Documenat Of The World Bank FOR OMCU USE ONLY Rept No. 12354 PROJECT CO1%LEIION REPORT I NDIAK WATER UTILIZATION PROJECT (CREDIT 1383-IN/LOAN 2308-IN) SEPTRIDER 28, 1993 MICROGRAPHICS Report No: 12354 Type: PCR Agriculture Operations Division Country Derartment II South Asia Regional Office Thi document has a resicted distribution and may be wed by rnpients only in tk performnce of their offiial duties. Its contents may not otherwise be disclosed without World Ban]k autorization. PROJEC COMPLETION REPORT MAHARASHTRA WATR UTILIZATION PROJECF (Credit 1383-IN and Loan 2308-IN) CURRENCY EQUIVALENT At Appraisal (May 1983) US$1.00 = Rupees (Rs. 9.50) (For exchange rates during implementatont see Attachment 1, Table 1) FISCAL YEAR OF BORROWER Government of IndialGovernment of Maharashtra - April I-Mach 31 ABBREVIATIONS CADA Command Area Development Authority DOA Department of Agricuture ERR Economic Rate of Retum GOI Government India GOM Govenmment of Maharashtra IBRD Iteratonal Bank for Reconstruction and Development IDA lnerational Development Association MW II Mahamashtra Irigation Project II (Credit 954-IN) O&M Operation and Maintenance PCR Project Completion Report SAR Staff Appaisal Report SDR Special Drwing Right WALMI Water and Land Management lsitute. Aurangabad GLOSSARY Chak Irrigation service area below the outlet from the minor Cusec Cubic foot per second Distributary Irrigation canal with capacity greater than 700 Vs Feld Chamel Irrigation Channel from the oudet from the minor to the farm inthechak Hot Season March to June Kharif West Season (June to October) Minor Irrigation canal with capacity less than 700 Y/ and serving chaks Rabi Winter season (November to March) Shejpali Traditional system of operation of irrigation schemes in Maharashtra whereby farmers submit applications for irrigation for areas of crops. Ifrigation supplies to &amers are sanctioned after considering water avail- ability and other factors. FOR OMCUL USE ONLY THE WORLD SANK Washigon. D.C. 20438 U.SA Off. of DmreodwGenew Operaon Evaluatfn September 28, 1993 M RX0AMP-4 TO THE EXECUTiE DIRECGMRS AND THE PRDENT SUBJECT: Ptoject Completion Report on India aharashtra Wat,er Utilization Projet (Credit 1383-INLan 2308IN) Attached is the Project Completion Report on India - Maharashtra Water Utilization Project (Credit 1383-IN/Loan 2308-IN) prepared by the South Asia Regional Office. Part II was prepared by the Borrower. the project was implemented in accordance with the original design. Savings were achieved because eiicles and equipment became available from non-prcject sources; drainage criteria were aiodified, demand for land shaping was lws than anticipated, and the value of the Rupee depreciated. These savings permitted expansion of the area benefitted by the project by 20 percent, and canceDlation of the unused Bank loan. Anticipated benefits failed to materalize, however. In spite of lower costs and a larger rehabilitated area, the project's internal rate of return is eesmated at 3 percent, and likely to be as low as zero (Government reestimate is higher, at 9.9 percent). ThI raises doubts on whether the problems the project attempted to address were acually technical in nature, and whether the project- supported techna desin was the appropriate solution to the real problem Accodigly, the outcome of the project i8 rated as unsatisfcoy, sustainability as uncertai, and istitutional development as partial The PCR is genally acceptable. No audit is planned. Attachment iTis dome has a restcd dsbutIon and may b3 used by cIplets onry In the pufonao of their offic dute kt cont may not othe be diosed who Wold Bank Ahorzao. I* OR MCUAL US ONLY PROJECT COMPtLEION REPORr INDU MAUARASHTRA WATER UTnLIZATION PROJECT (CREDIT 138341N AND LOAN 2308-IN) TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE . .... ......***#@***a. ............... i EVALUATION SUMIMARY .... .......... ....... ........ i PARTL PROJECT REVIEW FROM BANK'S.ERSPE IVB........... 1 3. Project bentivty .......................... ..... ... ........ 1 2.oBackground ...............................*. ........... 1 7.ProjecSustaiObi t n o n . ......... ..................... 2 4.Pro jecdvesan "tiron ................ 2 5. x2nhnnon......... .... 3 7. stustaiaiibty ............................. 6 8. Bank'sPerformance . .................................... 6 9.LessonsLeamed ................................... 7 10.Borrower's Performance ....................................... 7 ; .. 7 12.Consdting Serices . - .i 7 13. Project nentionandl)at ......................... ...... 8 PART U PROJECr REVIEW FROM BORROWR'S PERSPC .......... 9 PART M STATISTCAL TABLES 1.RelatedBankCredits ....... ................................. 67 2. Projectduinetable ......................... ....... . 68 3.Creditloanlsbu ennt . ................. .... ... ... .... ... . 68 4.PrQojectnplnlenon ..... .................. *..........69 5. Projec Cos iandinacing ................................... . 70 6.ProjectResults ...............*.............**e**......... 71 7. Status ofCovents. .......................................... 73 8. Use of Bank Resourcs ................ ....... ..... 74 A1TACllMErl: ADD1MIONAL DATA . .......................... . 75 Tables: 1.Actual PoectCosts ......... ......................... ...... . 75 2. Jayakwa - Irigated C ing Intiity ........................... 76 3.Purna- rdgatedCrppisnglntenidty ............. ........ ..... 77 This docwument has a utrl dlsu*buls oWa y be by yt Pfoanm. of thei al dutk& Its cntet my an othws be boe btd4sth Ms 4. Gima - Irigatd Cropping Itensity . ................... ..... 78 S.Mula- ITigatedCroppmi Inteity . ............................. 79 6. hadakwala - IrrigtedCropping Intensity ............................. 80 ATFACHMDENr 2: ECONOIC AND FINANCALL ANALYSIS ........ .... 81 Tables l(a)PiemofAgriculturProducts(costantl991piikes) ... .............. 84 lWDeriatonofEconomicPicsfor 1991 .......................... 85 1(c)Derivation ofEconomic Pcofor2000 . .......................... 86 2. hflation Factand Exchange Rates ............................ 87 3. EstimaFd Y8elds .................................. 88 4. Cropping Ptens ..................... .. 89 S. C.rop Budgets at Fancial Pris ............................. 90 6(a) Economic (1991) Crop Budgets for the Whole Project (With and Without tie Proect) . ... .............. 91 6(b) Ecnomic (2000) Cop Budges for the Whole Project (With and Without the Projeat) (1991 Rs) .. .......... .................. . ... 92 6(c) Economic(1991) Crop Budgets for Khadakwasla(With and Without the Project) 93 -d) 2conomic (2000) Crop Budgets for dawala(With and Without the Project) (1991 Rs) . .... . ... 94 7(a) Economic Analysisuthe WholPject (isBased on' Canals .Iigation lntitis) ....................... , .... 95 7(b) Economic Analysis/the Whole Ptoject (Based on Canals and Wels 96 8. Economi Aysis/ayawai (Based on Canals and Welsb Irrigation Intesities) ........... . ....... 97 9. Economic AnalysiPuma (BasedonCanl snd WellsIrrgation 10. Ecnomic AnaysisnDKhakwasa (Basedon Canalsand WellsIrigation la aie) ....................... 99 1i(a) Cro t Iensities in (AnAiaOutside MWUP- With thel'rQject) .................. 100 11(b) Croppin ensities in hadawasa(An Aea nside MWUP- With thePoet ... ..........0..0...... . . 101 12. 3 H-Budget 3 FHi-nancial Prices (Without the Project) .......... ... 102 13. Fam Budget 3 Ha - Fancal Prices (With the Prqect) ............... 103 14. Farm Budget 3 Ha - Financial Pries (With the Project - Cropping Pattem Unchanged) .............................. ..... ..... 104 15. ImpactonFannBudget - SummaryBudget ....................... 105 MAPS IBRD 16997 IBRD 17058 i PRO 1 COMPLTION REPORT INOIA M AHARASHTRA WATER UTILIZAT1ON PROJECT (Credit 1383-IILoan 2308 IN) PREFACE Ibis is the Prject Completion Report (PCR) for the MaharaAtra Water Uiization Prot forwhih an IDA cradt of SDR29.6 million (Credit 1383-iN) and an IBRD Loan of US$22.7 million (Loan 2308-IN) were approved on June 9, 1983. At Government's request, the unutiliztd loan balance of US$22.6 million was cancelled on August 25,1989. The credit closed on August 31, 1991, two years behind schedule. The final disbursement from the credit was made on January 21, 1992. The undisbursed balance of SDRO.57 million was cancelled. Parts I (rject Review from the Bank's Perspective) and m (Statistical Information) were prpard by an FAOICP project completion mission which visited India in September 1991. Pat roject Review rom the Borroweres Perspective) was prepared by the Government of Maharashuo The prepaation of this PCR wa based inter alia on the Staff Apprs Report, the Legd documents, supervion reports, corresponence between the Bank and the Borrower, internal Bank memoranda, relevant Bank reports on the sector, and discussions with the Borrower's project staff and the Bank's project staff at Headquarters and in New Delhi. m PROJBCT COMPLFION REPORT INDIA MAHARASHTPA WATER UT1ATION PROJECT (Credit i383-N/an= 2308-IN) EVALUATION SiMMARY 1. The main objective of the prject was to incas the ffciwve use of avaable iton watersuplies, in order to iase ic produc nand tam incomes and promoteru development. This was to be achieved by ugan the irgaton disibuon networks of seletd areas on 94,450 ha, in five esig irgatio schemes, t ensue a reliable water supply at the farm leveL The pwject was also to improve face drainage d provide roads along canals,improve systm operaion, promote land shaping, identi suitable on-fm irrigaton practices and viable cropping systems through adaptive research, and train farmers, caal mspetr, anld lanud development assistants. 2. The project was mplemented generally in accordance with th proposas in the Staff Apprsl Report (SAR). There wre savings in vehicles and ei ent, w ic w rgely obtaind from other project, and in the cost of adaptive ree -ompared with a l estimats There were also savgs in the costs of drains following revised d e critera g steeperslopes and few tuctums. Memse savings were pary ofetby increased wOrk on disruaries and mior and increased ovetead coss; overheads amouted to about 37% of other costs. The total project cost was about US$60,190,000 (JS$520 per ha upgraded). 3. Due to deprecatim in the value of the rupee in terms of the US dollar and SDR, expenditures in rupees corresponded to less in dollars and SDR otn estmated in the SAR. In order to use some of these savings, the scope of the project was cnaged to incase the amea to be upgrded from 94,450 ha to about 115,200 ha. Prject compleon and the crdit closing date were delayed by two years to enable the project works, including the additional wotk, to be com;leted and further use of the credi to be made. The loan was not used and was canceed in 1980 foHowing aors request 4. rTe project achieved its objective of upgading the irtiOn distibution nw and reducing the sines of chaks. estimed in the SAR ITh intesity of irrigationt from s increased from 30% to about 37% at prest (SAR estimated 86% at fldevelopment). Iigtion intnsit has oftn been gater outside e project V Itrigadon Intenity = Area of crop irfigafionlcultvable command area Crops grown over more than one season are only counted once. iv area th within the project area (see Atachment 1). This is pardy due to growing more crops with heavy water demand in the project area and may also be affected by the way water Is alocaed and some disruption due to project works, but it casts doubts on the usefulness of the irigation intsty as a means of measurng poject results Te economic rate of return (ERR) was estmated on the busis of data provided by the Command Area Development Authotity (CADA) and found to be between about 3% and 13%, depending on assumptions made (see Atachment 2). S. Annual producdon of crops in the project are has been estimated to have increased by about 160,000 tons of sugarcane (SAR 301,300 tons), 16,000 tons of food grmis (44,100 tons) and about 4,600 tons of groundnuts (14,000 tons). These amounts are much lower than SAR estimates due to lower irrigation intensity and generally lower yields for food grains and proundnuts. Farm incomes are estimated to have increased by about 61% due to the project This IS much less thn the 228% incrase, esdmated in the SAR, due to lower incremental cropping intensity and reduction in avage farm size (3 ha instead of 4 ha - see Part I, para 17). 6. In general the responsibility for operation and maintenance (OM) froom headworks to the oudet into the field channels remains with the irgation Delpand the Command Aea Development Authority (CADA). The amount allocated for maintece is inadeqte to avoid deterioraion of the system. It is therefore likely that gradual progssirve deterioration of the sem wil continue (see Part I, pam 21). Maintance of field chanwls and drains is generAy left to farmers, which is reasonably successful. However, repairs to gates, concrete and masony stctu and cand lning are often left undone and gradual prosve deterioration of these is likely. Nevertheless, it is expected that famers will generally enswue dua the field chaes operative, but the quality of the irgation network is likely to decrease with time (see Part I, pam 22). Fndions and Lessons Leaxed 7. . Fmdings Improvements to system operation were disappoinrtin, partly because local Staff have incentives to leave subsantial scope for farmers to buy favours m an imperfect system (see Part I, paras 12 to 15). The policy for systm operation is not clear. The restriction on conjunctive use of canal water and groundwater should be removed (see Part IL para 15). Traning of farmers (ncluding those from outside the project area) and staff of CADA and the Department of Agriculture (DOA) at the training centres constructed in the subproject areas should continue. 8. Lessons &anad. The piot projects on which this project was based gave valuable :fln (swe Part L parm 7). It IS diffit to influence the Depam of Agriculture (DO-A) on Erigation project in which they have no component. In a project c ng almost entirely of local costs, devaluation of the local cunency is lbely to resut in underisbursement When available water is spread over too large an area, few benefits will be obained by improving teiy v Shpali isdiffultto ad i y,pariuly in areas whwater is scaice. Mo rg of projectbenefits should be supplemented by evaluaon of results. 1 PROJECT CONM=ON REPOR'T INDIA MAHARASHTRA WATER UTEILZATION PROJBCT (Credit 1383-IN/L0n 2308-IN) PART L PROJECT REVIEW FROM BANK'S PERSPE(±UVE ProjectName MaharWhra WaterUtlizationProject Credit NoJ : Credit 1383-WJ Loan No. Loan 2308-IN RVP Unit: Asia Region Cotry : India SubsectrlTgto 1. Ilii's development objectives at the time of project fomulion included the development of igy and Of par impornce was invesent in irriga extension and on-farm devent designed to incase a tul productvy and to improve the iaablity of agiutrlinputs thoughcredit, f ,ma soe and seed project. Support to irigation gave emphasis to improved efficiency i war conveance systms to ensure reliable delivery to fields. In addition, major in to develop large river basins. were considered vital to India's efforts to incse a production. 2. liTigaton projects, built in the 1960s and lat, t invlved a stoag or divein dam and only the main conveyance system, leavizg the farmer to constuct the distribution ystem from cnl outets to Indvidual fieldsd As some of these oudets served 100 ha or more, conveyance of war -to Xt fm gate required construction of canal netwods that were ofn seval k1oet long. Farmem wer ofim kubl to aile or oganiz co dastruct of these cals without assistancei which was raely available Ths retd in coniderabledelays in using the Irigato enbtl had bad n cdeate 3. Tle concept of a Command AaDeveopment Autrity (CADA)evolved in theearly 1970s. lemainbjves of CADA owere tcoorduate t viiesofte -Stat g and Agriculture D)eparnts in order to assist fWaers in obainig institutional cdit for the channels and for land develom Achievements were below e a cordination was not enirely effective, and to batmpt to fice on-faim dVpt thugh insitutonal credit was generaly not succef because famers had no confdence in the reliabilW of waer suply and wets wterefore reluctant to underte loan repayment obgatons. Also, no acilitr or frinework for ective grup action had been developed in the iig sector to implement such project This expience indicated that: (a) more emphasis was required on improving the efficiency and relabilit of the conveyance stem fom the w 2 source to the iigatdon oudets; (b) overment should assume greater responsbility for coneying water to an ouflet closer to the fam gte to facie construction of watercoures coying war to each field and (c) Government should promote the development of effdecve fa rmer involvment by providing the necessary m anism, fmework and support for emcient group action and coopeOn amog Irrgatos Th were ar indicadons that when farmers are confidet gat they w eceive a reliable water suppl, they will take steps to make ful us of the wat supplied, conepts wee used in the i f the, pjet. 4.. Th main objctidve of the pect was to increase the effctdve use of available inigation watrsupplies, reby to increase aictural producdon and fam incomes and promote rura development. This was to be achieved over a five-year period by upgradng the ingation distributonne k of selected areas on 94,450 ha, in five exsting irigation schemes2, to ene a reliable water supply at the farm leveL To remove other exising constraints, the project was dso to improve surface drainage and provide access along canals, improve system operation promote land sha ing, identify suitable on-farm irrigation practices and viable croppng systems through aative reach and trin fames canal mspectors and land deaopment assustt 5. The main comnents of the project wee to be (a) upading the existing gadonand dra4nage systems (with emphasis on minors and field channels) and constrcion of caservice roads; (b) consnuction of buidngs for engieeing staff and traing centers; (c) p n of quipment for costructon operation and maintnance, survey, land shaping taining and rsearch; (4) improving the operation of the irrigadon distribution systems; (e) an adaptive esearch program; () training farmers, canal inspectors and land development assistants, and study tous for or staff; (g) reseatch in water management and small smues; and (h) montoi and evluion, incluing me rs' at titude survey 6. e a poject o were et.maed to be Rs741 million, equivat to US$78 million. An IlDA credit of SDR29.6 million (US$32 mimon equivalent) and a Bank loan of US$22.7 million were to fine about 70% of the project cost including all the foreign exchange com , estmated at US$10.6 millon. Overa reonsiblit for proect implwas under the Cos aner d Secrtay, Command Area Development, in the Govemment of Mahaasu(QOM). 7. he project was based on a pilot component for water maementin the Mahaashtra rigion Prject IIP II) to ident appropiate conveyancetechnologies fore minor water distribution systm. Pilot sche in 1979, proviminorsa fied chanls to individual fam. As this was expensive (Rs.4,000 per ha), anothertype of pilot effort was initiated in 1980, which became kmown as the Tarmers Proect. Canal ling was reduced to 10-15% of total legth, and the costs to about Rs.2,000 per ha By the end of December 1982, about 6,000 ha had been completed under the Farmers Projec, mostly in the Jayakwadi Scheme, where water was comparatively plentiful. In tbese areas, the use of Irigation water had boteenqe low mainly due to lack of proper teminal irigadon facilities. The 2 Jayakwadi 42,350 ha, Purna 10,500 ha, Mula 21,970 ha, Gima 11,030 ha and Khadakwasla 8,600 ha. 3 works canied out consisted of teshaping and, whero necessay extending existing minors and field channels; redwing the size of tity units (chak), somemes commading more ohan 100 ha, to more manageable 20-25 ha units; consrucdng a measurin device at thead of each chak; selectve lining of field channels and minors; constructing additonal control strucues such as dops, turnouts, etc.; consructing sewrvice roads along minors; and introducmg better system operaon and irrigation schedulig. The impact of the Pilot and Farmers Project on the agdiicua production was reported to be quite iemarkable 8. The concept for the project was not altogether satisfactoy. WWile upgaing the irrigadon netvork can permit more equitable distbution when there is adequate water, where water is scmae, as it is in most of the project ara, it has lieeffect onirrigatione benefits due to the project were therefore overestimated. The instutional responslbihti were clealy defined and understood and generally worked weLL 9. The physcal and training componets of the pject were well implemented, genervy in accordance theproposals in the Staff Aprasl Report (SAR). The main vadances esited in savings in the cost of vehicles and equipment, which were largely obtained from other projects, and substantial reduction in the cost of adaptive research compared with apr estmates (see Attachment 1, Table 1). There were also savings in the costs of DS, following vised drainage crteria permittg steeper slopes and fewer sucu. Bildings were generly cheaper than assumed in the SAR but the quantity increased. These savings were offset by increased work on distributaries and minors and increased overead costs of CADA and Directorate of Irdgation Research and Development compared with appraisal estimates. The impact of the promotion of land shaping was genealy reported to be disappoinig, other than in Khadakwasla. 10. Due to depciaton in the value of the rupee in tems of the US doLar and SDR, exenditures in rupees coesponded to less in US dolars and SDR than matd in the SAR. In order to use some of these savings, the scope of the proiect was changed to incwrease the aea to be upgraded from 94,450 ha to about 115,200 ha. Project completion and creit closing date were delayed by two years to enable the project works, including the additional work, to be completed and furdher use of the credit to be made. ITe loan was not used and was therefore canceled at GOrs request in 1989. Pro3e Resuhts 11. The project achieved its objective of upgrading the irrigation distibution network and reducing the sizes of chals. The area upgaded was a 20% more than planned m the SAR 12. A main objece was to increase the effective use of water. Ihe SAR measured this by the intensity of imga,on from canals which it estmated would increase from 30% in 1982183 to 86% at full development; at present It has only reached about 37%. For Puma, Gima and Kbadakwasla (though not for Jayakwadi), in every year since 1984185, the irrigaton intnsity 3 SAR, Annex 1, Table T-10 shows projcted with project fute irrigation intensities in rabi and hot season to vary between 36% (Gima) and 81% (Jayakwadi). Only Jayakwadi was projected to have a total annual irrigation intensity grater than 100%. 4 recorded was Breater outside the prwject aea than within the project area (see Attachment 1). Ibis is pardyiue togrowing more crops with heavy water -emand in the project ara and may also be due to te way watr Is saocated and some disrupdon due to project works, but it casts doubts on the usefuness of the Iriiption intnsity as a means of me project results. It is hard to imagine that with i ionwnts as low as in Girna (maum 4% n frequendy O - see Attachment 1. Table 4) much water would be wasted even without the project Even in other subprojects, iigon iities have not much exceeded 50% (spread over two or more seasons) so that extLonding the network of field channels has not resulted in a larger arc . being iigated: it has tted different areas to be irrigated. The project lined up to 20% of the length of field channel but it also increased the density of field channels fom about 45 m/ha to about 60 miha,so theunlined lengthincreased from 45 m to more hn 48 m per ha. Given the diffuse nature of the benefits and the lack of accurate monitoring of cropped aas and yields, particulary for the situation without the pro)ect, any re-esimation of the economic rate of return (ERR) is boumd to be speculadve. What is quite evident, however, is that benefits fai far short of those rquired to sustain the ERR of 35.6% estimated in the SAR. The mission's estimates (Attachment 2) pla3e the acta ERR between about 3% and 13%, depending on the assumptions made on prices and project life 13. Me SAR considerd tat an Important aspect of improving the effective use of avaiable irrigation water supplies was to improve system operation. Although operation plans and opeation and maintenance (O&M) manuals have been prepared and discussed, the Bank's approach concerng syswem operation has changed with time and differs in some resects from that of GOMA Rotational water supply within the chaks has been introduced, but predetn water flow durations are not adhered to and itis not possible to keep a constant 281/s 4dischage at the outlet (SAR 3.13) with variable water levels in the minor or distibutry. Irigation inurvals in the hot season have not always been reduced to less than 14 days as was enisaged in the SAR. The SAR proposed that reference fields would be set up in each subproject area on wpical soils to monitor soil moist conditions but this has not been done because ft is felt that ere is so much variation in soil conditions that it would be impcable to use the results. 14. The project has experimented with pilot proportional distdbutaries and with delivery of water in bulk to the head of minors for sale to famers' societic3, but the Sheipali systm still predominatesS. Shajpali is reported to have problems Crops grown differ from those apved andwater use is ofte higher than planed. A canal inspeco is often unble to operate as many as 25 chak outlets and related minors satsfaorily. Consequendy, tail-end minors and tail-end field channels in he3d-end minors often do not get relabl supplies of water. The efforts to change the system were beset by problems. Broken and tamperd with minor headgates and absent gauges on chak oudets were reported. These difficult combined with substl scope for buig favors in an imperfect system, ped toresult in afreefor-all won by the strong, with substantial inefficiencies and inequities in water distibution. It was considered that Goveriment was unlikely to to admin effectively any system without much better checks in the and much more farmer The proet has made a start on improved farmer partcipation with more than4,500 ooletc e ownd (almost 75% of the number of oudets), but there is no record of how many of these opeae effectively. There arm now sixte registered farmers' iTigation societies, of which nine are said to have assumed 4 1 cusec. 5 For definition of Shejpali, see Glossary. S rponsibility for O&M of minoi but assistance from CADA is still required. Anodher 21 are in the prss of orgadon and registration. 15. Water maagement is made difficult by the large number of crops being grown at one time and dte fact that the system is designed for a few heavy gations rather than more frquet lighter irrigation& Tis discourages fanmers from shifting to higher value crops requiring more frequent irrigaton ls augmentation from puaped sources, such as wells, drains or rivers, is possible. Conunctve use of canal water and pumped water is discouraged by a Government eulaton foridding the use of two sources of watr in the same canal6. Nevertless, pumped irrigation is increasing, partclary using subsidized electricity; enhanced aquifer recharge from field and ca prcolaton contributes to is. 16. Annual producdon of crops in the project area has ben estmated (see Attcuhment 2) to increase by about 160,000 tons of sugarcane (SAR 301,300 tons), 16,000 tons of food grain (44,100 tons) and about 4,600 tons of groundnuts (14,000 tons). These amounts are much lower than SAR estmates due to lower cropping intensity and generly lower yields for food grains and groundnuts. 17. The effects of the project on farm micomes are summaized below: SAR (1982 Rs.) SAR (1991 Rs.) PCR (1991 Rs.) With/ With/ Without With Without With Without Without With Without project project project project % project project % Average Farm Income - RsJha 1510 4960 2848 9354 328 2701 4350 161 - RsJfarm 6040 19840 11391 37418 328 8102 13051 161 The irea in farm income due to the project is now esdmed to be less than the SAR because of the lesser in crea in g inm and eduction in aveage farm size from 4 ha to 3 ha to reflect the present situation. 18. The taning carried out (Part m Section 4) in Water and Land Management ilte (WALMI)7 and in the five training centers in the project area contibuted to human resource development in the area and the increased agticulural production helped to improve rual incomes and standards of living. The impact of the projet on the physical environment was not grat: the improved dnage reduced the risks of waterlogging and salint. 19. Several useful technical results were obtained from the adaptve resehach program (see par 28). The ptoject was eeasively monitored but very little was done. M daft are available, from which more detailed rests could be obtained than was prcbcable m te 6 Ibis is apparently to avoid disputes over payment for can water. 7 Water and Lnd Managemet lnstitute set up under Cedit 954-IN to tn CADA staff and farmers. 6 limited time avaie to the PCR mission. Thse could be used in formulating future igation policy in Maharashtra 20. Supeviion missions reported some poor finishes, lack cf curing of conctete structures and some poor quality precast concrete field channels, but overall the quality of construction appearsto be normal for istype of work caied out by smal contwtom 21. The sustainability of benefits generated by the project depends largely on the project works and the upstream parts of the system, which were not included in the project, being properly maintained and operated. Although in a few cases water users' societes have n responsibility for minors, in almost all the project areas, the responsibility for O&M down to the ouet into the field channels remains with the Ipigaton Depament (for headworks) and CADA. CAIA are allocated Rs.87 per ha per year in addition to regular establishment costs8 for marintenance between the head of the distributary and the outlet to the field channel; this is inadequate to avoid deterioraton of the system. It is thrfore likely that gradual progressive deterioration of the system will continue. 22. Maintenance of field channels and drains rmais the esponsibility of outet committees, where these operate, and the fanners involvedR. The PCR mision formed the impression that although outlet committees existed they frequently did not function. Maintenane was left to fermers to look after their own interests, which is rasonably successfuL However, repairs to gates, concrete and masonry structures and canal lining are often left unmade and gradual progressive deterioration of these is also likely. Nevertheless, it is expected that farmers will pneraily ensure that the field channels remain operadve, but the quality of the irrgation network s lkely to decrease with time and the condition of field chaels will tend to retum to what it was befor the project Receipts from water charges do not cover O&M costs (see Part fl6.c.). 23. The lessons leamed in the earlierplot project were incorpoated into this project and the se of the project was adjusted to suit the constraints, mainly te availability of trained staff 1. However, the economic reuns from improving teriazy development in water-short areas appear to have been overstimatedc Frequent supervision missions and several additional missions for spefic topics gave useful advice and assistance to CADA staff in project implementation. Nevertheless, the policy for operation of the irrigadon system remains unclear (see paras 13 to 15). 8 Regular estabent and O&M of headworks, colonies and other facilities bring the total annual cost of O&M to about Rs.500irzigable hect. : 9 The O&M of some short minor canals has also been handed over to farmers' organiains. 1 0 At appraisal the scope of the project was expanded pardy in order to provide employment for the large numbers of WALMI gaduts who wiould become available. Even so staff availabilit was a constraint early in the project 7 24. In order to acceerae disbement, the Bank agreed to acce applicato for iberim completion of works and increased disburement peren The project did not include a component for agricultal exteasion and, despite frequent requests, e Bank was unable to persuade GOM to provide more extnsion workers and subjetmatte spelists for izigatd agr:itu 25. ns Pilot projects gave valuable dance for the main project parly regarding identificadon of problems requiring rehabii n and definiton of design csoit It is dificlt to influence the Deparment of Agture (DOA) on iigation projec in W"ich they have no component (see para 23). In a project consisting almost entirely of local cos, devaluaion of the local currency is e When availablewa is spread over too large an area)t, few benefits will be obtained by improvn tertiay development Sbejpali is diffcu to admsterfay, y in ars whete water s scarce. Monitoring of project benefits should be supplemented by evuation of results. Sup missions s-hould ensure tt dat are presentd in a form that can be used for mting be.efis. A good oppor6tui for such a recommendation arose when the credit and the spe of the project were extendedm in1989 and a condition was to be that the project bepriseL How, this reappraisal was not caried out, possibly because data were not avaiabe i a sue fom. 26. In general, the Borrower performed well in the physica and tining compone. Funds were made available when required; after initial difficues, a staff was provided, but GOM was rther slow in disbandin construcdon divisions when thesewere no h needed, contribting to a high proportion of overhead costs. The project was woell and COM appointed a project coordinator, which was not enisaged in the SARL In eneral, GOM complied with covenants in the Pject Agreement, though some late. Notae eepons concen the establising and applying of imnprovedpln for water distrbuio and the allocatio and use of soil moistue data from reference fields to mprove irrigato scheduling. A good procedure for halding over completed works from the conson divisions to O&M divisios was established. 27. Good relations were mained between the Borrower and the Bank through feq missions with reasonable continuity of Bank and CADA staff. Althoughconsideable efforts were made to improve coordination between CADA and DOA thogh meen of canal advisory commitees andie training of extsion workers, Bank supevision miio laly pt that extension seres remained weak due to inadequt Staff. 28. There were no consulting services prvided by the project but the adapdve research component was entrused to two State Agculual UDive es wi a iew to deveopig and demonstrating: (a) i on * suitable for fields before land shaping; (b) cropping and fanning sysems u* for tenvrnent and sil and risk-taing abAilit of th famr ad SAR, Annex 1, Table T-1O shows bt maidmum rabi and hot season canal irrigation inensity vaies from 36% to 81%. IF --~ E-ltl LW .. a.u*. La ' t0gii~~~~~ 000-,~11 e 9 PART IIL PROJECT REVIEW FROM BORROWER'S PERSPECTIVE 10 Ocmats on Part I of POR p"paed by onid Sauk. P*ojoot Identity I No omments Boakground I No comments Project Objectives ind Dbeoription * No Oaments Projeot Dasigo and Organisation Para 7 no Comments Pare 8 It ib not proper to say that the concept of the project was not altogether.s atisfaotory. Prior to taklng up to Naharaehtra Water Utilisati6a Project, it was observed that main constraint in full utilisatiGo of water was defioincies in the irrigation dietribution system,, eecially the mindor and field channels* This made good system operation virtually impossible ahd resulted in an inadequate and unoe lible water supply at the farm level. Other constraints were a(l .I;Nc of farmers ezp*rienoe in an irrigoted agriculture# (2) absence of or inadequate land shaping and (3) kt fact that no suitable reommendation on irrigation practioes have be.n developed for the B*.Q.oils* The iabarashtra Water Utilisation Projeot 'was aimed to attempt at removal of these deficiencies and increaso water utilisation. 'It was clearly defined in 8AR that the main objeetives would be ,o inoreas the offective utilisation of available irrigation water, thereby t@ increase agricultre production and farm income and ;romote. ru1ml developmeat. At tie of projeat formulation, areas oni sub.rprojeeta U*06 ja^oz, Purma, lula, Gia and Madskwasla) were identified where irrittin distribution netwo*k needed urgent lmprovesmat. The fatmers i tse identified areas did not get any/adequate water due to defioinsooeq in the system and -a such they were doprived of project. b*flts. Removal of thse deficiencies was th& main oconept of Naharaihtra Water Utilisation ProjOet. This was preubrequisito for following othw objectives of Maharashtra Water Utillsation Proje6t. Now the wtrks undor Mabarashtra Water Utilisatlon Projeot are over and these areas are receiving irrigatiom water easily 'ad equitably' As such the aim of equitable distribution of water i1 fulfilled Parmers iu the oommand are trained under taharashtra Water Utilisation Projioct ad are now well conversant with irrigated agrioulture theioque, Use of fertilise"r and now variety of seeds etc. Parers aro usng this knowledge on farom and iproving farm production. It s stated in the PB POR that the water is scarce no meet of the projeet areas. This ts not truo. The projeot hydroloy bo been Bonceptual sed at 75% dependability. Thus it auoms that 3 year out of 12 ye a project winl not receive designed storage s Pollowing table show inflow in 5 for all eubeprojects from 1984.85 to l90S^9l. Year 1gs Jer akwa Pas Hula Gu rna Kbhgakiasla 198S5 81. 62 100 63 100 1985-66 31 * 44 47 100 198647 14 39 53 27 99 198I.T6 22 64 .25 n 1989 94 100 10 79 a 1989090 91 100 86 41 . 86 1§90_91 2D00 9 X 83 ii From thdo tabt It wil be seen that water is not soarce to thsbkwa8sl ProjeOt. In othor proSjetes barring three consecutive drought year starting from 1985486, the inflow to the projest ts satistactorys Contention WMlOR that amt wbile upgrading the irrigation network can pormit more equitable distribution, it hso littls effoet on irrigatton intonsity; is generally agreed.. Inoreaos to Irrigation intensity may not be oonsidered am a measure to assess success of the project. Irrigatioo Intenosit is a variable affected by factors esuh as adequato rainfall in the command, availability of well watert sowing of cash oropo requiring more water, non-availability of proper soeds at the time of sowing oto. Whoo rains are adqquate and well spread to the oommand, farmers normally do not apply for water. Similsrly If farmers go for cash crops, te area sanotioned for suoh oroos has to be restrioted to percentage in project crop pattern which io about 4 to 5%. Due to this although all available water is utilised, intensity of Irrigation does not inOrease. Thus It will not be proper to gauge success of projeot alone on inerease in irrigation intensity. A better approash would be to find out trrigation intensity based oan Rabi equivalent. The benefits due to the projeot were not over estimated. Due to compoltion of works under Xsharashtra Water Utilisation Project, wlater is now reaching all oornere of the command and farmers aro confident of getting canal water. It may be noted that in the area where projeot works are completed, farmwe woro not receiving adequate water at all as such they were not irrigation minded. Now Du, to tim training imparted to them under farmers7 training and due to farmeors confidence of getting timely and adequate water, more and more farmers are applying for water. Proj oat Implemontation Para 9: Origtnally the project was to be oompleted in a tine slice of 5 years. Subsequently, to utilise eavings tn the project costs, additional worke of distributaries/uinors/field channels vere taken. This additional work required extension of estabilisbaent for 3 pm more rears. This hae inoreased the coet of overheade. The rercentwe of ovorbead cost to other cost is about 33% and not 37% as stated in Evaluation summay. One of the cowenant in the BAR was to promote lad sbaping in the command areAos. The command areas ID Jakyakwadi, Purnaj, Kula and Girna comand are having flat topography with moderate slopo groupe and did not require much lad lovelling More ovor most of the lands in these comands were already levelled by Agriculture Department. In isolated cases, where farmers felt neessty of some land levelling, fameris puzftm preferred to do it on their own. There was little neoessity of land levelling in these project commands. so there ws no response to land shaping in tbese projects. Case of Khgfakwaela to different. The I aids in the ommand are undulating and bhving steep Slopes* It iS diftioult to receive irrigation water without proper land levelling Thus It was possible to promote lend shaping In this projeot. 12 Pga 1I, Jo Comemnts I Project Results As per BAR total area of 949450 Ha was to bo uptraded. Durtng eoeutio of project some saviang were anticipated. O to utilise full credit mount, the scope of the project was extended. It was planned to upgraded total area of 1,15.203 ha. Tm project period was over by Apuet 91 and total area upgrd Was 1,12#827. This ts about 20% more tbau was planned in BSA. Para 12 A insin objective was to increaeo effective use of water. This to now possible due to improved distribution system. It is seen that area Irritated per MOjCof water is now incrdased as will be seen from statement obown below a Now of Area irrigated in IL Area irrigated io EL Projeot mor lIft bo Par ft sfttr II EtharlS R grtz thr ab1 a w Jayskwadi - 2.00 0.96 6.64 2.38 1.77 Nula 4.90 2.16 1.46 8.84 3.44 . 2.36 Btroa - 2.96 _ 3.96 =., . . * *.-,-.-.-.- * * * * *e ** *.* ** * * *.e ... *. * thus it will be seen that main objeotive of effective use of. water i. fulfilled. General tendendy of farmers is to depend o' the rals for seasonal crops and appl for water only for asAh crops. Forone ave now leanibg more for cash crops which oonsme high water. Tho area under nobh crop are to be restricted to the percentage proscribed t1 the approved cropping pattern. This percentage in usually low# so that more seah8bal crops can be irrigat4. Also, it ts necessar to restrict area under high water consuming crops so that attendant problm _mob as water logging, salinity eto* can be oin imis o. this leads to esser area under irrigatioc and consequently lower irrigatiob Intensity. A better wy to assesa project results woild be to bring al1 crops on ame tooting with the concept of Rabi equivalent and theo measure irigLation intensity., Irrigation Intensity for some pro eotc with tWi concept work out as belows oawe of Project Year Irrigation intensity Irrigati fflaten- on canal aty on Canal witb Rabi auulvalen Jayak4si4 1988-89 34 53 1989.90 42 76 1990e91 30 71 Puma 1968-89 44 119 198990" 44 11 1999091 3% 99 Ilild Jank has worked out MMl fortbe who, projest to be 3%, Thie is bied partly an the data oupplied by fteld officers eda sowe 13 asumptions made by the World Bank. The data ts now re-veritfed and revised ealculations of ERR are nw worked out. The EIR for the whole project now works out to 9.9% agaimt 3% worked out by Wotld Doak. Detailed note on ERR to enclood as attaobuent 2 to tble report. *Para 13: Por Improving system operations, operation plan for oeah sub. projeot to prepared. The aim of preparing operatlon plan was to incorporato all detalsa of the system and Its operation it one manial. __; This was, thercoeroe to be used as system manual by system engineer. These oporatio3irplane are approved by World Za areorts are being made to oporate the system aacordivlyo. Rotational water supply systeto i being Implemented oo tho jpo,ct area. Efforts are being made to keep discharge of outlet to 28 jVa. Reference fields could not be set up in each projest areoas it was telt that thore to so suoh variation in soil conditions that it would be iupraotioabb to use the results, Para 14: The work of one distributary on Kula Projeot(OCA 1237 Ha) bas been oampleted with the concept of Proportional Pilot distributton. The irrigation oO this distributary has also started from Rabi 91. The concept is new one arA it ill take some time to knoa results of this experiment. Fiel1 officers are oconfident that this new oonoept will be welcomed by the farmors. Constant monitoring of this system ti being done. The contention of World Bank that crops grown differ from those approved and water use is often higher than planned may be vlowed tn fofloulng contexts At the start of soason proliminary IrTigation ogram is prepared. Thls prgram splls out the strategy of the oZesa engineer rogarding use of water and crops to be grown. The outcom of this prcgram is not oeactly as spelled as the farmers tend to grow crops which may toteb more maztet value. These orops mar be different tha planned and may also be consuming more water. eThus there io difference in orops planned/water use plansee and crops actu a grown/water actually used. This offies feols that tie flezibility is necessery in %te systm*m The system ts built for fanore and fazrers arebetter judge of orope to be grown and may ttierefooe be allowed to grow croVs as desired. Canal inspectoro aroinoMarge of 500 ha of command. Itrrigatlon in about 25 cmes is looked after by him. Under each canal inopotor one assistant is given. All canal Inspector* in the comand ar traineVdiD the training contre and-are In know of proper operation of system. Inspito of this some dWOOt in operation osytems Lelkly to - errupt. tt is truo that outlet emmittees formed do not funotion propsu*j. llP re in the outlet ommittess are from the "am illsage/ area a trefowet hesitate to take over the operation of outlet for not riskng displeasure of other elnlow villogrs 14 Wth this viewo, it is Pro;ed to estab'lih Water Users' Soctety under esih Section4 Offoerse. Toc ety *h establised,. win take ovea the operation of the system and thereby canal otor can hadle his rduced J*at juridition VoX eftlo1ent.y. pIl-son about l.dsh socitites are formed. and. oanded'6vei Zwth the r-eponubi- lity of taintenance. Para, 15 T! spread of all projects Li quite big. For examp,te comand undor Ji;t BaSk Canal of Jayakwad. is 1,41,640 ha andftep oanal le ngth io 208.kI. This canal oovers 3 districts and 6 talukas. Crop pattern adopted afarmers In esah taluka ts differont, It is, therefore* natUral tnat 0ge number of orops are grown at dne time It it also ncooesary to provide few heavy irrigationsa rather than mor frequent lighter irrigation due to the ospad of the project., If frequent lighter irrigations ar givent due to 3 ngth ot canal, the canal will alwayp be flowing and no mainonenace poriod wil be posib2e. Uoreover the conveyance losses way also increase. The Uorld Bank's contention that few heavy Irrigations discourage the fasbts from shiting to higher value crops requin frequeot lightor it*igation is not oorreot Such farmers are augmenting onal supply,with their own wells . 7armors are taling more wells in the command *6 take advantage of ground water reohoge due to timely and adequate availability of water in the oommand. This offioe a with tho World Bank's opinion that roestricti on oonsuajtiYe use of can al water and ground wtar should be removed. to faostjt ti4cw removed in the Water Users* Societies* Para 16i Annual production of food crops in the project Irea as estimated io BAR aid as actually obtaioed io summarised in belo tables (*rs. in tooqtyoar) Name of Project Annual Production Annual Production as per OAR Obtained Joakwadi 4977,500 2 77,885 Purna 91.600 -1902t352 Mou3 94,500 62,147 Kbidakwasla 47*700 42,569 A.:stated earlior, the system is reeontly completed and it wil be some time before production boost can bes seen. Pram 12 No oments Para 1. Up oments 14qa : o Do'"ate Para ? Projeet SustaiVnabLUty. !Kb quality of woks was seen t the speio wision ftom tims to.timo-during their field visits. Baring one or two tray spots t s ion uisi0aad the quality of works. .15 TM makntenaho grats allooated to the projeot tre at tih rate of RBI87/ba as p r ovt. oiruar dated 2410.65s This grant ts szolusiwe of oetabiebmeot oharge Ustablshmnt grants are sanOtioned as pw eatual reouirOmeat6 Although, tbm grant of Rse87/ha is inadequate o maintain the work in proper codtiatont omtantlom of WB thit there gradual deterioration of the system to Dot oornot. Atthe start of itrLgatton year, field ofileer. oarvey the damages tO the system and priority f c repais is allocated t .following equenoe 1. Repars to masonry works on main oanal. 2. eairs to gates on main osnal. 3. Rosapi.n of earthwork of distribution eystem. 4.. PAIrs o daso structurso of istribution system. 5. Bektr to gaes On distrbution tem 6. Repars to oanel lining on mi oaal. 7. Rpairs to lining of distribtion tem. The works are carried out *rr the priority list and availabilty of budgt. It ie true thtt dlatmaes can oot be rectified the ae3ble budget but it is seen at pots requiring iu.edtate attention are repaired first. Tbreforo, tins ystem genorallyremains in satisfaotory condition. wo keep the system in good shape, this grant -is quird to be nolbamtoeo This io undar consideration. Pgra 224 Thi maintenance of field obsanels is to be done by farmerso It ti seen that this Li tone by farurs prior towooeiving of water. Para 23: Ju*k9 pearomance 'a No Comments. Para 26i rrower's Perfor"0o6 twe construction divisions wored isbdd no sooner the wo Were over oxcept to l akml lprojeet. Beoto6 disbanding the dtviotouf Got. bas to pun aooanuodating t plu staff elsew1here So *8 thre wa blight do2ay in disbd1 contrUOtion Organisation of Khladakwag projeot. In cas of Jkw ProJest, although works were oompleted by Aug,&91 the construoton oran vasston s required to be oontinued upto Dec.9i to claim rimbureont * oilowing table shows the dates on which =woJeot wo** were completed end the dates On which the onstruotion orgat.satiot was di abandedi ProJect Date on witoh weors Date on which construoo were Oompleted. tion ornisation gbe91 b.91 Puma. teb.92. : Web. 91 gi6 juno 91' Junq 91, KhAakW"wla Nat. 90 8ep. 90g m.m. m * . *m* me m..., .m .i *r*** .. 16 .Para 27: * pojoot Belattongbip so e00100t5 Para 28: a Ooslting 8.erio.. ii.0Amite Para 29: a irjeot Doumsentsti6o and Paft. . f "ithout Pro$"t Jat tot yakait Puna and Kbad*ula ?rojoeueot WMT during thei visit. tm6 on this data# be PCb .iidofi hem worked out the RBo0~m. lat R of Retun. DtatS for ul=a Girna ftojeote to -ooglleotodRevised lt R have boom wotked out with tbe belp of tti data. tlow aoitoring of the propiotso suitable toSati were paik ldo coutltation wi W ote World llik. fbA uont*dring ot pro eto swa done accordinglyw jimiUrly, duraing misson nIidata as 80quied by the mission Was furnished. 0 !TB 43 PAt III 0r .WlrD BDM R Credits i No oomento &r -- 2* Wrojeet TinItables so Gommnts ~.i/ &@d: dig. btzeumfsos No Caoments pari 44 f!raling taro*- her gives iii SARL But at the start of the projeot eomissioning formts wore iPe I oongultatlon with World Basnk la these ec.uuussii f t ta wore revise I. I iupusntation wao to be done 0on to tbe revi4 ..t .*iseu to th Coumteooiftg tato. fh tre u targtoas per 8a1 as oorC idt oUiD* fomts and actual obiovemeats is 81! Poruats AoI4tu.n b.ig. .10 9 6 as;tnr. 39 g2 43 12 Iai-eu. 9616 24500 25225 1120 292 506 .DJ~. .150 2S.5 .601 *.s .4r. e__, _ __. ._ ini ._ ._, ._ *mgm .m.............................. _._._ .i.i.m.m. .m.m.. _ ,_. ._ ._ *m_qq _ *, _ ' 2h eroest tso VGMt3y cUtos4 It to tcr*1 to atter'som ptero& It is-hoped thit direst benefit 21 leash the IOvJl urnatimme 1. S . 17 Pi 6: D4eonoulo urn BURN of the projso t are now retluateG and we detailed to encosed .. ehe-ElR a er AR, - per PORC -A as now wornd out man * ol _.... ._n ,_ ._ ._. ._ ._. ._n~ ._ ._ ,_. ._. ,__. ._. ._mC MMA m"it toei fhole proje.t 6 3 o9.90 Jqakwadi 47 7 7.50 Puree 36 WI G3.80 Nula 24 - 18*20 Gtrna 23 - 6.15 Kbadekwaala 19 5 21.10 Cinmanoal IMLoot Th 1982 estivate (as shown to ParW Va Var 6.n1 sh.old be 'liSt. 18 A Noe on eotmation of Economic Rate of Retrn of M"Nhhti W_e Uliisation Projeos. U* im Prut bae en Oe madalable da of te poets La. Jay pw. aW KadwdL. NWo data kwal proeb Is lcmed n dat ake supptld to th PA* studs Is velet Based con ths damaw the rvtud Esenmlo Rate of ratminIs wothe Leetmipdom made in We PMR In "INdat" tVW WM haVe been btatod as summaised beb": -i I. E RMIabhd II g Septe20mber91 MsoNta pine overa p14ect period of 3.h9awe 2. S.auomb Fries ofteadededrnmo*es have ben derivd fm prkiy pices haSm donti WON Ba"t smmodily - forecst No t are IuIdud I Ctime swam. 2.0 tptss Iteeily to VAPWe EmRR Es.5fo lt. amprolaes, worked Got assumin Irrgaton - rsetvuue _ ithoti. F_Sf 'I 2 3 4 31 42 112 Pum 61 N4 .te 26 3 a 61 . bi -26 30 49 Ehah.mask IS 30 6 aewABguge.eSsuimedhwA SM kum w6Prmbauemires IUpUu SumfsUe a aally Obthd _ ida poje asem. Thu tw Oft nod & in PCR am not be VWi W INR sed doAR. * *1% The ERs ar a mohed &at assmin bllgatan ntensIes wtu priet as gIve n Si AR. I Is asumned tha fth lugatlmn intesitie on the preotM of die stafn of MWUP protes would be as shawe In co I abave and would reahdt level In ao 2 eate prolo campletn ted theate 1 w rim oonsta. lnagaln h sity wih pot tipo 1990-91 afe aetuaL Threafter, i Is assumed that maximum ripgtion bwensly tt would be aheUd whh poeat wOud be ll WEl aD prmints oxtmpt SIm for whb Ist ad te 40W. 30 Cropping Paten: Croppig pauem Ina yakvad pojt wh pro aW withouA pret diffren mn assumed In PCR. The sanect sroppng patun (wbh and wftout proJ Is now take Revised ecomml crop bdWt or thb prot s wod out an cloe as Taboe 14. N(a) and G(b) Fa orlwm profets. cropp patt, m assumed hi PCR gneroly tl an i teeor, not ohangad Economic crop budet for these proet maIn same as wod oud In I?.t 4.0 Cost: In WS PCR cost Wo September 1M1 are taken. Sone expndk was iva urbrd even afte ta. Now upodate costs of the pr M awa tL. 5.0 Re-EsimatedERR,: ated on Om above assumptons, Xt bave been e-esdmated for whoe pr o and at prts individually. Th are uhn fm Table 7 to Table 12. The EFft toe whol rde pjtr and idlid proe as per SAP, WS PCR ad as wod or now ate sown below Project ERR as wa"orkd t InlR hIPCR.FWo bW t asolll WhaPOr 36 3 V." Jaakwa 47 7 7.60 PuM 36 -16 -3.0 Nut 24 - 1120 Son ' 22 - C616 adawasa 1 6 11.10 13o th whale pjl s 9.9w * fto Idi l r ts n nw adefro -2. t(M"MPeuqo1. (harja l ssm htpaets ds Is gn good soonewa rae of relate 20 ERR .Puma pmoject Is neative. In A, pesent iawn tm y ( Le. as e#xt atheO st of UWUP projWtIn 1983b 3fakenss61 O. Based on ths, WS teroxted Out this would be S6 for fut wUho t poect eWd wih pM*c k would be 86 S Migatlon Intleits as obtained osidde MWUP aea for lkt few yeas are gen belw: Yawt §~fnldnonsl y htWw' S UP 1983-84 39 1984-8C 39 t98?-0 28 1981-89 66 tns -so w9 1990-91 66 It will be seen tht brIgatdon intenst the nitil ped of prolect was less than S1 Vh and satteed ga up in kter yos as foreated In SAR,. Ths rrgt tensy of St O at the st of pet needs necmietltn. 6.0 lkng*aton on wels: Ot tocope d project wods. ftrmen am assurd of tim ad adequa r '7ly. Gtund water lvel In th command Is com up. Fannen have eas this and hae slaned a"ig wea In case d Mule p ct, the numbOrnw wellsd si the proj command hve bee doubled. Shile Irase In weft i ao see In oth projeot aas. Ths well woud rato have coate up the poec woks we not taken It, Oeo flw th the benwft from wel Irrgton ma also be Inuded In estmaton of ERRt- ERsfor Payawad adumprojects have nwokdt dulyo_bnsiderighulpon w weR and th rests ae as shown beow: ERR based an Infqatlo inwtesits on *rolect Canal Cral + Well Jayakwadl 7.50 11.60 Puna -23.0 T.90 WAIh weIr bigation incude ERR for iuall prs and for the wob projt wimpve. giC |0t ) Aok 8 qs Jya Ad Pjetwith aod vho*M the QEroWl _ v~~~~~~~~~w P*IdNABM UrA~ ~ ~ ~~P. 4 _*pag Ub no .I swo m =ee Vidd 14* fb o 1.70 I1.0 1.15 1.40 1200 1.60 P." 406 is60 142? 1l0 1i6 211 620. room 2641 2700 2426 1150 222 202 I" . 2262 370 24 1160 222 322 to0o Si 25160 291 2an 12650 "a4 4214 11029 P.66197 K~~~~~~~ 1 ~ 10 2 2 10 100 I00 Ib0i Si 1600 10 1 164 12 64 16 U eRi 1600 120 3 460 50 50 50 0.661117 Kg 110 SO 0 at 0 20 1160 ff0 16 QM-Co 0 625 U 1410 626 6 60 OUtCmt Kg 60t t IS* 6I 54 t6 S dt-Col 250G 2 20 5 020 25 704 16 _ _O P so so o so o 1oo s o 64 i no12 250 26 o 20 24 190 Sb -C a274 2249 22664 466 24i6 2262 6612 Cgp.o 0F 1C t O O0 10 * 45 100 Ni Is a 0 40 26 45 4o6 C.upphmgpbm. 00 25 0 0 0 19 25 21 100 ______________ Pb 44 5 O ,6O , 23 69 676 - - - - - - - - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5* 1 si o n A CO et at Jo 0 1 991 gm mm COt La St 639 0 0 St b _ 0 W2 b>0tt 0IS 0 0 0 t0 001W o n 9S1 gm s9 06 Om gm 99 gU *6 0ct 096 0OL Os 03t 0003 u "61 0 091 9 9 9 9 W _ wo Om "t on Oer as as e""ooo Su i9 96 90 96 Pt 39 09 ' U . L 01 3 0 009 0as as 89 S0t p-'U UUAN 0o s9e go 01 Cy on 'so 1 9U 0n on on on Om Os 's 's O's Os WI O' o's V St 09S 0W "0 01 Os o1 Gm 11 1w w1 091 as Wo O09 so 003-4 009 o0n 01t e St O on1 so 0St 69 9at at1 00L 966 W16 so'U 009 009 Osl t 1 16 09A 'U @9l ttsg ane "gt mice "9ti ul&St IV ows eo ut '9ss on : Sete V _ atn Omo tug ons¢t wt to ons my_ _ On 0019 091 01 061& 0eL 00309 *UL - - - - -oo -s "W _' ___ _i9 . _ _ _ _ - - -e - 3Iva 9 319V.L - - - - - - - - --- - mAgo Isemi Ors= mm sacr Amon ursgs msm es-se mms two aria Iu mis ot. gum- Wm wt. n alo - - - _- - - w -w_ --- -aBwt___ . ri lt an sWt us n sr _ us sees. .isorn awn NMe m 0 8I" am" ms" MMS=U W 11: AWS t 9 SleW$ tfu UM WM OO Writ uS UV I= =J aBn rut- VI* ne P"a "SU ons OV3,9 VW" n m$ 1,*%# M ib| 1111 Sor in OWNat A" on an am _ N~~~~~g Ws we an on Om lot Zgm *g o" OWn omn n an an an an an IM a It a a as es It a ermwie.Use trs rmm. n- rsm mWsat mm 9ta .5asu-s CIns ga. ins. w ma cBOrme m e MM S mu mmas, esm amue we, earv am- em anw eM t MO an mew. WI, MIt m- t Me, e,. swe,t sweet si ss Pus ass W u ns-s _s "WV o" O am am am m o W n i as to ne m am a Om _ .~~~~~~o a Ims am$s mens sam$ere esls am enags &te eec us es esns tsW5 nutsg ami am3 NMe. me v aumc ang mito sum susam sm assg,g ease rtes sue asw sut em ee sea sits met ma sam t e nF__ a W . " n-4 s cv W." W"a, . 4 a s a -* a n - a s_ - - -s. OU- asses. aceaae. msae. ci.ast cngesaesaueam. em ieossa. sua.ssse s sei _ . - -_ _ - ,_ .. s-se u-s mm mm en- a-a as-s s-e a-u 's-e mm _ue am mm a uua-e -e …~~~~~~~~ ..~ - - - -. -_-_. ~~~~~~~~~85!U5. MO elDJ!I5U~U tUF~W'I~' I F- _ UWa #1OW ,-sq I '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m~ T hEEl E wEl EEl awn .o1T UW mis &~W ET arns M PEo- ewre- U, .IS s Brw Mrs"~ met. -__ …~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ term ownu ti t ui-o Wug leu to aer a WI or& letS 131 D I erg51 W Si ma Wu 'u mW' mu m,strop PM "M - *gm o a I'N41 o" U 10, su M A. uvw mu "Ss awl. am. 9ma mens. "n~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mo ;a "Ws MP *F oo t o?$tOrwo M,$tt ot "V os *r "t | U r _ -r _# 0nln: srn n go, grag *wn 4 as a _ _ , is as* wrou ruv M an M", wn s gm eus&W wn o uss- WI WI "a _ I Wm am am am Mo wit tos wOits ."' am nP.* t SM a" . w I U 3 *, a a a it gp w et pi. am# fr.$ 'm Ots au 4 cuts am% mt n ou" Mo on c *"a to anW u l. r r Zn It "_ . 1504 W 45 Ulut 14 O3C e U*i ols -1l a," v"*S a4 1 _- 5wJ!4ufUQJWVJJ! JW2UVU 5 pSuwqj PIlOIa !PUM4WA - UIAIUV DWW0U9Ot GMuju teis a"^ Sar Ut'4 It lit Mr- uur urr 1wr It wri wF 1 I orW-l Usn t tag ' IX 1.1 ft ill IrS tS tUg WI NI 5( am* WWI WWI an" I"= orewe wtvi "Fe Gm*, Ws a|" ric tw*- U. am Om _ SuItS&O6 Og r sa cl $m ntw "t *Art Sf51s WIt LOM SW?s niN OmP an as wI in wt sit wt in sig on mt mg re wrt we wt ti wot g mg 5uVl *lNt:lF 'sewS Sean sONS WS*t#tSlN WV. WoOl t_WS Pi@# wcit. ae Sf- Ile eero- Sre- e.a-t is, la I 013ses ith; ~gt leset tS 'U seu5 St'il 61511 65(3 tOPWGl l ZWSI IS SO Oti sr WO U s Us twa we "go we in in o in see tlt ow o r W g we an Om gmsqm WV ii If Wi a us us M ur W s us w s Av a's a s Art as I e_ o n na" tW Om an an St OM gm W gm cm Ms an to a tt gU_ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ;_ f t t a t as a VI St iSt if I1t or ailt Uts Is * 0s _ _ * stl slo no "W es Ent tS et in" 26 "m nm $0 tm ou it eta Is tt t_ -006a VI-W t t1- -It- SO1 Wu *15 38-1 U 64 _ 6 _ _ SS a- us if ti- 13 _ 16 w _- _4 _i 58 5-_ - _ - I . - - --4 n - - 1-4 C5IN5UtiU "PM.l~JJ 1UU53 U pMtwq MM7a N'"nd - OT 21wUimU t t PJ ' *b g-m L~~~_ *m r-__iW all UZl usc~ IFIT SW BU 1 W ?wn. ______ I S rs WS Sr tr Wsr Ws Wss Mf we M Wi MNS" tWFs_ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~gstrs uris ICSFt wa-u swig si1,1. 112M MT e own -Pe gm W mu a MO urn Or pin - ' M r wz MI SS " tIts wi t$M t twa. v twin Mu g$ tSr. marp sria #mr as t swar tw t a tws R*n uris wns s a ri mWst an rs Mt we Wstns we wt mg W8 Wu mg va Ws we twi we v- is _t mg WC Ws tt us r ua a 0 t "te a Or t s t a iO an art w art tot an ar t u $AP-SIu_" sues uris arm usaris sris sa urn urn ar wit sraw wit Strew res ta m mas urn wsv sr urt usru ur s ass sri we we sI WI in In st at otn an ons st en Ws (%5 iS iS is Ut i9 t m wt t sou_ mic mso" m a t ats n n t itt U5s Ua t " I t tst ta" L -!1 -_ Hn ____-_". _" . . a-m I_ ms- _i-it _s _t- _i-as _ wi-is_ tpars us-st wit u- S to-as _t-s_ iswi gm I5wjl!5u! U95U4JUWal wa wUff - esfiuy 9al uo,3 - z; eqquj t;§a$~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sit g V;Ps 1i.l lut q.m ~ ir ~ IIF w~ wi iMOii lots Ms- list fags- 194 08,9 W- sml ig.~ on - out- I_______ LGPG V et Ws ew r. u et s $S a" U no .0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ur We tw m tt gs two arn too ma first e irts Srt *ne S it Is " a n wrc t"u to at ewgs 1160114 os ts M s$ $Mt Awe OW gg S nt- egm c- Cars- mv- 0 e off tart at to we at Ws we we we Sri carts ga eMg We tu e gmot Wste n S_ -t W - no - W - - - - o $- ef e gm e gm ou , CON ou m m a _ et: s a at asat ; t a s a at st ewe o- e as e- t t e e _e ginr me,a uret gte. mrc "KU meg mus AAe" useisewet stwe as, am-s art amn mgi wr eOm mg *; teg tmt it: v et itt t vet auv v- et vet us its en e* it ve Ssi. t an _~qseb tSL;; 625w Usw 51 gStr 66, iSrP 6wu gg5 685? 555W wrFGOP SI 56 oSS eNe it 55 6 _ us as us Ws we we "s WS o W on as enat St on ws we an "a n5 m1e# s ur"s a" asr" gm an fas A St an Om ont Gm e U a W o 4 ow o w o e or ow w uo N a ec u tSri ur sruwe e e t u _- - -I -- - - - - - - USP KIi ss ap tapt 55,5 SLt" SIts 6515 Gill 655, 12W Glw Sell, l mSKI titS "a "VI ml S C ::I -* - se.S UW." *55 go," uS, -SO 58 0ts- WNC 00-61 a."o 00-11 Ws." -i 911-0 M."u-So fU5IIe'ui uM il uijj tlJO peuwqj l J 5U 5! - U2V W 3 51 - q.E TaMe 14- =cowiomic An*Wx Khadakwn Pro aked tn canal iroipation inten2tll 68 -16 1643 43-25 0~~~~~~1 31.10 R-13 5"-34 34145I- Wu1 9f- 13 2-8 - 0 1. 3- .~~~~~~~~~ u^" As *4t so* #3 u.n Si Ss n Is Ss so Sst _- - - - -_ - -_-_ a in 16 26 34 42 4513 418 41 43 S132 1m an no 845 SW s6 s 814 an 2148 Do in~aS2ea 281u 3 s 2 ' 32 an 2A to to a 2.8 3*3 n i.t . to. ssn s n S. on bs.dw 083O 2818n 6n ts*62 un *"o 143 ITS" ilia mSmS n. "11 "On 211 2SIM "S" 2#5 a2u1 2" ba-- te to t4 t n2 n so so so so n Je sot to so so so 16 t 2 Ia I t13 25 n 3 0 t 20 10 16 30 10 W 2 2o3m S son 20 hI .685.8 t _ 211 U 3 65 tanl *AS .366 S1 209 3 3a2 S23 to 23 s 2023 20 3 a2 20s uu3-Hada. 0*0O OJ3X 2 e 1334 *2 t.1J1 s3n sa2 u3 6 20o 6.28 ca6n20 632 6320 $.I" 6'ft 115 6js5 0 JAM 12 &5 I1t.= 12*41 12m tt" 14$ 1234 1t.t44 it" $1,10 1J 2 1111 14 2. 101 26.10* .1 .10 . ~~ -,* - - -_ __ _ _"_ *~~~~~~44 mm fIM aatt teot is.t 2." _ am 4.4 14.242 20.216 20.024 31.235 12.104 5.1 2 t3 1. 1 _4<_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~VI "t sttX .n4 is" J m 2.2K ~~~11414 a"84 4.1 s116 1.1 04 .32 _W -" -13 E -4Jf fl l 1.113 t # f I 21 Wits 32jJ 12 I 4s 141 s.13 IS*0 tm X .tOt 2WIN I6lt to I ___I_ tA % t 29 Part II. Proiect Review from Borrower's Perspective BEaorground BrIdghi pp betwen cration of Irrigalion ptenltial and lbs ullbstlen teures ar Intgrutdst, ntodlspnmy, area development approach. n was with ths view tht, since 1974. comma wig de_etopment authies wore formed an oer o ndia. Tlis was also the reason for tnclusl, of on fam dtveloprmrn waiks. consttuction of toad netwotks, and pilot ptojects, h Itw e tiler wotid bank olded proeCts like MCIPI and MCIPII. The Pffol proje:ls and Farmers' projects taken up wider MCIP-1 and MCIP-lf cler iced that with phWsial hiprovements to the convoyance system , introductlon of new techniqs on ikgptIn though adaptive agricuiltnal research and trining of farmets and grass root level funconarios. level t utiisation can bo stepped up considerably. ,Fom Ihe exp'rlenee of above projects, it wan seen Ihat whilo OFO wAks got under way on these prjepcts, the soohl and organisation llnkages lagged behind. It was realsed that unless these linketes 'ro streigthened, utiiisatlon of Irrigation polential can nd pick up. 11 wes also smen that haft ingmvio the system and having thus ensured adequte and tinely supply of water, ther was a nmrked improvment in cultivators involvement and ultimately, In Ute utiisation of waler. In gh meanwhile. t wae also realised thal howvsoever much we inprove the system. Ia wi not last long unless thee Is a very active paiticipation of the farmer, the utirmate user of the syplem. Unless Vie fanmer feels deeply involved, unless he Is properly educated In nnlV We sysem and feels iike doing so, tm system wil degonerate very quickly. I I tnre that such an imolvement can not be hwped for In a defectIve syslem. Improvement of the system especily [he neglected lip areas Is thefore very Important. Howeer, it Is equt Important titthe Imrmer Is properly educated In managing the system and usling ghe ItIgtin supplis aalablo to him. This Is the aermsisof Malharashtra Water t4irlisation Project. Maharashtra Water Utillsstlon Plojoct The Mahsorastro Woter Ulilisnllon Projecl hOs boon taken up from ltu fnncial old of WO ank* to the tun of 32.00 M. US$ I 29.60 M. SOR as credt eind 22.70 M. USS as oan. The toa asince works out to 54.70 M. USS. Works In 5 sub-projects are kIcluded In Moawrashire Water Ul)sell n Prdect. OrIkly cotemplated sub- project msc orea end cost, aro gIvem bolow: Sr. Nnme cI Project Area in Cost No Hectares (RS in lalths) I. Jaywd Projct 42.350 3,077.30 2. Purm Project 10.500 030.90 3. l Prrject 21.970 1,487.00 4. Gno PRoject 1t.030 702.00 S. Khadahkwas PtoJect 8,60 1.000.38 6. &E.& 01rectr,lRD 193.32 Total: 94.450 7,350.90 A tng to p*3te oremenet, 1l ptlCt was pland to bo compled In a duton d l y* rs Lo.fom Ocobr 983 to Novemnbet 1988. The cred cosIng dolo of the project was Augus i9m. 30 During oxecullhn. fl ms seen that tho scope of somo of Oho itomscomponnt woo requi red to be mottloctd as por agt tiinsos. f has, UteIOtow, treulcITd hi likolg savigs i Die project cost. To uWise savins of Om project. and also to avail marinium uli3alion cl aedit, additonal area and Nteo= wero included in the scope of the prcject. The Inal picture or scope of each sub-project and tUeir coot Is as given below: St. aname of Ptolect Atea In Cost No flectates IRS In Inkhi). 1. Jayokwncfi Pr"t 52.062 3,430.40 2. Purtia Projet 10,735 780.88 3. Mula Project 26.W07 1.670.14 4. Gima Project 15,336 855.6? 5. Khadnkwasta Project 10.263 1,i4t.84 6. S.E.& Diroctoi,iRD' 227.21 7. onitoring Colt CADYAwtangabsd - 37.00 Total: 1,1503 8,143.14 Duo to micrase in scopo of tHie prc'ecl. World Bank hIs extendet1 credit closing d.7e to 31.8-91.' ef Innd cost of the projecS b r ; Q K# 3 ) Inkhs . Th i5 total expenluro4e7hl 'L l.*rthr credit component of the ptoject. Ifence the loan componeit of the pioject was surendered In Diomeber 19!3. ObLoctlvos of tito proloct Mlharoshira Water Ut1l1sationu Project las two fold objectives: 1. Physical Improvwmont In hoe tip area of tho system 2. Devefopment of hulman resources required for functioning of tlie system to utilse the crested potWnmial This incrldes a) Education of farmors In the fofntquos of Iigatoct faoming and Cortrrnlly action rdlOqud to erm thoir oranisd tik ption In tmman g the system. b) Traing of grass-root Ol functionnnfos dealing with tho dovoiopment and managemnt of tip mn. ProjectComponents In pursuance of the brood obJve mntined abov, tho folloig prtincipal actiiles are inlded In Mahsira Wattr Utiuon ProJeof. 7hhvLl Wovgnt: lo Atrdi TlbwrdnConsscof: 31 i. Upgradatlion of dist-ibutarles wherevor necossawy, to ensure proper avellablyliy of water to tho MIWUP roa: 2. UHrmdallon t construction of minors, iold chbrnnols and varlous structures whorever neoed In MWUP orea. 3. Upgradatlon I constructlion of proper lralnago arrar.gomonls. Humma resources develooment 1. Eslablshmont snd rtmning of tralning contors for trolaning of gross-rot (vl funct'rls Gm fernmors. This Includod estobishtmnont el tiinl.cum-demnstfstion faf ml for rfied halniwg. 2. Developing water users' orgrnisollon at vatious lovels. Adantive Anriculture Resenrch A teserch progm "it bo evolved (or eporpmntatton in solected chake to deveop crppin sequens and fanring systems sutable to tho envronment, the farmers skilis and heir resoures. In addRlon, the folowing supporting actikles are atso hncluded In MWLP. Famnors' Attitude SurveM These wete peridc exercises to measuro the tarmers' responso to varous moasures tken nd to idkntify woaknesses In tho errangmnts onvisaged. ioniforin and Eveltiaion This consistod of: 1. Mont cr4s tot evey sub-poject 2. T evltin ells, one for on-farm structures and one mor wtr W nfagem practices. The clls are under StWpntondn Engineer and Dlroc,or, Irrialin research diIsion, Pune. Apart trom ovaluatbig lho rosuls o MVVUP they would aloo evoloe now end botter designs basd an Oe eboe fVecbtnorv and Eauxlment Machinoty and o edpmont trqilred for followng purposes Is to bo procured. 1. Phy*scal Iprovernn of the systom 2. Proper trtning of. mrs, and 3. Improd oporation. Estiastmnt _nd Buikifris 1. trJni Urbl.lwJutwitilrtd frt crl',yh,g etwi nit nt nlovo workt dringn MWUP ponlhs. 2. ResIdential and nen-resrdenila( bulgding for the esabldmron end tainlng centres. 32 Exnt of work Involved Fe sub-prject re Induded hi Mobaroslitra Walet UilIsalion Project. These we Jsyakwadl. Puni, Mutb, Gtima and Khadaicwas. Total area to be improd under those projects was 94.450 ha. Subsequen this awea has mw incteased to 1,15,203 ha. Exlenlt ofwok wnvoed hI each of thse sub-prods b ghien In Tablo 4 of MWUP. Implementation The wwk on MWUP statiod in lale 1983. As stated eaorfor tho woik was to be completod In August 89. But snco the swope of the prqoect ws incronsed, World Bank has grntded sunsi hr cafl cosing date upto 318911. Year wlso wotk of Improving area dono on oach sub-ptoject Is as betow: (Cmuative area In ih), Project 8304 84-r!3 85 16 8G-87 87-88 88.89 89.90 -91 9t-92 J.yahwed 181 4789 1290 19134 2 2 31r.0 3070 470 61330. Pura- 1240 2510 4317 7167 10082 1085 10055 mm - 3172 9087 15334 21300 23832 25570 25030 25930 Gins - - 1465 1465 8884 93t4 115 13732 4629 Khdk a - 1087 3252 5551 7818 9341 10263 10263 10283 Tea: 151 8998 27950 43994 67897 8200 96140 IC= 112807 'B.orowers Perfomrance t. Tho prnng and design of distibutares. minors and chaks was dono accordin to the gutde Ies gben bybank. Ihos wore dosgne:i wlh tho conept of 7 days on and 7 dys off. 2. Thehaksiz wms resiltedto 2F' ha w1th following roquromons rme sr musaneousy: a) The nubr of fnrmrfs In s chak wore not mre Hin 25 b) The lMn of fold channol In a chak did not esceed t 1m. 3. To meot abovo citlerion of dia size, If needed, tho existlng chaks we.. teduced In size and new chskwero etbiswd. 4. Unlng was ptwIdd b 20 % brlgth o1ndd 1chnnnol. Eariler , Ohi lnWi was done with ptscas Irapozol concde secfon. out IUoer World Bank Mission Instucted to ueo hao round cocrwco pipes. LIbn wilh half round concete pipes was tfolowed. 5. Tin to eni n staff was Impated In WALMI. This has . ieasod aaens and adpablily of Sa to new system The staff trained In WALMI Is as unor: 33 Catngoqy Nun*es tralned ExecutIv@ u.ypnc@rs 7 Ieputy englneers 43 Jurior Enlneor5 175 6. TraInng to farmrs woes Ipared an each sub-projecl. The forget of each proloet and cos datoachivemn Is as below: Trcaning Targets and Achievements Project Target Achfevemer Jayukwa 1360 7027 Punm 2700 2888 Mula 6400 4439 G,a 4000 4111 _hadakwasta 2700 2700 Tot: 29400 21105 7. $AR provides that ona m6wor srVg an aras of about 1000 ha should be dvelped a ppaflowiat pilot dlibutary. Accordingly, tlis work was takon on distriby No 1 of Patlcdl brneh cmau of ) la rlg bank canal c tul an aroa of t237 ha. ltbafon tMIs dsbAry hac slatd on PPOs conccpt from rat' 199. Adaptive Rtsearch Tho man objcctve of aapve research In tnrgated areas under MWUP InchAd adopton of hiped IrWon gt m gmen d mproed agrtuilur production tecnod o fr prores po n pomoo This Itru evolving uvpreplt methods of Iln, d*ft echormilwr Viable cropping pafermn, demonstrat igo effect Of h ion frequci and deckding a resstic InptpA pka. The prgrmUm tu Includd conducting m rescbh a adeative research btl an fuma fid unter eIfe cwodtn to b_er t teholg. The protram was kplmenWd noIt g 10 to 25 ftrmers on 4 to 6 ouets from each commend m Actled in ropect of fulme ofthe omjcivo fs tobulted bdow: 34 Object Mte.wtsjcwu"() Gum Khadak. Mule Jay.kwadi Pumn waste Evolve appro iAte meltod of Iulton to VA clmti ad topogrphIa condiion Ini that area 55 80 57 60 65 Devmelop ecnmial viIablo cropping pan VndW crop to suit nmers MWUK rosouces 93 84 52 90 87 Docide cop lcalndar bsed on crop ow mnw In I adoptin hecresod substiwdmk*j, ptriotable cfop sequewces frm budg"n and wero nroduced. avalnbe ..n 3_0trt effect of was not possible diferente lr'Iguvtlon to elease anal frequencis on difretd water at such crop and sob end decided intervwas. So ho oprftm rtatoln perod trials wee dropped. for tmrximn,bg yields 44 44 Occdoed upon a realistic k packge lobe tused by lU frmes ho can rnt invst n Im optinmu package 94 73 70 100 100 The p m as mado grea Impact on cemasig protWdc mad monetary benefts to the awmne og wih svh hi rgtin wster. The dotas of adoptive re lch conducted and petcentag2 adopion Is gn below: 35 Aspect Okina Khadakwaeal Mult Jayakhwad Putna byou" 55 80 68 65 8o FetWlser nueagmert 04 74 70 1W 1oo Sowng tle 98 82 1i 90 90 Use of Impro- vedvarleties 93 84 79 80 90 EXnt of adoption of knprowed technology In nom-doplive research area k is below: Aspect MPKYV, Rhuui MAU.Parbhoni trtroductlon of Improved t high ylddkg varieties 42 5 66 Sowing 63 90 Proper gaon lyouts 48 24 Fortlllsot nmangemnt 40 90 Pro-sowIng ftation 35 . 15 ConjCtlWvo use d canal asdwolwalor 73 15 Plant protecin 53 Bank's Portomienae Owin roc period, Uw World Ban Mibi made semal vd s to th pnjed wors ad offeed th1 vskwble gidancer belr Impemta of tw poct oe dpf Uon stbucton gien by the WoCd arnk Mson em gi beow. 1. The Would Bank hMission Itcted to prmr opeaMion plon for each prtjd . Acorig operan plan for ath b ect was pepawed. This is a self conained docume gng In*mtn about em aped of stgem wid b nmemeqt oe of hw to covd une 1h docurnud wre: t. Pr*t dtolls '3, f1.OidofcoedW of wiater CuRk4 fur acPtin Of Itelu U_n 36 4. Managemrd of system. 5. Desgn aflerion for dishrlbutailke.minors and chak 6. Enotrgncy opotalon of system 7. Allocating ptrlkiies for water quota 8. Fomallon of conuntti's atnd tliri tole in ystenitt nrnCgmemot 9. Sample delivary schedules 10. Other intotmation of use to system manager This document was prepared with a view that any new system manager shwld understand the working and other details of system management after reading this documnen. Z The World Bank MIsslon also rtstructed to carry simulation studin oi the prjets. These studies have been carried out for an sub-proects. Tho purpoe of Uwe stuies was a) To verify whetlhor cropping poltem as adopted for tho pr*ct ean be suppoted "Rh the avalable infw and available rinfall b) To verify adequdcy of canal capacity for the adopted crop pattern. These studles were carried out on computer by developinp spaclal software. The results of thse studies indicated that all sub-project satisfy abovo two cuiteritt. 3. For actie participation of fatmers in krigation management, the World Bank Mission Insisted on formation of water users' societies. Enrier thete erie no such societies formed. So propogtang thi new concept mel with cold sponse in initl ptpriod but vigoraos eflos of he Ofmied ofcers made formation of such socieiies p6ssible. Now farme sre coming forward to form suh soietes. Up til now 16 such societies have been registered and management i handed over 9 socies. 4. As p6r the guide linso issued by the World iatt Mission, an cpnmalon and maintenance manual for each sub-project Is prepared. Tns manual Is being use as guide lino by the manegeli staff for safe and efricient qoertion and mairnenance of the system. The manual gives in det th maintenno procedure to bo adopted and rectfiicaton measures to be Itken. This nres that te system Is aNays In good shape thereby deibering acequate water to al weas .This resulecd in Inceasing overaD efficiency of the project. 5. Other useful guidance given by Wottd Bank Mission wms as under: a) Al engineering staff should be trained In WALMI b) More trials silotdd be lald out on crop seqences, Irrigation Intervils, Aswing Ume and conjuctlv use oi gtlon water nnd lirin c) Adqubte and timely supply Of inputs such as forliTsers , seeds . pesticides and cedit be ensured to fatmers. d) Monitor area unirIgaled but cropped and areas remaining flalow In each Irrtiaon season e) Ha round cemnt concreto pIpes shoul be used to lie fietd channes b pe of present preast concete secthns. Project Impact 1. Duoelo IrOwVInM s to ftp areas wider MWUP, It k seen thot waer h machIng easi to al dk This hNs tcad th confidee of the farmers In Ot sytoem peifoame. The demnd for wowr , therore, Increa. Year wie area red In MWUP area Is dmm I staten enlosed vwh PCR of adc sub-poJect wAich slam inceasing trend. 37 2. Thero 1s also improvement In area Irflg.itcd ptr MCt of vwater In post MWU ptrilod compated to pto MWUP perfed. itts Is shown In PCR's o; hlivtiditl ttopocts. 3. MWUP prov,dos for selictive lning. Thin lino minimlsed ww.toge In Ihe systlm. 4. Duo to tlaining to gro39ta oot funtcliomini, lth systom Is btIng mninialoiod properly and run offlccntfy. 5. Tiaoing to farmers havo exposed thicm to uitulntion techniques and biproved ogtkcuitwol prclices. Ftarmers ano followving toso ptactices. Thin us of Icitilsers ,posticidos nd Improved varliey of seed Is now being done. This has Incrared the ylcldi of al crops. Thto yields of major crops prior to MWUP amd as of now oro givon in Anneniros enclosed ,i, 0 i "JsAv l Pr.Q*, 6. Invoin rnmrs In sytom managemont has Itcreased farmnrs conficnco in tle system. Farmers are now considering the systom as thelr own. This has resulted In minimum mninienance to the system. 7. Duo to improvewmnt in earrying capaciy o? disibutao)' and minors. adequalo supply Is ensuIed. also duo to teduction In chak skze, entlro atea can be irrljatod In scheduled period. Sinc the fatrmes aro also traoined In RWS . tho farmers aro abiding by the tipio altotod to them. Lessons Leamt 1. For undertaking an Improviwnt to the existing system, I in necessry to involve farmers from tho beging. ids wil brtll conriulnco In Itin about the system. MmoditkaUons sggestled for tto syftem should be discussed hI, farmer. t Is also necessary to have a detailed at scurato svey of tho vysten . Based on this survey vnd delait inspections of th0 system, tequired improvements can be koitAd. . FonmeI ti utlimote user cf the system. Twining to the farmers is therefote, necessary. Traing has Improved (arnnes concept of irrialed farm practices and Improved agricultural practices. Farmers have dopted these mettiods. Tis resul1te In Ineased yields. Tmrin to farmetrs should thoroeore, be a continutig activity. 3. As far as possible, management of system shiould be entrusted lo .mecr users' societies. For this punpoe, 1 is necessary to etpose farmers to procedure of forming and registering such socielies. AN necessary help and encouragement should be given to form such societies. Trahinng to the ottice bearers of such soceties shod atso be given 50 as to matnag nftfIRS Of the societis. Field ofrier should victively partitckoale wilh farmers from concept of forming of societies to banding over arnd mangg the society affnirs. Ouldance to the socioty sitould be gin by tho field olffcer s and when necosary. 4. Adequmte number f ctross regulators hi tllo system ate neces. ary so as to etficiently nmnage and control flw of wvter. 5. A debitid operaf for pint of Ith each prct Is necessary. Thi plin swl elucidate vmoik eatures of tH system with spcibl stress on eflfiie management and rinning of sptem. 38 I N D I A ltaharasihtra Waler Utilisation Project (Credit No. 1383 IN) TABLE 4 PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION Name of Project: M.W.U.P. Appmisl Iditial Revised Aotual Full . . . Nov Indlcator Unit Estimate Detailed Estmate AcilveO- InIgatlon Estitmate nents Potential 1 Land A&uistsion .la 23S.00 235.00 57.79 25.67 25.67 2 Distribulafies Km 316.27 316.27 371.73 367.23 367.23 3 Minor . '00 1a 739.00 739.00 914.94 892.51 892.S1 4 Chak IStey . 'OO4a 945.00 945.00 1152.03 1148.11 1148.11 5 Field Cliannesls '00 Ma 545.00 941.00 1152.03 . 112.07 1128.07 6 Liik /Main Drain' Km 2432.88 24'22.88 1602.38 1498.36 1438.36 7 Trg.Conlre Y 100.00 100.00 1 00.00 100.00 100.00 ., . a~~luiklns5 _ _ I N J I A 39 Maharashtra Water Utilisation Project (Credit No. 1383 IN) IAILE 5A PROJ)ECt COSTS (IN MRs.) Name of Project: M.W.U.P. Sr. , Appraisal Ititial 1teIsisd Fihl No. loem Esftiate Detailed fistimate Estimate Estimate .__ (SAn) (Jan I4 (Apr 91) (Aug 91) 1 Land AcqulWslion 11.400 4.660 0.750 0.2CM 2 Olsttibtnadies 33.500 4S.658 V 79.383 82.607 3 Minors 64.S00 08. I98 129.730 136.000 4 Field Ctannels? 13i.900 190.39S 1911.922 109.649 Orains * Llnk Maki ODrin 24.300 33.130 24.079 24.674 6 GuPigs li8.300 69.111 7S.191 .".947 7 V1i*1es A 49.900 66.069 26.4111 27.360 Equipments 8 Establishmenlt 117.300 134.224 1 9.084 206.570 9 Tralninq Cent,. a) Capital 2X.300 39.001 24.960 2S.681 b) Flecurrng 25.793 16.980 19.665 10 Engg.Reseaml a) Capiol 15.700 9.022 9.753 10.706 b) Fleurwlg 14.061 21805 25.516 11 Adaptive Iesetb a) Capal t6.000 6.199 &062 4.5" b) Rho" 6.971 1.924 7.719 TOTAL . I 741.000 731.090 814.314 _038.77 * IncdnContinoy & Establshment Ru. 19t.,00 40 INDIA MalIarashitra Waler Utilisation Project (Credit No. 1303 IN) TAB L EL PROJECT FINANCINGJ Name of Project : M.W.U.P. (IN M.Rs.) Sr. Planned In FInal Actua N4o. Source Credit _____ _____ _____ ____Aff eement I CMI Works a) For Completed Work(s 104.500 . 123.S4T under Pan a) of thePr4ot. b) Frw oher Pats of 150.100 344.423 the Projet 2 Equrment.Velfiles A 38.000 25.736 Materials 3 Salaries & Aflowances 10.450 31.011 for Incremental Staff 4 Oversess Stucy Tours 0.9S0 0.000 S Fee 0.000 0.000 6 UVIntuied 0.000 0.00C TOtAL_ 304.000 524.71? 41 I N D I A Maliarasittr a Waler Utilisition Project (Crepit No. 1383 IN) t-ABLAE GA DIRECT BENEFITS Name of Project: M.W.U.P. PK ,ft1W4) ffi Sr. ___Applsal Estimate Full No. Indicator Unh Estinates Closing Date Oovelopqmen Achivement Estimate t Inremase In Itrigated Fb 46S96 4603? 79984 Area 2 In¢rease In Food Gmin tonlyear 37742 29750 67239 Prodution . 3 lncrease In Food Gain t1s.Mlyear 138 121 24? Production Value 4 Value Added to Local 1ts.Mlyear 3347 2964 4S9 E6onamy S Increase h Cash Crop flh.Mlyear 9260 22716 90423 . Prorkiction Value 6 DIrecty oetwfittlng 1*0s. 27100 4339? 51510 Farm amflies. 7 Increase in On-farm fAan yeat 161S82 1260S0 327186 Emploment' 8 Increasei INon-faun , Man year 63112 7 330 180248 Empoyment 9 Inase In Avge tn eat 6691 14742 2100 _Farm ncmes - I 42 I N D I A Maharat;htra Water Ulilisation Pioject (Credit No. 1383 IN) TAB{ ESTIMATED COST OF MWUP (i FULL DEVELOPMENT Name of Project : M.W.U.P. Sr. Estiatmaled Toti Co cas ( ,_) No. , Prpt _ Gross lni ial nevised Cunent Appraisal (Jar'84) (Apr9l) (Aug 9t) 1 Jayakwadi. 309.400 3)7.730 343.040 352.800 2 Pumna 12.000 133.090 7MO.0 02.649 3 Mula 148.600 118.700 167.014 171.271 4 Ginna .7.801 t0.200 85.567 98.099 S Khadakwasua 107.900 1t 6.038 114.104 115.263 6 S.E.;,IRO 22.100 19.332 22.721 2S.09S 7 Montoming Cell I Otilers (Adaptive 1.000 0.000 3.700 3.700 nlsensu:%, Attudw Survey) _Total 7S2.800 73S.090 914.314 839.87? 43 I N D I A Malharashtira Water Utilisation Project (Credit No.1383 IN) TABLE 10 1M%1t COMPLETION DATES Name of Proiect: M W U P Sr. No. Name Of Project Date Of Completion 1 Jayaknadl 31-8-91 2 Vlt,a 31-3-91 3 Mula 31-3-91 4 Gina 30-6-91 S Kohadahteasla 31-3-90 44 I N D I A Maharasiltra Water Utilisation Project (Credit No.1383 IN) TABLE 4 PROJECT IMPLEMENTAUQU Name of Project: Jayakwadi Project 8r. . Apprmisal Iftiial Revised Actual run No. Indicator Unit Estimate Oeaiiled Estimate Acfitve- lnrWgtIon Estimate rients Potenial 1 Land Acqsuition Ha 34.00 34.00 14.19 4.00 4.00 2 Dlstdbutrles Km 169.00 169.00 1gl.62 1 S8.00 189.80 3 Mintus .00 Hb 424.00 4124.00 393.30 397.90 387.90 4 Chak I 6wv.y. '00 lot 424.00 4124.00 620.62 919.00 919.00 Defle" 5 Field Channels/ '00 Ha 424.00 4124,00 520.62 913.99 S13.50 Drains I 6 Link Main Drain Km t 77.00 t1277.00 89ZOO 808.00 9otoo 7 rg0.c.n*t '100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Auildings 45 1 NJ D I A i4aharasthtr Water Utilisalion Project (Credit No. 1383 IN) TABLE SA LA9I9iA PRCOJECT COSTS (in ~MAIs) 14ame of Project: Jmyakwatdi Sr. _ Appraisal Initial Revised Final No. Itom Et£imate Detailed Estilrat. Esialte Estimate I Land Acquisition 0.696 0.650 0.350 0.013 2 Distributaries 21.087 21.000 34.050 39.919 3 Minors 44.510 44.670 52.848 N5A.86 4 Field Clannelst 81.001 07.000 96.035 91.410 Drains S Link IMain Dain 10.690 10.870 13,576 13.003 6 Buildings 20.833 19.490 22.760 25.296 7 Vehicles & 23.843 22.980 9.440 11.625 Equpments 8 Establisiment 73.B92 63.050 97.230 104.098 9 TminIg Centre a) Capital 6.374 17.090 7.019 7.673 b) nectuning 6.065 12.560 3.928 4.072 10 Engg.Reseafih a) Capital 0.120 0.362 0.362 b) Recurring 2.460 2.394 2.410 11 Adaplh*e Researmh a) Capital 2.320 2.060 2.060 b) Remmg 2.680 0.988 1.107 _ - -- , TOTAL 295.791 307.730 343.040 36.640 _ _ - - * Inluin 12.49 wb CornhIerI & 24 'A Escalaion 46 I N D I A Maharashtra Water Utilisation Project (Credit No. 1383 IN) TABLE 58 PRQJECT FINANCING Name of Project: Jayakwadi (IN M.Rs.) Sr. Prmnned In | Finl Actual No. Soume Credit Agreement 1 Civil Works a) For Completed Works 48.200 60.940 under Pan a801) of th Projoc' b) For other Parts of 5.80N 134.600 the Project 2 Equipment,Vehicles & 13.200 9.980 Materials 3 !.laIrles A Allowamnes 4.640 4.990 for Inctemental Staff 4 Overeas Study Tows 0.000 0.000 S Fee 0.000 0.000 6 Unalocated 0.000 0.000 TOTAL 124U480 210.600 47 I NDI A Maharasitra Water UtiliGatiori Project (Credit No. 1383 IN) TIAB LE 6 A DIRECT BENEFITS Name of Project: Jayakwadi tMMOW * Sr. _ _ Appmisal Estimate Fun No. Indicator Unit Estimates Closing Date Development Achivement Ertimate I Incrase in Inrgated 1lia 13565.000 15042.000 35900.000 Area 2 hsl..ase In Food Grain tonlyear 98S3.000 8235.000 21042.000 Producton 3 inrrease in Food 3rain fls.Mlyear 22.941 29.929 90.101 Production Value 4 Value Added to Local Rs.Mlyear 59.215 179.314 466.255 Economy S lnor.ase In Cash Crop Rs.Mlear 36.274 149.386 376.164 Production Value 6 Directly i3enetkfit ' Nos. 1 06C1.000 22967.000 30000.000 Farm familos 7 Increase In On-tfm Man year 21200.000 4S934.000 60000.000 Emplyment S Increase in Non-fam Man year 10600.000 2296r.000 30000.000 Employment 9 ncrease In Averge net RsJ4ear 60.900 110.200 144.000 arm Iwomes 48 I N D I A MaIharashitra Water Utili3atioIt Project (Credit No. 1383 IN) TABLE 4 EROJEC;T IMIE!LEMENTAT101N Name of Project Purna Project 8r. iAppialsal Initial Revised Actual Ful Indkictor UInh Estinate Detailed Estimate Acheve- lipation Estimate ments Potentil I Land Acquiston H 1.00 1.00 9.00 6.30 5.30 2 DIstuteld. Km 95.00 95.00 9.00 94.00 94.00 3 MInors '00 Ha 105.00 10S.00 107.35 107.35 101.35 4 ChalU I tey * 00 Ha 10S.00 105.00 107.35 107.35 10o.3s Desn S Field Channels '00 Ha 105.00 105.00 107.35 106.59 106.55 . Oins 6 Link /Main lmin Km 151.00 191.00 220.00 200.96 208.56 7 Trg.Cet CI 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 9.dI ,' . ___. - * I N 491 IND'IA -Maharashira Water Ulilisation Project (Credit No.1383 IN) TABLE 5A PROJECT COSTS Naine of Project: Putna (IN l.ns.) . . Sr. j ~ |Appaisal inftltl ntvised r1klal No. Item Estinate Detailed Esimate Estimate __. E.. Estimate _ I 1 Land A6quishion 0.010 0.010 0.200 0.265 2 Olsttlbezirles 2.620 2.600 9.090 9.6S6 3 M1Inors 12.1i1 t2000 14.507. 15.S6tl 4 Field ChanneWs! 16.480 16.300 1.6899 15.202 Drins S Lnk /Main Drain S.445 5.400 2.700 3.204 6 Buildins 9.263 7.810 0.13 9.387 7 Vehicles & 9.980 1S.910 4.316 5.103 Eqtipments 8 Establishument 16.804 13.010 15.045 16.146 9 Traig Centre a) Caphal 3.187 6.990 3.61S 3.719 b) Rehuyrng 3.030 - 3.400 2.227 L.433 10 E ggReseawh a) CapIal. 0.300 0.201 0.201 b) RecunIn 0.090 0.870 0.U46 11 Adaptive neseawuh a) Capital 0.7011 0.621 0.61S bJ Fleeirfong 0.260 0.94 0.904 ___ TOTAL 07.000 83.090 78.088 82.61 Inmudes 12.4A S_ 50 I N D I A Maharashtra Water Utilisation Project (Cr.dit.No. 1383 IN) IALE -5B Pt.)IECT FINANCING Name of Project: Purna (IN M.1ls.) Sr. Pbanned In Final Ac.ual :4o. Slorice Credi Agreemnent 1 C1I Works a} For Completed Worts 8.900 9.697 I ndr Putt ai of bJ For other Pans of 17.600 36.694 the Projt 2 Equipmenr.Velilbles & Q700 1.174 lUate,lasb 2 Salades & Allowanres 0.960 2.641 for lnormena Stff 4 Overseas tudy Tours 0.000 0.000 S Fee 0.000 0.000 6 Unallocated 0.000 0.000 TOTAL 36.160 50.596 51 IN t) IA Maharashtra Water Utilisation Project (Credit No.1383 IN) T A B5 L f DI RECT BENEFiTS Name of Project: Purna Appmlsal 1stimant FuR No. Indicator Unit. Estimates Clotanq Oate Owetpmene Achivement Estirate 1 Intrease Ininigated hia 7121.000 7816.000 8944.000 Ar.a 2 Inarease in Food Grmin tlear 9217.000 4904.000 7022.000 Production 3 Inctease In Food Gain hFI¢.Mear 19.109 14.7 1 25.819 Prodctlon VaIlue 4 Value Added to Local Rs.Miyear 60.063 20G.805 tGQ.tS Economy 5 Increase In Cash Crop rfs.MIyear 30.954 192.089 134.9S6 Production Value' 6 otectly leneflting NHs. 442C&000 642Q.000 6w09.000 Farm families 7 inrease In On-fanm Man year 8962.000 12801.000 13000.000 Employmwn. 8 Increase In Non-farm Man year 4426.000 6420.000 6500.000 Employmentl 9 Itcrease In Av.sge net he.iea 221.000 417.060 455.0" -Farm iwomer . 52 I N D I A Maharaslitra Water Utilisation Project (Credit No. 1383 IN) TAB LE 4. PRzOJEC-T 1MPL1;_,AEHTATION Name of Project: Mula Project 9.Sr. . . Apptaisal Inhtial Ilevised Actual Full No. Indicator Unh Estimate Detafed Estimate Achieve- Inrigtfon Estimate ments Potentil I Land Acquishion Ht 200.00 200.00 16.37 16.37 16.37 2 Ollbuafes Km 17.60 17 .60 38.17 37.49 37.49 3 Minom '00 lta .124.00 124.00 186.0S 106.9S 186.95 4 Chnk I Survey '00.1-1a 21 9.70 21 9.70 269.07 267.S2 267.s2 Oesin _ 5 Fleld Channdst '00 tHa 219.70 .219.70 269.0T 259.30 259.30 6 LInk IMain OaIn Km 659.00 G59.00 261.48 261.48 261.48 7 Trg. Cente % '100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Building_ I N LD5 A Maharaslitra Water Utilisation Project (Credit No.1383 IN) t-ABLE S PflOJEgT CQSTfi NameofProject: hlula * .___ . (IN m.fs.) Sr. -Apprisal Inibtal nevised Final No. htem Esibnate Detailed Estimate Estimate Eslininte . 1 Land Aerulsshidn 0.013 4.000 0.200 2 Olstitarftins 2.300 2.%Ob 0.S46 9.052 3 Minors 1S.SO 16.700 27.172 28.990 4 reMld Channelst 42.230 45.100 43.3to 40J.49 Orains ; Link IMain, Drain 9.810 9.800 4.000 4.860 S Buildings 24.020 17.900 23.309 23.466 7 Vehicles & 12.260 13.000 4.840 2.765 Eqtdpments 8 Estabfilshment 34.280 29.000 41.S41 49.S49 9 Traindng Centre A) Capital 3.190 4.200 3.630 3.437 b) lleuwineg 3.050 3.300 3.SSS 4.476 10 Engiriesarch a) Captal 0.400 0.513 O.SlI b) FRcIng 0.400 0.698 0.147 11 dt Reupuh a CaPItW 1.100 0.000 0.362 R) 1.300 4.200 2.907 . _TOTL 146.733 148.700 2.014 71 AInIUdes l245 aontnetes and 4 % EsCalation 54 I N D l Af Maharashitra Water Utilisation Project (C redit No.1333 IN) TABLE 5B1 PROJECT FINANCINQ Name ol Project: Mula (IN M.Rs.) Sr., Plannel In Final Actual INO. SoXum Credit A7reement I CIA works'. a) For Completed Works 24.800 30.222 usnder Pt e"up of . t, he Proet .. b) For other Parts of 28.600 67.741 th Projt 2 Equipment,Vehiohs & 7.50 3.41S Materials- 3 Salaries & Aaoiw#wes. 1.950 4.184 for Incremental Stall 4 Overfs?as Study Tours 0.000 0.000 S Fee 0.000 0.000 6 Unaloated 0.000 O.o0o TOTAL 62.350 105.562 55 I N D I A Mahiat ashitra Water UtiIisUation pi ;j>.wt: (Credit No.1383 IN) T A B LE, ,6A DIRECT BENEFITS Name of Project: Mula aR04 Sr. . - . _ Appraisal Estimati FuN Nlo. Indiat:nor Unh lEstimates Cloging Date Devektrpnent Acthivement Estimate I increate In Inigated I4 5265.000 4462.000 14830.000 Area 2 Increase In Food Grain tonly ear 5472.000 5S40.000 14899.000 Production 3 Inerease In Food Grain fls.MIyear 11.490 16.080 4t.210 Production Vakle 4 ValUe Addedto l ocal fs.Wyeav 7.360 1S.410 | 29.330 | Economy 2300070 .0 S 1crease in Cash Crop Fis.94/year 8164.000 22300.000 79312.000 | Production Value 6 Oirectly Benersttng No$. 3000.000 4S00.000 | 5500.000 Fann fmilies 7 Increase In On-fahn Man year 115000.000 46000.000 | 230000.000 Employment S Inwease in Non-tarm Manyear 46000.000 46000.000 138000.000 Employment 9 Inrease In Average ne Ns.4year 2000.000 S000.000 W00.000 Farm incomes .___ 56 I N D IA Maharashtra Water Utilisation Project -('redit No. 1383 IN) TABLE 4 PBOJECT IMPLEMENTATION Name of Project: Girna Project Sr. . . . Appraisal titial nevised Actual Full N~5o. - Iniatr JUntt Estimate Oestlled Estimate Achieve- Iitin Esftmate ments Potuial 1 Land AcqAislion J . . _ 22.23 2 Olubarles Km _ _ _ 3 Minos 'OO Ha _ . 153.36 136.43 136.43 4 ChkISurvey '00 Fa 110.30 110.30 153.36 149.42 149.42 5 Fleld Channel '00 Ha 110.30 110.30 153.36 146.29 148.29 6 IMan Drain Km '330.00 330.00 213.00 204.92 204.92 7 TrCentfa % 100.00 100.00 1t00.00 . 100.00 100.00 Euluig '.. 57 Maharashtra Water Utilisation Project (Credit No. 1383 IN) I ABLE 5A PBRJQCT COSTS Name of Project: Girna - (i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ti M.RS.) Sr. .IAppraisal initial Revised 6inal N4o. liem Esthnate petailed Esdimate Estimate Fsilmate 1 Land Acqtdsition 0.013 2 Dislribularles 3 Mhiors 114.352 16.000 4 Field Channelu/ 20.160 19.600 29 720 29.362 DOins S Llnk lMain Drain 5.740 S.G00 2 651 2.308 6 Buildings 12.740 11.900 6.551 6.111 7 VehIcles 1 5.420 6.700 3.126 3.836 Equipments 8 Estabishment 16.000 13.600 17.329 17.936 9 TraiWng Centre a) Capital 3.190 6.100 5.000 5.163 b) Recurring 3.050 3.300 3.215 3.687 10 Engg.Reseaeuh .) CaphIal 0'500 0.487 0.475 b) Recurring 0.500 0.954 0.984 11 Adaptive Reseawil a) Capital 1.000 0.650 0.630 b) flecusring 1.400 1.936 1.S27 TOTAL 1 66.393 70.Z00 -89.967 88.099 Includes 12.45 Vo contingencies and 24 'Vo escalation 58 1 N D I A Maharashtra Water Utiliiation Project (Credit No. 1383 IN) PRpOJECT FINANCING Name of Project: Girna (IN M.Rs.) Sr. M~~~~~~~~Panned In Fbina Actual Souroc Cvedi; Agreement 1 Civl Wars a) For Completed Works 10.800 14.596. under Part a(iI of the PrQoct b) For other Parts of 12.100 34.Ot1 the Prnoct 2 Equlpment.Vehlicles & 3.900 4.037 Materials 3 Salaries & Allowances 1.080 6.024 for Incremental Staff 4 Overseas Study Tours 0.000 0.000 5 Fee 0.000 0.000 6 Unallocated 0.000 0.000 TO-tAL G2A460 S8.668 59 I N D I A Mahra2shira Watpr tJtilisation Project (Credit No.1383 IN) DiRECT BENEFITS Name of Project: Girna * &Rr) Apprmisul Estimnte r.un No. Indicator Unik Estimates Closing Date Oevelopment Achivement EstiTate I Increase In Irrigated Ha 15330.000 15330.000 1S330.000 Area 2 increase In Food Graln tonlyear 5700.000 4779.000 S700.000 Production 3 Inease in Food Ofain; Rs.Mlyear 11.400 9.800 16.210 Production Value 4 Value Added to Loal ns.Mlyear 7.610 8.900 1 10.2S .Economy S Increase In Cash Crop Rs.MIyroar 7.600 6.530 7.630 Prorluctlion Valuee 6 Diiteotly Genefitting Nos. 7200.000 7200.000 | 7200.000| ratn tamAles 7 Increase In On-farmt Man year 14400.000 14000.000 | t4000.000 Emrnplymient 8 Increase In Non-farm Man year 1500.000 2000.000 3000.000 | Employment 9 Inctease In Average net ns./year 2000.000 2500.000 3000.000 Farm Inomes 60 I N D I A Maharashira Water U tilisation Project (Credit No.1383 IN) TABLE *1 PROJECT IMPLEMENTIATION Name of Project * . Khadakwasla Project Sr. Aprriisatl Initial Revised Actual Fuli No. Indicator Ur Esti"wate Detaited Estimate Achieve- tndgatlon Esfimate menus Potential I Land Aculsiion I4a - - - _ 2 Distributades Km 34.67 341.67 46.94 46.94 46.94 3 Minors '00 Ila tl6.00 8G.O0 74.08 74.08 74.00 4 Chlk I Survey 00 1-t 86.00 86.00 102.63 103.20 103.20 eosign 6 Field Channelst '0o Ha 86.00 8L.00 102.63 102.63 102.63 Drains 6 Link Maln Draln Km 1t.88 1 5.88 1S.90 16.90 15.90 7 t ng.tenIr 9 100.00 100.00 100.00 1100.00 100.00 Stildgs 61 I 14 D I A Maharashira Water Utilisation Project (Credit No.1383 IN) TABLtE 5A PRBJECT COSTS Name of Project : Khadakwasta _____________ _______ ~ ~ (IN M.flsj Sr. . iAppraisal Iniial Revised Final No. heem Estimate Detailed Estimate Estimale Estimate 1 Land Acquisition 0.013 2 Distrlbutarles 19.633 1 9.558 27.697 28.147 3 MInos 15.742 15.828 20.1351 20.169 4 Fleld Channelst 21.520 2t.85S 14.168 13.814 S Link lMain Drain 1.460 1.468 1.IS2 1.1S2 6 Buildings 13.780 11.981 14.819 15.S13 7 Vehicles & 9.470 8.209 4.689 3.544 Equipmentg 8 Estabilsinment 19.010 15.564 17.943 19.416 9 TrainIg Centfe a) Caphal 3.190 S.621 5.696 S.696 b) nlecuing 3.050 3.233 4.055 4.65? 10 EngAleseafth a) Capiata b) Recuring 0.581 0.838 0T87 11 Adaptve Researh a) Capital 1.079 0.931 0.93t b) fteaunng 1.331 1.346 1.346 _ TOTAL _ * _t101.668 106.038 114.184 * 115.263 . nocldeas 12.45 Sb coningbies and 24 '4 escalation 62 I11 D I A Maharashtra Water Utilisationi Project (Credit No. 1303 IN) TABLE 5B PROJE:CT FINANCING Name of Project : Khadakw:nla (IN M.Rs.) Sr. Planned in Final Actual No. Source Credi Agreement 1 Civil Works a) For Completed Works 11.800 6.103 under Pail a(ii) of the Project ,' b) For other Parts of 28100 62.831 the Project 2 Equlpment,Velicles & 4.700 4.369 Materials 3 Salaties & Alloviarmes 1.190 3.466 for Incremental Staff 4 Overseas Study Tous 0.000 0.000 S Fee 0.000 0.000 6 Unallocated 0.000 0.000 _TOTAL 415.790 78.769 63 I N DIA Maharaehtra W3ater Utilisation Project (Credit No. 1383 IN) TA13LE DA DI2RE1 3ENEFITS NameofProject: Khiadakwasta M Sr. . . . - . Appraisal Esinmate Full Nt. indleator UEutknant.s Cloing Oate Oovelpm.nt Acldvement Estkmate I Inorase In Irrigated I l 4605.000 2387.000 4980.000 Area 2 ltonase in Food Grin sonlyesr 7500.000 5292.000 t7t1.000 Production S3 ctw ese In r-ood Grain fli.MIyear 71.250 50.270 73.920 _9_ euiat._.u. m. 4 Value Added to Local ns.mifear 321&.000 2454.000 3913.000 Economy Inorease in Cash Cwajp Rs.Mhyear 12.960 68.230 92.520 Prodtion Value 6 Otrly Senefdting lYos. 1954.000 2310Q000 23t0.000 Pan" famies I lmmese InOn-tan Man year 2130.000 7276.000 101t 6.000 Employmend 0 Incease In Non-fawn Man year 5G6.000 1963.000 2140.000 Employment 9 Increas In Averge no Rxs.ear i419.000 6715.000 9401.000 _Fawm Ibomes I 64 I N D l A Mnhsrashtre Watet Utilisaticn Project (Citd No.1303 1N) TABLE S-A PRINQECT COST. 14=mq of Project: DIRD (IN M.,Re.) 9i. Appraisal bnitial nevised Fil N. Item Estimate Detailed Estimate Etdimate Estinate I Land Acq.tion 2 fDsitibutaaIes 3 MInors 4 Field Caamels Diaing 5 Link iMaln rin 6 uins 7 VelIl*es & Equljitents 8 Esabislhment 9 Traiing Centre .a) Capital b) neuIng 10 Ea"gg.eseatch a) Caphal 10.380 8.602 8.190 6.330 b) Recuing 9.320 10.930 14.631 16.763 11 Adopdve leserh A) Capil b) Reawrn TOTAL 19.700 19.372 22.721 2S.093 mbydes 12.41 qt 0 i W rudi 24 a i 1- 65 I 14 D I A Maharasittra Water Utilisation Project (Credit No. 1383 IN) T~LE 5 PFIOJECT FINANCING Name of Projoct: DinD (IN M.Rls.) Sr. Planned In Fin Actual No. Soumse Credt Agreement I CMI Wotku a) For Completed Woks under Past an at the Project 0.000 0.000 b) For other Parts of 4.300 0.649 theProwet 2 Equtpment,Vehbies & 0.000 2.162 Matedals 3 SalUetns & AUow$aioes 0.630 7.089 for Irorernental staff 4 Oversees Study tous 0.000 0.000 5 FQe 0.000 0.000) 6 Unallocated 0.000 0.000 TOTAL 4.930 1t.900 66 I N D I A Maharashtta Waler Utilization Project (Credit No. 1383 IN) IABLE SA PROJECT COSTS Nanto of Project X Mon; Coll (IN M.RK .) I;r. , _ ppralsal Inhial nRwsed Final No. Itmw Estinate Detailed Est"iate estmate I Land Acquitn 2 Olstrilbutnes 3 MInos 4 FIld Clunnelsl 6* Main Oran 7 VOWe & Eqipaets S Esmbstmnet 9 tanb Centr a) Captial b) Pmu 10 Enggulanh a) Caial b) mln 0.000 3.00 co 11 Adaptive fueawi a) Capita b) Uiewung _ TOfAL 0.000 MM 3M00 67 PART mI STATITICAL INORMATION 1. Related Bank Credits LoaJ/Credt Purpose Year of Ssw Commn_ Title Approv Credit 23-IN Roservoirs & cana for July V62 Cpleted Pura Irraio Procat 6000 ha. Credit 7364IN ration inastructure October 1977 Completed Mr shta Irration for 95,O0 ha in Projet I Jayaa Sdeme and rehabilitatio in Puma. credi 954-IN Priorit work in Mula October Comleed PCR 1987 Maashtm Urgao and Gina Scheme._ Pot Prject I Fames Pjcct, WALU4I credi 1235-IN Agriultuiraletenion. April I91 Cmpee MahmS hr Agrcl n Eewnion PrecJt Cred it 2-IN IrgtonInrstructure June 196 Rformulated Maahtm Compost in Jayakwadi Scem. 1987 0rv m Crdi 1770-IN Imn of Feuy 1987 In propose Nadonal Water a und syUem Mangment Proect operat in Insvera Stsem (ut otyetin Mauata. 68 2. Project Timetable item Planned Date Rvsed Date Actual Date Identification (Executive ) Project Summary) )June 19 (Furst ) Proet Brief Preparaion ) 9 Aug 18) Appraial Mission June 1982 November/December 1962 Loan/Cre Neptiatios 25 Apri 198 May 1983 Board Approval 14 June L983 9 June 1983 Loan/Credit Signatu 30 June 1983 Loan/Credit Effectiveness 27 Sepember 183 Loan/Credit Cksing 31 August 1989 31 August 1990, 31 Augut 1991 31 August 1991 Prqect Completion 30 November L988 December 1991 (SAR 3.22 & DCA Schedule 2) 30 September 198 (SAR Annex 1, Chan C) Comments: The June 1982 mission proposed a 3-year 'time.slice" but on disussion in Washington this was increased to five years. Project folaton took care to avoid overlap with related projects, particularly Credits 954 and 1621. Closing date was etnded by two years to enable extended scope of project works to be completed and to use funds available in the credit, 3. Credit/Loan Disbursements m mS "a n7 i 1up 19 1m "a AppaliEaimsm 6,00 I20 600 36100 46X0 S70M Acei 1200 5, 100 13 19= 200 304 36 3,01 Amta n %of Baluw 17 38 41 42 43 45 56 62 a DamdlmiDhbausm 29Jan.92 I/ W53,04,00 fain cm"i and usSSO fan lom. Cnmeats: The rate of exchange between the rupee and the US doLar changed from Rs9SO per doUlar at appraisal to about Rs24M S per dolUar at the tm of the PCR missioL Although there was a slight (about 9%) incr in cos expressd in mpees, the amount required in US doLars and SDR decrased c a. The loan of US$22.7 miion was ceed (eept for US$56,608 firont-end fee). Tbe scope of work was extended in an attempt to use all the credit, about 98% (SDR29.03 million) of wh was 69 4. Project Implementation Indiators Appraisal Aeal Actual as Wstimate % of SAR Area Upgraded (Ha): - Jayakwadi 42,350 52,062 121 * Puma 10,500 10,735 101 Gima 11,030 15,336 133 -Mula 21,970 26,87 118 - Khadakwasla 8QO 10,263 119 Tobd 94,450 115,203 119 WALMI Trining (No.): - Exctive Enneers 11 7 64 * Assistat Engineers 38 43 113 - Junior Engineers 174 175 101 - Arclt Officrs 12 0 0 Trining Centrs (No.) S S 100 Tralnng (No.): * Agicutu Assistns 234 68 29 - Conact Farmers 5,616 22,58 402 Canal Inspects Im20 S79 52 * Land Develpmet Assisant 1,130 639 57 - Oudet Committee Chaimen 4,000 1,S43 38 Study Tour for 6 People 1 0 0 Commenlts: lhe SAR did not give quantities for the various items of works other than the area to be upgradedwhich was inaeased by about 19% in order to use the credit available. The density of field channels increased from about 45 m to 60 m per ha. The number of executive engineers trined was Iess than envisaged in the SAR but this was made up for by an increase in the number of assistant engineer Only about half the number of canal inspector proposed in the SAR were tained. No agricultural officers were reported to be trind at WALMI and only about 30* of the number of agricultural assistants and less than 60% of the number of and d lP asta plaimed in the SAR were rained at the trining cen#s Howvr, four tim the nmber of farmes were trined as envisaged in the SAR. Study tours were proposed but not approved by Central Govenment. 70 5. Project Costs and Financing A. Project Costs Apprasa Esmae Actua (US$ mollos) (US$ milion) 1/ 2/ Land Acquisition 020 0.00 Distributauies 48 5.93 Minors 9.26 9.72 Field Channels 19.79 13.37 Link and Main Drains 3,49 170 Buldings 838 562 Voeicles and Equipment 7.17 .21 Traiing 3.63 3.17 Adaptive Rescarcb 2.16 0.79 ineering Research 2.25 250 Esubgshme 16.8 14.09 Estmted Further Costs to Completion Li1 Tota 180 60 1/ Rs9.5 per US$ in SAR. Incud coningence. 2/ Rst3.94 per USS, as weighted awerage rate over the project period. B Project Flnancing Piaed Actua Crdit L_an Total Crdt USSOOO SDR USS$0 SDR *mlon equgaln rn-oil IBRD/IDA L Cil Work 24.8 16,900 26.00 2 Equipment, Vedles and Meras 3.7 2,500 137 . Salaie eat for Ilncmesta ff 10 600 16S 4 Oerse Std Tours 0.1 100 0. 5. From EadFee 57 S7 6u allopated U,54 Sob4otal 29A 22,700 29. 1/ US Eqvalet of SDR Credt 32,000 35,040 Toal Dak Grop 52700 35,97 D _Imile 25,00 2m 2/ Total P*ct Cost 78,000 WO. 2/ . U 1/ SDR 566,107.2 was cancl on 21 Jamey 1992 I/ 3usd an weigted avra exch ra of RI394 s USS1 OIments: Loan was canced acept for th. fnt-end fee of US$56,608 71 6. Project Results A. Diect Benefits Indicators Appraisal PCR Es_at Estimte Potentially benefitting farm fmies (no.) 30,000 37,600 W Incresed food gn production (tons/year) 44,100 15800 Increased banana producdon (tons/year) 32900 neglgb4 Increased groundnut production (tons/year) 14,100 4,600 Increased sugarcane production (tons/year) 301,300 159,900 Generated farm employment (man-days/year) 3,30,000 1,60Q000 Generated non-farm employment (man-years 9,000 24,000 during constuedon) ' Based on average landholding of 3 ba. . Economic Impact -u EsUmut MCR Eilmab Cao A Can D Ecmnk Rasb of Retun 3S.6% 3% 3% V UnderltAug sumptIon Sunk msm Igored igored Ignord pFojctEfl 20yam 20 y. 30geam Rei" valu si Do an Fam gts price of agrc (1991 R/t) 354 288 Far pte pice of weat (91 aft) S 2179 4 Badis or Pat pr r food gra sncea k*t Imat Beue&a frm tudud INvestmet in baud Ignre Ignre Ignoed Beeft om indued nvestmn in Ignored ISod I-dudud 'ERllshwbp eaudmted yamud afor urnyamdSher o£_eoti_~~~~mbto y 0=MRM w3 EY ba s bc For madn a % Gr dak a 8% the wimru aroject skuedoum Ma b h=tBIcnSm wdoww * sbW we. abbbA&~ 72 C. Finanial Impact Appraisal Estimate PCR Esdmate Net farm income V - Rs/ba With Project 9,354 4,370 - Rs/ba Without Project 2,848 2,700 I Expressed in 1991 Rs. Appial estimate, made for Jayakwadi, was Rs4,960 in 192/83 rupees with the project and RsIl,510 without the project. Cammeaft Cost Recory. The budpet allocated for O&M of the irgion network is based on Rs87 per ha of comand area. In addition to this, the establishmlnt coat and O&M casts of head k, ole, houss and related roads br the total to about RsSO0 per ba (1990/91). Water charges in Mahaxrashtra are being progressiy ineased fom 1990/91 to 1994/95, and by I4/95 the charges wM be betwen R300 and RXs60 per irrigated ha depending on the cropping pattem If the intensity of irigton from cal is, say, 50%, the aveage charge in 1994/95 might be Rs225 per ha of command area, some way short of the O&M cost which is now about RsSOO per ha. Historical experience indicates that actua receipts would be ss than th assesed charge. D. Studies Studies Purpose as Defined at Apprisal Staus lmpact of Stud Farmers' Atttude Survey To find reaso why farms do Only one sudy Farmers' ris were (1V8 196S, 1987) not make moem use of available completed. idendfied. 1/ water. Organiation of Water See 2/ below. Completd Remen Use Soceties for O&M 1990 made 16 Soctie fred. 2/ Adaptive Research Develop irrigadon practices and Compeed Pactis and sstems faming sysms wre identified. 3/ 1/ The SAR (but not the Prject Agreement) requicd a Farmed Attitude Survey to be stted in Augt 193 and repet at twoyear intvals until at least al project works were completed. Only oe sur was caried out in about M97. 2/ Pa 2.17 of the Project Agreement requied, by 31 Deember 198C, a e oic study of the impact farmersoanais on O0L Th main thwt of the study that was caried out wa to cmmend steps to be taken to form Wae Uses Asociations and the mles and proc r tdese societies. 3/ The main resus were to demonsta the advastags of irigadog befre swing the khif crop and teeby avoiing late plantig due to bte aal of rains, contour gWaded layoub on doping land with bdaow soi, impved culva paczte nd adopting a moe apprprat sowing time, u of improved vareties of seeds, sowing methods, seed at and row spac the use af baaced tus and mor profitable crpping patts It was found tat thore was at big dlrame between acta Ins mdf qaaf emn Wddby DJA Rawd maenIfcas enpparcdfo c sam conAlwiog the finacial and odcr constrn which fcd the farm in the prod et Cre op hrrIgatInnedswere studied ad waterngshedueswereproposed wh&ichetdat incrsd produti by Gld.kithe usaof tder nputsto do euof eavailablewatwr. 73 7. Status of Covenants -MC Subjet Deadlin for Swt"= Section 2.01 Carry out the proect with due diligence and efciency. Complied. 2.02 Maintain CAD with pows, funds and stf. Generaly complied 203(a) Catty out the prject in aceordnce with ageed . Gnerally complied. standards and cnitena. 2.03(b) Operate and maintain distnburie minors drains and - Generally complied. service foods. 2.03(c) Train CADA staff in WALMI Generally complied Scc Part l, Sectiont 4. 2.04 Procuwt In accotdance with Schedule of Prwjet* Generally complied Apeement 2U05 Insure imported goods. Goods and nsemc finced to Comp be used esclly for the prOject 2.06(a) Establish and maintain monitonng cell - 206(b) Monitoring plan 31 Dec. 193 Compl 2.07(a) Maintain Water Management Reseat DiWisin anu - GCompied. On-Farn Development Structures Divisin. 2.07(b) Submit wok plan for these divisions 31 Dee. 2983 Complied Jan. 1984. 7 Apply such work plan. eacb 1 Apl Complied (saotime l) 2.8 After ainy season surny and repair irrigation systm each year 1984 Genealy copl. 2 Establish suitable farme orgitos - Complied See parx 7.2 and 73 2.10 Ensr quaity cntrL Genay complied. 2.11(a) (I) Etablh an apply improved p for wat Not compl Old system matae distribution and allocai for distsib otrle4 minors and chalts Not ull comp (iH) Rotonal water suppv within each chal, b_d on predetermined durations for eacwh am. Not compled. (iii) Data from refece fields to improe schedulig 2.11(b) FurniAh revisd O&M prdues I Je 1964 Complied Nov. 19. Develop and introduce OJM oanuals 1 Dec 1987 Complied 212 Pmte land shaping. - Paily ompid 2.23(a) Tet and ertify in waiting that chaks bh bee Generally Co D. X1(b) Eunnes organiaons opeate and maita Fame opte but matsam fi hannelsmods. could be I ved I3(e) If no& rpi and maintai at farmec - Not done so fA 2.14 WIthi 2 yam of m _ impmro and Modif - Not done so ft. n stem 23 5 FuPnI propamm for adaptive a5ricultur seach I March94 Complied. onwar 2.16 Train Generally complid See Paut , Seo_io 4. L17 sod4cosomi stuoy n imponof hmmw31 Elm 1966 Complied See Par RU Setion SD atpnkedon on OAK~~~~~~~~Copled 2.19 FPrish elar eport 30 Jne 19 Compl thoug some dety, as me 19 rpo no yet redovet 220 xha vies - Compl"d. 221 Acluire land Complied. 2 Maintai buildin, weides and eqpmt CMPL 223 Mmise ris of malae Complied 102, 3AW Maintai pn recrds COMpl"d 3*3 Audih tcounas ComPid 3m Apply appropriat wate dhaaL. A revised stRucur whih Wil doabe 316 ReviwadImprov podr for calamdne of wae AtrAte produe We be o saReps. eoed. 8. Use of Bank Resoures7 A. Staff Inputs (staff-weeks) FY81 FY82 FY83 FY84 FY85 FY86 : YF7 FY88 FY89 M Y90 FYF1 FY F93 Toal Stag Of 1'tojsc Paepmln 1.7 11.8 133 Apaisa 463 46.8 Negtaio 4 4 Spervion 262 16.7 14.7 175 20.9 18.6 9.7 1" 48 145.7 Poject Compei 13.7 3. 173 Total 1.7 0 62.6 262 16.7 14.7 173 209 186 9.7 16. 18 3. 2275 B. Mlssions stas ni Ps Mot Noof Dap spodatli Pu anm Raft d2 You P in Rpmse h SaW= Tmd Thogw Appiuim June 82 4 48 4/ MA Nov4 6 IEA.T DeA Basal -W4 Doswd Appwmo SWUpeb l Jan.84 7 S 1(33A(3) SuzvWoa 2 Nov. 84 3 3 I(A 2 2 86 SuperisOD ?dSa 4 4 tAW) 2 2 8 C- SuqmvWs4 Jan86 3 S I(,A 1 2 1 1 SupwlsS June 86 2 10 115 1 3 1 2 Sqpts 6 Jan87 1 2 1 25/ Supuvwos7 Nov.87 4 12 AM2) 1 2 1 2 Sueviua8 JUl88 S 4 IW),WMPP) 1 1 1 2 MV sbt Dec.8 2 4 IA Supnviso9 Aprl89 4 5 I().R,W I 1 2 2 Svibso 10 Nov. 89 2 11 1(2) 1 1 2 1 2 Supwviull July90 2 104/ 1( 1 1 2 a 1 Supvhl 12 Jan 91 S 1 4/ IMAM 1 1 2 1 1 Supewuoal3 Ju*91 1 4 1 1 2 1 i I PCR Sept.91 3 17 MD I/1 -Ir lda gmom% a - IA pkfi OokT T S S - 1 - R * Agdwtuud R_eau Spedmh, W - Wate MaG$Ven SpeeM t Pu . AM SpeddIt 3- 1Amn. 2/ I a phsipiItpaoI ms 2 * Mdodumwps;m S * trpm 3/ M _M=agL 4/ bddoidepuaje 5/ No oam so WU fouafr ths s n R ta_*V fom Fo S90 fo g abd INIDIA: Habansahtra Vater Utilization Project AttachMent 1: Additial Data Tdbe 1. Actual Project Costs Unit - R - ------------ - ------ 8184 8485 8188 86187 87188 88/89 89/90 90/91 91/92 Total Lard Acqusiton 0.01 0.01 Dlutaual &19 9.12 14.88 11.07 13.76 10.29 9.65 7.48 328 8Z71 Mno 1.55 9.07 19.60 15.37 22.67 29.68 17.66 13.92 6.01 135.53 FedChaers 282 9.06 32.46 29.86 33.14 28.59 24.94 21.07 4.38 186.32 Ur* & Mah Drains 1.47 8.56 4.52 4.89 2.57 0.73 0.80 0.10 23.64 Bugidng 10.92 26.66 15.58 6.47 4.08 5.55 3.86 3.97 1.02 78.11 Trairdng 1.69 8.56 6.15 6.24 6.43 5.57 4.89 4.03 0.58 44.14 Vehtddes& EquIpmert 5.75 4.08 7.19 273 3.60 0.66 4.20 1.96 0.64 30.81 Adaveflesewch 0.50 2.37 1.75 1.35 2.23 1.52 1.34 0.03 0.00 11.09 Enineen Reseach 2.40 2.13 3.76 4.66 4.23 4.84 5.20 SAS 2.23 34.90 Etaihment 2.13 8.20 16.26 22.90 26.72 32.38 39.61 37.83 10.33 196.36 AdJstrment 1/ 15.27 15.27 TotaV RsmiAon 30.95 80.72 126.19 105.17 121.74 121.65 112.08 96.54 43.84 838.88 Exchne Raze 9.50 11.80 12.30 12.80 13.00 14.50 16.70 18.00 24.50 13.94 Total USS milion 3.26 6.84 10.26 8.22 9.36 8.39 6.71 5.36 1.79 60.19 1/ the final pOect Cot was estimated at Rs 838.88 million; Rs4b.T6ntiUbn to be repotted and tenmised. Sowce: CADA. INDIA: Naharsra Uster Utilization Project Attadwmnt 1: Additiomnl Data Table 2. Jayshmadi - Irrigated Cropping Intensty 3M I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Actual 19064 I 1984/86 1965/86 i198687 1967I/8 1 198l 9 I 198900 1 /9901 _P _ F'iO N V V V V V . O V NO V NO V 11 V -garcuw 3 4 11 3 3 2 4 S 6 9 S It * Banans Subtol 3 S 13 3 3 2 4 S 6 9 S 11 atf -Ii..e 1 1 t - SoVthLU 4 S 11 1 N tjIllt 0 1 1 2 2 1 C oCtto 6 7 iS .vegtdale 1 2 4 Otbm t 1 1 mbto.ta 12 I7 32 3 2 1 I i1 lt a7 8 23 4 3 1 1 6 5 7 7 6 S -SoeVaua 3 l a8 2 3 4 2 0 6 10 6 10 2 3 -armt 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 t 1 - Vegtabes 1 1 2 OtheS 1 1 5 2 6 1 2 Suls-toltal 12 1S 45 7 a 6 4 0 13' 21 16 24 10 11 Ibt san -O ranCht" 3 4 17 1 1 1 10 8 7 6 9 7 CottIn 4 3 * Veetables 1 2 Others tI 1 3 Sub.tow 4 5 23 1 1 2 1 S 9 9 10 8 Tot"- 31 42 113 14 14 7 9 2 30 34 32 42 S 30 MotoP P Preset (19218). F uutuwe at Full Dev.leppn. VD VitboAu iect. V Vith Project. Actl an a CCA of 35,100 hbe Irrigated by saul WAY. INDIm aharsbtr. water Utilitation Project Attsdcnt 1: AMdditfnl Oata Tble 3. Pwn - irristhd cioppins Inteafty , . , .~~88 I 'Ac'u -I _ 1984/5 1 956 193/ 87 1987/88 i 19D8JW 1989/90 1990/91 P Pi ND I N 1 1i I s I uw i 1 is ft..,tgX) 7 4 7 5 4 2 8 4 10 5 14 7 17 7 -Sawus 2 4 1 2 1 5 2 5 S 6 3 .5 - Orchard 1 1 frtetal 7 7 12 6 6 2 9 9 12 1O 19 13 20 12 _1if -tce 6 6 6 13 8 S 2 2 2 1 -Cotton C1) (1) (2) 1 2 6 -$Sro. 2 S 5 2 2 3 1 0 - * Veget.e I 1 2 -Others 1 2 1 1 1 1 _ 1rtus 9 9 n 17 14 1S 4 2 0 2 2 0 - eet 20 21 29 25 3 1 8 6 14 10 13 13 12 8 -Segu. 1 2 3 2 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 2 4 1 4 2 0 1 0 0 * VeNDtble 1 1 2 - Others 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 3-total 25 26 38 28 Is 3 a a 16 12 15 14 14 9 llot _eo - Oraisats 10 11 18 1 33 I8 35 20 21 12 21 12 - Cotton I 1 1 3 2 1 0 2 - Vgettbl 1 1 2 -Others 5 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 sb-total 12 13 21 1 5 37 22 38 22 25 15 24 14 TotWl 51 56 a 52 31 25 58 41 666 441 4 *S 35 son p* Preent 1902/"). F Fture at Full Oevel eI t. ID a Uithout Project. is* With Project. INDIAls Naarahtra Water Utiltfation Project Attacent Is Additioalt Data T*lb 4. sinu - irrimsted CroWlg intensity Wt -Actuit _31384 "9MM5 1985/8 1966187 197/8 13w889 1 989/90 1 1990nt1 P f v V w IVwUgo I w w Ii wswe Is u us I usD w us wo I ..................._......._ .......... ...' - tX) Sum.- 2 2 3 B Mi_ 1 2 2 -Ordwd 0 1 Sb-total 3 4 6 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 owf - RIce 1 1 1 -Soe am S 6 9 * mUlat 0 0 1 Cotten 1 1 1 *Veetal e 1 - b-total, a 9 13 0 0 1 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 *tu -Wamt 4 4 r -soeWum 3 4 6 -Gram 2 3 5 -Vegetges 1 0 1 mb-total tO 11 19 12 1? 11 7 4 2 0 0 0 0 12 9 5 3 6 6 Set tesene -Cotton 1 1 -Oresa*ute 4 5 a Sub-tofta 5 6 11 6 7 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 4 2 Toetal1 26 30 49 19 21 14 8 9 4 1 0 0 0 18 13 5 3 10 a ote:s p a Present 4198V8). F * Futue St Full D lobet. I V. Without Project (Entire Z9,283 he less U). V a 1lth Project. Irrigted from cmts 11,220 he 1963-19, 15,336 he 198-199). IIDIAt Nlrashtra Water Utitization Project Attachment It Aditiwnat Dta Tule S. made - lrrigatud Croppirg Int.mity 8*3 I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Actuel _ __ 1984/U 1// 86 1986r 8 1987/88 19g8889 !t98990 199/9 P AU i V_ v N - T I- - I W - *Bsarcmw 2 2 4 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 . Orchard I I I mb-total 2 2 S 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 - Sroee. 4 4 10 2 3 2 S I I 0 Bilttlt 1 1 2 4 4 9 4 2 1 - Rice 1 v egetables 1 1 -Othe.e 1 3 6 4 4 3 1 J-totl S 6 13 5 t0 12 18 9 6 2 - SOr*t 6 7 IS 5 7 14 12 tO 4 5 -U st S 5 10 9 9 5 8 -ars e 1 1 S 6 3 2 2 Vgete 1 1 2 4 1 S 4 3 3 mrtotad 12 14 27 S 20 20 23 17 14 la m.t _e -SroXwca S 6 13 3 6 5 4 - Cotton 1 1 2 2 2 Vegetes I I -Othe0 4 4 0 0 0 4 3 Stm-total 7 a 16 7 Is 0 0 0 11 9 Total 26 30 61 28 40 33 42 27 32 30 st P P Present 198 ). f * Future at Fult oevetopnt. V a Without Project. v w Uith Project. IDIA: Rahraetra alter Utilization Project Attacint 1: A*itiaul Data Tdloe 6. _ la8ms - 'irigated CroIfa intensIty sam I d~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~tltal 1 M 1 1"0/86I 91 1/8II W o i 1 19869 1 9/90 91 P I F END I V I v I I I V VIND I V IND I - wasawcw. 1 -2 4 3 2 t 3 -Ordhard 1 3 totd 1. 3 7 1 2 1 3 * RSe 1 2 -10,0mm 1 2 6 1 -Illet 1 1 S 1 2 S 6 5 3 -maize 1 1 t -r*h.t 1 2 1 2 1 6 6 a a 7 S S -Vegetables 11 3 oatb.3 8 6 tO 7 4 2 3 2 3 3 mb-total 2 7 15 9 10 12 la 1I 12 1? is 13 11 uhb 2 4 7 4 3 4 3 6 3 9 2 5 -Sorsta 3 a IT a 9 17 Is 23 it 25 10 9 6 - 6ra- t~~ ~ ~ ~~~ 1 1 1 1 * Vegetables - Othas 6 7 4 4 1 0 2 1 1 bh-total 5 13 26 Is to 26 23 27 20 23 22 13 13 Ibt _m - ize 2 3 1 1 - Cotton t 1 ,rar nu8s I 5 12 4 6 9 9 a ,7 S 10 5 * Vegetables 1 1 1 OtWers 5 5 7 1 3 2 6 S 2 4 Sb-total 2 7 16 9 a 14 12 13 10 13 10 12 9 total tO0 30 64 ' 36 36 52 53 51 44 S8 49 39 36 Motes P a Present (19 3). f Future at Fult Development. V a With Project. Actual is based on 10.263 ha Om area. For 1964-85 to 1987-88, Irrigatlon Intensity includes areas Irrigated fro wells and canals. Froe 1918-89 to 1990-91, Intensity from eanals onlty. VD WIthout Project. Actual Is bosed on 7,471 ha of Distrfbutaries 24 a1 25 outside IIW. IrripatIn Intensity from canals only. See also Attaecwent 2, Table 1. 81 ATTACHMENT 2 ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS A. Economic Analysis Assumptions 1. Economic rates of return (ERRs) have been recalculated using two sets of assmptiozis to demonstrate the sensitvity to the assumptions-made.. In both cases September 1991 constant prices have been used. Economic prices for taded commodities were derived from parity prices based on World Bank commodity price forecasts Import parity pnces were used for cultural inputs. Export parity was used for sugarcane and cotton. A standard conversion factor of 0.8"1 has been used to convert financial costs and prices of non-traded goods and labour to economic prices (ifinancial and economic prices used are shown in Table la; economic prices ate derived in Tables lb and lc); costs incurred before 1991 have been adjusted using ODP deflators (Table 2) to 1991 terms, O&M costs for the irrigation network are excluded as they -would be incurred both with and without the project. In the absence of any clear trend, crop yields have been estimated based on the average of 5 subprojects recorded ovr 5 years period (see Table 3). Farm level production costs have been included. 2. Fistly, (Case A) the ERR was calculated generally following the assmptions used in the SAR. In this analysis cost and benefit streams were taken for 20 yean and benefits were based on the changes in cropp$ig pattern resulting from increased irrigation intensity using canals only. January 1991 World Bank commodity price forecasts were used; an average of import and export parity prices was used for food rains. For the second case (Case B), cost and benefit stea were taken for 30 yea April. 1992 World Bank commodity price forecasts resulting in the use of a higher wheat price; import parity prices were used for food gras on the grounds that forecast suggest that India wil encounter increasing deficits In national supplies Furthermore, benefits were included to reflect the increase in irrigation intensity resultig from the use of both canals and wells;V. 3. Iriation. IJtemlty. The weighted avge irrigation intensities of 3 subprojects for which with and without project data are available bave been used in the esmation of the benefit of the whole project. Resmation Ofthe incremental ritWon intensity, however, presents a difficulty as the project his just been comleted, and tberefore the time span is too short to be able to judge With accuracy the fumte irigaion intensity. It has been etmated that, at preent, the canal WIigainiesities, are 36.7% without the proec and 37.4% with the project It has baen amed the canal irrigation inesity would Icea to 5096 at full developmnt, S year ter Saw wad .. tk lbi scou be jdlued o d eroudst h ie suj eppfrkm hwh th wdu ae 1fed dies to a kaW pat fit Ir atio sys. ot onher had coss of webws e ot cw by tX pojct ow hu bn posb to estmate m Thy are defor eclued fom de ao sream and hene ts itns -a mrob" oertimatef th bnfts atrtb to th projt 82 MaWUas bta Wae Uuion PI* Am_mat 2: &D=Mi Fkiauda AWIs compledon and 60% when irrigation from wells is included (Case B). These rates are far lower than the 86% expected in the SAR. It could be argued that average cropping intensity would increase with time as farmers gradually take up more efficient irngation pracdces but this would be offset by the gradual deterioration of the project works (see Part 1, parms 7.2 and 73). 4. CroppIg Pattern Changes in cropping patterns for both Khadakwasa subproject and the whole project are showm in Table 4. As data without the project are not available for all the S subprojects cropping patterns of the whole project have been derived fom the average of 3 subprojects. It appeas tba'. the effect of the project is to increase the area of wheat and sugarcane, while reducing sorghum in rabi Analysis of crop budgets (see Table 5) indicates that sugarcane is the most profitable crop, while rabi sorhum gires poor retu Crop budgets expressed in economic terms for different croppig patterns ae shown in Tables 6(a) to 6(d). ReDafted ERRs 5. Based on the above a ps, the ERRs have been re-esdmated for the whole project (Tables 7a and 7b)t and 3 subprojects: Jayakwadi (Table 8), Pma (Table 9) and a (Table 10). 6. For the whole project the ERR has been esdmated to be 3o in Cwase A, and 13% applying the ore optimtic asumptons retained for Cae B; these rates are far less than the 36% expected in the SAR This reduction in the ERR is due mainly to lower cropping IntDity and delt In generating the benefits. The incremental aopped area was expeted In the SAR to reach 45,000 ha compared to about 15,000 ha in the PCL 7. As there are unries in the maitenance of the irrigation system fom now unt the end of the project life, the sensitivity has been tested,auming that the benet would be reduced by half at the end of the project life. It is fund that the ERRs are senstie to this reduction, and they would drop by about 3% (i.e. to 0 and 10%). Other Factors 8 It se that, particuly In wet years, fnmers prefer to rely on rainfl ratr than u caal water. Tis may be due to a fear of making heuy black cotton sois unworkable if they become too wet and a wish to save paying for Irrdiat Thus, whe the rer . Is foMllowig wet weate, th canal Irrigation ntesty may deoas bse the frmet use rn and 1resda moire. Of cuw, whe the rOae. 4 1t... late iei I. ma.m 10 0 i.mrn.34. I. t*tg. kmj.rn,e It1 u0.4aew ..lh..a. ch - 83 IDIA Mbhazbzu Wa r UWilion PriIc AUaehmfns 2- Eco=mI WAn FinAnwal AnalY*i figures from Khadakwasla subproject (see Table 11), which indicate that the canal irrigation intensity with the project is lower than that without the project, are hard to explain but may be due to crops with higher water requirements being grown in the project area. 9. The SAR (para 6.03) assumed there would be no increased production due to wells attributed to the project. However, it appears from data available that the number of wells and the area under irrigation have increased substanialy during the project implementation period, although without project funding. Table 11 shows that the well irrigation intensity in Khadakwasla subproject is about 359{o with the project, whereas without the project it is only 159o. Case B has therefore included the benefits from well irrigation. 10. It is evident that the project encourages farmers to expand their rainfed cultivation, as they feel more secure if they know that they could get supplemental canal water for their crops when there is a shortage of rainfall. It might be, therefore, appropriate to consider increased production from rainfed cropping as a benefit of the project. However, these benefits have not been quantified. B. Finandal Anaysi 11. To assess the impact of the project on the frmers, 3 models of partial farm budgets based on 3 ha fiams have been prepared: (i) without the project (see Table 12); (ii) with the project and with change in cropping patterns (see Table 13); and (iii) with the project and without change in cropping patterns (see Table 14). A summary of finding is presented in Table 15. 12. Due to the project, the net fim income would increase about 60% from Rs8,100 (USS310) to Rs13,100 (US$500). In 1991 constant terms, net inoome estimated in the PCR is much less than was ected in the SAR; the main reason for this reducdon is lower irigatio intensity and smaller farm e TS e retur to hmily labour ineases from Rs14 (USS4.4) to Rs131 (US$S) per man-day. f cropping patr are assumed to be unchanged, increased cropping intendty alone would raise the net revenue by about 36%. 84 India Maharashtra water UWliztlon Projet Table 1 (a) Prices of Agriculture Products (constant 1991 prices) Unit: RsAton Economic Prices Products Financial Prices 1/ CaseA Csse B 3f SePt 1991 200 1991 2000 Sorghum (Jawar) 3,300 1,588 1,965 3,177 3,381 Minet (Bara) 2S00 1,427 1,765 2,414 2,570 Cotton 9,000 10,000 10,400 11,454 11.677 Wheat 3,600 2,179 3,350 4,255 5,665 Gmoundnuts 9000 6,266 4,750 5,792 3,763 Sugarcane 380 288 390 270 408 11 provided by CAQA. 2/ used in GOM gMaharasha Composite Irrigation Prolect i Sudy, which Is based an the World Bank Price Forcasts - Jan 1991; average of import and export parity prces used for food crop. 3/ see tables 1 (b) and 1 (c); World Bank Price Forcasts - Aptr 19On Import party prices used for food crop. 85 T..e 1(b) O eistibn d EoomhW Po for 131l -moe P _ PM ,Ui Dm Oat 0 ona Wedd Multet Pdee 11 - In 1s69 co_nst US$ usn 71 69 601 133 1,130 -hI 1691 coraWl US145L7 USlt 106 143 694 13 1,6 uoflfty a*dJ w % so so so so 90 Wadd Mmket E*uvakfnt U SAa 64 128 604 17B 1,512 FrigM and Iwrance U9M@ 36 35 35 PM5) CIFBombay -hUSS USSAon l1s 163 639 143 1,44A - h Re t4 RsAJw RaI 297 4,066 206 356 OomManHing, Tawpoat, Mugin Ren 300 300 300 (30 (1. Preusl%ag m10 100 10 go 10 34 WholsaIe Pdes Rtn 3 4,305 6,42 320 11t04 Trspottoltomfm Rdlmon ( (am ( 150) Fam-gat pdo Retn 3.177 4,236 6792 270 11.454 1/Woadd Bk. Rwtds of P*my C nmdky Pds Fases, Api 1M2. 86 TaWe 1(c) Oer*atln of Economic Pue for 2000 I nompor PafI d Unit sorXm Wheat Groun uts ISuaree conn Wadd Maket Pdce 11 - in ls5 onsan USS US/ton 78 139 380 175 1,150 - hi 1991 contat USS14S7 USton 116 207 6O5 260 1,710 Odlyadjuatnt s 80 90 90 90 90 Wodd Masket Euivadent US6ton 93 1S 509 234 1,539 Freightnd ummnc USmon 35 35 3: (3 5 CIF Bombay - h Us USSon 120 221 544 190 1.469 - R As 24.5 PU RAston 3,131 5.415 13,317 4.860 35,992 Oom.Handig, Transport Margin Rs/ton 300 300 300 (300) (1, Proodesssng rso % 100 100 28 10 34 AolewJe Pdce As/ton 3,431 5,715 3.813 456 11.727 Transpot to/Irom fam RAtn (GM (50 (G0 (%50) Farm-gate puic Aton 3.381 5.66 3,76 408 11i677 1/Wodd Bonk, RAWblon of P*uy CommodtyPeFoeasts. Apd 199 87 INDIA Mabahtr Waer Uhsition Pt*cg Attacham 2 EIauomic FSW Sun "alS Table 2. Ilation Facton and Exchange Rates Years Inflaton 1/ Detbtors Exchange Rates 2/ -~~~ 80/81=100 90191=100 (Rs to US$) 1983184 126.4 175.2 10.3 1984185 136.3 162.4 11.9 1985186 145.6 152.1 12.2 1986/87 155.5 142.4 12.8 1987188 171.1 129.4 13.0 1988/89 183.6 120.6 14.5 1989/10 201.3 110.0 13.7 1990191 221.4 100.0 18.0 1991/92 24.5 Source: Wodd Bank, New Delhi. -/ domestic inflation. 21 for 1991/92, Includes period up to September, 1991. 88 INDtA Mahaiisbtg Watet Udflition Pjct Anachnmet I Eomic and Fnci Analyil Table 3. Estimated Yields SAkl PR 1/ Unit Vha Wo P WI P 'WI P PERENNIAL Sugarcane 73 80.00 82.00 * M~~~0APJF Sorghum (Jawar) 2 2.20 1.70 Mist (Balm) 0.8 0.80 1.70 Cotton 0.8 0.9 1.15 RABI Sorghum (Jawat) 2 2.30 1.40 Wheat 1.3 1.40 1.80 HOT SEASON Groundnuts 1.5 1.70 1.60 1t average figures of 85/90. based on data of DIRD. Wo P - without the project WI P with the project I. - 89 INDr Matbas Water Utaatioa Pre Attachmnt 2: Economic and Fmanda Analyis Table 4. Cropping Patterns 1/ Khadakwasla Whole Projet Unit: % - WoP2/ WIP3/ WoP4/ WIPSI PERENNIAL Sugarcan 3 19 7 13 KHARIF Sorghum (Jawar S- 7 Millet Bair*) 15 20 16 14 Cotton S 5 1S 20 25 26 RABI Sorghum (Jawar 48 18 25 17 Wheat 5 20 23 25 53 38 48 42 HOT SEASON Groundnuts 29 23 20 19 TOTAL 100 100 100 100 1/ all crops, Including rainfed.and wells; minor crops excluded. 21 data of a non-MWUP area, In Khadakwasla. 3f data of a MWUP area, In Khadakwasla. 4/ average fIgure of Jayakwad, Mula, and Khadalwasia sub-proect., from SM; actual figure not available. 5J actult average figure of Jayekwadi, Mula, and Khadakwaesa sub- pojects, which represent 78% of the total area. Wo P without project WI P wih projsct 90 IN0lkAauratt Water UtUtzatlon Proct __________ _ Attachmentt2: E¢onorIc and Firmcl Af,Ly__ Tabla IL Crop BudC a at Fianca Prlees Hot Peroal Khartf 8 an Swam Unlt -- -- --m &uarcan. Sorghum Met Cdton Sarghum Wheat oiu REVENLE - - iemu 02 1.70 1.70 1.15 1.40 1. 1.W PRice RsiA 380 3,300 0 9,000 3,300 3,600 VanuWn product Rs 31,160 5610 4.25Q 10M50 4 6,480 14,400 VakLbY-productl/ Rs 3,116 568 425 1,035 482 648 1,440 Total Rs 34.276 8,171 4,75 11.65 5062 7,12 1660 COSTS 2J seed uaty kg 1 10 3 3 10 100 100 Uf tcost RS 2,000 15 1i 200 15 6 18 Sub-cost As 2,000 150 48 60 150 600 1,600 NPK QAnW kg 1,100 150 150 200 150 180 109 Urtcost Rs 2.1 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.6 atb-cost Rs 2,310 450 450 600 450 480 392 Lkea Quam"Ity kg 500 SO 50 100 50 54 15 UrtCOSt As 2 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 ftb-cost Rs 1,200 120 120 240 120 130 38 wate As 1200 7 78 120 108 120 450 Hltd labo1 Qum"tity md 45 8 8 s0 10 19 110 Lt cost Rs 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 SUb-ost RS 900 1S0 160 SM 200 360 20 HlIwdOrutPow S/I Rs 80 80 80 360 80 40 180 ?celwsou Rs 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Totl As 7.790 1,138 1,036 3,620 1,208 1.650 5,15I NErP RVENU As 26.486 5,033 3.39 ?.765 3874 5278 10862 FaMl ybor md 80 50 50 s0 s0 75 80 RETURNfFALABOUR Rs 331 101 73 129 77 70 134 11 10% d nabh woduct 21 hp proded by CADA. and misain e_ta. 21 Me rate As 40Ipeir/day. 91 IMDIAW Mahatlura Watet UtIiation Pwqec Attachment 2: Eom1i and FInancl Analyiis Table 6(a). Economic (1991) Crop Budgets for the Whole Project (With and Without the Project) Hot Perentil Kharf Rbi Sson TOTAL Unit - Sutm8e Soghum Met comn Sorgum Wut .nuts SENEfITS Yilds th £2n0 1.70 1.70 1.15 1.40 1.80 1.60 Pdoes 1t Raft 288 1,58 1,427 10,000 1,5 2,179 SAO Valueimain product Rs 23*16 2,700 2,426 11,IO0 2223 3,022 10,026 Value/by-product Rs 2,362 270 243 1,150 222 392 1,3 ToWl Rs 25176 2,870 2,68 12*50 2,446 4,314 11,028 Seed QuantIy kg I 10 3 3 10 100 100 Unitcost Rs 1,600 12 13 160 12 a 15 Sub-coet Rs 1600 12D 39 400 120 500 1,500 NPK Quantity kg 1,100 150 10 200 150 16O. 106 Unit cos Rs 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 85 5.5 5.5 Sub-cost Re 6.050 825 823 1,100 8o2 S80 6c0 urea QuantIy kg 50 50 50 100 50 54 15 Unitcost Re 5. 5.0 5.0 5S0 5.0 5.0 50 Sub-coot Re 2,500 250 250 5am 250- 270 75 Watce Re 960 o2 62 86 86 96 310 Labour QuantIy m.d 125 S8 56 140 60 94 190 Unltcogt Rs 16 16 1 16 16s 16 16 Sub-coat Re 2,00 93 9 2,240 880 1,504 3,040 Hlred Dft Power Re 64 64 64 290 64 32 144 Mlsoeleneous Re 100 100 10 100 100 100 100 ToWl Re 13,274 2,349 2*8 4,800 2,405 3,382 5,819 NET SENERTS/h Re 12i704 621 400 7,844 41 932 5,210 WlTHOW tHE PROECT Croppigpettem2f % 7 5 15 5 25 23 20 100 Ni beanae Rs a3 31 60 392 10 214 1,042 2.839 WITH THE PROJECT Cloppingpttem2f % 13 7 14 S 17 25 19 100 Nutbn Rs 1,651 43 56 392 7 233 900 3,3?3 11 econonic pdlce 1991. 2/ oe Tabo 4. 92 INDIA: Malaushtt WatrUon Pro,jM AamuM2: Econom icandiancufianlys Tb Ob. Eeonoumo (20O) Crop B6sadts for the Whdto Preot (wl4t and wout the proleal) (161 Rsa) Hot Pu~amiW Kharitt Nabi Sessn TOTAL LUnit imm~ Sug_w Sarghum FUIst CoMa SahUin Weat G.AM w-mam-a-mm-- Yie on 6200 1.70 1.70 1.15 1.40 1.60 1.60 Pdsm 11 RMAt 390 1,965 1,75 10,400 1,9 3,3 4,750 owumainpaduct ft 31tM0 3,341 3,001 tt800 2,51 ,30 7,600 Rs 3,198 334 300 1,196 275 603 760 Toan As 35,178 3,675 3,301 13,156 13020 6,033 6,360 COSTS Quany kg 1 10 3 3 10 100 100 Unitcot Rs 1,600 12 13 160 12 5 15 Sub-cot Rs 1.60 120 39 480 120 500 1,500 NPC Quantity kg 1,100 1So S0 200 150 160 109 Unltat Rs 5.5 5.5 5 5. 5.5 5.5 5.5 Sub-cot As 6,050 825 625 1,1O0 625 S60 600 ula OMantity kg 500 50 50 100 50 54 15 Licost Rs 6. 5.0 8A 5. 5.0 5. 5. Sub-cas R 2,500 250 250 500 250 270 75 Whtv Na 90 62 62 96 a8 98 360 Labotr oaf" mJ 125 58 58 140 60 94 190 =Jicost P4 16 16 186 l 16 186 i Sub-at Rs 2,000 926 926 2.240 960 1,504 3,040 i* Vt Power Ns 64 64 64 290 64 32 144 M olAnsous Rs 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Tout Rs 13.4 2,349 226S 46 2,405 3,32 5,681 NET884qFrSIha Na 21,S04 1,326 1,033 6,350 621 3,251 2,542 WflHOUT ThE PROCT Cropplng pbm2/ % 7 5 15 5 25 23 20 100 NSbSUeW fs 1,533 de 155 418 155 748 506 3,583 Wflh WH PFKLEr. o=pvlnopauW2 % 13 7 14 B 17 25 10 100 NKtOnefi NA 2,648 93 145 418 106 613 463 4,0W4 2m Tabl 4. 93 INDIA: Mabaahta Water Utiliation Prec Attachment 2: ESQOnlic and FinanCial Analysis Table 6(c). Econortlc (1991) Crop Budgets for Khadakwusla (Wltb and Without the Project) Hot Perenrial Khailf RAW Season TOTAL Unit rwim Su en Sorgtwm Mie Cotton Sorghum Wheat GQnuts SENEPITS Yeld th 82.00 1.70 1.70 1.15 1.40 160 1.60 Peea 1 PeA 268 15S 1,427 1C000 1,588 2.179 SAO Valuetmain product RA 23*B16 2.700 2.426 11600 2J3 3.822 10126 Vasluby-ptoduot Rs 2,362 270 243 1,150 222 392 1,003 Total Re 25,978 2.970 2,8 12650 2.448 4,314 11,028 COSTS seed Quantity kg 1 10 3 3 10 100 100 Unitcost Rs 16000 12 13 160 12 S 15 ub-coat Re 1,600 120 39 480 125 S0 1A00 Quantiy kg 1,100 1S0 150 20D 180 160 109 unit cost Rs 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5. 5.5 5.5 Sub-coat Rs 0,050 825 825 1,100 02S 880 600 Urna Quantiy kg 00 5.0 50 100 50 54 15 Urdt cost Ae 5.0 5.0 50 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Sub-cod Re 2,500 280 250 500 250 270 75 Wa'tr Rs 060 62 6.2 s0 00 9 360 Labour Qua t m.d 125 58 58 140 60 94 10 Unitcost Rs 16 18 18 10 16 16 is Sub-cost Rs 2.000 928 92 2,240 S00 1,504 3,040 ked Omft Powe Re 64 04 64 290 64 32 144 Mecelaneous Rs 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total Re 13,274 2,349 2,8 4.800 2,405 3,382 5,819 NET BENEFITSf/ RS 12,704 621 400 7,844 41 932 5,210 WMTHOUT nE PRO£Cr Cropping patm 21 3 0 15 0 48 5 29 100 Net bnlef Re 681 0 s0 0 19 47 1,511 2,018 WIlH THE PROJECT CroppiG pdta 2m 19 0 20 0 18 20 23 100 Notbmnalts Rs 2,414 0 s0 0 7 186 1,198 3,80 leonom pdole 1991. 21 e Table 4. 94 INOW: MabWm rtmWeorUtibanProjeat Alachmun 2: Econmic en Pinancl. As Table 6.dL Eoonomic p000) Cop ludgeft for Khadakwuula (itiv and wWltuat th proj (199 R) Hot PS Ig Khalft RFtabi S5sn TOTAL Unit- Sugrwas Saghum Moht Cotn Saghum Wheat Gl EeEt'Efl Yids tN 600 1.70 1.70 1.1t 1.40 1.80 1. Ptlae 1I RIt 390 t9 1,6 IO1040 1,95 3,350 4,750 ValutmaIn pvduc Rs 31.980 3,341 3,001 11,90 2.751 630 7,9,o Vaufy-produot Fi 3,198 334 300 1.180 275 603 T7 Toon Rs 35,178 3.675 3,301 13.150 3,02, 6.633 880 COSTS Sed Quontity kg 1 10 3 3 10 100 100 tcout Rs 1,600 12 13 16O 12 5 1s Sub-cot Rs 1.00 120 39 480 120 So0 1,50 NPIC Quantty kg 1.100 150 150 200 150 16o 109 Unicost Rs 5.5 GA 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 Sub-coa Rs 6,050 625 625 1.100 825 880 60 Lsa Qua- kg 00 50 s0 100 SO 54 15 Utcout s 5.O 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Sub-cm Rs 2S50 250 250 500 250 270 75 hiIr RS 960 62 62 95 66 SI 360 tbur Qany m.d 125 s6 se 140 s0 94 190 Unitccat Rs 1 1 16 1s 1s 16 16 Sub-ot Rs 2.000 929 292 2o40 960 1,504 3,040 iH d wtpow Rs 64 64 64 290 64 32 144 Msootneom PA 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Tow) As 13,274 2,349 2. 4,06 2.405 3,382 5.819 NET ENIEFtTVu RS 21,904 1,326 1,033 8,350 621 3,251 2.542 W*WNOTThPROJEcT arn -- --------- Cropping pom2i % 3 0 1i 0 48 5 29 100 Netheallns Rs 657 0 155 0 298 163 737 2,010 WnHn TE PFKECr Ouppingpanm2/ % 1s 0 20 0 16 20 23 100 NhabAMR R 4,162 0 207 0 112 650 U 5,715 W meToW4. I a a * a t* ii a 14 19 u ' a to so | ~ ~~I wa - - uotmser 4seSusUS0l6 P Si SAM van 4IiV 8ax ?SA ISA WA 8mm1 * 87* 84 408 t4O2 4tt 4l7 to0* t00 020 ta0 00x 000 60* 90 U~ ~~~~ 31 go "a*7 55 41052 NY56 403 SAN6 47164 10566 4.164 am50 0150 am50 loom6 Om0 8000 0115W Pso WewauWa~hwbl 12N 13? 357 SW7 SW? 37 157 am 337 SW57 S 33? 3 27 3as 357 SW7 480 480 490 401 S,-0S 51~~~~~ MI.5 3671 645W UJ5W USIS 510540 USD00 56PS P964 700551 M*AN 064,11 56.@ 114.152 56.15 282540 262540 and"5 21240 k-q .F ae fA 1a" 21 36 * " o soy soy 26 . 7 6 6 367 MY so6: ey M 267 367 soy 97 a6" 32* MY Aussmppsd 9.) 15~ 350 OMW 5.16 2695 WM* 25*6 30*71 42a7 42*7 42,V1 42X73 42*71 42X71 42,*71 42*76 42*71 42*76 42*71 42X76 9mm 9mspmrtIS& 2to to6 38 3 *86 *86 256; *0 as 286 *86 2*6 2tA 286 2*4 206 215 316 3S6 316 ~~sbsyS ~~~~~46 Sol 7?16 UPI 5.560 5113 17,701 311X3 43575 S1IAN SOA0, 70500 RAW 62507 PAW PAS 50563 13056 505W 13056 3.-s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ft*amow Isun sun3 OkISO MISO 511 aimW 11257 10505 A*Iftden 48g 110$$11 MA 50565 64.5 IVAN716 5pW 112 Aqa.14 S Il 6 43 50 SI 15 10 - . - - i~~~I3. (MU)(IS (I'.Uq ("PRt psi" P,6O 0.781 43575 slAw 16*06 70500 NW6 62AR VWA Sam? I0563 m05m 505A63 130 IwsI9mSE.a .i.M4WwnbPuumdWmd kbm~wftvdmgn Ig.T6 __ u aS osdha is odO l _______m0 c6 . esto.e "togw e ;t oe SIsg Woen VW= Wm OK,= eetsw ode MS" 0 wed balaS bweD bod bWeeal be"s) *asI ( -w- selsi ole. ee wIes ests wVm aso gWe qup_ sSP we. telL telds 0ww 011 we OtI 1 1mo OVO a toIP e af 16(13 SWIo are s 0( aB- MoUidp#_ esem cet oe gstose atom sweswes ewe eewa owect elit esg vu eotso ceseel na NMs ae w WMAL IeVLf 161L3 llag UILO KILO KILO "ties MILeS 56(00 gid 5m mesa maes ,fa w e slettS u ea t wo ols gme Ws Ws Wes Ws L t LOG 1 tee tee tee Cte Cte tee tee tee tee tee teM fen er WV uee s9 goe got got Zoe es Zoe sa eZoe Ae tus sae gteo tgm easas gots gm es "sOM bo two tec tsue We se sue wose nc sse t e tse e au ae g see =se n c ne *@@ IVOiWeU S" ea m-s$ CrO adll9 :f9s acst gagz *e0s> acez age ago 009 upf ews W" oi'a ot Ott ca ane VA gm _ 2 *t9 t9e at8 tu cw9 *osg lwos tws ¢st wst owss *aso not nws aSW owo *os lB is *" n4J0 e. eaW, swats owes aoWes own Wes uases oeas u al wg isls *Wfm OWNs. oecaWe tuw e"la wa o We to @1 @0 $ @0 : @01 St @ @SL tUs-P W1 O9 U POPt @0 a O _ esee sleS amu cllewosl oeos owe wiule esees ee e 0( els oo1s0 DellC *W5 051* 011 OVa ete SRl 0 _ pupwo awase* "Wee W9 8S _u- s-u ses a n _si se4ts _ son is - S 1 es Sl n- v P II 5 S e L 9 Sg 5 t t W P_q - _ aw TaSkS. SsMoab AneI)uWhA"bE ab d40eb_t pbmMka. I 2 a 4 6 6 7 6 0 1 11 2 3 14 a t6 a n - 8 AuetwIspsd at 46 am19 118.134 . 1 5196 36510 41I 60 1210 52 w *90 2Sa0 S29 1200 1200 m20 a0 Wm 200 bmamEopdau. a 46 so1 667 170 on7 SW2 Sim6 01 790 W so oope w, uim aim * JIQ . 101 . IM 16.110 ".120 hi6S_b*MV aU 36 36 04 3a u6 O 470 a #O PO s2P0 42 44 40 43 go a so 62 so s0 so s0 A03161pk ~~~ ~~46 1.916 4.110 6300 OM35 12.13 t4964 16.13 219O2IN 20 4 3A 3130 3esU* 10 tgs sas sta tg 3Aiao siam auso 31a Wst..60.bfepwkM 60So Gal 601 6o1 So1 S0l Sal S01 Sal Sol Sol 505 Sal 561 S01 60l a"3 03J3 on8 6J 2as 1.03 89met 56 40.03 06701 74971 6570 13016,1 11690 t1f136 1250 13651 M6611 116l3 156612 211136 211136 *31M 3 11536 kip" bupj%1g so a0 go 26 20 2go 26 29 26 *6 26 26 29 26 20 26 go *u.a.ppm ~~~ ~~44 110 3.743 SAO6 7AWS OM6 111 1390 1590 1OM6 ISM ISM6 ISOM ISM6 16Dm SAM 19I0 OM16 066 15966 __MRW" tvpm Im 440 440 443 440 443 4A3 4A3 4A3 43 443 44 443 43 443 44S 4A3 8*o Us 6D 0* MS 101tse 03 0 1 65 0S6I 269541 396 4190 49*0 61S9O SO6N SOOt 6604 69)04 6904 6904 6604 0694 SI* 615*1 061*6 Wi1t U 1926 4.111 spit 13960 16.706 25977 W.V 42DM 47924 533A2 Us$46 06906 soon6 061ON 6"An 13093 "Om9 "Om96 1 __u a4 2 1m 1 12*2 32960 06296 40130 3674? 4329 4096 WA A ~ ~ d o m g b 1 6 9 66~~O 4 2 5 6 3 4 3 5 1 W P9 6 4 0 . 1 4 1 1 0 6 = 5 1 64 5 6 3 0. _ II t r S as to t tS tze _ptElit2t 4F11011t 4jU AX1 44M 4%I 4J2a MIS 544 F 4 * 4 4F 4 4 "5I JI 51 -_ _ ---. (116W *I.64q 90.701) P40W PS6) RIP9 PA" P.281) 42414 47064 39S WAS 606 MA6 S M OMS MA0W WAS S13 130AN e us0. 0136666s%Wuut EOlt40eut SaW8a db 06 1 ~41 tO,72Ut 41;pt ttO L4 Wism it Kit s Ki WAI V onV Wsv tiwe OVA we d, ft in I'sbl er)ww) e)w (ed (tW bW Iwo seen am se s 4 ones oe Ws t an is en s - em ea arm ew w% wt Ss $a" two oft tA Ws m* ov ow ewe meo se to' mV us ml umh we o s W C I" C" Iw 4w W tw Io " 4w S# " a" S" S" oI" an i M an an Ws an lan =e we we an ef ts ae a* o* Om no = so ie iee of al ea s f Wel a,i as asw 61 ss a ff is me v V geo aI e0 e1- eve we wez as v v v e * we eve eve ev *v __ v v e we seuqm us. #m. sWe en see me' se se, see seet am se $M own see em so Om * - - - es isw - mw ms esu ev wue NMe onw fm. we we' wie WV wea a 4 s o se of so so m se so oe a 'sso * * MA'V or Gem am -B am am V* am am am of WA "S so SWs K - 5 5 5 S it 5 5 I e i e *g 5 5 C 5 S " ~ ~ m m am WA am gm a" NM on " on gm Oa AM -WA a" Wm^ nu _0 a a a_4 s A _ u umimdAIAwmusme3w = * F " * n eb " ** " * p4in* @ g euwq$ --" V~ewe 'sWn WB"RAW kIb9nNw) 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 a 6 10 11 It 13 14 5 i 17 - 30 am G. Wm a awnm a ame MINt 1ts am am Om69 a" 67 w7oo ae. Om0 am8 SW1 o o tA0 &s 2 $A 7w 94 1 I= m 1i,# 1063 1Q*6 AM 106 l'3 10.AM3 IVA 10.26U U1023 te 63 _ W89abi.iU~AV *4 49 0 a so so 51 es 54 6557 so a* so 30 do 4 30 so 6 bla he 0 1*33 g.m 9.0 4,57 5*34 s.43s uS" $S. uAW u.s 06.10 616 6.1AD56 6 0,130 6t15 60 0.5 C.1M NgbuiPWm am am am am am m 5 1 M 5 M0.0 SM M 1M M 6M 7.5 7 M3 7.23 1m0-tuasU 0 10 .t130 "AM 16 2460 =.MS t.= WOO 2.3 U.40 30 5 74 304 U0.4 20174 44.1 443 44.1 44U 6hUmsWin i*gtJ 46 46 46 41 4S 45 48 46 4t 9 4S 4 4 41 4 4 4 46 Arn_p.h. 0 GU 16 3.664 3.76 4.464 4.996 4.116 4.16 49164# .6 4m 4 4,6 4.9 4,3 4.911 42 4, 4OM6 4. Ngmomba0ewpsrw am3 3.3 US0 .9 .0 3.30 & 3.0 .3 3.0 3 3.39 3.39 1 3.3 S 130 3M.3 3.3 1.0 M 3.0 am6 "b4ue 0 1,730 UN .A WM 15.26017001970 M,= 1470 19.70 19.700 1000 16.700 1t700 106700 t54744 t04 tSM4 .4 S1wuS 0 66ll4 1.6 4,X 9.041 6.3 93 5 O 10SN 011,176 11,3 12.M 13,15 1*4 144 14*4 14*4 .447 t 4? l944 -9.441 a wirs I_~*S_U 4.400 14*2 2 l SAM4 3.11l1 t1904 1316 371 I u b 9 11*34 1 4 14416 1.71 1O*0M 10,547 %t #4 _ _ 4til t"1 13 1V 141 130 M 110 1S0 C. .6 5571 inuininuinrn .Al".q (7.744 01.914 (19W" M"j (10U PAM7 9.471 11,176 11.93 tg.m 13.7 14*4 14*74 14*74 14*74 19.44 ^.44 19.44 39.44 M AM zm~~~~~~~~u t3~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~K t l_ __? sbi*U,s Vm1_6 #awrwabi1es~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aa~~ IMIAt kalrestre vter Uttlizottin Prject Attadwmot 2: Econmle wn Finanmcl Analysis d11e I(*). Cepfr bntuusttls in aaxbAsasa Cm Aa outside mI vidmut tie project) It UftmI OWN Wll FOWv Rfed Tom Cml WllS fRy RJd Told CmI Won irV fIed ToMi " *_ ,- - - - - PEu 0 2 0 _8_ ~~0 2 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 a 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 a 0 2 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 a 1 _ 1 1 0 S 7 5 2 0 4 It 5 2 0 5 12 1 0 0 7 a I 0 0 5 1 0 0 1 Pzum o o o o o a o o o 9 0 t O 0o abius 4 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 4 80 a 4 aW_ it 2 0 O 71 3 0 4 24 13 5 0 5 22 em~~moo UVmmIhtw) 25 3 0 96 42 25 3 0 I? 45 3 0 o 2 UwEt 3 1 0 0 4 91 0 0 4 2 1 0 0 3 *UU 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01.. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 &8m 27 4 0 to 47 2s 5 0 17 f to3 a O a A? HOT SEABCK G== 9 1 0 0 11 t 7 I 0 0 O 10 0 0 It Ka" 3 1 0 0 4 5 I 0 0 7 2 2 O O 4 3ie 0 1 0 0 1 1 t 0 0 Z 0 0 0 0 0 at"DI Is 3 0 0 is t3 3 0 0 t6 12 3 0 0 IS mm St tt 0 21 62 as 13 0 22 93 so Is 0 24 76 '-us- IImUI@ttruw7147 I. INDIA: NheftMreM Wter tiitft.on fJect Att t 2: EcInelc and Fhical Alysis TMe. 11(b). CroWtqe Inatties In Ndinat_ (IA Ares Infd SW - Villt the Project) 1/ - 5~~~~940 g0o9t Iw9 Wad I,r Rhd TOMl 1Sl Wd Rlar RNod TIO Cud,) WON NWr aed TW inwS t 11 2 0 3 2 7 3 0 12 3 11 5 0 t9 8tgW 1 2 0 a 2 7 3 0 12 3 11 S a 19 a 1 a 0 S 6 0 2 2 10 a 2 6 4 15 a- GmaidtM a 1 0 0 9 I 0 1 0 a a 2 0 0 7 1 0 0 a a 0 0 a 0 1 2 0 a 0 0 0 atWus a a I o a 0 0 3 4 a 2 1 1 7 8lAm 12 a 3 0 20 is t 3 6 24 11 S7 J g2 auo.Sb) 12 9 3 14 as 0 to 2 4 27 0 1 3 i5 lbu. e0 a t 0 10 8 a a o 5is 6 S 0 to Ou 1t 0 0 a 2 1 1 0 0 2 1 I 0 0 2 Cin 1 5 t 0 1 2 8 1 0 a 1 2 I 0 4 SAW 20 1t 5 14 50 22 to 7 4 el 13 14 tO 3 s9 6 t 0 0 S 5 S 0 0 6 5 2 0 0 7 d1 0 0 t 4 a 0 7 13 3 2 0 0 5 a a 1 0 0 2 t 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 IAt 10 4 1 0 t5 10 6 0 7 23 0 5 0 0 14 1074. 44 25 it 14 4 82 12 t1 110 36 34 22 0 t0o ileua_tmnuu diomim. }} ~~. a g§ '*1 - I J g f E| Iib {t~u : ' ' l55'E, *ii {Igj11 103 INDL4 tdh Wowp U Wdt hujsu AnAmemea 2: Dhouomi, sd FlaOWh AnaI** TaM. 13. FM= Budget 3 NUA Fimal ?ds 1I/ (WItb te Pr@jeet L~~~~~~~~t~~f Ptwdd K hRU a u TOTALI U* C EOPP PATTEAN % 13 7 14 5 17 a 19 100 Gms ASmis As 9 # 64 I 4 1.296 27 4*14 17.S Taut COW AS 1.51s 11e 216 27 O 44 12470 4,5S N~tP&mm Watus S. 1 m i. m 162 30" 4 1s.01 Tof famf md is 5 11 S 13 a 23 100 RmnpMD Flos 331 l10 73 129 77 70 134 131 Il I ong * hbedamed t150.L.kiad toppiem1 Shb atomnumd nes haolngp;m ro*FiwrW Oupe4t hWAS. 104 INDowA mahah Water UUlizdea PiJM Aftd#hNWu 2: Uwaoaan a"~ Fhwud Aft*y* Tabto 14. Fan Dudgt 3 Ha . F_ al Prlee 1/ MItb the Pro"ect * Croppig Pattlr Unchanged *Pt M ' OiE mm ' lSin Sh 8 TOTGAO . p0Wb PAT8M % 7 5 15 5 25 23 20 100 Rues Rwuf. 3590. 463 1,052 854 1.06 Z45 4,7 1504 TOWl0 Rs - e8 6S 233 272 453 a 1548 4.047 Nut@e WJsN Rs 27 377- 819- 56 1.4, 1X 3.204 113 - T'FsIJbm md 8 4.11 5 19 26 24 97 ftMOpvMD0 Rs 351 101 73 129 77 70 134 114 wd umAnd no dulps In a;pft rurpt wsclW OP uzrawsr .2 ) 105 INDA.* Mahaas)uha Water UtUoatin Paoec Attactmnt 2: Ecnomic and Finacial Analysis Table 15. Impact on Farm Budget - Summary Table Unit Without the With the With the Project Project I/ Project 21 Gross Revenue Rs 11,071 17,661 15,084 Total Costs Rs 2,970 4,599 4,047 Net Revenue Rs 8,102 13,051 11,038 Total Fam.labour m.d 71 100 97 Return per M.0 Rs 114 131 114 1/ assuming changes in inrigation intensity and cropping pattem. 2/ assuming only change in irrigaion intensity. IRID 16997 .ARC. I N D I A ,. MAHARASHTRA WATER UTILIZATION PROJECT o___ZG JAYAKWADI AND PURNA SCHEMES _ ^0 Proiect Areas = tRiver K-e' --_Dirtihoteries lo be InPrrored -< _Overage Channels rnrraetar pearx tm. atrf-:lfer Arigat on d Areas C Selected C riet and Vil egg, _ aa.n,nratrta. m rev *-.--Mjo n Bra-h C.A*6n Stole HigheasV -yoa,avaa,a e a Zr Existing Domg end Rest-ir ---- MAjo Distict Roods hrO vtco Dcoe Fnd Reservir -Ra--.- Reilroad) Distict R-onrifre ttmtaes I-- elntionel Boundaries J 1 b~~~1 A-o A U R A N G A B A D J A Y A K W A D I P R O J E C T A R E A W ~~~~~~~~'MAHR SaTtA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ RBH 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _~. \ I$f 1 J _\ L N, \ t8RD 170S ,0 S MARC WnI ,-) ' GuJARA>,2_ Ntt M A D H Y A P A E H sX~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - - N Npr lcNlo 4' Sud j$c6tX ,¾. , ' ! - IA IWA~~Z DI amt, d t R edPff S vl r- -t t_r2- UTiLIZATONA N D H R A PA *3~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Existing~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ram An Reseroir C' 8 I X .- BeS l N- bS,'S W-f A'S '%ME -'S~~-'--intorRotroas IN *4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Distric-Gt Roondoran H Vr w-. , * 72 : Riwndotes 0, , t . t, ,\&tW -7Es-020 to ' t- rt,.~X-t SMAHARASHTRA WATER A a A 8 i A Al ,>.2Z^ f f)-4)\t, UTILIZATION PROJECT \ z 2 8\ < o< 9yf v A ~~~~~~~~~PROJECT LOCATION i Lw- 1^ l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~kohjr, .iipstion Sch. Ame Mra uw S F A . _ 9 c n ,e f - Existin Dams qnd Ro"swTso ¢ 6 > ta °+ 0 \ t Molt Rrnlrwda W ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I N D I A \ i.stf KtCgETEF ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a 2a Lt w> paalalat . 0 ,j,. JllLEST Zd at eo Ea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Iw ~1060 urK_