The World Bank
       Health Professionals Education and Training for Health System Reforms (P131825)

                                                                                         REPORT NO.: RES33266

                                              RESTRUCTURING PAPER

                                                       ON A

                                       PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING

                                            APPROVED ON MAY 6, 2014

                                         SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM



                               Regional Vice President:     Victoria Kwakwa
                                      Country Director:     Ousmane Dione
                        Senior Global Practice Director:    Timothy Grant Evans
                           Practice Manager/Manager:        Toomas Palu
                                    Task Team Leader:       Sang Minh Le
       The World Bank
       Health Professionals Education and Training for Health System Reforms (P131825)


CK1                  Level 1 specialist
CPMU                 Central Project Management Unit
MOH                  Ministry of Health
PHC                  Primary Health Care
           The World Bank
           Health Professionals Education and Training for Health System Reforms (P131825)

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Product Information

Project ID                                                      Financing Instrument
P131825                                                         Investment Project Financing

Original EA Category                                            Current EA Category
Partial Assessment (B)                                          Partial Assessment (B)

Approval Date                                                   Current Closing Date
06-May-2014                                                     31-Dec-2020


Borrower                                                        Responsible Agency
Socialist Republic of Vietnam                                   Ministry of Health

Project Development Objective (PDO)
Original PDO
The PDOs are to improve the quality of health professionals' education, strengthen management competencies in the
health sector, and improve the competencies of Primary Health Care teams at the grass-roots level.
Summary Status of Financing
Ln/Cr/Tf                  Approval        Signing Effectiveness           Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed

IDA-54410             06-May-2014     17-Jul-2014    30-Oct-2014 31-Dec-2020               86.00        7.81    68.64
TF-A1658              28-Mar-2017 28-Mar-2017 28-Mar-2017 30-Nov-2018                       8.68        4.20     4.48

Policy Waiver(s)

Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)?
       The World Bank
       Health Professionals Education and Training for Health System Reforms (P131825)

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       The World Bank
       Health Professionals Education and Training for Health System Reforms (P131825)


1. Project status
   (a) The implementation progress and achievement of PDO has been rated unsatisfactory for more than one year.
       Only the Component strengthening management capacities in the health sector is making progress toward
       achievement of the PDO, while other Components are moving at a much slower pace. This slow progress results
       from a lack of empowerment and capacity of the Central Project Management Unit (CPMU) and a challenging
       regulatory and institutional environment.
   (b) The Component improving the quality of health professionals education has been affected by a shift the focus
       from Quality Assurance system to introduction of competency based education programs. The development,
       review and approval of school grants took longer than anticipated, resulting in a reduction in the number of
       grant recipients as well as reduced resource and timeframe for grant implementation. Only US$ 17 million are
       committed under the school grants program, and approximately US$ 2 million have been transferred to grant
       recipients, while US$12 million is unprogrammed under this component.
   (c) The Component improving competencies of primary healthcare (PHC) teams has been expanding training
       programs at the grassroots level and making some progress towards PDO recently. However, delays in
       procurement of equipment will affect the provision of training service to PHC teams in targeted areas.
   (d) While increasing slowly, disbursement remains low at 14.1%. After the US$20 million cancellation in March
       2017, only 10.2% of the IDA resources have been disbursed. Disbursement from the EU grant of EUR 7.43
       million has reached approximately 48.4%.
2. Rationale for restructuring
   (a) In March of 2017, US$20 million was cancelled from the Project. A review of the Project’s indicators was
       undertaken with a view to determine, given the cancellation, whether the targets, as originally envisaged, were
       still attainable. During the March 2017 review, the World Bank and the MOH agreed on the need to formally
       revise the Results Framework, and a working draft was discussed at that time. It was agreed that a logical time
       to make a final determination on how to revise the indicators would be during the Mid-Term Review (MTR),
       planned for January 2018, along with a review to identify any other necessary changes and to restructure the
       Project. The MTR in January 2018, reviewed and confirmed that while the Development Objectives and Finance
       Agreement did not require any changes, the Results Framework would need to be revised due to the changing
       focus arising from Government’s health professionals education reform and the delays in implementation.
   (b) Following are the main issues relating to the original Results Framework:
       (i) Relevance: Two of the PDO indicators and three intermediate result indicators were formulated to measure
             achievement and progress of the development of the quality assurance system. However, as the Project
             commenced implementation, the Ministry of Health (MOH) shifted the focus from quality assurance to the
             introduction of competency-based education programs. No measurement was included which captures the
             tremendous effort, which has gone into strengthening the policy framework and institutional capacity for
             health professionals education reform, made by MOH since the project effectiveness.
       (ii) Attainability: Due to the delays in implementation and cost increases, it will be impossible to attain the
            cumulative target values set for most of intermediate result indicators associated with Component 2,
            including the sub-component providing basic equipment to PHC teams. However, more health staff at the
            grassroots level can be included in the training programs for PHC teams because the training courses are
            now shorter and less expensive than expected.
       The World Bank
       Health Professionals Education and Training for Health System Reforms (P131825)


  The Results Framework for the Project will be changed. A formal request for reaffirming the revised Result Framework
  was received from Ministry of Health on June 29, 2018. The Project Operational Manual will be updated and adopted
  by Ministry of Health to reflect proposed changes in the Result Framework. The World Bank Country Director notified
  Ministry of Health of using revised Result Framework to monitor and evaluate the project from July 2018 onward.
  The following describes proposed changes in the Result Framework:
    (a) The indicators associated with Component 1 will be replaced as follows:
        (i) The two original PDO indicators “Number of health professional programs that have completed the Peer
              Review Assessment” and “Percentage of first takers who have passed the standardized examination for
              their area of study” will be removed.
        (ii) The addition of a single PDO indicator “Number of Grant recipient schools successfully implementing their
              competency-based curriculum”.
              The Quality Assurance Council within Ministry of Health will evaluate the implementation of competency
              based curriculum (CBC) at grant recipient schools. An evaluation checklist will be developed and a passing
              score will be established by the Council to decide whether grant recipient schools implement their CBC
              successfully. During the Midterm Review Workshop on January 19, 2018, Grant recipients and council
              members agreed about this indicator, target and evaluation method. It is expected that the checklist and
              methodology will be finalized by the end of 2018.
        (iii) The three original intermediate result indicators “Number of trained assessors”, “Examination blueprint
              ready”, and “Item Bank ready” will be removed.
        (iv) A single intermediate result indicator “Number of grant recipients completing 70% of activities in their
              annual workplan in each year” will be added.
    (b) One PDO indicator and two intermediate result indicators associated with Component 2 will be changed as
        (i) One original PDO indicator “Number of managers that have completed at least one management course”
              will be revised to “Number of managers and inspectors that have completed at least one management
              course”; the end-target value will be reduced from 4000 to 2300.
        (ii) Two original intermediate result indicators “Number of management trainers enrolled in a graduate
              program” and “Number of students enrolled in a management course” will be removed.
        (iii) A single intermediate result indicator “Number of young volunteer doctors that have completed the CK1
              training program” will be added.
    (c) All indicators associated with Component 3 will be revised, namely:
        (i) The original PDO indicator “Percentage of commune health station staff per province that have improved
              their clinical skills in the management of selected conditions by at least 25% after training ” will be revised
              as “Percentage of commune health station staff that have improved their knowlege and clinical skills in the
              management of selected conditions by at least 20% after training”.
        (ii) Target value of the original intermediate result indicator “number of health staff enrolled in a training
              program” will be increased from 8,500 to 15,000.
        (iii) The original intermediate result indicator “Number of commune health stations provided with a set of basic
              equipment” will be revised to “Number of training institutions, clinical training sites and commune health
              stations provided with a set of basic equipment”; the target value will be reduced from 2,300 to 982.
    (d) A new intermediate result indicator, to measure strides in strengthening the policy framework and institutional
        capacity for health professionals education reform will be added: “Number of technical documents approved”.
        The World Bank
        Health Professionals Education and Training for Health System Reforms (P131825)

  Note to Task Teams: The following sections are system generated and can only be edited online in the Portal.


                                                                      Changed                       Not Changed
Change in Results Framework                                              ✔
Change in Implementing Agency                                                                             ✔
Change in DDO Status                                                                                      ✔
Change in Project's Development Objectives                                                                ✔
Change in Components and Cost                                                                             ✔
Change in Loan Closing Date(s)                                                                            ✔
Cancellations Proposed                                                                                    ✔
Reallocation between Disbursement Categories                                                              ✔
Change in Disbursements Arrangements                                                                      ✔
Change in Disbursement Estimates                                                                          ✔
Change in Overall Risk Rating                                                                             ✔
Change in Safeguard Policies Triggered                                                                    ✔
Change of EA category                                                                                     ✔
Change in Legal Covenants                                                                                 ✔
Change in Institutional Arrangements                                                                      ✔
Change in Financial Management                                                                            ✔
Change in Procurement                                                                                     ✔
Change in Implementation Schedule                                                                         ✔
Other Change(s)                                                                                           ✔
Change in Economic and Financial Analysis                                                                 ✔
Change in Technical Analysis                                                                              ✔
Change in Social Analysis                                                                                 ✔
Change in Environmental Analysis                                                                          ✔
                                    The World Bank
                                    Health Professionals Education and Training for Health System Reforms (P131825)




          Project Development Objective Indicators

                        Number of health professional programs that have completed the Peer Review Assessment (PRA).
                        Unit of Measure: Text
                        Indicator Type: Custom

                                     Baseline                 Actual (Current)           End Target              Action
                                                                                         6 medicine; 3 nursing
                                                                                         (4 year program), 5
                        Value none                            none                                               Marked for Deletion
                                                                                         nursing (3 yr program),
                                                                                         1 pharmacy
                        Date         30-Sep-2014              31-Jan-2018                31-Dec-2020
                      Percentage of first takers who have passed the standardized examination for their area of study (medicine, nursing,
                      or pharmacy).
                      Unit of Measure: Percentage
                      Indicator Type: Custom

                                     Baseline                 Actual (Current)           End Target              Action
                        Value 0.00                            0.00                       80.00                   Marked for Deletion

                        Date         30-Sep-2014              31-Jan-2018                31-Dec-2020
                        Number of managers and inspectors that have completed at least one management course.
                        Unit of Measure: Number
                        Indicator Type: Custom

                                     Baseline                 Actual (Current)           End Target              Action
                        Value 0.00                            305.00                     2300.00                 Revised

                        Date         30-Sep-2014              08-Jun-2018                31-Dec-2020
                      Percentage of young volunteer physicians who worked in disadvantage districts during the year following
                      completion of CK1 training.
                      Unit of Measure: Percentage
                      Indicator Type: Custom

                                     Baseline                 Actual (Current)           End Target              Action
                        Value 0.00                            100.00                     90.00                   No Change

                        Date         30-Sep-2014              31-Jan-2018                31-Dec-2020
                       The World Bank
                       Health Professionals Education and Training for Health System Reforms (P131825)

               Percentage of commune health station staff that have improved their knowlege and clinical skills in management of
               selected conditions by at least 20% after training.
               Unit of Measure: Percentage
               Indicator Type: Custom

                        Baseline                 Actual (Current)           End Target              Action
               Value 0.00                        3.00                       80.00                   Revised

               Date     30-Sep-2014              08-Jun-2018                31-Dec-2020
               Number of Grant recipient schools successfully implementing their competency based curriculum
               Unit of Measure: Number
               Indicator Type: Custom

                        Baseline                 Actual (Current)           End Target              Action
               Value 0.00                        0.00                       12.00                   New

               Date     30-Sep-2014              08-Jun-2018                31-Dec-2020

Intermediate Indicators

               Number of trained assessors.
               Unit of Measure: Text
               Indicator Type: Custom

                          Baseline                Actual (Current)           End Target             Action
                                                                             60 medicine; 30
               Value      0                       0                                                 Marked for Deletion
                                                                             nursing; 6 pharmacy
               Date       30-Sep-2014             31-Jan-2018                30-Sep-2018
               Examination blueprint ready
               Unit of Measure: Text
               Indicator Type: Custom

                          Baseline                Actual (Current)           End Target             Action
               Value      0                       0                          blueprint ready        Marked for Deletion

               Date       30-Sep-2014             31-Jan-2018                30-Sep-2015
               Item Bank ready.
               Unit of Measure: Text
               Indicator Type: Custom

                          Baseline                Actual (Current)           End Target             Action
        The World Bank
        Health Professionals Education and Training for Health System Reforms (P131825)

Value      0                       0                            item bank ready         Marked for Deletion

Date       30-Sep-2014             31-Jan-2018                  30-Sep-2015
Number of management trainers enrolled in a graduate program.
Unit of Measure: Number
Indicator Type: Custom

           Baseline                 Actual (Current)            End Target              Action
Value      0.00                    0.00                         14.00                   Marked for Deletion

Date       30-Sep-2014             31-Jan-2018                  30-Sep-2018
Number of students enrolled in a management course.
Unit of Measure: Number
Indicator Type: Custom

           Baseline                 Actual (Current)            End Target              Action
Value      0.00                    48.00                        4500.00                 Marked for Deletion

Date       30-Sep-2014             31-Jan-2018                  31-Dec-2020
Number of health staff enrolled in a training program.
Unit of Measure: Number
Indicator Type: Custom

           Baseline                 Actual (Current)            End Target              Action
Value      0.00                    1959.00                      15000.00                Revised

Date       30-Sep-2014             08-Jun-2018                  30-Sep-2018
Number of traning institutions, clinical training sites and commune health stations provided with a set of basic
Unit of Measure: Number
Indicator Type: Custom

           Baseline                 Actual (Current)            End Target              Action
Value      0.00                    0.00                         982.00                  Revised

Date       30-Sep-2014             08-Jun-2018                  30-Sep-2017
Number of grant recipients completing 70% of activities in their annual workplan in each year
Unit of Measure: Number
Indicator Type: Custom

           Baseline                 Actual (Current)            End Target              Action
         The World Bank
         Health Professionals Education and Training for Health System Reforms (P131825)

 Value      0.00                    0.00                        12.00                  New

 Date       30-Sep-2014             08-Jun-2018                 31-Dec-2018
 Number of young volunteer doctors have completed CK1 training program
 Unit of Measure: Number
 Indicator Type: Custom

            Baseline                Actual (Current)            End Target             Action
 Value      0.00                    14.00                       300.00                 New

 Date       30-Sep-2014             08-Jun-2018                 31-Dec-2020
 Number of technical documents approved
 Unit of Measure: Number
 Indicator Type: Custom

            Baseline                Actual (Current)            End Target             Action
 Value      0.00                    15.00                       20.00                  New

 Date       30-Sep-2014             08-Jun-2018                 31-Dec-2020

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