GOVERNMENT OF ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN (Kabul Municipality) Procurement Plan For Kabul Urban Transport Efficiency Improvement Project (KUTEI) (Period: Full Procurement Plan of the Project) December - 2017 Page 1 of 10 Page 2 of 10 PROCUREMENT PLAN A. General 1) Project information: a. Country: Afghanistan b. Borrower: Government of Afghanistan for Kabul Municipality. c. Project Name: Kabul Urban Transport Efficiency Improvement Project (KUTEI) d. Credit No.: . ……………...; Project ID: 131864 ; 2) Project Implementing Agencies: Kabul Municipality Bank’s approval Date of the procurement Plan: [Original: …………..;] 3) Date of General Procurement Notice: Published on ……………… in the Development Business Period covered by this procurement plan: Full Procurement Plan of the Project) Page 3 of 10 1) ; 2) The procurement plan will be updated at least annually or as required to reflect the actual Project implementation needs and improvements in institutional capacity. Project will be using World Bank’s online procurement system called ‘STEP’ i.e. ‘Systematic Tracking of Exchanges in Procurement’ to prepare, update and revise the procurement plan at . The Plan also includes procurements under the Retroactive Financing w.e.f. NAfor the preparatory phase of the project. 3) Applicable Guidelines of the World Bank: a. Procurement would be carried out in accordance with the World Bank’s New Procurement Framework and Regulations for Projects After July 1, 2016 and “Procurement Regulations for Borrowers 2016” shall be applicable for all procurements under the project. As per requirement, a comprehensive Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD) has been prepared by the Project. The project shall also be subject to the Bank’s Anticorruption Guidelines, dated October 15, 2006, and revised in January 2011 and as of July 1, 2016. 4) Procurement management: a. Project will be coordinated by the Kabul Municipality KUTEI-PMU will also undertake procurement planning, monitoring, reporting, and coordination with the Bank as well as implementation of procurement risk mitigation plans among the Implementing Agencies. b. KM through PMU will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the Bank’s procurement guidelines , and reporting to the World Bank in a timely manner. The IA will have dedicated procurement staff conversant with Bank’s procurement guidelines and experience of working in Bank-funded Projects. c. Standard Bidding Documents/ Request for Proposals documents as finalized by The World Bank and amended from time to time, shall be applicable for procurement. 5) E-Procurement: E-Procurement will not be used by the Implementing Agencies. 6) Record Keeping: All records pertaining to the procurement, including bid notifications, register pertaining to sale and receipt of bids, bid opening minutes, Bid /Technical/Financial Evaluation Reports; and all correspondences pertaining to bid evaluation, communication sent to the World Bank in the process, bid securities (photocopies, if required to be released as per contract/bid), approval of invitation/evaluation of bids by all Implementing Agencies, minutes of meetings, etc. shall be retained by the concerned Implementing Agencies. 7) Disclosure of Procurement Plan: The Procurement Plan would be shared with implementing departments, and would also be uploaded on the respective IA website. The Procurement Plan cleared by the World Bank will also be available online at as well as in the World Bank's external web site. 8) Disclosure of Procurement Information: a. The following documents shall be disclosed on the Project website: (i) this version of the procurement plan and its subsequent updates, (ii) Request for Bids (RFB) for goods, works & non-consulting services for all open contracting, (iii) request for expression of interest (REOI) for selection/hiring of consulting services, (iv) list of contracts awarded, (v) shortlist of consultants, (vi) half yearly financial and physical progress report of all contracts, and (vii) compiled action taken report on the complaints received on a quarterly basis. Page 4 of 10 b. For all Prior review procurement (as per the thresholds given below), following details shall be sent to the Bank through STEP: (i) Request for Bids Notices for procurement of goods, works and non-consulting services, (ii) Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) for consulting services, (iii) contract award details of all procurement of goods and works using, (iv) contract award details of all consultancy services, and (v) contracts/purchase orders placed following SSS or CQS or DC procedures on a quarterly basis. 9) Complaint Handling Mechanism: A Complaint Handling Mechanism to address procurement complaints received by the proposed Project will be put in place by each Implementing Agency. All Complaints will be recorded in the project MIS for tracking and monitoring system. Upon receipt of complaints, immediate action will be initiated to acknowledge the complaint and an auto-generated ID will be given to the complaint. The complaint will be redressed within a reasonable timeframe and intimated to the complainant. All complaints will be addressed at levels higher than the level at which the procurement process was undertaken or the decision was taken. Any complaint received will also be forwarded to the Bank for information, and the Bank would be kept informed after the complaint is redressed 10) Procurement Post Review: All contracts not covered under prior review (refer table below) by the Bank will be subject to post review during Implementation Support Missions and/or special post review missions including missions by consultants hired by the Bank. 11) Contract Management: The Procurement Cell or Unit of each Implementing Agency will also be responsible for providing contract management support. The team will be ably assisted by technical team under KUTEI -PMU, to provide overall implementation support and monitor all Goods and Consultancy contracts. B. Procurement Methods and related World Bank’s review thresholds for Goods, Works, Non-Consulting Services and Consulting Services 1) . 2) Following table shows the approved Methods of Procurement & Related Thresholds and Prior Review Thresholds for the project: A. Goods and Non-Consulting Services Procurement Method Threshold for Methods (US$) Comment Open International (Goods) 200,000 Equivalent or more Open National (Goods) 200,000 Equivalent or less Open International (Non-Consulting Services) 200,000 Equivalent or more Open National (Non-Consulting Services) 200,000 Equivalent or less RFQ (Goods) 50,000 Equivalent or less RFQ (Works)* 100,000 Equivalent or less *High value Works contract using Open National or International are not envisaged under the Project B. Consulting Services: Selection Methods and Thresholds Page 5 of 10 Selection Method Threshold Comments CQS for Firms US$300,000 equivalent or less QCBS, QBS, FBS, LCS Depending on the nature and complexity of assignment C. Procurement Prior Review Threshold [USD Million] Type of Procurement High Risk Works (including turnkey, supply and installation of plant and equipment, and public-private partnership) 5 Goods, information technology (IT), and non-consulting services 1.5 Consultants: firms 0.5 Consultants: individuals a 0.2 Note: a. The above thresholds apply for consultants/advisors and not contracted staff. Page 6 of 10 3) The requirement for a prior or post review as specified above may change in consultation with the World Bank during implementation phase of the project. Based on the monitoring and reassessment of the risk, if necessary and appropriate, as determined by the Bank, the Bank may advise to revise the prior and/or post review requirements in the Procurement Plan. 4) Procurement of Goods a. The nature of the goods to be procured under the Project has been indicated in the Project Procurement plan. Procurement of Goods shall be done following procedures of the World Bank by using the Bank’s Standard Bidding Documents. b. Other goods including IT equipment and software will be procured following ICB, NCB, shopping methods and using framework agreements. The Standard Procurement Documents of the Bank as agreed with The World Bank (as amended from time to time) for all procurement under NCB will be used. c. In the case of contracts subject to prior review, before granting / agreeing to (i) a material extension of the stipulated time for performance of a contract; or (ii) any substantial modification or waiver of the scope of services or other significant changes to the terms and conditions of such that the contract, including issuing; or (iii) any change variation order or orders under such contract amendment (except in cases of extreme urgency) which would in aggregate, singly or combined with all variation orders or amendments previously issued, increase the original contract amount of the contract by more than 15% (fifteen percent); or (iii) the proposed termination of the original price contract, the Borrower shall seek Bank’s no objection to the proposed extension, modification, or change order. A copy of all amendments to the contract shall be furnished to the World Bank for its record. 5) For Civil Works and Supply & Installation packages, the following will apply a. For the purpose of clearance of the procurement documents, the value of each slice will be considered: If the estimated value of any slice of a package is more than US$ 5 million, the bidding document for the entire package will be prior reviewed. If the estimated value of each slice is less than US$ 5 million, but the combined value of all the slices is more than US$ 5 million, the bidding documents will not be prior reviewed. However, one sample bidding document will be agreed with the World Bank for each type of package and the bidding documents, including those under post review, will be prepared as per this agreed sample. The clauses which will need modifications will also be agreed with the Bank b. For the purpose of clearance of the recommendation for award, the following will be considered: If the estimated value of any of the slices in the package is US$ 5 million or more, the entire package will be subject to prior review. If the estimated value of each slice is less than US$ 5 million but the value of any recommended contract is US$ 5 million or more, the award recommendation and the evaluation report for the complete package of all the slices will be subject to prior review. For this purpose, Implementing Agency will forward a set of complete procurement documents and the evaluation report to the Bank for prior review. If the estimated value of each slice is less than US$ 5 million and the value of the recommended contract for each slice is also less than US$ 5 million, but the aggregate value of contracts recommended for award to one bidder is US$ 5 million or more, the award recommendation and the evaluation report for Page 7 of 10 the complete package of all the slices will be subject to prior review. For this purpose, the implementing agency will forward a set of complete bidding documents and the evaluation report to the Bank for prior review. 6) Procurement of Consulting Services a. Applicable Methods of procurement: Quality and Cost Based Selection [QCBS]; Quality Based Selection [QBS]; Selection under a Fixed Budget [FBS]; Least Cost Selection [LCS]; Selection Based on Consultants Qualifications [CQS]; Direct Selection [SSS]; Selection of Individual Consultant as per Regulations. b. Terms of Reference (TOR): All TORs for consultancy assignments will be subject to prior technical concurrence by Task Team Leader of the World Bank. c. Prior Review requirements: In the case of contracts subject to prior review, before agreeing to: (i) an extension of the stipulated time for performance of a contract; (i) any substantial modification of the scope of services, substitutions of key experts, or other significant changes to the terms and conditions of the contract; or (iii) the proposed termination of the contract, the Borrower shall seek Bank’s no objection. A copy of all amendments to the contract shall be furnished to the Bank for its record. d. In case of Prior Review Consultancy contracts, prior concurrence of the Bank will be applicable for the following: Request for Expression of Interest (REOI); Short List; Request for proposal (RFP) document and it’s amendments, if any; Minutes of pre-proposal conference, if any, and if it leads to amendment to the RFP; Technical Evaluation Report prepared in the prescribed format of the Bank; Draft Contract Agreement along with Combined Evaluation report; Final Contract. All these will be required to be sent to Bank through STEP. e. Short List: Short List comprising entirely of national consultants: For contracts estimated to cost USD 100,000 or below per contract the short list of consultants under open national approach of procurement may comprise entirely of national consultants. f. Advertisement: The Request for Expression of Interest for above USD 100,000 consultancy services will be published in UNDB and World Bank’s external Website through the STEP. g. Post review assignments: All other consultancy assignments not subject to prior review by the World Bank would be Post Reviewed by the Bank. 7) National Procurement Arrangements: In accordance with paragraph 5.3 of the Procurement Regulations, when approaching the national market (as specified in the Procurement Plan tables in STEP), the procurement documents agreed by the bank will be used. When the Borrower uses its own national open competitive procurement arrangements as set forth in the Procurement Law of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan dated 27/06/13965 (September 17, 2016) published in the Official Gazette No.1223, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.4 of the Procurement Regulations and the following conditions Agreed Procedures for National Competitive Bidding: I. Standard bidding documents approved by the Association shall be used. Page 8 of 10 II. Invitations to bid shall be advertised in at least one (1) widely circulated national daily newspaper and bidding documents shall be made available to prospective bidders, at least twenty-eight (28) days prior to the deadline for the submission of bids. III. Bids shall not be invited on the basis of percentage premium or discount over the estimated cost. IV. Bidding documents shall be made available, by mail or in person, to all who are willing to pay the required fee. V. Foreign bidders shall not be precluded from bidding. VI. Qualification criteria (in case pre-qualifications were not carried out) shall be stated on the bidding documents, and if a registration process is required, a foreign firm determined to be the lowest evaluated bidder shall be given reasonable opportunity of registering, without any hindrance. VII. Bidders may deliver bids, at their option, either in person or by courier service or by mail. VIII. All bidders shall provide bid security or a bid security declaration form as indicated in the bidding documents. A bidder’s bid security or the declaration form shall apply only to a specific bid. IX. Bids shall be opened in public in one place preferably immediately, but no later than one hour, after the deadline for submission of bids. X. Evaluation of bids shall be made in strict adherence to the criteria disclosed in the bidding documents, in a format, and within the specified period, agreed with the Association. XI. Bids shall not be rejected merely on the basis of a comparison with an official estimate without the prior concurrence of the Association. XII. Split award or lottery in award of contracts shall not be carried out. When two (2) or more bidders quote the same price, an investigation shall be made to determine any evidence of collusion, following which: (A) if collusion is determined, the parties involved shall be disqualified and the award shall then be made to the next lowest evaluated and qualified bidder; and (B) if no evidence of collusion can be confirmed, then fresh bids shall be invited after receiving the concurrence of the Association; XIII. Contracts shall be awarded to the lowest evaluated bidders within the initial period of bid validity so that extensions are not necessary. Extension of bid validity may be sought only under exceptional circumstances. XIV. Extension of bid validity shall not be allowed without the prior concurrence of the Association (A) for the first request for extension if it is longer than four (4) weeks, and (B) for all subsequent requests for extensions irrespective of the period in case of prior review. XV. Negotiations shall not be allowed with the lowest evaluated or any other bidders. XVI. Re-bidding shall not be carried out without the Association’s prior concurrence in case of prior review; and XVII. All contractors or suppliers shall provide performance security as indicated in the contract documents. A contractor’s or a supplier’s performance security shall apply to a specific contract under which it was furnished. Page 9 of 10 When other national procurement arrangements other than national open competitive procurement arrangements are applied by the Borrower, such arrangements shall be subject to paragraph 5.5 of the Procurement Regulations. 8) . Leased Assets as specified under paragraph 5.10 of the Procurement Regulations: Leasing may be used for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables. “Not Applicable” 9) Procurement of Second Hand Goods as specified under paragraph 5.11 of the Procurement Regulations – is allowed for those contracts identified in the Procurement Plan tables “Not Applicable” 10) Domestic preference as specified under paragraph 5.51 of the Procurement Regulations (Goods and Works). Specify for each • Goods: Not Applicable • Works: Not Applicable 11) Hands-on Expanded Implementation Support (HEIS) as specified under paragraphs 3.10 and 3.11 of the Procurement Regulations is Applicable. “Not Applicable” Procurement in Situations of Urgent Need of Assistance or Capacity Constraints apply for the project. Page 10 of 10 PROCUREMENT Afghanistan : Kabul Urban Transport Efficiency Improvement Project PLAN General Information Country: Afghanistan Banks Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2017-10-06 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) 2018-07-11 Project ID: P131864 GPN Date: Project Name: Kabul Urban Transport Efficiency Improvement Project Loan / Credit No: TF / 17061 Executing Agency(ies): Kabul Municipality WORKS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Draft Bidding Document Specific Procurement Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission / Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report / Justification Notice / Invitation Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual ICB No: KM/WB/KUTEI/W/007/2 / PROCUREMENT OF WORKS FOR Construction of Lot-7 Roads: Road No: 12 - From Project Management Support Charahi Parwan-3 - Charahi Single Stage - One Under TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Request for Bids Open - International N 10,454,395.61 8,484,546.00 2017-05-23 Tanzif; Road No: 11 - From Envelope Implementation Capacity Building Charahi Tanzif - Charahi Lab-e- Jar; Road No: 10 - From Charahi Lab-e-Jar - Charahi Panjsad Family KM/WB/KUTEI/W/008 / PROCUREMENT OF WORKS FOR Construction of Lot 8 Roads: Road # 9: Charrahi Qala- Project Management Support e- Najarha - Charrahi Taimani, Single Stage - One TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Request for Bids Open - International N 8,800,087.64 8,800,087.64 Canceled 2015-11-08 Road # 8B Sarai Shamali - Envelope Capacity Building Golahi Hissa Awal (Two Lane), 8A - Golahi Hissa Awal - Qalai Najarha (Two Lane) and Road # 7 - Qalai Najarha - Khesht-e Project Management Support KUTEI/W-004 / Construction of Single Stage - One TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Request for Bids Open - National N 0.00 4,001,446.42 Signed 2015-01-20 2015-04-19 Silo Main Road Envelope Capacity Building KM/WB/KUTEI/W/005 / PROCUREMENT OF WORKS FOR Construction of (Lot-5 Roads) Road # 1B :Karte Naw Project Management Support Road, Naqliae Seyah Sang Single Stage - One TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Request for Bids Open - International N 8,466,340.00 8,974,006.70 Signed 2015-06-07 2015-07-29 Golahi Tape Karte Naw Road # Envelope Capacity Building 1A Karte Naw Road, Golahi Tape Karte Naw Nasaji Bagrami From First Road of Karte Naw Naqliae Seyah San KM/WB/KUTEI/W/006 / PROCUREMENT OF WORKS FOR Construction of Charahi Parwan-II - Sarak-e-II Proje Wazir Project Management Support Single Stage - One Abad, Sarak-e-II Proje Wazir TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Request for Bids Open - International N 8,065,040.00 8,516,264.00 Signed 2015-06-07 2015-07-22 Envelope Abad- Golayee Khwaja Capacity Building Boghra,Sra Mena-Golayee Khwaja Boghra, Golahi Park -Sra Mena (Lot 6. Roads) KM/WB/KUTEI/W/009 / Single Stage - One Under TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Request for Bids Open - International 12,375,000.00 0.00 2017-11-09 2017-11-14 2017-12-26 2018-01-25 2018-03-01 2018-08-28 Construction of Wazirabad Canal Envelope Implementation KUTEI/W/001 / Construction of Single Stage - One Pending Macrorayan - II & III (Lot 1. TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Request for Bids Open - National 2,257,881.41 0.00 2013-02-26 2013-03-03 2013-04-14 2013-05-14 2013-06-18 2013-12-15 Envelope Implementation Roads) KUTEI/W/002 / Construction of Single Stage - One Pending Macrorayan - IV & Kabul - TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Request for Bids Open - National 3,721,018.63 0.00 2013-11-12 2013-11-17 2013-12-29 2014-01-28 2014-03-04 2014-08-31 Envelope Implementation Nandare (Lot 2. Roads) KUTEI/W/003 / Construction of Charahi Shaheed - Pule-Surkh- Darul Aman Single Stage - One Pending TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Request for Bids Open - National 4,853,707.25 0.00 2013-06-12 2013-06-17 2013-07-29 2013-08-28 2013-10-02 2014-03-31 Jamal Mena Depo - Charahi Envelope Implementation Agricultural Ministry (Lot 3. Roads) KM/WB/KUTEI/W/008 / Construction of Charah iQalai Single Stage - One Pending Najarja- Charahi Taimani Sarai TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Request for Bids Open - International 10,599,627.64 0.00 2017-01-26 2017-02-22 2017-04-11 2017-05-11 2017-06-15 2017-12-12 Envelope Implementation Shamali-Khesht-e-Hokhtif(Lot 8 roads) KM/WB/KUTEI/W/010 / Road safety and Traffic control Single Stage - One Pending Measures (Junction TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Request for Bids Open - National 400,643.53 0.00 2017-12-20 2017-12-25 2018-02-05 2018-03-07 2018-04-11 2018-10-08 Envelope Implementation channelisation & signalisation, etc.) KM/WB/KUTEI/W/012 / "Construction of 3.96km Asphalt and Drainage Structures of Link Road-Qargha to Company Road Single Stage - One Pending through Speenkalay, Opposite of TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Post Request for Bids Open - National 4,970,000.00 0.00 2018-05-01 2018-05-17 2018-06-16 2018-07-16 2018-08-31 2019-08-31 Envelope Implementation Hawza-e-5 to Charahi Speenkalay, From Qargah Road to Hawza-e-5, Hawza-e-5 to Company Road KM/WB/KUTEI/W/013 / Construction of 2.785 KM Asphalt Road and Drainage Structures of ROAD G: From Sarak-e Badam Bagh TO Charahi Single Stage - One Pending TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,780,389.00 0.00 2018-05-12 2018-05-17 2018-06-16 2018-07-16 2018-08-20 2019-08-20 Tahya-e Maskan (Km 0+000 to Envelope Implementation Km 0+720) and ROAD Q: From Charahi Tahya-e Maskan TO Charahi Traffic (Km 0+720 to Km 2+785) (Lot-13) Page 1 GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Draft Bidding Document Specific Procurement Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission / Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report / Justification Notice / Invitation Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual ICB/KM/WB/KUTEI/G/009 / Project Management Support Single Stage - One Procurement of Mobile Water TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Request for Bids Open - International N 530,400.00 537,438.69 Signed 2015-02-03 2015-02-24 Envelope Pumps Qty. - 8 Nos. Capacity Building KM/WB/KUTEI/G/010 / Project Management Support Procurement of 5(Five) Nos. of TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Direct Selection Direct N 190,000.00 189,157.54 Signed 2016-01-16 4WD Double Cabin Pickups Capacity Building KUTEI-G1 / Vehicles : 2No. Single Stage - One Pending 4WD Double Cabin Pickups and TF / 17061 Capacity Building Prior Request for Bids Open - National 90,000.00 0.00 2013-03-26 2013-03-31 2013-05-12 2013-06-11 2013-07-16 2014-01-12 Envelope Implementation 1 Sedan KUTEI-G2 / Office furniture for Request for Single Stage - One Pending TF / 17061 Capacity Building Post Open - National 12,117.00 0.00 2012-12-24 2013-02-18 2013-08-17 PMU Quotations Envelope Implementation KUTEI-G3 / It equipment : Request for Single Stage - One Pending Computers and other IT TF / 17061 Capacity Building Post Open - National 33,327.00 0.00 2012-12-02 2013-01-27 2013-07-26 Quotations Envelope Implementation equipments KUTEI-G4 / Office eequipment Request for Single Stage - One Pending TF / 17061 Capacity Building Post Open - National 18,680.00 0.00 2012-12-02 2013-01-27 2013-07-26 for PMU: Quotations Envelope Implementation KM/WB/KUTEI/G/005 / Request for Single Stage - One Pending procuremnt of 20Nos of Laptop TF / 17061 Capacity Building Post Open - National 30,000.00 0.00 2016-11-03 2016-12-29 2017-06-27 Quotations Envelope Implementation computers KM/WB/KUTEI/G/012 / Assorted road routine Single Stage - One TF / 17061 Capacity Building Prior Request for Bids Open - International 3,218,800.00 0.00 Under Review 2018-01-23 2018-03-18 2018-01-28 2018-04-09 2018-03-11 2018-05-24 2018-04-10 2018-05-15 2018-11-11 maintenance equipment including Envelope an Asphalt Plant and a paver KM/WB/KUTEI/G/013 / Traffic Request for Single Stage - One Pending Signal Design Software and TF / 17061 Capacity Building Post Open - National 49,000.00 0.00 2018-01-15 2018-03-12 2018-09-08 Quotations Envelope Implementation Manuals KM/WB/KUTEI/G/011 / Traffic Request for Single Stage - One Pending TF / 17061 Capacity Building Post Open - National 50,000.00 0.00 2017-12-16 2018-02-10 2018-08-09 CCTV Cameras Quotations Envelope Implementation KM/WB/KUTEI/G/016 / Office Request for Single Stage - One Pending TF / 17061 Capacity Building Post Open - National 5,000.00 0.00 2018-04-30 2018-07-18 2018-08-17 furniture for New staff Quotations Envelope Implementation KM/WB/KUTEI/G/015 / VCS for Request for Single Stage - One Pending TF / 17061 Capacity Building Post Open - National 20,000.00 0.00 2018-04-14 2018-07-02 2018-08-01 HE Mayor Office Quotations Envelope Implementation KM/WB/KUTEI/G/014 / Office Request for Single Stage - One Pending TF / 17061 Capacity Building Post Open - National 17,211.00 0.00 2018-05-11 2018-07-29 2018-08-28 Equipment Quotations Envelope Implementation NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Draft Bidding Document Specific Procurement Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission / Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report / Justification Notice / Invitation Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Contract Type Estimated Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technical Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Signed Contract Contract Completion Amount (US$) (US$) Notice Request for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes Proposal Negotiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual KUTEI/ IC-MT18 / International Project Management Support Consultant Procurement and Contract TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Qualification Open - International N 75,310.00 75,310.00 Signed 2015-05-12 2015-06-06 Management Specialist - Capacity Building Selection Individual Consultant KM/WB/KUTEI/Cons/CF-3- Project Management Support QCBS / Consultancy on Area Quality And Cost- Under TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Open - International N 1,700,000.00 1,210,000.00 2017-03-29 Accessibility & Street Function Based Selection Implementation Capacity Building Optimization in Kabul City Center KUTEI/IC-MT018 / Hiring of Project Management Support Consultant International Procurement TF / 17061 Road infrastructure Prior Qualification Open - International N 12,500.00 77,975.00 Canceled 2017-04-26 Specialist Capacity Building Selection KUTEI/ICB/FC-1 / Design Quality And Cost- Pending Review and Supervision TF / 17061 Capacity Building Prior Open - International 4,600,000.00 0.00 2013-12-31 2014-01-21 2014-03-06 2014-04-03 2014-05-03 2014-06-07 2014-07-12 2015-07-12 Based Selection Implementation Consultant KUTEI/ICB/FC-3 / Traffic management and road safety Quality And Cost- Pending TF / 17061 Capacity Building Prior Open - International 1,000,000.00 0.00 2017-12-20 2018-01-10 2018-02-23 2018-03-23 2018-04-22 2018-05-27 2018-07-01 2019-07-01 capacity building for the KM Based Selection Implementation design department Consultant KUTEI/ICB/FC-4 / impact Pending TF / 17061 Capacity Building Post Qualification Open - National 156,788.64 0.00 2017-12-30 2018-01-20 2018-03-05 2018-04-04 2018-05-09 2018-11-05 evaluation of KUTEI project Implementation Selection NPA/KM/96/CS-1832/QCBS / Quality And Cost- Under Consultancy for Design & Review TF / 17061 Capacity Building Prior Open - International 760,028.00 0.00 2017-01-03 2017-01-24 2017-03-09 2017-12-28 2017-04-06 2018-02-21 2017-05-06 2018-04-25 2017-06-10 2018-06-05 2017-07-15 2018-07-15 Based Selection Implementation of 40 KMs Road in Kabul INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Page 2 Activity Reference No. / Invitation to Contract Type Estimated Actual Amount Draft Negotiated Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach Process Status Terms of Reference Identified/Selected Signed Contract Contract Completion Amount (US$) (US$) Contract Consultant Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual KUTEI/IC-MT18 / International Individual Consultant Under TF / 17061 Project Management Support Post Open 180,000.00 0.00 2018-03-25 2018-02-26 2018-05-13 2018-06-03 2018-07-08 2019-07-08 Procurement Specialist Selection Implementation KUTEI/IC-MT60 / International Individual Consultant Pending Traffic Management & Safety TF / 17061 Project Management Support Post Open 90,000.00 0.00 2018-05-13 2018-07-01 2018-07-22 2018-08-26 2019-02-22 Selection Implementation Specialist KUTEI/IC-MT40 / International Individual Consultant Pending Road Design & Supervision TF / 17061 Project Management Support Post Open 90,000.00 0.00 2018-05-16 2018-07-04 2018-07-25 2018-08-29 2019-02-25 Selection Implementation Engineer Page 3