1- i LAJ = ___ ~~~~~E 55C' -~~Fr C) 1WMI# or ) a: r~~~~~~~~~~~~~L mC ' a S Y _~~~~~c l E N .w . Xi .......... . .......... .. .....~a Land Policies and Farm Productivity in Thailand x Preface Daves, David Feeny, Quill Hermans, Lynn Holstein, Emmanuel Jimenez, Michael Lav, Johannes Linn, John Lindt, Gregory McColl, Daniel McFadden, Charles Mehl, Jessica Mott, Jerry Murray, Ngozi Okonjo- Iweala, Theodore Panayotou, William Panton, James Roumasset, Enrique Rueda-Sabater, G. Edward Schuh, and Ammar Siamwalla. Participants in seminars at Kasetsart University, the Unmversity of Maryland, the UJniver- sity of Minnesota, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the World Bank and in an interim seminar in Bangkcok provided useful comments as well. Rhonda Zaharna patiently and expertly typed numerous drafts and provided valuable editorial assistance. We also thank Consuelo Tan, who helped with the typing. David Howell-jones edited the manuscript and significantly improved the presentation. Finally, we would like to thank the hundreds of Thai farmers who gen- erously gave of their time to provide us with the information on which this study is based. Parts of this book have appeared, in somewhat different form, in jour- nal articles written by the authors. These include "Ownership Security and Farm Investment in Rural Thailand," American Journal of Agricul- tural Economics 69:2 (May 1987); "Land Ownership Security and Farm Productivity: Evidence from Thailand," Journal of Development Studies 24:1 (October 1987); "Land Registration and Titling from an Econo- mist's Perspective," Survey Review 29:226 (October 1987); and "Land Policies and Farm Performance in Thailand's Forest Reserve Areas," Eco- nomic Development and Cultural Change 36:3 (April 1988) ©) 1988 by The University of Chicago. Permission of the publishers of these jcurnals for the use of these mate- rials in the preparation of the present book is gratefully acknowledged. Preface This study originated in response to an operational problem faced by World Bank economists in 1983 in connection with an appraisal of a land titling project in Thailand. As is true of most Bank projects, the possibil- ity of conducting a quantitative cost-benefit analysis was considered. Al- though the project costs were readily available, the quantitative assess- ment of expected benefits was less straightforward. A review of the literature available at the time revealed that, although the benefits of se- cure ownership had been discussed conceptually by many scholars, a rig- orous quantification had not been attempted. There were therefore no re- liable parameters to refer to in addressing the problem at hand. Many of our colleagues at the Bank recognized the value of clarifying and quantifying the economic effects of secure ownership. It was appar- ent, however, that no secondary data sources existed which could be used for that purpose. Primary data would thus need to be collected at consid- erable cost. A request for research funds was approved by the Bank early in 1984. Thai officials were also interested in the study, and clearance was obtained without any difficulty. The main fieldwork took place during the latter part of 1984 and early in 1985, followed by an analytical phase in Thailand and in Washington. The research underlying this report and the preparation of the report benefited from the contributions and assistance provided by many per- sons to whom we owe a debt of gratitude. Fieldwork was carefully organized and supervised by Jeerakiat Apibunyopas of Kasetsart University and Veera Pak-Uthai of Khon-Kaen University. Dedicated research assistance was provided in Thailand by Prapol Patamakitsakun, Anongsiri Chaprapan, and Piangpen Pak-Uthai of the Center for Applied Economics Research at Kasetsart University, and Paitoon Sucharitchan and Viroj Na Ranong at the Human Resources Institute of Thammasat University. Boonsri Prasertwaree assisted in the translation of Thai documents. In Washington, Apparao Katikineni of the World Bank handled effi- ciently and expertly the computer-related analytical work throughout the study. Tejaswi Raparla contributed to the analysis of the credit market. Many colleagues offered helpful suggestions and comments on various parts of the analysis. Among them are Peter Angus-Leppan, Thomas ix viii Contents 8. The Effects of Ownership Security on Landownership and the Formation of Capital 94 The Model 94 The Effect of the Risk of Eviction, cF 96 Econometric Specification 97 Land Improvements 103 Appendix: Adjustment for Land Quality 108 Notes 108 9. The Effects of Ownership Security on Farm Productivity and the Use of Inputs 109 A Broader Definition of Outpui: 113 Alternative Calculation of Output Effects 117 Notes 121 10. The Effects of Usufruct Certificates 122 Notes 132 Appendix: A Usufruct Certificac:e (STK) 133 11. The Benefits and Costs of Landownership Security 137 Note 147 12. Policy Implications 148 References 155 Index 161 Contents Preface ix 1. Introduction 3 2. A Conceptual Framework and Review of the Literature 5 3. Land Rights and Land Use in Thailand 10 Land Rights 10 The Land Code of 1954 11 Land Use and the Forest Reserves 17 Other Land Documents 18 Notes 19 Appendix: Land Documents 20 4. Methodology and Description of the Study Areas 28 Notes 38 Appendix: Maps 39 5. Security of Ownership and Access to Credit 44 Factors that Affect Lending 44 Empirical Evidence 49 Disequilibrium Econometric Model of Institutional Credit 57 Notes 69 6. A Model of Land Acquisition and Ownership Security 70 Assumptions 70 Notation 71 Development of Model Results 72 Introducing the Risk of Eviction 75 Appendix: Proofs of Propositions 1-13 79 Notes 85 7. Analysis of Land Values 86 Notes 93 vii In legislation, the most important thing is security. If no direct laws are made respecting subsistence, this object will be neglected by no one. But if there are no laws regarding security, it will be useless to have made laws respecting subsistence-command cultivation, you will have done noth- ing; but secure to the cultivator the fruits of his labor, and you most prob- ably have done enough. Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) Copyright C 1988 by The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America First printing July 1988 The Johns Hopkins UJniversity Press Baltimore, Maryland 21211, U.S.A. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this study are entirely those of the authors and should not be attributed in any manner to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations, or to members of its Board of Executive Directors or the countries they represent. The maps that ac- company the text have been prepared sol ly for the convenience of readers; the designations and presentation of material in them do not imply the ex- pression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Bank, its affili- ates, or its Board or member countries c oncerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, area, or of its autliorities, or concerning the delimi- tations of its boundaries or its national affiliation. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Land policies and farm productivity in Thailand / Gershon Feder . .. (et at.). p. cm. "Published for the World Bank." Bibliography: p. Includes Index. ISBN 0-8018-3727-8 1. Agricultural productivity-Thailand-Econometric models. 2. Land titles-Registration and transfer-Thailand. I. Feder, Gershon, 1947- . II. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. HD2080.55.L36 1988 88-12059 333.3'09593-dcl9 CIP Land Policies and Farm Productivity in Thailand Gershon Feder Tongroj Onchan Yongyuth Chalamwong Chira Hongladarom Published for the World Bank The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore and London Land Policies and Farm Productivity in Thailand A World Bank Research Publication 1 Introduction The evolution of individual land rights and mechanisms to enforce such rights in the rural setting is closely related to increases in population density and to advances in agricultural tochnology. As land becomes scarce, societies that may have practiced shifting cultivation or long fal- low periods to maintain the fertility of their land must adopt fertility- restoring technologies that make possible continuous exploitation of the land. Because such technologies require investment of both capital and ef- fort, the cultivator must have an investment incentive. For the cultivator, this incentive is enhanced when the right tD cultivate continuously and the ability to transfer a given tract of land by will or by sale are secured not only by social custom but also by an effective state-enforced legal sys- tem. Thus, population growth and agriculttural progress are typically ac- companied by mechanisms to enforce land rights. An almost universal mechanism is a unified system of land registration and documentation whereby the state provides the landowner with proof that a given well- defined tract of land does indeed belong to him. If the registration system is effective, and if the state can protect the owner from encroachment or false challenges to his ownership, such a -mechanism does indeed enhance security. With agricultural development there is an almost universal emergence of rural credit markets, both formal and iniformal. Credit transactions often require explicit or implicit collateral. Land is an attractive collateral asset provided that the farmer can assure the lender that he has the ability to transfer the land. Again, a unified land-registration system is a mecha- nism that would provide the lender with such an assurance. It follows that the institution of land registration and titling can have significant economic consequences in the agricultural sector. Although this proposition is generally recognized by economists and development officials, a paucity of rigorous quantitative research on the topic hampers the design and evaluation of policies. Alternative policies and investments are better assessed when some knowledge of the magnitude of their effects is available to policymakers. This issue is acute in a country such as Thailand, where the cultivated area has rapidly expanded during the past three decades. Much of this expansion took place through the clearing of forest areas and without 3 4 Introduction proper documentation or formalization of farmers' land rights. Today perhaps a million farm households are operating on a fifth of the desig- nated forest reserve areas owned by the state. There is a need to know the extent to which the lack of legal ownership security affects the performance of farmers, for if the effect is significant, it merits the attention of policymakers. Further, to design efficient policies warrants information on the exact nature of the constraints imposed by lack of ownership security. Do usufruct certificates or legal long-term leases for squatters on public lands, for example, significantly improve their performance? Do titling programs or other programs that address ownership security need complementary policies in other areas, such as the rural credit system? Are there differences in the potential effects in dif- ferent geographical areas? Should such differences dictate an ordering in the allocation of public funds for enhancing ownership security? The available literature does not provide relevant information for Thai policy- makers. In fact, most developing countries have little quantitative infor- mation to provide a reliable basis for comparative assessment of the dimensions and implications of insecurity of ownership. In this study data from Thailand have been used for a rigorous analysis of several aspects of landownership security. The present Thai system of land rights simplified the study considerably, allowing for an essentially cross-sectional comparison of farmers with varying degrees of ownership security. The study provides both qualitative and quantitative informa- tion on the effects of ownership security. While the quantitative results are specific to Thailand, they provide some frame of reference for effects that can be anticipated elsewhere. In addition, the methodology of the study is replicable, and it is hoped that similar studies conducted in other countries will help to broaden the knowledge on this important issue. The study is organized as follows: the next chapter presents a concep- tual model and a review of the literature. It will be followed by separate discussions of the evolution of land rights in Thailand, the methodology of the study and the nature of the data, and the credit market. A formal model of land acquisition and ownership security that follows underlies the empirical discussions to be presented in subsequent chapters on land values, capital formation and land improvements, and the use of inputs and farm productivity. The effects of usufruct certificates will then be assessed, to be followed by an analysis of the benefits and costs of land titling. Policy implications and conclusions will be presented in the last chapter. Unless a specific source is cited for the tables and figures presented here, all data are from the survey of farmers undertaken by the authors in four provinces in Thailand. 2 A Conceptual Framework and Review of the Literature The most obvious effect of insecurity of landownership is increased uncertainty whether the farmer will be able to benefit from the invest- ments that he makes-in equipment, structures, irrigation infrastructure, or land conservation measures-to retain or improve the productive capacity of his farm. Investment would be expected to be related nega- tively to uncertainty of tenure: with increased uncertainty, investment incentives are reduced and current consumption is preferred. With lower capital accumulation, the demand for variable inputs complementary to capital is reduced. If acquisition of machinery allows fast preparation of land, for instance, then a greater area can be double-cropped and the demand for variable inputs such as labor and fertilizers will increase. In the early stages of agricultural developmnent, de facto ownership may not imply substantial uncertainty about a farmer's continued use of the land. Uncertainty tends to increase, however, as commercialization increases and as new technology increases the income-producing poten- tial of the land. There is ample evidence that the incidence of land dis- putes and land grabbing-and consequently insecurity of tenure- increases as the potential return on land increases (Feeny 1982, 95; Tomosugi 1980; Tanabe 1978; Clark 1969; Baron 1978, 27; Kemp 1981, 15). Development also increases land transactions-sales and rentals-as considerations of efficiency motivate adjustment in the land input to make it compatible with other endowments, such as farming skills. But as the frequency of transactions between individuals who are not closely related increases, uncertainty over the entitlement of an owner to transfer land rights becomes a relevant factor. Individuals are therefore induced to spend resources on reducing uncertainty, and this, in turn, affects the scope and the price of land transactions. One way to reduce or eliminate ownership uncertainty is to provide landowners with titles backed by a legal system capable of enforcing those property rights. Many have highlighted the function of a secure legal title in facilitating a farmer's access to cheaper, longer-term, and more extensive institutional s 6 A Conceptual Framework credit. Since lack of clear legal title prevents the mortgaging of land, a secure title may indeed provide easier access to credit, especially credit from lenders who do not have personal or detailed information on the borrower. As Binswanger and Rosenzweig (1986) noted, land has sev- eral attributes that make it a desirable collateral asset. A land title is often a mandatory precondition for commercial or official bank loans (Wai 1957; Dorner and Saliba 1981, 23; Sacay 1973; Aku 1986, 24; Collier 1983, 163). On the basis of a farm survey in three Thai provinces, Meyer and Chalamwong (1983) reported that farmers complained of collateral requirements for obtaining credit. Farmers without clear titles or with small farms were significantly affected. In the informal credit market, collateral is less significant. The lenders usually base their decisions on personal familiarity with the borrower, and they can enforce repayment through social pressures and other means which are not available to formal lenders. Thus, farmers without secure ownership face fewer disadvantages in the informal credit market than in the formal market. Informal credit is typically much more expensive than formal credit, however, and is confined for the most part to relatively small short-term loans. From the lender's point of view, farmers without secure legal titles are, other things being equal, riskier clients; interest rates for these clients therefore reflect a higher risk premium. Indeed, in some areas of India, lenders charged 8 to 16 percent on secured loans as against 18 to 37.5 percent on unsecured loans (Panandikar 1956, 75). As explained by Stiglitz and Weiss (1981), however, interest rates cannot be allowed to rise to equate supply and demand because of asymmetric information and ad- verse selection. Thus credit rationing is optimal. Farmers without secure landownership therefore face constraints in gaining access to low-cost, long-term and short-term credit. Compared to situations where there is a larger supply of relatively inexpensive credit, constrained or more expensive credit tends to yield low ratios of factors to land (David and Meyer 1980; Rosegrant and Herdt 1981). Since both variable inputs and capital are less among farmers without secure owner- ship, their output is expected to be lower than if they did have secure ownership. Losses in efficiency from constrained credit are also likely when the optimal mix of farm activities is affected. In general, credit constraints on working capital may yield a shift to crops and activities that require smaller outlays of cash. Constraints on long-term credit may bar a farmer from purchasing farm machinery, for example, and cause a shift to less capital-intensive crops. Similarly, lack of mechanized power may also diminish a farmer's potential for double-cropping in areas where speedy land preparation between seasons is essential. From the foregoing discussion it is hypothesized that insecurity of own- A Conceptual Framework 7 ership causes lower farm productivity because investment incentives are reduced and access to credit is limited (Dorner and Saliba 1981). Some commentators regard insecurity of ownership an important source of low productivity in agriculture (Mosher 1966) This conclusion implies fur- ther that the market value of land that is not securely owned-untitled land, for example-will be less than that of an identical tract of land that is securely owned. This implication follows from the fact that the value of land reflects the stream of net incomes that it generates over a long pe- riod. Since land that is securely owned has greater productivity and is a less risky asset, it has a higher market value. The causal chain outlined in the discussion above is illustrated in figure 1 and will be rigorously developed in chapter 6. Empirical evidence to substantiate this conceptual framework was scarce at the time this study was initiated. Figure 1. Security of Landownership and Farm Productivity: A Conceptual Framework ~~~I Titled lnd Greater security Greater security to farmer to lender Larger demand Larger supply of cheaper for investment long-term credit More . b ~~invetment (input complementarity) Larger demand Larger supply of cheaper for variable input short-term credit b 7 Greater use of r variable input i Hige output per acre | Higher land Geater | I price I| income l 8 A Conceptual Framework Quantitative evidence on the link between secure legal ownership and the use of credit is limited. A study in Costa Rica by Seligson (1982) showed that before the titling program began, 18 percent of the farmers sampled had obtained credit. After the program, 31.7 percent had obtained credit. The availability of credit improved mainly for owners of large farms; the average size farm of those who obtained credit after titling was 19 hectares and 7.3 hectares of those who did not. These findings reflect not only changes in supply but also shifts in demand. Sim- ilarly, recent data on a titling program in Jamaica (IDB 1986) indicate that almost half the recipients of titles increased their borrowing over its preproject level. * In a study of land transactions in the Central Plain of Thailand, Stifel (1976) observed widespread use of title certificates as security for non- institutional loans. These loans thus involve land collateral that is neither registered in the land office nor recognized by law. The "unregistered mortgages" are prevalent for small or short-term loans. In these transac- tions, creditors have no legal rights to the land. Since the creditors physi- cally possess the title deed, however, they can prevent farmers from legally transferring ownership to other parties. This practice also restricts a farmer's access to additional credit from other lenders and therefore pro- vides the lender with some protection against the possibility of the bor- rower's incurring excessive debt. As an indication of how widespread this practice is, Stifel (1976) found in one village in the highly developed Cen- tral Plain that the number of these unregistered mortgages was three times as great as the number of registered mortgages. The effects of secured ownership on both the availability of credit and investment incentives imply that farmers without secure ownership will have fewer investments and land improvements, lesser use of variable inputs, and lower productivity per unit of land. Empirical evidence to confirm these propositions is scant. In a study of the economic implica- tions of land titling in Costa Rica (Salas and others 1970) positive correlations-in the range of 0.40 to 0.67-between the degree of own- ership security and farm investment per unit of land were found. Simi- larly, data from three Brazilian states in 1978 reviewed by Villamizar (1984) revealed that capital per hectare is substantially greater on titled land than on undocumented or encroached land. The analysis was made for groups of farms of various sizes, and within most groups the proposi- tion held. Several studies have been focused on the effect of ownership security on output or income. In the earliest study, conducted in Costa Rica (Salas and others 1970), a positive correlation of 0.53 between income per unit of land and security of ownership was found in one province. In another province, however, the correlation was negative, although quite weak (-0.07). From a study of the Brazilian state of Maranhao (cited in IDB A Conceptual Framework 9 1986, 186-89) it was concluded that granting full legal ownership to squatters and undocumented occupiers would increase their income 200 percent. In the same report recent data frorn Ecuador are quoted to indi- cate that income levels of titled farmers were twice those of untitled farm- ers, when the amount of land owned was held constant (IDB 1986, 187). As mentioned earlier, constrained credi': may produce losses in effi- ciency when the optimal mix of farm activities is affected. In Costa Rica, for example, it has been reported that it is easier to obtain credit using cattle as collateral than it is using land to which the farmer does not pos- sess a full formal title. In this example, as a consequence of the credit con- straints, farmers without title tended to shift from crop production to raising cattle although the land may have been better suited to growing rice and beans (Dorner and Saliba 1981, 23). Recent survey results from Jamaica indicate that the incidence of per- manent and semipermanent crops was substantially higher among titled farmers than among untitled farmers-alrnost twice as high. Indeed, a third of the recipients of titles under a government program reported that following the change in their status they planted more permanent and semipermanent crops than they did before the initiation of the project (IDB 1986, 189). There are no studies in which the effects of security of ownership on agricultural land values are addressed. A recent study of the economic value of ownership security in the setting of urban housing Jimenez 1984), however, offers a plausible approach that could be replicated in a rural setting. A hedonic price equation was estimated for the value-that is, the sale price-of housing units on fully titled lots as a function of vari- ous attributes of the dwellings: quality of structure, access to services, av- erage neighborhood income, and so on. The parameters were then used to predict the value of dwellings with given sets of attributes that are located in urban squatter settlements. On an average, the imputed value is higher than the actual value observed in the squatl:er settlements, with the impli- cation that the difference represents the market's valuation of tenure se- curity. Although most of the evidence cited here is compatible with the theo- retical discussion, the studies pertaining to the effects of insecurity of landownership in the rural sector are not rigorous in their analytical approach. The influence of various intervening variables that can be cor- related with security of ownership is not controlled for, and thus, while the statistical associations are compatible vwith the theory, they cannot be taken to imply causality. In the present study, both a quasi-experimental design for sample data and appropriate econometric approaches are employed to estimate the effect of security of ownership on economic per- formance. 3 Land Rights and Land Use in Thailand In Thailand, as in many other developing countries, land use does not necessarily imply legally recognized land rights. The development, or evo- lution, of a legal system to define, award, and protect a farmer's rights in a given tract of land is spawned by numerous socioeconomic factors. As indicated in the foregoing chapters, population pressure, intensified land use, and agricultural development are some of the factors that contribute to the need for, and development of, a system of legal tenure. In this chap- ter we shall narrow our focus on security of ownership by providing a cursory overview of land use and land rights within the Thai setting. Land Rights Traditionally, all land in Thailand belonged to the king. Because land was readily available and agricultural activity was primarily for subsis- tence, however, any Thai citizen could claim land in order to provide for his family. Widespread clearing of forests, settlement, and cultivation were permitted with few restrictions and little government control until fairly recent times. Rights to use land were by custom rather than for- mally recorded. Authorities instituted registration of ownership for tax collection purposes, but not for the purpose of enforcing individual land rights. Until the first half of the nineteenth century land was abundant, while labor was scarce (Feeny 1982). The Thai economy was characterized by a high ratio of land to man. Control of manpower formed the basis of economic, political, and social power through various patron-client rela- tionships. Different classes of citizens were obliged by several levels of corvee to their patrons, and slavery was common. Public government projects required massive numbers of hired Chinese laborers, since local labor was not sufficient. During this period slaves-not land-served as collateral for loans. The second half of the nineteenth century witnessed a transition from property rights in man to property rights in land. The process began with the opening of the country to international trade and the increased com- 10 The Land Code of 1954 11 mercialization of rice production. Title documents for rice land were awarded in the main rice-producing areas (luring the 1860s and contin- ued into the 1880s. This system was unsaiisfactory, however, since the record keeping was not centralized. Multiple claims and land disputes became ever more frequent, as cultivation expanded and land values increased (Tomosugi 1980). The 1892 Land Law significantly improved security of title, but it did not establish a centralized land registration record or a system for clearly identifying land holdings. In 1901 the gov- ernment adopted the Torrens system of land titles, modeled after the Aus- tralian system, which provided for cadastiral surveys and central land record offices. Titling efforts were concentrated in the Central Plain. With the introduction of this system, the use of land as collateral for loans increased significantly (Feeny 1982, 96). The land legislation prevailed with few modifications until 1954, when a comprehensive land code was passed. The Land Code of 1954 The Land Code of 1954 is the basis for the legal system of land rights in Thailand today. The code defines the powers and duties of the minister of the interior and the Department of Lands (DOL) for the allocation and acquisition of state land. All the land regisitration documents for land which is not government property are issued by the DOL. The DOL, acting under the Land Code, can adjudicate land tights only for lands that are not designated officially as forest reserves, national parks, and so on. The land documents, referred to by their Thai acronym, correspond to the phases of acquisition, use, and legal possession of land (see table 1). It is possible to distinguish between secure and unsecure documents of ownership security and land rights. Althoug h the title document, NS-4, is the securest document, there are two other documents, NS-3 and NS-3K, that accord legal recognition and protectiDn of a farmer's ownership rights over a given tract of land (see the appendix to this chapter). Full ownership rights enable the farmer to transact with the land freely and legally. NS-4. Legal possession is documented in a full, unrestricted title deed called NS-4 (Chanod). This document enables the owner to sell, transfer, and legally mortgage the land. It is issued on the basis of an accurate ground survey, with clear identification of the property by stone bound- ary marks, and is registered in the provincial land register. NS-3 and NS-3K. The secure documents related to the phase of use are NS-3 (Nor-Sor-Sarm) and NS-3K (Nor-Sor-Sarm-Kor)-"Certificate of Use" or "Exploitation Testimonial." These documents certify that the Table 1. Land Documents Issued by Various Departments of the Thai Government Date Transfer Used as Restrictions or Document Class Thai name introduced Legal status Survey method rights collateral stipulations Department of Lands: Land documents for plots outside the forest reserves NS-4 Title deed Chanod 1954 Most secure; full, Land demarcated Fully Yes Issued only for unrestricted own- by accurate negotiable land outside for- ership title regis- ground survey or est reserves; own- tered with provin- rectified aerial ership rights can cial land registrar; photo map; prop- be challenged by fully negotiable- erty clearly identi- state or other sold, rented, sub- fied with bound- farmers if land divided, or ary markers lies fallow longer mortgaged than 10 years NS-3 Certificate Nor-Sor- 1954 Secure; enables Surveyed in isola- Because of Yes Issued only for of use Sarm farmer to sell, tion by triangle, boundary land outside for- transfer, or mort- tape method distortions, est reserves; own- gage land; can be proposed ership rights can converted to title transfers be challenged if deed (NS-4) must be land lies fallow advertised longer than 5 for 30 days years NS-3K Exploitation Nor-Sor- 1972 Secure; enables Prepared from Fully Yes Issued only for testimonial Sarm Kor farmer to sell, unrectified aerial negotiable land outside for- transfer, or mort- photo map est reserves; own- gage land; can be ership rights can converted to title be challenged if deed (NS-4) land lies fallow longer than 5 years NS-2 Preemptive Bai-Chong 1954 Authorizes tempo- Land described by Only by No Issued only for certificate rary occupation metes and bounds inheritance land outside for- of land; after pre- est reserves; valid- scribed period ity of rights con- and land use, can ditional on use convert to NS-3 within 6 months or NS-3K of issuance SK-1 Claim Sor-Kor- 1954 Claim to owner- Land described by Certificate No Issued only for certificate Neung (during ship based on metes and bounds transfer- land outside for- process possession or use able, after est reserves of im- of land before the transfer plement- enactment of the advertised ' - ing the Land Code; can code) be converted to NS-3, NS-3K, NS-4 Forestry Department: Land documents for plots inside the forest reserves STK Temporary Sor-Tor-Kor 1981 Usufruct Varies Only by No Issued only for cultivation certificate inheritance land inside forest rights reserves; covers only plots up to 15 rai (2.4 hect- ares); conversion of certificate to I rble contirn.es on the filowing page.) Table 1 (continued) Date Transfer Used as Restrictions or Document Class Thai name introduced Legal status Survey method rights collateral stipulations NS-4 or NS-3 prohibited; state reserves right to revoke usufruct rights if restric- tions violated Public Welfare Department: Issued in specific areas under small official programs NK-3 Nor-Kor- Can be used Subject to Yes Can be obtained Sarm legally as loan restrictions after 5 years' pos- collateral but can- session of NK-2 not be sold until 5 years after issue date NK-2, Nor-Kor-Som Usufruct Only by No NK-1 Nor-Kor- inheritance Neung Land Reform Office: Issued in specific areas under official program SPK Sor-Por-Kor Usufruct Only by No inheritance The Land Code of 1954 iS occupant has made use of the land for a prescribed period. Under the existing legislation, a farmer must first possess an NS-3 or NS-3K docu- ment before he can obtain a full-title deed (NS-4). The law allows sale, mortgage, and other transfers with the use of these documents to record the transaction. The NS-3 certificates granted between 19.54 and 1972 were mapped in isolation by tape surveys, and the land was described in the certificate by metes and bounds, with an approximate diagram showing the shape of the parcel. After 1972 systematic surveys using unrectified aerial photo- graphs were introduced (NS-3K), where land is described on the certifi- cate by a deed plan, and the certificate staies that the holder "has pos- sessed and made use of the land." Because of distortions in the shape and area described in NS-3 certificates, proposed transfers must be advertised for thirty days before the actual transfer. Although NS-4, NS-3, and NS-3K are the only documents that allow the farmer to transact freely and legally with a given tract of land, there are other documents that provide evidence tD support a farmer's claim of ownership. These documents, NS-2 and SK- 1, do not certify secure legal ownership, however (see the appendix to this chapter). NS-2 (Bai-Chong)-a "Preemptive Certificate." This document author- izes temporary occupation of land, which is described by metes and bounds. The certificate is not transferable except by inheritance, and it is therefore not accepted as legal collateral. It confers the validity of the rights on the condition that it is used within six months of its issuance. At least three-quarters of the land must be used for a prescribed period before the occupier can convert the NS-2 to a certificate of use (NS-3, NS-3K). SK-1 (Sor-Kor-Neung)-"Claim Certificate." This document was not defined in the Land Code of 1954 but was issued during the process of implementation of the code. It allowed for a claim to be made within a specified period after enactment of the code, by any person who had pos- session and had made use of land prior to the effective date of the law. The document is convertible to a certificate of use or to a title deed. According to Yano (1968), the 1954 law stabilized the land tenure sys- tem by eliminating the confusion of contradictory provisions. Kemp (1981), however, claims that successive pieces of legislation, each with varied interpretations, along with inconsistent attempts to implement the law have created a highly complex situation. The Thai system of land administration shares with those of other developing countries a lack of funds and an inadequate administrative infrastructure. These constraints make it difficult to provide full titles to all eligible farmers. 1 As a result, the process of land registration has been 16 Land Rights and Land Use Table 2. Classification of Land in Thailand Category Millions of rai Percent Total area of Thailand 320.7 100 Public land Forest lands (including gazetted forests, national parks, forest parks, wildlife reserves, and forest lands pending gazettal)b 166.3 51 Public domain and government real estate 18.5 6 Religious land 0.3 ... Local administration land, state enterprise land 2.7 1 Ponds, swamps, lakes, and the like 11.6 4 Total public land 199.4 62 Private land Certificate of use (NS-3 and NS-3K) 64.0 20 Title deed (NS-4) 18.4 6 Total documented private land 82.4 26 Undocumented land (includes NS-2, SK-1, and other certificates outside forestry area) 38.9 12 Total private land 121.3 38 ... Negligible. Source: Government of Thailand, Department of Lands. a. 6.25 rai = 1 hectare. b. It is estimated that at least 33 million rai of land officially classified as forest land is actually under cultivation by squatters. Thus total land under private occupation (whether legal or not) is 121.3 + 33 = 154.3 million rai. rather slow (see table 2). Only a small proportion-about 12 percent-of legally owned land is covered by full title (NS-4). Of the area actually documented-that is, land with either full title or certificate of use-the proportion is 53 percent. In our study areas, primarily agricultural areas, the occurrence of full-title deeds was rare. This is consistent with the observation that title deeds are more prevalent in the urban areas. Ranong (1986, 124) suggests that because boundaries are more accu- rately defined in the NS-4 than in the NS-3, increasing population pres- sure and land disputes will stimulate the demand for the NS-4. It is perhaps because of the low occurrence of the full-title deeds that the status and usefulness of the certificates of use have risen, blurring the distinction between the NS-4 and the NS-3 or NS-3K. Although some commercial banks seem to prefer collateral documented on a full-title deed to those documented on a certificate of use, there are indications that in practice the difference between the certificate of use and the full title is rather small. Williamson (1983) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (Government of Thailand 1980, 7) claim that there is little difference between the full title and the NS-3 or NS-3K. As Forest Reserves 17 Williamson states, "banks will lend equally, irrespective of whether the land has a title or a certificate of utilization" (Williamson 1983, 10). These views are in contrast to those of Lin and Esposito (1976, 426) and Kemp (1981). According to Kemp, although the law allows NS-3 trans- fers, "the transfer value of the certificate is low and commercial banks do not consider them good security" (1981, 9). Our own field survey and numerous discussions with farmers and land officers indicate that in the rural areas studied there is little distinction between NS-3, NS-3K, and NS-4 documents and that all are taken by banks and buyers as evidence of legal ownership. Land Use and the Forest Reserves Like many other developing countries, Thailand is faced with the prob- lem of illegal occupation and use of state-owned land by large numbers of farmers. In Thailand the squatters encroach primarily on forest reserves, thwarting the national conservation objective of maintaining these areas in their natural state. As stated earlier, until fairly recent times T-hailand had a high land-to- man ratio. Because land was abundant, productivity was achieved largely by expansion. Feeny (1982) traces this growt>i by expansion as a response to favorable, changing export markets. Following the opening of the country to international trade and the signing of the Bowering Treaty (1885), the government actively encouraged expansion to meet export goals. Of this era Feeny states that "favotable prices and population growth underwrote the rapid expansion of paddy production in the nine- teenth and first half of the twentieth centuries" (1984, 6). Feeny attributes the continued deforestation after World War II to favorable markets for upland crops and an even more accelerated rate of population growth. Although steps in forest conservation were first taken in 1896 with the establishment of the Royal Forestry Departnient, the extent of deforesta- tion has been substantial. Feeny estimates that forest coverage has dropped from 70 percent at the turn of the century to 50 or 60 percent in the 1960s; to 40 percent by the mid 1970s; and to less than 30 percent today (1984, 8).2 This drop has occurred despite the efforts of the govern- ment. In 1961 the Thai government set a policy that 50 percent of the area of Thailand should be reserved as forest area. In 1964 the National Forest Reserve Act was passed, designating various areas within Thailand as gazetted forest reserves and detailing limitations on their exploitation. Agricultural cultivation within these areas was specifically prohibited. Today an estimated 5.3 million hectares, or about a fifth of the land officially designated as state-owned forest reserve, is permanently occu- pied and cultivated by squatters. This is alout 21 percent of the land under cultivation and involves about a million squatter farm households. Although many of these squatters had de facro possession of the land for 18 Land Rights and Land Use fifteen to twenty years, they cannot obtain titles or certificates of use. The forest reserves can be found side by side with the non-forest reserves, in identical agroclimatic zones and in areas with similar sociopolitical structures. Since agricultural expansion in Thailand has always been through a process of forest clearing and settlement, there is no sociocultural or'eth- nic difference between the squatters in our study areas and their neigh- boring legal owners.3 In fact, some members of a given family could be squatters while other members are legal owners. In areas on the boundary of the forest reserve, an individual's landholdings could arbitrarily be split between land outside the reserve-for which he held a legal, secure land document-and land inside the forest reserve, for which he would be considered an illegal squatter. How this occurs can be traced to the 1964 act. Following the Forest Reserve Act of 1964, areas officially designated as forest reserve did not have carefully delineated boundaries, and in many instances areas unsuit- able for agriculture were not purposefully selected. In fact, many areas officially declared to be forest reserves were already partially or fully set- tled. In many instances it was several years before farmers learned that land that they held or had acquired had been designated as forest reserves. Beginning in 1972, when the distribution of NS-3K documents was significantly speeded up, increasing numbers of farmers discovered that they could not obtain the document of secure ownership because thev were squatters and these documents could not be awarded in forest reserve areas. Concern among farmers about not being able to obtain a legal document apparently did not arise until after 1975, when a signifi- cant expansion of the institutional credit system in the rural sector took place. Since 1981 the Roval Forestry Department has issued usufruct certifi- cates to large numbers of squatters in the forest reserves. These certifi- cates, known by their Thai acronym STK, provide "temporary cultiva- tion rights." The provision of STK certificates covers only holdings up to 15 rai (2.4 hectares), they prohibit the conversion of the certificate to title deed (NS-4) or certificate of use (NS-3, NS-3K), and they restrict the transfer of holdings except by inheritance. Not only does the STK certifi- cate prohibit the recipient himself from transacting-selling or mortgag- ing, for example-with land covered by an STK certificate, but failure by the recipient to report observed violations bv others could cause revoca- tion of his usufruct rights by the state. Other Land Documents Several documents issued by various government departments confer some rights to land within the purview of specific settlement or welfare Notes 19 programs but usually do not grant full own -rship. These include the NK documents distributed by the Public Welfare Department to selected ben- eficiaries in three series: the NK-1 and NK-2 are not transferable except by inheritance; the NK-3 can be transferred or used as collateral five years after its issuance. The Land Reform Office issues to beneficiaries of its program SPK documents similar to the STK certificate issued by the For- estry Department. Land covered by an SPK document cannot be sold or transferred. The documents issued by the Public Welfare Department and the Land Reform Office are confined to relatively small areas and small numbers of farmers. In addition to the documents described in the foregoing paragraphs, many farmers have tax certificates to provide evidence that they have paid a land tax (PBT certificates). Tax is collect:ed on most occupied land, whether it is occupied legally or not. Many squatters are apparently will- ing to pay the land tax, which is rather low, with the hope that it will help them to establish full legal rights at a later Mime. Notes 1. Recentls; however, the government has undertaken a significant expansion of the ti- tling and land registration capacity through a special project funded in part by external do- nors. 2. The most recent estimates are at present under debate. 3. In some frontier areas close to the international borders of the country, however, the squatter population consists of hill tribes who are not ethnic Thai. 20 Land Rights and Land Use Appendix: Land Documents Title Deed, NS-4 WIll inttl>rtia AinviU-m"W M 4Ilg -" - ._ ..a -x t, 1H4i 33!i4nu wg -__ c utztau Th NlJU)3t.4f lltt - - - ni '!t -9 -L tf 111.1 in,niAlijism e94^49o 7dW2llu" in,rnu emt 1111 uue c mB lti lii*"i nl h1t '}W~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ 1"11 II",""m>: H{ Reproduced from Burns (1985) Appendix 21 Translation of Title DeZ d, NS-4 Land Location Title Deed Map Sheet No. No. -- Parcel No. Volune Page Tambon No. Amphur Tambon Name Changwat Title Deed Certificate of Rights in Land Issued in Accordance with the Land Code To (Name) Nationality Address Village No._ Street Lane _ _ Tambon Amphur Changwat Estimated area of land rarai ngan sq wah Map Scale of cadastral map 1: _ _ Scale 1: Date of issuance __ month year Governor Changwat Land Officer Writer Drafter Examiner Map Investigator Inspector Chief (Note that the 1985 amendments to the Land Code will mean that the titles will no longer be signed by the Changwat Governor.) Translation reproduced from Burns (1985) 22 Land Rights and Land Use Certificate of Use, NS-3 J.- . ;nunqo MK-------- -- n asL~ ? ~.... ..... ------ . . _ ___ *alu n IntDti . . -..%. _lzum .. _jwu> __~ ~~~~~ 1 _ ----s__ ---- - ... AK~~~ ~ ------- -~ '~~~~ ~ ~ UUiV.T: l1DflJjU4ftUUU - 14 UhrIIfll ;'%MZUD]jl n6Diru- Il 'jI, v yQ . >Oz5n taWS- (* ~ 1¶#I1UD iji:w~~-t Wn gm ,, .... II_jiuUC.. f nl:I,r IT:1A . UL n lA4U ifi -n9^ i-ululunmjl ~ -.- ~ .. -.: - - - --.--_-- - - ? Z ! - z :, f , , l , >:z; ,e' 31.' Reproduced from Burns (1985) Appendix 23 Translation: Certificate of Use, NS-3 Certificate of Land Use Land Location Registration Tambon Village Volume Amphur Page. Changwat Village File No. Page - This land use certificate is issued to certify that: Name Race _ Nationality Parent's Name Village Address Village No. _ Tambon Amphur Changwat has made use of the land having the following references: North (estimate) sen Adjacent to South (estimate) sen Adjacent to East (estimate) sen Adjacent to West (estimate) sen Adjacent to Total area rai ngan sq wah Date -_ _ Month .Year Signature Nai Amphur Seal of the competent officer Shape of Land (Approximate) Translation reproduced from Burns (1985) 24 Land Rights and Land Use Certificate of Use, NS-3K U~~~~~~~~~~~~ It~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 4l JJ a~~~u4U7u7nhil11I7Tu i .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 41 44 mA. W1WUfli ___ _ Iti-- Ub U tt mftt ^ __ __.... ~!~J. UIS..U#.1.. IW;t o.u ; i" U¶_1t" .4^ *....jlIq. ........... 4 . ..... IZu*J;zrivE, .. s.z.r!3¶d~ .i1 as .i . . 5~~~~ vv IVA";t ^ E { : -1 1a!IuIa1aqfiifiwll S1 I Rerdue fro Burn _185 U{ Ulf5lhlAUlgTh1JpIrl11g .~ .. e.iiii...... . 'S ;Of U W fl J IflO 4l_.M .s . Reproduced from Burns (1985) Appendix 25 Translation: Certificate of Use, NS-3K Certificate of Land Use Issued in Accordance with the Land Code Land Location Registration Tambon Tambon No. Amphur Volume Page Changwat Parcel No. Aerial Photo No. Map Sheet No. Page This land use certificate is issued to certify that: Name Nationality Address Village No. _ _ Tambon Amphur Changwat had possessed and made use of the plot of land as mentioned above. Total area rai ngan sq wah Shape of Land and Boundaries Scale of aerial photo 1: Scale 1: Date of issuance _---onth _ _ Year Signature Sea[ of the competent officer Translation reproduced from Burns (1985) 26 Land Rights and Land Use Form of Preemptive Certificate, NS-2 ..................J w .. - . . .................. 4, 4, .-~~~~~~~~~u-1t f41 ,....... ....... .. 4 lum~~~~~lu! *nn. 7 .... .... ..... ... .. -un . . ..ni luruta d::z 1w@. gtnqilJ'oonuFi u;........... .IU If fU TIS'' A"U15[tIYUM1 ........... ltwtu ........... niuRep:roduce frmBrs(95 ,~ % S ilin..1..uaXu * * ,,,,,,, ,,, swszn n%T%S,;~~~~~~~~~~~~. zslnoun70nnvulnqnnnes (n4imTrnnznNY) nlJ B^LYUtOT'.,l>._,OO 15 .................... NY lt,W1ffik ................ _ ... RleprodJuced frbom B)..........zurwns,kuC4t (1985)......... . Appendix 27 Translation: Preemptive Certificate, NS-2 Preemptive Certificate Land Location Registiation Tambon Village No. Volume Number Amphur Page -_ Changwat File No. Page This document is issued to certify that the Government has allowed: Name _ _ Race Nationality _ Parent's Name Age Address Tarabon Amphur Changwat to take temporary possession of the plot of land having the following ref- erence North (estimate) sen Adjacent to South (estimate) sen Adjacent to East (estimate) sen Adjacent to West (estimate) sen Adjacent to Total area rai ngan sq wah Date -_ Month ..Year Signature Nai Amphur Translation reproduced from Bulrns (1985) 4 Methodology and Description of the Study Areas Security of ownership is defined in this study as the possession of legal rights of ownership, certified by an appropriate state-issued document. Secure ownership entails protection from the risk of eviction and the abil- ity to mortgage and sell the land legally. Normally, ownership security would be difficult to quantify. In Thailand, however, two groups of farm- ers are readily distinguishable by their ownership security status. One group is composed of squatters who operate farms in forest reserve areas; the other is composed of legally titled farmers who operate outside the boundaries of the forest reserve. Because ownership security is uniform within each group, comparisons between the two groups circumvent the need to quantify ownership security, and inferences regarding its eco- nomic implications can be made. Simply to compare the economic indicators of the two groups, how- ever, may mean ignoring other important differences between them and may thus invalidate the assessment of the effects of ownership security that is based on such comparisons. One important factor, for example, is the agroclimatic environment in which the farmer operates. There is no point in comparing a titled farmer operating in a fertile valley with a squatter operating in a hilly area; the two differ not only in ownership security status, but also in type of soil and terrain. To avoid false attributions, a key element of the methodology of the study was the selection of study sites in which squatters and titled farmers operate in geographical proximity within a similar agroclimatic environ- ment. Accordingly, all observations within a particular study site, both within the forest reserves and from adjacent areas outside the reserves, were located within a radius not exceeding twenty miles. Great care was taken to ensure that study sites had similar terrains and infrastructure. Initially selected were sites in three provinces that met the required sim- ilarity of agroclimatic conditions and geographical proximity of the sam- ples of legal owners and squatters. These were located in Lop Buri prov- ince on the fringe of the central plain and Nakhon Ratchasima and 28 Methodology and Study Areas 29 Khon-Kaen provinces in the northeast. Surveys were conducted during the 1984-85 wet season. The sample design for each province consisted of a random selection in the preselected study site of ten villages in the forest reserve and ten villages in the adjacent area outside it. Within each village, about ten farmers were selected at random.1 During the following year, another northeastern province, Chaiyaphum, was added in order to study the specific effects of usufruct (STK) certificates distributed by the Royal Forestry Department on the productivity of squatters. Thus, the squatter sample in Chaiyaphum was further delineated into recipients of certificates and nonrecipients. These two squatter subsamples were drawn from two neighboring forest reserves, one of which had been covered by the STK program since 1981, while the other was not yet covered. As noted earlier, since the pattern of agricu tural expansion in Thailand has always been through a process of clearing and settlement of the for- ests, there are no sociocultural or ethnic differences between the squatters in our study areas and their neighboring legal owners. Hence there is no systematic difference in the ability, management skills, or other under- lying characteristics between squatters and o:[her farmers or between for- est reserve lands and other lands in our study areas. This is important, for the distinction between squatters and legal owners is the only measure of ownership security that could be used in the analysis. The location of the farms of most of the farmers in our study ateas had already been deter- mined by the time it became apparent that the squatter status entails dis- advantages. We thus regard the farmers' ownership status as exogenous in the analysis. To account for individual differences among farmers in initial wealth, location, and soil type and so on, data on characteristics of the farmer and his farm are used in the empirical analyses reported in subsequent chapters. These analyses are essentially econometric, employing regres- sion techniques and dichotomous choice models. Security of ownership, represented in the present study by a titled status, has effects on both long-term processes, such as capital formation and acquisition of land, and short-term activities, such as production and the use of inputs. It is therefore important in the econometric work to determine whether vari- ables typically treated as exogenous are in fact endogenous, in the sense that they are affected directly or indirectly by security of ownership. Since the objective of this study is to assess the full effects of ownership security, most of the econometric work deals with reduced forms, in which all endogenous variables are replaced by the excgenous variables that affect them, whether directly or indirectly. The endogenous variables affected by security of ownership analyzed in the present study are credit, land val- ues, capital, land improvements, variable inputs, and output. The survey district in Lop Burl was Chai Badan. Most farmers there 30 Methodology and Study Areas grow upland crops such as cotton, corn, upland rice, sorghum, tobacco, and beans. The roads from the capital city and the district capital are all- weather roads. Since the district is about 250 kilometers from Bangkok and all the villages surveyed were connected by feeder roads to the.main road, the cropping activities in the area are highly commercial. Most of the area is rainfed, with an annual rainfall of about 1,070 millimeters, and the pattern of rainfall is stable in time. Most of the sample areas in Lop Buri have better soil conditions than the provinces surveyed in the northeast, which are subject to periodic droughts. In Nakhon Ratchasima province, the sampled farmers are located in the Chok-Chai district. Lands in this district are mixed between upland and lowland. The average amount of rainfall is about 760 millimeters a year. Rice crops are found in both lowland and upland areas where pump irrigation is possible. For the most part the soils of lowland areas are black and slightly sandy-suitable for growing rice. In the upland areas, where the soil is sandier, cassava is the crop most commonly grown. In Khon-Kaen, the Ban Phai and Kranuan districts were selected for the study. Both districts are principally upland and hilly areas; the soil is mostly sandy. Annual rainfall is about 1,390 millimeters. Most of the areas are rainfed, and only a few farmers have access to irrigation. The cropping patterns of the two districts are quite similar. Some villages in the Kranuan district, however, have soils suitable for growing sugarcane-a highly profitable crop-and are located close to a sugar mill. These villages were eventually excluded from the study because their location was not similar to that of the rest of the sample. The upland crops typically grown are cassava, kena£ and corn. During the wet sea- son, rice can also be grown widely, especially the native variety of gluti- nous rice used for domestic consumption. In general the survey areas in Khon-Kaen are less commercialized than those in Lop Buri and Nakhon Ratchasima. In Chaiyaphum province, the study area is located in Chatturat district, about 330 kilometers from Bangkok. Chaiyaphum province is character- ized by plateau lands that slope from the northwest toward the south and east. The average rainfall is 1,086 millimeters a year. As in other north- eastern provinces, most of the agriculture is rainfed and is prone to droughts. The main crops are rice, cassava, and kena£ The sampled areas in the northeastern provinces are typical of this region of Thailand, which contains more than a quarter of the country's provinces. They are also similar to the less commercialized lower and upper north provinces. The highly developed Central Plain is not repre- sented in this sample. The extent of illegal encroachment on the forest reserves in the Central Plain, however, is minor. The economy of south Thailand is quite different from that of the provinces included in this report, and results do not necessarily apply to southern Thailand. Simi- Methodology and Study Areas 31 larly, frontier areas of very recent settlement have not been covered in the present study. The distribution of sampled plots, by location and ownership status, is given in table 3. It is apparent that farmers outside the reserve boundaries who can acquire secure landownership docurnents are keen to do so. The overwhelming majority-nearly 90 percent-of the plots outside the for- est reserve are covered by secure documents, either NS-3 or NS-3K. There is thus no bias arising from potential self-selectiveness in the sample of titled farmers. Table 4 provides information on the availability of infrastructure ser- vices in the sampled villages. Differences are small and insignificant. The fact that public services are provided to villages in the forest reserves reflects recognition by government agencies and officers that the squatter settlements are by and large permanent. This is compatible with the small probability of eviction in Thailand. Eviction of squatters from forest reserves by government officers has been rare in Thailand because of sociopolitical constraints. Although overall statistics of the frequency of eviction for the country are not avail- able, data from the four provinces surveyed in the present study provide adequate information. Farmers-both squatters and titled farmers-were asked to indicate whether they had ever been evicted from land they pos- sessed. The reference period is therefore a lifetime, and on the basis of the responses to this question the frequencies of eviction can be regarded as lifetime probabilities of eviction. The data are presented in table 5. As would be expected, eviction rates are higher among squatters-that is, residents of forest reserves-than among legal owners in all provinces. It is clear, however, that eviction rates are low, since the probability of a squatter's being evicted in the course of a lifetime is less than 10 percent. The incidence of eviction among titled farrners, who are settled outside the forest reserve, reflects probably "normal' expropriation of land that takes place in conjunction with public project;, such as roads, canals, and dams. Such events cannot be avoided even by nitled farmers. It is therefore appropriate to regard the difference betweeni eviction rates of untitled farmers and titled farmers as a proper estimale of the lifetime probability of eviction faced by a squatter because he does not have legal ownership. These figures are reported in line 3 of table 5 and are low. The overall probability of eviction for the pooled sample of squatters is about 4 per- cent. The fact that the risk of eviction in Thailand is extremely low has important implications for interpretation of the effects of titled owner- ship, as will be shown in subsequent chapters. The small probability of eviction, the fact that land tax is being col- lected on squatters' land, and the availability of public services are all fac- tors which enhance the squatters' perception of ownership security.2 Table 3. Distribution of Plots, by Location and Type of Land Title (percentage of total plots in each area) Province Chaiyaphum Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Forest Reserve Type of Forest Forest Forest With Without land title reserve Outside reserve Outside reserve Outside SK ' S I'K Outside Untitled plots 100.0 13.8 100.0 12.5 100.0 12.2 100 100 3.7 Titled plotsb - 86.2 - 87.2 - 87.8 - - 96.3 Total number of plots owned by farmers in the sample 281 247 245 287 253 296 96 233 135 - Not applicable. a. Usufruct certificate. b. NS-3 and NS-3K. Table 4. Infrastructure Services in Sample Villages (percentage of total villages in each sample) Province Nakhon Lop Buri Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum All Forest Forest Forest Forest Forest Infrastructure reserve Outside reserve Outside reserve Outside reserve Outside reserve Outside Connected by all-weather road to district capital 100 100 70 90 89 82 100 100 88 91 Service by agricultural extension agents 100 100 90 90 89 100 100 100 94 97 School in village 80 50 50 40 78 91 100 100 73 65 Number of villages in sample 10 10 10 10 9 11 5 3 34 34 Table 5. The Experiences of Farmers with Eviction Province Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum Location of Sample Percent Sample Percent Sample Percent Sample Percent farmers size evicted size evicted size evicted size evicted 1. Forest reserves 100 7.0 89 9.0 91 6.6 120 1.7 2. Outside 84 2.4 72 1.4 93 2.2 112 0.9 3. Differential rate of eviction (line 1 - line 2) - 4.6 - 7.6 - 4.4 - 0.8 - Not applicable. Note: The period of reference is the farmer's lifetime. Table 6. The Opinions of Farmers as to the Principal Benefits to Be Gained by Acquiring Legal Title (percentage of farmers in each sample) Province Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum Principal Forest Forest Forest Forest benefit reserve Outside reserve Outside reserve Outside reserve Outside Access to institutional credit 74 83 54 49 61 50 80 83 Avoidance of eviction 12 4 29 20 19 22 4 5 Minimization of disputes 10 9 21 24 7 17 9 6 Number of observations 89 106 81 86 74 112 120 112 Table 7. The Percentage of Land Tracts That Were Acquired by Purchase Province Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum 0\ Location of Sample Percent Sample Percent Sample Percent Sample Percent land size purchased size purchased size purchased size purchased Forest reserves 156 67 163 26 110 63 441 42 Outside 211 70 247 25 258 45 231 33 Methodology and Study Areas 37 Indeed, when squatters were asked what they perceived as the most important advantage of possessing a secure landownership document such as NS-3 or NS-3K, the majority stated favorable access to institu- tional credit (see table 6). Only a few suggested protection from eviction or land disputes as important aspects of legal ownership. Land disputes, in fact, have not been frequent in the past. In our sample, the estimated lifetime probability of disputes is 11 percent in forest reserves and 13 per- cent outside them. Thus the frequency of disputes is low, and there is little difference between forest reserves and other areas.3 There are no signifi- cant differences, moreover, between the way squatters and titled farmers rank the merits of secured ownership. This indicates that squatters are well informed and have realistically assessed the benefits that would accrue to them if they were granted secure legal ownership. The squatters' apparent lack of serious concern about the risk of evic- tion stems from a history of de facto ownership with little interference from authorities. Not only is eviction rare, but other official constraints that theoretically should restrict the activities of squatters have not been enforced. One such constraint is the prohibition of selling or transacting in land that is formally state property. Yet in several studies it has been pointed out that this restriction is in reality being ignored (Lin and Esposito 1976; Kemp 1981). The survey data on land purchases among the farmers sampled indicate that there are no significant differences between the incidence of sales of untitled tracts in the forest reserves and of titled tracts (see table 7). Lands in the forest reserves are transferred commercially as frequently as those outside the forest reserve. The ability to conduct these transactions freely augments the squatters' perceptions of the security of their claims to land of which they are de facto owners. Farmers' opinions are thus compatible with the sociopolitical environ- ment in rural Thailand: since eviction and disputes are minor issues of low risk, the credit advantages implicit in possession of documents of legal ownership are important. Farmers perceive the ability to use land as collateral for loans as affording them patterns of investment, production, and consumption that they could not otherwise attain. This suggests that the effect of collateral on the supply of institutional credit is substantial; otherwise farmers would not consider this aspect of secure ownership so important. This proposition will be analyzed in the next chapter. The finding that credit is the dominant benefit of legal ownership in Thailand is extremely significant for policy, b,ecause policies may have dif- ferent effects on the access to credit and on perceptions of ownership security. For instance, a policy designed to improve squatters' perception of security by providing them with usufruct certificates-but not the right to sell or mortgage-will address only that aspect of the squatters' situa- 38 Methodology and Study Areas tion that is of minor importance in Thailand. This issue will be discussed in detail in chapter 10. Notes 1. The actual sample sizes used in specific components of the analysis may vary because of missing data. 2. There are in Thailand areas of recent settlement, mostly near the frontiers, where squatters are less secure. The analysis does not pertain to such areas. 3. As land scarcity increases in the future, however, the incidence of disputes is likely to increase. Appendix 39 Appendix: Maps lOb°; ~~~~~~~~~~104° 200 1~~~~~o 2040 I20' 20' BURMA 2 u h LAO PEOPLE'S { I DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC "-K~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1' 20~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6 NG ( of hand: '0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~T A -1? .1 f WJ tsX. 4 g g } 2gMp 126 Andornan / I boundary .~~~ ~Mp 1< Thailand . ..........- - - Region boundary Province boundary -tpLi~i Lop Buri '~~, 3 ______ ~Nakhon Rotchosima S U :iw 47 Khon-Kaen Kte5st~ ) I4- Choiyaphum , M L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _NA M 40 Methodology and Study Areas Map. 2 Lop Buri Province j NAKHON SAWAN % PHETCHABUN |mE P fAKHN .AWAN.. 6CHAIYAPHUM ANG ,_ ,<(~~~~~~ Study area AYUTHAYA' i) District office Highway l --i Railway Province boundary 0 25 50____ District boundary Kilometers Appendix 41 Map. 3 Nakhon Ratchasima Province j 4' ~~~KHON- CHAIYAAPHUM ' '+ f LOP BUR; ;K 5 ( " / cto~1c~soi 0\ tBURI RUM PRACHIN BURI LIZ Study area 0 District office High,way -- Gravel road 25 ---- Roiwoay Kilometers - Province boundary _______ D,st,ict boundory 42 Methodology and Study Areas Map. 4 Khon-Kaen Province UDON THANI LOEI KALASIN MAHASARAKHAM CHAIYAPHUMM \_ [ A g~~~BURI RUM NAKHON RATCHASIMA Study area t3 District office Highway - Railway O 50 1 00 l - N_._Province boundary Kilometers ____ District boundary Appendix 43 Map. 5 Chaiyaphum Province ) ~~~Khon San~* KhcnSan <> KHON-KAEN K ) _g~~~~~- \ ?~~Ban Ton PHETCHABUN/ *Phu Khieo ( Kaset Sonibun Koen s , S ~~~~~~~~~~~~Kae,ngJ Nong Bua Doeng * f 1 Io / ~%j,Khon / Ban Klwac Ch an *, r \ S \Nong B- Raheo* . NAKHON ! -- e @ t- ~~~RATCHASIMA LOP BURI Bamnet Narong Thep Sathit Y Lii Study area _ _ Province boundary 0 25 50 District boundary Kilometers 5 Security of Ownership and Access to Credit Farming operations typically imply several months of land preparation, cultivation, and harvest, followed by a short period of marketing. Corre- spondingly, the agricultural season is characterized by a long period of negative cash flow, followed by a peak period of positive cash inflow. Be- cause many farmers do not have liquid resources to cover the costs of con- sumption and cultivation, the acquisition of short-term credit is wide- spread in farming. Like other investments, farm investments require large capital outlays at the outset, followed by years of small returns once the investment has become productive. lf a farmer does not have sufficient liquid assets to implement the investment, he must secure long-term credit or rolled-over short-term credits. Borrowing is part and parcel of farm- ing, and access to credit is an important determinant of a farmer's per- formance. In this chapter we shall discuss the principal sources of credit and the way ownership security affects a farmer's access to credit. Factors That Affect Lending It is useful to distinguish between two broad sources of farm credit, namely, institutional and noninstitutional lenders. Institutional lenders include cooperatives, specialized government agencies, state-owned banks, and private banks. Noninstitutional lenders include friends and relatives, moneylenders, traders, and rich farmers. The literature on rural credit markets suggests several important distinctions between these two sources of credit. Security of landownership, in particular, may have dif- ferent effects on lending decisions made by institutional and noninstitu- tional lenders. Landownership security implies the certainty of having continued access to a given tract of land. More important for credit purposes, how- ever, security of ownership enables a farmer to transfer landownership to others. Although a borrower usually knows whether there are challenging claims to ownership of the land that he offers as collateral, a potential lender may not. The uncertainty is greater for a lender who resides or operates outside the borrower's social environment. The asymmetry in 44 Factors That Affect Lending 45 information leads to welfare losses. Consequently, societies have tried to reduce the inefficiency by registering landhcldings and issuing title docu- ments whereby the state confirms ownership of the land by the holder of the title. A central hypothesis of this study is that secure-titled-landown- ership will have a positive effect on access to credit because land can be pledged as collateral for loans. A corollary of this hypothesis is that usu- fruct certificates, such as the STK certificates distributed to squatters in the forest reserve areas, do not improve the access of squatters to institu- tional credit. This is because a usufruct certificate does not confer on the recipient the right to transfer land, except by inheritance. Without this ability to transfer ownership, usufruct certificates have no significance for lenders. The lending decision involves many factors: the amount of the loan (if a loan is to be granted at all), the direct and indirect price (interest rate, or tied buying and selling deals), the duration of the loan, and the collat- eral or other security requirements. Some of these decisions may be simul- taneous and others may be recursive; the duration or amount of the loan, for example, may depend on the type of collateral available. Since lenders face the risk of default or arrears on the part of the borrower, they natu- rally require borrower-specific information as well as general informa- tion, such as forecasts of product prices, that pertains to large groups of borrowers or potential borrowers. The costs entailed in acquiring infor- mation are on of the main distinctions between institutional and non- institutional lending. For noninstitutional lenders, the costs are relatively low. These lenders are frequently part of the farmer's environment. They either live in the vil- lage or are there daily. They have established close acquaintance with the farmer, his family, and his social group. They may, in fact, be part of it. Thus, noninstitutional lenders have-or can collect at low cost-detailed and reliable information on the farmer, his skills, his background, his past record, the quality of his land, and so on. In contrast, collecting detailed information is costlier for institutional lenders, who do not usually have detailed, personal familiarity with farmers, although they may gain more information in time, if the farmer borrows repeatedly (Timberg and Aiyar 1984; Miracle 1983). Consequently, with le;s information, a borrower is riskier from an institutional lender's point of view than from that of a noninstitutional lender. Another aspect which may further distinguish the risk perceptions of institutional lenders from those of noninstitutional lenders is related to the borrower's incentive to default and the lender's ability to enforce repayment. Since a noninstitutional creditor is a member of the farmer's social environment, he can mitigate againsi: default by exercising social norms and pressures, such as concern for loss of status in the 46 Access to Credit community-which are not available to an institutional creditor (Von Pischke, Adams, and Donald 1983, 228). An informal lender can also apply threats or violent enforcement procedures, which institutional lenders cannot do (Bottomley 1983, 284). As a result of these considera- tions, an institutional lender will be more inclined to use measures, such as requiring loan security, that reduce the riskiness of a loan. The term "loan security" usually refers to the borrower's pledging collateral or providing a collateral substitute. The function of collateral in lending is discussed extensively by Binswanger and others (1985), Barro (1976), Benjamin (1978), and Plaut (1985). At a given rate of interest three effects of collateral can be identified: collateral increases the expected return to the lender and reduces the expected return to the borrower, it partly or fully shifts the risk of principal loss from the lender to the borrower, and it creates an incentive for borrowers to avoid intentional default. Thus, with a fixed rate of interest, the amount of the loan is expected to increase as the value of the collateral increases, other things being equal. Collateral is not a risk-free asset; its value may fluctuate between the time of lending and the time of repayment. Binswanger and Rosenzweig (1986) rank, from highest to lowest, the desirability of typical agricul- tural assets as collateral: financial assets and jewelry, land, machinery, and animals. If the farmer has liquid financial assets, it is unlikely that he will need a loan. Further, because some assets such as bonds and long- term deposit certificates are not common in rural areas of developing countries, land is expected to be the most common type of collateral offered. For land to be suitable as collateral, however, the lender needs assurance that the occupier is indeed the legal owner. Usually possession of a title deed or a similar document issued by the state provides satisfac- tory evidence of legal ownership. The utility of land collateral depends on the ability of both the legal system and the sociopolitical environment to effect foreclosure on agri- cultural land. Foreclosure usually entails considerable transaction costs, such as legal fees and auctioneers' fees. These costs may in fact reinforce repayment discipline, however, and enhance the utility of collateral if the value of the collateral exceeds that of the loan. The reason is that these foreclosure transaction costs are deducted from the proceeds of the col- lateral sale and thus are borne by the borrower. Foreclosure therefore implies a significant cost to the farmer, so the lender's threat to foreclose can deter him from defaulting or being in arrears. The risk of incurring a high transaction cost by an unintended default may cause farmers to forgo the use of collateral, even though doing so limits their access to credit, if the benefits of additional credit are outweighed by the potential loss implied by a default. Collateral serves as an added, implicit risk- reducing element by restricting the borrower's ability to incur additional Factors That Affect Lending 47 institutional debt. Since a lender prefers that the borrower not become more heavily indebted-unless a priority ordering of creditors can be established-this restriction further enhances the usefulness of collateral to lenders. Farmers who reside in areas in which suitable collateral is not common or who do not have acceptable collateral will resort to using collateral substitutes (Binswanger and others 1985) to obtain loans or to increase the amounts of loans. A frequent form of collateral substitute is a third- party guarantee. In lieu of collateral, the lender may accept the pledge of another person-a guarantor-to assume responsibility for repayment. For this arrangement to be workable, the guarantor must be less risky than the borrower and his risk should not be closely correlated with that of the borrower. A related collateral substitute is a "group guarantee"-a group of farmers is formed in which at least some of the members have acceptable collateral assets. They then borrow individually, but the group as a whole is responsible for each of its mernbers' loans. One of the prin- cipal benefits to the lender is the possibility that intentional defaults will be minimized, since other members can exert social pressure on potential defaulters. Also, because unintentional defaults of members are not per- fectly correlated, there are more assets to serve as implicit collateral. Repayment discipline on loans obtained through group guarantee may be hampered, however, if cumbersome legal procedures make collection from members of the group on one member's default difficult. Evidence from empirical studies suggests that in many instances the repayment per- formance of group-guaranteed loans is no better than that of unguaran- teed individual loans (Adams and Ladman 1979; Onchan and Techavatananan 1982; Desai 1983). Ownership of tradable assets such as machinery and land serves as implicit collateral, since the borrower may have an incentive to generate liquidity by sale of assets rather than lose future access to loans in case of default. Even if no formal collateral is pledged, owners of substantial assets are preferable as borrowers to those who have few assets. Another collateral substitute is the formation of a long-term relation- ship with a lender, since it helps to reduce the lender's uncertainty. If a farmer establishes a long record of good repayment performance, he may obtain a level of credit or terms that would not otherwise be available to him. Institutional lenders are usually heavily regulated. In most instances they have to abide by usury laws, which dictate a lower rate of interest than that which would prevail if no constraints were imposed. Noninsti- tutional lenders are not regulated, and when regulation has been attempted, it has proved difficult to enforce, As a result, noninstitutional lenders almost always charge interest at higher rates than institutional lenders. Although the costs of information are comparatively low for the 48 Access to Credit noninstitutional lender, there are factors that generate higher lending cost. A noninstitutional lender, operating within a confined geographical area, has a high degree of covariability among his clients and fewer possi- bilities for diversification of risk than does a nationwide bank that oper- ates in different agroclimatic zones. Further, noninstitutional lenders usu- ally fund their operations from equity rather than from deposits, the reasons for which are related to the synchronic timing of withdrawal of deposits and the demand for credit, and the high covariation in incomes of borrowers and depositors as well (Binswanger and others 1985). Insti- tutional lenders, by contrast, have more diversified sources of funding, so they can maintain a lower ratio of reserves to lending, which contributes to a lower lending cost. Transaction costs incurred by the borrower are a frequently mentioned aspect that differentiates institutional sources of credit from noninstitu- tional sources. In many areas, obtaining institutional loans is a lengthy, time-consuming process: first there is the time farmers spend obtaining appropriate documentation, filling out forms, and meeting the appropri- ate officials, which is followed by a lengthy period for processing the loan application. Noninstitutional lenders do not impose time-consuming pro- cedures. Because they may be located within the farmers' environment, they can agree on loans and disburse them within days. This seems to imply that if borrowing needs are small, the farmer may prefer noninsti- tutional credit, even though the interest rate is higher (Ladman 1984; Adams and Nehman 1979). It should be noted that in Thailand, borrow- ing from the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC) -by far the largest institutional lender to farmers-does not seem to carry high transaction costs. As indicated by Onchan (1984, 65), applica- tions to borrow from BAAC are processed within a short period, as a result of streamlined procedures, a larger lending staff, and a large num- ber of branch offices. If borrowing from institutional lenders entails relatively low transac- tion costs and the institutional interest rate is significantly lower than noninstitutional rates, farmers would obviously prefer to borrow from institutional sources. Because the interest rate is fixed, however, institu- tional credit is likely to be rationed, and unsatisfied demand may have to be covered by noninstitutional sources. As Stiglitz and Weiss (1981), Virmani (1986), and other works reviewed by Braverman and Guasch (1986) have demonstrated, even when interest rates can move freely, credit rationing can be optimal because of adverse selection and asym- metric information. It is thus possible that farmers are rationed by nonin- stitutional lenders as well. In the case of rural areas with highly localized noninstitutional lenders, asymmetry in the information between lender and borrower may be small. The likelihood of rationing by noninstitu- tional lenders may therefore be lower. Empirical Evidence 49 In the preceding chapter we indicated that farmers regard the ability to use land as collateral as a significant benelit of secure legal ownership. Squatters cannot legally offer land as collateral; therefore they cannot obtain from institutional lenders loans of the duration and magnitude of those that are available to titled farmers who can provide land as collat- eral. Even when land is not offered as formal collateral, owners of titled land have a more valuable asset than holders of untitled land. Since land can be regarded as implicit collateral, it follows that owners of titled land will have, other things being equal, better access to institutional credit even if they do not pledge collateral. The usefulness of collateral in Thailand depends on the desire and abil- ity of lenders to enforce foreclosure on defaulting borrowers. The use of agricultural land as loan collateral in Thailand dates from the nineteenth century and has increased in frequency with the commercialization and progress of the agricultural sector. Concomitant with this development, legal procedures were established to clarify and standardize mortgage transactions (Feeny 1982, 96, 189-90; Tornosugi 1980). Evidence cited by Stifel (1976) and Mehl (1986) indicates that foreclosures do take place. Bank branch managers interviewed for this study indicated that in recent years banks, including the government bank, have increased the number of foreclosures enforced to demonstrate to farmers that foreclo- sure is a real threat in the event of default. Some have suggested that this strategy has reduced the need actually to enforce mortgages. Thus in many instances when the loan is backed by collateral an initial notifica- tion by the court is sufficient to induce a delinquent borrower to pay. Empirical Evidence We shall now review data pertaining to credit transactions of farmers sampled in the four provinces of Thailand. The sample of farmers is di- vided, according to security of ownership, into two groups: untitled and titled farmers. In Chaiyaphum, the sample of untitled farmers in the prov- ince is disaggregated further by distinguishing farmers who have received usufruct certificates (STK) from those who have not. We shall begin by ob- serving general patterns of borrowing among sample farmers. Table 8 de- scribes the composition of borrowing from various sources. Note that the incidence of borrowing is higher in Lop Buri than in the other three prov- inces. This accords with the fact that Lop Buri is the most commercial province in the sample. There are no significant differences between titled and untitled farmers in the incidence of nontorrowing. These findings are compatible with the possibility that many of the nonborrowers are con- strained by demand rather than by supply. Most of the differences in the incidence of borrowing from various sources are insignificant. There is, however, the somewhat puzzling fact that in Lop Buri the percentage of ti- Table 8. Borrowing by Farmers from Institutional and Noninstitutional Sources (percentage of farmers sampled) Province Chaiyaphum Untitled Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen With Without Type of Source Untitled Titled Untitled Titled Untitled Titled STK STK Titled Nonborrowers 13 9 32 35 52 54 52 33 41 Institutional sources only 15 22 45 40 18 30 22 39 35 Noninstitutional sources only 22 40 17 15 23 13 20 19 21 Both institutional and noninstitutional sources 50 29 6 10 7 3 6 9 3 Number of observations 98 82 89 72 61 82 46 74 112 Empirical Evidence 51 tled farmers who borrow solely from noninstitutional sources is larger than the comparable percentage of untitled farmers. A more detailed analysis of loans by source is provided in table 9. Clearly, the government-owned BAAC is the largest source of institutional credit. The table indicates that the importance of traders as a source of credit increases with the degree of commercialization of the province. In Lop Buri province nearly half of all loans and the bulk of noninstitutional credit are provided by traders. By contrast, in the less commercial north- eastern provinces the function of traders is less significant. Lending by rel- atives and neighbors declines with higher degrees of commercialization. To judge by the interest rates charged, many of these loans are commer- cial transactions priced at market rates. Some are intrafamily transac- tions, however, which carry low-or zero-r ates of interest and in which lenders are motivated by other consideratiois (Ben-Porath 1980). Table 10 describes the mean rate of interest on loans from institutional and noninstitutional lenders and the composition of lending maturities. Clearly, because institutional credit in Thai]and is subject to an interest rate ceiling, loans from regulated institutional creditors are substantially cheaper. In addition, the government-owned BAAC has a fixed rate for agricultural loans which is set 1 to 3 percentage points below the interest rate ceilings. The somewhat lower institutional rates in the Chaiyaphum sample indicate that the survey was conducted in 1986-one year later than in the other provinces-when the interest rate ceiling was reduced by 2 percentage points. Most loans are for short terms-twelve months or less. Noteworthy, however, are the facts that more medium-term and long-term loans are provided by institutional lenders than by noninstitu- tional lenders and that titled farmers obtain such loans much more often than do untitled farmers. This is compatible with the observation that untitled farmers lack acceptable land collateral and are thus perceived by institutional lenders as potentially high-rislk clients, other things being equal. In our earlier discussion we pointed out tlat because noninstitutional lenders have superior information about borrowers, they are less inclined to require collateral or collateral substitutes. The discussion further sug- gested that, because land is the most suitable collateral, it is more likely to be used as collateral if the farmer has registered it legally. These propo- sitions are borne out in table 11. Compatible with findings from other developing countries cited by Bottomley (1983), our data revealed that an overwhelming majority of noninstitutional loans are granted without col- lateral. In contrast, the majority of institutional loans in our sample are covered by collateral or collateral substitutes. In the few instances in which collateral was provided on noninstitutional loans, land was the predominant form. The type of collateral offered for institutional loans by titled farmers Table 9. The Distribution of Loans, by Source (percentage of total number of loans) Province Chaiyaphum Untitled Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen With Without Source of credit Untitled Titled Untitled Titled Untitled Titled STK STK Titled Institutional lenders BAACa 46 33 46 54 26 40 38 61 38 Commercial banks 0 6 1 9 5 9 4 0 7 Cooperatives 7 3 21 10 14 16 4 1 21 Other institutions 0 0 3 0 2 2 0 0 0 Total institutional lenders 53 42 71 73 47 67 46 62 65 Noninstitutional lenders Landlords 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 Relatives and neighbors 2 8 20 10 43 25 17 16 7 Traders 43 48 9 16 10 2 37 21 28 Other noninstitutional lenders 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 Total noninstitutional lenders 47 58 29 27 53 33 54 38 35 Number of observations 62 120 76 69 42 45 24 62 77 a. Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives. Table 10. The Distribution of Loan Characteristics, by Title Status and Source Province Chaiyaphum Untitled Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen With Without Item Untitled Titled Untitled Titled Untitled Titled STK STK Titled Institutional lenders Mean interest rate (percent) 14.2 15.0 14.5 14.1 16.4 17.1 14.0 13.7 13.8 Number of short-term loans as percentage of total number of loans 99 88 100 94 100 60 91 95 78 Noninstitutional lenders Mean interest rate (percent) 51.5 46.2 49.2 49.7 56.1 38.5 42.5 56.8 54.0 Number of short-term loans as percentage of total number of loans 100 100 95 100 95 100 100 100 96 Number of observations 162 120 76 69 42 45 24 62 77 Table 11. The Distribution of Loans, by Source and by Type of Collateral (percentage of loans made) Province Chaiyaphum Untitled Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen With Without Type of collateral Untitled Titled Untitled Titled Untitled Titled STK STK Titled Institutional lenders Number of borrowers in sample 86 50 54 50 20 30 11 38 50 No collateral 14 4 48 14 25 10 0 0 0 Land 8a 78 6a 54 loa 47 18a hla 56 Third-party guarantee 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 13 0 Group guarantee 77 18 44 32 65 43 82 76 44 Noninstitutional lenders Number of borrowers in sample 74 68 22 19 22 15 13 23 27 No collateral 93 79 86 84 64 87 100 91 77 Land 7a 21 ga 11 4a 7 0 4a 15 Other 0 0 5 5 32 6 0 4 8 a. Some untitled farmers' homes-and the lots on which they are built-are located outside the boundaries of state land and may therefore be offered as collateral. The number of such farmers is small. Empirical Evidence 55 differs significantly from that offered by untitled farmers. Since untitled farmers cannot offer land as collateral, they are obliged to provide a col- lateral substitute-namely, a group guaran:ee-to obtain institutional loans. Titled farmers, by contrast, can-and did-offer their land as col- lateral in 53 percent of the institutional loans in the three northeastern provinces and in more than three-quarters of the institutional loans in Lop Buri province. The data also confirm that, while official BAAC policy does not require land collateral for short-tern loans (Bhisalbutra 1984), in our sample, titled farmers used land as collateral for more than half the BAAC loans. Commercial, nongovernment banks in the sample are more inclined to require land as collateral: 85 percent of the loan transactions with such banks involved land collateral. Untitled farmers had therefore only a low incidence of credit from commercial banks. Twenty-one bank branch managers, in both commercial banks and the BAAC, interviewed during this study said they had found that land collateral improved per- formance in the repayment of loans and that they are thus inclined to pro- vide more credit to a borrower who offers land as collateral. As argued earlier, a group guarantee is less desirable than land as col- lateral. A group guarantee is therefore expected to provide a smaller amount of credit. This assertion is confirmed by data on loan amounts per unit of land owned presented in table 12. In all provinces, institu- tional loans covered by land as collateral arc larger than loans without collateral or loans with group guarantees. 'rhe difference is largest in Khon-Kaen, where institutional loans secured by land as collateral are three times as large as the mean size of loans not covered by land as collat- eral. The comparable figure is somewhat lowc-r-200 percent in Nakhon Ratchasima-and it is only 23 percent in Lop Buri and Chaiyaphum. It is noteworthy that in two of the provinces loans with group guarantees are smaller than loans with no guarantee. This suggests that expected repayment performance on group-guaranteecl loans is no better than on unguaranteed individual loans. This has indeed been the experience in Thailand and in several other developing countries in which group lend- ing has been practiced (Desai 1983).' In turning to the amounts of loans provided by noninstitutional lend- ers, the importance of collateral varies among the provinces. In Lop Buri, land as collateral is apparently not significant to noninstitutional lenders: the mean loan per unit of land without collateral is larger than the mean loan with collateral. In the three northeastern provinces, however, land as collateral seems to offer advantages even in the noninstitutional credit sector. Since most noninstitutional loans in the northeastern provinces are obtained without collateral, however, sample sizes are small for noninsti- tutional loans with collateral, so conclusions based on these figures should be properly qualified. Although in the data presented in table 12 no distinction is made Table 12. Average Amount of Loan per Rai Owned, by Type of Security and Type of Lender (baht per rai) Province Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum Non- Non- Non- Non- Type of Institutional institutional Institutional institutional Institutional institutional Institutional institutional loan security lenders lenders lenders lenders lenders lenders lenders lenders °\ No security 324 563 262 105 114 153 n.a. 72 Number of loans 14 137 40 41 10 49 55 Group guarantee 297 n.a. 178 n.a. 290 n.a. 259 n.a. Number of loans 77 65 45 60 Land collateral 372 402 427 373 776 524 319 104 Number of loans 52 21 44 4 19 4 34 5 n.a. Not available. Note: 26 baht = 1 U.S. dollar; 6.25 rai = I hectare. Institutional Credit 57 between loans granted to titled farmers and those made to untitled farm- ers, further analysis shows that even when identical types of loan security are provided, titled farmers obtain more institutional credit per unit of land than do untitled farmers. Compared wii:h an average of 252 baht per rai that the pooled sample of untitled borrowers received for loans with group guarantees, for example, titled borrowers obtained 15 percent more, or an average of 290 baht per rai. Similarly, while untitled borrow- ers without loan security obtained an average of only 262 baht per rai from institutional sources, titled borrowers without loan security obtained almost twice that amount, 515 baht per rai. These findings sug- gest that even when land is not formally offered as collateral, titled land is more valuable as implicit collateral, allowing titled farmers to obtain more institutional credit than untitled farmers can obtain. Note an important observation in table 12 related to the amount of noninstitutional credit available in Lop Buri. In this province the amount of noninstitutional loans per unit of land is substantially higher than the amount of the mean institutional loan for other comparable collateral categories. Similarly, unsecured noninstitutional loans in Lop Buri are substantially larger than comparable loans in other provinces. The abun- dance of noninstitutional credit available in Lop Buri and the fact that it can be obtained without land as collateral suggest that legal land titles have less influence on economic activity in this province than in the other provinces included in the study. The substantial volume of noninstitutional credit in Lop Buri is related to the high level of activity of traders there. The traders' activities are apparently induced by the prevalence of cash crops of high value with sta- ble prices and less risky agroclimatic conditions. These traders find credit transactions conducive to the conduct of their business, moreover, and indeed provide about half of all loans. In con-rast to Lop Buri, traders are less prevalent and hence contribute a significantly smaller proportion of the credit transactions in the northeastern provinces. Disequilibrium Econometric Model of Institutional Credit The foregoing data are generally compatible with propositions formu- lated in the preceding sections. Comparisons among group means and between relative frequencies, however, do not allow conclusive answers. Implicit in the data are other factors besides security of ownership that may influence the supply of and demand for loans and these may affect means in a systematic manner. The standard approach to analysis of market-observed quantities and prices is to assume equilibrium and esti- mate supply and demand equations where price-or quantity-is the dependent variable. As argued earlier, however, credit rationing does exist, so the market may not be in equilibriu mn. This is particularly likely 58 Access to Credit with respect to institutional credit, where a state-enforced fixed rate of in- terest prevails. The observed amounts of loans to a sampled farmer, there- fore, could be either supply-determined-that is, the farmer would have liked to borrow more than the lender approved-or demand-determined, which means that the farmer could have borrowed more than he did. The econometric approach suitable for dealing with data generated by dis- equilibrium in the market is popularly known as switching regressions. This approach uses a maximum likelihood procedure to obtain simulta- neous estimates of the coefficients of supply-and-demand equations, which are efficient, consistent, and asymptotically normal. The estimated system is defined formally as: (5-1) L1 = Ot'X + el (supply of institutional credit) (5-2) L2 = 13'Z + E2 (demand for credit) (5-3) L = min. (LI, L2) (observed borrowing from institutional lenders) where L, is the amount of institutional credit lenders are willing to provide, X is a vector of farmers' characteristics that influence the perceptions of lenders, a is a corresponding vector of parameters, L2 is the amount of credit the farmer would like to have, Z is a vector of factors that determine the farmer's credit requirements, 1 is a corresponding vector of parameters, and El and E2 are random error terms that are assumed to be nor- mally distributed with mean zero.2 Since transaction costs incurred by Thai farmers who request institutional credit are low, a farmer is expected to try to satisfy his total credit needs from cheaper institutional sources first. Then only if he still needs more credit-at a higher rate of interest- will he approach noninstitutional lenders. This implies that information on a farmer's transactions in the noninstitutional credit market does not affect the estimates of the parameter vectors at and 3 of equations 5-1 and 5-2. It also implies that equation 5-2 represents the farmer's overall de- mand for credit at the prevailing institutional interest rate.3 Rigorous models of the supply of and demand for credit have already been developed (Barro 1976; Bell and Srinivasan 1985); we therefore provide only an outline of the theory underlying the variables used in the empirical analysis and their expected effects. In general, supply variables incorporated in the supply equation are indicators that tend to be rela- tively easy for an institutional lender to observe or verify. Demand vari- ables, by contrast, reflect variables known to the borrower but not neces- sarily to the lender. Institutional Credit 59 Determinants of institutional credit supply Land collateral dummy. The provision of land as formal collateral greatly reduces the risk to the lender and thus is expected to increase the amount of credit offered above the amount offered vshen no collateral is provided. Only titled land can be offered as collateraL Group collateral dummy. The practice of group lending implies, theoreti- cally, that the group is collectively responsible for repayment of the loan if a member borrower defaults. In areas in which the repayment perfor- mance of group loans has been good, the amnount of credit offered is ex- pected to be larger than the amount offered without collateral. The amount of credit offered with group collateral, however, is expected to be less than that offered with land as collateral--that is, the parameter of the land collateral dummy variable will be larger than the parameter of the group collateral dummy variable. In areas in which repayment perfor- mance on group-guaranteed loans is poor, the amount of credit offered with a group guarantee is not expected to be larger than that offered on indi- vidual unguaranteed loans. It may even be less, if the individual loans have a better repayment record. Thus, the parameter of the group collat- eral dummy variable could be either positive or negative, since it measures the availability of credit in comparison with the amount available for un- secured individual loans. In Chaiyaphum province, there are no observations of institutional credit without security, but there are five observations with third-party guarantees. The group collateral was therefore made a reference dummy variable by omitting it and by introducing dummy variables for other guarantees and for land collateral. Accordingly, for Chaiyaphum the dummy for land collateral in the supply equation directly measures the difference in the supply of credit available to farmers who provide land as collateral and that available to farmers who provide group collateral. Land value. Land is usually the most valuable asset owned by the farmer, and as such it can serve to generate cash through sale if cultivation reve- nues are not sufficient. Land is also a procuctive factor that generates cash income. Land value summarizes the productive potential of the land, such as the quality of the soil, proximity to market, and land improve- ments. Farmers with higher total land values are expected to be offered more institutional credit. Capital. Farm capital indicates both the productive capacity of the farm and its cash value as an asset that can serve as implicit collateral. Farmers with more capital, measured in current value, are expected to be offered more credit. 60 Access to Credit Liabilities to formal lenders. Outstanding debt to institutional lend- ers drains a farmer's cash resources and is therefore expected to have a negative effect on the amount of credit a farmer is offered. Debt to infor- mal lenders is not included as a factor that affects the supply of institu- tional credit because it is not easily observable or verifiable by formal lenders. Past default dummy. Past default on payments to institutional lenders is expected to have a negative effect on a farmer's creditworthiness and hence the supply of institutional credit offered to him. Formal liquidity. A farmer with more liquid assets is unlikely to default, since he can use his liquid resources to generate the cash required to repay a loan and thereby avoid incurring the costs of default. Most liquid assets, however, such as stores of unsold produce and jewelry, are not easy for the institutional lender to observe or verify. Thus, we define outstanding deposits in financial institutions as the only indicator of formal liquidity observable by institutional lenders. Formal liquidity is expected to increase the supply of credit. Experience. The number of years a farmer has managed the farm is expected to increase his productivity and thus positively influence a lend- er's assessment. This variable is highly correlated with age, however. If younger farmers are perceived as being more innovative, the effect on the supply of credit will be negative. Title dummy, STK dummy. We introduce these dummy variables in the equations for Chaiyaphum province to test whether squatters with usu- fruct certificates (STK) obtain more institutional credit than squatters without the certificate. The dummy variable is dropped for nonrecipients of STK certificates, who serve as a reference group. Our a priori hypothesis is that while land title will have a positive effect on the supply of institu- tional credit, the STK certificate will have no effect, since the certificate offers no advantages to the lender. Demand variables Number of adults. The number of adults of working age-14-65 years- in the household represents a fixed endowment in the short run that reduces the need for cash to hire labor. This variable is also an important determinant of consumption requirements, however, and could thus affect the demand for credit positively. The final effect on demand is thus undetermined. Institutional Credit 61 Education. The number of years of formal schooling is an indicator of human capital that affects efficiency positively.4 Greater human capital increases the marginal productivity of variable inputs and thus increases the demand for inputs and the derived demand for cash. Experience. The number of years a farmer has been the primary decisionmaker on the farm is an indicator of human capital and would thus be expected to have an effect qualitatively similar to that of educa- tion. Because experience is highly correlated with age, however, and age may be negatively related to innovativeness, the ultimate effect on the demand for credit may be either positive or negative. Title dummy. As argued earlier, possession of a legal title increases secu- rity of ownership and thereby increases investment incentives. A larger demand for investment translates into a larger demand for credit; thus possession of title is expected to affect the demand for credit positively. Capital. The effect of capital on the demand for credit is complex, entail- ing several countervailing effects. When production complementarity exists, a greater stock of capital increases the marginal productivities of variable inputs and induces a larger derived demand for credit. A larger stock of capital, however, reduces the need to hire machine and animal services and thus reduces the need for cash, so the net effect of capital stock on the demand for credit is ambiguous. Owned land, adjusted for quality. Land is a primary determinant of a farmer's scale of operation and production potential. Land productivity differs among farmers, however, because of the diversity of land charac- teristics. Since land of higher quality increases the marginal productivity of variable inputs, the amount of land owned must be adjusted for differ- ences in quality. To control for these differences, we use a land quality index derived from a hedonic price analysis of land values (see chapter 7). The index places a premium on better scils, favorable location, land improvements, and so on. It is expected that larger amounts of land owned increase the total demand for variable inputs, thereby increasing the demand for credit. Net liquidity. The farmer's liquidity, including liquid assets such as unsold products that are not easy for the formal lender to observe or ver- ify, will affect the demand for cash negatively. Since not all assets are equally liquid, however, there may be a countervailing effect. Some assets such as product stores, for example, can be easily converted into cash but some loss may be incurred if they are not sold at the right time. Therefore, 62 Access to Credit the farmer may prefer to keep these assets for later sale or as a reservoir of liquidity and obtain cash through a loan. By retaining a larger reservoir of potential liquidity, however, the farmer faces a lower risk of costly default. A reservoir of potential liquidity also eliminates the need for dis- tress sales of fixed assets to avoid default. Such sales entail a very high transaction cost. Thus, a farmer's holdings of substantial imperfectly liq- uid assets can affect credit demand positively. STK dummy. In the equations estimated for Chaiyaphum province, we introduce a dummy variable to test whether the demand for credit by recipients of STK certificates differs from the demand by nonrecipients. As specified in the foregoing, the demand and supply equations can be regarded as structural equations, because several of the variables, such as capital, liquidity, and land owned, are endogenous in the long run. Since these variables are predetermined at the time of decisions about supply and demand, estimation of the model does not necessarily entail econo- metric problems. It is possible, however, that the demand equation is determined in part by unobserved variables, such as a farmer's ability, that are correlated with the long-run endogenous variables; a more able farmer, for example, will accumulate more capital. In such an instance, estimates of the parameters of the structural equation are biased. The problem can be addressed, however, by replacing the endogenous vari- ables with their reduced-form equations, which include truly exogenous variables. The exogenous variables include initial endowments of land and capital and the wealth of the farmer's father. Replacing the endoge- nous variables of the demand equation by exogenous variables yields a reduced-form demand equation. There is no need to replace the endoge- nous variables in the supply equation, since it is unlikely that the error term of that equation includes unobserved characteristics of farmers cor- related with the predetermined endogenous variables. The exogenous variables added to the demand equation are the initial endowments of land and capital, land owned by the farmer's father, and an index of land quality. The land quality index omits improvements to the land introduced by the farmer because they are endogenous but retains other indicators of land quality such as location and soil type. Most of the coefficients in the reduced-form demand equation are expected to have ambiguous effects, since they reflect countervailing effects. Although initial capital, for example, affects both present amount of capital and amount of land owned positively, these two variables may have contradictory effects on the demand for credit. Similarly, education affects the accumulation of both capital and land. Since our purpose is to estimate the effect of landownership security on the supply of credit, the specific results for the demand equation are of little concern. The crucial consideration is that the econometric procedures reflect the possibility of Institutional Credit 63 market disequilibrium, so that biases from misspecification are avoided. The analysis does not include variables that pertain to cropping decisions-the area cultivated, the crops selected-since they are deter- mined simultaneously with the farmer's demand for credit. The interest rate on institutional credit is nearly identical for all sampled farmers because interest rates are regulated in Thailand. It is therefore excluded from the list of explanatory variables. Also. because of limitations of the maximum likelihood program used in the estimation, households that did not borrow from institutional lenders were excluded from the sample. These households may have been rationed out by institutional lenders or they may have had no need for credit. The supply estimate thus pertains to the portion of the supply schedule that deals with positive allocations of credit. The results of the estimation are reported in table 13. For each prov- ince, the first column presents the ordinary-least-squares estimates (OLS) of the institutional credit supply equation. The estimates are valid only if all observations are supply-constrained-that is, if credit to all observed borrowers is rationed. The second column presents coefficients of supply and demand, allowing for market disequilibrium by using the structural specification. The third column presents estImates of supply and demand under disequilibrium, where the demand equation is specified in reduced form.5 Except for the OLS estimate for Chaiyaphum in all versions, the coefficient of the land collateral dummy variable in the supply equation is significantly greater than zero at the 95 percent-one-tailed-confidence level. This confirms that pledging land as collateral significantly increases the amount of institutional credit offered above that offered when no col- lateral is pledged. The coefficient of the group-collateral dummy variable is not significantly different from zero in all versions, except in the struc- tural disequilibrium specification for Khon-Kaen. The coefficient of the land collateral is larger than that of the group collateral in all estimated equations, and the difference is statistically significant at a 95 percent confidence level in all versions, except in the structural disequilibrium estimate for Khon-Kaen, where the difference is significant at the 90 per- cent confidence level. In Chaiyaphum the difference between land as col- lateral and a group guarantee is given directly by the parameter of the land collateral dummy, and the difference is significant at the 95 percent confidence level. This implies that farmers who pledge land as collateral obtain more institutional credit than farmers who provide other types of security or no security at all. As expected, the parameter of land value in the supply equation is sig- nificantly greater than zero in Lop Buri and Nakhon Ratchasima, but it is not significantly different from zero in Khon-Kaen and Chaiyaphum. In addition, in Lop Buri, capital has a significant positive effect on the sup- Table 13. Estimates of the Supply of and Demand for Institutional Credit Province Lop Buri (N=116) Nakhon Ratchasima (N=113) Khon-Kaen (N=49)y Chaiyaphum (N=92) Disequilibrium Disequilibrium Disequilibrium Disequilibrium Ordinary model Ordinary model Ordinary model Ordinary model least Structural Reduced least Structural Reduced least Structural least Structural Reduced Variable squares model form b squares model form squares model squares model form Supply equation Land 0.4985 0.3643 0.3654 0.5342 1.6857 0.8407 1.228 1.9194 0.0603 1.6944 1.6773 41 collateral (2.704) (2.091) (2.078) (2.652) (1.712) (7.017) (2.524) (2.345) (0.492) (2.210) (2.481) Group 0.0669 -0.0666 -0.0854 -0.1098 -0.5620 -0.0242 0.627 1.0125 n.a. n.a. n.a. collateral (0.398) (0.421) (0.526) (0.606) (1.222) (0.259) (1.332) (1.805) n.a. n.a. n.a. Other n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 0.1896 0.1751 0.1562 collateral (0.759) (0.532) (0.549) Land 0.1971 0.1694 0.2285 0.2258 0.3078 0.1836 0.0384 -0.3276 0.0350 0.0007 0.0018 values (3.069) (2.547) (3.668) (2.699) (1.468) (2.946) (0.236) (0.591) (1.351) (0.035) (0.080) Capital 0.0565 0.0508 0.0561 0.0142 0.0236 -0.0370 0.0233 0.2004 0.0231 -0.00001 0.0047 (2.610) (2.368) (2.970) (0.530) (0.394) (1.685) (0.347) (0.870) (1.230) (0.0004) (0.196) Debt to -0.0320 -0.0404 -0.0366 0.0250 0.1259 -0.0146 0.0535 0.1086 0.0178 0.0033 0.0025 formal lender (1.829) (2.491) (2.200) (0.914) (0.645) (1.034) (1.617) (1.183) (1.489) (0.409) (0.297) Past default -0.0050 -0.0205 0.0923 0.1626 1.0175 -0.1031 0.2023 0.3861 -0.0834 0.4556 0.4708 (dummy) (0.041) (0.182) (0.784) (0.567) (0.209) (0.614) (0.582) (0.319) (0.650) (1.815) (1.691) Formal 0.0085 0.0004 0.0059 0.0294 0.0594 0.0009 0.0517 0.1262 0.0147 0.0045 0.0056 liquidity (0.618) (0.028) (0.464) (1.505) (1.219) (0.084) (1.504) (1.534) (0.850) (0.368) (0.453) Experience -0.2479 -0.2193 -0.1075 0.0788 0.7973 -0.1596 -0.0846 -1.2257 0.0334 0.1535 0.1512 (2.121) (1.884) (0.939) (0.503) (1.322) (1.405) (0.283) (1.273) (0.326) (1.815) (1.734) Title (dummy) - - - - - - - - 0.1592 0.1516 0.1496 (1.280) (1.671) (1.616) STK (dummy) - - - - - - - - 0.1084 -0.0849 -0.0672 (0.629) (0.493) (0.361) Constant 8.4831 8.8431 8.1113 7.0393 5.0790 9.0583 7.673 11.273 8.3245 8.6585 8.6123 (18.678) (17.524) (17.961) (12.233) (3.392) (20.347) (6.836) (2.792) (20.968) (20.986) (22.220) Demand equation Number of - 2.2356 2.3322 - -0.2236 0.1280 - 1.3145 - -0.1429 0.0981 adults (1.402) (2.203) (0.937) (0.201) (1.571) (0.550) (0.396) Education - -0.4084 -0.3096 - 0.0137 0.4001 - -0.2108 - 0.1753 0.1630 (1.211) (1.338) (0.154) (2.246) (0.005) (1.227) (1.006) c>> Experience - -0.9145 -2.2675 - -0.2740 0.7448 - 0.2956 - -0.1819 -0.0466 (0.955) (3.012) - (0.945) (1.690) (0.734) (0.568) (0.161) Title - 8.0803 0.0352 - 0.2337 -0.0869 0.6416 -0.1492 -0.1557 (dummy) (0.407) (0.080) (1.251) (0.172) - (1.226) - (0.625) (0.679) aT S (dum my) - 1.4. 1.4. - 1.a. 1.4. - 1.a. - 0.2048 0.JML (0.580) (0.259) Capital - 0.1063 - - -0.0093 - - -0.5443 - 0.0552 - (0.777) (0.272) (1.592) (1.215) Owned land - 0.3956 - 0.0490 - - 0.8268 - 0.1840 - (adjusted (0.384) (0.366) (2.120) (0.953) for quality) Net - -0.0626 - - 0.2319 - - -0.0251 - 0.1044 - liquidity (0.260) (4.672) (0.116) (0.623) Land owned - - -1.0834 - - 0.3383 - - - - -0.0018 by father (2.990) (2.047) (0.029) (Table c1,ntmues (,n the fr,lh,wing page.) Table 13 (continued) Province Lop Buri (N= 116) Nakhon Ratchasima (N= 113) Khon-Kaen (N=49)' Chaiyaphum (N=92) Disequilibrium Disequilibrium Disequilibrium Disequilibrium Ordinary model Ordinary model Ordinary model Ordinary model least Structural Reduced least Structural Reduced least Structural least Structural Reduced Variable squares model formb squares model form squares model squares model form Land held - - 0.0100 - 0.0536 - - - - -0.0245 initially (0.933) (0.453) (0.277) Capital owned - - -0.2556 - - -0.0224 - - - - 0.0256 initially (3.512) (0.439) (1.131) °S Land quality - - -1.8020 - - -1.0492 - - - - -0.7537 index (0.499) (0.920) (1.042) Constant - 11.1641 23.5756 - 8.1431 5.6466 - 10.063 - 7.4229 9.2719 (2.292) (4.745) (7.815) (3.836) (0.061) (4.187) (6.740) Likelihood ratio statistic' 45.8 55.5 73.8 37.1 85.4 103.5 14.9 36.2 12.65 71.6 63.8 - Not applicable. Notes: Double logarithmic regressions. Numbers in parentheses are t values for OLS estimates and asymptotic t values for estimates of the disequilibrium model. a. In the reduced-form model the demand equation is specified in its reduced form, but the supply equation is the same as in the structural model. b. The reduced-form version for this province could not be estimated for lack of convergence. c. The likelihood ratio statistic is twice the logarithm of the ratio of the likelihood function under the null hypothesis that all coefficients except the intercept are zero and under the alternative model specification. The statistic has a X2 distribution. Institutional Credit 67 ply of credit, while liabilities have a significant negative effect. The coeffi- cients of these variables are not statistically significant in several of the other supply estimates. A few counterintuitive signs are encountered, but they are not significantly different from zero at the 95 percent-two- tailed-confidence level. The amount of observable liquidity affects the supply of institutional credit positively in nmost estimates, but statistical significance-at the 95 percent, one-tailed, confidence level-is obtained in only a couple of the estimates. Age, denoted by the experience variable, has a negative effect on the supply of institutional credit in three of the provinces. The estimates for Chaiyaphum province indicate that possess- ing titled land has a significant positive eff, ct on the supply of institu- tional credit even if it is not formally pledged as collateral. The possession of an STK certificate, however, does not provide squatters with any signifi- cant credit advantages. In fact the parameter is negative, although not sta- tistically significant. The estimated parameters of the demand equation are not discussed, since their expected signs could be positive, negative, or negligible. The analysis shows that credit rationing in the formal sector is substantial: 98 percent of the borrowers in Lop Burn and nearly 60 percent of the bor- rowers in the other provinces had a high probability-more than 50 percent-of having credit rationed to them. The numerical results of the supply parameters indicate that titled farmers who provide land as collateral receive a substantially larger amount of institutional credit than do untited farmers. The effect has two components: the direct effect of land pledged as collateral and the indirect effect of greater land value associated with possession of a title. The credit advantage is also reflected in the direct effect of title in the equations for Chaiyaphum. The second component is measured by using estimates from a hedonic price analysis of land values (see chapter 7), which incorporated the effect of titles. Details of the calculation are pro- vided in table 14. The results show that titled farmers who provide land as collateral are offered significantly more institutional credit than are identical untitled farmers. In the highly commercial province of Lop Buri, titled farmers enjoy an advantage of 52 percent over untitled farmers. The difference is much larger in the northeastern provinces: 521 percent in Chaiyaphum, 171 percent in Nakhon Ratcliasima, and 148 percent in Khon-Kaen. The empirical evidence of this chapter indicates that in rural Thailand security of ownership provides significant advantages in obtaining institu- tional credit. Security of ownership, however. or the possession of a legal landownership document, is possible only if the occupant is not a squat- ter on state-owned land. Although squatters face a relatively small risk of eviction, lack of ownership security bars then from pledging land as col- lateral for institutional credit. Instead, squatters resort to collateral 68 Access to Credit Table 14. The Effects of Tided Ownership on the Supply of Institutional Credit Province Nakhon Khon- Item Lop Buri Ratchasima Kaen Chaiyaphum 1. Direct effect of land as collat- eral on supply of institu- tional credita 0.3654 0.8407 1.9194 1.6773 2. Effect of land title on value of landb 0.2264 0.8431 0.7605 0.4310 3. Effect of land value on supply of institutional creditc 0.2285 0.1836 od od 4. Effect of title on supply of institutional credit through value of land' 0.0517 0.1548 0 0 5. Direct effect of titlef 0 0 0 0.1496 6. Effect of best alternative loan security available to unti- tled farmersg 0 0 1.0125 0 7. Total logarithmic difference between supply of credit to titled farmers who provide land as collateral and that to untitled farmersh 0.4171 0.9955 0.9060 1.8269 8. Percent difference between availability of institutional credit to titled farmers and to untitled farmersi 52 171 148 521 a. From table 13, first line. Reduced-form estimates are used for all provinces except Khon-Kaen, for which the structural model coefficient is used. b. From table 17, first line. c. From table 13, fourth line. d. Since the coefficient of land value in table 13 is not statistically significant, it was set at zero. e. Line 2 x line 3 = line 4. f From table 13, tenth line. g. If no guarantee is as good as or better than a group guarantee, this line is zero. If a group guarantee is better than no guarantee, the coefficient of a group guarantee from table 13, second line, is used. h. Line 1 + line 4 + line S - line 6 = line 7. i. Line 8 = exp [line 7] - 1. Notes 69 substitutes, such as group guarantees, or no guarantee at all; conse- quently, squatters receive less institutional credit than do titled farmers who can pledge land as collateral. There is also evidence that even with- out formally pledging land as collateral, titled farmers are offered larger amounts of institutional credit, because lenders perceive them as less risky clients who own valuable assets. In the noninstitutional credit sector ownership security is much less critical. These lenders know their clients well and often do not require collateral for a loan. Although untitled and titled farmers have almost equal access to informal credit, however, the interest rates in this sector are at least three times as high as those in the formal sector. Untitled farm- ers who are more dependent on the informa credit market therefore face higher production and investment costs. Further, in areas in which the informal credit market is not well developed, the amount of credit avail- able from noninstitutional sources is limited, These cumulative disadvan- tages lessen the untitled farmer's incentives and his ability to invest, thus lowering his productivity. Notes 1. Several managers of commercial banks interviewed indicated that they experimented with group guarantees during the late 1970s and early 1980s but abandoned this lending practice because of poor repayment performance. 2. To the extent that there are unobserved variables that affect both supply and demand, the error terms could have a nonzero correlation. Attempts to estimate the model while allowing for correlated errors failed for lack of convergence, except in Lop Buri province, where the estimate indicated that the correlation was rot significantly different from zero. On the basis of these findings, the model was estimated under the assumption that the error terms are not correlated. 3. See Bell and Srinivasan (1985) for a similar model formulation. 4. For this reason, education would also be an indicator of creditworthiness and would affect the supply of institutional credit. Farmers in the sample have had only a few years of elementary schooling, however, and it is difficult for the lender to verify that the reported number of years is indeed accurate. It should also be pointed out that there is very little vari- ation in the sample with respect to formal schooling reported. 5. In Khon-Kaen the reduced-form disequilibrium estimate could not be obtained because of lack of convergence. 6 A Model of Land Acquisition and Ownership Security In this chapter we shall present a formal model in which security of own- ership, formation of capital, production, credit constraints, and land val- ues are related. Although the model is a highly simplified description of reality, it does capture components important to the empirical analysis. Characteristics of the credit market are based on the empirical analysis in chapter 5. In the sample, institutional sources were shown to provide 92 percent of all medium-term and long-term loans. A disequilibrium econo- metric analysis of supply of and demand for institutional credit revealed that most borrowers were supply-rationed. The institutional interest rate is fixed by law, and the noninstitutional interest rate varies little. From the analysis it was concluded that land collateral and land value are impor- tant determinants of a farmer's ability to obtain institutional credit. The following assumptions reflect the results of the credit market analysis. Assumptions 1. Land Market a. Land is of uniform quality but differs in its registration status. Unti- tled land cannot be transformed into titled land by the farmer. b. All lands can be bought and sold. c. Land is divisible. Because of transportation problems in the farming of fragmented holdings, however, the farmer can have either titled land or untitled land, but not both.' 2. Credit Market a. Farmers can obtain short-term credit from both institutional and noninstitutional sources, yet they can obtain long-term credit only from institutional sources. Farmers are credit-rationed in both formal and informal markets. 70 Notation 71 b. Interest rates are fixed. c. The supply of long-term credit is related to the value of titled land owned that serves as collateral. The supply of short-term institutional credit is related to the value of titled land minus outstanding long-term debt. The supply of noninstitutional short-term credit is related to the value of the land owned, irrespective of title status. d. Long-term credit can be used with initial wealth to finance purchases of land and investments in capital. Short-tern credit is used for variable inputs. 3. Production a. The production function exhibits constant returns to scale in land, capital, and variable inputs. The cross-secord derivatives are positive- that is, the marginal productivity of variable inputs increases with higher levels of capital. 4. Farmers a. A farmer maximizes terminal wealth throughout a lifetime. Begin- ning with a given endowment, a farmer chooses whether to purchase titled or untitled land. He then decides on the amount of land to pur- chase, thus determining the volume of his capital investment, given the constraint on long-term credit. Notation 1. Variables (Subscripts t and nt stand for titled and nontitled farms.) At, A,, = amount of land K, K, = capital XI, Xnt = variable input Yt, Ynt = output Pt, P,n = price of land VI' V1t = terminal wealth of the farmer 2. Parameters s, = long-term credit per value of one acre of titled land S2 = short-term credit per value of one acre of titled land, net of outstanding long-term debt ri = interest rate on long-term institutional credit r2 = interest rate on short-term institutional credit 72 Land Acquisition and Ownership Security m = amount of short-term noninstitutional credit per value of one acre of land owned c = interest rate on noninstitutional credit Wa = initial wealth Development of Model Results Initially, the only difference assumed between titled and untitled land is that titled land improves access to credit. In the following section the risk of eviction will be added. Our purpose here is to demonstrate how credit constraints are related to the determination of differential land prices. We begin with the optimization problem of a farmer who decides to purchase untitled land. Prices of output and inputs are assumed to be unity. The terminal wealth is the value of output plus land value minus debt repayment. (6-1) Max V,, = Y(At, K"> X,,) + P,, An - (1 + c) . m * 1n An, An, subject to (6-2) P * Ant + Kn, = Wo (6-3) Xnt = m Pnt Ant Employing the constant returns-to-scale property of production, and substituting for K,, Xn, using the credit constraint, the objective func- tion can be written as (6-4) Max Vn, = An,{y(knt, xnt) + [1 - (1 + c) * m] * Pn.} An, Anwher A,* - Pnt, m * P"t + [1 - (1 + c) . m] * Pn where lower-case letters denote values per acre of variables. The first-order condition for optimum is (6-5) dVnt = Ynt W A° aYnt + [1 - (1 + c) * m]. P" = 0 aAn, Yt Ant aknt From the first-order condition, several comparative static results are generated. (The actual mathematical derivation is presented in the appen- dix to this chapter.) PROPOSITION 1. The demand for land is negatively related to its price. PROPOSITION 2. The capital-to-land ratio on untitled land is positively related to the price of land. Development of Model Results 73 PROPOSITION 3. Given initial assets, the aniount of capital per farm is negatively related to the price of land. PROPOSITION 4. Given the price of land, there is a unique optimal capital-to-land ratio that is independent of initial wealth and farm size. PROPOSITION 5. Given the price of land, the demand for land is propor- tional to initial assets. PROPOSITION 6. The value of the objective function at optimum is equal to the value of initial wealth multiplied by the optimal marginal return to capital. PROPOSITION 7. The optimal value of the objective function is nega- tively related to the price of land. We now characterize the optimization problem of a farmer who decides to buy titled land. The objective function is (6-6) Max V, = Y (At, K, X,) + P, * At-(1 + rl) * s, * P, A, A, -(1 + r2) S2 (Pt At - s1 Pt At) -- (1 + c) * m -Pt * A subject to (6-7) Pt At + K, = WO + s- P, At (6-8) Xt = S2 (Pt * A, - * P, * At) + m Pt * A, Expressing production in per-acre terms and incorporating the con- straints, the objective function is (6-9) Max Vt = At Y -( - sl) P, s2 (1- s1) * PI + m * PI + Pt * [1 (1 + r1) s1 - (1 + r2) * S2 . (1 - Si) - (1 + c) * m]} Note that if s, = 52 0-that is, nonavailability of institutional credit-the objective function becomes identical to that of a farmer buy- ing untitled land. The first-order condition for maximization is similar to equation 6-5. (6-10) , . + AD 0 0 (6-10) o = Yat - A, akt k where 0 [1- (1 + rl) *- s - (1 + r2) * (1 - Si) - (1 + C) * m] By using an analysis similar to the one above, it is possible to demon- strate that propositions 1 through 7 are valid in the case of titled land. Having observed that when s, = S2 = 0, no distinction between the solution on titled and untitled land exists,2 proposition 8 can be demon- strated. 74 Land Acquisition and Ownership Security PROPOSITION 8. Given initial wealth and a unique land price, when s, and S2 are positive, the optimal value of the objective function is higher on titled land. As observed in the case of s1 = S2 = 0, and with P, = Pn, the optimal terminal value of titled land and that of untitled land coincide. But since dV*/dsi > 0, then, with s1> 0 and S2> 0, for any given land price (identi- cal for titled and untitled land) it must hold that V" > V", where the asterisks denote equilibrium levels. For equilibrium to prevail, however, the farmer must be indifferent whether his farm is established on titled or on untitled land-that is, equilibrium requires that V t = V*nt. Without this equality, all farmers would prefer one type of land, and the price of the other type would drop until the equality between optimal terminal land values was established. This implies PROPOSITION 9. In equilibrium, the price of titled land is higher than the price of untitled land. Figure 2 illustrates this proposition. The equilibrium condition requiring equalization of optimal objective function values can also be shown to imply PROPOSITION 10. When land prices are at equilibrium levels, the capital-to-land ratio on titled farms is higher than that on untitled farms. Figure 2. The Determination of Land Prices V;, Ve, Equilibrium value of ____ objective function I P .I, Equilibrium Equilibrium price of price of untitled land titled land Risk of Eviction 75 PROPOSITION 11. When land prices are at equilibrium levels, output per acre on titled farms is greater than that on untitled farms. This equilibrium condition does not determine unique equilibrium prices, since there are infinite pairs that satisfy V*t = V'". One way of "closing" the model is by introducing a third investment opportunity that is not related to the cultivation of land and that has a fixed rate of return, 8. Equilibrium implies, in view of proposition 6, (6-11) (1 + 8) * Wo = W0 * "Y [k* ( - Si) 52 'Pt + m Pt1 ak*t = W0 ak 2 (k* 't,n m * t) Because the optimal capital-to-land ratios are independent of initial wealth levels (proposition 4) and because the optimal value of the objec- tive function and land prices are monotonically related (proposition 7), there is a unique pair of equilibrium land prices for titled and untitled land satisfying equation 6-11. This is illustrated in figure 3. Introducing the Risk of Eviction We shall now expand the model by assuming that there is a nonzero probability ('P) that farms established on untitled land will lose a propor- tion (1 - y) of the land from being evicted. Sirce the model does not dis- tinguish between periods before and after eviction, if eviction occurs it is assumed that a proportion (1 - y) of output is lost as well. The objective function should incorporate risk preferences. This requirement is met by assuming a mean standard deviation utility function (Thomson and Hazell 1972). The utility function (U) is then U = E(V,,) - ci * v, where E is the expectations operator, Yvnt is the standard deviation of terminal wealth, and (F is a risk-aversion parameter. With risk neutrality, ( = 0, while under risk aversion (F > 0. It can be shown that (6-12) I = V/2 . (1 - )1/2 (1 -) * (Ynt + Pnt) * Ant Therefore the objective function for farmers who settle on untitled land when there is risk of eviction is (6-13) Max (Un,) = (1 - ) Ant * [yn, + Pn, (1 + c) m Pnt] An, + t * Ant * Y * Ynt + 7 * Pnt- (1 + c) *m* Pnt] - p 1/2 * P)1/2 (1 - ) * (Ynt + Pn,) * Ant The first-order condition is 76 Land Acquisition and Ownership Security Figure 3. Equilibrium Land Prices ay, ay., ak, ak", C1+8)- I I O~~~~~~y, O equation 6-10 Ig I i I I 228 Y equation 6-5 Pe,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' P; (6-14) L- (1-y ) (1 +A)] [Ynt- (aYntlaknt) (knt + P,n) + Pnt] = (1 + C) m Pt where A-. . (1 _ y)112 . P-1/2. The term P * (1 - y) X signifies a risk- aversion premium, since it vanishes with risk neutrality. Using equations 6-13, 6-14, and the budget constraint, WO = Knl + Pt Ant, in analogy with proposition 6 yields (6-15) (U* t) = Wo [1 - T- (1 - y) (1 + X)] (ay*,I/ak*,) where asterisks denote optimal values. In equilibrium, the expected utility of the terminal value of farms established on untitled land should equal that of farms established on titled land. Thus, the analog of equation 6-11 is Risk of Eviction 77 (6-16) ay/tlak*t [1 - * (1 - t) (1 + X)] (ay*,1ak*,) - (1 + 8) Propositions 1 through 11 hold under the modified formulation. It can be shown further that PROPOSITION 12. The equilibrium price of untitled land is negatively affected by the risk of eviction. PROPOSITION 13. Even in the case s1 = S2 = 0 (no credit advantages from titling), the equilibrium price of untitled land, the optimal capital- to-land ratio, and the output per acre are all lower than those of titled farms, if the probability of eviction is greater than zero. To gain further insights into the relation be tween the prices of titled and untitled land, we specify the production function. Production is char- acterized by a Cobb-Douglas function of the f:orm (6-17) Y = Ka X A. --- eL where Y, K, X, and A were defined earlier and pL is a composite indicator of land quality. Using the equilibrium condition 6-16 obtains (6-18) R -o k n.t- x4 el = (1 +5) where R [1 - N (1 - v)(l + X)] < 1. Note that T = 0 implies R = 1. (6-19) a k- 1 x -e>=(1-+ ) The short-term credit constraints imply that x,t = m P, and x, = [S2 (1 - sl) + m] . Pt. Substituting for x, and x,, in equations 6-18 and 6-19 and solving for k,, and kt, respectively, obtains (6-20) k,, = RI/(-a) * [ot/(1 + 8)]1/1-a) . m -a) (6-21) kt= [ox/(1 + 5)]1/(1a) . [m + J - Si) S2]13/(1-)' p1t3(l-a) e`(-`) Using equations 6-20 and 6-21, output per acre of titled land and of untitled land can be expressed as parameters and the prices P, and Pm., respectively. Inserting these expressions of output per acre into the first- order conditions 6-10 and 6-14, respectively, and employing the equilib- rium condition 6-16 yields corresponding representations of the first- order conditions (6-22) [(a R)`/(1a) - (a . R)l'(')] (1 + 8) t/(1a) m e~/(l-a) .p",/() = [8 + (1 + c) m] Pnt 78 Land Acquisition and Ownership Security ( 6-23 ) [oa/( 1 ) - ok l /( la)-I ( 1 + w,a ./( l-U() [m + S2 (1 - s1)]T3/(1) . el0(1-,X) p/(1 [(1 + r2) s2 (1 - Si) + (1 + c) m + 8 + S, - (r1 - a)] ' Pt Equations 6-22 and 6-23 provide a solution for the equilibrium prices of untitled and titled land as functions of parameters of the model. (6-24) - E (otR)0f/(1"ct - (R1~~ ( 2nt [ + (1 + C) m j (1 + 5) a/(1 c) . e (1-o-3 (6-25) P; F tat/(1 -a) _t a1/(1-U) 1(1-a)/(1 - + (+ c) m + (1 + r2) 's2 -(1 si) +s1.(r1 -58) (1+ .)'/l-- [m + S2 (1 si1)]/("13)-t- eL/(1-13) Equations 6-24 and 6-25 offer insights into factors that affect land prices. 1. The prices of titled and untitled land are related positively to land quality yet related negatively to the opportunity cost of capital and to the interest rate on informal credit. 2. The price of titled land is related negatively to the interest rate on formal credit. Dividing equation 6-25 by equation 6-24 yields the ratio of the price of titled land to the price of untitled land, expressed here in a logarithmic form: (6-26) In [Pt*IP*t] = (1I-n(1) n1 [a-1. (i ) - R + a In 1 + S2 (1-S1)l + (1- (1-a,-13) lm + (1r-a ( In ( 8 + (1 + c) m I + ( + c) -m + ( +r2) S2 (I -sl) +s, (r, -8 Equation 6-26 demonstrates that the logarithmic difference between the prices of titled and of untitled land is decomposable to two compo- nents. The first component, implicit in the first term on the right-hand side of equation 6-26, reflects the risk of eviction. If the risk of eviction (T) is zero, then R = 1, and the first term on the right-hand side of equa- tion 6-26 vanishes. If the risk of eviction is positive, however, (P > 0), Appendix 79 then R < 1 and the first term becomes posit:ive. The larger the IV, the larger the component. The other component, which is related to difi erences in access to credit, is represented by the last two terms on the right-hand side of equation 6-26. If there are no advantages in access to institutional credit, then Sl= S2= 0-or alternatively, the numerators and denominators in the last two terms on the right-hand side of equation 6-26 are identical. These terms would then vanish. If s, and s2 are positive, then the second term is positive, since the item in square brackiets is greater than 1. The third term is more complex; r, < 8 when institutional credit is subsidized or held below the opportunity cost of capital by usury laws, while the term (1 + r) S2 (1 - s1) is clearly positive. Thus, the third term on the right-hand side of equation 6-26 could theoretically be negative. Follow- ing proposition 9, however, the combined effect of the last two terms is positive when titled farmers have credit advantages. The main propositions developed in this chapter are that on titled farms capital accumulation, productivity, and land value will be greater than on untitled farms. These propositions will be substantiated empiri- cally in subsequent chapters. Appendix: Proofs of Propositions 1-13 The second-order conditions for a maximum related to the optimization problem of a farmer settling on untitled land (equations 6-4 and 6-5) are given by (6-27) 2Vn < W 0 aA nA2 Ant akn2t We proceed now to prove the propositions of the text. PROPOSITION 1. The demand for land is negatively related to its price. PROOF. Differentiation of the first-order condition, 6-5, with respect to the price of land yields (6-28) dAnt _ n -t dPnt aA2 aYnt_ aYn M C M WOeYnt y+ WO a2Ynt lk dnt aXn1 A a +k2t Ant ak ax 1__ 1 V akn 8x ~* + W0I~ (Yn W2~ _P_t_ P= t1~ n a Q knt (Ant ) aynt 1 WO Pnt a 2ynt a2 Yn -aXn "t Ig Ant ( dk ax aknt ) 80 Land Acquisition and Ownership Security where the second step uses equation 6-5. Note that [(WO/A,t) - P,,] = knt by equation 6-2, while m * Pnt = xnt by equation 6-3. It thus follows that the term within braces is positive, because of the concavity of the per-acre production function. Concavity also implies 82yn,Idk2n < 0. The second cross-derivative of the production function is positive if production com- plementarity is assumed. It thus follows that the term in square brackets in equation 6-28 is positive. The term n2V lIaA2n is negative (see 6-27), and it is therefore confirmed that dAn/ldPnt < 0. PROPOSITION 2. The capital-to-land ratio on untitled land is positively related to the price of land. PROOF. By equation 6-2, kn, = (Wo /Anl) - Pn. Differentiating with respect to Pn, yields (6-29) dknt _ Wo dAn, _ 1 dPn, Ant dPnt Using equations 6-27 and 6-28 in 6-29 obtains (6-30) dkn, _ 1 ( An / P ay~, k _nt V Pnt a2Ynt 1 Ynt ynt kntx- Xnt + I Et akd, ltt axnt } An, ak ax] The term in the square brackets is positive (see proof of proposition 1), and -a2yn, /ak', > 0. It thus follows that dknt IdPnt > 0. PROPOSITION 3. Given initial assets, the amount of capital per farm is related negatively to the price of land. PROOF. By equation 6-2, Knt = Wo - Pn, An,. Differentiation yields (6-31) dK,t Ant Pnt _dAnt + 1 dPnt (nt A tdP, From equation 6-28, using 6-27, can be obtained (6-32) Pnt dAnt _Ant Ant dPnt _W2 L ' - Ynt . tWo a2 Ynt akYn 1 Ynt dYt kn - Xnt 2 0 dyt1/ nA_ adknt nt aXnt nt Ant aknt aXnt 2 From equation 6-32 it follows that the term in parentheses on the right- hand side of equation 6-31 is positive. The right-hand side of equation 6-31 is therefore negative. PROPOSITION 4. Given the price of land, there is a unique optimal capital-to-land ratio independent of initial wealth and size of farm. Appendix 81 PROOF. Equation 6-31 can be written as (6-33) Ynt (knb m Pnt) - (kn, + Pnt) * dk + [1- (1 + c) m] * Pn = 0 Note that if Pnt is fixed, the only variable in the equation that describes the optimality condition is knt. It can be trivially shown that with Pnt con- stant, the left-hand side of equation 6-33 is rmonotonically increasing in k,, so there is a unique value, k *t, which maintains equation 6-33. Since equation 6-33 is independent of Wo or Ant, the unique optimal value of knt is not affected by these two variables. PROPOSITION 5. Given the price of land, the demand for land is propor- tional to initial assets. PROOF. The budget constraint, equation 6-2, can be written (6-34) Ant = WoI(Pnt + kn't) where kn*t is the optimal value of the capital-to-land ratio. By proposition 4, k I is independent of Wo or Ant, thus with fixed P,t, the demand for land, Ant, is proportional to WO. PROPOSITION 6. The value of the objective function at optimum is equal to the value of initial wealth multiplied by the marginal return to capital. PROOF. Multiplying equation 6-5 by Ant an(d rearranging the two sides of the equation yields (6-35) Ynt An, + [11-(I + c) -mI] Pnt "in, = Wo dky- (6-35) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~akn, The left-hand side of equation 6-35 is equal to Vn,, the value of the objective function. Since equation 6-5 holds cnly in the optimum, it fol- lows that (6-36) t= Wo d k#t where asterisks denote optimality. PROPOSITION 7. The optimal value of the objective function is nega- tively related to the price of land. PROOF. Differentiation of equation 6-36 yields (6-37) aVnt = aPnt F_ d Ynt (W, dAnt +1 + d2Ynt m 1 Un e ikont 6 intionnt 6Xn- i Using equation 6-28 in equation 6-37 obtains 82 Land Acquisition and Ownership Security (6-38) _9_ = V. _ 1 Ant aP", PnlC WO a dynt ( A P dm 1 2 2 2 + aYnt _ d Ynt _ d Ynt ml 0, since in the case s, = S2 = 0 the optimization problem on titled land is identical to the optimization problem on untitled land. We begin by dif- ferentiating equation 6-10 with respect to si and S2 to measure the effect of changes in these parameters on the demand for land. (6-39) dA (At a2) -i a, - 1+ ds2 At akt (a +r1) j LW__ l 2y, 1 A J s s d ) Pt (6-40) dA W 2 A° dt +Y ayt Y ( ds, A~3 ak ak, Fayt W0 a2y, wo a2y Yt - (1 +r2)1'S2 r32 +A O2x P2 t Next, we differentiate the objective function at its optimum value. By proposition 7, this value is equal to W0 . ay, h3kt. (6-41) aVt 2Yt W02 dA' 82y aS2 akt2 At2 ds2 akt Oxt Appendix 83 avt _ aYt 2, W6 dA, Wo 2k,xt (6-42) as, ak,' 7A' 3 d-s1 P akt sx, Inserting equation 6-39 into equation 6-41 yields (6-43) V = A, a, (1 +r2) *(1- Si) -P, (S2 [ axt I Clearly, the marginal productivity of the variable input is greater than the rate of interest on short-term credit when the short-term credit con- straint is binding-that is, ay, lax, > (1 + r2). It thus follows that a VI /ds2 > 0. Inserting equation 6-40 into equation 6-42 yields (6-44) aVt = At P[Pt tL (k (1 + rl) Yt +r2) 2 as, 1 t[ ak, I 1j ax I j In the present model, in which a binding constraint on long-term credit is assumed, the marginal productivity of capital is greater than the rate of interest on long-term credit-that is, dy,/lk, > (1 + rl). Furthermore, in the present case the marginal cost of credit consists not only of the rate of interest but also of the loss in profit caused by the marginal reduction in the supply of short-term credit. The latter component is equal to [(ay, lax,) - (1 + r2)j S2- Since the long-term credit constraint is assumed to be binding in the present model, it must hold that the term in the braces in equation 6-44 is positive. PROPOSITION 9. In equilibrium, the price of titled land is higher than the price of untitled land. PROOF. The proof of this proposition has already been sketched out. Essentially, the proof follows from propositicns 8 and 7. If an identical land price prevails for titled and untitled lands, then, by proposition 8, the optimal value of the objective function is higher on titled land (V;* > V,*,). But in equilibrium, the value of the objective function should be equal on both types of land (V,* = V*t,). To restore equilibrium, the value of the objective function on titled land should be decreased, the value of the objective function on untitled land should be increased, or both. Fol- lowing proposition 7, this is accomplished by P, rising and Pnt declining- that is, P, > P,, at equilibrium. PROPOSITION 10. When land prices are at equilibrium levels, the capital-to-land ratio on titled farms is greater than that on untitled farms. PROOF. Equilibrium requires Vt*= Vs,. By proposition 6, this implies (6-45) ay, [k,, (1-SI) S2 Pt + m -PJ = dk (knb m P&t) ak, ak~, 84 Land Acquisition and Ownership Security Since P, > Pn, (by proposition 9), and (1 - si) 52 > 0, it follows that variable input use is higher per acre on titled farms-that is, x, > Xn,. But by the assumption of production complementarity between capital and variable inputs a2y, lak, ax, > 0, and if k, ' kfb then ay,t lakn, < ay, lak, and the equality 6-45 is violated. To restore equality, the marginal pro- ductivity of capital on titled land must be increased, or the marginal pro- ductivity of capital on untitled land must be reduced. Given the concavity of the production function, this is accomplished by increasing k, and re- ducing kn,-that is, kt *> k * at equilibrium. PROPOSITION 11. When land prices are at equilibrium levels, output per acre on titled farms is greater than that on untitled farms. PROOF. As indicated in the proof of proposition 10, xt > x,,. In addi- tion, proposition 10 established k* > k* Since both capital per acre and variable inputs per acre are greater on titled farms, it follows, trivially, that output per acre on titled land is greater-that is, y,* > y*. PROPOSITION 12. The equilibrium price of untitled land is negatively affected by the risk of eviction. PROOF. Using the definition of X and the characterization of equilib- rium, equation 6-15 can be written as (6-46) (1 + 8) = {1 - (1 - Y) . py[ + 4D _ 1/2 . (1 - V)1/21 } * (ay* laknt) Denote the term in square brackets by G (P). A straightforward deri- vation establishes that (6-47) aG_ 1 + 'F [P. (1 _ ) y1/2 (1-2*)/2 alp To show that aGlaP > 0 in the interval of interest (0, 0.5), simply note that all terms on the right-hand side of equation 6-47 are positive pro- vided that Pt ' 0.5. Differentiation of equation 6-46 yields (6-48) ay,,a (6-48) (1 - Y) * kt*d- = [1 -(1 --y) * G(IV)] (O2ynt dk., + 2Ynt m dPnt k ak2nt dP", akn, axt J dP Inserting equation 6-30 into equation 6-48 yields (6-49) (1-Y) . = [1-(1-y) G(P)] aknt aoP An' Knk - aYYn k _ x dPnt WL wPEkYnt aknt n x * Xnt, dJ Notes 85 The left-hand side of equation 6-49 is positive, as shown earlier. The term in the square brackets on the right-hand side is positive by the con- cavity of the per-acre production function. It thus follows that dP,,/dT > 0. PROPOSITION 13. Even in the case si = S2 = 0, the equilibrium price of untitled land, the optimal capital-to-land ratio, and the output per acre are all less than those of titled farms if the probability of eviction is greater than zero. PROOF. Note that in the case s1 = s2 = , =- Q the optimization prob- lems on titled and untitled land are identical. Consider now the case T > 0 and the equilibrium condition. (6-50) (1 + 8) = aytlakt*= [1 - (1 - y)* (G(T) ] ayn*tlaknt In proposition 12 it has already been established that the price of unti- tled land will decline if 4' increases. By proposition 2, this will cause knt to decline. Thus, both Pt *> P * and kt *> k *, implying that y *> y ,, even when s1 = S2 = 0. Notes 1. This is a simplification. In our sample fewer than 21) percent of the farmers had both titled and untitled land. Since our sample was deliberately taken in areas adjacent to bound- aries of the forest reserves, the average incidence of mixed ownership in other areas is likely to be even lower. 2. This statement is valid only when there is no risk of eviction or other losses because of lack of title. As will be shown, when such risks exist, the optimal solutions on titled and untitled lands differ even if s, = S2 = 0- 7 Analysis of Land Values The model in the preceding chapter generated the proposition that titled land carries a higher price than untitled land of identical quality. Irrespec- tive of title status, however, land of lower productive quality or land in less favorable locations sells for a lower price than land of higher quality or land more favorably located. To test these hypotheses, data were col- lected from titled and untitled farmers on the value of their land. The farmers were asked to assess the market value of their land given its actual registration status and quality.1 The mean prices reported by farmers are recorded in table 15. The data are analyzed by registration status and by a broad classification of qual- ity, namely, whether the land is lowland or upland. Locally, lowland is perceived as better land, since it is suitable for growing paddy rice and other crops that cannot be grown on uplands; lowlands are therefore expected to be more valuable than uplands.2 The data confirm that the mean price of titled land is substantially higher than the mean price of untitled land. The only exception was a small sample of lowland tracts in Lop Buri: there the mean prices of titled and untitled land are virtually the same. As expected, in all provinces the price of lowland is higher than the price of upland. As a further check on the plausibility of prices reported by the farmers, village headmen were asked to estimate the average prices for three cate- gories of land-irrigated lowland, unirrigated lowland, and upland-by title status. The means of these prices are reported in table 16. Again, for all categories of land, titled land is substantially more expensive than untitled land. To compare average land prices, the distribution of various attributes of land that affect the price must be identical. This is a restrictive assump- tion, however. To circumvent the restriction, we used data on the attri- butes of each tract provided by the farmers in a hedonic price analysis. The specification of hedonic price equations is usually arbitrary. In urban housing research, Box-Cox transformations are used, which con- verge at the limit to a logarithmic formulation (Jimenez 1984). For our purposes here, however, the model of land acquisition and investment presented earlier allows for an exact specification of the land price equa- tion by assuming a Cobb-Douglas production function. The econometric 86 A ualysis of Land Values 87 formulation of the price equation is developed by rewriting equations 6-24 and 6-25 in logarithmic form (7-1) InP*, =In + 1/(1 - a - W)] Inm - [a/(1 - a - f)] ln (I + &) + [pJ(1 - a- )] (7-2) InP'-t = + [f31(1 - a - )]. - n[m + 52 S(1-S)] -[o/(l - a -, )] * In(1 + 8) + [>L/J-(x - 1)] where 1nt and 9, are constants given by the terms in square brackets on the right-hand sides of equations 6-24 and 6-25. Clearly, for lands of equal quality-the same value of p.-but different ownership security sta- tus, only the constant term differs, not the parameters related to land quality. If the quality index p. is assumed to be a linear combination of attributes, then the hedonic price equation can be estimated as a logarith- mic equation. The right-hand side of the equation includes a dummy for titled tracts-representing the shift in constants-and a vector of attri- butes of physical quality. By using a dummy variable to represent the title status of each tract, the effect of ownership security on land value, other things being equal, can be estimated. We hypothesize that this dummy variable is significantly greater than zero. Our data allow us to test an even more refined hypothesis by means of this model. In the sample there are some holdings located outside the boundaries of the forest reserves that have not yet been titled. Because these tracts can be titled, the owners do noi: face the risk of eviction. Thus, perceptions of ownership security for these plots are similar to those for titled plots. From the institutional lenders' point of view, how- ever, these untitled farmers, although located outside forest reserves, still lack formal documents of ownership and are therefore treated the same as untitled farmers with holdings inside foresic reserves. In the framework of the model, these untitled holdings outside the for- est reserves are characterized by R = 1 (identical to titled plots) and s, = s2 = 0 (identical to untitled tracts). Upon comnparison of equations 6-24 and 6-25, it becomes apparent that the prices of these lands will be lower than the prices of titled land but higher than the prices of untitled land located within forest reserves and subject to the risk of eviction. To test this hypothesis, another dummy variable is introduced into the regression in addition to the dummy variable that represents title. This new dummy variable takes the value 1 if the tract is untitled but is located outside the forest reserves. The model in chapter 6 indicates that the coef- ficient of this dummy variable is positive but smaller in size than the co- efficient of title. This is because it reflects only a positive difference in value in relation to the absence of the risk of eviction yet no difference in the availability of credit. Table 15. Mean Prices of Titled and Untitled Land (baht per rai) Province Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum Status of plot document Lowland Upland Lowland Upland Lowland Upland Lowland Upland Price without NS-3 or NS-3K 3,638 2,632 4,210 3,251 4,421 2,787 2,297 1,832 Number of plots in sample 42 173 58 225 48 140 131 203 Price with NS-3 or NS-3K 3,599 3,425 11,085 7,086 6,156 5,557 3,675 2,547 Number of plots in sample 37 179 128 125 138 121 62 68 Note: In 1985 the rate of exchange was 26 baht to the U.S. dollar; 6.25 rai = I hectare. Table 16. Mean Land Prices, as Reported by Village Headmen (baht per rai) Province Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum Type of With Without With Without With Without With Without land document document document document document document document document Irrigated lowland 5,100 3,300 12,325 6,700 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Unirrigated lowland 3,970 2,265 8,675 4,200 6,816 4,789 3,750 2,050 so Upland 2,950 1,740 4,300 1,775 4,316 2,200 2,412 1,431 Mean ratio of price without document to price with document Irrigated lowland 0.670 0.590 n.a. n.a. Unirrigated lowland 0.609 0.511 0.663 0.547 Upland 0.607 0.500 0.628 0.593 Number of plots in sample 20 20 20 8 n.a. Not available. Note: In 1985 the rate of exchange was 26 baht to the U.S. dollar; 6.25 rai = I hectare. 90 Analysis of Land Values The set of land characteristics that may affect productivity or farmgate prices is categorized below. Natural land attributes Soil type-black, not black Slope-flat, not flat Lowland or upland Irrigation-year-round irrigation, seasonal irrigation, rainfed Suitable for sugarcane (only in Khon-Kaen province) Land improvements Bunds in place Leveled by farm machinery Fruit trees planted Cleared of stumps Location and transportation All-weather road to the nearest market Length of time required to reach the nearest market All-weather road to the village Length of time required to reach the village Most of these variables affect the productive potential of the land or the cost of cultivating it. Fruit trees, for example, provide an additional source of income. Similarly, favorable location increases the farmgate price of output or reduces the effective cost of inputs. Suitability for the cultivation of sugarcane possibly affects the price of the land, since the crop is highly profitable. Not all tracts, however, meet the moisture and soil requirements needed to grow sugarcane. Results of the regressions are presented in table 17. Legal title stands out as the most significant factor in explaining the variation in land prices. In all four provinces, the parameter for title is significantly greater than zero at the 99 percent confidence level. A substantial difference exists between Lop Buri and the northeastern provinces, however. The value of this parameter in Lop Buri is less than a third of its value in Nakhon Ratchasima and Khon-Kaen and about half its value in Chaiyaphum. An earlier discussion of credit markets gave a possible rea- son for this difference: since Lop Buri is characterized by an abundance of informal credit, formal ownership-with a title-is less significant. The parameter of the dummy variable for untitled plots outside the for- est reserves is positive and lies within the interval spanned by zero and the parameter of the title dummy variable as suggested by the model. It is sig- nificantly smaller-at the 95 percent confidence level-than the parame- ter of titled land for Lop Burl, Nakhon Ratchasima, and Khon-Kaen. It is significantly greater than zero at a 90 percent one-tailed confidence level in all provinces except Lop Buri, implying that untitled land outside the forest reserves is more valuable than untitled land within the forest Analysis of Land Values 91 Table 17. Parameter Estimates from Hedonic Land Price Analysis Province Nakhon Variable Lop Buri Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum Ownership security Titled (D) 0.2264 0.8431 0.7605 0.4310 (5.48) (14.29) (11.10) (8.52) Untitled, 0.0516 0.1597 0.2018 0.2957 outside forest reserves (D) (0.67) (1.63) (1.77) (1.49) Natural attributes Black soil (D) 0.0351 0.1855 0.0424 0.2050 (0.55) (2.84) (0.51) (3.51) Flat slope (D) 0.0516 0.0102 0.1210 0.0939 (0.90) (0.18) (1.66) (1.90) Lowland (D) 0.1722 -0.0304 0.1257 0.1035 (2.51) (0.47) (1.70) (2.00) Year-round irrigation (D) 0.1398 0.2884 0.1120 0.3709 (2.29) (2,60) (0.62) (1.10) Seasonal irrigation (D) 0.0865 0.2723 -0.0454 0.2199 (1.79) (4,30) (0.25) (1.37) Suitability for sugarcane (D) -a -;I 0.0450 (0.51) Land improvements Bunds in place (D) -0.0579 0.4148 0.2474 0.1398 (1.21) (6.80) (3.48) (2.69) Land leveled (D) 0.1030 -0.0122 -0.0760 0.0068 (1.75) (0.20) (0.93) (0.10) Fruit trees planted (D) 0.0649 -0.0082 0.0751 -0.0389 (1.47) (0.15) (1.17) (0.43) Cleared of stumps (D) _b 0.1226 0.0163 0.1934 (1.69) (0.22) (1.43) Location and transportation All-weather road to market (D) _b 0.1027 0.2122 0.0141 (1.32) (2.25) (0.21) Travel time to market -0.1053 0.0395 0.0012 -0.0858 (3.62) (1.19) (0.027) (2.04) All-weather road to village (D) 0.0937 0.0924 -0.1005 -0.0176 (2.39) (1.88) (1.46) (0.39) Travel time to village -0.0277 -0.0440 -0.0355 0.0058 (1.57) (1.67) (1.14) (0.22) Constant 8.0988 7.4396 7.5737 7.3362 (10.24) (2.78) (2.77) (33.88) R2 0.183 0.578 0.389 0.243 F value 7.165 47.410 17.090 9.534 Number of observations 431 536 447 461 (D) Dummy variable; numbers in parentheses are Student t values. a. Sugarcane is not grown in the province. b. The value of this variable is the same in nearly all observations. 92 Analysis of Land Values Table 18. Alternative Estimates of the Value of Security of Ownership (difference between logarithm of price titled land and of untitled land) Province Method Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum Direct estimatea 0.226 0.843 0.760 0.431 Estimate based on imputation from titled to untitled subsample 0.252 0.779 0.725 0.434 Estimate based on imputation from untitled to titled subsample 0.195 0.925 0.723 0.419 a. From table 17. reserves. This is apparently because ownership is not challenged by the state and the possibility of titling does exist. In Lop Buri there is no statistically significant difference between the value of untitled land within and outside the forest reserves. The parame- ter for untitled land outside the reserve, however, is equal to about a fifth of the parameter of title-a ratio nearly identical to those in Khon-Kaen and Nakhon Ratchasima. Although the ratio is higher in Chaiyaphum, we cannot make firm statements on the basis of the estimated coefficient there, since we have only five observations of untitled plots outside the forest reserves for this province. The data results suggest that only one- fifth of the total value of title stems from increased security from eviction: most of the value of title is derived from greater access to credit. Most of the results for the other explanatory variables are reasonable. Out of fifty-one parameters estimated for all four provinces combined, forty have the expected sign. Of those that have a counterintuitive sign, none are significantly different statistically from zero. Among the param- eters with the expected sign, twenty-two are significant at the 95 percent (one-tailed) confidence level. We further checked the robustness of the results for the quantitative importance of titles, by replicating a method used by Jimenez (1984) to estimate the value of security of ownership of city dwellings in legal and illegal settlements. First, the parameters of land characteristics are esti- mated only within the subsample of titled holdings-or only within the subsample of untitled holdings. These parameters are then used to impute the value of untitled plots.3 The prediction is that, if these plots were Notes 93 titled, the imputed value would reflect their sale value. By calculating the difference between the imputed value and the actual, or recorded, value and averaging over the subsample of untitlecd plots, an estimate of the value of title is obtained. Similarly, if parameters of land characteristics are obtained through a regression using the subsample of untitled hold- ings, imputed values of titled holdings can be generated, and the mean difference between actual and imputed values can be calculated. Compared to the directly estimated value of ownership security (see table 17), the results of this procedure demonstrate remarkable robust- ness (see table 18). Not only are the rankings of estimated parameters across provinces similar, but also in three provinces the mean differences between the imputed values of land and the actual values are within an interval of plus or minus one standard deviation from the estimates of table 17. In Lop Buri the mean differences between imputed and actual values are within an interval of two standard deviations of the direct esti- mate of the value of title. This finding increases our confidence in the validity of the quantitative estimates of the value of title. The regression results imply that the value Df untitled land, expressed as a percentage of the value of titled land, is 80 percent in Lop Buri, 43 percent in Nakhon Ratchasima, 47 percent in Khon-Kaen, and 64 per- cent in Chaiyaphum. Thus, legal security of ownership is an important factor in the rural economy of Thailand. Since differential land values, moreover, reflect in part differences in productivity, we expect-at least in the northeastern provinces-that other indicators of economic perfor- mance will demonstrate significant differences as well. We shall address the issues of economic performance, such as investment and output, in the next few chapters. Notes 1. In the absence of specialized assessors in the rural areas of Thailand, there was no other way to obtain the current market value of land. Jimenez(1984) used data obtained in a similar manner for values of urban dwellings in both legal and illegal settlements. 2. Taxes on agricultural land are extremely low in Tbailand, amounting to less than a quarter of 1 percent of land value. They therefore have a negligible effect on land values. 3. NMore precisely, the logarithm of price is imputed. 8 The Effects of Ownership Security on Landownership and the Formation of Capital As a basis for the discussion in chapter 2 and the formal model presented in chapter 6, it is postulated that titled farmers accumulate more capital and invest more in land improvements than do untitled farmers. The rea- son is that titled farmers have comparatively better investment incentives because of perceptions of ownership security and better access to cheaper and longer-term credit. The data presented so far indicate that, although Thai squatters may face relatively little insecurity of ownership, they are significantly more constrained in their ability to obtain institutional credit, especially medium- and long-term credit. In this chapter we shall provide empirical evidence to substantiate the theoretical propositions. Since the formal model of chapter 6 contained only one aggregate capital input, however, we shall expand the model to include investments in equipment and land improvements. The model will then serve as a basis for the subsequent econometric work. The Model Farmers are assumed to own a given area of land, A. Ownership is not secure and there is a nonzero probability of eviction, (D. A two-period model, in which farmers invest in the first period and produce in the sec- ond, is assumed. The farmers' objective is to maximize their expected ter- minal wealth, as measured by the combined value of output, capital, and land, minus debt repayment. Farmers are assumed to be risk averse, with decreasing absolute risk aversion (Arrow 1965). They can invest in three types of activity, all of which constitute assets: capital, K-equipment, draft animals, machinery-which is not totally lost in the event of evic- tion, but may lose value in distress sales; land improvements and struc- tures, M-fencing, ground leveling, clearing of trees and stumps, and so on-which, although they increase the productive capacity of land, are lost if the farmer is evicted; and nonagricultural activities and assets, Z, which are not affected by eviction and serve as risk-free assets. Since the 94 The Model 95 following empirical analysis is based on cross-sectional data that contain no variation in price among farmers, prices are set at unity. Agricultural output, XY is produced by a constant-returns-to-scale pro- duction function with three inputs: land, capital, and land improvements. Productivity is also affected by human capital, S. (8-1) y = y(k,m,S); yi ay/ai > 0; yi < 0; yis > 0 for i j; i = k,m,S where lowercase letters denote per-acre variables. For simplicity variable inputs are ignored. The return to the risk-free activity is subject to a con- cave yield function: (8-2) F = F(Z); F' dF/dZ > 0; F' < 0 Land-improving investments increase the terminal value of land, as shown in chapter 7, but with decreasing marginal returns: (8-3) P = P(m); P' dPIdm> 0; P" < 0 Farmers are assumed to be credit-rationed. The amount of credit avail- able to them, L, is related negatively to the risk of eviction, (D, and is related positively to the amount of land ownecl. The negative effect of the risk of eviction on the supply of credit holds, even when the risk is low, if the lack of formal ownership prevents the use of land as collateral. (8-4) L = L((D,A); aLlahD < 0; aLlaA > 0 The budget constraint implies that the tota] of investments equals ini- tial wealth (WO), plus borrowed funds: (8-5) L((D,A) + WO = k A + m * A + Z If eviction does not take place, the terminal wealth is (8-6) V1 =A . y(k,m,S) + P(m) * A + F(Z) - (1 + r) . L((D,A) where r is the rate of interest. For simplicity, the residual value of capital is set at zero. If eviction takes place, land and output are lost. The termi- nal value is then (8-7) V2 = F(Z) - (1 + r) . L((F,A) The expected terminal wealth, E(V), is the probability-weighted sum of equations 8-6 and 8-7. Using the budget constiraint, equation 8-5, to sub- stitute initial wealth, capital, and land improvements for Z, the objective function is (8-8) Max E(V) = (1 -(D) {A y(k,m,S) + 1'(m) A + F[L(4F,A) k,m + Wo - k . A - m A] - (1 + r) . L((D,A)} + 4) { F [L( Ymnk All the other terms are clearly positive, so the determinant is positive. The Effect of the Risk of Eviction, (D The effect of ownership insecurity is demonstrated by assuming a small increase in the probability of eviction, (F. Differentiation of equations 8-11 and 8-12 obtains Hi, H12 dk yk + F" aL (8-16) A - H21 H22 dm (ym + P') + F' dL d(F a(F Econrometric Specification 97 By equations 8-11 and 8-12, ym + P" = Yk*. Denoting Yk + F" aLloa -X, and employing Cramer's rule, equation 8-16 yields (8-17) dk A*(H22-H12) dA A =2* A2 * (1j-_) (Ymm P"Ymk)<° A where A is the determinant of the Hessian matrix. Since A > 0, A > 0, and Ymm + P" - Ymk < 0, it follows that dkld4F < 0. A similar calculation yields dm = X A *(Hll-Hl2)= X A *(1-() (Ykk - Yk) < ° Since X > 0 even when (F = 0, the positive effect of the legal status of land on the supply of credit is sufficient to generate inequalities 8-17 and 8-18, even when the actual risk of eviction, cl, is low. Conversely, even when the supply of credit is not binding-aL/4( = 0-the existence of a nonzero probability of eviction is sufficient to generate inequalities 8-17 and 8-18. Econometric Specification Equations 8-11 and 8-12 are implicit--and highly nonlinear- functions defined over the endogenous variablks K and M and the exoge- nous variables (F, WO, A, and S. They can be regarded as structural equa- tions. Solving these equations for K and M in terms of the exogenous variables yields the reduced-form equations (8-19) K = K((F, WO, A, S) (8-20) M = M((F, WO, A, S) The exact specification of 8-19 and 8-20 requires an explicit specifica- tion of L((P, A), P(M), Y(A, K, M, S), and F(Z). Since these functions are nonlinear, the resultant specification of equations 8-19 and 8-20 is not tractable for econometric purposes. We therefore estimate a log-linear approximation of equation 8-19. Land improvements, M, present a fur- ther difficulty. The data are given in a binary format-that is, with the presence or absence of a land improvement-rather than as a value for the improvement. This dictates a dichotomous-choice econometric model. Since the theoretical model considers only a two-period horizon, the time dimension is missing in the reduced-form equations 8-19 and 8-20. This is accounted for in the empirical analysis by the addition of a variable for the number of years the farmer has been the principal Table 19. Capital per Rai Owned, by Title Status Province Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum Untitled Titled Untitled Titled Untitled Titled Untitled Titled Item farmers farmers farmers farmers farmers farmers farmers farmers \ Capital value (baht per rai) 729 915 809 1,332 700 1,378 694 738 °o Capital value adjusted for differences in land qualitya 729 906 809 1,177 700 1,238 694 738 Mean land-quality indexb 92 93 76 86 71 79 83 83 Number of plots in sample 100 84 89 72 61 82 120 112 Note: 6.25 rai = 1 hectare. a. To adjust for differences in quality of land, the capital per rai of the titled farmers is divided by the ratio of the quality index of titled land to the quality index of untitled land. b. The quality index is based on parameters estimated in the hedonic price equations reported in chapter 7. Econometric Specification 99 decisionmaker on the farm-denoted as "experience." It is expected that, other things being equal, a longer period as cdecisionmaker will facilitate accumulation of more capital and land-improving investments. The central hypothesis is that legal security of ownership affects invest- ments positively. Since all squatters in a province face the same risk of eviction, this risk is represented by a dummy variable that takes a value of zero for squatters (positive risk) and a value of 1 for legal owners (zero risk).1 Comparisons of mean levels of capital per unit of land owned, where capital is measured as the current value of equipment and animals and land is considered to be owned whether or not it is legally possessed, show that the capital-to-land ratio is higher for titled farmers than for untitled farmers. The difference is 25 percent in Lop Buri, 63 percent in Nakhon Ratchasima, 97 percent in Khon-Kaen, and 6 percent in Chaiyaphum (see table 19). Similar differences prevail, even when the measure of land owned is adjusted to reflect differences in the quality of the land and access to markets. The procedure for adjusting the amount of land owned to account for differences in quality is described in the appendix to this chapter. Although these statistics are compatible with theory, a more rigorous test is required. Other attributes and factors that may differ systemati- cally among farmers need to be controlled for. We thus estimate a log- linear specification of the reduced-form equation 8-19, where 1 - 4D is represented by the dummy variable that indicates ownership of titled land, Wo is the farmer's initial capital adjusted for differences in the cost of living with the passage of time, and S is the number of years of school- ing. The amount of land owned, A, is adjusted for differences in quality and for access to markets. Differences in the time span during which capi- tal has accumulated are also measured by the variable experience. The de- pendent variable is the current value of capital owned. Regression results are presented in columns 1-4 of table 20. The esti- mates for the three northeastern provinces confirm that security of own- ership induces greater accumulation of capital: the coefficient of the own- ership security variable-the title dummy-is significantly greater, statistically, than zero at the 95 percent one-tailed confidence level for Nakhon Ratchasima and Khon-Kaen and al: the 94 percent one-tailed confidence level for Chaiyaphum. In Lop Buri, the coefficient of owner- ship security is not significantly different, statistically, from zero. This finding is compatible with the ample supply of noninstitutional credit in the province, which diminishes the importance of ownership titles (see the discussion in chapter 5). As expected, the amount of land owned has a positive-and statistically significant-effect on the accumulation of cap- ital. Similarly, the more years the farmer has been the decisionmaker on the farm, the greater the amount of capital owned, although the effect is Table 20. Regressions of Capital Stock and Owned Land Owned land Capital stock Capital stock (adjusted for differences (variant 1) (variant 2) in quality) Lop Nakhon Khon- Chaiya- Lop Nakhon Khon- Chaiya- Lop Nakhon Khon- Chaiya- Explanatory Buri Ratchasima Kaen phum Buri Ratchasima Kaen phum Buri Ratchasima Kaen pbum variable (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (I 1) (12) Constant 1.433 1.354 2.605 4.130 6.237 2.625 2.655 4.660 2.819 1.277 0.674 1.608 (0.988) (0.776) (1.787) (3.164) (4.439) (1.459) (1.746) (3.580) (8.172) (4.063) (1.934) (5.714) Owned landa 1.659 1.328 0.782 0.660 - - - - - - - - (6.254) (4.196) (2.477) (2.262) Experience 0.159 0.695 0.925 0.603 0.416 1.007 1.221 0.851 0.205 0.195 0.459 0.370 (0.490) (1.679) (2.321) (1.991) (1.137) (2.389) (3.258) (2.920) (2.287) (2.653) (5.342) (5.833) D Education 0.349 0.034 -0.001 0.023 0.345 0.087 0.031 -0.013 0.005 0.046 0.042 -0.060 °Z (2.363) (0.146) (0.003) (0.140) (2.117) (0.365) (0.189) (0.077) (0.118) (1.103) (1.119) (1.662) Capital owned -0.007 0.006 0.054 0.062 0.032 0.056 0.065 0.070 0.211 -0.025 0.017 0.025 initially (0.201) (1.326) (1.226) (1.444) (0.833) (1.061) (1.472) (1.624) (2.234) (0.275) (1.633) (2.674) Land owned - - - - -0.012 0.225 0.045 0.237 0.044 0.243 0.090 0.144 initially (0.116) (1.438) (0.399) (1.517) (1.789) (8.902) (3.464) (4.245) Land owned - - - - 0.057 0.337 0.324 0.067 -0.031 0.090 0.140 0.039 by father (0.393) (1.436) (1.545) (0.560) (0.364) (2.200) (2.917) (1.499) Title dummy 0.032 0.972 1.444 0.608 0.353 0.987 1.402 0.787 0.159 0.019 -0.080 0.239 (0.087) (2.103) (3.490) (1.609) (0.880) (2.070) (3.180) (2.094) (1.612) (0.223) (0.788) (2.946) F value 9.60 7.27 6.74 5.18 1.25 3.81 4.92 3.92 2.87 19.57 9.90 15.52 R 2 0.20 0.15 0.17 0.10 0.04 0.10 0.15 0.09 0.08 0.36 0.24 0.29 Number of observations 199 219 171 232 199 219 171 232 199 219 171 232 - Not applicable; numbers in parentheses are t values. a. Adjusted for differences in quality. Econometric Specification 101 not significant in Lop Buri. Greater initial capital implies greater present capital in the three northeastern provinces. 'Education has the expected effect on capital in Lop Buri (significant coefficient) and Khon-Kaen.2 The systematic content of the estimated equation is significant: F statistics are much higher than the critical value, although only a small portion of the variation in capital is explained by the model. Such a result is com- mon in cross-sectional studies. Similar to the theoretical model, the specification employed in the regressions reported here assumes that land now owned by a farmer is either exogenously given or predetermined to the accumulation of capi- tal. If the present amount of land owned is a n endogenous decision vari- able accumulated in time, however, as assumed in the model in chapter 6, then the estimation procedure above is invalid. Owned land can then be correlated with the error term in the capital equation 8-19, yielding bi- ased estimates. As estimated earlier, the capital equation is then a semireduced form, with one endogenous variable, A, on the right-hand side. To overcome this potential problem we have formulated a reduced- form equation for owned land, adjusted for quality. The equation in- cludes the initial amount of land owned by the farmer and the land owned by the farmer's father as well as the exogenous variables in equa- tion 8-19. These exogenous variables are expccted to affect the amount of land owned at present. Specifically, titled land may have been used as col- lateral for loans to acquire additional land. Substituting for owned land in the capital equation 8-19 by using the reduced-form equation of land yields a full reduced-form equation for capital that includes initial land and the father's land as additional explanatory variables. Table 20 presents the results of this variant of the capital equation (col- umns 5-8) and the coefficients for the reduce-d-form land equation (col- umns 9-12). These coefficients change little from those in variant 1. The main difference is a substantial increase in the title dummy coefficient in Lop Buri, though it is still not statistically significant. In the reduced-form equation for land in Lop Buri and Chaiyaphuam, the title coefficients are significantly greater than zero at the 90 percent confidence level. This sug- gests that in these two provinces some of the credit advantages from holding titled land are used to acquire more land. In Khon-Kaen and Nakhon Ratchasima. however, possession of a secure title does not induce the acquisition oF land. As the reduced-form equation for land in these provinces shows, possession of a title has an insignificant effect on the amount of land owned. A statistical test con- firms that even when the amount of land owned is an endogenous vari- able, owners of titled land in the three northeastern provinces accumu- lated more capital per unit of land than did owners of untitled land. The formal test is simply the zero hypothesis that the coefficient of the title dummy in the reduced-form land equation (columns 9-12 in table 20) is 102 Landownership and the Formation of Capital not different from the coefficient of title in the reduced-form capital equa- tion (columns 5-8 in table 20) versus the alternative hypothesis that the coefficient in the capital equation is larger than that in the land equation. Since the two estimates are independent, the variance of the difference is the sum of the individual variances. The zero hypothesis is rejected at the 95 percent confidence level in Nakhon Ratchasima and Khon-Kaen and at the 90 percent confidence level in Chaiyaphum. In Lop Buri, however, the hypothesis that possession of formal titles does not induce changes in ratios of capital to land cannot be rejected. The same conclusions are de- rived from a reduced-form estimate of the equation for the capital-to- land ratio, which differs from the preceding test because continuous vari- ables are expressed per rai. The coefficients of the title dummy variable in three northeastern provinces are significantly greater than zero at the 95 percent confidence level (see table 21). The estimated parameters of the title dummy variable in table 21 indi- cate that in Nakhon Ratchasima and Chaiyaphum, the capital stock per unit of land held by a farmer with a land title is about 105 percent and 56 percent greater, respectively, than that of a farmer without secure own- ership, holding all other attributes identical.3 The effect of title is greater in Khon-Kaen province; the capital-to-land ratio is about 253 percent Table 21. Regressions of Capital-to-Land Ratios Province Explanatory Nakhon variable Lop Buri Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum Constant 3.701 2.985 2.741 3.626 (3.898) (2.499) (2.558) (4.209) Experience 0.258 0.595 0.649 0.463 (1.031) (2.014) (2.350) (2.180) Education 0.324 0.068 -0.005 0.039 (2.858) (0.414) (0.046) (0.335) Capital owned initially -0.024 0.055 0.081 0.070 (0.562) (1.028) (1.687) (1.579) Land owned by father -0.158 -0.097 0.439 0.158 (1.176) (0.531) (0.364) (1.014) Title dummy 0.044 0.718 1.262 0.444 (0.160) (2.163) (4.040) (1.664) F value 1.79 2.36 4.66 1.91 R 2 0.05 0.06 0.15 0.05 Number of observations 199 219 171 232 Note: Numbers in parentheses are t values. Land Improvements 103 higher for a titled farmer. The difference in Lop Burl, only 5 percent, is not statistically significant. Land Improvements Land improvements are land-embodied investments that either main- tain or enhance the productive capacity of land by preventing erosion and loss of moisture. Our data cover two main types of land improvement: bunding, in which the field is divided into subplots by raised earth walls, thus making possible better water control and moisture retention, and the clearing of stumps, which increases the productive surface area and facili- tates better and faster preparation of the soil using mechanized power. Since such improvements require labor and mechanized or draft power, cash or credit is needed.4 And since the risk of eviction is an obvious disincentive to improvement of untitled tracts, some degree of ownership security is required. These two aspects thus imply a greater likelihood of land improvements on titled tracts. The incidence of land improvements on titled and untitled plots of land is compared in table 22. In Nakhon Ratchasima and Khon-Kaen bunding and clearance of stumps are significantly more common on titled plots. In Lop Buri and Chaiyaphum improvements are not significantly more com- mon on titled plots. For the pooled data., however, the frequency of bunding and stump clearing is significantly greater on titled plots. These findings indicate that land improvements are related to security of owner- ship, as theory suggests. Several important differences among r:he plots may affect land improvement decisions, however. Similarly, differences among farmers may also affect land improvements. Thus, in analogy to the foregoing regression equations, logit estimates of the coefficients of variables that affect land improvements are obtained. The interpretation of the parame- ter of the title dummy variable in the logit equation is similar to the one in the capital regression in that the parameter measures the effect of legal ownership status on the probability of land improvements, other things being equal. To maintain consistency with the theoretical decision model, only unimproved plots and the plots improved by the present decision- maker are considered in the analysis. In addition to characteristics of farmers, used earlier, several plot- specific variables are incorporated in the analysis as explanatory vari- ables. First, the number of years since the present decisionmaker acquired the plot is expected to be related positively to land improvements. This is because land improvements require time for accomplishment. Second, be- cause of technical incentives or economies of scale, plot size is expected to be related positively to bunding. Larger plots gain more from bunding than do smaller plots, for example, since unequal retention of water is Table 22. The Incidence of Land Improvements (percent) Province Nakhon Lop Buri Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum Pooled Titled Untitled Titled Untitled Titled Untitled Titled Untitled Titled Untitled Improvement plots plots plots plots plots plots plots plots plots plots Bunding 39 32 66 44 71 49 67 64 61 49 Clearance of stumps 77 76 63 29 50 38 76 76 64 56 Number of plots in sample 211 216 251 284 258 189 129 332 549 1,021 Land Improvements 105 more prevalent on larger plots. The effect of plot size on stump clearing is expected to be negative, since the cultivable area on a larger plot is greater and hence requires less clearing. The overall productive quality of the plot is expected to have a positive effect on investment incentive for land improvements, since the return on the improvement is greater. We have therefore introduced a plot-specific quality index to account for at- tributes such as type of soil, slope, availability of irrigation, and location. The index has been constructed using coefficients from a hedonic price analysis of land values (see the appendix to this chapter). We have also in- troduced a dummy variable for lowland plots in the bunding equation, since bunding is more likely to be done on lowland plots suitable for paddy cultivation. Estimated coefficients are presented in table 23. The results show that in Nakhon Ratchasima and Khon-Kaen, the probability of bunding is sig- nificantly greater-at the 95 percent confidence level-on titled plots than on untitled plots. The magnitude of the effect of title is substantial. In.Nakhon Ratchasima and Khon-Kaen, the probability of bunding on a titled plot is greater by 31 and by 20 percentage points, respectively, than on an identical untitled plot owned by an idirntical farmer.5 The effect of security of ownership on the probability of bunding is not statistically significant in Chaiyaphum and Lop Buri. As expected, however, the sign of the coefficient is positive. In the estimates for improvement of the land by stump clearing, land titles have a statistically significant effect-at a 90 percent one-tailed con- fidence level-in all provinces except Chaiyaphum. The coefficients imply that the probability of stump clearing on titled plots is greater by 9 per- centage points in Lop Buri, by 14 percentage points in Khon-Kaen, and by 11 percentage points in Nakhon Ratchasima, than for identical unti- tled plots and identical farmers. Among the other variables in the logit equation, the quality of the plot and the number of years the plot has been owned consistently exert a positive-and often highly significant-influence on the probability of land improvements. Plot area has the expected sign in the two equations. Most farmers' characteristics are not statistically significant in explaining investment in land improvements. As expected, the likelihood of bunding is greater on lowland plots. Overall, the empirical evidence supports the hypothesis that security of landownership induces higher levels of improvements to the land. This finding is consistent with the evidence presented earlier on the effects of landownership security on the formation of capital. The empirical analysis thus indicates that the possession of a legal land title contributes significantly to greater capital formation and increased land improvements. These findings imply that provision of secure legal ownership to squatters will increase the productivity of their land, since Table 23. Logit Estimates of Determinants of Land Improvements Bunding Clearing of stumps Lop Nakhon Khon- Lop Nakhon Khon- Variable Buri Ratchasima Kaen Chaiyaphum Buri Ratchasima Kaen Chaiyaphum Constant -5.973 -5.903 -4.561 -0.782 0.371 -1.596 -4.260 0.298 (3.328) (3.691) (2.175) (0.639) (0.219) (0.910) (2.375) (0.304) Education -0.034 -0.284 -0.168 -0.090 0.055 -0.119 -0.032 -0.0036 (0.282) (1.797) (1.194) (0.777) (0.435) (0.753) (0.283) (0.033) Land owned -0.137 0.017 -0.221 -0.176 -0.057 -0.331 -0.014 -0.0535 by father (1.229) (0.115) (1.072) (1.911) (0.474) (2.046) (0.067) (0.660) Capital owned -0.010 -0.056 0.009 -0.050 0.037 -0.042 0.012 -0.0074 initially (0.338) (1.674) (0.235) (1.471) (1.276) (1.220) (0.347) (0.240) Land owned 0.001 -0.091 -0.253 -0.284 -0.121 0.229 -0.159 -0.192 initially (0.015) (0.755) (2.114) (2.244) (1.454) (1.504) (1.423) (1.802) Experience 0.350 0.198 -0.070 -0.767 0.236 0.513 0.106 0.293 (1.008) (0.573) (0.175) (2.137) (0.649) (1.231) (0.281) (1.130) Plot type 2.587 1.690 2.852 1.895 - - - - (lowland/upland) (5.463) (4.045) (5.395) (5.171) Number of years 0.058 0.072 0.060 0.065 0.009 0.015 0.025 0.021 plot has been owned (2.678) (3.719) (2.691) (3.279) (0.409) (0.774) (1.309) (1.396) Quality of land 2.717 4.313 1.072 2.619 0.227 1.605 4.720 0.583 (2.009) (4.136) (0.612) (2.446) (0.208) (1.688) (3.391) (0.749) Area of plot 0.197 0.655 1.452 1.402 -0.072 -0.570 -0.090 -0.053 (0.934) (3.366) (5.581) (5.653) (0.349) (2.784) (0.440) (0.267) Title dummy 0.271 1.242 0.806 0.077 0.516 0.667 0.472 0.022 (0.862) (4.131) (2.081) (0.228) (1.715) (2.139) (1.371) (0.079) Likelihood ratio statistic 202.4 77.5 144.0 127.8 43.7 76.4 28.9 13.9 Number of observations 365 361 267 308 242 259 204 292 N -Not applicable. Note: Numbers in parentheses are t values. 108 Landownership and the Formation of Capital ratios of capital to land will increase once all adjustments have been made. Appendix: Adjustment for Land Quality Land quality, as defined in this study, pertains to soil characteristics and other physical attributes of the land that make one plot more productive than another. The index of quality used in this chapter incorporates the following attributes: * Soil (black, not black) * Slope (flat, not flat) * Upland or lowland location Access to irrigation (year-round, seasonal, rainfed) * Availability of an all-weather road to market * Length of travel time to nearest market Availability of an all-weather road to village * Length of travel time to the village The weights for combining these attributes into a composite index are the coefficients of the hedonic land price equation reported in chapter 7. The quality index of a plot is a weighted sum of these indicators. Multi- plying the quality index of a plot by its area and adding together the re- sults for all the plots owned by a given farmer provides the area of land owned, adjusted for quality. Notes 1. The sample contains a small number-18 percent-of farmers who held both titled land outside the forest reserves and untitled land within the forest reserves. Since the titled holdings could serve as collateral, these farmers were grouped with the fully titled farmers in the title-dummy variable. 2. The lack of significance of the parameter of education in the northeastern provinces may be a result of the very small degree of variation in number of years of schooling; most farmers have had the mandatory four years of schooling. 3. Since the regressions are logarithmic, the coefficients must be converted from natural logarithm to percentages; for Nakhon Ratchasima, for example, 1.05 = [exp(0.718)] - 1. 4. Although family labor could be used for these improvements in the slack dry season, it does have an opportunity cost: off-farm work in the cities during the dry season is com- mon among farmers in the sample. 5. The effect of a variable in a logit equation is calculated as follows: The logit specifica- tion is P = exp(O'x) / [1 + exp(O'x)], where P is the probability of adoption, x is a vector of explanatory variables, and e is a vector of coefficients. dP/dxj = Oi * xi Pi . (1 - Pi). In the case of title, xi = 1. The level of P used in the calculation is the sample mean rate of adoption for the untitled farmers. 9 The Effects of Ownership Security on Farm Productivity and the Use of Inputs The theory presented in chapters 2 and 6 anl the empirical results of the analyses of land values and capital formation suggest that productivity is greater on lands for which-the farmer has secure, or titled, ownership. The analysis of the supply of credit indicatecl that titled farmers receive a significantly larger volume of institutional credit, which is cheaper than alternative sources of credit, than do untitlcd farmers. This implies that the effective cost of inputs to titled farmers is lower than that to untitled farmers. In addition, if production complementarity exists between capi- tal and variable inputs-that is, if cross derivatives in the production function are positive-the higher level of capital formation on titled farms would induce a greater demand for variable inputs. In this chapter we shall seek to validate the hypothesis that productiv- ity and the use of inputs per unit of land are greater among titled farmers than among untitled farmers. The analysis is restricted to Lop Buri, Nakhon Ratchasima, and Khon-Kaen, using data obtained for the 1984-85 wet season. The data for Chaiyaphum obtained in 1986 for the 1985-86 season could not be used because the province suffered a severe drought, and more than 75 percent of the farmers sampled were affected, so any analysis of data on inputs and outputs in Chaiyaphum .would be unreliable. Because many of the farmers sampled have more than one plot of land, and because most grow several crops simultaneously on a given plot, the analysis pertains to the aggregate value of agricultural output produced by the household and to the aggregate volumes of various inputs used by the household. The implicit assumption is that each household uses the resources at its disposal optimally, so comparisons of aggregate input and output values across households are valid. In the analysis that follows differences in quality and other physical and economic characteristics of the land are controlled for by using a land quality index, which is based on the analysis of land values in chap- ter 7. The index gives premium to better soil, flatter slope, availability of 109 Table 24. Sample Means of Input and Output Values per Rai, Adjusted for Differences in Quality of Land Province Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Ratio of Ratio of Ratio of Untitled Titled titled to Untitled Titled titled to Untitled Titled titled to Item farmers farmers untitled farmers farmers untitled farmers farmers untitled Value of output (baht)a 671 747 1.113 687 744 1.083 554 701 1.265 ,_, Labor daysb 6.30 7.50 1.190 11.80 13.85 1.140 14.50 16.00 1.103 ° Cost of draft powerc 162 161 0.994 364 530 1.456 185 250 1.351 Costs of other inputsd 336 341 1.014 80 114 1.425 68 96 1.412 Number of farmers in sample 93 84 - 87 72 - 65 77 - - Not applicable. a. Cash costs are measured in Thai baht; in 1985 the rate of exchange was 26.3 baht to the dollar. b. Includes family labor, hired labor, and exchange labor. c. Includes the costs of hired animals and machinery plus the imputed cost of using family-owned animals and machinery. d. Include the costs of, among others, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and fuels. Farm Productivity and the Use of Inputs 111 irrigation, and favorable market and village location (see the appendix to chapter 7). Land with a higher quality index is expected to generate greater output than land with a lower quality index. In table 24 the sample means for value of output and use of inputs for households classified as headed by titled or lntitled landholders are pre- sented. In all provinces output per rai (6.2.5 rai = 1 hectare) of titled farmers is greater than that of untitled farmers. Similarly, the use of vari- ous inputs by titled farmers is greater in all provinces except for the use of draft power in Lop Buri. While these means are compatible with the hypothesis stated earlier, they cannot be taken as conclusive proof of it for two reasons. First, as in any cross-sectiona.. sets of data on inputs and outputs, standard deviations are quite large, and the statistical signifi- cance of the differences cannot be established. Second, although land quality is controlled for, there may be other factors that vary systemati- cally among farmers in the two subsamples. Thus, the characteristics of farmers must be controlled for. To test more rigorously whether levels of output and use of inputs by titled farmers differ significantly from those by untitled farmers, we per- formed a regression analysis of output and use of inputs per unit of land. Since the effect of titled ownership on prcoductivity is derived in part through the greater capital intensity it induces, capital cannot be per- ceived as an exogenous variable in the present context. A reduced-form specification, in which only exogenous variables or variables predeter- mined in a long-run sense were included as explanatory variables, has therefore been used. The explanatory variables are listed below. 1. Education-a standard measure of human capital. As shown by Jamison and Lau (1982), Thai farmers with more formal schooling were more productive. There is relatively little variation for this variable, how- ever, since most farmers attended the mandatory four-year elementary school program. 2, 3. Land owned initially, capital ownea' initially-measure of initial wealth estimated through the farmer's recollection of the endowments he had when he became the decisionmaker for the current family farm enter- prise. These initial endowments affect positively the amount of capital and land owned at present (see chapter 8), which in turn, affect produc- tivity. 4. Land owned by father-an indicator of the initial wealth of the farmer, which may have affected the farmer's accumulation of capital positively. 5. Land quality index-in this analysis excludes quality indicators that represent improvements introduced by the farmer, since these, like capi- tal, are endogenous variables affected by ownership of titled land. Land of higher quality is more productive and would contribute positively to observed levels of output, other things being equal. 112 Farm Productivity and the Use of Inputs 6. Experience-the number of years the farmer has been the primary decisionmaker on the family farm. This variable is highly correlated with age and represents both a measure of experience, which may increase pro- ductivity, and a time dimension related to capital accumulation. The anal- ysis in chapter 8 showed that more experienced farmers, or older farmers, have more capital. 7. Number of adults-the number of adult members of the family (ages 14-65) actively involved in the agriculture. This variable represents a fixed family resource that can be augmented with hired laborers. In con- trast to hired laborers, however, members of the family are more strongly motivated and also perform supervisory roles (Feder 1985). 8. Problem dummy-represents adverse conditions, such as floods or attacks by pests, which may have affected the farmer's output negatively. A dummy variable was constructed with the value 1 for farmers affected by a problem, zero for those who were not. 9. Title dummy-represents the effect of legal, or secure, ownership. This dummy variable takes the value 1 if the farmer owns titled land, zero if he does not.1 In a regression with the foregoing specification the effect of title repre- sents both long-term and short-term effects, since neither the present cap- ital owned nor land improvements are included among the explanatory variables. Thus, the title dummy variable accounts for the long-term effect of secure ownership through the accumulation of capital as well as for the short-term effect on the use of variable inputs through improved access to short-term credit. The dependent variables, expressed per unit of cultivated land, are: 1. Value of output of crops grown during the wet season on all plots of land cultivated by the household. Farmers may grow more than one type of crop on any of their plots. 2. Number of labor days of both members of the family and hired laborers applied on all crops grown and all plots cultivated by the house- hold. 3. Expenditure on "power" inputs, defined as the cost of machinery hours or animal days used to grow the crops defined in variable 1. In the case of family-owned machinery or animals, the value of the service was imputed using the mean price of these services for the sample in the respective province. As in variable 2, this input is aggregated to the household level. 4. Expenditure on other inputs, such as fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides, aggregated to the household level. The results of four reduced-form logarithmic regressions, with all con- tinuous variables defined per rai of cultivated land, are reported in table 25. In all equations for the northeastern provinces, the title dummy vari- able is significantly larger than zero at the 90 percent, one-tailed, confi- A Broader Definition of Output 113 dence level. In Lop Buri, however, the effect of ownership security is positive in three equations but is statistically significant only in the labor equation. The results imply that in Nakhon Ratchasima the value of out- put per rai is about 12 percent higher on land cultivated by titled farmers than on land cultivated by untitled farmers. In Khon-Kaen the difference is greater, about 27 percent. Use of inputs per rai is consistently greater on land cultivated by titled farmers. In Nakhon Ratchasima and Khon-Kaen, labor use is greater by about 15 percent and 8 percent, respectively, the use of draft power is greater by about 39 percent and 25 percent, and the use of other inputs, such as fertilizers and pesticides, is greater by more than 23 percent and more than 34 percent." A Broader Definition of Output In the analysis of output value reported here, agricultural revenues related to cropping activities were considered. The data are reasonably accurate because activities were enumerated on a plot-by-plot basis and, within each plot, on a crop-by-crop basis. The survey also covered addi- tional household income data pertaining to agricultural activities other than cropping-the sale of fruits and vegetables from home gardens, the sale of poultry and related by-products, and the sale of other livestock, for example-and nonagricultural activities, such as the making of char- coal and bamboo products. These data are possibly less accurate than data on cropping activity because they were obtained from an aggregate estimate made by the farmers without detailing the specific activities. Only about half the farmers sampled had any income from activities other than cropping, and on the average, excluding off-farm employment, this income amounted to less than a third of such a household's revenue. Nonetheless, some farm capital, such as transport equipment, is used to generate these revenues, and credit may be used as well. Since capital and credit are affected positively by the ownershi p of titled land, it can be pos- tulated that, in addition to cropping income. other farm incomes are also related to ownership of titled land and to the other factors used in the reduced-form regressions reported in table 25. Estimates analogous to the first three columns of table 25, but based on a broader conception of farm revenue, are p resented in table 26.3 The es- timated title effects for the two northeastern provinces show relatively lit- tle change from the parameters reported earlier. The main difference is in the results for Lop Buri. In this province, the regression with the narrower definition of revenue indicated a small positive productivity advan- tage-not significantly greater than zero-for titled farmers. The estimate reported in table 26, however, is substantially larger and is significantly greater than zero at a 90 percent, one-tailed, confidence level. The results are thus similar for the three provinces, indicating that farm revenue from Table 25. Regression Results for Output and Inputs Dependent variable (1) (2) (3) (4) Value of output per rai Labor days per rai Cost of draft power per rai Cost per rai of otber inputs Explanatory Lop Nakbon Kbon- Lop Nakhon Khon- Lop Nakhon Kbon- Lop Nakhon Kbon- variable Buri Ratcbasima Kaen Buri Ratchasima Kaen Buri Ratchasima Kaen Buri Ratchasima Kaen Constant 6.4050 6.5830 6.0620 1.7280 2.5620 2.1530 4.8510 4.0440 3.8070 4.7370 4.2860 4.0680 (19.050) (27.520) (20.070) (4.941) (10.800) (9.742) (14.250) (7.319) (8.312) (7.221) (13.780) (8.974) Education 0.0506 0.0204 0.0318 0.0061 -0.0232 -0.0055 -0.0387 0.0688 0.0100 0.0871 0.0423 -0.0234 (1.256) (0.615) (1.042) (0.145) (0.705) (0.250) (0.948) (0.899) (0.217) (1.106) (0.981) (0.510) Land owned -0.0488 -0.0442 -0.0414 -0.0081 0.0439 -0.0030 0.0665 -0.0511 0.1329 -0.0603 -0.0089 0.0202 initially (0.459) (0.923) (0.673) (0.734) (0.925) (0.066) (0.618) (0.462) (1.423) (0.291) (0.144) (0.219) Land owned 0.0903 -0.0779 -0.0073 0.0785 0.0035 -0.0239 0.0165 -0.1766 0.0395 0.0556 -0.0214 0.0176 by father (1.833) (1.879) (0.171) (1.531) (0.0862) (0.760) (0.332) (1.845) (0.606) (0.578) (0.397) (0.373) Capital owned 0.0042 -0.0103 -0.0119 0.0242 0.0088 -0.0154 0.0130 0.0075 0.0130 0.0466 0.0080 0.0164 initially (0.293) (0.976) (1.013) (1.619) (0.844) (1.785) (0.894) (0.309) (0.730) (1.658) (0.583) (0.928) Land quality -0.0852 0.3899 0.2614 -0.526 0.0223 0.1899 0.4475 -0.2221 -0.1443 -2.035 0.3753 -0.2602 (0.223) (2.165) (1.132) (1.327) (0.125) (1.124) (1.159) (0.534) (0.412) (2.736) (1.602) (0.751) Experience -0.0612 -0.0238 0.0509 -0.1415 -0.0861 0.1436 0.0343 0.3650 0.3166 -0.1735 0.0605 -0.1436 (0.693) (0.308) (0.726) (1.539) (1.417) (2.797) (0.384) (2.578) (2.977) (1.006) (0.759) (1.364) Number of -0.1096 0.6331 0.2867 1.894 0.7572 0.8439 0.3659 -0.7961 0.3290 0.8835 0.3303 0.8508 adults (0.207) (2.676) (1.690) (3.443) (3.229) (6.799) (0.683) (1.457) (1.279) (0.856) (1.074) (3.342) Problem -0.5110 -0.8373 -0.4884 -0.1453 -0.2953 -0.1510 0.0419 -0.1191 0.1669 0.0683 -0.2915 0.4263 dummy (3.753) (8.131) (3.208) (1.026) (2.893) (1.355) (0.304) (0.501) (0.723) (0.257) (2.176) (1.866) Title dummy 0.0441 0.1118 0.2364 0.1368 0.1368 0.0786 -0.0528 0.3268 0.2386 0.1687 0.2200 0.2984 (0.453) (1.645) (2.854) (1.351) (2.032) (1.298) (0.536) (2.082) (1.900) (0.889) (2.490) (2.401) R2 0.102 0.314 0.178 0.137 0.143 0.342 0.026 0.105 0.128 0.072 0.088 0.176 F value 2.39 10.61 3.87 3.32 3.89 9.28 0.57 2.73 2.64 1.633 2.25 3.81 Number of observations 199 219 171 199 219 171 199 219 171 199 219 171 Note: Numbers in parentheses are t values. 116 Farm Productivity and the Use of Inputs Table 26. Reduced-Form Regressions of Farm Revenues from Both Agricultural and Nonagricultural Activities Province Explanatory Nakhon variable Lop Buri Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Constant 6.5410 6.5760 5.7680 (20.390) (23.760) (16.130) Education 0.00850 0.0554 0.0367 (0.220) (1.443) (1.015) Land owned initially -0.1160 -0.0101 -0.1274 (1.133) (0.182) (1.748) Land owned by father 0.0928 -0.0043 -0.0051 (1.968) (0.089) (0.098) Capital owned initially -0.0062 -0.0168 -0.0370 (0.451) (1.373) (0.266) Land quality 0.0491 0.5544 0.3848 (0.135) (2.661) (1.407) Experience -0.0573 -0.0173 0.1428 (0.679) (0.244) (1.720) Number of adults 1.1650 0.8141 0.9528 (2.306) (2.975) (4.745) Problem dummy -0.4277 -0.6803 -0.1090 (3.295) (0.571) (0.605) Title dummy 0.1351 0.1196 0.1889 (1.447) (1.522) (1.926) R2 0.14 0.24 0.29 F value 3.321 7.424 7.229 Number of observations 196a 219 171 Note: Income from off-farm employment is excluded. a. Three observations were dropped because data on other incomes were missing. cropping and other productive activities is 12 to 20 percent higher among titled farmers than among untitled farmers. Although this is an observation from a single cross-sectional study, it is compatible with other results focused on differences in capital-to-land ra- tios (see chapter 8) and differences in land values (see chapter 7). It is thus quite plausible to regard as permanent the estimated gap in productivity between titled and untitled farmers. As long as the distortion that causes differential factor ratios-and thus differential levels of productivity- remains, the economy sustains a significant welfare loss from unrealized potential output. This distortion is the result of classifying lands that are being cultivated-and that will continue to be cultivated-as forest re- serves, where legal titles cannot be granted. Alternative Calculatbon of Output Effects 117 Alternative Calculation of Output Effecti The results in table 25, columns 1-3, and table 26 provide a direct esti- mate of the effect of ownership security on productivity, given by the esti- mated parameter of the title dummy variable. There is, however, an alter- native way of calculating the productivity effect indirectly by using the estimated effects of ownership security on production inputs, capital, and land improvements. This alternative calculation is undertaken to check the robustness of the results. Suppose that the value of output is related to production through a Cobb-Douglas production function given by (9-1) Y = Ka . (Z . A) V X LA where K is capital, A is land area, Z is a composite land quality index in- volving attributes used in the hedonic price analysis of chapter 7, includ- ing land improvements, V is the draft power input, X is other variable in- puts, L is labor, and ox, P, y, 9, and A are corresponding output elasticities. Since the adoption of land improvements is defined probabilistically, the quality index should properly be defined as the expected quality index-that is, E(Z). To calculate the proporrionate increase in output as a result of the granting of land title to a squatter, holding A constant, equation 9-1 is log-differentiated, yielding dY/dT FdKIdTl dE (Z)IdT1 (9-2) " = a -[ K + 1 J + .[dV7dV +dT [r.)'dT +Xj1dLIdT where T denotes title. Note that the derivation of equation 9-2 from 9-1 maintains a fixed land area, dA = 0. The calculations pertain only to Nakhon Ratchasima and Khon-Kaen provinces because the effect of titles on capital-to-land ratios and other inputs was not statistically significant in Lop Buri. The values of (dKldT)IK are based on the parameter for the title dummy in table 21. The effect of title on various variable inputs-(dV/dT)/V, (dXldT)lX, (dLldT)lL-is derived from the coefficients of the title dummy in the reduced-form input equations of table 25. In the calculation of dE(Z) it is assumed that the probabilities of bunding and land clearing, as esti- mated in table 23, are independent. This implies (9-3) dE(Z)IdT = 2 Bi (dP, dT) i=l 118 Farm Productivity and the Use of Inputs Table 27. Estimates of Production Functions Province Explanatory variable Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Constant 5.791 4.2750 (13.230) (8.126) Human Capital Education 0.0524 0.0569 (1.453) (1.762) Experience 0.0268 0.1581 (0.420) (1.836) Physical In puts Land 0.4414 0.1938 (adjusted for quality) (4.926) (1.826) Capital 0.0151 0.0418 (1.370) (2.506) Labor 0.1349 0.5050 (1.865) (4.098) Power 0.0422 -0.0794 (1.310) (1.306) Other variable inputs 0.1452 0.2047 (2.520) (3.404) Production problem -0.5976 -0.1480 dummy (5.268) (0.8476) R 2 .570 0.544 F value 34.86 26.32 Number of observations 219 171 Note: Numbers in parentheses are t values. where i is bunding or land clearing, 5is are the respective weights of the two land improvements in the land quality composite index, and dP,/dT is the change in the adoption probability of a formerly untitled farmer who is granted title. In the calculation of dP,ldT the logit specification of the adoption equations and figures derived from table 23 are relied on. The weights o, for the two provinces are reported in table 17. Output elasticities are obtained from estimates of production functions based on our sample data and reported in table 27. The various compo- nents of equations 9-2 and 9-3 are summarized and the results of the al- ternative calculations of the productivity effect of ownership security are reported in table 28. The logarithmic difference between productivity of titled and untitled farms is 0.159 in Nakhon Ratchasima and 0.168 in Khon-Kaen. These indirect estimates are within less than one standard deviation of the direct estimates of the effects of secure titled ownership Table 28. An Indirect Estimate of the Effect of Ownership Security on Output Province Mathematical Item notation Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen 1. Effect on capital formationa dK/dT 0.718 1.262 K 2. Output elasticity with respect to capitalb a 0.015 0.042 dK/dT0.1 3. Effect on output of an increase in capital a _I 0.011 0.053 K 4. Effect on probability of adopting bunding' dP,/dT 0.306 0.201 5. Weight of bunding in land quality indexd 8" 0.415 0.247 6. Effect on probability of adopting land clearingc dP2IdT 0.137 0.111 7. Weight of land clearing in land quality indexd 82 0.123 0.016 2 8. Expected change in land quality index i'. - (dP,/dT 0.144 0.051 9. Mean quality index of untitled farmersc E(Z) 0.76 0.71 10. Elasticity of output with respect to land" b 0.441 0.194 11. Effect on output of increased land 78j(dPj /dT improvements 1 i 0.084 0.014 E(Z) 12. Effect on power inputf (dV/d'f 0.327 0.239 V 13. Output elasticity with respect to powerb 'y 0.042 Og (Table continues on the followving page.) Table 28 (continued) Province Mathematical Item notation Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen 14. Effect on output of an increase in power y dVIdT 0.014 0 V 15. Effect on other variable inputsf dXldT 0.220 0.298 x 16. Output elasticity with respect to other variable inputsb 0.145 0.205 17. Effect on output of an increase in other variable inputs .dXdT 0.032 0.061 x 18. Effect on laborf dLIdT 0.137 0.078 L 19. Output elasticity of labor" b 0.135 0.505 20. Effect on output of an increase in labor A dL/dT 0.018 0.040 L 21. Total effect on outputh (dYldT) 0.159 0.168 y a. Based on table 21. e. From table 19. b. Based on a production function estimate in table 28. f From table 25. c. Based on table 23. g. Parameter set to zero, because its estimated value is negative. d. Based on table 17. h. Sum of lines 3, 11, 14, 17, and 20. Notes 121 in these two provinces-namely, the coefficients of the title variable in the reduced-form output equations of tables 25 and 26. This demonstrates that our estimates of the effects of ownership security on productivity are robust. Furthermore, the indirect calculation shows that the estimates of title effects on input and capital variables are consistent with the esti- mates of productivity effects, thus increasing the validity of the results. The empirical analysis in this chapter confirmed a frequently stated but rarely validated proposition, namely, that lep al security of ownership sig- nificantly enhances productivity. The effect of ownership security is sub- stantial, since it represents a permanent procluctivity differential of 12 to 27 percent-the equivalent of the logarithmic difference estimated in table 25. Such a substantial difference certainly warrants the attention of policymakers. Notes 1. A small number of farmers in the sample-less than 18 percent-had both titled and untitled land. Since the titled holdings could serve as collateral, these farmers were grouped with the fully titled farmers in the title dummy variable. 2. Since the regressions are logarithmic, the parameters of explanatory variable are con- verted to percentages using the calculation exp B-1, whee B is the regression parameter and exp is the exponential operator. 3. Income from off-farm employment, which is quite common in our study areas in the off-season months, is not included in this analysis, because in most instances it does not re- quire capital or credit. 10 The Effects of Usufruct Certificates The foregoing analyses demonstrated that the economic performance of Thai squatters is significantly below that of farmers with legal ownership. This productivity gap, which affects an estimated 1 million farm house- holds, or about 21 percent of the land under cultivation, could not be ignored by policymakers. In 1981 the Thai government began issuing to squatters in the forest reserves certificates awarding them usufructuary rights. These certificates, however, known by their Thai acronym STK, do not allow the squatters to sell or mortgage their land. Proponents of the STK certificate program expected that the certificates would enhance squatters' perceptions of security and thereby stimulate investment. Some hoped that recipients of STKs would gain better access to institutional credit. Others believed that some of the restrictions imposed on recipients of the certificates would reduce further encroachment on forest lands. The purpose of this chapter is to assess the effectiveness of the STK pro- gram in improving the productivity of squatters. Data from Chaiyaphum, which pertain both to squatters covered by the STK program and to squat- ters not covered, are used in the analysis. As pointed out in chapter 4, the sociopolitical environment of Thailand does not support a consistent policy of eviction for enforcing forest reserve boundaries. Consequently, the incidence of eviction of squatters from forest reserves has been low (see table 5). Data from our survey areas indicated that the majority of the squatters believe the most important advantage of acquiring a legal title document to be better access to institutional credit. Only a minority suggested pro- tection from eviction as the main benefit. Titled farmers responded simi- larly, suggesting that the squatters' opinions are based on a realistic assessment of the politico-economic environment rather than on misin- formed expectations. Economic theory indeed predicts that one advantage of secure, legally documented ownership is better access to institutional credit, because institutional lenders prefer collateral as a device for reducing riskiness, especially of medium- and long-term loans. The econometric analysis of 122 Usufruct Certificates 123 credit transactions in our study areas (see chapter 5) confirms that the supply of institutional credit is significantly affected by the provision of land as collateral. In two provinces, group guarantees, a form of loan security accepted by the government-owned agricultural bank (BAAC), do not significantly increase squatters' access to institutional credit. In the other two provinces, land as collateral increased the availability of credit significantly more often than did group guarantees. Squatters are thus at a disadvantage since they cannot legally provide land as collateral. The analysis also confirmed that the possession of an STK certificate does not affect the supply of institutional credit, since the amount of credit avail- able to recipients of STK certificates was the same as that available to other squatters, holding other attributes constant. Because noninstitutional lenders rarely require legal collateral, squatters have the same access to noninstitutional credit as do other farmer;. Noninstitutional credit is three times as expensive, however, and in rnany provinces, the amount available is limited. Because the eviction rate in areas in which squatters have been settled for many years has been low, many squatters have tended to consider their occupation of the land as permanent and themselves as "owners."1 This notion of ownership was recognized in local customs and social norms pertaining to land transactions. Surviey data revealed that land in the forest reserves was being traded-illegally-as frequently as legally held private land (see table 6). The survey also shows that more than 90 percent of the farmers in the forest reserves were paying land tax. Some could have interpreted this as implicit official recognition of their owner- ship. The data thus suggest that most Thai squatters were reasonably sure of their continued access to the land they occupied and of their de facto abil- ity to transact with it freely. It is thus not surprising that squatters opined that the main advantage of acquiring full legal status would be better access to institutional credit. The hedonic land price analysis in chapter 7 established that there is relatively little difference between the price of land inside the forest reserves and that of private land outside forest reserves which has not yet been legally titled. Both types of land are substantially cheaper than legally titled land, however. The results of the price analysis are presented as index numbers in table 29. The only difference between owners of undocumented land outside the forest reserves and squatters is that those outside the reserves have stronger perceptions of security because they do not face state challenges to their ownership and because they can secure proper documentation in due time. Both groups face similar constraints on their access to institutional credit, since neither group can use its land as loan collateral. Owners of the legally titled land differ from owners of undocumented land outside the forest reserves essentially in their favor- 124 Usufruct Certificates Table 29. Index Numbers for the Market Value of Land of Equal Quality Province Nakhon Status of land Lop Buri Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Documented landa 100 100 100 Undocumented land outside the forest reservesb 84 50 57 Land inside the forest reserves 80 43 47 Note: The numbers are based on the hedonic price analysis presented in table 17. Results for Chaiyaphum have been omitted because there were only five undocumented tracts out- side the forest reserve. a. Land covered by an NS-3 or an NS-3K document. b. Land covered by an SK-1 or an NS-2 document or by no document. able access to credit. The numbers illustrate that changing the status of land from forest reserve to private yet undocumented does not change perceptions of security by much, for the change in the value of the land is small. The effect of the improved perceptions of security from such a change is, in fact, even smaller than the numbers imply, since the price of undocumented land outside the forest reserves reflects in part the benefits that will accrue when the land is documented. The foregoing discussion suggests that in Thailand any land policy that addresses squatters but does not change their land rights so that they can use their land as loan collateral will not significantly affect their perfor- mance. In 1981, however, a policy was introduced that was aimed specifi- cally at squatters but did not address the credit constraints. Although granting full formal ownership to squatters in areas suitable for perma- nent agriculture was seen as a desirable ultimate aim, it was perceived that a useful interim step would be to distribute to squatters certificates granting usufructuary rights but not ownership. These certificates, known as STK certificates, were expected to enhance squatters' percep- tions of security and thus affect investment incentives and productivity positively. Some proponents of the STK program also claimed that institu- tional lenders would regard recipients of STK certificates as more stable operators and would be inclined to extend more credit to them. The data presented earlier suggest that these expectations are unlikely to be realized in most forest reserve areas. It may be argued further- contrary to expectations-that the conditions under which the STK certifi- cates are issued may affect squatters' perceptions of ownership security, their efficiency, and their productivity negatively. To understand why this Usufruct Certificates 125 is possible, we shall examine the exact terms and conditions surrounding the issuance of usufruct certificates. The STK certificate confers upon the squatter, literally, "temporary occupation status" (see the appendix to this chapter). Although no date for ending this status is given, the word temporary may not contribute to the holder's perceptions of security. Furthermore, certificates cover hold- ings only up to 15 rai (2.4 hectares). If a squatter has more than 15 rai, the area exceeding 15 rai is not covered. There is an intention to regard the squatter's possession of up to 35 additio¸ial rai as an indefinite lease from the state. In our study areas, however, we observed that squatters were not being told clearly what the status of their land in excess of 15 rai was. As a result, considerable uncertainty often ensued over their contin- ued ownership and their ability to transfer the land. This problem affects many squatters: in our sample of squatters, the average holding is between 35 and 50 rai, and more than 75 percent of the farmers hold land in excess of 15 rai. Thus, as a result of the ST]( program, security of own- ership may be reduced for land not covered by the document. This is in contrast to the situation in the past, which, despite its negative implica- tions for investment and productivity, was characterized by reasonably secure ownership. Conditions stipulated in the STK certificates, may further reduce the effi- ciency of squatters. Land covered by STK certificates can be transferred by inheritance only to direct descendants. It cannot be sold, rented out, or given to others. If enforced, these restrictions would make the farmer's efficiency lower than it was in the past, when the same restrictions nomi- nally applied but were not enforced. The STK certificate lists all the trans- fer restrictions and requires recipients to report to the forestry authorities all illegal activities that they may observe in their areas. If the recipient fails to do so, the document states that the rights of occupancy will be revoked without recourse to appeal or compensation. This threat may further reduce the sense of security acquired by the squatters after years of very little interference from the authorities.2 To demonstrate these hypotheses concerning the expected ineffective- ness of the STK program in areas in which squatters have been long estab- lished, we used data from Chaiyaphum. The survey focused on a district with two neighboring forest reserves. In one reserve the squatters had been covered by the STK program since 1981. On the average, recipients in our sample had held the document for 3.5 years. In the neighboring reserve, squatters had not been incorporated into the program and did not have usufruct certificates. Table 30 provides comparative indicators for the two subsamples of squatters. The two groups are almost identical in all indicators presented. Squatters in the area covered by the STK program were asked to indi- cate what benefits, if any, they perceived in possessing STK certificates. 126 Usufruct Certificates Table 30. Characteristics of the Sample of Squatters, Chaiyaphum Province Squatter group Recipients of Nonrecipients of Characteristic STK certificates STK certificates Age (years) 45.1 44.4 Education (years) 3.76 3.85 Occupancy of the land (years) 18.13 17.57 Average size of holding (rai) 33.12 35.56 Land held initiallya (rai) 26.46 28.25 Number of observations 46 74 Note: 6.25 rai = 1 hectare. a. Amount of land held by the farmer when he became chief decisionmaker on the farm. Their responses, described in table 31, show that nearly a third of them did not perceive any benefits from the program. Another 15 percent could not identify the benefits that are entailed in possession of an STK certifi- cate, even though the program has been in the area since 1981. Thus, almost half the recipients of STK certificates could not cite any benefits to be realized from having them. If there were any clear-cut benefits, such a response would not be expected. About 24 percent of respondents expected the document to reduce land disputes, apparently because some demarcation of boundaries is made in the process of issuance of the certificate. Since only a portion of the squat- ters' area is typically covered by the document however-less than half in our sample area-the probability of disputes is affected only in part. Table 31. Squatters' Perceptions of the Benefits of Possessing STK Documents Frequency Response (percent) Reduces incidence of boundary disputes 24 Reduces the risk of eviction 13 Provides better access to credit 4 No benefits 30 Don't know 15 Other 14 Number of squatters in sample 46 Usufruct Certificates 127 Furthermore, the incidence of land disputes in the province is low: a 16 percent probability throughout a lifetime in forest reserves and an 11 per- cent probability outside forest reserves. Tracts outside forest reserves are typically demarcated, yet demarcation reduces disputes only slightly. It is therefore unlikely that usufruct certificates will reduce land disputes sig- nificantly. Only 13 percent of the squatters felt that possession of an STK certifi- cate reduced their risk of eviction. This apparently reflects two comple- mentary factors. First, the incidence of eviction among squatters in Chaiyaphum has been extremely low-only 1.8 percent-making evic- tion an issue of little concern to local squatters. Second, the certificate does not protect recipients from eviction. In fact, it explicitly threatens eviction. Indeed, 15 percent of the recipients of STK certificates said that the program entailed negative aspects that made their situation worse. As demonstrated in chapter 6, economic theory postulates that land values reflect the productive potential of lancL. In chapter 7 it was shown that in Thailand, titled land is significantly more valuable than squatters' land, primarily because it enables greater access to institutional credit but also because it eliminates the risk of eviction. If land covered by an STK certificate offers any amenities, either in improved access to credit or in enhanced perceptions of ownership security, it should have a higher value than other squatters' land. We contend that no difference in value between different types of squatters' land-either with or without STK certificate-can be expected because there are no credit advantages or sig- nificant improvements in perceptions of owrership security. There is some difficulty in testing this proposition because land covered by STK certificates cannot be legally sold. Likce any other squatters' land it is formally state property. The reality, however, is that all lands in Thai- land, including forest reserve land, are being .raded freely. Even land cov- ered by STK certificates is being bought and sold without formal registra- tion (Mehl 1986). A relevant question is whether the benefits implicit in a tract of land covered by an STK certificate are retained once an illegal transfer has been made. If they are not, that should be reflected in the sales price. The values of land recorded in our survey are not based on actual transactions, however; they reflect irstead the occupier's asking price. If a squatter perceives benefits in the status of his plot, this will be translated into an asking price higher than thrat of a plot not covered by an STK certificate. A comparison of mean prices of land (see table 32) shows that the price of STK land is in fact lower than that of other squatters' land. The com- parison of means is not a rigorous test, however. One simple way to test rigorously whether an STK certificate increases the perceived value of land is to add a dummy variable for STK plots in the hedonic price equation for 128 Usufruct Certificates Table 32. Asking Prices of Land, Chaiyaphum Province (baht per rai) STK No STK certificate certificate Type of land issued issued Lowland 2,244 2,326 Number of plots in sample 46 85 Upland 1,786 1,847 Number of plots in sample 50 153 All 2,005 2,018 Number of plots in sample 96 238 Note: In 1985 the rate of exchange was 26 baht to the U.S. dollar; 6.25 rai = 1 hectare. Chaiyaphum (presented earlier in table 17). If there are any benefits to be realized from having an STK certificate, the coefficient of the dummy vari- able should be significantly greater than zero. The results of the regression are presented in column 1 of table 33. The parameter of the STK dummy variable is negligible and has extremely low significance. The results are virtually identical when the equation is esti- mated for the subsample of squatters only (column 2). The analysis of land values thus indicates that possession of an STK certificate does not offer significant economic benefits. The foregoing discussion suggests that there is no reason to expect that investments-in equipment, animals, or land improvements-will differ among squatters who possess STK certificates and those who do not. Table 34 presents data on ownership of capital among the sampled squat- ters. The capital stocks of recipients of STK certificates are lower in value Table 33. Hedonic Price Analysis of Land Values, Chaiyaphum Province Coefficient Full Squatter sample sample Variable (1) (2) Land status dummies Titlea 0.4342 n.a. (8.051) Untitled, outside forest reservesa 0.2990 n.a. (1.496) Usufruct Certificates 129 Table 33 (continued) Coefficient Full Squatter sample sample Variable (1) (2) STKa 0.0100 0.0122 (0.170) (0.203) Natural attributes Soil typea 0.2052 0.2106 (3.513) (3.160) Slopea 0.0945 0.1409 (1.904) (2.453) Lowlanda 0.1028 0.0596 (1.979) (0.997) Year-round irrigationa 0.:3688 0.3707 (1.090) (1.117) Seasonal irrigariona 0.2216 0.3173 (1.374) (1.895) Land improvements Bunding in placea 0.1391 0.1607 (2.661) (2.682) Land leveleda 0.0068 0.0229 (0.102) (0.300) Land cleared of stumpsa 0.1918 0.2431 (1.411) (1.747) Fruit trees planteda -0.0393 -0.0674 (0. 432) (0.65 Location and transportation All-weather road to marketa 0.0137 0.0481 (3.198) (0.638) Travel time to market (minutes) -0,0863 -0.0761 (2.044) (1.631) All-weather road to homea -0 0185 -0.0248 (0.407) (0.468) Travel time to home (minutes) 0.0060 0.0355 (0.223) (1.163) Constant 7.3375 7.1282 (33.829) (30.227) R2 0.243 0.154 F value 8.92 4.12 Number of observations 461 332 n.a. Not available. Note: All continuous variables, including the depend,'nt variable, are expressed in natural logarithm. Numbers in parentheses are t values. a. Dummy variable. 130 Usufruct Certificates Table 34. The Value of Capital, Chaiyaphum Province (baht) Group of squatters Recipients of Nonrecipients of Item STK certificates STK certificates Value of capital per household 15,717 20,135 Value of capital per rai of land owneda 676 705 Number of squatters in sample 46 74 a. 6.25 rai = I hectare. Table 35. Regressions of Capital, Land, and Capital-to-Land Ratios Dependent variable Land owned Ratio of Explanatory Capital (adjusted capital to variable stock for quality) landa Land status dummies Title dummy 0.7780 0.2373 0.4357 (2.060) (2.906) (1.627) STK dummy -0.1098 -0.0243 -0.1284 (0.279) (0.286) (0.469) Capital owned initially 0.0693 0.0248 0.0680 (1.596) (2.641) (1.527) Land owned initially 0.0231 0.1423 0.1290 (1.465) (4.164) (0.658) Land owned by father 0.0684 0.0390 0.1601 (0.571) (1.507) (1.028) Years as decisionmaker 0.8644 0.3718 0.4720 (2.927) (5.823) (2.210) Education (years) -0.0137 -0.0602 0.0388 (0.082) (1.663) (0.331) Constant 4.7008 1.6173 3.6578 (3.581) (5.698) (4.226) R2 0.095 0.293 0.050 F value 3.354 13.257 1.666 Number of observations 232 232 232 Note: Numbers in parentheses are t values. a. Continuous explanatory variables in this column are expressed per acre. Regressions are specified in double-log form. rJsufruct Certificates 131 than those of other squatters. The mean values thus do not indicate any superior performance by squatters covered by the STK program. Since squatters may differ in their initial positions, however, or in other attri- butes that affect the formation of capital, a regression similar to that in chapter 8 is required. Accordingly, we have estimated the regression model presented in tables 20 and 21, adding a dummy variable for recipi- ents of STK certificates. The regression results are reported in table 35. The estimate indicates that no significant difference in accumulation of capital and land or in capital-to-land ratios between recipients of STK cer- tificates and other squatters exists. The parameter of the STK dummy is in fact negative, although it is not significant. The analysis of land improvements is focused on those forest reserve tracts that were still unimproved in 1980, before the STK program began. Logit analysis is used to test whether the probability of land improve- Table 36. Logit Estimates of the Probability of Land Improvement Type of improvement Explanatory variable Bunding Stump clearing Constant -1.9658 1.7010 (0.870) (0.634) Education 0.0.362 0.0705 (0.1632) (0.1743) Land owned by father 0.2576 -0.3096 (0.914) (1.506) Capital owned initially -0.0630 0.0006 (0.m18) (0.0082) Land owned initially -0.2.588 -0.2350 (0.979) (0.908) Years as decisionmaker 2.1686 -0.3243 (3.454) (0.745) Plot quality index -0.5.515 -3.6684 (0.221) (1.719) Area of plot 1.8:244 -0.6377 (2.990) (1.224) Lowland dummy 1.8370 (1.948) STK dummy 0.2.540 -1.1235 (0.-300) (1.452) Likelihood ratio statistic 29.46 11.70 Number of observations 134 93 - Not applicable. Note: Numbers in parentheses are t values. 132 Usufruct Certificates ments in 1986 is significantly affected by provision of a usufruct STK cer- tificate. In addition to an STK dummy variable, the estimated equations contain characteristics of farmers and plots used in the land improvement equations of chapter 8. The estimated coefficients, presented in table 36, show that the proba- bility of bunding is not significantly affected by whether or not the plot is covered by an STK certificate. For stump clearing, the STK dummy varia- ble has a negative coefficient, but it is not significant at a 95 percent confi- dence level. Except for years as decisionmaker, area of plot, and the low- land dummy variable, most of the other coefficients are not significant. These results thus confirm the hypothesis that possession of an STK cer- tificate does not induce more investment. This observation is compatible with earlier observations that the certificate neither enhances squatters' perceptions of ownership security significantly nor increases the availabil- ity of credit. The empirical analysis in this chapter substantiated the con- tention that in Thailand usufruct certificates do not significantly affect the performance of squatters because they do not improve squatters' access to institutional credit. Notes 1. In the four provinces surveyed in the course of the present study, more than half the villages in the forest reserves were established more than twenty years ago; fewer than 20 percent of the villages were less than a decade old. 2. Mehl (1986, 48) documents a conversation with recipients of STK certificates in Petchabun province in which farmers stated that their concern about eviction was greater after receiving the certificate. UEJ*DIL PLIL e rI itAE ( 1 ** U8B1 .I a w~~.um uis)P5uWMM8OW ,,LA t3 .JsmmAAM as *W L j narwu a SMt1IM~~~U.IW4LU /A (Mm VL4K SOUL jWL 4 t " * - JaM U ~ WAWAM W .M( ULA 3Km IL?IAt 'm f1U Aiknmnn A*uwLn * .Ouon n ON) UIOIIU AL14 W&W LUIAAI ;g - ?M sIU- - &AAU&4LLR - toflw , wu utB un fi tet; >Lut (051) mLatfU.IM LLt LaU& uL munBeZL Wi tjLn ti SL~~~~n-san unis 1u ut (uis) ai:qpa inijnsfl V :xipuaddV FT1 XiLP-dddV 134 Usufruct Certificates 06~~ Nlu "n. o 4=41j"O. . nltum. * tiiiinunmn .. n WiummuxrnIeU,g17gtALtnmnmfdU&~i,mnYurn,Jw, em_. .4fb e . GM im NM m WGAawv,n,o 1Z nl . I I nnle nt X7U mm.. 't~rn~..mrL . nu e4enae4w7w4'tM .n M;ut4Lientumm.. ,m" g8AUUbfl¶1lfl nmllJn7luI nU1AmFu .wn4ouuWLe4n :i7 mn * neuatu4tnrUntmt4&tnuu um mm.. fIfl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.. .......... ... . .... . .. ... ... ....JI ......m. .... ..llA UtIfA1'fU ~ iW f4¶zlIW fh mm ....... ... . . afl,lm . _....... . ... . . .... 1-' L¶ 4 * u U nuU warne4 ernn i u ... ._ ..... .'........ _ . .. ......... ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. . ... . .. . . . . .. _._ __. . .. .. . .. __ ... _~~~~~~~~~~~~~. .. _..... _ _ __..~. . ... ..... .............. ~~~~~~~~~~~.... .. . ..... .. _ __, .____ _ _ ......... _ _ __. .... .. Appendix 135 Permission Temporary Utilization Authorization in Forest Reserve Area iSTK 1) Forest Code Land # Page District Director-General of Forestry Department through authority of Ministry of MAAC authorizes Government of the Province to issue this Per- mission (STK 1). To Age Child of Mr._ Family Name _ Mrs. Family Name - Address _ House No. _ _ Tambon _ _ District _ _ Province_ The officer has investigated and approved that the recipient is indeed occupying this land in forest reserve area. According to Minister's rule ( ) is permitted occupation within years until - Measured Meter Neighbor's Land North East South West (Drawing of Plot The holder of this permit was granted temporary permission to utilize or to occupy land in the forest reserve area by following the national for- est reserve rules and regulations of 2507 and the conditions indicated on the back of this document. Governor 136 Usufruct Certificates Conditions The recipient of this STK 1 cannot share or transfer the ownership or rent to others this land covered by STK 1 except to direct legal descendants by inheritance under the approval of the Forestry Department. The recipient must agree to allow the forestry officer to inspect com- pliance at all times. The recipient of this STK 1 must carefully observe that there will be no encroachment on neighboring land or at the boundary of this STK 1 land. If there is any illegal action or violation of the rules in this said area the recipient must immediately report to the forestry officer. If the recipient does not comply with the above conditions the governor of the province will cancel this permit (STK 1) and the recipient cannot appeal for any compensation under any circumstances. List of Transfers 11 The Benefits and Costs of Landownership Security The purpose of this chapter is to analyze the economic costs and benefits entailed in providing secure ownership in Thailand. In the preceding chapters evidence that increasing the ownership security of untitled farm- ers by granting them full legal ownership would increase their productiv- ity was presented. The benefit to a farmer of titled ownership can thus be calculated as the present value of the increments to net income that would accrue to him in the course of a lifetime. The increments are defined in relation to the stream of net incomes expected under his present insecure ownership status. If the farmer incurs any costs in changing his status, these must be subtracted from the benefit of secure ownership. An equiva- lent measure of the net benefit to farmers is the difference in the value of their land before and after the change in ownership status minus the costs of implementing the change. The official fee for processing and awarding a document of secure own- ership, such as an NS-3K document, to an eligible farmer is relatively low-20 to 30 baht per plot. Since plots average about 15 to 25 rai, the official fee amounts to about 2 baht or less per rai. In reality, however, farmers pay not only the official fee, but also for the gifts and hospitality that they provide to those who take care of the ground survey and the adjudication process. An estimate of these costs was obtained from the farmers surveyed. Mean figures for the provinces in the study are pre- sented in table 37. The figures for NS-3K andl NS-3 documents are listed separately, since most of the documents issued after 1972 were NS-3K. The procedure for issuing NS-3K documents implies lower costs to farm- ers, because the ground survey and the adjudication are made at one time for the whole village. The data confirm that the costs of acquiring an NS-3 are considerably higher than those of acquiring an NS-3K. Expressed per rai of land, however, the monetary costs of acquiring a secure document are still low, amounting to less than 1 percent of the value of the land. The resultant increase in the value of the land (esti- mated in chapter 7) ranges from 25 percent of the value of the untitled land in Lop Buri to 132 percent in Nakhon Ratchasima. Clearly, the net benefit of ownership security to farmers is substantial.' This suggests that 137 Table 37 The Cost to Farmers of Securing Title to Their Landholdings Province Nakhon Item Lop Burt Ratchasitna Khon-Kaen Chatyaphum Average size of plot (rai) 27 15 16 22 w Cost of NS-3 per plot (baht) 277 204 450 328 Cost of NS-3 per rat (baht) 11 14 28 15 Number of plots in sample 24 56 74 7 Cost of NS-3K per plot (baht) 203 49 120 21 Cost of NS-3K per rai (baht) 8 3 8 1 Number of plots in sample 191 191 188 73 Note In 1985 the rate of exchange was 26 baht to the U S dollar, 6 25 rat = I hectare Benefits and Costs of Landownership Security 139 the fee charged by the government to farmers for survey, adjudication, and documentation can be increased significantly from its present low level. Such revenues can reduce the pressure on public budgets associated with any large-scale land-titling efforts. For policy purposes, however, an assessment of the benefits of provid- ing secure legal ownership should be based oin the social costs and bene- fits rather than on the benefits as perceived by farmers. The net benefits to farmers, as calculated here, could differ from the net benefit to society. This is because of distortions in the market valuation of land prices and the discrepancy between the costs paid by farners for titling services and the real public costs of providing those services. We shall use the model in chapter 6 to establish the relation between market valuation of land prices and the social benefit of ownership secu- rity. To calculate the contribution to social welfare generated by a rai of untitled land requires a specification of the public benefit derived from state-confiscated lands, if they are left idle. Assuming for the sake of sim- plicity that such benefits are zero, equation 6-14 can be rearranged so that the left-hand side represents expected social benefits per rai per pe- riod. Risk neutrality is assumed for the society, but not for the individual farmer. The social benefit in one period is the value of production (11-1) [1 -P (1 Y)] . Ynt.k* t (1 + 6) - (1 + c) m Pnt = .i * P" + P . (1 -) P* + 1 . (1- X (Y*, + P*t) where use has been made of the equilibrium :ondition dyn,lkn*t = (1 + 8)/[1 - I (1 - y) * (1 + XA] and of the budget con- straint WO/A,t = kn, + Pnt. The left-hand side of the equation 11-1 in- cludes the expected output of one unit of land, net of the cost of resources consumed in the process of production. These resources include real capi- tal valued in terms of its social opportunity cost, 1 + 8, and the expendi- ture on variable inputs. It is implicitly assumed that the social opportun- ity cost of short-term noninstitutional credit i:s equal to its nominal cost. Thus the left-hand side of equation 11-1 describes the net contribution to society generated by one unit of untitled land in one period. Denoting the left-hand side of equation 11-1 by flnt and us ng the opportunity rate of return on capital, 8, as a discount rate, the discounted value of the social benefits derived from a unit of untitled land over an infinite horizon is (11-2) f° e- lnt di = Pn"t [1- + ; +i ( Y") ( -Y) 140 Benefits and Costs of Landownership Security where i denotes time. It is observed that if the probability of eviction is zero-P = 0-the social value of land is equal to the market value. If the probability of eviction is nonzero, however, the observed price of untitled land is an underestimate of the expected discounted value of social bene- fits forthcoming from such land. The overvaluation stems from two sources. One source is the fact that farmers are risk averse, while society is risk neutral. Risk aversion implies that the farmers require an addi- tional discount on the price of the risky asset from the price they would be willing to pay under risk neutrality. If farmers were risk neutral then A would be equal to zero and one source of the undervaluation of untitled land would vanish. The second source of undervaluation, however, would remain even if farmers were risk neutral, or as long as the risk of eviction was nonzero. The reason private valuation and social valuation of land deviate is that the risk to the farmer is not the same as the risk to society. When a farmer is evicted, he loses both a portion of the stream of outputs and the value of the land. In contrast, society loses a portion of the output but retains the productive potential of the land. The extent of underesti- mation could be substantial even if the probability of eviction were low (see table 38). With the probability of eviction not exceeding 7 percent, distortions of as much as a third of the market price are possible. If risk aversion were considered, the distortion would be even greater. In analogy to equation 11-1, the optimality condition for titled land (equation 6-10) can be used to express on the left-hand side the social value of production, net of production costs, generated in one period by a unit of titled land, assuming that the opportunity cost of short-term in- stitutional credit is 8. (11-3) yt - k* (1 + 6) - (1 + 6) S2 (1 - sO) P' - (1 + c) m Pm -Pt [b - s5 ( - rl) -s2(1 - SI) (6 - r2) Table 38. Undervaluation of Untitled Land, with Risk Neutrality Probability of eviction (T) 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.03 0.05 0.07 Cost of capital (S) y = 0.7 y = 0.5 0.10 0.090 0.150 0.210 0.150 0.250 0.350 0.12 0.075 0.125 0.175 0.125 0.208 0.292 0.14 0.064 0.107 0.150 0.107 0.179 0.250 Note: Figures in the table represent the deviation of the social price from the market price, expressed as a percentage of the price of untitled land. Benefits and Costs of L'ndownership Security 141 As in equation 11-1, the left-hand side is the social benefit from one unit of land in one period, provided that c represents the opportunity cost of short-term noninstitutional credit. Denoting the left-hand side of 11-3 by HI, the calculation of the dis- counted value of contributions to social welfare generated by a unit of ti- tled land over an infinite horizon yields (11-4) JO e lt di = J i -sI *(8 - rl) - S2 (1 - sl) - (b - r2)j- di = Pt *[1 -5 8 rl)-S2(1 - S)( 8r2' If the credit market is not distorted, then 8 = r= r2, and the market price of titled land is equal to its social value. In a credit market such as that in Thailand, however, where interest-rate ceilings and other interven- tions are present (Hanson and Neal 1985) the opportunity cost of capital, 8, is higher than the interest rate on both long-term and short-term credit in the formal sector. As is evident from equation 11-4, the market price of titled land is higher than its social value when the opportunity cost of capital exceeds the interest rates paid by farmers. As demonstrated in table 39, the magnitude of the distortion could be substantial. It thus fol- lows that the calculation of the social benefits of land titling cannot be based on a simple comparison of the market prices of titled and untitled land. Such a comparison could grossly oversLate the social benefit. The magnitude of the gross increase in social welfare as a result of allowing the legal registration of a unit of forest reserve land of a given Table 39. Overvaluation of Titled Land When Credit Markets Are Distorted Credit supply (s) S1 = 52 = 0.1 51 = 52 = 0.2 Opportunity cost Institutional ir'terest rate (r) of capital (b) r = 0.04 r = 0.06 r = 0.08 r = 0.04 r = 0.06 r = 0.08 0.10 0.886 0.924 0.962 0.784 0.856 0.928 0.12 0.873 0.905 0.937 0.760 0.820 0.880 0.14 0.864 0.891 0.919 0.743 0.794 0.846 Note: For the sake of simplicity it is assumed that s, = 52 and that r, = r2. The figures in the table describe the social value of titled land as a percentage of its market price. Table 40. Gross Social Benefits, B, of Ownership Security as a Proportion of P', Province Opportunity Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum cost of credit Risk Risk Risk Risk Risk Risk Risk Risk (8) neutrality aversion neutrality aversion neutrality aversion neutrality aversion t'i 0.10 0.060 -0.210 0.821 0.320 0.818 0.379 0.446 0.254 0.12 0.053 -0.184 0.829 0.380 0.805 0.421 0.413 0.253 0.14 0.048 -0.163 0.836 0.428 0.796 0.454 0.390 0.252 0.16 0.045 -0.147 0.841 0.468 0.788 0.481 0.372 0.251 Private benefit (P/Pn)- 1 0.254 1.324 1.139 0.539 Benefits and Costs of Landownership Security 143 quality (expressed as a proportion, 13, of the equilibrium price of untitled land of the same quality) is obtained by calculating the ratio of the right- hand side of equation 11-4 to the right-hand side of equation 11-2, minus 1: [8 (- - r1) - s2 (1- sl) (5- r2)] 1 (11-5) P =. (1-n)+XA*(1-)[1+(¸JPnt)1 1 The term in braces represents the adjustment that must be applied to market prices in order to correct for price distortions. Note that with a logarithmic specification of the hedonic price equation the ratio P/P*, is independent of land attributes and is given by e', where a is the parame- ter of land title in the logarithmic regression reported in table 17. By assuming alternative values of the opportunity cost of capital, therefore, it is possible to calculate the value of , for the four provinces. The probability of eviction, IV, can be taker. as the difference in the life- time rate of eviction between titled and untii led farmers, as reported in table 5. Because the government rarely confiscates complete holdings and because farmers split holdings among members of their families to mini- mize the amount of land lost from eviction, we assume y to take the value of 0.7. The parameters si and S2 are set at 0.1, which is the ratio of bor- rowing to land prices observed in the sample. The nominal institutional interest rate in Thailand is 13 percent at present. When inflation is taken into account, however, the real rate of interest is about 8 percent. The typical parameter of risk aversion, FP, is 0.5 (Linswanger 1980). The case of risk neutrality is also calculated: F = 0. E,timates of the ratio yntPnt obtained from the four sampled provinces range between 0.17 and 0.23. The estimates of social benefit, reported in table 40, show significant social benefits in the northeastern provinces but little or no benefits in Lop Buri. Although the gross social benefits in the northeastern provinces are large, they are much smaller than the private benefits. In Nakhon Ratchasima, for instance, if risk aversion prevails, the gross social bene- fits amount to only a quarter of the private benefits. The reason for the negligible benefit of titling in Lop Buri seems to lie in the distinct structure of the credit market in the province, because the risk of eviction is nearly the same as in other provinces. In Lop Buri, farm- ers without titled land have access to substantial amounts of informal credit through traders, who rarely require land as collateral. In the other provinces, traders are not as prevalent a source of credit, and there is a greater dependency on institutional creditors, for whom land as collateral is a significant consideration. Squatters in Lop Buri therefore encounter less significant disadvantages in obtaining credit than those in the other Table 41. The Costs of Land Documentation Cost Cost as a percentage of the price of untitled land per rai Item (baht) Lop Buri Nakhon Ratchasima Khon-Kaen Chaiyaphum Cost of issuing full title (NS-4) Estimate la 110.9 3.9 3.3 3.5 5.6 Estimate 2I 82.5 2.9 2.4 2.6 4.1 Cost of issuing utilization certificate (NS-3K) Estimate la 19.4 0.6 0.5 0.6 1.0 Estimate 2b 30.6 1.1 0.9 1.0 1.5 a. Based on Burns (1985, 85). b. Based on Ranong (1986, 39). Figures are inflated to the 1985 price level, using the consumer price index. Benefits and Costs of Landownership Security 145 provinces. This also implies that the prices of titled and untitled land will differ less in this province. The direct costs to society incurred in the process of providing farmers with title documentation were recently estimated by Burns (1985) and Ranong (1986), using data from the Department of Lands. Their esti- mates are replicated in table 41. The cost to society to provide a full title does not exceed 5.6 percent of the market value of untitled land in any of the provinces studied. The calculation of the net social benefits (see table 42) shows that even when farmers are assumed to be risk averse, the net social benefit is substantial, ranging from 397 baht per rai in Chaiyaphum to 1,237 baht per rai in Khon-Kaen-from 21 to 40 percent of untitled land value, assuming risk aversioni. The benefit-to-cost ratio for a policy of titling squatters ranges from 4.5 in Chaiyaphum to 12.0 in Khon-Kaen under the assumption of risk aversion. This implies that pro- viding secure ownership produces an extr.mely high social rate of return. In devising a procedure for calculating benefits we ignored general equilibrium adjustments that might be caused by large-scale titling of squatters. Theoretically, if large numbers oi farmers are affected, the increases in the demand for inputs and the supply of outputs would change the prices of both inputs and outputs, at least in the short run. Since most Thai inputs and outputs are traded in highly competitive inter- national markets, these price effects are not significant. Rice, in contrast, is a commodity for which Thailand faces a fin ite elasticity of demand. An increase in the supply of rice would therefore depress its price and reduce the absolute volume of benefits. The areas in which squatters are numer- ous, however, are not the main rice-producing areas. The total change in the output of rice is therefore expected to be small in relation to Thailand's output of rice. Another general equilibrium consideration is related to assumptions regarding the credit market. The foregoing calculation of net social bene- fits is based on an implicit assumption that newly titled farmers will receive the same amount of credit now available to titled farmers. This implies an infusion of additional institutional credit into the agricultural sector. Although credit markets are distorted, the real opportunity cost of capital is considered in the present calculation. The results imply that the gain in agricultural productivity from titling accompanied by expansion of agricultural credit outweighs the losses in other sectors of the economy, represented by the opportunity cost of capital. Possible developments in the credit market that might accompany land. policies will be discussed further in the remaining chapter. Table 42. Net Social Benefits of Ownership Security Gross social benefit Net social benefit as percentage of as percentage of Net social benefit Pnts P,t/ in baht per raie Social cost Mean price of Risk Risk as percentage Risk Risk untitled land Risk Risk neutrality aversion of Pntb neutrality aversion (pNJd neutrality aversion Province (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Nakhon Ratchasima 82.9 38.6 3.3 79.6 35.3 3,448 2,745 1,217 Khon-Kaen 80.5 42.1 3.5 77.0 38.6 3,204 2,467 1,237 Chaiyaphum 41.3 25.3 5.6 35.7 19.7 2,014 719 397 Pooled northeast sample 68.2 35.1 4.1 64.1 31.0 2,889 1,852 896 a. From table 40; the opportunity cost of capital is assumed to be 12 percent. b. From table 41. c. Column 1 minus column 2. d. From table 15. e. Column 3 times column 4 divided by 100. Note 147 Note 1. A relevant issue is the value of the farmers' time invested in acquiring secure docu- ments. This opportunity cost is not included in the calculations in table 37. Only 15 percent of the recipients of secured documents sampled, however, indicated that the process of ob- taining the document was time-consuming. 12 Policy Implications The foregoing analyses have demonstrated that security of landownership in Thailand has a substantial effect on the agricultural performance of farmers. It was also shown that providing full legal ownership to farmers who lack such status-that is, squatters-brings a very high economic return in most of the areas studied: the benefits far outweigh the relatively small costs of certifying legal ownership. The data also indicate that the main source of greater productivity on lands owned legally is the better access to cheaper and longer-term institutional credit enjoyed by titled owners. Since limited access to institutional credit is the main constraint that affects the productivity of squatters in rural Thailand, some observers argue that the productivity of squatters can be increased by forcing banks, especially the government bank, to relax their collateral policies. Even if such a decree could be enforced, it would probably involve a sub- stantial cost in further subsidies to banking operations. Repayment of loans on which no collateral is offered is worse than that of loans for which collateral is pledged. As a result, banks will incur greater losses that will have to be covered by the public. Even more likely is the possibil- ity that such a policy would be largely circumvented by lending officers and branch managers, since the desire to minimize losses or to maximize profits dictates a preference for loans backed by collateral, and these pref- erences will not be fully suppressed by bureaucratic interventions. Similarly, policies that provide squatters with limited formal sta- tus-a nontransferable lease from the state, for example, or a usufruct certificate-but which do not entail the ability to transfer or mortgage land, will not significantly improve the performance of squatters because their access to institutional credit will not have been approved. As the analysis in chapter 10 demonstrated, providing usufruct certificates to squatters in Thailand in areas in which they are well established is not an effective policy tool for improving their economic performance. The STK program is costly: usufruct certificates must be issued, records must be maintained, and recipients' compliance with the conditions under which the certificates are issued must be monitored. As the empiri- cal analysis demonstrated, recipients of STK certificates do not accrue any economic benefits directly. There is therefore no direct gain to society, 148 Policy Implications 149 because there is no increase in agricultural output. Indirect benefits to society must therefore be found if the public expenditure on such a pro- gram is to be justified. Proponents claim that STK certificates will reduce further encroachment on the remaining forest lands. Since preserving virgin forests is a national objective, success on this front could be a worthy argument. The likeli- hood that the STK program will, by itself, redluce encroachment, however, is doubtful. The root cause of the steady decline in forest areas is the growth of population in rural areas and insufficient enforcement of restrictions on the use of forest lands. This dynamic process will not be arrested by the issuance of usufruct certificates. The stipulations of the STK certificates that prohibit further encroachment and require the recipi- ent to report encroachment by others were the law even before the pro- gram. These legal restrictions were not enforced because of limited bud- get, manpower, and political ability. It is difficult to envision how the present conservation-inspired measures of the STK program will be enforced when success rides on these sam, limited resources. If these resources and political backing were now made available, moreover, there would be no need for usufruct certificates or for the extra costs of issuing them and maintaining records of them. Instead, the resources could be allocated directly to enforcement of forest conservation. Another claim made by supporters of the STK program is that the pro- gram will prompt forest reserve authorities to provide development ser- vices, such as extension services and roads. to squatters and that these services will bring an economic return. The fact is that many forest reserves already have development services comparable to those in other areas. In principle, however, the economic viability of providing infra- structure development services to squatters in the forest reserves should be judged separately from the STK program, and the benefits of such investments should not be attributed to the STK program. Although in this study we have focused cn areas in which squatters have long been settled, special consideratior of the frontier areas, where encroachment by squatters has been fairly recent, is warranted. Some argue that these squatters' perceptions of ownership are less secure and that STK certificates, as a form of official recognition, might enhance per- ceptions of security more significantly than in other areas. The insecurity of squatters in these frontier areas, however, stems mainly from the fact that the government has not yet established an effective presence there. In the absence of a strong government presence, local informal systems for enforcement of land rights have emerged that imply greater uncertainty than in older established squatter areas. The government's effective asser- tion of its presence and control, rather than the mere issuance of certifi- cates, is therefore a condition of the expected positive effects of the STK program in such areas. It is arguably unnecessary to spend public 150 Policy Implications resources to provide usufruct certificates when the focus of policy in the frontier areas should be to enhance government control through exten- sion of its legal and administrative infrastructure. A policy designed to increase government presence could increase perceptions of security with- out the need for usufruct certificates and the associated costs of issuing them. The foregoing discussion applies to another public policy concerned with land rights in Thailand, namely, the land reform program. Under this program, public land that has been released from the status of forest reserve-"degazetted"-is given by the Land Reform Office to eligible recipients. Most recipients are being issued "user certificates" (SPK), which are similar in many respects to the STK certificate. Recipients of SPK certificates clearly benefit from acquisition of rights to the use of land which they did not have before. In many instances, however, part of the land "given" has already been de facto held by them. Productivity could be increased if full rights of ownership were given to the recipients of SPK certificates, since they would then have better access to institutional credit. Potential credit constraints among the beneficiaries of land reform are now masked by the fact that these farmers are eligible for special insti- tutional credit programs not open to other farmers. The availability of such special credit programs in the long run is not certain, however, nor is it desirable, for it introduces a further distortion in the credit market. Ultimately, enhancing the access of beneficiaries of land reform to credit in nonpreferential markets will become necessary. A logical policy would be to provide full rights of ownership to squat- ters in agriculturally suitable areas that are not expected to be reforested. The effectiveness of such a policy-if it were adopted on a large scale- would require complementary policies to increase the aggregate supply of institutional credit to agriculture. If squatters are expected to achieve the superior agricultural performance now enjoyed by titled landowners, they will need a larger amount of institutional credit. To accommodate this need would require an increase in the supply of institutional credit to agriculture. To assess ways in which such an increase might be achieved-and the implications for other sectors as well-would require a careful review of the Thai institutional credit sector. At present Thai government interventions in the financial sector pre- sent a number of distortions. The most obvious distortion is the interest rate ceiling in lending institutions. The ceiling applies to both the agricul- tural and nonagricultural sectors. While the ceiling is perhaps not binding on short-term credit to prime borrowers, it is below the market rate that would have prevailed for riskier and costlier lending operations, such as lending to small and medium-size farmers (Hanson and Neal 1985, 135). Policy Implications 151 Direct credit programs maintained by the government form another type of intervention. These programs are sizable-about a third of total credit-and their purpose is to stimulate sectors that have been given pri- ority by the government-housing, agriculture, industrial development, export. Much of the credit administered through direct government pro- grams is even subsidized, so it is offered at rates that are below the inter- est rate ceiling. Another form of intervention is the regulations that require commercial banks to direct a certain proportion of their lending to agriculture. This constraint is apparently binding at the margin, since banks use a low-profit option to make deposits into the government agri- cultural bank (BAAC) rather than lend directly to farmers. Interest rate ceilings and the subsidization of credit entail a welfare loss. From the point of view of static welfare analysis they induce invest- ments which might not be viable if the real opportunity cost of capital were considered. Sector-specific subsidies distort allocations of invest- ments and inputs because the effective costs of these factors differ across sectors. Interventions such as sectoral or subsectoral direction of credit volume may also involve welfare losses, since they prevent market forces from determining allocation of credit to the best uses and equality of mar- ginal productivities across sectors. In the past, proponents of interven- tions have used "second best" arguments, claiming that subsidizing credit or directing it toward agriculture was justified because agricultural terms of trade were distorted by taxation and exchange rate policies against agriculture. Recently, however, these price distortions in Thailand have been significantly reduced. In this setting of credit market distortiors, the gain in productivity to be realized from removing the land market distortion-that is, eliminat- ing the illegal status of squatters by granting them full ownership-must be considered. In the absence of environmental considerations, the lack of secure legal ownership implies deviation from optimality in the agricul- tural sector: a squatter who is otherwise identical in all respects to a titled farmer receives less credit, uses lower ratios of factors to land, and is less productive. With the granting of full ownership, even if the overall supply of credit to agriculture were unchanged, some credit would be shifted at the margin from farmers already titled to some who have newly been titled. This would imply an increase in total output, provided that mar- ginal productivities were declining-a plausible assumption. The gain would be smaller than the difference so far observed in the productivity of titled and untitled farmers, since the total amount of credit would be held constant. There may be some market-determined increase in the supply of institu- tional credit if legal ownership is granted to large numbers of squatters. As the pool of farmer-borrowers is augmented by large numbers of poten- 152 Policy Implications tial clients with viable collateral, commercial banks may be more inclined to increase lending in agriculture. Such an expectation is supported by data presented in chapter 5, which show that a majority of the loans made by commercial banks to farmers in our sample were backed by land as collateral. Since lending by commercial banks is not subsidized, such a credit shift from nonagricultural sectors into agriculture does not neces- sarily involve a welfare loss. This is because the economic activities that are curtailed or are not undertaken do not necessarily bring a higher return than agricultural activities. Similarly, if subsidized government credit were shifted from nonagricultural sectors to agriculture following a large-scale titling program, there would be no obvious welfare loss. Again, the investments or activities forgone would not necessarily have brought a higher return. The gain in agriculture following such realloca- tion of credit would be greater than if the total supply of credit in the sec- tor were not increased. A welfare loss would be encountered, however, if additional credit were shifted to agriculture by new decrees affecting commercial banks, or if additional subsidized credit were directed to the agricultural sector through the government bank. Such measures involve implicit or explicit subsidies to farmers, and the return on activities forgone in other sectors might be higher, at the margin, than the return on agricultural activities. The total gain in agricultural productivity might, however, exceed the welfare loss in other sectors, making such a policy worthwhile. Indeed, the estimates in chapter 11, which are based on land values and on the assumption that former squatters could obtain additional institutional credit equal to that available to titled farmers, show that with several plausible levels of the real cost of credit, the net gains in productivity from titling could still be substantial. Nonetheless, to expand the extent of dis- tortions in the credit market would not be desirable. To remove interest rate ceilings, or relax them considerably, would gen- erate a market-induced increase in the supply of institutional credit to agriculture. Farmers who provided collateral would still have an advan- tage, because loans secured by collateral are less risky for lenders. Thus titled farmers would be more productive, even in an unregulated institu- tional credit market. The difference in productivity would be less because the cost of institutional credit would be higher in the absence of regula- tions. Provision of full legal ownership to squatters accompanied by relaxation of interest rate ceilings would still be a socially beneficial pol- icy. These policies would be more effective if administrative and legisla- tive measures were taken to reduce the transaction costs involved in regis- tering and enforcing land mortgages. There are additional factors to consider. Some squatters have settled in areas in which continuing cultivation causes damage to the environment. In these areas control of the land may be better left to the state. It is ar- Policy Implications 153 gued that to grant amnesty to present squatt-rs might encourage further encroachment on forest lands that have not yet been cultivated, with ad- ditional degredation of the environment. Environmental concerns can be satisfied, however, by selective coverage of an ownership provision and better enforcement of encroachment control. Another set of considerations is related to equity. Experience in other countries indicates that when squatters are provided with opportunities for legal ownership, land grabbing by wealt:hy or powerful elements of the society is a real risk. The design and implementation of a policy to provide ownership to squatters should therefore contain safeguards, such as limiting the amount of land that can be claimed, against negative eq- uity implications. As would be true of any rnajor policy, there would be both winners and losers associated with the policies recommended here. Incentives for distorting or curtailing the policy thus exist, and sociopolit- ical factors must be borne in mind when the specific elements of the pol- icy are designed. The potential net benefits tc society from providing legal ownership are too significant, however, to let these possible complications become a reason for delaying the formulation of an effective land policy in Thailand. l References Adams, Dale W, Douglas I. Graham, and J. D. Von Pischke, eds. 1984. 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J., 94 in, 122-35; capital-to-land ratio in, 99, 101-02; land improvement in, Bai-Chong (NS-2), 15, 27 103, 105; land value in, 90-93; Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural productivity in, 109-21 Cooperatives (BAAC), 48, 51; and Chalamnwong, Yongyuth, 6 credit subsidies, 151; and loan pol- Chanod (NS-4), 11-17, 18, 21, 31 icy, 55, 151 Chatturat district (Chaiyaphum prov- Banks, private, 44, 151 ince), 30 Ban Phai district (Khon-Kaen prov- Chok-Chai district (Nakhon ince), 30 Ratchasima province), 30 Baron, Donald, 5 Claim certificate (SK-1), 15-16 Barro, Robert J., 46, 58 Clark, R. J., 5 Bell, Clive L. G., 58, 69 n3 Cobb-Douglas production function, Benjamin, Daniel K., 46 77, 86, 117 Ben-Porath, Yoram, 51 Collateral: as asset, 46; in Costa Bhisalbutra, Ladda, 55 Rica, 9; definition of, 59; farmers' Binswanger, Hans P., 6, 46, 47, 48, credit and, 37; land as, 6, 11, 51, 143 55, 67; for loans, 10, 45-46, 47, Bottomley, Anthony, 46, 51 51, 67, 69; slaves in Thailand as, Braverman, Avishay, 48 10; squatters and, 49, 67, 69; sub- Brazil, landownership in, 8-9 stitutes for, 47-49, 55; types of, Bunding, 103 45-47; utility of, 46, 49 Burns, A. E, 21, 23, 25, 27, 145 Collier, Paul, 6 Conse-vation of forests, 17-18, 149 Capital, farm: definition of, 59, 61; Cooperatives as source of credit, 44 effect of landownership security on, Costa Rica: cattle as collateral in, 9; 99, 101-02; formation of, 94-108 credit access in, 8, 9; effect of land- Capital-to-land ratio: for landholders, owrership in, 8 99, 102; in provinces studied, 99, Costs: of credit, 6, 48, 51; of infor- 101-02 mation, 45, 47; of landownership, Central Plain (Thailand), 8, 30 137-47 Certificate of use (NS-3, NS-3K), Credit: access to, 6, 8, 148; in Cen- 11-17, 18, 23, 25, 31, 37, 137 tral Plain, 8; collateral for, 6, 10, 161 162 Index Credit (cont.) Farmers: compared with squatters, 37; constraints on, 6, 9; cost of, 6, 28-29; eviction of, 31; perception 48, 51; in Costa Rica, 8-9; educa- of security, 37; use of collateral, 37. tion and, 69 n4; in India, 6; for See also Landholders landowners, 67-68; long-term, 8, Feeny, David, 5, 10, 11, 17, 49 51; rationing of, 48, 57, 67; risks, Forest Reserve Act of 1964, 18 45-47; short-term, 8, 51; sources Forest reserves: infrastructure in, 31, of, 44-45; for squatters, 49, 67, 131, 132 nl, 150; squatters in, 69; subsidies, 151 3-4, 17-19, 29, 30, 31 Credit, institutional, 6, 44; collateral Frontier areas: infrastructure in, 150; and, 51; disequilibrium model of, squatters in, 149-S0 57-69; effect of ownership security on, 44-45, 67, 69; rationing of, 48, Group guarantee, 47, 55, 59 57, 67; regulation of, 47, 151; Guarantees. See Loan guarantee sources of, 44, 48, 51, 55, 151 Guasch, Luis, 48 Credit, noninstitutional, 6, 8, 44, 47; collateral and, 51; effect of owner- Hanson, James A., 141, 150 ship security on, 44-45, 67, 69; Hazell, P. B. R., 75 lack of regulation of, 47; and lend- Hedonic price analysis: in ing costs, 45; rationing of, 48, 67 Chaiyaphum province, 128-29, Credit market, 44-57, 70-71 131; and land values, 61, 67, Crops: in Jamaica, 9; in study areas, 86-93 30 Herdt, Robert, 6 Cultivation rights. See STK certificates. IDB. See Inter-American Development David, Christina, 6 Bank Deforestation, extent of, 17-18, 149 Income, farm, 113, 116 Department of Lands (DOL), 11 Index of land quality, 62, 108, 109, Desai, B. M., 47, 55 111, 117 Direct credit programs, 48, 51, 55, Index of plot quality, 105, 108 151 India, farm credit in, 6 Disequilibrium model of institutional Information: effect of asymmetric, 6; credit, 57-69 sources of, 45, 47 DOL. See Department of Lands Infrastructure in forest reserves, 31, Donald, Gordon, 46 131, 132 nl, 150 Dorner, Peter, 6, 7, 9 Inputs, ownership security and use of, 109, 111-13, 117 Econometric analysis: of credit trans- Inter-American Development Bank actions, 49-69; of input-output, (IDB), 8, 9 109-21; of land values, 86-93 Interest rates: ceilings on, 152; in Ecuador, income levels and land ten- Thailand, 63, 150 ure in, 9 Education: and credit, 69 n4; defini- Jamaica, landownership in, 8, 9 tion of, 61, 111 Jamison, Dean T, 111 Esposito, Bruce, 17, 37 Jimenez, Emmanuel, 9, 86, 92, 93 nl Eviction, risk of, 31, 37, 67, 75-77, Kemp, Jeremy, 5, 15, 17, 37 84-85, 123, 127, 143 Khon-Kaen province, 29, 30, 55, 63; Experience, definition of, 60, 61 capital-to-land ratio in, 99, Index 163 101-02; land improvement in, 103, Land reform, 1 1-19, 150; and SPK 105; land value in, 90-93; lending certificates, 150 patterns in, 55, 63, 67; productiv- Land Reform Office, 19 ity in, 90-93 Land rights, 3-10; evolution of, Kranuan district (Khon-Kaen prov- 10-19; legality of, 3 ince), 30 Land tax, 19, 31; effect on land val- ues of, 93 n2; effect on security of Ladman, Jerry R., 47, 48 tenure of, 31 Land, untitled: inside and outside for- Land tenure, 15-17 est reserve, 87, 123-24; transfers Land titles, 10-19; importance of, 7, of, 37; and usufruct certificates, 45, 28, 67, 69; legality of, 3, 5-6; reg- 125: value of, 7, 93, 123 istration of, 3; Torrens system of, Land acquisition and ownership secu- 11; tr3nsfers of, 37, 45 rity model, 70-85 Land usz: illegal, 17; and land rights; Land Code of 1954, 11-17 10-19; of state-owned land, 17-18 Land disputes, incidence of, 37, 38 n3 Land values: definition of, 59; effect Land documents, 11-19; NK-1, of landownership security on, 7, 18-19; NK-2, 18-19; NK-3, 19; 67, 86, 90, 92-93; hedonic price NS-2, 15, 27; NS-3, 11-17, 18, 23, analysis and, 61, 67, 86-93; of un- 31, 37, 137; NS-3K, 11-17, 18, 25, titled land, 7, 93, 123 31, 37, 137; NS-4, 11-17, 18, 21, Lau, Lawrence J., 111 31; PBT certificates, 19; SK-1, Lin, Sein, 17, 37 15-16; SPK certificates, 19, 150; STK Liquidity: formal, 60; net, 61 certificates, 18-19, 29, 45, 67, Loan guarantee, 47, 51, 55; definition 122-35, 148-50 of, 59 Landholders, 51, 57; as borrowers, Logit estimates, 103, 105-07; in 51, 67; and forest reserves, 87; Chaiyaphum province, 131-32 productivity of, 109 Lop Buri province, 28, 29, 63, 67; Land improvement: bunding, 103; ef- capital-to-land ratio in, 99, fect on land value of, 5; effect of 101-02; land improvement in, 103, landownership security on, 105; 105; land values in, 90-93, 99, and STK certificates, 131-32; stump 137; lending patterns in, 51, 55, removal and, 103 57, 6.3, 67, 143; productivity in, Land Law of 1892, 11 109-21 Landownership: benefits of, 137-47; Lowland: bunding in, 105; crops in, in Brazil, 8; and capital accumula- 30, 865; irrigation in, 86; value of tion, 99, 101-02; in Costa Rica, 8; land in, 86 costs of, 137-47; and credit, 45; definition of, 28; in Jamaica, 8, 9; and land improvement, 103, 105; Macroeconomic policy (Thailand) and productivity, 109-21; security and interest rates, 63, 150, 152 of, 5-7, 28-37, 67, 69; transfer of, Mehl, Charles, 49, 127, 132 n2 37, 45 Methodology in supply-demand anal- Land price. See Hedonic price analy- ysis, 28-38 sis; Land values Meyer, Richard, 6 Land quality: characteristics of, 86, Ministry of Agriculture and Coopera- 90-93; index of, 62, 108, 109, 111, tives. 16 117 Miracle, Marvin, 45 164 Index Model: of institutional credit, 57-69; Property rights. See Land rights of land acquisition and ownership Public policy and land reform, 150; security, 70-85; of ownership secu- proposed changes in, 148-53 rity and capital formation, 94 Mosher, A. T, 7 Ranong, V N., 16, 145 Registration, land. See Land docu- Nakhon Ratchasima province, 28, 30, ments; Land titles 67; capital-to-land ratio in, 99, Regression analysis: for Chaiyaphum 101-02; land improvement in, 103, province, 131; of inputs and out- 105; land values in, 63, 90-93, 99, put, 111-16 137; lending patterns in, 55, 67; Regulation: of land use, 10; in lend- plot quality in, 105; productivity ing, 47, 151 in, 109-21 Rosegrant, Mark, 6 National Forest Reserve Act of 1964, Rosenzweig, Mark R., 6, 46 17 Neal, Craig R., 141, 150 Sacay, 0. J., 6 Nehman, G. I., 48 Salas, Oscar, 8 NK-1, 18-19 Saliba, Bonnie, 6, 7, 9 NK-2, 18-19 Security of ownership. See under NK-3, 19 Landownership; Squatters NS-2 (Bai-Chong), 15-27 Seligson, M. A., 8 NS-3 (Nor-Sor-Sarm), 11-17, 18, 23, SK-1 (Sor-Kor-Neung), 15-16 31, 37, 137 Social benefits, 139-43, 145-46; esti- NS-3K (Nor-Sor-Sarm-Kor), 11-17, mates of, 143, 145 18, 25, 31, 37, 137 Social costs, 145; of landownership, NS-4 (Chanod), 11-17, 18, 21, 31 139 SPK certificates, 19, 150 Onchan, Tongroj, 47, 48 Squatters: and collateral, 49, 67, 69; Opportunity costs, 139-41 and credit, 67, 69; in frontier areas, Output, definition of value of, 109, 149-50; in forest reserves, 3-4, 111-13, 117 17-19, 28-29, 30, 31; in land dis- Ownership, land. See Landownership putes, 37; and perception of secu- rity, 37; risk of eviction for, 31, 37, Panadikar, S. G., 6 75; on state-owned land, 17, 18 PBT certificates, 19 Srinivasan, T N., 58, 69 n3 Plaut, S. E., 46 Stifel, D. L., 8, 49 Plot quality, 103, 105, 108 Stiglitz, Joseph, 6, 48 Preemption, 15, 17-19 STK certificates, 18-19, 29, 45; effects Preemptive certificate (NS-2), 15, 27 of, 122-28; and land improve- Price, land. See Hedonic price analy- ments, 131-32; and land price, sis; Land values 127-28; significance of, 67, Probability of land improvement. See 148-50 logit estimates Study areas, 28-43; selection of, Production function, Cobb-Douglas, 28-30 77, 86, 117 Productivity: effect of landownership Tanabe, Shigaharu, 5 security on, 109-21; in Khon-Kaen Techavatananan, Vichai, 47 province, 90-93 Thomson, K. J., 75 Index 165 Timberg, I A., 45 analysis, 59-63, 67; for hedonic Title deed (NS-4), 11-17, 18, 21, 31 price analysis, 90-91; for input- Tomosugi, Takashi, 5, 11, 49 output analysis, 111-13 Torrens system, effect of, 11 Villamizar, Mario-Fernando, 8 Virmani, Arvind, 48 Uncertainty: and farmers' investment, Von Pischke, J. D., 46 5; and use of land, 17, 28-31, 37 Upland: crops in, 30, 86; value of Wai, U Tun, 6 land in, 86 Weiss, ,A.ndrew, 6, 48 Usufruct certificates. See STK certifi- Williamson, Ian, 16, 17 cates Variables: for disequilibrium credit Yano, Toru, 15 The most recent World Bank publications are described in the catalog New Publications, which is issued in the spring and fall of each year. The complete backlist of publications is shown in the annual Index of Publications, which is of value principally to libraries and institutional purchasers. The latest edition of each is available free of charge from Publications Sales Unit, The World Bank, 1818 H Street, N.W, Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A., or from Publications, The World Bank, 66 avenue d'lena, 75116 Paris, France. Gershon Feder is a principal economist in the Agriculture and Rural Develop- ment Department of the World Bank; Tongroj Onchan is professor of agricultural economics and director of the Center for Applied Economics Research, Kasetsart University, Thailand; Yongyuth Chalamwong is an associate professor of agricul- tural economics, Kasetsart University, Thailand; and Chira Hongladarom is an associate professor of economics and director, Human Resources Institute, Thammasat University, Thailand. - ; THE WORLD BANK Although iand rights are passionately debated in many deveioping countries, the empirical knowledge needed to assess and design optimal land policies is limited. To add to that knowledge, th s book presents both quantitative and qualitaiive evidence of how secui-ity of landolpnership affects farm productivity. The authors firsi develop a conceptual -ramewor]( for e.ploring how ownership security affects the behavir and performance o-i farmers. Usli g farm data from Thailand, ihey then present an econometCric analysis ofi investment patterns and ihe resulting differences in pro- ductivity between farmers with and without secure ownership. The authors highlight Lhe importance cf institutional credit, whlich farmers with legal ownership can obtain more easiiy by using their land as collateral. Their analysis shows lhaP security of ownarship signifi- cantiy affects farmn investnments, lard improvements, use c- farm inputs, productivity, and land vaiues and thai economic benefits generated by providing secure landownership greatly e.ceed the costs. Ait-shough the results are specific to Thailand, they provide a frame of reference ior etfects that can be anticipaied in other deveioping countries. The methodoiogy used in this study can be replicated to provide information for assessing the dimensions and implications of insecurity of ownership elsewhere. The Johns Hopkins University Press ISBN 0-8018-3727-8 Baltimore and London