E-244 VOL. 6 Liaoning Urban Transport Project Fushun Subproject ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Draft Final Report September 1998 Fushun Environmental Science Institute Post, Buckley International. Inc FkECEI'..'ED 980C133 AIll1 :OC Liaoning Urban Transport Project Fushun Subproject ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Draft Final Report September 1998 Fushun Environmental Science Institute Post, Buckley International. Inc Director: Ye Yongheng Chief of EA: Yue Gang, Senior Engineer Chief Author: Yue Gang, Senior Engineer Other Staff: Liu Zhihui, Senior Engineer *Lu Genyuan, Senior Engineer Wang Zlieinqqtiani, Senior Engineer Wang Jianjun, Engineer Liu Fengqin, Engineer Wei Feng, Engineer Assistant Lu Wen, Engineer Assistant Reviewed by: Li Xiangyuan, Chief Engineer, Translated by: Ma Qingchi Content Table of Content 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................1 1.1 OBJECTIVES AND MONITORING INDICATORS .... I 1.1.1 Objectives ..... 1.I.2 Monitoring Indicattors..l 1.2 BASIS FOR Ii1IA EIA. . . 1 1.3 EIA SCOPE ANwAPPLICABLESTANDARDS ............................................ . . . . ..... 2 1.3.1 EMA Slcopse .......2 1.3.1 E IA S tmdl e ....... ............................................................................................. ............................................. 2 .32 EIA St ... daJd .......3...... 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND ENGINEERING ANALYSIS. 5 2.1 GENERAL..5 2.1.1 Role in Mutnicipal Construction Planning .12 2.1.2 Priority of Project .12 2.2 SCHEDULE OF PROJECT ..13 2.3 CONSTRUCTION AND ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTMENT ..15 2.4 MOTOR-VEHICLE ..15 2.4.1 Current Motor Vehicle Fleet and Growing Trend .15 2.4.2 Traffic Forecast. 17 3. EXISTING ENVIRONMENT ....19 3.1 LOCATION...19 3.2 BIOPHYSICAL ENVIRONMENTS . . .20 3.2.1 Meteorology and Climate . . . .20 Main Meteorological Parameters .20 Characteristics of Temperature .21 Atmospheric Stability .22 3.2.2 Existing Air Quality and Regional Pollution Source Inventory . . . . 22 Monitoring and Assessment ................................................... 22 Inventory of Regional Air Pollution Sources .29 3.2.3 Noise Investigation and Assessment . . . .29 Existing Noise in Fushun .29 Noise Monitoring and Assessment along the Project Roads .32 3.2.4 Surface Water ....35 Hydrological System of Surface Water .35 Hydiological Description .35 Water Quality.37 River's Sediment .41 Water Regional Function of Hunhe River. 4 1 Socio-Economic Development in Hunhe River Basin .41 Groundwater.42 3.2.5 Geology and Geomorphology . . ............................................. 42 3.2.6 Soil and Vegetation . . . .42 Soil ...................................................... 42 Vegetation.42 3.3 SOCIOECONOMIC ENVIRONMEN . . . 43 3. 3.1 Demographics ....43 3.3.2 Community in Project Area . . . .43 3.3.3 Land Use in Project Area . . . .44 4. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS . . .46 4.1 ISSUES AND C'ONCERNS.46 4.2 AiR QUALITY...4 4. 2.1 Methodology.46 Content 4_ . o o -V h c eE is o ........................................................................ ..................... 47 4.2.2 Mfotor- Vehicle Emission..47 4.2.3 Impact on Air Quality ..48 Construction Phase .48 Operation Phase .49 4.2.4 Mitigation Measures ..62 Construction Phase .62 Operation Phase .62 4.2.5 Residual Impat ..63 Construction Phase .63 Op eration Phase .- - - T'---''-------------------'------63 4.3 NOISE...64 4.3.1 1 e.hod. . . ....64 4.3.2 Impact of Trraff ic Noise.65 Construction Phase ................................ 65 Operation Plhae .67 Noise Comparison between With and Without Project in 2010 .71 43.2.4 Sunmar .71........... 71 4.3.3 Afliigation .Ae. vures . . .74 4.3.3 1 Constrction Phase .74 Operation Phase .74 4.3.4 Residual ImpaLl ................... 76 4.4 WATER QUALIY.I. .7 7 4.4.1 Methodology ................... 77 4.4.2 Construclion Phase . . .77 Road Construction .77 Bridge Construction .77 Impact on Water Intakes .78 Construction Equipment .78 4.4.3 Operation Phase . . .78 Rain Water Overflowing on Road Pavement .78 Leakage of Chemical Hazards .81 4.4.4 Flood Period . . . 82 Impact of Flood on Hunhenan Road .82 River Rising at Bridge ....................... 83 4.4.5 Mtitigation Measures . . .83 Construction Phase .83 Operation Phase ....................................... _ 83 4.5 SocIo-EcoNOMIc ENVIRONMENT . . . 87 4.5.1 Methodology . . .87 4.5.2 Main Impacts . . .87 Construction Phase .87 Operation Phase .89 4.5.3 Mitigation Measures . . .90 Construction Phase .90 Operation Phase .93 4.5.4 Residual Ipact . . .93 Construction Phase .93 Operation Phase .95 4.5.5 Resettlement . . .95 4.6 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ON ALTERNATIVE . . .97 4.6.1 Impact ofAlternative on Air Quality . . .98 Existing Air Quality in Altemative Area .98 Construction Phase .98 Operation Phase.98 Summary .10 46.2 Noise lmpact Analysis ................................ 10) Noise Impact.101 Noise Impact in Construction Phase .................................. 101 Noise Impact in Operation Phase .102 4.6.3 Impact on Water Environmen . . .103 Construction Phase.103 Operation Phase .10 4.6.4 Socioeconomic Environmen . . .104 Content Existing Socioeconomic Environment .................................................. 104 Construction Phase .................................................. 104 Operation Phase .................................................. 104 4.6.5 Summary ................................................. 105 5. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT . ................................... 106 5.1 ENVRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM ................................................ 106 5.1.1 Environmental Monitoring Plan ................................................ 106 ConstructionPhae .................................................. . 106 OperationPhase .................................................. . 106 5.1.2 Monitoring Institution ................................................ 109 5.1.3 Analysis and Application of fonitoring Result ................................................ 110 5.1.4 Monitoring Cost ................................................ 110 5.2 INSTITUTION, STAFF. AND TRAINING I.. I 5.2.1 Project Organization and Responsibilities . II 5.2.2 Personnel Traiteing ................................. 115 5.3 EAP..116 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION .119 6.1 METHODOLOGY..119 6.1.1 Public Afeeting.119 6.1.2 Public Interview.119 6.2 SOLUTIONS TO MAJOR PROBLEMS..119 6.2.1 Hunhenan Road 11]9 6.2.2 Dandong Road (Alternative)..120 6.2.3 Wugong Street and Xifuping Road...j21 7. CO HC LON .................................................. . 122 7.1 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT..122 7.1.1 Positive Impact.122 7.1.2 Negative Impact.122 7.1.3 Comparison between With and WYithout Project.122 7.2 MITIGATION MEASURES..123 7.3 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS BETWEEN TWO PROJECT PROPOSALS..124 7.4 ENVIRONMENTAL SUPERVISION AND MONITORING PROGRAM 4.. 1 - 7.5 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. :.124 7.6 GENERAL CONCLUSION ..124 ANNEX.12 list of Table TABLE 1-1 EIA SCOPE ....................................................................... .2 TABLE 1-2 AMBIENT AIR QUALITY STANDARD ....................................................................... . 3 TABLE 1-3 ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE STANDARD FOR URBAN AREAS. . .. 3 TABLE 1-4 STANDARD FOR NOISE AS BOUNDARIES OF CONSTRUCTION SITES . 3 TABLE 1-5 ENVIRONMENTAL VIBRATION STANDARD FOR URBAN AREAS .4 TABLE 1-6 STANDARD FOR ASSESSING SUNSHINE OBSTRUCTION .4 TABLE 1-7 SURGACE WATER QUALITY STANDARD .4 TABLE 1-8 WASTE WATER DISCHARGE STANDARD .4 TABLE 2-1 DETAILS OF INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT .6 TABLE 2-2 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE FOR INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT . ..... 14 TABLE 2- 3 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE FOR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT ..........$. ................ . .14 TABLE 24 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE FOR PUBLIC TRANPORT PROJECT .4 TABLE 2-5 IMPLEMENTAION SCHEDULE FOR TOAD MAINTENANCE PROJECT ......1............... IS TABLE 2-6 INVESTMENT PLAN .............................................................................. 15 TABLE 2-7 TRAFFIC VOLUME IN PEAK HOUR AT MAJOR INTERSECTIONS. 16 TABILE 2-8 TRAFFIC VOLUME ON MAIN ROAD SECTIONS .16 TABLE2-9 TRAFFIC VOLUME ON TRUN ROADS BY THE YEAR 2010 WPRT PROJECT. 17 TABLE 3.2.1-1 MAJOR METEOROLOGICAL ELEMENTS DURING 1993-1995 IN FUSHUN . 20 TABLE 3.2.1-2 PERCENTAGE OF WIND SPEED AND DIRECTION INWINTER AND SUMMER. 20 TABLE 3.2.1-3 AVERAGE TEMPERATURE IN FUSHUN... 21 TABLE 3.2.1-4 FREQUENCY AND INTERSITY OF TEMPERATURE INVERSION .......... .................... 22 TABLE 3.2.1-SFREQUENCY OF ATMOSPHERIC STABILITY .22 TABLE 3.2.2-1 RESULTS OF AIR QUALITY MONITORING ..................................... .................... 23 TABLE 3.2.2-2 MONITORING LOCATIONS .23 TABLE 3.2.2-3 AMALYSIS METHODS . .........................5...... 2 TABLE 3.2.24 MONITORING RESULTS IN NON-HEATING PERIOD .25 TABLE 3.2.2-5 MONITORING RESULTTS IN HEATING PERIOD .26 TABLE 3.2.2-6 MONITORING RESULTS IN URBAN CENTER IN 1991-1995 .......................................... 26 TABLE 3.2.2-7 THE EXISTING AIR POLLUTION EMISSIONS IN THE PROJECT AREA ................... 29 TABLE 3.2.3-1 MONITORING RESULTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE IN 1991-1995 . 29 TABLE 3.2.3-2 NOISE AND VEHICLE FLOW ALONG PROJECT ROADS .32 TABLE 3.2.3-3 NOISE AND VEHICLE FLOW ALONG PROJECT ROADS .33 TABLE 3.2.4-1 HYDROLOGICAL PARAMETERS .36 TABLE 3.2.4-2 FLOOD LEVEL AND PAVEMENT ELEVATION .36 TABLE 3.2.4-3 WATER 9UALITY IN URBAN SECTION OF HUNHE RIVER .38 TABLE 3.2.44 RIVER'S SEDIMENT IWESTIGATION IN URBAN SECTION OF HUNHE RIVER ... 41 TABLE 3.2.6-1 VEGETATION DISTRIBUTION . . . . 43 TABLE 3.3-1 POPULATION IN PROJECT AREA . . . .43 TABLE 3.3-2 COMMUNITY DISTRIBUTION IN PROJECT AREA .... 44 TABLE 3.3-3 LAND USE IN PROJECT AREA .. .. 44 TABLE 4.2.1-1 MONITORING LOCATION ON HUNHENAN ROAD .47 TABLE 4.2.3-1 EMISSION COEFFICIENT OF MOTOR-VEHICLE ..... ................................................ 50 TABLE 4.2.3-2 EMISSION COMPARISON WITH AND WITOUT PROJECT IN 2010 .50 TABLE4.2.3-3 CO MAXIMUM ON VARIOUS ROAD SECTION ..................................................... 51 TABLE 4.2.34 HC MAXIMUM ON VARIOUS ROAD SECTION .52 TABLE4.2.3-5 NO, MAXIMUM ON VARIOUS ROAD SECTION .52 TABLE 4.2.3-6 NO2 MAXIMUM ON VARIOUS ROAD SECTION .52 TABLE 4.2.3-7 CO IMPACT ON SENSITIVE POINTS .56 TABLE 4.2.3-8 HC IMPACT ON SENSITIVE POINTS .56 TABLE 4.2.3-9 NO, IMPACT ON SENSITIVE POINTS .57 TABLE 4.2.3-10 NO2 IMPACT ON SENSITIVE POINTS .. 57 TABLE 4.2.3-11 HOURLY AVERAGE COMPARISON IN WINTER . . 58 TABLE 4.2.3-12 DAILY AVERAGE IN WINTER .59 TABLE 4.2.3-13 IMPACT ON AIR QUALITY IN URBAN CENTER AND MAJOR ROAD SECTION... 60 TABLE 4.2.5-1 MITIGATION MEASURES AND THE EFFECTS . ....63 TABLE 4.3.1-1 PARAMETERS IN MODEL ..64 TABLE 4.3.2-1 NOISE LIMIT AT CONSTRUCTION SITE ..65 TABLE 4.3.2-2 NOISE IMPACT BY CONSTRUCTION MACHINES . ......................................................... 65 TABLE 4.3.2-3 NOISE VALUES AT BOTH ROADSIDES IN 2010 WITH PROJECT . . 69 TABLE 4.3.2-4 NOISE VALUES AT BOTH ROADSIDES IN 2010 WITHOUT PROJECT .. 69 TABLE 4.3.2-5 NOISE LEVEL AT VARIOUS DISTANCE ON SOUTHERN ROADSIDE .. 70 TABLE 4.3.2-6 NOISE COMPARISON BETWEEN WITHI AND WInIOUT PROJECT IN 2010 ... 71 TABLE 4.32-7 NOISE IMPACT COMPARISON ON FERST ROW OF BUILDINGS BETWEEN WITH AND WITHOUT PROJECT ............................................................................... 71 TABLE4.3.2-8 COMPARISON OF TRAFFIC NOISE AND VEHICLE FLOW IN URBAN CENTER BETWEEN WITH AND WITHOUT PROJECT IN 2010 .............................................................................. 72 TABLE4.3.3-1 MIIT!G A'l ON MEASURES IN CONSTRUCTION PHASE . ................................ 74 TABLE 4.3.3-2 CONTROL MEASURES IN OPERATION PHASE . .......................................................... 75 TABLE 4.3.3-3 MITIGATION MEASURES ON HUNTRNAN ROAD . ......................................................... 76 TABLE 4.3.4-1 NOISE LEVELS AT VARIOUS DISTANCE ON BOTH ROADSIDES AFTER THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MITIGATION .............................................................................. 76 TABLE 4.4.3-1 PREDICING IMPACT ON HUNHE RIVER . . ...... ......................... 78 TABLE 4.4.3-2 LEAKAGE QUANTITY IN VARIOUS TIME ............................................. . 81 TABLE 4.4.3-3 OIL CONTENT IN RIVER WATER .............................................. 81 TABLE 4.4.4-1 PAVEMENT ELEVATION AND NORMAL RIVER LEVEL . ........................................ ... 82 TABLE 4.4.4-2 PAVEMENT'S SUBMERGE IN FLOOD EVENT ........................................ 82 TABLE4.5.2-1 LABOR FORCE'S EMPLOYMENT STRUCTURE .............................................................. 87 TABLE 4.5.2-2 INCOME STRUCTURE OF LABOR IMPACTED . ............................................................... 88 TABLE4.5.2-3 VEGETATION DAMAGE ............................................................................ 88 TABLE 4.5.2-4 COMPARISON BETWEEN WITH AND WITHOUT PROJECT . . 90 TABLE 4.5.3-1 TREE-PLANTING COST ON HUNHENAN ROAD ...................................................... ....... 92 TABLE 4.5.3-2 TREE SPECIES AND QUANTITY PLANTING ON HUNHENAN ROAD ... 92 TABLE 4.5.3-3 RESETTLEMENT SUBSIDE FOR COMMERCIAL SPOTS ON XIFUPING ROAD ..... 93 TABLE 4.5.4-1 COMPARISON BETWEEN BEFORE AND AFTER RESETTLEMENT .. 94 TABLE 4.5.4-2 RESETTLEMENT PLAN FOR LABORS IMPACTED . ................................................. ..... 94 TABLE 4.5.4-3 CROP LAND AFTER LAND ACQUISITION ........................................................................ 94 TABLE 4.5.5-1 RESIDENT RESETTLEMENT COMPENSATION COST . . 95 TABLE 4.5.5-2 COMPENSATION COST FOR LAND ACQUISITION . ...................................96 TABLE 4.5.5-3 COMPENSATION FOR VEGETATION AND OTHERS .................................. .................. 96 TABLE 4.5.5-4 COMPENSATION COST FOR ENTERPRISE RESETTLIEMENT .. 96 TABLE 4.5.5-5 RESETTLEMENT COMPENSATION FOR COMMERCIAL UNITS ON XIFUPING ROAD .......... 97 TABLE 4.5.5-6 TOTAL COST FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DEMOLITION AND RESIDENT'S RESETTLEMENT .......................................................................... 97 TABLE 4.6.1-1 MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSION ANALYSIS .......................................................................... 98 TABLE 4.6.1-2 MOTOR VFHICLE EMISSION ANALYSIS ......................................................................... 99 TABLE 4.6.1-3 Alit QUALITY COMPARISON ........................................... 100 TABLE 4.6.1-4 MAXIMUli VALUE COMPAIRISON ................................................ 100 rABLE 4.6.2-1 TRAt FIC NOISE COMPARISON IN 2010 ........................................... 102 TABLE 4.6.3-1 WATER AND WVAESTVATER ANALYSIS IN CONSTRUCTION PHASE ......... .......... 103 TABLE 4.6.4-1 PERSONS IMPACTED IN CONSTRUCTION PHIASE OF DANDONG ROAD .............. 104 TABLE 5.1-1 MONITORING PLAN IN CONSTRUCTION PHASE ........................................................... 109 TABLE 5.1-2 MONItORING PLAN IN OPERATION PHASE .............................................................409 TABLE 5.1-3 ANNUAL MONITORING COST IN CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION PHASE ...... 110 TABLE 5.2-1 DOMESTIC TRAINING PLAN ......................... ................................................. 115 TABLE 5.2-2 INTERNATIONAL TRAINING PLAN .......................................................................... 116 TABLE5.2-3 TRAINING COST ESTIMATION .......................................................................... 116 list of Figure FIG2-1 SKETCH OF FUSHUN URBAN TRANSPORT PROJECT ................................................................. 7 FIG.2-2 CROSS-SECTION OF ROAD ......................................................................... . 7 FIG.2-3 CROSS-SECTION OF XIFUPING ROAD ................................ ......................................... 10 FIG.24 CROSS-SECTION OF DANDONG ROAD ......................................................................... 10 FIG.2-S TRAFFIC VOLUMEJ ON MAIN ROAD SECTIONS IN FUSHUN URBAN AREA ...................... 18 FIG.3-1 GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION OF FUSIIUN MUNICIPALITY .................................................... 19 FlC.3-2 SEASONAL AND YEARLY WIND ROSE D)IAGRAM IN FUSHUN .............................................. 21 FIG.3-3 MONITORING LOCATIONS FOR ENVIRONMENTAI, AR QUlALITY IN PROJECT AREA ............................................ 24 FIG. 3-4 EXISTING MAXIMUM AND MINIMUM DAILY AVERAGES OF MAJOR AIR POLLUTANTS .......................................................................... 28 FIG.3-5 ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE VALUES IN VARIOUS NOISE ZONE IN 1991-1995 ...................... 3p FIG.3-6 URBAN NOISE ZONING STANDARD IN FUSHUN ........................................................................ 31 FIG3-7 NOISE MONITORING LOCATION AND MEASURED VALUES .... ............................................. 34 FIG.3-8 RIVER STATUS AND MONITORING LOCATION SECTION OF HUNHE RIVER .................. 39 FIG.3-9 DISTRIBUTION OF WATER POLLUTION SOURCE IN URBAN SECTION OF HUNHE RIVER ......... 40 FIG.3-10 LAND USE AND POPULATION DISTRIBUTION IN PROJECT AREA .................................... 45 FIG.4-1 STANARD-EXCEEDANCE TIME AND CONCENTRATION OF MAJOR POLLUTANT AT SENSTIVE POINTS IN UNFAVORABLE WEATHER IN 2010 ......................................5.............................. 5 FIG.4-2 DAILY AVERAGE PREDICTION ABOUT WITH AND WITHOUT PROJECT IN UNFAVORABLE WEATHER OF WINTER IN 2010 ................................................................................ 61 FIG.4-3 NOISE PREDICTION VALUE AT VARIOUS LOCATION IN 2010 .............................................. 68 FIG.44 NOISE PREDICTION ABOUT WITH AND WITHOUT PROJECT IN 2010 ........... ..................... 73 FIG.4-5 SCHEMATIC CHART OF WATER ENVIRONMENT IN URBAN SECTION OF HUNHE RIVER ............ 80 FIG.4-6 TRANSPORTATION ROUTE OF HAZARDS ................................................................................ 85 FIG.4-7 TRAFFIC CIRCULATION IN FLOOD SEASON ........................................................................... 86 FIG.5-1 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING IN CONSTRUCTION PHASE ........................................... 107 FIG. 5-2 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING IN OPERATION PHASE..! ............................................... 108 Liaoning Urban Transport Project-Fushun Subproject Executive Summary EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Liaoning Urban Transport Project (LUTP) includes Shenyang Subproject, Anshan Subproject and Fushun Subproject. This Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA) Report focuses on the Fushun Subproject of LUTP. It is developed in accordance with World Bank OD 4.01, the review comments of State Environmnental Protection Agency (SEPA) on the EIA outline for LUTP, and the requirement of EIA Guideline of SEPA. Fuslihun Subproject includes following components: public transport, traffic management, infrastructure, road iniitenance, and teclhnical training and assistance. Eachl component has specific subcomponents. The major subcomponents with potential environmental impact are construction of Hunhenan Road, missing link coinection of Xifuping Road, and upgrade of VTugoiig Street (Figure 2-1 shows the projects location). The proposed Hunheixain Road staits at 11he south approach of Hunhe Bridge of the North Ring Road in the west, and ends at Dongzhou Bridge in the east. It will provide an expressway and a local road on different elevations. This road will be adjacent to Hunhe River. The total length of Hunhenan Road is 24.8 km (the cross sections are shown in Figure 2-2). Xifuping Road is located in the centre city and will be connected to 1 km long and 15 m wide (the cross section is shown in Figure 2-3). Wugong Stree't, with 1660 m of length, is located in the area the south railway station. This road will be partially upgraded anal rehabilitated to improve the road condition. The above mentioned subcomponents will change current use of land and introduce potential impact on urban enviromnent, therefore a detailed environmental impact assessment is needed. Fushun is an industry city majored by coal mining, steel & iron smelting, and petrochemical processing. The air pollution in the urban area is serious. The existing environment in the urban city is not very good. The air, water and acoustic environment have been polluted in different extent. The existing environment, especially in the project area are as follows: * The existing monitoring results shows that 79% of the values of TSP, 88% of NOx, 52% of B(a)P and 36% of CO exceed the related standard in the heating season, and even 41% of TSP exceed the standard in non-heating season. In general, the air pollution is more serious in heating season, and the major pollutants are TSP and NOx. * The noise levels along the proposed roads are monitored. The maximum noise level is 17 dB(A) higher than the standard in the night. * Because a large amount of industrial waster water and domestic waster water are being discharged into the Fushun section of Hunhe River. The existing pollutant concentration in the water has already exceeded the national standard of Class V. The major pollutants are COD, NH3-N and oil. 1 Uaoning Urban Transport Project-Fushun Subproject Executive Summary * Most areas along the proposed roads are occupied by industrial, commercial and residential buildings. There are only a few farm land along the side of the road. There exists 20,615 trees, 134,833 bushes, and 113,440 M2 of lawn along the road. * The residential areas from Gebu Bridge to Jiangiun Bridge on Hunhenan Road and along Wugong Street will be impacted by the construiction and operation. No school and hospital will be impacted by the project. The implementation of the project will provide following positive impacts: * The completion of Hnthenan Road will provide a west-east corridor in the urban city, and attract more traflic. Therefore, the traffic com estion in the city center will be relieved, and the average speed of niotor vehicle will increase 4.1 km/hour in the city. * A1!' ough the n3ise level will incre-sv along the proposed road, the noise in the centre city will decrease by the year 2010. The motor vehicle emission in the city will increase, however, the emission with the project will be less than without. The pollutants of nmotor vehicle emission, e.g. HC, CO, NOx will respectively reduce by 40%, 39% and 26%. * The proposed roads will rationalize the existing road network, which can reduce the' time of person trip and transportation and reduce traffic accident. * The implementation of Hunhenan Road will promote the development of Wanhuatan Area. 126 ha. of land will be developed for urban construction. The resettlement in Beihou residential area and Xifuping Road will speed up the upgrade of existing shabby houses, which will provide a better living condition for the people impacted. 'he non-motor vehicle lane will be located in one side near the residential buildings, which provides more convenience and safety. * The constrtuction of Wugonig Street and Xifuping Road will not only improve the traffic condition in the centre city, but also facilitate the commercial activities, person trip and traffic safety. * The project operation will provide better investment environrment, which will speed up the economic development in Fushun. The negative impact caused by the project are: * The air pollutant concentration along the proposed road will be higher than the existing concentration. * The noise level along the road will be higher than existing. * The project will occupy 280.3 mu of farm land. However, the main objective of EIA is to identify the feasibility of Fushun Subproject in view of environmental protection. This report will, prior to the project, identify the 2 Liaoning Urban Transport Project-Fushun Subproject Executive Summary environmental issues and potential environmental impact that the project will have on air, water, noise, vegetation, sunshine and social economy during construction and operation phases, and subsequently, put forward mitigation measures that will minimize the environmental impact. These measures will be included in the prelimninary design of Fushun Subproject, and stmmarized as follows: * Air conditioners and double glazed windows, and cash compensation will be used as noise mitigation measule for the residential buildings with higlh noise level. During construction phase, the contractors will abide by the noise and vibration mitigation measures presented in the Enviroainental Action Plan(EAP) to minimize the noise impact, such as using low noise machinery and rationalizinig work schedule and siting, horn prohibition in urban area, etc. -; * Native, pollutant-resistant trees will ple Luited aloxng the roacd when the construction finished. * The route of hazards transportation will be fixed. Enneigency response will be carried out to prevent any leakage to Hunhe River. * Specific transport route is developed during flood period. F Construction dust is the major air pollutant in construction phase. All contractors will follow the dust mitigation mentioned in EAP to reduce air pollution during construction phase. However, the implementation of Fushun Subproject will result in increased traffic and motor vehicle emissions, leading to deterioration of air quality along the project roads. Over the long term, the benefit brought by the project on air quality from a city perspective will be offset by the expanded motor vehicle fleet. Eventually, motor vehicle speeds on a city wide basis will slow down again and air quality in the project cities will worsen. The mitigation of the long term project impacts on air quality and, ultimately, sustained improvement of air quality in the project cities call for a well researched and structured motor vehicle emission control strategy (MVECS). The MVECS is to provide the accurate assessment of present situation on motor vehicle emissions in the projects cities as well as the trends in the future. Best available motor vehicle emission technologies and successful experience in control motor vehicle emissions at home and from abroad will be evaluated for the potential application in the project cities. On this basis, the MVECS will specify a series of effective, site specific, integrated and goal oriented control, mitigation and remediation measures to tackle the long term impact of the project on air quality. Major efforts will be required in developing MVECS for each of the three project cities. A technical assistance is therefore needed for necessary and appropriate technical and financial resources. The outline of MVECS detailed in Annex. Fushun Subproject Office and Fushun Environmental Protection Bureau will take the responsibility to handle environmental issues and surpervise the implementation of the mitigation during construction and operation phases. The specific staff of the constructor 3 Liaoning Urban Transport Project-Fushun Subproject Executive Summary team and the project office will be in charge of daily environmental issues to minimize public complaints and environmental concerns. In order to implement the environmental mitigation measures, the environmental monitoring and training plan are developed in this EIA. Environmental monitoring is normally undertaken during both construction and operation phases to ensure mitigation measures effectively, to respond to unanticipated environmnental concerns at an early stage and to determine the accuracy of impact predictions. Meanwhile, the training of contractors is critical for tihe project imp!ementation. Without appropriate environmental awareness and knowledge and skills required for the implementation of the mitigation measures, it would be diffictult for contractors to effectively implement the mitigation. On the other hand, it is also inmportant to train the managers of the project construction agencies to fully understjnd relatted environiental laws and regulations. The tota! estimated investment of Fushun Subproject is 830 million Yuan RMB. The total cost estimate of t. vironment mitigation is 30.41 million, including 500,000 Yuan RMB for training, and 397,000 for environmen al monitoring program during construction and operation phases. In summary, Liaoning Urban Transport Project (LUTP)-Fushun Subproject will assist in providing a solution to traffic congestion in the city center, improve the quality of urban life and stimulate economic development. Although the pr,oject will result in some' degradation of air quality within the immediate vicinity of the alignment but will make a positive contribution to air quality improvement in the overall urban area, especially in the city center. The noise level will also be increased in some sections of the roads. From the view of pollutant load control in the city, the project has obvious environmental and social benefit. Therefore, the project is feasible environmentally. 4 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 1. INTRODUCTION For recent years, with the reform and opening in Fushun City, the traffic problem is becoming more and more serious because of increasing transportation demand. It has be^ome, therefore, essential to make significant modification and reconstruction of the present traffic system in F,ushun. Under the financial support by the World Bank, Fushun Municipal Government will carry out an urban tranisport project, Liaoning Urban Transport Project-Fushun Subproject to meet requirement of municipal econon;ic development in the long term. In accordance witLh China National En iironwental Management Regv:lations on Construction Projects and the requirement of World Bank using ELA Report as one of the appraisal documents on loan application, F-'shun Enviro-imental Science Institute (FESI) was commissioned by Fustuin Urban Traffic ; Tn . :Y1 ? rt Project Of:fice(FPO) to develop the folIowvin2 EIA report. 1.1 L jject'ves and Monitoring lncicc-tors 1.1.1 Obiectives The purpose of EIA is to improve decision making and to ensure that the project options under consideration are environmentally sound and sustainable. All environmental consequences will be recognized early in the project cycle and taken into account in project selection, siting, planning, and design. EIA will identify ways of improving projects environmentally, by preventing, minimizing, mitigating, or compensating for adverse impacts. These steps help avoid costly remedial measures after the fact. By calling attention to environmental issues early, EIA (a) allows project designers, implementing agencies, and borrower and Bank staff to address environmental issues in a timely and cost-effective fashion; (b) reduces the project restrictions because appropriate steps can be taken in advance or incorporated into project design, or alternatives to the proposed project can be considered; and (c) helps avoid costs and delays in implementation due to unanticipated environmental problems. EIA shall meet requirement of the World Bank and State Environmental Project Agency (SEPA). 1.1.2 Monitoring Indicators Strategy 1: Establish and implement an EAP and monitoring program Indicator: Annually monitoring results for air quality and noise required by EAP Strategy 2: Develop and imnplement a long-term motor vehicle emission control strategy(MVECS) to mitigate citywide impacts on air quality. Indicator: Completion of MVECS by July 2001 Indicator: Adoption and implementation of the MVECS (including an Inspection and Maintenance Program) by July 2002. Indicator: Annual reports on implementation of MVECS. 1.2 Basis for the EIA * Environmental Management Procedures on Construction Projects, SEPA(No.003, 1986) .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liaoning Urbau Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment * Notice on Strengthening EIA Management on International Financial Organization's Loan Construction Project, SEPA, EMMS(No.324, 1993) * Application for Urban Transport Projects in Shengyang, Ansani and Fushun, Liaoning Provincial Planning Commission(No.278, 1996) * Notice on Pipeline Projects for WorldS Bank Loan Application for Fiscal Years of 1996- 2998, Chiina National Planning Comnmission( No. 1531,1996) * Approval on Prof posals oj Liaoning Urban Trcrnsport Project in Sheni'Tang, Ansan and Fushun Ufsing WJ rld Bank 's Loani, China National P13nning Commission(No.2072, 1997) E IFl O)ulline, Lia.-ning Environmental Protection Research Ins.; 'ie (fecember 1996) * RevtI.w Co0nll- ents oX EIA Outline fior Liaoning Urban Trfflic and Transportation Proie-1, SEI'A (FMfC No V''7, 10o) A EIA Commission Letter, FLushun Urbmn Traffic and Transportation Project Office(October 1996). ° Terms oj Reference for EIA, Liaoning Urban Construction and Renewal Project Office and PBI Consultant Company. 3 Operational Directive, 4.01, and its Annex, The World Bank. * Best Practice of World Bank 's Operational Directive 17.50 -Management Information a Feasibility Report on Fushun Urban Transport Project, Fushun Municipal Engineering Design Research Institute (Will 1998). * Fushun Urban Traffic Development Planning, Shengyang Municipal Planning Design Institute and Fushun MPDRI, (December 1996) i EIA Technical Directives, HJ/T2.1-2.4-93, SEPA (April 1 1994) * Regiulations on Environmental Noise Control in Fushun, Fushun EPB (October 1994) 1.3 EIA Scope and Applicable Standards 1.3.1 EIA Scope In accordance with TOR for EIA, EIA Outlines for LUTP and EIA Technical Directives of SEPA, considering the impact area of the project, the scope of assessment area is defined as listed in Table 1-1. Tablel-I EIA Scope FACTOR SCOPE Noise within 100ni of both sides of the project road and 50m vertically Air within 300m of both sides of new proposed road and within 100m for reconstructed road Socioeconomic within 300m of both sides of new proposed road and within 100m for reconstructed environment road Vegetation within 100m of both sides of the project road Land use within 100m of both sides of the project road Surface water within urban section of Hunhe River 2 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject *Environmental Impact Assessment 1.3.2 EIA Standards Applicable Standards for LUTP, issued by Liaoning Provincial EPB, is used for this assessment (Table 1-2, 1-3 ,1-4 ,J-5 ,1-6 ,1-7). Air Quality Table 1-2 Ambient Air Quality Standard, GB 3095-19')6, the secondary staineard applicable (mg/m) POLLUTANT V.ALtr':E STANDARD I TSP j Dailvaverage 0 0.30 _t33095-96 ., SO, Dail), average 0.'15 . 133'95-96 _lourly average 0.50 __ 3 NOx Daily average 0.10 GB3095-9o I _ou: !. averal e 0.15 1N-)2 I Dail) average 0.12 GB3095-96 ________ I Hourly average _ 0.08 4 CO Daily average 4.00 GB305-96 Hourly average 10.00 5 Pb Seasonal average 1.50x103' GB3095-96 6 B(a)P Daily average 0.01Xl&0 GB3095-96 7* NMHC Daily average 1.00 DB21-60-89 _ Hourly average 3.00 _- : The standardfor NMHC, DB21-60-89, is Liaoning Provincial Waste Water Discharge Standard. Noise Table 1-3 Environmental Noise Standard for Urban Areas, GB 3096-93 (Leg, dB(A)) CATEGORY APPLICABLE AREAS DAY- NIGHT- TIME TIME- ____________ ~~~~~~~~~~~TIME 0 Villas, hotels 50 40 1 Residential, educational, cultural, governmental offices 55 45 2 Residential, commercial and industrial 60 50 3 Industrial 65 55 4 Trunk roadsides 70 55 Note: day-time means between 6:00-22:00; night-time means between 22:00-6:00. Class I Standard is usedfor school and hospital, and Class 4 Standardfor residential building on roadsides. Table 14 Standard for Noise as Boundaries of Construction Sites, GB 12523-90 (Leg, dB(A)) ACTIVITY NOISE SOURCE NOISE LIMITATION DAY- NIGHT-TIME TIME Earthwork Bulldozer, excavator, loader 75 55 Pile pile Driving machinery 85 no operation Structure Concrete mixer, vibration machinery, electric jigsaw 70 55 Furnishing Crane, elevator 65 55 3 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Vibration Table 1-5 Environmental Vibration Standard for Urban Areas, GB 10070-88 (dB) APPLICABLE ZONE DAY-TIME NIGHT-TIME Special residential areas 65 65 Residential, educational and culn ral areas 70 67 Mixes, commercial area 75 72 Industrial area 75 72 Trunk roadsides 75 72 Railway roadsides _ 80 80 Sunsl/inei T:;ble 1 -:, SlanC.in d mor Assessing Sunshine C".strucllon f__ io- ieference) LEVEL APPLIC[ Ol-. _ STANDARD Class 1 Nursery, day care center, sanitarium, greenhouse 5-6hr Class 2 Te:nching building, office, public building, general worksh_op 3-4hr Class 3 Residential building, office, public buiiding, recreational unit of processing plant 1-2hr Water Table 1-7 Surface Water Quality Standard, (GB 3838-88, Class IV) POLLUTANT STANDARD PH 6.5 - 8.5 DO 2 3.0 mg/l5 CODcr S 20 mg/l Oil S 0.5 mg/l NH3-N 0.5 mg/l, Document No. 022, 1996, issued by Liaoning Enviromnental Monitoring Center Table 1-8 Waste Water Discharge Standard, (DB21-60-89, Class I1 for newly built and expansion project) POLLUTANT STANDARD SS 100 mgll CODcr 100 mg/I Oil 8.0 mg/ 4 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 2.1 General :The Fushun Subproject includes four components: (1) Infrastructure; (2) Traffic management; (3) Public transport; (4) Road maintenance. The details are described as below: (1) Infrastructure The infiastructure compontnt includes [lunhenan Road (express way and local road), Xifuping Road (leadrng thiough dead-eid road) and Wugong Street (road maintenance), as shown by Fig.2-1. The hutJ eian Road project comprises express way and local roads, starting at South ApF- ach' of Hunlhe Bridge (connected with North Round-City Highway toward Shengy ng) and ending at Dong-kou Bridge. This alignment is about 24.8 Km long. Fig.2-2 illustrates the cross-section. The Xifuping Street, located in urban center, is ca. I km long and 15 m wide. Its cross-section is shown by Fig.2-3. Wugong Street is located in central urban area and intersected with Hunhenan Road. This road about is 16,660 m long with red-line width of 23-30 m. It is decided to do partial reconstruction and major repair to ensure the quality of this alignment. Table 2-1 shows the details of the infrastructure component. Alternative: Utilizing the existing Dandong Road (6.5 km in length and 40 m in width), with proper renovation, to substitute the road section between Hunhe Bridge and Guchenghekou Bridge of the proposed Hunhenan Road. Currently, Dandong Road is a traffic arterial to Shengyang and also an important exit-entrance route in Fushun region. Its cross-section is illustrated in Fig.2-4. s hhoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 2-1 Details of Infrastructure Project Length Width Interc ange Bridge Road section (kng) (mi) Road type to be newly constructed modification to be newly modification. constructed unhe Bridge to 2.6 30 xpressway outh of Hunhe Bridge eping Bridge uth of Heping Bridge eping Bridge to 3.9 30 xpressway uchenghekou Bridge iGuchenghekou uchenghekou Bridge to 3.43 38 xpressway ebu Bridge . ocal road outh of Gebu Bridge ebu Bridge to 4.52 42.6 xpressway outh of Jia;igjun Bridge inhua Bridge . . ocal road outh of Yongan Bridge outh of Xinhua Bridge inhua Bridge to 4.05 47 xpressway outh of Changchun Bridge Wanxin Bridge Haixin Bridge anxin Bridge ocal road outh of Wanxin Bridge anxin Bridge to 6.3 18.5 ocal road ongzhou Bridge pgrade of Wugong Street 1.66 23-30 rterial road ifuping Road connection 1.0 15 rterial road ___ 6 Fig. 2-1 Schematic Chart of Fushun Urban Transport Proiect -.---~~~,+-- --l -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,/ linnn, Rood /S ,.'ii Ro,d .~r l B ¶, -- i' 2, 4 &,>w .B~1~~ _ Sb_:,oHe on.' c m L = Vol- /Xl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n no. 0Es Ofle /'-K1 i \ t?ObfXcf9 RuOd - \>> (1l ) South interchange of Hunhe Bridge (5) South inechng oS G B . (Newly Construction) (Modificotion) (Rd South interchange of Wanxin Bridge (2) South interchonge of Heping Bridge (6) South interchange of Jiangiur Bridge (Newly Construction) (Newly Construction) (Modification) ( N1) W onxir t Bridge (3) GuChengzi Bridge o (7) South interchange of Xinhua Bridge (Newlo Construction) (Newly Construction) (Modification) (4) interchange of Guchengzi (oiiain (Ne.iy Construction) (8) South interchange of Changchun Bridge 1 (Newly Construction) (Newly Construction) Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Fig.2.2 Cross-section of the Hunhehan Road Iit I t [l jle C e I ~~Lstu Bii4e i,j: i,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i + 1. _ - I , 0 . III]TE I r _, ,t L ter 2 11i. I l . 8 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Fig.2.2 Cross-section of the Hunhenan Road(continous) -- - t-Ih. ht| st .4.e I- tra-n ,4 At~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i tI R;;R ; -4 - +4- slet ntCgeec teel oellCte tol *os ' i sleel echonicdi s1.1 "ehKk Stnd t4 *d'00 I-t j4d .hid b e k M. . o, k- lot hoed sdoel&' (N) .afl --~~~~~~~~- -L ------_ .._____ il -Jt F3uidl:je- -W il)ixn BII i. I l 14i4LJU -16rttIU hold Ad?' vehOte tot,. bOeue, eehCte - I (3)ank (N) ,e ech.nb Wi l-i BridqP- -DDon_j70ou River NOTrE I Uttlt Me ter- 9 :ole llUO 9 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Asessment Fig.2-3 Cross-section of Xifuping Road t a Fig.2-4 Cross-section of Dandong Road I I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X4 5 2 18 2 1 5 4 40 10 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment (2) Traffic Management Considering the existing urban traffic network's condition, the proposal has been developed for reconstruction of some road sections and intersections, development of traffic control system and facilities, Channelization of 19 intersections; Traffic Control System: (1) Traffic Control Center (2). Signal Control System: for Hunhenan Road A for Dandong Road for Xincheng Roadi for Central Urban Area. Traffic Management: Adjust transportation route of trucks in urban center; Specify special lanes for public bus; Define single-direction route for motor-vehicle; Strengthen the function of traffic management facilities such as signs and separation lines. (3) Public Transport Some advanced vehicle maintenance equipment will be introduced to strengthen public vehicle maintenance capacity, such as inspecting device, level calibrator, engine analyzer, wheel positioning instrument, office computer system, etc. (4) Road Maintenance According to the Urban Road Construction and Maintenance Plan of Fushun, 9 roads are selected for maintenance in three cases: First, for those roads which have a comparatively wider sidewalk and narrow motor-vehicle lane as in Xinfu, Liquan and Yongji roads, the MV lane will be widened and sidewalk narrowed, and special bus lane will be established. Second, for those with inadequate facility and without off-line bay stops, such as Dandong Road, such off-line bay stops will be constructed and certain separation facility will be installed. Third, on some roads like Ninyuan Street, Yongnin Street, Suihua Road, Heping Road and Beizheng Street, which has been damaged severely in their pavement, new layer of 10 cm asphalt- concrete will be paved. No land and trees will be impacted or destroyed in road maintenance activity. Based on the discussion and field survey of above-mentioned Fushun Subproject, and further joint study with representatives from municipal, provincial project offices and environmental experts, Hunhenan Road is selected for ELA. Meanwhile, Xifuping Road (leading through dead-end road) and Wugong Street(road maintenance) are also included, together with their 11 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment environmental impacts and corresponding mitigation actions. 2.1.1 Role in Municipal Construction Planning According to national road criteria, the municipal road network will consist of expressway arterial road, sub-arterial road and feeders. Therefore, the road network function is inadequate due to the lack of expressway anid arterial roads. Because the main traffic flow in Funshuln is in east-west direction, it i.; outlined in the city Master Plan to constructed a east-west oriented exi)ressxNay systenm, witlh HunlicL,a Road as key artery, to form a complete network together with otlher roads in thie city. The fiinction of 1-iunihenan Road, as defined by Fushuin rraffic Development Planning, can be dcscribed .s follows: O Huiihc:m;n Ruad plays an important rol! in leading through east-west traffic and connects mary south-north roads in the city, thus distribute traffic flow. X0 Both ends of H1unheilan Road are coinected with intt: .-city highways (Shengyang-Fushun Highway and Heilongiiang-Dalian Highway), so it is also an essential exit-entrance route bearing cross-city traffic flow. * Most of vehicles in the industrial zone, which will be developed soon on Wanhuatari, will utilize Hunhenan Road. * Long range bus transport service will provide a more convenient and fast public transport in Hunhena Road. * More convenience will be provided for tourists. * Smooth flow will be guaranteed on local roads of Hunhenan Road, whether for bus, non- motor vehicle or for pedestrians. B Based on Fushun Public Transport Planning, introduction of some advanced vehicle maintenance equipment and the training of technical staff has been planned to improve the vehicle repair level up to one of the best in China. The civilization mark of a modemrn municipality is characterized by spacious road traffic, advanced traffic management measures, fast and comfort public transport service and timely- responded road maintenance system. The construction of Hunhenan Road, connection and expansion of Xifuping Road and Road Upgrade of Wugong Street, together with modem traffic control measures, therefore, will constitute a core option for solving traffic problems in Fushun City. The implementation of such a project will certainly bring a good traffic environment for person trip and vehicle operation. 2.1.2 Priority of Project In earlier 1995, by approval of Liaoning Provincial Govemment, the city of Shengyang, Ansan and Fushun presented application for World Bank Loan on urban traffic and transport projects. The application is approved by SPC and listed as a candidate project. Liaoning Urban Construction and Renewal Project Office had commissioned JVA Consultation Corp., Canada and PBI International Consultation Corp. , USA, to conduct research on traffic development strategy in these three cities. Based on statistics and modeling analysis, traffic prediction and planning was made for 2000 and 2010, meanwhile, the implementation plan was divided into 12 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment four components, i. e. infrastructure, traffic management, public transport, and road maintenance. Proposed projects within each component are systematically justified and prioritized. The research on urban road and traffic reconstruction project in Fushun began in earlier 1996. Inputs have been made from experts on urban planning, environmental protection, traffic management, public transport, road maintenance, as well as from leaders of many government agencies. This provided a good foundation for project feasibility. The basic problem in urban traffic in Fushun, after the proposed traffic reconstruction project is completed, will be solved in a fundamental way and an sound socioeconomic and municipal infrastructure envirurnments will also be created. So it is helpful to speeding up the development of municipal economy with help of convenient and fast traflic. 2.2 Schedule of Project A genieral plani was. d.velop_d h1eie for the project schedule, including initial design, resettlement preparation, designing approval, survey, infrastructure upgrading, and traffic dliversi-.n. It is estimraLLd that the proposed schedule for tl:e proiect will well be possible during the period from 1998 (start) to 2003(complete) if only the financial support and implementation proposals is guaranteed. The detailed schedule is shown in Table 2-2 ( construction schedule for Hunhenan Road), Table 2-3 ( implementation schedule for traffic management), Table 2-4 ( implementation schedule for public transport) and Table 2-5', (schedule for road maintenance). 13 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment (1) Schedule of Infrastructure Project Table 2-2 Construction Schedule for Infrastructure Project Year Actions I.feasibility study's preparation and its approval 2.fund raise, investment and yearly appropriation 1998 3.displacement,resettlement 4.construction force and facility identified _ 5.survey, initial design and construction chart l.design chart for corstruction 2.ct nstruction of (Guchengzi Estuary Bridge 1999 3.road construction between Reping Bridge and Guchcngzi Estuary Bridge 4.express way construction between Gebu Bridge and Jiangiun Bridge 5. interchange construction at south of Changchutt 1 Bridge l .road constraction between Heping Bridge and (Guchenghekou B3ridge 2000 2.construction of Wanxin Bridge(sogether with inteiehange) 3.road construction between Xinhua Bridge and Wanxin Bridge 4.construction of XifLping Ro;d and betwr-i Cfelbu Bridge and Xinhua Bridge 1.road construction between lIeping Bridge arl Guchenghekou Bridge 2001 2.road construction bet'veen Gucl enghekoui Bii'.gc ad Gebu Bridge 3.reconstruction of Xinhua Bridge 1. road construction between Gebu Bridge and Xinhua Bridge 2002 2.road construction between Xinhua Bridge and Wanxin Bridge 3.south interchange of Hunhe Bridge 4.road construction on Wugong Street(widening pavement) 1.south interchange of Hunhe Bridge 2003 2.road construction between Wanxin Bridge and Dongzhou Bridge 3.road construction between Hunhe Bridge and Heping Bridge (2) Schedule for Traffic Management Project Table 2-3 Implementation Schedule for Traffic Management Year Actions 1998 1.survey, initial design and its approval, project biding 1.channelization of intersection 1999 2. signal control system for Dandong Road 3.road -clear machinery 4.traffic facility perfection I.channelization of intersection 2000 2.traffic facility perfection 3.automatic signal control in central urban area 4.road clearing machinery l.traffic facility perfection 2001 2.automatic signal control in central urban area 3. automatical signal control on Xincheng Road (3) Implementation Schedule for Public Transport Table 2-4 Implementation Schedule for Public transport Project Year Actions 2000 preparation of biding document 2002 equipment purchase 2003 equiipment purchase 14 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment (4) Schedule for Road Maintenance and Machinery Purchase Table 2-5 Implementation Schedule for Road Maintenance Project Year Actions I.survey,initial design and its approval, biding paper and construction chart 1998 2.construction force's adoption 1999 IL.reconstruction and maintenance of Xinfu Road 2.purchase of road paver I.rcconstruction of Wugong Street and Xisan Strret 2. purchase of 17 sets of road construction machinery 2001 L.reconstruction of Liquan Road and Ninyuan Street __ _ 2.Purchase of integrated maintenance vehicle and machine-tool 20.^12 1., conAruction of Beizheng Street and Heping Road 2003 Li:_onstruction of Yongnin Street and Suihua Road 2.3 Construction and Environmental Investment The project construction is planned to be completed in six years. Of total investment of about 830 million RMB (through yearly appropriation), 30.41million RNB is for environmental protection purpose. The investment plan is shown in Table 2-6. Table 2-6 Investment Plan (Construction Phase) lUnit:10 000 Yuans Traffic Public Road Year Trfi ulc Ifastructure Roa Total Management Transport Maintenance Funded by World Bank 204 4927 1266 6397 1999 Local counterpart fund 117 8903 954 9974 Subtotal 321 13830 2220 16371 Funded by World Bank 957 6739 647 8343 2000 Localcounterpart fimd 689 9004 480 10173 Subtotal 1646 15743 1127 18516 Funded by World Bank 706 540 5749 459 7454 2001 Local counterpart fund 327 460 10282 734 11803 Subtotal 1033 1000 16031 1193 19257 Funded by World Bank 540 5287 375 6202 2002 Local counterpart fund 460 8397 650 9507 Subtotal 1000 13684 1025 15709 Funded by World Bank 4514 290 4804 2003 Local counterpart fund 7798 545 8343 Subtotal 12312 835 13147 Total 3000 2000 71600 6400 83000 2.4 Motor-Vehicle 2.4.1 Current Motor Vehicle Fleet and Growing Trend There are now 65,000 motor vehicles in total and will increase, according to traffic prediction model, up to 1 15,000 by the year 2010, with an annual growth rate of 4%. The traffic volume at major intersections in urban area is listed in Table 2-7, and for main road sections, it is shown in Table 2-8 and Fig.2-5. 15 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 2-7 Traffic Volume in Peak Hour at Major Intersections Motor-vehicle Non-motor vehicle No. Intersection moming evening moming evening peak-hour peak-hour peak-hour peak-hour I iVi Rd. and Xisan St 393 467 702 356 2 infu Interchange 309 371 604 464 3 ianjin St. and Shiyidao St. 263 168 871 846 4 anclhang Rd. and Nlcidu Rd. 163 131 245 177 5 ongyi Rd. anld Dougsan St. 585 558 6 ingnian Rd. and Suihua Rd. 89 63 335 ISO 7 ci,-heng Si. and Ilepmig Rd 113 102 553 598 _ cntral St anid Yi Rdl 373 374 1006 483 9 unhenan Rdl and Suilhua Rd 346 152 565 425 In iniu Rd. and Gebu Bri. 185 193 II aicheng St. anid Dandong Rd 3-q 352 303 236 12 uchiengzi Rd and Iluasan R& 239 198 - 341 299 13 ntersection at Labor Park 343 381 719 526 14 aosan Rd and Niytian St A 65 61 192 136 15 inchcng Rd and Nin% uan St. ? 19 194 962 547 16 unihenan Rd and Yongain IL.t _ 274 235 449 337 17 unilenli Rd and X iiaOu . 1rO 294 290 52 38 18 eizheng St and l)andon= Rd. 230 173 142 60 19 nasan Rd. and i Yoli Rd 325 199 835 198 20 utu,hnaun Rd anld l.uoyaung St. 133 112 135 56 Table 2-8 Traffic Volume on Main Road Section No. Road sectioni otor-vehiicle Non-motor Peak hour: moiing Peak hour: evening ________________ _ ______ vehicle MV_ NMV MV NMV I WugongSt. 9493 22020 922 2640 1165 2100 2 GebuRd. 12162 11400 1025 2030 1156 1260 3 Ninyuan St. 8917 9310 759 1770 802 1580 4 Dongshi Rd. 15286 5390 972 1040 1569 520 5 YongjiiRd. 10412 2880 1106 810 1162 120 6 Xiyi Rd. 30990 10400 2888 1290 2838 1200 7 Dongyi Rd. 21965 34720 1267 6010 3141 3100 8 Changchun St. 12574 11450 1041 2940 907 1810 9 Gaosan Rd. . 1598 4220 10 Central St. 8191 6910 884 920 681 510 II Xincheng Rd. 23475 31130 1953 6020 2484 5340 12 west section of liwiluienan 16584 2139 1033 240 1949 363 Rd 13 H4unhenan Rd. 17381 18940 1891 2780 1107 2940 14 eH.ust secon of 13529 7620 1886 1530 955 1100 15 Nanyang Rd. 8807 16950 994 1900 979 2520 16 H4uasan Rd. 6554 7610 530 110 421 780 17 Qianjin Rd. 17306 11220 1666 1340 1895 1360 18 Xinhua St. 9120 16160 393 3040 1163 1790 19 XisRndS.t 4479 15120 385 1980 430 1290 20 Xisan St. 8294 19230 821 1310 737 1570 21 Ouchengzi Rd. 8291 13900 733 2870 788 1490 22 north ofGaoyang Rd. 4422 12010 542 1220 312 2150 23 south ofGaoyang Rd. 3501 1450 295 340 321 120 24 Dandong Rd. 15179 31650 1424 6900 1454 3020 25 Heping Rd. 12077 19710 888 2780 1290 2630 26 Haicheng St. 7640 14090 524 3290 7S8 1990 27 Pannan Rd. _ 4277 2000 589 560 181 IS0 28 WanhuaMain St. 8195 16240 461 1890 1238 2050 29 Beizheng St. 6422 10780 490 1720 416 1280 30 Ansan Rd. 8895 14370 464 3140 793 2400 31 Suihua Rd. 19533 13440 1857 2840 1546 2270 32 Nanchang Rd. 6209 6010 635 1050 579 960 33 Qingnian Rd. 7655 6900 899 1130 440 790 34 Meidu Rd. 10600 3920 649 900 868 450 16 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 2.4.2 Traffic Forecast The Traffic volume forecast for Hunhenan Road was conducted jointly by Shengyang Urban Planning & Design Institute and Fushun Urban Planning & Design Institute commissioned by Fushun Urban Road and Traffic Management Project Office. The prediction methodology is Based on baseline data of 1995, 80 traffic suib-zones are divided for the city, and EMME/2 traffic model was used to predict the traffic volunme in the year 2010. Table 2-9 shows the distribution of traffic volumes in main roads of urban area by the year 2010 in the case of project imnplementation. 'fable 2-9 Traffic Volume on Trunk Roads by the Year 2010 with Project __d _ype Orientation Daily vehicle RoaJ 'Roa.' scction 1 id type Orientation fleet Hunhe B13h To E-W 7902 He,i.:~ . Bri. exrrl K wy . W-t 7170 I'eping Bri. 'Fr e. -eSsway E-NV 13214 <.uchen=i, ot. 13. exp,kessway rW-E 1 3879 E-W 12395 (iuchenghekou Bri. To expressway '_YE 14341 Hunhznan Xinhua Bri. localroad E-NV 5312 Road loa od W-E 6146 E-W 12139 Xinhua Bri. To expressway W-E 14290 Wanxin Bri. E-W 5202 localroad W-E 6123 Wanxin Bri. To E-W 12883 Dongzhou Bri. W-E 12973 interchange at Sanbaotun arterial road E-W 6439 to Beizheng St. W-E 6951 Beizheng St. to arterial road E-W 6220 Dandong Wanhua St. W-E 4903 Road Wanhua St. to arterial road E-W 10243 Haicheng St. W-E 9512 Haicheng St. to east of art rod E-W 15365 Guchenghekou Bri. rterl roa W-E 13902 Yongji overall alignment arterial road E-W 6951 Road ___________W-E 5707 Qianjin E-W 7537 Road overall alignment arterial road W-E 10975 Xiyi Road overall alignment arterial road EWE 76659 Dongyi overall alignment arterial road E-W 7024 Road W-E 7244 17 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment A~~ L i it I 18~~~~~~~n-fIL Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 3. EXISTING ENVIRONMENT 3.1 Location The city of Fushun, which is located between 12303942"-125°2858" E and 41041 10- 42°38'32 N in eastern mountainous area of Liaoning Province, is 151 km long and 138 km wide witlh an area of 10,816 krr2. It is 45 km away from Shengyang, Capital of Liaoning provincc, and bordered by Hailong, Liuhe, Tonghua of Jilin Province in the east; Bengxi, Huanren county in the south; Sujiatun and Donglin Districts in Shengyang City in the west; by Tielin, Kaiyuan and Xifeng coun.ies of Tielin city in the north. The urban area of Fushi]n is located on alluvial plain of Hunhe River Valley in western part of Fushuu iti- .tnicipality. HWihe River crosses through the urban area,which s only 6-8 km wide and 36 kam l .ng wi :h mountains in both soUthl nd north sides. The tuban area is 675 km2. Fig.3-t Geographical Location of Fushun Municipality O9 19 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 3.2 Biophysical Environments 3.2.1 Meteorology and Climate Main Meteorological Parameters Table 3.2.1-1 lists major meteorological parameters in Fushun that were recorded at Zhangdang Weather Observatory during 1993-1995. Table 3.X.1-1 M.:j *r Meteorological Elements during 1993-1995 in Fushun Air Annual Tem erature Annual Prevailin Relative pressure precipitation annmi-d max.1 mi[. wind spd Sunslhine humidity (hpa) (mnm) alArage a j ( m I indse | . houi. ) 1001.8 967.6 7.2 _ -7.3 2.0 -FINNE17 2425 69 Analysis of Wind Field 1) Variation of Wind Direction By the statistics it has been known that prevail wind direction is NNE, with a frequency of: 17% in year-round. (For details see Fig.3-2.) 2) Variation of Wind Speed Maximum wind speed occurs in spring, and minimum in summer. The annual average of wind speed is 2.0 m/s. The maximum value within one day occurs between 11:00-16:00 ; and Minimum is between evening and next moming. The frequency of windless day is 33% in winter and 21% in summer. The statistic results for wind speed and direction in winter and summer is given in Table 3.2.1-2. Table 3.2.1-2 Percentage of Wind Speed and Direction in Winter and Summer Season Winter Summer Wind frequency wind speed frequency wind speed direction \ (%) (lm/s) (%) (mls) N 4 3.1 2 1.9 NNE 27 1.7 7 1.5 NE 8 1.4 11 1.6 ENE 1 1.2 6 1.9 E 1 0.7 6 1.5 ESE 0 0 3 1.4 SE 1 0.7 5 1.8 SSE 1 1.3 2 1.6 S I 1.0 6 2.6 SSW 1 1.0 7 2.4 SW 2 3.8 6 2.3 WSW 4 2.3 7 2.6 W 4 3.0 6 2.7 WNW 2 1.9 2 1.5 NW 5 4.0 1 2.3 NNW 3 3.9 2 1.7 C 33 21 20 Lboning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Asessment Fig.3.2 Seasonal and Yearly Wind Rose Diagram in Fushun £4 ~ ~ ~ L i~ I/ 'li0. j~~l Characteristics of Temperature 1) Temperature Conditions near Ground According to statistics, annual average temperature is 7.20C with maximum of 350C in July and minimnum of -27.30C in January. The seasonal average temperature in urban area is listed in Table 3.2.1-3. Table 3.2.1.-3 Average Temperature in Fushun Area Season I Srin Summer Autumn Winter I average temperature(C) 1 8.3 122.4 8.1 -10 month 45 T67 8 9 10 11 12 12 2) Vertical Change of Temperature I Temperature Inversion near Ground The temperature iiiversion is more frequent and intensive in winter than in summner. The, average depth of inversion layer is 217.4 m in winter (usually touches ground), and 75.9 m for summer. Table 3.2.1-4 shows the detailed situation. 21 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 3.2.1-4 Frequency and Intensity of Temperature Inversion Itern 02 04 06 08 10 16 18 20 22 , 24 Average Frequency(%/) 100 86 56 33 0 13 35 88 100 100 61 Avagz itensity 1.3 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.7 1.0 1.7 1.2 0.6 1.0 Sununer ( /IOOrn) nmax intensity 2.4 1.7 1.3 0.8 0.7 1.7 3.7 23 0.6 ( /loOrn)_ Frequency°/) 100 100 100 94 56 67 87 100 100 89 Average intensiy 1.0 1.1 1.8 20 1.2 1.3 2.0 1.7 1.7 1.4 max 41tensty i.8 2.8 3.6 2.3 2.3 1.4 2.7 2.7 Winter ( lOOm) L _ I__jix r ' _'. " A a ---'ly-Si hlic height of mix layer is higlier in summer than in winter and daily maximum occurs betw een 1P1:00 and sunset. The average height in winte;- is 88" mn and 924.5 m in summer. Atmospherc Stability Class F and Class D occurs most frequently in winter (with frequency of 44% and 34%) indicating a somewhat stable atmospheric condition and poor dispersion of air pollution. Class D happens most frequently in summer(52%), showing a moderate stability of dispersion. Table3.2.1-5 Frequency of Atmospheric Stability Class AB | D E F Winter 5 7 34 10 44 Summer 12 12 52 11 13 3.2.2 Existing Air Quality and Regional Pollution Source Inventory Monitoring and Assessment 1) Air Quality The monitoring results for TSP, S02, NOx, CO in 1995 and standard-exceeding situation are listed in Table 3.2.2-1 (from Fushun Environmental Quality Statement, 1991-1995). 22 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 3.2.2-1 Results of Air Quality Monitoring Unit: mg/m3 Heating period Non- eating period Year-round Season Standard standard- standard- standard- : Term \ value exceedance value exceedance value exceedance _____ _____________ rate (times) rate (times) rate (times) TSP max. 1.00 2.56 16.2 1.82 6.7 2.80 10.7 average 0.30 0.53 80 0.33 80 0.40 75 max. 0.50 0.32 0 0.07 0 0.32 0 so average 0.15 0.11 0 0.02 0 0.05 0 N _x I:. 0.15 0.80 37.9 0.41 3.8 0.80 18.4 NOx average 0.10 0.15 80 0.04 0 0.08 21 max. 10.00. 52.8 6.7 20.f6 1.0 52.80 3;3 CO t !- I l aver-e 4.00 3.4 40 1.7 0 2.1 10 2) Existing Air Q!Q:;'. vy in the Project Area "F) Mlonitoring -oc.:;inns In accordance with actual condition on Hunhenan Road, six monitoring locations in total are set, as shown in Table 3.2.2-2 and Fig.3-3. Table 3.2.2-2 Monitoring Locations Location Distance from road center(m) Beihou Village 120 Hotel of Oil Academy 500 104# Residential Building 65 Tax Bureau 40 Sengmao Hotel 50 Oil Machinery Works Service 130 23 Fig. 3-3 Monitoring Locations For Environmental Air Quality In Fushun Ul-hr n "ransport Project I 4' i\a\E O 9' / X b/ 1041 Bw1di Ii lay Bur~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i - Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment O Sampling Time and Frequency The monitoring of existing air quality were carried out in non-heating period (during October 25-31 1996) and heating period (during January 9-15 1997). Monitoring time for SO2, NOx, and CO is scheduled for no less thani ]8 liours eachi day for daily average; and at least 45 minutes per hour for hourly average (7:00, 12:00, 17:00 and 23:00); continuous sampling for 24 hours each day was for TSP, B(a)P ard Pb. TIHC is samipled at 7:30, 12:00, 17:00 and 23:00 each day.Wind d-rection, v.'ind speed, air temperature and atmospheric pressure were also monitored. W Sampling Method An.4yis Ta.ie 3.2.2-3 Analysis Methods _______ ___________ __________ _ Standard Method SO, G,B/T 5262-94 NOX _ GB/TI 5436-95 _________________ > CGB9801-88 TSP GB/T15432-95 B(a)P GB9871-88 Pb GB/T15264-94 THC Gas Chromatography 3) Monitoring Result * Non-Heating Period Table 3.2.2-4 lists monitoring results on Hunhenan Road Table 3.2.2-4 Monitoring Results in Non-heating Period TSP SO2 NOx CO Pb THC B(a)P pollutant (mg/NmI) (mg/Nm3) (mg/NmI) (mg/Nm3) ( g!m3) (mg/Nm3) ( gfm3) cx sample number 42 42 42 42 42 42 Si variationscope 0.936 0.058 0.141 0.005 0.140 0.016 13.56 0.68 3.48 0.01534 a _________________ __________ _______ __ ________ ______ 0.94 0.00037 standard 0.30 0.15 0.10 4.00 1.0 0.01 tandard-exceedance rate 41 0 17 5 98 9 S sample number ..._. 1 68 168 336 variation scope 0.259 0.001 0.391 0.003 25.13 0.63 >1 standard 0.50 0.15 10.00 o standard-exceedance rate 0 l l 2 ! sample number 168 variation scope 5.13 0.46 > ~ standard 3.0 o tandard-exceedance rate 13 samnple number 6 0.08 t variation scope 0.03 _____ ____ standard 1.50 X tandard-exceedance rate 0 25 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment S Heating Period Table 3.2.2-5 presents the monitoring results on Hunhenan Road.. Table3.2.2-5 Monitoring Results in Heating Period TSP SOz NOx CO Pb THC B(a)P X pollutant (mg/Nm ) (mg/Nm3) (mg/Nm3) (mg/NmI) (MI) (mg/Nm3) (M) sample number 42 42 42 42 42 42 variation scope 0.733 0.187 0.241 0.02 0.489 0.026 6.45 1.09 4.12 1.70 0.00188 .C standard 0.30 0.15 0.10 4.00 1.0 0.01 Q standard-exceedance Rate 79 17 88 36 100 52 sample number 168 168 336 variation scope 0.392 0.005 1.035 0.013 25.56 0.62 ________standard 0.50 0.15 10.00 tandard-exceedance rate 0 51 4 sample number 168 c) variation scope _. 4.81 1.17 standard 3.0 o tandard-exceedance rate . . 20 sample number . 6 1.23 variation scope 0.73 " . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.70 standard 1.50 - tandard-exceedance rate 0 -_. . O The maximum and minimum daily averages at all monitoring locations in heating and non-heating periods are shown in Fig.3-4. 4) Monitoring Results in Urban Center The Wugong Street and Xifuping Road are both located in urban center of Fushun. The routine monitoring results during 1991 to 1995 (completed by Fushun Environmental Protection Monitoring Station) are listed in below table. Table3.2.2-6 Monitoring Results in Urban Center in 1991-1995 pollutat_item daily average(mglm3) standard-exceedance rate % TSP 0.35 0.50 70 SO2 0.05 0.09 13 NOx 0.08 0.09 26 CO 1.80 2.60 6 (4) Analysis of Monitoring Results Based on the comparing of the monitoring results of Table 3.2.2-4, 3.2.2-5 and 3.2.2-1 , it can be concluded that: * The results on six monitoring locations on Hunhenan Road are basically coincided with the routine monitoring data made by Fushun EPMS. The pollution level in the project area of Hunhenan Road is in general slighter than that of the entire city because of no big industrial pollution source. 26 Lisoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 0 Based on the comparison between Table 3.2.2-4 and 3.2.2-5, it shows that pollutant concentrations are all higher in heating period than those of non- heating period, chiefly because of relationship between local meteorological conditions and coal-burning consumption. The coal-burning consumption in heating period in Fushun, according to annual statistics, is double times than that in non-heating period. * By observing Table 3.2.2-4 and 3.2.2-5, it also shows that major pollutants in Hunhenan Road are TSP, NOx and THC. This is consistent with annually routine monitoring results. * As Wugong Street and Xifuping Road are both located in urban center, it can be seen by comparison between Table 3.2.2-6 and 3.2.2-1 that air quality pollution in urban center igkalmost at same level as that in whole city, chiefly by TSP and NOx. 27 Liaonmg Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment IL ~ . U) - -~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C '- C i. 0~~~~~0 EI--- _ E X '~~~~~F' E c - C~~~~~~7 28 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject lenvironmental Impact Assesment Inventory of Regional Air Pollution Sources The entire area for environmental assessment on Hunhenan Road is 21 km2, consisting of four districts: Wanhua, Xinfu, Lutian and Suncheng. In this pollution source investigation, questionnaires and conducting field survey have been made within 500 m from both road-sides of new road and within 100 m from reconstructing road. After two week's thoroughly survey for all sorts of coal-burning emission sources, such as big or small coal-burning ovens, kiln furnaces and boiler in entire region, in conjunction with other reference data, the investigation results for air pollution sources had been summarized. It is known that theke are 29 air pollution sources in the project area of Hunhenan Road. Major sources include Beitai Heating Service, Chemical Plastic Plant, Chemical Dye Plant, Fushun Electric Cable Factory. The pollutants sequence is SO2 NOx TSP CO HC. The existing air pollution emissions in the project area is summarized in Table 3.2.2-7. Table 3.2.2-7 The existing air pollution emissions in the project area total emission emission of major pollutant road ((10,000 Nm3/a) S02 NOx CO TSP THC Hunhenan Road 52294.55 507.07 291.17 594.57 426.38 122.15 3.2.3 Noise Investigation and Assessment Existing Noise in Fushun The noise monitoring results in 1991-1995(see Table 3.2.3-land Fig.3-5) show that there is a increasingly deterioration trend in noise level in whole city. The acoustic environments in Category 0 and II noise zones are better than those in Category 1, I and IV zones. 'Table 3.2.3-1 Monitoring Results of Environmental Noise in 1991-1995 termyearnoise zone city-wide term year 0 l I 11 III IV average 1991 43 57.8 67.1 63.4 70.8 61.5 1992 43 58.0 68.9 68.0 73.2 63.0 annual average 1993 41.3 60.6 67.9 69.4 72.9 63.2 1994 45 61.9 71.7 66.5 73.9 65.2 1995 44.7 60.2 68.7 64.8 73.9 63.6 standard day- 50 55 60 65 70 tilne standard-exceedance 50 100 100 50 1 rate in 1995 %OT 50 100 100 50 1 29 LAaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Fig.3-5 Environmental Noise Values in Various Noise Zone in 1991 1995 70 50 40 20 1 2 3 4 5 Noise Zoning is specified based on China National Noise Standard and Noise Zoning Specification in Urban Area in Fushun. The noise zoning in Fushun City is shown in Fig.3-6. 30 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Ix~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Noise Monitoring and Assessment along the Project Roads 1) Noise Monitoring Five representative monitoring locations are selected on south side of Hunhenan Road; two locations on Wugong Street. The monitoring plan is implemented in accordance with TOR of EIA and Environmental Noise Measurement Procedure in Urban Area (GB/Ti4623-93), as indicated by Table 3.2.3-2 and 3.2.3-3 and Fig. 3-7. Table 3.2.3-2 Noise and Vehicle Flow along Project Roads - measured in October 1996 distance peak hour day-time night-time dB(Ad distance vertical d( ) monitoring from hei ht day location roadside height - night- m m dB(A) veh./h dB(A) veh.lh dB(A) veh./h tim time e Beihou Village 50 _ 47 55 45 1 _ 77 76 72 0 67 65 59 104# 3 72 70 61 building 9 6 72 1492 72 1224 68 355 70 55 building 9 76 76 69 12 73 72 67 15 75 74- 70 1 69 68 63 7.5 64 63 7095 Tax Bureau 15 59 696 59 529 56 264 30 60 59 58 55 45 ________________ 60 _____ 58 58 55 _ 1 ~~~77 75 68 70 55 Sengmao Hotel 25 = 72 691 70 640 62 139 65 55 Oil Machinery l 77 690 73 580 61 139 70 55 Works Service Liangdan Street 1 67 1006 66 880 58 872 3 65 63 55 residential 6 60 60 53 building on south 9 60 59 5270 5 of Liangdan 12 60 1006 880 52 872 70 5 Street 15 59 58 56 18 55 - 55 _ 48 west of Xisan 1 67 617 65 547 62 543 70 55 32 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 3.2.3-3 Noise and Vehicle Flow along Project Roads measured in Jan.1997 . . verical peak hour day-time night-tirne standard monitoring distance from heric dB(A) location roadside (m) h(mi) dB(A) veh./h dB(A) veh./h dB(A) veh./h time -time Beih9u Village 53 48 55 45 I 74 73 69 0 64 63 56 3 66 64 58 104# building 6 71 1233 70 1028 60 286 70 55 9 9 72 70 65 .~ 12 73 72 65 i________ 15 74 72 -66 70-55 _____ 69 66 58 70 55 7.5 66 63 55 70 55 Tax Bureau 15 60 722 58 549 53 122 55 45 30 58 56 51 55 45 60 55 53 49 55 45 __ _ _ _ _ _____ 75 72 62 70 55 Sengmao Hotel 25 65 760 64 581 62 162 65 55 Oil Machinery Works Service 1 76 700 72 540 60 120 70 55 2) Noise Assessment S Hunhenan Road (See Table 3.2.3-2) A representative monitoring location is selected at Beihou Village between Hunhe Bridge and Guchenghekou, where there is no vehicle passing through at present, so Category I zone is executed there. The noise level is 55 dB(A) in day-time, 45 dB(A) in night-time. There is no standard-exceedance in day-time, but the noise level exceeds standard by 2dB(A) in night- time. Other four representative sampling locations are selected along the road section between Guchenghekou and Dongzhou Bridge, e.g. 104# residential building, Tax Bureau, Sengmao Hotel and Fushun Oil Machinery Works' Supply Service. Apart from a few space of Category 1I1 zone (industrial zone), most of southern area on this road section belong to Category I zone (residential buildings). The noise level exceeds the standard in mI Category zone by 2-1 1 dB(A) in day-time and by 8-17 dB(A) in night-time. Therefore the impact on nearby residential buildings is serious. In Category I zone, the noise level exceeds the standard by 10- 20 dB(A), 14-25 dB(A) in night-time. Therefore, severe noise is severe within 8-10 m distance from the roadside. At 60 m away from road, the noise is 58 dB(A) in day-time, 55 dB(A) in night-time. When window closed, 15-25 dB(A) noise can be reduced. During July and August, there is 1-10 dB(A) impact on residents in the case of window opening at day; 4- 15 dB(A) in night-time in these two months. No remarkable noise impact happens in day-time in other months, but only 1-5 dB(A) higher in night-time. Based on the results on the 5 monitoring locations, the maximum noise of 77 dB(A) is at 104# residential building. At Tax Bureau, the maximum data approximates to 69 dB(A) because there are many small and middle-duty vehicles, and few heavy-duty vehicle passing through. 33 Fig. 3-7 Noise Monitoring Locations And Measured Values Oil Machinery Works Service Sengmoo Hotel -.K 81ls MY !DaY Night | Btinou' Vila(qeDaL Diy Night~~~~~~~~~~~Ngh 8 Dziy Nigh /' --Da Nih NI gh -7 I~~4 ,'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t': t Day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~S 6. Liaoniug Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Envirommetal Impact Assment * Wugong Street The both east and west roadsides on Wugong Street are Category I zone, where there are many residential buildings at only 5-10 m distance to the road section. The traffic noise is, however, not very high because often small and middle vehicles (rarely heavy-duty vehicle) travel through. The maximum noise at roadside is 67 dB(A); indoor noise level is 55-65 dB(A) in day-time, 48-56 dB(A) in night-time. The noise exceeds by 10 dB(A) in day-time and by 3-11 dB(A) in night-time. The closed-window can prevent traffic noise impact substantially on residents when they are within buildings. * Xifuping Road An electric-railway is .lose to the south side of Xifuping Road, and the area in the north side belongs to Category I zone. The existing noise is mainly caused by nearby commercial and electric-train activities. The noise level is usually up to 70-80 dB(A) when electric-train passes; while it is 60-70 dB(A) in day-time, 50-55 dB(A) in night-time when no electric-train passing through. In such a mixed area of commercial building and electric-railway, the noise are under the standard in day-time and in night-time unless when electric-train is running through. The residents living there usually do not open their window to reduce noise cause by electri-train. 3.2.4 Surface Water Hydrological System of Surface Water In Fushun Subproject, only the construction of Hunhenan Road will impact on surface water of Hunhe River. Other civil engineering activities are all far away from Hunhe River. Hunhe River is the biggest river through Fushun urban area. Hunhe River has a total runoff length of 415 Km, including 38.5 Km in urban section of Fushun. There are existing ten cross-river bridges in entire urban section, of which Wanxin Bridge and Guchenghekou Bridge will be constructed in Fushun Subproject. In central section of Hunhe River, there are two air-filling rubber-dams, two industrially-purposed water intakes. Fig.3-8 illustrates the urban area of Fushun. The Hunhenan Road is just constructed in closely parallel to Hunhe River. Hunhenan Road starts from Hunhe Bridge in west, crosses through Gucheng River, and ends at Dongzhou Bridge in east. The total length of Hunhenan Road is 24.8 Km. At the entrance of Gucheng River into Hunhe River, a new bridge , Guchenghekou Bridge, will be constructed. Hydrological Description 1) Normal Hydrological Period The average gradient is 0.85% and roughness variation is between 0.020-0.040% in urban section of Hunhe River. The flow in water course can be controlled by Dahuofang Reservoir upstream. Table 3.2.4-1 gives some hydrological parameters. 35 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 3.2.4-1 Hydrological Parameters flow width of water runoff depth average flow velocity location (m3/s) course(m) (m) (mIs) urban section 2.78 210 0.32 0.40 Guchenghekou 0.51 150 0.21 0.25 The above table shows that the flow in urban section of Hunhe River is very little in the normal hydrological period and will be dried on river-bed sometime in winter. But there is a 25m 3/s flow and 0.8 m runoff depth in Will and June when Dahuofang Reservoir discharges stored water downstream for the purpose of agricultural irrigation. 2) Flood Period i The Hunhenan Road, located on the south bank of Hunhe River, is parallel to Hunhe River. Its whole hierarchy is divided into upper embankment road(local road) and lower embankment road(express road). Table 3.2.4-2 lists the elevation of various road section and the flood level. Table 3.2.4-2Flood Level and Pavement Elevation road sectio. normal flood level and flooding pavement elevation pavement elevation. river level frequency (local road, m) (exp ress road, m) Hunhe Bridge to 67.4 68.3 69.1 Heping Bridge l perlOO years _ Heping Bridge to 69.54 71.85 75.2 Guchenghekou Bridge _ per 300 years _ Guchenghekou Bridge to 72.37 74.45 74.2 80.5 7S.9 Gebu Bridge per 300 years . . Gebu Bridge to 72.50 74.79 76.72 80.5 81.0 74.29 under Jiangjun Jiangjun Bridge , per 300 year . Bridge Jiangjun Bridge to 74.50 77.12 78.83 81.8 817 76.24 under Yongan Yongji Bridge per 300 years . Bridge Yongan Bridge to 74.50 78.83 79.28 817 82.5 76.00 under Xinhua Xinhua Bridge 74.50 per300 years I Bridge Xinhua Bridge to 74.50 79.58 81.62 82.5 84.0 Changchun Bridge per 300 years ._ . Changchun Bridge to 75.50 per 300 years 84.0 85.6 Wanxin Bridge Wamxin Bridge to per 300 years 85.6 92.5 Dongzhou Bridgte IIIII The runoff volume of Hunhe River has little impact by rainfall during annual rainfall period, mainly because of water controlling function by Dahuofang Reservoir. Only when Dahuofang Reservoir discharged water much more than ever in flood period, the water potentially resulted in the submerge of some pavement under Jiangjun Bridge, Yongan Bridge and Xinhua Bridge (about 50-500 m submerged distance in general.) 3) Role of Dahuofang Reservoir Dahuofang Reservoir is located in eastern area of Fushun. It was built in 1958, with total reservoir capacity of 21.87 billion m3 and the normal storage of 131.5 m3. It can be applied to flood-control, irrigation, power-generation, fishery and water supply for domestic and industrial purposes. 36 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Dahuofang Reservoir can greatly influence the flood in Fushun urban section of Hunhe River. An extraordinary flood ever seen in past 300 years in July 1995 had interrupted the traffic on lower embankment road for 4 days and no impact on upper embankment road, due to role of Dahuofang Reservoir controlling flood peak. The effective control by Dahuofang Reservoir on runoff volume downstream has contributed to the convenient condition needed for bridge construction of Hunhenan Road during dry season between March and Will. Water Quality 1) Data Source The data about water quality are from monitoring results in 1993-1995 completed by Fushun Environmental Protection Monitoring Station, including those in dry and wet seasons of successive three years. According to the distribution of pollution sources within the project area, 2 routine sampling cross-sections were selected at Xinhua Bridge and Sifangtai. Fig.3-8 illustrates the monitoring locations. 2) Water Pollution Sources There concentrated many major industrial and domestic wastewater dischargers, including those from coal-mine, power generation and petrochemical units. They accounts for about 50% of total wastewater discharge in the entire city. Fig.3-9 illustrates the distribution of major industrial wastewater dischargers. About 520,000 tons/day of wastewater discharges into the urban section of Hunhe River, in which 88 % is from industrial sources while 10% from domestic sources. There is very few proportion of impact of rainfall overflow on ground in context of total wastewater quantity. Power Plant in Fushun constitutes a major pollution, which discharges about 61% of total pollution load in this region. Main pollutants of waste water are SS and CODcr. About 57,000 tons of SS discharged every year, in which 96% comes from industrial sources; 3% from domestic sources. About 27,000 tons of CODCR discharged every year, in which 87% comes from industrial sources; 12% from domestic sources. The water quality in Fushun urban section of Hunhe River has been polluted severely, exceeds Class IV of the surface water quality standard. 3) Water Environment The water quality in urban section of Hunhe River, in accordance with Surface Water Functional Zoning in Fushun, is executed with China National Surface Water Standard: Class IV Standard(GB3838-88). Table 3.2.4-3 gives the standard- exceedance situation of the water quality in Hunhe River. 37 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 3.2.4-3 Water Quality in Urban Section of Hunhe River cross- Xinhua Bridge Sifangtw oss- dr season wet season dy season wet season standard above- above- above- above- GB3838-88 average standad average standard average standard averge standard class paramete (Mg/I) rate % (mg/I) rate % (Mg/i) rate % (Mg/I) rate % _____ pH 7.44 0 7.50 0 7.66 0 7.62 0 6.5 8.5 DO 7.63 0 5.92 0 5.88 0 5.59 0 3 SS 15.5 0 109.0 22.2 17.0 0 147.7 22.2 100 CODcr 28.54 94.4 19.32 38.9 49.05 100 27.41 61.1 20 Oil 0.41 16.7 0.28 16.7 1.59 66.7 0.39 11.1 0.5 NH3-N 1.06 88.9 0.27 22.2 4.72 100 0.29 22.2 0.5 Each indicator in the above table is based on the results of 18 samples. It can be seen that at two cross-sections of Xinhua Bridge and Sifangtai, pH and DO are under the standard during dry and wet seasons. SS exceeds the standard only in wet season with much rainfall. The relative heavier parameters are COD, Oil and NH3-H, which are much more higher in dry season than those in wet season. The water quality in urban section of Hunhe River deteriorated and exceeds Class IV standard as a result of large amount of industrial and domestic wastewater discharged into the river, causing a very severe pollution in Hunhe River. 4) Fish Resource There is almost no fish in urban section of Hunhe River, because of severe pollution, flow control by Dahuofang Reservoir, and frequent clearance of river bed, which destroyed fish's living conditions in river. 38 Uaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushua Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment x~.2 X\\< I -A 3 U) _ N~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j 0 o 1 If OD 2~ ~~~~~~~~3 Laonlng Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment n~~~~~ '\\ \\ I 40~~~~~~ 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / 7 cn ~ ~ ~ ~ O 40~~~~~~ Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment River's Sediment Table 3.2.4-4 gives the monitoring result of river's sediment during 1985-1995, which is completed by Fushun Environmental Protection Monitoring Station. table 3.2.4-4River's Sediment Investigation in Urban Section of Hunhe River parameter Pb Cd Cr Oil 1985 96.25 2.50 210.0 2941.5 1995 5.94 1.28 174.0 269.9 The above table presents that pollutiori of river's sediment lessens annually because of increasingly strengthening control on industrial pollution sources. The endless sand-excavating activity on river bed also results in content loss of pollutant in sediment. Water Regional Function of Hunhe River The river water in urban section of Hunhe River has been applied to water demand by industrial and agricultural use, sand excavation and sightseeing along the river. * water volume of 0.12 billion m3 per year is supplied to crop field irrigation downstream. 3 Water volume of 0.12 billion m3 per year, after properly treated, is supplied to industrial users. * Sand of 0.4 million m3 per year has been excavated, permitted only in the river segment between Gebu Bridge and Xinhua Bridge. * Sightseeing and recreational space have been developed in urban section from Xinhua Bridge to Jiangjun Bridge for the purpose of giving people a relax and entertainment spot. Two air-filling rubber dams at Gebu and Jiangjun were built to hold about 27 hectares on-water area during no water discharge from Dahuofang Reservoir upstream. It is impossible to swim and fishing because of as a result of severe water pollution caused by industrial and domestic wastewater discharging. The fishery cultivation is possible only in Dahuofang Reservoir. Socio-Economic Development in Hunhe River Basin' There are dense population and industries along both sides of Hunhe River. The development of this area will directly influence the economy, landscape and the safety of Fushun. Therefore, the development of the area on both sides of Hunhe River is a major task in Fushun Master Plan. A land area of 277.3 hectare is in this area, which can be used for urban construction, 403 hectare can be used for road 41 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fusbun Subproject Environmental Imp2ct Assessment planting, and 2.70 million m2 can be used for residential building. The reason why Hunhenan Road is preferred as major program of overall municipal transport project is that it will greatly improve the existing traffic congestion in urban area. The anti-flood embankments on both sides of Hunhe River are designed in accordance with maximum flood peak in past 300 years; the top of embankment is in accordance with maximum flood peak in past 1000 years aqd the top of retaining- flood wall is in accordance with maximum flood peak in 2000 years. Thus, the safety of urban in flood period is guaranteed. Groundwater As Fushun is located in mQuntainous area and has a shallow soil layer with only 2-3 m depth, the groundwater resource is poor. There is no sufficient utilization of groundwater in Fushun. Water supply is basically taken from Dahuofanf Reservoir and Hunhe River. The groundwater in Fushun has been polluted to some extent as a result of shallow top soil. 3.2.5 Geology and Geomorphology Fushun's geology is characterized by major substratum of old metamorphic rocks, which belongs to Tertiary Deposition in Eozoic Era. The geology in Fushun majors by hills and low mountains. It is lower in the west and higher in the east. The urban city is located on the alluvial plain of Hunhe River, with average elevation between 65-99 m. The average elevation of both sides from urban area( south and north sides) is between 100-200 m. 3.2.6 Soil and Vegetation Soil The soil in the project area is mainly meadow soil, which is a ripen soil matrix evolved from alluvial and silting matters. Vegetation The green space in urban area of Fushun depends mainly on tree planting. The tree planting has been paid a vital attention and played an important role in municipal construction. In 1995, 118300 trees, 32000m2 lawn and 9000 m green fence were planted in whole urban zone. By the end of 1995, the green space is 3146 hectares, which covers 29.5% of total urban area. The green space is 4.42m2 per capita. Table 3.2.6-1 shows tree planting along roadsides in project area. 42 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table3.2.6-1 Vegetation Distribution length road tree-species distribution lawn area road road section (km) width(m) major tree species quantity m 2 Hunhe Bridge to Poplar 50 10 Heping Bridge 2.60 30 Elm 500 5000 o Elm 828 P-1 ~~~~~~~~~~Poplar 680 a Heping Bridge to 3.90 30 Willow 1295 40020 a Guchenghekou Bridge Pagoda 11177 a _ Shrub 26340 Guchenghekou Bridge tol 8.3 18.5- tree and shrub on 5845 Dongzhou Bridge _I_ 47 roadsides 109493 68420 Wugong Street, 0.78 15.5 Poplar 240 3.3 Socioeconomic Environment 3.3.1 Demographics The distribution of resident population in the project area is summarized in Table 3.3-1 and Fig.3-10. Table 3.3-1 Population Distribution in Project Area project content road section district density(person/Lkm2) total Hunhe Bridge to Wanhua 1960 490 Heping Bridge Gebu Bridge to Xinfu 9139 8226 Hunhenan Road Yongan BridgeXif91982 Xinhua Bridge to Xf 2180 3453 Changchun Bridge Xinfu Changchun Bridge to Lutian 960 1191 _____________Dongzhou Bridge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ construction site of Xinfu 18624 3725 Wugong Street Xifuping Road Xinfu 3930 786 total 17871 3.3.2 Community in Project Area Most areas along Hunhenan Road are mixed of industrial, agricultural and residential areas. There is few commerce, education unit, cultural and historic place or hospital. The main sensitive receptors are residential zones in Beihou Village and 104# Residential Building on Hunhenan Road. In the areas aloiig construction route of Wugong Street, commercial, residential buildings and a big whole-sale market mixed. Along Xiftiping Road there are retail markets, administrative building and a few residential zone. The distribution of communities in the project is given in Table 3.3-2. 43 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 3.3-2 Community Distribution in Project Area residential commercial sparse or small office s project content plant building market market buidi hotel Guchenghekou Bridge to 14 '9 Gebu Bridge 0 Gebu Bridge to Jiangjun 18 l ; i Bridge ._ _ iangjun Bridge to Xinhua 8 9 2 Bridge _ 9_2 Xinhua Bridge to 3 14 . Dongzhou Bridge 3 14_I Wugong SLreet 2 22 7 104 . Xifuping Road 5 2 269 2 total 37 67 9 373 I - 4 3.3.3 Land Use in Project Area Most of land along Hunhenan Road is used as industrial area; a few lands belong to residential zone, public space and agricultural land(3% of total area). The construction route on Wugong Street is just in urban center, where there is many commercial and residential buildings. In the area along Xifuping Road there is a combined land use of commercial, public land, a few residential building and electric-railway. Table 3.3-3 and Fig.3-10 have illustrated the land use in the project area. Table 3.3-3 Land Use in Project Area project content land use Hunhe Bridge to Guchenghekou Bridge crop field, riparian land, village house,a few industrial land -a Gucheng stuary Bridge to Gebu Bridge industrial land Gebu Bridge to Jiangjun Bridge residential zone and public space Jiangjun Bridge to Xonhua Bridge public land and a few residential buildings Xinhua Bridge to Dongzhou Bridge industrial, agricultural and some residential buildings Wugong Street commercial and residential land Xifuping Road commercial and public land, some residential buildings 44 LAsoulng Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment IL ; ''V0 W S ........ t1 11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, ,J .4-3 7R ~ ~ ~ // 0. ft ~ ~~~~~~~45 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Asessment 4. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ANALYSIS 4.1 Issues and Concerns In this chapter, the potential impact of the project on environment has been described, and the concerns of impact majors as air, water ( Hunhe River), noise status and socio-economic envirbnment during construction and operation phases. Major items to assessment are: e air quality; * noise: * water; * socioeconomic environment; * alternative analysis. 4.2 Air Quality 4.2.1 Methodology The analysis of impact focuses on the impact on the air quality along the proposed project with and without. The prediction will be made till the year 2010. The emission factor of motor-vehicle is the key to determine emissions and air quality. The MOBILE5 is used to calculate emission level of motor-vehicle with related reference and data format employed in other cities of China. The data and parameter used in MOBIE5 are as follows: * currently practiced emission standard, vehicle inspection and test procedure. * emission control planning for motor-vehicle, I/M procedure and inspection standard for future new model of vehicle. * ratio of imported and domestic vehicle, of diesel and gasoline vehicle, and testing result for newly imported vehicle. * average speed on various road-section of Hunhenan Road. * meteorological data: the maximum and minimum daily average temperature in various season. Air Quality Model MO*ILE5, a line source model recommended by U.S. EPA, has be used to do air quality prediction. The parameters are modified in accordance with real conditions in Fushun. Although CALINE3 uses Gauss Model and modified Pasquill-Smith's Vertical Dispersion Coefficient, the solution to Pasquill-Smith parameters is by aerodynamically experiment on smooth and tree-covered ground. The practical dispersion parameters employed in China is used, together with data about realistic ground roughness being input to the model. 46 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fusbun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Major parameters of the model are as follows: * in summer: average wind speed (2.0m/s) and Class D atmospheric stability taken as normal weather conditions. * lm/s wind speed and Class F taken as unfavorable weather conditions. * In winter: 2.1 m/s average wind speed and Class D atmospheric stability taken as normal weather conditions. * lm/s wind speed and F Class atmospheric stability taken as unfavorable weather condition. * Wind direction: selecting prevailing wind direction( NNE) with obvious irmpact on Hunhenan RoAd and second dominant wind direction(NE). Parameters for prediction: CO CH NOx Hourly average: take vehicle fleet per hour in peak hour as hourly data for analysis. Daily average : take traffic volume per day as daily average for analysis. No background value is included in predicted data. The ratio of NO2 and NOx are confirmed according to NOx Emission Sources and Control, Air Resource Board, Cal. USA Some representative monitoring locations on appropriate road sections are selected on Hunhenan Road to reflect real pollution situation along overall alignment. Two locations, Beihou Village and 104# Residential Building, can represent the impact of motor-vehicle's exhaust on nearby residential zones in Hunhenan Road. Table 4.2.1-1 Monitoring Locations on Huhhenan Road road Hunhe Bridge to Guchenghekou Bridge to Xinhua Bridge to Wanxin Bridge to section Guchenghekou Bridge Xinhua Bridge Wanxin Bridge Dongzhou loainBeihou Village 104# ega oe Oil Machinery location Village Building Tax Bureau sengmo Hotel Works Service 4.2.2 Motor-Vehicle Emission The motor-vehicle fleet in 1995, according to Fushun Transport Administration, was 65,057 vehicles. According to Investigated Data in June 1995 made by FUTRMPO, the traffic volume in peak hour or even in non-peak hour on some trunks in east-west direction has already been in saturation, resulting in much slow-down traffic of only 20 km/h of average speed in the city center and 24 km/h in the whole city. The emission coefficients of motor- vehicle in 1995, if calculated in terms of average speed of 24 km/h, are as follow: HC 11.70 g/km veh.; CO 64.69 g/km veh.; NOx 4.39 g/km veh. 47 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Meanwhile, according to " Fushun Environmental Quality Report in 1991-1995", it is known that pollutant quantity in emission of motor-vehicle in 1995, if calculated in terns of 86% MV trip rate and 51.5 km daily travel mileage, was as follow: CO 68,000 tons NOx 4,600 tons HC 12,300 tons Based on Environmental Quality Report in Fushun in 1991-1995, it is known that emissions of industrial pollution sources in whole city in 1995 are as follow: CO 57,500 tons NOx 77,600 tons HC 6,500 tons The biggest NOx emission sources in Fushun are Liaoning Power Generation Plant and Fushun Power Generation Plant, accounting for 50% of total NOx emissions in Fushun, according to Fushun Environmental Quality Statement(1991-1995). The comparative analysis on above-mentioned two sets of data shows that the percentage of the emissions of CO, NOx and HC in those of in whole city are as follows: CO 54% NOx 6 % HC 65% 4.2.3 Impact on Air Quality Construction Phase The temporary impacts on air quality during the project construction are as follows: * The air-borne dust occur in earthwork, transportation, loading and unloading, demolishing building operations * The field survey shows that dust impact by demolishing buildings on residents is mainly at Beihou Village. It is estimated that nearly 300 persons will be influenced accordingly in about 50 m long demolished length. * Impact of construction vehicles on nearby air quality, is mainly caused CO, NOx and HC on air quality of road sides. * The exhaust of construction vehicles emitted into air. i The exhaust of construction vehicles will have CO, NOx and HC, which will have impact on air quality along the proposed roads. * Pollution by some temporary cooking oven at construction sites. 48 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmentl Impact Asessment * The smoky dust, SO2, NOx and CO emitted by these coal-burning oven or boiler at all construction sites, if calculated in terms of 100 tons coal per year at each construction site, are respectively as follow: smoky dust 4.6 tons/year SO2 1.44 tons/year NOx 0.36 tons/year CO 2.3 tons/year * Impact of asphalt paving in road construction on neighboring environment. The asphalt used in construction will be transported from Asphalt and Concrete Plant managed by Fushun Municipal Engineering Corporation The plant is located in Yongjin Road(within industrial area). There are two sets of asphalt mixing machines in the plant, each with a capacity of 80 tons per hour. The plant is 2 km from the residential zone nearby in down-wind direction. There is no impact on them in construction phase also because the waste gas will be treated through purification facility before emission. Operation Phase a) Emission of Motor-Vehicle The motor-vehicle fleet will increase from 65,057 vehicles in 1995 to 115,000 vehicles in 2010 (according to Fushun Traffic Planning). After the completion of Hunhenan Road Project, the average speed will increase from 24 Km/h in 1995 to 28.1 Km/h. However, the average speed in whole city will decrease from 24 Km/h to 18 Km/h without the project implementation. Thus existing traffic congestion will be further deteriorated without the project. The following table gives emission coefficients of motor-vehicle. 49 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmenital Impact Assessment Table 4.2.3-1 Emission Coefficient of Motor-Vehicle Unit: g/km vehicle item year season parameter average HC 17.35 winter Co 87.64 NOx 5.06 1995 HC 6.05 present (24km/h) summer co 41.73 (24km/h) ~~~~~~~~NOX 3.73 HC 11.70 average CO 64.69 __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ NOx 4.39 i winter CO 51.50 NOx 3.22 with 2010 HC 3.34 proeth 28010kmi sumrner CO 23.79 project (28.1kmlh) NOX 2.35 HC 6.13 average CO 37.64 _________ _________________N O x 2.78 HC 11.80 winter CO 66.84 NOx 3.44 witiout 2010 HC 4.41 project (I 8km/h) summer cO 31.11 NOX 2.53 HC 8.10 average co 48.97 _________ ___ ______ _____ ____________N O x 2.98 According to Fushun Urban Traffic Planning, the trip rate of motor vehicles in whole city will be 87%, and the daily mileage will be 57.8 km. The comparative results between with and without project by the year 2010 is summarized as given by Table 4.2.3-2. Table 4.2.3-2 Emission Comparison with and without Project in 2010 Unit: 10,O00tons/year pollutant CO NOx HC without project 10.34 0.63 1.71 with project 7.95 0.59 1.29 Based on the data in 1995, 2010 with the project, and 2010 without the project, it can be concluded as follows: 1) comparison between the data in 1995 and in 2010 with project By the year 2010 with project, the growth of the motor-vehicle fleet will cause the increase of HC by 5%, CO by 17%, and NOx by 28%. 50 Liaoning Urban lransport Project -Fushun Subproject Ecvironmenal Impact Assesment The completion of the project will result in the growth of the average speed. However, the increase of traffic speed will be temporary. Public transport will be promoted in a long term, and a series of public transport priority policies, for instance, bus-only lanes on Fengxiang Road, Lichuan Road, Dong-Xiyi Road and so on will be developed in the project. 2).comparison between the data in 1995 and in 2010 without project By the year 2010 with project, the growth of the motor-vehicle fleet will cause the increase of HC by 37%, CO by 52%, and NOx by 39%. 3) comparison between the data with and without project in 2010. Average speed will increase with project in 2010. Therefore, the proposed project will reduce HC by 32/o, CO by 30%, NOx by 7% 4) comparison between the data with and without project in the urban center Contrasted with the case without project by the year 2010, exhaust pollution of motor-vehicle, if take data on Dongyi Road and Xiyi Road as instance, will reduce HC by 40%, CO by 39%, NOx by 26% The above comparative analysis shows that the constructiorl of Hunhenan Road will reduce the pollution caused by all motor-vehicles in Fushun, especially in urban, center. It is environmentally feasible of the construction of Hunhenan Road. b) Air Quality Analysis with Project 1) Hunhenan Road The prediction for air quality on Hunhenan Road is done by using CALINE3. On Hunhenan Road, there is no elevated road section. The predicted result shows that implementation of Hunhenan Road will deteriorate the air quality on both roadsides, especially under unfavorable weather and within 30m distance from road center. The pollution area on some road section is 150 m away from road center. Air pollution in winter is much more serious than in summer. * Impact on the Road Section Table 4.2.3-3 CO Maximum on Various Road Section Unit: mg/mr3 value season standard variation scope under unfavorable weadter under normal weather hourly avrage summer 10.00 0.502-3.200 0.285- 1.703 winter 1.064-6.784 0.584- 3.590 daily average sunmer 4.00 0.423- 2.663 0.228- 1.417 winter 4.0 0.896- 5.645 0.463- 2.984 51 Lbo*nkg Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assesment Table 4.2.3-4 HC Maximum on Various Road Section Unit: mg/mr3 value season standard variation scope under unfavorable weather under normal weather summer 0.099-0.563 0.056- 0.300 hourly average winter 3.0 0.253-1.241 0.138- 0.656 summer 0.083-0.468 0.045- 0.249 daily average winter 1.0 0.213-1.033 0.11O 0.546 Table 4.2.3-5 NOX Maximum on Various Road Section Unit: mg/m3 variation scope value season standard vaito Dcp under unfavorable weather under normal weather summer 0.146-0.435 0.020- 0.231 hourly avwrage winter 0.15 0.197-0.583 0.091- 0.308 summer 0.121- 0.362 0.057- 0.192 daily average winter 0.1 0.163- 0.485 0.075- 0.256 Table 4.2.3--6 NO2 Maximum on Various Road Section Unit: mg/mr3 value season standard variation scope under unfavorable weather under normal weather summer 0.015-0.044 0.002- 0.023 hourly average winter 0.12 0.020-0.058 ,0.009-0.031 dail avesummer 0.012- 0.036 0.006- 0.019 daily average winter 0.08 0.016- 0.049 0.008- 0.026 The predicted results for pollution level on various road section shows that NOx has the maximum impact on both roadsides, and HC,CO and NO2 have less impact. The pollution in winter is much more serious than in summer, only because longer time is needed to start engine in cold weather. The pollutant quantity under unfavorable weather is usually twice as much as that under normal weather. However, the frequency and duration of unfavorable weather are very short. CO The predicted result shows that CO concentration on both roadsides, if measured at 15m away from road center, is usually under the standard. Only in unfavorable weather, the daily averages at Tax Bureau and Sengmao Hotel exceed the standard by 42% and 3% respectively. The most polluted road section is the section near Tax Bureau on Hunhenan Road, because of heavy traffic, slow speed and frequent stops and starts at intersections. The pollution of Beihou Village along Hunhenan Road is slight, where there will be an expressway. 52 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assesment HC The predicted result shows that HC concentration on both roadsides, under normal weather, is under the standard. However, under unfavorable weather in winter, maximum daily average exceeds the standard by 3% only at Tax Bureau. NOx The predicted result shows that maximum hourly value for NO., under normal weather in summer exceeds the standard by 54% and 10% at Tax Bureau and Sengmao Hotel respectively. The maximum value for NOx under unfavorable weather in summer exceeds standard more severe, by 190%, on road sections near Tax Bureau. And the maximum daily average exceed the standard by 262% on various road section in summer. The maximum hourly averages in winter all exceed standard, even 288% on the road section near Tax Bureau. The maximum daily average on various road section exceeds the standard by 385% near Tax Bureau in winter. NO2 The predicted result shows that under unfavorable weather in winter, the maximum NO2 daily average is 61% of the standard value; the maximum hourly averages is 48% of the standard. Under normal weather condition, the maximum NO2 daily average is 32.5% of the standard; the maximum hourly average is 25.8% of the standard. Therefore, no NO2 prediction exceeds the standard on various road section. I impact on Sensitive Receptors The predicted results for all locations show that air pollution is more severe in winter than in summer. The pollution is most severe at Tax Bureau, where there is a traffic intersection with large vehicle flow and frequent stops and starts. The slightest pollution is at Beihou Village because it is far away from traffic route and there will be an expressway. NO. is the most severe pollutant. co The predicted result shows that daily average for CO, under unfavorable weather in winter, exceeds the standard by 11% at Tax Bureau. HC The calculated results for all locations show that the values of HC are under the standard in all weather conditions. NOX The daily average for NOx. under unfavorable weather in winter, exceeds the standard at all locations except Beihou Village and Oil Machinery Works Supply Service. At Tax Bureau, Sengmao Hotel and 104# Building, the standard has been exceed the standard respectively by 281%, 124% and 87%. 53 Li.oning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment NO2 The predicted result shows that the value of NO2 at Tax Bureau is the biggest, which its daily averages is 47.5% of the standard and the maximum hourly averages is 40.8% of the standard. All predicted values of NO2 are under the standard at all measuring points. Fig.4-1 illustrates the standard-exceedance of the daily averages of major pollutants and the pollutant concentrations at sensitive receptors, under unfavorable weather conditions. In summary, exhaust emission of motor-vehicles on Hunhenan Road has less impact on Beihou Village and 104# Building. 54 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Asment 4 a *1wF:I t 01K '.I , 55 Llxonlag Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 4.2.3-7 CO Impact on Sensitive Points mg/rm under unfavorable weather under normal weather value season standard Beihou 104# Tax Sengmao Oil Machinery Beihou 104# Tax Sengrao Oil Machinery hour.y summer _ Village building Bureau Hotel Works Service Village building Bureau Hotel Works Service hourly summer 10.00 0.205 1.257 2.679 1.474 0.388 0.045 0.457 1.173 0.560 0.102 average winter _ 0.434 2.664 5.679 3.124 0.830 0.075 0.948 2A66 1.167 0.188 daily sun mer 4.00 0.171 1.029 2.091 1.234 0.309 0.042 0.354 0.194 0.457 0.091 average winter . 0.342 2.181 4.432 2.616 0.661 0.072 0.730 2.087 0.948 0.174 Table4.2-3-8 THC Impact on Various Sensitive Points mg/rn3 _ under unfavorable weather under normal weather value season standard Beibou 104# e Sengao Oil Machinery Beihou 104# Sengmao Oil Machinery Village buuiding SHotel Works Service Villhre building Tax Bureau Hotel Works Service hourly summer 0.040 0.221 0.471 0.259 0.058 0.009 0.080 0.206 0.098 0.015 average winter . 0.103 0.487 1.039 0.571 0.151 0.017 0.173 0.451 0.213 0.034 daily sunmmer 0 0.034 0.181 0.368 0.217 0.046 0.008 0.062 0.174 0.080 0.013 average winter I 0 0.081 0.399 0.811 0.478 0.120 0.015 0.133 0.381 0.173 0.031 56 _w Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 4.2.3-9 NOX Impact on Various Sensitive Point mg/mi3 _ __ _________under unfavorable weather under nornal weather value season standard Beihou 104# Sengmao Oil Machinery Beihou 104# Sengmao Oil Machinery I I ~~Tax Bureau enmo OlMciey Bio 0# Tax Bureau Sega OiMchey _ ~~~~~~~~Village building Ta ueu Hotel Works Service Village building Ta ueu Hotel Works Service hourly summer 0.15 0.069 0.171 0.364 0.200 0.053 0.015 0.062 -0.159 0.076 0.014 average winter . 0.094 0.229 0.488 0.268 0.071 0.016 0.081 0.212 0.100 0.016 daily sunmer 0.058 0.139 0.284 0.167 0.042 0.013 0.048 0.135 0.062 0.012 averge winter 0.1 0.074 0.187 0.381 0.224 0.056 0.014 0.062 0.179 0.081 0.014 Table 4.2.3--10 NO2 Impact on Sensitive Points Mg/rn3 unfavorable weather | normal weather l value season standard Beihou 104# Tax Bureau Sengmao Oil Machineiy Beihou 104# Tax Bureau Sengmao Oil Machinery Village Building Hotel Works Service Village Building __Hotel Works Service hourly summer 0.12 0.007 0.017 0.036 0.020 0.005 0.002 0.006 0.016 0.008 0.001 average . 0.009 0.023 0.049 0.027 0.007 0.002 0.008 0.021 0.010 0.002 daily sumer 0.08 0.006 0.014 0.028 0.017 0.004 0.001 0.005 0.014 0.006 _0.001 averge 0.007 '0.019 0.038 0.022 0.006 0.001 0.006 0.018 0.008 0.001 57 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessmuet 2) Wugong Street and Xifuping Road The vehicle flow on Wugong Street is estimated to be 1.5 times than that at present. However, the traffic speed will increase. Hence, the ambient air quality will have no big change due to the implementation of the project. Xifuping Road is now a missing link and has no traffic. It will be developed to MV one way street in the project. Meanwhile, the proposed road will be far away from the residential area. Thus, there will be less impact on the residents. 3) Comparison between the data With and Without Project O Impact on Hunhena-n Road Table 4.2.3-11Hourly average Comparison in Winter Unit:mg/mr3 under unfavorable weather under normal weather parameter location with project without project with project without project Beihou Village 0.434 0 0.075 0 104# Building 2.664 4.274 0.948 1.526 CO Tax Bureau 5.679 8.30 2.466 3.901 Sengmao Hotel 3.124 2.75 1.167 1.089 Beihou Village 0.103 0 0.017 0 CH 104#Building 0.487 0.739 0.173 0.264 Tax Bureau 1.039 1.436 0.451 0.675 Sengmao Hotel 0.571 0.476 0.213 0.188 Beihou Village 0.094 0 0.016 0 NOx 104#Building 0.229 0.269 0.081 0.096 NOx Tax Bureau 0.488 0.523 0.212 0.342 Sengmao Hotel 0.268 0.173 0.100 0.069 Beihou Village 0.009 0 0.002 0 N02 104#Building 0.023 0.027 0.008 0.010 NO2 Tax Bureau 0.049 0.052 0.021 0.034 _ Sengmao Hotel 0.027 0.0'17 0.010 0.007 58 Lasoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 4.2.3-12 Daily Average in Winter Unit:mg/m3 under unfavorable weather under normal weather with project without project with project without project Beihou Village 0.342 0 0.072 0 CO 104# Building 2.181 3.575 0.730 1.278 Tax Bureau 4.432 6.918 2.087 3.251 Sengmao Hotel 2.616 2.296 0.948 0.916 Beihou Village 0.081 0 0.015 0 104# Building 0.399 0.618 0.133 0.221 CH Tax Bureau 0.811 1.196 0.381 0.562 Sengmao Hotel 0.478 0.397 0.173 0.158 - Beihou Vili4ge 0.074 0 o.o14 0 NO, 104# Building 0.187 0.225 0.062 0.081 Tax Bureau 0.381 0.435 0.179 0.205 Sengmao Hotel 0.224 0.145 0.081 0.058 Beihou Village 0.007 0 0.001 0 104# Building 0.019 0.023 0.006 0.008 Tax Bureau 0.038 0.044 0.018 0.021. _Sengmao Hotel 0.022 0.015 0.008 0.005 It can be seen in Table 4.2.3-11 and 4.2.3-12 that the pollution will be more serious with project than without as a result of newly built expressway between Hunhe Bridge and Guchenghekou Bridge. The pollution on road section between Changchun Bridge and Dongzhou Bridge will also be more serious with project than without project. The traffic speed on road section between Guchenghekou Bridge and Wanxin Bridge is very slow, so pollution will be somewhat more moderate with project than without project. The daily average comparison of major pollutants between with and without project at various location in unfavorable weather in winter is shown in Fig.4-2. * Wugong Street and Xifuping Road Wugong Street will have little obvious impact on nearby air quality with and without the project. While the impact on air quality occurred by the construction of Xifuping Road, however, will be more obvious with project than without. 59 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Asessment * Impact on Air Quality in Urban Center and Major Road Sections Table 4.2..3-13 Impact on Air Quality in Urban Center and Major Road Sections Unit: mgJm3 road pollutant_hourly value daily average name povlt th project without project difference with project ithout project ifference Dongyi CO 0.856 1.549 0.693 0.734 1.282 0.548 oagY HC 0.156 0.218 0.062 0.134 0.180 0.046 Road NOx 0.073 0.125 0.053 0.063 0.103 0.040 Q.ngnin . CO 0.659 1.138 0.479 0.537 0.943 0.406 QngRnan HC 0.120 0.160 0.040 0.098 0.132 0.034 Road NOx 0.656 0.092 0.036 0.046 0.076 0.030 It can be concluded from above table that the pollution caused by MV emission on Dongyi Road in urban center and on Qingnian Road will be reduced by 40% to 80%. The implementation of the project will benefit the air quality in the entire city. The implementation of the project will reduce CO, HC and NOX by 30%, 32% and 7% respectively. On trunk roads in urban center, it will reduce these pollutants by 39%, 40% and 26% respectively. Therefore, it is obvious that the air quality in whole city will be improved significantly after the project is finished. 60 Fig. 4-2 Daily Average Prediction About With And Without Project In Unfavorable Weather Of Winter In 2010 9 Iid Vilth 41tbouti Unit:mg/rr.3Z WIhWtt 9 0. 2241 ls fa _ "ia tlithott | Nox 10V3ti| Wit51 Nox 114 - 1 N0x witFI lltt [ lMlt Nox~~~wit wih8 0.22 \ \ 0 2.6112.29 1 Ctx 0.06 0 < H ,9 5\4-< I 9S_d .t,> S A)C i) . 6 I X~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hc~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 96*~~~~~~~~-~~1½ Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmtal Impact Assessment 4.2.4 Mitigation Measures Construction Phase It will take six years to complete Hunhenan Road Project. Mitigation measures of dust control at construction sites are as follows: * Construction site will be enclosed with magenisite slab or plastic fiber of 2-3 m height. Water will be sprayed three times a day within construction sites during windy days in spring and fall. * Transport routes will be away from residential zones and other sensitive points. Trucks with loose materials will be covered with canvas. * Concrete mixing must be operated at specific mixing station. Asphalt and concrete mixing stations are located within industrial zone nearby Yongji Road, 2 km away from neighboring residential area. The pollutant emission concentration of this station is under the national standard, and there is little impact on the nearby residents. m Construction machinery will be maintained by the contractor once a month to kept in good conditions. The exhaust emission for construction machinery will be under the, nation standard. Operation Phase The implementation of the project will result in increased traffic and motor vehicle emissions, leading to deterioration of air quality along the project roads. Therefore, the air pollution will be control based on the whole city in long term. A mitigation of the long term project impacts on air quality m and ultimately, sustained improvement of air quality in the city call for a motor vehicle emission control strategy. A technical assistance is therefore needed for necessary and appropriate technical and financial resources. Fushun Project Office is mainly responsible for developing this strategy with the other two project cities and related provincial agencies before Dec. 2001, and Fushun EPB is mainly responsible for the implementation of the strategy since Dec. 2002. The total input for the development of the strategy will be estimated as 40 man-months of local consultants and 15 man-months of out-of province consultants. The total cost estimate of the strategy is about 150,000 UDS, in which about 400,000 Yuan RMB will be input by Fushun. Details of the strategy are presented in Annex: Outline of Technical Assistance for Development of Motor Vehicle Emission Control Strategy. The specific mitigation measures in operation phase are as follows: v Use of unleaded Gasoline According to MV exhaust emission control regulation issued by the Provincial EPB, unleaded gasoline will be adopted by January 1 1999 in whole Liaoning Province. The oil processing capacity and corresponding service facility in Fushun can meet the demand on this fuel. A certain economic management system and supervision mechanism will be established to ensure the popularizing unleaded gasoline. 62 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushua Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment * Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (1/M) System According to regulations of No.172 Paper(1997) issued by Liaoning Public Security Agency and of No.97 Paper (1997) issued by Liaoning EPB and other authorities, Fushun Vehicle Testing Institute began to implement the inspection of motor vehicle emission in 1989. The inspection is conducted during March 1 to October 31 every year. This institute has 45 employees and some testing instruments, which has reliable finance support from local finance administration. The cost of vehicle inspection is paid by vehicle-owner himself. I The content of vehicle inspection, apart from safe driving, includes emission and noise performance. The unqualified vehicles must be repaired. Exhaust purifying device must be installed in response to Fushun Environmental Protection Plan in Ninth Five-Year Plan Period. Also, no driving is permitted if without exhaust verification card. The installation of exhaust purifying device is supervised by Fushun EPB and its cost is paid by vehicle owner. Random test will be carried out besides regular inspection every year in the near future by Fushun EPB and Public Security Bureau. * Development of MV exhaust emission control research Related MV exhaust emission control researches will be developed associated with the development of the Strategy. 4.2.5 Residual Impact Construction Phase Like previous practice in road construction in Fushun, the earth and sand material come from the river bed. The wet sand and earth does not cause much air-borne dust during construction. In general, mitigation mentioned above will reduce at least 80% of air-borne dust during construction phase. Operation Phase The proposed MVECS will be developed and implemented since 2002. Therefore, the air quality in long term will be improved. Table 4.2.5-1 lists some mitigation effect for motor- vehicle emission. Table 4.2.5-1 Mitigation Measures and The Effects mitigation measure pollutant mitigation percentage (/)l using unleaded gasoline Pb 100 NOx 25 installing exhaust purifying device, controlling vehicle fleet CO 35 HC 35 Pb 100 total NOx 25 co 35 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _H C 35 63 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 4.3 Noise 4.3.1 Methodology In this prediction model, a non-continual line source model with equal-pace arrangement is used: 1 + (X Log=Li+1 OLg-j-*1 OLg y I AS-i3 where Logi = traffic noise by ith vehicle dB(A) Li = avNerage noise level by ith vehicle at 7.5 meters away from road center, dB(A) T = date T=lh Qi = traffic volume of ith vehicle type veh./h Vi = running speed of ith vehicle type, km/h = distance from measuring point to road center, m = attenuation factor associated with sound absorbing characteristic of ground AS = parameter associated with noise barrier's attenuation performance, road structure and buildings Noise level synthesized at same point by three types of vehicle will be: 3 0.1 Iog. Log=1 Dlg 1Ei 10 where Logi represents noise level by ith vehicle type, dB(A) The parameters in model is presented in Table 4.3.1-1. Table 4.3.1-1 Parameters in Model parameter value, O 0 noise hindered by first row of building on both roadsides s 5.OdB(A) additional noise hindered by adding another row of building 1.5dB(A) max. noise hindered by building 1O.OdB(A) vehicle flow in day-time =daily average flow 0.9 16 vehicle flow Qi vehicle flow in night-time =daily average flow 0.1 8 speed V 40 60km/h average noise by all small vehicleLs 68.5 73.1 average noise by all middle vehicle Lm 75.4 81.8 large vehicle Lh 84.4 88.0 64 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 4.3.2 Impact of Traffic Noise Construction Phase 1) Impact of Construction Sites Main equipment used in road construction includes paver, ditch-digger, roller, asphalt spreader, bulldozer, excavator, and heavy-duty truck. The noise levels in operation are generally between 8ldB(A) and 93dB(A). Table 4.3.2-1 lists noise limits at boundary of construction site and Table 4.3.2-2 gives the noise level caused by various construction equipment at differentkdistances. Table 4.3.2-1 Noise Limit at Construction Site GB12523-90 construction noise limit phase major noise sources day-time niht-time earth-work bulldozer excavator loader and so on 75 55 pilling various pilling machine 85 no operation structure cement mixer vibrator electric-saw ans so on 70 55 decoration crane lifter 65 55 Table 4.3.2-2 Noise Impact by Construction Machines construction noise level at various distance dB(A) noise standard specified at 50m away equipment 5m 20m 25m 50m day-time night-time road paving 81 69 67 61 70 55 machine _ ditch-digging 86 74 72 66 75 55 machine road compacting 87 75 73 67 75 55 machine asphalt spreader 87 75 73 67 75 55 bulldozer 90 78 76 70 75 55 heavy truck 92 80 77 72 75 55 excavator 90 78 76 70 75 55 cement mixer 91 79 77 71 70 55 The above tables show that the noise levels are under the standard outside the 50 m away the boundary of construction site. However, the residential buildings are near the proposed road. Therefore, the impact on residents will be severe, especially during constructing activity in night-time. The specific noise impact on the residents caused by construction machinery is as follows: * In the road section between Gebu Bridge and Xinhua Bridge along Hunhenan Road, the distance of first row buildings from road center is only 25m. The construction noise near building is 67-77dB(A). If windows of building have to be opened in hot days(in July and August), the in-door noise of residents will be 57-67dB(A), which exceeds the standard by 2-12 dB(S). When the windows close in other months, the in-door noise is still 52- 65 Liso*nig Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Asesment 57dB(A), which exceeds the standard by 2dB(A). In other road sections along Hunhenan Road, the residential buildings are far away from the road(more than 50m), so construction noise has little impact on the receptors. v When upgrade of Wugong Street is in construction, the maximum noise caused by construction machinery will be 92 dB(A). It can be concluded from Table 4.3.2-2 that noise outside the building is 69-80dB(A), and the in-door noise will be 59-70dB(A). All noise levels are under the standard in day-time, and the noise in night-time will exceed the standard by 4-1 5dB(A). * In the construction of Xifuping Road, the noise of construction on the boundary of the construction site(50 m away from the road) will be 61-70 dB(A), which is 2 dB(A) higher than the standard. There is a little impact on business activities but almost no impact on in-door residents. - - In the case of several machines in operation together, for instance, heavy-duty truck, paver, roller and asphalt spreader, their noise impact can be calculated as follows: Heavy -Duty Truck 92 dB(A) Rollor 87 dB(A) Paver 81 dB(A) Asphalt Spreader 87 dB(A) The synthesized noise value is 94.3dB(A) and will be down to 74.3dB(A) at the place 50 m away from the construction site. Since there is only 25 m distance between the residential buildings and road center on middle section of Hunhenan Road ( from Gebu Bridge to Xinhua Bridge), noise caused by construction activity approximates to 77.3dB(A), which exceeds the standard by 7.3dB(A). In bridge construction site, electric-saw, water-pump, lifter and vibrator will be operated at the same time. And then the noise level can be worked out as follows: Electric-Saw 9OdB(A) Water Pump 85dB(A) Lifter 96dB(A) Vibrator 84dB(A) The synthesized noise level is 97.4dB(A). Since the distance between the location of bridge construction and the residential zone nearby is relatively far away, there is little noise irnpact. 2) Noise Impact at Main Construction Site The major noise impact caused by construction activity is at bridge construction site on Hunhenan Road. The distance between the construction site and the nearby receptor, however, is different: 66 Uaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Asaessmt Guchenghekou Bridge 180 m Wanxin Bridge 360 m The nearest distance is 180 m between construction site and residential zone, noise level in day-time is under the standard, but the noise exceeds the standard in night-time. However, no construction activity is allowed in night-time in accordance with Environmental Noise Control Regulation in Fushun, therefore, there will be no noise impact on the residents in night-time. Operation Phase The traffic noise in pperation phase mainly caused by motor-vehicles. Table 4.3.2- 3, Table 4.3.2-3 and Fig.4-3 give noise prediction values at both roadsides of the road. 67 Fig. 4-3 NOise Prediction Value At Various Location In 2010 Oil Mochinery Works Service Senqmoo Hotelr loi hureo Day Night , Dv 'lih Unit ,~~~~~~~~~~04 uidn 78 68 ~ !I Belhea Villoge 104 huilding '~~~~~ Day |Night | a. o 70. 9 - i / Beihou Village 7a- *- DaY l'i' . _ x CAhD Night g~ ~ ~~~~~~~~Iemi Ordq ___ I .(dPmo fPo II 68>~'67 0 6 _ 4 S; I_ Da X I- a h d< ; S?\y I6 7 3. 4 c hoo-d~~~~~~~~~~~~~ eb~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ H,., BkWGvch R'Ne B,,dqe POW Of NO I~~~~~~~~~~~I tree Xisan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ liaonlng Urban Trasport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessmnt Table 4.3.2-3 Noise Values at Both Roadsides in 2010 with Project survey distance to vertical heigh peak hour day-time niIght-time tlA location roadside(m (m) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) day-tume h Beihou Vilage 1 78.8 77.0 67.0 1 81.8 80.6 73.4 0 72.1 70.5 61.0 3 75.9 74.7 64.9 104# ~~~~~~6 76.0 75.5 69.1 BuiOld4i#ng 7 10 6 78.1 77.2 69.9 12 76.1 75.6 68.4 15 77.6 76.2 70.8 Tax Bureau I * 80.4 79.0 69.4 Sengnao Hotel I 81.8 80.0 70.9 Oil Machinery 79.6 78 68.0 70 55 Works Service 1 69 68 60 3 67 65 57 26# Residential 6 62 62 55 Building on 9 62 61 54 Wugong Street 7 10 12 62 61 54 1 5 61 60 58 18 57 57 50 Street 1 81.9 80.6 73 Xifuping Road 1 72 70 60 Table 4.3.2-4 Noise Values at Both Roadsides in 2010 without Project standard dB A) survey location distance to vertical heigh peak hour day-time night-time day night- roadside (mO (m) dB(A) dB(A) dB(A) tdae nihti 1 ___________ 77.6 75.8 72.2 0 69.1 67.5 60.5 3 73.4 71.7 62.6 104# Building 7 10 6 73.5 73.0 68.4 9 76.6 75.6 69.3 70 55 12 74.2 73.2 67.5 15 75.8 74.0 70.2 Tax Bureau 1 74.2 71.5 65.5 Sengnao Hotel I 77.5 75.7 68.4 1) Impact on Hunhenan Road There is no sensitive receptors on the north side of Hunhenan Road, but some residents on the south side with 2040m away from roadside will be the sensitive receptors and follow the standard of Class IV zone. In addition, along all the way on Hunhenan road, there are also Class m zone (industrial zone) between Guchenghekou Bridge and Gebu Bridge and between Xinhua Bridge and Dongzhou Bridge; Class I zone (between Hunhe Bridge and Guchenghekou Bridge). Table 4.3.2-3 shows that the traffic noise is very high along the Hunhenan Road. The noise 69 Liaoning Urbau Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assssment exceeds the standard by 8.8-1 1.8dB(A) in peak hour, by 7-10.6dB(A) in day-time and by 12- 18.4dB(A) in night-time. There is some sensitive residential buildings on south roadside with only 25 m away from the road center, so the traffic noise impact is significantly obvious. Table 4.3.2-3 shows that the noise outside the building exceeds the standard by 2.1-8.1dB(A) in peak hour, by 0.5-7.2dB(A) in day-time and by 6.15.8dB(A) in night-time. The noise values at various distance to road center are listed in Table 4.3.2-5. The window can reduce lOdB(A) noise when opened and reduce 15-20dB(A) when closed. For the first row of buildings in July and August, the indoor noise will be 60.5-68.1dB(A) in day-time(5.5-13.3 higher than the standard), and 51-60.8dB(A) in night-time(6-15.8 higher than the standard). In the other months, when the windows are closed, the indoor noise will be 55.5-63.1dB(A) in day-time(0.5-8.1 higher than the standard), and 46-55.8dB(A) in night- time(l-1 0.8 higher than the standard). Table 4.3.2-5 Noise Level at Various Distance on Southern Roadside at various distance to road cet (m) location roadside 30 60 80 100 day- night- day- night- day- night- day- night- day- night- time time time time time time time time time time Beihou Village 77 67 69.3 64 66 56 63.2 53.2 62.3 52.5 104# Building 81 73 73 65 68.5 60.5 87.2 59.2 64.8 56.8 Tax Bureau 79 69 71 61 66.5 58.5 65.2 55.2 62.8 52.8 Sengmao Hotel 80 71 72 63 67.5 58.5 66.2 57.2 63.8 54.8 Oil Machinery 78 68 70 60 65.6 55.6 64.2 54.2 61.8 51.8 Works Service Wugong Street 68 60 60 54 55 48 54.2 45.2 -Xifuping Road 70 60 62 53 157.5 148.5 56.2 47.2 2) Noise Impact of Upgrade of Wugong Street Table 4.3.2-3 shows that the noise levels outside the residential buildings on both roadsides are under the standard in day-time and exceed the standard by 5dB(A) in night-time. The noise values at various distance to road center are listed in Table 4.3.2-5. The noise levels for the residents in the first row of the buildings will be 47-55dB(A) in day- time when the windows are opened in July and August, and 40-47dB(A) in night-time. In the other moths the noise will be 37-45dB(A) in day-time and 30-37dB(A) in night-time when the windows are closed. In general, the indoor noise can be under the standard. 3) Noise Impact on Xifuping Road The Xifuping Road is a east-west road in parallel to the electric-railway and on its north side there is a hybrid zone comprised of residential buildings and commercial spots. After the construction of Xifuping Road is finished, traffic noise will still be 72dB(A) in day-time and 6OdB(A) in night-time even when electric-train is not passing by. lFable 4.3.2-5 presents the details of the noise impact on Xifiuping Road. 70 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Ament Noise Comparison between With and Without Project in 2010 With the growing vehicle fleet, the traffic noise will become greater whether there is project or not. The noise comparison between with and without project is shown in Table 4.3.2-6 and Fig.4-4. Table 4.3.2-6 Noise Comparison between With and Without Project in 2010 wia project dB(Ai without project dB(A) l npeak hour day-time night-time peak hour day-time night-time 104 Building 81.8 80.6 73.4 77.6, 75.8 72.2 Tax Bureau 80.4 79.0 69.4 74.2 71.5 65.5 Sengmao Hotel - 81.8 80.0 70.9 77.5 75.7 68.4 S It can be seen by above table that in the case without project, the traffic noise values on all road section exceed the standard by 4.2-7.6 dB(A) in the peak hour, 1.5- 5.8dB(A)in day-time, and 10.5-17.2dB(A)in night-time. In the case with project, the traffic noise values on all road sections are higher than those without project. The noise level with the project is 4.2-6.2dB(A) higher than without in peak hour, 4.3- 7.5dB(A) higher in day-time and 1.2-3.9dB(A) higher in night-time. Table 4.3.2-7 Noise Impact Comparison on First Row of Buildings between With and Without Project 104"Building with project dBA) withUt project d(A) floor and elevation peak hour day-time night-time peak hour day-time night-time first floor Om 72.1 70.5 61.0 69.1 67.5 60.5 second floor3m 75.9 74.7 64.9 73.4 71.5 62.6 third floor 6m 76.0 75.5 69.1 73.5 73.0 68.4 fourth floor9m 78.1 77.2 69.9 76.6 75.6 69.3 fifth floorl2m 76.1 75.6 68.4 74.2 73.2 67.5 sixth floor I5m 77.6 76.2 70.8 75.8 74.0 70.2 Table 4.3.2-7 shows that for various floor of the first row of buildings, the noise impact is greater with project than without. However, the noise values exceed the standard by 3-7dB(A), by 3-6dB(A) in day-time and 5.5-15.2dB(A) in night-time without the project. The noise value with project is 1.5-3.OdB(A) higher than without in peak hour, 1.6-3.0 dB(A) higher in day-time and 0.5-2.3dB(A) higher in night-time. Summary (1) Although the construction of Hunhenan Road will relieve existing traffic congestion in whole city, the growth of vehicle fleet will also increase the traffic noise along this road. (2) The roads listed in Table 4.3.2-8 are the east-west roads in parallel to Hunhenan Road, and form a integrated traffic network in the conjunction with other roads and streets in urban center. The traffic will be deteriorated because of heavy vehicle flow if Hunhenan Road is not proposed. Therefore, the noise impact in central area of this city 'will increase. The propose4 road will attract more vehicles and reduce the noise levels in urban center. In conclusion, the 71 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental lmpact Asessment traffic noise in urban center will be reduced obviously when the project is completed. Table 4.3.2-8 Comparison of Traffic Noise and Vehicle Flow in Urban Centerbetween With and Without Project in 2010 with project without project ,road name noise level vehicle flQw noise level vehicle flow (dB(A) (veh./h) (dB(A) (veh./h) Dongyi Road 74.2 1462 78 1570 Xiyi Road 74.2 1470 78.9 1950 Yongji Road 73.7 1297 79.6 2250 Qianjin Road 75.4 1897 80.5 2775 Qingnian Road .72.7 1042 78.4 1725. 72 Fig. 4-4 Noise Prediction About With And Without Project In 2010 Sengmoo Hotel A Tax Burea Day Night Unit:dB(A 104# Building I Day INight with 80 70. 9 . =ot Dy Night D Ngth 79 K69 4W v~~~~~/- IIk--=1 \\~~~~~wt 8. 6s 73 .4 Without 75. 872. 2- 2 -e~~~ ii B-* Riw &'"e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 4.3.3 Mitigation Measures Construction Phase Since some construction sites will be near the residential buildings, the noise of construction machinery will not be avoid in day-time. Therefore, the mitigation measures must be taken to reduce noise impact. Details are presented in Table 4.3.3-1. Table 4.3.3-1 Mitigation Measures in Construction Phase No. mitigation measures responsible supervision unit unit I Construction contractors must abide by "Regulations contractor on Environmental Noise Control in Fushun" and act in accordance with it. 2 No construction activity is permitted in night-time contractor Fushun EPB, Fushun Project (10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.)at the location adjacent to Construction Corporation sensitive receptors. 3 Highly noisy construction machines will be as far away contractor Fushun EPB, Fushlum Project from sensitive receptors as possible in order to reduce Construction Corporation noise impact. The cement mixing operation is not allowed at construction site. 4 Cement rnixing is prohibit in the construction site. contractor Fushun EPB, Fushun Project Construction Corporation s Construction machinery will be maintained once one contractor Fushun EPB, Fushun Project month and operated in good condition. Construction Corporation 6 Site noise will be monitored. Fushun EPI Fushun EPB, Fushun Project Construction Corporation Operation Phase Various appropriate mitigation measures will be adopted to reduce traffic noise impact during operation phase. 1) Rational Land-Use along Both Roadsides * During the upgrade of Beihou area and the development of Wanhua Riparian Land in west section of Hunhenan Road(from Hunhe Bridge to Guchenghekou), no residential buildings is permitted to be built within 100 m to the road. Commercial buildings, office buildings and stores will be located in this area. * Bathroom, kitchen, toilet and stair will be design to face the road so as to make them act as noise barrier for the residents in living rooms in the first row of residential buildings along the road. * First row of buildings will be in parallel to road and make them as noise barrier for the 74 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment residential buildings behind. 2) Rational Road Maintenance The roads must be maintained to ensure good condition of the road pavement. 3) Control of Motor-Vehicle Noise The following table summarizes the control measures of MV noise during operation phase. Table 4.3.3-2 Control Measures of MV Noise during Operation Phase No. responsible unit 1 Motor vehicle must be inspected once every year according to Fushun Traffic Police Brigade No.172 Papei(1994) Liaoning Province Public Security Agency. The high performance noise-check device must be installed by the specified deadline for the vehicles with badly exhaust and noisy performance. These vehicles are not allowed to out driving unless doing as above regulation. 2 Over-loaded vehicle and agricultural tractor will be restricted on Fushun Traffic Police Brigade the project roads. 3 Traffic speed must be restricted below 80knmh, especially in Fushun Traffic Police Brigade night-time. 4 Noise Emission Standards for Motor-Vehicle will be further Fushun EPB improved. 5 Aged and high-noisy vehicle will be deleted and prohibited to Fushun Traffic Police Brigade travel on the road. 6 Transport Management System will be strictly abided and road Fushun Municipal Engineering pavement will be kept in good state. Managemnent Department 7 Vehicle's horn is prohibited in urban area in accordance with Fushun Traffic Police Brigade Ninth Five Year's Environmental Protection Plan, Fushun EPB. 4) Mitigation Measures for Residential Buildings on Both Roadsides In order to protect the residents lived in the building near the road, several mitigation measures are designed for the residents, associated to the consultation with the representatives of the residents. * As Fushun is located in the northeast of China, the double glazed windows(DGW) in good sealing condition for resident buildings are normally used. No more DGW will be necessarily installed for the residents. * The distance from the resident buildings(Xinhua Bridge to Wanxin Bridge) to the proposed road is 25-30 m, and the traffic volume on this road section is not heavy. The motoring results of existing noise level on Maosheng Hotel(sampling point for these resident buildings) is 70 dB in the daytime and 62 dB in the nightime(Table 3.2.3-2); and the noise prediction is 72 dB in the daytime and 63 dB in the nightime(Table 4.3.2-5). Based on consultation between FPO, EA team and public representatives, proper 75 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assesment compensation will be used for the residents. This mitigation measure is accepted by the residents. Detailed compensation and cost are presented in Table 4.3.3-3. * The distance from the resident buildings(Gebu Bridge to Yong'an Bridge) to the proposed road is 7-10 m. The existing noise level and the prediction are much higher than the standard(Table 4.3.2-4, EIA). After consultation with the public representatives, FPO and EA team, air conditioners will be used for the residents along this road section. The residents express filly satisfaction for this mitigation measure. Details are shown in Table 4.3.3-3. * The mitigation measures will be implemented by FPO and supervised by FESI. Table 4.3.3-3 Mitigation Measures on Hunhenan Road residents impacted mitigation cost road section mitigation floor household 10,000 Yuan RMB Xinhua Bridge to 1, 2, 5,6 712 compensation: 800 Yuan 57.0 Wanxin Bridge RMBlhousehold Xinhua Bridge to 3, 4 compensation: 1000 Yuan Wanxin Bridge 356 RMB/household 35.6 Gbu Bridge to 1-7 1298 installation of air 389.4 Yongan Bridge conditioner total 2366 482.0 4.3.4 Residual Impact The impact of traffic noise, particularly on receptors on both roadsides, can be reduced significantly after the above mitigation measures being taken. Table 4.3.4-1 details the residual impact after the implementation of the mitigation. Table 4.3.4-1 Noise Levels at Various Distance on Both Roadsides after the Implementation of the Mitigation distance from road center (m) location roadside 30 60 day-time time day-time nght- day-time ntime- Beihou Village 75 65 55 45 49 39 104#Building 72 64 49 41 44.5 36.5 Tax Bureau 77 67 54 44 49.5 39.5 Sengmao Hotel 78 69 55 46 50.5 41.5 Oil Machinery Works Service 76 66 53 43 48.5 38.5 Maintenance Section on Wugong ~ 4 94 453. Street 57 49 49 41 44.5 - 36.5 Xifuping Road 78 69 55 46 50.5 41.5 76 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assesent 4.4 Water Quality 4.4.1 Methodology * The pollutant concentration formula in national " Technological Directive on EIA" is adopted for the assessment of water quality impact in operation phase * based on hydrological data, water quality monitoring results. * According to Surface Water Zoning in Fushun, the water quality in urban section of Hunhe River is evaluated in accordance with Class IV Standard of National Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard(GB3838-88). This standard is applicable to surface water in river, lake and reservoir within the territory of P.XlChina. * Two parameters, SS and CODcr , are selected for water quality assessment and prediction in urban section of Hgunhe River. The data used is taken from the monitoring results in wet period of consecutive three year's(1993- 1995)completed by FEPMS. * The maximum hourly average of the rainfall in 1993-1995 given by Fushun Meteorological Bureau is used as rainfall data, but the first ten minutes rainfall is taken for realistic calculation. * The water quality of initial rainfall is quoted from " Introduction to Water Environmental Pollution", published by Beijing Teachers University. 4.4.2 Construction Phase Road Construction The major impact of road construction on river water often occur in the period of rainfall event. The pavement and vegetation damaged by rainfall washing will results in erosion of top soil and greater SS concentration in the river. The embankment with 5.5 m wide green belt and lawn strip along river can reduce soil erosion in the rainfall event. The pollution problem caused by rainfall overflowing is limited at riparian water, and SS in water will settle very soon. This problem, however, will become rather severe when there is strong storm event while road construction. Bridge Construction Two river crossings, Guchenghekou Bridge and Wanxin Bridge, will be built. Guchenghekou Bridge is 20 m wide, 360 m long. The river water under the bridge will be 0.3 m deep. This bridge will be constructed in 8 months. Wanxin Bridge is 36 m wide, 376 m long. 0.4 m deep river water will be under it. The bridge will be completed in 8 months. The construction of bridge piers will be carried out in dry season, or during March to May. Therefore, the construction of bridge decks will have no impact on normal river runoff. 77 Liaoning Urban Tram"et Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact As tsmnt The bridge prier will be constructed by means of pilling sand bag to form barrage island. The river water will be away and facilitate the construction of bridge piers. Although large quantity earth and sand in prier construction will result in higher SS concentration in river water, the increase will remain for a monent. The turbid water will become clear very soon due to fine-sand in the river. Thus there will be on impact on water intake downstream.. Impact on Water Intakes There are two water intakes for water supply in urban section of Hunhe River, Yongnan Water Intake and Steel-Works Water Intake, as shown in Fig. 3-8. Yongnan Intake is located in middle section of Hunhenan Road since its establishment in 1989. There will be no cbnstruction near th.is intake, so there will be no impact on water quality. Steel-Works Intake is a backup water intake at 50m away from the westem section of Hunhenan Road. It will not be impacted by construction activity because of long distance from the construction site. Construction Equipment The machinery equipment used in construction will be considered as major pollution sources because they often need oil filling or cause oil spill or leakage, which will pollute the road pavement and river water. 4.4.3 Operation Phase The impact on water environment in operation phase of Hunhenan Road occurs mainly because of overflowed rainfall on pavement and accident spill or leakage of chemical hazards in its transportation. Rain Water Overflowing on Road Pavement There are 83 storm drainage outlets along newly-built road section of Hunhenan Road (24.8 km in overall length). According to Feasibility Report on Hunhenan Road Project, initial rainfall usually discharge to Hunhe River through the outlets. Table 4.4.3-1 and Fig.4-5 gives the impact on Hunhe River. Table 4.4.3-1 Predicting Impact on Hunhe River cross- water volume SS COD,, section parameter (mOmin (mg) (mg) Xinhua existing river runoff 272400 553.2 49.6 Bridg initial rainfall 778 659.9 452 Bridge combined rnoff 273178 553.5 50.7 existing river runoff 297000 905.6 66.0 Sifangtai initial rainfall 732 659.9 452 combined runoff 297732 905.0 66.9 78 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Asssmet It can be seen in above table that the existing water quality in Hunhe River has already exceeded Class IV Surface Water Standard because of industrial and domestic wastewater discharge. The impact of initial rainfall on river, however, has little impact. At the cross-section under Xinhua Bridge, SS concentration increases by 0.3mg/i and 0.3% of total SS quantity; CODcr concentration increases by 1.1mg/i, and 2.9% of total CODC, quantity. The initial rainfall is only 0.3% of total river quantity. At the cross-section of Sifangtai, SS concentration decreases by 0.6mg/i but total SS quantity increases. CODcr concentration increases by 0.9mg/i, and 1.5% of total CODcr quantity in the water. The initial rainfall discharged into the river is 0.2% of total water quantity. In summary, the river's dilution ability of turbid rain-water can reduce pollutionmto water quality. According to Water Pollution Control Planning in Fushun, the water quality in urban section of Hunhe River will be improved and meet Class IV Standard in Surface Water Zoning. The calculated result shows that the discharge of initial rain-water on road pavement into river water can not contribute the standar-exceedance of SS and CODC, in the river. The existing severe pollution in Hunhe River is mainly caused by a large volume of industrial and domestic wastewater discharge. Only by strengthening control on these two giant pollution sources, the water quality in urban section of Hunhe River can become better. 79 - *~~~~~~* Fig. 4-5 Schematic Chart Of Water Environment In Urban Section Of Hunhe River -~~~~~~~~~ Sla't Po.nI No.d X .cBri.dge Of CI-OSS-Section. S,fo.-glo. Of Cross-Section oe oo 272400m 0m NorOUGtY 297000m 10min -m{ ________ COD.r 66773mq/1m w lvo0-l 273 138m 10min I__ C_ Dcr 66.9mg/l i507& Liasoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assesment Leakage of Chemical Hazards 1) Transport of Chemical Hazards There are many oil and petrochemical industries producing chemical hazards in Fushun, and the chemical hazards are transported by tanker on special railway lines. The vehicle loaded with chemical hazards are prohibited to run through Hunhenan Road. Fig. 4-6 illustrates the transportation route of chemical hazards. However, diesel and gasoline will be transported via Hunhenan Road. There are 13 Oil-Filling Stations are located ozk this road, demanding about 100 tons per day. Therefore, accidental leakage concerns basically with the transportation of gasoline and diesel. 2) Leakage Estimation Assuming that exit valve damaged or 20% to 50% of oil cylinder damaged, the leakage of oil is calculated based on continued time and leaking formula. See Table 4.4.3-2. Table 4.4.3-2 Leakage Quantity in Various Time leaking time(min) leakage quantity IT) cylinder valve 20% damage 50%damage 2 5 0.32 0.81 4 10 0.65 1.64 5 20 1.29 3.23 Table 4.4.3-2 indicates that, once a 6.5 ton-loaded oil tanker damaged by 50% of the valve, it will take about 20 minute to leak out the oil in the tanker. If 50% damage of cylinder, it takes only 5 minutes to spill away half. Some feasible emergency measures must be taken in order to reduce the leakage. 3) Impact on River Water Assuming that the leakage accident caused by diesel or gasoline tanker happens in the transportation on Xinhua Bridge of Hunhenan Road and the oil will be discharged into Hunhe River. Table 4.4.3-3 gives the oil content in river water in the event of oil leakage. Table4.4.3-3 Oil Content in River Water Unit: mg/I cross-section present oil content oil content after oil leakage 20% damage 20% damage Xinhua Bridge 0.31 862 4178 Sifangtai 0.76 767 3715 The above table shows that, if 50% oil cylinder damages at the cross-section under Xinhua Bridge, the oil content in river water will increase up to 4,178 mg/I. Although the oil content has already decreased at 3715 mg/I at Sifangtai cross- section downstream ( after river water has run for 14 km distance), it still pollute the river water. 81 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment The diesel and gasoline are lighter than water and difficult to solut*e in water. Only a few oil- born particles floating on water can settle at river bottom. The oil content in water is therefore hard to accurately estimate because of its uneven concentration. Also according to the concerned reference, diesels volatile very slowly. It can only volative 6.37% of total quantity every two hours; and gasoline at 85.46% in the two hours. The diesel can pollute river in several days, so it is difficult to collect once the leakage occurs. It will have certain impact on the downstream of industrial water and irritation. 4) Accident Frequency According to investigation results given by Public Security Bureau and Traffic Bureau, there is not yet any chemical hazards leakage accident since 1949 in Fushun. 4.4.4 Flood Period Impact of Flood on Hunhenan Road The top of flood control embankment also serves as road surface of Hunhenan Road. The flood control of upper embankment road is designed at 300 year flood; lower embankment road (high speed way) at 100 year. Those road sections under the three bridges on central segment of Hunhenan Road are designed in accordance with 5 year flood. Details are listed in Table 4.4.4-1. Table 4.4.4-1 Pavement Elevation and Normal River Level bridge pavement elevation normal river level elevation difference under Xinhua Bridge 76.00 74.5 1.5 under Yongan Bridge 75.50 74.5 1.0 under Jiangjun Bridge 74.29 72.5 1.79 Table 4.4.4-1 indicates that the elevation difference between road pavement and normal river level is only 1.0 m under Yongan Bridge. Table 4.4.4-2 lists the impacts of flood events on several lower embankment road sections in terms of 50 year, 100 year and 300 year flood. It can be concluded that flood water will cover the expressway under Xinhua Bridge, Yongan Bridge and Jiangjun Bridge, but it will take just several hours. Table4.4.4-2 Pavement's Submerge in Flood Event floo /0 year flo d/100 year flood/300 ya bridge name water depth length time water (ma time water length time (i) (in) (h) depth (Mn) (h depth m (h under Xinhua 0.77 IS0 6 2.29 350 24 2.78 400 96 Bridge _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ under Yongan 0.75 200 6 2.22 350 24 2.71 500 72 Jianun Bridge 0.36 50 4 1.77 100 12 2.17 300 48 82 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment The road sections will use cement concrete pavement because of the water. The other pavement will be asphalt concrete. Since road-edge stones used for the expressway will be in water and the difference between river level and road elevation is little. Thus, the stable and frozen-resistant mixed gravel and sand material will be used and compacted to bear on higher pressure and water erosion. River Rising at Bridge Wanxin Bridge and Guchenghekou Bridge will be newly built along the overall alignment of Hunhenan Road. River rising under the bridges is not obvious in normal hydrological period because there is only O.$ m deep in water. Therefore, there is no any threat to Hunhenan Road. The river rising will be 1.0-1.1 m at Wanxin Bridge in flood period. Within upstream 7 km from Wanxin Bridge, the flood standard is designed as 300 year. So additional 1.0 m will be added for the elevation. Meanwhile, 80 cm height of concrete wall will be built on the top of the bank for safety. The anti-flood safety against river rising at Wanxin Bridge in the flood event can be guaranteed completely. Under Guchenghekou Bridge there is 1.0 m high normal water rising, but the flood standard is already designed as 300 year to provide safety for water rising. As to road maintenance engineering of Wugong Street and Xifuping Road's Construction, the initial rainfall and domestic wastewater are all discharged into sewerage system in urban area, so no furtier evaluation is needed here. 4.4.5 Mitigation Measures Construction Phase In order to prevent soil erosion by storm during construction phase, sand filter will be used to consolidate and soil and reduce pollution to water river. During bridge construction, concrete debris will be removed outside the construction site. The construction equipment will be kept in good condition to prevent leakage. No oil storage facility is permitted at construction site. Operation Phase 1) Accident Handling * The project management agencies will be responsible for providing training course to vehicle owner or driver to handle emergency accident. The specific telephone number will be set for reporting to Public Security Bureau and EPB. * Emergency measures and materials must be prepared at accessible places, such as some storehouses at Xinhua Bridge, Gebu Bridge and Wanxin Bridge. These emergent 83 LAaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Asesament materials include quick lime, dry ice, wax, rubber board, rubber plunge, foam plastic and so on. 0 Vehicle owner or driver must hold the special Transport Certificate issued by Municipal Fire-Fighting Administration, keep the vehicle in good condition, prepare fire-fighting things on the vehicle, and label the danger sign on the vehicle. * The transport route of hazards has been specified to run through North Round-city Highway in accordance with the regulation made by Fushun Transport Administration. The sign or mark No Access For Hazards Vehicle will be set at the exit and entrance in Fushun. In addition, a special railway line is specified for industrial. chemical hazards within the city as shown in Fig.4-6. * Since there are a dozen of oil filling stations along the local road of Hunhenan Road, vehicles loaded with diesel or gasoline will not be prohibit to travel on the express way. * The vehicle loaded with chemical hazards will prepare necessary emergent measures and materials against accidental spillage. Once the tank or cylinder filled with hazardous material is leaked accidentally, the driver must immediately report to the concerned authorities responsible for Environmental Protection, Fire Fighting and Transport, even to other social establishments and residents which will be impacted. * The spilled oil must be collected and treated as soon as possible, such as using absorbing material like quick lime(burning up it afterward), and covering the top of storm drain. * Once spilled oil is discharged to river water, oil separation material like plastic foam and straw will be thrown onto water and then dry-ice be spread round oil membrane to form a separation circle to collect the frozen waste oil. Another way to recover spilled oil discharge to river is to throw paraffin wax onto water level in order to facilitate the formation of oil layer, afterward a fine-eye screen is used to collect oil without water. 2) Traffic Management in Flood Period * Based on the traffic volume distribution and traffic circulation in urban area, proper traffic management will be carried out during on Hunhenan Road in flood period. See Fig.4-7. * The sign the diversion will be installed at south interchange of Hunhe Bridge and the entrance to Zhangdang, which helps the trough traffic to the North Ring Road. * The sign the diversion will be installed at some major entrances on Hunhenan Road, such as Heping Bridge, south of Yulin Bridge, south of Wanxin Bridge, the intersection of Nanyang Road and Nanchang Road and the intersections on Xincheng Road, to reduce traffic pressure on Hunhenan Road. * The traffic in east-west direction in Henan area will be diverted to Dandong Road, Qianjin Road, Dongxiyi Road and Hunhenan Road, Xincheng Road, Linjiang Road and Gaosan Road, etc. * The traffic in south-north direction will be diverted to the river-across bridges and their approaches, which can ensure smooth traffic in middle section of Hunhenan Road in the flood period. 84 * i Fig. 4-6 Transportation Route of Hazards * , " is b \ " A - ,§ . _4 j>y _ + ; . ~~~~~~~~~~~~Legend Railway E d Hunhehan Road t'n 00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l~J~1:100 F, toI 1ooooo4.Bridge 0< t ~~~~~~~~~~~OKm 1 2 3 4 j|* * Bridpgei UI.Aoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment \', - 4~~~~1 X i j --X l . I, ., E C4 '.X~~ ' 86 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 4.5 Socio-Economic Environment 4.5.1 Methodology The impact analysis on socioeconomic environment majored by the field investigation and related analysis. Following aspects are included in the analysis: * impact on demolishing residential buildings or houses. * impact on land acquisition. * impact on destroying vegetation. * impact on commerce. * impact on person trip. * impact on landscape and sightseeing. * comparison between with and without project. * resettlement arrangement. 4.5.2 Main Impacts Construction Phase 1) Impacts on Demolishing Residential House 74 households have been demolished on the road section from Hunhe Bridge to Heping Bridge on Hunhenan Road. Most demolished houses are poor one-floor houses without grounded water-supply pipeline. Some of them are very necessary to be reconstructed.. The rehabilitation of this area will provide better living condition for the people impacted. 2) Impact on Land Acquisition There are crop fields at Beihou Village and Wanzhong Village along Hunhenan Road. It is estimated that 13.33 hectare crop field and 5.35 hectare wet land will be occupied. The occupied crop-fields can not be compensated again with other land. Table 4.5.2-1 Labor Force's Employment Structure Unit: person .sex employment structure village name labor impacted male female agriculture Industry service Beihou Village 228 102 126 102 56 64 6 Wanzhong Village 77 41 36 15 30 25 7 subtotal 305 1 43 1 62 117 86 89 13 ratio 46.8 53.2 38.4 28.2 29.1 4.3 Table 4.5.2-1 shows that the labors impacted will have other stable employment. 87 Linoiing Urbau Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Enviirolmental Impact. Asseumeat Most of them can continue to practice previous work and the others will take new career. The income of labor impacted is listed in Table 4.5.2-2. Table 4.5.2-2 Income Structure of Labor Impacted Unit: % village narme agriculture Industry Transport Drink and food other total Beihou 3.4 63.8 9.4 21.6 1.8 100 V illage_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ Wanzhong 4.7 65 8.5 20 1.8 100 The income of labor impacted indicates that income in agriculture is only 4.7% of total income, which means that labors do not only depend on agricultural income. The road construction has created more employment and the income of the labor with new career will be higher than farmers. 3) Impact on Vegetation The construction of Hunhenan and upgrade of Wugong Street needs to cut down trees and occupy grass spots. Trees are younger than 5 year-old. Table 4.5.2-3 Vegetation Damage quantity vegetation type unit Heping Bridge to Guchenghekou Bridge to total Guchenghekou Bridge Dongzhou Bridge o_a Poplar tree 30 4500 4530 Willow tree 1398 1300 2698 Elm tree 303 0 303 shrub tree 610 3600 4210 lawn ___ 22000 22000 other roadside tree tree 0 720 720 The vegetation damage in construction period will impact the ecology of nearby environment in short time. The whole environment along the project road, however, will not be impacted significantly because most of trees being cut down are less than 5 year-old. 4) Impact on Commerce The impact of project construction on commerce focus mainly on Wugong Street and Xifuping Road, where there are some busy commodity-trade markets and numerous retail-sale spots. The impact of construction activity on nearby commercial businesses would be inevitable. However, half of the road surface on Wugong Street will be open for travel while another half in construction. And no impact on pedestrians on sidewalks. The inconvenience caused by the construction activity is temporary. 88 Llsoning Urban Tranport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impsct Asmneat There are 296 retailers along Xifuping Road and the situation of retailers on Xifuping Road is not good. The construction will not impact the 2 markets. But 4 commercial estalishments will be resettled by the project. 5) Impact on Person Trip Hunhenan Road is constructed in parallel to embankment stride, so there is no impact on person trip. In central road section of Hunhenan Road, there are two road types: expressway and local highway. The local road can be use to travel when the expressway is under construction, visa verse. The road construction will impact on the employees at the east of Guchenghekou Bridge. The upgrade of Wugong Street will also provide half of the road surface for -travel when the other half in under construction, which will not influence normal public bus service. Pedestrian and NMVs can travel on the sidewalks. Constructing Xifuping Road will result in certain inconvenience to some passenger's getting on or off the station of electric train on southern roadside. Operation Phase 1) Impact Analysis with Project * Living Environment The construction of Hunhenan Road and Xifuping Road will facilitate the reconstruction and modification of old and dangerous buildings and residential zones, and provide opportunity for the development in Wanhua riparian land. Wanhua riparian land will become to the second concentrated residential area. The road construction will increase the value of fixed asset along the alignment. Wanhua Riparian Land will provide an additional 126 hectare land that can be used to solve strained housing demand. Residents lived in shabby zone along Xifuping Road will remove to nearby new building and live no longer in rather poor environment. * Commerce New commercial street will be developed after finishing upgrade of Wugong Street and special public bus lane and stops will be specified to provide a convenient condition for people. In summary, the project construction will facilitate the commercial development there. * Person Trip The Hunhenan Road Project is designed to separate MVs and NMVs. The NMV-lane will be located in the side near the residential buildings. Thus, the person trip will be convenient and safe. 89 Llaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 2) Comparison between With and Without Project Table 4.5.2-4 Comparison between With and Without Project project impact with project impact without project living environment improved living environment improved facilitating land development alon backward land use project alignment Hunhenan influncing local ecological environment no impact on ecological environment Road crop field loss no crop field loss a little impact on people outing no impact on people's outing a little impact on sightseeing no impact on sightseeing convenient.to residents' outing unsafe for resident's outing Impact on store removing no impact on store upgrade of a little impatt on sightseeing no impact on sightseeing WugongP B P Street. commercial environment improved backward commercial environment livngcondition improved long time wait needed for improving Xifuping living condition Road impact on merchant's business no impact on merchant's business no impact on passenger to electric- impact on passenger to electric train train 4.5.3 Mitigation Measures Construction Phase The major impacts in construction phase mainly involve the resettlement and compensation for impacted residential households, commercial buildings, land acquisition and tree cutting. The cost needed for the resettlement and compensation is based on Resettlement Action Plan of Fushun Subproject. * Legal Basis of Resettlement Regulations on Municipal Real Estate Management in P. R. China Regulations on the Resettlement Management of Municipal Building and House in P. R.. China. Regulations on the Resettlement Implementation of Municipal Building in Liaoning Province. Temporary Rules on the Resettlement by Municipal Construction in Fushun Laws on Land Management in P. R. China Liaoning Provincial Implementation Methods on Law of Land Management in P. R. China Regulations on Land Management in Fushun Regulations on Comipensating Crop Seedlingfor Land Acquisition in Fushun In accordance with above legal regulations and World Bank's OD4.30 Article of Operational 90 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Dbective, the compensation policy for the Fushun Transport Project is stipulated as follows: * Compensating the impacted property and land prior to acquisition * Compensation standard will be solved through the negotiation among Fushun Project Office, Land Acquisition Service and Property Owner. * Money amount for compensating house is cleared based on the resettlement price for original housing area * Subsided money will be provided to resettled persons to help resettled persons successfully to survive the transit period. * Appropriate subside will be given to those temporary buildings which hold legal business certificate. v Resettlement place of displaced enterprises will be determined through consultation among project administration, enterprise and land planning agency. * Public Infrastructure, if impacted, must be rebuilt afterward. * Cost for land compensation and resettlement subside is paid off according to Law on Land Management in P. R. China, Regulations on Land Management in Fushun and Regulations on Compensating Crop Seedling for Land Acquisition in Fushun'. * Agricultural labors to be resettled will be provided with the opportunities of training and employment so as to ensure their living standard be maintained at previous level or even better. * Compensation cost for crop seedling, trees and other properties must be paid based on market prices. 1) Demolishing Residential House After consultation with the representatives of people impacted and before the construciotn of Hunhenan Road and Xifuping Road, the rehabilitation location will be selected within 1 km distance around the previous location. 2) Land Acquisition The land acquisition of Hunhenan Road can not be compensated by land. Cash compensation will be used in accordance with concerned resettlement law and regulation. 3) Vegetation In next year after construction project is completed, those native tree species which has strong anti-pollution behavior will be selected to be planted along both roAdsides of Hunhenan Road. Apart from planting tree and shrub, lawn coverage is also required on all barren top soil of the road. 91 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assesment Table 4.5.3-1 Tree-planting Cost on Hunhenan Road s ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cash. planting area area money road section m2 (10eOOOYuan) green spot at bndge ml (10,OOYuan) Hur4e Bridge to Heping 39400 158 Hunhe Bridge 20000 90 Heping Bridge to Guchenghekou Bridge 81700 327 Heping Bridge 47000 212 Guchenghekou Bridge t Guchenghekou Bridge to 40800 163 Guchenghekou Bridge 30000 135 Gebu Bridge to Xirhua Bridge 74200 297 Gebu Bridge 19000 86 Xinhua Bridge to Wanxin 54290 217 Jiangjun Bridge 22000 99 Bridge ___ .___. ___. _ Xinhua Bridge 22000 99 Yongan Bridge 8400 46 Changchun Bridge 14000 63 _____________________ __________ Wanxin Bridge 2000 9 sub total 290390 1162 184400 830 total . 2000 Table 4.5.3-2 Tree Species and Quantity Planted on Hunhenan Road Heping Bridge North-round city to Guchenghekou Gebu Bridge Xinhua Bridge to tree name unit Highway to Gucheghekou Bridge to to Xinhua g total Heping Bridge Bridge oGebu Bdge Bindge Fiey branch 865 804 654 665 2988 Pine branch 1075 775 1329 887 4066 Willow branch 1140 2150 1775 5065 Apricot branch 1075 775 1329 887 4066 Peach branch 1590 1590 Yindong branch 865 804 654 665 2988 Suilaqiu branch 630 1075 1390 887 3982 Suilali branch 45500 43000 34000 35000 157500 seasonal branch 275200 222000 497200 flower . 4) Commerce The 296 commercial spots on Xifuping Road will be resettled at newly built Fuping Market holding 340 business points. Most of the sellers can do their business in the market building, and the food sellers can use movable sales-bed in the field of the market under the rain cover. 92 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Eavironmental Impact Assessment Table 4.5.3-3 Resettlement Subside for Commercial Spots on Xifuping Road Unit:1O,OOOYuans com r ial spot Fushun Mine item Transportation Minzhu Xinchun Qianjin Tyre total Department Restaurant Restaurant Service Restaurant _ displaced magnitude entire entire entire entire resettling plan Xinfushun Xinfushun Xinfushun other place resettli - house 28.22 27 13.50 59.76 128.5 t resettling cost 0.16 0.15 0.08 0.33 0.7 cost subside for 0.96 0.96 0.96 1.68 -4.56 shut down total s 29.34 27.27 14.54 61.77 133.7 5) Person Trip The accessible path is provided at the east of Gucheng Bridge for the the person trip in that area. A 10 m wide of underpass will across Xifuping Road and the pedestrian-only street and merge Jiefangsan Street. The construction of the underpass will start before and. construction of Xifuping Road to provide traffic convenience for people to cross through this road. Operation Phase 1) Person Trip A 15m wide permanent path will be built at the east of Guchenghekou Bridge to provide better condition for person trip. 2) Green Planting In accordance with Green Design Proposal on Hunhenan Road, tree planting will be made at the same time in the road construction. 4.5.4 Residual Impact Construction Phase (1) House Demolition Table 4.5.4-1 lists the impacts on house demolition. The living condition and environment will be improved for the residents lived in shabby houses. 93 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 4.5.4-lComparison between Before and After Resettlement road description before after housing area per h usehold m2 98.8 100 water supply 100 100 Hunhenan power supply 100 100 Road housing facility % heating supply 0 50 communication 14 100 toilet 33 100 housing area per h usehold m 2 15 50 water supply 100 100 Xifuping Road 1 . . power supply 100 100 housing facility % heating 0 100 toilet 0 100 A 2) Land Acquisition The crop field occupied by Hunhenan Road Project is impossible to be compensated with land. In order not to impact peasants' present living level, they will be given the municipal living identification and qualification so as to provide them with new employment and subside under arrangement by municipal government. Table 4.5.4- 2 shows such a arrangement plan for agricultural labor and other persons impacted. Table 4.5.4-2 Resettlement Plan for Labors Impacted Unit: Person village labors resettled employnment plan I________________ I___________________ self-employment service enterprise Beihou 228 1 77 79 72 Wanzhong .77 125 j30 _22 subtotal 305 1102 109 94 By analysis on income and employment structure of labors impacted, it can be seen that most of them lives in suburban area and enjoys a stable business in commnerce, restaurant, transport or other non-agricultural activity. Therefore, the resettlement plan has little impact on them. Furthermore, these households will be arranged their own crop land even after land acquisition by the village government. Table 4.5.4-3 lists the crop land situation after land acquisition. Table 4.5.4-3 Crop Land after Land Acquisition efore land acquisiti on fter laid acquisition illage ultivated rea pe rea pe ultivated rea Pe rea pe ile abor opulation and (Mu abor apita abor opulation and abor apita Mu) ____ __Muu)Mu) Mu) Mu) eihou 56 151 98 .42 .34 28 75 60.4 .36 .30 anzhong 72 48 72 .70 .49 95 39 09.6 .69 .49 ubtotal 628 099 70 .53 .41 323 714 70 .51 .39 Table shows that, after land acquisition, there is still 0.39 Mu crop land per capita. Most of labors impacted will continue to pursuit their previous careers and a few of them can take advantage of convenient geographical conditions to develop industrial, commercial, 94 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment service or transportation businesses for more income. In sumnnary, labors can, after resettlement, acquire fairly stable employment and more income. 3) Vegetation Irr accordance with local natural environment and geographical condition in Fushun, those tree species with very strong adaptation to native climate and outstanding pollution-resistance and noise-absorption behavior will be planted to improve sightseeing and environmental interest. Those stately trees, shrub, other turf, lichene will be planted as many as possible to improve environment. Total green area on Hunhenan Road is designed will be about 474,790 m2, including 290,390 m of the green space along the road and 184,400 m2 of the green lawn in the garden on the roadsides. It can be expected that the ecological condition along Hunhenan Road will certainly be better than now by the year 2010. 4) Commerce The resettlement action plan for commercial establishment will follow the principle of displacement before resettlement. The displacement will p~rovide better living and business environment than before. In the resettlement of Xifuping Road, business condition will become much better at indoor market than in open spot, which provides better traffic condition for the person trip in this area. 5) Person Trip A permanent path will be provided at the east of Guchenghekou Bridge. A permanent underpass will be constructed near electric-train stop on south roadside of Xifuping Road to provide better condition for the riders. Operation Phase A 15 m wide permanent path will be built at the east of Guchenghekou Bridge in order to provide better condition for business activity and vehicle traffic. 4.5.5 Resettlement The resettlement described here is come from Resettlement Action Plan of Fushun Subproject. 1) Demolition and Resettlement Table 4.5.5-1 Resident Resettlement Compensation Cost road name item quantity(m2) - cost(10,000 Yuan) Hunhenan Road | village cottage 592.9 38.54 Xifuping Road | brick house 487 78.8 .ifuping Road simple cottage 1713 254.3 subside for resettlement 74 households 2.2 compensation cost for other things | 9.9 total : 383.74 95 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 2) Land Acquisition Table 4.5.5-2 Compensation Cost for Land Acquisition cost term land quantity cost for land acquisition land compensation c seed resettlement category (hectare ) (10,000 Yuan) (l10,OOOYuan) (l0,OOOYuan) Yuan) drought field 5.69 709.07 46.13 7.69 rice field 5.15 718.24 64.87 10.81 vegetable 2.49 788.09 80.68 29.88 885.5 field __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ water body 5.35 449.68 321.2 64.24 subtotal 18.68 2665.07 512.88 112.62 885.5 3) Vegetation and Others Table 4.5.5-3 Compensation for Vegetation and Others Heping Bridge to Guchenghekou Bridge to term Guchenghekou Bridge Dongzhou Bridge total quantity cost quantity cost q ost retailing wall 0 0 4904 98.08 4904 8.08 iron fense 0 0 270 0.27 270 .27 Poplar 30 0.45 0 0 30 .45 Willow 1398 55.92 0 0 1398 5.92 Elm 303 10.61 0 0 303 0.61 Shrub 610 12.2 0 0 610 2.2 Lawn spot 22000 176 0 0 22000 76 other tree 0 0 10120 63.76 10268 4.69 total 255.18 162.11 18.42 4) Enterprise Impacted I Table 4.5.5-4Compensation Cost for Enterprise Resettlement Unit. 10,000yuan compensation _ o compensation . ~~compensation copnsto cost for shut asset displacemen cmesto enterprise name copsing for equipment d sh v rn.etcs for land subtotal for housmng an failt down loss value t cost ac.sto . ___. and facility acquisition FMBTM sand excavaTing site 14.88 83.5 93.6 107 10.66 581 783.6 FAC. No.3 Corp Building Element 0.6 41.8 55.68 121 12.14 67.2 177.4 ' Factory FAC.No.1 Branch FtegrACo PlBanth 39.26 31.7 59.52 192 19.15 58.8 208.4 WanzhongCastIron 2.34 22 45.12 399 39.9 85.4 194.8 Wanzhong Building 2.34 15 164.2 638 63.8 23.1 268.4 Element Factory LirSiited Corpm 46.49 60 24 217 21.7 39.2 191.4 Wanzhong Sand Site 21.78 41.8 23.04 99.8 9.98 84 180.6 total 127.68 295.8 465.1 1773 177.3 938.7 2005 96 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 5) Commerce Table 4.5.5-5Resettlement Compensation for Commercial Units on Xifuping Road conmmercial unit term FMT Minzhu Xinchun Qianjin Tyre total Restaurant Restaurant Restaurant 'Shop displacement magnitude entire entire entire entire Xinfushun Xinfushun Xinfushun - resettlement location Residential Residential Residential other Zone Zone Zone building house 28.22 27 13.50 59.76 128.5 resettling resettling cost 0.16 0.15 0.08 0.33 0.7 cost subside for 0.96 0.12 0.96 1.68 4.56 shut down total 29.34 27.27 14.54 61.77 133.76 6) Total Cost Estimation Table 4.5.5-6Total Cost for Infrastructure Demolition and Resident's Resettlement Unit: 10,00OYuans Hunhe Bridge Heping Bridge to Guchenghekou to Xifuping - item to Heping Guchenghekou Dongzhou Bridge Road to Bridge Bridee Donzhu_ride_oa 48.62 0 0 335.12 383.74 783.64 1220.99 0 0 2004.63 compensation cost for resettled 0 0 0 133.76 133.76 commercial spots compensation cost for land 1282.75 1382.32 0 0 2665.07 acquisition compensation for rebuilding 171.2 1005.58 316.71 132.2 1625.69 infrastructure ._____ _ 6___ 60_0_ 6128 subtotal for basic cost 2345.48 3608.89 316.71 601.08 6812.89 survey and design cost subtotal for basic cost 2 O/e= 136.26 monitoring and design cost subtotal for basic cost 0.6 %Yo= 40.88 management cost subtotal for basic cost 3 %/= 201.39 unforeseen cost subtotal for basic cost 10 %= 681.29 total 7875.71 4.6 Comparative Analysis on Alternative According to the geographical condition of Fushun Subproject, Dandong Road(in parallel to Hunhenan Road) is selected as Alternative for proposed new road section of Hunhenan Road. 97 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 4.6.1 Impact of Alternative on Air Quality Existing Air Quality in Alternative Area Dandong Road is located in Wanhua District, where there are more than 13 major air polluti.on sources. According to the monitoring results in this area in 1991-1995 completed by FEPMS, air quality is rather poor. Construction Phase The amount of construction materials for preferred option is larger than those of the alternative. However, tho construction site of alternative will be near the residential area (10-30 m), which will have more impact on residents. The implementation of the alternative will increase the air pollution. Operation Phase 1) Exhaust Emission of Motor-Vehicle The pollutant emission of MV in whole year is calculated Pased on vehicle flow, speed, average emission coefficient and road length, as shown in Table 4.6.1-1 and 4.6.1-2. Table 4.6.1 1 Motor Vehicle Emission Analysis (from Hunhe Bridge to Guchenghekou on Hunhenan Road) average emission annual road section distance average speed pollutant coefficient daily vehicle emiion (kin) (km/h) g/km.veh flow (T) Hunhe Bridge to 2.6 high speed way 37.78 Heping Bridge 2680 4.25 15072 167.66 HC ~~~18.86 43.20 Heping Bridge to expressway HC 4.86 27093 452.06 Guchenghekou Bridge 80 co 11 6.49 139.65 total 6.50 619.72 g8__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ 159.69 98 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 4.6.1-2 Motor Vehicle Emission Analysis (on Dandong Road as Alternative) l average emission d 1 * Ie annual road section dista ce average pollutant coefficient flow emission (kin) speed(KM/h) ~~~glkn.veh flw (T) 146.02 InteFchane at Sanbaotun 2.70 18292 882.77 to Xifeng Street 53.72 12.77 Xifeng Street to 0.36 12000 77.22 Beizheng Street . 4.70 Beizheng Street to 4.84 16828 252766 Wanhua Avenue - HC 8.10 25.66 18.0 CO 48.97 - 158.99 Wanhua Avenue to 2.10 NOx 2.98 25608 961.21 Haicheng Street 58.49 62.73 Haicheng Street to east 0.50 42437 379.26 of Guchenghekou . . 23.08 442.30 total 6.50 2553.12 ___________________ _ =______ _ _____________ _ _______ __________________ __________ 155.36 The comparison between Table 4.6.1-1 and 4.6.1-2 indicates that the emission of motor-vehicle on Dandong Road is annually higher than that on Hunhenan Road by: HC 302.65 tons cO 1933.40 tons NOx 4.33 tons The present vehicle fleet on Dandong Road is already saturated and would continue to sharply grow by the year 2010 if Hunhenan Road Project(the road section from Hunhe Bridge to Guchenghekou Bridge) does not constructed. Therefore, the average vehicle speed of 25km/h will slow down to 18km/h, and severe traffic jam and air pollution will happen. 2) Impact on Air Quality The impact analysis of air quality prediction focuses on comparison between two locations, Beihou Village(monitoring location on Hunhenan Road ) and No.1 High School(monitoring location on Dandong Road ), as given in Table 4.6.1-3 and 4.6. 14. 99 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Inpact Assessment Table 4.6.1-3 Air Quality Comparison (between Hunhenan Road and Dandong Road) Unit:mg/m3 under unfavorable weather under normal weather alue type pollutant standard Beihou No.l High Beihou No. High Village School Village School CO 10.00 0.43 5.62 0.085 2.43 ourly average HC 3.00 0.10 1.00 0.02 ' 0.42 NOx 0.15 0.09 0.45 0.020 0.18 CO 4.00 0.34 4.40 0.08 2.05 aily value HC 1.0 0.08 0.78 0.02 0.35 NOx 0.10 0.07 0.35 0.02 0.14 A . Table 4.6.1-4 Maximum Value Comparison (between Hunhenan Road and Dandong Road) Unit:mg/m3 under unfavorable weather under normal weather value type pollutant standard Beihou No.1 High Beihou -No.1 High Village School Village School CO 10.00 1.48 6.77 0.73 3.52 hourly HC 3.00 0.35 1.21 0.19 0.62 average NOx 0.15 0.32 0.55 0.16 0.27 CO 4.00 1.24 5.61 0.58 2.95 daily HC 1.0 0.29 1.00 0.14 0.51 average NOx 0.10 0.27 0.44 0.13 0.22 The above two tables show that air pollution to receptors on Dandong Road area is more severe than that on Hunhenan Road. Thus, Dandong Road, the alternative, has a greater negative effect than the preferred option. Summary 1) The air quality in Wanhua District where Dandong Road is located in is very poor. 2) The implementation of Dandong Road Proposal as alternative would result in heavy air pollution along that alignment. 3) By tlid year 2010, Dandong Road Proposal would result in more emissions of motor-vehicle than Hunhenan Road Project. 100 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assesment 4.6.2 Noise Impact Analysis Noise Impact 1) The noise zoning in both sides of Dandong Road is specified in accordance with "Noise Zoning Standard in Urban Area of Fushun; the west of Kangping Street is specified as Class III zone (industrial area) and the east of it as Class I zone (residential, educational and cultural spots). There are many. noise sensitive receptors along Dandong Road, for instance, 7 educational establishments, 4 nurseries, 2 large hospitals, 2 national science-research academies and 3 hotels. They are all within 50m from the road, some of them are even within only 1Om from road. The monitoring results for existing noise shows that traffic noise in peak hour is 75dB(A), 74dB(A) in day-time, and 7OdB(A) in night-time. At 20m away from both roadsides, noise 69dB(A) is in peak hour, 67dB(A) in day-time, and 63dB(A) in night-time. It can be concluded that existing noise impact is rather severe. 2) The area between Hunhe Bridge and Guchenghekou Bridge(along Hunhenan Road), according to Municipal Construction Planning, is specified as Class I zone. The monitoring results at Beihou Village shows that the noise is 5OdB(A) in day- time, and 47dB(A) in night-time, indicating the noise does not exceed standard in- day-time, but exceeds the standard by 2dB(A) in night-time. 3) Summary The comparative analysis shows the traffic noise caused by the existing vehicle flow has a significant noise impact on the sensitive receptors on both roadsides. The existing traffic noise between Hunhe Bridge and Guchenghekou Bridge on Hunhenan Road, however, has little impact on neighboring environment. Noise Impact in Construction Phase The sensitive receptors are closer to both roadsides of Dandong Road, therefore, constructing noise would have rather obvious impact. Since the first row of buildings are all within 50m radius from construction site, the noise during construction phase exceeds the standard by 10-17dB(A) in day-time; 16-2ldB(A) in night-time. As the road section from Hunhe Bridge to Guccheng Estuary Bridge is not yet completed and there are almost no residential zone except Beihou Village on south road side(more than 100 m away from the road) , the construction in day-time would not cause any adverse impact. There will be two construction sites on Dandong Road, the interchange at Sanbaotun and the intersection at Haicheng. The distance between sensitive points and the interchange construction site at Sanbaotun is 100-180m. On this road section, there are two preliminary schools and residential zone. The noise at construction site will exceeds standard by 9-15dB(A) in day-time, by 9-25dB in night-time. The 101 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment influencing area will be 94,000 mi2. The distance between the sensitive receptors and the construction site at Haicheng is only 10-30m, therefore construction noise, if all equipment are in operation, would exceed standard by 12-17dB(A) in day-time, by 22-27dB(A) in night-time. The impact area will be 126,000m2. In the road section between Hunhe Bridge and Guchenghekou Bridge on Hunhenan Road, there are three construction sites: south interchange at Hunhe Bridge; interchange at Heping Bridge and Guchenghekou. At Guchenghekou Bridge, the sensitive receptors are 180m away from the construction site, At other two construction site, the sensitive receptors are 300m from the two sites, so the noise impact at construction sites is litte. The noise does not exceed standard in day-time but exceeds the standard by 1-6dB(A) in night-time. The impact area will be 2 24,000m Noise Impact in Operation Phase 1) Dandong Road If Dandong Road proposal is implemented as the alternative, vehicle volume in operation phase would increase to 2928 vehicles/hour by the year 2010. The noise prediction shows that noise level at roadsides will be 80.6dB(A) in peak hour; 78.6dB(A) in day-time and 70.9dB(A) in night-time. The noise at various distance from both roadsides is listed in Table 4.6.2-1. It can seen that the noise level 240m away from the construction site can be under the standard. The impact area will be 230.8m2. 2) Hunhenan Road Along the southern roadside of Hunhenan Road, traffic noise is 78.8dB(A) in peak hour, 77dB(A) in day-time and 67dB(A) in night-time. The impact area will be 0M2 1,170,OOOm . Table 4.6.2-1 lists noise values at various distance from southern roadside. Table 4.6.2-1 Traffic Noise Comparison in 2010 (between Dandong Road and Hunhenan Road) distance from road centerm) roadside 30 60 80 100 120 180 240 day- dB(A) 78.6 70.6 66.1 65.4 63.4 60.1 53.6 Dandong Road time _____ _ _ _ ___ __ _ __ ___ night- dB(A) 70.9 62.9 58.4 57.1 54.9 52.4 45.2 tim e__ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ day- dB(A) 77 74 66 63.2 62.3 60 55 Hunhenan Road_time i_ghti dB(A) 67 64 56 53.2 52.3 50 45 102 Lisoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessnent 4.6.3 Impact on Water Environment Construction Phase The impact on water environment in construction phase focuses on engineering drainage, domestic sewage and rainwater overflowing on road pavement. 0 Water and Wastewater's Comparison between PIunhenan Road and Dandong Road Proposal Table 4.6.3 1 Water and Wastewater Analysis in Construction Phase water demand drainage quantity project road road length construction (M3/6ye ars) (M3/6year ) (kin) site engineering living engineering living Hunhenan Road(Hunhe Bridge to 6.5 3 27600 900 2720 450 uchenghekou Bridge _ Dandong Road 6.5 2 11500 320 1150 160 (Alternative) The above table shows that there will be less water and wastewater quantity in Dandong Road construction than that in Hunhenan Road. The reason is that the road section from Hunhe Bridge to Guchenghekou Bridge is an alignment to be newly built. For both the Hunhenan Road and the Dandong Proposal, the water demand for engineering and living is entirely supplied by Fushun Municipal Construction Corporation(FMCC) through water supply pipeline. For both the Hunhenan Road and the Dandong Road Proposal, engineering drainage will ve reused at Asphalt and Cement Mixing Station of FMCC for mixing concrete. And then the wastewater, after proper disposal, will be discharged into municipal sewerage system, which will cause no impact on Hunhe River. The domestic wastewater produced at three construction sites on Hunhenan Road will be discharged into sewerage system. The domestic wastewater at two construction sites on Dandong Road will be discharged into municipal sewerage system. The domestic wastewater in both construction proposals will have no impact on Hunhe River. * Impact of Rain Overflowing on Water Environment In construction phase, the damage of pavement and vegetation on Hunhenan Road naturally results in erosion of the top soil. But a 5.5m wide green belt and many lawns on embankment will prevent the top soil from further erosion. Thus, there will be very little impact on water quality in Hunhe River. In construction phase of Dandong Road, rain overflowing on pavement can be 103 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment discharged into sewerage system in the area, so there is no impact on Hunhe River. Operation Phase * Impact Comparison between Hunhenan Road and Dandong Road The impact of Hunhenan Road Project on Hunhe River in operation phase focuses on airborne dust blowing on road and MV emission. A 5.5m wide green belt can reduce pollution impact on Hunhe River. The initially overflowed rain water discharged into Hunhe River is only 0.2-0.3% of total river-water volurne, so there is very little impact on river water. As Dnadong Road is fat away from Hunhe River, the airborne dust blowing on road and MV emission will have no impact on Hunhe River. The'rain water overflowing on the pavement will also have no impact because it is discharged into municipal sewerage system. 4.6.4 Socioeconomic Environment Existing Socioeconomic Environment -The EA Team also conducted their field survey on Dandong Road. There are- 11 residential zones, 7 educational establishments, 4 nurseries, 10 commercial markets, 2 large hospitals, 3 hotels, 2 national-level research institutes as well as many industrial units and administration buildings along Dandong Road. The investigation focuses mainly on major sensitive receptors. Construction Phase Dadong Road is the major corridor from west to east. The construction will cause more traffic jams and delay. For instance, the transit time will increase to 2.2 hours from existing 1.5 hours. Meanwhile, the construction will also impact the traffic safety of the students and patients. Table 4.6.4-1 has given the impacts in construction phase of Dandong Road. Table 4.6.4-1 Persons Impacted in Construction Phase of Dandong Road patient in child in scientific buyer at pol hospital nursery institute market Hunhenan Road 90 0 0 0 0 Dandong Road 405 1710 1500 704 1824 4200 Operation Phase The existing traffic volume on Dandong Road is already saturated. If Dandong Road will be used as the only corridor from west to east in Fushun, the congestion and pollution will be more serious by the year 2010. Furthermore, the area along Dandong Roar is mixed with heavy industrial area, residential zone, school, hospital, 104 liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmentl Impact Assessment scientific research institutes. The operation of Dadong Road will negatively impact on the living quality of the people. Therefore, the positive impact of the preferred option will be larger than that of the alternative. 4.6.5 Summary Based on the analysis of air quality, noise, and socio-economy in construction and operation phases, the preferred option is better than teh alternative. 105 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmentl Impact Assessment 5. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT S.1 Environmental Monitoring Program Environmental Monitoring will be carried out during construction and operation phase to ensure the effectiveness of mitigation measures and identify the accuracy of environment impact assessment The detailed monitoring plan, associated with related data collection and responsibility are developed by different phases. The objectives of monitoring plan are: a) to evaluate the effectiveness of mitigation measures; b) to handle environmental problems on Hunhenan Road; c) to give reference base for development and enforcement of regulations, and improvement of enforcement methods in traffic management and environmental management. 5.1.1 Environmental Monitoring Plan Construction Phase Monitoring Layout The monitoring layout, frequency and parameters are selected based on the impacts of annual construction activities on environment. Fig.5-1 shows the monitoring layout for noise, air quality and water environment in the construction phase of Hunhenan Road. Table 5.1-1 lists the parameters, layout and frequency for monitoring noise, air quality and water environment in construction phases. Operation Phase Monitoring Layout The Monitoring layout are selected based on the characteristic of MV emission and the circumstance in the project area. Fig. 5-2 shows the monitoring layout for noise, air quality and water environment in the operation phase of Hunhenan Road. Table 5.1-2 lists the parameters, layout and frequency for monitoring noise, air quality and water environment in operation phase. 106 Lisoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Asessment ' i1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 VI 107 4-j~\ Lo C.) 0 / fr'~~~~~~~~~~- 0 I Co~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ln~~Ž~# C)~~~~~~~~~~~~ 107 Likoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Ernvronmental Impact Assessment IL f -~~ -' / ~~~.4 * co~ Q)~ ~ ~ L 44'i 0~~~~~~~~~/ / 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o o I II _ II~~10 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment I Table 5.1-1 Monitoring Plan in Construction Phase annual construction item item category earth work and earth work road paving pavement earth vork road paving (2000) (2001) modification (2002) modification (2003p Sengmao Hotel Sengmao Hotel Beihou Village Beihou Village 104#Building 104#Building Tax Bureau Sengmao Hotel . location 104# Building Tax Bureau Tax Bureau Sengmao Hotel south of Heping Mine Bureau Liangdan Street Bridge noise paramneter LeqdB(A) once in Will and once in June and once in once in Will and once in June and frequency July,3 days per August, 3 days Semptember and August, 3 days per Semptember, 3 days event per event per event event per event time 7:00 10:00 14:00 19:00 no construction in night-time Sengmao Hotel Sengmao Hotel I Beihou Village | Beihou Village 104#Building 104#Building Tax Bureau Sengmao Hotel location 104#! Building Tax Bureau Tax Bureau Sengmao Hotel south of Heping Mine Bureau Liangdan Street l Bridge air parameter TSP CO NOx once in Will and once in June and I once in Will and | once in June and frequency September,7 days August, 7 days 7 one per even, August, 7 days per September, 7 days per v ev ent evnt 7dasper event event per event time no less than 12 hours for TSP; no less than 18 hours for CO NOx Xinhua Bridge Xinhua Bridge Xinhua Bri adge Xinhua Bridge location Heping Bridge Heping Bridge Heping Bridge S Bi Heping Bridge Sifangtai Sifangtai Sifangtai angt Sifangtai parameter SS COD water once in April and once in June and once in once in Will and once in June and frequency Semptember, 3 August, 3 days Semptember and August, 3 days per Semptember, 3 days days per event per event October, 3 days event per event _____ __________ I ~~~~~~~per event __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I__ time once per day Table 5.1-2 Monitoring Plan in Operation Phase item category description( for successive two years) noise source motor vehicle location Beihou Village, 104# Building, Tax Bureau, Sengmao Hotel noise parameter LeqdB(A) frequency once in April and Semptember every year, a day per event time 6:00-22:00at day, 22:00 in night-time to 6:00 next day pollution vehicle exhaust, dust blowing on pavement source air location Beihou Village, 104# Building, Tax Bureau, Sengmao Hotel parameter TSP CO NOx Pb 1HC frequency once in August and December every year, successive 7 days per everd _____ time no less than 12 hours for TSP Pb, no less than 18 hours for other parameters location Xinhua Bridge, Sifangtai, water parameter pH DO COD Oil NH3-N SS frequency once in April and September every year, 3 days per event time once sampling per day 5.1.2 Monitoring Institution Fushun Environmental Protection Research Institute (FEPRI) takes the responsibility for monitoring work involved in the project. 109 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushan Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment As a environmentally scientific research institute under leadership of Fushun EPB, Fushun Environmental Protection Research Institute, since its establishment in 1977, had undertaken EIA task by holding Class II National EIA certificate. It has 8 senior engineers, 20 engineers and is equipped with many advanced analytic instruments, such as Japan made Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, UV240 Spectrophotometer, and other specious noise testing devices. A range of conventional instruments can be used for measuring air, water, soil and various ecological environments. This Institute has undertaken many tasks of EIA which had been committed by Liaoning Province Goverunent and Fushun Municipal Government, due to its qualified professional staff being already verified by Liaoning Monitoring Station, thus, it is entitled to take the responsibility for environmental monitoring plan of project. 5.1.3 Analysis and Application of Monitoring Result 1) Report Content The monitoring report will include time, location, analysis method, conclusion and executive signature. 2) Frequency of Reporting The monitoring report is prepared in accordance with monitoring frequency. The general report will be prepared annually. 3) Responsibility for Receiving and Reviewing Monitoring Report Fushun EPB is responsible for reviewing monitoring report, and Fushun Project Office (FPO) will implement the mitigation based on the report. 5.1.4 Monitoring Cost Annual monitoring cost in both construction and operation phases is listed in Table 5.1-3. Table5.1-3 Annual Monitoring Cost in Construction and Operation Phases Unit: 10,00OYuans construction phase operation phase term monitoring labor and monitoring labor and total and analysis vehicle-use and analysis vehicle-use other noise 2.3 1.9 6.9 1.0 air 4.0 4.5 54.6 3.4 2.2 83 water 1.3 0.5 2.6 0.2 subtotal 7.6 6.9 54.6 12.9 3.4 83 168.4 110 Lisoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 5.2 Institution, Staff and Training 5.2.1 Project Organization and Responsibilities Environmental Management Organization for Fushun Road and Transport Project Fushun Project Leadship Group |Fushun Urban and Rural Construction Commission | Fushun Environmental Protection Bureau Constru tion Phase Operation Phase Construction and Operation 'hases Fushun Urban Construction Bureau Fushun Urban Construction Bureau Fushun Fushun Project Construction Fushun Municipal Facility Management Environmental Science Corporation Department Environmental Management in Construction and Operation Phases Under leadership of Fushun Project Group, the institutions listed in above block-diagram are to take the responsibilities for environmental management during both construction and operation phases. Fushun EPB is responsible for overall environmental administration, while other government agencies are in charge of providing necessary support to successful implementation of the project. * Fushun Project Leadership Group(FPLG) Fushun Project Leadership Group takes the responsibilities for making overall policy decisions, such as proposal selection, scale of project construction and fund resource. * Fushun Urban and Rural Construction Commission (FURCC) The FURCC, as a government agency in charge of municipal construction affairs, takes 111 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment the responsibility for organization coordination during both project construction and operation phases. Its role in environmental protection affairs involved in this project is as follows: 1) supporting environmental agencies to enforce environmental regulation and law. 2) providing the assurance for financial support to the implementation of EAP in construction phase. * Fushun Project Construction Corporation(FPCC) The FPCC, subordinated to FPLG, undertakes the implementation of decision made by FPLG , financial mana.gement and the coordination among co cemed institutions: The FPCC is in charge of the coordination with other units about environmental protection affairs involved in the construction phase, as listed below: 1) responsible for adopting environmental protection acts and regulations issued by environmental authorities and executing supervision. 2) providing the project description to EA Report and EAP. 3) responsible for signing contract with the contractors of environmental protection requirement and to ensuring the mitigation implementation in overall construction processes. 4) responsible for inspecting and verifying the performance of mitigation measures by the contractors. 5) collecting the analysis results on environmental monitoring data to improve existing environmental protection measures and environmental management methods. 6) responsible for handling public complaints on environmental problems occurred during construction phase and coordinating with EPB to develop appropriate solution.; 7) helping handle pollution accident during project construction under the coordination with other otganizations. * Fushun Environmental Protection Bureau(FEPB) Fushun EPB, on behalf of Fushun Municipal Government, takes the responsibility for environmental management in the entire city. It is in charge of executing national, provincial or local environmental regulations and laws, supervising the adoption of EAP actions specified in project design. Moreover, Fushun EPB is also responsible for: 1) reyiewing environmental monitoring plan and giving comments on the solution to accidental pollution. 2) reviewing and inspecting the monitoring report on environmental mitigation measures in construction and operation phases and giving conclusive comment for the purpose of ensuring the adoption of mitigation measures. 112 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 0 Fushun Environmental Science Institute(FESI) FEPRI, under leadership of Fushun EPB is established in 1977, which is one of the scientific research agencies early engaged in EIA work in China. The major tasks of FESI include environmental study, the design and implementation of pollution source control. In Fushun Subproject, it has been trusted to undertake the preparation of EIA, EAP and draft monitoring report, interpretation of environmental monitoring data in entire project period. The monitoring report is prepared in response to each monitoring activity. A summary report is to be prepared once a year, which includes sampling location, parameters, methods of sampling and analysis, analytic results and responsibility sign and so on. The monitoring report must be submitted to Fushun EPB, FPCC and EA Team. * Fushun Municipal Facility Management Department(FMFMD) Fushun Municipal Facility Management Department(FMFMD), subordinated to FUCB, will undertake the maintenance of entire project infrastructure immediately after the project completion. Apart from routine management in operation phase, FMFMD is also in charge of following environmental protection tasks: 1) providing assistance to routine monitoring of exhaust emission of motor-vehicle and traffic noise. 2) supporting EPB and Public Security Bureau to execute vehicle management and exhaust emission monitoring. 3) providing assistance to concerned government agency for handling emergent environmental problem caused by traffic accident. 4) coordinating with local environmental agency to handle public complaint of the project. 5) carrying out inspection on environmental protection measures and facilities. Specific Environmental Management Organization and Responsibility * Construction Phase One specific staff from contractor team will be responsible for daily environmental issues on the construction site. He/she will inspect and supervise the labors to reduce noise, dust and wastewater discharge based on EAP. An random inspection will be undertaken by Fushun EPB and FPCC to ensure the implementation of mitigation during construction phase. FESI will be in charge of environmental monitoring to minimize the potential environmental impact during construction phase. The organization chart for daily work on construction site is presented as follows: 113 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject En.ironmental Impact Assessment FPCC the specific environment staff works on construction site envircnnmental quality of noise, dust and wastewater discharge on site| responsible for ra dom inspection responsible for envir nmental monitoring Fushun EPB FESI | 0 Operation Phase The environmental management during operation phase will mainly focus on environmental monitoring and motor vehicle emission control, and provide scientific basis for enviromnental management. Fushun EPB FESI l FPCC l environmental monitoring of air environmental management quality, noise and water for the project Staiffing Environmental staff required for the project (1 or 2 persons from the project management agency) is responsible for daily environmental management affairs in construction and operation phases. They are in charge of handling public complaint, solving emergent environmental accident. 114 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 5.2.2 Personnel Training Contractors' environmental awareness and appropriate knowledge of environmental protection is critical to the successful implementation of the EAP. In order to ensure the contractors to effectively implement the environmental monitoring, a training program is proposed for the contractors before imvolving in any project construction. Meanwhile, related training of environmental monitoring and management will be necessary for the staff involved in, which can provide good understanding of consistence with international method. The objective of domestic training is to promote environmental awareness of project contractors and encourage them to make a civilized project construction with. less pollution to the environment. The environmental monitoring and management must be implemented effectively in the construction in accordance with local environmental regulations. Table 5.2- 1 gives the domestic training plan and the cost estimation.. Four week's international training course will give the trainees some practical knowledge and skills similar to this project. The objectives of training course will be achieved in following ways, such as: visit to science institutes ( environmental management unit, research lab and university), field survey( environmental facility and project site) and informal discussion and practice. The training will improve the technical and management ability, provide better methods of environmental assessment and monitoring, learn new technology of motor vehicle emission inspection and control, and visit pilot project, etc. Table 5.2-2 shows the cost estimation of international training. Table 5.2-1 Domestic Training Plan trainee time cost training course (persons) (day) (l O.OOOYuan) advanced technology for controlling traffic noise, especially for noise barrier and preventive 5 15 7.0 measures for indoor advanced technology for controlling exhaust emission 4 15 6.0 emergent handling practice for hazards leakage accident environmental supervision methods during 20 10 7. construction and operation improve environmental awareness of 20 10 5.0 construction unit total 49 50 25.0 115 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Table 5.2-2 International Training Plan trainee time cost training course (Persons) (weeks) (10,OOOYuan) noise control technology in urban EIA risk analysis method public consultation and evaluation GIS for environmental decision exhaust testing and emiission contmol 6 4 25 pollution control by traffic managenment water pollutioni control envirornental management by econonmic policies optimization method and cost/benefit anialysis monitoring modeling of urban traffic pollution Note: The trainees are the key staff of environmental assessment and management. Total training cost is estimated in Table 5.2-3. Table 5.2-3 Training Cost Estimatios term time persons cost(10,OOOYuans) domestic 50 days 49 persons 25.0 over-sea 28 days 6 persons 25.0 total 78 55 50.0 5.3 EAP Environmental Action Plan (EAP), as a framework document prepared for making environmental monitoring and management and adopting mitigation measures in construction and operation phases of Hunhenan Road Project, has made a detailed description of all major items and issues involved in EIA Report. EAP can be served as a memorandum to ensure the effective implementation of all environmental mitigation measures. In the memorandum, necessary explanation has been made for major documentation requirement needed in EAP. Fushun Urban Road and Transport ProjectEnvironmental Action Plan 1. Introduction 1.1 Objective 116 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Objective focuses on effectively implementing the environmental mitigation measures identified in EIA Report 1.2 Institutional Responsibility The definite description has been made for responsibility, staff, coordination and report preparation. 1.3 Environmental Standard The concerned environmental standards involved in EIA have been described in tabular form. 2. Environmental Mitigation Measures The detailed descripilon has been made for the environmental protection measures in response to the progressive stage, locations involved in the project. 2.1 Design Phase The general description has been given in the evaluation of design plan for how to minimize environmental impact, for instance, about air pollution, noise impact and resettlement plan and so on 2.2 Construction Phase The detailed description has been made for the adoption of appropriate environmental mitigation to minimize adverse impact caused in construction phase, for instance, definite practices for controlling the impact by dust, noise, solid waste. 2.3 Operation Phase The concrete description has been made for the adoption of environmental mitigation to minimize adverse impact probably occurred when the project is put in the operation phase; for instance, installing noise barri'r, promoting unleaded gasoline, prohibiting horn sounding and emergency measures for pollution accident) 3.Environmental Monitoring Plan Environmental monitoring must be conducted routinely in construction and operation phases for the purpose of ensuring the effectiveness of mitigation measures, knowing about the accuracy of prediction and arranging monitoring plan in a phased and task-specific way 3.1 Construction Phase The .monitoring plan in construction phase includes time and frequency for monitoring air quality, noise and water quality. 3.2 Operation Phase The monitoring plan in operation phase includes time and frequency for monitoring air quality, noise and water quality. 117 .Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 4.EAP Implementation The definite schedule is specified for the adoption of various concrete action and mitigation measures identified in EIA Report. It also includes personnel training, and environmental protection propaganda to project contractors. 4.1 Timetable and Responsibility of EAP Implementation The definite implementation date and responsibility is specified for adopting all concrete plans made in EAP. 4.2 Cost Estimation for Implementing EAP The detailed explanation is given for cost needed to implement EAP, includihg the cost of adopting mitigation measures in definite location ( for instance, installing noise barrier and tree planting ), arranging personnel training and conducting environmental monitoring. 118 Lisoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environental Impact Assessment 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 6.1 Methodology Public participation adopted in this project through public meetings, questionnaire investigations and interviews with residents, merchants and social establishment that will be impacted. 6.1.1 Public Meeting The practice of public meeting is to hold the discussion among residents impacted by the project, to make detailed explanation about the project plan, to answer various question about project impact on them, then the questionnaires are disseminated to the public for their comments. The ELA A team attended these meetings, and rnoted down comments and recommendations from public and collected questionnaires back. Finally the results are transferred to designing institute and management authorities for consideration in order to minimize the project impact. Two public investigations were made in November 20-28, 1996 and in June 1-15, 1997 respectively. Fourteen public meetings were held in various communities, with total participants of 1546, covering farmers, workers, teachers, government officials, students, researchers, etc.. Among 1546 questionnaires, 1520 ( ca. 98%) were returned. In addition, EIA team has made public investigation in Dandong Road (as alternative to Hunhenan Road) during December 10-28, 1997. Six public meetings were organized, with total participants of 840. Persons being involved include peasants, city residents, students, teachers, and doctors, patients in hospital and nursery from kindergarten. 6.1.2 Public Interview For Wugong Street and Xifuping Road which are commercial areas, it is difficult for the busy shop owners and vendors to participate public meeting, therefore, interviews were adopted for them. EIA team conducted two public interviews with merchants, shop owners, buyers, residents and passengers ( ca. 350 persons) in January 10-15, 1998 and February 22-26, 1998. These interviews were recorded. 6.2 Solutions to Major Problems 6.2.1 Hunhenan Road The public investigation on Hunhenan Road shows that 90% of public opinions is in favor of constructing Hunhenan Road, but they considered that the traffic noise impact on residents should be taken into consideration. 8% shows indifference about it. Public opinions from first round investigation can be summarized as follow: * Hunhenan Road Project can facilitate economic development, improve investment environment and increase employment opportunity in the areas along this alignment. * The project is helpful to reconstruct old and dangerous houses or buildings in certain area, such as Beihou Village. 119 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment * The project can develop Wanhua riparian land so as to provide a large area of municipal land use for new residential zone and better environment. .e Some peasants expressed that although their land has been acquitted, they agree on constructing road because this help them to obtain new house. But they are afraid of losting income sources and hence influencing their living level. * The opinion reflected by residents in dense residential areas is that traffic noise does has impact on them. * Some enterprises along Hunhe worried that road construction here would interfere with normal access condition for their employees going to and back, as well as their business activities. Solutions: * New residential buildings will be constructed in other residential communities within 1 km or near former buildings for resettled people. * For peasants whose land was occupied, compensation must be paid for their land and crop loss in accordance with concerned legal document or regulations. In addition, they will be arranged to be urban citizens, and given choices to work arrangement. For those lose working abilities, compensation for living insurance will be paid. * For residents impacted on Hunhenan Road, ventilation device and double-glazed windows will be installed for the purpose of reducing the impact by traffic noise on them. In construction of Guchenghekou Bridge, a temporary path is set in construction phase and then a permanent one will be built in operation phase. Public opinions from second round investigation is summarized as follow: i The peasants with their houses demolished and their land acquitted are satisfactory with new houses, employment arrangement and living condition. * The reconstructed or newly built road has been added with more green area and beautiful gardens for people to enjoy. * The residents along Hunhenan Road are quite satisfactory with the mitigation measures developed for reducing noise impact. 6.2.2 Dandong Road (Alternative) The EIA team, after they had finished statistic results for public opinion investigation (interview with 840 persons) about Dandong Road Proposal as an alternative, concluded that 80% of public comments did not agree with Dandong Road project; 14% welcomed it; 6% shows indifference about it. The first round of public opinion about Dandong Road Proposal can be summarized as follow: * People who are in favor of Dandong Road Proposal say that they support the municipal construction. * People who did not agreed on Dandong Road Proposal include scientific researchers, doctors and patients in hospital, teachers and students, residents and nurses. Dandong 120 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Road is located within an heavy industrialized area with enviromnental pollution, and further pollution from new road will make environment even worse. There are many sensitive receptors that are very close to the road. These sensitive receptors have already been disturbed awfully by the existing traffic noise and would be impacted more terribly if more vehicle flow come into this road. The impact on passing of ambulance will be terrible for patients. Solutions: Dandong Road Proposal would not be adopted. The second round of public opinion shows that the public are in favor of Fushun Municipal Government's decision on denying Dandong Road Proposal. The public felt that Fushun Municipal Government has paid attention to the public's opinion in municipal construction and done accordingly. 6.2.3 Wugong Str4et and Xifuping Road When the public's opinion investigation is done about the upgrade of Wugong Street and the reconstruction of Xifuping Road, the public had expressed their support for these two road's construction and agreed that it help relieve the existing traffic pressure, improve environmental quality in urban center and facilitate commercial prosperity. The residents who have to be resettled will have better living conditions than before. First round of the public's opinions investigation can be summarized as follow: * The resettlement of shops will influence their economic profit; * The merchants in Xifuping Street complainted about finding no place to do their business in and after road construction. * Passengers in Xifuping Road complainted about being inconvenience to take trains. Solutions: : For resettled shops, proper locations will be provided for these owner considering their opinion, and compensation will be made for their loss during construction phase. The resettled conditions would be better than before. * Many vendors along the roadside have to be removed into Fuping Market, with better conditions. * The existing underpass will be used and dug through Xifuping Road, which will provide convenience for tram passengers.. The second round of the public's opinion investigation shows that the public are satisfactory with adoption of their comments. * The modification and construction on Wugong Street and Xifuping Road has relieved the traffic congestion situation in urban center. * The upgrade of Wugong Street will greatly improve the pavement condition and help divert the traffic flow in urban center to expressway on Hunhenan Road. * The construction of Xifuping Road will facilitate a more rational traffic configuration and management in urban center. 121 Lisomng Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 7. CONCLUSION 7.1 Environmental Impact 7.1.1 Positive Impact The imnplementation of the project will provide following positive impacts: * The completion of Hunhenan Road will provide a west-east corridor in the urban city, and attract more traffic. Therefore, the traffic congestion in the city center will be relieved, and the average speed of motor vehicle will increase 4.1 km/hour in the city. * Although the noise level will increase along the proposed road, the noise in the centre city will decrease by the year 2010. The motor vehicle emission in the city will increase, however, the emission with the project will be less than without. The pollutants of motor vehicle emission, e.g. HC, CO, NOx will respectively reduce by40%, 39% and 26%. * The proposed roads will rationalize the existing road network, which can reduce the time of person trip and transportation and reduce traffic accident. * The implementation Hunhenan Road will promote the development of Wanhuatan Area. 126 ha. of land will be developed for urban construction. The resettlement in Beihou residential area and Xifuping Road will speed up the upgrade of existing shabby houses,. which will provide a better living condition for the people impacted. The non-motor vehicle lane will be located in one side near the residential buildings, which provides more convenience and safety. * The construction of Wugong Street and Xifuping Road will not only improve the traffic condition in the centre city, but also facilitate the commercial activities, person trip and traffic safety. * The project operation will provide better investment environment, which will speed up the economic development in Fushun. 7.1.2 Negative Impact The negative impact caused by the project are: * The air pollutant concentration along the proposed road will be higher than the existing concentration. * The noise level along the road will be higher than current level. * The project will occupy 280.3 mu of farm land and water areas, which will be restored forever. About 22,000 m2 green space will be occupied and 12,609 trees be cut, however, these can be restored afterwards. 7.1.3 Comparison between With and Without Project a) Air The prediction result shows that air quality in the road section from Gebu Bridge to Changchun Bridge, by the year 2010 with project, will be better than then without project. On 122 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assesment the contrary, air quality in two road sections, from Hunhe Bridge to Guchenghekou Bridge and from Changchun Bridge to Dongzhou Bridge, will be worse with project by the year 2010 than then without project. CO, HC and NOx emitted by motor-vehicle, with the project, will be reduced by 30%, 32% and 7% respectively than without project in whole city. b) Noise The prediction result shows that by the year 2010, traffic noise along the project road will increase by 1.2-7.5dB(A) with project than without. But the noise on some major road sections in urban area will be reduced significantly. c) Socioeconomic Environment The implementation of Fushun Urban Road and Traffic Construction Project will reduce the traffic pressure in urbah area and in east-west traffic route as a result of attracting most of vehicle flow toward Hunhenan Road. In addition, the separation of motor-vehicle lane and non-motor vehicle lane on Hunhenan Road will create safety and more convenience to pedestrians and running vehicle. The road construction will facilitate the land development in Wanhua riparian land, the reconstruction of residential zones at Beihou Village and the modification of some shabby houses on Xifuping Road. Although the road project has occupied some crop fields, people's living level has not been influenced accordingly. Where people's trip has been impacted, special path will be built. The business environment along the project road is also improved further than ever. d) Summary The air quality, noise and socioeconomic environment in whole urban area will become better with project than without by the year 2010. Nevertheless, there will be a little growth of noise and pollution emission along the project road. The project's implementation, in general, will contribute a substantial benefit to improving environment quality in whole urban area. 7.2 Mitigation Measures * According to national policy and provincial and municipal environmental protection regulations, leaded gasoline must be forbidden by January 1st, 1999. Aged vehicles must be phased out; public transport must be promoted; vehicle fleet must be controlled. All these measures are required to be executed in conjunction with building a more rational traffic management system. * To strengthen traffic management. Exhaust cleaning facility must be installed through annual inspection. Non-qualified vehicles will not be allowed to operate. * Fushun EPB ordered that no hom, no heavy vehicle and tractor is allowed in urban area; vehicle speed is limited (especially in night-time) so as to reduce the impact of traffic noise on residents along the roads; residential buildings must be built in the area under appropriate noise level; no sensitive receptors is allowed to be built in nigh noise area; residents' rooms will be installed with air conditioners and compensated by cash to protect them from noise disturbance. * Pollutant-resistant trees will be planted along the road when the construction finished. * The route of hazards transportation will be fixed. Emergency response will be carried out 123 Lisoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment to prevent any leakage to Hunhe River. Specific transport route is developed during flood period. 7.3 Comparative Analysis between Two Project Proposals Dandong Road, as an alternative to Hunhenan Road (from Hunhe Bridge to Guchenghekou Bridge ) has been assessed considering its impact during construction and operation phases. The result is that this alternative is inferior to tht adopted option. 7.4 Environmental Supervision and Monitoring Program Fushun Project Office takes the responsibility for environmental supervision and management in the construction and operation phases. Fushun EPB is in charge of directive review and inspection of various mitiation measures' effects. Fushun Environmental Protection Research Institute takes over the monitoring plan for traffic noise, air quality and water environment in construction and operation phases. Fushun Public Security Bureau is responsible for inspecting motor-vehicle's exhaust emission through coordination with Fuhun Environmental Protection Monitoring Station. 7.5 Public Participation The public understood that the project construction would bring a substantial benefit to them, although there is some adverse impact on them. But these impacts, after adopting necessary mitigation measures, will be acceptable. They are therefore in favor of the project construction. 7.6 General Conclusion In summary, Liaoning Urban Transport Project (LUTP)-Fushun Subproject will assist in providing a solution to traffic congestion in the city center, improve the quality of urban .life and stimulate economic development. Although the project will result in some degradation of air quality within the immediate vicinity of the alignrment but will make a positive contribution to air quality improvement in the overall utban area, especially in the city center. The noise level will also be increased in some sections of the roads. From the view of pollutant load control in the city, the project has obvious environmental and social benefit. Therefore, the project is feasible environmentally. 124 Lisoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment Annex LIAO URBAN TRANSPORT PROJECT OUTLINE OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE FOR DEVELOPMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLE EMISSION CONTROL STRATEGY Draft June 1998 Liaoning Urban Construction & Renewal Project Office Post, Buckley International. Inc. . 125 Lisoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 1. Introduction The implementation of Liaoning Urban Transport Project (LUTP) will result in increased traffic and motor vehicle emissions, leading to deterioration of air quality along the project roads. Over the long term, the benefit brought by the project on air quality from a city perspective will be offset by the expanded motor vehicle fleet. Eventually, motor vehicle speeds on a city wide basis will slow down again and air quality in the project cities will worsen. Although several quickly designed mitigation actions will be taken during the operation phase, they are not able to fully address the fundamental cause of the long term air quality impact by the project due to the complex nature of the issue. The mitigation of the long term project impacts on air quality and, ultimately, sustained improvement of air quality in the project cities call for a well researched and structured motor vehicle emission control "strategy (MVECS). The MVECS is to provide the accurate assessment of present situation on motor vehicle emissions in the projects cities as well as the trends in the future. Best available motor vehicle emission technologies and successful experience in control motor vehicle emissions at home and from abroad will be evaluated for their potential application in the project cities. On this basis, the MVECS will specify a series of effective, site specific, integrated and goal oriented control, mitigation and remediation measures to tackle the long term impact of the project on air quality. Major efforts will be required in developing MVECS for each of the three project cities. A technical assistance is therefore needed for necessary and appropriate technical and financial resources. This document outlines the main scope and key elements in the proposed TA, including responsible organizations, the means of TA, the contents of TA, estimated costs for the TA and the TA implementation. 2. The Responsible Organizations LUCRPO and project offices in each city will be responsible for the implementation of this strategy. A capable and experienced institute will be responsible for overall integration. Local and foreign experts will be recruited as consultants. One research institute in each city will be needed to be responsible for the strategy development, and this institute will be selected in accordance with certain procedures based on the TOR. 3. Means of Technical Assistance 3.1 Consulting Services Consultants experienced with motor vehicle emission reduction will be retained. The lead consultant will be responsible for development of MVECS, and supported by research institutes from Shenyang, Anshan and Fushun which are most familiar with motor vehicle fleet, air quality, urban and industrial development and local policies in air quality control and environmental protection in general in their respective cities. Since the local teams are limited by their experience in dealing with complicated strategies for motor vehicle emission control and latest development in motor emission control technologies, out-of-province consultants who are with these experience will be retained to provide assistance and guidance in MVECS development. 126 Lisoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 3.2 Technical Workshop A technical workshop will be held at the key stage of the MVECS development. At the workshop, the local and out-off-province consultants will present the findings from their initial study on the present motor vehicle issues in the project cities, trends in the future in motor vehicle fleet and emissions, current mitigation measures and their effectiveness, and local regulatory framework related to air quality in general and motor vehicle emission in specific. Leading experts in this area will be invited to participate in the workshop primarily those from cities which have successfully developed and implemented an MVECS and improved their air quality because of it. The experts are to provide their views and recommnendations on the problems presented to them and share their successes and learn from their lessons. The objectives of the workshop will be exchange ideas, focusing on the specific issues facing the project cities. The workshop will be organized as such that var0ous motor vehicle emission control measures will be discussed and debated for their effectiveness in addressing the motor vehicle emissions and air quality issues unique to each of the project cities. 3.3 Overseas Study and Inspection The provincial consultants as well as officials from the project cities responsible for developing, adoption and implementing the MVECS will travel aboard to-study similar MVECS in countries such as the US or Canada. The study and inspection tour will be in cities which already have include meetings with MVECS development and implementing agencies, MVECS facilities, institutes or companies involved in motor vehicle emission control technology research and application, and regulatory agencies directly relevant to air quality control, particularly motor vehicle emission control. 4 Contents of Technical Assistance 4.1 Information collection and current situation assessment Information on the present situation on motor vehicle emissions in each of the project cites will be collected and compiled. Assessment of the collected information will be made to produce a clear and full understanding of various aspects of the motor vehicle emission issue and its relation to air quality. 4.2 Research of the trends of the future Future trends on the motor vehicle fleet, emission control technologies and other factors which will affect the growth of motor vehicles such as population, urban development and standard of living in the future will be researched. The objectives are to predict the variation in motor vehicle emissions, air pollution load, and air quality in the future in the project cities. 4.3 Study of advanced motor vehicle control technologies and programs Various technologies in motor vehicle emission control and reduction will be studied. The focus will be on their effectiveness and success in application. 127 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assessment 4.4 Development control measures On the basis of a clear understanding of the issues facing the project cities, the trends of motor vehicle growth and impact of the emissions on air quality, and knowledge of motor vehicle emission control technologies and programs, a series of motor vehicle control measures will be developed as the core of the strategy. These measures will include, but not be limited to: * stringent motor vehicle emission control standard and regulations; * promote unleaded fuel; * vehicle inspection and maintenance program; * catalytic purification facilities; * engine improvement; * retirement of aged vehicles; * monitor and enforcing the motor vehicle emission standards; * promote public transportation; * increase motor vehicle speeds; * motor vehicle quantity control in urban centers; and * develop clean or alternative fuel technologies. 4.5 Establishment of the implementing details A detailed plan will be developed to ensure the strategy will be adopted and implemented. The details will include designate executing/responsible agencies, implementing schedule, budget allocation, monitoring and reporting procedures, and feedback system. 4.6 Reporting A report will be prepared as the deliverable from the consultants for developing the MVECS. While in a single volume, the report will cover all three project cities and specify, where appropriate, the unique measures and policies for each of the project cities. The report will provide full details of the MVECS and can be readily used as guide for strategy implementation and progress monitoring by relevant organizations. 5 Costs and Implementation 5.1 Cost The estimated cost for the technical assistance to develop an MVECS covering the three project cities is presented in the following table. It will be pointed out that more refined cost for the TA will be developed when a full terms of reference for MVECS development is prepared. 128 Liaoning Urban Transport Project -Fushun Subproject Environmental Impact Assesment h=s Level of EfFort stimaLted Cost Local Consultants 40 man-months Out-of-province Consultants 15 man-months Workshop Organization Cost Expert Invitation Overseas study and inspection 8 persons for 2 weeks Total 150,000 US Dollars 5.2 Implementing schedule The key milestones for developing MVECS are: Dat Effort July 1999 Commencement of MVECS development July 2001 Completion of MVECS development July 2002 Adoption and implementation of MVECS Annually prior to 2002 Reporting on progress Annually after 2002 Reporting on performance of MVECS 129