2 Tanzania HEALTH FINANCING Policy Notes March 2020 2 1. COMPLEMENTARY FINANCING MECHANISMS IN TANZANIA on health. Complementary financing is This note reviews the role of domestic received and spent at the facility level. financing sources other than general These sources represent only a small government budget allocations in percentage of total public spending on Tanzania’s health financing architecture. health and is ranging from 1 to 2 percent of These include funds raised from user fees total public spending (Table 1). Revenues or cost sharing, reimbursements from the from complementary financing are eclipsed national health insurance fund (NHIF), by government budget provisions, which funds made available from the improved are predominantly allocated for wages and community health fund (iCHF), insurance infrastructure investments. Donors also for workers in the urban informal sector contribute significantly, especially for (TIKA), and other private insurance. In vertical programs, medical supplies and Tanzania, these are referred to as vaccines, which diminishes the relative complimentary financing mechanisms. share of complimentary financing sources further. Complementary financing sources make up a small share of total public spending Table 1: Domestic Financing for Health (in US$ Millions and percentages) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Government expenditure 529.4 558.5 509.8 546.1 662.1 (98.7%) (97.9%) (98.0%) (97.7%) (98.2%) NHIF 1.3 2.8 2.5 3.8 3.8 (0.2%) (0.5%) (0.5%) (0.7%) (0.6%) CHF/TIKA 2.0 3.2 2.9 2.8 2.7 (0.4%) (0.6%) (0.6%) (0.5%) (0.4%) User Fees in Public Facilities (Out of pocket) 3.8 5.7 5.1 6.4 5.5 (0.7%) (1.0%) (1.0%) (1.1%) (0.8%) Total 1,466 1,459 1,240 1,417 1,633 (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) (100%) Source: Government FMIS, PlanRep1. Complementary financing sources make from complementary financing up an important share of facility mechanisms has increased steadily over the revenue. While these sources are small in last 5 years from all sources. terms of total public financing for health, they make up an important and growing The increase in complementary financing share of total revenue availability at the has protected providers from a decline in provider level. Total revenue collected funding from the government’s non-wage recurrent budget. The “other charge�? budget 1 PlanRep is a planning and reporting database used by local government authorities. Data on private spending on private providers were not available. All figures are in current US dollars. Estimated using the calendar year interbank exchange rate. 3 category is meant to cover operational higher than the regular government budget expenditures. At the local government level, allocations for health. Furthermore, the spending at this level has declined significantly government’s “other charges�? budget while complementary financing has become allocations were given to the councils, and there increasingly necessary (Figures 1 and 2). In is some evidence that these resources did not 2016 and 2017, the amount of complementary always reach providers.2 financing available to health facilities was Figure 1: Complimentary Financing Compared Figure 2: Complimentary Financing Compared to Other to Other Charges (Absolute) Charges (Relative) 60,000 M 100% 90% 50,000 M 80% 40,000 M 70% 60% TZS 30,000 M 50% 20,000 M 40% 10,000 M 30% 20% 0M 10% 0% 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 OC ComplFin OC ComplFin Source: PlanRep. Note: OC = “Other Charges�? from the government budget. ComplFin = the sum of all complimentary financing mechanisms. The Health Basket Fund (HBF) is an important foundation for the transition additional revenue stream to providers. toward the SNHIF. The HBF is entirely financed by donors and has recently been reformed so that funds are Figure 3: OC and Basket Compared to provided directly to service providers Complimentary Financing Mechanisms instead of to districts and councils. When 100% the HBF is included, complimentary 80% financing resources still constitute about 30 60% percent of total spending at the facility level (Figure 3). However, the long-term 40% viability of donor financing support is 20% uncertain. Being able to generate own 0% revenue is a sign of the potential 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 sustainability of the direct health financing facility modality, which will be an OC and Basket ComplFin User fees have become an increasingly concerns about the ability of poorer important source of funding. At the households to access care, especially as facility level, user fees constitute 40 to 50 fees have also been collected at primary percent of all revenue from complimentary levels of care (Figure 5). 3 Tanzania already financing sources (Figure 4). This raises follows good practice by allowing facilities 2 3 Kapologwe et al (2019) and Boex et al (2015) Lagarde and Palmer (2008) 4 to retain revenue from user fees and by to account for the revenues collected at that giving them some discretion over how they level. This has increased accountability and are spent. Most revenue from user fees is the general efficiency of fund management collected by council and district hospitals and reduced the likelihood of informal given the type of care that they provide. The payments. The system operates in parallel government has introduced electronic with other financial management systems financial management and accounting in the health sector and needs to be better systems in all council and district hospitals integrated with them. Figure 4: Trend in User Fees Revenues at Figure 5: Complimentary Financing by Type Facilities of Provider, 2017 16,000 M 14,000 M 12,000 M 14,000 M 10,000 M 12,000 M 8,000 M 6,000 M 10,000 M 4,000 M TZS 8,000 M 2,000 M 6,000 M 0M 4,000 M 2,000 M 0M User Fees NHIF CHF TIKA 2. NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE FUND: DESIGN AND OPERATIONS The NHIF is a publicly managed There has been significant growth in insurance scheme that provides membership of Community Health affordable and accessible health services Funds (CHF). The concept of a CHF was to employees, mostly in the formal sector. piloted in the Igunga district in 1996 in an As of 2017, NHIF population coverage was attempt to make health care more about 8 percent. The NHIF Act specified affordable and available to the rural that all employers and employees in the population and the informal sector, and public sector must register themselves and there are now CHFs in all districts in no more than five of their legal dependents Tanzania. Currently about 16 million in the NHIF. The NHIF has been striving to Tanzanians, or 28 percent of the population, increase enrollment but has struggled to are covered by either the NHIF or a CHF make significant inroads into the broader (Figure 6). The CHF almost tripled the population, especially those working in the number of its beneficiaries to over 18 informal sector. million between 2011/12 and 2016/17.4 This was partly due to the simplification of the procedures to access matching funds as 4 NHIF (2019). 5 well as to the expansion and introduction of of drug dispensing outlets has made drugs new initiatives like the Health Systems more widely available but has also resulted Strengthening project in Dodoma, in challenges related to administration and Morogoro, and Shinyanga and innovations claims management. According to NHIF taken by Pharm Access in the Kilimanjaro regulations, facilities’ claims should not and Manyara regions. The CHFs have also paid within 60 days. Investments have been received a lot of political support, which made in IT to simplify claims management has increased knowledge of them among in large health facilities with a high number local communities. Membership of the of claims, but these challenges are still NHIF has grown more slowly as it targets being faced by smaller providers. the formal sector.5 The NHIF’s revenue comes from the 3 Figure 6: Number of Beneficiaries of the percent payroll contributions from both NHIF and CHFs employees and employers. The Government of Tanzania is the largest employer in – and contributor to – the 2015/16 NHIF. NHIF revenues have been growing 2013/14 as a result of increases in both salaries and 2011/12 membership. Investments yield only about 15 percent of the NHIF’s total income. 0M 5M 10M 15M 20M Other sources of income such as service Beneficiaries fees and minor payments are negligible (Table 2). TOTAL CHF NHIF Figure 7: Trend in Accredited Providers The NHIF has been accrediting health facilities at a rapid pace with the aim of expanding the number of health facilities across the country, including primary care providers (Figure 7). Given the speed of this mass accreditation, significant quality differences have been found to exist between accredited providers, especially among primary care facilities, most of which are in rural areas.6 The accreditation 5 family enrollment (through private companies). This There are several types of members in the NHIF, including members of cooperatives, employees of has created an adverse selection problem as healthy public institutions, retirees, interfaith staff, and people opt to not purchase health insurance or to dependents (for example, children and students). wait until they need health services. 6 Contribution levels and enrollment arrangements The providers accredited in 2017 consisted of differ for these different types of members, but the government facilities (75 percent), faith-based benefit package is the same for all categories. Some providers (11 percent), and private providers (14 categories allow for single-person enrollment (for percent). example, for children), while others require in 6 Table 2: NHIF Sources of Income TZS Millions 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Contributions 163,458 207,502 245,176 286,702 352,763 417,197 Investment income 38,035 54,739 72,030 82,385 99,611 78,396 Other income* 2,518 4,292 859 1,388 1,623 843 Total 204,010 266,533 318,066 370,476 453,997 496,435 Source: Authors, based on NHIF (2019). Notes: *Other income includes funds collected from service fees and related minor payments. Total NHIF spending consists of percent of total spending, which is payment of benefit claims, relatively high but has decreased over time administrative costs, and capital due to the introduction of an automated investments. About 79 percent of the claims management system and the use of expenditure goes on paying benefit claims. better IT equipment. About 6 percent is Administrative costs made up about 15 spent on capital investments (Table 3). Table 3: NHIF Expenditure Categories, TZS millions TZS millions 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Benefits 97,924.61 132,033.59 156,710.21 220,088.33 263,487.42 Payment Administrative 26,563.34 37,329.85 50,224.31 48,707.72 49,786.78 Expenditure Other/Capital 8,163.77 12,949.19 20,726.14 18,174.78 20,132.75 Expenditures Total 132,651.72 182,312.63 227,660.66 286,970.83 333,406.95 Source: Authors, based on NHIF (2019). NHIF revenue has been exceeding making better access of claims, but such expenditures, at times by over 10 percent decreases should be carefully monitored as (Table 4). As a result, the NHIF has they can be a source of contingent consistently had a surplus of funds, though liabilities. Furthermore, the benefit package the size of this surplus has diminished over should be revisited after an actuarial study time. As surpluses indicate inherent is conducted to ensure that services are both inefficiencies, any decrease would be a adequate to meet demand and financially positive development if it reflected sustainable. increased access to services, and providers Table 4: NHIF Income, Expenditure, and Balance TZS Millions 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 Total Income 204,010 266,533 318,066 370,476 453,997 496,435 Total Expenses 86,808 132,652 182,313 227,661 286,971 333,407 Surplus 117,202 133,881 135,753 142,815 167,026 163,028 Rate of change 14% 1% 5% 17% -2% Source: Authors, based on NHIF (2019). 7 it raises also raises concerns about whether Referral hospitals are largest recipient of public providers are submitting claims NHIF payments. They receive more than sufficiently for the services that have two-thirds of NHIF payments, while the actually been rendered. This may in part remainder is reimbursed to health centers, reflect that staff in public facilities have no dispensaries, and pharmacies at the primary incentives to improve claims management. care level (Figure 8). The majority of NHIF payments that have been made were found to cover medicines Figure 8:Proportion of NHIF Benefit and consumables. Payments by Level of Facilities, 2017 Figure 9: Distribution of NHIF ADDO Reimbursements to Facilities by Laboratores and… Ownership, 2017 Specialized Clinics Dispensary Health Centre District Hospital Pharmacy Regional Referral… Zonal Referral Hospital National Referral… 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% While most patients seek care from public providers (especially in rural areas for primary care), only about one- third of NHIF payments are made to public providers (Figure 9). This is partly due to an increase in the use of private providers for more complex procedures, but 8 3. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Pre-payment schemes generate limited Public facilities should manage their resources for health care through claims and get reimbursed for services member contributions. Policymakers will provided. The majority of NHIF need to give careful consideration to the reimbursements are to private providers, financial viability of expanding access to even though there is considerable use of insurance through the proposed SNHIF. public and faith-based providers (especially The government should explore options for in rural areas). These too should be providing subsidies from the general reimbursed adequately to ensure sufficient budget. service standards. Complementary financing is critical for the operation expenditure of facilities. Government resources for the operational cost of service providers is limited. Complementary financing sources provide important resources to fill this gap. Out of pocket spending is high and increasing. Revenues from OOP spending is increasing, even at lowest level of care. This raises concerns about financial access to essential services. The impact this may NHIF needs to be operationally efficient. have on financial hardship should be NHIF has been running an operation carefully studied and actions taken to surplus for many years, which is slowly protect the poor and vulnerable. diminishing. Care should be taken that the surplus is efficiently invested after all Insurance membership has grown claims have been met. There may be scope steadily. Especially CHF has expanded its to revisit the benefit package. member base considerably, and about 1/3rd of Tanzanian’s are estimated to enjoy NHIF capacity needs to be strengthened coverage. This trend should be encouraged in preparation for the transition to the further, through reaching out to the SNHIF. The government seeks to pursue a informal sector. This may require subsidies SNHIF. If the NHIF is to take the sole and an assessment of the financial viability responsibility of serving about 58 million of the iCHF. Tanzanians, its capacity needs to be strengthened. A more systematic support Accredited providers have grown system through the government budget in rapidly. Providers across the health system form of subsidies may need to be can now get reimbursed for the services considered. The NHIF mainly serves provided to members. However, a recent curative services. It may be beneficial to push to include providers has been with extend its mandate to preventive services. insufficient regard to quality. This should This may be cost reducing in the medium be carefully reviewed. term and there is a precedent of other countries such as Ghana who have explored similar arrangements. 9 REFERENCES Boex, J., L. Fuller, and A. Malik (2015). method study protocol." Health Decentralized Local Health Services research policy and systems, 2019. in Tanzania Are Health Resources 17(1): p. 11. Reaching Primary Health Facilities, Lagarde, M. and N. Palmer (2008). "The or Are They Getting Stuck at the impact of user fees on health service District Level. Urban Institute Elevate utilization in low-and middle-income Debate, Washington D.C. countries: how strong is the Kapologwe, N.A., et al (2019). evidence?" Bulletin of the World "Understanding the implementation of Health Organization, 86: p. 839-848C. Direct Health Facility Financing and NHIF (2019). National Health Insurance its effect on health system Fund: Annual Report. National Health performance in Tanzania: a non- Insurance Fund, Dar es Salaam, controlled before and after mixed Tanzania.