OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS Administration Agreement between the European Commission and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association concerning the Extractives Global Programmatic Support Single-Donor Trust Fund (No. TFO72 710) (Donor Reference No. HUM/2016/378-580) This Administration Agreement is concluded under Direct Management in the context of the Framework Agreement between the World Bank Group and the European Commission dated April 15, 2016 (the "Framework Agreement") which sets the general conditions for this Administration Agreement. The Framework Agreement shall be applicable and form an integral part of this Administration Agreement for the Trust Fund. I. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Development Association (collectively, the "Bank") acknowledge that the European Commission (the "Donor", and together with the Bank, the "Parties" and each a "Party") agrees to provide the sum of five million Euros (E 5,000,000) (the "Contribution") for the Extractives Global Programmatic Support Single-Donor Trust Fund, No. TF072710 (the "Trust Fund") in accordance with the terms of this Administration Agreement. 2. The Contribution shall be used to finance the activities set forth in the "Global Programmatic Support Single-Donor Trust Fund Description" attached hereto as Annex 1, and shall be administered by the Bank on behalf of the Donor in accordance with the terms of this Administration Agreement, including the "Standard Provisions" attached hereto as Annex 2 and the provisions on "Governance" attached hereto as Annex 3. 3. The Donor shall deposit the Contribution in accordance with the following schedule and in the currency specified in Section I above ("Contribution Currency") into such bank account designated by the Bank (each amount deposited hereinafter referred to as an "Installment") upon submission of a payment request by the Bank: (A) Promptly following countersignature and no later than December 31, 2016, the sum of two million five hundred thousand Euros (E 2,500,000); and (B) By March 31, 2019, the sum of two million five hundred thousand Euros (E 2,500,000). 4. The Contribution is being provided in Installments on the basis of financial needs of the Trust Fund. If the Bank determines, on the basis of the speed of the implementation of the activities and availability of funds in the Trust Fund, that it is necessary to either bring Installments forward or delay them, the Bank and the Donor will discuss and agree to revise the Installment schedule, as confirmed by the Bank to the Donor in writing. 5. When making any deposit, the Donor shall instruct its bank to include in its deposit details information (remittance advice) field of its SWIFT deposit message, information indicating: the amount deposited, that the deposit is made by the Donor for TF072710 (the Extractives Global Programmatic Support Single-Donor Trust Fund), the Commission internal reference number and the date of the Administration Agreement, and the name of the Commission department responsible for the Trust Fund, and the date of the deposit (the "Deposit Instructions"). In addition, the Donor shall provide a copy of the 1 Deposit Instructions to the Bank's Accounting Trust Funds Division by e-mail sent to or by fax sent to +1 (202) 614-1315. 6. Except with respect to the Deposit Instructions, any notice, request or other communication to be given or made under this Administration Agreement shall be in writing and delivered by mail, fax or e-mail to the respective Party's address specified below or at such other address as such Party notifies in writing to the other Party from time to time: For the Bank (the "Bank Contact"): Diana M. Corbin Senior Operations Officer - Donor Relations Energy and Extractives Global Practice The World Bank 1850 1 Street NW Washington, DC 20433 Tel: (202) 473-1705 Fax: (202) 522-0395 E-mail: For the Donor (the "Donor Contact"): Erica Gerretsen Head of Unit A4, Budget Support and Public Finance Management Directorate General International Cooperation and Development European Commission Rue de la Loi 41 1049 Brussels Tel: +32-2-29 65208 E-mail: 7. In the event any amounts are to be returned to the Donor under this Administration Agreement, the Bank shall transfer such amounts to the Donor, unless otherwise agreed with the Bank. When making any deposit, the Bank shall include in its deposit details information (remittance advice) field of its SWIFT deposit message, information indicating: the amount deposited, that the deposit is made by the Bank in relation to TF072710 (the Extractives Global Programmatic Support Single-Donor Trust Fund), and the date of the deposit. The Bank shall provide a copy of such information to the Donor. 8. Pursuant to Article 13.3 (b) of the Framework Agreement, the Bank shall charge an Indirect Rate (as defined in Annex 1 to this Administration Agreement) of 17% of direct costs of their personnel and consultants directly assigned to the Bank-executed activities, for which the Bank has operational responsibility, as described in Section 2.1 of Annex 1 to this Agreement. Bank-executed Trust Fund expenditures listed in Annex 1 to this Agreement relate only to those Bank- executed activities for which the Bank has operational implementation responsibility under the Trust Fund. 2 They do not include the cost of Bank corporate services in support of the work carried out by its operational units implementing trust funds. 9. The estimated total budget of the Trust Fund is five million Euros (E 5,000,000). An indicative budget shall be available at the World Bank's Trust Fund Donor Center secure website or its successor and shall be used for monitoring and reporting purposes only and shall not be binding and may be revised from time to time by the Bank provided the Action is carried out as described in Annex 1 and the Donor is informed beforehand. 10. Expected results and corresponding indicators (including baselines, result goals and sources of data) are set out in the indicative results framework of the Trust Fund and shall be available in Annex 4 to this Agreement and in the World Bank's Trust Fund Donor Center secure website or its successor. Any modifications and/or updates to the indicative results framework shall be reflected in the World Bank's Trust Fund Donor Center secure website or its successor. The expected results and indicators shall be used for monitoring and evaluation purposes only and shall not be binding. Progress against such indicative results framework shall not be taken into account to determine the final amount of the Contribution to the Trust Fund by the European Commission. 11. The Implementation Period shall start on the date following that on which the last of the two parties signs. 12. The measures taken to identify the EU as a source of financing shall be in accordance with Attachment 4 of the Framework Agreement. 13. All annexes hereto and the Framework Agreement constitute an integral part of this Administration Agreement, whose terms taken together shall constitute the entire agreement and understanding between the Donor and the Bank. In the event of any inconsistency, the Framework Agreement prevails over the Administration Agreement and the Administration Agreement prevails over its Annexes. Unless otherwise specified in an annex hereto, this Administration Agreement may be amended only by written amendment between the Bank and the Donor. [remainder ofpage intentionally left blank] 3 14. Each of the Parties represents, by confirming its agreement below, that it is authorized to enter into this Administration Agreement and act in accordance with these terms and conditions. The Parties are requested to sign and date this Administration Agreement, and upon possession by the Bank of this fully signed Administration Agreement, this Administration Agreement shall become effective as of the date of the last signature. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNAT 1NL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION By: Laura Tuck Vice President Sustainable Development Practice Group Date: e C4Dr \ -U W( THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION ON BEHALF OF THE EUROPEAN UNION By: ' ALVA ) Stefano Manservisi Director General Directorate General International Cooperation and Development Date: - ) 4 ANNEX 1 Extractives Global Programmatic Support Sinale-Donor Trust Fund Description This Annex shall be applicable to and form an integral part of the Administration Agreement for the Trust Fund between the Bank and the Donor. 1. Objectives The objective of the Trust Fund is to improve the ability and capacity of current and emerging resource- rich developing nations in using their oil, gas and mineral resources sustainably an transparently for poverty alleviation, shared prosperity, economic diversification, and sustainable economic growth. 2. Activities The activities to be financed by the Trust Fund are: 2.1 Bank-executed activities, for which the Bank has implementation responsibility: Component 1: Supporting implementation of the Extractives Industries Transparency Initiative ("EITI") (as described in and broader reforms on sector transparency and good governance, including: (a) carrying out global knowledge and learning activities, including support to civil society organizations, and providing technical assistance to stakeholders on overall extractives sector management and administration, including extractives revenue transparency, disclosure of key sector information, revenue administration, accountability, and development of related guidance notes and analytical reports at global, regional and local level. (b) managing and maintaining on-line peer-learning, information and communications platforms such as the community of practice for EITI; and (c) carrying out events and outreach activities, including training, communications and capacity building, related to EITI or broader sector transparency reforms. Component 2: Building capacity and supporting governments in the development of sound legal, regulatory, contractual and fiscal frameworks, contract negotiation, and fiscal management for the extractives sector, including: (a) carrying out global knowledge and learning activities focusing on knowledge sharing and experience exchange between client countries and stakeholders (local, country-level, regional, sub-regional or global) to strengthen policy, legal, regulatory and fiscal frameworks for extractives sector and to strengthen capacity of government entities, communities and civil society organizations on contract negotiations, including development of knowledge products, reports and related dissemination and outreach activities, but excluding any specific transactions, investments or negotiations advice; 5 (b) providing technical advice and developing recommendations to support government decision-making in regards to policy, legal, regulatory and fiscal frameworks for the extractives sector, with the exception of specific negotiations support, which exception includes but is not limited to review and development of opinions on specific concessions or arrangements thereof; and (c) carrying out events, outreach, training and capacity building activities. Component 3: Supporting extractive industries for local content development (EILCD). including: (a) carrying out knowledge sharing and creation, outreach and communication activities aimed at identifying, raising awareness and disseminating good practice on local content policies and strategies design and implementation, including targeted research and the establishment and management of a local content online community of practice to support cross- fertilization and the development of strategic partnerships; (b) providing technical advice and recommendations on development of local content strategies and local content policies at country or regional level to inform and build governments' and stakeholders' capacity to design, implement and manage local content around extractive industries; and (c) carrying out events, outreach, training and capacity building activities. Component 4: Strengthening institutions for growth through extractive industries, including: (a) carrying out global knowledge and learning activities, providing technical assistance (including civil society organizations support), and disseminating good practices, including development of knowledge products and preparation of analytical reports on institutional aspects of extractive sector management, environmental and social issues around the extractives sector, artisanal and small scale mining, systems and capacity building to support improved health and safety in the extractives sector, multi-stakeholder dialogue, and gender programs in the extractives area, all of the foregoing with the exception of programs and advice that may have a specific physical footprint which will require appropriate environmental and social safeguards; and (b) carrying out events, outreach, training and capacity building activities. Program management and administration activities for the Trust Fund, including but not limited to: (a) supporting any program governance arrangements and Trust Fund related meetings; planning and executing work plans and budgets; managing communications and conducting outreach; disseminating lessons learned; reporting on progress; and monitoring and evaluating the program. 6 3. Eli2ible Expenditures 3.1 For Bank-executed activities, the Trust Fund funds may be used to finance: (a) contractual services; (b) media, workshops, conferences and meetings; (c) travel expenses; (d) short-term consultants and temporaries; (e) extended term consultants and temporaries; and (f) staff costs (excluding short term consultants and temporaries, and also excluding extended term consultants and temporaries). 3.2 For purposes of this section: (i) "staff costs (excluding short term consultants and temporaries, and also excluding extended term consultants and temporaries)" includes salaries, benefits and indirect rates charged to the Trust Fund as applicable under Bank policies and procedures; (ii) "extended term consultants and temporaries" includes fees, benefits and indirect rates charged to the Trust Fund as applicable under Bank policies and procedures; and (iii) "short term consultants and temporaries" includes fees and indirect rates charged to the Trust Fund as applicable under Bank policies and procedures. 3.3 The "Indirect Rate" means the indirect rate, defined as a percentage of personnel costs and available at the World Bank's Donor center secure website, as such rate may be revised from time to time by the Bank and applied to this Trust Fund, in accordance with its policies and procedures. 4. Taxes 4.1 The foregoing activities and categories of expenditures may include the financing of taxes in accordance with the Bank's applicable policies and procedures. 7 ANNEX 2 Standard Provisions This Annex shall be applicable to and form an integral part of the Administration Agreement for the Trust Fund between the Bank and the Donor, it being understood that any plural references in the annexes to Donors, Administration Agreements, Contributions and pro rata shares shall be read as singular references to the Donor, its Administration Agreement, its Contributions thereunder and the remaining uncommitted balance of the Trust Fund, respectively. 1. Administration of the Contributions 1.1 The Bank shall be responsible only for performing those functions specifically set forth in this Administration Agreement, including its annexes, and shall not be subject to any other duties or responsibilities to the Donors, including, without limitation, any duties or obligations that might otherwise apply to a fiduciary or trustee under general principles of trust or fiduciary law. Nothing in this Administration Agreement shall be considered a waiver of any privileges or immunities of the Bank under its Articles of Agreement or any applicable law, all of which are expressly reserved. 1.2 Each Donor's Contribution (collectively, the "Contributions") shall be administered in accordance with the Bank's applicable policies and procedures, as the same may be amended from time to time, including its procurement, financial management, disbursement and safeguard policies, its framework to prevent and combat fraud and corruption and its screening procedures to prevent the use of Bank resources to finance terrorist activity, in line with the Bank's obligations to give effect to the relevant decisions of the Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the of Charter of the United Nations. The Donors acknowledge that this provision does not create any obligations of the Bank under the anti-terrorist financing and asset control laws, regulations, rules and executive orders of an individual member country that may apply to a Donor. 2. Management of the Contributions 2.1 The funds deposited in the Trust Fund shall be accounted for as a single trust fund and shall be kept separate and apart from the funds of the Bank. The funds deposited in the Trust Fund may be commingled with other trust fund assets maintained by the Bank. The Bank, in its capacity as trustee, has legal title to the funds deposited in the Trust Fund. 2.2 The currency in which the funds in the Trust Fund shall be held is United States Dollars (the "Holding Currency"). 2.3 Donors agree to deposit their Contributions in the Contribution Currency stated in their respective Administration Agreements. In the case of deposits received in a Contribution Currency other than the Holding Currency, promptly upon the receipt of such amounts and the accompanying Deposit Instructions, the Bank shall convert such amounts into the Holding Currency at the exchange rate obtained by the Bank 8 on the date of the conversion. Where deposits prove to be insufficient to complete activities as a result of exchange rate fluctuations, neither the Bank nor the Donor shall bear any responsibility for providing any additional financing. 2.4 The funds deposited in the Trust Fund may be freely exchanged by the Bank into other currencies as may facilitate their disbursement at the exchange rate obtained by the Bank on the date of the conversion. 2.5 The Bank shall invest and reinvest the funds deposited in the Trust Fund pending their disbursement in accordance with the Bank's applicable policies and procedures for the investment of trust funds administered by the Bank. The Bank shall credit all income from such investment to the Trust Fund to be used for the same purposes as the Contributions. 3. Accountin! and Financial Reporting 3.1 The Bank shall maintain separate records and ledger accounts in respect of the funds deposited in the Trust Fund and disbursements made therefrom. 3.2 The Bank shall furnish to the Donors current financial information relating to receipts, disbursements and fund balance in the Holding Currency with respect to the Contributions via the World Bank's Trust Funds Donor Center secure website which will be updated quarterly. Within six (6) months after all commitments and liabilities under the Trust Fund have been satisfied and the Trust Fund has been closed, the final financial information relating to receipts, disbursements and fund balance in the Holding Currency with respect to the Contributions shall be made available to the Donors via the World Bank's Trust Funds Donor Center secure website. 3.3 The Bank shall provide to the Donors via the World Bank's Trust Fund Donor Center secure website, within six (6) months following the end of each Bank fiscal year, an annual single audit report, comprising (i) a management assertion together with an attestation from the Bank's external auditors concerning the adequacy of internal control over cash-based financial reporting for all cash-based trust funds as a whole; and (ii) a combined financial statement for all cash-based trust funds together with the Bank's external auditor's opinion thereon. The cost of the single audit shall be borne by the Bank. 3.4 If a Donor wishes to request, on an exceptional basis, a financial statement audit by the Bank's external auditors of the Trust Fund, the Donor and the Bank shall first consult as to whether such an external audit is necessary. The Bank and the Donor shall agree on the appropriate scope and terms of reference of such audit. Following agreement on the scope and terms of reference, the Bank shall arrange for such external audit. The costs of any such audit, including the internal costs of the Bank with respect to such audit, shall be borne by the requesting Donor. 4. Progress Reporting 4.1. The Bank shall provide the Donors with annual written progress reports by December 31. The progress reports shall be provided with reference to the results framework agreed by the Bank and the Donors, as such results framework may be reviewed by the Parties from time to time. Within six (6) months of the End Disbursement Date (as defined below), the Bank shall provide to the Donors with a final narrative report for the Trust Fund. 9 4.2 Any Donor may review or evaluate activities financed by the Trust Fund at any time up to closure of the Trust Fund. The Donor and the Bank shall agree on the scope and conduct of such review or evaluation, and the Bank shall provide all relevant information within the limits of the Bank's applicable policies and procedures. All associated costs, including any costs incurred by the Bank, shall be bome by the Donor. It is understood that any such review or evaluation will not constitute a financial, compliance or other audit of the Trust Fund. 5. Disbursement; Cancellation: Refund 5.1 It is expected that the funds deposited in the Trust Fund will be fully disbursed by the Bank by October 31, 2021 (the "End Disbursement Date"). The Bank shall only disburse funds deposited in the Trust Fund for the purposes of this Administration Agreement (other than returns to Donors) after such date to the extent such date is changed in accordance with amendments made to the Administration Agreements of all the Donors. Following the End Disbursement Date, the Bank shall return any remaining balance of the Trust Fund to each Donor in the Holding Currency in the manner specified in its respective Administration Agreement on a pro rata basis with regard to the total funds deposited in the Trust Fund by such Donor relative to the total funds deposited in the Trust Fund by all Donors, all calculated as Holding Currency amounts. 5.2 Any Donor may cancel all or part of such Donor's pro rata share, and the Bank may cancel all or any Donors' pro rata shares, upon three (3) months' prior written notice, of any Contributions (paid and not yet paid) that are not committed pursuant to any agreements entered into between the Bank and any consultants and/or other third parties for the purposes of this Administration Agreement, including any Grant Agreements, prior to the receipt of such notice. In the event of a cancellation, the Bank shall return to the Donor its pro-rata share in the Holding Currency as specified in paragraph 2.2. of this Annex 2; unless otherwise agreed between the Bank and the Donor. 6. Disclosure; Dispute Resolution 6.1 The Bank shall disclose the Administration Agreements and related information on this Trust Fund in accordance with the Bank's Policy on Access to Information. By entering into Administration Agreements, the Donors consent to such disclosure of their respective Administration Agreements and such related information. 6.2 The Donors and the Bank shall use their best efforts to amicably settle any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or relating to the Administration Agreements. 10 ANNEX 3 Governance This Annex shall be applicable to and form an integral part of the Administration Agreement for the Trust Fund between the Bank and the Donor. 1. A Steering Committee composed of high-level representatives from: (a) government and non- government organizations which are donors to the Extractives Global Programmatic Support Multi-Donor Trust Fund (TF072347), or to any parallel trust fund administered by the Bank in connection therewith (excluding private sector donors, as determined by the Program Secretariat) committing at least two million United States Dollars equivalent (US$2,000,000 equivalent), and (b) the Donor, and chaired by the Energy and Extractives Global Practice Senior Director in the Bank will meet at least once annually. 2. Private sector donors (as determined by the Program Secretariat) will not be eligible to appoint a representative at the Steering Committee in view of potential and/or perceived conflicts of interest, but they may form part of Technical Working Groups (as described below), when deemed appropriate by the Program Secretariat and the Steering Committee. 3. Subject to the approval by the Steering Committee, additional representatives may participate in a Steering Committee meeting as observers. 4. The Steering Committee will: (a) endorse the annual multi-year work plan and budget prepared by the Program Secretariat (as described below); (b) provide feedback and guidance on the overall strategic direction and funding priorities, and review progress; and (c) endorse terms of reference and composition of Technical Working Groups (as described below). 5. Decisions by the Steering Committee will be made by consensus. 6. A Program Secretariat, located within the Bank's Energy and Extractives Global Practice, will include a Program Manager and other Bank staff and will have the following functions: (a) managing day- to-day operations of the Trust Fund, including administering the flow of funds, managing funding projections and plans, reviewing and approving proposals for funding (provided such proposals are within the work plan approved by the Steering Committee), and preparing periodic progress and results reports; (b) coordinating analysis of country level data at implementation to draw lessons learned and make adjustments as needed; (c) managing donor relations, communications and outreach, including reaching out to potential donors; (d) providing administrative support to the Steering Committee, including organization and coordination of meetings; (e) submitting the annual multi-year work plan and budget to the Steering Committee for endorsement; (f) submitting terms of reference and composition for Technical Working Groups to the Steering Committee for endorsement; (g) coordinating the logistics and meetings of the Technical Working Groups. 7. Technical Working Groups may be proposed as relevant by the Program Secretariat to support specific aspects related to the various components described in Annex 1. Terms of reference and composition of Technical Working Groups will be designed and proposed by the Program Secretariat and will be subject to endorsement by the Steering Committee. Technical Working Groups will be comprised of Donor representatives focusing on specific components and technical matters and other stakeholders 11 and/or observers where relevant as proposed by the Program Secretariat and endorsed by the Steering Committee. 12 ANNEX 4 INDICATIVE RESULTS FRAMEWORK INDICATORS Intervention logic Indicators Baselines Result goals Sources and Assumptions means of _ _verification Overall objective: Impact To alleviate poverty, * Human Development Index 2014, 2015 depending Track relevant economic UNDP Human While EGPS and improve economic * Doing Business Country Scores on availability indicators in countries Development does not diversification and * Tax/GDP ratio receiving support from Report directly sustainable economic * Resource Governance Index (RGI) EGPS over the duration influence high growth by increasing ranking of program World Bank Doing level indicators the ability of current * WB Governance Indicators implementation. Business Report the EGPS will and emerging keep track of resource-rich No target possible OECD tax statistics these statistics developing nations in for analytical exploiting their oil, IMF Global purposes. gas and mineral Financial Statistics resources sustainably and transparently NRGI (RGI) World Bank data Specific objective(s): OUTCOMES Component 1: Integration of sound number of existing EITI compliant countries 51 implementing of Maintain / possible Grant EGPS Grant Implementation and inclusive revenue and possible increase in number of new which 31 compliant increase the number of Implementation will have a of EITI and administration and countries (July 2016); WB current EITI compliant Status Reports and direct influence Aide-memoires reforms on sector management practices, support extended to 35 countries (GEEDR) on number of transparency and including implementing countries good governance accountability, into countries. implementing 13 national, regional and Activity updates lIT. EGPS local systems in 2012: US$306 billion Proportionate increase of from project Task will positively resource rich proportion of revenues reconciled annually in (14 percent of the revenue reported based Team Leaders correlate with countries. implementing countries aggregated GDP) on number of (annual) results of 2011: US$359 billion implementing countries validation thru 2010: US$215 billion (GEEDR and quality of TA ______________ ________________ Client) provided. Empowerment of governments to Discrepancies in Proportionate decrease in Reporting related to Country level develop evidence percentage of discrepancies between reports country by discrepancies found other voluntary/ ativities will based decision making payments and receipts found country were modest mandatory be the basis for process that is both (between 0 and 7%) disclosure this reporting. sustainable and requirements e.g. beneficial to a EU Accounting EITI country's development Baseline - zero (there Increase in average Directive (EU Validation Empowerment of Accounting and decision is citizens to actively Average nube of ctis participate in making recommendations addressed going to be presented recommendations Tnrec y mad by th partcipn atedt at October 2016 Board adopted by countries irpeet Boarsd ad thu decisions related to national mineral -not completed yet) (TBD) resources and advocate their rights success of this (a) some countries (a) 100% of reports have Implementation Number of EITI reports including: have 3-4 year lag, data that is no more (a) data that is no more than two years others are current. than two years old Progress Reports (if old; and old; and (b) current average is (b) 100% coverage dslsbe (b) coverage of extractives revenues in between 80-99% and researc line with the agreed materiality some deviations from threshold agreed materiality FITl thresholds Progress/Annual Reports by countries 14 Increase the numbers of Mainstreaming pilots mainstreaming pilots EITI Reconciliation Number of EITI pilots and roadmaps begun completed and roadmaps Reports by countries completed for EITI countries to move towards EITI Validation reports mainstreaming outcomes on country level Progressive increase in number of countries Communications FYI5 - 70% of MSGs applying guidance on studies/surveys reported adoption of improvement of their Involvement and capacity of civil society and communication country systems Minutes and community actors in the extractives sector strategies of which attendance of MSG virtually all included Increase (or maintain meetings different formats for where adequate) in different uses. number of CSOs in coalitions participating in 2 1-NGOs engaged in EITI MSG CSO capacity building across a range of countries Complimentary Governance GP support to parliamentarians and the GPSA MDTF which opened window for extractives CSOs At least 2 per country 15 (2015) countries reported between 0 and 50 events per Number of communication strategies and country outreach activities at country level including gender specific actions and reaching out to Assuming validation minority and vulnerable groups where happens, an increasing applicable (yes/ no/ country level) Zero so far number of countries are found to be compliant number of countries attaining compliance and at least 90% making with 2016 Standard meaningful progress under the 2016 Standard COMPONENT I OUTPUTS: Maintain or Increase the # of countries benefiting from support under this component (grants initiated and completed; percentage of RE grants with at least moderately satisfactory rating from total) Increase the # of EITI Reconciliation reports funded (cumulative number over implementation period) Increase the # Mainstreaming pilots completed / guidance note completed (cumulative number over implementation period) Increase the # of transparency good practice notes and/or knowledge products produced (cumulative number over implementation period) Increase the # of training and capacity building sessions conducted - region, gender disaggregated (cumulative number over implementation period) Increase the # of CSOs and community organizations receiving TA to engage on transparency of extractives - gender disaggregated (cumulative number over implementation period) 16 Intervention logic Indicators Baselines Result goals Sources and Assumptions verification Component 2: Improvement of number of countries applying 28 countries supported Based on average Grant EGPS Component 2 is smaller than Building government's ability internationally accepted good under EI-TAF MDTF on number of clients, at Implementation the EI-TAF used to be. Number of capacity and to apply holistic and practice policies, laws and issues ranging from least 20 more Status Reports countries and projects to be supported supporting fair good practices, regulations for extractives contract negotiations to countries are and Ai de- will be expected to be less than in the countries in memoires developing including economic legal and regulatory expected to benefit sound legal, development models, regimes for extractives from this assistance regulatory and in structuring oil, gas Activity Indicators focus on value added contractual and and mining updates from outputs that can be directly attributed fiscal concessions in number of extractives contracts, While many countries Increase number of project Task to EGPS projects. There are multiple frameworks, interests of its including community already have modern specific agreements Team Leaders external factors affecting transaction contract (nul ceotactios citizens agreements, negotiated using laws and regulations, and supported (ana)advice and contracts which will negotiations, and fiscal internationally accepted good model contracts, the (breakdown by Targeted impact overall outcomes. management of Establishment and practice baseline will be counted type) surveys the extractives use of appropriate as "0" to measure only (GEEDR and Positive impacts from adoption of secgoerment'ks abiit tomeworks an change supported by Client) better legal and regulatory and mencisms bynoi government to ensure number of countries using FGPS Increase number of contractual regimes will be expected fiscal and economic internationally accepted good consultations to become visible over time. Only sustainability of oil, practice consultation, and culture EGPS MDTF approved 3 following good some of these may become visible gas and mining and gender sensitive grievance country level programs practices during MDTF time-life. projects, including avoidance of race to the bottom and projects component with, at this mitigation of resource date, one regional Decrease number of curse activity in instances of instances of serious deviations of implementation (Africa deviation of extractives contracts from Mining Legislation extractives contracts overarching fiscal laws and Atlas) from the provision overarching laws COMPONENT 2 Ott PUTS 17 Target to achieve 20 countries benefiting from support under this component (grants initiated and completed; percentage of RE grants with at least moderately satisfactory rating from total) Increase the # of publications / knowledge products produced Increase the # of knowledge events carried out Increase the # targeted training sessions carried out 18 Intervention logic Indicators Baselines Result goals Sources and Assumptions verification Component 3: Improving Community of Practice Maintain COP, increase COP surveys Component 3 Supporting government capacity Number of members participating in the (COP) active; in FY16 - membership and activities will focus on Extractives to identify, design COP over 200 members; 4 e- participation in order to Grant fostering innovative Industries for and implement local discussion streams with increase knowledge and Implementation approaches to local Local Content Sau eot n Lovaloment content policies and Number of outreach events and Global over 250 views each awareness of local Sadsepoires ad content through DevelopmentAiem ors (EILCD) strategies aimed at Conferences organized content policy design and (GEEDR) targeted research, maximizing implementation issues outreach events, and economic benefits among key stakeholders Activity updates pilot projects. from petroleum and hrm proJect Task mineral resources At least two global local through efficient, Global conferences took content conferences (annual) Cooperation and sustainable, and place in 2014 and 2016 Targeted surveys partnerships with equitable economic At least 5 countries using (GEEDR and experienced diversification, and Local procurement in local content tools and Client) organizations and increased local mining practical guide implementing measures companies to leverage employment Number of local content policies and/or published and applied in to boost local supplier this component's strategies in the mining, oil and gas West Africa (2014- capacity activities will be sector prepared and submitted for actively pursued. adoption 2015) Local content policies for the oil and gas sector The ability of the published and applied component to establish (2013-2015) Increase number of itself as a knowledge Study on local content in training opportunities hub will be a measure Number of local companies and service Tanzania LNG available to local service of its success. providers that improved their capacity to completed (2015) providers provide their products and services to Five countries received extractives industries (per country, technical assistance on the application of the 19 region, and disaggregated by gender if mining and oil and gas Growing number of applicable) guides in 2015 opportunities for women to participate in projects TBD around El Global data on women in employment TBD in the extractives sector TBD Local content index rating/ranking (TBD) COMPONENT 3 OUTPUTS: Increase the # of countries benefiting from support under this component (grants initiated and completed; percentage of RE grants with at least moderately satisfactory rating from total) (target at least five countries receive support on the design and/or implementation of local content policies/strategies) Maintain the # annual events Increase the # of publications / knowledge products produced - including gender sensitive local content policies and impact of climate change on local content policies and strategies # CoP events and data management 20 Intervention logic Indicators Baselines Result goals Sources and Assumptions verification Component 4: Integration of Number of workshops, courses, and inter- Baselines will Based on average Grant It is acknowledged that work Strengthening extractives into ministerial committees for spatial be "0" to number of clients, at Implementation related to Component 4 is Institutions for broader economic planning (as a proxy to measure improved measure least 5 countries are Status Reports ongoing in many countries Sustainable strategies for growth knowledge on the part of government incremental expected to benefit and Aide- supported by other sources of Growthand sustainable increase that can from this assistance, funding (IDA, JSDF, F, State through practice on spatial planning). (GEEDR) Extractive development Industries EGPS. outreach/ knowledge Activity updates advisory services, and other). Better social, products to be from project Task EGPS will leverage more environmental and launched. Team Leaders specialized and targeted support economic standards Nfor on antanin. Increase in ASM (annual) where complementing broader for the private sector trained Targeted surveys sector reforms in extractives operating in and Increased recorded contribution of (GEEDR and sector. around the extractives artisanally-mined minerals to the formal Increased % from Client) sector economy (EITI reporting) total mining output This component supports recorded as ASM sustainability of the other three Availability of health o e o iacomponents. and safety standards. Numberenng e any imve lislo including on social, environmental and health and Increase number of preparedness and safety standards. pieces of legislation MDTF, success of this emergency response passed that are in line component will be measured by for governments and Number of countries with specific with international activities completed, follow up initiatediandagoddtprictice other stakeholders programs and outreach to support gender good practice develoed and aodoprte related to extractives aspects in extractive sector frameworks dvlpdadaotd Increase number of f Proper integration Of Number of new legislation passed - guidelines adopted to frormaln of patics nd climate change into including policy, laws, regulations to support practical extractive sector support gender empowerment among be outside of this MDTF but frameworks. extractive industries in a country vepratie expected to improve over time. preparednessoo and saetystndads Number of countries using sector specific legislation in health and safety standards, and design environmental, and derpoet under i copponentowillebe eeeelainpsen climte hane ino icluingpoliy, aws reglatons-2t and enforce emergency preparedness H&S areas for close coordination with other WB guidelines extractives Global Practices, in particular Environment and Social Number of climate change policies and/or Increase number of Development strategies adopted for the extractives climate change sector. policies targeting extractives sector COMPONENT 4 OUTPUTS: Increase the # of countries benefiting from support under this component (grants initiated and completed; percentage of RE grants with at least moderately satisfactory rating from total) Increase the # of events focusing on environmental and social management of oil, gas and mining Increase the # of publications on environment, climate change and social inclusion in extractives Increase the # artisanal miners benefiting indirectly from access to information and training Increase the # of gender focused initiatives and outreach Increase the # of public servants trained on environmental impact management, climate change adaptation and mitigation (% male / female) The results framework is indicative and is subject to change without the need for further amendment to this Administration Agreement. Modifications to the results framework shall be reflected in the World Bank's Trust Fund Donor Center secure website or its successor. The results framework is for monitoring and evaluation purposes only and progress against it shall not be taken into account to determine the final amount of the Contribution to the Trust Fund by the European Commission. 22