The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project (P153604) Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project (P153604) EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC | China | Water Global Practice | IBRD/IDA | Investment Project Financing | FY 2017 | Seq No: 11 | ARCHIVED on 17-Dec-2021 | ISR48611 | Implementing Agencies: People's Republic of China, Jiangxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission Key Dates Key Project Dates Bank Approval Date: 16-Mar-2017 Effectiveness Date: 13-Oct-2017 Planned Mid Term Review Date: 12-Mar-2020 Actual Mid-Term Review Date: 12-Nov-2019 Original Closing Date: 31-Dec-2022 Revised Closing Date: 31-Dec-2022 pdoTable Project Development Objectives Project Development Objective (from Project Appraisal Document) The project development objectives are to reduce the pollutant discharge into selected waterways, and improve management of water quality in selected counties in the Poyang Lake basin within Jiangxi Province. Has the Project Development Objective been changed since Board Approval of the Project Objective? No Components Table Name Component 1: Institutional Strengthening for Water Management:(Cost $26.38 M) Component 2: Lake and River Restoration and Improvement of Wastewater Management:(Cost $112.14 M) Component 3: Improvements in Solid Waste Management:(Cost $16.40 M) Component 4: Project Implementation Support:(Cost $20.22 M) Overall Ratings Name Previous Rating Current Rating Progress towards achievement of PDO Moderately Satisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Implementation Progress (IP) Moderately Unsatisfactory Moderately Satisfactory Overall Risk Rating Moderate Moderate Implementation Status and Key Decisions The project is on track towards the achievement of the PDO. In this reporting period, significant implementation progress and results have been achieved although the overall implementation is still behind schedule. About half of the Lake Management Platforms (LMPs) planned are either in trail operation or getting ready for trial operation while the rest are in advanced stage of development, contributing to lake/river protection and the integrated water and environment management with active public participation. Significant progress in the wastewater management and lake restoration activities is also made with a large percentage of the wastewater management works completed, resulting in substantial reduction in different water pollutant discharges. The smart domestic solid waste monitoring and supervisory system/platform is at advanced stage of development in the four project counties concerned. The disbursement rate is 39.1% with an increment of 13.5% compared to the last mission. As a result of those achievements, the number of total project beneficiaries has increased substantially to 700,457. A detailed review of the results targets in connection with project progress projection indicates the project development objective is achievable by the current loan closing date. 12/17/2021 Page 1 of 7 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project (P153604) The next Bank mission is tentatively planned for April/May 2022 with an interim review scheduled for end February, 2022. Risks Systematic Operations Risk-rating Tool Risk Category Rating at Approval Previous Rating Current Rating Political and Governance Low Low Low Macroeconomic Moderate Moderate Moderate Sector Strategies and Policies Moderate Moderate Moderate Technical Design of Project or Program Substantial Moderate Moderate Institutional Capacity for Implementation and Substantial Moderate Moderate Sustainability Fiduciary Moderate Moderate Moderate Environment and Social Moderate Moderate Moderate Stakeholders Substantial Moderate Moderate Other Substantial Substantial Substantial Overall Substantial Moderate Moderate Results PDO Indicators by Objectives / Outcomes PDO Indicators IN01050043 ►Direct project beneficiary (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 576,546.00 700,457.00 2,746,000.00 Date 01-Jan-2017 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 IN01050044 Female beneficiaries (Percentage, Custom Supplement) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 IN01050045 12/17/2021 Page 2 of 7 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project (P153604) ►Volume(mass) of COD pollution load reduction achieved under the project (Tones/year, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 435.03 1,016.01 1,896.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 IN01050066 ►Nutrient load reduction (Nitrogen(N)) achieved under the project (Tones/year, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 41.75 112.96 201.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 IN01050067 ►Nutrient load reduction (Phosphorus(P)) achieved under the project (Tones/year, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 5.71 15.94 22.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 IN01050068 ►Industrial or municipal solid waste reduced or recycled under the project (Tones/year, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 21,898.00 32,577.00 49,645.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 At MTR, it was agreed that this indicator only measures achievement in Shangli county. The quantity of domestic solid waste reduced or recycled under the project is based on the amount verified during the Comments: Nov 2021 mission. IN01050069 ►Number of project counties that use participatory water quality management system. (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 11-Jun-2021 31-Dec-2022 Participatory water environment activities have been ongoing in project counties. Comments: IN01050070 ►Lake Management Platform established and operational (Text) (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 1.00 3.00 6.00 12/17/2021 Page 3 of 7 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project (P153604) Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 The LMP development in Fengxin, Poyang and Duchang county are largely completed with trial operation. The other LMPs are at different stages of development with several scheduled for completion in Comments: the first quarter of 2022. Intermediate Results Indicators by Components Component 1: Institutional Strengthening for Water Management IN01050071 ►Newly established water quality monitoring stations/sites (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 13.00 24.00 49.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 Component 2: Lake and River Restoration and Improvement of Wastewater Management IN01050074 ►New household sewer connections constructed under the project - urban (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 17,604.00 33,625.00 60,567.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 IN01050076 ►New household sewer connections constructed under the project - rural (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,893.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 The contract of the rural wastewater works was signed with the implementation at early stage. Comments: IN01050078 ►Volume (mass) of BOD pollution load removed by the treatment plant under the project (Tones/year, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 187.46 467.41 710.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 IN01050079 ►Volume of sewage decreased to Poyang Lake (million m3/year) (Cubic meters/year, Custom) 12/17/2021 Page 4 of 7 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project (P153604) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 3.69 6.54 13.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 Component 3: Improvements in Solid Waste Management IN01050075 ►Number of project counties that have a smart domestic solid waste management monitoring and control system operational (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 Date 27-Nov-2020 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 The smart domestic solid waste management monitoring and control system/platform in Jing'an county is Comments: partially functional and requires improvement. IN01050077 ►Solid waste collection rate (Percentage, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 51.00 80.00 82.00 80.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 Component 4: Project Implementation Support IN01050072 ►Number of people trained for public participation (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 26,646.00 73,566.00 90,000.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 IN01050073 ►Number of people participated in domestic and international training and study tour for project implementation (Number, Custom) Baseline Actual (Previous) Actual (Current) End Target Value 0.00 446.00 446.00 920.00 Date 31-Dec-2016 11-Jun-2021 30-Nov-2021 31-Dec-2022 Performance-Based Conditions Data on Financial Performance 12/17/2021 Page 5 of 7 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project (P153604) Disbursements (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Currency Original Revised Cancelled Disbursed Undisbursed % Disbursed P153604 IBRD-87040 Effective USD 150.00 150.00 0.00 58.64 91.36 39% Key Dates (by loan) Project Loan/Credit/TF Status Approval Date Signing Date Effectiveness Date Orig. Closing Date Rev. Closing Date P153604 IBRD-87040 Effective 16-Mar-2017 06-Jun-2017 13-Oct-2017 31-Dec-2022 31-Dec-2022 Cumulative Disbursements PBC Disbursement Achievement Disbursed amount in Disbursement % PBC ID PBC Type Description Coc PBC Amount Status Coc for PBC 12/17/2021 Page 6 of 7 The World Bank Implementation Status & Results Report Poyang Lake Basin Town Water Environment Management Project (P153604) Restructuring History Level 2 Approved on 13-Jul-2020 ,Level Approved on 20-Aug-2020 Related Project(s) There are no related projects. 12/17/2021 Page 7 of 7