The World Bank                                                                                                      Implementation Status & Results Report
            Kazakhstan - Tax Administration Reform Project (P116696)

Kazakhstan - Tax Administration Reform Project (P116696)

 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA | Kazakhstan | Governance Global Practice |
 IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2010 | Seq No: 16 | ARCHIVED on 03-Oct-2019 | ISR38508 |

 Implementing Agencies: REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN, State Revenue Committee

 Key Dates

  Key Project Dates

   Bank Approval Date: 16-Feb-2010                                                          Effectiveness Date: 17-Feb-2011

   Planned Mid Term Review Date: 18-Nov-2013                                                Actual Mid-Term Review Date: 27-Jan-2014

   Original Closing Date: 31-Dec-2014                                                       Revised Closing Date: 31-Dec-2020

 Project Development Objectives

  Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document)
  The development objective of the proposed project is to reform and strengthen the tax administration in order to improve the level of voluntary compliance, enhance
  effectiveness to fight tax evasion, increase administrative efficiency, and reduce the potential for corruption. The project would have a positive impact on the business
  climate by improving client services, strengthening institutional and human capacity in the tax administration, and reducing the burden of taxpayer compliance.

  Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective?

 Components        Table

 Institutional Development:(Cost $4.85 M)
 Operational Development:(Cost $11.28 M)
 IT Infrastructure Development:(Cost $27.60 M)
 Project Management:(Cost $4.20 M)

 Overall Ratings

 Name                                                                                     Previous Rating                                  Current Rating

 Progress towards achievement of PDO                                                      ►Moderately Satisfactory                         ►Moderately Satisfactory
 Overall Implementation Progress (IP)                                                     ►Moderately Unsatisfactory                       ►Moderately Unsatisfactory
 Overall Risk Rating                                                                      ►Substantial                                     ►Substantial

 Implementation Status and Key Decisions

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                 The World Bank                                                                                             Implementation Status & Results Report
                 Kazakhstan - Tax Administration Reform Project (P116696)

  All activities envisaged in the institutional development and operational development components have been completed, including extensive business process reengineering
  and legislative changes to introduce universal filing system and improve tax administration. The Government revised the universal filing introduction schedule, which was
  originally planned to be launched on January 1, 2020. According to the new schedule, the first out of four phases will kick off on January 1, 2021 and the last phase,
  involving nation-wide roll out, will commence in 2025 only.
  The IT Component has shown good progress since the last ISR, except in terms of procurement related to the ITMS. The Risk Management System went to operation
  starting January 2019. The e-invoices system aimed at increasing VAT compliance, is progressing as planned: the E-invoicing module has been deployed and is now
  successfully in use; the Virtual Warehouse is in full production status starting January 1, 2019. The remaining modules will be deployed by the end of 2019. Work on
  Integrated Database is progressing as planned and will complete by December 2020. The procurement of the ICB-01 "Integrated Tax Management System (ITMS)" was
  cancelled after bids were not considered to meet the minimal qualification requirements.


 Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool

  Risk Category                                                        Rating at Approval                 Previous Rating                  Current Rating

  Political and Governance                                             --                                 ►Substantial                     ►Substantial
  Macroeconomic                                                        --                                 ►Substantial                     ►Substantial
  Sector Strategies and Policies                                       --                                 ►Substantial                     ►Substantial
  Technical Design of Project or Program                               --                                 ►Moderate                        ►Moderate
  Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Sustainability         --                                 ►Moderate                        ►Moderate
  Fiduciary                                                            --                                 ►Moderate                        ►Moderate
  Environment and Social                                               --                                 ►Low                             ►Low
  Stakeholders                                                         --                                 ►Moderate                        ►Moderate
  Other                                                                --                                 --                               --
  Overall                                                              --                                 ►Substantial                     ►Substantial


 PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes

   Voluntary Compliance

    ►Increase       in percentage of electronic filing (legal entities) (Percentage, Custom)

                                               Baseline                       Actual (Previous)                Actual (Current)            End Target

    Value                                      61.20                          99.00                            99.00                       96.00

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                 The World Bank                                                                                               Implementation Status & Results Report
                 Kazakhstan - Tax Administration Reform Project (P116696)

    Date                                     31-Dec-2008                      04-Feb-2019                      17-Sep-2019                    31-Dec-2020

   Enhance effectiveness to fight tax evasion

    ►Increase       in adjustments made as a result of tax audits per audit (Number, Custom)

                                              Baseline                        Actual (Previous)                Actual (Current)               End Target

    Value                                    35.00                            29.10                            29.10                          50.00

    Date                                     31-Dec-2013                      04-Feb-2019                      17-Sep-2019                    31-Dec-2020

                                              The calculation methodology was changed during the restructuring of September 2016. If previously the amount of
                                              adjustments (in million KZT) was divided by the number of staff working in audit, starting September 2016, the amount of
    Comments:                                 adjustments (in mln KZT) is divided by the number of audits. Subsequently the baseline and target values were
                                              revised. The indicator is expected to pick up in the next ISR, after at least a year has passed since the RMS went live.


    ►VAT         Productivity (Percentage, Custom)

                                              Baseline                        Actual (Previous)                Actual (Current)               End Target

    Value                                    0.30                             0.35                             0.38                           0.40

    Date                                     31-Dec-2010                      23-Aug-2018                      17-Sep-2019                    31-Dec-2020

                                              Data is for 2018

   Increase administrative efficiency

    ►Increase       in percentage of field audits selected by automated procedure (Percentage, Custom)

                                              Baseline                        Actual (Previous)                Actual (Current)               End Target

    Value                                    0.00                             0.00                             17.25                          50.00

    Date                                     31-Dec-2008                      04-Feb-2019                      17-Sep-2019                    31-Dec-2020

                                              The Risk Management System is in full operation starting January 2019. As of September 17, 2019, 17.25%
    Comments:                                 of comprehensive field audits conducted were selected using automated procedure.

   Reduce the potential for corruption

    ►Public       Perception of quality of taxpayer services (Text, Custom)

                                              Baseline                        Actual (Previous)                Actual (Current)               End Target
                                                                                                                                              Average: 89.5%. 89%
                                             Average - 88.5%, 88% legal       Average - 87%: 85% (legal        Average - 87%: 85% (legal
    Value                                                                                                                                     (legal entities); 90%
                                             entities, 89% individuals        entities), 89% (individuals)     entities), 89% (individuals)

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                 The World Bank                                                                                               Implementation Status & Results Report
                 Kazakhstan - Tax Administration Reform Project (P116696)

    Date                                     31-Dec-2010                    27-Jul-2018                        17-Sep-2019                    31-Dec-2020

                                             The Survey has been conducted every two years by the Taxpayers Association. This ensured the transparency and
                                             independence of survey results. However, the Taxpayer Association informed the SRC of the shortage of funds to finance
    Comments:                                the Survey in 2019. Thus, the Bank team and the SRC will discuss the possibility of adding the Survey into the
                                             procurement plan during the next mission.

   Reduce compliance cost

    ►Reduction        in average time taken by taxpayers to comply with tax obligations as evidenced from survey (Number, Custom)

                                             Baseline                       Actual (Previous)                  Actual (Current)               End Target

    Value                                    271.00                         182.00                             182.00                         182.00

    Date                                     31-Dec-2008                    04-Feb-2019                        17-Sep-2019                    31-Dec-2018

                                             Based on Doing Business findings.

 Intermediate Results Indicators by Components

   Institutional Development

    ►Reorganization       and consolidation of the TC on functional rationalization (Text, Custom)

                                             Baseline                       Actual (Previous)                  Actual (Current)               End Target
                                                                                                               The End Target has been
                                                                            The End Target has been
                                                                                                               achieved. Tax audits
                                                                            achieved. Tax audits
                                                                                                               centralised at the oblasts
                                                                            centralised at the oblasts
                                                                                                               (regional offices) level and
                                                                            (regional offices) level and                                      Reorganization and
    Value                                    Not yet                                                           audit departments
                                                                            audit departments eliminated                                      consoldation is rolled out
                                                                                                               eliminated at the rayon
                                                                            at the rayon (district) offices.
                                                                                                               (district) offices. Taxpayer
                                                                            Taxpayer services centers are
                                                                                                               services centers are rolled
                                                                            rolled out.

    Date                                     31-Dec-2008                    23-Aug-2018                        23-Aug-2018                    31-Dec-2018

   Operational Development

    ►Development         of automated risk management (Text, Custom)

                                             Baseline                       Actual (Previous)                  Actual (Current)               End Target

    Value                                    Not present                    RMS is fully operational           RMS is fully operational       Systems fully operational

    Date                                     31-Dec-2008                    04-Feb-2019                        10-Sep-2019                    31-Dec-2020

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                 The World Bank                                                                                                 Implementation Status & Results Report
                 Kazakhstan - Tax Administration Reform Project (P116696)

   IT Infrastructure Development

    ►Development         of design and systems architecture for the integrated IT system with major functions (Text, Custom)

                                             Baseline                         Actual (Previous)                   Actual (Current)           End Target
                                                                             ICB-03 under                         ICB-03 under
    Value                                    Not present                     implementation. ICB-01 -             implementation. ICB-01 -   System fully operational
                                                                             cancelled.                           cancelled.

    Date                                     31-Dec-2008                     04-Feb-2019                          10-Sep-2019                31-Dec-2020

                                              Integrated Tax Management System (ICB-01) will be designed in-house by the MOF. The Project will provide requisite
    Comments:                                 hardware and licences to operate the System.

 Data on Financial Performance

 Disbursements (by loan)

 Project             Loan/Credit/TF     Status       Currency           Original     Revised         Cancelled         Disbursed       Undisbursed                 % Disbursed

 P116696             IBRD-78350         Effective    USD                  17.00           13.50            3.50             6.28              7.22                        47%

 Key Dates (by loan)
 Project              Loan/Credit/TF     Status         Approval Date       Signing Date          Effectiveness Date         Orig. Closing Date       Rev. Closing Date

 P116696              IBRD-78350         Effective      16-Feb-2010         12-Jul-2010           17-Feb-2011                31-Dec-2014              31-Dec-2020

Cumulative Disbursements

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            The World Bank                                                                                        Implementation Status & Results Report
            Kazakhstan - Tax Administration Reform Project (P116696)

  Restructuring History

  Level 2 Approved on 03-Dec-2014 ,Level 2 Approved on 26-Sep-2016 ,Level 2 Approved on 07-Sep-2017 ,Level 2 Approved on 18-Jan-2018

  Related Project(s)

  There are no related projects.

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