Project: Global Partnership for Education Early Childhood Education Project Grant No.: TF011836 Project ID: P125445 Project Implementation Agency: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Mongolian Guidelines Version: January 2011 GPN Date: Date of Bank no objection last time for procurement plan: Date of this updating of procurement plan: Period covered by this procurement plan: Full project period Thresholds for Procurement Method Description Thresholds Civil Works NCB: =USD500,000 Civil Works The first 2 NCB works contracts irrespective of cost estimate >=USD200,000 Goods The first 2 NCB goods contracts irrespective of cost estimate All direct contracting Firm consultant: >=USD100,000; Firm Consultant first contract for each selection method; All SSS Individual Consultant Individual consultant : all SSS not less than USD20,000 Firm & Individual TOR and cost estimate for all firm and individual consultants shall be subject to Bank prior review Consultant Threshold for Short List Comprising Only National Firms: =USD100,000 APPROVED BY: Project name: Global Partnership for Education Early Childhood Education Project Project number: P125445 PROCUREMENT PLAN Date: 2013.04.03 Contract Identification Number for Submission For Contracts Not Signed Works/Goods/Consultants Procurement Method Cost Estimate (USD) Prior /Post Review For Contracts Already Signed Remarks if any Contract Description (Detailed description of works, goods, or consultant service to be procured) Planned Date WB for NOL of the BD to Actual Contract Date of Contract Price (MNT or Signing USD) COMPONENT 1: INCREASING KINDERGARTEN CAPACITY IN URBAN AND RURAL AREAS Total Gov. 304 517 846 fund is 4 Developing design and geotechnical survey of new Not required due to billion tugriks, 1 - Consultants MNT or LCS kindergarten facilities (with Expert Authorization) Gov.funding Ex.rate of 216 815USD 2012-01-17: 1$=1403,96M Contracted 2 - 1. Bayan-Undur soum, Orkhon Works 1 195 482 NCB using turnkey 3 - 2. Kharkhorin soum, Uvurkhangai Works 154 MNT or NCB method, design 851 507USD develop-ment 4 - 3. Zuunmod soum, Tuv Works NCB is included Construction of 8 5 - wood framed 4 6th khoroo, SHD, UB (Block A) Works NCB Not required due to 6 - kindergartens by 5 6th khoroo, SHD, UB (Block B Works 2 838 200 NCB Gov.funding Gov. fund 000 MNT or 7 - 6 Sumber soum, Gobisumber Works NCB 1 780 8 - 7 Sukhbaatar soum, Selenge Works 678USD NCB 9 - 8 Saintsagaan soum, Dundgovi Works NCB 11th khoroo, BZD, UB (Block A) $593,243 April 10 W1.1/1 Works NCB Prior 11th khoroo, BZD, UB (Block B) $359,576 21,2014 18th khoroo, SHD, UB $467,335 April 11 W1.1/2 Works NCB Prior 9th khoroo, HUD, UB $470,738 21,2016 8th khoroo, SBD, UB $400,978 April 12 W1.1/3 Works NCB Prior 16th khoroo, SBD, UB $455,992 21,2018 21th khoroo, SHD, UB $436,142 April one conract 13 W1.1/4 Works NCB Prior /package/ Construction of 32th khoroo, SHD, UB $456,559 21,2020 includes 17 wood framed 21th khoroo, BZD, UB (Block A) $492,290 April construction of 14 W1.1/5 Works NCB Prior kindergartens /9 21th khoroo, BZD, UB (Block B) $336,890 21,2022 2 kindergartens packages/ 17th khoroo, SBD, UB $518,946 April 15 W1.1/6 Works 3 of 4 NCB Prior 18th khoroo, SBD, UB $453,723 21,2024 one conract /package/ Construction of includes 17 wood framed construction of kindergartens /9 2 kindergartens packages/ 12th khoroo, BGD, UB $446,351 April 16 W1.1/7 Works NCB Prior 19th khoroo, BGD, UB $398,710 21,2026 2nd khoroo, Bagakhangai, UB $483,783 April 17 W1.1/8 Works NCB Prior 7th khoroo, Nalaikh, UB $416,858 21,2028 April 18 W1.1/9 4th khoroo, Baganuur, UB Works $526,886 NCB Prior 21,2029 Subtotal: USD 10,564,000 COMPONENT 2: CREATING ALTERNATIVE PRESCHOOL CLASSES AND INCREASING KINDERGARTEN CAPACITY IN RURAL AREAS Mongolian gers (one ger preschool consists NCB Prior 19 G2.1/1 Deploy mobile of 2 gers) Goods $268,638 April 5,2013 334,197,000.00 ₮ “ger preschools� 20 G2.1/2 and supply Carpet Goods $19,941 NCB Prior April 5,2013 24,580,710.00 ₮ 21 G2.1/3 furniture, Furniture Goods $100,614 NCB Prior April 5,2013 122,492,403.00 ₮ equipment and 22 G2.1/4 Toys Goods $22,655 NCB Prior April 5,2013 26,829,495.00 ₮ learning 23 G2.1/5 materials Electrical appliance Goods $71,684 NCB Prior April 5,2013 89,414,820.00 ₮ Develop visual aids and children's workbooks in accordance Individual 24 C2.2 $3,000 SSS Prior June, 2013 with alternative preschool curriculum Consultants planned to start 25 G2.3 Printing 3 set of visual aid, children's workbook Goods $11,500 Shopping Post July, 2013 shopping in July, 2013 Subtotal: USD 498,032 COMPONENT 3: GRANT MANAGEMENT Individual monthly salary of 26 C3.1 Consultancy services /Deputy Director of PIU/ $39,650 IC Post 15-Mar-2013 Consultant 2600 Individual monthly salary of 27 C3.2 Consultancy services /Procurement Officer/ $30,500 IC Post 15-Mar-2013 Consultant 2000 Individual monthly salary of 28 C3.3 Consultancy services /Monitoring end Evaluation officer/ $30,500 IC Post 15-Mar-2013 Consultant 2000 Individual monthly salary of 29 C3.4 Consultancy services /Finance Officer/ $36,000 IC Post 1-Jan-2013 Consultant 2000 Individual monthly salary of 30 C3.5 Consultancy services /Consulting civil engineer/ $33,600 IC Post 21-Jan-2013 Consultant 2100 planned to 31 C3.6 Technical audit Consultants $ 10,000 LCS Post April, 2014 procure in April, 2014 Subtotal: 180,250 USD TOTAL: USD 11,242,282 4 of 4