IFC Advisory Services
A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business in Emerging Markets
                                                                            Strategic Community Investment


                                                                                                                                     A Good Practice Handbook for
                                                                                                                                     Companies Doing Business in
                                                                                                                                     Emerging Markets
                                                                                                                                     In partnership with Italy, Luxembourg,
                                                                                                                                     the Netherlands, and Norway
2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20433 U.S.A.
Telephone: 202 473-1000
Facsimile: 202 974-4384

All rights reserved

First printing, June 2010

The findings, interpretations, views, and conclusions expressed herein
are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
Executive Directors of the International Finance Corporation or of the
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World
Bank) or the governments they represent.

Some information in the publication comes from publicly available
sources such as company websites. IFC has not verified the accuracy of
such information nor the companies’ practices.

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The material in this publication is copyrighted. IFC encourages use and
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1st row (L to R): T.Pollett, iStockphoto, T.Pollett,
2nd row (L to R): iStockphoto, World Bank staff, iStockphoto
3rd row (L to R): Y. Hadar, T.Pollett, A. Ilyasov

Tab Photo Credits:
Chapter 1: A.Bhalla
Chapter 2: iStockphoto
Chapter 3: World Bank staff
Chapter 4: World Bank staff
Chapter 5: World Bank staff
Chapter 6: J.Pantoja
Chapter 7: World Bank staff
Chapter 8: R.Parker
Tools: T.Pollett

A Good Practice Handbook for
Companies Doing Business in
Emerging Markets

Good Practice Principles for Strategic Community Investment

Introduction.................................................................................................................................... i

	   What Is Strategic Community Investment?
	   About this Handbook
	   Putting the Approach into Practice: A Strategic Planning Framework for CI

Chapter 1: From Well-Meaning to Strategic................................................................................1

	   12 Reasons “0ld-Style” Community Investment Has Underperformed
	   Elements of a Strategic Approach
	   How Strategic Is Your Approach?
	   Getting Started: The Building Blocks

Chapter 2: Assess the Business Context for CI..........................................................................13

	   Focus on the Business Case
	   Undertake a Company Diagnostic
	   Align Internal Functions to Support CI
	   Build on Core Competencies and Business Links

Chapter 3: Assess the Local Context for CI................................................................................25

	   Know What You’re Getting Into Before Engaging
	   Map the Social Landscape: Actors, Institutions, Dynamics, Relationships
	   Use this Information to Facilitate Strategic Planning for CI

Chapter 4: Engage Communities on CI. .....................................................................................35

	   Why Engagement for CI is Different
	   Support Community Planning Processes
	   Five Phases of Community Planning for CI

Chapter 5: Invest in Capacity Building.......................................................................................49

	   Be Strategic—Five Questions to Ask Up Front
	   Target the Right People
	   Build the Right Types of Capacities
	   Evaluate Capacity-Building Results
Chapter 6: Set the Parameters....................................................................................................59

	   Screen All Activities (Against Established Objectives, Principles, and Criteria)
	   Select Investment Areas
	   Build a CI Portfolio that Supports Your Strategy
	   Build Sustainability into Project Design
	   Set a Preliminary Budget
	   Re-engage with Stakeholders on Proposed Parameters

Chapter 7: Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners...........................................81

	   Understand the Different Implementation Options
	   Consider Timeframe, Budget, and Local Context
	   Key Questions for Implementation Planning
	   Strategies for Successful Partnering

Chapter 8: Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage............................................95

	   10 Ways to Make the Measurement of CI More Strategic
	   Linking Community Outcomes and Business Value
	   Communicating About CI


	   Tool 1: 	 Template for Preparing a Community Investment Strategy
	   Tool 2: 	 Template for Preparing a Communications Plan
	   Tool 3: 	 Institutional Mapping Questionnaire
	   Tool 4: 	 Social Network Analysis
	   Tool 5: 	 Risk and Opportunity Screen
	   Tool 6: 	 Capacity Assessment Methods
	   Tool 7: 	 McKinsey Capacity Assessment Tool
	   Tool 8: 	 Exit/Handover Strategy Template
	   Tool 9: 	 Turnaround Strategy Template
	   Tool 10: 	Planning and Financial Valuation Tool for Sustainability Investments

Useful References......................................................................................................................135

Notes. .........................................................................................................................................139
Figure 0.1: Seven Steps for Developing a Community Investment Strategy....................................... iii
Figure 1.1: Key Elements of Strategic Community Investment ..........................................................3
Figure 2.1: Examples of Business Drivers for CI................................................................................14
Figure 2.2: Examples of CI Linked to Business Competencies and Resources....................................21
Figure 3.1: Variables of the Local Context.......................................................................................25
Figure 3.2: Mapping Stakeholders...................................................................................................27
Figure 4.1: Community Assessment: Moving from “Needs and Wants” to “Assets and Opportunities”.....43
Figure 5.1: Examples of Stakeholder Groups Targeted for Capacity Building....................................50
Figure 5.2: Areas in which Change May Occur due to Capacity-Building Measures.                            .........................56
Figure 6.1: Setting Parameters for the CI Strategy...........................................................................60
Figure 6.2: Selective Investing to Create Shared Value.....................................................................64
Figure 6.3: Risks and Opportunities Posed by Community Needs and Issues....................................66
Figure 6.4: Sample Screening Process for CI Options.......................................................................68
Figure 6.5: BG Group’s Typology for Social Investment Spending.....................................................69
Figure 6.6: Focus on a Few Key Areas for Greater Impact................................................................69
Figure 6.7: Different Types of Investments for Different Business Phases and Objectives...................70
Figure 6.8: From Dependency to Development................................................................................71
Figure 7.1: Examples of Implementation Models.............................................................................82
Figure 8.1: Hierarchy of Indicators – An Education Project Example.................................................98
Figure 8.2: Targeting Communications for Community Investment................................................109

Table 1.1: Higher Risk and Lower Risk Contexts.  ................................................................................5
Table 1.2: Benefits of Having a Communications Strategy for CI.           .......................................................8
Table 2.1: Example – Making the Business Case for Community Investment....................................15
Table 2.2: Potential Interface Between Business Units and Local Communities.................................20
Table 2.3: Sample Worksheet for Brainstorming Business Competencies and Resources.                           ..................22
Table 3.1: Useful Approaches for Understanding Community Relationships and Dynamics.                             ..............31
Table 4.1: Invest in Building Trust with Local Communities..............................................................36
Table 5.1: Sample of Company Competency Dimensions/Key Skill Areas for CI................................51
Table 5.2: Investing in Local Capacity Building – A Menu of Options.            ...............................................55
Table 6.1: Examples of Company Funding Formulas for Community Investment Activities.                            ...............78
Table 7.1: Common Implementation Models...................................................................................81
Table 7.2: A Road Map for Deciding How to Implement..................................................................83
Table 8.1: Sample Tools and Mechanisms to Support Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation.......102
Table 8.2: Emerging Methodologies for Valuing Corporate Sustainability Programs.......................107
Tips for Supporting Strategic Community Investment....................................................................... iv
Company Self-Assessment................................................................................................................4
What a Good Community Investment Strategy Should Do................................................................6
Sequencing Issues and the Project Cycle.       ...........................................................................................7
Communications Versus Engagement...............................................................................................8
The Community Perspective: What Factors Determine the Relationship with the Company?............10
Why Community Investment Programs Perform Better When They are Aligned with the Business..........13
The Costs and Benefits of Securing Community Support (Philippines).                        .............................................16
Valuing Sustainability Risks in the Extractives Sector .......................................................................17
How Companies Define Their Vision for Community Investment.....................................................18
The Importance of Cross-Functional Coordination...........................................................................20
Dialog Telekom (Sri Lanka) – Harnessing Core Competencies in Information and
	 Communications Technology.....................................................................................................23
Big-Picture Issues and Challenges that can Affect CI.            .......................................................................28
Aracruz Cellulose (Brazil) – Mapping Key Stakeholder Issues to Inform Company Strategy...............30
Institutional Mapping: Areas for Investigation.................................................................................32
Indicators of Community Engagement Effectiveness.                .......................................................................35
Core Principles of Community-Driven Development (CDD)..............................................................38
Newmont (Ghana) – Gender Mainstreaming Program.....................................................................40
Lonmin (South Africa) – Lessons from the Rekopane Development Forum.......................................41
Five Capitals Framework.................................................................................................................42
Key Questions for Visioning............................................................................................................44
Veracel (Brazil) – Supporting Community Planning Through Social Networks...................................46
Chevron (Nigeria) – Community-Driven Development Planning Approach.......................................47
Peru LNG (Peru) – Promoting Municipal Strengthening and Social Accountability
	 Around Revenues from Extractive Industries...............................................................................52
UNDP’s Five Functional Capacities...................................................................................................53
Community Capacity Assessment (Fiji).       ............................................................................................54
Capacity Building Practice Pointers..................................................................................................57
Montana Exploradora (Guatemala) – Geographically-Based Eligibility for CI Funding.......................61
Chevron (Nigeria) – Guiding Principles and Selection Criteria for Screening
	 Community Investment Projects.................................................................................................63
Coca-Cola (Kenya) – Shared Interests Around Water Issues.............................................................65
Tips for Developing Handover and Exit Strategies............................................................................73
Himal Power Limited (Nepal) – Designing for Sustainability: An Exit Strategy Involving Local Capacity......74
Lihir Gold (Papua New Guinea) – Promoting Sustainable Development Planning for Lihir Island.......75
Budgeting Tips for Community Investment.....................................................................................78
Chevron (Nigeria) – A Regional Development Governance Structure.                    ...............................................85
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) Pipeline (Azerbaijan) – Piloting a “Star Community” Approach...............86
Foundation for Environment and Development (Cameroon) – Addressing the
	 Challenges of Financial Sustainability.........................................................................................87
Steelpoort Valley Producers Forum (South Africa) – Scaling Up Through
	 Industry-Government Collaboration...........................................................................................90
Standard Chartered Bank – Extending the Reach of HIV/AIDS Workplace Programs.........................90
CEMEX (Philippines) – Establishing Clear Roles and Responsibilities in Partnerships..........................92
Making Objectives “SMART”..........................................................................................................96
Performance Indicators and Targets for Community Investment .....................................................99
APRIL (Indonesia) – Using Perception Surveys to Monitor Stakeholder “Goodwill”.........................101
Rio Tinto – Utilizing Gender-Sensitive Indicators to Improve Outcomes..........................................103
Dialog Telekom (Sri Lanka) – Adopting an Integrated Performance Scorecard Approach................104
Valuing Placer Dome’s Community Involvement Program (Chile).                  ...................................................105
Indicators of the Company-Community Relationship.....................................................................106
Good Practice Principles for Strategic Community Investment
      	Activities flow from a well-defined strategy (objectives, criteria, guiding principles) linked to
        a clear business case and assessment of risks and opportunities
      	Addresses both short and long-term objectives through a strategic mix of investments
      	Focuses selectively on a few key areas for greatest impact where the company can most
        effectively leverage its unique role and competencies to address community priorities
      	Looks beyond financial resources and considers how to make best use of company assets,
        resources, expertise, advocacy, and relationships to benefit local communities
      	Evolves with the business phase and uses different approaches along the project cycle

    2. ALIGNED
      	Aligns the strategic issues of the business with the development priorities of local
        communities, civil society, and government to create “shared value”
      	Coordinates CI with other company policies and practices that affect communities, such
        as impact management, stakeholder engagement, and local hiring and procurement
      	Promotes cross-functional coordination and responsibility for supporting CI objectives
        among all business units that interact with local stakeholders

      	Positions the company as a partner in multi-stakeholder processes rather than as the
        principal actor in promoting local development
      	Recognizes that a multi-stakeholder approach reduces company control but adds value by
        building local ownership and complementarity around shared interests
      	Supports communities and local governments in defining and meeting their own
        development goals and aspirations through participatory planning and decision making

      	Seeks to avoid dependency, encourage self-reliance, and create long-term benefits that
        can outlast company support
      	Does not commence activities without a viable exit or handover strategy
      	Invests heavily in capacity building, participatory processes, and organizational
        development to enable local communities, institutions, and partners to take progressively
        greater roles and responsibilities
      	Reinforces, rather than replaces, local institutions and processes where feasible

      	Measures return on community investment to both the company and the community
      	Uses outcome and impact indicators to measure the quantity and quality of change
      	Tracks changes in community perceptions to gain real-time feedback on performance
      	Uses participatory methods of monitoring and evaluation to build trust and local
        ownership of outcomes
      	Proactively communicates the value generated by CI to internal and external audiences
Companies around the world engage in community investment (CI) efforts as
a way to promote local development and benefit stakeholders in their areas of
operation. For the private sector, community investment—a subset of overall social
performance and corporate responsibility—is linked to competitiveness and to
creating an environment conducive to private investment. In contexts where social
risks and expectations are high, benefits channeled effectively through community
investment programs can help companies gain a social license to operate, access
land, reduce project and reputational risks, boost productivity, meet government
requirements or global standards, and/or successfully compete for the next venture.

Good practice in this area continues to evolve. Companies are moving away from
philanthropic donations and ad hoc practices to more sophisticated and strategic
ways of planning and delivering their community investment programs. There
is greater emphasis on the business case—on viewing CI through the lens of
risk and opportunity, and on creating “shared value” by aligning business goals
and competencies with the development priorities of local stakeholders. Other
trends include a focus on building social capital and local ownership through
multi-stakeholder processes; factoring sustainability and handover strategies
into project design; and measuring and communicating results to optimize the
business value derived from CI. 	

For the purposes of this handbook, we define strategic community investment as:

Voluntary contributions or actions by companies to help communities in their
areas of operation address their development priorities, and take advantage of
opportunities created by private investment—in ways that are sustainable and
support business objectives.

The use of the term investment implies an expectation of a “return” and signals
that company support for community development should be viewed like other
business investments.

     While the biggest contribution a company normally makes is in the positive impact
     of the business itself—through employment, contracts, its supply chain, and
     payment of taxes—voluntary community investment programs offer an important
     additional avenue for enhancing positive impacts and socioeconomic benefits.
     Through CI, companies support capacity building, access to social services and
     infrastructure, livelihoods development, skills transfer, microfinance, and the like,
     often in contexts where the levels of poverty are high and where business and
     communities compete for the use of land and natural resources.

     While this publication focuses on voluntary programs, a strategic approach encourages
     companies to think creatively and cross-functionally about the many different ways to
     increase the “share of the pie” that goes to the local population. This means tapping
     into the full spectrum of what the private sector has to offer—from opportunities
     linked to the core business and supply chain; to business competencies, assets, and
     know-how; to leverage with key contacts, networks, and partners. In this sense, CI may
     be viewed as a strategic tool that can be combined with other efforts to generate value
     for both the business and its neighboring communities.

     Community investment, of course, goes hand-in-hand with a company’s
     stakeholder engagement efforts. Experience shows that these types of up-front
     investments in relationship-building with local communities and partners can pay
     significant dividends during times of conflict or crisis.

     The aim of this handbook is to help IFC client companies and the wider private
     sector operating in emerging markets to think strategically about how they can
     support community investment programs that are successful, sustainable, and
     consistent with their own business objectives. The handbook draws heavily on
     the lessons and practical experiences of IFC, its client companies, and other
     organizations focused on the private sector in emerging markets. It also draws
     specifically on the knowledge and insights of IFC social development specialists and
     community investment practitioners inside companies or working with companies.
     When taken as a whole, these insights and good practice approaches point toward
     a new, more strategic business model for community investment.

     Who is the Target Audience?

     This handbook is particularly relevant for sectors such as oil, gas, mining,
     infrastructure, tourism, power, agribusiness, forestry, and large manufacturing—
     where forging good relations with neighboring communities and contributing
     to sustainable local development can be a business imperative. It is meant for
     use by anyone who is interested in developing a company-supported community
     investment program or improving the performance of an existing one.

       •	 For a community investment practitioner who needs to design a program
          from beginning to end, the handbook offers a detailed road map (but will
          need to be supplemented by additional tools, some of which can be found in
          the Tools section or listed under “Useful References”).

                                   •	 For a senior manager who wishes to understand the key concepts of a
                                      strategic approach to community investment, what the planning process
                                      entails, and the implications for business managers, the Quick Guide version of
                                      this handbook will provide a useful overview.

                                   •	 For a nongovernmental organization (NGO) involved in CI implementation,
                                      or considering partnering with a company to design a CI program, the
                                      handbook will provide critical information on understanding the company
                                      perspective, including the “business case” for CI.

                                   •	 For IFC staff involved in assisting clients in the design of strategic community
                                      investment programs, the handbook is required reading.

                                   •	 For policymakers, or those involved in setting standards and guidelines
                                      regarding the contribution of companies to sustainable local development, the
                                      global good practices and lessons of experience contained here should provide
                                      useful insights.

                                 PUTTING THE APPROACH INTO PRACTICE: A STRATEGIC
                                 PLANNING FRAMEWORK FOR CI
                                 Developing a CI strategy is an iterative, multi-step process with some steps taken
                                 internally by the company and others requiring engagement, feedback, and multi-
                                 stakeholder processes. This handbook is organized around seven key areas comprising a
                                 comprehensive strategic planning framework for community investment.

Figure 0.1: Seven Steps for Developing a Community Investment Strategy

 Assess the                                            Invest in                          Select           Measure and
 Business        Assess the           Engage           Capacity         Set the           Implementation   Communicate
 Context         Local Context        Communities      Building         Parameters        Models           Results

 Business Case   Socioeconomic        Community        Needs            Objectives,       In-house         Baseline
                 Assessment           Planning         Assessment       Guiding
 Risk and                                                               Principles, and   Third-party      Indicators
 Opportunities   Stakeholders         Assets and       Target           Criteria
                 and Networks         Opportunities    Groups                             Multi-           Participatory
 Core                                                                   Investment        Stakeholder      Methods
 Competencies    Institutional        Visioning and    Types of         Areas             Partnership
                 Mapping              Prioritization   Capacities                                          Community
 Internal                                              and Skills       Exit Strategy     Foundation       Perceptions
 Alignment       Partners             Expectations
                                      Management       Options and      Budget            Hybrid Models    Return on
 Project Cycle                                         Strategies                                          Investment

                               We must acknowledge that reality does not have the same “clean lines” as the
                               flowcharts and neat chapters in this handbook. Trying to capture and convey
                               the CI process in a document forces a sequential logic that can sometimes make
                               what is an iterative, dynamic, often unpredictable process look overly precise
                               and mechanical. As such, it should be viewed simply as a tool requiring flexibility,
                               expertise, and adaptation in its application on the ground.

                               In outlining this process, the handbook is designed to be read from beginning
                               to end. However, we recognize that the needs of users will differ, and that not
                               all will have the time, the inclination, or the need to read every page. We have
                               therefore structured this handbook into eight chapters, with sub-sections, to
                               allow it to be used as a reference document. Users with specific interests can dip
                               in and out as the need arises.


     Money can’t buy you love. A multi-year study of          Help people recognize the importance of
     over 60 international companies operating on five        making choices and setting priorities. Unlimited
     continents concluded that there is no correlation        requests from communities for support tend to occur
     (and sometimes even an inverse correlation)              when the company has not set any parameters or
     between the amount of money a company spends             managed expectations effectively. Open dialogue
     on community projects and the quality of their           with communities on issues such as budget, criteria,
     relationship with the community.                         and cost-sharing can help facilitate discussion on
                                                              priorities and how to make the best use of available
     Resist preconceived ideas of what local com-             resources. Additionally, evidence suggests that when
     munities need. For communities, shared decision          communities trust that a company is willing to support
     making is about respect and ownership. No matter         them over a longer timeframe, they are more likely to
     how well intended, if a company decides the priorities   prioritize skills training and capacity building.
     for communities instead of with communities, people
     might willingly accept—but feel no responsibility to-    Choose the option that builds local ownership
     ward—what the company offers.                            and capacity. There are many ways to build a clinic
                                                              or a school. A company can use its own engineers,
     Recognize the responsibility of communities for          hire a local contractor, or involve the community
     their own success. A dynamic of “dependency”             through the use of communal labor. The quickest
     can be created if a company lacks confidence in          and easiest way is often to use company staff and
     the community’s ability to achieve things for itself.    equipment. While the end result is the same—a new
     Companies should try to resist the impulse to take       building—the degree of community ownership of
     the initiative on community projects if communities      the project can differ significantly depending on the
     themselves do not. This risks sending the message        option chosen.
     that, if communities wait long enough, the company
     will do it for them.                                     Move away from doing it yourself to making
                                                              sure it gets done. Instead of substituting for
     Do not provide free goods or services. This              government by providing health and education
     is not sustainable in the long run, and it creates       services, companies are increasingly using their
     dependency and a sense of entitlement from which         access and leverage to ensure that local community
     companies find it hard to extricate themselves           needs are met. This can be done by lobbying the
     during times of economic contraction or at               government to provide services, using contacts to
     project end. Experience shows that handouts and          attract external donor funds and forge partnerships,
     free services earn only temporary goodwill from          or building the capacity of communities to take these
     communities. Requiring partner contributions (in         types of actions themselves.
     cash or in-kind) will reveal what communities and
     government value most.

                                             Being Strategic
Chapter 1
    From Well-Meaning
    to Strategic
    •	12 Reasons “0ld-Style” Community
      Investment Has Underperformed
    •	Elements of a Strategic Approach
    •	How Strategic Is Your Approach?
    •	Getting Started: The Building Blocks
Being Strategic

                  An ad hoc approach (reacting to community requests as they arise)
                  is the opposite of being strategic.
                             Chapter 1: From Well-Meaning to Strategic

What Some Companies Say About Community Investment Challenges
“We spend lots of money on CI, but relations with communities don’t improve (and sometimes even deteriorate)”
“Our CI program has become a source of conflict among communities”
“Local stakeholders have become dependent on us”
“Infrastructure projects we built lie abandoned and unused”
“There are endless requests from communities—how do we say no?”
“We get pulled in a hundred different directions”
“We’ve ended up having to take over the government’s role”
“Our CI program has little to do with our core business”
“We are doing all these good things for the community, but no one gives us any credit”
“In the end, we have little to show for all the resources we’ve spent”

                             12 REASONS “OLD-STYLE” COMMUNITY INVESTMENT
                             HAS UNDERPERFORMED
                             Achieving long-term, positive community development impact through company-
                             supported initiatives can be a complex and challenging endeavor. Many programs
                             do not deliver to their full potential—for either the company or the community—
                             despite the considerable time, goodwill, and resources invested. In some cases,
                             poorly planned CI has given rise to negative attitudes about the company by
                             creating dependencies and generating conflict around the distribution of benefits.
                             Contributing factors include:

                             1.	 Limited Understanding of the Often Complex Local Context
                             	 Companies have sometimes commenced community initiatives without fully
                                 understanding the socio-cultural context or how their presence and actions
                                 can affect the often complex dynamics between and among local stakeholder
                                 groups. This has led to a range of unintended consequences, including the
                                 exacerbation of tensions or creation of conflict among communities.

                             2.	 Insufficient Participation and Ownership by Local Stakeholders
                             	 Delivery of community projects without sufficient involvement of communities
                                 and local government in decision making around development priorities has
                                 resulted in projects with low relevance to local stakeholders.

                             3.	 A Perception of “Giving” Rather Than “Investment”
                                 (Including Lack of Clear Objectives)
                             	 The tendency to view community development as charity rather than as an
                                 investment linked to the business has resulted in vague objectives and a lack of
                                 direction and purpose.

                             4.	 Detachment from the Business
                             	 Community programs have tended to be planned and implemented in isolation
                                 from business activities and other day-to-day actions affecting stakeholders. This
                                 has limited CI’s effectiveness in helping the company to address key social risks
                                 and opportunities at the site level or to take advantage of business efficiencies and
                                 competencies in support of local communities.

From Well-Meaning to Strategic                                                                                       1
    5.	 Responding to Local Requests in an Ad Hoc Manner
    	 Ad hoc approaches are typically opportunistic and focus on short-term outputs
        rather than catalyzing long-term change. The risk, in many cases, is that the
        sum of all these disparate contributions to local causes does not add up to
        anything that either the company or host communities can point to as a
        tangible or lasting development benefit.

    6.	 Lack of Professionalism and Business Rigor
    	 Few community programs are held to the same standards that companies apply
        to other business investments they make (in terms of professional rigor, a clear
        business rationale, planning and budgeting processes, and accountability for
        results). This often reflects the low priority given to CI by senior management
        when there is no perceived link to the company’s bottom line.

    7.	 Insufficient Focus on Sustainability
    	 It is only in recent years that the sustainability of community development activities
        supported by companies has become a key factor in project selection and design.
        In the past, short-term objectives took priority over longer-term considerations, and
        sustainability policies and criteria were not given much emphasis.

    8.	 Provision of Free Goods and Services
    	 While well-intended, the long-term consequences of providing free goods and
        services have not proven to be in the interests of either the company or local
        stakeholders. The lack of requirements for matching contributions (whether
        financial or in-kind) has made it difficult to generate shared ownership or
        financial sustainability, and has instead fostered dependency.

    9.	 No Exit or Handover Strategy
    	 Commencing activities without planning in advance for the company’s eventual
        withdrawal has rendered many company-supported programs unsustainable and
        created difficulties for the company around its “social license to exit” in times of
        financial cutbacks or project end.

    10.	Overemphasis on Infrastructure and Underemphasis on Skills Building
    	 Traditionally, community programs have been dominated by company-led,
        bricks-and-mortar types of projects with a significant lack of investment in
        the participatory processes, skills building, and organizational development
        necessary to affect and maintain long-term change.

    11.	Lack of Transparency and Clear Criteria
    	 Unclear criteria have led to numerous cases of conflict between and among
        communities over who gets what and why. When transparent criteria are
        lacking, company practice in distributing benefits may be perceived as secretive,
        unpredictable, and susceptible to manipulation.

    12.	Failure to Measure and Communicate Results
    	 In many cases the effectiveness of community programs is unknown because it
        has not been systematically tracked or measured the way most other business
        activities or expenditures would be. Common shortcomings include the lack
        of proper baseline data and a focus on measuring the volume of spend or the
        number of outputs rather than the quality of outcomes.

2                                                   From Well-Meaning to Strategic
                            ELEMENTS OF A STRATEGIC APPROACH
                            In learning from these past experiences, companies seeking to break out of a low-
                            results pattern are beginning to adopt new approaches and ways of engaging with
                            their local stakeholders. Strategic CI encompasses five elements that reinforce one
                            another: strategy, internal and external alignment, multi-stakeholder partnerships,
                            sustainability, and results measurement. The goal is to create lasting improvements
                            in the quality of life for local communities, which in turn generate business value
                            for the company in the form of broad community support, reputational benefits,
                            risk reduction, productivity gains, and/or competitive advantage.

Figure 1.1: Key Elements of Strategic Community Investment


                                       RESULTS                                   ALIGNMENT
                                                             Better Local
                                                         and Business Benefits

                                             SUSTAINABILITY            MULTI-STAKEHOLDER

                            HOW STRATEGIC IS YOUR APPROACH?
                            The following self-assessment provides a more detailed look at how the five
                            elements of a strategic framework for CI might be incorporated and applied in
                            practice. Companies can determine the general degree to which their programs
                            and practices are consistent with strategic CI by undertaking this quick survey.

From Well-Meaning to Strategic                                                                                 3
STRATEGIC                                                                                    Yes   No   Partial
    •	 We have a written strategy linked to a clear business case and assessment of
       risks and opportunities
    •	 We screen all initiatives against well-defined objectives, criteria, and guiding
       principles, and say “no” to requests that do not fit within these parameters
    •	 We look beyond financial resources and consider how to make the best use of
       our company’s competencies, assets, expertise, and relationships in support of CI
    •	 We focus selectively on a few key areas for greatest impact where the company can
       most effectively leverage its role and competencies to address community priorities
    •	 Our choice of implementation model is driven by strategic factors, such as time
       horizon, budget, availability of local partners, and fit with our objectives
    •	 We align the strategic issues of our business with the development priorities of
       local communities, civil society, and government to create “shared value”
    •	 The link between CI and business objectives is understood by staff and
       management, and we involve all business units that interact with local
       stakeholders in the design of the CI strategy (and assign cross-functional
       responsibilities for meeting objectives)
    •	 We coordinate CI with all other company policies, practices, and programs that
       affect communities, including impact management, stakeholder engagement,
       and local hiring and procurement
    •	 We position ourselves as a partner in multi-stakeholder processes rather than
       the principal actor in promoting local development
    •	 We support communities and local government in defining and meeting their
       own development goals and aspirations through participatory planning and
       decision making
    •	 We do not commence activities without a clear exit or handover strategy
    •	 The projects we support are designed to avoid dependency, encourage self-
       reliance, and create long-term benefits that can outlast company support
    •	 We take a long-term view when engaging with communities (although short-
       term results may be needed to meet business objectives at various stages of
       the project cycle)
    •	 Our support requires matching contributions (financial or in-kind) or fee-for-
       service arrangements and partnerships
    •	 We invest in capacity building, participatory processes, and organizational
       development to enable local actors to take progressively greater roles and
    •	 We try to reinforce, rather than replace, local institutions and processes
    •	 We track progress systematically over time against an established baseline
       (and use outcome and impact indicators to measure both the quality and
       quantity of change)
    •	 We are able to communicate the value generated by our community
       investments to both internal and external audiences
    •	 We use shared definitions of “success” and participatory methods of monitoring
       and evaluation to build trust and local ownership of results
    •	 We track changes in community perceptions to gain real-time feedback on

4                                                                                From Well-Meaning to Strategic
                             GETTING STARTED: THE BUILDING BLOCKS
                             Assess Whether Community Investment is Needed

                             Not every project needs to have a CI program. In fact, many projects can reduce
                             their social risks by managing project impacts well and adjusting their business
                             practices and procedures to increase local economic benefits. However, in “higher
                             risk” contexts where there are significant project impacts on local communities,
                             where basic needs and expectations for benefits are high, or where the affected
                             communities do not have the ability (i.e., skills or resources) to take advantage of
                             development opportunities being created by private investment, CI may provide a
                             company with an effective channel to enhance development impacts.

Table 1.1: Higher Risk and Lower Risk Contexts
HIGHER RISK                                                LOWER RISK
Significant project impacts on communities                 Minimal projects impacts on communities
Poor or remote areas                                       More developed or urbanized areas
Company needs host community support to operate            Community relations is not a significant issue
effectively (fixed site)                                   for the business
Basic needs are high but government capacity is low        Government provides basic services and infrastructure
Company is the largest or sole employer                    Company is one of many employers in the area
Expectations for benefits are high                         Community is indifferent to the project
Local opposition to the project exists                     Community is indifferent to the project
Local needs go beyond employment                           Employment is the main issue
Affected community lacks the ability to take               Population has the skills and resources to benefit from
advantage of opportunities created by the project          opportunities created by the project

The process by               Invest in Process
which a company
                             The process by which a company engages its local stakeholders and partners, and
engages its local            the spirit in which this is done, are as important to the success of CI as the strategy
stakeholders and             itself. The building blocks of CI—trust, mutual respect, goodwill, capacity, shared
partners, and the            learning, and local ownership—are all developed through an ongoing and iterative
                             process of collaboration. Getting it right involves focusing less on the number of
spirit in which this         meetings organized and more on the quality of the interaction. This implies a long-
is done, are as              term investment of company time and resources in establishing and maintaining a
important to the             process that local people find meaningful and empowering.
success of CI as             Don’t Skip the Strategy
the strategy itself.
                             An ad hoc approach (reacting to community requests as they arise) is the opposite
                             of being strategic. Having a good strategy enables a company to direct its CI
                             efforts with purpose. This lowers the risk of unintended outcomes and increases
                             the chances that CI objectives will be achieved.

From Well-Meaning to Strategic                                                                                       5

          •	 Set out a 3-5 year plan for the company’s community investments
          •	 Establish CI strategy objectives that are linked to the business case
          •	 Identify target stakeholder groups and specify eligibility criteria
          •	 Link the CI strategy to the local context by drawing upon
             socioeconomic baseline studies
          •	 Establish an iterative process of engagement with local
             stakeholders and partners on CI
          •	 Draw on the company’s core competencies and resources to support
          •	 Promote cross-functional coordination and accountability for
             supporting CI objectives
          •	 Integrate CI with other company programs that involve
             communities (stakeholder engagement, grievance process, environmental
             and social impact management, and local hiring and contracting)
          •	 Set out criteria and guiding principles against which all CI proposals will
             be screened
          •	 Identify the key program areas in which the company will invest
          •	 Identify the implementation model and decision-making/governance
          •	 Define roles and responsibilities, budget, scope, and timeline
          •	 Describe the company’s exit/handover and sustainability
          •	 Consider both short-term and long-term objectives
          •	 Describe how project results will be monitored and

       * A template for preparing a community investment strategy is provided in the Tools section.

    Align with the Project Cycle

    Strategic CI needs to evolve with each phase of the business. This calls for different
    approaches along the project cycle to respond to changing business drivers. As
    the types of risks and opportunities related to communities change, so should the
    strategy and the kinds of activities that flow from it.

6                                                       From Well-Meaning to Strategic
                        Sequencing Issues and the Project Cycle

                          •	 During the concept phase, special considerations may include planning
                             for future workforce needs, local procurement, or suppliers/outgrowers
                             development. For example, if the construction or development phase is
                             going to create jobs, a community investment program on skills training
                             or technical assistance for local communities might need to start well in
                          •	 If the project is going to cause significant negative impacts that people
                             are concerned about (e.g., resettlement or loss of livelihoods), it is
                             advisable to engage with communities to explain and address these
                             basic concerns before engaging on CI.
                          •	 In the development phase, “quick impact” projects executed (e.g.,
                             infrastructure) by the company may be needed up front to deliver on
                             initial expectations by government and the community for tangible
                             benefits and to counterbalance disruptions and impacts caused by
                             construction activities. The operations phase is often where capacity
                             building, partnerships, and long-term productive investments take place.
                          •	 Communities need to understand the project schedule so as to avoid
                             unrealistic expectations regarding the delivery of benefits. Some major
                             projects can take as long as a decade from early concept to actual
                             operations. Other projects may be fully operational within months.
                          •	 CI can be an extremely strategic element of a company’s exit/handover
                             planning process, enabling communities to think beyond the life of the
                             project and to prepare themselves for it. Ideally this planning should
                             occur at the development phase but, at a minimum, five years prior to
                             exit, with constant monitoring and evaluation of the transition process.

                                                                                                             © B.Lyons

From Well-Meaning to Strategic                                                                           7
    Use Communications as a Strategic Tool

    Some companies may be reluctant to talk publicly about their CI programs. The
    view is that “good works” should speak for themselves and that the company
    should not oversell in this area. While true, this thinking can also lead a company
    to undersell its efforts and, in doing so, miss important opportunities to optimize
    the business benefits generated by CI. If, for example, a community investment
    program is designed to secure a license to operate, improve risk management,
    or enhance brand value, communicating actively and repeatedly about these
    programs should be an integral part of the process. Similarly, if a company wants to
    reap reputational benefits, both shareholders and other stakeholders at the local,
    regional, and international levels need to be informed about these investments and
    the value they create.

    Having both internal and external communications plans for CI, and implementing
    these proactively, can yield a number of important benefits. It can help to secure
    internal management support for community investment and to promote a
    collective sense of pride among staff. Locally, it can contribute to improved
    relations by creating a two-way channel for information sharing. (A template for
    preparing a communications plan is provided in the Tools section.)

     Table 1.2: Benefits of Having a Communications Strategy for CI
     External Communications                      Internal Communications
     •	 Increases program transparency            •	 Helps secure internal support
     •	 Reduces the spread of misinformation         and resources for CI (through
     •	 Serves as a two-way channel for              communication of the business case)
        feedback from stakeholders                •	 Builds company-wide understanding
     •	 Builds interest and buy-in from civil        and appreciation of the purpose of CI
        society and government                       and the link with business goals
     •	 Strengthens corporate image among         •	 Promotes a collective sense of pride
        the public and industry peers                and goodwill among staff by doing
     •	 Improves risk management                     something positive for communities
     •	 Strengthens brand value/reputation        •	 Leverages External Relations/
     •	 Increases appeal to financial investors      Communications staff in support of CI

       Communications Versus Engagement

       In contrast to stakeholder engagement, communications is more informative
       than consultative. In the context of CI, the purpose of communications is to:

         •	 Deliver key information to target audiences
         •	 Convey plans for community investments
         •	 Create transparency around the process
         •	 Prevent misinformation from spreading
         •	 Disseminate information about successes and achievements
         •	 Enhance the reputational benefits from community investment
         •	 Communicate the value of CI to different audiences and stakeholders
         •	 Help anticipate, control, and manage crisis situations

8                                                  From Well-Meaning to Strategic
When it comes         Take a Holistic Approach to Community Relations
to managing
                      When it comes to managing company-community relationships, community
                      investment is only one part of the equation. While CI can be used to help build
community             local support and channel development benefits to communities, it should not be
relationships,        thought of as the company’s primary means for risk management, stakeholder
community             engagement, or local job creation. These three functions are part of a company’s
                      core business processes and should normally be in place prior to commencing CI.
investment is only
one part of the       This handbook assumes that companies are already implementing the following
equation.             three programs, and that community investment will build upon and seek to add
                      value over and above these existing processes.

                       	 Risk Management: Run Your Core Business Well and Actively Manage Your
                          Direct and Indirect Project Impacts

                      Good social and environmental performance is fundamental to managing risks and
                      building strong relationships with local communities. CI programs—which should
                      not be confused with mitigation or compensation for project impacts—cannot
                      be effective if the local population feels that the company is not adequately
                      managing negative impacts. Good practice companies take broad responsibility for
                      the wide range of impacts generated by the project and work with communities
                      transparently and in good faith to address them. This includes indirect or “induced”
                      impacts (such as population influx, food security, or an increased incidence of HIV/
                      AIDS), as well as impacts from associated facilities linked to the project.

                       	 Stakeholder Engagement: Engage Communities on the Issues that Matter to
                          Them Most and Be Responsive to Local Grievances

                      As a general rule, a company will have established ongoing engagement on the
                      broader project—and the issues of highest concern to local stakeholders—before it
                      engages communities on CI. Making investments in community development when
                      there are major outstanding issues, or when adequate relationships have not been
                      established, is usually unproductive. Effective engagement comes from knowing
                      what issues local communities care about most, discussing these with them early
                      on in a culturally appropriate manner, and using iterative processes (including
                      accessible grievance mechanisms) that enable company action and follow up. The
                      quality of the engagement process and how the company engages will set the tone
                      for future interactions and relations with local stakeholders, so it is important to try
                      to get this right from the beginning.

                       	 Local Community Content: Adopt Policies and Practices that Promote Local
                          Hiring, Sourcing, and Supply Chain Development

                      In most cases, the number one expectation of communities from private sector
                      operations is for “jobs,” both direct and indirect. The natural starting point for any
                      company is opportunities linked to its core business processes, such as employment,
                      procurement of goods and services, and assisting local vendors to become suppliers.
                      This is because the income-generating potential of local hiring and procurement
                      efforts linked to a company’s own business processes far outweigh those that can be
                      generated through other community investment efforts.

                      Sometimes what the company defines as “local,” however, may be different from
                      the community’s definition. This can affect the perception of “fairness” in the way
                      a company allocates jobs and contracts. Special efforts may be required in working
                      with Human Resources and Procurement to ensure that local content includes local
                      community content. Consultations with communities should address this issue in a
                      transparent manner and seek to manage expectations.

From Well-Meaning to Strategic                                                                              9
     The Community Perspective: What Factors Determine the Relationship
     with the Company?2
     Experience from the Corporate Engagement Project                    What Responsibility Does the Company Take
     (CEP) across regions and sectors has shown that                     for Project Impacts?
     communities are surprisingly consistent when it                       •	 Does the company take broad responsibility
     comes to defining what matters most to them in                           for the range of impacts (both direct and
     terms of company-community relations. According to                       indirect) that affect people’s lives or does it
     communities, it is the company’s policies and practices                  take narrow responsibility?
     in the following three areas that determine whether
     the relationship will be a positive or negative one.                  •	 Are company actions in this area perceived as
                                                                              fair, transparent, and accountable?
     How Does the Company Distribute Local                               How Does the Company Behave?
                                                                           •	 Does the company engage with local
       •	 Does the project generate tangible economic                         communities in a manner perceived as open,
          and social benefits for local communities (e.g.,                    transparent, and honest?
          jobs, contracts, development opportunities,
                                                                           •	 Do company actions and the behavior
          improved access to social services and
                                                                              of its staff convey respect, caring, and
          infrastructure, and so forth)?
                                                                              trustworthiness? Or does the company’s
       •	 Is the way in which the company distributes                         behavior convey arrogance, disrespect, and
          these benefits perceived as fair, transparent,                      lack of caring?
          and equitable?
       •	 Are there clear criteria and does the company
          apply them consistently?

                                                    The Three Pillars of Company-Community Relations

                                    Jobs, Contracts,                    Benefits                        Fairness
                                   Community Projects                 Distribution                   Transparency
              Strategy Alignment

                                                                    Management of                       Broad
                                       Direct and
                                                                    Project Impacts                 Accountability
                                     Indirect Effects

                                                                   Company Behavior
                                      Perceptions                                                       Caring

10                                                                                       From Well-Meaning to Strategic
Chapter 2

                                               Business Context
    Assess the Business
    Context for CI
    •	Focus on the Business Case
    •	Undertake a Company Diagnostic
    •	Align Internal Functions to Support CI
    •	Build on Core Competencies and
      Business Links
Business Context

                   A strategic-minded company tends to support CI programs and
                   activities in areas where it, as a business, has the most to offer,
                   and where there are links to its business interests.
                       Chapter 2: Assess the Business Context for CI
“The ability to        FOCUS ON THE BUSINESS CASE
                       In a strategic approach, making the link between a company’s community
good social            investment objectives and its business objectives is essential. This step is often
and community          bypassed, however, due to a general assumption that anything “good” done for
development            communities—such as building a clinic or donating to a local cause—will translate
                       into goodwill with the local population (which, in turn, will benefit the company).
practices makes        In reality, this outcome cannot be taken for granted. As many companies have
us an attractive       discovered, it is quite possible to invest considerable resources in CI and yet have
partner for            little to show for it (e.g., in terms of improved local support or less social risk).
                       Increasingly, leading companies are able to articulate internally and to their
opening up             shareholders a clear business case for pursuing a CI program. Yet not all companies
new business           are comfortable doing this. Depending on their corporate cultures, some companies
opportunities.”        may be reluctant to make their underlying interests explicit. They may even object
                       to the notion that community investment needs a business case.

—ArcelorMittal3        In the past, separating CI from business interests was done so that, in theory, CI
                       programs could focus on “doing good” without being seen as “self-serving.”
                       In practice, however, the separation from core business weakens CI in terms of
                       its relevance, sustainability, and effectiveness. Experience suggests that closer
                       alignment between business operations and CI programs produces better outcomes
                       for both the company and local communities.


                             •	 When CI is aligned with a company’s business strategy, it is likely to
                                receive more internal support and resources from management and
                             •	 When CI programs are integrated with business operations (rather than
                                implemented separately), this enables more effective coordination with
                                other business units on the day-to-day interactions and issues that can
                                impact the company-community relationship
                             •	 When the link between CI and business objectives is understood by
                                staff and management, core competencies and resources across the
                                business can be more readily accessed and leveraged for the benefit of
                                local communities
                             •	 When CI is geared toward specific business objectives, activities tend to
                                have greater focus and direction than when the purpose is not well-
                             •	 When CI has a clear business case, the program is more resilient to
                                budget cuts (versus pure philanthropy, which tends to disappear during
                                economic downturns)
                             •	 When a company is clear about why it supports CI and what it hopes to
                                achieve, the “return” on investment can be more readily measured and

Assess the Business Context for CI                                                                          13
                                Link CI Strategy to Business Drivers

                                Channeling development benefits to local communities through CI can generate a
                                wide range of direct and indirect business benefits. The pursuit of these benefits,
                                or “business drivers,” is what motivates companies to support CI programs. Once a
                                company identifies the key business drivers to which CI can most readily contribute
                                (such as gaining a “social license” to operate in the case of a mine or a hotel, or
                                meeting global certification standards in the commodities sector), these can then
                                be used to drive the strategy.

                                It can be argued that many of the business drivers for CI are the same as those for
                                “sustainability” or “social performance” programs more broadly. This is true, because
                                in most cases CI will not be the only, or even the primary, vehicle a company should
                                use to address community issues; rather, CI will be a supplementary, strategic tool for
                                further enhancing local benefits.

Figure 2.1: Examples of Business Drivers for CI4

 Timber Resources Management                Sino Gold's Jinfeng Mine was able to build its          Levi Strauss partnered
 legislation in Ghana requires logging      social license to operate in the Ghizou province,       with a local NGO in
 firms to commit a portion of their         one of the poorest in China, by committing to a         Bangladesh to provide
 financial resources toward the             ten-year program of community development in            workers’ rights education
 provision of social infrastructure and     consultation with local stakeholders.                   and microenterprise support
 services to local forest communities                                                               to female garment workers
 through “Social Responsibility                                                                     in response to criticism of
 Agreements.”                                                                                       sweatshop labor in its
                                                                                                    supply chain.
                                          Government                         Risk
                                          Requirement                     Management

                           Loyalty                                                          Reputation

              Competitive                                                                                 Access
               Advantage                                                                                 to Land

            Global                                         Business                                           Local
         Certification                                   Drivers for CI                                    Workforce
         Requirements                                                                                      Productivity

Universal Sodexo’s innovative               The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil           In East Africa, Serena Hotels’
approach to supporting aboriginal           has principles and criteria for smallholders,    HIV/AIDS program—including
people in developing indigenous             requiring contributions to local                 outreach to communities—resulted
enterprises helped the company win a        sustainable development.                         in dramatic workforce productivity
major food and facilities maintenance                                                        gains due to reduced mortality,
contract with Rio Tinto.                                                                     lower health insurance premiums,
                                                                                             and less absenteeism.

14                                                                                Assess the Business Context for CI
                                 Develop Your Business Case for CI

                                 The key ways in which community investment can help a company to meet its
                                 business objectives and reduce its risks (relative to costs) constitute the “business
                                 case” for CI. To define the business case for your community investment program,
                                 follow these key steps early on:

                                 1.	 Identify your company’s broad business objectives and the steps necessary
                                     to reach them.
                                 2.	 For each business objective, identify the underlying business “drivers” or
                                     “benefits” that could be facilitated by community investment.
                                 3.	 For each driver, consider if and how CI could contribute. Be specific.
                                 4.	 Prioritize those areas where CI is likely to make the biggest contribution
                                     to facilitating business strategy and objectives.
                                 5.	 Formulate the business case by describing the key ways in which community
                                     investment can help the company meet its business objectives and reduce its risks.
                                 6.	 Further develop and quantify the business case for CI, based on estimated
                                     costs versus estimated value of community investment in helping the company
                                     to achieve its specific business objectives.
                                 7.	 Use the business case to strengthen corporate commitment and secure
                                     resources for CI.
                                 8.	 Ensure the link between your CI program and the business case by
                                     checking that your CI strategy objectives and business objectives are aligned.
                                 9.	 Think about, and discuss internally, what other company actions may be
                                     needed (in addition to CI) to successfully deliver on the business case.

Table 2.1: Example - Making the Business Case for Community Investment
Business                Business Drivers                 Business Benefits of CI                   Business Case for CI
To define and           ––   Risk management             –– Builds trust, credibility, and local   Estimated costs
approve a project       ––   Social license                 support                                of CI relative to
within two years        ––   Government approval         –– Enables access to area                 estimated value of
                        ––   Access to land              –– Lowers risk of opposition              business benefits
To maximize             –– Risk management               –– Lowers risk of disruption or           Estimated costs
value for all our       –– Social license                   stoppage                               of CI relative to
stakeholders            –– Government approval           –– Visibly demonstrates local benefits/   estimated value of
                        –– Local workforce                  development impact                     business benefits
                           productivity                  –– Improves skills and lowers             generated
                        –– Reputation                       absenteeism
To achieve the          –– Risk management               –– Lowers risk of anti-company            Estimated costs
highest global          –– Adherence with global            sentiment, protests, and stoppages     of CI relative to
standards on               industry standards            –– Diffuses social tensions by            estimated value of
health, safety,         –– Reputation                       demonstrating corporate                business benefits
security, and           –– Competitive advantage            commitment to local development        generated
environmental and                                        –– Enhances reputation
social sustainability
To build long-          –– Social license                –– Visibly demonstrates benefits-         Estimated costs
term, successful        –– Reduced operational risk         sharing                                of CI relative to
relations with                                           –– Helps build trust and local support    estimated value of
stakeholders                                             –– Shows corporate commitment to          business benefits
                                                            tackle long-term development           generated
To be the               –– Competitive advantage         –– Creates competitive differentiation    Estimated costs
company of choice       –– Reputation                       through sustainability track record    of CI relative to
in our industry         –– Access to approvals and          (of which CI can be an important       estimated value of
                           capital                          component)                             business benefits

Assess the Business Context for CI                                                                                  15
     Try to Quantify CI’s Business Value

     Maximizing business value involves both value creation and value protection.
     Companies can take actions or make investments that create direct value by, for
     example, decreasing the cost of inputs or boosting worker productivity. At the
     same time, they can also protect existing value through actions or investments that
     reduce project or reputational risks and avoid incurring costs related to such risks.

     Quantifying the business case for community investments that create value
     (e.g., community HIV/AIDS programs that reduce health care premiums and
     lower absenteeism rates) is fairly straightforward. However, financial valuation of
     community investments that protect value by building “intangibles” such as trust
     and goodwill—or by decreasing the potential risk of delays, disruptions, or negative
     effects on corporate reputation—is more challenging. Even though these metrics
     can be difficult, quantifying the benefits generated by CI programs and other types
     of sustainability investments is helpful in order to strengthen the business case. (See
     Chapter 8 for further discussion on emerging financial valuation models.)


        The Malampaya Deep Water Gas-to-Power project is a $4.5 billion joint
        venture of the Royal/Dutch Shell subsidiary Shell Philippines Exploration,
        Chevron Texaco, and the Philippine National Oil Company. The project
        illustrates how a potentially controversial, high-impact infrastructure project
        can avoid costly community opposition through ongoing efforts to secure
        and maintain consent throughout the project cycle. In Malampaya, the costs
        of gaining community consent proved to be minimal in comparison with total
        project costs. Even using conservative “base estimates” of potential delays
        due to community opposition, the project sponsors received benefits that
        were worth many times these costs. In addition, Malampaya has generated
        broader reputational benefits for Royal/Dutch Shell.

         Costs and Benefits of Gaining Consent from Communities
         Activities          Costs       Results                        Benefits/Avoided
         General             USD $6      –– Construction ahead of       USD $36 million
         Community           million        schedule by 3 months
         Engagement/                     –– Contractual penalties       USD $10-30
         Consultations                      avoided                     million
         (including                      –– Project delays from         USD $4-6 million
         resettlement)                      laying of pipelines
         Total Costs         USD $6      Total Benefits                 USD $50-72
                             million                                    million

16                                                 Assess the Business Context for CI
                          Valuing Sustainability Risks in the Extractives Sector6

                          In a review of 83 cases from the oil, gas, and mining sectors, 50 cases reported
                          “risk events” related to sustainability issues:

                            •	 Delays in planning phase – 10 cases
                            •	 Delays in construction phase – 5 cases
                            •	 Disruptions in production phase – 17 cases
                            •	 Project expropriation – 12 cases
                            •	 Added costs (e.g., litigation) – 24 cases

                          A preliminary exercise based on the case reviews looked at the potential
                          costs of disruptions during the production phase of a project and made the
                          following rough assumptions:

                            •	 Likelihood of 3-6 disruptions in the first 10 years of operation
                            •	 Likelihood of 8-20 disruptions in the subsequent 40 years	
                            •	 Likelihood of 3-6 disruptions in the last 10 years
                            •	 Approximate duration of disruptions ranged from 2 days to 2 weeks
                            •	 One-time-costs per disruption ranged from USD $140,000 to $700,000
                               (assuming management time, contract penalties, and legal and
                               consulting fees)
                            •	 Recurring costs ranged from USD $7,700 to $154,000 per month
                               (representing between 40-80 percent of total planned operating costs)
                            •	 Lost revenue from production ranged from 20-80 percent (although
                               companies interviewed stated they could usually make up for revenue
                               losses from short-term production disruptions)

                       A useful starting point for many companies wanting to adopt a more strategic
                       approach to community engagement and investment is a company diagnostic
                       or assessment. This exercise can be undertaken as part of an internal strategy
                       workshop with key internal stakeholders from relevant business units, and may
                       include some or all of the following steps:

                         •	 Establish the Vision

                         •	 Review and Assess Existing Company Activities and Programs

                         •	 Ensure Cross-Functional Coordination and Internal Alignment

                         •	 Identify Core Competencies and Nonfinancial Resources to Support CI

Assess the Business Context for CI                                                                           17
                      Establish the Vision

                      Developing a CI strategy typically begins with a collective vision or sense of purpose,
                      which can vary significantly from one company to the next due to differences in
                      corporate culture. What is the company’s view of itself? What does it stand for and
                      how does it want to be perceived by the local community and other stakeholders?
                      What does it see as its role in promoting local development? (Benefactor? Catalyst?
                      Implementer? Advocate?) What legacy does it want to leave behind? These
                      are important questions to be clear about upfront, because they will drive the
                      type of approach a company will take, and can significantly influence—or even
                      predetermine—the type of community investment activities a company will support.

                      For some companies, the “vision” and even the specific areas of intervention
                      for CI are decided at a corporate level. For example, one company might have a
                      corporate policy that states that it will contribute to literacy and access to clean
                      water in places where it has operations. Another may have a CEO whose personal
                      commitment to biodiversity conservation and HIV/AIDS prevention influences the
                      type of programs the company will support. Still other companies may choose to
                      delegate these decisions to their local operations to determine CI priorities based on
                      the local context. Regardless of the approach taken, it is important to acknowledge
                      these factors up-front and communicate them clearly to local stakeholders when
                      commencing discussions on community investment priorities.

“The wellbeing of
the communities           How Companies Define their Vision for
from which                Community Investment8
we draw our               Microsoft
agricultural raw          Microsoft’s mission for community investment is to enable social and
materials and local       economic opportunity, transform education and foster local innovation, and
                          enable jobs and economic opportunity.
labor is vital to
our success as a          Nestlé
business and to           Creating shared value is a fundamental part of Nestlé’s way of doing business
our shareholder           that focuses on specific areas of the Company’s core business activities—namely
                          water, nutrition, and rural development—where value can best be created
value.”                   both for society and shareholders… Under rural development, the wellbeing
                          of the communities from which we draw our agricultural raw materials and
— Nestlé7                 local labor is vital to our success as a business and to our shareholder value.

                          Dialog Telekom
                          At Dialog Telekom, we realize that to be a leader in any chosen field, a
                          corporation has the responsibility to not only ensure its own sustainability
                          but also contribute to the sustainable development of the environment it
                          operates in. As a Group in the Global South, this responsibility means that
                          we strive to use our core competence in digital technology for community
                          benefit, in support of [Sri Lanka’s] national development and the United
                          Nation’s Millennium Development Goals.

                          Favorita Fruit Company
                          Our Vision: The Wong Foundation (established by Favorita fruit to channel
                          its social investments) exists in order to develop a new generation of
                          Ecuadorians—healthier, better educated, more responsible and productive—
                          towards a prosperous, efficient Ecuador.

18                                                                Assess the Business Context for CI
                       Review and Assess Existing Company Activities and Programs

                       As discussed in Chapter 1, it is important for a company to review its performance
                       in the three key areas of (i) impact management, (ii) stakeholder engagement, and
                       (iii) local hiring and procurement to assess whether there are concerns or room for
                       improvement, and to take action. The self-assessment questions (provided on page
                       4) offer a good place to start.

                       For companies already engaged in providing support to local communities, a
                       self-assessment should include a stock taking of activities to determine which
                       initiatives are working well and which are not. This exercise serves to identify gaps
                       (if any), build on successes, and point out activities that may need to be made
                       more sustainable or realigned more closely with the business case. (For guidance
                       on phasing out or restructuring existing programs that are not sustainable, see
                       turnaround strategies in Chapter 6.)

                       Some companies also find it useful to get the community perspective on these
                       questions, including how successful (or not) existing initiatives have been and how
                       the company and its efforts on CI are viewed. One way to do this is by engaging a
                       third-party to conduct perception surveys. (See Chapter 8 for more information on
                       perception surveys.)

                       Align Internal Functions to Support CI

Goodwill generated     Goodwill generated by CI programs can quickly evaporate if actions undertaken by
                       other parts of the business generate conflict or negative perceptions of the company
by CI programs         among local communities. Most companies, especially in the earlier stages of the
can quickly            project cycle, have day-to-day interactions with local stakeholders that are separate
evaporate if actions   from community investment activities. These may include engagement around project
                       issues such as land acquisition, compensation, or management of environmental and
undertaken by          social impacts. These activities can also involve interaction with construction crews
other parts of the     and contractors, or have to do with jobs and local contracting matters.
business generate
                       While responsibility for community relations usually rests with the community
conflict or negative
                       relations manager, the reality is that a community’s daily interactions with
perceptions of the     other business units (over which this person may have a low level of control)
company.               can significantly influence local attitudes about the company—either positively
                       or negatively. Cross-functional coordination and shared accountability across
                       departments or business units is therefore needed to effectively manage both CI
                       and community relations more broadly. It is also important that all staff be aware
                       of the company’s CI strategy and understand their roles as “ambassadors” of good
                       company-community relations. Here, senior management support is key.

Assess the Business Context for CI                                                                        19

         •	 Ensures that day-to-day interactions with communities by other business
            units support the overall CI strategy and do not undermine CI efforts
         •	 Creates understanding and buy-in for CI from functional units,
            including clarification of roles and accountability for supporting
            business objectives related to community relations
         •	 Brings together the perspectives and expertise of different functional
            areas within the company to assess existing impacts, benefits, and
            opportunities for CI
         •	 Helps leverage a wide range of resources, skills, and competencies
            across the business in support of local communities

     Table 2.2: Potential Interface Between Business Units and Local Communities
     Functional Teams       Community Interaction
     Business               Initial contact with communities
     Human Resources        Local employment, hiring, salaries
     Land Acquisition       Land negotiations, resettlement, compensation
     Procurement            Local contracts, sourcing of goods and services
     Engineering and        Project infrastructure siting and development
     Environmental and      Environmental and social impacts—avoidance, mitigation, and
     Social Management      compensation
     Community Liaison      Broader stakeholder engagement processes and grievance
     Government             Liaison and coordination with relevant authorities and
     Relations              government units
     External Relations/    Working with media and key external audiences, internal
     Communications         communication
     Contractors            Construction activities, workforce interaction, transport/
     Security               Company personnel and/or external contractors providing

20                                             Assess the Business Context for CI
Figure 2.2: Examples of Community Investment Linked to Business Competencies and Resources9

Deutsche Bank’s employee volunteer program capitalizes                     Google Earth uses its cutting-edge technology to
on a core competency—its microfinance know-how—to                          help Amazonian Indians monitor forest destruction.
deliver high-quality pro bono consulting services to
microfinance institutions in emerging markets.                               Himal Power leveraged its contacts with UNDP
                                                              Research       and the Nepal Government to create a rural
Nestlé supports the Philippine                                  and          electrification system for surrounding villages.
government's “Donate-a-Classroom                             Technology
Program” to help alleviate the critical                                                       Shell Foundation was able to
shortage of classrooms. Under the             Staff
                                                                               Convening      bring domestic banks and other
program, the company donates                Time and
                                                                                 Power        investors to the table to unlock
space in its local factories to be used                                                       access to finance for micro-
as public school classrooms.                                                                  entrepreneurs.

Microsoft and the Aga Khan                                                                        Apollo Tyres sends its master
Foundation have partnered to                                 Community
                                                             Investments                          trainers to educate its supply
establish Community Technology     Facilities                                         Supply      chain partners on awareness
Learning Centers in remote rural Equipment                                            Chain       and prevention of HIV/AIDS.
areas of Pakistan to foster new    Logistics                                         Contacts     Point-of-tire sales have also
social and economic opportunities.                                                                become an important avenue
                                                                                                  for disseminating health
Somboon Potash Mine worked with                                                                   information to consumers.
                                                  Business             Access to
local farmers in Thailand to increase
                                                   Know-               Consumers
yields through the use of fertilizers (of           How
which potash is a key ingredient).

A strategic-minded                Build on Core Competencies and Business Links
company tends
                                  Companies are encouraged to assess the full range of their business competencies
to support CI                     to see how they might take advantage of these to help advance local development
programs and                      efforts. In other words, what else can companies bring to the table besides money,
activities in areas               and what comparative advantage do they have over other actors? A strategic-
                                  minded company tends to support CI programs and activities in areas where it, as
where it, as a                    a business, has the most to offer, and where there are links to its business interests.
business, has the                 In addition, leveraging nonfinancial company resources can increase efficiency and
most to offer, and                multiply the value that business can deliver. This is important because development
                                  needs inevitably outstrip CI budgets.
where there are
links to its business

Assess the Business Context for CI                                                                                           21
Table 2.3: Sample Worksheet for Brainstorming Business Competencies and Resources
The community investment manager might meet with managers from the other business units within the company to
brainstorm an initial list of competencies that can contribute toward the community investment program. This list can be
strengthened or formalized through an internal alignment workshop and further developed over time as specific projects are
agreed to with stakeholders.

Type of Skill, Competency, or Resource                   Description    Contributing      Potential          Timeframe
                                                                        Unit or           Community
                                                                        Department        Application/
Staff Skills and Expertise
  -Human Resources
Logistics, Transportation, and Communications
Government Contacts
Donor Contacts
Supplier Contacts
Equipment and Supplies
Volunteer Time
Data, Studies, Assessments, and Statistics
Convening Power

22                                                                           Assess the Business Context for CI
                          Dialog Telekom (Sri Lanka) - Harnessing Core Competencies in
                          Information and Communications Technology10

                          Dialog Telekom defines strategic community investment as sustainable long-
                          tern investments, in communities where the company operates, that are
                          aligned with a clear business case. Based on this philosophy, Dialog Telekom
                          has developed numerous community investment initiatives that combine
                          local partnerships with harnessing its core competencies in information and
                          communications technology:

                            •	 Creating wireless accessibility for an SMS-based emergency call system
                               for the hearing and speech impaired.
                            •	 Collaborating with the National Blood Transfusion Service of Sri Lanka
                               to create an SMS blood appeal, matching, and donor management
                            •	 Collaborating with the Disaster Management Center to create Sri Lanka’s
                               first mass alert early warning system for emergencies and disasters.
                            •	 Creating a customer care, billing, and relationship management system
                               that allows post-paid subscribers to donate a percentage of their Dialog
                               Telekom bill to the company’s Change Trust Fund (up to a maximum of SL
                               Rst 25). The company makes a matching donation, and the funds collected
                               are used to support community projects throughout the country.
                            •	 Engaging students in real-time interactive learning from experienced
                            •	 Collaborating with an NGO to create an e-village, combining connectivity
                               with capacity-building programs (e.g., computer and English training to
                               facilitate the creation of new information technology-based livelihoods
                               and improving the productivity of existing livelihoods).

                                                                                                          © Dialog Telekom

Assess the Business Context for CI                                                                          23
Chapter 3
    Assess the Local

                                              Local Context
    Context for CI
    •	Know What You’re Getting Into Before
    •	Map the Social Landscape: Actors,
      Institutions, Dynamics, Relationships
    •	Use this Information to Facilitate
      Strategic Planning for CI
Local Context

                There are often multiple variables specific to the local context
                that need to be understood before a company engages with local
                stakeholders on community investment.
                                   Chapter 3: Assess the Local Context for CI
                                   KNOW WHAT YOU’RE GETTING INTO BEFORE ENGAGING
                                   Once a company has defined its business case, its vision and role, and the
                                   competencies and resources it can best offer to support community development, the
                                   next step is to understand the local “ecosystem” it is entering and the implications for
                                   community investment. There are often multiple variables specific to the local context
                                   that need to be understood before a company engages with local stakeholders on
                                   community investment. These can range from historical legacies and conflict settings,
                                   to elite capture and gender issues, to issues relating to local governance or the
                                   availability of capable local partners. Local context analysis considers how community
                                   investment efforts can be helped or hindered by these broader-level challenges. At
                                   the project level, tools such as stakeholder mapping and analysis can help a company
                                   to directly link site-specific risks, issues, and opportunities with its CI strategy.

                                   The injection of new resources through CI can help communities improve their
                                   livelihoods and rebuild their social and economic infrastructure. It can also enhance
                                   their ability to work collaboratively to achieve shared goals. At the same time, who
                                   a company chooses to talk to (and through), to work with, and to target for CI
                                   benefits can profoundly impact power structures and social outcomes. This means
                                   that companies need to guard against inadvertently creating perceptions of bias,
                                   causing conflicts around resource allocation, or deepening tensions between and
                                   within local governance structures. Such decisions should be grounded in local
                                   knowledge of the types of issues discussed in this chapter.

Figure 3.1: Variables of the Local Context

         Community Priorities
                                                                                                             Stakeholder Groups:
                   Jobs                                                                                   Individuals and Institutions
                Education                                        Company
           Gender and Youth                                    Presence and
         Infrastructure, Natural
         Resource Management
                                                                                                    Power dynamics and capacity
        Potential entry points

                                      How will CI affect stakeholders and their existing relationships?
                                           How will CI be helped or hindered by local factors?

                                                                                                              Community Assets
             Risk Factors

          Corruption                                                                                            Human Natural
                                                                                                                capital capital
          Elite Capture
          Low Capacity                                                                                       Social      Economic
                                                                                                              capital      capital
          Community Opposition
      Impact on success of CI                                                                                     capital
                                                                                                           Leverage and impact

Assess the Local Context for CI                                                                                                          25
                       DYNAMICS, RELATIONSHIPS
                       Companies do not need to start from scratch to build their knowledge of the local
                       operating context. There are many existing sources of information that can be readily
                       accessed. For example, many companies undertake socioeconomic baseline studies
                       as part of their environmental and social impact assessments; they use stakeholder
                       identification and analysis techniques to identify potential risks and prioritize
                       stakeholder groups for engagement; and they conduct public consultations on
                       project impacts. This usually provides a pretty good picture of the project area, the
                       likely project impacts, and which stakeholders will be affected and how.

                       Collect Targeted Data to Inform CI

                       Because much of the assessment work related to local communities tends to be
                       project-centric and undertaken using a “risk lens,” it does not always focus on
                       gathering some of the broader pieces of information needed for CI planning.
                       Going this route means also using an “opportunities lens.” This type of social
                       analysis needs to situate the company as one player within a dynamic and
                       complex network of interrelated local actors and institutions (see Figure 3.1)
                       and to examine the nature of these relationships and systems in shaping local
                       development processes and outcomes.

Identifying which      Assessment work of this nature typically covers the following areas:
stakeholders to
                         •	 Identification of potential opportunities to enhance or generate local benefits
target ensures              (assuming that risk mapping has already been done at an earlier stage)
that CI is strategic
and will help a          •	 Mapping of potential partner organizations and institutions, and their
company respond
to site-specific         •	 Mapping of other development initiatives and programs at the local, regional,
social risks while          and national levels (including government priorities and plans)
also taking              •	 Analysis of social networks and systems and the potential for collaboration and
advantage of                program synergies (including key actors and their roles in social mobilization
opportunities to            and delivery)
have a positive
                         •	 Analysis of stakeholder groups and sub-groups that need to be included in the
impact in its areas         CI process along with their capacity-building needs
of operation.
                         •	 Identification of obstacles, gaps, or deficiencies in the prevailing “system” that
                            could prevent or pose risks to collaborative planning and delivery of CI programs

                       Identify and Analyze Stakeholders

                       Stakeholders are persons or groups who are directly or indirectly affected by a
                       company’s operations as well as those who may have interests in and/or the ability
                       to influence the company’s activities (either positively or negatively). Identifying
                       which stakeholders to target ensures that CI is strategic and will help a company
                       respond to site-specific social risks while also taking advantage of opportunities to
                       have a positive impact in its areas of operation. Stakeholder analysis also informs
                       the development of a company’s “eligibility criteria” (discussed in Chapter 6). It
                       can be a means to identify those for whom the company can make the greatest
                       difference in terms of development impact. Wherever possible, a company should
                       build on stakeholder identification already undertaken for prior processes, including
                       impact assessments and early engagement activities.

26                                                                     Assess the Local Context for CI
                           In the context of CI, stakeholder identification and analysis might involve the
                           following steps:11

                                             1.	Determine who your stakeholders are.

                                             2.	Using a process similar to Figure 3.2, map your stakeholders according to the
                                                degree to which they are affected by the project (horizontal axis) and the level
                                                of influence they might have over company activities (vertical axis).

Figure 3.2: Mapping Stakeholders

                                                                           Stakeholder Map
                            Capacity to Influence


                                                           Low                                         High
                                                                     Degree impacted by the Project

                                                           supportive             supportive with conditions
                                                           neutral                opposed

                           Further analysis of these stakeholders can help a company assess to what degree its CI
                           strategy (or existing programs) responds to each of the key stakeholder groups—and the
                           potential risks or opportunities associated with each. Questions to consider may include:

                                             •	 Which stakeholders are impacted by the project (how and to what degree)?

                                             •	 Of those impacted, which are benefiting from the project (how and to what

                                             •	 Which stakeholders are not benefiting (and does this pose any risks to the
                                                company’s business objectives)?

                                             •	 Which of these stakeholders are supportive of the company and its operations?
                                                Which groups are opposed, and which are neutral?

                                             •	 How might the company’s CI strategy address the various stakeholders
                                                identified (e.g., keep supportive stakeholders happy and/or help address the
                                                concerns of less supportive stakeholders)?

Assess the Local Context for CI                                                                                                27

     Local variation and complexity is what makes CI          from, or underrepresented in, the development
     challenging and often unpredictable. Adaptation          process. When this happens, the interests and
     to the local context is vital. The following is a list   opinions of these groups are likely to be overlooked,
     of some of the most common issues that have              resulting in further marginalization.
     presented challenges on the ground. As these
     are strategically important for CI planning and          Addressing gender imbalances in CI processes
     management, companies should be aware of                 is a particularly challenging matter. Even when
     such issues—and prepared to tackle them, as              women are “formally” present during meetings,
     applicable.                                              established power relations can shape their
                                                              behaviors and hinder their effective participation in
     Historical Legacy                                        decision making. Gender-responsive facilitation and
     In some places, the past actions of governments and      techniques, accompanied by attention to gender
     private companies have left a legacy of mistrust among   in monitoring and evaluation, can help to address
     the local population. In some cases this mistrust has    these issues. Some practical steps to promote
     been in response to environmental damage, land           women’s participation include: participatory
     disputes, unfair compensation, broken promises,          techniques, awareness raising, support around the
     corrupt practices, non-transparent behavior, and/or      non-traditional roles women can perform, use of
     human rights abuses. In other cases, CI has been used    gender-sensitized facilitators, timing meetings to
     as a means to “manage” community disturbances,           accommodate women’s schedules, and organizing
     which has had the inadvertent effect of rewarding        separate women’s meetings.
     violent behaviors and encouraging more of the same.
     Such patterns of company-community relations, and        Elite Capture13
     the accompanying breakdown of trust, can become          Some communities can be highly stratified, with
     deeply ingrained and difficult to change once they       power structures dominated by traditional “elites”
     are established.                                         who control most of the community decisions
                                                              regarding resource use and management. While
     Companies entering into this type of setting need        these elites can provide important support early in
     to fully understand the historical grievances of         the CI process by helping to mobilize community
     local communities and the behavioral patterns            participation and engaging with the company, they
     engendered before beginning any discussion on            may also distort decision making and “capture”
     community investment. In such cases, longer              funds and resources.
     lead times may be required to undertake conflict
     assessment and resolution, facilitation and trust-       Elite capture poses a major threat to CI. It undermines
     building processes, and stakeholder engagement to        representation, participation, and fairness in the
     allow patterns and perceptions to change in ways         distribution of benefits. This can lead to perceptions
     that can enable effective CI.                            of bias in the allocation of resources, which in turn
                                                              can be damaging to a company’s reputation and its
     Gender and Inclusion12                                   CI program.
     At the core of CI strategy is the establishment of
     a multi-stakeholder process that will engage and         While undoubtedly challenging, certain measures
     represent many different groups and sub-groups           can be taken to reduce the risk of elite capture.
     within the target population. Cultural norms and         Information sharing and transparency are
     values are important determinants in shaping             particularly powerful tools as they help to level
     community decision making and participation. Some        the playing field by making information broadly
     communities may not historically favor participation     accessible. Engagement and consultation processes
     and inclusion; others do. Similarly, cultural values     should also be carefully managed in order to avoid
     shape gender relationships and the extent to which       consolidating decision-making power in the hands
     women can participate in local decision making.          of a select few, and to ensure that the views of
     This can present a pitfall for companies who, in         chosen representatives are “validated” by the wider
     good faith, undertake engagement processes they          communities they are meant to represent. Finally,
     assume are participatory. Experience shows that          having a grievance procedure in place to receive
     without specific measures to ensure their inclusion,     complaints around CI can serve to gather early
     the most vulnerable groups are typically excluded        feedback and increase transparency.

28                                                                              Assess the Local Context for CI

  Conflict and Post-Conflict14                               Other issues that relate to local governance
  Planning and managing a community investment               include historical distrust between government
  program in a conflict or post-conflict setting is a        authorities and communities, lack of resources and
  complicated task even for experienced practitioners.       institutional capacity, patronage politics, and lack
  The key risks include the possibility of CI exacerbating   of political will. At the extreme, poor governance
  existing tensions by favoring certain groups over          can go hand in hand with human rights abuses
  others and the danger of sparking new conflicts over       and security issues, impacting the ability of a
  CI resources. At the same time, the needs are great        company to build productive relationships with
  in conflict and post-conflict environments, and CI is      local stakeholders. Depending on the local context,
  often one of the few channels for socioeconomic            the degree and the nature of engagement with the
  development. Done well, it can play an important           local government will vary. Careful analysis of local
  role in bringing groups together around shared             governance settings, good legal provisions, and
  interests, facilitating collaborative processes, and       smart CI program design features that emphasize
  strengthening the capacities of local actors.              transparency and participation should help a
                                                             company manage potential downsides. Past lessons
  Understanding the history of the conflict in the           point to the importance of promoting CI without
  project area and the often complex interrelationships      circumventing local government, and implementing
  is critical. In such settings, the measure of effective    initiatives to build local government capacity and
  engagement may not necessarily be the absence              promote accountability and inclusiveness.
  of conflict and disagreement but, rather, the ability
  of the different parties to maintain a constructive        Availability of Reliable Local Partners16
  dialogue. Companies can facilitate this process by         While good practice encourages companies to
  being transparent in their actions, engaging with all      work, wherever possible, with and through NGOs,
  players, treating everyone with respect, and sharing       community-based organizations (CBOs), and other
  information openly. Numerous tools and approaches          local groups, this can be easier said than done. In
  exist to guide companies operating in conflict             some contexts, the lack of viable local partners
  settings. (See also Useful References section.)            presents a serious dilemma for companies wanting
                                                             to support community development. Experience
  Local Governance Issues15                                  has shown that even where there are local NGOs
  In some settings, government can serve as an               and CBOs, these organizations can lack capacity,
  effective partner, contributing to strong local            accountability, transparency, or representativeness.
  participation, accountability, and the long-term           CBOs in particular are often informal in structure
  sustainability of community development efforts.           and tend to reflect the power structures and
  In practice, however, the potential for “good              cultural values of their communities. This can make
  governance” can be hindered by a variety of factors.       it difficult for them to adopt new approaches, such
  Corruption and vested interests, for example, can          as participation and inclusion, that may run counter
  pose major difficulties for engaging local government      to traditional practices. These issues do not mean,
  stakeholders—especially        where       government      however, that companies should not persevere
  representatives or traditional authorities fear            in trying to work with, support, and develop
  community-led planning processes might threaten            local organizations as part of their long-term
  the status quo. There are also numerous examples           commitment to sustainable local development.
  where community hostility has been directed at             Rather, it means that companies should be realistic
  companies due to local development benefits from           in their expectations, understand the limitations,
  private sector projects not materializing as a result      and be prepared to invest time and patience in a
  of corruption or lack of government capacity. The          long-term process of capacity building and mutual
  power dynamics between elected and traditional             learning.
  authorities can also cause governance challenges.
  For a company, these complex interrelationships
  can complicate the decision about whom to work
  with and how to establish meaningful tripartite
  partnerships around CI.

Assess the Local Context for CI                                                                                  29
                                                                 Map Project Issues, Risks, and Opportunities to Determine Where CI
                                                                 Can Be Most Effective

                                                                 Related to stakeholder analysis is the identification of the key issues and sources of
                                                                 risk and opportunity in the project’s area of influence (see Tool 5 for more guidance
                                                                 on assessing risks and opportunities). This type of mapping will help a company to
                                                                 formulate its specific business case for CI at the site level and determine the degree
                                                                 to which its CI strategy might respond to such risks and opportunities. While
                                                                 CI is not meant to be used as a primary risk mitigation tool, it can nevertheless
                                                                 be effective in addressing certain project risks and other issues of concern to a
                                                                 company, or as a means of targeting particular groups of stakeholders.


        To inform its sustainability strategy, Aracruz Cellu-                                                  Priority issues that could be potentially addressed, in
        lose, a Brazilian company and world leader in the                                                      part, through CI are highlighted (our emphasis).
        production of bleached eucalyptus pulp, consults its
        employees and stakeholders to learn about key is-                                                      Other companies can use similar mapping exercises
        sues and priorities in relation to the company’s activ-                                                to identify and rank priority issues, risks, or oppor-
        ities. In the graph below, identified issues are plotted                                               tunities related to local communities to determine
        on a “materiality matrix” according to the degree                                                      where CI might be used most effectively.
        of importance to stakeholders (vertical axis) and the
        degree of impact upon the business (horizontal axis).

                                                                                             1. Ethical behavior                         15. Local and regional economic

                                                                                         8   2. Corporate governance                         impacts of Aracruz activity
                                                                                             3. Climate change                           16. Relationships with Indians
                                                                                    2        4. Product responsibility                   17. Relationships with Quilombolas
     Importance to Stakeholders

                                                                              5              5. Community impacts of                     18. Opposition from groups to
                                                            19                                   plantations                                 plantations/agribusiness
                                                                 17 15              23
                                                      18                                     6. Biodiversity impacts of                  19. Impacts on fishing communities
                                                                                                 plantations                             20. Occupational health and safety
                                                                             24    12        7. Technical management                     21. Workforce diversity and equal
                                               22     20                                     8. FSC certification                            opportunity
                                                        3                                    9. Use of genetically modified organisms    22. Labor rights and practices
                                                                         7                   10. Energy use                              23. Wood supply from third parties
                                                      9 4          14                        11. Emissions, effluents and waste          24. CSR related requirements for
                                                                                             12. Emissions, effluents and waste              outsourced work and suppliers

                                                                                             13. Toxic/hazardous chemicals used
                                                                                             14. Transport impacts
                                         Low                                      High
                                                    Impact on Business

30                                                                                                                                      Assess the Local Context for CI
                       Consider Approaches for Understanding Community
                       Dynamics and Relationships

                       Relationships within and among stakeholder groups are constantly changing and
                       evolving. Because such dynamics can have direct implications for CI outcomes and
                       overall relations between the company and its stakeholders, it is useful to try to
                       understand the range of interests, motivations, and interrelationships.

                       Before looking at the tools and approaches for understanding community
                       relationships and dynamics (see Table 3.1), it is important to highlight three points.
                       First, NGOs, CBOs, local governments, and communities are complex entities.
                       Second, their interests and needs vary, and at times may be at cross purposes. Third,
                       these type of assessments are, in and of themselves, a form of intervention. Given the
                       importance of managing expectations around CI, if a company is not yet prepared to
                       fully engage communities on the topic, it may wish to keep the process low key by
                       using existing channels (e.g., ongoing consultation processes or survey work around
                       its environmental and social impact assessment) to collect this additional data.

                        Table 3.1: Useful Approaches for Understanding Community Relationships
                        and Dynamics18
                        Approach          Definition                             Purpose
                        Participatory     Techniques that incorporate            Empower communities’
                        Rural Appraisal   knowledge and opinions of local        decision-making processes
                        (PRA)             people in the processes of data        and facilitate community
                                          collection, action planning, and       planning and monitoring.
                                          measuring results.
                        Social Network    The mapping and measuring of           Identify important actors,
                        Analysis (SNA)    relationships and flows among          relationships, sub-groups,
                                          people, groups, organizations,         roles, and network
                                          or other information/knowledge         characteristics to answer
                                          processing entities (see Tool 4 for    questions about resources,
                                          details).                              influence, and information.
                        Appreciative      A methodology for discovering,         Empower organizations,
                        Inquiry/Assets    understanding and fostering            networks, and
                        Mapping           innovation via the gathering of        communities to take
                                          stories, visions, and other forms of   charge of their futures
                                          dialogue.                              and engage in a visioning
                                                                                 and strategic planning
                                                                                 process building on assets
                                                                                 and best practices already
                                                                                 present in the system.

                       Identify Local Institutions and Potential Partners

                       Assessing who is who and which organizations could be potential partners for CI is
                       an important part of understanding the local context. Partnerships are a cornerstone
                       of strategic community investment. Ideally, they should be pursued in the early
                       planning stages as part of a company’s sustainability and exit strategies. Partnering
                       both supports local capacity and helps avoid the risk of creating dependence on the
                       company. Where possible, it is good practice to explore working through existing
                       organizations or programs before going out and creating new ones.

Assess the Local Context for CI                                                                           31

          •	 Reach (local, regional, national, and international)
          •	 Thematic areas of expertise (health, capacity building, water)
          •	 Delivery capacity, including staffing
          •	 Existing relationships, contacts, and networks
          •	 Geographical areas of operation
          •	 Core values (which should be compatible with the company’s)
          •	 Reputation and track record

     When identifying local institutions and programs, consider government, business,
     NGOs, civil society organizations, donor agencies, and foundations. The aim of
     identifying and mapping local institutions is to:

       •	 Find out what programs and initiatives already exist locally that the company
          could support

       •	 Find out the government’s development priorities and programs

       •	 Find out what type of expertise and delivery capacity exists locally

       •	 Identify potential implementation partners

       •	 Understand what others are doing to avoid duplication of efforts

       •	 Learn which programs have worked well, which have not, and why

     For further guidance, see Tool 3 on institutional mapping.

     Mapping the social, institutional, and stakeholder landscape will enable a
     company to gauge the extent to which the local setting is conducive to sustainable
     community investment and to plan accordingly. Specifically, this knowledge will
     feed directly into the planning process for CI by helping to:

       •	 Define the program scope for CI. The more supportive the local context, the
          more ambitious the scope of the CI program and activities can be.

       •	 Determine the capacity-building strategy. The timing, level of effort, and
          specific strategies for local capacity building will in large part be driven by the
          needs, characteristics, and challenges of the local context.

       •	 Determine the choice of implementation model. The legal and regulatory
          context, as well as the existence of local capacity, programs, and partners that
          the company can work with or through, will help determine which delivery
          mechanisms work best in a given context.

       •	 Develop the parameters for a handover or exit strategy. One of the key
          considerations of a viable handover or exit strategy is the level of readiness and
          capability of local development actors to sustain and drive the development
          agenda in their communities after the company withdraws or reduces its support.

32                                                    Assess the Local Context for CI
Assess the Local Context for CI   33
34   Assess the Local Context for CI
Chapter 4
    Engage Communities
    on CI
    •	Why Engagement for CI is Different
    •	Support Community Planning Processes
    •	Five Phases of Community Planning for CI


             The way dialogue is initiated with communities around the topic
             of CI can have long-term implications for the relationship.
                     Chapter 4: Engage Communities on CI
“Our relationships   As discussed in Chapter 1, good stakeholder engagement is an essential
                     prerequisite for community investment. As a general rule, a company should try to
with local           establish ongoing engagement on its overall operations—and the issues of highest
communities          concern to local stakeholders—before engaging communities on CI. Making
around the globe     investments in community development when there are major outstanding issues
                     or inadequate relations established may otherwise prove counterproductive. Under
are complex and      such circumstances, stakeholders can sometimes perceive community investment
dynamic. We          as a company “pay off” in order to avoid addressing the real concerns of the
know that the        community. As a result, even when these investments do generate local benefits,
relationships        they may not generate the type of goodwill and trust the company is seeking.
we build are         Focusing on the quality of stakeholder engagement is important in that it helps
fundamental to       to lay the foundation for mutual respect and trust that will affect all aspects
the success of our   of company-community relations, including CI. An integrated approach to
                     engagement, which includes CI, will usually deliver the best results. This assumes
business.”           that company actions incorporate the following:

—Richard               •	 Effective management of all aspects of company-community interface,
                          including grievance channels
O’Brien, CEO,
Newmont Mining         •	 Cross-functional coordination and accountability across business units for
Corporation19             community relations

                       •	 Meaningful stakeholder engagement processes, especially during key stages of
                          the CI process

                       •	 Capacity building of stakeholders to effectively participate in and drive CI

                     For detailed guidance on how to undertake stakeholder engagement in private
                     sector operations, please see IFC’s Stakeholder Engagement Handbook.20

                        Indicators of Community Engagement Effectiveness21

                           •	 Communities say they have access to the information they need on issues
                              that affect them
                           •	 Communities say they feel listened to and that the company takes their
                              concerns and grievances seriously
                           •	 Communities express satisfaction with their level of involvement in
                              decisions that affect their lives
                           •	 Community elders and leaders state that they feel respected by the company
                           •	 People wave back when greeted
                           •	 The same grievances do not arise over and over
                           •	 Company staff feel welcome visiting local communities
                           •	 Women and minority groups in the community say they feel their
                              interests are taken into account
                           •	 There is a high level of participation in consultation meetings
                           •	 There are no disruptions due to community unrest

Engage Communities on CI                                                                                   35
Table 4.1: Invest in Building Trust with Local Communities22
                  Trust Builders                                    Trust Breakers
Benefits          •	 Company is reliable and predictable; it        •	 Company does not follow through on its
Distribution         follows through on its commitments/               promises
                     promises                                       •	 Company does not respond to letters or
                  •	 Community members have direct access              community requests
                     to the company decision makers who             •	 Company deals with “representatives” who
                     determine benefits distribution                   lack community support
                  •	 Company is seen as trying to generate          •	 Company makes deals in secret
                     maximum benefits for local people              •	 Company plays groups with different
                  •	 Community is well-informed about future           interests off against each other
                     prospects or plans
                  •	 Company is clear about criteria for
                     distribution of benefits and applies them
                  •	 Community is fully aware of company
Management of     •	 Company acknowledges the potential             •	 Company addresses symptoms of problems
Project Impacts      impacts of its operations, takes                  rather than root causes
                     responsibility, and works with communities     •	 Company provides little information
                     to prepare for and manage these                   about likely project impacts, day-to-day
                  •	 Company is seen helping out people                operations, decision-making processes, or
                     with small problems that are beyond its           future plans
                     immediate interests                            •	 Company is paternalistic in solving problems
                  •	 Company maintains an accessible and               rather than working with communities to
                     responsive grievance mechanism                    come up with joint solutions
                  •	 Communities are regularly consulted and
                     have a say in solving problems as they arise
Behavior          •	 Community meets company staff in               •	 Company only engages with the community
                     informal and personal settings even when          when it wants something or when the
                     there is no “business” to be discussed            community behaves in an obstructive
                  •	 Company staff respect local culture, social       manner
                     and religious norms, and values                •	 Company staff violate cultural and religious
                  •	 Traditional leaders are treated with respect      norms and values
                  •	 Company shows respect for culturally           •	 Company managers use technical or
                     significant sites                                 legalistic language that communities don’t
                  •	 Company uses language that people                 understand
                     understand                                     •	 Company staff behaviors are seen as
                  •	 Expatriates speak at least a few words of         arrogant, flashy, and/or wasteful
                     the local language                             •	 Company is seen to maintain close relations
                  •	 Staff do not seem hurried or impatient            with oppressive or corrupt authorities
                     with local people (take time to listen in      •	 Company only visits communities when
                     meetings, drive slowly through villages,          accompanied by security forces and/or has
                     greet people, and so forth)                       an armed presence at the company gate
                  •	 Company regularly acknowledges it needs        •	 The company consults the community but
                     community involvement for a project to be         then provides no feedback nor disseminates
                     successful                                        results
                  •	 Company reports back regularly to the
                     community on follow up and next steps

36                                                                               Engage Communities on CI
                       WHY ENGAGEMENT FOR CI IS DIFFERENT
                       Engaging with local stakeholders on community investment differs in one important
                       way from the ongoing stakeholder engagement processes a company normally
                       conducts in other aspects of its operations. While most consultation activities seek
                       stakeholder feedback on key issues and project impacts to enable the company to
                       improve its own actions and decision making, engagement on CI must promote
                       stakeholder-driven action and decision making. In other words, a company needs
                       the active participation and leadership of local stakeholders to generate successful,
                       sustainable community investment. This means that the approach and methods
                       used in this type of engagement need to generate a much more intensive level of
                       stakeholder involvement and ownership of the process.

Adopting a             Is the Company Ready to Engage on CI?
community-             Adopting a community-driven approach often calls for a significant shift in mindset
driven approach        on the part of both the company and local communities. For a company, moving
often calls for a      from a central role (in decision making and delivery of CI benefits) to a supporting
                       role in a multi-stakeholder process (partnering, facilitating, co-funding) necessitates
significant shift in   readiness on a number of levels:
mindset on the
part of both the         •	 Willingness to give up some control in exchange for greater local ownership
company and local           and sharing of risks

communities.             •	 A shift away from “do-it-yourself” to helping ensure that things get done

                         •	 A long-term commitment to an iterative process

                         •	 A significant up-front investment in expertise, facilitation, and capacity building

                         •	 Patience and recognition that results take time

                         •	 Support from senior management on all of the above

                                                                                                                  © T.Pollett

Engage Communities on CI                                                                                   37
     Core Principles of Community-Driven Development (CDD)23
     Local participation: The participation of households      Representation and social inclusion: It is nec-
     and communities in development decision making            essary to acknowledge that all communities are
     is based on the proven fact that local people are         heterogeneous, not homogeneous. Not all com-
     capable agents of their own destiny. Even when            munity households and members have the same
     illiteracy is high and education low, local populations   access to power and resources—some are more
     are fully able to explain and assess the reality of       privileged; some are more marginalized because
     their lives, to make rational decisions about resource    of age, gender, class, caste, ethnicity, and other
     management, and to plan and manage their own              factors. CDD emphasizes that sustainable devel-
     futures. Thus, local participation in any development     opment must include all groups in a community in
     intervention is fundamental to successful change.         the process of change.

     Community empowerment and ownership:                      Governance and transparency: Just as sustainable
     Sustainable development is not possible without           development must include all social groups in a
     a local sense of ownership and empowerment.               community, all decisions must conform to widely-
     Many past development failures resulted from              accepted rules of public interaction and governance.
     a top-down decision-making process. When                  Under CDD, development activities—including
     project interventions are designed without local          self-assessment, development planning, project
     participation, communities are treated as passive         implementation, and evaluation—are transparent
     recipients of outside assistance. CDD assumes that        and accountable to community members and other
     local communities can prepare and manage their            stakeholders.
     own development plans and interventions, and
     this ownership is the foundation of community
     empowerment. Capacity-building interventions are
     often required to support such processes.

                                How a Company Engages Can Determine the Success of CI

                                “How” a company engages will likely determine the success of CI. The way
                                dialogue is initiated with communities around the topic of CI can have long-term
                                implications for the relationship. Some ground rules include:

                                  •	 Engage in ways that encourage trust and collaboration (e.g., openness,
                                     transparency, respect, inclusiveness)

                                  •	 Position the company as a partner in a multi-stakeholder process rather than as
                                     the principal actor responsible for delivering local development

                                  •	 Manage expectations

                                  •	 Involve government and other key stakeholders early on

                                  •	 Keep track of commitments made, and follow through

                                  •	 Ask communities which representatives they trust, and work with those
                                     wishing to make a positive contribution

                                  •	 Verify the views of stakeholders’ representatives with the broader community
                                     to ensure accountability

                                  •	 Respect traditional systems and processes for community decision making

                                  •	 Report back regularly and disseminate outcomes

38                                                                                  Engage Communities on CI
                    Engagement around CI is really about a company helping to support and facilitate
                    a process of community planning. In many respects, the community’s own planning
                    process—which empowers community members to define their own futures,
                    identify their own opportunities and assets, and do their own prioritizing of areas for
                    potential community investment—parallels the internal processes of self-assessment,
                    diagnostic, and visioning undertaken by the company in Chapter 2. (Company
                    strategy and community priorities will subsequently come together in Chapter 6 to
                    determine which areas are best suited for company-community collaboration.)

                    Community planning is a means to bring people together to define a collective
                    vision and to agree on a set of priority areas or interventions that becomes their
                    development action plan. Companies should not see the results of community
                    planning as something they are obligated to support regardless of their nature.
                    Instead, the objective should be to work toward a joint vision, recognizing that the
                    company will only play one part in the development process, and that other actors—
                    including government, civil society, donors, and communities themselves—will also
                    need to play their parts.

                    Use Participatory Methods

                    Participatory processes are among the best ways to cultivate stakeholder
Participatory       involvement and ownership. These processes can contribute throughout the entire
processes are       cycle of CI: from planning, assessment, visioning, and prioritizing to project design,
among the best      implementation, and monitoring. Although participatory processes may take more
ways to cultivate   time and/or require additional resources in terms of expertise and facilitation, they
                    can have significant beneficial effects on the outcome (e.g., promoting mutual
stakeholder         learning and building trust).
involvement and
ownership.          Community planning processes normally draw on a set of Participatory Rural
                    Appraisal tools. While these tools facilitate data collection, the emphasis is on the
                    process and the valuable discussions, learning, and sense of community ownership
                    it generates. Each tool can be used on its own. However, since each works in slightly
                    different ways, it is worth using at least two or three different tools to collect and
                    triangulate information, and to generate discussion. Common tools include:

                      •	 Household surveys

                      •	 Semi-structured interviews

                      •	 Focus group discussions

                      •	 Seasonal calendars, timelines, and trends

                      •	 Resource mapping and village maps

                      •	 Venn diagrams

                      •	 Poverty and vulnerability mapping

                      •	 Preference, matrix, and wealth ranking

Engage Communities on CI                                                                                39
                              Integrate Gender Perspectives

                              There is growing evidence that women’s participation in community investment
                              programs facilitates better and more broad-based development outcomes. Many
                              good practice companies take deliberate steps to ensure that women are included
                              in the engagement process, and that gender perspectives are taken into account in
                              planning and decision making.

     Newmont (Ghana) - Gender mainstreaming program24

     Newmont Ghana Gold Limited began developing            Since the WCC was launched, there has been a
     a new gold mine in the Brong Ahafo Region of           significant increase in women’s representation on
     Ghana in 2005. A key priority was to ensure broad      various committees (from less than 10 women in
     stakeholder acceptance of the company in an area       2008 to about 45 by the first quarter of 2010). The
     where 68 percent of households are female-headed       WCC has become a successful organization, running
     households and classified as “vulnerable.”             various capacity-building activities for its members
                                                            and other women in the community. One result
     While women comprised 51 percent of the                is that the members of the WCC are now being
     population, there were few women on the various        trained in entrepreneurship and on how to establish
     community engagement bodies established to             and manage the microfinance revolving fund that
     represent the project-affected population with         they set up in response to their identified need for
     regards to compensation and community decision         business credit.
     making. To address this gap, the company engaged
     a gender specialist to lead an awareness-raising and   Another interesting aspect of the program is a
     “recruiting” campaign to encourage more women to       “gender sensitization” component for men in the
     join these consultative bodies.                        communities. Although many men and chiefs were
                                                            supportive of the WCC, some questioned the special
     As a result of the campaign, a 75-member Women’s       focus on women. Because the success of the WCC
     Consultative Committee (WCC) was set up. It            initiative required buy-in from both men and women
     consisted of a cross-section of women, including       to avoid any potential backlash, community drama
     local business leaders, teachers, assembly members,    and training techniques were used successfully to
     and household farmers from the Ahafo area districts.   generate understanding and broad support. As a
     Leadership training was provided to the members        result, in September 2009, 32 women stood for
     of the committee. The WCC holds regular meetings       elections and 27 were elected to represent their
     with the company on issues relating to environmental   communities on a newly constituted Community
     management, new infrastructure, educational,           Consultative Committee (another initiative by the
     economic, and training opportunities, and women’s      company to enhance stakeholder engagement).
     involvement in local development. Following each
     meeting, committee members organize community
     meetings with larger groups of women to disseminate
     the information and get feedback.

                              Work through Multi-Stakeholder Mechanisms

                              Bringing stakeholders together through formal or informal mechanisms for
                              discussion, planning, and decision making around CI initiatives can be an effective
                              way to build consensus and work through potential concerns or conflicts.
                              Companies are increasingly turning to multi-stakeholder processes, mechanisms,
                              and partnerships as the preferred approach to development action.

40                                                                               Engage Communities on CI
  Lonmin (South Africa) - lessons from the rekopane Development Forum25

  Lonmin is a producer of platinum group metals         A number of key lessons emerged from the process:
  operating in South Africa. The company has
  embarked on a multi-stakeholder effort to help          •	 A Memorandum of Understanding (or other
  bring prosperity and sustainable development to the        guiding document) that clarifies roles and
  local communities in which it operates. Alongside          responsibilities helps to manage project
  Lonmin, there are three key stakeholder groups—            collaborations and to enhance accountability
  the traditional authority, local government, and           amongst forum members.
  local mining companies—that share the same vision       •	 Selection of projects for implementation
  for socioeconomic development.                             should focus on those that are realistic and
                                                             for which there is general commitment and a
  While these stakeholders have long been operating          capacity to deliver.
  in the same geographical area, they often worked
  in isolation as there was no formal platform for        •	 Alignment of projects with local development
  communication and engagement. It is against this           plans for the area, as well as with the
  background that Lonmin identified an opportunity           strategic plans of the company and other
                                                             stakeholders, is vital to getting collaboration
  for the creation of a multi-stakeholder forum.
                                                             off the ground.
  The Rekopane Development Forum (RDF) was                •	 It is important to consider how facilitation of a
  formed in May 2008 with the following objectives:          multi-stakeholder forum will be managed. In
                                                             the case of Lonmin, local stakeholders chose
    •	 Identify gaps and overlaps in current and             to facilitate the RDF on a rotational basis, with
       planned local development projects                    the hosting party sending out the invitations,
                                                             agenda, presentation materials, and minutes
    •	 Jointly plan and implement projects
                                                             after the meetings. Such arrangements have
    •	 Jointly achieve project outcomes and common           worked well thus far.
                                                          •	 While representation from a strategic level
    •	 Build sustainable relationships to improve            (middle to senior management) is needed, an
       community well-being                                  operational representative is needed to facilitate
                                                             the process. (The “strategic” representative
  Since its establishment, the forum has proven to           should have the authority to speak and
  be an effective mechanism for collaboration. RDF           make project-related decisions on behalf of
  defined key areas for collaboration and provided           the organization, while the “operational”
                                                             representative will be responsible for ensuring
  an important focal point for information sharing
                                                             tasks related to forum decisions are carried out
  about community development programs within
                                                             on the ground.)
  the greater Lonmin community.
                                                          •	 Formal channels should be built to ensure
                                                             that the activities of the development forum
                                                             are properly communicated back to local

Engage Communities on CI                                                                                          41
                    There are a number of approaches which enable information gathering for
                    development planning while, at the same time, building community ownership
process empowers    through a process of active discussion, debate, and self-reflection around the
local communities   issues raised. Companies frequently engage experienced NGOs, consultancies,
to examine the      and other organizations with expertise in participatory techniques, facilitation
                    skills, and local knowledge to conduct this process. Typical community planning
various ways        around CI has five phases:
in which their
own assets and        1.	Establishing the dialogue with communities (raising awareness of the need/
                         opportunity for change)
strengths can
be leveraged          2.	Participatory assessment of community assets (analysis of present state/baseline
to achieve their         conditions)
                      3.	Facilitation of community visioning (brainstorming and agreeing on a desirable
goals.                   future state)

                      4.	Prioritization and ranking (of actions or interventions to achieve the
                         community’s vision)

                      5.	Action planning (defining practical steps to achieve the vision)

                    Establishing the Dialogue

                    The way a company (and facilitation team) initiate the discussion on CI with
                    communities is critical for setting the right tone and managing expectations.
                    This is an important opportunity for the company to frame the issues and share
                    its own thinking—its vision and values, how it sees its own role in helping to
                    promote sustainable local development, and how it wishes to engage and work
                    with communities, local government, and other partners to achieve shared goals.
                    It is also a good time to set out some initial parameters for company support and
                    seek community input.

                    Assessment of Community
                    Context and Assets
                                                               Five Capitals Framework26
                    When it comes to identifying
                    potential areas for community                                           L     SO
                    investment, good practice has moved                               PITA           CIA
                                                                                   CA                    LC
                    away from traditional surveying of                        AL                             AP
                    community “needs” and “wants”                      SIC                                       IT
                                                                                                Social networks, AL
                                                                    PHY Infrastructure,
                    (which inevitably results in long                         equipment          organizations, etc.
                    wish lists and the expectation that


                    the company is responsible for
                    meeting these needs). Instead, more                   Water, forests,           Skills, health,
                                                                                                                         AN C

                                                                              land                    capacity
                    strategic approaches seek to reframe

                    the conversation by encouraging

                                                                                      Assets, savings,
                    communities—through participatory

                                                                                        income, etc.

                    assessments—to consider their own
                    existing resources and assets and to                      ECONOMIC CAPITAL
                    uncover opportunities to build upon
                    these inherent strengths to meet their
                    development goals.

42                                                                         Engage Communities on CI
                              A good participatory assessment process empowers local communities to examine
                              the various ways in which their own assets and strengths can be leveraged,
                              supported, and improved to achieve their development goals and aspirations.
                              Generally speaking, an assessment will typically cover the following:

                                   •	 Assessment of the local context through a CI lens (demography, livelihoods,
                                      institutions, services, infrastructure, health and education, and so forth)

                                   •	 Identification of the various groups and sub-groups within the
                                      community (how they interact; differences in their realities, interests, issues,
                                      and priorities; how these may conflict or converge)

                                   •	 Community strengths or “assets” (what can the community contribute and
                                      what role can it play in driving its own development?)

                                   •	 Active facilitation to enable all voices in the community to be heard and
                                      included in decision making (not just the most vocal or influential voices)

Figure 4.1: Community Assessment: Moving from “Needs and Wants” to “Assets and Opportunities”27

       “Wants” Assessment                          “Needs” Assessment                   “Assets and Opportunities”

  • Communities make demands                • Community-level assessments           • Assessment identifies community
  • Priorities defined by elites              identify needs based upon review of     assets that can be leveraged by CI
  • Creates sense of entitlement              current realities                     • Considers not just existing reality, but
                                            • Raises expectations that company        future changes and opportunities
                                              will meet needs

                                            Level of Community Ownership
 Low                                                                                                                    High

                              Community Visioning: Opportunities and Constraints

                              Simply put, visioning is about anticipating a future reality and planning for it. The
                              process assumes that the presence of the company and the project signifies change.
                              Visioning helps the community, the company, and the local government come
                              together to discuss what that change might look like, come to terms with it, and
                              approach it collectively. The visioning process forms the basis for the identification
                              of potential community investments. The preceding assessment process will typically
                              result in a collective snapshot of the current reality and the underlying issues faced
                              by various groups in the community, as well as the community’s strengths and
                              assets. This knowledge then informs the visioning phase.

                              Ideally, this process should provide a platform for articulating a joint vision on the
                              development of the local area; the nature of the relationship between the company,
                              the local government, and the community in achieving this joint vision; and the
                              supporting role that the company will play in the development process. The output
                              of this stage is often both a collective vision and the identification of the potential
                              interventions that are needed to realize this vision (within a designated timeframe).

Engage Communities on CI                                                                                                   43
                       Key Questions for Visioning

                          •	 What is the community’s vision of its own development path?
                          •	 What development opportunities might the project bring and how can
                             the community best organize itself in order to benefit?
                          •	 What are the root causes and constraints faced by the community that
                             prevent the current situation from improving?
                          •	 What are the potential interventions needed to take advantage of
                             opportunities and/or to address the challenges experienced by various
                          •	 Who are the key actors in the area (government, companies, NGOs,
                             donors, community organizations, and so forth) and what are their roles
                             in supporting sustainable community development?
                          •	 Who is best placed to support the community in achieving its vision and
                             in what capacities/areas?
                          •	 How does the community’s vision compare with the company’s vision of
                             its own role in supporting local development?
                          •	 What might a “joint vision” among the company, the community, and
                             other key actors look like?

                    Prioritization and Ranking

                    The fourth phase of community planning focuses on prioritizing a “shortlist” of
                    actions or interventions identified during the visioning process (based on which are
                    most critical to achieving the community’s development vision). Prioritization can be
                    a challenging process given the diverse interests and needs of various groups within
                    and among local communities (e.g., between women and local youth, or fisherman
                    and farmers). This exercise requires skilled facilitation: (i) to ensure that the ranking
                    is done in a collective, inclusive, and transparent manner that avoids “capture” by
                    any one group; and (ii) to bring the community together around shared interests
                    and common goals.

Communities         As part of managing expectations, the company should be actively
should be           communicating the nature of its role in the CI process and the parameters of
                    its potential support. At the same time, communities should be encouraged to
encouraged to       think selectively about the areas where the company’s support is best placed
think selectively   as well as the areas where the contributions of other actors can be effectively
about the areas     leveraged. The process should also consider which actions can be achieved by the
                    community itself, and what, specifically, communities are willing to contribute in
where the
                    terms of their own resources and capabilities.
company’s support
is best placed      Some projects on the community’s list may be a good fit with the company’s
as well as the      strategic business objectives and core competencies, while others may not.
                    However, the company can often play an important role in facilitating between
areas where the     the community and other potential partners (with whom the company has
contributions of    relationships)—such as suppliers, government ministries, or international
other actors can    organizations—to help communities get support for implementing development
                    projects that fall outside the company’s scope. (The overlap between community
be effectively      priorities and company priorities in the context of CI and the basis for selecting
leveraged.          investment areas for company support will be discussed further in Chapter 6.)

44                                                                       Engage Communities on CI
                    Action Planning

                    During this stage, the community moves from the prioritized list of potential areas
                    for intervention to defining practical steps for achieving it vision. A typical action
                    planning process may include the following steps:28

                      •	 Translate community visions into long-term goals and shorter-term objectives

                      •	 Identify the highest priority activities to which resources will be committed

                      •	 Determine alternative solutions to address problems

                      •	 Determine broadly the roles and responsibilities of various parties

                      •	 Determine what additional information needs to be gathered

                      •	 Agree on timeline and practical actions to be taken

                                                                                                              © R. Parker

Engage Communities on CI                                                                                 45
“By promoting
planning...a         SOCIAL NETWORKS30
sense of trust and   Veracel, an integrated forest products company based in southern Bahia, is a
respect between      joint venture between Fibria of Brazil and Stora Enso of Sweden. One of the
both sides begins    company’s strategic goals is to build good relations with communities in the
                     areas where it has eucalyptus plantations.
to be built.”
                     In 2006, the company launched a “Social Networks Program” in partnership
—Veracel29           with the Institute for the Development of Social Investment (IDIS) to establish
                     an active dialogue with key stakeholders and to find collective solutions to local
                     development challenges. The intention was to overcome any initial mistrust by
                     the communities and to avoid creating dependencies. This was done through a
                     participatory planning process that involved the following phases:

                       •	 Social inventories undertaken to study the socioeconomic context of
                          the pilot areas and identify local organizations and leaders to support
                          the creation of the networks
                       •	 Community meetings and capacity building of local facilitators to
                          agree on network objectives and build a cadre of local facilitators to run
                          subsequent workshops and mobilize new people and organizations to
                          join the network
                       •	 Participatory assessment of community assets, visioning, and
                          action planning was fundamental to the evolution of the program
                          because it focused the dialogue on the potential of each locality to
                          solve its own problems

                     Results of Community Planning: Through facilitated workshops and action
                     planning, the networks identified a number of projects to help achieve their
                     vision. This included the formation of a cooperative to produce sweets, a
                     craftsmanship project, and a cassava flour production project.

                     The Company’s Role: To help ensure project viability, Veracel convened a
                     meeting to introduce the communities to companies, banks, and suppliers
                     that could provide support for implementation. For example, one local bank
                     provided financing for the flour production project, while the craftsmanship
                     project formed a partnership with a local merchant. Veracel also engaged
                     a consulting company to qualify craftsmen to use eucalyptus wood for the
                     production of artifacts.

                     Outcomes: Overall, the process has helped the company to achieve its objective
                     of building a constructive partnership with local stakeholders. The success of
                     the pilot has inspired Veracel to extend the program to additional sites.

46                                                                     Engage Communities on CI
  Chevron (Nigeria) - Community-driven Development Planning Approach31

  In 2005, Chevron Nigeria embarked on a new                 “certified” then divided into 19 SLA teams based on
  strategy to support the Niger Delta communities            their existing knowledge and working relationships
  in its operating area. The new strategy, called the        with each RDC. Each team also trained and engaged
  Global Memoranda of Understanding (GMOU), is               community members as “co-facilitators” to participate
  a model based on community-driven development              in data collection, validation, and other steps. Over
  planning. Chevron Nigeria has signed GMOUs with            125 people served on the SLA teams.
  eight Regional Development Councils (RDCs) that
  were formed to represent the interests of some 425         To familiarize community members and implementing
  communities with an estimated 850,000 people               NGOs with the process, pre-entry visits (including
  who live near Chevron’s onshore oil facilities and         community sensitization), an NGO meeting with
  operations. The RDCs, supported by Project Review          stakeholders, selection of local facilitators, and
  Committees, are responsible for planning and               planning were undertaken after the initial training
  managing community development projects in their           seminar. These meetings provided opportunities for
  geographic areas.                                          community members to ask questions and articulate
                                                             their own expectations.
  Along with its new strategy, the company decided
  to revamp its approach to community investment,            SLA field work was conducted over six months. The
  and adopted a Sustainable Livelihoods Assessments          teams triangulated information from various sources,
  (SLA) approach to assess the development context           including secondary data, transect walks, community
  within these communities. Each RDC engaged                 mapping, focus group discussions, seasonal
  a team of local NGOs to conduct an SLA in its              calendars, wealth ranking, problem analysis, and
  geographic area. With field work completed in              observations. The teams estimated that at least 850
  2006, these SLAs represent the most complete and           community residents participated in these exercises
  current analysis of the needs of and development           or attended a town meeting to validate the research
  opportunities available to communities in the Niger        results. The discussions challenged communities to
  Delta.                                                     differentiate between “wants” and “needs,” and to
                                                             make hard decisions on projects that would spread
  NGO Training and Sustainable Livelihood                    benefits most equitably and have the highest chance
  Assessment                                                 of success.

  Chevron invested in the training of local NGOs to          After the field work was concluded, a first draft
  carry out the assessments. While this was very time        of each SLA was written up. Team members then
  consuming to start with, it was itself part of the         debriefed each community and shared the draft
  strategy to build local capacity. It also provided a set   assessments with them. Prior to the documents being
  of trained third parties who could obtain information      finalized, community members were encouraged to
  that was considered more objective than if the             make comments and inputs.
  exercise had been carried out by a team of company
  staff. Twenty-nine NGOs from throughout the Niger          The SLAs then formed the basis for communities
  Delta participated in a training on community-driven       (RDCs) to prepare their individual Three-Year Action
  development and sustainable livelihood assessment          Plans, covering priority areas for development and
  (SLA) led by a leading Nigerian NGO and a U.S-             delegating responsibilities.
  based NGO. Thirty-six trained NGO specialists were

Engage Communities on CI                                                                                             47
Chapter 5
    Invest in Capacity
    •	Be Strategic—Five Questions to 	
      Ask Up Front
    •	Target the Right People
    •	Build the Right Types of Capacities
    •	Evaluate Capacity-Building Results

                                            Capacity Building
Capacity Building

                    Capacity building requires careful planning to target the right
                    people and build the right skills at the right time and over time.
                        Chapter 5: Invest in Capacity Building
Building human          Capacity building is one of the least understood yet most important aspects of
                        development work. Building human and social capital is integral to strategic
and social capital      community investment because it leverages and multiplies the impact of CI
is integral to          resources by strengthening local partner organizations, promoting self-reliance,
strategic community     and increasing the likelihood of project success. Effective capacity building benefits
                        both the company and local stakeholders by generating inclusive processes that
investment because      strengthen trust and build commitment and good relationships.
it leverages and
multiplies the          For many companies, capacity building is their exit and sustainability strategy rolled
impact of CI            into one. Capacity building requires careful planning to target the right people
                        and build the right skills at the right time and over time. Evidence suggests that
resources.              capacity-building initiatives tend to be more effective when they are conceived as
                        an ongoing strategic commitment. There is a range of different capacity-building
                        interventions that companies can choose to support depending on need, context,
                        and desired outcomes.

                        BE STRATEGIC—5 QUESTIONS TO ASK UP FRONT
                        Because “capacity building” tends to be a general term which is not always well-
                        defined, there is a risk that companies can waste time and money on programs
                        and activities that end up building the wrong skills, targeting the wrong people, or
                        being detached from the CI process. “One-off” events or training without hands-
                        on learning and follow-up also tend to have limited effectiveness. Capacity building
                        investments often work best when they are conceived as longer-term programmatic
                        interventions that are targeted and integrated with the CI project cycle (see Figure
                        5.2). To get the most out of such efforts, companies may find it helpful to ask a few
                        simple, yet strategic, questions upfront:

                          •	 WHOSE capacity are we trying to build?

                          •	 Capacity to do WHAT and WHY?

                          •	 WHEN do we need to build these capacities?

                          •	 WHO should deliver the capacity building?

                          •	 HOW will we know if we have succeeded?

                        Target the Right People
                        There are several target groups that usually require some form of capacity
                        building or skills enhancement within the context of CI planning and
                        management. These include the company, communities (individuals, groups, and
                        community organizations), NGOs, and local government. In some cases, capacity-
                        building efforts will need to target a broad group; in other cases, individuals or
                        smaller sets of representatives may be selected for training based on the specific
                        roles or functions they are expected to carry out.

Invest in Capacity Building                                                                                49
Figure 5.1: Examples of Stakeholder Groups Targeted for Capacity Building32

In Colombia, Ecopetrol has             DFCU Bank in Uganda provides basic           Kinross Maricunga, a Chilean gold
partnered with key oil companies       financial training to current and            mining company operating in the
and IFC to help civil society          prospective female clients and               Andes close to indigenous people
organizations in five regions          women's organizations on topics that         and a national park, organized
improve the performance of             range from developing good savings           training programs for local
Royalty Investment Monitoring          habits to applying for bank financing.       communities to enable them to start
Committees. These committees                                                        their own income-generating
hold local governments account-                                                     enterprises around ecotourism.
able for their use of oil and                         Women’s
mining royalties.                                      Groups                               BHP Biliton organizes
                                                                                            practice-based training
                                    Civil                                                   programs for its commu-
In Peru, Minera Yanacocha          Society/                                  Local
                                                                          Communities       nity relations professionals
partners with IFC to provide        NGOs                                                    around the globe. The aim
modern financial management                                                                 is to improve their
systems and on-the-job training                                                             knowledge, skills, and
to the local municipality                                                                   competencies in working
receiving the mine’s tax                                                                    with local communities.
                           Government                 Investments                 Company


                              A company may choose to work with communities directly, through local
                              organizations that operate in the area, or through more informal community-based
                              organizations (e.g., church groups, women’s cooperatives, and farmers’ groups).
                              Made up of community members, CBOs, if properly constituted, often have the
                              best understanding of community issues and the most legitimacy.

                              CBOs can also face a number of issues, such as lack of formal registration, that
                              make it difficult for them to gain recognition from outside groups (including the
                              company). In addition, CBOs can at times be poorly managed and lack proper
                              organization and resources. Many have no bank accounts or formal systems in
                              place, posing a challenge for companies wanting to work with them. Not all CBOs
                              may be representative of communities or have democratically elected members or
                              be socially inclusive. For these reasons their accountability to the wider community
                              may be weak. Despite the challenges, targeting CBOs for capacity building can be a
                              worthwhile investment given their direct links at the community level.

                              Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)

                              NGOs can play an important role in delivering local services and serving as
                              advocates for community interests. In some cases, they are seen by communities
                              as more impartial than government organizations and company representatives.
                              While NGOs tend to be better managed and better resourced than community-
                              based organizations, some also struggle with capacity issues related to effective
                              management systems, funding, skills, and transparency. NGO interests may not
                              necessarily be aligned with the communities they are intended to serve or with the
                              company’s objectives. Companies that invest in capacity building of NGOs (and
                              CBOs) usually do this in order to serve CI-specific needs and objectives related to their
                              project. It is worth remembering, however, that many NGOs will be around long after

50                                                                                   Invest in Capacity Building
                             projects are completed; so connecting the capacities they are gaining in the short
                             term to a longer-term perspective is important. If capacity building is effective, NGOs
                             should be able to apply their acquired experience and skills to manage future projects
                             in other areas and with other companies or organizations.

                             Local Government

                             Local government is not always included in capacity-building considerations, yet it is
                             frequently the critical “missing link.” It is the institution most likely to provide continuity
                             in an area after the company has left and it usually has the statutory responsibility to
                             provide basic services to communities—often the very services that companies will help
                             support through CI. Capacity building of local government institutions, however, has its
                             own particular challenges (including governance issues, lack of resources, management
                             capacity, and technical skills, as well as constraints at the policy level). Nevertheless,
                             companies can and do engage to help address some of these gaps.

                             Company Staff

                             Engaging with local stakeholders to develop successful CI initiatives requires a set of
                             competencies and skills that many companies might not have up front and may need
                             to acquire either through training, recruitment, or the hiring of consultants and others
                             with specific expertise. Table 5.1 illustrates some of these skills and areas of expertise.

Table 5.1: Sample of Company Competency Dimensions/Key Skill Areas for CI
Stakeholder Analysis and Engagement                          Communication and People Skills
•	 Stakeholder analysis - ability to identify and analyze    •	   Ability to initiate and manage partnerships
   relevant stakeholder groups and their interests           •	   Ability to give and receive constructive feedback
•	 Knowledge of participatory methods and techniques         •	   Active listening skills
•	 Gender mainstreaming strategies                           •	   Ability to communicate clearly and to summarize the
•	 Facilitation skills – ability to conduct community             information received
   workshops and multi-stakeholder meetings in a             •	   Ability to deliver a message to different audiences
   context of diverse backgrounds, values, and interests     •	   Advocacy skills
•	 Ability to manage expectations and foster trust           •	   Networking/internal relationship building
                                                             •	   Ability to get along with others
Planning and Management                                      Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning
•	 Strategic planning (goal setting) and operational         •	 Ability to design monitoring and evaluation
   planning (turning goals into actions) skills                 processes appropriate to the program parameters
•	 Project management                                        •	 Ability to set up and manage baseline and data
•	 Ability to anticipate issues and identify opportunities      collection /reporting requirements
•	 Ability to develop alternative solutions                  •	 Ability to synthesize information
•	 Ability to manage and supervise others                    •	 Ability to document and report results to various
•	 Fundraising skills, including knowledge of potential         audiences
   sources of funds                                          •	 Ability to reflect on results and incorporate learning
•	 Effective use of information and communication               back into decision making
   technologies                                              •	 Knowledge of participatory methods and tools
Mediation and Consensus Building                             Personal Attributes
•	 Negotiation skills                                        •	   Integrity and transparency
•	 Conflict resolution and consensus-building                •	   Personal authority and charisma
•	 Ability to bring people together around shared            •	   Awareness of biases
   interests                                                 •	   Enthusiasm and energy
•	 Ability to break the impasse in discussions               •	   Empathy (understanding others’ perspectives)
•	 Ability to help individuals understand the views of       •	   Patience and perseverance
   others                                                    •	   Flexibility
•	 Ability to identify an issue and look at options and      •	   Creativity/“Outside the box” thinking
   alternatives to resolve conflict                          •	   Sense of humor
•	 Team-building skills

Invest in Capacity Building                                                                                             51
     PERU LNG (Peru) – Promoting Municipal strengthening and social accountability
     around revenues from extractive industries33

     PERU LNG (Liquid Natural Gas Project) is the               On the social accountability side, several respected
     largest foreign direct investment in Peru’s history.       local institutions, including the local chamber of
     The shareholders include Hunt Oil, Repsol YPF, SK          commerce, professional schools of economists and
     Energy Co. Ltd, and Marubeni Corporation. The              lawyers, the local university, and NGOs, participate
     project’s pipeline passes through four regions—two         in the MIM component of the program. Baseline
     of which are among the poorest in Peru. In light of        and follow-up surveys showed an increased level of
     the significant anticipated royalty flows to the local     understanding among the local population about
     municipalities, PERU LNG recognized the business           the royalties and their rights to receive information
     imperative of ensuring that these royalties directly       on how they are being spent.
     benefit the local population.
                                                                Lessons Learned
     In 2008, the company started working with IFC’s
     revenue management advisory services program                 •	 Directly involve and build capacity of the key
     in Peru to strengthen municipal investment                      municipal staff in charge of the investment
     management in three provinces. This program was                 efforts. Consider both investment quantity
     based on a two-pronged “push-pull” approach.                    and quality (linked to the development
     On the “push” front, local governments receive                  priorities of the local population) while
     capacity building to efficiently plan, manage, and              supporting local governments in the
     make sound investment decisions. On the “pull”                  improvement of their investment practices.
     side, which is known as the social accountability            •	 Promote a culture of social accountability by
     component, or “Mejorando la Inversión Municipal”                showing municipal authorities that a two-way
     (MIM), civil society organizations receive support              flow of information is in their interest. This
     on how to monitor revenue inflows and municipal                 can be done by: i) helping civil society to make
     investments in order to increase both transparency              itself heard and gain the means to effectively
     and accountability. They publicly disseminate the               engage authorities, ii) engaging the media so
     information and create channels for feedback to                 it plays a key role in disseminating information,
     muncipalities about local demand and perceptions                monitoring municipal affairs, and furthering an
     of their performance.                                           informed public discussion, and iii) providing
                                                                     local authorities and municipal officers with
     Results To Date                                                 incentives for sharing information with respect
                                                                     to municipal activities.
     After one year of implementation, results have been
                                                                  •	 Provide action-oriented feedback to mayors to
     encouraging. The participating municipalities have
                                                                     help them understand local perceptions and to
     received in-depth technical support and training that
                                                                     act on key areas that need their attention. This
     helped to resolve several bottlenecks in the investment         in turn signals to the population that their voice
     cycle. Investment committees have been established              is being heard by government.
     in each municipality to promote sound investment
     practices. Work to develop multi-annual investment
     plans is underway. A number of strategic projects have
     been selected by municipalities for implementation,
     including installation of a potable water and sanitation
     system, building of a waste management system, and
     a health project to reduce child malnutrition.

52                                                                                      Invest in Capacity Building
                        BUILD THE RIGHT TYPES OF CAPACITIES
                        Another challenge for effective capacity building is getting clear on what sorts
                        of competencies, awareness, and skills need to be built. The United Nations
                        Development Program’s classification of two general types of capacities, “functional”
                        and “technical,” provides a useful framework for thinking about capacity building in
                        the CI context.34 A third category, “behavioral,” relates to awareness and attitudes.

                        FUNCTIONAL CAPACITIES are “crosscutting” capacities that are relevant across
                        various levels and are not associated with one particular sector or theme. They are
                        the management capacities needed to formulate, implement, and review strategies,
                        programs, and projects. Since they focus on “getting things done,” they are of key
                        importance for any successful capacity development. These capacities are the ones
                        that companies are most likely to target as part of CI.

                        TECHNICAL CAPACITIES are those associated with particular areas of expertise and
                        practice in specific thematic areas or sectors. For CI, the technical skills may closely
                        relate to a sector or program focus, such as microfinance, small business training,
                        education, health, or agriculture. Technical capacities tend to be acquired through
                        more formalized instruction, study, and practical training. Because this tends to be a
                        more specialized set of skills, the target audience is generally much narrower.

                        BEHAVIORAL CAPACITIES have to do with cultural shifts and changes in attitude. An
                        important component of capacity building, especially in a multi-stakeholder context, is
                        raising awareness in order to affect changes in the attitudes, practices, and behaviors
                        of individuals, groups, and organizations. These changes include partnering, building
                        alliances, and interacting in new or different ways. Behavioral capacity building can also
                        prompt changes in strategy direction, policies, and institutional culture.

                              UNDP’s Five Functional Capacities35

                              The United Nations Development Programme places emphasis on building the
                              following five functional capacities:

                                •	 Engage Communities
                                   This involves building the capacity to facilitate participatory development
                                   and multi-stakeholder processes by building trust, using participatory
                                   methods, listening, helping to give voice to the silent majority, and
                                   working toward putting the community members into the “driver’s seat.”
                                •	 Assess a Situation and Define a Vision and Mandate
                                   Skills in analysis, systems view, visioning, imagination, assets and opportunity
                                   assessment, goal setting, and project design, are a part of this capacity area.
                                •	 Formulate Policies and Strategies
                                   Skills in this area include strategic thinking, strategy mapping and
                                   development, social network mapping, prioritization, operational
                                   planning, feasibility analysis, and risk analysis.
                                •	 Budget, Manage, and Implement
                                   Skills in this area include forecasting, participating, budgeting, cost analysis,
                                   funds allocation, reporting, financial oversight, and bookkeeping.
                                •	 Monitor and Evaluate
                                   Skills in setting measurable goals and objectives, defining outcomes,
                                   developing indicators, formulating and asking appropriate questions,
                                   gathering and analyzing data, using tools for conducting participatory
                                   evaluations, and creating a positive learning environment.

Invest in Capacity Building                                                                                            53
                               Start by Assessing Existing Capacities

                               To build capacity effectively, one must first understand what capacity already exists.
                               A good place to start is to involve stakeholders in assessing their own capacities
                               and jointly defining a range of “competency areas” linked to the CI program.
                               Once key competencies have been identified, the desired level of capacity (target)
                               and the existing level of capacity (baseline) can be determined. This can be done
                               through a series of questions intended to investigate each skill area to find out
                               where the strengths and weaknesses of the group, organization, or individual
                               lie. The development of such a capacity-building questionnaire can be done in
                               a participatory setting and should include a discussion of what success might
                               look like. Capacity levels can be assessed using other qualitative and quantitative
                               techniques. For examples of existing tools and methods to assess organizational
                               capacity, please see Tools 6 and 7.

     Community Capacity Assessment (Fiji)36

     During a capacity assessment of three rural Fijian          8.	Role of outside agents (links between the
     communities for a health promotion program, nine               community and external parties)
     “capacity domains” were identified and assessed to          9.	Program management (includes control
     identify problem areas and define capacity-building            by stakeholders over decisions on planning,
     strategies to address them. These were:                        implementation, evaluation, finances,
                                                                    administration, reporting, and conflict
       1.	Participation                                             resolution)
       2.	Leadership
       3.	Organizational structure (committees,                Each domain consisted of five elements that ranged
          church, youth, and other community groups)           from the least to the most empowering situation and
                                                               was presented as a short statement derived from
       4.	Problem assessment (identification of problems,
                                                               community discussions. Each statement was then
          solutions, and actions to resolve problems)
                                                               discussed and the community made the selection
       5.	Resource mobilization (ability to mobilize           of the one that most closely represented the current
          resources from within and to negotiate               situation. The following matrix is an example of
          resources from beyond the community)                 how the community assessed the “participation”
       6.	Asking “why” (the ability of the community           domain.
          to critically assess causes of problems)
       7.	Links with others (links between the
          community and other organizations,
          partnerships, and coalitions)

     Domain          Assessment          Reasons Why        How to Improve       Strategy           Resources
     Participation   Not all             There is a lack    Work through         Develop a          Human resources
                     community           of knowledge,      traditional          directive with     to develop a
                     groups (e.g.,       skills, focus,     structures and       a timeline,        plan for better
                     women, youth)       and interest in    processes, chiefly   activities, and    targeting of
                     are participating   the community;     leadership, to       responsibilities   women and
                     in activities and   personal           address the          though follow-     youth
                     meetings            differences are    issues               up meetings
                                         also creating

54                                                                                      Invest in Capacity Building
                        Consider a Range of Capacity-Building Investments

                        Local capacity development is increasingly viewed as a worthwhile investment in
                        and of itself, and not just as a means of facilitating projects in other areas. Once
                        capacity needs have been assessed and agreed upon, specific interventions can be
                        identified. Table 5.2 provides a menu of options that can be used to identify the
                        major components of a company’s capacity-building strategy.

                        The interventions listed below have different purposes. When choosing among
                        different types of capacity-building investments it is useful to think about what
                        objective a particular intervention would achieve, if it is demand-driven, and what
                        outcomes are expected.

                         Table 5.2: Investing in Local Capacity Building - A Menu of Options
                         Types of Interventions   Potential Activities
                         Networking               Connecting communities, organizations, and individuals
                                                  through formal and informal affiliations to expand service
                                                  delivery, improve information sharing, set performance
                                                  standards, or empower groups
                         New Entity Creation      Creating new water user groups, co-ops, civil society
                                                  organizations, borrower groups, etc.
                         Training                 Designing and delivering curriculum to support transfer of
                                                  critical skills
                         Partnering               Brokering new relationships and joint ventures between
                                                  key actors to meet ci objectives
                         Leadership               Serving as a role model or counselor to emerging
                         Development              community leaders
                         Organizational           Providing support to local organizations to enhance
                         Development              performance
                         Exchanges and Visits     Sponsoring exchanges to promote learning and cross-
                         Coaching and             Staff share time and expertise
                         Social Marketing         Applying principles of commercial marketing
                                                  to raise awareness and influence behavior changes
                         Development of Local     Strengthening the quantity and quality of local service
                         Service Providers        providers
                         Direct Management        Company staff are either seconded or provide
                         Assistance               direct technical assistance
                         General Operating        Providing small grants to support core staff at key agencies

Invest in Capacity Building                                                                                 55
                               EVALUATE CAPACITY-BUILDING RESULTS
                               Measuring the success of capacity-building efforts is perhaps the biggest challenge.
                               Assessing results is nevertheless worth trying given that levels of local capacity are
                               an important factor in determining whether or not CI will be sustainable. In most
                               cases, an outcomes-focused approach that utilizes both quantitative and qualitative
                               data can be useful in measuring the changes in behavior and perceptions among
                               individuals, organizations, groups, and communities.

                               Changes resulting from capacity building efforts may take many different forms,
                               such as those given in Figure 5.3. Once the expected changes have been defined,
                               these can be developed into specific indicators.

                               Some important considerations when building a results framework for capacity
                               building include:

                                 •	 Objectives, targets, and baseline need to be clearly defined to allow
                                    assessment of results

                                 •	 Beneficiaries can have multiple perspectives on the nature of the conducted
                                    capacity-building activities

                                 •	 The capacity-building exercise should be as participatory as possible to ensure
                                    that a range of opinions is captured relating to performance

                                 •	 Changes in capacities may only be demonstrated over the long term

                                 •	 Results can be greatly affected by the quality of the intervention

Figure 5.2: Areas in which Change May Occur due to Capacity-Building Measures37

Collaboration       Culture     Learning &        Policy &         Process &          Strategy       Structure      Technology
 & Alliances                    Innovation       Standards          Systems

 A change in     A change in   The acquisition   A change in      A change in an     A change in      A change in   A change in
 the way         attitudes,    and               the rules or     organization’s     the direction   the way an     the way
 communities/    practices,    development       policies that    methods of         of the          organization   technology is
 organizations   and/or        of new skills,    guide an         operation. This    mission and     or community   used to
 work with       behavior      knowledge,        organization’s   includes, but is   vision in       organizes      support the
 other                         and ideas         operations       not limited to,    response to     itself to      achievement
 organizations                 applied to                         changes in         the external    achieve an     of CI
 and                           overcoming CI                      governance,        environment     objective      objectives
 institutions                  development                        financial          or some
                               challenges                         management,        other
                                                                  fundraising and    long-term,
                                                                  human              strategic
                                                                  resource           consideration

56                                                                                             Invest in Capacity Building
 Capacity Building Practice Pointers

  Make it Demand Driven                                           •	 Has there been a request for capacity building?
  Whenever possible, capacity building should be demand           •	 Have we properly identified the community’s
  driven, responding to the interests and needs expressed            needs?
  by NGOs, community members, local government, and               •	 Is there a solid decision-making process in
  others.                                                            place to prioritize critical needs?
  Take a Systems View                                             •	 Do we have a clear understanding of the
  Consider the impact that an intervention might have on             wider context?
  the broader system. For example, capacity building for          •	 Have we thought about potential
  women may be looked at with suspicion by men, or an                consequences related to our intervention?
  organization’s capacity building around a particular CI
  project may sidetrack it from its core mission.
  Understand the History                                          •	 Have we inquired about past capacity-
  Ask about other capacity-building efforts in which                 building efforts and their impact?
  stakeholders have participated. Find out what worked            •	 Have we attempted to build on lessons from
  well and what didn’t.                                              past interventions?
  Work Through Indigenous Entities                                •	 Have we identified local groups that could
  Working with and through indigenous entities (e.g.,                facilitate our initiative?
  local consulting firms, NGOs, private contractors) to do        •	 Have criteria been chosen for partner
  capacity building strengthens the host country’s service           selection?
  provider market and makes local experts more visible.           •	 For which activities can we rely on local
  Integrate Gender                                                •	 Have we identified and involved women’s
  In most developing countries, gender inequality is still seen      groups and networks?
  as a major obstacle to development. Closing the capacities      •	 Have we created an enabling environment
  gap between women and men involves specific efforts to             for the participation of women?
  create an enabling environment for woman to participate         •	 Have we taken into account the perspectives
  in capacity building and to incorporate gender perspectives        of both women and men as well as the gender
  when planning these interventions.                                 implications of our proposed interventions?
  Promote Action Learning and Participation                       •	 How do we ensure that communities
  Using participatory methods has been found to be the most          participate?
  effective way to build capacity. Participatory approaches       •	 Are we planning to use participatory
  help people actively contribute to teaching and learning,          methods?
  rather than passively receiving information from outside        •	 Is there “real work” around which we can
  experts. When capacity building is directly connected to a         organize capacity-building activities to
  “need to know,” people are more motivated to learn.                promote action learning?
                                                                                                          © R.Parker

Invest in Capacity Building                                                                                            57
Chapter 6
    Set the Parameters
    •	Screen All Activities (Against Established
      Objectives, Principles, and Criteria)
    •	Select Investment Areas
    •	Build a CI Portfolio that Supports 	
      Your Strategy
    •	Build Sustainability into Project Design
    •	Set a Preliminary Budget
    •	Re-engage with Stakeholders on
      Proposed Parameters


             Selectivity is essential for companies seeking to direct their
             community investment programs strategically.
                       Chapter 6: Set the Parameters
Given the potential    The engagement process with local stakeholders and the outcomes generated
                       through community planning will have provided the company with a good sense
reputational           of priority areas for potential investment. By now, a company should be in a good
implications           position to develop the basic parameters of its CI strategy, having acquired a sound
of community           understanding of the following elements (covered in Chapters 1-5):
investment and the
                         •	 The business case for CI (business objectives and key drivers to be supported)
need to account
to shareholders,         •	 Issues of highest concern to local stakeholders
companies have
                         •	 Local stakeholders’ perceptions of the company
both a right and
an obligation to set     •	 Community priorities that can potentially be addressed through CI
specific parameters
                         •	 The level of risk and opportunity these issues pose for the company (relative to
on the use of their
                            business objectives)
                         •	 Availability and capacity of local institutions and potential partners to implement

                         •	 Current development initiatives or programs in the area (including government
                            development priorities at the local, regional, and national levels)

                         •	 A sense of what other actors (communities, government, donors, NGOs, and
                            other partners) can contribute to a multi-stakeholder development process

                       Given the potential reputational implications of community investment and the need
                       to account to shareholders, companies have both a right and an obligation to set
                       specific parameters on the use of their resources. Setting conditions (in consultation
                       with stakeholders) on the type of activities the company will support, and the way
                       projects are designed and implemented, will increase the likelihood of achieving desired
                       outcomes while avoiding undesirable ones. Good practice also encourages discussion
                       and validation of such parameters with local stakeholders before they are formalized.

                                                                                                                  © A.Bhalla

Set the Parameters                                                                                          59
                             SCREEN ALL ACTIVITIES
                             Selectivity is essential for companies seeking to direct their community investment
                             programs strategically. Three screening elements—CI strategy objectives,
                             guiding principles, and eligibility criteria—come first.

Figure 6.1: Setting Parameters for the CI Strategy

                                  CI Objectives       Principles    Investment       Sustainability
                                                     and Criteria      Areas           and Exit

                             Set the Objectives for Your Strategy

                             In terms of the overall strategy, CI objectives should be fairly high level and linked
                             to the business case. These objectives will set the stage and provide the rationale
                             for the type of program areas and activities that the company will support.

                             Develop Guiding Principles and Criteria

                             Guiding principles are the fundamental “rules” that all CI proposals and projects
                             should adhere to in order to receive support from the company. Sometimes known
                             as “operating principles” or “selection criteria,” they reflect a company’s values and
                             approach for managing community investment. These might include an emphasis
                             on sustainability, partnerships, and participatory approaches; or prioritization of
                             certain elements such as skills training over infrastructure; or the need for matching
                             contributions to demonstrate shared ownership.

                             Early clarity on CI principles and selection criteria is the most effective way for a
                             company to manage stakeholder expectations and requests for support. Conflicts
                             tend to arise when the rationale for how CI projects or budgets are distributed is not
                             transparent or is perceived as unpredictable and subject to manipulation. Clear criteria
                             help communities understand the basis by which decisions are made regarding CI
                             resources, and why benefits might not always be shared evenly among stakeholders.

                             Good practice pointers on using guiding principles and criteria include the following:

                                •	 Put your principles and/or criteria in writing, consult on them, and
                                   disseminate them widely in order to promote transparency

                                •	 Screen all community investment decisions against these principles and
                                   criteria to ensure that the CI program remains consistent with the strategy

                                •	 Be consistent in the application of principles and criteria to ensure fairness

                                •	 Use your principles to say “no” to ad hoc requests for support or
                                   financing that do not meet the established criteria or fit within the community
                                   investment strategy

60                                                                                              Set the Parameters
                        Define Eligibility Criteria

                        Eligibility criteria for CI should establish at the outset: (i) who is eligible to benefit
                        and who is not—and why; ii) how resources will be allocated among the various
                        eligible communities; and iii) where allocations are not equal, the rationale for some
                        communities receiving more than others.

Criteria that are       Defining who is eligible to participate in CI programs can be a delicate issue.
                        Criteria that are perceived as “unfair” by local stakeholders can increase social
perceived as            risks and potential for conflict. Similarly, tensions and resentments may arise in
“unfair” by local       communities who feel arbitrarily “left out.”
stakeholders can
                        Good practice pointers on developing eligibility criteria include the following:
increase social risks
and potential for       99 Consider the Project Footprint and Impacts
                        Eligibility criteria for CI are most commonly determined by looking at the project’s
                        influence area (in terms of both direct and indirect impacts) and determining which
                        communities fall within these boundaries. This information is typically contained
                        in environmental and social impact assessments or project risk assessments, and
                        is part of the basic stakeholder identification and analysis that most companies
                        undertake. In some cases, however, limiting eligibility to impacted communities
                        might be too narrow.

                           ELIGIBILITY FOR CI FUNDING38

                           Montana Exploradora devised a geography-based system for allocating
                           company funds for community development projects. Based on annual
                           funding, monies were allocated among four zones depending on the intensity
                           and types of potential project impacts:

                              •	 The Blue Zone is the area of direct influence, which includes six
                                 communities that are located adjacent to the Marlin mine and
                                 its activities. These communities receive 40 percent of the annual
                                 community development budget.
                              •	 The Green Zone includes a second ring of communities located
                                 around the Marlin mine that are indirectly affected by the mine and its
                                 activities. These communities receive 30 percent of the budget.
                              •	 The Yellow Zone includes communities located along the transportation
                                 route between the Marlin mine and the Pan American Highway. These
                                 communities receive 20 percent of the annual budget.
                              •	 The Brown Zone includes the remaining communities in the municipalities
                                 that may or may not be affected by the Marlin mine and its activities.
                                 Development needs in these communities are identified in coordination
                                 with the municipal governments. These communities receive 10 percent of
                                 the annual budget.

Set the Parameters                                                                                            61
     99 Consider Social Risks and Related Issues

     While physical proximity to the site and degree of project impact are reasonable
     determinants, the question of “who benefits” can be sensitive—and at times
     become politicized. In understanding social risks, it is important for companies,
     particularly those with larger operations, to also consider the cultural, economic,
     and/or administrative links that local stakeholders might have with other groups.

     Conflicts arising from “perimeter” communities who feel excluded from
     development have, on some occasions, led companies to expand eligibility criteria
     to include surrounding areas and communities outside their immediate footprint.
     The area of eligibility may be expanded to include:

       •	 Political boundaries of a community, municipality, district, or state

       •	 Environmental boundaries of an ecosystem or river basin

       •	 Economic regions or corridors

       •	 Cultural boundaries of a particular ethnic group or tribe

     99 Validate Criteria with Stakeholders

     While it is important for a company to define eligibility criteria before it begins
     engaging communities on CI, it is equally important to consult with local stakeholders
     to validate these criteria and ensure that they are perceived as fair and acceptable.
     Consultation is also critical for reaching local consensus on how CI resources are to
     be divided among the various eligible communities. Where resource allocation is not
     equal, funding formulas involving criteria such as “population size” or “degree of
     impact” or “proximity to the project site,” for example, can be agreed to in advance
     by companies, communities, and local government.

                                                                                              © World Bank staff

62                                                                    Set the Parameters

  Principles                                               •	 Strengthens peaceful and orderly society
                                                           •	 Addresses youth unemployment/
    •	 When possible, rehabilitate or complete                underemployment
       existing infrastructure before investing in new
       construction.                                       •	 Improves opportunities for women
    •	 Engage government agencies, where
       appropriate, to provide their legally mandated    Sustainability
       services, including education, health care, and
       infrastructure.                                     •	 Encourages self-reliance and avoids
    •	 Involve community members as active
       participants in project planning and execution.     •	 Responds to existing or potential market (for
                                                              economic projects)
    •	 Use every project as a capacity-building
       opportunity (skills acquisition through             •	 Strengthens capacity of individuals,
       encouraging and assisting local youth to               community-based organizations, NGOs, and/
       become contractors hired to build community            or local government
       projects, formation of community-based              •	 Opens partnership opportunities with CBOs,
       organizations, etc.)                                   NGOs, other donors, and/or government
    •	 Reinforce community pride in ownership of           •	 Creates opportunity for government
       development project outcomes.                          engagement and support

  Selection Criteria                                     Project Management

  Each proposed project is scored “low, medium,            •	 High likelihood of success (from feasibility
  or high” on each of the following criteria, and             studies)
  proposed projects are then ranked based on these
  scores.                                                  •	 Designed to build out from success
                                                           •	 Optimizes and/or complements existing
  Impact                                                      resources and capabilities
                                                           •	 Beneficiaries are involved in program design
    •	 High “value-added”: broad social and/or                and execution
       economic benefit (e.g., significant increase
       in household income, creates jobs, enhances         •	 Project planning and execution is transparent
       peace and stability)                                •	 Strengthens long-term positive relations
    •	 Spreads benefits equitably among                       among stakeholders

Set the Parameters                                                                                            63
                             SELECT INVESTMENT AREAS
                             Target Investment Areas that Create Shared Value

                             Selectivity is fundamental to a strategic approach. While the focus of CI should be
                             to catalyze, support, and enable local communities to identify and address their own
                             development priorities and aspirations, this does not mean that a company can or
                             should try to respond to everything. Rather, the goal is to create “shared value” by
                             investing in those areas that are high priority for communities and government and
                             that also make business sense (in terms of what unique value a company can offer
                             over other actors, and alignment with business objectives).

                             Practically speaking, aligning interests may not always be achievable right away
                             or be possible for every investment. There may be pressing issues, for example,
                             that don’t fit neatly within the triangulation of interests but need to be addressed
                             nevertheless; or interim steps, such as capacity building, that are needed to enable
                             all parties to move toward areas of common interest.

Figure 6.2: Selective Investing to Create Shared Value

                                                      High priority for
                                                      local communities

                                 Government               for CI
                                 Consistent with                            Company
                                 development priorities                     Supports business
                                 of local government                        objectives and

                                                    Arrived at through
                                                  participatory processes

64                                                                                              Set the Parameters

  An important component of Coca-Cola’s business          Some of the activities to date include:
  and sustainability strategy is water stewardship.
  Water is a key ingredient in the majority of Coca-        •	 Teacher training and health promotion
  Cola beverages and, at the same time, water quality          programs established to teach students
  and availability are common priority issues for local        appropriate hygiene techniques and reinforce
  communities and governments in countries where               behavioral changes. Students and teachers
  the company operates.                                        also practice point-of-use water treatment in
                                                               these schools.
  Coca Cola’s water stewardship commitment                  •	 A local partner of the program, SANA, has
  therefore focuses on three main areas: (i) reduction         completed or begun construction of latrines in
  of the company’s water use; (ii) preservation of             more than 60 schools, also with support from
  local water resources through recycling; and, (iii)          the communities.
  support of healthy watersheds and community
  water programs that help the company promote              •	 Communities have applied for loans for a
  sustainable water management. One such example               communal water system that could be used
                                                               in addition to the school. It is predicted that
  is the five-year “Sustaining and Scaling School
                                                               community and school access to water will both
  Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Plus Community
                                                               increase participation in the schools and transfer
  Impact (SWASH+)” program in Nyanza Province,
                                                               healthy hygiene practices to the entire family.
  Kenya. The program was launched in 2006 to
  develop and test innovative approaches to school-         •	 In terms of sustainability and exit, engagement
  based water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions          with the local and national governments
  that maximize impact, equity, sustainability, and           has been a vital component of the program.
  cost-effectiveness. The program is implemented              Partners plan to support the Government of
  in phases to ensure that best practices are used to         Kenya in bringing best practices to scale in
  establish a framework for government-led scale up           Nyanza Province, covering a total of 1520
  of the most effective interventions.                        schools. Project staff has already had many
                                                              successful, high level engagements with the
                                                              government, setting the stage for successful
                                                              scale up of the program.

                            Use “Screens” to Select Among Local Development Priorities

                            Community planning and engagement processes will typically generate a set
                            of development priorities ranked according to their level of importance to local
                            stakeholders. Using this as a starting point, companies may find it helpful to employ
                            screens or filters as a decision-making tool to further refine the investment options
                            and prioritize shared areas of interest. Some companies choose to first undertake
                            this screening process internally—based on the input received from communities
                            and local government—to build internal alignment and management buy-in before
                            soliciting feedback from stakeholders. Other companies opt to undertake the
                            screening and prioritizing process jointly with stakeholders.

Set the Parameters                                                                                                  65
                                  Examples of some common screens include:

                                                  •	 Level of stakeholder priority (high, medium, low)

                                                  •	 Level of risk or opportunity presented (high, medium, low)

                                                  •	 Fit with CI strategy objectives and guiding principles

                                                  •	 Fit with government development priorities and plans

                                                  •	 Local capacity and availability of implementing partners

                                                  •	 Ability of company to add value/comparative advantage

                                                  •	 Fit with Millennium Development Goals (or corporate priorities)

                                                  •	 Cost-benefit (number of people benefiting versus cost)

                                  99 Screen Community Priorities Against Level of Risk and Opportunity

                                  Companies may find it useful to review community development needs and
                                  issues in light of project level risks and opportunities to see where CI might readily

                                                  •	 What is the level of risk to the company (of not addressing this need)?

                                                  •	 What is the level of opportunity presented (i.e., achievability in terms of ease
                                                     of execution and likelihood of success)?

                                  For further guidance on assessing risks and opportunities, see Tool 5.

Figure 6.3: Risks and Opportunities Posed by Community Needs and Issues

                                                                                      Community Issues

                                                           • Community center   • Support for              • Jobs                       After mapping
                                                           • Scholarships                                  • HIV/AIDS                   potential risks and
                                                    High                        • Enterprise                                            opportunities, the
                                                           • Training for women development                • Low skilled youth          company chose to
                                                                                                           • Access to water            invest in the areas
                           Level of Opportunity

                                                           • Ecotourism            • Upgrading of temples • Protection of fishing and
                                                                                                             farming livelihoods
                                                           • Preservation of       • Primary education                                        High Priority
                                                    Med.   heritage sites                                 • Capacity building of
                                                                                   • Malaria                 traditional authorities          Medium Priority

                                                                                                                                              Low Priority
                                                           • Cultural activities    • Electrification      • Crime and security
                                                           • Transportation         • Support to dairy     • Corruption
                                                    Low                                producers

                                                                  Low                        Med.                     High

                                                                                         Level of Risk

66                                                                                                                           Set the Parameters
Screening against      99 Screen for Fit with Objectives and Guiding Principles
                       Some issues or program areas may be a high priority for stakeholders but not
objectives and
                       a good fit with what the company hopes to achieve in terms of its CI strategy.
guiding principles     Screening against pre-established objectives (linked to the business case) and
helps to ensure        guiding principles (linked to the overall approach and values) helps to ensure that
that the potential     potential investment areas most aligned with the strategy receive priority.
investment areas       99 Screen for Fit with Government Development Priorities and Plans
most aligned with
the strategy receive   The local context assessment (Chapter 3) will have informed the company about
                       government development plans and priorities at the local, regional, and national
priority.              levels. Aligning community investment areas with existing government plans for
                       local development can help leverage resources, enhance impact, and promote
                       sustainability of activities.

                       99 Screen for Availability of Local Capacity and Partners

                       The mapping of local institutions and potential partners (Chapter 3) will have provided
                       a good sense of what current programs exist and what potential partners and
                       institutions are active in various technical sectors (e.g., health, education, capacity
                       building, water, agriculture, microfinance) that may have been identified as priorities
                       by local communities. Where development needs are outside the realm of company
                       competencies, the availability of local partners with sufficient delivery capacity (including
                       local government) becomes an important factor. There may be contexts, however, where
                       there is little or no capacity to deliver on high-risk or priority areas. In these cases, a
                       company may decide to proceed regardless of the existence of partners and try to build
                       local capacity along the way.

                       99 Screen for Opportunities for Company Value-Add

                       As discussed in Chapter 2, the alignment of business competencies with
                       stakeholder needs is a key feature of a strategic approach to CI because it
                       encourages a company to prioritize those areas where they have the most to offer
                       and can make a unique contribution. This also has the advantage of increasing
                       internal efficiencies by leveraging functional resources across the business in
                       support of CI, and reinforcing the links between the business and community

                       99 Screen for Fit with Millennium Development Goals or Corporate Priorities

                       Some companies may have corporate-level commitments that will influence
                       (or even predetermine) the type of activities or thematic areas they will support
                       through their CI programs. A common example is company support for projects
                       contributing toward the Millennium Development Goals.

                       99 Rank Remaining Options based on Cost-Benefit

                       This final screen is about assessing your “bang for the buck.” It requires making
                       some rough initial estimates of the actual investment costs to the company for
                       each of the remaining options and evaluating these against potential benefits (i.e.,
                       overall impact, number of people benefiting, community satisfaction, support to
                       business objectives, and so forth). Priority should be given to options that combine
                       higher impact (or reach) with lower costs.

Set the Parameters                                                                                              67
                                                                         99 Select the Best Options as your Core Investment Areas for CI

                                                                         Selecting the best options based on the screening process is the last step. At this
                                                                         stage, investment areas to be supported through CI should be reasonably specific—
                                                                         but with the recognition that the actual projects to be implemented are still to be
                                                                         defined by local stakeholders in accordance with guiding principles and criteria.

Figure 6.4: Sample Screening Process for CI Options

The following diagrams illustrate how the screening process might unfold.

                                                1. Prioritize options that fit with                                                                2. Prioritize options that fit with government
                                       CI strategy objectives and guiding principles.                                                                  development priorities and plans.

                                                                                       Option                                                                                                             Option
       Importance to Stakeholders

                                                                                                                   Importance to Stakeholders
                                                          Option                                         Option                                                     Option                                                    Option

                                                 Option                                Option                                                                   Option                                     Option



                                                                                                         Option                                                                                                               Option


                                           Low                                                              High                                          Low                                                                    High
                                                                   Fit with CI Objectives                                                                                         Fit with Government Plans

                           3. Prioritize options where the company has comparative                                                   4. Rank highest scoring options according to cost-benefit.
                                    advantage/value-add over other actors.                                                                  Priority is for higher impact, lower cost initiatives.


       Importance to Stakeholders

                                                                                                         Option                                                                       Option
                                                                                                                   Number of People Benefiting

                                                                                                                                                                 Option                                         Option

                                                                                       Option                                                                                                                                    Option
                                                 Option            Option                                                                                                            Option

                                                                                                                                                                          Option                         Option

                                                 Option                                                                                                                   Option                                     Option



                                           Low                                                              High                                              Low                                                                      High
                                                          Ability of the Company to Add Value                                                                                          Cost of Intervention

                                                                         BUILD A CI PORTFOLIO THAT SUPPORTS YOUR STRATEGY
                                                                         Putting together a successful portfolio of community investments is similar in many
                                                                         ways to building a financial portfolio. This means that it is important to consider
                                                                         such factors as allocation, diversification, risk, time horizon, and short-term and
                                                                         long-term objectives, as well as the investment mix that can help a company
                                                                         achieve its overall goal. The goal, for many companies, is to maximize value derived
                                                                         for the business and its stakeholders from the envelope of CI resources.

68                                                                                                                                                                                                              Set the Parameters
                             Decide on Investment Categories

                             Creating a typology of investments and allocating budget to selected categories
                             enables a company to exercise greater control over how its CI resources are spent.
                             This also promotes stronger links between decision making and business drivers, and
                             enables mid-course “rebalancing” among investment categories where necessary.
                             The BG Group, for example, differentiates between philanthropic donations,
                             investments at the community level, and regional development initiatives.

Figure 6.5: BG Group’s Typology for Social Investment Spending41

                            Local Community Investment      Regional Development            Philanthropy/Charitable
                            Targeted at communities         Most relevant for large         Donations
                            within the project’s area of    projects with significant       Projects involving charitable
                            influence. Considered to be     revenue flows. Generally        giving. Typically has little
                            “strategic” as it contributes   involves large-scale projects   relation to business
                            to local sustainable            with significant costs,         objectives, even though it
                            development priorities and      multiple sources of             may be addressing a
                            is undertaken in support of     funding, and is carried out     community or societal need.
                            the company’s business          with multiple stakeholders
                            objectives. Can be divided      (including regional
                            into subcategories (e.g.,       government).
                            “short-term” versus

                             Go for Quality, Not Quantity

                             A study of 60 international companies operating on five continents concluded that
                             there is no correlation (and sometimes even an inverse correlation) between the
                             amount of money a company spends on community projects and the quality of its
                             relationship with the community.42 Experience also suggests that companies that
                             focus on high-quality initiatives in a few, well-defined areas tend to achieve greater
                             impact and recognition than companies with CI programs that spread resources
                             across many different types of activities.

Figure 6.6: Focus on a Few Key Areas for Greater Impact

                               CI Portfolio - Scenario A                      CI Portfolio - Scenario B

Set the Parameters                                                                                                      69
                             Think Short Term and Long Term (but Emphasize Long Term)

                             Any good strategy will have both short-term and long-term objectives. Different
                             types of investments can be used to respond to business needs at various stages of
                             the project. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, the benefits
                             of “quick impact” projects and donations need to be weighed carefully against the
                             risks of creating dependency.

                             While it is not realistic to expect every activity a company supports to have
                             sustainable, long-term impacts, past experience has shown that lasting
                             development impacts and goodwill are not usually achievable through short-term
                             projects. For this reason, productive investments that build social and human
                             capital (such as skills training, enterprise development, institutional strengthening,
                             knowledge transfer, and economic empowerment) should ideally make up the bulk
                             of the CI portfolio. Because these types of initiatives take time to show results,
                             companies often complement their long-term strategy with a small number of
                             high profile, strategic, short-term projects (often infrastructure) that facilitate an
                             immediate business need.

Figure 6.7: Different Types of Investments for Different Business Phases and Objectives

                             Quick Impact Projects         Discretionary Funds            Long-Term Investments
                             High visibility projects      Donations fully driven by      Productive investments
                             (sometimes referred to as     requests from the              that build local capacity
                             “ribbon cutting”). These      community. While often         over time. These support
                             can be done quickly in        short-term and ad hoc,         longer-term business
                             the early stages to create    these allow the company        objectives such as risk
                             goodwill, demonstrate         to be seen as responsive to    management, reputation,
                             tangible benefit, and gain    local needs. Example:          productivity, and
                             social license. Example:      Support for local festivals    sustainability. Example:
                             Infrastructure projects       and sports, or donation of     Skills building and
                                                           supplies                       livelihoods support

“If you go back    Emphasize Capacity-Building Investments
15 years it was a  Traditionally, capacity building has been viewed as a means to an end—something
contest of who was that needs to be done to enable implementation of a specific project or activity.
giving the most.   Current good practice encourages capacity building as an investment in its own
Now it’s about the right, and one that encompasses a much broader spectrum of interventions than
                   just training. (See Chapter 5 for a menu of capacity-building options). There is
effectiveness of   growing consensus that the achievement of long-term development impact and
what you do.”      a company’s ability to exit on positive terms are directly tied to the existence of
                             strong, capable local institutions and a self-reliant population. For this reason,
                             capacity-building investments which directly contribute to these goals are
—IBM Corporate               strategically important and should ideally comprise a significant, if not dominant,
Citizenship                  portion of a company’s CI portfolio.

70                                                                                          Set the Parameters
                            Be Selective with Infrastructure Investments

                            “Bricks and mortar” projects are often criticized for not contributing to
                            sustainability, local capacity, or long-term goodwill. The reality, however, is that
                            infrastructure is usually the second highest priority—after jobs—for communities
                            and local government. Companies can face intense pressure to deliver basic
                            services and infrastructure where local government is absent or weak, or where
                            it is a requirement of the operating agreement. The solution to such a dilemma
                            may be found in employing some of the strategies contained in this handbook.
                            These include not allowing infrastructure investments to dominate the CI portfolio;
                            complementing such investments with others that build capacity and productive
                            skills; not providing free services; choosing options for construction that build
                            community involvement and ownership; and joint planning with stakeholders for
                            ongoing maintenance, operations, handover, and exit.

Figure 6.8: From Dependency to Development44

  Company              Company leaves          Company highlights         Company builds             Company acts as a
  implements           project in hands of     its role in project with   infrastructure (schools,   replacement for
  projects itself      government to fund      large signs, company       clinics, roads) projects   government in the
                       and run when it         logos, etc.                for community              provision of services
                       leaves footprint area                                                         to the community

 Company partners      Company develops an     Company highlights         Company provides           Company builds
 with communities,     exit strategy for the   the roles and              skills training and        capacity of local
 NGOs, and             project and works       responsibilities of the    capacity building          authorities to provide
 government to         toward the eventual     community and the          projects to the            services or acts as an
 determine community   exit of the company     government in              community                  advocate for the
 needs                                         designing and                                         community to the
                                               implementing the                                      government
                                               project (tripartite

                            Companies have a clear business interest in avoiding the creation of dependencies
                            and ensuring that the project benefits they support through CI can become
                            self-sustaining over time. While a company’s guiding principles (discussed
                            earlier in this chapter) often include sustainability elements or criteria, the issue
                            of sustainability is so critical to the effectiveness of CI that it deserves special
                            emphasis. Asking a few key questions at the project design stage can be a simple
                            but effective means to avoid supporting community investment activities that are
                            unsustainable in the long run.

Set the Parameters                                                                                                       71
                          Ask the Tough Questions Up Front

                            •	 Will the project or activity be able to continue in the absence of company
                               support? How?

                            •	 What measures will be taken to ensure that the company does not support
                               unsustainable activities?

                            •	 How will the company restructure any existing CI activities that are not

                            •	 What steps will be taken to raise awareness of the importance of sustainability
                               among local stakeholders who might not otherwise see this as a priority?

                            •	 How will the company transfer knowledge, capacity, and skills to local groups
                               and individuals?

                            •	 Does the company have guiding principles and project selection criteria that
                               promote sustainability?

Companies have       Don’t Start Without a Handover or Exit Strategy
a clear business
                     Abrupt or poorly managed exits can do serious damage to a company’s reputation
interest in avoiding and its relationships with local stakeholders—compromising the very goals of CI.
the creation of      Handover or exit planning is a means to ensure that CI programs can become self-
dependencies and sustaining over time, thereby enabling a company to reduce or withdraw its support
                     without negative consequences. In many cases, the assumption that a company can
ensuring that the    “hand over” to government, NGOs, or communities is not realistic without significant
project benefits     preparation and capacity building.
they support
                     By helping stakeholders to “see the end at the beginning” and plan for it, handover
through CI can       and exit strategies enable a shared understanding of how roles and responsibilities
become self-         will evolve—and better prepare people to embrace change. In concrete terms,
sustaining over      such a strategy means ensuring that the project will ultimately be run by capable
time.                partners (e.g., local government, NGOs, or community groups) and will continue to
                          generate benefits (without reliance on the company either financially or in terms of
                          its ownership and management structures).

                          For a template to assist with exit planning, see Tool 8.

                          Develop a “Turnaround” Strategy for Unsustainable Projects

                          Companies wishing to reorient an existing CI program to make it more strategic or
                          sustainable may benefit from developing a “turnaround” strategy.45 Key steps include:

                            •	 Analyze why a CI program needs to change in order to understand what
                               kinds of changes are required

                            •	 Set the strategic objectives for the new program

                            •	 Review and categorize existing activities (i.e., which activities can
                               continue unchanged, which require changes in order to continue, and which
                               need to be stopped)

                            •	 Replace unsustainable or non-strategic activities with alternatives that
                               respond to local priorities

72                                                                                      Set the Parameters
                                •	 Plan for the turnaround, including how to gain internal and external
                                   buy-in to the process; how to build the capacity of partners to develop and
                                   maintain a more sustainable program going forward; and how to manage and
                                   communicate the process in order to minimize social risks

                             While planning and implementing a mid-course correction via a turnaround
                             strategy may seem fairly straightforward, many companies have found it to be quite
                             challenging. Lessons from past experience suggest the following:

                             99 Turnaround Takes Time

                             Turning around an existing CI program takes time and can be a difficult process. Where
                             communities and governments have come to rely on company support, free services
                             and infrastructure, or donations and grants, a sudden withdrawal or change of terms
                             can be perceived negatively as a company “reneging on its commitments or promises”
                             to local communities. A turnaround strategy requires careful, sensitive planning and
                             could take several years of transition. In some cases, it may be useful to contract with a
                             third party (such as an NGO or a consultant) to help with the redesign of a new, more
                             sustainable program and to support the transition process.

  Tips for Developing Handover and Exit Strategies

  Design a handover or exit strategy for all                  materials) for any service provided in order to maintain
  projects. Think, from the start, about who/what             it; and that the partners can take credit for the project
  type of organization(s) will take over funding and          so that the company is seen as supporting develop-
  management of the project, at what stage this               ment rather than delivering it.
  should happen, and what will be needed in order
  to sustain the activity without company support.            Identify local partners and build their capacity.
  For projects involving infrastructure or service            For company handover to be viable, local partners
  provision, what mechanisms are needed to foster             might need short-term financial support, help
  local ownership, cost sharing, responsibility for           with planning and fundraising, and training in
  maintenance, and capacity for handover?                     management skills.

  Build the exit mechanism and timeframe into                 Work through existing local institutions where
  the project design. Consider whether the long-              possible. Despite the challenges, strengthening
  term partner(s) will run the project from the start,        existing local-level or community institutions is
  or whether they will be phased in over time. What           usually more straightforward than trying to create
  mechanisms are required to make that happen, and            and sustain new ones.
  what types of training and short- or medium-term
  financial support are needed? The phasing out of            Engage local government and invest in their
  company support may have to be staggered over               capacity building. The local government is often
  time to allow stakeholders to adapt.                        responsible for providing many of the key inputs (for
                                                              example, teachers for schools or medical supplies for
  Facilitate community participation and owner-               clinics). Involving local government in planning projects
  ship from the start to ensure that all groups in the        with communities and investing in their capacity
  community are engaged in the selection, planning,           development can help to create a viable counterpart
  and implementation of community projects; that all          for project handover. At the same time, strengthening
  stakeholders know about and agree to the company’s          the ability of communities to lobby local government
  exit strategy and what it will mean for the project; that   can help to get village priorities incorporated into the
  every project requires both community and local gov-        government’s development plans.
  ernment contributions (cash, labor, land, fees, and/or

Set the Parameters                                                                                                    73
                                99 Communication and Buy-In Are Key

                                Good communication and getting buy-in for the new strategy are very important
                                as many individuals—both within and outside the company—are likely to have
                                invested themselves heavily in the success of the existing CI programs. This needs to
                                be recognized and openly addressed. Many groups or individuals may be resistant
                                to change. Getting them to see the benefits of and to take ownership of the new
                                approach is essential.

                                99 Capacity Building is Needed for Turnaround to Succeed

                                The importance of capacity building of partner organizations—existing, new, or
                                potential—cannot be overemphasized. In a turnaround situation, there will often be
                                a direct correlation between increasing the capacity of local partners and decreasing
                                funding and involvement by the company. Such processes require time, patience,
                                and resources.

                                For a template to assist with turnaround planning, see Tool 9.

     Himal Power Limited (Nepal) - Designing for Sustainability: An Exit Strategy
     Involving Local Capacity46

     Himal Power Limited (HPL) launched Khimti                  related to mini-hydropower plant functioning and
     Neighborhood Development Project to supply                 maintenance. In addition, KREC’s executive committee
     electricity to about 3,100 marginalized households         is engaged in “learning by doing”— implementing
     by constructing a 400 kilowatt mini-hydropower             the neighborhood development project, developing a
     plant and establishing rural electrification and           long-term implementation plan, and creating an exit
     distribution grids. In addition, the company               strategy for HPL.
     supported various initiatives to build essential
     infrastructure, promote local entrepreneurship, and        Other successful aspects of KiND include social
     foster community development.                              mobilization and identifying the needs of the
                                                                community, transparency (by involving local people
     As part of its exit strategy and to ensure long-term       and employees in decision making), external and
     sustainability of its rural electrification project, HPL   internal communication, and bringing on board
     supported the establishment of the Khimti Rural            experienced partners. With respect to the latter, the
     Electric Cooperative (KREC). A community-run               project leveraged skills and resources contributed by
     institution owned by households served by the rural        UNDP and the Government of Norway.
     electrification system, KREC was designed from
     the outset to eventually take over management              Considering the challenging business environment
     responsibility for the plants and the electrification      in Nepal, the project has contributed to the
     system.                                                    development priorities of the local communities and
                                                                in doing so improved the company’s relationship with
     As a result, the Khimti Neighborhood Development           local people. Building on the project’s initial success,
     Project (KiND) was designed to build the cooperative’s     a similar project to electrify rural areas and foster
     capacity to run the system. It includes an institutional   community development is under consideration in the
     strengthening component as well as skills training         larger Tamakoshi Basin in Nepal.

74                                                                                                Set the Parameters
  Lihir Gold (Papua New Guinea) – Promoting Sustainable Development Planning for
  Lihir Island47

  Lihir Gold Limited (LGL), a global gold company, has     for communities from these programs the key change
  operations on Lihir Island in Papua New Guinea. The      has been to shift ownership of the programs, from the
  company is committed to supporting the Lihirian          company to a multi-stakeholder planning, monitoring,
  community’s vision of achieving self reliance and        and management committee. The implementation of
  financial independence. These two aspirations            the plan relies on a wide range of funding sources,
  underpin the Lihir Sustainable Development Plan          including the company, the government, and
  (2007), which is a forward-looking, “revision”           contributions from the Lihirian community. The latter
  statement on sustainability.                             involves community equity in Lihir Gold—company
                                                           shares that were purchased by the community (with
  The Lihir Sustainable Development Plan resulted from     support from the government) at the time that the
  a review of the original Integrated Benefits Package     company began operations in the region. The company
  that involved national and provincial governments, the   plans to work with the community to help establish
  people of Lihir (represented by the Joint Negotiating    the necessary governance structures to manage these
  Committee) and Lihir Gold. The key outcome of the        funds, which are at the heart of the sustainability plan
  review was a shift away from the traditional “handout”   to create financial independence.
  approach to a development model which is more
  attuned to the longer term aspirations of the Lihirian   To ensure sustainability, a significant component
  community, so that, when the mining operation            of the Lihir Sustainable Development Plan involves
  ultimately winds down in 30 years, the legacy will be    capacity building. The company supports mentoring
  a vibrant, independent economy that can survive and      and capacity-building activities to help the Lihirian
  prosper.                                                 community implement the Sustainable Development
                                                           Plan. In 2008, the Plan funded USD $6 million worth
  The plan includes agreements in the areas of capacity    of capacity building and other projects that focused
  building, trust fund payments, compensation, training,   on the development of the Community Health
  localization, infrastructure and utility development,    and Lihir Education Plans, continued infrastructure
  town and village planning, commercial and                maintenance, establishment of the Nationwide
  contractual management opportunities, and social         Micro Bank, and an Integrated Livestock Project.
  wellbeing. In order to create more sustainable value

                            SET A PRELIMINARY BUDGET
                            There is no set rule for how much to spend on community investment, and
                            evidence suggests that there is no direct correlation between the amount of money
                            spent and the quality of the relationship with local communities.48 Companies
                            spend anywhere from USD $50,000 to upwards of USD $10 million per year on
                            site-level CI programs. Ideally, a CI budget should be needs-driven (i.e., determined
                            by a socioeconomic assessment and business needs related to achieving social
                            objectives). In reality, however, many CI programs are budget-driven, based on
                            predetermined formulas or a discretionary allocation by management.

Set the Parameters                                                                                                75
It is important      While predetermined formulas have proven a useful starting point to establish
for CI budgets       numbers within the business process, revisions may be necessary as community
                     engagement processes further clarify what local priorities and expectations are, and
to provide
                     business needs arise for social license, access to land, or “quick wins.” In thinking
steady, multi-       about budget, also consider which needs might be readily addressed through core
year funding and     business, and what contributions might come from other partners.
enable flexibility
                     For starters, come up with a general budget figure for CI, grounded in some
to respond           analysis, before engaging external stakeholders. While it may be too early to know
to changing          or share precise budget numbers with communities, company staff will be more
circumstances.       effective in their scoping and managing of expectations if they have some basic
                     budget parameters to work with. This also helps local stakeholders to gauge the
                     level of company support they should anticipate.

                     When trying to estimate budget numbers, it may be useful to consider a number of

                       •	 The company’s CI budget from previous years (for existing programs)

                       •	 The objectives of its community investment strategy

                       •	 The social context in which the company is operating

                       •	 The type of business and the nature/scale of impacts

                       •	 The stage of the business or project cycle

                       •	 Potential benchmarks (i.e., CI budgets of other companies in the
                          same region or sector)

                     Whatever the amount, it is important for CI budgets to provide steady, multi-year
                     funding and enable flexibility to respond to changing circumstances at each stage
                     of the project cycle.

                     Consider the Social Context

                     The local socioeconomic context often drives budget considerations. Aspects to
                     consider include:

                       •	 Is the project in an area with a high level of poverty?

                       •	 What is the capacity of government to meet the basic needs of the population
                          for service delivery and infrastructure?

                       •	 Are there specific risks, such as conflict or civil unrest?

                       •	 Are there high social expectations within the population (and government) that
                          the company “gives back” through community development? Are there other
                          companies giving high levels of support?

                       •	 Is the wealth generated by the company flowing to another region
                          (e.g., the capital city)?

                       •	 Are local benefits visible?

76                                                                                      Set the Parameters
                     Consider the Type of Business and Nature of Impacts

                     Different types of industry impact local communities in different ways which can
                     also have implications for CI budgets. Here, aspects to consider include:

                       •	 To what degree does the company compete with the community for land and
                          access to other natural resources?

                       •	 Does the company build its business on resources that the community
                          considers its own (e.g., tourism, forestry)?

                       •	 Does the company represent a major percentage of the local economy?

                       •	 Does the company originate from outside the region or outside the country?

                       •	 Is the company starting with a local population that has major concerns about
                          the company or has negative perceptions about the impacts of the business?

                       •	 Will the project generate significant environmental and social impacts on the
                          local population?

                     Consider the Stage of the Project Cycle

                     Changing business needs and drivers for CI at various stages of the business or
                     project cycle can have an effect on budget requirements. Aspects to consider include:

                       •	 Planning - where a company is establishing relationships and trust; needs
                          to gain permits, access to land, or social license to operate; and may face
                          opposition or expectations from stakeholders—requiring quick, upfront
                          investments to demonstrate tangible benefits

                       •	 Construction or Development - where the company is generating greater
                          attention and higher expectations for benefits, or where disturbances or
                          grievances exist due to project-induced impacts

                       •	 Operation - where the stakeholders already understand company activities,
                          know that the company has started to generate revenue, and may have
                          ongoing concerns or unmet expectations that could generate social risk

                       •	 Expansion - where the company may need renewed support from
                          stakeholders who will already be aware of the actual benefits or impacts the
                          company has generated

                       •	 Project End, Downsizing, or Closure - where legacy and reputation is
                          important and the company may have strained relations with communities
                          or government who still have influence over its future and can affect the
                          “license to exit”

                     Consider Potential Benchmarks

                     In setting their budgets, some companies find it useful to look at the budgets of
                     other companies operating in similar contexts as well as global benchmarks for
                     their industry. Some examples are given in Table 6.1.

Set the Parameters                                                                                       77
     Table 6.1: Examples of Company Funding Formulas for Community
     Investment Activities
     Sector              Region            Funding for Community Investment
     Mining Company      Latin America     1% of pre-tax annual profits allocated to CI
                                           based on 3-year rolling average
     Sugar Company       Latin America     USD $2.20 for each quintal of sugar
                                           produced annually
     Tree Plantation     East Asia         USD $50 per hectare of plantation land
     Company                               contributed to a community development
     Oil Palm Company    Sub-Saharan       1% of annual turnover
     Mining Company      Sub-Saharan       1% of operational profits plus USD $1 for
                         Africa            each ounce of gold produced by its mines
     Oil & Gas Company   Global            1-3% of expected operating costs
     Mining Company      Global            2% of expected capital expenditures
     Energy Company      East Asia         0.01 Philippine pesos per kilowatt-hour of
                                           the total electricity sales

       Budgeting tips for Community Investment

         •	 Engage with Senior Management. Agree on a budget range and
            identify the conditions under which budget parameters could change.
         •	 Think in Multi-Year Timeframes. Allocating budgets in three-year
            or five-year timeframes is important to enable the company to meet
            planning and funding commitments to communities for ongoing
         •	 Share Final Budgets with the Population. If a community does
            not know the limits of the company’s budget, it can lead to unrealistic
            expectations. Clear budget parameters help the community evaluate
            between alternatives, make choices, and prioritize requests.
         •	 Require Matching Funds. Companies tend to get better results when
            they use part of their funds to leverage and catalyze “co-investments.”
            By requiring matching funds (in cash or in-kind), companies can shift
            requests for budget increases back to the communities by indicating
            that company budgets will increase if and when local support increases.
            This helps to redirect the community’s focus toward identifying other
            sources of funding through which it can leverage company funds.
         •	 Maintain Budget Commitments. Community investments are external
            commitments. Companies need to be clear at the beginning of a CI
            program if there are any business circumstances, such as an economic
            downturn, that would cause budgets to be cut prematurely. Commitments
            should otherwise be adhered to.
         •	 Don’t Underestimate Staffing Costs. Companies, especially large
            ones, underestimate the staffing requirements to manage or oversee
            CI budgets. Community investments are effectively joint ventures with
            partners who often lack experience and capacity. Sufficient in-house
            capacity is required to ensure quality and provide program oversight.

78                                                               Set the Parameters
                       Ultimately, the business decisions about how much to invest, where to invest, and
engagement, a
                       under what conditions, lie with the company. That said, a successful CI strategy
company must be        requires buy-in and ownership from local stakeholders. Therefore, the parameters
prepared to listen,    established by the company should ideally be brought back to the community and
discuss, and make      local government for further vetting and validation.
modifications to its   In the spirit of meaningful engagement, a company must be prepared to listen,
strategy.              discuss, and make modifications to its strategy and program areas in order to
                       reach general agreement with stakeholders on the approach. This means being
                       prepared to explain the internal process and rationale used for developing program
                       parameters (including how local input influenced these decisions). For example,
                       communities will require a clear understanding of why the company has chosen to
                       support certain areas or activities over others. Discussion of objectives, criteria, and
                       principles is also very important to determine whether people perceive these as fair
                       and acceptable.

                       The key areas for engagement around the parameters for CI strategy include:

                         •	 Presenting the company’s CI strategy objectives to test the response
                            (recognizing that the objectives are often of a high level while communities are
                            more interested in specific projects)

                         •	 Validating eligibility criteria

                         •	 Discussing the guiding principles to aid in local understanding of how the
                            projects will be considered (e.g., “sustainability” might be perceived as an
                            external value that needs to be further discussed)

                         •	 Reframing principles to achieve greater clarity

                         •	 Agreeing on the key areas for investment, including the screening criteria and
                            selection process

                         •	 Clarifying and agreeing on roles and responsibilities

                         •	 Ensuring transparency around process

                         •	 Deciding next steps and timeframe

                                                                                                                  © T.Pollett

Set the Parameters                                                                                          79
Chapter 7
    Select the Right
    Model and Partners
    •	Understand the Different Implementation
    •	Consider Timeframe, Budget, and 	
      Local Context
    •	Key Questions for Implementation
    •	Strategies for Successful Partnering

                                                 and Partnering
 and Partnering

                  Forming strategic partnerships that can help a company to
                  leverage and maximize its community investments is good practice.
                      Chapter 7: Select the Right Implementation
                      Model and Partners
                      Once the key parameters of the CI strategy are established, the next step is figuring
                      out how best to deliver the program. This too is a strategic choice guided by distinct
                      variables, such as the company’s objectives, project time horizon, budget, and the
                      characteristics of the local operating context—including availability of partners. Because
                      different implementation models have different advantages and disadvantages (that
                      may serve one set of objectives over another), it helps to understand the various options
                      when determining the best fit for delivering your CI program.

                      Beyond the choice of implementation model, there are some common themes
                      related to implementation effectiveness that are also worth thinking through up-
                      front. These pertain to how a company will maintain its involvement and oversight;
                      the sustainability and exit considerations for the model chosen (particularly from
                      a financial standpoint); how to build capacity to support participatory decision
                      making and governance; and how to select the right partners.

                      Forming strategic partnerships that can help a company to leverage and maximize
                      its community investments is good practice. (Company engagement in multi-
                      stakeholder partnerships is increasingly common.) It is driven by the basic
                      underlying tenet that each partner has something valuable to contribute—and
                      that, by systematically working together, the partners can achieve their goals more
                      effectively than by working alone.

                      An implementation or delivery model is the organizational structure through which
                      a company carries out its community investment program or supports others in
                      doing so. In practice, many companies use “hybrid” approaches—a combination of
                      different mechanisms to deliver their programs.

                       Table 7.1: Common Implementation Models49
                       Model              Description
                       In-house           A company creates an internal department or unit to work
                       Implementation     directly with communities to design and implement CI projects.
                       Company            A company establishes an independent foundation as a
                       Foundation         separate legal entity to carry out its CI program. Foundations
                                          can have grant-making authority (i.e., financing of CI programs
                                          implemented by others) or serve an implementing function
                                          (implementing their own projects and programs).
                       Third-party        A company engages a third party, such as a local or international
                       Implementation     NGO, to work with local communities in designing and
                                          implementing CI projects, or it supports an existing initiative
                                          being implemented by others.
                       Multi-             A company establishes or joins a voluntary or collaborative alliance,
                       Stakeholder        network, or partnership. This implies cooperation between two or
                       Partnership        more actors in a manner that shares risks, responsibilities, resources,
                                          and competencies, and involves a joint commitment to common
                                          tasks and goals.
                       Hybrid             A company utilizes a combination of two or more implementation
                                          models to deliver various components of its CI program.

Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners                                                            81
Figure 7.1: Examples of Implementation Models50

 In implementing its community         In Ghana, Newmont Mining has set         ABB’s Access to Electricity Initiative is a
 investment programs along the         up a community development fund to       partnership model with companies,
 Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline route,   support development activities in ten    development agencies, financial
 BTC chose to partner with local and   communities in the Ahafo area. The       institutions, and regional authorities to
 international NGOs. Where             Newmont Ahafo Development                electrify poor rural communities. The
 international NGOs were selected,     Foundation, established by the           aim is to provide the preconditions for
 they served as lead partners,         company in collaboration with local      more sustainable development in these
 implementing projects in collabora-   stakeholders, manages the fund with a    communities.
 tion with local organizations.        nine-member board of trustees.
                                                                                           Montana Exploradora de
Cargill relies on its Care                                                                 Guatemala has an in-house
Councils (employee-led                                                                     community investment
groups) to implement                                 Company                               program and has also
strategic community                                 Foundation                             established a local foundation,
involvement activities on                                                                  Fundación Sierra Madre, to
behalf of their businesses.                                                 Multi-         support a broader range of
While councils vary in                                                   Stakeholder       programs. These include
structure, size, and                                                      Partnership      health, education, and
leadership, their goal is to                                                               vocational training, commu-
ensure that Cargill is                                                                     nity capacity building, and
investing its financial and                                                                economic development.
human resources in local
communities to help
meet its business                                                                  Hybrid
                           In-house              Implementation                Implementation
objectives.            Implementation                Models                         Model

                               CONSIDER TIMEFRAME, BUDGET, AND LOCAL CONTEXT
                               Decision making around how to deliver community investment is driven by both
                               internal and external factors and considerations. Some of these factors may impose
                               limitations on the choice of implementation model in a given setting or have
                               implications in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Three important elements for
                               companies to consider:

                                 •	 Time Horizon: How long will the company be operating in the area and how
                                    quickly does it need its CI program up and running?

                                 •	 Budget: How much will the company spend per year on CI, and how secure is
                                    this funding?

                                 •	 Local Context: What is the level of local implementation capacity and what is
                                    the potential for partnerships? Are there government or legal requirements for
                                    establishing certain vehicles to receive or channel funds for local development?

82                                                 Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners
                                                     Table 7.2: A Road Map for Deciding How to Implement51
                                                               In-house Implementation                            Third-party Implementation                           Foundation                                              Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships
                                                     Time      •	 Short to medium                                 •	 Short, medium, long                               •	 Long                                                 •	 Medium to long
                                                     Budget    •	 Variable cost depending on the size of the      •	 Budget can be any size                            •	 Requires significant funds (endowment or             •	 Variable cost depending on the number of
                                                                  in-house team                                                                                           multi-year commitment)                                  partners and the scope of program
                                                                                                                                                                       •	 Involves set-up costs (legal and administrative)
                                                                                                                                                                       •	 Overhead and operating costs can be
                                                     Local   •	 Where local capacity and partners are             •	 Relies on the availability of strong local        •	 Where regulatory requirements mandate                •	 Relies on the existence of partners with similar
                                                     Context    lacking                                              organizations or existing programs to support        creation of an independent foundation or trust          values and development objectives in the
                                                             •	 Where quick results are needed                       CI                                                   to receive funds                                        same region or target area
                                                                                                                                                                       •	 Where revenues allocated for CI are significant
                                                     Pros      •	 Helps promote close links across business       •	 Creates flexibility by bringing in specific       •	 Helps to attract other partners and external         •	 Helps to leverage outside knowledge, skills,
                                                                  operations and better coordination with            technical expertise, as needed, on a short or        funding                                                 resources, and/or networks
                                                                  other mitigation efforts (i.e., environmental      long-term basis                                   •	 Can promote greater community participation          •	 Can increase likelihood of success through
                                                                  remediation, resettlement)                      •	 Helps to leverage outside knowledge, skills,         in management and decision making                       enhanced ownership and sustainability
                                                               •	 Helps develop internal capacity for and            and networks                                      •	 Can operate at a broader level (i.e., regional,      •	 Increases potential for scalability, extended reach
                                                                  expertise in CI                                                                                         national, or global)                                 •	 Enables both risk sharing and cost sharing
                                                               •	 Helps increase sense of ownership and                                                                •	 Can help a company separate legal liability (its
                                                                  accountability over CI activities                                                                       own versus the actions of the community’s CI
                                                               •	 Helps leverage corporate strengths and                                                                  program)
                                                                  capacities                                                                                           •	 Allows better separation of mitigation from CI
                                                               •	 Helps create a direct connection to the                                                                 activities

Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners
                                                                  community                                                                                            •	 Enables implementation of a CI program that
                                                               •	 Helps to have CI benefits directly associated                                                           can outlive the company’s presence and/or
                                                                  with the company                                                                                        participation
                                                               •	 Helps to increase consistency by not being                                                           •	 May provide tax advantages in some contexts
                                                                  dependent on consultants and outside partners
                                                     Cons      •	 CI may be mixed with community relations,       •	 NGOs may have little experience working with      •	 Costs involved in establishing and operating         •	 It can be time consuming to agree on shared
                                                                  social mitigation, resettlement, and other         the private sector                                   foundation                                              goals, objectives, and measures of success, as
                                                                  non-CI activities                               •	 Different approaches and expectations can be      •	 Time necessary to build institutional capacity          well as to secure specific commitments
                                                               •	 Requires local capacity building to ensure         problematic to manage                                and establish credibility                            •	 Company has to give up a certain amount of
                                                                  sustainability of projects after company        •	 Third parties may have their own agendas, and     •	 Separation from the company might lead to   	           control over decision making and outcomes
                                                                  participation ceases                               may not always adhere to company objectives          CI activities being divorced from the company’s      •	 It is often a challenge to establish mechanisms
                                                               •	 Overhead costs can be high due to the in-       •	 The community may associate benefits brought         core business strategy; less credit going back to       for sharing roles, responsibilities, costs, and
                                                                  house staff required                               by CI activities with the implementing partner       the company for achieved results; and/or increased      ownership
                                                                                                                     and not the company                                  risk resulting from loss of direct engagement;       •	 Different interests or objectives among
                                                                                                                  •	 Building institutional memory and retaining       •	 Finding appropriate leadership can be                   partners can create conflict, especially when
                                                                                                                     lessons learned can be a challenge                   challenging since board members will need to            nontraditional partners come together
                                                                                                                  •	 Costs can increase if international expertise        make a long-term commitment (often on a pro
                                                                                                                     is required                                          bono basis)
                                                                                                                  •	 Working through existing programs creates a

                                                                                                                     risk that the company may have little influence
                                                                                                                     over the project’s design and outcomes
                           When thinking about how to implement CI, there are certain fundamental questions
                           that are applicable regardless of the type of model selected. These include:

                             •	 Does your implementation model support your objectives?

                             •	 How will you maintain ownership, visibility, and oversight?

                             •	 How will participatory decision making and governance be fostered?

                             •	 Should you pilot before scaling up?

                             •	 How will transparency, accountability, and sustainability of funding
                                arrangements be ensured?

                             •	 What capacity building is needed to support the chosen model/encourage
                                local delivery?

                             •	 What is the exit or handover strategy for the chosen model?

                           Does Your Implementation Model Support Your Objectives?

                           The chosen implementation model(s) should help a company meet its CI strategy
Irrespective of the     objectives. If a company wants to engage partners and attract external funding, for
model chosen,           example, a multi-stakeholder partnership model or a well-structured independent
maintaining             foundation is more likely to facilitate external support than a company-run CI
                        program. Similarly, if a company wants to support existing local institutions and
ownership,              organizations, engaging NGOs as third-party implementers or piggybacking on
visibility, and quality existing programs might be preferable to setting up a new structure. Where “quick
oversight of any        impact” projects are required in the short term to meet high expectations or gain
company-supported government           approval, a company may choose to implement CI projects itself while
                        longer-term arrangements for CI delivery are developed.
CI initiatives is
needed.                 How Will You Maintain Ownership, Visibility, and Oversight?

                           Irrespective of the model chosen, maintaining ownership, visibility, and quality
                           oversight of any company-supported CI initiatives is needed—both for risk and
                           reputation management and to account to shareholders on how company resources
                           are being managed and spent. Visibility ensures that stakeholders associate the CI
                           program with the company so that the business derives the benefits it seeks in terms
                           of positive perceptions and relations. However, the amount of in-house capacity
                           (staff and expertise) and resources (time and money) required to effectively set up
                           and monitor CI programs—even when the company is not directly involved with
                           implementation—is commonly underestimated. Experience in emerging market
                           contexts shows that companies find themselves having to provide a much more
                           intensive level of support and oversight than originally anticipated.

                           How Will Participatory Decision Making and Governance be Fostered?

                           A key feature of strategic CI is building representative and participatory decision-
                           making and governance structures as a means to empower local communities
                           and develop capacity. Companies do this by involving representatives from local
                           communities, government, and civil society on governing boards, committees,
                           councils, forums, and other multi-stakeholder decision-making bodies. Meaningful
                           participation often requires capacity building, training, and mentoring over time so
                           that imbalances in power and access to information among stakeholders can be
                           addressed. (See Chapter 5 for details on capacity building). Where there are already

84                                             Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners
                      local structures or processes around local development planning, these should be
                      explored as potential channels for participation.

                      Should You Pilot before Scaling Up?

                      A pilot is an opportunity to “learn on the job,” and it can contribute significantly to
                      capacity building. Often, a pilot project provides valuable learning about what works,
                      what doesn’t, and the actions required before scaling up activities. Depending on
                      the context, it can be worth starting out small, testing ideas, and building trust and
                      confidence among partners before commencing full-scale program implementation.

                         Chevron (Nigeria) - A regional development governance

                         There are over 425 individual communities located near Chevron’s operations
                         in the Niger Delta. Because the company found it difficult to work with so
                         many villages on a one-on-one basis, it asked them to group themselves into
                         eight clusters. Chevron Nigeria then signed GMOUs with all eight clusters.

                         The GMOUs are nonbinding, multi-year agreements that have become a
                         central component of Chevron’s engagement with Niger Delta residents.
                         State governments participated in the agreements, which created a Regional
                         Development Council (RDC) governance structure in each cluster to redistribute
                         funds from Chevron Nigeria’s joint venture with the Nigerian National Petroleum
                         Corporation. Functioning as early-stage, community-run foundations, the RDCs
                         work closely with state and local government and the Niger Delta Development
                         Commission to plan and manage development projects in their geographic areas.
                         In addition to the direct financial support provided by Chevron to implement CI
                         projects, each RDC receives support and oversight from several NGOs.

                         The RDCs are comprised of several subcommittees:

                            •	 Community Engagement Management Board: Includes representatives
                               from the communities, state and local government, Chevron, and
                               NGOs. The board provides general oversight and financial control over
                               RDC activities, and must approve all proposed community development
                               plans and disbursement requests.
                            •	 Project Review Committee: Includes RDC members and representatives
                               from state and local government, the Niger Delta Development
                               Commission, Chevron, and a local NGO. Each Project Review
                               Committee reviews annual work plans and budgets, validates project
                               execution, and monitors outcomes.
                            •	 Accounts Audit Committee: Includes at least one RDC member and one state
                               government representative, as well as representatives from Chevron, one
                               NGO, and a donor agency. The committee aims to ensure transparency and
                               accountability by advising the RDC on accounts and budget preparation.
                            •	 Conflict Resolution Committee: A dispute resolution body including
                               RDC members and representatives from Chevron, the Niger Delta
                               Development Commission, state government, and NGOs.

                         A Community Engagement Management Board sits atop the entire process and
                         makes final decisions. The board includes RDC members and representatives
                         from Chevron, state and local government, and NGOs.

Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners                                                         85
        baku-tbilisi-ceyhan (BTC) Pipeline (Azerbaijan) - Piloting a
        “Star Community” Approach53

        The BTC Community Investment Program’s implementing partner in
        Azerbaijan, Save the Children, used a “star community” approach to incentivize
        community participation, build capacity, and direct community investment
        resources toward communities with the greatest capacity to effectively utilize
        them. Initially, Save the Children worked with all communities covered by
        the program to develop quick impact projects. Communities were given
        training on how to identify projects through participatory assessment, how to
        develop budgets and implementation plans, and how to manage the projects.
        Communities could then apply to Save the Children to fund up to 75 percent
        of the total cost to implement the projects they had designed.

        Based on the success of these projects, a subset of communities were identified
        as “star communities” and invited to apply for additional funding to implement
        a second round of projects. In addition, these communities were encouraged to
        train and mentor less successful, neighboring “nascent” communities.

        The success of the “star communities” serves as an example of how piloting helps
        to identify and incentivize the best performing communities and create a platform
        to assist other local communities by transferring these skills and experience.

     How Will Transparency, Accountability, and Sustainability of
     Funding Arrangements be Ensured?

     Corruption, lack of transparency, and misuse of CI funds pose a major challenge for
     companies. One way companies tackle these issues is to make public all finances,
     contracts, payments, and expenditures related to CI. Another way is to make specific
     individuals or bodies accountable, and to build checks and balances into the system.

     If a company’s contribution is not sufficient to meet the program’s goals, there may
     be an opportunity to attract external funding. It is important to think through how
     external funds will be raised as this can have implications for other aspects of the
     strategy, including choice of implementation model. Establishing multi-stakeholder
     partnerships, seeking employee contributions (cash or in-kind), or establishing
     structured employee volunteering programs can be used as potential strategies for
     leveraging company funds.

     Lack of financial viability once a company reduces or withdraws funding support
     can also pose a challenge. This can be addressed through measures to ensure the
     adequacy and continuity of funding, particularly in difficult economic times or
     unforeseen circumstances. Questions to consider at this phase include:

       •	 How does the company intend to fund the program? Over what timeframe?

       •	 Will the company be the only contributor, or will it also try to attract
          external funds?

       •	 How much funding will the program need?

       •	 In what form can it receive funding contributions (e.g., cash, stock, and/or in-kind)?

86                        Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners
                               •	 How long will the company’s financial contributions last? If an endowment is
                                  provided, for example, is it expected to be permanent or time limited?

                               •	 What contingencies are in place for unforeseen events or expenditures?

                               •	 What is the company’s exit strategy and how will the program transition to
                                  alternative sources of financing?

                             What Capacity Building is Needed to Support the Chosen Model?

                             Regardless of the model chosen, capacity building to support local delivery will be
                             a key consideration. (See Chapter 5 for further guidance on capacity investments
                             and strategies.)

                             What is the Exit or Handover Strategy for the Chosen Model?

                             All the key questions for implementation planning should be addressed in a
                             company’s exit or handover strategy in order to ensure long-term sustainability of
                             the implementing model. In addition, it’s a good idea to consult stakeholders and
                             get their agreement on the exit strategy upfront. (See Chapter 6 and Tool 8 for
                             further guidance on exit strategies.)

  Foundation for Environment and Development (Cameroon) - Addressing the
  Challenges of Financial Sustainability54

  The Foundation for Environment and Development in         are pegged to the Euro), the endowment is estimated
  Cameroon (FEDEC) was created in 2001 contingent           to be depleted much sooner than originally planned.
  on the approval of the Chad Export Project. It was
  established as an independent entity designed to          The way in which FEDEC was designed affected
  provide long-term financial support to environmental      its ability to attract external funds and partners.
  enhancement and indigenous people development             Key lessons include:
                                                              •	 The perception of FEDEC as “Exxon’s
  FEDEC programs are focused on three main                       foundation” and the company being seen
  components: two environmental offsets in National              as “resource rich” has affected the ability to
  Parks and a third one to support the development               attract other potential donors.
  activities of the Bakola/Bagyeli indigenous communities     •	 FEDEC was established to support specific,
  located near the pipeline corridor in Cameroon.                narrowly-defined program areas (e.g.,
                                                                 specific national parks and indigenous
  Financial Sustainability: The foundation was set               communities) rather than working toward
  up with a capital contribution of USD $3.5 million             broader development objectives (such
  from COTCO, the pipeline operator (constituted by              as environmental protection or poverty
  a consortium of ExxonMobil, Petronas and Chevron,              alleviation) that might have held wider appeal
  and the Governments of Chad and Cameroon), to be               to other potential partners.
  used as an expendable endowment over the 28-year
                                                              •	 FEDEC did not have a long-term development
  lifetime of the project. In addition, FEDEC would be
                                                                 plan, which could have served as a valuable
  open to investment by any legitimate donors.
                                                                 fundraising tool among donors who are more
                                                                 likely to support projects that demonstrate a
  However, due to several factors including much larger
                                                                 clear strategic plan for the use of their funds.
  than expected administrative costs and an unfavorable
  exchange rate (the endowment was in US Dollars but
  program expenses were in Cameroonian Francs, which                                                   Continued

Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners                                                                  87
     Foundation for Environment and Development (Cameroon) - Addressing the
     Challenges of Financial Sustainability54 Continued

      •	 While lack of capacity among local               Moving Forward: In order to address the
         community organizations and NGOs to              unforeseen challenges that arose, FEDEC is taking
         develop grant proposals was acknowledged,        the following steps to:
         the capacity-building needs of this group
         were not sufficiently budgeted for. Even           •	 Develop a community investment strategy
         though a community development facilitator            with financial and technical support from
         was part of FEDEC’s staff, capacity building          COTCO and IFC to provide longer-term
         took longer than expected and caused                  development support in a more coordinated
         financial strain (as no salary provisions for         manner to the Bakola/Bagyeli through a long-
         this role were budgeted beyond the first              term Indigenous People’s Plan.
         three years).
                                                            •	 Complete a SWOT analysis for FEDEC
      •	 Lack of buy-in and follow through from key            and take actions to address institutional
         local public stakeholders forced FEDEC to             strengthening and capacity-building needs.
         fund some additional commitments (such
                                                            •	 Create a fundraising plan to reinvigorate the
         as paying salaries of “eco guards” and
                                                               endowment and seek partnerships with other
         provisioning them with basic equipment).
                                                               national and international organizations.
         These expenses were not budgeted for,
         nor were they FEDEC’s responsibility, but
         they contributed to the depletion of the
         endowment more quickly.


“Finding partner            The search for more cost-effective ways to deliver community programs, share
organizations that          related risks, reach more people, and improve the sustainability of outcomes has
can maximize                led a growing number of companies to consider multi-stakeholder partnerships
                            as an integral part of their corporate community investment strategies. With the
corporate                   new emphasis on being strategic, the partnerships too are evolving into more in-
investment is               depth, mutually beneficially alliances that utilize comparative advantage and the
an important                unique competencies of various partners to achieve shared objectives and enhance
component                   community investment outcomes.
to strategic
community                   Although there is no set definition of a multi-stakeholder partnership, the following
                            features are commonly cited:56
                               •	 a voluntary alliance bringing together stakeholders from different sectors, such
— General Electric55              as the public sector, businesses, civil society, and international organizations

                               •	 complementarity of resources and skills to address a common issue

                               •	 modus operandi that safeguards interests and levels the playing field for those

88                                               Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners
                      Five Strategic Reasons to Partner

                      Companies know that partnering is not always easy—it can have its advantages
                      and disadvantages. When deciding if and with whom to partner in undertaking CI
                      initiatives, it is worth considering whether the partnership offers one or more of the
                      following benefits:

                        •	 Risk sharing

                        •	 Ability to leverage expertise, skills, and resources

                        •	 Extended reach

                        •	 Scalability

                        •	 Enhanced likelihood of successful outcomes (e.g., shared ownership,

                      99 Risk Sharing

                      While partnering requires giving up a certain degree of control over decision
                      making and outcomes, shared control also brings with it the benefit of shared risk.
                      In this sense, partnerships can be an effective means to tackle local development
                      issues that pose risks to various parties but cannot be effectively addressed by any
                      single party. When others have a stake in the success of a development intervention
                      it spreads the risks (and often the costs), enabling a company to take action
                      without having to bear sole responsibility.

                      99 Ability to Leverage Expertise, Skills, and Resources

                      A partnership makes sense when it results in greater returns on community investment
                      than the company is likely to achieve on its own. For example, much of the skill and
                      knowledge needed to facilitate community engagement and development is likely to lie
                      outside the core competencies of most companies. The same can be true of expertise
                      in technical areas, such as health, education, microfinance, water and sanitation, or
                      training and capacity building. Local knowledge, relationships, and networks are also
                      valuable contributions that local partners can bring, while others may be able to offer
                      additional financial resources. By relying on the distinct roles and competencies of
                      each partner, a partnership that is strategic can generate efficiencies by allowing the
                      company to focus on the components it is best placed to deliver.

                                                                                                                © T.Pollett

Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners                                                       89
     Steelpoort Valley Producers Forum (South Africa) - Scaling up through Industry-
     Government Collaboration57

     Steelpoort Valley Producers Forum (SVPF) is a group of     SVPF was created to address the collective needs
     12 platinum and chrome mining companies operating          of the mining companies and to promote the
     in the Greater Tubatse Municipality in South Africa. At    principles of cooperative governance to ensure
     the time of SVPF’s creation, the member companies          sustainable local economic development. All
     and their host communities faced a number of               projects that are implemented by SVPF support
     development challenges:                                    local municipal industrial development plans. A
                                                                project management unit manages the existing
       •	 A shortage of water in the area, presenting a         agreements between local government and
          major risk for company operations and local           participating mines until government capacity is
          communities                                           sufficient to carry out these functions. To date,
       •	 Lack of local governance capacity and spatial         SVPF has supported development projects in the
          planning, creating difficulties with respect to       following areas: (i) spatial development and GIS; (ii)
          managing infrastructure requirements and land         water management; (iii) transport infrastructure;
          use, and to providing meaningful support for          and (iv) capacity building and training of the Greater
          local development                                     Tubatse Municipality Technical Department.

       •	 Uncoordinated efforts by individual mines             As a result of the success of SVPF and other similar
          around their social responsibility mandates,          initiatives, the concept of “producers forums” is
          limiting the industry’s potential for meaningful      now moving beyond the mining industry in South
          development impact at the municipal and               Africa to other industry and multi-industry groups
          community levels                                      (such as, for example, a producers forum involving
     In addition, the development of mining operations          both mining and agricultural companies).
     ahead of municipal infrastructure development led to
     negative perceptions about the industry.

     Standard Chartered Bank - Extending the Reach of HIV/AIDS Workplace Programs58
     Standard Chartered Bank’s award winning “Living           One of the key success factors of the program has been
     with HIV” program began as an internal workplace          its varied partnerships with governments, business,
     HIV education campaign. Since then, HIV/AIDS              foundations, and local organizations, which have
     has become a focus area of the bank’s community           allowed Standard Chartered to successfully roll out the
     investment program. This decision was based on the        program in the communities. In partnership with the
     recognition of the significant impact of HIV/AIDS on      World Economic Forum, for example, the company
     the communities where the company does business           has already reached out to more than 1,000 small and
     and the company’s belief that education is key to         medium businesses in Africa—most of which do not
     fighting the disease.                                     have enough resources of their own to create HIV/
                                                               AIDS programs for their employees.
     Through its program, Standard Chartered shares
     resources and tools originally developed for its own      Standard Chartered has also leveraged local partners to
     employees, and raises awareness internally and            extend the reach of its program to youth and young
     externally through a volunteer network of “HIV            adults (ages 15-24), who account for 45 percent of
     Champions.” The company’s aim is to reduce the            new HIV infections but to whom the Bank, on its own,
     spread of the virus by promoting behavioral change        has limited access. By partnering with AIESEC (one of
     among its employees and the one million other             the world’s largest student organizations), and through
     people that will be educated through this program.        collaborations with individual schools and universities in
                                                               HIV-endemic regions, the company will be able to bring
                                                               its HIV/AIDS education program to 300,000 young
                                                               adults by the end of 2010.

90                                                  Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners
                      99 Extended Reach

                      The ability to extend the reach of local development benefits to a wider population,
                      or to expand the kinds of services delivered to a target population by joining
                      forces with others, offers other good reasons to partner. Partnering can also help
                      to enhance the coordination of local or regional programs, taking advantage of
                      complementarities among various initiatives while avoiding duplication of efforts.

                      99 Scalability

                      Partnerships can also be an effective channel for scaling up successful CI models
                      and approaches. Moving from the localized impact of individual projects to more
                      systemic interventions can, however, represent a significant challenge. Many
                      successful local partnerships remain as “one off” engagements because scaling
                      them up often requires different types of considerations, governance structures,
                      and partners. Examples of potential channels for scaling up include:59

                        •	 Governments that can support scale up through various regulatory instruments
                           and incentives (e.g., South Africa’s Black Economic Empowerment policy)

                        •	 Corporate supply chains, distribution networks, and corporate subsidiaries can
                           be an effective way to leverage the impact of successful CI models

                        •	 Collective corporate action—often formalized through business coalitions—can
                           both mobilize skills and resources and advance private sector advocacy efforts

                        •	 Market mechanisms, such as certification and labeling systems, can create new
                           business incentives and/or reinforce the “demand side” by providing relevant
                           information to external stakeholders

                      99 Enhanced Likelihood of Successful Outcomes

                      For all the reasons cited above, partnerships can increase the chances of achieving
                      positive outcomes. While not a guarantee of success, effective partnerships create
                      a sense of shared ownership among stakeholders, which in turn can generate a
                      stronger commitment to the project’s sustainability. When done well, knowledge
                      sharing through partnering can result in mutual learning, skills transfer, and
                      empowerment of individuals and organizations, not to mention improvements
                      to the project design itself (e.g., by more accurately reflecting community and
                      government perspectives).

                      Key Elements of a Partnership Agreement

                      While every partnership is likely to follow its own unique trajectory, there are some
                      common steps in partnering that can help increase the likelihood of success. The
                      decisions made at the start of the process are typically reflected in a partnership
                      agreement. The key elements of such an agreement might include:60

                        •	 Strategic and operational goals and objectives of the partnership (both
                           shared and individual)

                        •	 Joint work plan encompassing activities, schedules, indicators, and funding

                        •	 Level of required institutional commitment from each of the partners

                        •	 Roles and responsibilities, utilizing the skills and strengths of each partner
                           and drawing on the concept of “core complementary competencies”

Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners                                                        91
                                   •	 Specific commitments based on agreed goals and roles, and appropriate to
                                      the organizational resources and abilities of the respective partners

                                   •	 Initial, easily achievable goals to generate momentum and build
                                      confidence among partners

                                   •	 Decision-making principles and processes established through formal
                                      (e.g., memorandum of understanding) or informal mechanisms

                                   •	 Capacity-building measures to strengthen participation, governance, and
                                      the ability of the partners to implement their commitments

                                   •	 Mechanisms for accountability in the partnership (e.g., boards, oversight
                                      committees, adherence to codes of conduct, accounting standards)

                                   •	 Procedures for communicating among partners and a mechanism to
                                      resolve differences

                                   •	 Joint definition of success, expected results, and ways to measure the
                                      impact of the partnership

                                   •	 Appropriate channels for dissemination of results

     CEMEX (Philippines) - Establishing Clear Roles and Responsibilities in Partnerships61

     CEMEX Philippines initiated an “Adopt-a-School” project as part of its community investment activities
     surrounding its APO cement plant. The process of consultation with local residents, local political leaders, and civil
     society groups culminated in the signing of a memorandum of agreement that assigned roles to each party. The
     creation of a computer center at the Naga National High School (NNHS) illustrates this division of responsibilities.

     COMPANY               APO Cement
                           •	 Provided NNHS with new desktop computers.
                           •	 Provided volunteer employees to teach the students basic computer literacy.
     GOVERNMENT            Municipal Government of Naga
                           •	 Provided 1 air conditioning unit.
     NAGA NATIONAL         •	 Assigned a teacher who possesses basic knowledge of computers to undergo
     HIGH SCHOOL              training on the use of IT for instruction, and to implement the computer training
                              curriculum prescribed by the task force for Public High Schools.
                           •	 Provided suitable accommodation for 10 computers and guaranteed the exercise of
                              utmost care in using them.
                           •	 Implemented the curriculum for computer literacy and its use as a tool for the
                              teaching-learning process.
                           •	 Ensured the maintenance of computer units.
                           •	 Made arrangements with other local and private institutions/organizations and
                              educational stakeholders for the solicitation of funds and other forms of assistance
                              for the operation of the project.
                           •	 Provided the task force on Public High Schools a quarterly status report, including a
                              guarantee on the maximum utilization of the computers as a tool for the teaching-
                              learning process.
     CIVIL SOCIETY         NNHS Parent-Teacher Community Association
                           •	 Provided 1 printer, 10 computer tables, 21 chairs, electrical and lighting as required,
                              and an appropriation for maintenance.
                           Philippine Business for Social Progress
                           •	 Directly implemented the project, including regular monitoring and submission of
                              photo documentation and mid-year and annual reports.

92                                                     Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners
Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners   93
94   Select the Right Implementation Model and Partners
Chapter 8
    Measure and
    Communicate for
    Strategic Advantage
    •	10 Ways to Make the Measurement of CI
      More Strategic
    •	Linking Community Outcomes and
      Business Value
    •	Communicating About CI

                                              Measurement and
                  As a company becomes more strategic about CI, measuring success
Measurement and

                  becomes less about how much it spends in the community and
                  more about whether it achieves the objectives it sets for itself.
                     Chapter 8: Measure and Communicate
                     for Strategic Advantage
                     Monitoring and evaluation has most value when a company acts on the information
                     it collects and engages stakeholders on the results of its community investment
                     program. Sound metrics can strengthen the business case for CI, help secure ongoing
                     support from management and shareholders, and convey signals to the market about
                     good environmental and social risk management. Good communications amplifies
                     reputational and other business benefits from CI by increasing visibility and awareness
                     among stakeholders of the positive impacts generated for local communities.

                     As a company becomes more strategic about CI, measuring success becomes
                     less about how much it spends in the community and more about whether it
                     achieves the objectives it sets for itself—in terms of both development and business
                     results. From a business perspective, the ability of CI to contribute to positive local
                     perceptions about the company over time is paramount. Effective measurement
                     should therefore inform companies of the impact their investments are having;
                     whether this impact is viewed positively or negatively by local people; and whether
                     (and how) this translates into tangible business value.

                     In practice, this suggests a lighter touch but more frequent pulse-taking; an
                     increased emphasis on participatory and qualitative methods and indicators;
                     developing measures of success jointly with local stakeholders; and a focus
                     on measuring outcomes for both the business and communities. Finally, a
                     communications plan for CI—developed at the outset—is an integral part of the
                     overall strategy.

                      1.	 Set SMART objectives that can be attributed to CI

                      2.	 Jointly define indicators and measures of success with stakeholders

                      3.	 Establish a baseline

                      4.	 Focus on outcomes and impacts, not just outputs

                      5.	 Focus on qualitative, not just quantitative

                      6.	 Track changes in community perceptions

                      7.	 Make measurement participatory

                      8.	 Track results by gender

                      9.	 Integrate CI into the company’s broader monitoring and evaluation systems

                     10.	 Use monitoring and evaluation results to drive resource allocation for CI

Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage                                                          95
     Set SMART Objectives that can be Attributed to CI

     Vaguely defined goals and objectives for CI can make measurement challenging.
     A lack of specificity as to what a company wishes to achieve makes it difficult to
     measure progress and develop practical indicators. Good practice encourages the
     use of the “SMART” method. Ideally, program-level objectives will link back to
     strategy-level objectives, which in turn are linked to the business case.

     Attribution is another common challenge when setting objectives and indicators
     for CI because there are so many other factors that can affect local development
     outcomes and the company-community relationship (see Chapter 1). One way to
     address this challenge is to try to set goals and objectives whose achievement can
     be attributed to the CI program. This means focusing on outcomes over which the
     CI program has control. Equally important is to clarify where this is not the case.

        Making Objectives “SMART”

          •	 SPECIFIC: Objective relates to intended results and identifies the target
          •	 MEASURABLE: Objective is clearly defined, with agreement on how
             to measure/collect evidence (from both the company and community
          •	 ATTRIBUTABLE: Objective is fully or partially responsible for observed
          •	 REALISTIC: Objective can be achieved
          •	 TIMEBOUND: Objective establishes a time period by which the
             observed changes will take place

        Examples of SMART Objectives Set by Companies62

        Standard Chartered Bank, Living with HIV Program
        Through collaboration with other organizations, the Bank aims to educate one
        million people about HIV/AIDS by 2010, using resources, models, and tools—
        including an online e-learning module—that the company has developed.

        Engro Food Pakistan and UNDP Partnership
        This three-year, USD $6 million project, launched in August 2006, aims to
        provide enhanced income and employment for 3,600 rural women through
        livestock skills development, improved livelihoods, and food security at the
        household and community levels.

        Starbucks Community Involvement Program
        Starbucks committed over USD $500,000 to a three-year program to improve
        economic and education prospects for more than 6,000 people in Western
        Hararghe, a part of rural Ethiopia known for its high-quality coffee. This grant
        will help 1,500 households improve adult literacy, reduce crop losses, and
        establish microcredit and microfinance services.

96                       Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage
                          Jointly Define Indicators and Measures of Success with Stakeholders

                          Because success can mean different things to different people, companies have found
                          it useful to define up front—through a participatory process—what success will look
                          like in the eyes of the community, the company, local government representatives,
                          and other relevant stakeholders. Once defined, the next step is to combine these
                          various perspectives into a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators that are
                          meaningful to all parties. Some of the questions to consider include:

                            •	 What outcomes do we expect? By when?

                            •	 How will we know when we have reached our objectives?

                            •	 How will we define success?

                            •	 What indicators will we use? Quantitative? Qualitative?

                            •	 Whose data will be used and who will make the value judgment based on the

Simply measuring    Developing CI metrics jointly serves to clarify expectations and bridge differences
                    in perceptions of “success” among stakeholders. This reduces the risk that results
outputs does not    will be interpreted differently later on (e.g., what the company sees as a success
tell the company    is regarded with disappointment by the community or vice-versa). This type of
whether local       triangulation of perspectives is an important step toward building shared ownership
people feel that    of results and capturing a company’s return on investment later down the line.

they have benefited Establish a Baseline
from a given
intervention.       To understand how far you’ve come or what has been achieved, you must have a
                          clear sense of where you started. This is why establishing a baseline before a company
                          commences its CI program is so important. To be efficient, baseline data collection
                          for CI should be a targeted exercise rather than a general gathering of socioeconomic
                          information. It should focus specifically on the selected areas of intervention for CI and
                          build upon any existing data collection or assessments a company might have already
                          undertaken. Baseline data gathering can also be leveraged to include parameters that
                          will give local or district authorities better data for planning.

                          It is important to establish a baseline level for each specific indicator that will be
                          tracked. This will allow changes to be assessed over time. Good practice encourages
                          the collection of gender-disaggregated data to enable assessment of CI program
                          impacts on both men and women in the community (as these often differ).

                          Focus on Outcomes and Impacts, not just Outputs

                          Many companies focus on tracking inputs and outputs since these are easiest to
                          measure and to attribute directly to the company. However, stopping at outputs does
                          not tell the company what broader results or changes are being achieved, if any, and
                          whether local people feel that they have benefited from a given intervention. For
                          example, if a school gets built, this is a successful output. However, if families don’t
                          send their children to the school because the teacher is from a different clan or ethnic
                          group, the resulting outcome may be a decrease in school attendance and negative
                          community perceptions about the value of the new school.

                          From a strategic point of view, therefore, it makes sense to try to track outcome
                          (and ideally, impact) indicators because these get to the heart of if, and how, the
                          intervention has made a difference in people’s lives. They also help provide greater
                          insight into how CI might translate into business value for the company.

Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage                                                                   97
                                   From a practical point of view, measuring impact can be challenging. While some
                                   leading companies do make the investment in measuring and evaluating the long-term
                                   impacts of their CI activities (especially in the case of large-scale programs), the majority
                                   of companies find this difficult. This is due to the increasing complexity of attribution,
                                   long time horizons, and the costs and practicality of data collection and analysis.

Figure 8.1: Hierarchy of Indicators - An Education Project Example63

                                                                                                                Business Benefit
  Hierarchy              Inputs                 Outputs              Outcomes             Impacts               Indicators
  Definition             Resources               Goods and            Expected             Ultimate
                         invested (e.g.,         services             changes in           (long-term)
                         money, labor,           generated by         access, usage,       effect of the         Direct or
                         materials)              the use of           behavior, or         intervention on       indirect
                                                 inputs               performance of       a key dimension       business value
                                                 (short-term)         users (medium        of development        generated by CI
                                                                      term)                (e.g., living         activities

  Quantitative           • Construction         • Number of          • % change in        • Quantity of         • Number of
  indicators             materials              schools built        access to            links to              graduates hired
                         • Number of            • Number of          education*           employment or         by the company*
                         hours of               teachers hired*      • % change in        higher education*     • % change in
                         community labor        • Volume of          enrollment rate*     • Number of           grievances
                         • Dollars              school supplies      • % change in        graduates hired       received by
                         contributed by         procured             rate of grade        by the company*       community
                         the company                                 completion*                                groups served by
                                                                                                                the school
 Qualitative             • Stakeholders’        • Perceptions of     • Perceptions of      • Quality of links   • Changes in
 indicators              satisfaction with      quality of schools   quality/usefulness    to local             community
                         their role/            and teachers*        of education          employment           perceptions of
                         participation in       • Relevance and      received*             opportunities*       the company
                         the project            cultural             • Beneficiaries       • Perceptions of     attributable
                         design*                appropriateness      reporting             improved             (directly or
                                                of curriculum*       application of        socioeconomic        indirectly) to the
                                                                     acquired skills       status or            CI project*
                                                                     and knowledge*        opportunity
 * Data disaggregated by gender

98                                                         Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage
  Performance Indicators and Targets for Community Investment64

  RIO TINTO (Global Operations)                              Education for professional qualification:
                                                             % of participants in professional qualification
  Rio Tinto recently established a Global Communities        projects gaining employment; target=20%
  Target which it plans to have implemented across all       % of those participating in professional courses
  operations by 2013. The target aims for all operations     and in literacy projects earning certificates of
  to have “locally appropriate, publicly reported social     completion; target=80%
  performance indicators that demonstrate a positive         Direct generation of formal jobs: Number of
  contribution to the economic development of the            jobs generated by direct investments in social
  communities and regions” where the company works,          projects; target=10,000
  “consistent with the Millenium Development Goals.”
  Indicators that reflect the target already exist at some   Association Los Andes de Cajamarca (Peru)
  sites. Examples include:
                                                             ALAC is a corporate association established to
  Sustainability (Rio Tinto Coal Australia): % of RTCA       implement the principles of social responsibility
  community projects that become self-funding after          on behalf of Minera Yanacocha, with a focus on
  3-5 years; target=100%                                     sustainable development. Over the years, ALAC
  Education (Rio Tinto Iron Ore): % increase in the          has developed the following list of five standard
  number of aboriginal students completing Year 10           community impact indicators for its economic
  (Rossing): % increase in supported students entering       development projects in Peru:
  tertiary studies; target=25%
  Workforce (Argyle Diamond Mine): % of all                  Increased income of the families/households
  employees that will be local aboriginal by 2012;           involved in projects (measured in US $)
  target=40%                                                 Increased sales of businesses
  Gender equality (RTA Guinea): % increase in the            (measured in US $)
  number of local girls enrolled at school                   Cost of employment generated (measured as US
                                                             $ invested/jobs generated and differentiated between
  PETROBRAS (Brazil)                                         rural areas and urban areas)
                                                             Number of jobs created by the projects
  Petrobras has defined a set of goals and respective        Number of businesses that incorporate basic
  targets that the company aims to achieve by 2012           practices of social responsibility
  in order to improve the management of its social
  investments. Selected indicators and their targets         Data on these five dimensions is collected
  include:                                                   quarterly. ALAC organizes quarterly workshops
                                                             to discuss the results with the implementing
  Prioritizing young people: % of participants               organizations and to share learning. An impact
  involved in company-supported projects will be             assessment for each project is carried out 3-6
  young people aged 15-29 years; target=50%                  months after project completion (ALAC’s projects
  Generation of income and work opportunities:               have an estimated duration of three years).
  % increase in the average per capita income among
  project participants; target=60%

Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage                                                                  99
                           Focus on Qualitative, not just Quantitative

                           Measures of both quantity (numbers, percentages, ratios) and quality (based on
                           people’s perceptions and behaviors) are needed to capture the full CI story. For
                           example, an indicator of the number of people trained becomes more meaningful if
                           the company also knows whether the participants found the content of the training
                           program useful and if they report confidence in applying newly acquired skills.

                           Quantitative measures tell a company “how much,” “how many,” and/or “how
                           often”; qualitative measures help assess what people think and provide insights
                           as to “how,” “how well,” and/or “why.” Qualitative data collection approaches
                           and indicators are especially relevant in the context of CI, where hard-to-quantify
                           intangibles such as social process, trust, capacity, sense of ownership, and
                           perceptions are so important. While qualitative data is not always collected as often
                           as quantitative data, it is a strategic imperative in the context of CI.

Community          Track Changes in Community Perceptions
surveying has      Tracking community perceptions on a regular basis is a common and effective way
proven valuable as of incorporating the qualitative dimension into the monitoring and evaluation
a management tool process. Many companies use perception surveys, for example, as a relatively
and “early warning quick  and inexpensive means to obtain real-time feedback from local communities
                   and opinion leaders on company performance in a variety of areas. Community
system” on key     surveying has proven valuable as a management tool and “early warning system”
issues affecting   on key issues affecting the company-community relationship. Companies use this
                   information to make mid-course adjustments, to monitor their social license to
the company-
                   operate, to shape their communications strategies, and to assess their performance.
relationship.      This type of monitoring is strategically important in the context of CI because success
                           here is so closely tied to the satisfaction, perceptions, expectations and actions of
                           local stakeholders—all of which are dynamic and can change at various points in
                           time. Stakeholder sentiment can be shaped by many factors that, although unrelated
                           to CI, can nevertheless influence both CI outcomes and the quality of company-
                           community relationships on the ground. For this reason, perception surveys are most
                           useful when they separate out different issues and programs (e.g., compensation,
                           employment, project impacts, and CI) as well as the performance of different actors
                           (e.g., the company, contractors, NGOs, local government, and other partners).

                                                                                                                   © World Bank staff

100                                            Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage
  APRIL (Indonesia) - Using Perception Surveys to Monitor Stakeholder “Goodwill”65

  Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL)          The 2007 findings were compared against those
  is a major producer of fiber, pulp, and paper, and            of the previous year in order to identify general
  operates almost 0.9 million hectares, including               trends in stakeholder “goodwill” toward the
  0.85 million hectares of forest land in Indonesia             company. The key findings included:
  and 45,000 hectares in China.
                                                                  •	 Overall, APRIL was able to improve its
  APRIL focuses its stakeholder engagement efforts                   goodwill with several important stakeholder
  on the principles of mutual learning, feedback, and                groups. NGOs moved from a very negative
  improving awareness and understanding of the                       position to a positive index score. According
  business model and the challenges the company faces.               to the company’s report, this is most likely
  In 2006 and 2007, APRIL commissioned TNS Indonesia                 due to improved performance in relation to
  to carry out Stakeholder Perception Surveys relating               environmental issues.
  to company operations in Riau Province, Indonesia.              •	 Goodwill from the media improved, but to a
  The surveys assessed five major groups: (1) local                  lesser extent. While environmental performance
  community, (2) media, (3) NGOs, (4) opinion leaders,               has improved, the media became increasingly
  and (5) employees.                                                 concerned about social conflict management.
                                                                     The issue of land disputes also gained traction
  The broad objectives of the surveys were:                          within local communities, and will be an
                                                                     important issue for the company to manage
    •	 To benchmark and assess company                               going forward.
       performance in terms of social and
                                                                  •	 There was improvement in the area of social
       environmental responsibility and reputation
                                                                     development, notably in terms of helping
       (i.e., the “Goodwill Index”)
                                                                     to reduce poverty in local communities. This
    •	 To determine the impact that the company                      improvement was manifested in various
       has on different stakeholder groups and                       activities, and stakeholders now generally
       identify specific priority issues to be addressed             recognize the contributions of the company
    •	 To assess stakeholders’ expectations in relation              to poverty reduction.
       to a number of previously identified issues and            •	 The perception surveys revealed a general
       determine where the company needed to focus                   view across stakeholder groups that
       to improve its overall “Goodwill Index”                       communication from the company could be
                                                                     improved. While not seen as a critical issue,
                                                                     it has a direct impact on other activities and
                                                                     how well APRIL leverages the results of its
                                                                     tangible efforts on the ground.

                             Goodwill Index by Stakeholder Group: Comparison 2006 to 2007
              Looking across stakeholders, “employees” has the highest index with 65. The other groups display
                    lower goodwill toward Riaupulp. “NGOs” has the lowest index with 11 but improved
                                         significantly compared to the previous year.
       70               65
       60        56
       30                            28                             28
       20                                   15                                  15    15                  11
      -20                                                                                        -11
                Employees       Opinion leaders             Media               Community          NGOs
                                                           2006          2007

Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage                                                                       101
      Make Measurement Participatory

      Participatory monitoring and evaluation is another way companies can engender
      trust, build local capacity, and promote mutual learning. Such approaches have
      been shown to enhance credibility and ownership of development results among
      stakeholders. Common tools and mechanisms used by companies are given below.

      Table 8.1: Sample Tools and Mechanisms to Support Participatory M&E66
      Participatory Tool   Description
      or Mechanism
      Community            Participatory process by which community groups can monitor
      Scorecard            and/or evaluate a service offered for their benefit. Beneficiary
                           groups and service providers identify key indicators of success or
                           progress, and rate effectiveness on a simple scale.
      Good Neighbor        An agreement that is co-produced by companies and communities
      Agreement            to reach a joint understanding of how issues of mutual interest
                           or concern will be addressed. Agreements are considered social
                           commitments rather than legal ones.
      Community        A suggestion box is placed in an easily accessible public location,
      Suggestion Boxes and provides a mechanism for members of a community to
                       submit anonymous complaints, suggestions, and/or questions. The
                       box is opened publicly at predetermined times (e.g., weekly) and
                       a response is provided for each suggestion.
      Community or      Single or multi-stakeholder groups gather voluntarily to discuss a
      Multi-Stakeholder specific set of topics, to analyze information and provide feedback
      Forum             or decision making, or for other relationship-building activities.
      Citizen Report       Short surveys with questions developed through participatory
      Cards                discussion are used to measure perceptions about the adequacy
                           and quality of public services. Report cards are also potentially
                           applicable to the private sector project context. Survey
                           responses are supplemented with qualitative data.

      Track Results by Gender

      Good practice encourages companies to track the results of their CI activities by
      gender. This could mean formally incorporating gender as part of a company’s CI
      strategy goals and objectives, or integrating gender aspects into monitoring and
      evaluation. Practical actions to take might include:

        •	 Set gender-specific targets

        •	 Introduce requirements for gender-disaggregated data, and use this data
           to inform program design

        •	 Develop gender-sensitive indicators, with an emphasis on qualitative
           indicators that can help to capture women’s perceptions and experiences with CI

        •	 Use participatory approaches to monitoring and evaluation that
           involve both men and women (e.g., in setting objectives, defining measures
           of success, gathering data, and so forth)

102                        Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage
“Looking at
programs                OUTCOMES68
from a gender
                        Rio Tinto is encouraging the use of gender-sensitive indicators in its operations
perspective,            worldwide. Examples of such indicators include:
we know
that women’s            Infrastructure: % of females/males with access to safe drinking water
participation           Health: Incidence of particular health conditions amongst females and
in community            Education: Ratio of boys’ to girls’ enrollment and completion rates in primary,
programs                secondary, and tertiary education;
facilitates more         % of females and males with relevant skill sets for employment
                        Empowerment: Number of females participating in planning and decision
broad-based and
                        making at the household and community level
lasting outcomes        Level of satisfaction, by gender, in participation in a working group
compared to those
designed solely by
male community       Integrate CI into the Company’s Broader Monitoring
                     and Evaluation Systems
                     Just as cross-functional alignment of business units (discussed in Chapter 2) enables
—Rio Tinto67         better internal coordination of community relations and overall risk-management,
                     the same principle of alignment applies when it comes to tracking and evaluating
                     community investment activities.

                     Ideally, the monitoring of CI programs should be integrated with other related
                     company-wide monitoring and evaluation systems and processes—including, for
                     example, those used to keep track of stakeholder engagement, environmental and
                     social performance, sustainability programs, grievances, and company risk registers.
                     Again, this serves to bring together different teams within the company who are
                     interacting with local communities (but might not otherwise talk to one another)
                     to promote more effective information sharing. This also allows for CI results to
                     be analyzed in the context of broader activities and issues that may influence the
                     company-community relationship.

                     There are various tools that a company may use to integrate important social and
                     environmental information. One example is a Sustainability Performance Scorecard
                     (see Dialog Telekom box).

                                                                                                             © iStockphoto

Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage                                                        103
  Dialog Telekom (Sri Lanka) – Adopting an Integrated Performance
  Scorecard Approach69

  Dialog Telekom PLC is Sri Lanka’s flagship               On the community investment side, Dialog Telekom’s
  telecommunications service provider. In 2005,            data requirements go beyond GRI guidelines and aim
  Dialog Telekom was listed on the Colombo stock           to capture outcome and impact indicators. Thus, for
  exchange and, as a public company, made a                example, in its distance education program where
  commitment to measure and report to shareholders         the company utilizes satellite technology to transmit
  on its sustainability performance. The company           education materials to schools that lack resources, the
  then adopted the Global Reporting Framework (GRI         company monitors a sample of students to measure
  G3 Guidelines) to form the basis of its sustainability   improvement in their examination marks.
  performance framework, and carried out a
  comprehensive internal gap analysis to identify key      Adopting an integrated performance scorecard
  performance areas and respective data parameters         approach has enabled the company’s senior
  that needed to be addressed to meet compliance           management to get a balanced overview of the
  requirements and best practice standards.                company’s sustainability performance and to
                                                           assess risks. This information has also been used
  The     company’s     sustainability   performance       in engagement processes, including establishing
  framework is based on a single information system        local partnerships. When considering the potential
  called the “CR Navigator.” The system contains           for scale up of its distance education program, for
  data on 48 core and 30 supplementary indicators          example, Dialog Telekom found that having tangible
  covering social, environmental, and economic             data on program outcomes enhanced the credibility
  performance and is aligned with GRI requirements.        of the company and helped to get local partners on
  These indicators capture output, outcome, and            board.
  impact indicators in key areas of the company’s
  performance, including its strategic community           Finally, Dialog Telekom is using its Sustainability
  investment activities. Together, these indicators        Performance Scorecard framework to link the
  represent the company’s Sustainability Performance       requirements for data capture and to upload to
  Scorecard.                                               staff performance appraisals. This ensures clear
                                                           lines of accountability, regular maintenance of the
                                                           sustainability performance data, and informed
                                                           decision making around key aspects of sustainability
                                                           performance and resource allocation.

                            Use Monitoring and Evaluation Results to
                            Drive Resource Allocation for CI

                            One emerging approach being tested and discussed within some companies has
                            to do with using the monitoring and evaluation results of their CI programs to
                            inform their decision making on future allocation of CI resources. In other words,
                            if a company’s investments in one area are shown to have better results per dollar
                            spent (in terms of number of people reached, positive impact demonstrated,
                            and level of satisfaction of local stakeholders), for example, over investments in
                            another area, future resource allocations may be shifted in favor of the higher
                            performing types of activities. Likewise, the selection of new projects would be
                            influenced by the past performance of similar projects, whereas low-performing
                            projects would be phased out altogether.

104                                               Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage
understand how
                        Ad hoc donations viewed as philanthropy typically do not create the expectation of a
their corporate
                        “return,” nor much incentive to track results. By contrast, a strategic approach strives
social responsibility   to create shared value, including business value. A 2009 McKinsey study showed that
programs respond        few companies understand how their corporate social responsibility programs (of
to specific business    which CI is a subset) respond to specific business objectives, or whether they actually
                        create financial value. The study suggests that companies that can develop metrics
objectives, or          to translate community outcomes into benefits (in terms that are valued by the
whether they            market—risk reduction, enhanced reputation, productivity gains, and so forth) can
actually create         reap additional benefits by communicating this information to investors and financial
                        analysts. An additional incentive is that high-performing environmental and social
financial value.        programs are increasingly seen as a proxy for effective business management.70

                           PROGRAM (CHILE)71

                           A 2006 financial valuation study of sustainable development practices
                           determined, at the time, that if Placer Dome’s community involvement program
                           could fast track the Cerro Casale project by one year, it would add USD $0.81
                           per share to the value of the company’s stock. This translated into a 5.5 percent
                           valuation lift from its trading price at the time of USD $14.70 per share.

                           In order to perform the analysis, certain assumptions were made. In the case of
                           Placer Dome, the mining company had a high quality community involvement
                           program that used community advisory panels for stakeholder engagement
                           and community outreach. The study assumed that Placer Dome’s community
                           involvement program would lead to the fast tracking of project approval and
                           project “booking”—one year earlier than initially planned.

                        One of the key business benefits of a CI program is the improvement in the
                        relationship between a company and local communities, which contributes to a
                        smooth operating environment for the company. Developing a single indicator for
                        this may be challenging, but a number of proxy indicators may be used to capture
                        whether or not the operating climate/relationship with stakeholders is improving.

Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage                                                            105
         Indicators of the Company-Community Relationship72

           •	 Number of protests, demonstrations, complaint letters, and
              compensation requests
           •	 Number of community participants in consultation meetings
           •	 Closures of activities due to a disturbance by the community/local
           •	 Quantity of work applications received from the community/local
           •	 Incidents (related to communities or other stakeholders) affecting
              company property or personnel
           •	 Number of problems or grievances identified by local stakeholders
           •	 Quantity—and the time period of delays—of governmental approvals
           •	 Community sentiment surrounding current community development
              initiatives (i.e., Do they fulfill needs and expectations?)
           •	 Effectiveness of public consultation activities (i.e., Do local people feel
              their participation has value?)
           •	 Degree of trust felt by the community toward the company (and vice versa)
           •	 Positions taken by the local government regarding decisions that affect
              the company
           •	 Community members say they are better off as the result of the
              company’s presence
           •	 Number of positive and negative press articles about the company

      Measure Return on Community Investment

      Measuring return on community investment is a new frontier in monitoring and
      evaluation. Converting the business benefits of CI into standard financial metrics
      is not an easy task. Table 8.2 describes three emerging methodologies that might
      be used to monetize the benefits from a company’s sustainability investments
      related to local communities.

106                       Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage
                                                  Table 8.2: Emerging Methodologies for Valuing Corporate Sustainability Programs73
                                                  Methodology        Description                     Key Features                                                                                     Example of Application
                                                  Financial          Helps a company to calculate    •	 Differentiates between value creation and value protection. See Tool 10 for details.          Before applying the financial valuation analysis, the
                                                  Valuation          Net Present Value (NPV) of      •	 Quality of sustainability programs (e.g., design, management, capacity, execution) is built   Rio Tinto Alcan greenfield bauxite mine and alumina
                                                  Tool for           sustainability investments by      into the model. Two important aspects of quality include stakeholder engagement and           refinery’s total Net Present Value was calculated at USD
                                                  Sustainability     capturing direct and indirect      community perception. These are important inputs into the valuation process since high        $1.5 billion over a 62 year mine life.
                                                  Investments        benefits.                          quality programs improve risk mitigation potential.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Following the valuation process, the total value added
                                                                     Developed by IFC/Rio                                                                                                             of various sustainability investments at the project site
                                                                     Tinto/Deloitte                                                                                                                   (e.g., community engagement program, health program,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      access to water, local suppliers development) came to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      a total of USD $517,168 (including USD $260,638 in
                                                                                                                                                                                                      direct value creation and USD $256, 530 in indirect value
                                                  Social Return Measures the value of benefits •	 Stakeholders are central for effective implementation of SROI.                                      Fresh Pastures CIC in England used an SROI approach
                                                  on Investment relative to costs of achieving  •	 First step is to establish what SROI analysis will cover and who will be involved. The             to measure the value of providing not only milk to
                                                  (SROI)        those benefits. For example, a     methodology also includes a materiality screen to determine which outcomes and impacts             schools (its core mission) but also education to children
                                                                ratio of 3:1 indicates that an     are not appropriate for inclusion. Key considerations: importance to stakeholders and data         on healthy living, good dietary planning, environmental
                                                                investment of $1 delivers $3 in    availability.                                                                                      issues, social inclusion, and equal opportunity. In a
                                                                social value.                   •	 A logframe approach is used to produce an “impact map” with project inputs, outputs,               related SROI exercise, the company identified that for
                                                                                                   outcomes, and impacts to determine the requirements for indicators and data collection.            every £1 of contract deliverable, 59 pence of social
                                                                Provides information for        •	 Detailed analysis of inputs (e.g., resources, staff time) is used to calculate the total           return would be derived in environmental, education,
                                                                improving the way a program        program investment. Benefits of the program (outcomes and impacts) include direct and              and employment benefits.
                                                                is run and for shaping future      indirect benefits as well as spillover effects. Results that would have happened anyway or

Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage
                                                                decision making.                   are a result of other factors are eliminated from consideration.
                                                                                                •	 Calculating the SROI involves adding up benefits, subtracting negatives, and comparing
                                                                Developed by the New               the result to the investment. This is also where the sensitivity of the results can be
                                                                Economics Foundation (NEF)         performed to determine which assumptions have the greatest impact on the model
                                                                                                •	 Emphasis is placed on reporting results and embedding learning in business processes.
                                                  The SD Effect      Relies on the use of common     •	 Methodology uses commonly used financial methods(e.g., Discounted Cash Flow                   The assessment of the sustainability practices of Teck
                                                                     financial methods to isolate       Valuation, Price to Cash Flow Per Share Ratio, Option Pricing Valuation, and Economic         Cominco, a Canadian mining company, revealed that the
                                                                     the effect of corporate            Value Added) to isolate the effect of corporate sustainability practices on share price       company demonstrated substantial respect for aboriginal
                                                                     sustainability practices/          performance/company valuations and to express this effect in financial language. This         peoples in terms of their role as employees and members
                                                                     programs on share price            report uses company-specific sustainability performance metrics from the Canadian             of the community. The assessment further suggested that
                                                                     performance.                       mining sector.                                                                                this type of relationship contributed to enhancements
                                                                                                     •	 Valuation relies on a project level/asset data and may rely on a series of assumptions. As    in employee productivity and community assurance and
                                                                     Developed by Yachnin &             an example, the existence and quality of company’s community and stakeholder programs         attendant reductions in business risk. The risk reduction
                                                                     Associates, Sustainable            could be linked with a set of assumptions about the business value that the company           associated with Teck Cominco’s enhanced community
                                                                     Investment Group Ltd., and         is getting (e.g., having a high quality community engagement program leads to a fast          and employee relations was estimated to be valued at
                                                                     Corporate Knights Inc.             tracking of the project approval process by X number of years).                               USD $859 million (USD $4.24 per share).

If measuring value COMMUNICATING ABOUT CI
is important,
                      If measuring value is important, communicating that value is equally important.
                      For business benefits derived from CI to be optimized, stakeholders at the local,
that value is equally regional, and international levels need to know about these investments and the
important.            value they create. For example, if a community investment program is designed to
                          help improve a company’s reputation, secure a social license to operate, or support
                          risk management, communicating actively and repeatedly about the program must
                          be an integral part of the strategy.

                          As discussed in Chapter 1, there are multiple benefits to be derived from
                          communicating effectively about how a company is investing in people. Strategic
                          communications supports a company’s business goals and decision making related
                          to community issues. It promotes dialogue, participation, and a regular flow of
                          information, thereby enhancing transparency and recognition.

                          While the communications function is always important, it bears particular
                          significance for CI if a company:

                            •	 Faces political, regulatory, or reputational risks linked to the sector in which it

                            •	 Has good stories to tell

                            •	 Has limited/no communications capacity (and therefore limited relationships
                               with media, civil society organizations, and the general public)

                            •	 Has a high national or international profile

                            •	 Faces particularly aggressive stakeholders, NGO campaigns, or public criticism

                            •	 Faces high expectations for local benefits or mistrust/skepticism from local

                            •	 Needs to strengthen internal or shareholder support for CI and make the case
                               for resources

                                                                                                                     © J.Pantoja

108                                            Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage
Figure 8.2: Targeting Communications for Community Investment

            Communicating to Whom?                         Communicating What?               Communicating How?

                                                                                            Communication Channels
                     Senior                                 Community Investment
                   Management                                    Programs
       Other                                                                               • Media (print, radio, TV,
   Stakeholders                                                                              Internet)
                                   International                                           • Community Meetings
   (government,                     Community
    NGOs, media)                                                                           • Government Briefings
                                                                                           • NGO Interactions
                   Community                              Impact on                        • Roundtables / Conferences
                   Investment                              Business                        • Booklets / Brochures
                                                                                           • Public Announcements
       Local                        Employees                            Community
    Communities                                                           Benefits

                    Investor                              Financial
                   Community                               Impact

                                Tips for Communications Planning

                                Communications is an ongoing process that should ideally begin the moment a
                                company starts any activity in a new location and well before CI programs start
                                to yield results. A good communications plan identifies key actors and relevant
                                audiences, connects the company to its stakeholders and customers, defines and
                                delivers specific messages that will resonate with target audiences, and follows a
                                long-term plan of action.

                                99 Use Communications to Support Your Business Objectives
                                   and CI Strategy

                                In a business context, a communications strategy for CI serves as a:

                                  •	 Decision-Making Tool – supports management’s decision making; allows for
                                     efficient use of resources

                                  •	 Risk Management Tool – promotes information flow and transparency to
                                     manage risks and leverage opportunities

                                  •	 Branding Tool – disseminates CI successes and achievements to enhance
                                     public reputation

Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage                                                                     109
      It is with these purposes in mind that internal and external communications goals
      related to CI should be set:

        •	 How can communications support your CI-related business objectives (such as
           acquiring a social license to operate, enhancing reputation, or meeting global
           industry standards)?

        •	 How can communications support your internal objectives (securing support
           and resources for CI from management and shareholders; or promoting
           understanding and buy-in of CI strategy across the company)?

      Based on these considerations, decide what to communicate.

      99 Assess the Communications Context

      Much like the CI program itself, communications does not happen in a vacuum.
      Understanding the local and international contexts in which a company operates,
      such as historical legacies or global campaigns targeting a certain industry (e.g.,
      gold mining or oil palm), are critical in defining an effective communications
      strategy. Telling a good story is often not enough—companies need to know who
      they are talking to, how, and in which moment in time. Think about:

        •	 Main challenges to which the communications strategy should respond. What
           are the issues or perceptions that may need changing?

        •	 National/local context for the project and key messages

        •	 Public opinion

        •	 International context (e.g., global campaigns)

        •	 Key stakeholders and audiences

        •	 National and regional opinion makers/commentators

        •	 International stakeholders/influencers

      99 Set Up a Communications Function to Support your Community
         Investment Team

      Ideally, a company will have established a communications function distinct from
      its CI team (although the two should work closely together). The rationale is that
      communications is a distinct skills set that goes beyond engaging with communities
      at the local level to target a much broader group of stakeholders (including the
      media, international NGOs, and investors). Necessary steps include:

        •	 Assessing technical capacity (internal and external communications skills and

        •	 Training communications personnel in CI-related matters

        •	 Drawing up a communications budget

110                         Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage
                     99 Identify Target Audiences and Tailor Key Messages

                     Following an analysis of the local context, agreement on the communications
                     objectives for CI, and an assessment of capabilities, a company is ready to strategize
                     on how best to achieve its communications goals. Who are the company’s target
                     audiences? What are the key messages? How should the messages and information
                     be tailored to meet the different needs and interests of each target group? How
                     can communications be used to create two-way dialogue and solicit feedback?

                     99 Develop Messages in Alignment with the CI Project Cycle

                     Companies may find it useful to think about their communications planning
                     in terms of each stage of the CI strategy process and to align communications
                     objectives and key messages accordingly.

                       •	 Early Engagement: Focus on managing expectations, setting the right tone
                          for collaboration and partnership, and clarifying the company’s vision and role
                          in supporting communities and local government in the development process.

                       •	 Planning Stages: Don’t stay silent during the planning period and allow
                          rumors, misinformation, and frustration to take root. Keep the momentum
                          going and counter long lead times before CI programs can show results by
                          actively communicating about aspects of the multi-stakeholder process for
                          designing the CI program itself. This can include the formation of committees,
                          the criteria for participation, the process for selecting representatives, the
                          identification of local partners, as well as anticipated timetables, schedules of
                          activities, and next steps.

                       •	 Setting the Parameters for CI: Communicate the company’s decision-
                          making process and rationale (i.e., “shared value” creation) for identifying and
                          selecting which investment areas it will support—and which it will not support
                          and why. Messages about sustainability, local ownership, and exit or handover
                          of CI projects should also be emphasized.

                       •	 Implementation Planning: Use communications to foster transparency, build trust,
                          and garner feedback on questions about delivery mechanisms, resource allocation,
                          decision-making processes, and governance structures for CI implementation.

                       •	 Results Measurement: Communications is most powerful at the stage when
                          a company’s CI program delivers tangible benefits that can be seen, felt, and
                          measured. At this stage, actively and repeatedly communicate CI outcomes to
                          key stakeholder groups at various levels in order to maximize the desired business
                          benefits from such investments (be it reduced social risk or enhanced reputation).

                     99 Determine Communications Tools and Channels

                     Following an analysis of the current situation, agreement on the communications
                     objectives, and an assessment of capabilities, companies need to establish how
                     they might be able to achieve their goals. Which tools and channels will be most
                     effective for conveying key messages? Identify:

                       •	 Communication channels

                              –– Media outlets (influential newspapers, radio, TV, Internet, opinion makers)

                              –– Community meetings

                              –– Government briefings

Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage                                                         111
                –– NGO interactions

                –– Roundtables/conferences

                –– Booklets/brochures (including company reports)

                –– Public announcements

        •	 Key spokespersons

        •	 Key dates and events

      99 Engage Partners Who Can Help Deliver and Reinforce Your Message

      Many companies identify implementing partners to support their communications
      efforts—for example, local organizations that can provide research, on-the-ground
      networks, or unique communication vehicles (such as culturally appropriate meeting
      styles, easy-to-understand flyers, radio programs for rural areas, etc.). This, along with
      endorsements by third parties, partners, and/or influential persons or organizations, can
      be an effective means to spread and amplify key messages and information about CI.

      99 Plan for the Worst: Prepare a Crisis Communications Plan

      Planning ahead enables a quick response when a crisis arises (e.g., accidents, major
      complaints, or stakeholder-related disruptions). Such advance planning involves
      setting chain-of-command channels, identifying company spokespersons, preparing
      Q&As, and cultivating media contacts to disseminate immediate responses.

      99 Measure the Success of Your Communications Strategy

      Finally, how does a company assess whether its communications strategy for CI
      has succeeded? In many cases, direct feedback and anecdotes will reveal whether
      communications efforts have been effective. However, other sources may prove
      useful as well:

        •	 Results of public perception surveys

        •	 Number of third-party endorsements

        •	 Positive civil society/NGO feedback

        •	 Positive tone of media coverage

        •	 Level of political support

        •	 Community grasp of CI-related processes and issues

        •	 Level of management and/or investor support

112                        Measure and Communicate for Strategic Advantage
    •	Tool 1: 	   Template for Preparing a	
       	          Community Investment Strategy
    •	Tool 2: 	   Template for Preparing a 	
      	           Communications Plan
    •	Tool 3: 	   Institutional Mapping 	    	
    •	Tool 4: 	   Social Network Analysis
    •	Tool 5: 	   Risk and Opportunity Screen
    •	Tool 6: 	   Capacity Assessment Methods
    •	Tool 7: 	   McKinsey Capacity 	
      	           Assessment Tool
    •	Tool 8: 	   Exit/Handover Strategy 	
    •	Tool 9: 	   Turnaround Strategy Template
    •	Tool 10: 	 Planning and Financial 	
      	          Valuation Tool for 	
      	          Sustainability Investments
                                       Tool 1: Template for Preparing a
                                       Community Investment Strategy
                                       The scope and level of detail of the strategy should be scaled to fit the needs and
                                       stage of the project (or company operations).

 Introduction        –– Brief project description: company operations, community context, and key social and environmental issues or impacts
 Business Case       –– Business rationale for supporting a CI program/anticipated business benefits
                     –– Key site-level issues, risks, and opportunities to be addressed through CI
 Local Context       ––   Key findings of socioeconomic baseline assessment and stakeholder consultations
                     ––   Stakeholder analysis
                     ––   Key challenges and opportunities posed by the local context
                     ––   Institutional mapping: institutions, organizations, and potential partners
                     ––   Key government development priorities and plans
 Community           –– Process, mechanisms, and timetable for multi-stakeholder engagement on CI
 Engagement and      –– Key phases, activities, and timeline for community planning and input into CI priorities and strategy
 Planning            –– Key results from activities that assessed and ranked local development priorities
 Objectives,         –– Goals and objectives of CI Strategy (linked to the business case and SMART*)
 Guiding Principles, –– Guiding principles, eligibility criteria, and selection criteria
 and Criteria
 Focus Areas         –– Process and criteria (e.g., “screens”) used to select areas for company investment
 for CI              –– Key focus areas selected for CI (and supporting rationale for each)
                     –– Typology of investments and allocation (short term versus long term)
 Company Core        –– Ways in which company can leverage its assets, resources, and unique role in support of CI focus areas (e.g., staff,
 Competencies           expertise, facilities, equipment, contacts, advocacy, etc.)
 and Resources
 Sustainability,     –– Proposed criteria/measures to avoid creating dependency and to ensure that programs can become self-sustaining once
 Handover, and          the company reduces or withdraws its support
 Exit Strategy       –– Strategy and timeline for decreasing company support and building local self-sufficiency for both management and
                        financing of projects and programs
 Implementation      ––   Proposed delivery model(s) or structures (and rationale for selection)
 Planning            ––   Potential partners
                     ––   Roles and responsibilities
                     ––   Implementation schedule
                     ––   Governance structure and composition (to ensure multi-stakeholder representation and decision making)
 Internal            –– Coordination of CI with other company policies/programs affecting communities
 Coordination        –– Mechanisms for coordination among units interacting with local stakeholders
 and Alignment       –– Cross-functional roles/accountabilities for units interacting with local stakeholders
 Capacity            –– Company readiness (management support, internal preparedness/skills to engage)
 Building            –– Capacity building needs identified (i.e., target groups/skills needed)
                     –– Capacity building activities undertaken to date
 Staffing and        –– Staffing resources to support CI (coordination, oversight, management)
 Budget              –– Budget assumptions and main sources of financing (including any plans for external funding, and arrangements to secure
                        long-term financial sustainability)
                     –– CI Budget (multi-year) and contingencies
 Results             ––   Monitoring and evaluation activities to be undertaken
 Measurement         ––   Participatory methods/mechanisms to be used
                     ––   Key indicators to be tracked (including business benefits) and baseline data required
                     ––   Resource and budget requirements
 Communications      –– Internal and external communications plans
                     –– Timetable, target audiences, communication channels to be used

* Specific, Measurable, Attributable, Results-oriented, and Timebound

Tool 1: Template for Preparing a Community Investment Strategy                                                                                 115
                                 Tool 2: Template for Preparing a
                                 Communications Plan
                                 The following template provides a suggested structure for the preparation of a
                                 communications plan to support a company’s community investment strategy. The
                                 scope and level of detail of the communications plan may be scaled to fit the needs
                                 and stage of the project (or company operations).

                                 Strategic communications is the use of internal and external outreach tools to achieve
                                 measurable outcomes in support of business objectives. A good communications strategy:

                                    •	 Identifies key internal and external audiences

                                    •	 Connects the company to its stakeholders and customers

                                    •	 Defines and delivers specific messages that will resonate with target audiences

                                    •	 Is designed to reach measurable results

                                    •	 Follows a long-term plan of action

Local Context            •	 Key challenges of the local, national, and international contexts to which the communications strategy should
Challenges/Constraints      respond (e.g., local opinions, historical legacies, or global campaigns against the industry)

Key Audiences and        •	 Key stakeholder groups that have an interest in and/or need to be informed/influenced by the communication
their Informational         activities
Needs                    •	 Stakeholder analysis: a) internal and external audiences; b) primary, secondary, and influential/high value (e.g., political
                            decision makers and local opinion leaders) target groups
                         •	 Main informational needs of the target audiences (aligned with the CI program cycle)
Goals and Objectives     •	 Overall goal of the communications plan in light of context, challenges, opportunities, and audience needs (linked
of Communications           with the company’s overall business objectives)
Plan                     •	 External (e.g., strengthen social license to operate) and internal (e.g., create buy-in) objectives of the communications
Key Messages             •	 Key messages and tone of the key messages (e.g., factual and visual information that resonates with target
External and Internal    •	 Existing internal and external communication channels
Communications           •	 Channels that allow two-way communication
Channels                 •	 Most suitable channels (by stakeholder group) to communicate the key messages (e.g., rural radio, influential
                            papers in the area, opinion makers/commentators)
Key Activities and       •	 Dates/events for planned communication activities
Timetable                •	 Dates/events that communication activities need to be coordinated with
                         •	 Activities to support long-term communications strategy (e.g., maintaining and monitoring a Web site,
                            maintaining good press relations)
                         •	 Risks/constraints that could affect the delivery of the communication activities (e.g., authorizations and
                            scheduling requirements, endorsements from other parties) and mitigation measures

116                                                        Tool 2: Template for Preparing a Communications Plan
Crisis Response          •	   Crisis communications team (e.g., senior executive, legal counsel, project manager, communications person)
                         •	   Designated company spokespersons in a crisis situation
                         •	   Media contacts for disseminating responses without delay
                         •	   Communication protocols (e.g., emergency communications “tree”)
                         •	   Written scripts for questions and answers about the company’s programs along with other communication
Resources and Staffing   •	 Staffing resources to support communications function
                         •	 Budget/resources to carry out planned communication activities (e.g., preparation and production of
                            communication materials, translation services, advertising costs, delivery of events)
                         •	 Opportunities to attract external partners/sponsors around planned communication activities
Key Spokespersons/       •	 Key spokespersons and designated backups
External Partners        •	 Main media contacts
                         •	 Implementing partners/local organizations whose research, on-the-ground networks, and unique communications
                            vehicles can be leveraged
Success Measurement      •	 Key indicators to monitor progress vis-à-vis the expected results:
                              –– Public perceptions (positive/negative)
                              –– Number of third-party endorsements
                              –– Level of community buy-in for CI (increasing/decreasing)
                              –– Nature of civil society/NGO feedback
                              –– Tone of media coverage (positive/negative)
                              –– Level of political support (increasing/decreasing)
                              –– Operational statistics (e.g., reduced number of production interruptions due to local unrest)
                         •	 Measures to ensure that performance information is used to adjust the communications plan (messages, tactics,
                            tools, and resources) as needed

Tool 2: Template for Preparing a Communications Plan                                                                                       117
      Tool 3: Institutional Mapping Questionnaire
      The following guidance is part of the RuralInvest Toolkit developed by the Food and
      Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations for preparing successful rural
      development projects—in terms of both income generation and social investment. The
      toolkit comprises training courses, manuals, and custom-developed software which are
      applicable for any agency, project, organization, or private investor managing funds for
      small and medium-scale agricultural and rural investments.*

      The institutional mapping activities given below can be used when undertaking local
      context analysis for the purpose of identifying community groups, development
      institutions, local organizations and/or other potential partners. (See Chapter 3).

      Mapping Interest Groups

      These groups may include: work groups, youth clubs, cooperatives, agricultural
      worker associations, women’s organizations, parents’ associations, religious
      organizations, saving and loan associations, irrigation boards, local development
      committees, etc. The objective of the institutional mapping is to discover roles and
      activities of these various groups.

      Products that can be obtained:

         •	 Brief information on interest groups existing in the communities

         •	 A map or sketch showing the spatial distribution of the various interest groups
            that operate in the communities

         •	 A register of these various groups for the purpose of future planning

      Useful questions:

         •	 What are the interest or activity groups that operate in the community?

         •	 What other organizations are there in the zone? What are their relations with
            the community?

         •	 How many members do they have?

         •	 What are their aims?

         •	 What activities do they undertake?

         •	 How do they relate to other local stakeholders and/or the communities?

         •	 What are the relations like between these organizations and the community?

         •	 Are there any conflicts between the community and interest groups in the
            zone? If there are, what is the cause? How can these conflicts be overcome?

      * www.fao.org/tc/tci/ourrole/ruralinvest/it/

118                                          Tool 3: Institutional Mapping Questionnaire
                       Sample Format: Interest Groups in the Community

                        Organization and      Activities carried out   Role or function in   Number of members
                        date established                               local development     within the area

                       Mapping Development Institutions

                       Development institutions include public development institutions, private entities, and
                       NGOs. The main objective of the institutional mapping is to identify the activities these
                       organizations undertake (or have undertaken), the policy and development approach
                       adopted by them and, on the basis of this information, to identify their potential
                       contribution to the objectives and targets of the project or program under consideration.

                       Products that can be obtained:

                         •	 Summary of the development institutions that work in the zone, by sector

                         •	 A table or drawing to show what development institutions do, and the type of
                            relationship they maintain with the community

                         •	 A record of development institutions that work in the zone, for the purpose of
                            defining their role/function in local development

                       Useful questions:

                         •	 What public (state) institutions, local governments, private firms, and NGOs
                            have a significant presence in the communities?

                         •	 In which sectors do each of these institutions operate and what concrete
                            activities have they carried out or are they currently carrying out?

                         •	 What do the officials of each of these institutions think of the organizations
                            participating in decision making in the projects and programs that they execute?

                         •	 How do members of the community rate the work of these institutions?

                       Sample Format: Development Institutions

                        Institution           What activities does     Who does it work      Level of participation
                                              it carry out?            with?                 in decision making

Tool 3: Institutional Mapping Questionnaire                                                                   119
      Mapping Management Capacity of Local Organizations

      Where needed, institutional mapping may also explore questions around expertise
      and capacity of local organizations that operate in the area. The objective of this
      exercise is to find out whether local organizations require strengthening and, if so,
      in what areas.

      Products that can be obtained:

        •	 Identification of the areas of training and technical assistance required by
           different entities and local institutions

        •	 Summary of the social capital and/or the management capacity of local
           communities and organizations

      Useful questions:

        •	 What local organizations are there? Do they have legal status? Do they have
           different functions?

        •	 If there are several local organizations, are there tensions or conflicts among them?

        •	 Do members of the community or organization(s) help finance the
           organization’s activities?

        •	 How frequently do their boards of directors meet?

        •	 Are minutes kept of assemblies and meetings?

        •	 Are balance sheets prepared and accounting records kept?

        •	 Are such records manual or computerized?

        •	 Are external audits performed?

        •	 When and at what event was the current board of directors appointed?

        •	 How and with what mechanisms do grassroots members assess their leaders’

        •	 How often is community work done? Who participates in community work?

        •	 What tasks are carried out collectively and free of charge?

        •	 Do organizations and their communities have experience in managing
           development projects?

        •	 How are important decisions affecting all organization members taken?

        •	 What mechanisms do community members have to supervise the work of
           their leaders?

120                                    Tool 3: Institutional Mapping Questionnaire
                           Tool 4: Social Network Analysis
                           Social Network Analysis (SNA) is useful for visualizing patterns of engagement
                           between diverse local stakeholders and understanding how to use these
                           relationships to further a company’s CI objectives. Although it is enhanced by the
                           use of special software, one can get started without SNA software. SNA involves
                           the following three stages:

                              1.	Participant Survey – A survey tool is developed by facilitators, often in
                                 collaboration with participants. The survey includes questions about the flows
                                 of information, resources and collaboration that are important to the local

                              2.	 Data Analysis – The results of the SNA survey are tabulated in Excel or input
                                 into a network analysis software application (such as InFlow or UCINet).* These
                                 free or inexpensive applications have built-in algorithms that generate network
                                 maps, positioning organizations or individuals according to their connections
                                 with others.

                              3.	Participatory Feedback – Stakeholder maps and metrics are used to facilitate
                                 discussions between the company and community members. The questions
                                 generated by analyzing the SNA results can help to draw out extremely
                                 valuable observations about key actors, alternative ways to optimize the
                                 “development supply chains,” and fresh insights into power brokers that hold
                                 significant influence over the working environment.

                           SNA maps and metrics are particularly effective when used in combination with
                           stakeholder dialogue, and can help project planners to identify key connectors,
                           community resource hubs, gatekeepers and brokers, who are described below.

Example of a Social Network Analysis (SNA) map

                                            business6                       Other
                                                                                                       International NGO
                                                        Local                          CBO1            Local NGO
                                                        Gov6                     Local
                                                                           Local NGO1                  CBO
                                    Local                                  Gov1                        Other Business
                             Other                                                                     Local Government
                                                                        International                  Connector
                                                                                                       Resource Hub
                               Other                                                                   Gatekeeper
                               business4 Local                                                 CBO3
                                         Gov4                               International
                                                   Gov3                    Local     Local
                                                                           Gov2      NGO2
                                                                NGO3               Other
                                                   Other                           business2    CBO4


                          * http://www.orgnet.com/inflow3.html (InFlow) or http://www.analytictech.com/ucinet/ (UCINET)

Tool 4: Social Network Analysis                                                                                            121
      Connectors are actors in a community who know large numbers of people and
      who are in the habit of making introductions. Tap them early in the CI process to
      get a complete 360 perspective. But never rely on a single voice. If the CI involves
      an explicit networking component, then connectors are well placed to play a
      leading role. Build them into your outreach plan.

      Resource Hubs are individuals or organizations that provide programmatic
      resources—funding, supplies, training, or intellectual capital—to local NGOs
      and frontline community-based organizations that work directly with affected
      individuals and communities. Community-based resources may present themselves
      in surprising ways, such as family-owned small businesses, local law and accounting
      firms, and local consultants. Many of them may be wary of external investors and
      corporations and initially keep a low profile.

      Gatekeepers or Brokers are organizations and individuals that act as a bridge
      between different constituencies, assisting or potentially hindering information flow
      between sectors or regions. While connectors tend to “know everyone,” brokers
      often know “the right people.” Connectors hold an extremely important position
      in any new initiative and should be considered during the planning and project
      start-up phases. Through SNA, brokers can be identified who can help build bridges
      between key project constituencies, including local government, government
      ministries, and special interest groups.

122                                                  Tool 4: Social Network Analysis
                                    Tool 5: Risk and Opportunity Screen
                                    As discussed in Chapter 6, it is not uncommon for companies to face high
                                    expectations for support and long lists of development needs and priorities from
                                    local stakeholders. In such a context, exercising selectivity and strategic focus
                                    regarding which activities to support becomes particularly important.

                                    One way to prioritize among the numerous development issues and needs raised by
                                    local stakeholders is by vetting them through the twin lenses of risk and opportunity.
                                    (For other common “screens,” see the sample screening process outlined in Chapter
                                    6). Risk and opportunity screening can be a useful decision-making tool that involves:
                                    (i) the identification of risks and opportunities associated with each community
                                    priority area/issue; and, (ii) the evaluation and ranking of each identified risk or
                                    opportunity to determine potential priority areas for CI.
                                                                                              Community Issues

                                                                   • Community center   • Support for              • Jobs                       After mapping
                                                                   • Scholarships                                  • HIV/AIDS                   potential risks and
                                                            High                        • Enterprise                                            opportunities, the
                                                                   • Training for women development                • Low skilled youth          company chose to
                                                                                                                   • Access to water            invest in the areas
                                     Level of Opportunity

                                                                   • Ecotourism            • Upgrading of temples • Protection of fishing and
                                                                                                                     farming livelihoods
                                                                   • Preservation of       • Primary education                                        High Priority
                                                            Med.   heritage sites                                 • Capacity building of
                                                                                           • Malaria                 traditional authorities          Medium Priority

                                                                                                                                                      Low Priority
                                                                   • Cultural activities    • Electrification      • Crime and security
                                                                   • Transportation         • Support to dairy     • Corruption
                                                            Low                                producers

                                                                          Low                        Med.                     High

                                                                                                 Level of Risk
                                    Identification of Risks and Opportunities

                                    Community engagement and planning processes typically reveal a set of
                                    development issues or areas that are important to local stakeholders. Using this as a
                                    starting point, map each issue against:

                                                        •	 the level of risk to the company (of not addressing this issue)

                                                        •	 the level of opportunity presented to address this issue (i.e., achievability in
                                                           terms of ease of execution and likelihood of success)

                                                                                                                                Level of Risk  Level of
Community                                                                                                                       (High, Medium, Opportunity (High,
Issues               Nature of Risk                                               Nature of Opportunity                         or Low)        Medium, or Low)
Prevalence of HIV/   The local incidence of HIV/AIDS                              The company can partner to support            High                       Medium
AIDS in the local    could constitute a risk to the                               the delivery of HIV/AIDS awareness,
area of operations   company’s workforce, affecting                               prevention, and treatment programs
                     productivity, costs, and morale.                             for employees and local communities
High rates of        High expectations for jobs combined                          Early phase investment in skills              High                       High
unemployment/        with low levels of education and skills                      training and entrepreneurship
lack of jobs         within local communities could fuel                          programs can increase the income-
                     frustration and anti-company sentiment                       earning prospects of local residents

Tool 5: Risk and Opportunity Screen                                                                                                                                     123
                                  How to Rank Risks and Opportunities

                                  For each identified risk, the company should assign a rating of high/medium/low.
                                  For consistency of ranking, it is important to establish a common definition of what
                                  high/medium/low ratings mean. Factors to consider include:

                                      •	 How great of a risk is posed to the company by this issue (whether it be in
                                         terms of project delays and disruptions, social license, or reputation)?

                                      •	 Is the issue considered high priority by a majority of local stakeholders or a
                                         select minority?

                                      •	 What is the probability or likelihood of a “risk event” should the need or issue
                                         not be addressed?

                                      •	 Has the issue received NGO or media attention?

                                  To rate the level of opportunity presented by each issue, assess according to potential
                                  “achievability”—that is, how easy it would be to execute through the company’s CI
                                  program. Assign a rating of high/medium/low. As with the risk rating, common criteria
                                  and definitions of ratings are needed. To determine the level of achievability, consider:

                                      •	 Are there potential partner organizations with sufficient expertise and
                                         implementation capacity?

                                      •	 Is the issue supported by government and included in local/regional/national
                                         development plans?

                                      •	 What is the estimated cost of the intervention?

                                      •	 How practical and/or easy is the activity to execute (i.e., can it be done readily
                                         by the company or a third-party)?

                                      •	 What is the potential for impact (i.e., ability of the intervention to result in
                                         broad-based benefits)?

                High                                     Medium                                     Low
Level of        •	 Easy to address through the CI        •	 Can be addressed through the CI         •	 May be addressed through CI, but difficult to
Achievability      program                                  program, but may be difficult to           execute
(capital)       •	 Partner organization is available        execute                                 •	 Major costs would be required relative to benefit
                   to implement                          •	 Cost of intervention is reasonable or   •	 The likelihood of high development impact is
                •	 Capacity to implement is                 on the slightly higher side relative       not certain, or is too costly to achieve, or may be
                   sufficient                               to benefit                                 influenced by other factors beyond the scope of
                •	 Cost of intervention is               •	 Development impact is still likely to      the company to address
                   reasonable relative to benefit           be relatively high
                •	 Intervention is likely to achieve a
                   high development impact

                                  It is also possible that some issues on the list should not be addressed through
                                  CI (for example, areas that fall into management of or compensation for project
                                  impacts, or are best addressed by government). These issues should be flagged as
                                  such and excluded from final consideration.

                                  As the final step, the combination of the initial risk rating plus the achievability
                                  rating will help determine whether or not the issue should be prioritized for
                                  company support through CI.

124                                                                                        Tool 5: Risk and Opportunity Screen
                                    Tool 6: Examples of Tools and Methods for
                                    Organizational Capacity Assessment*
 Name of the Tool/ Description
 Effective             Known as the McKinsey Capacity Assessment Grid, this tool is designed to help nonprofit organizations assess their
 Capacity              organizational capacity. The tool includes a description of seven elements of organizational capacity and their components.
 Assessment            Each variable of the grid is scored on a scale of 1 to 4. 	
 for Nonprofit         Pros and Cons: A clearly described, comprehensive capacity assessment tool. It is user friendly and can be easily adapted
 Organizations         for use in different types of organizations.  	
 (McKinsey and         	
 Company)              Web site: www.emcf.org/pdf/mckinsey_capacitytool.pdf
 Capacity              This is a brief questionnaire to assess the capacity of an NGO or partner organization. The assessment includes
 Assessment Tool       governance, management and financial practices, service delivery, organizational mission, and sustainability.	
 (CARE Somalia)        Pros and Cons: A short, simple checklist and rating format supplemented by a rating scale.
                       Web site: www.careinternational.org.uk/download.php?id=39
 Capacity Results The Capacity Results Framework is a tool to facilitate strategic thinking on capacity issues. The framework looks at the
 Framework (World three levels of capacity—individual, organizational, and institutional—and identifies current and desired levels of capacity.
 Bank Institute)  The assessment findings are used to define interventions to address gaps and to define indicators that can be jointly
                  monitored with stakeholders.  	
                  Pros and Cons: This briefing paper provides a useful framework for thinking about capacity development. It does not,
                  however, provide user guidance or details on how to adapt the framework to different contexts.  	
                  Web site: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTCDRC/Resources/CapacityBriefNo14.pdf
 Capacity              This is a set of tools that include a Capacity Assessment Practice Note and a User’s Guide. UNDP’s Capacity Assessment
 Assessment            Framework provides a comprehensive view of the issues that could be addressed in capacity assessment. The assessment
 Framework             process allows the user to develop a comprehensive work plan that specifies future capacities to be developed, strategies
 (UNDP)                and interventions to be used, specific targets and indicators, and cost estimates.	
                       Pros and Cons: The framework is interactive and very thorough. While the guidance is flexible enough to be used in
                       different contexts, the use of these materials is likely to require time and adaptation to the specific context—and some
                       advance work and planning. 	
                       Web site: www.undp.org/capacity/
 Participatory         This is an organizational capacity assessment tool to assess capacity and levels of consensus in organizations against
 Organizational        seven areas (human resource management, financial resource management, equitable participation, sustainability of
 Evaluation Tool       program benefits, partnerships, learning, and strategic management). The methodology involves bringing participants
 (UNDP)                together in cross-functional, cross-hierarchical groups for open exchange to identify divergent viewpoints to foster growth;
                       to create consensus around future organizational capacity development activities; and to select, implement, and track
                       organizational change and development strategies. 	
                       Pros and Cons: This self-assessment/group discussion approach is highly participatory. At the same time, it is relatively
                       time consuming and the potential flaws and risks of self-assessment need to be managed. 	
                       Web site: www.comminit.com/pdf/POET_UsersManual.pdf
 Organizational        This tool guides an organization through a capacity self-assessment based on a suggested ranking scale, and covers
 Capacity Self-        different stages of organizational functioning and management. As the end result, the tool provides an organization with
 Assessment            capacity development priorities and a training plan.	
 (Academy for          Pros and Cons: The tool is simple to use, can be adapted to different contexts, and can be completed relatively quickly.
 Educational           By design, however, this tool requires a knowledge facilitator to lead the discussion and assessment process. Flaws and
 Development)          risks related to the process of self-assessment need to be managed.	
                       Web site: www.aed-ccsg.org/resources/tools/IDAssess.doc

* Sources for this table:
A Brief Review of 20 Tools to Assess Capacity, UNDP, 2005, www.unpei.org/PDF/institutioncapacity/Brief-Review-20-Tools-to-Assess.pdf
Capacity Assessment Tools, Methodologies, Resources, Capacity For Disaster Reduction Initiative, www.unisdr.org/cadri/documents/

Tool 6: Examples of Tools and Methods for Organizational Capacity Assessment                                                                  125
                                     Tool 7: McKinsey Capacity Assessment Tool
                                     The Sample Organizational Capacity Assessment below is an extract from the
                                     McKinsey Capacity Assessment Tool.* As presented below, the template can be
                                     used by a company to assess the capacity of potential partners and/or as an input
                                     when developing a company’s capacity building plan (see Chapter 5 for more
                                     details). The company can also develop its own assessment based on the full
                                     description of the tool and the related capacity framework.

Capacity                                                                       Ranking
Components                                       (Interpret the text loosely; keep in mind that you are trying to score
                                                            the organization on a continuum of “1” to “4.”)
                 Clear need for                    Basic level of                   Moderate level of                High level of
                 increased capacity                capacity in place                capacity in place                capacity in place
Overall strategy •	 Strategy is either             •	 Strategy exists, but is       •	 Coherent strategy has         •	 Organization has clear,
                    nonexistent, unclear, or          either not clearly linked        been developed and is            coherent medium- to long-
                    incoherent (largely set of        to mission, vision, and          linked to mission and            term strategy that is both
                    scattered initiatives)            overarching goals, lacks         vision, but is not fully         actionable and linked to
                 •	 Strategy has no influence         coherence, or is not easily      ready to be acted upon           overall mission, vision, and
                    over day-to-day behavior          actionable                    •	 Strategy is mostly known         overarching goals
                                                   •	 Strategy is not broadly          and day-to-day behavior is    •	 Strategy is broadly known
                                                      known and has limited            partly driven by it              and consistently helps
                                                      influence over day-to-day                                         drive day-to-day behavior
                                                      behavior                                                          at all levels of organization
Goals/             •	   Targets are nonexistent    •	 Realistic targets exist in    •	 Quantified, aggressive        •	 Limited set of quantified,
performance             or few                        some key areas                   targets in most areas            genuinely demanding
targets            •	   Targets are vague, or      •	 Targets are mostly aligned    •	 Targets linked to                performance targets in
                        confusing, or either too      with aspirations and             aspirations and strategy         all areas
                        easy or impossible to         strategy                         and mainly focused on         •	 Targets are tightly linked
                        achieve                    •	 Targets may lack                 “outputs/outcomes” with          to aspirations and strategy,
                   •	   Targets are not clearly       aggressiveness, or be short      some “inputs”                    output/outcome-focused,
                        linked to aspirations and     term, lack milestones,        •	 Typically multiyear              have annual milestones,
                        strategy, and may change      be mostly focused on             targets, though may lack         and are long term
                        from year to year             “inputs,” or are often           milestones                    •	 Staff consistently adopts
                   •	   Targets largely unknown or    renegotiated                  •	 Targets are known and            targets and works
                        ignored by staff           •	 Staff may or may not know        adopted by most staff            diligently to achieve them
                                                      and adopt targets
Funding model      •	   Organization highly        •	 Organization has access       •	 Solid base of funders in      •	 Diversified funding across
                        dependent on a few            to multiple types of             most types of funding            multiple source types
                        funders, largely of same      funding (e.g., government,       sources                       •	 Organization insulated
                        type (e.g., government or     foundations, corporations)    •	 Organization has                 from potential market
                        foundations)                  with only a few funders          developed some                   instabilities (e.g., fully
                                                      in each type, or has many        sustainable revenue-             developed endowment)
                                                      funders within only one or       generating activity              and/or has developed
                                                      two types of funders                                              sustainable revenue-
                                                                                                                        generating activities
Performance        •	 Very limited measurement      •	 Performance partially        •	 Performance measured          •	 Well-developed and
measurement           and tracking of                  measured and progress           and progress tracked in          integrated system (e.g.,
                      performance                      partially tracked               multiple ways, several           balanced scorecard) used
                                                                                       times a year                     for measuring organization’s
                                                                                                                        performance and progress
                                                                                                                        on continual basis

* Accessible at www.vppartners.org/learning/reports/capacity/capacity.html

126                                                                           Tool 7: McKinsey Capacity Assessment Tool
Capacity                                                                        Ranking
Components                                        (Interpret the text loosely; keep in mind that you are trying to score
                                                             the organization on a continuum of “1” to “4.”)
                  Clear need for                   Basic level of                    Moderate level of                High level of
                  increased capacity               capacity in place                 capacity in place                capacity in place
Fundraising       •	 Generally weak fundraising •	 Main fundraising                  •	 Regular fundraising           •	 Highly developed internal
                     skills and lack of expertise    needs covered by some           •	 Needs adequately covered         fundraising skills and
                     (either internal or access to   combination of internal            by well-developed internal       expertise in all funding
                     external expertise)             skills and expertise, and          fundraising skills               source types to cover all
                                                     access to some external         •	 Occasional access to             regular needs
                                                     fundraising expertise              some external fundraising     •	 Access to external
                                                                                        expertise                        expertise for additional
                                                                                                                         extraordinary needs
Partnerships      •	 Limited use of partnerships •	 Early stages of building         •	   Effectively built and       •	 Built, leveraged, and
and alliances        and alliances with public      relationships and                     leveraged some key             maintained strong, high-
development          sector, nonprofit, or for-     collaborating with other              relationships with a few       impact relationships with
and nurturing        profit entities                for-profit, nonprofit, or             types of relevant parties;     variety of relevant parties
                                                    public sector entities                some relations may be       •	 Relationships deeply
                                                                                          precarious or not fully        anchored in stable, long-
                                                                                          “win-win”                      term, mutually beneficial
Local             •	 Organization’s presence         •	 Organization’s presence  •	       Organization reasonably     •	 Organization widely
community            either not recognized or           somewhat recognized,              well known within              known within the
presence and         generally not regarded             and generally regarded            the community, and             community, and perceived
involvement          as positive; few members           as positive within the            perceived as open and          as actively engaged with
                     of local community                 community; some                   responsive to community        and extremely responsive
                     constructively involved in         members of the community          needs; members of the          to it; many members of
                     the organization                   constructively engaged            community (including           the community (including
                                                        with the organization             a few prominent ones)          many prominent members)
                                                                                          constructively involved in     actively and constructively
                                                                                          the organization               involved in the
                                                                                                                         organization (e.g., board,
Organizational    •	 Limited set of processes        •	 Basic set of processes in    •	   Solid, well-designed set of •	 Robust, lean, and well-
processes use        (e.g., decision making,            core areas                        processes in place in core     designed set of processes
and                  planning, reviews)              •	 Processes known, used,            areas                          (e.g., decision making,
development       •	 Use of processes is                and truly accepted by only   •	   Processes known and            planning, reviews) in place
                     variable, or processes             portion of staff                  accepted by many, often        in all areas
                     are seen as ad hoc              •	 Limited monitoring and            used                        •	 Processes widely known,
                     requirements                       assessment of processes,     •	   Occasional monitoring and      used, and accepted
                  •	 No monitoring or                   with few improvements             assessment of processes,    •	 Continual monitoring
                     assessment of processes            made                              some improvements made         and assessment of
                                                                                                                         processes, and systematic
                                                                                                                         improvements made
Staffing levels   •	 Many positions are           •	 Most critical positions are     •	   Positions are almost all    •	 Positions are all fully
                     unfilled, inadequately          staffed (no vacancies),              staffed (no vacancies); few    staffed (no vacancies); no
                     filled, or experience high      and/or experience limited            turnover or attendance         turnover or attendance
                     turnover and/or poor            turnover or attendance               problems                       problems
                     attendance                      problems
Staff             •	 Staff drawn from a narrow •	 Some variety of staff              •	 Staff drawn from diverse      •	 Staff drawn from very
                     range of backgrounds and        backgrounds and                    backgrounds and                  diverse backgrounds and
                     experiences; interest and       experiences                        experiences, and bring a         experiences, and bring a
                     abilities limited to present •	 Good capabilities,                 broad range of skills            broad range of skills
                     job; little ability to solve    including some ability to       •	 Most are highly capable       •	 Most staff are highly
                     problems as they arise          solve problems as they             and committed to mission         capable in multiple roles,
                                                     arise                              and strategy; eager to           committed both to mission
                                                                                        develop and assume               and continuous learning
                                                                                        increased responsibility      •	 Most are eager and able
                                                                                                                         to take on special projects
                                                                                                                         and collaborate

Tool 7: McKinsey Capacity Assessment Tool                                                                                                      127
Capacity                                                                        Ranking
Components                                       (Interpret the text loosely; keep in mind that you are trying to score
                                                            the organization on a continuum of “1” to “4.”)
                   Clear need for                    Basic level of                     Moderate level of             High level of
                   increased capacity                capacity in place                  capacity in place             capacity in place
Decision-          •	 Decisions made largely on •	 Appropriate decision                                               •	 Clear, formal lines/
                                                                                        •	 Clear, largely formal lines/
making                an ad hoc basis by one            makers known; decision-            systems for decision          systems for decision
framework             person and/or whomever is         making process fairly well         making, but decisions are     making that involve as
                      accessible; highly informal       established and process            not always appropriately      broad participation as
                                                        is generally followed, but         implemented or followed       practical and appropriate
                                                        often breaks down and                                            along with dissemination/
                                                        becomes informal                                                 interpretation of decision
Physical and       •	 Inadequate physical            •	 Adequate physical               •	 Fully adequate physical    •	 Physical and technological
technological         and technological                 and technological                  and technological             infrastructure well tailored
infrastructure*       infrastructure, resulting in      infrastructure that can            infrastructure for the        to organization’s current
                      loss of effectiveness and         meet organization’s most           current organizational and    and anticipated future
                      efficiency (e.g., insufficient    important needs (e.g.,             communication needs           needs
                      workspace, limited number         basic telephone and fax         •	 Solid hardware and         •	 Well designed and
                      of telephone facilities)          facilities accessible to most      software; high usage of IT    thought out to enhance
                   •	 Limited/no use of                 staff)                             by staff                      organization’s efficiency
                      computers or other             •	 Equipment sharing is            •	 Infrastructure does not       and effectiveness
                      technology in day-to-day          common; satisfactory use           impede effectiveness and •	 Reliable telephone and
                      activity                          of IT infrastructure               efficiency                    fax facilities accessible by
                                                     •	 A number of improvements                                         all staff
                                                        could help increase                                           •	 Networked computing
                                                        effectiveness and efficiency                                     hardware with up-to-date
                                                        (e.g., individual voicemails,                                    software applications used
                                                        individual desks)                                                regularly by staff

* For the purposes of this capacity assessment template, physical and technological infrastructures have been merged into one.
McKinsey Capacity Grid looks at these dimensions separately.

128                                                                             Tool 7: McKinsey Capacity Assessment Tool
                                         Tool 8: Exit/Handover Strategy Template
                                         See Chapter 6 for further guidance on developing an exit or handover strategy
EXIT                 1. What elements of the CI project need to be sustained? Check all options that apply.
STRATEGY             —An activity or program                  —A benefit or benefit stream                          —An institution                                 
CONCEPT              —Funding                                       —A service                                                      —Management capacity
Engage with          —A facility or infrastructure             —None (because the project will naturally phase out)
communities,         2. Is the company going to be providing initial management or financial support or both?
local                —Yes   —No
government,          3. Will financial support be a one-time allocation or ongoing? If ongoing, specify anticipated duration.
and other
                     —One-time allocation                    —Ongoing
partners up front
                     4. Could the benefits be maintained without continued support from the company?
to get their input
and buy-in.          —Yes   —No
                     5. If answer above is “no,” reconsider company support for the activity. (For existing activities, consider “turnaround” measures
                     to make them more sustainable). If answer above is “yes” describe how? Are there other stakeholders that could take over and
                     sustain this benefit stream/activity (e.g., through community payments for services delivered, by the government taking over the
                     project, by another mechanism)? With what resources?
                     6. What kind of training and capacity building and/ or resources are required for this stakeholder to be able to take over and
                     sustain this activity?
                     7. What timeframe is needed for successful handover?
OPTIONS              8. Based on the above, which of the following exit / handover strategy approaches are most appropriate? Check all options that apply.

                     —Phasing down over time:
                     •	 Company reduces activity level/financing level over time—may be in preparation for phasing out or transferring responsibility
                     •	 Special challenges include: timing; sensitizing target population; maintaining benefit stream; building capacity of
                        organization taking over responsibilities; viability of activity with reduced company support; managing reputational risks

                     —Transfer of responsibility (handover):
                     •	 Successor institution identified that will continue providing activity or service
                     •	 Company assists successor institution in securing needed resources and delivery or management capacity
                     •	 Special challenges include: timing and transition; capacity building; whether scope, scale and quality of activities can
                        continue; viability of handover; managing reputational risks to company if handover is unsuccessful

                     —Phasing out:
                     •	 Company discontinues support and involvement
                     •	 No new sponsor is identified (or needed) to continue the activity
                     •	 Special challenges include: impacts on target population; safety net considerations; reputational risks from abrupt or poorly
                         planned and managed exit
WORK PLAN            9. Summarize the details of the approach(es) you have selected. This may include:
                     •	 Identifying, where possible, viable successor organization(s)
                     •	 Key activities and milestones
                     •	 Timetable (phasing if necessary)
                     •	 Training/capacity building/mentoring (technical, management, financial, reporting, fundraising, etc.)
                     •	 Equipment (if necessary)
                     •	 Financing (if additional external financial support is required)
                     •	 Community consultation/involvement during exit process
                     •	 Managing the special challenges (see #10)
                     •	 Identifying key milestones and indicators for the transition/exit (see #11)
                     The above will be more accurate if a successor organization has already been identified, which, ideally, will be the case.
MANAGING             10. Describe how the special challenges and risks (listed in #8) associated with the exit option(s) selected will be addressed.
RISKS                Include this in the work plan.
MONITORING           11. Describe how “degree of readiness” for the exit or handover will be tracked and assessed? Provide relevant indicators. The amount
                     of time, advance preparation, and capacity building required to ensure a viable transition/exit is almost always underestimated. Setting
                     key milestones and targets for handover is advisable for tracking progress and enabling mid-course adjustments where needed.	

                     Readiness indicators should include targets and be aligned with the exit strategy work plan. Examples include:
                     •	 Financial indicators that measure the extent to which the necessary financial resources are in place at predetermined time intervals
                        (e.g., by year X, the successor organization will have secured contributions from external actors in the amount of Y)
                     •	 Organizational capacity indicators that measure the progress in building capacity of partners to manage/take over the project
                        activities after the company’s exit/handover
                     •	 Activity indicators that measure the progress in delivering certain activities (e.g., training, development of partnerships,
                        external fundraising) that are part of the exit strategy work plan

Tool 8: Exit/Handover Strategy Template                                                                                                                       129
                                        Tool 9: Turnaround Strategy Template
                                        See Chapter 6 for further guidance on developing a turnaround strategy for
                                        unstrategic and/or unsustainable CI activities

PROBLEM ANALYSIS                  1. What are the problems facing the existing CI program? Check all options that apply.
                                  —projects are not sustainable if company withdraws
                                  —projects are not aligned with (new) CI strategy / do not support business objectives
                                  —lack of sufficient community involvement and ownership
                                  —gap between stakeholder expectations and CI results  
                                  —lack of capacity of implementing parties (internal/external)
                                  —creation of dependency relationship
                                  —ad hoc collection of different projects with lack of clear focus or impact
                                  —projects are not aligned with the company’s core competencies
                                  —projects are not demonstrating value vis-à-vis time and resources invested
                                  —external factors (e.g., project impacts, government change, local conflict, etc.)
                                  —other (please specify                                                             )
NEW CI STRATEGY:                  2. Summarize key aspects of the company’s new CI Strategy (objectives linked to the business case, guiding
OBJECTIVES, GUIDING               principles, eligibility criteria, alignment with core competencies) using the process set out in this guidance.
ASSESS AND                        3. Assess current CI portfolio in light of strategy set out in #2. Sort projects into three categories (and associated
CATEGORIZE CURRENT                sub-categories) based on their relevance to new CI objectives and principles.	
PORTFOLIO OF CI                   	
PROJECTS                          Green = high relevance to new strategy
                                  Yellow = possible relevance to new strategy
                                       —Can be continued, with redesign, to meet new strategy objectives
                                       —Objective remains relevant but implementation needs to be revisited
                                         (e.g., project implementation needs to be transferred to a competent
                                         local partner)
                                  Red = not relevant to new strategy
                                       —Stop immediately (e.g., activity is having negative effects or wasting significant resources)
                                       —Use phased approach to ceasing activity
                                       —Use phased approach to cease activity but replace with alternative
                                         (e.g., donation program that is very popular with the community but
                                         creating dependency/not aligned with new priorities. If stopped,
                                         needs to be replaced with another program delivering benefits but in a
                                         more sustainable manner and in consultation with local stakeholders.)
WORKPLAN FOR                      4. Develop a Turnaround Plan. Suggested components include:
TURNAROUND                        •	 Assessment of existing activities - consider each existing project separately in terms of how it needs to be
Effective engagement                 addressed, while keeping track of the CI program’s direction as a whole
of internal and external          •	 Engagement with external stakeholders to create local buy-in to the redesign process (e.g., be transparent and
stakeholders in the redesign         try to minimize any negative impacts on local communities)
process to gain their             •	 Engagement with internal stakeholders to create staff and management buy-in to the redesign process (e.g., be
understanding and support            transparent and be prepared to “sell” the new program to senior management based on internal business case
will be critical to the success      for the turnaround strategy)
of the turnaround.
                                  Based on engagement process:
                                  •	 Timeline for phasing out old projects and phasing in new ones (consider how best to do this with minimum
                                  •	 Identification of partners for existing, redesigned and/or new activities
                                  •	 Capacity building program for partners and/or communities
                                  •	 Transition process which prepares partners/successor organizations to take over and sustain existing programs in
                                     the medium to long term, and to be ready to take on new ones.
MONITORING PROGRESS Define indicators to be used to monitor progress of the turnaround strategy.
Indicators can be used to    •	 Status indicators (which measure program milestones and show progress against stated work plan objectives,
measure progress as well as     targets, and timelines given in #4 )
end results. Interim results •	 Company-community relations indicators (which show how turnaround activities are perceived by key
can be used for redesign        stakeholders and effect on local perceptions of the company )
purposes as necessary.

130                                                                                          Tool 9: Turnaround Strategy Template
                     Tool 10: Planning and Financial Valuation
                     Tool for Sustainability Investments
                     The Planning and Financial Valuation Tool (FV Tool) helps a company to measure
                     the financial return of its sustainability programs and to establish the value of risk
                     mitigated through such activities. Specifically, it aims to answer three questions:

                                                       1.	What is the optimal portfolio of sustainability investments for a given operation?

                                                       2.	How large an economic return back to the company can be expected from
                                                          such a portfolio?

                                                       3.	When is the ideal timeframe for making specific sustainability interventions?

                     The FV Tool can be used to assess the value of a company’s portfolio of CI programs
                     or to assess a broader spectrum of corporate investments in sustainability (e.g.,
                     biodiversity, workforce development, health, education, and so forth). Companies
                     can use this information to evaluate program effectiveness and to strategically
                     allocate financial resources to those programs with maximum positive impact for
                     both local communities and the business operation.

                     The FV Tool draws on a growing global database of CI programs from the collective
                     experiences of the extractives industry at the project or asset level (rather than the
                     company as a whole). The current version of the FV Tool is suited to oil, gas, and
                     mining projects; in the future, it will be adapted for other sectors.

                     How the Model Works

                     The Excel-based model* estimates the expected net present value of a specific project’s
                     sustainability investment portfolio over the lifespan of the project (i.e., mine or pipeline).

                                                                                              Company Risk Register

                                                                      Telecom                 Primary Education          Population Inflow        After mapping
                                                                      Electrification         Local Industry             Health Issues            potential risks and
                                                                                                                         Community Support
                      Opportunity for Company to Have Impact

                                                                                              Development                                         opportunities, the
                                                               High                           Land Footprint             Water and Land           company chose to
                                                                                                                                                  invest in the areas
                                                                                                                         Access to Water
                                                                                                                         Workforce Skills         circled

                                                                      Ecotourism              Carbon Intensity           Transportation
                                                                      Responsible Supply      Impact on Residents        Inflation                      High Priority
                                                                      Chain                   Climate Events             Housing
                                                               Med.                                                                                     Medium Priority

                                                                                                                                                        Low Priority

                                                                      Impact on Agriculture    Air Quality               Impact on Marine-life
                                                                      Ethnic Groups                                      Freshwater Pollution
                                                                      Unions                                             Bauxite Residue
                                                               Low                                                       Tenure over Land
                                                                                                                         Corruption - Political

                                                                               Low                      Med.                       High

                                                                                              Level of Risk to Company
                     * The model requires technical knowledge to set the input parameters. It is not a one-size-fits-all
                     approach; the model’s variables are configured per project.

Tool 10: Planning and Financial Valuation Tool for Sustainability Investments                                                                                           131
                              The application of the tool includes the following steps:

                                1.	Start with the asset/project’s existing financial model.

                                2.	Draw on the company’s existing analysis of project stakeholders, risks, and

                                3.	Conduct cost-benefit analyses of potential productivity gains from sustainability/
                                   community investments, such as training to switch from expatriate labor to a
                                   local labor force or an anti-malaria program that keeps the workforce and the
                                   community healthier. This is referred to as “value creation.”

                                4.	Analyze how much risk may be mitigated through such community investments
                                   by costing out the potential savings by reducing the frequency and intensity
                                   of negative events (i.e., delays in construction, disruptions in production, even
                                   likelihood of expropriation—all of which may be affected by local stakeholders’
                                   perceptions of the company). This is referred to as “value protection.”

                                5.	Based on the “value creation” and “value protection” analyses, a Monte Carlo
                                   simulation* is run to factor in randomness (not knowing if or when such costly
                                   “risk” events might occur).

                                6.	A range of probable net present value (NPV)** over the lifespan of the asset is the
                                   output, broken down by the contributions of specific community investments.

                                                                                                    Measure of the excess return (or Risk
                                                                                                    Premium) per unit of risk in an investment
            FV TOOL OUTPUT
              SUSTAINABILITY Switch Value               Value          Total SD/      Relative Sharpe Stand                  In % of Standard
              ISSUE                 Creation            Protection     CR Added       Share    Ratio Alone                   Project deviation
                                    NPV                 NPV            Value                          Standard               NPV     in % of
                                    Calculations        Calculations   (NPV)                          Deviations                     its Mean
Investment Initiatives         
selected      Workforce        on     259,509              21,861       281,370        12.90%       4.25        66,282       62.49%        23.56%
              Local Suppliers  on       72,538             10,930        83,469         6.45%       2.89        29,644       18.54%        35.52%
risk register
process       Health           on        6,292             13,663        22,688         8.06%       0.55        36,200        5.04%       159.56%
              Housing          on          797             13,663        14,460         8.06%       0.40        36,187        3.21%       250.25%
              Access to Water  on          -83             13,663        10,846         8.06%       0.38        36,187        2.41%       333.62%
              Electrification  on          -83              8,198        13,579         4.84%       0.37        21,712        3.02%       159.89%
              Legal            on         -525             10,930         7,672         6.45%       0.36        28,947        1.70%       377.28%
              Primary          on       -1,144             13,663        23,449         8.06%       0.35        36,182        5.21%       154.30%
              Community        on       -3,438             24,594         10,225       14.25%       0.32        65,125         2.27% 636.90%
              Resettlement     on       -3,357             8,198          10,305        4.84% 0.22             21,701          2.29% 210.58%
              Biodiversity     on       -6,909            16,396           6,754        9.68% 0.22             43,410          1.50% 642.73%
              Food Supply      on      -42,741            13,663         -34,542        8.06% -0.80            36,178         -7.67% -104.73%
              Total                  280,583             169,426        450,279         100%                  451,494
            Figures in	                                  Indirect
                               Direct cash savings or                   Total value created and protected     Standard deviation shows how much
            US $ thousands                               savings
                               revenue to company                       over lifespan of project              variation there is from the “average”
                                                         risk events                                          mean

                              * Monte Carlo simulation methods (or Monte Carlo experiments) are a class of computational
                              algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to compute their results. Monte Carlo methods
                              are useful for modeling phenomena with significant uncertainty in inputs, such as the calculation of
                              risk in business. (Source: Wikipedia)
                              ** The net present value (NPV) of a time series of cash flows, both incoming and outgoing, is
                              defined as the sum of the present values (PVs) of the individual cash flows. NPV is a central tool in
                              discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, and is a standard method for using the time value of money to
                              appraise long-term projects. (Source: Wikipedia)

132                    Tool 10: Planning and Financial Valuation Tool for Sustainability Investments
                                    The user can go through this exercise for two or more portfolios of sustainability
                                    investments to learn which approaches are more likely to yield greater value to the
                                    company over time.

EXAMPLE: Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Community Investment - Workforce
Cost Drivers                                                     Benefits Drivers
•	 Cost of baseline studies                                      •	 Labor cost savings during construction and operations, derived from:
•	 Fully loaded annual salaries (average)	                          –– Annual salary savings for foreign and expatriate worker
   % Full-time employees                                            –– % of labor force without sustainability objectives
   –– Company staff (+ travel costs)                                   (SCENARIO A) in construction and operations
   –– Local human resources                                            »» # Local
   –– Average local salaries (blue and white collar)                   »» #Foreign
•	 Local literacy rate; # of adults to be trained                      »» #Expatriate
•	 Cost of training; # employees to be trained                      –– % of labor force with sustainability objectives (SCENARIO B)
   –– Pre-employment training per employee
   –– Vocational training per employee
   –– Technical training (e.g., seconded employees)
   –– Continuous training per employee (% of salary)

Cash Flow Basis
Phase             Pre-Feasibility           Feasibility       Construction             Operations (per year)    Closure
Costs             -1.487                    -6.996              -2.059                      -332                -501
Benefits                                                      172.019                    20.135

                             Direct NPV= $247,369K (over lifetime of the project)

                                    Lessons to date:

                                       •	 The FV Tool brings together different business units across the company
                                          to mine employees’ judgment and expertise in the areas of corporate
                                          responsibility, risk, finance, human resources, law, and asset management.

                                       •	 The added rigor and embedded stakeholder engagement leads to greater local
                                          development impact from a company’s investments.

                                       •	 Early findings suggest that it may make good business sense for companies to
                                          consider investing in communities earlier than is traditionally accepted.


                                    The tool aims to incorporate sustainability investments into the core of a company’s
                                    project planning process. This is not just an academic exercise; it fosters community
                                    development through an incentive structure that is consistent with a company’s
                                    bottom line.


                                    The FV Tool is being developed as a partnership comprising IFC, Rio Tinto Alcan,
                                    Deloitte, and MIGA, with support from the Government of Norway. More
                                    information is available at: www.commdev.org.

Tool 10: Planning and Financial Valuation Tool for Sustainability Investments                                                      133
Useful References
General Toolkits/Resources

1.	 IFC CommDev (Oil, Gas, and Mining Sustainable Community Development
    Fund), www.commdev.org

2.	 Getting it Right: Making Corporate-Community Relations Work, Zandvliet, L.,
    and Anderson, M., CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, 2009

3.	 Creating Successful, Sustainable Social Investment, IPIECA (International
    Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association), 2008,

4.	 Socio-Economic Assessment Toolbox (SEAT), Anglo American plc, 2003,

5.	 RuralInvest Toolkit, Food and Agriculture Organization, 2006,

6.	 Community Development Toolkit, ESMAP (Energy Sector Management
    Assistance Program), World Bank, and ICMM (International Council on Mining
    and Metals), 2005,

7.	 Investing in People: Sustaining Communities through Improved Business
    Practice, A Community Development Resource Guide for Companies,
    International Finance Corporation, 2000, www.ifc.org

8.	 The Effectiveness of World Bank Support for Community-Based and -Driven
    Development, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, 2005,

9.	 Good Practice Note: Addressing the Social Dimensions of Private Sector Projects,
    Number 3, International Finance Corporation, 2003,

10.	Community Engagement and Development Handbook, Australian Government
    Department of Industry, Tourism and Resources, 2006,

Business Context

1.	 Development Without Conflict: The Business Case for Community Consent,
    World Resources Institute, 2007, www.wri.org

2.	 Briefing Note: A Systematic Approach to Project Social Risk & Opportunity
    Management, Engineers Against Poverty,

3.	 Briefing Note: Modifying Project Opportunities and Risk Analysis for Enhanced
    Social Performance, Engineers Against Poverty and Overseas Development
    Institute, www.odi.org.uk/resources/download/1420.pdf

4.	 Market Movers—Lessons from a Frontier of Innovation, International
    Finance Corporation and SustainAbility, 2007, www.ifc.org/ifcext/enviro.nsf/

      Capacity Building

      1.	 Capacity Development (web portal), UNDP, www.undp.org/capacity/

      2.	 A Brief Review of 20 Tools to Assess Capacity, UNDP, 2005,

      3.	 Capacity Assessment Methodology Users Guide, Capacity Development Group,
          Bureau for Development Policy, UNDP, 2008, http://content.undp.org/go/cms-

      4.	 Capacity Building for Local NGOs: A Guidance Manual for Good Practice,
          Progressio, 2005, www.ciir.org/Templates/Internal.asp?NodeID=91674

      5.	 Effective Capacity Building in Nonprofit Organizations, McKinsey & Company,
          2001, www.vppartners.org/learning/reports/capacity/capacity.html


      1.	 Global Reporting Initiative, www.globalreporting.org/home

      2.	 Strategic Communication for Community-Driven Development (CDD): A
          practical guide for project managers and communication practitioners (draft),
          World Bank, 2004, www.commdev.org/files/1939_file_stratcomm_CDD.pdf

      Conflict and Grievance Management

      1.	 Addressing Grievances from Project-Affected Communities, International
          Finance Corporation, 2009, www.ifc.org/ifcext/sustainability.nsf/

      2.	 A Guide to Designing and Implementing Grievance Mechanisms for
          Development Projects, Office of the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman,
          International Finace Corporation, 2008,

      3.	 Company-Led Approaches to Conflict Resolution in the Forest Sector, Wilson, E.,
          The Forests Dialogue, 2009, www.iied.org/pubs/pdfs/G02510.pdf

      4.	 Conflict-Sensitive Business Practice: Guidance for Extractive Industries,
          International Alert, 2005, www.international-alert.org/pdfs/conflict_sensitive_

      5.	 Community Development and Local Conflict: A Resource Document for
          Practitioners in the Extractive Sector (Draft), CommDev, 2008,

      6.	 Human Rights in the Mining and Metals Industry: Handling and Resolving Local
          Level Concerns and Grievances, ICMM (International Council on Mining and
          Metals), 2009, www.icmm.com/page/14809/human-rights-in-the-mining-and-


1.	 Why Gender Matters. A Resource Guide for Integrating Gender Considerations
    into Communities Work at Rio Tinto, 2009, www.riotinto.com/documents/

2.	 Women, Communities, and Mining: The Gender Impacts of Mining and
    the Role of Gender Impact Assessment, Oxfam, 2009, www.oxfam.org.au/

3.	 Promising Approaches to Engendering Development (web portal), The World
    Bank Group, http://go.worldbank.org/ECX6CB6JR0

Monitoring and Measurement

1.	 The sdEffect™: Translating Sustainable Development Into Financial Valuation
    Measures—A Pilot Analytical Framework, Yachin & Associates, Sustainable
    Investment Group Ltd., and Corporate Knights Inc., 2006,

2.	 Measuring Value: A Guide to Social Return on Investment (SROI), New
    Economics Foundation, 2009,

3.	 Managing Risk and Maintaining License to Operate: Participatory Planning
    and Monitoring in the Extractive Industries, Parker, R., and Dakin, R., Business-
    Community Synergies, 2008,

4.	 London Benchmarking Group, www.lbg-online.net/index.php/lbg

5.	 Measuring Impact Framework, World Business Council for Sustainable
    Development, 2008, www.commdev.org/content/document/detail/2184/


1.	 The Partnership Assessment Tool (web site), United Nations Global Compact,

2.	 Partnering for Development—Making It Happen, UNDP, 2006,

3.	 The Role of the Private Sector in Expanding Economic Opportunity through
    Collaborative Action, Harvard Initiative, 2007, www.hks.harvard.edu/mrcbg/

4.	 Partnering for Success. Business Perspectives on Multi-Stakeholder
    Partnerships, World Economic Forum, 2005, www.weforum.org/pdf/ppp.pdf

5.	 Building Alliances Series (web portal), USAID,

6.	 The Partnering Toolbook, International Business Leaders Forum, 2004, http://

      Stakeholder Engagement/Community Engagement

      1.	 Stakeholder Engagement: A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing
          Business in Emerging Markets, International Finance Corporation, 2007,

      2.	 Community-Driven Development Decision Tools for Rural Development
          Programmes, International Fund for Agricultural Development, 2009,

      3.	 Breaking Ground: Engaging Communities in Extractive and Infrastructure
          Projects, World Resources Institute, 2009,

      4.	 From Words to Action: The Stakeholder Engagement Manual, UNEP,
          Accountability, and Stakeholder Research Associates, 2006,

      5.	 Tools for Development—A handbook for those engaged in development
          activity, Department for International Development, 2003,

      6.	 The World Bank Participation Source Book, World Bank,

      7.	 Guide to Engaging with NGOs, Business for Social Responsibility, 2001,

1	   Zandvliet, L., and Anderson, M. B., Getting it Right: Making Corporate-Community
     Relations Work, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, published by Greenleaf Publishing
     Limited, 2009
2	   Zandvliet, L., and Anderson, M. B., Getting it Right: Making Corporate-Community
     Relations Work, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, published by Greenleaf Publishing
     Limited, 2009
3	   Corporate Responsibility Report, ArcelorMittal, 2008, www.arcelormittal.com
4	   Sources for this graphic:
	    Ayine, D., “Social Responsibility Agreements in Ghana’s Forestry Sector,” Developing
     Legal Tools for Citizen Empowerment Series, IIED, 2008, www.iied.org/pubs/
	    “Sino Gold in Chinese Agreements,” www.miningenvironmental.com/legal-brief/sino-
	    Levi Strauss Foundation, www.levistrauss.com/Citizenship/LeviStraussFoundation/
	    Ashley, C., Supply and Distribution Chains of Multinationals: Harnessing their Potential
     for Development, Overseas Development Institute, 2009, www.odi.org.uk/resources/
	    National Interpretation RSPO Principles and Criteria for Sustainable Palm Oil Production
     for Oil Palm Smallholders (Republic of Indonesia), Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil,
     2007, www.rspo.org
	    Lutalo, M., “The Wellness Program of Serena Hotels, Kenya—A Case Study,” World
     Bank, 2007, www.ifc.org/ifcext/aids.nsf/AttachmentsByTitle/The+Wellness+Program+of
5	   Development Without Conflict: The Business Case for Community Consent, World
     Resources Institute, 2007, http://pdf.wri.org/development_without_conflict_fpic.pdf
6	   “Planning and Financial Valuation Model for Sustainability Investments,” Presentation,
     2009, http://commdev.org/content/document/detail/2596/
7	   Nestlé – Creating Shared Value, www2.nestle.com/CSV/Pages/CSV.aspx
8	   Sources for this box:
	    Business in the Community, www.bitc.org.uk/community/communitymark/
	    Nestlé – Creating Shared Value, www2.nestle.com/CSV/Pages/CSV.aspx
	    Dialog Telekom PLC Sustainability Report 2008, www.dialog.lk/content/uploads/pdfs/
	    Fundación Wong, www.fundacionwong.org
9	   Sources for this graphic:
	    Deutsche Bank Corporate Social Responsibility, www.db.com/csr/en/content/7238_7240.
	    Nestlé in the Community, www.community.nestle.com/primary-education/asia/
	    “Microsoft, Aga Khan to Launch Tech Centers,” www.dailytimes.com.pk
	    Harnessing Core Business for Development Impact, Overseas Development Institute,
     2009, odi.org.uk/resources/download/2714.pdf
	    Khimti Neighborhood Development Project, UNDP, www.undp.org.np/pdf/projectdocs/
 	   Sutton, N.C., and Jenkins, B., “The Role of the Financial Services Sector in Expanding
     Economic Opportunity,” Economic Opportunity Series, Harvard University, 2007, www.
	    Apollo Tyres, www.apollotyres.com/india_commuinity_aids_business.htm

      10	 Dialog Telekom Corporate Responsibility Report, 2007
      11	 For more detailed guidance on stakeholder identification and analysis, please refer to
          Stakeholder Engagement: A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business in
          Emerging Markets, IFC, 2007, www.ifc.org/sustainability
      12	 Sources for this section:
      	    “Participatory Approaches to Increasing Women’s Voice in CDD Projects:
           Examples from Indonesia,” Promising Approaches to Engendering Development,
           World Bank, 2004, http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTGENDER/Resources/
      	    Why Gender Matters. A Resource Guide for Integrating Gender Considerations into
           Communities Work at Rio Tinto, Rio Tinto, 2009, www.riotinto.com/documents/
      13 	 Sources for this section:
      	    The Effectiveness of World Bank Support for Community-Based and -Driven
           Development, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, 2005, http://go.worldbank.
      	    “CDD and Elite Capture: Reframing the Conversation,” Social Development How to
           Series, World Bank, 2008, http://go.worldbank.org/414DCE1FE0
      	    Making Services Work for Poor People, World Development Report, 2004,
      14	 Sources for this section:
      	    Community-Driven Development in the Context of Conflict –Affected Countries:
           Challenges and Opportunities, Social Development Department, World Bank, 2006,
      	    “Clarifying Challenges in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings,” Social Development How
           to Series, World Bank, 2008, http://go.worldbank.org/414DCE1FE0
      15	 Sources for this section:
      	    Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals, and Sustainable Development, International
           Institute for Environment and Development, 2002, www.iied.org/pubs/pdfs/9084IIED.pdf
      	    Scaling Up Local and Community Driven Development (LCDD). A
           Real World Guide to Its Theory and Practice, World Bank, 2009,
      	    Ensminger, J., Getting to the Bottom of Corruption: A Case Study in Community Driven
           Development, California Institute of Technology, 2007, commdev.org/content/document/
      16	 Sources for this section:
      	    The Effectiveness of World Bank Support for Community-Based and -Driven
           Development, Independent Evaluation Group, World Bank, 2005,
      	    Wright-Revolledo, K., Supporting the Capacity of Organizations at Community Level: An
           Exploration of Issues, Methods, and Principles of Good Practice, INTRAC, 2007,
      17	 Adapted from Annual and Sustainability Report, Aracruz Cellulose, 2008, www.aracruz.
      18	 Sources for this section:
      	    Participatory Rural Appraisal, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Participatory_rural_appraisal
      	    Chambers, R., Rural Appraisal: Rapid, Relaxed and Participatory, Discussion Paper 311,
           Institute of Development Studies, 1992, community.eldis.org/.59b4ab37/Dp311.pdf
      	    Serrat, O., Social Network Analysis, Asian Development Bank, 2009, www.adb.org/
      	    Elliot, C., Locating the Energy for Change: An Introduction to Appreciative Inquiry,
           International Institute for Sustainable Development, 1999,

	    Ashford, G., and Patkar, S., The Positive Path: Using Appreciative Inquiry in Rural Indian
     Communities, Department for International Development, International Institute for
     Sustainable Development, MYRADA, 2001,
19	 Annual Report 2008 (Letter to Shareholders), Newmont Mining Corporation,
20	 Stakeholder Engagement: A Good Practice Handbook for Companies Doing Business in
    Emerging Markets, IFC, 2007, www.ifc.org/sustainability
21	 Adapted from the following sources:
	    Creating Successful, Sustainable Social Investment, IPIECA, 2008, www.ipieca.org/
	    Zandvliet, L., and Anderson, M. B., Getting it Right: Making Corporate-Community
     Relations Work, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, published by Greenleaf Publishing
     Limited, 2009
22	 Zandvliet, L., and Anderson, M. B., Getting it Right: Making Corporate-Community
    Relations Work, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, published by Greenleaf Publishing
    Limited, 2009
23	 Biswas, P., Finan, T., A Sustainable Livelihoods Assessment and Community Development
    Planning: A Guidebook Prepared for Enterprise for Development International (EFDI) and
    Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL), Tango International, 2006
24	 Newmont Ghana, www.newmontghana.com
25	 Lonmin staff and Lessons Learned Lonmin, IFC, 2009
26	 DFID Guidance Sheets on Livelihoods Approaches, Eldis: Livelihoods Connect, www.
27	 Biswas, P., Finan, T., A Sustainable Livelihoods Assessment and Community Development
    Planning: A Guidebook Prepared for Enterprise for Development International (EFDI) and
    Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL), Tango International, 2006
28	 Sanginga, P., Chitsike, C., The Power of Visioning, A Handbook for Facilitating the
    Development of Community Action Plans, Enabling Rural Innovation in Africa, 2005,
29	 “Social Networks: Veracel Celulose,” IDIS, 2009, www.idis.org.br/library/cases/social-
30	 Sources for this example:
	    Veracel Sustainability Report, 2008, www.veracel.com.br/shared/relatorio2008_27agro.pdf
	    “Social Networks: Veracel Celulose,” IDIS, 2009, www.idis.org.br/library/cases/social-
31	 Consolidated Report on Sustainable Livelihoods Assessments and Community
    Development Plans for Selected Communities in Delta, Rivers, Bayelsa, Ondo, and Imo
    States, Chevron Nigeria Ltd., 2007
        ces for ­­­­­­­
32	 Sour­­­     this­­graphic:
	    IFC’s Revenue Management Program, www.ifc.org/ifcext/lac.nsf/Content/Corporate_
	    Kinross Maricunga staff and www.comunidadcolla.cl
	    DFCU Bank staff and Creating Opportunities for Women, IFC, www.ifc.
	    BHP Billiton Sustainability Summary Report, 2009, www.bhpbilliton.com/
33	 IFC’s Revenue Management Program, www.ifc.org/ifcext/lac.nsf/Content/Corporate_
    Advice and MIM program (the Web site in Spanish), www.mim.org.pe
34	 UNDP Capacity Development Practice Note, 2008, content.undp.org/go/cms-service/

      35	 Adapted from UNDP Capacity Development Practice Note, 2008, content.undp.org/go/
      36	 Gibbon, M., Labonte, R., and Laverack, G., “Evaluating community capacity,” Health and
          Social Care in the Community 10 (5), 2002, portals.wdi.wur.nl/files/docs/ppme/HSC_388.
      37	 Root Change, www.rootchange.org
      38	 Excerpted from Environmental and Social Performance Annual Monitoring Report,
          Montana Exploradora de Guatemala, 2007, www.goldcorp.com/_resources/project_pdfs/
      39	 Consolidated Report on Sustainable Livelihoods Assessments and Community
          Development Plans for Selected Communities in Delta, Rivers, Bayelsa, Ondo, and Imo
          States, Chevron Nigeria Ltd., 2007
      40	 Coca Cola Community Water Programs, www.thecoca-colacompany.com/citizenship/
      41	 BG Group Social Performance Standard and Social Investment Guidelines
      42	 Zandvliet, L., and Anderson, M. B., Getting it Right: Making Corporate-Community
          Relations Work, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, published by Greenleaf Publishing
          Limited, 2009
      43	 “Special Issue: Community Investment,” Ethical Corporation, 2008, http://commdev.org/
      44	 Zandvliet, L., and Anderson, M. B., Getting it Right: Making Corporate-Community
          Relations Work, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, published by Greenleaf Publishing
          Limited, 2009
      45	 Creating Successful, Sustainable Social Investment, IPIECA, 2008, www.ipieca.org/
      46	 Sources for this example:
      	    Khimti Neighborhood Development Project, UNDP, www.undp.org.np/pdf/projectdocs/
      	    Increasing Access to Electricity and Community Development: Khimti Neighborhood
           Development (KiND) Project in Nepal, UNDP, www.undp.org/partners/business/resources/
      	    Presentation at Annual Local Networks Forum, UN Global Compact, 2009,
      47	 Lihir Gold Sustainable Development, www.lglgold.com/asp/index.asp?pgid=10662
      48	 Zandvliet, L., and Anderson, M. B., Getting it Right: Making Corporate-Community
          Relations Work, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, published by Greenleaf Publishing
          Limited, 2009
      49	 Sources for this table:
      	    Creating Successful, Sustainable Social Investment, IPIECA, 2008
      	    The Role of the Private Sector in Expanding Economic Opportunity through Collaborative
           Action, Harvard University CSR Initiative, Economic Opportunity Program, 2007, www.

50	 Sources for this graphic:
	    BTC/SCP Georgia Community Investment Programme and Improved Schools Programme
     Final Evaluation, Environmental Resources Management, 2006
	    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Project Community Investment Plan Final, 2003, www.commdev.org/
	    Cargill Cares Councils, www.cargill.com/corporate-responsibility/cargill-volunteers/cargill-
	    Newmont Ghana, www.newmontghana.com
	    Partnering for Success, World Economic Forum, 2005, www.weforum.org/pdf/ppp.pdf
	    Environmental and Social Performance Annual Monitoring Report, Montana Exploradora
     de Guatemala, 2007, www.goldcorp.com/_resources/project_pdfs/marlin/AMR_
51	 Sources for this table:
	    Creating Successful, Sustainable Social Investment, IPIECA, 2008, www.ipieca.org/
	    The Role of the Private Sector in Expanding Economic Opportunity through Collaborative
     Action, Harvard University CSR Initiative, Economic Opportunity Program, 2007, www.
52	 Consolidated Report on Sustainable Livelihoods Assessments and Community
    Development Plans for Selected Communities in Delta, Rivers, Bayelsa, Ondo, and Imo
    States, Chevron Nigeria Ltd., 2007
53	 BTC/SCP Georgia Community Investment Programme and Improved Schools Programme
    Final Evaluation, Environmental Resources Management, 2006
54	 Various project documents and the project team from COTCO (a consortium of
    companies and governments of Cameroon and Chad operating the Chad-Cameroon
    pipeline) and IFC
55	 www.ge.com/citizenship/news_features/features_community_building.jsp
56	 Suezan, L., Public-Private Partnerships for Development. A Handbook for Business,
    USAID, 2006, www.issuelab.org/research/public_private_partnerships_for_
	    Partnering for a Better World, United Nations, business.un.org/en
57	 Sources for this example:
	    “Conceptual Picture of Partnership Models Implemented in the Eastern Limb to Support
     a Developmental State,” Presentation to World Bank Representatives, 2009
	    Smith, G.L., Dalomba, F.A.C., and Andersen, D.C., “The Challenges of Infrastructure
     Development in the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex of South Africa,” Third
     International Platinum Conference ‘Platinum in Transformation,’ The Southern African
     Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2008, www.platinum.org.za/Pt2008/Papers/367-374_
58	 “Community Investment Award Winner (2009): Standard Chartered Bank,” www.
59	 Leadership, Accountability and Partnership: Critical Trends and Issues in Corporate Social
    Responsibility, Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government, 2004, www.hks.
60	 Sources for this section:
	    Adapted from Putting Partnering to Work, Business Partners for Development, 2002,
	    Malena, C., “Strategic Partnership: Challenges and Best Practices in the Management
     and Governance of Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships Involving UN and Civil Society
     Actors,” Background paper prepared by for the Multi-Stakeholder Workshop on
     Partnerships and UN-Civil Society Relations, 2004, www.un-ngls.org/orf/partnership-

      61	 Adapted from Profiles of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Practices of Philippine
          Mining Firms, prepared and written by the Mines and Geosciences Bureau and Hubo
          C.L., The University of Asia and the Pacific, 2003, http://siteresources.worldbank.org/
      62	 Sources for this box:
      	    Standard Charted, www.standardchartered.com/sustainability/community-investment/
      	    Engro Food Pakistan and UNDP Partnership, http://business.un.org/en/browse/
      	    Starbucks Community Involvement Program, www.starbucks.com/sharedplanet/index.
      63	 Community Investment Indicators, 2008, www.commdev.org/content/document/
      64	 Sources for this box:
      	    Rio Tinto staff and www.riotinto.com/ourapproach/17215_communities_17356.asp
      	    Petrobras Social and Environmental Report, 2008, www2.petrobras.com.br/
      	    Association Los Andes de Cajamarca (ALAC) staff and ALAC’s Web site at www.
      65	 Building a Sustainable Future, APRIL, 2008, www.aprilasia.com/images/Updates/
      66	 Parker, R., Dakin, R., Managing Risk and Maintaining License to Operate: Participatory
          Planning and Monitoring in the Extractive Industries, Business-Community Synergies,
          2008, commdev.org/content/document/detail/2037
      67	 Why Gender Matters. A Resource Guide for Integrating Gender Considerations
          into Communities Work at Rio Tinto, 2009, www.riotinto.com/documents/
      68	 Why Gender Matters. A Resource Guide for Integrating Gender Considerations
          into Communities Work at Rio Tinto, 2009, www.riotinto.com/documents/
      69	 Dialog Telekom staff and Enabling an Information Society, Dialog Telecom PLC
          Sustainability Report, 2008, www.dialog.lk/content/uploads/pdfs/sustainability_
      70	 McKinsey Global Survey Results: Valuing corporate social responsibility, McKinsey &
          Company, 2009, http://commdev.org/files/2393_file_McKQ_Valuing_Corporate_Social_
      71	 The sdEffect™: Translating Sustainable Development Into Financial Valuation Measures
          A Pilot Analytical Framework, Yachnin & Associates, Sustainable Investment Group Ltd.,
          and Corporate Knights Inc., 2006, www.sdeffect.com/sdEffectFeb2006.pdf
      72	 Adapted from Zandvliet, L., and Anderson, M. B., Getting it Right: Making Corporate-
          Community Relations Work, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects, published by Greenleaf
          Publishing Limited, 2009
      73	 Sources for this table:
      	    “Planning and Financial Valuation Model for Sustainability Investments,” Presentation,
           2009, www.commdev.org/content/document/detail/2557
      	    A Guide to Social Return on Investment, New Economics Foundation, 2009, www.
      	    The sdEffect™: Translating Sustainable Development Into Financial Valuation Measures
           A Pilot Analytical Framework, Yachnin & Associates, Sustainable Investment Group Ltd.,
           and Corporate Knights Inc., 2006, www.sdeffect.com/sdEffectFeb2006.pdf

This handbook updates and expands upon the learning in IFC’s 2000 community development
resource guide, Investing in People: Sustaining Communities through Improved Business
Practice. It was produced in response to demand from companies for updated how-to
guidance and current good practice approaches.

The handbook was prepared by the Global Community Investment team within IFC’s
Advisory Services: Debra Sequeira, Team Leader, and Maria Arsenova, with support from
Root Change, Environmental Resources Management, Overseas Development Institute,
and Social Capital Group. We would also like to acknowledge CDA Collaborative Learning
Projects, whose insights and materials are cited frequently in the handbook.

There are numerous contributors to thank for providing content and guidance, including:
Flavio Flores Acevedo, Javier Aguilar, Caroline Ashley, Diana Baird, Evan Bloom, Jacqueline
Bueso-Merriam, John Butler, Nick Cotts, Alan Dabbs, Aidan Davy, Joseph Danso, Jeffrey
Davidson, Michael De Soyza, Rodrigue Djahlin, Edouard Djeengue, Dennis Fleming, Jacob
Gray, Ramanie Kunanyagam, Claudia Liebler, Gary McMahon, Tunde Morakinyo, Ted Pollett,
Guillermo Rivero, Kate Stevens, Jorge Villegas, Hannfried von Hindenburg, and Luc Zandvliet.
A special thank you goes to Toshi Masuoka, Sujata Lamba, Monika Weber-Fahr, Houria
Sammari, and Dafna Tapiero for championing this effort, and to Veronica Nyhan Jones and
Arjun Bhalla for their contributions and support throughout the process.

Thanks are also due to those who offered valuable comments and other support to the
team on various drafts during the peer review process, including: Chris Anderson, Jennifer
Barsky, Cyrille Bellier, Hannah Buckley, Kerry Connor, Karla Diaz Clarke, Leyla Day, Juan Jose
Dada, Alexis Diamond, Fiorella Facello, Rashanikka Fowler, Robert Gerrits, Lucie Giraud, Anna
Hidalgo, Amar Inamdar, Liane Aste Londe, Paula Luff, Larissa Luy, Rajiv Maher, Adel Malebana,
Shaun Mann, Sofie Fleischer Michaelsen, Peter Neame, Julia Nelson, Carmen Niethammer,
Roman Novozhilov, Daniel Owen, Rani Parker, Remi Pelon, Soren Petersen, Justin Pooley,
Sergut Selassie, Colin Shepherd, Ananthy Thambinayagam, Robin Weisman, Claire White,
Elizabeth Wild, Bruce Wise, Duval Zambrano, Shaza Zeinelabdin, Rong Zhang, and Wenlei

The publication was edited by Daria Steigman and designed by Ryan Clennan and Amy Orr
of Studio Grafik. Printing of this publication was made possible through funding provided by
the Government of Norway.
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