APPRAISAL STAGE
                                                                                                Report No.: ISDSA817
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                         Date ISDS Prepared/Updated: 01-Oct-2012
                         I. BASIC INFORMATION
                            1. Basic Project Data

                            Country:          Middle East and North Africa      Project ID:    P130343
                            Project Name:     MENA- Desert Ecosystems and Livelihoods Knowledge Sharing and
                                              Coordination Project (P130343)
                            Task Team         Taoufiq Bennouna
                            Estimated       10-Oct-2012                         Estimated   21-Feb-2013
                            Appraisal Date:                                     Board Date:
                            Managing Unit: MNSEN                                Lending     Technical Assistance Loan
                            Focal Area:       Multi-focal area
                            Sector:           General agriculture, fishing and forestry sector (30%), General water, sanitation
                                              and flood protection sector (30%), Other industry (30%), Other Renewable
                                              Energy (10%)
                            Theme:            Biodiversity (20%), Other rural development (20%), Other environment and
                                              natural resources management (20%), Water resource manageme nt (20%),
                                              Climate change (20%)
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                            Financing (In USD Million)
                               Financing Source                                                            Amount
                              BORROWER/RECIPIENT                                                             0.00
                              Global Environment Facility (GEF)                                              1.00
                              Total                                                                          1.00
                            Environmental C - Not Required
                            Is this a         No

                            2. Global Environmental Objective(s)
                           The proposed project development objective is to strengthen networks among selected organizations
                           by sharing experience and knowledge on key desert ecosystem management issues.
                            3. Project Description
                           The proposed project would consist of the following three components.

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                         Component 1: Knowledge Management and Sharing (GEF: US$ 800,000).
                         The aim of this component is to establish and strengthen existing networks between national
                         institutions to encourage management and sharing of knowledge on key issues related to sustainable
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                         desert ecosystem management and their associated livelihoods. It will contribute to respond to main
                         the questions related to desert issues as presented below. This will help build a community of
                         practice aimed at providing guidance to policy-makers on matters related to the sustainable
                         development of desert ecosystems.
                         Institutions in the five participating countries will submit eligible activities for financing to the OSS,
                         among them the following:
                         (i)      Workshops or training sessions: Organize workshops (with a sectoral or a multi-sectoral
                         focus with deserts as a central theme) bringing together relevant stakeholders from MENA-DELP
                         participating countries to share knowledge and information about pilot MENA-DELP country
                         projects, other relevant desert ecosystem and livelihood enhancement experiences (in participating
                         countries as well in other countries), as well as emerging knowledge on related policy guidance.
                         (ii)     Study tours: Organize study tours to share information on pilot MENA-DELP country
                         projects or other similar projects (in participating and/or other countries).
                         (iii)    Web-based Networks: Organize moderated internet discussions through web-based networks
                         between sectoral experts on key issues, emerging lessons and related policy implications related to
                         the sustainable use of desert goods and services in the context of a given productive sector.

                         The organization of the project workshops as well as the steering committee meetings will be, when
                         possible, associated to international conferences such as UNCCD, UNCCC or UNCBD COP.
                         An additional responsibility of the OSS would be to prepare a short summary report of the activity
                         and publish it for broader dissemination.

                         Component 2: Monitoring and evaluation (GEF: US$ 100,000).
                         The proposed objectives of this component are two-fold: (i) Establish a Programmatic level
                         monitoring system for the MENA-DELP program based on aggregating national project level
                         indicators and results, (ii) Establish a specific M&E system for the regional project. The
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                         implementing regional organization, the OSS, will be responsible to develop these 2 M&E systems
                         and will elaborate a comprehensive annual progress reports on program level results OSS, to be
                         disseminated to all the stakeholders, including the Bank and GEF.
                         In order to create a positive feedback loop between M&E and knowledge management, the regional
                         project M&E system will incorporate a dedicated information system which will: (i) allow for the
                         collection of data and information on desert ecosystems, livelihoods and sustainable management
                         practices; (ii) disseminate information through a dedicated website; (iii) provide a link and a platform
                         for exchange of information between partners; (iv) include a centralized GIS database; (v) include a
                         monitoring evaluation with predefined indicators to facilitate analysis, consistency and monitoring of
                         activities; and (vi) moderate virtual discussions through existing or new web-based networks, as
                         proposed under Component 1.
                         Component 3: Project Coordination (GEF: US$ 100,000).
                         This component will mainly finance project management costs of the OSS (up to a maximum of US
                         $44,000), and the travel and meeting-related costs of the project Steering Committee.

                         Key issues related to desert ecosystems:
                         Key questions to be addressed are, among others, the following;
                         �       What are the relationships between a democratic society and a sustainable approach to
                         eradicate poverty and create growth in desert areas?
                         �       Who are `the winners' and `the losers' of current policies concerning deserts ecosystems and

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                         �       What are the negative impacts and spillovers of current development policies and programs
                         on desert ecosystems and livelihoods?
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                         �       What are the main aspects of climate risks on local production systems?
                         �       What are the main forms of adaptation to climate change and variability that have to be
                         supported in desert ecosystems in a sustainable manner?
                         �       What are the main aspects of innovative policies aimed at supporting the diversification of
                         livelihoods in desert areas?
                         �       How can environmental policies and regulations be better designed to allow for th e
                         sustainable use of natural resources in order to generate employment and improved livelihoods while
                         preventing the degradation of the resource?
                         �       What policy levers are important to encourage ecotourism and cultural tourism?
                         �       What is the current experience in incorporating a focus on ecotourism in a country's tourism
                         strategy, and what elements are important to increase the market share of ecotourism?
                         �       What are different income generation options for desert communities that use desert goods
                         and services optimally and what policies and actions are needed to make sure these are realized in a
                         sustainable way?
                         �       How can policies and related regulations be designed to encourage better water management
                         and protection of biodiversity?
                          4. Project location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard
                         analysis (if known)
                         The project is intended to engage the four participating countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, and
                         Morocco) under the MENA-DELP.
                          5. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists
                         Abdoul-Wahab Seyni (AFTCS)
                         Andrew Michael Losos (MNSEN)
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                          6. Safeguard Policies               Triggered? Explanation (Optional)
                          Environmental Assessment OP/        No               Project activities will not result in any adverse
                          BP 4.01                                             environmental and social impacts.
                          Natural Habitats OP/BP 4.04         No

                          Forests OP/BP 4.36                  No

                          Pest Management OP 4.09             No

                          Physical Cultural Resources OP/     No
                          BP 4.11
                          Indigenous Peoples OP/BP 4.10       No

                          Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP      No
                          Safety of Dams OP/BP 4.37           No

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                            Projects on International        No
                            Waterways OP/BP 7.50
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                            Projects in Disputed Areas OP/BP No

                         II. Key Safeguard Policy Issues and Their Management
                             A. Summary of Key Safeguard Issues
                            1. Describe any safeguard issues and impacts associated with the Restructured project.
                              Identify and describe any potential l arge scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts:
                                The project is rated category C. The project will have a global positive impact on sustainable
                              development of desert ecosystems. It integrates a strong dimension of political and institutional
                              participation and capacity building. Furthermore, it supports current and future initiatives, at
                              sectoral and multi-sectoral levels, with positive cumulative impacts. The proposed project brings a
                              real added value to on-going initiatives and puts a strong emphasis on disseminating value-added
                              technologies and techniques. It will ultimately contribute to disseminate initiatives aimed at
                              diversifying local livelihoods.
                            2. Describe any potential indirect and/or long term impacts due to anticipated future activities
                              in the project area:

                            3. Describe any project alternatives (if relevant) considered to help avoid or minimize adverse

                            4. Describe measures taken by the borrower to address safeguard policy issues. Provide an
                              assessment of borrower capacity to plan and implement the measures described.
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                            5. Identify the key stakeholders and describe the mechanisms for consultation and disclosure
                              on safeguard policies, with an emphasis on potentially affected people.

                           B. Disclosure Requirements Date
                            Technical Assistance Project
                            For a TA project which will finance the preparation of a specific safeguards instrument, please
                            indicate type of document disclosed, if any.
                            If the project triggers the Pest Management and/or Physical Cultural Resources policies, the
                            respective issues are to be addressed and disclosed as part of the Environmental Assessment/
                            Audit/or EMP.
                            If in-country disclosure of any of the above documents is not expected, please explain why:
                           C. Compliance Monitoring Indicators at the Corporate Level (to be filled in when the
                           ISDS is finalized by the project decision meeting)
                            The World Bank Policy on Disclosure of Information

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                             Have relevant safeguard policies documents been sent to the     Yes [    ]   No [   ]   NA [   ]
                             World Bank's Infoshop?
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                             Have relevant documents been disclosed in-country in a public   Yes [    ]   No [   ]   NA [   ]
                             place in a form and language that are understandable and
                             accessible to project-affected groups and local NGOs?
                            All Safeguard Policies
                             Have satisfactory calendar, budget and clear institutional      Yes [    ]   No [   ]   NA [   ]
                             responsibilities been prepared for the implementation of
                             measures related to safeguard policies?
                             Have costs related to safeguard policy measures been included   Yes [    ]   No [   ]   NA [   ]
                             in the project cost?
                             Does the Monitoring and Evaluation system of the project        Yes [    ]   No [   ]   NA [   ]
                             include the monitoring of safeguard impacts and measures
                             related to safeguard policies?
                             Have satisfactory implementation arrangements been agreed       Yes [    ]   No [   ]   NA [   ]
                             with the borrower and the same been adequately reflected in
                             the project legal documents?

                         III. APPROVALS
                            Task Team Leader:      Taoufiq Bennouna
                            Approved By
                            Sector Manager:        Name: Lia Carol Sieghart (SM)                     Date: 02-Oct-2012
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