HIDDEN VOICES 1 60% of non-working SPEAK LOUDER women aspire to work but only THAN YOU THINK 12% 2 Though people think A behavioral science lens for of them actively look for work. 63% understanding female labor of society are okay with women working force participation in Jordan. 96% actually are. 4 53% of women Think that their husbands are okay with women working in mixed gender enviroments. 3 the reality is that only 23% 1 out of 4 of the husbands women who stop find it okay. working do so because they got married. 5 3 out of 4 6 At 14%, Jordan’s female people think that a woman labor force participation works because her family is People expect that it’s socially 7 is among the lowest in financially unsuccessful. acceptable for a mother to the world. go back to work only after her Only 17% AR GOO EN’T YO child is at least of men are okay with working boost Jordan could D PR U OVID A ER? 4 years old mothers returning from work its GDP by 10% if after 5pm. I MAKE ENOUGH 25% of women joined MONEY, YOU DON’T NEED TO WORK! the labor force.