Agriculture Global Practice Technical Assistance Paper PARAÍBA STATE, BRAZIL AGRICULTURAL SECTOR RISK ASSESSMENT Diego Arias and Jorge Caballero WORLD BANK GROUP REPORT 100993-BR November 2015 THE WORLD BANK GROUP PARAÍBA STATE AGRICULTURE SECTOR RISK ANALYSIS Volume 1: Risk Assessment Volume 2: Risk Management Strategy © 2015 World Bank Group 1818 H Street NW Washington, DC 20433 Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: Email: All rights reserved This volume is a product of the staff of the World Bank Group. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of the World Bank Group or the governments they represent. The World Bank Group does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of the World Bank Group concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. Rights and Permissions The material in this publication is copyrighted. Copying and/or transmitting portions or all of this work without permission may be a violation of applicable law. World Bank Group encourages dissemination of its work and will normally grant permission to reproduce portions of the work promptly. For permission to photocopy or reprint any part of this work, please send a request with complete information to the Copyright Clearance Center, Inc., 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA, telephone: 978-750-8400, fax: 978-750-4470, All other queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the O ffice of the Publisher, World Bank Group, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA, fax: 202-522-2422, e-mail: Cover images from left to right: Julio Pantoja, World Bank; Shell; Benjamin Thompson. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report was prepared by the Team on Agriculture Sector Risk Management within the Agriculture Global Practice of the World Bank. The team was led by Diego Arias (GAGDR) and relied on technical support from Barbara Farinelli (GAGDR), Pablo Valdivia (GAGDR), and Sophie Storm (GAGDR). The international consultants that participated in the making of this report: Jorge Caballero (Main Consultant – GAGDR), Decio Gazzoni (Consultant - GAGDR), Jaime Estupiñan (Consultant - GAGDR) and Vitor Ozaki (Consultant - GAGDR). The Team would like to thank all those involved in the making of this report of the diverse sectors of the State Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Aquiculture Development (SEDAP) for their invaluable contributions and enrichment of the document in their respective fields. The Team would also like to thank Mônica Alexandra Tavares de Melo and Ricardo Arlington from Project Cooperar, SEDAP, for their valuable on the ground field work that constantly contributed to creating a practical dimension of the technical discussions. Also, the team would like to express gratitude towards the different representatives of the value chains of the agriculture sector (producers, banks, processing firms, traders, exporters, amidst others), which contributed with their experience and knowledge regarding the sector, which allowed for a fuller and more comprehensive understanding of the reality of the diverse sectors. Asa Giertz (GAGDR) and David Tuschneider (GAGDR) met with the mission in various moments throughout the making and review of final version of this report. The Team extends their gratitude to them for their valuable contributions. This volume is product of the staff and consultants of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this volume do not necessarily reflect the views of the Executive Directors of The World Bank or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply any judgment on the part of The World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. ii CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................................................... ii CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................................................. iii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................................................. vi LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................................................................... xi LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................................................ xiii LIST OF TEXT BOXES ..........................................................................................................................................xv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................ I INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT .........................................................................................................................1 VOLUME 1: RISK ASSESSMENT........................................................................................................................4 Chapter 1: PARAIBA’S AGRICULTURAL SYSTEM ............................................................................................5 Agriculture Sector Overview and Performance......................................................................................................5 Agro-Climatic Conditions ......................................................................................................................................8 Agricultural Production and Market Trends .........................................................................................................10 Chapter 2: AGRICULTURE SECTOR RISKS........................................................................................................12 Sugar Cane Supply Chain.....................................................................................................................................15 Overview of supply chain .................................................................................................................................15 Production risks – Climate risks .......................................................................................................................16 Production risks - Pests and diseases ................................................................................................................18 Price volatility risks. .........................................................................................................................................18 Enabling environment risks. .............................................................................................................................20 Fruticulture Sector ................................................................................................................................................20 Overview of Subsector .....................................................................................................................................20 Production Risks - Climate ...............................................................................................................................21 Production risks – Pests and diseases ...............................................................................................................22 Price volatility risk. ..........................................................................................................................................23 Family Agriculture in Semi-arid Zone .................................................................................................................25 Overview of Subsector .....................................................................................................................................25 Production risks - Climate ................................................................................................................................26 Production risks - Pests and diseases ................................................................................................................28 Price volatility risk. ..........................................................................................................................................29 iii Livestock Production Chains ................................................................................................................................31 Overview of Subsector and Supply Chain Profile ............................................................................................31 Production risks - Climate ................................................................................................................................33 Chapter 3: ADVERSE IMPACTS OF AGRICULTURAL RISKS .........................................................................37 Indicative Value of Losses ...................................................................................................................................37 Production Volatility by Regions: The Case of Cassava ......................................................................................39 Chapter 4: STAKEHOLDERS ASSESSMENT.......................................................................................................41 Impact of Risks at Individual Stakeholder Level .................................................................................................41 Vulnerable Hotspots .............................................................................................................................................42 Chapter 5: AGRICULTURE RISK PRIORITIZATION AND MANAGEMENT ..................................................45 Risk Prioritization.................................................................................................................................................45 Proposed Long List of Solutions ..........................................................................................................................50 Key Risk Management Measures .........................................................................................................................55 Next steps .............................................................................................................................................................57 VOLUME 2: RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY ...........................................................................................61 Chapter 1: SUMMARY OF THE AGRICULTURE RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY ..................................62 Chapter 2: PARAIBA'S AGRICULTURE RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK ............................................65 Brief Information on the Agricultural Sector .......................................................................................................65 Agricultural Risk Profile and Risk Management Options ....................................................................................66 Current Institutional ARM Programs and Policies ...............................................................................................69 Chapter 3: PROPOSED ARM STRATEGY……………………………………………………………………….73 Agroclimatic Risk Information System ................................................................................................................73 Sanitary and Phytosanitary Systems .....................................................................................................................76 Family Agriculture in the Semiarid ......................................................................................................................80 Livestock Production Chains ................................................................................................................................81 Supply Chain Coordination ..................................................................................................................................83 Agricultural Innovation System ...........................................................................................................................86 Chapter 4: ARM ACTION PLAN………...……………………………………………………………………….94 REFERENCES…………………………… ……………………………………………………………………...106 Annex 1: PROJECTED CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON AGRICULTURE IN NORTHEAST BRAZIL ..112 Annex 2: VULNERABILITY IN PARAIBA ........................................................................................................117 A. Vulnerability and Welfare Indicators ............................................................................................................118 B. Vulnerability is Heterogeneous .....................................................................................................................122 iv C. Sensitivity: .....................................................................................................................................................125 E. Exposure: .......................................................................................................................................................139 F. Scales of Vulnerability Analysis ....................................................................................................................139 Annex 3: STOCKTAKING OF PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS RELEVANT FOR ARM ................................141 Annex 4: OUTLINE OF WEATHER RISK MANAGEMENT PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS ........................117 Annex 5: STOCKTAKING OF RESEARCH, EXTENSION, AND COOPERATION PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS .............................................................................................................................................................117 Annex 6: BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON PESTS AND DISEASES IN PARAIBA ...............................117 v ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Agency for Agricultural/Livestock Agência de Defesa Agropecuária da ADAB Defense Bahia ACIS Agroclimatic Risk Information System - Sistemas de Abastecimento de Água ADC Complete Water Supply Systems Completo ADR Rural Development Agent Agente de Desenvolvimento Rural Sistemas de Abastecimento de Água ADS Single Water Supply Systems Singelos Executive Agency of Water Management Agência Executiva de Gestão das Águas AESA of Paraiba do Estado da Paraíba AGEVISA State Agency for Sanitary Surveillance Agência Estadual de Vigilância Sanitaria AGF Federal Government Acquisitions Aquisições do Governo Federal Sistema de Monitoramento AGRITEMPO Agrometeorological Monitoring System Agrometeorológico AIS Agricultural Innovation System - ANA National Water Agency Agência Nacional de Águas National Agency for Technical Assistance Agência Nacional de Assistência Técnica ANATER and Rural Extension e Extensão Rural APL Local Productive Systems Arranjos Produtivos Locais ARM Agriculture Risk Management - ASA/PB Articulation of Paraiba Semiarid Articulação do Semi-árido Paraibano Sugar Cane Farmers Association of Associação de Plantadores Cana da ASPLAN Paraiba Paraíba ATER Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural ATR Recoverable Total Sugars Açucares Totais Recuperáveis BA State of Bahia - BACEN Central Bank of Brazil Banco Central do Brasil BE Drought Grant Bolsa Estiagem National Bank for Economic and Social Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento BNDES Development Econômico e Social BR-3 Average Risk of Foot and Mouth Disease Risco Medio de Febre Aftosa BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy - CCA Center of Agricultural Sciences Centro de Ciências Agrárias CDAF Direct Purchase from Family Agriculture Compra Direta da Agricultura Familiar CE State of Ceara - Conselho Estadual de Defesa CEDA State Board for Agriculture Defense Agropecuária State Board of Sustainable Rural Conselho Estadual de Desenvolvimento CEDRS Development Rural Sustentável vi CEF Federal Economic Bank Caixa Econômica Federal Centre for Advanced Studies in Applied Centro de Estudos Avançados CEPEA Economics em Economia Aplicada CONAB National Supply Company Companaia Nacional de Abastecimento COOPERAR World Bank Financed Project - South-american Commision Against Foot Comisión Sudamericana de Lucha contra COSALFA and Mouth Disease la Fiebre Aftosa CSF Classical Swine Fever - DAP Capability Statement for PRONAF Declaração de Aptidão ao PRONAF Consultancy of Ethanol and Sugar in DATAGRO Consultoria de Etanol e Açúcar Brazil DBMS Database Management System - Paraiba State Company for Technical Empresa de Asistência Técnica e EMATER-PB Assistance and Rural Extension Extensão Rural da Paraíba Brazilian Company for Agriculture and Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa EMBRAPA Livestock Research Agropecuária Brazilian Company for Technical Empresa Brasileira de Assistência EMBRATER Assistance and Rural Extension Técnica e Extensão Rural Paraiba State Company for Agriculture Empresa Estadual de Pesquisa EMEPA-PB and Livestock Research Agropecuária da Pariaba Paraiba State Company for Supply and Empresa Paraibana de Abastecimento e EMPASA Agriculture Services Serviços Agrícolas ENSO El Niño Southern Oscillation - Agriculture and Livestock Federation of Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária da FAEPA Paraiba Paraíba FAO Food and Agriculture Organization - Federação dos Trabalhadores na FETAG Agricultural Workers Federation Agricultura FGS Garantia Safra Fund Fundo da Garantia Safra FMD Foot and Mouth Disease - National Fund for the Development of Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da FNDE Education Educação Constitutional Fund for Financing of the Fundo Constitucional de Financiamento FNE Northeast do Nordeste State Fund for Poverty Combat and Fundo de Combate e Erradicação da FUNCEP Eradication Pobreza GAP Good Agricultural Practices - GDP Gross Domestic Product - GPV Gross Production Value - GS Garantia Safra Program Programa Garantia Safra ha hectare - HDI Human Development Index - HLB Huang long bing - HPAI Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza - vii IADB Inter-american Development Bank - Brazilian Institute of Geography and Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e IBGE Statistics Estatística Inter-american Institute for Agriculture Instituto Interamericano de Cooperação IICA Cooperation para a Agricultura National Institute for Colonization and Instituto Nacional de Colonização e INCRA Agrarian Reform Reforma Agrária INMET National Institute of Meteorology Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia INPE/CPTEC National Institute for Space Research Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais INSA National Institute for the Semi-Arid Instituto Nacional do Semi-Árido Intergovernmental Panel on Climate IPCC - Change ITZC Inter-tropical Convergence Zone - Km Kilometres - Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Ministerio da Agricultura, Pecuaria e MAPA Supply Abstecimento MDA Ministry of Agrarian Development Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário Ministry of Social Development and Fight Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e MDS Against Hunger Combate à Fome MF Ministry of Finance Ministério da Fazenda MI Ministry of National Integration Ministério da Integração Nacional mm Millimetre - Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e MPOG Gestão Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais MST Landless Rural Workers Movement Sem Terra NCDV Newcastle Disease Virus - NGOs Non-governmental Organizations - Organização Internacional de Saúde OIE World Organization for Animal Health Animal World Organization for Animal Health / OIE/PVS - Performance of Veterinary Services National Program for Acquisition of Food PAA Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos from Family Farmers PB State of Paraiba Estado da Paraíba PEP Premium for Product Outflow Prêmio para Escoamento de Produto PEPRO Premium for Product Equalization Prêmio Equalizador do Produto Empresa Brasileira de Energia de PETROBRAS Brazilian Mixed Capital Energy Company Capital Misto Programa de Garantia Preços para a PGPAF Minimum Price Guarantee Policy Agricultura Familiar PGPM Policy for Mininum Price Guarantee Política de Garantia de Preços Mínimos Programa Nacional de Alimentação PNAE National School Feeding Program Escolar viii National Program for Control, Eradication Progrma Nacional de Controle e PNCEBT and Prevention of Brucellosis and Erradicaco de Brucelose e Tuberculose Tuberculosis Programa Nacional de Controle da National Program for Control, Eradication PNCRH Raiva dos Herbívoros e outras and Prevention of Rabies Encefalopatias National Program for Control, Programa Nacional de Controle, PNEFA Eradication, and Prevention of Foot and Erradicacao e Prevencao da Febre Mouth Disease Aftosa Programa Nacional de Educação PNESA National Program for Sanitary Education Sanitária PNSA National Avian Health Program Programa Nacional de Saúde Aviária National Program of Health of Aquatic Programa Nacional de Saúde dos PNSAA Animals Animais Aquáticos PNSAp National Program for Bee Health Programa Nacional de Sanidade Apícola National Program of Goats and Sheep Programa Nacional de Saúde de PNSCO Health Caprinos e Ovinos Programa Nacional de Sanidade dos PNSE National Program for Horse Health Equídeos PNSS National Program of Swine Health Programa Nacional de Saúde Suína PROAGRO Agriculture and Livestock Activity Programa de Garantia da Atividade MAIS Guarantee Program for Family Agriclture Agropecuária da Agricultura Familiar PROAGRO/ Agriculture and Livestock Activity Programa de Garantia da Atividade PROAGRO Guarantee Program Agropecuária TRADICIONAL Cariri and Serido Sustainable PROCASE - Development Project (financed by IFAD) National Program for the Strengthening of Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento PRONAF Family Agriculture da Agricultura Familiar Prêmio de Risco para Aquisição de Risk Premium for Product Acquisition PROP Produto Agrícola oriundo de Contrato through Options Market Privado de Opção de Venda Rural Insurance Premium Subsidy Programa de Subvenção ao Prêmio do PSR Program Seguro Rural National Secretary for Agriculture and Secretaria Nacional de Defesa SDA Livestock Health Agropecuária SEAF Insurance for Family Farming Seguro da Agricultura Familiar Brazilian Micro and Small Business Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e SEBRAE Support Service Pequenas Empresas State Secretariat for Agriculture, Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento SEDAP Livestock and Aquiculture Development da Agropecuaria e Pesca SENAR Rural Learning National Service Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Rural State Secretariat for Planning and Secretaria de Estado de Planejamento e SEPLAG Management Gestão Brazilian System for Inspection of Animal Sistema Brasileiro de Inspeção de SISBI Origin Products Produtos de Origem Animal ix SLP Sea Level Pressure - Standardized Precipitation SPEI - Evapotranspiration Index SPI Standardized Precipitation Index - SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary System - SST Sea Surface Temperature - Unified System of Agricultural Health and Sistema Unificado de Atenção à Sanidade SUASA Food Safety Agropecuária Superintendency for the Development of Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do SUDENE the Northeast Nordeste SUSEP Superintendency of Private Insurance Superintendência de Seguros Privados TA Technical Assistance - Toneladas de açúcares redutíveis por TAH tons of total reducible sugars per hectare hectare UEPB State University of Paraiba Universidade Estadual da Paraíba Universidade Federal de Campina UFCG Federal University of Campina Grande Grande UFLA Federal University of Lavras Universidade Federal de Lavras UFPB Federal University of Paraiba Universidade Federal da Paraíba UFV Viçosa Federal University Universidade Federal de Viçosa United States Agency for International USAID - Development USP/ESALQ São Paulo University Universidade de São Paulo VEP Product Outflow Value Valor de Escoamento de Produto WHO World Health Organization - ZARC Climatic Risk Agriculture Zoning Zoneamento Agrícola de Risco Climático x LIST OF TABLES Volume 1: Risk Assessment Table 1: Gross Production Value (GPV) of Main Crops and Indicative Annual Losses, % of Total State Agriculture ................................................................................................................................................ 13 Table 2: Summary of Productive Systems' Features and Main Risks ...................................................... 13 Table 3: Price of Sugar Cane - Reference Price Pernambuco State* (Gross Price, R$/kg of ATR) ........ 20 Table 4: Number of Farmers Enrolled in Garantia Safra Program and Number of Farmers who Receive Payments, Paraiba (2002-2012) ................................................................................................................ 27 Table 5: Goat and sheep’s Population Evolution in Paraiba (1975-2012)................................................ 32 Table 6: Indicative Agricultural Losses in Paraiba, per Crop ................................................................... 39 Table 7: Production Volatility by Meso-region ........................................................................................ 40 Table 8: Stakeholder Risk Profile ............................................................................................................. 41 Table 9: Sugar Cane Supply Chain ........................................................................................................... 45 Table 10: Fruticulture Supply Chain......................................................................................................... 46 Table 11: Family Agriculture Supply Chains - Maize, Beans and Cassava ............................................. 47 Table 12: Livestock Supply Chains .......................................................................................................... 48 Table 13: Proposed Instruments as Solutions to Main Risks .................................................................... 51 Table 14: Programs and Projects Currently Addressing Some of the Identified Risks ............................ 55 Volume 2: Risk Management Strategy Table 15: Summary Break Down of Costs by Category of Intervention ................................................................93 Annex 1: PROJECTED CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON AGRICULTURE IN NORTHEAST BRAZIL Table A1- 1: Impact of Climate Change on Current Low Risk Areas Suitable for Cultivation .............. 114 Table A1- 2: Economic Losses for Key Crops by 2050, projected in pessimistic scenario ................... 114 xi Annex 2: VULNERABILITY IN PARAIBA Table A2 - 1: Food Insecurity in Paraiba, the Northeast and Brazil ....................................................... 121 Table A2 - 2: Food and Nutritional Security in Paraiba (2004 and 2009) .............................................. 121 Table A2 - 3: IPEA Vulnerability Index – Indicators of the Three Attributes of Vulnerability of Smallholder Farming .............................................................................................................................. 123 Table A2 - 4: Social Vulnerability Indicators as defined by the State of Bahia Ecological-Economic Zoning Coordination ............................................................................................................................... 123 Table A2 - 6: Registered Families in the Single Cadastre in Paraiba ..................................................... 127 Table A2 - 7: Registered Family Agriculture Families and Bolsa Família in Paraíba ........................... 128 Table A2 - 8: Tenure Systems for Livestock, Paraiba (2006) ................................................................ 133 Table A2 - 10: Household Characteristics .............................................................................................. 136 Table A2 - 11: Ethnicity in Rural Paraiba and Northeast ....................................................................... 137 xii LIST OF FIGURES Introduction Figure 1: Agricultural Sector Risk Management Process Flow ................................................................. 2 Volume 1: Risk Assessment Figure 2: Map - Crop Production Value, by Municipality (2009) .............................................................. 5 Figure 3: Paraiba - Share of agriculture and livestock GDP in the total GDP of the State ........................ 6 Figure 4: Paraiba - Agricultural and livestock GDP Growth rate ............................................................... 7 Figure 5: Agroecological Zones and Meso Regions ................................................................................... 9 Figure 6: Planted Area by Crop (hectares) ................................................................................................. 9 Figure 7: Goat and Sheep Stock (1974-2011)........................................................................................... 11 Figure 8: Sugarcane Producing Regions in Brazil .................................................................................... 14 Figure 9: Sugar Cane Yield....................................................................................................................... 17 Figure 10: Domestic and International Prices of Sugar and Ethanol ........................................................ 19 Figure 11: Sugar Cane Reference Price .................................................................................................... 19 Figure 12: Pinneapple and Banana Wholesale Prices and Volumes Traded ............................................ 23 Figure 13: Agriculture Establishments and Landholdings, Paraiba (2006) .............................................. 25 Figure 14: Evolution of Milk Production in Paraiba, in millions of liters (1990-2010) ........................... 32 Figure 15: Growth Rate Gross Value Added, volume index (2004-2009) ............................................... 37 Figure 16: Cassava Yield Variability in the Four Meso-regions of Paraiba (1990-2010) ........................ 40 Figure 17: Map of the Extreme Poor in Paraiba (2010)............................................................................ 43 Figure 18: Risk Incidence ......................................................................................................................... 49 Figure 19: Risk Incidence, prioritizing risks............................................................................................. 50 xiii Annex 1: PROJECTED CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON AGRICULTURE IN NORTHEAST BRAZIL Figure A1 - 1: Northeast Brazil Climate Predictions, 1971-2000 and 2041-2070 ................................. 112 Figure A1 - 2: Climate Vulnerability Indicators ..................................................................................... 113 Figure A1 - 3: Projected Losses in Pasture Productivity, % relative to 2010 baseline under optimistic and pessimistic scenarios (2020 and 2030) ................................................................................................... 115 Figure A1 - 4: Impact of Climate Change on Area Suitable for Maize (2010 baseline, 2030 optimistic and pessimistic) ....................................................................................................................................... 115 Figure A1 - 5: Impact of Climate Change on Area Suitable for Beans (2010 baseline, 2030 optimistic and pessimistic) ....................................................................................................................................... 116 Annex 2: VULNERABILITY IN PARAIBA Figure A2 - 1: Distribution of Rural Population in Paraiba (2010) ........................................................ 118 Figure A2 - 2: Percent of Population with Monthly per capita Income less than R$ 140 in Paraiba ..... 119 Figure A2 - 3: Percent of Extreme Poor (left) and Poor (right) in Paraiba (2010) ................................. 119 Figure A2 - 4: Evoluation of Income per capita, 2000 (left) and 2010 (right) ....................................... 120 Figure A2 - 5: Evoluation of Human Development Index, 2000 (left) and 2010 (right) ....................... 120 Figure A2 - 6: Percent of people over age 18 occupied in agriculture/livestock .................................... 126 Figure A2 - 7: Percent of people over age 18 Occupied in Service Industry ......................................... 126 Figure A2 - 8: Value of Agricultural Production from temporary and permanent crops (2009)........... 128 Figure A2 - 9: Value of Agricultural Production from Temporary Crops (2009) .................................. 129 Figure A2 - 10: Value of Agricultural Production from Permanent Crops (2009) ................................. 129 Figure A2 - 10: Percent of People in Households with Inadequate Access to Water and Sanitation ..... 131 Figure A2 - 12: Dependency Ratio ......................................................................................................... 131 Figure A2 - 13: Number of People over 65 ............................................................................................ 132 Figure A2 - 14: Schematic Cycle of Land Tenure and Vulnerability for Semi-Arid Ranchers ............. 134 Figure A2 - 15: Percent of Household Heads that are Women who have Not Completed Fundamental Education and have Children less than 15 years of age .......................................................................... 136 xiv LIST OF TEXT BOXES Volume 1: Risk Assessment Text Box 1. 1: Irrigation in Paraiba ..........................................................................................................................7 Text Box 1. 2: The boll weevil and the cotton crisis in northeastern Brazil – A story to remember .......................22 Text Box 1. 3: Brazil Garantia Safra ........................................................................................................................27 Text Box 1. 4: Brazil - Procurement and price support policies ..............................................................................29 Volume 2: Risk Management Strategy Text Box 2. 1: Key ARM areas ................................................................................................................................61 Text Box 2. 2: Santa Rita Pinneapple Production Cooperative ................................................................................82 Text Box 2. 3: EMATER in Paraíba ........................................................................................................................89 xv EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The present study is part of an effort by the World Bank and the State of Paraiba to assess Agriculture Sector Risks as a contribution to the strategic economic development and poverty reduction agenda of the State Government. It is composed of two phases: an Agricultural Sector Risk Identification and Prioritization (Volume I) and a Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan (Volume II). The study was conducted in close collaboration with the Cooperar agency (which is currently preparing a World Bank financed project) and the Secretary of Agriculture of Paraiba (SEDAP). 2. Paraiba’s agricultural sector when compared to the total national agriculture GDP, det ains only 0.7% of total production. In relation to the Northeast, the State contributes with 11% of total agriculture GDP. Nonetheless, agriculture remains an important source of employment for the largest part of the rural population and the rural population remains vulnerable, in that the impact of a shock will have greater proportional impacts on welfare of a poor household that on a wealthier one. 3. The risks in Paraiba’s agriculture are highly concentrated in a few crops that account for more than 80% of the total agricultural gross output value of the State and 84% of total estimated annual losses due to realized production risks: sugar cane, pineapple, banana, coconut, cassava, maize and beans. Thus, the priority value chains and subsectors chosen for the risk management analysis, based on the productive structure (reflecting relative importance of both crops and production patterns) are: sugar cane; commercial fruit production; family agriculture; and livestock. 4. The risk assessment confirmed that there are no risks with critical impact that at the same time are highly probable (1 in 3 years) or probable (1 in 5 years) in Paraiba but there are several probable and highly probable risks that cause moderate or high impact when realized. It was observed that the important issues identified around these main risks–- require comprehensive measures to complement the already existing federal policies and programs that in some way contribute to manage agricultural risks ( Garantia Safra, price guarantees, livestock sanitary services, food safety, etc.) and to improve their implementation in Paraiba. 5. For the sugar cane value chain, the most important risks are: drought; irregular precipitation; possibility of contamination with the ferrugem laranja disease; and uncertainty about gasoline price. The sugar cane industry is the most important agribusiness sector and main economic activity of Paraiba. As a result, any adverse impact on this supply chain has also important financial consequences to the State. For the fruticulture value chain, the four main risks are: irregular rainfall; pests and diseases; pesticide use without needed technical knowledge; and inter-annual price variations. The State of Paraiba always stood out among the largest producing states of pineapple in Brazil, presently ranked as the second largest producer in the country. For the livestock sector (cattle, sheep and goat mainly), the three main risks are: drought; exotic diseases that affect the world beef trade; and zoonotic diseases. 6. Severe drought, irregular rainfall, and pests and diseases are the main risks affecting family farmers in Paraiba. When the risks are prioritized taking into account the relative importance of family agriculture in the total number of farmers (there are 148,047 family agriculture farmers in Paraiba out of a total of 167,272 farmers ), it results that those risks are the main risks in Paraiba. Accordingly, the solutions scenario I presents strong actions directed towards improving risk mitigation among family farmers, such as adoption of innovative technology, improved agricultural practices and effective marketing mechanisms, as well as better agroclimatic information management, together with recommendations regarding other sectors of the agriculture in Paraiba. 7. The impacts of the aforementioned risks have greater consequences for human welfare among the individuals, communities and regions of Paraiba that are more vulnerable. The poorest areas of the state, as measured by earned income per capita, are not necessarily the areas that will be hardest hit by drought. State transfers for old age pensions and Bolsa Família serve to diversify the poor’s portfolio and buffer the direct effects of drought. 8. Approximately R$ 28 million (equivalent to US$ 16 million), or 2.3% of the agricultural GDP, was estimated as the value of the average production loss annually in the agricultural sector as a result of unmanaged production risks. Drought was the main cause of these shocks, sometimes in combination with other events. The calculation involves all crops but the losses are concentrated in the crops whose gross output value accounts for over 80% of the total agricultural gross output value: sugar cane, beans, banana, pineapple, maize, papaya fruit and cassava. ). Sugar cane and fruits, especially pineapple, because of their large share in the total agricultural production value of Paraiba, are the greatest determinants of the agricultural losses. 9. Average figures tend to conceal the actual catastrophic impact that some shocks have at the time they occur. For instance, during the 2010 drought, losses amounted to R$ 65 million (against the R$ 28 million annual average), or 5.4% of the state’s agricultural GDP, and there were much higher losses in previous years: R$ 108 million in 1998, R$ 104 million in 1993 and R$ 82 million in 1996. Not surprisingly, the first two years match with two very severe droughts throughout the state (1998 and 1992-1993). 10. Losses in terms of the normal production value in 2010 were extreme for important smallholder crops like beans and maize, accounting for R$ 16 million and R$ 7 million losses respectively. In the same year, the losses of sugar cane and banana reached R$ 18 million and R$ 13 million respectively. In total these four crops accounted for 83% of the total losses in 2010. 11. The first phase of the assessment identified the following risk management intervention areas to address priority risks: (i) strengthening State rural extension and technical assistance system including both production and marketing aspects; (ii) review and reinforce State animal and plant health sanitary system; and (iii) improve coordination within fruit supply chains, and (iv) develop an integrated agroclimatic information system. After analyzing a number of programs and projects that are already addressing some of the identified risks along the above solution areas, came up some gaps and complementary actions. 12. As a result, the following are the strategic lines identified during the agriculture risk management assessment – ARM (second phase): Agroclimatic Risk Information System (ACIS): a. Development of a Agroclimatic Database Integrated System in the state of Paraiba including federal institutions and AESA b. Strengthening of the Drought Management Committee, making actions more proactive and less reactive c. Training to the extension workers associated to inspection procedures in the Garantia Safra project, in order to reduce moral hazard and technical issues II Sanitary and Phytosanitary System (SPS): Sugarcane a. Expand the area of sugarcane under biological control b. Assess the impact of the possible introduction of the ferrugem laranja in Paraiba c. Set up a surveillance network for ferrugem laranja in Paraíba Fruticulture a. Assess the likelihood and impact of the possible introduction of the diseases sigatoka negra and moko (bananas), cancro da videira and HLB (Citrus) Family Agriculture in the Semi-arid zone a. Substitute the varieties of palma forrageira susceptible to the cochonilha do carmim for resistant ones Livestock Production a. Reinforce the program for controlling and eradication of brucellosis and tuberculosis b. Coordination of the animal health and food safety programsfor what? c. Establish the actual status of CSF and NCDV in Paraibameaning? d. Create the State Agency for Agricultural Healthfor what? Supply Chain Coordination: a. Identify successful farm to market experiences in Paraiba and assess the viability of being replicated under a massive technical assistance program b. Develop market oriented business development methodologies for training and providing technical assistance to associated small scale farmers c. Assess different options to support market development for family agriculture products, including revision of the legal framework to channel public resources Agricultural Innovation System (AIS): a. Improve the coordination of the Agriculture Innovation System for family agriculture risk management b. Improve efficiency of the Agricultural Innovation System for family agriculture risk management - Strengthen the research sub-system c. Improve efficiency of the Agricultural Innovation System for family agriculture risk management - Strengthen the ATER sub-system d. Improve efficiency of the Agricultural Innovation System for family agriculture risk management - Enlargement of successful programs and projects 13. The proposed action plan (detailed in the text) reflects the strategic lines and includes some basic details on who, when and how much is required for the implementation of the actions proposed. The estimated cost of the ARM Action Plan is a total of US$ 18,881,000 over 5 years, with a strong concentration of activities within the first two years. Out of this total, US$ 6,081,000 would correspond to studies, training and pre-investment and US$12,800,000 to program investments. The EMATER’s staff cost is not part of the ARM Action Plan but it is included as a complementary public policy, as has been mentioned by State policy makers. III The summary break down by category of intervention is as follows: Plan of Action - Category of Total Cost Execution of field Payments to Studies, training and intervention (US$) programs (US$) EMATER staff (US$) pre-investment (US$) Agro-climatic Risk Information 3,211,000 0 0 3,211,000 System (ACIS) Sanitary and Phytosanitary 6,120,000 5,000,000 0 1,120,000 System Supply Chain Coordination 205,000 0 0 205,000 Agricultural Innovation System 9,345,000 7,800,000 0 1,545,000 Total Action Plan 18,881,000 12,800,000 0 6,081,000 IV INTRODUCTION AND CONTEXT Background 1. The World Bank and the State of Paraiba conducted an Agriculture Sector Risk Assessment for agriculture in Paraiba in Brazil. The assessment was composed of two phases. The first phase was an Agricultural Sector Risk Identification and Prioritization undertaken in June 2014. 2. Expert interviews, in combination with primary and secondary data and literature, provided the basis for this Risk Assessment. The work included consultations with state and federal government, private sector, civil society, and academic stakeholders to inform this analysis and draw a diversity of perspectives on risk management. 3. The rapid risk assessment methodology developed by the World Bank involves several phases. The first phase – the Risk Assessment – provides a diagnosis of the primary risks in the entire agricultural sector. Risks are classified on the basis of the probability of occurrence and degree of impact, from which emerge the prioritized risks for the sector and a list of potential management strategies. Then, those solutions are confronted with the existing programs and projects that somehow address the agricultural risks, and a set of solutions that fill gaps in current risk management is proposed. 4. The first phase serves as the basis for planning the second phase of the risk methodology, which focuses on the development of a Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan. The Action Plan can be executed in the medium-term to mitigate, transfer, and cope with the risks in the sector. The specific solutions are developed in depth with stakeholders in response to the first phase’s characterization of risks. 5. The second phase of the Agriculture Sector Risk Assessment aimed to develop an Agriculture Risk Management Strategy by deepening the analysis into the risk management solutions and risk capacity assessment along the lines of the above priority risk solutions areas. 6. Figure 1 on the following page provides an overview of the full process of the World Bank’s risk assessment methodology. 7. Brazil has developed a portfolio of agricultural risk management solutions (activities and instruments like Garantia Safra, several EMBRAPA research programs, Price Guarantee programs, etc.) that involve management of risks such as drought, pest and diseases and prices. These solutions have a regional or nationwide coverage and their implementation require the participation of many state and federal institutions. However, there is still room for strengthening the risk management capacity of the public and private sector, especially through improving policy and program coordination, taking advantage of synergies and strengthening the support services to the most vulnerable farmers. 1 Figure 1: Agricultural Sector Risk Management Process Flow 8. The analysis was conducted in close collaboration with the Cooperar agency (which is currently preparing a World Bank financed project) and the Secretary of Agriculture of Paraiba (SEDAP). This report presents the findings and conclusions of the second phase of the Agriculture Sector Risk Assessment. 9. The study is a contribution to the strategic economic development and poverty reduction agendas of the State Government. In the immediate term it provides practical elements for the design of the Sustainable Rural Development project as it helps to incorporate the risk management dimensions into project investments. Contents of the Report 10. This report is comprised of two volumes: (i) Volume 1: Risk Assessment; and (ii) Volume 2: Risk Management Strategy. Volume 1 continues with Chapter 1, which characterizes the recent performance of the agriculture sector, including agro-climatic and market conditions. It also identifies the productive systems used for this analysis. Chapter 2 describes the main risks in the agricultural sector, capturing market, production, and enabling environment risks along the value chains involved in the selected productive system typologies. Chapter 3 presents the estimations of the aggregate impacts of unmanaged agricultural risk on agricultural losses and production volatility. Chapter 4 identifies risk profiles for different stakeholders, underlying the different types of risk impacts, and then highlights a vulnerability framework. Finally, Chapter 5 presents a prioritization of risks and proposes a preliminary set of priority risk management measures. A short list of potential solution actions is offered as the starting point for a more in-depth solution analysis to be undertaken during the second phase of the risk assessment. 11. Volume 2 is composed of four chapters. Chapter one provides a brief discussion on the agricultural risk profile and risk management options (solutions) in Paraiba and an inventory of current programs, projects and policies that in different ways address the main agricultural risks. Chapter 2 2 presents an overview of the key agricultural sector features as are relevant for understanding the ARM strategy.1 Chapter three presents the ARM strategy with respect to the intervention areas identified during the first phase, i.e. weather information system, Sanitary and Phytosanitary System (SPS), supply chain coordination, and Agroclimatic Information Systems, including concrete risk management actions. Chapter four incorporates detailed information on the proposed actions aggregated in strategic lines. It includes information about the estimated cost of the actions, the responsible institution and the timeframe. Moreover, a second table provides a short term calendar by institution. 1 Volume I of the Risk Assessment already contains a more detailed analysis of the agriculture sector and the recent production and market trends. 3 VOLUME 1: RISK ASSESSMENT 4 CHAPTER 1: PARAIBA’S AGRICULTURAL SYSTEM Agriculture Sector Overview and Performance 1. Located in the Northeastern region, the State of Paraiba occupies an area of 56,469.47 km² and has 223 municipalities. Its neighboring states are Rio Grande do Norte, to the North, Ceara to the west, Pernambuco to the south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east, with approximately 135 km of coast. The climate of Paraiba is tropical humid on the coast, with abundant rainfall. Inland the climate becomes semi-arid and subject to prolonged droughts and low rainfall. 2. The services sector generates the majority of revenues in Paraiba, accounting for 74% of the State’s GDP (2011)2, mainly driven by public services and trade. The agriculture and livestock sector, represents 5.7% of the State’s economy (2009)3 (3.7% corresponds to agriculture and forestry and 2% is livestock production). It is comprised mainly of plantation of sugarcane, fruits (such as pineapple, banana, coconut, among others), cassava (manioc), maize and beans, and livestock production (composed mostly of goats and bovines). 3. Due to harsher climate conditions found in the semi-arid inland, most agricultural lands are located in the coastal regions. Figure 2 below shows the distribution of the crop production value among the different municipalities, with concentration of production value in the regions with better agroecological conditions, near the coast (municipalities of Mata Paraibana and Agreste Paraibano, in particular in the micro-regions of Brejo Paraibano, Esperança and Campina Grande, and in some municipalities of Serra de Teixeira and Sousa regions). The lowest production densities are fond in the Borborema and Sertão Paraibano regions, where livestock raising predominates (see location of regions in Figure 5 in next Section). Figure 2: Map - Crop Production Value, by Municipality (2009) Source: IBGE. 2 Data from IBGE. 3 Data from IBGE. 5 4. Paraiba’s agriculture share is very low, 0.7% as compared with total national agriculture GDP and 11% as compared with the Northeast agriculture GDP, as it is a small state with limited agroecological conditions for agriculture. In spite of the continuous growth of Paraiba total GDP throughout the past decade, the agricultural sector has performed poorly. Figure 3 shows the declining trend of the agricultural and livestock GDP share of total GDP of the State. Figure 3: Paraiba - Share of agriculture and livestock GDP of total GDP of the State 5. Until the second half of the last century the Paraiba economy was mainly agriculture based: agriculture GDP was 56% of total State GDP in 1961 and most of the labor force was employed in agriculture. Several factors contributed to agriculture losing relative importance in the economy of the State, including the increasing urban employment associated to rural-urban migration; the modernization of agriculture and the consequent reduction of demand for workers; the decline in cotton and sisal production during the 70s and 80s as result of increasing demand for synthetic fibers and the bicudo (boll weevil) pest attacking cotton crop, which was partially compensated by increasing area under pineapple production; and, above all, the periodic droughts that caused long term decline in the production capacity of many farming systems. Cattle production is still one of the major agricultural activities in the state and stands out as one of the most important enterprises in large farms. 6. In spite of its current relatively low share in the total State economy, agriculture remains an important source of employment for the largest part of the rural population. In effect, out of the 3.7 million inhabitants of Paraiba, 0.9 million live in rural areas (IBGE, Census 2010). Of these, it is estimated that between 74% and 92% are engaged in agriculture and, are mainly family agriculture farms -according to the Agricultural Census of 2006, there are 167,272 farms (IBGE) of which 92% have less than 50 hectares. 6 7. Drought is a recurrent event in Northeast Brazil. Drought has a strong negative impact on family livelihoods as it represents a challenge in terms of food security; crops such as maize and beans and may cause important losses of livestock. Figure 4 shows the performance of overall agricultural GDP of Paraiba, with clear evidence of the drought effect. 8. It should be noted that the social impact of drought is especially aggravated by the fact that peasant families represent more than 90% of the farmers in Paraiba and irrigation is not widespread - though the participation of small farms in the total irrigated area has increased over recent years (see Text Box 1).4 Figure 4: Paraiba - Agricultural and livestock GDP Growth rate 9. The food security implications of drought would have been severe, had it not been for the safety nets in place such as Garantia Safra and other government programs (discussed in detailed in the following pages). Furthermore, the very limited diffusion of irrigation in Paraiba, with only 6.8% of farms in 2006, makes the precipitation irregularities and recurrent droughts particularly decisive in agricultural production and food production. Text Box 1. 1: Irrigation in Paraiba According to the Agricultural Census of 2006, 11,419 farms, or 6.8% of all farms in Paraiba, had irrigation facilities, with coverage of 58,683 hectares or 1.6% of all farms’ area. Compared with the 1995/96 Agricultural Census, the number of farms with irrigation facilities increased by 25% but the 4 Farms with less than 50 hectares account for 91.8% of total farms, but occupy about 27.9% of total area. 7 irrigated area decreased by 7.7%. The explanation for this may be found in the vulnerability of the watersheds, as discussed below. Eighty one per cent of the farms with irrigation infrastructure have less than 10 hectares (9,300 farms or 8% of all farms with less than 10 hectares). However, larger farms (those with more than 500 hectares) with irrigation represent only 0.2% of the total farms with irrigation (24 farms or 2% of all farms with more than 500 hectares) but have more than 20,000 hectares under irrigation or 35% or the total irrigated area. Therefore, irrigation is not a widespread practice in Paraiba, particularly among large scale farmers. There are twelve irrigation schemes in Paraiba developed by the government, with 12,516 hectares of irrigated area that are intended to benefit 2,000 families. The Federal Government through the National Department Infrastructure Against Drought developed three of them and the other schemes belong to the State Government. However, there are several restrictions on the use of available water resources due to watershed vulnerability to drought events (quantitative aspects) and restrictions related to water quality (hard water and water salinity levels). In terms of water quality, a study conducted by the Government of Paraiba 5 found that there are moderate restrictions to human consumption and strong restrictions for industrial purpose use. Restrictions are also present in the use of water for crop irrigation, especially in the watersheds of Jacu, Curimataú, Seridó, Espinharas and the sub-watershed of Taperoá, where the misuse of irrigation water may cause soil salinization, reduce soil water infiltration capacity, plant toxicity, and corrosion on irrigation equipment. Furthermore, lessons learned from irrigated programs that have been implemented in Paraiba suggest that caution should be taken when promoting these types of investments due to collateral damages, including: soil salinization, impossibility of selling all the agricultural production due to an increase of the supply, low profit margins due to high energy costs, etc. Agro-Climatic Conditions 10. Like in most parts of Northeast Brazil, Paraiba has the following main agroecological zones: the Mata zone, the Agreste zone and the Sertão zone (see Figure 5). In the Mata zone there are two important factors for agriculture: high precipitation (over 1,400 mm annually), and relatively fertile soils. This region has been, since colonization, largely dedicated to sugar cane produtction. The Agreste zone is located inland in the Borborema Highlands (between the Mata and Sertão zones), with an average annual precipitation around 700 mm, distributed irregularly but concentrated in the period March to August (which is the season of least evapotranspiration), with mild night temperatures. The Sertão zone presents higher temperatures, and rains occur during the hottest months. In the Agreste 5 Agência Executiva de Gestão das Águas do Estado da Paraiba. ND. Caracterização da Oferta e Demanda Hídrica no Estado da Paraiba. [On Line] Available from: %20CaracOferDemHidricaPB.pdf 8 zone, as well as in the Sertão zone, the dry season is long, lasting six to seven months and seven to eight months, respectively, with severe droughts every 10 or 11 years. In the Agreste zone, the landholdings are smaller (approximately 40 hectares in size), and greatly engaged in dairy production. Figure 5: Agroecological Zones and Meson-regions Source: FAO (Cordeiro dos Santos, Djalma and Gonzaga de Albuquerque) Source: IBGE 11. In general, it is known that several phenomena have strong influence on the rainfall pattern within the Northeastern region of Brazil. One is the Southern Oscillation of El Niño (ENSO), a global phenomenon that may cause severe droughts or excess of rainfall conditions depending on its intensity. In general, the different phases of ENSO relate to years with below or above normal rainfall conditions. 9 However, Northeast Brazil has experienced severe drought events that are not necessarily related to the ENSO, but to the influence of different atmospheric systems that cause rainfall in this region.6 Other phenomena are: the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) in the Atlantic Ocean, Easterly Winds, the Sea Level Pressure (SLP); the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITZC) – one of the most important factors that determine how generous or deficient rainfall conditions are going to be reported in the northern areas of Northeast Brazil;7 Cold Fronts, recorded between November and January (cold fronts are organized bands of cloud created in the areas where there is a confluence of cold and hot air masses); and the Upper Tropospheric Cyclonic Vortices that are originated in the Atlantic Ocean between November and March and they move from east to west more often between January and February. In addition, the effects of sea breeze also influence rainfall conditions: continental areas record rainfall values as low as 300 mm compared to the coast (around 1,400 mm annually). The sea breeze, which may affect up to 100 Km inland, is due to the difference in temperature values recorded between sea surface (low temperature) and mainland (high temperature). 12. The rainfall spatial variability experienced in Paraiba in combination with strong temporal rainfall erraticism generates not only dry spells but also severe drought conditions and even flooding. Agricultural Production and Market Trends 13. The area planted with food security crops has shown a declining trend over the last two decades, especially maize, beans and cassava (see Figure 6 on the following page). Maize and beans, being cultivated for family subsistence in marginal lands, are subject to strong variability in terms of area and output. On the contrary, sugar cane, the main crop planted in Paraiba, considering production value, had a positive performance after 2000, driven by the opening of the European market, the reduction of Indian production and the oil price increase during the 2000s (US$ 19/barrel in 2001 and US$ 132/barrel in 2008). Pineapple planted area also presented significant increase between 1996 and 2008. In turn, yields of all crops have tended to increase or remain relatively stable over the time though showing a great variation between years, due to the effect of recurrent droughts. 14. Livestock production in Paraiba is very dependent on the particular semi-arid agroclimatic conditions. The size of bovine stock has remained almost unchanged over the last two decades (1990 to 2011) at 1.3 million heads contrasting with the national trend (bovine stock increased from 147 million to 212 million at national level over the same period). In turn, heads per hectare increased by 25% during the last ten years. 15. Differently to the bovine stock, goat stock increased significantly during early 2000s (see Figure 7 on the following page), as goats are more adaptable to the semi-arid climatic conditions in Paraiba, but decreased between 2005 and 2010. 6 Alves and Repelli, 1992, cited by de Almeida and Júnior, 2012. 7 In general, the ITZC traditional moves to the North between August-October, to the South of the Atlantic basin between February-April; nevertheless, its position as well as its intensity is conditioned upon the SST. 10 Figure 6: Planted Area by Crop (hectares) Figure 7: Goat and Sheep Stock (1974-2011) Source: IBGE 11 CHAPTER 2: AGRICULTURE SECTOR RISKS 16. Agriculture is inherently variable as producers may incur in moderate losses every year due to sub-optimal climatic conditions at different times thorughout the production cycle or to other production related factors. For the purpose of this report, production risks refer to the more severe and unpredictable adverse events that occur besides these smaller events. They are measured by per yield reductions with respect to the linear trend line greater than 33% of the standard deviation (see details in Chapter 4). Also modest departures from expected prices may cause moderate losses that are not considered risks but unexpected significant price drops is an important risk affecting all actors along the supply chain. The price variations are measured and compared using the coefficient of variation (standard deviation/mean). 17. The state of Paraiba has suffered from severe droughts, which are reported by stakeholders as the most damaging production risk for all crops. Severe droughts should be differentiated from the recurrent (annual) droughts in the Semi-arid, which are not a risk, but can be regarded as a constraint given their predictability. In addition, erratic rainfall is frequent but of moderate or low impact. The damaging impact of pests and diseases is significant when they are not properly mitigated. Historically, they have been particularly devastating when new pests/diseases arrived and the State technology support services were not prepared to respond adequately (e.g.. cotton boll weevil). Livestock sanitary risks are very relevant. Northeastern export crops, in particular sugar cane, have their prices largely determined by prices in the international and national markets. Northeast producers are price takers. 18. Risks are highly concentrated in a few crops that account for far more than 80% of the total production value of the state and 84% of the total estimated annual losses due to realized production risks in the last 20 years (see detailed calculation in Chapter 4): sugar cane, pineapple, banana, coconut, cassava, maize and beans. They are particularly important both for family food security and for the sustainability of commercial farming. Table 1 shows the relative importance of the main crops in Paraiba in terms of contribution to the State agricultural production value. 19. Based on this productive structure, that reflects the relative importance of both crops and production patterns, the following are the productive systems were chosen for the risk management analysis: sugar cane, commercial fruit production, family agriculture, and livestock -this analytical structure was discussed and agreed with the project Cooperar. Table 2 presents a summary of the information on these productive systems and their most important risks (further discussed along this Chapter). 12 Table 1: Gross Production Value (GPV) of Main Crops and Indicative Annual Losses, % of Total State Agriculture % Indicative Annual Average Losses Crop % GPV 2010 in Value Terms Sugar cane 35.72% 29.38% Pineapple 27.95% 14.29% Banana 10.77% 12.78% Cassava (mandioca) 6.32% 3.43% Coco 3.26% 2.06% Beans 2.22% 14.29% Maize 0.67% 7.77% Source: IBGE Table 2: Summary of Productive Systems' Features and Main Risks Productive Products Location * Farmer typology Most important risks systems Sugar cane Sugar cane. Mata zone. Smallholders around Drought. industry estates and large estates of several thousand hectares. Irregular precipitation (heavy rainfall followed by extended dry spells) in rain fed sugar cane. Disease called “Ferrugem laranja” that is not yet present in Paraiba but if arrives could be very damaging. Uncertainty about gasoline price policy: 13 risk for entire industry. Fruit supply The most important fruit Main producing areas of Market oriented Irregular rainfall. chains grown in Paraiba, in pineapple are in Mata smallholders. terms of production zone and around Brejo: value, is pineapple. municipalities of Pests and diseases affect Other fruits grown are Itapororoca, Araçagi, fruit production but they grapes, citrus, banana, Lagoa de Dentro and are normally controlled mangaba, mango, and Santa Rita. and therefore impact is coconut. low. Pesticide application without the needed technical knowledge risk related to pests and diseases control. Inter-annual price variations that largely respond to changes in production and traded volumes. Family Cassava, maize and Family farmers are Family farming Severe drought. farming in beans, native trees and spread throughout (agricultura familiar) is Semiarid vegetation provide Paraiba but concentrated formally defined in firewood, fodder for in the Semiarid macro- Brazil in terms of area, Irregular precipitation animals, and fruits like region, encompassing the management, labor, and (heavy rain followed by umbu, small animals, Borborema, Sertão income. The family must extended dry spells). commonly goats. Paraibano, and Agreste manage the farm, and Paraibano meso-regions. the family must rely on agriculture as their Pests and diseases are principal source of recurrent, they are not income. controlled and they are a constraint rather than a risk. Livestock Cattle, goat, sheep, etc. There are three types of Cattle production is Drought is recognized as cattle production regions mostly extensive and on a severe risk that causes in the State, with regard semi-arid soils with poor significant losses in to the ecological traits: vegetation and low terms of animals, weight the Agreste/Litoral rainfall. lost and reduction of region, the milk and honey 14 Cariri/Curimatau region production among and the Sertão region. others. Main sanitary risks are exotic diseases that affect world beef trade (BSE and FMD). Paraiba is free of these major exotic animal diseases but there is the risk of an outbreak. Other sanitary risks are zoonotic diseases – brucellosis, tuberculosis, cattle rabies (bovine, ovine and goat). * See map in Chapter 2. 20. This section presents findings regarding the production, market and enabling environment risks for the selected supply chains covering the referred major production systems in the state of Paraiba. The impact of the adverse events on different stakeholders is discussed in Chapter 5. Sugar Cane Supply Chain Overview of supply chain Figure 8: Sugarcane Producing Regions in Brazil 21. Brazil is the largest worldwide producer and exporter of sugar and the second largest producer of ethanol. Sugarcane cultivation in Northeastern Brazil– including Paraiba – dates back to the 16th century. During the 20th century, the sugarcane chain became more dynamic, especially by producing ethanol besides sugar, and progressively moved to the Southeastern and Central regions of Brazil. South-Central Brazil is the heart of the country’s sugarcane industry, with 90% of the country's cane and sugar output. Areas marked in red in Figure 8 indicate where sugarcane is harvested 15 and, sugar, ethanol and bioelectricity plants are located. The relative importance of the production in the Northeastern region has progressively reduced but still remains very important for the economy of the Northeastern states, such as Paraiba. 22. The sugar cane industry (cane plantation and processing in usinas – sugar cane processing plants) is the most important agribusiness sector and main economic activity of Paraiba. Historically, sugarcane was mainly for sugar production, but today a large proportion is directed to the production of ethanol (biofuel). Most plantations are distributed along the coast, but there are a few small farms in the Agreste, which produce cachaça (alcoholic beverage) and rapadura (large tablets of brown sugar). In Paraiba there are 8 usinas and 1,935 farmers producing sugar cane, 95% being small and micro- producers, in 36 municipalities.8 However, large and medium scale producers (less than 5% of the total), including the usinas nucleus land, with a production scale of over 5,000 tons/year, contribute to about 55% of the total output. ASPLAN (Sugar Cane Farmers Association of Paraiba) calculates that during the 2012/13 seasons the sugar sector in Paraiba provided employment (direct and indirect) to more than 63,000 people. 23. The yield of rain fed sugarcane in the region is lower than the Brazilian average, mostly due to rainfall irregularity. In particular, if compared to the crop grown on Southeastern and Western regions. The average yield in the state is estimated at 50 tons per hectares, but in irrigated areas productivity can be higher than 100 tons per hectare, as a result of reducing water supply uncertainty. In addition, when the hydric stress is managed, there is a better environment for investing in other agricultural practices, like fertilizing, crop management, pest control, all of which contribute to higher yields and reduced production risk. Thus, the stakeholders reported rainfall irregularity as the main risk for the sugar cane sector, affecting both producers and processing plants. Farmer association leaders and some industrial entrepreneurs stated that the lack of appropriate public policies was a main issue, alongside climate irregularity, determining the uncertainty on sector sustainability. Production risks – Climate risks 24. One of the risks that constantly affects the value chain in a significant manner is drought. For instance, prolonged dry conditions recorded in 2012 reduced by 25% the State sugarcane production. According to ASPLAN, the rainfall values recorded in 2012 during rain gauges were up to 36% below average (1,484 mm). Figure 9 shows the years where drought caused yields to fall. In addition, irregular precipitation (heavy rainfall followed by extended dry spells) can cause great damage to rain fed sugar cane, mostly affecting smallholders and some large scale usinas where irrigation facilities are not present. 25. Climate change may be responsible for the increasing incidence of periodic droughts in Paraiba, but no clear evidence exists. See Annex 1 for more details. Climate change signifies shifts in temperature and rainfall regimes, which affect agricultural productivity by shifting suitable area for 8 ASPLAN, Setor agroindustrial canaviero do Estado da Paraiba, Joao Pessoa, May 2014. 16 agricultural production, altering agricultural yields, changing water availability, and producing conditions that increase the likelihood of plant pathogens. Figure 9: Sugar Cane Yield Source: Author elaboration. 26. Given that the sugar cane sector is one of the largest contributors to the state’s agricultural GDP, any adverse impact on this sector leads to great losses within the supply chain (as shown in Chapter 4) and also important financial consequences to Paraiba due to the amount of taxes collected.9 27. Although several years have also recorded extreme drought events in the past, the 2012 year was particularly dry from March (-57%) to May (-38%), August (-77%) to September (-89%), and November (-90%) to December (-85%). Also, the drought conditions experienced in 1998 were as severe as the ones experienced in 2012, and can be explained by the extended drought conditions from June (1997) to May (1998). As a result, the crop yields at state level reduced by up to 17% of the historical mean.10 28. The estates owned by the sugar cane processors tend to have a fairly large quantity of irrigated land available (with water from rivers accumulated in reservoirs). This allows them to obtain very high yields in normal and drought years and, above all, allows plants to work at high capacity even in drought years. 9 10 Information from the Associação de Plantadores de Cana da Paraiba (ASPLAN) and Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). 17 Production risks - Pests and diseases 29. There are three major insect pests attacking sugarcane in Paraiba: the broca do colmo, broca gigante and cigarrinha. Their presence is very frequent, but impact is relatively low, as farmers suitably manage the pests. On the farms owned by the sugar cane processors there is an intensive use of biological control, which includes parasitic wasps and fungi that parasitizes the insect pest. The biological agents, both wasps and fungi, are produced by the processors on their own laboratories, and sprayed or released on their own farms. There is only occasional need to supplement the biological control with pesticide applications. 30. On the other hand, among the small-scale farmers supplying the usinas, there is a more intensive use of pesticides, as they do not have scale to implement and maintain a biological laboratory to produce the wasps and fungi used for pest control. A way to improve their pest control practices would be to implement laboratories operated by the Sugarcane Farmer Association (Associação dos Plantadores de Cana da Paraiba), sharing costs and the inputs in order to produce the biological control agents. This approach would not only be advantageous from the economic standpoint, but would also be more environmentally friendly. 31. In regards to diseases, there is a serious potential phytosanitary threat to the sugarcane production in Paraiba, due to Ferrugem Laranja. This disease was recently detected in sugarcane plantations in São Paulo and, to date, there is no assessment of its impact. In other countries where it is present - like in Australia - the impact is rated as high. It is very difficult to anticipate when and if the disease will be introduced in Paraiba, and once introduced if the fungus will adapt to the environmental conditions and effectively become a serious threat. Nevertheless, considering its potential damaging impact for Paraiba, this disease risk should be considered of high impact. Price volatility risks. 32. Sugar cane price volatility is not high in general, both in Paraiba and in Brazil, in spite of the higher volatility of sugar price in the international market. In effect, sugar cane prices are negotiated between producers and buyers and changes in the relative prices between sugar and ethanol result in shifts of industrial output between the two sugar cane products, ethanol and sugar. That type of industrial decision is possible in Paraiba because most processing plants are mixed plants capable of producing both ethanol and sugar. They also tend to cogenerate electricity. All in all the sugar cane industry is efficient at both processing and farm level. 33. The different actors along the supply chain (farmers’ association – ASPLAN – and the processing plants), agree on a reference procurement ATR (Açúcares Totais Recuperáveis) price. The determination of the reference price takes into account the international price of sugar (in the New York and London markets) and ethanol price (mostly domestically determined as follows the domestic price of gasoline) as well as production costs, and is based on information provided by technical organizations such as CEPEA and DATAGRO. Figure 10 below shows the domestic and international prices of sugar and ethanol. 18 Figure 10: Domestic and International Prices of Sugar and Ethanol 34. In spite of the volatility of the sugar and ethanol prices (international sugar price varied a hundred per cent in 2010-11), the variation of the sugar cane reference price is relatively low as can be seen in Figure 11, showing the price for the last five years during the marketing season months (August- April). Figure 11: Sugar Cane Reference Price 35. The coefficient of variation of the sugar cane reference price for any of the months during the period 2009/10-2013/14 does not exceed 13% and the average for the marketing season is 6% (Table 3 below). 19 Table 3: Price of Sugar Cane - Reference Price Pernambuco State* (Gross Price, R$/kg of ATR) 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 Coefficient of Variation August 0.453 0.466 0.616 0.560 0.555 12.91% September 0.456 0.506 0.567 0.523 0.552 8.35% October 0.455 0.560 0.559 0.510 0.551 8.57% November 0.439 0.578 0.545 0.505 0.538 10.08% December 0.467 0.597 0.523 0.510 0.522 8.93% January 0.593 0.625 0.509 0.508 0.526 9.68% February 0.594 0.620 0.501 0.510 0.539 9.46% March 0.489 0.605 0.537 0.525 0.573 8.18% April 0.439 0.593 0.546 0.526 0.580 11.28% Average August-April 0.487 0.572 0.545 0.520 0.548 6.04% Source: ASPLAN * ASPLAN uses Pernambuco as the reference for sugar cane prices in Paraiba. Enabling environment risks. 36. The Government of Brazil has been trying to control inflation by suppressing gasoline prices below international levels. This approach has made ethanol less competitive than gasoline for flex-fuel cars, because the price of ethanol is relatively higher at the pump stations. In 2008, 50% of the fuel sold in Brazil was ethanol. Now, it is just above 30%, a drop that is particularly painful to the ethanol industry. Some have called this “the biggest crisis in the history of ethanol”11: about 50 sugar cane processing plants have gone out of business in three years in Brazil, leaving about 400 nationwide. Furthermore, PETROBRAS, the national oil company, is reported to be under financial stress. It is not publically known what will be the following steps in terms of government intervention in the determination of fuel prices. This uncertain policy environment prevents appropriate farming and industrial planning and represents a risk to the sugar industry in Paraiba as a whole. In addition, there is uncertainty about exchange rate and the general price index, which poses an important risk of unpredictable cost variability. 37. Moreover, since the Brazilian sugar cane industry is the largest and most diversified in the 12 world, public policies in Brazil may have a direct and significant impact on the world market. The mission, however, did not carry out any analysis on the possible impact of the ethanol policy on the sugar and ethanol world market. Fruticulture Sector Overview of Subsector 38. Fruit production in Paraiba includes grapes, citrus, banana, mangaba, mango, coconut and pineapple. They are produced in specific regions of Paraiba. The most important fruit grown in Paraiba, 11 José Pessoa, a sugar cane producer and miller. The Washington Post, 1 January 2014. 12 Sugar and ethanol are Brazil’s third-largest agricultural export group (after soybeans and meat). Brazil’s market share in world’s sugar production and export was 25% and 50% respectively in 2010. 20 in terms of production value, is pineapple. Pineapple is massively exported out of Paraiba and traded in the Recife Market (main) and the wholesale market of João Pessoa. 39. Brazil stands out as the largest global producer of pineapple, annually growing 86,630 hectares, with a current production of 1.5 billion fruits. The state of Paraiba always stood out among the largest producing states, presently ranked as the second producer. Until the second half of the twentieth century, the cultivation of pineapple in Paraiba was concentrated in the municipality of Sapé and its surrounding region, located in the transition of the Coastal Plains to the Seridó meso-region. In recent decades, the planted area shifted closer to the Coastal areas. One of the causes of the movement is the incidence of fusariose disease, which has caused great damage and disincentive for its growing in the traditional producing region. 40. In the assessment by municipality, the first producer of pineapple is Itapororoca with approximately 3,000 ha, followed by Araçagi with 2,200 ha and Lagoa de Dentro with 550 ha. Santa Rita, a small municipality in the outskirts of João Pessoa is the fourth most important pineapple producer region of the State. Leveraged by a more organized production chain, it is quickly growing and the trend for the short term is that Santa Rita will surpass Ipapororoca as the first producer. 41. There are factors that limit technological improvement of the pineapple production chain, such as the lack of information that contributes to management inefficiency and the poor supply chain coordination, with the exemption of few cooperatives. In present days, the high and rampant use of pesticides along with the flow of residential waste and pesticide containers, are among the biggest environmental concerns. The cultivation of pineapple depends on chemical pesticides. 42. The production of pineapple in the municipality of Itapororoca is predominantly marketed to middlemen (atravessadores). Part of the production is sold in the Northeast and the rest is exported to the Southeast. Taking advantage of the situation of indebtedness and lack of specific public policies to support farmers, atravessadores buy pineapple production from the grower before harvesting, after the first application of fertilizer. They do not care about the preservation of the environment, the working conditions and health of the workforce, or the sustainable local development and even less with the sanity of the product for the final consumer. A report from CONAB foresees in the medium term a reduction of the planted area in the region, consequence of the lack of incentives for small farmers to improve production. That could explain why production is shifting from Itapororoca to Santa Rita, where better supply chain coordination exists partially with help from APL programs. Production Risks - Climate 43. Irregular rainfall is a recurrent risk for fruit production. Recently, the drought conditions experienced between August 2012 and March 2013 caused severe problems in the pineapple sector. Production losses were between 20%-25%; in addition, the quality of the products was also affected as the size of most pineapples did not meet the standards required by the market. The drought conditions reported between 2012 and 2013 also impacted on other crops, such as coconut. In the municipalities of Sousa and Aparecida, around 60% of the total coconut plantations was lost and the level of production 21 registered in 2013 only met 10% of its historical values. In contrast, coco plantations located near the coast did not registered plant losses but the decline in production was around 20% to 25% (FAEPA, 2013).13 Production risks – Pests and diseases 44. Insect pests like the broca do olho do coqueiro (coconut) and the disease sigatoka amarela (banana) are highly frequent but result in low impact. Both the broca and the sigatoka are satisfactorily managed by cultural practices, including pesticide application. Citrus, mango and mangaba are frequently attacked by the fruit fly mosca negra dos citrus. Trapping or insecticide applications are used to control the pest. The impact of this pest is considered as moderate, along with the pineapple disease fusariose that attacks the crop almost every year. Control of the pest can be made by means of cultural practices (clean seedlings, eradication of contaminated plants), use of resistant varieties or spraying of recommended fungicides. As long as these pests are adequately and massively monitored they could be considered as constraints rather than risks. However, no clear evidence on this exists. 45. Quarantine pests like the disease sigatoka negra (bananas) and cancro bacteriano (grapes), not yet present in Paraiba, may be extremely damaging if introduced in the fruit regions of Paraiba. Consider the devastating effect that boll weevil had on cotton production explained in the Text Box 2 below. Strong actions of the SEDAP (Phytosanitary department of the Paraiba Government), aligned with the Federal authorities, are considered paramount to avoid the introduction of these and other quarantine pests in the state. 46. Finally, a phytosanitary risk considered as probable and with high impact arises from the use of pesticides without the necessary technical knowledge and skill. The result is that farmers may face increased production costs, ineffective pest control and human and environmental hazards as well as fruit contamination with pesticides residues, a risk for consumers. Text Box 1. 2: The boll weevil and the cotton crisis in northeastern Brazil – A story to remember Cotton cultivation in Brazil dates back to the colonial era, in the sixteenth century. The Northeast of Brazil, especially the State of Paraiba had always been a leading producer and processor of cotton fiber. Both in the Northeast, as well as in the Southern states of São Paulo, Paraná and Mato Grosso do Sul, where cotton was widely grown until 1990, it was characterized as a smallholder crop, with intensive use of labor force. This reality dramatically changed in the late 1980s, with the entry of the boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis), known in Brazil as bicudo do algodoeiro, a global major pest for this crop. The first record of the boll weevil presence in Brazil is from nearby Jaguariúna and Campinas (State of São Paulo), in February 1983, and subsequently its presence was detected in Paraiba (July 1983). The most solid evidence suggests it was introduced from Southeastern United States, as a 13 22 contamination carried by aircraft, and not by natural expansion of the insect, since the initial infestation was found in cotton fields near Viracopos International Airport, in São Paulo. The initial boll weevil infestations in the Northeast area of Brazil were found in the State of Paraiba, municipality of Inga (July 4th, 1983), most likely due to a secondary introduction from the infested area of São Paulo. By December of the year, over 90% of the cotton cultivated area was infested with boll weevil in the State of Paraiba. Given the rapid expansion of the pest in the state of Paraiba, as well as on the entire cotton producing surrounding states, there was no way to eradicate the insect and allow the continuity of cotton cultivation. The entry of the pest required a large number of pesticide applications, which increased the cost of production beyond the financial capacity of family producers. As such, cotton profitability in the region fell, resulting in the abandonment of cotton cultivation in Paraiba and other northeastern states. As a result of the boll weevil infestation, there was not only economic loss but also unemployment on a historically poor region. The cotton industry, already weakened by the boll weevil infestation, was further affected in the early 1990s, by the intense and abrupt reduction of import tariffs, which created an unfavorable situation for the Brazilian fiber. The result was: reduction in the domestic production from one million tons in 1981 to 420,000 tons in 1993; increase in imports, which reached nearly 500,000 tons in 1993 (through the mid-1980s, Brazil was not only self-sufficient in cotton but a major exporter; the cotton area was reduced from 4.1 million hectares in 1981, to 1.3 million hectares in 1995; in the Northeastern region, the area planted dropped from 3.2 million hectares in 1976/77, to 1.2 million hectares in 1986/87; in the first ten years following the boll weevil introduction, the cotton acreage reduction eliminated 800,000 jobs (over one million workers in 1985 to 385,000 in 1994), leading to a massive rural exodus; disappearance of cotton cultivation in Northeast Brazil, with the exception of the Cerrado of Western Bahia, where it is currently grown in large farms, using top technology, intense mechanization, with low demand for labor force. Currently, no smallholders produce cotton in Brazil, due to the high costs of boll weevil control. According to an evaluation made by Santos et al (2001),14 the private losses due to the boll weevil between 1984 and 1990 were estimated to be over R$ 11 billion. Price volatility risk. 47. Pineapple and banana are among the fruits that are most largely produced and traded in Paraiba. They are both traded at the wholesale market in Joao Pessoa, EMPASA: the mission visited EMPASA and held discussions with several traders. Due to of this interaction, and the analysis of price data provided by the management of EMPASA, it was possible to obtain some conclusions on the price 14 Robério Ferreira dos Santos, Maria Auxiliadora Lemos Barros, José Wellingthon dos Santos, Kleodósio Leôncio da Silva e Phillipe Farias Ferreira. Impactos da propagação do bicudo e da globalização da economia brasileira na produção interna de algodão. Revista Oleaginosas & Fibrosas, 5(3):423-31. 2001. 23 behavior of pineapple and banana. The inter-annual price variations of both pineapple and banana largely respond to the changes in production and traded volumes. In effect, the price fluctuates are inversely proportional to the volumes traded in most years. For instance, the 2005 drought in the pineapple producing areas caused a significant reduction in the availability of product and an important increase in price (Figure 12 below). 48. The correlation coefficient between the annual average prices and the volumes traded is -64%, which is considerable high and, in spite of the few observations available (2004-2012), it is a reasonably good indication of the causality of the two variables. Figure 12: Pineapple and Banana Wholesale Prices and Volumes Traded 49. Lower price volatility would be possible under more coordinated supply chain arrangements and stronger cooperative organization that allow for better production and marketing planning, as is the experience in Santa Rita with pineapple production. Efforts should be made to strengthen farm to market coordination with a view to achieve better production planning and less output volatility, possibly making an extensive use of the APL (Arranjos Produtivos Locais) approach, which has been very positively assessed in Brazil.15 However, this will have to be assessed during the solutions assessment mission. 15 BNDES, Nota Técnica, Produto 9 do projeto “Análise do Mapeamento e das Políticas para Arranjos Produtivos Locais no Norte e Nordeste do Brasil e dos Impactos dos Grandes Projetos Federais em Estados Nordestinos. 24 Family Agriculture in Semi-arid Zone Overview of Subsector 50. Family farming (agricultura familiar) is formally defined in Brazil16 in terms of area, management, labor, and income. The family must manage the farm, and the family must rely on agriculture as their principal source of income. According to the 2006 Agricultural Census there are 148,077 family farmers in Paraiba (or 91% of the total farmers) covering 1,596,273 hectares, corresponding to 42% of the total area17; two-thirds of family farmers have land title. Figure 13 below shows the land tenure structure in Paraiba. Figure 13: Agriculture Establishments and Landholdings, Paraiba (2006) Source: IBGE, Censo Agropecuario 2006 51. Family farmers in Paraiba grow temporary crops like: cassava, maize, and beans, on small, rain fed, plots. Especially in dry regions, small farmers raise small animals, commonly goats. Native trees and vegetation provide firewood, fodder for animals, and fruits like umbu and nuts like cashew, part of the nutritional security. Family farmers are spread throughout Paraiba but concentrated in the semiarid macro-region, encompassing the Borborema, Sertão Paraibano, and Agreste Paraibano meso-regions. Family farmers often use fundos de pasto, or communal pasture regimes, to feed goat and sheep livestock herds. However, these areas often have insecure tenure regimes and are vulnerable to usurpation from competing ranchers. In addition, since the herds rely on natural vegetation, food for animals is vulnerable to drought. 16 Family Agriculture, agricultura familiar, is defined as a form o production where the interaction of management and work is predominant; family agricultures drive the productive process, emphasizing diversification and using an main work force, family labor at times receiving wages ( complementares/beneficiario/agricultura-familiar). 17 IBGE. 25 52. In general, family farmers are characterized by little land size, poor soils, low precipitation, low market access due to physical isolation, low access to credit and technical assistance, and low levels of farmer organization. Some attribute low association participation to a lack of incentives to associate and a history of patronage arrangements that small farmers depend on to receive emergency relief supplies in times of drought. Rural credit is concentrated in the wealthier meso-region of Mata Paraibana at 40% of the value of contracts but 6.65% of the number of contracts. The Semiarid meso-regions evidence smaller-value contracts. 53. Family farmers consume their own production and sell it through cash transfers from social assistance programs provide a significant proportion of family income and allow food to be purchased outside the household. Livestock provides a particularly important sources of animal protein in meat and milk, and artisan crafts from animal hides provide supplementary income. 54. High rates of female-headed households stand out in Paraiba at about 30% in rural areas. A long history of principally male out-migration to cities leaves family farmering in the hands of women, with many elder folk and children. The percent of dependents (population under age 15 and over age 65) in total population exceeds 50% in many regions of Paraiba. Though dependents represent more mouths to feed that are not economically active, they also help bring in significant income transfers from federal government programs, mainly the Rural Retirement Pension from INSS, comprising up 17% of the average rural family income, and Bolsa Família. Production risks - Climate 55. Family agriculture is largely based on livestock, though maize, beans and cassava are grown for self-consumption. By far the most important risk to the production of these crops is severe drought. In addition to severe droughts, irregular precipitation (heavy rain followed by extended dry spells) is another climate risk for smallholders, as irrigation facilities are not usual. In the 2011-2012 crop season, Paraiba represented the fifth largest Federal State in terms of number of small farmers (86,367 farmers out of a total number of 771,343) enrolled in the Garantia Safra program (See Text Box 3 for further details about this compensation mechanism). Given that this compensation mechanism only covers municipalities within the Semi-arid region and that it triggers payout only when the enrolled Municipality registers severe crop losses due to extreme rainfall events (mainly drought), historical payouts disbursed by this program could be used as a proxy of drought events that negatively impacted the small farming sector. Table 4 shows that on average 6 out of 10 years the Garantia Safra program disburses compensation payouts above 90% of all enrolled municipalities. The analysis of the historical records of this program shows that the 2011-2012, 2006-2007 and 2009-2010 crop seasons were the worst ever recorded. 26 Table 4: Number of Farmers Enrolled in Garantia Safra Program and Number of Farmers who Receive Payments, Paraiba (2002-2012) No. Farmers Payout/F Enrolled % Possitive Total Payout Item Received armer Farmers Payments (R$) Payments (R$) 2002 - 2003 29,972 27,147 90.6% R$ 12,894,825 R$ 475 2003 - 2004 37,562 23,264 61.9% R$ 12,795,200 R$ 550 2004 - 2005 49,755 47,318 95.1% R$ 26,024,900 R$ 550 2005 - 2006 54,791 23,947 43.7% R$ 13,170,850 R$ 550 2006 - 2007 59,310 57,985 97.8% R$ 31,891,750 R$ 550 2007 - 2008 74,345 24,447 32.9% R$ 13,445,850 R$ 550 2008 - 2009 83,329 75,112 90.1% R$ 41,311,600 R$ 550 2009 - 2010 82,205 80,183 97.5% R$ 48,109,800 R$ 600 2010 - 2011 81,083 30,808 38.0% R$ 19,717,120 R$ 640 2011 - 2012 86,367 86,367 100.0% R$ 107,095,080 R$ 1,240 Source: Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA). 56. The severe losses recorded by Garantia Safra in 2012 are consistent with the very low precipitation values reported by AESA. In March 2012, only three cities in Paraiba reported rainfall indexes above their historical average values for the same period. The rainfall forecasts made at the time indicated a decrease of up to 40% of the average. As a result, the Government of Paraiba supported different federal programs in order to alleviate farmer losses. Some of these programs include: Programa Emergencial de Manutenção do Rebanho Paraibano, Garantia Safra; and Programa Palma Resistente.18 Text Box 1. 3: Brazil Garantia Safra The Garantia Safra program was created in 2002 (Law No. 10420, and then it was modified in 2012 by the Law 12766) with the objective to provide compensations payouts to vulnerable farmers and rural families who are systematically affected by severe drought events and excess water events, within the semi-arid region of Brazil. Given that this federal program reduces the effects of extreme rainfall conditions (mainly drought) it has reduced the need from State Governments and enrolled farmers to request Federal emergency actions. The total annual cost is distributed among the stakeholders (federal, state and municipal governments and the farmers), with the Federal Government as main contributor. The potential beneficiaries of this program are rural families located in the semi-arid region and with: monthly gross family income of up to 1.5 times minimum wage; plant between 0.6 and 5 hectares of beans, maize, rice, cassava, cotton or any other agricultural activity that effectively coexist with the semi-arid conditions; request their adherence to the program and pay a small contribution to the Garantia Safra Fund (FGS) for its enrollment. Operation: The program triggers a compensation payout when crop losses exceed by 50% the average 18 Cunha, 2012. 27 yield at Municipal level. In this sense, all producers enrolled in the same Municipality will be treated equally despite registering a different level of losses at individual farming production units. Garantia Safra compensation payouts are primarily defined by a “hard trigger” scheme, which is an index parameter that is calculated by the INMET. This index is derived from the calculation of individual crop water balance models and whose results are extrapolated to Municipal level. Given that rainfall conditions may vary in space and in time, there may be cases in which there are differences between what is recorded by the index and what is recorded at the Municipality level. If this happens, a “soft trigger” scheme is adopted; this means that the state extension service would make field inspections in order to determine the damages incurred. Compensation amount: R$ 760 distributed in 5 monthly payouts. One of the main advantages about this compensation system reported by the beneficiaries is that they receive the payouts directly and they can use them according to their needs. In addition, the timing of Garantia Safra payouts matches with the annual schedule of payment of other social benefits that are managed by the Federal Government. Garantia Safra has shown to be a very popular compensation payout mechanism among small producers located in the semi-arid region. Over a ten year-period (2002-2011), the number of enrolled municipalities and enrolled farmers overall have increased 300% and 900%, respectively. On average, 57% of the total municipalities nationwide have received payouts. The less catastrophic year, measured by the number of municipalities that received payouts, was the 2010-2011 crop season. Interestingly, the previous and the precedent crop seasons were highly catastrophic where payments were triggered in 9 out of 10 enrolled municipalities. Garantia Safra: Program evolution between 2002-2003 and 2011-2012 crop season* Farme rs Munic. that % who % who Enrolle d Enrolle d who Crop Se as on re ce ive d re ce ive d re ce ive d Municipality Farme rs re ce ive d payme nts payout payme nt payme nts 2002-2003 333 140 42.0% 200,292 85,056 42.5% 2003-2004 367 136 37.1% 177,839 75,810 42.6% 2004-2005 465 311 66.9% 287,681 211,339 73.5% 2005-2006 543 174 32.0% 356,584 106,081 29.7% 2006-2007 471 392 83.2% 346,321 316,529 91.4% 2007-2008 635 181 28.5% 558,606 182,147 32.6% 2008-2009 714 509 71.3% 553,225 423,538 76.6% 2009-2010 859 801 93.2% 661,802 639,227 96.6% 2010-2011 990 243 24.5% 737,920 166,935 22.6% 2011-2012 1035 1015 98.1% 771,343 769,023 99.7% Source: Secretaria da Agricultura Familiar Production risks - Pests and diseases 57. Family agriculture crops in the semi-arid (cassava, beans, maize) are susceptible to attacks of caterpillars or diseases. However, farmers prefer not to use purchased inputs and invest in crops (with the exception of some infesting weed control). In this manner, they keep the financial cost of mitigating 28 phytosanitary risks low. In the eventuality of a pest (insect, disease or nematode) attack, smallholders do nothing and just wait to harvest the remaining production, if any. Their rationale is “why invest on fertilizers, improved seeds or pest control if the risk of loosing the harvest due to a lack of rainfall is so high”. The impact is on family food security. Adequate technical assistance would be required to improve risk management all together and change farmer attitude towards drought risk management and phytosanitary risk management. 58. Currently, smallholders usually cultivate a type of cactus called palma forrageira as feed for goats and sheep and even bovines. A pest called cochonilha do carmim is a serious threat for achieving higher biomass production, which is fundamental to feed the animals during hydric stress. The State Government Research Institution (EMEPA) developed a variety that is resistant to the cochonilha and the public technical assistance (EMATER-PB) is freely distributing this genetic material to family farmers, to substitute their traditional susceptible varieties, leading to an almost complete control of the pest. Price volatility risk 59. Price guarantees are used to incentivize production and to provide support to poorer farmers. They are mostly targeted by region, seeking to support poor small farmers (agricultura familiar) and commercial farmers. See Text Box 4 with details on the current price support and procurement programs. The result has been more stable prices of basic foodstuffs (like beans, maize, cassava flour, etc.) that are in turn the main crops grown by the family agriculture farmers. Paraiba, however, is a food deficit state and frequently maize (basic foodstuff and key feed) is imported using the PEP mechanism (see Text Box 4 below). These interventions through CONAB, the national food supply agency, have led to the maintenance of stable prices for consumers even during periods of domestic production scarcity in the state. The CONAB State Manager mentioned that most often CONAB is unable to meet their procurement targets because of supply unavailability. Text Box 1. 4: Brazil - Procurement and price support policies The Brazilian government operates a series of food procurement and minimum crop price policies and programs. They are the PGPM (Politica de Garantia de Preços Minimos), which is concerned with commercial agriculture, and the PAA (Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos) that is specifically target family farming. The Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA) is responsible for the former policy, and the latter program is the responsibility of the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA).19 The Federal Government, States and Municipalities implement PAA. The National Supply Company also executes it – CONAB (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento), also participates in the implementation of PGPM. CONAB is a public enterprise that reports to MAPA; it is responsible for managing several agriculture policies and programs related to the supply and demand of food products. 19 MDA is also responsible for the National Program to Strengthen Family Farming (PRONAF). 29 The PGPM is an instrument that works as a basis for several types of purchasing or financing operations, always with the objective of supporting producer income. It is used to smooth producer price variations over time and facilitate trade of agricultural products from the surplus regions to deficit ones at competitive prices for the producers, particularly in periods of price drop when the transport cost may represent a serious obstacle for commodity flow across the country. The PGPM uses different instruments. One is the PEP (Prêmio para o Escoamento de Produto) program, which involves an “equalization” payment to buyers (wholesalers, processing companies, etc.) who agree to pay the producer a specified minimum price. The equalization premium (subsidy) is determined in an auction, with a maximum fixed selling value set by government. This is the most common instrument. A similar program is PEPRO (Prêmio Equalizador do Produto), which provides an equalization payment directly to the farmer and works like a deficiency payment by paying the seller (whether a farmer or a cooperative) the difference between the reference price and the price received at auction. A third program is PROP (Prêmio de Risco para Aquisição de Produto Agrícola Oriundo de Contrato Privado de Opção de Venda), which provides a premium to commercial buyers under a sell option contract, i.e. where delivery takes place in the future (for instance, coffee). This instrument works as a hedging mechanism for the farmer. The Government may also operate the Product Outflow Value instrument (Valor de Escoamento de Produto - VEP), through which the Government grants a subsidy to buyers that intend to buy government stocks to supply a specific food deficit region that has been prioritized. This instrument would operate when the market price is higher than the minimum price. Under the PGPM, the government also purchases from family farmers and their cooperatives (AGF - Aquisições do Governo Federal) at prices that are above market levels when they are below the minimum prices. The impact of this program throughout the economy is not supposed to be relevant. Since 2010 family farming has been entitled to 20% of the resources of the guaranteed minimum price program (PGPM). The government defines the quality, quantity, value and delivery of the products and establishes the regions to be supplied on a case by case basis. The Bolsa Brasileira de Mercadorias (Sao Paulo) and other commodity exchanges operate the government stocks auctions and the CONAB’S commercial stock auctions. Among the main products included in the PGPM are: cotton, beans, rice, maize, cassava flour, milk, sorghum, coffee, etc. PAA was created by Law in 2003. It serves two basic purposes: promote access to food to those in need and support family farming. The PAA purchases a wide variety of food produced by family farmers including fruits, vegetables, animal products, etc. The Program is implemented through different modalities that do not involve a bidding process: Purchase with Simultaneous Donation, Direct Purchase (CDAF), and Stock Formation by family farming. The Purchase with Simultaneous Donation involves direct purchase of food from family farmers and simultaneous free distribution to people in food and nutrition insecurity as well as to those served by social assistance networks, public facilities for food and nutrition security, and public and philanthropic education institutions. The CDAF (Compra Direta da Agricultura Familiar) whereby the 30 government purchases produce from family farmers (enrolled in PRONAF) at subsidized or market prices (reference prices) to supply populations facing food insecurity. The PAA also contributes to the formation of stocks of foodstuffs produced by family farmers and of stocks managed by family farmers´ organizations; farmers’ groups stock part of their production in exchange for a promissory note that provides farmers access to financial resources. The budget of PAA consists of funds from the Ministry of Social Development and Fight Against Hunger (MDS) and the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA). Since its conception, the annual volume of funds invested increased from US$64 million in 2003 to US$434 million in 2012 – an increase of 580%. Livestock Production Chains Overview of Subsector and Supply Chain Profile 60. Cattle production is one of the major agricultural activities in the state and stands out as one of the most important income generating activities in large farms. Cattle production is mostly extensive and on semi-arid soils with poor vegetation and low rainfall. According to the Committee for Agricultural Planning of the State of Paraiba, there are three types of cattle production regions in the State, in regards to the ecological traits: the Agreste/Litoral region, the Cariri/Curimatau region and the Sertão region. 61. Dairy production in Paraiba is located in the Agreste /Litoral region, and is considered jointly with Sergipe, one of the fastest growing milk producing states in the Northeaster Region (Figure 14 below). Milk production is based on extensive grazing with limited animal feed supplementation. In this system, the ration consists almost entirely of grazed pasture grass. Herds are typically in the 30 –70 cow size range and consist mostly of crossbred animals. Cows in these herds are usually hand-milked in parlors. 62. The sheep and goat production chain has experienced a very significant increase, especially since the second half of the 1990s (Table 5). This growth occurred due to two main aspects: the first was the policy of the state government to strengthen these herds by providing resources and technical assistance, as well as the introduction of new races; secondly, the adoption of the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) as to ensure market and price for products from livestock strategy (milk, cheese, etc.). 63. Goat milk production has a very important economic role in the semiarid part of Paraiba State. Although the productivity of the goat milk industry in this region is low compared with developed regions worldwide or even with intensive systems in southern Brazil, it is currently the main goat production region in Brazil and is responsible for approximately 20% of the total Brazilian goat milk production. Producers are organized in associations and currently 8 small-scale dairy plants exist for the pasteurization of goat milk. 31 Figure 14: Evolution of Milk Production in Paraiba, in millions of liters (1990-2010) Source: IBGE / Pesquisa da Pecuária Municipal Elaboração: R. ZOCCAL - Embrapa Gado de Leite 2011* Estimated Table 5: Goat and sheep’s Population Evolution in Paraiba (1975-2012) Species/ 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2012 year Goats 390,735 505,342 555,054 509,450 458,477 526,179 657,824 600,607 520,867 Sheep’s 370,593 418,382 396,266 380,692 302,611 343,844 411,069 433,032 447,406 Total 761,308 923,724 951,320 890,142 761,088 870,023 1,078,89 1,033,63 968,273 3 9 Source: Targino, I et Al . Aspectos da Agropecuaria Paraibana. 64. The swine production chain of Paraiba is relatively small (with small population) and shows a decreasing tendency over the last three decades. The estimated population in 2011 is 151,702 heads. However there is a potential to growth in order to supply the state demands, favored by the availability and the price sustainability of grains. 65. The poultry production chain had an estimated population in 2010 of 7,7 million broilers and 2,2 laying hens and has had an important increase of 56% since 2000. This increase had been favored by the price sustainability policy for corn, which facilitates the preparation of low cost feeds. Poultry production has been a very productive activity for small producers in the rural areas. They are organized in cooperatives. The small producers are being supported to construct small slaughterhouses to guarantee that poultry products have official inspection services (meet official commercial criteria) and can be sold in supermarkets and in interstate markets. 66. The apiculture production chain is important for the rural population in Paraiba. The areas of production of honey are the Sertao and Brejo regions. The production is of around 500 tons of honey. Production is mainly absorbed within the State, through the federal food programs. The remaining production absorbed by the country and some is occasionally exported to other states. There are around 32 40 extraction plants to process the honey. Some of these plants are inspected by the Federal and State inspection services, which make the honey suitable for the food programs and interstate exportation market. The main risk faced by apiculture is the drought that kills bees and forces the beehives to migrate to other areas. Production risks - Climate 67. Most stakeholders interviewed by the mission have identified unreliable rainfall in terms of intensity and distribution as one of the most likely and damaging production risk. Drought also is acknowledged as a severe risk and one with great potential to cause severe impact to livestock. The most recent severe droughts affecting livestock production occurred in 1992-1993, 1998, 2001-2002, 2010, 2012-2013. During the drought periods, cattle, goat and sheep, and apiculture have had significant losses in terms of animals, weight lost and reduction of milk and honey production, among others. It is reported that during the last drought 80% of the honey harvest was lost and 70% of the beehives migrated. The State annual production of honey is estimated in 500 tons. The bee producers have good technical cooperation from EMATER, SEBRAE and COOPERAR among others. Production risks - Sanitary risks 68. Animal diseases are significant production risks. Their damaging potential varies among animal species and is very much correlated to the actual risk management actions in place. On a global level, there has been a noticeable increase over recent decades in the incidence of exotic animal diseases. Among the exotic diseases that affect world beef trade, two are most relevant: BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or "Mad Cow Disease") and FMD (Foot and Mouth Disease). Paraiba is free of these major exotic animal diseases, which gives a significant advantage to the Brazilian producers and exporters. The situation about the principal exotic diseases risks can be summarized as follows. 69. FMD: In May 2014, Paraiba (and the other Northeastern States: Alagoas, Ceara, Maranhao, North Region of Pará, Bahia, Pernambuco, Piauí and Río Grande do Norte) was certified by the World Animal Health Organization (OIE) as an area is free of FMD, with vaccination. In the past, the presentation of the disease in Paraiba was sporadic and classified as of medium risk. There has not been a case in more than ten years. Currently this risk has diminished because the bordering states are also free with vaccination and there is a strict national program to control movement of animals and animal products in the country, which provides additional protection to prevent the entrance of this disease.20 In any event, the impact of a disease outbreak could be catastrophic in terms of animal losses, eradication costs and export earning losses, and thus controls must continue. 20 There exists a Federal Program for the Eradication of FMD coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA), which was started in 1998 and is covering 78% of the area and 99% of the cattle and buffaloes stock. There is also an area free of FMD without vaccination, which covers the State of Santa Catharina. The only states, which are considered infected, are Amazonas (BR-3), Amapá and Roraima (BR-4), in the North Region of the country. The last outbreak of FMD in Brazil occurred in Mato Grosso do Sul and Parana in 2006. (Informe de Situación de los Programas de Erradicación de la Fiebre Aftosa - año 2013 – Documento de trabajo para la COSALFA 41, abril 2014). 33 70. BSE: According to OIE, Brazil´s risk status for BSE is "Negligible", the safest of all. To reach this status the country presented a risk analysis situation which probes that there are not cases or possible animals imported from countries where the disease is present or imported feed for cattle containing cattle meat flour and that has a surveillance and prevention program in place. The major risk is from the importation of cattle from infected countries and the appearance of atypical cases as it occurred in Mato Grosso in 2014. 71. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI): Paraiba is currently free of HPAI, Asiatic Types, as the whole country is. However the risk still persists due to the possibility of contamination by wildlife, as has occurred in other parts of the world.21 In order to prevent entrance of the disease, Brazil has a plan of action that calls for training of professionals and producers to detect the disease. 72. Prevalent animal diseases of economic and public health importance: Bovine, Goat and Sheep Brucellosis is considered by FAO, WHO and the OIE as one of the most important and widespread zoonosis in the world, causing great economic losses. It can be transmitted to humans causing undulant fever and joint arthritis syndromes and is a labor related disease because of the contamination of workers in slaughterhouses. Bovine brucellosis due to Brucella Abortus is endemic and the most prevalent Brucella infection in Brazil. the National Program for Control and Eradication of Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Animal (PNCEBT) coordinated by MAPA has been in place since 2001. Each state has to follow the orientations of the MAPA Federal Program.22 A number of studies and surveys were carried out in the State of Paraiba to assess the prevalence of bovine brucellosis. The conclusions varied widely: SEDAP carried out a study in 2013 that indicated the prevalence of bovine brucellosis may range between 2% to 4% in Paraiba; while an evaluation of the Federal Program carried out in 2010 indicated there was a decrease in the number of cases of brucellosis in the Northeastern Region from 4.138 to 2.082 (50.3%) between 2001 and 2010. The general conclusion is that bovine brucellosis is still present in the State of Paraiba and it is both a risk to the animal population and humans (public health). Regarding the presence of Brucella Mellitensis in goats and sheep, there is no evidence of its presence in Brazil. Brucella Mellitensis represents an important public health risk because it is transmitted to humans by goat milk consumption and can cause severe symptoms. 73. Bovine Tuberculosis is an infectious disease of worldwide distribution caused by pathogenic Mycobacteria that affect humans and several mammal species. It is also considered by WHO and OIE also consider it as an important cause of losses to livestock producers and a serious public health risk. Several studies were carried out confirming that tuberculosis in cattle and goat exists and is a risk to animal production and public health. Salomon, M. and collaborators carried out a study on bovine tuberculosis in 2010, which found that: of the herds investigated, 62 (0.57%) had at least one positive 21 The current international HPAI or “bird -flu” outbreak began in poultry in Southeast Asia and has since spread to Asia, Europe, the Pacific, the Middle East and Africa. Although many countries have eradicated the virus from their domesticated poultry, worldwide eradication is not expected in the short term. 22 Normativa No6 de 8 de janeiro de 2004. Aprova o Regulamento Técnico do Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e Tuberculose Animal. Diário Oficial da União, Brasília, 12 jan. 2004, Seção 1, p. 6 –10: 2001. 34 animal, and of the animals examined, 136 (0.25%) were positive. Prevalence of tuberculosis in goats it was found to be 10.7% of positive in 10.7% of herds. 74. Classical swine fever (CSF):). According to the surveillance system the last outbreak of CSF in Paraiba occurred in 2006. However, there are risks of introduction because the disease is present in other Northeastern States. A federal program for the eradication of CSF, coordinated by the MAPA, which has led to the eradication of the disease in 49% of the territory, 54% of the properties and 81% of the swine population of the country. As a result, a CSF disease free area has been established which included the states of the South, Southeastern and South Regions, and the states of Tocantins, Bahia, Sergipe and Rondonia. The Northeastern States are considered infected and are the next goal of the CSF eradication program. A survey will be necessary to obtain precise information on the absence of this disease. In addition, the state animal Health Authorities need to update the prevention and contention programs. 75. Newcastle Disease Virus (NCDV):). This is a very important poultry disease, which may lead to serious losses to the producers from killed birds and delays in flock restocking. The State is free of this disease according to non-official information. However, there are no epidemiological studies to verify this situation. 76. Food Safety: There has been an increase in the frequency of outbreaks of foodborne diseases, making food safety a major concern worldwide. Foodborne diseases pose an important risk because they endanger public health and can interfere with the domestic and external markets. There is no published evidence of serious foodborne outbreaks in the state of Paraiba. However, it was found that small producers do not have enough official assistance to control and inspect their production. This situation can lead to risks of contaminated products and presentation of foodborne outbreaks. On the other hand, the lack of official control and inspection system for small producers limit their marketing possibilities. It also prevents the selling of the production for the federal food acquisition programs (PNAE and PAA) that requires the products to be officially controlled and inspected. In regards to slaughterhouses, there is a good federal and state control and inspection service for the large slaughter houses. There is also a municipal network of slaughter houses, but their status regarding official control and inspections services is not very clear. From the information gathered there is not a mechanism of coordination between the Federal, State and Municipal control and inspection services.23 77. In summary, food safety is a sanitary risk, because there is an incomplete food safety system to efficiently cover all the steps of the food chain. There is a limited control and inspection service for small producers and there is no coordination mechanism among the agencies responsible for the control and inspection of animal food products. 78. Finally, it is noteworthy that animal health and food safety risks have a significant impact on all livestock food chains stockholders, including producers, processors, distributors, consumers, exporters 23 The State Government has taking initial steps to create an Intersectoral Chamber of Food Security and Nutrition (CAISAN/PB) with the aim to establish the State System of Food Security (SISAN), which will also take care of food safety aspects. 35 and the government. There have not been recent animal health risk events in Paraiba, however there is a potential risk of occurrence as has occurred in other states of Brazil and countries. In these cases, the impact on government was very high: costs of the actions of eradication, compensation to the producers, etc. On the other hand, exporters suffered high losses from the closing of external markets for long periods of time until the free status was regained. 36 CHAPTER 3: ADVERSE IMPACTS OF AGRICULTURAL RISKS Indicative Value of Losses 79. Agricultural production is subject to relatively normal inter-annual variations and occasional shocks caused by climate, sanitary and other causes. Shocks have a direct impact on farmers and other stakeholders in the supply chains, as well as on important fiscal repercussions, reduce the availability of foreign exchange, reduce household and national food security, and in general have an overall macroeconomic destabilizing effect. In effect, the inter-annual agricultural output variations are clearly connected to the overall economy performance (as can be seen in Figure 15 below), although the intensity of the variations in the agricultural GDP are greater than in the overall economy but the direction has been the same in recent years.24 Figure 15: Growth Rate Gross Value Added, volume index (2004-2009) 80. The immediate step for analysis is to distinguish shocks from smaller inter-annual variations in output. Available data on actual losses is not always accurate or consistent enough to facilitate comparison and ranking of the costs of adverse events. Analysis was thus based on estimates of the “indicative” value of losses for the 1990-2010period. 81. The indicative value of agricultural output lost in a particular year is calculated as the deviation of the actual yield from the yield trend value. A loss threshold of 0.33 standard deviation from trend is then set to distinguish between losses due to shocks and those that reflect the normal or relatively easily absorbable downturns. 24 Data from IBGE was available only for the years shown. 37 82. The yield difference in the years where actual yields were below the loss threshold is then multiplied by the actual area that year, valued at 2010 producer prices and converted into US$ at the 2010 exchange rate. Indicative loss values are also compared to agricultural GDP in the relevant year in order to provide a relative measure of the loss.25 83. The quantification of losses presented in this chapter capture production risks, such as drought and pest and disease outbreaks. Approximately R$ 28 million (equivalent to US$ 16 million), or 2.3% of the agricultural GDP, was estimated as the value of the average production loss annually in the agricultural sector as a result of unmanaged production risks. This percentage is higher than the one calculated for Bahia (1.9%). Drought was the main cause of these shocks, sometimes in combination with other events. The calculation involves all crops but the losses are concentrated in the following crops: sugar cane, beans, banana, pineapple, maize, papaya fruit (mamão) and cassava, affecting all supply chain actors. As indicated in chapter 3, these crops are responsible for over 80% of state agricultural GDP and are representative of Paraiba’s agricultural sector risk profile (see Table 6 for detail information by crop). 84. Average figures are useful to understand the aggregate costs of production risk. However, they tend to conceal the actual catastrophic impact that some shocks have at the time that they occur. For instance, during the 2010 drought, losses amounted to R$ 65 million (against the R$ 28 million annual average), or 5.4% of the state’s agricultural GDP, and there were much higher losses in previous years: R$ 108 million in 1998, R$ 104 million in 1993 and R$ 82 million in 1996. Not surprisingly, the first two years match with two very severe droughts throughout the state (1998 and 1992-1993, respectively). 85. Furthermore, the losses in terms of the normal production value in 2010 were extreme for important smallholder crops like beans and maize, accounting for R$ 16 million and R$ 7 million losses respectively. In the same year, the losses of sugar cane and banana reached R$ 18 million and R$ 13 million respectively. In total these four crops accounted for 83% of total losses in 2010. 86. The following are some examples of realized risk impact in the livestock sector:  20% of the cattle and 50% of the goat population were lost during the 2012-2013 drought;  During the last drought (2012-2013) there was a 90% decrease of honey production and 50% of bees died and 70% of the beehives migrated;  The outbreak of an exotic disease (e.g. FMD or BSE) would have a catastrophic impact (elimination of animals, quarantine and disinfection, loss of external markets, etc.) as occurred during the 2005 FMD outbreak in Mato Grosso do Sul and Parana.26 25 Analysis of this nature requires a consistent set of data on both production and prices, for an extended time period. The source of data chosen was IBGE, where complete statistical information was found for the period 1990-2010. 26 Study by Costa, et al. on the impact of the 2005 foot and mouth disease outbreaks in Mato Grosso do Sul y Parana. The outbreak had great impact on exports and prices of beef, poultry and pork, which only recovered after the lifting of the import bans by Russia, the main importing country, 28 months later. It was necessary to eliminate 33,741 FMD-susceptible animals (32,549 cattle, 566 pigs, 626 sheep and goats). One to two months after the import ban by Russia and other countries, 38 Table 6: Indicative Agricultural Losses in Paraiba, per Crop Crop Units Annual average Annual average Annual average losses (Units) losses (R$) losses (US$) Sugar cane Tons 160,452 8,317,522 4,725,865 Beans Tons 2,260 4,046,473 2,299,132 Banana Tons 8,588 3,618,976 2,056,236 Pineapple 1000 fruits 3,217 2,689,170 1,527,937 Maize Tons 4,646 2,200,976 1,250,555 Papaya fruit Tons 1,547 1,092,739 620,874 Cassava Tons 4,273 970,011 551,143 Other 5,375,333 3,054,166 Total 28,311,199 16,085,909 Losses as percentage of Paraiba’s agricultural GDP 2.3% Production Volatility by Regions: The Case of Cassava 87. Cassava constitutes a major source of carbohydrates in the diet of the population of Paraiba, including several processed products, such as flour (farinha). Starch (sweet cassava starch or gum), modified starches, baked goods, pasta, snacks, manioc, tapioca, among others are other products derived from cassava. Cassava plantations are very popular among small farmers because of its rusticity, low demand for production technology, ability to adapt to different ecosystems and the ability to produce even under severe adverse conditions, though at low yields. The maximum planted area was reported in 1990 with more than 52,000 hectares. This area remained relatively stable until 1995 when it started to decrease in all meso-regions within Paraiba. However, the distribution of the planted area across the meso-regions has remained more or less constant over the years. Brazilian beef exports decreased from 93.8 thousand tons in September 2005 to 66.1 thousand tons in December 2005. Costa, R., David A. Bessler, David A. and C. Parr Rosson, C. Parr. The Impacts of Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreaks on the Brazilian Meat Market. Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2011 AAEA & NAREA Joint Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 24-26, 2011 39 88. The relative production volatility among different meso-regions is measured using the coefficient of variation27 of yields. All meso-regions show high inter-annual variations: the coefficient of variation of yields (tons/ha) range between 14% in the Agreste Paraibano and 45% in the Sertão Paraibano, which is the drier region in Paraiba. Due to the different level of area planted, these variations have different impacts on total production (Table 7). Table 7: Production Volatility by Meso-region Meso-region Planted Area, 2010 (ha) Coefficient of variation of cassava yields Sertão Paraibano 1,022 45% Agreste Paraibano 16,998 14% Borborema 485 30% Mata Paraibana 7,278 16% Paraiba 25,783 11% 89. The year of 1998, when a severe drought occurred, shows the most drastic reduction of cassava’s productivity in all regions. According to the Confederação da Agricultura e Pecuária do Brasil, during this year the severe drought affected all Northeastern states of Brazil. Similar negative yield performance is evident in all meso-regions during the 1992-1993 and 2010 droughts. Figure 17 (on following page) shows cassava yield variability in all the four meso-regions of Paraiba. Figure 16: Cassava Yield Variability in the Four Meso-regions of Paraiba (1990-2010) Source: IBGE 27 Calculated as the standard deviation divided by the series arithmetic media. It shows the extent of variability in relation to mean of the population: the higher the worse. 40 CHAPTER 4: STAKEHOLDERS ASSESSMENT Impact of Risks at Individual Stakeholder Level 90. How the losses attributed to risks are distributed among stakeholders along the supply chain is to a great extent a function of supply chain governance and stakeholder capability and opportunities for risk management. This section provides a discussion on the impact of the main agricultural risks identified in the section above on the different actors of the main agricultural supply chains in Paraiba (Table 8). Table 8: Stakeholder Risk Profile Current capacity to manage Stakeholders Most important risks Significance of risk risk Crop and animal losses. Unexpected irregular Reduced quality of products: Drought tolerant varieties and All farmers precipitation and severe fruits, sugar cane. Family variable crop cycles. drought events. farmers: greater exposition to food insecurity. Smallholders Insect pests (caterpillars), Pests represent an important Only a minority of the growers diseases (viruses, rots), risk to production if not adopts mitigation practices, like nematodes, palma forrageira properly controlled. pest control or resistant mealy bug. varieties. Deficiencies in the Elimination of infected provision of technical assistance Animal diseases: Exotic animals and losses of services (EMATER) make diseases (FMD, BSE, HPAI), production of meat, milk, appropriate technologies not prevalent diseases. honey. easily available to family agriculture. Insufficient supply Restriction to the marketing chain coordination prevents of products. better access to adequate Public health risk from technologies to control pests zoonosis. and to the correct use of pesticides. FMD vaccination. Livestock producers Drought. Loss of animals, decreased Some financial aid by the production. government -Government Animal diseases: Exotic Programs such as Garantia diseases (FMD, BSE, HPAI). Quarantine and restricted Safra e Bolsa Estiagem. movement and trade of Animal diseases: Prevalent animals and animal products. FMD vaccination. diseases of economical and public health importance Public health risk for the Federal and State control, (Brucellosis, Tuberculosis, transmission to humans. prevention, eradication and Classical Swine Fever, contingency programs in 41 Newcastle Disease). Food safety from the operation. contamination of meat and milk. Financial loses. Reduced exports. Sugar cane processing plants Drought. Less raw material available Plants accrue financial losses to process. During severe droughts, sugar processors may experience an increase in their production costs because their processing plants operate at lower capacity. Meat Processors/ Exporters Animal diseases: Exotic Shortage of primary products Good Federal and State diseases. to operate the processing inspection and control system plants. for animal’s products (SISBI). Loss of domestic and Partial municipal infrastructure external export markets. of slaughter houses and control and inspection programs. Loss of credibility. Consumers Food borne diseases Important food safety Federal and State meat and milk problems. control and inspection programs. Planned: State Food Security and Safety system (CAISAN, SISAN/PB). Government (national) Drought Social instability. Budget provisions for risk coping programs (drought Animal Diseases: Exotic and Budget implications. support programs, contention prevalent diseases. and emergency funds, compensation funds). Food Safety. Vulnerable Hotspots 91. The impacts of the aforementioned risks have greater consequences for human welfare among the individuals, communities and regions of Paraiba that are more vulnerable. As we have already seen, 42 a single risk, such as drought, has different effects on different systems of productions and producers. Vulnerability is the concept that explains the heterogeneity in impact.28 92. Though poverty has been declining in the Northeast, as in the rest of Brazil, over the last decade, poverty in rural areas where livelihoods concentrate on agriculture, remains high. In Paraiba, you are twice as likely to be poor if you live in rural areas, than in urban areas. In 2012, 25% of the rural population was poor, compared to 12% in urban Paraiba, and 8.1% of the population was extremely poor. However, in the 170 municipalities of the Paraiba Semi-Arid region, which covers most of the area of the state and most of family agriculture families, the average rate of extreme poverty is 20% (Figure 18). 93. Poverty exacerbates vulnerability because a shock will have greater proportional effects on the welfare of a poor household than on that of a wealthier one. In effect, repeated shocks confine poor rural households into a poverty trap, exhausting savings and dissolving investments that would otherwise help propel the household ahead. Vulnerable households in Paraiba respond to shocks by reducing household consumption, selling household and productive assets, and seeking income sources off the farm with diverse strategies, including migration to urban areas. Expenditures on drought mitigation and emergency measures also divert resources from longer-term investments in human capital and productivity. Figure 17: Map of the Extreme Poor in Paraiba (2010) Source: IPEA 94. To capture why vulnerability varies between individuals and between households, vulnerability can be seen as the function of three factors: (i) sensitivity, (ii) adaptive capacity, and (iii) exposure.29 28 Vulnerability is “the likelihood that at a given time in the future, an indiv idual will have a level of welfare below some norm or benchmark.” Common welfare indicators include poverty measurements, household expenditures, savings levels, and food security and nutrition measures (such as food consumption score and household dietary diversity). Though vulnerability depends on the severity of external shocks like climate, the likelihood of a drop in welfare depends on both people’s context and capacity to act and react. Socio -economic assets and institutions play an important role in people’s vulnerability. 43 i. Sensitivity is the degree of impact of the initial shock. Sensitivity can be thought of as the elasticity of household welfare (e.g. consumption levels) in response to a shock. ii. Adaptive capacity is the ability of the household to access ex-post coping strategies that helps the household return to pre-shock welfare levels.30 iii. Exposure is the probability of the given shock materializing and affecting the household’s assets. 95. Annex 2 expands on these relevant indicators and suggests measurements for analyzing vulnerability to drought, the most significant agricultural risk for small farmers in Paraiba. A notional application of this framework to Paraiba indicates that the poorest areas of the state (measured by earned income per capita), are not necessarily the areas that will suffer the most from drought. State transfers for old age pensions and Bolsa Família serve to diversify the poor’s portfolio and buffer the direct effects of drought. 96. Policy can reduce all three aspects of vulnerability: sensitivity through encouraging diversification away from drought-exposed livelihoods to better adapted sources of income/production; adaptive capacity through education, land regularization, market access and social protection; natural resource management. This methodology should be applied at the municipality level using available IBGE data, and state or policymakers should identify which welfare indicators they wish to prioritize in the analysis. For example, a state that is more concerned with vulnerability that causes hunger or malnutrition will involve a very different policy response than a concern for rural exodus/out-migration. Participatory territorial planning methods should be involved to validate and gain ownership over a technical vulnerability analysis. 29 Lindoso et al. 2012. “Indicators for Assessing the Vulnerability of Smallholder Farming to Climate Change: The Case of Brazil’s Semi-Arid Northeastern Region.” Instituto de Pesquisa Economica Aplicada. International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth. 30 Adaptive capacity is a subset of resilience. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) defines resilience as the ability of people, households, communities, countries, and systems to adapt to and recover from shocks and stresses in a manner that reduces chronic vulnerability and facilitates inclusive growth. 44 CHAPTER 5: AGRICULTURE RISK PRIORITIZATION AND MANAGEMENT 97. To better utilize scarce resources, it is important to understand which risks are causing the largest shocks to the sector in terms of losses and observe at what frequency they occur. This chapter summarizes the priority risks faced by the agricultural sector in Paraiba and the possible risk management solutions, as identified, validated, and prioritized with sector stakeholders. Risk Prioritization 98. Below are the tables containing the agricultural risk prioritization defined on the basis of the probability of the event and their expected impact, for domestic and export crops (Tables 9 through 12). The identified risks located in the grey area represent the most significant ones due to their potential to cause the greatest losses and the higher frequency of their occurrence. Table 9: Sugar Cane Supply Chain Impact Low Moderate High Critical Likelihood Highly Probable Pests - broca do colmo, Sugar and ethanol price broca gigante, and cost uncertainty 1/ (1 in 3) cigarrinha 4/ 2/ 6/ Probable Irregular precipitation Irregular precipitation (heavy rain followed by (heavy rain followed by (1 in 5) extended dry spells) – extended dry spells) – irrigated sugar cane rain fed sugar cane Occasional Severe drought – Disease -ferrugem Severe drought –rain irrigated sugar cane 3/ amarela 5/ fed sugar cane 3/ (1 in 10) Remote (1 in 20) 1/ Gasoline and ethanol are substitutes in Brazil, therefore the maximum price of ethanol is set by the lowest price of gasoline. Gasoline price is fixed by the government and currently there is uncertainty about public policies (this is a combination of market and enabling environment risks). 2/ Sugar cane price is agreed among producer organizations and buyers and is subject to lower volatility than sugar price of sugar. 3/ Severe droughts occurred in 1992-93, 1998, 2001-2002, 2010, 2012, 2013. 45 4/ It is biologically controlled. 5/ This disease was reported in Sao Paulo but not in Paraiba. It is quoted as a risk of high impact because of deficiencies of the SEDAP’s basic plant health services. 6/ The cost variability is somehow connected to the exchange rate, the general increase of prices, etc. Table 10: Fruticulture Supply Chain Moderate High Critical Impact Low Likelihood Highly Probable Pests –broca do Pests –mosca negra olho do coqueiro (citrus) (1 in 3 years) (coconut) 4/ Diseases –fusariosis Diseases -sigatoka (pineapple) amarela (banana) 4/ Price volatility among not cooperative organized farmers (pineapple) Mosca branca 3/ Price volatility connected to high inter- annual output variation Probable Irregular rainfall Pesticide application without the needed (1 in 5) technical knowledge 1/ Occasional Diseases –sigatoka negra (banana), cancro (1 in 10) bacteriano (grapes) 2/ Remote (1 in 20) 1/ This is a risk for the farmers’ health and economy, the consumer health and the environment. Most usually this is the result of inadequate or even absence of technical assistance services to the producers (enabling environment risk). 2/ These diseases were reported in other regions of Brazil but not in Paraiba. They are quoted as a risk of high impact because of deficiencies of the SEDAP’s basic plant health services. 3/ Mosca Branca has affected apiculture and castanha projects in the Cariri Paraibano region (municipality of Serra Branca). 46 4/ As long as these pests can be controlled adequately they are regarded as low impact risks or even could be consider constraints if monitoring and control were massive. Table 11: Family Agriculture Supply Chains - Maize, Beans and Cassava Moderate High Critical Impact Low Likelihood Highly Probable Price fall (maize, Cochonilha do carmin beans) 2/ (1 in 3 years) Insect pests (caterpillars), diseases (viruses, rots), nematodes Probable Irregular precipitation (heavy rain followed by (1 in 5) extended dry spells) Occasional Severe drought 1/ (1 in 10) Remote (1 in 20) 1/ Severe droughts occurred in 1992-1993, 1998, 2001-2002, 2010, 2012, 2013. 2/ PAA intervenes in the market supporting prices of family agriculture farmers’ crops though interventions are limited because of reduced crop surplus. The quota system has to be revised. 47 Table 12: Livestock Supply Chains31 Moderate High Critical Impact Low Likelihood Highly Zoonotic diseases – Probable brucellosis, tuberculosis, cattle (1 in 3 years) rabies (bovine, ovine and goat) Avian disease Fish diseases Bees diseases Probable Timely availability of Food borne diseases Irregular precipitation maize for poultry (milk, cheese, poultry (heavy rain followed by (1 in 5) industry and livestock and fish) extended dry spells) production in situations of nationwide price drop (maize) 4/ Occasional New castle disease Foot and mouth disease (birds) 3/ (cattle) 2/ (1 in 10) Classical swine fever 3/ Severe drought 1/ Remote BSE (cattle) (1 in 20) Highly pathogenic avian influenza 1/ Severe droughts occurred in 1992-93, 1998, 2001-2002, 2010, 2012, 2013. There is contradictory information on losses, most likely about 20%. 2/ The risk is considered occasional subject to the consolidation of the current prevention and contention measures. 3/ Free status can be established if epidemiological studies are carried out to confirm status. 4/ Paraiba is a net importer of maize and when price drops CONAB intervenes to guaranty supplies under the PGPM. 31 Includes livestock production by family agriculture. 48 99. Corollary: No highly probable or probable risks with critical impact were identified but there exist several probable and highly probable risks with high impact and moderate impact. The important issues identified for the main risks – limited drought mitigation, uncontrolled pests and diseases, deficiencies in livestock sanitary services, ethanol policy uncertainty and poor fruit market coordination – require comprehensive measures to complement the already existing risk management mechanisms in Brazil (Garantia Safra, Price Guarantees, Livestock sanitary services, food safety, etc.) and improve their implementation in Paraiba. 100. Figure 19 below shows the relative importance of the different risks that have moderate to critical impact and refer to the crops that historically have accounted for the larger losses due to agricultural risks (as explained in Chapter 4). Sugar cane and fruits, especially grapefruit (large share in the total agricultural production value of Paraiba), are the greatest determinants of the agricultural losses. Figure 18: Risk Incidence 101. However, the conclusion is rather different if the risks are prioritized taken into account the relative importance of family agriculture in the total number of farmers (Figure 20). In effect, there are 148,047 family agriculture farmers in Paraiba (2006), out of a total of 167,272 farmers. Under that perspective, results that severe rainfall (estimated to occur 1 in 10 years), irregular rainfall (1 in 5) and pests and diseases (with lower expected impact than the other risks, as explained in Chapter 3) are the main risks in Paraiba. This scenario is one of much higher impact but of lower probability. The solutions scenario should involve strong actions directed towards introducing innovative technology and improving agricultural practices. 49 Figure 19: Risk Incidence, prioritizing risks Proposed Long List of Solutions 102. The potential solutions presented below (Table 13) were identified during field interviews as well as already suggested in various government and non-governmental documents. Usually, risk management strategies are a combination of risk mitigation, risk transfer, and risk coping instruments. Risk mitigation refers to actions taken to eliminate or reduce events from occurring, or reduce the severity of losses; risk transfer are mechanisms to transfer the risk to a willing third party, at a cost (e.g., insurance); and, risk coping (e.g. government assistance to farmers, debt re-structuring, etc.). How instruments are applied for a given risk will likely depend on the current risk management and the probability of the risk and the severity of its impacts. 50 Table 13: Proposed Instruments as Solutions to Main Risks Risks Mitigation Transfer Coping Climate  Develop an integrated national weather information  Garantia Safra: adjust “hard  Strengthen the system for better weather data analysis and trigger” (which is based on Paraiba Drought improved accuracy of short and medium-term weather indexes) when the Management rainfall (weather) forecasting. Some key activities to weather stations network is Committee and be considered include: strengthen the institutional improved, and improvement of development of a capacity of the water management agency (AESA); the operational procedures for drought risk integration of weather station networks (both at loss adjustments through management Federal and State level); review and strengthen strengthening of the agro- strategic plan to current institutional coordination (i.e. roles and extension system at the state include objectives); improve current mechanism of level; review the rating agricultural risk data/information distribution. methodology based on which management. the premium is defining.  Establish a State Working Group (producers, meteorology service, EMATER, SEDAP, etc.) to provide advice on the application of weather data for production and research.  There are some watersheds (i.e. Gramame Watershed) where water availability for irrigation can be improved. Unfortunately, most of irrigation plans developed in Paraiba do not include the estimation of water demand for the subsistence agricultural farming. Therefore, it becomes relevant to carry out studies with the aim of assessing the restrictions that may prevent meeting the crop water irrigation demands; quantifying the effective area of agricultural farming that can be supplied with water for irrigation, and estimating the financial costs of new/improved infrastructure. 51 Institutional:  Strengthen the State agricultural assistance and Climate, Pests extension system (see discussion below on this and Diseases, proposal): increase coverage of EMATER’s Livestock and technical assistance for family agriculture farmers Market Risks and promote private sector suppliers of technical assistance; promote agricultural practices and technologies as well as crop diversification that are appropriate for the semiarid region (sisal, mangaba, umbu, goat/sleep, etc.); expand the use of integrated pest management; coordinate projects and programs with research institutions, academia, NGOs and farmers organizations (agricultural and livestock production); promote (through projects) investments in irrigation in sugar production and other crops; adapt the extension services to each bio-climatic region (e.g., Sistema Caatinga no Semi-árido), in particular with reference to livestock; promote increasing supply chain coordination and greater farmer organization (cooperatives, etc.), supply/demand planning and price information dissemination, using APL approach. Pests and  Reinforce the SEDAP’s basic plant health services Diseases (surveillance, quarantine, laboratory, emergency plans, transit control).  SEDAP should define a strategy towards the universal access to the biological control of major sugar cane pests. 52 Livestock  Promote the utilization of: cochonilha resistant  Establish a Production varieties of palma forrageira in a coordinated way contingency fund Risks among the several existing programs; grass resistant to respond to varieties for the semiarid areas and the use of silage. exotic animal diseases  Promote the utilization of animal species, which outbreaks. are more resistant to the semiarid areas such as goats, sheep, poultry and apiculture.  Promote the utilization of adequate systems of drinking water storage for the drought periods.  Update and consolidate (SEDAP) prevention programs for exotic animal diseases according to the new FMD free status of Paraiba State.  Update veterinary services and control and eradication action plans (SEDAP) for prevalent diseases (brucelosis, etc.), according to the epidemiological situation of each disease.  Adopt the SISBI as the inspection system for improving the food safety system (SEDAP in coordination with MAPA).  Coordination of all sanitary and food safety services (AGEVISA, SEDAP sanitary agencies and the municipalities sanitary services) under MAPA leadership.  Request technical OIE cooperation for the performance evaluation of the animal health and food safety services (OIE/PVS and GAP evaluation).  Under the frame of the Intersectoral Chamber of Food Security and Nutrition (CAISAN/PB) and the proposed State System of Food Security (SISA) promote the establishment of a food safety policy and the coordination mechanisms of all the federal, state and municipal entities related to the food safety. 53 Enabling  The sugar and ethanol policies are determined at Environment federal level for the entire country. Given the key importance of sugar cane production in Paraiba, they are of vital importance for Paraiba as well as for other sugar cane producing states. The uncertain policy environment (discussed in Chapter 3) prevents appropriate farming and industrial planning and represents a risk for the sugar industry in Paraiba as a whole. In addition, there is uncertainty about exchange rate and the general price index, what poses the important risk of unpredictable cost variability. The sugar and ethanol policies should be more stable and predictable and above all they should not add additional uncertainty to the already volatile sugar and oil/ethanol international markets. 103. There are many simple and validated technologies in stock or stand-by, poorly or not adopted by the farmers, chiefly small familiar peasants, for whom the almost sole transfer channel is the public technical assistance service. Examples of this situation were found when the mission visited EMBRAPA´s research centers, EMEPA and universities. The mission had the opportunity to visit a few smallholders that were directly supervised by EMBRAPA Semi Árido scientists. The technologies being transferred were simple solutions for enhancing production systems on the semiarid and coping with recurrent droughts. In spite of the severe drought affecting the region in recent years, poor soils, inexistent irrigation, etc., theses farmers showed consistent production progress with low financial investment. Other examples were observed by the mission when visited EMBRAPA Mandioca e Fruticultura, regarding either varieties of citrus and cassava resistant to key pests, or new technologies for producing clean citrus seedlings, meaning they are certified to be free of pests, and other technologies for pest control. However, these technology adoption initiatives are few and isolated. EMATER’s capacity to provide rural extension services is low and requires improvement. Other non- public extension modalities should also be explored. In addition, gender elements should be taken into account considering the large percentage of female-headed families in rural Paraiba (this aspect will be assessed during the solutions mission). 104. A completely contrasting situation was found on entrepreneurial agribusiness, like in the grain production area of Western Bahia (Cerrados), or the fruit production clusters of the irrigated districts located close to the Sobradinho dam (Médio São Francisco), or in southern and southwestern Bahia. The growers of these regions are receptive to innovative and adequate technologies and conscious of the need of access them by receiving proper technical assistance. In this case, farmers either have their own team of professionals or contract private technical assistance. The differences in the business sustainability between market oriented production and family agriculture is largely found in the rate of technology adoption, thus highlighting the importance of the public technical assistance for the sustainability of the family agriculture sector. 54 Key Risk Management Measures 105. Many programs and projects are already addressing some of the identified risks along the lines of the solution proposed in the Table 13. Table 14 below, contains a number of these projects and programs as were identified by the mission (see Annex 3), indicating their connection with the risk assessment results and the potential gaps to be covered with additional specific risk management actions. Table 14: Programs and Projects Currently Addressing Some of the Identified Risks Long list solutions Current projects or programs Gap? Various weather stations throughout the state and in other Develop an integrated national parts of the Northeast run by different entities, with limited Improve coordination weather information system. coordination between each other or communication with agricultural producers Establish a State Working Group Group to be establish to provide advice on the application of weather data for production and research. The State of Paraiba has developed Water Management Government programs in Plans for different watersheds with the aim of providing place, though studies Irrigation development. support to the implementation of both national and state required to meet irrigation projects and policies to develop the agricultural deficiencies. sector. Partial adjustments Garantia Safra improvements. required Various projects to provide technical assistance The entire system to be Strengthen the State agricultural (EMATER, SEDAP, INSA, PROCASE) but unsystematic improved and technical assistance and extension and limited in geographic coverage and beneficiaries. coordination system. Limited coordination between providers and between strengthened agricultural research and extension agents. Reinforce the SEDAP’s basic State Program for Sanitary Defense Partial adjustment plant health services. 55 Long list solutions Current projects or programs Gap? SEDAP to define a strategy towards the universal access to the State Program for Sanitary Defense Define strategy biological control of major sugar cane pests. Existence of a Federal and State Programs for the Eradication of FMD coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA), which was started in 1998. Existence of Federal and State programs for Control and Eradication of Bovine Brucellosis and Tuberculosis. Existence of Animal health Programs for Poultry, Swine’s, Partial coordination and Livestock sanitary measures and food safety (see table 13 above). Apiculture, Goats and Sheep’s, Horses and Aquaculture coverage and need to and Fisheries. update programs. Existence of Federal and State programs for the Control and Inspection of meat and other animal products. Existence of partial Municipal Control and Inspection of meat and other animal products. EMATER livestock extension programs for small Promote appropriate feeding producers. programs and drinking water Poor extension services. management storage. Some technical assistance and extension programs from EMBRAPA, SEBRAE, FAEPA/SENAR, INSA. No related technical Increasing supply chain assistance services coordination and greater farmer Isolated project actions. involved in current organization (cooperatives, etc.). programs. Discussion between MAPA, SEDAP and state actors should be Lack of comprehensive pursued regarding state dialogue with large implication of sugar and ethanol stakeholder participation. policies. 106. The above long list of general solutions and the corresponding gap analysis were used to start narrowing down onto specific solution areas that tackle the key risk issues. The final result will be a package of interventions that could effectively lower volatility and increase resilience in agriculture and since the emphasis is placed on the more vulnerable segments of the supply chains the agricultural risk management program will have a direct positive impact on poverty reduction. 56 107. In brief, the following are the key risk management areas, deepened in Volume 2: Risk Management Strategy: 1. Strengthen State’s rural extension and technical assistance system for agriculture, livestock and marketing, is key for family agriculture farmers and other small and medium scale farmers in order to access risk management technology and adopt relative practices. Currently, the State extension services are weak: a. Smallholders have difficulties accessing private suppliers of technical assistance; b. There are not enough Paraiba State Company for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Empresa de Asistência Técnica e Extensão Rural da Paraíba – EMATER) extension offices to cover all the municipalities; c. Most of these offices do not have enough technical and support personnel to carry out medium or large scale programs; d. Extentionists do not have access to updated knowledge and continuous capacitation; e. The supporting resources (vehicles, per diem, fuel) are below the requirements for minimum operation levels; f. The technological transfer programs have to be revised in order to assure transfer of proved technologies; g. EMATER programs and operations should be coordinated at fine tune level with other research and extension institutions working in Paraiba. EMATER should allocate more resources to increase the coverage of the extension services, improve program coordination, upgrade training programs, develop risk management tailor made programs, etc. Simultaneously, efforts should be made to put in place private sector based technical assistance services driven by farmers. 2. Carry out studies with the aim of assessing the restrictions that may prevent meeting the crop water irrigation demands; quantifying the effective area of agricultural farming that can be supplied with water for irrigation, and estimating the financial costs of new/improved infrastructure. 3. Strengthen SEDAP’s phytosanitary services in order to guarantee proper control and prevention of plant diseases. This would include: a. Programs to avoid the entry of major pests which are not presently attacking crops grown in Paraiba, strengthening sanitary controls, active surveillance and be prepared to eradicate exotic pests detections at first detections; 57 b. More sound actions to control pesticide trade and use; c. In addition, institutions in the three levels of sanitary intervention (Federal, State and Municipal) should act in strict coordination. 4. Enhance animal sanitary risk management to assure adequate protection from exotic and other diseases. This would require the following actions: a. FMD prevention program has to be revised and updated b. Control and eradication programs for prevalent diseases of economic and public health importance need to be revised, updated and speed its execution. c. Municipal control and inspection programs need to be coordinated and harmonized with Federal and State Programs following SISBI orientations. d. Need to establish State food safety policy and mechanism of coordination along the food chain. 5. Improve coordination within the supply chains and assure fine tuning planning. Price volatility in important cash crops such as fruits is very much driven by significant inter-annual changes in the domestic supply, resulting in an output-price looping behavior. This behavior is invigorated by poor farm to market coordination and scarce marketing-production planning. In Brazil the APL (Arranjos Produtivos Locais) approach, a sort of cluster approach, has become popular since 2004. It is regarded as articulations among supply chain actors for mobilizing resources (credit, technology), facilitate marketing and in general promote greater economic dynamism and less volatility. Value chain or productive partnership approaches could be incorporated into the agricultural risk management strategy in subsectors such as pineapple and could be part of the regular technical assistance services in Paraiba. 6. Develop an integrated weather information system in Paraiba to improve the analysis of weather data and to improve the accuracy of short and medium-term weather forecasting. Some key activities to explore during the solutions assessment, would include: a. Integration of weather station networks both at Federal and State level; b. Review current institutional arrangement coordination, and strengthen the institutional structure and regulatory framework to achieve better coordination between national and state weather authorities; c. Improvement of current mechanism of data and information dissemination; d. Establishment of a state working group to coordinate and manage the application of weather data in commercial activities, research, and to warm the civil society about the occurrence and magnitude of weather events. 58 7. Train Paraiba rural extension officers and professionals associated with Garantia Safra on the collection of crop loss data in order to minimize sampling errors and to reduce the risk of moral hazard. Garantia Safra operation is currently based on the estimation of crop losses due to drought events. The losses are derived from a hard trigger or weather index. Given that not all regions have a dense weather station network, hard triggers are extrapolated. Therefore, the possibility that the resulted output does not accurately reflect the actual yields exists. In these cases, Garantia Safra compensation payouts are triggered after the conduct of field loss assessments (soft trigger). Loss assessments are made by the state rural extension service or alternatively by professionals with background in agronomy that work in public institutions. There is, therefore, a need to train rural extension officers because there are several crops that are covered under this risk transfer mechanism, and that these crops show different phenological structure and level of resilience to drought. 8. Strengthen the Paraiba Drought Management Committee, in order to shift its main focus from reactive activities to emergency preparedness. The solutions assessment could concentrate on the following aspects: a. Develop the Committee’s drought risk management plan; b. Develop a communication plan and a communication system; c. Improve institutional capacity (knowledge, training) and legal framework; 59 VOLUME 2: RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 60 CHAPTER 1: SUMMARY OF THE AGRICULTURE RISK MANAGEMENT STRATEGY 1. The first phase of the assessment based on the productive structure (reflecting relative importance of both crops and production patterns) identified: sugar cane; commercial fruit production; family agriculture crops; and livestock as the value chains and sectors targeted under the Agriculture Risk Management Strategy. Sugar cane and fruits, especially grapefruit, because of their large share in the total gross output value of Paraiba (73%), are the greatest determinants of the average annual production risk related losses (58%).32 2. Limited drought mitigation, uncontrolled pests and diseases, deficiencies in livestock sanitary services and poor market coordination for fruit products are the key issues addressed for reducing losses in Paraiba’s agriculture sector. The risk assessment confirmed that there are no risks with critical impact that at the same time are highly probable (1 in 3 years) or probable (1 in 5 years) in Paraiba but there are several probable and highly probable risks that cause moderate or high impact when realized. It was observed that the important issues identified around these main risks–- require comprehensive measures to complement the already existing federal policies and programs that in some way contribute to manage agricultural risks (Garantia Safra, price guarantees, livestock sanitary services, food safety, etc.) and to improve their implementation in Paraiba. 3. Severe drought, irregular rainfall, and pests and diseases are the main risks affecting family farmers in Paraiba. When risks are prioritized taking into account the relative importance of family agriculture in the total number of farmers (there are 148,047 family agriculture farmers in Paraiba out of a total of 167,272 farmers33), the main risks in Paraiba are severe drought (estimated to occur 1 in 10 years), irregular rainfall (1 in 5) and pests and diseases (with lower expected impact than the other risks). Accordingly, the solutions scenario presents strong actions directed towards improving risk mitigation among family farmers, such as adoption of innovative technology, improved agricultural practices and effective marketing mechanisms, as well as better agroclimatic information management, together with recommendations regarding other sectors of the agriculture in Paraiba. 4. The Text Box 1 presents a summary of all the general agricultural risk management (ARM) areas recommended at the Risk Assessment. Text Box 2. 1: Key ARM areas The following are the Key ARM Areas proposed during the first phase for deepening the analysis during the second phase of the assessment:  Agriculture Extension and Technical Assistance: Strengthen State’s rural extension and technical assistance system for agriculture, livestock and marketing. This is key for family agriculture farmers and other small and medium scale farmers in order to access 32 See Agriculture Sector Risk Assessment, Volume I. 33 According to the 2006 Agricultural Census. 61 risk management technology.  Supply Chain Coordination: Improve coordination within fruit supply chains. Value chain or productive partnership approaches could be incorporated into the agricultural risk management strategy in subsectors such as pineapple and could be part of the regular technical assistance services in Paraiba.  Plant Health: Strengthen the State Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Aquiculture Development (Secretaria de Estado de Desenvolvimento da Agropecuaria e Pesca – SEDAP) phytosanitary services in order to guarantee proper control and prevention of plant diseases. This would include: programs to avoid the entry of major pests; more sound actions to control pesticide trade and use; and improved coordination among institutions in the three levels of sanitary intervention (Federal, State and Municipal).  Animal Health: Enhance animal sanitary risk management to assure adequate protection from exotic and other diseases.  Agroclimatic Information Systems (ACIS): Develop an integrated agroclimatic risk information system in Paraiba to improve the analysis of weather data and to improve the accuracy of short and medium-term weather forecasting.  Irrigation can also be an important solution to the management of agriculture risks, but careful feasibility assessments need to be done. The first phase of the Risk Assessment also included a proposal to carry out studies with the aim of assessing the restrictions that may prevent meeting the crop water irrigation demands, quantifying the effective area of agricultural farming that can be supplied with water for irrigation, and estimating the financial costs of new/improved infrastructure. However, it was found appropriate to postpone the study of these complex issues and propose that the Sustainable Rural Development Project (follow up to COOPERARII) incorporates them into its activities. 5. The following are the strategic lines identified during the ARM assessment. The detailed actions under each strategic line are contained in Chapter 4: ARM Action Plan. Agroclimatic Risk Information System (ACIS): a. Development of a Agroclimatic Database Integrated System in the state of Paraiba including federal institutions and Executive Agency of Water Management of Paraiba (Agência Executiva de Gestão das Águas do Estado da Paraíba - AESA); b. Strengthening of the Drought Management Committee, making actions more proactive and less reactive; c. Training to the extension workers associated to inspection procedures in the Garantia Safra project, in order to reduce moral hazard and technical issues. Sanitary and Phytosanitary System (SPS): a. Sugarcane  Expand the area of sugarcane under biological control;  Assess the impact of the possible introduction of the ferrugem laranja in Paraiba;  Set up a surveillance network for ferrugem laranja in Paraíba. 62 b. Fruticulture  Assess the likelihood and impact of the possible introduction of the diseases sigatoka negra and moko (bananas), cancro da videira and Huang long bing (HLB - Citrus);  Family Agriculture in the Semi-arid zone;  Substitute the varieties of palma forrageira susceptible to the cochonilha do carmim for resistant ones. c. Livestock Production  Reinforce the program for controlling and eradication of brucellosis and tuberculosis;  Coordination of the animal health and food safety programs;  Establish the actual status of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) and Newcastle Disease Virus (NCDV) in Paraiba;  Create the State Agency for Agricultural Health. Supply Chain Coordination a. Identify successful farm to market experiences in Paraiba and assess the viability of being replicated under a massive technical assistance programwe already did, doubt there are possibilities to replicate through a “massive technical assistance program” b. Develop market oriented business development methodologies for training and providing technical assistance to associated small scale farmers c. Assess different options to support market development for family agriculture products, including revision of the legal framework to channel public resources Agricultural Innovation System (AIS): a. Improve the coordination of the Agriculture Innovation System for family agriculture risk management; b. Improve efficiency of the Agricultural Innovation System for family agriculture risk management - Strengthen the research sub-system; c. Improve efficiency of the Agricultural Innovation System for family agriculture risk management - Strengthen the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural – ATER) sub-system; d. Improve efficiency of the Agricultural Innovation System for family agriculture risk management -Enlargement of successful programs and projects. 63 CHAPTER 2: PARAIBA’S AGRICULTURE RISK MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK Brief Information on the Agricultural Sector Agroecology 6. Like in most parts of Northeast Brazil, the State of Paraiba has the following main agroecological zones: the Mata zone, the Agreste zone and the Sertão zone. In the Mata zone there are two factors important to agriculture, namely high precipitation (over 1,400 mm annually), and relatively fertile soils. This region has been, since colonization, largely dedicated to sugar cane. The Agreste zone is located towards the interior, in the Borborema Highlands, with an average annual precipitation around 700 mm, distributed irregularly but concentrated in the period March to August (which is the season of least evapotranspiration), with mild night temperatures. The Sertão zone has higher temperatures, and the rains occur during the hottest months. In the Agreste zone, as well as in the Sertão zone, the dry season is long, lasting six to seven months and seven to eight months, respectively, with severe droughts every 10 or 11 years. In the Agreste zone, the landholdings are smaller, approximately 40 hectares in size, and greatly involved in dairy production. In the Sertão… 7. Most agricultural lands in Paraiba are located in the coastal regions, due to harsher climate conditions found in the semi-arid inland. The lowest production densities are found in the Borborema and Sertão Paraibano regions, where livestock raising predominates. Main features of agriculture in Paraiba34 8. Paraiba is a small state with limited agroecological conditions for agriculture. Its agriculture share is very low: 0.7% as compared with total national agriculture gross domestic product (GDP) and 11% as compared with the Northeast agriculture GDP. As compared with the total GDP of the State, the agricultural GDP is 4.5% in 2011.35 The main economic activity of Paraiba is the plantation of sugar cane, which is processed in usinas located in the largest farms; for centuries, sugar cane was used for production of white sugar, but today a large proportion is directed to the production of alcohol fuel. Most plantations are located along the coast. There are 8 usinas and 1,935 farmers producing sugar cane, 95% being small and micro-producers in Paraiba.36 However, large and medium scale producers (accounting for less than 5% of the total number of producers in the State), including the usinas nucleus land, contribute to about 55% of the total output. 9. Fruit production is also important in Paraiba. It includes grapes, citrus, banana, mangaba, mango, coconut and pineapple. The most important fruit grown in Paraiba, in terms of production value, is 34 Sugar cane, pineapple, banana and cassava account for 35%, 27%, 10% and 6% of the State agricultural Gross Output Value in 2010, respectively. That is, the four crops aggregated account for 78% of the total State’s agricultural Gross Outpu t Value. 35 IBGE. 36 ASPLAN, Setor agroindustrial canaviero do Estado da Paraiba, Joao Pessoa, May 2014. 64 pineapple, which is massively exported out of Paraiba to the rest of Brazil. Main producing areas of pineapple are the Mata and Brejo zones. Production is mostly in the hands of small scale farmers with heterogeneous levels of technology development and market coordination. 10. In the Agreste and humid areas of Borborema, there is beans and cassava cultivation, usually just for subsistence (beans and cassava flour, along with maize, can be stocked up for long periods, and constitute the basic food items of most families) or trading in local fairs. Maize is most common in the Sertão, along with plants adapted to dry climates. Regarding livestock, the raising of caprines is more common than of bovines in the Sertao. Family farmers are spread throughout Paraiba but concentrated in the semi-arid macro-region, encompassing the Borborema, Sertão Paraibano, and Agreste Paraibano meso-regions. Family agriculture 11. There are 148,047 family farmers37 in Paraiba, representing 91% of the total number of farmers in the State, covering a total of 1,596,273 hectares, representing 42% of total areas. Of these, two-thirds have land title. High rates of female-headed households stand out in Paraíba at around 30% in rural areas. Family agriculture is largely based on livestock, though maize, beans and cassava are grown for self-consumption on small, rain fed plots. Especially in dry regions, small farmers raise small animals, commonly goats. Native trees and vegetation provide firewood, fodder for animals, and fruits (like umbu and nuts like cashew) are part of nutritional security. Since the herds rely on natural vegetation, food for animals is vulnerable to drought. 12. In general, small land size, poor soils, low precipitation, low market access, low access to credit and technical assistance, and low levels of farmer organization characterize family farmers. Some attribute low participation in associations to a lack of incentives to associate and a history of patronage arrangements that small farmers depend on to receive emergency relief supplies in times of drought. Cash transfers from social assistance programs provide a significant proportion of family income and allow food to be purchased outside the household. Agricultural Risk Profile and Risk Management Options (solutions) Agricultural risks and constraints 13. Drought is a recurrent event in the Northeast of Brazil and has strong negative impact on household livelihoods as it represents a challenge to food security crops such as maize and beans and may cause important losses of livestock. It should be noted that the social impact of drought is especially aggravated by the fact that family farmers represent more than 90% of the farmers in Paraiba and water availability (including irrigation) is poor. 37 Family farming (agricultura familiar) is formally defined in Brazil in terms of area, management, labor, and income. The farm must be managed by the family, and the family must rely on agriculture as their principal source of income. Definition of agricultura familiar from Law No. 11326. 65 14. One of the first records of drought in Northeast Brazil happened in the XVIII century, between the years of 1777 and 1779. It is estimated that more than 500,000 people died and mortality rate of animals reached 80% (Campos e Studart, 1997). In the subsequent century, the Great Drought took place from 1877 to 1879, followed by other droughts in 1897, 1898, 1915, 1931 through 1932, 1951 through 1953, 1992 through 1995 and 2012 through 2013. The 2012/13 drought is considered the worst drought in the last fifty years (Miranda, 2013). One hundred and seventy municipalities decreed calamity situation during the 2012 drought (almost 80% of the total number of municipalities), and 2.6 million people were affected. 15. Severe droughts should be differentiated from the dry season in the Semi-arid, which is not a risk, but rather a constraint38 to agriculture development given its predictability. In addition, erratic rainfall (high precipitation followed by a long period of drought) is frequent but of moderate or low impact. 16. The damaging impact of pests and diseases is significant when they are not properly mitigated. They have been particularly devastating when new pests/diseases arrived and the State’s support services were not prepared to respond adequately (e.g. cotton boll weevil). Family farming crops in the Semi-arid (cassava, beans, maize) are susceptible to attacks by caterpillars or diseases. However, farmers prefer not to use purchased inputs nor make investments on their crops with the exception of some infesting weed control. Their rationale is “why invest on fertilizers, improved seeds or pest control if the risk to lose the harvest because of lack of rainfall is so high”. 17. Currently, family farmers usually cultivate a type of cactus called palma forrageira as feed for goats and sheep and even bovines, fundamental to feed the animals during hydric stresses. A pest called cochonilha-do-carmim (Dactylopius opuntiae) is a serious threat for achieving higher biomass production and a risk to family agriculture subsistence. 18. A phytosanitary risk with high social, environmental, agronomic and economic impact arises from the use of pesticides without the necessary technical knowledge and skill, which are applied at high rates not in accordance with technical recommendations. The result is that farmers may face increased production costs, ineffective pest control and human and environmental hazards as well as fruit contamination with pesticides residues, representing a risk for the consumer health. 19. Finally, the inter-annual price variations of fruits, mostly pineapple and banana, are also a serious risk for family farmers. The volatility largely responds to changes in production and traded volumes, which is in turn connected to the lack of supply chain coordination, farmer organization and 38 Constraints are certain conditions that result in sub-optimal performance. For instance, low production yields are a constraint to development and the cause is lack of access to inputs, poor technology, etc. A constraint ignores the volatility in an outcome. There are also trends. Trends are longer term patterns, e.g. declining production yields are the result of structural changes in agriculture, changes in climatic patterns, etc. Risk, in turn, is defined as the possibility that an event will occur that will potentially have a negative impact on the farm and/or the supply chain. Understanding the linkages between these 3 concepts is key for planning and action. The presence of risk often constitutes a constraint, or aggravates an existing one. Therefore, risks and constraints are intrinsically interrelated. 66 poor production and marketing planning. For family farmers with an important portion of self- subsistence agriculture and limited but essential commercial farming, the low value and unpredictability of their markets is not only a risk but also a restriction for development. ARM options (solutions) 20. As explained above, Paraiba has a small commercial agricultural sector and a widespread small scale semi-arid rural population that includes extensive subsistence family farmer groups. The risk profile is different with respect to the different types of producers, though drought and unmanaged pests and diseases are a common risk across the State. 21. Drought is the main risk for family farmers in the semi-arid. Small scale commercial farmers are exposed to great market vulnerability, like the fruit producers, sugar cane outgrowers, usinas and sugar cane estates suffer from changing policy environment. Larger farmers and usinas usually have resources, available tools, and know how to manage other risks. 22. Commercial farmers tend to utilize drought tolerant varieties and variable crop cycles, control pests and diseases and are connected to relatively high value markets. However, only a minority of family farmers adopts mitigation practices like pest control or resistant varieties. Appropriate agriculture risk mitigation technologies are not easily available to family farmers due to: (i) deficiencies in the provision of technical assistance services and (ii) poor supply chain coordination. These factors also prevent family farmers from accessing higher market prices and financial resources for on-farm investments. 23. Such a productive and economic dichotomy makes the ARM strategy necessarily complex and involving a variety of actions of different nature. Given the impacts of realized risks in the past (see Volume 1: Risk Assessment), it can be inferred that there is room for cost-effective risk reduction by investing in programs to mitigate, transfer and cope with agriculture risks. The State of Paraiba could reduce sector losses substantially. 24. As it was identified in the first phase (Volume 1: Risk Assessment), improved ARM should involve a comprehensive approach that tackles problems affecting all supply chains, including, at State level, the availability of better agroclimatic information systems, solid and trusted sanitary and phytosanitary systems and upgraded technological and market support services. At the Federal level it would be expected to have more stable and neutral sugar and alcohol policies, but this discussion goes beyond the scope of this assessment. 25. Family farming is the most vulnerable segment in the sector and currently there are not many ARM options (solutions) available for them outside the regular Federal Government support programs. Thus, many of the proposals below regard institutional capacity building at State level and are to a great extent directed to improving the agronomical and marketing risk management capabilities of family farmers. These measures will also have a positive impact on family farmer food security, and consequently poverty reduction. 67 Current Institutional ARM Programs and Policies 26. There are a number of State and Federal programs and policies that in one way or another impact the management of agricultural risks. In the past, as back as the XIX century, several measures were taken. For instance: construction of weirs; dams and aqueducts; river transposing; and construction of wells (Miranda, 2013). But they have not been sufficient to mitigate the impact of severe drought. More recently, the Cooperar Project has financed investments in water reservoirs/tanks, Complete Water Supply Systems (Sistemas de Abastecimento de Água Completo - ADC), and Single Water Supply Systems (Sistemas de Abastecimento de Água Singelos - ADS), which basically consist in drilling wells to store water in public reservoirs that will supply residences (for the ADC) or public distribution systems (ADS systems). In total, 8,180 families benefited from the program (Projeto Cooperar, 2014). 27. More specifically, in regards to weather related agriculture risks, Annex 4 provides a detailed description of the current programs and policies. The following are the most relevant initiatives:  The Agricultural Climate Risk Zoning (ZARC) of Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Ministerio da Agricultura, Pecuaria e Abstecimento - MAPA), which aims to minimize the risk related to weather phenomena, and allows identification of the best planting dates in selected municipalities considering different types of soil and crop cycles.  The Agriculture and Livestock Activity Guarantee Program (Programa de Garantia da Atividade Agropecuária - PROAGRO), which is a public insurance operated by financial institutions. It aims to compensate the rural producer for the occurrence of adverse weather phenomena, plagues and diseases afflicting crops and livestock.  The Agriculture and Livestock Activity Guarantee Program for Family Farmers (Programa de Garantia da Atividade Agropecuária da Agricultura Familiar - PROAGRO MAIS) aiming to compensate the Family Farmers for the occurrence of adverse natural phenomena, plagues and diseases. The difference between PROAGRO and the PROAGRO MAIS is the target public: the PROAGRO MAIS focuses solely on family farmers and the traditional PROAGRO aims remaining farmers.  The Rural Insurance Premium Subsidy Program (Programa de Subvenção ao Prêmio do Seguro Rural - PSR), through which insurance companies accredited by MAPA are allowed to operate a subsidy. In general, the program consists of establishing percentages of subventions for each modality of insurance and crops.  The Garantia Safra Program (GS), operated by the Ministry of Agrarian Development (Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário – MDA) since 2002. It aims to guarantee minimum conditions of survival of the rural family farmers that are affected systematically by drought or excess rainfall. The family farmers may receive a benefit on the occurrence of drought or excess rainfall, which causes at least 50% of loss on productions of beans, corn, rice, cassava or cotton crops.  The program Drought Grant (Bolsa Estiagem - BE), managed by the Ministry of National Integration (Ministério da Integração Nacional – MI), MDA and the Ministry of Social 68 Development and Fight Against Hunger (Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome – MDS). This program aims to support families of agricultural workers which have monthly income equivalent to at most two minimum wages and are located in municipalities that are considered to have suffered a disaster or emergency situation recognized by Federal Government.  The Brazilian Company for Agriculture and Livestock Research (Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária – EMBRAPA) developed an Agrometeorological Monitoring System (Sistema de Monitoramento Agrometeorológico - AGRITEMPO), which allows access to meteorological and agrometeorological information for all the Brazilian territory on an aggregated level. Since 2002, the available products are drought maps, water available in soil, rainfall, agricultural drought areas, necessity of reposition by rainfall and accumulated rainfall.  The National Institute for Space Research (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE/CPTEC) supplies weather monitoring information regarding drought, frost, soil moisture and weather forecast for all Brazilian territory with applicability to agriculture and livestock.  The World Bank, MI, ANA and state institutions are conducting a technical assistance program named Preparation for Drought and Resilience to Weather Changes in response to the long lasting droughts in 2012 and 2013. The goal is to define specific instruments for drought management in a proactive manner, and is based on the concept of risk for the entire Northeastern region. 28. There are several permanent and transitory programs undertaken by the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Program of SEDAP, which are quite the same for all Brazilian states. Among the permanent programs are: the traffic control and the surveillance of animals, plants and its products; pesticide market and use control; and slaughterhouses inspection. 29. As for the transitory programs, follows a list for animal and plant health programs. Animal health programs:  PNEFA - National Program for Control, Prevention and Eradication of Foot and Mouth Disease;  PNCEBT - National Program for Control and Eradication of Brucellosis and Tuberculosis;  PNSA - National Program for Avian Health;  PNCRH -National Program for Rabies Control and other Encephalopathies;  PNSE - National Health Equidae Program;  PNESA - National Sanitary Education Program;  PNSSO -National Program of Goats and Sheep Health;  PNSS - National Program of Swine Health;  PNSAA - National Program of Health of Aquatic Animals;  PNSAp -National Program of Health Bee. 30. The plant protection programs include: 69  Surveillance and maintenance of free area for A2 quarantine pests of citrus (HLB, pinta preta and cancro cítrico), bananas (sigatoka negra and moko), grape (cancro da videira) and sugarcane (ferrugem laranja). The main tasks conducted in this program is the control of the transit of plants and parts of plants, which can host the causal agents of the mentioned diseases. A wider approach could be adopted by involving all the stakeholders, training personnel and establish a protocol for active surveillance, aiming at early detection of any eventual introduction of the pests.  Monitoring and sanitary control of A2 quarantine pests of palma forrageira (cochonilha do carmim) and citrus (mosca negra). As for the first pest there is an active program in place for substituting the presently used palma varieties by resistant ones. The program is technically solid, and should be scaled up in order to completely substitute the genetic material grown in Paraiba. Regarding the mosca negra, the major action is the transit control of host plants, in order to avoid its dissemination. Appropriate control of the pest by growers is the recommended technique in this situation. 31. Concerning food procurement and price volatility, there are a series of Federal food procurement and minimum crop price policies and programs. They are the Policy for Mininum Price Guarantee (Politica de Garantia de Preços Minimos - PGPM), which is concerned with commercial agriculture, and the National Program for Acquisition of Food from Family Farmers (Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos - PAA) that specifically targets family farming. The Ministry of Agriculture (MAPA) is responsible for the former policy, and the latter program is the responsibility of the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA). The Federal Government, States and Municipalities implement PAA. The National Supply Company (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento - CONAB) also participates in the implementation of PGPM. 32. Finally, there are a number of State programs and projects of research and technical assistance (with the exemption of the National Institute for the Semi-Arid - Instituto Nacional do Semi-Árido, INSA) that provide support to small scale farmers and to family agriculture farmers in particular. However, they are insufficient, both in quantity and quality, to assure optimum risk mitigation practices and technology. They are (see Annex 5 with information on the objectives, activities and other key :  INSA projects. INSA is a Federal institution belonging to the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation.  Paraiba Sustainable Rural Development Project (Cooperar). World Bank financed project under preparation. It aims at reducing household vulnerability and improving smallholder access to markets in Paraiba’s rural areas.  Cariri and Seridó Sustainable Development Project (PROCASE). SEDAP-IFAD. It is a local capacity building project that aims at improving smallholder production and market competitiveness and promoting farming practices resilience/adaptive to drought. 70  The Paraiba State Company for Agriculture and Livestock Research (Empresa Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária da Pariaba - EMEPA-PB) projects. EMEPA has nine experimental agricultural research stations throughout the State.  EMEPA small demonstrative projects: o Beekeeping as a tool for improving the quality of life for small rural farmers in the semi- arid of Paraiba; o Multiplication and distribution of animal and plant germplasm, seeking to increase family agriculture dairy production of the Piancó Valley; o Production and distribution of free-range hens for diversifying farmer families´ sources of income and labor; o Program for strengthening family farmers´ goat and sheep breeding; o Multinutrient blocks: alternative nutritional strategy for herds during drought periods; o Use of solar energy in the sustainable production of irrigated fruits and vegetables; o Production and distribution of sorghum seeds to family farmers in the semi-arid; o Production and distribution of seedlings for domestic fruit tree plantations in family farmer settlements; o Production and distribution of citrus seedlings to family farmers; o Programa Palma Resistente.  EMATER projects. EMATER provides extension services, registration of family farmers, support for access to family farming public policies and services, support for commercialization, food and nutritional security, assessment of losses to calibrate Garantia Safra.  Sertão Emprendedor (Rural Learning National Service / Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Rural - SENAR, Brazilian Micro and Small Business Support Service / Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas - SEBRAE). Support for projects of water conservation and, production and conservation of animal forage. 71 CHAPTER 3: PROPOSED ARM STRATEGY 33. This Chapter presents the ARM strategy proposal based on the existing risk management framework and the identified gaps. It takes into account the main risks identified during the first phase (Voume 1: Risk Assessment) and comprises actions regarding the agroclimatic information system, the sanitary and phytosanitary system, the fruit supply chain coordination and the agricultural innovation system. The detailed justification for the inclusion of these four ARM areas is contained in Volume 1: Risk Assessment. Agroclimatic Risk Information System (ACIS) Need for Improved ACIS 34. In order to develop good and integrated drought management policies it is necessary to have a proper database of agrometeorological information, that is, information related to agricultural related topics (i.e. phenology, vulnerability, technical production packages, etc) and data gathered on time and efficiently stored from automatic and/or conventional weather stations that are properly spread out throughout the State. 35. The current weather information system has a relatively low density of agrometeorological stations39 and deficiencies regarding data collection and debugging. Most of the stations in operation are conventional pluviometric stations where data collection is non-automatic, which can result in measurement failures. Another important point is the low maintenance of existing stations, which may result in malfunction and even the interruption in data collection because of some kind equipment damage. 36. In addition to the technical deficiencies, there is the issue of articulation between state and federal institutions, and between them and the public sector and universities. Furthermore, at operational level there is no communication between the federal stations and AESA’s stations. For instance, AESA shares data with the National Water Agency (Agência Nacional de Águas – ANA) but this data is not validated before the sharing, which incurs in poor quality information in ANA’s database. Moreover, AESA has reduced personnel and office space over the years. There is an urgent need to strengthen AESA’s institutional capacity as the responsible institution for meteorological monitoring in the state. 37. The first step is to create an integrated systematic weather database for use by policymakers in the construction of risk management tools. This system should optimize all resources available at both 39 Compared to other states in Brazil, the density of the stations in Paraiba is relatively low. Taking into account only the automatic stations, AESA owns only 10 stations, that is, approximately 1 station in 5,600 km 2. When all the types of stations are considered (hydrometeorological, automatic, meteorological automatic, conventional meteorological, automatic pluviometer, conventional pluviometer and others) there are 292 stations, with up to 21 years of data available, which increases the density to 1 station in 194 km2, on average (Banco Mundial, 2014). Out of this total, the majority of the stations are conventional pluviometers, working on manual basis (manual information collection). 72 federal and state government levels. There are several institutions who could jointly implement this system. These institutions include, among others:  Water and Sewer Company of Paraiba (CAGEPA);  National Monitoring Center and Natural Disaster Alerts (CEMADEN);  Executive Agency of Water Management of Paraiba (AESA);  National Institute of Meteorology (INMET);  National Water Agency (ANA);  National Institute for Space Research (INPE/CPTEC);  Brazilian Company for Agriculture and Livestock Research (EMBRAPA);  Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE);  Semiarid National Institute (INSA);  The Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Aquiculture Development of Paraiba (SEDAP);  Municipalities and the extension workers of the State Company for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (EMATER-PB);  Company of Agricultural Research of Paraiba. 38. The density of the stations should be increased. In order to overcome this problem, AESA is submitting a project proposal to the World Bank which includes the purchase of around 20 automatic agro-meteorological stations. The acquisition of these instruments will ensure speed and quality of data collection. In addition, AESA needs to be strengthened with trained personnel in order to guarantee the operation of a database management system that processes and storaes high quality data and information. 39. Furthermore, a committee for the coordination of drought mitigation should be consolidated. The main objective of the committee would be to improve synergy and integration of efforts, inter and intra- institutional, in order to increase the efficiency of drought mitigation public policies and shift its main focus from reactive activities to emergency preparedness. The committee should consolidate and disseminate information concerning the implementation of the risk management policies and encourage the elaboration of technical reports to support the public decision makers. The drought committee could be part of the State Secretariat for Planning and Management (Secretaria de Estado de Planejamento e Gestão - SEPLAG). 40. The development of the agro-climatic risk information system is fundamental for proper operations of programs such as Garantia Safra and PROAGRO MAIS. Both programs rely on weather information to operate. Further to the database improvements, Garantia Safra in Paraiba requires strengthening of extensionist drought assessment skills. The methodologies adopted to evaluate the drought losses are not standardized. Moral hazard issues may arise because of the aforementioned limitations. 73 Main elements of the ACIS 41. The strategy would comprise the following elements: 42. Development of Agroclimatic Risk Information System in the State of Paraiba. The Executive Agency of Water Management of Paraiba (AESA) manages the actual set of weather stations but there are some difficulties to overcome, including expanding the monitoring coverage. Technical and institutional issues should be taken into account in order to improve the existing infrastructure and operation. The short term suggestion would be to develop an agro-climatic information system that should integrate other databases such as the INMET, CPTEC and ANA databases, with the purpose of improving data quality by standardizing the computational, agrometeorological and statistical procedures. 43. Another important issue is to strengthen the operational capacity of AESA by increasing the number of specialists in its staff. The hiring of personnel by AESA would be important to guarantee the correct execution of the aforementioned procedures and reduce errors in data collection and generation of useful information to a minimum level. 44. The system would comprise the following products and information: agro-climatic bulletins, maps and tables of precipitation, accumulated precipitation, drought, water availability in the soil, weather forecast. The direct benefits to farmers and agents in the state agribusiness would concentrate in the updated information regarding the weather and its impact on agriculture. The decision making process would be more efficient and based on a reliable agro-climatic system. 45. The plan of action in the next chapter contains the specific actions for implementing this strategy. 46. Strengthening the Drought Management Committee. One of the main beneficiaries of the development of an ACIS would be the state drought committee. ACIS would support the members of the committee to create risk management tools and elaborate efficient public policies into more proactive and less reactive actions. The drought committee could be composed by the State Secretaries and the top leaders of government institutions in areas linked to the drought risk management policies. 47. Training of EMATER-PB extensionists on drought impact assessment. EMATER-PB’s extensionists are responsible for the enrollment of family farmers in the Garantia Safra program and, also act as a claim adjuster to verify the losses in the affected municipalities when drought occurs. About 87% of the inspection reports are carried out by the EMATER´s extension workers. 48. The Paraiba State Company for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension, EMATER-PB, has faced financial and operational difficulties (see AIS discussion below) and its field personnel is not completely able to properly assess the drought impact for Garantia Safra when required. 49. This step demands improved training (claim adjustment). Taking this fact into account the recommendation is to develop a short term technical courses for the extension workers. The courses 74 would be focused on operational, agronomic, climatic and geotechnological aspects of the Garantia Safra program. Extensionist training can be supported by State universities and experts from research and education institutions40. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Systems 50. Poorly managed pests and diseases are important risks for all agriculture supply chains considered during the assessment. However, the nature and extent of their impact varies significantly from one supply chain to another. Annex 6 provides detailed background information. Animal sanitary quarantine risks are relatively minor in Paraiba but there are still a few issues that require improvement. Phytosanitary Issues 51. There are two agricultural sanitary bodies in Paraiba, SEDAP and MAPA. Operational actions directly conducted by MAPA are limited, as its attributions are normally focused on interstate and international markets. The program run by SEDAP faces several structural limitations to comply with the diversity of challenges on both plant and animal health. Among these, the following are noteworthy: budgetary, personnel, transport, laboratory and infrastructure constraints. As regards personnel, the problem is not only the reduced number but also the poor training of the professionals. In turn, coordination with the federal body (MAPA) is present and fluid. As regards state official partners like EMEPA and EMATER there is a need for more integration and coordination as is the case with the private sector, in order to reach more efficient results out of the single actors’ programs. 52. Studies and negotiations have been set up to create an autonomous State Agency with the mission of protecting the agriculture and livestock of Paraiba from sanitary risks, as well as safeguarding the environment and public health. This Agency should have normative and operational functions and would run not only structural activities (quarantine, surveillance, sanitary education, traffic control, pesticide inspection), but also the transitory programs like targeted pest eradication. It is strongly recommended that the studies and negotiations be speeded up in order to solve present institutional and organizational problems, like autonomy, budget and personnel. 53. The State Board for Agriculture Defense (Conselho Estadual de Defesa Agropecuária - CEDA) is an advisory body to SEDAP on agricultural health issues, and it is composed by representatives of government institutions and of the private sector. According to reports from the State Secretary and officials of the Agricultural Health Program of SEDAP, the CEDA is not acting according to the conceptualization that supported its creation, and should be reoriented to effectively discuss and give advice on priorities, programs and operational actions. The creation of the State Agency would be an 40 The following universities have capacity to participate in the training program: the Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB), the State University of Paraiba (UEPB) and the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), counting on the support of the State Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock and Aquiculture Development (SEDAP), municipalities and EMATER-PB, besides the universities from other states such as the University of São Paulo (USP/ESALQ), and Federal University of Viçosa (UFV), the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), and EMBRAP A. 75 excellent opportunity for an overall discussion on the role of each stakeholder, including the composition, attributions and operationalization of the CEDA. 54. It is also strongly recommended to develop deeper integration of SEDAP (and the future Agency) with the private sector, both to implement cooperative programs and to support producer initiatives. In the case of substitution of chemical control, there are several opportunities, like supporting present capacity expansion of the of Sugar Cane Growers Association of Paraiba (Associação de Plantadores Cana da Paraíba – ASPLAN) to produce biological control agents for the sugarcane plantations. Another opportunity is the expansion of the substitution of palma forrageira varieties presently grown for resistant ones, where cooperatives, associations and other producer or civil organizations can contribute in order to reach more ambitious targets in reduced time. 55. Active phytosanitary surveillance can also be designed to include the private sector, in particular farmers, especially regarding exotic pests. This action should be concatenated with sanitary education programs, to enhance consciousness of the risk of new pests, and with training to better monitor and early identify new pests. This would increase the probability of success in focused sanitation and pest eradication. Animal Sanitary Issues 56. Animal health in the state of Paraiba can be ranked as relatively good. Meanwhile, some shortcomings and improvements can be mentioned, regarding animal feeding, quarantine and other diseases as well as institutional issues. The details are contained in the Volume 1: Risk Assessment and the proposals are made in the following section. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Risk Management Strategy 57. The focus of the phytosanitary and sanitary risk management strategy is to avoid or delay the occurrence of the risk event and manage the impact in the event of occurance. In particular avoiding or at least delaying the appearance of exotic pests and animal diseases. The major actions are sanitary education, surveillance, transit control and eradication. Detailed actions recommended for each one of the supply chain categories follow: Sugarcane a) Expand the production of biological control agents to supply the autonomous cane growers’ potential demand. 58. Scope: To control the broca do caule and cigarrinhas da cana with biological control agents, reducing the damage to the crop, production costs and negative environmental impacts. 59. Beneficiaries: Autonomous sugarcane growers. 60. Institutional framework: ASPLAN presently operates a commercial scale laboratory for producing biological control agents, but its capacity is restricted and roughly meets 30-40% of the 76 potential demand from the growers. The expertise is available in the laboratory but physical expansion is needed. 61. Connection with national policies: There is strong incentive and support from MAPA to implement Integrated Pest Management Programs, which includes the use of biological control agents. 62. Potential benefit: For each 1% infestation of the broca da cana, there is a reduction of 0.77% of the weight of raw cane, 0.25% in sugar yield (35 kg / ha) and 0.20% in alcohol yield (30 L / ha), according to Gallo et al., 2002. For biological control, wasps (Cotesia Flavipes) are released in the cane fields at an average of 6,000 adults / ha / year (Biocontrol, no date). In addition to positive environmental impact, biological pest control has economic advantages. The price per hectare of applying insecticides averages R$ 42.00, while the biological control with Cotesia Flavipes, this cost is approximately R$16.00 (Usina Jalles Machado, no date). 63. The losses attributed to the leafhoppers are due to the extraction of sap in the leaves and roots of sugarcane by adults and nymphs, respectively, and the injection of toxins by adults during the suction process. The attack of this pest can result in losses in crop yield ranging from 15% to 80%, reduction of the quality of the raw material with reductions of up to 30% sugar content. In addition, there may be contamination problems in the manufacturing process due to sugarcane deterioration in the field (Claudimir Penatti, Socicana, 2006). Biological control of leafhoppers with the fungus Metarhizium Anisopliae is made using ca. 500 grams of pure conidia or the equivalent of 2-10kg of commercial product per hectare. The cost of biological control can reach up to R$ 40.00 per hectare (Terezinha Monteiro dos Santos Cividanes, personal information41), which is normally equivalent to 10% of chemical control cost (Batista Filho, 2002). 64. Actions planned for the short and medium term are as follows. In order to determine the feasibility of expanding the present ASPLAN facilities for the production of biological control agents, it is proposed to: determine the present demand of biological control agents and forecast the demand for the next 10 years; identify the investments and recurrent resources needed for the expansion of present laboratory facilities, in order to supply potential demand; establish the unitary costs (per hectare) of biological control according to the projections of the expanded facilities, compared to present technology (chemical control); organize a workshop and complementary actions, with interested stakeholders, to discuss the expansion of the biological control agents; decide the next steps, including providing the necessary funds, final expansion projects and chronogram. b) Establish the risk and the impacts of the possible introduction of ferrugem laranja in the state of Paraíba. 65. Scope: Inform the Government, sanitary institutions, associations, private sector, growers and other stakeholders of the negative impacts of the possible introduction of ferrugem laranja. 41 Terezinha Monteiro dos Santos Cividanes, Pesquisadora – Entomologia. APTA - Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios, Ribeirão Preto – SP. E-mail:, URL 77 66. Beneficiaries: Government, growers, sugarcane processors, sugar exporters, alcohol distributors. 67. Institutional framework: SEDAP has the institutional and organizational conditions to perform this action. 68. Connection with national policies: There is a permanent quarantine service at federal level to avoid or minimize the risks of the introduction of exotic pests, along with surveillance and quarantine pest control services. 69. Potential benefit: Based on the study of Zuza & Borsato (2011), losses in TAH (tons of total reducible sugars per hectare) on sugarcane fields attacked by the ferrugem laranja were estimated at 18.82% (-2.19 TAH) for the second cut, 41.02% (-4.85 TAH) for third cut and 33.06% (-3.62 TAH) to the fourth section, an overall average of 30.97%. Economic losses at field level were calculated to be R$94.69 per hectare. There are no fungicides which might avoid its damages and losses registered in Brazil (control of this disease). 70. Actions planned for the short and medium term: Carry out a study to establish impacts (agronomic, sanitary, economic, social, environmental and trade-related) in the case of ferrugem laranja introduction in the state of Paraíba. c) Set up a task force and a voluntary monitoring network to minimize the risk of introduction of the ferrugem laranja. 71. Scope: To protect the State against the introduction of the ferrugem laranja and be prepared for its eventual introduction. 72. Beneficiaries: Government, growers, sugarcane processors, sugar exporters, alcohol distributors 73. Institutional framework: SEDAP has the institutional and organizational conditions to perform this action. 74. Connection with national policies: There is a permanent quarantine service at federal level to avoid or minimize the risks of the introduction of exotic pests, along with surveillance and quarantine pest control services. 75. Potential benefits: There are two major benefits. First of all, if the stakeholders are fully organized, focusing on minimizing the risk of introduction, all risky anthropic actions will be avoided or adequately performed. Secondly, just in case of an eventual introduction, there is a large probability of early detection, a key factor for the success of eradication measures. 76. Actions planned for the short and medium term: identify all stakeholders, especially technical assistance professionals, growers and its associations, cane processors, transporters among others; prepare a surveillance plan and a long list of risky actions that might facilitate pest introduction, and the correct procedures for each one of these actions; organize a workshop with the major stakeholders and 78 smaller meetings in sugarcane production regions, to implement the plans; set up an information services. Fruticulture a) Establish the risks and be aware of the impact of the possible introduction of the diseases sigatoka negra and moko (bananas), cancro da videira and HLB (Citrus). 77. Scope: Inform the Government, sanitary institutions, associations, private sector, growers and other stakeholders of the negative impacts of the introduction of these diseases in Paraíba. 78. Beneficiaries: Government, growers, processors and consumers. 79. Institutional framework: SEDAP has the institutional and organizational conditions to perform this action. 80. Connection with national policies: There is a permanent quarantine service at federal level to avoid or minimize the risk of exotic pests introduction, along with surveillance and quarantine pest control services. 81. Potential benefits and losses: Minimizing the risk of pest entry will avoid the losses caused by the diseases, as follow: Sigatoka negra is a disease with a potential to completely destroy banana plantations. Fungicide control of the pest is quite expensive and places negative hazards or impacts upon the environment and public health; Moko is a disease caused by a bacteria attacking the whole plants. Losses can reach up to 100% of the fruits; Cancro da videira is a bacterial disease which reduces both the production and commercial quality of grapes; HLB is recongnized as the most destructive disease affecting citrus. There is no curative control for the affected plants (which must be eradicated). 82. Actions planned for the short and medium term: carry out a study to determine the risk of an eventual introduction of the diseases sigatoka negra and moko (bananas), cancro da videira and HLB (Citrus) and the impacts (agronomic, sanitary, economic, social, environmental and trade-related) of this occurrence. Family Agriculture in the Semiarid a) Strengthen and improve the program aiming to substitute the older palma forrageira varieties for the varieties resistant to the cochonilha do carmim, in order to increase the availability of food and water for the goats or bovine herds during the drought season. 83. Scope: Avoid the yield reduction of palma forrageira due to the attack of the cochonilha do carmim throughout the semiarid zone. 84. Beneficiaries: Government, rural households in the Semiarid. 85. Institutional framework: Presently, there is a program to substitute the varieties of palma forrageira, susceptible to the cochonilha do carmim, by resistant ones, developed by EMEPA. The 79 institutions involved in this program (SEDAP, EMEPA and EMATER) have the conditions to elaborate a study to enhance the program and implement it on a more ambitious basis. 86. Connection with national policies: There are several federal policies targeting the improvement of the production systems on the semi-arid zone (see under Current Institutional ARM Programs and Policies above). 87. Potential benefits and losses: During the drought season, herds are adversely affected by the shortage of fodder and water, reducing their weight, meat quality, sometimes leading to death or imposing unplanned selling of the animals to avoid even larger losses. Availability of staple fodder like palma forrageira, which also is an important source of water for the animals, will substantially reduce the animal losses, enhancing the households’ income. 88. Actions planned for the short and medium term: determine the need of raquetes (palma forrageira basic propagation material) needed to completely substitute the presently grown varieties, susceptible to the cochonilha do carmim, by resistant ones; establish a chronogram and the resources to be allocated for the production and distribution of raquetes. Livestock Production Chains a) Reinforce the program for control and eradication of brucellosis and tuberculosis. 89. Scope: Reduce economic losses, and, health and social impacts of these diseases throughout the State. 90. Beneficiaries: Growers, consumers and the entire society. 91. Institutional framework: There is a program for eradication of livestock diseases in Paraiba run by the State Government, in close coordination with the Federal Government and the private sector. 92. Connection with national policies: There is a national program aiming to the eradication of both brucellosis and tuberculosis, and state programs that are conducted under this framework. 93. Potential benefits and losses: According to Lilia Paulin42, brucellosis43 can cause a decrease in meat production by 10%-15% and expand the interval between pregnancies between 12 to 20 months. It also causes 30% increase in animal replacement rate, 15% drop in the birth of calves and decrease of 10%-24% in milk production. In addition, brucellosis can expose the product to sanitary barriers, which reduces the competitiveness in international trade. Similar consequences occur with tuberculosis, being the losses related to animal weight loss, delay in first lactation, reduced number of lactation, shorter 42 Lília Paulin, scientific researcher at the Instituto Biológico, Centro de P&D de Sanidade Animal. 43 The International Organization for Animal Health (OIE) classifies brucellosis as List B disease, meaning diseases that have socio-economic and / or public health importance and significant consequences in international trade in animals and animal products. 80 duration of lactation, economic losses by the sacrifice of positive reacting animals, barriers to national and international trade and the possibility of contamination and transmission to humans. 94. Actions planned for the short and medium term: evaluate the present implementation of the eradication programs, specially identifying its gaps and deficiencies; implement appropriate actions for enhancing the current programs, including operational actions, advertisement, sanitary education, training and capacitation of stakeholders, and continuous follow up and evaluation. b) Strengthen the coordination of the animal health services and programs, including food safety programs, in order to rationalize the veterinary and public health protection services. 95. Scope: Reduce the cases of non-conformity of processed animal products for human consumption in the State of Paraiba. 96. Beneficiaries: Growers, processors, Government, consumers. 97. Institutional framework: There are several federal and state institutions involved in the inspection of animal slaughter and animal product processing, with some degree of overlapping and lack of coordination. There is need to involve the different actors (SEDAP, State Agency for Sanitary Surveillance - AGEVISA, CAISAN, veterinary services of the municipalities) under the leadership of the National Secretary for Agriculture and Livestock Health (Secretaria Nacional de Defesa Agropecuária - SDA/MAPA) represented by the local MAPA office. 98. Connection with national policies: There are national programs for inspection of slaughter houses and food processors, as indicated in the paragraph above. 99. Potential benefit: Reduced cases of non-conformity of animal products, reduced risk to the public health, reduced economic losses and market barriers. There are no available estimations of financial benefits that would derive from better animal health services coordination. 100. Actions planned for the short and medium term: Organize round tables involving animal slaughter and food processing inspection; develop, agree and approve a common program; develop coordination mechanisms; organize annual workshops for following up the implementation of the common program and coordination mechanisms. c) Establish the actual status of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) and Newcastle Disease Virus (NCDV) in Paraiba and the measures to reach or maintain the pest free area status. as the last outbreak in the state was recorded in 2006. 101. Scope: Reduce the potential economic and trade related losses, and, the negative impact on public health. 102. Beneficiaries: Farmers, processors, consumers, Government. 81 103. Institutional framework: SEDAP is responsible for the official veterinary services in Paraiba, including surveillance, eradication of animal diseases and to reach and maintain the disease free area of the State. 104. Connection with national policies: There are national programs to eradicate, reach and maintain CSF and NCDV free areas in Brazil, to which the state programs are subordinated. 105. Potential benefits and losses: Reduced cases of non-conformity of animal products, reduced risk to public health, reduced economic losses and market barriers. 106. Actions planned for the short and medium term: conduct epidemiological surveys regarding CSF and NCDV on the swine and poultry herds, respectively; take the appropriate actions according to the results of the surveys, in case of virus presence; submit official bid for certification of area free of CSF, NCDV or both. d) Besides the exposed above, it is necessary to integrate EMEPA, universities and EMATER-PB to develop alternatives and promote the use of fodder species suitable for the semiarid areas, for extensive consumption and for silage. In addition, it is recommended to toughen the traffic control barriers and the surveillance systems to support the free area condition of Paraiba for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI). Supply Chain Coordination Market Risks and Opportunities 107. Pineapple and banana are among the fruits that are most largely produced and traded in Paraiba. Both are produced mostly for export outside the State. The inter-annual price variation is high and largely responds to the changes in production and traded volumes (see Volume 1: Risk Assessment). This price volatility, which is higher than the average volatility, results in production inefficiencies and limits the commercial development opportunities for individual farmers, mostly family farmers. 108. There is a close relation between production and trade volatility, the poor supply chain coordination and the limited access to adequate market information of most small scale fruit producing farmers. Moreover, the incipient farmer organization in Paraiba is a contributing factor to the poor supply chain coordination among the fruit producers in Paraiba. 109. Closer farm to market coordination and stronger farmer organization are the most evident ways to cope with this situation. There are positive market coordination experiences that can be replicated with the appropriate support. Among them it is worth to mention the pineapple producing and marketing cooperative at Santa Rita, illustrated in the Text Box 2. Text Box 2. 2: Santa Rita Pinneapple Production Cooperative This cooperative was born in 1999 due to the need of a group of small scale pineapple producers (43 now) to access a market that guarantees stable demand for their produce, proper price 82 discovery and contract enforcement. Up to the Cooperative creation, most of the prospective farmers sold their produce to local middlemen or to buyers in the consumer markets outside Paraiba. They used to face high price volatility and serious problems to enforce the contracts. By doing business with the Bolsa de Hortifrutigranjeiros, Cereais e Produtos Agropecuários do Estado de Pernambuco (BHCP) the now associated farmers had the opportunity to access an organized and transparent market. The prices are negotiated in a transparent manner and reflect the national and international markets. The BHCP also provides insurance on the products shipped, normally to Sao Paulo and other states in the central part of Brazil, and provides a legal framework to guarantee payment. The prices obtained are not always the highest in the region but there is a high degree of certainty about the business environment and, therefore, farmers have managed to make investments and plan for the medium and long term. The cooperative also receives permanent technical assistance from EMATER-PB, and that is possible because they are organized as a group. The members of the cooperative feel they are better off now and in a position to plan and undertake on farm investments. 110. The Local Productive Systems (Arranjo Produtivo Local - APL) approach has been encouraged in Brazil and, in particular, in Paraiba. It is another background type of business development experience to look at. APLs are a sort of cluster approach. APLs are regarded as articulations among supply chain actors for mobilizing resources (credit, technology), facilitate marketing and in general promote greater economic dynamism and less volatility. 111. For instance, the case of the citrus APL in Paraiba, the organizational structure is comprised of governmental and non-governmental organizations, private companies, farmers associations and a cooperative (Coopertange) which is the center of the APL. In the inner circle are the several farmers associations in the different municipalities that are part of Coopertange, in the second circle are the support infrastructure (EMATER, EMAPA, Universities, CONAB, banks, etc.), in the third circle are the companies providing inputs, transportation services, packing, machinery maintenance, etc. However, in spite of this well-structured organization there are no specific provisions for the market and marketing issues. In that regard, there is an opportunity for assessing the APLs in Paraiba and identifying possible areas of cooperation for improving the marketing components. In effect. APLs tend not to include a marketing component. 112. In addition, there are business opportunities arising from procurement and policy stabilization policies and programs managed by CONAB in Paraiba, specially PAA and National School Feeding Program (Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar – PNAE), that could be incentivized through appropriate technical assistance services and credit facilities. 113. Small farmers are particularly vulnerable to weak food markets and price volatility. The PAA aims to support family farmer production and their access to market through simplified public procurement procedures, and to distribute food in quantity, quality and regularity necessary to food- insecure groups. Fundamentally, the PAA directly addresses one of the central challenges in family farmer production: commercialization. Through State intervention it increases demand for smallholder 83 food production. The PAA is a potentially important factor in expanding production for families participating in the program as well as for strengthening the collective organizations. 114. PNAE, Brazil’s school feeding program, is the other major source of structured demand for family farmers. Purchase from family farmers also aims at promoting local development and complements the income of family farmers. PNAE’s procurement objectives, however, include both price and the quality of food and the seasonality of production at local level. Therefore, it offers a stable demand if the quantity, quality and continuity requirements are met. 115. Family agriculture farmers have the opportunity to organize themselves in associations to participate in the CONAB’s procurement projects (PAA and PNAE). They provide primary products and add value to their primary products by introducing some processing and incorporating adjustments in the production process that improve the quality of the products. By doing so organized family agriculture farmers can access to CONAB procurement and financial facilities. As was expressed by CONAB’ managers in Paraiba, there is unmet demand and enough budget resources to increase the buying programs. The opportunities include fruit processing, chicken abattoirs, milk and dairy, etc., in addition to obtaining quality certifications mostly for animal products. 116. After a while beneficiary farmers can also access commercial market segments that are currently outside their reach. In fact, CONAB’s projects offer a fixed price and a procurement long timeframe that usually exceeds one year, in addition to financial resources, allowing for the groups to consolidate their organization and technical skills before attempting to access the open market. This production and marketing upgrade, however, requires strong technical assistance services. The discussion on the Agricultural Innovation System below is relevant. 117. Cooperar made instruments available for market development through its cooperation program. Cooperar participation in market development will be extensively expanded under the next phase (under preparation) and the following actions can complement the initiatives already being planned. Market Strategy 118. The ARM strategy proposed comprises actions aimed at reducing excessive fruit price and sales volatility faced by family farmers, and, supporting them to take advantage of market opportunities provided by the federal and state policies and programs. Both actions require technical assistant services, availability of credit resources and market development support, involving EMATER-PB, Project Cooperar II and other development projects, the APL initiative, etc. 119. COOPERAR will support a competitive mechanism for supporting small-scale producers, including: identification of market opportunities, development of business plans in conjunction with public and private purchasers, co-financing of investments and technical assistance to producer organizations and capacity building of producer organizations. 120. The following are other recommended actions: 84 a) Make an inventory of farm to market experiences in Paraiba like the one involving pineapple producer in Santa Rita described above (Text Box 2.2). b) Identify value adding activities for family farmer groups that can be developed as projects for CONAB’s managed PAA or PNAE, carried out in cooperation between CONAB and SEDAP. c) Investigate successful APL experiences in the State of Paraiba seeking to identify initiatives that require additional support to strengthen market coordination. d) In cooperation with EMATER-PB, and within the framework of the Agriculture Innovation System explained in next section, develop a methodology to support family farmer organizations to develop business plans regarding activities such as fruit processing, packaging, chicken abattoirs, etc. e) Assess different market development support options for family farming products, including establishing market space facilities in places like Campina Grande or Patos, as is being planned by the Paraiba State Company for Supply and Agriculture Services (Empresa Paraibana de Abastecimento e Serviços Agrícolas – EMPASA), channel public resources through Project Cooperar to transfer resources to farmer organizations for establishing and managing marketing infrastructure, etc. f) Analyze the legal implications of the above proposal, in particular with respect to the possibility of transferring public funds to farmer organizations, and proposal elaboration regarding Cooperar. Agricultural Innovation System (AIS) Current Research and Extension Institutional Framework 121. There are several institutions (see list below) that generate technological innovations for the semi-arid region, both at state and regional level. From the analysis of the major programs and projects of these institutions and interviews with different stakeholders, the issue of a lack of inter-agency coordination arises. Many times, there is a repetition of research topics without the certainty that the tests carried out on the same topic in other research centers are taken into account. 122. The current coordination between the research and the extension agencies also seems to be insufficient; to enable producers to have better risk management, it is necessary to strengthen the coordination among the institutions in charge of technology generation, and between these and the ones in charge of technologic transfer to family farmers. 123. In regard to technical assistance, the several projects and programs that provide technical assistance to family farmers are unsystematic and limited in terms of geographic coverage and recipients. Currently family farmers who receive technical assistance are a minority, and their number is not expected to increase significantly in coming years. It was also verified that the coordination among technical assistance providers is limited, the same as occurs between the research and the extension agents. 85 124. The technical assistance services should be improved, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The quality of technical assistance refers both to the content of technological packages issued and to the methods and methodologies used to provide technical assistance. It also alludes to the coordination that must exist, not only among the group of institutions that provide technical assistance, but also with the other institutions that are a part of the agriculture innovation system in Paraiba (basically the previously mentioned research institutions). 125. The capacity of EMATER-PB to provide agricultural extension services is low and requires improvements. Bascially, the only transfer channel family farmers have is the public technical assistance service. EMATER-Paraiba currently assists 30% of Paraiba’s family farmers (approximately 40-45,000 producers, out of a total of more than 148,000 family farmers), and is not ready to expand its coverage with its current technical staff. 126. On the other hand, there are other technical assistance providers in the State, mainly non- governmental organizations (NGOs). By way of example, the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária – INCRA) hires private entities for the provision of technical assistance and extension services to the families living in their settlements (there are more than 300 settlements in Paraiba, with 14,500 families in total). SEDAP has also hired NGOs to develop some programs. COOPERAR is conducting a survey on potential technical assistance providers in the State, as well as to explore other non-public extension modalities. 127. According to several stakeholders, technical assistance provided by these NGOs is not good (some say the same of EMATER) and disagreements exist between EMATER-PB and NGOs. In any case, it is clear that the vast majority of family farmers will still depend on the efficiency of the technical assistance and agricultural extension public system. 128. Faced with the current limitations that hinder technical assistance universalization for the vast number of family farmers in Paraiba’s Semi-arid, it is necessary to carry out a detailed analysis for understanding the technological requirements by the different types of farmers. It is necessary to define the most appropriate technological solutions for each group of farmers, to identify the percentage of them who can get involved in profitable agricultural activities, etc. It would be very inefficient to propose uniform solutions for such a heterogeneous rural population. On the Need for a Working Agriculture Innovation System 129. According to the World Bank (2012), "an innovation system is defined as a network of organizations, enterprises and individuals focused on bringing new products, new processes and new forms of organization into social and economic use, together with the institutions and policies that affect their behavior and performance. It embraces science suppliers as well as the totality of actors and interactions involved in innovation. It extends beyond the creation of knowledge to encompass the factors affecting demand for and use of knowledge in new and useful ways." 86 130. An Agriculture Innovation System (AIS) does not exist as such in Paraiba, since the organizations that provide services are not structured as a network and they are not minimally coordinated. The system has to be created, but it is useful to refer to it as a consolidation of categories of analysis. The components of the System would be the institutions responsible for knowledge generation, i.e. research centers; the institutions responsible for transferring that knowledge to end-users, i.e. technical assistance and extension agencies; and those in charge of training producers. 131. In Paraiba, and with focus on family farming, the institutions involved in the agriculture innovation system would need to be: (i) on the research side, the EMEPA-PB, INSA, EMBRAPA- Semiárido, and to a lesser extent EMBRAPA-Algodão, EMBRAPA-Mandioca e Fruticultura and the Federal University of Paraíba in the Center of Agricultural Sciences (Centro de Ciências Agrárias - CCA/UFPB); and (ii) on the side of technical assistance, extension, and training of family farmers, the EMATER Paraíba, some NGOs, universities, private providers and externally funded projects, as Cooperar (World Bank) and Procase (IFAD). And regarding institutions not related to semiarid, ASPLAN (Associação de Plantadores de Cana da Paraíba) deserves to be mentioned; it carries out technical assistance activities for micro and small sugarcane planters who pertain to family farming. Main Elements of the Agriculture Innovation System Related ARM Strategy Improve coordination of the Agriculture Innovation System for family farming ARM 132. As mentioned above, there is need for a strategy focused on the improvement of the agriculture innovation system efficiency and coordination. It is absolutely necessary to establish and/or strengthen inter-agency coordination mechanisms, based on a state policy, clear priorities and the allocation of resources. This requires short and medium-term measures. 133. Currently, there is the State Board of Sustainable Rural Development (Conselho Estadual de Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável - CEDRS), chaired by the Secretary of the SEDAP (Secretaria Estadual de Desenvolvimento Agropecuário e da Pesca), and composed of representatives of the main public entities who support rural development and family agriculture, like the MDA, EMATER, INTERPA, SEDAP, Federal Economic Bank (Caixa Econômica Federal – CEF), Banco do Brazil, Banco do Nordeste, Projeto Cooperar, CONAB, INCRA and other Secretaries of State, as well as the institutions that represent farmers the most, such as the Agricultural Workers Federation (Federação dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura - FETAG), Agriculture and Livestock Federation of Paraiba (Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária da Paraíba – FAEPA), Paraíba Rural Producers Union, Landless Rural Workers Movement (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra – MST), Articulation of Paraiba Semiarid (Articulação do Semi-árido Paraibano - ASA/PB, and NGOs from other segments of civil society. Given its current integration it is a deliberative and consultative body, with poor executive functions, but with the appropriate adjustments it could constitute the right agriculture innovation system coordination framework. 134. In order to better focus the actions of CEDRS in the agriculture innovation system, it would be necessary to create a sub-council or a similar organ that can bring together the institutions that are part 87 of the agriculture innovation system in a coordinated way. At present, an internal committee was created to propose amendments to the CEDRS regulations in order to become more executive. This could be a good opportunity to make detailed proposals on the agriculture innovation system sub-council integration, definition of roles and interrelations, establishment of procedural rules and to appoint an Executive Secretary. With this general framework in place, it would be possible to formally create the Paraiba Agricultural Innovation System. 135. In addition, it will be necessary to implement measures for the internal coordination of the two sub-systems: one in charge of research, and the other one in charge of technical assistance and agricultural extension. The research sub-system will consist of state and regional institutions. Among the state institutions, the most relevant is EMEPA-PB, which has been strengthened in recent years after undergoing a weakening period. It currently works on adaptive research and technology related solutions for family agriculture and agribusiness (several of those solutions aim at the coexistence with semi-arid) by way of nine Experimental Stations. EMEPA-PB seems to have constant relation and coordination of activities with the research centers of EMBRAPA, but that is not the case with INSA, which is a federal research institution focused on the Brazilian semi-arid. 136. INSA44 could have an important role in the coordination and organization of the technology generation activities in the Semi-arid. However, the approach taken by INSA seems to have been mostly oriented towards research, putting aside the role of organizer or coordinator. In the technician interviews, both from EMEPA-PB and EMBRAPA-Semiarid, it was agreed that INSA mostly works alone, not interacting with those institutions. 137. Taking into account that no technology generation institution participates in the CEDRS, the proposed short-term action is that INSA must fulfil its mission as the body in charge of organizing semi- arid related research and that it should allocate most of its human and material resources to that assignment. Once the CEDRS is restructured or once the agriculture innovation system coordinating sub-council is created, with all institutions involved in agricultural research under its orbit, then INSA could remain as the organizer of the research sub-system. 138. Regarding the technical assistance and agricultural extension sub-system, all its institutions are part of the CEDRS, so it should be easier to promote coordination. However, as was mentioned before, according to government officers, the relationship between EMATER-PB and NGOs that provide technical assistance is not a good one, there are mistrusts and disagreements between both parties. So until the proposed agriculture innovation system coordinating sub-council is created it might not be possible to make any progress in the organization and coordination of these institutions. 44 INSA mission is to: "Make inter-agency solutions viable for the fulfillment of actions related to the research, training, dissemination, and policy formulation to reach sustainable coexistence with the Brazilian semi-arid from the socio economic and environmental potentialities of the region." 88 Increase Efficiency of the Agriculture Innovation System for Family Farming ARM 139. Apparently, the activities of both EMEPA-PB and EMBRAPA have many simple and validated technologies in stock or standby, using a set of technologies that reduce vulnerability to drought (tecnologias de convivência com o semiárido), but that have not been adopted by the farmers. This means that available technology would not be a constraint for family farmers to improve the production risk management, mainly in the case of semi-arid. In any case, it would be important to carry out a survey to gather precise information regarding available technologies for coexistence with the semi-arid, currently being done in the context of the preparation of Cooperar. The proposal in the short-term is to make an exhaustive inventory of the available techniques and practices that allow an increase of the resilience of agricultural systems and to determine the extent of their implementation at field level. 140. To improve efficiency of the research sub-system, it is essential that the different research institutions do not duplicate research activities and in turn cooperate to potentiate the achievements. This seems to be the case with the palma forrageira: both EMEPA-PB and INSA conducted researches to develop varieties resistant to the Cochinilla-do-Carmim (Dactylopius opuntiae) – an hemiptera insect that damages plants – and to develop micropropagation techniques of the species to produce large scale seedlings. It seems that EMEPA-PB was the pioneer in these works in the State (using varieties that were previously tested in Pernambuco), and it is not clear why INSA also dabbled in the same area. These inefficacies could be solved once a good coordination environment is in place. 141. In regards to technical assistance and extension sub-system a reference is needed to EMATER- PB (see Text Box 3 with information on EMATER-PB), as the State institution responsible for extension services. But there has been a significant institutional deterioration in Paraiba, something that is widely acknowledged. The strengthening of EMATER-PB is key for family farmers and other small and medium scale farmers to be able to access risk management technology and adopt related practices, since smallholders are almost unable to access commercial technical assistance suppliers. The new technical assistance model should not consider EMATER as the sole technical assistance provider. Family farmers could also receive subsidies to purchase these services in the market. Text Box 2. 3: EMATER in Paraíba EMATER was founded in 1975, under the Secretaria da Agricultura e Abastecimento, with the objective of collaborating with the competent bodies in the formulation and implementation of technical assistance and agricultural extension policies in the State, and to plan, coordinate and execute technical assistance and agricultural extension programs. In the 90s it suffered from the crisis endured by the entire system in Brazil, when the Brazilian Company for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Empresa Brasileira de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural - EMBRATER), the company that led the system, was closed down at federal level. The recent creation of the National Agency for Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (Agência Nacional de Assistência Técnica e Extensão Rural - ANATER ) in May 2014, indicates that the Federal Government wants to promote technical assistance and agricultural extension throughout the country. Article 19 of Law 12.897 (18.12.2013) authorizes ANATER to sign "specific partnerships with state bodies in charge of technical assistance and agricultural extension for the 89 execution of services", thus enabling the transfer of resources to state institutions. 142. One of the issues is technical assistance coverage. Currently EMATER-PB assists 30% of the State’s family farmers with approximately 500 field technicians. But EMATER-PB also performs other functions that absorb part of its staff time, for example, registration of farmers for the issuance of the DAP (Capability Statement for PRONAF45), which is required by farmers to have access to subsidized agricultural credit. Furthermore, field agents do not work under a results-orientation system, their performance is not measured, and they are not accountable to farmers. 143. Another issue is the limited availability of field technical staff. The company has 15 regional coordination offices and 213 operating units to deal with the 223 State municipalities (177 belong to the semi-arid region), but 40 of those units do not have agricultural extensionists in charge at the moment. The solution proposed by EMATER’s technicians and authorities is to increase the number of technical staff. In addition, there is the issue of poor specific technical trainings for extensionists, as apparently was available in the past. Training, update of technical skills and human development are considered key elements. Extension agents do not have access to updated knowledge and ongoing training. 144. Moreover, 38% of the technicians in the company are retired but still working, and R$ 40 million are required in order to terminate their contracts. 70% of the staff is over the age of 50. The Secretary of SEDAP mentioned that in 2015 they will make a call for applications to hire 500 technicians. The last time they made a call was in 2006. 145. Related to the weaknesses of EMATER-PB is the issue of overlapping functions with EMEPA- PB. For instance, EMEPA-PB executes small demonstrative projects (mentioned above and in Annex) financed by the State Fund for Poverty Combat and Eradication (Fundo de Combate e Erradicação da Pobreza – FUNCEP) (11,200 beneficiary farmers and total financing of R$ 2.6 million). This most likely happens because EMATER-PB is not capable of providing the technical assistance services. 146. In conclusion, in order to expand the coverage of the extension services, improve program coordination and effectiveness, upgrade training programs, develop tailor-made ARM programs, EMATER-PB needs to increase its budget and improve its effectiveness and results orientation, as current resources and modalities limit the coverage and quality of service. Improve and Better Target Technical Assistance and Training Programs 147. It is proposed that new technical assistance and training models for technicians and farmers be tested, promoting trainers training, cascade training, farmer to farmer technology transfer methodology, farmer contracting, etc. Another proposal is to widen the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) as a way to reduce costs and reach farmers massively. In this sense the use of cell 45 PRONAF: National Program for the Strengthening of Family Agriculture - Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar. 90 phone messaging to transmit technical information should become widespread; and start training producers through distance education methodologies. 148. An interesting example of appropriate program methodology is the Programa Agente de Desenvolvimento Rural (ADR), developed by SEBRAE-PB in support of goat farming. The ADRs are people belonging to the communities that have been technically trained. Each one of the agentes works with around 20 producers. The program is considered successful46, since it has improved goat production significantly in the Cariri region, where it originated and currently assists about 1500 family farmers. 149. At the same time, efforts should be made to put in place private sector based technical assistance services driven by farmers. There are many NGOs that perform technical assistance and agricultural extension activities at private level, mainly in INCRA settlements. There are 305 settlements in Paraiba, with 14.5 thousand families living there. In addition, externally funded rural development projects, which have been implemented in the State, Procase (IFAD) and Cooperar (World Bank), have hired technical assistance providers to develop some activities. 150. It is essential that in the future, EMATER programs and operations are well coordinated with other research and extension institutions working in Paraiba. There is a need to complete a registry of all technical assistance providers in the State, currently underway in Cooperar, including either private entities or individuals who may provide technical assistance to family agriculture. This will help identify available resources and plan a proper coordination between public and private technical assistance supply for family farmers. 151. Finally, there is the issue of targeted assistance. The 1991 Agricultural Law determined that the Union must maintain technical assistance and rural extension services publicly provided and free for small farmers (Primo Junior, J. et al., 2013). But, are all the 148,000 family farmers, especially those in the semi-arid, may not be economically viable agricultural units that would obtain appropriate benefits from technology services. 152. One might think that the recurring droughts would motivate migration to urban areas and, thus, the number of family farmers to decrease over the years. However, the data from the agricultural census does not confirm such hypothesis. Between 1980 and 2006 the number of all farms remained the same, while the area registered in the census did not increase. Considering farms of up to 50 hectares in size47 as proxy for family farmers, these increased 11.1% between the last two censuses (1995-2006), while its total area increased by 11.9%. 46 The team was not able to assess the program directly but there are positive evaluations like “ O fortalecimento da cadeia da caprinocultura como instrumento de desenvolvimento e geração de renda: um estudo de caso no município de Monteiro/PB, by Gilney Christierny Barros dos Anjos, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. 47 146,291 in the 2006 census, meanwhile family farms were 148,047. Only in the 2006 census the number of family farmers (according to the definition of agricultura familiar from Law No. 11326) was estimated. 91 153. The size of almost 60% of the farms with less than 50 hectares is of less than 5 hectares, with an average area of less than two hectares. It is highly unlikely for a family in the semi-arid to reach the subsistence threshold if it relies only on the production of a farm of less than 5 hectares, or even worse of 2 hectares. In the case of livestock production, the average stocking rate for the Caatinga 48 area is around 12.5 ha/Animal Unit (AU)/year, although the verified average stocking rate is around 4.4 ha/AU/year (A. Maia Neto, 2013). It can be argued that smallholder sheep and goat breeding is carried out with the support of the so-called Fundo de Pastos, areas for collective use where flocks of several farmers are extensively raised. 154. Even so, it is most likely that these families currently rely more on other sources of income (such as social assistance and drought and flood compensation programs).49 Therefore, such rural households may not be very interested in adopting technological innovations requiring additional on-farm investments, higher recurrent costs, and increased use of labor in the farm, which probably is being used to generate income from off-farm sources. 155. The most reasonable approach to such a diversity of rural households is to adapt agricultural extension means and methods to user specific asset situations and market perspective. Therefore, the proposal is to perform a baseline study to determine the extent of household heterogeneity in the semi- arid of Paraiba and to have a first approximation to a farmer typology. It will then be possible to have a better estimate of the number of farmers that have to be targeted with appropriate ARM technological solutions and approaches. EMATER-PB restructuring should follow these results. 156. Some programs, however, are crucial in the semi-arid, such as the upgrading of Programa Palma Resistente, and should in any case continue to be a priority. According to EMEPA-PB’s technicians, the Programa Palma Resistente has a demand of 60 million rackets and is expected to produce 13 million in its second phase next year. 48 Caatinga is the prevailing biome in the semi-arid. 49 Retirements, Bolsa Familia, etc. State transfers from pensions and social assistance programs provide a substantial part of families' incomes and allow food to be purchased outside the household. State transfers for old age pensions and Bolsa Família serves to diversify the poor's portfolio and buffer the direct effects of drought. 92 CHAPTER 4: ARM ACTION PLAN 157. The present ARM action plan reflects the strategic lines described in the previous section and includes some basic details on who, when and how much is required for the implementation of the actions proposed. This is an initial proposal based on possible inputs and which needs to be discussed in detail with the Government of Paraiba. 158. The cost of the entire ARM action plan has been estimated at a total of US$ 18,371,000 over 5 years, with a strong concentration of activities within the first two years. Out of this total, US$ 5,571,000 would correspond to studies, training and pre-investment and US$12,800,000 to program investments. The EMATER’s staff cost is not part of the ARM Action Plan but it is included as a complementary public policy, as has been mentioned by State policy makers. The summary break down by category of intervention is as follows: Table 15: Summary Break Down of Costs by Category of Intervention Plan of Action - Category of Total Cost Execution of field Payments to Studies, training and intervention (US$) programs (US$) EMATER staff (US$) pre-investment (US$) Agro-climatic Risk Information 3,211,000 0 0 3,211,000 System (ACIS) Sanitary and Phytosanitary 6,120,000 5,000,000 0 1,120,000 System Supply Chain Coordination 195,000 0 0 195,000 Agricultural Innovation System 9,345,000 7,800,000 0 1,545,000 Total Action Plan 18,371,000 12,800,000 0 5,571,000 159. The table below contains the basic information for all actions regarding each category of intervention and the final table below summarizes the actions by responsible institution. ACIS Strategic Line Actions Institution Period Resources Cost (US$) Strategic Line 1: 1.1 Mapping of the current AESA I Quarter Short-term Development of a infrastructure (strengths and supported by 2015 consulting 60,000 Agro-climatic weaknesses) of the state and federal consultant Information weather stations System. 1.2 Verification of quality of data AESA I Quarter Short-term collected by AESA and the federal supported by 2015 consulting 45,000 institutions consultant 1.3 Development of debugging INMET, II Quarter Short-term procedures for the data available in ANA, 2015 consulting order to correct failures in the CPTEC, 100,000 climatic time series collected by AESA AESA and Federal institutions supported by consultant 1.4 Centralize AESA’s database in AESA II Quarter Short-term an unique Database Management supported by 2015 consulting 175,000 System (DBMS), maintenance and consultant 93 Strategic Line Actions Institution Period Resources Cost (US$) increasing the servers capacity and computers 1.5 Development of the information INMET, II-III Quarter Short-term a. 250,000 system counting on AESA and ANA, 2015 consulting b. 250,000 federal institutions information CPTEC, AESA Subtotal: supported by 500,000 consultant 1.6 Definition of the weather AESA II Quarter Short-term variables and the products to be supported by 2015 consulting released in websites and newsletters consultant 9,000 and improvement of the product dissemination to family farmers 1.7 Review the current institutional AESA, II Quarter Short-term structure and strengthening both EMATER- 2015 consulting regulation and structure PB, SEDAP 40,000 supported by consultant 1.8 Establishment of a state working AESA, III Quarter Short-term team to guide and coordinate the EMATER- 2015 consulting usage of the data for commercial and PB, SEDAP 15,000 research purposes supported by consultant 1.9 Acquisition and Instalment of AESA I-II-III-IV Infrastructure agro-climatic weather stations Quarter investment 500,000 2015. Strategic Line 2: 2.1 Map the current institutional EMATER- III Quarter Long-term a. 40,000 Strengthening of drought response structure and PB, SEDAP 2015- IV consulting b. 40,000 the Drought current policies and contract supported by Quarter 2016 and meeting c. 40,000 Management technical studies that take into consultant expenses d. 40,000 Committee, account the social, environmental e. 40,000 making actions and economic issues f. 40,000 more proactive and g. 40,000 less reactive Subtotal: 280,000 2.2 Creation of a working group to EMATER- III Quarter Short-term develop and initiate the program of PB, SEDAP 2015 consultancy 17,000 drought management and expenses 2.3 Creation of Committee´s SEDAP III Quarter Meeting communication and supervision 2015 expenses 40,000 tools 2.4 Workshops to standardize the SEDAP, IV Quarter Short-term guidelines established by the EMATER- 2015-IV consultancy a. 45,000 Committee PB, State Quarter 2016 and b. 45,000 Universities professional and Federal training Subtotal: Research 90,000 Institutions Strategic Line 3: 3.1 Definition of the training outline SEDAP, III Quarter Short-term a. 50,000 Training to the (SEDAP and Universities) and EMATER- 2015-III consultancy b. 50,000 extension workers development of the training content PB, State and Quarter 2016 associated to emphasizing on the institutional, Federal Subtotal: 94 Strategic Line Actions Institution Period Resources Cost (US$) inspection technical, operational, agronomical Universities 100,000 procedures in the and geotechnological issues and Federal Garantia Safra Research project, in order to Institutions reduce moral 3.2 Establishment of partnerships SEDAP, III Quarter Short-term a. 120,000 hazard and with Federal and State Universities, EMATER- 2015-III consulting b. 120,000 technical issues and Research Centers in the PB Quarter 2016 northeastern region Subtotal: 240,000 3.3 Execution of the professional State and IV Quarter Trainers and a. 500,000 training Federal 2015-IV Short-term b. 500,000 Universities Quarter 2016 consultancy and Federal Subtotal: Research 1,000,000 Institutions Total Weather US$ Information 3,211,000 System Sanitary and Phytosanitary System Strategic line Actions Responsible Period Resources Cost (US$) institution A.Sugarcane A.1.1 Prepare background ASPLAN II-III Quarter, ASPLAN own 5,000 information and conduct a 2015 resources A1.Expand the area of workshop to determine the (personnel and sugarcane under feasibility to expand the structure) biological control present ASPLAN facilities for production of biological control agents A.2 Assess the impact A.2.1 Contract a study on SEDAP II Quarter, Expertise on 20,000 of the possible the impacts 2015 the subject introduction of the (University, ferrugem laranja in consultant) Paraiba A.3 Set up a A.3.1 Produce the SEDAP Starting on II SEDAP own 5,000 surveillance network surveillance plans; Quarter 2015, resources for ferrugem laranja in permanent (personnel) Paraíba A.3.2 Organize the actions stakeholders; A.3.3 Implement the surveillance net B. Fruticulture B.1.1 Contract the impact SEDAP II and III Expertise on 60,000 studies Quarter, 2015 the subject B.1 Assess the impact (University, of the possible consultants) introduction of the diseases sigatoka negra and moko 95 Strategic line Actions Responsible Period Resources Cost (US$) institution (bananas), cancro da videira and HLB (Citrus) C. Family Agriculture C.1.1 – Develop a study to SEDAP, II Quarter SEDAP, 5,000,000 in the Semi-arid zone completely substitute the EMEPA, 2015 and time EMEPA and varieties on a feasible time EMATER frame EMATER own C.1 Substitute the frame; proposed by personnel and varieties of palma the study resources forrageira susceptible C.1.2 – Implement the to the cochonilha do necessary actions in the field carmim for resistant ones D. Livestock D.1.1 Evaluation study; SEDAP, II Quarter MAPA experts 20,000 Production MAPA 2015 and time and SEDAP D.1.2 Implementation of frame operational D.1 Reinforce the recommended actions; proposed by resources program for control the evaluation and eradication of D.1.3 Follow up brucellosis and tuberculosis D.2 Coordination of D.2.1 Round tables for SEDAP, I Quarter Own resources 10,000 the animal health and establishing a common MAPA, 2015 and time of the involved food safety programs program, coordination AGEVISA frame institutions mechanisms and follow up proposed by the evaluation D.3 Establish the D.3.1 Conduct a field SEDAP I Quarter of MAPA 1,000,000 actual status of CSF epidemiological survey; 2016 and time expertise and and NCDV in Paraiba frame own resources D.3.2 Take the appropriate proposed by of SEDAP measures in case of positive the evaluation virus circulation; D.3.3 Free area certification E.1 Create the State E.1.1 Speed up the SEDAP I and II Legal support No financial Agency for negotiations and associated Quarter 2015 of SEDAP. costs involved Agricultural Health legislation in the negotiations Total SPS System US$ 6,120,000 96 Supply Chain Coordination50 Strategic line Actions Responsible Period Resources Cost (US$) Institution 1. Identify actual 1.1 Make an inventory of Project I Quarter Consultant 25,000 farm to market collective fruit marketing Cooperar 2015 experiences in experiences in Paraiba like Paraiba and assess the one involving the viability of pineapple producers in being replicated Santa Rita and assess massively using a viability demand driven approach. 1.2 Identify value adding Project I-II Quarter Consultants 30,000 activities for family Cooperar 2015 agriculture farmers groups and that can be developed as CONAB-PB projects for CONAB’s managed PAA or PNAE and make an assessment of the conditions for success 1.3 Investigate successful Project I Quarter Consultant 15,000 APL experiences in the Cooperar, 2015 State of Paraiba EMEPA- APL 2. Business 2.1 In cooperation with Project I –III Consultant 45,000 development EMATER-PB, and within Cooperar Quarter and methodologies for the framework of the AIS, and 2015 EMATER-PB associated small develop a methodology to EMATER- scale farmers support small scale PB within farmers’ organizations to framework develop market oriented of AIS business plans 2.2 Training of EMATER- EMATER- III-IV Project 40,000 PB staff in business PB and Quarter Cooperar staff development CONAB 2015 and methodologies for small with consultants scale farmers assistance from Project Cooperar 3. Assess different 3.1 Assess the relevance, EMPASA 2015 Independent 50,000 options to support applicability and viability consultants market of establishing new market development for space facilities for family family agriculture agriculture products in products places like Campina Grande or Patos, as it is being planned by EMPASA Total Supply US$ 205,000 Chain 50 These proposals are directly linked to COOPERAR’s alliances strategy and for which the World Bank and the Government are allocating US$ 23 million. 97 Strategic line Actions Responsible Period Resources Cost (US$) Institution Coordination Agricultural Innovation System Strategic line Actions Responsible Period Resources Cost (US$) Institution 1. Improve the 1.1 Creation of a sub-council SEDAP 2015 Consulting 20,000 coordination of the within the CEDRS, for the services to carry Agriculture coordination of the out the study, Innovation System institutions that would be decide the sub- for family part of the Agriculture council agriculture risk Innovation System integration and management how members will be interrelated, internal rules of procedure, appointment of an Executive Secretary, etc. 1.2 Carry out negotiations SEDAP 2015 One consultant 15,000 among the research to conduct institutions for INSA to work negotiations as the body in charge of coordinating semiarid related researches until the creation of the above sub-council 1.3 Formalize and start up SEDAP 2015 One consultant 15,000 the sub-council in charge of to explain the coordination of the proposal to State Agriculture Innovation authorities and System within the CEDRS conduct the institutional- political articulation to formalize the sub-council 2. Improve 2.1. Carry out a survey to Project 2015 Consulting 45,000 efficiency of the gather information regarding Cooperar services to make Agricultural available technologies for an inventory of Innovation System the coexistence with semi- techniques and for family arid. practices known, agriculture risk have they been management or not - Strengthen the implemented at research sub-system field level, which will allow an increase of the resilience of agricultural systems used. 98 Strategic line Actions Responsible Period Resources Cost (US$) Institution 2.2 Regular meetings to INSA, 2015 One expert to 40,000 coordinate research activities EMEPA-PB, organize the for the coexistence with EMBRAPA meetings. semi-arid, until the sub- Premises, council is created equipment 3. Improve 3.1 Carry out a study to Projeto 2015 Consulting 60,000 efficiency of the determine different types of Cooperar, services to carry Agricultural smallholders within family EMATER- out the study. Innovation System agriculture and identify Paraiba for family farming development agriculture risk opportunities and specific management TA requirements - Strengthen the 3.2 Conduct a survey on Projeto 2015 Consulting 45,000 ATER sub-system potential technical assistance Cooperar services and providers in the State, as other technical well as explore other non- assistance public TA modalities modalities 3.3 Conduct a survey to Projeto 2015 Consulting 45,000 gather information regarding Cooperar services to rural households organized conduct the in Community Associations survey 3.4 Allocate funds to SEDAP 2015 Allocation of terminate contracts of funds from the EMATER´s retired staff. State budget 3.5 Hire 500 extension SEDAP 2015-2019 Allocation of agents by EMATER funds from the State budget 3.6 Test new training models EMATER- 2015 Consulting 30,000 for extension agents and Paraiba services farmers. 3.7 Establish and implement EMATER- 2015-2019 Program 330,000 a program for training Paraíba prepared by EMATER´s personnel and EMATER´s personnel of non-public Human technical assistance Resources providers as identified in the Coordination: survey proposed under Allocation of action 3.2. funds from EMATER´s budget to implement the training program 3.8 Widen the use of EMATER- 2015-2019 Contracting a 420,000 information and Paraiba massive SMS communication technologies system with a (ICT) as a way to reduce mobile ATER costs. telephone company; Implementation of distant education methodologies 3.9 Carry out a study to SEDAP 2015 One consultant 30,000 99 Strategic line Actions Responsible Period Resources Cost (US$) Institution assess the SEBRAE-PB to carry out the “Rural Development Agent study Program” (ADR) as an alternative to current extension modes of operation. 4. Improve 4.1 Enlarge Programa Palma SEDAP, 2016-2018 Allocation of 6.5 million efficiency of the Resistente to produce 60 EMEPA-PB, funds from Agricultural million "rackets". EMATER- FUNCEP Innovation System Paraíba for family 4.2 Expand the coverage of SEDAP, 2015-2018 Allocation of 1.3 million agriculture risk the program for EMEPA-PB, funds from management - strengthening family EMATER- FUNCEP Enlargement of farmers´ goat and sheep Paraíba successful programs breeding, to encompass 230 and projects farmer associations and 10,000 farmers. 4.3 Increase production and SEDAP, 2016-2018 Allocation of 450,000 distribution of sorghum EMEPA-PB, funds from seeds for family farmers in EMATER- FUNCEP the semi-arid, to benefit Paraíba 15,000 farmers. Total Agricultural US$ 9,345,000 Innovation System Complementary Policy Initiatives 160. Below are some policy initiatives that are complementary to the above plan of action. Policy action Legal evidence Indicator EMATER reform, including Legal instruments approved New, extension staff profile, with allocation of funds to terminate younger and more motivated contracts of retired staff (estimated professionals providing higher quality requirement US$ 16 million) and TA services hiring extension agents (estimated requirement (US$ 45 million in 5 years) 100 The agro-climatic information Legal instruments approved Development of strategic partnership and system described above provides a cooperation. weather, climate and agro-climatic decision making tools framework. Conformation of the Technical Working The operation of this system must be Group. performed by an inter-institutional Agro-climatic information system in team comprising experts from public operation. institutions and private organizations, therefore requiring Design, implementation and policy actions at the involved dissemination of agro-climatic decision institutions. making tools. Harmonized procedures for cooperation, data/information/products sharing, and communication Short-term plan by responsible institution Agroclimatic Information System 1. AESA 2015 (cost-US$) 2016 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV I II III IV 1.1 X 50,000 1.2 X 30,000 1.4 X 150,000 1.6 X 9,000 1.9 X 500,000 2. INMET, ANA, CPTEC, AESA 2015 (cost-US$) 2016 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV I II III IV 1.3 X 85,000 1.5 X 400,000 3. AESA, EMATER-PB, SEDAP 2015 (cost-US$) 2016 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV I II III IV 1.7 X 25,000 1.8 X 10,000 101 4. EMATER-PB, SEDAP 2015 (cost-US$) 2016 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV I II III IV 2.1 X X X X X X 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 2.2 X 10,000 2.4 X X 30,000 30,000 3.1 X X 50,000 50,000 3,2 X X 100,000 100,000 3.3 X X 500,000 500,000 5. SEDAP 2015 (cost-US$) 2016 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV I II III IV 2.3 X 30,000 Sanitary and Phytosanitary System 1. ASPLAN 2015 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV A1 X 5,000 2. SEDAP 2015 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV A2 X 20,000 A3 X 5,000 B1 X X 20,000 40,000 C1 X X X 300,000 400,000 400,000 D1 X X 5,000 5,000 D2 X 3,000 3. EMEPA 2015 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV C1 X X X 100,000 100,000 100,000 4. EMATER 102 2015 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV C1 X X X 100,000 200,000 300,000 5. AGEVISA 2015 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV D2 X 2,000 6. MAPA 2015 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV D1 X X X 5,000 3,000 2,000 D2 X 5,000 Supply Chain Coordination 1. Project Cooperar en cooperación con EMEPA and CONAB51 2015 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV 1.1 X 25,000 1.2 X X 15,000 15,000 1.3 X 15,000 2.1 X X X 15,000 15,000 15,000 2.2 X X 20,000 20,000 Agricultural Innovation System 1. SEDAP 2015 (cost-US$) Actions I II III IV A1 X 20,000 A2 X 15,000 A3 X 15,000 C9 X X 15,000 15,000 2. 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Bahia Agrícola, v.9, n.2, Mar. 2013. Salvador-BA, Brasil. PROCASE, Projeto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Cariri, Seridó e Curimataú. 2013. Manual de Implementação. Governo da Paraíba, FIDA, João Pessoa-PB, Brasil. PROJETO COOPERAR. 2014. Revista Paraíba Rural Sustentável, ed. 1. RAMOS, R.C. O seguro rural no Brasil: origem, evolução e proposições para aperfeiçoamento. Informações Econômicas, v. 39, n. 3, 2009. Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), Centro de Ciências Agrárias. 2014. Usina Jalles Machado. Laboratório Biológico. Machado at 110 Retrieved on Nov 28, 2014. Zuza, J. L. M. F.; Borsato, J. M. S. L. Análise de perdas agrícolas e econômicas ocasionada pela doença ferrugem alaranjada em canaviais comerciais de uma empresa de bioenergia no interior de São Paulo. XX Congresso Brasileiro de Custos – Uberlândia, MG, Brasil, 18 a 20 de novembro de 2013. 111 ANNEX 1: PROJECTED CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS ON AGRICULTURE IN NORTHEAST BRAZIL 1. It is considered probable that climate change will cause global increases in temperature by 2 to 5.4 degrees Celsius in a pessimistic scenario (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - IPCC A2) and by 1.4 to 3.8 degrees Celsius in the more optimistic scenario (IPCC B2).52 In Northeast Brazil, this means that rainfall will likely be reduced by 15-20% under the pessimistic scenario. In the Semi-Arid region that covers most of Northeast Brazil, rainfall is already less than 800 millimeters per year and rainfall variability is among the highest in the world.53 See Figure A1-1 below. Figure A1 - 1: Northeast Brazil Climate Predictions, 1971-2000 and 2041-207054 Source: World Bank, 2013 52 The IPCC A2 scenario represents high carbon emissions; the B2 scenario implies low carbon emissions under the hypothesis that all countries sign the Kyoto Protocol. 53 World Bank, 2013. Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources Management: Adaptation Challenges and Opportunities in Northeast Brazil. 54 Figure shows mean annual precipitation, mean annual evapotranspiration, and drought index (precipitation divided by evapotranspiration) for the periods of 1971-2000 and 2041-2070 (projected) using the MIMR climatic model under the B1 emission scenario. The more red coloration corresponds to increased drought, due to reduced rainfall and/or increased evapotranspiration. 112 2. Possible impacts of climate change in Northeast Brazil include (i) increased frequency of dry spells and evaporation rates leading to lower soil moisture levels and reductions in water reservoirs, (ii) losses in natural ecosystems such as the caatinga, (iii) tendency towards aridization and desertification in the Semi-Arid Region, (iv) water scarcity, (v) climate induced migration to large cities, and (vi) impacts on human health.55 3. Figure A1-2 highlights seven indicators that convey vulnerability to climate change in Brazil as a whole. In the Northeast, the vulnerability scenario is more drastic: employment in agriculture, soil degradation, and the risk of extreme weather events indicators are all higher than the country average. Figure A1 - 2: Climate Vulnerability Indicators56 Source: World Bank, 2013 4. In the Northeast, climate change will have significant impacts on the livelihoods of the poorest, those that rely on rain-fed agriculture. Climate change is seen as a migration “push” factor, and migration is projected to increase from the rural Northeast as the value of agricultural production declines due to climate risks.57 5. Climate change signifies shifts in temperature and rainfall regimes, which affect agricultural productivity by shifting suitable area for agricultural production, altering agricultural yields, changing water availability, and producing conditions that increase the likelihood of plant pathogens. 55 World Bank, 2009. Brazil: Country Note on Climate Change Aspects in Agriculture 56 Employment in agriculture (percent of total employment), rain fed cropland (percent of total cropland), Gini, water usage in agriculture (percent of total annual fresh water withdrawals) from World Development Indicators 2007, 2000-2007 average. Uninsured cropland (percent of total cultivated land area) from the Inter-american Development Bank (IADB), Inter-american Institute for Agriculture Cooperation (IICA) 2002/2003 figures. Soil degradation (percent of total land) from FAO AGL 2005. Risk of extreme weather events (index, annual average 1997-2006) from German watch. 57 Barbieri et al, 2010. Climate change and population migration in Brazil’s Northeast: scenarios for 2025 -2050. Population and Environment (2010) 31:344-370. 113 6. Reductions in area are projected for all but one of the major commodity crops in Brazil. Projected climate change impacts on all currently produced food grains will amount to US$4 billion by 2050. Soybeans are likely to be most affected by climate change, with the soybean sector alone accounting for almost 50% of these economic losses.58 Margulis and Dubeux (2010) modeled the economic effects of climate change on Brazil’s GDP and found that in the worst case, Brazil could lose about 2.5% every year due to the impacts of increasing temperature (Tables A1-1 and A1-2). Table A1- 1: Impact of Climate Change on Current Low Risk Areas Suitable for Cultivation Source: Margulis et al, 2010. Table A1- 2: Economic Losses for Key Crops by 2050, projected in pessimistic scenario Source: Margulis et al, 2010. 58 Assad and Pinto, 2008 114 7. Projections from Assad et al (2012) highlight the severe risks of climate change’s negative impacts on three principal agricultural activities in Northeast Brazil (livestock pasture, maize, and beans). However, even under a pessimistic scenario (IPCC Scenario A2), the area suitable for sugarcane in Brazil could double by 2020. For Paraiba, this would offset some of the production lost from other crops. See Figures A1-3, A1-4, and A1-5, below. Figure A1 - 3: Projected Losses in Pasture Productivity, % relative to 2010 baseline under optimistic and pessimistic scenarios (2020 and 2030) Figure A1 - 4: Impact of Climate Change on Area Suitable for Maize (2010 baseline, 2030 optimistic and pessimistic) 115 Figure A1 - 5: Impact of Climate Change on Area Suitable for Beans (2010 baseline, 2030 optimistic and pessimistic) 8. Fernandes et al (2011) found that adaptation interventions (short/long cycle varieties, deeper rooted and drought-tolerant varieties, moderate irrigation at critical growth phases, shift in planting dates) can mitigate yield declines in all impacted crops. In combination with incentives and infrastructure for efficient water use, agriculture can evolve to become resilient to climate change, but a business as usual scenario ignoring climate change in the long run will lead to severe losses. Early adaptation planning and investments will save costs and can prevent significant damages. 116 ANNEX 2: VULNERABILITY IN PARAIBA 1. Climate variability has long been considered a constraint to economic development and poverty alleviation in Northeast Brazil. Long-term impacts of repeated exposure to shocks bring household food insecurity, which is much higher in the rural Northeast than urban, and whose rural levels are amongst the highest in Brazil. Repeated shocks confine rural households into a poverty trap, exhausting savings and dissolving investments that would otherwise help propel the household ahead. Expenditures on drought mitigation and emergency measures also divert municipal resources from longer-term investments in human capital and productivity. 2. The impacts of the aforementioned risks have greater consequences for human welfare among the individuals, communities, and regions of Paraiba that are more vulnerable. As we have already seen, a single risk such as drought has different effects on different systems of productions and producers. Vulnerability is the concept that explains this heterogeneity in impact. This annex explores drivers of heterogeneity in vulnerability in Paraiba. 3. Vulnerability is “the likelihood that at a given time in the future, an individual will have a le vel of welfare below some norm or benchmark.”59 Common welfare indicators include poverty measurements, household expenditures, savings levels, and food security and nutrition measures (such as food consumption score and household dietary diversity). Though vulnerability depends on the severity of external shocks like climate, the likelihood of a drop in welfare depends on both people’s context and capacity to act and react. Socio-economic assets and institutions play an important role in people’s vulnerability. 4. Vulnerability is not the same thing as exposure to a shock, since many households can experience, say, a drought with different welfare outcomes. Vulnerability research emphasizes that both the settings and the asset levels of a household influence the livelihood strategies households choose.60 Since vulnerability results from the combination of factors exogenous and endogenous to the individual, the same exogenous shock, like drought, affects individuals differently. In addition, if an individual or household is vulnerable to one exogenous shock, it does not follow that the household is vulnerable to all shocks. For example, a subsistence-oriented rural farming household may be vulnerable to drought and other possible climatic shocks like irregular and delayed rainfall, but may not be vulnerable to price shocks if the household is not commercializing its production. 5. Vulnerable households in Paraiba respond to shocks by reducing household consumption, selling household and productive assets, and seeking income sources off the farm with diverse strategies including migration and even prostitution. Households depend on their own production for income as 59 J. Hoddinott and A. Quisumbing. 2010. “Methods for Microeconometric Risk and Vulnerability Assessment.” In Risk, Shocks and Human Development: On the Brink, edited by R. Fuentes-Nieva and P. A. Seck, 72. London: Palgrave Macmillan for United Nations Development Programme. 60 Hoddinott, John. 2014. “Resilience: A Primer.” 2020 Conference Brief 8, IFPRI. 117 well as their food, so different factors that facilitate access to alternate sources of food and income are important coping strategies after a shock. 6. Thankfully, in the recent droughts in Paraiba, there have been no reported deaths. Fifty years ago droughts triggered famine and mass migration. Because of a mixture of social safety nets and institutional responses, drought kills animals and crops, but not humans. A. Vulnerability and Welfare Indicators 7. Vulnerability is of greater concern when the household’s starting welfare levels are low, because a shock will push a household into even more precarious living conditions. Though technically vulnerability measures marginal changes in welfare of a household, for our purposes the concept is most useful when applied to groups that are already at the margin of decent welfare. Figure A2 - 1: Distribution of Rural Population in Paraiba (2010) 8. Poverty exacerbates vulnerability because a shock will have greater proportional effects on the welfare of a poor household than on a wealthier household. For this reason, it is worthwhile to look at socio-economic indicators in Paraiba to characterize baseline poverty and asset levels. 9. Though poverty has been declining in the Northeast as in the rest of Brazil in the last decade, poverty in rural areas, where livelihoods concentrate on agriculture, remain high (Figure A2-2). While in Brazil in 2010 25.5% of the rural population was considered extremely poor, this rate was 35.4% for the Northeast’s rural population. The Northeast essentially tied for last place with the North region (35.7%), and drastically behind all other regions of the country (10.2%, 6.8%, and 11.7% in the Southeast, South, and Center-West, respectively). In Paraiba, you are twice as likely to be poor if you live in rural areas, than urban areas. In 2012, 25% of the rural population was poor (per capita monthly income of R$140 or less), compared to 12.6% in urban Paraiba. 118 Figure A2 - 2: Percent of Population with Monthly per capita Income less than R$ 140 in Paraiba61 10. In 2012, in Paraiba, 8.1% of the population was extremely poor (less than R$70 per capita monthly income).62 However, in the 170 municipalities of the Paraiba Semi-Arid Region, which covers most of the area of the state, the average rate of extreme poverty, less than R$70 per capita per month, is 20%. See Figure A2-3 below. Figure A2 - 3: Percent of Extreme Poor (left) and Poor (right) in Paraiba (2010) Source: IBGE 11. Average income per capita closely follows poverty rates. Average income in the majority of municipalities of Paraiba is less than one monthly minimum salary (R$510). Average nominal 61 World Bank, unpublished data. Author: Aude-Sophie. 62 Brazil does not have an official poverty line. In recent years, the R$70 and R$140 per capita per month, which are administrative poverty lines defined for the Bolsa Familia program and the Brasil Sem Miseria Plan, have been increasingly used in place of official poverty lines. The international US$1.25 line is also used on occasion, notably in relation to the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). As a result of methodological differences in the computation of lines and income aggregates, there are sometimes small differences between government and World Bank estimates. However, trends are broadly consistent across methodologies. 119 household income (monthly) R$660.68; in rural it is just R$252.81. The median is R$330 urban and R$170 rural (Figure A2-4). Figure A2 - 4: Evolution of Income per capita, 2000 (left) and 2010 (right) Source: IBGE 12. The human development index, which accounts for education (literacy and school enrollment rates), longevity (life expectancy at birth) in addition to income (GDP per capita), has improved like other indicators since 2000, but Paraiba remains in the low human development category (Human Development Index – HDI, below 0.499). The municipalities of João Pessoa and Campina Grande consistently stand out on development indicators (Figure A2-5). Figure A2 - 5: Evolution of Human Development Index, 2000 (left) and 2010 (right) Source: IBGE 13. Paraiba in 2004, the time of last food security research, had 2.1 million people living with food insecurity. Household income is positively associated with food security. See Table A2-1 and A2-2 below. 120 Table A2 - 1: Food Insecurity in Paraiba, the Northeast and Brazil63 Paraiba Northeast Brazil Region Total Percent of Percent households number of Percent of households households people Less than ¼ 20.44% 729,000 21.23% 9.37% minimum salary Between ¼ 21.96% 783,000 20.18% 12.45% and ½ minimum salary Between ½ 11.85% 423,000 12.06% 10.83% and 1 minimum salary Between 1 3.40% 121,000 3.00% 4.51% and 2 minimum salaries Table A2 - 2: Food and Nutritional Security in Paraiba (2004 and 2009) Food and Nutritional Security in Paraiba 2004 2009 Percent of households in situation of food and nutritional 46.78% 59.04% security Percent of households in situation of food and nutritional 17.40% 23.52% insecurity (light) Percent of households in situation of food and nutritional 20.76% 10.46% insecurity (moderate) Percent of households in situation of food and nutritional 15.06% 6.97% insecurity (severe) 63 121 14. Though 24% of the population in Paraiba is officially classified as rural (2004), the number of food insecure households in rural areas contributes 28% of the total number of food insecure in Paraiba,64 making food insecurity disproportionately rural. 15. Families on average spend 20% of income on food and acquire 7.5% of their food from their own production or non-monetary acquisition (2008). 16. Food insecurity also disproportionately affects people of color that identify as negro or pardo. The majority (68.47%) of all the moderate/grave food insecure households in Paraiba are non-white.65 17. When measuring vulnerability, it is important to focus on populations that are most at risk of falling beneath the poverty line, into food insecurity, or other measurement of human development and social welfare. To be systematic the set of measurements of interest should be determined in advance and prioritized in order to work to avoid the worst outcomes. For example, in the Sahel donors agreed upon a limited set of indicators of resilience-related livelihood outcomes and impacts: Reduction in Humanitarian Assistance Needs, Depth of Poverty, Moderate to Severe Hunger, and Global Acute Malnutrition.66 B. Vulnerability is Heterogeneous 18. To capture why vulnerability varies between individual to individual, household to household, vulnerability can be seen as the function of three factors: (i) sensitivity, (ii) adaptive capacity, and (iii) exposure.67 i. Sensitivity is the degree of impact of the initial shock. Sensitivity can be thought of as the elasticity of household welfare (e.g. consumption levels) in response to a shock. ii. Adaptive capacity is the ability of the household to access ex-post coping strategies that helps the household return to pre-shock welfare levels.68 iii. Exposure is the probability of the given shock materializing and affecting the household’s assets. 19. Several indices have been constructed in Northeast Brazil to measure the socio-economic aspects of vulnerability of smallholder farmers. 69 Two examples are included here, with the first (Table A2-3) focused on the risk of drought and the second (Table A2-4) on conditions of social vulnerability to 64 65 66 FEWSNET Technical Note on Measuring Resilience, USAID June 2013. 67 Lindoso et al. 2012. “Indicators for Assessing the Vulnerability of Smallholder Farming to Climate Change: The Case of Brazil’s Semi-Arid Northeastern Region.” Instituto de Pesquisa Economica Aplicada. International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth. 68 Adaptive capacity is a subset of resilience. USAID defines resilience as the ability of people, households, communities, countries, and systems to adapt to and recover from shocks and stresses in a manner that reduces chronic vulnerability and facilitates inclusive growth. 69 Sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and exposure can each be measured through a number of indicators, and several vulnerability indices have been formulated to capture the heterogeneity of impacts of agricultural risk for farmers in developing countries. See Lindoso et al. 2012. Supplementary Material for “Integrated Assessment of Smallholder Farming’s Vulnerability to drought in the Brazilian Semi -Arid: a case study in Ceará” for a more comprehensive review of the vulnerability index literature and comparison of various indices. Though there is growing consensus that vulnerability is defined by sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and exposure, consensus does not yet exist for what composite of variables should be measured to determine each of these factors. 122 contribute to economic ecological zoning for the state of Bahia, which otherwise focuses on physical/natural conditions. Table A2 - 3: IPEA Vulnerability Index – Indicators of the Three Attributes of Vulnerability of Smallholder Farming Table A2 - 4: Social Vulnerability Indicators as defined by the State of Bahia Ecological-Economic Zoning Coordination70 Analytical Variables Indicators 1. Quality of Life Dimension Social Services Inhabitants between 3 and 29 years of age per school Number of families per PSF team Household Infrastructure Households connected to water network Households with bathroom Households with trash collection 70 Diagnóstico da Vulnerabilidade Social. SEPLAN/SEMA Bahia. 123 Households with sewage system Percent of energy supply Housing Deficit 2. Living Conditions Dimension Social Exclusion Death from external causes Infant mortality Number of children between 0 and 4 years of age Life expectancy at birth Number of illiterate people older than 15 years of age Number of people below the poverty line Adolescent pregnancy rate Household density 3. Economic Conditions Dimension Management Capacity Municipal budget per capita Percent of municipal resources generated by the municipality Work Percent of PEA relative to population Production Diversification of the economy – Sectorial GDP GDP per capita Income Income per capita Concentration of income (Gini) Land Concentration of landholdings (Gini) Population Population growth Box A2-1: Formula for Calculating Socio-Environmental Vulnerability71 Index of Socio-Environmental Vulnerability = (Aridity Index * Agricultural GDP) / (Municipal HDI * Basic Education Development Index) 20. This annex expands upon these relevant indicators (socio-economic vulnerability index as presented in Box A2-1) and suggests measurements for analyzing vulnerability to drought, the most significant agricultural risk for small farmers in Paraiba. A number of indicators for sensitivity, adaptive capacity, and exposure can be considered to characterize the vulnerability of farmers. 71 Santos. 2008. Vulnerabilidades socioambientais diante das mudanças projectadas para o semi-arido da Bahia. Doctoral Thesis, Universidade de Brasília. 124 C. Sensitivity: 21. Sensitivity is the extent of change in a household’s welfare (elasticity) induced by a shock. 22. A number of factors influence the sensitivity of a household to an agricultural shock like drought. Prolonged drought affects household incomes most directly by constraining agricultural and livestock yields. However, income diversification and productive diversification, along with ex-ante mitigation measures, can minimize household sensitivity. Measurements of sensitivity of a household should take into account:  Household revenue diversification, including access to income transfers (Retirement and disability stipends, Bolsa Família);  Agricultural/productive diversification;  Access to water resources for productive activities and human consumption;  Number of dependents. 23. A household with diversified income sources, including non-farm income, and diversified agricultural production will be less sensitive to drought because their principal income sources will not all be affected in the same way. Access to water resources is important to minimize sensitivity because household consumption and production is less dependent on rainfall. Finally, a household with a larger number of dependents is likely to have a more elastic initial response to drought because finite household resources must be divided between more people that cannot contribute substantially to household revenues. However, this is somewhat offset by the fact that these dependents qualify the household to receive social transfers (Bolsa Família for children and retirement for adults), so the baseline of these households’ revenues may even be higher than without dependents. 24. Fortifying these kinds of characteristics/assets help to mitigate the impact of a shock, reduce sensitivity, and reduce vulnerability. a) Income Diversification 25. A farming household that has little or no income diversification is more sensitive to an agricultural risk than a household that has a stream of income from non-farm economic activities. In Paraiba, like much of rural Northeast Brazil, agricultural activities are generally the dominant form of occupation (Figure A2-6). In many municipalities of Paraiba, employment in agricultural activities is over 50%. The service industry is the second most important sector of work and often includes public employment (Figure A2-7). 87% of agricultural units in Paraiba classify as family farming (less than four fiscal modules with predominantly family labor). 125 Figure A2 - 6: Percent of people over age 18 occupied in agriculture/livestock Figure A2 - 7: Percent of people over age 18 Occupied in Service Industry Source: IBGE 26. However, data on sources of income shows that in reality, families’ incomes rely to a large extent on income transfers and public employment. This situation has been referred to as the novo mundo rural atrasado – the “new backward rural world.”72 27. In Paraiba, about 29% of the average monthly family income relies on state transfers (R$493.24), compared to 22.5% average dependency on transfers for the Northeast and 18.5% for Brazil as a whole.73 A little more than half of family income comes from work (54.9%) and 12.5% from non- monetary income (such as own-production).74 Retirement stipends from the National Institute for Social 72 Pedreira 2002 73 Pesquisa de Orçamento Familiares, 2008. Sidra/IBGE. 74 Though state-level data disaggregated by rural/urban is not available, for reference at the national level, 20.5% average monthly family income comes from transfers, 53.6% from work, and 18.7% from non-monetary income. 126 Security (INSS) provides 17% of total monthly family income, on average, in Paraiba, but for families with between R$830 and R$1,245 monthly income, the INSS retirement pension reaches 31.4% of total income, an average of R$321 per month. The INSS pension is equivalent to one minimum salary (R$510) for one person; people in rural areas are eligible for retirement stipends at age 60 for men and 55 for women, as long as their income is less than ¼ minimum salary. 75 There are 32,975 beneficiaries of BPC Old Age and 62,658 beneficiaries of BPC Disabled Persons in Paraiba. 28. Bolsa Familia and other federal level transfers are significant, but make up just 2% of total monthly family income in Paraiba (Table A2-6). Table A2 - 5: Registered Families in the Single Cadaster in Paraiba76 No. of registered No. of registered families people Total number registered in Cadastro 847,339 2,554,720 Único Registered monthly income between 126,458 354,221 R$140 and ½ minimum salary Registered monthly income between 110,811 386,929 R$70 and R$140 Registered monthly income less than 548,094 1,715,275 R$70 Beneficiaries of Bolsa Família 508,956 n/a 29. Considering that there are 111,442 family agriculture units in Paraiba, less than a third are registered in the Single Cadaster organized by the Ministry of Social Development. The Single Cadaster (Cadastro Único) is used to identify and register families living in poverty and extreme poverty. Registration in the Cadaster is necessary for access to 19 federal transfer programs, including Bolsa Familia and Bolsa Estiagem, but not Garantia Safra or federal retirement stipends. 30. In May 2014, there were 508,956 families receiving Bolsa Familia with a total value over R$81 million. Families received on average R$159.22 per month. 87 percent of beneficiary families have children between the ages of 6 and 15 years of age, reaching a coverage level of 94% of eligible families with children in this age range. See Table A2-7 below. 75 76 Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social,ção Estadual do PBF 127 Table A2 - 6: Registered Family Agriculture Families and Bolsa Família in Paraíba77 Number of families practicing family agriculture registered in the 34,516 Single Registry78 Number of families practicing family agriculture receiving Bolsa 27,925 Família Number of families practicing family agriculture with monthly 3,134 income between R$140 and ½ minimum salary Number of families practicing family agriculture with income 2,436 between R$70 and R$140 Number of families practicing family agriculture with income less 27,515 than R$70 b) Agricultural Diversification 31. As illustrated in Figure A2-9 below, the areas with the lowest value added of agriculture are in the Borborema and Sertão Paraibano meso-regions, despite the fact that these are regions where agricultural activity is the primary form of employment. Figure A2 - 8: Value of Agricultural Production from temporary and permanent crops (2009) 32. In the Semi-Arid of Paraiba, farmers concentrate on temporary crops like manioc, maize, and beans (Figure A2-10). 77 Ministério de Desenvolvimento Social,ção Estadual do PBF 78 Families that have registered as "agricultores familiares" in the Cadastro Único. These are families whose livelihoods are linked to agricultural activities that rely predominantly on family labor and who produce for self-consumption and sell surplus production. 128 Figure A2 -9: Value of Agricultural Production from Temporary Crops (2009) 33. Permanent crops like banana, coconut, papaya, mango, and other fruit trees are focused along the coast and Brejo micro-regions (Figure A2-11). Figure A2 - 10: Value of Agricultural Production from Permanent Crops (2009) Source: IBGE, Produção Agrícola Municipal. 34. An analysis of Agricultural Census micro-data is required in order to quantify the degree of productive diversification on smallholder farms. Households typically rely on a couple of temporary crops like beans, maize, and manioc, and complement this production with small-scale animal production (mostly goats, sheep, and chickens) as well as forest products like native fruit and nut trees (e.g. umbu and cashew). Temporary crops are more vulnerable to drought and irregular rainfall, which can eliminate an entire harvest or make it impossible to plant. Native plants of the Caatinga and Cerrado are more resistant to dry spells and support food security in these times. However, these trees however are sometimes used for firewood in times of drought when there is little fuel available, thereby eliminating a source of food and income in the longer term. 129 35. Though the traditional production system focuses on manioc, corn, and beans for subsistence and sale of surplus, livestock is an important component in the rural economy, particularly goats. Goats are known to be well adapted to the dry climate and provide meat and milk for producers. Agricultural production accounted for 68% and livestock 32% of total value of agricultural activities in Paraiba (2006). Livestock is proportionally more important in Paraiba compared to the rest of the Northeast, where livestock contributes 22% of total agricultural value. 36. Between 2010 and 2012, livestock production declined about 20% across municipalities of the Semi-Arid, drastically hit by drought. Livestock suffer not only in the absence of water, but also in the absence of forage material. Typically goats and sheep forage through pasture for food, but in times of drought this vegetation dies and smallholders do not have the resources to purchase food for the animals. Most farmers in dry areas rely on collective pasture (called fundos de pasto for goat/sheep livestock, more common in drier areas, and fecho de pasto for cattle) for animal forage. These communal pasturelands often rely on collective action to avoid environmental degradation. 37. Households can also diversify agricultural production and incorporate adaptive or drought- resistant crops. A new breed of drought- and pest-resistant cactus (palma) recently developed by agricultural research agencies is being disseminated. Storage facilities for animal forage help provide feed for animals during drought months when vegetation is limited. 38. Other adaptive and good agricultural practices can bring significant reductions in sensitivity to drought. Soil conservation and the integration of organic matter are important to retain soil moisture. c) Water Access 39. Despite severe droughts, Paraiba is not devoid of water resources and actually has a number of rivers and lakes. The federal government through the program Water for All (Água para Todos) in partnership with state and municipal government build water storage infrastructure like cisterns, wells, and small dams – principally for home consumption, but also on a smaller scale for crop irrigation and animal drinking water. 40. Still, water and sanitation are significant hurdles for rural families especially during drought (Figure A2-12). 130 Figure A2 - 11: Percent of People in Households with Inadequate Access to Water and Sanitation79 d) Dependency 41. Finally, the last important aspect of sensitivity is the number of dependents per household. Paraiba, like much of the rural Northeast, has experienced rural out-migration over the last decades whereby the economically active population leaves rural areas. The dependency ratio (ratio of population less than 15 and more than 65 to the population between 15-65 years of age) is very high throughout Paraiba, especially in some of the poorer meso-regions like the Borborema and Northern Agreste. This means that it is common that over 58% of the population in these regions is either under age 15 or over age 65 (Figures A2-13 and A2-14, respectively). Figure A2 - 12: Dependency Ratio 79 131 Figure A2 - 13: Number of People over 65 D. Adaptive Capacity: 42. Households’ access to ex-post coping strategies is closely linked to poverty, social marginalization, and access to public policies. Ex-post coping strategies are diverse. Migration and off- farm work has long been a coping strategy in the Northeast to compensate for loss of production/livestock due to drought; communities and social networks often emerge to help one another in times of need; and state and federal governments have a variety of emergency measures to help families maintain welfare levels during drought like cash, animal feed, and seed transfers.80 43. Measurements of adaptive capacity in Paraiba should include the following components:  Literacy/education level;  Social inclusion;  Land title for security of tenure, including pasture land, and to access PRONAF credit;  Social capital (“horizontal” and “vertical” ties, including membership in producer organizations and patronage arrangements);  Access to technical assistance and research/technology transfer;  Access to markets;  Access to emergency coping services (distribution of food, seed, and fertilizer). 44. The exposed above are forms of capital that facilitate recovery after a shock. Interventions to increase adaptive capacity can consider investing in these categories. The concept of intersectionality 80 Small farmers in the Northeast do not have access to true risk transfer mechanisms, which could also be considered as a strategy for adaptive capacity. Garantia Safra is not a “true” insurance but rather a fund. Premiums are not calculated by an actuary to reflect risk; every participating farmer pays the same premium and receives the same payout if the index is triggered. 132 applies in this context, meaning that overlapping disadvantages (e.g. someone with more than one historically marginalized identity like gender and ethnicity) typically present greater social exclusion; i.e., someone with various disadvantages tend to be more socially excluded, than someone with just one disadvantage. 45. Conversely, many of these categories reinforce one another. Social capital can support access to markets and technical assistance; extension agents are more likely to work with organized groups of producers, and group organization can facilitate access to markets. a) Land Tenure 46. Secure land tenure is an important asset that enables access to coping strategies. Title is required to access PRONAF credit, among other forms of credit, in addition to conveying security of ownership. Property ownership is also important to retain possession of land in times of hardship; people renting land may lose access to land when they cannot produce the resources to pay for rental, either cash or through sharing a portion of agricultural production with the owner (sharecropping). In the Semi-Arid, 69.6% of family farming plots have legal title. For the roughly 76,000 households engaged in livestock and ranching in Paraiba, about 75% own the land on which the animals are raised. 47. Secure tenure is particularly important for pasture for animals (Table A2-8). The three meso- regions with the most livestock producers are the Agreste Paraibano (38% of all producers), Sertão Paraibano (35%), and Borborema (21%). In each of these, ownership is most common, but occupants are the second most frequent category of producers, respectively 14%, 8%, and 12% in Agreste, Sertão, and Borborema. Table A2 - 7: Tenure Systems for Livestock, Paraiba (2006)81 Type of Tenure Number of establishments Percent of total Owner 57,542 75.7% Occupant 8,919 11.7% Producer without land 3,837 5.0% Settled without definitive title 2,772 3.6% Partnership 1,511 2.0% Rental 1,469 1.9% 81 133 Total 76,050 100% 48. In times of drought, a critical coping strategy is moving the herd to pasturelands that have retained vegetation (Figure A2-15). Whether or not a rancher has access to pasture reserves is an important factor of adaptive capacity. Collective action to preserve communal pasture land is important, but rarely are these lands titled and ranchers must be able to defend outsiders from using their land, which is not always possible especially in times of drought when competition for resources is high. Other ranchers, miners, and land-grabbers also threaten ownership of common lands. Figure A2 - 14: Schematic Cycle of Land Tenure and Vulnerability for Semi-Arid Ranchers82 49. It is more common to raise goats on common pasturelands because they require less investment in fodder than bovines and are lower-value than cows. Fabiano and Holanda (2008) conclude that ranchers who use common pasturelands are less vulnerable to droughts because goats are better adapted to very dry conditions and require fewer resources to maintain. 50. Land occupation, without title, is even higher for temporary crops in Paraiba (Table A2-9). Table A2 - 8: Tenure Systems for Temporary Crops, Paraiba (2006) 83 Type of Tenure Number of Percent of total establishments Owner 41,711 59.8% Occupant 14,095 20.2% Producer without land 2,922 4.2% Settled without definitive title 3,103 4.4% 82 Toni, Fabiano and Evandro Holanda. 2008. The effects of land tenure on vulnerability to droughts in Northeastern Brazil. Global Environmental Change 18, 575-582. 83 134 Partnership 4,067 5.8% Rental 3,874 5.6% Total 69,772 100% 51. About one third of total agricultural establishments with temporary crops are located in the Sertão Paraibano and 40% in the Agreste Paraibano, where roughly half of all properties with temporary crops have title. Land ownership with title for permanent crops, typically of higher value, is much higher (80%). 52. The Land Fund (Crédito Fundiário) is run by INTERPA, the Paraiba Institute for Land and Agricultural Planning, regularizing land tenure by granting title to the land of occupants or facilitating land purchase by offering subsidized loans to land-poor farmers. INCRA is more active in redistributing land and creating agrarian reform colonies. b) Literacy and Education Levels 53. Literacy and education levels play an important role in adaptive capacity because they mediate the kinds of non-farm employment a person can access. Literacy and education also serve as a proxy for a person’s general capacity to connect to a wide range of coping strategies to drought. Amongst households with all members at least 10 years of age, the average number of years of study is 5.8 years. Illiteracy rates in population of 15 years and older is 18.59% (2012). 54. Women with low levels of education that are heads of households with small children are surprisingly common in Paraiba (Figure A2-16), surpassing 28.11% of all households in some of the poorest municipalities of the state. The heavy demands on the single parent’s time of children make it more difficult to seek alternative employment and adaptive strategies. It is not possible from this data to say, though, if these families are receiving remittances from a male partner who has migrated or if the female household head is a single mother. 135 Figure A2 - 15: Percent of Household Heads that are Women who have Not Completed Fundamental Education and have Children less than 15 years of age c) Social Inclusion 55. Members of historically marginalized social groups like women, quilombolas, indigenous, and agrarian reform settlers have particular barriers to accessing adaptive strategies. 56. Quilombolas and indigenous peoples, historically marginalized via discrimination and physically remote areas, face particular barriers to recover after a shock due to lower access to services and distance to markets. Paraiba has 25,043 indigenous people, 19,525 of which live in indigenous reserves. 57. Female heads of households are typically disadvantaged in terms of seeking adaptive strategies. As Luiz Gonzaga famously sung, ´Paraíba masculina, mulher macho sem senhor´, Paraiba has a long history of disproportionate male out-migration, leaving women behind to tend the farm and the family. Female-headed households are high in Paraiba (Table A2-10). Table A2 - 9: Household Characteristics Micro-regions Women Male Percent Total Percent Percent headed headed female private literacy of literacy of household household headed household women male s84 s household s85 heads of heads of s household household s86 s Catolé do Rocha - PB 11.136 21.245 34% 32.396 64% 57% Cajazeiras - PB 16.274 31.928 34% 48.206 69% 64% 84 85 86 136 Sousa - PB 17.88 34.05 34% 51.940 67% 60% Patos - PB 14.662 21.435 41% 36.110 75% 71% Piancó - PB 6.288 13.721 31% 20.019 58% 53% Itaporanga - PB 7.219 15.623 32% 22.847 62% 57% Serra do Teixeira - PB 12.673 19.129 40% 31.816 62% 59% Seridó Ocidental 4.089 7.39 36% 11.481 75% 65% Paraibano - PB Seridó Oriental 7.82 13.313 37% 21.138 71% 61% Paraibano - PB Cariri Ocidental - PB 15.52 22.437 41% 37.972 72% 62% Cariri Oriental - PB 6.883 11.858 37% 18.742 73% 63% Curimataú Ocidental - 13.575 21.299 39% 34.881 63% 57% PB Curimataú Oriental - 10.291 15.615 40% 25.915 57% 49% PB Esperança - PB 6.512 9.105 42% 15.618 66% 65% Brejo Paraibano - PB 11.513 20.155 36% 31.672 57% 53% Guarabira - PB 17.688 30.032 37% 47.729 61% 59% Campina Grande - PB 59.361 86.245 41% 145.648 80% 81% Itabaiana - PB 12.348 19.366 39% 31.718 57% 53% Umbuzeiro - PB 5.972 8.941 40% 14.918 58% 49% Litoral Norte - PB 13.644 25.852 35% 39.501 58% 59% Sapé - PB 14.911 22.216 40% 37.132 58% 55% João Pessoa - PB 126.052 174.598 42% 300.729 85% 87% Litoral Sul - PB 7.549 14.994 33% 22.544 61% 64% 58. The majority ethnicity in rural Paraíba is parda, about two-thirds of the rural population. Whites make up the next largest group, 26.5% of the rural population (Table A2-11). Table A2 - 10: Ethnicity in Rural Paraiba and Northeast Percent of Total PB Population Ethnicity Paraiba Northeast White 5.15% 6.03% Black (negro) 0.95% 1.90% Parda 13% 18.47% Amarela 0.14% 0.02% Indigenous 0.17% 0.16% Total Rural Population 19.41% 26.58% d) Social Capital 137 59. Social capital is an important factor for resilience to risks. Social capital can be both horizontal (between people with the same relative power within a community) and vertical (patronage or clientele relationships between differential powers). 60. Social relationships between community members are important to analyze, as communities with strong social ties may pool resources together in times of hardship.87 However, formal membership in associations was described as weak in qualitative interviews in Paraiba. There is not a strong tradition of association formation in the Northeast compared to other places regions in the country, such as the South. Just 6.74% are of the interviewees were associated to a union.88 However, it was highlighted that incentives to organize the society must exist, since it is unlikely to happen spontaneously; with limited public technical assistance available and resources distributed without the need of social formally arrangements (associations, cooperatives, etc.), incentives for formal organization are limited. Councils for Sustainable Rural Development are comprised of producer associations and municipal government representatives to discuss municipal development planning, but experts noted that participation can be erratic since representatives do not receive financial compensation for transportation costs or time. 61. The Northeast Region presents a long history of patronage arrangements and, many times, facilitate access to public services including investments and emergency responses: “Patronage continues to be the dominant tool for survival,” and extreme competition exists over access to scarce state services.89 The indústria da seca (drought industry) is a popular phrase that characterizes the business of drought mitigation and emergency efforts in exchange or political support. Several interviewees mentioned the fact that Paraiba has a large number of municipalities, given its small size (223 –Pernambuco, a larger State, has 185), as an indicator of political capture and fierce feudalism-type arrangements. e) Access to Markets, Technical Assistance, and Public Services 62. Drought is a covariate shock, rather than idiosyncratic, meaning that it affects entire communities, municipalities, and territories. While with idiosyncratic shocks, such as the death of a family member, affected households can often turn to their social networks and community organizations for support coping, covariate shocks like drought in areas where there is limited economic diversification affects the resource upon which everyone depends. Typical agricultura familiar in the Semi-Arid involves a system of staple crops like manioc, corn, and beans, along with herds of goats and sheep. While rural families consume some of their production, increasingly these crops are sold more often than they are consumed in the household, as cash transfers and remittances from off-farm income supplement household revenues. 63. The lack of diversification between farmers reduces coping capacity of whole regions and increases competition for limited resources, like water and pasture or forage material for animals. 87 Meinzin-Dick, Ruth. 2014. Social Capital for Resilience. IFPRI Resilience Conference Brief. 88 89 138 Coping strategies are often very similar and the homogeneity makes for a less resilient system: when farmers seek to sell their animals, as a last resort, many others are attempting to do the same. While there may be cases of collective action to commercialize animals, more commonly, the bump in supply of animal meat exceeds demand and presses down prices. 64. Distance from markets and infrastructure for supply chains are also very limited. Agricultural producers – especially for milk and meat – face challenges marketing their product in the absence of cold storage facilities and distance to markets. 65. A number of productive inclusion projects, including COOPERAR, exist at the municipal level90 that provide investments in small farmers or guaranteed markets, as in through Food Acquisition Program from smallholders (PAA) for different crops and milk. 66. A number of municipal, state, and federal level relief services exist to support rural populations during drought (See Stocktaking of Projects and Programs related to Agricultural Risk Management in Paraiba), including Cesta Básica (food distribution) to traditional populations,91 Water for All program (investments in emergency water infrastructure), Garantia Safra (for municipalities that lose over 50% of agricultural production due to drought). Access to these programs often requires farmers to register as a family farmer, submitting a DAP (Declaration of Aptitude for PRONAF) at a local EMATER office. In 2006, 11,340 establishments received occasional technical assistance, 29% of which could not read or write; 3,985 received regular technical assistance, 24.8% of which could not read or write; and the remaining 151,961 establishments did not receive technical assistance. The majority received assistance from the government, followed by private technical assistance (4,394), and trailed by cooperatives (412) and other organizations. 67. Technology transfer is sporadic and limited in Paraiba, and agricultural research faces a bottleneck at the stage of application to the producer since EMATER is essentially the only institution offering technical assistance and has about 500 agents for the entire state. E. Exposure: 68. Exposure is discussed in the climate section of this report in greater detail, but the main message is that the Semi-Arid is not homogenous in climate. Aridity indices are often used to measure this aspect of vulnerability. F. Scales of Vulnerability Analysis 69. In this section, the focus was on vulnerability of the household. However, vulnerability can be measured at different scales of analysis: the individual, household, community, municipality, region, and so on. 90 91íticas relacionadas ao Acesso à Alimentação Adequada 139 70. Commonly, it is assumed that households share resources equally and ownership is collective within the household. In reality, ownership of many household assets is not shared and it is rare to find decision-making jointly distributed between heads of households.92 In a region with a history of male out-migration, women-headed households are fairly common and respondents noted that gender roles allow women to participate actively in agricultural production and important risk-management activities like water use. 92 IFPRI Gender Assets and Agriculture Project (GAAP) 140 ANNEX 3: STOCKTAKING OF PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS RELEVANT FOR AGRICULTURAL RISK MANAGEMENT Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities FEDERAL PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS Garantia 2002 Crop Farmers MDA Safra93 insurance for enrolled in families with Garantia family income Safra that pay less than or a monthly equal to 1.5 premium minimum receive salary, living indemnity if in the area they live in under municipalities responsibility that lose 50% of or more of Superintenden their harvest. t of Development In PB, 141 of the municipalities, Northeast 80,970 (Sudene) beneficiaries were served in 2012/2013 harvest. Water for 2011 Expand access Installation of Ministry of All94 to water for water facilities Integration 93 94 141 Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities poor rural (cisterns, National populations irrigation kits, living in small dams) extreme for human poverty consumption without access and or with limited production access to purposes, as water. Must be part of Plano registered in Brasil Sem the Single Miséria. Social Cadaster of the Ministry of Social Development Emergency Provide Operation Ministry for Water emergency Water Truck National Infrastructure water services (Carro-pipa) 95 Integration, projects of to areas distributes National Drought affected by emergency Secretary for Observatory drought and water for Civil Defence, install water human with the infrastructure consumption; Brazilian to mitigate construction military, in impact of of cisterns for partnership drought in human with State Northeast consumption Government Brazil and production; perforation and recuperation 95 142 Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities of wells Emergency 2011 Provide Credit Constitutional R$3.45 billion Credit96 R$3.45 billion between Fund for in credit in credit for R$2,500 to Financing of rural R$100,000, the Northeast producers with interest (FNE) through affected by rates from 1% Banco do drought in to 3.5% per Nordeste municipalities year. In declared to be Paraiba, 203 Ministry of in emergency municipalities Finance situations as were reached recognized by in 51,178 the National operations Secretary of with a total of Civil Defense. R$284 million Must live in contracted. the area under responsibility of Superintenden t of Development of the Northeast (Sudene) Bolsa 2004 Cash transfer Families Ministry of Monthly cost Estiagem97 to family receive R$80 National of R$95.1 farmers living monthly. 203 Integration, million in municipalities, Ministry of municipalities 87,879 Agrarian declared to be beneficiaries Development, in emergency Ministry of 96 97 143 Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities situations as in PB Social recognized by Development the National Secretary of Civil Defense. Insurance for 1991 Family farmer Farmer pays Ministry of Family crop insurance 2% of total Agrarian Farming for producers insured value Development (SEAF)98 that receive and Federal PRONAF Government pays rest of premium. Farmers with 30% of production lost Subsidized Provide Subsidized CONAB Sale of purchase of sale of maize Maize99 maize from for animal family farmers feed at price and subsidized between sale of maize R$18.10 and for animal R$24.60. As feed of family of March farmers in 2014, 115,925 regions tones were affected by distributed to drought 20,100 beneficiaries in PB. 98 99 144 Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities Minimum 2006 Support Farmers MDA Price family farmers receive Guarantee that access discount on Policy PRONAF credit (PGPAF)100 credit in case financing if of price market price volatility of product drops Program for 2006 Rural Equalizing Price producer or Subsidy Paid Guarantee cooperative to Producer Policy receives (PEPRO)101, (Premium for subsidy or can Subsidy for Product directly sell the Outflow - production to Distribution of PEP, Premium Federal Product for Product Government (PEP)102, Equalization - when market Acquisition of PEPRO, price is below Federal Federal the Reference Government Government Value price or (AGF)103 Acquisitions - minimum AGF) price for certain crops. National 2009 Support At least 30% National Fund US$ 37.5 School family farmers of federal for the million Feeding by purchasing resources Development Program their provided for of Education (PNAE)104 production for school meals (FNDE) and 100 101 102 103 104 145 Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities local school must be used Ministry of meals on the Agrarian purchase of Development food from (MDA) family farmers, giving priority to family farmers in the same municipality as the school National 2003 Promote Purchase with Ministério do US$ 3.75 Program for access to food Immediate Desenvolvime million Acquisition of to people Donation nto Social Food from facing food (CDS), (MDS) e Family insecurity, Support for Secretaria Farmers promote social the Formation Estadual de (PAA) and economic of Stocks Desenvolvime inclusion in (CPR- nto Agrário e the rural areas ESTOQUE), Secretaria de by and Direct Desenvolvime strengthening Purchase from nto Social e family Family Combate à agriculture Farming Pobreza - (CDAF) SEDES Venda em Sell grains Corn, rice, CONAB Balcão105 from national wheat, and stocks to nuts for small-scale animal feed at livestock subsidized producers price for throughout producers 105 146 Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities Brazil when necessary. Unified 2006 National Municipalities MDA in System of unified system have to apply coordination Agricultural for sanitary to adhere to with state and and Livestock inspection the system. municipal Health allows governments (SUASA)106 commercializa tion anywhere within Brazil once approved. Institute for 2012 Coordination, Promotion of Ministry of the Semi-Arid research, and innovation and Science, (INSA) outreach for applied Technology, Projects Brazilian research on and Semi-Arid themes of Innovation region desertification, water resources, biodiversity and sustainable use, production systems, development and social technologies, and information management. 106 147 Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities STATE PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS Paraiba Promote Municipal World Bank, US$20.9 Second Rural sustainable Councils for Projeto million loan Poverty rural Sustainable Cooperar from World Reduction development Rural Bank, plus Project and Development US$4.8 (COOPERAR participatory propose a million from II) governance community PB and through grant development US$2.46 from financing to project for local producer grant communities. associations financing and throughout the technical state for assistance. agricultural and water/sanitatio n investments Project Promote World Bank Cooperar sustainable rural development and participatory governance through grant financing to producer associations throughout the state for agricultural 148 Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities and water/sanitatio n investments State Program Provide maize, Support PB SEDAP of Seed beans, and self- Production cotton seeds to sufficiency in and family farmers production Distribution with less than and half a distribution of minimum high quality salary seeds Paraíba Milk 2003 Purchase milk Benefits SEDAP Program from family 120,000 farmers; families living provide milk under the to poor poverty line in populations 123 with high municipalities nutritional of PB, each needs receiving 1L (pregnant, of milk per lactating, day. Purchases children under milk from age 6, elderly 3,600 without producers who retirement benefit from stipend) guaranteed market Cariri and 2012 Reach 18,000 Local capacity International US$48 million Seridó rural building, Fund for (50% IFAD, Sustainable households in improve Agricultural 34% State Development 5 micro- smallholder Development, Government, 149 Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities Project regions of PB: production SEDAP 16% farmer (Procase)107 Cariri and market associations) Ocidental e competitivene Oriental, ss, promote Seridó farming Ocidental e practices Oriental, and resilience/adap Curimataú tive to drought Ocidental. State Irrigation Install SEDAP Irrigation project for irrigation for Project of Alto Sertão 4,390 hectares Várzea de Region to for fruit and Souza (Pivas) reach 178 sheep small production, producers and experimental 141 agrarian agricultural reform stations, and settlement an agrarian families. reform settlement. State Program Program to National SEDAP for register, Programs for Agriculture/Li inspect, and Control, vestock enforce Eradication, Defense sanitary and conditions for Prevention of the production Foot and and circulation Mouth of agriculture Disease and livestock (PNEFA); Control of Rabies 107 150 Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities (PNCRH); Sanitary Education (PNESA); Horse Health (PNSE); Sheep and Goat Health (PNSCO); Swine Health (PNSS); Aquatic Animal Health (PNSAA); Bee Health (PNSAp). Program of Animal Transit and Quarantine. State Program Program to Maintenance SEDAP for Plant prevent, of pest free Sanitary monitor, area, Defense control, and monitoring eradicate plant and sanitary pests, with control, transit focus on enforcement, several and pesticide priority crops: use. banana, citrus, grape, sugar, and forage cactus State Business 1976 Provide Experimental State for applied agricultural Secretary of 151 Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities Agricultural/L research for research Science and ivestock family farmers stations Technology, Research of and SEDAP, and Paraíba agribusiness in can capture (EMEPA) Paraiba and resources from Projects help form state external public policy sources (e.g. in agricultural COOPERAR) sector. EMATER Advisory and Registration of SEDAP R$244 million Projects extension family (2012) services for farmers, family farmers support for in Paraiba. access to 184,000 family family farmers farming public served in policies and Paraiba. services, support for commercializa tion, agroecological transition, food and nutritional security, assessment of losses to calibrate Garantia Safra. 152 Name of Year Objective and Components Executing Cost Project/Progr Initiated target group and key Units am activities Sertão Over 1000 Support for SENAR, Emprendedor municipalities projects of SEBRAE 108 in the Semi- water Arid region of conservation, 9 Northeastern production states and conservation of animal forage. Programa de 2003 Support the One Land Articulação do Formação e construction Two Waters Semi-Arido 109 Mobilização of (P1+2) and Social para a participatory One Million Convivência processes for Cisterns com o rural (P1MC) Semiárido development support in the sustainable Brazilian income Semi-Arid to generation. promote food Articulação do sovereignty Semi-Arido and security (ASA) through represents sustainable close to 1,000 income NGOs in the generation. Northeast. 108 109 153 ANNEX 4: OUTLINE OF WEATHER RISK MANAGEMENT RELATED PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS As a result of recurrent droughts, many initiatives of risk management were created, mainly by the Federal Government and institutions but also by State institutions. The most important ones are listed below. The MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND SUPPLY (MAPA) is responsible for the Agricultural Climate Risk Zoning (ZARC), which aims to minimize the risk related to weather phenomena, and allows identify the best moments for planting in selected municipalities considering different types of soil and crop cycles. Based on these parameters it is estimated that 2 out of 10 years face considerable losses when the planting is done on the recommended period. The ZARC started in 1996 for the wheat crop and nowadays it includes 40 crops, 16 of annual cycle and 24 permanent crops, covering 24 states (BRACALE, 2012). The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT created by law nº 5,969, from December 11th 1973, the Agriculture and livestock Activity Guarantee Program (PROAGRO) (Table 1). Basically the covered risks are adverse weather phenomena, plagues and diseases afflicting crops and livestock. The PROAGRO is a public insurance operated by the financial institutions. Its management is under the responsibility of the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN), which articulates permanently the Ministries of Finance (MF), Planning, Budget and Management (MPOG), Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) and Agricultural Development (MDA). The revenue of the PROAGRO is constituted in its majority by the Federal Government funding. On the other hand, payment of coverage (indemnity) constitutes the biggest portion of the expenses. The claim adjustment to confirm the losses are done by technical assistance institutions. The farms eligible for PROAGRO are the ones which are associated with agricultural costing, funded or not, and the they should necessarily follow the ZARC recommendations, except the properties which are associated to the National Program for Family Farming Strengthening (PRONAF) and the ones located in states not covered by the ZARC. The maximum liability per agent of the PROAGRO is US$ 130,434 (Resolution nº 4,111/12). The insurable risks are: a) Excessive rainfall, frost, hail, drought, excessive temperature oscillations, strong winds, cold winds, and disease and plagues without methods of control; b) on livestock costing credit operations: losses incurred by diseases without methods of prophylaxis. The compensation of the program may range from 70% to 100% of the coverage limit. In case where there is irrigation in the farm the compensation will be 100% of the coverage. The PROAGRO premium rates are: i) 1% for irrigated farms; ii) 2% for the farms associated to PRONAF, except irrigated farms; iii) 3% for the others; and, iv) 5% for the non-funded farms (OZAKI, 2013); The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, through the resolution nº 3,234/04, created the Agriculture and livestock Activity Guarantee Program for the Family Farmers (PROAGRO MAIS). The difference between PROAGRO, also known as TRADITIONAL PROAGRO, and the PROAGRO MAIS, is the target public. The PROAGRO MAIS focuses only on the Family Farmers and the TRADITIONAL PROAGRO aim the remaining farmers. The PROAGRO MAIS is regulated according to the Traditional PROAGRO, including the ZARC rules. The most important rules regarding the program are: i) The coverage is equal to 100%; ii) Obligation of associating to the program when obtaining agricultural costing credit from PRONAF; iii) It is possible to insure up to 65% of the expected net revenue; iv) The 154 trigger for receiving the compensation is the gross revenue, that is, if the gross revenue obtained is less than 70% of the expected gross revenue then the farmer is compensated; v) Covered risks: excessive rainfall, frost, hail, drought, excessive temperature oscillations, strong winds, cold winds, and disease and plagues without methods of control; vi) The premium rate is 2%. In case where the farm is irrigated and located in the semiarid region, the rate is 1%. Table 1. Operational results of PROAGRO TRADICIONAL (PT) and PROAGRO MAIS (PM). From the crop year 1998/99 to the crop year 2009/10, the total number of contracts of PT and PM presented relative growth until the crop year 2006/07, when it started to decrease because of the relative increase of the private crop insurance (Figure 1). Figure 1. Amount of operations hired from TRADITIONAL PROAGRO, PROAGRO MAIS and total, from crop year 1998/99 to 2011/12, in thousands. Source: Central Bank of Brazil (2014) Another important variable in the program is the liability that shows how much is being insured each year. In both programs, the liability increased until the crop year 2008/09, when it started to decrease. Considering only the PT, until the crop year 2004/05 the liability was, on average, equal to US$ 339 million. From 2005/06 to 2011/12, the average number increased to US$ 1 billion. After the creation of PM, the liability of both programs increased to US$ 1.8 billion, on average. (figure 2). 155 Figure 2. Liability in the PT, PM and total operations from 1998/99 to 2011/12, in US$ billion. Source: Central Bank of Brazil (2014) The Figures 3 and 4 show, respectively, the quantity of claims and the total indemnity for the PT and PM, in the period from 1998/99 to 2011/12. Four considerable peaks can be noticed: 2004/05, 2005/06, 2008/09 and 2011/12, with respectively (in thousands) 282.3, 184.4, 101.8 and 123.4. In these four years, the PM was responsible for respectively, 96%, 82%, 83% and 90% of the total claims. Regarding the total indemnity, the crop year 2011/12 presented the highest value, summing a total close to US$ 434 million (figure 8). The crop years 2004/05, 2008/09 and 2005/06 also presented high values. The total indemnity paid in the period accounted for a little over US$ 1.6 billion. 156 Figure 3. Amount of claims in the PT, PM and total, from 1998/99 to 2011/12, in thousands. Source: Central Bank of Brazil (2014) Figure 4. Total indemnity in the PT, PM and total, and total, from 1998/99 to 2011/12, in US$ million. Source: Central Bank of Brazil (2014) From the crop year 2004/05 to 2011/12, considering the average number of contracts, the most important crops were corn (43.6%), soybean (18%) and coffee (8.7%). Regarding the territorial concentration, the south region of Brazil presented considerable importance. In average values, the region was responsible for 67.5% of the contracts, followed by the northeast region (13.6%) and southeast (14.9%). In the south region, the state of Rio Grande do Sul (36%) is the most important, followed by Paraná (19%) and Santa Catarina (12%). 157 Accounting for the average indemnity in the analyzed period, the corn crops represented almost 48.2%, and average value equal to US$ 100 million, followed by the soybean (29.1%) and wheat (15.7%). Besides the short average participation on the total number of contracts, the wheat crops have relatively high importance on the average indemnity. The south region accounted for almost 91.9 % of the total indemnity. The state of Rio Grande do Sul was responsible for about 48.2%, Paraná, 33.6% and Santa Catarina, 10.1%. The northeast region accounted for 5% of the total indemnity. In the region, Bahia (2%), Sergipe (1%) and Ceará (1%) were the most important states. Among the risk covered, in the period analyzed, drought accounted for over 86% of the total indemnity The MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, LIVESTOCK AND SUPPLY (MAPA) is responsible to operate the Rural Insurance Premium Subsidy Program (PSR) created by the law 10,823/03 (Almeida, 2007; Ramos, 2009). In general, the program consists of establishing percentages of subventions for each modality of insurance and crops. This percentage corresponds to the liability taken by the government. For instance, if the total premium is equal to US$ 10 thousand and the percentage of subsidy is 50%, the farmer is responsible for US$ 5 thousand and the Federal government the remaining premium. The limit for the subvention in the agricultural modality, per farmer and year, is US$ 41.740. The farmer will be able to receive subsidy for more than one crop, since the total does exceed the maximum value. For the modalities of livestock, forests and aquaculture insurance, the limit is US$ 13.900 per modality (Resolution nº 26/12). Table 2. Operational results of PSR. Since the beginning of the PSR, in 2005, until the year of 2009, there was a relative growth. In 2005, the total area insured by PSR was close to 68 thousand hectares and reached the maximum area in 2009, covering almost 6.7 million hectares. From 2009, the total area decreased and stabilized in 2012, covering approximately 5.2 million hectares (figure 5). Figure 5. Evolution of the total insured area in PSR, from 2005 to 2012, in million hectares. 158 Source: MAPA (2014). The causes for the reduction of the growth rate in PSR are related to the budget constraints and operational difficulties. Up to 2008, the resources available for the PSR were sufficient to the insurance companies to operate the subsidy program. In that year, out of US$ 70 million available, US$ 69 million were effectively spent. However, this scenario changed in 2009, when the demand exceeded the total budget available in US$ 39 million. That is, the government owed money to the insurers. In December 2009, the government approved a bill for extra resources to cover the dept. However, according to the PSR regulation, the subvention resources must be used in the same year of its availability. Since there was no use for the same year, the insurance companies did not receive the resources. At that time, the government signaled that part of the budget for 2010, in total US$ 104 million, would be used as payment for the US$ 39 million debt from 2009. This situation stressed the market. Besides not having increased the amount of resources to the PSR, the budget decreased in US$ 39 million. However, in May 2010, the government approved the law 12,241 giving additional credit of US$ 39 million for that year’s budget. Despite of this fact, the problem reoccurred in the second semester of 2010, and all the following years. Nowadays, the insurance companies authorized to operate in the PSR are: Allianz Seguros S.A., Essor Seguros S.A., Fairfax Brasil Seguros Corporativos S/A, Grupo BBMapfre (Companhia de Seguros Aliança do Brasil e Mapfre Seguros), Nobre Seguradora do Brasil S.A., Porto Seguro Companhia de Seguros Gerais, Sancor Seguros do Brasil S.A. and Swiss Re Corporate Solutions Brasil Seguros S.A (MAPA, 2013). The reinsurance companies operating rural insurance are: Austral Re, Catlin Brasil Serviços Técnicos Ltda, Everest RE Group Ltda, Hannover Re Escritório de Representação no Brasil Ltda, Instituto de Resseguros do Brasil – IRB, Lloyd`s Escritório de Representação no Brasil Ltda, Mapfre Re Assessoria, Münchener do Brasil Serviços Técnicos Ltda, PartnerRe Escritório de Representação no Brasil Ltda, Scor Brazil Ltda, Swiss Re Brasil Serviços e Participações S/C Ltda and XL Re Holding. According to data from the Superintendency of Private Insurance (Superintendência de Seguros Privados – SUSEP), in the crop year 2012/13, the Insurance company Aliança do Brasil accounted for 58.4% of the total premium of the sector, followed by Mapfre Seguros Gerais, accounting for 10.2%, Nobre Seguradora do Brasil, 7.5%, and Allianz Seguros, 6.4%. The five companies together accounted for 83% of the market. The participation of the first two mentioned accounted for approximately 70%. In 2012, the grains insured, such as soybean, wheat, corn, rice and others, represented almost 91% of the total insured area, almost 75% of the subvention paid, 73% of the total premium collected and 73% of the global liability. The soybean was responsible for 40% of the total liability and of the total premium collected, 57% of the total insured area and 37% of the subvention paid. 159 Regarding the regional concentration, in 2012, the south region demanded the highest quantity of resources of the PSR, accounting for approximately 61% of the total. The states of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul were demanded over 50%. The Central West and Southeast regions accounted for 18% each. Considering the total liability, collected premium and insured area, the results are similar. There is relative concentration in the states of Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul (Figure 6). Figure 6. State participations on total liability, total premium and insured area. Values in %. Source: MAPA (2014) The MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT (MDA) is responsible for the Garantia Safra (GS) since 2002. It aims to guarantee minimum conditions of survival of the rural family farmers of municipalities located in the area which the Superintendence of Northeast development (SUDENE) works on and are also affected systematically to losses due to drought or excess rainfall (Law nº 10,420/02 and 4,962/04). The family farmers may receive a benefit on the occurrence of drought or excess rainfall which causes at least 50% of loss on productions of beans, corn, rice, cassava or cotton crops. The MINISTRY OF NATIONAL INTEGRATION (MI), MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT (MDA) AND MINISTRY OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (MDS), manage the program “Drought Benefit” (BE) created by the Law nº 10,954 from September 29th 2004. The program supports agricultural families , which receive a limit of an average of two minimum wages monthly as income and are located in municipalities that are considered to have suffered a disaster or emergency situation recognized by federal government. The criteria for being eligible are: i) Being a Family farmer with a declaration of aptitude to PRONAF (DAP); ii) Being registered to the “Single Registration for 160 Social Programs of the federal government”; iii) Not being associated to the GS program. The associated worker receives US$ 76,00 per family. The BRAZILIAN COMPANY FOR AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK RESEARCH (EMBRAPA) developed an agrometeorological monitoring system (AGRITEMPO), which allows access of meteorological and agrometeorological information for all the Brazilian territory, on an aggregated level. Since 2002, the products available are drought maps, water available in soil, rainfall, agricultural drought areas, necessity of reposition by rainfall and accumulated rainfall. The AGRITEMPO also allows the consultation of information from the weather stations, although there are limitations for data access. THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR SPACE RESEARCH (INPE/CPTEC) supplies products on weather monitoring information, such as, drought, frost, soil moisture and weather forecasts for all the Brazilian territory with applicability to agriculture and livestock. Among the available products are the maps of: i) soil water availability; ii) irrigation necessity; iii) soil management conditions; iv) phytosanitary treatment conditions. The CPTEC also allows the consultation of information of weather stations, although there are limitations for data access. The WORLD BANK, MINISTRY OF NATIONAL INTEGRATION (MI), THE NATIONAL WATER AGENCY (ANA) AND STATE INSTITUTIONS are conducting the technical assistance named “Preparation for drought and resilience to weather changes”, because of the long lasting droughts in 2012 and 2013. The main objective is to define specific instruments for drought management, in a proactive manner, and it is based on the concept of risk for all the northeastern region. The drought monitor is based on two indexes named SPI (standardized precipitation index) and SPEI (standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index). 161 ANNEX 5: STOCKTAKING OF RESEARCH, EXTENSION AND COOPERATION PROGRAMS AND POLICIES Name of Project/ Year Objective and target Components and key Executing Cost Program Initiated group activities Units FEDERAL PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS National Institute 2012 Coordination, re-search, and Promotion of innovation and Ministry of for the Semi-Arid outreach for Brazilian Semi- applied research on themes of Science, (INSA) Projects Arid region desertification, water Technology, resources, biodiversity and and Innovation sustainable use, production systems, development and social technologies, and information management. STATE PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS Paraiba Sustainable 2015 Reduce household Institutional Strengthening, World Bank, US$50.0 Rural Development vulnerability and improve Vulnerability Reduction, COOPERAR- million loan Project smallholder access to Productive Alliances. Reduce PIU from World markets in Paraiba’s rural the incidence of waterborne Bank, plus areas. diseases; increase US$29.86 Key beneficiaries are rural smallholder volume of sales million from households, organized in under alliances; reduce the PB. community associations volatility of agricultural (CA) and family farmers, output; increase the level of associated in producer occupation and employment organizations (PO). in alliance partners. Cariri and Seridó 2012 Reach 18,000 rural Local capacity building, International US$48 mil-lion Sustainable households in 5 micro- improve smallholder Fund for (50% IFAD, Development regions of PB: Cariri production and market Agricultural 34% State Project (Procase) Ocidental e Oriental, Seridó competitiveness, pro-mote Development Government, Ocidental e Oriental, and farming practices (IFAD), SEDAP 16% farmer Curimataú Ocidental. resilience/adaptive to drought. associations) EMEPA-PB 1976 Provide applied research for Nine experimental agricultural State Secretary of PROJECTS family farmers and research stations throughout Science and agribusiness in Paraiba and the State. Technology, help form state public policy SEDAP, and can in agricultural sector. capture resources from external sources (e.g. COOPERAR) EMEPA small demonstrative projects Beekeeping as a tool 2013 Enhance and integrate Distribute improved bees and EMEPA, with R$ 86,000 for improving the beekeeping to farm beekeeping kits to farmers; FUNCEP quality of life for productive activities. 103 train farmers about resources small rural farmers in families linked to 9 beekeeping. the semi-arid of associations in 9 Paraíba municipalities. Multiplication and 2013 Improve productivity and Distribute 20 tons of seeds and EMEPA, with R$ 222,000 distribution of animal economic efficiency of milk forage seedlings; inseminate FUNCEP 162 Name of Project/ Year Objective and target Components and key Executing Cost Program Initiated group activities Units and plant germplasm, production in family farms. 1,500 cows. resources seeking to increase 240 family farmers family agriculture producing milk in the Piancó dairy production of Valley the Piancó Valley Production and 2013 Spread the breeding of free- Install a production unit of EMEPA, with R$ 92,000 distribution of free- range hens using family chicks in Lagoa Seca FUNCEP range hens for labour. Experimental Station; resources diversifying farmer 250 family farmers distribute 250 chicken families´ sources of breeding kits with 25 chickens income and labor each; train farmers on poultry raising. Program for 2013 Incorporation of qualified Purchase female goats and EMEPA, with R$ 315,000 strengthening family genetics in EMEPA herds of sheep; transfer imported FUNCEP farmers´ goat and sheep and goats, which after embryos to them; distribute to resources sheep breeding multiplied will be put at the family farmers and disposal of family farmers. participating associations of 750 family farmers government programs of production of milk and meat, 366 males and females descendants from imported embryos. Multinutrient blocks: 2013 Reduce the vulnerability of Production of 200,000 multi- EMEPA, with R$ 973,000 alternative nutritional the animal production nutrient blocks; purchase of FUNCEP strategy for herds systems due to the nutri- the equipment for block resources during drought tional deficit of pastures in manufacturing to be periods dry periods. distributed to selected 1,750 family farmers linked producer associations. to 50 associations. Use of solar energy in 2013 Encourage the use of solar Installation of 100 kits of EMEPA, with R$ 473,000 the sustainable energy in pumping water for irrigation by micro aspersion FUNCEP production of irrigation of vegetables and with use of solar panels for resources irrigated fruits and fruit trees of family farmers. pumping water, to irrigate vegetables 100 family farmers. vegetables and fruit trees on a small scale. Production and distri- 2013 Use the forage sorghum as an Planting 15 hectares to EMEPA, with R$ 109,000 bution of sorghum alternative to provide greater produce sorghum seeds; FUNCEP seeds to family volume of fodder during dry distribution, in three years, of resources farmers in the semi- periods. 45 tons of sorghum seeds. arid 1,500 family farmers linked to 15 producer associations. Production and distri- 2013 Increase the production of Restore the nursery and the EMEPA, with R$ 176,000 bution of seedlings fruit species in rural sown field of Experimental FUNCEP for domestic fruit tree settlements, enabling the Station in João Pessoa; resources plantations in family absorption of labor. produce and distribute 200,000 farmer settlements 5,000 family farmers from seedlings of fruit trees. rural settlements in 109 municipalities. Production and 2013 Produce and distribute Recover the greenhouse for EMEPA, with R$ 108,000 distribution of citrus Tangerine seedlings of high production of citrus seedlings FUNCEP seedlings to family productive potential for of Lagoa Seca Experimental resources farmers family farmers of Station; produce and distribute Borborema. 66,000 high agronomic quality 163 Name of Project/ Year Objective and target Components and key Executing Cost Program Initiated group activities Units 1,500 family farmers in 9 Tangerine seedlings. municipalities of Borborema Programa Palma 2013 Combat the plague of Immediate distribution of 4.5 SEDAP, R$ 3.5 million Resistente “cochonilha-do-car-mim” million of rackets for 4,500 EMEPA, with distribution and farmers. Creation of 83 points EMATER, with multiplication of vegetative to multiply the resistant FUNCEP material from resistant varieties in farms, to produce resources varieties of Palma 13 million of rackets the next forrageira. year 20,000 farmers. EMATER Projects Advisory and extension Extension services; EMATER services for family farmers in registration of family farmers, Paraiba Paraiba. 38,500 family support for access to family farmers technically assisted farming public policies and in Paraiba. services, support for commercialization, agroecological transition, food and nutritional security, assessment of losses to calibrate Garantia Safra. Strengthening of fami-ly Recovery and soil agriculture, im-provement of conservation practices: 4.042 the coexistence with the farmers. semi-arid and promo-tion of Silage and hay production sustainable rural practices: 576 farmers. Poultry development. raising: 2.315 breeders. PNAE: 2,378 farmers PAA: 2.984 farmers Rural credit: 4.204 proposals prepared. “Brasil sem miséria”: 1.014 rural families. Sertão Emprendedor Over 1000 municipalities in Support for projects of water SENAR, the Semi-Arid region of nine conservation, production and SEBRAE Northeastern states conservation of animal forage. 164 ANNEX 6: BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON PESTS AND DISEASES IN PARAIBA Sugar cane. Despite several pests are associated with the sugarcane cultivation, according to the historic records the broca do colmo (Diatraea saccharalis), broca gigante (Telchin licus) and cigarrinha (Mahanarva fimbriolata) are considered the key pests, due to the frequency and intensity of its attack and the potential or actual damage to the crop. Possible damages caused by the broca do colmo are reduced yield, death of gems, cane lodging by wind (if the galleries are transverse), dying of tips - known as dead heart - aerial roots and lateral shoots. The damages of the broca gigante produce vertical galleries inside the stem, causing the complete destruction of the stem, reduction in germination, and also open the doors for fungi that cause rots. Damages caused by the attack of the cigarrinha are extraction of large quantities of water and nutrients from the roots by nymphs, reducing sugar content in the stalks, increasing fiber content, increasing the number of dead stems (which reduces the milling yield), and increasing content of contaminants, making it more difficult to recovery sugars and inhibiting the fermentation. Although the attack of these pests is frequent, the impact is relatively low, because the farmers suitably manage them. Control can be made via cultural practices, suppression of alternative hosts, and biological or chemical control. On the farms owned by the sugar cane processors there is an intensive use of biological control, which includes parasitic wasps and fungi that parasitizes the insect pests. The biological agents, both wasps and fungi, are produced by the processors on their own laboratories, and sprayed or released on their farms. Only occasionally there is a need to supplement the biological control with pesticide applications. The ASPLAN (Autonomous Sugarcane Producers Association of Paraiba) also maintains a commercial production of biological control agents. Prior to the present and lasting drought season, the laboratories located at the Camaratuba Experimental Station produced an annual amount of 30 tons of Metarhizium anisopliae (fungi), which is enough for the biological control of cigarrinha in approximately 8,000 hectares. Regarding Cotesia flavipes (wasps), 138.000 insects used to be produced each year, which corresponds to a coverage of 27,531 hectares (Personal Information, Engo. Agr o. Vamberto Freitas110). The estimated sugarcane area in Paraíba for the 2013-2014 season is in excess of 122,000 ha (CONAB, 2014), from which roughly 35% will be conducted by autonomous growers (Personal information, ASPLAN). In this case, biological control coverage on the autonomous cane growers would be around 20-60%, depending on the pest to be controlled. A potential threat to sugarcane production is the quarantine disease Ferrugem Laranja, caused by the fungus Puccinia kuehinii, which is present in sugarcane plantations in São Paulo, but absent from 110 Vamberto Freitas, Coordenador do Departamento Técnico da ASPLAN, 165 Paraiba up to the moment. It is very difficult to anticipate when and if the disease will be introduced in Paraiba, and once introduced if the fungus will adapt to the environmental conditions and effectively become a serious threat. There is no assessment of its impact to local plantations and the probabilities of entering the state and successfully establish on the cane plantations. In other countries where it is present - like in Australia - the impact is rated as high. Nevertheless, considering its potential damaging impact for Paraiba, this disease risk should be assessed as of high impact. Fruticulture. Pineapple, coconut and bananas are the most largely produced and traded fruits in Paraíba. Several species of citrus, besides manga, mangaba and grapes are also cultivated. Banana plantations are subject to the attack of sigatoka amarela (caused by the fungus Mycosphaerella musicola). The pest is conveniently managed by adequate cultural practices, resistant varieties and the application of fungicides. The key pest present on coconut in Paraiba is the broca do olho do coqueiro (Rhynchophorus palmarum). The pest is conveniently controlled by trapping or using biological control. Citrus, mango and mangaba are frequently attacked by the fruit fly mosca negra dos citrus (Rhynchophorus palmarum). Insect trapping or insecticide applications are used to control this pest. The pineapple disease fusariose is caused by the fungus Fusarium subglutinans f.sp. ananas and is very frequent on pineapple plantations. Control of the pest can be made by means of cultural practices (clean seedlings, eradication of contaminated plants), use of resistant varieties or spraying of recommended fungicides. Potential serious threats to the fruticulture in Paraíba are the diseases sigatoka negra (Mycosphaerella fijiensis) and moko (Ralstonia (Pseudomonas) solanacearum (Race 2), which attacks bananas, and the cancro bacteriano (Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola), a pest of grapes. Both are quarantine pests for Paraiba and present on other Brazilian states. They may be extremely damaging if introduced in the fruit regions of Paraiba, but there is no definitive assessment of its potential impact up to the moment. Family Agriculture in Semiarid Zone. The natural vocation of this region is the livestock production, mainly sheep and goats, being agriculture a side activity, normally for self-consumption. The crops grown in the semiarid zone are cassava, beans and maize, normally cultivated under low technology production systems, with minimum or none use of inputs like fertilizers or pesticides, being the seeds or manivas (cassava) supplied by the goverment. As the climatic risk is very high, growers do not take into account the phytosanitary risks, this way pests are usually not controlled, exception made for a small group of family growers more closely supported by technical assistance. In order to feed the herd (and also as a water supplier), smallholders cultivate a cactus called palma forrageira. A pest called cochonilha do carmim (Dactylopius coccus) is a serious threat for the yield and even the production of palma. The State Government Research Institution (EMEPA) developed four varieties resistant to the cochonilha and the public technical assistance (EMATER-PB) is freely distributing this genetic material to the family farmers, to substitute their traditional susceptible varieties, leading to an almost complete control of the pest. Although important, the program must be enhanced to benefit the majority of the smallholders of the semiarid. 166 Livestock Production Chains. The state of Paraiba is free of the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) with vaccination, certified by the World Animal Health Organization (OIE) in May 2014. During the last ten years, there was no record of FMD cases in the state. Currently this risk has even diminished because the bordering states are also free of FMD with vaccination and because there is a strict national program to control movement of animals and animal products in the country. Paraiba is also a territory considered free of the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and the risk is low as the state is not on the major routes of migratory birds, which are the main vectors that spread the disease. There is no specific risk classification for the Bovine Spongiform Encefalopatitis (BSE) for Paraiba, but Brazil has been included on the “Negligible” status, the safest of all, therefore the state can be classified in the same risk status. Paraiba is also apparently free of Classical Swine Fever (CSF) as the last outbreak in the state was recorded in 2006. Similar situation is verified regarding Newcastle Disease Virus (NCDV) as no recent outbreaks were detected, but no epidemiological studies were conducted to confirm this status. The Bovine, Goat and Sheep Brucellosis and Bovine Tuberculosis are endemic zoonosis. A SEDAP study of 2013 demonstrated that the prevalence of bovine brucellosis ranged between 2% to 4% in Paraiba, and in an evaluation of the Federal Program carried out in 2010 it was observed that there was a decrease in the number of cases of brucellosis in the Northeastern Region from 4,138 to 2,082 (50.3%) between 2001 and 2010. Salomon and collaborators carried out a study on bovine tuberculosis in 2010, which found that: of the herds investigated, 62 (0.57%) had at least one positive animal, and of the animals examined, 136 (0.25%) were positive. Prevalence of tuberculosis in goats it was found to be 10.7% of positive in 10.7% of herds. Regarding the presence of Brucella mellitensis in goats and sheeps, there is no evidence of its presence in Brazil. There are no official records of serious recent foodborne outbreaks in the state of Paraiba; however, it was found that small producers do not have enough official assistance to control and inspect their facilities for processing food derived from animals. This situation can lead to risks of contaminated products and presentation of foodborne outbreaks. On the other hand, the lack of official control and inspection system for small producers limit their marketing possibilities, including the selling of the production for the federal food acquisition programs (PNAE and PAA) that requires the products to be officially controlled and inspected. 167 Agriculture Global Practice Technical Assistance Paper W o r l d B a n k R e p o r t N u m b e r 100993-BR 1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433 USA Telephone: 202-473-1000 Internet: Twitter: wb_agriculture