - Provide partial financing for the construction of 557 km 20-inch of gas pipeline/525 MW gas Consultants will be required for bid evaluation, Appraisal report under preparation . \~vianos (YPFB); turbine power plant at Puerto Suarez on construction, Retroactive financing of ;.eesa Nacional the Bolivia-Brazil border. supervision, and project up to 10% of the loan is electicidad Environmental Assessment Category A. management, being considered. hE) I Lstry of 15,4 (R) Agro Export Development Program Consultants have been Appraisal mission tcultur• (IDA) (ADP) - Develop agricultural and recruited for tentatively scheduled for livestock products for export and preparation work. late February. l establish the Bolivia Export Development Foundation (BEF) to manage the project. Environmental Assessment Category B. I ?IL 1.sterio de Up to (N) Transport Sector Reform - Assist To be determined. Project preparation under I .. ias-Estrutura 350.0 Government 1n implementing a package of way. •etaria · . (Bank) regulatory reforms across the transport lonal dos sector, including a privatization \sportes program, and in financing high priority instruments included in the federal transport program. Environmental Assessment Category B, 1Han Urban Up to (N) Rehabilitation of CBTU - The To be determined, Preparation under way. Company· ,., 250.0 r decentralization of the CBTU from the .. (iank) federal government to the States, to phase out federal subsidies, Includes institutional and managerial reforms. \ Emphasizes modal integration, and acceptable cost recovery. Environmental Assessment Category B, - 118 - Member Country, Amount~ Implementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme11 ~ (Cont'd) Ministerio de Acao Up to Water Pollution Control - Help sector To be determined. Preparation mission Social 200.0 authorities to address water pollution scheduled £or end- (Bank) issues through a self- sustained February. investment project in the most congested areas of Brazil, to develop methodologies to tackle the cleaning of environment, and specifically to manage the scarce water sources for human consumption and agriculture. Environmental Assessment Category D. Banco Nacional de Up to (R) Steel Company Privatization - To be determined. Preparation under wai Desenvolvimento 200.0 Privatization and deregulation in the Economico e (Banlt) steel sector. Environmental Assessment: Sociale (BNDES) To be determined. To be determined Up to Early Childhood Development - To support To be determined. Project preparation 125.0 expansion of access to child care and postponed pending (Banlt) other child development programs £or government's assignm, children aged 0-6 in low income families of priority. in Brazil, Environmental Assessment: To Be Determined. Banco Nacional de Up to (R) Private Sector Power Development - To be determined. Preparation under Wa) Desenvolvimento 200.0 To finance new private sector Economico e Social (Bank) investments in power through financial (BNDES) intermediaries. Environmental Assessment Category A, Banco Nacional de Up to (R) Privatization and Capital Market No consulting services Appraisal report unde Desenvolvimento 320.0 Reform - Develop capital markets in required, preparation. Economico e (Banlt) coordination with financial sector Sociale (BNDES) strategy and to support preparatory work by Brazil's Privatization Conmission and BNDES in the privatization of public enterprises. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Up to Irrigation Subsector III - To provide To be determined. Project preparation J Agriculture, 275.0 continued support to priority irrigation postponed pending National (Bank) investment identified in FY89 government's assignme Irrigation Bank/Government Irrigation Subsector of priority to projecJ Seoretariat Review. Environmental Assessment: To Be Determined. Ministry of Health Up to (R) Quality Assurance and Health To be determined. Project preparation t 200,0 Promotion - Support for strengthening begin March 10, 1991. (Banlt) government's normative and regulatory roles in health as well as provision of consumer information, Environmental Assessment: To Be Determined. Spacial Up to (R) Science Research and Training - Consulting services Approved by the Execu Secretariat of 150.0 Follow up to First Science and expected for baslina Directors November 29 Science and (Bank) Technology project. Environmental studies and evaluation. 1990. Loan signed on Technology Assessment Category C. February 15, 1991. - 119 - 'llher Country, Amount a;, hementi.Dg Probable Stage of Processl.Dg and \nc:r 1 Lender 2 Project S Consulti.Dg Services Actlon cm. Procw:ement 4 l lIL ,jnt'd) l t ituto sileiro l,iente e de Meio Up to 150.0 (Bank) National Industrial Pollution Control - The project consists of: (a) a policy/ technical assistance component to To be determined. Project preparation postponed at the request of the Government. '\ursosNaturais support the State's efforts to design ovair (IBAMA) pollution control regulations and :co Nacional de strategies and build up the capabilities 1 envolvimento of the State Environmental Protection nomico e Agencies; and (b) credit to polluting •lale (BNDES) firms to undertake pollution abatement j State investments, Environmental Assessment rronmental Category D. rcies lsterio de Acao I Up to CR) Water Sector Modernization (formerly To be determined. Pre-appraisal tentatively lal 250.0 Water and Sewerage Sector III) - Finance scheduled for end-March. (Bank) investments and bring about sector policy reforms, improved operations investment planning, and pricing, Environmental Assessment Category B. isterio de Up to Port Sector II - Build upon and To be determined. Project preparation ,a-Estretura 200.0 consolidate institutional improvements postponed pending (Bank) and support appropriate redevelopment of Government's assignment conmercial port facilities. of priority to project. Environmental Assessment Category A. ( ~) Institute Up to National Forestry Development and To be determined. Project preparation 11.~eiro de Meio 150.0 Conservation - The project would support postponed at the request l"nte e dos (Bank) industrial wood production on national of the Government. rsos Naturais forests and management and conservation raveis of natural forests, including strengthened monitoring and enforcement. Environmental Assessment Category D. Grosso State Up to Mato Grosso Natural Resource To be determined. Project preparation f~::iat of 150.0 Management - Consolidation of the first postponed pending (Bank) phase of North West projects in Mato Government's assignment Grosso, through improvements in the of priority to project. policy framework; intensification of agriculture in areas with sustainable development potential; forest management and conservation; environmental and tribal protection and continued support for small farmer conmunity projects, infrastructure and social service. Environmental Assessment Category D. ,leo Up to Hydrocarbon Transport and Processing - To be determined. Negotiations will be lie1ro S.A. 260.0 Assistance to PETROBRAS to develop: resumed after Brazilian OBRAS) (Bank) (i) high priority product distribution authorities respond to facilities; (ii) programs to enhance Bank proposals. Board natural gas utilization to reduce presentation tentatively product losses and for more efficient scheduled for end-March. energy utilization and environmental control; and (iii) technical assistance Procurement: Advance in transportation planning, industrial contracting up to risk and safety analysis and measures to USS60.0 million and improve the safety and environmental retroactive financing up conditions of transportation and to uss10.o million of the refinery operations. Environmental loan amount would be Assessment Category A. considered to finance urgently needed works. - 120 - Amomi.t I. ·. ' Probable St:age o£ .__...... Lender 2 Project S ~~-~ BRAZIL (Cont'd) (CHESF) Compania Up to Itaparica Supplemental - To provide To be determined. Approved by the Exe~ Hidro Electrica do 100.0 supplementary financing to complete Directors on Februaz Dan Francisco (Bank) works for irrigation and social 1990. facilities for the population displaced by the Itaparlca Dam. Environmental Assessment not applicable. Sao Paulo State Up to Land Management III of Sao Paulo - To To be determined, Project preparation Secretariat of 100.0 generate environmental benefits and hold pending go~rnm Agriculture and (Bank) sustainable productivity gains through assignment of priori Supply improved land management and soil project. conservation within about 2,000 mlcrocatchments involving 120,000 farmers in Sao Paulo. Environmental Assessment Category D, Central Bank of Up tp Finanoial Reform I - To support Consulting services Negotiations postpc1111 Brazil 400,0 implementation of broader based required for research, (Bank) finanolal sector reform under economics and preparation by Government, statistics. Environmental Assessment Category c. Centrals Up to Electricity Transmission and To be determined. Approved by the Exec, Electricas 385.0 Conservation - Financing of time slice Directors on June 1,4, Braslleiras S .A. (Bank) of power transmission and conservation 1990. . . , ... (ELECTROBRAS) investments in selected utilities, Project expected to finance investments associated with specific power projects and programs of sector utilities. Includes specific provisions for preparing Environmental Impact Statements and corresponding Action Plans as required by each individual pro1ect and country legislation. Does not present major environmental problems. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Up to Rondonia Natural Resource Management - To be determined. Negotiations suspend• Interlor/Rondonia 167.0 The project would consolidate the first Resumption subject tc State (Bank) phase of Northwest projects in Rondonia, government revi-. through policy improvements, agricultural intensification in established areas, forest management support, forest extractive activities, environmental and tribal protection, and continued support for small farmer community projects and social services, Environmental Assessment Category D, Central Bank of Up to Rural Finance Reform - Follow-up to To be determined. Project preparation~ Brazil 300.0 Agricultural Credit I Project. way, (Bank) Environmental Assessment Category B, Central Bank of Up to (R) Trade Polley - To support the Consultants will not be Project preparation< Brazil 500.0 initial steps of a trade policy reform required, hold due to current (Bank) currently being implemented by the economic situation. Government. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 121 - Amount • Probable Leader 2 Project 3 Consul.ting Servl:ae• !IL 't'd) ~., ll,, .... ., Up to 200.0 (Bank) Co11111ercial Marketing - Provision of financial and technical support for stockholdlng, expansion of private grain To be determined, Project preparation under way. storage and other improvements in, agricultural marketing infrastructure. Enylrapmental Assessment: To be dat•rmlnlld· f:i=ent of· Sao Up to Izinovations in Basic Education - Project Consulting services Board presentation 245.0 will support development of pedagogical expected for baseline scheduled for May 28, (Bank) and other innovations to increase studies and project 199l. learning and school attainment of poor impact evaluation. children in metropolitan Sao Paulo. The inncvationa could serve as model for implementation throughout Brazil. Environmental Assessment Category C. tr,' of Up to (R) Northeast Basic Education II - The Consulting services Project preparation under '1:'lon 150.0 project will •upport basic education in expected for management way. (Bank) up to four atatea 1n the Northeast. studies, investment Enxlrppmental As9essment Categgry B. planning, and project impact evaluation, ;ilhia de Up to Northeast Irrigation I - Construction of Consultant will be Approved by the Executive rolvimento do 210.0 six irrigation schemes in Horth East required for Directors on February 20, i!e Sao (Bank) Brazil covering some 50,000 ha. Some institutional support 1990. l1sco/ 890 families, living 1n the area• to be and construction· f-to developed, would be integrated in new supervision. 11111 de Obraa 1 irrigation achemes or compensated. a Aa Seca• Enylronmental Assessment not applicable. lZJ' of Health Up to Metropolitan Health II - Strengthening To be determined. Project preparation to 200.0 health services in various metropolitan begin in May 1991. (Bank) areas. Environmental Assessment, To be dat,rmlped. Up to Agricultural Sector IV - To provide To be determined. Project preparation 400.0 continued support to the process of postponed. (Bank) agricultural trade, incentive and marketlng reforms. Environmental A••••sment: To be determined, ,i. Up to Electric Distribution and Conservation - To be determined. Appraiaal report under ·iicas 300.0 l'inanclng of time-slice of power preparation, eiras S,A, (Bank) distribution and conservation ROBRAS) investments in selected utilities. Projects expected to finance investments associated with specific power projects and programs of sector utilities. Includes specific provisions for preparing Environmental Impact. Statements and corresponding Action Plans as required by each individual project and country legislation. Does not present ma1or enyircmmental problems. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 122 - Amount I. Probable Stage of ProcesslDjJ Lender 2 Project 3 Conaultlng Services Action on Procure11111 ~ (Cont'd) Departmento Up to Highways Management and Rehabilitation - Consultant services will Appro!7ed by the Exe Nacional de · 310.0 Civil works for the repair and be required for Directors on Febru1 Estradas de (Bank) rehabilitation of federal network1 engineering, 1990. Modificatioi Rodagena (ONER) institutional strengthening and policy- construction supervision withdraw widening c action components for the highway and technical Paulo-Curitiba higl subsector. Includes component to assistance. and to include a nc strengthen Ministry of Transport and pavement repair pre ONER environmental units and train was approved by the ~ - Environmental Assessment Executive Director: Category B. January 17, 1991. Procurement: Retr, financing would be considered, up to: the loan amount I t, ensure the continu. the road rehabilit1 program. Departmento de Up to State Highways Management Project Consultant services will At appraisal stage Estradas de 300.0 Rehabilitation & periodic maintenance of be required for furt~er processing Rodagem (DER) in (Bank) state highways & strengthening of state engineering, pendi~g government selected states highway department's maintenance construction supervision agreement on state: capabilities. Includes a component to and technical included. strengthen the state highway agencies assistance. environmental capacity. Environmental Procurement: Retr, Assessment Category B. financing would be considered up to 11 the loan amount to start implementati, project components Secretaria of 33.0 Land Management II - To generate Consultants will be Approved by the Ex, Agriculture for (Bank) environmental benefits and sustainable required for land use Directors on Janua; the productivity gains through improved land planning, mon~toring and 1990. State of Santa management and soil conservation within training components. Catarina about 600 small watershed areas in the southern state of Santa Catarina. Ministry of Up to Irrigation Subsector II - Private To be determined. Project preparatio1 Agriculture, 175.0 Irrigation (follow-up to Irrigation hold pending gave~ National (Bank) Subsector I) in Northeast. assignment of prio Irrigation Environmental Assessment Category B. project. Secretariat Ministry of Up to Land Tenure Improvement II - Follow-up To be determined. Project preparatio· Agriculture, 150.0 to Northeast Region Land Tenure postponed. National Institute (Bank) Improvement Project and expansion to for Colonization other regions. Environmental and Agrarian Assessment: To be determined. Reform (INCRA) - 123 - Amount ~ Probable Stage of ProcesslDg and Lender 2 Project 3 ConaultlDg Services Action on Procurement 4 I BBEAN REGIOH I bbean 1 7.5 CDB VI (formerly Education Sector To be determined. Project preparation under lopment Bank (Bank)/ Credit/Loan for Members of Organization way. 7,7 of East Caribbean States (OECS)) - (IDA) Raising the standards and efficiency of primary and secondary education and increasing access to post-secondary technical education through cooperation with the private sector. The project would cover all OECS eligible countries, Environmental Assessment Category C. I 1terio de 1~nda 19.0 (Bank) Public Sector Management II - Support for the modernization of Public Sector Consultants' services have been retained. Project preparation under way. Management, including conduct of select policy studte's, enhancement of legi'sla'tive information and coiimunlcA~lohs, and strengthening of key finl.nctai management institutions. Environm'entill Assessment Category C. I iterio de 30.0 (R) Railroad Rehabilitation - Individual consultants Project preparation on \portes y (Bank) Restructuring of all state railways and being hired. hold. ~omunicac iones reh~biiit~tion of selected aspects of fesa de Los thla 'south~rn section of Chilean State >carriles del Railways. Environmental Assessment Cat~gor';: B, t' /ion Nacional !edio Ambiente 20.0 (Bank) Environmentai/Institutional Develop~~nt - Establishment of Consulting services will be required. Preparation under way. PPF Advance for $250,000 1· environm~~tai institutions and policies, approved to finance and pr~~aration of studies to support consultant's services. futufe ~~vironmental investment activiti~~. Environmental Assessment .Category b, terio de 100.0 Infrastructure Sector I - Ports and Consultants have been Pre-appraisal mission Publicas (Bank) Intermodal element concentrating on the hired. scheduled for March 1991. corridor ports of the fifth region to Santiago. Environmental Assessment Category B, terio de 1 180.0 (R) Education IV - To improve the Consulting services will Appraisal mission cion (Bank) quality, efficiency and equity of be required. scheduled for March 1991. primary education, expand coverage of preschool education; strengthen the institutional capacity of Ministry of Education and define alternative cost- effective approaches for secondary education. Environmental Assessment Category C, - 124 - Member 'Country, Amount~ Iq,lementf.ng Probable Stage of Proce••iua Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Conaulting Services Action CID Procureae gug; (Cont'd) Ministerio de 125.0 CR) Small Farmer Services - Main To be determined. Project preparation Agricultura (Banlc) objectives would be institutional way. strengthening; technical assistance (extension) and complementary credit focussed on small agricultural producers; and land titling. Environmental Assessment Category B. Empresa de Obras 50.0 Valparaiso Water II - Expansion of water Consultants are engaged Appraisal report unc Sanitarias de (Banlc) production capacity, water and sewerage in design work1 preparation. Valparaiso S.A. networks in greater Valparaiso and other additional consulting (Possible co-financ' (ESVAL S.A.) cities, installation of a sound marine services may be required from OECF is under sewerage disposal system to clean the in the future . discussion). beaches of greater Valparaiso, construction of a waste water treatment plant to control water pollution of the Los Aronos Water Reservoir. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministerio de 150.0 Health Sector Reform - Improvement of Consultants' services Project preparation Salud (Bank) the coverage and the cost-effectiveness will be required for way. of basic health services through reforms preparation. of key health sector policies, conduct of studies and of innovative programs in select health service areas and rehabilitation of some health facilities. Environmental Assessment Category B. Comision Nacional 35.0 Irrigation Development - Rehabilitation To be determined. Project preparation de Riego (Bank) of existing irrigation systems, and way, with recently possible development of new irrigated approved Japanese gi areas. Environmental Assessment Category financing. !!.- COLOMBIA FEN, ISA and 200.0 Power Sector Investment I - To ensure Consultants will ~e Project preparation Shareholder (Bank) sound power investment policies which required. way. Utilities are closely linked to macroeconomic objectives; to follow up on power sector strategy work started with the power sector adjustment loan;'lending for power 1ector inve1tment program. Environmental Asses1ment Category A. To be determined 200.0 Pollution and Flood Control - Improve Consultants will be Project preparation (Bank) sanitary conditions in the Bogota river. required. way. The project would include: major sewerage and drainage networks; hydraulic regulation of the Bogota river1 initial works for abating pollution of the Bogota river1 secondary water supply networks1 and consultancies and training. Environmental Assessment Category A, - 125 - .Amount " Probable Stage of Processlng and Lender 2 Project 3 Consul.tlng Servf.ces .Aatl.on cm Procur.-nt • LIA r e determined 200.0 (Bank) Export Development and Trade Reform (PROEXPO) - Project will support the components of the government's economic modernization program focusing on trade To be determined. Preparation under wa,.. polic,. and related refo:cms, institutional strengthening measures and financing mechanisms to foster Colombia's non-traditional exports. Environmental Assessment Category B, ~tr,. of 60.0 Agricultural Technology Transfer - To To be determined. Prepar~tion under way. :ulture (Bank) improve agricultural productivity prlmaril,. of small-scale farmers through strengthening of applied research and the a,.atem for extension of technolog,. through IIIWlicipalities 1n accordance with Colombian decentralization refo:cms. Environmental Assessment Category C. 11:erio 1 de 200.0 (R) Rational Highway Sector III - To be determined, Appraisal mission 1·PubU.cas ,. (Bank) Rehabilitation including paving and scheduled for late·April tporte (MOPT) maintenance of priority sections of the 1991. national highway network, through financing of a time slice of MOPT ( Investment and Maintenance program over 1991-1995, Environmental Assessment Category B. •RO (FORDO 200.0 (R) Agriculture Credit - Provide a To be determined, Preparation under wa,.. ;na1 de ." (Bank) general line of credit for agriculture 1to to FIRAGRO for rediscounting through !ecuario) COlllllercial banks and the Government's agricultural Bank, Caja Agraria. Credit would be made available to large and small farmers for agricultural and agro- processing activities. Would be associated with reforms designed to further improve the efficiency of the financial sector and to reduce subsidies through the financial system. Environmental Assessment Category B. uto de 150.0 IFI Restructuring and Divestiture - To To be determined. Appraisal mission ~o Industrial (Bank) assist IFI divestiture program and to tentatively scheduled for I suggest strategic and organizational mid-April. changes in IFI. Line of credit.to finance subloans and investments in Retroactive financing industry. Environmental Assessment being proposed. Category B. :• District 60.0 (R) Bogota Transport - Improve transport To be determined. Appraisal report under unent (Bank) conditions in Bogota promote more preparation, efficient use of existing infrastructure, and strengthen the Retroactive financing institutions 1n charge of planning, being proposed for local managing and maintaining the city's consultant services. transport infrastructure. Environmental Assessment Category B, - 126 - Member Caunt:i:y • Amount 5. Implementlng Probable Stage of Processf.Di AgencJ' 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Ccmaultlng Services Action on Procurem COLOMBIA (Cont'd) Financiera de 60.0 (R) Municipal Development - Fiscal and To be determined. Negotiations tenta· Desarrollo (Bank) administrative decentralization by: scheduled for late Territorial (a) strengthening institutional capacity (FINDETE) of small and medium sized Retroactive £inane munlclpalitles, and capabilities of up to US$6 million intermediary institutions; (b) updating be provided. municipal cadaster; and (c) supporting investments in municipal infrastructure and services. Environmental Assessment Category B. Banco de la 200.0 (R) Industrial Restructuring - Support To be determined. Board presentation Republlca (Bank) for operational/financial restructuring tentatively schedu of private sector industries to increase March 19, 1991. competitiveness in view of import competition form trade reforms and Retroactive £inane investments expected to require about US$20 millio environmental protection in many cases. provided. A highe Environmental Assessment Category B. amount is proposed COSTA RICA Ministry of 20.0 Education Sector - Improve the quality Consultants will be Project preparatic Education (Bank) of basic, primary and secondary required. way. education; rationalize technical/vocational education and training; improve sector management capacity. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Up to Agricultural Sector - Project activities Consultant will be Appraisal report u Agriculture; 40.0 would; (a) strengthen formulation, required. preparation. Agricultural (Bank) implementation, and monitoring of Development agricultural policies and programs; and Institute (IDA); (b) modernize and decentralize planning, National budgeting, and administrative functions Production Council of key sector institutions in support of (CNP) the Government's goals of increasing productivity, agricultural exports, and cultivation of crops in which Costa Rica has a comparative advantage. A land capability classlflcatlon component ls included, which will improve land planning for sustainable development. Environmental Assessment Category B. Instituto 20.0 Water Supply II - Improvements of water Consultants will be Project preparatio1 Costarrlcense de (Bank) supply and sewerage facilities ln San required. way. Acueductos y Jose and surrounding areas and Alcantarillados institutional strengthening and (AyA) technical assistance to nationwide water company. A watershed protection component ls also envisaged which will have a beneficial environmental impact. Environmental Assessment Category B. To be determined Up to Structural Adjustment - To continue to To be determined. Preparation under , 100.0 provide assistance to Costa Rica's (Bank) structural adjustment and economic recovery efforts. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 127 - Amount ~ r Count~• Stage of Processing and ementlng 1e' Probable 'CY 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procurement• I 'NICAR hii:IC \\etaria de 15.0 Primary Education - Improve the quality To be determined. Appraisal report under acl..on, Bellas (Bank) and management of basic primary preparation. \s y Cultos education. Environmental Assessment •BAC) Category C. Retroactive financing of up to 87. of the loan ls being considered. stry of Public 80.0 Highway Maintenance V - Financing of a Consultants will be Project delayed pending s (Bank) five-year road rehabilitati.on plan, required. further discussions with equipment, technical assistance and the Government. training. Environmental Assessment Category B. ll..tuto Nacl..onal 75.0 Irrigated Farming Development - Increase To be determined. Further preparation ecursos (Bank) agricultural output and productivity pending agreement on the 1 aulicos from areas with existing irrigation subsector program, infrastructure. Project will include investment plan, and measures to protect against incentive framework. salinization. Environmental Assessment Category B. ,~al Bank/Fondo 25.0 Coffee and Export Crops Development - Consultants will be Negotiations pending ,rtversl..ones (Bank) Improvement of production, processing required by bilateral agreement on financial [el Desarrollo and marketing of coffee and development co-financing agency. sector reforms. j>mico (FIDE); of non-traditional export crops. 1sion Nacional Potential hazards will be mitigated ,fe Banco through appropriate project design. 1·'~ Environmental Assessment Category B. j~ 15.0 (R) Mining TA - Support restructuring Consultants will be Project preparation under ~~=r~oM~:as (Bank) and strengthening of institutional required. way. support to foster private sector (Non-reimbursable investment; improve organization of financing for preparatory small scale gold mining including work obtained from environmental control and social ·issues. Sweden), Environmental Assessment Category A. determined 10.0 (R) Technical Assistance Environment - Consultants wi~i be Project preparation under (Bank) Technical assistance for addressing required. way. institutional framework for environmental issues in Ecuador. Environmental Assessment Category D, 100,0 (R) Public Sector Reform - A program to To be determined. Project preparation under (Bank) support reform in the public sector, way. including tax reform, reduction of earmarking, reform in budgetary planning and control. May include funds to support a debt reduction operation. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 128 - Member Country. Amount~ Implementlng Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action oa Procuremei ECUADOR (Cont'd) Frente Social 119.0 Social Sector I - A program to ?o be determined. Project preparation (Bank) strengthen delivery of social services way. to low-income groups made more vulnerable by economic stabilization Project Preparation measures. Environmental Assessment Facility advance fo1 Category: robe determined. $232,000 approved t< finance consultants' services and office equipment. Mlnisterio de so.a Rural Development - Support government robe determined. Appraisal report unc Bienestar Social (Bank) efforts for promoting rural development preparation. in twelve selected areas in the country. Environmental Assessment Category B. Petroleos del 100.0 Oil Production Development - Field Consultants will be Project preparation Ecuador (PDE) (Bank) development and secondary recovery, required. way. exploration promotion, ?ransecuadorian crude pipeline expansion, technical assistance and environmental studies. Environmental Assessment Category A. Banco de 104.0 (R) Municipal Development - ?he project Consultants will be Approved by the Exec Desarrollo de (Bank) would consist of technical assistance required. Directors on Decembe Ecuador (BEDE) and civil works to support fiscal and 1990. Loan signed o administrative reform among municipal February 15, 1991. governments and to expand and improve basic municipal infrastructural services. Environmental Assessment Category B. Comision de 59.0 Lower Guayas Flood Control - Lower Consultants provided by Approved by the Exec, Estudios para el (Bank) Guayas River Basin flood control and Government of the Directors on Decembei Desarrollo de la drainage in an area of about 150,000 ha Netherlands are 1990. Signing not yi Cuenca del Rio for enhanced agriculture and livestock preparing designs. scheduled. Guayas production. Environmental Assessment Category A, Ministerio de 100.0 CR) ?rade Polley Reform - Support Consultants likely to be Appraisal report undEi Finanzas (Bank) policies of trade liberalization. required. preparation. Environmental Assessment Category C. robe determined 75.0 Global Credit - Financing for medium and robe determined. Appraisal report und (Bank) large scale manufacturing and service preparation. industries, Environmental Assessment Category B· EL SALVADOR Ministry of 10.0 (R) Energy Sector ?echnical Assistance - Consultants will be Appraisal mission Planning, Comision (Bank) Support for the Government's program to required. tentatively schedule Ejeoutiva reorganize and reform the energy sector February 25, 1991, Hidroelectrica del and promote private sector Rio Lempa (CEL) participation, Will finance studies, equipment and training, Environmental Assessment Catesory c. - 129 - '\>er Cauntry • .Amotmt " ementlng Probable Stage of Processing and le,. 1 ' . Lender 2 Project 3 Consu1tlng Services Action on Procurement 4 I stry of To Be Agriculture Sector Reform and Investment Consultants will be Project preparation under - Support for the Government's sectoral required. way. /culture and Deter- stock mined reform and investment program. (Bank) Environmental Assessment Category: To Be Determined. 75.0 (R) Structural Adjustment - Support for Consultants will not be Approved by the Executive (Bank) the Government's reform program in required. Directors on February 12, trade, taxation, financial, and 1991. agricultural sectors and poverty allevia tion efforts. Environmental Assessment Retroactive financing of Category C. US$15 million has been recommended for eligible payments incurred after December 1 1 1990. 20.0 (R) Social Sector Restructuring - Consultants will be Appraisal mission (Bank) Support for Government's social sector required. tentatively scheduled for programs particularly strengthening the February 24, 1991. delivery of primary health care and primary education services to the poor. Environmental Assessment Category B. 15.0 Social Investment Fund - Loan would To be determined. Board presentation (Bank) support establishment of Social postponed pending Investment Fund to finance very smali settlement of arrears. social/basic infrastructure and productive projects in rural areas being carried out by Municipalities, conmunity organizations and non-governmental organizations. Sub-project design and appraisal criteria would address environmental concerns as appropriate. Environmental Assessment Category B. try of Health 25.0 Health/Nutrition Sector - Loan would To be determined. Project preparation work (Bank) support government efforts to strengthen has been postponed to management of Health Sector, including mid-1991. improved and expanded primary health care, and nutrition programs. Environmental Assessment Category B. r:ent and 80.0 Export Sector Adjustment - This' mostly Consultants financed by Re-appraisal tentatively e Guatemala (Bank) quick-disbursing loan would support USAID required for trade scheduled for April 1991. 1 trade reform and export development as policies, export (Co-financing with part of a package of stabilization and promotion and export Eximbank (Japan) agreed sector adjustment measures supported by financing. in principle). financial assistance from the Banlt. Major components include financing of Retroactive financing imported inputs for export products and would be available for up technical assistance. Environmental to USS12.8 million to Assessment Category B. cover costs of imports made no earlier than four months before loan signing date. - 130 - Member Country• Amount & Implementi.ng Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulti.ng Services Action an Procureme GUATEMALA (Cont'd) Ministry of 31.5 Secondary and Regional Road Consultants will be Approved by the Exe ColllDUilications, (Bank) Rehabilitation - Strengthening of sector required. Directors on Decemb, Transport and planning and road management 1988. Loan signing Public Works rehabilitation of 390 km of gravel take place only aft (MCTOP) secondary earth roads, 180 km of paved approval by Congres roads, construction of about 500m of lifting of suspensi small bridges, equipment, training and disbursements. technical assistance. ~ , t i v e financi1 US$1.5 million woul, provided. To Be Determined 7.0 Health - To help address social costs of To Be Determined. Project under (IDA) stabilization and adjustment with focus identification. on primary health care services in rural areas. Environmental Assessment Category C. GUYSUCO 50.0 Sugar Industry Rehabilitation - To Consultants have been Preparation under w (Bank) expand sugarcane production to meet retained for preparation preferential quotas and rehabilitate work. sugar mills to enhance the efficiency of the sugar industry. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Public 35.0 (R) Road Maintenance & Rehabilitation - Consultants will be Appraisal mission Works, Transport (IDA) To improve road maintenance, upgrade key required. scheduled for May/J, and Conmunications road sections and bridges, and strengthen Ministry of Public Works. Retroactive financi1 Environmental Assessment Category B. needs will be revie, appraisal. Organisme de 30.9 Agricultural Production and Land Consultants will be Preparation under w~ Developpement du (IDA) Development - Increase agricultural/ required. being supported by: Nord (ODN) livestock production by making vacant (i) a PPF advance oj public land available to landless US$183,000 (approvec farmers and support to irrigation October 16, 1990); s development protecting hilly sectors in yen 91.0 million the project area against erosion. ~ technical assistancE protection measures to be introduced grant from the Japa~ under pro1ect. Environmental Assessment Grant Facility. Category B, Ministry of 28.8 Forestry and Environmental Protection - Consultants will be i~ppraisal report und Agriculture, (IDA) To slow the pace of natural resource required. preparation. A PPF Natural Resources degradation and establish the advance of US$750,00 & Rural institutional and policy mechanism for approved on October Development Haiti to tackle the problems of 1990, (MARNDR), protection of forests and ecosystems, Directorate of wood and wood fuel supply, and of National Resources household energy consumption. Environmental Assessment Category D, - 131 - ;ber CcnmtJ:7 • Amount S. Lementlng Probable Stage of Proceaalng and \.c,. 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consultlng Services .Action on P r ~ n t 4 l~---------------------------------- lI i'lt'd) Lstry 1 of 10.7 Education V - Expansion of coverage and Consultants being Appraisal report under ~ation (IDA) improvement of quality of primary identified. preparation. I education in both public and private schools. Institutional development of Retroactive financing of implementing agencies. Environmental up to lOY. of the credit Assessment Category C. is being considered. Lstry 1 of 11.3 CR) Economic and Social Fund - To To be determined. Approved by the Executive nce/ESF (IDA) support employment-creation through the Directors on January 17, financing of labor-intensive 1991. Credit signed on microprojects, microenterprises and February 4, 1991. provision of social assistance, over a two-year period. The proposed operation is targeting poverty alleviation of low income groups, including women in development. Environmental Assessment Category B. I rURAS Lstry of 1 20.0 CR) Structural Adjustment Credit - Would Consultants will not be Approved by the Executive ,}nee and Public (IDA) supplement the financing provided under required. Directors on January 29, lit the first tranche of SAL II in support 1991. Credit signed on of the Government's adjustment program January 31, 1991. in response to the impact of higher oil prices. Environmental Assessment Category C. uras Social 20.0 CR) Social Investment Fund - Employment Consultants will be Board presentation stment Fund (IDA) generation in social infrastructure and required. scheduled for social sectors to mitigate social costs February 28, 19_91. of economic adjustment. Environmental Assessment Category B. Retroactive financing of up to lOX of the credit would be provided. stry of 50.0 CR) Energy Sector Adjustment - Project Consultants will be Project appraisal under nee and (IDA) would support the financial and required. way. :ess Nacional institutional rehabilitation of nation's nergia 1 power utility (ENEE), including a trica (ENEE) program of efficiency improvements. It would also support a new energy sector policy and program for petroleum exploration and supply management. Environmental Assessment Category B. stry of 1 20.0 (R) Agricultural Sector - Focus on the Consultants will be Appraisal mission fee/Ministry (Bank) structure of sector incentives, required. tentatively scheduled for atural 30,0 marketing and conmercial policy, land end-June 1991, ~roes (IDA) tenure questions, and the institutional/organizational strengthening and redeployment of public sector agricultural agencies. Project would promote inter alia. environmental criteria for selection of investment projects. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 132 - Amount ~ Probable Stage of Proce••llla Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action-•~ To be determined 50.0 Social Sectors Investment II - The To be determined. Identification undez (Bank) project will support the Government's reform of secondary education improving educational quality. The project will strengthen planning and management of the Ministry of Education. Environmental Assessment Category C. Jamaica Public 50.0 (R) Private Sector Energy Development - Consultants will be Post appraisal missi Service Company (Bank) To ensure the distribution and supply of required for processing tentatively schedule (JPSC) power needed to meet demand growth; to the Fund and evaluating March. continue to support improvement and private sponsors' expansion of the power sector through proposal and for private sector participation and its processing basic design institutional capability; lending to the and bidding documents Government of Jamaica for the and later supporting establishment of an Energy Fund. JPSC project (Watershed Environmental Assessment Category B. Management Forestry). Ministry of 25.0 (R) Environmental Protection and Small Consultants will be Preparation mission Agriculture (Bank) Farmer Extension - Support Government's required. scheduled for March program of watershed management and forestry, environmental protection and agricultural support services. Project would focus on major environmental issues affecting agriculture. Environmental Assessment Category D. Administration 11.0 Financial and Program Management Consulting services will Appraisal report und Reform Program (Bank) Improvement (formerly Public be required. preparation. Office Administration Reform II) - Consultant services and equipment to support the Government's administrative reform program. Environmental Assessment Category C. Ministry of 30.0 (R) Trade and Finance SAD II - Loan to To be determined. Board presentation Finance (Bank) support final phase of government's tentatively schedule, trade and financial sector reform. March 14, 1991. Environmental Assessment Category C. Secretaria de 150.0 (R) Agricultural Technology - The To be determined. Appraisal mission Asrlcultura y (Bank) project will finance civil works, goods, scheduled for July 1, Reouros training, and institutional development 1991. Bidraulioos (SARR) in the public agricultural research and extension system with the objective of improving its capacity to develop and transfer technology. It will also support technical assistance to the project executing agencies. Enyironmental Assessment Category c. - 133 - Amount I. Probable Stage of Processlag and ~r2 Project 3 ~ultlag Sel:Yl.ce• Actl.on ma Pracuremant 4. r., 'co a.rtamento del Up to (R) federal District Urban Improvement - To be determined Project preparation postponed indefinitely. ~:i:1 to federal: 200.0 The project would finance the (Bank) impr--t of basic 1D£rastructure and further reporting will.be envi~ntal conditions 1n poor discontinued. neighborhoods in Mexico's federal District (PD) as· well as the construction and rehabilitation of low i n c - housing. It would also support technical assistance to the PD Government and conmunity groups involved in neighborhood upgrading, and policy reforms to stimulate private investment in housing ln the FD. Environmental Assessment,Category B. I I ,~taria de 300.0 (R) Education - The proposed project Consultant services will Appraisal mission eacion Publica (Bank) would aim at improving the quality of be required. tentatively scheduled for .) primary education through teacher March 1991. training, increased availability of didactic material, improved equipment and facilities, provision of work incentives to teachers, and strengthened supervision, evaluation and monitoring system, Environmental Assessment Category C. I (sion Federal 300.0 Power Sector - The proposed project To be determined. Project preparation under :lectricidad (Bank) would flnanoe rehabilitation of the -y. ) power sector, improvement of operation and maintenance practices, improvement 1n utility management practices, and new investment 1n generation and distribution. Environmental Assessment Catesory B. etaria 1 de 350.0 (R) Decentralization and Regional Consultants will be Board presentation ,ramacion y (Bank) Development (formerly Regional required. scheduled for March 26, 'iapueato Development) - To assist the four 1991. poorest State of Chiapas, Guerrero, Hidalgo, and Oaxaca in their development 'l'he Government has effort, and assist the government 1n requested retroactive implementing a more efficient and financing up to equitable regional/rural policy USS35.0 million to cover nationwide. Environmental Assesamant costs of some investment Category B, sub-projects and technical assistance taking place since May 1990. ~ de Garantla 150.0 (R) Rural financial Subsector - To Consultants will be Appraisal mission 119nto para la (Bank) improve the overall efficiency of rural required. scheduled for July 1, /Ultura financial markets so that they could 1991. l~~!:ay better contribute to increasing the country• s rate of growth. Environmental Retroactive financing of Assessment Category B. up to lOX of the loan amount would be required to finance sub-loans. ---------· - 134 - Amount. Probable Stage of Proceaslllg Leader 2 Project 3 Ccmsul.t:1.Dg Sei:vl.cea .Actl.on-.~ ~ (Cont'd) Departmento de 150.0 Transport Air Pollution Control - To be determined. Project preparation Distrito Federal (Banlt) Assistance in developing a comprehensive way. (DDF)1 Secretaria program for the control of air pollution de Desarcllo in the metropolitan are of Mexico City Urbano y Ecologia caused by urban transport. (SEDUE) Enylronmental Assessment Category D. Banco Nacl.onal de 250.0 Second Urban Transport - Improvement of Consultants are Project preparation Obras y Servicios (Bank) urban transport systems in medium-size assisting with the way. Publicos oities focussing in particular on preparation of (BANOBRAS) corridors, public transport, road integrated urban maintenance, traffic management and transport projects in institutional reforms. Measures to the individual cities. reduce noise and air pollution. particularly from buses will be sought. Environmental Assessment Category B. Secretaria de 400.0 (R) Agricultural Sector II/Food Security To be determined. Negotiations schedul Agriaultura y (Bank) - To increase agricultural growth rate, for April 2, 1991. Recursos improve resource allocation within Bidraulicos agricultural sector and improve efforts to increase food security for urban, rural and low income groups. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 60.0 (R) State Blghways - Project to To be determined. Project scope may be (Bank) strengthen. road plann:1.Dg and revised after maintenance capabllltles ln a number of consultation with tl pl.lot states. Environmental Assessment Government. Category B. Secretaria de Tc be Industrial Modernlzatlon and Technology Consultants wlll be Project under Comercio y Fomento deter- Development - To support enhanced required. identification. Industrial mined productlvlty and competitiveness in the (SECOFI) and industrial sectors by strengthening the Secretaria de technology-related infrastructure Programacion y support systems and reforming the system Presupuesto (SPP) for allocating and administering Government programs directly supporting industrial technology development and sclentlflc/englneerlng research, Bnylronmental Assessment Category B. Secretaria de 180.0 Health - Asal.stance ln improving the Consultants wlll be Approved by the Exec Salud (SSA) (Bank) quality of basic health services and required. Directors on Novembe improving coverage to the poor. 1990. Environmental Assessment Category B, - 135 - ~r Caunt:r:y • .Amount '- Jlementing Probable Stage of Processing and ·DCY 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services .Action an Procurement 4 I \ ,rco rt·d) retaria de 400.0 (R) Irrigation Sector - To provide Consultants will be Appraisal mission I ,Lcul tura y (Bank) support for the government's program to required. scheduled for 1 strengthen sectoral policies and February 19, 1991. c::~:cos (SARH) institutions in Mexico's irrigation/drainage sector and to Retroactive financing of finance the sector investment program. approximately lOX for Environmental Assessment Category B. expenditures made in 1991 is likely to be recommended. fo Nacional de 300.0 (R) Export Sector Adjustment - To Consultants will not be Board presentation ?cio Exterior (Bank) support further policy reform and required. scheduled for March 26, 1comext) provide financing for Mexico's non- 1991. traditional exports. Environmental Assessment Category B. Retroactive financing for an amount of US$30.0 million for payment expenditures incurred after January 1 1 1991 is being completed. onal 200.0 (R) Mining Sector - To stimulate the Consultant services will Appraisal report under nciera (Bank) growth of private investment in the be required. preparation. [N) mining sector by eliminating policy and institutional constraints, and to build broader financial market support for lending to the sector. Environmental Assessment Category B. L. lo Central 50.0 (R) Financial Sector Adjustment - Loan Consultants likely to be Preparation under way. (Bank) to liberalize the financial sector required. (Co-financing with IDB is through reform of monetary policy tools, envisaged). establishment of freely determined interest rates, and the recapitalization of the Central Bank. Technical assistance will be included to strengthen the Central Bank, primarily the superintendency of banks, and restructure public banks. A credit line will also be provided. Environmental Assessment Category B. determined 30.0 Housing Sector - To support the To be determined. Preparation under way. (Bank) reactivation of housing finance (Parallel-financing with mechanisms and assist the government in IDB is envisaged), reforming its sector policies and reducing the current housing deficit among low and moderate income groups. Environmental Assessment Category B. terio 1 de 41.0 Agricultural Development I - Regional To be. determined. Project preparation under \ultura (Bank) program of rural development with some way, national components. Environmental Assessment Category A, - 136 - Member Count:1:7, Amount I. Implementi.Dg Probable Stage of ~. .11,1& .Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Conaulti.Dg Services Action - Proc:unmm PARAGUAY (Cont'd) Ministerio de 50.0 (R) Transport - Road construction and Corridor study Project is partly Obras Publicas y (Banlt) maintenance, port and river transport consultants are in the financed under the Comunicaciones improvements, and support for an field. Technical ongoing Seventh High (MOPC) 1.natitutional development program. assistance for Project. Environmental Assessment Category B. institutional development would be Government has indic, provided during project ,,,,it -will seek.-retroac1 implementation. financing for detail, engineering studies. ST. KITTS Ministry of 1.6 (R) Agricultural Development Support - Consultant services Negotiations tentat1' Agriculture (IDA) Support the Government's agricultural required for management scheduled for late 1.5 development objective of improving the and specialist February. (Banlt) efficiency of the sugar industry while assistance to support seeking private ownership therefore, and the government's action focussing on the incentive framework for plan to address the diversifying the agricultural base. immediate needs and Environmental Assessment not applicable. longer-term plans to improve the viability of the sugar industry. Technical assistance would also be provided to strengthen agricultural support services. TRINIDAD S. TOBAGO Youth Training and 20.7 (R) Youth Training for Productive Consulting services will- Appraisal report und, Employment (Bank) Employment - Project aims to strengthen be required for preparation. Partnerships vocational skills training including assisting with Program, Ltd. upgrading of training facilities, expand procurement of.equipment Retroactive financin, work experience of apprenticeship and and technical assistance up to 10% of the loa1 support self-employment with technical training. being considered. assistance to make use of credit provided by local financial assistance. Environmental Assessment Category C. To be determined 15.0 (R) Private Sector Development and To be determined. Appraisal mission (Bank) Industrial Restructuring (formerly tentatively schedule Industrial Restructuring) - To support late March., physical/financial restructuring of private sector industries to increase competitiveness in view of increased import competition from trade reforms and to support expansion of non- traditional exports. Environmental Ass111ment Category B, - 137 - ~~. .._ ,~ ' ..... . ·1 .AaRmt 5 Probable Lender 2 Project 3 8t:ap of Proceaaq alllll .&Dtloa. - ~ - - ~ ··-· ..., I C. ... 65.0 (Banlt) Debt and Debt Service Reduction - Adjustment loan to support debt and debt Consultant services not required. Appraisal mission in the field. 1- •lll& de 125.0 aervloe reclactlon. Environmental Allll""Dt; Category: To Be Determlned. ('R) Public Sector RefoEID - To aupport a Consultants services Preparation under W&J'. {u·.1~1-..J' ·•: ··-·' ··(Bank)' ,. oomprehenalve refozm program in public likely to be required. upueato adminlatratlon (staff reduction, improved tax collection, removal of domastic preference procurement provisions), public enterprises (removal of monopolJ' rights, privatization of service1) and social security (re~toration of financial viability). lpytropment;&l Assessment Catesory C. detezmlnad . 35.0 Bouains - To aaslst government in To be deteE1Dined. Project under (Bank) refozmins lts sector policies, preparation. instltutlonal framework and flnanclal -chanls-, redacins the current housing deficlt - a low and moderate incoma groups. Environmental Assessment C•teson B· ~ezuo Munlclpal 25.0 (R) Montevideo Municipal Development - To be determined. Project has been ontevldeo (Bank) Municipal strengthening with particular postponed at the request emphasis on upgrading operations and of the Government of -1ntenance of infrastructure and Uruguay. services. Environmental Assessment Cat•1on ,. latraclon 70.0 Telecom II - To rehabilitate and expand Consultants have been Further procesains wlll ~nal de (Bank) the telecommunication network in selected for diagnosis depend on Government :omunlcaclones Uruguay1 to develop and improve ANTEL1 of privatization decision related to f> to improve the telecommunications sector in Uruguay by making certain policy possibilities. sector privatization, changes in the sector. Environmental 6•Stf•ment Category C. ~ ~•r~~ clel nte J' loa Up to 100.0 ('R) Caracas Water - 'Rehabilitation of exlatins water supply facllltiea in To be cletezmined. Project preparation under w11y. i•oa Natural•• (Bank) support of the privatization of the r.... -· Caracas water system operation. Environmental Aasessment Category B. detezmined Up to CR) Health - Investment in basic health To be determined. Project being identified. 100.0 services in low income communities along (Bank) wlth policJ' changes to improve efficiency and equity of health care. Environmental Assessment Category C. - 138 - Member Count2:7, Amount S. Iq,lementing Probable Stage of Processing Agency 1 Lender 2 Project 3 Consulting Services Action on Procureme VENEZUELA. (Cont'd) Ministry of Up to (R) Agriculture Sector Investment Consultants will be Appraisal report un Agriculture 200.0 (formerly Agriculture Sector Policy) - required during project preparation. (Bank) Will finance a slice of the 1991-1993 implementation. sector investment program, strengthen the sector's institutional framework and ability to evaluate projects and support the goverrunent's reform program in the agricultural sector. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of Family 100.0 Social Development - Assist the Expatriate and local Approved by the Exe (Bank) goverrunent in improving health and consultants will be Directors on Novemb nutritional programs to replace general required for 1990. food subsidies. Environmental construction supervision Assessment Category C. studies and technical assistance. Fondo de Credito Up to CR) Private Sector Restructuring and Expatriate and local Negotiations tentat Industrial 250.0 Development - To help increase the consultants will be s~heduled for late (FONCREI) (Bank) international competitiveness of private required for technical February. industry by supporting institutional assistance. development of industrial credit system, financing investments of industries, and assisting smooth labor adjustment. Environmental Assessment Category B. Ministry of 200.0 Export Development and Trade Reform - To To be determined. Identification miss Development (Bank) support customs reforms export subsidy postponed pending£ rationalization and export development. discussion with the Environmental Assessment Category C. Goverrunent. To be determined 35.0 (R) Barrio Upgrading - To counterbalance To be determined. Pre-appraisal missi (Bank) the effect of macroeconomic adjustment scheduled for early by the Goverrunent on the urban poor; to March. finance investments to improve infrastructure services in the slum areas of the country's major cities. Environmental Assessment Category B. - 139 - v. REW PROJECTS ADDED IN THIS ISSUE I. AFRICA REGION COUNTRY AND DIPLl!IIEBTDIG AGENCY Ministere de l'Education Nationale Education Sector Adjustment 2 CAMEROON Ministry of Public Health, Health and Population Sector 6 Ministry of Plan and Territorial Management c/o of Resident Mission Boite Postale 1128 Yaounde, Cameroon Fax: 230722 Cable: INTBAFRAD Telex: 8307 Telephone: (237) 23 08 36/22 13 57 CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Ministry of Primary, Secondary Education IV 8 and Technical Education and Ministry of Higher Education c/o Resident Mission P.O. Box 819 Bangui, Central African Republic Fax: 616087 Cable: INTBAFRAD Telex: 5347 Telephone: 616138/616577 COTE D'IVOIRE Ministry of Economy and Finance Financial Sector Adjustment 12 BP V 125, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire Telex: 23479 MINIFIN CI Telephone: 32 80 22 Ministere de l'Economie et Regulatory Reform 12 et des Finances BP V 125, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire Telex: 23479 MINIFIN CI Telephone: 32 80 22 Ministry of Fisheries & Forestry, Forestry/Environment 16 Ministry of Environment, Tourism and National Parks Libreville, Gabon Telex: 5417 relephone, 761444/766182 - 140 - I. .AFRICA (Cont'd) COUNTRY AND IMPLEMERTIRG AGENCY Ministry of Roads and Highways Feeder Roads 17 Department of Feeder Roads Accra, Ghana Telex: 974-2514 Telephone: 662-125 Ministry of Public Health Health II 18 and Population c/o Resident Mission B.P. 1420 Conakry, Guinea Fax: 4-26-74 Cable: INTBAFRAD Telex: 2-24-44 Telephone: (224-4) 4-50-61 Ministry of Education Universities 20 P.O. Box 30040 Nairobi, Kenya llIGERIA National Railroad Corporation Railway 30 Lagos, Nigeria Telex: 961-26584 Telephone: 802000 SOMALIA National Planning and Environment 38 Juba Valley Development c/~ Resident Mission P.O. Box 1825 Mogadishu, Somalia Cable: INTBAFRAD Telex: 3703 Telephone: 22484 SWAZILAND Ministry of Natural Resource~, Urban 39 Land Utilization and Energy P.O. Box 946 Mbabane, Swaziland Ministry of Rural Development Rural 40 Lome, Togo Telephone: 21-38-01 - 141 - II. ASIA REGION COUNTRY AND IMPLEMERTIHG AGENCY Sichuan Petroleum Administration Sichuan Gas Development 51 3 Block 1, Fuqing Road and Conservation P.O. Box 55 Chengu, Sichuan Province Cable, 3111 Telex, 60203 SPN CN Sichuan Provincial Government 30 Duyuan Street Chengdu Sichuan Province Fax, 663-780 Telex: 60163 SCPEC CN Chengdu City Gas Company No. 26 Shi-er-qiao Street Shudu Road Chengdu, Sichuan Province Cable, 3544 Telex, 60222 Telephone: 66750 I I INDONESIA I I Perusahaan Umum Listrick Negara (PLN) Outer Islands Power 68 Jalan Trunojoyo 135, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12160, Indonesia Cable: PLNPST Jakarta Telex: 47156 PLNPST IA MALAYSIA Ministry of National and Rural Nonformal Education and Training 76 Development 5th-10th Floor Bangunam Komplec, Kewangan, 82 Japan Raja Chulan 50600 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Fax: 261-1339 Telephone: 261-2622 or 261-2650 PHILIPPINES Department of Finance Privatization and Corporate 81 Agrifina Circle, Restructuring Manila, Philippines Fax: 461015 Telephone: 483-654 Department of Finance Tax Computerization Study 81 Agrifina Circle, Manila, Philippines Fax: 461015 Telephone: 483-654 - 142 - II. ASIA (Cont'd) COUNTRY AND IMPLEHERTIRG AGENCY PHILIPPINES (Cont'd) Department of Health Urban Health and Nutrition 81 San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruiz, Manila Philippines Fax: 711-6055 Telephone: 711-6660 National Irrigation Administration (NIA) Irrigation Operations Support II 81 NIA Building, E. de Los Santos Avenue Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines Fax: 9011-632-965822 Telex: 742-42802 SRI LANKA National Water Supply and Rural Water Supply and Sanitation 84 Drainage Board (NWSDB) P.O. Box 14, Ratmalana, Sri Lanka Telex: 954-21482 Telephone: 94-1-716449 Ministry of Industry Industrial Pollution Control 86 Rama VI Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand Telex: 84375 Telephone: 245-6205 III. EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST ARD NORTH AFRICA REGION MOROCCO Office Natinal des Chemins First Railway 98 de Fer (ONCF) rue Abderrahumane El Ehafiki, Morocco Fax: 77 43 76 or (9011 212 7) Telex: 328512 or 32711 Telephone: 77 07 72/77 47 47/ 24 59 41 Ministry of Agriculture and National Watershed Management 98 Agrarian Reform To Be Determined Higher Education Funding Reform 98 - 143 - III. EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST .ARD NORTH AFRICA REGION (Cont'd) COUNTRY ARD IMPLEMERTIBG AGENCY ~ PAGE To Be Determined Envirorunent I 104 Ministry of Agriculture, Agricultural Envirorunent 108 Forestry and Rural Affairs (Soil Resource Management) Ataturk Bulvari, Ankara, Turkey Telex: 821-43298 Telephone: 229-3352,229-4595, 230-2261 IV. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN REGION Ministerio de Infras-Estrutura Transport Sector Reform 117 Secretaria Nacional dos Transportes Brazil Urban Rail Company (CBTU) Rehabilitation of CBTU 117 Estr. Velha da Tijuca 77 Rio de Janeiro - CEP 20531, Brazil Fax: (021) 571-6149 Telex: (021) 22793 Telephone: (021) 288-8743/288-8544 - 144 - VI. PROJECTS DROPPED FROM LERDIRG PROGRAM ARD PROJECTS SIGNED I • AFRICA REGION COUNTRY ARD IMPLEMERTING AGENCY Ministere du Developpement Rural Food Security 2 ' et de l'Action Cooperative Ministere du Plan Private Sector Adjustment 3 BURKINA FASO To Be Determined Agricultural Service II 3 CAMEROON Ministry of Agriculture, Private Export Crops 6 Commerce Plan Ministere de l'Urbanisme Third Urban .7 et de l'Habitat Ministry of Rural Development Private Rural Enterprise and 8 Diversification To Be Determined Natural Resources Management 9 CONGO. PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF THE Ministry of Plan Economic and Social Management 10 and Finance Ministere de la Jeunesse National Agricultural Extension 11 et d~ Development Rural Ministere de l'Equipment Urban Management 11 COTE D'IVOIRE Ministry of Agriculture Export Promotion and Diversification 13 and Animal Resources; and Ministry of Finance, Commerce and Plan Ministry of Agriculture Rural Sector Support 13 and Animal Resources, and Ministry of Women's Affairs ~--- -------- - 145 - I. .AFRICA (Cont'd) COURTRY ARD IMPLEMERTIRG AGENCY CONGO, PBOPLES REPUBLIC OF THE (Cont'd) Ministry of Agriculture Young Farmers 13 and Animal Resources EQUATORIAL GUINEA Ministry of Agriculture, Export Crops and Agricultural 14 Livestock, Fisheries and Services Forestry ETHIOPIA Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture Services 15 Ministry of Finance, Office of Institutional Development . 15 State Committee Foreign Economic Relations, Office of National Committee on Central Planning Ministry of Mining and Energy Small-Scale Gas Utilization 16 Ministry of Plan and Economic SAL II 16 Development Secretariat of State for Telecommunications 19 Telecommunications Ministry of Finance Parastatal Reform I 20 Ministere des Finances· SAL I 26 et du Commerce IIIGERrA Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Fertilizer SECAL 31 Water Resources and Rural Development Nigerian Telecommunications First Telecommunications 32 Limited (NITEL) \ \ l Ministry of Transport and, Communications Posts and Telecommunications - 146 - I. APRJ:CA (Cont'd) COUNTRY .AND IMPIJ!MERTIRG AGENCY To Be Determined Agricultural Services II 35 SOMALIA Ministry of National Planning Baardhere Resettlement 38 and Juba Valley Development Ministry of National Planning Baardhere Dam 38 and Juba Valley Development Ministry of Health Population/Health 38 Ministry of Agriculture National Livestock 38 Sudan Cotton Company Cotton Marketing 39 Ministry of Education Education IV 39 Sudan Telecomnunications Telecommunications Sector 39 Public Corporation Rehabilitation Ministry of Health Health I 39 Ministry of Environment, Forestry/Environment 41 Ministry of Rural Development II. ASIA REGION Municipal Governments of Medium-Size Cities Integrated 58 Changzhou, Luoyong and Shashi Development INDONESIA To Be Determined Financial Sector Training 68 Ministry of Public Works Kalimantan Urban Development 70 - 147 - II. ASIA (Cont'd) COUNTRY AND IMPLEMENTING AGENCY LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Ministry of Education Education Reform 75 and Sports III. EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH REGION Societe Nationale pour la First Petroleum 91 Recherche, la Production, le Transport, la Transformation et la Commercialization des Hydrocarbures (SONATRACH) EGYPT, ARAB REPUBLIC OF Mechanical and Electrical Department, Pumping Stations Rehabilitation II 94 Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources YEMEN, REPUBLIC OF Ministry of Health (MOH) Health Sector Development 111 Public Water Corporation Tarim Water Supply 112 Public Corporation for Power III 112 Electric Power IV. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN REGION ARGENTINA Ministerio de Economia Provincial Development 115 Special Secretariat of Science Science Research and Training 118 and Technology Banco de Desarrollo de Municipal Development 128 Ecuador (BEDE) ---- ------------------ - 148 - IV. LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN REGION (Cont'd) COUNTRY AND IMPLEMENTING AGENCY ~ PAGE Ministry of Finance/ESF Economic and Social Fund 131 HONDURAS Ministry of Finance and Public Credit Structural Adjustment Credit 131 Departamento del Distrito Federal Federal District Urban 133 Improvement