LOAN NUMBER 3- Guarantee Agreement (Maria Cristina Project) BETWEEN REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES AND INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT DATED NOVEMBER 7, 1962 LOAN NUMBER i? P? Guarantee Agreement (Maria Cristina Project) BETWEEN REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES AND INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT DATED NOVEMBER 7, 1962 Marate Agreetrtt AGREEMENT, dated November 7, 19612, bCtween REPUBL o OF THE IHLIPPINRs (hereiafter called the Ouarantor) and INTERNATIONAL iBANK FoR ECONSTIU 'CTI> N A N1) D E?LOPM E NT (hercinafter called 1the Bank). IEKEAS by an agieeieiit of even (Li te h,-rewith between the Bank aind National Power Corporation (hereinafter called the BorAower) whilch agreemnent and the sclied-les therein referred to arc, hereina fter called the Loan Agrec- nicf, tie Bank has agreed to make to the iBorrower a loan in various currencies equivalent to Ihree million seven hundred thousand dollars ($3,700,000) on the terns and coniditiois set forth in the Loan Agreement, but only on condition that the Guariantor agrev to guarantee the obli- gations of the Borrower in respect of sucli loan as here- inafter provided; and WirEREAs the Guarantor, in consideration of the Bank's entering into 1ie Loan Agreenient with the Borrower, has agreed so to guarantee such obligations of the Borrower; INow TlERErt 10 e parties bereto hereby agrec as follows: ARTICLE I Sicc'rou *N 1.01. T1 paftic s to 1his Guarantee Agreement accept ai l th e provisionis of loni R,gulations No. 4 of tho Bauk dated February 15, 1961 (said Lm-m Regulations No. 4 being hereinafter called tie Loan Regulations), with the smne force and effect as if flhey were fully set forth herein. S )ers 1 .02. Wherev er used in this Agreement, uless thie confflext. shal.Il othelrwise requ1irFe, tic several t11eri de- finet1 in the Lon Agreement sial Iave tie respective lmeanings therein set forth. 4 ARTICLE II 8I«[',r)N 2.01. W itilOlut lillitn ion r rest or 1sriciion any of the olher coveIanls oil its pii in this Agreemenlt con- tained, fhe Guarannf t hre by ulncolnditionlly gurtees, as primary obligor Ind not as sIrety meel, te due ald Imun'tlal payment of the prineild of , and tHe i nh rest .1nd er clarwges oil, tlLn, the priencipl of ail ind rest on hlie Bous, thl prmiun, il anly, wn 1he prepaynyllt of 11he Loan or the reeljulption o tlh ods, Hwa fitæ ter 1gllar- nte'es the ptIehual ()Inof .1lhe11 c ovenan and greemeOts 0f tl(, B rrow r i tlle territis of o i, i (H h - n I llt, al s set forfl in tH 2 A \grIeie t 1111 ill Hw l~li 1,. M;«.1 rN > ' 2.02. Wi Juh i t li ii 11 t il)] r rest iet ricion uøn1 h 1)1r\ iSionIs of Setion (> l of1 ut Ihis A igremnt , the Guara tntour spleiIi(elyt umlertks, w henever tre is reisona;bl r vnos for erying 0ut th1le Proj(t. to make aagn s, sutis- fctory to the Banlk, promp,y to proid th e Borrower ur ennse lte Borrower to.he pruvidd wil l seli fiuids s Iear nleeded !o met suh expenditres. ARTICLE III Hra-ios 01. It is theiý m1111n.-1 in1io f 1e(um an l the Bink that n uthr 'rnal debt shall Hwjo an 1 1ly w li' I~ ~ 1:1 I (' i 11.4l