
         (a)     General. All goods and consultants’ services required for the Project and to be financed
out of the proceeds of the Grant shall be procured in accordance with the requirements set forth or referred
to in:

                (i)     Section I of the “Guidelines: Procurement of Goods, Works and Non-consulting
Services under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers” dated January 2011
(revised July 2014) (“Procurement Guidelines”), in the case of goods;

               (ii)     Sections I and IV of the “Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants
under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers” dated January 2011 (revised
July 2014) (“Consultant Guidelines”) in the case of consultants’ services; and

                 (iii)  the provisions of this Section, as the same shall be elaborated in the procurement
plan prepared and updated from time to time by the Recipient for the Project in accordance with paragraph
1.18 of the Procurement Guidelines and paragraph 1.25 of the Consultant Guidelines (“Procurement Plan”).

         (b)       Definitions. The capitalized terms used in the following paragraphs of this Section to
describe particular procurement methods or methods of review by the World Bank of particular contracts,
refer to the corresponding method described in [Sections II and III of the Procurement Guidelines, or]
Sections II, III, IV and V of the Consultant Guidelines, as the case may be.

        (c)     Particular Methods of Procurement of Goods

                (i)      Except as otherwise provided in sub-paragraph (ii) below, goods and non-
consulting services shall be procured under contracts awarded on the basis of International Competitive
Bidding subject to the following additional procedures:

                (ii)    The following methods, other than International Competitive Bidding, may be
used for procurement of goods for those contracts which are specified in the Procurement Plan:(A) National
Competitive Bidding; (B) Shopping; and (D) Direct Contracting.
                (iii) NCB modifications: The National Competitive Bidding procedures shall be
based on the Open Procedures as defined in the Public Procurement Law of Serbia, and the
following additional provisions:

(i)     "Open Procedures” as defined in Public Procurement Law of Serbia shall apply to all
(ii)    Foreign bidders shall not be precluded from bidding and no preference of any kind shall
        be given to national bidders in the bidding process. Government-owned enterprises in
        Serbia shall be permitted to bid only if they are legally and financially autonomous and
        operate under commercial law of the Borrower;
(iii)   Procuring entity shall use sample bidding documents approved by the World Bank;
(iv)    In case of higher bid prices compared to the official estimate, all bids shall not be rejected
        without the prior concurrence of the World Bank;
(v)     A single-envelope procedure shall be used for the submission of bids;
(vi)   Post-qualification shall be conducted only on the lowest evaluated bidder; no bid shall be
       rejected at the time of bid opening on qualification grounds;
(vii) Bidders who contract as a joint venture shall be held jointly and severally liable;
(viii) Contracts shall be awarded to the lowest evaluated, substantially responsive bidder who is
       determined to be qualified to perform in accordance with pre-defined and pre-disclosed
       evaluation criteria;
(ix)   Post-bidding negotiations shall not be allowed with the lowest evaluated or any other
       bidders; and
(x)    Contracts of long duration (more than 18 months) shall contain appropriate price
       adjustment provisions.

        (d)      Particular Methods of Procurement of Consultants’ Services

               (i)      Except as otherwise provided in item (ii) below, consultants’ services shall be
procured under contracts awarded on the basis of Quality- and Cost-based Selection.

                 (ii)    The following methods, other than Quality- and Cost-based Selection, may be used
for the procurement of consultants’ services for those assignments which are specified in the Procurement
Plan: (A) Least Cost Selection; (B) Selection based on Consultants’ Qualifications; (C) Single-source
Selection of consulting firms; (D) Selection of Individual Consultants; and (J) Sole-source procedures for
the Selection of Individual Consultants.

         (e)     Review by the World Bank of Procurement Decisions. The Procurement Plan shall set
forth those contracts which shall be subject to the World Bank’s Prior Review. All other contracts shall be
subject to Post Review by the World Bank.

          (f)      Document Retention. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 2(j) and 5 of Appendix
1 to the Procurement Guidelines, and paragraphs 2(k) and 5 of Appendix 1 to the Consultant Guidelines,
the Recipient: (i) shall retain all documentation with respect to each contract as described in said paragraphs
for at least seven years and six months after the Closing Date set forth in Section 3.03 of this Agreement;
(ii) shall furnish such documentation to the World Bank at any time upon request; and (iii) hereby authorizes
the World Bank to disclose such documentation to the Donor.
                               Serbia : Serbia Technical Assistance to Reform Corporate Financial Reporting
General Information
Country:                       Serbia                            Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan:             2018-10-25
                                                                 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none)
Project ID:                    P154862                           GPN Date:
Project Name:                  Serbia Technical Assistance to Reform Corporate Financial Reporting
Loan / Credit No:              TF / A2080
Executing Agency(ies): Central Fiduciary Unit

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Draft Bidding
                               Loan / Credit                                                             Market     Procurement     Prequalification     Estimated       Actual Amount          Process   Draft Pre-qualification       Prequalification                              Specific Procurement      Bidding Documents     Proposal Submission /        Report and
        Description                               Component        Review Type        Method                                                                                                                                                                     Document /                                                                                                              Signed Contract        Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                                Approach       Process           (Y/N)          Amount (US$)          (US$)             Status         Documents            Evaluation Report                                  Notice / Invitation          as Issued           Opening / Minutes     Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Planned       Actual     Planned       Actual    Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned    Actual      Planned     Actual     Planned      Actual      Planned      Actual      Planned      Actual

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Draft Bidding
                               Loan / Credit                                                             Market     Procurement     Prequalification     Estimated       Actual Amount          Process   Draft Pre-qualification       Prequalification                              Specific Procurement      Bidding Documents     Proposal Submission /        Report and
        Description                               Component        Review Type        Method                                                                                                                                                                     Document /                                                                                                              Signed Contract        Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                                Approach       Process           (Y/N)          Amount (US$)          (US$)             Status         Documents            Evaluation Report                                  Notice / Invitation          as Issued           Opening / Minutes     Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Planned       Actual     Planned       Actual    Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned    Actual      Planned     Actual     Planned      Actual      Planned      Actual      Planned      Actual

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Bid Evaluation
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Draft Bidding
                               Loan / Credit                                                             Market     Procurement     Prequalification     Estimated       Actual Amount          Process   Draft Pre-qualification       Prequalification                              Specific Procurement      Bidding Documents     Proposal Submission /        Report and
        Description                               Component        Review Type        Method                                                                                                                                                                     Document /                                                                                                              Signed Contract        Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                                Approach       Process           (Y/N)          Amount (US$)          (US$)             Status         Documents            Evaluation Report                                  Notice / Invitation          as Issued           Opening / Minutes     Recommendation for
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Planned       Actual     Planned       Actual    Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned    Actual      Planned     Actual     Planned      Actual      Planned      Actual      Planned      Actual

 RCFR/1/1.6/2016 / IDEA
                               TF / A2080                        Post            Direct Selection   Direct                                                   68,184.00            62,547.46   Signed                                                        2019-10-30   2019-11-01   2019-11-04   2019-10-23                                                                         2019-11-18   2019-10-28   2019-12-31

Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Combined Evaluation
                               Loan / Credit                                                             Market     Contract Type     Estimated            Actual                                                       Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical                  Evaluation of
        Description                               Component        Review Type        Method                                                                             Process Status        Terms of Reference                                                                                                                                  Report and Draft           Signed Contract      Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                                Approach                    Amount (US$)        Amount (US$)                                                           Notice           Request for Proposals           as Issued          Proposals / Minutes    Technical Proposal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Negotiated Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                               Planned      Actual       Planned    Actual        Planned    Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual    Planned       Actual    Planned      Actual      Planned      Actual     Planned       Actual

 RCFR 1/1.1/2016 / Training
in use and application of
IFRS, IFRS for SMEs and
ISAs and organization of                                                         Quality And Cost- Open -
                               TF / A2080                        Prior                                                                   1,216,700.00       907,419.79   Canceled                                                                                                                                                                             2018-09-13
events and activities in                                                         Based Selection    International
order to increase
understanding and use of
financial reporting

 RCFR 1/1.1/2016 (revised) /
Consultant for training in
use and application of IFRS,
IFRS for SMEs and ISAs                                                           Quality And Cost- Open -
                               TF / A2080                        Prior                                                                   1,200,000.00       915,372.40   Signed                                                                                                                                                                               2018-09-18              2018-09-25
and organization of events                                                       Based Selection    International
and activities in order to
increase understanding and
use of financial reporting

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Page 1
Activity Reference No. /                                                                                                                                                                                         Invitation to
                               Loan / Credit                                                       Market    Contract Type    Estimated          Actual                                                                                  Draft Negotiated
        Description                            Component     Review Type        Method                                                                           Process Status   Terms of Reference          Identified/Selected                                  Signed Contract         Contract Completion
                                     No.                                                          Approach                   Amount (US$)     Amount (US$)                                                                                   Contract
                                                                                                                                                                                  Planned       Actual       Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned       Actual      Planned      Actual

RCFR/2/2.3/2016 / Financial    TF / A2080                  Prior           Direct Selection   Direct                                   0.00        28,517.12     Signed                                                                                                       2016-05-01

RCFR/2/2.2/2016 /              TF / A2080                  Prior           Direct Selection   Direct                                   0.00        28,517.12     Signed                                                                                                       2016-05-01
Procurement Specialist

 YF-CFU-92136-CS-INDV /
                               TF / A2080                  Post            Consultant         Limited                             27,300.00        71,990.70     Signed           2018-12-28   2018-12-20    2019-01-02   2019-02-20   2019-01-30   2019-02-22   2019-03-06   2019-02-26   2019-12-31
Project Coordinator

 RCFR1/109/2019 /
Consultant for alignment of
translated IFRS and IFRS
for SMEs with Serbian
                               TF / A2080                  Post            Direct Selection   Direct                               4,400.00         4,158.06     Signed           2019-06-13   2019-06-07    2019-06-21   2019-06-27                             2019-07-05   2019-06-27   2019-09-30
official terminology
and for ensuring the
accuracy of translated
standards (first position)

 RCFR1/110/2019 /
Consultant for alignment of
translated IFRS and IFRS
for SMEs with Serbian
                               TF / A2080                  Post            Direct Selection   Direct                               4,440.00         4,158.06     Signed           2019-06-13   2019-06-07    2019-06-21   2019-06-27                             2019-07-05   2019-06-27   2019-09-30
official terminology
and for ensuring the
accuracy of translated
standards (second position)

 RCFR1/111/2019 /
Consultant for alignment of
translated IFRS and IFRS
for SMEs with Serbian
                               TF / A2080                  Post            Direct Selection   Direct                               4,440.00         4,158.06     Signed           2019-06-13   2019-06-07    2019-06-21   2019-06-27                             2019-07-05   2019-06-27   2019-09-30
official terminology
and for ensuring the
accuracy of translated
standards (third position)

 RCFR1/112/2019 /
Consultant for alignment of
translated IFRS and IFRS
for SMEs with Serbian
                               TF / A2080                  Post            Direct Selection   Direct                               4,440.00               0.00   Canceled         2019-06-13   2019-06-07    2019-06-21   2019-06-07                             2019-07-05                2019-09-30
official terminology
and for ensuring the
accuracy of translated
standards (forth position)

 RCFR/1/1.12/2020 /
Consultant for support in
preparation and
implementation of the new                                                                                                                                        Under
                               TF / A2080                  Prior           Direct Selection   Direct                              84,000.00               0.00                    2020-01-17   2020-01-19    2020-01-27   2020-01-22                             2020-02-17                2021-03-31
by-laws (enforcement of the                                                                                                                                      Implementation
Accounting Law) including
trainings (second half of
2020 and Q1 of 2021)

 RCFR/1/1.15/2020 /
Consultant for analysis of
the existing and preparation
of new Chamber of
Authorized Auditors by-laws
and providing                  TF / A2080                  Prior           Direct Selection   Direct                              48,000.00        44,002.00     Signed           2020-01-20   2020-01-20    2020-01-28   2020-01-21                             2020-02-18   2020-02-07   2020-12-31
inputs/suggestions for
improvements and
implementation of the new
by-laws within accounting
and audit regime

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Page 2
 RCFR1/1.9A/2020 /
Consultant for alignment of
translated IFRS and IFRS
for SMEs with Serbian          TF / A2080   Post    Direct Selection   Direct    2,400.00   0.00                    2020-02-10   2020-02-03    2020-02-17   2020-02-26   2020-05-31
official terminology and for
ensuring the accuracy of
translated standards

 RCFR/1/1.10A/2020 /
Consultant for alignment of
translated IFRS and IFRS
for SMEs with Serbian                                                                              Under
                               TF / A2080   Post    Direct Selection   Direct    2,400.00   0.00                    2020-02-10   2020-02-03    2020-02-17   2020-02-26   2020-05-31
official terminology                                                                               Implementation
and for ensuring the
accuracy of translated

 RCFR1/1.11A/2020 /
Consultant for alignment of
translated IFRS and IFRS
for SMEs with Serbian                                                                              Under
                               TF / A2080   Post    Direct Selection   Direct    2,400.00   0.00                    2020-02-10   2020-02-03    2020-02-17   2020-02-26   2020-05-31
official terminology                                                                               Implementation
and for ensuring the
accuracy of translated

 RCFR/1/1.16/2020 /
Consultant for upgrade of
the software for the
registries kept in the
Chamber of Authorized                                                                              Pending
                               TF / A2080   Prior   Direct Selection   Direct   18,000.00   0.00                    2020-03-06                 2020-03-14   2020-04-03   2020-08-31
Auditors (CAA) including                                                                           Implementation
trainings provided to the
CAA staff in using the new
(upgraded) version of the

                                                                                                                                      Page 3