AUDITOR'S REPORT Audit Completion Date: /5 -09-2016 Secretary Ministry Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives Local Govt. Division, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka. 1. We have audited the accompanying financial statement of the "Multipirpose Disaster Shelter Project (MDSP)' financed under IDA Credit No, 5561-BD, as of30h June, 2016 and for the year then ended. The preparation of financial statements is the responsibility of nmanagement. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statement based on our audit. 11. We have conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statement is free of material misstatement. An audit also includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures made in the financial statement. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as, evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Ill. In our opinion, the financial statements, gives a fair view in all material aspects of the financial position of "Aufliptinpose Disaster Shelter Project (MDSP))" financed by IDA under Credit No. 5561-BD, as of 30"' June, 2016 and the results of its operation and cash nows for the year then ended in accordance with the cash basis of accounting followed by the Government of Bangladesh, IV. Opinion Status: Unqualified. (d.-libul Ealdam As d) Deputy Director for Director General Foreign Aided Projects Audit Directorate Tel: 9361788. E:AMnnnSctor-6AAidit Rcpurn900 -1I6W74-iDA-MIDSP (Hwimmn sir).iue -7- Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Local Government Engineering Department Multipurpose Diaster Shelter Project Workshop Bhaban (Level-3), Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 Project Financial Statement 30the June,2016 (Figure in Lakh Taka) Resources Notes Cumulative Current Period Cumulative Period Current Period Government of Bangladesh 1.98 29.59 31.57 Loan from Development Partner 6020.00 0.00 6020,00 Cash opening balace 0 5520,00 0.00 Total Resource 6021,98 5549.59 6051.57 Expenditure and Cash 1. Goods 500.00 174.12 674.12 2.Works 1370.77 1370.77 3 Supply,Consultancy Service & 1700.56 1700.56 outsourcing staff 4. Incremental operating cost 1.98 29.59 31.57 Total Expenditure 501.98 3275.040 3777.02 Cash closing balace 0.00 Imprest Account 0.00 Operating Account (RPA) _5520.00 2274.550 2274.55 Operating Account (GOB) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Cash Balace 5520.00 2274.550 2274.55 Total Expenditure & Cash 6021.98 5549.590 6051.57 Mid, Abdur RaSbid Khan MAI LEGO HQ. AgargaOf, Dbaka. 4 Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Local Government Engineering Department Multipurpose Diaster Shelter Project Workshop Bhaban (Level-3), Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka-1207 Notes to Financial Statement 01 July,2015 to 30 June,2016 1. Government of Bangladesh: fund are allocated by the Government of Bangladesh to cover GOB's share of dligible project expenditures, as specified in the Project Proforma and in the Annual Development Project for each year of the project. Any allocated funds that have not been expended by the end of a fiscal year lapse and must be returoned to GOB. GOB contribution to the project since inception are as follows [In Lakh Taka) (Figure in Lakh Taka) Inception to 30th For the year 2015-16 Inception to 30th June 2015 June 2016 Disbursements by GOB 1.98 30.00 31.98 Less: Refunds to GOB 0.00 0.41 0.41 fTotal 1.98 29.591 31,57 2. Loan from develoment partner: The World Bank has provided funds to the project to cover it's share of eligible project expenditures. These funds, which must be repaid to IDA after the conclusion of the project, have been drawn by the project in accordace with the following withdrawal procedures (In Lakh Taka). Inception to 30th For the year 2015-16 Inception to 30th June2015 June2016 Initial Deposit(Advance) IDA-5561-BD 6020,00 0.00 6020.00 Sub-Total'initial Deposit 6020.00 0.00 6020.00 DPA{Direct Payment) 0.00 0.00 0.00 RPA(IDA-5561-BD) 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total 6020.00 0 6020,00 3. Other resources consist of the following Inception to 30th For the year 2015-16 Inception to 30th June2015 June2016 Project Revenues 0 0 0 /losses 0 0 0 Total 0 . 0 0 0' 0 0 4. Cash The project maintains two bank account an CONTASA bank account, or revolvingffund, which is kept at Bangladesh Kreshi Bank to hold funds advanced by IDA, and an operating accounting , which is kept at a commercial Bank to hold funds advaced by GOB. Year end cash balances Were as follows (In Lakh Taka). Inception to 30th For the year 2015-16 Inception to 30th __________________ June 2015 June 201.6 CONTASA Account Operating Account (RPA) ssm,0. 2274.50 2274.560 :Operating Account (GOB) 0.00 o.00 0.000 Total 5520.00 2274.560 2274.560 Audit opinion on SOE We have audited the Statement of Expenditure ( SOE ) of the Multipurpose Disaster Shelter Project (MDSP) financed by IDA under Financing Agreement No-5561-BD/IDA for the year ended 30' June, 2016. Withdrawal applications were submitted to the International Development Association (IDA) for reimbursement/ replenishment of expenditure in accordance with the IDA "Financing agreement signed on 26.January 2015 respectively. The audit was conducted following International Standard on Auditing Accordingly, it included such tests of accounting records and supporting documentation review of systems of Internal Control, so far exists. adopting necessary auditing procedures that we considered essential under the circumstances, Withdrawal / SOE Particulars No claim was made through SOE/ withdrawal application in favor of the Multipurpose Disaster Shelter Project (MDSP) for the year 2015-2016. Opinion status: Unqualified. (Md. A bid ikIf(iniU'vtd) Deputy Director for Director General Foreign Aided Projects Audit Directorate Tel: 9361788, E:Awnu,Sccor-6Andi Reptnt,2015-16 -17--IDA-MDSP Haum sir).doc 15 Auditor's Report on Special Account. 0L We have audited the Special Account Statements CONTASA Accounts bearing STD A/C No.1617003000070 with Sonali Bank Ltd, Shilpa Bhaban Corporation Branch, Matijhcel, Dhaka, of "Multipmrpose Disaster Shelter Project" (MDSP) as of 30th June. 2016 and the year then ended tinder IDA Financing Agreement No. 5561-BD. 02, Our audit was carried out in accordance with International Auditing Guidelines. Accordingly our audit included such review of system of internal control, test of the accounting records and supporting documentation, verification of accounts balances and other auditing procedures that we considered necessary under the circumstances. 03. The accompanying Special Accounts Statement was prepared on the basis of cash deposits and withdrawals for the purpose of complying with the above Financing Agreement. 04. In our opinion the receipts were properly accounted for and withdrawals are made for the purpose of the project in accordance with the Financing agreement, the special account statements, the opening and closing balance and the accounting activity for the year ended 30-06-2016 are on the basis of cash deposit and withdrawal. Statement enclosed. Opinion status: Unqualified. (Md. Abi Kalftm Azad) Deputy Director for Director General Foreign Aided Projects Audit Directorate Tel: 9361788. E: \Arniesccotr-bAuditRepot2*IS-t6A7--IDA-MOSP H:mi si1ddoc 16 Special Account Statement For MDSP (Taka in Lah For the Year Ending. 30-Ju-16 Account No CONTASA no.- 16170030000070 Depsitory Bank: Sonali Bank Limited Address Shilpa Bhaban Corporate Branch, Dhaka, Loan/Credit No: IDA 5561 BD Currency : BDT Part-A : Account Activity Beginning Balace (01-06-2015) 552000 Add (+) 1. Total Amount deposited by the 0.00 2. Total Interest Earings if deopsited 0 3. Total amount refunded to cover in 0 Deduct (-) 1. Total Amount withdrawn for 3245.45 2. Total services charges if not 0 3. Ending Balance (As per cash book) 2274.55 Part-B Account Reconciliation 1. Total Amount advaced form the beginning of the project 6020.00 (01/07/2014) 2. Less : Total amount accounted as eligible expenditure by Wold Bank 1567.13 up to (30/03/2016) 3. Equals : Present Outstanding amount advanced to the special 4452.87 account at fiscal year end (01/06/2016) 4. Ending Balace of special Account 2274.55 at fiscal year endded (30/06/2016) 5. Plus: Amount withdrawn but not 2178.32 yet claimed for documentation as eligible expenditure 6. Plus : Amount clained but not yet 0.00 credited application no- 7. Less : Interest earnings (excluding of tax and charges) (if included in 0.00 special Account) 8. Plus : Service Charges (if not 0.00 included in Lines 5 and 7) 9. Equals : Total advaced to special Account to be accounted for at F.Y 4452.87 end (30/06/2016) ~YdW