DMF NEWS                                                                                                           83730                        Issue 14

                                                                                                      DMF News

                                                                                                                   Issue 14,
                                                                                                                  Oct. 2013
 NEWS                                                                                                  IN THIS ISSUE

 New Resources                                    Updating IMF-WB Public Debt                       DMF strengthens sovereign debt
 Conference materials available from the          Management Guidelines                             management in Africa
 Berlin DMF Stakeholders’ Forum of May 2013       Economic and financial developments have          The Debt Management Facility (DMF) helped
 include the complete set of 30 presentations     changed the financial landscape since the         fund the application of the Debt Management
 (pdfs) covering key issues in debt               Guidelines were first adopted in 2001. In         Performance Assessment (DeMPA) to 10
 management. Knowledge Briefs prepared            response to a request from the G-20 Finance       countries in eastern and southern Africa. Most
 for the Forum by World Bank staff are also       Ministers and Central Bank Governors, the         countries meet minimum scores on most
 accessible, including such topics as: ‘Nuggets   IMF and the World Bank began a process to         indicators.
 on Debt Management: What have we                 update the Guidelines. In June, the First                                                   Page 2
 learned from 74 DeMPAs.’ Links to related        Consultative Meeting on the Guidelines led
 websites here.                                   to a small working group of debt managers         Multilateral development banks
 Research: “Public Debt Management in the
                                                  that will update the Guidelines following a       discuss debt issues
                                                  program set forth in a terms of reference.        Representatives from ten multilateral banks met
 Plurinational State of Bolivia,” by DMPP-        This process is now underway.
 alumni Jaime Garron, Bolivian Ministry of                                                          in Washington, D.C., in July to discuss debt-
 Development Planning/ Viceminister of                                                              related issues and challenges related to the rise of
                                                  The initiative stems from a 2013 survey of        non-concessional borrowing by countries.
 Public Investment and External Financing,
                                                  debt managers that found that certain                                                       Page 2
 and a debt management consultant with
                                                  principles needed to be updated, including:
                                                       coordination between debt                   Debt Management Practitioners’
 Debt Management FAQs (frequently asked
 questions): We asked the experts… What is a
                                                        management policy and fiscal policy         Program
                                                        and monetary operations;                    Six government officials will come to D.C. this FY
 primary market for government securities?             debt managers’ input into financial         to receive training in debt management. The
 How can this market be improved, and what              sector regulation affecting government      three-month training increases diagnostic skills
 is the role of the debt manager in the                 debt markets;                               and promotes cross-country knowledge-sharing.
 development of an active primary market?
                                                       debt portfolio risk mitigation measures                                               Page 2
 Find answers here:
                                                        and contingency planning, including
                                                        the build-up of cash buffers;               Recent DMF activities
                                                       managing the risk of capital flows and      DMF meetings, DMF missions, Debt Reform Plans
                                                        non-resident investors; and                 and DMF Training.
                                                       conducting stress testing on sovereign
   Call   for   topics. We are looking for              debt portfolios, among others.                                                        Page 2
   interesting debt management topics that
   could serve as agenda items for DMN            The timeline for the working group runs
   webinars for the coming year. We               through end-January 2014. By then,                Upcoming DMF activities
                                                  comments will have been solicited on              Forthcoming DMF missions.
   welcome your ideas. Some topics
   suggested at the July 18, 2013 DMN             proposed updates to the Guidelines; a draft
                                                  Board Paper will be reviewed and cleared by                                                 Page 3
   meeting: debt reporting, auditing of debt
   management        performance,       cash      IMF and World Bank staff. Consideration of
   management, and contingent liabilities.        the updates by the IMF and WB boards is
   Please       send     suggestions      to      anticipated before the end of the first quarter                        of 2014.
DMF NEWS      | Issue 14                                                                                                                           2

 DMF strengthens sovereign                            operational risk management                 Ms. Stella Ntezityayo Rusine, Rwanda; Ms.
                                                      strategies, in the overall context of       Tiba Kisonga, Tanzania; and Mr. Martin
 debt management in Africa                            business continuity plans; and              Nsubuga, Uganda), while the two others
 Since its inception, the Debt Management
                                                     Debt reporting, particularly an             come from Kosovo and Vietnam (Mr. Alban
 Facility (DMF) has been instrumental in
                                                      inadequate meeting of statutory             Fetahu, Kosovo and Ms. Thi Thu Hien
 carrying out diagnostic assessments of
                                                      obligations for comprehensive coverage      Nguyen, Vietnam). The DMF work program
 strengths and weaknesses in sovereign debt
                                                      of public sector debt, including            includes training in the three areas of debt
 management for 10 out of the 13 countries
                                                      publication of debt-related statistical     management – debt management
 that are members of the Macroeconomic and
                                                      bulletins.                                  performance assessments, preparation of
 Financial Management Institute of Eastern
                                                                                                  medium term debt management strategies
 and Southern Africa (MEFMI). The countries      As a first step towards addressing these         and designing debt management reform
 covered in the region so far include Malawi,    gaps, most countries have been assisted
                                                                                                  plans, plus a country mission and the
 Mozambique, Lesotho, Namibia, Swaziland,        under the DMF to develop Debt                    opportunity to prepare a paper on debt
 Zambia, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, and           Management Reform Plans, which are
                                                                                                  management in their own country. The
 Zimbabwe (Namibia and Swaziland were            currently at varying stages of                   objective of the program is to facilitate
 financed by the World Bank).                    implementation. Some recipients of DMF
                                                                                                  sharing of knowledge and experience while
                                                 assistance have indicated that                   exposing the debt managers to cross-country
 The diagnosis, conducted through
                                                 implementation of reforms could be
 application of the Debt Management                                                               practices.
                                                 expedited if the DMF’s mandate were
 Performance Assessment (DeMPA) tool and
 its accompanying guide, has found that most
                                                 extended to include the provision of support     Recent DMF Activities
                                                 for ‘down-stream’ activities. Recipients have    DMF Meetings
 countries in the region broadly meet the
                                                 also indicated the need to consider widening     The Debt Manager’s Network (DMN)
 minimum scores for 10 out of the 15 debt
                                                 the DMF support to include debt                  Virtual Meeting on Debt Management
 performance indicators. Among the good
                                                 sustainability analysis, for which demand        Performance Assessment (DeMPA) – A
 outcomes are: effective debt management
                                                 remains strong among low income countries.       Retrospective, July 18th, 2013
 structures; evaluation of debt management
                                                 This will greatly complement the MTDS-           The participants discussed the importance of
 strategies; coordination of debt
                                                 related activities that are currently            sound diagnostics of existing debt
 management with fiscal and monetary
                                                 supported.                                       management practices and institutions for
 policies; sound domestic market and external
                                                                                                  identification and further implementation of
 borrowing activities; and maintenance of        -Cornilious Deredza, Program Officer, Debt
                                                 Management, MEFMI                                reforms in debt management. Many experts
 good debt records. However, many
                                                                                                  expressed strong appreciation for the
 indicators still fall short of the minimum
 requirements. The following areas require
                                                 Multilateral development                         application of the DeMPA tool to evaluate
 further attention:                              banks discuss debt issues in                     existing weaknesses in debt management
                                                                                                  practices, and to promote better
    The legal framework, mainly due to
                                                 Washington DC, July 2013                         coordination with fiscal and monetary
     inadequacy of legal instruments for         Representatives from ten multilateral            policies. Specific experiences with the
     delegation of ministerial borrowing and     development banks (MDBs) participated in         application of the DeMPA tool and initiation
     debt management powers, as well as          the meeting, which was hosted by the World       of reforms were presented by Mr. Baba Musa
     undefined objectives, strategies and        Bank, while two bilateral creditors attended     (Director, WAIFEM), Mr. Mark Willis
     purposes for borrowing;                     as observers. Discussions ranged across a        (Program Manager, DMFAS, UNCTAD), and
    Loan guarantees and on-lending, traced      wide agenda of debt-related issues, from         Ms. Juletta Jeffers, (Deputy Director, Eastern
     to lack of documented policies or weak      broader challenges such as the “changing         Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB)). And an
     policies and procedures for                 paradigm of concessionality,” to more            innovative approach to monitoring reform
     management of these liabilities;            specific topics, such as “revisions to the       implementation was shared by Nigeria and
    Cash flow forecasting and management        DSF,” the framework used to conduct Debt         the ECCB, which included development of a
     of cash balances, with a number of          Sustainability Analyses. MDBs are facing         reform monitoring grid and self-assessment
     countries yet to move to more frequent      large issues--as are the IFIs—including the      of the achieved results using the DeMPA
     and shorter term forecasting, and to        declining availability of grant financing, and   tool. The meeting was attended by 40
     adopt single treasury accounts to stem      the challenges brought by the trend of           participants from the Africa and Latin
     idle cash balances tied to use of many      countries looking to markets for loans and       America and Caribbean regions, along with
     government bank accounts;                   towards non-concessional borrowing.              representatives from WAIFEM, CEMLA,
    Audit, which has fallen short on both                                                        MEFMI, UNCTAD, and the World Bank.
     frequency and comprehensiveness, as it      Debt Management
                                                                                                  The Debt Manager’s Network (DMN)
     has not covered the entire spectrum of      Practitioners’ Program                           Virtual Meeting on Debt management and
     debt management performance;                Six government officials from debt               Debt Sustainability, September 25th, 2013
    Data security, for which either             management offices will be coming to             The participants discussed the
     procedures for data recording and           Washington this FY14 for a three-month           complementarities and conceptual
     systems access and control have tended      period to participate in the Debt                differences between debt management and
     to be inadequate, or the frequency or       Management Practitioners’ Program (DMPP)         debt sustainability within the fiscal and debt
     procedures for backing-up and storing       under the DMF at the World Bank. Four of         policy formulation framework. The network
     data have fallen short--including           the selected candidates are from Sub-            members had an opportunity to learn from
     weaknesses in segregation of staff          Saharan Africa (Ms. Mamonjiarison                country-specific experiences of Georgia,
     duties, staff capacity-building plans and   Volatantely Randrianjanaka, Madagascar;          Malawi, Tanzania and Sierra Leone. These
DMF NEWS        | Issue 14                                                                                                                          3

 countries had carried out the debt                mission was to transfer knowledge and           the course was to familiarize attendees with
 sustainability analysis, formulated explicit or   facilitate a structured approach to future      the capacities and institutions at the central
 implicit medium term debt management              borrowing decisions and debt management         government level based on the DeMPA
 strategies, and illustrated the inter-linkages    strategy development.                           methodology. Some 37 professionals from
 between these two exercises.                                                                      The Gambia, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and
                                                   >> Azerbaijan. At the request of the Ministry
 Four country representatives shared their                                                         Sierra Leone took part in the training. The
                                                   of Finance, a World Bank mission, in
 experience with debt management and debt                                                          mix of debt managers and auditors allowed
                                                   collaboration with UNCTAD, visited Baku
 sustainability in their respective countries:                                                     specialists to exchange ideas and better
                                                   during September 15-26, 2013. The mission,
 Ms. Nino Shanshiashvili, Deputy Head, Public                                                      understand their counterparts’ roles. The
                                                   which was financed by the Debt
 Debt and External Financing Department,                                                           course included country-specific
                                                   Management Facility, worked closely with
 Ministry of Finance, Georgia; Mr. Louis Loti,                                                     presentations in the areas of debt- and cash-
                                                   staff of Public Debt Management Agency
 Deputy Director, Debt Management Division,                                                        management made by representatives from
                                                   (PDMA) of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and
 Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning,                                                        each attending country. Participants also
                                                   met relevant government and public sector
 Malawi; Mr. Nicolaus Shombe, Senior                                                               learned about the Debt Manager’s Network
                                                   representatives. The main objective of the
 Economist, Policy analysis department,                                                            initiative of the World Bank, with many
                                                   World Bank/UNCTAD team was to help build
 Ministry of Finance, Tanzania; Mr. Charles                                                        requesting to be included in forthcoming
                                                   analytical capacity to execute a structured
 Conteh, Head of Public Debt Unit, Ministry of                                                     network activities.
                                                   approach to debt-management strategy
 Finance and Economic Development, Sierra
 Leone. The meeting was attended by more                                                           Forthcoming DMF-funded
 than 25 participants from ECA, Africa and         Debt management reform plans
 LAC regions and from representatives from         2 Reform Plan missions were undertaken.
 WAIFEM, CEMLA, MEFMI, UNCTAD, and the             >> Niger. A World Bank technical assistance
                                                                                                   DMF Meetings
 WB.                                               mission visited Niamey over September 4-13,
                                                                                                   DMN Virtual Meeting: Topic: Government
                                                   2013, to work with authorities to develop a
 DMF Missions                                                                                      Debt Recording, November 27, 2013 (9:00
                                                   Reform Plan in the area of public debt
 During the period under review, 3 MTDS                                                            AM EST)
                                                   management. The Reform Plan builds on the
 missions were undertaken.
                                                   findings of a DeMPA report for Niger (April     DMF Training Events
 >> Liberia. A World Bank mission, in
                                                   2012) and on discussions held during the        WAIFEM MTDS Training: October 21-25,
 collaboration with WAIFEM, visited Monrovia
                                                   mission with government entities involved in    2013, Accra, Ghana
 over July 9-17, 2013 to engage in technical
                                                   debt management for the country. The team       DRI MTDS Training (francophone): October
 assistance using the joint World Bank-IMF
                                                   met with several departments of the Ministry    28 – November 1, 2013, Dakar, Senegal
 Medium-term Debt Management Strategy
                                                   of Finance, as well as the Ministries of        MEFMI MTDS Training: November 4-13,
 (MTDS) framework. The MTDS toolkit was
                                                   Planning and Foreign Affairs. And               2013, Mombasa, Kenya
 applied to Liberia in cooperation with a team
                                                   discussions were held with BCEAO and the        IMF/World Bank MTDS Training: December
 of representatives from the country’s
                                                   Auditor General. The mission also met with      9-13, 2013, Joint Vienna Institute, Vienna,
 Ministry of Finance and Central Bank.
                                                   the representative of donors, many of whom      Austria
 Liberia’s nominal debt-to-GDP was 30
                                                   are active in supporting reforms in Niger’s
 percent at the end of FY2012-13, and the
                                                   public financial management.                    Forthcoming DMF Missions
 outstanding stock of debt is comprised of
                                                   >> Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.        Burkina Faso: MTDS Follow-up. September
 highly concessional loans. It is expected that
                                                   The World Bank fielded a Debt Management        23 – October 2, 2013
 there will be substantial amounts of
                                                   Reform Plan mission to Sarajevo, Federation     Bangladesh: Second DeMPA. September 29
 concessional finance available within the
                                                   of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBH) during          – October 7, 2013
 medium-term timeframe. The mission
                                                   September 10-19, 2013. The main objective       Sao Tome/Principe: MTDS Baseline.
 included hands-on training in the preparation
                                                   of the mission was to develop a detailed and    September 30 – October 10, 2013
 of debt data for analysis, and the
                                                   sequenced reform plan for federal debt          Seychelles: MTDS Baseline. October 1- 9,
 quantitative analysis of (i) cost-risk
                                                   management. This objective was achieved in      2013
 implications of the debt portfolio, and (ii)
                                                   close cooperation with the authorities at       Bosnia/Hgvna: DeMPA. October 9-18, 2013
 trade-offs among different debt issuance
                                                   both federal and central government levels.     Ethiopia: Reform Plan. October 22-31, 2013
                                                   The team identified three priority reform       Cape Verde: MTDS Baseline. October 23-31,
 >> Djibouti. The World Bank, in collaboration
                                                   areas for debt management in FBH: (i) debt      2013
 with UNCTAD, visited Djibouti during
                                                   management strategy; (ii) domestic debt         Armenia: DeMPA. October 29 – November 8,
 September 5-12, 2013. The mission shared
                                                   market development and cash management;         2013
 the joint World Bank-IMF MTDS framework,
                                                   and (iii) operational risk management. In       Tanzania: MTDS Follow-up. November, 14-
 and applied it to Djibouti in collaboration
                                                   addition to the reform plan formulation, the    21, 2013
 with representatives from the country’s
                                                   mission held training activities on areas of    Madagascar: Reform Plan. November, 2013
 Ministry of Budget, Ministry of Finance, and
                                                   debt management strategy formulation,           Togo: Reform Plan. December 2-13, 2013
 Central Bank team. In the process, the
                                                   debt risk indicators, cash management and       Republica Srpska SN: DeMPA. December 4-
 mission provided training on data
                                                   operational risks.                              13, 2013
 preparation, basic cost-risk analysis, and
 preparation of a debt management strategy         DMF Training                                    Pakistan: MTDS Baseline. December 9-19,
 document. Djibouti is embarking on a public       >> Nigeria. A DeMPA Training Workshop was       2013
 sector-led growth strategy based on large         held over August 12-16, 2013 for a large        Liberia: MTDS Follow-up. December, 2013
 infrastructure investments. Against this          group of debt managers and external             Nigeria: MTDS Follow-up. December, 2013
 evolving fiscal backdrop, the objective of the    auditors in Lagos, Nigeria. The objective of
DMF NEWS   | Issue 14                                                                                                  4

                                                     Debt Management Facility (DMF) Newsletter
                        DMF News                     Issue 14, October 2013.

                                The World Bank       The DMF Newsletter is published quarterly and is provided to
                                                     debt management practitioners from developing countries,
                              1818 H Street NW       donors, DMF implementing partners, civil society organizations,
                               Washington, DC        and private sector firms. The newsletter aims to share DMF work
                                                     plans, lessons learned, and news and developments related to
       On the web:
                                                     debt management.

       (202) 458-7266

       (202) 522-3740

                                                 The Donors
                         The DMF’s donors are Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, The
                        Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, the African Development Bank
                                and the European Union/European Commission.