The World Bank                                                                               Implementation Status & Results Report
            Vietnam Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (P130014)

Vietnam Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (P130014)

 EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC | Vietnam | Water Global Practice |
 IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2014 | Seq No: 13 | ARCHIVED on 12-Jul-2019 | ISR37961 |

 Implementing Agencies: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Central Project Officer, MARD, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

 Key Dates

  Key Project Dates

   Bank Approval Date: 15-Jan-2014                                              Effectiveness Date: 22-Jul-2014
   Planned Mid Term Review Date: 16-Oct-2017                                    Actual Mid-Term Review Date: 11-Oct-2017
   Original Closing Date: 31-Dec-2020                                           Revised Closing Date: 31-Dec-2020

 Project Development Objectives
  Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)
  The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve the sustainability of irrigated agricultural production systems in selected provinces in the
  Central Coastal and Northern Mountainous Regions in Vietnam.

  Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective?

 Components            Table

 Component 1: Improved Irrigation Water Management:(Cost $9.50 M)
 Component 2: Irrigation and Drainage Scheme Level Improvements:(Cost $170.50 M)
 Component 3: Support Services for Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices:(Cost $23.00 M)
 Component 4: National Policy Development, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Project Management:(Cost
 $7.00 M)

 Overall Ratings

 Name                                                                         Previous Rating                           Current Rating

 Progress towards achievement of PDO                                          Satisfactory                             Satisfactory
 Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                         Moderately Satisfactory                  Satisfactory
 Overall Risk Rating                                                          Moderate                                 Moderate

 Implementation Status and Key Decisions
  The project implementation continues to be rated as satisfactory with disbursement reaching 68% equivalent to US$111 million. Procurement of
  approved civil works under infrastructure component has been completed in six provinces of TH, HT, QT, PT, QN and HG while procurement of the
  last package in HB will be bid out in July 2019 due to its technical redesign. It was reported that QN has used up all available budget approved in its
  subproject’s FS while two civil works packages are remained uncommitted due to no available fund. QN-PPMU is requested to revise the
  procurement plan to exclude these two remaining packages if no more fund is further granted. The total committed amount in the form of signed
  contracts is US$145 million equivalent.

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            The World Bank                                                                           Implementation Status & Results Report
            Vietnam Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (P130014)

  At the central level, CPMU has been carrying out activities under institutional component moderately. Six guidelines on establishment and operation
  of Water Users Organization (WUO)/Water Users Association (WUA) have been issued. Four TORs of additional guidelines to guide the
  implementation of Hydraulic Work Law have been completed. Implementation of the institutional component for irrigation management reform at
  provincial level progresses moderately against anticipated plan. PPMUs completed the Irrigation Management Transfer (IMT) Plans which have
  been submitted to PPCs for approval. Service Contracts has been piloted in QN while the draft Service Contracts has been completed in HG for
  consultation. SCADA designs have been completed in TH and QN while QT is recruiting the design consultant. GIS supplier handed over the GIS
  system and provided the GIS operational training. Provincial 5-year irrigation modernization plans are being integrated into the provincial 5-year
  medium-term investment plan. A total of 31 existing WUOs, including four WUAs (called Irrigation Management Cooperatives) have been
  strengthened with technical training. Establishment of WUA for managing secondary canal of N6 of Khe Tan irrigation scheme in QN province is still
  pending final approval although DWR has issued the guidance on the establishment.
  Implementation of climate-smart agriculture component is progressing satisfactorily. 46 out of total 48 CSA models are under implementation at
  different stages (two models – one in HT and the other one in TH province - were removed due to resistance of local farmers). The designs of the
  two remaining models for black pepper plantation in QT will be completed in August 2019. The approved scaling up program has been replicated in
  other areas in QN, HT and TH.

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                 The World Bank                                                                     Implementation Status & Results Report
                 Vietnam Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (P130014)


 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

  Risk Category                                              Rating at Approval           Previous Rating          Current Rating

  Political and Governance                                   --                           Moderate                Moderate
  Macroeconomic                                              --                           Low                     Low
  Sector Strategies and Policies                             --                           Moderate                Moderate
  Technical Design of Project or Program                     --                           Low                     Low
  Institutional Capacity for Implementation and
                                                             --                           Moderate                Moderate
  Fiduciary                                                  --                           Moderate                Moderate
  Environment and Social                                     --                           Moderate                Moderate
  Stakeholders                                               --                           Low                     Low
  Other                                                      --                           --                       --
  Overall                                                    --                           Moderate                Moderate


 PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes

   Improve the sustainability of irrigated agricultural production system in project provinces

    ►Direct        project beneficiaries (Number, Custom)

                                         Baseline                 Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)     End Target
    Value                                0.00                     191,688.00                   191,688.00           243,000.00

    Date                                 16-Mar-2014              29-Mar-2019                  29-Mar-2019         31-Dec-2020

    ►Area         provided with irrigation and drainage services - improved (Hectare(Ha), Custom)

                                         Baseline                 Actual (Previous)            Actual (Current)     End Target

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                 The World Bank                                                                    Implementation Status & Results Report
                 Vietnam Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (P130014)

    Value                                0.00                     72,238.00                72,238.00               83,400.00

    Date                                 22-Jul-2014              29-Mar-2019              29-Mar-2019            31-Dec-2020

    ►Water         users provided with new/improved irrigation and drainage services (number) (Number, Custom)

                                         Baseline                 Actual (Previous)        Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                0.00                     691,011.00               691,011.00              674,800.00

    Date                                 16-Mar-2014              29-Mar-2019              29-Mar-2019            31-Dec-2020

    ►Water         users provided with improved irrigation and drainage services (female) (Number, Custom)

                                         Baseline                 Actual (Previous)        Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                0.00                     314,808.00               314,808.00              336,000.00

    Date                                 22-Jul-2014              29-Mar-2019              29-Mar-2019            31-Dec-2020

    ►Water         users provided with improved irrigation and drainage services - (Male) (Number, Custom)

                                         Baseline                 Actual (Previous)        Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                0.00                     349,203.00               349,203.00              338,000.00

    Date                                 22-Jul-2014              29-Mar-2019              29-Mar-2019            31-Dec-2020

    ►Farmers         in scheme area adopting improved production techniques - (household) (Number, Custom)

                                         Baseline                 Actual (Previous)        Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                0.00                     30,429.00                30,429.00               15,700.00

    Date                                 22-Jul-2014              30-Nov-2018              30-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2020

    ►Operational        water user associations created and/or strengthened (number) (Number, Custom)

                                         Baseline                 Actual (Previous)        Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                0.00                     37.00                    37.00                   20.00

    Date                                 16-Mar-2014              29-Mar-2019              29-Mar-2019            31-Dec-2020

 Intermediate Results Indicators by Components

   Component 1: Improved Irrigation Water Management

    ►Percentage         increase in WUAs assessing service delivery by IDMC as satisfactory (Percentage, Custom)

                                         Baseline                 Actual (Previous)        Actual (Current)        End Target

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                 The World Bank                                                                      Implementation Status & Results Report
                 Vietnam Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (P130014)

    Value                                 0.00                       88.00                   88.00                   90.00

    Date                                  16-Mar-2014                29-Mar-2019             29-Mar-2019            31-Dec-2020

    ►WUAs-PIM           agreements established and implemented (Number, Custom)

                                           Baseline                  Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                 0.00                       68.00                   68.00                   20.00

    Date                                  16-Mar-2014                29-Mar-2019             29-Mar-2019            31-Dec-2020

    ►Improved         Performance of IDMC (Yes/No, Custom)

                                           Baseline                  Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                 No                         Yes                     Yes                     Yes

    Date                                  16-Mar-2014                30-Nov-2018             30-Nov-2018            31-Dec-2020

    ►Each         province develops and implements a five year and annual modernized irrigated agriculture plans (Number, Custom)

                                           Baseline                  Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                 0.00                       6.00                    6.00                    7.00

    Date                                  16-Mar-2014                29-Mar-2019             29-Mar-2019            31-Dec-2020

   Component 2: Irrigation and Drainage Scheme Level Improvements

    ►increase         in irrigation intensity (Percentage, Custom)

                                           Baseline                  Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                 0.00                       172.00                  172.00                  205.00

    Date                                  16-Mar-2014                29-Mar-2019             29-Mar-2019            31-Dec-2020

    ►Increase         in crop yields in project areas (Metric tons/year, Custom)

                                           Baseline                  Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                 0.00                       0.34                    0.34                    0.50

    Date                                  16-Mar-2014                29-Mar-2019             29-Mar-2019            31-Dec-2020

    ►Area         provided with irrigation and drainage services (ha) (Hectare(Ha), Corporate)

                                           Baseline                  Actual (Previous)       Actual (Current)        End Target
    Value                                 0.00                       72,238.00               72,238.00               83,425.00

    Date                                  16-Mar-2014                29-Mar-2019             29-Mar-2019            31-Dec-2020

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                 The World Bank                                                                               Implementation Status & Results Report
                 Vietnam Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (P130014)

   Component 3: Support Services for Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices

    ►New          cropping system with technologies (Number, Custom)

                                           Baseline                   Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)         End Target
    Value                                 0.00                        46.00                           46.00                    28.00

    Date                                  16-Mar-2014                 29-Mar-2019                     29-Mar-2019              31-Dec-2020

    ►Area         under drip irrigation (Hectare(Ha), Custom)

                                           Baseline                   Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)         End Target
    Value                                 0.00                        260.00                          260.00                   698.00

    Date                                  16-Mar-2014                 30-Nov-2018                     30-Nov-2018              31-Dec-2020

    ►Area         under ICM cultivation (Hectare(Ha), Custom)

                                           Baseline                   Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)         End Target
    Value                                 0.00                        9,093.00                        9,093.00                 20,000.00

    Date                                  16-Mar-2014                 29-Mar-2019                     29-Mar-2019              31-Dec-2020

    ►Seasonal         Farmers Field School established (Number, Custom)

                                           Baseline                   Actual (Previous)               Actual (Current)         End Target
    Value                                 0.00                        366.00                          366.00                   670.00

    Date                                  16-Mar-2014                 29-Mar-2019                     29-Mar-2019              31-Dec-2020

 Data on Financial Performance

 Disbursements (by loan)

 Project            Loan/Credit/TF    Status      Currency      Original   Revised        Cancelled     Disbursed        Undisbursed                % Disbursed

 P130014            IDA-53520         Effective   USD             180.00       180.00          0.00           111.28           52.38                       68%

 Key Dates (by loan)
 Project             Loan/Credit/TF   Status      Approval Date     Signing Date        Effectiveness Date       Orig. Closing Date      Rev. Closing Date

 P130014             IDA-53520        Effective   15-Jan-2014       24-Apr-2014         22-Jul-2014              31-Dec-2020             31-Dec-2020

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            The World Bank                                                Implementation Status & Results Report
            Vietnam Irrigated Agriculture Improvement Project (P130014)

Cumulative Disbursements

  Restructuring History

  There has been no restructuring to date.

  Related Project(s)

  There are no related projects.

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