A COLLABORATIVE PROGRAM OF AFDB, FAO, IFAD, IWMI, AND THE WORLD BANK THE WORLD BANK Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Synthesis Report 43768 A COLLABORATIVE PROGRAM OF AFDB, FAO, IFAD, IWMI, AND THE WORLD BANK Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Synthesis Report THE WORLD BANK Washington, DC IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd i IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd 3/13/08 11:31:31 AM 3/13/08 11:31:31 AM IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd iiii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM Contents Foreword ix Acknowledgements xiii Acronyms and Abbreviations xv Glossary xvii Executive Summary xxi Chapter 1 Rural Poverty and Agricultural Water Development in Sub-Saharan Africa 1 1.1 The Millennium Development Goals, Agricultural Growth, and Rural Poverty 1 1.2 Agricultural Water, Growth, and Farming Systems 4 1.3 Agricultural Water: The Global Picture and Sub-Saharan Africa 6 Chapter 2 Profile of Agricultural Water Development 9 2.1 Agricultural Water Management Typology 9 2.2 Agricultural Water Development Characteristics 11 2.3 Water Managed Crops and Productivity 15 iii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd iii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd iii 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM iv Contents Chapter 3 Investment Performance and Development Impact 27 3.1 Performance of Irrigation Projects 27 3.2 Are Irrigation Investment Costs Higher than Elsewhere? 34 3.3 Experience of Design and Implementation 36 3.4 Performance of In-Field Rainwater Management for Dryland Crops 39 3.5 Agricultural Water Projects and Poverty Reduction 41 3.6 Environmental and Health Aspects of Agricultural Water Projects 48 Chapter 4 The Changing Institutional Context 53 4.1 Transboundary Water 53 4.2 Strategic Planning and Agricultural Water 55 4.3 Policy Reforms and Agricultural Water Development Strategies 58 4.4 Role of the Public and Private Sectors in Agricultural Water 65 4.5 Sector-Wide Approaches 67 4.6 Decentralized Development 70 4.7 Management of Publicly-Financed Irrigation Schemes 71 Chapter 5 Development Potential, Market Demand, and Investment Opportunities 77 5.1 Physical Potential for Agricultural Water Development 77 5.2 Current Region-Wide Development Proposals 82 5.3 Market Demand and Economics of Investment 83 5.4 Possible Investment Opportunities 88 5.5 Choices Facing Governments at the Country Level 92 Chapter 6 Lessons and Recommendations for Engagement in Agricultural Water 95 6.1 Farm-Level Profitability, Viability, and Sustainability 95 6.2 Opportunities for Further Public and Private Investment 96 IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd iv IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd iv 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM Contents v 6.3 Designing and Implementing Better Investment Projects 99 6.4 Institutional Reforms 104 6.5 Strategic Vision 107 References 111 Maps 119 Summary Tables 125 Annexes 147 Boxes 2.1 In Mali, Irrigated Rice with Higher Value Cash Crops and Irrigated Rice Monoculture are Expected to be Profitable 21 2.2 Improving In-Field Rainwater Management in the Semi-Arid Areas of Niger 23 2.3 Horticultural Growth and the Poor in Kenya 24 3.1 The Failure of Public Large-Scale Irrigation Schemes in Nigeria 32 3.2 Successful Public Large-Scale Irrigation in Mali: The Office du Niger 33 3.3 Irrigation Considerably Enhances Farm Incomes, Livelihoods, and Employment Opportunities at Irrigation Schemes in Tanzania and Zimbabwe 45 3.4 Women and Treadle Pumps for Fruit and Vegetable Production in Tanzania 48 3.5 In Nigeria Large-Scale Irrigation, National Procedures Are Not Adequate to Protect the Environment or Reduce Social Harms 50 3.6 Engineering Schistosomiasis Control into Irrigation 51 4.1 Kenya Begins Cooperation with Lake Victoria Riparians on Environmental Issues 54 4.2 Recent Irrigation Strategies are In Line with a Market-Driven Approach 57 4.3 Reforms Under the Agriculture Sector Development Strategy, Tanzania 59 4.4 Supporting Policy Reform in Tanzania 60 4.5 Farmer Empowerment through Farmer Field Schools in Kenya 62 IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd v IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM vi Contents 4.6 Win-Win Partnerships for Market Links in Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Niger 63 4.7 Kenya Needs IWRM to Manage Irrigation Expansion 64 4.8 Public Private Partnerships in Agricultural Water 68 4.9 Decentralized Agricultural Water Development without Empowerment 71 4.10 Swaziland's Innovative Approach to Water Service Provision and Cost Recovery 73 4.11 Examples of Poorly Handled Transfer of Irrigation Management 74 4.12 Examples of Successful Irrigation Management Transfer 76 5.1 Run-of-the-River Improvements Are Not Enough for Rice Development in Tanzania 79 5.2 Competing Demands for Water in Tanzania 80 5.3 Why Economic Viability Is Imperative for Agricultural Water Investments 86 5.4 Taking Account of Livestock in Agricultural Water Investments 88 Figures 1.1 Sub-Saharan Africa is the Poorest Region in the World 2 1.2 Population Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Has Exceeded the Growth of Both Overall and Agricultural GDP so that the Population Has Become Poorer 2 1.3 Area Expansion Has Been the Biggest Source of Agricultural Growth by Far in Sub-Saharan Africa 3 1.4 Sub-Saharan Africa Has a Far Lower Share of Its Arable Land Under Irrigation than Other Regions 6 1.5 World Bank Lending for Irrigation and Drainage in Sub-Saharan Africa Is Only One-Half of Levels 20 Years Ago 7 2.1 Agricultural Water Management Typology 10 2.2 Water Managed Area by Type (`000 hectares) 13 2.3 Paddy Yield in Madagascar, Mali, and Indonesia 18 5.1 Irrigation Potential in Sub-Saharan Africa 78 5.2 Breakdown of Dams by Geographical Zone 81 IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd vi IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd vi 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM Contents vii Tables 2.1 Area in Sub-Saharan Africa under Agricultural Water Management by Type 12 2.2 Harvested Irrigated Crop Area in Sub-Saharan Africa (`000 ha) 16 2.3 Percentage of Total Irrigated Production (2005 figures) 17 2.4 Paddy Yields in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and East Asia (kg/ha) 17 2.5 Madagascar: Effect of Water Management on Paddy Yields (kg/ha) 19 2.6 Madagascar: Regional Comparison of Irrigated Paddy Yields 19 2.7 Returns to Irrigated Rice Production in Sierra Leone 20 3.1 Rates of Return on Externally-Financed Irrigation Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1970­1999 28 3.2 Comparison of Selected Projects at Completion and Subsequent History 29 3.3 Average Unit Cost of `Successful' Projects 1970­1999 (constant 2000 terms) 35 4.1 Investment and Working Capital Requirements for Intensive Irrigated Production in Kenya 61 5.1 CAADP Program for Investment in Agricultural Water to 2030 82 5.2 Projected Regional Net Trade in Cereals in 2030 (tonnes) 84 5.3 Projected Water-Managed Production in 2030 (`000 tonnes) 85 5.4 Indicative Summary of Opportunities to Invest in Agricultural Water Development 90 IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd vii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd vii 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd viii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd viii 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM 3/13/08 11:31:32 AM Foreword This report summarizes the results of a Collaborative Program of a group of international development agencies--AfDB, FAO, IFAD, IWMI, and the World Bank--to review the experience to date of agricultural water investment in sub-Saharan Africa and to identify the conditions for successful investment in sustainable, cost-effective agricultural water development. The Collaborative Program In 2001, AfDB, FAO, IFAD, IWMI, and the World Bank identified the low level of investment in agricultural water in sub-Saharan Africa as a major development issue. The agencies, therefore, decided on a joint Collaborative Program to review the current state of agricultural water development and experience gained to date in Sub-Saharan Africa in order to: (a) better understand its performance and potential, (b) iden- tify changes in the development context, and (c) develop recommenda- tions to improve investment performance. The objective was to improve the quality of assistance to governments and induce greater investment flows, as well as influence the assistance provided by bilateral donors. ix IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd ix IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd ix 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM x Foreword As a first step, in June 2001 a stakeholders' workshop was convened in Harare to define the problems and to chart the scope and course of the Collaborative Program. At the workshop, stakeholders identi- fied factors contributing to low levels of investment. The principal con- cerns were perception of low economic returns compared to alternative investments; a lack of financial viability; poor sustainability; and the relative wastefulness of agricultural water use. The program was thus designed to assess the validity of these perceptions and to propose ways to overcome the underlying constraints. At the Harare workshop, it was also decided that there were a num- ber of strategic topics that required study before the overall question of how to catalyze increased investment in agricultural water development for crop production in sub-Saharan Africa could be addressed. Guided by a steering committee and a working group, detailed component stud- ies were prepared on the following topics:1 · Demand for products of irrigated agriculture; · Assessment of potential of agricultural water management for food supply; · Agricultural water development for poverty reduction; · Costs of agricultural water development; · Private sector participation in agricultural water development; · Health and environmental aspects; · Irrigation development planning and implementation; and · Integrated water-livestock-crop production. In 2002, New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) developed the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Pro- gramme (CAADP), which gives a central place to the development of agricultural water. With FAO support, NEPAD member states are cur- rently preparing National Medium-Term Investment Plans proposing a significant increase in investment in agricultural water. This report is expected to support these planning processes. Synthesis Report This Synthesis Report has been prepared on the basis of the detailed component studies and other sources as an input to a process of discus- 1. The reports on component studies are listed in Annex 1. IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd x IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM Foreword xi sion and decision making aimed at increasing investment in agricultural water in sub-Saharan Africa. The Report represents the consolidated views of the agencies concerned on how to improve the effectiveness of agricultural water development in the region and thereby increase investment levels. The report analyses the contribution to date of agricultural water management to poverty reduction and growth in the region, the reasons for its slow expansion and apparently poor track record, as well as the ways in which increased investment in agricultural water management could make a sustainable contribution to further poverty reduction and growth. Chapter 1 places agricultural water management in the context of the Millennium Development Goals and paths to poverty reduction through agricultural growth. Chapters 2 to 5 contain a regional diagnostic that looks at the role of agricultural water management in sub-Saharan Africa, examines the contribution that investment projects have made, reviews the changing institutional context, and assesses the potential for further development. Chapter 6 then summarizes the lessons and recommendations for increasing the contribution of agricultural water management to poverty reduction and growth in the region. IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xi IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xi 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xii 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM Acknowledgements The Synthesis Report was prepared by Tony Peacock2 and Christopher Ward3 with Gretel Gambarelli4 under the guidance of the members of a steering committee and working group comprising Tefera Woudeneh (AfDB), Jacob Burke (FAO), Edward Heinemann (IFAD), Arlene Ino- cencio (IWMI), Douglas Merrey/Akiça Bahri (IWMI), Salah Dargh- outh (World Bank), and IJsbrand de Jong (World Bank). Thanks are due to the authors of the component studies and to the staff of the partici- pating agencies for their assistance during preparation of the report. The report benefited from a review of the draft by a panel of experts in agricultural water development drawn from the sub-Saharan Africa region, comprising Carlos Bonete (Mozambique), Amadou Allahoury Diallo (Niger), Nuhu Hatibu (Tanzania), Marna de Lange (South Africa), Inuwa K. Musa (Nigeria), Haridify Ramilison (Madagascar), Gamal Dafalla Taha (Sudan), and Doudou Toure (Mali). The partners in the Col- laborative Program gratefully acknowledge this valuable contribution. Any errors and omissions remain, however, the responsibility of the partners. 2. IFAD consultant (also member of Working Group). 3. World Bank consultant. 4. World Bank. xiii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xiii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xiii 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xiv IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xiv 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM Acronyms and Abbreviations ADB Asian Development Bank AfDB African Development Bank CAADP Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program CP Collaborative Program CPIA Country Policy and Institutional Assessment DFID Department for International Development (UK) DRC Domestic resource cost ERR/EIRR Economic Rate of Return/Economic Internal Rate of Return EAP East Asia and the Pacific ECA Europe and Central Asia EU European Union FAO Food and Agriculture Organization GDP Gross Domestic Product HYV High-yielding variety IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute IPTRID International Program for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage IRWR Internal Renewable Water Resources xv IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xv IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xv 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM xvi Acronyms and Abbreviations IWMI International Water Management Institute IWRM Integrated Water Resources Management LAC Latin America and the Caribbean MCM Million cubic metres MDG Millennium Development Goal MENA Middle East and North Africa M&E Monitoring and evaluation NEPAD New Partnership for Africa's Development NGO Non Governmental Organization NMTIP National Medium-Term Investment Plan O&M Operation and Maintenance PPAR Project Performance Assessment Report PPP Public-private partnership PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper SA South Asia SADC Southern African Development Community SSA Sub-Saharan Africa SWAp Sector-wide approach TRWR Total Renewable Water Resources WARDA West African Rice Development Agency WB World Bank WP Working Paper WUA Water Users' Association IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xvi IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xvi 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM Glossary Agro-ecological zones are defined by FAO on the basis of average annual length of growing period for crops, which depends inter alia on precipi- tation and temperature. The lengths are: humid > 270 days; moist sub- humid 180­269 days; dry sub-humid 120­179 days; semiarid 60­119 days, and arid 0­59 days. Deficit irrigation is the application of less irrigation water than that required for maximum plant growth, to optimize yield per unit of water rather than land--in other words, to optimize water productivity. Diversification is defined as a modification of the farm enterprise pat- tern to exploit new or existing market opportunities, thereby to increase farm income or reduce income variability. Drainage is the removal of excess water from agricultural land. Dryland crops are those crops grown under naturally occurring rain- fall without irrigation, drainage, or taking advantage of rising or falling water tables. Dryland crops are sometimes referred to as rainfed crops. Empowerment is defined as strengthening the social and economic rights of people--and helping them gain the confidence to assume a meaning- ful role in developing their own livelihoods. It involves enabling people, xvii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xvii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xvii 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM 3/13/08 11:31:33 AM xviii Glossary by providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge to influence all decisions that affect their livelihoods and by building institutions (i.e., policies, legal frameworks and organizations, including commu- nity-based organizations) that are responsive their needs. Farmers' Field Schools are a way of testing and adapting new technol- ogies. They consist of a community-based, practically oriented, field study program, involving a group of farmers, facilitated by extension staff (public or private) or, increasingly, by other farmers, in which farmers learn together and test and adapt practices, using practical, `hands-on' methods of discovery learning that emphasize observation, discussion, and analysis to combine local indigenous knowledge with new concepts. Food security is the condition of being able supply one's food needs either from one's own production or by buying from other sources, whichever is more economically advantageous. Food security may be expressed in terms of the household, the nation, or the region. Food self-sufficiency is the condition of being able to meet one's food needs from own production without resorting to other sources. Food self-sufficiency may be expressed in terms of the individual household, the nation, or the region. In-field rainwater management consists of operations to enhance the effectiveness of rainfall for dryland crop growth. Integrated Water Resources Management is the approach that evolved from the 1992 Dublin Statement on Water and Sustainable Development that called for an integrated, intersectoral approach to water manage- ment and allocation. The IWRM approach emphasizes: (a) the need for a whole catchment approach to development and subsidiarity in plan- ning and decision making; (b) the pivotal institutional role of women; (c) basic human rights to clean water and sanitation at an affordable price; and (d) the need for economic efficiency in water use. Intensification is defined as producing more per unit of land. Irrigation consists of operations to supply additional water to agricul- tural land to augment rainwater (if any) for the purpose of crop growth. Irrigation water may be supplied from groundwater, surface water, agri- cultural drainage wastewater or other wastewater (including that from domestic or industrial use). For the purpose of this report, reference to irrigation should also be taken to include drainage where appropriate. IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xviii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xviii 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM Glossary xix Large, medium, small, and micro-scale. For the purposes of this report, `large-scale' refers to an irrigated area of 1,000 hectares and more; `medium-scale' refers to an irrigated area of at least 100 hectares but less than 1,000 hectares; `small-scale' refers to an irrigated area of more than 1 hectare but less than 100 hectares; `micro-scale' refers to an irri- gated area of up to 1 hectare, such as irrigated vegetable gardens.1 Each of these categories could be operated by either the public or private sector, although the smaller areas are usually operated by individuals or groups of individuals. Market links are defined as arrangements under which agricultural pro- cessing or marketing companies enter into mutually beneficial contract arrangements with producers to provide technical support and inputs in return for an assured throughput of produce. Supplemental (or supplementary) irrigation involves providing water to augment rainfall for crop growth. Most irrigation is supplementary, except where it is provided entirely within a dry season. Water harvesting (or rainwater harvesting or runoff harvesting) is the collection and concentration of runoff, with or without storage, for use in irrigating crops. The use of large, medium, and small dams and weirs for irrigation may be considered as a form of water harvesting, but the term is generally used to refer to the collection of runoff from very small catchment areas (from as small as the roof of a house to as much as 200 hectares). Watershed management consists of operations to conserve catchment areas by sustainable land use practices to maintain or enhance the qual- ity and quantity of their water flows. 1. The definition of `large' in the context of scale of agricultural water developments varies from country to country. IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xix IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xix 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xx IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xx 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM Executive Summary Poverty and Agricultural Growth The multiple facets of poverty can be divided into two broad types: income poverty and non-income poverty. Because people who are income poor tend to also be poor in other respects, the Millennium Development Goals consider poverty in terms of income and use a per capita income of $1/day1 as the threshold for extreme poverty. This is significant because it focuses attention on the overarching importance to poverty reduction of increasing household incomes. Although the world as a whole is roughly on track to do so, sub- Saharan Africa is unlikely on present trends to reach Target 1 of the MDGs--i.e., to halve, by 2015, the number of people living on less than $1/day. Indeed, if nothing changes, the absolute numbers of poor in the region will continue to increase and by 2015 close to one-half the world's poor will live in this region. Eighty-five percent of sub-Saharan Africa's poor live in the rural areas and depend largely on agriculture for their livelihoods. Agricultural growth is therefore clearly key to poverty reduction; it can also help drive national economic growth. Yet agriculture in the region remains a 1. All dollar figures are US dollars. xxi IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxi IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxi 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM xxii Executive Summary largely subsistence activity, production has not kept pace with popula- tion growth, food self-sufficiency has declined, the household income required to afford bought-in food has not been generated; and the num- bers of malnourished people are consequently rising. Agricultural Water Development, Growth, and Poverty Reduction Investment in agricultural water can contribute to agricultural growth and reduce poverty directly by: (a) permitting intensification and diver- sification and hence increased farm outputs and incomes; (b) increasing agricultural wage employment; and (c) reducing local food prices and hence improving real net incomes. It can also reduce poverty indirectly via increased rural and urban employment as a result of the multiplier effect on growth in rural and urban non-farm economies--and the potential multipliers from agricultural water investment are generally higher than those from comparable investment in dryland agriculture. And yet sub-Saharan Africa's agricultural water remains underdevel- oped: there are only 9 million hectares of land under water management in the region today, representing just 5 percent of the total cultivated area of 183 million hectares--by far the lowest proportion of any region in the world. Of this, 7 million hectares are equipped for full or par- tial irrigation--less than one-fifth of the estimated physical potential of 39 million hectares--while the balance of 2 million hectares is under `other forms of water management' such as flood recession cropping. Only about 70 percent (5 million hectares) of the equipped area is oper- ational. Water withdrawals for agriculture are therefore limited--less than 3 percent of total renewable resources--and although a number of basins are currently experiencing or are approaching water scarcity, this is mainly because of a lack of storage rather than absolute scarcity. One of the reasons for underdevelopment of the subsector is that there has in the past been a lack of strategic vision linking agricultural water development to poverty reduction and growth. Water sector strat- egies (including those based on integrated water resources management (IWRM) principles) are generally neutral--or even negative--toward agricultural water use, possibly because of perceptions of economic and water use inefficiency. Furthermore, even though most poverty reduc- tion strategies are predicated on agricultural growth, agricultural water development has generally not been seen as a vehicle for achieving this; consequently it has had a low profile in PRSPs. IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxii 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM Executive Summary xxiii Cost and Performance of Irrigation Development Although the cost of public irrigation development in sub-Saharan Africa has been excessively high in the past, a new generation of well-designed and implemented irrigation projects has proved to be only marginally more costly than those of other regions. However, irrigated cropping in the region continues to be characterized by low productivity and hence low profitability. This has serious implications for poverty reduction and growth, because without profitability the necessary income gains cannot be achieved and without profitability there is unlikely to be eco- nomic viability--without which projects will not contribute to national economic growth. Low productivity is correlated with unreliable water supplies, low input use (sub-Saharan African farmers use an average of only 9 kg/ha fertilizer compared with 100 kg/ha in South Asia and 135 kg/ha in East Asia) and difficulty in accessing profitable output markets. Low produc- tivity can also be attributed to inadequate assessment and mitigation of negative environmental and health impacts--including the impact of HIV/AIDS. Yet, where water supplies have been reliable with good access to markets and a conducive institutional environment--all of which have encouraged investment in yield-enhancing inputs--produc- tivity has proved comparable with that of post-Green Revolution Asia. Clearly, providing irrigation water alone will not guarantee increased productivity: not only must water supplies be reliable but they must be provided as part of a comprehensive and sustainable package that empowers farmers to commercialize their yields and production, as well as giving them incentives to do so--including improved access to input and output markets. Irrigation for Cereal Crops The demand for cereal crops will expand rapidly in the coming years, and unless domestic production can be increased, imports will con- tinue to rise. Since more than one-half of the currently irrigated area is already used for growing cereals, recent policy analyses have considered irrigation as a means of reducing these imports. Irrigated rice cultiva- tion has proved profitable, at least for the local market, where yields are relatively good and investment costs are not too high. But at the yields typically obtained by smallholders, other cereals--such as maize and wheat--have proved less profitable under irrigation, particularly with the continuing decline in world prices. If investment in expansion of IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxiii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxiii 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM xxiv Executive Summary irrigation for non-rice cereal crops is to be justified, significant produc- tivity improvements or cost reductions will have to be achieved, failing which any increased supply of these crops from within the region is likely to have to depend largely on improving dryland production. In-Field Rainwater Management Recent decades have therefore seen increased interest in technologies for in-field rainwater management for dryland crops, the objective of which is to increase the effectiveness of rainfall to stabilize and enhance yields. The most promising of these are the various types of conserva- tion farming, including deep tillage, reduced tillage, zero tillage, and various types of planting basins, all of which have been successfully demonstrated in many parts of the region, both in the semi-arid and dry sub-humid zones. The results have been impressive, particularly when the various technologies have been combined with use of yield-enhanc- ing inputs. Yet adoption by smallholders has generally been poor, except where it has been possible to establish a market link with a processor (e.g., for cotton) that has been prepared to provide technical support, in-kind credit, and a viable guaranteed market price. Otherwise, adopt- ers have tended to lose interest in the technology once project support has ended. Either the technology was not profitable enough, or there were sector-wide constraints such as a lack of support services and poor access to input and output markets. Yet the rationale for investment in in-field rainwater management is sound: improved dryland cropping could have as much potential--in terms of cropped area and numbers of potential beneficiaries--as irriga- tion development. It could also be the answer to meeting the region's mounting food import bills. What is required is to identify profitable technologies and the specific barriers to their adoption and to invest in overcoming these and market-led dissemination of the technology. Development Potential and Constraints to Further Investment Since less than one-fifth of the physical potential for irrigation has been developed to date there is clearly significant potential for expansion (although this would require the construction of some additional water storage). In addition, there is potential for improving the productivity of the 5 million hectares currently under irrigation and for bringing back into production the 2 million hectares of land that is equipped for irrigation IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxiv IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxiv 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM 3/13/08 11:31:34 AM Executive Summary xxv but currently unused. A mix of interventions is likely to be required to realize these potentials, such as development of new irrigation infrastruc- ture and improvement of existing areas (for large, medium, small, and micro-scale schemes, including water harvesting), as well as improved in-field water management and crop husbandry. There is also potential for improving water control on the 2 million hectares of land under `other forms of water management'--i.e., in wetlands and valley bottoms. This may require the development of irrigation and drainage schemes shared by a number of farmers, but in many cases the development of small areas by individual smallholder irrigators, using micro-irrigation technologies (e.g., treadle pumps), will be more appropriate. As mentioned, there is also considerable potential--possibly several times greater than that for irrigation, in terms of cropped areas and numbers of beneficiaries--for improving dryland crop production, particularly staple food crops but also cash crops such as cotton, by in-field rainwater management. The main constraints to developing this potential are interrelated: they are both economic and institutional. Economic constraints include macro-economic and sectoral policies, lack of profitable markets, and the costs of development and production. Institutional constraints include the legal frameworks for land, water and farmer organizations, the organization of public agencies for investment and management, and lack of empowerment of farmers to manage their water resources and access effective agricultural support services, finance, and markets. Without reforms, productivity and farm level profitability will continue to be constrained. However, reforms require capacity building, time, and consistent approaches by both governments and donors, and the inclusion of other stakeholders--especially farmer representatives. Agro-Ecological Zones, Farming Systems, and Targeting The major farming systems of the region broadly correspond with the main agro-ecological zones. Although the arid and semi-arid zones cover 39 percent of the land area of the region, the share of agricultural population of these zones is only 16 percent. The great majority of people depending on agriculture for their livelihoods therefore live in the higher potential sub-humid and humid zones--which consequently also coincide with the greatest pressure for agricultural intensification. The greater opportuni- ties for poverty reduction and growth are therefore likely to be found in the more humid zones than in the arid and semi-arid zones. The corol- lary is that it is not necessarily pro-poor to target the drier agro-ecological IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxv IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxv 3/13/08 11:31:35 AM 3/13/08 11:31:35 AM xxvi Executive Summary zones, where agricultural water development is often more costly--and markets more remote--than the more humid zones, making profitability, economic viability, and sustainability difficult to achieve. That said, where land, water, and markets combine favorably, agricultural water develop- ment in the drier areas can be successful. The key is to ensure that this combination is in place for investments in these areas. Targeting the Poor and Women Past attempts at targeting the poorest socioeconomic stratum have not been very successful. It has been found instead to be better to adopt a more inclusive approach based on principles of equity but geared to maximizing profitability and household incomes. Since the vast major- ity of people in the rural areas fall within the category of `extreme poor' (i.e., they subsist on less than $1/day), such an inclusive approach results in most beneficiaries being drawn from this category anyway. Also, the inclusion of some of the better-off can help to drive profitabil- ity and household incomes for the less well-off. Furthermore, where the poorest cannot for some reason benefit directly as participants, they can benefit directly from increased agricultural wage employment. However, specific measures are necessary to ensure that the poor- est (as distinct from the `poor') are not excluded or further marginal- ized, and that if the poorest do not benefit as producers or through wage employment, they do so in other ways, such as improved access to domestic or livestock water or possibly crop by-products for live- stock feed. It is also essential to recognize the important role played by women in most production systems. Specifically targeting women and encouraging their participation in governance structures has been found to enhance productivity and poverty reduction impacts. Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of agricultural water investment projects has generally been poor. Effective M&E is required not only to provide details of how well the project is managing its resources to achieve intended results or targets, but also the extent to which the achievement of targets actually contributes to the overall objective of the project. Moreover, this information is required by all of the actors involved, including farmers, implementers, project supervi- sors, and financiers. IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxvi IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxvi 3/13/08 11:31:35 AM 3/13/08 11:31:35 AM Executive Summary xxvii Monitoring such key production indicators as input and output prices, use of inputs, yields, areas planted, and production is also essential for subsequent farm management purposes because farmers need to know how profitable their application of resources and technology is from sea- son to season to enable them to make adjustments as required. Monitor- ing these indicators is also necessary to permit estimates of changes in household incomes and evaluation of income poverty reduction. Quali- tative proxies will not do. It is also necessary to monitor other factors that affect yields and production such as water availability. The general lack of effective M&E of implementation and subse- quent performance of the investment to date is likely to have had a negative impact on project outcomes because those responsible have not been alerted to weaknesses soon enough to enable them to take effec- tive remedial action. While farmers are better placed than anyone else to carry out monitoring at the farm level, projects have an important role to play in establishing farmer-based M&E systems and carrying out higher level monitoring. Implementation and Supervision The design and implementation of projects--large, medium, small, and micro-scale--has in the past been largely top down. The quality of proj- ects has been reduced by common weaknesses in preparation, particu- larly poor treatment of the key land and water security issues, lack of evaluation of markets and profitability, lack of an agricultural support package, over-estimation of institutional capacity, and poor technical design. However, recent more participatory approaches have begun to produce better, more sustainable results, and quality has improved as the arrangements for project design, implementation, and management have reflected the comparative advantages of the public sector, private sector, NGOs, and farmers. Supervision by government and donors has too often focused on reaching physical and disbursement targets at the expense of development effectiveness, and has not been supportive and flexible enough to help managers to deal with the complex technical, financial, and social problems that arise during implementation. Key Recommendations Adopt a Strategic Vision The governments of sub-Saharan African countries should promote national agricultural water development strategies that recognize: (a) the IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxvii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxvii 3/13/08 11:31:35 AM 3/13/08 11:31:35 AM xxviii Executive Summary potential contribution of agricultural water to poverty reduction and growth; (b) the imperatives of farm-level profitability and economic viability; and (c) the need for a conducive institutional environment (i.e., policies, legal frameworks, and organizations that foster profitable, sustainable water-managed farming by smallholders). The strategies should be supported by analyses of institutions, identi- fying: (a) the respective roles of the public and private sectors, the orga- nization and incentives for the public organizations involved, and ways to foster participation of the private sector; (b) the rules of engagement of the public sector, including its role in investment and management, and the place of subsidies; and (c) the barriers to commercialization of agricultural water management by smallholders and specific ways to overcome them. The strategies should also analyze the various investment options, including: · Increasing the productivity and profitability of existing irrigation schemes; · Expanding or developing new viable large, medium, small, and micro-scale irrigation systems (including systems based on water harvesting); · Testing and dissemination of viable, farmer-financed in-field rainwa- ter management technologies as a low-cost alternative to irrigation; · Developing sustainable supply chains for micro-scale irrigation and in-field rainwater management equipment; and · Investing in research on agricultural water management, both adap- tive research at the national and regional levels, and basic research at the regional level. The new strategies should then be incorporated into wider sectoral strategies--for agriculture, rural development, and water. Water strat- egies should be based on IWRM principles, making an economically efficient allocation of water to the agricultural sector, and ensuring that water allocation and management takes account of the needs of the poor and providing for effective participation by smallholders in basin plan- ning. The whole should then be clearly reflected in PRSPs or similar national development strategies. Invest in Institutional Reforms The new sectoral strategies should then form the basis for sectoral pro- grams that should combine investment in infrastructure with investment IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxviii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxviii 3/13/08 11:31:35 AM 3/13/08 11:31:35 AM Executive Summary xxix in institutional reforms, including reforms to macro-economic policies, legal frameworks, and organizations for agricultural water management. In some cases the changes may involve public sector reform: integrating or better coordinating the responsibilities of government organizations for infrastructure development (e.g., a ministry of water) with those for irri- gated farming (e.g., a ministry of agriculture); developing the instruments needed for PPP; making transparent the role of farmers in cost sharing and in operation and maintenance; and building capacity and incentives for public agencies to adopt a new agricultural water development paradigm. Responsibility for development should as far as possible be decentral- ized, based on the principle of subsidiarity. Therefore, in almost all cases, reforms will focus on empowering potential users of agricultural water to cope effectively with their new roles and responsibilities, and to deal effectively with service providers, including irrigation agencies (who should now become accountable to their farmer clients), credit organi- zations, and input supply and output markets. This should be accompa- nied by investment in capacity building for farmer organizations. Such programs of institutional reform--which will require time and patience--should, where possible, be implemented through sector-wide approaches that encourage harmonization of development efforts. Invest Only in Viable and Sustainable Projects and Design for Maximum Pro tability Avoid long-term subsidies and unviable investments for `social' or `strategic' purposes. Future designs and investment decisions should be based solely on considerations of economic viability, farm-level prof- itability, and sustainability. Unviable investments for so-called `social' or `strategic' purposes should be avoided. Where subsidies are necessary, these should be limited to: (a) items having a medium to long-term eco- nomic life span (e.g., headworks and main canals on larger schemes), the cost of which is beyond the capacity of most smallholders to pay, rather than for lower-cost investments with a short economic lifespan (e.g., treadle pumps or on-farm development for improved in-field rainwater management); and (b) technology development and promotion. Subsi- dies for support services and/or O&M should preferably be avoided or otherwise carefully targeted and provided only in the short-term (e.g., for a single season) to `kick start' commercial production. Provide agricultural water as part of a comprehensive package, where possible, market linked. Agricultural water should only be provided IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxix IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxix 3/13/08 11:31:35 AM 3/13/08 11:31:35 AM xxx Executive Summary when all necessary conditions for its sustainable, profitable use are in place, including: empowered farmer organizations; sustainable, efficient, and accountable agricultural support services; and accessible, profitable markets. Where such conditions are not already in place, investment in agricultural water should be part of a comprehensive package that pro- vides for them to be established on a sustainable basis (i.e., for at least the intended economic life of the investment and not just for the life of the project). Inclusively target the poor and women. Socioeconomic and produc- tion systems surveys should be carried out as part of project preparation studies to provide an understanding of how agricultural water manage- ment, as an input to the farming system, could assist the various socio- economic strata of communities to improve their livelihoods to mutual advantage. Equipped with this knowledge the approach to targeting should be inclusive, rather than exclusive. The priority should be to focus on making the investment `pro-poor' by selecting technology that is low risk and affordable to the poor, and by seeking to maximize farm- level profitability and agricultural wage employment, as well as other, indirect, employment opportunities. In addition, institutional design should ensure that the development is equitable, that the poorest socio- economic stratum is not excluded or further marginalized, and that the important role of women in production systems and their management is taken into account and built on. Ensure that the proposed management arrangements are sustainable. Where possible, farmers should own, finance, operate, and maintain schemes. Capacity building and development of the needed cost recov- ery arrangements should be an integral part of project design. The man- agement arrangements for large schemes should follow modern best practice by giving responsibility to water user associations for operation and maintenance below, for example, secondary canal level, and should wherever possible provide at some stage for transfer of management and financing of higher level operations, or even of the entire scheme. Major infrastructure that is clearly beyond the capacity of the users to operate and maintain (with or without a service provider) should be managed jointly by an agency and users, or by an agency accountable to the users. Management transfer on existing irrigation schemes should be attempted only where it can be demonstrated that irrigators can sustain- ably bear the on-going O&M costs, including any subsequent replacement IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxx IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxx 3/13/08 11:31:36 AM 3/13/08 11:31:36 AM Executive Summary xxxi costs. Thus, not only should the costs be covered by incremental farm incomes, but there should be sufficient margin to leave irrigators with an incentive to operate and maintain the facilities. The users should be fully empowered to own and operate the system. Capacity building will be needed, for which adequate time should be allowed prior to transfer. Attempt to maximize socioeconomic benefits while minimizing nega- tive environmental and health impacts. The social, environmental, and health costs and benefits of agricultural water investments should be taken fully into account in appraisals and investment decisions. The challenge is to design, implement, and manage projects in such a way that socioeconomic benefits are maximized while negative impacts are minimized. Project designs should therefore not only assess and provide mitigation measures for potentially negative impacts (such as conflicts with pastoralists) but also seek to exploit potential synergies and positive impacts (such as providing water and feed for livestock). Since, in many cases, the effectiveness of mitigation measures, or measures to exploit positive impacts, will be constrained by institutional weaknesses, sup- port should be provided where possible for reforming and strengthening the institutions concerned. Project designs should specifically address the attrition of staff and farmers from HIV/AIDS-related infections. Translate Project Designs into E ective Development Improve implementation arrangements. Implementers and imple- mentation arrangements should be oriented to achieving maximum development impact for target group households, in terms of produc- tion and incomes. Where investment is in a program of sub-projects to be selected during implementation of an overall project, mechanisms for sub-project screening, appraisal, and approval should be designed to avoid non-viable investments, with clearly defined objectives, roles, and responsibilities for those involved in the process. Local authorities and/ or farmer organizations should be empowered to participate fully in sub- project identification, feasibility studies, appraisal, selection, and imple- mentation. The arrangements for the provision of any technical services required to support project and sub-project implementation should be based on the respective strengths, weaknesses, and accountability of the public sector, the private sector, NGOs, and farmers. Where services are contracted out, the terms of reference should clearly specify the intentions with regard to the `deliverables' and accountability for them, IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxxi IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxxi 3/13/08 11:31:36 AM 3/13/08 11:31:36 AM xxxii Executive Summary as well as the proposed exit strategy. In particular, services for design and construction supervision of infrastructure should be obtained from the best qualified source, regardless of origin--whether this be domes- tic, regional, or international. These providers should also be given clear terms of reference specifying the intentions with regard to the quality and cost-effectiveness of technical designs, the objective of providing agricultural users with reliable water supplies, and accountability for defective design and construction supervision. Overcome the neglect of monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring and evaluation should be regarded as an essential management tool for farm- ers, implementing agencies, and financing partners. The current weak- nesses and neglect of M&E should therefore be addressed as a matter of urgency. Systems should be farmer-based and designed in such a way that they can be used for both farm management and project management decisions to measure the contribution of agricultural water development to achievement of the MDGs and to inform future strategic planning and project design. As a minimum requirement, M&E systems should, there- fore, measure inputs, costs, and changes in production, incomes, employ- ment, health, and the environment. It is usually not practical to prepare a detailed design for an M&E system at appraisal, therefore the require- ments should be clearly spelled out in the loan or grant agreements and followed up effectively by supervision missions as a matter of priority. Focus implementation and supervision on quality assurance, produc- tivity, profitability, and increased household incomes. Much greater importance should now be attached by the financiers (including farm- ers, governments, and others), implementers, and supervisors to ensure that implementation effectively achieves the purpose of the project and contributes to the overall objective as intended. Supervision should be strengthened to provide effective implementation support and quality assurance, focusing on achieving the intended outcomes of sustainable productivity, profitability, and income poverty reduction (as well as demonstrating this by reliable M&E). IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxxii IAW_00i-xxxii_fm.indd xxxii 3/13/08 11:31:36 AM 3/13/08 11:31:36 AM CHAP TE R 1 Rural Poverty and Agricultural Water Development in Sub-Saharan Africa 1.1 The Millennium Development Goals, Agricultural Growth, and Rural Poverty In 2000, the Millennium Declaration committed countries--rich and poor-- to eradicate poverty. The first of the Millennium Development Goals (Annex 2) is to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, with targets of halving, by the year 2015, the proportion of people: (a) whose income is less than $1/day1 and (b) who suffer from hunger. Although the world as a whole is roughly on track to reach these key development targets, sub-Saharan Africa is unlikely on present trends to do so. If nothing changes, the absolute numbers of poor in the region will continue to increase (Fig. 1.1) and by 2015 close to one-half of the world's poor will live in sub-Saharan Africa. Meanwhile, agriculture in the region remains a largely subsistence- based activity and production is concentrated in low-value food crops. Overall, in money terms, cereals, roots, and plantains account for more than two-thirds of the region's agricultural output and higher value traditional and non-traditional agricultural export crops for 1. All dollar figures are US dollars. 1 IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 1 IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 3/13/08 12:40:51 PM 3/13/08 12:40:51 PM 2 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Figure 1.1 Sub-Saharan Africa is the Poorest Region in the World The percentage of the population living on less than $1 a day 50 1990 1995 40 egatnecr 2001 30 20 Pe 10 0 SSA SA EAP LAC ECA MNA Source: Based on World Bank data. only 8 percent (FAO 2006).2 Agricultural productivity is the lowest in the world, with per capita output only 56 percent of the world average (FAO 2006). Output has not kept pace with population increase (Fig. 1.2; FAO, 2003a; Rosegrant et al., 2005) and growth has taken place largely through expansion of harvested area: over 80 percent of output growth since 1980 has come from expansion of cropped area compared to less than 20 percent for all other regions (Fig. 1.3). Farm families have remained locked in a low input-low income system, with yields low and stagnating (NEPAD, 2005a; Rosegrant et al., 2005). Figure 1.2 Population Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Has Exceeded the Growth of Both Overall and Agricultural GDP so that the Population Has Become Poorer GDP,Ag GDP and population growth % 1980­2003 8 GDP growth (annual %) 7 Ag value added (annual growth %) 6 Population growth % 5 4 3 2 1 0 East Asia South Middle East and Latin America Sub-Saharan and Pacific Asia North Africa and Caribbean Africa Source: World Bank. 2. Underlining denotes a report on component study for the Collaborative Program. IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 2 IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 3/13/08 12:40:52 PM 3/13/08 12:40:52 PM Rural Poverty and Agricultural Water Development in Sub-Saharan Africa 3 Figure 1.3 Area Expansion Has Been the Biggest Source of Agricultural Growth by Far in Sub-Saharan Africa The contribution of yield increases and area expansion to increases in aggregate cereals production 1980­2003 60 Yield Area 50 40 egatnecr 30 20 Pe 10 0 SSA EA LAC MNA SA ­10 Source: Based on FAO data. There has been little technology-driven jump in productivity. As popu- lation outstrips production, the numbers of malnourished are rising. Food self-sufficiency has declined (from 97 percent in the mid-1960s to 82 percent in 1997/79) without the household income being generated to afford purchased food (NEPAD, 2005a; FAO, 2003a). Agricultural markets have remained segmented and transaction costs are high. The agricultural `extensification' process has also produced some negative consequences for the environment, such as loss of forest and rangeland, soil depletion, and catchment degradation. Agricultural growth is clearly the key to income poverty reduction.3 Rural poverty accounts for 83 percent of the total extreme poverty in sub-Saharan Africa, and 85 percent of the poor depend for their livelihoods at least partly on agriculture. Agricultural income growth is therefore key to rural poverty reduction. It will also help drive national economic growth (Timmer, 1997; Mellor, 2001; Diao et al., 2003; Byerlee et al., 2005; IWMI, 2005g). 3. Participatory poverty assessments have found that poor people define their poverty in terms of material deprivation (i.e., not enough money, employment, food, clothing, and housing), inadequate access to health services and clean water, and non-material factors such as security, peace, and power over decisions affecting their lives (Robb, 1999; cited in IFAD, 2001). These components of poverty are usually divided into income poverty and non-income poverty. Reducing income poverty enables households to achieve food security, accumulate assets, reduce vulnerability to external shocks, and provide for the future. Reduction of income poverty often also improves access to education, health services, and clean water. Thus, although poverty is a multi-faceted condition, this report, in line with the Millennium Declaration, considers poverty in terms of the $1/day income threshold for extreme poverty rather than the other aspects of material deprivation or lack of access to services. IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 3 IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 3/13/08 12:40:52 PM 3/13/08 12:40:52 PM 4 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa 1.2 Agricultural Water, Growth, and Farming Systems Intensification and diversification are expected to become the major sources of future agricultural growth and poverty reduction in the region, and agri- cultural water will play a major role. Growth and poverty reduction in agriculture will come principally from two sources (Dixon et al., 2001; World Bank, 2005m): · Intensification, i.e., producing more per unit of land, either by the generation and adoption of technologies such as improved in-field water management or by investments that relax key binding con- straints, such as water availability; and · Diversification, i.e., adjustment of the farm enterprise pattern, exploiting new market opportunities or existing market niches in order to increase farm income or to reduce income variability. FAO, in its perspective on world agriculture toward 2015/2030 (FAO, 2003a), concluded that 73 percent of the growth in crop production expected for sub-Saharan Africa by 2030 would come from yield increases and increases in cropping intensity. The remaining 27 percent was expected to come from expansion of the area under crops--mainly for maize--in the limited number of countries that still have room for this.4 The potential for agricultural growth and poverty reduction varies by farming system and agro-ecological zone. The potential for agricultural growth and the mechanisms by which growth and poverty reduction will occur differ according to farming system. Fifteen major farm- ing systems have been identified for the region (Map 2, Annex 3, and Dixon et al., 2001). These broadly fit within the main agro-ecological zones (Map 3) defined by FAO on the basis of average annual length of growing period for crops,5 although local factors--particularly market access--create potential for more intensive farming or for diversifica- tion within the zones. In the region as a whole, the arid and semi-arid 4. FAO (2003a) focuses on increases in crop production rather than on farm income growth and does not quantify the expected growth impacts of diversification. The message is consistent: agricultural growth in sub-Saharan Africa will come predominantly from improved use of production factors on existing farms. An indication of the relative scope for expansion is provided in Summary Table 1, which shows that at least 13 of the 48 countries in sub-Saharan Africa are already cultivating more than 50 percent of their cultivable land, while a further five are approaching the 50 percent mark. Moreover, the total for cultivable land includes land in the drier agro-ecological zones, meaning that the pressure on higher potential land might be greater than suggested by Summary Table 1. 5. For definitions see Glossary. IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 4 IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 3/13/08 12:40:52 PM 3/13/08 12:40:52 PM Rural Poverty and Agricultural Water Development in Sub-Saharan Africa 5 agro-ecological zones (crop growing period less than 120 days) cover 43 percent of the land area; and the sub-humid and humid zones (growing period greater than 120 days) cover 53 percent of the land area (Dixon et al., 2001 and Annex 3). Irrigated farming systems have high growth potential but cover a lim- ited area. Only one of the 15 farming systems identified is predominantly irrigated. In this system, which covers just 1 percent of the land area and 2 percent of the farming population--about 7 million people-- poverty is limited and growth potential is high. Apart from expansion of the irrigated area, the principal sources of growth under irrigated systems are expected to be continued intensification and diversifica- tion, for which further market development and improved in-field water management will be vital factors. Market-oriented intensification and diversification in the humid and sub- humid zones will drive agricultural growth and poverty reduction, although the prospects are limited for some farming systems within these zones. Pros- pects for growth and poverty reduction in the Highland Perennial sys- tem (covering 8 percent of the agricultural population of the region) are limited and off-farm income and exit from agriculture will be the prin- cipal household strategies. For systems that have high or medium poten- tial for growth and poverty reduction such as the Cereals-Root Crop Mixed (15 percent of the agricultural population), Maize Mixed (15 percent), and Root Crops (11 percent), production is likely to continue to be oriented toward production of staples for household consumption and some non-perishable high-value cash crops, but intensification and diversification in these systems could present good opportunities for agricultural growth and poverty reduction. The process of growth could be greatly stimulated by improved market access, which is currently limited by: (a) physical location (producers isolated from densely popu- lated areas with large active markets); (b) inadequate infrastructure and support services (communications, financial services, and extension); and (c) weak purchasing power and demand in the markets themselves. Agricultural water development will be an important factor in aiding market-linked growth, and may range from investment in simple forms of water management to full irrigation, depending on local resources and the needs and profitability of the market opportunity. Only limited opportunities for agricultural growth and poverty reduction exist in the lower potential farming systems in the marginal arid and semi- arid zones. The lower potential farming systems of the marginal arid and semi-arid areas present quite a different growth challenge. In these IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 5 IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 3/13/08 12:40:52 PM 3/13/08 12:40:52 PM 6 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa farming systems (covering about 16 percent of the population of the region), the sparse population is dependent on subsistence Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral Millet/Sorghum systems characterized by poor access to markets, unstable production, and food insecurity. Some production stability and growth may be achievable where agricultural water can be developed cheaply and markets can be developed. Overall, however, the potential for reducing poverty in these areas is generally low and exit from agriculture is likely to be the predominant household livelihood strategy (Dixon et al., 2001; World Bank, 2005m). 1.3 Agricultural Water: The Global Picture and Sub-Saharan Africa There has been less agricultural water development to date in sub-Saharan Africa than in any other region. At just 4.9 percent of the total cultivated area of 183 million hectares, the area developed is by far the lowest of any region of the world (Fig. 1.4). Three countries (Sudan, South Africa, and Madagascar) account for two-thirds of the irrigable area developed (Summary Table 5 and Map 4). Expansion of irrigation has been slow. Over the last 40 years, only 4 million hectares of new irrigation has been developed in the region, far and away the smallest expansion of any region. Over the same period, Figure 1.4 Sub-Saharan Africa Has a Far Lower Share of Its Arable Land Under Irrigation than Other Regions 45 Irrigated land (% of crop land) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 South Middle East and East Asia Latin America Sub-Saharan Asia North Africa and Pacific and Caribbean Africa Source: World Bank, 2005b. IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 6 IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 3/13/08 12:40:52 PM 3/13/08 12:40:52 PM Rural Poverty and Agricultural Water Development in Sub-Saharan Africa 7 China added 25 million hectares and India added 32 million hectares (FAO, 2003a). Between 1994 and 2004, growth in the equipped area in sub-Saharan Africa was only 0.85 million hectares (FAO, 2005a). Until recently, investments in agricultural water in the region have been declining. Levels and trends of donor financing are conventionally taken as a proxy for investment levels. In the most recent three-year period for which partial data are available (1994­1996), the total cost of proj- ects funded by all donors for irrigation and drainage was less than 10 percent of levels of 20 years previously--just $127 million from all sources. World Bank lending for irrigation and drainage, for example, fell sharply after 1985. Even though lending levels partially recovered in the late 1990s, 2002­2005 lending was still below one-half the level of 1978­1981 (Fig. 1.5). In addition, World Bank lending for irriga- tion and drainage in the region is very small compared to lending in other regions. Over the period 1996­2005, World Bank lending to sub- Saharan Africa for irrigation and drainage was just 6 percent of the resources directed to irrigation and drainage in Asia. Investment in agricultural water has received only a small proportion of that for the water sector as a whole. For example, African Develop- ment Bank lending for agricultural water over the period 1968­2001 was $630 million, which was only 14 percent of its lending to the water sector as a whole ($4,574 million). Figure 1.5 World Bank Lending for Irrigation and Drainage in Sub-Saharan Africa Is Only One-Half of Levels 20 Years Ago World Bank I&D lending in SSA FY 1978­2005 180 175 )$S 160 U 00 140 133 20t 120 100 89 onstanc( 78 80 $S 60 U 45 46 40 Million 20 3 0 1978­1981 1982­1985 1986­1989 1990­1993 1994­1997 1998­2001 2002­2005 Source: World Bank ESSD database. IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 7 IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 3/13/08 12:40:53 PM 3/13/08 12:40:53 PM IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 8 IAW_001-008_ch01.indd 3/13/08 12:40:53 PM 3/13/08 12:40:53 PM C H AP T E R 2 Pro le of Agricultural Water Development 2.1 Agricultural Water Management Typology The agricultural water management typology used in this report generally fol- lows that adopted by FAO for AQUASTAT, its global database on water and agriculture, (http://www.fao.org/ag/aquastat). The AQUASTAT typology (Fig. 2.1; see also the Glossary) distinguishes between areas `equipped for irrigation'1 and those with `other forms of agricultural water management'. Although `water harvesting' has generated considerable interest in recent years, it was not included in the typology shown in Figure 2.1. The main reason was that although it was listed in the AQUASTAT survey ques- tionnaire, few data were received for this type of water management and there were apparently some doubts over their reliability. Part of the problem appeared to be the lack of a commonly accepted definition of the term. 1. According to the terminology adopted in FAO (2005a), `equipped lowlands' include: (a) cultivated wetlands and inland valley bottoms which have been equipped with water control structures for irrigation and drainage; (b) areas along rivers where cultivation occurs making use of water from receding floods and where structures have been built to retain the receding water; and (c) mangrove swamps developed for agriculture. 9 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 9 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 3/13/08 12:33:52 PM 3/13/08 12:33:52 PM 10 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Figure 2.1 Agricultural Water Management Typology Area under agricultural water management Area equipped for irrigation Area with other forms of agricultural water management Area equipped Equipped Spate for full/partial lowlands irrigation Non-equipped Non-equipped control irrigation cultivated flood recession wetlands and cropping inland valley Surface Equipped wetlands bottoms irrigation and inland valley bottoms In-field Sprinkler rainwater irrigation Equipped food management recession Localized irrigation Other Note: Adapted from FAO 2005a (areas in grey correspond to the AQUASTAT typology). Nevertheless, water harvesting can be defined as the "collection of rainfall for direct application to a cropped area, either stored in the soil profile for immediate uptake by the crop or stored in a reservoir for future productive use" (FAO, 2005a). Thus, in the present context water harvesting con- sists of the collection and concentration of water for irrigation. What dis- tinguishes it from other types of operations to collect water for irrigation is scale: FAO (2005a) defined three categories of water harvesting on the basis of catchment area, varying from roof catchments to areas of up to 200 hectares. For the purpose of this report, therefore, water harvesting is considered to be micro-scale collection of rainfall runoff for irrigation (see also Annex 4 and IFAD 2007). It is therefore assumed to fall under the category of `areas equipped for irrigation' in Figure 2.1, even though it may not have been fully captured by the AQUASTAT survey.2 Because this report is concerned with agricultural water manage- ment in its widest sense, it has adopted a modification to the typology 2. This is not to suggest that this type of water development for irrigation is any less important to those who depend on it for their livelihoods. IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 10 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 10 3/13/08 12:33:52 PM 3/13/08 12:33:52 PM Profile of Agricultural Water Development 11 described by FAO (2005a) (Fig. 2.1) to include `in-field rainwater man- agement' for dryland crop production. This was not considered by the AQUASTAT survey but is defined here as operations to enhance the effec- tiveness of rainfall for dryland crop growth. What distinguishes it from water harvesting is that instead of collecting runoff for irrigation the pur- pose of in-field rainwater management is to reduce runoff and evapora- tion losses by improving infiltration and storage in the soil profile. 2.2 Agricultural Water Development Characteristics According to the 2005 AQUASTAT survey (FAO, 2005a), there are about 9.1 million hectares of land in sub-Saharan Africa under some form of water management today. Of the 9.1 million hectares (Table 2.1), 7.1 million hectares are `equipped' (i.e., developed with irrigation infrastructure). Of this, 6.2 million hectares are under full or partial control irrigation and 0.9 million hectares consist of spate irrigation and equipped lowlands. The remaining 2 million hectares are flood reces- sion and wetland cropping areas not equipped with any water control system. It is estimated that of the equipped area of 7.1 million hectares, only about 75 percent (around 5.3 million hectares) is operational.3 More than 33 million people derive their main income from agricul- tural water managed areas. Although there are no reliable data, it is estimated that at least 6 million households, representing more than 33 million people, live directly on earnings from the subsector.4 These are almost certainly significant underestimates because AQUASTAT probably under-reports areas under individual private smallholder irrigation (including urban and peri-urban irrigation), micro-scale irri- gation (including water harvesting), and `other forms of water manage- ment'. Furthermore, the estimates take no account of those households engaged in wage labor for agricultural water management, including those employed in large-scale private commercial irrigation. At least twenty countries have more than 100,000 hectares of water managed areas. The distribution of the water managed area by the main 3. The AQUASTAT database is compiled on the basis of national data provided by FAO member countries, with appropriate cross-checking and quality control. However, the quality of data is variable and definitions also often vary from country to country. Hence the statistics quoted should be regarded as indicative rather than firm. 4. This is based on the assumption that at least one-half the total of 9.1 million hectares under water management is operated by smallholders, that each smallholder household averages of 5.5 persons, and that each household cultivates an average of 0.75 hectares of water-managed land. IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 11 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 11 3/13/08 12:33:52 PM 3/13/08 12:33:52 PM 12 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Table 2.1 Area in Sub-Saharan Africa under Agricultural Water Management by Type Type of water Area Share of Major Other representative management (million ha) area (%) countries countries Equipped Full water control Surfacea 4.9 54 Sudan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Madagascar, Tanzania, South Africa Mozambique, Senegal, Mali, Angola, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Mauritania Sprinkler 1.2 13 South Africa Zimbabwe, Kenya, Malawi, Côte d'Ivoire, Swaziland, Zambia, Mauritius Localized 0.2 2 South Africa Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi Sub-total full control 6.2 69 Partial water control Lowlands 0.6 6 Mali, Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Zambia, Burundi, Guinea Guinea, Bissau Niger, Nigeria Spate 0.3 3 Somalia, Eritrea, Cameroon Sudan Sub-total partial 0.9 9 water control Total equipped area 7.1 78 Non-equipped** 2.0 22 Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Chad, Angola Zambia, Rwanda, Burundi, Mauritania, Malawi, Mali, Uganda Total water 9.1 100 managed area a. If irrigation type not speci ed, surface irrigation has been assumed. b. Other forms of water management (non-equipped ood recession and wetlands cropping, but excluding in- eld rainwater management). Source: FAO, 2005a. IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 12 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 12 3/13/08 12:33:53 PM 3/13/08 12:33:53 PM Profile of Agricultural Water Development 13 sub-Saharan African countries where agricultural water management is important is shown in Figure 2.25. Sudan, South Africa, Madagascar, and Nigeria are the main countries for irrigated agriculture (Table 2.1). Other countries with more than 100,000 hectares of full water control irrigation are: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and Senegal. In several countries, equipped partial control irrigation (spate and lowlands) predominates: Somalia, Malawi, Mali, and Zambia. In Nigeria, Angola, Sierra Leone, Chad, and Zambia, non-equipped flood recession and wetlands cropping systems are important (see also Sum- mary Table 4). Water withdrawals for agriculture are very limited--just under 2 per- cent of the total renewable water resource--and water storage is well below levels in other regions. Total withdrawals for agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa amount to 105 billion m3, less than 2 percent of the total renewable Figure 2.2 Water Managed Area by Type (`000 hectares) Sudan South Africa Madagascar Nigeria Angola Mali Ethiopia Zambia Somalia Zimbabwe Tanzania Equipped area: full Sierra Leone Equipped area: partial (lowlands and spate) Chad Non-equipped area: flood recession and wetlands Senegal Malawi Mozambique Kenya Mauritania Burundi Rwanda 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 Source: FAO, 2005a. 5. Summary Table 4 gives details of irrigated areas for all sub-Saharan Africa countries. IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 13 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 13 3/13/08 12:33:53 PM 3/13/08 12:33:53 PM 14 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa water resource (see Summary Table 3). Most countries in the region have low levels of water storage infrastructure, averaging 543 m3 per capita, compared to 2,428 m3 in South America and well below the world aver- age of 963 m3 per capita. In Kenya, for example, total storage capacity per capita is only 126 m3 per capita, less than 4 percent of the level in Brazil (based on ICOLD data and on IWMI 2005a, World Bank 2004a).6 Surface water is overwhelmingly the water source for irrigation. FAO (2005a) indicates that 90 percent of the area under full or partially con- trolled irrigation in sub-Saharan Africa is supplied from surface water. There is a concentration of irrigation directly linked to water courses in the Nile, Niger, Orange, Senegal, Volta, and Zambezi river basins. Groundwater irrigation is also locally important. FAO (2005a) also indicates that approximately 10 percent of the area under full or partially controlled irrigation is supplied from groundwater. However, because groundwater is used extensively by private individual small and micro- scale irrigators, many of whom would not be included in AQUASTAT survey data, this too is almost certainly an underestimate. Large-scale irrigation schemes have generally been developed and man- aged by governments.7 Large-scale irrigation schemes have generally been developed by public agencies in several sub-Saharan Africa coun- tries, particularly Sudan, Madagascar, and Nigeria. On almost all these schemes, public agencies have been responsible for operation and main- tenance, often with little or no recovery of costs from farmers. However, in recent years farmer organizations have been increasingly involved in management and operation and maintenance (see section 4.6 below). Development and management of smaller schemes increasingly involves farmers. Many of the small- to medium-scale schemes were also con- structed by government and are managed by public irrigation agencies, although they are increasingly being turned over to farmer-management, for example, in Zimbabwe, Senegal, Mauritania, Niger, Mali and South Africa. In recent years, most small-scale development by the public sec- tor has been done in partnership with farmers, and with the understand- ing that farmers will take over the scheme's operation and maintenance (see section 4.6 below). 6. In fact, water storage infrastructure for agricultural water is very much less than the figures cited because a significant proportion of the infrastructure is largely for hydropower. In addition, regional averages are inflated by a small number of very large dams. 7. For definitions of large, medium, and small-scale, see Glossary. IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 14 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 14 3/13/08 12:33:53 PM 3/13/08 12:33:53 PM Profile of Agricultural Water Development 15 At least one-half of the water managed area is privately developed and operated. Privately developed and operated areas include some large-scale sugar estates in Southern Africa, thousands of smaller schemes operated by large-scale commercial farmers, and numerous informal smallholder schemes--as well as many thousands of individually owned and oper- ated areas (mainly gardens). Some private smallholder irrigation is for subsistence (as with Malagasy paddy production in the bas fonds, which cover over 800,000 hectares), but some is market-driven agriculture for urban markets, for example in peri-urban areas and in inland wetlands, often dependent on micro-irrigation technologies. Dambo irrigation in Zambia, for example, is thought to cover 100,000 hectares. The total extent of in-field rainwater management in the region is unknown but adoption is thought to have been limited. In-field rainwater management practices such as minimum tillage and other methods of water conserva- tion farming have been promoted in the region, but details of how widely these have been adopted are difficult to find. Nevertheless, it is known that 7.8 percent of smallholder farmers in Zambia, for example, adopted planting basins in the 1999/2000 season (Hageblade et al., 2003). It was also reported that 97 percent of all households in 27 villages sur- veyed in one district of Niger in the 1990s adopted planting pits, stone bunds, or demi-lunes under the Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation in Africa Program (Hassane et al., 2000). "A good number of (small- holder) farmers" also adopted tied ridges to create planting basins for cotton in southern Zimbabwe (Nyamudeza et al. cited in IFAD, 2007). Details of subsequent `disadoption' were not available, although some of the Zambian farmers gave up after a period of time as a result of being unable to maintain conservation farming practices or when promotional input programs ended (Hageblade et al.). Overall, however, compared with the total area under dryland cropping in the region, adoption of in- field rainwater management for dryland cropping appears limited.8 2.3 Water Managed Crops and Productivity Cereals, largely rice, are the principal irrigated crop. High-value horticul- ture and industrial crops--largely cotton and sugar--are also important 8. It could be argued that this impression is contradicted by the widespread construction of bunded fields (known as majaruba) by rice farmers in East Africa. However, such fields are often constructed as a part of an irrigation system and water management is not strictly for dryland crops (IFAD, 2007). IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 15 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 15 3/13/08 12:33:53 PM 3/13/08 12:33:53 PM 16 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa irrigated crops. Cereals are the predominant irrigated crop in sub-Saha- ran Africa, accounting for almost 50 percent of the harvested irrigated crop area (Table 2.2). Rice is the principal crop for 25 percent of the harvested irrigated crop area, and is especially important in the humid and sub-humid zones. Other irrigated cereals cover 24 percent of the harvested crop irrigated area and include irrigated maize and irrigated wheat. Irrigated wheat is important in Southern Africa and Ethiopia which together account for 80 percent of sub-Saharan Africa wheat pro- duction. High-value horticulture, roots, tubers, and industrial crops-- largely cotton and sugar--are also important irrigated crops covering 33 percent of the harvested irrigated crop area. Fodder production and fruit trees together account for 12 percent, largely in Southern Africa, particularly South Africa. Table 2.2 Harvested Irrigated Crop Area in Sub-Saharan Africa (`000 ha) Vegetables, Other roots, Industrial Tree Regiona Rice cereals tubers crops Fodder crops Other Total Sudano- 242 721 181 397 142 5 5 1,693 Sahelian Gulf of 28 38 73 50 -- -- 32 221 Guinea Central 27 8 10 55 -- 4 1 105 Eastern 108 193 169 123 -- 6 85 684 Indian 1,062 -- 1 38 -- -- 1,101 Ocean Islands Southern 21 460 344 510 418 77 236 2,066 Total 1,488 1,420 778 1,173 560 92 359 5,870b Share 25 24 13 20 10 2 6 100 of total cropped area (%) a. The regions shown are those adopted by FAO (2005a). The grouping of countries within these regions is based on geographical and climatic homogeneity, which has a direct in uence on irrigation. See Map 1 for the groupings. b. The total cropped area of 5.9 million hectares in this table is commensurate with the equipped area of 5.3 million hectares that is thought to be currently operational, assuming that overall cropping intensity exceeds 100 percent. Source: FAO, 2005a. IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 16 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 16 3/13/08 12:33:53 PM 3/13/08 12:33:53 PM Profile of Agricultural Water Development 17 Irrigated production is a small contributor to sub-Saharan Africa's overall staple food production, but plays an important role for import substitution for wheat and rice and for cash crops. Irrigation is important (Table 2.3) for sugar cane (69 percent irrigated), for wheat production (20 percent irrigated), for rice (33 percent irrigated), for horticulture (26 percent irrigated), and for cotton (11 percent irrigated). For produc- tion of staple food crops other than rice and wheat, irrigation plays only a minor role complementary to dryland crop production. Irrigated cereals yields achieved by smallholders are generally low by global standards and have improved only slowly in recent years. In 1997/99, the average paddy yield in sub-Saharan Africa was 1.6 t/ha, compared with 2.9 t/ha in South Asia and 4.2 t/ha in East Asia (Table 2.4). The contrast with yields in North Africa is even more stark: the average paddy yield in Egypt for 2004 was 9.8 t/ha (FAOSTAT). There have been some yield increases in the region in recent years (average paddy yields up 20 percent 1979­1999) but much slower than in Asia Table 2.3 Percentage of Total Irrigated Production (2005 figures) Total sub-Saharan Africa production Irrigated production Share of irrigated in Crop (million tonnes) (million tonnes) total production (%) Sorghum 21.6 0.9 4 Maize 40.7 0.4 1 Wheat 5.0 1.0 20 Rice 12.4 4.1 33 Fruits 57.5 15.0 26 Vegetables 25.4 7.9 31 Sugarcane 69.5 48.0 69 Cotton 4.1 0.5 11 Source: FAO, 2006 based on FAOSTAT data. Table 2.4 Paddy Yields in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and East Asia (kg/ha) Region 1979/81 1989/91 1997/99 SSA 1,347 1,659 1,629 South Asia 1,910 2,602 2,917 East Asia 3,374 4,134 4,180 Source: FAO, 2003a. IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 17 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 17 3/13/08 12:33:54 PM 3/13/08 12:33:54 PM 18 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa (South Asia up 53 percent in the same period). Essentially, Green Rev- olution intensification of paddy cultivation has not yet occurred in sub- Saharan Africa. Average paddy yields in Madagascar, for example, have increased by just 20 percent in the last 20 years to about 2 t/ha, while those of Asian countries that were once at the same level have more than doubled (Figure 2.3). However, in a few large-scale well managed sub-Saharan Africa schemes like the Office du Niger in Mali, yields have attained `Asian' levels (5­6 t/ha). Overall, irrigated production in sub-Saharan Africa is characterized by low productivity. Low yields in irrigated production in sub-Saharan Africa can be attributed to unreliable water supplies, poor water control and management, low input use, poor crop husbandry, and to difficulty in accessing profitable output markets. In Madagascar, irrigated paddy yields could be increased by 50­80 percent simply by improved water control and in-field management (Table 2.5). Farmers in sub-Saharan Africa still lag far behind other developing areas in fertilizer use. Average fertilizer use remains at 9 kg/ha in 2002/03 compared with 100 kg/ha in South Asia, and 135 kg/ha in East Asia (FAO, 2004). In Madagascar, 69 percent of the area under irrigated rice is cropped without any mineral or organic fertilizer applications, and the relation between fertilizer use and yields is transparent (Table 2.6; World Bank, 2003). But perhaps the single most important factor is access to markets: the correlation of low irrigated productivity with remoteness from mar- Figure 2.3 Paddy Yield in Madagascar, Mali, and Indonesia 5.0 Indonesia 4.5 Madagascar Mali 4.0 3.5 ah/ 3.0 n 2.5 To2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 1961 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 Year Source: FAOSTAT. IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 18 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 18 3/13/08 12:33:54 PM 3/13/08 12:33:54 PM Profile of Agricultural Water Development 19 Table 2.5 Madagascar: Effect of Water Management on Paddy Yields (kg/ha) Level of water management Lac Alaotra High plateaux High 3,282 3,535 Moderate 2,490 3,424 Low 2,139 2,740 Source: World Bank, 2003. Table 2.6 Madagascar: Regional Comparison of Irrigated Paddy Yields Average irrigated yield Fertilizer use Region of paddy (kg/ha) (% of cultivated area) High plateaux 3,200 76 Lake Alaotra 2,632 40 Middle West 1,966 22 Source: World Bank, 2003. kets is very strong in sub-Saharan Africa. In Madagascar, the distance of a rice plot from a road was found to have a strong negative effect on paddy yields (World Bank, 2003). It is probably the market factor which most influences other determinants of productivity. For example, where market-driven incentives are present, Malagasy farmers will invest in water control structures, fertilizers, and crop husbandry improvements. Although less is known of dryland crop production under in-field rain- water management practices, the few available results indicate that, as for irrigated cropping, productivity gains can be considerable when farm- ers also have access to yield-enhancing inputs but declines when access is reduced. Farmer yields obtained from conservation farming plots have often been more than double those from plots on which conventional tillage is practiced.9 However, these increases appear to be closely con- nected to the level of extension support and input packages (including HYV seeds) provided by projects. Once project support falls away, so do yields (Hageblade et al., 2003). 9. For example, the mean maize yield achieved by farmers in the 2001/02 season in Thaba Nchu, South Africa was 2.4 t/ha with in-field rainwater management compared with 1.7 t/ha without water management (Botha et al. cited in Beukes et al., 2003). Similarly, mean maize yields in Zambia during the 2001/02 season were 1.5 t/ha with conventional plowing but 2.9 t/ha with planting pits (Hageblade et al.). Mean millet yields for 1991­1996 were 125 kg/ha without water management and 765 kg/ha with tassa planting pits (Hassane et al., 2000; see also Annex 4). And maize yields in Tanzania's Arusha Region were two to three times higher with conservation tillage than without (Jonsson et al., 1998). IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 19 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 19 3/13/08 12:33:54 PM 3/13/08 12:33:54 PM 20 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa 2.4 Which Crops Have Proved Viable Under Water Management? Staple Food Crops Irrigated rice cultivation in sub-Saharan Africa has proved viable, at least for the local market, provided that yields are relatively good and invest- ment costs are not too high. In Sierra Leone, irrigated production shows both good farmer returns and economic viability for local sale (domestic resource costs (DRCs) well below unity, Table 2.7), but not for export (DRCs above unity). In Mali, intensive irrigated rice production (yields of up to 6 t/ha and cropping intensities of 1.2) is competitive for the domestic market and for some border areas of neighboring countries (World Bank, 2005k). In general, irrigated rice production in the sub- humid zones of sub-Saharan Africa is viable if: (a) investment costs are relatively low ($5,000/ha has been suggested as a `cut-off point' for single-cropped paddy at an average yield of 3.3 t/ha [IFAD, 2007]);10 (b) more intensive production systems are used (yields up to 5­6 t/ha and double cropping may be needed to justify a high-cost irrigation schemes); and (c) production is for import substitution. Many factors influence the cut off point. For example, investment in rice production with simple run-off and bunding techniques in valley bottoms in Mada- gascar can be viable even at yield levels of 2 t/ha. Market isolation is another factor because this will increase economic farm gate prices for local rice production and hence the cut off point (IFAD, 2007). Box 2.1 is an example from Mali. Non-rice cereals have proved less viable under irrigation, particularly with the continuing decline in world prices. The relatively low value of Table 2.7 Returns to Irrigated Rice Production in Sierra Leone Net financial return DRCa import DRCa export Crop regime (US$/ha) parity parity Boliland with intensive 653 0.73 1.33 production (including HYVs) Riverine ood recession 892 0.72 1.31 with intensive production (including HYVs) a. Domestic resource costs. Source: World Bank, 2005h. 10. The ceiling cost would be higher if double cropping were possible. IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 20 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 20 3/13/08 12:33:55 PM 3/13/08 12:33:55 PM Profile of Agricultural Water Development 21 Box 2.1 In Mali, Irrigated Rice with Higher Value Cash Crops and Irrigated Rice Monoculture are Expected to be Profitable Under the Mali National Rural Infrastructure Project, various types of new irriga- tion schemes are being developed for rice production, some with cash crops in the rotation, some in monoculture. At the large M'Bewani scheme, O ce du Niger will develop 1,300 hectares of new irrigated land. Paddy yields are expected to be 5.0­5.5 t/ha, and onions, shallots, and tomatoes will also be grown. Cropping intensity is assumed to be 120 percent. For an investment cost of $4,230/ha, the estimated economic rate of return at project appraisal is 16 percent. Farmer-managedsmall-scaleirrigationperimeters(250­500ha)areexpected to pursue rice monoculture because the schemes are very far from market centers where cash crops could be sold. For the same reason, local rice prices are relatively high. Paddy yields are expected to be 4.0­5.0 t/ha and cropping intensity at 120­150 percent. For an investment cost of $5,000/ha, expected rates of return are 12­18 percent. Source: World Bank, 2005k. other cereals on the world market means that domestic market prices may not be high enough to make irrigated production a viable invest- ment in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly because yields are typically below world averages (see section 2.3 above). For example, in Nige- ria, most public irrigation schemes were designed for cereals produc- tion when priorities were self-sufficiency in food rather than increased farmer incomes and economic viability. With the liberalization of the Nigerian economy and the continued decline of world cereals prices, much of this food crop production (especially on pump schemes) has become uneconomic (World Bank, 2001). That there are 1.4 million hectares of irrigated land in sub-Saharan Africa cropped to non-rice cereals is probably a reflection of subsidies on capital and O&M costs, rather than viability (FAO, 2006 and Annex 5). Mixed cropping of cereals and cash crops can boost viability. On large- scale schemes in Mali close to markets, for example, combining paddy and cash crops contributes to good rates of return (Box 2.1). Irrigated dry beans have also been found to be highly profitable by smallholders IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 21 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 21 3/13/08 12:33:55 PM 3/13/08 12:33:55 PM 22 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa in Southern Africa and can considerably boost viability in mixed crop- ping systems. Improving dryland production could be the better option for non-rice cereals--and in-field rainwater management could be the key. Research to date on in-field rainwater management for dryland crop production has demonstrated its agronomic feasibility, but the issue of viability has received less attention. However, monitoring data obtained from a pilot project in Niger (Box 2.2) have provided one of the few opportunities for benefit-cost analysis on in-field rainwater management for dryland crops, i.e., the tassa planting pit system. The tassa cost approximately $100/ha to construct and have an economic life of three years, after which they must be re-dug. In a year of poor rainfall, farmer yields of millet from the tassa systems were a massive 50­60 times those obtained from the control plot, although the difference was much less in years of good rainfall (Hassane et al., 2000). Taking account of the good and bad years over a 6-year period, an analysis prepared for the component study on poverty reduction (IFAD, 2007) indicated a benefit-cost ratio of 1.9 at a discount rate of 10 percent--meaning that the ERR would have been far greater than 10 percent. This one example shows that investment in in-field rainwater management can be viable for non-rice cereal crops such as millet, even in the semi-arid zones. There is thus good reason to suppose that viable technologies exist or can be found to increase the effectiveness of rainfall for other deep-rooted non-rice staples, such as maize and wheat, produced under dryland conditions. Horticulture Irrigated horticulture is a fast growing activity. Markets for irrigated hor- ticulture have been growing, with most production for local markets. In Kenya, for example, total production of fruits and vegetables in 1996 was 3.1 million tonnes, of which more than 3 million tonnes was con- sumed locally or used as an input to processing, and only 90,000 tonnes were exported as fresh produce (Sally and Abernethy, 2002). Horticulture is developing especially fast around cities--and even within them. Peri-urban and urban horticulture is a rapidly growing phenome- non. In Accra, for example, an estimated 60 percent of all urban house- holds are engaged in subsistence-oriented backyard farming, while market-oriented urban vegetable production on urban open spaces sup- plies 60­90 percent of the city's consumption of perishable vegetables, feeding more than 200,000 people every day (Obuobie et al., 2006). IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 22 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 22 3/13/08 12:33:55 PM 3/13/08 12:33:55 PM Profile of Agricultural Water Development 23 Box 2.2 Improving In-Field Rainwater Management in the Semi-Arid Areas of Niger In common with many semi-arid areas, Niger has su ered land degradation as a result of population pressure and drought. An IFAD-assisted project tested a number of locally-based technologies to bring land back into production, reduce inter-annual variability of output, and enhance the resilience of farm- ing systems to climatic risk. One key success was the development of a modi- ed form of the tassa practice. This continued to expand spontaneously to new plots after the project had closed. The tassa practice consists of digging holes some 200­300 mm in diameter and 150­200 mm deep and covering the hole bottoms with manure. This helps to promote termite activity during the dry season, thus improving water in ltra- tion further. Farmers then plant millet or sorghum in them. Tassas have allowed the region to attain average millet yields of over 480 kg/ha, in comparison with only 130 ha/kg without tassas. As a result tassas have become an integral part of the local technology base. The technique is spreading at a surprising rate. Three main factors contributed to success: (a) an action-research approach that combines exibility, openness to farmer initiatives, a forward-looking atti- tude, and willingness to negotiate; (b) a technology that yields quick and tan- gible bene ts, yet is simple, easily replicable, and ts well with existing farming systems; and (c) a technology that can adjust to the changing local context. The tassa is based on a local practice that, although not high-performing, is e ective. Tassas appeal to farmers because they yield quick and appreciable results, restoring productivity of land that was previously un t for cultivation while mitigating agro-climatic risks and increasing food availability in participating households by 20­40 percent. They are easily replicable because they entail only minor adjustments to local hand tools and do not involve any additional work during the critical sowing and weeding periods. Because they can be constructed by individual farmers without external assistance, tassas are par- ticularly interesting to youths because they make it possible to cultivate plateau lands, which have become a valuable resource in the face of growing pressure on land. Source: Mascaretti in Dixon et al., 2001. IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 23 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 23 3/13/08 12:33:55 PM 3/13/08 12:33:55 PM 24 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa As urbanization puts more pressure on the land, intensification of urban and peri-urban gardening is increasing.11 Horticultural production for export has become a boom area for some countries, and the poverty reduction impact is significant. High- value irrigated horticulture is bringing ready benefits to smallholders. In countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal, Mali, Niger, Zambia, and Mauritania, entrepreneurs have developed new export markets for high- value irrigated produce, and have recruited and supervised smallholder producers to supply customers. Fruits and vegetables are now Kenya's third ranking foreign exchange earner, providing livelihoods to as many as 100,000 small farmers (IWMI, 2005f,; Box 2.3). The Rural Household Survey (2000) in Kenya found that gross mar- gins per hectare are 6­20 times higher for irrigated French beans for export than for maize-dry bean intercropping. One-half of the French bean growers owned their own irrigation equipment compared to 10 percent for other farmers; and the average per capita income of the Box 2.3 Horticultural Growth and the Poor in Kenya In Kenya, data from the 2000 Rural Household Survey suggest that almost all farmers, rich and poor, participate in some form of horticultural production. The percentage contribution of horticulture to income is fairly constant across income and farm size categories. Production is predominantly for market. Even among the poorest 20 percent of Kenyan farmers, 41 percent of the fruit and vegetable output is marketed (Minot:38). Smallholders account for about 47 percent of Kenya's fresh produce exports. If the farm gate price is 60 percent of the f.o.b. price, this would bring gross revenue of $47 million to Kenya's smallholders annually. Estimates of the num- ber of smallholders bene ting vary considerably, between 20,000 and 100,000 households, so that average horticultural export earnings for a family would be in the range $500­2,350. Source: IWMI, 2002. 11. However, urban and peri-urban horticulture is often based on the use of untreated wastewater which, in the absence of regulation, is creating some environmental and health risks. IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 24 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 24 3/13/08 12:33:56 PM 3/13/08 12:33:56 PM Profile of Agricultural Water Development 25 French bean growers was double that of other farmers (Minot in IWMI, 2002). The poverty reduction impact is significant (Box 2.2). Horticulture is driving profitable investment in irrigation. In Kenya, about 48,000 hectares are under small-scale irrigation schemes, largely for horticulture (FAO, 2005a). Most are farmer organized systems where farmers share the cost of a pump and distribution system (Ngigi in IWMI, 2002). Rapid growth has been accompanied by new irrigation technologies. Small-scale drip irrigation systems have been improved by the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute and disseminated by local NGOs. Several types of treadle pumps costing less than $80 have also been introduced (IFAD, 2007). Industrial Crops Crops such as sugar cane and cotton have been proven to be viable under irrigation, but only where relatively high yields are achieved. Large-scale commercial sugar estates throughout the region have demonstrated that investment in irrigation and transport infrastructure as well as process- ing plants can be viable where water supplies are adequate, the construc- tion of new dam storage is not needed, and relatively high cane yields can be obtained, as in Swaziland where yields averaged 94 t/ha in 2004 (FAOSTAT). Similarly, irrigated cotton can be viable if relatively high yields (e.g., on the order of 3­4.5 t/ha) can be obtained or where the bulk of investment costs have been sunk. Smallholders often cultivate these and other industrial crops as `outgrowers' under contract arrange- ments with the processing plants, through which the latter provides inputs, extension advice, and a guaranteed market outlet and price. An example of this type of arrangement is provided by Nakambala sugar estate in Zambia. Mixed Agricultural Water and Livestock Systems Livestock are an integral part of most irrigated production systems. In irrigated agriculture in the region, livestock are important for animal products and for draft power and manure in irrigated crop production (IWMI-ILRI, 2005e). In Madagascar, for example, irrigated paddy yields are positively correlated with the availability of animal draft, and areas of animal concentration have a much higher use of manure (World Bank, 2003). Irrigated crop residues are used for animal feed within the region's mixed farming systems and large-scale irrigation systems have the region's highest livestock densities: on the Gezira Irrigation Scheme IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 25 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 25 3/13/08 12:33:56 PM 3/13/08 12:33:56 PM 26 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa in Sudan, for example, 90 percent of farmers keep animals, and 30 per- cent of income is from livestock. Irrigated agriculture also interacts with pastoral systems: crop residues on the Gezira scheme maintain animals during the long trek to the Khartoum market. However, irrigated fodder production is generally not viable in the region. Livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa depends more on grazing than in other regions of the world. FAO estimate that fodder currently accounts for only 3.5 percent of all crop output in the region (FAO, 2006). Irrigated fodder production is rare except in South Africa (see section 2.3 above). However, where there is good market access, irri- gation water can be profitably used to grow fodder crops for fatten- ing and the production of meat and milk--as in the intensive, stall-fed production systems around Mount Kenya. Because most fodder crops are perennial, their production under dryland conditions with in-field rainwater management is probably not an option except where rainfall patterns are bimodal. IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 26 IAW_009-026_ch02.indd 26 3/13/08 12:33:56 PM 3/13/08 12:33:56 PM C H A P T E R 3 Investment Performance and Development Impact 3.1 Performance of Irrigation Projects Rates of Return Although there were many failures in the 1970s and 1980s, recent irri- gation projects have generally had acceptable rates of return. A compo- nent study for this report (IWMI, 2005b) reviewed 45 donor-financed projects implemented in the region from 1970 onwards. The study found that externally financed projects in the 1970s and up to 1984 had often dismal outcomes: investment was largely in development of new large-scale irrigation, with very high costs per hectare and low or nega- tive rates of return. Subsequent to 1985, outcomes improved: of the 22 sub-Saharan Africa projects reviewed that began in 1985 and later, only one had an ERR below 10 percent and others had ERRs ranging up to 60 percent and above.1 1. See Annex 6 for details of these projects. ERR calculations for the sample include some projects where storage dams, diversion structures, and long distance conveyance costs were included, and other projects where these costs were sunk. The concentration in the pre-1985 cohort of projects where all costs from storage dam downwards were included is plainly a factor in the lower rates of return recorded in the earlier period. 27 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 27 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 27 3/13/08 11:33:01 AM 3/13/08 11:33:01 AM 28 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa The key factors associated with higher rates of return include lower per hectare costs, market access, productivity, and institutional design. A number of factors influence rates of return. First, as Table 3.1 sug- gests, cost matters: the component study found that sub-Saharan Africa projects with higher per hectare costs tended to have lower ERRs, and `failure' projects (those with ERRs below 10 percent) had, on aver- age, unit costs per hectare four times those of `successful' projects (ERRs above 10 percent). The component study found that lower-cost `improvement' projects have higher ERRs than new construction proj- ects (IWMI, 2005b), a finding which is confirmed by the Zimbabwe experience where upgrading cost 20 percent of new gravity development and 40 percent of new pumped supply and where upgrading projects had very much higher rates of return (IFAD, 1999, cited in World Bank, 2005c).2 Second, market access matters: projects where higher-value crops can be sold profitably do better--in Zimbabwe, projects with good market access have rates of return generally at least three times higher than where market access is poor (IFAD, 1999, cited in World Bank, 2005c). Third, productivity makes a difference: in an example from Malawi, where 28 small-scale schemes were ranked according to the use of production factors, the low input-low output schemes all had significantly lower ERRs--and five had negative ERRs (Malawi Small- Scale Irrigation Development Project). Finally, attention to institutional and software aspects of projects matters, particularly empowerment of farmers and streamlining of the role of public agencies. Systems man- aged by farmers or jointly by farmers with government have performed significantly better than systems managed solely by a government agency (IWMI, 2005b). Table 3.1 Rates of Return on Externally-Financed Irrigation Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1970­1999 Parameter 1970­74 1975­79 1980­84 1985­89 1990­94 1995­99 Number of projects 3 9 11 15 4 3 Cost/ha (US$) 4,684 24,496 11,319 7,669 8,287 8,347 Average EIRR (%) 10 2 8 16 17 30 Source: IWMI, 2005b. 2. See section 3.2 below for a discussion of the factors affecting costs. IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 28 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 28 3/13/08 11:33:02 AM 3/13/08 11:33:02 AM Investment Performance and Development Impact 29 Sustainability Returns to investments in irrigation can be high, but the risks are also high, and irrigation projects have a mixed track record on sustainability. Despite the findings of the component study that rates of return for completed projects have by and large improved, the record on sustain- ability has been mixed. The frequent need for rehabilitation projects in large-scale irrigation in sub-Saharan Africa (Sudan, Madagascar, Mali) is testament to the poor sustainability of some supposedly 50-year invest- ments in the sector. Rates of return calculated for externally financed projects at completion of the construction phase have sometimes had to be revised downward subsequently, and current reports of the per- formance of projects previously rated as `successful' are sometimes not encouraging (Table 3.2). Table 3.2 Comparison of Selected Projects at Completion and Subsequent History ERR at Project and completion approval year (%) Subsequent history Mali O ce du Niger 30 Sustained success, although there are concerns (WB, 1989) regarding accountability and transparency (Aw and Diemer, 2005) Madagascar Lac 25 "The hasty, unilateral and untimely dismantling Alaotra (WB, 1984) of the irrigation agency was disastrous for the project. Water distribution has become chaotic, water charges are no longer collected, and farmer organizations have not survived." (PPAR, 1993) Madagascar 21 ERR recalculated as negative in the PPAR (1995)a Analaiva Sugar Project (AfDB, 1983) Cameroon Second 20 Current report (2005): "Performance is not good at SEMRY Rice Project the moment--a sort of pre-reform O ce du Niger: (WB, 1978) parastatals management, no farmer involvement, low productivity, no cost recovery." Ethiopia Amibara 15 (AfDB); ERR recalculated as 9% in the PPAR. Current Irrigation Project 15 (WB) report (2005): "The absence of drainage, high (AfDB, 1987) and sedimentation and changing river beds have Revised Amibara haunted the system. Yields are low now, and Project (WB, 1987) maintenance very expensive." a. PPAR (Project Performance Audit Report) is the instrument used by AfDB and the World Bank to review the outcomes and impacts of projects subsequent to completion of implementation. Source: Annex 7. IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 29 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 29 3/13/08 11:33:02 AM 3/13/08 11:33:02 AM 30 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa What Sort of Irrigation Projects Have Performed Best? There have been recent successful project investments in small-scale community- managed irrigation. Examples include: · Small-scale run-of-the-river rice schemes developed at low cost ($1,070/ha) under the Tanzania Participatory Irrigation Develop- ment Project that achieved a rate of return of 22 percent and increased farm incomes by 86 percent (IFAD, 2007); and · The Ethiopia Social Rehabilitation and Development Fund, where community-based irrigation, supplied largely from earthen dams and river diversions benefited 40,000 households, with visible improve- ment in the lives of villagers including increased purchase of water pumps, milk cows, and radios, as well as regular schooling for the children (World Bank, 2002a). Individual market driven investments by smallholders with low-cost technology have also done well. The Niger Pilot Private Irrigation Project spread a variety of both manual and small-scale mechanized irrigation technologies. Manual pumping technology allowed a doubling of the cultivated area and earned a 68 percent ERR (World Bank, 2002b). The DFID-funded Micro-Irrigation Pump Promotion Project (MIPP) and its predecessors created both a demand and a supply chain for trea- dle pumps in Kenya and Tanzania. The private sector was then able to manufacture and distribute the pumps at a profit but still at a price affordable to farmers (IFAD, 2007). Support to developing market links combined with reliable water supplies also works well. Under the IFAD-funded Zimbabwe Pilot Market Link- age Project, an NGO facilitated the establishment of grower associations and production of crops under contract to a local canner. Farmers also produced an irrigated crop of grain maize in the summer for home con- sumption and local sale. With an assured market and reliable groundwa- ter supplies, farmers risked investment in inputs to obtain higher yields and achieved a 265 percent increase in farm income (IFAD, 2007). One frequent feature of recent investments has been the use of a decen- tralized `program approach', in which the criteria for sub-project selec- tion are agreed up front but the process of selection is decentralized, typically to the level of a joint identification and appraisal process between a project unit and irrigator organizations. The `program' may be restricted to irrigation investments--for example, the Nigeria IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 30 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 30 3/13/08 11:33:02 AM 3/13/08 11:33:02 AM Investment Performance and Development Impact 31 National Fadama Development Project--or irrigation may be offered as an item on a broader menu of investments, as in the Batha Rural Development Project in Chad. However, there is a risk of poor invest- ment decisions being taken if adequate provision is not made to build capacity for sub-project appraisals and subsequent cost control and supervision (see below, section 4.4). The Challenge of Large-Scale Irrigation There are few examples of successful public investment in large-scale irrigation, owing to top-down planning, shaky economics, and insti- tutional failures. Several sub-Saharan Africa countries have invested heavily in large-scale irrigation. The Sudan Gezira scheme is the larg- est irrigation area in the world under single management--880,000 ha. Several countries--Madagascar, Sudan, Mali, Kenya--have a history of large-scale irrigation that goes back 50 years or more. Yet it is hard to find examples of successful, or even adequate, results from these invest- ments in recent years, and there have been a number of spectacular failures--for example at Kenya Bura. The case of publicly developed and managed large-scale schemes in Nigeria (Box 3.1) illustrates the problems often encountered: `top down' planning, poor investment decisions, lack of transparency and accountability in public sector man- agement agencies, inadequate skills to manage schemes, high costs, lack of financial viability (and hence poor farmer motivation), and failure to involve farmers in any of the processes. Even rehabilitation investments in large-scale irrigation may be mar- ginal if the irrigation technology and cropping pattern are not viable. In Nigeria, for example, rehabilitation of gravity irrigation is only viable up to an investment ceiling of $1,800/ha for rice/wheat systems, and up to $2,500/ha for vegetable production. For some large-scale irrigation schemes in Nigeria that use pumped irrigation, costs are higher than revenues and no rehabilitation can be economically justified (World Bank, 2001: WP8­20).3 Physical rehabilitation alone, without institutional change, has been largely unsuccessful. Even in cases where the technology and cropping pat- tern promise adequate economic returns, rehabilitation projects under- taken without a workable institutional model have proved uneconomic. 3. In Nigeria, the failure of public sector management has played as important a role as poor economics in undermining the viability of large-scale irrigation. IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 31 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 31 3/13/08 11:33:02 AM 3/13/08 11:33:02 AM 32 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Box 3.1 The Failure of Public Large-Scale Irrigation Schemes in Nigeria In Nigeria the public investment program in irrigation initiated during the oil boom of the 1970s included the construction of 162 large dams, enough to irri- gate 725,000 hectares. However, only 95,000 hectares of irrigation were devel- oped (13 percent of the potential), mostly in large-scale schemes of up to 15,000 hectares each. Costs were very high, as much as $27,000/ha in 2000 terms. In 2003/04, only 29,000 hectares of these lands were being farmed (30 per- cent of the area developed for irrigation and just 4 percent of the irrigable area commanded by the dams). The problems were economic, stemming from the basic lack of pro tability of the farming system which is dominated by rice, maize, and wheat; technical (water control was poor because the schemes were in bad shape); and institutional, with weak management, low cost recovery, and little accountability to farmers. Now the government has recognized the importance of making the agencies more service-oriented, involving farmers through WUAs. Source: World Bank, 2001; FAO, 2004b. A number of projects that focused on physical rehabilitation turned out to be economic failures--Sudan Gezira Rehabilitation Project (1985), Madagascar Lac Alaotra Rice Intensification Project (1984), and Sudan Blue Nile Pump Scheme Rehabilitation Project (1982). Transparent, accountable, efficient, and financially self sustaining insti- tutions are key for successful improvement of large-scale irrigation: the improvement conducted by the Mali Office du Niger is a good example of the impact of comprehensive but gradual institutional reforms. The Office has achieved a turnaround from a dirigiste approach to one that is more service oriented and which, by combining selective investment in hardware with institutional change, has produced impressive results-- paddy yields up from 1.6 t/ha to 6.0 t/ha (Box 3.2). This experience is a beacon that can show how other large-scale irrigation schemes may be turned around, provided that the underlying economic profitability is there. Other countries have tried similar approaches with less comforting results: in Madagascar the improvement program was compromised by an over-hasty withdrawal of the state without continuing support for user IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 32 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 32 3/13/08 11:33:03 AM 3/13/08 11:33:03 AM Investment Performance and Development Impact 33 Box 3.2 Successful Public Large-Scale Irrigation in Mali: The Office du Niger The O ce du Niger (ON), located in the heart of Mali, is one of oldest and largest smallholder irrigation schemes in sub-Saharan Africa. When development of the scheme began in 1932 it had been intended to develop about 1 million hectares over a period of 50 years. By 1982, however, only 60,000 hectares had been devel- oped, of which a large part had been abandoned due to poor maintenance and operation.Cottonproductionhadceased,andaveragepaddyyieldshadslumped to 1.6 t/ha. Attempts to rehabilitate the scheme proved successful when physical investments to improve water security were matched with institutional reforms. An impressive turnaround has been achieved: in addition to the 50,000 hectares that was still in use at the time, about 10,000 hectares of previously abandoned land was reclaimed and put to productive use, and average paddy yields have increased to 6 t/ha. O&M cost recovery has reached 97 percent. These results are attributable to a combination of factors, including: · irrigation system improvement and modernization; · improved water control and management; · adoption of improved technologies--such as high-yielding varieties, fertil- izers, and improved husbandry practices; · liberalization of paddy marketing and processing, facilitated by an improved macro-economic climate; · improved land tenure security; · institutional restructuring, including: privatization of most commercial func- tions, contracting out of maintenance works to the private sector, downsiz- ing of the management agency and concentration on its core activities of bulk water supply, land administration, and agricultural extension; and · more participatory approaches that engage farmers in management deci- sions, e.g., on O&M fees. Underpinning this success were the long term commitment of government and managers, and the sustained support of external partners. The work at ON is, however, not yet complete: there is more to be done on strengthening farmer organizations, improving land tenure security and making the agency more accountable to farmers. Source: Aw and Dejou, 1996; Couture et al., 2002; Aw and Diemer, 2005. IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 33 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 33 3/13/08 11:33:03 AM 3/13/08 11:33:03 AM 34 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa organizations that were supposed to take over (see section 4.6 below). One reason for the success of Office du Niger was that institutional reforms were introduced gradually, allowing time to overcome resistance to change and allowing time for adjustment, adaptation and fine-tuning. 3.2 Are Irrigation Investment Costs Higher than Elsewhere? Past studies found the cost of irrigation development in the region to be exces- sively high. A 1995 study found that World Bank-financed irrigation proj- ects in sub-Saharan Africa cost an average $18,000/ha, compared to an average world-wide of $4,800/ha (World Bank, 1995). These findings reflected the very high cost of the generation of large-scale schemes con- structed in the region in the 1970s and 1980s--the nine major donor financed projects in the period 1975­79 had an average cost per hectare of $24,500 (Table 3.1). Not surprisingly, governments and financiers tended to view irrigation investments as high cost and uneconomic, par- ticularly large-scale investments that also carry greater environmental and social risk. Investment behavior has been risk averse in recent years and investment in irrigation has dropped (see section 1.3 above). The component study on irrigation investment costs (IWMI, 2005b)4 found that the new generation of irrigation projects in sub-Saharan Africa is not much more costly than those in other regions. Irrigation projects that could be called `successful' because their rate of return at completion was more than 10 percent did not have costs that were very much higher than those of developing countries as a whole (Table 3.3). For new construction, sub-Saharan Africa `successful' projects cost somewhat more than successful projects in Asia, but less than those of the highest cost region, the Middle East and North Africa.5 The cost of `failure' projects in sub-Saharan Africa was significantly higher than for developing countries as a whole. The costs of `failed' proj- ects in the region (EIRR < 10 percent) averaged $16,000­23,000/ha. However, as noted above, project performance appears to have improved 4. The study analyzed 314 projects from a world-wide sample (of which 45 were in sub-Saharan Africa), and assessed the costs per hectare of the 226 `successful' projects (of which 25 were in sub-Saharan Africa), defined as those which had EIRRs of 10 percent or higher. See Annex 5 for a list of the sub-Saharan Africa `successful' projects. 5. This result was confirmed by an FAO study (FAO, 2005b) that reviewed the cost of 256 projects on the FAO database and found that the "purely physical costs of irrigation development in sub- Saharan Africa are only slightly higher than in other regions." The FAO study did, however, find somewhat different mean costs (in constant 2000 terms) of $6,500/ha for new schemes and only $1,900/ha for rehabilitated schemes. IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 34 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 34 3/13/08 11:33:03 AM 3/13/08 11:33:03 AM Investment Performance and Development Impact 35 Table 3.3 Average Unit Cost of `Successful' Projects 1970­1999 (constant 2000 terms) New construction (US$) Upgrading (US$) Hardware Hardware Projects Total cost/ha cost/ha Total cost/ha cost/ha Successful projects in 4,785 3,748 1,969 1,488 the entire sample Successful projects in 5,726 3,566 3,488 2,303 sub-Saharan Africa Source: IWMI, 2005b. in recent years--only one post-1990 project appears among the `fail- ures' in the sample. Main Factors A ecting Costs The biggest determinant of project costs is the type of irrigation investment financed. The range of costs in the sample for the component study is huge--from $225/ha for simple rehabilitation to $55,000/ha for a large- scale multi-purpose project. The principal reason for the lower unit costs of projects in recent years is the move away from the construction of large-scale schemes in the 1970s and 1980s to rehabilitation proj- ects and, more recently, to small-scale and micro-irrigation projects. Evidently, the lessons of the past have, to some extent at least, been learned. This change is also linked to the continuing decline in cereals prices and hence to the deteriorating economics of large-scale irrigation for staples, and to the improving economics of horticulture, for which smaller scale and micro-irrigation is well adapted (IWMI, 2005b). The evidence on economies of scale is mixed. The component study found that unit costs vary inversely with project size, i.e., there are economies of scale, but that within larger projects smaller scale schemes had higher economic returns (IWMI, 2005b). By contrast, an FAO study (2005b) found only weak correlation between project size and unit costs. Although the sample sizes in the studies are too small and the population too heterogeneous to establish very clear conclusions, it is likely that the region's high software costs do reduce when appor- tioned over larger projects. Community empowerment may keep costs down--and improve perfor- mance. The component study found that community involvement in decision making keeps costs down and improves performance. Proj- ects where farmers themselves made larger capital contributions and managed irrigation systems, or shared management with a government IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 35 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 35 3/13/08 11:33:03 AM 3/13/08 11:33:03 AM 36 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa irrigation agency, record significantly better results in terms of project performance and unit costs (IWMI, 2005b). To some extent, these lessons on keeping costs down are already being reflected within recent projects. More recent projects are selective in choice of technology and are often decentralized and farmer-driven, with higher farmer contributions, leading to lower unit costs. For exam- ple, for new development at Mali's Office du Niger, farmers were asked to contribute 20 percent of the total cost. As a result, development costs, which have typically exceeded $10,000/ha for large scale devel- opment, were only $2,518/ha (Aw and Diemer, 2005). 3.3 Experience of Design and Implementation The component study on the design and implementation processes (IWMI, 2005d) found that project design in the past was largely top down, although newer projects are adopting more participatory approaches. Although there was a wide divergence of experience, the study found that past project design was generally characterized by a lack of fit of projects to goals, lack of consideration of alternatives, and lack of demand drive. Schemes developed by governments were often based on imperfect understanding of markets, farming systems, and livelihood strategies. The component study found that newer projects have adopted a less top-down approach. In some countries, a start has been made on integrating user participation (intellectual and financial) into project planning and implementation.6 Some of these projects are carried out through decentralized units as part of larger community driven rural development programs. In fact, many of the donor-financed projects that have been evaluated as successful on completion in recent years have been characterized by both decentralized and participatory approaches. It is, however, too early to tell whether these approaches consistently improve project performance and if decentralization has encountered problems (see section 4.5 below). The quality of projects has been reduced by common weaknesses in prepa- ration. Weaknesses include: (i) poor treatment of the key land and water security issues, (ii) lack of adequate environmental assessment (see sec- tion 3.6 below); (iii) lack of evaluation of markets and profitability; 6. For example, the Bewani scheme in the Office du Niger area, and the Dodicha Small-scale Irrigation Project in Ethiopia (IWMI ,2005d). IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 36 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 36 3/13/08 11:33:04 AM 3/13/08 11:33:04 AM Investment Performance and Development Impact 37 (iv) lack of a related realistic agricultural support package; (v) over- estimation of institutional capacity, evidenced by too complex designs and too many components; and (vi) poor technical design and over- optimistic hydrological analysis (IFAD, 2007). This last weaknesses has resulted in technology choices and costs that were not appropriate for the market prospects of the crops grown (IWMI, 2005d). Farmer empowerment appears to improve project quality. Underlying these weaknesses, the study found a pervasive top-down approach and neglect of farmer ownership. By contrast, approaches that empower farmers by taking them in as partners and decision makers from the beginning and supporting their development as commercial agents equipped to deal in the market place from the beginning appear to have the potential to improve the economics and prospects for sustainability of projects. Approaches to empowerment found to significantly improve project quality at entry include moving responsibility and capacity for project implementation and services to the local level, increasing the participation of disadvantaged groups in decision making, improving the accountability of service providers, and helping smallholders form strong organizations (IWMI, 2005d; World Bank, 2005m). Weaknesses in institutional capacity have impaired project implementa- tion. The study found that implementing agencies have often proved inadequate to the tasks they were given. In many cases, weaknesses reflect the complexity of the organizational structures set up and the performance of the staff involved. Public agencies have often lacked the skills, resources, and incentives to do the job assigned to them, and the comparative advantage of the private sector or NGOs for certain tasks has been generally ignored. Project agencies also had difficulty in coping with design changes as implementation proceeded. A particularly dif- ficult challenge has been dealing with the social and cultural problems encountered where institutional changes such as irrigation management transfer or private sector participation were part of project implementa- tion (IWMI, 2005d; FAO, 2006). Inadequate support to the implementing agencies has also been a cause of poor quality. In general, the component study found that governments and donors have provided a supervision process that did not match the challenge of implementation under conditions in the region, and this support has stopped too early in the cycle. There has been overemphasis on reaching physical and disbursement targets at the expense of devel- opment effectiveness (IWMI, 2005d; IFAD, 2007). Even where prom- ising new approaches such as decentralization and participation were IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 37 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 37 3/13/08 11:33:04 AM 3/13/08 11:33:04 AM 38 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa incorporated into projects, success has not been automatic: problems of technical, financial, and social feasibility have constantly arisen during implementation. The managers of even well implemented projects have sometimes lost sight of the poverty reduction and cost effectiveness imperatives. In general, governments and donors have not reacted with a supportive and flexible approach to help managers trying to imple- ment projects. Weaknesses in the learning process have made it hard to assess proj- ect impacts and to rectify shortcomings as they have occurred. Moni- toring and evaluation have generally been poorly handled, with design only loosely tied to the Log Frame, which should form the basis for the monitoring and evaluation system. Implementation of M&E systems has typically started far too late in the cycle and there has been an almost complete failure to recognize that: (a) information systems are not only a fundamental requirement for project-level M&E but also for farm- ers' enterprise management purposes, and (b) that farm-level informa- tion systems are required to feed into project-level M&E systems. Thus, although many projects have poverty reduction objectives, almost none has monitored indicators of income such as input levels, yields, produc- tion, and prices (IWMI, 2005d). In a study of six projects in the region, in not one single case were inputs, yields, prices, and farmer incomes systematically measured. As a result it was not possible for farmers to accurately judge the effectiveness of improved technologies, nor was it possible for the projects to provide adequate ex post justification for the investments made. No realistic assessment of the poverty reduction impacts of these projects could be made. Moreover, the lack of monitor- ing applies equally to environmental and health aspects (see section 3.6 below), despite their obvious relevance to sustainability (IFAD, 2007). Poor sustainability in subsequent operations reflects weaknesses in design and implementation. The component study found that weak- ness in scheme operations after completion of the physical works largely stemmed from weaknesses earlier in the project cycle: over-estimate of water resource availability, poor design and construction, inadequate attention to institutional arrangements and agricultural support ser- vices, and above all, the general neglect of farmer empowerment and underlying conditions of profitability. The most telling indictment is that in many cases farmers have refused to take over responsibility for operation and maintenance of schemes supposedly developed for their interests (IWMI, 2005d; FAO, 2006). IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 38 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 38 3/13/08 11:33:04 AM 3/13/08 11:33:04 AM Investment Performance and Development Impact 39 3.4 Performance of In-Field Rainwater Management for Dryland Crops Projects intended to promote in-field rainwater management in the past have been mainly funded by NGOs and/or bilateral donors and have not necessarily been investment oriented. The promising results of vari- ous in-field rainwater management practices were mentioned above in section 2.3, but these results are largely based on research studies and pilot projects. Apart from the experience in Niger discussed in sec- tion 2.4, there has been little or no involvement of the international financing institutions in this type of water management in sub-Saharan Africa, possibly because there was no perceived need for infrastructure investment and the support of these institutions was neither offered nor sought. As a result, although a wealth of academic and research litera- ture on the topic exists, there has been a dearth of investment analy- sis. There have, for example, been few if any project appraisals, project completion reports, or evaluations of the sort carried out for irrigation investment projects. The knowledge base is therefore thin in respect to investment performance analysis and evaluation. The component study on agricultural water development for pov- erty reduction in Eastern and Southern Africa (IFAD, 2007), however, included field and desk studies of alternative interventions to irrigation, including in-field rainwater management. The results were mixed. A wide range of technologies was reviewed, including deep planting pits and trenches in Kenya, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe; fanya juu/chini ter- racing and negarim micro-catchments in Kenya; low-gradient broad- crested contour ridges and furrows in wetlands in Zimbabwe; and tied ridges and other forms of conservation farming in South Africa, Zam- bia, and Zimbabwe. The wide adoption of fanya juu/chini terracing in East Africa has been well documented. However the component study concluded that because there appeared to be little or no evidence that the intervention increased the availability of soil moisture for cropping, its main purpose was soil conservation. As for the other techniques considered, the component study found little evidence that deep planting pits and trenches had any impact on the availability of water for crops--a finding that appeared to be reflected by negligible adoption. Similarly, demonstrations of negarim were unsuccessful. Low-gradient, broad-crested contour ridges and furrows in Zimbabwe, which required heavy machinery for their IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 39 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 39 3/13/08 11:33:04 AM 3/13/08 11:33:04 AM 40 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa construction, made double cropping possible. But the site visited had been abandoned and there had been no adoption elsewhere--no doubt because of the high cost of development, estimated at $3,600/ha, which was beyond the reach of smallholder farmers.7 Many of the interventions seen had clearly been supply-led by projects, rather than demand-led by farmers, and the promoters had given inadequate thought to physical feasibility, affordability, profitability, and replicability by farmers. Despite this rather bleak assessment, the component study did find some successes. Four years of field trials of tied ridges in southern Zimbabwe showed an average increase of 20 percent in the yield of sorghum and maize. Yet tied ridges rarely improved yield on the shallow sandy soils that are widespread in the semi-arid areas of Southern Africa and there was a lack of adoption despite considerable efforts to promote such systems. The high labor requirement was apparently an important constraint: analysis indicated that the construction of ridges and ties was not seen as profit- able by farmers, unless they had access to a (subsidized) mechanical ridger (Twomlow et al., 1997 cited in IFAD, 2007). Nevertheless, there had been successful adoption for the production of cotton on the heavier soils. The key here appeared to be the involvement of a private sector cotton market- ing company that had supported on-farm trials and vigorously promoted the crop by providing technical support and in-kind credit. The crop then became profitable enough for farmers to invest in tractor power for land preparation (Nyamudeza et al., 1992 cited in IFAD, 2007). The most promising prospect, however, appeared to be the various types of conservation farming. These cover a range of non-inversion practices from zero to reduced and deep tillage. The potential yield gains for dryland field crops can be impressive--in the case of Zambia as much as double those obtainable by conventional tillage (Hageblade et al., 2003). But these gains come at a cost--part of which includes increased investment in implements and yield-enhancing inputs such as HYV seeds, fertilizer, crop protection chemicals and sometimes higher labor costs or lower yields in the first few seasons (because of increased weed pressure unless investment is also made in herbicides). And the initial additional labor costs had obviously been perceived as a disadvantage by some Zambian farmers: one smallholder farmer, for example, com- 7. It could be argued that this was a case in which a government subsidy would be justified, but the component study estimated that investment would result in a benefit-cost ratio of only 0.1 at a discount rate of 8 percent, whereas the minimum requirement would have been a benefit-cost ratio of unity. IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 40 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 40 3/13/08 11:33:05 AM 3/13/08 11:33:05 AM Investment Performance and Development Impact 41 mented that the labor demands of conservation basins caused him to "lose a lot of energy and grow thin" and another suggested that dig- ging basins "reduces the lifespan of an individual" (Hageblade et al., 2003). The researchers' response to this was that conservation farming represents a `long-term investment'. Nevertheless, unless investment in physical works was accompanied by access to the necessary equipment8 and investment in yield-enhancing inputs, the results were much less impressive and farmers lost interest--raising doubts over replicability and sustainability. The tassa system promoted in Niger and referred to earlier (section 2.4) appears to be a much lower input-lower output system that that pro- moted in Zambia--possibly reflecting the differences in agro-ecological conditions between the two countries.9 The results have been just as impressive, although adoption depended to some extent on the provision of food-for-work for construction of the planting basins and demi-lunes (Hassane et al)10, again raising doubts over replicability because govern- ments and/or donors cannot be everywhere with food relief, particularly if, as mentioned, the economic life of the investment is only three years. Overall, the indications are that there are in-field management technolo- gies that are potentially viable and sustainable for enhancing dryland crop production but that there are barriers to adoption that need to be identi- fied and overcome. It is possible that the barriers are sectoral in nature, affecting agricultural production in general, and revolve around institu- tions, empowerment, and access to input and output markets. 3.5 Agricultural Water Projects and Poverty Reduction Direct and Indirect Impacts on Income Poverty Reduction Investment in agricultural water management can reduce income poverty directly and indirectly. The first direct effect is on farm incomes: agri- cultural water management can increase yields, allow an increase in the 8. Referring to a land management program in Tanzania, other research found that conservation tillage is a "non-starter" if the required implements are not available to farmers (Jonsson et al., 1998). 9. The tassa were promoted in the semi-arid zone for the production of millet, while in Zambia the technologies were promoted for maize and cotton entirely in the dry sub-humid or moister zones. 10. In fairness, it was reported that food-for-work was only provided in dry years. However, because the program was located in the semi-arid zone it might have been expected that almost every year was a dry year. IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 41 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 41 3/13/08 11:33:05 AM 3/13/08 11:33:05 AM 42 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa intensity of cropping and a change to higher value crops, and hence increase farm outputs and incomes. Farm outputs and incomes can also be increased because irrigation itself justifies the use of complementary yield-enhancing inputs. For example, the component study on agricultural water develop- ment for poverty reduction in Eastern and Southern Africa (IFAD, 2007) reviewed five irrigation development programs in Madagascar, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe11. Average increases in per capita farm incomes `with project' on rice projects in Madagascar and Tanzania were found to be in the range of 86­220 percent, while incomes on non-rice proj- ects in Zimbabwe increased between 14 percent and 600 percent (see also Annex 8). The average increase in per capita farm incomes across the sets of case study projects was 226 percent. Investment in irrigation in these cases more than trebled average per capita incomes. Moreover, none of the projects studied was achieving anywhere near optimum yields and outputs. For example, the weighted average paddy yields `with project' at one project studied (Upper Man- drare Basin Project, Madagascar) were only 1.9 t/ha and 1.3 t/ha respec- tively for the main and off-season crop--clearly well below potential (see above, section 2.3). Similarly, average irrigated grain maize yields at three non-rice projects studied in Zimbabwe were only 2.5­3.4 t/ha-- also well below potential. The lesson is clear: even moderately perform- ing investment in irrigation can have significant impacts on farm incomes and hence on poverty reduction. The corollary is that such projects could have a far greater impact on poverty reduction if they performed better. The second direct effect of agricultural water management on income poverty is via rural employment: additional demand for labor is created first for construction and on-going maintenance of canals, wells, pumps, and the like (or land preparation in the case of investments in in-field rainwater management), and second for crop production and farm-to- market activities. Thus, agricultural water development increases both the numbers of workers required and (because of multiple cropping) their period of employment (Lipton et al., 2003). In the projects ana- lyzed in the component study (see Annex 8), investment in irrigation was found to have resulted in an incremental 45 days/ha of wage labor on average, over and above farm family labor, valued at approximately $1/labor-day (IFAD, 2007). 11. Two of the component studies of the Collaborative Program (IFAD, 2007 and IWMI, 2005g) provided material for the analysis in this sub-chapter. IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 42 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 42 3/13/08 11:33:05 AM 3/13/08 11:33:05 AM Investment Performance and Development Impact 43 The third direct effect is via food prices: increased food output can reduce local food prices and so improve real net incomes among net food purchasers, including both rural and urban poor. At the same time, positive effects on real net incomes will still be experienced by net food producers and wage laborers provided the effect of reduced prices is offset by increased output and employment. On the other hand, nega- tive effects may be experienced by surplus producers in remote dry- land cropping areas when agricultural water development is introduced. However, because the majority of the poor in sub-Saharan Africa are net food purchasers, the overall net effect of reduced food prices on income poverty reduction and hunger can be expected to be positive (Lipton et al., 2003). The indirect impacts of agricultural water development on income pov- erty can include those obtained via rural and urban employment as a result of growth in the rural and urban non-farm economy. Agricultural growth can influence non-farm activity in at least three ways: through produc- tion, consumption, and labor demand links (Rosegrant et al., 2005). Income and employment multipliers within the surrounding non-farm economy can be particularly large: between 1.5 and 2.012 in Asia (Hagg- blade et al., 1989 and Hazell et al., 1991; both cited in Rosegrant et al., 2005), although they are only about one-half as large in Africa (Dorosh et al., 2000 and Haggblade et al., 1989; both cited in Rosegrant et al., 2005). Lower multipliers in Africa were attributed by Dorosh et al. to low per capita incomes, poor infrastructure, and farming technologies that required few purchased inputs--in other words, to a less developed agriculture sector. Water-managed agriculture intrinsically involves higher levels of inputs--including labor--and results in greater employment, outputs, and incomes than dryland agriculture. Thus the multipliers from suc- cessful agricultural water investment are likely to be higher than those for investment in dryland agriculture in general. Although no infor- mation was available on the non-farm employment impacts of agricul- tural water development in sub-Saharan Africa, non-farm employment in India has been found to be higher in irrigated villages than in non- irrigated villages (Dasgupta et al., 1997; Jayaraj, 1992; Saleth, 1996, all cited in Rosegrant et al., 2005). At the large-scale Muda Irrigation Project in Malaysia, for example, for every dollar of income generated 12. That is, each $1.00 increase in agricultural value leads to an additional $0.50 to $1.00 of additional income created in the local non-farm economy. IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 43 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 43 3/13/08 11:33:05 AM 3/13/08 11:33:05 AM 44 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa directly by the project, another 83 cents was generated in the form of indirect or downstream income benefits (Bell et al., 1982, cited in Rose- grant et al., 2005). To sum up, even moderately successful investment in agricultural water development can treble per capita farm incomes and provide additional wage employment of approximately 45 labor-days/ha--which in itself has a significant impact on income poverty reduction. Every dollar of income so generated probably generates at least US$ 0.40­0.50 in the form of indirect income benefits. And this is so even for investment projects that perform no better than modestly. Agricultural water development could also be one of the better alternatives for poverty reduction. Clearly, investment in agricultural water develop- ment can have substantial impacts on income poverty reduction, but is it the best of the available alternatives? As discussed in Chapter 1, when up to 90 percent of rural people are poor and rely on agriculture for their primary livelihoods, significant growth in agriculture is a necessary step toward poverty reduction. Although improved primary education, better health services, clean water and better roads are all important and appropriate investments, they are not sufficient in and of themselves to generate increased rural incomes (Brooks, 2005). Since agricultural growth is so important for poverty reduction when compared with the available alternatives, agricultural water development could be even more so, since the potential income growth per hectare from success- ful investment in agricultural water is greater than that from dryland agriculture. Although data are not available to prove the validity of this assumption for sub-Saharan Africa, differences in the rate of growth of average agricultural output per unit of crop area were important in explaining cross-state differences in rural poverty reduction in India, for example, where the impact of irrigation in reducing poverty was found to be even higher than that of rural literacy and significantly higher than roads, fertilizers and modern varieties (Datt et al., 1997, cited in Rose- grant et al., 2005). If this is the case elsewhere, there would appear to be no reason why the same should not apply in sub-Saharan Africa. Furthermore, the income poverty reduction impacts of agricultural water investment can induce positive impacts on other MDGs. The income pov- erty reduction impacts of agricultural water investment induce important positive impacts on other MDGs, including reduced hunger, improved access to primary education, safe drinking water, and basic sanitation, as well as a contribution to improved maternal health, reduced child mortal- ity, and generally better nutrition and health (IFAD, 2007 and Box 3.3). IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 44 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 44 3/13/08 11:33:05 AM 3/13/08 11:33:05 AM Investment Performance and Development Impact 45 Box 3.3 Irrigation Considerably Enhances Farm Incomes, Livelihoods, and Employment Opportunities at Irrigation Schemes in Tanzania and Zimbabwe At the Participatory Irrigation Development Project in Tanzania, irrigator house- holds achieved an increase of 86 percent in income with the project, which enabled them to enjoy better quality housing, acquire agricultural and house- hold assets, access health services, and nance children's education. In four rep- resentative sub-project areas (totaling approximately 400 ha), ownership of ox carts and cattle increased considerably, the number of grinding mills increased from two to 12, and the number of shops increased from two to 74. Irrigator households at the EU-funded Maunganidze Irrigation Scheme in Zimbabwe increased their incomes by over 200 percent and turned a food de cit into a surplus su cient to feed two additional households. Farmers' own investments in new housing and in water and sanitation were the most obvi- ous signs of improved livelihoods, with a number of modern two or three room houses, ventilated pit latrines and, in a number of cases, their own protected water well. Traders reported increased sales of agricultural inputs and imple- ments, and increased demand for groceries and house building materials and construction services. New grinding mills had been established, as well as new workshops for manufacturing farming equipment such as ox carts. There was no doubt that these impacts were the result of investment in irrigation because there were no other sources of income in the area. Excellent road access, for example, by itself had not had any discernible impacts on poverty in the area. Source: IFAD, 2007. Targeting the Poor and Women Some irrigation project designs of the past two to three decades have attempted--usually unsuccessfully--to target the poorest. Defining extreme poverty in terms of the MDG income poverty level has now simplified targeting. Where targeting the poorest socioeconomic stra- tum has been specified in the past, it has rarely been implemented as planned (IFAD, 2007). Either the technology was inappropriate for the poorest, the targeting methodology was weak, or implementation staff had not fully understood the intentions or found it socially infeasible to IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 45 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 45 3/13/08 11:33:06 AM 3/13/08 11:33:06 AM 46 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa carry out because of the socio-geographical and political implications of excluding the less poor. Defining extreme poverty in terms of per capita income of less than $1/day (see section 1.1 above) has simplified targeting, as most rural people in the region have to subsist on less than this amount. For example, in the Madagascar, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe cases cited above, no attempt was made at targeting, yet it is clear that it was mainly the extreme poor who benefited because average without- project farm incomes ranged from only $0.03 to $0.13 per capita-day (Annex 8). Agricultural water investments, even without targeting, will therefore mainly benefit the extreme poor, although in a range of different ways. It is likely that the vast majority of the rural populations of sub-Saharan Africa fall into the category of `extreme poor' and almost any agricul- tural water development based on principles of profitability and equity will benefit a majority of poor people. However, different poor people may benefit in different ways: some will benefit from direct participation as producers, others will benefit directly from agricultural wage employ- ment, others from access to crop by-products for livestock and others from employment in upstream and downstream economic activities gen- erated by the investment. Moreover, it is usually the poorest stratum that benefits most from the additional wage employment opportunities generated by investment in agricultural water (IFAD, 2007). There are, however, a number of ways in which the poverty reduction impacts of investments can be enhanced. The first step is to understand the socioeconomic profile of the communities, how they derive their livelihoods, what their constraints are, how they interact socioeconomi- cally, and how agricultural water management can improve their liveli- hoods. Based on this knowledge, measures can be included to make projects more pro-poor. These measures include: (a) capacity building and empowering the poor to participate effectively, (b) ensuring that the voice of the poorer segments of communities is adequately heard in participatory planning and land and water allocation decisions; (c) minimizing involuntary resettlement and ensuring that the poor are not excluded or further marginalized by the development; (d) strength- ening the bargaining powers of the poor though institutional reform and facilitating their access to land and water; (e) targeting the poor with extra technical support; (f) ensuring that the entry price is affordable to the poorest stratum, for example, by the use of affordable technologies; (g) ensuring that cost-recovery arrangements/water charges are not unfairly weighted against the poorest stratum; and (h) optimizing the IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 46 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 46 3/13/08 11:33:06 AM 3/13/08 11:33:06 AM Investment Performance and Development Impact 47 potential for direct and indirect employment gains. Annex 8 provides a checklist (based on World Bank, 2005b) for improving the pro-poor impacts of agricultural water projects. Targeting agro-ecological zones and farming systems with high agricul- tural potential and concentrations of poverty can also be pro-poor. It was found that when arid and semi-arid zones had been targeted for pov- erty reduction, the results were mixed, mainly because of the generally high costs of water development in such zones, their general remote- ness from markets and their sparse populations (IFAD, 2007). In contrast, the more humid agro-ecological zones, which also coincide with high incidences of poverty, provide better potential for investing in agricultural water for poverty reduction (Dixon et al., 2003). This perhaps surprising suggestion may be explained by considering that, as population densities increase, farmers gradually shift from extensive to increasingly intensive production systems. The trend is encouraged once significant market opportunities emerge. Where population densi- ties are high, where a process of intensification has already started, and where market opportunities are emerging, investment in agricultural water development is therefore likely to be more successful than in the drier zones. This does not, of course, exclude the possibility that there will be opportunities for investment in agricultural water management in the arid and semi-arid zones and that these could also make a signifi- cant contribution to poverty reduction and growth--provided they are demonstrably economically viable and physically sustainable. In addition to considerations of gender equity, targeting women can also enhance poverty reduction impacts. Women contribute 60­80 percent of labor for food production in sub-Saharan Africa, typically with a major role in planting, weeding, application of fertilizers and pesticides, harvesting, threshing, food processing, transporting, and marketing, while men are generally responsible for land clearing and preparation, including plowing (FAO, 2003a). This division of labor also applies in irrigated agriculture. In many Southern African countries, the pro- portion of female-headed rural households and women-led farms may exceed 50 percent (IWMI, 2005g). At selected schemes in Zimbabwe, for example, 20­64 percent of the plot holders were female-headed households (IFAD, 2007). In rice-growing areas in West Africa and parts of Southern and Eastern Africa, paddy cultivation is increasingly becoming a `female farming system' in which women are often the deci- sion makers on formerly male-managed farms as a consequence of male migration to towns for work (IWMI, 2005g). Women often take the IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 47 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 47 3/13/08 11:33:06 AM 3/13/08 11:33:06 AM 48 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa lead in fruit and vegetable production (Box 3.4), as well as in produc- tion support activities such as savings groups (IFAD, 2002). Studies have shown that gender-equitable agricultural production boosts pro- ductivity (IWMI, 2005g). Clearly, targeting women for training and support services and ensuring their equitable participation in the ben- efits of agricultural water investments can improve productivity and enhance poverty reduction. Yet despite the rhetoric, most staff in support services are male and policies and communications strategies are biased toward males. Proj- ects can compensate for these biases by building gender considerations into design and implementation from the outset (IWMI, 2005g). 3.6 Environmental and Health Aspects of Agricultural Water Projects The component study on environmental and health aspects (IWMI, 2005c) found that well-designed and well-implemented agricultural water development can have positive impacts. Environmental benefits of agri- cultural water development can include reduced flooding and reduced soil erosion and silt loads. In addition, intensification (rather than `extensification') of agriculture may preserve natural areas of intrinsic worth from development. Agricultural water development also directly improves nutrition and health through higher incomes and improved food supply, and can have a particularly marked impact when targeted at Box 3.4 Women and Treadle Pumps for Fruit and Vegetable Production in Tanzania Monitoring of treadle pumps sold in Tanzania for fruit and vegetable produc- tion found that 95 percent of pumps sold were bought by men. At the start, 40 percent of these pumps were managed by women, but this share went up to over 60 percent within a year. One explanation is that proceeds from the newly irrigated agriculture had enabled the men to move on to other income generating activities. Source: IFAD, 2007. IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 48 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 48 3/13/08 11:33:06 AM 3/13/08 11:33:06 AM Investment Performance and Development Impact 49 the poor and at women. Health and food security may also be improved indirectly by strengthening institutions associated with agricultural water development. But failure to manage environmental impacts has sometimes reduced productivity and even led to the failure of some agricultural water projects in the region. There are multiple and reciprocal interactions between agricultural water and the environment; failing to manage environmen- tal factors has sometimes been a cause of reduced productivity and even failure of projects. At the 350-hectare Gem-Rae rice scheme in Kenya, deterioration in the catchment led to such large sediment flows that farmers were clearing sediment daily instead of farming. The scheme has been virtually abandoned. At the Chokwe irrigation scheme in Mozambique, poor drainage has led to the loss of about 5,000 hectares out of a total 30,000 hectares due to salinization. In Somalia, the Jow- har off-stream reservoir constructed to collect flood flows for dry season irrigation has become so silted up that large-scale irrigation in southern Somalia has virtually collapsed. Some hydraulic developments have also harmed the health of the popu- lation. In Ethiopia, the construction of small dams in the semi-arid north- ern region of Tigre led to increased spread of malaria, even at altitudes over 2,000 meters. In Burkina Faso, around 1,500 small dams have been constructed since 1974 but no measures were taken to control adverse health impacts, and urinary schistosomiasis has spread. Although indi- vidual environmental impacts may be small, the cumulative environ- mental impacts of many small interventions therefore need to be taken into account. Potential health impacts require public sector forethought at the design stage: evidence shows that farmers are often aware of environmental and health problems as they emerge but that corrective actions are beyond the capability of small farmers. Many of these problems are attributable to the weaknesses of public sec- tor institutional capacity for regulating environmental and health aspects. The regulatory and enforcement framework in countries in the region is often inadequate. National procedures may be too weak (Box 3.5), and national institutions may lack the capacity to handle environmental, social, and health aspects. Often, adverse consequences occur because schemes are developed in isolation from other developments in the basin, and all too often environmental flows have been neglected. Where exter- nally financed projects are concerned, donors have their requirements but these differ among donors and usually do little to build national con- sciousness and institutional capacity. Negative environmental and health IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 49 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 49 3/13/08 11:33:07 AM 3/13/08 11:33:07 AM 50 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Box 3.5 In Nigeria Large-Scale Irrigation, National Procedures Are Not Adequate to Protect the Environment or Reduce Social Harms In Nigeria, the basin authorities did not give adequate attention to the envi- ronmental impacts of the large-scale irrigation schemes they constructed in the 1970s and 1980s. As a result, these schemes have done considerable environmental damage. Downstream hydrology has been severely modi ed, especially in the north, wiping out extensive areas of fadama, capture sher- ies, and wildlife habitat. Now Environmental Impact Assessments are required for irrigation schemes or wetland drainage over 100 hectares, but the adverse environmental e ects of earlier development persist. The economic bene ts from irrigation upstream of the Hadejia-Nguru wetlands were signi cantly out- weighed by economic losses arising from the damage caused to the wetlands by the irrigation scheme. Most large schemes in Nigeria have also run into serious social problems. Fulani herdsmen generally have no security of tenure, and as irrigation schemes expanded, Fulani were forced out, creating con icts. Also disadvantaged were families displaced by dams and reservoirs. Resettlement was not organized, and the dispossessed were basically left to their own devices. Source: World Bank, 2001; Barbier et al., 1991. outcomes may also result from unregulated private agricultural water development (Box 4.1). The problems are not lessened by decentraliza- tion and private sector development: small-scale projects and informal peri-urban irrigation using wastewater can cause environmental and health problems too. Lack of environmental and health monitoring is also a very considerable learning weakness (see also section 3.4). However, many environmental and health risks can be managed at the project level. Many adverse socio-environmental and health effects can be prevented by carrying out integrated and participatory impact assessments during preparation to identify alternative designs or mitiga- tion measures. For example, a watershed management component may be added to a project to tackle anticipated siltation problems (World Bank, 2006a); a closed conduit system may be implemented in place of IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 50 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 50 3/13/08 11:33:07 AM 3/13/08 11:33:07 AM Investment Performance and Development Impact 51 Box 3.6 Engineering Schistosomiasis Control into Irrigation In the Mushandike scheme in Zimbabwe, the need to control schistosomiasis determined the nal design of a 400-hectare smallholder irrigation scheme. The scheme was located as far as possible from villages. Canals were all lined with concrete with a ow velocity su cient to dislodge snails. Hydraulic struc- tures were designed to allow quick drainage and so avoid standing water. In the operation of the system, regular drying out of the canals, water level uctuation in night reservoirs and routine cleaning contributed to the continuous control of snails. As a result, snail hosts have been greatly reduced, and a 10-year study showed both snail populations and schistosomiasis infection rates lower than in comparable villages where only treatment was used. Source: IWMI, 2005c. open canals to reduce the breeding ground for mosquitoes; or a drain- age system may be added to avoid water logging and salinization. Box 3.6 describes how an irrigation project was engineered to reduce disease risk. Project level monitoring and evaluation systems can capture envi- ronmental and health impacts. Agricultural water management also needs to take account of HIV/AIDS. The scourge of HIV/AIDS has a pervasive impact on life in the region. Agricultural water management has an important role to play in mitigat- ing the impacts--increased incomes and food availability are recognized as being key to helping people fight HIV/AIDS-related infections. One important negative factor is the loss of skilled engineers, professionals, and farmer leaders responsible for the development, operation, and main- tenance of schemes. There is a need for specific strategies within agricul- tural water projects, especially increased capacity building and, where possible, health components to address the attrition of staff and farmers. IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 51 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 51 3/13/08 11:33:07 AM 3/13/08 11:33:07 AM IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 52 IAW_027-052_ch03.indd 52 3/13/08 11:33:07 AM 3/13/08 11:33:07 AM CHAP TE R 4 The Changing Institutional Context 4.1 Transboundary Water Given the high level of transboundary resources in sub-Saharan Africa, agreement on their use is key to sustainable agricultural water invest- ment. Current processes are therefore emphasizing cooperative and mutually beneficial development. Shared basins cover 63 percent of the land area of sub-Saharan Africa and 12 countries of the region depend on external resources for more than one-half of their total water resources. With this large proportion of shared water resources, regional planning and coordination for transboundary resource allocation, for IWRM, and for catchment management are particularly important (FAO, 2006). A number of states have been cooperating under various programs. For example, Mauritania, Senegal, and Mali established the Organisation de Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Senegal (OMVS) in 1972, and have since constructed dams at Daima in Senegal and Manantali in Mali for irriga- tion, hydropower, and navigation. Lake Victoria faces the threat of envi- ronmental degradation which may be aggravated by increased irrigation upstream, and although there is as yet no formal treaty relationship, riparian states are cooperating on the preparation of a joint `Vision and Strategy Framework' for its management (Box 4.1). This framework, 53 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 53 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 53 3/13/08 11:33:39 AM 3/13/08 11:33:39 AM 54 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Box 4.1 Kenya Begins Cooperation with Lake Victoria Riparians on Environmental Issues Kenya shares over one-half its rivers, lakes, and aquifers with neighboring coun- tries, but has not yet entered into any formal agreement with any riparian state. However, Kenya is keen to develop the water resources of the Lake Victoria Basin for agriculture and other uses and has joined with other riparians in preparing a joint `Vision and Strategy Framework' for its management. Collective action is being triggered by the increasing eutrophication of the lake from excess nutri- ent loads, a substantial portion of which stems from Kenya fertilizer use. Source: World Bank, 2004a. however, may prove inadequate to stem negative impacts on the envi- ronment arising from, for example, releases for hydropower that are causing lake levels to drop excessively. An initial focus on the benefits of cooperative management--say, for water flow and quality--and of agreed or cooperative development for irrigation and hydropower can lead in due course to more formal relationships and viable transbound- ary institutions. This creates opportunities for optimizing investment strategies at the basin scale, and partnerships for joint management and development of a number of shared basins in sub-Saharan Africa have been created. For example, to achieve sustainable water security, Nile Basin riparians are working on shared waters. The Nile Basin Initiative offers consider- able potential for major cooperative development of the basin, including large-scale irrigation and hydropower development. In addition, oppor- tunities for regional cooperation and integration in a range of activities beyond the river have arisen as a consequence of strengthened relations built up from the Initiative (World Bank, 2005f; World Bank, 2005b). Regional organizations and donors have helped to forge these part- nerships and have provided investment support, for example, for the OMVS and the Nile Basin Initiative. With donor support, the SADC countries agreed a Protocol on Shared Watercourses in 1995 as a basis for regional integration in water resources management and investment. This led to the 1998 Regional Strategic Action Plan for IWRM in SADC countries and has now triggered the Zambezi Process among the eight IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 54 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 54 3/13/08 11:33:39 AM 3/13/08 11:33:39 AM The Changing Institutional Context 55 riparian states and the establishment of a permanent Zambezi Water- course Commission (World Bank, 2005c). These partnerships give pri- ority to investment in agricultural water and hydropower. 4.2 Strategic Planning and Agricultural Water The last decade has witnessed important changes in approaches to interna- tional development assistance. These have included the unprecedented consensus on development objectives in the form of the MDGs, as well as the commitment in Paris in 2005 by a large number of development assistance stakeholders as to how those objectives may be pursued more effectively.1 Poverty reduction strategy papers (PRSPs) or other forms of strategies for poverty reduction have provided the point of reference for national development efforts in most sub-Saharan Africa countries. However, not all poverty reduction strategies have recognized the role that agriculture can play in poverty reduction and few have acknowl- edged the importance to the sector of agricultural water development. Early PRSPs did not always explicitly recognize the critical role of the agriculture sector in poverty reduction and growth, although more recent examples have done so. They have, however, generally still not assigned much prominence to agricultural water development. Conse- quently, the subsector has tended to be neglected in investment pro- grams for the agriculture and water sectors. The reason for this neglect lies partly in the negative perceptions of agricultural water referred to earlier in this report (see section 3.2 above) and partly in the fact that in many countries agriculture and water are served by separate minis- tries, which, because of divided responsibility, has too often led both to neglect the subsector (IFAD, 2002). On the other hand, agricultural water development strategies have, in the past, not been entirely consistent with PRSP objectives. Specific poverty reduction objectives have not featured prominently in water sector and irrigation strategies, and often they have not reflected the poverty reduction objectives of the PRSPs. For example, the 1995 1. At the Paris High Level Forum on aid effectiveness held in February/March 2005, the international community endorsed the Paris Declaration on Harmonization and Alignment, making a commitment to a series of measures to achieve greater aid effectiveness: (a) countries should take responsibility for setting country-led development strategies; (b) aid should be harmonized through common arrangements for financing and technical assistance; (c) aid should be aligned on national development strategies and institutions and on strengthened country systems; (d) aid should be managed by results; and (e) there should be mutual accountability, for example, through joint assessments of donor actions. IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 55 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 55 3/13/08 11:33:39 AM 3/13/08 11:33:39 AM 56 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Mozambique National Water Plan mentions smallholder irrigation only briefly, despite the prominence given to the subsector in the PRSP. There has been an absence of a strategic approach to investment in agricultural water. In general, a strategic approach to agricultural water has not been adopted, and agricultural water investment programs have often been poorly integrated with overall development objectives and policies (IWMI, 2005d). In some cases, projects have been selected in pursuit of goals such as food sufficiency and have lacked basic economic viability. An example is the development of pump irrigation schemes for cereals production in Nigeria discussed above (see sections 2.3 and 3.1). However, a new generation of irrigation strategies in sub-Saharan Africa has begun to emerge in recent years. These respect the need for an inte- grated, strategic approach to agricultural water development and take advantage of potential synergies with macroeconomic and sectoral poli- cies (World Bank, 2005b). The best of these strategies also reflect the new development paradigms and recognize the need for community empowerment and participation in design and implementation, as well as a market driven approach (Box 4.2). In particular, they acknowledge that productivity and profitability are the keys to sustainability and that it is necessary to remove constraints to their achievement. They empha- size the need for farmer initiative and financing, with a reduced but tac- tical role for public financing. The irrigation strategies of Ethiopia and Zambia are good examples of this new generation. Although it is taking time for these strategies to be fully owned and agreed by stakeholders-- both national and donor--some results are now being achieved. In the case of Mali, for example, the integrated strategy exercise has resulted in a switch of irrigation investment away from large-scale public projects to participatory approaches, public private partnerships, and more empha- sis on smaller scale schemes. The strategic planning process has also received impetus from the preparation of National Medium-Term Investment Programs under CAADP (IWMI, 2005d; AfDB/FAO, 2005). At the regional level NEPAD's 2002 CAADP adopted land and water management as the first of its four pillars for priority investment and proposed extending the area under "sustainable land management and reliable water con- trol systems" to 20 million hectares (i.e., approximately double the area currently under water management in sub-Saharan Africa) by 2015,2 2. NEPAD has since proposed extending this time horizon. IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 56 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 56 3/13/08 11:33:40 AM 3/13/08 11:33:40 AM The Changing Institutional Context 57 Box 4.2 Recent Irrigation Strategies are In Line with a Market-Driven Approach Working with the FAO, six West African governments--Mali, Mauritania, Sen- egal, Ivory Coast, Niger, and Burkina Faso--have developed irrigation strategies with approaches in common.a These include: · A rede nition of the roles of the state, farmers, and the private sector, with a new emphasis on liberalization, farmer empowerment and minimal govern- ment involvement; · Participatory approaches from identi cation of projects through to man- agement of the works; · Prioritization of individual or small group schemes; · Review of more alternative interventions to nd solutions that are least cost and most pro table for farmers; · Accounting for environmental impacts and social equity; · Requirements that farmers cover O&M costs and a share of the capital costs; · Removal of administrative and scal obstacles; and · Promotion of demand driven research. a. Mali Stratégie de l'Irrigation 1999; Mauritanie Stratégie du Développement Rural 1997; Senegal Stratégie de Développement de la Petite Irrigation 1999; Ivory Coast Stratégie de Développement de la Petite Irrigation 1999; Niger Stratégie Nationale de Développement de l'Irrigation et de Collecte des Eaux de Ruissellement 2001; and Burkina Faso Stratégie de Développement Durable de l'Agriculture Irriguée 2004. Source: Gadelle in Sally et al., 2002. although the rationale for this was principally to reduce national and regional food imports, rather than poverty reduction per se. The main emphasis was investment in infrastructure rather than institutions. However, a 2005 progress review drew attention to the low level of investment actually achieved since CAADP's launch in 2002 (only $0.5 billion, compared with its target of $9.9 billion, with only a modest pipeline). The review observed that a lack of implementation capacity in public agencies and private service providers was a constraint and concluded, inter alia, that CAADP needed to be rescheduled to take account of this. The review also observed that increased productivity IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 57 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 57 3/13/08 11:33:40 AM 3/13/08 11:33:40 AM 58 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa could not be achieved through investment in water management infra- structure alone. There needed to be investment in a package of insti- tutional measures and market access/post-harvest rural infrastructure (AfDB/FAO, 2005). Currently, countries in the region are preparing, with FAO assistance, National Medium Term Investment Plans and a portfolio of bankable projects (Annex 9). 4.3 Policy Reforms and Agricultural Water Development Strategies Macroeconomic and Public Sector Reforms A number of countries have undertaken policy reforms intended to improve the macroeconomy and performance of the productive sectors. These have often included liberalization of exchange rates and controls, removal of tariff barriers, market liberalization, and a generally pro- enterprise framework. Public sector reforms have involved redefinition of the core functions of government--essentially allowing it to concentrate more on policy matters, strategic planning, regulation, and facilitation of development and less on being an investor, implementer, and service provider--with greater reliance on the private sector and the market. Agriculture Sector Reforms In parallel with the above, a number of countries of the region have pre- pared new agriculture sector development strategies and embarked on reforms intended to promote agricultural growth. The emphasis has been on increasing productivity and profitability in the smallholder sector (Box 4.3) and greater recognition of the role that the private sector-- from smallholder farmers to large-scale commercial estates and agribusi- nesses--can and does play in the agriculture sector (IFAD, 2002). Nevertheless, the impacts of agriculture sector reforms have not yet reached their `steady state' and delivered the anticipated benefits. In particular, reductions in the scope and operations of public agricultural support services have in some cases left smallholder farmers without the technology or financing to increase their productivity (although this is not to say that the previous level of service was in any way adequate). At the same time, although the withdrawal of the state from market- ing has removed some distortions that would often have disadvantaged smallholder producers, it has often left farmers unprepared to deal with the market. Preparing smallholders to meet this challenge is critical for success in agricultural development generally. Hence, organizational IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 58 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 58 3/13/08 11:33:40 AM 3/13/08 11:33:40 AM The Changing Institutional Context 59 Box 4.3 Reforms Under the Agriculture Sector Development Strategy, Tanzania Tanzania's Agriculture Sector Development Strategy (ASDS), which was pub- lished in October 2001, comprises a set of innovative and practical actions intended to stimulate agricultural growth and reduce rural poverty. These include a focus on commercialization of the agriculture sector and increasing its productivity and pro tability. Arrangements for implementation of the ASDS are elaborated in the Agri- culture Sector Development Program (ASDP) Draft Framework and Process Document (September 2002). At the heart of ASDP is a sector-wide approach to changing the function of central government from an executive role to a facili- tating one, to empowering local government and communities to reassume control of their planning and implementation processes, and to encouraging private sector participation in all aspects of agriculture--including investment, processing, and marketing. Under this new approach, 70­80 percent of public (government and/or donor) funding of the sector will now be managed by district councils and utilized through District Agricultural Development Plans (DADPs). Greater use will be made of outsourcing through contracts with pri- vate sector service providers, and greater awareness of cross cutting issues, including gender and the environment, will also be promoted. The new approach will require a transformation in the way public investments in the smallholder irrigation subsector are analyzed, planned, and implemented. In conformity with the ASDS and ASDP, planning and implementation of small- holder irrigation subsector investment projects must now be based on the need for them to be driven by irrigators (or potential irrigators), responsive to market opportunities, coordinated at the local level, and pro table. This implies a need formorecriticalanalysisofproposedinvestmentsandgreaterfarmerparticipation in this process and that of their subsequent planning and implementation. It also implies a need to recognize that participation means more than mere consulta- tion and that it takes time. It furthermore implies a need to recognize that farmers are the best judges of their own investment priorities and that these may not necessarily include investment in physical irrigation works, which do not always present the best opportunities for increasing output and incomes. Farmers may instead, for example, have identi ed a marketing opportunity or constraint that, if seized or addressed, would achieve their objectives more e ectively. Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Tanzania, 2003. IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 59 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 59 3/13/08 11:33:40 AM 3/13/08 11:33:40 AM 60 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa development, training, and capacity building to link smallholder farm- ers to markets have now become at least as important as infrastructural development (Box 4.4; IFAD, 2003). Efforts are being made to help small farmers meet the challenges posed by reforms. These include efforts to empower smallholders to develop their own capacity to respond to their needs for financial services through membership-based organizations such as savings and credit coopera- tives and credit unions. These farmer-owned organizations are proving particularly well-suited to the financing of individual irrigation invest- ments, where the entry cost can be as low as $15 (Table 4.1) and where success can generate the credit rating and cash flow that allow an irri- gator to progress to higher levels of investment. Some farmer-owned organizations, for example CECAM in Madagascar, have developed Box 4.4 Supporting Policy Reform in Tanzania The $42 million Agricultural Marketing Systems Development Program, co- nanced by AfDB, IFAD, Ireland Aid, and others, has been assisting the govern- ment of Tanzania in bringing about a comprehensive change in the agricultural marketing sector with the objective of making rural markets work better and empowering smallholders within them. The program is: (a) strengthening about 1,000 producer groups to enable them to enjoy a stronger bargaining position and more leverage on policy formulation, identi cation of marketing opportu- nities and price negotiations for both inputs and outputs; (b) supporting local government reforms by capacity building intended to lead to rationalization of regulation and taxation regimes to promote improved e ciency in the market- ing system as a whole; (c) improving market infrastructure through construc- tion or rehabilitation of 700 kilometers of rural roads, 200 kilometers of access roads, and 30 market centers, and through nancing of post-harvest facilities; (d) strengthening the capacity of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Marketing (now the Ministry of Marketing); (e) helping producer groups, grass-roots insti- tutions, traders, and processors to access loans from commercial banks for pro- motion of marketing activities; and (f) establishing and strengthening market links between producer groups, grass-roots institutions, processors, local mar- keting chains, and exporters. Source: IFAD, 2001. IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 60 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 60 3/13/08 11:33:40 AM 3/13/08 11:33:40 AM The Changing Institutional Context 61 Table 4.1 Investment and Working Capital Requirements for Intensive Irrigated Production in Kenya Investment cost Production costs System Area irrigated (m2) (US$) (US$) Bucket kit--drip irrigation 50 15 < 9 Drum kit--drip irrigation 500 110 < 95 Treadle pump 6,000 185 < 880 Motorized system (4 HP) 10,000 610 < 1,480 Source: Financing Small Scale Irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa, interim results of a World Bank/GTZ study. products such as leasing that are well adapted to individual irrigation investment. In Niger, local artisans have supplied treadle pumps to farmers on a hire-purchase basis. Smallholders have also been empowered to access extension services, through a range of service providers contracted directly by farmers, as well as participatory approaches such as farmer field schools (Box 4.5). Efforts are also being made to empower smallholders and their orga- nizations to collectively engage with input and output markets. These include attempts to develop market links in which the various actors-- private commercial entities (such as agri-processors and exporters, small- holder producers, the public sector and NGOs)--are brought together into `win-win' partnerships intended to ensure equitable returns to both smallholders and the private sector entities concerned (Box 4.6). Establishing a supportive policy and legal framework, as well as capacity- building to help smallholders adapt to transformation, is essential. Water Sector Reforms The many functions and interrelated impacts of water require an integrated inter-sectoral planning approach. As elsewhere in the world, agriculture is the largest user of water in most countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Its use therefore has the most interactions and impacts with other parts of the hydrological, environmental, social, and economic system and must fit within a rational allocation of water resources between the environ- ment, agricultural, hydropower, urban, and industrial withdrawals, as well as for other economic uses such as transport and tourism. The 1992 Dublin Statement on Water and Sustainable Development reflected international consensus that, in light of intersectoral competition for water use and growing water scarcity worldwide, effective management of water resources was essential. The Dublin Statement called for an inte- grated, intersectoral approach to water management and allocation, from IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 61 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 61 3/13/08 11:33:41 AM 3/13/08 11:33:41 AM 62 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Box 4.5 Farmer Empowerment through Farmer Field Schools in Kenya The Integrated Production and Pest Management Program in Kenya was implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture in Kenya with the collaboration of the Global IPM facility of FAO and nancial support from IFAD. It adopted the Farmer Field School approach, which can be described as a community-based, practically oriented eld study program involving a group of farmers, facilitated by extension sta (public or private) or, increasingly, other farmers. The FFS pro- vides an opportunity for farmers to learn together and adapt practices, using practical hands on methods of discovery learning that emphasize observation, discussion, analysis, and collective decision making. The process aims to build self-con dence and to improve group and community skills. The knowledge acquired during the learning process enables farmers to adapt their existing technologies to be more productive, pro table, and responsive to changing conditions, or to test and adopt new technologies. The IPPM-FFS Program was implemented over three seasons in three dis- tricts of Kenya's Western Province--all of them poor districts, badly a ected by HIV/AIDS, high population densities, declining farm sizes, and deteriorating soil fertility. In total 471 FFSs were established under the program, with an average of 25­30 members each, or a total of about 13,000 farmers, of which approximately 60 percent were women. Self-targeting resulted in the vast majority of the mem- bership being drawn from the middle and poorest socioeconomic stratum. The most important lessons learned were: · FFS encouraged communities to validate and adapt improved technologies and empowered them to nd solutions to their problems. · Farmer management of FFS funds, particularly payments for extension ser- vices, substantially improved the accountability and performance of exten- sion providers. · The promotion of farmer-led FFS, with farmers (rather than extension sta ) as facilitators allowed the program to reach a much larger number of farm- ers than would otherwise have been the case. · FFS empowered communities and raised their pro le at a district level, hence increasing their ability to in uence local level planning. · Women seemed to especially value the approach, owing to its practical, eld-based learning focus and the social value of the FFS groups. which the concept of integrated water resources management (IWRM) Source: Khisa et al. in Penning de Vries et al., 2005. IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 62 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 62 3/13/08 11:33:41 AM 3/13/08 11:33:41 AM The Changing Institutional Context 63 Box 4.6 Win-Win Partnerships for Market Links in Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Niger Despite abundant land and water resources, Zambian agriculture is poor, with weak markets and rudimentary irrigation techniques. The Zambia Agribusi- ness Technical Assistance Centre (ZATAC) has promoted outgrower horticulture schemes directly linked to ready markets through agribusinesses. This strategy o ers small growers an opportunity to be partners in the value chain and o ers agribusinesses a chance to increase their supply base and bene t from econo- mies of scale without the associated capital investment. ZATAC helped override thewaterconstraintbyprovidingcreditforirrigationequipment.Forthe rsttime in the history of Zambia, smallholders now grow fresh vegetables for markets in Europe in an alliance between smallholder producers and agribusinesses. Farmers at Maunganidze and Mupangwa/Mutaradzi irrigation schemes in Zimbabwe have bene ted from an IFAD grant-assisted pilot market link support program implemented by a national NGO. This focused on contract growing of various crops such as tomatoes and Michigan Pea Beans (for baked beans) for a local canner. The NGO facilitated contract negotiations for the growers' associa- tions, under which: (a) the canner would provide crop inputs against a deposit of 10 percent of the total costs paid into a bank account operated jointly by the canner and the association, (b) the association would undertake to deliver a quota of crops grown, and (c) the canner would purchase the crop at a xed price. The NGO for its part also provided technical support to the growers. In Niger, an entrepreneur has set up a grading and packing plant with a capacity of 60,000 tonnes for export of the prized Galmi onion. A small nucleus estate is providing about 10,000 tonnes of onions. The rm is contracting with outgrowers for the balance, and is providing extension advice and credit. Source: IFAD, 2007; World Bank, 2005a; World Bank, 2005b. evolved. Significantly, the IWRM approach emphasizes inter alia the need for economic efficiency in water use.3 Five sub-Saharan African countries have responded by adopting IWRM as a policy instrument, and several others plan to do so. 3. The IWRM approach also emphasizes: (a) the need for a whole catchment approach to development; (b) subsidiarity in planning and decision making; (c) the pivotal institutional role of women; and (d) basic human rights to clean water and sanitation at an affordable price. IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 63 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 63 3/13/08 11:33:41 AM 3/13/08 11:33:41 AM 64 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa IWRM approaches are increasingly needed as water constraints grow to reduce the social, economic and political costs of unmanaged appro- priations, uncertain water rights, and environmental externalities. In Kenya, for example, the costs of a lack of integrated water management have been high (Box 4.7), with social costs from unmanaged water appropriations, economic costs from hydrological variations and unclear water rights and allocations, and political costs from uncertainties over transboundary water resources. These costs arise from a vicious circle of lack of integrated resource management, underinvestment in infra- structure and management, consequent degradation of catchments, and limited buffering capacity for extreme events, and consequent reduc- tions in growth (World Bank, 2004a). IWRM has presented operational challenges. It is not clear, for example, that the agriculture sector has effectively engaged in IWRM stakeholder debates. In some instances, national agriculture policy has been silent on water development for the sector. In addition, while water reforms may have addressed historic imbalances in access to agricultural water by providing decentralized catchment planning authorities and agricultural water user associations, it is not clear that implementation of IWRM practices to date has empowered disadvantaged groups to participate effectively in water allocation and use decision processes (Perry et al., 1997; Derman et al., 2002). Although IWRM considers the basin as the unit for planning, the experience so far with basin level approaches in Box 4.7 Kenya Needs IWRM to Manage Irrigation Expansion Uncontrolled irrigation expansion in Kenya's Laikipia district, is destroying downstream livelihoods and habitats. In the period 1990­93 there was a 300 percent increase in water use in the district arising mainly from an expansion of irrigated agriculture. Over 90 percent of these extractions were unauthor- ized. Downstream, the median ow of the Ewasso N'giri River in February has dropped from 9 m3/sec to just 0.9 m3/sec (a 90 percent reduction). Now down- stream users can no longer obtain essential water, the ecological functioning of the river is impaired, lakes and wetlands are drying up, and sh catches--a source of protein for the poor--are declining. Source: World Bank, 2004a. IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 64 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 64 3/13/08 11:33:42 AM 3/13/08 11:33:42 AM The Changing Institutional Context 65 the region has been mixed. Some river basin organizations have played more of a development and operational role than a resource planning and management role. The Nigerian River Basin Development Authori- ties, for example, began not only as water resources managers but also as major investors in large public schemes, both dams and irrigation. Notwithstanding these challenges, the issue is not whether IWRM and an inter-sectoral planning approach should be adopted, but how to improve the process to obtain the best possible results for agricultural use and poverty reduction. Central to the IWRM concept is a decentralized, inter-sectoral approach to water resources management, as well as self-regulating and self-enforcing mechanisms for sustainable management that consider all needs within a catchment and ensure that smallholder farmers are ade- quately represented in governance, stakeholder debates, and allocation decision making. The challenge is to put such approaches into practice. IWRM needs to build on and integrate traditional and indigenous water practices where appropriate. Full accountability of river basin organiza- tions will be essential (World Bank, 2001). 4.4 Role of the Public and Private Sectors in Agricultural Water Private investors have proved more successful than public ones. The count- less private schemes all over the region are testament to the ability of the private sector to identify viable opportunities, implement projects, and manage them sustainably. Private schemes range in size and nature from agribusiness estates such as the world's largest irrigated sugar estate--the Kenana scheme in the Sudan--through smallholdings suc- cessfully supplying high-value horticulture for export from many coun- tries, to traditional small-scale paddy irrigation schemes in Madagascar. Key factors in success have been investment choices based on confirmed demand, and subsequent ability to manage the investment profitably and sustainably (NEPAD, 2005). By contrast, public investment has encountered problems of both imple- mentation and subsequent management. Although the reasons for these problems are many and various, the principal have been: (a) the pur- suit of multiple objectives such as resettlement or poverty reduction that have led planners to take investment decisions that neglected basic conditions of economic viability, profitability, and sustainability; (b) high capital costs due to over-design and implementation cost over- runs; and (c) lack of a sustainable model for operation and maintenance. The best performing public investments have been those where farmers IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 65 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 65 3/13/08 11:33:42 AM 3/13/08 11:33:42 AM 66 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa had a large say in design and implementation, and subsequently took over responsibility for management. A new development paradigm is emerging in which market-driven profit- ability and private investment play a larger role. Across the region, govern- ments have increasingly adopted a market driven, private sector led vision of agricultural development (see section 4.2 above) in which the role of the public sector is to help the private sector to serve commercial farmers and concentrate public resources increasingly on serving the poor. Under this approach, market-driven profitability is the over-riding concern, in which the private sector--from smallholder to major business--is the investor and manager of choice. Governments play a role in facilitating private market-driven development and investing in economically viable and financially sustainable schemes where the private sector cannot and where there is a clear public interest of poverty reduction. With this approach, smallholders are expected to become essentially commercial farmers. Governments, therefore, have a major role to play in empower- ing smallholders to participate fully in commercial agriculture. A good example of this approach is the Green Scheme in Namibia, where since 1994 government has developed basic water delivery infrastructure and allocated 50 percent of the irrigated area to larger scale farmers who then provide water and other services to smallholder commercial farmers. Governments can promote private investment by developing the legal and institutional framework and investing in infrastructure and research and development. Experience has shown that governments can take spe- cific steps to promote private investment in agricultural water by both large and smallholder investors. A priority is to develop secure arrange- ments for land and water tenure that encourage private, long-term invest- ment and the development of efficient land and water markets. The promotion of financial market development is also important, ranging from encouraging the development of local financial organizations that can serve smallholder needs (see section 4.3) to formal sector instru- ments such as guarantees. Infrastructure development to reduce market transaction costs is also important. Finally, investment in market-oriented research and development, wherever possible in partnership with the pri- vate sector, helps to develop cost-effective technology for agricultural water management for commercial production. Best practice public investment is based on economic criteria and the presumption of future handover to farmers. Recent best practice public investments follow criteria for economic viability, profitability, sustain- ability, and poverty reduction, basing schemes on farming systems and IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 66 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 66 3/13/08 11:33:42 AM 3/13/08 11:33:42 AM The Changing Institutional Context 67 farmers' livelihood strategies, involving farmers as partners from the start and--except where scale is too great--handing over completed schemes for subsequent farmer management. Clear arrangements for any `co-management' and co-financing of operation, maintenance, and replacement costs are needed if there is an essential public role such as managing major headworks and networks. Partnerships with private investors and service providers have been successfully based on public interest and comparative advantage. Co- investment with the private sector has worked well where governments underwrite part of the costs of a small-scale initiative that is later taken to scale by the market (for example, promotion of a treadle pump supply chain). In some cases, governments have successfully shared the costs of major investments with the private sector in order to stimulate growth (for example, the development of the Markala dam by the government of Mali and the private investment in developing the irrigated area). There has not yet been a case in the region of a `build-own-operate' or `build-own-transfer' arrangement in agricultural water, where the gov- ernment taps the investment resources and management skills of pri- vate entrepreneurs to implement a public interest project, but examples from Morocco and Egypt indicate the potential. Governments have also promoted the development of private or NGO service providers, del- egating some otherwise public service functions to them. Box 4.8 lists some typical public-private partnership arrangements that have been successfully implemented in the region. Governments have special responsibilities in the most resource-poor areas. In the marginal semi-arid areas, agricultural water investment opportunities are generally limited. Although in the longer run house- hold livelihood strategies are likely to be predominantly off-farm diver- sification and out-migration where economically viable and financially sustainable agricultural water technologies are available, public invest- ment is justified in promoting sustainable land and water use practices to use scarce resources optimally. The justification for government support is all the stronger where there are significant externalities, for example, investment in land and water conservation on hill slopes under watershed management programs. 4.5 Sector-Wide Approaches The development effectiveness of past project approaches has often been lim- ited. Past public investment in agricultural water has been principally IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 67 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 67 3/13/08 11:33:42 AM 3/13/08 11:33:42 AM 68 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Box 4.8 Public Private Partnerships in Agricultural Water Examples of public private partnership (PPP) in agricultural water include: · Partnerships for research and development of new technologies, for exam- ple through NGO/SME partnerships with NGOs or small enterprises for trea- dle pump promotion. · Partnerships to help the private sector develop supply chains to enable smallholder irrigation farmers to respond to market opportunities such as the Smallholder Irrigation Market Initiative. · Partnerships to promote links between small and large enterprises as in the Green Scheme in Namibia, Swaziland LUSIP, or contract farming at Maun- ganidze in Zimbabwe. · Partnerships in irrigation management and service provision. · Partnerships in development and operation of major agricultural water infrastructure. · Partnerships in irrigation development such as the partnership in Mali where government has invested in the Markala Dam and a private enterprise is developing 25,000 hectares for sugar cane plantation. Source: IWMI, 2005f. through individual projects, often financed in part by donors. The devel- opment effectiveness of project approaches has been limited not only by problems of design and implementation, but by their inherent frag- mentation and duplication. At the policy and institutional level, proj- ect approaches have lacked shared strategy and prioritization, and have given inadequate attention to systemic issues and structured institutional development. At the implementation level, projects have often reflected a donor-driven agenda and resource allocation, and have created parallel systems and `project empires' rather than building national capacity. The transaction costs of project approaches have been high. Sector-wide approaches (SWAps) generally, and agricultural SWAps in particular, are intended as a means to coordinate and harmonize efforts at policy dialogue, institutional reform. and efficient invest- ment. In recent years, a number of countries in the region have begun to develop sector-wide approaches, moving progressively away from project IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 68 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 68 3/13/08 11:33:42 AM 3/13/08 11:33:42 AM The Changing Institutional Context 69 to program approaches within a coherent strategic framework, a move- ment strengthened by the Paris agreements on aid effectiveness (see section 4.1 above). Sector-wide approaches are based on a partnership between: (a) the government, which is expected to provide leadership and develop a coherent sectoral strategy; (b) international development partners, who are expected to align their support on the country-led strategy and, to the extent possible, harmonize their support through common arrangements for financing and technical assistance; and (c) other stakeholders, including civil society and the private sector. In contrast to earlier approaches, sector-wide approaches are intended to focus not only on the financing of a comprehensive investment program, but also on policy dialogue and change, and on the provision of support to, and reform of, national institutions (IFAD, 2007). The potential benefits from sector-wide approaches are, essentially, enhanced development impact and lower transaction costs. At the strategy level, this should be characterized by stronger country owner- ship and leadership, a coordinated and open policy dialogue, and pri- oritized and rational resource allocation. At the institutional level, the approach should help strengthen national capacity, systems, and insti- tutions. At the implementation level, scaling up of best practice and benefits to the entire sector should be easier. There should be sector- wide accountability, ultimately with common fiduciary practices and environmental and social safeguards; and there should be a focus on results and reduced duplication in reporting and transactions. Such approaches have potential but are hard to put together and expe- rience if sectoral approaches to agriculture or water in the region are lim- ited.4 The approach could be adopted to address the specific problems identified throughout this report, particularly strategic planning, insti- tutional development and capacity building, and cost-effective public investment. In most countries in the region, the fiduciary pre-conditions for budget support are absent, but there have been attempts to bring all stakeholders behind a coordinated irrigation sector strategy and program. In Niger, for example, several years of effort have produced consensus on the national irrigation strategy, and the related action plan was adopted by Presidential Decree in late 2006. A permanent secretariat is responsible for coordination and follow-up. However, even with this background, donors have been slow to commit financing within the program framework. 4. A number of countries have applied the approach in the health and education sector (Zambia, South Africa, Ghana, Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Burkina Faso). IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 69 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 69 3/13/08 11:33:43 AM 3/13/08 11:33:43 AM 70 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa 4.6 Decentralized Development Traditionally, the governments of most developing countries have employed conventional public sector organizations to provide infra- structure and services at the local level. However, alternative approaches to local development have evolved over the past two to three decades. As part of wider public service reforms, a number of countries in the region have engaged (or plan to engage) in decentralization of their pub- lic development efforts to increase the participation and ownership of rural communities in planning, budgeting, and implementing public rural development programs, including those for agricultural water. Essentially, two forms of decentralization have evolved: `decentralized sectoral' and `decentralized local government'. Under the first of these, development is budgeted, coordinated, and implemented by sectoral ministries through their local level (i.e., provincial and/or district) staff.5 Under `decentralized local government' approaches, however, a proportion of public (government and/or donor) sectoral funding is managed by local authorities and utilized through locally prepared development plans. Decentralization is not an end in itself; it is rather a means to develop- ing effective, responsive, demand-led services and, in particular, to mak- ing government services more locally accountable to rural people. Taken in isolation there is no particular reason why decentralization should enhance accountability; on the contrary, it may well entrench the influ- ence and power of local elites--and it may lead to even greater inef- ficiencies than before (Box 4.9). The key to successful decentralization is to empower rural people, enabling them to develop the skills, knowl- edge, confidence, and the organization that they require to participate in local political processes and hold government and private service providers accountable to them. Thus, while decentralization could enhance the development impact of agricultural water investments, it presents a complex political, technical, and administrative challenge to governments and demands strong management capacity to guide the process forward. It needs to be accompanied by programs of support to develop good governance, as well as capacity building and empower- ment (IFAD, 2002). 5. This approach is sometimes referred to as `deconcentration' to distinguish it form decentralized local government. IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 70 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 70 3/13/08 11:33:43 AM 3/13/08 11:33:43 AM The Changing Institutional Context 71 Box 4.9 Decentralized Agricultural Water Development without Empowerment The 5-hectare Dombolidenje Dam and Irrigation Scheme in Zimbabwe was nanced through a national project but was planned and decided upon at dis- trict council level following a lengthy participatory process that included exten- sive training and capacity building for local communities. Implementation was managed by district council sta with the support of district-level line ministry sta . It cost $82,000/ha and earns farmers 1 cent/day. The experience suggests that decentralization and participation do not on their own guarantee good outcomes. In this case, the communities concerned had not been empowered to take an informed investment decision. Had they been aware of the costs and alternative investment options, they may well have chosen a more pro table use of the available funds. Neither had they been empowered to ensure cost control, because the service providers--both pub- lic sector and private--were not accountable to them. The experience not only highlighted a lack of empowerment, but also a lack of capacity within the local planning structures for sub-project screening, appraisal, approval, and subse- quent implementation. Source: IFAD, 2007. 4.7 Management of Publicly-Financed Irrigation Schemes As in most other regions, the sustainability of publicly-funded irrigation schemes in sub-Saharan Africa has been poor, mainly because of over- reliance on government support for scheme management and O&M, declining government budgets for recurrent costs, and low levels of cost recovery from the users. As discussed above (section 3.1), governments in many countries of the region have, in the past, not only financed the capital costs of irrigation projects--large, medium, and small-scale--but they have then played a major role in scheme management, particularly of the larger schemes, and have also taken responsibility for the bulk of O&M costs. Public management of schemes has been plagued by numer- ous problems. Water service has often been poor, and many schemes have needed rehabilitation to make up for delayed maintenance. IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 71 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 71 3/13/08 11:33:43 AM 3/13/08 11:33:43 AM 72 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa In recent years, the trend has been to encourage the users of publicly financed irrigation schemes, who belong toq WUAs, to take responsibil- ity for their management and O&M. Although this has applied to both new and existing developments (see Box 3.2 for the case of the Office du Niger), the extent to which this responsibility is accepted by scheme users depends on a variety of factors, including the scale and complexity of the scheme, its technical suitability for farmer-management, the capacity of the users, and the intrinsic profitability of the scheme. In the case of new development, therefore, it is now usual to ensure that technical designs are appropriate for farmer-management, with estimated O&M costs that can be afforded from the proceeds of crop sales while still leaving suffi- cient margin to provide an incentive to irrigate. It is also common practice to adopt participatory processes for identification, design, and implemen- tation of schemes to promote user ownership and commitment, as well as to establish sustainable farmers' organizations--such as water users' asso- ciations (WUAs)--to take over full management and O&M responsibil- ity (although this is unlikely to be achieved without secure land tenure, as well as clarity regarding legal rights over infrastructure and equipment). Small- to medium-scale interventions are generally intrinsically more suited to farmer management than large-scale schemes. Small- to medium-scale schemes are intrinsically easier for farmer organizations to manage than larger ones, although capacity building for scheme man- agement is essential even for small-scale schemes. The Participatory Irrigation Development Project in Tanzania, for example, facilitates the establishment of WUAs on a demand-driven basis and works with them to upgrade existing small-scale irrigation schemes or develop new ones, on the understanding (recorded in memoranda of understanding) that the association accepts full responsibility for O&M.6 There will be, however, cases in which important economies or market opportunities are presented by new investment in larger scale develop- ments which may be beyond the ability of WUAs to manage, operate, and maintain. In these cases, there may be a continuing role for govern- ment in scheme management and O&M in partnership with a federa- tion of WUAs, an irrigation district or the like, with government taking responsibility for the major infrastructure, and user organizations respon- sible for secondary or tertiary units. The latest innovations, for example, will include that of the Lower Usuthu Smallholder Irrigation Project, 6. The experience has been used as the basis for new guidelines for decentralized participatory irrigation development that have been prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (Government of Tanzania, 2003). IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 72 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 72 3/13/08 11:33:43 AM 3/13/08 11:33:43 AM The Changing Institutional Context 73 an 11,500-hectare smallholder sugar project in Swaziland, where it is intended that the entire system, including a diversion weir, off-river stor- age, and canal system, will be governed by an irrigation district that will contract out O&M to a private sector water service provider (Box 4.10). The experience with farmer-management of public irrigation schemes has been mixed. WUAs formed for small-scale rice schemes under the Upper Mandrare Development Project in Madagascar were only weakly estab- lished and unclear as to their responsibility for repairs in the event of flood damage to the headworks. At the Participatory Irrigation Development Pro- gram in Tanzania, although WUAs were aware that they were responsible for major repairs, they were not clear how they would finance such repairs should they become necessary. At Maunganidze in Zimbabwe, although the WUA was well-established and well-organized, it would probably have found it difficult to raise the cash for major repairs to borehole pumps. In none of these cases, therefore, was financial sustainability--one of the prin- cipal objectives of farmer management--assured (IFAD, 2007). In both cases, greater effort needed to have been made to ensure that the O&M costs were really within the users' capacity to sustain in the long term. Irrigation management transfer on existing schemes has also not always proceeded according to plan. For example, on the Petits Perimetres Irrigués Box 4.10 Swaziland's Innovative Approach to Water Service Provision and Cost Recovery The 11,500-hectare Lower Usuthu Smallholder Irrigation Project is intended to be operated by smallholder organizations for commercial sugar cane produc- tion. The main, secondary, and tertiary infrastructure will be grant-funded by the government. Farmer organizations will pay 100 percent of the capital cost of on-farm works by taking commercial loans to be repaid from the proceeds of sugar cane production. In addition, they will pay a charge that covers the cost of O&M by a private-sector water service provider contracted by the farmers' apex organization, replicating an existing arrangement by large-scale private estates in the parallel Mhlume basin. Part of these costs may be cross-subsidized by the existing large-scale sugar cane growers who currently pay nothing for water drawn from run-of-river supplies. Source: IFAD, 2001a. IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 73 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 73 3/13/08 11:33:44 AM 3/13/08 11:33:44 AM 74 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Project in Madagascar, water user groups were set up to manage O&M and subsequently to take over the schemes from government. However, formal transfer was extremely slow, a relatively small percentage of schemes were transferred, and less than 10 percent of the user groups remain in operation (IWMI, 2005g:34). In some cases, the state has exited too rapidly after irrigation manage- ment transfer and farmers have been left to pick up the pieces; they were unprepared for the task, with severely negative productivity consequences. Sometimes irrigation management transfer has failed when irrigators simply inherited a scheme for which financial profitability and institu- tional capacity for sustainable irrigation did not exist (Box 4.11). For example, in Madagascar, the government passed a law in 1990 govern- ing irrigation management transfer and embarked on a program, with donor support, to rehabilitate schemes, increase cost recovery, and hand over to WUAs. However, by 2003, only 3 percent of the public sec- tor scheme area had been transferred (8,607 hectares out of a total of 270,000 ha). Meanwhile, government expenditures for O&M decreased from 50 percent of the budget of the Ministry of Agriculture to just $42,000, and very little advisory or management support had been pro- vided. Irrigation service charges had been set at just $6/ha, so far below the required level (at least $23­38) that schemes were not being main- tained. In effect, the process resembled abandonment more than trans- fer, and this undermined production. Consequently previously highly Box 4.11 Examples of Poorly Handled Transfer of Irrigation Management In the Arabie-Olifants scheme in South Africa, the cropped area declined by 70 percent the year after the Agricultural and Rural Development Corporation withdrew. Smallholders were unable to access the working capital to pay for inputs and services. In the handover of pump schemes in Niger, land ownership was not trans- ferred. Irrigators could be evicted and replaced, so they had no incentive to invest and no sense of ownership of the scheme they were supposed to pay for and operate. Source: IWMI, 2002. IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 74 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 74 3/13/08 11:33:44 AM 3/13/08 11:33:44 AM The Changing Institutional Context 75 productive schemes in which the nation had heavily invested for more than 50 years have been almost completely lost (World Bank, 2003). The problems encountered are not inherent in the concept of irrigation management transfer. Much of the irrigation management transfer in the region has failed simply because it was badly handled and did not respect essential institutional and financial preconditions. Too often governments and projects stopped short of genuine capacity building and farmer empowerment, and service providers (public sector or pri- vate) have not been accountable to farmers for the services (such as design and construction, extension, water supply, O&M) they provide. Successes in WUA formation and irrigation management transfer do exist, and they indicate pathways for the future (Box 4.12). For example, in the irrigation management transfer program in Senegal supported under the World Bank-financed Fourth Irrigation Project 1988­1993, a num- ber of large-scale schemes in the Senegal River Delta were transferred to Unions Hydrauliques, which had been set up to manage electric pump stations and recover costs from farmers. After a difficult start, these orga- nizations succeeded in obtaining bank credit to finance operations and improved the water service; they also reduced theft. The Unions invested in research and extension, and with new rice varieties from WARDA, profitability improved and output revived. Now the Unions are mov- ing into input supply and output processing and marketing in order to increase value added and incomes. The keys to this success appear to have been: continuing capacity building from the state and NGOs; access to working capital; and a sense of ownership that brought out the needed entrepreneurial and management skills within the Unions (Ibrahima Dia, Private Irrigation in the Senegal River Delta, in IWMI, 2002:121ff). In most cases government funding for scheme management and O&M is unlikely to increase, the issue is not whether schemes should be farmer- managed, but how to ensure that schemes are effectively managed and O&M costs recovered. Although it is unlikely that farmers will be able to meet the capital costs of major infrastructure, it is essential for sustain- ability that they at least meet the full O&M costs. Ideally, schemes should be entirely farmer-managed, or managed by their apex organizations. Success depends on: (a) the intrinsic profitability and physical sus- tainability of the scheme; (b) capacity building for scheme manage- ment, operation, and maintenance; (c) secure land and water rights; and (d) careful management of the WUA formation/management transfer process, including post-handover support (Box 4.11). Cases like that of Niger, where 25 years after cooperatives took over, they still need IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 75 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 75 3/13/08 11:33:44 AM 3/13/08 11:33:44 AM 76 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Box 4.12 Examples of Successful Irrigation Management Transfer In South Africa, the Small Growers Development Trust runs a program of nan- cial, training and support services that has helped 42,000 smallholder cane growers in Natal/Kwazulu and KaNgwane to take over and manage their irriga- tion schemes. IPTRID studied irrigation management transfer in 12 rice schemes in ve West African countries (Burkina Faso, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, and Senegal). Schemes were all pump then gravity distribution models. The study found that despite many problems, farmers had found ingenious solutions with the help either of state irrigation agencies or NGOs. Examples include: contracting (with the help of the state irrigation agency) with a local engineering rm for water distribution, maintenance, and nancial management; using software to calcu- late the optimum cropping calendar and water scheduling (with the help of an NGO); and acquiring a rice mill and selling high quality rice direct to groceries in the capital at a substantial premium (Ingrid Hermiteau, Assisting Sustainable Irrigation Management Transfer, in IWMI, 2002). A group of smallholders at Hereford in South Africa took over their irrigation scheme. They received support from an NGO, Africare, which enabled them to develop a contract farming arrangement for vegetables for export to Hong Kong and France and for sale to the national market. The export company provided a strictplantingprogramandextensionadvice.Incomesincreasedandfarmerswere able to nance the O&M of the scheme and improve their standard of living. Source: IWMI, 2002. support--and the schemes still need periodic rehabilitation--dem- onstrate the difficulty of achieving these conditions. Where scale and complexity preclude full farmer management and there is no alterna- tive to management by a government agency, the agency needs to be financially self-sustaining. Water service charges must be adequate to cover the real costs of O&M, and overhead costs need to be kept to the minimum. Above all, the agency needs to be transparent and account- able to the users--a condition that can usually only be achieved when there is genuine participation of the users in its management. The case of the Office du Niger (Box 3.2) shows that these conditions, although difficult, can be achieved in the region. IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 76 IAW_053-076_ch04.indd 76 3/13/08 11:33:44 AM 3/13/08 11:33:44 AM C H AP T E R 5 Development Potential, Market Demand, and Investment Opportunities 5.1 Physical Potential for Agricultural Water Development According to FAO (2005a), the total physical potential for irrigation in sub-Saharan Africa is estimated at 39.4 million hectares (Sum- mary Table 1). As mentioned (section 1.3 above), approximately 18 percent--or 7.1 million hectares--of this has already been developed. The remaining physical potential for new irrigation is therefore approxi- mately 32.4 million hectares.1 Not all of this will be suitable for development, mainly for economic reasons. Almost one-third of the potential is concentrated in two very humid countries, Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo-- although the humidity of these countries does not necessarily mean that they do not need irrigation or other forms of water management (the already large areas of wetlands cultivation and flood recession planting in Angola are testament to this). The remaining potential in the other countries of the region is therefore on the order of 23 million hect- ares (Summary Table 1). This is not evenly distributed: some countries, notably Madagascar, Mauritius, Somalia, South Africa, and Sudan, have 1. This includes the potential for `water harvesting', which, as discussed in section 2.1, is considered to be water development for small- and micro-scale irrigation. 77 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 77 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 77 3/13/08 12:49:57 PM 3/13/08 12:49:57 PM 78 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Figure 5.1 Irrigation Potential in Sub-Saharan Africa Total irrigable land in SSA 12% (Total potential: 39.4 million hectares) 6% 82% Area equipped for irrigation actually irrigated Area equipped for irrigation not currently irrigated Area with further irrigation potential Source: FAO, 2005a. already developed more than 60 percent of their potential for irrigation (Summary Table 1).2 Current water abstractions in the region as a whole are low--but a growing number of countries risk becoming water scarce. Current abstrac- tions for all purposes amount to only 2.2 percent of the total renewable resource (Summary Table 3 and Map 5). Abstractions for agriculture (mostly irrigation) are less than 2 percent of the total renewable water resource (section 2.1 above and Summary Table 2). If the full irrigation potential of 39.4 million hectares was to be developed the demand for agriculture would increase from 2 percent to only 12 percent of the total renewable water resource.3 Even if an annual growth in demand for urban and industrial water supplies of 5 percent was to be factored in, total abstractions for all purposes for the region as a whole would still only reach 13 percent of renewable resources by 2030 (Summary Table 3). However, the region-wide average of water availability masks consid- erable variation between countries. If all the irrigable area were devel- oped by 2030, renewable water resource availability would vary from a massive 114,000 m3 of available water per person per year (Democratic Republic of Congo) to a minimal 68 m3 per person per year (South Africa). If all the area were developed, 19 of the 48 countries in the 2. As opposed to `other forms' of water management in the AQUASTAT terminology (other countries may use more than 60 percent of their potential if these other forms of water management are taken into account). 3. This assumes that development and utilization of the remaining 32.4 million hectares would consume an additional 630 billion m3/year (at an average of 16,000 m3/ha/year). From Summary Table 2 the Total Renewable Water Resource for the region is 5,450 billion m3/year. Thus at full development the demand for agriculture would amount to 630/5,450*100 = 11.6 percent of the total. IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 78 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 78 3/13/08 12:49:57 PM 3/13/08 12:49:57 PM Development Potential, Market Demand, and Investment Opportunities 79 region would risk falling below 1,000 m3 per person per year, which is usually considered to be the threshold of water scarcity. Surface water resources are often concentrated in a seasonal window and can be extremely variable. In the upper Zambezi, for example, some 80­90 percent of water resources occur as stream flow in the wet sea- son between December and May while in the six months from June to November stream flow is either rapidly falling or extremely low or non- existent. Rice farmers on run-of-river irrigation schemes in Tanzania, for example, often complain of water shortages between and within seasons, with dramatic variations in the areas that can be fully irrigated from year to year (Box 5.1). Climate change is likely to aggravate the situation. In an increasing number of river basins, there is also competition between different users. Despite the overall `abundance' of water implied by the low rates of abstraction, cases are emerging of competition between users. This can lead to shortages, friction, sub-optimal production and environmental degradation (Box 5.2). In some cases the problem is institutional--a lack of a regulatory framework, water rights, and orga- nizations to cooperate over water resource allocation and management. In many cases, however, the problem is not absolute water scarcity but a lack of infrastructure to regulate supplies for use in dry seasons and dry years. Most sub-Saharan Africa countries have low levels of water Box 5.1 Run-of-the-River Improvements Are Not Enough for Rice Development in Tanzania Farmers at run-of-river rice schemes developed under the Participatory Irriga- tion Development Project (PIDP) in Tanzania complained that one of their main constraints was irrigation water. Government and farmers had just invested more than $1,000/ha to improve the diversion and distribution of irrigation water, but this had not improved water availability or reliability. In some years, only one-quarter of the command area could be irrigated, and it was too risky for farmers to invest in inputs, so that even in a year of adequate irrigation sup- plies, average paddy yields (3.3 t/ha) remained below potential. Farmers are now pressing for dams to regulate ow to the schemes. Source: IFAD, 2007. IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 79 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 79 3/13/08 12:49:57 PM 3/13/08 12:49:57 PM 80 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Box 5.2 Competing Demands for Water in Tanzania The Great Ruaha River is the lifeline of the Ruaha National Park and its ecosys- tem. It also drives the Mtera and Kidatu hydropower stations that provide 85 percent Tanzania's power supply. However, upstream irrigation development in the Usangu plains competes for Ruaha water. Smallholder irrigation systems in Usangu were developed by smallholder farmers from the 1940s, mostly for wet season irrigation of rice. As Tanzania's demand for rice increased, a number of large-scale parastatal rice farms were also developed. Water shortages in the Ruaha began to occur and in 1993 the river dried up in the Ruaha National Park. Flows for hydropower generation were also reduced, which resulted in electricity cuts in Dar es Salaam. Upstream irrigation development was blamed for the shortages. The river basin authority then had to arbitrate between the competing water demands of agriculture, power, the environment, and tourism, although research by Sokoine University, the University of East Anglia, and IWMI indicates that elec- tricity shortages were primarily the result of poor management of the hydro- power dams rather than upstream irrigation extractions. There is considerable scope for increasing upstream water-use e ciencies, but options for improved water management in the plains wetlands also need to be considered. Source: Lankford, 2004; Fox, 2004. storage infrastructure: only 5 percent of the world's dams are located in sub-Saharan Africa (see Figure 5.2 and World Bank, 2005c). The impli- cation is that in many countries development of the physical potential for irrigation will have to be accompanied by the construction of new storage to cope with seasonal variability and local water scarcity. The potential for further groundwater irrigation could also be important-- particularly for private individual irrigators. In most of the region, the transmission of the underlying geology tends to be too low to furnish reliable quantities of water for irrigation on any scale. There are notable exceptions, for example in the karstic aquifers of the Zambian Copper- belt, and there are limited reserves of renewable groundwater in most countries, which are extensively used by individual private irrigators mainly for gardens. Despite the localized nature of these resources, there could be substantial scope for expansion of this type of irriga- IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 80 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 80 3/13/08 12:49:57 PM 3/13/08 12:49:57 PM Development Potential, Market Demand, and Investment Opportunities 81 Figure 5.2 Breakdown of Dams by Geographical Zone 19% Asia North America Europe 5% 32% Africa 3% South America 2% Australia-Asia 39% Source: World Registry of Dams. tion (Giordano, 2005).4 In Zimbabwe, for example, where smallholders are already exploiting shallow groundwater with low-cost technology in the dambo wetland areas, renewable groundwater resources could potentially irrigate a further 80,000 hectares--an area equal to about one-quarter of the official estimates of remaining irrigable land. At the Office du Niger, irrigation of paddy in the wet season results in ground- water replenishment that is lifted by individually-operated groundwater pumps for dry-season irrigation when water deliveries by the Office are in short supply. Similar opportunities are likely to exist in many other rice growing areas. In-field rainwater management could become as important as the other alternatives, particularly for the production of non-rice cereals. The FAO estimates of potential exclude in-field rainwater management for dryland crops. Although it is thought that the total area currently under this type of agricultural water management is small compared with the area under irrigation, in-field rainwater management could in theory be practiced on all cultivable land that is not already developed for agricultural water management. In practice, however, physical, agro-ecological, and market constraints will limit such development. Assuming that it was possible to develop in-field rainwater management for dryland crops on only 25 percent of the land currently cultivated, the indicative physical potential would amount to approximately 46 million hectares.5 4. For the present report, however, it is assumed that the indicative potential for new irrigation discussed above includes groundwater potential. 5. This is based on the assumption that such development would take place mainly in the dry sub- humid zone and partly in the semi-arid zone and is the equivalent of 25 percent/100*182.7 million hectares. IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 81 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 81 3/13/08 12:49:58 PM 3/13/08 12:49:58 PM 82 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa 5.2 Current Region-Wide Development Proposals Recent reviews of Africa's development status have highlighted the trend of underinvestment in agricultural water and the need for con- certed and immediate efforts to reverse this trend. In 2005 the Com- mission for Africa recommended doubling the area under "irrigation" in sub-Saharan Africa by 2010. CAADP (see section 4.2 above) was recently revised to call for investment in improved water control on an even larger incremental area of 15.9 million hectares by 2030. Of this, 6.6 million hectares would be expanded irrigation schemes as well as water-managed wetlands and valley bottom systems, 2.1 million hect- ares would be rehabilitated large irrigation schemes, and 7.2 million hectares would be in new "water harvesting and soil and water con- servation" interventions (Table 5.1).6 This implies a rate of increase in the water-managed area (excluding irrigation rehabilitation and water harvesting and soil and water conservation) of approximately 260,000 hectares annually, more than three times the current rate of increase (section 1.3 above and FAO, 2005a). As discussed above in section 4.2, NEPAD, with FAO assistance, is currently reassessing actual national Table 5.1 CAADP Program for Investment in Agricultural Water to 2030 Area of investment by type (`000 ha) New New Wetlands Water large- Rehabilitation small- and harvesting/ scale of large-scale scale inland soil and irrigation irrigation irrigation valley water Region schemes schemes schemes bottoms conservation Total Sudano- 208 1,200 516 729 1,684 4,337 Sahelian Gulf of 68 110 350 1,061 2,109 3,698 Guinea Central 40 99 163 281 169 752 Eastern 110 143 411 914 1,570 3,147 Southern 208 485 533 443 1,566 3,235 Islands 39 77 332 200 100 748 Total 673 2,114 2,305 3,628 7,198 15,917 Source: AfDB/FAO, 2005. 6. In this context, `soil and water conservation' is interpreted to mean `in-field rainwater management'. IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 82 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 82 3/13/08 12:49:58 PM 3/13/08 12:49:58 PM Development Potential, Market Demand, and Investment Opportunities 83 potential for increasing the equipped area by developing National Medium Term Investment Programs, and will reassess the original tar- gets by building up from this base. 5.3 Market Demand and Economics of Investment Market Demand Demand for basic staples and other foods will increase strongly. While sub- Saharan Africa is currently self-sufficient in most of its major staples and imports less than 5 percent of its needs for food other than rice and wheat--the only food crops for which irrigation is currently important (see section 2.2)7--domestic food markets are expected to double in volume by 2015, with some increase in demand for superior foods as incomes rise. At current levels of productivity and rates of growth, net imports of wheat and rice are expected to reach 40 million tonnes by 2030 (Table 5.2), while imports of maize and vegetable oils are also expected to increase substantially. Overall, on a region-wide basis, cere- als self-sufficiency is expected to decline marginally from 82 percent in 1997/99 to 81 percent in 2030 (FAO, 2003a:68). There will be some growth in world demand for sugar and cotton, but while cotton prices may rise, sugar prices are likely to remain vola- tile. Irrigated industrial crops, especially sugar and cotton, will continue to supply domestic and export markets (Table 5.3). Growth in domes- tic demand will continue to expand and cotton export prices could rise strongly if US and EU protection and subsidies are reduced under the Doha Round (FAO, 2006; Diao et al., 2003). However, the combined impact of the EU sugar policy reform and an increase in global demand (partly driven by demand for ethanol) could increase prices for sugar, but with increased volatility. Horticulture demand will continue to grow. There are substantial growth prospects for irrigated horticulture because the range of poten- tial products is vast (over 80 different commodities in the `vegetables and fruits' UN trade classification) and sub-Saharan Africa's current share of world trade in these products is small (Diao et al., 2003:61). There are many high-value niches to explore for exports, although the market is highly competitive and risky. However, low wage rates are 7. Food imports are predominantly wheat, rice, and vegetable oil. Cereals imports currently total 24 million tonnes, of which 21 million tonmes are from commercial imports and the remaining 3 million tonnes from food aid. IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 83 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 83 3/13/08 12:49:58 PM 3/13/08 12:49:58 PM lat To narahaS-b ) ) ) ) ) ) a ric Af 007,431,12( Su 007,410,81( )003,985,5( 000,554,1( 005,56( )009,823( 004,583( 005,379, 46( ) ) ) - danouS Sahelian 007,113,4( 009,33 00 ,253 ,24( 000,038( )003,031( ) ) ) ) 000,07( 000,58( 003,471( ,89( ) ) ) ) ) ) rn uthe So 007,883,1( 002, 00 00 003 004( ,8629,1( ,817( )004,04( 009,97( 005,709,3( a ) ) ) ) ) ric 0 00 00 Af 000, uth 005( So 000,870,1( 000, ,82 000,1 000,003( ,801( 000,688( sr ) ) sdn 005, othe Isla 004,219( )006,933( ) ) ) ) ) 004,84( 003( 000,3( 005,41( a 646( )sennot( and 007,289,1( .sgnipu ) ) ) ) ) ) 0 rog 0302 Guinea of ni 009,942,6( 00 00 ,28 ,847( 000,862( 005,352( 001,7 ,265( 1 slaer 007,866,41( ehtrof pa Gulf M Ce ) ) ) ni e darTte rnetsaE 007, 466,3( 009,212,1( 000,947,1( )003,072( ) 004,2( )004,621( ) ) eeS.) 00 05a ,233( 009,0 (20 04,7( OAF yb NlanoigeR d ) ) alrt tepoda .6002 detce enC 002,373,4( 001,923,2( )009,574,1( ) ) ) ) ) 007,083( 002( 009,67( 005,61( 005,256,8( esoht O,AF era ni n ojrP wo detic a 2.5 shsnoig 0302 el re baT oprC taeh W eciR ezia M yelraB telli M muhgroS reh Ot latoT ehT.a O,AF:ec ur So 84 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 84 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 84 3/13/08 12:49:59 PM 3/13/08 12:49:59 PM Development Potential, Market Demand, and Investment Opportunities 85 Table 5.3 Projected Water-Managed Production in 2030 (`000 tonnes) Crop Baseline 1998 Projected 2030 Increase (%) Sugarcane 32,411 80,807 149 Wheat 1,697 2,281 34 Rice 3,800 10,097 166 Fruit 3,975 2,784 (30) Vegetables 6,239 11,688 87 Potatoes 1,583 425 (73) Citrus 1,681 850 (49) Cotton 413 1,079 161 Groundnut 491 838 71 Bananas 351 469 34 Sorghum 750 1,564 109 Tobacco 18 13 (28) Tea 21 65 210 Barley 41 18 (56) Sun ower 28 0 (100) Soybean 23 25 9 Pulses 184 253 38 Maize 830 978 18 Coconut 9 65 622 Co ee 4 17 325 Source: FAO, 2006. likely to preserve the region's comparative advantage and exports could grow fast. The large domestic market, which absorbs most horticultural production, will also expand steadily. Demand for fodder will increase--but from a small base. Fodder pro- duction is expected to account for only 4.7 percent of total crop output by 2030 (FAO, 2006 and section 2.4 above), of which only a small pro- portion is likely to be irrigated. Although fattening and intensive stall- fed systems for milk and meat can be highly profitable where demand for meat and dairy products is firm, and although the projected increase in demand for these commodities is higher than other developing regions and the world as a whole, the increase will be from a relatively small base. Nevertheless, some increase in irrigated production of feed barley, maize, alfalfa, and other green fodder crops is likely. IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 85 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 85 3/13/08 12:49:59 PM 3/13/08 12:49:59 PM 86 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Box 5.3 Why Economic Viability Is Imperative for Agricultural Water Investments First, investment that results in an economic return less than the opportunity cost of capital can only lead to an increase in a country's debt burden that will act as a brake on all sectors of the economy, constraining economic growth and poverty reduction. Economic viability is an essential condition for an investment to contribute to economic growth. The corollary is that investment in non-viable projects is a sure way to limit development. Second, a policy of investment in non-viable projects often results in agri- cultural water development at any cost. Annual maintenance costs are usually directly proportional to the initial capital cost, therefore development at any cost often translates into annual maintenance costs that cannot be supported by the users. Unless public funding is then made available, maintenance is deferred to the point that the investment will no longer function without new investment in rehabilitation. By de nition, this is not sustainable development. And third, economic e ciency (or maximizing the net bene t of an invest- ment to the economy) is one of the guiding principles of IWRM. Source: Current study. Whether this growing demand creates opportunities for viable investment depends on economics. Strong market demand for cereals and the benefit of natural protection and low labor rates indicate some potential to dis- place imports, particularly for rice and, in the more temperate zones, perhaps for wheat. However, although sub-Saharan African countries may have more leeway to apply domestic support under the Doha Round, there is no indication that real prices of cereals will improve (FAO, 2006; Diao et al., 2003). It is thus unlikely that the economic viability of cereals under irrigation will change much in the foreseeable future. Rice-based schemes and those where other cereals are produced with higher value crops are likely to prove more viable than non-rice cereal monocrop schemes. At the average capital cost of recent well- designed projects (i.e., $6,000 per hectare), and current productivity levels, new irrigation development is unlikely to be viable for growing non-rice cereal crops. Thus growth in irrigated cereal production is IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 86 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 86 3/13/08 12:49:59 PM 3/13/08 12:49:59 PM Development Potential, Market Demand, and Investment Opportunities 87 likely to be mainly rice, and to a lesser extent wheat (Table 5.1).8 Other crops (such as cotton, sugar, and horticulture) and certain investments (such as irrigation improvement and run-of-river schemes) will be more viable, even at moderate levels of productivity, although this will be highly specific to sites and market opportunities. Nevertheless, the benefits of agricultural water investment are often under- estimated. Project appraisal techniques have in the past failed to capture the full benefits of agricultural water investment, particularly the bene- fits induced by the multiplier effect (see section 3.5 above). Where these benefits can be quantified and valued the return to agricultural water investment may be much higher than previously thought. Although no comparable study is available for sub-Saharan Africa, a study on Paki- stan found that while the on-site productivity of irrigation water was $0.04/m3, this increased to $0.24/m3 when other local benefits were factored in, and to $0.48/m3--12 times the on-site benefits--when all quantifiable national-level economic and social benefits were accounted for (IWMI, 2005h; World Bank, 2005a:149). Also, the economics of investment can improve if investments are multi- functional. Multi-functional projects can sometimes bring otherwise unviable rates of return to agricultural water investment up to acceptable levels. There are often opportunities to invest in irrigation development that, on their own, would be judged unviable, but when combined, for example, with small to medium hydropower generation could result in an acceptable economic rate of return (World Bank, 2005f: 9). The associa- tion of irrigation with livestock (Box 5.4) or fisheries is another example of potentially mutually reinforcing economics (IWMI-ILRI, 2005e). Some storage investments will be justified economically, but past skepti- cism needs to be overcome. Development of the physical potential on any significant scale will require the construction of new storage, it will thus be necessary to overcome the prevailing skepticism regarding the viability of such investments and their associated social and environmental costs. In fact, the thousands of privately financed irrigation dams in Southern Africa (and even publicly financed dams such as those constructed under the Mara Region Farmers' Initiative Project in Tanzania [IFAD, 2007]) are proof that such investment, if soundly and cost-effectively designed, can be viable and sustainable. Furthermore, the World Commission on 8. The projected imports of 18 million tonnes of rice in 2030 (Table 5.2) could be met from an additional 6 million hectares of new irrigation single cropped at an average yield of 3 t/ha. IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 87 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 87 3/13/08 12:49:59 PM 3/13/08 12:49:59 PM 88 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Box 5.4 Taking Account of Livestock in Agricultural Water Investments Crops and livestock are closely linked components of irrigated production systems, and both can be potentially fast growing and pro table enterprises where rapid urban growth generates demand. Growth in associated irrigated crop and livestock production is most likely in countries and areas with large animal populations and good access to urban markets. To exploit possible complementarities between agricultural water devel- opment and livestock production, planners should work with stakeholders to assess ex ante the likely impact of irrigation development and correlated changes in land use on livestock keepers. Taking account of livestock in this way will minimize costs to livestock keepers of lost access to land and water resources and passageways, and mitigate any social tension or risk of impover- ishment. In most cases it will also allow complementary investment and man- agement that can improve livestock productivity--access to watering points, land and paths zoned for livestock, and encourage the adoption of cropping patterns that have signi cant quality residue for use as animal feed or the devel- opment of zero-grazing systems based on irrigated crops and residues. Beyond the irrigation scheme itself, it may be possible to integrate management of upland catchment areas with downstream agricultural water service, which may involve investments and management to ensure that upstream pastoral systems remain pro table while conserving soil and water resources. Source: IWMI-ILRI, 2005e. Dams (Annex 10) has also acknowledged that dams can make an impor- tant contribution to human development and that negative externalities can be minimized or mitigated with careful planning. 5.4 Possible Investment Opportunities There are significant opportunities for development and a wide range of water management investments are possible. As discussed, the theoretical potential for new irrigation, including groundwater irrigation, amounts to approximately 32 million hectares--almost five times the area cur- rently developed. In addition, the prospect of bringing back into pro- IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 88 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 88 3/13/08 12:50:00 PM 3/13/08 12:50:00 PM Development Potential, Market Demand, and Investment Opportunities 89 duction the 2 million hectares of land that is equipped for irrigation but currently unused presents an opportunity to benefit from signifi- cant sunk costs. Improving water control on the 2 million hectares of land under `other forms of water management' in wetlands and flood recession areas also presents a similar opportunity for relatively low- cost investment. Finally there is the potential for improving in-field rainwater management on existing dryland crop areas, which currently extend to more than 176 million hectares (Summary Table 1). There is thus a very wide range of opportunities for investment in agricultural water development, from rehabilitation and expansion of existing irri- gation schemes, to the development of new irrigation from surface and groundwater resources, improved water control in cultivated wetlands and flood recession planting areas, to improved in-field rainwater man- agement for dryland crops. There may also be opportunities for invest- ment in watershed management to conserve catchments and stabilize or enhance flows for irrigation. Development of new irrigation could take several forms and benefit many people. New irrigation development could consist of a wide range of technologies, ranging from individually operated micro-scale irriga- tion (e.g., using treadle pumps at very low cost) through to large scale. In many cases the development of small areas by individual small- holder irrigators using micro-irrigation technologies will be appropri- ate. Small- to medium-scale communally managed schemes also have potential, although where these conveyance structures are needed, they may require some public investment support. Large-scale irrigation would probably only be developed in cases where economies of scale and specific market links can be exploited (e.g., for industrial crops such as sugarcane). Some development is likely to require new storage, which again might range from micro-scale water harvesting systems to large dams, provid- ing opportunities to exploit synergies between irrigation and other uses (e.g., domestic and livestock water supplies, fisheries, or hydropower). Other development is also likely to involve complementary investment in associated watersheds. New irrigation is likely to be used for a range of crops from rice to horticulture or other high-value crops. The range of costs is very great, depending on the water management technology employed (see Tables 3.1, 3.3, and 4.1). At an assumed average holding size of 0.75 hectares per household, investment in 32 million hectares of new irrigation devel- opment could directly benefit some 43 million irrigator households (or IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 89 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 89 3/13/08 12:50:00 PM 3/13/08 12:50:00 PM 90 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa approximately 237 million people) plus a further 10­20 million house- holds that would engage in increased opportunities for agricultural wage labor (Table 5.4).9 The revival of equipped but currently unused areas could also benefit many people. A mix of interventions is likely to be required to bring back Table 5.4 Indicative Summary of Opportunities to Invest in Agricultural Water Development Potential direct Scope for Theoretical beneficiaries Indicative investment Type of potential (million cost (million opportunity (million ha) Possible crops households)a ($/ha)b dollars) New irrigation 32 Rice, sugar, cotton, 58 6,000 192,000 dry beans, fodder, horticulture, other high-value crops Irrigation 2 Rice, sugar, cotton, 4 3,500 7,000 rehabilitationc dry beans, fodder, horticulture, other high-value crops Improved 2 Rice and non-rice 4 2,000 4,000 water control in cereals, cotton, dry wetlands and beans, fodder ood recession areas Improved 46 Barley, maize, 20 250 11,500 in- eld rainwater wheat, cotton, te , management for dry beans, co ee, dryland cropsd fodder Totals 82 86 214,500 a. Assumes an average of 0.75 ha/household on irrigated land, wetlands, and ood recession areas and 2.5 ha/household on dryland areas. Also that direct bene ciaries increase by 25­50 percent on irrigated land, wetlands, and ood recession areas and by 10 percent on dryland areas, as a result of increased agricultural wage employment resulting from investment. b. Includes both software and hardware where applicable. c. Likely to be an underestimate because some of the 5 million hectares currently under irrigation could be in need of rehabilitation. d. Assumes only 25 percent of current cultivated area will be developed. Source: Current study. 9. This assumes that for every household benefiting directly from irrigation an additional 0.25­ 0.50 households would benefit from incremental wage employment. IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 90 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 90 3/13/08 12:50:00 PM 3/13/08 12:50:00 PM Development Potential, Market Demand, and Investment Opportunities 91 into production the 2 million hectares of land that is equipped for irriga- tion but currently not used. This land is located in large-, medium- and small-scale schemes and will require interventions such as rehabilita- tion and upgrading of physical works, changes in the institutional set- up, and improved water management and crop husbandry. At an average cost of $3,500/ha for recent well-designed rehabilitation projects, these investments could prove economically viable. However, these schemes would involve similar O&M costs to those for new irrigation schemes, and the cropping pattern would have to be sufficiently high value to cover those costs and provide an incentive income to farmers. Again, at an assumed average holding size of 0.75 hectares per household, invest- ment in these schemes could directly benefit some 2.7 million house- holds (or 15 million people) plus a further 0.7­1.3 million households engaging in increased agricultural wage employment. There is potential for improving water control in wetlands and flood recession areas. Improving water control on the 2 million hectares of land under `other forms of water management' in wetlands and flood recession planting areas might involve the development of flood pro- tection and drainage systems, or even irrigation systems. However, in many cases the development of small areas by individual smallholder irrigators, using micro-irrigation technologies (such as treadle pumps) will be appropriate. Such investments are likely to involve lower capital and O&M costs than new or rehabilitated irrigation schemes and may be justified by the production of lower-value crops. Cropping patterns could include rice and other cereals, cotton, dry beans, fodder and, in a number of cases, horticulture. Average land holding could be similar to that for new irrigation and the total numbers of direct beneficiaries could be of a similar order to those from investment in the rehabilita- tion or upgrading of existing, but unused, irrigation schemes--perhaps a total of 4 million households region-wide. Solving the problem of low productivity on existing irrigated land pres- ents a major investment opportunity. As discussed in section 2.3, irrigated production in sub-Saharan Africa is characterized by low productivity, constrained by unreliable water supplies, poor water management, low input use, and poor crop husbandry, as well as poor access to input and output markets. Apart from unreliable water supplies, the constraints highlighted are mainly institutional and require investment in software rather than hardware. This opportunity would therefore involve only a fraction of the cost of physical works suggested in Table 5.4 and repre- sents a first class investment opportunity. IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 91 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 91 3/13/08 12:50:00 PM 3/13/08 12:50:00 PM 92 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Finally, improving in-field rainwater management for dryland crops clearly presents a further major opportunity. Improving in-field rainwater management is an attractive possibility because of the vast areas that might be involved, so that even a small yield increase could have a large production impact. For example, the area currently planted to dryland maize is 24 million hectares (FAO, 2005a). An incremental yield of just 250 kg/ha on this area would be 6 million tonnes--i.e., more than the total projected imports of maize in 2030. In addition, the poverty reduction impact would be immediate because dryland farming is the production system of the poor. Improvements could involve a range of interventions, although all would have the common objective of increas- ing the effectiveness of rainfall for dryland crops. As discussed, various technologies have been successfully demon- strated in the region but, apart from one or two cases (e.g. the tassa in Niger and conservation tillage in Zambia) adoption has been poor. The constraints to wider adoption by smallholders are likely to be similar to those that are thought to currently limit productivity on irrigated land-- i.e., a lack of farmer empowerment to access input and output markets, poor agricultural support services (including extension and credit), and a lack of supply chains for implements and equipment. The theoretical potential is 174 million hectares. For the present purpose it has been assumed that 25 percent of the currently cultivated area, or 46 million hectares, might eventually be developed. Success is likely to be greater in the higher potential agro-ecological zones, particularly in the dry sub- humid zone, but the experience from Niger suggests that good results can also be achieved in the semi-arid zone. Although the possible impact of this development on overall runoff, streamflow, and ecosystems has not been quantified, it is unlikely that this would be significant. 5.5 Choices Facing Governments at the Country Level At the country level, there are many constraints to developing the physi- cal and economic potential identified. These constraints and some exam- ples are typically economic (the identified projects are not economically viable), financial (investment costs are too high for available finance), institutional (the institutional model is unlikely to deliver good water ser- vice or will not prove financially and socially sustainable), environmental (irrigation is viable but the regulatory framework cannot control adverse environmental impacts), capacity-related (local capacity to implement IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 92 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 92 3/13/08 12:50:01 PM 3/13/08 12:50:01 PM Development Potential, Market Demand, and Investment Opportunities 93 projects efficiently is weak), and poverty related (poor farmers cannot invest in profitable agricultural water technology to improve productiv- ity because they are resource poor and risk averse). These many possible constraints operate in every country in different degrees. For each country situation, institutional and investment responses need to be devised to allow the potential to be realized despite the constraints. Essentially, choices will be required that reflect the devel- opment priorities and absorptive capacity of each country. The general principles that can guide governments in preparing strategies for agri- cultural water use were discussed above in section 5.4. In each country adapting these principles to the specific opportunities and constraints that exist will require a painstaking iterative process. IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 93 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 93 3/13/08 12:50:01 PM 3/13/08 12:50:01 PM IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 94 IAW_077-094_ch05.indd 94 3/13/08 12:50:01 PM 3/13/08 12:50:01 PM C H A P T E R 6 Lessons and Recommendations for Engagement in Agricultural Water 6.1 Farm-Level Profitability, Viability, and Sustainability Lesson. Agricultural water development in sub-Saharan Africa can make an important contribution to poverty reduction and growth. It can, however, only do so when investments are profitable at the farm level, economically viable, and sustainable. Without farm-level profitability, income poverty reduction cannot be achieved, and without financial, social, and environmental sustainabil- ity, there can be neither economic viability nor farm level profitability. Investments for so-called `social' or `strategic' purposes--for example, to increase national production of staples--cannot contribute to growth or poverty reduction if they are not economically viable. While pub- lic subsidy for the capital costs of smallholder irrigation infrastructure can be justified, subsidized services and/or O&M have rarely proved sustainable. That said, conventional project analysis techniques have tended to ignore the `downstream' benefits of agricultural water investment induced by the multiplier effect, which when quantified and valued can result in total benefits being much higher than would otherwise be thought. Also, there are often opportunities to invest in agricultural 95 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 95 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 95 3/13/08 11:34:41 AM 3/13/08 11:34:41 AM 96 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa development that, on their own, would be judged unviable but which, when combined, for example, with small to medium hydropower gen- eration, could result in an acceptable economic rate of return. The asso- ciation of irrigation with livestock or fisheries is another example of potentially mutually reinforcing economics. Recommendation. Future designs and investment decisions--including those for major infrastructure--should be based solely on considerations of economic viability, farm level profitability, and sustainability. How- ever, where `downstream' benefits can be quantified these should taken into account in the analysis. Similarly, where there are opportunities for multi- purpose investments these should be taken advantage of and accounted for in project costs and benefits. Sustainable farm-level profitability and economic viability--based on cost-effective design and realistic assumptions of yields, production, and prices--should be the principal concerns in investment decisions. Tech- nology, and therefore costs, must be appropriate for the market prospects of the crops grown. `Downstream' benefits and any additional benefits arising from multiple uses should be quantified, valued, and taken into account in the analysis. They should not, however, be used to obscure any intrinsic weaknesses in the economic justification of the agricultural water component of the investment, and unviable investments that are proposed on the basis of so-called `social' or `strategic' reasons, or those that will depend on long term subsidies, should be avoided. 6.2 Opportunities for Further Public and Private Investment Investing in Irrigation Lesson. There is physical potential to expand the irrigated area by a factor of nearly five, although some expansion will require construction of addi- tional water storage. There is also potential for bringing back into production land that is equipped for irrigation but currently not used, as well as improv- ing the productivity of land already under irrigation and land under `other forms of water management'. The constraints to this development are mainly economic--i.e., costs, productivity, and access to profitable markets. The theoretical physical potential for new irrigation development is estimated to be more than 32 million hectares--almost five times the area currently developed. There is potential for all forms of irrigation development, from individual micro-scale irrigation to large-scale--the choice depends on whichever is the best investment in terms of physical IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 96 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 96 3/13/08 11:34:41 AM 3/13/08 11:34:41 AM Lessons and Recommendations for Engagement in Agricultural Water 97 conditions and possible economies of scale. Some development is likely to require new water storage, some of which could provide opportuni- ties to exploit synergies between irrigation and hydropower. In addition to new irrigation development there is potential for improv- ing the productivity of the 5 million hectares currently under irrigation and for bringing back into production the 2 million hectares of land that is equipped for irrigation but currently unused. A mix of interventions is likely to be required to realize this potential--which is in large, medium and small-scale schemes--such as improvements to the physical works, and improved water management and crop husbandry. There is also poten- tial for improving water control on the 2 million hectares of land under `other forms of water management'--i.e., in wetlands and valley bottoms. Some of this may require the development of irrigation and drainage schemes, but in many cases the development of small areas by individual smallholder irrigators, using micro-irrigation technologies (e.g., treadle pumps), will be more appropriate. The main constraints to developing the potential for irrigation are economic--i.e., costs, access to profitable markets, and potential productivity in supplying these markets. Since more than one-half of the currently irrigated area is used for growing staples, recent analyses have considered irrigation as an option for reducing the region's future food imports. However, at the aver- age capital costs of new irrigation (even recent well-designed irrigation) and the yields typically obtained by smallholders, economic returns and profitability may be adequate for rice, particularly for local markets enjoying natural protection, but would generally be too low to justify investment for crops such as maize and wheat. The expansion of irri- gation for staple food crops will therefore require either productivity improvements that increase returns or substantial reduction in costs. The expansion of irrigation for higher value crops such as cotton, sugar, and horticulture is likely to be more viable, but returns will be highly specific to sites and market opportunities. Recommendation. The potential for irrigation should be seen as an opportunity to achieve poverty reduction and economic growth. However, irrigation should be reserved for the production of irrigated crops (including rice) for which there is a comparative advantage, rather than as a means of reducing the region's imports of non-rice staples for which lower cost inter- ventions would be more appropriate. The existence of 2 million hectares of land that has already been equipped but is not currently used should be regarded as an opportunity IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 97 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 97 3/13/08 11:34:42 AM 3/13/08 11:34:42 AM 98 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa to take advantage of significant sunk costs. Similarly, the 2 million hect- ares of land under `other forms of water management' in wetlands and valley bottoms should be regarded as an opportunity to improve water control at relatively low cost. Improving Dryland Farming Lesson. A range of low-cost in-field rainwater management technologies is also available for stabilizing and increasing the yields of dryland crops. The results of demonstrations and pilot projects to date have been promising and the potential for scaling up--especially for production of non-rice staples and possibly cash crops such as cotton--could be considerable. Because dryland farming is the predominant production system, improving its pro- ductivity could have a very substantial impact on production and poverty reduction. However, adoption rates have so far been poor. Dryland farming is far and away the largest production system, and even a small improvement in yield would have a large impact on produc- tion and poverty reduction. The technologies involve very low capital investment costs (usually on the order of $100/ha) and can be shown to be viable for the production of non-rice staples and possibly other deep- rooted cash crops such as cotton. However, they typically have a rather short economic life, suggesting that public financing of on-farm works would be impractical. Yet unless the constraints that have so far dis- couraged farmers to invest their own resources in the technologies are removed, adoption can be expected to remain poor. These constraints are probably similar to those faced by the agriculture sector as a whole and are likely to include a lack of empowerment, weak or non-existent agricultural support services, poor access to input and output markets, and weak or non-existent supply chains for equipment. Recommendation. Investment in in-field rainwater management for dry- land crops should be considered as an alternative to irrigation for non-rice staples and, possibly, other deep-rooted cash crops. Future public invest- ment should concentrate on developing promising technologies, facilitating the establishment of sustainable supply chains where necessary, removing the constraints to adoption, and supporting dissemination and market-led adoption. Agricultural water development strategies should now consider the development, dissemination and adoption of in-field rainwater man- agement technologies as an opportunity to stabilize and increase the yields of non-rice staples under dryland production. Because it would IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 98 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 98 3/13/08 11:34:42 AM 3/13/08 11:34:42 AM Lessons and Recommendations for Engagement in Agricultural Water 99 be impractical for government to finance the on-farm works required (because government would be obliged to repeat the financing every few years) it is essential that the technologies should be suitable for and attract farmer-financing. This implies that the technology should not only be technically feasible but affordable and profitable at the farm level. The various constraints to affordability and profitability that have discouraged adoption to date should be identified and investments made to establish the conditions that will remove them. The next step in most countries should be renewed research and development programs to identify replicable technologies, combined with monitoring and evalua- tion to pinpoint the constraints to widespread adoption. 6.3 Designing and Implementing Better Investment Projects Agricultural Water as Part of a Comprehensive Package Lesson. Investment in agricultural water is not on its own sufficient to ensure optimal yields, productivity, and incomes. Water supplies must be reliable and provided as part of a comprehensive package that enables farm- ers to maximize productivity and profitability as well as creating the incen- tives for them to do so. Investment in agricultural water requires accompanying investment in agricultural support services, including extension and credit to pro- vide farmers with the necessary skills and resources to enable them to make the best use of infrastructure provided and to invest in yield- enhancing inputs. Agricultural water supplies must also be sufficiently reliable and access to output markets sufficiently profitable for farmers to invest confidently in using these inputs. Ensuring that water supplies are reliable, although extremely impor- tant, could be the easiest of the above requirements to meet. It merely involves procurement of competent technical advice and following it-- which is usually a matter of good project management and supervision. The other requirements will be more difficult to meet. Reductions in the scope and operations of public agricultural support services as gov- ernments have redefined their core functions have made the provision of technology and financing to smallholder farmers a major challenge in recent years. At the same time, the withdrawal of the state from mar- keting has left smallholder farmers unprepared to deal with both input and output markets. The provision of agricultural support services by projects is not a satisfactory long-term solution. The arrangements need to be sustained beyond project completion. IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 99 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 99 3/13/08 11:34:42 AM 3/13/08 11:34:42 AM 100 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Recommendation. Financing agencies, including governments, should make project financing available only for those projects that, apart from providing a reliable supply of agricultural water, also provide support to enable farmers to use it to maximize the profitability of crop production on a sustainable basis. Project designs should provide for farmers to obtain access to compe- tent, commercially oriented, efficient, and accountable agricultural sup- port services on a permanent basis. This may involve facilitating market links in which a private sector processor provides agricultural support in return for a guaranteed throughput, or it may involve building the capacity of farmers to either provide these services themselves or obtain them from private sector service providers. Project design should pro- vide for capacity building to empower farmers and their organizations to adapt to their new role and collectively negotiate with input and output markets beyond project completion. Sustainable and account- able local financial services should be promoted, both for seasonal and investment finance. Targeting the Poor and Women Lesson. The design of agricultural water investments should address all strata within the community, ensuring that all benefit to their mutual advan- tage. Exclusively targeting the poorest socioeconomic stratum is not necessar- ily effective in reducing poverty, although specifically targeting women can be. Similarly, targeting the driest agro-ecological zones is not necessarily `pro-poor'. Experience suggests that exclusively targeting the `poorest of the poor' is not necessarily the most effective way of reducing rural poverty. The vast majority of the rural population of the region subsists on less than a dollar a day (and are therefore categorized as the `extreme poor' in terms of the MDGs), a more inclusive approach is likely to bring bet- ter results. In this way, all strata within the community--including the poorest--can benefit from investment to their mutual advantage. Understanding the socioeconomic profile of the target group, how they derive their livelihoods, what their constraints are, how they inter- act, and how agricultural water management, as an input to their farming system, can assist them in improving their livelihood status is therefore essential for pro-poor design. In addition, because more than 50 percent of farmers and rural laborers are women, specifically targeting support to women and encouraging their participation in governance structures can enhance productivity, profitability, and hence poverty reduction. IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 100 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 100 3/13/08 11:34:42 AM 3/13/08 11:34:42 AM Lessons and Recommendations for Engagement in Agricultural Water 101 Targeting the arid and semi-arid agro-ecological zones is not neces- sarily pro-poor because the greater scope for reducing poverty and hun- ger, in terms of population density, incidence of poverty, agricultural potential, and the available pathways for households to increase their agricultural incomes, lies in the areas of high potential, particularly in the sub-humid and humid zones. Recommendation. Project studies and designs should be geared to enhancing the prospects for all strata of the community, including women, to benefit from the investment to mutual advantage without marginalization of the poorest stratum. Targeting areas of low agricultural potential should be avoided, unless clearly market-linked, viable opportunities for development are available. Socioeconomic and production systems surveys should be carried out to provide an understanding of the profile of the target population and its intra-community dynamics, with a view to exploiting these to the mutual benefit of all members of the community, including women. Special care should be taken to ensure that the investment takes account of the role of women in the production system and does not exclude or further marginalize the poorest stratum. Attention should focus on ensuring that the investment will be `pro-poor' by seeking to maximize farm-level profitability, employment, and incomes, and by devising mechanisms to empower the poorest, including women, and improve their access to land, water, and services. Investments should generally be targeted at the sub-humid and humid zones except where land, water, and markets combine favorably in the drier zones to ensure viability and sustainability. Implementing and Managing Public Investments Lesson. Organizational arrangements for project design, implementa- tion, and management are more efficient when they reflect the comparative advantages of the public sector, farmers, NGOs, and the private sector. Sus- tainability is best achieved by involving farmers throughout and by handing over schemes to farmer organizations once complete. In many cases it can be more efficient to obtain implementation services from the private/NGO sec- tor than to build public sector institutions for the purpose, even where local private/NGO sector capacities are weak. Weaknesses in public sector organizations have impaired the quality of project preparation, implementation, and management, and inadequate support by governments and donors through the supervision process has IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 101 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 101 3/13/08 11:34:42 AM 3/13/08 11:34:42 AM 102 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa also been a cause of poor quality. Experience of organizational arrange- ments for project development and management has shown that farmer involvement improves design and reduces costs, and that the most prof- itable and sustainable schemes are those where farmers are able to take over operation and maintenance once the scheme is developed. Private/ NGO sector service providers can also play an effective role in agricul- tural water development, mainly because they can be held more account- able for their services than public sector service providers, although they need effective supervision. The choice is essentially a pragmatic one: which organization--public, NGO, or private--can provide the most efficient and accountable service? Recommendation. Farmer management of schemes should be the first option, and clear arrangements need to be agreed for any joint management. Service provision arrangements and supervision thereof should be based on the respective strengths of the public sector, the private sector, NGOs, and farmers. Governments and donors should improve the supervision process. Farmers and their organizations should be involved from the first conception of a project. In all cases, farmer management of schemes once they are complete should be the first option, and clear arrange- ments for any joint management and co-financing of operation, main- tenance, and replacements are needed if there is a task beyond farmer capacity such as managing major headworks and networks. Farmer orga- nizations will need to be strengthened and empowered to participate in project design, implementation, and management. Where NGOs or the private sector are contracted to provide services, terms of reference should clearly specify the intentions with regard to the `deliverables' and accountability for them, as well as exit strategies. Engineering design and construction supervision services should be obtained from the best qualified source, regardless of origin (i.e., national, regional, or international), the objective being solely to ensure that farmers are pro- vided with competent services. Supervision should be geared to quality assurance and keeping activities focused on the overall objectives. Gov- ernments and donors need to support implementation with adequate time and technical resources, and to be flexible enough to adjust in the light of experience. Social, Environmental, and Health Impacts Lesson. Agricultural water development can have both positive and nega- tive social, environmental, and health impacts. The challenge is to design, IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 102 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 102 3/13/08 11:34:43 AM 3/13/08 11:34:43 AM Lessons and Recommendations for Engagement in Agricultural Water 103 implement, and manage projects in such a way that socioeconomic benefits are maximized while negative impacts are minimized. Agricultural water development can produce positive social, envi- ronmental, and health impacts such as improving pastoralists' access to water and feed, safeguarding natural habitats, improving nutrition, improving access to health facilities and health service provision, and providing water for domestic purposes. Agricultural water management can help mitigate the impacts of HIV/AIDS through increased incomes and better nutrition. However, negative social, environmental, and health impacts of agri- cultural water developments are widely documented. Inadequate assess- ment of potential impacts and absence of design measures to mitigate them, as well as weaknesses in the public sector institutions responsible for regulating environmental and health aspects, can lead to reduced productivity, project failure, and increased human suffering. Recommendation. Improved planning and management of social, envi- ronmental, and health impacts is a prerequisite for ensuring the sustainabil- ity of future agricultural water development. Project designs should not only assess and provide mitigation measures for potentially negative impacts but also seek to exploit potentially positive impacts. Project designs should also, if necessary, make provision for strengthening the public sector institutions responsible. Project designs should not only assess and provide mitigation measures for potentially negative impacts (such as conflicts with pastoralists, or spread of water-borne diseases) but also take advantage of opportunities for potential synergies and positive impacts (such as providing water and feed for livestock, or improving watersheds). In this way, projects can improve their prospects for productivity and sustainability, and may also contribute to the achievement of the MDGs for child mortality, maternal health, combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, as well as the environment (including water and sanitation). The economic costs and benefits of environmental impacts need to be taken fully into account in appraisals and investment decisions. Given the links within catchments, consideration must be given to the potential environmental impacts on projects as well as the impacts they cause, and also to the potential cumulative effect of a number of projects. In many cases the effectiveness of mitigation measures, or measures to exploit positive impacts, will be constrained by institutional weak- nesses, so support should be provided for reforming and strengthening IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 103 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 103 3/13/08 11:34:43 AM 3/13/08 11:34:43 AM 104 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa institutions, possibly through sector-wide approaches. Public agen- cies also need to be equipped to manage the environmental impacts of private irrigation development. Methods of rapid appraisal need to be developed for small-scale interventions where it is unrealistic to expect full environmental and health assessments to be conducted. Initiatives that build local-level awareness of the social, environmental, and health issues associated with agricultural water development should be encour- aged. Specific strategies are needed to address the attrition of staff and farmer leaders from HIV/AIDS-related infections. Monitoring and Evaluation Lesson. Monitoring and evaluation of project performance has been neglected in the past and needs to be improved in future to inform future strategic planning and project design, as well as to measure the contribution of agricultural water development to achievement of the MDGs. To measure the contribution of agricultural water investments to poverty reduction and the attainment of the MDGs, good monitor- ing information is needed, not only on inputs and outputs but also on outcomes like changes in income and employment, and on broader and longer-term impacts such as those on poverty, hunger and health, and the environment. However, monitoring and evaluation has been one of the most common weaknesses in project design and implemen- tation in the past. There is also a need for greater accountability by all concerned, including government and financing agencies, to ensure that monitoring and evaluation intentions at design are carried through on implementation. Recommendation. Monitoring and evaluation as a management tool for farmers, implementing agencies and financing partners should now be given priority. Monitoring and evaluation, not only of physical and financial targets but also of changes in incomes and employment and of impacts on pov- erty, hunger and health, and the environment should be given priority. Systems should be designed in such a way that they can be used as a management tool for farmers, project implementers, and supervisors. 6.4 Institutional Reforms Lesson. Institutional reforms can enhance the performance of agricultural water development and its contribution to sustainable agricultural growth IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 104 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 104 3/13/08 11:34:43 AM 3/13/08 11:34:43 AM Lessons and Recommendations for Engagement in Agricultural Water 105 and poverty reduction. However, reforms require time and consistent approaches by both governments and donors. Decentralizing development responsibility can also enhance impact. Reforms need to be accompanied by effective capacity building to equip the actors to cope with new roles and responsibilities. Institutional reforms can improve the performance of agricultural water investments, including large-scale irrigation. Without reforms, farm-level profitability will generally be constrained and disincentives to investment will persist. Reforms to macroeconomic policies facili- tate business and encourage investment in agricultural intensification. Reforms to food security policies create efficient food markets and improve the ability of the poor to feed themselves. Water sector reforms ensure water entitlements and sustainable water resources management. Both private and public sector have a role to play. Governments have an essential role in establishing a institutional framework conducive to private enterprise and investing in key infrastructure where the private sector will not; the private sector will have a key role in investment (either in PPPs or on their own), manufacturing, service provision, and market links. Decentralization can promote greater responsiveness to local needs and markets--although it has proceeded somewhat errati- cally to date and there is a need for support to develop good governance, capacity building, empowerment, and improved mechanisms for sub- project approval and appraisal. Reforms to legal and organizational frameworks for large-scale irriga- tion projects have indicated pathways for success. These have included improved land tenure; downsizing management agencies and improv- ing transparency and accountability to farmers; farmer participation in management; and contracting out to private sector agencies for non-core activities such as scheme maintenance. Some attempts at transferring management responsibility to farmers have not yielded the expected results. However, successful cases show what conditions are needed--a partnership approach between policy makers, irrigation agency, and water users; a supportive policy and legal framework; scheme profitability and financial autonomy; the strengthening of user organizations; and a clear plan and timetable, with careful management of the process including post handover support; and political and managerial commitment. Institutional reforms take time and patience, but experience has shown that a coordinated approach to reforms, applied gradually with consistency between governments and donors, can be successful. Most reforms need to be accompanied by programs of capacity building to IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 105 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 105 3/13/08 11:34:43 AM 3/13/08 11:34:43 AM 106 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa enable the actors to adapt to and capitalize on the change. Some reforms may be achievable within the context of a discrete project; for others a sector-wide approach may be appropriate. Recommendation. The on-going process of reforms to macroeconomic pol- icies, legal frameworks, and organizations for agricultural water manage- ment should be supported and strengthened, with capacity building where appropriate to create a favorable environment for profitable investment, engage the energies of the private sector and farmers, and make service pro- viders accountable. Such reforms require time and consistent approaches by both governments and donors, for which sector-wide approaches may be appropriate. The on-going process of reforms to macroeconomic policies, legal frameworks, and organizations for agricultural water management should be supported and strengthened, where appropriate, with capac- ity building to create a favorable environment for profitable investment. Particular areas for institutional reform should include: · Completing reforms of macroeconomic, food security, and water sector policies to promote profitable investment and employment in agricultural water, and encouraging greater involvement by the pri- vate sector through policies that favor enterprise and through public private partnerships; · Ensuring systematic attention in project design to issues of land and water governance and tenure; · Supporting decentralized development through capacity building for local authorities, decentralized agencies, and farmer groups; · Developing coherent and sustained approaches to organizational reform of the large-scale irrigation sector, including best practice on user involvement, private sector participation, and irrigation manage- ment transfer; and · Empowering farmer organizations to enable them to function in lib- eralized economies, ensuring that service providers are accountable and responsive to their needs, and that organizations are able to par- ticipate in project design, implementation, and management, and to compete in markets. Building in Incentives for All Partners to Change The design of programs for institutional reform should recognize that time and sustained commitment are required. All partners involved in IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 106 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 106 3/13/08 11:34:43 AM 3/13/08 11:34:43 AM Lessons and Recommendations for Engagement in Agricultural Water 107 sector need to work to a harmonized common agenda, to align support on national programs and institutions, as well as to invest in capacity building. 6.5 Strategic Vision Lesson. A strategic vision for agricultural water development has been lacking. Consequently, significant opportunities for achieving agricultural growth and poverty reduction are being missed. There is considerable poten- tial for further development of agricultural water, but also significant con- straints, of which only some can be overcome. Although perceptions that agricultural water development has been inefficient--in terms of water use and economics--were probably justi- fied in the past, a number of recent projects have demonstrated that, with careful project identification, design, and appraisal, this need not always be the case. However, water sector strategies and programs are generally neutral--or even negative--toward agricultural water development and use. They typically assign greater priority to other uses. Most poverty reduction strategies are predicated on agricultural growth, but agricul- tural water development generally has a low profile in PRSPs--possibly because of the negative perceptions referred to above. In effect, there has been a lack of a strategic vision for agricultural water development. There are, as mentioned, economic and institutional constraints. Some of these can be resolved at the level of programs and projects, others need to be resolved at the sectoral level or in the wider macro- economy. Other constraints are difficult or impossible to alter, and pro- vide a context within which the strategic vision needs to be developed. They include poor terms of trade, limited and high-cost access to world markets, the dispersed population, and poor agricultural potential in many areas, particularly in the arid and semi-arid zones. Recommendation. Sub-Saharan African countries should now develop national strategies for the agricultural water subsector that recognize both its importance for agricultural growth and poverty reduction and the economic realities referred to in this report, as well as the need for water to be devel- oped within a broader framework that promotes agricultural growth through profitable investment and market-oriented production. Agricultural water strategies should be integrated with both broader water resources manage- ment strategy and with poverty reduction strategy. Strategies need to be sup- ported by analysis of the role of public and private investment, ways to foster IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 107 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 107 3/13/08 11:34:44 AM 3/13/08 11:34:44 AM 108 Investment in Agricultural Water for Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa private investment, and the range of public investment options incorporated into an investment plan to be implemented wherever possible through sector- wide approaches. Sub-Saharan African countries should now develop a strategic vision for the agricultural water sector. This vision should be incorporated into a national strategy for agricultural water development as a key compo- nent of both national agriculture policy and water policy. The profile of agricultural water development should also be raised in water and agriculture sector strategies. Agricultural water development strategies should be linked to water sector strategies and based on IWRM princi- ples, respecting and supporting transboundary water agreements, with investments optimized at the basin scale. IWRM approaches should strike a balance between demand and supply management, providing for new investments in supply where it is economically, socially, and environmentally justified. They should also ensure that water alloca- tion and management take account of the needs of the poor and provide for greater participation in sectoral and basin planning by smallholder farmers. Agriculture water development strategies also need to figure prominently in poverty reduction strategies, as set out in PRSPs, to focus the attention of both governments and potential donors. The strategies should be supported by a comparative analysis of the various investment options, including: · Investment in increasing productivity and profitability of existing schemes. · Expansion or new construction of large, medium, small, and micro- scale irrigation schemes (including water harvesting) linked to profit- able markets, following best practices for new storage and based on viable institutional models. · Testing and scaling-up of technologies for in-field rainwater manage- ment, provided these are proven to be technically and financially fea- sible and replicable by smallholder farmers on a sustainable basis. · Development of sustainable supply chains for micro-scale irrigation and in-field rainwater management equipment. · Investment in research on agricultural water management, both adap- tive research at the national and regional levels and basic research at the regional level. Particular emphasis will be needed on three com- ponents: (a) the technology, profitability, affordability, and replica- bility of in-field rainwater management for dryland crops; (b) crops and crop husbandry improvements for staples; and (c) monitoring IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 108 IAW_095-110_ch06.indd 108 3/13/08 11:34:44 AM 3/13/08 11:34:44 AM Lessons and Recommendations for Engagement in Agricultural Water 109 and evaluation of the performance of agricultural water investments on a region-wide basis in order to provide the basis for rapid scaling- up of emerging successes. · Investment in institutional reforms, including those for decentralized development and all necessary capacity building. All these investments should, if practically possible, be pursued using sector-wide approaches to ensure consistency of approach between gov- ernment and donors. Where existing policies and strategies reflect the strategic vision out- lined above, they should become the basis of new investment programs. Where they do not, policies and strategies should be revised and new investment programs prepared. If external assistance is necessary for the formulation of the new strategies and investment programs, this should be sought from international development agencies. Phased investment programs should be based on: (a) the available physical potential, the available markets, and the feasibility of achieving levels of produc- tivity and profitability that will justify the likely investment costs; (b) identifying where economic viability, farm level profitability, and sustainability can best be achieved by the different investment options mentioned above; and (c) indicating the measures necessary to promote profitability. 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Sub-Saharan Africa: Regional Groupings Adopted by FAO (2005a) Tunisia Morocco Algeria Libyan Arab Egypt Jamahiriya Cape Verde Mauritania Mali Niger Chad Senegal Sudan Eritrea Gambia Djibouti Burkina Faso Guinea- Guinea Bissau Nigeria Sierra Benin Somalia Leone Ivory Ghana Ethiopia LiberiaCoast Central African Republic Cameroon Togo Equatorial Guinea Democratic Kenya Congo Republic of Uganda Gabon the Congo Rwanda Sao Tome Seychelles and Principe Burundi United Republic of Tanzania LEGEND Northern Sudano-Sahelian Angola Malawi Comoros Zambia Gulf of Guinea Central Mozambique Madagascar Zim babwe Eastern Namibia Southern Botswana Indian Ocean Islands Country Boundary Mauritius Swaziland South km Africa 0 500 1000 1500 Lesotho FAO - AQUASTAT, 2008 Projection: Lam bert Azimuth Source: FAO. IAW_119-124_maps.indd 120 IAW_119-124_maps.indd 120 3/13/08 11:35:28 AM 3/13/08 11:35:28 AM Maps 121 Map 2. Major Farming Systems Tunisia Morocco Algeria Libyan Arab Egypt Jamahiriya Cape Verde Mauritania Mali Niger Chad Senegal Sudan Eritrea Gambia Djibouti Burkina Faso Guinea- Guinea Bissau Benin Nigeria Sierra Somalia Leone Ivory Ghana Ethiopia Coast Liberia Central African Republic Cameroon Togo Equatorial Guinea LEGEND Democratic Kenya Congo Republic of Uganda Irrigation Gabon the Congo Rwanda Tree crop Sao Tome Seychelles Forest based and Principe Burundi Rice-tree crop United Republic of Tanzania Highland perennial Highland temperate mixed Root crops Angola Cereal-root crops mixed Malawi Comoros Zambia Maize m ixed Large com mercial and smallholder Mozambique Madagascar Agro-pastoral millet/sorghum Zim babwe Namibia Pastoral Sparse (arid) Botswana Coastal artisanal fishing Highland m ixed Mauritius Rainfed mixed Swaziland South Dryland mixed Africa Not applicable Lesotho Country Boundary km Source: FAO, World Bank, 2001 FAO - AQUASTAT, 2008 0 500 1000 1500 Projection: Lam bert Azimuth Source: FAO and World Bank, 2001. IAW_119-124_maps.indd 121 IAW_119-124_maps.indd 121 3/13/08 11:35:28 AM 3/13/08 11:35:28 AM 122 Maps Map 3. Agro-Ecological Zones (Length of Growing Period) Tunisia Morocco Algeria Libyan Arab Egypt Jamahiriya Cape Verde Mauritania Mali Niger Chad Senegal Sudan Eritrea Gambia Djibouti Burkina Faso Guinea- Guinea Bissau Benin Nigeria Sierra Somalia Leone Ivory Ghana Ethiopia Coast Liberia Central African Republic Cameroon Togo Equatorial Guinea Democratic Kenya Congo Republic of Uganda Gabon the Congo Rwanda LEGEND Sao Tome Seychelles and Principe Burundi 365 days United Republic 365- days of Tanzania 330-364 days 300-329 days 270-299 days Angola Malawi Comoros 240-269 days Zambia 210-239 days Mozambique 180-209 days Madagascar Zim babwe 150-179 days Namibia 120-149 days Botswana 90-119 days 75-89 days 1-74 days Mauritius Swaziland 0 days South Africa 210-269 (cold) days Lesotho Country Boundary km Source: FAO, IIASA FAO - AQUASTAT, 2008 0 500 1000 1500 Projection: Lam bert Azimuth Source: FAO. IAW_119-124_maps.indd 122 IAW_119-124_maps.indd 122 3/13/08 11:35:28 AM 3/13/08 11:35:28 AM Maps 123 Map 4. Water Managed Area as Percentage of Irrigation Potential Morocco Tunisia Algeria Libyan Arab Egypt Jamahiriya Cape Verde Mauritania Mali Niger Chad Senegal Sudan Eritrea Gambia Djibouti Burkina Faso Guinea- Guinea Bissau Benin Nigeria Sierra Somalia Leone Ivory Ghana Ethiopia Coast Liberia Central African Republic Cameroon Togo Equatorial Guinea Democratic Kenya Congo Republic of Uganda Gabon the Congo Rwanda Sao Tome Seychelles and Principe Burundi United Republic of Tanzania LEGEND No Data Angola Malawi Comoros Zambia < 10 % 10 - 25 % Mozambique Madagascar Zim babwe 25 - 50 % Namibia 50 - 75 % Botswana > 75 % Country Boundary Mauritius Swaziland South km Africa 0 500 1000 1500 Lesotho FAO - AQUASTAT, 2008 Projection: Lam bert Azimuth Source: FAO. IAW_119-124_maps.indd 123 IAW_119-124_maps.indd 123 3/13/08 11:35:28 AM 3/13/08 11:35:28 AM 124 Maps Map 5. Total Internal Renewable Water Resources per Inhabitant and Dependency Ratio Tunisia Morocco Algeria Libyan Arab Egypt Jamahiriya Cape Verde Mauritania Mali Niger Chad Senegal Sudan Eritrea Gambia Djibouti Burkina Faso Guinea- Guinea Bissau Benin Nigeria Sierra Somalia Leone Ivory Ghana Ethiopia Coast Liberia Central African Republic Cameroon Togo Equatorial Guinea Democratic Kenya Congo Republic of Uganda Gabon the Congo Rwanda Sao Tome Seychelles and Principe Burundi United Republic of Tanzania LEGEND No Data Angola Malawi Comoros < 500 (m3/inhab/yr) Zambia 500 - 1000 (m3/inhab/yr) Madagascar 1000 - 1700 (m3/inhab/yr) Zim babwe Mozambique Namibia 1700 - 5000 (m3/inhab/yr) Botswana > 5000 (m3/inhab/yr) Country Boundary Mauritius Swaziland South km Africa 0 500 1000 1500 Lesotho FAO - AQUASTAT, 2008 Projection: Lam bert Azimuth Source: FAO. IAW_119-124_maps.indd 124 IAW_119-124_maps.indd 124 3/13/08 11:35:28 AM 3/13/08 11:35:28 AM Summary Tables 125 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 125 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 125 3/13/08 11:35:56 AM 3/13/08 11:35:56 AM ) fo er aera Sha notiagriri %(laitnet x 00 4. =1)11( )7(/) .22 8.3 1.11 2.51 0.01 8.8 0.0 0.9 89 3.34 6.0 3.51 2.0 (9 po d teagriri fo y er elbavitl ) x %( 00 6.1 1.1 ea ntl Sha cu ar reruC =1)01( (5)/) 4.2 4.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 2.6 0.0 8.0 1.0 8.0 1.0 (9 se 37 art ) (9 000,08 852,21 934,1 000,52 034,12 456,52 08 531 2,7 ,203 031 000,2 057,27 005,01 Hec l fo er ntia teop elbavitl ) x %( ea Sha cu ar 001=)8( )3(/) 6.11 6.4 4.0 8.1 4.51 9.1 4.4 7.21 .81 8.1 3.2 3.2 8.8 (7 aer A detagirrI notiagrirI se 003 art ) 000, 901,3 000, 000, (7 Hec 007,3 000,223 000,31 000,561 000,512 000,092 009,1 000,533 000,043 000,574 000,7 yltnerruC )2002( /se nta art ) 3 (6 .20 14.0 12.0 33.0 91.0 44.0 01.0 25.0 14.0 710. 60.0 14.0 41.0 inhabit dna,laitnet aera Hec d atev se 000, ltiuC art (5) 003,3 000,083 000, 004,4 000,153,1 000,061,7 000,54 000,231 000,042 000, 000, Po Hec 000,518,2 000,420,2 000,036,3 009,6 008,7 noitagirrI,aer /se nta 7 aera art ) (4 .22 10.1 26.1 76.0 02.0 -- -- 38.3 51.2 -- -- 42.1 74.1 Hec A detavitluC elbav inhabit ltiuC se art ) 000, 000, (3 056,089,2 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, .1 Hec 000,23 000,7 000,9 004,1 000,51 000,91 000,12 000,08 el baT yra ana osaF e of ci ci m muS alognA rdeV so nineB wstoB anikruB idnuruB noore bl eriovI'd bl maC epaC nacirfAlar nt pu Ce Re dahC omorC ognoC citarco etoC m pu ogn De Re Co 126 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 126 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 126 3/13/08 11:35:56 AM 3/13/08 11:35:56 AM .224 5.11 7.01 0.1 7.2 6.1 3.81 0.8 .292 1.12 4.0 6.17 8.43 7.14 0.81 3. .83 64 0.61 3.72 )deunitno (c 0. 3.4 7.2 9.0 .80 5.0 .26 1.4 0.2 8.0 4.0 001 6.03 3.2 0.5 0.9 0.02 7.2 9.0 6.1 210,1 095,12 035,982 054,4 941,2 009,03 419,49 855,22 302,301 736 2, 001,2 19 ,2680,1 093,65 197,532 210,54 22 ,212 021,811 375,7 366,37 0.04 5.3 7.11 5.02 9.2 6.81 0.91 7.8 6.52 6.3 3.1 0.21 0.91 5.4 3.1 0.52 0.22 5.8 2.0 6.1 004,2 000,03 005,781 000, 007,2 000,044 000,08 000, 009,1 000,025 092,182 060,353 0 50 000, 2,1 006 918,615,1 009,161 000,665 000,052 000,33 000,270,3 003,74 000,072 54.0 21.0 51.0 73.0 71.0 03.0 81.0 63.0 61.0 91.0 71.0 0 .20 02.0 53.0 71.0 90.0 3 .20 14.0 63.0 210,1 000,032 000,305 000,176,01 000,594 000,552 000,133,6 000,045,1 000,845 000,261,5 000,433 000, 006 000,055,3 000,044,2 000, 000, 007,4 005 000,601 000,534,4 000,028 000, 005,4 10.0 86.1 73.0 81.0 2 9 .211 .20 74.0 07.0 27.0 13.0 -- -- 54.0 92.0 62.3 43.0 -- 88.1 34.21 33.1 000,6 000,058 000, 000, 006,1 002,31 000,551,51 000,034 000, 000, 000, 000,01 000,6 001,1 000,249,9 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000,8 006,3 007,34 000,1 000,63 000,52 005,61 uassi ituobij ialrot aeni i euqib D Equa Gu aertirE aipoihtE noba aib ma anah aeniu -Baeniu G G G G G ayneK ohtos Le airebiL racsagada wala ila ainatirua suitirua mazo aibi ma regi M M M M M M N N 127 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 127 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 127 3/13/08 11:35:57 AM 3/13/08 11:35:57 AM ) fo er aera Sha notiagriri %(laitnet x 00 =1)11( )7(/) 6.21 2.5 3.92 6.3 5.35 1.4 2.01 (9 7.09 0.62 3.38 9.99 9.66 po d teagriri fo y er elbavitl ) x %( 00 7 ea ntl Sha cu ar reruC =1)01( (5)/) 9.0 6.0 0.81 .84 3. 9.4 7.81 5.9 .211 2.62 3.0 1.0 (9 se art ) (9 711,392 005,8 007,9 086,911 062 063,92 000, 003,7 051,9 Hec 002 000,894,1 000,36 348,94 ,81 l fo er ntia teop elbavitl ) x %( ea Sha cu ar 001=)8( )3(/) .83 9.01 5.91 .801 0 6. 0.1 1.51 9.2 2.8 7.2 3.5 5.0 18 (7 notiagrirI se art ) (7 Hec 015,033,2 000,561 007,01 000,904 000,1 000,708 000,042 000, 000, 005,1 847,2 022,39 000,081 000,09 )2002( /se nta art ) 6 (6 .20 61.0 33.0 42.0 09 0. 21.0 01.0 53.0 94.0 18.0 25.0 72.0 aera Hec inhabit d atev se 000, 000, ltiuC art (5) Hec 000,33 000,583,1 000,45 000,605,2 000,7 006 000,170,1 000,217,51 000,356,61 000,091 000,036,2 000,002,7 /se nta aera art ) (4 84.0 81.0 33.0 73.0 -- 04.1 97.0 14.0 60.3 -- 86.0 36.0 Hec )deunitno elbav inhabit ltiuC se art ) 000, (3 000,55 000, 000, 000, 000, 00 00 (c .1 Hec 000,16 004,115,1 ,83 000,063,5 000,051,8 000,023,81 000,501 004,3 ,861 bleaT dna y airegi adna esl meoT enoeL helc aila acirfA dnaliza Summar N wR epicni Sao Pr lageneS Sey arreiS moS htuoS naduS wS ogoT adnag U 128 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 128 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 128 3/13/08 11:35:57 AM 3/13/08 11:35:57 AM 6.8 8.92 5.74 0. 9.7 18 6.3 9.2 2.5 9.3 8.1 033,481 219,551 315,371 91,150,17 828,756,2 3.5 2.3 .73 122,231,2 000,325 426,5 36 354,314,93 436,216,33 41.0 84.0 62.0 62.0 000, 001,5 000,982,5 000 0,53,3 210,546,2 210,037,6 18 14 60.1 05.1 000, 000,04 000,053,61 . of nar nar eht t 05a 20, ci det bl pu ainazn esg aib abwe haaS- haaS- n lar tio Uni Re Ta maZ acir acir gnidulc ee Zimb Sub Af Sub Af ex thr gairir seirtnu OAF:ec ur co So 129 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 129 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 129 3/13/08 11:35:57 AM 3/13/08 11:35:57 AM ycnedne ) %( otiar x001=) )5 (7 Dep /()]3(­)5[( 0.0 0.16 4.08 0.0 .053 .44 0.0 4 2. 1.56 0.0 3.37 3.5 .892 0 0. secru ) tnatibahn/i ) (6 315,01 518,3 918,6 339 191,2 025,71 436 219, 36 758,4 91,51 519,712 208,4 775,32 124 3 resor RWRT(latoT m ) 3 e m 39 0 wate elb mul Vo noilli (5) 000,841 ,362 042,21 005,21 484,51 005,582 003 004,441 000,34 002,1 000,238 041,18 waen 000,382,1 30 (m rela nunA ) 4002r nta Pe t)natibahn/i ) (4 315,01 98 8 ,41 733,1 339 324,1 357,61 436 340, 496,1 91,51 36 461,85 54,4 935,61 124 inhabit RWRI(l 3 (m nar ) nteI 3 e m 0 mul Vo noilli ) (3 000,841 003,01 004,2 005,21 060,01 000,372 003 000,141 000,51 002,1 000,222 048,67 000, 30 009 (m no ) 3 secruoseRreta e m 06 36 atiitp mul cierpla Vo noilli ) (2 097,85 528, ,453 919 266, 191,314 700,2 676, 611,5 ,21 640,711 412 529,402 ,4267 368 239,265 344 021,816,3 (m W nuna ) m el ba weneR egarevA m( 93 6 8 (1) ,01 41 74 822 223 009 8 0 22 pthe 010,1 472,1 406,1 343,1 466,1 34,1 345,1 D .2 el baT a ancir ongoC of yra a m yrtnu ana soaF i a ci eriov ic nin in nd bl d'I citarco bl tiuo ru me pu m pu muS Co alognA onor edreV Be wstoB Burk Bu Ca epaC AflartneC so Re dahC omorC ognoC etoC De Re Djib 130 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 130 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 130 3/13/08 11:35:58 AM 3/13/08 11:35:58 AM 0.0 5.55 0.0 0.0 5.26 1.34 0.0 4.84 6 2.3 0.0 .831 0 0. 6.6 0.04 0.0 96.5 8.35 2.56 6.98 8.22 0.0 0.0 )deunitno (c 28 ,215 664,1 586,1 293,121 274,5 984,2 81 ,262 651,02 749 97 ,61 335,66 628,81 593,1 854,7 628,3 1 23 2, 813,11 908,8 01 ,72 152,2 02 1,1 212,31 0 000,62 30,6 000,221 000, 000,8 641 002,35 00 15 0 000,622 000,13 220,3 30,7 000,232 000,733 802,71 000, 001 004,11 ,72 10,7 517,71 21 056,33 002,682 005,9 081,2 28 ,215 256 586,1 293,121 250,2 71,41 81 ,262 304,01 386 906,2 653,75 628,81 803 1, 574,4 1 341 23 2, 922,5 360,3 282 9371, 02 212 1,1 3,1 000,62 008 15 2, 000,221 000, 000,3 641 003,03 00 0 000,622 000,61 000, ,14 004 0,72 032,5 002 000,733 061,6 081,2 16 000,06 ,72 003,0 005,3 10 000,122 005,9 184,06 741,54 5 00,639 799,984 154,9 591,382 939,504 279,65 336,5 829,32 3 36 003,662 291,888 069,931 016,943 556,49 461,4 161,728 25,5 23 018,091 533,2601, 2391,3 720,3 651,2 483 848 13 ,81 638 781,1 156,1 775,1 0 306 887 193,2 315,1 1 282 29 1,18 140,2 230,1 582 151 05,11 212 20 1, 3, aeniu GlairotauqE uassi d arc an e reati Er aipoihtE aib euqib noba ma ana aeniu -Baeniu ay G G Gh G G Ken ohtoseL airebiL gas i da wala ila ainatirua iusti mazo airegi adna moT Ma M M M Maur M Namibia Niger N wR oaS epicni Pr 131 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 131 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 131 3/13/08 11:35:58 AM 3/13/08 11:35:58 AM ycnedne ) %( otiar x001=) )5 (7 Dep /()]3(­)5[( 0.33 0.0 .775 4.01 9.67 5.14 8.12 9.04 7.9 8.32 7.83 secru ) tnatibahn/i ) (6 357,3 069,03 9 773,1 601,1 97 ,81 461,4 039,2 274,2 46,2 036,9 745,1 916,7 3 resor RWRT(latoT m ) 3 e 0 3 m 00 wate elb mul Vo noilli (5) 008,83 000,061 20,41 000,05 005,46 015,4 007, 14 000,66 000,39 ,2501 000,02 29 3,54,5 waen (m rela nunA ) 4002r nta Pe t)natibahn/i ) 59 1 (4 ,42 069,03 2 58 199 478 834 2, 292,2 46,1 032,2 243,7 849 724,5 inhabit RWRI(l 3 (m nar ) nteI 3 e m mul 00 00 06 Vo noilli ) (3 008,52 000,061 000,6 ,844 000,03 046,2 0051,1 000,93 000, 84 ,208 ,221 160 4,88 (m 3, no ) 3 e m 51 atiitp mul cierpla Vo noilli ) (2 840,531 788 ,2181 570 724, 0,81 629,306 714,2 876,31 04,1 203,66 842 191,210,1 007,767 927,652 (m 919,808,91 )deunitno nuna ) m yrtnu egarevA m( (1) 866 pthe 033,2 625,2 282 594 614 887 8 1,16 081,1 170,1 020,1 756 618 co D ceracs-r tea (c .2 fo icl acirfA ws .ydutstnerruc dna bleaT y d e ayrtnu la sell enoeL acirfA ubpeR teacidni 05a 20, neg hecy Co Se Se arreiS aib wbab maliaoS htuoS naduS ilanza og det ainazn narahaS-b OAF:ec wS adnag To U Uni Ta maZ miZ gnithgilhgi Su Summar H.a ur So 132 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 132 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 132 3/13/08 11:35:58 AM 3/13/08 11:35:58 AM fo ) er %( ) R (9 .20 .50 6.1 4.6 9.1 3.0 3.7 0.0 5.0 8.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 3.6 )deunitno (c Sha TRW fo ) al er %( otT R (8) .20 3.1 1.8 4.6 9.2 0.4 3.7 0.0 5.1 8 0. 0.0 2.1 0.0 3.6 W Sha IR ) 3 e m mul Vo noilli +)1( )5( 4 =)7( +)3( 343 031 19 008 882 589 22 22 032 01 64 139 653 91 (m fo ) x er %(la 00 )7)/ 1 6 8 2 5 ies Sha tot =1)6( 61 32 81 81 12 21 61 (5) trs ) 3 nduI e m mul Vo noilli (5) 65 03 53 6 17 97 0 4 1 01 011 85 (m fo ) x er ies %(la 001 )7 7 Sha tot =)4( )/( 22 23 41 31 17 81 77 71 84 07 32 25 48 (3 rotceS ipalit ) 3 e unic m M mul by Vo noilli ) (3 67 14 97 041 94 871 2 71 04 5 23 712 681 61 sla (m awr dhti fo ) x er 001 )7(/ 26 54 41 77 47 19 5 38 74 9 56 13 61 Wreta e %(la Sha tot =)2( 68 (1) ultur Wlaunn ic ) 3 e m Agr mul (1) 112 95 08 096 222 827 02 1 091 5 4 046 211 3 AtnerruC Vo noilli (m raeY 0002 1002 0002 0002 0002 0002 0002 0002 0002 9991 2002 0002 0002 0002 .3 el baT ancir of yra m yrtnu ana osaF onor ci so ci nin bl me pu ogn eriovI'd citarco bl m pu ogn tiuo muS Co alognA Be wstoB anikruB idnuruB edreV Ca epaC AflartneC Re dahC omorC Co etoC De Re Co Djib 133 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 133 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 133 3/13/08 11:35:59 AM 3/13/08 11:35:59 AM fo ) er %( ) R (9 4.0 2.9 6.4 1.0 4.0 8.1 .70 6.0 9.8 .41 0.0 .44 .85 5.6 9.41 4 6.2 Sha TRW fo ) al er %( 8. 8 4 otT R 4.0 6.4 1.0 1.1 .23 0.7 1.1 (8) 20 .231 0. .10 4.4 .26 9.01 W 5.424 6.2 Sha IR ) 3 e m 2 7 8 mul Vo noilli +)1( )5( 58 821 23 289 571 44 10 527 =)7( +)3( 601 855,5 715,1 537,2 079,41 500,1 645,6 69,1 (m fo ) x er %(la 00 )7)/ 17 0 0 11 11 01 53 8 2 5 1 3 3 16 ies Sha tot =1)6( 001 22 (5) str ) 3 nduI e m mul Vo noilli 17 1 12 41 4 59 53 8 4 (5) 001 22 16 74 65 84 02 23 (m fo ) x er ies %(la 001 )7 5 6 8 3 9 9 Sha tot =)4( )/( 38 84 22 42 31 71 84 92 51 03 (3 ipalit ) 3 e unic m M mul 7 Vo noilli ) 88 13 (3 333 26 532 711 32 074 12 03 324 841 905 501 412 (m fo ) x er e %(la 001 )7(/ 1 95 49 14 76 66 09 28 97 2 65 69 08 90 88 76 Sha tot =)2( (1) ultur ic ) 3 e m 1 5 1 0 0 Agr )deunitno mul Vo noilli 505 (1) 402,5 25 12 256 06 36,1 441 561,2 313,41 018 90,5 50,1 194 (m (c raeY 0002 4002 2002 0002 0002 0002 0002 0002 3 002 0002 0002 0002 0002 0002 00 20 3002 3. bleaT ua arc y yrtnu ialrot ae a thoo gas i uin reati Co Equa G Er opiihtE noba aib ma anah ae ssiB-ae uin uin G G G G G ayneK esL airebiL da wala ila ainatirua suitirua Ma M M M M Summar 134 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 134 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 134 3/13/08 11:35:59 AM 3/13/08 11:35:59 AM 3 0. 7.1 5.6 .82 6.1 3.0 7.5 2 0. .232 0.52 9.75 1.32 .11 5 0. 6.5 7.1 0.12 2.2 6 0. 9.4 5.26 6.3 6.1 3. .68 2.0 0.55 9.72 4.421 5.93 5.1 8.0 2.6 2.2 3.43 1.3 536 003 681,2 040,8 051 70 122,2 21 083 89 ,23 694,21 413,73 2 04,1 961 0 30 481,5 7371, 205 4, 529,021 2 5 1 01 8 3 82 2 0 6 1 1 2 51 1 8 7 3 51 41 21 018 21 85 3 7 2 657 852 21 4 64 52 131 8 29 706,3 11 42 4 12 42 4 56 5 1 13 3 2 35 54 01 16 41 10 07 37 49 786,1 63 8 98 02 51 049,3 789 42 98 431 725 682 895 426,21 78 17 59 96 86 39 7 39 001 36 79 79 54 04 98 67 97 78 055 312 080,2 705,5 201 56 1 ,02 453 182,3 638,7 960,63 6 67 00,1 021 236 023 813 4, 1, 3, 786,4 10 0002 39 0002 0002 0002 0002 19 2002 3002 0002 0002 0002 0002 0002 2002 2002 20 20 0002 20 20 . dna iqueb sell of e nar 05a mazo aibi la oneeL acirfA ci 20, ma regi airegi adna meoT neg hecy aila dnaliza bl og det aib wbab haaS- pu M N N N wR epicni Sao Pr Se Se rareiS moS htuoS naduS OAF:ec wS ainazn To Uganda Uni Re Ta maZ miZ acir Sub Af ur So 135 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 135 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 135 3/13/08 11:36:00 AM 3/13/08 11:36:00 AM etar in ae es ar ear ) (%) (7 3.2 4.0 3.0 7.2 6.1 0.0 .75 1.4 inc ppediu Annual of eq ) fotr %( tually ppediu de ) ac (6 44 32 001 66 15 78 56 11 29 07 83 Pa eq ea gati ar irr fo d ) er teavitl %( 4.2 6.1 8 0.4 0. 0.1 1.1 0 ea (5) 4.0 4.0 6.0 2.6 0.0 10. 1.0 0.01 0.0 Sha cu ar notiagririlatoT 0 0 a) )+1( )3( 85 93 ,41 531 372 031 05 50 (h =) +) 000,08 ,221 000,52 034,12 546, 087,2 210,1 25 30, 000,2 72,7 0,1 (4 (2 )ah(s ) 58 0 ppediuqE (3 ,21 andl 004,6 074,41 404 387,1 000, 50 25 low )ah( ate Sp notiagriri ) (2 008,2 oni laitrap/ll fol )ah( 05 (1) 000,08 934,1 069,6 05 ,4 087,2 531 372 031 712 210,1 Irrigat Fu ntrooc notiagriri 379,01 006,81 22 30, ,774 000,01 Under raeY 5791 2 002 2002 1 002 0002 0002 7 78 991 19 2002 7891 3991 4991 9591 9991 rea A 4. ae bleaT y yrtnu an osaF ancir ongoC uin G of ci ic Co alognA onor so nineB wast Bo anikruB idnuruB edreV bl bl me ep Ca Ca AflartneC d pu ogn eirovI'd citarco alirot Re Cha omorC Co etoC tiuo m pu De Re Djib Equa Summar 136 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 136 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 136 3/13/08 11:36:00 AM 3/13/08 11:36:00 AM 2.6 2.3 1.03 3.0 8.41 14. 0.0 3.7 10.2 8 2. 3.1 1.2 9.0 8.1 4.11 )deunitno (c 26 56 09 001 001 49 3 001 69 57 15 89 43 001 98 57 3.4 5.2 0.1 0.1 5.0 2.6 1.5 0.2 8.0 3 0. 0.13 3 2. 0.5 4 9. 0.02 8.2 9.0 6.1 9.0 7.0 7.32 905,12 035,982 504,4 941,2 009,03 419,49 85 ,522 302,301 736 2, 001,2 192,680,1 093, 19 56 ,7532 210, 45 222,12 201,811 375,7 366,37 711,392 005,8 007,9 003,1 825,47 996,31 000,2 292 8,31 000,06 000,55 000,5 904,71 001,4 03 ,5982 501,3 941,2 009,03 683 26 ,58 20, 302,301 736 001 192 093, 99 2, 6,80,1 56 ,479 210, 45 222,12 201,811 375,7 366,31 711,832 005,3 007,9 3991 1002 7891 20 9991 0002 20 9961 3002 9991 7 981 0002 20 20 0002 4991 2002 10 20 2002 5 19 002 0042 0002 19 u s a i euqib dna aertirE opiihtE noba aib m anah eaniu sasiB-aeni arc ay oh ots arieb gas da lawa i ainatirua itiu ma oz regi airegi adna meoT G Ga G G Gu Ken Le Li Ma M Mal M Maur M Namibia N N wR epicni Sao Pr 137 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 137 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 137 3/13/08 11:36:00 AM 3/13/08 11:36:00 AM etar in ae es ar ear ) (%) (7 7.6 0.0 8.2 9.0- 0 0.7 0. 3.2 9.6 inc ppediu 9.21 Annual of eq ) fotr %( tually ppediu de ) ac (6 85 77 33 001 34 09 68 46 001 17 Pa eq ea gati ar irr fo d ) er teavitl %( 4.5 5.9 2. 6.3 9.2 2.5 8.1 ea (5) .84 7.3 7.81 .211 3.0 1.0 9.3 26 Sha cu ar notiagririlatoT a) )+1( )3( 0 0 602 219, (h =) +) 36,92 000, 348, 30,7 051,9 49 (4 (2 086,911 002 000,894,1 000,368,1 033,481 551 31,5371 91,150,17 828,756,2 )ah(s 0 ) ppediuqE (3 andl 005,71 36,82 000,5 075,3 525,001 319,455 319,455 low )ah( ate Sp notiagriri ) (2 000,051 030,231 023,203 092,071 laitrap/ll fol )ah( 062 (1) 000,1 348, 0 30 2, 085,5 033 783, Fu ntrooc )deunitno notiagriri 081,201 000,05 000,894,1 079,037,1 49 4,81 55 315,371 688,742,6 526,2391, raeY 2 002 3002 2991 3 002 0002 0002 0002 6991 8991 20 20 2002 9991 (c .4 fo el icl acirfA g t iestr . baT yra eno e nar din esg lar unoc 05a 20, Le aila acirfA ubpeR wb cluxe ee n tio m yrtnu muS Co lageneS sell hecy ar aib ba haaS- thr er Se Si moS htuoS naduS dnaliza Sw ogoT det ainazn Uganda Uni Ta maZ miZ narahaS-buS acir e Sub Af th gairir OAF:ec ur So 138 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 138 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 138 3/13/08 11:36:01 AM 3/13/08 11:36:01 AM fo d ) er teavitl %( ) 0.0 3.4 10. 0.1 4.1 .20 0 0.0 3.4 )deunitno ea (6 8.11 7.0 1.2 1.1 9.7 .40 2.6 0.01 (c Sha cu ar ) fo er Sha notiagriri %(laitnet 6 6 (5) 16 82 94 9 98 0 64 34 1 91 0 24 21 po r )ah( ) ea )+(32 00 watelatoT ar 000, )+(1( 004 642,91 939,7 004, 034, 546, 087,2 536 000, 210,1 46 041 25 372,551 031 000,2 89 005,31 0951,2 =) (4 managed oodfl gnipp cro )ah( ) 00 ippedu no (3 ,56 000,1 ea eq ssiec ar 000,521 Non- re d yellav equipped teavitl & )ah(s ) 005 cu dsnatl omtt (2 000,023 889,6 004,12 000,38 502,61 000,2 Non- bo we rof a 37 aer ea (1) 000,08 852,21 934,1 000,52 034,12 546, 087,2 531 25 ,203 031 000,2 507 72, 005,01 210,1 0951,2 A Ar degana deppiuqe )ah( notiagriri Mreta raeY 5791 2002 2002 1002 0002 0002 7 78 991 19 2002 7891 3991 4991 5991 9991 3991 W .5 ae el baT ancir ongoC uin G of yra m yrtnu an osaF ono ci so ic nin wast bl bl ep pu ogn reiovI'd citarco tiuo alirot m pu muS Co alognA Be Bo anikruB idnuruB edreV Camer Ca AflartneC Re dahC omorC Co Cote De Re Djib Equa aertirE 139 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 139 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 139 3/13/08 11:36:01 AM 3/13/08 11:36:01 AM fo d ) er teavitl %( ) 5.2 0.1 5.0 12. 8.0 3.3 8.4 8.2 2.1 9.1 ea (6 8.6 2.6 7.11 3.13 3.6 7.22 0.02 Sha cu ar ) fo er Sha notiagriri %(l 1 2 3 4 ntia (5) 11 91 81 81 13 12 27 37 25 44 46 02 23 teop r )ah( ) ea )+(32 28 37 watelatoT ar )+(1( 035,982 054,4 913,51 009,03 419, 94 629,15 816,901 736 2, 001,02 140 092 =) 6,90,1 8,11 197,592 8,701 222,12 201,811 ,59 366,58 (4 managed doofl deppiuqe-no oppingrc )ah( ) 05 (3 ,79 ionsse ea 000,06 489, 000,2 30 000,21 ar N ecr d ppediu yellav 8 eq teavitl & )ah(s ) 514,6 68 cu dsnatl omtt (2 071,31 36,92 000,81 009,16 ,723 Non- bo we rof a ea Ar deppiuqe )ah( 03 05 37 notiagriri (1) ,5982 ,44 941,2 009,03 419, 855 192 ,57 94 2,2 302,301 736 2, 001,2 6,80,1 093,65 197,532 210,54 222,12 201,811 366,37 )deunitno raeY 1002 7 981 9991 0002 2002 6991 3002 9991 7891 0002 2002 0002 4991 2002 10 20 2002 0002 (c .5 bleaT arc ai y s yrtnu a nob oh euqib a gas itiu Co opiihtE aib m anah aeniu uassiB-ae ay bii uin ots Ga Ga G G G Ken Le airebiL wi da ila ma uritan oz ma regi Ma Mala M Ma Maur M N N Summar 140 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 140 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 140 3/13/08 11:36:01 AM 3/13/08 11:36:01 AM 0 3. 9.8 7.32 0.6 7.3 8.82 7.81 5.9 .211 2. 3.0 8.0 6.3 .84 8.5 .05 13. 26 24 26 91 73 26 91 38 001 76 4 53 56 9 94 35 32 41 130,579 005,201 007,9 086,941 0 26 063,551 39 000, 002 000,894,1 000,368,1 348, 003,7 49 039,85 033,481 229,552 315 3,91 348,56 ,09 ,7806,4 419,186 01 000,03 851,959 804,949 000,49 000 087 6,21 9,4 000, 001 000,02 75 ,510 ,01 755,100,1 711,392 005,8 007,9 086,911 0 26 063,92 000, 002 000,894,1 000,368,1 348, 003,7 0519, 033 49 4,81 219,551 315 3,71 911,501,7 828,756 2, 4002 2 2 .4 0002 9191 002 3002 2991 3 002 0002 0002 0002 6991 8991 20 20 002 9991 elbaT yra fo m icl dna cairfA m g t iestr Su . ubpeR n e nar din esg lar unoc 4, n 05a 20, ai adna n meoT epicni aila ee mul og det aib wbab raah haaS- cluxe tio co thr Niger wR Sao Pr lageneS sellehcyeS oneeL acirfA rareiS moS htuoS naduS dnaliza adnag ainazn Sw To U Uni Ta maZ miZ Sa-buS acir e Sub Af th gairir morF.a OAF:ec ur So 141 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 141 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 141 3/13/08 11:36:02 AM 3/13/08 11:36:02 AM e R 030 tnat )2 W /2 (1 982,3 495,1 833,3 963 578 430,9 962 272,2 087 642,2 3 323,51 TR m 209,311 inhabi of e ) 3 e m Balanc mul Vo noilli 1) 230 (1 8,8 949,02 935,11 583,9 957,11 947,972 242 909,311 674,73 171,1 593,628 721,27 (m fo (%) l er d R )0 1 7 (1 0.44 6.02 5.7 9.42 14.2 0.2 5.91 21. 9.21 .42 0. 11.1 striaudni Sha TRW dna demand fo er (%) 2. 6 c ) 1.2 4.2 5.2 secruoseRreta nabrulatoT oni R (9 0.44 9.25 29 9.42 0.73 5.91 21. 9.63 71.1 W Sha IR igat irr e mul noilli ) )5( 5 85 92 3 3 m =)8( 107 +) 444 5, 511,3 72,3 157,5 335,5 506,5 01,9 Vo (m (2 077,95 194,03 fo W (%) ) el ba dna er d R (7 0.4 1.1 0.4 8.3 8.1 .40 9.2 1.0 4.0 .02 0.0 7.1 b weneRlatoTfo nabru Sha TRW 30 demand fo (%) ) 5. 8 8 20 d alirts er c R 0.4 8.2 8.3 2. 0.4 9.2 1.0 2.1 0.2 1. (6 10. 20 W Sha ecnala tecej IR indu e Pro mul noilli ) 19 42 3 394 574 9 371 561 m (5) 075 292 582 111,1 314,1 B Vo (m dna sla d 4.9 awr lluf a fo R ) 0 1 2 6. 1 7 dhti at dn ialtnet er (%) (4 0.4 5.91 7.1 21. 2.2 6.1 16 21. 5.21 .40 0. Sha TRW po Wreta fo c maed oft er R ) 0 1 2 6. 6 7. W (%) (3 0.4 0.05 .78 21. 4.3 7.1 16 21. 0.4 5.2 9.9 35 IR Wlaunn notiagrirI Sha lopmene e mul noilli ) ) 05 3 20 m (2 063,5 5 006,7 A dev 002,95 2515, 8 046,2 044,3 046,4 Vo 004,03 044,5 (m detce ojrP laitn te .6 Po notiagriri )ah( 9 000, 003 (1) ea ar 000,007,3 000,223 000,31 000,5 ,103 16 000,512 000,092 000,009,1 335 000,043 000,574 el baT yra f m yrtnu ana a ci so pu muS Co Angola nineB wstoB in bl eriovI'd d os Burk Fa idnuruB onor edreV me Ca epaC lar nt ancir Ce Af Re dahC omorC ngooC etoC 142 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 142 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 142 3/13/08 11:36:02 AM 3/13/08 11:36:02 AM 413,11 241 7 01,62 093 365 010,16 204,2 625 942,31 120,9 273 1 77 335,33 011,9 885 064,3 )deunitno (c 549,961,1 291 660,52 6813, 214,77 236,651 576,6 473,12 230,712 653, 26 329,22 366,2 891,222 198, 577,31 251,88 309 8.8 9.53 6.3 4.94 5.63 5.4 6.61 8.95 0.4 0.51 .352 8 2.1 .24 0.8 0.02 8.11 6.21 9.53 6.3 2.111 5.63 5.4 .244 0.501 .04 0.92 .673 4.7 9.4 0.8 .312 7.91 550,311 801 439 4113, 885,44 8637, 523,1 62 ,813 779 5 8, 63,4 777,7 6 38 208,9 091,72 334,3 8 84,11 1.0 13.2 7.1 8.1 1.1 2.0 6.0 7.2 3.0 4.0 9 6. 1.6 1.0 8 0. 9.4 8.2 1.0 13.2 71. 1.4 1.1 2.0 5.1 7.4 3 0. 8.0 .301 6.3 1.0 8 0. 2.5 7.4 550,1 96 454 411 883,1 823 54 624,1 756 431 821,2 681 202 048,2 348 297,2 7.8 8 8 2.1 1. 6.74 4.53 3.4 0.61 1.75 7.3 5.41 4 8.1 6.6 1.4 2.7 1.51 1.9 4.21 8 2.1 8.1 1.701 4.53 3.4 7.24 3.001 7.3 1. 28 3.72 8 3. .84 2.7 0.61 1.51 83 000,211 084 000 00 3, ,234 0407, 082,1 004,03 023 8, 105,4 946,5 002 006,9 962,42 905,2 650,9 000, 004 2, 000,03 000,7 005,781 60 000, 000, 50 000, 918 0 007,2 000,044 000,08 009,1 000,025 092,1 0 28 ,0353 2,1 006 6,15,1 90,161 000,665 citarco of ci i bl m pu ogn tiuo ialrot ibj aeni aib De Re Co D Equa Gu reatirE aipoihtE noba ma anah aeni -aeni ua ss G G G Gu Gu Bi ayneK ohtos Le airebiL wala ila Madagascar M M 143 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 143 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 143 3/13/08 11:36:02 AM 3/13/08 11:36:02 AM e R 030 tnat )2 525 86 322 W /2 (1 651,1 675 795,4 933,4 4 22,1 689 314 704,6 116,1 -- 669, 3 14 TR m inhabi of e ) 3 e m 4 Balanc mul Vo noilli 1) (1 445,6 943,1 185,761 285,61 278,82 021,832 356,6 900,2 64,13 -- 479,641 782,01 068,5 575,41 (m fo (%) l er d R )0 (1 6.24 9 0.5 8.22 .46 2.41 .861 0.03 9.7 4.81 .18 6.72 3.88 4.77 striaudni Sha TRW dna demand fo er (%) c ) nabrulatoT oni R (9 W Sha 9.3121 9 4 0.5 9.4 4.81 5.631 .812 0.03 9.7 7.72 .18 2.56 5.89 4.661 IR igat irr e mul noilli ) )5( 65 1 95 3 m =)8( 17 +) ,84 204,1 915,94 331,1 877,4 080, 748,2 651,7 319,3 Vo (m (2 48 620,31 041,44 529,94 fo (%) dna er d ) R (7 5.7 8.13 2.0 1.2 .41 .83 2.2 0.0 6.1 .10 5.0 3.04 3.8 b nabru Sha TRW 30 demand fo (%) ) 20 d alirts er c R 9.4 2.2 0.0 4.2 .10 2.1 (6 8.13 4.0 1.6 13.1 0.54 9.71 W 9.312 Sha tecej IR indu e Pro mul noilli ) 34 37 3 478 673 0 216 411 m (5) 658 763 854 Vo (m 297,01 702 041,02 183,5 lluf a fo d R ) at dn ialtnet er (%) (4 1.53 2.91 6.22 3.4 8.21 0.31 87.2 9.7 9.61 .18 0.72 0.84 1.96 Sha TRW po fo c maed oft er R ) 0. W (%) (3 2.91 0 49. 3.21 9.7 .18 0 IR 23.41 9.61 87.2 4.52 4.6 6.35 5.841 mul ) ) 61 3 (2 023,4 88 1 17 445, ) notiagrirI Sha 000,1 lopmene e noilli dev m 000,4 825 521, 757 49 ,273 046,2 445,6 219,21 048,3 000,42 Vo (m 44 nuedi laitn cont( te .6 Po notiagriri )ah( 0 000, (1) ea 000,052 000,33 ar 000,270,3 30,74 000,072 015,033,2 000,561 007,01 000,904 000,1 000,708 000,042 005,1 000,487,2 el baT e yra f cip m yrtnu muS ainatirua su euqib sell acirfA uriti mazo airegi adna meoT inrP d Co M Ma M Namibia Niger N wR Sao an lageneS enoeL hecy Se arreiS maliaoS htuoS naduS 144 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 144 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 144 3/13/08 11:36:03 AM 3/13/08 11:36:03 AM 193 20 95 59 1, ,21 ,21 297 875,4 434 ,43 368,2 554,11 458,36 1 ,72 300, 56 95 376,01 559,357,4 5.63 1.22 3.3 0.93 .79 6.64 8.21 4.26 .282 5.5 2.34 2.71 1.67 .081 746 1, 542,3 641,2 972, 36 0710,1 723,9 833, 996 4.3 5.2 1.1 3.2 7.1 4.71 3.1 9.5 .23 8.1 6 2 2. 2. 4.82 8.1 .03 20 to 4 651 563 067 461,2 208,1 774,3 327 elbaT yra 8,6 m m Su ni n .133 6.91 2.2 .763 0.8 2.92 6.11 wo .03 a. shraey 20 dna /h 3 5.65 0.52 7.3 6.04 4.01 .774 2.61 m esab 40 20 m rof nee .03 20 ni 2941, 088,2 044,1 611,43 8 36,8 058,5 516,036 000,61fot dna .s wteb en med em ni ht quirer w ceruoseRr .s ceruoseRr noitalupop yr ntu co 022,39 000,081 000, 122 35 n tea W tea ni tio W ht ceracs-r 90 2,312, 000,325 426,5 36 ,431,493 w gairir e ag rograeyreptn elba elba tea rogtn ws .ydutstnerruc erva rceep rceep teacidni dna 05a dnaliza of nar weneRlanr ci det ia abwe anse 5se nteI weneRlatoT = 5.2se gni 20, bl m = wS ogoT adnag pu ainazn haaS- R R m U Uni Re Ta mbaZ acir Zimb Sub Af mussA.a susA.b WRI.c WRT.d susA htgilhgi OAF:ec e. H.f ur So 145 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 145 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 145 3/13/08 11:36:03 AM 3/13/08 11:36:03 AM IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 146 IAW_125-146_sumtables.indd 146 3/13/08 11:36:04 AM 3/13/08 11:36:04 AM Annexes 147 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 147 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 147 3/13/08 11:36:31 AM 3/13/08 11:36:31 AM IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 148 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 148 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM A N N E X 1 Reports on the Component Studies Prepared under the Collaborative Program 149 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 149 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 149 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM 150 Annexes Lead No. Title Author(s)/Year Partner(s) 1. Demand for products of irrigated FAO 2006 (Riddell, P.J., FAO agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa Westlake, M. and Burke, J.J.) 2. Agricultural water development IFAD 2005 IFAD for poverty reduction in Eastern & Southern Africa 3. Assessment of potential food supply IWMI 2005a (de Fraiture, C.) IWMI and demand using the Watersim model 4. Costs of Irrigation Projects: a comparison IWMI 2005b (Inocencio, A., IWMI/ of sub-Saharan Africa and other Kikuchi, M., Tonosaki, M., World Bank developing regions and nding options Maruyama, A. and Sally, H.) to reduce costs. 5. Agricultural water development in IWMI 2005c (McCartney, M., IWMI/AfDB sub-Saharan Africa: Planning and Boelee, E., Co e, O., management to improve the bene ts Amerasinghe, F. and and reduce the environmental and Mutero, C.) health costs 6. Improving irrigation project planning IWMI 2005d (Morardet, S., IWMI/AfDB and implementation process: Diagnosis Merrey, D., Seshoka, J. and and recommendations Sally, H.) 7. Investment options for integrated IWMI-ILRI 2005e (Peden, D., IWMI/ILRI/ water-livestock-crop production in Freeman, A., Astake, A. and AfDB sub-Saharan Africa. Notenbaert, A.) 8. Opportunities for private sector IWMI 2005f (Penning IWMI/AfDB participation in agricultural water de Vries, F., Sally, H. and development and management Inocencio, A.) 9. Poverty considerations in agricultural IWMI 2005g (Van Koppen B. IWMI/AfDB water management. and Sa lios-Rothschild, C.) IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 150 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 150 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM A N N E X 2 Millennium Development Goals and Targets 151 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 151 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 151 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM 152 Annexes Goals Targets 1. Eradicate extreme Halve the proportion of people whose income is less poverty and hunger than $1 a day Halve the proportion of people who su er from hunger 2. Achieve universal Ensure that children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will primary education be able to complete a full course of primary schooling 3. Promote gender equality Eliminate gender disparity in all levels of education and empower women 4. Reduce child mortality Reduce by two-thirds the under­ ve-year-old mortality rate 5. Improve maternal health Reduce by three-quarters the maternal mortality rate 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, Halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS malaria and other Halt and reverse the incidence of malaria and other diseases major diseases 7. Ensure environmental Integrate the principles of sustainable development sustainability into country policies and reverse the loss of environmental resources Halve the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation Achieve a signi cant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers 8. Develop a global Develop further an open, rule-based, predictable, partnership for non-discriminatory trading and nancial system development Address the special needs of the least developed countries Address the special needs of landlocked countries and small island developing states Deal comprehensively with the debt problems of developing countries through national and international measures in order to make debt sustainable in the long term In cooperation with developing countries, develop and implement strategies for decent and productive work for youth In cooperation with pharmaceutical companies, provide access to a ordable, essential drugs in developing countries In cooperation with the private sector, make available the bene ts of new technologies, especially information and communications IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 152 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 152 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM A N N E X 3 Agro-Ecological Zones and the Major Farming Systems of Sub-Saharan Africa (To be read in conjunction with Maps 2 and 3) 153 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 153 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 153 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM laitn te ytrevop noitcud woL woL woL hgi H woL muide Po for re M ecnelav ytrev po evisne evisne evisne et et ra ra deti Pre of Ext Ext Ext Lim Mode Mode rko , - , , w s,t ess ew a,va doohilevillapicnirP esl rko abteg mra-f w ssac, et et ve,ez o,elttac goa,peehs,s ulp, o,yrtlu mra-f ashc,st milll po,k ,staog,t rko lett w mill ca s arep oc o,y uirf, mra-f mai mel sh, det lm,ap ca, cenatti stevil,e nuococ kro ultrop msay e o,y mes,ug m w ,elttac,nottoc,occabot, le s, igarrI et da tletaC m re ghum,roS ze in ghum,ros,ez saes mr ai s,ta fa M go Mar nana,ab ultrop Mai may fo al er lturuci Sha agr notialupop 1 7 8 (%) 61 51 51 3 51 fo ea er ar (%) 71 41 8 93 01 01 2 31 Sha land et gn er s rmiafroja ltuu emts ric milllarot spo dex analsti cr sy ag l arlat otor M rse paS rid)a( oratsaP asp-o ghumros mi,ez d Agr an Mai asoC gnihs al,ereC dex mi fo ing odi )sya ngth ow (d 021< 081> Le gr per 971­021 la rida-i d d gic m looce- se d a en nda latot- humi-bus latot- humi Agro zo idrA Sub yr Sub humi-bustsio d D M an 154 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 154 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 154 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM mui mui woL woL woL mui Med Med Med .de d,eti et ,et ra ra de evisnet evisne et ra evisn -deti et rge ra m Lim mo Mode ex Ext Mode texE de neeb Lim mo ,siltnel, , , ee , - msa veah,sen , oc,te ,ez erb zo ubr rko di mes,ug asep, ckot w muh rko o,yrtlu w ens mai,ee ,kcotse oycoc, ivl lm,ap dna le a,vass et, vesli, po,k s, mra-f di rko ain,t oc oc .s w lanp wes rko o,ez muh-b w metsys ca s, maY mra-f eylrab,taeh esotatop,e mra-f anseb,otatopte o,y a,va mai,ava mai, sutiso d o W apr ultrop anana,b,e mra-f m anana,B assc stevil,slaerec meu anseb,ez ilo,ee omecni rmaf icR leg,avass ca o assC oc,aocoC msay ehtsalle teagirrI 11 7 8 2 7 6 95 b 90 wsa,sen dna,laicre m m zo Co dir e -ai b mes 11 2 1 1 11 3 44 39 dna dira rgaL,desaB-nab eta eht Ur er ybrof empt nnialerep spo d cr ops d d crto dex Ro Highlan mi Highlan eert,eciR desab-tseroF ecneh,en tenu sporc zo eno coca ee Tr naht ero m nirucco nacs noitalupoplarutlucirga .10 metsys dna 20,.late n eara xoi latot- gni latoT mraf dnalfo D no e Sub moS.a ecnalaB.b desaB:ec ur So 155 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 155 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 155 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM 3/13/08 11:36:32 AM IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 156 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 156 3/13/08 11:36:33 AM 3/13/08 11:36:33 AM A N N E X 4 Agricultural Water Management Alternatives Introduction Interest in alternative forms of water management has grown as it has become increasingly clear that the potential for irrigation development is limited by physical and economic constraints and that, therefore, invest- ment in irrigation alone may not be sufficient to fully meet the MDG1 objective of reducing poverty and hunger. In an attempt to respond to this growing interest, the component study on Agricultural Water Develop- ment for Poverty Reduction in Eastern and Southern Africa (IFAD 2005) included a sub-study on `Alternative Agricultural Water Development'. The purpose of this sub-study was to review lower cost alternatives to irrigation, including "water harvesting and soil moisture conservation". This Annex briefly summarizes the findings of the sub-study. Definitions General The sub-study found that definitions of the alternatives varied widely between countries and between authors. It also found that there was often confusion over the respective meanings of terms such as `irrigation', 157 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 157 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 157 3/13/08 11:36:33 AM 3/13/08 11:36:33 AM 158 Annexes `supplemental irrigation', `water harvesting', `rainwater harvesting', `soil moisture conservation' and the like. In particular, the limits between `in situ moisture conservation' and `water harvesting' and between the latter and `irrigation' appeared vague and ill-defined. The term `water harvesting' was often used in the literature without any definition at all, opening the door to a variety of interpretations according to the respective background and interests of the author and/or reader; often what was called water harvesting by one specialist might be referred to as irrigation by another1. Difficulties with definitions may have been a reason for the perceived unreliability of water harvesting data submit- ted to FAO's AQUASTAT database and its consequent exclusion from the results published in FAO 2005a. Some researchers had suggested that the distinction between water harvesting and irrigation was artificial and that agricultural water man- agement should be regarded as a continuum, with irrigation at one end and in situ rainwater management at the other. However, it is not clear that such an approach would necessarily end the debate, bring any fur- ther clarity or assist in promoting (a) an understanding of the various technologies, (b) their costs and benefits or (c) increased investment in them. The sub-study concluded that it would be more appropriate to clarify the terminology, so that the potentials of each of the various types of water management could be evaluated in their own right. Irrigation The sub-study defined `irrigation' as follows: Operations to supply additional water to agricultural land to aug- ment rainfall for the purpose of crop growth. Irrigation water may be supplied from groundwater, surface water, agricultural drain- age wastewater or other wastewater (including that from domestic or industrial use). `Supplemental' Irrigation `Supplemental' (or supplementary) irrigation warranted mention because this had been regarded as a new alternative form of water management. Again, however, there appeared to be some confusion over defini- 1. As an example of this, the sub-study team visited the Mara Region Farmers' Initiative Project in Tanzania expecting to see a successful case of water harvesting. Instead, what it found were a number of earth dams that had been constructed to provide water to irrigate small-scale (approximately 40­50 ha each) rice irrigation schemes. The catchment areas for these schemes were typically of the order of 10 km2. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 158 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 158 3/13/08 11:36:33 AM 3/13/08 11:36:33 AM Annexes 159 tions: most irrigation practitioners would consider all irrigation as supplementary--unless practiced in greenhouse conditions--since it supplements rainfall. Further perusal of recent literature revealed that what the proponents of `supplemental' irrigation meant by the term was what irrigation practitioners would refer to as `deficit' irrigation, in which the amount of irrigation water applied to a crop is less than that required for maximum plant growth, to optimize yield per unit of water rather than per unit of land (in other words, to optimize water productivity). Deficit irrigation is not a new concept: it is widely discussed in irrigation design literature and has been practiced for many years by large-scale commercial irrigation farmers--and, involuntarily, by many smallholder irrigators, particularly tail-enders on run-of-river irrigation schemes-- around the world. Nor is it an alternative to irrigation: it is irrigation. Although it is widely recognized that making less water go further-- or achieving more crop per drop--is essential in water scarce situations, deficit irrigation almost always results in reductions in per hectare crop yields. These reductions are not necessarily proportionate to the pos- sible savings in the cost of the infrastructure (e.g. for dams, diversion works, pumping stations, pumps, canals, and distribution and in-field systems) still required to provide the reduced volume of water required. Deficit irrigation is therefore not necessarily low-cost either. Benefit- cost analysis is required on a case-by-case basis to confirm that, with such yield reductions, the investment will be viable and profitable at the farm level. Furthermore, the sub-study suggested that involuntary deficit irriga- tion may contribute to a reluctance by smallholders to use yield enhanc- ing inputs. Benefit-cost analyses for deficit irrigation therefore need to take account of the possibility that low use of inputs might result not only in reductions of per hectare yields but also in reductions of yield per unit of water (which might defeat the intended purpose of this type of water management). Water Harvesting (or Rainwater Harvesting) The definition of `water harvesting' provided by FAO 2005a was adopted, as follows: Water harvesting is the collection and concentration of runoff, with or without storage, for use in irrigating crops. The reference to `crops' was deliberate: although water harvesting could obviously be used for other purposes such as domestic and livestock IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 159 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 159 3/13/08 11:36:33 AM 3/13/08 11:36:33 AM 160 Annexes water supplies, the subject of the sub-study (and of FAO 2005a as well as the Collaborative Program as a whole) was agricultural water devel- opment for crop production. FAO 2005a distinguished between two types of water harvesting, i.e. roof water harvesting and runoff water harvesting. It described roof water harvesting as being: . . . mainly used for domestic purposes and sometimes as a water supply for family gardens It also described two types of runoff water harvesting, as follows: Micro-catchment water harvesting is characterized by a rela- tively small catchment area C (<1,000 m2) and cropping area CA (<100 m2) with ratio C:CA = 1:1 to 10:1. The farmer usually has control over both the catchment area and the target area. These systems are used to irrigate single trees, fodder shrubs or annual crops. The construction is mainly manual. Examples are (planting) pits, semi-circular bunds, Negarim micro-catchments, eyebrow terraces2 and contour bench terraces. Macro-catchment water harvesting collects water that flows over the ground as turbulent run-off and channel flow. These systems are characterised by a large catchment area C (`external catchment area of 1,000 m2­200 ha), located outside the culti- vated area CA, with a ratio C:CA = 10:1 to 100:1. The systems are mainly constructed for the production of annual crops. The construction is manual or mechanized. Examples are trapezoidal bunds, large semi-circular bunds and stone bunds. From the definition of water harvesting provided by FAO 2005a, it would appear that the use of large, medium and small dams and weirs for irrigation could be considered as forms of water harvesting. How- ever, from the descriptions above it seems that the term `water har- vesting' is generally used to refer to the collection of runoff from very small catchment areas--i.e. of less than 200 ha. It is also clear that the common feature of the three types of water harvesting is that each of them collects rainwater from a catchment, concentrates this water and uses it for irrigation of a target area. The target area may be very small--in some cases no more than a garden--but nevertheless the pur- pose of harvesting (or collecting and concentrating) water is irrigation. 2. Otherwise known as demi-lunes, or half-moons. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 160 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 160 3/13/08 11:36:33 AM 3/13/08 11:36:33 AM Annexes 161 The sub-study therefore concluded that water harvesting was not an alternative to irrigation: it was simply a type of water development for micro-scale irrigation. Nor was it necessarily low-cost, since it offered no economy of scale.3 `Rainwater harvesting' was simply another term for water harvesting, since in all of the three types described above, the origin of the water harvested in each case would be rainfall. In-Field Rainwater Management The sub-study also introduced an additional term, adopted for the pur- pose of this study, in an attempt to bring some clarity to the topic. In-field rainwater management was defined as: . . . operations to enhance the effectiveness of rainfall for dryland crop growth. What distinguishes in-field rainwater management from water harvest- ing is that instead of collecting and concentrating runoff for irrigation its purpose is to reduce runoff and evaporation losses by improving infiltra- tion, storage in the soil profile and subsequent uptake by dryland crops. Examples of in-field rainwater harvesting include deep tillage, zero or reduced tillage and other forms of conservation farming practices. Despite this attempt at clarification, some grey areas remain. For example, Botha et al cited in Beukes et al 2003, described a practice they referred to as `in-field rainwater harvesting' which involves leav- ing a 2-m wide strip of land between rows of crops planted on either side of planting basins. In effect, therefore, for every 1-m wide strip of crops there is a 2 m wide strip of catchment. This technology could be regarded as micro-catchment water harvesting as defined by FAO above, since the catchment to cropped area (C:CA) ratio is greater than 1:1. However, at 2:1, the C:CA ratio is clearly at the bottom end of what FAO regards as water harvesting and although the 2 m wide strip is clearly used to collect run-off which is then concentrated in the plant- ing basin, to all intents and purposes the crop remains a non-irrigated dryland crop (since if there is no rainfall it is not possible to augment soil moisture in the way that would be possible with water harvesting for irrigation). For the purpose of the sub-study (as well as the Synthesis Report) the system described by Botha et al was considered to be a type 3. For example, `water harvesting' systems promoted by an NGO in South Africa, consist of a concrete blockwork tank that stores water collected from a small catchment for use in irrigating 100 m2 of family garden. These cost $2,830 per household to install (M de Lange, personal communication), which translates to a unit cost of $283,000 per ha. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 161 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 161 3/13/08 11:36:33 AM 3/13/08 11:36:33 AM 162 Annexes of in-field rainwater management, as are other similar planting basin type systems such as the tassa (see below). E ective Rainfall Effective rainfall is defined in FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 464 as follows: . . . that part of the rainfall which is effectively used by the crop after rainfall losses due to surface runoff and deep percolation are accounted for. The effectiveness, or rather ineffectiveness, of rainfall is widely discussed in the literature on water harvesting, with various estimates given of the respective proportions of rainwater `lost' to runoff, deep percolation and evaporation and that taken up for crop evapotranspiration. To attempt to put the scope for increasing rainfall effectiveness into perspective the sub-study compared rainfall and effective rainfall for a crop of maize in a single location in the dry sub-humid zone. For this purpose data for Dodoma in Tanzania were taken from the FAO CLIMWAT database and used in the FAO CROPWAT program. The planting date selected was 1 November, for harvesting on 16 March the following year. Total rainfall for the growing period was 502 mm (out of a total of 578 mm for the year) compared with effective rainfall (computed by the US Department of Agriculture method used as a default by CROPWAT) of 455 mm. The `losses' were therefore 9.3 percent over the period of crop growth and 21.2 percent for the whole year. As suggested above, the purpose of in-field rainwater management is to reduce such losses and use the gains productively for crop growth. Brief Overview of Alternative Agricultural Water Management Practices in Eastern and Southern Africa Water Harvesting The sub-study reviewed a number of water harvesting technologies in Eastern and Southern Africa. Of these, the most promising were silanga, or small manually excavated tanks, that had been widely adopted in Machakos, Kenya. These were used to trap and store runoff, which was then used to irrigate family gardens--averaging 0.5 hectares--by means 4. FAO. 1992. CROPWAT: A computer program for irrigation planning and management. Irrigation and Drainage Paper 46. Rome. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 162 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 162 3/13/08 11:36:34 AM 3/13/08 11:36:34 AM Annexes 163 of treadle pumps. The capital cost of the silanga plus pump was $465 (2003 prices), or $930/ha. Those seen were used to grow vegetables for the local market, from which a net annual income of $165 could be earned. Taking account of labor for pump operation and other O&M costs, discounted at 8 percent over 10 years (the estimated life of the tank) the investment showed a benefit-cost ratio of 1.8, indicating that the ERR would have been considerably more than 8 percent. Since they can be constructed progressively by the farmer using own or hired labor, and since treadle pumps too are affordable by farmers in East Africa, the silanga are suitable for self-financing by farmers. A similar, but more expensive, type of intervention was also being piloted in East Africa by the Regional Land Management Unit (RELMA)5. The RELMA sub-surface tanks were constructed with burnt bricks, lined with polythene sheeting. They cost approximately $1,000 to con- struct and could be used to irrigate up to 0.2 ha. Hence the unit cost was approximately $5,000 per ha, more than five times the cost of a silanga. Like the silanga, the RELMA tanks were intended for families to grow vegetables for the local market, from which a net annual income of $66 could be earned. At this level of benefits, assuming the investment costs were discounted at 8 percent over 15 years, investment in a RELMA tank would show a benefit-cost ratio of 0.5, indicating an ERR consider- ably lower than 8 percent. At $1,000 each, the RELMA tanks would be unlikely to be affordable or replicable by farmers. In-Field Rainwater Management The sub-study also reviewed a representative selection of in-field rain- water management techniques, including: majaruba basins in Tanzania; planting pits in Kenya and Tanzania; contour barriers in Kenya and Tan- zania, deep tillage in Botswana and Zimbabwe, tied ridges and other forms of conservation agriculture in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Zam- bia. Field visits were conducted to Negarim micro-catchments in Kenya, fanya juu/chini contour bunds/infiltration trenches in Kenya and Zim- babwe, as well as low-gradient broad-crested contour ridges and fur- rows6 in wetlands in Zimbabwe. There was wide adoption of majaruba basins--an indigenous technol- ogy used to catch rainwater where it falls for `rainfed' rice production--in 5. RELMA was funded by the Swedish International Development Agency. 6. A kind of mechanized up-scaling of traditional wetland cultivation practices, utilizing heavy earthmoving machinery. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 163 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 163 3/13/08 11:36:34 AM 3/13/08 11:36:34 AM 164 Annexes Tanzania. It was concluded that the main reason for adoption of this technology was that it was not only affordable to farmers but also a profitable investment. Adoption of fanya juu/chini in Kenya had been widely documented, although while the technology is certainly effec- tive in soil conservation no evidence was found that it actually increased the availability of water for cropping. There was no evidence of adop- tion of trapezoidal bunds, subsurface run-off storage tanks, Negarim micro-catchments, planting pits or broad-crested contour ridges and furrows. The study concluded that this was because these technologies were either unaffordable to farmers, or physically/financially infeasible7 and therefore unprofitable investments. Conservation farming, however, was found to have been widely and successfully adopted by large scale commercial farmers in Zambia and Zimbabwe. Yet adoption by smallholders appeared limited: the main constraints appeared to be the additional labor requirements (e.g. for weeding or for initial land preparation) or poor access to/unwillingness to invest in yield enhancing inputs, without which the yield increments necessary to justify the investment were not achieved. Nevertheless, there had been good adoption rates where market links had been estab- lished, for example for cotton production, when growers had been able to obtain in-kind credit for inputs8. Successful In-Field Rainwater Management in Niger Successful promotion and adoption of improved traditional planting pits (tassa) and demi-lunes has been achieved in Niger, from where one of the few examples of financial analysis of alternative agricultural water man- agement technologies is available (Hassane et al, 2000; Dixon et al, 2001). The most commonly adopted technology was the tassa (see Box), which cost approximately $100/ha to construct (assuming the use of hired labor) and have an economic life of three years, after which they must be re-dug (Hassane et al). The purpose of the tassa is to maximize use of seasonal rainfall by capturing it in a very small micro catchment, concentrating it in a planting pit, improving its infiltration and storing it in the soil profile for uptake by crops to balance out within-season dry spells9. 7. For example, Negarim micro-catchments had been promoted for mango trees, but all the trees seen had aborted their fruit, presumably because it had not rained at the time they fruited and there was therefore no run-off to store and use. 8. For more details see the website of the African conservation tillage network at http://www.act.org. 9. Referring to the FAO typology above, since the ratio of catchment to cropped area of the tassa is very small--probably less than unity, it would probably fall within the category of in-field rainwater management. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 164 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 164 3/13/08 11:36:34 AM 3/13/08 11:36:34 AM Annexes 165 Annex Box 4.1 Improving In-Field Rainwater Management in the Semi-Arid Areas of Niger In common with many semiarid areas, Niger has su ered land degradation as a result of population pressure and drought. An IFAD-assisted project tested a number of locally-based technologies to bring land back into production, reduce inter-annual variability of output and enhance the resilience of farming systems to climatic risk. One key success was the development of a modi ed form of the tassa practice. This continued to expand spontaneously to new plots after the project had closed. The tassa practice consists of digging holes some 200 to 300 mm in diam- eter and 150 to 200 mm deep and covering the hole bottoms with manure. This helps to promote termite activity during the dry season, thus improving water in ltration further. Farmers then plant millet or sorghum in them. Tassas have allowed the region to attain average millet yields of over 480kg/ha, in comparison with only 130ha/kg without tassas. As a result tassas have become an integral part of the local technology base. The technique is spreading at a surprising rate. Three main factors contributed to success: (a) an action-research approach that combines exibility, openness to farmer initiatives, a forward-looking atti- tude and willingness to negotiate; (b) a technology that yields quick and tan- gible bene ts, yet is simple, easily replicable and ts well with existing farming systems; and (c) a technology that can adjust to the changing local context. The tassa is based on a local practice that, although not high-performing, is e ective. Tassas appeal to farmers because they yield quick and appreciable results, restoring productivity of land that was previously un t for cultivation while mitigating agro-climatic risks and increasing food availability in participating households by 20 to 40 percent. They are easily replicable because they entail only minor adjustments to local hand tools and do not involve any additional work during the critical sowing and weeding periods. Because they can be con- structed by individual farmers without external assistance, tassas are particularly interesting to youths, since they make it possible to cultivate plateau lands, which have become a valuable resource in the face of growing pressure on land. Source: Mascaretti in Dixon et al., 2001. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 165 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 165 3/13/08 11:36:34 AM 3/13/08 11:36:34 AM 166 Annexes The financial analysis prepared by Hassane et al (converted below into United States dollars for ease of interpretation) reveals the following: · In a year of good rainfall10, millet yields in the control plot (no con- servation measures and no fertilizer) were low but still good enough to provide a return to labor of $1.55/labor-day, which is assumed to be greater than the local market rate for agricultural labor; in the same year, yields from plots with tassa plus manure were 3.3 times higher than those obtained from the control plot, while yields from plots with tassa plus manure and fertilizer were five times higher; however, the return to labor with tassa plus manure and fertilizer was only 8 percent higher than that for tassa plus manure only-- indicating that, provided there was no shortage of land for more exten- sive production, investment in fertilizer would not be worthwhile. · In a year of poor rainfall11 millet yields achieved from the control plot amounted to only 11kg/ha, compared with 553kg/ha from tassa plus manure and 653kg/ha from tassa plus manure and fertilizer (a massive 50 times and 59 times increase respectively); yet the return to labor from the tassa was 35 percent higher without fertilizer than it was with fertilizer--indicating again that investment in fertilizer would not be worthwhile. With such financial results, it was not surprising to learn that there had been such good adoption. However, a note of caution: according to Has- sane et al (2000), it was initially necessary to incentivize farmers to dig the tassa by paying them food-for-work in the years of drought--reported to occur in three out of every four years--which again casts doubt over replicability in the absence of a donor. Furthermore, yields for the con- trol plot plus manure/fertilizer (i.e. without the tassa) were apparently not monitored, so it was not possible to say how much of the incremen- tal yield was due to improved soil moisture and how much was due to manure or fertilizer (the gains may have been entirely due to the latter). If farmers were to meet the full cost of development, they would surely have needed to know the annualized cost of the investment, for comparison with the incremental benefits12. From the analysis below, 10. That referred to was 1994, when the project area received 600mm of rainfall. 11. The poor rainfall year referred to was 1996, when only 450mm was received. 12. The concept of farmers thinking along these lines may appear far-fetched. They may well not approach the problem by adopting conventional accounting, but they would certainly consider the investment in terms of its incremental costs and benefits, however estimated. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 166 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 166 3/13/08 11:36:35 AM 3/13/08 11:36:35 AM + + re 810. 93.2 llaf ssaaT nu ilizert ma fer 070,1 981 10 42 33 551 01 04 51 56 56 09 ainr + e 9 age ervA ssaaT 810. 10 10 01 30 01 05 .42 05 47 manur 167 431 421 lortn t plo Co 451 810. 72 72 30 03 09.0 30 )3( + + re 02 6 ssaaT nu ilizert fer 356 0. 821 10 42 33 59 01 04 51 56 .41 56 03 llaf ma + e ainr 02 oroP ssaaT manur 355 0. 801 10 10 99 01 30 01 05 79.1 05 94 ass lortn t 02 Ta plo 11 0. 2 2 30 03 70.0 30 hti Co )82( w dnato + + re 610. 70.3 Pllortn ssaaT nu ilizert fer 864,1 332 10 42 33 002 01 04 51 56 56 531 llaf ma ainr + e Co nitelli od ssaaT 9 610. 10 10 01 30 01 05 48.2 05 29 manur 96 251 241 Go Mrof)ah lortn t 610. 55.1 plo Co 962 64 64 30 03 30 61 1( steg )ah/$(ro )y )ah/$(ro du lab B g da-ro lab g po Crlaicnan )ah/$( )ah/$(robal din din n cluxe c ) clu in n et )yad-ro lab/00.1$ .yticracsfosraey n @ .s a b ) ec olot ting, .00 Fi 1.4 g)k/$( )ah/$(s eruna nanet esv ha/syad-ro nises earcni ndah el )a tiocudorpfo abl/$(ro har 20,.late baT rete e noi e abl(ro lab tiocudorpfo g/h main ot ah/$(tsocro e (k ng enassa xenn m ecirpsred oftsoc ra dle ecirprecud gnidulcxesesnepxe tiocudorpfo ha/syad-ro luav senepxe ossr hs mfotropsnarT sr zeilitr Fe Pa Yi Pro G Ca hsaclatoT luavte N abl(robaL ass ing,dee atzilitr Ta W Fe lablatoT nru nsi etR lablatoT luavte nori H:ec N A Co.a Ig.b ur So 167 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 167 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 167 3/13/08 11:36:35 AM 3/13/08 11:36:35 AM 168 Annexes Annex Box 4.2 No-Till Development Support Strategy: The Brazil Experience Large-scale expansion in Brazil to the current more than 10 million hectares started in about 1980, after small and local initiatives during the 1960s. Large farmers used methods and equipment rst from the Unites States and later from local manufacturers. Small farmers, with animal or small mechanical draught power, followed more than a decade later. During this period, small manufacturers together with innovative farmers designed smaller prototypes and started producing and marketing equipment adapted to small farms, including knife rollers to manage crop residues and combined direct seeders/ fertilizer applicators. The success of NT/CA in Brazil cannot be attributed to technical param- eters alone. In conjunction with technical innovation, an e ective participa- tory approach to adaptive research and technology transfer was adopted that tied farmers into a development strategy suited to their speci c requirements. Institutional support was demand driven and concentrated on training and education that equipped participating farmers with the skills to adapt and re ne NT/CA on their own farms. The cornerstones of the development sup- port strategy were: · closecollaborationbetweenresearchers,extensionists,theprivatesectorand farmers for the development, adoption and improvement of NT systems; · onfarm trials and participatory technology development; · strengthening farmers' organizations; creation of local "Friends of the Land Clubs" where farmers exchange information and experiences and improve their access to extension and other advisory services as well as input and output marketing; · close cooperation with existing and new cooperatives concentrating pri- marily on marketing and training for vertical diversi cation into livestock and processing; IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 168 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 168 3/13/08 11:36:35 AM 3/13/08 11:36:35 AM Annexes 169 Annex Box 4.2 (continued) · aggressive dissemination strategy of technical, economic and environ- mental information through the media, written documents, meetings and conferences--controlledandmanagedbyproducers'organizations(Friendsof the Land Clubs) with emphasis on farmer-to-farmer exchange of experiences; · the national NT farmers' organization FEBRAPDP played a signi cant role in advocating and supporting the promotion of NT/CA on large and small farms. As NT systems are complex to manage and require e cient farm manage- ment, training in record-keeping and a holistic understanding of farming sys- tems' dynamics have been an integral aspect of support to small farmers; · private-public partnerships; agro-input companies (Zeneca and Monsanto) supported demonstration projects in large and small farms through the provisions of inputs and extension services; · targeted subsidies; short-term subsidies played a signi cant part in support- ing small farmer adoption of NT practices. In Parana much of the hand-held or animal-drawn equipment was acquired with nancial support from the state in the context of development programs (mainly World Bank). Subsi- dized or free equipment is still made available to groups of farmers. Apart from economic constraints to adoption, the rationale for public subsidies has been the generation of the o site bene ts from NT adoption. In some instances, private companies provided equipment for small farmers; · integration of crops and livestock; special attention has been paid to the incorporation of crops and livestock (including poultry, hog and sh farming). A particular challenge is the development of rotational grazing patterns on cover crops, which do not jeopardize the sustainability of NT systems; · incorporation of environmental considerations; correcting watershed degra- dation (e.g. soil erosion, pollution of streams and lakes and road damage) was a key reason for the adoption of NT farming practices. Environmental aware- ness raising among farmers also resulted in central facilities for the disposal of pesticide containers, household sanitation and recovery of gallery forests. Source: FAO, 2003. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 169 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 169 3/13/08 11:36:35 AM 3/13/08 11:36:35 AM 170 Annexes the incremental benefit from investment in tassa plus manure in a year of poor rainfall (as noted above, three out of every fours years will be `poor' rainfall years) would be $77/ha13. The annualized cost of an investment of $100, assuming a discount (or interest) rate of 10 percent p.a. and a discount period of 3 years (i.e. the economic life of the tassa), would be $40/ha14. Hence, since the incremental benefit would far exceed the incremental cost, the investment would have been deemed sound15. Conclusions and Recommendations It was concluded that the rationale for investment in water harvesting for irrigation and in-field rainwater management for dryland cropping was sound. In particular, in-field rainwater management for stabiliz- ing and enhancing dryland crop yields has considerable potential--in terms of the area that could be covered and the beneficiaries reached-- to reduce poverty and hunger. Although there is less scope for water harvesting (since its purpose is irrigation and since the potential for the latter is limited by physical and economic constraints), low cost options are available that could make a considerable difference to livelihoods for individual households. Governments should therefore ensure that support for these alternatives should be included in strategies for devel- opment of the subsector. The question is what form should this support take? The answer probably lies in the nature of these alternatives. Water harvesting sys- tems are relatively high cost but limited in the area they can irrigate. Governments (or even NGOs, as in South Africa) could subsidize the costs, but coverage would be limited by the available funds. But if appropriate low cost technologies (such as the silanga in Kenya) could be found, individual households could afford to invest in water harvest- ing systems themselves--provided profitable markets for produce were available. In the case of in-field rainwater management, the economic life of most systems is relatively short (e.g. three years for tassa) and investment of public funds in physical development would be impracti- cal. Obviously, however, if farmers are to invest their own resources the 13. That is, $49 ­ (­$28). 14. Using the formula A = 100*{[r/[(1+(r/100))n­1)]]+r}, in which A is the annualized equivalent of the capital cost, r is the discount rate expressed as a percentage and n is the discount period or economic life. 15. In this case, the benefit/cost ratio would be $77/$40 = 1.9. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 170 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 170 3/13/08 11:36:36 AM 3/13/08 11:36:36 AM Annexes 171 technologies would need to be demonstrably affordable and profitable. Yet the results of research in the region to date have been inconclu- sive. The sub-study found that research had failed to address barriers to adoption, including affordability, viability and sustainability and that attempts at dissemination had tended to be project, rather than farmer, driven, which had reduced prospects for replicability. It suggested that government funding for research, promotional campaigns and extension support should in future be geared to overcoming the barriers and facili- tation of commercially oriented, farmer-financed adoption. The experi- ence of Brazil in promoting conservation farming provides an example of the kind of activities that governments could support. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 171 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 171 3/13/08 11:36:36 AM 3/13/08 11:36:36 AM IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 172 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 172 3/13/08 11:36:36 AM 3/13/08 11:36:36 AM A N N E X 5 Agricultural Water Management, Food Security, and the MDGs How Do the Economics of Irrigation Affect Food Self-Sufficiency and Food Security? Irrigation is likely to remain a marginal contributor to staple food crop pro- duction in sub-Saharan Africa. As discussed above, food crop production in sub-Saharan Africa other than for rice--and in some places possibly wheat--would be unable to compete with imports. The case studies prepared in Tanzania and Zimbabwe for IFAD 2005 reinforced this conclusion--non-rice cereal crops were not economic under irrigation (see Box) although, as noted by FAO 2006, they may be viable in a crop- ping pattern that is sustained by alternative crops of sufficiently high value (tobacco and maize farming in Zimbabwe are an example). Irrigation targeted at food self-sufficiency goals has failed. Past irrigation development strategies in several sub-Saharan Africa countries were based on food self-sufficiency objectives rather than on economic viabil- ity (see the example of Nigeria discussed in Chapter 3.1). These policies have now largely been changed because of the fundamental realities: (a) irrigated non-rice cereal production cannot generally compete with imports, given the low and declining world prices; (b) protectionist pol- icies are too expensive for sub-Saharan Africa countries, as they bid up 173 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 173 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 173 3/13/08 11:36:36 AM 3/13/08 11:36:36 AM 174 Annexes Annex Box 5.1 Irrigated Maize Production at Dombolidenje in Zimbabwe is Not Economically Viable Irrigators at Dombolidenje Dam and Irrigation Scheme in Zimbabwe were double cropping maize at an intensity of 200 percent and obtaining average yields of 3.3t/ha, or 6.6t/ha per year. The farm-gate price of maize was equiva- lent to approximately $133/t, re ecting the world market price of approximately $100/t (f.o.b. US Gulf ports). At this intensity and average yield, farmers realized a net farm income of USD530/ha/year after deducting labor costs. The per hectare investment cost at Dombolidenje was $82,000, including the cost of a dam, equivalent to an annualized cost of $9,034 per hectare if dis- counted at 10 percent over 25 years. Hence annualized capital costs exceeded annual incremental bene ts by a factor of 17, which is clearly unviable. The maximum investment cost that could have been supported at Dombolidenje, at current levels of productivity, assuming it was discounted at 10 percent over 25 years, was $4,900 per hectare (no pumping costs were involved). Had it been possible to grow a winter crop of wheat at Dombolidenje, nancial viability would be slightly improved. However, the message is clear: at current levels of productivity and capital costs similar to those at Dombolidenje, irrigated cereals are marginal in terms of viability. Either higher value crops must be grown in rotation, irrigated cereal yields must be substantially increased or the investment costs must be substantially reduced (rice schemes developed under PIDP in Tanzania cost an average of only USD1,070/ha in 2003 prices). This economic logic is con rmed by farmer behavior. Except for large scale schemes in South Africa, private farmers do not invest in irrigation for non-rice cereals production. Source: IFAD, 2007. the price of food for the consumer and effectively amount to a transfer of scarce national resources to cereals producers; (c) under free mar- ket conditions, irrigated non-rice cereals are unprofitable for farmers to produce, and they will produce them only inefficiently, if at all; and (d) lack of financial viability for irrigation schemes that produce non-rice cereals means that the state has to subsidize and manage the schemes, IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 174 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 174 3/13/08 11:36:36 AM 3/13/08 11:36:36 AM Annexes 175 tasks for which governments in sub-Saharan Africa have proven notori- ously inadequate. Food security is better attained through increased incomes from growing irrigated cash crops. There is no track record of success in sub-Saharan Africa in promoting irrigated non-rice cereals production under free market conditions, and therefore it would be illusory to target irrigation development plans at food self sufficiency. Scarce national resources had better be directed at increasing farmers' incomes and wealth through profitable production for which irrigated agriculture has a comparative advantage. The aim of irrigation is not to close the gap in non-tradable staple food production but to spread the economic and financial benefits of irrigated agriculture to a larger number of the rural poor. Irrigation development--even if the full physical potential were to be developed--would directly benefit only a small proportion of rural households. It is estimated that if the full physical potential for irri- gation were to be developed this would directly benefit (as irrigators) only 15­25 percent of the rural population16. The remaining 75 to 85 percent would marginally benefit from increased agriculture wage labor demand generated by irrigation development, but the core of their live- lihoods will remain highly risky rainfed agriculture. What Role Then Can Agricultural Water Management for Dryland Crops Play in the Achievement of the MDGs? It is more economic to grow non-rice staple food crops under dryland conditions but the inherent production risks need to be reduced to encourage smallholders to intensify their production. It is therefore important to develop programs in parallel to those for irrigation to improve the productivity of dryland farming, including improvements to in-field water management to stabilize and improve yields, as well as through the same accompanying investments in rural infrastruc- ture and marketing institutions that are vital to the growth of irrigated agriculture. Agricultural water management for dryland crops may not offer the same levels of opportunity for increased household incomes as investment in irrigation, but it could have a major impact on the MDG1 target for the reduction of hunger and potentially benefit far greater numbers of households. 16. Based on the ratio of total irrigation potential (39.4 million hectares) to total cultivated land (182.6 million hectares). IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 175 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 175 3/13/08 11:36:36 AM 3/13/08 11:36:36 AM 176 Annexes To summarize: · Irrigated agriculture can add only part of the growth needed to meet MDG1--although the opportunities that exist should be exploited · Accompanying investment programs to boost the productivity of rainfed agriculture will be essential · Investments in transport and markets are a vital complement to market-driven agriculture and would be a powerful stimulus to investment and productivity of irrigated agriculture The main challenge is then to look for productivity breakthroughs that could change the economics of irrigation and for viable alternative water management technologies to improve rainfed production in sub- Saharan Africa. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 176 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 176 3/13/08 11:36:37 AM 3/13/08 11:36:37 AM A N N E X 6 `Successful' Irrigation Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa (ERR of 10 Percent or More) Start ERR at Country Project year completion Comments Niger Pilot Private Irrigation project 1996 67 WB Madagascar Emergency Irrigation 1985 61 AfDB Infrastructure Repairs Project Nigeria National Fadama Development 1994 40 WB Project Niger Irrigation Rehabilitation Project 1987 37 WB Mali O ce du Niger Consolidation 1989 30 WB Project Ethiopia Small Scale Irrigation and Soil 1987 25 WB/IFAD Conservation Project Madagascar Lac Alaotra Rice Intensi cation 1984 25 WB Project Chad Region du Lac Development 1989 23 AfDB Rehabilitation Programme Tanzania Smallholder Development 1997 22 IFAD Programme for the Marginal Areas (continued) 177 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 177 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 177 3/13/08 11:36:37 AM 3/13/08 11:36:37 AM 178 Annexes Start ERR at Country Project year completion Comments Madagascar Projet Sucrier d'Analaiva 1983 21 AfDB. Negative ERR at PPAR stage Madagascar Upper Mandrare Development 2001 20 IFAD Project (Phase 1) Sudan Rahad Irrigation Project 1974 20 WB Cameroon Second SEMRY Rice Project 1978 20 WB Sudan Gezira Rehabilitation Project 1985 19 WB Madagascar Irrigation Rehabilitation Project 1986 18 WB Madagascar Tsiribina Irrigated Agricultural 1988 18 AfDB Development project Mali Mopti Rice Project 1973 17 WB Mali Mopti Rice Project II 1979 16 WB Ethiopia Amibara Irrigation Project 1987 15 AfDB Ethiopia Revised Amibara Irrigation Project 1978 15 WB Sudan New Halfa Irrigation 1982 12 WB Rehabilitation Project Madagascar Second Irrigation Rehabilitation 1994 12 WB Project Tanzania Mara Region Farmers 1996 12 IFAD Initiative Project Tanzania Kapunga Rice Project 1989 11 AfDB Zambia Smallholder Irrigation and 1996 10 IFAD Water Use Programme Sudan White Nile Pump Scheme 1982 10 WB Rehabilitation Project Source: IWMI, 2005b; IFAD, 2007. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 178 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 178 3/13/08 11:36:37 AM 3/13/08 11:36:37 AM A N N E X 7 Comparison of Selected Projects at Completion and Subsequent History 179 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 179 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 179 3/13/08 11:36:37 AM 3/13/08 11:36:37 AM "el , ,t si . ve cies rae yt n cl ili Dam gligiben doo die has l.aitn Cr e er : tio d R)CI edi er ainabtsus, nnareS as e Nig gairir engare )3991,RAP tasbust ovrp e wtne over thfo (P". g th e oth no du by nda,detcellocr d cies pac an thfo mpo imps osin mraflacol, ec thfo ED g up O mitn envi owever H.el eduti thifo clret longe tlin dr veled yt owever no engatce d ep ili Af.yc O("...s sman kenatton era ojrp lopmee lausibpsi cred nal H.sn rmofer-e ".yrevocertsoc di as e th iotutit pr maned ainabtsus enga tioaz erdlop yle w ec devla e icl oft no,y ar tim ey yr R d e ubp ER an ganiro ecir e sor tivit un a d nanet gesrahcret morftrop histotneuq det th, Ins.stsoc urtuf wa e by upsfo itutiontsni ow ec n main tic, thfisAU tima gr thsn deg ercudorp thfo --atn ucdo pr al tioat w anlaret d dna W lo an aw es ili mome aohc n dr mr sebuS e de nanet tio ot fo th,stsoc we,skr es mana der thi lyekil yil main qus enh haber theta t,ne unila,yt fer me iota w e yitl art d g w do has erp th wo an yl lun cin . unks det n ansrt got nan lvovnir ARPP O.tce omecebsah vo e en iota erdlop e deviv ill R)CI iculart si th ehT".de ojrp bianiatsus,y e nse eml erpo ecir eneb nosi in ws th . e arp B ve D Af ecna rmeaf e ort er veti aintsus thr urston imms'airze ve not unimp ot owleb R)CI thfo e d no,tn g fo mraft en th ec em,tsys has gaen me butionritsidreta hasn n as acfstiassi thasi G g erdlop mmoc e in arfsi not y en th ow iotavit an...tseret geana det einbton usortsas W.et tioaz e di omec no ED ot in as priva ssel w g in w ain,trec "O un verocertsoC manrofrep mmoc or ganiro owl O(".st 3 mlatats ulaclacer werst yc outtc ic er main ED ra R bl m O( ehT" cullortnoc 81fotuo ylno gnorts a rmofreP":tropertnerruC pa ER eneB enga pu arf jeorP" ehT eneb RCI ) %( at RRE ega 02 71 02 12 25 25 st ra Y tion yela tail bia tce Sugar av arto rovppa Reh )4791 ojrP eciR )6791 MRES )8791 ndoc B, )3891 tce Ala B, Analai B, caL alecS iloS ojrP dnatcej razie d n B, Se D ) an )7891, G na W(tce arc arc ptio W( W(tce Small M gas gas aip n tioav tio er ADIF da Pro udS ojrP Mali 696100P onor ojrP me Ca eciR da (Aftce Ma ojrP 8491,B Ma (W hiotE gairIr nsoC B/ W( 180 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 180 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 180 3/13/08 11:36:37 AM 3/13/08 11:36:37 AM e n in , iot de ). .tce n fo n nca e ds of bytes ED ase det ha tiocudorp g eliy tio thr eta sa cr o 006 ojrp cin in tima e nan nottoc fo nottoc ck la oweverh;detropxe enttat ucrt mti w ormfrep as O(".y d es th cien u nsocer fostsoc n dez by iota ngie likel ha as de ev ec eslasi icipt rseevo wtub... ytlii giesolo e wtilatot chanie m ehT.sretpoda ainrt, th ot insesae eb Ins....d ha, n dedeecxeti eud( credt y elg nsiepxe nanet ppraa chnet In. ot main arp...s ot dna %41 ainabt by n lar maned d mr de Sus... % 005 anssti 30 tiocurt anc natsnia an esetit e d by ul aln del n foer m anual manual arlacol tio iota luav d m( urterfosetar signi wo nal by enh w, nsoc ot na agtnecrep omctn clinedstsoc ecirfo owe cial de ar eg ye delro nottoct desae hassihT. erpo er iotutit me sht erppeptee giesolo cr veriR 9si) M+ nan inst g aina d tha in high geana urtcaf Ofo 6% ot Uni ws n chnet inppo dr insy labfo high de ash RRE( cul an ete m y wA ot manu d rn %81 tio n eta ck um m di e an on crtsr laed, la,stu ass ot th by dic es Retu morf alua Ev ionor thob eb y of d e in as by ghuo all verocer... de fo e us e th inpt in owever wtilas nactso ictse d et thr pihsreb y an ds ier Ra m g chas arc urtcurts ic shup clined inrot eliy d intup ulf essccus H.RAS cien airp mod an urpte M.tsoc- u de daolt aket ot mer ARPP y e in el th nio alln n M e ins,) sil ab rmeaf in a %36 tio owl,el um th e tio h as by by dekooltce in degasiv nkaB aptA....s nsoc th ot gairir onomcEllarevo 7% e ar as e wtne ougr verocertsoclatipac fess...stsocfo dida umpspfo as e simp th n R)CI det essy e ar th w ven d det detavit wer by n thr mn gi fo ne iotc not ha anal ojrP en eg yetne en me cial giesolo ehT" etg que aina e art dr ubss tiocudorp heT.... eneb de verog duers' ulaclacer ucdnocs culsae vey ar 001,1t has quirer he .)1991,RAPP(."tnecrep sc 13 ehT" ngtheerts on...stcartnoc N O mmoc RRE urS th tha Finan chnet )B DfA( )B W( 30 9 15 15 86­66 n tiona d tio Irrig arabi an)7891 tce ojrP re ana a wst )?? gairIr ar Nig ar B, D du ye Am B, a opiihtE (Aftce Amib ojrP desiveR )7891,B ec etavirPtoliP Oi )9891,B hiatuhP D o tho (Af P er D )5991,B (W Mal (W Les IR Nig (W 181 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 181 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 181 3/13/08 11:36:37 AM 3/13/08 11:36:37 AM IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 182 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 182 3/13/08 11:36:38 AM 3/13/08 11:36:38 AM A N N E X 8 Agricultural Water Development and Poverty Reduction Poverty Reduction is About Increasing Household Incomes Participatory poverty assessments have found that poor people define their poverty in terms of material deprivation (i.e. not enough money, employment, food, clothing, housing and inadequate access to health services and clean water), and non-material factors such as security and peace, as well as power over decisions affecting their lives (Robb 1999, cited in IFAD 2001). These components of poverty are usually divided into income poverty and non-income poverty. Reducing income poverty enables households to achieve food security, accumulate assets, reduce vulnerability to external shocks and provide for the future. It often also improves access to education, health services and clean water. Thus, although poverty is a multi-faceted condition, the Millennium Declaration considers poverty in terms of household income--with a per capita income threshold for extreme poverty of $1 a day--rather than the other aspects of material deprivation or lack of access to ser- vices. Nevertheless, few project designs express the anticipated benefits of a project in terms of incremental per capita income--and the latter is seldom monitored or quantitatively assessed in ex post evaluations. 183 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 183 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 183 3/13/08 11:36:38 AM 3/13/08 11:36:38 AM 184 Annexes However, on the basis of field investigations for case studies car- ried out for the component study on Agricultural Water Development in Eastern and Southern Africa (IFAD 2005) incremental household incomes were estimated for three rice projects and three non-rice proj- ects (Annex Tables 8.1 and 8.2). Average increases in per capita farm incomes `with project' on the rice projects in Madagascar and Tanzania were estimated to be in the range of 86­220 percent whilst those on non-rice projects were 14­600 percent. The average increase across the sets of case studies was 226 percent. Although such increments may represent impressive gains, perusal of actual `without' and `with project' incomes provides an indication of how much still needs to be done to achieve the MDG1 target of $1 a day-- particularly for the poorer segments of society. The box below presents a checklist for improving the pro-poor impact of irrigation projects. Annex Box 8.1 Checklist for Improving the Pro-Poor Impact of Irrigation Projects Pro-Poor Policies · Does the project change land tenure and / or water rights, and if so does it do so in a pro-poor way? · Do expected increases in yields/marketable surplus/incomes accrue fairly to poor farmers? · Does the project try to minimize displacement and resettlement of poor communities, by going for smaller infrastructure? · Are domestic water supply and sanitation in rural areas included as a spe- ci c objective of the irrigation project? · Are other possible income-generating uses of irrigation water (i.e. aqua- culture, livestock) enhanced by the project? · Are complementary services (e.g. credit, education, extension) included in the project and do they particularly target the poor? Pro-Poor Technologies · Is the entry price a ordable? Do investment and operation costs of the tech- nologies allow access to poor people? (continued) IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 184 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 184 3/13/08 11:36:38 AM 3/13/08 11:36:38 AM Annexes 185 Annex Box 8.1 (continued) · Have all available technologies for small holders been considered in the selection process? · Are there arrangements for pro-poor research and technology transfer? · Is drainage needed, especially in poorer areas subject to water logging and salinity? Pro-Poor Water Management · Is the voice of poor men and women adequately heard in participatory water resources allocation decisions--in selection of the project area), proj- ect design, development and operation? · Are there in place mechanisms to facilitate the creation of groups of poor farmers, which can strengthen their cooperative negotiation power and make their access to water rights and other complementary services (i.e. micro- nance) easier? · Is adequate technical and administrative support provided to WUAs, and especially to poor men and women? · Do cost-recovery arrangements (i.e. water pricing) and incentive policies adequately protect the poor (i.e. through block tari s to protect base water consumption)? · Are distributional issues, e.g. head-ender/tail-ender problems dealt with in an equitable way? Direct and Indirect Impacts on the Poor · Does the project generate extensive additional employment both during construction and during subsequent operations? · Are environmental impacts that may a ect the sustainability of the liveli- hoods of the poor adequately assessed and dealt with? · Is water quality management adequately considered (i.e. by safe disposal of drainage water), especially when water is used for drinking purposes? · Are health impacts (i.e. malaria and bilharzia) considered and mitigated to the extent possible by the project? Source: World Bank, 2005b. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 185 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 185 3/13/08 11:36:38 AM 3/13/08 11:36:38 AM 186 Annexes Annex Table 8.1 Whole Farm Net Income for Selected Rice Projects in Madagascar and Tanzania (mid-2003 US$) Participatory Upper Mara Region Irrigation Mandrare Basin Farmers' Development Dev't Project Initiative Project Programme (Madagascar) (Tanzania) (Tanzania) Parameter Without With Without With Without With Area of irrigated farm (ha/ 0.71 1.42 0.48 0.18 0.60 household) Area of rainfed farm 1.71 1.00 3.16 3.04 2.70 2.28 (ha/household) Cropping intensity on rainfed 50 50 29 29 70 70 farm (%) Typical household size 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 (members) Net income from irrigationa $/ha/year 131 424 576 68 389 $/household/year 93 602 276 12 234 $/household member/day 0.05 0.30 0.14 0.01 0.12 Incremental income from irrigation $/ha/year 293 576 321 $/household/year 509 276 221 $/household member/day 0.25 0.14 0.11 Net income from rainfed farm $/ha/year 96 96 39 39 77 77 $/household/year 164 96 124 119 208 175 $/household member/day 0.08 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.09 Net whole farm income $/household/year 257 699 124 395 220 409 $/household member/day 0.13 0.35 0.06 0.20 0.11 0.20 Incremental net whole farm income $/household/year 441 272 189 $/household member/day 0.22 0.14 0.09 % 172 220 86 a. After deduction of incremental O&M and bene ts foregone with project. Source: IFAD 2007. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 186 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 186 3/13/08 11:36:38 AM 3/13/08 11:36:38 AM Annexes 187 Annex Table 8.2 Whole Farm Net Income for Non-Rice Projects in Zimbabwe (mid-2003 US$) Mupangwa/ Dombolidenje Maunganidze Mutaradzi Parameter Without With Without With Without With Area of irrigated farm 0.10 0.80 0.68 (ha/household) Area of rainfed farm 3.49 3.39 3.50 2.70 1.18 0.50 (ha/household) Cropping intensity on 43 43 56 56 100 100 rainfed farm (%) Typical household size 5.5 5.5 5.0 5.0 5.5 5.5 (members) Net income from irrigationa $/ha/year 149 364 609 $/household/year 15 291 411 $/household member/day 0.01 0.16 0.20 Net income from rainfed farm $/ha/year 25 25 29 29 50 $/household/year 86 83 101 78 59 $/household member/day 0.04 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.03 Net whole farm income $/household/year 86 98 101 369 59 411 $/household member/day 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.20 0.03 0.20 Incremental net whole farm income $/household/year 12 268 353 $/household member/day 0.01 0.15 0.18 % 14 265 600 a. After deduction of incremental O&M and bene ts foregone with project. Source: IFAD 2007. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 187 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 187 3/13/08 11:36:39 AM 3/13/08 11:36:39 AM IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 188 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 188 3/13/08 11:36:39 AM 3/13/08 11:36:39 AM A N N E X 9 NEPAD-CAADP and the NMTIPs The development of irrigation strategies has been given new impetus by the NEPAD CAADP (see Box). With FAO support, NEPAD is currently working with countries in the region to prepare "national medium term investment plans" (NMTIPs) and a portfolio of "bankable investment project proposals" (BIPPs), and these are also being fitted within larger basin planning frameworks such as that being conducted under the Zam- bezi process (which involves 8 countries). Forty five countries have com- pleted NMTIPs, and 26 countries have prepared a total of 115 BIPPs.17 The process is expected to be substantially complete by the end of 2005. The table below gives a sample of projects for the Zambezi basin. NEPAD, through regional organizations such as COMESA and SADC, is also proposing to set up a regional support capability for irrigation devel- opment and modernization and a regional irrigation information system, beginning with an inventory. If this process works as intended, it should bring four advantages: (i) a strategic focus to irrigation in all sub-Saharan Africa countries; (ii) the prospect of increased investment flows to indi- vidual countries; (iii) a basin wide perspective to investment and water resource management, with a possible increase in regional projects; and (iv) knowledge sharing on a sub-regional and regional basis. 17. Information from FAO October 12, 2005. The NMTIPs and the BIPPs are available on the FAO website: http://www.fao.org/tc/Tca/nepad/caadp_en.asp. 189 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 189 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 189 3/13/08 11:36:39 AM 3/13/08 11:36:39 AM 190 Annexes Annex Box 9.1 The NEPAD Initiative and the CAADP The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) was launched in Octo- ber 2001 by the African Union as an Africa-led initiative for self-sustaining economic development. Agriculture was the only economic sector included in the rst NEPAD Action Programme. In June 2002, a Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP) was approved by the AU as a framework for the restoration of agriculture growth, food security, and rural development in Africa. CAADP is an integrated framework of development priorities that focuses on investments in ve mutually reinforcing pillars, the rst of which is "Expan- sion of the area under sustainable land management and reliable water control systems". As a rst step toward implementation of CAADP, the NEPAD Secretar- iat has formulated action Programmes and initiatives for each of the CAADP pil- lars. The Programme to improve management of water resources and expand access to irrigation (small and large scale) would include four activities: · Investment in better management of river basin water resources · Investment in strategic public infrastructure for water control, creating the opportunity for private sector investment in irrigation · Investment in small scale water management including rainwater harvest- ing and drip irrigation · Establish partnerships with farmer organizations and local administrations to manage access to and use of farm land. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 190 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 190 3/13/08 11:36:39 AM 3/13/08 11:36:39 AM Annexes 191 Annex Table 9.1 NEPAD-CAADP Project Priorities for Irrigation Development in the Zambezi Basin NMTIP priority water Estimated cost Country project or program BIPP available (million US$) Angola Irrigation Rehabilitation and ? Sustainable Water Resource Management Namibia Harnessing Water Resources ? for Irrigation and Livestock Malawi Inputs Development Project ? (includes irrigation) Mozambique Small Scale Irrigation Project II 22.4 Mozambique Small Dam Rehabilitation & 30 Construction Tanzania District Irrigation Schemes ? Zambia Nega Nega Irrigation Scheme 11.2 Zimbabwe Smallholder Irrigation 67.0 Development Zimbabwe Rehabilitation of Smallholder 90.7 Irrigation Schemes Source: AfDB/FAO, 2005; World Bank, 2005c. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 191 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 191 3/13/08 11:36:39 AM 3/13/08 11:36:39 AM ic dna e , ies th d sdnop l reta artu tion ehT.el e n al ibrt th g et an d prl asib fe g in ans cainhcetr onomce w esu gno ict nda,stne ucdo dnalai ios ver dams mhct verir ra e ylla ur nkat aptc d gno ricu g.nidoo ag esvl uno hetruF.esu di ncan el intflifosya domesrof ca th ltu elimina ,l smallfo n ofor,sn al chnicet dna e otredro yb vo in grred erh in en desu d tiona un cainhcet simp,st wtsoc­ paret ict w es em owl butionritsid tiocurt damsfo ca an of d wa n ytir in rigri nsoc gimer ytre o iorp dna dna domes yllacol unr ionta quirer oftn op ict ec tiocurt verir pr pot ecaf asi urs igtsevni nanet anl,ortnoc ghuo oragets orfret werop et thr n n lopmee nsoc de wa domes gn gulaer ops g d orf main iotatne ng,ti dev etareneg dna ot cr es tin ivtcejbo esv anreta orfle as lev well s.knat w esvrahret tiocudorpla ies,r osporp orits ot ot ot utab de lpeh age os c harreta deriuqer era wa urt ehT. ition us al ainr trire ill g sehold as,yt ili dimes,ygolo egaro et culi st riv dams add w ecifi d Sp ainR inrots ies houta udts asib fe chnet mofr omorP grar nia nill fo m ans wi ebrehtruf w madtn dams ueqerf P D A has eneb e ar A e es C D APE urtcurts ve deso mos dna ha detcepxe op n . ichh ns Nre g e tio prtn eb ill dnu tin esv acfrus gairir w me ae d dera er oftn an rnev wfostce iotats tu perP harreta go artce w nsap, the ojrp ojrp n owerp­o e ow sPIT astrucrfni ainr lopmee ot th dryh in eir M ng 000 Nfo 0, ed el estiv 36fo devrofseits damsreta ition th iest mini w add thi w e clu up p har e in maS er etg .tes In.de ot n new y at art icvres­ A W A bee 721 tin ubs ide mmunioc,setsi moc ot likel 2.9 el baT y xenn aip untroC hiotE ayneK A 192 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 192 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 192 3/13/08 11:36:39 AM 3/13/08 11:36:39 AM , hti er e . e ot ,ae w de foeB. er du d ,ec ar ess w e tiona de ,el ar e reta ar tht ilv iqu as drda eto th w en nanet w ot rigri,) d yt ict etgrat ssibop .)sdnop aulic dryh mpoc morp abwe an main ye ies enh Zimb eir ialtne w d esrptA.yrt oyertsed cifos ar ambzo d cia as insec lan dams eneb 61 Mfo .st apc domes( yltsoct ciar vero/lla y an ve thr e yt small ottneno asel lakes( th ili essfos cialle acir unoc fo ha y d ab ghuo er dr en,vi uroserreta ainfr w Af e an, 05fo d n th pplyusret mpoc g enebfos el esir mret in dep esp,egarotsreta htuoS tin in dams e dsoo ulnv egarotsreta w e wal dr­yt er diesobreta w as dams chus thfotso licoprae esv clfo high anseno ur ra mpoc,g d as e numb an ck ow small M. la g chusst th clyc, iotcurtsnoc/n ens ruroftne harreta w mmunioc,el eg ailabvA.sec essinn lar quipe wr iesrt dsoo tioat din , ili otredro . a as g uroserla har g ses ylroopsi fo) unoc 006tuo lainspxe dams even clu e yt as in ili owerpo esd tin urt tin clu e amsd(se g ab small abi haberr in urocreta in e fo depo dryh e ainabtsus,el na esv uro 05 insno emrtxe meriuqerret arv chusst w e wa d iqu urtcurt wer al e ict even veled of an amm harreta alno er than e mma er simpfo eneb,sn tio ialtnetop w g ambzo asr eighbn th gicolo e ot e M inf th 5791 ssel e asersuoirav clima efo eussi ckot grorP us inz el ases, ar ot dryh ehT emrtxe grorP er A th the vesli ehT e envret th in ilitu ow liab reta reta t small w . w e 05fo e n thse desae e fo ha d iotcurtsnoc/n cr 008,9 ainr o shap­V urtsio d urotnoc n folortnoc d ess m as an drda inr e unr chmentaco an,d n . fo e ow mosfo an ecaf ut lan ae micrsesi ­si chus ase cular in cir­ ae esposl tiocellocrof( ar es amm ar ar tioat esgdir eptiocret in eposl ili .depo grorP doo el urstrop d d e haberr th detart mies def­ as eltneg an gabirir ups d ow ul mprocsihT. mil ainr in) veled e otta chniquet)CA urotnoc ow fo hinti e eneb wtce encnocfo an d gni wotce tiesi chus es illr/d tiv ac throf(sd no)n M(tne anstne lan reta w amm n m over grorP has ojrp en A dams O iotneter veroc,ylp ojrpre ting unb tioav eg oth esv chniquet)CI er chmtaco ht ank lla ups An har M( are nsoc cr aina ma emb ainfr dr e iqu ambzo dan M Su 193 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 193 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 193 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 194 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 194 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM A N N E X 10 Water Storage Challenges and the World Commission on Dams In 1997, the World Bank and World Conservation Union (IUCN) spon- sored a meeting between the champions and critics of large dams to dis- cuss the implications of the Bank's OED review of 50 Bank-funded large dams. The meeting found sufficient common ground to set in motion a consultative process that led to the formation of the World Commission on Dams. The Commission, which met in Johannesburg in 2000, was established by representatives of governments, the private sector, inter- national financing institutions, civil society organizations and people affected by dams. The members of the Commission were chosen to reflect regional diversity, expertise and stakeholder perspectives. Each member served in an individual capacity with none representing an institution or country. The Commission's objectives were to: · review the development effectiveness of large dams and assess alter- natives for water resources and energy development; and · develop internationally acceptable criteria, guidelines and standards where appropriate for planning, design, appraisal, construction, oper- ation, monitoring and decommissioning of dams. 195 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 195 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 195 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM 196 Annexes The Commission reached the conclusion that there can no longer be any justifiable doubts that: · dams have made an important and significant contribution to human development, and the benefits derived from them have been consid- erable; but · in too many cases an unacceptable and often unnecessary price has been paid to secure those benefits, especially in social and environ- mental terms, by people displaced, by communities downstream, by taxpayers and by the natural environment; · lack of equity in the distribution of benefits has called into question the value of many dams in meeting water and energy development needs when compared with the alternatives; · by bringing to the table all those whose rights are involved and who bear the risks associated with different options for water and energy resources development, the conditions for a positive resolution of competing interests and conflicts are created; and · negotiating outcomes will greatly improve the development effective- ness of water and energy projects by eliminating unfavorable proj- ects at an early stage and offering as a choice only those options that key stakeholders agree represent the best ones to meet the needs in question. Recognizing the contribution to development that they have made in the past and could make in the future, the Commission proposed guidelines for viable and sustainable new investment in dams. The guidelines spell out a fully participatory consultation process supported by economic, environmental, and social analysis using tools developed in recent years. The essence of these is to demonstrate that: (a) a dam is the best investment for achieving policy objectives, especially those of poverty reduction and environmental sustainability; (b) a dam is demonstrably better for society than any alternative investment--or no investment at all; and (c) harms can be minimized and mitigated. However, the extra cost of conducting so rigorous a process has to be factored into the cost-benefit analysis. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 196 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 196 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM A N N E X 11 Current Agricultural Water Research in Sub-Saharan Africa The International Research `Challenge Programme on Water for Food' The Challenge Programme on Water For Food, is an international, multi- institutional research Programme coordinated by IWMI, with a strong emphasis on north-south and south-south partnerships. The Programme aims to solve specific problems of water, food, environment and poverty alleviation through five interrelated thematic areas of research: (a) crop water productivity improvement; (b) water and people in catchments; (c) aquatic ecosystems and fisheries; (d) integrated water management systems; and (e) global and national food and water systems). The Pro- gramme takes a basin approach, on the view that the river basin is where the water problems and issues converge, especially in the developing world. Benchmark basins in sub-Saharan Africa are the Limpopo, the Volta and the Nile. Programme activities seek answers to the question "how to produce more food and sustain rural livelihoods with less water in a manner that is socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable". Answers are sought from two quarters: the first explores the "food" related part of the challenge, examining issues of agricultural production, biology, 197 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 197 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 197 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM 198 Annexes Annex Table 11.1 Research Programs and Projects of CGIAR Institutes Relevant to Agricultural Water Management Research center Specific programs and projects dealing with agricultural water management ICRISAT Under its Agroecosystems Global Theme, ICRISAT is researching low cost agricultural water management improvements that are risk-reducing and income-generating, together with improved policies for e cient water use and management, and community-participatory approaches to agricultural water management. ICARDA ICARDA specializes in the issues of agricultural water management in dry areas, including both rainfed farming and mitigation of drought. Under its program Management of Scarce Water Resources and Mitigation of Drought in Dry Areas, ICARDA is researching options for improving the productivity of water and for mitigating drought, including water resource management, drought tolerant and water-use e cient germplasm and agronomic management of cropping systems. ICARDA is also researching policy and institutional environments to support water e cient technologies and drought mitigating practices. IRRI IRRI specializes in productivity of rice cultivation. Its research is focusing on natural resource management and water productivity under intensive rice systems. A parallel research program on productivity in fragile environments is researching agricultural water management for rainfed rice ecosystems. IWMI IWMI focuses on the sustainable use of water and land resources in agriculture and on the water needs of developing countries. Its work concentrates on the broader issues related to water-food-environmental question. It develops, tests and promotes management practices and tools that can be used to manage water and land resources more e ectively and to address food security, livelihood, and environmental issues, WARDA WARDA's research program is focused on enhancing the performance of irrigated rice-based systems in Africa, including improved resource-use e ciency, options to mitigate environmental degradation, and improved lines and varieties for African irrigated rice-based systems. physical science and policy. The second focus is on resource manage- ment research at local, community, system, sub-basin, basin, regional and global scales. Source: IWMI (communication from Pamela George). IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 198 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 198 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM Annexes 199 Annex Table 11.1 (continued) Research center Specific programs and projects dealing with agricultural water management CIAT CIAT's research aims at developing tropical plants that have better tolerance to water stress and/or has increased e ciency in water use. ICRAF ICRAF aims to initiate and assist in the generation and dissemination of appropriate agro-forestry technologies. ILRI ILRI's research work focuses on understanding livestock-water interactions for improving livestock water productivity and increasing water-use e ciency for food production in river basins. IFPRI IFPRI conducts research in water management and sustainable intensi cation of agricultural production to develop policies related to food security in Africa. WorldFish WorldFish research focuses on the role of sh in food security and pro-poor growth in sub-Saharan Africa. It's aim is to assist countries by improving sheries and aquaculture and focuses on sustainable aquaculture development, enhanced livelihoods in small-scale sheries, improved food security and health bene ts, and managed implications of expanding markets and trade. IPGRI IPGRI aims to promote awareness of the importance of conserving and using plant genetic resources in sub-Saharan Africa. IITA IITA's work focuses on farming systems in the humid and sub-humid zones of sub-Saharan Africa--the real-life interactions between agriculture, livestock, the environment, and socioeconomic conditions that enable farmers to successfully grow their crops and raise their animals, and the problems that prevent them from doing so. CIMMYT CIMMYT's work in Africa focuses on developing, testing and spreading drought tolerant, hardier, more productive and nutritious maize and wheat varieties as well as resource-conserving, productivity-enhancing cropping practices. IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 199 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 199 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM 3/13/08 11:36:40 AM IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 200 IAW_147-200_annexes.indd 200 3/13/08 11:36:41 AM 3/13/08 11:36:41 AM A l t h o u g h t h e w o r l d a s a w h o l e i s r o u g h l y o n t r a c k t o r e a c h t h e M D G t a r g e t s , S u b - S a h a r a n A f r i c a i s u n l i k e l y o n p r e s e n t t r e n d s t o d o s o . I f n o t h i n g c h a n g e s , t h e a b s o l u t e n u m b e r s o f p o o r i n t h e r e g i o n w i l l c o n t i n u e t o i n c r e a s e a n d b y 2 0 1 5 c l o s e t o o n e - h a l f o f t h e w o r l d ' s p o o r w i l l l i v e i n S u b - S a h a r a n A f r i c a . I t i s g e n e r a l l y r e c o g n i z e d t h a t a g r i c u l t u r a l w a t e r c o u l d m a k e a s u b s t a n t i a l c o n t r i b u t i o n t o p o v e r t y r e d u c t i o n a n d e c o n o m i c g r o w t h . Y e t , t h e r e h a s b e e n l e s s a g r i c u l t u r a l w a t e r d e v e l o p m e n t t o d a t e i n S u b - S a h a r a n A f r i c a t h a n i n a n y o t h e r r e g i o n . T h i s r e p o r t s u m m a r i z e s p a s t e x p e r i e n c e o f a g r i c u l t u r a l w a t e r i n v e s t m e n t i n S u b - S a h a r a n A f r i c a . T h e r e p o r t a n a l y s e s t h e c o n t r i b u t i o n t o d a t e o f a g r i c u l t u r a l w a t e r m a n a g e m e n t t o p o v e r t y r e d u c t i o n a n d g r o w t h i n t h e r e g i o n , t h e r e a s o n s f o r i t s s l o w e x p a n s i o n a n d a p p a r e n t l y p o o r t r a c k r e c o r d , a s w e l l a s t h e w a y s i n w h i c h i n c r e a s e d i n v e s t m e n t i n a g r i c u l t u r a l w a t e r m a n a g e m e n t c o u l d m a k e a s u s t a i n a b l e c o n t r i b u t i o n t o f u r t h e r p o v e r t y r e d u c t i o n a n d g r o w t h . THE WORLD BANK