The World Bank                                                                                                                                               Report No: ISR7700

                                                                                                   Implementation Status & Results
                                                                                           Nutrition and Social Protection project (P082242)
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                         Operation Name: Nutrition and Social Protection project (P082242)                  Project Stage:   Implementation         Seq.No: 15     Status: ARCHIVED     Archive Date:       21-Sep-2012
                                                                              Country: Honduras                                      Approval FY:        2006
                         Product Line: IBRD/IDA                               Region: LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN                    Lending Instrument: Specific Investment Loan
                         Implementing Agency(ies): Secretaria de Estado en el Despacho Presidencial, Secretaria de Estado en el Despacho de Salud, Secretaria de Estado en los Despachos de Trabajo y Seguridad Social

                         Key Dates
                         Board Approval Date      07-Jul-2005         Original Closing Date 30-Jun-2010             Planned Mid Term Review Date 11-Apr-2012               Last Archived ISR Date 12-Feb-2012
                         Effectiveness Date       28-Feb-2006         Revised Closing Date 30-Jun-2013              Actual Mid Term Review Date      20-Apr-2012

                         Project Development Objectives
                         Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)

                         The project development objective is to improve Honduras' social safety net for children and youth by: (i) strengthening the Government's capacity to administer social
                         assistance programs; (ii) improving nutritional and health status of young children by expanding the AIN-C program; and (iii) increasing employability of at-risk youth by
                         piloting a First Employment Program.
                         Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project?

                            Yes           No

                         Component Name                                                                                                           Component Cost
                         Institutional strengthening of the social protection framework for children and youth                                              2.00
                         Consolidation and Expansion of the AIN-C program.                                                                                 12.00
                         First Employment Pilot Program for Youth-at-Risk                                                                                   9.60

                         Overall Ratings
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                                                                  Previous Rating                       Current Rating
                         Progress towards achievement of PDO      Satisfactory                          Satisfactory
                         Overall Implementation Progress (IP)     Moderately Satisfactory               Moderately Satisfactory
                         Overall Risk Rating

                         Implementation Status Overview
                         This ISR reflects findings from a supervision mission conducted in April 2012, and subsequent videoconferences held with government implementing agencies between May � July

                         The Project is moving towards attainment of its development objectives. To date it has disbursed roughly 89% of the original Credit (CR-4097) amount (US$17,912,267). Under the

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                         Additional Financing Credit (CR- 4964), which became effective in January 2012, US$300,000 has been disbursed (roughly 9% of the total amount).

                         Component 1: The component is progressing satisfactorily. The approved POA and PAC show that as of April 2012, all but US$60,000 of the remaining US$329,900 under the
                         component had been disbursed or committed. The government agency INE has completed the survey work to identify additional beneficiaries for the country's conditional cash
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                         transfer (CCT) program; the Social Protection Policy has been formally approved by the Social Cabinet, and a Social Protection Technical Committee has been formed and charged
                         with elaborating an implementation strategy for it. The conceptual design of the System for the Evaluation of Social Policies has been completed; the Unique Beneficiary Registry
                         (RUB) design has been finalized and data collection has begun. Data from the RUB would be used as the basis for the selection of beneficiaries under Component 3; and the
                         consultancy to analyze subsidies is in the process of being contracted. The Secretary of the Presidency proposed, and the Bank agreed, to change the activities to be financed under
                         Component 1 of the Additional Financing Credit. Instead of funding the urban targeting methodology, they proposed undertaking studies on citizen participation in the CCT program;
                         the quality of services in education and health which are conditions of the CCT; and the articulation of the country's Social Protection Strategy into the National Agreement. Given that
                         the Government had already developed an urban targeting methodology by the time the Credit became effective, and the value these studies can impart to the design and
                         implementation of the country's CCT program, the Bank agreed to this change.

                         Component 2: The component has disbursed approximately 78% of its total allocated amount; however, the AIN-C results are mixed: the impact evaluation is back on track, with the
                         firm agreeing to re-analyze the data from the first measurement and second measurement is in process, while the third is yet to begin. The country has completed its Early Childhood
                         Development Policy, and has presented it to the Office of the First Lady. Collaboration between the central and regional levels has improved. The Rapid Social Response Grant
                         Agreement was countersigned by Government in June 2012 and the procurement plans for the acquisition of micronutrients and hemocues have been reviewed by procurement staff
                         and a proposal for moving them quickly has been reached between the Bank and government. The Early Childhood Development pilot has completed guidelines for facilitators and
                         monitors, and is compiling a report on the experience as well as a study on institutionalizing the program. Contracts for AIN-C staff have been signed and are valid through December
                         2012. However, there are continued weaknesses in the capacity of AIN-C staff to implement the program. Field trips reveal the need for improved supervision practices (including
                         improving the supervision checklist), and capacity to carry out financial management remains low (although there has been a recent improvement in procurement staff). Technical
                         staff also lacks pro-activity in resolving problems, including a recently revealed situation where children identified by the AIN-C team as malnourished are failing to receive
                         supplemental support, due to a lack of government resources. In terms of sustainability, while the team has hired a consultant to conduct a study to institutionalize the AIN-C program
                         within the Ministry of Health. As of June 30, three of four AIN-C service providers have ended their contracted services and the Project is in a transition phase for the provision of
                         services through trained regional personnel which are currently financed with counterpart funds. A minimum operating structure has been set in place to comply with basic
                         requirements for the provision of services.

                         Component 3: Under Credit 4097, all funds have been disbursed. Under Credit 4964, The Ministry of Labor has requested to change the implementation arrangements to using
                         INFOP (National Institute for Professional Training) to provide training instead of the NGO CADERH, in order to cut training costs and take on a larger role in supervision of training
                         programs. At the same time, it will strengthen the Ministry of Labor institutional capacity to assume its role in supporting the development of the labor market. Subscription of contract
                         with INFOP to carry out the fourth session of youth training is in process.

                         Country                                               First Administrative Division                  Location                                     Planned              Actual
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                         Honduras                                              Departmento de Francisco Morazan               Tegucigalpa

                         Honduras                                              Departamento de Cortes                         San Pedro Sula

                         Honduras                                              Departamento de Atlantida                      La Ceiba

                         Project Development Objective Indicators

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                         Indicator Name                                         Core Unit of Measure              Baseline                         Current                        End Target
                         Percentage of program graduates in paid                      Percentage       Value      0.00                             33.00                          40.00
                         employment or self employment 6 months after                                  Date                                        16-Jul-2012                    30-Jun-2013
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                         program graduation
                                                                                                       Comments                                    Value has not changed as the
                                                                                                                                                   fourth round of training has
                                                                                                                                                   not been completed yet
                         Direct project beneficiaries                                 Number           Value      0.00                             4883.00                        7100.00
                                                                                                       Date       30-Jun-2005                      29-Jul-2011                    30-Jun-2013
                                                                                                       Comments   AF: Core indicator added as     Value has not changed as the
                                                                                                                  part of the restructuring under fourth round of training has
                                                                                                                  the AF package                  not been completed yet
                         Female beneficiaries                                         Percentage       Value      0.00                             0.00                           50.00
                                                                                      Sub Type
                         Reduction in chronic malnutrition for children               Percentage       Value      32.70                            29.80                          26.16
                         under 2 years of age participating in AIN-C                                   Date                                        20-Apr-2012                    30-Jun-2013
                                                                                                       Comments   AF: The wording of this          Based on second
                                                                                                                  indicator was revised to         measurement of impact
                                                                                                                  improve clarity as part of the   evaluation
                                                                                                                  restructuring under the AF
                                                                                                                  Baseline basedon first
                                                                                                                  measurement of impact
                         Institutional structure for social protection policy         Text             Value      Institutional and legal          SSD created by Decree          SSD created with a mandate
                         formulation, planning, implementation, and                                               framework for PRSP               (193-2009). Design of          to coordinate, design,
                         evaluation is created by Governmentdecree                                                implementation (Social           Central Beneficiary Registry   implement, and evaluate
                                                                                                                  Cabinet, UNAT, and               and System for Evaluation of   social policy
                                                                                                                  Consultative Council)            Social Programs is complete.
                                                                                                                                                   SSD heads Technical
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                                                                                                                                                   Committee on Social
                                                                                                                                                   Protection, made up of
                                                                                                                                                   government and civil society
                                                                                                                                                   organizations (Executive
                                                                                                                                                   Decree PCM008-2012)
                                                                                                       Date       30-Jun-2005                      20-Apr-2012                    30-Jun-2013
                                                                                                       Comments   AF: The wording of this          Data in process
                                                                                                                  indicator was revised to
                                                                                                                  improve clarity under the

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                                                                                                            restructuring that took place
                                                                                                            as part of the AF package

                         Intermediate Results Indicators
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                         Indicator Name                                   Core Unit of Measure              Baseline                         Current                           End Target
                         Percentage of indigenous and Afro-Honduran             Percentage       Value      0.00                             51.00                             85.00
                         youths finishing the program, from the total                            Date                                        20-Apr-2012                       30-Jun-2013
                                                                                                 Comments   AF: Indicator added as part      Value has not changed as
                                                                                                            of the restructuring under the   fourth round of training has
                                                                                                            AF                               not been completed yet
                         Percentage of indigenous and Afro-Honduran             Percentage       Value      0.00                             9.00                              15.00
                         beneficiaries, from the total of beneficiaries                          Date                                        20-Apr-2012                       30-Jun-2013
                                                                                                 Comments   AF: Indicator added as part of Value has not changed as
                                                                                                            the restructuring under the AF fourth round of training has
                                                                                                            package                        not been completed yet
                         Percentage of youths successfully completing           Percentage       Value      0.00                             66.00                             80.00
                         all phases of FEP                                                       Date       30-Jun-2005                      20-Apr-2012                       30-Jun-2013
                                                                                                 Comments                                    Value has not changed as
                                                                                                                                             fourth round of training is not
                                                                                                                                             yet completed
                         Number of youths participating in FEP                  Number           Value                                       4883.00                           7100.00
                                                                                                 Date                                        20-Apr-2012                       30-Jun-2013
                                                                                                 Comments                                    Value has not changed as          AF: The end target for this
                                                                                                                                             fourth round of training has      indicator was revised upward
                                                                                                                                             not been completed yet            as part of the restructuring in
                                                                                                                                                                               the AF package
                         Number of businesses that offer internships            Number           Value      0.00                             473.00                            615.00
                                                                                                 Date                                        20-Apr-2012                       30-Jun-2013
                                                                                                 Comments                                    Value has not changed as
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                                                                                                                                             fourth round of training has
                                                                                                                                             not yet been completed
                         Number of youths who use the SLSS                      Number           Value      0.00                             4206.00                           5000.00
                         Information Service in the project areas                                Date       30-Jun-2005                      20-Apr-2012                       30-Jun-2013
                                                                                                 Comments                                    Value has not changed as
                                                                                                                                             fourth round of training is not
                                                                                                                                             yet completed
                         Percentage of providers who meet at least 80%          Percentage       Value      0.00                             91.00                             80.00
                         of the quality standards for service delivery                           Date       30-Jun-2005                      20-Apr-2012                       30-Jun-2013

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                                                                                         Comments                                    Based on July - December
                                                                                                                                     2011 performance evaluations
                         Percent reduction in number of children with       Percentage   Value      11.64                            11.64                           10.50
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                         reported cases of diarrhea in the last two                      Date       13-Jun-2011                      20-Apr-2012                     30-Jun-2013
                         weeks, in beneficiary communities
                                                                                         Comments   AF: Indicator added as part of   Value has not changed from
                                                                                                    the restructuring under the AF   baseline due to problems with
                                                                                                    package                          measurement errors during
                                                                                                    Baseline for this indicator      second measurement of
                                                                                                    based on first measurement       impact evaluation
                                                                                                    of impact evaluation
                         Percentage of children exclusively breastfed for   Percentage   Value      87.50                            76.10                           91.87
                         6 months                                                        Date       15-Mar-2011                      20-Apr-2012                     30-Jun-2013
                                                                                         Comments   Baseline based on first          Based on second                 Target revised to base it on
                                                                                                    measurement of impact            measurement of impact           baseline established by first
                                                                                                    evaluation                       evaluation                      measurement of impact
                         Percentage of children under 2 years old who       Percentage   Value      0.00                             69.00                           80.00
                         began to participate in the program before 3                    Date       30-Jun-2005                      20-Apr-2012                     30-Jun-2013
                         months of age
                         Percentage of children under 2 years old with      Percentage   Value      0.00                             24.30                           30.00
                         inadequate growth in two successive checkups                    Date       30-Jun-2005                      20-Apr-2012                     30-Jun-2013
                         Percentage of children under 2 years old who       Percentage   Value      0.00                             95.70                           94.00
                         participate in the weighing sessions                            Date       30-Jun-2005                      20-Apr-2012                     30-Jun-2013
                         Number of new communities covered by               Number       Value      0.00                             1038.00                         1000.00
                         program                                                         Date       30-Jun-2005                      20-Apr-2012                     31-May-2012
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                         Social Protection Policy finalized and approved    Text         Value      Draft Policy prepared with its Social Protection Policy          SP Policy finalized, approved
                         by the Social Cabinet                                                      conceptual basis and principal approved by Social Cabinet        by Social Cabinet, and
                                                                                                    implementation instruments                                       implementation plan is
                                                                                         Date       30-Jun-2005                      20-Apr-2012                     30-Jun-2013
                                                                                         Comments   AF: This indicator was revised
                                                                                                    as part of the restructuring
                                                                                                    under the AF for the Credit

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                         New targeting mechanism for urban areas is                Text                Value          0                                  Targeting instrument used on Targeting algorithm
                         validated                                                                                                                       second round of surveys      developed and piloted;
                                                                                                                                                         (2012)                       targeting methodology
                                                                                                                                                                                      manual completed.
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                                                                                                       Date           03-May-2011                        20-Apr-2012                         30-Jun-2013
                                                                                                       Comments       AF: This indicator was added
                                                                                                                      as part of the restructuring
                                                                                                                      under the AF package
                         Household data collection to identify                     Number              Value          0.00                               50000.00                            100000.00
                         beneficiaries for Bono 10,000                                                 Date           03-May-2011                        30-Jan-2012                         30-Jun-2013
                                                                                                       Comments       AF: Indicator added as part of INE contracted and first round Number of surveys completed
                                                                                                                      the restructuring under the AF of surveys completed. In
                                                                                                                                                     January 2012 a six month
                                                                                                                                                     contract extension was
                                                                                                                                                     granted to INE to completethe
                                                                                                                                                     target number of surveys.
                         Information system for monitoring and                     Text                Value          Poverty reduction strategy         Unique Registry design is           Unique Registry of
                         evaluation of social protection programs is                                                  information and monitoring         complete and data collection        Beneficiaries and Registry of
                         designed and operational                                                                     system established                 has begun; design of the            Programs and Services are
                                                                                                                                                         System for Evaluation of            completed; URB is registering
                                                                                                                                                         Social Programs is also             information on beneficiaries
                                                                                                                                                         complete.                           and RPS is recording
                                                                                                                                                                                             information on programs;
                                                                                                                                                                                             monitoring reports on key
                                                                                                                                                                                             social protection programs
                                                                                                                                                                                             are produced.
                                                                                                       Date           30-Jun-2005                        20-Apr-2012                         30-Jun-2013

                         Data on Financial Performance (as of 25-Jul-2012)
                         Financial Agreement(s) Key Dates
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                         Project               Ln/Cr/Tf                Status               Approval Date                 Signing Date           Effectiveness Date        Original Closing Date      Revised Closing Date
                         P082242               IDA-40970               Effective            07-Jul-2005                   09-Sep-2005            28-Feb-2006               30-Jun-2010                30-Jun-2013
                         P082242               IDA-49640               Effective            16-Jun-2011                   23-Aug-2011            13-Jan-2012               30-Jun-2013                30-Jun-2013
                         P082242               TF-11667                Effective            29-May-2012                   14-Jun-2012            14-Jun-2012               30-Nov-2012                30-Nov-2012

                         Disbursements (in Millions)
                         Project               Ln/Cr/Tf                Status               Currency           Original             Revised           Cancelled          Disbursed            Undisbursed          % Disbursed
                         P082242               IDA-40970               Effective            USD                             20.00             20.00               0.00               18.74                  1.77         94.00

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                         P082242              IDA-49640               Effective          USD                        3.60            3.60             0.00              0.30              3.15          8.00
                         P082242              TF-11667                Effective          USD                        1.20            1.20             0.00              0.00              1.20          0.00
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                         Disbursement Graph

                         Key Decisions Regarding Implementation
                         The change in activities under Component 1 and the change in implementation arrangements under Component 3 require a restructuring of the Additional Financing Credit (Cr-4964),
                         currently under preparation.

                         Restructuring History
                         Level two Approved on 11-Jun-2010
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                         Related Projects

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