MINISTRY OF HEALTH EAST AFRICA PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORY NETWORKING PROJECT- ADDITIONAL FINANCING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2020 JUNE 2020 East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 Table of Contents List of Tables .............................................................................................................. II List of Acronyms ........................................................................................................ III Project Information .................................................................................................... IV 1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................1 1.1 Project Development Objective (PDO) ..................................................................1 1.2 The project has 3 components ............................................................................1 1.3 The East African Project Sites .............................................................................2 1.4 Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements .................................3 2.0 Progress Report and Performance for the Period Ended 30 June 2020 ...................4 2.1 Civil Works Contract Variations ..........................................................................6 2.2 Grand Summary of the Contract Variations extracted from the Supervising Consultant Report. ...................................................................................................6 2.2.2 Lacor- Gulu Hospital ....................................................................................7 2.2.3 Mulago National Referral Hospital ................................................................7 2.2.4 Arua Regional Referral Hospital ....................................................................8 2.2.5 Mbale Regional Referral Hospital ..................................................................9 2.2.6 Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital ............................................................ 10 3.0 Financial Statements ....................................................................................... 11 3.1 Statement of Income and Expenditure .............................................................. 11 3.2 Designated Account Activity Statement............................................................. 12 3.3 Statement of Fund Balance ..............................................................................13 4.0 Notes to the Financial Statements .......................................................................14 5.0 Annex ..................................................................................................................19 5.1 Bank Reconciliation Statement - Designated Account .......................................19 5.2 Bank Reconciliation Statement - Operational Account ......................................21 5.3 Civil Work Financial Performance .....................................................................23 I Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 List of Tables Table 1: Showing the summary of proposed variations for the civil works ....................6 Table 2: Contract Variations for Pan Modern Consult Limited......................................6 Table 3: Contract Variations for Lacor Hospital............................................................7 Table 4: Contract Variations for Mulago NRH ..............................................................7 Table 5: Contract Variations for Arua RRH ..................................................................8 Table 6: Contract Variations for Mbale RRH.................................................................9 Table 7: Contract Variations for Mbarara RRH ........................................................... 10 II Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 List of Acronyms AC/A Assistant Commissioner Accounts BoU Bank of Uganda CERC Contingency Emergency Response Component COVID Corona Virus Disease 2019 CPHL Central Public Health Laboratories EAPHLNP-AF East African Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Additional Financing ECSA-HC East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community EPR Epidemic Preparedness and Response EVD Ebola Virus Disease FMS Financial Management Specialist FY Financial Year GBV Gender Based Violence GoU Government of Uganda ICT Information Communication Technology IDA International Development Association IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards IRB International Research Board MoFPED Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development MoH Ministry of Health MoU Memorandum of Understanding NTF National Task Force OR Operational Research PDO Project Development Objective PoE Points of Entry RRH Regional Referral Hospital SANAS South African National Accreditation System ToT Training of Trainers TWG Technical Working Group UCI Uganda Cancer Institute UGX Uganda Shillings USD United States Dollars VHF Viral Hemorrhagic Fever III Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 Project Information Project Implementer Ministry of Health Funding Source World Bank-IDA Project Number: IDA Credit No: 56150-UG Counterpart Fund Government of the Republic of Uganda Bankers Bank of Uganda P.O. Box 7120 Kampala Road Account Name: East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Account No: 000140088400022 USD Account Account No: 000140088000073 UShs Account Auditors Office of Auditor General Plot 2/4 Apollo Kaggwa Road P.O. Box 7083 Kampala – Uganda. Tel: +254 414 344 340 Email: IV Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 1.0 Introduction On February 11, 2016, a Financing Agreement of USD: 15 Million was entered into between the Republic of Uganda and the International Development Association of the World Bank for the purpose of providing Additional financing for activities related to the East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project. It became effective on March 31, 2016 for a period of 4 years to March 30, 2020. The World Bank was requested by Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) to extend the project by one year. The request was granted and the project was extended to 31st of May 2021. The Additional Financing consolidates the achievements attained in the first phase and also facilitates the strengthening of the capacity of the country for Epidemic Preparedness and Response (EPR) especially to highly infectious pathogens like viral hemorrhagic fevers. A strong health system enables an efficient and effective system for EPR and enhances coordination of the epidemic response, disease surveillance, laboratory diagnosis, case management, infection prevention and control and social mobilization. The project will support the strengthening of 7 public health laboratories to improve on their diagnostic capacity by providing critical laboratory equipment and training of personnel. The other areas include supporting cancer diagnostics and Anti-Microbial Resistance. The new sites the project is supporting are Moroto and Fort Portal Regional Referral Hospital Laboratories. The original sites include National Tuberculosis Reference laboratory, Mulago National Referral Hospital, St Mary’s Hospital Lacor and the Arua, Mbale, Mbarara Regional Referral Hospitals. 1.1 Project Development Objective (PDO) The project aims at establishing a network of efficient, high quality, accessible public health laboratories for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis and other communicable diseases. 1.2 The project has 3 components Component 1: Strengthening Regional diagnostic and surveillance capacity. Component 2: Joint Training and capacity building Component 3: Joint operational research, knowledge sharing, regional coordination and program management. 1 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 1.3 The East African Project Sites 2 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 2.0 Progress Report and Performance for the Period Ended 30 June 2020 No. Component/Activity Description Financial %age Physical %age Performance as Performance as at 30 June 2020 at 30 June 2020 1.0 Component 1.1 Civil works: Outputs 1.1.1 Construction of VHF The construction was 30% 30% isolation unit at Mulago awarded to Zhongmei National RH Engineering Group Ltd at a contract price Ugx: 8,913,336,496 1.1.2 Construction of MDR The construction was 60% 71% treatment Centre at awarded to BMK Ltd at a Moroto RRH contract price Ugx: 942,627,840 1.1.3 Making Entebbe The construction was 60% 59% Isolation Unit functional awarded to Synergy Enterprises Limited at a contract price Ugx: 2,071,737,783 1.1.4 Construction of Mbale , Construction of Mbale 95% 90% Mbarara , Arua, and Laboratory was awarded to remodeling Lacor Labs EGISS Engineering Contractors Ltd at a contract price Ugx: 1,935,225,818 Construction of Mbarara 90% 67% Laboratory was awarded to Muga Services Ltd at a contract price Ugx: 1,925,992,914 The remodeling of Lacor 100% 52% Laboratory was awarded to the in-house engineering team at a cost price of Ugx: 369,027,298 Construction of Arua 85% 43% Laboratory was awarded to Alliance Technical Services Limited at a contract price Ugx: 2,168,700,348 1.1.5 Civil works supervising Design review of all sites 88% N/A consultant and defect completed. Actively liability period supervising all civil works sites. No. Component/Activity Description Progress status as at 30 June 2020 1.2 Surveillance and case management: 1.2.1 Support to mentors to Mentorship provided to lab Quarterly laboratory mentorship done conduct mentorship of personnel at the 7 satellite to the 8 project sites of; Mbale, lab personnel in the 7 sites Mbarara, Fort Portal, Arua, Moroto, satellite sites 4 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 Lacor, Mulago, Histopathology lab and UCI Lab. Moroto and Mulago hospital labs gained SANAS international accreditation. 1.2.2 Provide support to Hold cross border zonal Carried out regional Ebola Viral Regional level meetings. Disease (EVD) surveillance activities 1.2.3 Support National Task Support NTF in Project partly supported the NTF on epidemic force on epidemic response EVD & Covid-19 on contact tracing, response Point of Entry (PoE) screening and national support supervision 1.3 Procurement of medical equipment, consumables and supplies: 1.3.1 Procurement of Equipment and supplies The Temporally Isolation units were equipment and supplies procured in last FY used in EVD suspect isolation and for 5 temporally isolation currently used in Covid-19 units 1.3.2 Procurement of Medical Medical equipment procured Contract signed. Equipment delivered equipment for VHF awaiting verification isolation units 1.3.3 Procurement of 2 2 temperature scanners Procured and installed the Thermal temperature scanners procured Scanners at State House for State House 1.3.4 Procurement ofCalibration equipment Contract signed laboratory calibration procured for 7 laboratory equipment for CPHL maintenance equipment centers in the country 1.3.5 Procurement of furniture Furniture for Mbale, Mbarara, Contract signed and awaiting delivery for new labs and Arua, Lacor, Moroto, Mulago of furniture to the sites isolation centers and Entebbe 2.0 Component 2: Training and capacity building 2.1 Satellite lab mentorship Fort Lab personnel mentored. All 7Portal assessed is now training internationally accredited laboratory. laboratories apply to SANAS for Passed the 6-month surveillance International Accreditation. assessment. Mbale and Lacor applied for SANAS assessment for accreditation 3.0 Component 3: Operational research, knowledge sharing and project management 3.1 Operational research Off-shoot operational Five other protocols approved by the research studies Conducted OR TWG. Four have received IRB approval and have started data collection. Three are compiling reports 3.3 Program management Project Staff, contribution to 11 project staff maintained, and personnel ECSA-HC, support supervisor transferred project contribution to and project management ECSA-HC and carried out support supervision. 5 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 2.1 Civil Works Contract Variations In the course of the design review for Mbarara, Mbale, Arua and Lacor sites, it necessitated undertaking changes of specifications on a number of items and also introduction of some extra works in order for the designs to meet the strength and functional requirements and address the current standards of the Laboratory. Table 1: Showing the summary of proposed variations for the civil works ORIGINAL % CONTRACT NEW CONTRACT VARIA No. CONTRACTOR SITE AMOUNT AMOUNT VARIATION TION 1 MUGA SERVICES LTD MBARARA 1,925,992,914 2,718,010,431 792,017,517 41% EGISS ENGINEERING 2 CONTRACTORS LTD MBALE 1,935,225,818 2,766,984,417 831,758,599 43% ST MARY'S HOSPITAL 3 LACOR LACOR 369,027,298 456,727,298 87,700,000 24% ALLIANCE TECHNICAL 4 SERVICES LIMITED ARUA 2,168,700,348 3,028,619,679 859,919,331 40% ZHONGMEI ENGINEERING 5 GROUP LTD MULAGO 8,913,336,496 10,206,466,169 1,293,129,673 15% PAN MODERN 6 CONSULT SUPERVISION 1,207,830,000 1,557,161,000 349,331,000 29% TOTAL 16,520,112,874 20,733,968,994 4,213,856,120 2.2 Grand Summary of the Contract Variations extracted from the Supervising Consultant Report. 2.2.1 Pan Modern Consult Limited Pan Modern Consult Ltd (Consultancy Time Extension Variations) AMOUNT (UGX) Construction Supervision - Post contract and Defect Liability Monitoring 260,544,000 Reimbursement Expenses 27,000,000 Miscellaneous Expenses 8,500,000 296,044,000 VAT (18%) 53,287,920 Total Lumpsum/ Cost Estimate 349,331,920 As a percentage of the original contract sum 28.9% Table 2: Contract Variations for Pan Modern Consult Limited 6 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 2.2.2 Lacor- Gulu Hospital ORIGINAL CONTRACT CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED AMOUNT VARIATION AMOUNT No. DESCRIPTION (UGX) AMOUNT (UGX) (UGX) 1 Change for Specifications Upgrade of worktop finish to Synthetic 1.1 Marble 37,778,000 129,178,000 81,400,000 Inclusion of earlier Omissions to 2 Complete the Design Allowance for Connection to Utilities 2.6 (Power, Water and Sewer) a Power Connection N/A N/A b Water Connection 6,300,000 6,300,000 c Sewer Connection N/A N/A TOTAL 135,478,000 87,700,000 As a percentage of the original contract sum 36.7% 23.8% Table 3: Contract Variations for Lacor Hospital 2.2.3 Mulago National Referral Hospital ORIGINAL CONTRACT CONTRACTOR'S NEGOTIATED AMOUNT VARIATION AMOUNT No. DESCRIPTION (UGX) AMOUNT (UGX) (UGX) 1 Retaining Wall 75,746,000 470,433,198 241,723,536 2 Re-routing of Public Sewer Line 62,363,333 46,200,730 3 Roads and Parking 171,128,980 106,719,291 4 Stores and Power House 431,501,748 117,108,136 5 Oxygen Plant Building at Mulago NRH 300,000,000 300,000,000 TOTAL 1,435,427,259 811,751,693 As a percentage of the original contract sum 19.6% 11.1% Table 4: Contract Variations for Mulago NRH 7 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 2.2.4 Arua Regional Referral Hospital Table 5: Contract Variations for Arua RRH CONTRACTOR'S APPRAISAL NEGOTIATED POSITION (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Bill DESCRIPTION ORIGINAL DEVIATION REMARKS No. CONTRACT APPRAISED DEVIATION NEGOTIATED (UGX) AMOUNT (UGX) AMOUNT (UGX) (UGX) (2-1) AMOUNT (UGX) (4-1) 1 PRELIMINARIES 49,780,000 49,780,000 - 49,780,000 - Introduction of basement 2 BUILDING & CIVIL WORKS 1,304,250,340 1,938,435,139 634,184,799 1,424,715,147 120,464,807 and backfilling Change in quantities and 3 EXTERNAL WORKS 55,566,400 74,064,345 18,497,945 74,064,345 18,497,945 introduction of benches Change of specification 4 ELECTRICAL WORKS 223,825,600 270,050,400 46,224,800 255,063,200 31,237,600 and additional lighting 5 MECHANICAL WORKS 238,862,500 513,779,950 274,917,450 272,652,500 33,790,000 Extra Plumbing Items Provision sum for Additional 10,000,000 10,000,000 - 10,000,000 ESHS Outcomes - Provisional sum for Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA)/ Gender Based Violence (GBV) 10,000,000 10,000,000 - 10,000,000 awareness and sensitization training - 6 EXTRA ITEMS 327,861,000 327,861,000 524,754,844 524,754,844 SUB-TOTAL -I 1,892,284,840 3,193,970,834 1,301,685,994 2,621,030,036 728,745,196 7 ADD 5% CONTIGENCY 94,614,242 94,614,242 - 94,614,242 - SUB-TOTAL -II 1,986,899,082 3,288,585,076 1,301,685,994 2,715,644,278 728,745,196 8 ADD 18% VAT 357,641,835 591,945,314 234,303,479 488,815,970 131,174,135 TOTAL 2,344,540,917 3,880,530,390 1,535,989,473 3,204,460,248 859,919,331 9 DEDUCT 7.5% DISCOUNT 175,840,569 10 GRAND TOTAL 2,168,700,348 3,880,530,390 1,535,989,473 3,204,460,248 859,919,331 11 PERCENTAGE (%) 71% 40% 8 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 2.2.5 Mbale Regional Referral Hospital Table 6: Contract Variations for Mbale RRH CONTRACTOR'S APPRAISAL NEGOTIATED POSITION (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Bill DESCRIPTION REMARKS No. ORIGINAL DEVIATION CONTRACT APPRAISED DEVIATION NEGOTIATED (UGX) AMOUNT (UGX) AMOUNT (UGX) (UGX) (2-1) AMOUNT (UGX) (4-1) 1 PRELIMINARIES 72,600,000 72,600,000 - 72,600,000 - Introduction of basement 2 BUILDING & CIVIL WORKS 1,017,991,850 1,359,300,559 341,308,709 1,049,618,830 31,626,980 and backfilling Introduction of waiting 3 EXTERNAL WORKS 19,483,500 29,483,500 10,000,000 29,483,500 10,000,000 benches Change of specification and 4 ELECTRICAL WORKS 206,588,500 215,818,000 9,229,500 224,517,145 17,928,645 additional lighting 5 MECHANICAL WORKS 245,261,750 249,275,877 4,014,127 267,223,575 21,961,825 Extra Plumbing Items 6 EXTRA ITEMS 589,913,338 589,913,338 623,362,718 623,362,718 SUB-TOTAL -I 1,561,925,600 2,516,391,274 954,465,674 2,266,805,768 704,880,168 7 ADD 5% CONTIGENCY 78,096,280 78,096,280 - 78,096,280 - SUB-TOTAL -II 1,640,021,880 2,594,487,554 954,465,674 2,344,902,048 704,880,168 8 ADD 18% VAT 295,203,938 467,007,760 171,803,821 422,082,369 126,878,430 9 GRAND TOTAL 1,935,225,818 3,061,495,314 1,126,269,495 2,766,984,417 831,758,598 10 PERCENTAGE (%) 58% 43% 9 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 2.2.6 Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital Table 7: Contract Variations for Mbarara RRH CONTRACTOR'S APPRAISAL NEGOTIATED POSITION (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Bill DESCRIPTION REMARKS No. ORIGINAL DEVIATION CONTRACT APPRAISED DEVIATION NEGOTIATED (UGX) AMOUNT (UGX) AMOUNT (UGX) (UGX) (2-1) AMOUNT (UGX) (4-1) 1 PRELIMINARIES 140,990,000 140,990,000 - 140,990,000 - - 2 BUILDING & CIVIL WORKS 1,194,757,000 1,446,242,094 251,485,094 1,112,423,450 82,333,550 Change in quantities and 3 EXTERNAL WORKS 19,632,000 33,132,000 13,500,000 33,132,000 13,500,000 addition of waiting benches 4 ELECTRICAL WORKS 152,608,000 168,760,000 16,152,000 153,791,000 1,183,000 Additional lighting fittings 5 MECHANICAL WORKS 219,206,000 241,374,000 22,168,000 274,584,000 55,378,000 Extra Plumbing Items 6 EXTRA ITEMS 966,492,564 966,492,564 683,473,836 683,473,836 SUB-TOTAL -I 1,727,193,000 2,996,990,658 1,269,797,658 2,398,394,286 671,201,286 Less: 10% Discount 172,719,300 SUB-TOTAL -II 1,554,473,700 2,996,990,658 1,269,797,658 2,398,394,286 671,201,286 7 ADD 5% CONTIGENCY 77,723,685 77,723,685 - 77,723,685 - SUB-TOTAL -III 1,632,197,385 3,074,714,343 1,269,797,658 2,476,117,971 671,201,286 8 ADD 18% VAT 293,795,529 553,448,582 228,563,578 445,701,235 120,816,231 9 GRAND TOTAL 1,925,992,914 3,628,162,925 1,498,361,236 2,921,819,206 792,017,517 10 PERCENTAGE(%) 78% 41% 10 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 3.0 Financial Statements 3.1 Statement of Income and Expenditure EAST AFRICAN PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORIES NETWORKING PROJECT AF STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE PERIOD OF 12 MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2020 Project Actual Cumulative Available Budget Income/Expenditure Income/Expenditure Balance in USD:(A) for 12 Months ended for period ended USD (A-C) 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 USD: (B) USD:(C) RECEIPTS Notes Balance B/F from prior year 5,491,038.64 - Remittances from IDA 3(a) - 3,150,000.00 14,695,930.07 - Other Incomes 3(b) - - - Total Income for the Year 8,641,038.64 14,695,930.07 Less: EXPENDITURES Regional Diagnostic and 4 9,930,000 2,940,987.13 6,726,733.78 Surveillance Capacity 3,203,266.22 Training and Capacity 5 1,350,930 638,260.16 1,298,360.68 52,569.32 Building Joint Operational research, Knowledge management, 6 3,415,000 956,763.57 2,565,807.84 Project Management & ECSA- 849,192.16 HC 14,695,930 4,536,010.87 10,590,902.30 4,105,027.77 Surplus/(Deficite) of Income over Expenditure for the 4,105,027.77 4,105,027.77 period The notes and Accounting policies set out on 14 to 18 forms an integral part of the Receipts and Expenditure Statement above for the East African Public Health Networking Project for the period of 12 months ended 30 June 2020. Ministry of Health approved the Statement on 31/07/2020 and signed on its behalf by: 11 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 4.0 Notes to the Financial Statements 1.0 Accounting Entity Basis of Preparation 1.1 The Fund Accountability Statement has been prepared in accordance with the Cash Basis IPSAS Financial Reporting under Cash Basis of Accounting and presents the transactions for the 12 months period ended 30 June 2020. 1.2 Reporting Entity The Fund Accountability Statement is for The East African Public Health Networking Project. 1.3 Payments to Third Parties and Direct Payments 1.4 The Government benefits from goods and services purchased on its behalf by third parties. The mode of transaction is by Letters of Credit and Direct Transfers from the World Bank. 1.5 Reporting Currency The Reporting currency is US Dollars and the functional currency is UG Shillings 1.6 Bank Details Project funds are maintained on a Bank of Uganda EAPHLNP specific account with 2 signatories that include Head Accounts Department and Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Health. Bank : Bank of Uganda Account Title: East African Public Health Laboratory Networking Project Account No: 000140088400022 Nature of Account: US Dollars 1.7 Original and Approved Budget/ Work Plan The approved budget was developed on a cash basis of accounting and same classification as the Fund Accountability Statement for a period of 4 years. 1.8 Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash at call on account in BoU. 14 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 2 Cash at Hand & Bank Amount in USD Amount in USD as at as at 30 June 2020 30 June 2019 Reconciled Cash Book Balance as at 30 June (Designated Account) 3,010,888.85 4,577,027.24 Reconciled Cash Book Balance as at 30 June ( Operations Account) 1,094,138.92 914,011.40 Advance to Staff 4,105,027.77 5,491,038.64 Note: See Annex 1-Bank Reconciliation Statement for the month of June 2020 3(a) Remitances from IDA Actual Income Cumulative Available Received for 12 Income Received Balance in Project Months ended for period ended USD C=(A-B) Budget 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 USD:(A) USD: USD:(B) Approved Loan Amount 15,000,000 15,000,000 Disbursement on 28 Sept 2016 1,767,000.00 13,233,000.00 Disbursement on 05-April- 2017 142,242.02 13,090,757.98 Disbursement on 20-Oct- 2017 613,921.77 12,476,836.21 Disbursement on 24-Oct- 2017 628,026.28 11,848,809.93 Disbursement on 12-June- 2018 554,740.00 11,294,069.93 Disbursement on 27-Aug- 2018 1,190,000.00 10,104,069.93 Disbursement on 21-Feb- 2019 1,430,000.00 8,674,069.93 Disbursement on 04-April- 2019 3,400,000.00 5,274,069.93 Disbursement on 10-June- 2019 1,820,000.00 3,454,069.93 Disbursement on 14-Oct- 2019 3,150,000.00 3,150,000.00 304,069.93 3,150,000.00 14,695,930.07 15 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 4.0 Regional Diagnostic and Surveillance Capacity Cumulative Current Year Expenditure for Available Expenditure ended the Period ended Balance as at Project Budget 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 USD: (A) USD: (B) USD: (C) USD: (A-C) 4.1 Civil Works 5,750,000 1,865,172 2,764,602 2,985,398 4.2 Surveillance & Case Management 2,330,000 657,965 2,288,621 41,379 Procument of Medical Equipment, Consumebles and Other 4.3 1,850,000 417,851 1,673,511 176,489 Medical Supplies 9,930,000 2,940,987 6,726,734 3,203,266 4.1 Civil Works Cumulative Current Year Expenditure for Available Expenditure ended the Period ended Balance as at Project Budget 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 USD: (A) USD: (B) USD: (C) USD: (A-C) Construction of a VHF Islotaion Unit at Mulago National 4.1.1 2,100,000 594,383 594,383 1,505,617 Referral Hospital & Staff Houses Remodelling & Equiping MDR TB treatment center at Moroto 4.1.2 200,000 160,855 160,855 39,145 RRH 4.1.3 Making the Entebbe VHF Isolation Unit functional 420,000 284,717 284,717 135,283 Refurbish laboratories 4 SAttellite sites (Arua, Mbale, Lacor 4.1.4 2,000,000 410,196 1,007,364 992,636 and Mbarara) Works related to the operationalisation of the National TB 4.1.5 200,000 86,672 132,424 67,576 Reference Lab 4.1.6 Procurement of Medical Equipment and Supplies for NTRL 300,000 86,698 122,215 177,785 Civil Works Supervising Consultant & Defect Liability Period for 4.1.7 500,000 241,651 441,474 58,526 NTRL 4.1.8 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) 30,000 - 21,170 8,830 5,750,000 1,865,172 2,764,602 2,985,398 16 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 4.2 Surveillance & Case Management Cumulative Current Year Expenditure for Available Expenditure ended the Period ended Balance as at Project Budget 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 USD: (A) USD: (B) USD: (C) USD: (A-C) Annual rolling funds to support rapid response to VHF 4.2.1 900,000 193,641 899,821 179 outbreak Provide support to Mentors to carry out mentorship of 4.2.2 400,000 170,168 399,446 554 laboratory personnel 4.2.3 Provide support for the regional level surveillance activities 250,000 115,374 248,098 1,902 Support the Coordination and planning functions of the 4.2.4 150,000 65,487 111,317 38,683 National Task Force for Epiemic Preparedness and Response Provide technical and logistical support for surveillance and 4.2.5 630,000 113,295 629,939 61 epidemic response to 112 disrticts 2,330,000 657,965 2,288,621 41,379 4.3 Procument of Medical Equipment, Consumebles and Other Medical Supplies Cumulative Current Year Expenditure for Available Expenditure ended the Period ended Balance as at Project Budget 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 USD: (A) USD: (B) USD: (C) USD: (A-C) Procurement of Equipmemts & Supplies for setting up 5 4.3.1 290,000 43,222 281,978 8,022 regional level temporary isolation units for VHF cases Procurement of 4 Double Cabin pick up Motor Vehicles to 4.3.2 370,000 206,261 368,426 1,574 support project Coordination Procurement of laboratory equipments for Moroto and Fort 4.3.3 410,000 - 281,636 128,364 Portal RRH 4.3.4 Procurement of Medical Equipments for VHF Isolation Unit 260,000 - 255,653 4,347 Procurement of VHF case management and infection prevention 4.3.5 100,000 91,097 91,097 8,903 & control supplies Procurement of IT equipments for the newly refurbished 4.3.6 90,000 - 74,821 15,179 laboratories at Moroto and Fort Portal RRH Procurement of 3 Temperature Scanners for Entebbe 4.3.7 210,000 77,271 204,619 5,381 International Airport Procurement of 2 Ambulance for Entebbe VHF Isolation Unit & 4.3.8 120,000 - 115,282 4,718 Mulago VHF Isolation Unit 1,850,000 417,851 1,673,511 176,489 17 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 5.0 Training and Capacity Building Cumulative Current Year Expenditure for Available Expenditure ended the Period ended Balance as at Project Budget 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 USD: (A) USD: (B) USD: (C) USD: (A-C) 5.1 Training on health workers on different aspects 430,930 273,923 425,175 5,755 5.2 Training of Trainers 200,000 85,570 181,087 18,913 5.3 Satellite Laboratory Mentorship 720,000 278,767 692,099 27,901 1,350,930 638,260 1,298,361 52,569 6.0 Joint Operational research, Knowledge management, Project Management and ECSA-HC Cumulative Current Year Expenditure for Available Expenditure ended the Period ended Balance as at Project Budget 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 30 June 2020 USD: (A) USD: (B) USD: (C) USD: (A-C) 6.1 Operational research on VHF 1,000,000 394,816 394,816 605,184 6.2 Knowledge sharing at scientific conferences 200,000 84,861 159,287 40,713 6.3 ECSA Contribution (Annal contribution to ECSA-HC) 375,000 102,535 352,535 22,465 6.4 Project office operational costs 150,000 22,308 97,247 52,753 6.5 Programme coordination 200,000 64,781 109,208 90,792 6.6 Programme management and personnel 1,490,000 287,463 1,452,715 37,285 3,415,000 956,764 2,565,808 849,192 18 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 20 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 22 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 5.3 Civil Work Financial Performance EAST AFRICAN PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORIES NETWORKING PROJECT (EAPHLNP) CONTRACTOR: MUGA SERVICES LTD CONTRACT NUMBER: MoH-EAPHLNP/Wrks/2017-18/00008/1 CONSTRUCTION OF SATELLITE LABORATORIES AT MBARARA REGIONAL REFERRAL HOSPITAL CONTRACT DURATION: 18 CALENDAR MONTHS CONTRACT SUM: UGX 1,925,992,914 Date Details Amount UGX Amount USD Balance UGX Contract Amount 1,925,992,914 11-Sep-18 20% Advance Payment 385,198,583 106,152 1,540,794,331 14-Mar-19 Interim Certificate No.1 232,544,450 63,706 1,308,249,881 19-Jun-19 Interim Certificate No.2 307,811,259 81,751 1,000,438,622 13-Nov-19 Interim Certificate No.3 127,611,289 34,711 872,827,333 13-Feb-20 Interim Certificate No.4 116,179,368 31,602 756,647,965 22-Jun-20 Interim Certificate No.5 111,551,379 30,343 645,096,586 Total 1,280,896,328 348,265 172,273 EAST AFRICAN PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORIES NETWORKING PROJECT (EAPHLNP) CONTRACTOR: EGISS ENGINEERING CONTRACTORS LTD CONTRACT NUMBER: MoH-EAPHLNP/Wrks/2017-18/00008/2 Construction of Satellite Laboratories at Mbale Regional Referral Hospital CONTRACT DURATION: 18 CALENDAR MONTHS CONTRACT SUM: UGX 1,935,225,818 Date Details Amount UGX Amount USD Balance UGX Contract Amount 1,935,225,818 11-Sep-18 20% Advance Payment 387,045,164 106,661 1,548,180,654 27-Jun-19 Interim Certificate No.1 331,503,210 88,043 1,216,677,444 13-Nov-19 Interim Certificate No.2 302,250,365 80,274 914,427,079 18-Feb-20 Interim Certificate No.3 398,968,985 108,522 515,458,094 4-Jun-20 Interim Certificate No.4 326,440,645 88,794 189,017,449 1,746,208,369 472,294 50,741 23 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 EAST AFRICAN PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORIES NETWORKING PROJECT (EAPHLNP) CONTRACTOR: ST MARY'S HOSPITAL LACOR CONTRACT NUMBER: MoH-EAPHLNP/Wrks/2017-18/000046 Remodelling of Satellite Laboratories at St Mary's Hospital Lacor CONTRACT DURATION: 12 CALENDAR MONTHS CONTRACT SUM: UGX 369,027,298 Date Details Amount UGX Amount USD Balance UGX Contract Amount 369,027,298 27-May-19 20% Advance Payment 190,861,246 51,422 178,166,052 Total 190,861,246 51,422 48,315 EAST AFRICAN PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORIES NETWORKING PROJECT (EAPHLNP) CONTRACTOR: ALLIANCE TECHNICAL SERVICES LIMITED CONTRACT NUMBER: MoH-EAPHLNP/Wrks/2017-18/000039 Construction of Satellite Laboratories at Arua Regional Referral Hospital CONTRACT DURATION: 18 CALENDAR MONTHS CONTRACT SUM: UGX 2,168,700,348 Date Details Amount UGX Amount USD Balance UGX Contract Amount 2,168,700,348 13-Jun-19 20% Advance Payment 433,740,069 115,196 1,734,960,279 18-Feb-20 Interim Certificate No.1 488,354,571 132,836 1,246,605,708 Total 922,094,640 248,032 338,103 EAST AFRICAN PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORIES NETWORKING PROJECT (EAPHLNP) CONTRACTOR: BMK CONTRACT NUMBER: MOH/EAPHLNP/Wrks/2018-19/00118 Lot 1 Remodelling of MDR TB Ward at Moroto Regional Referral Hospital CONTRACT DURATION: 18 CALENDAR MONTHS CONTRACT SUM: UGX 942,627,840 Date Details Amount UGX Amount USD Balance UGX Contract Amount 942,627,840 25-Oct-19 20% Advance Payment 188,525,568 50,070 754,102,272 18-Feb-20 Interim Certificate No.1 248,866,956 67,693 505,235,316 25-Jun-20 Interim Certificate No.2 233,892,896 63,033 271,342,420 Total 671,285,420 180,796 73,204 24 Year 4 of the Project East Africa Public Health Laboratories Networking Project Financial Statements for the Year ended 30 June 2020 EAST AFRICAN PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORIES NETWORKING PROJECT (EAPHLNP) CONTRACTOR: SYNERGY ENTERPRISES LIMITED CONTRACT NUMBER: MOH/EAPHLNP/Wrks/2018-19/00118 lot 2 Remodelling of MDR TB Ward at Entebbe CONTRACT DURATION: 18 CALENDAR MONTHS CONTRACT SUM: UGX 2,071,737,783 Date Details Amount UGX Amount USD Balance UGX Contract Amount 2,071,737,783 12-Sep-19 20% Advance Payment 351,141,997 93,259 1,720,595,786 18-Feb-20 Interim Certificate No.1 383,545,867 104,327 1,337,049,919 11-Jun-20 Interim Certificate No.2 399,455,288 108,655 937,594,631 21-Jun-20 Interim Certificate No.2 topup 90,226,637 24,542 847,367,994 Total 1,224,369,789 330,783 228,217 EAST AFRICAN PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORIES NETWORKING PROJECT (EAPHLNP) CONTRACTOR: ZHONGMEI ENGINEERING GROUP LTD CONTRACT NUMBER: MOH/EAPHLNP/WORKS/2018-19/00118(a) CONSTRUCTION OF ISOLATION CENTRE AT MULAGO NRH LOT 3 CONTRACT DURATION: 12 CALENDAR MONTHS CONTRACT SUM: UGX 8,913,336,496 Date Details Amount UGX Amount USD Balance UGX Contract Amount 8,913,336,496 20-Dec-19 20% Advance Payment 1,782,667,299 484,897 7,130,669,197 24-Jun-20 Interim Certificate No.1 802,230,915 216,474 6,328,438,282 Total 2,584,898,214 701,371 1,698,629 EAST AFRICAN PUBLIC HEALTH LABORATORIES NETWORKING PROJECT (EAPHLNP) CONTRACTOR: PAN MODERN CONSULT CONTRACT NUMBER: MOH/EAPHLNP/SVCS/2017-18/00241 CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION CONTRACT DURATION: 18 CALENDAR MONTHS CONTRACT SUM: UGX 1,207,830,300 Date Details Amount UGX Amount USD Balance UGX Contract Amount 1,207,830,000 9-Nov-19 Interim Certificate No.1 303,767,400 80,677 904,062,600 3-Dec-19 Interim Certificate No.2 326,980,360 88,941 577,082,240 24-Jun-20 Interim Certificate No.3 428,694,000 115,531 148,388,240 Total 1,059,441,760 285,149 41,291 25 Year 4 of the Project