"W~YENTS' The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 477-1234 INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVE-OPMENT Washington, D.C. 20433 Cable Address: INTB .f I D INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION U.S.A. Cable Address: INDE /,o' H.E. Jargaltulga Erdenebat Minister of Finance Ministry of Finance Government Building 2 United Nations' Street 5/1 Ulaanbaatar, 210646 Excellency: IDA Credit No. 5483-MN (SMART Government Project) Add itional Instructions: Disbursement I refer to the Financing Agreement ("Agreement") between the International Develo n1 nt Association ("Association") and Mongolia ("Recipient") for the above-referenced p CJ. .t, dated YnX "/0 2 / f . The Agreement provides that the Association may issue add':,c al instructions regarding the withdrawal of the proceeds of IDA Credit No. 5483-MN ("Finan iq '). This letter ("Disbursement Letter"), as revised from time to time, constitutes the add tc al instructions. The attached World Bank Disbursement Guidelines for Projects, dated May 1, 10 1 6, ("Disbursement Guidelines") (Attachment 1), are an integral part of the Disbursement Lette ' ie manner in which the provisions in the Disbursement Guidelines apply to the Financing is sp( c if ad below. Sections and subsections in parentheses below refer to the relevant section I id subsections in the Disbursement Guidelines and, unless otherwise defined in this lettt ie capitalized terms used have the meanings ascribed to them in the Disbursement Guidelines. I. Disbursement Arrangements (i) Disbursement Methods (section 2). The following Disbursement Methods may b( ad under the Financing: * Reimbursement * Advance * Direct Payment * Special Commitment (ii) Disbursement Deadline Date (subsection 3.7). The Disbursement Deadline Date is foL r months after the Closing Date specified in the Financing Agreement. Any changes to this d it - will be notified by the Association. (iii) Disbursement Conditions (subsection 3.8). Please refer to the conditions specified in the Financing Agreement. II. Withdrawal of Financing Proceeds (i) Authorized Signatures (subsection 3.1). A letter in the Form attached (Attachment 2) should be furnished to the Association at the address indicated below providing the name(s) and specimen signature(s) of the official(s) authorized to sign Applications: The World Bank 5F, MCS Plaza Building Seoul Street-4 Ulaanbaatar 210644 Mongolia Attention: Country Director, Mongolia (ii) Applications (subsections 3.2 - 3.3). Please provide completed and signed (a) applications for withdrawal, together with supporting documents, and (b) applications for special commitments, together with a copy of the commercial bank letter of credit, to the address indicated below: The World Bank 5F, MCS Plaza Building Seoul Street-4 Ulaanbaatar 210644 Mongolia Attention: Loan Department (iii) Electronic Delivery (subsection 3.4) The Association may permit the Recipient to electronically deliver to the Association Applications (with supporting documents) through the Association's Client Connection, web-based portal. The option to deliver Applications to the Association by electronic means may be effected if: (a) the Recipient has designated in writing, pursuant to the terms of subparagraph (i) of this Section, its officials who are authorized to sign and deliver Applications and to receive secure identification credentials ("SIDC") from the Association for the purpose of delivering such Applications by electronic means; and (b) all such officials designated by the Recipient have registered as users of Client Connection. If the Association agrees, the Association will provide the Recipient with SIDC for the designated officials. Following which, the designated officials may deliver Applications electronically by completing Form 2380, which is accessible through Client Connection (https://clientconnection.worldbank.org). The Recipient may continue to exercise the option of preparing and delivering Applications in paper form. The Association reserves the right and may, in its sole discretion, temporarily or permanently disallow the electronic delivery of Applications by the Recipient. (iv) Terms and Conditions of Use of SIDC to Process Applications. By designating offic l, to use SIDC and by choosing to doliver the Applications electronically, the Recipient col lit is through the authorized signatory IAter its agreement to: (a) abide by the Terms and Conditi ) of Use of Secure Identification Crea?ntials in connection with Use of Electronic Means to P. - c: Ys Applications and Supporting Documentation ("Terms and Conditions of Use of 5 ec. re Identification Credentials") provid ed in Attachment [3]; and (b) to cause such official to ab ce >y those terms and conditions. (v) Minimum Value ofApplications (subsection 3.5). Minimum value of applications for )iti ct Payment, Reimbursement and issuance of Special Commitments is US$200,000. (vi) Advance (sections 5 and 6). * Type of Designated Account(s) (subsection 5.3): Segregated. * Currency of Designated Account(s) (subsection 5.4): United States Dollars (USE) * Financial Institution at which the Designated Account(s) Will Be Opened (subs, -o 'n 5.5): In a financial institution(s) acceptable to the Association. * Ceiling (subsection 6.1). US$ 1,000,000. III. Reporting on Use of Financng Proceeds (i) Supporting Documentation (section 4). Supporting documentation should be provide( N :h each application for withdrawal as set out below: * For requests for Reimbursement: o Records evider cing eligible expenditures (e.g., copies of receipts, supplier invoices) for payments against contracts that are subject to the Association's prior review in the form attached (Attachment 5); and " Statement of Expenditures in the form attached (Attachment 4) for all other expenditures / contracts. * For reporting eligibie expenditures paid from the Designated Account: o Records evidercing eligible expenditures (e.g., copies of receipts, supplier invoices) for payments against contracts that are subject to the Association's prior review in the form attached (Attachment 5); o Statement of E) penditures in the form attached (Attachment 4) for all other expenditures / contracts; and o A designated account reconciliation (Attachment 6) and related bank statement. * For requests for Dirct Payment: Records evidencing eligible expenditures, e.g., .p Is of receipts, supplier invoices (ii) Frequency of Reporting Eligible Expenditures Paid from the Designated Account (subsection 6.3). Monthly IV. Other Instructions: * Further Advances will be made from the DA to an operating account (OA) managed by the PMU. The OA will be maintained in MNT, with a ceiling of equivalent to US$30,000. * The OA would be used to pay incremental operating expenditures with an approval from the Cabinet Secretariat. * Uses of the advance in OA will be reported and reconciled with the DA on a monthly basis. The outstanding balance of the OA will be reported as separate items in the DA reconciliation statement V. Other Important Information For additional information on disbursement arrangements, please refer to the Disbursement Handbook available on the Association's public website at http://www.worldbank.org and its secure website "Client Connection" at https://clientconnection.worldbank.org. Print copies are available upon request. From the Client Connection website, you will be able to download Applications, monitor the near real-time status of the Credit, and retrieve related policy, financial, and procurement information. If you have not already done so, the Association recommends that you register as a user of the Client Connection website (https://clientconnection.worldbank.org). From this website you will be able to download Applications, monitor the near real-time status of the Credit, and retrieve related policy, financial, and procurement information. For more information about the website and registration arrangements, please contact the Association by email at . If you have any queries in relation to the above, please contact Junxue Chu, Senior Finance Officer at CTRLN Beijing2worldbank.org using the above reference. Yours sincerely, James Anderson Country Manager, Mongolia Attachments 1. World Bank Disbursement GUidelines for Projects, dated May 1, 2006 2. Form for Authorized Signatures 3. The Terms and Conditions of Use ofSecure Identification Credentials in connection wi I Use of Electronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Documentation ("Ter rs and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Credentials"), dated March 1, 2013 4. Form of Statement of Expenditures 5. Form of Payments Against Ccntracts Subject to the Bank's Prior Review 6. Form of Designated Account Reconciliation Statement cc: 1. H.E. Minister S. Bayartsogt, Cabinet Secretariat, Govemment of Mongolia. 2. Mr. Ch. Davaajamts, Chief Tech iology Officer, Cabinet Secretariat 3. Mr. Ts. Jadamba, Chairman, ITP TA 4. Mr. S. Mendsaikhan, Chairman, INSO 5. Mr. Ts. Purevdorj, Chairman, GASR 6. Mr. B. Dorjsembed, Director-General, Development Financing and Debt Management Departir -[ Ministry of Finance 7. Ms. Z. Munkh-Orgil, Director, ODA policy division, development financing and debt managen e department 8. Ms. M. Ayasgalan, Specialist, ODA Policy Division, Development Financing and Debt Manag ri t Department, Ministry of Finance 9. Ms. B. Ariuntuya, Specialist, Debt Management Division, Development Financing and Debt Management Department, Minisiry of Finance 10. Mrs. Ch. Nurgul, Senior Specialist, Innovative Communication Technology Secretariat, ITPTA il WORLD BANK D -LBURSEMENT I IDELINES UIR PROJECTS MA 2006 WORLD BANK DISBURSEMENT GUIDELINES FOR PROJECTS LOAN DEPARTMENT May 1, 2006 Copyright 0 2006 The International I Hank for Reconstruction and Development/ THE WORLD BANK 1818 II Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. :!0433, U.S.A. First Printing: Jul.) 2006 CONTENTS Page 1. Purpose ................5.... .................5 2. Disbursement Methods ............................ 6 3. Withdrawal of Loan Proceeds .......... ........... 6 4. Supporting Documentation Requirements .. .......... 9 5. Designated Accounts....................... 10 6. Terms and Conditions Applicable to Advances ........... 12 7. Ineligible Expenditures ....................... 14 8. Refunds ..................................... 15 31 World Bank Disbursement Guidelines for Projects May 1, 2006 1. Purpose 1.1 The purpose of these Guidelines is to set out the Bank's procedures for disbursement of loan proceeds for projects.' Specifically, the Guidelines explain (a) the different methods used by the Bank to disburse loan proceeds, (b) the require- ments for withdrawal from the Loan Account, (c) the types of supporting documentation that the borrower may be re- quired to provide to demonstrate the use of loan proceeds for eligible expenditures, (d) the criteria for establishing des- ignated accounts, (e) the terms and conditions applicable to advances, (f) the types of actions that the Bank may take if it determines that loan proceeds are not needed or have been used for ineligible purposes, and (g) the consequence of refunds. "Bank" includes IBRD and IDA; "loan" includes credit and grant; "bor- rower" includes the borrower of an IBRD loan, IDA credit, or Project Prepa- ration Facility advance and the recipient of a grant; and "Loan Agreement" includes the agreement with the Bank providing for a credit, grant, or ad- vance. These Disbursement Guidelines apply to all loans, credits, advances under the Project Preparation Facility, and grants financed under the In- stitutional Development Fund and Global Environment Facility unless oth- erwise provided in Operational Policy 10.20, Global Environment Facility Operations (forthcoming). These Guidelines also apply to other recipient- executed grants financed from trust funds unless, exceptionally, the terms of the agreement with the donor make provision for different requirements. They do not apply to Development Policy loans. 51 Wom,io BANK Disataso:NT GumEuNES Foi PROJECTS U U U 2. Disbursement Methods 2.1 The Bank e:tablishes disbursement arrangements for an op- eration in consultation with the borrower and taking into consideratiot, inter alia, an assessment of the borrower's financial m nagement and procurement arrangements, the procuremeni plan and cash flow needs of the operation, and its disbursement experience with the borrower. 2.2 The Bank d,sburses proceeds from the Loan Account estab- lished for each loan, to or on the order of the borrower, using one or more of the disbursement methods set forth below, as determined :y the Bank. (a) Reimbtrsement: The Bank may reimburse the bor- rower for expenditures eligible for financing pursuant to the Loan Agreement ("eligible expenditures") that the borrowcr has prefinanced from its own resources. (b) Advani-e: The Bank may advance loan proceeds into a desigiiated account of the borrower to finance eligible expendi,ures as they are incurred and for which sup- porting documents will be provided at a later date (see section 3, "Designated Accounts"). (c) Direct Payment: The Bank may make payments, at the borrower's request, directly to a third party (e.g., supplier, contractor, consultant) for eligible expendi- tures. (d) Special Commitment: The Bank may pay amounts to a third party for eligible expenditures under special commit nents entered into, in writing, at the borrower's request ind on terms and conditions agreed between the Bank ai-d the borrower. 3. Withdrawal of Loan Proceeds 3.1 Authorizedi Signatures. Before loan proceeds may be withdrawn or committed from the Loan Account, the au- 16 M EN LOAN DEPARTMENT MAY~ 1. 2006 thorized representative of the borrower (as designated in the Loan Agreement) must furnish to the Bank (a) the name(s) of the official(s) authorized to sign applications for with- drawal and applications for a special commitment (collec- tively, "Applications"), and (b) the authenticated specimen signature(s) of the official(s). The borrower must indicate clearly if more than one signature is required on Applica- tions and must notify the Bank promptly of any changes in signature authority. 3.2 Applications. Applications must be provided to the Bank in such form and include such information as the Bank may reasonably request. Application forms are available online from the Client Connection Web site at http://clientconriec- tion.worldbank.org or from the Bank upon request. 3.3 For withdrawal from the Loan Account for advances, the borrower should provide an original signed application for withdrawal. For withdrawal from the Loan Account for re- imbursements and direct payments and for reporting on the use of advances, the borrower should provide an original signed application for withdrawal together with one copy of supporting documents (see section 4, "Supporting Docu- mentation Requirements"). For a special commitment from the Loan Account, the borrower should provide an original signed application for a special commitment together with one copy of the letter of credit. The Bank reserves the right not to accept or review duplicate copies of Applications and supporting documents and may at its discretion return or destroy the duplicates. 3.4 Electronic Delivery. The Bank may authorize the bor- rower to use electronic means, in a manner and on terms and conditions specified by the Bank, to deliver Applications and supporting documentation to the Bank. Applications and supporting documentation delivered in accordance with this subsection will be deemed to have been provided to the Bank for the purposes of satisfying the requirements of sub- sections 3.2 and 3.3 of these Guidelines. 71 Womn BANK DissENsIENT GuIDELINES FOR PROJECTS 3.5 Minimum Value of Applications. The Bank establishes a minimum value for Applications for reimbursement, direct payment, and special commitment. The Bank reserves the right not to accept Applications that are below such mini- mum value. 3.6 Loan Distursing Period. The Bank processes Appli- cations onl. after the Loan Agreement has been declared effective in accordance with the terms of the Loan Agree- ment. The expenditures for which the Applications are made must be: (a) paid for (i) on or after the date of the Loan Agreement, or (ii) ii the case of operations that permit retroactive financing, on or after the earlier date specified in the Loan Agreement for that purpose; and (b) incurrcd on or before the closing date specified or re- ferred to in the Loan Agreement ("Closing Date"), ex- cept as otherwise specifically agreed with the Bank. 3.7 The loan dibursing period ends on the final date established by the Bank for receipt by the Bank of applications for with- drawal and supporting documentation (the "Disbursement Deadline Diite"). The Disbursement Deadline Date may be the same as the Closing Date, or up to four months after the Closing Dati?. Normally, to support orderly project comple- tion and clo:;ure of the Loan Account, the Bank does not ac- cept applical ions for withdrawal or supporting documentation received aftcr the Disbursement Deadline Date. The borrower should promptly inform the Bank of any expected implemen- tation delay. or exceptional administrative issues before these dates. The Bank notifies the borrower of any exception that the Bank may make to the Disbursement Deadline Date. 3.8 Disbursement Conditions. If the Loan Agreement con- tains a disbi rsement condition for a specific expenditure cat- egory, the BAnk will disburse loan proceeds for that category only after the disbursement condition has been fulfilled and the Bank hrs notified the borrower to this effect. 18 MEN LOAN DEPARTMENT MAY 1. 2006 4. Supporting Documentation Requirements 4.1 The borrower provides supporting documentation to the Bank to show that loan proceeds have been or are being used to finance eligible expenditures. 4.2 For special commitments, the commercial bank provides its confirmation directly to the Bank that conditions for release of payments committed for withdrawal have been met. 4.3 Types of Supporting Documentation. The Bank re- quires either copies of the original documents evidencing eligible expenditures ("Records") or summary reports of ex- penditure ("Summary Reports") in such form and substance as the Bank may specify. Records include such documents as invoices and receipts. A Summary Report may be either (a) the interim un-audited financial report required under the Loan Agreement ("Interim Financial Report") or (b) a statement of expenditure summarizing eligible expendi- tures paid during a stated period ("Statement of Expendi- ture"). In all cases, the borrower is responsible for retaining the original documents evidencing eligible expenditures and making them available for audit or inspection. 4.4 The Bank determines the types of supporting documentation that the borrower should provide, taking into consideration the disbursement method used. The supporting documenta- tion may be the following: (a) For applications for reimbursement: (i) Interim Financial Reports, (ii) Statements of Expenditure, (iii) Records, or (iv) Records required by the Bank for spe- cific expenditures and Statements of Expenditure for all other expenditures; (b) For reporting on the use of advances: (i) Interim Financial Reports, (ii) Statements of Expenditure, (iii) Records, or (iv) Records required by the Bank for spe- cific expenditures and Statements of Expenditure for all other expenditures; 91 WoKu) BANK Disiusi,MENT GUIDELINES FOR PROJECTS (c) For applications for direct payments: Records; and (d) Any ot 4er supporting documentation that the Bank may request by notice to the borrower. 4.5 Failure to Provide Audited Financial Statements. If the borrowEr fails to provide any of the audited Financial Statements :cquired in accordance with, and within the pe- riod of time specified in, the Loan Agreement, the Bank may at its discretion decide not to accept applications for with- drawal supported by Summary Reports, even if such reports are accomptnied by Records. 5. Designated Accounts 5.1 The borrow.,r may open one or more designated accounts into which the Bank may, at the borrower's request, de- posit amounts withdrawn from the Loan Account for the purpose of )aying for eligible expenditures as they are in- curred ("Designated Account"). Before the Bank authorizes establishmelit of a Designated Account, the borrower must have adequate administrative capability, internal controls, and accounting and auditing procedures to ensure effective use of the Designated Account. 5.2 The Bank riay decide not to permit the use of Designated Accounts in new projects if the borrower has failed to re- fund undocumented advances in the Designated Account of any other loan to, or guaranteed by, the borrower within two months after the Disbursement Deadline Date for such loan. 5.3 Type of De signated Account. A Designated Account may be establish .d in one of the two ways set out below, as ap- propriate fcr the operation concerned, as determined and notified by the Bank. I 10 LOAN DEPART.MrNT MAY 1. 2006 (a) Segregated Account: this is an account of the borrower into which only proceeds of the loan may be deposited; or (b) Pooled Account: this is an account of the borrower into which the loan proceeds and proceeds of other fi- nancing for the operation (e.g., borrower resources and/ or financing by other development partners) may be de- posited. 5.4 Currency of the Designated Account. Designated Ac- counts must be in a currency acceptable to the Bank. In countries that have a freely convertible currency, Designated Accounts may be held in the currency of the borrower or any freely convertible currency. The Bank may also agree to local currency Designated Accounts when, inter alia, the country's currency (even if not freely convertible) is stable and the expenditures to be financed are primarily in lo- cal currency. The borrower bears all risks associated with foreign exchange fluctuations between (a) the currency of denomination of the loan and that of the borrower's Desig- nated Account, and (b) the currency of denomination of the borrower's Designated Account and the currency or curren- cies of project expenditures. 5.5 Financial Institution. Designated Accounts must be opened and maintained in a financial institution accept- able to the Bank on terms and conditions acceptable to the Bank. To be acceptable to the Bank, the financial institution proposed by the borrower should generally meet all the fol- lowing requirements: (a) be financially sound; (b) be authorized to maintain the Designated Account in the currency agreed between the Bank and the bor- rower; (c) be audited regularly, and receive satisfactory audit re- ports; 11 I Woi)~ BANK iIu~ ;FTGIEIE Foit PROIECTS UU (d) be ablc to execute a large number of transactions promptly; (e) be able to perform a wide range of banking services sat- isfactori ly; (f) be able to provide a detailed statement of the Desig- nated A ccount; (g) be part of a satisfactory correspondent banking network; and (h) charge reasonable fees for its services. 5.6 The Bank r.serves the right not to accept a financial insti- tution for the opening and/or maintenance of a Designated Account if uch institution has asserted or asserts a claim to set off, scize, or attach the proceeds of any Bank loan on deposit in a Designated Account maintained by it. 6. Terms and Conditions Applicable to Advances 6.1 Ceiling. The Bank notifies the borrower of the maximum amount of loan proceeds that may be on deposit in a Desig- nated Accoint (the "Ceiling"). The Bank, at its discretion, may establi,h the Ceiling as either (a) a fixed amount, or (b) an amount that is adjusted from time to time during project implemental ion based on periodic forecasts of project cash flow needs. 6.2 Applicatio,as for Advances. The borrower may apply for an advance in an amount up to the Ceiling less the aggre- gate amoun; of those advances previously received by the borrower foi which the borrower has not yet provided sup- porting documentation. Normally, to support orderly closure of the Loan Account, the Bank does not advance loan pro- ceeds into the Designated Account after the Closing Date. 6.3 Frequency of Reporting Eligible Expenditures Paid from the )esignated Account. The borrower reports on the use of lo,n proceeds advanced to the Designated Account 1 12 mom LOAN Dri'AffMIENT MAY 1. 20(06 at intervals specified by the Bank by notice to the borrower ("Reporting Period"). The borrower should ensure that all amounts deposited in the Designated Account are accounted for and their use reported prior to the Disbursement Dead- line Date. After this date, the borrower must refund to the Bank any advances still unaccounted for or remaining in the Designated Account. 6.4 Withholding Advances. The Bank is not required to make any deposit into the Designated Account if: (a) The Bank determines that payment of the deposit would result in exceeding the Ceiling (see subsection 6.2, "Ap- plications for Advances"); (b) The Bank is not satisfied that the borrower's planned project expenditures justify the deposit. The Bank may, by notice to the borrower, adjust the amount it deposits or withhold further deposits into the Designated Ac- count until it is satisfied that the fiancial needs of the project warrant further deposits; (c) The borrower fails to take the action required pursuant to the determinations made by the Bank under subsec- tions 7.1 and 7.2 of these Guidelines; (d) The borrower fails to provide any of the audited Finan- cial Statements required in accordance with, and within the period of time specified in, the Loan Agreement; (e) The Bank determines that all further withdrawals of loan proceeds should be made by the borrower directly from the Loan Account; or (f) The Bank has notified the borrower of its intention to suspend in whole or in part the borrower's right to make withdrawals from the Loan Account. 6.5 Excess Advances. If at any time the Bank determines that any amount deposited in the Designated Account will not be required to cover further payments for eligible expenditures ("Excess Amount"), it may, at its discretion, require the borrower to take one of the two actions listed below. Upon 13 1 WoKu BANK Disnons MENT GUIDELINES FoK PROJECTS notification by the Bank, the borrower must promptly take the action r.,quested: (a) Provide evidence satisfactory to the Bank within a pe- riod spEcified by the Bank that the Excess Amount will be used to pay for eligible expenditures. If the evidence is not furnished within the time period specified, the borrowEr must promptly refund the Excess Amount to the Bank; or (b) Refund the Excess Amount promptly. 7. Ineligible Expenditures 7.1 Ineligible Expenditures Generally. If the Bank deter- mines that my amount of the loan was used to pay for an expenditure that is not eligible pursuant to the Loan Agree- ment ("ineligible expenditure"), the Bank may, at its dis- cretion, require the borrower to take one of the two actions listed below. Upon notification by the Bank, the borrower must promptly take the action requested: (a) Refund an equivalent amount to the Bank; or (b) Exceptionally, provide substitute documentation evi- dencing other eligible expenditures. 7.2 Ineligible Expenditures Paid from the Designated Account. Y the Bank determines that any payment out of the Designated Account was not justified by the evidence furnished to the Bank or was made for an ineligible expen- diture, the Bank may, at its discretion, require the borrower to take one of the actions listed below. Upon notification by the Bank, the borrower must promptly take the action requested: (a) Provide the additional evidence requested by the Bank; (b) Deposit an equivalent amount into the Designated Ac- count; 114 LOAN DEPARTMENT MAY 1. 2006 (c) Refund an equivalent amount to the Bank; or (d) Exceptionally, provide substitute documentation evi- dencing other eligible expenditures. 8. Refunds 8.1 Borrower Decision to Refund. The borrower may, upon notice to the Bank, refund all or any amount of the loan on deposit in the Designated Account to the Bank for credit to the Loan Account. 8.2 Consequence of Refunds. The Bank shall determine whether refunds made to the Bank in accordance with sec- tions 6 and 7 and subsection 8.1 of these Disbursement Guidelines will be credited to the Loan Account for subse- quent withdrawal or for cancellation. Borrowers should be aware that refunds of loan proceeds may result in swap ter- mination fees and/or unwinding costs for amounts for which the interest rate basis or currency has been converted or hedged. 8.3 Other Obligations Unaffected by Refunds. Refunds of amounts of the loan do not affect any remedies of the Bank under the Loan Agreement. 15 I TI] E WORLD BAN K Lhe Loan Departmient World Blank 1818 H Strect, NW \Vashington, DC 20433 Fmail: wbdisbursement €/worldbank.org Attach re : 2 [Letterhead] Ministry of Finance [Street address] [City] [Country] [11Y ' E] The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433 United States of America Attention: [Country Director] Dear [Country Director]: Re: Financing; No. 5483-MN (SMART Government Project) I refer to the Financing Agreement ("Agreement") between the International Development Association (the "Association") and [name of Recipient] (the "Recipient"), dat 1 , providing the above Financing. For the purposes of Section 2.03 of the General Conditions as defined in :he Agreement, any '[one] of the persons whose authenti iti d specimen signatures appear below is authorized on behalf of the Recipient to sign applicat r for withdrawal [and applications or a special commitment] under this Financing. For the purpose of delivering Applications to the Association, 2[each] of the person whose authenticated specimen sig natures appears below is authorized on behalf of the Recipient, acting 3[individually] 4 jointly], to deliver Applications, and evidence in suppor thereof on the terms and conditions specified by the Association. 5[This confirms that the Recipient is authorizing such persons to accept Secure Identification Credentials (SIDC) md to deliver the Applications and supporting documer: > 1 Instruction to the Recipient: Stipulate i Emore than one person needs to sign Applications, and how many or vt h positions, and if any thresholds apply. Plase delete this footnote in final letter that is sent to the Association. 2 Instruction to the Recipient: Stipulate if more than one person needs to jointly sign Applications, if so, plea! indicate the actual number. Please delete this footnote in final letter that is sent to the Association. Instruction to the Recipient: Use this bracket if any one of the authorized persons may sign; if this is not applicable, please delete. Please delete this footnote in final letter that is sent to the Association. 4 Instruction to the Recipient: Use this bracket only if several individuals must jointly sign each Application; f :1i s is not applicable, please delete. Please a?lete this footnote in final letter that is sent to the Association. s Instruction to the Recipient: Add this paragraph if the Recipient wishes to authorize the listed persons to ac .,: Secure Identification Credentials and to deliver Applications by electronic means; if this is not applicable, pl . e delete the paragraph. Please delete this j otnote in final letter that is sent to the Association. the Association by electronic means. In full recognition that the Association shall rely upon such representations and warranties, including without limitation, the representations and warranties contained in the Terms and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Credentials in connection with Use of Electronic Means to Process Applications and Supporting Documentation ("Terms and Conditions of Use of SIDC"), the Recipient represents and warrants to the Association that it will cause such persons to abide by those terms and conditions.] This Authorization replaces and supersedes any Authorization currently in the Association records with respect to this Agreement. [Name], [position] Specimen Signature: [Name], [position] Specimen Signature: [Name], [position] Specimen Signature: Yours truly, / signed / [Position] Attach; ei t 3 Terms and Conditions of Use of Secure Identification Credentials in connection with Use of Electronic Means to Process Applications arid Supporting Documentation March 1, 2013 The World Bank (Bank)6 Wil provide secure identification credentials (SIDC) to perm t t Borrower7 to deliver applications -or withdrawal and applications for special commitments us. ,r the Agreement(s) and supporting documentation (such applications and supporting documentation together referred to in these Terms and Conditions of Use as Applications) 1. 1 Bank electronically, on the terms ind conditions of use specified herein. SIDC can be either: (a) hardware-Iased (Physical Token), or (b) software-based (Soft Toke i. The Bank reserves the right to detrmine which type of SIDC is most appropriate. A. Identification of Users. 1. The Borrower will be required to identify in a completed Authorized Signatory Letter ( ) duly delivered to and received by the Bank each person who will be authorized to di 1 r Applications. The Bank will provide SIDC to each person identified in the ASL (Signatory), as provided below. The Borrower shall also immediately notify the Ba,]: a Signatory is no longer authorized by the Borrower to act as a Signatory. 2. Each Signatory must register as a user on the Bank's Client Connection (CC) website (https://clientconnection.worldbank.org) prior to receipt of his/her SIDC. Registrati n i n CC will require that the Si3natory establish a CC password (CC Password). The Signatory shall not reveal his/her CC Password to anyone or store or record the CC Password in written or oth,.r form. Upon registration as a CC user, the Signatory w: II I assigned a unique identifying account name. B. Initialization of SIDC. I. Prior to initialization of SID C by a Signatory, the Signatory will acknowledge havir 1 read, understood and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Use. 2. Where a Physical Token is to be used, promptly upon receipt of the Physical Token, tm- Signatory will access CC using his/her account name and CC Password and register 6 "Bank" includes IBRD and IDA. "Borrower" includes the borrower of ar IBRD loan, IDA credit, or Project Preparation Facility advance and e recipient of a grant. his/her Physical Token and set a personal identification number (PIN) to be used in connection with the use of his/her Physical Token, after which the Physical Token will be initialized for use by the Signatory exclusively for purposes of delivering Applications. Where a Soft Token is to be used, the Signatory will access CC using his/her account name and CC Password and set a personal identification number (PIN) to be used in connection with the use of his/her Soft Token, after which the Soft Token will be initialized for use by the Signatory exclusively for purposes of delivering Applications. Upon initialization of the SIDC, the Signatory will be a "SIDC User". The Bank will maintain in its database a user account (Account) for each SIDC User for purposes of managing the SIDC of the SIDC User. Neither the Borrower nor the SIDC User will have any access to the Account. 3. Prior to first use of the SIDC by the SIDC User, the Borrower shall ensure that the SIDC User has received training materials provided by the Bank in use of the SIDC. C. Use of SIDC. 1. Use of the SIDC is strictly limited to use in the delivery of Applications by the SIDC User in the manner prescribed by the Bank in the Agreement(s) and these Terms and Conditions. Any other use of the SIDC is prohibited. 2. The Bank assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any misuse of the SIDC by the SIDC User, other representatives of the Borrower, or third parties. 3. The Borrower undertakes to ensure, and represents and warrants to the Bank (such representation and warranty being expressly relied upon by the Bank in granting SIDC) that each SIDC User understands and will abide by, these Terms and Conditions of Use, including without limitation the following: 4. Security 4.1. The SIDC User shall not reveal his/her PIN to anyone or store or record the PIN in written or other form. 4.2. The SIDC User shall not allow anyone else to utilize his/her SIDC to deliver an Application to the Bank. 4.3. The SIDC User shall always logout from CC when not using the system. Failure to logout properly can create a route into the system that is unprotected. 4.4. If the SIDC User believes a third party has learned his/her PIN or has lost his/her Physical Token he/she shall immediately notify clientconnectiongworldbank.org. 4.5. The Borrower shall immediately notify the Bank at clientconnection@worldbank.org of any lost, stolen or compromised SIDC, and take other reasonable steps to ensure such SIDC are disabled immediately. 5. Reservation of Right to Dsable SIDC 5.1. The Borrower shall reserve the right to revoke the authorization of a SIDC U: cra use a SIDC for any reason 5.2. The Bank reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to temporarily or permaner ily disable a SIDC, de-activati a SIDC User's Account or both. 6. Care of Physical Tokens 6.1. Physical Tokens will remain the property of the Bank. 6.2. The Bank will physically deliver a Physical Token to each Signatory designai :1 receive one in a manner to be determined by and satisfactory to the Bank. 6.3. Physical Tokens cor tain delicate and sophisticated instrumentation and there] or should be handled with dui care, and should not be immersed in liquids, exposed to extreme temperatures, cru. hed or bent. Also, Physical Tokens should be kept more .1 [ five (5) cm from devices that generate electromagnetic radiation (EMR), such as m Li phones, phone-enabled PEAs, smart phones and other similar devices. Physical Tol, e'l should be carried and stored separate from any EMR device. At close range (less th i' cm), these devices can output high levels of EMR that can interfere with the proper operation of electronic equipment, including the Physical Token. 6.4. Without derogating from these Terms and Conditions of Use, other technical instructions on the proper ise and care of Physical Tokens are available at http://www.rsa.com. 7. Replacement 7.1. Lost, damaged, compromised (in terms of 4.5, above) or destroyed Physical Tokens will be replaced at the expense of the Borrower. 7.2. The Bank reserves the right, in its sole discretion, not to replace any Physical Token in the case of misuse, or not to reactivate a SIDC User's Account. Attachment 4 Statement of Expenditures (SOE) Payments made during the period from to Date: Application No.: For expenditures against the contracts not subject to the Bank Prior Review Loan: SOE No.: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Item Category Currency and Total Currency and Eligible % Amount Currency and Exchange Rate Remarks No. No. (**) Amount of Contract Total Amount of from Schedule Eligible for Amount Paid from (Col. 7 divided by Invoice Covered 2 of Financing Financing (4 Designated Account Col. 6) by Application Agreement x 5) (if Applicable) (Net of Retention) TOTALS Supporting documents for this SOE retained at (insert location) (*) A separate SOE form should be used for retroactive financing (**) Items should be grouped by category; or alternatively, a separate SOE form may be used for each category Attachment 5 Payments Made during Reporting Period Against Contracts Subject to the Bank's Prior Review Date of i31 ihareof6 WB's Non Amount PaId to . nirt !aid to Contract Contract Contract Objection Supplier during Sul .1 11. r during Number Supplier Date Amount "to Contract Period _I' -iod Attachment 6 DESIGNATED ACCOUNT RECONCILIATION STATEMENT LOAN/CREDIT/PPF/COFINANCIER NUMBER ACCOUNT NUMBER WITH (BANK) I. TOTAL ADVANCED BY WORLD BANK (OR COFINANCIER) $ 2 LESS: TOTAL AMOUNT RECOVERED BY WORLD BANK - $ 3. EQUALS PRESENT OUTSTANDING AMOUNT ADVANCED TO THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT (NUMBER I LESS NUMBER 2) = $ 4. BALANCE OF SPECIAL ACCOUNT PER ATTACHED BANK STATEMENT AS OF DATE $ 5. PLUS: TOTAL AMOUNT CLAIMED IN THIS APPLICATION NO. +$ * 6. PLUS: TOTAL AMOUNT WITHDRAWN AND NOT YET CLAIMED REASON: (e.g. outstanding balance in sub-account and OA) + $ * 7. PLUS: AMOUNTS CLAIMED IN PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS NOT YET CREDITED AT DATE OF BANK STATEMENTS APPLICATION NO. AMOUNT * SUBTOTAL OF PREVIOUS APPLICATIONS NOT YET CREDITED + $ 8. MINUS: INTEREST EARNED - $ * 9. TOTAL ADVANCE ACCOUNTED FOR (NO. 4 THROUGH NO. 9) = $ 10. EXPLANATION OF ANY DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TOTALS APPEARING ON LINES 3 AND 9: 11. DATE: SIGNATURE: TITLE: