Investment Climate l World Bank Group

                                                                                                                     Nuts & Bolts
                                                                                          Technical Guidance for Reform Implementation

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Implementing a Shared Inspection Management System
Insights from recent international experience

                                                                                                                                World Bank Group

Businesses, non-governmental organizations, and health care                                 •	 Decreased administrative burden
                                                                                               for businesses and entrepreneurs to
providers in developing countries often face an array of inspections
                                                                                               comply with regulation;
from various government agencies. Leading reformers have turned
                                                                                            •	 Increased quality and effectiveness
to shared technology solutions to better coordinate the timing,                                of inspections leading to improved
scope, and targeting of inspections. A recent study conducted by                               regulatory compliance;
the World Bank Group examined the experiences of 12 jurisdictions                           •	 Improved internal efficiency and
                                                                                               reduced administrative costs for
with inspection management ICT solutions shared across multiple
                                                                                               governments; and
inspectorates.1 The study results confirm that the use of a shared
                                                                                            •	 Increased transparency of inspection
inspection management system (SIMS) can help facilitate reform                                 operations for businesses and citizens
efforts and expedite their expected benefits.                                                  leading to a decrease in corruption.

                                                                                            These benefits usually result from:
                                                                                            •	 Gathering and consolidating more
Best practice today dictates that business   has a key role in improving efficiency,
                                                                                               consistent and comprehensive
inspections should be organized around       transparency, and accountability in
                                                                                               information on enterprises subject to
the business enterprise; that is, the        business inspections.
various inspectorates should ideally
coordinate their activities to ensure that                                                  •	 Streamlining the inspection process to
                                             Using technology to scale up                      increase inspector efficiency;
all relevant risks are properly addressed
during a joint inspection process.
                                             business inspection reform
                                                                                            •	 Formalizing policy and procedures to
However, experience shows that               Inspection management systems are                 ensure consistency;
inspections tend to be uncoordinated,        increasingly common in developed
                                                                                            •	 Automating and supporting decision-
unplanned and carried out in silos,          economies, although most are
                                             implemented within single agencies—               making to reduce subjectivity in
regardless of industry or jurisdiction.
                                             and one agency often has several                  operations and maximize the use of
Typically inspecting organizations do
                                             systems in place for several processes.           resources;
not share much information or regularly
communicate, which—combined                  A select number of jurisdictions have          •	 Sharing information across
with weak inspection standards and           made efforts to implement inspection              inspectorates to coordinate inspection
procedures, poor documentation of            management solutions that are shared              scope, improve preparation and
findings, and ineffective mechanisms in      across multiple inspectorates, albeit with        outcomes, as well as reduce the
place to relay inspection results back to    various levels of success. Online research        inspection burden of individual
businesses—serves to exacerbate the          and a series of in-depth interviews with          inspectorates; and
situation.                                   government officials who participated in
                                                                                            •	 Providing public access to relevant
                                             this study showed that a successful SIMS
                                                                                               information leading to increased
While many of these deficiencies can be      implementation yields:
                                                                                               transparency and accountability.
addressed through legal, regulatory, and
                                             •	 Improved targeting through a better
process reforms, information technology
                                               identification and follow up of risks

                                                                              Implementing a Shared Inspection Management System                   1
     Table 1 Overview of surveyed sims initiatives
                                            Level of                                                        Commercial-off-the-Shelf    Risk-based
     Participating Jurisdiction             Government         Primary Inspectorates or Industries          (COTS) or Custom Solution   Solution? (Y/N)
     Bosnia and Herzegovina /               Political Entity   Central Inspectorate                         COTS / Custom                       Y
     Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina                                                                                               (in development)
     Bosnia and Herzegovina /               Political Entity   Central Inspectorate                         Custom                             Y
     Republika Srpska
     British Columbia, Canada               Provincial         Meat Inspection                              Custom                             Y
     Colombia                               Municipal          Health, Environment, Police, Fire, Tax       Custom                             Y
                                                               Collection, City Hall, Chamber of Commerce
     Croatia                                Federal            Agricultural and Veterinary Inspection       COTS / Custom                       Y
                                                                                                                                        (in development)
     Mongolia                               Federal            Central Inspectorate                         To be determined                   Y
     Netherlands                            Federal            Social Affairs and Employment, Food and      Custom                             N
     (Company Dossier)                                         Consumer Product Safety Authority
     Netherlands                            Federal            Meat Inspection                              Custom                             Y
     (Continuous Control & Monitoring
     Netherlands                            Federal            All except Tax Inspection and Customs        Custom                             N
     Nova Scotia, Canada                    Provincial         Food Safety, Provincial Tax, Environment,    COTS                               Y
                                                               Occupational Health and Safety
     Redwood City, California, USA          Municipal          Building                                     COTS                               N
     United Kingdom                         Federal            Retail Businesses                            Custom                             Y
     (Retail Enforcement Pilot)

    Research shows that the introduction of an inspection                             •	 Basic solutions incorporate information about businesses
    management system, especially one shared across numerous                            and entrepreneurs, their characteristics (e.g. locations, size,
    inspectorates, helps formalize many of the good practices                           industry, etc.) and previous inspection results to allow for
    required to reform business inspection—in addition to the                           simple planning of future inspection activities. These systems
    above-mentioned benefits.                                                           typically provide a full inspection history by business and
                                                                                        location and use a checklist to obtain consistency across
    Table 1 provides an overview of the SIMS initiatives examined                       inspections. Solutions in this category may share information
    in the study along with details of the inspection activities                        across several inspectorates; however, there is typically very
    addressed and the technologies used.                                                limited automation or system-to-system integration.
                                                                                      •	 Intermediate solutions have functionality to trigger
    Common features and functionality of shared                                         follow-up activities based on the outcome of an inspection
    inspection management solutions                                                     and allow for automated integration of inspection practices
    Shared inspection management solutions range from simple                            across inspectorates. They are ideally integrated with
    database applications that track inspection results and provide                     government business registries or other sources of enterprise
    back-office support to complex, web-based systems that                              information to identify the location, sector and other key
    automate decision support, manage business processes,                               attributes of a business. Intermediate solutions may also
    and provide an online informational interface for enterprises                       include limited mobile inspection capabilities and support
    subject to inspection. The surveyed jurisdictions used a wide                       some level of automated inspection plan creation based on
    variety of approaches to implementing a SIMS, but many                              previous inspection results.
    of the solutions share a common set of features. While all                        •	 Advanced solutions include a variety of other features and
    solutions provide functionality for inspection planning, the                        functions including:
    detailed functionality and implementation differ based on
                                                                                        •	 Risk-based inspection planning allows for the
    the mandate and objectives of the various inspectorates. For
                                                                                           scheduling and planning of inspections based on a risk
    example, in the Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
                                                                                           assessment of the business that includes key information
    the inspection management system automatically determines
                                                                                           such as size of the business, previous inspection results,
    the annual inspection priorities based on the types of facilities
                                                                                           industry, geography, and data from other inspectorates or
                                                                                           government information sources.

2        Investment Climate l World Bank Group
  •	 Automated or real-time integration
     with other information sources, which            Key Implementation Considerations
     generally fall under two broad categories:
                                                      It is important to understand not only the drivers for change but also the
     (i) registry information (e.g., business/
                                                      individual requirements of each organization. There are often challenges
     company registration information, licences
                                                      associated with finding a solution that meets all inspectorates’ needs while
     and permits); and (ii) risk information (e.g.,   achieving some level of standardization. According to study participants, the
     business/company risk based on its activities    ability to find balance between solution customization and inspection process
     and profile, results of inspections or reports   standardization is critical to successful partnerships and contributes to the
     from other inspectorates).                       inspectorates’ abilities to align with reform initiatives and realize the full benefits
  •	 Comprehensive mobile inspection                  of the shared platform. For several study participants this balance proved difficult
     capabilities include tools and technologies      to achieve. Their inspection management solutions ended up highly customized;
     that give inspectors the ability to view         according to interviewees; more standardization would have helped improve
     schedules and inspection records as well         system usability, maintain information quality and integrity, and more easily
     as record inspection results while on-           facilitate data sharing among inspectorates.
     site. The study revealed that a number of        The following are key issues to be considered during implementation:
     jurisdictions leveraged mobile computing          •	 Specify the objectives of the shared inspection solution. Ensure that all
     platforms to support inspectors in                   aspects of the implementation (legal reforms, governance, ICT solution,
     the field. The approaches varied from                communications, change management, evaluation) align to meet the goals of
     using notebooks, tablets and hand-                   the initiative.
     held devices to full online access using
                                                       •	 Understand the legislative and political context governing the inspections.
     web-based applications. Technology
                                                          Ensure that the solution is designed to support existing legislation and
     adoption by inspectors, however, proved
                                                          identify potential gaps in legislation or the political context itself, to enable
     to be a challenge in many jurisdictions as
                                                          shared inspection management (e.g., legislation pertaining to privacy and
     significant training was required. The age           data sharing; willingness support for change).
     and technical background of the inspectors
     were typically contributing factors.              •	 Review the inspection processes involved. Will the project implement the
                                                          processes ‘as-is’ or capitalize on the opportunity to redesign processes and
  •	 Performance management capabilities                  leverage technological possibilities? Consideration must also be given to the
     enabled through business analytics                   design of risk-based inspection planning practices.
     is aligned with risk-based planning and
                                                       •	 Define the governance structure and financing sources. In SIMS, the
     provides capabilities for inspectorates
                                                          governance structures of both the project and the resulting technology
     to monitor the efficiency and output of
                                                          platform are critical to ensure clear decision making and the achievement of
     their inspection program and individual
                                                          key objectives. It is also critical to ensure adequate financial resources are
     inspectors.                                          devoted to maintain the system, once operational.
  •	 Public portal capabilities involves               •	 Address change management and communications in the implementation
     providing access to businesses and                   plan. Ensure that all stakeholders are fully invested in the new solution.
     the general public to view inspection
                                                       •	 Assess the organization’s ICT capacity. If internal capacity is inadequate,
     requirements and results, submit
                                                          determine a strategy to build support and hosting capabilities through
     complaints, and appeal an inspection.
                                                          training of existing staff or identifying hosting alternatives within
                                                          government or the private sector.
Challenges in implementing shared                      •	 Identify the source of business and location information. Determine if
inspection management solutions                           existing databases (e.g., business/corporate registry, tax administration,
1.	 Lack of a common database of business                 business licensing, existing inspection system) can be used and how
    entities and location information.                    enterprise information will be kept updated.
    Respondents reported that access to                •	 Conduct detailed solution planning and design. Spend considerable time
    a ‘single source’ of reliable business/               designing the system to ensure that the delivered system meets the needs of
    company information (e.g., a centralized              inspectorates.
    business/company registry) was critical            •	 Focus on project and solution deployment planning. Determine the strategy
    to the long-term success of a SIMS. The               for rolling out functionality to help ensure success (e.g., pilot with one
    registry should have information on both              inspectorate or a group of inspectors a within a central inspectorate; first roll
    branch and headquarters locations of                  out basic features and then more advanced functionalities).
    businesses as either may be subject to
    inspection, as well as a common company

                                                                              Implementing a Shared Inspection Management System                3
       identification number shared across government. Without                                     building is essential, as well as funds for ongoing operation
       reliable enterprise information, there is significant risk                                  of the system.
       that inspectorates will lack a full and error-free list of all                         4.	 Complexity of business processes and technology.
       of business locations subject to inspection. A common                                      Many developed country jurisdictions believed that
       company identification number is also an important                                         business process and technology complexity as well as a
       prerequisite for information sharing among inspectorates.                                  high degree of solution customization across inspectorates
    2.	 Weak or unclear governance, leadership and vision.                                        greatly inhibited the capabilities of the SIMS. In many cases
        While many initiatives easily gained short-term momentum,                                 this can be attributed to inadequate efforts at process
        this was often difficult to maintain over the long term due                               standardization prior to automation, while in others
        to competing priorities and resource constraints. Many                                    the differing objectives of the inspection (e.g., financial
        survey participants indicated that a more clearly articulated                             verification versus public safety) prevented full realization of
        vision, stronger governance and senior leadership would                                   key benefits of the SIMS.
        have helped maintain the direction and pace of the SIMS                               5.	 Lack of communication and inspectorate engagement.
        implementation. Stronger governance can also resolve                                      Stakeholder engagement is critical in order to demonstrate
        issues of data ownership, management, accuracy, and                                       the benefits of a SIMS and gain support for the initiative. In
        policies concerning data access and modification privileges.                              the case of Colombia’s SIMS, more targeted engagement
        Shared data of poor quality can seriously compromise the                                  with the individual stakeholders across the country may
        integrity of inspection planning and risk analysis.                                       have improved buy-in and solution adoption; less than
    3.	 Lack of business, financial, and technical                                                10 percent of the stakeholders were reported to be
        infrastructure. Developing country respondents reported                                   participating in the national system. Jurisdictions that
        that when jurisdictions designed and implemented the                                      mandate the participation of inspectorates in these
        inspection solution without ensuring that the necessary                                   initiatives tend to have more success in the area of
        business and technical infrastructure was in place, there                                 stakeholder engagement.
        were notable difficulties during implementation (e.g., a
        centralized business registry, adequate levels of inspection
                                                                                              Design and deployment
        process reform, human resource support, ongoing financial
        support, and technical/business knowledge and support).                               Figure 1 provides a high-level roadmap for the design and
        Early planning for ongoing institutional and ICT capacity                             deployment of a SIMS. The survey revealed that the decision
                                                                                              between a custom-built or a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)

    Figure 1: Roadmap for Shared Inspection Management Solution Deployment

                Project              Organization &                      Project                    Solution                 Solution                  Solution
               Initiation             Governance                         Scoping                     Design                Development              Implementation

       • Identify and engage    • Finalize project             • Understand the high       • Understand current       • Develop solution        • Plan solution
         key stakeholders and     governance and team            level functionality of      state and desired                                    implementation as a
                                                                                                                      • Keep all project
         decision makers          structure                      the solution                future state                                         separate process
                                                                                                                        aspects in balance
                                                                                             (technology, business)
       • Understand and map     • Define roles and             • Understand whether                                                             • Conduct detailed
                                                                                                                      • Ensure a “system
         the political,           responsibilities for all       changes to inspection     • Collect and prioritize                               deployment planning
                                                                                                                        design” is produced
         administrative,          stakeholders                   processes are in            functional and
                                                                                                                        for stakeholder         • Conduct training
         regulatory and                                          scope                       technical
                                • Define senior-level                                                                   review and feedback
         economic context                                                                    requirements                                       • Implement the
                                  sponsors and                 • Identify existing
                                                                                                                      • Create different          solution—consider a
       • Define project           sponsorship model              systems to consider       • Incorporate key
                                                                                                                        technical                 “soft launch”
         objectives                                                                          systems and sources
                                • Confirm data                 • Identify/plan for risks                                environments for
                                                                                             of data in the design                              • Implement business
       • Determine scope of       governance                                                                            development, testing,
                                                               • Ensure the use of                                                                process changes
         the initiative                                                                    • Plan data                  training, and
                                • Understand resource            strong project
                                                                                             conversion/migration       production              • “Turn off” old
       • Identify impacts on      capacities                     management
                                                                                                                                                  systems and stop
         key staff                                               methodologies             • Develop technical        • Conduct system,
                                • Determine reporting                                                                                             conducting old
                                                                                             blueprint                  functional and user
       • Ensure financial         mechanisms                                                                                                      processes
                                                                                                                        acceptance testing

                                                             Change Management, Communications and Training

                                                                Project Reporting and Evaluation Activities

                                                                             Financial Management

4        Investment Climate l World Bank Group
   Why Shared Inspection Management Systems? The Case of Kenya
   A restaurant in Nairobi, Kenya can expect to be visited as many as 5–7 times per year by inspectors from up to 19 agencies
   in charge of reviewing building safety, food safety, occupational health and safety, environmental and water quality, and
   practices related to serving alcohol, to name a few. The restaurant will be visited by these inspectorates once or multiple
   times per year, in many cases unannounced and unplanned, placing significant strain on the business owner. Additionally,
   inspectors may not share the reason for or the outcome of the inspection. Inspection criteria and results often are not
   readily available to the restaurant owner and different inspectors may provide contradictory feedback regarding whether the
   establishment is in compliance with the rules or how to resolve any deficiencies identified.

   Over 85 percent of businesses in Kenya can expect to be inspected in a given year, as compared to around 20 percent
   in European Union countries. This compliance burden takes time away from the primary focus—growing the business,
   remaining competitive, and contributing to the local economy. Unclear, subjective rules with limited accountability placed on
   the inspector can also quickly lead to corruption by creating a situation where it is simply easier to bribe the inspector than
   attempt to maintain compliance. In any case, the lack of information and guidance frequently means that the impact on
   compliance, health and safety is minimal—if any.

technology solution was largely based on the functionality             Mike Davis (Barrington Consulting), Ferry de Rijcke (the Netherlands’
required by stakeholder inspectorates. The majority of                 civil service), and Goran Vranic (Republika Srpska Inspectorate).
study participants opted for a custom-built solution, which
provided maximum flexibility in design and future adaptation;          The findings and views published are those of the authors and should
however, it is important to note that in the instances where           not be attributed to IFC, the World Bank, the Multilateral Investment
a COTS solution was selected, the technology still provided            Guarantee Agency, or any other affiliated organizations. Nor do any
enough flexibility to configure the system to meet individual          of the conslusions represent official policy of the World Bank or of its
inspectorate requirements.                                             Executive Directors or the countries they represent.

The results of this study highlight the most important business,       Notes
technical, and institutional considerations when planning,             	 In addition to the survey of SIMS projects, the research deliverables in-

designing, and implementing a SIMS. The jurisdictions                    cluded: (i) a detailed implementation roadmap for project managers; (ii) a
                                                                         detailed checklist of information and functionality requirements reflecting
highlighted throughout this note are among the leaders in
                                                                         current best practices; (iii) a model consultant terms of reference for the
inspections reform and represent a commitment to ongoing                 SIMS design; and (iv) a model request for proposal for the procurement and
innovation as it relates to inspection practices.                        deployment of the SIMS application.

Based on the information summarized throughout this note,
it is clear that a SIMS, together with adequate supporting
business and technical infrastructure, is an emerging best
practice in government efforts to reduce the compliance
burden on business.

Analysis and note prepared by John Wille and Florentin Blanc
(Investment Climate Department, World Bank Group),

   John Wille    l   Lead Private Sector Development Specialist    l   Investment Climate

   Email: jwille@worldbank.org
   TEL: 1-202-473-2707

                                                                                 Implementing a Shared Inspection Management System                    5